Gambling machine jackpotter & credit signaler"

Dear Gambling Addiction

2024.05.13 18:24 addictionpro0624 Dear Gambling Addiction

Dear Gambling Addiction,
I love to write so I thought I would write you a letter today. It has been almost 16 years since we last met, and to be honest, I don't miss you one bit.
There was a time when you were the only thing that mattered. I would do anything for you. Lie, cheat, steal, not eat, not sleep, or anything really. When I say you were the only thing, you were. I was obsessed with you. You plagued my thoughts and made me feel things that were uncomfortable.
Prior to being introduced to you, I was a moral person. I liked helping people and I was happy. I had friends, good relationships with my family, people trusted me, I worked, and I had money to pay my bills.
When you entered my life on my 21st birthday, I was partially intrigued but mostly I was frustrated. I lost $20 in about one minute on a craps table. I wanted my $20 back because I was not clear on why I lost the money. And the game of craps did not make sense to me. I thought if I was going to gamble again, I would play slots. So much easier and all I had to do was pull a handle.
In these very early stages, I did not think about you much. I believe though that you were there in my brain maybe trying to figure out how to get me more engaged. Maybe you were there attempting to entice me with needing to win back that $20.
A few years later, I found another friend to spend my time with and their name was cocaine. Well, living in Las Vegas when one could not sleep because of the drugs, the casinos were there with bright, flashing lights and the intrigue of winning money. So I met you again, and discovered that playing video poker machines was a great way to spend my time while high.
This was the start of our relationship that lasted quite a while.
In the beginning stages of my addiction with you, I was able to have some fun and enjoyed most of the times I had with you. Over time though, you consumed my soul. I did not care whether I lived or died. I just needed to be with you and I loved only you.
Our relationship lasted 14 years in total with breaks during some of that time, but even when I was not playing, I was still thinking about you. Wondering how I could get together with you again. Money was usually the main reason why I could not connect with you, but I also found it more challenging to find places to visit you.
Honestly, over time my relationship with you became rather tedious and boring. I started to feel like I might need to separate myself from you. I did not know why I was feeling this way, but on some level I just wanted something different for myself. I was tired of lying to people about you, and I was getting frustrated with being broke all the time. There was also this emptiness that even you could not fill. Most importantly, my real relationship with my husband was beginning to suffer. I did care about him and he really became more important than you. Sometimes I felt like I cheated on him with you. I do believe that my moral compass was questioning all that I was doing with you, and it just was beginning to not feel right.
On June 24, 2008 I decided to end my relationship with you. This was a very hard thing for me to do. After all, you were the only important thing in my life and I just wanted to be with you as much as possible. But on a sleepless night in June, I was watching my husband sleep and felt this overwhelming desire to be with him and not you. I felt like I could no longer lie to him about us. These feelings were quite overwhelming too almost to the point of if I didn't tell him about us, I might go crazy. There were just so many emotions running through me, and I decided to break it off with you. When he woke up, I told him everything about us.
June 24, 2008 was the best day and the hardest day of my life! I knew that once I told my husband everything that I would need to let you go. It was definitely a hard decision to make but I could not go on living or being with you.
The first few days of not having you in my life were a whirlwind of emotions. I do not recall another time when I cried so much. As I talked to others about us, I did start to feel better. And I went to meetings where others were talking about their own relationships with something similar to ours. The details were different but similar in that all of us wanted to end our relationships.
Over the weeks and months that followed, I continued to go to meetings and was learning to live without you. I had a lot to process and many feelings to address. Fortunately I had a lot of support from family and friends, but I did have to work on regaining their trust. When you cheat, people do not easily trust again. And I had to give up my finances to my husband. That was okay because I simply did not want to see you again or be tempted by you. Without access to cash or credit cards, it was just a little bit easier to let you go.
I also found that I needed to give up some control over certain things. First it was the finances. Then I discovered letting go was also needed. I started to let go of things that I could not control, and fixing the things I could. My focus was specifically on how to rebuild after a tumultuous relationship with you.
I worked every day to learn to live without you. I learned to feel my feelings and process them instead of covering them up by playing with you. I learned how to think more productively and to make goals for myself. I learned how to manage my finances and I was slowly regaining trust from my husband and others.
The work was hard but I kept going. I just did not want you in my life any longer, and no matter how I felt or what I thought, I was not going to re-engage with you. I was working a program of recovery and very proud of each day that I did not want to be with you. There were some days I thought about you, but it ended there. Just thoughts that were quickly replaced with all the positive benefits of not having you in my life.
All these years later, I still think about you but not in the ways you would want. I just have thoughts about how wonderful my life is without you. I have no urges to see you, and nothing that I can think of would bring me back to you. I have too much to lose now.
In a way, I do thank you for being in my life. I believe I am a better person for knowing you. You taught me what a person is capable of during a relationship with you, and with that, I can help others now. Our relationship also opened my mind to the human spirit and how resilient we really are. We can overcome great obstacles and learn to live without you.
submitted by addictionpro0624 to u/addictionpro0624 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 05:27 Blockchain-TEMU Brigs Process 3D Architecture

  1. A house has 16 Letter 1. Wind 2. Rain 3. Sun 4. Air 5. Water 6. Fire 7. Dark 8. Divine 9. Clan 10. Master 11. Ruler 12. Jonnay (Local 1) 13. Tiffany (Local 2) 14. Nathans (Cat 1) 15. Hakes (Cat 2) 16. Davids (Master 1) 1.1 Example House David's Personal House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / y4smvo49kmuf722kfzzw2 / ABFupxIpPjKv0vmUd7rxQ9A ? rlkey = a6bhk3df580yr1at4vs1szsjl & dl = 0 1.2 Lifes System Provision ENHANCE 1.3 Chunks Bar Grill Simalcrafood 1.4 Exterior Houses 1.4.1 Exterior House Kitchen 1.4.2 Exterior House Bed 1.4.3 Exterior House Hidden Toilet 1.4.4 2 Extra Exterior Houses 1.4.5 Full Pay To Play Casino 1.4.6 Trade with Our Minerals Dealer 1.4.7 Terrabrew Coffee Hidden Packet 1.4.8 Tranquiltea THC Spice 1.4.9 Use our Garbage Bin to Throw Away A Terrabrew Cup 1.5.0 Vend with the Terrabrew Machine some Fats And Weed (Coffee) 1.5.1 Spaceport Transit, Transit to Another Port 1.5.2 Example House Fred Falke's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qg0z8tppgw0ojnv6zrl8z / ALcPH9JQjt0y0TTBVI2nvig ? rlkey = lmlb24is14pgouc2senxyqs4q & dl = 0 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 1.5.3 Exterior Cosmarium - Includes Outer Space Adventure 1.5.4 Interior 4 Bedroom House 1.5.5 Toilets To Upstairs 1.5.6 Cosmarium Access 1.5.7 Interior Den Accessible at Cosmarium 1.5.8 Cosmarium Includes Planets Display 1.5.8 Example House Keyanu's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4q14v79pgg5sstq326dm0 / AFsD7QWvqv0-EnefhjuqWJ0 ? rlkey = csonjdhbhw5y065pcqu44bhp5 & dl = 0 1.5.9 Nice Lawn and Grill 1.6.0 Foyer Main Access 1.6.1 5 Bedroom Studio Included 1.6.2 Toilets Individual Every Room 1.6.3 Intrinsic Kitchen 1.6.4 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 1.6.5 6 Unique Instruments In Studio and PC In Most Rooms 1.6.6 Clothes Stocked in Every Room 1.6.7 Payday's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / y5f4zeq9rqfxf9z2wvn3x / AF1XzGXYmhFLadEONmz9f60 ? rlkey = 947afvpm4ysgt1sl3rnzk7k1c & dl = 0 1.6.8 Dog Run 1.6.9 Intrinsic Grill 1.7.0 Foyer and Toilet for Foyer 1.7.1 Piano Room 1.7.2 Upstairs with Three Bedroom 1.7.3 Downstairs with Two Bedroom 1.7.4 Two Upstairs Bath 1.7.5 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 1.7.6 Pingpong Table Included 1.7.7 Full Rock Tunnel To Dogland 1.7.8 Dogland Mailman and Dogland Delivery 1.7.9 PCs and Clothes Included 1.8.0 Science Coin Plus House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / th8s8y2cvm53v4ihjz7uf / AOpx9h9DweYWyg8oTURDb7Y ? rlkey = gazzoslez39f6tv43ckp7q82h & dl = 0 1.8.1 Full Back and Front Yard 1.8.2 Interior 3 Bedroom Upstairs 2 Bedroom Downstairs Classic Modern House 1.8.3 Kitchen With LIGHTS Smell 1.8.4 Full Penetrating Aroma Diffusor 1.8.5 Downstairs Bunker 1.8.6 Standard 16 Bar Pressure 8 Lumen Setup 1.8.7 Includes Credit Card Of 4000 Dollar Limit Tied to the Property 1.8.8 Includes Access token to local utilities and stores 1.8.9 Includes 1 Car Garage and street parking 1.9.0 Treasurer Martin's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / i25kajtfyq7rsbley4zcv / AD2UVKeX9RxIgErDuntigR0 ? rlkey = i8r6ykg6vsm1r4o7r5tu0spkw & dl = 0 1.9.1 4 Bedroom Fatboy Slim House 1.9.2 Private Toilets for Each Room 1.9.3 Community Secret Upstairs Gathering Area 1.9.4 Full 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 1.9.5 Includes Kitchen In Break Room 1.9.6 Clothes in Every Room 1.9.7 PC In Every Room 1.9.8 Music Area in Gathering Area 1.9.9 Stocked With Crew Connor, Duncan, Yung Bae, Ievan 2.0.0 Tweak's New House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 6gpljpd8w7xnk5qxsztux / AAcWFry56HLFgSFNipowiRg ? rlkey = 9dg7vuqr6dvebo6lowbataxys & dl = 0 2.0.1 Foyer and Backyard and Upstairs and Kitchen 2.0.2 Standard South Park Layout 2.0.3 Toy Chest Included in Bedroom 2.0.4 Upstairs Bathroom 2.0.5 Downstairs Television 2.0.6 Includes Parents Room 2.0.7 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.0.8 Full Plumbing System 2.0.9 Closet Included 2.1.0 Virtual Riot Energy Drink Contest Home https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 9tcvy80bq4gvngv7zew0j / AOAsl2olcanfLMIxKpJhbK4 ? rlkey = 6ur44i4wb14mmwjdhof4awqcw & dl = 0 2.1.1 Upstairs 4 Bedroom 4 Bath Downstairs Kitchen With Lawn 2.1.2 Included 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.1.3 Fitted for Contest Winner Ryan 2.1.4 Includes Interior Music Studio 2.1.5 Includes Rations At the Kitchen 2.1.6 Full House Lawn 2.1.7 Includes Virtual Riot Energy Drink Crate 2.1.8 Includes full Kitchen Cooking System 2.1.9 Does not include Pizza Box 2.2.0 First Edition Baths https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 070erahxtx6kheqkq7viv / h ? rlkey = 8vejr3pfkskq104e5da51ocgm & dl = 0 2.2.1 Full Ryuken Style Retreat 2.2.2 American Style 2.2.3 Hyaluronic Water Display 2.2.4 Multiple Accessible Toilets 2.2.5 Hostel Home Associated 2.2.6 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.2.7 Associated to Virtual Riot Energy Drink Contest House 2.2.8 Full Plumbing 2.2.9 Only Outdoor Pool 2.3.0 Mandelbrot's Portion https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4rsa861mh57tv6ibiqc7f / AHer3vgPNYOdj8UR3q4atNI ? rlkey = sx4nhltlh6mqmzw8s9cbay4ei & dl = 0 2.3.1 Full 4 Bedroom 4 Bath Lakeside House 2.3.2 Intrinsic Music Studio 2.3.3 Standard 16 Bar Oxygen 8 Lumen System 2.3.4 Plumbing for Every Bath 2.3.5 Connector Upstairs Adjoiner 2.3.6 Included Medical Access 2.3.7 Clothes in Every Room 2.3.8 PC in Most Rooms 2.3.9 Reserved Canadian Graveyard Spot 2.4.0 Tim Garza's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / exy2mkx34e4vyyx3gm9zm / ANDv3_B38xt2wFxTfjpMvy8 ? rlkey = nzhtm8ozk9azxem7bgvcrx1pw & dl = 0 2.4.1 Nonstandard 14 Bar High Altitude 8 Lumen System 2.4.2 Comes with Additional House Patrick's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / g556jmzhsi70ikjcdsm8c / AOypud9QDtb5h5ELYoZQxxk ? rlkey = 7obp5svlq35q6kz7rw6ejhrer & dl = 0 2.4.3 Nonstandard 14 Bar High Altitude 8 Lumen System 2.4.4 4 Bedroom and 3 Bedroom House with 2 Bath and 1 Bath 2.4.5 Part of a development with further 2 Houses 2.4.6 Plumbing for Every Bath 2.4.7 Other two houses not for sale 2.4.8 Comes with Clothes in Every Bedroom and A PC In every bedroom 2.4.9 Comes with Kitchen in both house 2.5.0 KPOP House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 0gn89hioxlhy99hkeofl y / AOQJj6Q60JxCyfzn_Zqqh04 ? rlkey = 8997eg0yi4to9l05wocrnol53 & dl = 0 2.5.1 Kpop contest House, 4 Bedroom 4 Bath house with Upstairs Adjoiner 2.5.2 Plumbing for every baths 2.5.3 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 2.5.4 Comes with intrinsic music studio 2.5.5 Comes with clothes in every bedroom 2.5.6 Comes with PC in every bedroom 2.5.7 Comes with KPOP Marketing display tool 2.5.8 Comes with participation in radio contest 2.5.9 Music tape recorder not included 2.6.0 Intellisecure Headquarters https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / takyluondf4y22byxxkfk / AN6ShFOeGYooczDEjm8zt88 ? rlkey = 77dycju3q87ayh61ci4qlhu57 & dl = 0 2.6.1 A girl, Other Ryan, is getting surgery for her melanoma outside 2.6.2 The girl responds well to her melanoma surgery 2.6.3 There is an upstairs to the hospital 2.6.4 There are maybe 4 rooms to the hospital 2.6.5 There are toilets in each room side room 2.6.6 The girl presumably makes her way to beds in the hospital after surgery 2.6.7 There is a standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System throughout 2.6.8 There are various medical equipment needed for the girl in the main area 2.6.9 The girl might use the toilet upstairs behind the door 2.7.0 Fries' Sama-House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / zlrtcq60lnqxj7ic3cae9 / AFed_Pfio_u8Mv3_ktBn2iE ? rlkey = 5y095iaxti5w863uzuaoaa8iv & dl = 0 2.7.1 A 3 Bedroom 1 Bath Downstairs 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Upstairs House with a Dojo Outside 2.7.2 Some people have been partying in the basement 2.7.3 There is a standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System at high altitude indicating conditioned air 2.7.4 There is a toilet room in the dojo 2.7.5 There is a TV room with a TV in it 2.7.6 There is a PC and a TV in the Downstairs Bedroom 2.7.7 There is some crates of food near the kitchen 2.7.8 There is a downstairs kitchen 2.7.9 There is a whole downstairs area where Fries' Son has another bedroom and some couches 2.8.0 Borat's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qv6mgav9tsizmepwmp8es / AMoiFypY85vOMfnKU1lwduY ? rlkey = muh8z5z7gfql71vb9b820bf4q & dl = 0 2.8.1 A very old house in kalmskya with the ownership of the town store 2.8.2 There is one toilet in the house 2.8.3 There is the neighbor's house 2.8.4 There is the store that borats family owns 2.8.5 The neighbors house has a toilet 2.8.6 Borat lives with his sister 2.8.7 There is standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System given at the house or elsewhere 2.8.8 There is goods at the store including potato and cigarrete 2.8.9 This house actually is not for sale 2.9.0 Jamal's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / jkaaa7dar68oaewd5klys / AK9ZJNVKArzUiGKT_gyPOFw ? rlkey = ie92hphxup1b4bz48f31pubed & dl = 0 2.9.1 Set of 4 Houses 2.9.2 Baths included in each house with plumbing 2.9.3 Standard 14 Bar 8 Lumen High Altitude System 2.9.4 Main Room to Each House 2.9.5 Side Room with TV to each house 2.9.6 Clothes in each bedroom 2.9.7 PC in each bedroom 2.9.8 Back Yard House with Jordan In it 2.9.9 Included marketing display 3.0.0 Centennial Retirement Home https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / dh6hgc85048bdnzv4976u / AC8LJyFV-erivp2kmxCifxA ? rlkey = jt54mis1nytwit9mfmpfdb2h0 & dl = 0 3.0.1 Eight Patient Retirement Home 3.0.2 Medical Provisions Provided 3.0.3 Personell Capacity 16 Bar and 8 Lumen System 3.0.4 Malfunctioning Exterior Toilet 3.0.5 Gymnasium and Kitchen and Pepsi Machine and Mess 3.0.6 Secure Patient Checkin with Scan System 3.0.7 Poor Right Side Adult Ward Baths 3.0.8 Adolescents Ward Can Conceal Marijuana 3.0.9 Good Oxygenation Conditioning 3.1.0 Dubstep Challenge Island https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / l5y84ufg7p5ou9bkp5y8y / AEa_4z_e7YiJp2UzkfI7OWw ? rlkey = l08yxiqn4s7k1c8lilai7y1j4 & dl = 0 3.1.1 Nuerohop out of the boat into the island mainland, avoid the wilderness! 3.1.2 Get safety to Korbis and Putin and Efe on the Dubstep Challenge 3.1.3 3 Room 1 Trap 3 Bath House Provided with Upstairs Connector 3.1.4 Kitchen and Apparatus Provided 3.1.5 First Banned From The Island Leave Up at Docks 3.1.6 Full Music Studio Included with Beachhouse 3.1.7 Some Dogs Lurk in the Wilderness On The Island 3.1.8 No Specific Oxygen Line Provided for Waste 3.1.9 Found DJ Tool in Boilerroom 3.2.0 Justin Beiber's Mom's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / s8guwv5jph98kbxwq8z9v / ADWyXiZtcTzC3myr3ZHJIOc ? rlkey = upizj57oo5t7fdx9egx113cgp & dl = 0 3.2.1 Classic Industrial Area Flat 3.2.2 Included Industrial Area Food Anglomerate Output 3.2.3 Beiber's Mom's House 1 Bedroom 1 Bath Flat Provided, Foyer Room, Kitchen, Bathroom, Bedroom 3.2.4 Beiber Child PC Text Trainer 3.2.5 Clothes In Bedroom 3.2.6 Plumbed Bathroom 3.2.7 16 Bar 8 Lumen System Provided 3.2.8 Childs Studio Provided 3.2.9 Standard Canadian Education Recomended 3.3.0 IRKLUNDANDER Commune https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / bgmfrbvkvh74qg739uqou / AGrF-BK-eA5GRxom5oI71KM ? rlkey = mbswm151h8ozh73ptt59g2s2m & dl = 0 3.3.1 3 Vox Trainer Reality Show Houses Made of Aluminum Glass 3.3.2 Toilet Included in Secret Room Beneath House 3.3.3 Community Toilet included in main area side room 3.3.4 Rations in every house 3.3.5 Space heater in every house 3.3.6 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.3.7 In a Winter Wonderland Area 3.3.8 Includes Clothes 3.3.9 Includes PC 3.4.0 Tim Garza's House 2 https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 4y216z2iddjpq2llkk4r9 / ACsSuQdkhToPeo-gUq4VuyM ? rlkey = 7tii9866lgyo4qy4jsshtfziu & dl = 0 3.4.1 Similar Format to Tim Garza's House 3.4.2 Includes 2 Bath 4 Bedroom 1 Community Kitchen House 3.4.3 Includes 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.4.4 Includes Plumbing for each Bathroom 3.4.5 Includes Appliances for the kitchen 3.4.6 Includes back and front yard entrance 3.4.7 Includes basement and clothes in every room 3.4.8 Includes tim garzas K-Workstation 3.4.9 Includes Heirloom Tomato grow actual tomato in back yard 3.5.0 JK Rowling's Castle https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / xnov07r1vsy8lgr2s7e9q / AHMvwcVoLRce2t-8bl6HMXA ? rlkey = kvh0aaz6js1gv15r3x4omf7yz & dl = 0 3.5.1 Full Castle With Dungeon and Great Hall and Dormitories in the Style of the Movie 3.5.2 Separate from castle built for movie 3.5.3 3 Classrooms moved from the set of the movie 3.5.4 Many 4 Bathrooms With Plumbing 3.5.5 Includes Hogsmeade Buildings on Grounds 3.5.6 Shrieking Shack, Three Broomsticks, and Igor's Tavern in Hogsmeade 3.5.7 Actual Hidden Tunnel to The Shrieking Shack 3.5.8 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.5.9 Appropriate dormitories for players of the movie 3.6.0 The Flavor Isles https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 8vyh83ce11kf5pb2gwadv / ANsJbcJKKeQI384oE8Se5UM ? rlkey = puoqw30lgu5zhk6erk9yc4s90 & dl = 0 3.6.1 Flavor Themed Disneyland Resort in Joey's Basement 3.6.2 Massive Spicy Shrieking Hut Cuisine and Other Classics 3.6.3 Stay in for a night at a 4 bedroom 4 bath resort hotel 3.6.4 Plumbing for Every bath 3.6.5 16 Bar 8 Lumen Classic System 3.6.6 Use clothes or a PC at the bedroom 3.6.7 Double Depth, Go to the next ride at the next depth 3.6.8 4 Bedroom 4 Bath House in the Hidden Area and another Restaurant 3.6.9 Full Service Recycling 3.7.0 Rented Ice Hotel https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ddk5zf8729uaiebclbb1o / AIqBsidXAXrTQXi-PCxWdNA ? rlkey = o9yjupq7b823imenx1ybucpzl & dl = 0 3.7.1 One Room Ice Hotel 3.7.2 Made out of Ice 3.7.3 Has Bathroom and Plumbing 3.7.4 Has Ice display 3.7.5 Agnes' Ice Hotel 3.7.6 Real 5 Copy Build Method 3.7.7 16 Bar 8 Lumen Limited Oxygen System 3.7.8 Has Kitchen in Ice Hotel 3.7.9 Has Marijuana In Ice Hotel 3.8.0 Dorisburg's House https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / qy5sgm3j89td9n7g1i5r5 / AA0m-DE6cmlNiFKbL0baT5c ? rlkey = mtmlf5198napxkl3i75hvpnjo & dl = 0 3.8.1 4 Bedroom 4 Bath House With Interior Kitchen and Back Yard 3.8.2 Plumbing for Every Bath 3.8.3 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.8.4 Telivision Room and Telivision 3.8.5 Downstairs Television 3.8.6 Beds in Every Bedroom 3.8.7 Back Yard With Vegetable Grow 3.8.8 Front Yard Access Through Waterjet Channel 3.8.9 Dedicated Oxygen Line for Television Aerial 3.9.0 Bahn Mi Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ovm5lhsgogw4rspchx9to / h ? rlkey = 0n4sdcyb8qi3ebolbab708fgc & dl = 0 3.9.1 Community 4 Hut Village 3.9.2 Standard Lavatory for Village 3.9.3 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 3.9.4 Transit to Another Village, Daft Vox Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / ipyuy0vuqpyfzjymcbfkq / AP4Iset5VTAue8bZeWvWqwg ? rlkey = wqs4a2bbqym8qi8eyum96uqcl & dl = 0 3.9.5 Multiple Buildings in Daft Vox Village 3.9.6 Full 16 Bar 8 Lumen System Also In Daft Vox Village 3.9.7 Possible Nice Buildings in Daft Vox Village 3.9.8 Transit Provided Between Village 3.9.9 No Medical 4.0.0 Burma Village https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / hzm7gtq590pu9e1a9u9mb / AJriN2hXiHX7crTIXRThKXs ? rlkey = kf197unmk5ol7luu4mrsby970 & dl = 0 4.0.1 Nice 5 Building Town 4.0.2 Standard 16 Bar 8 Lumen System 4.0.3 Food in Some Houses 4.0.4 Scheming Old Man Putin in Burma Village 4.0.5 Kings Palace 4.0.6 Dusty Banquet in the Palace 4.0.7 Multiple Areas To All Houses 4.0.8 Trade with Putin 4.0.9 Trade for Gambling 4.1.0 Wojak Station https : // www . dropbox . com / scl / fo / 3bjjwhkgpxichahc1naxn / ACH0V5oQrWm0dsUzjeW4fso ? rlkey = z01f8v8k2hhc5z0ace0940ny7 & dl = 0 4.1.1 Full Space Adventure 4.1.2 Includes House 4.1.3 Includes Plumbing 4.1.4 Includes Cars Parked Outside Your House 4.1.5 Includes Taza's House 4.1.6 Full House Interior 4.1.7 Multiple Houses Done 4.1.8 Kitchen System To House 4.1.9 Full Bath System.
submitted by Blockchain-TEMU to u/Blockchain-TEMU [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:01 jonnyhifi Suggestion for interface improvement - the ability to leave comments

