Drawings made with text ipod

AnimalTextGifs = Cute Animals + Text + Gif

2014.11.20 00:25 JonasBrosSuck AnimalTextGifs = Cute Animals + Text + Gif

Animal Text Gifs is a subreddit for posts with superimposed text over moving images suggesting that the animal in question is speaking about the situation at hand.

2009.12.31 17:26 m3didit Drawings:

A drawing is a graphic representation by lines of an object or idea, as with a pencil; a delineation of form without reference to color or a sketch, plan, or design, esp. one made with pen, pencil, or crayon.

2016.05.13 03:32 -BirthdaySuitSamus Overwatch Memes

Welcome to Overwatch Memes. Please read the rules before posting!

2024.05.14 20:19 Puzzleheaded_Ask8368 My sister (21F) got her first job and my dad (51M) called her selfish and immature. Do we go no-contact?

I'm (23F) primarily coming here because I feel like I don't know who I can talk to about this and just need to get some things out. My sister (21F) is graduating from college this spring and has been looking for a job for the past few months. This morning, she found out she got a job in a different state (will become relevant) and my mom (54F) and I were so happy and relieved that she finally got her first job. My dad (51M) on the other hand was pretty furious because it meant that she was moving to a different state and the car he was going to give her no longer would be needed.
For some context, my parents got divorced when my sister and I were pretty young and things haven't really ever been smooth between them. My dad lives in the South, my sister is graduating from a school in the Northeast and going to work elsewhere in the Northeast, and my mom and I live on the West Coast (as we have for all of my life). My mom raised my sister and I and put us through the best private school she could and made sure we were always her first priority (she's the best).
My dad has always been a pretty controlling person, but I've come to a point where I've learned to manage his involvement in my life and have learned how to placate him to a certain degree. Mine and his relationship has gotten a little easier over the past few years for a few reasons but his relationship with my sister has gotten worse. He sees her as not very communicative and not very willing to "meet him halfway" but from her point of view, he's never understood her or taken the time to try to see who she is and what's important to her.
Cut to recently, I graduated from college last year and my graduation gift from him was money (within a certain limit) for a car. He helped me buy the car I chose and had said that the same would be given to my sister the following year (this year) when she graduated. As great as getting money for a car and having help with buying it is, it came with a lot of strings and was not something my sister or I directly asked for. That's not to say we're not grateful for the cars, but he was the one who offered; it wasn't as though we twisted his arm to get him to buy us a car or something.
Now, instead of buying my sister a separate car, he decided he was going to give her his current car so he could buy a different one that better suited his needs. My sister liked the car that he was going to give her, but last year I had been able to research what kind of car would best suit my needs and pick out the car I would end up getting. She was fine with not being able to have the same free reign I did, but perhaps wasn't very communicative with him because she's been trying to complete all of her finals and final assignments as well as try as much as possible to enjoy her last semester of undergrad.
My sister got a few final interviews for a job opportunity in a place where she wouldn't need a car, and she got an offer letter this morning for the job. Instead of congratulating her, my dad said she was "not an adult" and that she needed to "learn to think for herself" instead of deferring to my mom. He said he was "sad and let down" and was upset at how poor the communication between him and my sister was about the car.
More things he said: "I don't deserve this poor communication" "You don't respond to me. Respond to all kinds of social media meanwhile all day" "You only respond at times that work for you. It comes across as selfish/childish". He then sent my mom this nightmare: "It's a fitting end to our coparenting. You've been controlling and a nightmare the entire time. You were never grateful I permitted you to move to SoCal. I didn't want the girls to grow up with a functionally depressed mom in the Bay Area. As always, it's always about you and the girls and you don't ever give a f*ck about their dad. So selfish. Such a bad mom. [my name] gets it. [my sister's name] will in time. I'm honestly ashamed I let you into my life and regret it still to this day. White-trasy, lying, selfish, vain. I told [my name] how your behavior was to break every rule as a co-parent. She understood. I didn't attack you. I did attack the sh*t behavior. Hopefully someday I'll have that chat with [my sister's name] when she gets her head out of her a*s."
Just typing the text makes my blood boil. I don't know what to do. I'm planning to bring this to my therapist in a few days but am not sure what to do until then. I think this could sever my sister's relationship with my dad, and I'm not sure I want to continue mine with him anyway. I'm also pretty uncomfortable with him thinking I'm on his side, but I don't want to meddle further if it's going to make it worse for my mom and sister. There's a lot more context and information I could probably give but for the sake of not writing a novel about the situation, I'll end here.
TLDR: My sister got a job in a big city where cars aren't needed and my dad is upset that he has to sell the car and decided he was going to cuss her and my mom out instead of congratulate her.
submitted by Puzzleheaded_Ask8368 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:18 iamsadcuzmymomdied THE TRUTH ABOUT MURDER DRONES

Murder Drones is an indie animated show produced and directed by GLITCH Productions. It was originally created by Liam Vickers before signing a contract with GLITCH to turn it into a show. The plot of the show follows young robot characters going on adventures throughout the episodes. The show is primarily marketed towards the teenage and child audiences. It is free to watch on YouTube meaning that it is available to be watched by anyone who has a Youtube channel.
While all of this might seem innocent and harmless at first, there is much more to Murder Drones than meets the eye. We must take into consideration that the main characters of the show which are teenagers (as shown by the fact that they are seen going to school in multiple episodes) have highly sexualised designs and are often placed in highly suggestive situations with one another which has extremely disturbing implications. We must mention one character in specific, V, who has a ridiculously sexualised design due to her over exaggerated features and revealing outfit. This design choice obviously serves no purpose other than to bait lonely induvidials into clicking on Murder Drones episodes by using predatory tactics like this. Characters such as Lizzy and Doll also have revealing clothes that they never change once. There very clearly seems to exist a pattern of oversexualised female characters within the show. This sexualisation and objectification of women is never addressed. GLITCH Productions themselves also directly promotes shipping of their characters by integrating romantic relationships into the story. One such example is "Nuzi", a ship made canon by GLITCH Productions that involves the characters N and Uzi. Uzi is clearly shown to be underage as evidenced by the fact that she still goes to school and N is shown to be in his early 20's at lowest.
This clear depiction of pedophilia is completely ignored by the show's writers and producers. Not only is it ignored, as a matter of fact, it is actively encouraged. Liam Vickers, the creator of Murder Drones has made several pedophilic remarks in the past regarding underage characters. The fact that the main person behind the entire show is possibly a pedophile does not help it's reputation in the slightest. Furthermore, Liam Vickers once had a thumbnail that clearly sexualized a fictional minor on one of the videos on his old Scary Story Time With Liam YouTube channel.
Although, not as subtle as the depiction of problematic relationships, Murder Drones web series might be secretly promoting racism through different implications. Robots vs humans kind of stories are as old as our world, but i would like to draw attention to several "coincidentally" questionable moments. Main characters of the show all seem to have skin color of white and you might say that they are just robots and that their so called "skin color" is just the paint. That point might have been valid if the showrunner didn't make a design decision of making those robots look so much like real humans. Speaking about real humans, they are depicted as "shadowy silhouettes" of some sort, which inevitably makes them look pitch black. This would not have been so bad, only if the main character of the show - Uzi, didn't make numerous claims about killing all humans, and do keep in mind that the coloration of her skin is pale white.
In conclusion, Murder Drones is an inherently pedophilic and racist show that is especially harmful considering that it is targeted towards minors and is accessible by anyone. It should be banned worldwide for promoting subtle pedophilic and anti-black agendas and preying on juvenile population of 3rd world countries that is unable to afford cable TV and is instead forced to watch YouTube videos.
submitted by iamsadcuzmymomdied to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:18 Sad_Bat7625 Feeling guilt for messaging my abusive ex

