Madras rock shop

The Killers

2011.10.23 02:26 jellybeanzgonzo The Killers

Brought to you by way of fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada: The Killers!

2013.03.10 19:16 ★FEFE Punk VTuber★ Community!

★ 𝐏𝐮𝐧𝐤 𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐕𝐭𝐮𝐛𝐞𝐫 ★ パンクロックガール ★ #BreedBrigade ★ Radio Host ★ Music Producer ★ #LickBrigade ★ #FeFeArt ★ #FeFeRadioRecords #Covfefechan Official community for FeFe/Covfefechan Punk Rock VTuber! Wholesome content, music, clips, fanart and of course only breed.

2021.07.25 23:52 SmarmyPoS GonerRecords

Goner Records is an active record shop and punk rock music label based in Memphis, TN USA. They promote amazing punk bands worldwide and are constantly shifting the definitions of what punk music is and can be. This is a place to discuss and geek-out over all things Goner and related.

2024.06.08 02:44 EliManningHOFLock Complete the dream team. I'm thinking Ryan Reynolds as Tommy

Complete the dream team. I'm thinking Ryan Reynolds as Tommy submitted by EliManningHOFLock to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:33 Cominginbladey Funky spots in Minneapolis

Hi all,
I will be in Minneapolis at the Depot on a work trip Sunday through Wednesday. I will be desperate to find some cool places to escape the corporate scene. Looking for like rock n roll type coffee shops, bars, pizza joints, revolutionary book stores, etc.
Bonus if it relatively walkable from the metro so I can check out y'all's public transit.
Thanks 🙏
submitted by Cominginbladey to Minneapolis [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:32 Looong_Uuuuuusername Today I learned our accents are sexy

Just got done with my sophomore year at NMU, so I’ve been a Yooper for two years now after moving up for college from Sterling Heights. I’ve really learned the ways of what it truly means to be a Yooper: going to Pictured Rocks, Disc Golfing, and I even drove through a small town (Ishpeming) once. I have been growing so much on my Yooper journey that I’ve even picked up the accent.
The accent has had strange effects this summer. When I go to the local coffee shops and to the store to buy my Avocado-Passionfruit Kombucha, I notice women have been noticing my accent more and more out in public.
I actually lucked out and had a tinder date today. A freshman from Madison. I know that my tough, burly, and rugged Yooper demeanor (5”5, 103lbs) would impress her.
My heart was racing, but the Yooper accent I picked up helped a lot in exuding confidence. The date went well, she was mostly scrolling through her phone (probably trying to hide her excitement) and answered with only “sure” and “whatever” to me asking if she liked Patagonia and Crypto (trying to be intentionally mysterious of course).
That’s when I asked her. I know that with my newly acquired accent, I had the Trump card in my pocket, the ace up my sleeve. I said “Soooo, yer Comin’ back tah my place now, arnchya dere, eh?”. She immediately and with passion said “In your dreams”. Of course, she’s referring to being next to me as I fall asleep. She frantically called her friend to pick her up, likely to prepare for our amazing night ahead.
I wanted to share this experience so my fellow Yoopers know what they’re worth. OUR accent is the envy of the world. For my dudes out there, our accent makes women want you, and men want to be you.
Anyway, off to get vegan bubble tea before she gets back. Let me know if you need any tips on maxing out the advantages and sex appeal of our rugged accent.
submitted by Looong_Uuuuuusername to upcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:30 NibblySquirel 25 [TM4A] [PNW] or [Online] or [Anywhere), Really. Looking for my Special Someone, with a (Possibly) (Un?)Healthy Dose of Nerdage

Hey there! I'm looking for, as the title says, someone special. Someone to call mine, someone who will call me theirs in return. Preferably a nerd/geek, and an adventurous one at that. My preference is a design nerd, but that's just because that's such an applicable category of nerd to just about everything.
In terms of who I am: I voice act and design games, and DM for DnD. I enjoy music, film, interactive design. That kinda stuff. If I like you, I'll flirt using Supernatural or Doctor Who. Possibly video games I like too, but mainly those two. Doctor Who flirts = way more comfort than Supernatural flirts (I'm exceedingly bad at Dr. Who flirting, which is why I say that) More below!
I suck at introductions, I'm pretty sure I've made that clear. I have DID and there are feminine alters so if you're not cool with that I understand. I like music, movies, playing games, watching anime... All the typical nerdy stuff. But I enjoy it.
Hmm... What else to put...
Oh yeah, the more physical hobbies and maybe some career info? I have no idea.
I've always super enjoyed rock climbing, archery, and swimming. I can hold my breath for a minute and a half easy(ish). Other alters can hold their breath longer.
I play guitar (not very well) and do funny voices (shorthand for me being a voice actor) while I sing stupid made up songs that I'll never ever write down. I love the sound of bands like Arrows In Action and Simple Plan (Yes, I enjoy Scooby-Doo, how can you tell?)
If we go to the movies together, I'll probably overanalyze everything. My favorite movies are either the John Wick franchise or Pirates of the Caribbean (also my favorite ride at Disney!), or maybe The Black Phone. Favorite actor is Ethan Hawke.
Favorite color is lavender, favorite song is (currently) Endeavor by Arrows in Action, Favorite holiday is Halloween, favorite movie genre is horror due to the versatility of it. Favorite food is steak or venison (depending on my mood).
I've got myself a nice fancy little drama degree too, which is nice.
So uhh lemme just describe a (near) perfect date for you, from my perspective.
First things first, we'd spend morning day hiking (maybe around a theme park), and then we'd beat the heat of the afternoon by either hanging out inside or in the shade (or at a pool/lake/water park). After some rest with a picnic lunch, maybe while I played with your hair, we would do... something with the rest of the afternoon. Something sweet, maybe chill at an art museum or hang out while window shopping or take a joyride (I'm driving, and you're putting up with my playlist (and making suggestions)). When we got tired of that, ideally we'd go see a movie (your pick because I'm a total movie nerd and can find enjoyment in just about anything) that we would then discuss over a late dinner. And after dinner comes my favorite part: stargazing, or a short trail walk through the scenery.
The details are a little fuzzy because I'm not really too good at explaining what goes on in my head, and I'm missing the most important one: you.
Physically, I'm on the shorter side and I have a few tattoos. I plan to get more, I want a gaming-themed sleeve at some point, and am open to discussions if desired.
Oh! I'm also on the chubbier side but I'm actively working on slimming up, since my weight isn't helping my dysphoria whatsoever.
Feel free to ask about the DID btw, or anything else. I'm trying to get less self-conscious. If you're lacking on conversation starters, there's a few ideas below 👇
Favorite constellation?
Favorite color?
Do you want me to give you a tarot reading? Please note that this one would just be for pure fun, and I'd need to find my cards lol.
Hogwarts House? Camp Half-Blood cabin? (Ravenclaw, probably Apollo if we're excluding the big 3. If not, then Poseidon for sure.)
Wizard101 school?
Favorite band?
If you've read this all, I commend you and appreciate the time it took. I know I'm not the best with writing, and something must've kept ya reading so why not send a message?
submitted by NibblySquirel to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 01:01 critical_courtney [Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Eleven

