Test capacitors on a mother

Mother In Laws From Hell

2016.02.19 06:46 Allie_Girl Mother In Laws From Hell

Welcome to Mother-In-Laws from Hell! This is a place to vent and get our frustrations out about our less-than-pleasant situations. Let’s help each other, and find ways to outsmart our hellish MIL's. The rules are simple...

2019.07.18 06:47 sunzusunzusunzusunzu GypsyRoseBlanchard

On June 10, 2015, GypsyRose Blanchard & her now ex bf, Nicholas Godejohn murdered her mother, Dee Dee, at her home in Springfield, MO. Gypsy entered a guilty plea in exchange for a sentence of 10yrs. Nick went to trial & received life in prison without parole. During the investigation, it became apparent that Gypsy had been the victim of medical child abuse at the hands of her mother, who suffered from MBP. This sub is for factual discussion about the case & Gypsy’s life after prison.

2009.04.02 03:45 Satur /r/SAT!

A forum to discuss the SAT and forms of preparation for taking the test. Please use this subreddit to ask for and offer help and to discuss both the exam itself and news about the exam.

2024.05.14 17:33 idiotica8 AIO for viewing my little brother’s death as my mother’s fault?

Sorry if this isn’t the appropriate community to post this in.
My 16 year old brother died in 2022 due to fentanyl poisoning. My mom found him in his bed. Before his death, he struggled with drug use. My mom caught him smoking weed at 14 or so, and instead of keeping a closer eye on him so he didn’t do drugs, she allowed him to do weed at 14-15 under the excuse “I’d rather him do it here at my house where he is safe than out somewhere else”. She even let her boyfriend sell weed to him at his young age. This escalated into my brother always having his 13-15 year old friends over and them all doing weed in his room. Shortly after, at age 15, my brother started taking and selling psilocybin mushrooms. And of course shortly after the shroom sales began, he started doing party drugs with all his friends like ecstasy, “percs” aka fentanyl, Xanax, and potentially more. When my mom found out, she drew the line and said he cant do pills or hard drugs, but she would allow the marijuana and mushrooms as a “compromise”. Horrible parenting in my opinion. Letting a 14-15 year old boy do any sort of drugs is irresponsible and undoubtedly contributed to my brother getting into pills, and developing a pill addiction to fentanyl that killed him. My mom did take measures to make sure he didn’t do pills, such as sending him away to rehab for 5 weeks before his 16th bday. When he came back, she was drug testing him but still allowing him to do weed and mushrooms. After his death we learned from his friends he was putting bleach in his urine in the drug tests and was still doing pills. My mom never checked his room or took measures to ensure pills weren’t around. This was in June and he died in August when my mom didn’t think he wasn’t doing pills still. But she also wasn’t keeping an eye on him either. she was taking the clean drug tests at face value and didn’t supervise to make sure he wasn’t still selling and taking pills when he was doing both. The police also found a handgun in his dresser and a bunch of pills on his nightstand the day he died. That’s how little my mom supervised my 16 year old brother with a history of dealing drugs and taking drugs. Now that it’s been almost 2 years since his death I cant help but resent my mother for not doing more. All she posts on social media is quotes about how much she wish she could have saved him and how much she grieves her son. That’s how little my mom supervised my 16 year old brother with a history of dealing drugs and taking drugs. Now that it’s been almost 2 years since his death I cant help but resent my mother for not doing more. All she posts about is how much she wishes she could save him, and only posts quotes about losing a son. And it’s honestly upsetting for me to see these posts constantly when I feel she could have done so much more and actually parented him instead of trusting him when he lied to her so many times about his drug use.
submitted by idiotica8 to AmIOverreacting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 litanies Do you guys think this could be my unknown half-brother?

Hi all,
Recently took an AncestryDNA test and knew things would be a bit weird. My father was adopted, and isn't in my life. He's had multiple life partners, however has never mentioned having any other kids aside from my half sister. My DNA test shows a 22% match to someone anonymous, and their profile is managed by their mother. Their mother let me know that she is talking to her son about whether or not he wants to connect with me. From my understanding, he was adopted by her.
22% Match 1568 cM across 35 segments
Ethnicity definitely takes on my dads side. Confirmed it's my Dad's side as well by comparing shared matches.
Sorry for asking, I'm just waiting to hear back and feel so impatient lol. I don't want to intrude on their life, rather I'm just curious.
submitted by litanies to Genealogy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:10 Own_Replacement8267 Due Diligence on $sava

Ay yo- My mother has Alzheimer's so I've been immersed on AD and all things related to it. We invested in $sava back in 2019 when it was a few dollars. Since then, we've sold some but still have a large position (greater than $5m) of stock.
If you're unaware of bio tech, it is a dirty and ugly world where big pharma (Eli Lilly, Biogen, etc.) will do any and everything to undermine the future viability of emerging companies. Many medicine based journals/websites get over 95% of their revenue from Big Pharma; on top of this, many journalists work with hedge funds who short these stocks and get paid as contractors/consultants for their 'opinions'. Due to this, it's relatively easy for these stocks to get shorted, ripped to shreds and lose money before they have the ability to introduce their data to the world. This has happened with $sava.
The results so far are extremely promising! The current drugs on the market have huge side effects. This drug, Simifulam, shows the most promise for a terrible disease.
$sava will introduce their updated data from the current test in December, likely. The stock is currently at $21 with a high of $125. The current market cap is $1b. If their drug is approved by the FDA, it should be worth >$10b ($250 p/sh).
Short hedge funds, shady bio tech 'experts' who have a Patreon and get paid by Big Pharma to post hit pieces, and journalists who use their voice have crushed the stock. Eventually, data will shut these shorts up.
I hope that the FDA will approve this promising drug, and that the shorts will be crushed for not only trying to short a stock that could save MILLIONS of lives and families, but because they have slowed down the progress of a terrible drug. This must be stopped. Shame on the shorts. SHAME!

submitted by Own_Replacement8267 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 Titus4266 Called ID shows a different number that the one I'm calling.

I have a problem with my new Ultra Mobile line. I'm in Argentina, using the service here and decided to test it with my Us number. I called my dad from that number, but on my dad's iPhone caller ID, it shows that I'm calling from a different number than the US one (it shows an Argentine number) and indicates that it's SPAM. Then I tried with my mother's phone and the same happened.
Any ideas to fix this and why do this strange issue happen?
submitted by Titus4266 to NoContract [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:53 Throwra343sa AITA for not wanting to go to law school

I(24F) graduated with my degree last year and planned to go to law school soon. It was my goal since I started college but since graduating I've been doing some thinking (and researching). It was what I wanted to do but I'm not sure if thats what I really wanted to do or my mother idea. She was really excited when I graduated and pushing me to go to law school. I just don't have much interest in going anymore and want a different career such as working for NASA or something else.
We both have the money for further education but if I choose another career route she won't help me unless it's law school. My mother(52F) wanted my sister and I to be something great before she passes away. She's been saying that since we were younger. The pressure is more on me since my sister(25F) doesn't want to go back to school. My sister graduated high school with straight A's, honors, perfect score on ACT, skipped a grade and even got a scholarship to Stanford but didn't go to college at all. My mom wanted her to be a doctor or nurse but my sister insisted that that was for "smart" people. So she works a regular factory job because she would rather be working than going to school. I wasn't nearly as smart as my sister and had a low gpa graduating high school. I enjoy learning and getting as much education as I can. I did graduate college with a 3.8.
I'm not interested in any of the careers that comes with my degree(yes my fault). I still haven't taken the LSAT and that test alone makes me nervous. I was never good at taking test like that. I either have a choice of getting a Masters in a different field or going to law school.
submitted by Throwra343sa to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:49 Undue_Pressure Surprising DNA results

