Chapter 64 noli me tangere summary

Polycentric Law and Decentralized Law Studies and Development

2014.02.17 23:08 Anen-o-me Polycentric Law and Decentralized Law Studies and Development

Polycentric and Decentralized Law Studies and Development

2024.06.02 07:03 ProffesorOfPain The Power of Common Sense - Chapter 1

Author: Speedemon209
Rating: General Audiences
Language: English
Length: 3,589
Status: Ongoing
Summary: Eren Jaeger has another power in addition to the founder, the power of common sense. Watch as he saves the world by being Humanity's Smartest Soldier and becomes the richest man in Eldia at the same time. This is a total crack fic where Eren is more like a normal teenager, I consider it a semi-self-insert since he uses modern lingo sometimes so I like to think that a regular teenage Eren died and was reborn as AOT Eren. Don't take this too seriously, canon won't be followed strictly and there will be a happy ending. Eren will become rich as hell and write stories from the modern world lol.
Mainly writing it to improve my writing abilities so tell me how it is, hope it’s funny enough.
submitted by ProffesorOfPain to aotfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:25 ZoomerDoomer99 New chapters added!

Hey, posted here a while ago promising I'd add more chapters to my old forgotten story and immediately got swamped with uni work and did not publish anything for a while. But I have been writing in the background and I've published two new characters to my story "The road to becoming an adventurer" it's got 7 in total now and I'm feeling like I'm getting into the groove of things, feedback is greatly appreciated, so please let me know when you think about my writing 😁. A quick summary is that this is a fantasy adventure story following a young boy and his new elven companion in an adventure across the continent where they face many dangers and exciting events(don't want to spoil too much here) give it a read if you're into something like that.
submitted by ZoomerDoomer99 to WattPadSpotlight [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:20 Lance-Spears I'm Just A Small Town Shifter by GS D'Moore Review

I'm Just A Small Town Shifter by GS D'Moore Review
Here's my second review, this time it is of I'm Just A Small Town Shifter by GS D'Moore. I really enjoyed it and shared my thoughts here on my Substack. If you like these things, you can follow me there too!

My Review:
Hey, you crazy cats and kittens. Step into the spear line with me as we talk about the second #HaremLit book that I’ve ever read! This book was a lot of fun, it literally made me laugh several times. With all of the craziness in the world, I think we could all use the relief. If all of the books in this genre are like this, then we’ve got a convert on our hands! So, join me on this crazy adventure and dive into the deep end of crazy with me, Lance Spears!

Book Title: I’m Just A Small Town Shifter
Author: G. S. D’Moore
Narrator: Evan Jordan & Sierra Taft
Audiobook Publisher: Podium Publishing
eBook Price: $4.99 USD
Audiobook Price: $26.70 USD or one Audible Credit
eBook & Audiobook Price: $12.48 USD
Pages: 324 Pages
Audiobook Length: 9 Hours
Keywords: Shifter, Paranormal Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Fairy Tale Fantasy, Werewolf, Bear Shifter, Action, Adventure

Kirk Jensen always chased his dreams. He even left home and chased them across the country. He expected that hard work, training, and determination would make his dreams a reality. Afterall, people always said that if you worked hard, you could achieve your goals.
He did not expect to be a short order cook working long shifts for minimum wage. He certainly didn't expect to take the garbage out one night and find himself confronted by a thousand pounds of fury armed with fangs and claws. He did not expect to survive.
Now, Kirk finds himself in the center of a world he never thought possible. Caught between two powerful forces, he's pushed to make a decision. That decision will change the future of his new home. He doesn't know what the right decision is, and as tempting as the offers are, only one side can win. Thankfully, he's got a pair of interesting women to show him his options.
I figured that since G.S. D’Moore did such a good job on his summary, I would copy and paste it. I think it was spot on, but left you enough room to discover the world as you read. What I liked about it was that it captured the tone of the author’s voice.

First, this was a harem series, so there were a lot of important characters. However, this was told from one point of view, Kirk Jensen. He’s the male lead of this world and was your Joe Every Man made good. Total wish fulfillment, but I really loved these cats and kittens. All of these characters were well-written and fleshed out. They felt real to me, as if I could have a beer with them at the local pub. Which is ironic, given where Kirk’s first job was. Like the last book in this genre that I read, this was a laid-back story. I loved that the author focused on fun and adventure, without needless navel gazing. Hats off to G.S. D’Moore on his execution, he killed it with these characters!
Kirk Jensen: He’s an orphan with dreams of a career in law enforcement. With a new degree in criminal justice, he moved to a small town in Alaska. He knew that small towns, like the one on Kodiak Island, had openings in law enforcement. At least he hoped that they did, because he went all in with his move. When he gets there, he chases his dream by working at a greasy spoon restaurant as a cook until he can test for the one opening that was coming with one of local cops’ retirement. From a personality perspective, he is a steady, loyal guy. He’s your average guy, at least until things change when he becomes a shifter.
Brianna Ahnah: She’s a member of the Ahnah Innuit Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha and she is his only daughter. Her pack is a collection of various indigenous werewolf shifters, but she’s an arctic wolf herself. Her people run the logging industry on Kodiak Island. She’s petite, maybe 5’3” tall and lithe in stature. From a personality standpoint, she is a calming force and more of the laid-back homebody type.
Serena McCoy: She’s a member of the McCoy Werewolf Pack. Her father is the alpha and came to Kodiak Island in the early 1900s. The pack is a collection of Dire Wolf shifters who run the Kodiak Island fishing companies. She’s a busty ginger, with a personality to match the fiery mane. While Brianna is demure, Serena is a tempest of raw sexuality. She’s almost as tall as Kirk and seems very outgoing.

Plot and Pacing:
This story was plotted to perfection by GS D’Moore. I believed in the character’s transition from human to shifter. It was expertly done and not some rush job to get to the harem parts. Instead, we had several chapters before we got that change that is hinted at in the series title. But, again, I love shifters, and werewolves… so, my buy-in was easy. I was ready to suspend my disbelief… cause shifters are awesome! It helped that the author made it an easy and enjoyable ride through his coming-of-age adventure.
As far as pacing was concerned, the adventure wasn’t all at once, rushing through the plot to get to the smut. Instead, the author built up to the crescendo, allowing the harem romance to ride second fiddle to a shifter tale. We explored the universe through Kirk’s eyes, but he was a fun perspective to follow. The author kept the story flowing smoothly from beat to beat, interspersed with romantic tension filled lulls to let the reader catch their breath.

Audiobook Quality:
The audiobook was professionally made by Podium Publishing. The narrators they hired were good and they kept my attention. There were a few obvious inserted corrections, where the volumes didn’t match, but those were so infrequent that they were almost unnoticeable. I’ve never listened to Evan Jordan or Sierra Taft before, but they’re now on my auto-approved list for audiobooks. The two worked well together, and I’m becoming more and more of a fan of the two narrator pairings.

Sizzle Factor:
There weren’t that many sex scenes in this novel, a blowie and one glorious ‘wham, bam, thank you ma’am’ scene. What was there was well written, allowed you to visualize things like a smutty movie in your head. That sex was very much normie vanilla, but it was good. Those scenes were steamy… very steamy. Like, it sizzled and left you a hot and sweaty mess.

Okay, let’s dive into this book! This was my second harem novel, so I don’t have a lot to compare this to. That said, I really enjoyed what was here. The story was a lot of fun, it was well-written, and the audiobooks were well-performed. On the writing side, G.S. D’Moore has a mastery of the craft that was a pleasure to read and listen too. It was a joy to read, and I plan on checking out more of his books. He communicated to us with conversational prose, which I’m a huge fan of. If my Veteran Radar still works on, I’d put money on D’Moore having worn the uniform in dangerous places like I have. It was no wonder that his law enforcement character, Kirk Jensen, was so well written. His other characters were also all believable, and I wanted to hang out with them in real life. This is how I judge the people in the books where I temporarily make my home. The sex was written with just enough sizzle to seduce you into buying the next book. Even cooler, I have enough knowledge of werewolf and shifter lore that I could follow along. In a nutshell, this book was amazing and hooked me into buying the rest of the series. You’ll want to buy them all too and you won’t regret it!
submitted by Lance-Spears to haremfantasynovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:49 brod333 Responding to Exion’s response pt 1

