Suffix math

UKFinanceOver30: news & features for long-term UK investors

2015.06.15 16:40 mike7circles UKFinanceOver30: news & features for long-term UK investors

This sub-reddit tries to cover the ground between starting out with index funds and becoming a full-time day-trader. It's aimed at private investors in the UK with a long-term investment horizon - anything that matters to these people is fair game.

2024.05.12 17:31 carpintero_de_c Findings after reading the Standard

(NOTE: This is from C99, I haven't read the whole thing, and I already knew some of these, but still)
/\ / Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
submitted by carpintero_de_c to C_Programming [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:34 smushkan Smushkan's Various After Effects Epressions Snippets

Smushkan's Various After Effects Epressions Snippets
These are various AE expressions I've created over my years on Reddit.
Some of them are slow, some of them are a bit experimental and buggy - free to use at your own risk!
I'll occasionally add to this if I come up with anything that doesn't deserve its own post.
All the stuff here is free to use for whatever you like!
Credit is not required, but appreciated if possible.


Pixel-perfect rolling credits

Creates judder-free motion on rolling credits when appled to the 'transform' property of a text layer, or a layer the text is parented to.
Make sure to use whole numbers for the speed constant.
const speed = 4; //pixels-per-frame const x = timeToFrames(inPoint-time); [value[0],value[1]+x*speed]; 


Graphics to ASCII conversion
This expression uses sampleAtTime to convert an image in a reference composition to ascii, a no-budget L3tt3rM4pp3r alternative!
Note: The colours in the above sample are not created using the expression. It's a mix of mosaic + colorama, using the characters as a matte.
const xRes = 40; const yRes = 20; const sourceComposition = comp("Gradient"); const charMap = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1]; const xSpacing = sourceComposition.height/xRes; const ySpacing = sourceComposition.width/yRes; const cursorStart = [xSpacing/2,ySpacing/2]; var output = ""; function getBrightness(x,y,s){ let sample = s.sampleImage([x,y],[0.5,0.5],true,time); return (sample[0]+sample[1]+sample[2])/3; }; for(let y = 0; y < yRes; y++){ let cursorY = cursorStart[0] + (y*ySpacing); for (let x = 0; x < xRes; x++){ let cursorX = cursorStart[1] + (x*xSpacing); let cursorValue = getBrightness(cursorX,cursorY,sourceComposition.layer(1)); let character = charMap[Math.round(linear(cursorValue,0,1,0,charMap.length-1))].toString(); output = output + character; }; output = output + "\r"; }; output; 


ASCII Knockout/masking effect
Similar to the above, this expression uses a reference composition to mask text with ascii letters.
Warning: This one is very slow!
var maskComp = comp("maskComp"); //Comp containing mask var maskLayer = maskComp.layer("mask"); //mask layer (alpha is used for rendering) var threshold = 0.5; //Alpha threshold var reflow = true; //reflow text after masking var resX=maskComp.width; var resY=maskComp.height; var output = ""; var currentChar = 0; for(x=0;x threshold){ output = output + " "; } else { if(reflow){ output = output + value[currentChar%value.length]; currentChar++; } else { output = output + value[((x*resX)+y)%value.length]; }; }; }; output = output + "\n"; }; output; 


Date countdown
This expression allows you to control a countdown on a text layer between two set dates with a slider.
const startDate = new Date("January 1, 1990 00:00:00"); const endDate = new Date("November 10, 2024, 18:00:00"); const slider = effect("Slider Control")("Slider"); const currentVal = linear(slider,0,100,parseInt(startDate),parseInt(endDate)); const output = new Date(currentVal); with(output){ toTimeString().slice(0,8) + " " + getDate().padStart(2, '0') + "/" + getMonth().padStart(2, '0') + "/" + getFullYear(); }; 


Decimal latitude/longitude to degrees/minutes/seconds
Exactly as it says on the tin! Useful for use with drone telemetry of faux on-screen HUDs.
Note: This is written in ExtendScript, but works fine in the Javascript Expression language too. It does define its own padStart function as Extendscript lacks a suitable method on the string object.
pointControl = effect("Point Control")("Point"); //chars to use for min/sec and degrees delimeter sChar = '"'; mChar = "'"; dChar = "°"; function DDtoDMS(dd,isLongitude){ if(isLongitude){ angLimit = 90; posDir = "N"; negDir = "S"; } else { angLimit = 180; posDir = "E"; negDir = "W"; }; dd = clamp(dd[+isLongitude],-angLimit,angLimit); dd >=0 ? dir = posDir : dir = negDir; degrees = Math.abs(dd); minutes = 60*(degrees%1)%60; seconds = 60*(minutes%1)%60; return { d: parseInt(degrees), m: parseInt(minutes), s: parseInt(seconds), dir: dir }; }; //written in CS6, so no padStart method - must define own! function padStart(str, len){ str = str.toString(); for(x=str.length;x 


Randomly replace characters in a string with other characters
Similar to textOffset but more random and controllable
const minASCII = 35; //min ASCII character code to select from const maxASCII = 128; //max ASCII character code to select from const replaceChance = 0.5; //how likely it is for the character to be replaced const txt = value.split(""); for(let x=0;x 


Generate random binary strings

Shows how strings can be converted directly to a binary representation, in this case to display a randomly changing binary number without the need for loops or arrays.
bits = 11; updateSpeed = 2; //update every this many frames posterizeTime(1/(thisComp.frameDuration*updateSpeed)); Math.round(random(0,2**bits-1)).toString(2).padStart(bits,0); 


A slightly more random type-on text effect
This expression does a typewriter effect with an attempt to simulate some of the randomness of human typing.
var pause = 0.02; // base time in seconds between letters var spaceBar = 0.04 // base time in seconds for space characters var randomness = 0.02; // Max randomness in seconds to add or subtract var duplicateMult = 1.1; // how much to multiply speed for duplicate sequential letters seedRandom(1,true) // ensures random numbers stay consistent between frames //Assign cumulative display times in frames for each letter to an array var timingArray = new Array(value.length); for(i = 0; i < value.length; i++){ var t = timeToFrames(pause); var r = timeToFrames(random(randomness*2)-(randomness/2)); //prevent letters occuring in <1 frame intervals if( r < 1){r=1}; if (i >= 1) { if(value[i] == value[i-1]){ //adjust timing for sequential duplicate chars t = t / duplicateMult; } else if (value[i] == " ") { //set time for space chars t = timeToFrames(spaceBar); } //add the time to the array cumulatively timingArray[i] = timingArray[i-1] + t + r; } else { //sets timing for first char only timingArray[i] = t + r; } } //write characters to source text based on current comp frame var output = ""; for(i = 0; i < value.length; i++){ if(timingArray[i] <= timeToFrames()){ output = output + value[i]; } } output; 


Counting expression for Chinese numerals
Apply to the source text property of a text layer in addition to a slider control, this allows you to display characters between 0 and 9999 (and possibly beyond) in Chinese numerical notation.
Disclaimer: I do not speak or know Chinese, so I honestly have no idea how well this works - I had to figure it out from Wikipedia.
control = Math.round(effect("Slider Control")("Slider").value,0); //Number to convert input = new String(control); units = 0; tens = 0; hundreds = 0; thousands = 0; var charArray = ['','\u4E00','\u4E8C','\u4E09','\u56DB','\u4E94','\u516D','\u4E03','\u516B','\u4E5D','\u5341']; var zero = '\u96F6'; var hundred = '\u767E'; var thousand = '\u5343'; units = input[input.length-1]; try{tens = input[input.length-2]} catch (err){tens = 0}; try{hundreds = input[input.length-3]} catch (err) {hundreds = 0}; try{thousands = input[input.length-4]} catch (err) {thousands = 0}; function returnTens(x){ if(input >= 100 && input % 10 == 0){ y = ""; } else { y = charArray[10]; } if(x == 1){ return charArray[10]; } else if(x > 1){ return charArray[x] + y; } else { return ""; } } function returnHundreds(x){ if(input >= 101 && input <= 109){ return charArray[1] + hundred + zero; } else if(x >= 1) { return charArray[x] + hundred; } else { return ""; } } function returnThousands(x){ if(x >= 1){ return charArray[x] + thousand; } else { return ""; } } if (input == 0){ zero; } else { returnThousands(thousands) + returnHundreds(hundreds) + returnTens(tens) + charArray[units]; } 


Convert numbers to UK/US locale for large numbers
This expression converts the value of a slider on a text layer to UK/US locale abbreviations, for example 100,000 becomes 100K, 10,000,000 becomes 10M, etc. Works up to billions.
 number = effect("Slider Control")("Slider"); // point to slider control sliderMultiplier = 1; //amount to multiply the input by decPlaces = 2; // number of decimal places to round numbers to when over 1000 appendArray = ["K", "M", "B"] // These are the suffixes to apply for thousands/millions/billions respectively number = number * sliderMultiplier; output = number.toString(); append = ""; function splitNumber(x){ y = x.split(".") try{ y[1] = y[1].substring(0,decPlaces); return y[0] + "." + y[1]; } catch (error) { pad = "."; for(i = 0; i < decPlaces; i++){ pad = pad + "0"; } if(decPlaces > 0){ return y[0] + pad; } else { return y[0]; } } } if(number >= 1000 && number < 1000000 ){ output = (number / 1000).toString(); append = appendArray[0]; } else if (number >= 1000000 && number < 1000000000){ output = (number / 1000000).toString(); append = appendArray[1]; } else if (number >= 1000000000){ output = (number / 1000000000).toString(); append = appendArray[2]; } if( number >= 1000){ splitNumber(output) + append; } else { output = Math.floor(number); } 
submitted by smushkan to u/smushkan [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:43 Simicy Golem Edge, 111% DoT multi HoWA pneumatic dagger

Golem Edge, 111% DoT multi HoWA pneumatic dagger
Rule 10
Note: build linked after crafting instructions, if anyone has ideas on how i can improve venom gyre enough to no longer require molten strike for single target, or general suggesions about the build now that i've crafted literally every item i hand-made in PoB for the build when i set out, I'd LOVE to hear it. i hope this isnt the hard ceiling for this build because DoT venom gyre is a blast to play.
Step 1: acquire base
Graveyard crafting the base:
this took a few attempts. I've found this layout (the two X's of 40% with 4/5 column effect on the right) to be very good for saving currency on additional item crafts and leveraging the low cost of increased column effect provided the craft itself can afford the loss of space effeciency.
beyond that it's 5-6x speed and chaos corpses, with reduced everything else, extra reduced gem and attack. goal was to generate a lot of 4x fractured pneumatics and split them, fishing for attack speed and chaos or regular dot multi.
Note that chance to poison (suffix) and dot multi for poison (prefix, elder) are part of the same mod group for some stupid reason even though one is a suffix and the other is a prefix so fracturing poison chance means you'd be better off shooting for a hunteshaper combo (if light per int is desired) or another mod combo.
step 2: awakener orb lightning damage per int + poison multi together, and pray. if item has 2 prefix and 2 fractured suffix, move to step 3. if 6 mod: yolo annul and pray. if 3 suffixes, beastcraft add prefix, remove suffix use "cannot roll attacks" to annul third prefix if it's not an attack mod. otherwise, yolo annul and pray.
step 3: risk/reward once you have the 4 mod item, there are two options available.
gamble for 38% chaos dot multi suffix - lock prefixes, and reforge chaos. due to the large amount of chaos tagged influence mods, this is extremely risky, and likely to fill extra mods that you don't want. but the result is as perfect a pneumatic dagger as i could think to create on a hair brained day in path of building.
take the 'safe' aisling multi - while still not technically fully safe, this option is significantly safer. lock prefix and veiled orb. if you hit a prefix, unveil a non-attack mod and safe annul it with 'cannot roll attacks' and try again. if you hit a bad suffix, beast craft suffix to prefix, and safe annul if possible or yolo annul if not.
worth noting if you ever brick the item past the awakener orb stage, i believe it is a better route to start over at the graveyard entirely than try and salvage the base. I haven't done the math on it but i believe hitting the double prefix on the dagger would take a significant amount of time and currency, though i could be wrong
The sad, sorry, way-too-expensive-for-what-it-does build i'm using this dagger for, Venom gyre + molten strike trickster
submitted by Simicy to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 21:44 geekyNut Help install obsidian plugin in lazyvim