[Hot Off The Press] — Chapter Eleven
My Discord
Buy me a cup of coffee (if you want)
Previous Chapter
Chapter Eleven:
Dawn’s Subaru had a new jasmine scent courtesy of some air fresheners she’d clipped to her middle AC vents. My eyes lazily drifted toward the window as we entered the Old Port. Sunlight spilled down on the hundreds of tourists milling about.
We drove by the Ocean Gateway, morning sunlight reflecting off the harbor. That was Dawn’s favorite word to hear me say. She grinned anytime I said it. “Habbah,” she’d tease as I rolled my eyes.
A massive white cruise ship rested at the docks, having brought a few thousand passengers to Portland from god knows where. They’d start showing up in the last half of May, sporadically through the summer, and finally arrive in full force in early fall, just before winter hit and made everything colder than a witch’s tit.
Inappropriate thoughts about a certain driver sitting beside me bubbled to the surface, and I cleared my throat.
I followed that up with a yawn and shook my head back and forth. Dawn giggled and handed me a Moonbucks coffee I hadn’t even noticed sitting in the console.
“You know me so well,” I sighed in relief, taking a sip of lavender oat milk latte.
“You’re pretty regimented,” Dawn said. “It’s not hard to learn your patterns.”
I looked her over. The black blouse and dark pants gave her a more “business casual meets witchy” look. She’d even toned down her eyeshadow.
“Is that what you’ve been doing in between writing astrology columns? Learning my patterns?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
Dawn winked.
“I’ve been studying you from every angle these last few weeks,” she said.
Heat flooded my cheeks, and I almost choked on my coffee. Sensing she should move on, the witch mercifully changed topics.
“So, why are we going to this conference again when you’re clearly exhausted after staying up until god knows when looking over. . .,” her voice trailed off, waiting for me to finish.
“An investigative piece on leaking pipes in the West End the city has known about for three years now and seemingly taken no action on,” I completed her sentence.
Sighing, I stifled another yawn and prayed desperately to God that this caffeine would kick in sooner or later.
“It’s the New England Press Cooperative. They have an annual conference in Boston. Every newspaper editor from Burlington to Providence will be there,” I said as we drove by a cargo ship entering the port with several red and brown steel containers. It blocked my view of the few sailboats in the water.
Commercial Street wove around the peninsula’s eastern border passing through the Old Port. Dawn stopped so a few tourists wearing sunhats and carrying bags from the Unholy Donut could cross over to one of the piers.
I loved that our city had a working waterfront, and clearly, millions of other visitors who came here to eat in some of the highest-rated restaurants in the country did as well. Portland was an entirely different place in May and June than it was in January. And it would only get more packed as we approached July and August.
“I thought you said the Lighthouse-Journal hadn’t gone to the conference in a few years,” Dawn said.
“We haven’t. Budget shortfalls mean conferences are typically the first thing to get axed for newspaper staff. But this year is different. I’m actually an invited guest.”
Dawn’s head turned toward me so fast I was worried she’d need a chiropractor.
“You’re a guest speaker? That’s so cool! What are you going to talk about?”
I smiled and twirled my index finger around my ponytail. For some reason, I was having trouble meeting the witch’s excited eyes.
“Not quite a guest speaker. The conference organizers just asked me a few months ago if I’d be willing to join a panel of family-owned newspapers in the region. There aren’t many of us left, and go figure, they want me and two other editors from Vermont and Connecticut to discuss the challenges of keeping a newspaper in the family given ongoing media disruption.”
I probably sounded like I’d read that straight from a pamphlet, but when I finally glanced over at Dawn, she was all smiles. Was she. . . actually impressed? Or was this just a polite act from a woman who had tried on multiple occasions to get into my pants? A woman who would have succeeded if I could get more than three goddamn hours of sleep at night.
Her green eyes were lit with what seemed like honest-to-god enthusiasm for my craft.
“Anyway, they’re paying for my room and meals. Plus, I can meet folks who are in charge of press grants our paper desperately needs and hopefully leave a good impression.”
We drove past several piers, including the entrance to DeMillo’s, a large parking lot that led out to a boat restaurant people flocked to every year. No local I’d ever spoken to frequented the place, but folks From Away just had to eat there.
If you want to pay $35 for a lobster roll, that’s your God-given right, I thought. Welcome to Vacationland, bub. Enjoy your $400-a-night Airbnb that took an affordable housing unit off the market.
“Well, I’ll be sure to attend your panel tonight. There’s also one tomorrow morning I’m interested in on keeping comic strips alive in 2024,” Dawn said.
We left the Old Port, and it wasn’t long before a worn brown and white two-story diner came into view with its worn exterior. A set of stairs led up the right side of the restaurant.
“Ah, Becca’s. You don’t look a day over 75,” I smiled.
Visitors often viewed the diner as the quintessential restaurant where lobstermen ate breakfast or lunch, coming ashore after an early morning of backbreaking work. Some still ate there, and I never had any issues with the place. Its reputation as a Portland staple was powerful enough that Gov. Janice Mylls ate breakfast there the morning after winning her reelection in 2022.
The diner sat wedged between a few industrial spaces with their own piers and docks. Then, just as soon as we spotted it, the restaurant was gone.
“I’ve never actually eaten there. Is it good?” Dawn asked.
I shrugged.
“It’s fine. I’ve never had a bad meal there. I do interviews there sometimes for stories. Folks are friendly enough. Becca’s still retains some of its salt-of-the-Earth flavor that keeps so many people coming back.”
Stretching and feeling a familiar pang in my chest, I grunted.
Sure wish that would stop, I thought, grimacing.
“Are you excited to learn about journalism from all the industry pros tonight and tomorrow?” I asked.
“Strangely enough, I am. I was actually emailing back and forth with a guy named Dorian Fletcher this week about the conference. He writes the horoscopes for a few newspapers in Rhode Island. I’m gonna see if he has any sage wisdom to share. Apparently, he’s been syndicated for almost a decade now.”
My heart fluttered in a good way for once as I tried not to stare too long at the witch. She was. . . learning about the most important thing in my life. Dawn Summers was spending her own money to travel to Boston and attend a conference just to get a better picture of what made me an inky wretch.
Rubbing my arm, I couldn’t help but smile and look up at the Casco Bay Bridge as we drove under it. Butterflies in my stomach scattered to every inch of my abdomen as I realized I’d be spending an entire two days with my colleag— I mean pal.
An entire Friday and Saturday in Boston together while I did my best to wait for these festering feelings to fade away in a “Mr. Stark. . . I don’t feel so good,” moment.
A few minutes later, the blue and white Amtrak logo came into view as we pulled into the Portland Transporation Hub. Every time I came to this place, I couldn’t help but think, Shit. They really tore down a beautiful and historic train station for this awful location?
We grabbed our bags and walked inside a long carpeted room with a long wooden counter that served as the ticket desk. Behind the transportation hub, a handful of busses docked and waited for passengers. Behind the busses stood a rail line where the Downeaster train would pull into the station.
Five times a day the train ran between Brunswick and Boston. We were all set to board the 11:48 a.m. locomotive.
“I can’t believe you’ve never ridden the train before,” I said, sitting down in a row of metal seats by the Downeaster platform exit.
Behind us, a family of seven waited to board a coach bus that would take them to Logan Airport.
“What can I say? I grew up in Cedar Rapids. We didn’t have Amtrak in our town. There’s only one train, and it runs through the southern half of the state. The closest station was like an hour away,” Dawn said, sitting down beside me. She leaned close, and our legs touched. When I raised an eyebrow at her, the witch looked in the opposite direction.
I see you, I thought, shortly before a shiver traveled from my thigh to my brain. And I wish I could see more of you.
My brain betrayed me with a few more thoughts before an announcer called for Downeaster passengers to board from platform C.
Dawn and I nodded to each other, stood, grabbed our bags, and walked down a long enclosed walkway where a conductor held the door open for us.
There, waiting on the rail for about 12 or 13 passengers, stood the Downeaster. A diesel locomotive followed by a cafe/business seating car, four coaches, and a rear locomotive. Another conductor stood by the train and directed passengers to business class or coach.
Dawn and I got in the rearmost coach as it was the least full and sat right in the middle, placing our bags on an oversized luggage rack above the seats.
“Wow. That was a lot easier than boarding a plane,” Dawn said, reclining in her seat.
I just grinned.
“Told ya. Trains rock. Wicked easy to get on and off,” I said.
It wasn’t long before the train pulled away from the hub and began its southward journey to New England’s biggest city.
After crossing the rail bridge over the Fore River, which was my favorite part because it almost looked like the train was hovering over the water, we clipped along at a good pace toward Old Orchard Beach.
The Downeaster raced by houses, across large fields, between patches of forest, and occasionally within sight of the coast.
Dawn checked her phone before turning to me and asked, “So, when was the last time you went to Boston?”
My heart skipped a beat as a woman’s face rocketed into my memory. It’d been a trip like not unlike this one about six months ago. I even sat in the aisle seat, just like then. But sitting beside me then was a marketing executive, not a witch.
The pain must have been obvious on my face because Dawn slowly took my hand.
“FeeDee?” she asked in a softer voice.
I shook my head, chasing away a single name I’d tried my best to burn out of every memory since then.
“Um. . . I went on a trip to the aquarium with my girlfriend at the time,” I said, as more home videos started playing in my head of us holding hands and watching the harbor seals, walking past the jellyfish exhibits, and smiling at the penguins. “Margaret.”
My heart skittered off the rails and crashed into a rock wall as her words echoed through my mind, “I’m sorry, Frankie. That’s just not what I want for us.”
I blinked away tears as my ducts betrayed me in the worst possible way. I didn’t want Drawn to see me crying over the former love of my life! Fuck.
Shitbiscuits, I thought, taking a shallow breath and willing my eyes to stop watering.
“I’m guessing I don’t want to know what happened?” Dawn asked in a low voice.
Shaking my head, I cleared my throat again.
“There’s not much to tell. We wanted different things. We went different ways,” I said, looking outside as we crossed the border into New Hampshire.
An awkward silence filled our two seats as behind us, two men were debating whether a hotdog was a sandwich. If I hadn’t been in such a dour mood, I would have turned around and recommended a YouTube chef who had a podcast about that very subject.
Dawn and I mostly fiddled around on our phones for the trip south.
A couple of hours later, we pulled into Boston North Station. A freight train had delayed us by about 20 minutes, which wasn’t too bad all things considered.
Boston North Station was a huge block of a structure where Downeaster trains terminated. If you had a connection to any other Amtrak train like the Acela or the Lake Shore Limited, you had to hoof it to Boston South Station, a solid 20-minute walk. It wasn’t fun with luggage in tow.
Several pigeons waddled and pecked at different parts of the room. A kiosk with drinks and snacks stood next to a cashier checking his phone.
Several exit gates stood on all different sides of us. I showed Dawn how to scan her Amtrak ticket and be let through the turnstile. It took her a few tries, and I tried not to giggle.
On the other side of the turnstiles stood a Sunken Donuts and a few other restaurants next to a sports memorabilia shop. Above Boston North Station stood a sports arena where their hockey and basketball teams played.
Dawn called us an Uber, and 20 minutes later, we walked into the Shilton Boston Park Plaza Hotel overlooking the Boston Common.
This hotel had hosted the conference for the last five years, though I’d only gotten to stay here once.
A marble pathway led up to the front desk, and I could already see a number of folks walking around with New England Press Conference lanyards and badges. It depressed me the ratio of men to women I saw walking around with lanyards, but that was newspapers for ya. At its peak or at its weakest, the industry would still be dominated by men.
And I’m proud to be pushing back against that, I thought. Even if my newspaper will fold in three years if we don’t boost our subscriptions soon.
The clerk who greeted us wore a black jacket that covered almost all of the ochre skin on his arms. A gold nametag was pinned to his chest. “Bayani” was engraved on the nametag.
His black hair was cropped short, and he wore a million-dollar smile.
“Welcome to the Shilton Boston Park Plaza. Do you have a reservation?” he asked.
I gave him my name, showed my driver’s license, and he typed a few keys on the computer.
“Okay, you’re on the conference guest list, so I don’t need a credit card from you for incidentals. You’ll be in room 507, and the elevators are just around the corner. There’s also a stairwell on the opposite side of the lobby if you need to get your steps in like I do,” he said, flashing us another grin before tapping the Fitwit activity tracker on his wrist. It rested on a black band.
Bayani had a tall, lean body, so clearly he got more steps in every day than I did.
“Did you have a reservation as well?” he asked, turning to Dawn.
“Oh, no. I didn’t have time to make one. I’ll just take whatever you have available,” she said with all the carefree attitude that Dawn Summers carried with her everywhere.
To nobody’s surprise, however, Bayani grimaced and said, “Oh, I’m so sorry, ma’am. All our rooms are booked for the conference this weekend.”
The witch’s face paled, and I wanted to shake her by the shoulders and ask, “What were you thinking?! Why didn’t you book your room months in advance, put the details in two separate calendars (digital and paper), and then call this morning to reconfirm your reservation like a normal paranoid adult?”
Silence filled the front desk as Dawn literally froze.
I sighed.
“It’s fine. She can stay in my room,” I mumbled.
Dawn looked over at me with a face of apprehension.
“Oh, Frankie, you don’t have to do that. I can really just find another hotel. I’ll bet the Five Seasons has spare rooms.”
I crossed my arms and adjusted the bag on my shoulder.
“Really? Because I’ll bet they’re also booked full as that’s the overflow hotel for people who made conference reservations but missed the cutoff to stay here,” I said.
Like any adult with minor (and totally manageable) travel anxiety, I’d kept up to date with the conference’s email newsletters reminding folks of deadlines to register.
Dawn’s voice was caught in her throat.
I looked at Bayani.
“May I have a second keycard for her, please?”
He didn’t hesitate.
“Yes ma’am,” he said, working his magic on the machine and handing a plastic card to Dawn.
She took it shyly and followed me to the elevator after I thanked the clerk.
I wasn’t upset. But I was flustered. My foot kept tapping. She was going to be staying in my room tonight? My hotel room?!
What the fuck were you thinking? I thought, furiously. She could have tried one of the other hundreds of hotels in Boston.
But then that would have made meeting up for panels more difficult since she’d have to get a ride between here and wherever she ended up. And they’d just eat up more time going back and forth. This was easier. . . logistically. Yeah, that’s right. This was about logistics. And absolutely nothing else.
I was sweating by the time we arrived at the fifth floor. Dawn hadn’t said anything. We found room 507 easy enough next to a locked staff laundry facility.
Tapping my card on the sensor, a little green light flashed, and I heard a small clicking noise. Opening the door, we walked inside to find my biggest shock yet. The blood in my veins turned to ice in spite of the fact that I was sweating. Honestly, between the warm front and cold front meeting, a small tornado might form inside my body at any moment. Helen Hunt would race toward the storm in a yellow jeep, yelling at a man beside her in the passenger seat.
“Well, shit,” I muttered. “They were supposed to give me a room with two queen beds.”
A thin black and gray patterned carpet covered the floor everywhere except for the bathroom. A long wooden shelf supported a flat-screen TV showing photos of Boston’s skyline and playing soft instrumental music.
There, sitting against the wall next to a writing desk and a nightstand was a queen bed covered in a white comforter.
A quick phone call down to Bayani confirmed the worst. My room had been changed at the last second due to some unforeseen circumstances. And there weren’t any travel cots available for us to borrow.
This is all The Morrigan’s fault, I thought, rubbing my temples while my heart tried desperately to find its normal rhythm again. It failed spectacularly.
“You look like you’re freaking out,” Dawn said, crossing her arms. I still hadn’t lowered my bag from my shoulder. Because the moment I put it on the ground, time would resume, and this would be our room for the night. OUR room. And OUR bed. Fuck me.
“I AM freaking out. Do you not see the dilemma here?”
“They. . . forgot to fill our ice tray?”
My voice suddenly took a shrill tone. I was almost screeching to the point only bats and billionaire orphans could hear me.
“There’s only one bed!”
Dawn shrugged. Then a wicked grin overtook her lips.
“Oh, that’s no big deal. When we go to sleep tonight, we’ll both just shout, ‘No homo!’ in unison.”
I scowled at her with all my might, and the witch, as usual, deflected it.
“What’s the big deal? We’ve already slept together,” she said, her smile somehow growing more devious.
I stomped my foot.
“That was an accident!”
Dawn put her hands on her hips.
“No, you falling asleep before I fucked you silly was an accident. Us sleeping together during the movie was just a happy coincidence,” she said.
I stood there stammering all the more, looking for some loophole, argument, or comeback. All had forsaken me. Perhaps if I’d gotten more than two hours of sleep last night I could’ve come up with something.
But instead, my face turned the shade of a tomato, and Dawn slowly took my bag, setting it gently on the bed.
In my head, I let out one final shriek. FUCK!
submitted by critical_courtney to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:59 Locol_Love_MrT Locol Love Product Drop (06/03 - 06/07)