Exion has finally started to respond to my posts. It would be easier if Exion would unblock me and engage with me directly but they still refuse to do so. It would also be nice if they linked the posts they are responding to so anyone reading his posts can look up my posts. I made sure to do that for all his posts. In this post I’ll be responding to
For the list of parts in my series see
In this post, I will be answering and refuting the individual who keeps writing posts about me and comments every second he gets trying to "refute" me and "expose" me. I am only doing this because some brothers and sisters have allowed themselves to be fooled by this dude.
In his last post before he started addressing my criticisms he made it clear he wouldn’t engage with my criticisms. It’s only after the mods told him to either respond or they’d remove his posts, as can be seen here, that he started responding to me. Given those facts I find it hard to believe his reasons given here for responding to me.
He begins by discussing my translation of the word "ישוחח," which I interpret as "argue" or "put forth."
That’s not where I begin. There is some important context before that. The first part of my first post was about showing the general sloppy nature of his posts using examples which he acknowledged his mistake, are things someone who knows Hebrew would be unlikely to make, and which he later copied elsewhere without fixing the mistake. The issue of ישוחח is just one part of this.
Firstly, in Biblical Hebrew, verb forms such as Qal and Piel (often referred to as Polel in some grammatical traditions) are distinguished by their specific diacritic markings (i.e., vowel points and consonantal diacritics).
Nope. The difference between the Qal and Polel forms in this case are not just in the diacritical marks but also have consonant differences.
Since I believe that the Masoretes distorted the Old Testament by adding these diacritics to reach a deviant interpretation, I do not consider them at all. I read the Old Testament without any diacritics. This is something he has yet to understand
Again in this case it’s not just the diacritical marks. I also understand Exion rejects them and in my responses I give reasons why his diacritical mark suggestions don’t work.
He later argues that the ancient Christian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus, Septuagint, etc.) must agree with my claims and not with the Masoretic renderings of the Hebrew text, a conclusion he bases on thin air. I ask: Why is that so? Can you give us one good reason for this conclusion? You can't! He says this only because he considers these Christian manuscripts as divinely revealed criteria and translations.
Note the Septuagint was written by Jews not Christians. I’ve also given my reasons for why those should agree with Exion. He ignores those reasons and then attributes different reasons I never said. I’ll repeat again, Exion’s theory that he’s stated multiple times is that when the Masoretes added the diacritical marks they intentionally added ones that change the original meaning of the text to cover prophecies about Mohammed and Islam. He then claims he is discovering the original true meaning of the verses. If this is true then pre Masorete texts would still have the original meaning. Also any sources from after the Masoretes but which weren’t influenced by them should still have the original meaning. Also any before Mohammed and Islam wouldn’t have the same motivation to hide prophecies about Mohammed and Islam.
The Masoretes could even have been influenced by Christians and their manuscripts,
This is a textbook example of an ad hoc assumption. An ad hoc assumption is when an assumption is added without any evidence to modify a theory for the sole purpose of avoiding falsification of the theory by some evidence. Since these sources that should agree with Exion don’t agree he added a new assumption without evidence to modify his theory to avoid falsification.
It’s also a problematic assumption. The Masoretes were Jews. Jews and Christians were split a few hundred years earlier and so didn’t really influence each other. For the Septuagint this was written even before Christianity. It’s so far before Islam and Mohammed that it’s extremely unlikely they were trying to hide any prophecies about them. It’s one of our oldest sources for the text making them a good source for how early Jews understood the text. It serves as an excellent source for testing Exion’s claims since if they’re true we’d expect, at least a significant portion of the time, they’d agree with Exion. If no one else in history, even before the diacritical marks were added, agrees with Exion then Exion is not speaking the same language as everyone else.
In other words, both Qal and Polel essentially mean the same thing.
Here is what Exion said previously, “Regarding the phrase "Who will argue...", an alternative rendering could be "Who will claim..." However, using the word "argue" may be more faithful to the original text, as it carries a connotation of "complaining" or "disputing" rather than simply making a statement or engaging in ordinary conversation. This nuance helps capture the intended meaning more accurately.”
They specifically note the nuance of the meaning ‘complain’. What they failed to notice is that meaning is only part of the Qal form not the Polel. Both their original and new dictionary citation show this. Since the verb in question is in the Polel form that meaning doesn’t apply. Both source clearly listed the two different forms and the meanings for both. Either this is another case of Exion not reading his sources properly or he didn’t realize the correct form of the verb. Either way it shows the general unreliability of Exion.
Thus, he has fixated on this specific word, insisting it is (without a shadow of a doubt) in the Polel form (because his Pauline forefathers said so)
Actually I insist it’s in the Polel because I understand the different verb congregations. It’s not just diacritical marks but consonant differences as well. A key way we can tell is that the final consonant, ח, is duplicated.
Let's see if the Polel form does anything to save him:
This whole section is a lengthy that follows completely misses the point. Here is the original discussion, Like back then his response misses the point. I go on to note how is translation depends upon connecting two parks of the sentence where the diacritical marks have a break. I asked given all the mistakes he’s made up to that point, with the mix up of the Qal and Polel being the most recent at that time, why should we trust him over the Masoretes. The idea was to show how Exion is unreliable and doesn’t know Hebrew so he can’t be trusted over Hebrew speakers. He doesn’t justify why we shouldn’t take a break at that section, we’re just supposed to trust him but with all the mistakes he makes we can’t trust him. Furthermore after adjusting his translation to accommodate the Polel meaning the next day he copied his post to this subreddit without making the same correction but leaving the mistaken Qal meaning.
I believe (if I remember correctly) that he translates it as:
Nope. I never gave my own translation for this verse. He could have just checked the discussion but instead he made another sloppy mistake where he misrepresented what someone else has said. The discussion is public for anyone to read it themselves and see I never said that.
He goes on to say that I quoted from a fictitious source, which is not true at all. I simply didn’t bother looking through my entire library to find a quote I mistakenly mis-referenced, mainly because the quote turned out to be quite irrelevant, and I don’t waste my time like that.
That’s just an excuse. After giving the original citation a few people tried and couldn’t find it. He was pressed on the issue. Finally after some back and forth he gave a new book name and new author. However, the citation still couldn’t be found in that new book. It was at that point where he just ignored any further requests for proving the source exists. This is the first time since then he’s acknowledged it. Given that course of events it’s strong evidence the citation doesn’t actually exist. Until he provides proof the citation actually exists we should take the citation as fictitious. Though even if the source does exist his acknowledgment of a wrong citation is still evidence of his sloppy work and unreliability with representing sources, something he does very often.
So, I will not bother to refute every single point of the old stuff that I’ve already conclusively answered.
He never did. For the issue about copying the verse number and making it part of the verse all he could say before is that it’s a minor mistake that I’m overblowing. However, as I note the error is not a minor one but actually requires several points of failure, some of which are hard to accidentally make. E.g. removing the space between the verse number and first word after copying takes intentional action. For the pronoun suffixes his response boils down to just claiming every single person who has ever translated it is wrong and he is right. He refused to give a general account of pronoun suffixes that supports his translation along with a source to back up his account. I on the other hand took a picture of my Hebrew textbook showing the full chart to prove he is wrong.
Regarding the stone God mentions that was to be placed in the Temple of God, he says that it is saying
Notice in this section of his response he changes his original translation to include the second instance of the word stone that he previously missed. This acknowledges that he was originally wrong and missed that word. He just tries to rework the translation have that second occurrence of the word stone while still referring to God’s stone. Let’s see if it works.
The next word is אל: This is taken as a preposition according to them, and it generally means "to" or "toward," and never "upon." It is used to indicate direction or movement towards something. While the following word is, again, a stone "אבן."
I deal with his simplistic view of Hebrew pronouns in my pt 2. Once again we have the same problem. The relationship between pronouns in Hebrew compared to English is complicated. The pronoun in my pt 2 analysis has 8 pages in the BDB. אל has 2 pages. For על, which we be relevant in a moment, it has almost 6 pages for the proposition part. It’s far more complicated than giving a short list and only limiting translation to that list.
Regarding אל the BDB under note 2 points out there is a tendency to use it interchangeably with על. For על it lists upon as one of the meanings. Exion goes on to argue the limited set of meanings he gives don’t make sense and from that argues אל should instead be taken to be God. However, when we realized prepositions are more complicated than he makes them out to be and that אל can mean upon this argument fails.
Here, "אל־אבן" would translate to "God's stone" or "stone of God."
Here is the chapter from my textbook on the construct relationship singular. Take the first example. The first word on Hebrew is סוּס which means horse. The second word is הַמֶּלֶךְ which means the king. The translation given is “the horse of the king”. The second page gives examples of how this is translated into English with a ‘s. Based on that “the horse of the king” would be “the king’s horse”. This example shows us if we accept Exion’s claim אל means God and this is a construct relationship then the translation would actually be “God of stone” or “stone’s God”. Exion has flipped the words in his translation.
Thus, the phrase "מטרם שום־אבן אל־אבן בהיכל יהוה" would be understood as "before placing a stone as God's stone in the temple of YHWH" or "before placing a stone, God's stone, in the temple of YHWH"
Actually with the correct word order we’d have “before placing a stone, God of stone, in the temple of YHWH”.
Or you could simply not take "El" as a construct state. In Hebrew, a noun followed by another noun can indicate possession without needing a construct state (i.e. the equivalent of adding 's in English). This is often called "smikhut" or construct form, but it is not always necessary to explicitly form it.
This is confused. He thinks construct state refers to a specific different form or the noun but the possession meaning doesn’t require that different form. My textbook shows that’s mistaken. Yes it’s true the possession meaning doesn’t require a different form, however it’s still called the construct state. This is evident from my textbook. It notes at the bottom of the second page the construct state is sometimes the same as the absolute state. I didn’t mean to say Exion was taking it as having a different form from the absolute state but was pointing out he takes the phrase as indicating possession. That’s why I said if we add the missing word at take the phrase as indicating possession we’d get “stone’s God’s stone”.
This is something he doesn't know because, well, who knows why.
As my textbook proves it’s him that doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Explicitly contradicting your claim that it doesn't exist, but you didn't know that because you have probably never even read the entirety of the chapter to begin with. The Temple was already there. A stone was to be placed in it, God's stone, the black stone of the House of God, and not that it was to be built or built anew. This is why I even wrote the article, because the temple of God was already in existence. How you could have missed this, if you've read the chapter in it entirety, is very baffling to me.
What’s baffling to me is how someone can be so confident and condescending while being so wrong. Not only did Exion fail to research the historical context of the literature he tries to interpret, he failed to notice my summary of the history. Haggai gives explicit historical markers for when the prophecies were made. “In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, the word of the Lord came by the hand of Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and to Joshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest:” Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭1‬ ‭ESV‬‬. This places the prophecy in 520 B.C. This was after the Babylonians conquered Israel (specifically the southern kingdom as the northern was already conquered), brought them into exile, destroyed the first temple, the Persians conquered Babylon and allowed the Jews back to Israel to rebuilt the temple. They started to built the temple but stoped when opposition arose. Haggai’s prophecies are about pushing the Jews to continue rebuilding the temple. You can read about the fall of Israel by the Babylonians at the end of 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles. You can read about the return to Israel in Ezra and Nehemiah (note the events in Ezra are before those in Nehemiah).
Exion mentions Haggai 2:3 to disprove me. This is another case of him misrepresenting his sources. Let’s analyze it carefully part by part.
"Who among you is left, who saw this house in its former glory?” The word former indicates it had that glory in the past but no longer has it. That is because the previous temple was destroyed.
“And as you see it now”. This calls to attention a comparison of the former glory with the current glory.
“is it not as nothing in your eyes?" This expresses the current glory calling it nothing in their eyes. That’s because the previous temple was destroyed and not yet rebuilt.
Also check out these verses: ““Thus says the Lord of hosts: These people say the time has not yet come to rebuild the house of the Lord.” Then the word of the Lord came by the hand of Haggai the prophet, “Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your paneled houses, while this house lies in ruins? Now, therefore, thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. You have sown much, and harvested little. You eat, but you never have enough; you drink, but you never have your fill. You clothe yourselves, but no one is warm. And he who earns wages does so to put them into a bag with holes. “Thus says the Lord of hosts: Consider your ways. Go up to the hills and bring wood and build the house, that I may take pleasure in it and that I may be glorified, says the Lord. You looked for much, and behold, it came to little. And when you brought it home, I blew it away. Why? declares the Lord of hosts. Because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house. Therefore the heavens above you have withheld the dew, and the earth has withheld its produce. And I have called for a drought on the land and the hills, on the grain, the new wine, the oil, on what the ground brings forth, on man and beast, and on all their labors.” Haggai‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭11 ‭ESV‬‬. It’s pretty clear the previous temple lies in ruins and God is calling them to rebuild it.
This is why Jacob
Jacob lived long before the temple was built. His life is recorded in Genesis. There is a lot of history in between Jacob’s life in Genesis and the building of the temple in 1 Kings/2 Chronicles. Either Exion is completely ignorant of the history he is commenting on or he’s cherry picking which parts he wants to accept.
Lying and adding words to the Word of God to make it look like another House would be raised.
But that’s literally what happened in history. The first temple was destroyed and the later rebuilt. Again check out the books I mentioned for the historical background, especially Ezra which records the events during the time Haggai was prophesying.
The preposition "the" is not there before "Chemdat," while it is before "Goyim" (heathens), which makes sense because "Chemdat of all the heathens (will come)" and doesn't translate to "The treasure of all the heathens (will come)," as they have it.
Exion takes the lack of the definite article before chemdat as indicating it shouldn’t be translated with a “the” as its indefinite. He then argues taking chemdat the traditional way doesn’t make sense without the definite article so we should instead take it as a name. This again shows he doesn’t know Hebrew.
Note Exion translates it as Chemdat of. He interprets it as possession indicating he takes the Hebrew as being in the construct state. I linked above the chapter on the construct state. The first page notes a noun in the construct state never has the definite article. Instead the the last noun as the definite article then the noun in the construct state is also definite, and if the last noun is indefinite then the noun in the construct state is indefinite. Exion also acknowledges the last noun as having the definite article. When we actually understand the construct relationship we see that while there is no definite article on chemdat it’s still definite since it’s in the construct form with the last noun having the definite article. This undermines his argument for why chemdat is a name.
The phrase "הגוים" (ha-goyim) translates as "the heathens,"
The BDB lists this word as meaning nations/people. Heathen has very negative connotations which are not necessarily implied by the word.
He then says He will fill this house, which they saw as nothing, with glory. The house already exists;
Again look at the historical markers Haggai gives and the historical books for the historical background. Also look at the passage I quoted from Haggai 1 which clearly mentions the current temple in ruins and God calling the people to rebuild it. The promise God is making in Haggai 2:7 is about the new temple being greater than the former.
Going back to Haggai 2, the 18th verse also confirms that the Temple already was there:
"Consider, please, your heart from this day and onward, from the twenty-fourth day of the ninth month, from the day that the temple of the Lord was founded, consider your heart."
This particular section is Haggai 2:10-19. By this time the Jews started rebuilding the temple again and had laid the foundation. Haggai 2:15 and 18 are parallel passages calling the people to consider the time since that work on rebuilding the temple was done. God then points to the blessing they’ve experienced since then. That is in contrast to the hardships listed in Haggai 1:10-11 that God says we’re because they weren’t rebuilding his temple.
Nevertheless, he is right about one thing regarding this chapter: it does not mention the new moon to new moon and the end of the Sabbath—that was in Isaiah 66. My mistake.
Yes it is a mistake and it is one of way too many to count where he messes up representing his source in some way.
the second phrase can be interpreted as an end (if we interpret "Shabbat" as "End")
Actually it can’t. I missed this in my post but u/c0d3rman caught it in his comment on Exion’s post. The definition Exion gives in his post is the verb “to cease”. However, “an end” is not a verb but a noun. His translation doesn’t match his own definition.
but it is Biblically and generally interpreted as "Sabbath."
Because as a noun it means Sabbath.
A literal translation of the phrase in the 23rd verse would be:
‎>שבת (shabbat) - "Sabbath"
‎>בשבתו (be-shabbato) - "His Sabbath"
‎>יבוא (yavo) - "it will come"
Putting יבוא as part of this phrase has 3 problems. First it breaks the parallel in grammar and idea with the previous phrase. Second the subject of the verb then becomes the sabbath but that’s not possible. The gender of the verb and subject need to match but sabbath is feminine while יבוא is masculine. Third Exion’s translation has יבוא translated twice, both as part of this phrase and as part of the following phrase. However the word only occurs once in Hebrew so it can’t be translated twice into English as a part of 2 different phrases.
I also explained how this phrase is an idiom in my first post. I referenced the BDB which explains how we know it’s an idiom and what the idiom means, which corresponds to the traditional translation. The verse is not talking about a sabbath coming to a sabbath or coming to an end. It’s saying the frequency that all flesh shall come to worship before God.
I’ve mentioned the BDB often as a source. For those unaware there is an online version where words can be searched, I’m mentioning this because unlike Exion I want to be sure people can easily find the sources I reference. If anyone has trouble finding any particular word I’m not sure how to link to specific words but I’m happy to take pics of my physical copy.
u/TheQuranicMumin you said “If he fails/refuses to do this, we will remove his posts for misinformation.” Can we agree already this counts as a failure to respond and consider his posts misinformation or do I really need to continue addressing his posts/responses?
submitted by brod333 to Quraniyoon [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:13 yangyixxxx How to find 1000 enthusiastic users in the early stages

Understanding Enthusiastic Users
Who are Enthusiastic Users?
Enthusiastic users have several characteristics:
1. High Tolerance for Basic Products: They are willing to use and tolerate even rudimentary versions of your product. 2. Genuine Appreciation: They find your product amazing and are grateful because it solves a significant problem for them. 3. Willingness to Pay: They are ready to pay for your product. 4. Eagerness to Recommend: They enthusiastically recommend your product to people around them who might find it useful. 
Why Not Discuss Seed Users?
The common understanding of seed users is the first 100 or even 1,000 users of a new product.
Why Focus on Enthusiastic Users Instead of Seed Users?
The term seed users often includes non-target users or those who think your product is just okay but not essential. In other words, they might find the product mediocre and would use it only if they have to, making numerous demands before committing to it. This type of user is fundamentally different from an enthusiastic user.
Finding 10 Enthusiastic Users is Far More Valuable than Getting 1,000 Seed Users in the Early Stages of a Product!
First Step in Finding Enthusiastic Users: Define Them
Firstly, you need to describe who your enthusiastic users are. This has been mentioned in previous checklists. You need to create a profile of these users.
Example: Suppose we are developing an AI-generated professional headshot product.
My envisioned enthusiastic users would be:
1. Working Professionals: Especially those active on social media. They frequently use LinkedIn or Twitter and prefer formal headshots as their profile pictures. They often participate in media events and need headshots for posters. 2. Time-Constrained: They have limited time for in-person photo shoots. Their area lacks professional photo studios, making it costly to travel for a photoshoot. 3. Sales Professionals: They use professional headshots to appear more formal when interacting with clients, such as financial, real estate, or insurance salespeople. 4. Predominantly Female: Women are more concerned with their public image and have a higher willingness to pay for professional photos. They also prefer their photos to look more flattering. 5. Financially Capable: As white-collar professionals, they can afford to pay a reasonable fee for such services. Their appearance is crucial and can even bring additional benefits to their careers. 
Why I Can Define Enthusiastic Users
1. User Observation: For example, when you open WeChat and look at your friend list, notice who is using professional headshots. 2. Scenario Observation: Reflect on the scenarios where professional headshots are needed, such as public event posters. 3. Search Term Observation: People searching for “professional headshots near me” indicate a concern for their time. Others searching for “female professional headshots” highlight that women are particularly interested in this service. 
By paying close attention to your surroundings and continually observing, you can gather valuable insights without extensive research.
Where to Find Them?
To find them, first, you need to describe them. Once you have their profile, finding them becomes easy.
Methods to Find Enthusiastic Users
1. Find Their Gathering Places: Such as LinkedIn, sales communities, or specific QQ groups. 2. Reverse Simulation: If you were them looking for this service, what would you search for? Capture their search paths. • For instance, a post about “what to wear for professional headshots” could lead to a rich comment section full of potential users. • A video tutorial could have a comment section where you can engage potential users. 3. Provide Content for Their Needs: Create content addressing their needs, such as “how to dress for professional headshots” or “nearest professional photo studio.” • When they search for “nearest professional photo studio,” create a page with studio contacts and a prominent ad offering instant professional headshots. They are likely to click on it. 4. Media Platforms: Post about your product to gain exposure and attract users. 5. Build in Public: During this process, filter out enthusiastic users. 6. Referrals: Set up incentives, such as a free trial in exchange for sharing with three friends. Target users often know other potential users. 7. Leverage Existing Resources: Identify who already has access to your target users. • For instance, to find insurance salespeople, approach an institution that trains them and offer your product for them to promote. 8. User Group Setup: Establish an enthusiastic user group on platforms like Telegram, WhatsApp, or Discord to continuously gather feedback. 
Chapter Summary
1. Understanding Enthusiastic Users: High tolerance, willingness to pay, genuine appreciation, and eagerness to recommend. 2. Why Not Seed Users: They are not the target audience, have vague pain points, and make numerous demands. 3. Defining Enthusiastic Users: The core task is everyday observation to reduce the cost of research. 4. Where to Find Them: Seven methods to locate your enthusiastic users. 5. Building User Groups: Always listen to your users’ voices. This is crucial. 
submitted by yangyixxxx to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 22:15 Ufratys First Time ACOMAF Reader (ch. 61-END) Thoughts & Impressions

Greetings and Salutations! I was planning on finishing this book over the weekend but got overzealous and couldn't stop last night (so much shit happened in this last stretch!). Anyway, figured I'd group all of my notes in these chapters for the final ACOMAF post. Hope you all enjoy!
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Wow what a book! Had a great time with it, definitely better than the first. I'm getting Empire Strikes Back vibes where none of the good guys are in a good place right now (except Tammy, but I guess you could classify him as a villain in some aspects lol). The world building was infinitely better, the characters had better development, great twists that I didn't expect…yeah, very well done Sarah J👌
Appreciate all your comments and insights! Looking forward to the next book, but may need a bit of a break to process everything that's happened. Hope to see you all around for the next one!
submitted by Ufratys to acotar [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:55 alucardcanidae 20 Years later, I finally finished it

Hey guys! I finished the remake today and the ending just made me tear up.
Backstory: 20 Years ago, on the gamecube, I got TTYD for Christmas and it was immediately my absolute favorite game. It just was everything Paper Mario 64 was, but better. The graphic was MINDBLOWING, the humour was awesome and the gameplay was just absolutely tight.
I struggled a lot with some bosses (I remember Chapter 5 and 6 to be hard as frick) and - since I was a 10 year old boy that didn't think a lot about badges - put most of my levels in HP and FP, cause hey. I die alot, so I need more health, right?
This led to - sadly - the problem, that I never had enough damage to finish the final boss, so I never saw the ending back then.
I replayed the game a lot, cause chapter 3 is hellah fun and overall the game was just fun.
Many many years later, I finally saw the light. BP is where it's at. It's ridiculous how easier the game gets, when you have as much badges as I have.
I'm so happy I finally could finish this game and looking forward to trying out some new builds, finishing the save file to 100% and rocking to this sick tunes.
This game is everything I ever wanted the remake to be (Even though, I HATE the new superguard animation. IT'S SO SLOW).
Have a great day everyone. I'm off to the woods, hunting for Amazy Dayzees. (Lvl 99 and Danger Mario, here I come)
submitted by alucardcanidae to papermario [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:04 ReferendumAutonomic "won’t be solved by pills"

side effects

"Our mental health crisis won’t be solved by pills alone. The number of people taking antidepressants has doubled since 2011, but the side effects of long-term use are broadly unknown."
"Woman feels intense side effects with anti-seizure medications...Keppra...It made her feel loopy, tired and weak. Her doctor switched her to lacosamide twice a day. Side effects of this drug are similar. She’s had double vision and drowsiness, and she can no longer drive,"

talk therapy

"Why, for some, psychotherapy might be a better treatment for depression than drugs...antidepressants...He felt “dead inside”,

least restrictive setting

"Improving patients’ rights to make choices in their treatment...when glucose metabolism fueling the brain is disrupted, the energy-starved brain may develop symptoms of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder."

poverty is traumatic

"New York City Releases Its First Ever State of Mental Health Report...Adults who personally witnessed or experienced violence in their neighborhood, or who encountered rodents on their street, lacked heat in the most recent winter or recently saw mold in their home were more likely to experience serious psychological distress than adults who had not...45 percent of adults reporting drinking at least one alcoholic drink."


