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2010.05.03 20:39 leftnode Gun Deals - Deals for firearms, ammunition, and accessories

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2008.03.06 16:26 /r/guns: Firearms and related articles

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2010.11.29 14:36 Mr45 All things NFA

A community of hobbyists interested in NFA items, history, and news. We seek to expand general understanding of the laws collectively referred to as the National Firearms Act and their implications for gun owners and citizens of today. Silencer, SBR, SBS, DD, AOW, and MG posts are all welcome here. Content suggesting non-compliance or discouraging NFA ownership will not be tolerated.

2024.05.18 21:27 Bbobsillypants Nature of Big Donuts 6 - a Stargate x NOP crossover fic - Fear

Atlantis Commission
Officer Report - Lieutenant Colonel John Shepard
Well this had definitely been a very interesting couple of hours. This dimension and its people had very odd opinions and ideas. Apparently the prey species of this dimension were all obligate cowards, whose instincts compelled them to be non-violent and run from threats. At least according to themselves. There were apparently some of them who were “predator diseased” as they called it, a disease which often resulted in increased violence, aggression, lack of empathy, and unheard like behavior. It sounded to me like some form of infectious psychopathy, but the venlil assured us it shouldn't affect us since we were predators, which didn’t really ease my fears, but hopefully it was something we could figure out when we got home if it ever became a problem.
Gotta love mandatory quarantine periods woo hoo!
As scary as this odd disease sounded, my main concern at the moment was to try and turn a professed coward into someone who could at the very least defend themselves.
I looked down to the table of gear ahead of me and then over to the mostly naked Venlil to my side, and then even farther to Tiel’c who thought It would be a good idea to help oversee Farva’s rapid fire training course. I fiddled with the bluetooth earpiece which was rigged up to one of our handhelds to run a translation program to speak directly with the captain. A big step up from our unknowingly one sided communications earlier.
I stepped on the other side of the plastic table and placed my hands down upon it and looked on at my new student..
“Welcome Captain Farva to our very impromptu accelerated course on Human arms armor and basic infantry tactics.” I said gesturing to the hodge podge gear we had managed to assemble for the good captain. “Are we ready to begin?”.
She flicked her ears, somewhat nervously by the looks.
“I’d take it that's a yes then?”
“Oh yes sorry”
“Alright then, well given that most of our crew is human and the only other alien struts around naked all the time, the only gear we have on hand is for humans, So you're going to be running size smalls and it's all going to fit all a bit big” I say as I toss her the tactical vest. ”Here try this on, we can try to tighten it up if it's a bit loose anywhere”. The captain wrestles with the buckles a bit, and Teal'c helps her tighten up some of the top straps, as the Venil’s shoulders weren't as broad as humans. Farva gave Teal’c an odd look, but seemed appreciative none the less.Once finished, she grasped the vest in her paws with interest. “This armor seems quite lightweight, which is nice, weight is often an issue that causes us to forgo armor, since heavy armor would hurt our running ability.” Farva remarks. “Also the sheer amount of pockets seems quite excessive, what do you need all these for?”
“Well for starters it's currently missing these '' I hand Farva one of the armor plates which she looks over. “That is a depleted Naquadria ceramic composite plate. It’s designed to stop bullet impacts and dissipate energy weapon blasts. It slots into that chest compartment in the front and back of your armor.”
“This isn't quite what Id imagine for the armor of your kind”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well judging by your ships I would have imagined you would put more emphasis on defense Your predatory nature would make you less likely to run away from conflict allowing for more encompassing armor to cover more than just your chest, since you have less need to run.”
She would put it like that.
“Well there are a number of reasons for that, a lot to do with those excess pockets you mentioned. For starters you will not be carrying the same amount of gear that the standard infantry unit would normally be carrying, we are preparing you for a quick in and out op. Normally us expedition teams need to be deployed into unknown territory for extended periods of time, we need to carry everything we might need with us from food, bullets, weapons, to comms gear, sensors, repelling equipment etc. The weight from all that gear adds up fast; In order to stay sufficiently mobile and combat effective; we only carry enough armor to protect our vitals, head and torso, anything else can hopefully be patched up by a field medic.”
Tielc gave his piece as well. “It is important to know when to run both towards and aways from one's foes, not every battle can be won through strength alone, but by strategy and cunning. Being able to reposition oneself quickly is therefore highly advantageous”
Farva seemed to freeze at Teal'c's statement, not out of fear I think, she instead had a distant look in her eye. To snap her out of her slump I handed her a standard ballistic helmet.
Seeming to get the idea she looked at it oddly and tried it on. It confirmed to her head shape decently well but depressed her ears to either side of her head, kind of resembling what one might imagine a sad bunny rabbit to look like “I don't think this will be something I can bring with me” she said ” I can't use ear signals and this will muffle my hearing.”
“Why don’t you keep it on for the time being, I think any extra hearing protection might be useful considering what we are about to try next.” I hand Farva some ballistic ear protectors, slightly modified and somewhat ramshackle. “One of the corporals worked closely with Nurse Fila to get an idea for safe decibels levels for your kind, we were also able to get these earbuds molded to fit into your ear canal better”
Farva took them and slipped them in. “These are a bit uncomfortable, what do I need these for?”
“You'll need them for this” I say as I unsnap the clasps on the weapons case revealing its contents.
The content seems to capture Farva’s interest, getting a slight tail wave.
“Okay So this here is a p90, It carries a 50 round top loading magazine of teflon coated armor piercing ordnance. With a cyclical rate of fire of 900 rounds per minute.”
Farvas ears perk up at this. “This seems like an efficient design, I take it these are a flashlight and laser sight for accuracy?” She asked, pointing to the top of the weapon.
“Yes we also have holographic and acog optics which will help line up targets from farther away.” I look on as Farva picks up the weapon and inspects it, testing the weight as I note that it will weigh a fair bit more once loaded. But she doesn't seem to be struggling with the weight. I can't help but notice good firearm safety as well, she keeps her finger well off the trigger and takes care to keep her weapon pointed aways from anyone else.
“This seems like a solid design but I'm not sure how useful those weapon optics would be, as they are not designed for my side facing eyes”
“I'm sure our master at arms can figure something out, why don't we give it a test fire first tho, before we send it off to make adjustments.” I instruct her on how to load the weapon and turn the safety off. I warn her of the sound it makes. And while definitely taken aback by the recoil and sound at first, she quickly gets the hang of it, she has some respectable shot groupings in both single fire and in short bursts. And keeps the rounds reasonably centered while firing in full auto.
She did a whole lot better than I would have initially suspected given her performance in the hanger bay a day before.
“The rate of fire seems useful” Farva spoke “This would be useful for our soldiers, our accuracy falters when we are panicked, and the increased shot count should guarantee some hits based on volume of fire alone” she finished with a dejected expression.
She quickly places the weapon back in its case, as if it burned to touch.” I don't know if I should be armed for this mission, at least not with that weapon, I don't want to miss and hit one of you in the back!”
“What? Nonsense, you are a great shot, and this is just a precaution in case we get separated or flanked and need some covering fire. If our guys are doing their job right you shouldn't need to fire a single round anyways.”
Captain Farva’s breathing started to hasten, earlier I might have thought it was fear, but I was starting to get an idea of what the captain's issues were. I’ve seen this before.
“I.. I can’t be trusted with this responsibility, every time I am left in charge of something, every time people put their lives in my paws I ....”
“Farva, don’t you start with me now you hear.” I said sternly, swiftly capping off her inevitable spiral of self doubt.
“But.. no.. you don’t understand”
Stopping her again I spoke. “But nothing, what happened before on that ship, and back at that colony is in the past. I don’t know your whole situation, but from what I have gathered from the crew It was nothing good. You feel responsible and it's eating away at you, and frankly it doesn’t matter if that's true or not. Accidents happen, people make mistakes, and when that happens we need to learn, take those lessons to heart, and don't let it stop us from helping people in the present. If you let guilt, or fear of mistakes stop you, then bad guys have already won, all without having to have fired a shot”
Farva is quiet for a short time, I was hoping I got through to her, I'm not the best and pep talks and this certainly wasn’t your typical weapons demo, if only everyones could go as smoothly as Ronan’s.
Farva spoke quietly, arms pressed up against her chest, she looked so sad, defeated, and small. Well more than usual anyways. “We can't be strong like you humans, we are too emotional and when we are scared we run away or we lock up and...”
“And that is clearly not the case with you captain Farva” Teal’c finally reentered the conversation having heard enough. “You have shown courage with every action you have taken so far, your actions have saved the lives of many of your crew, every time you have been threatened you acted not just to protect yourself but others as well. You attempted to contend with beings many times your size without even thinking about it, all in the effort to protect others, and this is only in the time we have known you, this speaks nothing of your actions over the colony. You are a warrior of admirable courage Captain Farva, your self doubt is unearned.”
A single tear rolled down Farva’s eyes which she quickly wiped away. “That was very nice of you to say, but I'm not brave like you say, I was terrified out of my mind the whole time.”
Teal’c looked puzzled. “I did not call you brave, I said you were courageous.”
Farva shot back with the little venlil one up one down ear flick I had very quickly learned was confusion.” I'm confused you just said brave twice”
“Hmm it appears your language does not contain the word I am using, I apologize I am not used to speaking through a translator” Teal’c relented “ There are two words I am using admittedly in slightly different forms, bravery and courage. Bravery or to be brave is to lack fear, to not be afraid to begin with. Courage tho, Is a trait far more admirable. Courage is to be afraid, to have fear, to worry about one's own mortality and personal safety. It is to acknowledge risk, danger, to feel fear, but to act in spite of it.”
“Had I not met your kind before I would have thought predators don't feel fear.”
“Everyone fears feel Farva, It is how we overcome it that determines our worth as warriors”
Teal’c picks up the p90 and returns it to Farvas hands.
“Your people need a warrior Farva, a warrior who protects the innocent and guides the lost to safety. You have shown how collected you can be in the heat of battle, You have already proven your worth in our eyes Farva, now you must do the same in your own. The greatest enemy lies not without” Teal’c places his hand firmly on the venlil’s chest “But within”.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Chief Engineer Donu
I fiddled with my holopad, Its small surface area proving to be a consistent source of annoyance in my current endeavor. Gone was the large workspace afforded to me by my holotable back in my office. Instead I had to work with the scaled down portable holotablet I was just fortunate enough to have strapped to my person when I was beamed away from our last ship. I was stuck with its smaller keyboard and slower rendering speeds.
An annoyed smooth skin alien looked over my shoulder at my device, attached to it was a jury rigged fiber optic cable, slotted into a terran silicon to crystal patch cable, which would convert the electrical signals broadcasted by my tablet into a bandwidth that the terrans crystalline based computers; which they used for highly complex tasks like hyperdrive and transporter systems; could use, and then It was patched again in a even stranger connector to patch into the odd asgard computer stones.
All in all it looked like someone tried to plug a regular computer into some crystal construct like you would find in a fantasy holonovel, and again plugged that into a harchen heat rock sauna lounge. Finally branching out from this conglomeration was a simple copper based wire that connects to a computer terminal at which currently sat the late Doctor Rodney Mckay. A title upon initially hearing led me to believe he was a medical doctor, which led to a flurry of medical questions that he had absolutely no means of answering.
While this odd alien nomenclature was interesting, what intrigued me more was his actual area of expertise, theoretical astrophysics, as well as a number of other diverse specialties and fields. Not to mention not only was he a great scientist who had he been raised in the more civilized portion of this galaxy, would have knowledge and aptitude that would put him alongside some of Aafas greatest minds, but he was also an engineer without peer, at least in this galaxy. His interactions with general Samantha Carter hinted at her possibly being his match if not more. For a species that was supposed to glorify violence the decision to have a scientist be arguably the most senior member of what was by their admission a military vessel spoke to their commitment to knowledge and understanding, a very noble prey-like goal.
I looked warily at the lines of code at my screen, the asguard translation program had earlier scanned our ship and was able to parse written languages, but complex files, like images and 3d design schematics were harder to encode and decode from our perspective systems. As is stands we have 3 completely separate computer architectures, the asguard can talk to human computers and the venlil computers can talk to the asguard computers, It sounds like we would have everything we need to get a human C.A.D schematic into a venlil holotablet right? Wrong! And you're stupid for entertaining such a idiotic notion! Parsing text from raw binary is relatively straight forward, you're just looking for patterns, repeating bit combinations that might infer letters and then iterating them over millions of times looking for patterns, letters, words, and then with a bit of help from some undecoded analog audio transmission, spoken language. This is a far cry from actual procedural communication protocols,the ones that allow for file transfers, exactly what we needed if we were to get Rodney's redesigned part schematics into a format and medium that can be plugged into a suitable fabricator. Assuming one still exists, which I can reasonably assume it does.
Speaking of which, I have just made something of a breakthrough. For upon my screen appears a simple geometric hydrogen cube, we’re talking vertices, planes, material data, everything we need for a usable design file.
I let out an excited pent up yip, the culmination of hours of frustrating software integration work. Unfortunately I startled Rodney, who lets out a panicked gasp and clutches his chest pelts with one of his paws.
“Oh god…..” He gasps, pointing at me “Please.. don’t do that”
“Sorry!” I say a bit meekly. I slowly approach him so as to not make him unnecessarily uncomfortable and show him my work.
“I got the file exchange set up, all we need from you is to finish any modifications to your part, upload them to my holopad, and then we can print away at any class 3 or above fabricator we can scrounge up on Brayga colony.”
“Ok.. um.. got it, I'm almost done i’m just you know” He points a lone grasping appendage at his screen,”Running some simulations, making sure everything is up to spec.” keeping his response kurt. “Sorry for freaking out there.”
I nod my head in the human display of affirmation and return to my workstation to further bug check my work, to test potentially problematic edge cases for when he finishes. Tho Rodney's continued odd behavior intruded on my thoughts.
I should have felt empowered, being able to intimidate this ‘massive beast’, but I didn't. I didn't like being feared, his people have been nice to me, Rodney himself courteous to a fault and desperate for positive attention.
I thought I could expect predators to be fearless but that clearly wasn't the case, rodney was fearful, nervous, had I not known better I would say defective, and while it annoyed his crew, they didn't berate him for it, or attempt to assert dominance, they encouraged it even with placating words and tried to help him through it, they encouraged and supported him like a proper herd, even if sometimes it took the form of what the human would call a playful ribbing. I supposed I could help him as well.
I approached him again, careful to make my approach known to him, making sure to approach from within his limited field of vision. He looks up at me with a wide eyed glare, had I not known him I might have assumed it was hunger, but I did and knew it to be concern.
“Uh high Donu.. um whats up?”
“Why are you afraid of us rodney?”
“Wa-What, me afraid?” he gives out a panicked laugh ”uh no no, I'm not afraid, you know just a bit weirded out I'm just getting used to you all, it's not a fear thing it's a a…. Just getting used to new aliens thing, ask Hermirod we went through this whole song and dance right buddy”
Hermirod furrowed his brow and gave an irritated sigh from across the room.
I reached out to take Rodney by the paw.
His whole body flinched at my mere touch, I quickly withdrew my paw.
“Oh.. um.. I didn't…”
“Rodney! It's okay, your crew doesn’t seem to care when you show fear, and neither do I. Why are you afraid of us? You are almost twice our size and surely double our strength, most venlil would scream and run in terror at the mere sight of you. What's wrong?”
Rodney let out a sigh. “Oh its, we don't have to talk about this, I can deal with this, I deal with scary situations all the time, it's fine, I'll be fine.”
“Rodney, my people are a very emotional, empathic people, we are open with our feelings and with our fear, and the fear of the one can affect the herd, please let me help you. I don’t know what to expect from your society but I promise I wont judge you for your fear or emotions, I mean look at many of my crew mates, we are no one to judge”
Rodney shot back “You didn't seem to be so bothered”
“I’m too old to care, I was about to retire, hell I was about to die as far as I knew, Brayga colony was supposed to be a quiet place to lay back, work on some hobbies, plant a garden and pester the young men of my colony until I either dropped dead of boredom or got lucky” I joked.
That seemed to raise Rodney's mood somewhat. He sighed and seemingly relented.
“It’s… a dumb story, I don't even know why it affected me so much, I come from a place on earth called Canada, people don't usually believe me when I say I am from there, us Canadians are notoriously friendly and I guess I haven’t exactly filled that mold for a lot of my life, but hey I'm working on it, people like me, I have lots of friends back at Atlantis” He says the last sentence in a way as if it isn't me he's trying to convince.
“I'm sure you do, Rodney, You seem like quite the charming individual when you're not cowering!”
“Ha ha thanks, maybe you could come and visit sometime. Tell that to doctor Becket, really nice guy, smart man, he would love to meet you, he loves investigating new species. But back on topic, oh boy, so me and my sister Jeannie were on a family trip to rural Vancouver to visit my grandpa's farm, he kept a lot of goats, not for eating or anything, they were essentially pets that he would use for milk”
“Wait hold on? You drink milk from other animals! Do your females not produce enough milk for their young?”
“Oh um no, we just sort of drink it or ferment it into cheese!”
“Ferment? You mean spoil?
I reeled from this plasma blast of a statement, I like any right minded venlil had a number of nightmares about being an arxur’s cattle before, especially when I first learned about those things in primary school, but never once had it crossed my mind that we could be used for something so weird. What the speh was I supposed to do with that information?
“Maybe you should get back on topic”
“Yeh sorry about that uh.. Anyways the momma goat had just had a litter of babies, and their real cute when their little, so late in the day when my grandpa was asleep we snuck out to the pens so we can play with the little baby goats, our grandpa told us not to but you now how kids are.”
At this I think back to a young Nyan, as I teach him the inner working of the hyperdrive, I tell him he’s not cleared yet to operate in this engine compartment alone, but I could tell from the occasional caught black hairs and dropped writing implements, there had been a number of curious unauthorized expeditions into its inner workings, he didn't really listen either.
“My sister as always was trying to be the voice of reason, wanting to take it slow. If I was paying attention I might have noticed the angry moma goat who didn’t appreciate the strange human messing with her children.”
The color seemed to drain from his face.
“I uh…” He began to stutter again ”I screamed, a lot, it was rather undignified, she ran right at me, thank god it wasn't a male goat, one with horns, I tired to run but I was hit in the back and knocked over and kicked real good in the head, like wake up in the vet clinic a quarter mile down the road kind of bad”
“This goat was a prey animal?”
“That would be what your kind focuses on”
“Oh sorry”
“Anyways It seems dumb but I have just never been good with animals since then, especially ones that look like you; no offense; I'm getting better but when I first saw you guys in the hangar bay, I was just that dumb kid again, getting in way over my head, scared for my life. I guess there is something to be said about childhood trauma. I really should be over this, I'm getting better with it I swear it’s just”
I take his paw again, he doesn't flinch this time.
“I'm a venlil, a prey animal, I know fear, I know what it is to live in fear, It rattles your brain, it turns your paws to wet grains. It takes great strength to overcome it, to push it aside just long enough to protect the herd. Your herd relies on you Rodney and you are doing a great job in spite of your fear, in spite of having to work with those you fear. You have achieved intellectual feats that rival the greatest minds of the federation and all that while struggling with a traumatic experience. Fear isn’t dumb and there is nothing wrong with you for feeling it.”
“Thank you” Rodney says “That means a lot, I won't be like forever I promise, I just need some time.”
“We will laugh about this someday,” I assured. “Nothing as big and intelligent as you should be afraid of anything”
“Are you calling me fat?” Rodney exclaimed with fake offense.
We both chuckled.
My kind words had resulted in a more upright posture, and a more cheerful demeanor from the human, almost like when I congratulated Nyan on his work, and it got me a look at that happy snarl of his, that I was starting to grow quite fond of.
After Action Report - Venlil Colonial Defense Force
Subject : Apprentice Engineer Nyan
Oh wow! I get to write a report for this mission! I never get to write reports, Donu says they're too boring, but there’s so many interesting things going on all the time. Sometimes I sneakily write my own! Just for fun of course, nobody sees them, which is probably for the best as I sometimes get excited and embellish them slightly. One of the reports I wrote was about the time Donu used nothing but a wad of electrical tape, a bottle of high grain venlil alcohol and a pocket knife to repair a venlil medical ship just in time to get out of the way of a big scary space predator, with glowing red eyes and a million tentacles!
Anyways Im not sure If im suppose to write these In present tense first person or past tense. I asked the captain and she said it's whatever so long as I make sure any pertinent dialogues are properly quoted(“”).
“Nobody usually reads these things anyways.” She said, but this one is surely going to be so exciting, who could look away!
I mean who's gonna scoff at a chance to read about friendly predators from another dimension! A dimension of friendly predators who give warm head scratches and hand out yummy strayu not strayu treats called donuts, that are somehow fluffier than strayu, and have a nice moisture to them. I asked for the recipe but Samantha said we wouldn't have the ingredients back on Venili prime to make them, and Teal'c said the recipe is an old family secret. Its weird predators would be so protective of their plant snacks.
There are so many weird things about these predators, they have nurturing instincts that make them find us cute. They stay perfectly balanced even if they don’t have tails, swinging their arms and body all over the place to keep upright like a lopsided gyroscope, it's pretty funny looking!
They also wear artificial pelts all the time, which I thought was weird, I thought maybe the ships temperature was set by the angry gray alien since he’s the only crew member beside the venlil who walks around naked all the time, maybe he had a fit when it was to warm, and the humans obliged him cause they were worried they would make him even angrier, and wore clothes to make up for the cold. I thought this made sense, a lot of their technology does seem to come from the Asguard, maybe he has more say in the goings on of the ship because of that. But apparently humans just like wearing pelts all the time. They feel uncomfortable without them and don’t like it if you try to remove them or look up their upper artificial pelts they call shirts.
The humans are so weird, I don’t even have to embellish my reports to make it more interesting. Like that time with the big tentacled space predator. That may sound real compared to this stuff but it Isn't, Ha! I bet you fell for it at first, hook line and sinker! Like the humans would say. I think I used that saying right, I'm not sure what it means, but Shepard brought it up when he was telling a story about the wraith.
The humans are so nice, instead of exterminating their predators they try to cure them! Their doctors are working to modify the wraith so they don't have to eat humans anymore, so they can be friendly predators too.
Anyways I should probably get to the actual report part of this report. Farva says I should start after I went off with Samantha to work on some special astrophysics equations she said I would be good at. I kind of wanted to go with Donu to help Rodney get the new parts they needed, or Farva to help rescue our people, but the humans and even the angry gray alien got really weird when Farva mentioned taking me on the mission. Samantha seemed to want me to help her really badly so I didn’t mind. Samantha says I have the most important part to our mission. She's teaching me about how humans communicate through subspace, and about stellar drift equations. We are working on what she calls the exit strategy.
submitted by Bbobsillypants to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:27 Mister-F01 Cheri Jo Bates è stata davvero uccisa da Zodiac?

