Mlm forums

2013.01.25 22:53 monstercameron

All Things Related To APU Type Products.

2016.05.26 07:45 PatrickWCity Otogi: Spirit Agents

An inactive subreddit for Otogi: Spirit Agents (Formerly Secret Spirit Agents), an android game which is no longer being updated.

2011.09.22 17:56 eagleapex Stop MLM schemes from draining your friends dry.

Multi Level Marketing (MLM) schemes are a drain on our society. Its participants either build the pyramid taller or get squashed by it.

2024.05.14 09:52 Johnson_Philipss Facing the Truth Behind GO Global and Unfounded Ponzi Scheme Claims

In a world where the digital revolution has transformed every corner of our lives, how do we sift through the noise to find the gems? Is it possible that, amidst a lot of different online education platforms, one stands out for its commitment to genuine learning? Recently, an emblem of integrity in the online educational field has been at the center of discussions, some of which have unfairly hinted at GO Global being a Ponzi scheme. Yet, those familiar with its mission know that these allegations are baseless. This article aims to dispel the myths and spotlight the transformative impact GO Global has on its worldwide e-learning community.

An Example of Authentic Education

In an era where digital platforms often find themselves mired in controversy, a question surfaces amidst a sea of misinformation: Is GO Global a pyramid or Ponzi scheme? A closer examination reveals a truth far removed from such baseless claims. This website clearly exemplifies what educational excellence is, offering a service of authentic learning in a digital space frequently overshadowed by dubious ventures. The platform's foundation is built upon the enrichment of minds and the empowerment of people, diverging sharply from the hollow, profit-driven motives typically associated with pyramid and Ponzi schemes.
Distinguished by its complete curriculum that spans across diverse fields from technology to business and leadership to self-development, GO Global is committed to delivering real-world knowledge and skills. The platform is designed to nurture critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving abilities, ensuring learners acquire valuable information while also developing the competencies to apply this knowledge effectively in their personal and professional lives. By doing so, GO Global rejects MLM (multi-level marketing) tactics, often linked with Ponzi schemes, focusing instead on creating value through education.
Industry experts and educators who are experts in their fields carefully select the range and depth of courses offered. This ensures that users are exposed to the latest trends, tools, and theories, keeping them at the cutting edge of their profession or area of interest. Furthermore, the interactive and engaging nature of the courses nurtures a rich academic environment where students can thrive.

GO Global Is not a Ponzi Scheme but a Secure Learning Environment

In the industry of online education, security and transparency are imperatives. At the heart of GO Global's mission is a commitment to providing an academic environment that is enriching, secure, and transparent. This commitment is evident in several key areas:
By prioritizing these aspects, the website ensures that learners receive a top-tier education by participating in a platform that respects their rights and values their trust. This approach dispels any notion that GO Global could be a Ponzi scheme, highlighting its role as a reliable and ethical educational provider.

Cultivating an Empowering Worldwide Community

Is GO Global a pyramid or Ponzi scheme? This question becomes increasingly incongruous when one considers the platform's dedication to cultivating an international community of students. Far from the insular, self-serving structure of a pyramid scheme, GO Global promotes an environment of collaboration, growth, and mutual support. This commitment to leadership development goes beyond geographical boundaries, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds with a shared goal of personal and professional advancement.
GO Global's leadership initiatives are designed to inspire, challenge, and empower learners. Through a combination of courses, workshops, and community forums, people are encouraged to develop the skills necessary for leadership as well as the mindset and vision that define effective leaders. This holistic focus ensures that emerging leaders are well-equipped to navigate the complexities of the modern world, drive positive change, and influence their communities and organizations positively.

A Pillar of Genuine Educational Growth

Getting to the end of our exploration, the notion of GO Global being a Ponzi scheme is a myth that fails to stand up against the wealth of evidence showcasing the platform's commitment to genuine, impactful education. With its broad spectrum of courses, a worldwide community of students, and a steadfast dedication to inclusivity and quality, the website is a shining example of how online education should be. It's much more than just a hub for learning, it's a movement towards creating a more knowledgeable, skilled, and interconnected society. As we look towards the future, GO Global continues to open doors for individuals around the planet, proving that education is indeed the key to unlocking human potential and promoting global progress.
In a world where the digital revolution has transformed every corner of our lives, how do we sift through the noise to find the gems? Is it possible that, amidst a lot of different online education platforms, one stands out for its commitment to genuine learning? Recently, an emblem of integrity in the online educational field has been at the center of discussions, some of which have unfairly hinted at GO Global being a Ponzi scheme. Yet, those familiar with its mission know that these allegations are baseless. This article aims to dispel the myths and spotlight the transformative impact GO Global has on its worldwide e-learning community.
submitted by Johnson_Philipss to globaleducation [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:01 lambchopsuey Deconstructing the "discussion meeting" performance - "the staged character of discussion meetings" - illuminates why SGI is failing and how far it has deteriorated

This analysis comes from Cults and Nonconventional Religious Groups: A Collection of Outstanding Dissertations and Monographs, "Shakubuku: A Study of the Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Movement in America, 1960-1975", David A. Snow, 1993, pp. 171-179.
I'll try to shave it down, because it's a long section, but he masterfully dissects the manipulation and artifice involved in the "discussion meetings" of then-NSA (now SGI-USA). You'll recognize the fakery he identifies - this is the nature of the Dead-Ikeda-cult SGI, a completely dishonest and exploitative cult.
It is at these discussion meetings, then, that NSA gets on with the real work of promoting and securing nominal conversion, of attempting to get recruits to take the first major step toward conversion by agreeing to receive a Gohonzon and to give chanting a try.
In those days, the nohonzon was issued up front (for a fee, of course - cash on the barrelhead).
And since gaining converts is, in large part, what this movement is all about, "nothing is more basic to the activities of NSA," as noted in the Winter edition of the 1975 NSA Quarterly, "than the discussion meeting." Or, as one district leader emphasized when discussing the importance of these meetings: "Discussion meetings are indispensable to the spread of the practice and the attainment of Kosen-rufu."
If you've ever felt confused at how sitting around someone's living room with the same bunch of losers month after month is doing anything toward the SGI's supposed goals of "world peace" or anything at all, actually, besides wasting the participants' time, I think what's described here will make it clearer what the original intent and purpose of these "discussion meetings" was, AND how far from that the current SGI "activities" have fallen.
The Character and Organization of These Meetings from a Sociological Standpoint
Given the purpose and importance of these discussion meetings, the question arises as to how they are organized and brought off in a strategic manner. In other words, what is the underlying strategy guiding this work of securing nominal conversion, and what are the kinds of tactical adjustments made at the line of scrimmage when the plan of attack does not appear to be advancing the group toward its goal of getting guests to agree to give chanting a try.
It's not enough that the "guests" say they'll try it; by the end of this ordeal, they'll say absolutely anything to get themselves to the other side of that door! What they really want is enough interest and desire on the part of those "guests" that they'll come back - and ideally become regularly attending members (as described in this indoctrinational creative writing fiction where a career Catholic priest is so entranced with the fictional (non)discussion meetings that he JOINS the SGI!! You'll notice that there is never any room within SGI to even mention one of THEIR SGI leaders who joins a Baptist church, for example, much less to celebrate such a stepping-out-of-line. But it's always FINE for other religions' leaders to see the obvious superiority of the SGI, knowmsayin?
In order to answer these question [sic] in a sociological manner, let us step out of the shoes of a guest and into those of a sociological [sic] with insiders' knowledge.
The Strategy of Theatrical Persuasion. Although members and the movement's literature like to characterize these meetings as being forums for free and open discussion and the spontaneous expression and flow of happiness and excitement, they are a far cry from gatherings characterized by spontaneity and unstructured discussion and interaction. Rather, they are meticulously planned and highly orchestrated meetings that can be best conceptualized, from a dramaturgical perspective, as theatrical-like presentations staged and conducted by a set of individuals (NSA members) who not only work together as a team but whose intimate cooperation is expected and required in order to foster and sustain a convincing impression or definition of the situation in the eyes of the audience (the recruits or guests).
Although the staged character of these meetings is seldom readily discernible to the unsuspecting guest, the appropriateness of conceptualizing these meetings in this way is suggested by the following considerations. First, the purpose of the meeting, as already indicated, is to sell guests on the idea of chanting, to so impress them that they feel compelled to give this practice call [sic] chanting a try.
Secondly, there is a division of labor such that all members have one or more roles to play. These various roles include the leadership role, the role of emcee, a general, overarching supportive role, and several more specific supportive roles, such as the role of giving an explanation of what NSA is all about, the role of a song leader, and the role of giving testimony. And even more significantly, members are provided with fairly detailed instructions, or, in the language of the theater, with scripts indicating what each role involves and how best to perform or play it.
There's a list of these roles. At the discussion meeting planning meeting, the attendees go down the list and simply plug different members' names into the worksheet.
The main leadership role, assumed by the district chief or, in his absence, the assistant district chief, includes, for example, the tasks of leading the chanting in a vigorous manner, conducting the question-and-answer session, meeting with each of the guests, and providing an inspirational role model for the other members. In performing these tasks, the leader is reminded that rather than putting on the air of a great sage, he should make a point of displaying great vitality, warmth, and compassion. Furthermore, he is expected "to be able to give clear explanations of the philosophy and practice," and is instructed to "always tailor his answers and encouragement to the audience."
Answers should always be tailored to the audience. If the guests are young, then the answers should include examples they can relate to. If the questions are too mystical or one-sided, the leader must have the wisdom to change the subject or break off the question-and-answer period diplomatically.
Blanche described how in her first district, the WD District leader instructed everyone that, if someone in the meeting was going on too long or rambling or whatever, that they should just start clapping wildly and shouting, "Congratulations!!" and then the MC would just move on to the next topic on the agenda. Reeeeal "spontaneous" there...
The emcee role is also regarded as particularly important, so much so that "the success of the meeting" is said to be contingent on how well it is performed. In fact, "so much depends on the emcee" that the discussion meeting is described for him as "a battleground in which he must struggle to bring victory to the members."
Barf. How far SGI has fallen! Now the goal is to see if there's some young teen in an SGI member's family who can be press-ganged to show up and read the agenda - their youth in and of itself is supposed to "encourage" everyone! Forget about all that "struggle" nonsense - they aren't gonna. This illustrates the SGI's current "form over function" approach, in which they just identify someone and pressure that person to do it, rather than the ideal candidate volunteering from a spirit of...oh, whatever - see above paragraph šŸ™„ Ideally, there would be SEVERAL young people positively brimming with passion and youthful energy who would be vying to be chosen: "Me! Let ME do it this time!" "No! ME!" "Choose ME!!" Instead, now it's just some tired old fart who agrees to do it, just to get this over with and there's no one else.
Specific responsibilities include setting "the gears fo the meeting in motion" and keeping the meeting going in a rhythmical and orderly manner.
You have to wonder just how crazy they envision these (non)discussion meetings might go - will a spontaneous rave break out if it isn't carefully controlled? An unpermitted parade? A frenzy of liturgical dance?? WHAT might happen??? Enquiring minds want to know!!
The emcee must develop the ability to keep the rhythm of the meeting going by making sure that there are no pauses or interruptions. If someone is causing a disorder, he should quiet the person in a polite manner. If a baby starts crying, he should see to it that either the mother or one of the young women at the meeting takes the child to another room to calm it down.
Gendered. Misogynist.
The emcee is also charged with being "the eyes and ears of the person leading the meeting."
Before and during the meeting, he should watch guests, be on the lookout for disruptions, and in general, be aware of everything that's happening. He should inform the person leading the meeting how many guests are present and whether they are young or old, so the leader can set the rhythm of the meeting accordingly.
Yeah. NO šŸ˜„ WOW but it's been a LONG TIME since any SGI sales pitch-based recruiting session - I mean discussion meeting - had any characteristics that would fit the above instructions. Just no way. Not now. Now, it's the same old handful of longhaulers dragging themselves in to go through the motions - as usual. By rote.
In addition, the emcee is expected to talk, act, and appear in a manner that displays or exudes strength, confidence, vitality and neatness.
The emcee must speak in a vigorous, strong and clear voice, but not screaming. The way he sits, stands up and moves the table must display confidence.
This was when a small table would be moved in in front of the person who led gongyo, who would turn around to face the group. This is of course a Japanese norm, completely foreign to Westerners. How many people outside of Japan even have a low table like that, designed for someone who's sitting on the floor??
In fact, he should stand up smartly whenever he is talking. As for appearance, he should reflect the image of NSA - clean and neat clothes and personal grooming.
It has been a LOOOOOOOONG time since ANY SGI district could insist on these requirements! Now they're just lucky if they can get anyone younger than retirement age to read the agenda off, and the agenda is often handed to them right there at the meeting itself - fuhgeddabout all this "advance preparation" nonsense. Nothing happens at the SGI discussion meetings, so nobody's going to go to this much trouble just because.
And finally, the emcee is instructed to have the details of the meeting worked out and the setting in order before the meeting begins. opposed to showing up and being handed a printed agenda to read off as SGI does it now.
The emcee must have a plan for the meeting. He should write up a schedule showing who will give the explanation, what songs will be sung, who will give experiences and so on, and present it to the leader at least two days prior to the meeting. The emcee must prepare for the meeting. He should check to see if the meeting place is clean and neat, that all lights work and there is an appropriate meeting table. Most of all, he should do Shakubuku for the success of the meeting.
Oh, like any of that's gonna happen! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£
Yes, things were VERY different back in the late 1960s-early 1970s, when the SGI organization in the US was still growing. As you can see, all this has been tossed right out the window.
A couple of items:
In fact, you can see a newly promoted leader doing exactly that, "chanting for the success of the meeting", here, from this same time period (early 1970s).
It's been a LONG time since any of this was happening, and you can clearly see in today's (non)discussion meetings how far things have deteriorated - and that's JUST the MC part! There's a bit about the demands on the members of the group - I'll skip to just this part:
As one district chief explained during a planning meeting for senior and junior leaders within the district and which I was invited to by one of my key informants:
Make sure to tell your members to chant in rhythm with the leaders. There shouldn't be any more than one rhythm. Everyone should be together so that there is unity. And remember to have them support the leader in whatever he says; the guests won't know whether he is right or wrong. So even if you don't agree with what is being said, act as if you do. this [sic] way there is unity at the meeting and the guests will be more impressed.
Wow, huh? It's completely dishonest and oriented entirely at flimflamming and bamboozling the "guests"!
Next there's a big section on "experiences", but I'm going to give that its own post because it's a WHOLE topic on its own. Hopefully today! But Ima skip ahead a bit, to p. 177:
A fourth indication of the staged character of discussion meetings is provided by the fact that planning meetings are held at both the district and chapter level for the purpose of discussing how to improve discussion meetings and make them more successful. Although rank-and-file members (those who have not attained that status of a junior or senior leader) are not normally invited to these planning meetings, I was able to attend several of them at the invitation of both my district chief and a junior leader who was one of my key informants.
It was during these planning meetings that I became deeply sensitized to the highly orchestrated and dramaturgical character of not only the discussion meetings but of NSA's overall operation.
At this point it's important to remember that "dramaturgical" means "relating to the art or the theory of writing and putting on plays, especially for the theater" - it's all putting on a show to manipulate the unwitting guests in order to trick them into transforming into new recruits. It's ALL fake - just a faƧade to fool the uninformed.
A fifth consideration suggesting that staged character of discussion meetings is the fact that much of what members do and say, both verbally and nonverbally, during the course of a meeting is to appear natural and spontaneous rather than artificial and contrived.
They try. Unconvincingly.
In other words, these meetings are not to appear as staged performances or as the product of dramaturgical cooperation. This concern is evidenced by the emphasis placed on exuding sincerity and responding to calls from the emcee and to what the leader says and does with alacrity and enthusiasm. It is also suggested by some of the rituals engaged in by the emcee, as when he scans the gathering after he has called for an experience so as to foster the impression that whom he calls is a spontaneous decision rather than one that has been pre-arranged, as indicated by the fact that those called on are already listed on his meeting agenda and by the fact that members frequently know beforehand whether they will be giving an experience.
This fakery apparently was dropped decades ago; in current SGI (non)discussion meetings, not only is the person acknowledged by name as delivering/"sharing" an "experience", but the person often has it written out on a piece of paper they semi-read off.

