Short bob stacked

Short haircuts for women

2020.10.10 16:34 1aleynatilki Short haircuts for women

short haircuts for women (pictures and videos). Must-Try Short Hairstyles and Haircuts in 2023. Medium Bob With Wispy Bangs. Apple Cut. Chin-Length Bob. Pixie Cut With Side Bangs. C-Curl Bob With Curtain Bangs. Curly Bob. Curly Pixie Cut. Wolf Cut. Asymmetrical Bob. Choppy Bob With See-Through Bangs. Pixie Cut With Undercut. Bob With Side Part. Bob With Layered Bangs. Medium Bob With Side-Swept Bangs. Short Blunt Bob With Blunt Bangs. A-Line Bob. Blunt Wavy Bob With Bangs. Scrunched Bob.

2023.04.05 05:57 ttaywgnik Girlswithbobcuts

A SFW media subreddit of women with Bob Cuts.

2013.03.23 06:01 Hisotensoku Bob Cuts

A bob cut or bob is a short haircut for women (and occasionally men) in which the hair is typically cut straight around the head at about jaw-level, often with a fringe (or "bangs") at the front.

2024.05.15 12:50 1niltothe Stacking insulation roll vertically - how might you go about it? It's for acoustics.

Long story short, Knauff EkoRoll in the UK is really good as a low cost and low hassle acoustic solution. You can leave it in the packet and stick it in corners etc to deal with certain acoustic problems, like bass traps.
However, stacking two rolls on top of each other is quite challenging, as they're not quite stable enough (although you can kind of bodge it if it's leaning in the corner).
I'm trying to think of possible ways to give a bit of support to double stacked rolls. Lying around at home I have some stripwood, thick hog wire, even some bamboo poles. Could go and buy some other things if there's a very good idea that needs it.
The thing is I'd prefer it if any solid objects were kept at the back, on one side, as if it's at the front then it will be acoustically reflective.
submitted by 1niltothe to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:40 A-Wonderful-Egg The story they don’t want told, part 1

The story they don’t want told, part 1
CCP Games and their affiliates lied to ban me from Eve, Twitter, the SubReddit, and brigaded my IG…
Hello Reddit, I am the Eve Online player known as Neffi. A long time ago, CCP Games staff members and members of an online brigade and RMT team known as Cesspool, took a disliking to me, after I made them look like idiots when they invited me to their discord to try and harass me when I was a newbie. A player known as NOVABomb ended up doxxing out of spite, in that discord, in 2021. Since that point in time, them and their affiliated CCP Games developer friends have had it out for me. ISD’s have been trying to ban me from chats for trying to help that chat stay on subject, I was falsely banned for the game glitching and an opponent lying while I was screen recording the fight, and I was even targeted by large 120+ null blob fleets from both Imperium and PAPI coalitions in HS war’s within 30 days of starting eve. I’ve had year long smear campaigns run against me, every scam in eve tried on my alliances, had people try and swat me, and been publicly falsely accused of crimes, all in attempts to get me banned over my team and my quickly progressing in game and from spite or jealousy. Each time, through superior cunning, Intel gathering, and strategic maneuvering, we were able to turn the tables on aggressors.
Around Fanfest 2023, in Iceland, I started getting weird messages in my discord, of people photographing my player name on the eve monument, saying they were scratching it out, and saying they were watching me. This was then followed by a simultaneous discord raid and spambot/ddos attack, as Tactical Farmers and Purple Helmet Warriors attacked one of our stations. I even got several of the Tactical Farmers players to directly admit they were behind the spambotting, raid, and ddossing, AND that it was over Eve Online.
So I did the mentally mature thing, and wrote an f12 to Eve Online support. Expecting them to do.. you know… something…
For some reason however CCP ignored my ticket.
The next day, the game glitched in an odd way, where my cyno failed to light, after having the necessary 200 liquid Ozone stack in my cargo hold.
This game failure caused a 60 second delay, allowing an attacking party to catch some jump freighters 50 seconds into the game mechanics failing.
So I once again wrote an email to Eve Support, showing the game logs and times, explaining that I wanted my stuff back. Eve Online support initially confirmed my memory and game logs were correct, but upon me informing them that these numbers meant a game mechanic failure, they quickly doubled back and called their statements a typo.
At this point I told CCP that I thought they were trying to scam me in real life for more money and told them I wanted my money back if they won’t ban hackers, and won’t replace losses due to game mechanics failures. CCP initially agreed to the return as long as I converted the ships and modules back into plex by selling them in the markets for plex to add to my account.
I then put up about 500B isk of items for sale on Jita Market, and began replacing my jump freighters on my own, and told CcP to “get better” but that I would just soldier on.
The next day, CCP games banned me, and claimed that I had “told players to commit fraud”
I explained that they were incorrect and provided the game chat logs proving I phrased it as a conditional situation where CCP Games was breaking the law and taking what customers purchased “Unjustly”.
CCP Games then, with full knowledge of those logs, made the conscious choice to ignore that fact, and to try and chop up, rearrange, and intentionally misrepresent the chat logs, to justify stealing my money and accounts.
This was then followed by an onslaught of slanderous claims, harassment, and threats from players in the cesspool chat or with ties to CCP Games developer teams. And my Twitter, Reddit,and all other social media was brigaded and false reported over 10k times.
Long story short, despite all their best efforts, I ended up getting a ruling from the authorities stating they ruled in my favor and that CcP Games was at fault for misrepresenting a situation for monetary gains (fraud).
P.S. funny side note, the FTC and bank ended up ruling that CCP Games EULA, is NOT legally enforceable due to its attempt to legalize illegal actions and its breaking several consumer protection and data protection laws.
F U CCP Games! You and your cesspool are trash and they lied to slander my name! And then you tried to silence me by spreading lies and false reporting me!
I’m sure I’ll post more later, but that’s it for part 1…
submitted by A-Wonderful-Egg to eveunderground [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:59 bobsmith808 Current state of $GME and the run.

Current state of $GME and the run.
Hi everyone, Bob here.
Hooboy its been a while. I've touching a lot of grass (extensively and sometimes passionately) and been completely out of the loop, but had set my calendar to rejoin the fray this week due some things I'll dive into later.

The Cat

So, RK is back with a vengeance. By the timing of his return and the timing of this event (started before his return I might add), tells me one thing: he knows something and is tracking something that is moving the stock. He is not responsible for the movement. His presence and return may entice some folks to buy more, but the media-fed lies about him pumping anything are obvious gaslighting to anyone with half a brain and a rudimentary knowledge of how the stock market works.

Anatomy of this run (so far)
A quick explanation of the graphic above.
  • The run/trend reversal was a couple weeks ago if you missed it. Check back and you can clearly see it now.
  • First big pop was also over a week ago.
  • RK returning is not the cause of this, it's a bag of shit coming due just like the days of old.
    • If you remember my older DD where i was working with Criand, Leenixus, Dentisttft, Gherkin, Turdfurg23, homedepothank69, and many many others (captain planet DD - old drive document here where we worked on it together if you're curious what it was) there are a lot of moving parts to this machine, and everything plays a role - some more than others.
    • keijikage did a dd the other day you should look at too - I'd link it, but not allowed( its on thinktank under short_exempt_why_volume_churns_endlessly_cfr - it plays a big role in what is happening right now IMHO.
  • In this run, think of it as a dam bursting. that was caused by a torrential downpour upstream. RK sees the shit floating down and pees a little to add his to the pile. His impact is miniscule in the grand scheme of things that move the stock, if any at all - he's along for the ride just like everyone. The key difference is he seems to be able to see it from a mile away.

DRS and Options
I've written at length on DRS and options, and have a post here you can check out if interested in reading up. But essentially, My take on this is way back about 84 years ago when superstonk discovered DRS and the campaign took hold, it was a battle. There was infighting about if you should DRS or not and other things... at the same time, there was also a huge effort across the sub to essentially scare people away from options. Now understand options (and you can too, check my profile for the Its all Greek to me educational series of posts) so they are not the boogeyman to me. In fact, they represent a large piece of my portfolio, as they are much more capital efficient in how I use them personally. So my perspective during this debate was that people just didn't understand and people generally fear what they cannot understand. That's ok.
But now, I'm older and wiser, and I've come to realize that with the death of options on GME (there was a significant decrease in IV and volume of options after Jan 2023, when the sneeze variance hedge expired (see Zinko's work). After that decrease in options, there was a subsequent decline in the stock until we find ourselves here today. Why is this?
Let's think about what drives stock prices.... That's right, you guessed it! Buying! the more buying, the more the price goes up. this is a simple supply and demand mechanic.
  • Now, what does DRS do? ! yes... it reduces supply.
  • And options (particularly calls and short puts (CSPs). - they increase volume (demand) on a leveraged basis due to market maker hedging requirements...
  • What happens if you decrease supply and increase demand? 🌑🚀
SO... if I were a short hedge fund or shill, what would I do if I see superstonk making an effort to lock away supply on an already illiquid stock? Yes, I'd do whatever i can to decrease demand so i can trade back and forth the stock with my criminal buddies (subsidiaries - citadel MM and citadel HF, robingThehood, and other organizations in the network) to set the price where they want it to be. Some things I've seen here that come immediately to mind are:
  • OptiOnS aRe bAD mKaY
    • this discourages buying and selling options which causes the MM to find a locate, thereby significantly reducing demand.
  • the whole zen thing. Ape zen, all i have to do is wait and I'll be paid.
    • This discourages even buying the stock directly. When the stock spiked and a long time after, there was a lot of buys every single day. I want that ape mentality back. it takes money to buy GME.
  • DRS is THE way
    • DRS is fine and an effective tool at reducing the float, however the way it was and is promoted on the sub is elitist and combative. This fractures the community and demoralizes buying further.

Getting back to the main event

Back on the run, what do you notice is different this time?
Yes... VOLUME, massive VOLUME and also OPTIONS volume. Here's yesterday's options volume statistics.
Options and net deltas
Options and volume
So what does this mean?
I would expect a pullback here while things recalibrate and options catch up, unless the underlying swapligations are not met and we need more volume churn. unless the underlying swapligations are not met and we need more volume churn. Remember, we are way WAY up from just a couple days ago. When exercising happens, that's LEVERAGED buying pressure for next week/end of this week....

Disclaimer because there are some fucking children here:

I'm not suggesting buying options right now, they are fucking overpriced AF. also don't touch this shit without learning about it first. educate yourself. I'm here if you have something i can help clarify.
Relevant not links:
  • Keikage DD: thinktank short_exempt_why_volume_churns_endlessly_cfr
  • THinktank: market_mechanics_driving_t_cycles_and_how_they
  • thinktank: its_all_greek_to_me_an_introduction_to_options
  • thinktank: an_inpolite_conversation_part_i_drs_moass_theory
submitted by bobsmith808 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:52 celvandamn New buyer help Surveyors report

I have just made an offer on a house and need advice on some of the issues that the surveyor has flagged. The house was built in the 1940s. They gave a rating of 1 , 2 or 3 for the issues. 3 being the one with urgent as an Issue , 2 being an Issue but non urgent and 1 not a problem.
These are the urgent issues a rating of 3
D5 Windows
E1 Roof structure
E3 Walls and partitions
E7 Woodwork (for example, staircase and joinery)
F1 Electricity
F2 Gas/oil
F3 Water
F4 Heating
F5 Water heating
G1 Garage
I'm not particuraly worried about the issues from F1 to G1 as from what I read it was mostly to do with Cerfificates and they looked they havent been checked in the past year. Also E7 was just a short railing which can easily be changed. D5 to E3 especially roof structure & wall and partitions.
E1 Roof structure Issue: "There is mortar torching to the underside of the roof tiling. Torching is intended to prevent driving rain and snow from entering the roof void. However, at least some of the torching has perished and this causing a significant amount of sand and dust to fall within the roof void. Part of the roof void has been covered with what appears to be a non-breathable sarking felt. This has been improperly installed over the top of the timber battens, allowing and moisture caught by the felt to penetrate the timber causing rot. Condition rating 3. the felt should be removed and the timber inspected by a specialist"
Does this seems like a big issue ? Anyone had experience of this ?
E3 Walls and partitions: "There was sporadic low and high readings along the side and rear internal wall that may be an indication of the Damp Proof Course (DPC) has started to fail or it could be as a result of condensation from poor heating/ventilation. Condition rating 3. This requires further investigation."
Does this seem worrying to you ? Is this expected in most houses ?
D5 Windows: "There is a timber framed single glazed window between the kitchen and conservatory. This would have original been an external window and appears to have now been painted shut. There was no visible safety stamp to the glazing. Where there is no visible safety stamp it is unlikely that safety glass has been installed. Condition rating 3. In the interest of your safety we recommend the glazing is replaced now."
Do you consider this to be as series as the what surveyor says ?
There were 14 flagged as 2
D1 Chimney stacks
D2 Roof coverings
D3 Rainwater pipes and gutters
D4 Main walls D6 Outside doors (including patio doors)
D7 Conservatory and porches
D8 Other joinery and finishes
E2 Ceilings E4 Floors
E5 Fireplaces, chimney breast and flues
E6 Built-in fittings (built-in kitchen and other fittings, not including appliances)
E8 Bathroom fittings
E9 Other
F6 Drainage
Do you think any rated as a 2 that I should particuraly worry about ?
submitted by celvandamn to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:46 BigSneeze0021 had my first fuck up today

So I just had my first fuck up on the forks. Was trying to de-stack some boxes of LED walls, before de-stacking I made sure the stacks were far enough apart so my forks wouldn’t catch the ones behind the current stack I was aiming for.
Long story short, I must’ve miss-judged the distance and they all came tumbling down. My coworker and I flipped all the boxes and made sure every LED wall was okay, which they were. Only a few other people saw but I do feel like an idiot.
submitted by BigSneeze0021 to forkliftmemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:34 Bummblee The Drink - A Barotrauma Tale Pt. 1 (Reupload)

