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[US-PA] [H] Mode Envoy, Osume YOTD Keycaps, Gok 7v Parts, Shaka Switches [W] Paypal

2024.05.14 05:49 RedditHooll [US-PA] [H] Mode Envoy, Osume YOTD Keycaps, Gok 7v Parts, Shaka Switches [W] Paypal

Selling some stuff from last post and some new items.
I will do bundle pricing: I will take off $10 off the order for each item you add.
Comment and PM, please.
Shipping CONUS only - Paypal G&S
Mode Envoy
Osume Year of the Dragon
Shaka Tactile Switches
Gok 7v PVD Weight
Gok 7v PCB
submitted by RedditHooll to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:30 shione-shirakami Predicting Yandere Simulator great twist : Ayano and Megami

Most of you are probably already aware of this theory. It has been around for years. The great twist of Yandere Simulator will be the reveal that Megami and Ayano are sisters.
This had been a widly accepted theory since the release of Megami's first design, back when she still had black hair. Her design at the time was extremely similar to Kill la Kill character, Satsuki Kiryun. For those who are unaware, Satsuki is the main antagonist of the anime, and the president of the student council the protagonist attends. The plot twist of the anime is that she is the protagonist's sister.
Considering Alex knows about Kill la Kill, as proven by several easter eggs, it's likely he decided to use the same plot twist for Yandere Simulator. Megami's design was changed to not give it away immediatly, but of course, Alex couldn't keep his damn mouth shut, so there are many, MANY details that confirm this theory. I said details ? I should have said pages.
However, I feel like a lot of people are glossing over many details about this theory, and have many misconceptions about it. Notably, about how Megami and Ayano are related. So I decided to give my own theory, including all the... uh... subtle evidences we get in the game.
Crazy Grandpa master plan
No need to beat around the Saikou family's bush (or should I say tree, wink wink), you probably know about the Saikou Grandpa eugenics tendencies. His goal is to create the perfect human being, and he plans on using that by acheving the perfect combination of genetics.
So you might not know about this, but there are two major theories about the development of an individual. It's nature against nurture. Is an individual as he is because he was born this way, or because he grew to be this way. Is a person a blank slate at birth, or is their individuality already present from birth. This plays into determinism, I won't go into more details for a Yandere Simulator dumb theory, but you can look it up if you're interested.
So, to go back to Crazy Grandpa, he was probably on the side of nature at first. He only reproduced after he found the perfect wife, as he didn't want his gene pool to be "tainted", going as far as to DNA her on random shit. How did he DNA test her in the 60s is anyone's guess but let's move on.
The result were two children, Ichiko and Ichirou. Ichiko was raised rather normally, and ended up leaving the Saikou family as she didn't want to become the CEO. Crazy Grandpa saw it as the failure of his belief in nature, and decided to switch to nurture with Ichiro.
So Ichirou was raised with high expectations, to the point he acted like a robot, but Crazy Grandpa was very proud about what he had become.
Saishou carefully designed a very specific upbringing for Ichirou in order to encourage the development of specific personality traits and interests, and discourage the development of any attribute that he considered to be 'unnecessary'.
The boy spoke formally at all times, never expressed emotion, and rarely changed his facial expression. The Saikou family's attendants often wondered if the boy was still capable of independent thought, or if he was simply an empty shell that had been trained to carry out his father's will." Beside that, nothing else is known about his personality.
Familiar, isn't it ? We also learn that this is Saisho's conception of an "ideal person".
It is mentionned Grandpa was the one to chose Ichirou's wife, with the same criteria as he chose his own wife. Again, a perfect wife, because he didn't want his son to waste all the work he had put to this point to have a perfect bloodline. To this point, grandpa got the living proof that nurture works, but he still can't let go of his belief nature plays a part in it.
If only there was a way to run an experiment that could give an answer to this question...
The theory
The sisters theory is that Megami and Ayano are sisters, but there are usually divergences on how they are related. Keep in mind that I will be using the old timeline from 1980s mode as a template. It's already inaccurate as Yandere Simulator isn't set in 2022 anymore, but in 2026. But I don't care, the events probably play the same way.
Megami and Ayano are revealed in this timeline to have been born in the same year. You'll notice that the timeline mentions the birth of "Ryoba's daughter", and the birth of "Ichirou's daughter". Keep in mind that Jokichi isn't mentioned as Ayano's father.
And that's where we come to the main misconception in this theory.
Who are Megami's parents ?
Ichirou is obviously Megami's father. However, many have theorized that Ryoba is Megami's biological mother. This theory goes both way, either Megami and Ayano are twins separated from birth, or Saikou kept an egg from Ryoba and inseminated the Wife. This would make her Ayano's maternal half-sister.
I don't suscribe to this theory. Well, first of all, considering the timeline, Crazy Grandpa was the one behind the deal we'll mention later with Ryoba. I don't think he would have wasted his time finding a wife with perfect genes for his son if he had planned for her to only be an incubator.
Also, another reason, Megami's little antenae. It's a part of her design that she gets from her mother. The Wife is also mentioned to have given birth to two children, Megami and Kencho, which wasn't a necessary precision. Alex would have probably found a way to circumvent this if she hasn't really have birth to Megami.
So no, sorry, Megami probably isn't a yandere.
So... if Ayano and Megami aren't related throught Ryoba... how are they sisters ?
Through Ichirou. Simply enough.
Yeah, as great of a dad Jokichi is, he is probably not Ayano's biological father. Ayano is a copy paste of Ryoba, so he doesn't share anything in common with Ayano design-wise, that could indicate he is indeed her father. We don't even know that much about him as an adult. The Characters page doesn't mention him being Ayano's father, he is only described as the student he was back in the 80s.
However, Ichirou is described as extremely similar personality wise to Ayano. While Ayano is probably emotionless due to the Aishi curse, she is way more stoic than Ryoba in her own mode. But that's still a weak evidence, this is way I will back this up with the timeline.
We know that Ryoba has given birth to a daughter very late compared to her own mother and grandmother. These reasons are said to be plot related and big spoilers. Again, Ayano's father isn't mentioned as a parent, only Ryoba.
I recently went through my text document that lists all character ages and birthdates and changed a few things. Aishi women now give birth at 18. Ryoba, however, gave birth at 31, for plot-related reasons that will be revealed in the true ending (or perhaps in the basement tapes).
So, this is my own theory on what happened.
Just shut up and tell us what happened already
In the timeline, it is mentioned Ryoba's mother kept her Senpai in her basement. In 1984, when Ryoba was still a child, Saikou Corp renovated all the houses in Buraza Town for free, including Ryoba's house. Why was this even mentioned ? Because it was the first meeting between the Saikou and Aishi families.
Crazy Grandpa found out about the weird shit happening in the Aishi's basement. He learns about the Aishi curse. He decides to keep an eye on the Aishi's daughter at Akademi. Everything Ryoba did to get her Senpai convinces him the Aishi gene is the perfect gene to create an emotionless heir.
Kocho is extremely reluctant to let Ryoba return to the school, stand on a stage, and hand her a diploma but was told by Saisho Saikou to let it go.
He orders his men to abduct Jokichi as an hostage, so she would agree to have a meeting. That's when they made a deal, that Ryoba would be the mother of the future Saikou heir. But not only is Ichiro not old enough, he wants to find the perfect wife for him. She can marry her Senpai and have well paying jobs in the meantime.
Ten years after that, Ryoba has a meeting with Saikou and his son. And according to Kencho, she is apparently a regular.
She walked straight through the waiting room and directly into Mr. Saikou's office, without even speaking a single word to the secretary.
How long had that woman been coming here? How often? What business did she have here?
Kencho asks the secretary details, and we are told :
The secretary was silent for a few moments, and then gave me some generic platitude about how "the details of Mr. Saikou's appointments must be kept strictly confidential."
So either Saisho fired the previous secretary, or this meeting must be extremely confidential. Because that secretary was a huge gossip when it came to Ichiro and Saisho's falling off.
We get the confirmation it is a big deal as all the employees act the same at the mention of Ryoba.
When they saw how distraught I was, they were eager to help, but...
...When I asked them about that woman who just walked by, they... their attitudes changed in a heartbeat.
They slowly turned away from me and returned to their work in silence.
They ignored me, as if I wasn't even there! I haven't been treated like that since I was a schoolboy!
It was as if that woman was a taboo subject that no-one was allowed to speak of...or that...
He asks about her several times but Crazy Grandpa shuts him down. Kencho mentions Ichiro was there for all the meetings, but he has only heard him speak a handful of times. However, we also know that Ryoba and Ichiro have spoken with each other.
2004, Ichiro is in his mid-twenties. He gets married to the Wife. That's when his two daughters are born : Megami is born to the Wife, as the official heir to Saikou. Ayano is born to Ryoba, away from the Saikou family, as the bearer of the Aishi curse.
How exactly what Ayano born ? It is unlikely Ryoba would have cheated on Jokichi, which is why many have theorized on an insemination. Considering Saikou is a tech company, it's not out of reach.
He had two children, in accordance with his father's wishes; 'One as a backup in case the first child fails you.'
Yes, this might refer to Kencho. But this might also refer to Ayano. After all, Saisho did have twin daughters, before having a spare...
One was raised to be emotionless. One was born emotionless. It was the old debate, nurture against nature. Which one would produce the perfect heir to the eyes of the Saikou ?
Crazy grandpa retires in 2019, right before Megami and Ayano enter Akademi, and Ichiro becomes CEO.
Ichiro wants to select the perfect heir. And for that, he decides he will select the one who will come out on top, between Megami and Ayano. He seals a deal with Kencho about Ayano.
There tape...that I'm already prepared to part ways with... The tape I made after Mr. Saikou's recent, ah...demands. It's far, far too risky for a recording like that to exist... That one...must be destroyed...immediately.
We know this deal is about Ayano. When Kencho kills Ayano as he feels threatened, he says "Mr. Saikou, the deal is off".
Ryoba and Jokichi both work for Saikou. We know from the headmaster that Ryoba and Ichiro have frequent meetings. She is able to walk in his office regularly. Why ? To discuss their daughter.
When Ryoba announces they are going to America, and Jokichi worries about their job, she says she gave a call to their boss and "he was very understanding". I used to interpret this as their boss being scared of Ryoba. But if their boss is Ichirou, there might be a reason he was so understanding. If Jokichi and Ryoba were to get away from Buraza Town, they wouldn't get in the way of his plans.
After Ayano disposes of Osana, we get a cutscene where he is on the phone with Ichiro. He seems very pleased with the unfolding events, and tells Kencho these deaths are "necessary casualties" for the "progress of science". Normal CEO activity, nothing wrong here.
But Megami also learns about this, as she is aware of the presence of a dangerous individual. Either Ichiro told her, or she might have discovered it by herself. Ichiro keeps her away from school for several weeks. She attends school through Zoom.
In very early builds of the game, you could find a laptop in the school. You would get to see Megami as a shadowy figure, back when she still had black hair. And here's her monologue :
I know who you are. I know WHAT you are. My father won't allow me to attend school while you are... "active". He has a reason for tolerating your presence at this school. I don't. You are a vulgar creature that is only allowed to exist because you serve a purpose. If it was my decision, then every last one of you would be exterminated.
And here's the end of Megami's description.
Megami clearly has some very important information that would cause her to go to such extreme lengths...but what does she know? Does Saikou Corp have anything to do with it? And, more importantly, does Senpai have anything to do with it?
So yeah, that's it for me folks, I'm putting the tin foil hat away and going back to my regular activities. If you have any counterpoint or anything to add, please tell it in the comments.
submitted by shione-shirakami to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:26 Processter How would I start a 3d printing business, if I had to restart after 10 years. 15 “things” I would need.