Il 30 ottobre 1966 viene uccisa Cheri Josephine Bates una ragazza di 18 anni nata il 14 febbraio 1948 ad Omaha, Nebraska. Cheri era la più giovane dei due figli nati da Joseph e Irene Bates. La famiglia Bates si trasferì in California nel 1957, dove suo padre trovò lavoro come macchinista presso il Corona Naval Ordnance Laboratory. I suoi genitori avevano divorziato nel 1965. Cheri si era diplomata alla Ramona High school, dove era stata una cheerleader e una studentessa d’onore. Descritta dai suoi conoscenti come “una ragazza dolce ed estroversa” Aspirava di diventare un’assistente di volo. Era alta 1,60 m ed era molto atletica. Dopo Essersi diplomata alla Ramona High School, Bates si iscrisse al Riverside City College e trovò un lavoro part-time presso la Riverside National Bank. Con lo stipendio derivante da questo lavoro part-time comprò un Maggiolino Volkswagen verde lime del 1960. Bates viveva con suo padre al 4195 di Via San Jose. Anche la madre viveva a Riverside e suo fratello maggiore, Michael Bates, prestava servizio nella Marina degli Stati Uniti.
L’omicidio è avvenuto a Riverside, in California mentre la Bates era una matricola del Riverside City College.
La mattina del 30 ottobre 1966, Bates e suo padre parteciparono alla messa presso la chiesa cattolica di Santa Caterina d’Alessandria per poi fare colazione assieme in un ristorante locale. Nel primo pomeriggio telefonò due volte a una cara amica di nome Stephanie Guttman (alle 15:00 e alle 15:45) chiedendole se voleva accompagnarla in biblioteca per studiare e recuperare libri. In entrambe le telefonate la sua amica rifiutò.
Poco prima di lasciare casa, fece una telefonata ad un collega della Riverside National Bank chiedendole se avesse visto una bibliografia di una tesina che aveva smarrito. Il suo collega rispose di no e Bates disse: “Ora dovrò ricominciare tutto da capo con i miei biglietti“.
Bates si recò alla biblioteca del college da sola tra le 16:30 e le 17:00.
Un testimone oculare disse in seguito agli investigatori di Riverside che aveva visto la Bates guidare il suo Maggiolino in direzione dell’RCC intorno alle 18:10. Questo testimone oculare affermò anche che il Maggiolino era seguito da vicino da un modello Oldsmobile in bronzo del 1965 o 1966 .
Secondo molti testimoni oculari Cheri studiò nella biblioteca fino all’orario di chiusura, circa le 21.00. Un testimone riferì di aver visto un uomo alto circa 5 piedi e 11 pollici (180 cm) che era rimasto nascosto in una zona d’ombra dall’altra parte della strada rispetto a dove era parcheggiato il veicolo della Bates. Sembrava stesse fissando in direzione della sua macchina più o meno all’orario in cui la biblioteca chiudeva. Sebbene questo testimone non conoscesse l’individuo nascosto nelle zone d’ombra a lato della strada, mentre gli passava accanto i due si erano scambiati brevi convenevoli.
La polizia, in seguito, stabilì che l’assassino aveva disabilitato il cavo della bobina di accensione del Maggiolino Volkswagen della Bates in modo da simulare un guasto. Quando Cheri uscì dalla biblioteca non riuscendo a far partire la macchina probabilmente accettò l’aiuto di un uomo che si presentò a lei, magari offrendogli un passaggio con la sua auto. Quando il padre di Cheri tornò a casa trovò un biglietto attaccato al frigorifero con scritto: “Papà, sono andata alla Biblioteca RCC.” Il padre della ragazza aspettò buona parte della notte che sua figlia tornasse a casa. Nelle prime ore del mattino telefonò all’amica di sua figlia Guttman, solo per essere informato se sua figlia era a casa sua o avesse avuto intenzione di trascorrere la serata lontano da casa. Non avendo risposte esaustiva si recò al Dipartimento di Polizia di Riverside (RPD) per fare una denuncia di persona scomparsa, erano le 5:43 del mattino. Intorno alle 6:28 della mattina del 31 ottobre, un giardiniere di nome Cleophus Martin scoprì il corpo di Bates sul terreno dell’Riverside City College.
La Bates è stata trovata distesa a faccia in giù su un sentiero di ghiaia tra due case non occupate su Terracina Drive, vicino al parcheggio della biblioteca dove aveva parcheggiato il suo Maggiolino la sera prima. Indossava ancora una camicetta stampata giallo pallido a maniche lunghe e pantaloni capri rossi sbiaditi. La sua borsa di paglia intrecciata, contenente sia la sua carta di identità che 56 centesimi, giaceva accanto al suo corpo. I suoi vestiti erano intatti ma erano pieni di sangue. Era stata ripetutamente pugnalata al petto e alla spalla sinistra e aveva subito diverse ferite profonde al viso e al collo. A tre metri dal corpo di Bates, gli investigatori hanno scoperto un orologio da polso di marca Timex economico, schizzato di vernice, con una circonferenza di sette pollici insieme all’impronta di una scarpa che veniva prodotta per i militari della base di Leavenworth e venduta esclusivamente in punti vendita militari. La misura della scarpa era compresa tra otto e dieci pollici (da 40 a 42½).
L’esame della scena del crimine e la successiva autopsia di Bates hanno rivelato ampie prove di una feroce lotta fisica tra Bates e il suo assassino; lei evidentemente aveva graffiato le braccia, il viso e la testa del suo aggressore e gli aveva strappato l’orologio da polso.
Il Maggiolino di Bates era parcheggiato a soli 75 metri a est del luogo in cui è stato scoperto il suo corpo. Il cablaggio di accensione del veicolo era stato deliberatamente allentato, ma la chiave di accensione era al suo posto e sia il finestrino del conducente che quello del passeggero erano parzialmente abbassati. Sul sedile anteriore c’erano tre libri della biblioteca sul tema del governo degli Stati Uniti e sul veicolo sono state trovate diverse impronte di palme e impronte digitali. Gli investigatori avrebbero stabilito che queste impronte non appartenevano a Bates e a nessuno dei suoi amici o parenti e credevano che potessero appartenere al suo assassino.
L’autopsia ha rivelato che Bates era stata ripetutamente presa a calci alla testa oltre ad aver subito due coltellate al petto inflitte da un coltello stimato essere largo un pollice e mezzo e alto tre pollici e mezzo. Erano state colpite con la lama anche la guancia sinistra, il labbro superiore, le mani e le braccia, oltre tre tagli alla gola che le avevano reciso la vena giugulare e la laringe quasi decapitandola . Fu dedotto che la donna giaceva a terra quando aveva ricevuto le ferite da coltello alla scapola sinistra e al collo. Non era stata sottoposta ad alcuna forma di violenza sessuale o rapina durante questo attacco.
Numerosi frammenti di pelle e capelli castani furono rinvenuti anche sotto le unghie della mano destra, raccolte mentre si difendeva dal suo aggressore. Il terreno dove fu ritrovato il suo corpo è stato descritto, nel rapporto ufficiale dell’autopsia, come: “sembra un campo appena arato”.
Entro 24 ore dall’omicidio di Bates, gli investigatori avevano intervistato 75 persone, tra cui numerosi studenti dell’RCC, e avevano iniziato a interrogare il personale militare di stanza nella vicina base aeronautica di March . Entro il 6 novembre, tutte le persone note per essere state nel campus dell’RCC, tranne due, erano state rintracciate ed eliminate dall’inchiesta. Gli investigatori hanno anche ricevuto testimonianze da due individui che avevano sentito brevi urla femminili provenienti dalla direzione di Terracina Drive la sera dell’omicidio. Da questo, oltre alla conclusione del coroner , gli investigatori hanno stabilito che molto probabilmente la Bates era stata uccisa intorno alle 22.15.
Gli investigatori hanno teorizzato che l’assassino di Bates avesse probabilmente messo fuori uso il suo veicolo e poi aveva aspettato che la ragazza tornasse dai suoi studi nella biblioteca del college. Credono anche che l’autore del reato si sia avvicinato alla Bates dopo che lei aveva ripetutamente tentato di avviare la sua auto e gli abbia quindi offerto assistenza.
Su iniziativa del sergente investigativo dell’RPD David Bonine, nove giorni dopo il suo funerale è stata condotta una rievocazione delle ultime ore di studio di Bates all’interno della biblioteca dell’RCC, nella speranza di produrre testimoni oculari vitali. A questa rievocazione erano presenti 62 studenti, due bibliotecari e un custode che erano stati effettivamente nella biblioteca la sera del 30 ottobre. A tutti i partecipanti che possedevano un veicolo è stato chiesto di parcheggiare la propria auto esattamente nello stesso punto in cui si trovava la sera dell’omicidio, e tutti i partecipanti indossavano gli stessi vestiti che avevano la sera in questione. Questa iniziativa ha portato alla luce numerosi testimoni oculari, anche se non sono state ottenute piste fruttuose. Tuttavia, diverse persone hanno dichiarato di aver visto una Studebaker grigio-marrone nelle immediate vicinanze del campus dell’RCC la sera del 30 ottobre. Nonostante i numerosi appelli sia degli investigatori che della stampa locale, il proprietario di questo veicolo non è mai stato rintracciato. Il 4 novembre 1966, Bates fu sepolto al Crestlawn Memorial Park a Riverside. Alla cerimonia erano presenti i suoi genitori, il fratello maggiore e diverse centinaia di altre persone.
Il 29 novembre 1966, cica 1 mese dopo l’omicidio di Bates, arrivo una lettera dattiloscritta alla sede dell’RPD. Si trattava di una lettera di confessione dell’omicidio.Sei mesi dopo l’omicidio viene scoperta da un custode dell’università un’incisione su una scrivania contenuta in un magazzino dell’RCC. Il custode avverte la polizia e afferma che questa scrivania era, al tempo del delitto, nella biblioteca dell’università. La poesia presenta le iniziali minuscole ( rh ) inscritte sotto una poesia macabra. Questa poesia contiene riferimenti grafici a ripetute aggressioni a giovani donne con un’arma da taglio. La polizia ha fotografato l’iscrizione e ha aggiunto questa prova circostanziale al fascicolo del caso.
Valutazione della mentalità dell’assassino di Cheri Jo Bates, scritta dal capo psicologo del Patton State Hospital nel Luglio 1967: “È ossessionato e patologicamente preoccupato da un odio intenso contro le figure femminili, tanto più se vede la giovane donna attraente. A causa dei suoi sentimenti inconsci di inadeguatezza, è improbabile che esprima i suoi sentimenti sessualmente, ma nella fantasia. , di regola. La fantasia può assumere aspetti aggressivi… Vorrei sottolineare che esiste una possibilità reale che possa diventare di nuovo omicida.“
Nel luglio del 1969 la madre di Bates, Irene, morì per avvelenamento da stricnina.
Il detective Jim Simons Attuale investigatore assegnato all’omicidio irrisolto di Cheri Jo Bates nel Novembre 2013 ha detto: “Ho parlato personalmente con i precedenti investigatori [assegnati al] caso, e credono sinceramente che il caso Cheri Jo Bates non sia correlato agli omicidi di Zodiac … credono che si trattasse di un [suo conoscente], o di un amore disprezzato interesse.“ Nell’ottobre 2021, un gruppo di agenti di polizia in pensione, agenti dell’intelligence e giornalisti hanno affermato di aver risolto l’omicidio di Bates, che secondo loro era collegato agli omicidi di Zodiac e che l’autore in entrambi i casi era un uomo di nome Gary Francis Poste. Tra le prove citate come base per le loro affermazioni c’era il fatto che Poste era un pittore di professione, il che spiegherebbe gli schizzi di vernice sull’orologio Timex trovato sulla scena del crimine; che Poste stava ricevendo cure mediche alla base dell’aeronautica militare di marzo per una ferita da arma da fuoco “accidentale” intorno al momento della morte di Bates; che questo luogo era a quindici minuti dal luogo dell’omicidio di Bates; e che Poste aveva i capelli castani, che potrebbero corrispondere a quelli trovati sotto le unghie di Bates. Comunque la mia impressione è che Zodiac fosse responsabile di quest’omicidio e abbia imparato da questo. Non aveva il pieno controllo della situazione, lei ha reagito, lo ha graffiato, ha perso l’orologio, il suo coltello si è spezzato durante l’uccisione. Eppure non è stato catturato, il che gli avrà dato fiducia in sé stesso ma gli ha anche fatto capire di dover stare più attento in futuro. Infatti, a parte nel 3º delitto il suo modus operandi sarà un dentro e fuori velocissimo senza correre rischi inutili e tenendo sempre sottocontrollo la situazione, ma anche nel 3ºdelitto ha imparato che doveva impedire alle vittime di scappare o reagire perciò le farà legare e non farà mai capire loro cosa stava per succedere. La lettera che l’assassino voleva che tutti vedessero, l’affrancatura eccessiva, l’uso del linguaggio. Poi il fatto che fosse disposto ad assumersi la responsabilità del delitto, sapendo che se non fosse stato lui il responsabile, il vero colpevole avrebbe potuto essere catturato in qualsiasi momento e se fosse accaduto lo avrebbe reso meno credibile nelle sue future affermazioni o vanterie. Questa almeno è la mia impressione.
submitted by Mister-F01 to Zodiac_Italia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 13:15 Expensive_Ad9251 OP team?