Hi, so for context, I don't know my father. I was sending the test off out of curiosity just to see whether it would come back and tell me about the side of my family I don't know about. I am under the impression I am white, I have a white mother and I look very much white British. My results have come back telling me I am 42% south Asian. Suggesting my father is south Asian, specifically Pakistani. As it has also connected me to a grandparent and a few other "close relatives" uncles, cousins etc. I honestly just can't see it being true to look at me. And neither can anyone I've talked to. I contacted my heritage to double check and they're certain it's correct.
So I guess my question is has anyone ever gotten incorrect results? And have you ever followed up with a DNA test from another company were the results the same or different, which company did you use after my heritage?
And does anyone know if it's possible for someone to be mixed White/ South Asian and just look white? On the off chance it is actually correct.
I went searching for answers and I am just way more confused and lost about it all than I ever was before. If this is an accurate and correct portrayal of my ancestry then I would love to embrace it, but the results are so surprising I'm very skeptical of this until I can do more research and gain more evidence to reinforce these results.
Any advice, suggestions, personal experiences would be greatly appreciated
submitted by Undue_Pressure to MyHeritage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Loud_Skirt_7421 What's my type?

I am new to this mbti and enneagram stuff, but I did look into cognitive functions a bit but I still am not sure which fit me, it might be because I am still pretty new. This is mostly a hobby for when I am bored and want to think, because I like to play with outside systems like this.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I am 16 years old, male , just your average quiet teenager that sucks at introspecting and wants to look cool to others yet does nothing to impress others (other than looks)
that sounded oddly specific.,.....
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
not really, not that I know of..
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I grew up in a poor family (duh), then just like your average adult couple they divorce, usually I'd stay a lot with my mother and she would teach me about morals which I now see some as stupid but either way I kind of "took" her morals and my dad's too. Kind of had to grew up early and take care of my smaller brother by substituting being a dad , and I have a lot of influence over my brother , and we would switch places a lot but the only comfort I had was in games, interacting with others on the games ,making fun of others and overall having a good time being accepted
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
At the moment I have no job, I do karate and I could teach others but I don't have the stuff necessary like: a place to train others, I am not at the highest level yet, customers and this is mostly the main things.
But I would really like to continue on this path of gym and karate since I already have an edge and kind of be under someone's wing to help me
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
Mostly depends, on my mood sometimes I despise being alone and feel miserable being alone with my thoughts(and is mostly why I spend a lot of time on my computer despite not wanting to do so) or if the people in my circle kind of make me have a bad time then I would want to withdraw and get my energy back , usually I am very loud after I get comfortable with the other person and know what they are capable of
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
Like I said above I do Karate , I recently reached the brown belt ( YIPPPIE me) and me and the outdoors have a bad history but as of now I prefer to have a balance of both but mostly I would like to focus on real life things, especially when it comes to careers
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I am not too curious of stuff that is deep , it makes me feel miserable, but usually I get random questions sometimes and it makes me search , but not too deep into it just enough to have the idea cause I see no point in diving deeper. Usually when I even get these questions is from either talking out loud or just looking around me so it's mostly environmental (I think not too sure of this)
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
The only time I like leading is when I have knowledge and know I am the best to do it, if someone else is better then I'll let them do their thing but usually I wouldn't fully obey them I would kind of give some counter-arguments if there is room for some.
Even when I lead, others do listen to me and usually I am confident in doing it, kind of like that one quote of Sun Tzu:" Go to war only if you know you will win" , which my friend told me recently.
As for the style not too sure what it would really reference, but I would say I think of people as cogs in the machine
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
Not too sure what to say on the "coordination" part but I for sure love working with my hands, especially when I cook for myself or others, and like I already mentioned I do karate so of course I like practicing with my hands improving my technique
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
no I am not artistic at all , I don't really look into it at all since I don't consider it worthwhile but as a kid I did like drawing cause I was good at it and I got recognition for my drawings from other classmates and that would fuel me to make me like drawing cause the teacher liked it, others too and yeah.. Untill it kind of stopped receving the feedback and such
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I don't like to think of the past too much , especially when I think of myself, it's mostly negative things but I try to see the bright side of what I've achieved and such, because I wasn't healthy (even now I feel like I am not healthy but it's clearly better), I used to be chubby kind of fat , and before getting into karate I did handball where we trained physical condition and other things , and we had to do sit ups but due to me being fat I couldn't and others looked at me and started joking even the trainer and because of that I quit..
The present could be good but I am indifferent towards it I don't really work towards anything specific I like to remain a little reactive and eventually get help from others into shaping my future life.
And like I said I try to remain reactive of the present, I don't like planning too far ahead because it could be too early to plan and there might be more to do
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I don't get asked for help frequently but it's either I help the person because I see they are struggling or they asked me and it goes two ways: 1. I agree and do the job or 2. I tell them "no" and go back to what I was doing (eventually feeling guilty I didn't help but I don't like being used for other's advantage)
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Yeah , it's pretty important people shouldn't only run on feelings but kind of fit some systems into some kind of framework, not really think about it 24/7, but make sense of it that is how I like to do it.
Even with this system of cognitive functions I try to understand it but sometimes it's a bit too abstract, I prefer more practical examples to fully understand the idea behind it
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Not too much but not too less, usually I prefer it to not be feeling sad that I am "closed off somewhere" and not doing something, isolated from the world , especially with no computer atleast to go on the internet and joke around and chill with others(but of on a common task or else I will mind my business).
But I strive to be efficient in what I do over time , even if it's for a game that is pointless
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
Simply no, I never was able to do this exactly , well maybe after I get to know the person a bit and see what they could do.... but I am not.
Also just read what controlling others mean , and I could see myself taking charge and just doing everything myself....
But I still feel like I don't, but I can see how I could, but I won't because I don't have the skill and it wouldn't be good
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
Well probably just ,out of boredoom, playing games but not a wide variety which gets boring quick but familiarity bias is a thing.. and doing karate which energizes me almost everytime and anytime even if I don't feel like it and force myself. I just like when it goes well with others it and being liked by others, energizes me
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
To be honest I didn't really pay attention to how I learn I just learn to get good grades in school and make it, yeah not too much here but I struggle with things that don't really add up to me or I don't see the logic behind
Usually I don't need explanations from the teacher I kind of tend to see the logic behind everything mostly without asking much information since some subjects have systems that are easily to juggle with(like math but I sometimes struggle with calculating in my head)
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I try to simplify strategizing, yes having a plan in depth is good but people for sure won't like if you are gonna stick to one rigid plan , which is why you have to make it kind of like a team thing even if I do make a rigid plan I try to make it sound simple and to the point based of data that others and I know, even making decision off the data my group knows
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Probably to feel happy I achieved something and doing something in the outside world, eventually influencing others
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
Mostly personal stuff , and emotional situations, my emotional inteligence is bad and I am bad at emotions too, atleast handling the emotions of others, but sometimes I try to let them vent to me and help them a bit and try to be empathetic even tho I don't show it too much, mostly I show it through acting tho
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Positive outlook on life, relationships are well but I don't worry about them too much unless there is an obvious problem and really liking to hang around others, and especially having something going on for myself
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
the first thing that comes to my mind is: withrdawn, melancholy and just starting to critique everyone in my head but not really telling them, yeah sometimes I may start bluntly joking about other's and stuff and even situtations, I try to poke fun and when it kind of fails I feel like withdrawing from others since it doesn't work Melancholy litteraly makes me feel miserable about everything, mostly makes me feel depressed. I do tend to feel it often but I try to supress it trough doing things, like playing on the computer , youtube and such (everyone does this to some extent)
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I find myself daydreaming when bored and not really anything is going on but I do tend to be mindful of what others do in case they try to harm me...
But even if I daydream it's mostly about what everything could have been, kind of like what I could have done or what I could do and how it would end up/ ended up, but it does happen quite a lot
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
Not too sure if I would ever get there but thinking out loud here so , probably about some random stuff in my head unrelated to my situations untill one thought hits close to home and I go into some deeper stuff , and usually when I get deeper into things I tend to feel miserable, my friend (who is INTJ btw) said that my negative depressing thoughts that I hate match the thinking of the philosophy of "Nihilism" which is kind of true....
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I try and not stay too long on it but sometimes I might run back and forth if I am not too sure, but I try to stay decisive , because being indecisive a lot is bad..
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I kind of look down on emotions , yes I feel them but I just tend to ignore and repress them sometimes, but I vent to closer friends from time to time, but this is mostly because my parents would misinterpret my emotions...
My mom would just over moralify everything and bring it to a stupid extreme which is unrelated..
and My dad would just make fun of them , but sometimes he would give me spot on answers which are exactly what I need
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
Not really , even if I do it's in a way to shut off the conversation, because I don't like having conversation with no point
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don't really mind rules , but I don't pay attention to them too much(because no need to worry if you don't go out of your way to try something that could count as "breaking the rules") mostly to the general ones which could punish you very harshly but overtime they could be exploited and I do that when I am confident I won't be caught or it won't punish me
I also took the mbti test from Michael Caloz site (I saw people doing this one a lot so I figured I might give it a try for this post :D)
statistics of functions
the top result (followed by ESTP and then ESTJ, in that order)
I saw other posts also mentioning this, and I figured I would too
I took this test a bit rushed cause I needed to do something..
submitted by Loud_Skirt_7421 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:34 gorcbor19 Battery Cam Pro: Optimal Settings Recommendations [Solar Charger]