I’ve shared my story on how I started, ran for 10 years, and remotely sold my 3dp business HERE.
Now I would like to speculate on How I would start it if I had to do it again. Why? 2 reasons:
  1. When it was time to sell, I discovered, that the most valuable assets of my business were NOT the printers or production base and that I could've significantly grown and therefore increased business value if I did certain things a certain way.
Knowing that and other things - I would've tried to do "the right things" from the beginning, and I hope it would help those who are thinking about or starting it right now.
I concentrate on the business side since the 3dp business is first of all a business, and I go through with it as I would’ve done it (not just some average avatar model).
This article doesn’t cover everything and simplifies some parts, but I tried to make it as real and in-depth as possible since the devil is in the details.
  1. I am starting new business projects right now, and the path I am taking is almost the same (minus printers basically) path;


First I need to ask myself: what kind of 3dp business would I like to start? It may be hard to answer right at the start, but I do know 4 things:
  1. I want it to be service-based (at least in the beginning, then I may consider a hybrid: service+product model);
  2. I want it to be B2B (higher check, less transactional costs);
  3. I want to gravitate towards big/complicated models;
  4. I will offer some post-processing (get hand dirty, mot many others willing to do that);
Here I may also need to identify, who my target audience is. But It is hard, and may sometimes be harmful in the beginning, so I will stick with 4 general assumptions listed above, and see where keywords lead me.
But I will revisit this very important question (let's call it a “vision”) as soon as I have a meaningful chunk of data and experience.


Then I will conduct research.
For that, I need to pick a place (3dp business is place-bound to a certain degree). Let's say a city - Austin - TX.
Note here - the bigger city, the better.
Now I need 3 lists:
  1. First is a List of keywords with average monthly searches and cost of clicks for different areas:
    1. Austin;
    2. Other big cities nearby;
    3. State of Texas;
    4. Nearby states;
    5. The whole of the US.
One tab for each. You can pick as many areas as you see fit, and the logic behind it is that you want to know the demand in places you may be able to serve.
I need general high-frequency keywords as well as Google suggestions and low-frequency keywords. The broader the scope, the better. There is a free tool called Keyword Planner (it also provides a click cost estimation for Google ads) inside a Google Ads account. If you don’t use Google ads, you can pick any keyword search tool out there.
Now I need to sort it, vet out unneeded ones, and separate them into groups based on intent (informational or commercial). I will also create a list of “minus” words (will use them later).
When it is all done, I need to assemble a “core”: a few groups of keywords united by intention.
If I don’t use keys/groups for commercial purposes, I may use them for info articles (SEO). The most visited (by a long shot) page on the site, which I sold as a part of the business was “The History of 3d printing”.
📜 Research should also include many other “places”, basically one should identify where potential customers hang out, what they need (their problems), and how one can reach them, and as a result will have some potential acquisition channels, and a list of “problems” to form an offer with.
I will only cover the fastest and the one I know best - Google ads (+ a bit of SEO for the long game). This channel corresponds rather well, with my understanding, of where my “target audience” may be (more on that below).
  1. Second is a List of competitors. I will only need ones’ that will compete with me for my target demographic. Specifically, I would like to know:
    1. Domain name;
    2. Their offer (range of services, materials, unique propositions);
    3. Their main (and all significant pages) Title, H1, description, “subtitle”, unique selling propositions, and maybe a screenshot of HERO;
    4. Their CTAs (calls to action - do they use online calculators, contact form…).
The list can go on, but those are the most important (probably), the logic behind it - I want to know what has been offered so far, compare it to the demand from list 1, and identify where I can “squeeze in”.
  1. Third list - competitor’s prices. Based on my initial ”vision” (what/for whom I will try to do) I prepare a couple of inquiries, which I send to competitors to quote.
I would like to know:
  • Price;
  • Fulfillment time;
  • Conditions;
  • How competitors interact with prospects.
Inquiries may be:
  1. A somewhat complicated “technical” model of a middle size;
  2. Small-to-mid batch of parts (up to 100-300);
  3. A somewhat big (that will probably require printing in parts and assembly) model + separately I would inquire about painting;
As a result, I understand how I may price my services. I prefer to start somewhere in the lower middle of a price range and slowly go up.
I know what I won't do - I won't try to go for the cheapest price - it is a road to nowhere. I may go for it once or twice to snatch an order, which will be beneficial to my portfolio, but that is it!
Now I also understand how my competitors interact with their customers and what I can offer in this regard.


With that data gathered I am now ready to compose a “business plan” /set up business goals for 1-3 years, and lay out a tactical (more detailed) plan for a quarter or so.
Usually, the latter shall be detailed like: I need to reach X revenue/per day, to get Y rev per month, and for that, I will need Z inquiries and so on... But as I am just starting, it may not make a lot of sense, since there are no "base" numbers. But I will use that type of planning as soon as I have those numbers (after 6-12 months).
I also will align the plan with my vision, and maybe add some details to it, based on the data I’ve gathered.
I will have a somewhat united note/doc with actionable tasks, equipped with due dates (those are very important), and an overall plan.
I like to unify all of the above (lists, vision, tasks…) as a project in a project management software (later about that). Much easier to manage and keep track of.

Offer and Site creation

Now I can form my offer.
This offer will be presented on my site, in my ads, and everywhere else.
I need to describe CLEARLY what do I do exactly, for whom, and why those people should take their business to me (competitive advantages).
I pick a name, and domain name and make a logo. I keep in mind that they are a part of the offer (everything is), and I keep them as short, direct, and close to the point as possible. I squeeze a relevant keyword in if I can.
Before I decide I type the name into the search and see what pops up (don’t skip that part).
Now I can make a site. I pick one of the No-code options to create it myself or delegate it. Keep in mind that you will need to correct and change the site: an offer (text. headings), portfolio, blog (for SEO purposes), services, etc. The no-code solution will allow you to do that yourself.
It will be a landing page (in the beginning), and it will include:
  • Title (shown as a first string in search);
  • Description (shown as a second string in the search);
HERO SECTION (first screen basically - 80% of people won’t go below it)
  • H1 (main “title” shown on the top of the page)
  • Subtitle (text below the H1, usually supports the H1 and includes unique selling points);
  • Clear CTA (Call to action);
  • Foto or video of what I’ve done (the visual representation of services works really well);
  • Unique selling points (not included in the subtitle, or supporting/elaborating on them);
  • Unique selling points;
  • All other headers;
  • All other text;
  • Examples (what I’ve done) and/or testimonials - if I truly just starting I may need to make some examples of objects I would like to make (as close to desired nich as possible) and take GOOD photos of them (It can be powerful, that is what I did and people told me many times, that they “came” because of “beautiful” thing that we’ve done (“beautiful” is mostly attribute off a picture, then a thing);
  • FAQ (those shall be questions that your customers ask you the most, I mean REAL questions - they work rather well as objection handlers);
  • Clear CTA (Call to action);
As there is just one page, it should target the most relevant oand big commercial keyword group.
The “art” of creating a Title, H1, and the rest of the text, headings, and attributes is a delicate dance between the need to be different from competitors, the need to incorporate the right keywords, basic SEO guidelines, and most importantly - to present a compelling offer.
📜 An important thing to keep in mind - your first screen should tell, straight and clearly - what services you provide, for whom, and why a visitor should click your CTA, or continue reading.
Last thing - make sure that it looks fine and loads quickly on mobile. More than half of the traffic will be from there.
Research says, that If it loads more than 3 seconds - more than 70% of people bounce.
Check your speed here -
There is A LOT more to that, but it is beyond the scope of this article.

Traffic: Ads and SEO

Now I need traffic:
Google ads. As I just starting, I need to be as targeted as possible. So I will:
  • Vet keywords carefully, avoid high-frequency ones, and compose them into groups.
  • Start with one or two groups, with a limited number of keywords with clear commercial intent.
  • Limit the location to the city I am in.
  • Add a minus keywords list. If a search query includes one of the words from the list (like FREE, or CHEAP) - ads won't be shown.
Google pushes everyone really hard to use responsive search ads + broad match + AI-suggested keywords (performance MAX they call it), but I won't.
  1. It will greatly disperse the focus, and therefore results of my campaign.
  2. It is still not working properly, especially for small and/or “complicated” niches. In other words, it will waste my money, (relocate it to Google), without bringing back results (or at least as many).
And I don't want that.
I will use exact match, fix (pin) headings and descriptions, and practically make "an old school" text ad from a responsive search ad. I will have to do different ads for different keywords (if the keyword or phrase is matched in the title, conversion is higher); Yes, it will be more work, but results will be better, and controllable.
Just how I like them.
Now I will compose my "SEO plan", I will:
  • Plan to add new "commercial" pages to the site (one page per meaningful keyword group) as I go.
  • Create a schedule: after the main page is up, I will try to “deploy” them in 2-4 week intervals, starting with the most meaningful/impactful.
  • Make Google index it through its search console after the first publishable version of the site is done. I will repeat the operation with every meaningful page I add, including info SEO pages (below).
  • Form a few groups from keywords with informational intent, vet groups that align with my direction, and plan an article for each vetted group - a separate page on the site with a personal set of SEO attributes.
  • Publish them with the same or longer intervals as for the "commercial" pages.
  • Try to make those articles as valuable for the reader as possible. Everything I do shall be client-oriented (bring value), and user behavior is more and more important for SEO.
This “article” is an example of such a page.
I won't cover social media here, since its plenty of info on that topic.
From my experience, if I plan (and I do) to offer 3d printing services to businesses (B2B), social media (with the exception of LinkedIn maybe, not sure nowadays what is what) is not exactly a place for “fishing” (I might be wrong).


Moving along to the legal land.
I will not go deep into the business structure (LLCs or sole proprietorships), just say that you need one. Figure out what works best in your case, but note: if you are planning (envisioning) to sell your business one day (or a part of it) - you will need it to be at least an LLC.
This structure (as stated in the name), also limits your liability, which is not a bad thing. One more thing that does that, and at times viewed as a formality - is a contract.
I’ve learned to appreciate contracts and pay attention to their "design". The contract sets expectations, protects both you and your client, and serves as an extension to your offer - a clear, correct, and honest contract, that picks up on promises you’ve made will reassure your client that you are a trustworthy professional.
Create a clear, correct contract template (or templates), seek professional help/advice if needed, and try not to overcomplicate it (easier-smaller the better).
📜 Before the contract, expectations are set during all interactions with a client: nuances, limitations, examples, samples, etc. As the number of interactions with clients starts to grow you will notice repetitive patterns in questions and answers. Create a base with answer templates - those saved me a ton of time and improved the quality of my communication.

3d printers and a space (finally here they are)

Well, and yeah, I need 3d printers to start a 3d printing business.
If you plan to start such a business, you may already have some, and/or possess the needed knowledge in the matter, but I still going to say a few things. No specific models, or vendors though, since there is a lot of printer-related content out there, and the scene is rapidly (wink) changing.
I would try to pick one type of printer (or at least a vendor) and stick to it. Benefits:
  • Somewhat stable overall quality;
  • Same spare parts;
  • Same repair and maintenance routine;
  • Same working protocols;
  • Same slicing…
I also will (at least in the beginning) look for stable machines, that would not require a ton of maintenance.
Note here: your choice shall also be based on your perceived goal (niche you want to end up with/customers you want to serve), and you may need different types of printers for that.
Depending on my situation, I may not need an office/working space right from the start (at least not until the idea has been validated). If I do, I would get something with a space to grow (aligned with my plan/goals), but I would try not to jump over my head with it.

One software to control it all

There is one more thing that I will need right from the start (because I don’t want to replicate my own mistakes) - a software suite to manage the business. Getting it from the start will provide the most leverage and set me up on the right path.
I will need:
  • CRM - all work with a client: pricing, offers, deals, followups, deadlines, docs… +
  • ERP - control and management of all resources: materials, printers, team… +
  • Production scheduling +
  • Maintenance, Repairs, Spare parts, and materials control +
  • Team + Docs + Files storage + Contractors + Spending + everything else.
I couldn't find one that incorporates all of it, so I’ve made my own (there is a Free version, try it out, let me know what you think).
Management software and CRM might not be obvious must-haves, but they are if I want to make it into a controllable and growing business (and I do).
There is no other way, look at any business that made it - they all without exception use such systems.
One more thing - all business decisions shall be based on data: how would I know, for example, if my ads campaign is making (and how much) or losing money, without knowing what my average check, margin, or LTV is for any type of service for a needed time period?