The Drink - A Barotrauma Tale Pt. 1 (Reupload)
This is a reupload of a story I wrote about 3 years ago and never finished - moderately edited to improve on some areas where my writing was lacking back then - unceremoniously titled 'The Drink'. I've been writing it off and on since the original was uploaded, and have finally found a point in life where I can actually write more than a line or two and be confident that it's good enough for literally anyone else besides me to read.
Reuploading so the few of you who are interested in reading it dont have to dig through three years of post history to find the first part.
Please enjoy, I'll be posting new parts semi-regularly as the story progresses.
“Man has gone out to explore other worlds and other civilizations without having explored his own labyrinth of dark passages and secret chambers, and without finding what lies behind doorways that he himself has sealed.” ― Stanisław Lem

Part One - Step into the Drink

Richard Dorsett eyed the myriad of cargo transfer manifests and crew intake forms with growing trepidation. Every minute spent docked at this waystation was a minute wasted, and he'd spent the better part of the morning mulling over paperwork - the requisition of fresh medical supplies, amenities for the beleaguered crew, and munitions for aging weapon systems all had to be documented and signed off by him as per the Coalition's directives. He rifled through some of the pages haphazardly, signing a release form here or a liability waiver there until his frustration got the better of him and he set the stack aside, to be dealt with later.
Dorsett was rather average - average weight, average height with a tempered tone of voice and an unimposing visage. He'd served aboard this vessel, the Ardent Wretch, for some time as its helmsman, only recently taking on the role of its captain.
Dorsett leaned back in his chair and keyed his headset before speaking. "🇱‌🇪‌🇴‌, 🇾‌🇦‌' 🇩‌🇴‌🇳‌🇪‌ 🇾‌🇪‌🇹‌? 🇮‌'🇲‌ 🇧‌🇴‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇷‌🇪‌🇦‌🇩🇾‌‌ 🇹‌🇴‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌🇷‌🇹‌ 🇵‌🇺‌🇸‌🇭‌🇮‌🇳‌' 🇴‌🇫‌🇫‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇮‌🇸‌ 🇸‌🇭‌🇮‌🇹‌🇭‌🇴‌🇱‌🇪‌."
There was a drawn-out pause before a reply came, Leo's voice coming in garbled from the old comms equipment. "🇾‌🇪‌-🇭‌, 🇾‌🇪‌🇦‌-🇭‌. 🇲‌🇦‌🇷‌🇬‌🇪‌🇷‌🇪‌🇹‌ -🇸‌ 🇦‌🇷‌🇬‌🇺‌-🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌ 🇼‌🇮‌🇹‌🇭‌ 🇹‌-🇭‌🇪‌ 🇸‌🇺‌🇵‌🇵‌-🇱‌🇾‌ 🇴‌🇫‌🇫‌🇮‌-🇪‌🇷‌ -🇧‌🇴‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇦‌ 🇲‌🇮‌🇸‌-🇸‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌ 🇨‌🇷‌🇦‌🇹‌- 🇴‌🇫‌ 🇲‌🇪‌🇩‌🇸‌, 🇧‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇼‌🇪‌'🇷‌🇪‌ 🇼‌🇷‌🇦‌-🇵‌🇵‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌ 🇺‌🇵‌ 🇳‌-🇴‌🇼‌."
Dorsett huffed a sigh, "🇫‌🇴‌🇷‌🇬‌🇪‌🇹‌ 🇦‌🇧‌🇴‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇲‌🇪‌🇩‌🇸‌, 🇼‌🇪‌'🇻‌🇪‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇮‌🇱‌🇱‌ 🇬‌🇴‌🇹‌ 🇪‌🇳‌🇴‌🇺‌🇬‌🇭‌ 🇹‌🇴‌ 🇼‌🇴‌🇷‌🇰‌ 🇼‌🇮‌🇹‌🇭‌ 🇴‌🇳‌ ‌🇹‌🇭‌🇪 🇸‌🇺🇧‌... 🇼‌🇪‌'🇱‌🇱 🇬‌🇴‌ 🇬‌🇪‌🇹‌ 🇲‌🇴‌🇷‌🇪‌ 🇦‌🇹‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇳‌🇪‌🇽‌🇹‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌🇹‌🇮‌🇴‌🇳 🇦‌🇫‌🇹‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇼‌🇪‌ 🇩‌🇷‌🇴‌🇵‌ 🇴‌🇫‌🇫‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇴‌🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌🇷‌ 🇨‌🇦‌🇷‌🇬‌🇴‌‌. 🇯‌🇺‌🇸‌🇹‌ 🇬‌🇪‌🇹‌ 🇧‌🇦‌🇨‌🇰‌ 🇴‌🇳‌ 🇧‌🇴‌🇦‌🇷‌🇩‌."
"🇦‌🇾‌-🇪‌, 🇨‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌-🇦‌🇮‌🇳‌. 🇮‌-'🇱‌🇱‌ 🇹‌🇷‌- 🇹‌🇦‌' 🇵‌🇺‌🇱‌🇱‌ 🇲‌🇦‌🇷‌🇬‌--🇪‌🇹‌ 🇴‌🇫‌🇫‌'🇦‌ 🇹‌🇭‌-..." Came Leo's reply just as Dorsett's headset blared a deafening warning and shut off. He cursed, wrenching the device from his head and tossed it on the console in frustration.
Great, Battery's dead. Dorsett thought to himself, sighing again as he sat up from the captain's chair. He picked the headset up off the console and flipped it around in his hands. The equipment provided to the crew of the Ardent Wretch was as old as it was prone to failure, and what did work drained power at an incredible rate. He threw the headset onto his shoulder and moved to the aft end of the ship, through the airlock, and into the medical suite. Dr. Eli Boman had been occupied with organizing the ship's sparse medical supplies and was indifferent to Dorsett's entrance.
"Ey Dick..." murmured Eli, not looking away from his work as Dorsett passed through, "Where you headed?"
Eli Boman was a portly, sullen and cowardly man, not entirely dissimilar from his twin brother, Chance Boman. The good doctor had spent a great deal of time serving aboard the Wretch, tending to the minor burns and bruises of which were commonplace when serving aboard any vessel.
"Headset's busted. Gonna see if Dale's got any more batteries in storage." Replied Dorsett, gesturing in Eli's general direction. "How's the leg?"
Eli turned slightly, glancing from his leg to Dorsett as a scowl formed across his face. "Still hurts. Don't want to waste the morphine on it, though. Hey, uh-... Leo an' Margeret drop off the medical crate yet?"
Dorsett stopped and shook his head. "No crate. Sounds like 'et got... misplaced. Gonna have ta' get one at the next station."
Eli slumped his shoulders and turned back towards his work. "Fuckin' figures." He muttered disdainfully. Dorsett scowled at the harsh reaction but chose not to engage the topic further, choosing to instead leave the doctor to his sorting and pass into the next airlock. He'd known that the recent change of command hadn't gone over well with some of the crew, the Boman twins making their disapproval rather well known. They had both worked under the previous captain, William Reyes, for nearly three years and were the first to object to Dorsett's ascension.
The Ardent Wretch had been captained first by one Malcolm Falcone who, through either a lack of experience or a callous disregard for the wellbeing of his crew, lost his position to William Reyes in a mutiny in which he did not survive. With Reyes at the helm, the Wretch and her crew did fairly well and made quite the name for itself, even having tentative plans to enlist the vessel officially under the Coalition Navy. That was until the Crew of the Ardent Wretch received a harrowing distress signal from what appeared to be a half-sunk mining vessel during a routine cargo transport.
Reyes ordered the Wretch to respond and he, headstrong as he'd always been, disembarked and descended to investigate the sunken miner along with two security officers, placing the then helmsman Dorsett in command of the vessel temporarily. A full day passed with no response from captain Reyes or the rest of the response team after the initial boarding, and with Richard Dorsett as the acting captain a decision needed to be made. At first, Dorsett had made preparations to send another team down, but just before the new team was about to depart a second and final transmission reached the Wretch from one of the response team members. It was faint and garbled with interference, but the message was clear enough and still rang in Dorsett's mind at times.
"🇹‌🇭‌- 🇪‌🇳‌🇹‌🇮‌🇷‌-🇪‌ 🇨‌🇷‌-🇼‌ 🇮‌🇸‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇫‌🇪‌-🇨‌🇹‌-🇩‌...🇭‌🇺‌🇸‌🇰‌-... -🇸‌🇮‌🇹‌🇪‌... 🇨‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇦‌-🇮‌🇳‌ 🇷‌🇪‌🇾‌-🇪‌🇸‌ 🇼‌🇦‌🇸‌ 🇮‌🇳‌🇫‌-🇪‌🇨‌-... 🇸‌🇭‌🇴‌🇹‌ -🇮‌🇲‌🇸‌🇪‌🇱‌🇫‌... 🇩‌🇴‌🇳‌- 🇧‌🇴‌🇦‌🇷‌🇩‌... 🇷‌🇺‌🇳‌-..."
Dorsett remembered how his stomach lurched to his throat in that moment. Everything he and Reyes had worked towards shattered to pieces in a single transmission. He remembered ordering the ordinance technician to load a depth charge as the helmsman pulled the ship to a safer distance. as the Ardent Wretch ascended, pulling away from the mining vessel, the depth charge was released and detonated just off the bow of the sub and freed it from the sea wall. What remained to sink further into the abyss and taking those infected along with it.
With the death of Captain Reyes, the spirit of the Ardent Wretch and its crew seemed to have died with him. The idea to join the Coalition Navy was abandoned, Dorsett not having anywhere near the reputation or connections with the Coalition as Reyes had. The crew entering a malaise of sorts as the weeks wore on, their stomach for adventure lost as everyone grew content with running odd jobs and ferrying cargo from one shit-stinking station to the next. The twins hadn't forgiven him for abandoning Reyes, and Dorsett knew they blamed him for their current circumstances.
Dorsett found himself lost in the dreary memories of those past three months. He realized he'd been lingering in the airlock for what must have been a few minutes and shook the haze from his mind. Wiping his face with his hands, he pressed on through the airlock and into the next corridor until he arrived at the storage room.
Sergei Ladon was there to greet him as he entered the storage room. Ladon was a thin, short man with a thick Neo-Russian accent. He was devilishly charming - a trait that had earned him quite the reputation as a philanderer - and Dorsett was happy to see him there, knowing he could use some of that levity right about now. Ladon was one of the few who supported Dorsett's ascension to command; the two had known each other for some time, Ladon being the ship's resident Electrical Technician having taught Dorsett a few tricks with repairing the sub's systems during their downtime.
The two exchanged a friendly nod, Dorsett rifling through the different lockers for a new battery as Ladon returned to whatever it was he was doing. Eventually finding a battery, Dorsett sat on the floor just opposite of Ladon, removing the headset from his shoulder and fiddling with the battery plate. "What'cha workin' on Ladon?" He asked.
"Trying to find new fuse. One of the junction boxes blew one and now part of the crew quarters is without light, and everyon' blame me!" Ladon turned, exaggerating with his arms as a smile bore wide across his face, before turning back around and continuing his search.
Dorsett chuckled. "Well, you did reroute a bunch of wire to power that 'experiment' of yours ah' little 'while ago."
Ladon turned around again, pointing an accusatory finger at Dorsett as his smile broadened. "You were saying that if I could get out a faster charge on the supercapacitor you'd give me raise. How am I to know you didn't mean that fast?" He said. They both shared a quick laugh, Ladon returning to his search once again. He seemed to be getting frustrated as the minutes passed and he still hadn't found a fuse.
"Check the, uh-... the drawer, there..." said Dorsett, looking up from the headset and gesturing to Ladon's left. "... no, the one below that one."
Ladon open the drawer and exclaimed, "спасибо чертовски бог! No more having to play cards in the dark, huh?" He laughed, grabbing the fuse and flipping it around in his hand.
Dorsett laughed with him, looking back down to his headset and removing the battery plate. He glanced at Ladon again as he worked. "So, uh-... you an' Margeret, how's that going?"
Ladon's smile melted away, replaced by an irritated frown. "You know, she is telling me she is wanting 'space', yeah? Space! Onboard лодка, submarine, and you want space! Bah!" He waved his arms in frustration, shaking his head.
"Well give the lady what she wants, she'll come 'round eventually." Dorsett said through a smile, swapping the old battery with the new. He slipped the old one into one of the lockers as he stood up and keyed his radio. It flickered to life, and he placed it back on his head.
"She is good woman, you know. Just so... uh-... how you say, 'hard-headed' auh? Stubborn like ass. Still won't get off my back about those women at Kaloskov Station, man! They approach me, how I say no? You talk to her, okay? Tell her I am not the bad guy!" Ladon said, jostling at Dorsett's arm as he begged for his assistance.
"Alright, alrigh- c'mon, get off ah' me... I'll talk to her, christ. Jus' give her some 'space' in the meantime, alright? Last thing I need is Margeret on my ass too." Dorsett responded, pulling away from Ladon's grasping hands as he smirked. Ladon nodded vigorously and fiddled with the fuse while Dorsett turned away, took a few steps, and keyed his headset.
"🇨‌🇭‌🇪‌🇨‌🇰‌. 🇨‌🇭‌🇪‌🇨‌🇰‌. 🇸‌🇴‌🇷‌🇷‌🇾‌, 🇭‌🇪‌🇦‌🇩‌🇸‌🇪‌🇹‌ 🇩‌🇮‌🇪‌🇩‌ 🇴‌🇳‌ 🇲‌🇪‌. 🇼‌🇪‌ 🇦‌🇧‌🇴‌🇺‌🇹‌ 🇷‌🇪‌🇦‌🇩‌🇾‌ 🇹‌🇴‌ 🇸‌🇪‌🇹‌ 🇴‌🇫‌🇫‌ 🇱‌🇪‌🇴‌?" Spoke Dorsett, again followed by a few moments of silence.
"🇺‌🇭‌-... 🇷‌🇴‌🇬‌-.. 🇨‌🇦‌🇵‌🇹‌🇦‌🇮‌-. 🇱‌🇴‌🇦‌🇩‌🇮‌-🇳‌🇬‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇱‌🇦‌-🇹‌ 🇴‌🇫‌ 🇹‌🇭‌🇪‌ 🇨‌🇷‌🇦‌-🇹‌🇪‌-... -🇴‌🇼‌. 🇾‌🇴‌🇺‌ 🇨‌-🇳‌ 🇸‌🇹‌🇦‌-🇷‌🇹‌ 🇸‌🇵‌🇮‌🇳‌-🇳‌🇮‌🇳‌🇬‌ 🇭‌🇪‌🇷‌ -🇵‌." Came the reply, still a garbled mess and barely discernable. Dorsett sighed, turning back to Ladon.
"Can you take a look at the communications system when you get done fuckin' around in here? Transmissions are comin' in a little messy recently." He inquired, a little more venom in his tone than he'd meant.
Ladon turned, a frown drawing across his face, and nodded his head, "Uh-... yes, yes I will take a look at that. Probably just local interference from the station." He replied, before moving past Dorsett and setting off for the crew quarters without so much as a goodbye. Dorsett shook his head, regretting having taken out his frustration on his friend like that. He lingered for a few seconds before taking his leave from the storage room, through the airlocks and again past Eli, still methodically organizing various first aid equipment in the medical suite, before arriving back at the command deck. He sat back down in his chair, once more eyeballing the stack of paperwork with contempt, using his foot to push the stack further under the console and out of view. A few of the other crew members brushed past him and his command seat, tending to their duties in preparation to undock, Dorsett taking in the scene for a moment.
Coil gun ammunition was being fed in belts to the loader, gun crews polishing the periscopes and running the weapons through the usual test procedures. Two assistants were arguing over who had a more efficient route to the next station. New hires, thought Dorsett, not recognizing them immediately. Chance was setting the last railgun round into the feeder, glancing back at Dorsett every so often with his usual scowl. Ballast pumps were operating nominally according to the monitor in front of Dorsett, and he took the opportunity to run a quick check through all of the vessel's sub-systems, all of which reported green.
Satisfied, Dorsett checked the onboard surveillance just in time to see Leopold Bower and Margeret Silvia board the ship with the last of the crates. He keyed the intercom.
"𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐬. 𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐥 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝. 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞. 𝐏𝐥𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐧 sixty 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐬."****
Dorsett nodded to the Helmsman, another new hire, who began to detach the Wretch from the station and fill the Ballasts. As if on queue, the submarine rumbled to life, reactor power coursing through the vessel's wired veins. As he always did, Dorsett sucked in a breath and said a quick prayer to whatever god was listening. He counted off the seconds in his head, placing a hand on the detach lever as he did so.
As he pulled the lever and the submarine groaned free of the docking port, plunging down deeper into the water below, Dorsett muttered the same words he'd heard Captain Reyes speak before countless dives.
"Into the Drink."
submitted by Bummblee to Barotrauma [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:28 Judderman88 What's the best bike sizing method?