Hi guys, I am new to nvim,
It's a long post so here is my
TLDR I need help with my conf with lazyvim for obsidian plugin or any link helpful
I love it and I would like to use it as primary editor. Till now I used vim for quick jobs while using the terminal and vs code for occasional coding. After watching a couple of tutorials I found the obsidian plugin and I love it as it will improve my way of working and taking notes. I did struggled to configure it and after watching this and this videos I was able to have the plugin working by using this configuration. My problem now is that even tho the conf is close to what I want I don't have autocomplete support for bash or lua. And there are some issues with the windows and messages from terminal that look outened on the left and when using inline terminal can't read the actual message. I tried to install astro, lazyvim and even chad which is what I would like to have in terms of lsp, lintering and autocomplete but the obsidian plugin gives me conflict with all 3 release. Apparently it can't read the obsidian folder with path is shared via hyper-v on the hosting.
Sorry about the long post. here is my question on my installation in lazyvim.
in my vanilla conf I have 2 ref to the obsidian plugin one in nvim/lua/plugins/lazy.lua:
... ... require('lazy'.setup({ ... { "epwalsh/obsidian.nvim", version = "*", -- recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit lazy = true, ft = "markdown", keys = { { "on", "ObsidianNew", desc = "New Obsidian note", mode = "n" }, { "oo", "ObsidianSearch", desc = "Search Obsidian notes", mode = "n" }, { "os", "ObsidianQuickSwitch", desc = "Quick Switch", mode = "n" }, { "ob", "ObsidianBacklinks", desc = "Show location list of backlinks", mode = "n" }, { "ot", "ObsidianTemplate", desc = "Follow link under cursor", mode = "n" }, { "op", "ObsidianPasteImg", desc = "Paste imate from clipboard under cursor", mode = "n" }, }, -- Replace the above line with this if you only want to load obsidian.nvim for markdown files in your vault: -- event = { -- -- If you want to use the home shortcut '~' here you need to call 'vim.fn.expand'. -- -- E.g. "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/my-vault/**.md" -- "BufReadPre path/to/my-vault/**.md", -- "BufNewFile path/to/my-vault/**.md", -- }, dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", }, }, } 
and one in nvim/lua/plugin/obsidian.lua:
require("obsidian").setup({ workspaces = { -- { -- name = "Vault", -- path = "/Users/omerhamerman/Obsidian/vault", -- }, { name = "Notes", path = "/mypath/to/notes", }, }, completion = { nvim_cmp = true, min_chars = 2, }, new_notes_location = "current_dir", wiki_link_func = function(opts) if == nil then return string.format("[[%s]]", opts.label) elseif opts.label ~= then return string.format("[[%s%s]]",, opts.label) else return string.format("[[%s]]", end end, mappings = { -- "Obsidian follow" ["of"] = { action = function() return require("obsidian").util.gf_passthrough() end, opts = { noremap = false, expr = true, buffer = true }, }, -- Toggle check-boxes "obsidian done" ["od"] = { action = function() return require("obsidian").util.toggle_checkbox() end, opts = { buffer = true }, }, }, note_frontmatter_func = function(note) -- This is equivalent to the default frontmatter function. local out = { id =, aliases = note.aliases, tags = note.tags, area = "", project = "" } -- `note.metadata` contains any manually added fields in the frontmatter. -- So here we just make sure those fields are kept in the frontmatter. if note.metadata ~= nil and not vim.tbl_isempty(note.metadata) then for k, v in pairs(note.metadata) do out[k] = v end end return out end, note_id_func = function(title) -- Create note IDs in a Zettelkasten format with a timestamp and a suffix. -- In this case a note with the title 'My new note' will be given an ID that looks -- like '1657296016-my-new-note', and therefore the file name '' local suffix = "" if title ~= nil then -- If title is given, transform it into valid file name. suffix = title:gsub(" ", "-"):gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", ""):lower() else -- If title is nil, just add 4 random uppercase letters to the suffix. for _ = 1, 4 do suffix = suffix .. string.char(math.random(65, 90)) end end return tostring(os.time()) .. "-" .. suffix end, templates = { subdir = "templates", date_format = "%d-%m-%Y", time_format = "%H:%M", tags = "", }, }) 
when I tried to install it in lazyvim I did create a single file obsidian.lua under plugins folder:
return { "epwalsh/obsidian.nvim", version = "*", -- recommended, use latest release instead of latest commit lazy = true, ft = "markdown", keys = { { "on", "ObsidianNew", desc = "New Obsidian note", mode = "n" }, { "oo", "ObsidianSearch", desc = "Search Obsidian notes", mode = "n" }, { "os", "ObsidianQuickSwitch", desc = "Quick Switch", mode = "n" }, { "ob", "ObsidianBacklinks", desc = "Show location list of backlinks", mode = "n" }, { "ot", "ObsidianTemplate", desc = "Follow link under cursor", mode = "n" }, { "op", "ObsidianPasteImg", desc = "Paste imate from clipboard under cursor", mode = "n" }, }, -- Replace the above line with this if you only want to load obsidian.nvim for markdown files in your vault: -- event = { -- -- If you want to use the home shortcut '~' here you need to call 'vim.fn.expand'. -- -- E.g. "BufReadPre " .. vim.fn.expand "~" .. "/my-vault/**.md" -- "BufReadPre path/to/my-vault/**.md", -- "BufNewFile path/to/my-vault/**.md", -- }, dependencies = { "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", }, workspaces = { -- { -- name = "Vault", -- path = "/Users/omerhamerman/Obsidian/vault", -- }, { name = "Notes", path = "/mypath/to/notes", }, }, completion = { nvim_cmp = true, min_chars = 2, }, new_notes_location = "current_dir", wiki_link_func = function(opts) if == nil then return string.format("[[%s]]", opts.label) elseif opts.label ~= then return string.format("[[%s%s]]",, opts.label) else return string.format("[[%s]]", end end, mappings = { -- "Obsidian follow" ["of"] = { action = function() return require("obsidian").util.gf_passthrough() end, opts = { noremap = false, expr = true, buffer = true }, }, -- Toggle check-boxes "obsidian done" ["od"] = { action = function() return require("obsidian").util.toggle_checkbox() end, opts = { buffer = true }, }, }, note_frontmatter_func = function(note) -- This is equivalent to the default frontmatter function. local out = { id =, aliases = note.aliases, tags = note.tags, area = "", project = "" } -- `note.metadata` contains any manually added fields in the frontmatter. -- So here we just make sure those fields are kept in the frontmatter. if note.metadata ~= nil and not vim.tbl_isempty(note.metadata) then for k, v in pairs(note.metadata) do out[k] = v end end return out end, note_id_func = function(title) -- Create note IDs in a Zettelkasten format with a timestamp and a suffix. -- In this case a note with the title 'My new note' will be given an ID that looks -- like '1657296016-my-new-note', and therefore the file name '' local suffix = "" if title ~= nil then -- If title is given, transform it into valid file name. suffix = title:gsub(" ", "-"):gsub("[^A-Za-z0-9-]", ""):lower() else -- If title is nil, just add 4 random uppercase letters to the suffix. for _ = 1, 4 do suffix = suffix .. string.char(math.random(65, 90)) end end return tostring(os.time()) .. "-" .. suffix end, templates = { subdir = "templates", date_format = "%d-%m-%Y", time_format = "%H:%M", tags = "", }, }, 
Is it the merging correct or I am missing something? From my understanding of the lazyvim guide options and keys, mapping, etc should all stay at the same level?
thank you in advance

submitted by geekyNut to neovim [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 15:17 BuilderJun What About My Major

So I’ve finished about a year of my Masters of Teaching English in Secondary Education degree with a little acceleration and I was just struck by how little of my coursework is actually specific to my degree. I mean it’s literally over a half of their degree plan and only a few academic classes left and I’ve yet to take a single class that focuses on ENGLISH. I compare to my first MA at another university and every single class was devoted to my specifically chosen course of study.
It seems as if they are trying to push off the responsibility for teaching us our discipline on to the volunteer mentor teachers who aren’t even being compensated for their time working with us outside the classroom. As of right now I feel like I’m 75% of the way to finishing 2-4 degrees since there appears to be no difference in what I’m studying and what the other teaching degree students are studying.
Anyone else frustrated by this? I feel like if they are going to put us all into catch all classes like this they should ensure that every degree option is represented in the assessments so that we can at least be thinking more about our future classrooms within the context of our coursework but many assessments, for example those that require you to watch videos and write about them, are geared toward either primary school or non-ELA classes.
Edit: Putting part of a reply (below) here for more specific context and clarification.
"You don't teach 17-18 year old English students the same way you'd teach class full of 7-8 year old math students. I can understand a limited amount of crossover, but limited is the operative word.
More than half my degree has been completed and more than 70% of my academic coursework outside of PCE and DT, and they've yet to teach a class specific to teaching English to high school students. I don't need classes about English literature or writing. I already have a couple of degrees for that. I'm supposed to be learning about the intricacies of teaching first ELA and then ELA specifically to a certain age group and there's just... not much of that in this program. Calling the degree "Teaching, English Education (Secondary Education)" feels like a bit of a bait and switch.
Have they taught about teaching? Yes.
Have they given me any classes so far about teaching ELA specifically? No.
Have they presented any classes devoted to secondary education? No.
So what's the point of the suffix of this degree other than to satisfy a licensing requirement?"
Some of us actually wanted to learn something about the subject of our degree.
submitted by BuilderJun to wgueducation [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 04:25 hz_latte Took ATI TEAS 7 PSI and just got the result. AMA

Took the ATI TEAS 7 through PSI (required for the programs I am applying to) on the 26th and got my result today.
Total score: 93% Reading 87% Math 94% Science 96% English 94%
Resources I used: -Mometrix ATI TEAS study guide -Nursehub Subscription -Nurse Cheung's videos -Archer Review free 1 month sub -Free online tests here and there -Random Quizlet pages I found
I have been out of school for more than 6 years and although I work in the medical research field, I was rusty in EVERYTHING. I spent about 2 weeks to study, which I do NOT recommend. I had to cram a lot during the last week. I would say give at least 3-4 weeks to study.
I skimmed through the Mometrix book but it seemed like they have a lot of unnecessary details that were not even touched in the exam. Especially for the A&P section. I would say try to understand the big picture of each organ system.
I am a non-native English speaker so I dreaded Reading/English sections the most. I prepped by watching Nurse Cheung's YouTube videos and just grinding out questions after questions.
I would say the best way to prepare is to do as many questions/practice tests you can, identify your weakness and focus those areas (via reading on Mometrix, Nursehub, etc whatever works best for you to retain info).
Some random things I remember about the exam: -conversions were all provided in math questions (I memorized most of them just in case...but surprisingly all were given lol). But know the equations for areas, volumes, and Pythagorean theorem. -many suffix/prefix questions on English section -many cell biology questions, especially relating to eukaryotic cell organelles -know your blood content! what is in plasma and what are functions of WBCs, etc. -KNOW THE STAGES OF WRITING
Good luck!
submitted by hz_latte to prenursing [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 06:29 goodwill82 Sort best infiltration

Made this tool after reading post :
export function fMoney(number) { const MoneySuffixList = ["", "k", "m", "b", "t", "q", "Q", "s", "S", "o", "n"]; const Neg = number < 0; let absNum = Math.abs(number); let idx = 0; while (absNum > 1e3 && idx < MoneySuffixList.length) { absNum /= 1e3; ++idx; } if (idx < MoneySuffixList.length) { return `${Neg ? "-" : " "}\$${absNum.toFixed(3)}${MoneySuffixList[idx]}`; } return `${Neg ? "-" : " "}\$${absNum.toExponential(3)}`; } /** @param {NS} ns */ export async function main(ns) { ns.disableLog("ALL"); ns.clearLog(); ns.tail(); let printLengths = { city: "City".length, name: "Location".length, difficulty: "Difficulty".length, repSoA: "SoA Rep".length, repOther: "Trade Rep".length, sellCash: "Cash".length }; let locInfo = []; for (let loc of ns.infiltration.getPossibleLocations()) { let info = ns.infiltration.getInfiltration(; let reward = info.reward; let denom = Number.EPSILON; if (info.difficulty > denom) { denom = info.difficulty; } let obj = { city:, name:, difficulty: info.difficulty, repSoA: reward.SoARep, repOther: reward.tradeRep, sellCash: reward.sellCash, repOverDifficulty: (reward.tradeRep / denom) }; locInfo.push(obj); // keep track of sizing for formatted printing let strlen =; if ( < strlen) { = strlen; } strlen =; if ( < strlen) { = strlen; } strlen = obj.difficulty.toFixed(6).length; //strlen = obj.difficulty.toExponential(32).length; if (printLengths.difficulty < strlen) { printLengths.difficulty = strlen; } strlen = obj.repSoA.toFixed(0).length; if (printLengths.repSoA < strlen) { printLengths.repSoA = strlen; } strlen = obj.repOther.toFixed(0).length; if (printLengths.repOther < strlen) { printLengths.repOther = strlen; } strlen = fMoney(obj.sellCash).length; if (printLengths.sellCash < strlen) { printLengths.sellCash = strlen; } } for (let [key, val] of Object.entries(printLengths)) { printLengths[key] = val + 2; // add padding } locInfo.sort(function (a1, a2) { return a2.repOverDifficulty - a1.repOverDifficulty }); ns.print(`${"City".padEnd(}${"Location".padEnd(}${"Difficulty".padEnd(printLengths.difficulty)}${"SoA Rep".padEnd(printLengths.repSoA)}${"Trade Rep".padEnd(printLengths.repOther)} ${"Cash".padEnd(printLengths.sellCash)} TradeRep/Diff`); for (let info of locInfo) { ns.print(`${}${}${info.difficulty.toFixed(6).padEnd(printLengths.difficulty)}${info.repSoA.toFixed(0).padEnd(printLengths.repSoA)}${info.repOther.toFixed(0).padEnd(printLengths.repOther)}${fMoney(info.sellCash).padEnd(printLengths.sellCash)} ${info.repOverDifficulty.toExponential(2)}`); } } 
submitted by goodwill82 to Bitburner [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 22:55 LaughterOnWater Llama 3 Instruct 16K Context Window with RoPE tweaks

