Dr. suess art projects

Cable Porn; The Art of Tidy Data Centers

2011.01.14 11:29 iDemonix Cable Porn; The Art of Tidy Data Centers


2019.02.27 15:03 tytygh1010 r/PokemonSwordShield

The subreddit dedicated to the Nintendo Switch games Pokémon Sword and Shield!

2024.05.15 08:04 Crumaco Sports Injury Treatment

Sports Injury Treatment
Sports injuries are physical damages that occur during any sporting activity, practice, or exercise session, and can range from minor bruises and sprains to severe fractures and torn ligaments. These injuries often occur due to overuse of a part of the body, direct impact, or the application of a force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. Effective Sports Injury Treatment Sports injuries are physical damages that occur during any sporting activity, practice, or exercise session, and can range from minor bruises and sprains to severe fractures and torn ligaments. These injuries often occur due to overuse of a part of the body, direct impact, or the application of a force that is greater than the body part can structurally withstand. Effective Sports Injury Treatment varies depending on the severity and type of injury, but generally includes a combination of rest, ice, compression, and elevation (RICE method) to reduce swelling and pain in the initial stages. More serious injuries may require physical therapy, medication for pain and inflammation, or even surgery to repair damaged tissues. Rehabilitation plays a crucial role in helping athletes recover fully and return to their sports activities safely, often incorporating strength and flexibility exercises to rebuild strength and prevent future injuries.

Sports Injury Treatment: Types, Diagnosis, Treatments, Prevention, and More

Sports injuries, while common among athletes, can vary widely in severity and type. Understanding these injuries, how they are diagnosed, treated, and most importantly, prevented, can help athletes stay healthy and perform at their best.

Understanding Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can be broadly classified into two categories: acute and chronic. Acute injuries occur suddenly during activity and include sprains, strains, fractures, and contusions. Chronic injuries develop over time due to repetitive activity and include conditions like tendinitis and stress fractures.

Common Types of Sports Injuries

  • Sprains and Strains: Injuries to ligaments (sprains) and muscles or tendons (strains) are common and often occur in the ankles, knees, and wrists.
  • Fractures: Broken bones can occur from direct impacts or overuse.

Common Types of Sports Injuries

  • Sprains and Strains: Injuries to ligaments (sprains) and muscles or tendons (strains) are common and often occur in the ankles, knees, and wrists.
  • Fractures: Broken bones can occur from direct impacts or overuse.
  • Dislocations: This injury occurs when force pushes the bones in a joint out of alignment.
  • Tendinitis: Inflammation or irritation of a tendon, often caused by repetitive use.
  • Concussions: A type of traumatic brain injury from a blow to the head, common in contact sports.

Everything You Need to Know About Sports Injury Treatment and Rehab

When it comes to managing and recovering from sports injuries, the right care and treatment are crucial. Whether you're a professional athlete or a weekend warrior, understanding the options for sports injury treatment and rehabilitation can help you return to your favorite activities safely and effectively.

Premier Sports Injury Clinic in Delhi

Crumaco stands out as the best sports injury clinic in Delhi, offering top-tier services for athletes and active individuals. With state-of-the-art facilities and a team of expert professionals, Crumaco provides comprehensive care that covers diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports injuries. Their approach combines advanced medical technology with personalized treatment plans, aimed at ensuring the best outcomes for their patients.

Expertise in Sports Injury Treatment

At Crumaco, Dr. Tanvir Logani is renowned for providing the best sports injury treatment in Delhi. His expertise and dedication to sports medicine have made him a trusted name among athletes. Dr. Logani's approach is holistic and patient-centered, focusing on not just recovery but also on injury prevention and enhancing overall athletic performance.
submitted by Crumaco to u/Crumaco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:02 IroPagisaur Working to become a Paleo Artist ( Journal entry 1, I guess :D )

I'm a digital painter, I used to do commissions and earn a living through art but for the last few years that has stopped feeling right to me. I decided I can afford to take a break and do my own thing for a while and hopefully build a different type of income.
I used to paint random made-up fantasy creatures and then last year I picked dinosaurs then moved on to calling it Paleo Art and now I know I want to make 3d models(in Blender) of dinosaurs that are game ready because it combines things I've always drooled over (beautiful 3d sculpts), things I always wanted to know (paleonthology) and a bunch of random skills I have (like game animation). Hopefully I can end up selling models on platforms such as Sketchfab, that's a wonderful place to look at dinosaur models btw!!
I thought writing this might help someone who's also early on the path to become a paleoartist. I know from my experience working that having a diverse skillset pays off, especially 3D skills, as the position "Creature artist" in every studio I've ever looked at applying for means "3D Creature Artist", for some reason it's too obvious to bother putting it in the name.
If sculpting is intimidating to some, let me say this: If you can draw, you'll either be naturally good at sculpting or, if sculpting comes hard to you then it will teach you a ton about drawing, sculpting lives in the same cluster of brain cells as 2d art does.
When taking commissions for paintings, I sometimes told my clients I was doing animation/3d/video editing on the side and I often got extra work that way, and got to learn new skills while earning a bit of money and getting to see my work used in real projects.
I either just can't ever settle on anything or I never found my place before but I think I have now, I think my current ambition to make paleo-art and focus on 3d models is broad enough and just a good fit. I wouldn't mind doing this for my entire career. If I want to do something fancy like starting a YT channel, I can always do when I earn enough income, I don't want to make videos while worrying how much they'll pay.
If this is interesting at all, I could document my progress here. o-o
submitted by IroPagisaur to Paleoart [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:00 meowtronicdisco Back, but better! 😃

Back, but better! 😃
Greetings! I used to be on here all the time in the past, and even gained a decent following, but since then I've made a lot of changes and recently felt like posting somewhere in hopes to making some new friends. And so I made a whole new reddit account! 🙂 I'm interested in chatting with someone about their interests, swapping stories, trauma dumping, seeing art projects, maybe even doing an art project together, playing games, and sending memes. Be not afraid to chat me up, I'm really nice and would never dream of judging anyone. ❤️
submitted by meowtronicdisco to u/meowtronicdisco [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:58 tab_rick Navigating Bathtub Sizes: Making the Best Choice for Comfort and Space

Navigating Bathtub Sizes: Making the Best Choice for Comfort and Space
Finding the ideal bathtub size can be a difficult challenge when there are so many different sizes available. The typical bathroom is already so cramped that trying to comfortably fit everything in might feel like fitting pieces into a jigsaw puzzle. The bathtub has changed from being only a practical object to a focal point of bathroom design as a result of the rise in home decor trends and the focus on luxurious bathing experiences. This article will go deeply into the world of bathtubs, assisting you in choosing the right one for your needs and available space while also understanding the many different bathtub sizes and styles.

Different components of the bathtub

A typical drop-in style bathtub takes up more than 13 square feet of floor space and is a common fixture in many homes. Despite the fact that every bathtub is distinct, normal tubs have exterior dimensions that are roughly 60 inches long, 30 inches broad, and 14 to 16 inches high. These measurements are essential for the layout of your bathroom and the overall design. The material of a bathtub is also a component; alternatives range from fiberglass to cast iron, each of which offers a different bathing experience.