Summary and Q&A

There is a lot more to that, but it is already too long.
So I’ve got:
  1. List of keywords;
  2. List of competitors;
  3. Price research (and base price level as a result);
  4. A plan;
  5. An offer;
  6. Name and logo;
  7. Website (with offer and good photos of done jobs on it);
  8. Google ads campaign (or other acquisition channel, start from one you know best/where your customers are);
  9. SEO plan;
  10. Legal entity;
  11. Contract templates;
  12. “Sales templates” base (those collected on the go, but you may already have something since you talked to people before);
  13. Printers;
  14. Some physical space;
  15. Management system/software (like this one)
3 BONUS reminders for myself:
  • To get paid in advance. ALWAYS, at least partially;
  • To do extra for customers. If I can, when I can;
  • To be patient- business is a marathon, not a sprint;
Some Q&A:
  • Is the 3d printing business a good business to start?
It is not a get-rich-quick scheme, and it is not particularly easy, but all things that are worth doing are hard (that is what they say).
If you like it/are passionate about it/good at it (the most important factor in my opinion.) - it certainly might be.
I’ve planned to go with the B2B service model (on-demand manufacturing), and that trend will only grow over time.
Since we talked about the US, let's take a look at this article and specifically the chart of Construction spending on US manufacturing + big new “infrastructure rebuild projects” might be somewhere around the corner.
What does it all have to do with a small 3dp service? The economy is an interconnected system. All of those “big projects” will require a lot of smaller contractors/suppliers, and they will need smaller ones…and that is where I come in.
  • Why the service model?
2 reasons:
  1. I know how to do it (done it for 10 years), the data above backs the idea up, and I still see a lot of upsides and opportunities there (aside from the data).
  2. It is a lot easier to “search” for product ideas - they come to you (for that you will have to have a B2C “department” though). I’ve recently talked to a few 3dp business owners (and read a few stories over the years), and almost all of them had their product ideas brought to them by clients.
  • Is it profitable?
If you create a system (management software can help with that) with processes in place, create and maintain customer acquisition channels, and price correctly - it will be.
I hope you got some value out of it.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by Processter to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:17 Low-Forever-9683 $1 Gem

$1 Gem
1:18 1948 Tucker 48. Another recent acquisition that I won with a single bid on EvilBay for $1. It was brand new sealed in the box with not sunlight damage or anything either as another of time these white walls turn yellow overtime in the sun. Always been one of my favorite cars and a cool model but I just never got around to it, saw this one and put in a single bid for $1 and woke up to a "pay now" notification a few days later and here she is. This car was super ahead of it's time with many features that wouldn't be widespread until well into the 60's-70's. Another fun related fact I learned the other day, the one and only convertible Tucker ever built is located not far from me at a dealership in Dallas, TX!
submitted by Low-Forever-9683 to Diecast [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:57 totalrewrite [EU-FR] [H] Artisans, CRP R2 Desko, Deskmats, GMK Keysets, SA Handarbeit, Keycult No.1 65 Rev. 0, LZ CLS, LZ MP, LZ PhysiX Red, MerisiWorks Dodici, Syryan Mont Cervin, TGR 910 RE PC, TX-1800 V2, TX-75 V1, TX-84 V1, TX Parts [W] PayPal, Lin EM7, Lin Dolphin

Hello, the following items are for sale/trade.
Shipping worldwide with tracking. Estimates for keysets/keyboards:
Items I am looking for:
Please comment here when messaging (NO Reddit chat; regular PMs only). Click here to write me a PM.
Lin Whale 75 F13 alu plate and PCB
TX-84/87 V1 brushed brass plate
Keycult No.1 65
Merisi.Works Dodici
Syryan Mont Cervin
TGR 910 RE
LZ PhysiX red
TX-75 V1
TX-84 V1
TX-1800 V2
GMK 80002
GMK Awaken
GMK Camping R3
GMK Cobalt
GMK Cubed
GMK Dracula R1
GMK Dots R2
GMK Fleuriste
GMK Olive R2
GMK Prepress
GMK Royal Cadet
GMK Space Cadet R2
GMK Striker R2
GMK Sumi
SA Handarbeit
Hammer CRP R2 Desko
New, unused
15USD each + shipping
HIBI/RAMA/Salvun keycaps
New, unused
Prices include worldwide shipping
Prices include worldwide shipping
Looking for HWS Earls (wishlist): Singles Night "A Green", and specific multishots
submitted by totalrewrite to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:01 QueenSayel Test

     Notes Manager    

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aa aa 
submitted by QueenSayel to test [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:58 boyinliu [US-WA] [H] Shelby80, Sunset80, AI03 Vega, CKW80, Keyno Y8, GMK, Switches etc [W] PayPal

Feel to make an offer on anything

I've accumulated these boards over the years but have never had the chance to build them. Prices are based off of the most recent sales. Prices include shipping & paypal; all must go as I will be moving, discount for college students/ bulk purchases/ local sales.
*indicates item pending
Item Description Price
*Shelby80 New Black WK & alu plate & hotswap $420
*Foxlab Sunset80 New Black WK hotswap/ Extra PCB $330
*Velocifire CKW80 New Black Brass/ Extra alu plate/ Extra PCB $270
Velocifire CKW80 New Silver+Black WK $250
Monstargear Classic TKL New White WK hotswap/ hotswap PCB $320
Keyno Y8 New Black blue WK hotswap + Extra hotswap PCB + Extra alu plate $330
*AI03 Vega Rosegold + alu plate, good condition inside build marks on plate $250
GMK Posh Sealed $110
GMK Muted Mounted Once, No Shine $90
Aqua Kings L+F x90 $70
*Banana Splits L+F x90 $60
*Marshmallows L+F x90 $60
North Pole L+F x90 $70
Vermillion Bird L+F x90 $50
*Popu L+F x90 $50
Free tx/staebies with board purchase!
submitted by boyinliu to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:47 matte_purple Uniform Ranker 2023: West Virginia Mountaineers

Howdy to the beautiful people of CFB! Welcome to my ranking of the 2023 uniforms for West Virginia Mountaineer Football! I thought I would rank WVU after their new uniforms were released a few weeks ago. I intend on ranking most of the Big XII teams and new PAC additions (Arizona and Utah) soon. In fact, I already covered Colorado, ASU, Oklahoma State and TCU if you want to scratch that uniform itch. If you are interested in my thoughts regarding the Big XII uniform season, check out my 2023 Season-in-Review Post or my recent 2023 Uniform Awards post, or recent 2023 rankings, which are all up top in my profile. If you want to go back further, check out these 2022 posts: 2022 Uniform Awards and Big XII Uniform Tracker 2022: Season-in-Review. (Sorry for the hyperlink inconvenience, but Reddit hates when I put links in the top paragraph, for whatever reason.) But for now, let’s check out what the Mountaineers donned in their much-improved 2023 Big 12 season, featuring some facts, stats, and history. Plus, we’ll maybe have a look at their new 2024 suits towards the end! As always, feel free to disagree with me or tell me if my rankings hit home. I’m interested in hearing what you think, or in seeing how y’all would rearrange the rankings!
Season Gallery Link:
I’m u/matte_purple, and let's 3,2,1 go!