Obviously none of us know what the udio business view is on how monetise, but it would appear there is a nod to creating a community, and even if there isn’t the very existence of this sub Reddit implies there is a community already.
I am finding myself almost alienated by the environment, as albeit my using it is almost like a drug addict desperate to get the next thing up my nose - clicking on “generate” like pulling the handle on a gambling machine for the next hit, however if there was also some human community interaction that would amp this up all the further. 8 (>)
It would also be nice to praise people and say “hey that’s cool I like what you’ve created” and currently that’s impossible to do. The “like” button is just too simplistic. I suspect the odd micro conversation might develop via comments as well. At the moment - it’s impossible as far as I can see to contact fellow creators if they’re obv doing the same kind of things as I’m interested in. I’m thinking comments like under videos as YouTube do - that would be a good model.
The only way I can get that at the moment is via the subreddit - if someone says “this is what I’ve done what do you all think?” it would be better to be able to do some of it within their native environment, Where comments are tied to the work rather than transitory babble on Reddit …
submitted by jonnyhifi to udiomusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 04:19 pixelsimg1234567 Classification of Cyber Crime

Classification of Cyber Crime
Classification of Cyber Crime we will read about side train classification, how many textures can we classify cyber crime, whereas we can classify cyber crime as total notes murder. First of all, there is cyber stalking. Now what is the meaning of stalking in general? It happens that following any person to humiliate him, to intimidate him or her, this is a general thing. This topic is that cyber stalking means that to humiliate a person, to turn him on the internet, to intimidate him or her. Or by the use of any information technology, then it comes under cyber stalking category, then cyber stalking is the act of harassing or threatening another person over the internet, internet users rules, any information technology, Tuesday, now what is cyber stalking in general, internet e -Mail chat room is the mother of them all, it is targeted at any particular person and he is harassed. Okay, now in this topic, what happens in cyber stalking in general is that what remains in this topic is to follow the individual. Facebook starts following the profile and collects information about it so that it can send it to the person on the phone. Candy Crush 233 People Subscribe in Different Ways Conduct That Those Three Different Ways of Conducting Fiber So the first thing he does is to send an email to the individual victim here. He can intimidate her, send her wrong photos, scare her, now what happens in this talking to internet is that by publicly stockpiling, he can SMS anything in the name of the victim, on that phone number or email ID or photo book, publicly. He writes it down and shocks her in her private space, exposes you publicly, starts intimidating and threatening her. Now what is there in this Chowk Nehru Computer that he takes the stock of the victim's computer and gets her computer. Then he starts accessing his information and starts threatening him. Now whatever is in it, it should be technical. Not everyone can do stock through computer. Technical, who would know that any manager can access OP's computer? How to hack the same computer, one can do that topic, so this is the first classification, cyber stalking, now the second classification is that now what is the simple meaning of hacking, baiting, unauthorized access of another computer, taking unauthorized access of someone else's computer means you have this The person who is taxed is not authorized to use someone else's computer, he is not a person, still he takes away his rights somehow or the other.
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So what would you say to him that he has hacked his computer. Now there are other hacking prevention tools like firewall, intuition detection system, okay, whatever they are, they can control the acting, prevent it and protect your computer. You can save your computer if your computer is not hacked, then this affair was in Bigg Boss comment. Intrusion detection system, these two breaks are generally installed quantum so that your computer is computer virus till 2030 classification. Now generally we call it virus, which virus is virus, why our I click on you and it keeps on making me human. Human means that by doing the computer itself, it is a virus. In a computer, it is as if it infects other viruses and programs like itself. By corrupting the computer program files, it becomes a computer virus. Computer program: This is a computer program which is busy in replicating itself. The monkey is replicating the dandruff in the application. The ready-applicator is doing it, that is, it is generating another copy of itself.
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Okay, so this program is gambling and new programs which are generated by plants and corrupt the programs on the other side of the computer. And where is the computer virus in your computer? First of all, computer virus is computer proof directly in your computer. It seems that if you are using the internet by subscribing to it, then also there is a computer virus in your computer. Classification from this tree means that Kabir is sending you some message about all these matters and you feel as if he is The message is from my bank but listen to the message that it is not coming from your bank. Now if I have sent a message to you, then the same process would open to phishing attacks. If the practice of sending road development communication means sending fraudulent messages, Middle aged appear to come from reputed to solve send that message how should it appear why rapid source MP3 is from table spoon it is usually done through email and generally what happens is that mother becomes professional through email just like this meaning advice you are engaged host is this Our bank honey, in which category does fashion cutting come? Now people question why this income is for the purpose of gaming the user's sensitive information like credit card information or login information or bank details. Yaksha question us on Classification and Denial of Service Step by Step is that a particular website shopping Click on Flipkart's website and this side of mine and it turned out that some extras and subscribe on other websites by using subscribe so that Subscribe Our Channel Not Subscribe English What will happen with this,
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if they go to Amazon and purchase only on the good download vultures of Flipkart, then what happens in Denial of Service Tax is that each and every A remains closed and they overload their computer organization. Make it so that the users do not use it. Service Tax is the traffic machine on which is to make available for the attack. If they can do this then the attack is that they can generate a lot of traffic, that is, they will send a lot of requests on it and the traffic machine will be the machine, that is the second one. Don't get it and it will get overloaded in a way and will get held, now what is the example of overloading shopping website in the festive season, so the idea was that if you like this blog then you have to like my blog .
submitted by pixelsimg1234567 to u/pixelsimg1234567 [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 12:42 querulous_hierarchy Best USA crypto casinos?

Casino Site Bonus Limits Legal in
Meta Spins Casino 100% up to 1 BTC 0.0001 BTC, 0.01 ETH/LTC, 5 USDT/USDC, 0.001 BCH, 10 TRX, 1 ADA/DOGE New customers only. Must be 21+. VPN friendly crypto casino
Bit Starz €500 or 5BTC + 180 Free Spins Deposit. coinspaid-icon; Type Bitcoin; Fee 0%; Processing time Instantly; Limit per transaction. Min 0.0003 BTC. Must be 21+
7 bit casino The welcome package at 7 Bit Casino is a four-part bonus, and you can unlock deposit bonuses and free spins to use as follows: Deposit 1: Receive a 100% deposit match up to 1.5 BTC and 100 free spins. Wagering requirements of 35x apply. Deposit 2: Receive a 75% deposit match up to 1.25 BTC and 100 free spins. You can deposit a minimum of 10 USD, and withdraw a minimum of 20 USD. Must be 21+, not available in the USA in most deposit methods, available in crypto. VPN friendly
Stake 250K Gold Coins and an additional $25 Stake Cash At Stake, you don't actually need to make a real-money deposit to start playing. The platform uses virtual tokens like Gold Coins and Stake Cash. However, if you want to buy Gold Coin packages, the minimum amount required is equivalent to $5 in cryptocurrency. 21+. in USA except: Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Vermont, Washington

1. Meta Spins Casino - the best choice for US gamblers

At Meta spins, there are more than 2,500 fun games to play from top companies like NetEnt, Microgaming, and Evolution Gaming. You can find all kinds of games, like slot machines, card games, and more.
Slots: Meta spins has lots of slot games to choose from, including popular ones like Starburst and Gonzo’s Quest. They have new games and old favorites with cool graphics and chances to win big prizes. Some cool slots to try are Big Bass Bonanza, Money Train 2, and Sweet Bonanza.
Table Games: If you like traditional casino games, Meta spins has you covered with classics like roulette, blackjack, baccarat, and different types of poker. You can play exciting versions like Speed Roulette, Lightning Dice, and No Commission Baccarat. There are betting options for everyone, and the games load quickly for seamless playing.
Live Casino: In the live dealer section, you can feel like you're at a real casino. The games are streamed in high-definition from fancy studios, and there are real dealers to interact with. Some popular games include Football Studio, Lightning Roulette, Dream Catcher Money Wheel, Crazy Time, and Monopoly Live.
Fair Games: At Meta spins, fairness is important, especially since it's a crypto-focused platform. They use a special algorithm that lets players check if games are fair by comparing the chances of winning. Lots of games like slots, table games, and instant wins are available in this fair form, including titles like Princess Royal, Crash, Baccarat, and Cyber Dragon 2077.
With so many different games to choose from, Meta spins has something for everyone. Whether you like slots, cards, or quick wins, there's a game for you!
Big Lottery: At Meta spins, they don't just have casino games, they also offer something called the Mega Lotto, where you can win big prizes.
The Mega Lotto is a special kind of lottery that uses blockchain technology. Draws happen every 5 minutes, and tickets only cost $1 each. You can win more than you might expect compared to other lotteries.
A computer randomly picks 7 numbers between 1 and 48. When you buy a ticket, you choose 7 numbers, and if 4 or more of your numbers match the draw, you win prizes. If all 7 numbers match, you hit the jackpot!
Welcome Bonus: When you join Meta spins, they give you a big bonus to welcome you! They'll match 100% of your first deposit, up to 1 BTC, which means they'll double your money. This gives you more to play with and try out their many games.
Here's how to get the bonus:
  1. Make a Meta spins account.
  2. Deposit at least 0.002 BTC for your first deposit.
  3. They'll automatically add the 100% match bonus to your account. For example, if you deposit 0.5 BTC, you'll get the maximum bonus of 1 BTC, so you'll have a total of 1.5 BTC to play with.
You'll need to bet the bonus money 7 times before you can take out any winnings. This is much better than the usual 40-50 times you see with other bonuses, making it easier for you to enjoy your winnings.
Welcome Bonuses: Meta spins likes to give new players a warm welcome with some extra goodies. When you join, they'll match 100% of your first deposit, up to 1 BTC, which means they'll double your money. Plus, you'll get 200 free spins if you deposit at least $50. These spins will be given to you in batches of 20 each day for 10 days, and you can use them on the Princess Royal slot.
To get the bonus:
  1. Sign up for an account on Meta spins.
  2. Deposit at least $10 worth of crypto to start playing.
  3. They'll automatically add the bonus money and free spins to your account.
You'll need to bet the bonus money 7 times before you can take out any winnings. And you have 7 days to do this after getting the bonus. Remember, only real money bets count towards meeting the wagering requirement.
Signing up is quick and easy, and you don't need to provide any ID at first. You can start playing right away! But keep in mind, you might need to verify your identity later, especially when you want to withdraw your winnings.
Meta spins also has regular promotions and a loyalty program to keep their players happy. You can get cashback, reload bonuses, and even special rewards just for playing regularly.
When it comes to payments, Meta spins accepts various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more. And when you're ready to cash out your winnings, they process withdrawals super fast, usually within 10 minutes.
Overall, Meta spins is a safe and trustworthy place to play. They have all the right security measures in place to protect your personal information and make sure games are fair. So, you can enjoy playing without worrying about safety.
Mobile Experience: At Meta spins, you can easily play on your phone or tablet without needing to download any special apps. Their website adjusts to fit your screen perfectly, whether you're using a small smartphone or a bigger tablet.
The games load quickly, even on older phones, because they don't use heavy apps. You get all the same features as you would on a computer, like depositing money, claiming bonuses, and playing fair games with live dealers.
You won't miss out on anything when you play on your phone. Everything from the games to the bonuses works just as well on mobile. The layout is easy to use, and everything fits nicely on the smaller screen.
With Meta spins, you can enjoy playing your favorite casino games wherever you are, whenever you want. Their mobile experience is super convenient and doesn't compromise on quality.