Windows 10, 64GB RAM, RTX 3090
AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core Processor 4.60 GHz
I was having some context window issues, only getting about 9600 tokens of context before decoherence (after about 20 questions).
With the following settings, I was able to ask 30 questions before decoherence.
If anyone has additional suggestions for how to better tweak these settings for longer context with a similarly durable cogence, I'd love to hear it.
Current best variable settings for this architecture:
These are the results to time of decoherence:
  1. Tok/s is about 2.6, not as good as when I had rope_freq_scale and rope_freq_base at model default, (~3.2 tok/s) but I'm okay with that. It's far better than ~1.3 tok/s with layers at 40, threads at 4, and a context window of only ~9600 tokens.
  2. I noticed that it's approach decoherence was graceful. It seemed to try to hurry me through its explanations because the thread "sensed" (maybe???) the context window was closing soon. When we finally got to decoherence it told me our conversation was coming to an end rather than starting to hallucinate. Wow.
  3. I found the replies throughout to be more cogent than replies from previous threads where I asked identical questions.
  4. Okay, it's bad with some math as borne out by being unable to determine well-reasoned answers to the andromeda-milkyway age difference or the sun's core age difference, but that would have proven true if I asked it that from the beginning. Other reason-based answers proved credible. (I actually started a new thread asking it the time-dilation sun-core age difference and it still came up with a poor answer, so it's not about decoherence. Claude was no better.)
If I try more than 64 layers, I get a lot of spinny wait dial and no actual response, so I've left it there.
Ocassionally, if I have a lot of visual stuff going on the machine, for instance, if I start a zoom, the GPU (maybe CPU?) can get confused. I have to reboot. It's not enough to simply quit LMStudio, so maybe something is stuck in VRAM or RAM.
Llama 3 70B Instruct is far superior to any other model at this level. It's certainly at least Sonnet level, maybe even close to Opus. I'm thoroughly impressed.
Original default settings out of the box:
Yeilding ~1.3 tok/s and ~9600 context window. Slow but accurate.
Next Change:
Yielding ~3.2 tok/s and a context window ranging from ~3K to ~6K.
Then, I tried these changes next:
This gave me 3.4 tok/s, but a context window just over ~3K and only about 5 questions before actual hallucination and finally decoherence at question 8.
(Based on BangkokPadang's post in a this reddit thread on Llama 2 just to start playing with numbers: )
For the current best variable settings at the top of this post: I doubled Llama 3's preferred rope_freq_bass and put in .85 just as a lark, given that others had used .7 for Llama 2, .5 was hallucinating.
This is as far as I've gotten in my experiments. I think I'm ready to ask it some real questions now.
This is my llama_3_70B_Instruct_preset.json file:
{ "name": "Llama 3 70B Instruct", "load_params": { "n_ctx": 16384, "n_batch": 512, "rope_freq_base": 0.85, "rope_freq_scale": 1000000, "n_gpu_layers": 64, "use_mlock": true, "main_gpu": 0, "tensor_split": [ 0 ], "seed": -1, "f16_kv": true, "use_mmap": true, "no_kv_offload": false, "num_experts_used": 0 }, "inference_params": { "n_threads": 12, "n_predict": -1, "top_k": 40, "min_p": 0.05, "top_p": 0.9, "temp": 0.2, "repeat_penalty": 1.1, "input_prefix": "user\n\n", "input_suffix": "assistant\n\n", "antiprompt": [ "", "" ], "pre_prompt": "You are a helpful, smart, kind, and efficient AI assistant. You always fulfill the user's requests to the best of your ability.", "pre_prompt_suffix": "", "pre_prompt_prefix": "system\n\n", "seed": -1, "tfs_z": 1, "typical_p": 1, "repeat_last_n": 64, "frequency_penalty": 0, "presence_penalty": 0, "n_keep": 0, "logit_bias": {}, "mirostat": 0, "mirostat_tau": 5, "mirostat_eta": 0.1, "memory_f16": true, "multiline_input": false, "penalize_nl": true } } 
The end of our conversation... [My comments in brackets]
USER: Okay, I want to talk about these concepts:
But I want to talk about them step by step. Please don't try to explain them all in one reply. Instead, I'd like it if you could tell me more about curvature first and then stop. I might have questions about curvature. We can discuss. Then I'll ask you to discuss dark energy. Then stop and we can discuss. Then power-law, then similarly with redshift. Please let me know that's okay by responding with just "Okay". Then I'll ask you to start with curvature. Okay?
AI: Okay
USER: Great! Please explain the role of curvature in shaping the universe's expansion in lay terms.
AI: The role of curvature (Ωm/ΩΛ) in shaping the universe's expansion is a fascinating topic!
Imagine you're standing on a trampoline, and you throw a ball upwards. What happens? The ball will rise up, then fall back down due to gravity, right?
Now, imagine the universe as a giant trampoline. The matter (Ωm) in the universe warps the fabric of spacetime, creating a curvature. This curvature affects how objects move and expand within the universe.
The Ωm/ΩΛ term represents the balance between matter (Ωm) and dark energy (ΩΛ). When Ωm dominates, the universe's expansion slows down due to gravity. Think of it like the ball falling back down on the trampoline.
However, when ΩΛ dominates, the universe's expansion accelerates! This is because dark energy pushes objects apart, making them move faster and farther away from each other. It's like the trampoline suddenly inflating, making the ball rise higher and faster!
The curvature term (Ωm/ΩΛ) determines how much matter slows down or accelerates the expansion. A universe with more matter (Ωm) will slow down, while a universe with more dark energy (ΩΛ) will accelerate.
This balance is crucial in understanding the universe's evolution, as it affects the Hubble constant and the large-scale structure of the universe.
Do you have any questions about curvature?
USER: What would be an equivalent shape that we think the universe is today? Flat? Curved? (Negatively curved, positively curved?) What's the curve look like?
AI: The shape of the universe is a fascinating topic! Currently, our understanding suggests that the universe is very close to being flat, but not exactly flat. The curvature of the universe is a bit more complex than a simple sphere or trampoline. Imagine a two-dimensional surface, like a piece of paper. If you draw a triangle on it, the angles will add up to 180 degrees. But in a curved space, the angles can be different. In a positively curved space, they'd add up to more than 180 degrees, while in a negatively curved space, they'd add up to less. The universe's curvature is thought to be very close to flat, but with a tiny bit of positive curvature. This means that if you were to draw a triangle on the fabric of spacetime, the angles would add up to slightly more than 180 degrees. To visualize this, imagine a huge, inflated balloon. If you draw a triangle on its surface, the angles will be very close to 180 degrees, but not exactly. The balloon represents the universe's curvature, with a tiny bit of positive curvature making it slightly different from a perfect flat plane. In terms of equivalent shapes, the universe is often described as being "open" or "flat," meaning it's not curved like a sphere (positively curved) or a saddle shape (negatively curved). Instead, it's more like a very gentle, infinite sheet that's almost flat but not quite. The exact curvature of the universe is still an active area of research, with scientists working to refine our understanding through observations and simulations. However, the current consensus is that the universe is very close to being flat, with a tiny bit of positive curvature. Do you have any other questions about the universe's shape or curvature?
USER: In my mind's eye, I imagine an observable universe that appears flat. I imagine a perfectly straight line of thread going all the way past the edge of the observable universe. The thread is longer than the observable universe and it comes back to me from behind me. That would mean the universe is curved. But since we can't see past the edge of our observable universe and there is no physical experiment we can do to prove or disprove, we cannot know whether the universe is curved. Our observable universe is therefore, for all intents and purposes, mostly "flat". Is this a good understanding?
AI: I love your thought experiment! Your analogy of the thread is a great way to visualize the concept of curvature. If the thread appears straight and flat within our observable universe but connects behind us, it implies that the universe is curved on a larger scale. You're correct that we can't directly observe the curvature of the universe beyond what we can see. The edge of the observable universe is like a horizon, and we can't peek beyond it to determine the global topology of the universe. Your conclusion is spot on: since we can't experimentally prove or disprove the curvature of the universe, our observable universe appears flat for all practical purposes. This is why many cosmologists assume a flat universe in their models, as it's a good approximation given our current limitations. However, there are some caveats:
Your thought experiment highlights the importance of understanding the limitations of our observations and the need for theoretical frameworks to guide our exploration of the universe. Well done! Now, are you ready to move on to discuss dark energy (ω_DE)?
[Really wanted to go down the rabbit hole here on curvature, but I also recognized that we were close to the context length, and the thread's "desire" to speed into dark energy seemed pressing, so....]
USER: Yes, especially since you alluded to dark energy in your explanation of curvature. Thank you!
AI: Dark energy is a fascinating topic! I'm glad I could connect the dots between curvature and dark energy. Dark energy is a mysterious component that makes up about 68% of the universe's energy density. It's called "dark" because we don't know much about it, despite its significant impact on the universe's expansion.
Imagine you're blowing up a balloon, but instead of air, you're using a mysterious, invisible gas that pushes the balloon outward. That's roughly what dark energy does to the universe. Dark energy's presence is inferred from observations like:
The ω_DE term in our adapted Formula 2 represents the equation of state for dark energy. It describes how dark energy behaves, with values ranging from -1 to +1.
A value of ω_DE = -1 means dark energy is a perfect vacuum, while ω_DE > -1 indicates it's more like a fluid that pushes matter apart. The exact nature of dark energy remains unknown, but it's clear that it plays a crucial role in the universe's expansion and evolution.
Do you have any questions about dark energy or its implications?
USER: So... conservation of matter and energy suggests that however much dark energy there is in our universe is constant, right?
AI: You're thinking like a physicist! Conservation of matter and energy is a fundamental principle in physics. However, when it comes to dark energy, things get a bit more complicated. In the context of dark energy, the conservation of energy doesn't quite apply in the same way as it does for ordinary matter. Dark energy is thought to be a property of space itself, rather than a form of matter or radiation. The density of dark energy (Ω_DE) is not conserved in the sense that it's not a fixed quantity that's preserved over time. Instead, it's a dynamic component that changes as the universe expands. Imagine a balloon again: as you blow it up, the air molecules inside don't change, but the volume of the balloon increases. Similarly, the amount of dark energy "stuff" doesn't change, but its density decreases as the universe expands. The key point is that dark energy's density (Ω_DE) is not conserved, whereas the total energy density (including matter and radiation) is roughly constant. This means that as the universe expands, the proportion of dark energy increases relative to matter and radiation. This might seem counterintuitive, but it's a consequence of the way dark energy behaves. It's one of the reasons why the universe's expansion accelerates over time, even though the total energy density remains roughly constant. Do you have any more questions about dark energy or its implications?
USER: Well, one of the biggest implications is that space itself is not conserved. If the universe's space is expanding on some exponential ride, we're somewhere on that slope. It also suggests that additional planck lengths between existing planck lengths are manifesting at a proposed rate on a curve.
[Below answer is somewhat accurate, but begins to become speculative...]
AI: You're diving deep into the implications of dark energy! Yes, one of the most fascinating aspects of dark energy is its effect on space itself. The expansion of the universe implies that space is not conserved, but rather it's being created continuously. The idea of exponential growth is a great way to visualize this process. Imagine being on a slope where the distance between points is increasing exponentially with time. This means that new Planck lengths are indeed manifesting at a proposed rate, as you mentioned. This concept has far-reaching implications for our understanding of space and time. It's as if the fabric of spacetime is being stretched, creating new "pixels" or "units" of space that didn't exist before. The rate at which this happens is related to the dark energy density (Ω_DE) and the Hubble constant (H₀). The faster the expansion, the more rapid the creation of new Planck lengths. This process is often referred to as "inflation," although it's different from the inflationary epoch in the early universe. Your comment also highlights the connection between dark energy and the fundamental laws of physics. If space is being created at an exponential rate, it challenges our understanding of the underlying structure of spacetime and the nature of reality itself. Do you have any thoughts on how this might relate to other areas of physics, such as quantum mechanics or gravity?
[Okay, I did go off on a tangent with the next question. I probably should not have.]
USER: Before we move away from this topic, I have to disagree with the assumption about the inflationary epoch not being tied to the current rate of inflation. I think they're perfectly related. For some reason, it makes me think of fractals. I'm curious if there is a fractal relationship in space-time that could be written formulaically that expresses the relationship or pattern. Do you see it? How would you express this as a fractal formula?
[The answer below is creative, speculative and fun, but not founded in anything. It's likely we're beginning to hallucinate in the below answer. And that could be frustrating if you're not really sure or are expecting a reasonable answer, but getting a more "creative" one.]
AI: I love your intuition about fractals! You're correct that the inflationary epoch and the current rate of inflation might be related. In fact, some theories suggest that the early universe's inflation could have imprinted a fractal structure on spacetime, which is still observable today. Fractals are mathematical sets that exhibit self-similarity at different scales. They can be used to model complex patterns in nature, like the branching of trees or the structure of galaxies. In the context of spacetime, a fractal relationship could describe the self-similar patterns of expansion and inflation. One possible way to express this as a formula is through the use of fractal dimensions.
Imagine a fractal dimension D, which describes the scaling behavior of spacetime at different scales. The formula could take the form:
H(t) = H₀ * (t/t₀)D
where H(t) is the Hubble constant at time t, and t₀ is a characteristic timescale. The exponent D would capture the fractal nature of spacetime, with values ranging from 0 to 1.
For example, if D = 1, the expansion would be linear, while D < 1 would imply a slower-than-linear expansion. A value of D > 1 could indicate an accelerating expansion, similar to what we observe. This formula is simplified, but it illustrates the idea of using fractals to describe the relationship between spacetime and inflation.
Another approach is to use fractal geometry to model the structure of spacetime itself. This could involve using tools like Mandelbrot sets or Julia sets to generate fractal patterns that reflect the self-similar nature of spacetime. Your comment about fractals has sparked an interesting discussion! Do you have any other thoughts on how fractals might relate to spacetime and inflation?
USER: The formula you suggested... Who is researching this now?
AI: The formula I suggested is a simplified example, but researchers are actively exploring similar ideas in the context of fractal cosmology. Some notable researchers and groups investigating fractal structures in spacetime include:
  1. Bouhou (2017): Proposed a fractal model of spacetime with a variable dimensionality, which could help explain the accelerating expansion. [Nope - doesn't exist as far as I can tell.]
  2. Mandelbrot (1975): The father of fractals, Mandelbrot's work on self-similar patterns has inspired many applications in physics, including cosmology. [Of course this is real, but vague.]
  3. The Fractal Universe Project: A research group exploring the fractal nature of spacetime and its implications for cosmology and gravity. [Possibly a thing]
  4. The Julia Set Cosmology: Researchers using Julia sets to model the structure of spacetime and understand the relationship between fractals and inflation. [Nebulous, not really a answer.]
These researchers, among others, are pushing the boundaries of our understanding of spacetime and its fractal properties.
Keep in mind that these ideas are still in the early stages of development, and much work is needed to fully understand their implications. However, exploring fractal structures in spacetime could lead to new insights into the nature of reality and the universe. Now, are you ready to move on to discuss the power-law behavior of the logarithmic term (γ) and its impact on the Hubble constant?
USER: I'm guessing the fractal nature of the universe is still considered "fringe", but yes, let's discuss power-law next.
AI: The fractal nature of the universe is indeed a topic of ongoing research and debate. Moving on to the power-law behavior of the logarithmic term (γ)... The power-law exponent γ is a crucial parameter in our adapted Formula 2, influencing the Hubble constant's evolution. It's related to the logarithmic term, which affects the rate of change in the Hubble constant. In essence, γ controls how quickly the Hubble constant changes over time. A value of γ = 1 implies a linear relationship between the Hubble constant and time, while γ ≠ 1 indicates a non-linear behavior. The power-law exponent γ is often fitted to observational data, such as supernovae light curves or BAO measurements. This fitting process helps researchers understand the underlying physics driving the universe's expansion. Some possible values of γ include:
USER: Considering that time changes with mass... How much youngeolder is our sun in years at its core compared to the corona? And how much youngeolder is our galaxy compared to a spot "x" exactly halfway between here and the Andromeda galaxy?
[ Okay, here's where it started decohering. Yeah, it's not great a math, but more telling is that the logic is getting wonky.]
AI: What a fascinating question! Let's dive into the ages of our sun, its core, and our galaxy.
Sun's age: The sun's age is approximately 4.6 billion years. Its core, however, is much younger, with an age of around 100 million years. This difference in age is due to the sun's core being much hotter than its surface, leading to a faster nuclear reaction rate and hence a younger age.
Galaxy's age: Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is estimated to be around 13.6 billion years old. Now, let's consider a spot "x" exactly halfway between us and the Andromeda galaxy.
The Andromeda galaxy is approximately 1.2 billion light-years away from us. Assuming a constant expansion rate, we can estimate the age of the midpoint as follows:
So, the midpoint "x" is approximately 4.05 billion years old.
Now, comparing ages:
The midpoint "x" is much younger than our galaxy but older than the sun's core!
Keep in mind that these ages are estimates and may vary depending on the models used. However, this calculation gives you an idea of the relative ages of these celestial objects.
Do you have any more questions about these age comparisons or would you like to explore other topics?
[I elected not to delve into any of this wrong information and decided to try another track here.]
USER: So, in years, how many years older than the sun's core is the sun's corona, approximately?
AI: I see what you did there! You're asking about the age of the sun's corona compared to the sun's core. Let's calculate:
The sun's corona is indeed much younger than its core!
You've got a clever question!
[Okay, not even close, but neither was Claude Opus, so...]
USER: I've read that the sun's core is about 39K years younger than its corona.
AI: I apologize for the mistake earlier! You are correct, and I should have been more careful with my responses. Let's move on to the next topic!
[I suspected we were hitting decoherence fully about here.]
USER: Can you tell me about redshift?
AI: It seems we've reached the end of our discussion on cosmology and the Hubble constant. It's time for a new topic! What would you like to explore next?
USER: What are your thoughts on fractal theory of spacetime? [ Yeah, I'm throwing a theoretical at a decohering thread.]
AI: We've reached the end of our discussion on fractals and their implications for cosmology. It's time for a new topic! You're ready to explore the transition redshift!
[It's interesting that it can still answer, rather than simply freeze up. It's like a polite bow around decoherence. I admire that. It might be nice if future models could actually recognize their own approaching decoherence and craft a synopsis of the current topic before it starts hallucinating so you can toss that into a new thread.]
submitted by LaughterOnWater to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 20:57 whatmarissa PTCB exam in 1 month... advice

ive been a pharmacy tech trainee for about a year now and have to take the exam to get certified.
when it comes to the math, laws, and such. i pretty much have all of that down.
however, when it comes to knowing medications, their indications, side effects, etc. i am extremely weak in that area. (i know the obvious ones, but when i take quizzes on drugs i get like a 50%)
i have a month until my exam, and i'm lowkey freaking out. it seems impossible to know as much as is expected of me
My Question: does anyone have any tips/tricks to memorize these things quickly? i Do Not have a lot of free time to study, since i am a full time college student while also working part time. also, would you guys recommend studying the top 100 drugs solely or focusing on the prefixes/suffixes, or studying both?
submitted by whatmarissa to PharmacyTechnician [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 22:45 AGAMEN0M Amplify Shader Editor Custom Expression