11. Yellow/Yellow/Yellow - Week 4 vs TTU (W, 20-13)
The Gold Rush tradition in Morgantown started in 2007, and has had a pretty interesting history, including a College Gameday appearance, a 2012 heartbreaker against OU, a 2013 30-21 smash of No. 11 OSU, and several other wild finishes in WV. While I love the history and the crowd involvement, this 2019 jersey template is just too blank to properly allow gold uniforms to shine (I know I put “Yellow” in the combo, that's purely for convenience, I mean no disrespect at all). The new 2024 uniforms - which we’ll showcase at the end - do a much better job of providing a structure to the Gold Rush look, but these are, again, simply too much and too bold.
10. Yellow/Gray/Gray - Week 2 vs Duquesne (W, 56-17)
Ah, the gray. We’ll see another gray example later on, but I think the gray suits just work out better when mixed with blue. The yellow creates an odd balance, and makes the suit feel top heavy. Yellow pants may have helped the look, but I’m not sure I like that idea, either. I do like the complementary yellow font outline to the helmet, and hey, it was a brand-new look! That’s got to count for something.
9. Blue/Blue/Blue - Military Appreciation Week 10 vs BYU (W, 37-7)
Nothing inherently wrong with this look, I think that, again, it falls victim to the monochrome pitfalls of this 2019 update, just like the yellow/gold. The Military Edition state outline is an awesome touch, and the blue really isn't that bad compared with an all gray or all yellow, it’s just not a top pick. This same uniform and decal combo was worn in 2022 against OU, so it must be a tradition thing. The choices start getting a lot harder from here on out.
8. Blue/White/Yellow - Week 1 at Penn State (L, 15-38)
For some reason, this is always a WVU fan favorite. For the life of me I can’t figure it out. Anyone who has tuned in to my tracker knows I don’t really like tri-color looks, and this is another instance where it just doesn’t work for me. Maybe I need some convincing, maybe I’m wrong, who knows? It just doesn’t work for me. On another note, how did WVU select the Mountaineer as a mascot? Well, it's built into the location. West Virginia is known as the Mountain State because it is the only state entirely within the Appalachian Mountain region, out of the 13 states that the Appalachian Mountains pass through. Thus, residents are known as Mountaineers. The word is even featured on the state seal/motto - Montani Semper Liberi (English: "Mountaineers are Always Free"), which has remained steadfast since the state’s founding in 1863. This same phrase is embroidered on the inside collar of the uniforms, new and old. As far as we’re aware, WVU sports programs went by “the Mountaineers” starting in 1890, and have continued ever since!
7. Blue/White/White - Week 7 at UH (L, 39-41)
This was an absolutely psycho game to watch, featuring UH’s wild tip drill antics wearing their black alternates. Here, WVU wore a mostly white uniform capped off by their blue “Cue Country Roads” helmet introduced in this year’s Backyard Brawl. And yes, this look is clean. The font differentiates the white nicely, the helmet is busy enough to compensate for some of the stark white, and the suit is - of course - helped by a night game against a team wearing black. I won’t blab anymore, they're nice. The white is just a little bit too simplistic here. Pant stripes will definitely help in the new suits.
6. Blue/Gray/Blue - Week 13 at Baylor (W, 34-31)
One of the more eclectic away combos I’ve ever seen, this look makes me sad that the gray has been officially put out of commission. It’s actually the first time WVU wore gray on the road and only the sixth gray game usage since 2019. It definitely works better as a road combo against the dark green of Baylor. The blue looks great sandwiching the gray suit, but the yellow outline feels a little out of place in this uniform as opposed to the white or blue majority uniforms. Lots of upside, but just enough complaints to keep it at the 6 spot.
5. White/White/White - Week 11 at OU (L, 20-59)
I can’t get over these beautiful helmets. West Virginia’s helmet is a work of art. Using the decal popularized by the “Cue Country Roads” uniforms from the past two years on an otherwise clean white shell was a stroke of genius. The more detailed logo draws the eye compared to the stark white jersey and pants, while the large blue numbers help in breaking up the field. Still, this look may have looked a little bit better with some blue pants, or at least more blue accessories like shoes, belts, and gloves. The blue facemask is a start, but yeah, I like this look a lot. Still, the helmet puts these way up on my list.
4. Blue/White/Blue - Week 9 at UCF (W, 41-28)
While I like the blue/gray sandwich in #6, this is definitely a more improved version. The overall flow of the uniform feels better here. No outline on the numbers helps keep things clean and matches the top and bottom nicely. How did WVU originally pick their colors? Simple. They’re featured in the state seal. These colors were adopted by the school in 1890, inspired by the West Virginia state seal, featuring a boulder that has been inscribed with the state’s founding - June 20, 1863. In front of the boulder lies two crossed rifles and a Grecian liberty cap as a symbol of the state's fight for liberty. The two men on either side of the boulder represent agriculture and industry. It’s as simple as that! This program really does represent state pride like no other. We're almost to the top spots!
3. Blue/Blue/Yellow - Week 8 vs OSU (L, 48-34) and Week 12 vs UC (W, 42-21)
Ah. The podium is here. These next three picks were all highly debated and could very well go either way. This look is obviously the most traditional of the wardrobe, and has been worn three times since I started tracking publicly in 2022. And of course, it’s one of the most recognizable combos for the Mountaineers in general. For me, I am especially reminded of Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, and Geno Smith lighting up the scoreboard against Baylor with Terrence Williams in 2012. I was just beginning to enjoy and follow college football more often, and this game really sparked an interest in me, especially as 2012 was a good KSU year AND WVU’s Big 12 opener. The yellow pants provide a great contrast to the blue. And the flying WV logo is one of the few “letter logos” that I think works really well. You just can’t beat it despite the pitfalls of the 2019 template. The 2024 version will be a sight to behold and could very well cement itself in first place next year. Beautiful, classic, and a no-brainer pick for a medal.
2. White/White/Blue - Week 5 at TCU (W, 24-21)
What sets this one apart from all the other away combos? Unlike a lot of the other WVU suits, this one almost completely removes yellow while still feeling balanced in color. The only yellow on these are splashed on the helmet and hip logo. The blue may originally seem to weigh the look down, but once you add the large blue logo on the helmet and balance it with the almost all white on the rest of the suit, you get a magnificent away look. It combines the benefit of a crisp white out with the “semi-symmetry” - if you will - from a X/Y/X sandwich look. Just beautiful, and the most “modern” feeling of the year’s combos.
1. Blue/Yellow/Blue - “Cue Country Roads 2“ Week 3 vs Pitt (W, 17-6) and Mayo Bowl vs UNC (W, 30-10)
And finally, first place! Last year, we saw the amazing and incredible away version of this uniform. This year’s home version featured a perfect gold usage which felt balanced yet bold. The symmetrical blues, liberal use of gold, sublimated WV road map, the consistent striping on the helmet and pants, “Mountaineers” wordmark on the chest all topped off by that immaculate gold WV state outline is oh so wonderful. I mean, how is it possible to kick this much ass? It’s everything wonderful about the away uniforms added to a more traditional color scheme that, wow. Honestly, the picture itself does a great job. Creative, symmetrical, and a color scheme everyone loves, this is a grand slam design.
Bonus: Let’s check out the Mountaineer’s brand-spanking-new 2024 collection!
Main Link:
Alternate Link:
The 2024 suits honor the past traditions of WVU uniforms while also improving on the initial 2019 update through the new Nike F.U.S.E template. They maintain the updated 2019 color scheme and font, feature the fairly new state-outline WVU logo from the 2022 and 2023 “Cue Country Roads” alternates (both on the collar and helmet options), and add on some striping, shoulder accents, and wordmarks. The Flying WV returned to the sleeves for the first time since 2012 with wide acclaim. Also a feature of the Don Nehlen era are the pants stripes dating back to the 60s-90s. The most controversial piece of the uniform are those USC reminiscent 2007-2012 shoulder accents. My overall thoughts? It's a great update. 2019 was far too plain. The color scheme helps, but here the colors get a wonderful structure to build upon. The WV sleeves, the wordmark, and pant stripes are amazing touches, but I think the shoulder accents just add a little too much clutter to an otherwise perfect front. Overall, the helmets are mostly unchanged, the jerseys are a slight improvement, and the pants are a massive step up. I’d give the update an 8/10! Additionally, the Mountaineers released an inspired “Coal Dust” alternate honoring the storied tradition of West Virginian coal mining. They use a unique and fascinating coal pattern pulled straight off an actual coal mine tour, incorporate a black and white state-outline logo on the helmet that is to die for, and use gray/white vertical stripes in a way that tastefully mimics high visibility vests worn by miners. The center stripe on the helmet is my favorite touch, featuring the coal pattern used on the uniform, but with a white to transparent gradient mimicking the light of a miner's headlamp. I mean, this is a blackout look done right. I am so excited to see these in action. Combined together, the main and alternate looks for WVU are all very exciting and definite improvements!
If you’ve got some time, send a nice email to the athletics department design team of Kristin Coldsnow, Matt Wells, Michael Fragale, Joe Swan and Steve Uryasz, who designed the brand new 2024 look. The team worked in conjunction with football equipment managers Dan Nehlen and Austin Blake, who also deserve some praise for the fantastic job they are doing. The EQ room is a tough place to work, and these fine folks kill it day in and day out.
Well, I think that does it! I hope you enjoyed my 2023 season WVU Football uniform rankings. What a surprising and exciting building season for the Mountaineers. I’ll be slowly releasing more rankings for each of the Big XII teams as the offseason goes along. Again, feel free to comment or message me with any suggestions or changes to the rankings! Do you think WVU’s new suits are an improvement? Did your favorite suit seem properly ranked? Let me and all of CFB know! Have yourself a great Sunday and I’ll see you soon!
submitted by matte_purple to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 11:03 Old_Distance2455 Understanding the Process of Certificate Attestation in India

In a globalized world where mobility is increasing, the need for authenticating personal and professional documents has become more significant than ever. Certificate attestation is a crucial process for Indians seeking opportunities abroad for education, employment, or migration. It ensures that their documents are recognized as genuine by foreign governments, educational institutions, and employers.
What is Certificate Attestation?
Certificate attestation is the process of verifying the authenticity of a document by obtaining an official seal or signature from the issuing authority. It confirms that the document was issued by the mentioned department and that the signature or seal on the document is genuine. The attestation process varies depending on the type of document and the country in which it is to be used.
Types of Certificates that Require Attestation
Certificate attestation is typically required for various documents, including:
  1. Educational Certificates: Such as degree certificates, diploma certificates, mark sheets, and school leaving certificates.
  2. Non-Educational Certificates: Including birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, and divorce certificates.
  3. Commercial Documents: Such as company registration documents, power of attorney, and commercial invoices.
Why is Certificate Attestation Necessary?
Certificate attestation is necessary for several reasons:
  1. Immigration: Many countries require attested educational and personal documents for visa applications and immigration purposes.
  2. Employment: Employers in foreign countries often require attested educational and experience certificates as part of the job application process.
  3. Higher Education: Educational institutions abroad may require attested academic documents for admission purposes.
  4. Legal Procedures: Attested documents are necessary for legal procedures in foreign countries, such as buying property or establishing a business.
The Attestation Process in India
The certificate attestation process in India involves several steps:
  1. Notary Attestation: The first step is to get the document notarized by a Notary Public.
  2. Home Department Attestation: After notarization, the document needs to be attested by the Home Department of the respective state.
  3. MEA Attestation: Once attested by the Home Department, the document needs to be submitted to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) for attestation.
  4. Embassy Attestation: After MEA attestation, the document must be submitted to the embassy or consulate of the country where the document is to be used for final attestation.
  5. MOFA Attestation: In some cases, especially for documents meant to be used in Gulf countries, after embassy attestation, the document needs to be attested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) of the destination country.
Things to Keep in Mind
  1. Type of Document: Different types of documents require different types of attestation. For example, educational documents require HRD attestation from the respective state's HRD Department before MEA attestation.
  2. Validity of Attestation: The validity of attestation may vary depending on the purpose and the country where the document is to be used. It is essential to check the specific requirements.
  3. Genuine Attestation Services: It is crucial to choose genuine attestation services to ensure that the process is smooth and hassle-free.
Certificate attestation is an essential process for Indians looking to travel, study, or work abroad. It is a legal requirement to ensure that documents are genuine and authentic. Understanding the process and following it meticulously can save time and prevent unnecessary complications in the future. With the right guidance and assistance, certificate attestation can be a smooth and straightforward process, enabling individuals to pursue their dreams and opportunities abroad.
Certificate attestation in India is a crucial process for individuals looking to travel, study, or work abroad. At Helplinegroups, we offer comprehensive attestation services to help you navigate the intricate process with ease. From notary attestation to embassy legalization, our experienced team ensures that your documents are authenticated efficiently and without hassle. With our reliable and prompt services, you can trust Helplinegroups to handle all your certificate attestation needs, allowing you to focus on your international aspirations with confidence.
submitted by Old_Distance2455 to Helplinegroups [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:41 3chut4 Sonoff TX Ultimate Touch Panel Issues

Hello Reddit.
I bought a bunch of Sonoff TX Ultimate a few months ago (T5-1C-120, and T5-2C-120) These are the US version (rectangular, not square)
I flashed them all with ESPHome and I'm finding the touch panels very irresponsive. I have to constantly tap the panel multiple time to register that I want to turn a light on or off. The integration with HA and Google works fine. I have reviewed my code multiple times trying to find any reason as to why is this happening, but I haven't been able to find anything.
Here's the code I used for my T5-2C-120 in the ensuit:
# Built using: # substitutions: name: 'ensuit-switch' brightness_on: 25% brightness_nightlight: 25% esphome: name: $name platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev # on_boot: # priority: -100.0 # then: # - light_relays includes: - touch_panel.hpp - touch_panel.cpp # Enable logging logger: # level: DEBUG # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "################################" ota: password: "#############################" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Ensuit-Switch Fallback Hotspot" password: "##################" ## Enable Bluetooth Proxy #esp32_ble_tracker: # scan_parameters: # interval: 1100ms # window: 1100ms # active: true #bluetooth_proxy: # active: true # Home Assistant Light State #text_sensor: # - platform: homeassistant # name: "Hallway Light" # id: hallway_light # entity_id: light.hallway_light # on_value: # light_relays # # - platform: homeassistant # id: toilet_light # entity_id: light.toilet_light # on_value: # light_relays # # - platform: homeassistant # id: night_mode # entity_id: input_boolean.gone_to_bed uart: id: uart_bus tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 22 baud_rate: 115200 #button: # - platform: template # name: light relays # id: light_relays # on_press: # - if: # condition: # switch.is_on: relay1_front_room # then: # - light.turn_on: # id: light.switch_leds # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 4% # blue: 18% # transition_length: 500ms # else: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500s # - if: # condition: # switch.is_off: relay1_front_room # then: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_on} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500ms # else: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500s binary_sensor: - platform: custom lambda: - auto touch_panel = new touch_panel::TouchPanel(id(uart_bus)); App.register_component(touch_panel); return { touch_panel->left, touch_panel->right, touch_panel->dragged_up, touch_panel->dragged_down, touch_panel->two_finger, }; # touch_panel->middle, binary_sensors: - id: button_left name: "Left Button" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay1_ensuit_light # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays # - id: button_middle # name: "Middle Button" # on_press: # - switch.toggle: relay1_front_room # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays - id: button_right name: "Right Button" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay2_ensuit_extractor # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays - id: button_two_finger name: "Two Fingers" - id: button_dragged_up name: "Dragged Up" - id: button_dragged_down name: "Dragged Down" # Switch Relays switch: - platform: gpio name: "relay left ensuit light" pin: GPIO18 id: relay1_ensuit_light restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays # - platform: gpio # name: "relay middle living room" # pin: GPIO17 # id: relay2_living_room # restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays - platform: gpio name: "relay right ensuit extractor" pin: GPIO17 id: relay2_ensuit_extractor restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays #- platform: gpio # name: "relay right living room" # pin: GPIO23 # id: relay4_living_room # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays # - platform: gpio # name: "sound amplifier power" # pin: GPIO26 # id: pa_sw - platform: gpio name: "touch panel power" pin: number: GPIO5 inverted: true id: ca51_pow restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON # - platform: gpio # pin: GPIO21 # name: "Haptics" # id: "haptics" # restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # - delay: 400ms # - switch.turn_off: haptics # Light light: - platform: neopixelbus type: GRB variant: WS2812 pin: GPIO13 num_leds: 1 name: "NeoPixel 13" internal: true - platform: neopixelbus type: GRB variant: WS2812 # pin: GPIO20 pin: GPIO33 num_leds: 32 name: "Ambience Nightlight" id: rgb_light effects: - addressable_rainbow: name: 'rainbow fast' speed: 50 - pulse: - pulse: name: "Fast Pulse" transition_length: 0.5s update_interval: 0.5s - pulse: name: "Slow Pulse" # transition_length: 1s # defaults to 1s update_interval: 2s - addressable_scan: - addressable_scan: name: Scan Effect With Custom Values move_interval: 100ms scan_width: 3 - addressable_twinkle: - addressable_twinkle: name: Twinkle Effect With Custom Values twinkle_probability: 5% progress_interval: 4ms - addressable_random_twinkle: - addressable_random_twinkle: name: Random Twinkle Effect With Custom Values twinkle_probability: 20% progress_interval: 32ms - addressable_fireworks: - addressable_fireworks: name: Fireworks Effect With Custom Values update_interval: 32ms spark_probability: 10% use_random_color: false fade_out_rate: 120 - addressable_flicker: - addressable_flicker: name: Flicker Effect With Custom Values update_interval: 16ms intensity: 5% - platform: partition id: light_top_left name: "light top left ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 0 to: 3 - platform: partition id: light_top_left_extra_LED name: "light top left ensuit extra LED" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 31 to: 31 - platform: partition id: light_top_right name: "light top right ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 4 to: 8 - platform: partition id: light_right_top name: "light right top ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 9 to: 11 - platform: partition id: light_right_bottom name: "light right bottom ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 12 to: 14 - platform: partition id: light_bottom_left name: "light bottom left ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 20 to: 24 - platform: partition id: light_bottom_right name: "light bottom right ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 15 to: 19 - platform: partition id: light_left_top name: "light left top ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 28 to: 30 - platform: partition id: light_left_bottom name: "light left bottom ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 25 to: 27 # I2S audio component i2s_audio: i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO2 # BCK i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO4 # WS # Player component for I2S media_player: - platform: i2s_audio name: Speaker dac_type: external mode: mono i2s_dout_pin: GPIO15 i2s_comm_fmt: lsb mute_pin: number: GPIO26 inverted: true 
Is there any YAML guru around here that could let me know what may be wrong with my code to cause the touch panel to behave so poorly?
THANKS in advance!
submitted by 3chut4 to Esphome [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 06:39 3chut4 Sonoff TX Ultimate Touch Panel Issues