I built a bird feeder with a Wyze Battery Cam Pro inside it. It is connected to a solar panel battery charger. I tested it out for a week before delivering it as a (Mother's Day) gift, and it functioned well. The battery, once powered up in the sun, remained near or at 100% for a week, even sitting out in the rain.
Just before I delivered it, I installed an SD card in it (which seems to be the cause of the issues). I initially had it set to continuous recording to the SD card, which I quickly found isn't sustainable on a solar powered camera. Changing it to "Events Only" also seems to drain the battery pretty quickly.
For those of you who have a Battery Cam Pro on a solar charger, what are the optimal settings for maintaining the battery so that it consistently runs and doesn't drain the battery? I'm completely open to ditching the SD card altogether. I'm also open to shutting the camera off at night using rules.
What settings do you all recommend?
submitted by gorcbor19 to wyzecam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:21 Ok-Passion8864 The Immortal Night [Fantasy, 1989]

Hi everyone! I'm currently looking for any feedback on the first chapter of my short novel, which has just reached the second draft stage. It's about the main character being forced into eliminating the heads of an island conquered by vampires. The title is referencing a blood moon which remains present only on the island, always draping it in darkness and making it perfect for its inhabitants. I see it as a gothic Suicide Squad with less characters.
The chateau remarked itself as the jewel of the street.
The building rose above its accompanying homes, two stories larger than its nearest neighbours. A grand display of the original owner’s wealth, it now belonged to the vampires, like the rest of Prache. Looking down the street, Hitchforth recognised it from afar, his target for tonight’s mission. He watched stylish vampires enter through the front gate, greeted by ushers at the entrance, checking their invitations. Checking the inner pocket of his greatcoat, he searched for the invitation given to him, satisfied it was there. Hitchforth looked to his left and saw the rookie’s for tonight’s mission checking for his invitation. The rookie searched throughout his body, appearing to have lost the card, but found it before Hitchforth could scold him, offering it to his Educator.
The rookies they gave him rarely survived his missions. Sometimes he thought they were sent as a punishment, a test to see if they could survive. In his old age he had seen countless rookies, forgetting countless names and faces. This one beside him seemed nervous, adjusting his collar, wiping the sweat from his brow, avoiding eye contact with Hitchforth. This one might as well have been sentenced to an execution. What was his name? Anton? Arthur? It wouldn’t matter in the end, but the rookie’s nervousness could jeopardise the mission entirely.
“Tell me,” he said, seriousness in his tone. “Are you afraid of me or the vampires?”
The rookie fidgeted with his fingers before responding, wiping his brow from the new sweat that dripped. “B-b-both, sir.”
“Breathe. Fill your lungs and empty them. Like this.” Hitchforth demonstrated for the rookie, taking extra care to show the slow speed of the action.
The rookie did as instructed, inhaling and exhaling deeply.
“It helps?” Hitchforth asked.
“Yes sir,” the words spoken with more clarity and calmness.
“Good, let’s go into the lion’s den then.”