"Mental health assessment tools for people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) largely lack evidence of reliability and validity, according to systematic review study findings published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders."

mental discrimination

japan, "Hundreds of provisions that discriminate against people with mental disorders remain in local governments’ ordinances and other rules,"


"may be more likely to avoid going to the doctor for fear of discrimination."

not able to diagnose whether alive

"Oregon State Hospital staff found he lacked a pulse after wheeling through the facility to his room."

conflict of interest

"Ohioans want to put an initiative on the ballot to amend the state's constitution to eliminate qualified immunity, prosecutorial immunity, sovereign immunity, and every other kind of immunity. But the Ohio AG (who would lose immunity) has refused to certify the proposed amendment six times, finding various reasons why the summary of the amendment isn't "fair and truthful." Fed up, the Ohioans sue. Sixth Circuit (over a dissent): And their motion for preliminary injunction is granted. The AG must certify the initiative so that its sponsors can begin collecting signatures."

religious defense

"In 1981 in an unemployment compensation case, the Supreme Court said that when considering accommodations for people of faith, religious beliefs do not need to be "acceptable, logical, consistent, or comprehensible to others."

domestic violence

washington, "Initially appearing to be a involuntary commitment call, further investigation revealed the victim wanted to commit suicide due to abuse by his mother." I was only a little sad/bored, until dictator parents poisoned me.


"Frequent sauna use and exercise might lower the risk of psychosis."


ireland, "Settlements approved for boys allegedly inappropriately prescribed antipsychotic medication by Kerry CAMHS...€60,000 to a 10-year-old boy and a €16,000 award to a 17-year-old."

violent nurses

"arrested Pablo Garcia, 64, of Hollywood, on a charge of abuse of a disabled adult without great bodily harm."

religious police

texas, "HPD Sgt would go on to declare other resolutions in the name of Jesus Christ...he objects to getting taken to the hospital..."I don't want them to kill me in there."


nigeria, "Federal Gov’t To Extend Anti-torture Law To Psychiatric Hospitals, Others...United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT), Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) and enacted the Anti-Torture Act."

personal experiences

May 31 9:47 AM mother threatened sacred beard. cursed and said I would be "terrified." she's "going to have a mental breakdown."
submitted by ReferendumAutonomic to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:46 139andlenoxave [For Sale] Huge Selection Of 200+ Records!! New & Used Jazz, Rock, Funk, HipHop, & More!!

Hey everyone, I put together this huge list of albums and reduced prices on stuff previously posted, hope you enjoy! New batch of sealed Jazz audiophile reissues from Spain. Most used titles include original inner sleeves. Records will be shipped outside of cover in poly sleeve. Message or comment to purchase or for more information.
$6 Unlimited Shipping USPS Media Mail

— Graded Vinyl/Cover —
*Rare Earth - Willie Remembers 1972 NM/VG+ $5
*Malo - Malo 1972 OG VG/VG+ $5
*Anita Baker - Rapture 1986 OG NM/VG+ $18
*D. J. Rogers - It's Good To Be Alive 1975 OG VG-/VG+ $5
*Al Gee - Rap N' Rhythm (Programs #233 - 236) 1975 OG VG+/VG+ $14
*The Hesitations - The New Born Free 1968 OG NM/NM $12
*Syl Johnson - Back For A Taste Of Your Love 1973 OG SVG/SVG $14
*Various - Rosko's Evergreens Back On The Scene 1964 VG/VG+ $4
*The Stylistics - Round 2 1972 OG VG+/NM $8
*Johnnie Taylor - Super Taylor 1974 OG EX/VG+ $7
*Johnnie Taylor - Rated Extraordinaire 1977 OG VG+/NM $6
*Johnnie Taylor - Ever Ready 1978 OG EX/NM $7
*The Temptations - Live At The Copa 1968 OG VG/VG+ $4
*Clarence Carter - The Dynamic Clarence Carter 1969 Sealed M/EX $18
*Ray Charles - From The Pages Of My Mind 1986 OG VG+/NM $6
*Sammy Davis Jr. - Sings What Kind Of Fool Am I And Other Show-Stoppers 1962 RE M/NM $10
*Sammy Davis Jr. - Salutes The Stars Of The London Palladium 1964 OG VG/EX $4
*Blossom Dearie - Needlepoint Magic Volume V 1979 EX/EX $6
*Cat Anderson - Ellingtonia 1962 VG-/VG $2
*Duke Ellington - Ellington Indigos 1989 RE NM/NM $10
*Duke Ellington - The Early Duke Ellington 1968 OG Sealed M/NM $6
*Duke Ellington & Teresa Brewer - It Don't Mean A Thing If It Ain't Got That Swing 1981 RE NM/VG+ $5
*Louis Armstrong - Louis Armstrong & Duke Ellington 1965 RE VG+/VG+ $8
*Dizzy Gillespie - 16 Rare Performances 1966 RE VG+/EX $8
*Billie Holiday - The Billie Holiday Story 1972 2LP VG+/VG+ $14
*Baby Ray - Where Soul Lives 1967 OG Sealed M/NM $10
*Don Redman And His Orchestra - For Europeans Only 1983 Denmark NM/NM $12
*Charlie Parker And His Orchestra - Night And Day 1960 RE VG/VG $8
*Ernestine Anderson - When The Sun Goes Down 1985 OG NM/EX $8
*George Benson - Breezin' 1976 VG+/VG+ $5
*Art Blakey - Gretsch Drum Night At Birdland 1960 OG VG/VG $10
*The Dave Brubeck Quartet - Bossa Nova U.S.A. 1963 OG SVG/VG+ $7
*Kenny Burrell - Handcrafted 1978 OG VG/VG+$8
*The Eddie Costa Quartet - Guys And Dolls Like Vibes 1958 OG VG/VG+ $5
*Keith Jarrett - The Köln Concert 1975 OG VG/VG+ $10
*John Klemmer - All The Children Cried VG+/VG+ $8
*Les McCann Ltd. - Live At Shelly's Manne-Hole RE NM/VG+ $5
*Johnny Smith - Phase II 1968 OG Sealed M/M $20
*Weather Report - Mr. Gone 1978 OG VG+/VG+ $9
*Bob Dylan - New Morning 1970 OG VG+/VG+ $8
*Molly Hatchet - Flirtin' With Disaster 1979 OG VG+/VG+ $6
*Heart - Bad Animals 1987 OG NM/NM $8
*Jerry Lee Lewis - Southern Roots 1973 OG Sealed M/M $10
*Oscar Brown Jr. - Finding A New Friend 1966 Mono WL Promo EX/NM $20
*Mother Night - S/T 1972 OG NM/VG- $7
*Johnny Cash - At San Quentin 1969 EX/NM $12
*Baltimora- Living In The Background 1985 VG+/VG+ $8
*Ginger Bates - Refreshingly Country VG/VG+ $18
*Roberto Jordan - Roberto Jordan 1972 Sealed (Torn Shrink) M/EX $18
*Toquinho & Vinícius - Vinícius & Toquinho 1974 Brazil NM/NM $24
*Prakash Vadehra - Magic Flutes Of North India 1969 EX/EX $8
*Father Rivers - Sings The Mass 1966 VG/VG+ $4
*Bill Withers - +'Justments 1974 VG/VG+ $10
*Jacksons - Victory 1984 VG+/EX $5
*Wilton Felder - Inherit The Wind 1980 NM/NM $5
*Wilson Pickett - The Wicked Pickett 1967 MO VG/EX $10
*SPB Ska-Jazz Review - Elephant Riddim 2016 Russia EX/EX $15
*Listener - Wooden Heart 2014 Green/Cream Vinyl NM/NM $15
*Antonio Carlos Jobim - A Certain Mr. Jobim 1967 Sealed M/NM $17
*James Williams - Magical Trio 1 1989 NM/EX $7
*James Williams - Magical Trio 2 1988 Sealed M/VG+ $9
*Chilly - For Your Love 1979 VG/G+ $10
*Tina Turner - Private Dancer 1984 Club w Inner NM/NM $12
*Mary Jane Girls - Only Four You 1985 EX/EX $7
*Average White Band - Soul Searching 1976 NM/VG+ $6
*Invisible Man's Band - Really Wanna See You 1981 NM/EX $5
*Lonnie Liston Smith - A Song For The Children 1979 OG VG/VG+ $5
submitted by 139andlenoxave to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 20:34 Sasha1066 John Hancock Rollover traditional IRA question

I want to ask for advice. I am relatively new to investing and in the last 6 months I invested in three fund portfolios in my taxable account, and I am happy with the results. I am 53 year old.
I do have a traditional (rollover) IRA with John Hancock. I did the rollover prior to staring my current job and at that time I did not know anything about investing. My current 401(k) via Fidelity reportedly accepts rollovers but 401(k) people could not provide specific details how to start the process.
My John Hancock IRA:
$143K all invested in Class A Multimanager Lifestyle Balanced Portfolio JALBX
It is not possible for me to understand how much I pay to John Hancock per year, but the following are in the summary prospectus:
Annual fund operating expenses are 1.34% including 0.25% management fee, 0.3% distribution and services fee, 0.15% other expenses, 0.64% acquired fund fees. I am not sure if those fees include 0.56% expense ratio listed online. I saw somewhere also a documentation fee 1.1% on the website but in the summary prospectus.
There is also a shareholder fee 4.5% (maximum front-end sales charge (load) on purchases, not sure when this one is charged).
It looks to me that fees are high, and growth of the portfolio was not great compared with the market in the last 5 years.
I also would love to be able to do backdoor Roth and I cannot do it if I have this IRA.
1) should I just convert this tIRA into Roth, it probably will be the simplest process, but I will need to pay 32% marginal tax rate on the conversion
2) should I roll this one over to my 401(k). 401K has 1% documentation fee per year but has low cost funds like FXAIX with 0.02% ER. Does anyone know how to start the process? should I first reach to JH or do something with Fidelity? There is no option to start a rollover on either websit
3) is it possible that actually I do not understand something and this John Hancock IRA is actually good and I should keep it?
submitted by Sasha1066 to Bogleheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 19:59 jimbobbypaul Ranking the Top 131 FBS Programs of the Last 40 Years - 2024 Update

Hey y'all, it’s been a while.
A huge thank you again to everyone who followed along last summer counting down the Top 131 FBS Programs of the Last 40 Years, which spanned 133 days and counted down to the season. For those unfamiliar with it, TL;DR, I ranked each FBS program over the last 40 years using my “proprietary” ranking algorithm, which scores a team’s season based on their strength of schedule, margin of victory, and record. Thanks again to everyone who donated, UMeister and the mod team who got the final ranking on the sub banner, all the people who subscribed on Substack, and all the commenters and readers. It truly was an insane time, some of the most fun I’ve ever had.
With that, we’re due for a few updates.
Last time a bunch of people were asking about a coffee table book, and I mentioned I’d be working on turning the series into one. Unfortunately, I haven’t made much progress. Last September I met with a publishing agency over the phone, but they decided the book wasn’t a fit for them. From there, I put things on pause to focus on my personal life and work. I still plan to publish a book in the future, but things are on hold until I can fully commit to it.
Last but not least…I got another series coming this July. Much shorter this time, but another countdown to the season starting July 7, 2 PM ET. I won’t reveal too much, but it’s a simulation with stats, storylines, helmet stickers, awards, and I think it’ll be pretty hype. So move any events you have scheduled for that day including weddings and baby showers.

