When is the 2011 rma exam given

Step 1. You know what it's about.

2013.04.18 02:11 fffineprint Step 1. You know what it's about.


2010.03.18 23:42 Oorion CPA Candidate Resources

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2009.04.02 03:45 Satur /r/SAT!

A forum to discuss the SAT and forms of preparation for taking the test. Please use this subreddit to ask for and offer help and to discuss both the exam itself and news about the exam.

2024.05.14 03:02 03gg4 A Meltdown (Maybe)

I'm going to be upfront; the one thing truly stopping me from saying I am autistic with full certainty is my lack of an official diagnosis, despite having the knowledge that one does not need to be diagnosed to be autistic. I'm almost entirely certain after about 8 or so years of consideration. I'm attempting to seek a diagnosis not only for personal validation though, but also to have something concrete to give to my parents. For now, I consider myself self-diagnosed, though I've given my psychiatrist a 20 page document detailing why I believe I would benefit from a proper evaluation as well as all of the experiences and the collection of traits I have that I attribute to being autistic.
For some background: I am 20 and AFAB, transmasc but presenting as female due to not being out of the closet. I am Vietnamese and part of the first generation in my family to be born in America. My parents and grandparents were born and raised in Vietnam, and thus were raised with a very different culture surrounding things such as mental health and disability compared to the information I've had access to growing up in the US. I still live with my parents and am struggling with already diagnosed mental health issues including major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, unspecified ADHD, and an unspecified trauma disorder. Because of the language and cultural barrier, my parents are really only aware of the depression in name, and the ADHD they understand even less. They are trying their best, though my dad hasn't looked at any of the resources I've sent him about ADHD or autism in my attempts to help him understand better.
On my dad in particular: he has always been the kind to believe in toughing things out and simply trying harder. Over the years he has grown to be more understanding, especially as my mental health issues grew to degrees that became harder to hide, but we have a history in terms of what I'm about to describe re: my very recent meltdown.
The day before Mother's Day, my dad sprung up on me without warning that me and my younger brother were going over to our paternal grandparents' house to wish our grandmother a happy Mother's Day. This immediately upset me not because I didn't want to go, but because I hadn't had the time to mentally prepare myself for the shift in my routine—I had only done so for the actual date of Mother's Day. I've asked my family before that I am told ahead of time when plans to go out of the house where I'm involved are made, preferably at least a day beforehand. Unfortunately, my family is comprised of very spontaneous people who tend to make plans on the fly.
I made it clear I was fairly upset about not being told ahead of time to my mother, who thanked me when I got up to get ready to go. Something about being thanked for this was the final nail in the coffin for the upset that was gripping me. I think it was the idea that she knew full well that I was attempting to set aside my own comforts(? for lack of a better term) for the sake of family normality; something that I've had to do often.
I had a quiet breakdown in the bathroom while I washed myself, which came with the annoyance of how snotty tears would make you. Very annoying when bowing your head to wash your hair. I've had practice locking myself in the bathroom to have my breakdowns in a private place where I couldn't be walked in on and then questioned, because I always knew that I could never explain why I was having such a disproportionate reaction, especially given the cultural barrier. It would all seem stupid, immature, selfish, spoiled, and an overreaction. My plan was to cry it out in the shower and come back out after composing myself so we could leave. Tried and true method. I bit the back of my hands—to stifle my crying, to give myself a physical sensation to ground myself with, some combination of those two. It helped only a little bit.
As it turns out, there was a lot of baggage behind this upset outside of just this one incident. There is a very long-running pattern in which I must sacrifice my comfort or suck up my complaints in order to appease whatever my parents have decided to do, or whatever I was expected to do.
Sometimes it was their obsession with taking billions of family pictures—I vividly recall one instance where I was horribly upset about having to wear a dress, especially for the sole sake of driving to some flower field just to take pretty family pictures of which we have thousands. I was much younger at the time, maybe 14, and was expressing my upset in the only somewhat acceptable way I could, i.e. being incredibly grumpy. Eventually my dad blew up at me for being spoiled and various other things while I cried in the back of the car, my mother and younger brother dead silent. He drove to cool off. We did not talk about it ever again afterward.
Sometimes it was school-related. When I was around 11, I was struggling to complete an assignment for school for reasons I couldn't articulate, and honestly still can't. It was simple, and it was a drawing assignment, and I absolutely adored traditional art. But I was simply Stuck on some part, and was working myself into an anxious mess up until midnight. I was terrified of getting bad grades, of not meeting the expectations of people I considered authority figures, such as teachers. So much so that I wanted to stay home. And knowing I had no "proper" excuse, I tried to use a different one when I asked to stay home for that one day: menstrual cramps. I was told to see how I was doing in the morning.
In the morning I still said I wished to stay home from school due to cramps. After a lot of deliberation with my mother, she relented and allowed me to stay home. Despite the fact that I had gotten what I wanted, I was already horribly upset. Looking back on it, I think it was the fact that I had to fight so hard to stay home for just one day. It was upsetting that my visible upset wasn't enough. It was upsetting that they weren't just getting it.
I had a breakdown in the bathroom (there's a trend here as you can see) and slammed my arm against the heater in there so many times that I ended up with horrible bruising on the back of my arm the days after. My family members knocked on the door because people needed to get ready, and that only made me more upset—couldn't they hear me crying? Didn't they care? When I finally came out and crawled up into the upper bunk, my dad came in and started yelling at me.
Your average stuff, things like, "If I had a stomachache I wouldn't just be able to not go to work." I blocked a lot of it out of my memory, but most of the time I was under the covers crying while he engaged in a one-sided shouting match with me. Eventually my mother came in and gently asked me to stop crying, and to stop making my father mad.
While these two incidents and the others like them happened years ago, they were defining moments in my life and inform how I handle conflict (as in: I don't) and how I go about expressing my struggles (as in: rarely, and often with great shame). Standing in the shower and being unable to not think about these things, I spiraled further. It felt like I was being swallowed by my emotions. I don't know if angry or sad or upset really capture what I was feeling properly. My thoughts were like a car with its brakes cut, going at breakneck speeds on the highway.
By the time I was done with my shower I still wasn't composed. As it turns out, when you abuse a coping mechanism that relies on repression as long as I did, it stops working at some point. There was just too much to try and hide. More hand biting happened along with some hitting my head with my fists. So I sat in my room, and eventually my mom came in and saw my face. Unsurprisingly she didn't acknowledge the fact that I had clearly been crying—instead, with a soft voice, like she was coaxing a small child into doing something vaguely unpleasant, she told me, "Come on, let's go." And I'm sure that's how she was seeing me at that point. An oppositional, defiant child. I struggle not to see myself in that way, and still have been trying to unpack how much shame I feel when things like this happen.
My crying started up again because my tear ducts really don't like listening to me, and I asked somewhat incredulously, "You're still going to make me go?" In retrospect, it probably sounded bratty. Here I was, 20 years old, complaining about being "made" to go somewhere.
It took maybe a couple of seconds for my mom to decide to just let me stay home instead.
Once everyone was out, I had the loudest cry I'd ever experienced in my life. I'd never had the opportunity to, and so it just kind of... came out once the house was silent. I think I might've wailed. And then I promptly shut the hell up once I heard my [maternal] grandmother coming back upstairs. She passed by my room, asked why I didn't go (not noticing the state of my face, maybe due to eyesight). I gave a non-answer and she made some exasperated remark that I don't know how to translate into English. It nearly set me off again, knowing how inconvenient I was, how tired they all were of me and my antics.
I had a headache for the next 20 or so hours, which I knew would happen based on past experiences with breakdowns as emotionally taxing as this one. I'd also predicted during the whole thing that the next day I would be pretty nonfunctional, which I was unfortunately also right about. Whenever these things happen it throws my entire week off. It's upsettingly debilitating. Two days later, I'm somewhat functional, but the whole thing disrupted my... everything. I have an exam that I had planned to study for during the days I was busy trying to get myself back together emotionally. The headache actually came back, and is sitting with me nicely while I type this. Hey there.
The day immediately after, Mother's Day: I was pretty fearful the entire time. Mostly of what my dad was going to do. Best case scenario, he'd come into my room and we could have an open dialogue and communicate about what happened. Worst case scenario, he'd regress and revert back to how he'd been like years ago, screaming at me for my incompetence, my selfishness, my refusal to cooperate with the smallest things despite all our family does for me. After a little bit I had to add on a third possibility: that he would simply go about like nothing happened, which he has also done before. Generally though, I wasn't optimistic about my chances here. I learned through this that I absolutely don't trust him to handle my larger, more intrusive, more ugly issues with grace.
He's been ignoring my existence since my little meltdown. No hellos, good mornings, not even looking at me. He's talking with everyone else as normal. I've been keeping my head down and can really only assume that he's angry with me as I'd expected and based on what I know about him/understand in terms of his personality through prior experience.
While I could give benefit of the doubt and say he may be attempting to give me space, he's the kind of person who you can tell when he's angry. It's something we share. And it's truly more likely that he's upset about me throwing what looked to him like a shitfit over something small and inconsequential, refusing to do something as simple as a visit to make his mothemy paternal grandmother to give Mother's Day gifts. And I didn't get my propensity for avoiding communication and unpleasant conversations at all costs from nowhere, so. Here we are.
I still don't really know if what I had was an autistic meltdown or a "standard" emotional breakdown, whatever that even looks like. I think I'm used to framing my behaviors with neurotypical language, and often language that isn't too kind to myself. So on top of venting a bit, I also wanted to get an outside perspective, and see whether my breakdown sounded similar to any other autistic peoples' experiences with meltdowns.
If there's any advice out there to give in terms of my relationship with my dad, that would also be appreciated. I love my family, but it all hurts, and this has also made me realize that I may have a lot more trauma to unpack surrounding my family than I've acknowledged.
I've been considering getting a physical copy of Sincerely, Your Autistic Child to annotate and highlight certain sections, putting sticky tabs on chapters I find relevant, and providing definitions for words I know he hasn't come across before, to give to him and ask him to at least attempt to read those bits. The more bitter and angry part of me, the part that are tired of having to be the one to accommodate for everything interpersonally, just wants to go up to him and tell him the reason I never go to him when I'm upset is because I'm scared. To tell him exactly what all those times he yelled at me did to my ability to self-advocate, to tell him what all those times my emotions and emotional well being were devalued did to my self-esteem. That the "interpersonally submissive" phrase from my 40 page psych report has roots in the way he raised me entirely on obedience, and how I am still learning that I am allowed to say no in all sorts of contexts. Maybe I can do both of these things, and probably when he isn't pretending I don't exist, and when I feel less like I'll fall to bits the moment I open my mouth in his direction. I'll likely try and avoid using language that outright blames him for the sake of maintaining a good relationship whenever the talk comes around.
I'm still trying to accept the fact that I might need more support than I allowed myself to think. I only recently found out that truly voicing that I'm having academic trouble is something that brings me so much shame that tears spring up in my eyes—going to the Disability Support Services office on my campus made me far more emotional and nervous than I'd expected. With how I'm navigating my own self-acceptance, I don't know how I'm going to get my family to accept that I'm not the "normal" child I know they still wished I was.
submitted by 03gg4 to AutismTranslated [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:20 AnotherMijho [Hobby] I need a designer to do a Lo-fi prototype of my application idea.

Presentation Hello, my name is Mathieu. I have a background in programming but it's a bit far. I'm currently a physical education and computer science teacher at an high school. I see all the young people on their cellphone and it bothers me. What bothers me is that they game non-stop and they don't really do anything usefull with their cellphones. When I watch an exam the other day, I got an idea about an mobile app that would combine fitness/good habits/running with gaming.
Partner i'm looking for. I'm looking for someone who is good at designing applications or who would like to embark on a project knowing how to design an app but without having previously done it. For now the project would consists of an Lo-fi prototype to show some people to grow the team (dev, artist, other).
The app For now, I would test the solo aspect of the app with ideas for growing it for a multiplayer side. It would combine good habits with an RPG style of game. I know that a few applications already exist, but mine will be different because of a very specific fonctionality that I will keep to myself for now, but I'll share to someone who is interested in the idea. I know it's frustrating, but I believe it's a good enough idea to not share it for everyone to know. I really wouldn't want to see someone else do it knowing that I could do it with people who believe in the idea.
Futur The person who joins me for this project will have the opportunity to continue and become a member of the team afterward. Otherwise, this person will be given a special title in the game and a life-time free subscription if the game comes out someday.
TL:DR Looking for a designer to create a prototype of a app that combine fitness and gaming.
Thank you for your time and have a good day!
submitted by AnotherMijho to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:51 advicethrowaway719 Mysterious Severe Bruising on Cat

Two weekends ago my husband and I went out of town and when we returned, noticed that our ~11 year old DSH/Russian blue cat was slightly limping on his front left leg. We asked our trusted cat sitter, who comes 2x a day when we are gone, and she said she hadn't noticed any limping but said he did seem more stand off-ish than usual. We figured he might have just landed on it funny and decided to keep a close eye on it. The limping would stop for a day or so, but then return, and we also noticed that he was laying on the hard wood floor a lot, which is unusual for him, so we took him in to our vet.
The vet suspected a sprain or arthritis and said they would do some x-rays to be sure. After sedating him, she did a more thorough exam (he is always very spicy at the vet) and we were both SHOCKED to discover extensive and pretty severe bruising all over his left side. The vet said she had only seen this level of bruising previously with cats who had been in a severe trauma. She spotted some through his fur and then shaved him to get a better look. We were absolutely stumped as our cat is 100% indoor, and while he does have a younger and more spry sister that he occasionally plays and wrestles with, she is completely deferential to him and their play sessions never end in so much as a hiss.
We decided that he must have somehow gotten caught in something, or fallen down our stairs, but honestly were still stumped as to how this happened. The vet put him on some pain meds and said to keep a close eye on it.
The bruising hasn't really gone down and now we're noticing more swelling and purple spots under the skin on his back left paw. Even if something traumatic did happen to him the weekend we were gone, he has definitely not had anything new happen since. Our vet is completely stumped and we are about to take him in to urgent care, but eager for any and all thoughts on what this could possibly be. I have photos but some how not allowed to upload them here.
His only other medical issues are IBD (diagnosed ~2 years ago, treated with Rx food, a low dose of prednisilone and vitamin B injections) and cardio myapothy (diagnosed ~2 months ago, given a cardiac supplement and daily enalapril to treat). He got a full ultrasound 2 months ago for his cardio appointment and full blood work then and again during his most recent X rays and the vet didn't see anything that could be causing this. He is slightly anemic and white/red cell counts are slightly off, but nothing that she would consider out of the ordinary for his other issues.
UPDATE: After more blood work tonight he is very anemic (red blood cells at 18%) and abnormal clotting. Will likely get a blood transfusion overnight to stabilize him enough to run more tests.
Age: 11
Sex/Neuter status: neutered
Breed: DSH/Russian Blue
Body weight: 10.8
History: Above
Clinical signs: Above
Duration: First noticed April 28 - limping has improved but brusing has not
Your general location: east coast USA
submitted by advicethrowaway719 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:56 juliaxyz 8 year old male - abdominal pain since February