They approached the front entrance, lining up to be ushered in. Carmilla’s festivity had attracted the richest of Prache’s vampires, adorned in foreign jewels and extravagant clothing. The rookie almost slipped on an exceptionally long dress, caught by the cuff by Hitchforth. Looking behind him, he saw the fury in their red eyes, that Humanity’s Hope had been invited. Reaching the usher, Hitchforth handed his and the rookie’s invitations, inspecting the vampire’s face. The slightest twinge of shock showed on his face, but was quickly concealed with a stern, professional demeanour. He waved them both in, shooting a questioning glance as they passed by.
The building appeared larger inside than it was outside, if possible. The minimal red torches fitted on sconces and the amount of vampires fitted into the building helped accentuate its size. A sea of suits and dresses spread throughout its floor, different colours and materials shining in the ambient light. Imported marble made up the floor, dark and white tiles patterned intricately. Large windows draped by exotic curtains furnished the walls throughout the building, paintings spread in between the spaces. Hitchforth could just make out the paintings as portraits, the closest to him being a group of five vampires.
What surprised Hitchforth the most was the sounds that filled his ears. Music played by a orchestra filled the building with the sounds of strings, woodwinds, percussion and brass sections. Pushing past the crowd that had congregated near the front entrance, Hitchforth saw dancing. Vampires dancing in line with their partners to the music, alternating between partners, spinning with arms outstretched.
Behind the dance floor a grand staircase rose from the floor, providing access to the two other stories of the building. It was there that Hitchforth saw the target for tonight’s mission come down the stairs, stopping high enough to be seen, but low enough to be heard. Immediately the orchestra ceased its playing, the dancers also ceasing their dancing. The congregation around the entrance strode to the dance floor, taking Hitchforth and the rookie with them, waiting for her words.
She was tall and deathly beautiful, more civilised and confident than the others. She wore a dark crimson dress, accenting her red eyes and slender face. Her moonlight coloured hair draped straight down past her shoulders, shining despite the lack of light. Her red lips parted into a savage smile, displaying the pointed canines she shared with every member of her race. Hitchforth noticed she looked directly at him, her eyes sizing him as a lion would to its prey. Carmilla Sanguine had arrived.
She spoke to the guests, keeping her eyes on Hitchforth. “Welcome all, to the festivities of tonight. I hold today’s ball as a celebration of our independence as a species, our freedom from humanity.” The guests cheered at the words, delighted at the words. “And please give our warm Prache hospitality to our sanctioned guests of Humanity’s Hope, who have joined us.”
The vampires did not cheer at those words, hushing and hissing silently as they turned to see Hitchforth and the rookie. It was easy to find them, both wearing their issued dark green greatcoats. Hitchforth had refused formal attire for the event for himself and his rookie, knowing they would stand out regardless.
“Enjoy your time tonight and as always, long live our king.”
“Long live our king,” the crowd shouted out in unison, mirroring Carmilla’s words.
Carmilla stepped down the stairs, her guests returning to conversation and dancing. She mingled with her guests, leaving Hitchforth and the rookie alone.
“Sir, what now?” the rookie asked.
“She will come to us, she can’t help herself,” Hitchforth said whilst looking over her watching her conversations. From a distance he could still see the power she held, the fear in the faces of the vampires she held conversations with. From what he had been told, the heads of Prache kept to themselves mostly, only communicating when necessary. The mission would not be hindered by reinforcements, or so he had been told.
Carmilla made her way over to where Hitchforth and the rookie stood, flanked by two bodyguards in suits. She looked over the rookie, smiling and looking into his eyes. Hitchforth saw the rookie smile back, his nervousness gone. Already her mind games had begun.
“Hello, Carmilla,” he said, breaking her eye contact with the rookie.
“Greetings, Educator Hitchforth. And who might this be here?”
“My rookie. You know my name?” Carmilla had come closer to the rookie, stroking his cheek with her hand as Hitchforth spoke. Hitchforth saw the sharp nails on her hand, softly grazing the rookie’s skin.
“Isn’t fresh blood the best? We don’t get a lot of humans here, I’m sure you know.” Carmilla moved her hand away, turning and answering the Educator. “Of course, who doesn’t know the only Lycan Educator in Humanity’s Hope? I’m sure everyone here has smelt it already.”
“Fair enough. Can we talk in a more…,” Hitchforth looked around, noticing most of the guests were paying attention to their conversation. “Private place?”
“Of course, Educator. Allow me to lead the way,” she said, taking hold of the rookie’s hand and walking ahead. Hitchforth stared at him from behind to let go yet he continued, unable to escape her trance. Playing along, he followed Carmilla up the stairs, leaving behind the vampires to dance and socialise below.

Carmilla lead Hitchforth and the rookie up the stairs to the second floor, passing through multiple hallways and doors to reach their destination. The building’s halls and rooms seemed to continue endlessly, doors leading to more doors and longer hallways. They walked down a long staircase, perhaps made for the servants of the building. They walked through a large hallway containing Carmilla’s thralls, lined up against the wall, saluting as she passed. Eventually they reached a cold room with a large table in the centre with a fireplace emitting red flames. Red ash was a new invention created since the vampires had conquered Prache, a harmless light source for their needs. They had invested heavily into the island as their home and Hitchforth knew they would not give it up easily. Looking above the mantle place, Hitchforth noticed the familiar painting from the ballroom.
All the five vampires matched the descriptions he was told, to the point he could recognise them all. At the forefront sat Harrow Sanguine, the self-appointed king of Prache. He looked younger than the rest of his family, his ashen skin painted flawlessly. His fierce eyes stared back into Hitchforth, instilling fear from even his heart. To his right stood his wife, Rose Sanguine, who bore a strong resemblance to Carmilla, matching hair and all. To the king’s left stood Varney Sanguine, wearing his familiar grey suit and matching brown flat cap. Standing next to Varney was Father Nostra, the religious leader of Prache, wearing his black cassock. Finally, standing next to her mother was Carmilla Sanguine, identical to her real life presence.
“Where are we?” Hitchforth asked.
“A meeting room under the chateau. We won’t be disturbed here.”
“And your guests? They won’t be afraid you’ve gone missing?”
Carmilla laughed. “Those fools will be too blood drunk in the morning to remember their past few days. Our meeting will be fine.” She ordered her guards out of the room, instructing them to stay outside, just in case. “The guards will be waiting outside,” she said, warning in her tone.
“What do you want?”
“When my father sanctioned a member of Humanity’s Hope to visit the island, I was surprised they chose you.”
Hitchforth shrugged. “I’m expendable.”
“Yes, they do see you in that way, and that may be so. But I see more.”
Hitchforth furrowed his eyebrows. “Like what?”
“I see opportunity. I see power. I see a new path.”
“Care to explain?”
“You are the only Educator that is not human. On Prache we can give you freedom, like we have achieved.”
Hitchforth thought over what Carmilla said, processing her words. She had to have been desperate to separate him from any prying eyes, eager to keep her plans secret. The only choice was to continue.
“I see. They say a hand that lends help is matched by a hand that waits repayment. What is the repayment you seek from me?”
Carmilla smiled more than she had before, looking more unnatural than she ever had before. Her smile outstretched to the corners of her face and Hitchforth thought he saw her eyes darken lustfully. Not lust for blood, but lust for power. “The crown. With my connections and Humanity’s Hope, we can topple my father’s regime. He is outdated, out of touch with the population’s desires and needs. I can give it to them.”
Hitchforth scoffed at the words. “And you believe Humanity’s Hope is willing to partner with a vampire?”
“They partnered with you didn’t they? I see no difference.”
“I have no partnership. Something much worse.”
“It doesn’t matter. My father is eager to enact revenge for the prosecution vampires have felt for millennia. I am willing to move on.”
Hitchforth looked to the rookie, who had remained silent throughout the conversation. He sweated through his coat, leaving visible stains. The trance Carmilla had put him through had broken, putting her attention to Hitchforth. He could feel the slight strings pulling him in the direction she wanted, appealing to his emotions and desires. He considered over her terms, it made sense to accept the deal. Why would he protect his captors? His mind travelled elsewhere, to a farmhouse and her tending to her flower garden. He thought of her smile, and the little one that accompanied her.
“Do we have a deal? You have no choice either way, Educator,” Carmilla said, snapping Hitchforth back to reality.
He looked to his rookie, signalling under the table to warn him. Hitchforth saw him nod subtly, trying not to give away the motion.
“No,” Hitchforth said, raising the table above his head, smashing it into Carmilla’s body, sending her flying.
submitted by Ok-Passion8864 to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:05 Mama_SLW 25(f) having severe issues but doctor is refusing further testing due to age.

I 25(f) 5’1 121lbs mother of a two year old have been having PACs fatigue nausea to the point of never having an appetite anxiety. My blood pressure on average of 110/60 I live what I consider to be a healthy life I eat a decent diet with a focus on Whole Foods I sleep 7 hours a night I work out 3-6 times a week. I have hobbies. These issues are making it to where I can’t do anything any more I’m to tired to go to the gym I can’t eat because I’m so nauseous or have no appetite. Blood work all comes back fine other then consistent slightly elevated platelets and was anemic for a while but those levels look good now. Doctor refuses to do anymore testing because of my age and tells me it’s anxiety and wants to try an antidepressant. Can anyone give me some insight as to why he refuses to look deeper into this issue and what this issue could be? I’m starting to freak out because I just want to keep living but it’s becoming increasingly difficult.
submitted by Mama_SLW to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:03 AlyssaJayy27 Dreams do come true!