Welcome to the weekend!!!
Find which Locol Love products went where at the end of the week! If you don't see your favorite dispensary listed below, remember to tell your budtenders what Locol Love products you would like to see on their shelves! Always call ahead to the shops listed to ensure they still have our product stocked.


1g Cones:
Infused 1g Cones:
Bulk Flower:
Lebanese Style Hash:
Moroccan Style Hash:
Specialty 1/8ths:




Confidential Cannabis - Broomfield
Cookies - Denver
Eclipse Cannabis Company - Boulder
Golden Meds - Lakewood
Grassberries LLC - Ault
Green Dragon (Check your Store) - Check Stores
Lightshade (6th Eve) - Denver
Lightshade (Dayton) - Denver
Lightshade (Evans) - Denver
Lightshade (Federal Heights) - Federal Heights
Lightshade (Holly) - Denver
Lightshade (Iliff) - Aurora
Lightshade (Peoria) - Denver
Lightshade (Sheridan) - Denver
Lucy Sky Cannabis Boutique - Denver
Maikoh - Denver
Maikoh Holistics - Boulder
Natures Kiss - Englewood
Rocky Mountain Cannabis - Denver
Rocky Mountain Cannabis - Ridgway
TGS (20th) - Edgewater
TGS (Colfax) - Aurora
TGS (Glenwood Springs) - Glenwood Springs
TGS (Wewatta) - Denver
The Dispo - Pueblo West
Verde Natural - Boulder
Verde Natural - Denver
submitted by Locol_Love_MrT to LocolLove [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:48 Accomplished_Elk_443 Can anyone help identify this song/music video

Description: Rock/emo genre from the early-mid 2000’s. Trying to help a friend remember the song!
“I'm looking for a song/music video that has a drunk Easter bunny costume being pushed in a shopping cart and/or getting beat up.” 🤣 it’s been on the tip of her of tongue for a couple days now so I thought I’d see if you guys could help! Someone made a similar post on the tip of my tongue subreddit but no one found it. 🙃
submitted by Accomplished_Elk_443 to MusicVideos [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:33 _ItsAlyxx 1 Year Later, No New Story?

1 Year Later, No New Story?
Was scrolling through Dreamlight Valley’s Instagram account and saw that “The Remembering” Update with the Fairy Godmother came out exactly one year ago today.
The Remembering concluded the story of The Forgetting, but since then we had nothing new when it comes to storylines, besides Eternity Isle…which is Paid Content.
When are we going to get a new storyline thats not behind a Paywall? There’s still SOOO much to explore (Skull Rock, Treehouse, Cave in Frosted Heights & Dazzle Beach ect).
All the game seems to be now is just Unlocking Characters and their Friendship Quests, going to Realms, doing the Starpaths and buying Premium Shop Items…it’s getting repetitive and quite boring honestly!
submitted by _ItsAlyxx to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:29 _ItsAlyxx A Year Later, No New Free Content?

A Year Later, No New Free Content?
Was scrolling through Dreamlight Valley’s Instagram account and saw that “The Remembering” Update with the Fairy Godmother came out exactly one year ago today.
The Remembering concluded the story of The Forgetting, but since then we had nothing new when it comes to storylines, besides Eternity Isle…which is Paid Content.
When are we going to get a new storyline thats not behind a Paywall? There’s still SOOO much to explore (Skull Rock, Treehouse, Cave in Frosted Heights & Dazzle Beach ect).
All the game seems to be now is just Unlocking Characters and their Friendship Quests, going to Realms, doing the Starpaths and buying Premium Shop Items…it’s getting repetitive and quite boring honestly!
submitted by _ItsAlyxx to u/_ItsAlyxx [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:27 Amatsukaze_DD A tale of customer service from Cosaint Arms

To start off, some context. Who am I? Nobody, just your average joe who recently picked up and fell in love with the 2011 platform, I've been toying with the idea of fully committing and swapping my edc over to a 2011 as well, specifically a ported 3.5". Nobody seemed to really offer a good out of the box solution that didn't involve either long lead times like what I had to endure for my first 2011 (ds9 LOC), or that didn't involve sending off parts to multiple shops for various custom work.
I saw a post here from Major Havoc, and noticed that the frame from Cosaint arms happened to say Flat rock, NC. That's right down the road from me, so I checked their website while on a lunch break and they seemed to offer exactly the config I wanted at a reasonable price and wait time, but their website also mentions scheduling a consultation. I thought what the hell, so I called them and got in touch with Greg, who said to stop on by and he'd be happy to let me hold and play with their show room guns, one of which happened to be more or less exactly what I was looking to order.
I showed up and met Greg, who it turns out is the owner. Greg was alone in the shop on a Friday, running the milling machines. I want to stress that again. The owner of the business was in his shop, on Friday, working overtime on the actual milling machine. I was already impressed, but then Greg welcomed me into the shop when I mentioned that I also work in the CNC world and gave me a full blown tour of their operation from start to finish, including letting me hold and look at some of their prototypes that aren't on the market yet.
I was floored. I was being treated like some big name gun influencer, or like an old friend, and I was basically just a walk in. We got to talking and it was clear Greg still has a burning passion for his work. His background in 2011s started back in STI, and he said "I want to make hundreds of guns for individuals, not thousands for the public".
At the end of the shop tour I thanked him and told him I would likely be sending him a build sheet request similar to what was in his show room, a tri-topped 3.5" ported. "Before you do that why don't we just go shoot it, lemme lock the back doors and grab a box, I'll meet you at [the local range 5 minutes away]".
Again I was shocked, he was offering to let me shoot one of their showroom demos on his dime. We get to the range, load up a few quick mags and man, a ported 3.5 shoots damn well. I immediately fell in love with the gun after the first mag, I turn around and Greg is loading mags for me. Like, seriously, is this man a saint or what. He's loading mags for some random guy who just walked into his shop. I pull off some doubles to really get a feel for it, and satisfied that I had found my next edc, thanked him again and we headed up to the counter where I kid you not, this man tries to pay for the lane before I can even get my wallet out. Thankfully the range owner wouldn't let him do that for a quick 5 minute essentially magdump, and said that "Oh Greg does this all the time, don't worry about the lane".
We parted ways and as I write this my cz is going up on local forums to order a cosaint custom.
As far as the build quality is concerned, for those who only care about products, Greg confirmed that every frame is milled oversized and then hand fit. The show room guns I held felt nice and tight, though they were all anodized aluminum frames with cerakoted slides which meant they didn't have that same buttery smooth glide as dlc parts would. I can personally vouch that they use only top tier internals as well, I saw their small parts wall.
This isn't a paid advertisement or anything, and I don't even own one of their guns (yet), I was simply floored at being treated that way and after the fiasco with MPA yesterday, figured we could all use a bit of positivity in the forum.
Greg, if you or any of your employees browse this forum, bravo to you sirs.
submitted by Amatsukaze_DD to 2011 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 00:00 Turbulent-Respond654 Help finding right Saucony Peregrine

Help finding right Saucony Peregrine

Peregrine version 11, 12, 13, or 14 – Peregrines fit me better than any other shoe out there.
What size (7W, 7.5, or 7.5 W),
What website actually has it in stock? Can't order off amazon ( Can't recover old account, won't let me make a new one). Tried shopping in person in my town and failed.

Which Peregrine versions don’t have the somewhat new extra rock protection at the toes that comes in further? It is too firm, and when the fabric bends it digs in and will give me blisters. It seems like sometimes there is a regular peregrine and a ‘trail’ peregrine, and possibly the regular doesn’t have the extra plastic.

This possibly might not happen if I can find the shoe in a size 7 wide or 7.5 wide. Would love to find a wide size that isn’t black or a dark color, but not sure if that is possible.