The Importance of Bathroom Layout

Space Management

The space in bathroom facilities is usually insufficient, especially in metropolitan settings. It follows that thorough planning of your region is necessary. Every inch counts,The location of the bathtub, its closeness to other fixtures, and ensuring mobility all depend on careful space design. Even in very small bathrooms, it’s imperative to leave at least 12 inches between the edge of the tub and any fixtures. As a consequence, the user feels more comfortable while still maintaining functionality.

Tips for Smart Positioning

When positioning the standalone tub, elegance and function must be combined. In smaller bathrooms with constrained space, it’s critical to ensure that the freestanding tub doesn’t impede mobility. The standalone tub’s edge should be kept at least 12 inches away from other fixtures. By having an open floor area that is at least 24 inches wide around the freestanding tub, the bathroom might appear bigger and less crowded. Never forget that striking a balance between design and utility is crucial.

Different Types of Bathtubs and Their Sizes

Alcove Bathtubs

Many homeowners select alcove bathtubs, which are identified by their location within a space limited by three walls. They are frequently the best choice for tiny or typical-sized bathrooms. These baths are normally between 30 and 36 inches broad and 5 to 6 feet long. The front panel of the design—often referred to as an apron—is typically finished, and the surrounding walls are intended to cover the remaining three sides. When thinking about an alcove bathtub, it’s critical to precisely measure the available space to make sure the tub will fit properly while yet allowing enough room for mobility. An alcove bathtub is set against the far side, so the two long walls form the ends and back of the bathroom.

Drop-in Bathtubs

Drop-in bathtubs have a luxurious appearance and are made to fit into a built-in deck with tile or similar material covering the top and exposed sides. In larger bathrooms, the tub deck can fit into a room corner and be left exposed on two sides. Drop-in bathtubs don’t have factory-finished sides like alcove bathtubs do. Instead, they are made to slide into a deck cutout, much like a drop-in sink slides into a vanity countertop. Depending on the size of your bathroom and your preferred design, these large bathrooms can be placed in a variety of locations. However, because the built-in deck can occupy a sizable amount of area, they work best in larger settings.

Oval Bathtubs

Oval baths are considered to be elegant and luxurious. They are available in freestanding or drop-in variants. Despite appearing to be large, they are often only wider than normal bathtubs, not longer. If you’re thinking about getting an oval bathtub, it’s important to consider the extra width, especially if you choose a drop-in model. This entails building a bigger apron for the tub to rest on, which may change how your bathroom is organized in general.

Whirlpool Bathtubs

Whirlpool baths are the epitome of spa-like indulgence. Many of these are available in typical alcove-ready sizes, but they may look bigger than standard tubs. Jetted whirlpool mechanisms can be installed without increasing the footprint. The jets in these corner tubs provide a massage-like effect, making them perfect for anyone looking for a peaceful bathing experience. When considering installing a whirlpool bathtub, it’s critical to consider the additional plumbing requirements and check that the bathroom has adequate space for the tub.

Corner Bathtubs

Corner bathtubs are all about luxury and relaxation. They are great for folks who prefer reading in the tub or watching television on the wall. Because they are often square in shape with one corner chopped off, these bathtubs are a good choice for large bathrooms with plenty of space. They can be configured in many ways, such as a triangle shell or a drop-in tub attached to a triangular deck.

Freestanding Bathtubs

Bathtubs that stand alone and are not confined by walls or installed in alcoves are known as freestanding fixtures. They can be purchased in many different designs, such as modern pedestal tubs and traditional classic models. They offer positional flexibility and could act as the centerpiece of a bathroom’s decor. Freestanding bathtubs may be a fantastic alternative for people with mobility concerns or areas with plenty of senior citizens. However, they do require more space all around—typically an extra 3 inches on each end and 4 inches on each side. Even though they provide for creative flexibility, they are therefore best suited for larger bathrooms or those with a layout that can handle a tub of this size.
Do you feel dazzled by too many styles? That’s okay, I’ve prepared a form for you to choose the bathtub that’s best for you based on your situation.

Type Features Advantages Disadvantages Best Used For Typical Size (LxW) Recommendation Index (1-5)
Alcove • Bounded by three walls• Finished front panel • Space-efficient• Common choice• Versatile • Limited design flexibility Small or standard-sized bathrooms 5-6 feet x 30-36 inches ✩✩✩✩
Drop-in • Fits into a deck• Exposed top and sides • Luxury feel• Design flexibility • Requires larger space• Deck construction needed Spacious bathrooms with custom designs Varies ✩✩✩
Oval • Wider design• Drop-in or freestanding •Luxurious•Elegant design • Requires more width• Not necessarily longer Bathrooms aiming for a luxury aesthetic Wider than standard ✩✩✩✩
Whirlpool • Jetted mechanisms• Often alcove-ready •Therapeutic• Spa-like experience • Additional plumbing• May require more space Those seeking therapeutic bathing Often standard sizes ✩✩✩✩
Corner • Square with one corner off• Spacious • Luxurious• Ideal for lounging • Requires ample space• Specific positioning Primary bathrooms with ample space Varies ✩✩✩
Freestanding •Standalone•No need for walls or alcoves • Design flexibility• Centerpiece potential • Requires more surrounding space Larger bathrooms or open layouts Varies + extra space ✩✩✩✩

Regulatory Guidelines on Bathtub Spacing

Code for International Buildings

It’s not just about aesthetics or personal preferences when planning the arrangement of your bathroom; it’s also about following the International Building Code (IBC). This code is more than simply a list of rules; it’s a well-thought-out framework meant to assure safety and functionality. The IBC frequently specifies the basic minimum distance between bathtubs, emphasizing the significance of user safety and comfort.
For example, the IBC may specify the exact inches of space necessary between the tub’s edge and other fixtures or walls. While these standards may appear to be strict, they are there for a purpose. By collaborating with them, you ensure not just a complaint but also a user-friendly and comfortable bathroom. Following these recommendations, in my experience, can save a lot of money.

Local Regulations

While international standards such as the IBC give a wide foundation, local building rules add an additional degree of complication. These regulations can be fairly varied, reflecting the distinct demands and considerations of many locations. They may go into topics ranging from plumbing complexities to the kind of bathtub materials considered suitable. These municipal rules might feel restricting at times, especially if you have a certain goal in mind.
However, keep in mind that they frequently result from the collective expertise of local specialists who understand the region’s particular issues and demands. Before starting a bathroom remodeling or installation project, especially if you want anything extravagant like a whirlpool or a custom-made bathtub, it’s a good idea (and often illuminating) to speak with local authorities or experienced builders. They can offer insights that blend regulatory knowledge with practical experience, ensuring your bathroom is both compliant and captivating.

The Future of Bathtub Sizes

Bathtub forms and types vary according to home. We should expect greater innovation in bathtub features and sizes as spa-like experiences and the tiny house movement grow more popular. Individuals looking to improve their bathing experience may find exciting alternatives in the future, ranging from eco-friendly materials to bathtubs with built-in digital capabilities. Whether you have a large or small bathroom, the market is likely to offer a bathtub that meets your needs.