2. Bit Starz US Crypto Casino

What Does "Provably Fair" Mean? As online casinos like Bit Starz grow, you'll hear the term "provably fair" more and more. This means that you can check if the game is fair. At Bit Starz, every Soft Swiss game is provably fair, but what does that mean exactly?
It means that before you play, you can verify that the game is fair. They use a special method that makes it impossible for you or the casino to know the outcome beforehand. You'll see a fingerprint before the game starts, showing the spin that will be used. After the game, you can confirm that this was the spin used.
For example, with roulette, they use a computer model and a random spin. The fingerprint combines the spin and a "secret" number. This creates a unique fingerprint for each spin, making it impossible to predict the outcome. You can check if the spin matches the fingerprint after the game.
Similar methods are used for other games on Bit Starz, like dice games and card games. You can find technical details about these methods on their website.
How Soon Can You Cash Out Winnings? When you win at Bit Starz, you can withdraw your money quickly. They use an automatic processing system, so the average cash-out time is less than 10 minutes.
How Do You Deposit Money and Withdraw Earnings? Depositing money and withdrawing earnings at Bit Starz is easy. They offer many methods, including credit and debit cards, e-wallets, and bank transfers. Some of these methods include Visa, Mastercard, Skrill, and Bitcoin.
After you win, your transaction will pend for less than an hour. Withdrawals to e-wallets are fast, usually within an hour. Withdrawals to cards may take up to 24 hours, and bank transfers can take one to three days, depending on your bank.
How Do You Create a Bit Starz Account? Creating an account at Bit Starz is easy. Just click "Sign Up" on the website, enter your information, and verify your email address. You can only have one account per person, and your account can hold multiple currencies.
Is the Support Team Experienced? Bit Starz has a support team with at least three years of experience in casinos. They're available through live chat, so getting help is easy.
Can You Play for Free? Yes, you can play for free on Bit Starz. This lets you try out the games and find your favorites before betting real money.
What Kinds of Games Are There? Bit Starz offers a variety of games, including dice games, card games, roulette, and slots. They're divided into categories like "Slots" and "Table Games," so you can easily find what you're looking for.
In Conclusion Bit Starz stands out from other online casinos because it's provably fair, offers quick cash-outs, and has a wide range of games. Plus, you can play with Bitcoin, which is rare in casinos.

3. 7 bit Casino for US players

With cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin becoming more popular, online gambling has changed. Cryptocurrency casinos let players deposit and withdraw money quickly and anonymously using digital coins. One of these casinos, gaining popularity, is 7 Bit Casino.
Founded in 2014, 7 Bit Casino allows deposits and games using Bitcoin and other major cryptocurrencies. In this review, we'll look at its features, games, bonuses, banking, security, and support. Whether you're new to crypto gambling or experienced, this review has all the info you need about playing at 7 Bit Casino.
We'll talk about the good and bad points of 7 Bit Casino to help you decide if it's right for you. With lots of slots, table games, live dealers, and more, 7 Bit aims to be a go-to place for crypto gambling fun.
7 Bit Casino has been around since 2014 and has become one of the top online crypto casinos. It's owned by Dama N.V. and holds a license from the Curacao government, showing it's trustworthy. Whether you like using regular money or digital coins, 7 Bit has something for everyone.
When you visit the site, you'll notice its modern design and easy navigation. They have thousands of games, including slots, table games, and live dealer options, from popular providers like B Gaming and Bet Soft.
Slots They offer lots of slots, from classic fruit machines to modern video slots with fun themes. Some popular ones are Book of Pyramids and Lucky Sweets.
Table Games If you prefer table games, they have blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and poker, with different versions to try. Plus, they have special tables where you can use Bitcoin.
Live Dealer Games For an authentic casino experience, you can play live dealer games with real croupiers. They stream games like roulette and blackjack from studios, so you feel like you're in a real casino.
Other Games 7 Bit also has unique games like crash games, dice games, keno, mines, and Plinko. These offer high potential payouts and add more excitement to the casino experience.
Welcome Bonuses New players can get big bonuses on their first four deposits, up to 5 BTC and 300 free spins in total. The wagering requirements are standard for the industry, but the bonuses are still very generous.
Overall, 7 Bit Casino is a great choice for anyone looking for a fun and rewarding online gambling experience, whether you prefer using regular money or cryptocurrencies.
7 Bit Casino Promotions and Loyalty Program
Regular Promotions In addition to the welcome bonus, 7 Bit Casino offers regular promotions to reward loyal players:
Higher tiers enjoy bigger reload bonuses, faster withdrawals, increased Comp Point multipliers, and better race prizes. Top VIP levels receive dedicated account managers, unlimited withdrawals, and event invitations.
The loyalty program also offers cashback, birthday bonuses, and custom offers based on player activity and preferences. With these VIP perks, 7 Bit Casino shows appreciation for loyal players.
7 Bit Casino Payment Methods 7 Bit Casino supports various deposit methods:
Withdrawal Options For withdrawals, 7 Bit Casino offers:
With a range of deposit and withdrawal methods, 7 Bit Casino ensures a fast, secure, and convenient banking experience.
Is 7 Bit Casino Legit? 7 Bit Casino holds a gambling license from the government of Curacao, indicating legitimacy. Games come from reputable providers like Bet soft and Microgaming, ensuring fair play. The casino uses SSL encryption to protect user data, prioritizing security. Players report fast payouts, especially for cryptocurrencies, indicating trustworthiness. There are few complaints about the casino, mostly from restricted countries, with overall positive experiences from players. Operating since 2014 and owned by Dama N.V., 7 Bit Casino has a longstanding reputation in the online gambling space, suggesting legitimacy. While players should gamble responsibly, 7 Bit Casino appears to be a legitimate platform for secure and fair gambling experiences.

4. Stake SweepCoin Casino for US players

It's a sweepstakes casino, which means you can play for free or buy extra Gold Coins (GC) to win prizes. But here's the twist: Stake only uses cryptocurrency – no bank cards or e-wallets allowed.
There are lots of cool things at Stake, like regular promotions, special challenges, and a VIP club. You might also recognize their branding from the Kick Sauber Formula 1 team sponsorship for the 2024 and 2025 seasons.
Note: Stake isn't available in Idaho, Kentucky, Michigan, Nevada, New York, Vermont, and Washington.
First Purchase Bonus
Right now, there aren't any special offers for people buying Gold Coins (GC) for the first time. But you can still get a lot of GC for a low price, which is worth it. And when you buy, you'll also get some free Sweeps Coins (SC) along with it.
Here's how much you can get:
Stake has lots of promotions where you can win big amounts of GC. They sometimes have special challenges based on certain slot games. Just by logging into your account every day, you can get bonus drops. There are also tournaments, random drops on social media, and rewards as part of their VIP program. You can win lots of GC or Stake Cash through these promos, and you usually don't need a special code to get them.
At Stake, you can only use cryptocurrency to buy and cash out GC. It's not for everyone, but it's easy and safe. And there are lots of different cryptocurrencies you can use, like Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, USDC, and Chainlink.
Getting Your Cash Prizes
When you win Sweeps Coins (SC) during your games, you can exchange them for real cash in your cryptocurrency account. While it would be nice to have more ways to cash out, using crypto is fast and easy. Right now, you can cash out at the rate of one SC equals $1. And there's no limit, so you can cash out as little or as much as you want.
submitted by querulous_hierarchy to AussiaBitcoinCasino [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 09:23 MatchaFett Tips for Free to Play Players in SWTOR!!

It can be really hard to be an F2P player in this game, but after over 2 years of intermittent playing, I have a good few points for any other struggling F2P players out there.
  1. USE THE SECURITY KEY: I can't express in words how much of a help this is. In case you don't know the security key is an option you can use to get a temporary code that makes your account more secure, but that's not all it also gives you 100 free cartel coins a month! If you're someone who plays in fits and starts like me, you can rack up a thousand cartel coins fairly easily. Its a real boon.
  2. Credit Cap Evasion: The 1 million credit cap is perhaps one of the most frustrating parts of being an F2P player. Here's what you can do, whenever you get close to the credit cap deposit your cash in your legacy bank, it allows you to maintain an effective pool of at least a few million, useful as starting cash for new characters.
  3. Species Unlocks: DO NOT spend 600 cartel coins on species unlocks! Instead get the 650K credit escrow withdrawal for about 400 cartel coins. Then collect a million coins and apply the escrow withdrawal, this will send your total to 1.65 million credits. Now head into your legacy tab and go to legacy species unlocks, for 1.5 million you can unlock any species besides Nautolans and Togrutas.
  4. GTN Abuse: Considering the fact that your credits are capped at 1 million, you can be the god of undercutting, you can sell crafting mats (that you can't use anyway) for well below market price, giving you an easy source of credits to add to your legacy bank.
  5. Stay on the same server: Legacy banks and legacy unlocks are essential for F2P players, don't switch servers, even if you want extra characters, just wait a few months to rack up enough cartel coins for an extra slot, you won't regret it.
  6. Use the Underworld Exchange Reputation Path: The underworld exchange reputation path gives you access to a ton of cool animal mounts and armours such as dewbacks, varactyls, a revan mask and a nihilus mask that you'd usually have to pay cartel coins for. To progress on this reputation path, you must find a rather large guild with slot machines in the guild stronghold or ship, then buy a ton of gambling tokens from the stronghold vendors and gamble away until you reach the maximum reputation level. Then you will get access to a ton of really cool items.
  7. Don't be afraid to ask for help: On fleets, people will be happy to help with all sorts of things, advice, quests and even free things. I've even had a really helpful person craft a really cool outfit for my agent and give it to me for absolutely free. While there will always be some toxicity, the majority are really nice people, don't hesitate to ask for help.
submitted by MatchaFett to swtor [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:07 dindyfrin Silver Oak Casino Review: Pros, Cons & Expert Ratings (2024)

Silver Oak Casino Review: Pros, Cons & Expert Ratings (2024)
Silver Oak Casino has been around since 2009, making it a well-established name in the online gambling scene. Operated by Ace Revenue Group, this casino caters primarily to players from the United States and Canada. While its longevity and partnerships with reputable software providers like Realtime Gaming (RTG) suggest reliability, there have been some concerns raised about slow payouts and confusing terms and conditions. Nonetheless, Silver Oak remains a popular choice, particularly for slot enthusiasts seeking a diverse game library and enticing bonuses. Let's delve deeper into what this online casino offers.

Casino Overview

Silver Oak presents itself as a Vegas-style entertainment hub, boasting an extensive collection of over 180 games, primarily from RTG. The website's layout is sleek and user-friendly, with large banners showcasing current jackpots and popular titles. Players can access the games via instant play, a downloadable client, or a mobile-optimized platform compatible with iOS devices.
Feature Description
Games Slots, table games, video poker, specialty titles
Software Provider Realtime (RTG)
Welcome Bonus 260% match bonus + 35 free spins
Other Promotions Reload bonuses, cashback offers, game of the month free spins
Deposit Methods Credit/debit cards, Bitcoin, Litecoin, Player Rewards Card
Withdrawal Methods Bank transfer, Bitcoin, Coindraw
Payout Times 7-10 days
Mobile Compatibility Mobile-optimized website, no dedicated app
License Costa Rica Gaming Commission
Customer Support Email, live chat (24/7)

Licensing and Regulation

The casino holds a license from the Government of Costa Rica, a jurisdiction that provides limited oversight compared to more stringent regulatory bodies. While legal, this has raised some concerns among players regarding fair practices and player protection.

Overall Reputation and Trustworthiness

Silver Oak has faced its share of complaints, primarily regarding slow payouts and issues with withdrawing bonus funds. However, the casino has made efforts to address these concerns and enhance transparency in recent years. While not flawless, Silver Oak maintains a generally positive reputation.
Pros Cons
Extensive game library with over 180 titles Most bonuses are play bonuses (wagering requirements)
Generous welcome bonus package Some reports of slow payouts
Diverse range of ongoing promotions and reload bonuses Licensed in Costa Rica (limited oversight)
24/7 customer support across multiple channels Reputable software provider (Realtime)

Website Design and Navigation

From the moment you land on Silver Oak Casino's homepage, you're greeted by a sleek, modern layout with large banners showcasing current promotions and jackpots. One of the standout features of Silver Oak's website is its sidebar menu. Neatly organized with helpful icons, this menu allows you to quickly access different sections of the site, including the games lobby, promotions, banking options, and more.
But it's not just about looks; Silver Oak Casino's website is also highly functional. The lobby features a "Recent Winners" feed, giving you a glimpse into the action and the games that are currently paying out. Additionally, the visible jackpot ticker keeps you updated on the biggest potential payouts, fueling your motivation to chase those life-changing wins.

Game Selection

A casino's game selection is a critical factor in determining its overall appeal and quality. Silver Oak recognizes this importance, offering a diverse library of over 180 titles across various categories to cater to a wide range of player preferences.


Slots constitute the largest portion of Silver Oak Casino's game offering, with over 120 different slot machines available. These include:
  • Classic 3-reel slots
  • Video slots with multiple paylines
  • Bonus rounds
  • Immersive themes (ancient civilizations, sports, whimsical)
  • Progressive jackpot slots
Notable slots series include the "Real Series" from RTG, featuring high-quality graphics, sound effects, and the potential for life-changing jackpots.

Table Games

While Silver Oak may not boast the largest selection of table games, it certainly offers enough variety to keep things interesting. You'll find familiar favorites like blackjack, baccarat, and roulette, each with multiple variations to suit different playing styles.

Video Poker

Video poker enthusiasts can enjoy 15 different variations at Silver Oak, such as:
  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Joker Poker
  • Loose Deuces
  • Sevens Wild
  • Bonus Poker variants (Bonus Poker, Double Bonus Poker, Double Double Bonus Poker)

Specialty Games

Rounding out the game selection are a variety of specialty games, including keno, scratch cards, and bingo. While they may not be the main attraction for most players, they offer a refreshing change of pace and add to the overall diversity of Silver Oak Casino's offerings.

Software Providers

Silver Oak relies solely on RTG as its software provider. Established in 1998, RTG is a well-known and respected name in the online gaming industry, renowned for high-quality games, smooth graphics, and a commitment to fairness.

Bonuses and Promotions

New players are greeted with a generous welcome bonus package that includes:
  • 260% match bonus
  • 35 free spins included
Other Popular Bonuses:
  • 100% match bonus + 20 free spins
  • Game of the Month: 25 free spins
  • 25 free spins + 110% match bonus
The site promotes unlocking exclusive bonuses and promotions that can "take your bankroll to the next level". It highlights the ability to play with significantly more funds than your initial deposit amount thanks to the lucrative match bonuses.
To claim bonuses, you need to log in or create an account first. Then you can redeem bonus codes/coupons in the casino cashier. If a bonus requires a deposit, you make the deposit and the bonus funds/free spins are credited.

Banking Options

When it comes to online casinos, having a smooth and secure banking experience is crucial. After all, you'll be entrusting the platform with your hard-earned money, so it's only natural to expect a seamless process. Let's take a closer look at how Silver Oak Casino fares in this department.

Deposit Methods

Making a deposit at Silver Oak Casino is straightforward, thanks to the variety of options available. Here's a quick rundown of the methods you can choose from:
  • Bitcoin
  • Litecoin
  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • Discover
  • American Express
One nifty feature worth highlighting is the Players Rewards Card, a third-party payment solution that acts as a secure middleman between you and the casino. Not only does it mask your personal banking information, but it also comes with additional bonuses and faster payout times – a win-win situation!

Withdrawal Methods

Silver Oak offers a few different options, depending on your location and preferred method. These include:
  • Bank Transfer
  • Check Transfers
  • Bitcoin
  • Coindraw
It's worth noting that some withdrawal methods, such as checks or money transfers, may incur processing fees of up to $40. Additionally, there's a minimum withdrawal amount of $100 and a weekly maximum of $2,500.

Payout Timeframes

One aspect of Silver Oak that has garnered some criticism is the payout timeframes. While withdrawal requests under $200 go through an "Express Approval'' process that takes around three business days, larger withdrawals can take up to seven business days just for approval.
Once approved, there's an additional wait time of seven to ten days before the casino actually issues your payment. And if you've opted for a check by mail, you might have to wait another 14 business days for it to arrive.
It's worth mentioning that if you're using the Players Rewards Card, you're guaranteed to receive your payouts within seven days of requesting – a significant improvement over the standard timeframes.