The RAD system implies much shorter reach than standard height-based guides on manufacturer websites, and e.g. Hardtail Party says he puts no stock in that system. Apart from riding lots of different bikes, what are the alternatives? What do professional bike fitters use, and does that apply to MTB as well as road?
I have slightly odd proportions:
So long legs and arms relative to my height, and a short...back?
I'm riding a medium Pace RC529 hardtail (465mm reach, 76* STA, 65* HTA, 430mm chainstay, 642mm stack, 32mm stem, maximum spacers under the stem, 140mm fork, 165mm cranks). My current bike doesn't feel too big/long for 'normal' riding - fast DH, or XC without steep climbs - but is a bit of a handful on slower, techier stuff. I find I need to have a big stack and my seat all the way back, or else my weight is too much on my hands on flattish ground. But then my front wheel wanders or washes out on steep climbs, jumps, and slow tech (e.g. tight switchbacks). I might try a longer stem with the seat more forward, but then I might need even higher bars for riding on flat ground (so the weight doesn't all go on my hands). RAD suggests I need about 425mm reach with that 32mm stem and stack, which is a pretty big (40mm) difference. Lots of models (e.g. my Pace, or the Banshee Paradox) don't even come in sizes that small.
submitted by Judderman88 to MTB [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:23 Patient-Comedian4541 Weird artifact

Weird artifact
So I was conducting double star studies in color channels using 0.8 second exposures per sub camera was a QHY 600 pro RGB filters full readout mode. I noticed this in stacked images in blue and green filters. Red was nothing, I only noted one object at the time to be called RIGID SPHERE 2 satellite. This is not a satellite it was about 10 to 12 arc minutes away from T Coronae Borealis and this was FAST for a relative short time of a few minutes. I am utterly confused and need help identifying this. My theory is a cosmic ray because only high energetic particles can travel that fast in space with that type of exposure setting being that low. #space
submitted by Patient-Comedian4541 to astrophotography [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:17 OkPomegranate616 Facing Analysis Paralysis and can't make a decision

Hey everyone, I'm restarting my career as a freelancer. I'm trying to figure out what services I can provide and how to package them. I'm taking feedback in real life as well but this post is meant to collect feedback on a scale from startup owners & entrepreneurs.
The first thing is that I know Web Design and Development. But I realized that I'm a very slow designer. But I'm a fast and good front-end developer. I can develop websites in both code (React/Next.js) and no-code (Webflow and Framer) with interactions and animations in both cases. I can work with CMS in Webflow and Framer and also Headless CMS like Sanity or Prismic when coding. I am also learning Firebase and Supabase to be more full-stack but not there yet.
Then I narrowed it down to 2 paths where I can go:
  1. A "Webflow/FrameBoth" Expert - make landing pages and websites really fast using these no-code tools. The problem is that designers can do this themselves as well. So I might have to provide design services as well or partner up with a designer or agency to fulfill their development side.
  2. A "Frontend Resource" - I can be a frontend resource where internet startups and agencies can hire me on a bi-weekly or monthly basis for any work under my skill belt. For example - A Webflow agency running short on a deadline and needs additional development so they hire me temporarily and I can help them with their Webflow development over 2 weeks and leave. Another example can be a SaaS founder hiring me to speed up their SaaS tool development which is being built using Next.js. In this case, I fear my lack of Full-Stack can be a problem. Plus I also can't figure out how to add a constraint so that I don't end up being exploited.
With the pros & cons of both paths in front of me, I can't seem to make a choice. Any feedback or advice would be helpful. If there's something else I can consider with my skills, let me know.
submitted by OkPomegranate616 to startups [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:16 OkPomegranate616 Facing Analysis Paralysis and can't make a decision

Hey everyone, I'm restarting my career as a freelancer. I'm trying to figure out what services I can provide and how to package them. I'm taking feedback in real life as well but this post is meant to collect feedback on a scale from startup owners & entrepreneurs.
The first thing is that I know Web Design and Development. But I realized that I'm a very slow designer. But I'm a fast and good front-end developer. I can develop websites in both code (React/Next.js) and no-code (Webflow and Framer) with interactions and animations in both cases. I can work with CMS in Webflow and Framer and also Headless CMS like Sanity or Prismic when coding. I am also learning Firebase and Supabase to be more full-stack but not there yet.
Then I narrowed it down to 2 paths where I can go:
  1. A "Webflow/FrameBoth" Expert - make landing pages and websites really fast using these no-code tools. The problem is that designers can do this themselves as well. So I might have to provide design services as well or partner up with a designer or agency to fulfill their development side.
  2. A "Frontend Resource" - I can be a frontend resource where internet startups and agencies can hire me on a bi-weekly or monthly basis for any work under my skill belt. For example - A Webflow agency running short on a deadline and needs additional development so they hire me temporarily and I can help them with their Webflow development over 2 weeks and leave. Another example can be a SaaS founder hiring me to speed up their SaaS tool development which is being built using Next.js. In this case, I fear my lack of Full-Stack can be a problem. Plus I also can't figure out how to add a constraint so that I don't end up being exploited.
With the pros & cons of both paths in front of me, I can't seem to make a choice. Any feedback or advice would be helpful. If there's something else I can consider with my skills, let me know.
submitted by OkPomegranate616 to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:08 Shoddy_Professor4509 What are your reviews about The Job Company (by PrepInsta)

Hello and Namaste to all developers.
I would like to keep this post simple.
Who am I?- I am an 26yr old Mechanical engineer from a Tier-1 college. I spent the last 3yrs preparing for UPSC.I am now planning to switch my career to web development.
Why this Post?
I have heard good reviews about PrepInsta and while going through their website i found the Link to The Job Company(by prep Insta). However unlike for prepinsta for which i could find plenty of reviews, there aren't many reviews about TJC.
Long story short- Does anyone have any past/current experience with theie Full Stack course. I request you for your insights.
submitted by Shoddy_Professor4509 to developersIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:02 Bon3Headz 2000s song with girl with short purple hair

All I can remember of this song is parts of the music video. The singer was a girl with I think a short purple bob haircut, it might have been brown I’m not sure. She was dancing and singing in what I think looked like a spaceship, and in the chorus this little keyboard would pop up with some alien looking hands playing it. In the verses she would speak to a rhythm, and in the chorus she would sing.
That’s all I can remember, thanks!
submitted by Bon3Headz to NameThatSong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:22 Singed-Chan Ladies and Gentlemen: Fleeting Nobility Chipset Rush

First up your ethics don't matter but I'm partial to fanatic authoritarian personally, second ethic REALLY doesn't matter but xenophile, militarist, xenophobe and pacifist are all hot contenders.
Second of all you're gonna wanna be Overtuned. Start with Thrifty + the new Commercial Genius overtuned trait. You're gonna wanna stay quite small early and if you can spawn in a secluded cluster with one chokepoint, GOOD, because the early game is all about staying small and quiet and minding your own business.
Now I know what you're thinking, Merchant Guilds, right? No, you're gonna need a lot of stability for what comes next, and you're gonna be swimming in nobles before you know it - It's thematic with the ascension you're going to go for, so for stylepoints, influencing draw weights and stability, go Aristocratic Elite and whatever second civic you like - I go Oppressive Autocracy because I'm a fucking gremlin.
Early game, unity rush, homeworld is half labs, half administrative offices, grab a trade world and a factory world. Civilian Economy, obviously, and buy your minerals and rely on space mining/arc furnaces as best you can. Go Marketplace of Ideas instead of the usual Consumer Benefits, so you can grab cybernetic as fast as humanly possible and immediately grind it out and rush Imperial Chipset advanced authority at the end. Once you've got cybernetic all done you can switch to consumer benefits and reform that factory world into a sorely needed forge world.
Now immediately engineer your species to be as short-lived as possible. Grab all three -30 year lifespan traits and focus on border defense as you cook. Set the game to very fast and remain inwardly focused while you blitz through as many governor rulers as possible - Aristocratic Elite and Imperial government will give you a high weight for your heirs to be governors, which is what you want, but even if you roll 'bad' and get a scientist or commander, the permanent buffs from them are still great and you'll wanna catch 'em all eventually. You can't lose!
Grab as many mechanical pop trait points as you can and just keep diminishing the life expectancy of your squabbling noble houses so they don't even have time to plot against eachother, they barely have time to make a decree before they're toast.
Rush orbital rings and get a noble estate on every ring and before you know it you'll have 6-8 nobles on your worlds + 2 politicians + whatever other ruler adding buildings you might have provide.
Once you've sufficiently stacked your chipset, engineer your burned out species into something actually effective and start buying those lifespan techs that you're probably sorely behind on.
Congrats, you're now free to reform your civics into whatever you want, pick great traits and reformat your empire into something sensible, but with +25% resources from all jobs, +25% research speed and +25% damage on ships.
Can it be abused better? More minmaxy? Sure. Cook up a more minmaxed rush variant of this, I'll be over here in my tophat and monocle laughing all the way to the bank, only to die in transit.
This post brought to you by the Stellaris Nobility.
submitted by Singed-Chan to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:18 T1ny_Turtle_Kr1sp Crazy Karen spitting Dairy Queen blizzard like she’s spitting bars for her next mixtape