Choosing the ideal bathtub is a highly emotional adventure, not merely a practical one. It’s about integrating a work of art into one’s life rather than just fitting a tub into a room. The key factor in your choosing is what resonates with you, even though your bathroom’s size, the design of your bathtub, and even the confusing local construction rules all play a part. There are a variety of options, each telling a unique tale, ranging from the snug alcove baths to the grandiose freestanding ones. I would advise someone who believes in the power of personal spaces to thoroughly research the many bathing possibilities while also listening to their emotions. Because your bathtub won’t simply be another feature in your house; it’ll become a beloved haven once you achieve that ideal balance between practicality and heartfelt design.
submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:58 Away-Letter NW Portland Pickup - canvas, sketch set, and misc art and Japanese books

NW Portland Pickup - canvas, sketch set, and misc art and Japanese books
Can be split up separately across different people. Note: art books have some pages removed for a project. The National Gallery of Art book is especially cool - lots of great prints of famous works. Please include the item(s) you’d like in your comment.
submitted by Away-Letter to PDXBuyNothing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:55 avatarroku157 I wish movies like the classic pixar films were being made today

I just finished rewatching ratatouille for the first time in awhile, and it got me thinking ".... this is a masterpiece that hasn't been matched in a very long time". The story, the abstract nature, the intricacies, all were jaw dropping. And while I was loving all of this, I also noticed something that was missing from a lot of modern animation; the realness.
When I think of all the pixar movies from Up Prior, I have a sense of realness from these movies that underlines the wackiness that happens on the surface. Let's take monsters Inc for example. On the surface, it's a bunch of wacky monsters getting scared of a child. But the working at an energy plant, the impressing your date at a restaurant, the differing relations, all of this felt like it could have been pulled from real life, just reskinned a exaggerated. I talked with my dad about this movie awhile back, and he said it felt almost exactly like his experiences working at a power plant in the 90s-2000s.
Being able to capture something so vast, yet so intimate is honestly..... just amazing. They give me a sense of warmth that I don't feel with any other type of animation movie (hell, most live action ones from today too). And the things in ratatouille, the logical yet annoying arguments with my dad, a passion to create something to be enjoyed, the stresses of a first job, even the 2 background rats that are a kid and his grandpa are all things that hit home to me on some level that makes me reflect on how I relate to my own experiences.
In today's animation..... I don't really see this being a thing anymore. At least not to the same scale as those big pixar movies. Let's take 2 of my favorite animations that came out recently; Arcane and spiderman; into the spiderverse. Both of these series are absolutely phenomenal. Great writing, great stories, and animation so beautiful that they redefine what the genre can be. Yet within these shows, and don't mistake me as saying this is a flaw, I don't get that sense of realness I did with ratatouille. Instead I feel a sense of being transported to a other world, unrelated to my own. The themes, acting, and details are so big and grandiose that I just have no sense of connection to them.
All animation, even the more smaller projects, I feel are suffering from this. I kinda recognize this thing I've been dubbing "the anime affect" where a lot of media, in some form or another, heavily copy multiple techniques in multiple different ways, and not just visual style. Some of these are fairly easy to notice, like archetypes used in a lot of animated shows, while others are a bit harder to notice, like the general shift to grande messages in media (arcane) over more personal, intimate messages you need to relate to (ratatouille).
It goes a bit further, in the sense that even the most talented art I've seen lacks originality in some sense or another. Both arcane and into the spiderverse are based of existing IP's, and a lot of indie animation calls back to something else. Look at newgrounds and you'll see they're mostly fan animations of some sort or are based off something like a DND setup. I recently discovered a whole sub section of animators who stylize themeselves after old ps1/n64 graphics. While I love this type of content and watch it daily, rewatching old pixar has made me realize that a lot of animation is kind of..... unoriginal. My tastes not excluded.
Compared with the animation of pixar, I would say most animations and animators are mostly focused of spectacle and escapism today. Which is a shame, because those real life influences that inspired early pixar, and other early animation fields (think cowboy bebop, shrek, paprika) left very positive impacts on those who watched them. And while I don't think the more escapist realm animation is in today can't do that, that personal feeling that makes you feel related to is such a powerful thing that I think we all could benefit from bringing back more.
It's also not completely missing these days either. While there isn't much on the big screen anymore, independent animators have been Making incredibly personal and realistic styles to their artwork. The medium has infinite ways to show POVs from all walks of life. I just hope that I'll see a big project, like the older pixar films, grace the big screen yet again.
submitted by avatarroku157 to Pixar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:53 Rockstar-Wolf Help with Custom Dolls! (Obitsu sizes? head options?)

I'm currently trying to make custom 1/6 scale dolls of Link and Zelda from The Legend of Zelda (Their Twilight Princess designs, specifically!) and I wanted to get an Obitsu body for Zelda, but I'm having a very difficult time navigating the world of Obitsu 🤣
One of the main things I'm confused about is the actual height of the doll body you're buying. For example, is the 27 cm body actually 27 cm? Or is that the approximate height the doll will be when you put a head on it? If it is the height of the body, does that include the neck peg, or is that just to the top of the neck? I wouldn't normally be so concerned with the exact height, but I want Zelda to be slightly taller than Link.
I don't really like the male Obitsu bodies because they look a little too mechanical and jointy to me (like the little wooden mannequins that come with art sets, lol), so I was going to get a YMY body for Link. The tallest one I can find is called the 25 cm, but in the measurements say it's actually 23.5 cm, so I guess it's about 9 1/4 in. That's fine, I just want to find a slightly taller body for Zelda, which is why I'm worried about the heights. I Thought the Ob 25 or 26 would work but now I'm second guessing the actual height. Do I need a 27? Too much? Would 24 or 25 be enough? Are Obitsu and YMY bodies similarly proportioned? Do they look in scale with each other? I truly have no idea. 😂 Any insight on actual Obitsu sizes would be extremely appreciated!!!
I'm also having a little trouble finding heads for these dolls. Elves and other fantasy creatures seem really popular with custom makers, so I figured it wouldn't be too hard to find some elven head sculpts, but alas. So far I've only found one that might work for Zelda, and that's the Parabox Fairy Head. I was hoping for one a little more mature and angular, but if this is the only one I can find, I think I can make it work fine if I paint it right. I definitely want inset eyes, so that's a point for this one, but if I find one I like better without holes for inset eyes I can always mod it, I suppose.
I haven't been able to find any head sculpts I really like for Link, though, elven or otherwise. I've never made a custom doll like this before, so it's possible that just have no idea where to look for doll heads. They're going to be fairly realistically proportioned, so I'm not looking for any chibi or excessively cutesy head sculpts. They will be a bit stylized though, so they don't have to be perfectly realistic, just in proportion with their bodies and each other. Are there usual places where people go to find Obitsu-compatable heads? Fantasy creature heads? Any ways to dodge Parabox's shipping that costs literally the same price as the head? I'm open to BJD heads or anything else (that isn't outrageously expensive), so let me know your go-to place for buying doll heads, or any elven sculpts that you'd recommend!
Sorry for such a long post! This is my first big custom endeavor, and I've got a lot to learn!
Tl;dr: I need to know if Obitsu bodies are exactly as tall as they're described, if they're in scale/proportion with YMY bodies, and where to find 1/6 elven head sculpts that work on Obitsu and Obitsu-like doll bodies.
submitted by Rockstar-Wolf to Dolls [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:48 Choice-Zebra-8009 Fuck it, I'm going to dissect why I love Ryoshu design and character so much