My theory is that because my foot is a 6 in length, but high volume/width in the arch and ball of the foot, shoes with soft fabric let me get away with a 7.5 B and distorting the shape. Shoes that have the stiffer fabric don’t let me distort the shape enough, so I need a wide width. And the stiff parts hit me in the wrong place.

Do they make a shoe that has all that and a Vibram sole?

Almost prefect shoe – Peregrine 12? ice, size 7.5 B. Wore it for 1.5 years. Favorite shoe to hike in ever.
Love that the fabric is soft and supple and that it doesn’t have the ‘new’ extra rock protection at the toes that comes in further. Love the fit, love the artic grip Vibram, love the smaller stack and drop than some of my older trail saucony’s.
Don’t love water resistant, and the black color that make it too hot.

Brooks Arcadia, Altra, Topo, and most Hoka’s don’t fit or don’t help enough against pronation.
Nike Wildhorse fit, but the plastic tongue is much too hot. Oboz and Keen also have the new stiff plasticy fabric that digs in when the shoe bends. The hoka that did fit had a big stiff plastic logo on the side that dug in.

Will be wearing for 10-15 miles hikes in very hot weather on lots of rock and scree. I looked on hiking subs for detailed knowledgeable shoe expertise and didn’t find it. Please redirect me if this post doesn’t fit here but you know a better subreddit.

Tried on about 50 shoes multiple brands and sizes in person including at the running store and gear stores in town with knowledgeable employees and good selection. I’m trying to avoid ordering lots of different ones online and then having to return them.
submitted by Turbulent-Respond654 to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:59 NuzlockeManiac First time building a PC. How well will this run?

Hi. New to this sub. As mentioned in the title, I'm looking to build a PC for the first time, and I was hoping to get some advice. I specifically went with the best parts I could find for a gaming and video editing PC for the sake of future-proofing.
The thing is, I'm absolutely not interested in a liquid cooler. I'm not comfortable with the idea of something going wrong and getting coolant all over the components, and I especially don't like the idea of needing to flush and replace the liquid once a year. The system I'm considering sports an Intel Core i9-14900K paired with a be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 5, inside a Corsair 4000D case sporting six Arctic P12 PST fans. Will this adequately keep the CPU cool during intensive gaming and video rendering? Or should I look into a more powerful air cooler?
Here's the official shopping list:
While on this subject, I've been debating back and forth between the GeForce RTX 4070 Ti Super, and the RTX 4090. I'm going to be blunt in admitting that I never play or render at anything higher than 1080p at 120fps. I'm well aware that this makes the 4090 absolute overkill to a downright comical degree. However, as mentioned earlier, my main concern is future-proofing. When I bought my last computer in 2019, I went with an RTX 2070 graphics card instead of a Titan RTX, and now that 2070 is showing its age and I haven't been able to play some of the biggest games because of it. I'm sure that overtime, there will be games even the 4070 Ti Super will struggle with at 1080p, but the 4090 will still handle easily.
For the sake of future-proofing, should I get the 4090 to avoid having to upgrade in a few years? Or should I just get the 4070 Ti Super and save the money for a future upgrade?
Thanks in advance for the help!
submitted by NuzlockeManiac to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:33 theaterdreamer Help point a synthesizer noob in the right direction

Greetings, everybody.
My name is Bill, and I am a synthesizer noob. I know absolutely nothing about analog and digital synthesizers other than I love how they sound, and the creative possibilities that they engender.
I am 52 year old guitarist building a home studio. I’ve decided that since I have the time to start writing and recording, and that equipment for a home studio has never been more affordable, I’m going to do my own music. I have so much that I want to say, creatively. It’s something I’ve wanted to do for a long time. I’m brushing up on my music theory, and shopping for the equipment and instruments I need.
What I am looking for from this group is education. I am hoping that you guys could point me in the right direction, and recommend a couple of books that I should read, because right now, I don’t know the difference between a bone saw and an oscillator. I need a strong base of knowledge to start building upon, including how programming and looping works, how custom voices are created, how a synth interacts with a DAW (Pro Tools is my DAW of choice), etc. I will be learning the piano, so as my proficiency of playing it grows, I’d like my proficiency using synths and keyboards to grow at the same time.
I’m a huge progressive rock/metal fan, and the music I write will be in that same vein. I know that there are plugins that will allow me to emulate a mellotron, or a Hammond organ, but that’s down the road.
Thank you in advance for any wisdom you might impart!
submitted by theaterdreamer to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:31 gaston-legume My curated listed of things happening in DFW this weekend (June 7th-9th)

Have a great weekend ya'll.

Live Music

FRIDAY - 6/7 - Dierks Bentley @ Dickies Arena @ 7PM With Chace Rice & Zach Top
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Vampire Weekend @ Toyota Music Factory @ 7PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Drain @ The Factory in Deep Ellum @ 7PM With Terror, Angel Du$t, End It, & Dead Heat
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Jeff Bernat @ House of Blues @ 7PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - K-Pop Night ft. DJ Yuka K @ Deep Ellum Art Co @ 9PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Cash Cash @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - The Texas Blues Guitar Summit @ The Kessler @ 8PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Offended by Everything @ Trees @ 8PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Go Yayo @ Club Dada @ 10PM
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Eric Tessmer + Mark Lettieri @ Granada Theater @ 8PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Tye Tribbett @ Toyota Music Factory @ 7:30PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - United We Dance: EDM Rave @ Granada Theater @ 9PM Featuring Jonathen Hess & Adonix
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Boogie T. @ The Factory in Deep Ellum @ 8PM With Truth, Veil, & Chef Boyarbeatz
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Allan Rayman @ The Factory in Deep Ellum @ 8PM With Michael Lemmo
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Cozy Dallas Party @ House of Blues @ 7PM Playing iconic 90s and 2000s R&B hits!
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Funtcase @ Stereo Live @ 10PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Eliminate @ Deep Ellum Art Co @ 9PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Mickey Avalon @ Trees @ 8PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - NSB @ Club Dada @ 8:30PM With Austin George
SUNDAY - 6/9 - Chiquis @ Toyota Music Factory @ 8PM
SUNDAY - 6/9 - Janine @ The Echo Music Hall @ 7PM
SUNDAY - 6/9 - An Orchestral Rendition of Dr Dre 2001 @ House of Blues @ 7PM

Standup Comedy:

FRIDAY - 6/7 - Jimmy Failla Stand Up @ Majestic Theatre @ 8PM
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 6/7 - 6/8 - Francisco Ramos Stand Up @ Dallas Comedy Club
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Nate Jackson Stand Up @ Majestic Theatre @ 7PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Gabriel Iglesias Stand Up @ Arlington Improv @ 3:30PM
SUNDAY - 6/9 - David Del Rosario Stand Up @ Addison Improv @ 7:30PM
ALL WEEKEND - Noel Miller Stand Up @ Addison Improv
ALL WEEKEND - Concrete Stand Up @ Arlington Improv


FRIDAY - 6/7 - Rangers vs Giants @ Globe Life Field @ 7PM Promotion: Pregame Happy Hour
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Rangers vs Giants @ Globe Life Field @ 3PM Promotion: Pregame Happy Hour
SUNDAY - 6/9 - Rangers vs Giants @ Globe Life Field @ 12PM Promotion: Ice Cream Sundays
Official Mavericks Watch Party @ American Airlines Center @ 7PM Cheer on your Dallas Mavericks in the 2024 NBA Finals

Cultural and Theater:

FRIDAY - 6/7 - Chamber Classics Concert @ FW Botanic Gardens @ 7:30PM FWSO performs an intimate chamber experience featuring classics from Mozart, Grieg, Dvořák, and Tchaikovsky in the beautiful setting of Fort Worth Botanic Gardens.
FRIDAY - 6/7 - Drag Show with Boulet Brothers @ House of Blues @ 7PM The Boulet Brothers Dragula: The Official Season 5 Tour is hitting the road and bringing the screams and glamor to Dallas!
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - 6/7 - 6/8 - Texas Music Revolution Music Festival @ Downtown Mckinney Square Featuring Lukas Nelson, Lyle Lovett, Jason Boland & The Stragglers, and more!
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Radiance’ Dance Show @ Moody Performance Hall Experience the grand finale of Bruce Wood’s 14th season with an unforgettable showcase featuring three captivating and emotionally powerful dance performances.
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Grease’ Musical @ Casa Manana Everyone’s favorite rock-and-roll musical is back! Fall back in love with the T-Birds and the Pink Ladies and get ready to jam to electrifying hits!
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Anastasia’ Musical @ Plaza Theatre Company LAST CHANCE- Based on the beloved animated movie, ‘Anastasia’ is both a heartwarming and heart-wrenching dive into one of history’s biggest unanswered questions: what happened to Grand Duchess Anastasia Romanov?
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Hamilton’ Musical @ Winspear Opera House LAST CHANCE - Don’t miss the chance to see this epic saga about the life and legacy of Founding Father Alexander Hamilton and find out why it has made a profound impact on the way we think about our history.
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ Musical @ Plaza Theatre LAST CHANCE - This classic and much beloved award-winning tale captures the essential human longings for love, community, success, freedom, family, and meaning.
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Thoughts of a Colored Man’ Play @ Jubilee Theatre This poignant play explores the lives, pressures, and passions of seven contemporary black men living in the same neighborhood in Brooklyn.
ALL WEEKEND - ‘Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Elusive Ear’ Play @ Stage West Theatre This zany mystery play takes Sherlock Holmes, Dr. Watson, Oscar Wilde, and Vincent Van Gogh on a rousing adventure.

Experiences / Family:

FRIDAY - 6/7 - First Fridays @ Deep Ellum @ 5PM Enjoy neighborhood discounts and specials, live music, and an outdoor market.
FRIDAY - 6/7 - ‘Little Mermaid’ Screening @ Fair Park @ 8PM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Water Lantern Festival @ Panther Island Pavilion @ 6PM Experience the magic of the Water Lantern Festival where you’ll enjoy tasty food trucks, fun music, and an incredible sight of thousands of floating lanterns reflecting unique messages.
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Farmers Market @ Fair Park @ 10AM
SATURDAY - 6/8 - Swap and Shop @ AT&T Discovery District @ 12PM Shop from more than 60 local vendors or trade and sell your own items at this exclusive shopping event!
SATURDAY - 6/8 - ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’ Screening @ Klyde Warren Park @ 6:30PM
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 6/8 - 6/9 - Pride in Bloom @ Dallas Arboretum Celebrate diversity and community with two full days of live music, chef demonstrations, LGBTQ+ vendor market, and much more!
SUNDAY - 6/9 - BIC Soleil Escape Pop-Up @ Klyde Warren Park @ 10AM Relax with hand massages, an ASMR exhibit, hammocks, giveaways, and more at the BIC Soleil Escape Razor Pop Up Pods.
ALL WEEKEND - Fan Expo Dallas @ Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center Experience the ultimate fandom weekend of celebs, cosplay, comics, anime, gaming, and more fun activities for every fan out there!
DAILY - ‘Destination: Dinosaurs’ @ Dallas Zoo Uncover the secrets of the dinosaurs as you wander among the shadows of over 100 life-sized colossal giants in one of the largest immersive dinosaur exhibits in the country.
DAILY - ‘T-Rex: The Ultimate Predator’ Exhibition @ Perot Museum Come explore the latest research and discoveries about tyrannosaurs, with an emphasis on the most famous and impressive member of the family — T. Rex.