Customer Support

Encountering an issue or query while playing at an online casino can be frustrating, but a reliable customer support system can go a long way in alleviating those concerns. At Silver Oak Casino, players have access to a variety of support channels, ensuring that help is always just a few clicks (or taps) away.
Support Channel Contacts Availability
Email []( 24/7 (response within 48 hours)
Live Chat Available on the website 24/7
Phone No -

Mobile Gaming

While Silver Oak Casino does not offer a dedicated mobile app, players can access a mobile-optimized website. The mobile site is compatible with popular devices running iOS, Android, and Windows operating systems, thanks to the use of HTML5 technology. The mobile website offers the same range of activities and features as the desktop version, including access to popular games like online slots, video poker, table games, and more.


Are the games at Silver Oak fair and secure?

Absolutely! All games are regularly tested and verified for fairness by independent auditors like Gaming Labs International (GLI). Additionally, the casino employs state-of-the-art encryption technology to protect your personal and financial information.

Can I try the games for free before playing with real money?

Yes, Silver Oak offers a "Practice Mode" for most of its products, allowing you to test them out and familiarize yourself with the rules and gameplay mechanics without risking any real money.

Is Silver Oak Casino legitimate and licensed?

Absolutely! Silver Oak Casino holds a legitimate license from the Costa Rica Gaming Commission and follows all relevant gambling laws and industry standards.

Is there a mobile app for Silver Oak Casino?

No, there is no dedicated mobile app. However, the casino's website is mobile-optimized, allowing you to play games and manage your account from your mobile device's browser.

What kind of games can I expect to find at Silver Oak?

The library features over 180 titles, including a wide range of slots (classic and video slots), table games (blackjack, baccarat, poker variations), video poker, and specialty products like roulette, keno, and scratch cards.
submitted by dindyfrin to GambleWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 18:04 dindyfrin Red Dog Casino Review (2024) Reddit Review

Red Dog Casino Review (2024) Reddit Review
Red Dog Casino, a newcomer to the online gambling scene, has been making waves since its launch in 2019. In this review, we'll take a closer look at what this Curacao-licensed casino has to offer, from its game selection and bonuses to customer support. This review will provide you with all the information you need to decide if Red Dog is the right choice for you.

Overview of Red Dog Casino

Red Dog is an online casino that was established in 2019. It is owned and operated by Arbath Solutions OU, a company licensed and regulated by the Curacao Gaming Authority. The site is powered by RTG and Visionary iGaming, two well-known software providers in the online gambling industry.
One of the standout features of Red Dog is its compatibility with various devices. Players can access the casino through their web browser on desktop computers, smartphones, and tablets running on Android, iOS, or Windows operating systems.
Feature Highlights
Game Selection 1000+ slots, 26 video poker, 28 blackjack, 61 table games, live dealers
Software Providers RealTime, Visionary iGaming
Welcome Bonus Up to $8000
Mobile Compatibility Accessible via web browser on Android, iOS, and Windows devices
Customer Support 24/7 live chat, phone, and email support
Payment Methods Credit cards, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Flexepin

User Experience

Players want a site that is easy to navigate, visually appealing, and functional across various devices. Let's take a closer look at how Red Dog Casino performs in this area.

Website design and navigation

Red Dog features a clean and modern design that is easy on the eyes. The site's mascot, a friendly red dog, greets players on the homepage, adding a touch of personality to the overall aesthetic. The navigation menu is well-organized, with clear categories for different game types, promotions, and essential pages like the cashier and customer support.
The site's minimalistic background ensures that the focus remains on the games and promotions, without any distracting elements. Overall, the design strikes a good balance between visual appeal and functionality.

Mobile compatibility

You can access the casino through your web browser without the need to download any additional software. The mobile version of the site is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes. All the games and features available on the desktop version are also accessible on mobile.

User interface and ease of use

Red Dog Casino's user interface is intuitive and easy to navigate. The main menu at the top of the page provides quick access to essential sections like the game lobby, promotions, and the cashier. Players can also find important links to the terms and conditions, privacy policy, and responsible gaming information in the footer.
The game lobby is well-organized, with separate tabs for different categories like slots, table games, video poker, and specialty ones. Players can easily filter games by type or use the search bar to find specific titles. Additionally, the site allows players to mark their favorite titles, making them easily accessible for future gaming sessions.
Aspect Rating Description
Website design 4/5 Clean, modern, and visually appealing
Navigation 5/5 Well-organized menu, easy to find essential sections
Mobile compatibility 5/5 Fully optimized for mobile play, no app needed
User interface 4/5 Intuitive and enjoyable to use, with handy features like game filtering and favorites

How to Get Started

In this section, we'll walk you through the account registration process, how to claim bonuses, and how to make your first deposit.

Process of Signing Up for an Account

Registering an account is a simple and straightforward process. Simply follow the steps below:
  1. Go to the official website and click on the "Register" button at the top right corner.
  2. Fill out the registration form with your personal information including your name, email address, phone number and date of birth.
  3. Select your preferred currency and come up with a strong password for your account.
  4. Accept the platform rules and then click "Create Account".
  5. Confirm your e-mail address by clicking the link sent to your registered e-mail.

Claiming bonuses

Red Dog Casino offers a variety of rewards. Here's how you can get them:
  1. Once you're logged into your new account, go to the Cashier section.
  2. Select the "Bonuses" tab to view the available offers.
  3. Choose the one you want to receive and make the appropriate deposit.
  4. Enter the bonus code (if required) and follow the prompts to complete the process.
  5. The bonus funds will be automatically credited to your account.

Making deposits

Funding your account is easy and secure. Follow these steps to make your first deposit:
  1. In the "Cashier" section, select the "Deposit" tab.
  2. Choose your preferred payment method from the available options (e.g., credit/debit card, Bitcoin, Flexepin).
  3. Enter the deposit amount and follow the instructions specific to your chosen payment method.
  4. Once the transaction is complete, your funds will be instantly credited to your account, and you can start playing your favorite games.
By following these simple steps, you'll be ready to explore all that Red Dog has to offer. Remember to take advantage of the welcome bonus package to maximize your playing time and potential winnings.

Game Selection

The casino has many categories of games to cater to different player preferences. The main categories include:
  1. Slot machines
  2. Table games
  3. Video poker
  4. Specialty games
  5. Live dealers

Slot machines

Slots are the bread and butter of most online casinos, and Red Dog is no exception. The casino offers over 1000 slot titles. While the number of slots may be lower compared to some other online casinos, the quality of the games is top-notch.
  • Popular titles: Some of the most popular slots at Red Dog include Sheriff vs Bandits, Caishen Deluxe Maxways, Bonanza Billion, and Diamond of Jungle.
  • Progressive jackpots: For players chasing life-changing wins, Red Dog Casino offers a selection of progressive jackpot slots, such as Dragon Kings and Super Crystals.
  • New releases: RTG regularly adds new slot titles to its portfolio, which are promptly featured at Red Dog Casino. Keep an eye out for the latest releases to try your luck on something fresh.

Table games

While Red Dog's table game selection is somewhat limited compared to other online casinos, it still covers the most popular options.
  • Blackjack variations: Players can enjoy Classic Blackjack, Blackjack + Perfect Pairs, and Vegas Strip Blackjack.
  • Roulette options: The casino offers European Roulette, a popular variant with a single zero pocket, offering better odds for players compared to American Roulette.
  • Others: Red Dog also features other table games like Tri Card Poker.

Video poker

Red Dog offers an impressive selection of 26 video poker games, catering to players who enjoy this classic casino game. Some popular titles include:
  • Jacks or Better
  • Deuces Wild
  • Joker Poker
  • Aces and Faces

Specialty games

For players looking for something different, Red Dog offers a handful of specialty games, such as Keno, Plinko, and crash games. They provide a fun and casual alternative to the more traditional casino games.

Live dealer games

Red Dog has partnered with Visionary iGaming to offer a live dealer casino. The casino currently has over 70 live dealer tables.
  • Types: Players can enjoy live dealer versions of Blackjack, Roulette, Baccarat, and Super 6.
  • Software provider: Visionary iGaming is known for its high-quality live dealer games, featuring professional dealers and HD streaming.
Although Red Dog's game library may not be as extensive as some other online casinos, it still offers a solid selection of high-quality games from reputable providers like RTG and Visionary iGaming.

Welcome bonus package

Red Dog Casino offers an enticing welcome bonus for new players. Upon making your first deposit, you can take advantage of a 250% match bonus worth up to a staggering $2,500. However, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. After fulfilling the wagering requirements for the initial bonus, you unlock a series of additional bonuses on your next four deposits. The specifics of each subsequent offer may vary, but if you capitalize on all five bonuses, you could potentially claim a massive $8,000 in bonus funds.

Banking Options

When it comes to online gambling, having a variety of secure and convenient banking options is crucial. Players want to know that they can easily deposit funds and withdraw their winnings without any hassle. In this section, we'll explore the banking options available at Red Dog Casino and evaluate their security and fairness.

Deposit methods

Red Dog offers a selection of deposit methods to cater to different player preferences:
  • Credit/debit cards: Players can use popular credit and debit cards like Visa and Mastercard to fund their accounts. The minimum deposit amount for this method is $30, with a maximum limit of $1,000 per transaction.
  • E-wallets: Unfortunately, Red Dog does not currently support any e-wallet options like Neteller or Skrill.
  • Cryptocurrencies: For players who prefer the anonymity and security of cryptocurrencies, Red Dog Casino accepts deposits in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and Bitcoin Cash. The minimum deposit amount for cryptocurrencies is $20, with no maximum limit.
Other deposit options include Flexepin prepaid vouchers, with minimum deposits of $20.
Deposit Method Minimum Deposit Maximum Deposit
Visa/Mastercard $30 $1,000
Bitcoin $20 No limit
Ethereum $20 No limit
Litecoin $20 No limit
Flexepin $20 $500

Withdrawal methods

When it comes to withdrawing your winnings, Red Dog Casino offers a more limited selection of options compared to deposits: Players can choose to withdraw their funds via credit/debit card (Visa, Mastercard), Bank Wire transfer, or Bitcoin.
The casino aims to process all withdrawal requests within 1-3 business days. However, it's important to note that the actual time it takes for funds to reach your account may vary depending on the selected method. Credit/debit card withdrawals can take 3-4 business days, while Bank Wire transfers may take up to 5 business days.
The minimum withdrawal amount for all methods is $150, which is relatively high compared to some other online casinos. The maximum withdrawal limit is $2,500 per transaction.
Withdrawal Method Payout Time Minimum Withdrawal Maximum Withdrawal
Credit/Debit Card 3-4 days $150 $2,500
Bank Wire 5 days $150 $2,500
Bitcoin 1-3 days $150 $2,500

Payment security

Red Dog takes the security of its players' financial transactions seriously. The casino uses advanced encryption technology to protect all sensitive data, ensuring that personal and financial information remains safe from unauthorized access.
In terms of fairness, Red Dog operates under a license from Curacao. The casino also employs a Random Number Generator (RNG) to ensure that all game outcomes are unbiased and random.

Mobile Gaming

The mobile version of the site is compatible with both iOS and Android devices without the need to download any additional apps. Players can enjoy the same selection of games, bonuses, and features available on the desktop version, making it easy to switch between devices without missing a beat.

Customer Support

Red Dog Casino provides excellent customer support through various channels, including 24/7 live chat, email, and telephone. The live chat ensures quick problem-solving, while email inquiries are answered within 24 hours. Telephone support is also available for direct assistance. The knowledgeable and friendly support team is always ready to assist players with any questions or concerns. Additionally, the casino offers an extensive FAQ section on its website for self-help and common inquiries.


Is Red Dog a legitimate and safe online casino?

Yes, it is a legitimate online casino that prioritizes player safety and security. The casino is licensed by Curacao. Additionally, Red Dog Casino uses advanced encryption technology to protect players' personal and financial information.

Can I play at Red Dog Casino from my mobile device?

Yes, it is fully compatible with mobile devices, including smartphones and tablets. The casino's website is optimized for mobile use, allowing players to access their favorite games and features without the need to download any additional apps.

How can I withdraw my winnings?

Navigate to the Cashier section and select the "Withdraw" option. Choose your preferred withdrawal method (credit/debit card, Bank Wire, or Bitcoin) and enter the amount you wish to withdraw.

Can I try the games at Red Dog Casino for free?

Yes, many of the games offer a free play or demo mode, allowing players to try them out without risking real money. This is a great way to familiarize yourself with the games before committing to real-money wagers.

How do I know that the games at Red Dog Casino are fair?

Red Dog Casino ensures fair play by using a Random Number Generator (RNG) to determine the outcomes of all non-live games. This technology guarantees that results are unbiased and random. Additionally, the casino's games are regularly audited by independent third parties to verify their fairness and integrity.
submitted by dindyfrin to GambleWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 06:34 FancyInvestment397 MyStake Casino Review – Is MyStake a Legit Gambling Site?

MyStake Casino Review – Is MyStake a Legit Gambling Site?
Many people probably don't know about Mystake when it comes to casinos or online gambling. But if you talk about new betting sites that do not have the restrictions of the already established ones, then Mystake comes to the fore. And this is probably quite logical because Mystake Casino will not ask for verification documents, or the procedure will be extremely light and even pleasant. And it is well known that the KYC process is becoming increasingly crucial for punters.
MyStake Casino
So if you have already decided that the “big” names in gambling are not for you, your choice may be Mystake casino. But, on the other hand, once you start to read this post, you probably have the idea that you need to find something better than a regular casino with a welcome bonus.

MyStake Casino Review in 2024

It doesn't matter if you want to get rid of GamStop or bet without limits. It has never been so easy now, and one of the reasons for that is Mystake. You probably have many questions about the casino or the sportsbook; you probably want to know whether this gambling site is legitimate; whether you will take your profits without any problems. We tried to answer most questions with advice and examples from our expert team.
After reading our Mystake review, we hope that you will have a clear idea of whether this casino is for you, or maybe your search will continue. Mystake is relatively new to the industry, but that doesn't mean they don't have gambling experience. Mystake is owned by Onksion BV and has a Curacao license since 2020.
  • £1,000 Casino Bonus
  • USA Players Accepted
  • UK Players Accepted
  • Credit/Debit Cards Accepted
  • Cryptocurrencies Accepted
  • EcoPayz
  • No GamStop
  • No Verification
  • A "Palette" of Online Slots
  • Fast Payouts
  • Exclusive Bonuses and Offers
  • Free Spins
>>> Get Casino Bonus MyStake 100% up to $1000

What Options Does Mystake Offer?

The significant advantage of Mystake is the variety of options that the gambling site offers: Sports, Live Betting, Casino, Live Casino, Virtual Games, Esports, non-GamStop bingo, and Mini Games.

Mystake Sportsbook
Mystake has enough sports for every taste. Starting with the usual ones like football, basketball, tennis, hockey, and baseball, then go through handball, volleyball, rugby, table tennis, and reach Esports like Dota 2, Warcraft, and Call of Duty. The odds are pretty high considering the variety that Mystake sportsbook gives us. Side betting options are also dizzying: over 400 for famous La Liga or Premiership events.
Live bets are not inferior to the already renowned bookmakers like Betonline. Sports betting gives a clear idea of Mystake's desire to adapt to the requirements of even the most discerning bettors. And maybe it is because of them this gambling site can be considered as a typical example of an already established sportsbook.

Mystake Casino Review
Indeed, I have never seen a casino and a live casino with so many games in one place. Only the providers of Mystake slots are over 100. It means that every gambler can enjoy hundreds of casino games on just one site. It is imposing.
As much as we try to ignore these numbers, we can't help but notice this outstanding gambling achievement. And when it comes to legitimacy – yes, Mystake casino is a legit casino not on GamStop. There is no way live casino providers like Evolution Gaming give their software to a fraudulent bookmaker. Example : Vave Casino offers live dealer games with Evolution Gaming
And this is one demonstrative support from a big brand. Maybe this circumstance makes me think about the Mystake casino's burden in gambling circles after no more for several years. And this is entirely understandable – we have everything that a big casino like Super Slots can offer us.
We even have many times more. One who is not familiar with other casinos will hardly guess that he has come across a real jewel in the gambling industry. Still, let's list some of the slot opportunities we have in this beautiful casino: we got all the famous and big names of Microgaming, namely – Immortal Romance, Stardust, Scroodge, Lost Vegas, and many others.
In addition, we can find all NetEnt slots: starting with Narcos, Gonzo's Quest, Starburst, going through Guns and Roses Slot and reaching names like Vikings slot, etc.

Virtual Games

If ten years ago virtual games were just a whim, now they are an integral part of every bookmaker's portfolio. Mystake does not make an exception. Our center draws attention to virtual games such as football, basketball, horse racing, greyhounds, tennis, and even baseball. The interest in virtual sports is generated and maintained by the help of those European and American gamblers who are forced to find something suitable for betting during long breaks like summer.