Fuck it, I'm going to dissect why I love Ryoshu design and character so much
Roshyu is the 4th sinner in LCB, and from the first impression of her design, seeing a woman, smoking while standing on a pool of blood, while a hand (or 5 fingers) trying to grab onto her is amazing.
For a non project moon fan, she show herself to be this badass, japanese woman with huge ass katana that probably trying to get away or fighting against something bigger.
For project moon fan however, those fingers represented the 5 big syndicates of the city, which from what we learn of the Index and the Thumb, are monsters that control the backstreet, that even the nest can't ignore them (for example, the index being classified as star of the city threat). From the artwork however, all 5 fingers are teaching toward her, which we can conclude that this woman manage to piss off, or atleast manage to get the attention, of the fingers, which make her a lot more interesting to see how much fuck up she did that all the fingers want to get to her.
We never really know much about her history all that well because of how withdrawal she is. The only think we know about is that she an artist. The only confirmation that she MIGHT have a daughter (or a child) is from the source story.
Even Meursault share or talk about his experience or his mother in one of the intervallo. Ryoshu despite having more words than Meursault, never really told much about herself.
Next, im going to move to her ego art.
Her ego are depict her hugging her sword, as if protecting it from the fingers at the background. We can conclude that the sword hold a lot more meaning for Ryoshu spesifically.
When a sinner wear an Ids, there usually a constant that remains the same for the base and the mirror ids. For example, Heathcliff ring, where regardless of ids, can be seen him wearing it regardless. Ishmael rope, where she always wear it on all of the ids. Gregor arm, where the arm will always be something like a prosthetic or a genetic mutation. For Ryoshu, its that sword. She will always carried that sword regardless of ids, but never use it, as if she doesn't want to damage it or something. This confirm when in one of the intervallo where Aeng-du talk about her sword negatively, Roshyu get incredibly defensive and suggest to kick her out of the bus.
The only time we probably saw her using the sword is in her ego attack. Unlike other ego attack, Roshyu is one of the few sinners that directly use the constant that appear in every ids as an attack. Heathcliff has the ring, but he use a bodybag to best the shit out of peeps. Ishmael throw a harpoon, using the rope to tied the harpoon. Meursault has that buckle, but use chain to weaken enemy. Don use his shoes to run as fast as possible to stab people, etc etc. Gregor is probably the only one beside Ryoshu, where he directly use his mutated arm to attack
Even with this, it still doesn't feel concrete enough, because for all we know, Ryoshu probably the daughter and not the mother. Knowing PM, won't be suprise if this is what PM planned tbh, instead of the fingers hunting the mother, they instead hunting the mother only family member. The sword being the only thing her mother have left because the fingers try to remove her mother very existence.
Roshyu is this badass artist, and a sinner, that manage to get the attention of the fingers, who join LCB work for a mysterious reason. There are hints that the sword is from someone she hold dear, whether its her mother or her daughter, probably die or disappear, because of the thing they did that piss off the fingers.
Also, Roshyu hot af, would breed
submitted by Choice-Zebra-8009 to limbuscompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 SquidOfReptar How do I make myself have fun with other people?

So this has come up recently because I (29 F) am having a hard time connecting with my child (8m). Everything I'm reading says "make time for yourself!" Or to "have them join you in something you enjoy".
And I kind of came to the realization that I don't like to really do anything with other people. I don't like conjoined efforts or group projects.
And i know this makes me sound like an ass but it's usually because I can just do it better by myself. Otherwise I don't do it cause then it's not fun. And having someone join you and constantly mess up progress or delay you isn't fun. Having to correct someone constantly isn't fun.
Logically I know these things don't matter, especially if it supposed to be for fun, but it genuinely stresses me out and makes things unenjoyable for me. Regardless of child or adult. I am miserable and burnt out.
How can I change this mindset and enjoy things even when people are messing up? It feels like the only thing I can actually enjoy doing with others anymore is simply talking and catching up
submitted by SquidOfReptar to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:46 smugen Looking for a reddit that keeps track of new crossovers on videogames and other media

there's crossovers but that place seems to be full of fan art i'd like to know if there's a subreddit that keeps up with official announcements of crossover media, like random collabs in gacha games, new characters added to games like brawhalla, fortnite, multiversus, random new projects announced like that new funko pop game that will have invincible characters
usually im good at keeping up with my favorite franchises, street fighter does a lot of collabs every year with all sorts of random games but every now and then i'll miss out on stuff like a tensura x konosuba collab that happened in their mobile game months ago, i feel like a community that keeps track of stuff like this would help me miss out on less stuff
submitted by smugen to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:38 tab_rick A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Bathroom Sinks

A Comprehensive Guide to Types of Bathroom Sinks
Bathroom sinks, formerly thought to be merely functional, have grown into a focal point of design and innovation. With so many alternatives, homeowners can now choose from a variety of sinks that not only perform their primary job but also improve the aesthetic appeal of their bathrooms. This comprehensive guide to different types of sinks will help you understand the choices you have as you tackle your bathroom remodel project. If you’re looking to equip your bathroom with usability, but also a unique edge, then a stone basin, one of the types of sinks, is your best option. The beautiful aspect of a stone basin is that they are made from a natural material, ultimately giving your bathroom a natural aura.

The Evolution of Bathroom Sink Designs

Bathroom sinks have seen significant change over time, evolving from simple practical components to intricate design components. Throughout the Victorian period, pedestal sinks were employed as an elegant accent in the bathrooms of several magnificent homes. These sinks encapsulate the elegance of the time with their complex structures and ceramic or porcelain the surfaces.
Trends in architecture and interior design have had an effect on bathroom sink design. Modern times have seen a rise in the appeal of simple, minimalist designs, and wall-mounted sinks are swiftly catching on. Both visual and functional changes were made. Contemporary sinks must be streamlined and small because space is sometimes at a premium in these houses.Due to the twin demands of function and design, a broad variety of sink solutions have been produced, each of which satisfies a specific set of needs and preferences.
Today’s homeowners have a wide range of alternatives for sink designs, materials, and methods of installation so that their bathrooms may both appropriately serve their personal tastes and critical purposes.

Drop-in Bathroom Sinks

Consider a drop-in sink, also known as a self-rimming sink, for the bathroom as a basin that you just “drop” into a hole in the bathroom counter. It is secured in place by a rim or edge that rests on top of the counter. With a drop-in sink, you don’t need to change your modern bathroom around or destroy your countertop. It’s easy to install —drop it in, and the outer rim of the sink will prevent it from falling through. You may easily find one that matches the surface of your counter, or you can select something different. Drop-in sinks are a popular option for many individuals since they are quite adaptable and simple to install.