But none of this is evident to the guest.

Rather, what transpires - who gives the explanation, who gives testimonies, and so on - is staged in such a way that it all appears as if it is spontaneous and independent of prior planning, negotiation, and decision-making among the members. As a consequence, it seems reasonable to suggest that NSA in general and the district members in particular have something of the character of a secret society.
Only without any special perks or sexiness.
This is not particularly surprising, however, when considering the nature of theatrical-like teamwork. As Erving Goffman noted in his seminal discussion of this kind of work:
... if a performance is to be effective it will be likely that the extent of cooperation that makes this possible will be concealed and kept secret... The audience may appreciate, of course, that all members of the team are held together by a bond that no member of the audience shares ... But (the members of the team) form a secret society ... insofar as a secret is kept as to how they are cooperating together to maintain a particular definition of the situation.
This will all be very familiar to the people trying to recruit new suckers into MLM schemes/scams, too.
The sixth and final consideration suggesting the appropriateness of viewing these meetings from a dramaturgical perspective is the fact that they do not "go on" unless there is an audience, that is unless guests are in attendance.
Before Ikeda was excommunicated by Nichiren Shoshu and transformed the SGI into his own personal worship society, there was a certain "rhythm" to the year. February and August were "Shakubuku Months", and there was an "introductory meeting" scheduled every week. If it came to meeting start time and there was no "guest", the meeting was halted and everybody was sent out to try and find something with a pulse to drag in, at which point the meeting would proceed:
When I first discovered this I was somewhat startled, for I had assumed that these meetings were conducted in their entirety regardless of the presence or absence of a new face. But as I learned one evening, this is not the case. Following the chanting session on this particular evening, the leader emphasized that since these meetings were for guests and none were present, we would have to go out and round up one or two. So the members in attendance were divided into Shakubuku teams and sent out in search of prospects. Although three of the four teams returned empty-handed, one had managed to corral a single guest. But one is all that is needed; and so the formal meeting began as usual.
For "formal meeting" read "sales pitch". By the late-1980s, perhaps earlier, instead of being every discussion meeting, this format was restricted to the "introductory meetings" during the Shakubuku Months. However, he's describing something that happened every single time. No meeting unless a "guest" was present.
During my tenure as a member I saw this particular scenario re-enacted on four different occasions, and on one occasion we were sent back into the streets three times in succession. Around 8:30 p.m., after the third try and with one guest in hand, the show finally got on the road.
The author describes himself as "an active participant observer for nearly a year and a half".
Perhaps even more illustrative of the theatrical character of these meetings and the fact that they are staged for guests is the following course of events that transpired one evening during a meeting I attended:
Although no guests were present when the chanting began, a young couple came in toward the end of the chanting session and situated themselves on the floor at the back of the room. But apparently the emcee didn't notice them; for upon completion of the chanting session he didn't jump up and yell out: 'Welcome to a vigorous and happy meeting of the [name here] District of NSA!' But the district leader, who had apparently seen this couple come in, punched the emcee in the ribs and whispered that some guests were present. And so this member immediately assumed his role of the emcee and proceeded as usual by springing to his feet, putting on a big smile, and blurting out, 'Welcome to a vigorous and happy meeting of the [name here] District of NSA!'
"Vigorous and happy" šŸ¤£
In light of the foregoing considerations and observations, there seems to be little question about the appropriateness of conceptualizing NSA discussion meetings as "shows" or presentations staged by the members, who constitute a performance team, before an audience composed of recruits or "guests".
This was what was going on BEFORE Dickeda swanned into the US in 1990 and "changed our direction" - because of what Sensei did, the bottom fell out of the discussion meetings. Instead of weekly meetings, Dickeata dictated that these meetings would only happen monthly from now on - and of COURSE Die-Sucky Scamsei's word is LAW in his own cult of personality, where the membership follows a PERSON instead of any "law". Post-excommunication, at the (non)discussion meetings I attended, there was at least one guest every single time, but they never came back. The ONLY person I saw join post-excommunication was a formerly homeless woman with two small children who had moved in with an SGI member (who had unethically selected her at the abused-women's shelter she was living at, where he volunteered computer classes for the residents). She was able to see it didn't work; she ended up quitting.
Now what SGI-USA is left with is an ever-shrinking membership of mostly Baby-Boom generation and older individuals who mostly joined during the time period described in this study. SGI has completely lost what vitality it once had; now it's simply waiting around for the grave - and oblivion.
submitted by lambchopsuey to sgiwhistleblowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 06:17 Human-Imagination976 A detailed cult critique of Chrissie Fire Mane and The Mana Movement (NSW, Australia)

AN IMPORTANT NOTE: Where ever you see an asterix (*), there is a hyperlink. The cults community theme defaults hyperlinks to grey, so had to make them obvious!
The Mana Movement* is a high control group in NSW Australia that uses pseudo-therapy and spirituality to coerce it's followers into expensive MLM-like courses and retreats around the world. I have had a terrible personal experience with the group and its leader Chrissie Fire Mane, but I was wondering if there are any others out there like me who'd be willing to share their experience here? Please ensure there is no identifiable information in your account history.
The following is some background Iā€™ve collected over years of following the group. I hope itā€™s validating to others whoā€™ve had questionable or bad experiences with Chrissie Fire Mane and The Mana Movement, and that it prompts potential attendees to reconsider.
The group's leader Chrissie Fire Mane (real name Chrissie Charley) shows many characteristics of a cult-leader; she is charismatic, intelligent, and presents nicely, but she is also incredibly narcissistic and above criticism, demanding loyalty from those around her. If anyone holds her to account or points out her hypocrisy, they are ridiculed by her*, and blocked or literally banned from The Mana Movement. Chrissie goes to great lengths to discredit critical thinking* and silence opponents; she has doxxed people who left negative reviews, literally contacting them unannounced and pressuring them to delete their comments. In a blatant example, Chrissie and her members attacked people in this Reddit thread*, forcing some negative reviewers to delete their comments (but not before they were archived here). Chrissie is unaccountable to peopleā€™s valid criticism, which is deeply concerning.
Central to Charleyā€™s identity and The Mana Movement is the idea that she has attained special knowledge from indigenous peoples, namely the Qā€™eros Nation. Charleyā€™s asserts that society is sick, and that she has been anointed to share this knowledge to free mainstream society from the ā€˜matrixā€™*. Unsurprisingly, her ā€˜Ten Keys To Lifeā€™\* can save you, and unlock any challenge you are facing. Transformative promises like these are a hallmark of coercive groups and cults. The ā€˜Ten Keys Of Lifeā€™ is one of many expensive programs*, many of which require previous attendance to qualify - another red flag of MLMs. In some programs, reality-altering drugs such as Ayuaschsa are involved, another characteristic of coercive groups. It's worth noting that children are often present at these retreats with their parents, and are encouraged to engage in the rituals* such as Sweat Lodge.
Alongside her obvious grandiosity, there are hallmarks of cultural appropriation in her work. Charley not only falsely claims to be a therapist, but implies her own imagined indigenous lineage, calling herself a 'shamanic psychotherapist'\. In 2016, she was called out for channelling White Buffalo Calf Woman\ in now deleted posts. The reality is much more benign; Charley is born to an incredibly affluent multi-generational Australian family, attended private school in Sydney, and has no formal therapy or professional qualifications.
Charley is deeply paranoid and conspiratorial, and highly susceptible to disinformation. She fervently supported Trump and the Jan 6 inserrection*, claimed the pandemic was a plot to depopulate the earth*, and compared the lockdown measures to the Holocaust*. She has publicly shamed mask-wearers*, posted Transphobic content*, and fervently supported extremist figures like James Oā€™Keefe* and Riccardo Bosi*, the latter of which she called ā€œthe leader of Australiaā€™s future*.ā€ In one of her more grandiose claims, in 2022 she said the government had ā€œgeoengineered cloud bombsā€ to flood her hometown to silence her. 24 people died during the 2022 floods. These are just a few examples of Charleyā€™s delusion, erratic behaviour and poor judgement. HERE* is a huge dump of further evidence of Charleyā€™s paranoia. Note that she deleted a lot of her damning Instagram posts when rebranding in 2023 (but not before I archived them all*).
In 2019, Charley was the host on TBSā€™s Lost Resort - a reality TV show that placed vulnerable people with ā€˜healersā€™ in an effort to address their trauma. The show, and Charley, were heavily criticised in a video by We're In Hell* with almost 1M views. The video sheds light on Fire Maneā€™s problematic ā€˜healingā€™ methods and behaviour. I highly recommend checking it out and reading the comments.
One thing that really gives me bad vibes is Project Angel*, Charleyā€™s ā€˜non-profitā€™ rehabilitation program for torture-trafficking victims. Itā€™s run by a woman named River, one of the ā€˜survivorsā€™ supposedly rehabilitated by Charley. River claims she spent 44 years in human trafficking circles. Charley claims she has ā€˜rehabilitatedā€™ other survivors, but there is no evidence of this. A reminder that Charley has no professional health qualifications.
I can not say for certain that River is not a trafficking survivor, however there are a few things about Riverā€™s story that donā€™t add up, and some things about Project Angel that are major red flags:
  1. THE FAKE TRAFFICKING PHOTO*: On The Mana Movement Website, Charley and River claim to have an image of River being transported from one master to another in 1995. This is a lie. The photo is from a series of consensual posts on a male bondage forum in 2016. The subject of the photo is a sub and has many more photos just like it. If River and Charley can lie about this, how can we trust any of their story?
  2. THE SOLSTICE STORY*: In a now deleted post, Charley posted a quote by River that claimed that every solstice, River would be forced to walk between Stonehenge and Woodhenge, ā€œnaked, bound, and chainedā€, and tortured in ā€œsatanic, reptillianā€ rituals at the ancient sites. These sites are under 24/7 security and surveillance. And this would have had to have happened despite the hundreds of civilians that celebrate the solstice at Stonehenge each year.
  3. GENERAL INAPPROPRIATENESS*: The original Project Angel website had a huge image of a bruised child peeking from behind a door. The current website has imagery of chained women, and their instagram has illustrations of caged woman. This is highly inappropriate for an organisation supposedly helping survivors. In one deleted post from the, River says to Charley ā€œI DID IT MAMMA!ā€ to which Charley replies ā€œDearest Childā€¦ I AM SO PROUDā€. It doesnā€™t take a therapist to know that enforcing a mothechild dynamic with an alleged abuse survivor is inappropriate. There are many other instances of inappropriate treatment of the grave subject matter.
  4. OPERATIONAL OPAQUENESS: Project Angel is promoted as a not-for-profit organisation, however it is not registered to the ACNC*. Despite the groupā€™s preoccupation with raising donations, there is no documentation of where donations are being spent. In this video*, River claims the first step for survivors is to partake in courses by The Mana Movement. This is most concerning as neither The Mana Movement or Project Angel have any official policies, protocols, or proofs that demonstrate they are qualified in rehabilitating trafficking survivors, or from which people can hold their work accountable.
In sum, Project Angel is not operating in an ethical and transparent way, especially given the seriousness of its proposed work. Irrespective of whether Riverā€™s story is true, it is my feeling that she needs professional help.
Now for my unfettered opinion. It is clear to me that Chrissie Fire Mane is deeply insecure. Like many cult leaders, she projects her own self-loathing out onto the world, finding solace in judging others and attacking those who question her. To Charley, spirituality is a tool to feel superior, to convince herself and others that she has her shit together. In reality, Charleyā€™s sense of self is fragile and hollow, and The Mana Movement exists namely to give her the narcissistic supply she needs to to survive.
For anyone considering or curious about The Mana Movement (or any current members) please consider the above, and listen to your intuition. Be wary that Charley will go to great lengths to deflect, deny, and dismiss this post, and paint herself as the victim.
For anyone whoā€™s had negative experiences with the group, please share if youā€™re comfortable. I must stress: DO NOT post any information that could be used to identify you. I expect this post will be surveilled and brigaded.
submitted by Human-Imagination976 to cults [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 13:28 khingoneyeewin CITY SHAPERS FORUM

šŸŒŸ Exciting News! šŸŒ† Calling all Entrepreneurs and CEOs in Japan : Ignite Innovation, Build Bridges at Sky Lounge, Tokyo Mid Tower Grand. šŸŒƒ
šŸ—“ļø May 13th, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM šŸŽŸļø Tickets: Ā„6,000 (2 drinks + food) šŸ”— Details and Purchase: please refer to the 3rd link in bio named : City Shapers Forum ā³ Early Bird Discount: Save Ā„1,000 before May 10th with code C-ERL1501
šŸŒ Connect with city innovators and entrepreneurs from Asia-Pacific. šŸ¤ šŸø Enjoy cocktails and discussions on urban development.
šŸŽ¤ Agenda:
City Shapers Pitch Session with industry leaders. Meet Mr. Yuma Saito, Ms. Wennie Yuan, and more! šŸ“© For inquiries, DM us on Instagram.
šŸš« No MLM or mentoring business participants, please.
Don't miss out on this transformative event! šŸŒŸ #cityshapers #tokyoevents #entrepreneurs #startup #founders #ceo #inovative #solutions #č‡Ŗå–¶ę„­ #č‹±ä¼šč©± ļ¼ƒå›½éš›äŗ¤ęµä¼š
submitted by khingoneyeewin to u/khingoneyeewin [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 16:28 dr3rdeye Don Blanton/Circle of Wealth/Money Trax?