Son 8.5 M, 45 lbs has abdominal pain since February. He doesn't go to school and stays in bed most of the time. It happened before but not as severe and went away after a month or so. We realize we need to wait longer for Amitripltyne to work but we are concened that he has rear good days (hours) and in bed most of the time. Normally he is a bright, fun and social boy and now doesn't leave his bed. Could this be something not tested for?
Current Outpatient Medications
famotidine 40 MG/5ML Recon susp - Take 2 mL (16 mg) by mouth at bedtime
gabapentin (Neurontin) 250 MG/5ML Solution Take 3 mL (150 mg) by mouth twice a day

hyoscyamine 0.125 MG Tab - does not help

amitriptyline 10 mg Tab - full dosage started May 2nd, makes him agressive

Medical History Summary:
8.5 years old has been constipating for many years. He has been diagnosed with encopresis in 2021. Ever since he was diagnosed with encopresis He was on MiraLAX .5 to .75 cup twice a day. This helped him to control his constipation. During all this time except for approximately a few weeks he was soiling his pants almost daily. He was also frequently complaining about abdominal pain. Per doctor’s recommendation we were reminding him to sit on the toilet after each meal. Feeding him with homemade meals and we try to limit processed food. We did physical therapy and psychologist therapy. He has a toilet foot stool and seat.
About 1 year ago (January 2023), a bowel cleanup was performed per Max’s pediatrician recommendations. One cupful of MiraLAX was given every 3 hours. (No fasting or clear food diet was recommended)
During that time evacuated lots of poops with diarrhea content. We did not achieve the yellow fluid and stopped after a couple of days. Since this cleanup Max experienced severe abdominal pain for about a month.
Per GI doctor recommendation, we were no longer doing cleanup to avoid severe abdominal pain. Instead, Max was back on his MiraLAX dose .75 cup twice a day with fiber gummies 4mg a day.
He has good apetite most of the time, except after a dose of Exlax. His stool was always help soft over these years.
Notes from GI visit April 22nd - Today he has more guarding, mild distension and tenderness. I can't tell if he has a surgical abdomen (ie volvulus, appendicitis) but it is not associated with vomiting or eating. His most likely diagnosis is abdominal migraines (abdominal pain and headaches) and anxiety at this point, but the pattern has been consistent without as much good days. Activity makes him worse, and we have considered ACNES as well. He has had multiple cleanouts, and the periodic soiling could be from inattentiveness. Perhaps this is from constipation, but should rule out surgical abdomen at this time. We had a long conversation today about abdominal migraines, but upon repeat exam, it is still quite guarded. Pain is daily / off and on. Has had 2 good days in last 3 weeks Appetite is good except when pain is high. No vomiting. Stooling daily with miralax. Sleeping well.
UPPER Endoscopy Diagnosis
A. Duodenum, mucosal biopsy:- Duodenal mucosa with no pathologic change. B. Duodenum, bulb, mucosal biopsy:- Duodenal mucosa with a small lamina propria lymphoid aggregate. C. Stomach, antrum/body, mucosal biopsy: - Antral-and oxyntic-type gastric mucosa with focal features of mild reactive (chemical) gastropathy. D. Esophagus, distal, mucosal biopsy: - Squamous epithelium with rare intraepithelial eosinophils (up to 2 per high-power field). E. Esophagus, proximal, mucosal biopsy:- Squamous epithelium with rare intraepithelial eosinophils (up to 1 per high-power field).
The overall findings are nonspecific. The esophageal findings do not meet threshold numerical criteria for a diagnosis of eosinophilic esophagitis. Reflux related changes are favored. Clinical correlation is recommended.



IMPRESSION:Normal appendix. No CT evidence of inflammatory changes in the abdomen or pelvis. Moderate stool burden in the colon.NarrativeINDICATION: o appendicitis/abscess - GI requesting CT d/t guarding/distensionEXAMINATION: CT ABDOMEN AND PELVIS WITH CONTRAST - CT Abdomen And Pelvis W/ Contrast InjectionTECHNIQUE: Multiple axial images were obtained of the abdomen and pelvis following IV contrast. A radiation dose optimizationtechnique was used for this scan. DLP: 29.8 , CTDI vol: 0.63IV Contrast dosage and agent: 63 mL of Isovue 300Oral contrast: Administered.COMPARISON: None.____________________________________________FINDINGS:LOWER CHEST: Lung bases are clear without any infiltrate. No pleural effusion noted. There is no cardiomegaly or pericardialeffusion.LIVER: The liver has a homogeneous density. No focal masses noted. There is no intrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation.GALLBLADDER AND BILIARY TREE: No calcified gallstones. No gallbladder distension or wall edema. No intra- or extrahepaticbiliary ductal dilation.PANCREAS: No focal cystic or solid mass. There is no pancreatic ductal dilatation or peripancreatic fluid.SPLEEN: Normal size without focal cystic or solid mass.ADRENAL GLANDS: Normal.KIDNEYS AND URETERS: Both kidneys have a normal enhancement without hydronephrosis, renal cysts, masses or perinephric fluid.There is no hydroureter.PERITONEUM: No ascites or free air. No other fluid collection.BOWEL: No abnormal dilatation of the bowel loops is noted. Contrast is noted in several nondilated small bowel loops and in thecolon up to the splenic flexure. Moderate stool noted in the colon, including the rectum. Terminal ileum is visualized andappears normal. A normal caliber partially contrast filled appendix is seen in the right lower quadrant. A few scattered foci ofair also noted in the appendix. No adjacent inflammatory changes are seen. The appendix is best visualized on axial series #2,images 58-69/139.LYMPH NODES: No enlarged mesenteric or retroperitoneal lymph nodes.VESSELS: Vasculature appears normal. No stenosis or aneurysmal dilatation noted.URINARY BLADDER: Appears normal without wall thickening, mass or trabeculations.REPRODUCTIVE ORGANS: No pelvic masses.ABDOMINAL WALL: No discrete abdominal or pelvic wall hernia.BONES: No lytic or blastic abnormality.
Blood tests - Collection date: April 30, 2024 11:08 AM
Lactase 13.9 Normal value: >=14.0 nmol/min/mg Prot
Sucrase 51.0 Normal value: >=19.0 nmol/min/mg Prot
Maltase 201.3 Normal value: >=70.0 nmol/min/mg Prot
Palatinase 15.8 Normal value: >=6.0 nmol/min/mg Prot
Glucoamylase 24.2 Normal value: >=8.0 nmol/min/mg Prot

Sed Rate 9

Ferritin 24.7

C-Reactive Protein < .5

Lead, Venous, B <.1

White Blood Count 5.98

Hemoglobin 14.7

Mean Cell Volume 81.8

MCHC 34.5

Platelet Count 302

Red Blood Count 5.21

Hematocrit 42.6

MCH 28.2

RDW 12.4

MPV 8.8

Segmented Neutrophils (ABS #) 2.35

Final Absolute Neutrophil Count 2.35

Lymphocytes (ABS #) 3.8

Eosinophils (ABS #) 0.05

Immature Granulocytes (ABS #) 0

Monocytes (ABS #) .47

Basophils (ABS #) .03

Add: he has headaches on the right side and sensativity to light, not sure how often but at least several times a week.
submitted by juliaxyz to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:31 moe20112233 AITA for refusing to let my sister borrow my car?

I (28m) have a 2011 Nissan, not the nicest car but it gets the job done. I don't use it everyday because I work from home Tuesday/Thursday/Friday. Becuase of this, I tend to lend my car occasionally to friends or family if someone needs it. The only thing I usually ask is that the car be returned in a clean condition with the same amount of gas as was originally in the tank.
I have two sisters, Jackie(26f) and Melissa (20f) who use my car often as we live in a smaller town and its just easier than getting their own. Jackie has been using my car since I got it back when we were in highschool so we're pretty used to sharing and there hasn't been any issues.
Melissa has borrowed the car on and off for the last few years between high school and coming home on college breaks. She usually borrows the car to go out with friends/run errands and I have said yes. However I have regretted doing so each time.
There was one time, she didn't refill the gas and I was left practically on empty. Her excuse was "it was late at night when I got home and I didn't feel safe going to the station that late" which was fine, I asked if she could venmo me the money to fill it up, she said yes, but never did.
There was another time when she had some friends in town to visit so I let her borrow it to drive into the closest city (about 45 mins) to actually have stuff to do with them. When it was returned the car was totally trashed. Fast food wrappers everywhere, lip gloss in my seat, a vape crushed on my floor, and a general stench of weed. I had to pay 150$ to get it totally detailed and cleaned. I asked for a reimbursment, was again told sure, and never recieved it.
These are only two examples of at least 20 in which she has returned my car in poor condition. I have tried to talk to our parents about it, but all they have to say is that she is young and doesnt understand the true responsibility of having a car yet, and that I as the older brother should cut her some slack.
Most recently she asked to borrow the car for her 21st birthday in a week. She is having friends fly into the city and has a 'girls trip' sort of weekend planned. But I said no and it basically set off world war three in my family.
My sister has gone nuclear claiming I am ruining her birthday. My parents are agreeing with her and my mom said I'm being too harsh and that its only one weekend so to stop making a stink about it.
I feel like Ive given her so many chances over so many years and she has always let me down (Jackie agrees) but I also get that a 21st birthday is a once in a lifetime special experience that she will never be able to get back. So should I let her use the car? Or am I th asshole for standing my ground and saying no?
EDIT: My parents do not have a car of their own, again its a small town and they are both retired.
submitted by moe20112233 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 A-TierTutoring A Comprehensive Guide to the LSAT: Insights from a 174-Scoring 0L