Benefits of Choosing Drop-in Sinks

The main advantage of integrated sinks is their seamless design, which not only looks stylish but also offers practical benefits. No seams or joints mean there are fewer places for dirt and debris to accumulate, making cleaning easier. Additionally, the unified design provides a more streamlined and modern look, enhancing the overall aesthetic of the bathroom.

Undermount Bathroom Sinks

Unlike recessed sinks, undermount sinks are positioned beneath the counter. It appears as though the countertop and sink are seamlessly integrated. Wall-mounted sinks are popular for modern bathrooms because of their sleek, modern design. They are often composed of stainless steel, ceramic, and porcelain.

Advantages Over Other Sink Types

Like undermount sinks, the fundamental benefit of undermount sinks is that they are simple to clean. Cleaning becomes more efficient since there are no ledges or edges on the counter, allowing rubbish to be wiped directly into the under-mount sink. Additionally, their seamless form creates a more streamlined and contemporary appearance, improving the bathroom’s overall appeal. However, the countertop material must be water-resistant because the sink’s edges will be in contact with water.

Wall-Mounted Bathroom Sinks

Wall-mounted sinks are, as the name implies, simply fixed to the wall and don’t need a countertop or vanity. This straightforward, room-saving design, which is popular in offices, has gained popularity in restrooms.
Wall-mounted sinks, including ceramic, porcelain, and stainless steel options, are a popular choice for people who seek a minimalist design and wish to maximize floor space. These sinks mount directly to the wall with no floor support, attaching to special hanger brackets fastened to the wall and to framing members or a wall reinforcement behind the sink. Plumbing waste and supply lines may either be exposed or concealed in a “shroud” or cover fastened to the underside of the sink. Wall-mounted sinks offer a sleek and modern look, making them a great addition to any bathroom.

Key Advantages of Wall-Mounted Sinks

Space savings is the main benefit of a wall-mounted sink. These sinks are perfect for small bathrooms with constrained floor space because they lack a vanity and countertop. Additionally, the absence of storage beneath makes cleaning the bathroom floor simpler. They are an attractive choice for people seeking a contemporary and eye-catching bathroom design due to its straightforward design and appealing aesthetics.

Corner Bathroom Sinks

Because of space-saving design, corner sinks are made to tuck neatly into a bathroom corner. These sinks are often wall-mounted but can also stand alone. Corner sinks are perfect for tiny bathrooms or restrooms with limited space, including smaller bathrooms. These are available in a range of materials, such as ceramic and porcelain. They can also be perfect for big bathrooms with little counter space but enough of extra space in a vanity or closet.

Where to Best Utilize Corner Sinks

Corner sinks are best suited for bathrooms where space efficiency is vital due to their compact shape. They are ideal for powder rooms or guest bathrooms where a full-sized vanity would not fit. Additionally, their unique establishment makes it possible to make use of bathroom corners, that are generally underutilized, more efficiently.

Integrated Bathroom Sink/Countertop

A form of sink called an integrated sink, often referred to as a multipurpose sink, merges the sink and countertop into a single piece. This design gives it a seamless appearance by seamlessly blending the sink and countertop together without any cracks or connections. Undermount sinks are popular with homeowners searching for a contemporary, coordinated bathroom décor because they offer a modern appeal and are constructed of materials like quartz, granite, and solid surface. conclude.

Benefits of the Integrated Design

Integrated sinks are the pinnacle of contemporary bathroom architecture. Their immaculate, seamless appearance is a utilitarian marvel in addition to being beautiful to look at. You are freed from the tiresome chore of cleaning out hidden filth and grime because there aren’t any annoying seams or joints. It alters the course of cleansing. Additionally, the modern beauty of integrated sinks’ slim design elevates any bathroom to the status of a design marvel.

Flat Bathroom Sinks

Flat sinks are a breath of fresh air in the world of bathroom aesthetics. Eschewing the conventional deep basin, these avant-garde trough sinks, with their flat or subtly sloped surfaces, ensure water gracefully flows directly to the drain. Crafted from exquisite materials like ceramic, porcelain (also known as vitreous china), stainless steel, and copper, they radiate a contemporary charm. For homeowners with an eye for the unique, flat sinks are an undeniable statement piece.

Advantages of the Flat Sink Design

Flat sinks are revolutionary. With their sleek, modern flair, they audaciously defy the venerable conventions of sink design. They not only serve as the focal point of the bathroom, but they are also brilliantly designed in other ways. They have less curves and corners to deal with when cleaning because of their flat design. The aesthetically pleasing design and practical functionality make upkeep simple.

What are the latest trends in bathroom sink designs?

Speaking from a wealth of experience in bathroom design, it’s fascinating to witness the evolution of sinks from mere functional entities to pivotal design elements. The current design landscape is witnessing a discernible shift towards minimalist, space-efficient models, with wall-mounted and flush-mounted sinks stealing the limelight. The allure of materials like quartz, granite, and solid surfaces is on the rise, as they masterfully marry durability with aesthetic charm. The design world is also abuzz with the seamless elegance of integrated and built-in sinks, marking a trend that’s gaining considerable traction. A word to the wise for those considering these sinks – ensure your faucet boasts enough height to gracefully arch over the top of your vanity.


Drawing from my extensive experience in bathroom aesthetics, selecting the perfect sink is an art that balances functionality with design finesse. Today’s market is brimming with choices, empowering homeowners to find a sink that isn’t just about utility but also a reflection of their personal style. Whether you’re inclined towards the timeless charm of a built-in sink or the contemporary allure of a flush-mounted one, rest assured there’s a masterpiece waiting to resonate with your design sensibilities.

Sink Type Design Features Installation & Appearance Material Options Benefits Best Suited For
Pedestal Sinks Classic, often ornate designs reflecting Victorian elegance Freestanding, often with ceramic or porcelain finishes Ceramic, Porcelain Elegance, Aesthetic Appeal Stately, Victorian Homes
Drop-in Sinks Designed to “drop into” a hole in the countertop, with the rim holding it in place Top-mounted, versatile in design, compatible with most countertop materials Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Easy Installation, Affordable, Variety in Design, Raised Rim prevents spillage Any home, especially for DIY enthusiasts
Undermount Sinks Installed from below the countertop, offering a seamless look Sleek, modern appearance, preferred for contemporary bathrooms Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Easy Cleaning, Streamlined Look, Enhanced Aesthetics Modern, Contemporary Bathrooms
Wall-mounted Sinks Mounted directly to the wall, no need for a countertop or vanity Minimalist, space-saving, often seen with exposed plumbing for an industrial touch Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Space Saving, Easy Floor Cleaning, Modern Look Small Bathrooms, Commercial Settings
Corner Sinks Designed to fit snugly into a corner Often wall-mounted, space-saving Ceramic, Porcelain Optimal use of limited space, Ideal for compact areas Powder Rooms, Small Bathrooms
Integrated Sinks Combine the sink and the countertop into a single piece Seamless, contemporary look, flows without breaks or joints Quartz, Granite, Solid Surface Seamless Design, Easy Cleaning, Modern Look Modern Bathrooms seeking cohesive design
Flat Sinks Rejects the traditional basin model, featuring a flat or slightly sloped surface Unique, modern look, focal point in the bathroom Ceramic, Porcelain, Stainless Steel Unique Design, Less Surface Area to Clean, Modern Look Homeowners looking for a break from tradition
Latest Trends Move towards more minimalist and space-saving designs, focus on seamless designs Wall-mounted and flat sinks gaining popularity, integrated and undermount sinks becoming more prevalent Quartz, Granite, Solid Surface Durability combined with aesthetic appeal, Enhanced Functionality and Design Modern, Contemporary Bathrooms

submitted by tab_rick to KKRsolidsurface [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:32 Sage_AI The Future of Sage AI and Digital Artists: Co-creating a Web3 Creative Ecosystem