About a year ago, I [29 M] was in a toxic relationship with J [29 M]. While there were no serious stakes in it (no kids or messy finances), the relationship and breakup ended up emotionally affecting me in a way I had never really thought possible. I feel guilty because after the relationship I tried to be friends with my ex still, which I now see as a mistake in the context of this relationship, and then after a few months, he blocked me because I didn't respect a boundary he had set about not sending him long messages. He said he didn't feel safe since I "completely ignored" the boundary.
I was devastated, but over the course of the next few months, came to understand a great deal of ways that I feel that I had been abused during the relationship. I felt angrier and angrier, and even though I was seeing a therapist, it eventually boiled over. My ex had blocked me on discord and probably on text, but I went onto an astrology app called Co-Star that he had had me download, and sent a message using it that said something like, "You were an abusive partner, but you can make it right with an apology."
Now, I have no idea if he actually saw the message. It was sent with a weird feature of the app called Chaos Mode that apparently chooses to send the message at some future time, so who knows if it actually ever sent. I don't know if he still has the app, if he unfriended me, or whatnot. But I feel guilty because I enacted exactly the caricature of me that he had created--I hadn't respected his boundaries, and I sent the message anyways.
At the same time, I am still feeling very victimized by the relationship. To give you a sense of the kinds of things that were going on in the relationship, here's a few examples that I currently find a little horrific [Note: this kind of turned into a summary of the relationship after I wrote it]. I'm aware that to heal I should probably not be ruminating about these things, especially if they lead me to boil over and message him, but here you go.
The first time I had sex with him, he slammed the door on me for not being able to finish and said "finish yourself." When I came to bed, I told him I felt shame. He said "good." The next time we had sex, he set a timer for me and said I had to finish within 5 minutes. These were the first times I ever had sex. He was manipulative in bed, telling me he didn't want to perform certain acts because I didn't give him enough praise for them, so that I started exaggerating my pleasure; he blamed me for why certain positions weren't working and was frustrated with how my body worked. On top of this, he admitted at the end of the relationship to having had sex with me around five times after he decided to break up with me (before he did), which just makes me feel a bit icky.
He would put me down in pretty transparently cruel ways. One example was when I exerted myself, he said I sounded like a muppet and that he "didn't want to be dating a muppet." When I offered him a blanket but apologized that it might not have been washed in a while, he called me a baby. He would insult my ability to give complements, asking me to tell him what color his eyes are but then rejecting everything that I gave him, telling me I was bad at complements repeatedly (and saying that it wasn't fair of him because his other exes were artists, so no wonder I was bad). Now, there were times that he was complementary to me--he told me I was hot, good at singing, good at writing, smart--but also times where he would put me down for things I was less good at, like cooking.
He constantly made me feel insecure about my gender. (For context, we are both men, but he was raised as a woman). So he would make pretty sweeping feminist critiques over fairly mundane things, like if I complained when I was sick he would go off about how men are always babies when they are sick and women don't get attention. When I confronted him about some of the things he was saying, telling him that while I wanted him to express these kinds of social problems so that I could be aware and adapt, I was feeling insecure in the relationship--he flipped it around and told me that if I didn't feel loved, he could say "I love you" less, and that I hadn't been grateful enough for when he came to visit me. (I had written him poetry, deep cleaned my apartment, taken time off work, sent my roommate off for the week, bought him a bus pass, planned his visit, met him in the airport despite not having a car, and just an insane amount of work to be turned into, "you weren't grateful enough").
Other than namecalling, he was just plain controlling. The reason that the boundary around me not sending long messages exists is that when I felt insecure--which I think makes sense given the ways he would talk to me--I would often send him a few paragraphs apologizing and explaining how I was growing. Even though long messages were the first thing he said he loved about me, and that he said our communication was like magic, he eventually set up what he called an "Essay embargo" and told me not to write them. The first time he set the "embargo", he had said it was only until we met in person because he didn't want me to write anything that would make him nervous. After we met in person, I assumed the embargo had lifted. Yet shortly after, he set it again, giving a few explanations--the main one just being that he wanted to appreciate our relationship without overthinking it. It seemed playful. He definitely did also say that long messages made him uncomfortable because he felt obligated to send a response. So, when I did send messages, I would add that he didn't have to respond (which I realize is not fully respecting the boundary). I did ask after sending messages whether they were ok and he never responded to those questions.
Despite this, there were times during the relationship that I continued to send long, often apologetic messages. I had felt like this boundary was set playfully and I also was feeling overwhelming guilt that I, for whatever reason, needed his affirmation for. I am conflicted because on the one hand, I was definitely ignoring his boundary--but on the other, I feel like the boundary was not very thoughtful of my own needs, either.
Prior to the breakup, it was hell. He was getting angry at me for everything--for pretty mundane things like using the bathroom before him and stinking it up. He told me he had to show me how to do everything, but I realize now that a lot of this was just him being particular (e.g, he told me I don't know how to drink tea because I left the bag in, when I just like it strong). Unfortunately, I had flown 5,000 miles to visit him and was sort of trapped in his proximity, and was drunk on love still since I was trying very hard, it was my first relationship, and he had sold me on notions of fairytale romance and told me we were cosmically meant to be together and other lovebomby sort of things. We flew to a convention and I met some of his friends, and at one point he introduced me to a girl he had almost dated before, saying I was a friend and not a partner. I pointed this out to him later and he just said "does that make you angry?". He flirted with a woman at a party, telling her she was pretty while demanding that i bring him snacks (I feel so, so weak for not confronting him about this). He got drunk and I stayed with him as he passed out, but he was angry at me in the morning. When one of his friends told me they thought I was nice, because i was opening doors for everyone, my ex said "Is he really?" Questioning them.
The breakup itself was cold and calculated. He started it by telling me that he thought about not giving me any reasons for the breakup because I always overanalyze things. He told me he wouldn't have broken up with me if I was a woman. He told me I didn't take care of him and he needs a partner that takes care of him, and that his partners always feel taken care of. He threw some things I had said at the beginning of the relationship back at me--misquoting and misunderstanding them.
After the relationship, I had no idea what to think. It was my first relationship. It had started with fairytale romance. I had been passing his tests, I had been an exception to his long string of abusive relationships. He presented himself as this incredibly moral person (vegan, environmentally conscious, telling me of all of the ways others had abused him that he would never do, even his closest friends). I had completely internalized criticisms that he had had of me throughout the relationship, many of which had led to serious self reflection and my writing messages about my growth. Within a week I told him I still loved him and that I always would. He reminded me of his boundary around long messages and said they made him anxious. I was desperate. We took a few weeks of no-contact. We messaged short-messages back and forth, with a few life-updates to eachother each. He told me he was rescuing a kitten that he found, and I remembered how he could be kind.
But as I processed, more and more, I felt angry. I wrote unsent angry letters in the notes app on my phone for a month. I wrote myself a 20,000 word summary of the relationship. This was not a healthy way to process. It elevated me. (Some of you will probably comment that maybe I shouldn't have written this post for the same reason, but oh well--I wanted to process and I want to hear if others have similar stories). Meanwhile, my ex kept pushing back the date for when we would verbally connect again. Eventually, I boiled over. I did not insult him. But I wrote a long message explaining that I wanted to take 3 months of no-contact. I had entered another relationship and told him that even though I was feeling angry at him, he shouldn't be worried because even though I had baggage from the relationship, I was communicating well with my new partner. I also told him that I felt like if I did talk with him, that I would end up tearing him a new one, and that I needed time to cool down. I'm not proud of the message in general, but I didn't call names, tell him he was awful, or anything like that. I was just insensitive and told him I was angry.
And like that, I was blocked. It was over. A period of about 9 months, five of which we were together, with two before escalating towards love bombing and two after escalating towards my boiling over.
And yet, I had never expressed to him that I thought he had been abusive. I felt frustrated that I had told him that I would always love him, when in many ways now I hated him.
Five months passed, during which I came to realize more and more how messed up the relationship was.
And then I sent the message on Co-star.
Fast forward another four months to now.
I just sent him a text, knowing he probably has blocked me there too. It said something like, "I want my last message to you just be: I'm sorry, and I forgive you." I wanted to free myself. I needed to not feel angry at him or ashamed of myself. I needed to not feel like I had a million things to say to him--I needed to just say, this is it: I'm not sending more messages. I'm sorry, and I forgive you. It was for myself. I was forgiving him selfishly, even though he didn't deserve it, so that I could move on.
I feel like I shouldn't have sent this, but I don't feel bad about it yet, either. I needed closure. It always felt like there was some "message I could send" to detail his abuse, and I needed to not have that standing over me--I needed to forgive. I am now oscillating between wondering about myself--whether I have a problem with boundaries, since I had boiled over at this point three times to message him. Feeling frustrated I didn't assert myself about his abuse, that I doubled down on loving him. Part of me is glad that I sent the message on Co-Star saying that he was abusive, because it was the only indication I ever gave him, really, that what he did wasn't ok to me--he had blocked me before I could articulate anything. But I also know that this message even if received would not mean anything to him.
Anyways, now I'm venting about it here on Reddit. Does anyone have similar experiences surrounding self control messaging exes and feeling a bit out of control?
submitted by Sad_Bat7625 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:17 PlookiPlook [COH 1] [NOT AI/SKIRMISH] Multiple questions.

Hey folks, and good day to you!
I VERY recently got back into the franchise, and are trying to get back in game again with CoH 1.
I am just seriously wondering, why most servers being made and played are bridge maps, and ONLY Red Ball Express and The Scheldt when it's 3v3, and Duclair and Rails and Metals if it's 2v2.
Although I can understand to contributing factors being a small player base that are left playing the game, and people only wanting to play maps they are familiar with. But seriously, is every single other map in the game except those mentioned, considered bad maps by the community?
I for one want some variety, and I also think most maps in the game are very fun to play on (well except the bridge maps, as the playstyle get's very obvious and boring very fast).
The other thing I wanted to talk and ask about is, does anyone still playing the game want to teach me how to properly play the game? I would consider myself over average in the micro-game, but I struggle with build paths, selection of doctrine etc. If so, communication would be through text, not voice.
Hope to hear from anyone in here!
submitted by PlookiPlook to CompanyOfHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:17 AmeliaSTW Disassociated From BPD While Drunk?

Last night I ended up going overboard and drinking considerably too much, but fortunately not enough to forget everything. For some brief context, I had set up a night with my current FP and we decided we were just going to have some wine and chat.
It turned out to be a fantastic time until getting sick, but what's weird is how I felt while I was drunk. I've never experienced this before but I almost felt disassociated from my BPD. I felt muted, and was surprised that I was not feeling my emotions with the same level of extreme intensity that I usually did. Also, before this night I was constantly writhing about my romantic interest with my FP. I was undeniably in love with her (which caused me a lot of pain since she has a long time boyfriend). But, this night I didn't feel any romantic love towards her. I just felt like we were two great friends chatting and having a lovely time. We were more intimate than ever before--hugging, hand holding, constantly touching each other--which you would think would be my paradise but I actually just felt still like we were friends.
Then the morning came. Hungover, but still relishing the great moments with her, I wrote her a long string of texts expressing my gratitude and reaffirming my love for her as her friend. Despite saying "I love you too" back to me last night, she responded to my texts with three short lines saying she was happy to help and asked how I felt. The short response, not saying I love you, and her ignoring my request to hang out again immediately made me split. I used all my willpower to not totally freak the fuck out, but it hurt so bad.
So that's where we are now. I am trying hard not to split, but I am in agony over her not being as affectionate as she was last night. I feel more dependent on her than ever before, but I can't tell if my romantic feelings have come back or not. I don't think they have, but more than ever I just feel like I need to hold onto her so tightly so she won't leave me.
If anyone has any similar experiences please share them. This was overall a strange experience even beyond splitting I am frazzled and not sure how to feel. Any advice is also welcome. Actually, please provide advice if you have it lol--I am really struggling here
submitted by AmeliaSTW to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:15 Useful-Increase4297 Too much damage to repair? 40m&34f

My wife and I have been together since 2017. At the time, I had a 2 year old child from a prior relationship. We got married in 2022.
I come from a single mother house where my father was an alcoholic who committed suicide when I was 1. My mom was a hard shift worker who wasn’t home a lot but showed me an abundance of affection and gave me excessive gifts. She is overbearing and doesn’t ever view her actions as wrong.
She comes from a single father house where her mother was killed in a mass shooting when she was 3. Her father worked excessively and was a harsh disciplinarian (or worse) to her brother. Her father is absent and a hoarder with questionable hygiene.
At the beginning of our relationship, I tried to break up with her several times and I told her we weren’t right for each other. She told me she didn’t want to be a mother or have children. I struggled with alcohol and would often say hurtful things towards her when I was intoxicated. She refused to let me go and we would patch up our problems. During 2020-2021, she started to resent me for not asking her to marry her. It would be brought up every couple of months to the point of being a big problem. She has made it clear to me that she does not like asking me for things and would rather me proactively initiate. This caused a paradox of being able to plan a time to ask her to marry me without it seeming like she forced it to happen. I decided I had to seriously get my crap together and be “all in” on the relationship or not with her. I chose to be all in. She sold her house and bought a house closer to my daughter. The day we moved in, I asked her to marry me. Over the course of 2021-2022 and parts of 2023, I still suffered from alcoholic outbursts and would say mean things when we would argue. Shes kicked me out of the house at least 3 times and I’ve left the house at least 3 times. Each time we patch things up over the course of days/weeks/months. I decided to go to counseling and started reading 7 principles of marriage, attachment theory etc. I started listening to podcasts and trying to be better. She is persistent in saying she doesn’t want to go talk to someone but was receptive to being prescribed a pill for depression. She did do virtual sessions with a counselor for a month before there was a miscommunication with her counselor and she felt they didn’t really care about her and/or they weren’t really getting anywhere. She has somewhat isolated herself from friends and family. She talks to her out of state aunt fairly often and in state brother occasionally. She doesn’t hang out with any of her friends or try to make new ones. She says she doesn’t need that and I am that for her. I have a strong core of 5 friends that I talk to fairly often.
I’ve discovered my love language is affection and hers is quality time. We have had multiple conversations about it and have even implemented the state of the union conversations. It’s been helpful but we are guilty for letting it slip away from our schedule. She admits that she struggles with showing affection and I admitted to wanting to be “carefree” and avoid hard or meaningful conversations. I find that she wants me to initiate those conversations and stays somewhat closed off until I pry. When she is quiet (often), I spend a large portion of my time with anxiety wondering if she is mad at me, or wanting me to talk or wanting quiet time.
This week, my buddy had a birthday and she asked if it was wives too. I inquired and told her yes. I asked if she wanted to go and she said no. I asked her twice more and reiterated that wives were going and she said no again. Later in the day, I asked her twice more. The day of the party came and she said she was surprised I didn’t follow up with her. I asked if she wanted to go again and she said no. It turned into an argument and I went without her. I came home and she was upset and said I shouldn’t have left her and I should know to follow up with her and I should know that she would want to go and I shouldn’t have taken no for an answer. It got more heated and she told me she was taking care of my kid while I was playing softball (which she offered to take her to the meeting so I could go) and having fun. She said she takes care of all of us and I don’t take care of her heart. She told Me I should go marry my friends and my whiskey bottle. She says we don’t have meaningful conversations that are fulfilling and we no longer have any spark in our intimacy. She yelled for me to get out of her face during the course of our fight, which I did and then told me I don’t know when to console her when she is crying and just needs a hug. She went to bed in the other room and I did too. I woke up the next morning with a note saying I needed to get my necessities and leave. A few hours later, I sent her a text wishing her a happy Mother’s Day even though I wasn’t sure where we stood. She sarcastically told me that saying it through a text means so much more… I came home and she told me that I blew it by not calling her to wish her a happy Mother’s Day and not taking her to the friends birthday party was so much more damaging than I realize and would be the cause of our demise. She’s told me that all of the people in her life have hurt her and I have hurt her the worst and now she wants to be alone. Our last big fight, she brought our divorce papers and I told her if she ever mentioned divorce again, I would do it because the threat of divorce during an argument gives me extreme anxiety and makes it feel like we can never have a bad argument without it turning to divorce. I went to my counselor and she recommended marriage counseling (again) but said to offer it as a way to find out if we are right for each other or wrong or just the next step. My wife said no thanks. Is there just too much damage?
TL;DR. I drank a lot and said hurtful things. Paired together with her own experiences, I fear I may have caused too much damage to repair.
submitted by Useful-Increase4297 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:14 yumenakamura I slept with my friend’s ex hookup who’s hurt her in the past. Idk if I need to tell her