I got splash bros and kobe Bryant plus Shaq duo well giannis is the best PF in my opinion so yeah lol
submitted by Expensive_Ad9251 to NBA2KMOBILE_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 12:15 Strong-Technology-99 Best team for H2H

Best team for H2H
Got a few combos here, obviously I’m crutching Rainmaker curry, lmk what you think.
submitted by Strong-Technology-99 to NBA2KMOBILE_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 20:15 SFMatchThreadder Match Thread: Spartans FC vs Dumbarton Scottish League One Promotion/Relegation Playoffs

This match is now over. Join the post match discussion here

FT: Spartans FC 2-2 Dumbarton

2nd Leg - Dumbarton win 4-3 on aggregate
Spartans FC scorers: Cameron Russell (3'), Blair Henderson (90'+4' Pen)
Dumbarton scorers: Michael Ruth (5', 53')
Venue: Ainslie Park
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Spartans FC
Blair Carswell, Paul Watson Jordan Tapping, Aryton Sonkur, Callum Booth Daniel Denholm, Kieran Watson Rhys Armstrong, Bradley Whyte, James Craigen, Jamie Dishington, Blair Henderson, Cameron Russell, Marc McNulty.
Subs: Josh Laing, Mason Mccready, Sean Brown, Robbie Thompson, Samuel Newman, Samuel Jones.
Jay Hogarth, Sean Crighton Aron Lynas, Mark Durnan, Cian Newbury, Gallagher Lennon, Carlo Pignatiello, Findlay Gray, James Hilton Blair Malcolm, Tony Wallace, Kalvin Orsi David Wilson, Michael Ruth James Graham.
Subs: Ryan Blair, Marc Kelly, Callum Wilson, Aaron Healy, Patrick O'Neil.
3' Goal! The Spartans 1, Dumbarton 0. Cammy Russell (The Spartans) header from very close range to the top right corner. Assisted by Callum Booth.
5' Goal! The Spartans 1, Dumbarton 1. Michael Ruth (Dumbarton) left footed shot from the left side of the six yard box to the top left corner following a corner.
25' Substitution, Dumbarton. Aron Lynas replaces Sean Crighton because of an injury.
45+1' Michael Ruth (Dumbarton) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
53' Goal! The Spartans 1, Dumbarton 2. Michael Ruth (Dumbarton) left footed shot from outside the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Mark Durnan.
56' Substitution, The Spartans. Jordan Tapping replaces Paul Watson.
56' Bradley Whyte (The Spartans) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
64' Substitution, The Spartans. Rhys Armstrong replaces Kieran Watson.
70' Substitution, Dumbarton. Blair Malcolm replaces James Hilton.
78' Substitution, Dumbarton. James Graham replaces Michael Ruth.
82' Substitution, The Spartans. Danny Denholm replaces Callum Booth.
87' James Craigen (The Spartans) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
90+1' Finlay Gray (Dumbarton) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
90+2' James Graham (Dumbarton) is shown the yellow card.
90+4' Goal! The Spartans 2, Dumbarton 2. Blair Henderson (The Spartans) converts the penalty with a right footed shot to the bottom right corner.
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submitted by SFMatchThreadder to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 07:06 Concealment-Taker How do I make a full auto trigger pack semi auto?

I'm a first time builder, and I got a Vz 61 parts kit because I've heard they're easy, and I think they're cool. I got a Czech semi auto receiver from recon ordnance. I understand I need to take out the "fun" lever on the right, and remove the thing on the disconnector.
What's the best way to go about that? The old videos on youtube have the trigger already apart, and the best I can find online is "just pop it out". Is there a way to go more precise with it, other than just a pair of pliers and some good grip strength? I mean, the factory got it together somehow without bending any metal.
submitted by Concealment-Taker to Vz61 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:21 nba_gdt_bot Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Cleveland Cavaliers 113-98

Cleveland Cavaliers at Boston Celtics

TD Garden- Boston, MA
Time Clock
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
CLE 28 24 26 20 98
BOS 28 30 27 28 113

Player Stats

Cleveland Cavaliers
I. Okoro 12:27 5 2-4 1-1 0-0 1 2 3 1 0 0 0 3 1
D. Wade 21:33 3 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 2 2 2 0 0 2 2 -27
E. Mobley 43:25 33 15-24 0-3 3-5 4 3 7 4 1 2 3 1 -15
M. Strus 44:38 12 3-10 3-7 3-3 0 7 7 9 0 0 1 4 -12
D. Garland 44:06 11 4-17 0-4 3-3 0 0 0 9 2 0 2 2 -16
M. Morris Sr. 33:30 25 10-13 5-6 0-1 0 3 3 0 2 0 1 0 -13
S. Merrill 27:44 9 3-5 3-5 0-0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 4
T. Thompson 4:35 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 1 2 3 0 0 0 1 1 0
G. Niang 8:02 0 0-3 0-3 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 3
Boston Celtics
J. Brown 40:44 11 4-9 1-3 2-4 0 4 4 7 1 1 3 3 14
J. Tatum 43:21 25 9-16 3-7 4-4 0 10 10 9 4 0 1 3 18
A. Horford 34:58 22 8-15 6-13 0-0 7 8 15 5 1 3 4 1 26
D. White 36:08 18 7-17 4-9 0-0 1 4 5 6 0 2 0 4 17
J. Holiday 41:22 13 5-9 1-4 2-2 1 2 3 4 0 0 3 1 21
L. Kornet 12:14 8 3-3 0-0 2-2 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2 -9
P. Pritchard 21:17 11 4-7 3-4 0-0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 -10
S. Hauser 9:56 5 2-4 1-3 0-0 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 1 -2

Team Stats

CLE 38-79 13-31 9-12 25 16 5 10 2 6 22 33
BOS 42-80 19-43 10-12 32 15 6 12 6 11 32 51
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2024.05.16 03:04 ImRickyT VS Code RPG extension

I created this extension for VS Code to auto add the end statements for various RPG operations. For example when you type Dcl-Ds myds; and press enter it will auto add the End-Ds; and place your cursor on the second line indented similar to the way RDi does. Here’s a small article I wrote about it as well
submitted by ImRickyT to IBMi [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:14 MLS_Reddit_Bot Match Thread: Toronto FC @ Nashville SC

Home Nashville SC 2
Away Toronto FC 0
Status Full Time
Venue GEODIS Park
City Nashville, Tennessee
Date Wednesday May 15, 2024
Time 07:30 PM CDT
♻️ Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Nashville SC Pos Toronto FC Pos
Joe Willis, #1 G Luka Gavran, #90 G
Walker Zimmerman, #25 CD Aimé Mabika, #6 CD
Jack Maher, #5 CD-L Nickseon Gomis, #15 CD-L
Josh Bauer, #22 CD-R Sigurd Rosted, #17 CD-R
Sean Davis, #54 CM-L Kosi Thompson, #47 CM-L
Dru Yearwood, #16 CM-R Matthew Longstaff, #8 CM-R
Aníbal Godoy, #20 AM Alonso Coello, #14 AM
Jacob Shaffelburg, #14 LM Raoul Petretta, #28 LM
Alex Muyl, #19 RM Tyrese Spicer, #16 RM
Hany Mukhtar, #10 CF-L Derrick Etienne Jr., #11 CF-L
Sam Surridge, #9 CF-R Deandre Kerr, #29 CF-R
Brent Kallman, #44 SUB Deybi Flores, #20 SUB
Amar Sejdic, #6 SUB Charlie Staniland, #89 SUB
Shaq Moore, #18 SUB Charles Sharp, #38 SUB
Teal Bunbury, #12 SUB Jesus Baitz, #73 SUB
Tyler Boyd, #11 SUB Greg Ranjitsingh, #18 SUB
Taylor Washington, #23 SUB Lorenzo Insigne, #24 SUB
Elliot Panicco, #30 SUB Cassius Mailula, #12 SUB
Daniel Lovitz, #2 SUB Kobe Franklin, #19 SUB
Brian Anunga, #27 SUB
Match events via ESPN
  • First Half begins.
  • 36' 🟨 Dru Yearwood (Nashville SC) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
  • 45'+1' First Half ends, Nashville SC 0, Toronto FC 0.
  • 45' 🔄 Substitution, Nashville SC. Shaq Moore replaces Sean Davis.
  • 45' 🔄 Substitution, Nashville SC. Tyler Boyd replaces Dru Yearwood.
  • 45' Second Half begins Nashville SC 0, Toronto FC 0.
  • 60' 🟨 Kosi Thompson (Toronto FC) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
  • 60' 🔄 Substitution, Nashville SC. Taylor Washington replaces Jacob Shaffelburg.
  • 62' 🔄 Substitution, Toronto FC. Deybi Flores replaces Alonso Coello.
  • 62' 🔄 Substitution, Toronto FC. Lorenzo Insigne replaces Deandre Kerr.
  • 66' 🔄 Substitution, Nashville SC. Brian Anunga replaces Alex Muyl.
  • 76' 🔄 Substitution, Toronto FC. Kobe Franklin replaces Tyrese Spicer.
  • 76' 🔄 Substitution, Toronto FC. Charles Sharp replaces Derrick Etienne Jr..
  • 81' ⚽ Goal! Nashville SC 1, Toronto FC 0. Shaq Moore (Nashville SC) right footed shot from the left side of the six yard box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Walker Zimmerman with a headed pass following a corner.
  • 86' 🟨 Tyler Boyd (Nashville SC) is shown the yellow card.
  • 88' 🔄 Substitution, Nashville SC. Teal Bunbury replaces Sam Surridge.
  • 90'+1' ⚽ Goal! Nashville SC 2, Toronto FC 0. Teal Bunbury (Nashville SC) right footed shot from very close range to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Tyler Boyd following a fast break.
This thread is managed by a bot running on AWS Lambda. All data is sourced from ESPN APIs. The project can be found on GitHub at mrundle/mls-reddit-bot. This post was last updated at 2024-05-15 21:35:16 CDT.
submitted by MLS_Reddit_Bot to MLS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 20:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 5/15 ⚾ Reds (18-24) @ D-backs (20-23) 3:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Reds (18-24) @ D-backs (20-23)