Museum and Arts:

DAILY - ‘From Munch to Kirchner: The Heins Collection’ Exhibition @ DMA The exhibition celebrates the legacy and art collection of Marie “Elinor” Heins through the recent gift of 30 paintings, sculptures, and works on paper by artists like Renoir, Signac, Toulouse-Lautrec, and Munch
DAILY - ‘The Impressionist Revolution: From Monet to Matisse’ Exhibition @ DMA The exhibition explores the fascinating story of Impressionism from its birth in 1874 to its legacy in the early 20th century and the revolutionary course it charted for modern art.
DAILY - ‘He Said/She Said: Contemporary Women Artists Interject’ Exhibition @ DMA Join contemporary women artists in questioning the myth of the sole male genius in an exhibition where contributions from male artists are strategically appropriated in order to create space for new, more inclusive narratives.
DAILY - ‘Tiffany Chung: Rise Into The Atmosphere’ Installation @ DMA Contending with current sociopolitical issues in relation to history and cultural memory, Chung’s practice documents and discusses the hidden histories of personal memory and experience.
DAILY - ‘Barnaby Fitzgerald: An Eye for Ballast’ Exhibition @ Meadows Museum This focused, monographic exhibition of key paintings by Dallas-based artist Barnaby Fitzgerald featuring his otherworldly landscapes and interior scenes, which contemplate themes from literature, mythology, and art history.
DAILY - ‘Surrealism and Us: Caribbean and African Diasporic Artists Since 1940’ Exhibition @ The Modern Centered on the intersection of Caribbean aesthetics, Afrosurrealism, and Afrofuturism, ‘Surrealism and Us’ explores how Caribbean and Black artists interpreted a modernist movement.
DAILY - ‘Rebecca Manson: Barbecue’ Exhibition @ The Modern Manson’s first solo museum presentation defies viewers’ expectations of clay as an art material as her monumental work evokes tension and stillness as two dualities of daily life.
DAILY - ‘Mexican Roots: Masks, Prints, and Traditional Arts of Mexico’ Exhibition @ Fort Worth Museum of Science and History Celebrate the vibrant world of masks and relief prints that capture the essence of Mexican history, people, culture, and religion.
Many of you all have asked me to setup an email list, you can sign up here. I'll start sending this as an email in the next few weeks, thanks for your patience while I get things figured out.
submitted by gaston-legume to Dallas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:23 crapatthethriftstore I posted before about my husbands little pond in an old planter box at his shop. Here’s some progression!

I posted before about my husbands little pond in an old planter box at his shop. Here’s some progression!
After we dug out the dirt, we levelled everything out and lined the space. We had just bought a piece of under-sill siding to check the colour of our house and it turns out, it is the perfect thing to attach to the brick wall and hold up the pond liner! Don’t worry about water going over it, it’s sealed behind. We had some fun at a lady’s house who sells water lilles. We picked three: a James Brydon, a Black Princess, and a mini coral one she didn’t remember the name of. The bags we tried planting them in did not turn out well so they are all now in pots with rocks on top. All three have done very well. We also have a pretty purple taro and a purple Iris to grow nice and big. There’s a log in case any rats get in 🤣
So far the clients of the shop have been very excited to see what comes. I am also excited!
submitted by crapatthethriftstore to ponds [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 23:22 808_exe New Goal: Get this to Spenser

Saw this while scrolling, but apparently there was a contest to win a Sega Dreamcast by Fred Durst at someone's local muesum. It would have been perfect for our gamer / darts supernova!
submitted by 808_exe to smosh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:52 gdbeav Thanks sub. Trip recap.

Thanks sub. Trip recap.
This sub was a huge help in our trip planning. Thanks for all the great tips and recommendations.
Recap of our 7 nights…
Flew into LIB, and took a taxi to Playa Hermosa
2 nights at Hotel Bosque Del Mar. Nice dinner and drinks at the hotel restaurant. Resident pooch, “El Guapo” was sweet, and the staff was super friendly. Massage from Olga was 10/10.
We enjoyed smoothies and nachos at Roberto’s. Lovely sunset view from Aqua, but the food was just OK. Beach was great for swimming, and did a little snorkeling at the very South end by the rocks.
2 nights in Potrero at Bahia del Sol. Good happy hour drinks during sunset, and my poke bowl was tasty. We ventured out for dinners at La Forketta, and El Diablito. Both of which were fantastic. The “Vicenza” pizza at La Forketta may have been the best in my life, and I’m old enough to have tried plenty of pies. Service was great, and the handmade raviolis were delicious. El Diablito was by far the most fun, and best service, of the restaurants we went to during the week. The flight of tequila warmed us up. We enjoyed the variety of salsas that came with our chips. We did the sunset snorkel cruise with Panache in Playa Flamingo. The crew was great, and helped my wife feel comfortable on her first snorkel trip. Now she can’t wait to go again!
Overall we liked the beach in Hermosa better, but the town and dining options better in Potrero. Maybe we’ll check out Coco next time.
After 4 nights in Guanacaste we took a Tropical Tours private shuttle to Fortuna. Our driver was great. I think it might have been Mario Andretti in disguise. He grabbed some beers for us on the way which was appreciated, and pulled over to point out a coati along the roadside. Using a dried river bed as a main road was a new experience for us.
3 nights at Paradise Hot Springs Resort. The thermal pools were nice to relax in, but closed a little early. Thankfully we had our own jacuzzi, so we took advantage of that when the pool closed. 2nd massages of the week were bliss. Fortuna was nice for a bit of shopping, and we ate at Soda Viquez and Soda La Hormiga. Both excellent. My sea bass with avocado sauce at Soda Viquez was probably my favorite meal of the week. $12 USD very well spent. We did a guided Mistico Hanging bridges tour (Anderson was a great guide) where we saw some spider monkeys, poison dart frogs, and a couple vipers (no sloths on this day). On our last night we took the moonshine sunset Arenal lake cruise, where our guide Otto fed us snacks and local drinks, and taught us to merengue.
submitted by gdbeav to CostaRicaTravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:17 next3days Big Weekend of Local Fun in Blacksburg and Across the New River Valley (June 7-9, 2024)....