Hey everyone! I thought I'd repost this on my new profile (previously u/-Legal-Eagle-) for your reference before it is removed from my old profile. Also, if you find my advice useful, please check out my profile for more advice or tutoring services. Feel free to comment or DM me if you need anything.
With my LSAT and law school admissions journey complete, I wanted to take the time to share my journey and hopefully provide some useful tips along the way. I'm sure you will have heard a lot of what I am about to say a thousand times over, but I thought it might be useful to provide a holistic and comprehensive guide that attempts to bring together some of the best advice that I have picked up throughout this process.
Also, this is meant for anyone and everyone including those who haven't even began to think about the LSAT and those with multiple official exams already under their belt. I am going to use some more specific LSAT jargon meant for those with some familiarity with the test, but there will be many general tips for everyone scattered throughout.
I would like to preface by saying that this is largely based on my own personal experience self-studying, tutoring, and working with others. Please consult with many different sources and do your due diligence as you consider each tip I provide. Without further ado, here is my humble attempt at a guide to the LSAT.
When I first began the LSAT grind, I scored in the low 150s on my diagnostic exam, and while this was disheartening at first, I eventually achieved an official exam score of 174 after approximately 5 months of studying. Since I self-studied for the large majority of my journey, I found myself running into various obstacles and having to continuously refine my roadmap to success. Rather than go through the same process of trial and error that I went through, here is the roadmap outline that I would follow if I were to start all over again from blind diagnostic to test day success:
1. Start with a BLIND Diagnostic Exam:
While this might seem quite obvious to the more experienced of you, many beginners, including myself at the start of this process, do not know where to begin and might be stuck in a paradox of choice. The best way to get started is to take a completely blind practice exam. Try not to expose yourself to any LSAT study materials beforehand and go into the diagnostic exam knowing as little about the exam as possible. You might be tempted to study beforehand to avoid the disappointment of a low diagnostic score, but you must resist this temptation to avoid any misguided preconceptions or bad habits. Through this diagnostic, you will be able to truly identify your foundational strengths and weaknesses which you could and should revisit throughout your studying journey.
2. Decide on your plan of attack:
A mistake that many beginners make after deciding to take the LSAT is jumping into studying without having a structured and thoughtful plan, leading to inefficiencies, lack of focus, and inconsistency. One of the most important factors of success on this exam is the formation of good habits, and you cannot form good habits without a consistent, efficient, and disciplined study plan. There is no one size fits all approach to studying for this exam. However, here are some questions you should ask yourself to find the right plan for you:
What is your goal score? Your answer to this question depends on your long-term goals. Research which law schools would be most suitable for you based on their location, employment data, faculty, administration, student groups, journals, etc. After you put together a tentative list of law schools, look up what their median GPA and median LSAT is for their most recent enrolled class. If your undergraduate GPA (and law schools mainly care about your undergraduate GPA, so do not include any further education) is below their median GPA, then you should probably aim to surpass their median LSAT by at least a few points. However, if your undergraduate GPA is at or above their median GPA, then you should still aim to surpass their median LSAT, but you will still be in a strong position if you score at their median LSAT. After this research, you should have a goal score range by which you can gauge your progress and adjust your studying.
What is your timeline for taking the exam? Setting a timeline for your studying is important to staying focused and disciplined. Decide on which official exam you will be sitting for and then make a study schedule that allows for at least 150-300 hours of studying leading up to the exam. For example, if you are planning to take the August exam, you have approximately 13 weeks to study. Hence, you should dedicate yourself to studying 15-25 hours per week until the exam. Of course, the number of total hours you study depends on your diagnostic score and your goal score, as well as how quickly you progress while studying. If you find that halfway through your study schedule, your score has not substantially improved or you still have to make significant progress to reach your goal score, you may decide to ramp up your study time to 30 hours per week. The most important step here is that you commit to consistent study time, and that you remain flexible as you gauge your progress throughout the journey.
What learning styles/mediums work best for you? This is a matter of both preference and accessibility. Not all learning resources are equally available to everyone. However, many learning programs and materials are becoming increasingly affordable, giving everyone at least some choice in their method of study. Most importantly, you should do research into what your options are and weigh them accordingly. There are a variety of LSAT books available both new and used including but not limited to the LSAT Trainer, the Loophole, and the PowerScore Bibles. Of course, using a book requires a higher degree of discipline and self-accountability. On the other hand, there are a variety of online programs as well which provide a similarly structured curriculum and will even integrate your personal study schedule such as 7Sage and the LSAT Demon. You may even be able to find a relatively inexpensive tutor through Reddit or Wyzant if you require a bit more external accountability or a more personalized approach.
Lastly, what study methods are most effective for you? Everyone should incorporate a mix of foundational concepts, drilling, and practice in their studying, but it's important to recognize which method is most effective for you. Perhaps you find taking PTs (practice tests) garner the greatest score increases. Hence, you should dedicate more study time to taking PTs. Throughout your journey, you should constantly be aware of which study methods are most effective and adjust accordingly.
Once you have definitively answered these questions, you will have prepared yourself to optimize your study time and decrease your exam anxiety. Those preparing for the LSAT might be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of content and their limited timeline, but, by crafting a practical and efficient study plan, you won’t be inundated with content and will be assured that you are making the best use of your time.
3. Learn the Material:
Now that you’ve set yourself up for success, it’s time to actually sit down and do the work. In the following, I’ll outline some of what I found to be the most important strategies and concepts for each section of the exam:
Logical Reasoning:
Logical Reasoning is the core of the LSAT. The lessons learned from this section are essential throughout the exam and need to be learned inside and out. To succeed in this section, you need to learn the language of the test makers, argumentation. Every question contains an argument, and you need to be able to translate those arguments by learning to identify their building blocks: background information, premises, sub-conclusions, and conclusions. Once you’re fluent in argumentation, every stimulus becomes substantially easier to simplify and understand. Second, your argumentation toolbox is not complete without the ability to identify flaws in argumentation. A large proportion of the arguments put forward in LR questions are not foolproof, in fact, some of them are really bad. Additionally, these arguments are only flawed in a limited number of ways, and you need to be able to identify each of the fallacies that the test makers have at their disposal such as ad hominem, causation, and circular reasoning flaws. The ability to identify these flaws will allow you to answer the majority of questions on the exam since, by knowing the flaw, you will be better able to attack it, resolve it, or point it out. Last, but not least, know your question types. There are only a limited number of question types that the test makers will put forward and you can easily look up what these question types are. For each question type, you should have a unique approach and understand what reoccurring signals to look for in the stimulus and answer choices. While I won’t repeat this for the other sections, this is true of every section.
Reading Comprehension:
You will hear from many people that reading comprehension is the hardest section to learn, and this is true in some sense. Success in this section relies on skills that are developed throughout one’s education. However, there are many strategies that can boost your performance and bolster your skills. Developing a reliable shorthand/note-taking system is a priority when learning this section. A shorthand system can reduce the time you spend on questions and also allow you to better retain crucial details. Your system depends on your preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, and discovering your approach will require some trial and error as you test different note-taking strategies. For me, I would write a very short (4-5 words) summary of each paragraph as I finished reading it. I would also utilize the LSAC interface’s highlighters to color code different components of the passage’s argument (e.g., orange = conclusion/main idea). This system was designed in order for me to easily distill the most important aspects of the passage and allow me to easily reference the text for smaller details. There’s no way of getting around this next obstacle though and it has to be faced head on: your reading speed. Reading comprehension requires a balance between reading speed and information retention (i.e., the faster you read, the less information you retain and vice versa). However, if you can increase the speed at which you read without sacrificing any information, there is no downside. That is why I’d recommend reading non-LSAT material in your free time through magazines, novels, and newspapers. Of course, this will help you to both increase your reading speed and your reading stamina. Lastly, this next tip that I utilized during every reading comprehension section I took is more focused on your mindset when approaching the section. No matter what the substance of the article, convince yourself mentally that you are incredibly interested in the subject matter. It may be difficult to trick yourself into enjoying some of the drier topics, but simply telling myself that I wanted to know more about the subject and actively asking questions about the material led to increased focus and closer analysis.
Logic Games:
If you are registered for the June LSAT, then this especially applies to you. If you are planning to take the exam at a later date, you will not have a logic games section, but you should still read the following. These skills as well as previously mentioned skills/tips apply across the entire exam and do not exclusively apply to any one section. First, master formal logic. Your mastery over the rules of formal logic and your ability to apply them is the difference between -5 and -0 on logic games. When I say master, I mean that if someone were to wake you up in the middle of the night and ask you to identify the necessary and sufficient condition in ,”I will not go outside unless it is sunny”, you should be able to answer in under five seconds. This will allow you to easily unravel and represent convoluted language in a significantly more understandable and digestible way. Along with this, develop a foolproof diagramming method that does not consume too much time but also is easily understood in a high-pressure environment. Before I had perfected my diagramming, I would often represent rules, game boards, and pieces in a confusing manner which led to me forgetting about certain aspects of the game or misapplying a rule. Your game diagrams should be compact and excessively clear in what they represent. Logic games are already difficult as is so do not make it more difficult by making a confusing diagram. Last but not least, make deductions. I have heard that some people choose to make deductions as they work through the questions, but I found it much easier to make as many deductions as possible before jumping into the questions. At first, I struggled to uncover key inferences which led to wasted time and wrong answers. However, after diagramming a game, I began to move through each rule one by one, and examined how each interacts with the game board as well as every other rule. Another rule of thumb for making inferences is identifying rules in which a game piece repeats (e.g., “A is before B” and “B is before C” both include B) and seeing if you can uncover any resulting conclusions.
These tips are in no way exhaustive, but I hope that they provided a good overview to guide your studying and help you make incremental improvements.
Now that you have learned all of the fundamentals of each section, it’s time to put them to use. After all, learning all of this material is pointless if you can’t apply it on test day. Practice is an essential component of your test preparation for two primary reasons. First, it allows you to develop a standardized routine. When I say routine, I mean every logistical/strategic aspect of the exam including but not limited to your pre-exam preparation, your logic games diagramming method, your reading comprehension note-taking/shorthand method, time management strategies, and more. You should have deliberated upon, tested, and habituated each of these routines prior to your official exam by implementing them during PTs under test-day conditions. The LSAT is already a very stressful exam so you do not want to waste the precious time you have on exam day thinking about how you should annotate a reading comprehension passage, for example, and tinkering with different strategies. No, your strategies should already be tried and true on exam day. Second, if you never practice taking the exam, you will never know where you need to improve. Taking PTs are incredibly important as they allow you to evaluate your progress and signal which concepts, sections, or questions you need to work on or revisit.
Now, how should you practice? There’s no getting around it. You need to take practice exams under simulated official exam conditions. Set a timer for each section, take the required break between sections, and only use the equipment that will be allowed on test day (i.e., authorized computer, water, scrap paper, writing utensils, etc.). This is the only way for you to estimate how you will perform on test day and accustom yourself to the conditions of the official exam. I completed approximately 2-3 practice exams every week leading up to my official exams. It is even better if you save the more recent practice exams for the week or two before your official exam since those are going to be most similar to your exam. However, it is important that you do not just mindlessly take practice exams which leads me to my next point: blind review.
I know, I know, blind review is extremely time consuming and tedious, but it was essential to my success on this exam. If you do not know what blind review is, it is basically when you do not reveal the correct answers of a practice exam after you have completed it, but instead complete the exam over again by checking and revising your answers. At the end of this process, you will have two scores: your actual score and your blind review score. The main reason for this is that you will now be able to see more clearly where your weaknesses lie. If you corrected a previously incorrect answer during blind review, then you likely got it wrong due to the time constraint or testing anxiety rather than a fundamental misunderstanding of the question. If you failed to catch an incorrect answer during blind review, you need to make it your priority to fully understand your error, analyze the question, and then revisit the concept that the question covers.
Once your weaknesses are exposed during blind review, you can target those weaknesses by reviewing the conceptual material and then drilling the question/game/passage type. If you do not know what I mean by drilling, I mean that you can create and complete custom problem sets that focus on your weakness until you have addressed the weakness.
Step 4: Profit
Now it is time to take your official exam. First, you have to register for the exam and decide on whether you will take it in-person or online. There are benefits and drawbacks to each and you have to decide based on your personal circumstances. For the online format, you are going to need a very quiet room with a strong internet connection. You will need to remove all prohibited material from this room including books, posters, electronics, etc. Additionally, the online proctoring system can be quite a hassle and very finicky. It requires you to download a program prior to test day and then share your screen, video, and audio with a remote proctor. Proctors may interrupt your exam due to compliance issues (e.g., your face is not in full view). Additionally, there is a small but nonzero chance that your exam is placed under review due to suspected noncompliant activity during your exam period and possibly even canceled as a result of said review. However, there are obvious benefits to online testing. You can take the exam in the comfort of your own home if that is an option for you, and you generally have much more control over your environment. You take the exam on a computer of your choice that you are comfortable with. You use your own scrap paper and writing utensils. For the in-person format, there is little to no preparation required beforehand except for scheduling an appointment at a nearby test center and bringing a valid ID. You will be ushered into an office-like room filled with a number of small cubicles. In each cubicle, there will be a desktop with a monitor, mechanical keyboard, and mouse. There will be a pair of noise-canceling headphones, and you will also be given a booklet of scrap paper and writing utensils. A very compelling benefit of the in-person exam is that your exam is much less likely to be placed under review/canceled for suspicious activity. Your test session isn’t recorded and you do not have to connect with a remote proctor. You will not have to worry about the internet connection or whether or not your test-taking equipment is prohibited or not. Basically all you have to do is show up and take the exam. However, there are definitely drawbacks to the in-person exam as well. You will be in a new environment that you are unfamiliar with. There will be the noise of the other test takers in the room with you typing on keyboards, clicking their mouse, coughing, sneezing, leaving/entering the room, etc. There are definitely inconsistencies between the testing centers as well. Some minor, but noticeable issues that I experienced during my in-person exam included audible conversations coming from outside of the room, dark orange scrap paper on which I could barely see pencil marks, dull/broken pencils provided by the testing center, and barely functional noise-canceling headphones. Do not expect the testing centers to be a perfect, controlled environment and anticipate issues/annoyances.
Once you’ve registered and exam day has arrived, it's time to do exactly what you practiced. I would not recommend that you make any last-minute changes to your testing routine/strategies. You have put so much work into perfecting your routine, and it would be a shame to throw that away when it really matters. After about 3 hours, you’ll have officially taken the LSAT. Congratulations! Now, it is a waiting game. Despite the exam taking place on a digital platform and being graded instantly, you will still have to wait about a month to receive your results. It is up to you whether you would like to continue studying during this wait depending on how you felt about your exam performance although I would keep any studying very light. Enjoy your well-deserved break.
Step 5: Score Release
You’ve now waited for what feels like forever and you receive the score for your first official exam. If you reached your goal score, congratulations! You have now finished a crucial component of the law school admissions process. You’re not done yet though. It’s time to start thinking about putting together your law school applications (which I may write another guide about soon). If you did not reach your goal score, don’t worry! Appreciate the fact that you are now more familiar with the official exam process and jump right back into studying/practicing again. If you were very close to your goal score, then I would recommend registering for the soonest upcoming exam and focusing on practicing through drills and PTs. If you were quite far away from your goal score, it might be worth evaluating your weakest sections/question types and jumping back into foundational concepts. Whatever you do, DO NOT cancel your first official exam. First, law schools only really care about your highest exam score, so do better on the next one and this one won’t hurt you. Second, you need to have at least one non-canceled score in order to even apply to law school. Let’s say you cancel your first test and then do even worse on your second test, then what? I would only recommend canceling a score if it is not your first exam (and you did not cancel your first exam) and it is lower than one of your other scores (e.g., you scored a 165 on your first exam and then a 162 on your second).
The End!
I know that was a lot. I could probably think of more to write, but you are probably already overwhelmed with information so I’ll leave the rest to you. I want to reiterate that these are all tips that I’ve picked up over my studying journey and I cannot guarantee a score increase based solely on these tips. After all, the most important thing is that you put in the work yourself and do your own due diligence to find what works best for you. If you have read everything up until now, you may be certifiably insane (the mark of a great law student) and thank you so much for considering what I have had to say. Remember that this is just a small part of your journey. Your LSAT score is not only just a single part of your law school applications, but it is an even smaller part of your career in the legal profession. I am not diminishing the importance of the exam, but please maintain a sensible perspective when you are feeling stressed and anxious about the LSAT. Make sure that you maintain a healthy work-life balance, keep pursuing hobbies and interests that you enjoy, and give yourself a break every once in a while. Your mindset and mental health is half the battle. See you in law school!
submitted by A-TierTutoring to LSAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:06 Its-A-Cruel-Summer is it ok to talk to deities about your day?