So to premise this story I’m from a small town in the PNW where Karen’s aren’t very far and in between. This also isn’t the first Karen experience I had at this same store. Names changed for identity privacy. What I want to know was I rude for my comments?
I (F22) and my boyfriend (M20) we’ll call him Bob, was spending the day with my boyfriend’s uncle (Mark). As Bob had recently moved back to our state very shortly before we met, we both wanted to spend time with his family. Mark had to go see his ex wife while in town, so we decided to go walk across the street to our local Safeway and visit my mom. It was really nice considering I don’t get to see her very often since I moved to the next town over, and we had conflicting work schedules.
When we left the store we decided to kinda just hang out on the sidewalk outside the front of the store while we waited for Mark to come pick us up.
In enters Karen.
Karen walks by Bob and I eating a Dairy Queen blizzard. Being the random social people my boyfriend and I tend to be we asked her what flavor of blizzard it was. She stopped for a second and just gave us a dirty look, then walked in the store. Turning to my boyfriend I said something along the lines of saying “she seemed grumpy” and “someone musta shit in her cheerios. She’s having a bad day.” We didn’t think we said it too loud but we kinda just laughed to each other and just kept hanging out. Karen with her ultrasonic ears must’ve heard us and she came out screaming.
At this point when we stand up she’s right in my face. Bewildered as hell I said “we just asked about the flavor of your blizzard. I make weird small talk. It seemed like you had a bad fucking day and we talked about it to each other. You do not need to get up in my face.” She continues to scream demanding I needed to get out of her space. I explained that she, came up to me and we were waiting for family to get us. She then proceeded to start throwing insults in my face calling me every name in the book. A fat btch. An ugly cnt, just to name a few of the mellow ones. And when she started to talk shit about MY Bob. I told her to back the f*ck up and leave us alone. I can handle being yelled at but I don’t appreciate my partner getting berated.
That’s when it happened. She SPIT her nasty orange phlegmy spit ALL over my neck, mouth, and chest.
All Hell broke loose.
I am a 6ft tall, 200 and some pound woman at the time and I do not like to engage in physical altercations but my blood was boiling. It took everything in my power not to take that blizzard and dump it on her. I said something about her being a real Karen and kinda a btch and someone really must have sht in her cheerios this morning. She proceeded to call me a C U Next Tuesday and walk into the store.
Dumbfounded by what happened I walk to my mom’s manage my ex boss while wiping the spit off my chest and face and explain the whole situation. He seemed a little shocked about the situation. I mean so was I. I got SPIT ON.
He asked me what I wanted to do. Thinking back on it, I could’ve had her charged with assault but being horrible with confrontation and just getting over spending the first two months of my relationship with mono and going to the ER I didn’t want the next few months dealing with a police report. She got kicked out of the store instead and she got banned for harassment. I just went and told my mom about it.
Hearing from my friend later who works there as well Karen left, but not before claiming I had been the one to spit on her, not her spitting on ME. The Manager let her know he saw the spit on me and will be checking the cameras to see what happened. She was flabbergasted saying she’s going to sue the store for not banning me for being rude and bothering her nice day.
I cleaned myself up and enjoyed the rest of my day unbothered. Although I did take two showers that night, I do still wonder what flavor that blizzard was. AITA for asking about her blizzard flavor and the cheerios comment?
submitted by T1ny_Turtle_Kr1sp to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:58 marienbad2 New detective thing, short dialogue scene of her talking to the bartender in a bar where the victim met someone

I drive over to the bar on 44th Street. Doesn't take long to find it. It's got a black sign with silver writing on it, the name is spelled out in some florid style, similar to the Coke name on the cans, lots of flowing ornamentation, much more than on the actual Coke logo. Inside it's a chintzy place with some old 90s EDM playing, sounds a bit like The Chemical Brothers, that big beat style. It ain't loud. The place isn't busy at this time, there's a guy sat at the bar in an old, rumpled suit, and a few guys spotted around the place. There's CCTV all over the bar and I wonder how long they keep it for. I walk up to the bar and the bartender comes over. He's a tall, skinny guy with black pants and a black company top.
He looks me over. "What'll it be, toots?"
He's got a squeaky voice, sounds like he just got here from 1938. I show him my badge and then the picture.
"You know this guy?"
He looks at it carefully, as if he needs to inspect it to be sure. "Sure, sure. He comes here sometimes."
"When was he last here?"
He thinks for a second, rubs his chin. "About a month ago. Ain't seen him since then though."
"Was he with anyone?"
"Not when he arrived," he says with a knowing smile.
"So he met someone here?"
"Oh yeah." He fiddles with his wedding band. "Funny though, didn't think she was his type."
I look at his hands and then back at his face. "Married?"
"Did she work for him?"
"I don't know. They left together but another guy left with them," he says.
"What do you mean? They all left together? How did that work?"
He thinks again. "She was chatting with some girl, probably another worker but I ain't seen here around here before. Guy was sat at the bar and then she came to buy a drink. They talk a bit and then when she went back to her friend she kept glancing over. He gets up, walks to a booth, she joins him. They talked for a bit, I can't remember how long, but not long. Then this other guy comes in, sees them and joins them. She buys a round of drinks, they talk, drink up, and all three of them leave together."
I nod as if it makes sense. "What did they look like? The working girl and the guy?"
"Uh, the guy, he was a short-stack." He looks away when he realises what he's said to me. "Not tough looking, small, looked like someone who'd pay, if you know what I mean."
"Possibly. I ain't seen him in here before. He was smartly dressed, not a suit, but a shirt and nice slacks."
"And the girl?"
"Tall, blonde, fake though, bleached. Long legs, short skirt, tight top. You know what I'm saying, right? She's gotta suck 'em in. Worked like a charm from what I could see."
"You think he paid and went with her?"
"If they'd left alone, just the two of 'em I'da said yes, but with the other guy? Who knows. Maybe they wanted a three-way or something, but I didn't get the impression the two guys knew one another."
"What about the girl? She been in before? Did it seem like she knew the other guy, shorty?"
He shakes his head. "Not from what I seen. I didn't hear them talk, but he seemed to be introducing himself to them. Then he sat down and like I said, they talked, she bought drinks, they drank and talked and left. And she's a regular. I think she works nearby."
"Any idea where?"
He shakes his head. "I stay away from that stuff."
"Did this guy," I shake the picture, "talk to shorty when the worker bought the drinks?"
"I didn't look at them, I was making the drinks. They didn't seem to be talking when she got up and came over to the bar."
"So it looks like none of them knew one another but they all left together and she's a working girl?"
"About the size of it, yeah."
"Okay, thanks. One last thing, the CCTV; how long do you keep it for?"
"About a month."
"So they might be on it?"
"It's possible." He looks down the bar to where a guy is waving his glass. "I gotta go, sorry."
I nod and watch him walk off then head back to my car. I ponder what he told me, and realise I'm stuck. I can't think who the short guy might be, and the working girl matches to the description of any number of them in the city. I try to think of a working place nearby and can't figure any. I know a guy who works with them, tries to help them out, stop them working. He's a part of some local church as far as I know. I decide to pay him a visit.
submitted by marienbad2 to FictionSerials [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:41 Chris_Thompson7951 Limerence. The Heart's Cocaine. Can it turn a casual dalliance into a life destroying addiction to chasing the un·ob·tain·a·ble?