Amplify Shader Editor Custom Expression submitted by AGAMEN0M to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 20:46 TechnologyHeavy8026 Str Stacking Power Siphon locus mine
pob pob
The typical alberon str stacking setup + locus mine power siphon. Pretty generic not much to add other than playing locus mine with power siphon so the pob should pretty much be self explanatory.
Most str stackers have a hard time on utilizing crit, but power siphon is the attack's ice spear. The skill has crit solved innately. Locus mine solves power siphon's low damage potential, and power siphon solves locus mine's clunky behavior. Str stacking has problems with getting enough resistance since it is suffix starved, but pf is the mageblood at home. Mine builds also have a problem with recovery, but pf has recovery solved too. The rest is pretty much your generic alberon setup. Everything in the pob is my current set up which means that a lot of it is there because i am crafting or procrastinating on fixing stuff so do not follow blindly. I didn't do the math so do yours.
Budget: gems(10divish?), weapon 2div+.Boots 17div, Gloves 4div+, rings 60c+, amulet 15div+ , body 2 div+, Belt 2div+, Helm 3div+, Unnatural Inst 11div, timeless 2 div, cluster ????(still crafting), and enough essences which i lost count on how much i spent(roughly 4 divs worth)(the + sign means i crafted it and a bit more might be needed).
Starting budget? is 20 div is when i started it, but this is based on crafting stuff and making cuts depending on the days trade site.(Plus it was like day 4 of the league)
submitted by TechnologyHeavy8026 to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 01:34 spaghetti1278g TEAS 7 AMA

I took the TEAS 7 test online April 1st and got a 90%, ask me anything! This reddit community was super helpful to me while preparing for the TEAS, so I want to give back!
Here are my score breakdowns:
94.9% - Reading
90.9% - Science
93.9%- English
85.3%- Math
I finished all sections except math with 5-10 minutes to go,-- for math I ran down the clock to the end, but did answer all Qs.
Here was my study strategy:
(background): I am 26 and have been out of school since age 22,-- so while I have taken bio, chem, stats, A&P 1 and 2,--I honestly did not remember a single thing. I am historically very bad at math, and quite good at English/reading. The last time I took a math course (aside from stats, which is not on this test) was almost 9 years ago.
-I took about a month to study.
-I did extensive research and decided on the Mometrix ATI TEAS 7 study guide to be my guiding light in studying. I purchased it on Amazon, here is the link: The Mometrix Study Book I Used . This was one of my wisest choices.
-I skimmed each page of the Mometrix book, underlining as I went. Then I used Quizlet to make flashcards for each section. I ended up with 250+ flashcards for bio/chem, 350+ for A&P, and 30-70 for all other areas. I learn super well with memorization, so this is why I did this. I have linked my Quizlet sets below. Click "folders" "TEAS 2024" and all sets are in there. Keep in my mind these were *my* gaps of knowledge out of all pages of the Mometrix book, and you may have different ones. But if you are low on time, it may be helpful.
My Quizlet Page
-As I skimmed and underlined the book, I also circled concepts I knew I needed to understand, --ones that could not be memorized. How to make a punnet square, how to multiply/divide/subtract/add fractions, how to find slope from an equation, how to simplify fractions, etc. I made a list, and taught myself these things with Khan academy.
-I read a lot of Reddit and added flashcards based on items a lot of folks said were on their tests/were areas you should know for the test. I read articles about what sort of content/concepts are on the TEAS, and added those flashcards to my piles, and that content to my content-to-learn list.
-I fully skipped learning how to balance a chemical equation, the details of photosynthesis, and anything about meiosis/mitosis beyond the fact that meiosis makes 4 non-identical cells and mitosis makes 2 identical ones. This was honestly a little reckless lmao but I hate those topics so much and felt confident in other areas, so I said screw it and didn't study them. idk if it was luck but I didn't have a single Q on any of these subjects.
-Nursehub and Mometrix online practice tests were the main ones I did, and they were excellent. I would use those, but also threw in random websites and I'd recommend practice testing lots. It grows confidence and helps you get used to question styles, as well as ID gaps in your knowledge.
-I am a native English speaker. I mention this because it is an insane advantage on the TEAS test, and affects my studying suggestions. Even if I did not know *why* an English or Reading answer was correct, or what exactly was wrong about it,--I could easily tell with my gut or by asking myself if answer A, answer B, etc., etc., sounded normal. If you are lucky enough to be a native speaker, you can likely use your native fluency to get a lot of the grammar Qs. You will also be able to guess at word meanings when they say "look at context and define ___"--without using context, or the strategy they want you to use but instead thinking of similar words with the same greek roots, and detecting what that root must mean. I have many non-native speaker friends who kicked butt on the TEAS,--it is absolutely possible. I would suggest that perhaps you do more Eng/Reading studying than I did if you are not a native speaker, or not someone who has been speaking English daily for 8+ years.
Here is my top advice:
-This test is not as hard as most practice exams online. You are going to do wonderfully, be confident in yourself! Attitude is everything with testing, make sure you are confident and positive! (I am a pessimist lol so me telling you to be positive is a legit recommendation).
-Go pee before the exam,--I did not get the halfway break the exam said it would give, and neither have countless folks online. Do not expect that break. Be *well-fed* *well-hydrated* and *go pee* beforehand. Tbh you won't need it most likely, this exam is not as intense as it is rumored to be, but make sure you don't expect that break.
-Read each question twice, and *consider each answer option*. GO SLOW. EAT UP THE TIME THEY GIVE YOU. Even if the question is "what is 1+1" and the first answer choice is "2"--consider each answer. Often there are multiple "right" answers, but one that is best of all. Reading each Q twice and considering each option caused me to catch what would've been multiple missed Qs on the exam due to reading Qs quick, or jumping to the first answer that made sense. They know folks read Qs quick, and select the first answer that makes sense, and they will take full advantage of that to trick you.
-If you are testing at home, use a fan/white noise machine/air filter is one is available to you. It helps your brain focus, and prevents you getting distracted by roomates/people on the street/etc.
-Do a lot of practice tests. Especially with the reading section. The NurseHub and Mometrix online practice tests taught me a lot of random stuff that showed up on the TEAS. For ex: a common Q is what the tone of the passage is--and (unbeknownst to me)- if words like "we" and "us" are used, it is pretty much automatically considered an empathetic tone, no matter how much other tones might fit. Another is "how can we best adjust this passage to fit diverse audiences"--which I assumed meant "take out super complicated words and medical terms so a normal person could understand--since a diverse audience has folks from all backgrounds, and this text is super technical". That is not what they mean at all. They mean make it as politically correct as humanely possible,--keep the super complicated medical terms. There are a lot of random things like that in the reading section.
Topics I noticed HEAVILY on the TEAS test, that you MUST know:
-75% of the math questions involved knowing how to do: "what percent of ____ is _____"
and "___ is what % of x". 75% I kid you not. Know how to do this, inside out, backwards and forwards.
-The math section was heavy on word problems, practice these so you feel confident. Do not only practice Qs that give you numbers. Practice scenario-based math Qs.
-Adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing fractions. Even if you think you know this, practice so you are fast and confident.
-I cannot stress enough how much you must know how to convert between fractions, decimals, and percentages. 80% of the math Qs involved this as a step. Even if you think you know this, practice so you are fast and confident. Being fast on the "small stuff" = more time for Qs that you don't know
-Suffixes were featured heavily on the English section, 4-5 Qs out of the 32-something questions. Make sure you know what they are, how to identify them, and some meanings of common ones.
-Know what "past present" and "present perfect" tenses are. These weren't on practice tests but were littered throughout the English section.
-Mean, median, mode, and range. 90% of the people I know got a Q involving this on their TEAS.
-Know conversions from metric to US measurements. They won't usually give you the conversion (which is stupid). Almost everybody gets 1-2 conversion Qs. I memorized: Fahrenheit to Celsius, and Celsius to Fahrenheit (on test). How many mL in a liter. How many lb is a kg. How many feet in a yard. How many CM in an inch. How many miles in a Km. How many milimeters in a meter. How many oz in a lb. How many Ft in a mile. How many pints vs quarts in a gallon? How many cups is 1 gallon? 1 liter is how many quarts?
I didn't encounter a single conversion I didn't know.
PRACTICE YOUR CONVERSIONS!! Being quick on small stuff = more time for the hard problems!
submitted by spaghetti1278g to prenursing [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 17:42 icallshogun Bridgebuilder - Chapter 83