40 Year FBS Ranking Update, 2024 Edition

Rank Team Link to Original Post Overall Score Record Ranking Change
1 Alabama Link 50812 393-121-2 0
2 Ohio State Link 49787 396-102-5 0
3 Florida State Link 48283 376-125-4 0
4 Oklahoma Link 47407 374-126-4 0
5 Florida Link 44607 352-146-3 0
6 Michigan Link 44282 355-137-5 2
7 Georgia Link 43798 366-137-4 0
8 Miami (FL) Link 42719 349-144 -2
9 Clemson Link 41813 356-147-3 1
10 Nebraska Link 41652 342-156-1 -1
11 Penn State Link 41075 343-149-1 1
12 USC Link 40956 333-159-5 -1
13 LSU Link 40472 335-156-4 0
14 Notre Dame Link 40366 335-157-2 0
15 Texas Link 38144 323-169-3 1
16 Tennessee Link 37800 323-166-7 1
17 Auburn Link 37737 326-165-5 -2
18 Oregon Link 36954 330-162 0
19 Washington Link 34256 295-188-3 3
20 Texas A&M Link 33561 320-172-2 0
21 Virginia Tech Link 33544 315-179-4 -2
22 Wisconsin Link 33169 305-187-5 -1
23 Iowa Link 31777 305-184-6 0
24 Boise State Link 30360 271-85 1
25 West Virginia Link 29666 296-186-4 -1
26 Oklahoma State Link 29429 286-198-3 1
27 Kansas State Link 29237 277-208-3 3
28 Michigan State Link 28954 278-204-4 1
29 UCLA Link 28877 277-203-3 -3
30 TCU Link 27930 289-192-1 1
31 BYU Link 27905 338-171-2 -3
32 Utah Link 27145 302-182-1 1
33 Stanford Link 27049 246-224-4 -1
34 Arkansas Link 26132 261-222-3 0
35 Colorado Link 25466 243-235-4 0
36 Georgia Tech Link 25199 263-220-4 0
37 Louisville Link 24940 275-207-2 1
38 Arizona State Link 23646 258-214-3 -1
39 Syracuse Link 23427 252-226-4 0
40 NC State Link 23130 269-216-3 4
41 South Carolina Link 22994 249-224-6 -1
42 North Carolina Link 22887 253-229-3 0
43 Ole Miss Link 22745 255-219-3 6
44 Virginia Link 22729 254-225-4 -3
45 Arizona Link 22237 242-227-5 0
46 Boston College Link 21875 257-228-2 -3
47 Texas Tech Link 21790 268-216-1 -1
48 Fresno State Link 21749 302-191-3 0
49 Air Force Link 20891 299-191-1 1
50 Toledo Link 20622 295-177-5 2
51 Pittsburgh Link 20548 244-234-5 -4
52 Baylor Link 20187 229-245-1 -1
53 Cincinnati Link 20008 254-224-2 0
54 Missouri Link 19896 234-241-5 1
55 Washington State Link 18912 222-245-2 -1
56 Mississippi State Link 18651 234-243-2 0
57 Houston Link 18092 243-233-2 0
58 Maryland Link 17372 219-248-3 0
59 California Link 17098 216-250-4 0
60 Minnesota Link 15850 226-249-2 2
61 Southern Miss Link 15630 255-225-1 -1
62 Marshall Link 15428 209-131 1
63 Northwestern Link 15134 208-265-3 4
64 Oregon State Link 14986 197-271-3 5
65 UCF Link 14848 198-147 1
66 Purdue Link 14674 205-265-4 -2
67 Illinois Link 14620 197-269-5 -6
68 Miami (OH) Link 14148 225-234-8 4
69 Bowling Green Link 14031 239-226-5 -4
70 Kentucky Link 13742 215-259-1 0
71 San Diego State Link 13459 248-231-5 0
72 Wake Forest Link 13039 210-260-2 1
73 Northern Illinois Link 13026 241-234-2 -5
74 Western Michigan Link 12391 242-222-3 0
75 Hawaii Link 11946 244-256-5 1
76 East Carolina Link 11401 220-253-1 -1
77 Navy Link 11349 222-255-1 1
78 Appalachian State Link 11215 95-35 2
79 Central Michigan Link 10824 228-233-8 -2
80 Memphis Link 10763 217-252-5 2
81 Wyoming Link 10676 234-243-1 2
82 Colorado State Link 10551 224-253-1 -3
83 Iowa State Link 10441 187-282-5 1
84 Rutgers Link 9917 190-272-5 2
85 Tulsa Link 9552 215-261-1 -4
86 Louisiana Tech Link 9514 209-205-4 -1
87 Troy Link 8776 159-125 5
88 Nevada Link 8677 201-187 -1
89 South Florida Link 8661 149-141 -1
90 Indiana Link 8058 181-282-3 0
91 Ball State Link 7974 210-251-4 -2
92 Louisiana Link 7817 223-248-1 -1
93 Kansas Link 6902 171-295-2 3
94 Duke Link 6767 167-301-2 4
95 Army Link 6684 203-266-2 0
96 Ohio Link 6676 203-261-6 1
97 San Jose State Link 6291 198-268-3 -4
98 SMU Link 5860 179-266-3 -4
99 Liberty Link 5324 53-23 2
100 Utah State Link 4650 198-270-1 -1
101 Western Kentucky Link 4529 106-99 -1
102 Coastal Carolina Link 3539 52-35 0
103 James Madison Link 2771 19-5 7
104 UTSA Link 2706 80-69 3
105 Middle Tennessee Link 2591 147-156 -2
106 Georgia Southern Link 2488 65-61 -1
107 Rice Link 2211 174-286-2 1
108 Temple Link 1983 163-301 -4
109 Vanderbilt Link 1790 146-316-1 -3
110 Tulane Link 1741 177-297 1
111 UAB Link 1524 140-169 -2
112 Jacksonville State NEW 874 9-4 NEW
113 UConn Link -280 110-169 -1
114 Arkansas State Link -457 163-219-1 -1
115 Sam Houston NEW -821 3-9 NEW
116 FAU Link -1178 96-134 -2
117 Old Dominion Link -1240 46-65 -1
118 New Mexico Link -1614 167-308 -3
119 Eastern Michigan Link -1932 161-294-5 -2
120 South Alabama Link -2360 60-88 -2
121 Georgia State Link -3272 51-83 -2
122 UNLV Link -3612 160-305-1 -2
123 Akron Link -4317 150-273-3 -2
124 North Texas Link -4424 133-216 -2
125 UTEP Link -5233 154-315-2 -1
126 Buffalo Link -5587 103-193 -1
127 Charlotte Link -6147 32-71 -4
128 Kent State Link -6250 138-317-1 -2
129 Texas State Link -6663 48-97 -1
130 FIU Link -7398 78-147 -3
131 ULM Link -8637 120-231 -2
132 New Mexico State Link -11116 125-333 -2
133 Massachusetts Link -13034 24-112 -2

Best/Worst Performers of 2024

Best Performers

Below are teams whose 2023 was a top 5 season for them relative to their last 50 years, according to my algorithm (really a top 10% season, so if you only played 10 seasons in the FBS in the last 50 years, your top 1 season).
Arizona 10-3 (7-2 Pac-12) - 3rd best season in 50 years: It’s not hard to see why Jedd Fisch was sought after this offseason. Reigning Pac-12 Freshman Offensive POTY QB Noah Fifita is part of a team that returns major contributors for 2024 including 1400 yard WR Tetairoa McMillan, looking to contend for a Playoff spot.
Duke 8-5 (4-4 ACC) - 3rd best / 50 years: Even with star QB Riley Leonard injured for most of the year, coach Mike Elko pulled enough strings to get Duke’s 3rd best season in the last 50 years! He joins the rarefied air of successful Duke coaches with Steve Spurrier and David Cutcliffe.
Georgia 13-1 (8-0 SEC) - 3rd best / 50 years: Obviously this is not actually Georgia’s 3rd best season as they have 3 national titles in the last 50 years, but in terms of their resume, they actually beat out the 1980 team for me. 63-3 over Florida State had them finish as my #2 team of 2023.
Jacksonville State 9-4 (6-2 C-USA) - 1st best / 1 year: Jacksonville State had 8 conference titles in the FCS from 2011-22, and Rich Rodriguez is their coach, so it’s not too surprising to see them with such a hot start in joining the FBS. Still, they were picked 7th in the Conference USA preseason media poll, but managed to finish 3rd.
James Madison 11-2 (7-1 Sun Belt) - 1st best / 2 years: James Madison’s had about as good of a transition from FCS to FBS as you can have, going 19-5 in 2 years. They probably would’ve made a New Year's 6 bowl had they not lost in their second to last regular season game.
Kansas 9-4 (5-4 Big 12) - 3rd best / 50 years: KANSAS IS BACK. You know you’ve made it when your QB (Jalon Daniels) was rumored to transfer to be Lincoln Riley’s starting QB. Kansas finished ranked for the first time in 16 years, and Lance Leipold looks like one of the best coaches in the country.
Liberty 13-1 (8-0 C-USA) - 1st best / 6 years: Say what you want about Liberty as a school and their Fiesta Bowl performance, this was a damn good team, averaging 40.8 PPG in the regular season while giving up just 22.7 PPG. QB Kaidon Salter was 3rd in the NCAA in passing efficiency behind Heisman winner Jayden Daniels and finalist Bo Nix.
Memphis 10-3 (6-2 AAC) - 3rd best / 50 years: Memphis continues a near decade-long run of unprecedented success, started by Justin Fuente and continued by Mike Norvell and now Ryan Silverfield. All 3 losses were to 11-win teams (Missouri, Tulane, SMU).
Michigan 15-0 (9-0 Big Ten) - 1st best / 50 years: For a program as successful as Michigan, it’s pretty crazy that 2023 might’ve been their best season of ALL TIME! Wolverine fans will have to correct me in the comments, but it really seemed like a storybook year between the Connor Stalions situation, final chapter of the Harbaugh era, and a perfect 15-0, undisputed record.
Missouri 11-2 (6-2 SEC) - 3rd best / 50 years: Miz. For a team whose 2023 oveunder win total was 6.5 coming into the year, with a coach on the hot seat, going 11-2 with 4 wins over Top 25 opponents qualifies as a success. 5 star WR Luther Burden will get the national attention, but 1600 yard RB Cody Schrader, a transfer from Division II Truman, was the unsung hero.
New Mexico State 10-5 (7-1 C-USA) - 1st best / 50 years: No matter what situation you put him in, Jerry Kill can coach, man. Taking a program like New Mexico State to a record like 10-5 is Coach of the Year stuff, as the Aggies’ previous best win total in the last 50 years was just 7. Shout-out to Diego Pavia pissing on the UNM logo.
Ohio 10-3 (6-2 MAC) - 2nd best / 50 years: For a program as successful as Ohio under Frank Solich, I’m really surprised their 2nd best year in the last 50 came under Tim Albin in 2023. Still no MAC title for these Cats, but they appear to be in good hands.
Ole Miss 11-2 (6-2 SEC) - 1st best / 50 years: Lane Kiffin has something brewing in Oxford. He’s now put up separate 11-2 and 10-3 seasons, the former of which I deemed Ole Miss’s best in the last 50 years. More proof that college football runs through USC (we taught Kiffin and Jaxson Dart everything they know)!
Oregon 12-2 (8-1 Pac-12) - 5th best / 50 years: Bo Nix’s stats were stupid last year. 77.4% completions for 4508 yards with 45 TD to just 3 INT. He was the most focused and had the most fun of his career, and finished as the NCAA’s all-time leader with 61 games started at QB.
Sam Houston 3-9 (2-6 C-USA) - 1st best / 1 year: I could’ve put this in the “Worst Performers” category, but I’ll be nice to you, Sam Houston State. Similar to FCS->FBS transition buddy Jacksonville State, they won 6 conference titles in the FCS from 2011-21, so I expect them to be a lot better in the next few years.
South Alabama 7-6 (4-4 Sun Belt) - 2nd best / 12 years: This was really a down year for South Alabama, as they were expected to compete for the Sun Belt title, but it was still their 2nd best season since moving up to the FBS. QB Carter Bradley leaves as the school’s all-time passing leader with 5995 yards.
SMU 11-3 (8-0 AAC) - 5th best / 48 years: This was SMU’s best season since 1984, around the time of the Pony Express. SMU won their first conference title in almost 40 years, and join the ACC next year as a dark horse contender as long as their Group of 5-level depth isn’t exposed.
Texas 12-2 (8-1 Big 12) - 5th best / 50 years: Yep, even for as good of a program as Texas is, Sark just put up one of the top 5 seasons in the last 50 years for the Longhorns. They had an all-star coaching staff featuring Sark, Kyle Flood, Pete Kwiatkowski, Jeff Choate, Tashard Choice, and Bo Davis, so no surprise last year was finally the breakthrough they’ve been waiting for.
Texas State 8-5 (4-4 Sun Belt) - 1st best / 12 years: GJ Kinne established himself as one of the hottest young coaches in the country, putting up 36.7 PPG in his first season and revitalizing the career of QB TJ Finley. He kind of botched the whole Finley/Jayden de Laura situation for 2024, but somehow lucked into 2023 Sun Belt POTY Jordan McCloud.
Troy 11-3 (7-1 Sun Belt) - 3rd best / 22 years: Jon Sumrall coached 2 seasons at Troy, with a 23-4 record, 2 Sun Belt titles, and 2 of the 3 best years in Troy FBS history. He will be missed.
Tulane 11-3 (8-0 AAC) - 4th best / 50 years: And here’s where Jon Sumrall went! The season didn’t quite go the way Tulane expected it to, averaging just 26.4 PPG while giving up 20.5 PPG, but they were 4-0 in one-possession games, getting to 11-1 before losing the AAC Championship and bowl game after Willie Fritz left.
UNLV 9-5 (6-2 MWC) - 4th best / 46 years: It’s a travesty that the sideline Turnover Slot Machine™ was removed for 2023, but UNLV obviously made the most of a bad situation. UNLV lost the Guaranteed Rate Bowl to Kansas in a game of “loser has to send their usual starting QB to USC to compete for Lincoln Riley’s starting QB job”, so Mountain West Freshman of the Year Jayden Maiava is now a Trojan. UNLV still has near-1500 yard WR Ricky White and offensive coordinator Brennan Marion, so the passing attack should still be just as potent.
Washington 14-1 (9-0 Pac-12) - 2nd best / 50 years: Similar to Michigan, this felt like a dream season for Washington up until the final game. They went 6-1 against Top 25 opponents with the only loss to #1 Michigan, beating #3 Texas, #5 Oregon, #8 Oregon, #11 Oregon State, #18 Utah, and #20 USC. The 2023 Huskies will go down as one of those “streets won’t forget” teams.

Worst Performers

Below are teams whose 2023 was a worst 5 season for them relative to their last 50 years, according to my algorithm.
Arizona State 3-9 (2-7 Pac-12) - 1st worst season in 50 years: While Arizona had one of their 3 best seasons of the last 50 years, Arizona State had their WORST much to the chagrin of Sun Devil fans. Still, hope is high for Kenny Dillingham who has the undesirable task of cleaning up Herm Edwards’ mess.
Arkansas 4-8 (1-7 SEC) - 5th worst / 50 years: It was a bad season for Arkansas, but mostly a “what if” year, losing 5 games by one possession. It ultimately ends up being a top 5 worst season in the last 50 years because the only Power 5 team they beat was Florida (lol).
Brigham Young 5-7 (2-7 Big 12) - 4th worst / 50 years: Growing pains moving up to the Power 5 were expected. Lack of depth killed BYU down the stretch as injuries piled up, going 0-5 in their last 5 games. If you take out the weird Covid year, Kalani Sitake is just 50-40 as BYU’s head coach. Another losing season will have his seat burning, depending on what coaches are available for a school as unique as BYU.
Florida 5-7 (3-5 SEC) - 4th worst / 50 years: I’ve been pounding the drum to give Sun Belt Billy more time, but this isn’t a good look. Florida looked unprepared to start the season against Utah, and finished by losing their last 5. It doesn’t help that they have arguably the toughest schedule in the country next year, drawing Miami (FL), UCF, and Florida State out of conference to go with an SEC schedule.
Kent State 1-11 (0-8 MAC) - 5th worst / 50 years: Oh Kent State, what is you doing baby…1-11 and it’s only your 5th worst season of the last 50 years? They were the worst team of 2023, so Kent State, get your act together. I like you guys, you’ve had some cool players and coaches.
Nevada 2-10 (2-6 MWC) - 2nd worst / 32 years: One of the transfers from the great Colorado exodus of 2023 was QB Brendon Lewis, who ended up as the starter for Nevada, throwing 2 TD 6 INT. That pretty much sums up the season, along with a Sickos Instant Classic 6-0 win over San Diego State around the middle of the season.
Southern Miss 3-9 (2-6 Sun Belt) - 5th worst / 50 years: Brett Favre is caught diverting welfare funds to Southern Miss athletics, and they go 3-9 the next year. Coincidence? I think not. He was keeping this program together!
Stanford 3-9 (2-7 Pac-12) - 4th worst / 50 years: This was a really bad Stanford team…but I’m not sure anyone cared because of that game against Colorado. A 29 point comeback win against Deion helps ease the pain of a 3-win season.
submitted by jimbobbypaul to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:25 Hopeful_Meeting_7248 "The Blood of Elves" - reread after years