For those in town, here's 30 local events you can enjoy in a big summer line-up of local fun and the weather forecast looks great with three days of sunshine and highs in the 70s.
Weekend Rundown of Fun: 1. Arts NRV Market 2024 Montgomery Museum of Art & History, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 12:00 - 6:30 PM and Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Arts NRV Market is a celebration of creativity and community art. The Market will feature over 30 regional art and crafts vendors with artwork for sale and local art demonstrators on display. This event will also feature a wine garden, delicious food from Copper Dog & Co. food truck, and an arts-based raffle. This event will also feature the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts’ (VMFA) On the Road Traveling Museum Artmobile, a state-of-the-art, climate-controlled trailer equipped with Wi-Fi and interactive components that meet 21st-century expectations. The VMFA is bringing their "Love, Laughter, Tears: An Artist’s Guide to Emotion" exhibit to the Montgomery Museum. On Friday, after the market closes, the museum will host "Paint like Picasso!," a painting class led by Ruth Lefko and David Ferrell. The cost is $45.00 including canvas, materials, and one glass of wine. Limited additional wine may be purchased at the event. Finished paintings will be displayed at the museum after the market concludes. This event is for adults only, with a limit of 18 participants. Register is required and available online. Saturday features numerous art demos including Backyard Stone Carvers Demo, New River Arts & Fiber Demo and Fire and Sky Pottery Studio Demo. Link:
2. 2024 Pearisburg Festival in the Park Pearisburg Community & Recreation Center, Pearisburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 5:00 - 11:00 PM, Saturday, June 8, 2024, 9:30 AM - 11:00 PM Admission: Free The 39th Pearisburg Festival in the Park features carnival rides, three days of live entertainment each day, food vendors with all your favorite festival foods, special activities, vendors and crafters concluding with a fireworks show on Saturday night. On Friday night, award-winning Pennsylvania bluegrass band Colebrook Road headlines and on Saturday night country music veteran and Randy Travis and Clay Walker songwriter Ray Scott headlines. There will be rides and games for the whole family. Free shuttle bus service is offered all nights for the duration of the Pearisburg Festival in the Park to and from downtown Pearisburg. The shuttle service will run as long as necessary to ensure festival goers can get back to their vehicles. Admission is free and all are welcome. Individual tickets for rides will be available at the festival. The Cancer Kids and Christmas & Pearisburg Festival Cruise-In will be held on Saturday from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Entry is $20.00 and vehicles must be registered by Noon. Trophies and prizes will be awarded. Chairs and blankets are welcome. Link:
3. Furious Jones in Concert Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Singer and songwriter Furious Jones currently resides in Blacksburg, VA though originally from Houston, TX. Enjoy a live acoustic solo show featuring Americana, blues, folk, and rock with both originals and extensive covers. Link:
4. The Jared Stout Trio in Concert Rock House Marina, Pulaski Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Three members of The Jared Stout Band perform on stage. Get ready to experience the high-octane energy and soulful sound of the Jared Stout Band. This alt-country powerhouse hails from Southwestern Virginia and is known for their unique blend of Appalachian rhythm and blues. As runners-up for the "On-The-Rise" award at FloydFest 22, the Jared Stout Band delivers an unforgettable performance by bringing their own energetic and soulful original songs to the stage. Link:
5. 2024 SummerFEST Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 10:00 PM Admission: Free Relay For Life of Montgomery County presents the 2024 SummerFEST. Kick off the new season and warmer weather with SummerFEST featuring five food trucks, 12+ vendors, entertainment, Kids Zone and more. In Relay For Life tradition, the event will also feature the Luminaria ceremony, survivor lap, fight back ceremony, and more. Entertainment includes the Appalachian Cloggers, Daniel Davis, group Zumba and more. There will also be a kids zone with Stormtroopers and the fully accessible playground & splash pad. All proceeds from fundraisers, donations, etc. go directly to the American Cancer Society in the fight for a cure. Link:
6. 2024 Summer Arts Festival Friday Night Outdoor Concerts Kickoff with Blacksburg Community Band Henderson Lawn, Virginia Tech Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 7:30 PM Admission: Free The Summer Arts Festival kicks off their 2024 Friday Night Outdoor Concerts with the Blacksburg Community Band. The Blacksburg Community Band, Inc. is an all-volunteer community organization formed in 1989 under the auspices of the Department of Parks and Recreation in the Town of Blacksburg, Virginia. The band is under the direction of David McKee. The ensemble is open to individuals of all ages and ability levels from the New River Valley and surrounding areas. Bring your chairs and/or blankets. In the event of inclement weather, this event will be canceled. Friday Night Outdoor Concerts on Henderson Lawn are presented by Virginia Tech and the Town of Blacksburg as part of the 2024 Summer Arts Festival. Link:
7. Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Beliveau Farm Winery continues Friday Nights at the Farm with Music from Chloe and Stewart Scales. Hailing from opposite ends of the state of Virginia, Chloé and Stewart met in 2012 at the Floyd Country Store, brought together by a shared interest in the music of southwest Virginia. Chloé is a classically trained cellist who is exploring traditional music; Stewart is a self-taught bluegrass banjo, guitar, and bass player. Now married, together they play a variety of styles, but folk and bluegrass are favorite genres. Enjoy delicious food from Beliveau's full service kitchen until 8:30 PM and chat over a glass of wine during our extended bar hours until 9:00 PM. Link:
8. Squeeze the Squid in Concert The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Friday, June 7, 2024, 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $5.00 Squeeze the Squid is a psychedelic funk rock band from Richmond, VA. Link:
9. Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family Radford Fire Department, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:30 AM - TBD Admission: $20.00 The Radford Fire Department and Christiansburg Fire Department presents a Fundraiser Ride For Firefighter Jeremy Compton and His Family starting at the Radford Fire Department and ending on the Christiansburg Fire Department. Registration is from 8:30-10:00 AM and kickstands up at 10:00 AM. 100% of collected money will benefit Jeremy Compton's family and his medical bills. Jeremy fought cancer for over three years and has been a professional firefighter with the Radford Fire Department and a volunteer with the Christiansburg Fire Department. Tragically Jeremy passed away on May 30th, 2024. Jeremy was the epitome of a public servant. He dedicated years to serving and protecting his community as a firefighter, emergency medical technician and sheriff’s deputy. Jeremy’s passion and love for the firefighting profession was unmatched. Jeremy often referred to firefighting as "the best job in the World". Jeremy’s compassion for the people he encountered was never-ending. He would always go above and beyond to comfort and calm the patients he met. Jeremy genuinely loved every aspect of the job and shared that love with his coworkers and fellow volunteers. The ride will be approximately 50 miles with a stop near the middle with lunch donated by Mission BBQ and there will be a 50/50 Drawing during lunch at the Christiansburg Fire Department. Additional donations are greatly appreciated. Link:
10. Summer Health Fair Blacksburg Boxing and Fitness, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Kickstart your summer health and wellness goals at Blacksburg Boxing's Summer Health Fair. With free subs catered by Jimmy Johns (available while supplies last), enjoy dozens of amazing local health and wellness businesses from across the New River Valley in attendance all in one spot. Ranging from mini-massages, to free supplement samples, body composition analysis, dietary tips, free boxing workouts, yoga, lavender products, physical therapists, chiropractic analysis and more. Link:
11. 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail The Floyd Center for the Arts, Floyd Saturday, June 8, 2024 and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Admission: Free The Floyd Center for the Arts presents the 2024 Floyd Artisan Trail at multiple sites in Floyd County over two days. This annual event hosts over 40 Floyd County artists and artisans sites opening up their studios for the weekend, welcoming folks from the tri-state area to come visit. Artisan Trail celebrates the true breadth of Floyd County's creative community and is a vital part of their tourism. Venture deep into the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, where local artisans and agrarian cultures share their creative passions and open their studio doors and pasture gates for an authentic Floyd experience. Meet potters, woodworkers, jewelers, glass artists, fine artists, photographers, beekeepers, farmers, and others who look forward to sharing the story of their craft, art or tradition. Visit local artisan studios, galleries & shops, farms & markets, restaurants & lodging sites. Stop by the Floyd Center for the Arts for the Silent Auction during the event. Grab your official brochure and map at The Floyd Center for the Arts so you can plan out your trail. Link:
12. 2024 Claytor Lake Festival Claytor Lake State Park, Dublin Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:00 AM - 10:00 PM Parking is $20.00 per vehicle or $15.00 with donation of five cans of food. The Claytor Lake Festival Committee presents the 25th Annual Claytor Lake Festival. The festival kicks off the summer season at Claytor Lake State Park each year. Enjoy entertainment all day including performances by Back Alley II and The Castaways, fireworks at night, arts & crafts vendors, beach access included with admission, free children's activities, youth & adult fishing tournament, wine tastings available all day, Chuckles the Clown, US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 83 NRV and lots more. Registration for the Everett Lee Yearout, Jr. Adult and Youth Fishing Tournament will be held 7:00-10:00 AM. This year the tournament theme is "There is a lot to learn from fishing because...". Essays are due at 12:00 PM. Trophies and awards will be given out in the afternoon. The Car Show voting is done by the show participants who are completely registered by 10:30 AM. All entries will receive a dash plaque, goodie bag and category winners will receive trophies. There is no pre-registration fee. The fee is $20.00 to enter the car & motorcycle show and this is the only fee you pay to enter the festival. Swimming is included with admission. The event is rain or shine. An ATM will be on site. Link:
13. Balance and Brews Iron Tree Brewing Company, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 10:45 - 11:45 AM Admission: $20.00 Move through foundational yoga poses, gentle stretches, and experience the many restorative benefits that yoga has to offer. This one hour class is appropriate for all levels, including those who are totally new to yoga. The cost includes an Iron Tree beverage of your choice. No reservation required, just show up. Link:
14. Beer, Bourbon and BBQ with Live Music from Bunco Pete Dye River Course, Radford Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Admission: Free, All You Can Eat BBQ Buffet: $30.00 Join the Pete Dye River Course for a Beer, Bourbon and BBQ celebration. Beer will be sponsored by 3 Notch'd brewing with a Steal the Pint along with giveaways and other fun items. Bourbon sponsored by JH Bard's with individual drinks available and a tasting flight with a chance to win a special prize with a raffle drawing. There will also be a BBQ Buffet featuring chicken legs, pork ribs, sliced brisket, fried catfish, coleslaw, potato salad, mac & cheese, succotash and more. Live music will be performed by BUNCO from 4:00-7:00 PM. Link:
15. 2024 Purple Party in the Park Nellie's Cave Park, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM Admission: Free Join the 3rd Annual Purple Party in the Park to support the Alzheimer's Association. Put on your best purple outfit and enjoy free ice cream, games, and fun to support the local chapter of the Alzheimer's Association. There will be an Ice Cream Buffet, raffle with hand-crafted prizes, a water balloon toss, yard games and more. New this year there will also be a Craft Corner hosted by Blacksburg Ballet. All donations go directly to local programs, support and care for those affected by Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. Reservations for the event are appreciated and can be made on the Facebook Event listing. Link:
16. 5th Brewery Birthday Celebration & Makers Market with Live Music from Black Wax Rebellion Eastern Divide Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 8:00 PM Admission: Free Celebrate Eastern Divide Brewing's 5th Birthday and discover unique treasures at their Makers Market opening at noon featuring local artisans with Heart of Virginia Artisans, enjoy $5.00 pints of their finest brews and live music from Black Wax Rebellion featuring Lilly Potts from 5:00-8:00 PM along with raffle prizes and free ice cream in the out bar while supplies last. Black Wax Rebellion is an American rock-n-roll trio based in southwest Virginia. Link:
17. Tiptoe Through the Tulips, err, Vineyard JBR Vineyards LLC, Pearisburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 12:00 - 5:00 PM and Sunday, June 9, 2024, 1:00 - 5:00 PM Admission: Free Wine Pricing: Tastes: $1.00, Cups of Wine: $5.00, Bottles of Wine: $15.00-$20.00 plus tax Tiptoe through the vineyard to see how much the fruit and vines have grown already. In addition to tours and tastings, the winery is in the midst of bottling; so, you can also see how the operation is done. JBR Vineyards is a small, family operation growing only classic wine grapes. Their focus is on growing the best grapes they can and making the best wine they can. Link:
18. Genealogy Saturdays Alexander Black House & Cultural Center, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free Join the Alexander Black House & Cultural Center on the first Saturday of every month for Genealogy Saturdays. Ancestry experts will be on hand to assist you as you explore your family tree. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots. They will be able to demonstrate starting your family tree or help you conduct a deeper dive into specialized areas of genealogy. Come with questions about research and discovering your roots or come with no knowledge of your family and let them guide you. Link:
19. Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag with Laser Club at Virginia Tech (LCAT) Pandapas Pond, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 1:00 - 4:00 PM Admission: Free The Laser Tag Club at Virginia Tech (LCaT) presents Outdoor Tactical Laser Tag every Saturday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. Laser Tag games are open to all ages for free. No fees of any kind for anything and no reservations are required. All equipment will be provided. Just show up ready to go. Play includes use of the Club’s laser taggers, a limited amount of camo clothing, snacks and water. Complete instructions for fun and safe play are briefed at game time. Play is on several acres of Forestry Service approved terrain adjacent to the lower parking lot at Pandapas Pond. Players are reminded that the play area is wooded and hilly, so dress appropriately and use insect repellent (some insect repellent is provided, if needed). Games start at 1:00 PM and run until 4:00 PM, but players may come and go as they please. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult parent/guardian in the play area. Teens ages 12-17 must have an adult parent/guardian present at Pandapas Pond. Link:
20. 2024 Arc in the Park Christiansburg Huckleberry Park, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 6:00 PM Admission: Free The Arc of the New River Valley presents the 3rd Annual Arc in the Park. Enjoy free food, fun and friends. We will be giving out BBQ and hot dogs, kids crafts, balloon animals, snow cones, face painting and more! In addition, The Annual Arc in the Park Gift Card Raffle will be drawn at 5:00 PM. The Gift Card Raffle will help raise funds for the good work the organization does all year long. Participants do not have to be there in person to win. There will be multiple winners and individuals can win more than once. Raffle tickets are $5.00 each and can be purchased online. The deadline for online purchases is Friday, June 7th at Noon. All are welcome. The park is handicap accessible. Link:
21. Summer Arts Festival Free Classic Movies: Fried Green Tomatoes Lyric Theatre, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 5:10 PM Admission: Free The 2024 Summer Arts Festival continues their Free Classic Movies series featuring "Fried Green Tomatoes". "Fried Green Tomatoes" is a 1991 drama starring Kathy Bates, Jessica Tandy and Mary Stuart Masterson and is rated PG-13. Synopsis: Evelyn, an ordinary housewife, visits a nursing home and befriends the old lady Ninny. Together, they bond over stories from the past about two intrepid women of Whistle Stop Cafe. Link:
22. Educate Your Palate Beliveau Farm Winery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 3:00 - 4:30 PM Admission: $35.00 The "Educate Your Palate" class offers a tasting of 10 wines with cheese, crackers, and a chocolate, guided by the undivided attention of a Beliveau Wine Educator. You’ll love sharing this 1.5 hour experience with friends, current or newly met. The class is by advance reservation only. Link:
23. 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series with Lyn Avenue and Drew Pace Downtown Christiansburg, Christiansburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free The Town of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Parks & Rec continues their 2024 Rockin' Main Street Concert Series featuring music from Lyn Avenue at 7:00 PM and Drew Pace at 5:00 PM. Celebrate food and music in downtown Christiansburg! Rockin’ Main Concerts. Attendees can purchase food and drinks from a selection of food trucks and wine & beer vendors. Born and raised in Savannah, GA, Lyn Avenue is a husband and wife country and Americana duo bringing you catchy, compelling stories with genuine southern charm. Described as six string spirit and small town soul. Drew Pace is a country music singer and songwriter from Scottsville, Virginia. He is now making a name for himself in the country music industry one show at a time. He has a unique sound that wins over his audience showcasing his voice and charm. Attendees are encouraged to bring lawn chairs to sit at the square and watch the live music. Concerts are rain or shine. Link:
24. Mount Tabor Ruritan Club June Fish Fry with The Blacksburg Community Band Slusser's Chapel Church of God, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5:00 - 7:00 PM In Person: Adults: $12.00, Children Ages 3-11: $6.00, Children Under 3: Free, Carry-Outs: $12.00 The Mount Tabor Ruritan Club presents their 2024 June Fish Fry. Enjoy a serving fish, fries, slaw, homemade desserts, and beverage. This month the Blacksburg Community Band will be performing. And, take you picture with the Dolly Parton cutout, and get information on signing up with the Imagination Library of Montgomery County, VA to receive free monthly books for kids under five. This is a fundraiser for the Ruritan Club's community service projects and scholarships. The event will be held rain or shine. Link:
25. Irish Trad Jam with Mist in the Mountain Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Mist on the Mountain is an Irish Traditional Music group based in the New River Valley. From lively jigs and reels to heartbreaking laments and rollicking ballads, Mist on the Mountain provides great Irish music for any occasion. Link:
26. Enchanted Forest Prom Moon Hollow Brewing, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 6:00 - 9:00 PM Admission: Free Prepare to get lost in the enchanted forest at the Moon Hollow Enchanted Forest Prom. DJ Bug Bite and friends will be spinning the tunes and the prom punch will be flowing. There will also be prom photos in the cove. 10% off bar tab for those who dress in prom attire. Link:
27. Four Band Concert with IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker The Milk Parlor, Blacksburg Saturday, June 8, 2024, 8:00 PM - 12:00 AM Admission: $10.00 Enjoy a night of killer heavy rock and roll with the four band concert featuring IROH, Lie Heavy, Holy Roller and Wolfbiker You don’t want to miss some of Virginia and North Carolina's finest heavy, psych, doom and stoner rock. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the music starts at 8:00 PM. Link:
28. Yoga On Tap with Blacksburg Yoga Collective Rising Silo Farm Brewery, Blacksburg Sunday, June 9, 2024, 9:30 - 10:45 AM Suggested donation of $15.00-$20.00. The Blacksburg Yoga Collective presents Yoga On Tap. Enjoy an energizing and uplifting flow with Blacksburg Yoga Collective in the beautiful settings of the Rising Silo Farm Brewery. Focus on therapeutic movements and breathing techniques aimed toward collective wellness. Meditate and move together to ease stress, manifest positivity, and improve our awareness and focus. The cost includes a post-yoga non-alcoholic beverage from the brewery. Participants can use Venmo to pay for the class. Please bring your own mat. Link:
29. Sunday Mountain Music Series with Indian Run String Band Mountain Lake Lodge, Pembroke Sunday, June 9, 2024, 4:00 - 6:00 PM Free Admission Mountain Lake Lodge continues their Sunday Mountain Music Series with the Indian Run String Band. The Indian Run Stringband from Blacksburg, VA plays fiddle and banjo foot stomping dance tunes, ballads and sings traditional songs with old time harmonies perfect for dancing the two step. From dance tunes to the blues, the Indian Run Stringband plays with love and abandon. They make old-time music fresh and new. Stop by Salt Pond Pub every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day from 4:00-6:00 PM and enjoy live music along with food and drinks. Perfect for relaxing with the whole family (furry friends are welcome too). Link:
30. MLB / USA Baseball: Bluefield Ridge Runners vs. Pulaski River Turtles (Saddle-Up Sunday) Calfee Park, Pulaski Sunday, June 9, 2024, 5:30 - 8:30 PM General Admission: $5.00, Seniors Ages 65 & Older: $1.00, Kids 6 & Under: Free, Grandstand: $11.00, Reserved Seating: $12.00, Party Zone: $12.00, Club Seating: $15.00 The Pulaski River Turtles Appalachian League team hosts the Bluefield Ridge Runners as they continue their 2024 season. Enjoy Saddle-Up Sunday featuring free mechanical bull rides and a cowboy hat giveaway while supplies last. Additionally, enjoy Sunday Savings featuring concession specials every Sunday. Tickets can be purchased at the gates on game day or online. Link:
For all the rest of the weekend fun, check out:
Thanks for reading and have a great weekend!
submitted by next3days to VirginiaTech [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:48 EatThemReindeer A “Vegas Experience” Post