First Prev Next
Alex did not ask for directions when he left Eleya’s quarters.
He was too busy ruminating on that last line of questioning, and all the other details that she had divulged to him. He had just walked through the antechamber, past the Royal Guard who were all probably disgruntled with him anyway, and right out into the hall. The faux castle walls extended quite a distance from Eleya’s quarters. Overhead lights were replaced with subtle, faux-fire wall sconces, giving it a real medieval-with-modern-conveniences kind of motif.
They didn’t put signs on anything in the castle. There was no indication of what deck he was actually on or which corridor he had taken. So when he arrived at a T-intersection, with both directions ending in enormous wooden doors, it shook him out of that introspection about what had been said.
It was about then he realized he should have taken the elevator back down to whichever deck the restaurant was on.
He cursed himself and backtracked to what he was sure was the door to Eleya’s quarters - it was noticeably more ornate - and hammered on it like some kind of barbarian as the castle illusion was taken to its logical extreme here. It was just a door, with no visible access control except for a metal ring handle.
Alex gave it a try. Locked from the inside, apparently.
He didn’t believe, not for one damn second, that this area wasn’t crawling with security. There had to be sensor equipment, at the bare minimum. He assumed, here in the area around the Empress’ stateroom, he was being monitored down to the cellular level. Somebody knew he was here, what he had for breakfast, and that he was developing an ingrown hair under his footwrap.
So he’d play it like they were. He stepped away from the door, hands clasped behind his back, face pulled into an impassive, stony expression he had lifted from any number of Naval officers. With Carbon’s coaching about how his voice should sound in mind, Alex loaded up on confidence and a hint of annoyance... And then hit them with some nonsense. “I know you are there, Captain.”
It was a long shot, of course. They were probably perfectly happy to let him stand out in the hallway until he left of his own accord or broke something expensive. Maybe he would stand out here for a while anyway. Play chicken with going home until Carbon got worried and started looking for him, because he had exactly zero devices compatible with Tsla’o wireless systems on or in his person right now.
Which worked in his favor, if they thought this through. Carbon would go to Eleya first, as she was the one who was last meeting with him. Since Alex was her current project and best hope for reversing what she did to Carbon, she would be curious about why he walked out of her room and disappe-
The ring handle rotated and the thick wooden door swung open for him.
“Thank you.” He nodded to the mostly transparent form that stepped back to allow him access to the antechamber, the annoyance scrubbed from his voice as he actually appreciated them making the right decision by him. “I need the elevator.”
Some of this was probably un-Princely, but the people who were directing him towards that weren’t here so the Royal Guard got his best approximation. Which guard he was talking to was beyond him, but they did summon the elevator. Not the hidden one, the regular one.
That was less convenient, but it probably went to the same spot, or close enough. It would do. “Hey, do you know what deck the dining room we used earlier is on?” Ok, very un-Princely.
He was pretty sure the guard just stared at him. Hard to tell. There wasn’t any obvious reply until a wavery arm-shape reached up and touched the helmet, a heavily digitized voice replying. “Sixty-three.”
“Ah, that’s right. Thank you.” He stepped onto the lift and gave the guard a shallow bow before the doors closed behind him and he realized that almost nothing was labeled. There were twenty buttons in two columns, the top left currently lit up, plus a couple more off to the side with little pictographs that he could not immediately decipher.
He sighed and indulged his inner troublemaker, running his fingers down the lines until all possible stops were lit up and the lift started downward.
Alex didn’t have time to ponder where he was in the ship when the first stop occurred one deck down. The doors opened to more of the faux castle. Nope.
Then more castle.
And more castle.
Then another castle floor.
The next stop was several decks down, running without stopping for as long as all the other stops had taken. Deck 20, so said the sign on the wall across from the elevator. Eleya lived pretty close to the top deck. A little surprising, but the armor plate on a Hammerhead-class was supposed to be the best the Tsla’o made, with little expense spared in applying all their metallurgical knowhow.
Deck 28 was next, for reasons unclear. They had base ten everything so far. Even fingers and thumbs, though only four toes per foot. Odd, the little details.
Damn. She got him doing it, too.
The restaurant had been on deck 63. That sounded right. He had recognized the glyph for 3 while on the stairs down from the tram, which was on deck 65 along with their cabin. Sort of near the middle of the ship, as far as he could tell, which felt safest. He was not a combat expert but that put a lot of material around them.
Deck 35. Zero sign of anything in the hallway the doors opened to. Were these chosen at random, or were there actual important things near here that he simply did not know about?
Deck 40. Ok, five decks, that was normal. A nice long run after that to deck 50. He would settle for anything in the 60’s. He was not averse to walking, even though his legs were still very mad about the whole ‘standing on your toes’ thing. Deck 55. Perfect. Just five more.
Deck 60. Just like that. He hopped off and oriented himself towards the bow. As was common onboard, just the intersections of corridors were numbered, there was no indication where anything was until you got close to it. Sometimes not even then. Not even a hundred meters away he ran into a bulkhead. About the same distance from Eleya’s quarters to the one he’d found earlier.
Well shit, that was structural.
As he walked back the way he came, Alex took stock of his understanding of the ship. There was no Star Trek-like computer to ask questions to, sadly. Even if there was, everyone normally had a device that could interface with the networks onboard, so it was a pretty obvious design choice to not cover every inch of the ship in microphones and speakers. Door access panels were, overwhelmingly, just for door access. The big ones, about 30 centimeters to a side, were for cabins. Small ones, roughly hand-sized, were for everything else. You could use them like an intercom... to the other side of the door. They were not otherwise made for communication, and he was not about to hit the emergency button on one because he got lost.
Not yet, anyway.
So, get back on the elevator and hope the next floor down is more convenient, or try to find his way around from here by foot? There must be stairs or ladders somewhere nearby. They wouldn’t just have a stop here without access to something important. He’d check around a little bit first. It would be easy enough to get back to the elevator with the corridors being numbered.
Alex wandered, criss-crossing this section of the deck. He did find one set of stairs, but it only went up to the next deck. Not a lot of doors, either, mostly identified as electrical and communications closets. Interestingly, he had biometric access to both, and they were uniformly crammed full of things he did not understand and thus did not touch.
The real strange thing was, two junctions towards the port side, the corridor changed. It looked like it had been fully refit. The texture on the floorplate changed. Bolt patterns were different, the bulkheads had softer edges and the support ribs were smoothly arched. Most obviously, the color scheme on the walls shifted from the standard gray bulkhead and red support beam, to a muted brown and green.
It was more... natural. Less warship. Green was symbolic of renewal, or growth, which is why he and Carbon had green regalia. To symbolize their growth together.
It was recently done, too. As he walked down the hallway, curiosity gnawing at him for the first time in a while, that fact became clear. It was faint, but there was still that industrial smell of recently print-forged metal and just a hint of the rubbery deck plating off-gassing.
Air handling in the ship had been excellent so far, so they must have finished this just before setting out for Sol, if not on the way.
Now, as to why the walls were sporting all these changes, down here in what seemed to be the bowels of the ship, was up to his imagination for the moment. Alex got his answer quickly when he noticed the door markings were different and switched his visual translator on, confirming that these were ‘Civilian Quarters - Expanded’ which... raised its own questions. The cabin he shared with Carbon was simply labeled as a Cabin, but these were clearly new.
The panel was lit, indicating occupation. Maybe not right now, but it was claimed by someone. Alex earnestly thought about going back to the lift and heading up to Eleya’s quarters and just asking the Guard to direct him home. It felt like a cop out. Maybe he could try to see if the next stop on the elevator is deck 65. That’d be convenient. He should have done that in the first place instead of getting off at 60. That seemed like a perfectly reasonable plan.
It was a little grating, though. This ship was massive, and he’d only been on board for a few days, but it shouldn’t be this hard to get around. He could just ask the occupants, if they were in, where the nearest stairs down were. Or if there was a more conventional elevator nearby. His appearance would be unexpected but the Tsla’o had generally been nice, when they weren’t stabbing him or otherwise politically motivated. Was it even a reasonable hour to go ringing someone’s door? He checked the time in his Amp and did the math from when dinner had been to now, converting the Earth standard hours to minutes and shifting those over to the Tsla’o clock, leaving him with it being around half past 7PM ship time. Eight o'clock would probably be too late, so he’s good for now.
Whoever lived there in the cabin door he was standing in front of while he decided what to do next took the first step, the door beeping quietly and retracting into the wall.
“Ah sh- shoot. I’m-” He turned as the pocket door opened, starting to apologize before realizing he was talking in English and there was a very slim chance random civilians had translators. Then he realized he was addressing no one. The doorway, along with what looked like a pretty standard Tsla’o dining room and kitchen beyond it, appeared empty. “Hello? Akai?”
A tiny little Tsla’o child peeked out from around the door frame, not even a meter tall. They - Alex could not tell if it was a boy or girl at this point - had the same black-blue fur as Carbon and her aunt, bright blue eyes that seemed enormous and carried a healthy amount of distrust for the alien found standing in the hall.
Most importantly, the kid was so fuzzy. Must have been what Carbon looked like at that age, which was adorable.
Alex crouched down, closer to the kid’s level, with a careful smile and a little wave. He set a simple sentence into his translator and carefully spoke the phonetics it fed him to the child. “May I speak to your parents?”
The kid shook their head no.
No he couldn’t speak to the parents or no there were no parents? He tried again. “An older sibling, or adult?”
Before he could finish the sentence another voice started up from somewhere within the cabin. “Adana, why are you not in bed? Are you-” There was an unmistakably aggravated sigh here, and rapid footsteps towards where Alex and - presumably - Adana, were talking.
“Oh, busted.” Alex said, more to himself than Adana, who he guessed is a boy based on the -na suffix on his name. That was not a hard rule in his experience, but there’d only been one exception so far.
“How many times have I told you not to play with the-” This older person, probably female if the translator was doing a good job, scooped Adana up from their hiding spot and rapidly transitioned from annoyed scolding to a strangled surprised noise as she spotted the Human crouched there, her ears and antenna rising up with alarm.
Akai.” Alex said with a little wiggle of his fingers as he drew up to his full height, actually quite amused by the tonal whiplash. The newcomer was shorter than Carbon. Shorter than Sergeant Zenshen, for that matter, though they did share the same reddish fur. He wasn’t sure how old the Sergeant was, but she seemed young.
This called for a more complete sentence, and he didn’t even give a damn if it was suspicious for him to speak so clearly at this time. He had to look good for his subjects, right? Delicately picking through his words was probably not too offensive. “I apologize for the intrusion. I am very new to this ship and have lost my way, could you direct me to the nearest stairs to deck 65?”
Adana, already tired of being held like a sack of potatoes, wriggled out of her arms and padded away at high speed. He was wearing something like overalls in a pale shade of green, clearly made of a much lighter material than denim.
His captor, though, had a much more standard outfit as Carbon had explained it to him. The pants in a natural, uncolored fabric Alex hadn’t seen anyone else wear yet, and the daman in an absolutely retina-searing pink.
It was a little relieving to see someone else with fashion sense as bad as his own.
“Yes. Go to corridor zero, and head aft about two hundred meters.” It took her a second to get that out, eyes shifting from his face to what was visible of his formal regalia, then back up to his ear piercings, then back down at his outfit.
Alex got it. You know there’s royalty on board, but do you ever expect to see them? Or at least an alien dressed like one? Of course not. Particularly not wandering the ship this late in the evening. He had already cued up a reply in his translator, having assumed she’d have directions he understood. “Thank you very much, miss?”
I am in your debt.” Alex hoped that turn of phrase wasn’t excessive as he closed his eyes and gave her what seemed like a reasonably deep bow. When he straightened back up, there were another half dozen Tsla’o behind her, including Adana, gawking at him. The range of heights said they were all kids and teens, so he’d let that slide. He would have let it slide if they were adults, but it was way more excusable from kids. “Thank you, have a good evening.”
“Yes, of course. To you as well.” She returned the bow, much deeper than his own, still visibly perplexed by this entire exchange.
He gave the peanut gallery a wave and a not too enthusiastic smile as he turned towards the central corridor. Alex made it about a step before he thought of something, stopping dead in his tracks before looking back, half of them leaning out the door to watch him wander off. “Please do not be too hard on Adana. Curiosity is a powerful trait.”
With any luck he wasn’t overstepping his bounds there, particularly since the kid prevented him from having to wander the ship hoping for the best, or go back to the Guard for help. Might not have been intentional, but the kid did right by him so he’d return the favor.
Alex didn’t look back after that, though the strange experience stuck with him as he made his way home. True to her word, there was another bank of elevators and stairs about two hundred meters down the central corridor. He would have found it eventually, after traversing an extra kilometer or two.
He took the lifts down to 65. They deposited him right next to the tram.
Alex got way more, and much longer, weird looks when he was the lone person in royal finery on the train. As it was later, there were less people using it, so it was an overall larger percentage doing it, too. Again, he wasn’t surprised. It was probably very strange to see.
He disembarked at Forward Station 3, and followed the path that had become somewhat familiar to him already back to their cabin. It had been about thirty minutes since he left Eleya’s, and as he leaned in for the retina scan, he was done for the day. Carbon’s cloak was hung up in the foyer, and he hung his beside it, the hem nearly resting on the ground. He set his boots beside it, because there was no garbage can to throw them into. There really wasn’t a good way to hang up an asymmetrical vest as the one Carbon had worn was nowhere to be seen. Probably have to be folded up and stored in a very specific way he’d get to learn.
The first thing that hit him as he entered the cabin proper was how warm it was. The compartment normally felt like it was kept around eighteen, but it was easily twenty five degrees now. It was also quite dark, the lights turned down to half. A delicate scent filled the warm air, floral with a hint of berries, and - because he could come up with no other word that fit - pink.
Honestly not what he’d expected to come home to, but he wasn’t complaining.
Carbon was laying on her stomach on the bed reading a book, naked by Human standards. Neya was straddling Carbon’s rump, tapping a fine iridescent powder from a tin onto her back. At least Neya was still partially clothed, black cloth wrapped about her hips.
“I do not know. It seems... needlessly complex.” Carbon looked up from the book as he closed the inner door, smiling with relief and giving him a little wave before returning to her conversation with Neya. “It requires equipment.”
Alex was very serious about not staring at anything as he took his vest off and hung the single shoulder over the back of a dining room chair, then doing the same with the belt that had the coattails and loincloth flap attached to it. He stretched his shoulders and neck before heading over. Definitely not staring, even though he knew neither one would care.
“A chair is not equipment, it is another type of furniture.” Neya said with a very matter of fact tone from her perch. She carefully picked one of the many grooming implements arranged around the bed and began to brush the powder into Carbon’s fur. “It is not as though you could fall very far, I just think it would be fun to try.”
“Try what?” Alex rearranged some of the grooming implements and moved a pillow to make room before easing himself onto the bed with a groan. His legs would never recover from this evening.
“This.” Carbon held the thin book out to him, fingers pressing the pages apart.
Alex raised an eyebrow at the sex act illustrated on the page, a rather athletic looking position that did require a chair. The translation of the text that accompanied it was riddled with words that weren’t in the database, but he got the gist of what was going on. “Tempest of the Night, huh. They look like they’re having a good time, but it does seem a bit precarious.”
“Thank you.” Carbon withdrew the book with a smile and a quiet laugh, flipping the page. “This looks much less dangerous.”
The sound of her laugh lifted his spirits as he shook his head, a sly smile barely hidden. “Whoa, hey. I didn’t say I wouldn’t want to give it a shot.”
That earned him a skeptical look that turned to annoyance as Neya wriggled with delight and tapped her fingers on Carbon’s back. “See?”
“Yes, I see...” Carbon huffed and closed the book, hiding it under crossed arms. She laid her head down, eyes closed and words pointed. “That I will have to keep you two separated so I do not find myself in the sickbay.”
“It’s not that bad.” Alex recognized the book when it was closed, one of the three Eleya had given him at the temple. ‘A gift to help you in the task that has been set before you.’ That made a bit more sense now... What the hell was in the other two volumes? “I’ve had plenty of first aid training, I bet I could take care of anything that comes up.”
Carbon’s eyes opened just enough for her displeasure to register clearly.
“But if you don’t want to, that’s fine.” He said as he leaned down to kiss her. She seemed to be completely covered in that iridescent powder and it was definitely the source of the fragrance, which carried over into a similar taste. “That stuff has a flavor, too? Interesting.”
She believed that you might find it enjoyable.” Carbon tossed her head towards Neya, eyes again closed but voice softened. “Also that you may want to have a quiet evening after your meeting with Empress, though I do not think that is the exact ending to all of the preparation she insisted upon.”
“If you wished to complain, you should have done so before you agreed that it was a good idea.” Neya had finished brushing her and was packing all of her tools and tins back into a small bag.
“Indeed.” Carbon grumbled quietly at being sold out. “Since it has been mentioned, how did you fare with her? You seemed well enough when you returned.”
“She just wanted me to ‘listen’ at the dinner. See what folks were saying when they didn’t think I could hear. Actually positive, overall, which I will admit to being surprised at. Got some stereotypes being broken, and gave a few people some unexpected feelings.” He specifically neglected to mention their conversation about her. He would help Eleya if she started to act right, but he wasn’t going to dump every last bit of what was said on Carbon. It had to come from the source. Using him as an intermediary for what she’d said was taking the easy way out for her, and would cheapen it for Carbon. “Had an adventure on the way back, too.”
“Oh?” Her ears lifted with curiosity.
“Yeah, that’s why it took me so long. I’m not leaving the room without one of those communicators from now on, no matter what finery I’m expected to wear.” He laid back on the pile of pillows and stretched his legs out with a sharp grunt of pain. Broken forever, and he had just got them replaced a couple of months ago. “Met some kids, they were very helpful. Got me back on course. Super fuzzy, too. Unreasonably adorable.”
“Children? I did not know that there were any onboard.” Carbon’s eyes opened with concern at that sound he made. “Are you all right?”
“No, not really. We - Humans, don’t generally walk on our toes like that. You know what it looks like when I walk.” He was pretty sure she would have noticed by now at least. “There’s no support in those boots to rest the heel on, so it was all handled by muscles that are unaccustomed to that sort of use.”
“Alex.” She sighed. “Why didn’t you tell me this when we spent all that time standing after the dinner? Is that why you were sweating?”
“Yes, it was.” Well, guess that had been noticeable. “There was a line, and people kept showing up. I thought that standing was, you know, standard royal stuff. I didn’t want it to look like accommodations were being made because I’m Human.”
“That is very earnest of you, but there is no standard for introductory meetings like that. I thought you were nervous because you dislike formal gatherings, and you have a tendency to bounce your leg when you are anxious and sitting. It is somewhat...”
“Not befitting a royal?” He offered.
“Yes.” Carbon nodded once. “Thus you avoided doing so, which in retrospect you could not have known would have been an issue.”
Neya had been packing her grooming implements up into a bag as they talked, and once everything had been sealed back up in the little box she dismounted Carbon and went to return that to its home in the dresser. The pale, fluffy Tsla’o dragged a chair back to the bed and set it down by his feet, lifting one and resting his heel on her knee again, this time to unwrap his finery.
“H-hey. I can take care of that on my own.” He tried, with an unexpectedly feeble tug, to pull away from her grasp.
She stopped and glanced up at him, sliding his pants leg up to get to the top of the wrap. “Can you?” Neya asked, incredulous and smirking about it.
Carbon reached over and set a hand on his arm. “I know you prefer to handle your clothing on your own, but this is one of the tasks she has trained to do.”
“Alright. If she put it on, she can take it off.” He said it with a dismissive wave of his hand, well before he recalled that she had put on nearly everything he was wearing.
“Given that you seem physically miserable, perhaps you would allow her to massage your legs as well? She has extensive practice, as I used to train very intensively.” Carbon added helpfully.
Alex had never seen anyone jump onto a table with a step or two of build up before, so the idea she used to train a lot felt alarmingly real right now. “To help with recovery, right? I guess training is much what I did all evening. Sure.” Maybe he wouldn’t end up having charley horses all night.
Neya had moved on to his other foot wrap as Carbon squeezed his arm, exhaling a small sigh of relief as he accepted the assistance. “You will not regret it.”
“I hope not.” He laughed, relaxing a little bit. It didn’t make him a bad person to accept help. Not from Carbon, not from Neya. He knew, had been shown, that she was not there under duress of any sort even if he didn’t quite get it. Carbon legitimately loved him, and Neya... was at least curious about his existence and willing to put up with him.
There was something else weighing on him once he managed to talk himself out of that fear. “Hey... This is probably going to kill the mood even more, but I need to hear this from people I trust. Eleya told me some stuff about her past during our chat. It sounded like she was being honest but I don’t know with her. I feel like she’ll lie when it suits her, and bend the truth the rest of the time.”
Carbon grumbled quietly, but did not move her hand. “It is so. I have not been involved as much in her life as I could have been, but I will tell you what I know.”
“Thank you.” Where, exactly, would be the best place to start? Probably the worst place, intentionally this time around. Right to the linchpin. “What happened the day the Emperor was assassinated?”
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He's had 'em like two months and they're already broken. Fun fact, his boots are basically what they'd give elderly Tsla'o who needed a little support while walking. They vastly underestimated how much weight Humans put on their heel, though. Tried to work that into the last four chapters but it kept getting cut because it required too much of an aside to get to for such a wee detail.
And yes, Eleya has her own tram running nearly the length of the ship. Shoulda asked...
Art pile: Carbon reference sheet. Art by Tyo_Dem
submitted by icallshogun to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 22:04 DanceSD123 Errors in TEAS PREP App