Hello Reddit.
I bought a bunch of Sonoff TX Ultimate a few months ago (T5-1C-120, and T5-2C-120) These are the US version (rectangular, not square)
I flashed them all with ESPHome and I'm finding the touch panels very irresponsive. I have to constantly tap the panel multiple time to register that I want to turn a light on or off. The integration with HA and Google works fine. I have reviewed my code multiple times trying to find any reason as to why is this happening, but I haven't been able to find anything.
Here's the code I used for my T5-2C-120 in the ensuit:
# Built using: # substitutions: name: 'ensuit-switch' brightness_on: 25% brightness_nightlight: 25% esphome: name: $name platform: ESP32 board: esp32dev # on_boot: # priority: -100.0 # then: # - light_relays includes: - touch_panel.hpp - touch_panel.cpp # Enable logging logger: # level: DEBUG # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "################################" ota: password: "#############################" wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "Ensuit-Switch Fallback Hotspot" password: "##################" ## Enable Bluetooth Proxy #esp32_ble_tracker: # scan_parameters: # interval: 1100ms # window: 1100ms # active: true #bluetooth_proxy: # active: true # Home Assistant Light State #text_sensor: # - platform: homeassistant # name: "Hallway Light" # id: hallway_light # entity_id: light.hallway_light # on_value: # light_relays # # - platform: homeassistant # id: toilet_light # entity_id: light.toilet_light # on_value: # light_relays # # - platform: homeassistant # id: night_mode # entity_id: input_boolean.gone_to_bed uart: id: uart_bus tx_pin: 19 rx_pin: 22 baud_rate: 115200 #button: # - platform: template # name: light relays # id: light_relays # on_press: # - if: # condition: # switch.is_on: relay1_front_room # then: # - light.turn_on: # id: light.switch_leds # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 4% # blue: 18% # transition_length: 500ms # else: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500s # - if: # condition: # switch.is_off: relay1_front_room # then: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_on} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500ms # else: # - light.turn_on: # id: rgb_light # brightness: ${brightness_nightlight} # red: 100% # green: 86% # blue: 35% # transition_length: 500s binary_sensor: - platform: custom lambda: - auto touch_panel = new touch_panel::TouchPanel(id(uart_bus)); App.register_component(touch_panel); return { touch_panel->left, touch_panel->right, touch_panel->dragged_up, touch_panel->dragged_down, touch_panel->two_finger, }; # touch_panel->middle, binary_sensors: - id: button_left name: "Left Button" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay1_ensuit_light # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays # - id: button_middle # name: "Middle Button" # on_press: # - switch.toggle: relay1_front_room # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays - id: button_right name: "Right Button" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay2_ensuit_extractor # - switch.turn_on: haptics # - delay: 500ms # - light_relays - id: button_two_finger name: "Two Fingers" - id: button_dragged_up name: "Dragged Up" - id: button_dragged_down name: "Dragged Down" # Switch Relays switch: - platform: gpio name: "relay left ensuit light" pin: GPIO18 id: relay1_ensuit_light restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays # - platform: gpio # name: "relay middle living room" # pin: GPIO17 # id: relay2_living_room # restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays - platform: gpio name: "relay right ensuit extractor" pin: GPIO17 id: relay2_ensuit_extractor restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays #- platform: gpio # name: "relay right living room" # pin: GPIO23 # id: relay4_living_room # on_turn_on: # light_relays # on_turn_off: # light_relays # - platform: gpio # name: "sound amplifier power" # pin: GPIO26 # id: pa_sw - platform: gpio name: "touch panel power" pin: number: GPIO5 inverted: true id: ca51_pow restore_mode: RESTORE_DEFAULT_ON # - platform: gpio # pin: GPIO21 # name: "Haptics" # id: "haptics" # restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF # on_turn_on: # - delay: 400ms # - switch.turn_off: haptics # Light light: - platform: neopixelbus type: GRB variant: WS2812 pin: GPIO13 num_leds: 1 name: "NeoPixel 13" internal: true - platform: neopixelbus type: GRB variant: WS2812 # pin: GPIO20 pin: GPIO33 num_leds: 32 name: "Ambience Nightlight" id: rgb_light effects: - addressable_rainbow: name: 'rainbow fast' speed: 50 - pulse: - pulse: name: "Fast Pulse" transition_length: 0.5s update_interval: 0.5s - pulse: name: "Slow Pulse" # transition_length: 1s # defaults to 1s update_interval: 2s - addressable_scan: - addressable_scan: name: Scan Effect With Custom Values move_interval: 100ms scan_width: 3 - addressable_twinkle: - addressable_twinkle: name: Twinkle Effect With Custom Values twinkle_probability: 5% progress_interval: 4ms - addressable_random_twinkle: - addressable_random_twinkle: name: Random Twinkle Effect With Custom Values twinkle_probability: 20% progress_interval: 32ms - addressable_fireworks: - addressable_fireworks: name: Fireworks Effect With Custom Values update_interval: 32ms spark_probability: 10% use_random_color: false fade_out_rate: 120 - addressable_flicker: - addressable_flicker: name: Flicker Effect With Custom Values update_interval: 16ms intensity: 5% - platform: partition id: light_top_left name: "light top left ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 0 to: 3 - platform: partition id: light_top_left_extra_LED name: "light top left ensuit extra LED" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 31 to: 31 - platform: partition id: light_top_right name: "light top right ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 4 to: 8 - platform: partition id: light_right_top name: "light right top ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 9 to: 11 - platform: partition id: light_right_bottom name: "light right bottom ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 12 to: 14 - platform: partition id: light_bottom_left name: "light bottom left ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 20 to: 24 - platform: partition id: light_bottom_right name: "light bottom right ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 15 to: 19 - platform: partition id: light_left_top name: "light left top ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 28 to: 30 - platform: partition id: light_left_bottom name: "light left bottom ensuit" segments: - id: rgb_light from: 25 to: 27 # I2S audio component i2s_audio: i2s_bclk_pin: GPIO2 # BCK i2s_lrclk_pin: GPIO4 # WS # Player component for I2S media_player: - platform: i2s_audio name: Speaker dac_type: external mode: mono i2s_dout_pin: GPIO15 i2s_comm_fmt: lsb mute_pin: number: GPIO26 inverted: true 
Is there any YAML guru around here that could let me know what may be wrong with my code to cause the touch panel to behave so poorly?
THANKS in advance!
submitted by 3chut4 to homeassistant [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 05:46 FawltyPlay [0 YoE] (Revised) Mechanical Engineer; aiming for hardware-adjacent software positions

[0 YoE] (Revised) Mechanical Engineer; aiming for hardware-adjacent software positions
Hello all. I've rebuilt my resume from the ground up following the template provided in the wiki.
I've tried to incorporate the tips for bullet point content in a way that makes sense and flows well. I received feedback on my previous post that I was
>...only listing your tasks and not providing information on your accomplishments.
I tried to include quantifiable metrics of success where I could this time, though I'm concerned some of them are largely irrelevant. For example, in my simulation software project the goal wasn't that I was able to let the simulation run for over 50,000 steps without issue but rather than I was able to simulate and render the complexities happening under the hood to get useful data at all. The analysis beyond that point is more related to my thesis research than any sort of software position. It feels to me that completing the task is the accomplishment here... curious to hear perspectives on this and other instances.
My revised (sanitized) resume.
Currently my situation leads me to think the following:
  1. I am low in desperation—I'm in a very fortunate situation right now and am likely to actually travel this summer regardless to see aging/ill family.
  2. I am currently located in central California which places me near tech centers, but am very willing to relocate elsewhere (I may even prefer it, LA kind of sucked).
  3. My ideal industries right now are robotics and aerospace, and I am not opposed to defense sector work.
  4. I enjoy wearing many hats and would like to be used in roles that lean on that wider knowledge base. I think this leads me toward startups, but by no means am I restricting myself to them.
My biggest concern and stumbling block with the resume right now is the rocket engine project. As you can see it uses many more bullet points than the other things I've done. This makes it look like a big wall of text to my eyes, making me want to reduce it. However I struggle to compact it more than it currently is. To give some context, the full list of things I've done for the project (in raw format rather than STAR) is:
  1. Led the control hardware team
  2. I assisted in hardware selection for some pressure system components (regulators, valves)
  3. I drove hardware selection for sensors and data acquisition components (analog-to-digital converters, microcontrollers)
  4. I managed the sensor hardware budget and inventory (we received no support from the institution due to COVID)
  5. I was heavily involved in the circuit and PCB design for our actuation, monitoring, and power delivery systems
  6. I was present and leading most tests involving sensor hardware, fitting data to calibration curves and verifying error margins
  7. Designed the overall architecture of the system which connected sensors to microcontrollers to the onboard computer to the operations stand
  8. Led the control software team
  9. Sole contributor for ~60% of the code in the project
  10. Wrote embedded C++ code deployed to Arduinos that both sampled sensors and pushed data upstream and listened to instructions
  11. Optimized library code to better work with off-the-shelf components and squeeze out an extra 50Hz of full-system samples
  12. Developed and deployed Dockerized code to a Raspberry Pi acting as the onboard computer. This code was responsible for controlling the Arduinos, saving data locally, and directing messages from components to their destinations (from operations stand to actuator, or vice versa)
  13. I created a MATLAB UI which displayed data and acted as an operator interface.
  14. I realized the MATLAB UI was insufficient and reworked it to handle only actuations, separating my concerns and sources of lag.
  15. I rebuilt the data visualization in React, co-developing the code and optimizing it to reduce performance impact.
  16. I was one of two engineers who took part is resolving the integration hell stage of the project and saw it through to hot fire. Plenty of troubleshooting was done:
    1. After a (then) mysterious failure of a part I redesigned a circuit to proper specification using root cause analysis.
    2. Lots of code refactoring and documentation was done to make sure things could be quickly addressed when something appeared to be buggy or unintended in software, without blocking the rest of the testing day.
    3. I diagnosed quite a few performance issues relating to our UIs, avoiding the disaster situation of an uncontrollable stand.
    4. Using data I collected from sensors, we identified problems in sealing and safety margins ahead of time through water flow tests and hand calculations.
    5. There's definitely more, but this is already a gigantic wall.
Sorry about that.
I'm absolutely sure I shouldn't be including all of these and that I should be tuning which bullet points I use per application. But this is definitely my most impressive project. Should I add more bullets than I currently have? Take away everything that isn't explicitly software/hardware and fill space with other research projects I've done?
The resume also looks, to me, to be a little bit too spaced out. The line spacing is currently 1.07, as recommended in the wiki. Maybe this means its skimmable and I'm just biased?
Will be very appreciative on feedback about the resume and my approach to selling myself to companies.
submitted by FawltyPlay to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:10 that-drawinguy Vault 528 - Lost in translation