Another Witcher book and another set of reflections. This time again I'll comment on some fragments of the novel in a non-comprehensive manner because I think it's very fitting (and at the end, I'll explain why) and then I'll summarise the book as a whole.
"The Blood of Elves" starts with a scene where a crowd listens to one of Dandelion's songs about Geralt and then engages in a discussion first about witcher and then about politics. Sapkowski does several things in this scene and I couldn't help but be stunned by how well he did it. He introduces the main characters of the story, paints the society with all the divisions between certain groups, and explains the most recent political history of the region and much more distant history. Only at the end of the scene, I realised that what I read is one gigantic infodump, but it's conveyed so well, it doesn't feel like an infodump at all. Another thing I've noticed now but didn't see in the past is that Sapkowski started his meditation on myth creation already here not in the last book of the series. Some people claim that Geralt is made up of characters others that he died or that he's never found Ciri, yet all of them are his contemporaries. And already there are several versions of the events. This shows how easily myth separates from history.
Later on, we observe Ciri's training under witchers in Kaer Morhen. I like two things about this section of the novel. First is how Ciri confessed to Triss about her period and how Triss scolded the witchers for lack of imagination and consideration. It's something so natural in this context that's great that Sapkowski put it in the novel. Ciri's reactions are so child-like, she's probably one of the best-written children that I found in literature. And it's not surprising that witchers didn’t think about Ciri's physiology because their interactions with women are usually very short and very intense without any space for deeper conversations. And besides the whole sequence is hilarious.
Another fragment I want to highlight is a set of scenes where Ciri trains under witchers and Triss. They're pure dialogue without even one sentence of description of what characters do, how they behave, whether are they annoyed or not, etc, yet there's no problem imagining how everything plays out, and dialogues are very natural. It's a sign of true mastery of the craft.
Later on Geralt, Triss and Ciri leave Kaer Morhen to deliver Ciri to Melitele temple. They soon join a company of dwarves led by Yarpen Zigrin who are escorting important delivery. This section of the novel Sapkowski uses to paint complex social interactions between humans and non-humans and within non-humans as well as many flavors of racism (or ethnic discrimination, because I'm not sure if it can be called racism, later on, I explain why I think so). Nilfgaard incites non-humans to rebel against northern kingdoms. While non-humans in Nilfgaards have full rights, empire actions are not selfless. It uses non-humans as a tool to stir chaos in the north. In my opinion, it's a very cynical example of racism. Nilfgaard, despite its laws, views non-humans not as equals but as disposable tools. Non-humans themselves aren't a homogenous group. They disagree on how they should interact with humans. People like Yarpen believe that only through genuine devotion they will be able to gain full rights and respect for humans. The Squirrels think that they have to fight for it, and everyone who disagrees with them has to die. Geralt on the other hand believes that taking sides is the problem because by rebelling against the overwhelming number of humans elves will lose their most precious resource - their young ones and as a consequence the future of their kind. Readers observe this Gordian knot through Ciri's eyes, who, as a child, sees everyone as a friend and can't understand where is the problem. Because there isn't any real problem only prejudice and malice that tainted the minds of adults and led to horrible things in the past. The chapter and with a battle between Squirrels and the convoy, where a lot of non-humans die, and it's revealed that the "important" delivery was just a set-up to test Yarpen's loyalty because he's non-human and cannot be fully trusted. And since the majority of his company consists of dwarves, it wouldn't be a big loss if they died during battle. Another flavor of racism.
I spent so much space to describe this fragment because it strays away from the usual depiction of racism in culture and there's good reason for that. Sapkowski again draws from polish history, especially the WW2 period. Nilfgaard inciting non-humans against humans reminds me of nazis doing the same with Ukrainians setting them up against Poles. It led to the terrifying slaughter of Poles by their ukrainian neighbours. This event is still an inflamed wound that taints polish-ukrainian relationships. Poland insists that it was genocide while Ukraine doesn't want to admit any wrongdoing. Now, I don't want to paint Ukrainians as villains. The resentment they had for Poles didn’t come from nowhere. In previous centuries polish nobility were treating ukrainian peasants horribly. Polish noble was "pan" - the lord. The problem is that polish nobles treated polish peasants equally badly and the victims of the slaughter were descendants of those peasants, not polish lords. But this is typical of any ethnic cleansing - victims were never responsible for what they were killed. The way Yarpen wants to prove his loyalty to humans and how suspicious they are reminds me of Jews trying to do the same in Poland in the years leading to the war. Yeah, you speak Polish, dress polish, and you're even baptised and attend Sunday's mass in church with us, but you're not really polish. And it wasn't only a jewish experience. I can imagine that many nations can relate to that. Finally, Geralt's perspective on the pointlessness of elven young rebelling reminds me of the Warsaw uprising during WW2. The point of the uprising was to liberate Warsaw from nazis by Poles themselves before the Soviets came, so when they eventually did Poles could greet them as equal allies, not liberators. Leaders of the uprising were hoping this move would secure polish independence from the USSR. But it was an idiotic fantasy. The fate of Poland was decided elsewhere and the uprising led only to the decimation of polish youth. The whole generation was lost and Warsaw was leveled to the ground. A lot of people (myself included) consider the Warsaw uprising a war crime, but not committed by nazis but by the leaders of the uprising. It's not a super-popular perspective. Warsaw's uprising is still treated as a heroic act and few remaining veterans as heroes. Sapkowski could choose this perspective as an inspiration for Geralt's worldview but he opted for something much more tragic.
Ok, I'm done with this lengthy (and probably boring) history lecture, but before I go further, I just want to explain why I wrote it in the first place. While I disagree with the people who think The Witcher series is Slavic, it's definitely polish as hell. In my opinion, Sapkowski translated parts of polish history into fantasy really well, so my historical lecture isn't necessary to understand the events of the novel, but it may help to understand why Sapkowski wrote them this way. Non-humans call discrimination they experience from human racism, but it is based on different types of ethnic discrimination that English readers might not be familiar with due to different cultural and historical backgrounds. It might be confusing for them why Squirrels are depicted as morally grey at best, why their fight is pointless and tragic, and why some groups of non-humans decided to stand with humans. Well, this is why. Sapkowski could obviously try to please polish readers by using a more cheerful view of polish history to construct his world, where Poles were always noble purely innocent victims etc, but he chose a much more complex and darker version. And I admire him for that.
Moving on. The letter Yennefer sent to Geralt is pure gold. It's soaked in venom so toxic, it would be enough to kill a middle-sized town. You don't call Yennefer "friend" not after being with her. It's almost a life sentence.
During Dandelion's adventures in Oxenfurt, he briefly mentions the "bench ghetto" at the university. This is another reference to polish history, where during the pre-WW2 era Jews had to sit in designated areas of a room during classes. It's a symbol of polish antisemitism of that time, sort of similar to segregation in buses in the US during the 50s.
Later on, Sapkowski presents the gathering of nordic monarchs, who were debating on possible war with Nilfgaard. It's another great scene because from the start Sapkowski emphasises the fact that there's no good side in the upcoming war. Kings treat Cirtians as pawns and don't care about their fate at all and decide to slaughter all non-humans in ghettos to prevent them from getting "funny ideas", which is another type of racism. Foltest claims to be tolerant and empathetic towards non-humans, but. Yeah, there's always some kind of "but". Yet again, it isn't the purely ideological type of racism, but, I don't know, practical I guess? Foltest wants to get rid of the problem before it even appears, sort of like we are decimating mosquitoes to prevent the spread of malaria. Non-humans are not beings in their own right, but problems that need solutions. It's dehumanising.
Finally, in the last chapter of the novel, where Ciri meets Yennefer for the first time. I really like that they start as sort of rivals for Geralt's attention. Even if they weren't aware of that Nenneke diagnosed their dynamic correctly, which probably helped them get along with each other much faster. Their relationship is initially cold but slowly gains some tenderness and peaks when Yennefer calls Ciri's daughter after a failed lesson. I don't know why, but these moments of kindness towards Ciri always get me. They get me hard. I don't know if it's because of nostalgia for the series or simply because it's so damn good.
Ok, I'm done with my impressions, now it's time for a summary. After so many praises I've written above, one may think that "The Blood of Elves" is a masterpiece. Everything is superb: writing, dialogues, characters, and themes, but the question is: "Is it a great novel?" Well, I have mixed feelings about it, let me explain, why. Initially, I wrote that discussing separate fragments of the books seems fitting. It's because "The Blood of Elves" works at the level of fragments and chapters, but it doesn't work as a novel.
It starts well. The reader has a sense of direction: Geralt brings Ciri to Kaer Morhen, trains her, lets Triss examine her, and finally decides to bring her to Melitele temple. Chapter 4 ends when the protagonists are in the middle of the road to the temple and suddenly in chapter 5 Geralt is on a boat setting a trap for people who look for him and Ciri. What? How? From the first chapter we know that Rience is after Ciri and finding him would be the natural direction for the novel after Geralt leaves Ciri with Nenneke. The problem is, that Sapkowski cut the whole chunk of the novel. Or at least he concluded that he had nothing interesting to write about this part of the journey. But because of that the rest of the novel also falls apart. The scene on the boat is entertaining enough due to Sapkowski's humor and mastery in writing dialogues but ultimately feels redundant. The only point of it is for Geralt to catch a trail, which he thinks he does with Temeria thugs. But during a conversation between Dijkstra and Jaskier, the master of spies reiterates the scene and gives additional, much more relevant context. So the scene of the boat could be cut completely. Later on, we get a bunch of scenes when big players of the world are discussing politics. For me, at least, those scenes were interesting and necessary for the plot, but they also cover the fact that Sapkowski wrote only a few more pages in the main plotline. And then we get the chapter with Ciri and Yennefer, which is great on its own, but it isn't connected to the rest of the novel. It's called a chapter, not an epilogue so it should be an integral part of the story. But I don't see the reason why (actually I see and explain in a moment) it couldn't be the first chapter of the next novel. It would fit them perfectly.
Now, I don't want to sound like "The Blood of Elves" and huge step back from the short stories. There's a lot of good here. Sapkowski grew as a writer and the prose in his first novel surpasses even the best pieces from short stories. He utilizes several writing styles, especially in those fragments of fictional books at the beginning of each chapter and in dialogues to give each character a distinct way of speaking (I wonder if the translation gives him justice). The novel as a whole works well as an introduction for the saga - it presents the first pieces of lore, sets up pawns on the political board, and most importantly serves as a reminder of the good times for Ciri and readers as well, when all hell is let loose in next parts. I think, Ciri here builds core memories of the last time when she felt safe and loved and was just a child. And that's why the last chapter also fits here (loosely but still) not in the next novel: as chapters with other witchers help Ciri to develop good memories.
So, is it a good novel? Depends on reader preferences, I guess. I can totally understand people who’d complain about the structure of the book, but for me, there’s so much good stuff inside that I couldn’t care less. But, obviously, it’s a very subjective opinion.
Ok, I think it's more than enough writing. Sorry for such a long post. I hope someone will read it and find it at least mildly interesting. And I'd be happy to hear your opinion on The Witcher series.
submitted by Hopeful_Meeting_7248 to witcher [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:24 Hopeful_Meeting_7248 "The Blood of Elves" by Sapkowski - reread after years.

Another Witcher book and another set of reflections. This time again I'll comment on some fragments of the novel in a non-comprehensive manner because I think it's very fitting (and at the end, I'll explain why) and then I'll summarise the book as a whole. "The Blood of Elves" starts with a scene where a crowd listens to one of Dandelion's songs about Geralt and then engages in a discussion first about witcher and then about politics. Sapkowski does several things in this scene and I couldn't help but be stunned by how well he did it. He introduces the main characters of the story, paints the society with all the divisions between certain groups, and explains the most recent political history of the region and much more distant history. Only at the end of the scene, I realised that what I read is one gigantic infodump, but it's conveyed so well, it doesn't feel like an infodump at all. Another thing I've noticed now but didn't see in the past is that Sapkowski started his meditation on myth creation already here not in the last book of the series. Some people claim that Geralt is made up of characters others that he died or that he's never found Ciri, yet all of them are his contemporaries. And already there are several versions of the events. This shows how easily myth separates from history.
Later on, we observe Ciri's training under witchers in Kaer Morhen. I like two things about this section of the novel. First is how Ciri confessed to Triss about her period and how Triss scolded the witchers for lack of imagination and consideration. It's something so natural in this context that's great that Sapkowski put it in the novel. Ciri's reactions are so child-like, she's probably one of the best-written children that I found in literature. And it's not surprising that witchers didn’t think about Ciri's physiology because their interactions with women are usually very short and very intense without any space for deeper conversations. And besides the whole sequence is hilarious.
Another fragment I want to highlight is a set of scenes where Ciri trains under witchers and Triss. They're pure dialogue without even one sentence of description of what characters do, how they behave, whether are they annoyed or not, etc, yet there's no problem imagining how everything plays out, and dialogues are very natural. It's a sign of true mastery of the craft.
Later on Geralt, Triss and Ciri leave Kaer Morhen to deliver Ciri to Melitele temple. They soon join a company of dwarves led by Yarpen Zigrin who are escorting important delivery. This section of the novel Sapkowski uses to paint complex social interactions between humans and non-humans and within non-humans as well as many flavors of racism (or ethnic discrimination, because I'm not sure if it can be called racism, later on, I explain why I think so). Nilfgaard incites non-humans to rebel against northern kingdoms. While non-humans in Nilfgaards have full rights, empire actions are not selfless. It uses non-humans as a tool to stir chaos in the north. In my opinion, it's a very cynical example of racism. Nilfgaard, despite its laws, views non-humans not as equals but as disposable tools. Non-humans themselves aren't a homogenous group. They disagree on how they should interact with humans. People like Yarpen believe that only through genuine devotion they will be able to gain full rights and respect for humans. The Squirrels think that they have to fight for it, and everyone who disagrees with them has to die. Geralt on the other hand believes that taking sides is the problem because by rebelling against the overwhelming number of humans elves will lose their most precious resource - their young ones and as a consequence the future of their kind. Readers observe this Gordian knot through Ciri's eyes, who, as a child, sees everyone as a friend and can't understand where is the problem. Because there isn't any real problem only prejudice and malice that tainted the minds of adults and led to horrible things in the past. The chapter and with a battle between Squirrels and the convoy, where a lot of non-humans die, and it's revealed that the "important" delivery was just a set-up to test Yarpen's loyalty because he's non-human and cannot be fully trusted. And since the majority of his company consists of dwarves, it wouldn't be a big loss if they died during battle. Another flavor of racism.
I spent so much space to describe this fragment because it strays away from the usual depiction of racism in culture and there's good reason for that. Sapkowski again draws from polish history, especially the WW2 period. Nilfgaard inciting non-humans against humans reminds me of nazis doing the same with Ukrainians setting them up against Poles. It led to the terrifying slaughter of Poles by their ukrainian neighbours. This event is still an inflamed wound that taints polish-ukrainian relationships. Poland insists that it was genocide while Ukraine doesn't want to admit any wrongdoing. Now, I don't want to paint Ukrainians as villains. The resentment they had for Poles didn’t come from nowhere. In previous centuries polish nobility were treating ukrainian peasants horribly. Polish noble was "pan" - the lord. The problem is that polish nobles treated polish peasants equally badly and the victims of the slaughter were descendants of those peasants, not polish lords. But this is typical of any ethnic cleansing - victims were never responsible for what they were killed. The way Yarpen wants to prove his loyalty to humans and how suspicious they are reminds me of Jews trying to do the same in Poland in the years leading to the war. Yeah, you speak Polish, dress polish, and you're even baptised and attend Sunday's mass in church with us, but you're not really polish. And it wasn't only a jewish experience. I can imagine that many nations can relate to that. Finally, Geralt's perspective on the pointlessness of elven young rebelling reminds me of the Warsaw uprising during WW2. The point of the uprising was to liberate Warsaw from nazis by Poles themselves before the Soviets came, so when they eventually did Poles could greet them as equal allies, not liberators. Leaders of the uprising were hoping this move would secure polish independence from the USSR. But it was an idiotic fantasy. The fate of Poland was decided elsewhere and the uprising led only to the decimation of polish youth. The whole generation was lost and Warsaw was leveled to the ground. A lot of people (myself included) consider the Warsaw uprising a war crime, but not committed by nazis but by the leaders of the uprising. It's not a super-popular perspective. Warsaw's uprising is still treated as a heroic act and few remaining veterans as heroes. Sapkowski could choose this perspective as an inspiration for Geralt's worldview but he opted for something much more tragic.
Ok, I'm done with this lengthy (and probably boring) history lecture, but before I go further, I just want to explain why I wrote it in the first place. While I disagree with the people who think The Witcher series is Slavic, it's definitely polish as hell. In my opinion, Sapkowski translated parts of polish history into fantasy really well, so my historical lecture isn't necessary to understand the events of the novel, but it may help to understand why Sapkowski wrote them this way. Non-humans call discrimination they experience from human racism, but it is based on different types of ethnic discrimination that English readers might not be familiar with due to different cultural and historical backgrounds. It might be confusing for them why Squirrels are depicted as morally grey at best, why their fight is pointless and tragic, and why some groups of non-humans decided to stand with humans. Well, this is why. Sapkowski could obviously try to please polish readers by using a more cheerful view of polish history to construct his world, where Poles were always noble purely innocent victims etc, but he chose a much more complex and darker version. And I admire him for that.
Moving on. The letter Yennefer sent to Geralt is pure gold. It's soaked in venom so toxic, it would be enough to kill a middle-sized town. You don't call Yennefer "friend" not after being with her. It's almost a life sentence.
During Dandelion's adventures in Oxenfurt, he briefly mentions the "bench ghetto" at the university. This is another reference to polish history, where during the pre-WW2 era Jews had to sit in designated areas of a room during classes. It's a symbol of polish antisemitism of that time, sort of similar to segregation in buses in the US during the 50s.
Later on, Sapkowski presents the gathering of nordic monarchs, who were debating on possible war with Nilfgaard. It's another great scene because from the start Sapkowski emphasises the fact that there's no good side in the upcoming war. Kings treat Cirtians as pawns and don't care about their fate at all and decide to slaughter all non-humans in ghettos to prevent them from getting "funny ideas", which is another type of racism. Foltest claims to be tolerant and empathetic towards non-humans, but. Yeah, there's always some kind of "but". Yet again, it isn't the purely ideological type of racism, but, I don't know, practical I guess? Foltest wants to get rid of the problem before it even appears, sort of like we are decimating mosquitoes to prevent the spread of malaria. Non-humans are not beings in their own right, but problems that need solutions. It's dehumanising.
Finally, in the last chapter of the novel, where Ciri meets Yennefer for the first time. I really like that they start as sort of rivals for Geralt's attention. Even if they weren't aware of that Nenneke diagnosed their dynamic correctly, which probably helped them get along with each other much faster. Their relationship is initially cold but slowly gains some tenderness and peaks when Yennefer calls Ciri's daughter after a failed lesson. I don't know why, but these moments of kindness towards Ciri always get me. They get me hard. I don't know if it's because of nostalgia for the series or simply because it's so damn good.
Ok, I'm done with my impressions, now it's time for a summary. After so many praises I've written above, one may think that "The Blood of Elves" is a masterpiece. Everything is superb: writing, dialogues, characters, and themes, but the question is: "Is it a great novel?" Well, I have mixed feelings about it, let me explain, why. Initially, I wrote that discussing separate fragments of the books seems fitting. It's because "The Blood of Elves" works at the level of fragments and chapters, but it doesn't work as a novel.
It starts well. The reader has a sense of direction: Geralt brings Ciri to Kaer Morhen, trains her, lets Triss examine her, and finally decides to bring her to Melitele temple. Chapter 4 ends when the protagonists are in the middle of the road to the temple and suddenly in chapter 5 Geralt is on a boat setting a trap for people who look for him and Ciri. What? How? From the first chapter we know that Rience is after Ciri and finding him would be the natural direction for the novel after Geralt leaves Ciri with Nenneke. The problem is, that Sapkowski cut the whole chunk of the novel. Or at least he concluded that he had nothing interesting to write about this part of the journey. But because of that the rest of the novel also falls apart. The scene on the boat is entertaining enough due to Sapkowski's humor and mastery in writing dialogues but ultimately feels redundant. The only point of it is for Geralt to catch a trail, which he thinks he does with Temeria thugs. But during a conversation between Dijkstra and Jaskier, the master of spies reiterates the scene and gives additional, much more relevant context. So the scene of the boat could be cut completely. Later on, we get a bunch of scenes when big players of the world are discussing politics. For me, at least, those scenes were interesting and necessary for the plot, but they also cover the fact that Sapkowski wrote only a few more pages in the main plotline. And then we get the chapter with Ciri and Yennefer, which is great on its own, but it isn't connected to the rest of the novel. It's called a chapter, not an epilogue so it should be an integral part of the story. But I don't see the reason why (actually I see and explain in a moment) it couldn't be the first chapter of the next novel. It would fit them perfectly.
Now, I don't want to sound like "The Blood of Elves" and huge step back from the short stories. There's a lot of good here. Sapkowski grew as a writer and the prose in his first novel surpasses even the best pieces from short stories. He utilizes several writing styles, especially in those fragments of fictional books at the beginning of each chapter and in dialogues to give each character a distinct way of speaking (I wonder if the translation gives him justice). The novel as a whole works well as an introduction for the saga - it presents the first pieces of lore, sets up pawns on the political board, and most importantly serves as a reminder of the good times for Ciri and readers as well, when all hell is let loose in next parts. I think, Ciri here builds core memories of the last time when she felt safe and loved and was just a child. And that's why the last chapter also fits here (loosely but still) not in the next novel: as chapters with other witchers help Ciri to develop good memories.
So, is it a good novel? Depends on reader preferences, I guess. I can totally understand people who’d complain about the structure of the book, but for me, there’s so much good stuff inside that I couldn’t care less. But, obviously, it’s a very subjective opinion.
Ok, I think it's more than enough writing. Sorry for such a long post. I hope someone will read it and find it at least mildly interesting. And I'd be happy to hear your opinion on The Witcher series.
submitted by Hopeful_Meeting_7248 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:06 Kingofireland777 Post Round up for May 2024