First Pitch: 3:40 PM at Chase Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Reds Andrew Abbott (2-4, 3.35 ERA) BSOH WLW
D-backs Brandon Pfaadt (1-3, 4.60 ERA) ARID 98.7 FM , KQMR (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CIN 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 4
AZ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 0 5

Box Score

2B Marte, K 4 0 1 0 0 1 .289
RF Grichuk 3 0 1 0 0 0 .274
PH Smith, P 1 0 1 0 0 0 .258
CF Carroll 0 1 0 0 0 0 .193
LF Gurriel Jr. 3 0 1 1 1 1 .231
1B Walker, C 4 1 2 1 0 1 .264
3B Suárez, E 3 0 0 0 0 1 .220
C Moreno 2 0 0 0 1 0 .243
DH Alexander 3 0 0 0 0 1 .253
RF McCarthy 3 0 0 0 0 1 .281
SS Newman 3 0 0 0 0 0 .262
Pfaadt 7.0 2 1 1 2 9 93-61 4.17
Thompson, R 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 11-10 1.00
Sewald 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 8-4 2.25
CF Benson 4 0 1 0 0 3 .194
RF Fraley 4 0 0 0 0 2 .300
1B Ford, M 4 0 0 0 0 0 .179
LF Steer 4 0 0 0 0 1 .242
3B Candelario 4 0 1 0 0 1 .230
DH Capel 3 0 0 0 0 0 .167
2B Espinal 3 1 1 1 0 1 .200
C Maile 1 0 0 0 1 1 .145
SS De La Cruz, E 1 0 0 0 0 0 .258
LF Hurtubise 2 0 0 0 1 1 .000
C Stephenson, T 0 0 0 0 0 0 .245
Abbott, A 7.0 4 1 1 2 4 95-61 3.06
Cruz, F 1.0 2 1 1 0 2 22-14 4.50

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B2 Christian Walker homers (8) on a fly ball to left center field. 1-0
T5 Santiago Espinal homers (2) on a fly ball to left center field. 1-1
B8 Lourdes Gurriel Jr. doubles (9) on a fly ball to right fielder Jake Fraley. Corbin Carroll scores. 2-1


Description Length
Brandon Pfaadt against the Reds 0:09
Bullpen availability for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:07
Bench availability for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:07
Fielding alignment for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:11
Bench availability for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:07
Fielding alignment for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:11
Starting lineups for Reds at D-backs - May 15, 2024 0:09
An animated look at Christian Walker's home run 0:11
The distance behind Christian Walker's home run 0:13
Breaking down Santiago Espinal's home run 0:13
Santiago Espinal's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Breaking down Brandon Pfaadt's pitches 0:04
Brandon Pfaadt's outing against the Reds 0:23
Andrew Abbott's outing against the D-backs 0:23
Breaking down Andrew Abbott's pitches 0:04
Christian Walker's solo home run (8) 0:22
Torey Lovullo names David Bell to All-Star staff 1:05
Ketel Marte's slick backhanded stop and shimmy 0:22
Santiago Espinal's solo home run (2) 0:20
Brandon Pfaadt In play, out(s) to Santiago Espinal 0:13
Brandon Pfaadt whiffs nine against Reds 1:13
Andrew Abbott fans four over seven innings 0:35
Lourdes Gurriel Jr.'s go-ahead double 0:27
Paul Sewald seals the 2-1 win for the D-backs 0:16


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Thompson, R (1-1, 1.00 ERA) Cruz, F (1-4, 4.50 ERA) Sewald (2 SV, 2.25 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
78°F, Roof Closed 0 mph, None
HP 1B 2B 3B
Jordan Baker Dan Merzel Mark Carlson Stu Scheurwater
Game ended at 5:40 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:40 SnakeBot GAME THREAD: Reds (18-24) @ D-backs (20-23) - 12:40 PM

Reds (18-24) @ D-backs (20-23)

First Pitch: 12:40 PM at Chase Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Reds Andrew Abbott (2-4, 3.35 ERA) BSOH WLW
D-backs Brandon Pfaadt (1-3, 4.60 ERA) ARID 98.7 FM , KQMR (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Baseball Savant Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Strikezone Map Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CIN 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 4
AZ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 6 0 5

Box Score

2B Marte, K 4 0 1 0 0 1 .289
RF Grichuk 3 0 1 0 0 0 .274
PH Smith, P 1 0 1 0 0 0 .258
CF Carroll 0 1 0 0 0 0 .193
LF Gurriel Jr. 3 0 1 1 1 1 .231
1B Walker, C 4 1 2 1 0 1 .264
3B Suárez, E 3 0 0 0 0 1 .220
C Moreno 2 0 0 0 1 0 .243
DH Alexander 3 0 0 0 0 1 .253
RF McCarthy 3 0 0 0 0 1 .281
SS Newman 3 0 0 0 0 0 .262
Pfaadt 7.0 2 1 1 2 9 93-61 4.17
Thompson, R 1.0 1 0 0 0 1 11-10 1.00
Sewald 1.0 0 0 0 0 0 8-4 2.25
CF Benson 4 0 1 0 0 3 .194
RF Fraley 4 0 0 0 0 2 .300
1B Ford, M 4 0 0 0 0 0 .179
LF Steer 4 0 0 0 0 1 .242
3B Candelario 4 0 1 0 0 1 .230
DH Capel 3 0 0 0 0 0 .167
2B Espinal 3 1 1 1 0 1 .200
C Maile 1 0 0 0 1 1 .145
SS De La Cruz, E 1 0 0 0 0 0 .258
LF Hurtubise 2 0 0 0 1 1 .000
C Stephenson, T 0 0 0 0 0 0 .245
Abbott, A 7.0 4 1 1 2 4 95-61 3.06
Cruz, F 1.0 2 1 1 0 2 22-14 4.50

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B2 Christian Walker homers (8) on a fly ball to left center field. 1-0
T5 Santiago Espinal homers (2) on a fly ball to left center field. 1-1
B8 Lourdes Gurriel Jr. doubles (9) on a fly ball to right fielder Jake Fraley. Corbin Carroll scores. 2-1


Description Length
Brandon Pfaadt against the Reds 0:09
Bullpen availability for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:07
Bench availability for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:07
Fielding alignment for Arizona, May 15 vs Reds 0:11
Bench availability for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:07
Fielding alignment for Cincinnati, May 15 vs D-backs 0:11
Starting lineups for Reds at D-backs - May 15, 2024 0:09
An animated look at Christian Walker's home run 0:11
The distance behind Christian Walker's home run 0:13
Breaking down Santiago Espinal's home run 0:13
Santiago Espinal's home run through bat tracking data 0:11
Breaking down Brandon Pfaadt's pitches 0:04
Brandon Pfaadt's outing against the Reds 0:23
Breaking down Andrew Abbott's pitches 0:04
Andrew Abbott's outing against the D-backs 0:23
Christian Walker's solo home run (8) 0:22
Torey Lovullo names David Bell to All-Star staff 1:05
Ketel Marte's slick backhanded stop and shimmy 0:22
Santiago Espinal's solo home run (2) 0:20
Brandon Pfaadt In play, out(s) to Santiago Espinal 0:13
Brandon Pfaadt whiffs nine against Reds 1:13
Andrew Abbott fans four over seven innings 0:35
Lourdes Gurriel Jr.'s go-ahead double 0:27


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Thompson, R (1-1, 1.00 ERA) Cruz, F (1-4, 4.50 ERA) Sewald (2 SV, 2.25 ERA)
Game ended at 2:41 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by SnakeBot to azdiamondbacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:15 SFMatchThreadder Match Thread: Dumbarton vs Spartans FC Scottish League One Promotion/Relegation Playoffs

This match is now over. Join the post match discussion here

FT: Dumbarton 2-1 Spartans FC

1st Leg
Dumbarton scorers: Tony Wallace (21'), Findlay Gray (29')
Spartans FC scorers: Aryton Sonkur (48')
Venue: Dumbarton Football Stadium
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Jay Hogarth, Mark Durnan, Sean Crighton, Cian Newbury, Gallagher Lennon, Carlo Pignatiello, Findlay Gray, David Wilson James Hilton, Tony Wallace, Kalvin Orsi James Graham, Michael Ruth.
Subs: Marc Kelly, Ryan Blair, Callum Wilson, Blair Malcolm, Aron Lynas, Aaron Healy, Patrick O'Neil.
Spartans FC
Blair Carswell, Paul Watson Jordan Tapping, Aryton Sonkur, Callum Booth, Kieran Watson, James Craigen, Bradley Whyte, Jamie Dishington, Blair Henderson, Cameron Russell Daniel Denholm, Marc McNulty.
Subs: Rhys Armstrong, Josh Laing, Samuel Jones, Mason Mccready, Robbie Thompson, Samuel Newman, Sean Brown.
21' Goal! Dumbarton 1, The Spartans 0. Tony Wallace (Dumbarton) right footed shot from very close range to the bottom right corner.
29' Goal! Dumbarton 2, The Spartans 0. Finlay Gray (Dumbarton) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Michael Ruth.
31' Cammy Russell (The Spartans) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
40' Paul Watson (The Spartans) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
48' Goal! Dumbarton 2, The Spartans 1. Ayrton Sonkur (The Spartans) right footed shot from the centre of the box to the top right corner. Assisted by Paul Watson.
64' David Wilson (Dumbarton) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
73' Substitution, The Spartans. Jordan Tapping replaces Paul Watson.
77' Substitution, Dumbarton. James Hilton replaces David Wilson.
86' Substitution, The Spartans. Danny Denholm replaces Cammy Russell.
90+2' James Graham (Dumbarton) Substitution at 92'
Don't see a thread for a match you're watching? Click here to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.
submitted by SFMatchThreadder to ScottishFootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:00 Educational_Lettuce Auto Ordnance, what have you done?!

Auto Ordnance, what have you done?! submitted by Educational_Lettuce to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:19 CrazyWorldWeLiveInEh Custom Build Or Complete Set Up Questions

So to start things off, this is going to be my first AR15. I've been contemplating going with a custom build "on a budget" it's exceeded over $2,000 LOL. $2,025 plus tax and shipping to be exact. Anyways I'm going to list the parts list here. I just want some feed back as to if this is going to be a solid rifle or should I just go with some mid tier complete rifle instead.
Upper Parts List ⬇️
Lower Parts List ⬇️
(Excluding $320 in iron sights, stock, grip, hand stop and sling. Plus shipping and tax.)
Yes it's the Reddit special. Should I go with this and learn a thing or two about putting a rifle together or go with a complete build from somewhere else. Thanks for anyone who takes the time to look through this.
submitted by CrazyWorldWeLiveInEh to ar15 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 leo0916 Full Auto Market Prices

Got a good promotion at work so it’s looking like I may have transferable MG money in the near future so I’d like to know what I’m walking into. Looking at either an M16(or Sendra converted lower or something), or a more historical gun like an M2 Carbine, MP40, Thompson etc. Leaning toward an AR platform if possible just for ease of repaireplacement parts for long term use. Anyone have any insight on general market prices on stuff like this just so I don’t get suckered into paying tens of thousands more for a full auto gun than I need to? Thanks for any help!
submitted by leo0916 to NFA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:28 nba_gdt_bot Post Game Thread: The Boston Celtics defeat The Cleveland Cavaliers 109-102

Boston Celtics at Cleveland Cavaliers

Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse- Cleveland, OH
Time Clock
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total
BOS 37 25 26 21 109
CLE 30 27 21 24 102

Player Stats

Boston Celtics
J. Brown 34:25 27 9-15 2-3 7-9 1 7 8 1 0 0 5 4 3
J. Tatum 43:52 33 11-25 2-8 9-9 2 9 11 5 2 1 4 2 6
A. Horford 28:08 6 3-9 0-4 0-0 1 5 6 0 0 1 0 0 11
D. White 30:26 5 1-6 1-4 2-2 1 6 7 3 1 0 0 2 5
J. Holiday 42:58 16 6-11 4-8 0-0 1 6 7 5 3 1 2 0 6
P. Pritchard 25:48 11 3-5 3-4 2-2 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 4
L. Kornet 19:28 9 4-5 0-0 1-2 3 3 6 0 0 1 2 3 -4
S. Hauser 14:53 2 1-2 0-1 0-0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 4
Cleveland Cavaliers
M. Strus 42:35 15 5-12 5-9 0-0 1 6 7 7 2 0 1 6 -4
I. Okoro 21:14 2 1-8 0-4 0-1 2 1 3 2 0 1 0 3 -6
E. Mobley 39:16 19 8-13 1-1 2-3 1 8 9 3 1 0 3 1 -1
C. LeVert 38:41 19 9-18 1-8 0-0 1 4 5 3 2 1 1 2 -14
D. Garland 40:12 30 12-27 4-13 2-2 0 3 3 7 2 0 2 4 1
D. Wade 24:38 3 1-4 1-4 0-0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 2
S. Merrill 17:09 7 2-7 2-7 1-1 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 -4
G. Niang 7:35 3 1-3 1-2 0-0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
T. Thompson 8:37 4 2-2 0-0 0-0 2 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 -8

Team Stats

BOS 38-78 12-32 21-24 15 12 6 14 4 10 38 57
CLE 41-94 15-48 5-7 26 17 8 7 3 8 24 41
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submitted by nba_gdt_bot to bostonceltics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:40 BaseballBot Game Thread 5/13 ⚾ Reds (17-23) @ D-backs (19-22) 9:40 PM ET

Join us on Discord!