It was late November 2015. I was 51 and one year past my divorce (which was not related to cheating) when I became so disgusted with myself that I knew I had to pick myself up. I was alone for the long holiday, and although I wasn't really sad or lonely, I felt empty. However, I had some extra time to consider how does one picks oneself up.
I made a list of potential New Year resolutions that were individually realistic. Some were really easy and stupid like “have your chipped front tooth fixed” and “take & post a selfie”. These smaller tasks fueled my confidence and provided the energy boosts needed to tackle the more challenging resolutions, like starting a weight loss challenge at work.
Skip ahead to March 4th 2016. I had a Friday lunch date with a married client that I met two weeks prior. Of course, it was not a real date, as I wouldn't impose myself on a married woman, nor would I risk my career or my ego, especially if the signals she seemed to be sending were just a product of my wishful thinking, stimulated by checking off some boxes on the list on the fridge dated 1/1/16.
The following is my thank you note to her for a great date as well as for helping me check a lot of boxes over the past few weeks. I sent her a link to it as it is in the form of my first ever online post (one more check box, YAY!).
************************************** We were only 1 minute in the hotel room; her jeans in a ball on the floor. She sat at the foot of the king sized bed and backed her way into the stack of oversized pillows lining the headboard. I followed as If attached by a leash. I landed somewhat awkwardly on my elbows between her legs finding myself squarely face to face with the tattoo. This tattoo, that she so shamelessly revealed just a week ago, the same tattoo that has been scorching my thoughts and the same tattoo that she promised me complete and unlimited access.
It’s been a long time since I have been here or anywhere near as nice as here, between the legs of a beautiful woman 20 years younger and far out of my league....even when I was her age. I took a second to drink in my fortunate situation. I admired her panties. All day I was so hoping she would wear those same panties as before. She didn’t. These were different but similar enough. The delicate lace and silk perfectly framed the tattoo on her hip. She did not disappoint. There is a fruity jasmine scent, intoxicatingly pleasant, and oh so subtle. It is not here. I’ll need to find its source. I want more of that. (I remember being thoroughly impressed and thinking to myself “This girl is good”.)
I briefly forgot that there was someone else here besides myself and the tattoo. How long have I been down here perving out on her? I wondered. I hesitated, and then apologetically looked up half expecting a well-deserved snarky glare. What I found instead was an ear to ear compassionate smile followed by a tilt of her head and an arch of her eyebrow that said “I like that you like that, carry on”.
With confidence restored that we were still in sync, I adjusted myself so that I was in a good position to thoroughly enjoy what I came to do. I kissed the tattoo hard and gave it a good lick. The challenge for today was “Taste the Tattoo” and I won. I did a small celebration gesture that she rolled her eyes to. I continued to kiss and taste all around until every freckle got some personal attention. As I got to the upper most reaches of her inner thighs, I looked up to check in as I was about to cross a new line. For the first time she was not looking back at me but had laid her head back deep into the pillows, her eyes closed. I took that as a yes!
I marveled at the softness of her inner thighs on my cheeks as I gently placed kisses up one and down the other. As I kissed her through her panties, her hips responded by arching her up in anticipation of each next kiss. Before long, those wonderful panties were just getting in the way. I stopped and pondered whether to just slide them aside or remove them or to risk interrupting the mood and attempt a complete wardrobe removal as we were both still fully dressed except for her jeans.
I didn’t have to ponder long as she knew what she wanted and it was not any of the options I was considering. Still lying back with her head semi submerged within the pillows, she held out her arms as if gesturing for a hug. I moved up her body and when I got close enough she pulled me in for a kiss.
Unbelievably, this was our first kiss. I found it odd that we had not kissed yet and was grateful she thought to stop for a moment to have a kiss. We kissed some and then I settled in to thoroughly enjoy it. However, the kiss to come was not the kiss I was expecting or a kiss I was ready for. It was a kiss that could ruin everything.
Technically, there was one kiss before. It was an awkward kiss 5-10 minutes earlier just after we entered the room. All in about the time it took for the hotel door to close behind us, she tossed her bag on the sofa, had her jewelry off and set on the nightstand while I emptied my pockets and silenced my phone.
We approached each other, and as we met I was looking at the place where the tattoo would be under her shirt and behind her jeans. They were higher cut and could not be pulled down that far to get to the tattoo. They would have to come off. To just reach in and do that would be an uncharacteristically bold move for me. But I did have unquestionable permission to have the tattoo in any way that I desired. I reached down with both hands and took hold of the waistband on each side of the button. I didn’t see her simultaneous move in at me at first. Just as I felt the metal of the button, I felt her reaching her arms around my neck and realized that she was tip toeing up for a kiss. It caught me unexpectedly and I think it showed on my face that it did. I tried to recover and moved back in to accept her lips on to mine but it turned into an awkward peck.
I scolded myself for the selfish moment and just as I was trying to formulate a recovery gesture, she, without missing a beat, gently dismissed my fumble and gracefully restored the momentum. “Oh” she said with surprise in her tone, while looking down at my fingers ready to release her button. Then, in a more playfully quizzical tone, she followed with “I guess you want to get right to THAT then” and she stepped back away from me where I lost grip of her jeans. She replaced my fingers on the button with hers, paused, maybe waiting for me to look up to her eyes, which I finally did, then flashed me a devilishly naughty smile and pulled her jeans down to the top of her boots. She then proudly announced, mostly to herself, “You really are going to let me have fun with you, aren’t you!” seemingly shedding any doubts in her mind that I would go through with this. She then sat at the foot of the all white linen king sized bed, removed her boots and jeans and backed her way into the stack of oversized pillows lining the headboard.
Back to our kiss. The kiss that from now on I will reflect on as our first kiss
Responding to her hug gesture, I moved up her body and when I got close enough she pulled me in for a kiss. I didn’t flub it this time, but again, I didn’t know it was coming, and prolly I should have. It took only ten seconds to adjust and synchronize to each other’s kissing form. It was warm and succulent and sweet and was wonderful. I really was surprised at how nice this felt. I don’t recall married kissing being this enjoyable. I remember saying to myself “Damn, this girl can kiss”.
I was on top, in a position that wasn’t going to be comfortable for as long as I wanted this to last, so I backed away to reposition but she held tight indicating she didn’t want me to move. I gestured at the space next to her and she relented. We then settled in facing one another side by side; her smile confirming that this was a nice place. We were hugging and kissing, pulling each other closer and looking into each other’s eyes. Our legs intertwined and our hands were roaming, but not really in a sexual way, more like trying to make as much body contact as possible. I couldn’t get over how I felt so much more familiarity than there was. What I did not recognize at the time was that this was the physical intimacy catching up to match the virtual intimacy we have been sharing online.
Soon the intensity escalated and it was getting very hot very quickly. The intensity and passion that was building was not something I ever expected or planned for. This was the rare kind of making out where accidental hickeys happen and inadvertent “Oh god I love you’s” slip out. Not that either of those was going to happen but my safe, non-committal no emotional strings encounter was getting too hot to not risk introducing emotions into the situation. And that could happen.
At some point I was no longer kissing her lips and mouth but was kissing her.
I broke contact to catch a breath and maybe get some control of the fire. We stopped for a moment to breathe and cool off. She slid herself on top and I rolled over on to my back to accommodate her. She looked at me with eyes that appeared to agree that it was a good time to slow it down. She closed her eyes and she seemed to enjoy that I was rubbing her back with both hands that I slipped up under her shirt. She presented her lips for me to kiss and then her cheek for the same, then neck and ear and lips again. Her long hair had fallen down around us, surrounding our faces like a vail creating a tiny private and even more intimate space. Inside here it was darker and the temperature and humidity rose quickly. We were breathing each other’s breath between kisses. All of a sudden I noticed that Jasmine was back. Not subtle this time, but deep and fulfilling. I loved it.
This fragrance stuff really works. The next morning just after waking up, I caught an unexpected subtle whiff on my skin under my watch and my heart jumped by 20 beats. Who’d a thunk it possible?
The passion was building again but since I was aware and cautious now, I wanted to enjoy and go with it. I thought I could keep it measured and I did for a while as it does take two. The kissing slowed to half and so did the passion. However, the rest of our bodies started to make up for it and the touching evolved into the sexual. She was still on top of me and my hands were exploring and squeezing on her panty covered butt, then under and in those panties. Her body contact became more targeted as she was now very deliberately mashing her fun stuff all over my fun stuff. The kissing subsided but replaced with the audible accompaniment of her squeaks, moans and quicker breathing timed with her mashing I was no longer in control. The passion was under control but being replaced with something intimately erotic.
I abruptly escaped by gently rolling her over on to her back then getting up and knelling between her legs. I took a moment to catch my breath and wanted to say “That is getting WAY too intimate. Can we get naked and have sex now?” However, I tugged at her panties and said something dorky like “can we take these off now?” Yes, we were still both fully dressed except for her jeans
Since I am the kind of guy who doesn’t kiss and tell, (well, only tells about the kisses) and this is not the forum for it, I am not going to talk about the sexy part over the next 30 minutes. I will tell you that we did finally each get ourselves unceremoniously naked and then the sexy part finishes where it started, with me finishing all over that beautiful tattoo. Of course I did a small celebration gesture that she rolled her eyes to.
Cuddle time. Our snapchats leading up to this encounter were heavy on the anticipation and buildup but didn’t contain a lot of detail about or define what stuff would happen during our “fun” time together.
Me: “Ok then, tomorrow lunchtime, I’m in.”
Her: “OMG Are you saying that you are REALLY going to come here and let me have fun with you?
Me: “I’m REALLY going to come there. I am REALLY going to fully inspect that tattoo, as well as the neighborhood where the tattoo lives.
Her: “I so can’t wait to get my hands on you.”
Me: “WOW….Now that this is real and going to happen, my heart is beating so hard that I am afraid that people can see it through my shirt.”
Her: “You have to tell me, are you being SERIOUS right now? You can’t say this and not show up. It’s OK if you are teasing, but you have to say so that you are now….not tomorrow!!!”
Me: “I am SERIOUS and I PROMISE I will be there. You have gotten to me, BAD. All week with the way we have been talking..err..I mean snapchatting; I can’t get you out of my head. Then today with those tattoo snaps you sent; I can’t get up from my desk. LOL…..NOT kidding NOT teasing.”
Her: “I am BAD, and I like having FUN. I am going to have so much fun with you!!!”
The only specific things I recall us acknowledging we would do with our “fun” was tattoo inspection and cuddle time. So as soon as cleanup from sexy time was done we both knew what time it was. For me, as good as the inspection was the cuddle was better. Just as during the sexy time we changed things up and we got to cuddle many ways. We started face to face full contact hugging just like our kissing time with some but less kissing and more being in the moment.
We were still hot (temperature hot now) and sweaty so that didn’t last long. She turned over and we spooned some. I was still craving full body contact but it was still so hot that we had to separate a bit. No contact spooning if you will, with just my one hand caressing her exposed shoulder and arm and hip with an occasional butt cheek squeeze.
It was about that time that we had our first ever personal conversation. On the project there were lots of flirty banter and some personal stories but almost always as part of a group. We had many phone calls and a few project meetings with just us two but never did the conversation get personal. Until now the only personal talks (Chats) we have had have been via Snapchat. I don’t recall who asked the first question of the other, but it was like a dam broke and we started filling in the details of our lives, our feelings and all the things we chatted about.
There was a lot to tell and we were giddy like children (child) best friends re-meeting on the first day of school catching each other up on our summer vacations. At one point she had something compelling to say and faster than a fish out of water she flipped back to facing me so she could gesture with her hand and punctuate through her expression. She landed close. Closer that I think she meant to at first and just a bit awkward I felt. But I was wrong. She didn’t back up an inch. I really couldn’t see her hand but I could feel that she was using it in the 2 to 4 inches of space between our chests. Her face was right into mine. She would lean back or up just an inch when she wanted me to see her eyes or smile or frown for emphasis, then settle back into the pillows with our foreheads or noses or cheeks touching. It was the farthest thing in the world from awkward.
If there was a recurring theme for the day it would be HOT; in every sense and synonym of the word. Again, it was getting too sweaty to remain that close. This time she broke contact to catch a breath and escape the heat. We stopped talking for a moment to breathe and cool off. She sat up, crawled to, and grabbed the (sexy time) clean-up towel that was at the far foot of the bed. She turned around so that she was kneeling facing me as she brought the towel up to her chest to absorb the beads and drips of sweat that had accumulated. As I watched, I again thought of my great fortune to be right here right now feeing what I feel and seeing the beauty before me. She pushed the towel down across her belly button and it fell into her lap.
I observed the soft sunlight reflecting off the white sheets, the white towel, and the white pillows bathed her in perfect light creating just a hint of subtle shadows in all of the right places on her angelic white skin. I started consciously taking photos with my mind. I wanted to capture every nuance and note every detail. I don’t know if I will ever be here again.
I don't recall if my next realization was comprehended in a split second, or if it took ten seconds to develop, but a terrible fear washed over me that for the first time in forever, she was beyond my touch and her next action might be to look for her panties or go jump in the shower. We were after all, deep into the second hour of her hour long lunch.
As I was preparing myself for the pain soon to come, I couldn't understand where it was coming from. I had the BEST DAY EVER, but I felt like an exhausted child who just watched the Disney fireworks finally and knows what that means.
What the hell? What is happening in my head? I don't even know this girl, let alone have feelings for her beyond she made my dick feel good at lunchtime.....and, I guess my ego is healthier since I met her. I have not cheated on my diet since she turned on the flattery the week before. I was sure it had to be somehow manipulative, but I hoped that if only a 5% chance it wasn't AND she liked me AND her mom was single, made it easy to keep my snacking to peas & carrots.
My self esteem has been skyrocketing too, as I have been checking a lot of boxes on my refrigerator. LOL, so many in fact, that I have been adding things to the list after they happened that I didn't dare put on it as they seemed pretty unobtainable just two months before. "Get sent a nude selfie, check. Have the confidence to send one back, check. Take a hottie 32 year old client out to lunch and fuck her brains out, check.
Did I just discover that I like girls who make my self esteem feel good more than I like girls who make my dick feel good?
Shit, that wasn't even on my top ten list. Smart, funny, pretty, Kind, whatever is the opposite of bitchy, fun in bed, boobs and/or an age appropriate figure is always nice, curious, someone you can trust to see you at your worst. Before today, "genuinely being a boost & support of my self esteem" was 10th.
Then BAM. I was hit in the face with the towel. Damn girl, I hope you can handle a spanking because I was just on the verge of making an interpersonal discovery of some importance over here, I thought to myself. I noticed the slightest or possibly mock look of concern on her face as she asks "you're not having any regrets or second thoughts over there are you?". I reflexively replied "Oh god no". Then with some emphasys, I continued "today was incredible. I REALLY needed this and you were PERFECT, thank you".
Again she did not disappoint. She crawled to the top of the bed on the far side and then to me over the pillows and laid down at a 90 angle to me on her stomach parallel to the headboard with her head nearly right on top of mine. She propped herself up a bit on her elbows and we kissed deeply. It was nice.
I made a few attempts to shake my internal drama, get out of my head and get back to my goal of picking my self up after my divorce. Oops, I mean back to pleasing a beautiful woman who clearly was not yet done having her fun with me. The emotional rollercoaster ride over the last hours, days & weeks completely blew out my brains ability to generate or absorb endorphins or whatever happens in a situation like this. Shortly after we had joked around while showering together, kissing goodbye (just like when I kissed my endorphin killing ex wife) and going on back to our separate lives.
I drove the hour or so home, brought my dog to the park and had healthiest and happiest cry I ever had. I don't know what I was feeling or why, but I was feeling again and it brought me much relief and contentedness.
We texted a bit that evening confirming that we each enjoyed our time together and agreeing that we should do that again sometime. The next day, Saturday, her husband took their 5 & 8 year old sons somewhere for the day. We checked in with each other again over text and chatted some about our lunch but the spark or excitement we usually had was not the same.
I reached out again that evening and asked if she was in a place that we could talk on the phone. She resisted but did call me (our first personal phone call). It took her 24 hours to let her cry bubble up. It turns out that our emotional experiences were remarkably similar, albeit from different perspectives.
She much later reveals that she felt emotionally dead for her hubby. She evolved to a bad place where she wanted fuck anyone but her hubby but still fucked him twice a week and had to appear happy to do it, killing her brain chemistry.
We rode the best and worst roller coaster in the world for 6 or 8 months....until the the Cocaine eventually wore off or the unobtainable became obtainable and it wasn't the the same rush for either of us any longer. She was the closest thing to a drug addiction that I ever felt. I never wanted anyone or anything like I wanted her.
My hope is that this story helps one person answer the question "Why the hell would he/she risk giving up their wonderful & loving family for an hour with a douchebag or a skank?"
submitted by Chris_Thompson7951 to cheating_stories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:21 DawnEeveegirl Goth Character

I'm an artist and writer, and I need help making a character based on with a goth subculture.
Violet Campbell, is 16 year old girl, who like science and tinkering,(making tech with random bits and bobs). She lives with her Mum, her twin Azura and her little brother Charlie and their Dachshund, Cupcake. Violet's Mum is a psychiatrist. Violet's BFF, is Michelle, a cheerful, energetic, anime-loving girl.
Violet, is a smart girl but she is chill, and a little laid-back. At first she can seem a little mean, but as you get to know her she is surprisingly sweet. Violet is innovative and has a little robot called,(no name yet)
Violet, has a violet short and fluffy hair. She has blue eyes with square-framed glasses.
Her main attire is a black one shoulder top, with the devil star. Leather pants, with a chain with a Kumomi keyring (gifted by Michelle). She wears knee high shoes with thick heels. (I have a feeling I'm leaning more into grunge but if I am can people give me casual ideas, no skirts)
So what do you think? Please be honest, I really want to make a character outside of the stereotypes.
Also I really want to listen to some Goth music, any ideas on where to start? I have taste for rock. (Måneskin ect).
submitted by DawnEeveegirl to goth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:19 thisvideoiswrong Quick Looks 3: Vo'Quv Carrier

By my count, there are 15 T5 ships available for just dilithium or a level 40 token, which someone might want a starter build for to help them finish off the episode missions and start the reputation grind. My Strict Budget Build covers the three science vessels, the Baby Step series covers the three cruisers with tactical ensigns, Quick Looks 1 and 2 cover the Hegh'ta Bird of Prey and the Jem'hadar Escort, and there's definitely an argument to be made that some are just bad choices. But there was one more I wanted to take a look at here. This series will not be as thoroughly researched as those previous series, and it will not feature optimized skill builds (there are many resources for that), but the builds will be proven in the Badlands Battlezone and in solo Defense of Starbase One Advanced, as well as extensively parsed in the Wanted (Argala System) patrol with comparisons to similar builds. That should adequately demonstrate that they can get you whatever reputation marks you need, using only mission, basic (generally Mk XII uncommon) Exchange, and Phoenix Store items. Each build will be allowed one Mk XV item to maintain parity with the Strict Budget Build, usually a forward weapon. It's also easy enough to put these together that I could be persuaded to do more if there's a ship that deserves it.
So, why the Vo'Quv? Well it's in the name, it's a carrier. Hangar bays are expensive to boost in this game, but that means they have to be balanced to have pretty good base damage. In this case the two hangars did more than half the damage of most of the other builds in this series with hardly any support for them. The downside to carriers is that they often sacrifice a lot for those hangars. Not so for Flight Deck Carriers, which are pretty much full cruisers, or any of the single hangar types, but the science carriers like the Vo'Quv don't really have an obvious path to getting ship damage, especially on this budget. Their turn rate is terrible, which is a problem for most things, they have only 6 weapons so getting a lot from energy weapons is out, and they don't have a secondary deflector, which did do more on my science vessel build than the hangars did here.
So where did I end up, then? Well, with 6 science ability slots and not a ton of options I couldn't see not using them for some direct exotic damage. And since that required me to face forward, and the turn rate was terrible and I couldn't do much about it, I concluded that I'd have to use turrets in the rear with either beam arrays or single cannons forward, the two widest arc weapon combinations possible apart from pure turrets, although their damage potential is limited. The Chronometric set also seemed like a must have, providing a large amount of EPG and some Polaron cat1 from the tac console, and a bit of aux power from the 2 piece, but I wasn't sure whether I'd want the Morphogenic set or not, since it would mean sacrificing a cannon. Then, I went to the TRINITY DPS Calculator from STO BETTER and started plugging in some rough options. Single cannons outperformed beam arrays even with the Chronometric 3 piece, so that settled that, and getting the crtd from the Morphogenic 3 piece and Cannon Scatter Volley was well worth losing a forward cannon for the torp. Attack Pattern Beta proved a bigger contributor than expected thanks to boosting the exotic damage as well, which is why that's at 2 and CSV is at 1, and easily outperformed including a Torpedo Spread as well. Finally I switched the power settings away from a balanced configuration toward weapons over aux and aux over weapons, and the high aux version did best. So that was the build.
How did it perform? Well it was sluggish, obviously, I expected that. But the DPS was pretty impressive and was reflected in how quickly it got kills. And the survivability was pretty good, with a lot of hull and pretty good healing I really couldn't complain, except that it was so sluggish it was hard to run out of range and heal if I needed to. On the other hand when I did withdraw the fighters kept fighting, contributing to the highest Wanted Elite DPS of any of the builds in the table with only one attempt needed to survive the whole mission (the science vessel could do better by charging in and dying a couple of times, but needed to play cautiously and sacrifice its CPB to survive). They were even powerful enough to handle the Birds of Prey in Starbase One Advanced without any help from the mothership, potentially even without player input, which could be convenient.