I got the most important surprise of my life this morning! I (F/31) found out I am expecting my first child! Although I've always known that I wanted to be a mother, I never imagined that dream coming true. I had been informed by a doctor (a urologist, I think) that I had ovarian cysts during an ultrasound quite a while ago. I was pretty young at the time (late teens, early 20s?) and I was convinced that I had PCOS. Unfortunately, I really let that go to my head and convinced myself I would never be able to get pregnant. Fast forward to earlier this year. After being nudged by a few people close to me, I decided to make an appointment with my gynecologosist to have things checked out. She ordered me an ultrasound, and I was pleasantly surprised to find out there were no longer any cysts! I started using the Flo app to track my periods, which is something I had never really done before. I felt like I was still having a hard time determining when I was ovulating, though. Curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to order some Clearblue digital ovulation tests. I used the Flo app to help me determine when I should start testing. The first time I tried, I got a "low fertility" result. I tried again about 3 days later and got a flashing smiley face, which indicated high fertility, but not quite peak yet. Never in a million years did I think I would conceive that fast. I am on cloud 9!
submitted by AlyssaJayy27 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:53 Trashmonster82 Where’s the best place to buy bulk Covid tests?

We live with and care for my elderly mother who has leukemia. We test often. Tests are getting harder to come by.
Our local library used to give out 4 free tests per household per week but now it’s only 1 or 2 if we’re lucky.
Costco has stopped selling covid tests which sucks because they used to have a 5 for $20 deal on Flow Flex but apparently there isn’t enough demand to justify restocking these anymore.
Paying $10-11 per test at the local pharmacy is too expensive for us given how often we need to test with a large family.
Does anyone have insight on where the best deal online is for buying good quality tests (Flow Flex or Binax level) in bulk packs of 20-100 at a time?
submitted by Trashmonster82 to ZeroCovidCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:43 Philothea0821 My Biggest Problems with Protestantism

I want to take a moment to list out some of my most challenging problems with Protestantism according to what Scripture says, in no particular order. It is not a comprehensive list of all of the problems that I have with it, but having these answered would go a long way to me taking Protestantism seriously from a theological viewpoint.
We should rely on our own personal interpretation of Scripture
And we have the prophetic word made more sure. You will do well to pay attention to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts. 20 First of all you must understand this, that no prophecy of scripture is a matter of one’s own interpretation, 21 because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God.
Here, Peter is saying PAY ATTENTION TO THE CHURCH!!! Listen to what the apostles are teaching and allow that to form your reading of Scripture. If you read the rest of this chapter, He says that "we" (the apostles) have had given to them, "all things that pertain to life and godliness" through knowledge of Jesus Christ. When we read Scripture, we should not read it solely with our own understanding, but allow ourselves to be taught by the apostles (or those appointed by them as successors).
When it comes to Sola Scriptura, I do not see how it is not relying on one's own personal interpretation. How do I know that I am understanding Scripture correctly? How do I know that I do not have an interpretation that is horribly off base? I have never really gotten an answer to this from Protestants.
If I am debating Scripture, according to Protestants, I am debating the sole highest authority. So if I test my interpretation against something else, I am testing against a lesser authority and thus it can still be challenged and I have not sufficiently solved the problem.
We only need to declare Jesus as Lord to get to Heaven
“Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.
Here Jesus flatly says professing that Jesus is Lord is not enough to get you into Heaven, but doing the will of the Father. Yes, we are saved by faith through grace. If you get baptized and are shot dead the moment you walk out of the church, you will go to Heaven having done nothing except making that "leap of faith." If you are in a car crash and have a minute to live and all you can do is place your trust in Jesus, yes, you will be saved. But for 99.99999% of people, this is not the case. We have our entire lives to live after baptism. So the question is "Do we live according to what we profess with our mouth?"
If I say "I am an Orioles fan." but only ever go to/watch Yankees games and only ever root for the Yankees, would you say that I am actually an Orioles fan? Do I not call into question that statement that I made by my actions? What if I grow up as an Orioles fan, regularly attending games and watching them daily. But then later, my favorite player gets traded to the Yankees and I convert to a Yankees fan. Was I never an Orioles fan to begin with? No. That would be silly. I was an Orioles fan, but then became a Yankees fan.
Likewise, if I say "I am a Christian and believe that Jesus rose from the dead." But I never attend Church, I am not loving others, I am worshipping other gods, etc. Am I really a Christian? Maybe I was at one point, but I certainly am not now based on what I have done.
As such, yes, it is true that works do not save us, but if we act contrary to what we believe, we cannot have assurance of our salvation. Hopefully God still finds a way to bring us to Heaven. I would rather someone spend 1000 years after death having their soul purified knowing that they will go to Heaven then know for a fact that they are in Hell. Even so, we must recognize that Hell is real, it is a real possibility.
Baptism does not save
He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, 22 who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, with angels, authorities, and powers subject to him.
I have ZERO idea where some Protestants get this idea from. The idea that Baptism is not salvific is not at all Scriptural. This really ties into the "Sola Fide" bit of this post.
The Eucharist is merely symbolic
I am the bread of life. 49 Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. 50 This is the bread which comes down from heaven, that a man may eat of it and not die. 51 I am the living bread\)c\) which came down from heaven; if any one eats of this bread, he will live for ever; and the bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh.”
52 The Jews then disputed among themselves, saying, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”\)d\) 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; 54 he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. 55 For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. 56 He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. 58 This is the bread which came down from heaven, not such as the fathers ate and died; he who eats this bread will live for ever.” 59 This he said in the synagogue, as he taught at Caper′na-um.
Jesus flat out says "This bread that I am talking about here is my flesh." So the disciples challenge Him saying "You mean this figuratively right?... RIGHT?
So Jesus responds repeating himself over and over in verses 53 through 58. How many times does Jesus need to say something for you to believe it? You will latch on to a singular verse that teaches something you agree with (or seems to) for dear life at the exclusion of literally any other verse on the topic, but something else is taught multiple times and you don't believe it? I am confused about how Protestants read the Bible. It does not seem to be in any kind of coherent exegesis.
You are allowed to get divorced and remarried... at all.
“Every one who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
But Jesus said to them, “For your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment. 6 But from the beginning of creation, ‘God made them male and female.’ 7 ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife,\)a\) 8 and the two shall become one.’\)b\) So they are no longer two but one.\)c\) 9 What therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.”
He said to them, “For your hardness of heart Moses allowed you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so. 9 And I say to you: whoever divorces his wife, except for unchastity,\)c\) and marries another, commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman, commits adultery.”
A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives. If the husband dies, she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
Marriage is "until death do us part." The teachings on divorce from the Gospels is trying to set a trap for Jesus to see which rabbinical school he agrees with. Jesus comes out and says. "Neither." He says "Yeah. Moses allowed for divorce. But this is not how it was from the beginning. What about that "except for unchastity" phrase in Matthew (and only Matthew)?
There Matthew is talking about unions that God did not join together. He is talking about invalid marriages that his primarily Jewish readers would have been thinking about. The gentile converts to Christianity would not have thought about these weird situations, so this is excluded from the other gospels.
You can get re-baptized
There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call— one Lord, one faith, one baptism,
Some that want to say that you can get rebaptized jump to Acts 19. Reading this passage, it would seem that what is going on here is that the Baptism by John was not in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Paul is essentially saying that the "baptism" that they had received was not valid. He does not say that he "baptized them again into Christ." Rather it says that Paul "baptized them in the name Jesus Christ." As in they were not baptized into Christ, so Paul baptized them "for real this time."
You can only be cleansed from Original Sin once. After that, you can confess your sins and have them forgiven. Baptism is what makes into a child of God. That can only happen once. To do otherwise is a grave sin because you are saying that God was not powerful enough to save you the first time. Again, if a baptism is deemed to be invalid, this is a different story. This is why Paul asks "Into what were you baptized?"
The Church is simply the collection of believers
“If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every word may be confirmed by the evidence of two or three witnesses. 17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 18 Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Here it is clear that the "Church" is something more than a collection of believers. Jesus teaches here that first, you deal with disagreement 1 on 1. If that does not work, you go and get other believers to help show that they are wrong. If that does not work, then take to the Church. If even that does not work, they are to be treated as an unbeliever (excommunicated).
Certainly, all believers are a part of the Church - which is the body of Christ. The Church is not a parish or a singular building. The Church is universal, but there is a clear structure to it. There are priests, bishops, elders, etc. There is real authority in that structure. This article goes over in Scripture and towards the bottom the Church Fathers what the Church is meant to look like: https://www.scripturecatholic.com/the-biblical-church/
Many Protestant ideas sound nice, but I do not want to believe something merely because it sounds nice. Dessert for dinner sounds nice but it is not good for my body. Likewise, we should not judge something on "does it sound nice." We should judge something on whether it is good for our souls.
I look at many Protestant theological views and note how they seem to not be based in Scripture or based on a misunderstanding of Scripture. I would love to see if Protestants can properly answer these. Simply quoting verses that seem to back you up is not enough here. You need to show that these other verses are not problematic.
I do not only want to trust in Jesus, I want to trust that I am following everything that he taught. Jesus commanded the apostles to teach all that He has commanded, not just the important stuff. If you get the main stuff right but other things wrong, you still got it wrong. If a teacher gave a 10 question quiz and said, "You got questions 1, 2, 5, and 7 right, but everything else wrong. It is ok though those questions were the most important." I still get a failing grade. So, if you want me to convert to Protestantism you need to show that you actually follow all of Scripture, because I want to strive to get a 100% on the "test" of salvation. After all Jesus told us to "Be perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect" Not "Be kind of perfect as Your Heavenly Father is perfect."
submitted by Philothea0821 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:38 MarioMakerLegend I've been doing an 100 Days but the version upgrades everyday in Betacraft, any thoughts?