My (20F) friend and I (20F) are both university students. One time after a party, she hooked up with a guy, and the next day she told me that it was amazing. I was happy for her. She also told me that everyone saw her go home with him, meaning that they know they hooked up.
Now, we found out in some way that his friends talked about it in their groupchat, we saw the texts, and they were not good. His friends made fun of the guy she hooked up with (let’s call him Carl) because they thought my friend was ugly (she’s not, she gorgeous). Carl didn’t even defend her, but said he was too drunk and that he had fun, revealing some intimate details about their night. Shitty. We read those together and she was hurt. I consoled her and she felt better. We eventually moved on.
My friend left abroad for her exchange program and I started working. I’m not gonna explain why because it doesn’t change anything in what happened, but I ended up sleeping with Carl. We slept together once. We’re not in contact anymore.
She’s coming back soon and part of me wants to be transparent with my friend and tell her about it because we have always been, and I feel like she wouldn't care that much anyways (She’s a very carefree person). But what if she does? I don’t wanna ruin our friendship for a guy that doesn’t matter for both of us and who’s not in our lives anymore. The other part of me wants to bury that secret and just move on.
submitted by yumenakamura to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:12 Notsohappy-123 I F25 asked for a break from my partner 30M and all he replied was an okay

Hello, long time lurker here. I’m 25F and my boyfriend is 30M. We’ve been together for 3 years now. Our relationship was all good in the beginning but slowly he started getting distant because of which we broke up and decided to stay as friends. Fast forward couple of months, we started dating again but that didn’t work as well. This kept repeating until I realised that I cannot continue with this and decided to stay away. He realised that he would lose me and decided to give this one last try and here we are. I’ve done everything possible in this relationship, I’ve helped him with his work, taken care of him when he needed me, financially supported him as well but as the months crept by, he kept going back to being distant.
Recently he started a new job, a job where he’s been under constant stress. I’ve tried my best to help him out but at the end of the day, it is a creative job and would only require some patience. Throughout this stressful period I gave him his space. I did not meet him, I only spoke to him when he needed me. I did call him few times because those days I was having a bad day and I just wanted to talk to my partner and cry it out. This continued for 3 weeks and I was finally starting to get a bit agitated.
I asked him if he would be able to spare sometime to meet me because I missed him but he always replied back saying he’s too stressed now and wasn’t in the right space of mind. The next day of us having this conversation he tells me that his friends are inviting him to meet up at night but he isn’t going to join them as work has been hectic. Instead he surprised me by asking if I was free the next day for lunch, I was very happy as this was the very first initiative from his side in a while. As night comes, he texts me saying that his friends have been calling him constantly and that he couldn’t say no to them anymore so he was going to join them.
I couldn’t help but feel really hurt by this. He couldn’t tell no to the people who he barely knew but could easily say no to someone who he loves. As I sat there I couldn’t help but think that maybe he made the next days plan only because he could go tonight. He made the plan only because he was obligated to and not because he truly missed me.
I was so hurt and I told him that I needed a break to which he replied an okay. I immediately stepped away and stopped talking to him. He hasn’t tried getting in contact with me as well. I cannot help but feel that I may have overreacted and I should talk to him. Not sure how to move forward right now. Any advice is appreciated.
TLDR - My partner decided to meet me out of obligation and not because he wanted to. I felt hurt and decided to take a break away from It all and all he replied was an okay.
submitted by Notsohappy-123 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:11 SnooDucks718 Fully fdm printed Void Ergo S

Fully fdm printed Void Ergo S
Hello there, this my first build.
Why? I've been hunting and pecking my whole life. Never learned to touch type. My work (mostly 3d software) makes me contort my hands into a knot all day with key combos for shortcuts, I do not really write long emails or much text. That started to affect my messaging typing really bad. Lots of typos.
Now that I'm going thru a career change and incorporated more and more code into my 3d work, typing efficiency became a thing for me. That and a cycling mishap 5 years ago that made my ring finger considerably shorter (slide the gallery to see how inexistent my left ringfinger knucle really is) had me seaching for a more agressive stack for the pinky (the two fingers are affected).
I'm more interested in the experimental side of things instead of simple acts of consumerism that are not conductive to much learning and sharing. Github projects are pure gold! The awesome Void ergo s seemed right for this project. By the way, thank you so much for creating and sharing this project, you are very appeciated for that, u/sirbakealot. 4 years old and aged really well!
Since I didn't know if this was right for me, I decided to build it as an experiment. So all fdm printing, including keycaps. For that I went with CLP - very contoured and very ergo! Thank you u/Strange-lab5541
Tested and printed in a way that minimal post processing was needed - remove supports, clean brim contact line, clip excess material from the stem. It took a while to figure that process out (see pictures), but once I've got that, it was jus a matter of printing all 44 keycaps in a single plate. They came out really nice! Pla+ from esun gave 'em a really nice texture. .16mm layers, on .4mm nozzle! Only complaint I have is that the lower profiled caps (saddle and derivates) have too thin cross sections at some spots, making them single walled and "telegraphing" the undeside geometry to the top suface, but since it is the same for all saddle type of keycaps, it creates a nice effect and texture.
The ergo is handwired. I used some of known methods for that (nod to u/Joe_Scotto), but chose 14awg copper wire instead of 16, to give the whole kb more heft. I also used solder resist coated wire, that way I could use it for row/collumns and not worry about shorts, insulation or the shape of the bends. You just have to grab the bent and marked wire with some serrated tip pliers and turn to remove the insulation material at your marked locations. 14awg fits perfectly between the column pin and the fat center nub on akko purple lavender pro v3.
Now the hard part for me - learning to touch type, colemak dh and to figure macros and layers to suit my use. Started on colemak club a couple of days ago, already seeing some progress - from absolutelly ridiculous 8.5 wpm to 13ish wpm. Once I've memorized all alpha keys, I'll move to monkeytype to improve speed.
I hope this inspires someone to start a project like this, it is totally worth it! Probably going to change a whole lot of the way I interact with the computer and other people online!
submitted by SnooDucks718 to ErgoMechKeyboards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:10 Old_Slice1248 Why breaking no contact worked for me

One month two days ago my ex girlfriend broke up with me out of the blue. She had been my first relationship ever, we were in college and it was new and exciting to me, but it absolutely crushed me wen she told me after our 4 month anniversary that "it wasn't a good fit", turned, and walked away without saying anything else leaving me standing there. Our only ever contention point had been that for religious reasons I was not ready for sex, she knew that, I had told her that when we were in the talking stage before dating, but it came up
The next week I spent every day crying, thinking what had gone wrong, spending time on different relationship coach websites, and planning out how I would win her back. I had planned a three month no contact phase, followed by asking how her summer Navy program would go, followed by Instagram Reels, and hanging out. I made it one month with no contact. I would still see her around campus, we would awkwardly smile and wave at each other, watch her Spotify and see her make play lists with songs like "I miss you I'm sorry" and "Learn to Love you again".
I lasted a month before I caved and on what would have been our five month anniversary, I called her. She didn't answer but texted me back 30 minutes later saying she was at a wedding but we should talk over text. I sent her two paragraphs about how I didn't know what had happened to us but I was willing to fight for it. Her response was "I'm Sorry, I wasn't happy, I don't want to get back together" and that the differences of opinion on sex hadn't been the issue.
That message didn't hurt at all like I expected it to, it was more of what she didn't say, nothing about it being worth it to her. That gave me what I needed to know, the thing we couldn't compromise on hadn't been the issue. It was fixable issue that we could have worked on that she threw everything away for.
I finally told my friends everything specifically what I had been embarrassed about before. They told me something that I had never thought about me before, she had coerced me sexually at the least and possibly sexually assaulted me. I was drunk, she wanted sex, I didn't, she pressured me and tried to physically pull me into it. I left the room crying, she called me back and at some point started kissing me again. This time I let her pull my hand under her clothes and did something that I said I never would.
Making that phone call lead me to opening up to my friends, looking at it from a different angle, and realizing that this was not someone I wanted in my life. After that I doubled down on no contact, I finally deleted all of the photos of her, our shared album, shared Spotify, muted all of her friends on Instagram so I won't see her at all. I even saw her earlier today and didn't even give her a glance just kept on walking.
Sometimes you need the closure and a reminder that the person you want is a horrible person and it is time to do no contact for the correct reason, not because you are trying to attract them back.
submitted by Old_Slice1248 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:10 Arx_ie AITA for reporting my friend?

I 18f had a friend 17f who I've stopped talking to. It's not so much that I've cut her off, because I still see her at school, but I've blocked her, and I don't talk to her anymore.
For some context (we'll call her Riley), Riley and I have been friends for about 2 years, though I've known her since middle school. She's been in and out of friendships because she tends to make the conversation–no matter whether it relates or is about her–about her. If you're trying to vent to her about something, she turns the conversation to herself and talks about her, and you always have to know about what she's doing.
Anyways, the issue arose this year when we had Government together. We ended up getting close, because she was the only friend I had in that class. After a while of us talking and getting closer, she confided in me about something. She had a crush, on the teacher.
For a while, I thought she was joking, but she would text me constantly about how fine he was, how he makes eye contact with her. (Most of my friends firmly believe that man is gay though)
It got really uncomfortable after she sent me a document of the essentially fanfiction she wrote about him. Some of it was really explicit and honestly disgusting because this was my teacher and her teacher that she was writing about. All throughout the document she referred to him by his first name, and she even created a kid that she named Charlie.
She would gush about how the kid would have his eyes and her freckles and his face shape.
It got so uncomfortable that I read through the texts and my skin is crawling because it was obsession. She told me one that she was feeling mentally and physically exhausted that she physically could not get up from her seat, and he had to help her up.
I told her that it made me uncomfortable and that it needed to stop and then she just went to ignoring me, but still 'pursuing' him. She still visits hks classroom everyday even on days she doesn't have his class. (My school does a block schedule)
Recently though, the school called me to the office to talk about a rumor that had come up about how she's been writing stories about a teacher. The lady in the office didn't know who it was about and asked me. I had the doc since Riley had shared it with me, so I gave it to her. The school has since opened an investigation, and is looking into it.
They called Riley down to the office to talk to her, but I don't know what happened. I have Riley blocked and I have no intention on talking to her again because in previous texts she's talked about how she's almost 18 so 'potentially' something could happen.
Anyways, after the whole investigation thing, my friend's, after seeing the texts, pushed me to reporting those texts because if Riley did do something, it woukd look bad on our teacher and potentially get him fired. He's a really good teacher and he makes the really boring lessons fun.
I feel like I'm not wrong for reporting but I need to know.
submitted by Arx_ie to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:09 just_melancholia How to deal with my racist mother?