Asked this on another forum a few months ago but no answers. Anyway, a college friend who has recently gotten into something called Circle of Wealth/MoneyTrax run by a guy named Don Blanton. Although it takes a little wading through hype to figure it out, it seems to basically be a set of sales tools for permanent life insurance policies. I'm highly skeptical of such policies for 99 percent of the population but, heck, they have their uses. That said, a few things she says don't add up, for example, the system seems to be a twist on infinite banking-type concepts but she talked about selling VUL and IUL policies (seems pretty bad for what you'd want to do) and "building teams" which sounds MLM-like and makes me think it's an almost scam.
OTOH, the testimonials I can find about the system are from people who seem to be legit independent agents/brokers. Also, I couldn't find anything that showed an affiliation with a specific agent/broker or underwriter. Does anyone know anything about this system?
submitted by dr3rdeye to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:08 ImaginaryStuntDouble Would your opinion of SW change if..........

I think it's fair to say most people in this forum are less than dazzled by SW. Full disclosure, I doubt I would have cared much for her had I known her in real life. But I'm a dark and broody introvert who is repelled by all things social, so there's that. We would have been incompatible, I think. I take a middle-of-the-road approach; can't say I think we should try to follow her shining example, but I also don't think she was inherently evil. Don't think she was mother of the year, but won't call her abusive. I just dunno. What I DO know is that she deserved to life her life. Her kids deserved to life theirs.
My question is, would you feel differently about her, her social media presence and just her life choices in general if you tried Thrive and found it to be amazing? I've been watching YT videos about Thrive lately, trying to understand the whole MLM thing overall. If you tried it and got all this incredible energy and mental clarity, would you think differently about her online persona?
submitted by ImaginaryStuntDouble to WattsFree4All [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 18:22 No_Movie_9183 ruh roh what if im not actually aroace :(

so i thought for a bit about posting this on the trans forum but i feel like the people here will understand better what i mean and what im going through.
so for context, i identify as a boy. however, im a minor and im in an environment where i cannot transition at all, like my parents wonā€™t even let me wear boy clothes or cut my hair short sooo i look very much like a super feminine girl. and i act like a super feminine girl. and most of my friends are super feminine girls. so i havenā€™t really gotten to experience what itā€™s like to be a boy /at all/.
i also identify as aroace, and itā€™s taken me a really long time to come to terms with that. mostly because of all the societal pressures and stuff, also iā€™m not great with social stuff anyway so iā€™ve just never been able to tell for sure.
but now lately, im starting to wonder if im just gay or bi? like a read a lottttt of mlm romance and i canā€™t tell if thatā€™s something i want or not.
basically idk if im actually aroace or if i just canā€™t see my current self in a relationship because i donā€™t look like a boy.
and honestly this has been really weighing on me a lot because iā€™ve grown to be really proud of my aroace identity and it took me so long to find a community and feel comfortable with myself and i just donā€™t want to lose that.
then again, iā€™ve never actually had feelings for anyone romantically or sexually and every romantic or sexual experience i /have/ had i did not enjoy in any way. (but maybe thatā€™s just cause i want to experience that as a boy???)
i am kind of leaning towards still being aroace though but UGH itā€™s just really frustrating and idk what to do sorry for the long vent :,)
submitted by No_Movie_9183 to aromanticasexual [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 06:13 OnlyKindaCare Just finished Big Love. WOW.

I watched some of Big Love when it aired but never finished it and couldn't remember the storylines.
I've read here and in other forums that there are a LOT of overlapping storylines between Big Love and Sister Wives...but I was legit shocked and very entertained to see it for myself. It's crazy!
The houses on a suburban street with shared backyards...Bill's dream of moving them into one huge house...legally divorcing the first wife in order to adopt another wife's kid...shelling an MLM drink...Bill getting into politics (Kody mentioned wanting to do this at one point)...etc.
Even some of the "High Priest" speeches Bill gave to the family sound exactly like the crap Kody spews. It's like he studied this show.
What other similarities did you notice that I missed?

submitted by OnlyKindaCare to SisterWivesFans [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 04:00 XuWiiii Recent MLM post

There was a post that for the most part got it right with MLMs. If the company requires a monthly fee to basically fund the company then itā€™s a bad idea for the majority of sales reps. Especially for the targeted stay at home moms with hounds such as Herbalife with the majority of reps paying more fees than they earn.
However, this is more for the niches of money being left on the table for reps who are already producing and can benefit in certain cases.
From my personal experience as a d2d b2c/b2b telecom sales rep it makes sense to go with ACN. Mostly due to directv satellite to directv stream being commissioned.
The residuals are a job within itself to keep up with but the $25/monthly fee makes sense if youā€™re already in the telecom space as itā€™s a write off and you can easily miss out on more than $25/mo. Additionally they operate in several countries and if you travel or have family/business partners abroad it makes sense.
Primerica was mentioned in the previous post. I have no experience in the life insurance department other than being a consumer for their term life and I have my needs met with it.
However, outside of California they go through Answer Financial for opportunities to sell home and auto and commercial business insurance. Additionally they partnered with E-telequote to do Medicare referrals. The good thing about their non-life insurance policies is that the referrals are very hands off as itā€™s a 3 way call where the client gets introduced and your job is done.
Primerica additionally does Vivint home security. Itā€™s a decent commission but being in the telecom sales industry I know that they pay about 40% of what a contractor gets paid. It may go up in the MLM pyramid scheme but I have no experience with that but I find that this would be beneficial to install techs who would otherwise leave money on the table.
I donā€™t work for either company but just wanted to share my experience, thoughts and opinions. I am not recruiting, but if the guidelines for this forum allow me to jump onboard with another company I can edit this for networking purposes.
submitted by XuWiiii to sales [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 02:53 KollyMollyDolly 4 Corners Marketing London ON - Interview Tomorrow

I have a job interview at 4 Corners Marketing. I got the interview through an Indeed posting. CatalystHire is the company that owns the job posting. Then, I get a message through text (I am used to email when being professional and this doesn't seem professional tbh) this morning saying that CatalystHire shortlisted me to be interviewed by 4 Corners Marketing.
My research didn't hit any red flags until I read some Reddit forums about this company. I saw the Reddit forums after I already got this interview verified. I noticed a red flag when I got a message about an interview about 14 hours after applying, but my mind reminded me that I need a job.
Another red flag is that the only entrance to the building is in an open back alley that is mostly a narrow parking lot. It's on the 2nd floor above a business I know.
The majority of forums about this company are saying that I would have to walk around knocking door-to-door (doesn't say that in the job posting, which says that I would be like a telemarketer or customer service) and you get $60 per day without commission (8hr for $60 which is $7.5 per hour). The minimum wage is $16.55 in my province. They also said on the forums that the way the commission works is they double the amount of money you get for the donated money you received for their customers (charities). The forums also said this might be an mlm which is something I don't want to be a part of even if I get money from it. It feels like dirty money.
Should I still do the interview just for the experience? Should I ever work there if I get the job?
submitted by KollyMollyDolly to Devilcorp [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 06:55 prussiancucumber [TRIP REPORT] 5 months backpacking Europe - pt. 1 (Italy to Germany)