This is probably the most ambitious project I've done, but I'm on day 62 as of writing this, and it's been a blast! Here are my notes for every day in this: Day 1 (inf-20100607) Did nothing more than make myself a house and get food. Wood seemed scarce, so I mined coal during the night.
Day 2 (inf-20100608) Lit up the area, and made myself a cloth cap and shirt. The first sapling grew today, so I chopped it down and replanted.
Day 1 (again) (inf-20100611) Minecraft decided that my world didn't exist so I had to restart. Not too hard, though. I had to quickly build myself a wooden house (good thing there were so many trees!) and hide in there for the night. I didn't have coal, so no torches, and no torches means no light, and no light means PITCH BLACK nights. I was genuinely scared by this. Also, the skeletons and zombies made player noises. Weird.
Day 2 (again) (inf-20100615) Finished the wood shack and installed windows (not the OS, mind you). Then I added a tube to the back of the mineshaft to get to my house easier, and I also went mining. Found coal, but didn't have enough time to mine it due to it being update time.
Day 3 (inf-20100616-1) Decided to make a giant cobblestone nerd-pole so that I wouldn't get lost when exploring. Speaking of exploring, I did just that... for a little bit. That was very short-lived. I ended up mining for a while, and found the void-lava.
Day 4 (inf-20100617-1) Today was so far the most successful mining trip. I nerded out about the old trees having logs on the inside and the new trees not having that and those two kinds of trees being right next to each other. That's a run on sentence isn't it? Then I went into the mines and found more iron than I can count. Like I said, successful.
Day 5 (inf-20100617-2) Mining trip was good. Got more iron and found some void gold (a gold vein that exposed the void). It was cool.
Day 6 (inf-20100618, Seecret Friday 1) I screwed around with minecarts.
Day 7 (inf-20100624) Decided to light up the area around spawn, but not in spawn. Decided to fight baddies for the heck of it that night. Also made the house look more appealing.
Day 8 (inf-20100625-1) Everything that I placed and did in the last day got reversed to how they were on Day 6, except for my inventory. I spent the day fixing everything. In the night, I went mining and found more iron. No diamonds D:
Day 9 (inf-20100625-2, Seecret Friday 2) Today they added dungeons and some other stuff but it's not very important to me right now. Went mining for the day.
Day 10 (inf-20100627) Nothing interesting was added today so I went exploring to find water. I also made a glass room in my mine to tell the time.
Day 11 (inf-20100630-1) Infdev 20100629 didn't wanna work. So here we are, at 20100630-1. Stairs were added in the last version, so I added stairs to my mine. The stairs sure are finnicky, though! I also filled a creeper blast with water (that is surprisingly calming...)
Day 12 (inf-20100630-2) The last Infdev day. Tomorrow it will be Alpha! To prepare for the long journey of Alpha releases I built a new addition to the house. Finally, I made a sign and a shrine for Infdev. Farewell!
Day 13 (a1.0.1_01) Last version was Seecret Friday, but the file is lost and I have to play this version. But there are so many changes!! Excited! Didn't find redstone in the mines, though. I also finished the new room and organized the chests.
Day 14 (a1.0.2_01) Went exploring for some coal and cooked all my pork chops.
Day 15 (a1.0.2_02) Can't remember much other than that I went mining. That's it I guess?
Day 16 (a1.0.3) Went exploring for some coal but found a cool cave and also found lots of coal and iron
Day 17 (a1.0.4, Seecret Friday 4) Same as Day 16.
Day 18 (a1.0.5) Went back home and decided to go strip-mining because caving didn't go very well. Not much happened.
Day 19 (a1.0.5_01) There is a new project now; I am carving my face on a mountain. Gonna need a lot of stone though. And gravel. Lots and lots of gravel.
Day 20 (a1.0.6, Seecret Friday 5) Cactuses were added. Neat I guess. Also Boats. But that doesn't apply to what I did today because what I did today was work on my face. I went to get gravel. There was a lot of gravel.
Day 21 (a1.0.6_01) Marked the gravel spot, got distracted, and now I'm lost. at least I found a cactus!
Day 22 (a1.0.6_03) Using the power of looking back at the footage, I was able to return home! With the cactus! Yippee!
Day 23 (a1.0.7) Continued work on the face: I did it! Now I am making the body. Might need more gravel...
Day 24 (a1.0.8_01) i died.
Day 25 (a1.0.9) I continued working on my statue of me and got some more gravel. Had 1 block left after finishing!
Day 26 (a1.0.10) Went strip mining, found no diamonds.
Day 27 (a1.0.11, Seecret Friday 6) This update, lots of cool stuff was added but nothing that I can use. Went strip mining and found zero diamonds.
Day 28 (a1.0.12) The splash was "missingno" for some reason. Anyways, continued working on a giant tower. Ladders suck
Day 29 (a1.0.13) Finished the tower. Ladders STILL suck...
Day 30 (a1.0.13_01) Got bored of building so I went in one direction to find some sugarcane. Found some and am going back