El Paso, TX
Purpose of vault:
Studying of the effect of isolation in language and knowledge.
Experiment parameters:
The residents of Vault 528 consist of 100 randomly selected people, all of whom speak only Spanish. Along with them a single English speaker will be brought in, this person will be assigned as overseer of the vault. This person should not have any major knowledge of engineering, science, or any other similar skill (This person shall from here on out be referred to as Subject-A).
The instructions to the daily operations and maintenance of the primary systems of Vault 528 (Reactor, Water Filtration, etc.), will be described only in an English language manual. This manual must be text only, and not include pictures, drawings, or any other kind of visual aids.
Additionally, Vault 528 will not be provided with any forms of entertainment, other than literature. The included library will have a large and varied selection of books, all of which however, will be in English.
Absolutely no translation materials are to be allowed inside the Vault.
Upon initial sealing of the vault the residents displayed disregard for Subject-A, up until discovering the lack of Spanish language instructions. Even then, the title of overseer was seized by a spanish speaking man in his late 50s.
For the first year attempts were made to teach others English, but due to general incompetence from subject-A, none of these made any significant progress. Similar attempts to teach others to maintain the Vault systems through examples and crude hand gestures were similarly unsuccessful.
Subject-A suffered extreme social isolation, often not speaking to anyone for days on end, as people stuck largely to their own preexisting social circles. Due to this, Subject-A never learned enough Spanish to communicate sufficiently with the other residents.
8 years after vault-528 sealed, Subject-A cut his arm whilst performing repairs and developed a minor viral infection. Due to poor communication of the contents of a medical manual, the other residents gave him incorrect treatment, which caused the infection to spread. Subject-A fell into a coma, and died 2 weeks later.
After the death of Subject-A, most vital systems soon fell into disrepair. The water filtration system broke down approximately 7 years after the death of Subject-A, after this the residents unsealed the Vault, and sent out gathering parties to retrieve drinkable water. When the reactor broke down, residents slowly started abandoning the vault in favour of life in the wasteland.
32 years after the Vault was first sealed, a band of raiders broke into the vault and killed all remaining residents.
submitted by that-drawinguy to TheVaultEntries [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:34 STEM_Mom going to rip r30 in half to make r15

Midland Tx zone 6 for gets HOT here MAY through SEPT 110 usually in afternoons for a good six weeks every summer. Working on improving human life experience inside the house, in hot summers.
1964 1700 sq ft house with rockwool 6 " , maybe r12-15.
Air sealed around can lights. Put in soffit baffles around all straight attic walls (not corners). pushed r30 insulation judiciously to edge of baffle / attic floor joist. Almost done with r30, two more eaves / small spaces I have to crawl in.
Related detail: Slowly putting in soffit vent outside to get ventilation. Adding expanded metal sheets in soffits through newly cut vents as much as possible to discourage critters. That's on pause right now because trying to work in attic before the heat hits (might start tomorrow).
Related detail: New metal roof with ridgeline vent is in the budget. Again prioritizing insulation before the heat comes.
Related detail: currently 3 window air conditioners. 19 year old AC died last August. Quotes were for a 5 ton unit ~ $15- 17,000. Going to run quotes again after insulation, new roof, maybe a 1 ton mini split installed. Thinking I will ask for a 4 ton unit.
About the insulation: I'm going back with r15 24" wide crosswise over the r30 16" wide (between the floor joists). To take as much as possible sq. footage up to r60 or close.
But I still have 16 batts of r30 left in the attic sitting on the decking. I probably overestimated how much r30 was needed. 50 used = 1562 sq. ft. so getting close to covering it all. There is HVAC unit sitting on floor of attic + some decking ( I might roll out insulation over decking? . not sure yet?)
Can I take the extra 16 batts, rip them in half sideways, and call it r15? Instead of going and buying r15 from the store and hauling the extra r30 out of the attic, the new r15 in the attic? Someone just give me permission.
*Also I have the perforated attic foil to roll out over the insulation. anyone with tips?
submitted by STEM_Mom to homeowners [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 03:07 Cultural-Flower-877 Ordering Edible Images Online

To those that order 2-2.5 edible images for cupcakes, where do you order from? I found a website where I could edit the template and order all in one swoop but I didn’t save it so now I don’t remember 😪. (Pic for attention)
Any good places for (TX/US) most bakeries are too far for me. And ordering a printer with supplies is out of my budget right now.
submitted by Cultural-Flower-877 to cakedecorating [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 02:42 binu_2903 [EU-DE] [H] GMK Burgundy R2 base + icon mod and R3 add-on, GMK Dolch R5 base + hangul, Geonworks F1-88 Gray/Silver with bunch of extras, Owlab Voice Mini Crimson Red with matching keycaps, Artkey Sirius Off-white [W] Paypal, Wise, GMK 2019-2021, GMK Beige tones, DCS 9009 MX

Hi MM, cleaning my shelf a bit since I'm moving toward brighter themes. Prices are shipped within EU. For the rest of the world, add 10€ for keycaps and 35€ for F1-88 (~4.5kg).
GMK Burgundy R2 base + icon mod and R3 add-on 715€
GMK Dolch R5 base + hangul alpha 310€
Geonworks F1-88 Gray/Silver 900€
Owlab Voice Mini Crimson Red 75€ SOLD
Artkey Sirius Off-white 95€
I'm mainly after selling, but can do trade for:
Please post a comment before PM. Chats are not read. Thank you and have a nice day!
submitted by binu_2903 to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:23 Bog_Boy2 Reap Vortex & League start Cast-on-Crit [Build Report]

This league I wanted to innovate within the cast-on-crit (CoC) archetype by crafting a "league start-able" and scalable build. League start friendliness required diverging from conventional CoC standards, such as cyclone and spell-crit. Below is a synopsis of the configuration I used, and I hope it provides someone inspiration for innovation.
If you just want to see circles, here you go: Poison Reap Vortex - Day 4
The Attack Set-up:
The minimum requirements for CoC are simply an attack skill that hits, crits, and has good trigger uptime.
The configuration I settled on used:
RV was the obvious choice as ragestorm snapshots the Ambush exert, has a high hit rate from the '250% more frequency' line, and has uptime dependent on rage sustain. Varying Blood Rage's lvl and quality allowed for fine tuning of the attack speed to reach the CoC breakpoints.
Obviously a unique weapon/shield or crafted weapon with 'hits cannot be evaded' solves hit chance. Otherwise, using two accuracy clusters with the masteries '+acc per level' and 'more accuracy at close range' provided 100% hit chance.
Rage Sustain:
There are certainly many ways to generate rage for higher uptime on RV. I settled on the following combo, for reasons I'll touch on later:
Toggling TC off while under 25 rage triggers CoE's rage gain. In hideout, I could get RV to be up for ~40s. In reality, I would often have to re-Ambush + RV as I would miss the rage trigger.
I did see that heiros have been using the new Mana-rage helmet on a similar set-up with great success.
The Spell Set-up:
All spells benefit from being cast quickly in a CoC set-up, both crit or non-crit. However, with the removal of the 'mana reduction flask craft' I didn't want to figure out mana costs. Thus, I settled on:
Poison was the obvious league start scaling vector as Reap is a phys hit and blood charges provide a 'more damage' multiplier. Humerously, this was the first time Cruelty was the right choice. Pathfinder also allowed for easy poison damage scaling early and classic Pathfinder defenses.
Was it League start-able?
Unrealized to me at the time, Rotblood Promise is a Ritual unique and CoE is a Heist-quest unique. I had just looked at prices and saw they were cheap in 3.23.
I'm in the boat of people who recognize that the build you level with through the campaign is not necessarily your league start build. So for me, it was league start friendly as I could get it running on Day 2. I leveled with poisonous concoction and transitioned the moment I got both the ring and belt. I made a account on Day 3.
Here are the pobs for my pre-league template plan and a Day 3 pull:
The build let me get all four voidstones and dip into T17 within week 1. I primarily farmed guardian rotations and did meta-crafting during this time. This helped me fund a few weapon crafts and some outrageously priced gear.
After my league start goals, there were obvious scaling vectors for this build:
  1. Poison
  2. new Unholy Might
  3. Woke Spell Cascade (easy overlaps at 1.0-2.4 m)
  4. CDR Breakpoints
  5. Spell Crit
  6. Low Life
In regards to CDR Breakpoints, I used three sources:
Coincidentally, triggering TC activates the Balance of Terror. This was a happy accident.
Where are we now?
While not the focus of this post, the following is my current iteration of the build:
Note: Blood Rage is tuned for having onslaught and 50 rage. I have corrected automating Immortal Call. There are many improvements still to be made to the current build. Currently, I'm just pushing the dps number to see where it can get, but will probably reel it back soon.
Path of Exile has a number of archetypes that people say must be played a certain way. Pre-league I asked a few streamers and their communities if they had any advice for the spell choice in a 'CoC Build with 100% melee crit and negligible spell-crit.' Consistently, the answer was "don't." However, shoutout to Jungroan for his consistent pursual of something different, as his build videos motivated me to look at things differently.
Hopefully this post gets someone excited to find a different way to league start and scale CoC, CwC, or innovate on any of the other archetypes in the game. I already have a few different ideas in mind for next league...
What atypical approaches have you taken in the game? Do you also recognize PoB as the real game, and PoE as the simulation?
TL;DR: spin-to-win adjacent
submitted by Bog_Boy2 to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:25 PantheonSwitchMods [Bulk] Custom Lubed Switches: Black Cherry Pies, Hyperglides, Luciola, Silent Cherries, Custom Milks, and Custom Creams

Pantheon Switch Mods

"God-Tier" Switches for that "EndGame" Build
The Gods:
The Demigods:
Switches on the Pantheon are all brand new and have never been mounted, soldered, or used in any way.
Item: Price:
BCP's $160
Smoothies $75
Luciola $70
P3 Milks $70
Seal Creams $50
Yellow Milky Arc Creams $20
****(Prices include shipping as well as PayPal fees to all addresses within the US. If you are international you will need to pay for additional shipping fees. If you would like insurance or expedited shipping you can pay extra)****
submitted by PantheonSwitchMods to mechmarket [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 18:12 spearshvac The Ultimate Guide to Air Conditioning Installation: Stay Cool and Comfortable All Year Round!