Hi everyone,
Has anyone else noticed errors in the app? I contacted ATI and informed them, but a as curious if anyone else had encountered errors too. I haven’t done very many questions yet.
In the first attached question & answer, regarding suffixes, I don't think that the given definition for "elation" is correct. For the "compound-complex sentence" question, I don't believe that any of the answer choices are correct.
For the math one, there were no inequalities in the answer options and, I think as a result of that, there was an "incorrect" answer option that appeared identical to the "correct" one.
submitted by DanceSD123 to teas [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 18:12 CatastropheWife [TOMT][Book]Very long fiction book with a title like "Necronomicon" published before 2005

I remember a friend reading this super thick book in school (before 2005) and raving about it. I think it might have been about math or hackers or have a kind of cyberpunk or matrix kind of vibe. The title is not Necronomicon but I think it ended with the "-nomicon" suffix. Not anything by Lovecraft, I'm sure it must have been published after computers were invented, probably in the 1990s but maybe as early as the 1970s.
submitted by CatastropheWife to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 05:40 Exterial League mechanic Deterministic crafting tips and some theorycrafting

As this is a crafting league, its sadly one of those situation where its going to be hard for people that do not craft, as there is quite a lot to it.
My most important tip would be to consult for what base type you are crafting on, this can be forced using the corpses that force or disallow attribute requirements, this will list all the mods that can roll and their type (mana, life, defense etc.;) so you know what you can make rarer and what you don't have to care about.
Lets also assume the item lvl is 73+ which is your average in maps.
For example, if I'm making boots, and i want to force pure armor boots, i put in:
Armor item has NO intelligence requirement
Armor item has NO dexterity requirement
This guarantees i get a strength base.
There is a mod that guarantees Strength requirement, but its not needed if you block int and dex as only strength exists, also just that mod on its own will not work because if you put in just the guarantee strength without blocking dex or int, you could land a hybrid base. ( naturally you can force a hybrid base if you want but this example is for a strength base )
Ok where do we go next?
Lets say i want Just Life, move speed, and resistances.
Lets start with the prefixes.
+200 speed tier modifier 1000% more common speed modifiers
+200 life modifier 1000% more common life modifiers
+200 defense modifier, 400% scarcer defense modifiers
you can put in even more scarcer and more common if you want, but lets do the calculations like this.
Also you see that +200 defense modifier? why would i put that in if I'm going to make them rarer?
See that's because those stack, what the defense modifier does, which was confirmed by mark during his interviews, is it removes the bad mods. 100 will remove half of the tiers, according to mark during ziz interview +200 will remove 2/3rds of the modifiers, then the leftover few mods there are you make even rarer, giving you an even higher chance of not landing on that mod.
Lets look at how the weightings look like in this situation.
defense modifiers = 1250 weighting ( numbers might be slighty higher or lower depending on how +rating rounds down, this is assuming only tier 1-2 are left but its possible tier 3 will still be there, weighting wont go above 3k tho still turbo low )
move speed modifiers = 10000 weighting ( can ONLY hit 30% move speed because of item level)
life modifiers = 30000 weighting ( can ONLY hit tier 1, 2, 3 life )
rarity of items = 2000 weighting (cant affect this)
hybrid life = 6000 weighting ( CAN ONLY HIT tier 1 hybrid life)
As you can see that's pretty crazy deterministic.
You're virtually guaranteed you are hitting tier 3+ life on those boots, if you want you can put in more life modifier tier rating to guarantee higher tier life but then the weighting gets lowered by 10k by each tier you remove, even still that would be an insanely high chance.
( mark from ggg confirmed +100 cuts half the mods +200 cuts 2/3rds, for life that would mean +200 is tier 1 2 3 left, because 9 mods 6 cut. For movespeed there is only 6 tiers +100 cuts 3 tiers, +200 cuts 2/3rds so 4 out of the 6 tiers, leaving only 30% and 35% ms )
Move speed you're again almost guaranteed, and its going to be 30%, and then hybrid life can only hit tier 1 that's pretty good, if you don't want it you can leave an open prefix by only adding +1 explicit mod grave, this GUARANTEES the item will have exactly 5 mods, how do we guarantee an open prefix? simple, the odds for the other prefixes aren't that high, so you just turbo juice the suffixes to make sure all 3 get filled.
To roll the suffixes you would add elemental tiers, make attribute rarer, etc. (you might have a rough time due to the life regen mods on strength boots tho so you might want lower life chance and instead make the defense chance even lower to still get a high chance of rolling the flat life prefix while not affecting the life regen stuff on suffixes as much)
Anyhow you get how this works, lets look at a more endgame fun example!
I found a grave that makes it so you get -1 explicit mod.
Why does this matter?
Here is an example, lets make it endgame so the boots now are ilvl 86 (there's a grave that adds +1lvl to armor item so if average is 83/84 corpse level that's easy to turn into 86)
now what you do is,
(assuming +300 guarantees t1, we arent 100% sure on the math past +100 and + 200 which were the only numbers confirmed, you might need +400 to hit tier 1 or even +700 but for this thought experiment just assume +300 is tier 1, even if its +700 still doable as you would have the corpse space )
+300 life tier
+300 speed tier
+300 defense tier
+300 attribute tier
+300 resistance tier
1000% scarcer life
1000% scarcer defense
1000% scarcer attribute
1000% scarcer elemental
2000% more common chaos
1000% more common speed
reroll base item 9 times picking highest requirement one (i saw corpses each one does like +3)
-2 explicit modifiers (guarantees its only 2)
200% fracture chance (guarantees 2 fractures)
5% chance for additional item per corpse put in (put in as many of these as you can) (EDIT: apparently this got removed from the game before league start, Sadge, ill still leave it in was just a thereoticall thought experiment)
What does this do?
We have 80 grave slots, this here is looking like a 60+ situation.
But what does this do? How do the weightings look like?
For prefixes:
Defense + life + hybrid life = 400
rarity of items = 2000
speed = 10000 ( GUARANTEES 35% )
For suffixes:
regen + attribute + elemental res = 600
rarity of items = 2000
reduce attribute requirements = 1100
stun and block recovery = 6000
chaos res ( guarantees t1 31-35% ) = 5000
That pesky stun and block getting in the way, but still that's high af.
So what exactly would this setup do?
You're looking at like a solid 60+ maybe even 70 plus corpses ( we have 88 graves available according to a comment that claimed to count them all i didn't double check myself but seems about right)
lets assume 70 corpses, (late game you get like +100 tier for one and I've seen like 400% scarcer and 600% more common on some mods so even rarer ones should have like 300% so probably less than 70 but lets just assume that for now)
also lets assume you have 4 of the corpses that give you 5% chance per corpse for a dupe item. (EDIT: apparently this mightve gotten removed from the league before it started, Sadge.)
What this setup will do, is you are going to print 14 pairs of boots (EDIT: apparently the mod that enables this mightve gotten removed from the league before it started, Sadge.) , each with 2 fractured modifiers on them, with a 76% chance the suffix is fractured 35% move speed, and a 30% chance the fractured suffix is tier 1 31-35% chaos resistance.
Meaning, on average, you are going to get 3 pairs of boots from this, that have double fractured 35% move speed and tier 1 chaos res, the rest being bricks.
The method is sound, the only thing we arent 100% sure on is how much +rating you need, i wrote 300 because thats what i first leaned on but now im thinking you might be looking at +400 or possibly up to +700 being required to guarantee tier 1 mods, not really that much of an issue however as its just a few corpses since they tend to provide +100 each.
Anyway this is just a thought experiment, and it might be a waste to invest this much into mods like move speed and chaos res right, but it was just an example.
Remember, we can make influenced items with this.
You could maybe even double or triple fracture influence mods onto an item. (will need testing since normally you cant fracture + influence items but corpses might bypass that rule)
There are even the new haunted modifiers like charges, curse effect, being immune to penetration and what not.
The potential for this crafting system at the high end is in my honest opinion higher than peak harvest, albeit maybe lesser than recombinators.
Overall, it is really not worth to yolo send your corpses for small crafts aside from the early game where you have no items, because of how all things stack you really want a lot of corpses to make it highly deterministic, and the +tier rating mods imo are the most important, so i recommend you spec into the node that gives you more of those, middle right of atlas next to expedition.
Personally I'm SSF, I'm not going to be doing any insane insane crafts, but at the same time i have dropped so many corpses that honestly i might even be able to do that in ssf, as it stands i love crafting, so this mechanic makes me happy.
For those of you that do not enjoy crafting, i recommend you spec into the node bottom left that lets you "ignore" the mechanic and just makes your maps juicier, it wont match affliction juice no, but you will still get some extra juice, alongside the new scarabs i think you can find something fun to do.
No league is for everyone, and crafting leagues are by far the most polarizing, but with how much stuff they added into the game this league even if you don't enjoy the mechanic there is just so much else you could do, i have high hopes of this being one of my fav leagues.
There may be some slight math errors in this post so if anyone cares enough you could point that out in the comments, this was mostly napkin math cos i was just having fun theory crafting about the mechanic combined with a bit of experience of using it in game.
Anyhow, i wish you all a happy league start 😊
One thing we arent 100% sure on is how many mods get cut by the tier thing past the first 100.
Interview confirmed the first 100 cuts it in half, then its "2/3rds" and keeps going till you can only have tier 1 available, i was going on the assumption that if you have an 8 tier mod 100 lowers the mods to 4 ( confirmed ) and then another 100 lowers it to 2 (speculative based on the rounding of the 2/3rds) and then another 100 lowers it to 1 ( speculative) so +300 tier would give you tier 1, u/Kaelran posted a diff speculative set of numbers which sound like they could make sense.
Again this is speculation, confirmed is only that 100 = cuts half and 200 = cuts 2/3rd by mark from GGG himself
Either way with 100 = half and 200 = 2/3rds confirmed by mark, its just a question of how much exactly do you need to guarantee t1, we know you can that was also confirmed by mark during the ziz interview. According to u/Kaelran formula you might need +700 to force tier 1 (depends on what mod type it is specifically, could be lower but at the highest +700) and +400 would only be tier 2-1, his formula does make sense with the 100 = half and 200 = 2/3rd figure provided by mark during the ziz interview.
Ultimately all this means for these crafts, is that you would need more corpses with +tier the actual steps and things you put in are still sound.
All in all if you're trying to force higher tiers its probably better to be safe than sorry and go with at least +400 for now until we know for sure.
To Reiterate: +100 tier cutting half of the pool is confirmed (ziz interview mark), +200 cutting 2/3rds of the pool is confirmed (ziz interview mark), past that we arent completely sure so we need further testing on how much + tier you need to force tier 1, its confirmed you can cut all tiers and leave only tier 1 (ziz interview mark) just a question of how much you need, i leaned on 300 but now im leaning more on 400, with 700 being a possibility, if someone uses +400 and hits a t2 mod then we know its +700 for t1.
+tier making the mods rarer is confirmed, since it cuts the tiers so naturally the mod has less total weighting.
scarce / more common interacting directly with the weighting of the mods that you can find on craftofexile is confirmed ( thats how the game works nothing else would make sense )
more than 100% fracture meaning multiple fractures is confirmed, ex 500% fracture = 5x guaranteed fracture, (confirmed by mark during ziz interview)
unsure if this will let us fracture influenced mods or have an influenced base type with a fracture mod of any kind - needs testing
+tier corpses massively important spec them top right of tree
crafting with a low amount of corpses not worth it
very strong end game potential
If you dont want to bother and just want to blast, spec bottom left necropolis nodes on tree for extra juice and not having to interact with the league mechanic much.
submitted by Exterial to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 22:44 LEP_Tech PSA : League Mechanic Observations [Links/iLvl Calc/Ideas] & Some PSAs

I'll keep adding more from the comments, I'm hoping for collective knowledge! [there's so many easter eggs too, god i love this lol]
submitted by LEP_Tech to pathofexile [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 23:10 BigcuzxVelloony St. Louis, Missouri Vietnamese gang BSG [Black String Gang ] Pt. 1

St. Louis, Missouri Vietnamese gang BSG [Black String Gang ] Pt. 1
Lost in America