hello I yap too much and it's a problem!! I honour Apollo, I have an altar for him (and have on and off since I was 13) (I'm 16 now!) and I pray to him sometimes for help (as a lot of his domains currently are major influences in my life) I'd really like to talk to him about stuff that is I guess related to his domains about music, but it's mostly stuff that would just feel cathartic to say but I have no one I could really talk to that I feel comfortable doing so with. I do yap a lot though also and I feel guilty as I don't feel worthy enough of his attention in the slightest and I feel guilty every time I ask him for something (even though I do return it with an offering, I still feel undeserving and selfish) today I literally a candle as an offering, played some guitar and then just sat and talked a about my day for about 10/20 minutes but it felt really silly as he's literally an ancient god, and I've managed to go from the subject of my music grade to a convo I had with a guy I like and now it feels silly and he definitely doesn't want to hear about this! so I kind of sheepishly said 'sorry my bad you don't want to hear about this probably' said thank you and a little more about my English exam then blew out the candle.
more on this, I feel bad communicating with him generally through tarot and such, as I feel like I'm just wasting his time
psa I have really bad social anxiety, and these thoughts have been preventing me from doing much in deity worship over the past few years since I was 13 😭
I don't really know what I'm asking with this post to be honest. I think I'm looking for some validation that I'm doing the right thing, (although some people have told me I'm doing the right thing and given me that validation, yet something deep inside my brain still tells me I shouldn't do this and that I'm wrong and Apollo does not want to know anything of me and I should stop thinking I'm so special enough to warrant any attention) so I think I'm mostly just getting this out here so I can get some help or advice on what to do as validation isn't helping so I think maybe I'm just wrong? or maybe Apollo doesn't like me because when I was 13/14 I had a poor understanding of what I was doing and could have perhaps come off as disrespectful (although now I think and hope I know better) I still can't shake off this feeling of 'im just trying to feel like I'm special so I'm making this all up' and it's really difficult especially since I have dealt with paranoia and an experience similar but not quite delusion before, so this is all super stressful for me and I don't quite know what to do. All I do know is that after taking a long break from all things within the realm of deities, deity honouring makes me feel really happy but then the doubt seeps in. It's something I want to pursue unless I have made Apollo angry, but even when tarot says no I'm still convinced he doesn't like me lol😭 sorry for long rant, here is prime evidence of my tapping. I need some advice, this has been haunting me for years
submitted by Its-A-Cruel-Summer to Hellenism [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:04 HappyCalculations420 Every Horror Movie I’ve Ever Seen, Ranked, Updated May 2024

DISCLAIMER: I am a teenager. It is just my opinion. Obviously if you are an adult, I’m not going to be as experienced in this genre as you so please keep that in mind when you comment. Also, there are some remakes of classic horror films on here. I only put one version of each movie on the list. However, I have most likely seen both versions. Keep this in mind as well. I do want suggestions, so suggest down below. Ask me why I put this movie there, I'll answer.
  1. Promising Young Woman (2020)
  2. Talk To Me (2023)
  3. Fresh (2022)
  4. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)
  5. Death Note (2017)
  6. Saltburn (2023)
  7. Beau Is Afraid (2023)
  8. Hereditary (2018)
  9. I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
  10. The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
  11. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
  12. Pearl (2022)
  13. The Babysitter (2017)
  14. Glass (2019)
  15. Joker (2019)
  16. Late Night With the Devil (2024)
  17. Cheap Thrills (2013)
  18. Vivarium (2019)
  19. Split (2017)
  20. Spree (2020)
  21. The Platform (2019)
  22. IT CHAPTER TWO (2019)
  23. Sorry To Bother You (2018)
  24. White Noise (2022)
  25. Creep 2 (2017)
  26. Creep (2015)
  27. IT (2017)
  28. Circle (2015)
  29. The Black Phone (2021)
  30. The Belko Experiment (2017)
  31. Saw X (2023)
  32. Dream Scenario (2023)
  33. Civil War (2024)
  34. Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
  35. Mom and Dad (2017)
  36. Poor Things (2023)
  37. The Lobster (2016)
  38. The Florida Project (2017)
  39. The Final (2010)
  40. Thanksgiving (2023)
  41. Exam (2009)
  42. Bird Box Barcelona (2023)
  43. Who Invited Them (2022)
  44. Bird Box (2018)
  45. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
  46. mother! (2017)
  47. The House That Jack Built (2018)
  48. The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
  49. Eighth Grade (2018)
  50. Ma (2019)
  51. First Reformed (2017)
  52. Black Swan (2010)
  53. Ready Or Not (2019)
  54. Would You Rather (2013)
  55. Terrifier (2018)
  56. Saw IV (2007)
  57. Coraline (2009)
  58. Cam (2018)
  59. 9 (2009)
  60. Triangle (2009)
  61. Saw V (2008)
  62. Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
  63. Happy Death Day (2017)
  64. Evil Dead Rise (2023)
  65. Terrifier 2 (2022)
  66. The Loved Ones (2009)
  67. 13 Sins (2014)
  68. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021)
  69. The Forever Purge (2021)
  70. Scream 4 (2011)
  71. The Purge: Election Year (2016)
  72. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
  73. The Purge (2013)
  74. The Gift (2015)
  75. Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
  76. Scream 6 (2023)
  77. The Truman Show (1998)
  78. Synecdoche, New York (2008)
  79. Scream 2 (1997)
  80. Scream 3 (2000)
  81. Priscilla (2023)
  82. Unfriended (2014)
  83. American Psycho (2000)
  84. Scream (1996)
  85. Infinity Pool (2023)
  86. M3gan (2023)
  87. Truth Or Dare? (2018)
  88. Smile (2022)
  89. Se7en (1995)
  90. Blue Velvet (1986)
  91. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  92. Saw II (2005)
  93. Saw III (2006)
  94. Cube (1997)
  95. Saw (2004)
  96. Doctor Sleep (2019)
  97. The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
  98. Donnie Darko (2001)
  99. Orphan: First Kill (2022)
  100. Orphan (2009)
  101. Girl In the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez (2021)
  102. The Shining (1980)
  103. Arrival (2016)
  104. Barbarian (2022)
  105. Us (2019)
  106. The Exorcist (1973)
  107. Halloween (2018)
  108. Halloween Kills (2021)
  109. It Follows (2015)
  110. Nope (2022)
  111. X (2022)
  112. The Babadook (2014)
  113. Ex Machina (2015)
  114. Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023)
  115. A Haunting In Venice (2023)
  116. Carrie (2013)
  117. Beetlejuice (1988)
  118. Hocus Pocus (1993)
  119. Escape Room (2019)
  120. The Menu (2022)
  121. Scary Movie (2000)
  122. Fear, Inc. (2016)
  123. The Cabin In the Woods (2011)
  124. Malignant (2021)
  125. Blue Ruin (2013)
  126. Boy Kills World (2024)
  127. The Reverent (2015)
  128. Midsommar (2019)
  129. The Night House (2020)
  130. Melancholia (2011)
  131. Imaginary (2024)
  132. Bite (2015)
  133. Cujo (1983)
  134. Get Out (2017)
  135. Scream 5 (2020)
  136. A Dark Song (2016)
  137. Signs (2008)
  138. The Nun II (2023)
  139. The First Purge (2018)
  140. The Village (2004)
  141. Ouija (2014)
  142. Abigail (2024)
  143. Evil Dead (2013)
  144. Night Swim (2024)
  145. Scary Movie 2 (2001)
  146. The Conjuring (2013)
  147. The Nun (2018)
  148. Saw VI (2009)
  149. Saw VII (2010)
  150. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
  151. Sasquatch Sunset (2024)
  152. Monkey Man (2024)
  153. Fear Street Part 2: 1978 (2021)
  154. Tusk (2014)
  155. A Quiet Place (2018)
  156. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
  157. Unbreakable (2000)
  158. Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021)
submitted by HappyCalculations420 to horror [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:03 HappyCalculations420 Every Horror Movie I’ve Ever Seen, Ranked, Updated May 2024

DISCLAIMER: I am a teenager. It is just my opinion. Obviously if you are an adult, I’m not going to be as experienced in this genre as you so please keep that in mind when you comment. Also, there are some remakes of classic horror films on here. I only put one version of each movie on the list. However, I have most likely seen both versions. Keep this in mind as well. I do want suggestions, so suggest down below. Ask me why I put this movie there, I'll answer.
  1. Promising Young Woman (2020)
  2. Talk To Me (2023)
  3. Fresh (2022)
  4. Don’t Worry Darling (2022)
  5. Death Note (2017)
  6. Saltburn (2023)
  7. Beau Is Afraid (2023)
  8. Hereditary (2018)
  9. I’m Thinking of Ending Things (2020)
  10. The Babysitter: Killer Queen (2020)
  11. Bodies Bodies Bodies (2022)
  12. Pearl (2022)
  13. The Babysitter (2017)
  14. Glass (2019)
  15. Joker (2019)
  16. Late Night With the Devil (2024)
  17. Cheap Thrills (2013)
  18. Vivarium (2019)
  19. Split (2017)
  20. Spree (2020)
  21. The Platform (2019)
  22. IT CHAPTER TWO (2019)
  23. Sorry To Bother You (2018)
  24. White Noise (2022)
  25. Creep 2 (2017)
  26. Creep (2015)
  27. IT (2017)
  28. Circle (2015)
  29. The Black Phone (2021)
  30. The Belko Experiment (2017)
  31. Saw X (2023)
  32. Dream Scenario (2023)
  33. Civil War (2024)
  34. Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022)
  35. Mom and Dad (2017)
  36. Poor Things (2023)
  37. The Lobster (2016)
  38. The Florida Project (2017)
  39. The Final (2010)
  40. Thanksgiving (2023)
  41. Exam (2009)
  42. Bird Box Barcelona (2023)
  43. Who Invited Them (2022)
  44. Bird Box (2018)
  45. Unfriended: Dark Web (2018)
  46. mother! (2017)
  47. The House That Jack Built (2018)
  48. The Killing of a Sacred Deer (2017)
  49. Eighth Grade (2018)
  50. Ma (2019)
  51. First Reformed (2017)
  52. Black Swan (2010)
  53. Ready Or Not (2019)
  54. Would You Rather (2013)
  55. Terrifier (2018)
  56. Saw IV (2007)
  57. Coraline (2009)
  58. Cam (2018)
  59. 9 (2009)
  60. Triangle (2009)
  61. Saw V (2008)
  62. Happy Death Day 2U (2019)
  63. Happy Death Day (2017)
  64. Evil Dead Rise (2023)
  65. Terrifier 2 (2022)
  66. The Loved Ones (2009)
  67. 13 Sins (2014)
  68. Fear Street Part 1: 1994 (2021)
  69. The Forever Purge (2021)
  70. Scream 4 (2011)
  71. The Purge: Election Year (2016)
  72. The Purge: Anarchy (2014)
  73. The Purge (2013)
  74. The Gift (2015)
  75. Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)
  76. Scream 6 (2023)
  77. The Truman Show (1998)
  78. Synecdoche, New York (2008)
  79. Scream 2 (1997)
  80. Scream 3 (2000)
  81. Priscilla (2023)
  82. Unfriended (2014)
  83. American Psycho (2000)
  84. Scream (1996)
  85. Infinity Pool (2023)
  86. M3gan (2023)
  87. Truth Or Dare? (2018)
  88. Smile (2022)
  89. Se7en (1995)
  90. Blue Velvet (1986)
  91. The Silence of the Lambs (1991)
  92. Saw II (2005)
  93. Saw III (2006)
  94. Cube (1997)
  95. Saw (2004)
  96. Doctor Sleep (2019)
  97. The Exorcist: Believer (2023)
  98. Donnie Darko (2001)
  99. Orphan: First Kill (2022)
  100. Orphan (2009)
  101. Girl In the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez (2021)
  102. The Shining (1980)
  103. Arrival (2016)
  104. Barbarian (2022)
  105. Us (2019)
  106. The Exorcist (1973)
  107. Halloween (2018)
  108. Halloween Kills (2021)
  109. It Follows (2015)
  110. Nope (2022)
  111. X (2022)
  112. The Babadook (2014)
  113. Ex Machina (2015)
  114. Five Nights At Freddy’s (2023)
  115. A Haunting In Venice (2023)
  116. Carrie (2013)
  117. Beetlejuice (1988)
  118. Hocus Pocus (1993)
  119. Escape Room (2019)
  120. The Menu (2022)
  121. Scary Movie (2000)
  122. Fear, Inc. (2016)
  123. The Cabin In the Woods (2011)
  124. Malignant (2021)
  125. Blue Ruin (2013)
  126. Boy Kills World (2024)
  127. The Reverent (2015)
  128. Midsommar (2019)
  129. The Night House (2020)
  130. Melancholia (2011)
  131. Imaginary (2024)
  132. Bite (2015)
  133. Cujo (1983)
  134. Get Out (2017)
  135. Scream 5 (2020)
  136. A Dark Song (2016)
  137. Signs (2008)
  138. The Nun II (2023)
  139. The First Purge (2018)
  140. The Village (2004)
  141. Ouija (2014)
  142. Abigail (2024)
  143. Evil Dead (2013)
  144. Night Swim (2024)
  145. Scary Movie 2 (2001)
  146. The Conjuring (2013)
  147. The Nun (2018)
  148. Saw VI (2009)
  149. Saw VII (2010)
  150. Sleepy Hollow (1999)
  151. Sasquatch Sunset (2024)
  152. Monkey Man (2024)
  153. Fear Street Part 2: 1978 (2021)
  154. Tusk (2014)
  155. A Quiet Place (2018)
  156. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
  157. Unbreakable (2000)
  158. Fear Street Part 3: 1666 (2021)
submitted by HappyCalculations420 to HorrorMovies [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:58 Acecombat100 I need another point of view for my situation