Day 31 (a1.0.13_01 1Kin24h edition) The title screen was changed to say 1K in 24h because Minecraft sold 1,000 units in 24 hours! That might not seem like a lot but at the time that was big news. ANYWAYS, got back home and planted sugarcane, and also made a bookshelf. Also, bricks!
Day 32 (a1.0.14-1, Seecret Friday 7) Chickens and chest minecarts and furnace minecarts are added and I WANT A RAIL SYSTEM so I decided that my face could be a cart station. also iron doors suck
Day 33 (a1.0.14-2) What did I do... Oh yeah i put a tower compass thing.
Day 34 (a1.0.15) Played Minecraft, Watched Hermitcraft, Got Gravel.
Day 35 (a1.0.16) Mined some dirt
Day 36 (a1.0.16_01) placed the dirt replacing the sand, also paths.
Day 37 (a1.0.16_02) paths. PATHS!!!!!!1!
Day 38 (a1.0.17_02) Fences were added in alpha 1.0.17 but that version and a1.0.7_01 are lost so this is the one I have to play. Anyways, I got some wood for a farm project. How is that related? You'll see...
Day 39 (a1.0.17_03) See, fences placed underneath farmland makes the farmland UNTRAMPLEABLE. That's nice.
Day 40 (a1.0.17_04) Last a1.0.1x version! Grinding for wood sux.
Day 41 (a1.1.0-1, Seecret Friday 9) Compasses! I WANT A COMPASS. So I don't get lost ;) but i don't have redstone so i went mining for some. NO LUCK as always...
Day 42 (a1.1.0-2) Mining. No. Redstone. Or. Diamonds.
Day 43 (a1.1.1, Seecret Saturday) SNEAKIN' ROUND THE BLOCK, WOOHOO! Spent this legendary version just mining and found BEDROCK. I'll tell you that that wasn't there before. Still no redstone OR diamonds. FOUND A CAVE, THOUGH.
Day 44 (a1.1.2) idk what I did, I cooked pork I guess
Day 45 (a1.1.2_01) I mined out a bit of my face and gave a tour of the world to Pap. Last version with neon foliage.
Day 46 (a1.2.0, Halloween Update) Because this version added the Nether, I desperately tried to get diamonds so I could make a nether portal. Alas, no luck on that front.
Day 47 (a1.2.0_01) Continued mining until my pickaxes broke. After that, I hollowed out some more of my face. That's it?
Day 48 (a1.2.0_02) I tried making a rail way to the resource gathering area, but turns out that furnace minecarts are extremely finnicky. That project will have to wait until Beta 1.5...
Day 49 (a1.2.1_01) Turns out that Alpha 1.2.1 is the only lost Alpha 1.2 version. Go figure. Anyways, I started working on Mama's Mother's Day gift thing, and got ambushed by like a million mobs during the night. This is what I signed up for when switching to Hard mode, what did I expect?
Day 50 (a1.2.2-1) The ability to easily switch between texture packs was added in this version, replacing the ever-defunct "Play tutorial level" button. Also, nether portals with F4. I'm definitely going to use that once I figure out how it works. Update: figured out how the portals work, they seem to be random. I tried it in a test world then in my actual world and it worked! It was really cool in the Nether, but I just so happen to be underground. Ugh.
Day 51 (a1.2.2-2) Spent the day continuing working on the Mother's Day gift. I didn't die this time!
Day 52 (a1.2.3) Coordinates were added to the F3 menu, which is pretty nice. Now I CAN'T get lost! Anyways, I finished the Mother's Day gift and then died due to skelley boi. Man I need to mine... That will be a project for tomorrow.
Day 53 (a1.2.3_01-1) I didn't mine. Instead, I focused on ranged attacks and getting food and leather for armor.
Day 54 (a1.2.3_01-2) I continued to get resources from animals and ended up with a lot of pork chops and a leather shirt.
Day 55 (a1.2.3_02) Started a new mine so that I can get iron and diamonds faster. I found iron actually now!
Day 56 (a1.2.3_04) Turns out a1.2.3_03 doesn't exist. Weird, huh? Anyway, I finished digging down to y11 and am installing stairs.
Day 57 (a1.2.4, a1.2.3_05 in-game) Continued mining out my brand-new definitely not abandoned mineshaft. Got some of the unused rails and put them to good use!
Day 58 (a1.2.4_01) Went a little overtime huh? Well today was kinda uneventful, i mined, mined some more, and mined EVEN MORE. STILL no diamonds. I'm kinda losing hope...
Day 59 (a1.2.5) Only 1 alpha version left! Wow, time really did fly fast, huh? Anyway, I went and made a new room below the furnace room for storage, so that when I am in the beta versions I won't run out of storage. I also need wood.
Day 60 (a1.2.6) It's the LAST version of Alpha, and you know what I'm gonna do? Make an alpha shrine of course! I did the same for Infdev on day 12 if you remember. So yeah, that's what I'll do today. Update: I got killed by a zombie at the last second it COULD have. That sux
Day 61 (b1.0) Immediately, the Alpha shrine got blown up by a creeper instantly. And I died twice. It gets better, though. I continued working on the storage area and got things sorted out. However, there appears to be an inventory bug and that made my life waay harder. Still though, pretty productive day!
Day 62 (b1.0_01) The stupid chest bug was fixed! Yaay!
submitted by MarioMakerLegend to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:37 1841Leech Bad phone call after anatomy scan, what should I do?