Mystake Bonuses
The influence of the bonus as an integral part of every casino is so strong. The competition between the big names in gambling has reached its peak. Last year we saw a reduction in bonuses worldwide. We can give an example of it with the bet365 welcome offer. The company has changed the bonus terms several times only for the six months. However, this does not apply to the otherwise new gambling provider Mystake.
Only the Mystake casino bonus has two different options: 150% up to $200 and 100% up to $1000. We also have an impressive $500 bonus for sports betting. Of course, this is not the end. We can take advantage of 30% cashback and 10% crypto cashback.
>>> Get Bonus MyStake 150% up to $200

MyStake Mini Games

MyStake Providers


You may or may not have heard about Dino; it's MyStake's version of Crash, the popular game many influencers play on Roobet. However, instead of a spaceship, it's a dinosaur running away from meteors. The game itself is fantastic, addictive, and offers some of the better multipliers, depending on your luck. Like many games found on MyStake, it was developed by Upgaming, which is excellent news.
There isn't much to think about when playing Dino. You place a bet, Dino runs, and you must collect the money before a meteor hits him. The longer you leave the bet on Dino not getting hit by a meteor, the more significant winnings you receive. In this game, the minimum bet is 0.10 USD/EUR, and the maximum is 1,000 USD/EUR. Therefore, there's enough betting range for all types of players.


Staying with the methodological region, Icefield bases itself as a Yeti from the Himalayas. The game aims to get the Yeti across the Icefield without falling off. What makes this game enjoyable yet challenging is that random ice cubes can break. When or once the Yeti gets over the Icefield, you'll receive a win.
You must choose the right spot on each column to win, ensuring the Yeti doesn't slip or fall off the platform. If it does, you lose the stake. It would help to choose more ice cubes when you want to up the stakes.


Usually, casinos not on GamStop have questionable mini-game options – not MyStake. Another game is Hi-Lo. Again, it's developed by Upgaming and follows an easy-to-play format in which anyone can get involved. As you can imagine, it contains a standard deck of cards, where you can see one card face up. After you see the card, your job is to predict whether the next card will be higher or lower. It's that simple.
Like many games on this platform, it doesn't require a long list of instructions detailing how to play. Ultimately, the game lets you sit back, relax, and place bets. When the game is being played, you'll need to predict whether the next card will be higher or lower than the one shown first. The probability and multipliers will differ based on how likely the users are to win.


Another option that Upgaming created is Dice. The game is on various platforms, including MyStake, JackBit, Golden bet, Fresh-bet, and many others. You've likely seen this game or counterfeits if you're an avid online gambler. Surprisingly, it's a somewhat profitable game. Similar to Plinko, it has a huge RTP of 99%. Considering it doesn't require much knowledge or money to play, it makes Dice one of the more profitable games you can find online.
The marvelous thing about Dice is that it doesn't require masses or nearly no explanation to understand. A line allows you to set any number from zero to a hundred. With each bet, the Dice will roll, showcasing a number from zero to a hundred. If you've chosen the number, you could win upwards of 49.5x your initially betted amount.


Plinko dates back far beyond most games on MyStake. The game was first seen on “The Price is Right,” a TV show broadcasted in America. However, there's a twist with Plinko. If you haven't guessed already, the famous pachinko machines in Japan inspired the game.
Playing this game is highly addictive because of its flashy graphics and accessibility. Including this, it also has some explosive, unexpected pay-outs, which people love. Considering it provides an RTP (return to players) of 98 to 99 percent, it's understandable why so many users adore this game. The gameplay is nothing but simple. When playing this mini-game on the new casino, you'll first see a pyramid of small white circles (pins).
Then, the balls begin to fall through these pins, getting hit in different directions based on how they hit the processes. Once it goes through all the circles, it'll eventually hit a multiplier – this is what you win. The more pins you select, the better your chances of winning big. Currently, you can customize this from 8 to 16 circles.

Which Are The Restricted Countries?

As far as restrictions and regulations are concerned, practically all gamblers are welcome in Mystake. Players from UK and USA can sign up. Even gamblers from France and Australia have the right to bet at Mystake, which is quite rare in gambling circles. Of course, there are some restrictions on the games that citizens of different countries can play, but everyone is generally welcome. We can even find official mirror links that help us visit the casino if our ISP accidentally blocks access to

Mystake Payment Options

Maybe to understand that it is a legitimate company enough, or to fascinate and excite permanently even those gambling connoisseurs who have gone through numerous betting sites, Mystake has provided its customers with a “palette” of payment options. So we have Visa, MasterCard, Neteller, Skrill, EcoPayz, Bitcoin, Webmoney, Paysafecard, and many more.
With the regulations created for several bookmakers, forming a collection with so many payment methods is a fact of great importance. It appears as something completely new, just as bitcoin has emerged as a trend in the gambling world. But, to a large extent, this diversity is shaped by the gamblers' interests. The same punters had to abandon their favorite betting sites because they no longer support their preferred payment methods.
Such factors are the reason casinos like Mystake capture the attention of even the most discerning betting enthusiasts.

Is Mystake Casino Legit?

With a wealth of options and stylish layout, as well as fair odds and a variety of games, Mystake rises as a genuinely legit casino. I would even say that Mystake is the model of a gambling site. As we have already noted, it is unthinkable that such names in the gaming industry as Microgaming and Evolution Gaming would allow an illegitimate site to use their service. The legitimacy of Mystake is also fueled by the fact that payment providers such as Neteller, Visa, MasterCard will enable the use of their services.


We have to mention the disadvantages of Mystake casino. We can not ignore these cons, although the advantages are much more. For example, we can't find an app. Also, we don't have PayPal as a payment method. Sometimes too little casino history can also be taken as a minus. Still, there aren't that many bad reviews, or our team did not find enough to pay special attention to this section.


In short, if you want a casino not on Gamstop, you can be sure Mystake is a good choice. We wanted not to repeat ourselves, but this rich “palette” of payment methods, slot games, sports, and betting options can not go unnoticed and not be praised. It's incredible how you can collect so many missing things in the big casinos and put them together in one place.
A place where restrictions are the last thing you will hear. There is no way not to mention that people from otherwise already isolated from the gambling world countries such as the USA, Australia, France are accepted in Mystake. So with its main advantages, Mystake is approaching increasingly to be a factor in the gambling industry. Let us hope that they will continue in the same spirit.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to GamblingSites [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:46 Winter703 Casino room charge max?

I saw you can gamble in casino slot machine with the money charged to the room. Is there a max amount? I plan to gamble $2,000 and don’t want to carry cash. It would be convenient to just charge to my room and pay with credit card at the end of the cruise.
submitted by Winter703 to royalcaribbean [link] [comments]


Memory transcription subject: Zeel, Security Chief of the Red Sands District.
Date [Standardized human time]: June 3 2138
“This can’t be real right?” I hear from over my shoulder. “I mean, it’s got to be, what’s that phrase, click-bait?” I turn around to the young gojid intern watching the holo-screen over my shoulder. I flick my tail with a firm yes. “It has to be, other wise we need to start a murder investigation.” I blink, briefly reflecting that just a year ago I would have said predator attack without one thought that a fellow sapient could be responsible for a back alley stabbing. “B-but that blurred orange blob on the picture!” She replies, spins bristling. “Also fake.” I reassure my assistant. “Don’t worry Bavik. I watched their other videos. It’s just eye catching headlines and dumb kids looking for fame.” I sigh and turn back to the holo-screen watching the counter tick down. “I-I-I guess.” She replies, no less pointy than before. “I mean, a human actually e-e-ea… ingesting a sapient. That’s crazy right?” I can’t help but scoff, the only reason we had to waist our time on this nonsense ‘investigation’ was because of all the concerned phone calls demanding flame throwers and kicked down doors. Not that anyone even knew where on Skalga they actually where.
“What’s crazy is my pup refusing dinner because it smells funny. It did not!” It was Bavik’s turn to scoff. “And how would you know?” She asks, spines lowering as the mood relaxes. “Cheap! Shot!” I retort, holding back an amused bleat. “Look!” she blurts, pointing a claw at the screen.
[Live stream starting: 3… 2… 1…]

The view window opens on a blue painted wall. Scuffling sounds can be heard as the view wobbles and zooms out to reveal a plain wooden table with a metal dome covering a plate while a napkin, fork, knife and microphone sit off to the side.
“Are we rolling?” “Yeah we’re good. Connects a little slow with the anti-location finder but it’s going through.” “How many viewers?” “Uhhhh, three thousand, five hundred and counting.” “Really!??!! That’s great” “Some of these have got to be exterminators ‘Bonnie’ This isn’t a goo-“ “Oh hush, it’ll be fine. Come on! Sit!”
Coming into view from the left, a human of average height, red hair, and portly build wearing a simple beige hoodie, a baseball cap and aviator style sunglasses across his eyes took a seat behind the table. “Alright, introduce yourself!” The human sighs and gives his head a small shake. “Hi, people of the internet. My name is ‘Clyde’.”
He puts up his hands and makes air quotes while saying his name. Shortly after, a foggy grey furred venlil wearing a decoratively torn pink colored jean-jacket with her mop of head fur styled into a mohawk featuring yellow dyed tips while each ear had several clip-on earrings attached. “And I’m ‘Bonnie’!” she says excitedly, repeating the finger gesture while hopping into frame from the right and tossing an arm around the sitting human. “We’re exchange partners, best friends and partners in crime!” Her tail was swishing rapidly, signing happy, excited, good things and watch close in a blur that made things hard to read.
“Tell our viewers what we’re streaming today!” She bleats, jostling ‘Clyde’ who seemed to be trying not to show a toothy grin at his partners enthusiasm.
“Alright, alright. From the duo that brought you First Ever Venlil Skateboarding.” ‘Bonnie’ holds up her other arm, proudly showing off a wrist cast covered in signatures and doodles. “And Drunk Friend Mystery Tattoo” ‘Clyde’ rolls up his right sleeve, showing off what appeared to be either the side profile of a deformed horse or a very unfortunate dossur. ‘Clyde’ tugs down his sleeve and nervously taps his finger on the table. “What’s in store for our audience today ‘Bonnie’?” The venlil girl nearly bounces with glee and grabs the top of the silver metal dome. “Ven-Steak Dinner!” She yanks off the dome. A puff of hot steam clears away to reveal a slab of freshly seared meat with a sprig of parsley on top. “Ugh why is it purple!?” ‘Clyde’ blurts, jumping at the sight before him. “I don’t know, it cooked up that way. The stuff you eat turns brown.” ‘Bonnie’ says with a shrug while tucking a napkin into ‘Clyde’s’ collar.
“C’mon stick to the script.” She whispers taking a seat of her own. “So, ‘Clyde’, why are you eating genuine venlil meat today?” “Because you’re crazy?” ‘Bonnie’ giggles, swats him with her tail and continues, answering her own question.
“Because we are going to prove once and for all that humans are not ravenous beasts and can control their instincts around us poor meek venlil.” ‘Clyde’ rolls his eyes under the sunglasses.
“And that we don’t even have instincts like that. Really, it’s getting kinda racist.” He looks down at the cooked meal before him, lips curling slightly.
“Now, before anyone runs for the exterminator hotline, well those of you that haven’t fainted or run for cover yet, this is actually-“ “ME!!!” ‘Bonnie’ Jumps into her exchange partners lap, arms spreading to present herself. “Yes, you heard it right! That’s me on that plate. Believe it or not viewers, I borrowed a synthesizer from one of the labs that bought freedom for so many. Took my own cell culture and grew my friend here a lovely meal of grade A, free range, yours truly.” ‘Bonnie’ hops down, tail swishing excitedly and fur ruffled with glee. “So, since this is one hundred percent consensual, technically not illegal and ethically sourced, none of you FED loving traditionalists have any right to freak out!” She wags her finger at the camera, a human gesture she had picked up along with the late 2070’s neo-pop skater fashion sense.
“And much to my regret, I owe this, possibly one legit case of predator disease in the entire galaxy, a huge favor.” ‘Clyde’ chimes in while adjusting the napkin in his shirt, before pausing with a confused look on his half-hidden face. “…wait, I thought the tattoo made us ev-“ “Shh, it’s on.” She interrupts, gesturing at the camera with her tail. “All right good citizens of Skalga, you will now bear witness to history’s first documented expert taste test of ven-meat!” ‘Bonnie’ passes the fork to ‘Clyde’ and sits in her chair, practically vibrating with excitement and bearing a slight bloom across her face.
‘Clyde’ takes the utensils and starts to cut off a piece, his expression going worried and the sawing motion of the knife slowing to a stop half through the cut. “It looks like petrol in puddle.” He says with puzzlement. “What do you mean?” “The juice that’s coming out, it’s all shiny and metallic. What did you cook this in?”
“Nothing! Just the auto chef and some vegetable oil like you suggested, didn’t even salt it.” “Yenv- ‘Bonnie’ I don’t think I should eat this.”
“Oh come on, we went through all this effort! Don’t you wanna beat the products for predator channel? They did a fake heart and got over half a million subscribers, the real thing will bury that! Maybe even get us a sponsor!”
‘Clyde’ laughs and nods. “Alright alright.” He finishes cutting through the piece and brings it up to his mouth. The human pauses and sniffs at the shimmering purple seared, orange centered meat, wrinkles his nose and jerks back. “Well, uhm, it has a distinct grease trap aroma, with a hint of, ugh, paint thinner?.” “Is that… good?” She asks, having no context for smells “…No. ‘Bonnie’ I’m not sure this is safe.”
“Oh don’t be such a pup. It’s not like I’m serving you a flying machine.” She replies, playfully jostling her friend.
“That nutjob just wanted attention.” ‘Clyde’ replies defensively. “So do we! Go on, eat me!”
With a grimace, the human puts the piece in his mouth, chews once and immediately groans. “Well? Don’t leave us all in suspense. Are we really the most delicious thing in the galaxy? Are you ravenous for more? Perhaps something fresher? Am I *gasp* in danger?” She says, phoning in a fake fearfulness for the camera. ‘Clyde’, shivers, chews again, and forces himself to swallow. He coughs, pulls a water bottle from under the table to swish and spit into a garbage can beside him. “God, that is the foulest, gamiest thing I ever put in my mouth! UGH!!!” He pushes the plate away and wipes his tongue on the napkin. ‘Bonnie’ leans back in her chair, tail flicking curiosity and the bloom fading. “Really? But.. the arxur keep calling us delicacy.” She glances at the lab grown bit of herself still steaming on the plate. “Arxur don’t know [censored], meat shouldn’t be sour!” He exclaims, hacking a wad of foamy spit into the can again. “Jeeze, you need to lay off the junk food! It’s like you’re pickling yourself.” he scolds, more foamy spittle dribbling down his lips before he can spit again. ‘Bonnie’ whistles and purrs with amusement, offering the sprig of parsley. ‘Clyde’ flicks it away much to her delight. “Well, there you have it viewers, humans don’t even think we taste good. Guess we had nothing to fea-“
‘Clyde’ suddenly gags and claps a hand over his mouth hard. ‘Bonnie’ gasps, her joyful tail wagging coming to a halt as her humans expression turned pale and distraught. “I’m gunna…” ‘Clyde’ suddenly stands, tossing the chair he was sitting in as he bolted out of frame. “PHILLIP?!!” ‘Bonnie’ shouts as she too leaves the room. The camera view suddenly twisting and hurtling towards the floor where it blacks out.

Stream disconnected, standby…
[Memory transcript interrupted, warning, high stress and blood pressure levels detected. Resuming, time elapsed, two hours]
The window suddenly reconnects, showing ‘Clyde’ sitting at the table, cradling the garbage can in his lap, the plate and its contents gone from the room. His face was pasty, sweaty, his sunglasses askew and hat tossed next to the microphone.
“By the great protector!” ‘Bonnie’ bleats from off screen. ‘Clyde’ makes an “Uhh?” in response just before hiccupping and bringing his head over the can. ‘Bonnie’ comes into frame, tail signing reassurances to the camera. ‘Clyde’ relaxes and leans back again, looking rather unhappy. “Well, good news ALL TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND VIEWERS!!! ‘Clyde’ here is totally fine and making a steady recovery.” To which the human gave a shaky thumbs up. “Even better news!” ‘Bonnie’ whistles, tail signaling to fast to read. “Our predator friends CAN’T eat us!” She sidles over to her human and puts a reassuring arm across his slumped shoulders. ‘Clyde’ nods and sits up a little. “So apparently,” he begins after taking a breath, “The chemicals that venlil bodies use to metabolize air and exhale waste gas, the stuff that makes your blood orange like iron makes ours red, is moderately toxic to human biology.” Winded by the explanation, ‘Clyde’ slouches again and sips from the water bottle. “Yeppers! The [no translation available in English] reacts with human stomach acid like vinegar and baking soda, hence the foaming.” There is a brief pause, ‘Bonnie’ glancing at her human and giving a light tail tap to his leg. “Yes, it also causes nausea, vomiting, disorientation, indigestion and a lingering sour taste.” “And yet the arxur have no tummy trouble with any aliens. Why do you think that is ‘Clyde’?” ‘Bonnie’ prompts, her fur puffing excitedly again. “Uhh, if they are anything like monitors and alligators, then the Arxur must have poor taste buds and much tougher stomachs that can probably digest a truck tire. Human in cont ‘hic’ rast have been cooking for almost a million years. It’s far safer bacteria and parasite wise, more efficient for absorbing nutrients and *belch* excuse me.”
“Yes.” ‘Bonnie’ says, taking over the rehearsed lines “And as such they have at an evolutionary level, lost the ability to handle tougher foods like raw meat, bones, roots, bark and anything even slightly expired. So, even against us prey species with our multichambered stomachs and fermenting guts, our hominid friends have comparatively sensitive tummies.” She pats his belly, to which he briefly aims at the can again. ‘Bonnie’ twitches her ears in a concerned way before turning back to the camera.
“So, there you have it Skalgans! We had nothing to fear this whole time. All the running, hiding, mask mandates, exterminator rallies and stressing out was totally pointless. Because…” She drum rolls her paws on the table in dramatic fashion “We’re basically toxic!” “Or there’s something seriously wrong with this one.” ‘Clyde’ chimes in, smiling and giving a slight chuckle at her paw swat retort. “Hey, this means I can get drunk and tattoo you now, right?” “No it does not!” “Course I’ll have to shave you first.” “Ahh, that is not happening!” ‘Bonnie’ blurts, the bloom returning to her face. “Let’s have chat decide. How about it? Follow the link below and donate say… twenty thousand credits to the Thafki rehoming fund and you’ll get to see me ink a naughty word on ‘Bonnie’s’ shaved butt.” ‘Clyde says with a grin, his color starting to come back. Blooming brightly, the venlil growls and whacks the laughing humans arm with her cast and turns toward the camera. “Alright” She says, picking up a remote. “That’s it for the stream, next week we’ll continue our series of vintage Earth TV with… uhh…” “Jackass.” ‘Clyde’ prompts. “Right, we’re going to react to a twentieth century human comedy stunt variety show. It’s all public domain so you can watch live with us. No charge and none of those pesky U.N. restrictions!”
Bonnie and Clyde wave to the audience as the colorful venlil points the remote.
[Stream ended. Have a great paw, friends!]
I put down the holo-pad and rub my bloodshot eyes. What we just watched had my fur puffed, the phones ringing off the hook across several districts and my staff either clamoring to unlock the confiscated exterminator gear, fainted, frozen with dread or chatting rapidly over the outcome of the kids insane experiment. Amazingly, no stampedes where being reported, but the press was still going to have a field day.
After a shaky breath I spin the chair around to face my assistant.
We stare at each other. After a long minute, the bristling gojid quietly says. “Maybe I’m toxic too.” I blink slowly and reply “What’s stunt comedy?” Bavik flicks his ears in ignorance. “We could subscribe and find out?” Turning back to the holo pad, staring at the screen for a moment, I tap the button. Sending the counter up by one. Then throw a few credits at the donation fund. “Crazy kids.” I say with an amused tail flick.
submitted by Voganinn-drgn-3713 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:03 TightAsF_ck The List Of Almost All UK Refer a Friend Sign Up Offers & Guides For Those Who Do Not Have Time To Browse The Subreddit The Best of BeermoneyUK May 2024 Four New Offers

This is a list of almost every offer available on beermoneyuk, plus a load of guides and other tips for earning and saving money. May beermoney help you when you need/want it to.