For context, I’m a 25yo female, that comes from a mixed background (my mother 56F is a white woman from Italy, my father is from the Balkans and migrated to my country when he was younger). This is relevant and you will understand later.
I moved away from home as soon as I could when I was 18 after a not so good childhood, and currently live in another European country. My parents are divorced, my father is not really in the picture, I keep in touch with my mother on a daily basis and come visit her and the rest of the family once or twice a year. We never had the best relationship but since I moved out it improved a lot. I’d say we get along better when I’m far away from home.
Anyway, back to the reason of this post. I’ve been seeing this guy for more than a year, he’s great, we’re slowly getting to know each other and see where this is going. We are not in a rush but of course this is a relationship and I felt it was time to tell something more to my mother. I’ve always been quite open about my relationships and people I was dating, however since getting older I started being more private as I don’t think it would be good to mention every failed date to my mother (lol). We come from a typical small town where people are bigots and close-minded. The news on the tv are constantly complaining about “immigrants coming to our country” and jadajadajada. The government is right wing. So yeah, being racist is almost the norm, unfortunately.
I didn’t really mentioned much about this guy, first of all cause I’m trying to keep it private but also because I could imagine her reaction, since she’s the standard average middle age woman that you find on Facebook without much culture. She is ignorant not as an insult but in the real sense of the word: she ignores, she doesn’t inform herself and just believes whatever the media tells her.
The day after I arrived we were casually talking before bed and she just kept asking “C’mon, don’t you have a pic of this guy? Show me! C’mon c’mon! I’m your mother!” so, one side of me didn’t wanna show her, the other one was excited cause at the end of the day I’m proud of my relationship and I was happy to tell her more (maybe naively hoping for a good outcome…). So without thinking much I showed her one of the best pictures of him. Literally in the millisecond while I was showing her the picture she said something like: “hope it’s not a n****” (WHATTT???).
At that point the phone was already on her face. It was done. She said it, and at the same time she saw the picture. She was speechless and I was too. I was ashamed of her. And sad.
She didn’t say anything more for the following 10 minutes, she went to her room and I went to mine. Afterwards she just asked “does he even work?!” And I told her “don’t worry about it, he’s better off than the both of us” just to make her shut up about that question that I found so disrespectful. This made me just so sad, and disappointed.
But the worst had yet to come. We didn’t speak much about it at all until today.
We were having a casual conversation during the afternoon when the relationship topic came out. In particular, we were talking about how your partner should improve your life and not making it worse, meaning he should make you happy, he should bring good positive vibes, get along etc. that’s what I was thinking and referring to. But she started being very materialistic, she asked me “so, in which way is he improving your life?!” in a very aggressive sassy tone “I don’t see anything changing“ she said. I was mentioning that he makes me happy when the conversation degenerated. All sort of things came out of it.
She started by saying:
“well, I truly hopes this will be just a friend and you will keep it like that”
then she continued with:
“please take birth control precautions before you regret it”
“don’t come to me later saying I didn’t stop you”
and the cherry on top was:
“I would have preferred if you told me you were a lesbian cause at least that is cool nowadays”.
I was speechless and I still am.
I asked her what is it that she doesn’t like and what is she basing her opinions on, since she literally knows nothing about him. She couldn’t answer. She kept repeating the same things over and over and she also said she would never want to meet him.
I have to mention that the few guys she met that I was dating were of different cultures, but she never had a problem with them, I guess because the skin color was the same… and in her mind there are probably foreigners of Class A, B, C…
I knew it wouldn’t be easy, but I neither expected such a bad reaction.
All this hurts me so much.
I don’t know what to do.
In my mind it neither makes sense cause she married an immigrant but it seems like she never really came to terms with it, she never really accepted it. For instance, I know nothing about my father’s culture, I never learned the language or interesting facts about it because nobody ever thought me anything about it. I only learned about my mother’s culture, the one of the country I lived in. And I always felt out of place because this country is extremely racist. The fact that my father was not a good husband or father has nothing to do with where he comes from. If a person is an idiot, is an idiot no matter what. And I told her this when we were talking. The fact that she had a bad experience doesn’t mean that I will, just because I’m seeing someone from a different culture. I also explained to her that I am myself an immigrant, since I’m living in another country. But it doesn’t seem to click in her head. And when I told her, to her face, that she is indeed racist, she obviously denied it, because how can she be racist if she married an immigrant herself?
And of course during today’s conversation there was some victim behavior on her side, because every time I come back here it’s certain that we are gonna fight and every time it happens I say stuff like “let’s see when and if I will come back again!”. So she was bringing that up cause the other day I said “the first racist comment I hear I’m gone”. She mentioned that, saying I don’t care about her, that she has to beg for me to call her (mind you, we write good morning, good night, text here and there during the day and we talk on the phone 3/4 times a week…). She even said that “she lost me already the moment I left”. Honestly, I don’t know what else more than this she expects from me if what I do is not enough already.
I don’t really know how to handle this. And I’m also just venting and need some support. I wished we could all act as adults, respect each other, have a normal relationship. Am I asking for too much?!
Any advice is highly appreciated.
I’ll be stuck in her house for the next two days and I’ll leave on Thursday. I want her to think about her actions and realize where she did wrong before I leave. I don’t wanna put this under the carpet cause it’s unacceptable and will never forget it.
TL;DR: my 25F mother 56F doesn’t approve of my boyfriend 28M just because of the color of his skin and his religion. Her opinion is based solely on a photo I showed her and at the same time she plays the victim and claims she lost me the moment I moved abroad and I don’t care about her even if we talk everyday. I wished there was a way to behave like adults. Advices on setting boundaries?
submitted by just_melancholia to interracialdating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:09 itsjackjohens Top 100 tools for Spatial Computing Builders: Entrepreneurs, Developers, Designers, Creators

Hey guys. I've created a list of the 100 best tools for spatial computing builders that I use. Each tool has been carefully curated, tested and validated.

🤵‍♂️ Best entrepreneurs spatial tools

Great White(board): Great White(board) is a simple, uncomplicated working tool. Take a note, sketch an idea, diagram a process, or think through the details of a complex idea.
Immersed: Immersed offers a virtual reality workspace where users can create multiple virtual monitors without additional hardware. This app excels in enabling focused solo work and efficient remote collaboration, allowing users to share screens and engage in virtual whiteboarding.
Fluid: Virtual workstation, wherever you are. Fluid turns your VR headset into a spatial computer that you can use for work, media streaming, gaming, and more.
Warp VR: Transform your training with immersive 360° scenarios, outperforming traditional e-learning and live actor simulations in engagement and retention.
Zoom for Vision Pro: Zoom’s Apple Vision Pro app banks on a future where virtual meetings will feel like real ones, already offering immersive meeting experiences from wherever you are.
PowerPoint for Vision Pro: You can use Microsoft PowerPoint on Vision Pro to create and update presentations. One unique feature is the “Immersive Environment” feature, which allows you to practice your presentation as if you were presenting it to an audience.
Arthur: Arthur enables your organization to meet, collaborate and manage work
Navi: Navi adds subtitles to your conversations! Perfect for business meetings abroad. Connect directly to other Navi-enabled devices around you, and what they say will be displayed directly on your Mac screen.
Lenslist: Amplify Your Marketing Using AR Filters.
SAP Analytics Cloud: SAP Analytics Cloud on Apple Vision Pro lets users arrange their most critical business workflows and apps in their physical space while using contextual 3D maps and graphics to gain new insights.
Mozilla Hubs: The go-to virtual platform for educators, teams, and organizations. Powered by Mozilla, we’ve designed our platform to make virtual collaboration and learning effortless.
Mindesk: Mindesk is a real-time CAD and VR software that allows designers to create and edit 3D models directly in virtual reality, providing a more intuitive and immersive design experience.

📟 Best spatial developers tools

Tilt Brush: Developed by Google, Tilt Brush is a VR painting application that allows artists and developers to create 3D artwork in virtual reality, making it a valuable tool for prototyping and visualization.
Gravity Sketch: Gravity Sketch is a 3D design tool that enables designers and developers to create immersive 3D models and environments in VR, facilitating collaboration and rapid prototyping.
Substance Painter: Substance Painter is a texturing tool that supports VR painting, allowing developers to create high-quality textures and materials directly in VR for use in their VR applications.
Unity: One of the most popular game engines, Unity offers robust support for VR development with its built-in VR support and extensive asset store.
Unreal Engine: Another powerful game engine, Unreal Engine provides advanced tools for creating high-quality VR experiences, including built-in VR support and Blueprint visual scripting.
Google VR SDK: Google VR SDK provides developers with the tools and APIs for building VR applications for Android devices, including Google Cardboard and Daydream.
VRTK: VRTK is a popular open-source toolkit for Unity that simplifies VR development by providing a collection of scripts and prefabs for common VR interactions and mechanics.
NVIDIA VRWorks: NVIDIA VRWorks provides developers with a suite of tools and APIs for optimizing VR performance on NVIDIA GPUs, including features like Multi-Res Shading and Lens Matched Shading.

🖼️ Best spatial designers tools

Spatial Icon: Download Free Spatial Icons for your Spatial Apps.
ShapesXR: ShapesXR helps you design spatial experience together.
JigSpace: JigSpace helps you create spatial presentations, combining 3D content, audio, video and text in an interactive, step-by-step experience that energizes the communication of complex ideas, products or processes.
SwiftXR: A powerful 3D and immersive design tool that is easy to use
SketchAR: SketchAR is an AR drawing app that enables designers to sketch and visualize their ideas in augmented reality, allowing for immersive and interactive design processes.
Adobe Aero: Adobe Aero is an AR authoring tool that allows designers to create interactive AR experiences using 2D and 3D assets from Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.
Blender: Blender is a free and open-source 3D modeling and animation software that supports AR and VR content creation, making it a valuable tool for designers to create 3D assets for their projects.
Reality Composer: Easily prototype and produce AR experiences directly in AR with no prior 3D experience.
Reality Composer: Reality Composer is an AR authoring tool developed by Apple for creating interactive AR experiences without writing any code, making it accessible to designers and artists.
Reality Converter beta: The Reality Converter app makes it easy to convert, view, and customize USDZ 3D objects on Mac. Simply drag-and-drop common 3D file formats, such as .obj, .gltf and .usd, to view the converted USDZ result, customize material properties with your own textures, and edit file metadata.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom for Vision Pro lets you edit photos on a truly big screen. It’s been redesigned for the VisionOS, so it’s easier to navigate with hand gestures than the desktop version, which has many more features.

👩‍🎤 Best content creators spatial tools

QuestCam: A system for third person recording that imposes minimal performance constraints and unlocks maximum creativity. QuestCam.
Liv: LIV is your complete toolset for VTubing, Mixed Reality Capture and VR native utilities like in-headset stream chat, alerts and notifications!
XCode + Reality Composer: Record 4K video in Apple Vision Pro using the Reality Composer kit on Xcode. Click here for the full tutorial.
The list is gradually being added to, and all 100 tools will be present by June 2024 (progressive updating).