I have my first anatomy scan at 13w1d yesterday and got a pretty awful phone call from my doctor. Apparently my daughter has a 3.3mm NT and he told me anything over 3 is not considered normal. He wants me to come back in for a Vistara test to test for Noonan’s Syndrome. He also let me know that the imaging was not the best, but in my mind I’m wondering if that’s just his way of trying to keep his patients calm. However, I do remember the tech yesterday making some jokes that she wasn’t cooperating and I joked back that I also don’t like cameras so there’s that.
I am going in today for the test, but they’re not doing another scan. My next scan with them isn’t until July 1st which will put me at 20 weeks. I don’t know why they won’t look again if he admitted the imaging wasn’t the greatest. Also the Vistara results will take 2-3 weeks and I’m not sure what I should do in the meantime. I called out of work today to go into the doctor and because I keep crying, but I know I have to go on with my life during that time and I don’t know how I will. We also told our family and friends the news on Sunday (Mother’s Day) and I’m regretting it completely.
Should I call my OB and talk to them about amnio or CVS? Should I look into another doctor for anatomy scans for a second opinion, especially since my current doctor isn’t doing another scan? I’m not sure if that’s normal?
submitted by 1841Leech to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:33 Titus4266 Called ID shows a different number that the one I’m calling.

I have a problem with my new Ultra Mobile line. I'm in Argentina, using the service here and decided to test it with my US number. I called my dad from that number, but on my dad's iPhone caller ID, it shows that I'm calling from a different number than the US one (it shows an Argentine number) and indicates that it's SPAM. Then I tried with my mother’s phone and the same happened.
Any ideas to fix this?
submitted by Titus4266 to ultramobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:28 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 13 2024

DAY: MAY 13, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:53 Rosesnlillies Husband in psychosis

My (36F) husband (38M) has been in a psychosis since January. He has repeatedly refused medical help. In February he said he wanted a divorce. Legally I am still married to him. He said I was no longer allowed to leave the house and that if I didn't find accommodation in 3 months I was allowed to rent the lower portion of the that I co-own. I felt very unsafe so I fled to my mother. The following night he vandalized my mother's house and called me names. After that he tried to reconcile, and my only request was that he seek medical help so this doesn't happen again. It the meantime I found out he was visiting prostitutes and confronted him about it. He said he is a prophet (Jesus) and that those women are made permissible to him. I got myself tested for STD's immediately and luckily I had none. He also admitted visiting prostitutes twice 2 years back when he was not manic as far as I know. After this he broke off all contact with me. I had accepted the fact that my marriage is over. In this period he also lost his job, was manic spending and got into trouble with the law (vandalized another family members home but not as severely as my mother's).
Suddenly about 3 weeks ago he contacts me again and apologizes for everything and wants me to come back home. I said I wouldn't even think about coming home unless he gets medical help & I need some time to trust him again. He said he was open to medical help and also therapy and shared his childhood trauma with me. He was apparently a victim of CSA. He went with me to our GP and we told the doctor everything. He said that he had been having these symptoms since 2008. I hadn't noticed anything. He was diagnosed with bipolar and was perscribed Olanzapine. He was taking it regularly and we were spending time together. I noticed he had trouble making decisions and asked me or his father to take all the decisions for him. This is very unlike him.
Meanwhile he had thrown everything out of our house, from the curtains to furniture, to all his and my stuff and all paperwork and now he wanted to remove the floorboards. I had managed to get important papers out like the house deed and took them with me so that he doesn't throw it away. He had sold 2 cars and a scooter, so we put the one remaining car in my name so he wouldn't be able to sell it like he was planning to. This Friday he suddenly calls me at night and says that I'm a gaslighter, that I emotionally manipulated him into taking the medication and that I forced him to take it. He said the medication made him sleepy and that he was unable to apply to jobs like this. All I said was let's discuss it with the doctor and to please not stop the antipsychotics suddenly since that is not safe. He called me the next day and said he had talked to a psychiatrist (?) and that he/she said its safe to stop it immediately. At this point I admit I could have handled the situation better, but I got so angry. Here I am trying to get past his betrayal, and trying to help him and all I get back instead is being called a gaslighter and manipulator. I am exhausted chasing a 38 year old man to take his medicine. It feels like im the only one trying to save this marriage. He said the medication has helped him, and now he is cured and thanks for the help but that's it. He is an adult and can take his own medical decisions. I asked him if he still thinks he is a prophet and he said yes.
He said he believes that I am never coming back anyways and he has been nice to me long enough ( 2 weeks ). He said I stole his car and house papers and to return them immediately which I refused. Medication is just not something that I am willing to compromise on. I don't want to run to my mother house every few months because my husband wants a divorce again or cheated on me during a psychosis. I want a stable life with him. I'm just wondering if I should have returned home sooner like he asked me to? Did I let him down? Is my divorce valid since he is now a diagnosed bipolar? We havent talked since Friday and he has been to prostitutes again.
submitted by Rosesnlillies to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:39 Substantial_Pop8446 Making test equipment for counter surges

Making test equipment for counter surges
So lately i've been doing the schematic on Proteus 8 for my thesis, and im really struggle here, i want to make it charge and discharge with Arduino and 2 push Button for the action but idk how to control the relay(and what relay should i use🤣), also idk how many capacitor should i use and what configuration i have to use to get 1kV and a 250Amps for the minimum of the counter so it can read my test equipment output, anyone can help me with this, any suggestion will be help thankyou 🫶
submitted by Substantial_Pop8446 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:37 toygronk Feeling confused

30F. My mother (58F) told me a couple months ago she has RP and her specialist told me to come in to get tested 2 or 3 years ago. My brother 33M has no symptoms. Mum still has vision. She’s not a very good historian and can’t really explain her symptoms to me. She mentioned people have issues at night. I started reading and this worried me - it has been a long running joke with my partner that I say “man I can’t SEE” at night or in dim settings. Always have my torch on. Avoid driving at night where possible.
After a few months of waiting I see my mum’s specialist today. Beautiful, no issues at all… huh? I mean I’m GLAD but I’m very surprised. I had several tests, had the dilating drops and she looked herself at both eyes. Said to recheck in 5 years but if it hasn’t shown at 30 it’s unlikely to show. She said I’m not sure why you would have issues at night. Has anyone had this before? I am relieved but also skeptical.. maybe the issues with light is just a neurodivergence thing. I’m interested to know what others experiences have been or if anything had something similar to this. Thank you. Sorry for formatting issues I’m on mobile
submitted by toygronk to RetinitisPigmentosa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:27 PartySector2979 2003 Honda Accord Ex keeps dying and I don’t know why

Okay so I just bought this car about a month ago. When I first test drove her it, it ran absolutely fine. There were no issues with it starting up or going or anything like that. About 2 days after I bought it I took my daughter to a park that was about 15-20 minutes away from my home. On our way back all the lights in the dashboard went out and my radio stopped working and then eventually, about 5 minutes away from my house, the car died at a stop sign. Come to figure out that my gas gauge is broken and I had ran out of gas. Since then I’ve had the car die on me a several more times (even making sure there’s plenty of gas in it) causing my FIL to test the battery (which is fine) and then tested to see if it could’ve been the alternator. The alternator wasn’t charging the battery enough so we replaced that and in the process also had to replace the serpentine belt. The car ran for about a week and a half with no issues aside from the fact that every so often the battery light would flicker on and then go back off, but only when I would go through a residential area where the speed limit doesn’t exceed 35 mph. I have never had it come on or stay on if I am going faster than that consistently. But if I am running around a residential area for too long it’ll stay on. A couple days ago I was out with my daughter for Mother’s Day and my Dashboard started to go out again and I automatically knew I needed to pull over. I let the car idle after I got off the road to see if it would die and it stayed running for about another 5 minutes before it died again. My FIL came to help and after sitting there for about a half an hour or so it started back up without needing a jump. However I was out again last night and it died again, only this time she didn’t start back up after letting her sit. My FIL came and jumped it and she started up perfectly fine and I was able to make it home. I know my battery is good and I know my alternator is good. So why does my car keep dying and what can I do to figure it out?
submitted by PartySector2979 to CarHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:33 Darkmatter36 LT317AT, LT337AT Cadj help

LT317AT, LT337AT Cadj help
First time tackling a component rebuild and I'm replacing vregs, caps, opamps, etc. Adcom GDA-700 from 1995
I did my research but this last piece stumps me. If I could draw your attention to C115 and C116 in the center. These are, at least I think, the two Cadj capacitors for the LT317/337 in the circuit. They are currently tiny 0.1uf axial mlcc caps just like all the other 0.1uf caps on the board. I'm inclined to replace these with 10uf tantalum because it improves ripple rejection. I'm also replacing the 10uf output caps with 56uf rubycons.
Here's my confusion. The diagram I have states that this is a bipolar capacitor for the Cadj: the picture is all I have to go off. The vishay tantalum caps I bought are not bipolar and I'm not sure if I can use them. I'm unsuccessful in testing the currently installed caps for their polarity so I'm left to trusting the schematic and figuring out the best course of action.
From what I read on the 317/337 data sheet, it seems like the plus side of the capacitor points toward the output for the 317 and on the opposite 337, the minus points toward the output instead. I am new at this and this could very well be common knowledge. I'm also confused as to if the central line running between the two regulators is the ground plane or not.
Any and all help is greatly appreciated 👍
submitted by Darkmatter36 to AskElectronics [link] [comments]