Reds (17-23) @ D-backs (19-22)

First Pitch: 9:40 PM at Chase Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Reds Graham Ashcraft (3-2, 3.86 ERA) BSOH WLW
D-backs Jordan Montgomery (2-2, 4.70 ERA) ARID 98.7 FM , KQMR (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CIN 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 5 10 0 7
AZ 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 11 1 14

Box Score

CF Carroll 3 0 0 0 1 0 .197
2B Marte, K 5 0 1 0 0 3 .290
DH Pederson 5 1 2 1 0 3 .298
1B Walker, C 4 2 1 0 1 1 .265
LF Gurriel Jr. 3 1 0 0 1 2 .235
3B Suárez, E 4 0 1 1 1 1 .224
C Moreno 2 2 1 1 3 0 .248
RF Smith, P 1 0 1 1 0 0 .233
RF Grichuk 2 0 0 0 0 0 .271
RF McCarthy 0 0 0 0 1 0 .293
SS Newman 5 0 4 2 0 0 .253
Montgomery 5.1 6 3 3 3 7 101-57 4.76
Thompson, R 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 7-4 1.06
Mantiply 1.0 1 0 0 1 1 16-7 3.12
Ginkel 1.0 2 2 2 1 1 24-14 4.15
Martinez, Ju 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 20-12 0.71
2B India 4 0 2 0 1 0 .233
SS De La Cruz, E 4 1 1 0 1 3 .262
LF Steer 4 1 1 2 1 0 .248
C Stephenson, T 4 1 1 0 0 1 .215
1B Candelario 4 1 2 1 0 1 .220
DH Ford, M 4 0 2 2 0 2 .211
DH Hurtubise 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
CF Fairchild 1 0 0 0 1 0 .189
RF Fraley 2 0 0 0 0 1 .305
3B Espinal 4 1 1 0 0 0 .189
CF Benson 3 0 0 0 1 3 .191
Ashcraft 4.0 7 3 3 3 3 94-55 4.12
Pagán 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 17-11 4.67
Suter 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 13-7 4.01
Cruz, F 1.0 1 1 1 3 2 32-16 4.24
Wilson 0.2 1 0 0 0 2 14-10 6.10
Sims 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 5.84
Díaz, A 0.1 1 2 2 2 0 21-9 6.75

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B2 Gabriel Moreno homers (1) on a line drive to right center field. 1-0
T3 Spencer Steer doubles (10) on a sharp line drive to right fielder Pavin Smith. Santiago Espinal scores. Elly De La Cruz scores. 1-2
B3 Joc Pederson homers (5) on a fly ball to center field. 2-2
B3 Pavin Smith out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Stuart Fairchild. Christian Walker scores. Eugenio Suárez to 3rd. 3-2
T6 Mike Ford singles on a ground ball to left fielder Lourdes Gurriel Jr. Tyler Stephenson scores. Jeimer Candelario to 2nd. 3-3
B7 Eugenio Suárez singles on a line drive to left fielder Spencer Steer. Christian Walker scores. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. to 3rd. 4-3
T8 Reds challenged (catch or drop), call on the field was overturned: Jeimer Candelario singles on a line drive to center fielder Corbin Carroll. Spencer Steer scores. 4-4
T8 Mike Ford triples (1) on a fly ball to right fielder Jake McCarthy. Jeimer Candelario scores. 4-5
B9 Kevin Newman singles on a line drive to right fielder Jake Fraley. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. scores. Gabriel Moreno scores. Jake McCarthy to 2nd. 6-5


Description Length
Graham Ashcraft against the Diamondbacks 0:07
Jordan Montgomery against the Reds 0:09
Bullpen availability for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:07
Bench availability for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:07
Fielding alignment for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:11
Fielding alignment for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:11
Bench availability for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:07
Starting lineups for Reds at D-backs - May 13, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Gabriel Moreno's home run 0:11
Joc Pederson: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:12
Breaking down Graham Ashcraft's pitches 0:04
Jordan Montgomery's outing against the Reds 0:25
Gabriel Moreno's solo home run (1) 0:27
Spencer Steer's two-run double 0:27
Joc Pederson's solo home run (5) 0:24
Pavin Smith's sacrifice fly 0:30
Reds turn strike-‘em-out, throw-‘em-out double play 0:18
Graham Ashcraft's three strikeouts 0:31
Mike Ford's RBI single 0:24
Jordan Montgomery strikes out Elly De La Cruz 0:07
Kevin Newman's diving stop 0:23
Jordan Montgomery's seven strikeouts 0:44
Gabriel Moreno catches Jonathan India stealing 0:21
D-backs throw out Elly De La Cruz at second 0:24
Eugenio Suárez's go-ahead single 0:17
Jeimer Candelario's game-tying single 0:25
Mike Ford's go-ahead triple 0:28


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Martinez, Ju (1-0, 0.71 ERA) Díaz, A (1-2, 6.75 ERA)
Attendance Weather Wind
78°F, Roof Closed 0 mph, None
HP 1B 2B 3B
Mark Carlson Stu Scheurwater Jordan Baker Dan Merzel
Game ended at 1:00 AM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by BaseballBot to baseball [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:41 SnakeBot GAME THREAD: Reds (17-23) @ D-backs (19-22) - 6:40 PM

Reds (17-23) @ D-backs (19-22)

First Pitch: 6:40 PM at Chase Field
Team Starter TV Radio
Reds Graham Ashcraft (3-2, 3.86 ERA) BSOH WLW
D-backs Jordan Montgomery (2-2, 4.70 ERA) ARID 98.7 FM , KQMR (ES)
MLB Fangraphs Baseball Savant Reddit Stream IRC Chat
Gameday Game Graph Strikezone Map Live Comments Libera: ##baseball

Line Score - Game Over

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB
CIN 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 0 5 10 0 7
AZ 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 2 6 11 1 14

Box Score

CF Carroll 3 0 0 0 1 0 .197
2B Marte, K 5 0 1 0 0 3 .290
DH Pederson 5 1 2 1 0 3 .298
1B Walker, C 4 2 1 0 1 1 .265
LF Gurriel Jr. 3 1 0 0 1 2 .235
3B Suárez, E 4 0 1 1 1 1 .224
C Moreno 2 2 1 1 3 0 .248
RF Smith, P 1 0 1 1 0 0 .233
RF Grichuk 2 0 0 0 0 0 .271
RF McCarthy 0 0 0 0 1 0 .293
SS Newman 5 0 4 2 0 0 .253
Montgomery 5.1 6 3 3 3 7 101-57 4.76
Thompson, R 0.2 0 0 0 0 0 7-4 1.06
Mantiply 1.0 1 0 0 1 1 16-7 3.12
Ginkel 1.0 2 2 2 1 1 24-14 4.15
Martinez, Ju 1.0 1 0 0 0 2 20-12 0.71
2B India 4 0 2 0 1 0 .233
SS De La Cruz, E 4 1 1 0 1 3 .262
LF Steer 4 1 1 2 1 0 .248
C Stephenson, T 4 1 1 0 0 1 .215
1B Candelario 4 1 2 1 0 1 .220
DH Ford, M 4 0 2 2 0 2 .211
DH Hurtubise 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000
CF Fairchild 1 0 0 0 1 0 .189
RF Fraley 2 0 0 0 0 1 .305
3B Espinal 4 1 1 0 0 0 .189
CF Benson 3 0 0 0 1 3 .191
Ashcraft 4.0 7 3 3 3 3 94-55 4.12
Pagán 1.0 0 0 0 0 3 17-11 4.67
Suter 1.0 1 0 0 0 0 13-7 4.01
Cruz, F 1.0 1 1 1 3 2 32-16 4.24
Wilson 0.2 1 0 0 0 2 14-10 6.10
Sims 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 1-1 5.84
Díaz, A 0.1 1 2 2 2 0 21-9 6.75

Scoring Plays

Inning Event Score
B2 Gabriel Moreno homers (1) on a line drive to right center field. 1-0
T3 Spencer Steer doubles (10) on a sharp line drive to right fielder Pavin Smith. Santiago Espinal scores. Elly De La Cruz scores. 1-2
B3 Joc Pederson homers (5) on a fly ball to center field. 2-2
B3 Pavin Smith out on a sacrifice fly to center fielder Stuart Fairchild. Christian Walker scores. Eugenio Suárez to 3rd. 3-2
T6 Mike Ford singles on a ground ball to left fielder Lourdes Gurriel Jr. Tyler Stephenson scores. Jeimer Candelario to 2nd. 3-3
B7 Eugenio Suárez singles on a line drive to left fielder Spencer Steer. Christian Walker scores. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. to 3rd. 4-3
T8 Reds challenged (catch or drop), call on the field was overturned: Jeimer Candelario singles on a line drive to center fielder Corbin Carroll. Spencer Steer scores. 4-4
T8 Mike Ford triples (1) on a fly ball to right fielder Jake McCarthy. Jeimer Candelario scores. 4-5
B9 Kevin Newman singles on a line drive to right fielder Jake Fraley. Lourdes Gurriel Jr. scores. Gabriel Moreno scores. Jake McCarthy to 2nd. 6-5


Description Length
Graham Ashcraft against the Diamondbacks 0:07
Jordan Montgomery against the Reds 0:09
Bullpen availability for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:07
Bullpen availability for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:07
Bench availability for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:07
Fielding alignment for Arizona, May 13 vs Reds 0:11
Fielding alignment for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:11
Bench availability for Cincinnati, May 13 vs D-backs 0:07
Starting lineups for Reds at D-backs - May 13, 2024 0:09
Breaking down Gabriel Moreno's home run 0:11
Joc Pederson: Home Run Statcast Analysis 0:12
Breaking down Graham Ashcraft's pitches 0:04
Jordan Montgomery's outing against the Reds 0:25
Gabriel Moreno's solo home run (1) 0:27
Spencer Steer's two-run double 0:27
Joc Pederson's solo home run (5) 0:24
Pavin Smith's sacrifice fly 0:30
Reds turn strike-‘em-out, throw-‘em-out double play 0:18
Graham Ashcraft's three strikeouts 0:31
Mike Ford's RBI single 0:24
Jordan Montgomery strikes out Elly De La Cruz 0:07
Kevin Newman's diving stop 0:23
Jordan Montgomery's seven strikeouts 0:44
Gabriel Moreno catches Jonathan India stealing 0:21
D-backs throw out Elly De La Cruz at second 0:24
Eugenio Suárez's go-ahead single 0:17
Jeimer Candelario's game-tying single 0:25
Mike Ford's go-ahead triple 0:28


Winning Pitcher Losing Pitcher Save
Martinez, Ju (1-0, 0.71 ERA) Díaz, A (1-2, 6.75 ERA)
Game ended at 10:01 PM.
Remember to sort by new to keep up!
submitted by SnakeBot to azdiamondbacks [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:14 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 124 offenders executed by the state of Oklahoma since the 1970s (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1-62]