Hello all,
here is a post summary for some of the topics that were covered in May 2024
The fics: On Tuesdays, we started the weekly post where we have a collection for the most common type of fic asks.
The topics covered for this post in May were:
Best OC centric fics
Best Rhaegar Wins fics
Best SIs: Pre Robert's Rebellion
Best Long Fics
Lost fic/does this fic exist thread May 2024
WIP Wednesdays:
On Wednesdays, we have a post where I encourage people to discuss what they are writing,reading etc so far that week. Since it's the same post with maybe one or two changes per week, I wont bother linking them all, but here's the most up to date one from the month of May.
Wednesday May 29th
Focus Friday:
Next, we have a type of bi-weekly post that I feel is actually the most important for the subreddit to run. It's the post where we look at an aspect and brainstorm ways to improve it.
How would you expand the different cultures of Westeros
How to write OCs
How would you improve Essos
Promotion posts!
In celebration of everyone who used the promotion flair this month. I am going to link their posts which will lead to their fics! To be included next month please feel free to promote your work or a fic you liked! Using rule number 3 and the template within, or simply send me a message and I will help you out.
His Mercy Burns: Chapter 9: Jon Arryn II
The Dragon's Heirs: Chapter 51
Last Night Your Shadow Fell Upon My Lonely Room
Half of a Soul
Rolling in Mud
Howling of the White Winters
My first self-indulgent Stannis fan-fic; Chapter 4
Fire and Fury: Chapter 4
A Song of Heaven and Earth
The Dour Griffin - Chapter XX, 'A Moment Of Respite'
A Song of Three: Chapter 18
Fire and Steel - Chapter 6: Viserys Targaryen I
The Northern Reformer(Or my weird new life in between and during wars)(A Ned Stark SI) Chp.IX
The Years of Blood (A Blackfyre heavy AU) Chapters 17&18
The Reds and the Blacks- Alicent I
For the Night is Dark and Full of Terrors
The Weirwood Queen: Chapter 171: Arya III
The Reds and the Blues - CHAPTER 83: AKD 11, Laena II
The Longest Day Before The Longest Night: Chapter 1
Dreams of Summer
The Boy Who Vanished From Winterfell and Came Back With A City
Lighting the Way to a New Life (Baelor Hightower SI)
The Song of Link Lannister: Chapter 16
Her Reign of Light: Chapter 1
We also released a guide to finding a bunch of our sidemenus, with a visual to help.
You can find that here.
We are always looking for more topics to cover in common recs/Question of the week and so on. So please make sure to check those master posts out and add some suggestions.
I'm going to be honest, I'm starting to come down with a cold and I still need to find the energy to do up the post schedule for June as well as actually schedule the posts behind the scene
So, I don't really have the time to figure out who my favourite contributors were this month.
But : Big shoutout to u/EmbarrassedClick01 . We appreciate you joining the team, it makes things a lot easier and you've already provided us with great insight into a situation that popped up.
Besides that, a general thank you to anyone who uses this place is in order. It's really cool that people come here despite the place being so small.
And I hope we can continue providing a space that people want to participate in, well into year 2 of the subreddit.

submitted by Kingofireland777 to AsoiafFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 18:03 cpxthepanda Posting a work in two languages

Do you think it would have sense to post a two chapters work which actually is the same story just one chapter in english and the other translated? I'd obviously specify it in the summary and the beginning notes! I thought about it because I sometimes write in my native language (Italian) and I know I can link the translation to the original work (I even have a pseud just for my Italian stories) but I don't like the idea of posting the same work twice! Part of me thinks it's kinda annoying for the readers to find the same work on the fandom page in two different languages and I'd rather have them in the same place, if you know what I mean. What do you think?
submitted by cpxthepanda to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 13:27 LeftNeedleworker4491 Novel Rec: Genius Club

My first proper novel recommendation so go easy on me lol.
Plot summary I just made up: Protagonist Lin Xian has been having the same dream for twenty-something years. Inside the dream, it supposedly is Earth 600 years from now, but he has serious doubts about it. For one, technology is nearly exactly the same as modern day technology, however his theories about his dream is turned upside down where he copies popular media from the future, and popularises it ahead of time.
Finally, with different things occurring in the dream, he is thrown into a scramble for the truth, along with the so called ''Genius Club'', who silently manipulates the world 600 years ahead, as well as possibly in his modern day life.
Similar to ''I hiijacked the timeline'' except:
-there seems to be other people who can time travel.
-there is NO supernatural power. It is entirely sci-fi
The author also seems to be inspired by ''Stein's Gate'', with the concepts of world lines being used. Im mtling it right now, so unfortunately i can't say what it will do.
-really interesting mysteries.
-some scheming involved
-well written
-interesting concept. Like genuinely, its really good.
-good pacing, the author balances out real world and future dreams well, but they kinda needs to work on the real world time flow. For example, one time the author just said ''three months passed in the blink of an eye'. Like what??? they didnt explain what the protagonist had done at all/ he didnt do anything at all.
-authors loves stalling out mysteries. For example, in one timeline he could've cracked one of the biggest secrets in the series, but we find out that something the protagonist did earlier on in the day, caused a butterfly effect that messed up his plans.
-author seems to be going on a semi-harem route, with there being multiple female leads, but the MC not being interested in romance
Would definitely recommend reading this book. You can find some of the chapters on webnovel, and if you want to mtl it, the raw name is ''天才俱乐部''. Even if you aren't the biggest fan of urban+sci-fi (like me) i stilll enjoyed it a lot. Give it a try!
submitted by LeftNeedleworker4491 to noveltranslations [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:54 QueasyStorage637 Looking for novel

Hi I just came across a novel, chosen by the moon novel by izabella W. Its on pay by chapter websites, I've opened and read a few chapters but I can't seem to find any free version or chapter version anywhere. Please help. If anyone has read it I'm willing to take spoilers. Here's the advert I found below of it on Facebook.
Lycanthrope species is a disgusting race. And I, Delan Riley, am nothing more than a human scum in their eyes never expected those species would turn my world upside down. Since when the lycans managed to penetrate our town, like in the early 1900's we have a hierarchy, upper class = the lycans, middle class = mated humans, and lower class = the normal humans, who were basically considered scum. I endured their torment day after day, vowing to run away from them one day, until that day came and everything changed.
Dylan POV "Humans," I scowled at the principal's words from tannoy. "The Alpha twins will be celebrating their birthday tomorrow, as such, festivities are in order." Oh great, the Alphas twin children. Adrian and Arya are the worst lycans alive. I swear just because they are the alphas kids they literally get away with everything. If their birthday is tomorrow, then the wolves are going to be worse than ever. "All students will be present to greet them, two lines will be made, with humans on the left and the lycanthrope on the right. Any mated human will be at the front of the line for their year, you will all also be in order of your school year. That is all." Chat broke out the minute the tannoy was finished. "We haven't had a school gathering since the alpha king visited three years ago, before his sons coronation." Nick was right, the last time we all gathered like that was for the king and queens visit, when he decided to let the world know that he was to renounce his title to his only child, son Josh. "That sick bestard, he wants to make sure everyone is there so those idiot twins can find their mates." Yes I was mad, my fists connected with the table in front of me once more as I thought about how disgusting the situation was. You see the twins will be turning 17, so it's very possible someone in our school could be their mate, finding a mate is sacred to a wolf, the minute they say that one word your fate is sealed. They will turn your mind, morph you into being a lover of their kind, and then you'll give in.

That won't happen to me, I'm growing old to see the world as it once was, and I'm going to choose who I'll be with. No one will take that dream away from me.