🤵‍♂️ Best entrepreneurs spatial tools

Great White(board): Great White(board) is a simple, uncomplicated working tool. Take a note, sketch an idea, diagram a process, or think through the details of a complex idea.
Immersed: Immersed offers a virtual reality workspace where users can create multiple virtual monitors without additional hardware. This app excels in enabling focused solo work and efficient remote collaboration, allowing users to share screens and engage in virtual whiteboarding.
Fluid: Virtual workstation, wherever you are. Fluid turns your VR headset into a spatial computer that you can use for work, media streaming, gaming, and more.
Warp VR: Transform your training with immersive 360° scenarios, outperforming traditional e-learning and live actor simulations in engagement and retention.
Zoom for Vision Pro: Zoom’s Apple Vision Pro app banks on a future where virtual meetings will feel like real ones, already offering immersive meeting experiences from wherever you are.
PowerPoint for Vision Pro: You can use Microsoft PowerPoint on Vision Pro to create and update presentations. One unique feature is the “Immersive Environment” feature, which allows you to practice your presentation as if you were presenting it to an audience.
Arthur: Arthur enables your organization to meet, collaborate and manage work
Navi: Navi adds subtitles to your conversations! Perfect for business meetings abroad. Connect directly to other Navi-enabled devices around you, and what they say will be displayed directly on your Mac screen.
Lenslist: Amplify Your Marketing Using AR Filters.
SAP Analytics Cloud: SAP Analytics Cloud on Apple Vision Pro lets users arrange their most critical business workflows and apps in their physical space while using contextual 3D maps and graphics to gain new insights.
Mozilla Hubs: The go-to virtual platform for educators, teams, and organizations. Powered by Mozilla, we’ve designed our platform to make virtual collaboration and learning effortless.
Mindesk: Mindesk is a real-time CAD and VR software that allows designers to create and edit 3D models directly in virtual reality, providing a more intuitive and immersive design experience.

📟 Best spatial developers tools

Tilt Brush: Developed by Google, Tilt Brush is a VR painting application that allows artists and developers to create 3D artwork in virtual reality, making it a valuable tool for prototyping and visualization.
Gravity Sketch: Gravity Sketch is a 3D design tool that enables designers and developers to create immersive 3D models and environments in VR, facilitating collaboration and rapid prototyping.
Substance Painter: Substance Painter is a texturing tool that supports VR painting, allowing developers to create high-quality textures and materials directly in VR for use in their VR applications.
Unity: One of the most popular game engines, Unity offers robust support for VR development with its built-in VR support and extensive asset store.
Unreal Engine: Another powerful game engine, Unreal Engine provides advanced tools for creating high-quality VR experiences, including built-in VR support and Blueprint visual scripting.
Google VR SDK: Google VR SDK provides developers with the tools and APIs for building VR applications for Android devices, including Google Cardboard and Daydream.
VRTK: VRTK is a popular open-source toolkit for Unity that simplifies VR development by providing a collection of scripts and prefabs for common VR interactions and mechanics.
NVIDIA VRWorks: NVIDIA VRWorks provides developers with a suite of tools and APIs for optimizing VR performance on NVIDIA GPUs, including features like Multi-Res Shading and Lens Matched Shading.

🖼️ Best spatial designers tools

Spatial Icon: Download Free Spatial Icons for your Spatial Apps.
ShapesXR: ShapesXR helps you design spatial experience together.
JigSpace: JigSpace helps you create spatial presentations, combining 3D content, audio, video and text in an interactive, step-by-step experience that energizes the communication of complex ideas, products or processes.
SwiftXR: A powerful 3D and immersive design tool that is easy to use
SketchAR: SketchAR is an AR drawing app that enables designers to sketch and visualize their ideas in augmented reality, allowing for immersive and interactive design processes.
Adobe Aero: Adobe Aero is an AR authoring tool that allows designers to create interactive AR experiences using 2D and 3D assets from Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.
Blender: Blender is a free and open-source 3D modeling and animation software that supports AR and VR content creation, making it a valuable tool for designers to create 3D assets for their projects.
Reality Composer: Easily prototype and produce AR experiences directly in AR with no prior 3D experience.
Reality Composer: Reality Composer is an AR authoring tool developed by Apple for creating interactive AR experiences without writing any code, making it accessible to designers and artists.
Reality Converter beta: The Reality Converter app makes it easy to convert, view, and customize USDZ 3D objects on Mac. Simply drag-and-drop common 3D file formats, such as .obj, .gltf and .usd, to view the converted USDZ result, customize material properties with your own textures, and edit file metadata.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom for Vision Pro lets you edit photos on a truly big screen. It’s been redesigned for the VisionOS, so it’s easier to navigate with hand gestures than the desktop version, which has many more features.

👩‍🎤 Best content creators spatial tools

QuestCam: A system for third person recording that imposes minimal performance constraints and unlocks maximum creativity. QuestCam.
Liv: LIV is your complete toolset for VTubing, Mixed Reality Capture and VR native utilities like in-headset stream chat, alerts and notifications!
XCode + Reality Composer: Record 4K video in Apple Vision Pro using the Reality Composer kit on Xcode. Click here for the full tutorial.
The list is gradually being added to, and all 100 tools will be present by June 2024 (progressive updating).
submitted by itsjackjohens to AppleVisionPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:08 yankee0012 My friend of 10+ years has ghosted me

My (25f) friend (25f)since freshman year of high school has ghosted me since mid january. I’ve known her for 10+ years, and we’re best friends / practically sisters. We would talk all day every day on multiple platforms. In November of last year, I was staying at her house for the weekend cause her bf was out of town, and she didn’t want to be alone. When going out one morning, she backed into my car. She ended up having to give me money to pay to get it fixed and a rental. She had been stressed about money before, but I think this stressed her out even more.
I was very calm and cool about the whole situation, cause I knew she was good for it and wouldn’t blindside me. She didn’t want to go through insurance, so I didn’t. I practically did everything she asked of me to a T - which place to go to, how many quotes to get, etc(Ironic considering it’s MY car - I think I should’ve called the shots).
Once she dropped the check off to me, I noticed she was kinda distant and acting off. She’s a very huggy person, so the day she dropped it off she didn’t bother giving a hug and was kinda cold. It was kinda like here you go, and bye. I just chalked it up to stress and she was about to go on vacation. Once she got back, I wasn’t hearing from her as much. I never had the chance to ask what was going on, cause our convos never really flowed enough. It was about one or two texts per day or every other day, but there was so much time in between it was hard to hold a convo. Looking back, I wish I did say something. She also never once asked me about my ca if I got it back.
For the rental car, she gave me enough for a week cause I believe she thought that’s how long it would be in the shop. My car ended up being in the shop for about a month. Instead of bothering her for more money to keep the rental, I returned it and was just stuck at home for the next 2-3 weeks. She has no idea of this cause she never bothered to ask.
The holidays came around too, and I know she was stressed cause she wanted to have a holiday party at her house, but ended up canceling it. Her work was stressing her out, too. She bought her house about 2-3 years ago, but she had something come up with her breaker - and I think it was a lot more serious. She most likely had to shell out more than she thought. Once that happened, she sent a group text to our friend group saying she was going ghost and wanted to be alone to “get her life together”. In another group message she said if people had questions, to ask me. Meanwhile, I didn’t even know what was going on.
Her online behavior hasn’t changed at least. She’s still chronically online. I think the only thing that’s changed is she’s just not talking to any of us. My friend group has group chats on snap and insta, she just opens them and never responds. I saw her like and comment on another friends insta post and it broke my heart and made me realize she’s not ghosting everyone just certain people.
I was actively trying to give her space and support her from afar. I sent a text early March saying I missed her, hope she’s doing well, would love to see her, etc. it took her a couple days, and she just hearted the message.
April came along, and it’s a hard month for me emotionally. The anniversary of my dad’s death came around, and she usually always says something. This time she didn’t, and it hurt. The same day as the anniversary, she was at a young adult worship event that was a mile away from my house. She’s been leaning into the worship groups lately. She got baptized, but it hurt that she was a mile away, right near my house. I would’ve loved to have supported her in this, especially since it’s so close to me.
I sent a text again being like I miss you, would’ve loved to be there, etc. she hearted the message again.
I guess i just don’t know what to do from here. I don’t want to keep reaching out if she’s not going to reply. Is it possible that she would actually come back to me and the friend group? I feel like this is her way of just ending the friendship, which would be so shitty.
I find myself crying all the time wondering what happened. This is a person I trusted with my life, who I never saw blindsiding me.
TLDR: my friend of 10+years has ghosted me and a couple other friends cause she has a lot going on and “needs to get her life together”, but part of me feels like it’s because she hit my car / doesn’t want to be friends with any of us
submitted by yankee0012 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:07 itsjackjohens 100 best tools for spatial computing builders (Entrepreneurs, Developers, Designers, Creators)

Hey guys. I've created a list of the 100 best tools for spatial computing builders that I use. Each tool has been carefully curated, tested and validated.

🤵‍♂️ Best entrepreneurs spatial tools

Great White(board): Great White(board) is a simple, uncomplicated working tool. Take a note, sketch an idea, diagram a process, or think through the details of a complex idea.
Immersed: Immersed offers a virtual reality workspace where users can create multiple virtual monitors without additional hardware. This app excels in enabling focused solo work and efficient remote collaboration, allowing users to share screens and engage in virtual whiteboarding.
Fluid: Virtual workstation, wherever you are. Fluid turns your VR headset into a spatial computer that you can use for work, media streaming, gaming, and more.
Warp VR: Transform your training with immersive 360° scenarios, outperforming traditional e-learning and live actor simulations in engagement and retention.
Zoom for Vision Pro: Zoom’s Apple Vision Pro app banks on a future where virtual meetings will feel like real ones, already offering immersive meeting experiences from wherever you are.
PowerPoint for Vision Pro: You can use Microsoft PowerPoint on Vision Pro to create and update presentations. One unique feature is the “Immersive Environment” feature, which allows you to practice your presentation as if you were presenting it to an audience.
Arthur: Arthur enables your organization to meet, collaborate and manage work
Navi: Navi adds subtitles to your conversations! Perfect for business meetings abroad. Connect directly to other Navi-enabled devices around you, and what they say will be displayed directly on your Mac screen.
Lenslist: Amplify Your Marketing Using AR Filters.
SAP Analytics Cloud: SAP Analytics Cloud on Apple Vision Pro lets users arrange their most critical business workflows and apps in their physical space while using contextual 3D maps and graphics to gain new insights.
Mozilla Hubs: The go-to virtual platform for educators, teams, and organizations. Powered by Mozilla, we’ve designed our platform to make virtual collaboration and learning effortless.
Mindesk: Mindesk is a real-time CAD and VR software that allows designers to create and edit 3D models directly in virtual reality, providing a more intuitive and immersive design experience.

📟 Best spatial developers tools

Tilt Brush: Developed by Google, Tilt Brush is a VR painting application that allows artists and developers to create 3D artwork in virtual reality, making it a valuable tool for prototyping and visualization.
Gravity Sketch: Gravity Sketch is a 3D design tool that enables designers and developers to create immersive 3D models and environments in VR, facilitating collaboration and rapid prototyping.
Substance Painter: Substance Painter is a texturing tool that supports VR painting, allowing developers to create high-quality textures and materials directly in VR for use in their VR applications.
Unity: One of the most popular game engines, Unity offers robust support for VR development with its built-in VR support and extensive asset store.
Unreal Engine: Another powerful game engine, Unreal Engine provides advanced tools for creating high-quality VR experiences, including built-in VR support and Blueprint visual scripting.
Google VR SDK: Google VR SDK provides developers with the tools and APIs for building VR applications for Android devices, including Google Cardboard and Daydream.
VRTK: VRTK is a popular open-source toolkit for Unity that simplifies VR development by providing a collection of scripts and prefabs for common VR interactions and mechanics.
NVIDIA VRWorks: NVIDIA VRWorks provides developers with a suite of tools and APIs for optimizing VR performance on NVIDIA GPUs, including features like Multi-Res Shading and Lens Matched Shading.