June 3rd to 6th, 2024 Leading up to our Vegas trip, one of the things I enjoyed most was visiting this subreddit and reading the experiences others shared about their time in the city. It was consistently insightful, helpful, and quite entertaining to read.
While this post may be none of those things, I still wanted to share on the off chance it provides a bit of relief for those planning and struggling to piece their own trips together.
As a brief background, both my wife and I have spent time in Vegas before, but, for reasons I won’t get into on this post, we never had a “Vegas experience.” We agreed that this would be that trip.
For context, we have been together for 15 years. We are both 35 and have two kids. Most vacations are family-oriented - lots of planning, budgeting, and sniping the best deals and the cheapest things to do. We agreed to do a little of that for this trip, but to mostly roll with the punches and see what would happen. Outside of booking the hotel, the only other thing I did to prepare for this trip was make two lists of food. Food list number one were places that sounded unique or different and were within a 5 to 10 minute walk. Food list number two was the same concept, except 20+ minute walk or bus ride away. My wife and I also agreed that if we couldn’t walk somewhere by staying in hotels, we weren’t going to walk there.
I’ll get the total cost out of the way. We spent about $370 on food, drinks, transportation, and entertainment. Our flight was $80 round trip ($40 each through Frontier). The hotel was $350 total for 3 nights. Thats about $800 for 3ish days and 3 nights in Vegas.
Monday: Both my wife and I had a bout of food poisoning a couple of days prior to leaving. We nearly canceled our trip, but on Sunday, made the decision to carry through, as the sitter arrangement was already made and figured that even if we just spent the time in our hotel room, it would still be fun. By Monday morning, I felt okay, but my wife was still a little ill.
The plane into Vegas landed at 11am. We decided to take an Uber from the airport to Total Wine and Whole Foods in Town Square. At Whole Foods, we bought emergency snacks (breakfast bars, nuts, chips, etc) and 3 gallons of water. At Total Wine, we bought our favorite rum, mostly in fear that we wouldn’t find it on the strip - one 750ml bottle of Kraken ($20) - and a 10 pack of mini Coke Zeroes.
From there, we took another Uber to the hotel - the Flamingo - mostly because we were carrying a lot of stuff (the bus was the original option). We arrived early, tried checking in early using a kiosk, but refused to pay the extra $20. Instead, we walked over to the food court, got comfy in a booth, and made a strong drink to sip on while we waited. I should mention that we stopped at the Starbucks in the hotel and paid $2 for two waters (ridiculous!). We used those cups to make our drinks.
By 3:30, we were two drinks in and decided to try checking in again. The lines were longer now, too, but the kiosk line moved quickly. This time we were given our keys to the room. Having never stayed on the Vegas strip before, we opted for the strip view (more on this later).
We rested, showered, changed, made another drink, bought a 24 hour bus pass, and headed out. We caught the bus in front of Harrah’s and went to Cookies for edibles. Their selection was meager compared to what we’re used to in New Mexico, but made the best of it. Ate an edible then hopped back on the bus, south this time, and took it aaaallll the waaaayyy down to the Mandalay Bay stop. We did not go to Mandalay Bay, though. Instead, we walked down a bit more and got some carne asada fries at a little place called Sayulitas. We consider ourselves carne asada fries experts because it is our go to when we drink and NM offers tons of delicious options. Sayulitas did an exceptional job - crispy fries, perfectly seasoned meat, tons of cheese and sour cream. Their salsa bar was stocked with some delicious and spicy salsas, as well.
From here, we caught the bus back North and decided to grab a dessert at Eataly - a place I had on one of my food lists, specifically for desserts. There, we spent $15 on an exceptionally delicious cream puff and chocolate square thing. Took them back to the room, ate them, and fell asleep.
Tuesday: The Vegas strip is loud. Even from the 11th floor of a hotel. The view was also kind of meh. I’m a light sleeper and that view wasn’t worth the terrible night of sleep. Before getting ready for the day, I went downstairs to inquire about a different room. The hotel staff was accommodating and friendly, but said that we would need to come back after 11am to see what was available.
With about 2 and a half hours to kill, we decided a breakfast adventure was the way to go. Eggslut is an often mentioned (and very popular) restaurant that can be found in the Cosmopolitan. Somehow, we missed the bus stop to go south (we walked south instead of north) and ended up walking to Eggslut by going through Bellagio. When we got there, the line was sufficiently long - about 20 minutes. Hungry and not wanting to walk, we decided to wait.
It was worth it for two reasons: 1. The food was delicious. The sauce, specifically, used on the sausage, egg, and cheese made my heart sing. 2. When we reached the front of the line, a dude who did not want to wait in line offered to buy our breakfast if we allowed him to add his order to ours. We agreed because who wouldn’t? Free breakfast? Absolutely.
With happy stomachs, we caught the bus and went back to the hotel. As mentioned earlier, the hotel staff was accommodating and switched our rooms without issue. Our new room had a view of the garden, the Sphere, and that big Ferris wheel thing - a MUCH nicer view. The room was also cleaner and so much quieter.
We rested, took another shower (NM is hot, but not like Vegas), got ready again, and decided it was time to start drinking. I should mention that we brought flasks with us, too. After taking a couple of shots each, we filled up our flasks and made a rum and coke to go (same Starbucks cups from the day before!).
Feeling rejuvenated from the new room and rest, a decent Kraken buzz in tow, we headed off without any specific plans. By the time we made it through The LINQ and to Harrah’s, we decided Fremont was the place to be. We downed our drinks, stored our cups in my drawstring backpack, and hopped on the bus. By the time we got off, we were feeling great and our time there became a little blurry, so here’s a quick rundown.
Went into a hotel to use the restroom, stumbled around until we found a Starbucks to get ice, took our 4th and 5th shots of the day in some alleys out of public view (drunk logic), saw a deal at Binion’s for a $6 burger and coke, watched some street performers, and by 4:30, we hopped back on the bus.
Craving a donut, we got off at Circus Circus to find the Krispy Kreme. After they rejected our free coupon, we headed up to the midway. The arcade games were expensive, so instead we talked with the game operators and waited for the 5:30 foot juggling show. The show, a whole 6 minutes in length, was AWESOME!
We stumbled around some more and at some point, we took another drink. Our 24 hour bus pass expired by 6:30, so we got on the bus again before then. Feeling tired, drunk, and hungry, we stayed on the bus all the way down the strip to enjoy the sights. By the time we made it to Town Square, we decided to get off, grab a bite, buy another bottle of Kraken, and go to the movies. We ate a $2 slice of Whole Foods pizza and watched Furiosa in IMAX.
It was after 10pm by the time the movie ended. We bought another 24 hour bus pass and went back to the hotel for a night of quiet and restful sleep.
Wednesday: We had a very slow morning. Which was nice because with kids, slow mornings don’t exist. We also spent much of our morning trying to decide whether we wanted to drink again or not. Inevitably, the Vegas logic set in, but it took some “pumping each other up” before it happened. Prior to that, however, we decided it was time to get a meal. As you could see, Monday and Tuesday involved a lot of snacking, so we wanted to sit down in a restaurant.
After much debate, Nacho Daddy was the winner. Our slow morning kept us in the hotel room until about 11am. We got ready, and refused to make the same mistake about the bus stop, so we walked north and crossed in front of The Linq to catch the bus down to the Cosmopolitan. Nacho Daddy was a short walk from there.
We did an order of the spicy grilled wings and fajita nachos. Both were yummy and exactly what we needed. As we were still in the “do we even want to drink again” phase, we stuck with water and our brunch, excluding tip, was $55.
Feeling full, we walked our food off in the Miracle Miles shops. It was quite empty and relaxing to walk through.
Walgreens was nearby, so on the way back to the hotel, we picked up more Coke Zero and another gallon of water. We grabbed the bus and went back to the hotel to rest.
It was around 4pm when we decided to start pumping each other up, and by 4:30pm, we had had another two shots each, a flask full of rum, and a couple mixed drinks in our Starbucks cups ready to go.
We left the hotel, heading north, and walking through The Linq again, Harrah’s and the Casino Royale. Feeling good, the moving walkways that lead into the Grand Canal Shoppes were calling our names.
While there, we did a ton of people watching. After some commentary on how a lot of the people look like replicas of Sims characters, we challenged each other to see who could complement more people the rest of the day. The only rule was that the compliment had to be genuine. Being together for 15 years, we know what the other person likes - cheating would take the fun out of the game.
As we left the Shoppes, we needed ice for another drink and Treasure Island felt like the right call. On our way there, my wife complimented a person wearing a Seattle Krakens shirt - not because we’re fans…simply because we were drunk on Kraken (1-0).
Why are people so weird about filling up cups with ice in Vegas? Once in Treasure Island, I asked at Senior Frogs for ice. Rejected. Panda Express. Rejected. The lady that worked at Popeyes gave me ice, but I won’t lie…I had to turn on the charm. My wife socked me in the arm and we laughed as we took another shot and chewed those amazing ice cubes together.
As we left TI, I saw a dude wearing a Linkin Park Hybrid Theory shirt. The score was officially 1 to 1.
Sufficiently drunk at this point, we decided to catch the bus back to Fremont because we overheard people talking about the Neon Museum and our interest was piqued. On the walk to the bus, my wife complimented a guy with a lizard-shaped fanny pack (2-1).
Fremont was BUMPING by the time we got up there and the vibe was exactly what we wanted. We stumbled around, looked for ice, took pictures, and watched street performers. I spotted a gentleman with an incredible beard and tied up our score (2-2).
My wife chatted with a few ladies dressed as dominatrix, inquiring as to why they couldn’t leave their circle to take pictures with people and how difficult it was to get hours. She tipped them, we took some pictures, and, of course, she complimented them (3-2).
Afterwards, we saw an older man drinking McDonald’s coffee so my wife and I made a bet - was it coffee or something else? My wife said coffee. I said he was doing some secret drinking. A quick game of rock, paper, scissors, and my wife walked over to ask. It was coffee. I had to pay for the Neon Museum tickets. Fair enough.
We drank our last drink and headed off.
The Neon Museum is about a 10 minute walk from Fremont. If you go, I HIGHLY recommend a guided tour. Our tour guide, Steve, was INCREDIBLE and I made sure to tell him so…multiple times (3-3).
After the museum, we were fiercely hungry and decided that pizza, yes, again, was the best choice. My food list came in handy and Secret Pizza became our mission. A bus ride later, and we were back at the Cosmopolitan. It was fun, not having researched much about the pizza place but knowing it was meant to be hidden, to simply stumble around and find it.
By this time, my wife and I were incredibly drunk and making easy two-minute friends. We lost track of how many compliments we were throwing out. I tried engaging a dude wearing a Goku shirt about Dragon Ball Z, but he wanted to talk about his flight and the pizza he was waiting for, so I lost interest.
We got two slices of meat lovers and went on an adventure to find water.
We called it a night after this - it was close to 1am.
Thursday: Hungover and tired, we stayed in bed until it was time to check out. Grabbed a burger at Sickies Garage on the way to the airport and called it a trip.
We had plans to do more before leaving, but the best laid plans, amIright? Either way, it was a fun trip.
Was it a full “Vegas experience”? Maybe not to everyone that bothers to read this…We didn’t see any shows. We didn’t gamble a penny. We didn’t buy a single drink from a bar or a hotel and the latest we stayed up was 1am on Wednesday. Were we day drunk the entire time, though? Yep. Did we eat some good food? Yep. Did we talk to random people and see weird stuff? Yep.
What really defines a “Vegas experience,” after all? Tell me.
TLDR; We drank a lot and had a great time. Thanks, Vegas. :)
submitted by EatThemReindeer to vegas [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:02 Storm_Cat000 Rocks in Pittsburgh