Once dinner was finished, I just wanted to sleep. I'd had a very long tiring day, I quickly sat down on a small stool my mother kept in the storage closet and removed my shirt while my brother Freddy sat at the table to do his simple homework. It wasn't long before my mother came in with a large bowl of warm salt water and some cotton, this was going to sting I just knew it. She was here to help me with the wounds caused by wolves yesterday. She slowly began to unwrap the bandage from around my torso and slowed down drastically when it came to the final layer, I felt it peel off every wound and my fists clenched in pain. "Jesus!" I heard my mom exclaim once the dressing was completely removed. The air on my back was nice though and I sighed as my arm covered my once again exposed brests. "This is more than 15!" I began to hear sniffles coming from her and sighed turning round to look at her face, only to notice tears streaming down it. "Mom I'm fine, it's alright." She shook her head. "It's not alright, I'm your mother I shouldn't let these things happen. I'm so sorry. Your father would have..." here she goes again. Every single time something happened she'd always bring up dad, it really annoyed me because no matter how much we all wish he was here, he just isn't. My father was kiled by THEIR kind, almost 5 years ago when they actually managed to take over. When the lycans managed to penetrate our town my father rose up with some people from the neighborhood, to defend our livelihood, it was futile to say the least. We lost many people and I watched as my dad was ripped apart by two fully shifted wolves, I ended up shoting him to stop his suffering before they dragged me to the courtyard, i was the person to receive the first lashing of the town when I was 12! The wolves have been pretty strict with me since that day. "Stop being stvpid!" Was I harsh? Definitely! Did she need to hear it again, absolutely. "Dad is dead, we don't know what he'd do because he never knew this life. He never knew this world." I know what he'd have done, most likely attacked the guy who held the whip and got himself kiled in the process. "The best thing you can do for me, is stop crying and help me, next time don't insist on helping if you can't handle it." She began to wash my open wounds with the warm salt water causing loud winces to leave me, I knew it was necessary to prevent infection, but my god it hurt like a betch. "Some of these are really deep Dylan!" She sniffed again and my eyes rolled in my head. "I told you, I'm fine, just wrap me back up so I can get to bed." My mom was obviously more impacted by my injuries than I was, I suppose that always the case though. When it's happening to you, you've just got to get through it but when it's happening to someone you love, you just want to take their pain away. She quickly placed a fresh bandage around my waist and chest and wrapped it tightly for compression. The bowl of water that was used was now red in color, I guess from the blood my back was dripping with. "Can you keep your head down please? At least just this week. You can't take any more lashings." I simply nodded before standing up away from the stool, I walked over to Freddie and ruffled his hair in affection. "Good night squirt." He giggled and fixed his hair slightly. "Night Dilly." I smiled walking upstairs to my little bedroom, as soon as I was inside i shut the door and flopped down on to my bed on my stomach and I took a minute to cry to myself at the pain in my back, what my mom did was important but it hurt, not that I'd ever tell her. My hand covered my mouth quickly to muffle any noise I might be making. I couldn't tell anyone, I had to be strong because more and more people were crumpling these days, and my mom would break if she knew how much I was suffering. Sleep followed me shortly after, she was right though about me needing to keep my head down for the time being, I could not take another lashing! After a long night and an even longer morning, we were all finally stood in the hallway at school waiting for the twins to arrive. "Mine!" Everyone that was stood in the hallway tensed up, as we were seniors, me and Nick were stood towards the very back of the human line. All the mated people were situated directly opposite their wolf mates in their years. We stayed silent and still as Arya walked down the hall and stopped directly in front of Nick. His eyes widened in fear, unsure of wether to look up or keep his head lowered. "Look me in the eye, mate." He glanced at me slightly as if asking what he should do. "I said, look me in the eye." He slowly moved his eye line up to look at her face. I took a glance myself to see her eyes pitch black with lust. "I... can't... I mean... erm." Before he was able to mutter anything else, two wolves from opposite, grabbed him out of the line and dragged him behind Arya. "Hey!" My head shot up before I could stop myself. My mouth also forgot its place as I jumped out of line. Everyone's head shot to me as my eyes widened in realization at what I'd done. Adrian, the other twin, walked up to me before punching me right in the stomach, I doubled over instantly. Feeling the sting in my slightly healed back. "I know you... You were publicly flogged only two days ago." God I hate this guy. "I also have it on good authority, that you openly spoke out against our rules and regulations in yesterday's class." My head shot down the line slightly to see Erin, looking a little frightened, her mate, the beta to be was looking at her, nodding his head in reassurance. "You traitor, you grassed on your own kind?" I yelled at her before feeling a fist connect with my cheek. My head whipped to the side from the force, while my class members gasped. I'm so done with this treatment, right then, I wasn't in charge of my actions. My fists curled up and my stance became a lot more defensive. My head snapped up to the alpha to be, and I looked him in the eye. "You don't know the meaning of the word disrespect." I suddenly hurled my fist towards his head, which he easily dodged, but my foot came up and kicked him instead. He stumbled backwards from the force with wide eyes. "You... you Actually hit me!" He didn't even sound annoyed, more shocked. Everyone in the hallway was watching, waiting for the alpha to do something but instead he simply stood up straight, regaining his composure. "I think everyone should get back to class." He began to walk away, following his sister when I called him back. "What about Nick?!" "Simple, He's my sisters mate. He now belongs to her." Argh, he's not an object. "He's not her property." A chuckle left his mouth, before turning his back to me again. "All humans are property." A short while later everyone made it to science class, our teacher Mrs Mathews is mated to the lycans pack doctor, she also now has a four and two year old with him. She was one of the first humans to be cohered into a false relationship. "What were you thinking young lady?" I rolled my head at her before looking at the empty seat next to mine. Nick was with that stvpid wolf girl right now. Being changed, I'm so angry it's ridiculous. "I was thinking, this guy is being a prick. Did you hear him? 'All humans are property.' It's bull shet." I looked up and the whole class looked at me like I had three heads. Talking shet about wolves is one thing, but talking about an alpha is punishable by death, attacking an alpha is an even worse offense. There was then a knock at the door and in walked Erin and her band of mated bestards. "Sorry we're late Mrs." "Erin, how are things between you and bata Monroe?" She blushed, the traitor actually blushed at the mention of his name. "He spoke to me last night about trying for a baby. We need a good strong boy to take over as beta." I scoffed looking at her as she took her seat. "You guys are actually pathetic, why can't it be a girl? Those mutts are basically Neanderthals" I voiced my opinion and saw all the shocked faces around me. Calling the lycans mutts, is the same as them calling us scum. After lesson had ended the entire school was called into the hall for assembly. This is where any human who has been found to have broken the rules were punished, usually 10 lashings were goven out or something similar. "Welcome to the school assembly, congratulations to the alpha twins for finding both your mates. Now on to the business at hand, as the 5 year anniversary of the new world is coming up, we have been informed that the alpha king will be visiting our district next week, this is very exciting news. We want you all to look your absolute best, she wolves and mated females will wear exemplary dresses made by seamstress. Male wolves and mated men will wear tailored suits. Anyone who doesn't comply will be reprimanded." The Alpha King?! No one has met him yet, he took over the throne three years ago when he turned 18. He really didn't make any appearances though, great, this month is going to be a nightmare. "As for the humans, you will be given a new uniform to wear for the visit, these are to be neatly ironed and worn to the highest standard. As for the following humans, based on your attitude this past week, you will be coming to the front and facing punishment. Tony summerset?!" Tony's head shot up as he looked around, he was in the year below but he shared my views when it came to the lycans. He slowly walked up to the front of assembly, almost instantly his top was t0rn in two and he received 10 lashings. A girl named Kara was next and she too received 10 lashings. A few more people went up slowly accepting their fate then suddenly my name was called. "Dylan Riley." Inside I was terrified but I simply shrugged my shoulders, I guess I did kind of expect this. Although I'm not sure if my back can take any more damage. "You attacked an alpha, correct!" His eyes bored into mine as I bowed my head submitting to his authority. "Technically, no." Everyone in the school gym looked on in fear, as my head moved to the front row of the wolf side. Adrian sat, with a werewolf girl in the year below, her name was Jana, I guess he found his mate. Nick and Arya were no where to be seen though. Adrian gave me a shrug as if to say he didn't tell, before smirking at my comment. "He hasn't officially taken the alpha title yet, so he's just..." i looked at the principle and noticed his eyes black and his claws out, he was in what lycans call a half shift, triggered when the subject has become angered. He turned to two security wolves and gave them a nod, Almost immediately i was forced onto my knees, my arm was slammed on a table and held in place by one wolf, while my body was held in place by the other. "Ok, I don't think this is needed, I have alpha blood, a stvpid human girl can't hurt me." My head snapped to Adrian who had stood up in front of the school to stop what was happening. "Nevertheless, humans need to know their place." With that the pressure on my arm increased as our principals hand pulled my sleeve up before a long claw punctured my skin. The searing pain shoting from the fresh wound had my eyes scrunched and my fist clenched, I bit the inside of my cheek hard instantly tasting blood, however no sound left my mouth. He continued to write, using my skin as a canvas and his claws as a marker, it went on forever, my vision blurred slightly at one point as I turned my head away. After minutes of torture, he was done and the pressure on my arm eased, instantly I snatched my arm away, hissing through my teeth at the pain. I was about to scurry off stage, when I was roughly grabbed yet again, my arm being held in the air by the principal while my feet were inches off the floor, blood dripped from the wound and the pattern he had made was on show for everyone to see. Loads of people gasped, even the wolves looked slightly horrified at what had happened. "This is what happens when a human decides to speak out. I can promise, anyone who so much as says one word about our way of life, will have the same punishment." My arm was starting to seriously ache from being held in the air for so long, and the lack of blood flow to my suspended arm was causing me pins and needles, still I refused to make a sound. I held the tears back and I bit my cheek harder causing more blood to fill my mouth. "That's enough Bradley!" Adrian growled, he was still stood up and looking at the scene in front of him. His eyes hard as he stared at the principal a low warning growl erupted from his chest which had the head teacher gulping, he quickly let go of my arm causing me to crash to the floor. A small cry left my mouth as I hit the hard floor. Immediately I scrambled away, my foot just missed the high step leading to the stage and I fell, waiting for the impact of the ground, but it never came. Two strong arms wrapped around me catching my weak body causing me to look up, my eyes widened as I noticed Adrian had caught my falling form. "This isn't part of the human punishment program!" Adrian growled causing me to tense in his grip, I pushed him away from me before fixing my uniform top. The room was deadly silent, taking in the scene in front of them, while I stole a glance at my forearm. Carved into my skin by his devastating claws were two words, words that would most definitely scar my body for life. 'Human scum' "Lessons must be learned, she received lashing merely two days ago, and clearly it had no effect on her." Another growl left Adrian's chest as he stepped on to the stage, I wasn't bothered though, you would think I'd be ashamed but I simply smiled slightly. I fixed my sleeve a little so it wouldn't rub on the fresh wound before speaking. "It doesn't matter," the whole room looked at me shocked by my attitude. "I would rather be labeled human scum, than have any resemblance to your kind. I'm proud of what I am, how many of you can say that?" After my amazing little speech, I walked right down the middle between the humans and lycans and out the door. No more compliance, I'm going to get away with as much as I can without getting into too much bother. There will come a day when the lycans power will fizzle out. When it does I'll be ready, I'll be waiting for the day we take our world back. As for the best part about my plan...

No one can stop me.

"Ouch, not so hard." I seethed as the school nurse cleaned my new wound with antiseptic. "If you had of just kept your mouth shut, this wouldn't have happened." I turned to my right looking out the window at the few clouds that were floating in the blue sky. "Like I said, I'm proud to be human, and now everyone knows what I am." I clenched my fist together as the nurse began wrapping a bandage around my forearm. It had been a good few hours since the incident in the hall, and I had been forced to come to the nurces office after I had tried to clean my wound by splashing it with water from the tap, it also refused to stop bleeding. "You are impossible. Can you please just try and stay out of trouble? For one day, that's all I ask." Our school nurse is a wolf, she's one of them. However she hates the way they treat us mere humans, she thinks we should all just live in peace with equal rights. Like that would ever happen. "All I've done is stay out of trouble, but you are just going to humiliate me anyway, so what's the actual point?" "The pack were discussing a public execution, Dylan. You need to walk on egg shells from now on, not just for you but for your family as well." No ones been publicly executed in over 4 months, I'm flattered they're considering it. They only execute people who they believe are the biggest problems to society. "Well then... I'm flattered." I chuckled, before looking at the patch job. 'Huh, not too shabby.' I quickly stood up from the human nursing station and pulled the sleeve of my shirt down covering the evidence of ever being hurt. "This is serious!" I just gave her a blank look before leaving the room. On the way out I heard her call back to me. "Please just think about it." I gave a clipped nod as I walked away wondering how I'm going to tell my mom about this. Later in the evening... "Dilly why you say that?" Freddie looked up at me with a mouth full of bread. "Don't speak with your mouthful!" My mom scolded him as a bashful blush made its way to his cheeks. "Sowwy mommy." His reply was muffled as he swallowed the last chunk of food. "I said it Freddie, because it's the truth. The wolf race are a pathetic excuse for..." my mom cut me off with an extremely stern look. "Dylan! They have ears everywhere, one more word out of you and it's your room." I scowled, my hatred for the Lycan kind growing stronger as each day passes. "What more can they do to me, lash me? Beat me? Brand me? They've ran out of options." I stated slamming my hands down, then severely regretting it as sharp pain shot though my wound. "What was that?" My head shot to regard my mothers worried expression. Her eyebrows were raised and her eyes were dull and judging as she looked at me. "Nothing, it was nothing." I quickly took my plate in my hand and began to walk to the kitchen. "I'm not really hungry, and I have homework to do!" My mom caught hold of my forearm causing me to drop my plate suddenly, I watched it slowly fall before shattering on the floor. I retracted my arm quickly and turned to Freddie. "Stay there and don't move until it's cleaned up ok sport?" He just nodded with wide eyes, I turned back to my mom and noticed her curious stare on my arm. Her grip shifted to the other side as she turned it around before pulling my sleeve up. The bandage was showing and a bit of blood was seeping though after the wound had been disturbed. "What the hel happened?" My moms eyes widened as she began to fumble with the bandage. Before she could unravel any of it I snatched my arm away. "I had an accident at school. No big." I began to gather the large pieces of the broken plate up ready to put them in the bin. "What did you do Dylan?" She looked at me with pure worry and only then did I realize what the wound must look like to someone who didn't know. "For gods sake! I didn't do it to myself! I got publicly punished at the assembly alright? It's no big deal." Her face dropped instantly and she stepped towards me, causing me to step backwards. "Mom, I'm ok. So back off will you." "What did you do? I've never known them to cut someone's arm as a punishment." Her shock and accusation was evident in her voice and I sighed heavily. "I spoke against the alphas son." I may have hit him too, but I wasn't going to divulge that part to her. "It's not one big cut, mom, it's a brand, 'human scum' carved onto my arm." "They've branded you now too?!" My eyes rolled at her hurt tone as I went to get the dustpan and brush. "You're so much like your father." A sigh left her mouth as she spoke, running a hand through her hair, while I quickly swept up the little pieces of the broken plate. "You've had a new uniform delivered. It's laid out on your bed. Dylan, Please just try and stay respectful in the future, I don't want my daughter to be completely mutilated. Although you're not far off." "Gee, Thanks." I then walked over to my little brother Freddy before blowing a kiss into his neck and hearing him giggle. "So sport, how's school going?" "It's ok." He shrugged before going back to coloring a dinosaur picture in. "Well that's good, stay out of trouble, ok little man?" Heading upstairs and into my room, my thoughts wandered to the permanent graffiti scar very slowly healing on my arm. Disgusting beasts. Think they own the world because they're faster, stronger and can shift. Pah. If you ask me they are not all that.

The second I walked into my room my mouth dropped open. On my bed was some grey pants laid out neatly, which wasn't the surprising part, no, what shocked me was the grey high neck no sleeved button down shirt, every single set of uniform had sleeves except this one. They've done this on purpose those, mutts. They want the world to see my arm and know what a disgusting creature I am. They want the world to know that I, Dylan Riley, am nothing more than 'human scum'.