This is the list that I wrote for Oklahoma's execution roster since the nationwide reinstatement of capital punishment in the late 1970s. Something that should be mentioned is that given the nature of many death penalty related crimes, many of the descriptions contain very disturbing details. Please read at your own risk.
Florida's list is next, and I'll post my list for Texas once I've completed it. With Texas, I've currently finished 464 entries out of the 587 cases to date. That will probably take 7 or 8 posts for it all to be released, so I'll probably do two posts a day with Texas to avoid spamming the sub. At the end of this year, I'll repost the states that have conducted further executions with the updated information.
As with Missouri and Virginia, Reddit's maximum character count limitations forced me to divide Oklahoma's list into two separate parts. Here is the link to part 2.
The currently 124 executed offenders, cases 1 to 62:
1. Charles Coleman (~1950s-1990, lethal injection): A month after he was released on parole in 1979, Coleman broke into a house. While sacking it for any valuables, the homeowner’s brother and sister in law, 68 year old John and 62 year old Roxie Seward, walked in on him and were both shot dead. Coleman stole Roxie’s purse, several packets of frozen meat, and the homeowner’s watch during the burglary, and was arrested shortly afterwards. However, Coleman managed to escape custody, and went on a rampage that involved several burglaries, auto thefts, slitting the throat of a policeman in a failed murder attempt, the shooting death of 49 year old Russell Lewis Jr. in a carjacking, and the abduction of a deputy. The kidnapped deputy was rescued following an armed standoff with other police officers. Coleman had an extensive history of animal cruelty, armed robberies, assaults, and carrying concealed weapons convictions dating back to when he was 11 years old. He was also heavily suspected in the murder of his teenage girlfriend’s father, but was acquitted by the courts despite the prosecution’s strong belief in his guilt.
2. Robyn Parks (1977-1992, lethal injection): During a gas station robbery, Parks shot and killed Abdullah Ibrahim, a 24 year old Bangladeshi immigrant that worked as the attendant. According to Parks, he murdered Ibrahim for catching him using a stolen credit card.
3. Olan Randle (1980-1992, lethal injection): Randle invaded a home and shot the occupants, 41 year old Robert Swinford, Sinford's fiance 42 year old Averil Bourque, and Bourque's friend 38 year old Julia Lovejoy, dead. He took a pocket knife and several watches from the victims.
4. Thomas Grasso (~1970s(?)-1995, lethal injection): While living in Oklahoma, Grasso strangled 87 year old Hilda Johnson, the best friend of his girlfriend's grandmother, to death with her Christmas lights. He took $8 from her purse, several coins that added up to $4, and a television set that he sold for $125. Grasso then moved to New York, and strangled 81 year old Leslie Holtz for his social security check. The trialing arrangements caused some controversy, as the New York governors at the time were anti death penalty, and tried to prevent Grasso's extradition in favor of giving him a life sentence in their jurisdiction. Grasso had several previous convictions for theft and was fired multiple times for stealing from his jobs.
5. Roger Stafford (~1974(?)-1995, lethal injection): Stafford was condemned for killing at least 9 people in two separate robbery incidents with his brother and ex wife, though his ex wife claimed that he was involved with as many as 34 murders nationwide. The first convicted incident was when he and the ex wife carjacked and fatally shot a couple, 38 year old Melvin and 31 year old Linda Lorenz, and their son, 12 year old Richard. A few weeks after the Lorenz murders, Stafford stormed a restaurant and gunned down 6 employees, 56 year old Isaac Freeman, 43 year old Louis Zacarias, 17 year old Anthony Tew, 17 year old David Lindsey, 16 year old David Salsman, and 15 year old Terri Horst. One of Stafford's additional attributed victims was 20 year old Jimmy Berry, who was killed in the hold up of an Alabaman McDonalds, but he wasn't charged by the state due to his death sentences in Oklahoma.
6. Robert Brecheen (1983-1995, lethal injection): Breechen was involved in a feud over money with 59 year old Mary Stubbs and her husband. In an attempt to take what he perceived was owed to him, Breechen carried out a night time burglary of their home. While rummaging through the house, Breechen stumbled upon old Marie in her living room and shot her to death. The gunshots and screams awoke her husband, and he chased him away with his own gun.
7. Benjamin Brewer (1978-1996, lethal injection): Brewer raped his neighbor, 20 year old Karen Stapleton, in her home and stabbed her to death
8. Steven Hatch (1979-1996, lethal injection): Hatch and another assailant, Glen Ake, forced themselves inside the home that Richard Dougass, a 43 year old reverend, shared with his wife, 36 year old Marilyn, and their two children, 16 year old Brooks and 12 year old Lesile. The pair tied up the family and raped Lesile in front of her parents and brother. All four family members were shot, and Hatch and Ake ran off with $43 and the parents’ wedding rings. Richard and Marilyn were both killed in the shootings, while their children survived the attack. Ake was also initially condemned for the attack, but his sentence was overturned and resentenced to life following mental health concerns, and passed away from undisclosed natural causes in 2011.
9. Scott Carpenter (1994-1997, lethal injection): In a convenience store robbery, Carpenter stabbed the owner, 56 year old A. J. Kelley, in the neck, and hid the body in the minnow room. He filled his truck with $37 worth of gas from the pumps and drove away from the scene. His execution caused some controversy, as it was reported that Carpenter gasped and spasmed for 11 minutes after being injected.
10. Michael Long (1997-1998, lethal injection): Enraged that his coworker, 24 year old Sheryl Graber, refused him sex and started screaming for help, he stabbed her over 31 times. Long also shot and killed her son, 5 year old Andrew, for being a witness.
11. Stephen Wood (1992-1998, lethal injection): While heavily intoxicated, Wood stabbed two other homeless men, 46 year old Charles Stephen and 34 year old Charles Von Johnson, dozens of times each. He was given a life sentence for both of their murders. During his incarceration, Robert Brigden, a 59 year old former minister that was serving a 40 year sentence for molesting several girls between the ages of 4-14 in his congregation, moved into his unit after refusing to go into protective custody. Woods killed Brigden in a stabbing attack, and his sentence was escalated to death by the courts for it.
12. Tuan Anh Nguyen (~1982-1998, lethal injection): By all accounts, Nguyen was jealously possessive over his wife, 21 year old Donna. During one of their arguments over his behavior, he stabbed Donna, her 6 year old nephew Joseph White, and her 3 year old niece Amanda White, in their home and left the bodies to be found by the children’s parents. He fled to Arizona, groomed a 14 year old girl into an illicit “relationship”, and impregnated her. After he convinced her to move in with him, Nguyen physically and sexually abused the girl until she fled and went to the local police for help. Nguyen was then deported back to Oklahoma to face trial for Donna and the White children’s slayings, and was sentenced to death for them.
13. John Duvall (1986-1998, lethal injection): During a fight with his wife, 30 year old Donna, Duvall stabbed and suffocated her to death with a pillow.
14. John Castro Sr. (1983-1999, lethal injection): Castro carjacked Beulah Cox, a 31 year old Oklahoma State University student, after she picked him up hitchhiking and shot her to death. A few months later, Castro held up a restaurant with an empty pistol, and attacked the manger, 29 year old Rhonda Pappan, after forcing her to open the register. During their struggle, Pappan was fatally stabbed, and he took off with her purse. During his mid teens, Castro was allegedly molested by his mother. Castro's attorneys made the argument that his glimpses of Cox's buttocks reminded him of his mother's reported abuse, and he was triggered into attacking her for it.
15. Sean Sellers (1985-1999, lethal injection): In 1985, a then 15 year old Sellers tried to buy beer from a convenience store, but the clerk, 32 year old Robert Bower, denied him due to being underaged at the time. Sellers gunned him down in a fit of rage. A year later, Sellers shot and killed his mother, 32 year old Vonda Bellofatto, and stepfather, 43 year old Paul, in their sleep. Due to being 16 at the time of his conviction, Sellers remains the youngest condemned offender to have his sentence carried out in the post Furman era. He also attracted national media attention for claiming that his crimes were the result of demonic possession.
16. Scotty Moore (1983-1999, lethal injection): Moore was fired from a motel for undisclosed reasons. In retaliation, Moore and a cousin (whom he was dating at the time), assaulted the motel, and gunned down the desk clerk, 42 year old Alex Fernandez. According to court documents, the pair took a total of $97 in the robbery.
17. Norman Newsted (1984-1999, lethal injection): Newsted tricked Lawrence Buckley, a 26 year old cab driver, into picking him up. He shot Buckley dead and took his wallet. In an attempt to cover his tracks, Newsted placed the body inside the cab, and drove it into a creek near a local church. Despite his best efforts, Buckley’s cab and remains were discovered a day later by the church’s pastor.
18. Cornel Cooks (1982-1999, lethal injection): Cooks and his accomplice broke into the home of 87 year old Jennie Ridling. She was gagged, raped, and suffocated to death with gauze wrappings. According to autopsy reports, the pair abused her for over 2 hours. They then sacked the house for any valuables and left with her checkbook.
19. Bobby Ross (1983-1999, lethal injection): While robbing an inn, Ross fatally shot a police officer, 30 year old Steve Mahan, that tried to intervene.
20. Malcolm Johnson (~1970s(?)-2000, lethal injection): Johnson invaded the apartment of 76 year old Ura Thompson and sexually assaulted her. Thompson either died from having her chest compounded during the abuse or was suffocated by Johnson’s hands covering her nose. He seized several possessions such as furs, typewriters, purse, watch, rings, and a hand mirror, which were discovered by police in his residence during an unrelated investigation of a firearms possession charge. Johnson had an extensive criminal history, which included several convictions of rape, armed robberies, and burglaries. The case attracted controversy when it was discovered that the lead chemist in the investigation misconducted several of her other cases, and forged some of the evidence used in the trial. Despite the other overwhelming evidence to the contrary, Johnson’s supporters took the opportunity to push a narrative of his innocence.
21. Gary Walker (~1960s-2000, lethal injection): Walker abducted, raped, and murdered at least 5 women, 36 year old Margaret Lydick, 35 year old Jane Hilburn, 32 year old Janet Jewell, 25 year old Valerie Shaw-Hartzell, and 24 year old DeRonda Roy, and non fatally assaulted several other women and teenage girls. The victims were mostly strangled to death with their bras and panties. Some of them were forced to withdraw hundreds of dollars from ATMs before they were killed. He also strangled a man, 63 year old Eddie Cash, with an electrical cord while robbing his home. Walker had dozens of previous convictions for burglary, carjacking, drug possession, and carrying concealed weapons. Some of his earliest arrests occurred when he was a teenager.
22. Michael Roberts (~1988-2000, lethal injection): A career burglar, Roberts was condemned for murder of 80 year old Lula Brooks. She was raped and her throat was slit by an intruder in her home. Roberts' death sentence and execution has been contested, as he was convicted on his later recounted testimony alone. He claimed that the investigators tricked him into confessing with the promise of a plea deal that was allegedly withheld from him.
23. Kelly Rogers (1990-2000, lethal injection): Rogers’ girlfriend lured 21 year old Karen Lauffenburger into her apartment with a fake pizza order. They accosted her when she arrived with the delivery. After the couple forced Lauffenburger to hand to over the $40 she earned from the night's pizza deliveries and withdraw $175 from an ATM, Rogers raped and stabbed her to death. The body was left in Lauffenburger’s apartment and was found by her boyfriend.
24. Ronald Boyd (1986-2000, lethal injection): During a robbery spree of several gas stations and supermarkets, Boyd engaged in a shootout with the responding officers. A Master Patrolman, 32 year old Richard Riggs, was killed in the exchange.
25. Charles Foster (~1980s(?)-2000, lethal injection): Foster suspected a grocery store owner, 74 year old Claude Wiley, of making sexual advances at his wife. He arranged for her to entice Wiley to their home with an order. When he arrived with the delivery, Foster stabbed and bludgeoned him to death with a baseball bat. He a history of convictions involving threats and violence, though my sources didn’t disclose any specific details.
26. James Robedeaux (1978-2000, lethal injection): In 1978, Robedeaux strangled his first wife, 30 year old Linda, and plead guilty to a second degree murder charges. He was released after serving 6 out of a 25 year sentence despite an escape attempt. In the following year, he began a relationship with 37 year old Nancy McKinney while he married a different woman. During an argument, Robedeaux beat McKinney to death, dismembered her body with a saw and machete, and scattered the remains across the state. While being investigated for McKinney's murder, he was arrested for choking and beating his estranged second wife. The cases were incidental and kept separate by the courts.
27. Roger Berget (~1985-2000, lethal injection): Berget carjacked and abducted 33 year old Rick Patterson with an accomplice, and shot him dead. He also admitted to the beating death of a roommate, 40 year old James Meadows, on the behalf of the man's wife. As a trivial side note, Berget's brother Rodney was executed in 2018 by the state of South Dakota for killing a prison guard [for more information, please see Rodney Berget's entry under the South Dakota section of my states with less then 10 executions post].
28. William Bryson (1988-2000, lethal injection): To collect a $300,000 life insurance policy, Marilyn Plantz recruited her boyfriend Byrson and his friend to kill her husband, 33 year old James. Byrson and his friend ambushed Plantz in his house as he was coming home from work and beat him to death with a baseball bat. With the intentions of staging an accident, Marilyn ordered the pair to burn the body in the couple's pickup truck.
29. Gregg Braun (1989-2000, lethal injection): Across several states, Braun shot and killed 4 women, 48 year old Geraldine Valdez, 31 year old Gwendolyn Miller, 28 year old Mary Rains, 27 year old Barbara Kochendorfer, and one man, 54 year old Pete Spurrier, while robbing stores.
30. George Wallace (~1970s-2000, lethal injection): Known as "the Mad Paddler" due to his habit of spanking abducted preteen and teenage boys with a wooden paddle, Wallace kidnapped his victims by posing as a police officer. After duping his targets into thinking that they were being arrested, Wallace restrained them with handcuffs and leg chains. The captives were then sexually abused and shot or stabbed to death. His crimes were exposed when an 18 year old man he abducted escaped from him despite being shot and stabbed numerous times. By his own admission, Wallace murdered 18 year old Thomas Reed, 15 year old William Domer, 14 year old Mark McLaughlin, 14 year old Jeffrey Foster, and 12 year old Alonzo Cade.
31. Eddie Trice (1987-2001, lethal injection): Trice snuck into the home of 84 year old Ernestine Jones and raped her. After he beat Jones to death with numbchucks, he terrorized and extorted her cognitively disabled son of $500 with threats of killing him if he told anyone of the murder. The son was also assaulted with a hammer, and he received injuries to his right eye, right cheekbone, and his right forearm.
32. Wanda Allen (~1981-2001, lethal injection): In 1981, Allen got into a fight with her live in girlfriend, 21 year old Dedra Pettus, and shot her dead. Despite giving a bungled story about her being accidentally killed in a shootout with Pettus’ ex boyfriend to the investigators, Allen managed to secure a 4 year sentence for manslaughter after pleading guilty to a plea deal, and was released after serving two years. While incarcerated, she started dating a fellow inmate, 29 year old Gloria Leathers, and continued their relationship outside of prison. The couple’s relationship was marred with extreme domestic violence on Allen’s end. In one incident, Allen struck Leathers with a rake. In 1989, while they were arguing in front of a shopping center, Allen shot and killed Leathers. Leathers herself also had history of violence, and had a conviction for stabbing a woman to death. Allen and her defense team tried to use Leathers’ previous convictions to make a self defense argument, but that was shot down by the courts.
33. Floyd Medlock (1990-2001, lethal injection): 7 year old Katherine Busch went to visit her family's old apartment, which Medlock was residing in, by herself. Busch knocked on the door and Medlock let her inside after she begged for food. He then choked and sexually assaulted the girl, dunked her head in a toilet bowl, and stabbed her to death. The body was hidden in a nearby dumpster. Busch's grandmothers were staunch pro capital punishment and anti death penalty activists respectively, and their public feud over Medlock's sentence and execution attracted some media attention. Medlock also had an extensive criminal history despite being only 19 at the time of Busch's murder, and was previously arrested several times for indecent exposure, arson, armed robbery, and marijuana possession.
34. Dion Smallwood (1992-2001, lethal injection): Smallwood walked into the home of his ex girlfriend's adoptive stepmother, 68 year old Lois Frederick, without invitation. He had a tumultuous and often violent relationship with her adopted stepdaughter that she strongly opposed, and they broke up under her pressure. After an argument, Smallwood knocked Frederick unconscious with a croquet mallet, locked her in a car, and burned her alive in it.
35. Mark Fowler (1985-2001, lethal injection): To get back at his ex employers for firing him, Fowler and his partner, Billy Fox, stormed a supermarket that he used to work out. The pair rounded up 3 employees, Chumpon Chaowasin, a 44 year old Thai immigrant, 33 year old Rick Cast, and 27 year old John Barrier, at gun point. Their hostages were shot, clubbed, and stabbed to death, and they took over $2,7000 in cash and checks.
36. Billy Fox (1985-2001, lethal injection): Fox assisted the above mentioned Mark Fowler in robbing a supermarket and murdering 3 of its employees
37. Loyd Lafevers (1985-2001, lethal injection): Lafevers and his accomplice, Randall Cannon, kidnapped 84 year old Addie Hawley from her home. She was raped, trapped in the trunk of a car, and burned alive in it. Although she was rescued, Hawley died from her injuries 6 hours later. The pair stole Hawley's wedding ring and Lafevers gifted it to a stripper. As Hawley's nephew was a Colorado state senator, her murder gained some attention from media outlets.
38. Dorsie Jones Jr. (1979-2001, lethal injection): While drinking at a bar, a barmaid chastised Jones for carrying an unconcealed gun. He shot at her in a fit of rage, but missed and injured his female companion instead. Jones then turned his attention to the other patrons and fired on them. 48 year old Stanley Buck Sr. was killed in front of his 19 year old son, who was also wounded in the shooting.
39. Robert Clayton (~1980s-2001, lethal injection): Clayton attacked 19 year old Rhonda Timmons while she was sunbathing near her apartment. She was raped, stabbed, kicked in the head, and strangled to death with her swimming suit. Her husband found Timmons' body laying next to their infant daughter, who was left unharmed. Clayton had a previous rape conviction in Tennessee and a robbery conviction in Texas.
40. Ronald Fluke (1997-2001, lethal injection): Out of despair that his gambling addiction drove his family to near poverty, Fluke shot and killed his wife, 44 year old Ginger, and their daughters, 13 year old Kathryn and 11 year old Susanne, while they were sleeping in their bedrooms. He initially attacked Ginger with a hatchet, but turned to shooting when she fought back.
41. Marilyn Plantz (1988-2001, lethal injection): The married girlfriend of William Bryson. As mentioned under Bryson's entry, Plantz arranged for him and his friend to kill her husband James to collect his life insurance policy.
42. Terrance James (1983-2001, lethal injection): While awaiting trial for a theft of government property charge, James and two accomplices strangled a fellow inmate, 25 year old Mark Berry, with wire out of their suspicions of him being a snitch. They then hung the body in an attempt to make it look like a suicide. Berry was another party in the theft of government property case, and James and his accomplices believed that it was his testimony that got them arrested.
43. Vincent Johnson (1991-2001, lethal injection): Johnson gunned down 44 year old Shirley Mooneyham in her home. The prosecution believed that Mooneyham's boyfriend arranged the killing to collect a life insurance policy, but he was acquitted at trial.
44. Jerald Harjo (~1980s-2001, lethal injection): Harjo snuck into the bedroom of 64 year old Ruth Porter, raped her, and suffocated her with a pillowcase. He then snatched Porter's car keys and drove off with her van. His past criminal history was extensive, and was in prison numerous times for burglary and autotheft.
45. Jack Walker (1988-2001, lethal injection): Disgruntled with the custody dispute over their then 3 month old son, Walker stabbed his ex girlfriend, 17 year old Shelly Ellison, and her uncle, 30 year old Donald, 32 and 11 times with an ice pick during a confrontation at their home.
46. Alvie Hale Jr. (1983-2001, lethal injection): Hale kidnapped 24 year old William Perry to extort a $350,000 ransom from his banking family. When the negotiations failed, Perry was shot dead, and Hale buried the body on his father's property.
47. Lois Smith (1982-2001, lethal injection): Smith, her son, and a female accomplice abducted her son's ex girlfriend, 21 year old Cindy Baillee, from an airport out of fear her testifying of his involvement in the drug trade. Baillee was taken to Smith's ex husband's house, and stabbed in the throat by her ex boyfriend while driving to their destination. Inside the home, she was taunted by Smith with a gun, and was shot 7 times in the chest and 2 times in the back of the head. While her son was reloading the gun, Smith jumped on and crushed Bailee's throat.
48. Sahib Lateef Al-Mosawi (1992-2001, lethal injection): Following a dispute over their newborn son's name, Al-Mosawi's estranged wife, 26 year old Inaam Al-Nashi, fled to the apartment of her uncle, 45 year old Mohammed. Al-Mosaw attacked the pair in the apartment and stabbed them to death. Inaam's sister was also stabbed, but she managed to escape with her life. The couple and their families were refugees from Iraq that were displaced by the First Persian Gulf War, and they fled into the United States.
49. John Romano (1985-2002, lethal injection): Romano and his accomplice David Woodruff robbed and murdered two of their acquaintances. One of the victims, 63 year old Lloyd Thompson, was attacked in his apartment. Thompson was held down by the pair while they stabbed him 22 times and served his spinal cord. The other victim, 52 year old Roger Sarfaty, was tied up, beaten, stabbed 5 times, and strangled to death in a jewelry store he owned. In the robberies, Romano and Woodruff stole several pieces of jewelry from Sarfaty, and took most of Thompson’s quarter collection.
50. David Woodruff (1985-2002, lethal injection): As mentioned under John Romano's entry, Woodruff took part in the robbery murders of Lloyd Thompson and Roger Sarfaty.
51. Randall Cannon (1985-2002, lethal injection): Cannon assisted Loyd Lafevers in abducting, sexually assaulting, and burning Addie Hawley alive in her car. Although he was acquitted of molesting Hawley, Cannon was still condemned for his part in the kidnapping and murder.
52. Earl Frederick Sr. (~1989-2002, lethal injection): Frederick beat Bradford Beck, a 41 year old veteran that was crippled during his service in the Vietnam war, to death in his home after befriending him. He ransacked the house and dumped Beck's body in a field. A second murder, the robbery and shooting death of a Texan man, 77 year old Shirley Fox, was also tied to him. However, authorities in Texas withheld from prosecuting Fredrick due to his death penalty trial and conviction in Oklahoma. Both Fox and Beck had physical disabilities, which led prosecutors to the conclusion that Frederick intentionally selected and depredated on disabled men.
53. Jerry McCracken (~1980s(?)-2002, lethal injection): McCracken and his accomplice shot up a bar, killed 3 patrons and the bartender, and made off with $350. The victims that lost their lives were 41 year old Carol McDaniels, 37 year old Timothy Sheets, 34 year old Steven Sheets, and 27 year old Tyrrell Boyd. Months before the mass shooting, McCracken was paroled after serving time for stabbing 3 people in a bar fight.
54. Jay Neill (1984-2002, lethal injection): During a bank robbery, Neill disemboweled and nearly decapitated 3 tellers, 42 year old Kay Bruno, 25 year old Joyce Mullenix, and 19 year old Jerri Bowles. A group of 4 customers, consisting of 33 year old Ralph Zeller, a married couple, and their 14 month old daughter, unwittingly walked in on him, and he herded them into a backroom to be shot. Zeller was killed, the couple were wounded, and Neill left the daughter unharmed due to running out of bullets. Neill's boyfriend was given a life sentence for the robbery and murders, despite not being directly involved.
55. Ernest Carter Jr. (~1989-2002, lethal injection): After being fired from an autoshop, Carter robbed it with an accomplice, and fatally shot a security guard, 35 year old Eugene Manowski. The pair stole the shop's tow truck, and later tried to burn it with Carter's girlfriend to destroy any traces of the crime. Carter was also previously accused of burning a friend to death in the previous year, but the charges were dismissed.
56. Daniel Revilla (1987-2003, lethal injection): While babysitting his girlfriend's son, 13 month old Mark Gomez, in their home, Revilla broke the boy’s ribs in a beating and scalded him with boiling water. When he brought the boy to a hospital, Revilla gave a story that he accidentally hit Gomez’s head with a door handle, which was quickly seen through by the staff. According to the accounts of his girlfriend and her family, Revilla was violently abusive to Gomez, and they recounted incidents of him trapping the boy in a kitchen drawer, dunking him in cold water, folding him into a pull up bed, and hanging him by his ankles with duct tape.
57. Bobby Fields (~1990s-2003, lethal injection): Fields shot and killed 77 year old Louise Schem while burglarizing her home. She had tried to shot him with her .25 calibre pistol, but he wrestled the gun away from her, and gunned her down with it. His intentions was to steal Schem's television set to sell for cocaine, but left empty handed after losing his nerves with the struggle and murder. According to court documents, Fields had a previous robbery and assault conviction, and several arrests for drug possession.
58. Walanzo Robinson (1989-2003, lethal injection): A member of the Gangster Bloods street gang, Robinson shot and killed 26 year old Dennis Hill, an affiliate of a rival gang, in a turf war over drug sales.
59. John Hooker (~1971-2003, lethal injection): As a teenager in 1971, Hooker attended a party at a friend's house, and got into an argument. In a fit of anger, he fatally shot 18 year old Alta Lang, and wounded two other partygoers. Due to the witnesses refusing to cooperate with the investigation and being unable to prove any calculated intentions, Hooker was given a manslaughter conviction, and released a few years later. After he was paroled, Hooker started dating Sylvia Stokes, and fathered several children with her. Their troubled relationship lasted for 8 years, and ended when Stokes filed a protection order against him. In retaliation, Hooker lured Stokes and her mother, 53 year old Durcilla Morgan, into his apartment and stabbed them both to death.
60. Scot Hain (~1980s-2003, lethal injection): Hain carjacked and abducted a couple, 27 year old Michael Houghton and 22 year old Laura Sanders. After taking $565 and some bags of clothing, he forced them into the trunk of their car at gunpoint, and burned them alive in it. He had several previous arrests for robbery, and was involved with a number of rapes and attempted kidnappings months before the Houghton and Sanders' murders.
61. Don Hawkins Jr. (1985-2003, lethal injection): Hawkins kidnapped 29 year old Linda Ann Thompson and her two daughters, aged 4 years old and 18 months old, from a mall. Although his original intentions were to ransom off Thompson and her children, Hawkins gang raped the captive woman with his cousin and his girlfriend's teenage nephew, and drowned her in a lake. Thompson's children were spared and simply left with a babysitter. Hawkins and his accomplice then went on a nation wide rampage with his accomplice that involved the abductions and rapes of several grown women and teenage girls, hanging 31 year old David Coupez of Colorado in his home while robbing him, and countless other robberies.
62. Larry Jackson (~1984-2003, lethal injection): In 1984, Jackson shot and killed his girlfriend, 19 year old Freda Washington. He accepted a plea deal that dumbed down the charges to second degree murder, and was given a 30 year sentence for it. During his incarceration, Jackson started a relationship with 29 year old Wendy Cade. Despite her promises of marriage after his release, Cade left him for another man, and they got engaged. When Jackson was assigned to a prison work crew, he snuck out and went to confront Cade. Reportedly, the two had bought alchool, cocaine, and cigerates together and had sex in Cade's apartment. However, they got into an argument, and he slashed Cade's throat and stabbed her 31 times with box cutters. Jackson then left with her jewelry, watch, and the keys to her jeep.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:51 MatchThreadder Match Thread: Angel City FC vs Houston Dash NWSL