So, I'm big into rocks, crystals, and minerals I've been doing my own research and not getting very many places, and was wondering if anyone had any good places along the rivers in Pittsburgh for Rock Hunting or any cool crystal/witchy shops
I've recently gotten my bf into rock hunting aswell.
If anyone has any info for places around here I'd love to hear em!!!
submitted by Storm_Cat000 to pittsburgh [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:26 Aelis_ I think my neighbor is trying to commit insurance fraud against me

Last Friday my neighbor sent a text to my fiancee claiming I did damage to his car because I backed up too close and sprayed rocks on his car when I left the house one day. We have a gravel driveway, and he was asking for my insurance information.
There are 3-4 nicks smaller than the head of a pin in his windshield and ONE the same size on his fender. He claims they are 'rock chips' but there aren't even cracks in the glass, it's all surface. It's literally some regular wear and tear shit. He has a picture of some tire marks left in front of his car, so he was saying I did it.
There's no actual proof that I did it as he didn't see it happen and there's no video to prove that I left them, but even if I did, it would be even harder to prove the chips actually came from those tire marks.
But since I'm not a jerk and I saw the damage was so light out of goodwill I said it was possible it could have been me so I was willing to give him $300 to cover rock chip kit and touch up paint as he said himself the damage was so light he figured he could do it himself. Which was generous as a rock chip kit is like $30 and he ALREADY had touch up paint which he USED on the car for other nicks that he said it already had when he got it from the dealership. I told him we'd both be careful pulling out of the drive and I didn't see the need to go to insurance as it wasn't damage that would go over a grand and also there was no real proof it was me.
The next day he comes with an invoice claiming he needs a windshield repair for $900 and needed $300 for touch up paint. We asked if he had anyone look at the damage he said no. We offered to go with him to see a professional and ask if rock chip repair could be done and if a windshield replacement was needed and if so we would pay for it. He said no he didn't want to do that and kept insisting the windshield is structurally unsound but refused to have anyone look at it. Because he obviously knows that if we all go together we'll get to witness a professional telling him it's stupid to ask for a new windshield for this and that it's probably not even worth fixing.
He then said he'd go through his own insurance but the deductible was $500 and I said fine I'll pay it but it will be a check to your insurance or to the shop that does the repair. He wasn't happy with that and kept insisting on getting my insurance. I didn't give it to him.
Today I get a call from my company saying that I have a claim. I'm beyond fucking pissed and shocked that it even went through because as I said the 'damage' is at regular wear and tear level. I don't even know how he got my information. I'm wondering should I just deny it and say there's no proof or tell them that I offered him solutions out of goodwill and tell them I think he's trying to commit fraud? I don't want them to try and take the fact I did offer to compensate him as admittance of guilt. Any other advice as well?
Thanks all.
submitted by Aelis_ to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:24 ACapitalG Will these forks fit my bike?

Hi all!
I (stupidly) left my mtb uncovered over winter and the forks are a bit rusty now.
The frame is still good, but the forks need replacing (tbf I’ve been meaning to replace them as they’re not great anyway).
My bike is a 2018 Cube Reaction c62 with (I think) RockShox Recon Silver TK Air (100mm travel) forks, my wheels are 29in.
I want to put these forks on it, but I have no idea on what matters, what I need to measure, how to measure it etc
If these forks won’t fit, then any advice on how to figure out which forks will fit is appreciated.
I’m mostly going to be doing downhill trails with some road/gravel stuff to get to the plantations nearby.
I’ve had this bike since 2018, and I’m looking to spend about £700-£800 upgrading it. I like the frame so I want to keep it, but perhaps it’s worth just selling the frame and buying a new hardtail?
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
submitted by ACapitalG to MTB [link] [comments]