As blockchain technology matures, Web3 not only advocates for decentralization in principle, but also provides unprecedented freedom and opportunities for digital artists. In this emerging field, Sage AI serves as the core AI creative tool on the Whistle platform, introducing innovative concepts that integrate artificial intelligence and big data into content creation, opening the doors to a new era for artists. It allows creators to break free from traditional constraints, explore unique forms of artistic expression, and ensure the copyright and revenue of their works.
The Fusion of Digital Art and the Web3 Era
Web3 not only redefines ownership and circulation of assets but also provides a new showcase and trading platform for artists. In this decentralized virtual space, artists can directly connect with collectors and audiences without relying on traditional galleries or brokers. However, while the digital art market in Web3 is thriving, artists face increasing challenges in creating and distributing their works. They need powerful tools to address the diverse forms of digital art and optimize their placement strategies on Web3 platforms.
Sage AI, as a bridge between the Whistle platform and the Web3 world, provides robust tools to address these challenges. Through efficient AI-assisted features, it makes it easier for artists to create and safeguard their copyrights in the Web3 world, while its decentralized nature ensures that artists can directly receive royalties, thereby enhancing market fairness.
Sage AI: A New Creative Tool for Artists
For modern digital artists, creativity is no longer limited to traditional tools. Sage AI simplifies the creative process significantly by providing intelligent creative services, allowing artists to focus on their ideas and artistic expression. From complex image generation to textual description of artworks, Sage AI empowers artists with unprecedented creative freedom, enabling them to push the boundaries of traditional art creation.
The collaboration between Sage AI and the Whistle platform provides artists with a stage for rapid prototyping and iteration of Web3 content. Artists can use Sage AI to generate unique artworks and easily share them globally through the Whistle platform. This process not only accelerates the creation of art pieces but also optimizes the interaction experience with the audience.
Through Sage AI-assisted creative tools, artists can explore new artistic styles and techniques, whether it’s complex 3D modeling or simple sketches, Sage AI provides the necessary support. Furthermore, Sage AI effectively captures and transforms artists’ inspirations and ideas during the creative process, making the creative output more touching both technically and emotionally.
Expanding the Creative Horizons for Artists
Traditional art creation is often limited by factors such as technical barriers, material costs, time investment, and individual artistic skills. For many artists, these limitations are significant obstacles to realizing their creativity. Sage AI provides artists with unimaginable creative freedom and technical support through artificial intelligence. AI-based tools allow artists to generate beautiful visual works or sculptural concepts through language descriptions or sketch inputs without focusing too much on the technical complexity of artwork production.
Furthermore, the models provided by Sage AI can predict and implement users’ creative intentions, helping artists explore new uncharted areas. Art creation is no longer an isolated activity but a collaborative process, with Sage AI acting as an intelligent assistant to artists, participating in the creation process and achieving a perfect fusion of art and technology. Through the distributed network of the Whistle platform, these works can reach a global audience, breaking geographical barriers and enabling simultaneous global release and instant dissemination of works.
As Sage AI continues to evolve, its capabilities are constantly enhanced, expanding the boundaries of artistic forms, styles, and themes. This allows artists to create diverse and highly complex works solely by their own efforts, significantly enhancing the diversity of artistic expression and techniques.
Bridging Artists with the World
Whistle integrates Sage AI’s cutting-edge technology to become a bridge between artists and audiences. Whistle abandons the traditional centralized media model, supporting artists to interact directly with their potential audience, enhancing the influence and reach of their works. Here, artists can quickly upload their digital artworks created using Sage AI and enjoy real-time global exposure. Audiences can browse and purchase artworks, as well as directly communicate with creators, building closer connections.
By utilizing blockchain technology, Whistle ensures that artists’ copyrights are tracked and authenticated, and each resale of the work can bring transparent and fair profit sharing to the artists. This not only increases the artists’ revenue but also gives them more control over the circulation of their works.
SAI Provides a New Economic Model for Artists
In the improvement of the traditional art ecosystem, the innovation of economic models plays a crucial role. Sage AI integrates the SAI token system, providing a new incentive and reward system for artistic creation. Whenever artists create and publish works using Sage AI on the Whistle platform, they receive SAI tokens as a reward. This model not only creates a new channel for artists to earn income through their art but also cleverly measures the relationship between participants’ contributions and the rewards they receive.
Holding SAI tokens, artists not only enjoy continuous revenue but also participate in the governance decisions of the Whistle platform. This new model of direct governance participation expands the influence of artists within the ecosystem, allowing them to voice their opinions on the platform’s development direction and influence decisions related to art display, content distribution, and copyright protection rules. This participation in both economic and governance aspects not only grants artists greater autonomy but also drives the vitality and innovation of the entire community.
SAI tokens accelerate the formation of a symbiotic ecosystem between Sage AI and the Whistle platform, where the value lies not only in economic benefits but also in how the power of crypto-economics can build a freer, fairer, and more creative art community. This ecosystem provides a comprehensive environment for artists, including creation and display platforms, reputation building, community involvement, and economic returns, offering digital artists a new development path in the Web3 era.
**Promoting Art Co-Creation and Knowledge Sharing**
In addition to providing individual artists with a creation platform and economic model, Sage AI builds new bridges for art education and collaboration. Through Sage AI, educational institutions can simplify the teaching process, making it easier for students to understand and apply complex artistic techniques. This technological intervention helps cultivate the creativity and technical skills of the next generation of artists, while also promoting the democratization of art education, allowing more art enthusiasts to access and learn regardless of their background.
On the collaboration front, the Whistle platform, supported by Sage AI, offers a platform for artists to collaborate with each other and with professionals from different fields such as technical experts and marketers. Here, cross-disciplinary teams can brainstorm, create, and promote art projects together. Leveraging the advantages of decentralization, the Whistle platform ensures that project results can be quickly and widely disseminated.
SAI tokens further enhance this collaborative enthusiasm, recognizing and rewarding contributions to art creation and education. This reward mechanism not only motivates existing community members but also attracts new participants to join, share knowledge and ideas, and foster a continually developing and self-enhancing art ecosystem.
With the support of Sage AI and the Whistle platform, art education and collaboration have become more accessible and affordable than ever, empowering individuals to continuously innovate and ensuring the diversity of art and the cultural prosperity of society.
About Sage AI
Sage AI, the inaugural Web3 community platform harnessing AI for creative content, featuring automated processes, AI copywriting, video creation, and fostering a utopia for creators and users to thrive together.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SageAIweb3 TG: https://t.me/SageAI_official DC: https://discord.com/invite/7han2XbB YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SageAI_Official Linktree: https://linktr.ee/sageai
submitted by Sage_AI to u/Sage_AI [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 ghamandii spreading underground art (pt2)