The Ultimate Guide to Air Conditioning Installation: Stay Cool and Comfortable All Year Round!
Air Conditioning Installation Seabrook, TX
Looking for a reliable and efficient air conditioning installation service in Seabrook, TX? Look no further than Spears AC & Heating! Our ultimate guide will provide you with all the information you need to stay cool and comfortable all year round.
When it comes to staying comfortable in the hot and humid climate of Seabrook, a properly functioning air conditioning system is a must-have. From choosing the right type of air conditioning unit to finding a reputable installation service, our guide covers it all.
With our step-by-step instructions and expert tips, you can make informed decisions about the best air conditioning solution for your home or office. Whether you're replacing an old unit or installing a new system, our guide will help you navigate the process smoothly.
Don't let the scorching Texas heat get to you. Trust our guide to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to ensure a cool and comfortable living space throughout the year. Stay tuned!
Importance of Air Conditioning Installation
Having a properly functioning air conditioning system is crucial, especially in Seabrook, TX, where the summers can be extremely hot and humid. Air conditioning installation is essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment and improving indoor air quality. Here's why it's important:
Comfort: Air conditioning installation ensures that you can maintain a cool and comfortable temperature inside your home or office, regardless of the weather outside. It allows you to escape the heat and humidity and create a pleasant living or working environment.
Health Benefits: Properly installed air conditioning systems help improve indoor air quality by filtering out pollutants, allergens, and dust particles. This is particularly important for individuals with respiratory conditions or allergies, as clean air can significantly reduce the risk of health problems.
Productivity: A comfortable and cool environment can enhance productivity. Studies have shown that people tend to perform better in a comfortable temperature range. Installing an air conditioning system in your office can create the perfect working conditions, leading to increased focus and efficiency.
Factors to Consider Before Installing an Air Conditioning System
Before you jump into air conditioning installation, there are several important factors to consider. Taking the time to evaluate these factors will ensure that you choose the right system for your needs and avoid any potential issues down the line. Here's what you should consider:
Size of the Space: The size of the space you want to cool is an important consideration when choosing an air conditioning system. A unit that is too small will struggle to cool the space effectively, while a unit that is too large will cycle on and off frequently, leading to increased energy consumption and wear and tear on the system.
Energy Efficiency: Energy efficiency is an important factor to consider for both environmental and cost-saving reasons. Look for air conditioning systems with high energy efficiency ratings, such as those with the ENERGY STAR label. These units are designed to consume less energy while still providing optimal cooling performance.
Installation Requirements: Consider the installation requirements of different types of air conditioning systems. Some systems, like central air conditioning, require ductwork, while others, like ductless mini-split systems, are easier to install and do not require extensive modifications to your home's structure. Evaluate which system is most feasible and cost-effective for your specific installation needs.
Budget: Determine your budget for air conditioning installation. Keep in mind that the upfront cost of the system is not the only expense to consider. Factor in ongoing maintenance costs, energy consumption, and potential repairs to get a comprehensive understanding of the long-term financial implications.
Steps Involved in the Air Conditioning Installation Process
Installing an air conditioning system may seem like a complex task, but with the right knowledge and guidance, it can be a smooth process. Here are the steps involved in the air conditioning installation process:
Assessment and Planning: Before installation, a professional technician will assess your space and determine the best location for the air conditioning unit. They will also evaluate the existing infrastructure, such as ductwork or electrical connections, to ensure compatibility with the new system.
Preparation: The installation team will prepare the site by clearing any obstacles and protecting your furniture or belongings. They may also need to make adjustments to the existing infrastructure, such as installing ductwork or electrical wiring, if necessary.
Installation: The air conditioning unit will be installed according to the manufacturer's specifications and local building codes. This includes mounting the unit, connecting the necessary ducts or pipes, and wiring the electrical connections. The installation team will ensure that everything is properly sealed and secured for optimal performance.
Testing and Inspection: Once the installation is complete, the system will be tested to ensure it is functioning correctly. The installation team will check for any leaks, test the airflow, and verify that all components are working as intended. They will also inspect the system for any potential issues or areas that require further adjustments.
Customer Education: The installation team will provide you with instructions on how to operate and maintain your new air conditioning system. They will explain any features or settings and answer any questions you may have. It's important to familiarize yourself with the system's controls and maintenance requirements for optimal performance and longevity.
Finding the Right Air Conditioning System for Your Needs
Choosing the right air conditioning system for your needs is crucial to ensure optimal cooling performance and energy efficiency. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an air conditioning system:
Type of System: There are various types of air conditioning systems available, including central air conditioning, ductless mini-split systems, and window units. Evaluate the pros and cons of each type and consider which one best suits your space, budget, and installation requirements.
Cooling Capacity: Determine the cooling capacity required for your space. This is measured in British Thermal Units (BTUs) and is based on the size of the area you want to cool. A professional technician can help you calculate the appropriate cooling capacity based on factors such as square footage, insulation, and sun exposure.
Energy Efficiency: Look for air conditioning systems with high energy efficiency ratings. Energy-efficient systems not only help reduce your environmental impact but also save you money on energy bills in the long run. Consider systems with features like variable speed compressors and programmable thermostats for enhanced energy efficiency.
Brand and Warranty: Research different brands and their reputation for quality and reliability. Look for air conditioning systems that come with a comprehensive warranty to protect your investment. A reputable brand with a solid warranty can provide peace of mind and ensure that any potential issues are covered.
Hiring a Professional Air Conditioning Installation Service
While it may be tempting to tackle air conditioning installation as a DIY project, it's best to hire a professional installation service at Spears AC & Heating for the following reasons:
Expertise and Experience: Professional technicians from Spears AC & Heating have the knowledge and experience to install air conditioning systems correctly. They are familiar with local building codes and regulations and can ensure that the installation is done safely and efficiently.
Proper Tools and Equipment: Air conditioning installation requires specialized tools and equipment. Professional installation services have access to the necessary tools and know how to use them effectively, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free installation process.
Warranty and Support: Hiring a professional installation service from Spears AC & Heating often comes with warranties and after-sales support. This means that if any issues arise after the installation, you can rely on the service provider to address them promptly and efficiently.
Time and Convenience: Installing an air conditioning system can be time-consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Hiring professionals from Spears AC & Heating allows you to save time and focus on other important tasks while ensuring that the installation is handled by experts.
Maintaining Your Air Conditioning System for Optimal Performance
Proper maintenance is essential for keeping your air conditioning system running smoothly and efficiently. Regular maintenance not only prolongs the lifespan of your system but also helps improve its performance. Here are some maintenance tips to follow:
Clean or Replace Air Filters: Dirty or clogged air filters can restrict airflow and reduce the efficiency of your system. Regularly clean or replace the filters to ensure optimal airflow and prevent dust and debris from entering the system.
Keep the Outdoor Unit Clear: The outdoor unit of your air conditioning system should be kept clear of debris, such as leaves or branches. Ensure that there is adequate space around the unit for proper airflow, as restricted airflow can lead to decreased performance and efficiency.
Schedule Professional Maintenance: It's recommended to schedule professional maintenance at least once a year. A professional technician will inspect and clean the internal components, check for any potential issues, and ensure that your system is operating at its best.
Adjust Thermostat Settings: Adjusting the thermostat settings according to your needs and the time of day can help optimize energy usage. Consider using programmable thermostats that allow you to set different temperatures for different times of the day to maximize comfort and energy efficiency.
Installing an air conditioning system in Seabrook, TX is essential for staying cool and comfortable throughout the year. By considering the factors mentioned in this guide, finding the right system, hiring a professional installation service like Spears AC & Heating, and maintaining your system properly, you can ensure optimal cooling performance and energy efficiency.
Don't let the Texas heat get to you. Take control of your indoor climate and enjoy a cool and comfortable living space with a reliable air conditioning system. With our ultimate guide, you have all the information you need to make informed decisions and stay cool all year round in Seabrook, TX!
submitted by spearshvac to u/spearshvac [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 05:00 mo_aero Cold Therapy on a Budget

With even the cheapest no-name cold therapy machines running $150 to $200, I decided to build my own for a total cost of ~$70. Please do not feel the need to follow this list to a T, you can certainly make do with similar parts if you just want to use this build as a template.
This setup has worked incredibly well for me so far with no leaks and no sweating of the tubing. My cooler ($15 from Costco) has kept things extremely cold and has only needed ice refills about once a day; with the tight fitting sleeve, this has provided me much better relief than the commonly recommended gel wraps which I started with. Some of the common complaints about the OTS cold therapy machines have been the frequency of refilling needed and the lack of relief provided (not cold enough), having a real cooler has proven to be a real upgrade here.
The smart plug has been a great addition to keep the icing schedule consistent even if I fall asleep or lose track of time.
Parts List
Part Name Quantity SupplieLink Notes
Submersible Pump 1 I used one from Harbor Freight, but this one is very similar.HF Pump: HF Pump
Pump Port Adapter 1 I designed this adapter for the HF pump, but the port dimensions are identical. Please reach out to me if you'd like a different size port or if you'd like me to make you one (Including o-ring seal) for ~shipping cost.
Pump Port Adapter, O-ring 1 Again, very similar to the HF set that I used. No, you don't need this whole set... You just need an o-ring to sit in the internal groove of the pump port adapter, doesn't even have to be a perfect fit because, well... it's submerged. You might even be able to get away with a MacGyvered tape job. Now that I think of it, I will make a new version of the pump adapter which sits in the ID of the pump port and can be sealed with electrical tape (or whatever you have) HF Set (PN is P12): HF O-ring set
0.25" ID Vinyl Tubing, 10ft 1 10ft should be plenty of length and gives you much more ability to move around than the shorter lengths on the OTS options
(Option 1) 0.25" ID QD Connector, 4pcs 1 (Preferred Option) Only 2 females needed if using exact parts. I used Option 2 (barbed unions) due to a time constraint (available in person at Home Depot), but these would have been nice to avoid unstrapping the cooling pad. I did design and print an adapter to fit over the male QD fittings, but 3D prints are notorious for their porosity (read lack of waterproofness)
(Option 2) 0.25" Barbed Union, 4 pcs 1 (Secondary Option) Only 2 needed
Cold Therapy Knee Sleeve 1 This pad has been really great so far and hasn't leaked, you just need to ensure you don't position the straps in a way that you block the flow. Can provide a bit of compression depending on how tightly you strap down.
Cooler 1 This is just an example of a cooler that would be suitable, don't go out and buy this one if you already have something similar!
Smart Plug 1 Optional, but highly recommended. I used this to set schedules throughout the day to turn the pump on and off without having to get up.
Total Cost ~$70
At time of writing, I'm 7days post-op from an ACLr with quad graft and LCL tear (unrepaired) and I think this cold therapy has been a big part of my recovery and pain relief. I'm currently walking around my apartment with no brace and no crutches and am close to full extension and 90deg flexion!
Note: Yes, these are Amazon affiliate links. No, you do not need to use them and you can actually find many of these parts at your local home improvement store (usually for higher cost). Please reach out if you need help sourcing something or modifying something to fit your build.
submitted by mo_aero to ACL [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 23:57 GrahamCrackerss [For Sale] Alessandro Cortini, Andy Stott, Awanto 3, Basic Channel, Bicep, Caribou, Daft Punk, Death Grips, Depeche Mode, Four Tet, Gigi Masin, Levon Vincent, Matthew Herbert, Nicolas Jaar, Ricardo Villalobos, Shinichi Atobe, Todd Terje & many more!