🖼️ Best spatial designers tools

Spatial Icon: Download Free Spatial Icons for your Spatial Apps.
ShapesXR: ShapesXR helps you design spatial experience together.
JigSpace: JigSpace helps you create spatial presentations, combining 3D content, audio, video and text in an interactive, step-by-step experience that energizes the communication of complex ideas, products or processes.
SwiftXR: A powerful 3D and immersive design tool that is easy to use
SketchAR: SketchAR is an AR drawing app that enables designers to sketch and visualize their ideas in augmented reality, allowing for immersive and interactive design processes.
Adobe Aero: Adobe Aero is an AR authoring tool that allows designers to create interactive AR experiences using 2D and 3D assets from Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.
Blender: Blender is a free and open-source 3D modeling and animation software that supports AR and VR content creation, making it a valuable tool for designers to create 3D assets for their projects.
Reality Composer: Easily prototype and produce AR experiences directly in AR with no prior 3D experience.
Reality Composer: Reality Composer is an AR authoring tool developed by Apple for creating interactive AR experiences without writing any code, making it accessible to designers and artists.
Reality Converter beta: The Reality Converter app makes it easy to convert, view, and customize USDZ 3D objects on Mac. Simply drag-and-drop common 3D file formats, such as .obj, .gltf and .usd, to view the converted USDZ result, customize material properties with your own textures, and edit file metadata.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom for Vision Pro lets you edit photos on a truly big screen. It’s been redesigned for the VisionOS, so it’s easier to navigate with hand gestures than the desktop version, which has many more features.

👩‍🎤 Best content creators spatial tools

QuestCam: A system for third person recording that imposes minimal performance constraints and unlocks maximum creativity. QuestCam.
Liv: LIV is your complete toolset for VTubing, Mixed Reality Capture and VR native utilities like in-headset stream chat, alerts and notifications!
XCode + Reality Composer: Record 4K video in Apple Vision Pro using the Reality Composer kit on Xcode. Click here for the full tutorial.
The list is gradually being added to, and all 100 tools will be present by June 2024 (progressive updating).

🤵‍♂️ Best entrepreneurs spatial tools

Great White(board): Great White(board) is a simple, uncomplicated working tool. Take a note, sketch an idea, diagram a process, or think through the details of a complex idea.
Immersed: Immersed offers a virtual reality workspace where users can create multiple virtual monitors without additional hardware. This app excels in enabling focused solo work and efficient remote collaboration, allowing users to share screens and engage in virtual whiteboarding.
Fluid: Virtual workstation, wherever you are. Fluid turns your VR headset into a spatial computer that you can use for work, media streaming, gaming, and more.
Warp VR: Transform your training with immersive 360° scenarios, outperforming traditional e-learning and live actor simulations in engagement and retention.
Zoom for Vision Pro: Zoom’s Apple Vision Pro app banks on a future where virtual meetings will feel like real ones, already offering immersive meeting experiences from wherever you are.
PowerPoint for Vision Pro: You can use Microsoft PowerPoint on Vision Pro to create and update presentations. One unique feature is the “Immersive Environment” feature, which allows you to practice your presentation as if you were presenting it to an audience.
Arthur: Arthur enables your organization to meet, collaborate and manage work
Navi: Navi adds subtitles to your conversations! Perfect for business meetings abroad. Connect directly to other Navi-enabled devices around you, and what they say will be displayed directly on your Mac screen.
Lenslist: Amplify Your Marketing Using AR Filters.
SAP Analytics Cloud: SAP Analytics Cloud on Apple Vision Pro lets users arrange their most critical business workflows and apps in their physical space while using contextual 3D maps and graphics to gain new insights.
Mozilla Hubs: The go-to virtual platform for educators, teams, and organizations. Powered by Mozilla, we’ve designed our platform to make virtual collaboration and learning effortless.
Mindesk: Mindesk is a real-time CAD and VR software that allows designers to create and edit 3D models directly in virtual reality, providing a more intuitive and immersive design experience.

📟 Best spatial developers tools

Tilt Brush: Developed by Google, Tilt Brush is a VR painting application that allows artists and developers to create 3D artwork in virtual reality, making it a valuable tool for prototyping and visualization.
Gravity Sketch: Gravity Sketch is a 3D design tool that enables designers and developers to create immersive 3D models and environments in VR, facilitating collaboration and rapid prototyping.
Substance Painter: Substance Painter is a texturing tool that supports VR painting, allowing developers to create high-quality textures and materials directly in VR for use in their VR applications.
Unity: One of the most popular game engines, Unity offers robust support for VR development with its built-in VR support and extensive asset store.
Unreal Engine: Another powerful game engine, Unreal Engine provides advanced tools for creating high-quality VR experiences, including built-in VR support and Blueprint visual scripting.
Google VR SDK: Google VR SDK provides developers with the tools and APIs for building VR applications for Android devices, including Google Cardboard and Daydream.
VRTK: VRTK is a popular open-source toolkit for Unity that simplifies VR development by providing a collection of scripts and prefabs for common VR interactions and mechanics.
NVIDIA VRWorks: NVIDIA VRWorks provides developers with a suite of tools and APIs for optimizing VR performance on NVIDIA GPUs, including features like Multi-Res Shading and Lens Matched Shading.

🖼️ Best spatial designers tools

Spatial Icon: Download Free Spatial Icons for your Spatial Apps.
ShapesXR: ShapesXR helps you design spatial experience together.
JigSpace: JigSpace helps you create spatial presentations, combining 3D content, audio, video and text in an interactive, step-by-step experience that energizes the communication of complex ideas, products or processes.
SwiftXR: A powerful 3D and immersive design tool that is easy to use
SketchAR: SketchAR is an AR drawing app that enables designers to sketch and visualize their ideas in augmented reality, allowing for immersive and interactive design processes.
Adobe Aero: Adobe Aero is an AR authoring tool that allows designers to create interactive AR experiences using 2D and 3D assets from Adobe Creative Cloud applications like Photoshop and Illustrator.
Blender: Blender is a free and open-source 3D modeling and animation software that supports AR and VR content creation, making it a valuable tool for designers to create 3D assets for their projects.
Reality Composer: Easily prototype and produce AR experiences directly in AR with no prior 3D experience.
Reality Composer: Reality Composer is an AR authoring tool developed by Apple for creating interactive AR experiences without writing any code, making it accessible to designers and artists.
Reality Converter beta: The Reality Converter app makes it easy to convert, view, and customize USDZ 3D objects on Mac. Simply drag-and-drop common 3D file formats, such as .obj, .gltf and .usd, to view the converted USDZ result, customize material properties with your own textures, and edit file metadata.
Adobe Lightroom: Lightroom for Vision Pro lets you edit photos on a truly big screen. It’s been redesigned for the VisionOS, so it’s easier to navigate with hand gestures than the desktop version, which has many more features.

👩‍🎤 Best content creators spatial tools

QuestCam: A system for third person recording that imposes minimal performance constraints and unlocks maximum creativity. QuestCam.
Liv: LIV is your complete toolset for VTubing, Mixed Reality Capture and VR native utilities like in-headset stream chat, alerts and notifications!
XCode + Reality Composer: Record 4K video in Apple Vision Pro using the Reality Composer kit on Xcode. Click here for the full tutorial.
The list is gradually being added to, and all 100 tools will be present by June 2024 (progressive updating).
submitted by itsjackjohens to VisionPro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 kazhdan I think I was supposed to die

I was always a good looking guy.
Good eyes, jawline, abs, things of that nature.
However, I've also always been helplessly awkward around women for whatever reason.
After a lot of thinking and many times during family dinners my dad drunkly demanded me to bang a woman already, I decided to grudgingly install Tinder.
I already had some exprience with texting women online, so it was the same usual crap that made me not want to install tinder in the first place:
1)I text a girl.
2)she takes hours to reply because she wants to seem like she's so cool and busy and because she frankly doesn't give a fuck about me.
3)I do the same.
4)I say some silly jokes so she likes me like I'm some fucking clown.
5)I then ask to meet up.
6)she ghosts me.
7)on to the next girl.
This frustrating pattern went on with 3 girls until I finally texted a girl who i thought was nicer.
This girl, Casey, actually seemed to be interested. She said I'm funny, and handsome and that she'd love to meet up.
I was very intimacy deprived, so that was enough to completely turn off any sort of rationale I had.
Looking back, I should've been wiser.
She proposed to meet at a park that was suspiciously right next to my house.
She knew where I lived.
Again, I was too horny to notice this.
We meet up and start talking. As we talk, even my extremely thirsty ass notices... It's just *too* easy. She laughs at every dumb joke I make. She compliments me a lot. She's the one to initiate touch... Almost like... I'm where she wants me to me and she wants me to stay there... The more we talk, the more I notice her laugh seems... forced. Again, like she's just using it to lure me in. At one point, even my horny ass began feeling uncomfortable and it started getting late. I hugged her and said goodbye. I was then stopped. I felt a sharp, burning sudden pain in my arm. I sighed and turned around cautiously, knowing it'll be an unpleasant sight. Turns out, it wasn't an unpleasant sight. It was much worse than that. Her hand was now covered in blood as her nails dug deeper and deeper into my forearm. I gasped and tried to release myself, only for her grip to strengthen. My eyes then traveled from her hand to her face. Her face was contorted in horror; her lips were pursed tightly and her forehead was scrunched, her eyes were wide and her pupils were so dilated that they were almost completely black. Her bottom lip trembled and a stray tear rolled down her cheek.
"u-um... why are you sca-"
She cuts me off
"Please," she whispered, her voice trembled as she forced out the words, "Don't go. I don't want to do this."
"Do what...?" I cautiously ask
"...please just come with me. p-please..." she answers, her voice very shaken.
I barely knew this woman. She showed a ton of red flags and this just escalated significantly. Although it created much guilt in me, I decided to run away.
"COME BACK, PLEASE!!!" She screamed, her voice became so hoarse from her desperate screaming it hurt to hear her...
Eventually, I arrive back home.
I think to myself "Finally some peac-" I feel some liquid drip on my nose from the ceiling. I turn on the light and look up. My eyes widen. I swiftly run to bathroom and vomit for what seems like hours from the grotesque sight I've just witnessed. I return to the room and stare at Casey's corpse. It was such a grotesque sight that I won't even attempt to describe it, as I think there's such a thing as "too much". But to give you some idea of what happened to her, let's just say... she had very beautiful and clear skin... I wonder where it went...
I kept staring at her body as it hung lifelessly from the ceiling. I then remembered something she said at the start of the date... "I would panic if you didn't come hehe..."
submitted by kazhdan to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 JustAnAuthor5490 I think I got fired for being sick

I only worked at my previous job for about 3 months? I had never called off, never been late, and tried my hardest to be a good employee. Hell, my very first week I covered 3 different peoples shifts and I was almost always avaliable to cover people because I needed the money. Problem comes in last Friday, I wake up and am puking my guts out. I wait a few hours to see if it'll pass, but I'm puking a few times every hour. So around 11:00/12:00 I try to call out but the only person avaliable to cover me isn't able to cover my shift. I ask my manager what I should do and she tells me to call the head manager and ask her. The head manager basically implies that I'll need to come in anyways and I say okay. I was fully prepared to come in sick, I couldn't afford to lose my job and I needed the money. Then, they both text me saying they figured it out and found someone to cover me. My head manager says I'll need to come in early tomorrow "to talk". I'm obviously freaking out, but when I go in she tells me I'm fired. She says that if our drawer is short or over 5$ then we get a write up and if it happens again we get let go. I accepted this and moved on but I've been thinking about it since and I feel like there's just no way that's true. There's a manager who constantly messes up with counting to the point I was warned about it before my first shift (the head manager had told me specifically if manager even had made this mistake, they would be let go). Also, she fired me a day after my second mess up. Basically the timeline is I mess up counting my register (during which my manager calls my head manager to let her know), I call out sick, and then I get fired. And she said I was fired like that day like do not come in for my next few scheduled shifts I'm just done and I think if it were truly that serious she would've fired me the day I called out. But she didn't. Idk I'm just freaking out because I don't have money for rent and finding a job in my town is impossible.
submitted by JustAnAuthor5490 to antiwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:02 TouchReality Media coverage According to a recent investigation by The Independent, US President Joe Biden is not only responsible for arming Israel but also complicit in Gaza’s devastating famine.