FT: Angel City FC 0-1 Houston Dash

Venue: BMO Stadium
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Angel City FC
DiDi Haracic, Megan Reid, Sarah Gorden, Madison Curry (Merritt Mathias), Jasmyne Spencer, Clarisse Le Bihan, Rocky Rodríguez, Lily Nabet (Madison Hammond), Sydney Leroux (Katie Johnson), Alyssa Thompson (Kennedy Fuller), Claire Emslie (Messiah Bright).
Subs: Angelina Anderson, M.A. Vignola, Gisele Thompson, Ali Riley.
Houston Dash
Jane Campbell, Natalie Jacobs, Courtney Petersen, Paige Nielsen, Sarah Puntigam (Yuki Nagasato), Sophie Schmidt (Sophie Hirst), Amanda West, Avery Patterson, Diana Ordóñez (Andressa ), Ramona Bachmann (Michelle Alozie), Bárbara Olivieri.
Subs: Croix Soto, Heather Hinz, Belle Briede, Madison Ayson, Jyllissa Harris.
6' Sarah Puntigam (Houston Dash) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
17' Sophie Schmidt (Houston Dash) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
38' Clarisse Le Bihan (Angel City) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
50' Substitution, Houston Dash. Sophie Hirst replaces Sophie Schmidt because of an injury.
67' Substitution, Angel City. Madison Hammond replaces Lily Nabet.
68' Rocky Rodríguez (Angel City) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
76' Substitution, Angel City. Merritt Mathias replaces Madison Curry because of an injury.
76' Substitution, Houston Dash. Michelle Alozie replaces Ramona Bachmann.
77' Substitution, Angel City. Messiah Bright replaces Claire Emslie.
77' Substitution, Houston Dash. Andressa Alves replaces Diana Ordóñez.
77' Substitution, Angel City. Katie Johnson replaces Sydney Leroux.
86' Substitution, Houston Dash. Yuki Nagasato replaces Sarah Puntigam.
90'+2' Substitution, Angel City. Kennedy Fuller replaces Alyssa Thompson.
90'+8' Goal! Angel City 0, Houston Dash 1. Paige Nielsen (Houston Dash) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Andressa Alves with a cross following a corner.
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2024.05.13 01:26 MatchThreadder Match Thread: Angel City FC vs Houston Dash NWSL

FT: Angel City FC 0-1 Houston Dash

Venue: BMO Stadium
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Angel City FC
DiDi Haracic, Megan Reid, Sarah Gorden, Madison Curry (Merritt Mathias), Jasmyne Spencer, Clarisse Le Bihan, Rocky Rodríguez, Lily Nabet (Madison Hammond), Sydney Leroux (Katie Johnson), Alyssa Thompson (Kennedy Fuller), Claire Emslie (Messiah Bright).
Subs: Angelina Anderson, M.A. Vignola, Gisele Thompson, Ali Riley.
Houston Dash
Jane Campbell, Natalie Jacobs, Courtney Petersen, Paige Nielsen, Sarah Puntigam (Yuki Nagasato), Sophie Schmidt (Sophie Hirst), Amanda West, Avery Patterson, Diana Ordóñez (Andressa ), Ramona Bachmann (Michelle Alozie), Bárbara Olivieri.
Subs: Croix Soto, Heather Hinz, Belle Briede, Madison Ayson, Jyllissa Harris.
6' Sarah Puntigam (Houston Dash) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
17' Sophie Schmidt (Houston Dash) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
38' Clarisse Le Bihan (Angel City) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
50' Substitution, Houston Dash. Sophie Hirst replaces Sophie Schmidt because of an injury.
67' Substitution, Angel City. Madison Hammond replaces Lily Nabet.
68' Rocky Rodríguez (Angel City) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
76' Substitution, Angel City. Merritt Mathias replaces Madison Curry because of an injury.
76' Substitution, Houston Dash. Michelle Alozie replaces Ramona Bachmann.
77' Substitution, Angel City. Messiah Bright replaces Claire Emslie.
77' Substitution, Houston Dash. Andressa Alves replaces Diana Ordóñez.
77' Substitution, Angel City. Katie Johnson replaces Sydney Leroux.
86' Substitution, Houston Dash. Yuki Nagasato replaces Sarah Puntigam.
90'+2' Substitution, Angel City. Kennedy Fuller replaces Alyssa Thompson.
90'+8' Goal! Angel City 0, Houston Dash 1. Paige Nielsen (Houston Dash) left footed shot from the centre of the box to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Andressa Alves with a cross following a corner.
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submitted by MatchThreadder to AngelCityFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:46 TomA234 ALLSTATE Auto: “What Would You Do?”