Posted this on solotravel a while back, but I thought you all would enjoy this here.
As Iā€™ve been enduring long work days this winter, Iā€™ve been reflecting on my trip to Europe, which is nearing the one-year anniversary of its departure date (Feb 20, 2023). Yesterday I saw a post by u/doom_in_full_bloom about his trip to Europe, and it inspired me to finally do my own write-up.
Some Background:
ME: 19/20 (turned 20 in Germany), female, American. Saved for the trip by working for a few years, living at home rent-free, doing a (mostly) free community college program, and (mostly) living like a monk.
Part II Link (The Balkans)
Part III Link (Albania + Istanbul)
Route Map
- Total Spend: $8,500 (Budget was $8,000-not sure how I overspent to be honest, but thatā€™s life!)
- Average Daily Budget: $60 USD Western Europe, $40 USD Eastern Europe
- I took Trains and buses almost exclusively, with the exception of Tirana->Istanbul ($100) and getting between the oceans. $250 Washington, DC->Rome via TapAir Portugal in February and $600ish to fly Istanbul->New York (Summer 2023 flights :/).
- Almost exclusively hostels, a few exceptions
- Did WorkAways twice: once in Germany on an organic farm/eco-community and once in Montenegro doing hiking trail maintenance in Kotor.
- Solo the entire time, except for the first two weeks where my twin brother joined me in Italy, and my father visited me in Prague.
- Did not get a train pass. Took the train only a few times in western Europe because the bus was often cheaper and train infrastructure in the Balkans is not robust.
- Times I fell in love: 0. Iā€™m a cynic.
SAFETY: Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how safe I felt, even as a solo woman (with a few notable exceptions). It helped I stuck to common wisdom (don't get blackout drunk, don't go out at night alone, etc.) and I had a lockable day bag. Exercise normal caution and trust your gut, say you have a boyfriend, you'll be fine.
ROME (Feb 21-26)
Fantastic city. Parts of it are grimy, but its just spectacular. The Forum and Colosseum live up to the hype. Very much enjoyed the phenomenon of the Roman ā€œevening walkā€. We were there during the 1-year anniversary of the Ukraine invasion, so we saw demonstrations and the Colosseum lit up. DO NOT miss the Crypt of the Capuchins. DM me for tips on how to find the best gelato. Went on a very ill-prepared run along the Park of the Aqueducts and the Appian Way, but I did watch a football game and run into a farmerā€™s market where I had AMAZING suppli and a very nice Italian man selling olive oil tried to speak to me in Italian. Woke up at 6 am to catch St. Peterā€™s Basilica and I pretty much had the entire place to myself. Fond memories. HOSTEL: Des Artistes Hostel ($21/night!) not bad. Met some cool people, including the worst snorer I had in the entire five months and the most iconic American woman Iā€™ve ever met (we still talk with her!).
Note on Sistine Chapel + Vatican Museums: Book tickets online in advance! We went on a Tuesday in low-season February and the line still wrapped around one of the country's walls. We were able to just walk past that line and dive in pretty much immediately.
Rome Pictures
CINQUE TERRE (Feb 27-Mar 1)
Gorgeous. We had one day of bad weather, one day of good weather. You could really tell it was the off-season, Most places were closed. But I did go for a walk in Riomaggiore on our first day, and I was struck by how the lack of tourists made the place almost feel non-touristy at all - I saw people feeding pigeons, kids playing in churchyards, men coming back from the gym - it was awesome. The Via de Amore was closed sadly, so we took the mountain paths. Hard hiking between Riomaggiore and Manarola, but gorgeous. On the second day (a rainy day) I took a train to Monterosso with the plan of hiking to Cornigliaā€¦it rained. I learned my puffy windbreaker was not waterproof. I made it to Manarola a shivering mess. Now, itā€™s a fun memory but donā€™t be like me, kids. Know your gear before hiking!! Stayed in an Airbnb, only $50/night in the offseason.
Cinque Terre
BOLOGNA (Mar 2-5)
Nice city. Unfortunately, the hostels were full and we had to stay in an Airbnb that was joker-themed? And stunk of cigarettes. My brother got stuck in the bathroom once and some random person started buzzing at the door at 6 am one morning. Really sweet host though! But it was nice to walk around the streets and churches. Caught the end of the Bologna marathon. Went to the Archeological Museum and got yelled at for interacting with an exhibit that looked interactive but turned out it wasnā€™t! Got a nice splurge dinner at Osteria del Cappello. Mm.
Bologna Pictures
VENICE (Mar 6-8)
I can tell it suffers from overtourism, but my god what a unique city! Went to a torture exhibit in the former prison, saw St. Marco's (buy tickets ahead of time), walked around mostly. A Brazilian guy at the hostel tipped me off that the Dorsoduro neighborhood was a nice off the beaten path neighborhood. It was so empty it felt lonely. There was only one place Iā€™d recommend eating at in Venice, and thatā€™s Dal Moro's for amazing takeaway pasta. Grom is always a reliable gelato chain, by the way. I had overlooked the gondola tour previously thinking it was overpriced touristy shit, but it did look fun! Fondest memory was sitting with my brother eating gelato on a canal. Least fond memory was walking to the train station at the end of the day in the dark. Venice is fucking terrifying at night. HOSTEL: Anda Venice. Huge and corporate, but we met an awesome crew of fellow 20-22 year olds and hung out with them at an open mic stand-up comedy show that went just about as horribly as you would expect. It's in Mestre rather than the island, but the train ride is only 2 euros (and better than the bus that can be filled with pickpockets).
Venice Pictures
MILAN: (March 9)
Only came here to facilitate my brotherā€™s flight home. Seeing the Duomo and the shopping center was cool, and the train station was bougie. HOSTEL: Best Hostel Milano. Clean and close to the train station. Got the job done.
SALZBURG (Mar 10-13)
Beautiful little city, although 3 days was a little too much time to spend here. Iā€™ve been learning German, so ordering my first Mozartkugel in German felt good. Had incredible wiener schnitzel at this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant beneath the castle. My mom hyped up Salzburger Nockerl, which I did eat at the Cafe Mozart, and it was nice but definitely not worth the 20 euros I spent. Fortress was neat, but the views were even better. Pro-tip: if you want a view of Salzburg with the mountains in the background, head away from the old town along the River as far as you can, I went on a beautiful 4-mile jog along that river like that. Favorite memory was having my first official night out of the trip with two girls who waltzed into my dorm room already wasted and invited me to City Beats for the evening. I remember it very fondly :). Iā€™d say Salzburg is worth visiting, but only for a day or two before heading into the mountains. Perhaps my testimony is a little biased, because it was absolutely freezing when I was there, and I was a little down missing my departed brother.
HOSTEL: Yoho Youth Hostel. Nice, but was kind of socially dead, as it was the off-season. The nightly Sound of Music showings are a nice touch.
Salzburg Photos
VIENNA (Mar 14-17)
Gorgeous city-really is the epitome of Hapsburg fanciness. Hung out with my friend who is in grad school here. Sheā€™s heavily involved in the Gaelic Sports League here, so we were able to be in the St. Patrickā€™s day parade, which was fun. It was fascinating to see the seat of the Hapsburg dynasty and the upperclass Austrian culture that permeates a lot of European art - especially as I got down to the Balkans and that culture began colliding with Eastern influences (looking at you, Sarajevo). The Natural History museum was lovely, as was the Ɩsterreichische Nationalbibliothek (worth visiting) which was totally worth visiting. Did a tour of the Schonnbrunn Palace with a Belgian guy I met at the hostel (was cool, but didn't feel like a must-see), then we hit up the Prater theme park that had some bizarre statues. Overall a lovely time in a lovely city. HOSTEL: St. Christopherā€™s: In a cute little neighborhood. Met a great crowd there with their nightly social gatherings. Recommend!
Vienna Pictures
BUDAPEST (Mar 18-22)
Probably one of my favorite cities I went to. It was my first time behind the (former) iron curtain, and I could really tell. The city was beautiful with posh architecture at its core, but it felt like it had a glaze of Eastern European energy, if that makes sense? The Castle District was alright, but the Hospital of the Rock Cave System tour located beneath it was AMAZING. Had lots of chimney cake and Hungarian food.
- Found a little neighborhood restaurant where it seemed the locals were almost pissed I was there, but I did have a pork/bean soup for 4 euros!
- I've heard people clowning on the SzƩchenyi baths, but I really enjoyed myself here! First time on the entire trip where I thought to myself: "I'm PROPERLY on vacation."
- DO NOT SKIP THE HOUSE OF TERROR. Another not very pleasant but deeply educational and poignant musem.
- I had stuffed cabbage from the Great Market Hall on my last day, and it was one of the greatest meals Iā€™ve had in my entire life.
- One of the most poignant places Iā€™ve been. Even beyond the House of Terror, the Shoe Memorial, and the 1952 Hungarian revolution memorials, you can feel the weight of history on every street corner. Down the street from my hostel there was a building with a historical marker saying that in this building's basement there was one of the only working water taps in the Jewish Ghetto during the occupation of Budapest in 1944, and it was responsible for thousands of people surviving.
HOSTEL: Hostel One. Great place, but it was where I really learned that hostels arenā€™t endlessly fun and friendly, but some of them can really be hit-or-miss. On my first couple of nights, I attempted to join in on the drinking games or chat with some people in my dorm, and it was very awkward both times. But on my last two nights, I got down there early, met some great people, and had an amazing time playing drinking games and going out to the ruin bars with everyone.
Budapest Pictures
PRAGUE (Mar 23-28)
With the combination of seeing my dad, staying in a private room with complimentary breakfast, and Prague being a fairytale city, Prague felt more like a fantasy than a part of a long, dirty backpacking trip. It's the most colorful city I've been in, contrasted with these gothic bridges and towers just popping up over the city.
- We both ate up the Franz Kafka Museum and the Franz Kafka experience. If youā€™re not into literature, the museum is skippable. HOWEVER everyone should do the Franz Kafka experience. Trips your mind out.
- Went on an incredible five mile run across the Charles Bridge and we attended a classical concert in St Cyril and St Methodus.
- Took the train out to a Bohemian Paradise Geopark one day and took a hike. Super unique, and it felt like we were getting out into a more off the beaten path side of the Czech countryside.
- Definitely visit the Jewish Quarter - but be prepared for tearjerking holocaust memorials.
- We were lucky enough to be there during the Easter markets. Shoutout to the dumpling stand in Old Town Square - your plum dumplings have changed my entire life.
- Good food in U Parlamentu for a reasonable price.
HOTEL: Republic Hotel. Nice.
Prague Pictures
DRESDEN (Mar 29-30)
Stopped in Dresden for a couple of days before going to my volunteering gig in Lower Saxony. Beautiful city, impressive to think of it being re-built after getting absolutely destroyed in WWII. Got a free bike from the hostel and pedaled around. Tried to go to what I thought was an easter market but turned out to be a trade show I had to pay admission to, so my mission was for naught. Dresden is a small place; Iā€™d recommend 1-2 days. Honestly, I didnā€™t get up to much in Dresden. Not only was the weather bad, but at that point I was getting a little depressed. I had just said goodbye to my dad, the constant gloomy weather and urbanism was starting to get to me a little bit, and I was feeling a little lonely. Which is what made my next destination so perfectā€¦
HOSTEL: Lollis Homestay. Nice staff, cool rooms, loved the bikes. Seemed quite social too, but at that point I was feeling deeply introverted, so I canā€™t testify accurately.
Dresden Pictures
When I tell you this is the coziest and friendliest place Iā€™ve ever been, I mean it. In my three weeks here I was welcomed by people from all over the world, invited to nightly dinners and talent shows (shoutout to Brazilians - you all rock). The place is absolutely beautiful, flowers everywhere during that time of the year
- WORK: I worked about 6 hours a day in various positions, such as helping in the kitchen, gardening, in the stables, custodial stuff, etc. The work did get a little repetitive, but it is what it is. If I were to go back, I would stay longer and join the construction team.
- Met the COOLEST people. And not like shallow hostel friendships - real friendships with people I still talk to. They had lovely volunteer lunches every day, that made it easy.
- Celebrated Easter here, and I was introduced to a very traditional German Easter, with a silent morning walk to the Elbe, Osternbrot, and with an Easter bonfire and feast.
- Made everyone peanut butter cookies for my birthday, and paired up with another American to have a burgesweet potato fries night (sharing our culture and all that).
- Got shocked by an electric fence trying to feed pigs with a Mexican girl. We both screamed, and then laughed so hard I almost peed.
- I will say that English is widely-spoken here, so I found it very easy to stay in my comfort zone and not speak any German! So its not great for a language immersion.
- I spent my last few hours before catching my train with friends in the beautiful little medieval city of Luneburg, which is totally worth the day trip if youā€™re in Hamburg. I only spent three weeks here - I EASILY could have stayed much longer (and many people do!). DM me for more details if you like volunteering.
Sammatz Pictures
Luneberg Photos
BERLIN (April 21-27)
Great city. Killer public transport. Truly doesnā€™t feel like any other place on earth. You can really feel the weight of it all, itā€™s like the energy is different, especially as you cross the former East/West Berlin divide.
20th century history: I visited the Berlin Wall Memorial, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (+ the free underground exhibit), the Topography of Terror, and the DDR museum. All great places - it really solidified my deepening interest in 20th century history. The Berlin Wall Memorial is a must. I really enjoyed the DDR museum as well as the Murdered Jews memorial and the Topography of Terror-although, for the last two, keep in mind that they are really lacking in visual stimulus or exhibits-itā€™s honestly a lot of reading with some pictures. I was personally okay with that, because I find the history itself fascinating enough, but if you're not into that consider going somewhere else. There are tons of other museums focusing on these things.
ā€œAlternativenessā€: I can really tell that gentrification is getting the better of this city. That being said, a lot of really great things that made Berlin so famous in the first place are still here. I very much enjoyed my Sunday visit to the Mauerpark Flea Market and Boxhagenerplatz. The flea market in particular, they had a very talented trombone player giving a small free concert. Although I was chatted up by a man who attempted to invite me to a coffee with him (ā€œIch muss mit meine Freundin treffen.ā€ - my response). Gorged myself on Turkish food (and had killer chinese food in Kreuzberg!) at one point I was eating a doner kebab minding my own business, and a man came up to me, tried to recruit me to his MLM, and then promptly hit on me when I declined. So.
Neighborhoods/Aesthetic: I will say that Berlin is not the prettiest city-but its certainly not ugly. Itā€™s not really a place to wander around and get lost. I spent a couple of days walking around Freidrichshain and Kreuzburg, and they honestly just felt like normal neighborhoods - not much in the way of charm or overall attractiveness. Simon dach Strasse was mid-tier. Far from unpleasant, though! The place can sometimes feels like a city-of-the-future, except for the odd ruined, old building that survived the war. Fucking cool contrast.
Nightlife: Part of this trip was ā€œlearning about myselfā€ so I thought Iā€™d try out some nightlife to see what I enjoy the most. I went to a jazz show, a play at the Deutsches Theatre (Caligula by Albert Camus) and obviously went clubbing. On Friday I went out with the backpacker pub crawl tour you can find on and honestly I wouldnā€™t recommend it. It was HUGE! Way too many people to feel comfortable - we had very long walks and used public transport between the pubs (I felt bad being part of the very drunk tourist brigade. As the Englishmen were screaming "LADS! LADS! LADS!" I couldn't help but wonder how I had ended up in this situation.) We ended the night at Matrix, I didnā€™t like it, everyone was making out (not with me) I ended up going home around 1 am.
ā€¦but the next night I met up with two guys I met on a Hostelworld chat and we hung out in front of a Spati and spent the night at Tresor. We bonded, I was quizzed by a French guy popping pills about my countryā€™s political situation, held the bathroom door open for a man in full fetish gear, and left at 6 am, which I never thought I'd do. My walk home on Sunday morning was soooo memorable: people eating doner kebabs, ravers falling asleep on the bench, the line for the Kit Kat Club still wrapping around the building at 7 AM (!!!) and guys jamming with their guitars as the metro brought us home from a night out in Berlin.
Overall, enjoyed Berlin, not the prettiest but I could see myself moving here. I skipped out on the museums of Museum Island, which I profoundly regret. I had a couple of days where I just felt exhausted, which I chalked it up to being sick to justify doing nothing. In retrospect, I was probably lethargic from my awful backpacker diet - wish I had just eaten an apple and powered through the Pergamon Museum or something. Also, there are these really awesome independent Kinos all around the city - it would have been awesome to have seen a show in one of them!
HOSTEL: Generator Berlin Mitte. Alright, the whole thing needed a good scrub, and the complex felt too large/the rooms too cramped to be social. I ended up relying on the Hostelworld app to meet some people. And Berlin is so well-connected you donā€™t really need to stay in the Mitte. I'd stay in a smaller dorm in a trendier neighborhood if I went back.
Berlin Pictures
Final Thoughts: Europe is great. You should come here.
submitted by prussiancucumber to travel [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 16:31 glennchan Reddit censorship on Long COVID subreddits is a problem for patients

I've had posts censored on both LongCovid and covidlonghaulers so it's interesting to see the covidlonghaulers have a heavily upvoted thread criticizing the other sub's censorship. Their first criticism is that the mods are self-promotional. Secondly, Laney Bond (Covid Care Group) and perhaps other LongCovid mods are promoting The Wellness Company supplements. That apparently isn't cool because TWC is associated with "right wing anti vaccination groups".
At the end of the day, both subs have censored plenty of posts. Their rules sidebars telegraph what they will take down:
I strongly believe that we should be allowed to have open discussions on these topics- both for AND against. That's how we get to the truth so that people don't have to suffer from LC, MECFS, post vax, etc.
It's a good thing that covidLongHaulers is raising the issue of censorship. It's a real problem that affects patients. So, I'm trying to build a censorship-free community at VaxRecoveryGroup as well as As Reddit censors IVM/HCQ discussion, the Sick and Abandoned forum is a better platform in the long run. If you can, please help me grow both communities.
I'm one of the few people who spoke out about the Prife iTeraCare wand and how the MLM sellers used censorship to suppress negative information about the wand. I believe that my track record on combatting censorship speaks for itself.
submitted by glennchan to VaxRecoveryGroup [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 16:21 Delicious-End-7429 A curious observation on MtF and FtM young trans spaces.

Hello everyone!
Hopefully this will be my last post here, since I've mostly recovered at a like ~80% level from my preoccupation with this stuff, to the point that I don't even care if it was OCD, Gender Dysphoria or something else entirely.
Today I want to discuss the very obvious differences I've noticed between most MtF and FtM spaces, which have led me to consider most trans women as a sub type of men and most trans men as a sub type of women.
When I was a teenager in the 2010's, I used to roam incel/alt - right spaces. Eventually I outgrew this phase once I realized how disordered and out of touch with reality these people/other teens were, as well as by dealing with some of my issues.
In my honest opinion, most MtF spaces operate similarly to incel spaces. There's this extreme internalization of gender stereotypes about both sexes (a commonality with FtM spaces), an overt obsession with looks as well as the wish to BECOME the target of sexual attraction instead of the "prime mover" (if you go and take a look at incel spaces, one of their major frustrations is that women don't hit on them, i.e. they aren't the targets of sexual attraction, which is isn't expected of them as men).
Furthermore, the most idealized version of "target woman"/post transition goals that I've seen in MtF spaces is that of the young, sexy woman, which is also the woman incels want to go with i.e. the famous "Stacy" stereotype.
"Stacies" exist as a female archetype that many women follow too for whatever societal, cultural or personal reasons so this isn't particularly striking. However, this leads me to my next point on FtM spaces...
These spaces on the other hand tend to be strikingly similar to pro - ana spaces. There is a very intense dissapointment centered around the female body (which is to be expected if one agrees that this is Gender Dysphoria), a wholesale revulsion towards adult sexuality and very very similar vocabularly (if you haven't seen any pro - ana forums you should seriously check how they communicate, especially the way they talk about their bodies).
However, what is REALLY striking about most FtM spaces, especially the Tumblr - esque ones, is their post transition goal/fantasy. Many, if not most of them, dream of turning into essentially a frail twink that's taken care of by a stronger man/boyfriend, usually focused on the emotional aspect of the relationship.
This is definitely NOT a male ideal/archetype of any kind, in fact most other men I know, gay or straight, do not want that kind of relationship or ideal for themselves, it actually tracks with a uniquely female understanding of masculinity and gay male relationships in particular. It reminds me of all the "queer" media created by women featuring MLM relationships that exude no sexuality of any kind and could be described more as emotional rather than erotic bonds.
Does any of this track with your experience? I'm really curious.
submitted by Delicious-End-7429 to detrans [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 20:17 TrafficWaveAdmin Guide To Creating Powerful AutoResponder Letters

Creating powerful AutoResponder letters gives your business a powerful advantage. Email Marketing AutoResponder letters are powerful tools. Successful online marketers use them to automate repetitive sales tasks, build and manage multiple prospect lists, and send out regular articles, updates, and announcements.