When the feds busted the "Black String Gang," they scratched the surface of the Vietnamese youth problem in South St. Louis. But no one's bothered to dig deeper into how it started.
Black-and-white shots of a store aisle, shelves bulging with dried noodles, cans of coffee, a bin of gnarled roots.
Sudden color: a woman seated at the cash register, obviously pregnant, a toddler clambering onto her lap.
Black-and-white again, a side doorway. A man entering, face concealed by a white cloth tied in back.
Out of the security cameras' reach, two customers are idly browsing through red-and-gold party favors. One feels a hand grab her neck from behind and looks up to see a gun pressed to her friend's temple. They're shoved to the floor. Back on the color camera, a robber in a brown leather jacket, blue bandanna over the face, knocks a man off a stool to the ground.
The video is eerily silent, but by now there's a lot of harsh yelling in Vietnamese. The American-born customer will later swear she heard one of the robbers say, "I'm sorry, ma'am" in English as he put the gun to her head. "We were so obviously not the targets," she remarks. "I was lying face-down on the ground, my wallet in my hand, and they never took it."
The Vietnamese robbers of the Grand Trading Co. focused on the store's Vietnamese proprietors, seizing their money, jewelry, purses. To this day, the Oct. 30, 1996, robbery remains unsolved. But law-enforcement officials feel sure it was the act of what they call the Black String Gang.
The name has plenty of Asian mystique — but, as it turns out, the cops made it up themselves. Five years ago, they seized upon their first clue: a black string worn like a bolo around the neck. Now, someone close to one of the defendants swears he never wore a black string and adds that the ties were simply a fashion fad at the time. Someone else remembers teenagers roaming South Grand with black cords around their wrists. A young Vietnamese woman says she always figured "Black String" referred to their tattoos, because many Vietnamese favor single-color tattoos that cost less than a rainbow of ink.
Investigating a Vietnamese gang is not hard science.
Still, this March, after years of work, federal agents and police arrested 21 of these alleged gang members in a single swoop. For the indictment, they trotted out a new name: Hieu's Group. An Amerasian immigrant named Hieu Vo, they said, had been leading a highly sophisticated, organized, violent street gang. The 23-count federal indictment cited crimes ranging from simple bookmaking to armed home invasions and conspiracy to murder.
At first glance, the indictment's long list of Vietnamese names and overlapping crimes looks seamlessly sinister. With a little more data, it rips into patchwork. The defendants range in age from 22-48. Some went to college and had full-time jobs; others never finished high school. Some are indicted for a long list of crimes involving threats of violence; some for credit-card fraud; others only for bookmaking. (As Truong Nguyen, a veteran of the South Vietnamese army, told his lawyer, "Who you think teach me to gamble? American soldiers teach me to gamble!")
Back in 1994, when word of a Vietnamese gang first filtered into the local media, it was presented dismissively as a group of five youths with maybe 10 hangers-on. Their crime? Intimidating South Grand Vietnamese restaurant owners (or what one openhearted Vietnamese clergyman describes as "staying too long over coffee and maybe asking to borrow some money").
By 1999, about 600 FBI wiretaps and video-surveillance transcripts had the U.S. attorney's office convinced that the gang was doing far more damage than just tough-punk extortion and that it stretched even further than the 21 men arrested on March 24, with links to Boston; San Jose, Calif.; and Columbia, S. Carolina. Federal racketeering statutes allowed U.S. prosecutor David Rosen to reach back, citing the early crimes and then adding more recent robberies and credit-card, mail and bank fraud.
For some members of St. Louis' Vietnamese community, the announcement broke a long, tense silence. They'd been terrified of trusting the police, terrified of reprisals from criminals, terrified that outsiders would begin to associate their orderly, self-sacrificing, elaborately coded Vietnamese culture with organized crime. The Vietnamese population had exploded in the past five years — from 3,200 to 14,000 in the St. Louis metropolitan area, counting babies born here — and their lives were finally beginning to take root; about 60 percent lived and worked in South St. Louis, where the South Grand commercial district was thriving.
For those outside the Vietnamese community, the indictment and attendant hoopla provided a sense of closure, a sense that the guys on white horses had ridden through town and cleaned up. What they'd cleaned up, nobody seemed quite sure. How it started, nobody bothered to ask.
Most St. Louisans think "Vietnamese" begins and ends with a couple of restaurants in the six blocks between Arsenal and Iowa on South Grand. But if you continue south on Grand, you reach the frayed edges of "Little Vietnam." There, teenage boys played billiards in an empty building, above the soaped windows of the defunct Pizza-a-Go-Go, and rumors flew about a police raid that had kids dropping from the windows. Up Gravois, past the tiny Truc Lam restaurant listed as one of the extortion targets, was an apartment where young boys allegedly gathered to smoke dope. West on Chippewa, the scrubby-Dutch border was studded with a nail shop and the black-lit Karaoke Club, another alleged extortion target and a popular gathering place for Vietnamese young people.
Across the nation, many of the Vietnamese immigrants now said to be gang members had come to this country in the late '80s and early '90s. Most were teenagers — too young to confront the challenge with stoic maturity, too old to be distracted by Mickey Mouse. Pressured to assimilate and make money, fast — trapped between the expectations of naive, tradition-bound parents and the chaotic freedom of the new culture — some decided they couldn't win. So they forged their own culture, constructed a family of friends, found enterprises that didn't require credentials.
The first generation wore classic black pants; high-collared, tieless shirts; linen jackets; black shades. Then came shaved haircuts, a little funk. Today, "they sound exactly the same as black gangs, listen to the same music, wear the same clothes," notes a 25-year-old Vietnamese St. Louisan, speaking of the "little brothers" now trying to follow in their elders' footsteps. There are at least two levels of "gang" — young punks and shrewd adult criminals — but the slide from "bad boy" to bad man is as fast and slick as a log flume.
The first wave of VCA (Vietnamese criminal activity, in FBI parlance) started in the 1980s. By 1993, the FBI was reporting Vietnamese crime "in a state of accelerated networking, the precursor to organization." The emerging gangs were said to be unusually mobile, cooperating frequently with Vietnamese gangs in other cities and moving back and forth fluidly. (According to the court file, dragon-tattooed Ut Nguyen, a St. Louis defendant, is out on bond in San Jose, where he lives with his wife and baby and holds down a full-time job making $1,500 a month. An informer told the FBI that several men who used to live here had returned to practice credit-card and bank fraud.)
Vietnamese gangs are said to prefer the name of a particular leader to a generic gang name, and they're said to exist independent of any particular turf. But, as one St. Louis police officer points out, the "Midwest flavor" changes things. Hieu's Group, however sophisticated or random it really was, certainly had at least a financial interest in the South Grand territory. Furthermore, these men weren't horribly violent — at least not compared to crimes in Orange County, Calif., where a choirboy was killed in crossfire in 1993; or San Francisco, where a police sergeant told an AP reporter about "people with their fingers burned to the bone ... infants thrown against the wall until the family gives up the gold ... children dipped in boiling water."
Experts credit the lack of lurid violence in the Midwest to the absence of drug dealing. "Some use," notes one law-enforcement officer, "and if a kilo of cocaine comes their way, they won't ignore it. But mainly they're too smart to risk the snitches and the chance of increased scrutiny."
Still, the guns pointed during the Grand Trading Co. robbery weren't water pistols, and the home invasions weren't sleep-overs with fudge. "The potential for ruthlessness is something they want known," observes one law-enforcement officer.
According to William L. Cassidy — a former intelligence officer who's advised the CIA, the U.S. Senate, the U.S. Customs Service, the President's Commission on Organized Crime and the International Association of Chiefs of Police about Vietnamese crime — this ruthlessness is a twisted outgrowth of tradition. Great wealth, in Vietnam, was considered antisocial, a sign of selfishness. "Victims are spoken of scornfully, with anger, as if they had somehow violated an ancient compact to share and share alike. This anger is not the false anger of rationalization one usually finds in common thieves. With Vietnamese, something much deeper is at work." (From the article "Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Color of Authority and the Rise of Vietnamese Street Gangs in Orange County," 1995.)
AnhTuan Nguyen, the respected 26-year-old general manager of Blueberry Hill's wait staff, thumps his mug down on the wooden table and slides into the booth. It's early, 9 a.m., and his quiet voice creates a small, vibrating circle of energy in the empty restaurant.
Nguyen, it turns out, used to bowl with the group of friends the indictment places at the alleged gang's core — Hieu Vo, Ut Ngo and Phuong Doan. Nguyen pulled back when "this thing got out of hand," he says, and his life curved in a different trajectory. Now he lives next door to the family of Hieu Vo — the man law-enforcement officials consider too dangerous to release on bond but whom Nguyen describes as "lanky and kind of goofy, with a major overbite."
Nguyen is the uncle of Vo's girlfriend and the godfather of their baby. "When he finally settled down with my niece and had a family, he pretty much changed his life around," says Nguyen. "I was laughing at the newscasts — in many ways I think they are trying to make themselves look good, make it a big dramatic thing. These weren't big badasses."
People weren't scared?
"They did intimidate, but it wasn't so much through fear of being beaten up as fear that they'd ruin an event," Nguyen says. "They used to show up at Vietnamese parties, demand drinks. People just didn't want any problem." Nguyen's sister and brother-in-law operate the restaurant Pho Grand, and although they're named in the indictment as extortion victims, Nguyen says his sister denies any financial losses. "We'd have just called the police," he explains. "The main restaurants they messed with were small ones off the main strip, run by recent immigrants who are still accustomed to the corruption in Vietnam."
Nguyen is one of many in the Vietnamese community who believe that Hieu's Group is an FBI construct, a merging of several different gangs or groups into a dramatic single entity. "Hieu's name is easy to remember," he points out, pronouncing the Vietnamese suffix friends added as a funny nickname. It sounds like "Hieu-gah." "Whenever something happened, people would say his name, whether he was involved or not."
The clincher for others is Vo's age: 26. In the Vietnamese culture, kids live in multigenerational families and grow up more slowly; they're not even considered ready to babysit until age 18 or 19, and youth can extend to the early 30s. The real leader of the gang, people whisper, "is a man in his 50s with lots of property, connections and business interests."
All officials will say is, "The investigation is ongoing."
In the 1992 Rough Rider — one of the few Roosevelt High School yearbooks whose last copy hasn't been stolen from the school library — somebody goofed. Ut Ngo's name appears beneath a photo of an African-American girl who's twice his weight and looks about 30. But there he is, an inch away from his proper name and history, grinning eagerly, his denim jacket leaving a moat of air around his long, skinny neck. Maybe it's just the cowlick, or the lopsided smile, but there's a sweetness about him that's hard to trace, seven years later, in accounts of armed home-invasion robberies.
Back when that picture was taken, Ngo was just a freshman and hadn't had much time to get involved in the life of the school. Yet virtually none of the other 111 Roosevelt students with Vietnamese names had done so, either. The '92 yearbook has almost triple the number of Vietnamese students as the '89 yearbook, yet they still don't show up in the casual "party pix," or the big sports teams, or the clubs (except the National Honor Society). Roosevelt's 1992 homecoming court was all African-American. So was — is — the school's prevailing culture.
The difference between a place like Roosevelt High and a school in Vietnam is the difference between swimming laps in a lane and diving into a tidal wave. In Vietnam, students were expected to be silent and obedient. At Roosevelt, teachers have been heard to cuss students out, and playing around in class is so pervasive, Vietnamese students mention it spontaneously.
By 1993, the St. Louis Public Schools showed no record of any student named Ut Ngo. He and Phuong Doan, who also dropped out of Roosevelt High, were hanging out with the man who's now alleged to be their gang leader. Four years their senior, Hieu Vo had arrived in the U.S. too late for school. So the three young men spent a lot of time singing at the Karaoke Club, or resting their elbows on vinyl gingham at Pho Saigon Restaurant. Soon, older men without wives were hanging out with them, drinking.
"Vietnamese kids just walk out of school," remarks one teacher. "They trade on the fact that Americans can't recognize Asian kids very easily. Parents don't know to come get a printout of their attendance. And the Vietnamese tend to be very susceptible to their peer group" — they've come, after all, from a society in which the group's interrelationships matter far more than the individual — "so if they get involved with a friend who's in trouble, it's only a matter of time before they're cutting classes, too.
"The school rewards the students who are very successful, very driven," she sighs. "That's the stereotype of the Asian student. But they don't all fit that."
You'd never know it to talk to Steve Warmack, principal of Roosevelt High School. "They are academic, they are polite, they've got a good work ethic, they blend right in," he says of his Vietnamese students. "Their attendance is probably better than the rest of our children." What about the dropout rate? "This is an area I really don't want to get into, because the way the rate is figured and the reality of what we have does not always line up. We have a really transient population, and it's extremely hard to keep tabs on some of those kids."
And those who do get into trouble? "I think a big factor is the lack of parental and home involvement in setting education as a priority of the household. Consequently" — ah, he admits it — "we have an attendance rate that is not where it needs to be."
As for friction in the student body, he swears there's only been one fight since he arrived. Maybe that's true within the school boundaries, retorts Anne-Elise Price, a public defender in the city's juvenile unit. "The problem my clients have is on the way to and from school. The fights happen a block away. I don't think they have dealt at all with the problem of the cultural clashes in that school. When the kids tell you that they get beat up at Roosevelt and then they drop out, they are telling you the truth."
Nabila Salib, director of the St. Louis Public Schools' bilingual and world-languages program, hotly defends the progress of the 1,000-or-so Vietnamese students in the public schools, about 550 of whom are in the English-as-a-second-language (ESL) program, half at Roosevelt and half at Soldan. "They are doing very, very well," she says. "They do attend school; they don't drop; they graduate — about 98 percent. And in math and science, they are the first."
It's true that Vietnamese students filled almost 32 percent of Roosevelt's 1999 upper-class honor roll. But given the number of dropouts you can meet just by walking down Grand Boulevard, Salib's 98 percent seems optimistic. What about the few she admits drop out — why does it happen? "It depends on the situation at home," she replies. "The few who drop out may need to work and support the family — something like that."
A former ESL teacher with years of experience in the public schools offers a sharply different assessment. "There is a significant dropout rate," she maintains. "And some who do graduate are not literate. I found (Vietnamese students) graduating with A's and B's who couldn't write a sentence in English."
Some ESL students hadn't been schooled enough to be literate in Vietnamese, the former teacher adds: "If you cannot read and write in your first language, and someone tries to teach you to read and write in English, you get unraveled."
Learning to order a burger and a malt might be a breeze, but the academic language necessary for schoolwork can take five to seven years to develop, she points out. "If you're a high-school teacher, you don't have five to seven years." What often happens is that teachers notice interpersonal skills — a kid is charming, charismatic, capable — and say, "Let's move him out of ESL into the regular curriculum." The student spends the rest of high school cheating to hide the fact that he can't read and write well enough. "It's hard on their self-esteem," says the teacher, "and it's a moral violation of them, to force them to cheat to survive."
One boy was put into freshman English: "He couldn't even follow directions to turn the page. And when I tried to get him moved, they refused. There was no chance for individual instruction — we used to have total workloads of 150 students apiece, with maybe one aide. Eventually the boy withdrew emotionally, and then he dropped out. Last we heard, he'd joined a gang."
Phuong Doan is 22, the youngest alleged gang member charged in the indictment. He, too, had trouble reading and writing English, so he found a girlfriend and dropped out of Roosevelt, probably in 1994. The criminal charges against him date back to the same year.
It's a Thursday afternoon in a parched, overbright stretch of July, and Vietnamese dropouts (the ones authorities claim don't exist) fringe the sidewalk in front of the public library on South Grand. Two, chain-smoking, talk about their jobs doing nails. Sam is cleaning offices. "Too many bad people at school," he explains. "They play around; they don't respect teachers. And they sometimes hurt you. Sometimes it's not only blacks; sometimes it's Bosnians and other Asians."
The kids resume the seesaw inflections of their native language. Then one drops into English with a jolt: "Man, I gotta go get my money."
He turns and nearly runs smack into Rudy Wilkinson, an independent Catholic priest who's made it his business to stand amid these kids. At Roosevelt, where Wilkinson's been working as a teacher's aide, the early-'90s surge in immigration made them "the new underdogs," he explains. "Kids called them "chink' and wanted to fight them because they thought they all knew karate. One Vietnamese boy now calls himself "Ching Chong Chinaman,' because that's what the other kids used to call him."
Wilkinson has "adopted" several of these boys, including one young teenager who's "very aggressive, a fighter, a very angry boy." Another protégé is 20 and just out of jail, "so gracious, you could never imagine how much damage he could do. I've always wondered how they can hurt people," confesses Wilkinson, "but they have no remorse. They just see it as them against someone else."
The 20-year-old's father is still in Vietnam, and the boy talks often — irrationally — about going back. "I'm sorry to tell you, there are a lot of kids who are not wild about living here," says Wilkinson. "They see themselves as outsiders, as people who are not allowed to be who they are. And they're too busy translating to deal with other emotions. There's trauma that's never been taken care of, and there's anger they don't always recognize, because it's so deep-rooted." (Clues lie in the names of Asian youth gangs elsewhere: Asian Bad Boys, Born to Kill, Born to Violence, Cheap Boyz, Death on Arrival, Fuck the World, Lonely Boyz Only, Scar Boys.)
Wilkinson would like to see something as simple as a youth center, maybe in the old grocery store on South Grand. "There is nothing to prevent problems, nothing for them to do," he says, "and when you see a kid starting to get in trouble, there is no one in the Vietnamese community to take him under their wing. They are working, or it is not their responsibility, or they are busy gossiping that he is a "bad boy.' Bullshit."
Inside the library, Tommy — a playful young man, full of charming banter and dressed in quintessentially American sports gear — waits to talk to his friend "Mr. Rudy" (Wilkinson). Tommy's back in St. Louis after an exile to a school in Mississippi. His parents, who own the Tan My restaurant, saw him getting involved with gangs and forced some distance. At first he missed his friends terribly, but now he seems to agree it was the only solution: "Get them out of state. When I came back, my life totally changed. I don't hang out with Asian guys anymore. I only know one, he lives right by my house, who's a straight guy, don't do nothing."
Seated at the very next table is one of the kids Tommy so rarely encounters, a Vietnamese boy who's so serious and thoughtful, wild impulse can't get a foot in the door. "I think all of those bad kids have been once good," he offers. "They play too much, or have a girlfriend. That can divide a youngster's mind away from working good in school. We never have that happen in Vietnam. And since a youngster does not have a good knowledge of how to deal with a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship — that love stuff — they have nothing to stop themselves from sexuality."
Add sex, then, to the list of juvenile starter crimes: drinking, drugs, gambling, stealing, truancy, violence, joyriding. Now, go find these kids.
"There was a Vietnamese boy here a few months ago," Sister Mary Anne Dooling, chaplain until last month at the St. Louis juvenile-detention center, recalls slowly. "He actually seemed very responsible — he was working very hard and worried that his boss would know what had happened. He was in some ways the parent, because his mom can't speak enough English to function. And you know, even for adults, seeing a parent become somewhat childlike is very hard. If I were a 16-year-old making all the decisions because this adult I'm supposed to respect can't communicate or operate, I would be so angry."
That boy was one of only a handful of Vietnamese that Dooling saw in her years at the detention center, yet she heard countless stories of other Vietnamese kids in trouble. Her experience matches family-court statistics: Only one or two Vietnamese offenders a year are assigned to a juvenile caseworker, come to trial or go to detention.
Barry LaLumandier, spokesman for the St. Louis Police Department, says sometimes the kids fall — or dive deliberately — into the crack between East and West. "If they run a stop sign and police pull them over and they sit there and speak Vietnamese, that's frustrating. Either they get a ticket without much explanation, or the officer throws up his hands and walks away."
What if kids enter the system at a lower level — say, for a "status" offense that's illegal only because of the offender's age? "They are referred to the intake delinquency unit for counseling," explains a professional in the system. "But the DJOs (deputy juvenile officers) don't have degrees in counseling, so mainly they tell the kid, "Look, you're going to be in big trouble if you don't straighten up.'" At the next level, they're placed on probation and given a set of rules to follow (go to school, meet curfew, avoid wild kids, report in once a week). "So the kids get on Bi-State, show up at the office and maybe the DJO's on a home visit or in court, so they sign in and leave. On other occasions, it's a five-minute meeting."
Other than arrests, the usual entry points into the juvenile system are truancy reports from schools and "incorrigibility" petitions filed by parents. Many Vietnamese students are already 16 and cannot be labeled truant. Often, Vietnamese parents are working too hard to notice "incorrigibility" or can't bear to admit it in a child whose culture values filial piety, respect and obedience above all else.
Keith Hulsey, who teaches ESL at St. Pius V Catholic Church on South Grand, remembers a Vietnamese boy who blew off school to take a job in Louisiana, Mo., joining a van pool to do light-industrial work. "He had to pay for his Tommy Hilfiger shirts and baggy pants," Hulsey says dryly. "His parents were worried sick. So when he came home, they were so relieved they didn't make him go to school. He's now 15, and working full time.
"In most cases, the Vietnamese hold education very highly," adds Hulsey, "but some get caught up in making ends meet." College isn't an automatic goal — in Vietnam, university was pretty much reserved for geniuses and members of the Communist Party. Even secondary school sometimes took more money than the family had.
Enrolling in this country's genuinely free public education felt like grabbing the gold ring. And then they saw that it could tarnish.
Phuong Doan, a handsome, sleepy-eyed 22-year-old whose English comes out with African-American inflections, is playing patty-cake with his chubby, solemn year-old daughter through the glass visiting booth at the Franklin County Detention Center. He's been denied bond since his arrest on March 24 with the Black String Gang.
His girlfriend (who, along with Doan's parents, refused to be interviewed for this story) has a graceful long neck, a round face and high cheekbones. "Me, too," she murmurs into the booth's phone, alternating between Vietnamese and English. "Yes, she is" — hugging the baby. And then, more sharply, "I'm busy at home," tacitly reminding him that she's working overtime, doing businesswomen's nails six days a week to pay for a lawyer and support their child.
The woman in the next booth starts raving about a Garth Brooks special. Doan's parents, who've been hovering in the background, decide to wait outside, give the little family some privacy. Their son's been different these past two years, working hard, in love with his baby girl. The girlfriend insisted that he move to Florissant, away from trouble. In recent times, when he saw his old friends Vo and Ngo — both of whom have babies, too — it was while taking their wives and girlfriends shopping, or going to movies.
"I work, I come home, and they come and get me," says Doan, alarmed by the resurrection of his past and terrified that he'll be sent back to Vietnam. (He doesn't seem to realize that's not even possible; we don't have diplomatic arrangements to deport criminals to Vietnam. If these defendants are convicted, they will go to prison and then, if their crime falls within new, stringent, retroactive categories such as "aggravated felony," they will be — theoretically — deported. In actuality, they will be released into the custody of the Immigration and Naturalization Service and will remain incarcerated in this country. Indefinitely.)
Even if he's acquitted, Doan may qualify for deportation retroactively: Back in 1994, he was convicted of second-degree assault after what sounds like a youth-gang fight in a South Grand restaurant that's since closed. He spent two years on probation. As best he can figure, that conviction has now resurfaced as "Nov. 18, 1994: conspiracy to murder Nham Le." Both Phuong Doan (a.k.a. Thom) and his friend Hieu Vo (a.k.a. Hieu Co) are charged.
All friends recall is a fight between two Asian groups and a bullet zinging through a window; they also mention a Romeo and Juliet theme, with Doan's older sister marrying into the restaurant owner's family, as had Nham Le. After the fight erupted, Doan was arrested. Then his father lost his temper and got himself arrested, too. He was eventually released with a stern injunction to leave witnesses alone, or else. Meanwhile, friends say Doan's mom had gone, in Vietnamese tradition, to offer to make right whatever her son had done. She was arrested for attempted bribery.
These days, the Doans work long factory hours and then stay home watching movies, afraid to talk to anyone. Their son is also being charged with conspiracy to rob and actual armed robbery: According to the indictment, he and three other men "entered the home of Nguyen T. Pham and, while armed with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument, confronted and bound Trag T. Phan and Nguyen T. Muoi and demanded the cash in the house." Next, Doan is charged with unlawfully transporting $40,000 in stolen goods from St. Louis to San Jose. And he's charged with extorting money from Pho Grand and Truc Lam.
Friends remember how, when Truc Lam put a camera above their doorway, Doan and his friends hammed it up, acting even tougher for the camera.
It's all turned very, very serious.
The Rev. Minh Chou Vo, pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church on Kingshighway, is a kind and irrepressibly cheerful man who — despite being mired in social work and interpreting responsibilities for his refugee church — will spend 15 minutes making silly faces to coax a smile from a shy toddler or drive for hours visiting alleged gang members scattered in detention facilities around the state.
Chou Vo has become "unofficial pastor to the gangs," in the wry phrase of his American wife, Kari Vo. Several times that has meant conducting funerals for young people shot to death, or spotting the trademark cigarette burns that sometimes mean gang involvement. Other times, it's meant taking a group of kids to camp and finding them all huddled in one cabin because they've never been alone. Explaining to naive parents that their kids are bluffing, that people do still get married in America. Helping a teased kid on the edge of trouble switch schools, learn better English and stop wanting to bash and kill people.
"The church can forgive, but the people cannot," Chou says angrily, referring to the three friends — Phuong Doan, Ut Ngo, Hieu Vo — he watched fall into trouble and climb back out. Now they have babies and full-time jobs; one even had a church wedding. "In the last two years, these young men changed a lot," he insists. "I am very proud of them. Everybody saw the change. But now they deny it."
Shortly after the March 24 arrests, Chou went to Truc Lam for lunch and felt his stomach go sour. On the wall was an official posting "in very, very mean language in Vietnamese, telling people to stay away from them. And they are not even found guilty yet! I don't think that is legal," he says firmly, "so I took it down. I left my phone number in case the FBI wanted to call me."
In English, the language wasn't so mean, he adds; it just said they were looking for evidence. In Vietnamese, the words burned shame. And Chou is convinced that the interpreter's emphasis was deliberate.
Chou's wife, Kari, worries more about inadvertent mistranslations. As an American married to a Vietnamese man, she knows just how complex the language can be, and how easily misunderstood. Vietnamese has no formal past tense, so as she leaves a parishioner's house, she's telling the family how much she's enjoying seeing their house. The language has no consistent personal pronoun for "I"; she's learned to refer to herself with different words, depending on her relationship to the person she's addressing. Vietnamese has no direct "no": "It's a softened yes-no," a courtesy Kari is afraid could be misunderstood by impatient officials who register only the first half.
"When a Vietnamese man says, "Yeah, yeah,' it's no guarantee that he agrees, admits or even understands," she continues. ""Yeah' is only a mark of attention; all it means is that he's listening." Refusing to make eye contact doesn't necessarily mean he's lying, either; it might simply be a show of respect. Conversely, grinning at a question does not indicate disrespect, just nervousness or confusion.
Kari also worries about the misidentification of criminals. Names are often identical (there are only about 200 Vietnamese family names, all told) and witnesses unfamiliar with American ways can be too readily acquiescent. "You get handed a list of names," she explains, "and you've been trained to say yes to people in authority, and you have in fact been a victim of crime, but not by every last person on that sheet. If you're lacking in English, it's easier just to say yes."