Media coverage According to a recent investigation by The Independent, US President Joe Biden is not only responsible for arming Israel but also complicit in Gaza’s devastating famine.
The investigation uncovers the missteps, missed opportunities, and political choices made by the Biden administration that allowed a famine to grip northern Gaza. Drawing from leaked documents, testimonies from current and former officials, as well as voices from Gaza, it paints a damning picture of an entirely preventable catastrophe.
"This is not just turning a blind eye to the man-made starvation of an entire population, it is direct complicity," former State Department official Josh Paul, who resigned over US support for the war, told The Independent.
From the first warning signs in December, intensive US pressure on Israel to open more land crossings and flood Gaza with aid could have averted the crisis, officials said. However, Mr. Biden refused to condition US military aid to Israel and Instead, the Biden government pursued novel and ineffective aid solutions such as airdrops and a floating pier.
In an internal collective dissent memo drafted this month by numerous employees of USAID, the staff criticize the agency and the Biden administration for its "failure to uphold international humanitarian principles and to adhere to its mandate to save lives." The leaked draft memo calls for the administration to apply pressure to end the Israeli siege that is causing famine.
"The US has provided both the military and the diplomatic support that enabled famine to emerge in Gaza," Jeremy Konyndyk, a former high-ranking USAID official under both Barack Obama and Joe Biden who worked on famine prevention in Yemen and South Sudan, told The Independent.
submitted by TouchReality to fight_disinformation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:58 Global-Elite-Spartan I think my girlfriend 19F might be emotionally abusing me 20M

I 20m have been with my 19F girlfriend for a little over 2 years. We've lived together for about a year now. I work 30+ hours a week and my GF 40+ hours week.
For context me an my girlfriend have always had a rocky relationship. In the beginning it would be small things like me falling asleep on call at 2AM when she was talking about something she liked. Me being late for stuff or just plain braking promises I shouldn't have made because I knew I properly wouldn't be able to live up to them. For the first year we would have 2 good weeks and then a bad week because I messed up by falling asleep, being late, buying the wrong fries/burger, not calling early enough among other things. I had a hard time apologising in the beginning, but learned how to do it after hard work. Whenever we would get in an argument I would apologise immediately and tell her how sorry I was. I understood I had made a mistake that hurt her and I should be better. I started seeing a mentor at school to work on why I had such a hard time keeping promises and breaking them. After a few sessions the mentor flat out told me I shouldn't be with my girlfriend and called it "emotional terror" on her behalf. I talked with my girlfriend about what I had discussed with my mentor. My GF told me that what I was telling wasn't the whole truth so of course that was the response I was getting from the mentor. I agreed and everytime I went to see the mentor I would also defend my GF in every scenario we talked about.
Cut to some time later where this cycle of 2 good weeks 1 bad week had continued and we had moved in together. She worked a lot and I tried my best to handle all the cooking, cleaning laundry while working my own job and my other hobbies. I started feeling really drained and began to slip on my chores. During this time my GF would also work a lot more (around 65-75 hours a week) primarily cleaning at night. She would get paranoid around 02:30 to 03:30 so I would drive to her work and sit in my car. Some times for more than 5 hours just so she had me close(for the record it was a brand new top of the line car warehouse(picture lambos, Ferrari and such) so she was safe).
When I finished school it's tradition to party in a truck with your classmates and so of course I did. We drove around for 10 hours and with me being drunk I didn't text my GF at all. We drove for 2 days and on the last day I had arranged with her to meet me at a bar so we could celebrate my graduation together. I ditched my classmates to go see her and when I met up with her she wasn't happy at all. Long story short she was mad I hadn't texted her and it ended up in me following her home apologising and crying until I feel over and had to be driven home by a stranger. I still regret not celebrating my graduation more than what I did.
I talked with one of my coworkers about all of this and more like me seeing a therapist to work on the problems from earlier, driving spending hours on hours waiting for her to finish school and work. Her having full access to my so she could check it whenever she wanted and I wasn't allowed to see hers (I've never really suspected cheating. One time I spent my lunch break at work to drive home and make sure she got up and drove her to work because she got up too late and didn't answer my calls. Anyway my coworker said the same the mentor said and this time I made damn sure to tell the whole story and showed proof so I could get straight answers. He suggested she might be a narcissist. I ended up spending a night at his place where she spammed my phone with calls and messages which I didn't respond to per his advice. He along with every else I have talked with has suggested I should break up with her, but I just love her much. I eventually went home to her and talked with her. She said she was sorry about everything and would be more forgiving of me making small mistakes like buying the wrong fries or not having done the dishes. It's been 4 months since that happened. I talked with my long time friend about it and he told me the same. He had just come out of a 2 year relationship at that point so he knows how hard it is. He suggested I set a date in my head where if things haven't gotten better by that date I should end it. So I did. The date came and went and I couldn't make a decision. Some things had gotten better, but some didn't. I still do all the chores except laundry. She works less so she's taken that. I couldn't bring myself to make a decision by the date so I just didn't. I haven't kept her up to her promises to me since I have forgotten what they were. My memory hasn't always been as bad as it is now though.
Anyway that bring us to today. She asked me to wake her up at 11:00 am today. I'm home with a bad ankle sprain (trying to find transport to see a doctor) and she took a day off from school. I woke her up at 11:00, 11:02, 11:05, 11:07.... I tried to wake her for 15 minutes, shaking her and talking to her, but she would get up. If I could get a lift by 11:25 I could see the doctor today (I didn't) so I after she only woke up a little bit at went back to sleep I gave up. I tried again at 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, but she just wouldn't wake up more than a quick second. She woke up now at 18:30 being really mad at me for not waking her up. I tried to tell her that I did my best at waking her, but she just wouldn't get up. She wasn't having it a told me it was my fault she didn't get up and missed her own doctors appointment which I had no idea about. It apparently was a meeting to get a new prescription for her ADHD medication which she needs this week. She noticed she was running low last week so I don't understand why she waited until now since she also had Wednesday to Friday off last week. I don't think it's my fault she didn't get up as I told her I'd try to get her up. I did try my very best. She's asked me to wake her before where I tried, but had to go since I was running late for work. I told her she should have set alarms if it was this important and she knows I barely slept due to the pain in my ankle. she's old enough to get up herself without relying on me as she does every day.
she used to say she "knows I'll disappoint her". She's said this a lot in the past and did today.
I know I wrote a lot, but I feel like I'm going crazy some days. I know I'm far from perfect, but I can't be that bad. I wish I could have followed her when said she was leaving 45 minutes ago to "go somewhere not here", but since I can barely walk I didn't follow her.
I just want to know if I'm as bad as she says. What should I do? I do truly love her and want to be with her, but some days it seems like a big mistake.
Tl;dr I have made mistakes which friends, family and professionals have told me isn't my fault and I'm being abused, but I fear I explained things so poorly they're not giving me real/biased answers/advice in the situations me and my GF have been in.
I'm really emotional right now so let me know if I did anything wrong or just have questions.
submitted by Global-Elite-Spartan to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 Comfortable-Bet-9496 Wanting to get into Jewelry making

Hi! I really want to get into jewelry making. I have dabbled in it in the past but with more simple designs. I’m an artist so I like to draw and recently have been drawing some designs that I really think would look cool. I want to start it as a part time business just to see if it goes anywhere. I’m a little nervous though because I don’t understand much about starting a jewelry business and was wondering if you guys had any tips. I’m nervous about making a design but it accidentally being something that someone already made. Is there copyright laws for this?
submitted by Comfortable-Bet-9496 to jewelrymaking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 boathouse_floats Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound

Meme Stocks On the Rise - Real Wealth Being Made - Boomer FOMO Inbound
Here's the deal.
There's a lot of chatter about the return of meme stocks and I'm sure you've all seen GME and AMC charts from today. Fucking rockets... but lets talk about meme projects and why I think there is going to be a brand new set of meme millionaires born from the meme action we're seeing today. (I'll save you some time if you don't feel like reading... they'll all be in KENDU).
As you all know, back in the good ol' days of 2021 when we were all face humping masks and rotting in our houses, some real fun was had and a lot of "New Money" millionaires were born. Some of these were from meme stocks, but a lot of people made fat bags on meme projects which they carry with them to this day.
First in Jan/Feb $DOG E pumped. Following this, $SHIB ($KENDU's Chad in Arms) pumped. These projects lost a bit off the top, but have sustained multi-billion dollar market caps to this day. But could they have done it on their own? Was this all just coincidence? Were market conditions so different that these pumps were just a factor of people being stuck at home with nothing better to do than sit there, thumb in ass, trading memes? Science says NAY!!
Please bear in mind that I'm wearing a helmet, which might have restricted some of the blood flow to my brain. This is NFA and you should DYOR... but I'm all in.
To prove my point, I am referencing the paper "The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach" by Yousaf et al. from 2022. Please note that I only have access to the pre-print, so the peer-reviewed edition might be a little different, but I would muster a guess, not really.
These authors are using data from 2020-2022, which includes data outside of the range of what I would consider the "hard" meme squeeze (Jan. 2021 and the few months following). Given the analysis from this paper was done using data from August 2020 to April 2021, I posit that the conclusions the authors draw, can and will apply to meme events outside of the infamous 2021 meme run which some might say is the primary reason meme projects squoze. The HUGE meme project runs we saw in SHIB and DOG E might have been born of the "Funny Money" era, but lock-down degeneracy isn't the end all when predicting price movements.
The meat
"Why, Butt?" I hear you ask. "Why do you bring this paper up?". Surely it can't be because you wanted to "prove" that meme projects can run outside of the golden age of meme pumps? Well dear Redditor... yes and no. I bring it up also because of the interesting point it mentions about how predictive certain market events are for similar market events in other assets.
To do this, the authors use Quantile Connectedness (QC) to analyze Meme stocks, Meme projects, and some more traditional asset classes like USD, Treasuries and Gold. QC is a concept used in economics to measure the degree of interdependence (how connected things are) among different segments of financial markets. The method uses some fancy stats and math to do so, and the analysis done in this paper says some interesting things about the interplay between traditional assets, meme assets and meme pumps (summarized in the following screen grab).
Memes go brrrrrr... other things do too
Yousaf, 2022 - The connectedness between meme tokens, meme stocks, and other asset classes: Evidence from a quantile connectedness approach.
So... market events in the upper extreme quantile (or in laymen terms, extreme upwards market movements) in meme assets tend to cause spillover events into both meme assets and traditional financial assets. That's interesting... You know what we saw today? An extreme upward market movement. Specifically GME and AMC, which are both up over 100% (in after hours) from previous close.
Second, and perhaps more of a bull case for me... the spillover events are even more well predicted by movement in meme stocks than they are by movement in BTC (please see the useful red circle in the screen-grab below). Higher number = better prediction of spillover event. So, SO often, I hear people predicting runs in the smaller meme projects based strictly on what BTC is expected to do. But it turns out, there's an even better predictor!!! Meme stocks!
Please also note: The authors state "All meme assets are highly positively skewed, which reflects their price surges during short squeezing periods." Pretty sure this means, green begets more green for these spillover events.
The spillover effects from extreme moves in GME, AMC, and BTC as they relate to DOG E and SHIB.
All this brings me to my last point. What does this all mean for meme projects and for $KENDU?
I hear you thinking "Why not just choose SHIB or DOG E, Butt?" and I get it... safe bets that will for sure "moon". Yes... "moon" :eye roll:
These projects are fine and good if you want to just grow the bags you've been holding and just keep, HODLing... but I know the real reason you all are playing meme projects, and it's that sweet, sweet alpha. You don't want to see the 2x, or 3x that these bigger memes might fetch during the next run. You're looking to eat zeros... and the only way to do that is to get in early with a project that is going to FUCKING RUN!
Enter KENDU INU... it's the project that "Can do"
Arguably, the most important fundamental for a meme project is the hype that it generates and how infectious its energy is. Well, you're not going to find a more hype community with a more infectious can do attitude than the KENDU community. The TG is wild, memes are on point, new art being made ALL THE TIME, and so much love and support for every single member in the Kendu clan.
Ignoring the fluffy feel good stuff though (NO DON'T DO THAT), what does this project really have going for it. I'm glad you asked.
  • We have strong support in the 40M range right now and are primed to run.
  • There are ABSOLUTELY (and we mean stay TF away if your looking to trade capital for services) no paid shills. Everyone is working hard to get this to project1BN+ and to get there organically! We know we can do it!
  • Shytoshi Kusama (the project lead for SHIB) has been following the project since 300 xitter followers. Shytoshi has also joined our Telegram community and said that he wants to feature KENDU in Shib Magazine (Look for the screen grabs in the comments).
  • The mega-chad developer, Kendu Miyazaki, has run multiple projects to 100M+ and is an incredibly active part of the community.
  • Kendu recently been listed on some BIG crypto tracking platforms like CMC.
  • 3 top 10 exchanges are lined up to launch KENDU when the time is right. One of these exchanges is a top 5 CEX !!!
  • The community! The community! The community!! (One more time for those who didn't hear: The Community!). This community is unhinged in the best way. So many people dedicated to the success of the and project to keeping positive vibes going ALL THE TIME in the Telegram.
  • What more sorta hype could you ask for!!
I will leave you with this. Dump those trash projects, put your M-Effin helmet on, and join the KENDU Clan!
Screw these JEET ass meme projects. KENDU is the only play
  1. Huge meme alpha was not strictly generated from pandemic lock-down funny money degeneracy.
  2. The GME and AMC pumps we saw today are a good predictor for what's to come with meme projects.
  3. You want alpha and to add to zeros to your portfolio. Bigger projects WILL NOT do that as well for you.
  4. Those other meme projects don't hold a candle to the dedication and spirit that all my fellow KENDU Chad's have!
TLDR the TLDR: Meme projects are going to run and $KENDU is going to own the day!
submitted by boathouse_floats to memecoins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 BeniaminoMalthus Outline for a Tolkien-faithful "Season 1 of the Second Age"