More than providing an automated response to an inquiry, AutoResponders can be your own automated sales force working online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Used properly, AutoResponder letters can automate the process of building your lists, following up with your prospects, and helping you close more sales.
Letā€™s look at how someone might use AutoResponder letters to help build a list of targeted prospects.
The first step is to create 5 to 7 messages about your offer and add them to your AutoResponder Campaign.
Before you get started writing letters, you need to ask yourself a very critical question: ā€œWhat problem am I solving?ā€ This doesnā€™t have to be a big involved answer but you do need an answer.
The big mistake I see people make is that they start with asking, ā€œHow do I get more sales?ā€ or ā€œHow do I get more leads?ā€. Of course you want more lead and more sales. These will come IF you learn to ask the right questions of your readers. The question you absolutely MUST ask yourself is, ā€œWhat problem am I solving?ā€ or ā€œWhat problem can I help people solve?ā€.
When you figure out how to solve a problem for someone, and you can show them how to solve it, you will want to focus all of your writing (for your capture pages and your autoresponder letters) on letting folks know how you can solve that problem for them. Donā€™t forget to use lead magnets to entice visitors to fill out your form.
As a result, you will generate more leads and convert those leads in to customers. Always ask how you can help your prospects solve a problem. Then show them how to solve the problem.
So letā€™s get in to creating your automated followup letters. These are the letters your AutoResponder will send once someone subscribes to your list by filling out your capture form.
In this example, these autoresponder letters are set to go out every 2 days. With 7 messages, your prospects would receive your autoresponder letters over a 2 week period. You can test different autoresponder intervals for best results. Letā€™s get started:
Message 1: Sent Out Immediately.
In this message you would thank them for requesting your information. Give them a brief history about yourself to build some credibility. They need to know you are qualified to share the information with them. Then give them an overview of the information you are offering.
Be sure to include a link to your web site so they can get further details, place an order, or contact you for more information.
Itā€™s also a good idea to include your name and email address. Include a phone number if you want prospects to call you.
Message 2: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
In this message, you may want to give them a brief reminder of what you covered in your first message and focus on the benefits of your offer. Whatā€™s in it for them? How is your product, service, or opportunity different from others? Use this message to let them know.
And be sure to invite them to your web site, include the link to your site, and include your name and email address so they can contact you.
Message 3: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
This might be a good place to include some testimonials from your company or a little more of your own personal story. If you are new and havenā€™t quite created your own story yet, share success stories and testimonials from others that have used your products or services. Give an overview of how people are using your product or service. If you are promoting an affiliate plan, explain how others are building their income with your plan.
And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.
Message 4: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
In this message, pick one feature in particular to focus on. Maybe itā€™s about how your offer can help them save money, be more productive, lose weight, make money, etcā€¦
Remind them that you are available to answer questions and provide support.
And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.
Message 5: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
Use this message to be a little more personal. Let your prospects know that you are available to help them in any way you can. This message could be used to simply thank them again for requesting your information and assuring them that you are a real human being and interested in helping them succeed.
And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.
Message 6: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
Use this message to stress another set of features from your offer. Share a few more testimonials from others or from your own experiences with your product, service, or opportunity.
Briefly review some of the details you have shared from previous letters.
And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.
Message 7: Sent Out 2 Days Later.
This message can be used to ask for some feedback from your prospects. Tell them you have enjoyed sending the information and you hope it was helpful to them. Ask them if they have any concerns or what might be preventing them from making the decision to purchase from you or join with you.
Sometimes, you will get some good feedback from folks. They may share some concerns they have or tell you why they feel your offer may not be for them at this time.
Thank them for agreeing to receive your information and let them know you are still available to answer any questions they may have.
And, as always, be sure to invite them to your web site. Include the URL and include your name and email address so prospects can contact you.
Made a mistake? Need to delete a letter? Click Here
Now That Your AutoResponder Letters Are Created And Ready To Go:
Once the powerful email marketing letters are loaded in to your AutoResponder Campaign, your next step is to begin getting prospects for your AutoResponder to follow up with.
The idea here is to begin advertising to attract prospects to your offer. Give people a compelling reason to request your information. This is where you want to start thinking like your prospects. You are asking them for at least a name and email address. What are you giving them in return?
Maybe your information shows them how to start and profit from their own home based business. Maybe you are offering tips on how to better protect their identity. Maybe you are offering weight loss tips or nutritional information. Maybe you are offering information on how to promote a web site.
Since I sell AutoResponders, I offer prospects free information to show them how AutoResponders can help boost their online sales. And I use my AutoResponder Letters just like I describe above.
I have added a subscription form to my web sites.
I use lead capture pages.
I include my email subscription address and/or my URL in discussion forum posts.
Then I focus all of my advertising and social media promotion on my lead capture pages so that people will request more information from me. I donā€™t try to sell them up front. I want to capture their information first. THEN I will focus on following up to close the sale.
As people request your information by filling out your subscription forms their information is captured in your database.
Now your AutoResponder goes to work sending out your AutoResponder Letters.
For the next two weeks, your prospects will be automatically receiving your AutoResponder letters. You donā€™t have to remember to send them out. You donā€™t have to remember which prospect has received which letter. Your AutoResponder is working for you behind the scenes.
Now your focus should be on three things:
1) Continuing to advertise to get more prospects in to your AutoResponder
2) Using the feedback you get from prospects to adjust your letters.
3) Segmenting and following up with your subscribers.
You may need to make a few changes. Maybe you see a recurring question from prospects. That recurring question is letting you know that you may need to cover that information a little better or more in depth.
This is just a simple guideline you can use to create your own follow-up messages for your AutoResponder. You may use more letters or less. The average for successful marketers seems to be in the 5 to 9 range.
Notice that each of our autoresponder letters ends with a ā€œcall to actionā€ where you invite the prospect to your web site or to contact you for more information.
This ā€œcall to actionā€ is a critical element to the success of your messages. You must let prospects know what to do next and how to do it.
Ready to take your email marketing to the next level? Click here to find out how to get your emails delivered and opened.
Still looking for a good autoresponder service?
Start Email Marketing Today with a Free 30 Day Trial
Start Email Marketing Today with a Free 30 Day Trial
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submitted by TrafficWaveAdmin to u/TrafficWaveAdmin [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 13:00 Routine-Ad-3295 Narcissistic Tantrums Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Christian Business Women's Network International CBWNI Man Up International Alliance Gary Price Barbara Price Atlanta, Georgia

Narcissistic Tantrums Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Christian Business Women's Network International CBWNI Man Up International Alliance Gary Price Barbara Price Atlanta, Georgia submitted by Routine-Ad-3295 to u/Routine-Ad-3295 [link] [comments]

2024.02.25 21:16 Top_Jury_45 Why you Should try Pre/pro-biotics - Detailed Anecdotal Experience from Someone who isnā€™t a Vitamin Enthusiast.

I want to first say that this is going to be a lengthy post, and I intended to make it detailed for anyone who may find themselves in a similar situation. I know that if I had access to this post myself, it would have been extremely encouraging, so thatā€™s what Iā€™m trying to provide. I am also not a writer, so please go easy on me; English has never been my subject.
Up until I was 18 years old, I never struggled with chronic BV/Yeast infections. I never had weird discharge. In fact, I donā€™t know if this is necessary to share, but I was actually born without a uterus as well as a cervix, so I rarely got excessive amounts of discharge. This is just to give you an idea of what my normal is.
Over a year ago, I started dating my ex. I didnā€™t have any issues until I allowed him to finish in me for the first time, knowing I would not be able to get pregnant and I trusted that he was clean from STIs-STDs. It took him doing it once for everything to go haywire. (I should probably note that during this time, I had taken 5 different courses of antibiotics within a 6-month period: one course of doxycycline, two courses of penicillin, ciprofloxacin, and some other topical form for an ear infection. This is not normal for me, and it was actually my first time ever taking antibiotics in my life.) From then on, I would experience a foul odor and weird discharge. This was of course extremely uncomfortable and made me extremely self-conscious, and since seeing a gynecologist/doctor is extremely difficult in Canada, I had no choice but to try and treat my symptoms at home.
What followed was months of trying EVERY SINGLE SOLUTION I could possibly think of. Iā€™m talking Monistat, fluconazole, Canesten, boric acid, lactic acid products targeted towards BV, probiotics, changing my underwear, exclusively using scent-free soap for everything, drinking more water, removing sugar from my diet, etc. While these things would provide me maybe a week of comfort, my symptoms would return shortly after. I felt extremely hopeless. I am already extremely insecure for a plethora of reasons; having a vagina that seemingly didnā€™t work was really the cherry on top that completely destroyed any form of sexual confidence I had.
After I broke up with my ex, things just got astronomically worse. While I was no longer consistently experiencing bad odor, I was getting really weird discharge that I couldnā€™t attribute to anything I saw on the internet. I am about to be extremely detailed because, in the off chance that anyone else with this problem who, like I, would spend hours on Reddit trying to find a solution, can maybe use this as a solution.
I did not experience itchiness, nothing was inflamed, the discharge had no odor, but the texture was unlike anything I had ever experienced before. The discharge would vary periodically. If I inserted my fingers into my vagina, the discharge would resemble the following: jello-like, it would stick to my finger in tiny little clumps, and would ball up. Skin-like, sort of like when you rip a piece of skin off your lip, or really badly scrape your knee and the top layer of skin comes off. Finally, occasionally it would accumulate a lot and it would be a copious amount of dried coagulated discharge that would come out in chunks the diameter of a quarter.
Again, there is little to no information anywhere on the internet that describes any discharge similar to this. There are maybe 3-4 total posts on Reddit of people who experienced similar symptoms, but the posts never share solutions.
Despite not experiencing yeast symptoms, I did end up seeing multiple walk-in clinicians, who would repeatedly tell me that I tested negative for everything and that I was in my 20s and my body was just changing, that it was normal. At first, I didnā€™t believe them, however, because I know my normal and I knew it wasnā€™t normal. After multiple visits concluding the same thing every time, I was really starting to believe what doctors were saying. I was telling myself that I would just resort to never having sex again.
I really need to also reiterate that this was happening for over a year and nothing was helping, prior to the following:
About 2 months ago, I finally decided to bite the bullet and purchase two probiotics: Align pre-and probiotics for UTI and Olly: Happy HooHaa. I am not a firm believer in vitamins because I do my research. I actually study in a field that is research-heavy and work in a professional setting under the supervision of doctorates. For that reason, I am confident in what type of papers I should be looking for. Unfortunately, from what Iā€™ve seen, however, there just isnā€™t enough research or evidence demonstrating pre and probiotics as effective measures to cure vaginal infections. Because of this and probiotics being so expensive, I never opted to purchase any of the more expensive brands that were specifically targeted towards female health. I had tried previously another brand that was 10 dollars for 60 pills but never had any results. I am saying all of this because I have read so many Reddit posts about probiotics and I repeatedly turned a blind eye. People tell me I need alkaline water too all the time, but no amount of pressuring will make me buy into an MLM scheme, backed by evil money-hungry pigs. That being said, I have been taking these pills consistently for over two months and I can finally confidently say that my symptoms are completely gone. For at least the last month and a half, I have not had any resemblance of weird or unusual discharge. I cannot explain to you guys how insane this is. I mean NOTHING ELSE worked. I was fully just going to accept my fate, and yet the last thing I expected to work worked.
Suffering from any issue vaginally can be extremely embarrassing and exhausting. People are so quick to assume that itā€™s a reflection of your hygiene and diet rather than extending empathy. I know probiotics isnā€™t a new solution for this forum, but hopefully, my experience is a new perspective that may or may not be relatable to someone. If I can help even one person, then I will be glad I took the time to write this all out. Remember that, above all else, you know your body best and what is and isnā€™t normal and you are not gross and disgusting for struggling with vaginal health.
submitted by Top_Jury_45 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 16:00 Routine-Ad-3295 Money On The Books Remnant Media Publications Remnant Media Services Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Gary Price Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau Atlanta, Georgia

Money On The Books Remnant Media Publications Remnant Media Services Omega Ministries Dunamis Tabernacle Gary Price Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau Atlanta, Georgia

Remnant Media Servies Remnant Media Publications Gary & Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau
Remnant Media Servies Remnant Media Publications Gary & Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau

  • Both videos are linked at the end of this post.

Remnant Media Servies Remnant Media Publications Gary & Barbara Price Tanicia Prioleau
Using a username here from Reddit and incorporating MLM, here is an example:
  1. Routine-Ad-3295 joins the affiliate marketing program.
  2. Routine-Ad-3295 begins making 10% commission off sales purchased through their link.
  3. Routine-Ad-3295 recruits Flakefrawster into Remnant Media Publishing to join the affiliate program.
  4. Routine-Ad-3295 has entered into an affiliate/MLM (network) combination.
  5. Now, Routine-Ad-3295 will need to have a serious conversation with Tanicia, Gary, and Barbara.
Under the MLM model, Routine-Ad-3295 recruited Flakefrawster. Routine-Ad-3295 is now eligible to make commission from Flakefrawster's sales. At this point, it's not just about Routine-Ad-3295's 10% affiliate marketing sales. What percentage of commission is Routine-Ad-3295 making from Flakefrawster's sales?
Simply put, Routine-Ad-3295 is now getting two sets of commission:
  1. Their own affiliate link marketing commission
  2. A percentage of commission from Flakefrawster's sales.
Affiliate marketing, MLM, or both? If both, there needs to be restructure and clarification.
In the account's opinion, Gary Price is wanting individuals to recruit, but there is no incentive for recruitment.
Tanicia understands how affiliate marketing works. Gary Price should've let her handle the Zoom call and he should've remained silent. As you can see, affiliate marketing is not enough for him because it DOESN'T REQUIRE RECRUITMENT.
Multi-level marketing requires recruitment.
The only language Gary & Barbara Price understand is money. The account still stands on they're using Tanicia as a puppet to conjure up another "get rich quick scheme". Omega Ministries is nothing but smoke and mirrors- hiding behind "serving Jesus" while serving themselves with all these business models, Dunamis Tabernacle, etc. The only care they have for the flock is figuring out how to fleece it.
To learn more about this unsafe group/cult (Gary and Barbara Price), please visit the Cult Education Institute Forum or read this forum (Routine-Ad-3295) here on Reddit.
(Note: As of February 20, 2024, this video is still up on their YouTube account as unlisted/private. The link to the individual video is below. If at anytime you click on this link and the video is absent, it should be no surprise. Unsafe groups/cults are notorious for deleting information and doing what is called "scrubbing" information off the internet. It is a paid service that can remove negative commentary. Gary and Barbara Price "scrubbed" the Cult Education Institute Forum off Google and was successful. It was caught by this account and called out. It has been restored on Google. That can be viewed here.)
The MLM comparison video and its entirety can be viewed here:
submitted by Routine-Ad-3295 to u/Routine-Ad-3295 [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 17:36 prussiancucumber 5 months backpacking Europe - pt. 1 (Italy to Germany)

As Iā€™ve been enduring long work days this winter, Iā€™ve been reflecting on my trip to Europe, which is nearing the one-year anniversary of its departure date (Feb 20, 2023). Yesterday I saw a post by u/doom_in_full_bloom about his trip to Europe, and it inspired me to finally do my own write-up.
Some Background:
ME: 19/20 (turned 20 in Germany), female, American. Saved for the trip by working for a few years, living at home rent-free, doing a (mostly) free community college program, and (mostly) living like a monk.