I am 17M I live with my parents and I am more fed up than ever. I currently am studying so I can become an army officer. Studying is very hard for me as I don't like it at all but I do it so I can simply succeed in my goal. I have given up everything to study. I don't workout I stopped boxing and I go out for about 30 mins a day so I can blow off some steam. I can't say that I study a lot especially compared to other kids. I usually study 5 hours a day not counting school time and I have wasted a lot of time with inefficient ways of studying so I believe I may not gonna be able to pass this year and I will probably retake the exams next year. Regardless though of what I'll do, my problem is related to my parents.
I love my parents but lately we have been distant and fightkng a lot about me studying. They seem to worry too much if I pass the exams like it is the end of the world and they pass of this stress to me too. Furthermore every time I tell them to go out even for a 30min walk we will end up fighting telling me that I should give up as I clearly don't care and that I will fail if I don't study. They tell me that my friends are dragging me down because they don't want to go to college and that maybe I am not cut out to join the army. They also check on me constantly so they can make sure I am studying and even if I am they will find a time that I might take a break to start a fight saying that I have given up. Every conversation I had with them for this whole year was related to studying they rarely talk about anything else even at dinner or when I am taking a break which gives me even more stress and makes us more distant. Lastly I can't help but think that they like to control what I do all the time. It doesn't matter what I do they will always tell me the opposite. If I want to go for a walk they tell me that I don't study enough if I study till late because of an important test they will constantly come into my room and check on me like I am doing something wrong and proceed to try and convince me that I shouldn't study and worry that much.
Right now as I am writing this they just tried to take my phone away like I am doing something wrong using it. I get that everything they do, think that helps me but it just doesn't, it has made me hate living in this house and I keep telling them lies about so much stupid stuff because I know if I didn't I wouldn't be able to hear the end of it. Honestly I think I would even be better at studying if I didn't have this constant pressure by them. Although I know I will reach my goal one way or an other because I am determined to, they have made it unbearable living with them and I hate that this is destroying our relationship. I wish they would listen to me because I have told them all this and just ignored me completely.
I am impatiently waiting for summer to come so I can get a job and move out of this house temporarily atleast. Oh and I forgot of course even though I will be 18 in a few days and I want to get a job this summer in order to have my own money and feel independent they discourage me and do everything to prevent me for going like it is a terrible thing to do and they that ill give up on my goals to just work.
Atleast I know if I can get through this maybe I'll be able to survive in the army having someone yelling at me constantly. I know it was a lot of venting but I genuinely hope you can express your unbiased opinion about the situation. Am I being unreasonable and too dramatic? What do you think I should do? Is it my fault that I struggle with studying?
submitted by Acecombat100 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:53 whymeeeTT Feeling Neglected by Friend- need some advice

I am so confused right now.
I (17f), have a best friend, we'll call her B(17f). We became good friends really quickly and it has just been a year of being close to one other. It all started when we had a free period in school and talked about our family and stuff for the whole time without hesitation. From then on we were inseparable. She means so much to me, really. I was soo lonely before her, never had anybody to talk to or just be with and she changed it so I'm really indebted to her for that.
We have just given 12th boads this year (its bacically final exams of 12 standard which is on a all india bases). During the exam month maybe after 2 of the exams I got to know that my grandmother passed away. It was really shocking because even though she was in the hospital, she was making speedy recovery. The day she got discharged from the hospital, we lost her on the way home.
I wasn't really close to her but this is my grandmother we're talking about. I was really disturbed after hearing this, especially because I hadn't met her for years, neither I was able to bid her a last goodbye. I wasn't even able to participate in the rituals for her funeral.
The day I got this news I told B. I told her that my grandmother died. She said it's okay, and that even though my grandmother wasn't nice it's hard to loose a grand parent and that I should focus on my studies. This is badically all that she said. I had talked to her about my grand mother and told her some questionable things that she has done, so maybe she thought that I wasn't affected with her death but idk why I expected her to console me, to just be there for me. i didn't even get are you OK text from her.
The next day she was texting me about how there is this person she texted on reddit who turned out to be weird. That's what she asked me the next day after my grandmother just died. She never asked me how I was, never. I was not as responsive as usually was but that was because i was bloody alone. My parents had all gone to the hometown for the funeral and i was at my aunt's house because i could'nt leave the exams. I was so alone and not even once she asked me how i was. I even told her after a few days that i am not okay and that it really hurt when she started taliking about a guy to me after i told her my grandmother just passed. To that she replied that I was being cold so she thought she should give me some time and also she was sick with a throat infection do she couldn't wait for me to talk.
That really hurt. I know she was unwell and it must be difficult for her to think about other stuff while being in sickand I also understand that I am not a baby and that I shouldn't expect people to coddle me, but that really hurt. She did apologise and said that she didn't expect that I would be affected by this. But then went on as if it's all normal from the other day. After this incident, I tried to just forget it and move past it, but everything that she did just infuriated me. It never felt like she was sorry, even after she said it. This has just made me feel like she doesn't care at all. She is recently started talking to this guy on telegram. And all we talk about is him. "Should I send him this?" Or " he send me this message what should I reply with" something or the other about him. She tells me that she talked to him for hours one day but she couldn't even txt me once.
I was really trying to just forget it, really but I just felt so off. It's like I have to work to make things no longer awkward between us when she was the one that hurt me. It still infuriates me. Every conversation is about her, how her father demotivates her or how her grandma did this or something something along those lines. I have started to feel as if she doesn't know anything about me. Sometimes it's like she doesn't care at all about me.
I know I'm no angle myself. But when I did something wrong I know that I tried to change that about myself, tried to mend things (atleast in my head i was trying, idk if it was noticeable).
I know her life is harder than me, she has gone through more stuff than I have, but sometimes is it too much to expect someone to just listen and tell you that you aren't being dramatic Or hell's sake tell you that you are being dramatic rather that telling them that worse happened with them?
I am so just frustrated right now. We were on a meet and she started to talk to that same telegram guy in the meet. I have done this too but in my head it's like "i did it only once and then apologised for it, and its not like i always talk about someone else while we are together."
I don't know what to do. I really wanted to tell her that I am hurt but it feels like it has been to long and I shouldn't hold on to something that happened a month ago. I really don't want to loose her. She is that only friend that I have and we have a great friendship apart from some things. Idk if what I feel is justified or if i'm being dramatic and entitled, expecting too much from people Please be completely honest and tell me if I'm wrong so that i can try to better myself or how I should handle this situation. Any advice for this pety situation is welcomed.
Thank you for reading Sorry for the long post and if things are unclear, it my first time trying this so I don't really know how to be presise!
submitted by whymeeeTT to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 install_update How I passed COMPTIA A+ N+ S+

Just wanted to share to whoever finds this helpful as I found other posts also did for me when I started.
Just passed security+ 701 last week. Started studying for A+ last year around October so roughly about 2 months studying for each exam so 7/8 months to get all certs. Average 4 hours a day studying 5 days a week. There were days I felt burnt out so took some more days off. (No IT background , passed each exam first time so its possible)
Resources used/Tips:
'Professor Messer' on YouTube he goes over all the exam objectives and his lessons are concise and easy to understand. https://www.youtube.com/@professormesser
'PowerCert Animated videos' on YouTube also helps with explaining specific concepts and topics with animation which makes it very easy to visualise and understand. https://www.youtube.com/@PowerCertAnimatedVideos
'ankidroid' mobile app on google play store to create my own flash cards from my notes and regularly go over them to help retain the info learnt. There is also a web version 'ankiweb' if you are unable to get the mobile version.
I also used ChatGPT to explain/simplify concepts I didn't understand. HIGHLY USEFUL honestly farrrr better than just searching google.
Once I am done with learning I used 'Examcompass' to also test my knowledge and see if there is any learning gaps. (Note that the questions are not phrased like the exams but are instead just meant to test your knowledge.) https://www.examcompass.com
The last thing is, I bought Jason Dion practice exams for the exam that I am taking on Udemy website and went through them (The questions are meant to be tailored to be like the real exam and that is very helpful) He also goes over the answers and explains why the answer is correct and why the others are wrong. Very Important to understand the why and not memorise answers.
Exam tips: 'Flag' the PBQs (they are the first 4 or 5 questions you get) and come back at the end to do them as they can seem overwhelming at first glance and you might end up wasting too much time on them or it might put you off and you'll feel you jammed before you even get to the questions and at that point you might even given up mentally. (Almost happened to me on my first exam and so I learnt my lesson)
I found that the real exam questions are worded in a way that can make it a lot more complicated and confusing which can put you off so be aware and read the questions more than once! Recognise any key words/concepts that will help you narrow down the possible answers through process of elimination (give yourself a reason why it cant be this answer or that answer). E.g. if the question is about wireless networks then the answer is unlikely to be about cat6 cables. Also for some questions you might get to 2 answers that are both valid so choose the best/most suited answer based on the scenario/context of the question.
Closing point:
I honestly thought I failed each exam and was surprised each time with a pass. I am religious and I believe my faith certainly also played a part not even kidding! Once I had finished prepping the best I could, I just left it to God and trust and prayed that all goes well with the exam. It certainly helps relief some tension and pressure. Of course faith without works is dead, still got to put in the work and he will get you across. (Passed within less than 20 marks from the pass mark for all exams)
Now time to start looking for work I'll share my experience with that also once I'm through God willing! 😊Christ did it all !
submitted by install_update to CompTIA [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:20 humanoidofdeath I’m going to fucking kill myself and I don’t want but want to at the same time.

So, my parents recently divorced, my mother, she took me and my sister to her house for a while without any permission, she just came over and took us, back in 2020 during Covid my uncle stayed in the house, and he raped me and I never told anyone and I’m afraid to, I get bullied a ton, exams are coming up so it’s really stressful, my moms fiance is abusive and my mother turns a blind eye, recently I’ve been getting addicted to porn and gore videos, and self harm and wanking is like my only release from shit, I have anger issues and borderline personality disorder, my dad, when I’m at his place, he’s gone broke cuz his job is getting bankrupt and my mother doesn’t pay child support (he was given custody), and when I’m at his, I regularly go without food, I get yelled at a ton and just feel shitty all the time and I think tomorrow I’m going to kill myself. I always try stay strong around my family, and for my little sister, but I don’t know. Sorry if this is written bad English is not my first language and I wrote this in crying, sorry.
submitted by humanoidofdeath to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:10 MrMurrayOHS CollegeBoard granting extensions?

We are in full swing of AP exams at the moment. I taught AP Computer Science Principles the first half of the year. With AP CSP - they have a Performance Task which was due about 2.5 weeks before their exam.
Mind you - this was a first semester course so these students have had 4 months to work on this project. Of course, 3-5 students did not submit ANYTHING. The kicker is that one of the sections they submit, is printed out for them to use on the actual AP Exam Written Responses. I emailed these students notifying them that they will not have a print out on exam day due to them not submitting the project.
I was adamant about this the entire semester - that CollegeBoard will NOT give extensions if you do not submit it on time. Just like in my College classes - if I submitted at 12:00AM when the due date was 11:59PM, my professors did not care. They certainly didn't reach out to ME to ask me if I needed more time.
Well apparently these students have been given the ability to turn something in by Exam Day. Apparently a majority of the students are claiming "technical issues" when they are being asked about it by the Testing Coordinator.
What sort of message is this sending to students?? This is an AP class, it is supposed to have the highest expectations of all courses in High School. As close as we can get it to the College experience but here we are asking the students if they need more time. I wouldn't be as put off by it if the students had initiated the dialogue but they didn't. If no one had intervened, they would be sitting in that exam room with nothing.
Any other AP teachers experienced this from CollegeBoard? Guess I should start telling students they can do whatever because someone will bail them out, right??
submitted by MrMurrayOHS to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:41 Beastie-Stew-1976 Mom with Dementia Thinks Dad Tried to Kill Her