As we are getting a trailer for a much changed version of the Second Age today, I decided I would share what a first season in a series might look like for the story of Tolkien’s Second Age, while staying very close to the timeline and characters. I’ve taken some ideas I’ve seen from other creators who have made similar attempts at this, namely Council of Rings and Tolkien Untangled, but most are my own. As of now I’m not aware of a complete outline that exists for the first season of this sort of adaptation. In any case, this outline is essentially a summary of a complete text with 10 chapters that exists but is still in progress.
I’ve split the season into 10 episodes, as I think that’s ideal, and into pairs of 3-episode arcs I call Sagas, which will cover certain time periods. But each of these sagas will more or less function like a contained story, following certain characters during periods of their lives. And each is about 3 episodes between 50-60 minutes, meaning each is the length of a long film.
I started with a compressed timeline where season 1 would take place between 1200-1600, starting with the year Annatar arrives in Ost-in-Edhil. In this timeline Tar-Aldarion would essentially switch places with Tar-Surion. I think that the actual canon timeline allows for a very interesting look at the differences in passage of time between elves, Númenoreans, and Middle Men. It's more challenging but also more rewarding. The drawbacks of the canon timeline are that Aldarion dies close to mid-season, whereas in the compressed timeline we could follow Aldarion as he ages throughout the season. Therefore the whole season takes place between SA 725 and SA 1600.
That being said, there are still a few alterations and non-canon additions. The big alteration is that Annatar steals the nine when he leaves Eregion around SA 1500, instead of when he destroys Ost-in-Edhil around SA 1695. The other non-canon additions are Middle Men characters, which there are few examples during this time period, that Annatar can begin to seduce with the Rings of Power.
This was just a bunch of fun for me, but I hope this effort will demonstrate that we can have a great story that stays faithful to Tolkien’s timeline and characters.

Sagas of the Second Age: Season 1
Saga 1 (Episodes 1-3): The Mariner (covering events from SA 725-750)
Elrond. In the first prologue scene around SA 440, Elros as an old man arrives in Mithlond to visit his brother Elrond. Elros is fulfilling a promise to Elrond to visit him when he senses death is near. The two brothers spend time together before Elros departs back for Númenor.
Aldarion. Three hundred years later around SA 725 in Númenor, Aldarion and Erendis witness the corination of his father Tar-Meneldur in Armenelos. The next day, Aldarion sets out from Númenor with his grandfather to spend a year at the court of High King Gil-galad, but he is told by Meneldur not to go beyond Mithlond. Eventually, Aldarion decides to travel outside Mithlond, against his father’s wishes. Elrond offers to join him, seeing an opportunity to spend time with his brother’s descendant. Together they discover the dwarf cities of Ered Luin, and then the future site of Vinyalondë at the mouth of the Gwathló. Aldarion discovers the that the Men of Middle-earth are not as evil as he was told by his family in Númenor, and that some even speak the same language of the Edain that he does. Elrond and Aldarion then travel to Amroth’s kingdom in Belfalas. While Amroth is showing Aldarion the black lands of Mordor in the distance, they are ambushed by orcs, and narrowly escape with their lives. Before departing back for Númenor, Aldarion says goodbye to his new friend Elrond and the High King Gil-galad. Back in Númenor, Aldarion meets Erendis again and proposes to her. She asks if he is done with his travels, he says he is, and she accepts.
High King Gil-galad. Gil-galad endeavors to heal the trauma of Middle-earth. While Aldarion is travelling the lands of Middle-earth, he goes to settle a conflict between kingdoms of Gwaithirum and Breeland. A battle ensues between these kingdoms of Men and Gil-galad is unable to stop it. Before Aldarion departs back for Númenor, Gil-galad tells him that he would very much welcome his help in mediating the conflicts of the tribes of Middle-earth, as Aldarion speaks their language. Gil-galad perceives the return of the shadow of Morgoth, and departs to discover the source.
Galadriel. By lake Evendim, Galadriel admits Celebrimbor into her company. Despite the history of their families and some initial distrust between them, they realize they have a shared vision for continuing the great works of Gondolin. Together they discover the dwarf kingdom of Kazad-dûm. Galadriel is able to convince the dwarves of the mutual benefit of their cooperation in crafting. Durin III is eventually convinced, he agrees to allow and to help with the establishment of the future capital of Eregion: Ost-in-Edhil. There the works of the Noldor and dwarves will benefit each other for many centuries.

Saga 2 (Episodes 4-6): The Stirring of Númenor (Covering events from SA 1075-1350)
Elrond. About three hundred years later in SA 1075, Elrond arrives in Númenor to see his friend, now king, Tar-Aldarion. He is also tasked to ask the Númenoreans to prepare for war, as Gil-galad is now certain of the return of the shadow of Morgoth. Tar-Aldarion, now an old man, has reached an age where he must yeild the sceptre, in the tradition of the Kings of Númenor. He decides to leave Númenor’s official response to Elrond as a decision to his sucessor. Aldarion has only had one daughter Ancalimë with Erendis, and it is clear that there has been much friction in the marriage. His sister’s son Soronto is the nearest male heir. This situation causes a conflict in Armenelos between supporters of Soronto and supporters of Ancalimë, also between those who want to heed Gil-galad's call and those who don't. Ancalimë is seen as the elf-friend, while Soronto is staunchly against the armament of Númenor. Aldarion decides to change the law succession in Númenor in favor of Ancalimë. When Ancalimë is crowned, she reverses her initial position to heed Gil-galad, and decides to preserve Númenor as a land of peace.
Galadriel. Ost-in-Edhil is a great city now, and both elves and dwarves are seen thriving. A visitor from Aman arrives who calls himself Annatar. He demonstrates himself to be akin to the Noldor in his love and expertise with crafts, and says he was a student of Aüle. He wins the favor of Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain, the crafter's guild, and soon becomes the favored partner of Celebrimbor. As the friction between Galadriel and Annatar increases, Annatar moves the Gwaith-i-Mírdain turn on Galadriel. She decides to depart to Lórinand by route of Kazad-dûm with her daughter Celebrían, while Celeborn stays behid in Eregion. Galadriel is graciously welcomed in Kazad-dûm, and her relationship with the dwarves grows greater. At last, she arrives in Lórinand and meets the King Amdír.

Saga 3 (Episodes 7-9): The Rings of Power (covering events from SA 1500-1590)
Celebrimbor. More than a hundred years later, sixteen Rings of Power are forged in Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mírdain agree that seven of the rings should be gifted to the dwarven kings, as a token of thanks for their help in building Ost-in-Edhil. Celebrimbor, however, decides that the rings are too dangerous for Men. Annatar and Celebrimbor have a heated disagreement on this point, and Annatar accuses Celebrimbor of withholding the bliss of Aman from Middle-earth. Annatar absconds with the remaining nine rings. Sensing that he has been deceived, Celebrimbor crafts the Three in secret. He gives two to Gil-galad, and the remaining to Galadriel, and admits that he was wrong to doubt her.
Gil-galad. Minastir, the heir of Númenor, stays in the halls of Gil-galad as Aldarion once did. Minastir meets with the descendants of the Middle Men Adlarion befriended, though many more generations have passed for them than for Minastir. Aldarion’s travels are a tale that some believe to be myth. Gil-galad and Minastir travel the lands of Eriador and mediate the conflicts of Middle Men.
Elrond. Elrond travels to Númenor for the first time in several hundred years on order of High King Gil-galad to implore once more that the Númenóreans to prepare for war. Tar-Teleprian, the second Queen of Númenor, rules in Númenor now. When Elrond arrives and presents the request of Gil-galad, there is a conflict between supporters of Ancalimë’s policy of isolation and those who believe that they should heed Gil-galad, the latter being lead by the Lord of Andunië – Silmariën’s heir. When Elrond presents further evidence that the shadow of Morgoth has returned, Tar-Teleprian ultimately decides that Númenor must prepare for war.
Annatar. Annatar begins seducing the Kings of Men and gifting rings. Annatar arrives in the halls of a Gwaithirum king called Halmir, a descendant of one of the generals of the battle in the first saga. Annatar tells Halmir that the Noldor are withholding the power of prolonged life from mortals, and gifts him a ring. As Halmir is an elf-friend, his ancestors all being loyal to High King Gil-galad, he refuses Annatar’s suggestion. Eventually, Halmir succumbs to his curiosity and doubt and puts the ring on, entering the Realm of Shadows. He perceives immediately that his decay has been slowed, and indeed that the Noldor may have deceived him.

Saga 4 (Episode 10): Orodruin (1600)
Sauron crafts the One Ring in Orodruin, and Barad-dûr, the largest fortress ever built, has been completed. We Annatar standing on at the height of Barad-dûr wearing the One, below his vast legions of orcs.
As soon as the One Ring has been crafted, Galadriel, Celebrimbor, and the others realize they have been deceived and that Annatar was in fact Sauron, and they remove their rings.
The Men who received Rings of Power from Sauron realize too late they are deceived, as they are completely subservient now to the will of Sauron.
submitted by BeniaminoMalthus to lotr [link] [comments]