During the last week, I've been horrible, in class I've been loud in voicing my views, I've insulted at least everyone to some degree, I didn't care about the consequences, and I certainly didn't think about them. I haven't seen Nick at all since he was claimed, and to make matters worse today was the royal visit. Oh yes, werewolves and mated humans alike were spending every waking minute preparing themselves to meet his royal majesty, king of the wolves. Unclaimed Humans however would rather stick pins in their eyes. "Dylan, get down now... you're going to be late." She was right, I was dawdling this morning, I really couldn't be bothered today, I gave myself one last look in the small mirror and sighed when my eyes met my newly uncovered brand. It had bad bruising around the letters, and was still extremely tender to touch, it was definitely healing now though. I made my way down the stairs and came face to face with my mother who was seeing to Freddie, she was helping my brother get his coat on when she turned to me. "You ready sport?" Freddie nodded his little head at me and smiled while I quickly slid my shoes on. "Just Remember, the alpha is bad enough, Dylan, please, please don't do anything to anger the king." My mother stopped us from walking out the door to tell me something she had been telling me continuously for the last couple of days, it was almost as if the entire human population of our district was expecting me to do something stvpid. "Try and have a good day." I rolled my eyes but nodded, even I know not to push the king, he could kil me in the hallway like it was nothing. In fact I plan on staying out of his way for the entirety of the day. "We will see you tonight mom." I stated before me and my brother began our walk to school, his little hand clutched my own tightly as we went. Usually Nick would be with us, as he lives next door, well he used to, now he's residing in the main pack house. I quickly dropped Freddie off at his school and watched him get the wolfsbane neutralizer before walking into him building giving me a small wave before he went in. With my new scar on complete show, and my figure being complimented by the skin tight shirt I was wearing, I sauntered down the street to school, I gave my name and year in and took the wolf's bane neutralizer injection with no problems at all. It was finally getting into school that the problem occurred. Walking through the halls I was met by many looks, some of pity some of disgust. You see every single non mated human in the school was wearing a long sleeved version of the uniform I was given. All the Wolves and mated couples were scattered around in fancy floor length dresses or tailored suits. As I turned the corner I noticed a couple, now this couple happened to catch my eye the most out of all of them because it consisted of Arya and Nick, eating each other's faces off. "What the hel!" Nicks head shot to me as his eyes widened. He too was dressed in a tailored suit, a navy blue tie hung on his neck to match Aryas dress. Why was this happening all the time? It's always my friends that get completely brain washed. I shook my head in disbelief before turning my back on him. I heard his fast footsteps behind me as I rounded the corner. "Dylan?!" He ran right in front of me, stopping me in my tracks, making me drop my bag off my shoulder and almost causing me to bump into him. "Let me just explain..." "Has she marked you?" I mean you could almost see it in his eyes, she had marked him, and knowing the way life goes he's probably even mated with her. "Actually... Don't even answer that." I aggressively picked my bag up off of the floor and stormed off down the hall. "Dylan, just listen to me, Erin was right, it's so hard to resist your soulmate, and Arya is actually ok once you get to know her." I just kept walking, he caught up to me walking beside me but it didn't matter, I completely ignored everything and everyone. 'I'm so not in the mood today' getting into class was good though, I said hello to Mr Foley and took my usual seat. Nick sighed then took his bag off ready to sit next to me, but I snapped before he had the chance. "Traitors and mated idiots sit on that side of the room." I didn't look him in the eye as I pointed to a seat right at the front of the classroom on the opposite side. His eyes widened as he turned his attention back to me. "You can't be serious Dylan." I gave him a blank look before grabbing my book out of my backpack, I placed it on the desk then began to write the date on the top line. "I've sat in this seat for as long as I can remember." I ignored him, his voice sounded sad and shocked. "Dylan? Wait! What is that?!" Before I could react Nick had grabbed hold of my branded arm and turned it to see the letters. "Oh my God! What happened?" I snatched my arm away from him and shrugged as I continued to write in my book before grabbing my water bottle out of my bag. "The principal happened, it was my punishment for speaking out against Adrian and Arya. I wear it with pride." He just held a complete look of disbelief. "You spoke out against them?" I shrugged, what did he think I'd do. "It's no secret that I despise this stvpid new world and the mutts that control it. You were my friend, I wasn't going to let them just take you without saying something, although that is exactly what you seem to have done. Enjoy the view from your new seat!" "Don't be like that, Dylan, I'm your best friend, I'm sorry about your arm, but..." my eyes rolled inside my head at my friends words. "Anything with the word 'but' in, isn't an apology, it's a rationalization." I took a drink of water from my bottle and kept my eyes facing forward, ignoring his every attempt to try and talk to me. "Dylan?.. Dylan?... Do you know what? Erin is right, if you push us all away you won't have any friends left." He huffed before walking over to the empty seat and sitting down, I could feel him glancing up at me every now and again but I didn't respond. "Good morning class, please settle down." He looked at me then at Nick and frowned, we've never sat apart, we were friends before the new world even began. I just shook my head telling him to forget it. "So... as you know the king will be arriving in a short while, but until then lessons will go on as normal." Its funny seeing teachers in the same uniform your wearing, mr Foley and his wife are the coolest. Human teachers and doctors only have slightly more respect than we do. Because of Mr Foley's status him and his wife have better access to food and drink, Mrs Foley is cool, sometimes she even makes sure mr Foley brings some in for me. Ya know, coz I'm their favorite student. It's not in a weird way, it's just they were friends of the family before the new wold took effect. Mr Foley and my dad were buddies from high school, so it goes without sayin really. "All the mated humans will be at the front of each years line again, after that you will all be placed in status, Nick, as your mated to Alpha Arya, you'll be at the front of your line. Dylan as you have been branded..." his voice trailed off as he looked at me. "Yeah yeah, I'll be at the back of the line behind everyone. I get it." I huffed, moving my sight towards the window once more. "I am sorry." I turned to face Mr Foley again, he looked genuinely upset and that look of pity wasn't something I wanted to see. I gave him a clipped nod then turned away again. "Anyway, on to the subject matter, 'Of Mice and Men, page 64, Nick why don't you start us off with the reading."

"Of course sir." Nick began reading the book but I switched off, today is going to be a long day. After almost an hour and a half of reading comprehension, the bell chimed signaling lunch. I shot up and out of the classroom before anyone could say anything. Today, I was avoiding drama like the plague.

I wandered the corridors straight to the lunch hall. All the people I would normally hang out with we're all mated so I grabbed my lunch quickly, and sat down at the end of the human table. Let me lay the lunch hall out for you. On one side of the room you have two long rows of tables, with simple benches that make it look like prison, on the other side of the room you have multiple round tables with fancy chairs. Yup you get it. The humans sit at the prison tables and the wolves and traitors sit on the fancy tables, they get fancy food, fancy drink and most importantly they get pudding. what I would give to have some pudding. "Dylan can we just talk?" Nick quickly took the spot next to me as he set his lunch tray down. I looked at his food which had been placed on a ceramic, circular white plate. God that looked good. I sighed knowing he was going to talk anyway. "Fine, you have two minutes." I used my fork to take a bit of pasta off his plate and shoved it into my mouth. God that was good. "After I left school, I was taken to the pack house with Arya, and I really got to know her. It took a few days for me to finally accept being with her, but ever since life has been ok, and the sax... well that's a whole other story." Eww, I didn't need that mental image in my head. "I'm glad your happy." I stated before deciding I had no appetite. His face held shock before he sighed in relief. "That means a lot Dylan, I mean you know that your opinion matters to me." I cut him off before he could say anything else. "I said I was glad your happy. I didn't say I approved of what you've done. You've basically turned into one of THEM, I can't ever forgive you for that." He looked hurt, but I couldn't care less about his feelings. He placed his hand gently on my arm and went to open his mouth when a growl sounded out. All heads whipped to where it came from, Arya was stood holding a glass of soda and a plate, she was looking right at me and Nick and I would totally be dead if looks could kil. Nick quickly retracted his hand, his whole face fell and you could see sorrow flood his irises. "You sit with me now, get away from that, that... scum!" Wow, Nick was such a lucky guy. NOT. "You heard her. Get away from me, go sit with your new friends. I'm happy for you, and I understand where your coming from, but don't come up to me again and pretend you didn't betray your own kind. Don't pretend you didn't betray me." I shoved a little bit of food into my mouth before standing up and walking out of the cafeteria, leaving my tray on the table. I was walking through the hallway to the classroom, you see I decided to spend lunch with Mr Foley in his room, when I happened to hear voices in the corridor. "Is it wise for her to actually be present when the king arrives? Surely she could be placed in the dungeons, it might actually teach her some respect?" My principal was speaking to the alpha of our district, huh, if I stayed and listened do you think they'd notice, maybe they could smell me?! "Everyone is to be present, if the Riley girl does one thing out of line she will be dealt with severely, child or not. That girl has been a blight to the district since day one, she's dangerous, if she puts one hair out of place I will personally break her into submission." Oh shet, they were talking about me specifically, and they mentioned the dungeon, that's not been used in months. Normally I would have listened in more but something about the entire situation didn't sit right with me, all of a sudden, I was on edge, and simply wasn't interested in the slightest in hearing how my misery was to be enhanced. I backed up slightly before turning around and bumping head first into one of the hottest man I had ever seen. I lost my balance immediately and fell straight on to the floor letting out a small grumble in the process. His eyebrows knitted together quickly and his breath hitched in his throat as he looked upon my fallen state and gasped. "Mate!" He whispered, his eyes fixated on mine. Now, I had seen and heard that many times to know what that means, I gasped before taking a step back. 'No, no, no, no, no. This can not be happening.' He growled slightly before stepping towards me. Oh Shet!
submitted by QueasyStorage637 to romancenovels [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:44 Rafael_192005 I'm concerned and scared about this 😬

I Read a summary of Hosea and several chapters of the book of Hosea this morning and it has made me scared and thinking:
If God forced the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute as a metaphor for Israel's adultery and unfaithfulness, what's stopping him from doing the same to me?
I know deep down, and increasing so, that I want to get married and start a family. My fear is that even if I pray for a godly virgin Christian woman (who undoubtedly wouldn't be perfect, but I'd still love her anyway), God would just do a 180 and tell me or force me marry a prostitute or someone with a high body count, or someone who wouldn't be faithful and loyal to me, and would just cheat on me when she wants to.
Don't get me wrong, If that actually happens then I would forgive her and try my best to not focus on her past, not judge her and love her like Jesus Christ and God loves me and the Church, but at the same time I wouldn't and dont want that to happen, since I know what I wish and hope for my future Christian spouse.
Thinking on this and dwelling on it just makes me anxious and paranoid, and I've already prayed to God about it, but I've yet to get get a response. What should I do in regards to this?
submitted by Rafael_192005 to TrueChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:42 Rafael_192005 I'm concerned and scared 😬

I Read a summary of Hosea and several chapters of the book of Hosea this morning and it has made me scared and thinking:
If God forced the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute as a metaphor for Israel's adultery and unfaithfulness, what's stopping him from doing the same to me?
I know deep down, and increasing so, that I want to get married and start a family. My fear is that even if I pray for a godly virgin Christian woman (who undoubtedly wouldn't be perfect, but I'd still love her anyway), God would just do a 180 and tell me or force me marry a prostitute or someone with a high body count, or someone who wouldn't be faithful and loyal to me, and would just cheat on me when she wants to.
Don't get me wrong, If that actually happens then I would forgive her and try my best to not focus on her past, not judger her and love her like Jesus Christ and God loves me and the Church, but at the same time I wouldn't and dont want that to happen, since I know what I wish and hope for my future Christian spouse.
Thinking on this and dwelling on it just makes me anxious and paranoid, and I've already prayed to God about it, but I've yet to get get a response. What should I do in regards to this?
submitted by Rafael_192005 to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:42 Rafael_192005 I'm scared 😬

Read a summary of Hosea and several chapters of the book of Hosea this morning and it has made me scared and thinking:
If God forced the prophet Hosea to marry a prostitute as a metaphor for Israel's adultery and unfaithfulness, what's stopping him from doing the same to me?
I know deep down, and increasing so, that I want to get married and start a family. My fear is that even if I pray for a godly virgin Christian woman (who undoubtedly wouldn't be perfect, but I'd still love her anyway), God would just do a 180 and tell me or force me marry a prostitute or someone with a high body count, or someone who wouldn't be faithful and loyal to me, and would just cheat on me when she wants to.
Don't get me wrong, If that actually happens then I would forgive her and try my best to not focus on her past, not judge her and love her like Jesus Christ and God loves me and the Church, but at the same time I wouldn't and dont want that to happen, since I know what I wish and hope for my future Christian spouse.
Thinking on this and dwelling on it just makes me anxious and paranoid, and I've already prayed to God about it, but I've yet to get get a response. What should I do in regards to this?
submitted by Rafael_192005 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:01 AutoModerator Jun 01, 2024 - Monthly Multi-Megathread

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2024.06.01 08:21 D-Biggest_Wheel Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!

Bleach Rewrite About the Visored I Made (Part 3) For Those Interested!


Bleach is often criticized for its overabundance of characters, and I think nowhere is this criticism more evident than with The Visored. They aren’t treated as individuals (except Shinji and Hiyori) but rather as a group, which is what results in the feeling of there being “too many of them”. So far, I’ve done my best to individualize each one of them, give them a role to play in the story, but even I have trouble doing so for one particular character.

Aikawa Love
Love is such a fascinating phenomenon. When his fellow Visored Captains returned to their old positions after Aizen’s defeat, Love was left behind, and once his old position of the 7th Division Captain became vacant, he was yet again left behind. Despite his impressive performance against Primera Espada, it is Iba, a character we barely saw in action that gets to fill in the vacant Captain position. It also doesn’t help that Love’s whole “deal” was co-opted by Kubo for another character in the story. You might have noticed this but both Love and Zaraki’s abilities are both based on an Oni.
Oni (Ogre/Demon) are kind of a Yōkai from Japanese folklore who wield massive weapons (iron Kanabō clubs) which both Love and Zaraki can be seen wielding in their respective Shikai (giant mace for Love, giant axe for Zaraki). Oni also have short horns on their foreheads, like the ones Zaraki can be seen having in his Bankai and the one Love has on his Hollow Mask. Even Love’s “base design” is quite uninspired: he wears sunglasses like Iba, wears a tracksuit like Hiyori, and he even shares his love of Manga with Rose and Lisa.
So, if Kubo has already cannibalized Love so much, why not go all the way? Why not just merge his character into another lackluster character as if they were one; a character like Rose.
I’m sure there is a fan of Love out there, but he honestly brings nothing to the story. And it’s not that removing him is what necessarily makes the story better, but relocating his actions to Rose would make for a more complete one (their actions are already incredibly similar anyway). Instead of having two lackluster characters, have just one that is great.

Rōjūrō “Rose” Ōtoribashi
Rose gets very little play in the story. I once described him as the “background Captain” because whenever he appears in the panel he is the one character always seen in the background; the fight against the Primera Espada is framed as a fight between Love and Starrk with Rose playing the supporting role. So, let Rose shine more against Starrk. Why prioritize Rose over Love, who gets a bigger focus and more impressive portrayal; because Rose eventually returns as a Gotei Captain (while Love doesn’t).
Make this fight something akin to a showcase of abilities for Rose; a little preview of Rose’s capability as a fighter that would make us go “Yeah, I get why this guy is a Captain”. It’s far more impressive to Solo fight the Primera Espada, even if you don’t end up winning, than it is to do so in a Duet. The fight still goes down the same with Shunsui finishing off Starrk, but Rose looks more impressive now since there is no Love to split the achievement with.
The major focus of this fight would obviously be Rose’s Hollow Mask, and his Shikai, Kinshara. Kinshara is a golden whip that is meant to represent a giant piano wire, and with it Rose uses an attack called “Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number Eleven - Sixteen Day-Old Moon Rose”, which implies the existence of at least 10 other attacks (Sonatas). Instead of seeing multiple Shikai using just one ability, we will now see just one Shikai using multiple abilities. I think 3 is a nice number that also parallels Rose using 3 Dances in his Bankai.
I would love if one of the attacks used by Rose is \"Golden Sal Tree Sonata Number 14 - Moonlight Rose\", named after the Moonlight Sonata.
There is no need for a story to be told in a fight between Rose and Starrk because a story is being told between Starrk and Shunsui. Rose is the supporting act and will get his due later

The Musician

For the real world occupation, I figured Rose would obviously be a Musician; a mix of a Composer , Conductor, and Pianist, to be more specific. Rose’s entire character heavily revolves around music, not just in his appearance, but also in the appearance and abilities of his Zanpakuto. One of the abilities of Rose’s Bankai, Kinshara Butōdan, is called „Ein Heldenleben“ („A Hero’s Life“), named after a real life tone poem composed by Richard Strauss. „Prometheus“ and „Sea Drift“ are also based on real life poems, „Prometheus: The Poem of Fire“ (1910) and „Sea Drift) (1903-04), each composed by a different musician, but in the world of Bleach, they will both be composed by Rose after his banishment from the Soul Society.
During one of Ichigo’s classes (Chapter 51), his teacher will hold a lecture about a bunch of different poems commonly believed to have originated from the same artist, under different names, who used the call-sign of „Rose“. However, this theory would be dismissed because there is no realistic way for the same person to compose all the poems as their timeframe ranges from the 17th (the period Rose lived in) all the way up to the 20th century.

The Baseball Player

I know I said Love gets cut out of the roster, but I decided to give him an occupation as well, for the sake of your entertainment. Due to the nature of his Shikai being a giant club, I think Love being a baseball player is the most fitting occupation for him. He even dresses “sporty”. Love is also going to be the inspiration behind Jinta’s weapon of choice; Jinta is going to mention him by name as he fools around in front of the store.
Other than this, the only other suggestion I have is, if we were to keep Love as a character, to make him take up his old position of Captain of the 7th Division, after it becomes vacant. Love would go to the Royal Palace alongside the rest of the Visored, reveal his Bankai in the fight with Gerard, and later on become a Captain again. Iba really doesn’t do anything in the story to make it a satisfying conclusion for him to become the new Captain (this might change in the future). He can stay as a Lieutenant; he even makes for a nice duo with Love.
The issue with Love is that he gets almost no characterization, so if anything were to change it would be giving him more character moments while keeping his portrayal against Starrk.

End of Part 3

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submitted by D-Biggest_Wheel to u/D-Biggest_Wheel [link] [comments]