First time posting anything in Reddit. Seemed like as good a time as any as I'm really struggling with how to deal with a devastating situation with my mom! This is a long one but I need to get it out there. I'm heartbroken and out of options, as is my whole family.
In the middle of the night after Easter Sunday, I got a call at 3am in the morning from mom telling me that my dad "finally did it - he tried to kill me." She was in the hospital and physically speaking, unharmed. She told me my dad was arrested and in the psych ward and that she needed to go as the doctors were checking up on her. Thankfully by the time I got off the phone, my dad had responded to a text I'd sent him saying what in the world is going on, saying that he had to call 911 on her; he was at home and safe by that point.
He'd woken up at 2am their time and had noticed she had left the house in her car. After a quick review of her iPhone location, he noticed she was at a house they had rented a number of years earlier. He drove over and could see her sitting on the couch, apparently alone. He tried tapping on the window thinking perhaps she was confused and didn't know where she was and had wandered in. She saw him but then looked away and moved to another room. Finally, he realized he needed to knock on the door. He knew the couple that lived there casually and explained she'd been struggling recently. The husband told him he didn't know what to think at first when she said he had tried to kill her, but quickly realized something wasn't right. He had already called 911. My dad also called 911 because she wouldn't leave with him and he didn't know what else to do.
When the police arrived, they quickly realized something was very wrong with my mom and that my dad didn't pose any threat to her (she admitted right away that he was sleeping when she left). She was moved to the hospital and my dad went home. At the hospital, they found her to be extremely manic - paranoid, delusional, hyperverbal. They (meaning multiple psychiatrists after examination and discussion with me and my dad) put her on an involuntary 72 hold under the state's emergency hold act for someone who was a danger to themselves or others (she was deemed to be a danger to herself because she had no insight into her situation and couldn't take care of herself).
After the 72 hours, they decided they needed to continue to hold her as she was still paranoid and delusional, as well as exhibiting signs of dementia. Once we were finally able to talk to a couple doctors live and get some very preliminary indications that she was suffering from progressive dementia and some form of delirium/psychosis, I was able to join my dad to try and figure out next steps. It became clear over the course of the next 10-11 days, that we were going to have to move her into memory care, so that's what we did. Signed a contract with as nice a place as we could find, hired a concierge psychiatrist billed as one of the best in the state, hired an elder care attorney and also an advocate to help my dad navigate the situation.
We received word (after following up day after day with very little communication) that she would be released from the psychiatric ward mid-week and arranged for her to be taken directly to the memory card facility based on doctor's advice. Despite a hiccup where she talked the driver into bringing her home first, where I luckily just happened to be eating lunch, we got her checked into the facility (I told her it was either back to the psych ward or to the facility and she happy complied). Problem was - she didn't realize it was memory care and it only took about four hours before the phone calls started about how awful the place was, how she had to get out, the place wasn't safe, I was a bad son, my dad was evil, etc. etc.
As an aside, up to this point, we thought we had done just about everything by the book. Ironically, it was my mom who insisted some number of years ago that she and my dad should get long term care insurance in addition to executing both health care representative POAs and financial POAs. After talking with the elder law attorney, we felt we had 99% of what was needed to at least take some of the strain out of the situation. He did say that if the proverbial shit hit the fan, the POAs might not be enough and that we'd need full legal guardianship, but he felt pretty good that we could do what the doctors were advising us to do and get her into a structured facility, at least for the time and try to get her stable. If we could get her 30 days of very structured care, the doctor told us that there's always a chance she could respond well. ("Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst" in his words.)
And that's where things fell apart. Even though the psychiatrist/MD realized very quickly that she was suffering from some form of moderate to severe dementia, my mom is very high functioning and began plotting almost immediately to get out of the facility despite our insistence that she needed the 24/7 care at least for the time being. She was calling everyone she knew - friends, other family, other doctors etc., insisting that she was fine; it was my dad who needed help, and that she needed out right away.
The above had become a familiar refrain over the last 12-18 months. It started innocently enough when my mom had made a comment that she was a little afraid of my dad because he'd gotten angry one evening. I took it very seriously and asked her to take me through what had happened. Apparently they'd gotten into a minor argument at one point over something trivial. My mom kept needling him on the issue and he eventually pounded his fist on the table (completely out of character for him) and it had rattled her. I explained to my mom that I took this seriously and I'd talk with him to make sure everything was ok. I did confront him and he was honest - said he lost his temper but that mom was just on him 24/7 about things that were either minor or simply not true. She claimed he played golf every day when in reality he played maybe 2-3 times a month (he's retired so I'm not sure what would be wrong with playing everyday but I guess that's besides the point). She would get pissed at him for being gone for too long but she'd also get pissed for him not going out and finding things today. There was a lot of this.
From that point, things got worse - she had a surgery in September of last year where she underwent general anesthesia and that really seemed to light a fire under the symptoms. She began to withdraw even further from social activities. She wasn't sleeping much at night; hardly eating. The accusations against my dad got bigger and bolder (he had a girlfriend that was 40 years younger than him; he'd bought a boat among them). None of these things were true. My brother went to stay with my folks for a few months - he wanted to spend time with them in any event, but we also thought it would be good for him to see the dynamic up close. Maybe our dad was doing some things he shouldn't? Maybe he needed to adjust his behavior? Well, after three months, my brother could tell something was seriously wrong with my mom. She was not herself and things were getting worse.
Three days before the Easter Sunday where it all went south, my mom was supposed to come up to where my wife and I live and go into assisted living for 30-60 days. She wanted to do it and we were excited because we thought it would give us a chance to have some objective views from the staff on what might be going on. We thought dementia was a real possibility because her own primary care doctor had suggested for at least 12 months that she get tested but she'd canceled no less than three appointments (the last two literally as they were getting in the car). For reasons that still aren't entirely clear, she canceled at the last minute. Even though my wife and I had made the arrangements and had everything essentially ready to go, my mom insisted on trying to plan with the facility as well and some wires got crossed on trivial things. It seems those things caused her to be suspicious and start to believe we were "trying to put her away." Again though, this was her idea.
It was the period between the cancellation and Easter Sunday that things just spiraled. My wife and I, among others, were getting texts and phone calls in the middle of the night, all night during those three to four days. They were increasingly paranoid and unhinged, linking my dad to the husband of a family friend who'd committed suicide. Saying he was a narcissist, just like my dad. Many things that simply were not at all in line with the character of my dad (and not just according to me but everyone who ever knew him and knew him well). When she began to bring up the fact that she thought the friend's husband had killed her, I knew things were bad. I suggested my dad get out of the house and give her some space. I was worried about both of them. She's tiny but you never know. I also didn't want my dad arrested or put into a situation where the stress can be overwhelming - he's got a bard heart. So he did leave the day before Easter, even though he totally discounted my concern.
The reason he came back on Easter Sunday was because she asked him to. She wanted to celebrate and see the dog. By all accounts, they had a nice evening and even watched a movie together before he went to bed. And then she decided to get in her car, drive 80 miles to a house they used to live in and tell the shocked couple that my dad was trying to kill her!
So, she's in the memory care facility after her release from the psychiatric hold and as excruciatingly difficult as it was to put here there, we felt it was necessary, at least until the paranoia subsided. I stayed for three days and visited her each day. She'd fluctuate between telling me I was an awful son, rehashing all the "documentation" she had on how horrible the doctors and my dad are, and then saying how she didn't want to ruin the family and we could all work it out. My brother stayed for another few days after I left and then had to get back home. He received similar treatment. We mistakenly thought we had things under control until she decided to write a very thoughtfully crafted letter stating explicitly that she requested release from the facility, nothing that she was "of sound mind and body."
The doctor, the facility and our attorney explained that they could no longer keep her there. We understood the limits of the POA, but this was hard to fathom. We had mounds of doctor's evidence from the psychiatric ward and the new doctor pointing to not only advanced dementia, but also stating that she was unable to care for herself and needed round the clock supervision from someone other than my dad. It wasn't enough. We needed a new plan. The doctor was clear that my dad couldn't stay with her and take care of her, so I looked into 24/7 hour nursing. I had no idea how much it cost and when I realized that $28k or so a month would be needed, we realized there no way we could cover this for any significant period of time, even with a portion offset by long term care.
We were lucky enough to have a family member that was a former nurse who was willing to come down for a time to stay with my mom. The good news was by this point, my mom did hear one thing from her doctor - that she needed "24/7 care," so we explained that we'd get her home on two conditions - (1) we had to wait till the family friend could get into town; and (2) she needed to do the doctor recommended cognitive evaluation with a neuropsychologist. She agreed to both.
The day after she did her neuro exam, she went home with our family member and has been home now for over a week. My dad has been couch surfing, trying to keep it together. It took a week but we received the neuro results and they confirmed what we thought we already knew but were nonetheless still devastating - severe vascular dementia. This, combined with an MRI they had done in the psychiatric ward, were enough for the doctors to recommend we pursue guardianship because she doesn't have capacity and can't make any of her own decisions, which we're doing now on an expedited basis. In the meantime, my mom has been up and down at home, and my dad has ridden the waves with her. He'll think she's turning a corner with a nice text or two to him but it will turn out she just wants help with her phone and if he spends a bit of time with her, she'll eventually turn on him - back to the same accusations. She's also taken some of his things and thrown them out near the trash, including his pacemaker monitor.
A couple days back, the neuro doctor walked my mom through her report and despite all the evidence to the contrary, my mom told me the report was "GREAT" (she noted she doesn't have Alzheimer's, which it seems is true, but vascular is no better from what I can tell; and perhaps worse in ways!). Given she was able to sit with the doctor and hear the results firsthand, I thought I could explain to her the severity of what was going on and why we needed to get her the care she needs but she just won't hear it. She thinks the doctors have told her she can either go into Assisted Living or get 24/7 care - that's not true at all. I've tried to explain that those two things are mutually exclusive, but again, she's not having it. She wants no part of memory care and believe me, if there was any way we could do this without having to put her into memory care, at least for some period of time, my whole family would be all for it. We don't see any alternative at this point.
The horrible thing is that if she won't go voluntarily, I think our only option is to call 911 and have her taken in once the guardianship has gone through. This breaks all of our hearts. I don't think my dad can do it. I don't know if I can do it but I know I may have to do it. My only solace is that our family member with her now says her quality at life at home right now is not good. She is either shuffling around the house "organizing" at all hours of the day and night, or on her phone (we believe making notes to herself that we're not sure she even saves). We all believe that in a facility over time, she may begin to socialize better and given how high functioning she is, even find some purpose and meaning in helping folks out who are suffering differently than she is. She's always been generous with her time and service-oriented (until this disease started to take all of that away a couple years back now that we realize what it was). We also think she'd benefit from excursions with us and others out of the facility for meals/events etc. if we can get her more stable.
I've read some incredible stories in these threads but wanted to share ours in the case it could help someone who might be going through the same things but also to see if there's anything we're missing? We feel we've explored every feasible option and our hands are tied at this point. I'm sick to my stomach all day long worrying about this and wake up almost every night trying to decide what to do. It's taken over all our lives. I welcome any feedback.
(*Note that I haven't given a ton of detail on the behavioral issues but suffice it to say that there's no possibility that my dad could look after her, at least right now. It's not safe for either her or him for the same reasons it wasn't that Easter Day. I also worry about any other caregiver as each person who has tried to help has become the subject of her ire and if they don't bend to her every request - take her to superfluous dr appts, hair appts, the phone store to check her phone which she never thinks is working properly, etc. - they will have hell to pay for some period of time.)
submitted by Beastie-Stew-1976 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:22 golden_girl_travelin Where do I go from here, or am I SOL?

Warning - this is a total TMI/medical situation.
Hey everyone. I've (38) run into a wall with medical professionals and I'm looking for advice. If this is the wrong venue, please let me know.
Background - I've been having signs of a vaginal infection since late last year. Lost my Gyn a few years back, so just been using my primary to handle exams, etc. I finally got into her at the end of March. During the exam, she did note that something looked wrong (redness, non-cervical bleeding) and we talked med. Unfortunately, my swabs came back neg and she refuses to proceed.
So, I went and found a Gyn. I got waitlisted, but thankfully it went relatively quickly and I saw her last Tuesday. She seemed great! She also noticed how off it looks and took extra care to swab extra long due to what happened with my primary. She even indicated she saw evidence of yeast. Unfortunately, my portal dinged this morning with lab results - all neg, even yeast! She added a note to contact with questions, but nothing about any further investigation. I have a follow up in 3 months (about my blood pressure...), but surely something can be done before then?! I did message her asking what else can be done, but at this point I don't have much hope.
I feel given up on. I've looked into those online doctors, but when I try to schedule an appointment, it says I'm too complicated and I need to be seen by an in-person physician. So, am I SOL? Is there another type of specialist I can look into? Do I need my husband to come with me to complain about not having sex to be taken seriously? Where do I go from here?
Thanks for your time and any advice you have!
submitted by golden_girl_travelin to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:16 Budget-Yam9523 What field should I choose before I become graduate from my college?

Confused about my future
Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's great. So, I need your suggestions and advice but before that, I would like to make a small introduction about myself.
I'm 20M, a third year electronics and communication engineering major from a tier 3/4 college in Central Tamil Nadu, India. Although my major is electronics and communication, I have realized that hardware isn't for me.
My overall performance is very poor at the lab when it comes to core subjects like Digital signal processing, Embedded systems, Analog IC design, MEMS design, etc. I don't have any knowledge in them and I don't like them. I don't think I would survive even a day at any hardware (core-based) companies.
With that, I'm confused about what to do after college? In what field should I develop my skills to secure job opportunities?
For now, I have 3 fields in my mind. UI/UX designing, coding ( coding as in Software developer) and finally, content/copy writer (basically that has to go with writing). I genuinely don't know which one to go with.
Before I go into the specifics of why I have each of the above mentioned fields of interest in my mind, I would like to discuss my future plans as it would be easier for others to give me their suggestions which would match with my long term future goals.
After graduating bachelors, I'm planning to seek a job at any private firm in Chennai or Bangalore. After working here for a few years, I would like to apply for an MBA at any foreign universities. (For now, I'm thinking of applying for Australian/Irish business schools as I have plans of settling in abroad permanently).
I also come from a toxic and abusive family. So before I leave this country, I need to have a job, which would pay me enough to sustain myself in big cities like Chennai/Bangalore, where I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents for daily/monthly expenses.
Let me go with each field of interest and tell y'all why I have it in my mind.
1) Coding(software developer): Growing up, I treated Computer Science like any other subject. I would just mug-up/memorize concepts and applications without understanding them.
This kept on going until a new CS teacher joined our school. I would pay attention to his classes with utmost interest. I would try to write my own small codes at the CS lab.
Then the COVID came, I passed my 12th exams without even writing them lol. I tried joining the CSE/IT department within engineering but, my dad forced me to join ECE.
In the first semester, all departments share common papers. One among them, was Python. I easily passed the semester final exams because my basic knowledge of the subject was strong, thanks to my school teacher.
However, the long and large programs in the textbooks scared me. Then, in the 3rd semester, we were introduced to the C language paper. Let me tell, it wasn't fun 🤡. Our staff was shit who knew crap about the language, the programs were big and scary.
I genuinely memorized random stuff for my C program exam and that's how I passed the semester final exam (I even had a backlog in it before finally passing the subject for the good)
This killed every single interest that I had for programming.
I would like to take up any online certification course and start to properly learn any programming language that is in demand but, the memories of those long and huge programs still scare me. I wouldn't learn to get into any certification course for the sake of it, I'm ready to genuinely learn about stuff that would be taught.
I'm just scared will I have to deal with those long and huge programs again? (Sorry if I sound over dramatic here).
I reckon that within programming, you have any domains such as web developer, software developer, block chain developer, etc.
There is abundance when it comes to web developers so I don't think one would get any decent pay. That makes me want to learn a programming language which would be apt for software development.
How much would I get paid as a fresher, given I would have completed an internship?
I have heard that even freshers with good resumes could earn a pretty decent amount of money in the initial years of their job in this domain, compared to UI/UX and copy/content writing. Is that so?
How will, the experience of me, working as a software developer look on my resume if I had to apply for a foreign business school in future?
I have a feeling that adding the work experience of being a software engineer wouldn't do me any help for applying to an MBA course.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't all Indian MBA applicants to foreign universities come from engineering backgrounds?
How would I stand out from the rest of the crowd to get chosen for the MBA program at a supposed uni? Shouldn't I be different? My resume should tell a different story from the rest of the candidates, right?
I know that work experience alone isn't something that determines your success in getting into foreign universities, you also need good scores in exams like IELTS and GRE but, wouldn't it be logical to make ourselves look unique as much as possible?
UI/UX designer: Honestly, I didn't know about this until very recently.
So correct me if I'm wrong but, UI/UX designer basically works according to customer reviews. They are responsible for designing the UI of front pages of websites and they design so, according to the reviews by customers.
UI/UX also involves some level of programming but here, creativity matters more than problem solving and logical thinking, both of which are required skill sets in programming.
UI/UX is an artistic domain while programming is a logical domain.
How much would this pay? Will I be able to take care of my own expenses without relying on my parents?
How would an experience of working as a UI/UX designer would play out in me, getting selected for a MBA course at any Aussie/Irish business school?
I have also heard that UI/UX is the fastest growing domain in India while programming/software side is very saturated and lay offs are common in IT industry?
But even if lay offs are common in IT, it's pretty easy for someone, who got fired in one company, to find a job in another one cos there are too many companies in India, right? We can't say the same for lay offs in UI/UX tho.
Another friend of mine told me that with IT, I could find jobs in both Chennai and Bangalore but, the UI/UX based firms are primarily located in Bangalore and I don't have any option as I have in the domain of programming.
3) Content/Copy writing: Ik that content writing and copy writing are two different domains but since both of them involve writing, I decided to club them together.
Ever since my childhood, I always liked to write down stuff, express my thoughts and feelings in words. Matter of fact, coding is only second to writing when it comes to being my favourite activity to do. My vocabulary is somewhat better than most of my college peers.
However, I have heard that copy/content writers get paid peanuts and open AI will virtually replace this entire domain.
With that, I wanna ask about another domain where copy/content writing is required, Project manager?
How much do junior project managers get paid? How prone are they to lay offs?
If I'm not wrong, project management is the base for MBA so, wouldn't it be advantageous for me in future?
So, that's it guys. I have expressed all my doubts and revelations within me. I'm extremely sorry if I ever mentioned anything ignorant in my writeup. I'm also sorry for my poor fluency in English.
Keeping in mind that I don't wanna be dependent on my family for my expenses and I won't stay here for long as I plan to apply for an MBA abroad, give me your best suggestions.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate it 🙏
Tdlr: Confused on what skill to develop before graduating college to secure a job: a) Programming b) UI/UX design c) Copy/content programming?
submitted by Budget-Yam9523 to Career [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:15 Budget-Yam9523 What field should I choose before I graduate from my college?