All records in excellent condition, with most being spun only once. Shipping from California via media mail at $6 if you reside in the lower 48 United States. If located elsewhere and interested in a record, message me and we'll see what we can make happen.
All unsealed records are stored upright in 3 mil anti-static sleeves, and are VG+ quality at worst, most are NM. Photos available upon request.
African Head Charge – Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi - $17
Akasha System – Echo Earth Foam Green vinyl - $28
Akasha System - Geomind Orange vinyl - $28
Akasha System – Phytopia Sky-Blue Flecked Transparent vinyl - $20
Alessandro Cortini – Avanti - $55
Aliana – Universal Voyage - $25
Ana Roxanne – Because Of A Flower - $15
Andy Stott – Faith In Strangers Gold vinyl - $65
Andy Stott – Luxury Problems Violet vinyl - $65
Anthony Naples – Chameleon - $22
Anthony Naples – Fog FM - $30
Anthony Naples – orbs - $26
Aquarian – Mutations I: Death, Taxes & Hanger - $12
Awanto 3 – Pregnant / Star Butchers - $16
Basic Channel – Quadrant Dub - $24
Bicep – Bicep - $24
Bitchin Bajas – Bajascillators - $18
Caribou – Our Love Pink vinyl - SOLD
Caribou – Swim - SOLD
Cherushii – 3 EPs - $40
Cherushii – Queen Of Cups - $55
Daft Punk – Random Access Memories (10th Anniversary Edition) - SOLD
Daphni – Jiaolong - $65
Dauwd – Theory Of Colours - $55
Death Grips – Bottomless Pit Sealed, Yellow Translucent vinyl - $120
Death Grips – Government Plates Clear vinyl - $30
Death Grips – No Love Deep Web - $20
Death Grips – Year Of The Snitch Green translucent vinyl, alternate artwork - $75
Decisive Pink – Ticket To Fame Pink vinyl - $12
Depeche Mode – Strangelove - $8
DJ HMC – 6AM / Marauder - $12
Donato Dozzy – Donato Dozzy Plays Bee Mask Clear vinyl - $28
Dorisburg – Sinai Hypnosis - $20
Elkka – Harmonic Frequencies Sealed - $10
Eris Drew – Fluids Of Emotion - $10
Floating Points – Crush - $27
Foans – Selected Classics Blue vinyl - $15
Forest Drive West – Recursion EP - $18
Four Tet – Morning / Evening - $30
Four Tet – There Is Love In You (Expanded Edition) & Remixes - $27
Francis Bebey – African Electronic Music 1975-1982 - $22
Francis Bebey – Psychedelic Sanza 1982 - 1984 - $24
Function – Existenz - $20
Gesloten Cirkel – Untitled - $9
Gigi Masin – Calypso - $22
Gigi Masin – Wind - $22
Golden Teacher – No Luscious Life - $15
Huerco S. – Colonial Patterns White vinyl - $28
Huerco S. – For Those Of You Who Have Never (And Also Those Who Have) Green vinyl - $55
Interstellar Funk – Caves Of Steel - $33
John Tejada – Parabolas - $40
Josh Wink aka Winx - Don't Laugh Yellow vinyl - $14
Joy Orbison – Pinky Ring - $12
Joy Orbison – Still Slipping Vol. 1 - $15
Jupiter Jax – Visions - $5
Khotin – Beautiful You Red Transparent vinyl - $18
Khotin – Finds You Well Transparent Purple vinyl - $18
Kuniyuki Takahashi – Walking In The Naked City - $50
Laurence Guy – Saw You For The First Time - $90
Levon Vincent / Steffi – Panorama Bar 02 Part II - $20
Loleatta Holloway – Can't Let You Go Purple vinyl - $70
MOON – Moon EP - $22
Matthew Herbert – I Hadn't Known (I Only Heard) / So Now... - $33
Melchior Productions Ltd – Closer - $14
Metro Area – Metro Area 15th Anniversary Edition - $36
Moodymann – Forevernevermore Purple vinyl - $50
Mount Kimbie – WXAXRXP Session - $20
Nicolas Jaar – Space Is Only Noise Clear (Crystal) vinyl - $50
The Other People Place Ft. Mystic Tribe A.I. – Sunday Night Live At The Laptop Cafe - $16
Pet Shop Boys – West End Girls - $6
Ricardo Villalobos – Alcachofa - $40
Ricardo Villalobos – Any Ideas - $22
Ricardo Villalobos - Luna - $10
Ricardo Villalobos – Thé Au Harem D'Archimède - $50
Ron Trent Presents Warm – What Do The Stars Say To You White vinyl - $24
Ross From Friends – Tread Clear vinyl - SOLD
Round Two – New Day - $12
Satoshi & Makoto – CZ-5000 Sounds & Sequences - $22
Satoshi & Makoto – CZ-5000 Sounds & Sequences Vol. II - $22
Shanti Celeste – Tangerine - $20
Shinichi Atobe – Butterfly Effect - $33
Shinichi Atobe – Heat Purple vinyl - $33
Shinichi Atobe – Love Of Plastic - $28
Skee Mask – ISS007 - SOLD
STL – At Disconnected Moments - $10
Sun Araw – Beach Head No covegeneric cover - $28
Sun Araw – On Patrol 1st pressing - $50
Sylvester – Mighty Real (Greatest Dance Hits) Pink vinyl - $22
The Other People Place Ft. Mystic Tribe A.I. – Sunday Night Live At The Laptop Cafe - $10
Todd Terje – It's Album Time - SOLD
TX Connect / CT Trax – DABJ Allstars Vol.1 - $8
Ulla – Limitless Frame - $24
Upsammy – Another Place - $34
Various – Fair EP - $18
Various – Ghostly Swim 3 Marbled vinyl - $10
Various – Mono No Aware Orange vinyl - $36
Various – Outro Tempo (Electronic And Contemporary Music From Brazil 1978-1992) - $26
Various – Permanent Vacation X (10 Years Label Anniversary) - $33
Wata Igarashi & Voiski Present WAV – 9719 EP - $30
Wax – No. 20002 - $14
William Basinski – Melancholia - $25
Yazoo – Situation - $5
Young Marco – Untitled - $10
Yu Su – Roll With The Punches - $16
submitted by GrahamCrackerss to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 22:54 Lichruler Proposal for Vault 246 - facing fear, whether you want to or not.

Vault Number: 246

Location: Denver, Colorado

Purpose of Vault: Experimentation of phobias and fears in an enclosed environment.

Experiment parameters:

All subjects that are to be entered into Vault 246 are to be rigorously screened for various irrational fears (phobias). Only those with extreme cases will be allowed to enter the vault. Two months after Vault 246 is sealed, residents will be slowly subjected to their greatest phobias, in order to gauge their reactions and handling of the situation. Vault Tec personnel are forbidden in attempting to help residents get over their fears. Vault 246 is also equipped with a state of the art gas pumping system, designed to pump small amounts of what is known as HalluciGen Gas into residents quarters while they are experiencing their fears. This is only to be used in the case of residents beginning to adapt to their fears.
Notable residents and experiments:
  • Fred Dermyers: Extreme arachnophobe. Can’t even read Grognak the Barbarian, In the Lair of the Virgin Eater because of a spider on page 12. Was accepted in to the vault without question. After test begins, harmless wolf spiders will be freed into Dermyers residence through the ventilation and small hidden passages, that Dermyers will inevitably find. Vault Tec security and staff are not to remove said spiders from Dermyers residence, nor is Dermyers allowed to sleep anywhere else but his residence.
  • Lucy Turnipsmith: Trypanophobia. Lucy went into a full blown panic attack during her initial medical screening, and cannot stand having needles near her of any kind. As such, she has been falsely diagnosed with a number of illnesses and medical issues, requiring constant blood draws, injections, and IVs put into her on a near daily basis. She is not to be sedated during any of these “treatments” and Vault Tec doctors are encouraged to make sure she sees every needle she is to be poked with. If she passes out, she is to be woken up with smelling salts, along with a gas mask with HalluciGen Gas, to make sure she wakes up in a panic. Also, she is to be put in charge of Vault 246 knitting group.
  • Larry Winters: Anatidaephobia. When first confronted with this fact, it was almost brushed off as a joke, but after investigation, it is indeed found that Mr. Winters is in fact terrified of the possibility that he is being watched by a duck. As such, very careful modifications have been made to his residence. Small hidden speakers in his ventilation and walls will occasionally play the sound of a duck quack, and his residence television has been rigged to occasionally have the outline of a ducks head show through. One other modification is his radio will have a hidden, nonfunctioning camera, and a single duck feather in it. Vault Tec personnel are encouraged to occasionally talk about a duck when Winters is nearby. We will be very curious to see how this fear manifests itself.
  • Harry Springtell: Claustrophobia. No special treatment necessary. Springtell will be put in a smaller residence, on the lowest level of the living quarters. Vault Tec personnel are to keep watch, and pump HalluciGen Gas into his residence if he seems to be getting over his claustrophobia.
  • Jennifer Topaz: Extreme anthropophobia. Ms Topaz genuinely is afraid of other people. Her interview had to be conducted entire by phone, as she refused to leave her house. She had been moved in weeks earlier, simply so she wouldn’t have to deal with other residents. As such, she is being made in charge of multiple Vault gatherings, game nights, movie nights, and social events. Vault Tec personnel are not to let her just stay inside her residence.
  • Ralph Taterplan: Emetophobia. Mr. Taterplan has an immense fear of vomiting. Two things are to be done. First, Taterplan will be put to work with sewage and biohazard messes, with very little protection to prevent him from smelling sewage and other vomit inducing smells. Second, his food is to be occasionally laced with emetine, in order to attempt to induce vomiting from Taterplan during meal times. Any Vault Tec personnel that knows how to vomit on command is to keep an eye near Taterplan, and in the case that he has not been exposed to vomiting in a while, are to “get sick” near him. Time off will be allowed to Vault Tec personnel in these cases, presuming it is kept to an occasional vomit, and not constant.
  • Mike Tam: Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Mr. Tam is probably the first documented case of having a true phobia of long words. It seems that any word larger than "Elephant" tend to give him anxiety, and larger words outright panic him. All books that he is to be given will be technically complex, with as many larger words as possible. He will also be pushed to teach classes on words, required to teach about technical terms like "floccinaucinihilipilification" or "xenotransplantation". Conversations with him by Vault Tec personnel are encouraged to communicate as many complex colloquialisms to Mr. Tam as realistically attainable.
  • Rackie Sheddoon: Trypophobia. Mr. Sheddoon spoke about trypophobia, the fear of small holes occuring in nature during his interview, and how he would "be dead" if he had to deal with that. Fortunately, he has a degree in science, so we are putting him in biology study in the Vault. Vault Tec made sure to order multiple Surinam toads as the primary biology study on radiation in the wild, as well as larva in honeycomb, along with the versatility of coral, and a few other creatures as well. His residence will be modified so his roof has multiple small holes drilled in the roof to remind him of the important work he does dealing with small holes on a daily basis, but will be told it was an aesthetic choice, and no, it will not be patched.
  • Flay Reon: Coulrophobia. Ms. Reon has a hatred and fear of clowns to a strong degree. During the interview, she saw a clown on a nearby calendar, and couldn't help keep looking at it before she asked if it could be removed so she could focus. Vault Tec obliged for the interview. But for her tenure in the vault, as many clowns are to be put in her face as possible. A clown costume was purchased to be worn at every birthday, as well as other celebrations, with Vault Tec personnel given instructions to give special attention to Ms. Reon every time they wear it, as well as it be mandatory she attend every one. Second, a custom alarm clock is to be given to Ms. Reon, that is in the shape of a clowns head. It's very well done, the time is shown through its teeth, and the eyes glow and flash when the alarm goes off, and the alarm itself is the sound of a clowns laugh. She is to be disciplined if she damages or removes said clown alarm clock. Lastly, it is encouraged that she only be given holo-tape containing clowns and circuses when they are checked out from the Vault library.
  • Richard Hudson: Acrophobia. Fear of heights. Hudson seemed utterly relieved that he would be in a vault, which is underground. He believed that since he would be underground, there would be no way he would have to deal with heights. He has forgotten that a vault is dug deep downwards, underground or not. Furthermore, he will be constantly required to climb up the entirety of the vault, from the atrium to the front door, in order to check multiple sensors that will be hanging over the edge of the catwalks, and the stairs and ladders have been designed to be just a little wobbly. He is forbidden from taking the elevator. On occasion, Vault Tec security is to accompany him with the checks. Security is encouraged to constantly make jokes about falling, and even make daring jumps to predesignated safe areas to make it seem like they are being daredevils in from of Mr. Hudson. When Mr. Hudson is asleep, his ventilation is designed to blow high winds in his face to change his dreams to nightmares of falling.
More to be added over time as more subjects are found, so check back occasionally.
Also, could someone figure out a template for terminal entries? I can't get it right, and want to add some conversations.
submitted by Lichruler to TheVaultEntries [link] [comments]