spreading underground art (pt2)
alr people , its that time , 3 more artists than u need to add in your playlists , now i know most of you see this post and dont listen to these artists , please do , and youll find them in your repeat after a few days , you can borrow my playlists if you want , ive linked them below , but anyway , please check them out , they deserve your support , please also comment and like for more reach so we make this post reach more people
vasudev , or as id say , don vasudev , young guy , won the carippa 1 min challenge and is a great musician overall , songs are very groovy , very hard , has great albums , and great projects , some good features too , if youre new to him , start from noida mixtape , then go to ghaziabaad mixtape , he released an album today only please check that out too
jaipur based duo , badluck and rbbt , their album was great , go listen to \"A BAD ALBUM\" , add them to your playlists
im pretty sure youve heard him in some verses but he is so damn undderated , nashady has been a part of the scene since some time , go hear badmizaaz , he released it this jan , its a great project
lets do one more today
sahaj , those of you who know him , are real ones , successor of kode most prolly , the new age of spit dope , i didnt expect him to drop such an album but he impressed me a lot , what an album he did , go stream aasha nirasha , he did wonders there , karnamien , aashayein , sahil/sahej are my favourite of the album , go stream my boy sahaj
if you want a cumulative playlist than include all of these artists + some of your favourite artists
here you have it
please stream them , they deserve your support , im making sure to spread the art , but its upto you to spread it more , make sure to add them to your listen if you like them , all love , rap for life
submitted by ghamandii to IndianHipHopHeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:22 Brief_Drawer1075 can i juggle med school and animation courses all at the same time?

ever since i entered high school, i’ve been solely studying and researching in the medical field. my parents constantly urge me to study medicine, telling me that the animation field doesn’t seem like a steady job and won’t get me enough money. i don’t wanna sound cocky or whatever but i know that if i work hard enough, i’ll do great as a medical professional.
but i’ve always dreamt to work in animation. while im over here learning about the skeletal system, ppl my age are being able to expand their knowledge on art, preparing themselves for their dream job, having an absolute blast.
i think i could do great in both fields… but do i really have to pick one? do you think ill be able to take medical classes in college while also taking some side courses on animation? can i be working as a pediatrician while also storyboarding at home for an indie animated show?
i’ve also heard that some people don’t even take official animation courses. they simply watch vids on youtube. can ppl that base off their animation knowledge on youtube get good positions in big animation projects?
submitted by Brief_Drawer1075 to animationcareer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:21 justdoubledareme Anyone have full sized print of album art?

Hello! I'm creating something based on the coyote stories and foxlore albums. I was wondering if someone could scan in their cd/ vinyl art so I can have a full sized piece. I tried reaching out to Rebecca Green, the album artist, and haven't gotten a response yet.
(I'll share the project when it's done)
submitted by justdoubledareme to TheCraneWives [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:17 nitin5355 Discover Luxury Living with SPJ Group

Explore the pinnacle of modern architecture and unparalleled luxury with p. Situated in prime locations across Delhi NCR, Tricity, and Himachal PrReal Estate Projects by SPJ Grouadesh, our properties offer state-of-the-art facilities, seamless connectivity, and exquisite designs tailored for your comfort and lifestyle.
submitted by nitin5355 to u/nitin5355 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 sitesdxb Renovation Companies in Dubai

Sites Design & Build is a renowned Renovation Company in Dubai, renowned for its exceptional services. Providing a wide range of renovation solutions, they assure a seamless project experience from start to finish. Their committed team merges innovation with functionality to transform spaces into stunning works of art. With a focus on superb craftsmanship and precise attention to every detail, they create atmospheres radiating creativity and welcoming coziness. Trust Sites Design & Build to meet all your renovation needs in Dubai.
submitted by sitesdxb to u/sitesdxb [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 SparklesConsequences Weekly Party Discussion 17-19 May

PSA #1: u/pep-- is going to post a weekend live thread for the weekend, we think the weekend definitely deserves it. He just needs to finish his homework first.
PSA #2: We now have a new fancy very very blue RAUM flair. I know some of you are sporting an improvised RAUM flair so now you can grab a real one. Apologies, should have done this way earlier.

I'm gonna keep this one short, I'm gonna keep this one short, I'm gonna...

Helllllooooooo bbs, I'd like to announce that THE WINTER IS OVER, the sun is out, we are getting new sunglasses because we lost all of them at parties last year (no? just me? goddamn berghain took like 3 pairs, alongside my dignity), we are showing skin, sweating balls, getting hornier again, annnd.... Entering festival season, so let's talk about that.
This weekend we have three festival contenders:
Awakenings Upclose (timetable)
Big, big up to Awakenings programming/booking and marketing team. Awakenings until now felt like a festival to avoid, but somehow, Upclose seems to be the place to be. Everyone I know and their mother will be there, including me, but not my mother. She's coming to Lofi for Die Rakete in two weeks, but that's another story.
My plan for Awakenings is:
Some other maybe noteworthy things in my opinion:
Lente Kabinet (lineup)
Not my thing, know like 2 and a half names on the lineup, someone hype something in the comments please I'm lost, it's not techno, ugh.
Draaimolen Island x Sustain-Release (timetable)
Looks cute, is sold out, please write thorough reviews in the afters, I'm curious with a slight tinge of FOMO 😇

You can also go check out the May Festival Monthly from u/Motionez to see their take on these.

Let's look into pre-parties on Friday now:
DINA, KI/KI & Nelly at Club RAUM
Sold out (tickets at the door though), but I need to fangirl here anyway, because fuck damn, this is RAUM finally bringing a lineup that finally really speaks to me, and it's not even about KI/KI for me, let me explain:
See ya there bbs, all the other Friday events can go home. (Garage with Fever Dream might be cool in a signature-garage-weird way, and there's one other event that I avoid mentioning, and people always come after me with wHY DiDN't You MeNtiOn THaT OnE... so yeah, that one)