Perhaps a passer-by has a good idea. It is a long story, so don’t be bothered unless you have a little extra time today, or want some entertainment or perhaps enlightenment.
Introduction. Have you ever had to deal with an auto insurance company after an accident? Hopefully, your experience was a good one. But, from what I read, some of that here, but mostly elsewhere, it may not have been. Please read carefully. Yes, it is long (1/2 of the max that Reddit allows), but facts are facts and you can’t understand without them. The plot thickens and the direction changes, as the story is told, just as in reality it did for me. Do I need advice? Perhaps, with the question being like the TV Show where John Quiñones asks- “What Would You Do?” If you’ve had a similar experience, tell me about it.
In this situation, the bottom line is that Allstate’s own concerns, policies and procedures, in dealing with my loss, took precedence over the actual loss and my being “made whole”. Simply put: After the accident, Allstate created more loss, and I can do nothing about it. Or can I? What would you do?
So, in Dec. of 2022, I was picking my wife up from work in a small town in PA. I was stopped at a red light waiting for it to change, and was swiftly hit from behind by “man in van with dog as passenger”. WHACK!!! My car was forced into the one in front of me, despite my foot being on the brake, causing the engine to stop, my hood to unlock and bend upwards, the head light and grill to become broken and dislodged, steam to rise from the open hood and something dribbled out underneath. I was stunned. It looked like a real mess. “My car”, was now the one in the middle of the road, smashed and disabled, holding up all the traffic. The car was towed away and in two days I was told by Allstate, whom I did trust at first, that my car was totaled. Certainly, Allstate is an expert at this stuff, right? (My first accident in 40 years.) This began my month long (a little more actually), journey into hell, which no one ever paid for, but me. The car damage was eventually paid, the journey to hell was not. No one was physically hurt, seriously, so that was good. I didn’t get the dog’s opinion.
Bad Hands and Mayhem at Allstate; Was I Abused? This was an unfolding set of unlikely circumstances (one would think), which are best seen and understood in hindsight. At very first, there was an immediate rush to judgment where the adjuster, who had not examined the car, rattled off things that he believed had probably been damaged with my car, and then concluded by guessing, the cost of repair would be too much and a “verbal totaling” of the car was given, or “deemed” as it is called in the industry. He was an expert, so I did not question his conclusion. Damn, I thought. 64,000 miles and I had just bought the car last year after an extensive search. I was immediately given a settlement offer which seemed low, such that I did question and decline it. I needed to research again, and find what records I had, of the value. I had done that not long ago. The adjuster seemed surprised if not annoyed that I did not take his offer. His job was not done.
The car would be towed again to a free location for storage, as the adjuster explained. The cost of leaving the car where it was, was too expensive. He did not disclose, however, that the car would be towed far away (60 miles), to an auto yard which was contracted with Allstate to accept totaled vehicles for auction, dismantling and scrapping, otherwise known as “salvage”.
During these initial stages, unknown by me, there was a lie and sophisticated misleading, in writing, by the Allstate adjuster assigned to my case. After I suggested the value of my car to be higher than Allstate thought, and backing my claim with data, he gave me the following written statement a few days later regarding auto valuations by insurance companies for Pennsylvania: “The process of… vehicle valuation is set forth by the insurance department which specifies a market area of 100 mile radius from your garaging ZIP code. "I have no intention of disregarding a clear mandate from the governmental agency that oversees my license” (12/22). The lie is pretty severe as it is a “blanket” statement, putting up a wall and signaling an end to discussion regarding the distance Allstate uses to establish car values (from comparable transactions with similar cars). However, some people buy cars online and you see it also through eBay and TV advertisements (Carfax, Carvana, Kenan Thompson [Autotrader] etc.). And there certainly are reputable dealers beyond 100 miles of me. Other people I am sure (like me), own cars which are not currently available for sale within 100 miles from where they live. What do they do? So, then comparisons are made with other cars not identical, but that are “similar”, based on someone else’ opinion, and I must accept that???.
I have owned 4 similar station wagons in the past 20 years. My 2nd wagon was from Florida; my “totaled” wagon had recently been purchased in NJ, I am in Pennsylvania, more than 100 miles away from both.
In addition, in the same document, the adjuster wrote that Allstate uses only one approved source for obtaining car values: “…there are only a limited number of sources from which insurers may obtain values for vehicles deemed a total loss. CCC is an approved vendor and the vendor we use exclusively for values.” I took this to mean that there were no other places to obtain values, other than the CCC source he was using, and such a limited use of resource was legal, and he and Allstate could not be challenged. End of argument, without an expensive attorney or solo appearance in front of a judge. Too bad for me. Questioning the adjuster would get me nowhere.
This unfolding set of events was “done to me”, therefore I am suspecting it is done to others, routinely. Or, Allstate does not supervise their adjusters or provide oversight and alternatives if needed when an adjuster goes rogue, which is just as bad. Either way it is a systemic problem convenient to Allstate for limiting payouts. “It”, Allstate’s “oversight and valuation process”, happened to me, and the next four weeks were worse than the accident itself.
A Bit of “Backstory”. I began suffering from Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 1988. With MS, you have to do what you can do. Things change, maybe you can do what you have to, maybe you can no longer get it done. You didn’t bargain for it. You adjust as best you can, or give up. MS doesn’t give up. Some people do better than others, for known and unknown reasons. Motivation helps but is often not enough.
  1. Due to difficulty with my leg, having a car lower to the ground is preferable to one where I have to step up into the auto (like an SUV).
  2. A car which loads through the back (like an SUV, but lower) is very helpful as well. As I stated above, the last four cars I have owned since 2004 are Ford Station Wagons (1997, 2000, 2001 and 2002; two from PA, one NJ, one Florida). There is a niche of available used wagons with low miles primarily from estates. They are good condition and affordable, versus a used late model $25,000+ SUV with higher mileage and related high cost, maintenance and insurance.
  3. Being economical is one thing I can do.
  4. To supplement my limited disability income, I deal in used and “collectible” merchandise, requiring me to load boxes occasionally, to my lower level car. The back hatch found on these wagons I have owned, is a necessity for what I do. They are not comparable to sedans, although sedan values were the valuations I was given, and used to create the insurance estimate. Compared to modern SUVs, Ford wagons with low miles, circa 2000 - 2004, are a more economical and functional decision, given the available “niche” and my handicap. So it’s not that an uncle died or something, and I got this old junky wagon from him. It’s a vehicle I intentionally hunted for, to purchase for very good reasons. I needed a replacement value for that and nothing else.
Out of Options to Get a Fair Deal? I knew that a replacement for my car was possible but may require a hunt again (I had already done it four times). Obtaining the needed valuation looked unlikely however, and I’d have to pay perhaps double ($7,000-8,000+?) what Allstate would pay me for my totaled car. It was clear the adjuster was not going to hear anything further from me. The adjuster did not care, and in addition, gave me a value based on Ford sedans, not Ford wagons (which haven’t been built since about 2005). These wagons, according to my research, are worth significantly more than sedans. Two out of three of the comparables the adjuster gave me had 150,000 miles, with smaller engines. For a 2002 car, 150,000 miles is next to “junk status”. My car had 64,000 miles when hit and was a station wagon with a more powerful Duratec engine. These are big differences. He would not change his valuation, claiming his actions were mandated by law (as stated above) and that his source of valuation was the only one that would be used. I felt tied down and helpless, forced to take an offer I knew was wrong, from a guy whose job it apparently was, to do exactly what he was doing to me (cause mayhem), rather than helping me get back to where I had been (good hands). Within a little more than a week, I no longer trusted him, a man I was now forced to depend on. I felt abused. It was tortuous. In hindsight, it is clear he was hoping I was desperate for a replacement car and therefore motivated to accept the “low-ball” offer he had given me.
It Was Not True. I later checked with the PA Insurance Department specifically on the matter, and indeed, his claims (cited above in bold) were specifically not true. Via email the Department stated: “The 100 miles is an industry practice and not a law” (6/12/23). In addition, I earlier read 31 Pa. Code § 62.3e (a code for doing appraisals) and learned that in addition to the CCC “source” for valuations he had previously described, there were two other independent valuation “Methods” called Actual Cost and Dealer Quotation “methods”, which he was free to use but didn’t tell me about. One has to learn and know the code in order to differentiate the meanings between “source” and “method”. Beyond these two facts, in addition, his consideration of wagons being the same as sedans was inaccurate and did not follow valuation rules set in the code. The code actually tells him that since my car, a station wagon, was not listed with CCC (which it wasn’t) and was no longer manufactured, he must use a different valuation “Method” than his CCC “Source” method. He did not.
For people who want a good Taurus wagon, low miles, 2000-2004, the average price is considerably more than a sedan with the same mileage. That price must be paid. That’s my experience backed by data. If one is looking for a good condition wagon, they are simply not going to buy a sedan, as to them a sedan is worth nothing. If they are looking for a sedan, they will have no interest in a wagon. The two cars are not comparable or interchangeable. They serve two different markets willing to pay different values. About ten to twenty percent of Tauruses built were wagons, making them today much harder to find.
And the Car was Not Totaled! (Here We Go! Part two) But the complaint I make is not about physical damages “not being paid”, or “not being paid enough” (although that did happen). Instead it is about the consequences of being lied to and misled by someone you trust, all while being forced to give up control of one’s car for almost a month, during which time I initially accepted Allsate’s story that my car was totaled, and nothing was done to repair it, and it was essentially inaccessible at a salvage yard, and I almost lost it. If not for my own actions against the will of the adjuster, I would have lost my car. I was forced to act in a manner against the controlling party’s will. This, I believe, becomes what is called a “Tort”, done by Allstate to me. “Do what we say or you will be screwed”. It has nothing to do with the person who hit me and my settlement with him. I had to become aware of being abused. I had to see I was mislead and lied to, in order to change my orientation to the matter. Not easy. It was very emotionally exhausting and required much time and attention. Giving up was not an option or I would have lost my car. It was torture.
After questioning the car’s removal to the salvage yard, to my surprise Allstate returned the car to my shop. It was repaired to be safe and passed its yearly inspection (conveniently due). I was driving again in my good car by January 20, 2023. I was paid $3,521.03 on about August 1, 2023 by Allstate for damages to my car. I had to “step around” the adjuster and threaten a law suit directly to Allstate. The payment eliminated the liability the other driver had. But it made clear the settlement was for driver’s liability, and several prior communications trying to forge a settlement always indicated that my right to sue Allstate would not be limited by a settlement. This came after several disclosures over the months by the adjuster, that the car had been “deemed” a total loss and therefore no collision repairs could be paid or approved by Allstate. It was interesting that he described the matter as if some other place or person had “deemed” it, as if he had nothing to do with that decision and it was just the way it had ended up. The car had been “deemed” a total loss, and therefore, such decision could not be changed by he or Allstate. But he was the source of the “deeming”!. The car was restored to a safe, drivable, good looking state for less than $400! Laughable now, but the entire episode was a psychological and emotional wreck and nightmare, done to me by Allstate.
But Now the Car is Listed as Having Been Totaled. Indeed, checking online with VINCheck, a database provided free to the public by The National Insurance Crime Bureau, my car is listed as a salvage vehicle. You only get “salvage” after “total”. Someone reported the car to them as a salvaged car, and it wasn’t me. After notifying VINCheck that my car had not been assigned or salvaged (which could only be done in a signed statement by me), and had just passed inspection, I received no reply. Currently, nothing has changed. I suspect this misinformation has also spread to other VIN websites used to check car histories. Why should I be required to pay money to check additional VIN websites, or spend my time arguing with someone on this, or have to explain in the future to any interested party, why the car is listed as salvage but was never “rebuilt”, and then argue a depreciated price? A rebuilt salvage vehicle loses 20-40% of its pre-accident value. A salvage vehicle can’t be registered. I am told by PA DMV that unless I apply for a salvage title, the title will not become a salvage title. Earlier, Allstate reused to make payment unless I signed a salvage statement that the car was totaled, which would have begun a detailed costly rebuild process and a deduction in settlement amount, if I were to keep the car and seek to register it again..
I Was Abused. It was only because of my finally doubting the adjuster and persisting with Allstate, that I got my car back and repaired it, and was compensated an amount for the damage to my car. I was abused by Allstate Insurance. I am not wanting to sue the driver for his conduct, my attention is on Allstate for theirs. There are “bad hands” over there (not “good”), and “mayhem” starts at Allstate (at least it did for me). They are one of the largest insurers in The US, and their advertisements and actions should match. Allstate creates expectations of service and treatment based on their widespread long standing advertisements. They never advertise that you’d have to “submit” to their ill will in order to be in good hands and to avoid mayhem. That sounds like an abusive relationship to me. Give up something in order not to get harmed. You need not be an Allstate client for this to happen. Allstate merely provides insurance to a bad driver, waits for an accident to occur, and then creates mayhem for the injured party in order to reduce payout.
Conflict of Interest. Pa. Code § 62.3f (the code for doing appraisals) specifically states that appraisers “Not have a conflict of interest in the making of an appraisal.” If the appraiser in this case was influenced by requirements of his job to accept an inaccurate “Source appraisal” from CCC, or in any other way influenced to reduce or limit the appraisal as a result of job requirements and other pressures to perform, the adjuster did not act independently but yielded to a conflict of interest. If the use of an appraiser is in the financial interest of Allstate at the expense of an injured party’s interests, it is a conflict. If Allstate uses appraisers to make it appear appraisals will be fair and accurate but they know otherwise, then it appears to be a fraud. Finally, part f of the code concludes “This chapter and the act, and this section in particular, shall be strictly interpreted to protect the interest of the consumer and place the burden upon the appraiser to eliminate any conflict of interest in the making of an appraisal.” Allstate then, in my opinion, must demonstrate a particular level of autonomy given to appraisers to authorize appraisals. Any evaluative process by Allstate on the appraiser’s job performance that rewards him for lowering appraisals certainly seems a violation of this code. In my case here, we even had an appraiser falsely claim his hands were tied by the law, in order to limit his appraisal. My appraiser had the opportunity to correct matters, eliminate conflicts, and make me whole from the start, but he did not. I had to make myself whole.
Final Takeaway. In hindsight, it appears a well thought and established routine of persuasion and misinformation, in order to achieve a quicker and reduced settlement, was done to me by Allstate. It resulted in the perceived loss of my car, and then the loss of my car for a month, with a continuous sense of urgency, severe aggravation, manipulation, helplessness and abuse. There was never a concern for establishing truth, loss and expense, and paying it. Instead there was inclusion of misinformation and ignorance of other. The time I spent in the first month of this matter has to be at least 40 hours. I lost sales on eBay, missed auctions. My sleep was totally broken. They took my car, refused to replace it, and lied about it. It was about all I could deal with for that month. Accept our interpretation of your loss, or suffer the consequences, which we are trying to control. It literally was torture: “the practice of inflicting suffering on someone in order to force them to do something” is the dictionary definition. How much is a month of that worth?
The PA General Assembly Title 18 § 4117 warns: “Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance or statement of claim containing any materially false information or conceals for the purpose of misleading, information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act, which is a crime and subjects such person to criminal and civil penalties”. There is nothing in that law which places the shoe on the other foot and is directed at the adjuster or insurance company, if they mislead or defraud. I doubt, that such absence in Title 4117 allows adjusters or insurance companies freedom to do whatever they please to a random individual with no consequence.
So finally, again, the question is “What would you do?” The statute of limitations, I believe, is two years. That will bring me to December. And to repeat, the harm done to me that I have been describing, was done by Allstate to me. The driver has been released.
Thanks for reading.
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