Confused about my future
Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's great. So, I need your suggestions and advice but before that, I would like to make a small introduction about myself.
I'm 20M, a third year electronics and communication engineering major from a tier 3/4 college in Central Tamil Nadu, India. Although my major is electronics and communication, I have realized that hardware isn't for me.
My overall performance is very poor at the lab when it comes to core subjects like Digital signal processing, Embedded systems, Analog IC design, MEMS design, etc. I don't have any knowledge in them and I don't like them. I don't think I would survive even a day at any hardware (core-based) companies.
With that, I'm confused about what to do after college? In what field should I develop my skills to secure job opportunities?
For now, I have 3 fields in my mind. UI/UX designing, coding ( coding as in Software developer) and finally, content/copy writer (basically that has to go with writing). I genuinely don't know which one to go with.
Before I go into the specifics of why I have each of the above mentioned fields of interest in my mind, I would like to discuss my future plans as it would be easier for others to give me their suggestions which would match with my long term future goals.
After graduating bachelors, I'm planning to seek a job at any private firm in Chennai or Bangalore. After working here for a few years, I would like to apply for an MBA at any foreign universities. (For now, I'm thinking of applying for Australian/Irish business schools as I have plans of settling in abroad permanently).
I also come from a toxic and abusive family. So before I leave this country, I need to have a job, which would pay me enough to sustain myself in big cities like Chennai/Bangalore, where I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents for daily/monthly expenses.
Let me go with each field of interest and tell y'all why I have it in my mind.
1) Coding(software developer): Growing up, I treated Computer Science like any other subject. I would just mug-up/memorize concepts and applications without understanding them.
This kept on going until a new CS teacher joined our school. I would pay attention to his classes with utmost interest. I would try to write my own small codes at the CS lab.
Then the COVID came, I passed my 12th exams without even writing them lol. I tried joining the CSE/IT department within engineering but, my dad forced me to join ECE.
In the first semester, all departments share common papers. One among them, was Python. I easily passed the semester final exams because my basic knowledge of the subject was strong, thanks to my school teacher.
However, the long and large programs in the textbooks scared me. Then, in the 3rd semester, we were introduced to the C language paper. Let me tell, it wasn't fun 🤡. Our staff was shit who knew crap about the language, the programs were big and scary.
I genuinely memorized random stuff for my C program exam and that's how I passed the semester final exam (I even had a backlog in it before finally passing the subject for the good)
This killed every single interest that I had for programming.
I would like to take up any online certification course and start to properly learn any programming language that is in demand but, the memories of those long and huge programs still scare me. I wouldn't learn to get into any certification course for the sake of it, I'm ready to genuinely learn about stuff that would be taught.
I'm just scared will I have to deal with those long and huge programs again? (Sorry if I sound over dramatic here).
I reckon that within programming, you have any domains such as web developer, software developer, block chain developer, etc.
There is abundance when it comes to web developers so I don't think one would get any decent pay. That makes me want to learn a programming language which would be apt for software development.
How much would I get paid as a fresher, given I would have completed an internship?
I have heard that even freshers with good resumes could earn a pretty decent amount of money in the initial years of their job in this domain, compared to UI/UX and copy/content writing. Is that so?
How will, the experience of me, working as a software developer look on my resume if I had to apply for a foreign business school in future?
I have a feeling that adding the work experience of being a software engineer wouldn't do me any help for applying to an MBA course.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't all Indian MBA applicants to foreign universities come from engineering backgrounds?
How would I stand out from the rest of the crowd to get chosen for the MBA program at a supposed uni? Shouldn't I be different? My resume should tell a different story from the rest of the candidates, right?
I know that work experience alone isn't something that determines your success in getting into foreign universities, you also need good scores in exams like IELTS and GRE but, wouldn't it be logical to make ourselves look unique as much as possible?
UI/UX designer: Honestly, I didn't know about this until very recently.
So correct me if I'm wrong but, UI/UX designer basically works according to customer reviews. They are responsible for designing the UI of front pages of websites and they design so, according to the reviews by customers.
UI/UX also involves some level of programming but here, creativity matters more than problem solving and logical thinking, both of which are required skill sets in programming.
UI/UX is an artistic domain while programming is a logical domain.
How much would this pay? Will I be able to take care of my own expenses without relying on my parents?
How would an experience of working as a UI/UX designer would play out in me, getting selected for a MBA course at any Aussie/Irish business school?
I have also heard that UI/UX is the fastest growing domain in India while programming/software side is very saturated and lay offs are common in IT industry?
But even if lay offs are common in IT, it's pretty easy for someone, who got fired in one company, to find a job in another one cos there are too many companies in India, right? We can't say the same for lay offs in UI/UX tho.
Another friend of mine told me that with IT, I could find jobs in both Chennai and Bangalore but, the UI/UX based firms are primarily located in Bangalore and I don't have any option as I have in the domain of programming.
3) Content/Copy writing: Ik that content writing and copy writing are two different domains but since both of them involve writing, I decided to club them together.
Ever since my childhood, I always liked to write down stuff, express my thoughts and feelings in words. Matter of fact, coding is only second to writing when it comes to being my favourite activity to do. My vocabulary is somewhat better than most of my college peers.
However, I have heard that copy/content writers get paid peanuts and open AI will virtually replace this entire domain.
With that, I wanna ask about another domain where copy/content writing is required, Project manager?
How much do junior project managers get paid? How prone are they to lay offs?
If I'm not wrong, project management is the base for MBA so, wouldn't it be advantageous for me in future?
So, that's it guys. I have expressed all my doubts and revelations within me. I'm extremely sorry if I ever mentioned anything ignorant in my writeup. I'm also sorry for my poor fluency in English.
Keeping in mind that I don't wanna be dependent on my family for my expenses and I won't stay here for long as I plan to apply for an MBA abroad, give me your best suggestions.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate it 🙏
Tdlr: Confused on what skill to develop before graduating college to secure a job: a) Programming b) UI/UX design c) Copy/content programming?
submitted by Budget-Yam9523 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:11 Budget-Yam9523 What field am I supposed to choose before I graduate from my college?

Confused about my future
Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's great. So, I need your suggestions and advice but before that, I would like to make a small introduction about myself.
I'm 20M, a third year electronics and communication engineering major from a tier 3/4 college in Central Tamil Nadu, India. Although my major is electronics and communication, I have realized that hardware isn't for me.
My overall performance is very poor at the lab when it comes to core subjects like Digital signal processing, Embedded systems, Analog IC design, MEMS design, etc. I don't have any knowledge in them and I don't like them. I don't think I would survive even a day at any hardware (core-based) companies.
With that, I'm confused about what to do after college? In what field should I develop my skills to secure job opportunities?
For now, I have 3 fields in my mind. UI/UX designing, coding ( coding as in Software developer) and finally, content/copy writer (basically that has to go with writing). I genuinely don't know which one to go with.
Before I go into the specifics of why I have each of the above mentioned fields of interest in my mind, I would like to discuss my future plans as it would be easier for others to give me their suggestions which would match with my long term future goals.
After graduating bachelors, I'm planning to seek a job at any private firm in Chennai or Bangalore. After working here for a few years, I would like to apply for an MBA at any foreign universities. (For now, I'm thinking of applying for Australian/Irish business schools as I have plans of settling in abroad permanently).
I also come from a toxic and abusive family. So before I leave this country, I need to have a job, which would pay me enough to sustain myself in big cities like Chennai/Bangalore, where I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents for daily/monthly expenses.
Let me go with each field of interest and tell y'all why I have it in my mind.
1) Coding(software developer): Growing up, I treated Computer Science like any other subject. I would just mug-up/memorize concepts and applications without understanding them.
This kept on going until a new CS teacher joined our school. I would pay attention to his classes with utmost interest. I would try to write my own small codes at the CS lab.
Then the COVID came, I passed my 12th exams without even writing them lol. I tried joining the CSE/IT department within engineering but, my dad forced me to join ECE.
In the first semester, all departments share common papers. One among them, was Python. I easily passed the semester final exams because my basic knowledge of the subject was strong, thanks to my school teacher.
However, the long and large programs in the textbooks scared me. Then, in the 3rd semester, we were introduced to the C language paper. Let me tell, it wasn't fun 🤡. Our staff was shit who knew crap about the language, the programs were big and scary.
I genuinely memorized random stuff for my C program exam and that's how I passed the semester final exam (I even had a backlog in it before finally passing the subject for the good)
This killed every single interest that I had for programming.
I would like to take up any online certification course and start to properly learn any programming language that is in demand but, the memories of those long and huge programs still scare me. I wouldn't learn to get into any certification course for the sake of it, I'm ready to genuinely learn about stuff that would be taught.
I'm just scared will I have to deal with those long and huge programs again? (Sorry if I sound over dramatic here).
I reckon that within programming, you have any domains such as web developer, software developer, block chain developer, etc.
There is abundance when it comes to web developers so I don't think one would get any decent pay. That makes me want to learn a programming language which would be apt for software development.
How much would I get paid as a fresher, given I would have completed an internship?
I have heard that even freshers with good resumes could earn a pretty decent amount of money in the initial years of their job in this domain, compared to UI/UX and copy/content writing. Is that so?
How will, the experience of me, working as a software developer look on my resume if I had to apply for a foreign business school in future?
I have a feeling that adding the work experience of being a software engineer wouldn't do me any help for applying to an MBA course.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't all Indian MBA applicants to foreign universities come from engineering backgrounds?
How would I stand out from the rest of the crowd to get chosen for the MBA program at a supposed uni? Shouldn't I be different? My resume should tell a different story from the rest of the candidates, right?
I know that work experience alone isn't something that determines your success in getting into foreign universities, you also need good scores in exams like IELTS and GRE but, wouldn't it be logical to make ourselves look unique as much as possible?
UI/UX designer: Honestly, I didn't know about this until very recently.
So correct me if I'm wrong but, UI/UX designer basically works according to customer reviews. They are responsible for designing the UI of front pages of websites and they design so, according to the reviews by customers.
UI/UX also involves some level of programming but here, creativity matters more than problem solving and logical thinking, both of which are required skill sets in programming.
UI/UX is an artistic domain while programming is a logical domain.
How much would this pay? Will I be able to take care of my own expenses without relying on my parents?
How would an experience of working as a UI/UX designer would play out in me, getting selected for a MBA course at any Aussie/Irish business school?
I have also heard that UI/UX is the fastest growing domain in India while programming/software side is very saturated and lay offs are common in IT industry?
But even if lay offs are common in IT, it's pretty easy for someone, who got fired in one company, to find a job in another one cos there are too many companies in India, right? We can't say the same for lay offs in UI/UX tho.
Another friend of mine told me that with IT, I could find jobs in both Chennai and Bangalore but, the UI/UX based firms are primarily located in Bangalore and I don't have any option as I have in the domain of programming.
3) Content/Copy writing: Ik that content writing and copy writing are two different domains but since both of them involve writing, I decided to club them together.
Ever since my childhood, I always liked to write down stuff, express my thoughts and feelings in words. Matter of fact, coding is only second to writing when it comes to being my favourite activity to do. My vocabulary is somewhat better than most of my college peers.
However, I have heard that copy/content writers get paid peanuts and open AI will virtually replace this entire domain.
With that, I wanna ask about another domain where copy/content writing is required, Project manager?
How much do junior project managers get paid? How prone are they to lay offs?
If I'm not wrong, project management is the base for MBA so, wouldn't it be advantageous for me in future?
So, that's it guys. I have expressed all my doubts and revelations within me. I'm extremely sorry if I ever mentioned anything ignorant in my writeup. I'm also sorry for my poor fluency in English.
Keeping in mind that I don't wanna be dependent on my family for my expenses and I won't stay here for long as I plan to apply for an MBA abroad, give me your best suggestions.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate it 🙏
Tdlr: Confused on what skill to develop before graduating college to secure a job: a) Programming b) UI/UX design c) Copy/content programming?
submitted by Budget-Yam9523 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:10 Budget-Yam9523 Which field should I choose before I graduate from my college?