New offers from the last month:
Ongoing Tide Offer: Spend £100, get £75 cash back.
A long-running feature of beermoneyuk. The Tide offer is one of the best cashback offers out there. Open an account with Tide, spend £100 and get £75 cashback. See the post here here for details on how to get £75
BeermoneyUK Competitions
Throughout the year, we run competitions where we give away some Amazon vouchers. The latest competition saw us giving away a £200 in Amazon vouchers - see here for the winners

BeermoneyUK Guides

# Topic
1 Overview - The BeermoneyUK Starter Guide
2 The Bank Switch Bribe Bible
3 The BeermoneyUK Investing Offer Guide (Investapedia)
--- ---
--- Cashback Guides
4 Online Cashback Website Guide
5 TightAsF_ck's Cashback Search Tool
--- ---
--- Old School Beermoney
6 Get Paid To Site/App Megalist
7 Survey Site/App Megalist
8 User Testing Site/App Megalist
9 Market Research Site/App Megalist
--- ---
--- Other topics
10 Overview of money transfer offers (old)
11 List of Matched Betting Guides & half-price Oddsmonkey promotions
12 Guide for making the most of casino offers

Get Paid To Play Game Guides

# Game Link to Guide
1 Merge Dragons Get £50 for Merge Dragons in 3ish days
2 Puzzles & Survival Get £25 for Puzzles & Survival
3 Walking Dead Get ~£60 for Walking Dead
4 State of Survival Get £116 for State of Survival (take a while though)
5 Bingo Blitz very easy
6 Empires & Puzzles Get £25 for Puzzles & Survival
More info and chat about game offers happens on Inbox_Pounds

The big beermoneyuk list of offers

Below is the big list of nearly all sign-up offers posted on beermoneyuk. There's a lot of money to be made (usually more than £1000). I originally wrote it so I could easily answer questions like "what offers are available?", and I've just kept it up to date ever since,
Search links will take you to a list of all posts on that offer, with the newest listed at the top of the page. Latest referrals are listed in the newest post and in the comments of that post. If you are on the reddit app, you need to sort the search results by "new".
I've tried to include all of the offers commonly posted on beermoneyuk. But no doubt, I have missed some and new ones appear frequently. So the list is probably missing some great offers. Aside from any missed offers, there are many tips, tricks and announcements posted on the sub that will help you earn a little more beermoney. So if this is your introduction to beermoney, please do stick around and browse the posts.

1 - Megathreads (the most popular offers)

The most popular offers on beermoneyuk. So popular that we had to create megathreads to keep the subreddit in order. There's only one at the moment:
None at the moment.

2 - Free money Offers (i.e. no spend required)

Just some free money offers for signing up and using some services.
Free money offers come in free flavours:
  1. Just sign up and get some free money.
  2. Sign up, deposit and/or spend a little money to get some free money in return.

Totally Free Beermoney - Just Sign Up Offers

No need to deposit or do anything else to get these bonuses, just sign up with a refer-a-friend link.
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 Dibz (!!gambling offer!!) Sign up, get 2 free football bingo tickets Might win, might not
2 PensionBee (Google PensionBee £50) Sign up, get £50 in your pension for free ~1 month
3 Snoop (Click to search) Sign up, get £5 free 1 month
4 Wombat (Click to search) Sign up, get £10 Free 90 days

Free Money Offers - just deposit or spend a little first.

# Title Offer Timescale
1 AMEX (Click to search) Up to £150 back for £3k spend 3 months
2 ATOA Pay (Click to search) Get £4 for sending £10 few days
3 Currensea (Click to search) Spend £100, get £10 Free ~120 days
4 Klarna (Click to search) £10 off Deliveroo ~1 week
5 Monzo (Click to search) Spend £1, get £5 free ~1 week
6 Park Christmas (Click to search) Save £25, get £10 Christmas
7 PayPal (Click to search) Spend £5, get £10 1 month
8 Raisin (Click to search) Save £5k, get £50 Free 6 months
9 Snoop (Click to search) Sign up, get £5 free 1 month
10 Sprive (Click to search) Useful direct debit (£5 bonus) Instant
11 Vanquis (Click to search) Spend £1, get £25 free ~1 week
12 Zing (Click to search) Spend £5, get £20 free ~1 month

3 - Investing Offers

Get a little beermoney for investing in the stock market. Maybe you will be the next Warren Buffet.
Investing offers also come in three flavours: 1) just sign up for a bonus; 2) deposit some money to get a bonus; or 3) invest some money to get a bonus. Most require you to invest your funds/bonus for a few months.
This list includes only refer-a-friend offers. But other investing offers are available via cashback websites - detailed in the Investapedia Post (like the Bankedex, but for investing offers)
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 AJ Bell (Click to search) Invest £10k, get £100 free 1 month
2 BestInvest (Click to search) Invest £5000, get £100 free 1 month
3 Dodl (Click to search) Invest £500, get £30 voucher 1 month
4 Fidelity(Click to search) Invest £5k, get £100 free 1 week
5 FreeTrade (Click to search) Deposit £50, get £10-£100 free 1 week
6 Income Company (Click to search) Invest €10, get €10-€500 Unknown
7 InvestEngine (Click to search) Invest £100, get £10-£50 free 1 year
8 RobinHood (Click to search) Deposit £1, get up to £140 Few days
9 Wahed Invest (Click to search) Invest £100, get £10 30 days
10 Wealthify (Click to search) Invest £250, get £50 Free 90 days
11 Wealthyhood (Click to search) Invest £100, get £5-£200 Free 60 days
12 Wombat (Click to search) Sign up, get £10 Free 90 days

4 - Money Transfer Offers

Get some beermoney for sending money abroad (can be to your own account).
Money transfer offers also come in free flavours:
  1. Get a discount off your first transfer
  2. Get a discount off your second transfer.
  3. Cashback money transfer offers
For more information on how to do these, read the The Send Money To Yourself (Money Transfer) Guide
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 Skrill (Click to search) Send £100, pay only £90 1 week
2 Wise (Click to search) Free international transfer Instant
3 (Click to search) Send £1000, get £25 (… I know…) 1 week

5 - Pension Offers

For people who want to live out their golden years in the Costa Del Sol.
These offers get you a bonus for opening/transferring pensions.
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 Penfold Pensions (Click to search) Deposit £25, get £25 free ~1 month
2 Profile Pensions (Click to search) Transfer £1000 pension, get £50 voucher ~1 month
Some people will post about PensionBee. It is a one-sided bonus that does not reward the new customer. To get £50 free money for signing up to PensionBee, google "PensionBee £50".

6 - Get-Paid-To (GPT) Sites

Many advertisers will pay you to play games or sign up to other services. Probably they are trying to manipulate user numbers, or download statistics. But we don't care as long as we get paid!
Some of my favourite sites in here. Lots of extra sign up and paid-to-play game offers that do not appear often on the subreddit.
GPT sites are like cashback sites (they pay you to complete tasks). To ensure you do not miss out on your rewards, read the tips in the Get Paid to Site Guide.

The best (in my opinion)

# Site/App Comments
1 Inbox Pounds (Click to search) My favourite site
2 ySense (Click to search) My other favourite site
3 RewardXP (Click to search) Usually pays more than Freecash
4 Earnably (Click to search) Usually pays more than Freecash
5 Freecash (Click to search) Nice game and sign-up offers
Lots of these sites have the same offers available via various offerwalls. They pay different amounts all the time. It's always worth checking which site is paying more.

The Rest

# Site/App Comments
1 Cashback Earners (Click to search) Junk app that some here like
2 (Click to search) Some easy sign-up offers
3 Gaintplay (Click to search) Like freecash, but only really good for TapJoy
4 OhMyDosh (Click to search) Currently garbage

7 - Cashback Sites/Apps (some passive, some active):

Get cashback on your everyday shopping using a variety of means. Combine them to get even more cash back.

Cashback Cards

Get up to 4% cashback on almost all spending with these credit/e-money cards.
# Site/App Offer
1 AMEX (Click to search) Varies depending on card.
2 Yonder (Click to search) ~£50 in pretty useless points

Cashback Websites/Apps

Get cashback when you use online shopping gateways (Topcashback/Quidco) or for purchasing eGift cards (e.g. Jam Doughnut).
Online shopping cashback platforms must be able to track your purchase in order to verify your cashback, read the cashback guide to make sure you maximise your chances of this happening.
For gift card cashback, Topcashback and Jam Doughnut are the best sites that have refer a friend offers. But better rates can usually be found elsewhere. You can find the best rates for most shops using the BeermoneyUK Cashback search tool.
# Site/App Offer
1 Jam Doughnut (Click to search) Cashback on giftcards & £2 bonus
2 Cheddar (Click to search) Cashback on giftcards
3 Quidco (Click to search) Get £15 when you earn £5
4 Rakuten (Click to search) Cashback at almost every online shop. Get £15 when you spend £30 online.
5 Topcashback (Click to search) Cashback at almost every online shop. Usually £10 bonus.

Automatic Cashback Apps

Get cashback automatically when you link your bank account/card to these apps. Its free money, so why not?! For more information on these, read the Lazy (automatic) Cashback App Megalist
# Site/App Offer
1 Airtime (Click to search) Link card, get up to 10% cashback automatically
2 Cheddar (Click to search) Link card, get up to 10% cashback automatically
3 Unbanx (Click to search) Link bank, get ~£0.91 and ongoing rewards

Receipt Scanning Cashback Apps

Get cashback for submitting your shopping receipts. For more information on these, read the Receipt Scanning App Megalist (it does need an update).
# Site/App Offer
1 Amazon Panel (Click to search) £5 per month for uploading 10 receipts
2 GreenJinn (Click to search) Cashback at the supermarket. £1 Bonus
3 Shopmium (Click to search) Cashback at the supermarket. Free pringles.

8 - Cashback/Rebates on Utilities (Gas/Electricity/Broadband/Mobile, etc.):

Get money off your bills or a bonus voucher when you swap your utilities provider. We figure that most people have no choice but to spend on these things anyway, so we consider them beermoney offers.

Energy (gas/electricity)

Get cheaper gas/electricity (despite the government cap) at Octopus energy, plus a £50 bill credit.
# Site/App Offer Comment
1 Octopus (Click to search) £50 credit when you switch Cheaper than most suppliers
2 So Energy (Click to search) £50 credit when you switch
3 British Gas (Click to search) £75 credit when you switch Definitely not the cheapest

Telecommunications (Broadband/Mobile)

Get some cashback for essential utilities.
# Site/App Offer Comment
1 Lebara (Click to search) Referrer only bonus (discount to new customer) Check TCB for better offers.
2 Sky (Click to search) £30-£100 for signing up Check TCB for better offers.
3 Smarty (Click to search) £10 for signing up Check TCB for better offers.
4 Virgin Media (Click to search) £50 for signing up Check TCB for better offers.
5 Voxi (Click to search) £10-£20 for signing up Check TCB for better offers.

9 - Freebies (free food, etc.):

Who doesn't love a freebie?
# Site/App Offer
1 Caffe Nero (Click to search) One or Two free coffees
2 Coffee No 1 (Click to search) Free coffee
3 Costa (Click to search) Free cake & Half a free drink
4 Nordic Nicotine Pouches (Click to search) Free nictonie
5 Roamler (Click to search) Free stuff at the supermarket
6 Shopmium (Click to search) Free Cadbury buttons (and cashback on shopping)
7 Simply Cook (Click to search) Free box of four ingredient kits
8 Starling (Click to search) Free National Trust Day Pass

10 - Bonus Money for giving your Opinion

Bonus money for market research sites.
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 Respondent (Click to search) No bonus, but home of the Homecare Panel N/A
2 Testing Time (Click to search) No bonus, but good site for market research/user testing. N/A
3 User Interviews (Click to search) £10 bonus after completing first market research task. 1 week after completion

Bonus money for survey sites.
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 Pinecone (Click to search) No bonus, but a good product test survey site. Sign up whilst you can. N/A
2 Attapoll (Click to search) £0.40 bonus, Endless surveys N/A
3 Prime Opinion (Click to search) ~£5 bonus, More endless surveys N/A
4 Eureka (Click to search) £1.50 for completing profile N/A

Bonus money for mystery shopping sites.
# Site/App Offer Timescale
1 MarketForce Wiki (Click to search) Five Guys mystery shopping N/A
2 Roamler (Click to search) Supermarket mystery shopping N/A

Related subreddits:

# Subreddit Offer
1 Inbox_Pounds For the those who like getting paid to play games
2 breadandhoney Like beermoney, but for discounts
3 beermoney The US beermoney subreddit
4 beermoneyglobal Another non-UK based beermoney subreddit


Happy to add to, remove from, and correct this list as appropriate. So please suggest things you think should be on it.
submitted by TightAsF_ck to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 16:52 liampierceauthor [QCrit] THE MACAO JUNKET - Thriller (80k Words, Second Attempt)

Hi all,
I wanted to thank everyone for the incredible help with my first submission! A couple updates:

A hapless, divorced car salesman from Florida, Shawn Marlowe thinks he has created a “foolproof” system to win at blackjack. Despite his friends’ warnings, Marlowe travels to Las Vegas to take as much from the casinos as he can before their security teams figure his strategy out.

In Vegas, Marlowe meets Matthew Loong who offers him the opportunity to 10x his money by extending Marlowe a significant line of credit through his family’s junket business in Macao–on a few conditions: they split the winnings 50/50 and Marlowe must travel on a passport under a different name.

Desperate to try out his system at scale, Marlowe ignores these crimson red flags and hops on a plane to Macao. Once he arrives, Marlowe meets the ravishing Veronica Zhao, a Chinese American who works in client services for the junket and is looking for an opportunity to leave her current life behind. As they explore the city-state, Marlowe begins to see the future he has always dreamed of: wealth and a beautiful, intelligent woman by his side.

However, Marlowe’s reverie is shattered as the cracks in his system begin to show. As his situation devolves, he unwittingly finds himself in the middle of an internecine triad war, at which point the question is no longer one of how much he will win: it becomes one of survival.