Captain Details

Captain Name  Stilt   
Captain Career  Science   
Captain Faction  Federation   
Captain Race  Vulcan   
Primary Specialization  Temporal  The best specialization for exotic builds, as well as for ground builds and a good generalist option, it provides debuffs, damage boosts, EPG, and survivability 

Space Skill Tree

Rank  Engineering    Science    Tactical   
Lieutenant    Advanced Hull Capacity      Advanced Energy Weapon Training  Advanced Projectile Weapon Training 
Lt. Commander  Improved Electro-Plasma System Flow  Impulse Expertise  Improved Control Expertise  Drain Expertise  Targeting Expertise  Defensive Maneuvering 
      Control Amplification  Drain Infection     
Commander  Hull Plating        Advanced Weapon Amplification  Advanced Weapon Specialization 
Captain  Defensive Subsystem Tuning    Advanced Exotic Particle Generator  Advanced Long Range Targeting Sensors  Advanced Hull Penetration  Advanced Shield Weakening 
Admiral          Coordination Protocols  Advanced Tactical Readiness 
          Defensive Coordination   
          Offensive Coordination   
1 Points Left    11    26   

Space Skill Unlocks

Purchases  Engineering  Science  Tactical 
Hazard Emitters III  Science Team III  Tachyon Beam III 
Battery Expertise  Sector Space Travel Speed   
Feedback Pulse III  Photonic Shockwave III  Jam Sensors III 
10    Maximum Shield Capacity   
12      Tractor Beam III 
15    Control Resistance   
17      Viral Matrix III 
20    Shield Drain Resistance   
24 (Ultimate)      Focused Frenzy 
25 (1st Ultimate Enhancer)      Frenzied Assault 
26 (2nd Ultimate Enhancer)      Team Frenzy 
This skill tree is my generalist one from Strict Budget Build part 2, and it pretty much needs to be. This build relies on both energy weapon and exotic damage, so it can't afford to neglect either one. There are other generalist skill trees, of course, but that is what you'll need to be looking for, any single purpose tree isn't going to get the job done.

Ship Loadout: Vo'Quv Carrier

Slot  Item  Notes 
Fore Weapon 1  Polaron Cannon  The one Mk XV, single cannons are usually a poor choice, but they will outperform beam arrays forward/turrets aft and provide 180 degrees of firing arc 
Fore Weapon 2  Polaron Cannon  The Vo'Quv suffers from terrible turn rate so it doesn't want weapons with narrow arcs, but it needs to face forward for the exotic damage 
Fore Weapon 3  Morphogenic Polaron Energy Torpedo Launcher   Here for the 3 piece set bonus providing 30% crtd to the whole ship 
Aft Weapon 1  Heavy Chronometric Polaron Turret  Mostly need a turret, 2 piece provides some aux 
Aft Weapon 2  Morphogenic Polaron Energy Weapon   Another turret, and contributes to the 3 piece 
Aft Weapon 3  Polaron Turret  Just a turret 
Deflector  Solanae Deflector Array Mk XII Very Rare  Provides more EPG out of the box than any other mission reward 
Impulse Engines  Sol Defense Impulse Engines Mk XII Very Rare  With the bonus from getting hit this does just provide the best total turn rate out of the mission rewards at 14.7 degrees/s, replace with Fortified Competitive rep engines 
Warp Core  Obelisk Subspace Rift Warp Core  This build only hits 122 aux so this doesn't actually help, could consider Deuterium-Stabilized but the benefit is minimal 
Shields  Sol Defense Covariant Shield Array Mk XII Very Rare  2 piece is nice for survivability, alternative would be Jem'Hadar 2 piece for a bit of Polaron cat1. 
Devices  Exotic Particle Flood  Crafted in Science R&D. I do have to admit that the materials are a little hard to come by, and Admiralty (with account unlocked ships) is the best source I've found. 
  Deuterium Surplus  Evasive Maneuvers in battery form, and you can collect 4 per day from the Alhena system. 
  Delta Alliance Reinforcements Beacon  Handy damage boost 
3 Engineering Consoles  Console - Engineering - Trellium-D Plating Mk XII Very Rare  Good survivability console, could use a Neutronium instead 
  Console - Engineering - Polaric Modulator Mk XII Very Rare  Boosts Inertia, which is rare, as well as turn rate, and slipstream turn rate at warp 
  Console - Engineering - House Martok Defensive Configuration Mk XII Very Rare  Boosts turn rate and provides some survivability, an RCS would work too 
4 Science Consoles  Console - Science - Temporal Disentanglement Suite Mk XII Very Rare  Nice crit and durability boost, plus some power. 
  Console - Science - Temporally Shielded Datacore Mk XII Very Rare  Slightly less EPG than Particle Generators but it makes up for it with the CtrlX 
  Console - Science - Particle Generator Mk XII Uncommon  Just need EPG 
  Console - Science - Particle Generator Mk XII Common   
2 Tactical Consoles  Console - Tactical - Morphogenic Matrix Controller Mk XII Very Rare  For the 3 piece and some polaron cat1 
  Console - Tactical - Chronometric Capacitor Mk XII Very Rare  Good EPG, some aux from the 2 piece, and some Polaron cat1, and this build uses all of it 
2 Hangar Bays  Hangar - To'Duj Fighters  These provide more DPS than any other hangar that's available by default, and they come with the ship, they will die in heavy AoE content, otherwise use two 
  Hangar - Delta Flyers  These have slightly less DPS than To'duj but almost never die in any content, but do require a level 65 KDF character for Cross Faction Flying. Could substitute B'rels for more DPS loss 

Officer Details

Bridge Officers     
Lt. Commander Tactical  Tactical Team I  Shield distribution and debuff clear, may cause firing cycle problems but I haven't seen it 
  Cannon: Scatter Volley I  Excellent weapon damage buff and also spreads APB to up to 3 targets 
  Attack Pattern Beta II  Unusual to slot this above the firing mode, but it boosts every damage source and weapon damage is only ~1/4 of the total 
Lt. Commander Engineering  Emergency Power to Engines I  More than doubles speed and provides +2 turn rate, essential mobility for any build 
  Auxiliary to Structural I  Excellent heal and damage resist, and on a very short cooldown 
  Emergency Power to Weapons III  Major energy weapon damage boost 
Commander Science  Hazard Emitters I  Good hull heal and debuff clear 
  Destabilizing Resonance Beam Good exotic damage, used with GW 
  Photonic Officer II  Cooldown reduction 
  Gravity Well III  Good exotic damage and control 
Lieutenant Science  Science Team I  Shield heal and debuff clear 
  Tyken's Rift I  Exotic damage, alternate with GW 

Traits & Duty Officers

Trait  Name  Description  Notes 
Personal Traits  Astrophysicist    A little bit of EPG 
  Cannon Training    A little more cannon damage 
  Conservation of Energy    Significant exotic damage while solo, but stacks don't last long 
  Deft Cannoneer    Boosts turn rate by 1, on this build we need it, from Cannons R&D 
  Fleet Coordinator    One of the best traits in the game when on a team 
  Give Your All    Excellent hull damage resistance, from Engineering R&D 
  Operative    Some extra crit 
  Particle Manipulator    The most powerful trait for exotic damage, +50%/+29.6% crth/crtd on this build, from Science R&D 
  Photonic Capacitor    Extra Photonic Fleet is nice to have 
Starship Traits  None    Unconventional Tactics from completing Strategist is definitely worth slotting here, but I kept it cheap. 
Space Reputation Traits  None    You'll start picking these up very quickly, Precision and Advanced Targeting Systems are top picks. 
Duty Officers  Projectile Weapons Officer    "Law" from A Fistful of Gorn, a bit of a pain to get there, but worth having 
  Projectile Weapons Officer    A common included in my first duty officer pack 
  Astrometrics Scientist    Uncommon, also in my first pack, handy to have set 
  Conn Officer    From Phoenix, a must have for mobility in any build 
This table shows all damage sources in one Wanted Advanced run, with multiple lines from the same source summed together.
Source DPS
To'Duj Fighters 6594
Delta Flyers 4504
Gravity Well 3571
Photonic Fleet 3170
Polaron Cannons 2889
Destabilizing Resonance Beam 1728
Chronometric Turret 1156
Polaron Turret 1001
Morphogenic Turret 994
Morphogenic Torpedo 855
Tyken's Rift 839
Drain Infection 708
Entropic Rider 144
Table formatting brought to you by ExcelToReddit
Now, let's talk keybinds. In STO on PC you're going to want to learn keybinding eventually, and most of it's not too hard and can be done through the chat window (although it is arguably better to create a separate text file with your binds, that's more complicated). The first thing I always do is to set up a secondary fire weapons button through settings, usually V, just in case I screw up and my intended fire keybind doesn't work. While I'm there I usually set Distribute Shields to Left Shift, it's a pretty good survivability boost, although a lot of people do say it can mess up firing cycles, but personally I've never noticed a problem. Then, the commands you'll want to know are "FirePhasers" or "FireAll", "+power_exec Distribute_Shields", and "+TrayExecByTray # #", where # is a number. Note that the list of commands needs quotation marks around it, and commands should be separated by "$$". So if you typed the following into the chat: /bind y "+TrayExecByTray 0 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 0 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 1 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 1 3" That would create a keybind so that y would activate the first and second abilities in the row labeled 1, and the third and fourth abilities in the row labeled 2 (0 in a keybind means 1 in the UI, 1 means 2, 2 means 3, etc., that's just how it works), starting with the fourth ability in 2 and then proceeding backwards. From there on in it's personal preference, put things where they feel natural to you, where you're used to them being. What I use has evolved naturally over time, I make no claims that it's efficient, just that I'm used to it, and I use it on everything. For fire weapons, distribute shields, Emergency Power abilities, cooldown reduction, often Aux to Structural, and anything else I just want to keep active I use spacebar, like this: /bind space "FireAll $$ +power_exec Distribute_Shields $$ +TrayExecByTray 6 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 6 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 6 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 6 3 $$ +TrayExecByTray 6 4" That's the first 5 slots in row 7, which is usually enough. Then for my firing modes, Attack Pattern Beta, and so on, things with short cooldowns I activate as I attack, I use the 7 key, no good reason for that it just happened, and the first 4 slots in row 3: /bind 7 "+TrayExecByTray 2 0 $$ +TrayExecByTray 2 1 $$ +TrayExecByTray 2 2 $$ +TrayExecByTray 2 3" And finally for my exotic builds I always put Gravity Well and Destabilizing Resonance beam on 2, using the next two slots in row 3, although it is true that the usual logic behind that doesn't apply here, I just did it out of habit: /bind 2 "+TrayExecByTray 2 4 $$ +TrayExecByTray 2 5" That's all the keybinds I use, everything else I activate manually, one at a time, but it does compress 13 keys I might want to be pressing down to 3, which helps a lot.
Now, the difficult thing about this build is that I really don't know how to suggest upgrading it, apart from the obvious necessity of some Competitive Reputation engines to get their Overcharge to improve turn rate, I made sure to use Aux to Structural to pair with the Fortified version of those. The damage is very divided between different types, with about 40% from hangars, 25% from exotics, and 21% from energy weapons, and it's not getting a lot out of any of them, but I'll provide my own ideas and the STO BETTER Basics links for all three. Currently the biggest damage source is the hangars, but trying to improve those would be expensive. Ideally you'd like to pick up Superior Area Denial from the Mirror Strike Wing Escort lockbox ship, or at least the Independent Wingmate space trait, but those are very expensive compared to this build. Even the more minor and less powerful Advanced Engineering – Hangar Craft Power Transmission consoles are starting at 1 million energy credits each on PC for either a Mk XII with a useless mod or a Mk II with an [EPG] mod, or 5 million for a Mk II with [Polaron], while Swarmer Matrix is going for 7 million. If you wanted to work on exotic damage you could of course pick up the Temporal reputation two piece, and then you might want Subspace Vortex or Very Cold in Space to replace the heals with some more damage, but those will cost you 9 million each, and really you'd want to pair them with Spore Infused Anomalies from the Somerville or Batlh C-store ships for a truly potent source of exotic damage. You might be able to get good exotic damage out of the Gravimetric Photon and Particle Emission Plasma torpedoes after picking up the Competitive engines, and those aren't as expensive, but they do give you a much narrower arc. And if you wanted to improve the energy weapons, of course there are reputation items you can pick up starting with the Discovery reputation shield, but you're pretty limited by the combination of poor turn rate and forward firing exotics. You could try to switch to dual (heavy) cannons, probably moving the torpedo to the rear and dropping the plain turret, but I don't think I'm a good enough pilot to pull that off even with Competitive engines, which would leave you with single cannons which have underwhelming base damage and very few set items to support them. I just don't know what direction to go in to make a really impactful improvement in this build.
Finally, here's the table of DPS testing in the Wanted patrol for all five equivalent budget builds. The Luna used the original, unaltered Strict Budget Build, using the mentioned swap of Emergency Power to Shields instead of Aux to Structural for better survivability against non-Borg. The Vor'cha sat somewhere between parts one and two of the Baby Step series, meaning it had exactly the same consoles as the Hegh'ta BoP and similar ones to the Jem Escort, and the beam equivalents of the phaser weapons, with exactly the abilities and personal traits in the Baby Step posts. It must also be said that the Vor'cha and Vo'quv were the only builds to never die on elite difficulty, and the Vor'cha was definitely the toughest, although all the builds took about 20 minutes to get through the mission so using them at that difficulty is a bad idea. The Hegh'ta of course used the Quick Looks 1 build, and the Jem Escort used the Quick Looks 2 build.
Elite (DPS thousands) Advanced 1 (DPS thousands) Advanced 2 Advanced 3 Advanced 4 Advanced Average
Hegh'ta Heavy BoP 20.0 20.1 21.5 22.5 23.2 21.8
Jem'hadar Escort 19.3 23.4 20.6 21.8 19.7 21.4
Vo'quV Carrier 27.3 26.3 28.2 26.6 25.2 26.6
Luna Science Vessel 24.8 31.4 28.3 27.9 27.0 28.6
Vor'cha Battlecruiser 15.1 15.0 14.1 14.8 14.6 14.6
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submitted by thisvideoiswrong to stobuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:53 SnooEagles8555 Visual Studio keeps popping up error messages