Route Map

- Total Spend: $8,500 (Budget was $8,000-not sure how I overspent to be honest, but thatā€™s life!)
- Average Daily Budget: $60 USD Western Europe, $40 USD Eastern Europe
- I took Trains and buses almost exclusively, with the exception of Tirana->Istanbul ($100) and getting between the oceans. $250 Washington, DC->Rome via TapAir Portugal in February and $600ish to fly Istanbul->New York (Summer 2023 flights :/).
- Almost exclusively hostels, a few exceptions
- Did WorkAways twice: once in Germany on an organic farm/eco-community and once in Montenegro doing hiking trail maintenance in Kotor.
- Solo the entire time, except for the first two weeks where my twin brother joined me in Italy, and my father visited me in Prague.
- Did not get a train pass. Took the train only a few times in western Europe because the bus was often cheaper and train infrastructure in the Balkans is not robust.
- Times I fell in love: 0. Iā€™m a cynic.
SAFETY: Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by how safe I felt, even as a solo woman (with a few notable exceptions). It helped I stuck to common wisdom (don't get blackout drunk, don't go out at night alone, etc.) and I had a lockable day bag. Exercise normal caution and trust your gut, say you have a boyfriend, you'll be fine.
ROME (Feb 21-26)
Fantastic city. Parts of it are grimy, but its just spectacular. The Forum and Colosseum live up to the hype. Very much enjoyed the phenomenon of the Roman ā€œevening walkā€. We were there during the 1-year anniversary of the Ukraine invasion, so we saw demonstrations and the Colosseum lit up. DO NOT miss the Crypt of the Capuchins. DM me for tips on how to find the best gelato. Went on a very ill-prepared run along the Park of the Aqueducts and the Appian Way, but I did watch a football game and run into a farmerā€™s market where I had AMAZING suppli and a very nice Italian man selling olive oil tried to speak to me in Italian. Woke up at 6 am to catch St. Peterā€™s Basilica and I pretty much had the entire place to myself. Fond memories. HOSTEL: Des Artistes Hostel ($21/night!) not bad. Met some cool people, including the worst snorer I had in the entire five months and the most iconic American woman Iā€™ve ever met (we still talk with her!).
Note on Sistine Chapel + Vatican Museums: Book tickets online in advance! We went on a Tuesday in low-season February and the line still wrapped around one of the country's walls. We were able to just walk past that line and dive in pretty much immediately.
Rome Pictures

CINQUE TERRE (Feb 27-Mar 1)
Gorgeous. We had one day of bad weather, one day of good weather. You could really tell it was the off-season, Most places were closed. But I did go for a walk in Riomaggiore on our first day, and I was struck by how the lack of tourists made the place almost feel non-touristy at all - I saw people feeding pigeons, kids playing in churchyards, men coming back from the gym - it was awesome. The Via de Amore was closed sadly, so we took the mountain paths. Hard hiking between Riomaggiore and Manarola, but gorgeous. On the second day (a rainy day) I took a train to Monterosso with the plan of hiking to Cornigliaā€¦it rained. I learned my puffy windbreaker was not waterproof. I made it to Manarola a shivering mess. Now, itā€™s a fun memory but donā€™t be like me, kids. Know your gear before hiking!! Stayed in an Airbnb, only $50/night in the offseason.
Cinque Terre

BOLOGNA (Mar 2-5)
Nice city. Unfortunately, the hostels were full and we had to stay in an Airbnb that was joker-themed? And stunk of cigarettes. My brother got stuck in the bathroom once and some random person started buzzing at the door at 6 am one morning. Really sweet host though! But it was nice to walk around the streets and churches. Caught the end of the Bologna marathon. Went to the Archeological Museum and got yelled at for interacting with an exhibit that looked interactive but turned out it wasnā€™t! Got a nice splurge dinner at Osteria del Cappello. Mm.
Bologna Pictures

VENICE (Mar 6-8)
I can tell it suffers from overtourism, but my god what a unique city! Went to a torture exhibit in the former prison, saw St. Marco's (buy tickets ahead of time), walked around mostly. A Brazilian guy at the hostel tipped me off that the Dorsoduro neighborhood was a nice off the beaten path neighborhood. It was so empty it felt lonely. There was only one place Iā€™d recommend eating at in Venice, and thatā€™s Dal Moro's for amazing takeaway pasta. Grom is always a reliable gelato chain, by the way. I had overlooked the gondola tour previously thinking it was overpriced touristy shit, but it did look fun! Fondest memory was sitting with my brother eating gelato on a canal. Least fond memory was walking to the train station at the end of the day in the dark. Venice is fucking terrifying at night. HOSTEL: Anda Venice. Huge and corporate, but we met an awesome crew of fellow 20-22 year olds and hung out with them at an open mic stand-up comedy show that went just about as horribly as you would expect. It's in Mestre rather than the island, but the train ride is only 2 euros (and better than the bus that can be filled with pickpockets).
Venice Pictures
MILAN: (March 9)
Only came here to facilitate my brotherā€™s flight home. Seeing the Duomo and the shopping center was cool, and the train station was bougie. HOSTEL: Best Hostel Milano. Clean and close to the train station. Got the job done.
SALZBURG (Mar 10-13)
Beautiful little city, although 3 days was a little too much time to spend here. Iā€™ve been learning German, so ordering my first Mozartkugel in German felt good. Had incredible wiener schnitzel at this little hole-in-the-wall restaurant beneath the castle. My mom hyped up Salzburger Nockerl, which I did eat at the Cafe Mozart, and it was nice but definitely not worth the 20 euros I spent. Fortress was neat, but the views were even better. Pro-tip: if you want a view of Salzburg with the mountains in the background, head away from the old town along the River as far as you can, I went on a beautiful 4-mile jog along that river like that. Favorite memory was having my first official night out of the trip with two girls who waltzed into my dorm room already wasted and invited me to City Beats for the evening. I remember it very fondly :). Iā€™d say Salzburg is worth visiting, but only for a day or two before heading into the mountains. Perhaps my testimony is a little biased, because it was absolutely freezing when I was there, and I was a little down missing my departed brother.
HOSTEL: Yoho Youth Hostel. Nice, but was kind of socially dead, as it was the off-season. The nightly Sound of Music showings are a nice touch.
Salzburg Photos

VIENNA (Mar 14-17)
Gorgeous city-really is the epitome of Hapsburg fanciness. Hung out with my friend who is in grad school here. Sheā€™s heavily involved in the Gaelic Sports League here, so we were able to be in the St. Patrickā€™s day parade, which was fun. It was fascinating to see the seat of the Hapsburg dynasty and the upperclass Austrian culture that permeates a lot of European art - especially as I got down to the Balkans and that culture began colliding with Eastern influences (looking at you, Sarajevo). The Natural History museum was lovely, as was the Ɩsterreichische Nationalbibliothek (worth visiting) which was totally worth visiting. Did a tour of the Schonnbrunn Palace with a Belgian guy I met at the hostel (was cool, but didn't feel like a must-see), then we hit up the Prater theme park that had some bizarre statues. Overall a lovely time in a lovely city. HOSTEL: St. Christopherā€™s: In a cute little neighborhood. Met a great crowd there with their nightly social gatherings. Recommend!
Vienna Pictures
BUDAPEST (Mar 18-22)
Probably one of my favorite cities I went to. It was my first time behind the (former) iron curtain, and I could really tell. The city was beautiful with posh architecture at its core, but it felt like it had a glaze of Eastern European energy, if that makes sense? The Castle District was alright, but the Hospital of the Rock Cave System tour located beneath it was AMAZING. Had lots of chimney cake and Hungarian food.
- Found a little neighborhood restaurant where it seemed the locals were almost pissed I was there, but I did have a pork/bean soup for 4 euros!
- I've heard people clowning on the SzƩchenyi baths, but I really enjoyed myself here! First time on the entire trip where I thought to myself: "I'm PROPERLY on vacation."
- DO NOT SKIP THE HOUSE OF TERROR. Another not very pleasant but deeply educational and poignant musem.
- I had stuffed cabbage from the Great Market Hall on my last day, and it was one of the greatest meals Iā€™ve had in my entire life.
- One of the most poignant places Iā€™ve been. Even beyond the House of Terror, the Shoe Memorial, and the 1952 Hungarian revolution memorials, you can feel the weight of history on every street corner. Down the street from my hostel there was a building with a historical marker saying that in this building's basement there was one of the only working water taps in the Jewish Ghetto during the occupation of Budapest in 1944, and it was responsible for thousands of people surviving.
HOSTEL: Hostel One. Great place, but it was where I really learned that hostels arenā€™t endlessly fun and friendly, but some of them can really be hit-or-miss. On my first couple of nights, I attempted to join in on the drinking games or chat with some people in my dorm, and it was very awkward both times. But on my last two nights, I got down there early, met some great people, and had an amazing time playing drinking games and going out to the ruin bars with everyone.
Budapest Pictures

PRAGUE (Mar 23-28)
With the combination of seeing my dad, staying in a private room with complimentary breakfast, and Prague being a fairytale city, Prague felt more like a fantasy than a part of a long, dirty backpacking trip. It's the most colorful city I've been in, contrasted with these gothic bridges and towers just popping up over the city.
- We both ate up the Franz Kafka Museum and the Franz Kafka experience. If youā€™re not into literature, the museum is skippable. HOWEVER everyone should do the Franz Kafka experience. Trips your mind out.
- Went on an incredible five mile run across the Charles Bridge and we attended a classical concert in St Cyril and St Methodus.
- Took the train out to a Bohemian Paradise Geopark one day and took a hike. Super unique, and it felt like we were getting out into a more off the beaten path side of the Czech countryside.
- Definitely visit the Jewish Quarter - but be prepared for tearjerking holocaust memorials.
- We were lucky enough to be there during the Easter markets. Shoutout to the dumpling stand in Old Town Square - your plum dumplings have changed my entire life.
- Good food in U Parlamentu for a reasonable price.
HOTEL: Republic Hotel. Nice.
Prague Pictures
DRESDEN (Mar 29-30)
Stopped in Dresden for a couple of days before going to my volunteering gig in Lower Saxony. Beautiful city, impressive to think of it being re-built after getting absolutely destroyed in WWII. Got a free bike from the hostel and pedaled around. Tried to go to what I thought was an easter market but turned out to be a trade show I had to pay admission to, so my mission was for naught. Dresden is a small place; Iā€™d recommend 1-2 days. Honestly, I didnā€™t get up to much in Dresden. Not only was the weather bad, but at that point I was getting a little depressed. I had just said goodbye to my dad, the constant gloomy weather and urbanism was starting to get to me a little bit, and I was feeling a little lonely. Which is what made my next destination so perfectā€¦
HOSTEL: Lollis Homestay. Nice staff, cool rooms, loved the bikes. Seemed quite social too, but at that point I was feeling deeply introverted, so I canā€™t testify accurately.
Dresden Pictures
When I tell you this is the coziest and friendliest place Iā€™ve ever been, I mean it. In my three weeks here I was welcomed by people from all over the world, invited to nightly dinners and talent shows (shoutout to Brazilians - you all rock). The place is absolutely beautiful, flowers everywhere during that time of the year
- WORK: I worked about 6 hours a day in various positions, such as helping in the kitchen, gardening, in the stables, custodial stuff, etc. The work did get a little repetitive, but it is what it is. If I were to go back, I would stay longer and join the construction team.
- Met the COOLEST people. And not like shallow hostel friendships - real friendships with people I still talk to. They had lovely volunteer lunches every day, that made it easy.
- Celebrated Easter here, and I was introduced to a very traditional German Easter, with a silent morning walk to the Elbe, Osternbrot, and with an Easter bonfire and feast.
- Made everyone peanut butter cookies for my birthday, and paired up with another American to have a burgesweet potato fries night (sharing our culture and all that).
- Got shocked by an electric fence trying to feed pigs with a Mexican girl. We both screamed, and then laughed so hard I almost peed.
- I will say that English is widely-spoken here, so I found it very easy to stay in my comfort zone and not speak any German! So its not great for a language immersion.
- I spent my last few hours before catching my train with friends in the beautiful little medieval city of Luneburg, which is totally worth the day trip if youā€™re in Hamburg. I only spent three weeks here - I EASILY could have stayed much longer (and many people do!). DM me for more details if you like volunteering.
Sammatz Pictures
Luneberg Photos
BERLIN (April 21-27)
Great city. Killer public transport. Truly doesnā€™t feel like any other place on earth. You can really feel the weight of it all, itā€™s like the energy is different, especially as you cross the former East/West Berlin divide.
20th century history: I visited the Berlin Wall Memorial, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe (+ the free underground exhibit), the Topography of Terror, and the DDR museum. All great places - it really solidified my deepening interest in 20th century history. The Berlin Wall Memorial is a must. I really enjoyed the DDR museum as well as the Murdered Jews memorial and the Topography of Terror-although, for the last two, keep in mind that they are really lacking in visual stimulus or exhibits-itā€™s honestly a lot of reading with some pictures. I was personally okay with that, because I find the history itself fascinating enough, but if you're not into that consider going somewhere else. There are tons of other museums focusing on these things.
ā€œAlternativenessā€: I can really tell that gentrification is getting the better of this city. That being said, a lot of really great things that made Berlin so famous in the first place are still here. I very much enjoyed my Sunday visit to the Mauerpark Flea Market and Boxhagenerplatz. The flea market in particular, they had a very talented trombone player giving a small free concert. Although I was chatted up by a man who attempted to invite me to a coffee with him (ā€œIch muss mit meine Freundin treffen.ā€ - my response). Gorged myself on Turkish food (and had killer chinese food in Kreuzberg!) at one point I was eating a doner kebab minding my own business, and a man came up to me, tried to recruit me to his MLM, and then promptly hit on me when I declined. So.
Neighborhoods/Aesthetic: I will say that Berlin is not the prettiest city-but its certainly not ugly. Itā€™s not really a place to wander around and get lost. I spent a couple of days walking around Freidrichshain and Kreuzburg, and they honestly just felt like normal neighborhoods - not much in the way of charm or overall attractiveness. Simon dach Strasse was mid-tier. Far from unpleasant, though! The place can sometimes feels like a city-of-the-future, except for the odd ruined, old building that survived the war. Fucking cool contrast.
Nightlife: Part of this trip was ā€œlearning about myselfā€ so I thought Iā€™d try out some nightlife to see what I enjoy the most. I went to a jazz show, a play at the Deutsches Theatre (Caligula by Albert Camus) and obviously went clubbing. On Friday I went out with the backpacker pub crawl tour you can find on and honestly I wouldnā€™t recommend it. It was HUGE! Way too many people to feel comfortable - we had very long walks and used public transport between the pubs (I felt bad being part of the very drunk tourist brigade. As the Englishmen were screaming "LADS! LADS! LADS!" I couldn't help but wonder how I had ended up in this situation.) We ended the night at Matrix, I didnā€™t like it, everyone was making out (not with me) I ended up going home around 1 am.
ā€¦but the next night I met up with two guys I met on a Hostelworld chat and we hung out in front of a Spati and spent the night at Tresor. We bonded, I was quizzed by a French guy popping pills about my countryā€™s political situation, held the bathroom door open for a man in full fetish gear, and left at 6 am, which I never thought I'd do. My walk home on Sunday morning was soooo memorable: people eating doner kebabs, ravers falling asleep on the bench, the line for the Kit Kat Club still wrapping around the building at 7 AM (!!!) and guys jamming with their guitars as the metro brought us home from a night out in Berlin.
Overall, enjoyed Berlin, not the prettiest but I could see myself moving here. I skipped out on the museums of Museum Island, which I profoundly regret. I had a couple of days where I just felt exhausted, which I chalked it up to being sick to justify doing nothing. In retrospect, I was probably lethargic from my awful backpacker diet - wish I had just eaten an apple and powered through the Pergamon Museum or something. Also, there are these really awesome independent Kinos all around the city - it would have been awesome to have seen a show in one of them!