THE MACAO JUNKET is an 80,000-word novel that offers a new spin on an escapist global thriller by subverting tropes like the chosen one and the white savior complex. The story combines the political machinations of James Clavell’s NOBLE HOUSE, the exploration of family pressures within the Chinese diaspora of Kathy Wang’s FAMILY TRUST, the gambling tension of Dick Francis’s DEAD CERT, and the tour de culture of Shamini Flint’s INSPECTOR SINGH INVESTIGATES series.
submitted by liampierceauthor to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:26 u9play-official U9play: Online Gaming in Malaysia

U9play: Online Gaming in Malaysia
In the realm of online gaming, U9play stands as a beacon of excellence, offering an exhilarating array of casino games and slots to players in Malaysia. With its commitment to quality, innovation, and player satisfaction, U9play has established itself as a leading platform in the online gambling industry, providing enthusiasts with a thrilling and immersive gaming experience like no other.
U9play's allure lies in its extensive selection of online casino games, meticulously curated to cater to the diverse tastes and preferences of players. Whether you're a fan of classic table games or prefer the excitement of modern slots, U9play has something for everyone. From timeless favorites like blackjack, roulette, and baccarat to innovative variations and live dealer options, the platform offers a comprehensive suite of casino games that guarantee endless hours of entertainment.
One of the highlights of U9play is its impressive collection of casino slots, featuring titles from some of the most renowned game developers in the industry. With a diverse range of themes, styles, and features, U9play's slot library caters to every player's preferences, whether you're a fan of classic fruit machines, high-octane action, or immersive storytelling. From popular titles like Mega Moolah and Gonzo's Quest to exclusive releases and progressive jackpot slots, U9play ensures that excitement and big wins are always just a spin away.
Moreover, U9play prides itself on providing a seamless and user-friendly gaming experience, with intuitive navigation, crisp graphics, and smooth gameplay across all devices. Whether you're playing on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device, you can expect nothing less than optimal performance and immersive entertainment from U9play's platform.
In addition to its extensive game library and user-friendly interface, U9play places a strong emphasis on security, reliability, and fair play. The platform utilizes advanced encryption technology and stringent security protocols to ensure that all player data and transactions are protected at all times, giving players peace of mind to enjoy their gaming experience without any worries.
Furthermore, U9play offers a range of convenient banking options, allowing players to deposit and withdraw funds quickly, securely, and hassle-free. Whether you prefer credit/debit cards, e-wallets, or bank transfers, U9play supports a variety of payment methods to accommodate your needs and preferences.
Beyond its exceptional gaming offerings and robust security measures, U9play is also committed to providing top-notch customer support to its players. Whether you have a question about a game, encounter an issue with your account, or need assistance with a transaction, U9play's dedicated support team is available around the clock to provide prompt and professional assistance, ensuring that your gaming experience is always smooth and enjoyable.
In conclusion, U9play stands as a premier destination for online casino games and slots in Malaysia, offering a diverse and exciting range of gaming options, seamless user experience, and top-notch security and support. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of online gambling, U9play welcomes you to join its vibrant community and experience the thrill of gaming like never before. So why wait? Sign up with U9play today and embark on an unforgettable gaming adventure!
submitted by u9play-official to u/u9play-official [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 18:25 Dmrwn Why is my dad spending hundreds of dollars at Wawa?

This a kinda weird thing but such is my life.
Recently my dad admitted to significant credit card debt. He says it's racked up to fund his failing business but this is suspicious because his business is not bringing in any money. Also, he doesn't have an extravagant lifestyle at all, quite the opposite actually.
My sisters and I asked to see his credit card statements to look at the charges. He gave us the year end statements of one of the cards, and we found several charges (usually $100, $200, $300 withdrawals) at Wawa locations. Wawa gas purchases are described as gas and under a section labeled for gas. The charges in question are listed by the Wawa address only and most of them are non-gas locations.
We also saw a couple of charges at a casino and we always suspected that he gambled.
We thought the charges were for lottery tickets. But you need to have cash to buy lottery tickets in my state, NJ. So now I am wondering if these charges are cash withdrawals at the Wawa ATM. Or is there another explanation? It definitely seems unusual. I know cash advances have high fees.
Would it be weird if I brought a picture of him to one of these Wawas and asked the staff what he buys when he's there? Haha.
Any insight would be appreciated.
Edit: First, thanks to everyone that commented. My family had a chat with him today and after some awkward back and forth he admitted he had been gambling for years. He said the Wawa charges are cash advances from the ATM that he buys lottery tickets with. He also admitted to going to casinos. We knew he had a problem leading up to this conversation but seeing the amounts in the credit card statements really pushed us to say something. We also talked to him about the gambling addiction helplines and he was receptive to starting counseling. On a happy note, I bought a hoagie from Wawa on my way home and will be enjoying it for a late dinner. Thanks again for all the helpful comments and jokes.
Edit 2: when I went to Wawa today, the ATM was right next to the lottery machine, which only takes cash. So whoever mentioned that in the comments was totally right.
submitted by Dmrwn to Wawa [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 10:18 Paraphilias075 Dating Apps, A Deep Dive - Intelligent Investor

Our lives are increasingly lived online. As a result, the businesses that collect rent from our internet activities are amongst the most profitable in history.
Meta, for example, formerly known as Facebook, dominates our online access to family and friends. Acting as the fulcrum of our social relationships has enabled it to make US$68bn in cumulative earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) over the past decade.
Dating, you might have thought, would be similarly profitable. For reasons we'll explain, it isn't. And those reasons are probably not what you'd expect.

Key Points

Online dating has experienced an astronomical rise over the last 20 years with about 350 million people using dating apps. This alone should make the fingers of any investor twitch. But there is something else. This is a heavily consolidated sector. As with Meta and other network-driven businesses, the spoils accrue to the biggest players.
Whilst there are thousands of dating apps, most of the revenue goes to just three publicly-traded companies: Match Group (market capitalisation: US$8.6bn), Bumble (US$1.8bn) and Grindr ($US1.7bn).
Match owns 15 different properties including the number one player, Tinder. Tinder collects about 40% of the combined revenue of the top 10 dating apps. Match also owns the third, fifth, ninth, and tenth most revenue-generating apps. Together, Match apps generate US$3.4bn in annual sales.

Industry evolution

Dating apps evolved from 1990s websites like These are proprietary social networks that connect customers for short-, medium-, or long-term relationships (or at least purport to do so).
Each collects revenue by enabling access to their network. Generally, a user 'swipes right' if someone is attractive to them or left if they are not. This research is personal. When I moved to Los Angeles in 2014, dating apps were a revelation. Within an hour of swiping and chatting, I usually had a date.
After returning to Australia in 2020, I had a different experience. Matching with other people was less frequent and Australians were less willing to go on short-notice dates. Hinge and Tinder, both owned by Match Group, didn't work nearly as well for me, while Bumble—which hadn't really worked in Los Angeles—suddenly did.
But what shocked me most was that the apps only worked in Australia when I spent money on them, whereas in America they had been free. This got me interested in the economics of online dating. If I couldn't find a date, I figured, at least I might find an attractive investment opportunity.

Ugly investments

It didn't work out that way. On closer inspection, the parallels with Meta broke down. Despite becoming some of the world's best-known brands, online dating businesses have struggled to generate value for shareholders. They may have ridden the wave of internet-charged social transformation but the networks that the dating apps have established are inherently fragile.
Unlike Facebook or even Instagram, the network skews heavily to an extremely small pool of people, especially women, deemed highly attractive.
A few data points illustrate the unique obstacles to establishing a functional network that delivers some value to most of those who participate in it. Whilst it varies by app and geography, the general figures are striking:
That pretty much sums up the reality. The best-looking people get the most likes and women are more fussy than men. Really, we shouldn't be surprised.
What is surprising, is that this doesn't destroy the business case. The apps don't need to sell an authentic dating experience; they just need to encourage a subset of users to spend on the hope that they will find one. This dynamic makes the economics of online dating more like gambling than other social networking companies.
A minority of users drive engagement and a different minority are willing to pay to meet them. Hot people are the poker machines; most of the money comes from a small minority that pay for a (long) shot at a date.
Little wonder then that dating apps are highly gamified. Users can pay subscription fees to enhance their network access—like a weekly lottery ticket—or pay one-off fees to improve their chances of winning and being seen, like a poker machine spin.
Perhaps algorithms might eventually resolve this structural mismatch, much as poker machines control the flow of winnings. There is some evidence that the apps are throttling and modifying experiences in order to turn even attractive people into paying users.
This won't entirely solve the central problem: that the value of the network is dependent on a small number of hot people. Should they leave, the network collapses. As for the money generated, it comes from users spending heavily on trying to attract someone who isn't interested in them.
Unbeknownst to users, like poker machines, forlorn hope is the business strategy of dating apps, albeit with a lower win rate. It is not a great business model.

Deleted by design

It gets worse. Despite what they profess in public, gaming companies work hard to retain their most valuable customers—addicts. Dating app businesses follow a similar strategy. Yet Hinge's tagline, 'Designed to be deleted' expresses the desire of their customer base.
Customer success in dating is finding a match and getting off the apps. Business success is keeping the customer swiping.
Dating apps may have modified human behaviour by attaching an addictive, endorphin-stimulating, gambling quality to dating, but with inherent churn, localised networks, and a small minority of paying customers, they remain fragile.
This is particularly true when one considers the most lucrative clients. Due to the high risks of connecting strangers in person, dating apps have adopted rigorous banning protocols. Dating companies sensibly err on the side of caution.
Even accidental violations or complaints can result in lifetime bans, not just in one app but across entire portfolios. A few data points indicate the seriousness of the problem. Trustpilot reviews for the major apps are woeful.
Overwhelmingly, most complaints relate to bans. Some for infringements claimed as being as trivial as changing credit cards. It is logical to assume that the dating apps' highest payers are also their most active users. It is also logical to suppose that the most active users are most at risk of being banned.
Meta has roughly 256 million monthly active users (MAUs) in the US and Canada while Match has around 75 million MAUs across the Americas. According to data from the US Better Business Bureau, Match has accounted for 5,418 complaints over the last three years and Meta 9,121. We estimate that Match's complaint rate is at least three times higher. Match runs a casino where it is obligated to ban the high rollers.
Dating apps are fascinating businesses and the societal shift online is here to stay. But as investment opportunities, they don't stack up. Most remain unprofitable, although Match is an exception on a price-to-earnings ratio of 21 (after treating their US$232m stock-based compensation as a cash expense). Given it is suffering from slowing single-digit revenue growth, the figure seems justified.
Before adding any to the watchlist, we'd need even further price falls and evidence that their fragile networks can be made more sturdy. At this point, both seem like a stretch.
submitted by Paraphilias075 to stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:23 notyourusualfruit So, to break all this down...

First, Cole and Drake released First Person Shooter. There may have been some sort of feature request w/K dot, hence his line, and maybe his refusal led to the diss.
Second, Kendrick hit back with his feature in Like That, his most obvious line being "Motherfuck the big three, n----, it's just big me"
J. Cole dropped out after taking back Seven Minute Drill and apologizing. Drake released Taylor Made and Push-Ups.
Kendrick released Euphoria, taunting Drizzy
The title along served as an entendre (thanks u/bullet-made-of-tin)
  1. The word euphoria definition
  2. The example of the word definition (being Drake's state before Kendrick released - u/lowendtheory24)
  3. Series euphoria sexualizing high school kids, where Drake is a producer
Secondly, Euphoria introduces theme of "have you ever," which is used later
Third, it shows of Kendrick's intent from the start to not miss in that "the very first time I shot me a Drac', the homie told me to aim it this way/I didn't point down enough, today, I'll show you I learned from those mistakes." This serves as a layered message post-Meet the Grahams because of a few things. He's "shooting a Drac'," both a gun, and shooting at drake. Then, he says "I didn't point down enough," which I think could be an early mentioning of his children. He's "shooting" down the family tree to get at Drake (not that it's directed at the children). Also further proven after 6:16 when he reveals there's a leak ("the homie told me to aim it this way" being "the leak told me about your kids")
The YNW line being that he's taking aim at Cole and Drake (though, Cole dropped out). He brings up Pusha T, and Drake's lack of response to Adidon, and throughout all the songs mentions his hatred of Drake's sneak dissing. The V12 line hits because the V12 is a liposuction machine. "Back to back," as we all know, refers to Kendrick's back to back pounding of Drake. One of many mentions of Drake's ghostwriters in "Ain't twenty-v-one, it's one-v-twenty if I gotta smack n----s that write with you," and then proceeds to the Canadian/American part of the song.
He calls out the Canadian gangs and Drake for imitating the US gangs and violence, and finally mocks him with his use of "crodie" and being in Canada, saying he's ready for action whenever.
He doubled down with 616 in LA, both using Drake's move against him, and previewing/foreshadowing his knowledge: "Have you ever thought OVO was working for me/...and twenty of them want you as a casualty"
6:16 also served as a multi-entendre (credit to u/Proud-Pace4408)
-Mocking Drakes time and place format
-6.16 being Father’s Day
-6.16 being Tupac’s birthday
-Jack Antonoff helped produce - aka “Taylor Made”
-6:16 corinthians
-6/16 as a date relating to the OJ case
-6/16 was when Euphoria dropped
Drake released Family Matters. Kendrick released Meet the Grahams.
Meet the Grahams talks to a few people. Adonis, acting as a "mentor," his dad: "You raised a horrible fuckin' person, the nerve of you, Dennis," and his mom, which also acts as an expose. "He hates Black women, hypersexualizes them, with kinks of a nympho fetish,". In the same bars, he rips into Aubrey: "A child should never be compromised and he keepin' his child around them," "And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' there's predators like him lurkin'," and warns people that "they lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the family away."
He then drops the bombshell of the century, with "Dear baby girl, I'm sorry that your father not active inside your world," revealing Drake's daughter. In the cover image for Meet the Grahams, there are a few recipts, metaphorically and literally speaking. I could only see the Ozempic box, prescribed to Aubrey Graham. He proceeds to keep talking to the revealed daughter (unnamed for her privacy probably) and tells her she's loved and that children are the future. It then goes to Drake directly, calling him childish, calling out his drinking and gambling problems, calling out his use of prostitutes, dissing his masculinity, and finally, reveals that there are "other kids that's out there hopin that [Drake] come[s]."
There were also multiple straight up claims that Drake should die. "I think n----s like him should die," "Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these women can live with a purpose," etc.
If I missed anything (which I definitely did) lemme know and I'll add it
submitted by notyourusualfruit to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 06:57 FancyInvestment397 Trustworthy UK Casinos Without GamStop

Trustworthy UK Casinos Without GamStop
The idea of GamStop was borne out of the need to help people who have trouble controlling their gambling impulses. It has a self-exclusion policy that gamblers can sign into that prevents them from using registered casinos and gambling sites to aid in kicking the habit. However, when it comes to GamStop, the problem starts when users wish to begin better again but circumventing GamStop can prove to be a hassle due to how long it takes to gamble. The “shortcut” is to find the best non-GamStop casinos in the UK.
Casinos Not on Gamstop

Here’s A List of Trusted Non-GamStop Casinos In The UK

Vave Casino - Best Casino Not on Gamstop UK Overall

Vave Casino
Welcome to our comprehensive review of Vave, a rising star in the world of online crypto casinos. In an increasingly crowded market, Vave stands out with its sleek interface, generous array of bonuses, and dedication to providing players with a fun yet responsible gaming experience.
In this review, we’ll be taking an in-depth look across all aspects of Vave casino and sportsbook. You can expect a robust analysis of their game catalog spanning everything from slots to live table games, as well as their sports betting marketplace covering both mainstream sports and niche offerings.
Vave Casino
The foundation of any online casino is its games, and Vave delivers premium entertainment with a vast catalog spanning all major genres.
Powered by industry-leading studios like Pragmatic Play, Play’n GO, Evolution Gaming, and Microgaming, players can expect beautiful graphics, smooth gameplay, and potentially lucrative payouts across the board.
Diverse Library with Leading Providers
Vave provides over 2,500 total casino games covering all key types. The software powering the expansive and growing game suite stems from longstanding industry leaders:
  • Pragmatic Play – Top developer renowned for hits like Wolf Gold, Sweet Bonanza, The Dog House, and more.
  • Play’N GO – Creator of the iconic Book of Dead slot plus titles like Reactoonz and Rise of Olympus.
  • Evolution Gaming – The premier live dealer game provider supplying authentic table game streaming.
  • Microgaming – Legendary slot brand offering favorites like Immortal Romance for over 20 years running.
Combined, games from these four software giants already ensure endless variety. Expanding partnerships continue bringing additional developers into the Vave lineup like Yggdrasil, Endorphina, Spinomenal, and GameArt to further diversify gameplay.
Slots Selection
With over 2,000 high-quality online slots on offer, seasoned spinners and newcomers alike will find endless reels to explore. The diverse selection includes classic fruit machines, epic video slots, modern megaways, and everything in between. Top titles catering to all preferences include Gates of Olympus, Book of Dead, Sweet Bonanza, and Wolf Gold.
The slots suite incorporates video game and movie themed titles alongside seasonal special edition games too. And numerous linked progressives with cross-game pools promise life-changing jackpots for the luckiest players.
Table Games Abundance
Beyond slots, Vave provides over 100 virtual table games including various blackjack variants like Single Deck, Double Exposure, and Switch. Fan-favorite poker games feature like Casino Hold’em, Carribean Stud, and Three Card. Roulette covers classics plus specialty types like Lightning, Crystal, and Multiwheel. And niche additions like bingo, keno and craps ensure something for everyone.
Live Dealer Lounge
For that authentic casino atmosphere, head to Vave’s live dealer lounge showcasing games streamed in real-time from dedicated studios with flesh-and-blood croupiers dealing cards and spinning wheels.
Popular picks like standard blackjack, roulette, baccarat, and casino poker variants take center stage – no RNGs here but actual gameplay.
Game show-inspired selections augment the lineup for lighter entertainment.
Vave Sportsbook & Betting Markets
While the vast casino game suite rightfully grabs attention, Vave operates a equally robust sportsbook catering to seasoned sports bettors and newcomers too.
Competitive odds across 30+ sports and niche leagues along with perpetual bonuses help differentiate Vave as a smooth, rewarding centralized hub for betting.
Casino Welcome Bonus
  • New casino players can take advantage of a 100% first deposit match up to a maximum of 1 BTC. So deposit 1 BTC and you’ll play with 2 BTC. This hefty bonus carries 40x wagering requirements before withdrawing winnings.
  • Your first Sunday deposit earns an extra 100% cashback bonus up to 1 BTC.
So two hefty bonuses right off the bat. Popular slot, table and live games all contribute to playthrough.
Sportsbook Welcome Bonus
The sports betting side also brings a special: 100% match on your first deposit up to 1 BTC. Simply deposit then place a 5x rollover in accumulators with minimum +200 odds to unlock.
So between the two generous welcome packages, casino and sports bettors alike have the opportunity to supercharge their bankroll from day one. Be sure to read the terms and conditions to take full advantage. Then pick your bonus and start playing at Vave today!
Payment Methods
When managing your account at Vave Casino, you have various payment options available for deposits and withdrawals:
Deposit Options:
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Credit/Debit Cards via Changelly
  • Apple Pay
  • Google Pay
Withdrawal Options:
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Ethereum (ETH)
  • Litecoin (LTC)
  • Tether (USDT)
  • Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
  • Dogecoin (DOGE)
  • Ripple (XRP)
  • Cardano (ADA)
Vave aims to facilitate crypto transactions and also enables fiat deposits via linked third-party services. All withdrawals must be processed back to a cryptocurrency wallet – fiat withdrawals are not available at this time. There are no maximum limits for withdrawals.