Hey guys, I hope this is the right subreddit, but I needed to get this done direly. I get these three error messages popping up everytime I boot up my current C# file. These three messages pop up and will always reappear shortly after being closed, hence blocking a good portion of the screen.
The only solution so far is making a new C# Project, and like 50% of them will develop the issue I'd assume. I've had this issue also in the past, some files I keep working on somehow develop the issue after closing and reopening them. Chat GPT is of no use solving this too.
submitted by SnooEagles8555 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:26 Aeogeus Do Not Fight Monsters

“What do you mean it’s wrong?” said Tamara, becoming frustrated with Samuel.
“I'm trying to tell you that plants do not eat earth. They just absorb nutrients from it,” Samuel replied, equally annoyed as this was the fourth time he had explained it. “Look, just take my word for it, OK,” he added.
“Fine, but you will have to explain it again,” Tamara retorted.
Samuel and Tamara were partners in a scientific study of their forest home. It was genuinely idyllic in every sense of the word; the trees stretched high into the sky, and everyone was covered in succulent leaves, a deep and gorgeous shade of green. Around their trunks were rings of flowers gathered from every continent, and a thick carpet of grass lay on the ground.
The two sat underneath a chestnut tree, writing up their findings for the day. It had focused mainly on tree sizes and growth rates, and they had continued this study for, on and off, almost a year.
Samuel turned to look at his assistant and found that she was just as remarkable as the day they had first met: golden locks, like living sunlight, tied neatly in a bun. Her eyes were an emerald green, and all in all, she was gorgeous. However, it was when you came to her waist that things became truly incredible because rather than a pair of legs, there was a long and wide snake’s tail.
It was huge, at least seven metres long and as wide as her torso. The scales were the same beautiful colour as her hair and reflected the sunlight in such a way that she appeared to glow. She was wearing an ultramarine tunic with a black diamond in the centre. She was like this not because of a plague, a curse or some mutation; Tamara was a Lamia; it was how she was born.
Samuel, on the other hand, looked far less impressive. He was around five foot ten, with dull brown hair and equally dull eyes. His stomach stuck out from the rest of him. No amount of exercise was able to get rid of it.
He was by every description a ‘dull as dishwater’ human. His clothes, however, were slightly more interesting. He wore a navy blue tunic with a thick leather belt wrapped around his waist. On his feet was a pair of excellent leather boots, able to withstand whatever the world threw at them and on his forearms and shins, he wore something Tamara had never seen or even heard of before: a pair of vambraces and greaves, Samuel called it armour.
Three strips of rugged leather layered on top of one another made up each piece, and between each layer was a collection of tiny metal beads. When Tamara asked what they were for, Samuel said they were for protection.
All of this would have been inconceivable to Samuel two years ago, but he had become used to it in time. Samuel was not born into this world; he had arrived. How? He did not know, but he remembered it all vividly; his senses had been overloaded, and at first, he believed he had died.
“What’s wrong?” Tamara asked Samuel, who had been silent for over a minute.
Samuel snapped out of his daydream and said: “nothing, just thinking about that day again.”
Tamara nodded and said nothing else; she knew exactly what was wrong.
Samuel went straight back to writing. When Samuel first showed up, there had been no paper or pens, but what was even stranger than the lack of these apparent necessities was that Samuel had had to invent both of these items.
Tamara and those like her did not possess a written language; they relied entirely on their memories, and until Samuel had shown up, Tamara had not even conceived of the notion, but she had picked it up astonishingly quickly.
“It still sounds like eating to me,” said Tamara, bringing the conversation back to the original topic.
“Well, it isn’t; eating requires a mouth and stomach,” Samuel replied.
“Says who?” Tamara asked defiantly.
“Says me,” Samuel answered.
Samuel jotted down the last of his notes and left the pages to dry in the sun. Samuel then turned to his right and looked at a large book, the size of a chair’s seat, bound in yellow leather and knotted by animal tendons. He picked it up and began to leaf through the pages.
His eyes glanced over paragraphs about oak trees and orchid flowers until he finally reached the section he sought; the page was titled Silver Birch (Betula Pendula).
“Have you finished the drawing on Silver Birch yet?” Samuel asked without looking.
Tamara was currently focused on a drawing of sunflowers, but she understood his request and, without looking up or saying a word, handed him the picture he wanted.
Samuel took the drawing and took several moments admiring it. Like all her work, the picture was astounding; not only did it look like an actual Silver Birch, but it also seemed to be alive, as though it would start blowing in the breeze.
Samuel punched four holes along the sheet's left side, undid the tendon strings and then attached the drawing behind the title page. He added eight more pages to his book, four of text and four illustrations.
Their work was now done; there was no more writing or drawing today, and he placed their work into a knapsack Tamara had brought with her. Samuel turned to his partner and asked: “so what do you want to do now?”
Tamara looked up through the canopy and could make out the silhouettes of several birds and finally said: “I’d quite like to fly.”
Samuel smiled, chuckled and said, “Yes, so would I, but that would require every member of the village working together for decades.”
Tamara looked Samuel in the eye and said: “are you making fun of me?”
Samuel did not reply; he just looked Tamara dead in the eye. She observed every minute twitch on Samuel's face and concluded he was not.
“How could a person fly?” She asked, suddenly intrigued.
“I don’t know, I’m not an engineer,” Samuel answered, “So apart from flying, what else do you want to do?”
Tamara let out a sigh and said: “I guess we will just have to walk.”
These were the moments Samuel lived for, just a quiet afternoon with his best friend enjoying a stroll; he was utterly content.
“You seem chipper,” Tamara said, noticing the growing smile on Samuel’s face.
“That’s because I feel chipper” he replied
They passed through the trees, heading towards their favourite spot, a beach by the side of a lake so large you could not see the other side.
“So, how is everyone?” Samuel said, trying to spark a conversation.
“You mean every single one because that could take a while?” Tamara replied.
“Let’s start with your mother” he clarified.
Tamara’s mother, Pancha, was more or less just a larger version of her daughter, just as brash and headstrong.
“She’s fine; she has finally stopped asking me what happened every time I come to meet you,” she said.
“Really, and it only took her two and a half years,” said Samuel with a smirk.
Yes, that first year here, had been a real trial. Samuel had never felt so scared, isolated and persecuted in his life. When he thought about it, he could still feel the fear and the hopelessness.
A gust of air slammed into Samuel’s face, bringing him back to the present, and what a wonderful time it was. The water was crystal clear, the beach was covered in sparkling white sand, and the distinct aroma of water wafted through the air. Samuel breathed it all in as Tamara spread herself over the beach.
The cooling breeze that Samuel found so enjoyable, Tamara found far less agreeable. Tamara was ectothermic or cold-blooded. She could not maintain her body temperature; she needed to absorb it from her environment, and the wind was slowly draining her.
“Comfortable down there?” Samuel asked.
Tamara turned her head, looked up at him and said: “Actually, yes, not as good as my bed, but still fine.”
Samuel left Tamara to her thermoregulation and strolled down to the water’s edge, “stay where I can see you!” Tamara called.
“Yes, MOM,” Samuel answered sarcastically, though he knew it was more for Tamara’s sake than his; she had a problem with open spaces.
Samuel closed his eyes, stretched his arms above his head, feeling his muscles strain against the tension, and yawned. Small tears formed in his eyes and wiped them away. He had only been up for a few hours but was ready for bed.
“Too much thinking, that was the problem,” Samuel mumbled to himself.
The sunlight sparkled on the water’s surface. It seemed as though millions of diamonds were suddenly brought into existence, danced for a few moments, and then vanished as quickly as they came. It was beautiful, just like everything else here.
He climbed up a rock that jutted from that sand and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge. As he kicked his legs, a ray of sun caught his greaves, and although the leather was rather dull, it still dazzled him.
Samuel heard a sound reminiscent of sandpaper brushing against wood, and he knew at once what it was. He waited four more seconds and said, without moving an inch, “Don’t even think about it!”
“How did you know?” Tamara asked, feeling simultaneously impressed, confused and disappointed.
Samuel looked her in the eye and replied: “who do you think you’re dealing with?”
Tamara had not clambered up the rock like Samuel; she had simply raised herself on her tail so she stood over two metres high.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked.
Tamara smiled and answered, “yes, thanks for asking.”
Tamara moved behind Samuel and then began to coil around the boulder, and if he had not experienced it all before, it would have been unnerving. Tamara was only twelve and a half, yet she was already far stronger than him. Samuel was sure if Tamara really wanted to, she could crush a bison to death. After the graceful dance around the stone, she sat down beside Samuel.
The pair was silent for a few minutes, except for a quick coughing fit by Samuel; they took in the unnatural beauty of their surroundings.
“Hey, I have a question,” said Tamara, coming back to her senses.
“What is it?” Samuel replied.
“You still haven’t told me why we are studying the forest?” She asked.
In an instant, Samuel became deeply confused. To him, it seemed all too obvious why they were doing it.
“There is no practical reason for doing it. We do it so that we know,” Samuel answered.
Tamara became silent. Samuel realised that she was deep in thought and decided to give her all the time she needed until she finally said: “Is this one of those human things?”
Samuel, upon hearing this, gave a small chuckle and answered: “yes, if you like.”
Suddenly, something caught Samuel’s eye. It was a crab, no bigger than a golf ball. Its back was powder blue, and it held its arms upright, its claws pointing down. The tiny creature would walk forward, scoop some sand into its mouth, and then leave a small pellet behind.
“Look at that!” said Samuel, nudging Tamara’s shoulder and pointing at the tiny crustacean. Tamara turned her head and looked directly at where he was pointing; she strained her eyes at what she thought was a pebble; she was about to climb down and collect it when it suddenly moved, and she squealed.
Tamara dragged the bottom end of her tail up from the beach and timidly said, “What’s that?”
Samuel remembered that tone of voice all too well, and it brought with it some unpleasant memories, but he pushed them to the back of his mind and said: “it’s a crab.”
Samuel was certain he had seen this type of crab before but could not put a name to the image. Samuel was sure he had read about them, watched a documentary, or attended a lecture, but he could not remember. Ultimately, he decided to drop it for now and see if the answer would come to him.
Tamara kept staring at it as though she believed it would pounce if she took her eyes off it for one second.
“Is it dangerous?” she asked, her voice hushed to ensure the creature did not notice her.
Samuel sighed and answered: “it’s a crab, Tamara, unless you happen to be a nematode then…”
Samuel paused mid-sentence as his brain finally connected the dots and asked, “Wait, you have never seen a crab before?”
This perplexed Samuel for a moment until he remembered that Tamara did not have a television, a car, and she could not fly a plane, so it was not unexpected that she would not know what a crab was.
Tamara shook her head in response to his question, and Samuel added: “you know what a woodlouse is, right?”
Tamara nodded and said, “I like woodlice.”
“Well, a crab is just a type of woodlouse that lives near water,” Samuel concluded.
However, he could tell from her face that she was unconvinced, so he got off the rock, walked over to the tiny creature, wary of its pincers, and picked it up by its backside.
“What are you doing?” Tamara called in alarm.
Samuel held the animal, its legs flailing wildly in an attempt to escape, and said, “showing you there is nothing to be worried about.”
Taking care not to crush it, Samuel clambered back up the rock and presented the animal to her. Tamara stared at it for some as the crab bobbed its eye up and down and tried in vain to find a part of Samuel it could nip.
“It’s actually kind of… cute,” Tamara said after two minutes of silence.
She relaxed her tail and let it rest on the beach once more. “Can it hold it?” She asked Samuel, fear being replaced by interest.
“Of course, you can. Just make sure you hold it by its back and be careful of the pincers; if they get you, it will hurt.”
Samuel handed the crab over to her and watched as Tamara began to inspect the animal from every angle. The crab had a white underbelly and purple joints.
“You think you could draw it from memory?” Samuel asked.
“Hmm?” Tamara replied. Samuel let out a sigh and repeated. After three more attempts, Tamara finally took notice and said, “Yes.”
Five minutes later, Samuel said, “we should probably put him back now.”
Tamara moaned about it, but Samuel said: “he has his own life, Tamara; you can’t keep him!”
She conceded, grumbling under her breath, and gently placed the animal back on the sand. As the crab dashed away, the two noticed that while they had been fixated on that single crab, thousands more had emerged on the beach.
Upon seeing the swarm of animals make their way across the beach, Tamara let out a squeal and once again pulled her tail up off the beach. The army of crabs marched along the shore. The collective walking produced a sound loud enough to hear from fifty metres away, and at last, Samuel remembered what they were and said, with no small amount of satisfaction in his voice, “they’re soldier crabs.”
“What are they going to do?” Tamara asked, concerned by the sudden appearance of so many creatures.
Samuel kept staring at the gathering, but he heard her question and replied, “They’re just feeding,” and added quickly, “But we are far too big for them.”
“That's odd,” Samuel said under his breath.
“I know there are so many of them,” Tamara said, deeply unnerved by the sheer vastness of the swarm.
“No,” Samuel said, “There should be this many of them; it’s where they are that is strange.”
Tamara momentarily took her eyes off the army and asked, “So where should they be.” There was a slight flicker of fear in her voice at the prospect of being invaded; rats and mice where bad enough. They did not need another pest.
“By the sea, not a freshwater lake,” he answered.
“The Sea?” Tamara almost yelled. Samuel was a little surprised by this enthusiasm and turned to face her.
“Yes,” he said.
“Have you ever been to the sea,” she asked.
“Yes, many times,” Samuel said, uncertain where this was going.
“I bet it’s wonderful,” Tamara added with a smile.
Samuel was silent as his brain connected a few dots and asked: “how can you know about the sea if you don’t know about crabs?”
She smiled; Tamara enjoyed it when she knew something that he did not, “there is a story that my mom told me that before we came to this forest, we were a different people that lived by the sea.” Tamara paused for a breath.
“But then humans came and drove us from the water, and we fled inland. Our people split into two. One half went to the mountains, and the other settled in the forest.”
Tamara finished and waited for his reply. Samuel, however, just kept looking at her. Tamara was concerned that she had upset him; he did not like it when humans were labelled as the enemy, yet his face and posture were not those of one who was sad or angry.
“You people blame us for everything, don’t you?” Samuel said with a chuckle.
“If there is a fire, it’s a human’s fault. If there is an earthquake, it’s a human’s fault. If a little Boreray boy drinks all their apple juice in one gulp, it’s a human’s fault.”
“So, getting back on topic, where did these “Soldier crabs” come from anyway? We have visited this lake for over two years and never seen even a glimpse?” Tamara asked. Samuel looked back to the slowly advancing army, and several ideas flashed through his head.
“Maybe they have been dormant up until now; perhaps they make a large circle around the lake shore, and it’s simply luck that we were here on the day they passed by, or maybe the migrated here from somewhere else.”
They watched the crabs' ceaseless march until Tamara said, “These things are still giving me the creeps. Can we go now?” Samuel could not argue that there was something eerie about all of these animals appearing, seemingly, from nowhere; however, there was still one thing he had to be certain of.
“You think you could draw one from memory?” he asked.
Tamara’s face contorted in a scowl. Samuel, for all his good points, could become far too focused on his research, which often caused him to become ignorant of other people.
Yet she knew sitting here yelling at him would accomplish nothing, so she told him the truth: “Yes, can we go now!” Samuel nodded and then slid off the rock. Tamara copied him, and they both slinked back to the cover of the trees.
Now that she was beneath the canopy, Tamara let out an enormous sigh of relief as the anxiety slowly left, and the close air warmed her body. On the other hand, Samuel began to chafe at the stagnant air while his head began to bead with sweat, but it was nothing he had not experienced before, so he gritted his teeth and bared with it.
With their plans now ruined, Tamara and Samuel wandered aimlessly through the woods, chatting about what they could do to fill the rest of the day. Several ideas arose, including visiting a nearby waterfall and a set of monument stones, but none truly appealed to them.
In the end, Tamara said, “how about we just call it a day?”
Samuel was happy about this. Tamara was his only form of human contact, yet he could not deny the pointlessness of wandering around the woods, so he said, “Ok, but let’s take the long way.”
Samuel heard a sound above him and saw a red squirrel scampering through the trees.
“Is it difficult?” Tamara asked.
Samuel looked at Tamara and replied, “Well, it can give me a crick in my neck sometimes.”
Tamara let out a short laugh and clarified, “No, I mean, is it difficult being so inquisitive? It looks exhausting.”
He was not entirely sure what she meant by that. To Samuel, Tamara was every bit as curious as him, so he stated: “you tell me, you went out looking for me just because you wanted to know.”
“True,” answered Tamara, “and everyone has always said that I am always asking questions, but you’re like a boar that just ate sugar beat.”
“I have no idea what that means,” Samuel said, shaking his head. “But I do know that people always told me, when I was a boy, that humans are, by their nature, infinitely curious, but personally, I think that it’s just how I was born.” there was a pause, and he quickly added, “just like you.”
Tamara’s fingers started to numb as she brushed them against the bark of passing trees. She took a good look at the trees around her. Tamara had lived her entire life sheltered by these trees. This place was her home, her family’s home and her friend’s home, and she loved it, a perfect example of the innate beauty of nature.
Samuel, however, was of a different opinion this forest disturbed him, though this feeling had diminished with time. The trees all grew in perfect symmetry, four and a half strides form each other.
From Tamara’s perspective, there was nothing strange about this, yet Samuel often said that this should not be possible, that the wood should be a mess and that the trees should grow in an unorganised fashion. Yet to Tamara, the idea of messy forests was just as impossible as a structured one was to him.
Noon came and went, and Samuel’s stomach began to rumble. His breakfast was becoming a distant memory; he thought he might be able to bear it for another hour or so, but as they travelled closer to the village, Tamara started to become irritated by Samuel’s constant growling.
“We need to find you something to eat before that sound drives me nuts!” Tamara stated bluntly.
“That’s all well and good, my dear, so long as you can materialise food out of the aether,” answered Samuel, with just a hint of condescension in his voice.
Tamara did not know what the aether was, but it did not matter. “No, but I do know a nearby tree with some great fruit in it,” she replied.
Samuel found this strange for two reasons. Firstly, he found it very difficult to believe there was a source of food in this forest that either he had not found, or Tamara had not told him about yet.
Secondly that, Tamara would know much about something she could not eat. Tamara was strictly carnivorous; she ate nothing but meat.
He wanted answers fast and asked: “So why haven’t you told me about this before?”
“Because I can’t stand the smell, that’s why, and I didn’t want you stinking up the place,” she explained.
“If it smells disgusting, what makes you think I will eat it?” he asked.
“Because the Boreray can’t get enough of it, some of them say that they taste like all the best parts of every fruit and vegetable we grow, which is a shame because they smell like all the worst,” she added.
He asked no more questions. He was too busy thinking; this fruit sounded so familiar, but he could not remember. The need to survive day in day out had pushed most of his standard learning, from school and university to the back of his mind, not forgotten mind you just buried.
I'm back with Tamara and Samuel latest adventure. If you like what you've read so far and want to know where it's going you can find the complete story by following the links below.
If you do decide to read ahead please leave a review or rating, every single one helps immensely, and helps me keep doing what I'm doing.
Also the e-book will be at a reduced price until the last chapter it published on reddit.
submitted by Aeogeus to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 08:17 MapleSugar87 AITA For Insulting Someone Who Was Cockeyed?