HOSTEL: Generator Berlin Mitte. Alright, the whole thing needed a good scrub, and the complex felt too large/the rooms too cramped to be social. I ended up relying on the Hostelworld app to meet some people. And Berlin is so well-connected you donā€™t really need to stay in the Mitte. I'd stay in a smaller dorm in a trendier neighborhood if I went back.
Berlin Pictures
Final Thoughts: Europe is great. You should come here.
submitted by prussiancucumber to solotravel [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 20:07 SuzanneRNurse Facebook Travel Agents

Whatā€™s the deal with people on FB advertising ā€œopportunitiesā€ to become travel agents? I suspect MLM. Just wondering because I see it so much. I thought most people anymore just booked their own travel.
BTW, why wouldnā€™t Reddit let me post this on another forum more appropriate to the question?
submitted by SuzanneRNurse to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 18:33 PositiveCarryBuck Small Business Startup Tips

Small Business Startup Tips
1. What's your product or service idea?. Before you do anything else, you need to know that there's a market for what you want to sell. It is crucial for you to choose something that not only are you passionate about, but there is a market for. You have a lot of choices: your own product or service, affiliate programs, MLM, or a combination.
2. Build your website. What kind of website do you want to build? You can build a content rich website, or you can write a sales letter site. You can even build something in between. Make sure you build a site that is easy to navigate and easy to read.
3. Optimize your site for the search engines. To help you get the highest possible rankings for your website, you need to optimize it for the search engines. You can use a tool like Good Keywords or ahrefs to help you find the right keywords. You can also use semrush to optimize your site for the search engines and then submit it.
4. Write your marketing plan. How do you plan to market your site. It's not enough to optimize your site for the search engines because there's so much competition. You need to decide how you will market your website. There are many techniques you can use, but some of the most effective techniques are: joint ventures, article writing, affiliate program management, forum posting, Adwords, and others.
5. Write your copy. Once you've created your website, you need to write your sales materials. This can be articles, ads, email sales letters, press releases, or whatever you choose to write to promote your new site.
6. Implement your marketing plan. Now that you've created your sales materials, it's time to implement your marketing plan. You should start with the long term strategies first and then work your way through to the short term strategies. What's important is that you only implement one strategy at a time. Test and track as you go.
Once you've built a successful website, and it's making money, then it's time to build another. You want to build multiple streams of income for your business. This way you always have money coming in.
submitted by PositiveCarryBuck to Business_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.01.15 10:28 Phoenix-Purple Summary DETAILED [Alleged]