MyStake – Best Non Gamstop Casino in the UK for Jackpot Games

MyStake Casino
  • Up to €1,000 welcome bonus
  • 190+ progressive jackpot games
  • Regular casino tournaments
  • Extensive sports betting options
  • 80+ casino software providers
  • Slow chat response during off-peak hours
  • Could add game feature filters
Feeling lucky? If you’re a UK player dreaming of massive wins, MyStake casino might just be your perfect match. These guys specialize in jackpot games, so expect to be playing some seriously tempting titles with possible life-changing payouts.
Gaming Options
With over 80 software providers on their online gambling roster, it’s safe to say MyStake delivers on variety. They’ve got big names like Playtech, Pragmatic Play, and Red Tiger Gaming on board.
But it’s those jackpot games that really steal the show. They have casino fan favourites like Sun of Egypt, Power of Hades, and the iconic Wolf Gold. Additionally, sports betting enthusiasts will appreciate MyStake’s sportsbook for pre-match and in-game betting.
MyStake covers all the bases when it comes to banking options. You can use cards like Visa, Mastercard, and Diners Club, as well as e-wallets like Skrill. They are also crypto-friendly, supporting Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The minimum payout and deposit limits are set at €20.
Now, good news for UK players: you can keep things simple by using GBP as your currency. Just make sure you select it when you sign up, as you can’t change it later.
Casino Bonuses
MyStake has a tiered welcome bonus up to €1,000. The bigger your deposit, the bigger the boost:
  • Deposits as low as €20 or high as €200 get a 150% bonus
  • Deposits from €201 to €1,000 get a 100% bonus of up to 1,000
However, that casino bonus is only valid for slot games.
Customer Support
Need some help? MyStake provides a 24/7 live chat and email support team. They also have a self-exclusion option. Just reach out to their support crew. We experienced slow replies late at night but found their support team helpful and friendly overall.

Slots N Bets

SlotsNBets Casino
Launched in 2020, Slots N Bets is a relatively new non-Gamstop online casino with more than just an appealing interface. Despite being a new kid in the online gambling space, Slots N Bets has made a good name for itself in the industry thanks to its wide game catalogue and a range of other exciting features. But is Slots N Bets worth the money or is it just hype?
This Slots N Bets casino review will investigate the whole picture behind this new non-Gamstop gambling platform. We’ll look at everything from the user interface to banking methods, games, and bonuses.
Cool Things
  • Accepts fiat and cryptocurrency
  • Generous welcome package and other promotions
  • Crisp and intuitive user interface
  • Entertaining live dealer games
  • Low minimum deposit (£25)
Bad Things
  • No telephone support
  • Strict withdrawal limits for high rollers
After creating your betting account at Slots N Bets, you’re entitled to a lucrative welcome package and several other promotions. You only have to create an account and deposit the minimum deposit amount of £25 to start claiming various offers.
Welcome Casino Package
Receive a welcome casino package bonus of up to £3000 (800%) over your first three deposits!
The Welcome Casino Package is exclusively accessible to new players.
  • 200% Deposit Bonus up to £1000 Bonus.
  • 250% Deposit Bonus up to £1000 Bonus.
  • 350% Deposit Bonus up to £1000 Bonus.
Crypto Bonus
To claim this bonus, simply deposit £25 or more using cryptocurrency and then contact the Support Team with the bonus code: CRYPTO. The maximum bonus amount for the Crypto Bonus is £500, with a wagering requirement of 40 times (40x) before cashout. It’s important to note that the Crypto Bonus cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offer. It can only be used on slots from specific providers, including EGT, Novomatic, Play’n GO, Amatic, and NetEnt.
Welcome Sports Freebet
Welcome Sports Freebet at this online casino offers a free bet matching their first bet, up to a maximum of £100. The minimum deposit to claim this offer is £25. Place your first bet, and then contact the Support Team to match your first bet with an equal free bet up to £100, using the bonus code: FREEBET.
As the site name suggests, Slots N Bets excels in delivering modern slots not on Gamstop, that deliver different adventures. You can access 1200+ slot machines, featuring all kinds of exciting themes that are sure to leave you craving for more. The slots available at Slots N Bets are supplied by some of the best software providers in the industry.
Live Casino
Live casino games are a great way to enjoy an immersive gambling experience and Slots N Bets allows you to have that in style. This non-Gamstop online casino platform delivers 30+ stunning live casino games, including:
  • Blackjack
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • Keno
  • Poker
Every live casino game featured on Slots N Bets is hosted by a professional dealer and you can enjoy the games in multiple languages, giving you an authentic gambling experience. The live casino games also pack several interactive features like a live chat section that allows you to get in touch with other players or dealers.
Table Games
For table game enthusiasts looking for a gaming experience that rivals traditional casinos, the Slots N Bets table games section has all you need. You’ll find all your favorite classic table games like blackjack, roulette, and poker. There are also lesser-known table games like sic bo, ensuring there’s an adventure for every type of gambler.
Slots N Bets: Sports Betting
Besides the classic table games, slots, and live dealer games, you can access non Gamstop sports betting featuring your favorite leagues, teams, and players. You can find betting markets for the top sports in the world including: Cricket, Snooker, Football, Tennis, Hockey, Basketball, Golf. Here are the most popular sports that you can wager at Slots N Bets.
Payment Methods at Slots N Bets
When it comes to betting transactions, Slots N Bets offers various payment methods to cater to the needs of casual players and high-rollers alike. However, the transaction speed will depend on the banking system that you choose after creating an account and your country of residence. Here’s an in-depth look at the Slots N Bets banking methods.
When you become a player at Slots N Bets, you can instantly deposit your wager through common banking methods like Visa and Mastercard. Moreover, Slots N Bets also known as a UK crypto casino, so crypto gamblers are welcome here and they can make deposits using crypto coins like:
  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • Litecoin
  • Bitcoin
  • USDT
The available deposit methods are convenient, safe, and secure, but the operator has set a £25 minimum deposit requirement. The minimum deposit amount seems quite reasonable for many players and it allows you to redeem various bonuses to make your gaming adventure worthwhile. However, check the Slots N Bets terms and conditions before you make you deposit your first stake.
Slots N Bets casino guarantees quick payouts using different popular withdrawal methods. That includes Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Litecoin, with the withdrawals typically taking 0-3 days to complete.
While the withdrawal process is quick and straightforward, Slots N Bets casino has set some limits to protect its players. For instance, players can only withdraw a minimum of £100 and a maximum of £5000 per day. Slots N Bets has also set a monthly maximum withdrawal of £7000 and you must fulfil the set wagering requirements for your bonuses before withdrawing your winnings.

Customer Care

Slots N Bets casino ensures that their customers can easily get help whenever they’re stuck. You can contact the support team 24/7 through the live chat section or write an email to []( The FAQ section will also help you tackle the most common issues encountered on the site.

Lady Linda Casino

Lady Linda
Lady Linda Casino is a highly popular online casino that offers a fantastic range of games, including over 2,000 slots and 40+ live games. This non Gamstop casino has been released since 2021 with a Curacao license and has already managed to be loved by many players from the UK and other countries, who have left pleasant reviews. This casino website is well-known for its impressive game selection, attractive welcome bonus and excellent customer service.
Lady Linda Casino – Gambling Experience from Steve Ashwell
As the sun goes down, Steve Ashwell, who knows a lot about gambling and betting, sits down at his desk, ready for a night of high-stakes, adrenaline-filled games at the famous Lady Linda Casino. This place has a good name among casinos that aren’t listed with Gamstop. It gives players a good mix of freedom and opportunities. The cash for the night? A not-insignificant amount of £800, thanks to Lady Linda’s generous 300% welcome bonus and my initial deposit of £200.
I start my evening journey with a spin on the classic online slot machine. I place my first bet of £50 and hit the ‘Spin’ button. The reels whirl and stop; unfortunately, the symbols don’t align. Unperturbed by the early setback, I raise the stakes to £100 for the next spin. This time, luck smiles on me as three cherries align perfectly. A gleaming win of £500 flashes on the screen, and my account balance shoots up to £1,150.
Next, I take my burgeoning bankroll to the online roulette wheel. Sticking to the outside bets for the first couple of rounds, I place £200 on Red. The digital marble dances across the spinning wheel, finally coming to a halt on Black. With a sigh, I leave the wheel and my balance stands at £950.
But no night of online gambling would be complete without a hand of poker. Choosing a mid-stakes table, I buy in for £200. The first few hands are a mixed bag, with a couple of wins and a few losses. I decide to push the envelope, betting big on a pair of Kings. The strategy pays off as my opponents fold, and I rake in a tidy £300, boosting my account to £1,050.
Finally, I end the night with a round of blackjack. Placing a sizeable bet of £300, I’m dealt a 20, and decide to stand. The dealer busts, and I pocket another £300, ending the night with a total of £1,350.
In the unpredictable world of online gambling, Lady Linda Casino not only provides a thrilling experience but also a real opportunity to win big. Whether you win or lose, the excitement, the suspense, and the opportunity of hitting a jackpot make it an exhilarating experience. However, always remember to play responsibly and within your means.
Lady Linda Casino Games
Slot machines, table games, live casino games, and more games are all available at Lady Linda Casino from a variety of suppliers. With excellent visuals and fluid action, the games are made to provide all players a fun and equitable gaming experience.
The casino’s slots are not on Gamstop, which makes it a popular choice for players. Lady Linda Casino’s slot games are available in various themes and styles, from classic fruit machines to modern video slots with multiple paylines and features. Lady Linda Casino offers a diverse selection of online slot games from various providers, such as Amatic, EvoPlay, Play N Go, EGT, NetEnt slots. These slots are powered by top-notch software providers, providing players with a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.
Live Casino
For players looking for a more immersive gaming experience, Lady Linda Casino offers a live casino with a wide range of games, such as:
  • Baccarat
  • Roulette
  • Blackjack
  • Bingo
With live dealers and real-time gameplay, players can enjoy the excitement of a brick-and-mortar casino from the comfort of their own homes. The live casino is available 24/7 and features various table limits, allowing players of all experience levels to participate.
Lucky Games
Lady Linda Casino offers a range of lucky games for players seeking a different kind of gaming experience. Players can enjoy options like Keno, Dice duel, Wheel of Fortune, Lottery. With Lady Linda Casino’s selection of lucky games, players can try their luck at winning big prizes with easy-to-learn gameplay and high entertainment value.
Sports Betting at Lady Linda Casino
Players have access to a variety of betting choices at Lady Linda Casino, including live horse racing and sports betting not on Gamstop. Lady Linda Casino is a great option for people wishing to place bets online because to its user-friendly layout, hefty bonuses, and large range of games.
If you’re a fan of sports betting not on Gamstop, then you’ll love this sportsbook. They offer a wide range of sports to bet on, including Football, Tennis, Cricket, Boxing, Snooker and others.
And to sweeten the deal, Lady Linda Casino also offer a Welcome Sports Freebet to new players. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today and start betting on your favorite sports at our sportsbook.
Live Racing
Horse racing betting not on Gamstop is one of the popular categories at Lady Linda Casino. Horse racing is a popular equestrian performance sport that involves two or more horses racing on a track. Greyhounds, on the other hand, is a type of dog breed that is commonly used in racing events.
You may bet on live racing events at Lady Linda Casino and enjoy the excitement of seeing your favorite horse or greyhound compete in real time. There are several sorts of bets available, so you may place a wager and take in the thrill of live racing events whenever and wherever you choose with a casino, which is not under Gamstop.
Banking at Lady Linda
Depositing at Lady Linda Casino is quick and easy, with a range of payment methods available to players. You can choose from popular payment options such as Mastercard, Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Ethereum. The minimum deposit amount at Lady Linda Casino is £25, and you will need to meet a 50x wagering requirement before you can withdraw any winnings from your deposit.
The casino offers several withdrawal options, including Coinspaid, instant bank transfers, and debit cards. The casino strives to complete your withdrawal request within 24 hours.
Customer Care
At Lady Linda Casino, customer care is a top priority, and the team is always available to assist players in any way possible. Whether through Live Chat or email, players can reach out to the support team at any time with their questions or concerns. Even if the team is offline, they will check the inquiries as soon as possible and respond to the players promptly. The email address is always available for players who prefer to send their queries that way. Lady Linda Casino’s commitment to customer care is a testament to their dedication to providing a high-quality gaming experience for its players.
Be sure to use ways to contact the Customer Care team such as:


These are just some of the casinos not on GamStop in the UK. The services that these casinos offer to users have been shown to be necessary, and the experiences have left users wanting even more.
However, one thing to note is that cryptocurrencies have played a big role in the operations of these non-GamStop casinos. Since cryptocurrency transactions cannot be essentially stopped, a good number of these platforms have pivoted to crypto payments to provide faster and easier methods of deposits for their users.
One thing to note is that when using such platforms, paying attention to detail is essential. This comes down to knowing the terms and conditions of all platforms before interacting with them. Last but not least, exercise extreme caution when depositing money into online casinos.
submitted by FancyInvestment397 to OnlineCasinoWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 07:03 zxcvbnino Casino: Revolutionizing Online Gambling with Cryptocurrency

Online gambling has undergone a significant transformation with the emergence of cryptocurrency casinos, offering players a blend of the traditional gaming thrill with the advantages of cryptocurrencies. Among these innovative platforms, Casino stands out as a beacon of excellence, redefining the online gambling experience in numerous ways.
The allure of cryptocurrency casinos lies in their ability to offer increased security, privacy, instant betting, winning, and withdrawals, all facilitated by a variety of virtual currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Unlike traditional online casinos, Casino not only accepts cryptocurrency payments but also provides enthusiasts with the most inventive and user-friendly ways to enjoy a plethora of casino games.
One of the most distinguishing features of Casino is its swift payout policy, ensuring that all wins, regardless of size, are credited to player accounts promptly. This commitment to quick payouts enhances the overall gaming experience, setting HugeWin apart from its competitors. Moreover, the casino offers enticing incentives and rewards, including a $100,000 prize pool, VIP club perks, free spins, cryptocurrency rewards, and generous sign-up bonuses, further enhancing player engagement and enjoyment. Casino boasts a broad gaming license, guaranteeing that all its games adhere to strict regulations and transparency standards. Each game undergoes continuous, supervised testing to ensure fairness, providing players with peace of mind knowing that every round is monitored by government authorities.
The casino's diverse game portfolio includes sports betting, slots, live casino games, baccarat, blackjack, roulette, poker, and even lottery options, catering to a wide range of preferences and interests. Whether players seek the excitement of slot machines or the strategic depth of poker, Casino delivers an unparalleled gaming experience.
In conclusion, Casino stands as a trailblazer in the realm of cryptocurrency casinos, offering players a seamless blend of cutting-edge features, diverse game offerings, stringent regulations, and lucrative rewards. As online gambling continues to evolve, HugeWin remains at the forefront, redefining the standards of excellence in the industry.
Visit: Hugewin
submitted by zxcvbnino to shitcoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 05:55 AdPersonal2155 The first national bank of The Row

Does anyone else use casinos as a bank? I got really pissed off with US Bank because I kept overdrafting my account even though I opted out, and the same thing happened with my credit union when I got a debit card.
Now whenever I get paid I go put my money into a slot machine and cash out. Whenever I need money, I go to the nearest casino and ask for my money back on a slip for that amount and make a withdrawal. The lines are shorter at the casinos than at the bank and I can turn in spare change I find and have money go straight to my savings account. Casinos are just as prevalent as banks in this town and I work downtown so it's even more convenient than running an errand to the bank or using an ATM and getting charged.
The casino people are starting to catch on that I'm just moving money around and only gambling a handful of times a year, if that, but there isn't shit they can do about it. The best part is, since I put so much money through the system they reward me with free stuff like weeknight rooms. It's like they're rewarding me for banking with them.
submitted by AdPersonal2155 to Reno [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 04:19 Silverado21rst Is chapter 7 possible? Over median income.

I’ve been following this group for a few months now searching posts to see what my options are. Finally talked with my wife and said it’s time to talk to an attorney to see what our options are.
So I found my self with a small gambling problem. Making online casinos a thing has to be the worst. Also I live in a state ( Pennsylvania) where every bar and gas station you go into has “skills” machines. So yes some of mine/our debt is from gambling.
My main question: is it possible to file a chapter 7 in our situation being over median and saving our house.
Here are some rough figures I put together the other day.
So after all of that we would be left with around $401 dollars a month. But I can figure in prescriptions we have, vehicle maintenance, entertainment, etc.
What do you think?
submitted by Silverado21rst to Bankruptcy [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:39 Future_P HugeWin Casino - Innovation and World-class Service with Bonuses in Online Crypto Gambling

HugeWin Casino - Innovation and World-class Service with Bonuses in Online Crypto Gambling
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Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to enhance your cryptocurrency and gaming experiences.
submitted by Future_P to CryptoCasinoBonuss [link] [comments]