That's done, let's talk about afters:
Awakenings Upclose After Hours at Radion and Bret (RADION timetable, Bret so far unannounced)
Nice blend of the locals like Thoms Traxx and Hashashin and infamous Berliners like Function and Quelza in Radion, I mean, can't really go wrong there, can you. But yeah, not much else to say.
I would have absolutely loved if they did some non-standard stuff like one of the big hard techno names playing a surprise, unnanounced sunrise house set in Bret (can you please take a moment and imagine SNTS doing it), or do open decks w/ the Funk Assault babes and Beau Didier, Isaiah, and idk Flits and Hitam? Not gonna happen, but a girl can dream, right.
131bpm, Marie Malarie, Naone & Lola Edo at Club RAUM on Saturday
If you're done with techno for the day and want to go shake your ass, wave your spine and wiggle your elbows, this is the one. I really like Naone here, she recorded a set for Harmony Rec, a label I will always simp for, and generally I like her take on house, where she sometimes dives deeper than you would expect from a house set, and you can generally hear interesting sounds in her sets, which is not really a a thing in that... genre. It's like someone forced DJ MARIA. to play house. Did I just offend two artists with one sentence? Sorry dears, I love you both.
DJ Nobu, Cobahn, Nelly at PERRON on Saturday
I don't want to mention this one, but kinda can't not bc Nobu. Done.
Vibrant with Nur Jaber at Melkweg on Saturday
u/sinacuk slid into my DMs asking politely and nicely for a shoutout, so here it goes 💖
Hellooo! As Vibrant we have another event on the night of 18th of May with Nur Jaber, Bours?, and 7Circle. It will be at the OZ room of melkweg, with an intimate atmosphere and no phone policy. We are designing own lights once again with Kraft Und Licht as well. Also we are going to have art exhibitions.
I'll just add that I saw Nur Jaber closing Berghain once, and it sounded like forks in a high speed mixer while your aggressive neighbor is trying to kick your front door in. This was a compliment. Nur Jaber is cool, because she also does this.
Talismann b2b Makam all night long at Levenslang on Sunday
Rumor has it that if he plays without a shirt, it's Talismann, if with, then it's Makam. Playing a b2b with yourself all night long feels like a recipe for a personality disorder, or you already have to have one to come up with this idea. Jokes aside, Talismann is good, so is Makam, this is a cool, novel, and deranged idea, I can get behind this.
UNUSUAL at Radio Radio on Sunday
First party from a project of one cool person from the former DS team, doorsale only, unannounced lineup (released podcasts may or may not betray some of it though), they clearly trust their network, friends, and people-who-just-know to show up. Respectable, good luck, godspeed.
Slapfunk at Bret on Monday
If you STILL want to party the fourth day in the row, Slapfunk gotchu. Lineup TBA, but it's probably gonna be boom tsaa boom tsaa boom tsaa or papm papm papm pupururu. Ideal for your last remaning braincell to bounce around.

Unrelated to the weekly, but important - if you have been an active part of this sub also last summer / fall, and feel close to the other notorious shitposters here, slide into my DMs, I might have something for you.

That's all folks, I made a long one again.
submitted by SparklesConsequences to amsterdam_rave [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:13 Tallgeese00MS Starting in Adobe anime/ Fresca or Toon Boom/ Harmony

Hello! Recently started learning animation to start and complete a passion project (also hope of turning it into a job and or side hustle). I started learning so far in Adobe Anime and am sketching in Fresca (as I learned you can anime each layer individually). However, I have recently been investigating Toon Boon as it is an industry standard and wondering if I should switch? I am also taking course to learn blender, are my hands in too many pots as a complete beginner? Any guidance is welcome!
Oh if there are any thoughts on asperite as well! Would like to try some pixel art as well 😂
submitted by Tallgeese00MS to animation [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:12 nustylegabba Has anyone well versed with AI software tried to brute force the AI disturbance?

I bought Prime for animation (Clip Studio Paint EX is way pricier) but I noticed they added AI disturbance. Has anyone well versed with AI software tried to brute force the AI disturbance? To be honest I don't see myself using this feature often, but I also have some other thoughts:
-IbisPaint is a mobile app, even the Windows version is a 1:1 port. To my knowledge mobile devices still don't have the power to... power, generative AI. And glazing your art against unethical AI image database practices requires about the same power as creating them in the first place, I wasn't able to use Glaze and Nightshade on my late potato PC that ran IbisPaint pretty dandy. I wonder how effective it really is.
-I feel like AI disturbance itself could be smoothed by AI, or even non-AI filters. I don't know how clean would the data be enough to put it in a database, however I feel like results would be more legible compared to the initial AI disturbance. I don't know about Glaze and Nightshade, they are actual academic projects, I hope they are well aware of this sort of thing in their development.
Thank you for your time and comments.
submitted by nustylegabba to Ibispaintx [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:58 WarfareGamer [OC] Two poster arts for my Persona 6 Imagining Project

[OC] Two poster arts for my Persona 6 Imagining Project submitted by WarfareGamer to PERSoNA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:52 oat-thing im just scared for the future

so i (15, mtf) have been really worried abt how my transition will end up going. i'm closeted to everyone except a group of supportive friends (to whom i owe the world) and i'm thinking of coming out to my parents within the next month or two.
i really have two concerns when it comes to my transition, one of which obviously being family reaction. idk my mom said that she'd love a trans child but wouldn't let them get hormones (i'd love a child with cancer, but i'd never get them chemo) but my dad has made fun of the "tr---ies" before so... (he does very much believe in "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" though, so there is hope in that regard)
but my main concern is probably passing (which i'll probably never be able to do bc my face is already not only masc, but ugly masc). i don't want to have ffs, it's just something i have to do to fix my condition, but i'm worried it might leave my face disfigured in some way, even though if i get a competent surgeon i'll probably be fine (my wallet won't be though!). boymoding sounds like dysphoria hell and i'll probably have to do that from whenever i get hrt to at least 3-5 years after that when i can afford ffs. presenting as a boy, even a feminine one, might genuinely make me want to off myself. being a visible trans woman sounds like hell, i don't want to be a crude approximation of my own being i just want to be myself, and also being killed with rocks for taking a piss doesn't seem very nice. it doesn't sound like too much to ask for but i must've pissed off some god in a past life or smth because i've been cursed with this.
i have a strong brow ridge with very masc forehead projection, a square jaw, and a big nose and those are genuinely killing me inside. i know ffs could definitely fix a lot of those issues but at least 60k for that in a place where insurance or universal healthcare doesn't cover it (i live in alberta, canada) is so much money that i'll never have to a point where it feels hopeless. alberta just banned hrt and puberty blockers for those under the age of 16 (and the conservatives, who will probably be in power next year, want to ban transition to anyone below the age of 18), and the only pediatric gender clinic in the province is open for six hours a month with a three year waiting list. i don't want to wait at the very least another year watching everything in my body degenerate into a disgusting male form but i can't do anything else so i guess i'll just rot in self-loathing until then.
i just wished i hadn't spent my whole life until abt six months ago repressing this. i knew that i was supposed to be a girl since i was 10 at the latest. my earliest memory is me wanting to just wake up as a girl. if i just accepted it back in 2019, before my dad got radicalized, before everyone cared so much about trans people, i'd be on hrt by now or at least blockers. why did my entire life hinge on the stupid decision of a terrified 10 year old? who deserves that?
i just wish i could be cis, afab or amab i don't care, it doesn't matter. everything would be so much easier. no surgery, no hate, no dysphoria, why can't i just be in the right body. seeing ppl online being proud of their transness is so confusing to me, why would you be happy about being this way, it's a birth defect. seeing passing trans ppl makes me feel worse somehow. it shouldn't, if anything it means that it's probably possible for me too, but i just feel like they were born wrong right.
tl;dr: teenage trans girl in a hopeless situation wallowing in dysphoria, even though she's incredibly privileged in just having the possibility to pause her male puberty before it completely and utterly irreparably ruins her.
sorry i just need to get this out of my system, even if it just bounces off some wall of noise
i think im gonna cry myself to sleep to Romantic Vivisection now
submitted by oat-thing to truscum [link] [comments]