Confused about my future
Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's great. So, I need your suggestions and advice but before that, I would like to make a small introduction about myself.
I'm 20M, a third year electronics and communication engineering major from a tier 3/4 college in Central Tamil Nadu, India. Although my major is electronics and communication, I have realized that hardware isn't for me.
My overall performance is very poor at the lab when it comes to core subjects like Digital signal processing, Embedded systems, Analog IC design, MEMS design, etc. I don't have any knowledge in them and I don't like them. I don't think I would survive even a day at any hardware (core-based) companies.
With that, I'm confused about what to do after college? In what field should I develop my skills to secure job opportunities?
For now, I have 3 fields in my mind. UI/UX designing, coding ( coding as in Software developer) and finally, content/copy writer (basically that has to go with writing). I genuinely don't know which one to go with.
Before I go into the specifics of why I have each of the above mentioned fields of interest in my mind, I would like to discuss my future plans as it would be easier for others to give me their suggestions which would match with my long term future goals.
After graduating bachelors, I'm planning to seek a job at any private firm in Chennai or Bangalore. After working here for a few years, I would like to apply for an MBA at any foreign universities. (For now, I'm thinking of applying for Australian/Irish business schools as I have plans of settling in abroad permanently).
I also come from a toxic and abusive family. So before I leave this country, I need to have a job, which would pay me enough to sustain myself in big cities like Chennai/Bangalore, where I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents for daily/monthly expenses.
Let me go with each field of interest and tell y'all why I have it in my mind.
1) Coding(software developer): Growing up, I treated Computer Science like any other subject. I would just mug-up/memorize concepts and applications without understanding them.
This kept on going until a new CS teacher joined our school. I would pay attention to his classes with utmost interest. I would try to write my own small codes at the CS lab.
Then the COVID came, I passed my 12th exams without even writing them lol. I tried joining the CSE/IT department within engineering but, my dad forced me to join ECE.
In the first semester, all departments share common papers. One among them, was Python. I easily passed the semester final exams because my basic knowledge of the subject was strong, thanks to my school teacher.
However, the long and large programs in the textbooks scared me. Then, in the 3rd semester, we were introduced to the C language paper. Let me tell, it wasn't fun 🤡. Our staff was shit who knew crap about the language, the programs were big and scary.
I genuinely memorized random stuff for my C program exam and that's how I passed the semester final exam (I even had a backlog in it before finally passing the subject for the good)
This killed every single interest that I had for programming.
I would like to take up any online certification course and start to properly learn any programming language that is in demand but, the memories of those long and huge programs still scare me. I wouldn't learn to get into any certification course for the sake of it, I'm ready to genuinely learn about stuff that would be taught.
I'm just scared will I have to deal with those long and huge programs again? (Sorry if I sound over dramatic here).
I reckon that within programming, you have any domains such as web developer, software developer, block chain developer, etc.
There is abundance when it comes to web developers so I don't think one would get any decent pay. That makes me want to learn a programming language which would be apt for software development.
How much would I get paid as a fresher, given I would have completed an internship?
I have heard that even freshers with good resumes could earn a pretty decent amount of money in the initial years of their job in this domain, compared to UI/UX and copy/content writing. Is that so?
How will, the experience of me, working as a software developer look on my resume if I had to apply for a foreign business school in future?
I have a feeling that adding the work experience of being a software engineer wouldn't do me any help for applying to an MBA course.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't all Indian MBA applicants to foreign universities come from engineering backgrounds?
How would I stand out from the rest of the crowd to get chosen for the MBA program at a supposed uni? Shouldn't I be different? My resume should tell a different story from the rest of the candidates, right?
I know that work experience alone isn't something that determines your success in getting into foreign universities, you also need good scores in exams like IELTS and GRE but, wouldn't it be logical to make ourselves look unique as much as possible?
UI/UX designer: Honestly, I didn't know about this until very recently.
So correct me if I'm wrong but, UI/UX designer basically works according to customer reviews. They are responsible for designing the UI of front pages of websites and they design so, according to the reviews by customers.
UI/UX also involves some level of programming but here, creativity matters more than problem solving and logical thinking, both of which are required skill sets in programming.
UI/UX is an artistic domain while programming is a logical domain.
How much would this pay? Will I be able to take care of my own expenses without relying on my parents?
How would an experience of working as a UI/UX designer would play out in me, getting selected for a MBA course at any Aussie/Irish business school?
I have also heard that UI/UX is the fastest growing domain in India while programming/software side is very saturated and lay offs are common in IT industry?
But even if lay offs are common in IT, it's pretty easy for someone, who got fired in one company, to find a job in another one cos there are too many companies in India, right? We can't say the same for lay offs in UI/UX tho.
Another friend of mine told me that with IT, I could find jobs in both Chennai and Bangalore but, the UI/UX based firms are primarily located in Bangalore and I don't have any option as I have in the domain of programming.
3) Content/Copy writing: Ik that content writing and copy writing are two different domains but since both of them involve writing, I decided to club them together.
Ever since my childhood, I always liked to write down stuff, express my thoughts and feelings in words. Matter of fact, coding is only second to writing when it comes to being my favourite activity to do. My vocabulary is somewhat better than most of my college peers.
However, I have heard that copy/content writers get paid peanuts and open AI will virtually replace this entire domain.
With that, I wanna ask about another domain where copy/content writing is required, Project manager?
How much do junior project managers get paid? How prone are they to lay offs?
If I'm not wrong, project management is the base for MBA so, wouldn't it be advantageous for me in future?
So, that's it guys. I have expressed all my doubts and revelations within me. I'm extremely sorry if I ever mentioned anything ignorant in my writeup. I'm also sorry for my poor fluency in English.
Keeping in mind that I don't wanna be dependent on my family for my expenses and I won't stay here for long as I plan to apply for an MBA abroad, give me your best suggestions.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate it 🙏
Tdlr: Confused on what skill to develop before graduating college to secure a job: a) Programming b) UI/UX design c) Copy/content programming?
submitted by Budget-Yam9523 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:07 Budget-Yam9523 I'm a college major and I don't know what to do after my graduation and, in which field I should develop my skills. Could somebody help me?

Confused about my future
Hey guys, how y'all doing? Hope everybody's great. So, I need your suggestions and advice but before that, I would like to make a small introduction about myself.
I'm 20M, a third year electronics and communication engineering major from a tier 3/4 college in Central Tamil Nadu, India. Although my major is electronics and communication, I have realized that hardware isn't for me.
My overall performance is very poor at the lab when it comes to core subjects like Digital signal processing, Embedded systems, Analog IC design, MEMS design, etc. I don't have any knowledge in them and I don't like them. I don't think I would survive even a day at any hardware (core-based) companies.
With that, I'm confused about what to do after college? In what field should I develop my skills to secure job opportunities?
For now, I have 3 fields in my mind. UI/UX designing, coding ( coding as in Software developer) and finally, content/copy writer (basically that has to go with writing). I genuinely don't know which one to go with.
Before I go into the specifics of why I have each of the above mentioned fields of interest in my mind, I would like to discuss my future plans as it would be easier for others to give me their suggestions which would match with my long term future goals.
After graduating bachelors, I'm planning to seek a job at any private firm in Chennai or Bangalore. After working here for a few years, I would like to apply for an MBA at any foreign universities. (For now, I'm thinking of applying for Australian/Irish business schools as I have plans of settling in abroad permanently).
I also come from a toxic and abusive family. So before I leave this country, I need to have a job, which would pay me enough to sustain myself in big cities like Chennai/Bangalore, where I wouldn't have to be dependent on my parents for daily/monthly expenses.
Let me go with each field of interest and tell y'all why I have it in my mind.
1) Coding(software developer): Growing up, I treated Computer Science like any other subject. I would just mug-up/memorize concepts and applications without understanding them.
This kept on going until a new CS teacher joined our school. I would pay attention to his classes with utmost interest. I would try to write my own small codes at the CS lab.
Then the COVID came, I passed my 12th exams without even writing them lol. I tried joining the CSE/IT department within engineering but, my dad forced me to join ECE.
In the first semester, all departments share common papers. One among them, was Python. I easily passed the semester final exams because my basic knowledge of the subject was strong, thanks to my school teacher.
However, the long and large programs in the textbooks scared me. Then, in the 3rd semester, we were introduced to the C language paper. Let me tell, it wasn't fun 🤡. Our staff was shit who knew crap about the language, the programs were big and scary.
I genuinely memorized random stuff for my C program exam and that's how I passed the semester final exam (I even had a backlog in it before finally passing the subject for the good)
This killed every single interest that I had for programming.
I would like to take up any online certification course and start to properly learn any programming language that is in demand but, the memories of those long and huge programs still scare me. I wouldn't learn to get into any certification course for the sake of it, I'm ready to genuinely learn about stuff that would be taught.
I'm just scared will I have to deal with those long and huge programs again? (Sorry if I sound over dramatic here).
I reckon that within programming, you have any domains such as web developer, software developer, block chain developer, etc.
There is abundance when it comes to web developers so I don't think one would get any decent pay. That makes me want to learn a programming language which would be apt for software development.
How much would I get paid as a fresher, given I would have completed an internship?
I have heard that even freshers with good resumes could earn a pretty decent amount of money in the initial years of their job in this domain, compared to UI/UX and copy/content writing. Is that so?
How will, the experience of me, working as a software developer look on my resume if I had to apply for a foreign business school in future?
I have a feeling that adding the work experience of being a software engineer wouldn't do me any help for applying to an MBA course.
Correct me if I'm wrong but, aren't all Indian MBA applicants to foreign universities come from engineering backgrounds?
How would I stand out from the rest of the crowd to get chosen for the MBA program at a supposed uni? Shouldn't I be different? My resume should tell a different story from the rest of the candidates, right?
I know that work experience alone isn't something that determines your success in getting into foreign universities, you also need good scores in exams like IELTS and GRE but, wouldn't it be logical to make ourselves look unique as much as possible?
UI/UX designer: Honestly, I didn't know about this until very recently.
So correct me if I'm wrong but, UI/UX designer basically works according to customer reviews. They are responsible for designing the UI of front pages of websites and they design so, according to the reviews by customers.
UI/UX also involves some level of programming but here, creativity matters more than problem solving and logical thinking, both of which are required skill sets in programming.
UI/UX is an artistic domain while programming is a logical domain.
How much would this pay? Will I be able to take care of my own expenses without relying on my parents?
How would an experience of working as a UI/UX designer would play out in me, getting selected for a MBA course at any Aussie/Irish business school?
I have also heard that UI/UX is the fastest growing domain in India while programming/software side is very saturated and lay offs are common in IT industry?
But even if lay offs are common in IT, it's pretty easy for someone, who got fired in one company, to find a job in another one cos there are too many companies in India, right? We can't say the same for lay offs in UI/UX tho.
Another friend of mine told me that with IT, I could find jobs in both Chennai and Bangalore but, the UI/UX based firms are primarily located in Bangalore and I don't have any option as I have in the domain of programming.
3) Content/Copy writing: Ik that content writing and copy writing are two different domains but since both of them involve writing, I decided to club them together.
Ever since my childhood, I always liked to write down stuff, express my thoughts and feelings in words. Matter of fact, coding is only second to writing when it comes to being my favourite activity to do. My vocabulary is somewhat better than most of my college peers.
However, I have heard that copy/content writers get paid peanuts and open AI will virtually replace this entire domain.
With that, I wanna ask about another domain where copy/content writing is required, Project manager?
How much do junior project managers get paid? How prone are they to lay offs?
If I'm not wrong, project management is the base for MBA so, wouldn't it be advantageous for me in future?
So, that's it guys. I have expressed all my doubts and revelations within me. I'm extremely sorry if I ever mentioned anything ignorant in my writeup. I'm also sorry for my poor fluency in English.
Keeping in mind that I don't wanna be dependent on my family for my expenses and I won't stay here for long as I plan to apply for an MBA abroad, give me your best suggestions.
If you have made it this far, thank you so much. I appreciate it 🙏
Tdlr: Confused on what skill to develop before graduating college to secure a job: a) Programming b) UI/UX design c) Copy/content programming?
submitted by Budget-Yam9523 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:00 Aromatic_Slice2146 Been checked but still worried

Hey all, iv been examined by a doctors twice now and iv been given anti biotics as they think I may have an infection so to the left testicle being tender.
HOWEVER the left testicle is a distinct different shape like nothing about it feels normal the right is just smooth and fine then the left is just weirdly shaped.
I not had a scan but I have been physically exams twice by 2 doctors and my left Testicle has been different for a very long time.
Also note this testicle needed an operation to lower it down when I was a baby.
So should I just trust the doctors? It's tender when touched but if been given medication for 2 weeks then obviously if it's not better I'll go back and get rechecked.
Also note I have severe health anxiety but yeah should I just trust the doctors? Cus to me the left testicle feels so weird and I know the left testicle has different anatomy but idk it's not that it has a lump but it's like it just has dents . So I'm not asking if I have cancer but more so should I relax and trust the 2 doctors who have examined me?
And if anyone has any reassurance
submitted by Aromatic_Slice2146 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]