I use to work with a team of 10-12 other girls and we all pretty much got along with each other.
You had this one girl, let’s just call her “Susan”. Well Susan was one of those girls that wore “orange” fondation, bleached her hair blonde - white, wore low riding jeans so you could see her string riding up her back…
Susan and I worked “well” together, despite the fact that I didn’t like her too much bcuz I always try to remain professional at work no matter who I’m working with on my shift, but it’s hard to do this when Susan likes to make fun of you..
I was the chubbiest girl out of us all but it had never bothered me before and as mentioned, we all pretty much got along with each other.
it was the early 2000s, I had purchased my FIRST low riding jeans: pure white. But as I am artistically talented I jazzed up those jeans with song lyrics, ripped knees, added some spikes and other bling… I did a pretty good job for a DIY project and so they became my favourite pair of pants. I wore them ALL the time.
One day, I was wearing my fav jeans, it was a shift rotation so we had like 6 or 7 people all hanging around about to log on/log off) when Susan out of nowhere just decided to blurt out to me in front of of the girls “you know, it’s so funny how we all mostly have the same haircut” (she was the only one who bleached her hair and had hers cut in a short Bob, while the rest of us had long hair coloured between brown to black) “and yet, the best way to tell each other apart from the back is you’ve got the biggest ass here” and she tried to laugh and make it seem like it was nothing, but nobody else laughed and just kinda fell awkwardly quiet.
All her rude comments to me, always side eyeing me and making fun of me… I couldn’t hold back so I replied “yeah? That’s cool. At least when I insult someone I can look at them straight in the eyes”.
She never bothered me again 😎👉👉
submitted by MapleSugar87 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:54 EJC28 Giants 2024 Draft Analysis Compilation

Round 1, Pick 6 - Malik Nabers, WR, LSU:
NFL: Nabers possesses the competitive fire and instincts teams look for in an elite receiver. The LSU wideout is a big-time playmaker who can make the game easier for Daniel Jones with his route-running and yards-after-the-catch ability, turning short passes into big gains for Big Blue.
CBS Sports: A+. I love this pick for the Giants. It says they didn’t believe in the quarterbacks who were left and now they get a playmaker on the outside. This kid will be a star.
ESPN: It's hard to have complaints landing a receiver as explosive as Nabers, especially once it became evident that getting any of the top three quarterbacks (Caleb Williams, Jayden Daniels and Drake Maye) wasn't possible. The Giants talked with New England on Thursday about pick No. 3 for Maye. But the decision was always in New England's hands. That was the problem with landing outside those top three picks. The Giants clearly weren't willing to settle for former Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Follows the ‘Draft Day’ Day tradition, even this year.
Round 2, Pick 47 - Tyler Nubin, S, Minnesota:
NFL: Nubin might lack a superpower as a prospect with no special trait, but he does a lot of things very well. He can be the Giants' post safety as an assignment-sound defender who will bring excellent intensity and commitment to the locker room.
CBS Sports: B-. Film is first-round caliber. Such a cerebral player with outstanding ball skills and solid range. Amazing ball skills. Will find the ball if it’s in his area. Best away from the line patrolling. Some stiffness as an athlete and not a true burner. Average testing numbers.
ESPN: A safety makes sense after the Giants allowed Xavier McKinney to walk this offseason. McKinney signed a massive deal with the Green Bay Packers. That left the Giants with Jason Pinnock and Dane Belton as the top two safeties on the depth chart. Nubin gives new defensive coordinator Shane Bowen an instinctive and versatile safety to work with. Nubin's pro comp is former Denver Broncos Pro Bowl safety Justin Simmons. The Giants would certainly take that.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: If he didn’t get drafted he was going to start his sourdough era.
Round 3, Pick 70 - Andru Phillips, CB, Kentucky:
NFL: Phillips had a few rough games last season, but he could develop into a useful piece in the Giants secondary, either as a nickel or an outside safety. His size and ball production are subpar, but his toughness and tackling skill(s) give him a solid floor.
CBS Sports: B-. Silky smooth inside-out CB. Serious juice in his lower half. Not incredibly long but perfect size to play at nickel in the NFL. Incredibly willing in run support but does miss plenty of tackles. Quicker than fast but certainly not slow. Wished there was more ball production in college. Chippy type.
ESPN: Another position of need receives a reinforcement. Phillips joins a group that only has last year's first-round pick, Deonte Banks, penciled in as a starter. This is a player whom some teams had a second-round grade on. Phillips is a smooth cover cornerback who plays with physicality, especially for his size. The Giants clearly came into this draft -- and Day 2 in particular -- looking to upgrade the secondary.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: He cannot bring himself to throw away his Transformers.
Round 4, Pick 107 - Theo Johnson, TE, Penn State:
NFL: Johnson opened eyes at the Senior Bowl, being featured more as a receiver there than he often was at Penn State. His long, athletic frame makes him something of a Logan Thomas-like prospect and a good understudy to Darren Waller -- if he plays this year.
CBS Sports: B+. Elite tester. Huge frame with intimidating length. Was low-volume option at Penn State but has the explosive chops to become a better receiver in the pros. Ironically not a great blocker despite his towering, filled-out body type. Has just enough short-area quickness to separate on occasion in the NFL. Easy drops on film but counters with contested catches.
ESPN: Johnson could help fill the void if Darren Waller elects to retire. He is still contemplating his future. The Giants have been operating as if Waller is not on the roster. Johnson adds the physically gifted pass-catching element they would need in their offense. He has the size and speed to be a major threat at the NFL level. Daboll could be asking for an immediate contribution from their newest tight end. It's also worth noting that Johnson is the third of the Giants' top four draft picks to have a pre-draft visit. That is important to this regime.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Is the nephew of Tom Kenny, voice of SpongeBob.
Round 5, Pick 166 - Tyrone Tracy Jr., RB, Purdue:
NFL: A converted wideout, Tracy shifted to the backfield last year and did well with the opportunity, averaging a stout 6.3 yards per carry. If Malachi Corley is the Deebo Samuel Lite of this class, then Tracy is sort of the Corley Lite. I expect Tracy to be used extensively as a receiver out of the backfield.
CBS Sports: A. Former Iowa WR turned Purdue RB. Incredible bounce and agility to make defenders miss when they’re ready to make the tackle. Some breakaway speed too. Contact balance is good, not great. At times seems tentative hitting the hole but has the goods to make more than what’s blocked. Older prospect who’s new to the position.
ESPN: Tracy is a much-needed piece being added to the Giants' offensive backfield. New York had newly signed Devin Singletary backed up by Eric Gray and Gary Brightwell entering the draft. It's likely they would have taken Trey Benson two rounds earlier, had the Arizona Cardinals not taken him four spots ahead of the Giants. This gives Tracy a chance to make an immediate contribution, even if it's just as an option out of the backfield early in his career. He was a wide receiver up until last year, so there is room for growth despite already being 25 years old.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Plans to moonlight as the mascot at his Alma mater in the offseason.
Round 6, Pick 183 - Darius Muasau, LB, UCLA:
NFL: Muasau reminded me a bit of former Vikings LB Kentrell Brothers, a short but stout hitter and playmaker around the line of scrimmage whose coverage deficiencies are a bit worrisome.
CBS Sports: A-. No-hesitation off-ball LB with length deficiency. Quicker than fast but can get to the ball in a hurry because of his smarts. Unafraid to meet blockers in the hole and give them a jolt. Average ball skills and tackling soundness. Feels like someone who can outplay draft position.
ESPN: Muasau brings speed and youth to the linebacking corps. He's also likely an immediate special teams contributor. There is a connection with Muasau to the Giants. Special teams coordinator Michael Ghobrial coached Muasau as a freshman at Hawaii. This played a part in the Giants' comfort with their sixth and final pick of the draft.
NFL Absolutely Not Fake News: Watches the 1986 Action/Thriller ‘The Delta Force’ on VHS every day.
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