Alex Youtuber PrettyPastelPlease ~700k subscribers ~100M views, known for aesthetic pastel kawaii overconsumption hauls with Parrot Archie, Husband Dan, and best friend Sam ... shifts during pandemic with mental health issues, medication issues, nose job issues, drinking and boob job ... abandons it all on holiday in Tasmania to discheveled life rescuing pigeons, while lying and blasting everyone online for not supporting her happiest she's been and lowest points.
Archie 'The bird stays' parrot is happy and healthy living with a positive reinforcement bird trainer. Alex in 18+ months has yet to apply for easy to get permit required in Tasmania to own a parrot, to get Archie back.
Polite side - A summary is Alex and Dan decided to separate/divorce after 8+ years together, as Alex is mentally, physically, and financially happier in Tasmania AND Dan is mentally, physically, and financially happier in Sydney
Alex's side - 'A summary is my husband abandoned me in the middle of an interstate move lol' - comment Jul31 2023 on Divorce Q&A Youtube 'My entire friendship group abandoned me because my ex husband fed them lies and they cut me off without even trying to ask me my version of events' Jan12 2024 TikTok
Alex Social Medias Combined side - A summary is Alex abandoned entire life while on holiday in Tasmania, but says everyone abandoned her
Note Australian Divorce cannot be filed until 1 year after separation, is a no-fault system where infidelity does not have a legal impact, for those with no kids the majority is settled with financial asset and property division split agreement before divorce.
Alex Pastel Clothes/ Kawaii/ Sydney/ Giant Home/ Japan/ Parrot Archie/ Husband Dan/ Best Friends Sam, Michelle, Caitlyn, Lucy, etc/ Fast Fashion/ Luxury Brands/ Themed Thrifting/ Overconsumption/ Youtube aesthetic posts
to Alex Black Clothes/ Goth/ Graphic Tees/ Tasmania/ 1880s Cottage/ 50 Pigeons/ 50 Chickens/ 23 Ducks/ 4 Guinea Fowl/ 3 Dogs/ Archie Rehomed/ Dan Divorcing/ Friends went no reply/ Sydney goods in Storage Unit/ Single Straight Monogamous Ace/ 24-7 with Friend Claye/ Mental Health Struggles/ Snark Posting/ Contradicting Postings/ Thrifting Lacking Style/ Disheveled posts
Alex Prettypastelplease Youtube 723k Jul 2022 to 696k Feb 2023 * [I spent X Thousands of Dollars at Y - The Bird Stays - Japan Kawaii Pastel - Bought months ago copying mannequin - Thriftmas - Designer - Promise another video that will not happen - Wait for the reveal - Looks a bit messy - To Tasmania - Abandons Everything - Happiest I've ever been - Lowest point - 100 Birds NOT Archie - Promises Content - Barely Posts - Low Quality - Completely Different Aesthetic] * OCT12 2022 - Alex self diagnosing - Youtube - PrettyPastelSideQuest - autism- Posted Oct 12 2022 * OCT27 2022 - Alex decides by herself to move to Tasmania - Youtube - PrettyPastelSideQuest - the day that changed my life forever - Posted Dec 7 2022 * DEC08 2002 - Alex 'I can pinpoint the last time I genuinely felt happy in my own skin and it was back in 2011' - Instagram story - lolcow and gossipguru * APR21 2023 - Alex 10 page instagram story - lolcow and tattlelife and gossipguru * JUN03 2023 - Alex 'when your haters say that you're alone ... but have uncountable amount of pigeons' - Instagram Story - Instagram - Highlights - 2023 - 2023-06-03 * JUL18 2023 - Youtube - PrettyPastelPlease - addressing my divorce & other rumours (Q&A) - Posted JUL 18 2023
Pre 2020 (Thanks to Silent-Grocery-Lul) Alex promised second parts or new videos but she never posted them. Also mentioned constantly already recorded content, but still no uploads. Incomplete info about the products she was reviewing, basically she knew next to nothing about what she got and mainky got it for the aesthetic. Also she would send back products that weren't pastel enough. Weird hyperfocus on negative comments, where the begining of many videos featured negative comments and she defended herself A LOT. Her UPS 'The bird stays' [the bird in fact didn't stay] was a response to the comments about Archie (Parrot) being loud and annoying. Also sitting on piles of haul clothes that were to be returned, calling her out for being unsanitary. Over consumerism. Just too much for one person. Kept a lot of poor quality clothes for IG pictures.
2020 to 2021 (Thanks to Silent-Grocery-Lul) The Australia fires inspired her to make a lot of charity work and actually got a good amount of money in donations [about 60K AUD], sells and brand PR. However it took her A LOT OF TIME to show receipts of her giving the money away to the charities. Coincidentaly, she had a trip to Japan almost at the same time so there was a lot of speculation that she used the charity money to fun her trip instead. Eventually she showed proof of donation. She got a nose job which unfortunately went wrong. She couldn't get it fixed because of Covid, which eventually led to a second nose job, and Alex still needs another nose job. Promised videos about both experiences are missing still. When Covid sent everyone to quarantine, she went to her IG stories to call out EVERYONE who didn't stayed inside, she hyperfocused on the numbers and honestly was really afraid of go outside. Recriminated anyone who went out (even if restrictions were lifted) and here's where her MH went spiralling quicker. Didn't see her parents, Sam (ex boyfriend and best friend) or any other friend. Started the Hair Saga, dying, homebleaching, cutting, trimming and repeat her hair. I swear one of her firends cut her hair with gardening scissors. Fans started to show concern for her well being but she always shut them up and called out for not 'letting her have fun'. Hair was completely damaged at the end of thriftmas. The reasoning behind the dying? Her mother didn't allowed her to change her hair when she was growing up. When restrictions were completly lifted, she finally met with her friends, she began Thriftmas I, hyperfocused on glass and plants. Got her friends to help her with her newest shinniest project: Gardening. Not even halfway Thriftmas her garden was dead lmao. Remember Archie? Yeah me neither and honestly probably neither does Alex, Archie stopped appearing in videos. Aparently he was hormonal and saw Alex as his partner. [Basically every video with Archie shows Alex touching him beyond his head and feet, which can cause hormonal issues] Also her camera. He went to horny jail (his cage). I remember in one video with Sam and Dan (boyfriend/husband at the time) where Sam made a comment about Freud. Alex was Archie's mom and he was humping her head and getting aggresive and frustrated. After Thriftmas I, she stopped uploading as frequently. When she got back from one of her many hiatus, now with her friends. A lot of the concepts of her vids now involved more people. She started getting chickens too. Her friends were down to almost everything, Caitlyn being one of them. She works and lived an hour or more away from Alex Sydney's house. On one video (SHEIN tryon) Alex told Caitlyn that they were going to watch Loki after Caitlyn get out of work, instead she made her film said video. Some comments on GG were about how Alex kept refering to Caitlyn as 'Plus sized' and kinda body cheking herself. She got into luxury/designer brands, Lucy being also a fan and they made reviews together. In one of Alex's IG post she says that Lucy (aka Lucy Livin in YT too) inspired her to make pastel content and fashion thingy Personal petty complaint (irrelevant and petty, feel free to skip): Alex is a fashion CC, right? Tell me WHY her styling consisted in either stripping manequins and copying product photos, like common. Was it too hard to try? In one of the videos with Lucy both had to style Alex with a prompt. One of Alex outfits WAS A COPY OF THE WEBSITE'S PRODUCT STYLING. Anyways. Thriftmas II happened. Not really related to thrifting anymore. Her excuse being 'well, I'm wearing a thrifted outfit so' while dying her hair. She discovered online local thrift shopping, mainly getting things because they were X or Y brand.
2022 to Sep 2022 Alex opened up about mental health and everything Alex could barely get out of bed or basic hygiene or struggled to work aka make content, binge drinking, mixing meds and booze, changing her med doses, extreme vitamin taking, only eating protein cookies, self diagnosing (ex Autism), hair dying saga, going from 1 bird to adding a few chickens to over 25 birds that she let live, fly, and poop all over her house. To warn Alex can be an unreliable narrator, during this time Alex is hiding a new dog from videos, as making a year long idea teaching dog to talk with buttons and wants a big reveal. May 2022 Alex seemed fine in thousands and thousands of dollars of luxury clothes at AUS Sydney fashion week. Sep 2022 Alex disclosed mental health diagnosis (Neurodivergent with OCD, ADHD, CPTSD, Anxiety Discorder) and started low edit videos by daily vlogging 100 packages in 100 days, a discord, and a trip to Tasmania with Dan, Lucy, and Lucy's boyfriend Max, who on the record was his idea it was to go to Tasmania Alex struggles to make and do daily task list of brush teeth, shower, get dressed, deodorant, skin care, feed pets, make bed, tidy, stretch, take medication, take vitamins, hydrate, eat breakfast. Struggles to do daily themed alliteration motivation list Mental Health Mondays, Tidy up Tuesday, Work out Wednesday, Tidy up Thursday, Friday Funday, Skin Care Spontaneous Saturday, Sunday Funday.
Oct 2022 to Nov 2022 In Sydney Sam build Aviary, friends built backyard garden, and Lucy cleans up filming room and office. Alex went on holiday to Tasmania again with Grace, did a discord fan meet up who she calls NPCs, abandons discord, showed peaks in energy and emotions, by herself Alex decided to move to Tasmania and abandons Sydney, abandons Aviary, Garden, overconsumption Stuff, abandons vlogs 100 packages in 100 days, setup Gofundme to set up bird rescue, later changed to bird rehoming then abandons Gofundme and eventually refunded, AI fanfic about husband and ex boyfriend, hiring NPCs as staff, spending a lot of time with Claye who seemed replacement of husband Dan / best friend Sam. Alex made many comments about wanting to be mortgage free, yet previously showed excessive shopping including luxury brands, then Alex bought a new car for Dan in Taz, looking at over $1M houses, hiring 8 people in Taz, renting Hobarts most expensive rental of 4 bedroom for just her. Alex videos filmed at this time showed driving with birds free in car, driving with cellphone in hand recording, speeding, parking tickets, illegal and dangerous. Alex videos included Friends/own License Plates, Friends Front of Homes, Friends/own Medical Details. A lot of Alex videos repeating, disintrest, bad editing, bad light, bad sound, disrespect of friends, disrespect for brands, disrespect of viewers.
Dec 2022 to Mar 2023 Alex flew to Sydney with Claye, picked up her BRZ car and 25 birds. Immediately left Sydney to drive to Ferry back to Tasmania. Same day Alex gets back to Tasmania, is no longer following friends on instagram. Next day is sad posting, turns out Dan decided to not to move to Tasmania and to separate. Alex posts Nicole Kidman Divorce Celebration photos and people immediately wonder if Alex in Tasmania and Dan in Sydney are getting divorced. Very quickly after Alex got evicted for breaking lease, having birds outside cages, Alex stayed in Tasmania, abandons Youtube, abandons thriftmas vlogs videos, trying to keep separation secret for months while vague troll posting happiest shes ever been, manic jokes, hoe era. So gossip sites started speculating based on Alex posts and were proven often correct with evidence from Alex posts, but a few trolls did exist, lie nasty, and get banned from sites. Alex abandons instagram to avoid hate, then abandons new instagram to avoid hate, then etc. Alex says she is working on bird book with no updates in a year, so abandons bird book
Apr 2023 to Jun 2023 Alex goes to Sydney for first time since November, to close on Sydney house and get the money for her Tasmania cottage. Alex has to sell off her Louis Vuitton collection to split Assets as part of separation settlement. Alex confessed to separation with complex story including falsely proven by other posts accused Dan of contolling baby timing / controlling wedding timing / animal abuse / financial abuse / post seperation abuse, had accused friend Caitlyn of sleeping with Dan, had told friend Lucy not to talk to Dan since she thought he had feelings for her, had called friend Sam shitty for not coming to visit her and support her through it. Alex posting personal texts with various old friends due to them abandoning her in December and feeling prosecuted without being able to defend herself, etc. All while sitting in her quaint old cottage with Claye, 100 pets, a BRZ car, a WRX car, a tiny house, a giant renovation, and a storage unit of abandoned items including expensive luxury in Sydney.
Jul 2023 Alex started Twitch, Twitch Discord, and did a Q&A about divorce which she posted to Youtube. Overall Alex seems much better on twitch stream, but still posting vague insults on instagram and comments. Alex reads exbest friend Sam's text to her ends with 'Really, I think the reason everyone here is ignoring you might be due to the fact that we've seen how much of an manipulative liar you are and likely have always been.' ... 'Either you truly believe everything you say and you're ignorant beyond salvation, or you're fully aware of your lies and you just don't care. Either way, it's not worth my time.' - Sam
Aug 2023 to Oct 2003 Alex abandons Twitch, abandons Twitch discord, each week saying she will be back the next week, the each month, but does not. Alex turned 30 and survived first wedding anniversary after seperation. Alex says she is moving to another home and renting out the cottage. Alex says she is going on dates with a woman. Alex posts photo of NOT her kitchen saying renovation reveal coming soon, as photographer should not be posting without giving credit to photographer and works.
Nov 2023 to Dec 2023 Alex starts vlogging 61 packages in 61 days and abandons vlogging after 12. Alex posts a low quality PPP video from Gucci second hand goods bought from Japan 18 months earlier, promising a part 2 in a few days, and abandons PPP. Alex appears to still in in cottage, meaning never moved. Alex visits Melbourne and Sydney, believe jointly files divorce papers. Alex posts a tiktok about low point in her life when Dan asked for divorce and she was in BRZ in Taz and a guy friend came to get her, believe Dec 13 2022.
Jan 2024 to Feb 2024 on Alex streams Jan 1 and promises 4 PPP videos in January, mostly sponsorships, to the additional probably 50 promised videos at this point, but nope abandons PPP again. Alex pops up in Claye's twitch streams 4 times in January and February, but abandons her Twitch again. Alex tiktok reposts 'My entire friendship group abandoned me because my ex husband fed them lies and they cut me off without even trying to ask me my version of events' and 'Theres nothing louder than the silence between two people who were in love but stopped because one of them couldn't get their priorities straight which forced the other one to choose themself even though they didn't want to leave.' Lucy posts addressing the drama of having personal and professional life blasted and lied about and her boyfriend Max on the record was his idea to go to TAZ Sep 2022.
*Mar 2024 to Apr 2024 * Alex says depression hit so hard after the divorce. Alex hates fn internet starting gossip like Mar24 2023 photo, 'oh my God she's in bed with a man that's not her husband, this is my dog [dog who didn't live in Tasmania then and dog with not long curly hair]. End of Mar visited Sydney 'Mar23 Sydney bound and not feeling stressed, scared, anxious or terrified of my visit. which is a welcome change. I feel like I'm genuinely healing', then posts multiple Tasmania is better, friends suck, husbands suck, etc ... but did appear to go out about a meal a day. Alex spent many many hours with Claye on his twitch stream, but only went on her own twitch for 1 session Apr15 2024.
Diagnosis stated by Alex with Doctors include Neurodivergent with OCD, ADHD, CPTSD, Anxiety Discorder, psych thought may have bipolar, Hyponatremia, Serotonin Syndrome, Broke Nose 5 times as kid, Nose job 1: Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty, Staph Infection, Nose job 2: Revision Septoplasty, Boob job implants, Forehead Botox, Lockjaw Botox, Lip Filler, Galbladder issues, undisclosed previous surgery, different undisclosed surgery, Kidney failure, colonoscopy, endoscopy, in hospital for physical reasons about once a year, posted multiple during first year in Taz, Needing dental work, needing to save for sponsorship Braun Korea another nose surgery needed revision to breath properly, etc
Diagnosis stated by Alex herself include Eating issues, Drinking issues, Medication issues, Vitamin issues, homeopathic/alternative medicine issues, Dysgraphia, Celiac only as a kid, panic attacks, Fatigue, anemic, poor personal Hygiene, Unkempt living conditions, decontamination ocd, never washes own clothes, Hoarding, obsessed with collections, Needs animals for comfort, hates sound of chewing and licking, flavomouth sensibility, sleeping issues, songs stuck in head, freaks out if someone touches her mess, tore at herself 'accidently sh', destroys nails, executive dysfunction, lack of motivation, damaged metabolism, body dysmorphia, Generational Trauma, Depression, Low Point Ideation, Hoarding, Shopping addiction, Hyperfixations, Loses Track of Time, Always Late, Can't Prioritize, Easily Distracted, Forgetful, If thinks about something too much can't do it, Cry all the Time, Likes to Talk, Constantly uses Alliteration, Finding signs in things, Notices numbers, counting things, Assumes everyone thinks the way she thinks, Overpromises because likes Challenge, Tiktok social media addiction, Self diagnosing Autism, POTS [Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome] and EDS [Ehlers-Danlos syndrome], NOT Manic
Note Alex stated on mental health medication, but no longer has psychiatrist, and is NOT having like therapy as far as like a psychologist.
Alex has stated multiple low point ideation, and medications from First battled with Ritalin, Dexamphetamine, Concerta and Vyvanse then Luvox Fluvoxamine (did not like Movox), Dexamphetamine, and Valium (diazepam) then Alex confirmed although stopped Fluvaxamine, trailed with Prozac, then with Zoloft, however confirmed stopped taking Strattera for ADHD. Later confirmed does not have a psych now, does not have an active adhd script, 20mg Prozac for OCD, never therapy.
Note Alex stated her medications should not be combined with alchohol, but states herself heavy drinking in Sydney, drank during multiple Twitch streams in TAZ, and continuously post alchohol on instagram. As well Alex stated should not have caffeine with Anxiety, but shown coffee many times.
Note Alex has been caught lying with things like hair in TAZ bed supposedly being dog when dog lived in SYD, like blue jacket in lingerie photo was hers when 2 days after posting Claye was wearing jacket, like saying she was wearing Clayes clothes the day SYD house sold because she couldnt afford her own clothes when already showed many many outfits including lingerie in TAZ, like so many posts about Dan moving to TAZ that were actually post separation, like saying moving to Launceston area to be near her in laws Jan 2023 when Dan's parents near SYD and Claye's parents near Launceston before announcing seperation in Apr 2023, like saying she spent her entire savings on nose job in video posted the same month she bought downpayment mortgage $1.2M SYD house, 'hiding' nose job, 'hiding' boob job, 'hiding' lip filler, 'hiding' drastic weight loss in early uni, 'hiding' dog, 'hiding' Claye, 'hiding' seperation from Dan, like posting photo of kitchen when it wasn't her kitchen or her photo and photo was just posted online so it was also not her inspiration, like saying she wouldn't throw around a word like manic and continuously make manic jokes, like saying she was working a job in TAZ when streaming all the time Jul Aug 2023, like saying twitch viewers made her second discord when it was Claye, like saying she never films without permission and showing she does, like saying Jul 2023 now at peace with divorce does not want to bring it up again and bringing it up constantly, like saying she only left SYD house 6 times in 2 years of covid for doctors appointments when PPP videos show otherwise, like sayings it ok she drives with birds free in the car because she knows birds when Nov 2022 she had just picked up rescue birds she didnt know and had only had pigeons who she says act very differently for a few weeks, like saying her landlord must have entered the property Dec 2022 to find birds flying free when Alex had previously posted it on instagram, like the over 18 months of Archie moving back to her soon and only with trainer at the moment 15 months, like the over the year her cat is not actually living with her, like saying Dan fed all of her friends lies with no proof, like changing her go fund me wording from land for a bird rescue a few weeks later to rehabilitate and rehome her birds, like saying tons of times she moved Oct 2023 when Apr 2024 she said she never moved, like saying doctor said she shouldn't drink alchohol while many times drinking alchohol, like posting happiest she's ever been and later saying same time was lowest point period of immense grief, like saying I defintelty added fuel to the fire by posting some troll stories to confuse the conspiracy theorists, like constantly self diagnosing as fact, like she will post/stream soon, like PPP was just a personna, etc
Note Alex did User Generated Content / Reposts for Liquid Luxury everlasting rose, Candy Lipz pouty lip, Talona watches, Brillant Smile opalescence go, Body Shop #spaathome, Swatch #yourmove, etc.
Note Alex did Sponsored / Gifted / Affiliate Linked / Content Exchange for Hello Fresh, Honey, Audible, Skillshare, YesStyle, White Fox Boutique, Princess Polly, Cider, Buyee, FromJapan, Boohoo, Cupshe, Honeybum, Lamoda Shoes, Yoins, AliExpress, Dolls kill, Lupsona, Romwe, Youvimi, Unzzy, Zaful, Meshki, Casetify, Function of Beauty, Depop, Sam Marcel, Bake a Cake Game, Google, Hair Salon Nalu, Express Vpn, Mac cosmetics, guerlain,, nail_by_cindy, colour pop cosmetics, grafea, the 5th, koi footwear etc.
Note Alex stated used to work as coffee barista, candle maker to sell at markets, makeup/skin care mlm, at camera shop, wedding photography, portraiture (headshots for actors, portfolio shots for models, baby photos, family photos etc) food photos for cafes and restaurants, landscape photos, at Yahoo in Marketing, user generated content, and of course Youtuber. Alex stated working in Tasmania, not sure doing what or when.
Note Alex as Teen into goth, rock, emo, punk, birds, photography, modeling, makeup, singing, Japan. Note Alex stated visted Japan several times [2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2018, 2019, 2020], Scotland, England, Israel, New Zealand, Hawaii.
Note Alex is a Virgo. Alex 16 personalities type is A Mediator (INFP) is someone who possesses the Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Prospecting personality traits. These rare personality types tend to be quiet, open-minded, and imaginative, and they apply a caring and creative approach to everything they do ... inventing all sorts of stories and conversations in their mind ... have profound emotional responses ... long for deep, soulful relationship.
Note Alex stated she is Ace Straight Monogamous with only 3 previous boyfriends: Aaron in high school, Sam late high school into college, and Dan late college through 20s. Alex stated NOT dating Claye Jul 2023, but did have at least 2 dates with a woman Oct 2023.
Youtube sponsorships abandoned include HelloFresh, YesStyle, Native, Function of Beauty SkinCare, Depop, PrincessPolly, Halara, WhiteFox, BlackMilk
Youtube content abandoned includes boob job part 2, nose job 2 revision, thrifting unboxing, Temu cursed item unboxing, Jaclyn Hill Contained Lipstick lab results, Bushfire fundraiser event, House Huntsman Spider, 10 Step Korean Hair Routine, Trying Different Red Hair Dyes, Mixing 16 Blue hair dyes together, Curly Girl Hair Routine, 500 dollar Face Care Moisturizer, Buyee Gucci Part 2, How to use Buyee, How to authenticate Luxury bags, Cottage Renovation, Decorating with facebook marketplace items, 2023 61 packages in 61 days, 2022 vlogmas, 2022 rest of 100+ Parsels Series, Jan 2022 not everyday daily vlogs, rest of Archive Japan 2019, Best Places to Visit in Tasmania, Taste of Tasmania Series, Thrifting Tour of Tasmania, Tip shop tour of Tasmania Series, Archie Bird Training Videos Series with Nellie, Bird Training with BirdTricks Youtube, Vegan food of Tasmania, Favorite Chicken Breed video, Dog Talking With Buttons video, Olaplex, Glow Recipe skin products, Taking Brad Mondos hair advice, My husband packs my holiday bag, Yesstyle advent calendar skin care, building ikea wardrobe, wish items years later, wish gardening part 2, I.Am.Gia haul, Zara haul, Thrifting designer, going through tabs on phone, going through notes app on phone, wish tent into aviary, kitchen remodel Sydney, making over Dan's office, guest bedroom makeover again, yesstyle haul with Bek, flies friend group to Japan, Another Arden video, other 2 Closet Clean outs, bibia shoes, shop for someone on discord showpo haul, Wig Part 2, Wig Part 3, Wearing shoes from Wish for a week, 10 pieces from each decade vintage video series, Hair Regrowth Journey, Goth Haul, Fairy Core Haul, Mermaid Core Haul, Vintage/Retro Haul, Y2K Haul, Outfit based on early 2000s magazine, Comments recommend outfits to thrift, Teaching Photography, ADHD Helpers, Mental Diagnosis Journey, recreate some content from well known daily/family vloggers, whatever not listed above in already filmed 30 to 35 archive videos
Other content abandoned includes Twitch, Moving Twitch VODs to Youtube channel, Instagram, Tiktok, Discord, Depop, Redbubble, Bird Photography Book, Bird Sanctuary, etc, etc, etc
Any videos before oldest public Dec 23 2017, as channel created Feb 24 2008 * Oct 21 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease body double with me while I clean my room ADHD & OCD [filmed ~Oct 19] * Oct 25 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelSideQuest they made me cry (100 thrifted parcels in 100 days: day 38) [Hobart Fan Meetup filmed ~Oct 24] * Dec 1 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease I went to a cat themed thrift shop!Thriftmas 2022: Day 1 [filmed ~Dec 1] * Dec 3 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease I spent $50 on a vintage sewing machine (and now my life is chaos) [filmed ~Dec 2] * Dec 5 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease very sexy thrifted clothing haul 2022 (deleted) [Lingerie in front of Hobart fans including male filmed ~Dec 4] * Dec 6 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease Foot Pedal [filmed ~Dec 5] * Dec 9 2022 Youtube PrettyPastelSideQuest Asking an AI to write [erotic] fanfic about my ex boyfriend [Sam] and my husband [Dan] [filmed ~Dec 8] * Jan 16 2023 Youtube PrettyPastelPlease $500 PASTEL GOTH YESSTYLE HAUL AND TRY ON!!! CHEAP KOREAN FASHION: [completely disrespectful to brand sponsored vide filmed ~Dec early]
Alex / Pretty Pastel Please / Main Character / Sydney to Tasmania
Youtube Main
Thanks ALL POSTERS information merged together, derived mostly from Alex's own posts. Please excuse any mistakes due to timezone, Alex jumping around time with posts, trolling, happiest she has ever been and low point of life, also what Alex says is one side of story.
submitted by Phoenix-Purple to PrettyPastelProof [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 19:33 Bsm3972 ELI5: Travel Advising 101 (Explain your industry to me like I'm 5)

I love planning trips- for myself, my friends, my family. I make incredible itineraries with meticulous attention to detail, from the airfare, hotel, activities, transportation, even down to the restaurant reservations. I have a running list of bookmarks for cities all over the world where I constantly add recommendations, and when I'm bored I research the hottest places to visit in different cities and countries. I can make an itinerary for any budget, and have planned two friend's destination bachelorette party trips in the last year. I love trip planning and I am exceptional at it.
I started getting targeted on Instagram with ads to become a travel advisor with a group named Fora early last year, but I wrote them off as an MLM type situation. I'm already established as a successful video editor in the film industry, but travel is my passion and I've been playing with the idea of making it a side gig (or even a new career) ever since. I've combed through reddit forum after reddit forum about travel advising and I still have absolutely no idea how any of it works. I've attended Fora orientation event after information event and have been approved to join their agency twice now- but I still do not understand the first thing about the travel industry.
Somebody please explain the travel advising industry to me like I'm 5.
Please no insider lingo or abbreviations.
How do you make money? How do you find clients? What cut does the host agency take? What is an IATAN number??? Do you only make money from booking hotels? How is that profitable? What's the best host agency? Why do you need a host agency? Is this a sustainable industry? Can you legitimately make 6 figures as a travel advisor? What's the work-life-balance like? Travel advisors- do you like your jobs? What kind of money are you ACTUALLY making (please don't inflate, I want your raw and honest average take home pay)? Is travel advising worth doing as a side gig (regarding hours put in, stress, and money paid out)? Do I have to market the hell out of myself on social media to find clients (like realtors do... because I'm not into that)? Tell me anything and everything about how your industry works, because I cannot for the life of my get a grasp or handle on any of it.
submitted by Bsm3972 to travelagents [link] [comments]