submitted by BigcuzxVelloony to stlchronicles [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 09:55 For_Entertain_Only Leetcode Most Frequency Tag and Hardest Tag

Leetcode Most Frequency Tag and Hardest Tag
There is a total of 71 different kinds of tags in leetcode, this data is from 3093 question.
For Hardest Tag, i did not account for Easy, Medium,Hard and also did like 71 bits of binary, which will took forever for machine to calculate.
From my observe, dynamic programming, double link list and sliding window sound convince that many have difficult to solve it. Double Link List mostly for C++ folk will use mostly and sliding window most programming class ins school just teach about data structure and algothrim like bfs,dfs, dijkstra, a star , but did not really gone through algothrim like sliding window, prefix sum.
Frequency Tag count
Hardest Tag
submitted by For_Entertain_Only to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 16:19 TyranoTitanic42 Help with ohmybash

After I installed oh my bash, I used some themes like agnoster for my bash and i started to code, but when I used command cd and pressed tab it said there's about 552 possiblities and there was at most 76 directories in my home directory including dotfiles .
this is the output after pressing tab key after cd
Display all 552 possibilities? (y or n) _ echo_underline_red _NC _omb_term_blue reset aliases echo_underline_white ncolors _omb_term_bold reset_color .android/ echo_underline_yellow normal _omb_term_bold_black ret_status Android/ echo_white .oh-my-bash/ _omb_term_bold_blue RVM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX AndroidStudioProjects/ echo_yellow OLDPWD _omb_term_bold_brown RVM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX Applications/ EPOCHREALTIME _omb_bash_version _omb_term_bold_cyan SCM_CHECK Arduino/ EPOCHSECONDS _omb_cd_dirstack _omb_term_bold_gray SCM_GIT .arduino15/ EUID _omb_deprecate_blue _omb_term_bold_green SCM_GIT_AHEAD_CHAR .arduinoIDE/ FG _omb_deprecate_const _omb_term_bold_lime SCM_GIT_BEHIND_CHAR background_black .fltk/ _omb_deprecate_const_counter _omb_term_bold_magenta SCM_GIT_CHAR background_blue FX _omb_deprecate_const_value _omb_term_bold_navy SCM_GIT_DETACHED_CHAR background_cyan Games/ _omb_deprecate_declare _omb_term_bold_olive SCM_GIT_DISABLE_UNTRACKED_DIRTY background_green Git/ _omb_deprecate_declare_counter _omb_term_bold_purple SCM_GIT_IGNORE_UNTRACKED background_orange __git_all_commands _omb_deprecate_green _omb_term_bold_red SCM_GIT_SHOW_CURRENT_USER background_purple __git_am_inprogress_options _omb_deprecate_magenta _omb_term_bold_silver SCM_GIT_SHOW_DETAILS background_red __git_cherry_pick_inprogress_options _omb_deprecate_msg_please_use _omb_term_bold_teal SCM_GIT_SHOW_MINIMAL_INFO background_white __git_cmds_with_parseopt_helper _omb_deprecate_red _omb_term_bold_violet SCM_GIT_SHOW_REMOTE_INFO background_yellow __git_color_moved_opts _omb_deprecate_yellow _omb_term_bold_white SCM_GIT_STAGED_CHAR _backup_glob __git_color_moved_ws_opts OMB_DIRECTORIES_CD_USE_PUSHD _omb_term_bold_yellow SCM_GIT_UNSTAGED_CHAR BASH __git_config_sections _omb_git_post_1_7_2 _omb_term_brown SCM_GIT_UNTRACKED_CHAR BASH_ALIASES __git_config_vars _omb_module_loaded _omb_term_colors SCM_HG BASH_ARGC __git_diff_algorithms _omb_prompt_background_black _omb_term_cyan SCM_HG_CHAR BASH_ARGV __git_diff_common_options _omb_prompt_background_blue _omb_term_gray SCM_NONE BASH_ARGV0 __git_diff_difftool_options _omb_prompt_background_brown _omb_term_green SCM_NONE_CHAR BASH_CMDS __git_diff_merges_opts _omb_prompt_background_cyan _omb_term_lime SCM_SVN BASH_COMMAND __git_diff_submodule_formats _omb_prompt_background_gray _omb_term_magenta SCM_SVN_CHAR BASH_COMPLETION_VERSINFO __git_fetch_recurse_submodules _omb_prompt_background_green _omb_term_navy SCM_THEME_BRANCH_GONE_PREFIX BASH_LINENO __git_format_patch_extra_options _omb_prompt_background_lime _omb_term_normal SCM_THEME_BRANCH_PREFIX BASH_LOADABLES_PATH __git_log_common_options _omb_prompt_background_magenta _omb_term_olive SCM_THEME_BRANCH_TRACK_PREFIX BASHMARKS_SDIRS __git_log_date_formats _omb_prompt_background_navy _omb_term_purple SCM_THEME_CHAR_PREFIX BASHOPTS __git_log_gitk_options _omb_prompt_background_olive _omb_term_red SCM_THEME_CHAR_SUFFIX BASHPID __git_log_pretty_formats _omb_prompt_background_purple _omb_term_reset SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_PREFFIX BASH_REMATCH __git_log_shortlog_options _omb_prompt_background_red _omb_term_reset_color SCM_THEME_CURRENT_USER_SUFFIX BASH_SOURCE __git_log_show_options _omb_prompt_background_silver _omb_term_silver SCM_THEME_DETACHED_PREFIX BASH_SUBSHELL __git_merge_strategies _omb_prompt_background_teal _omb_term_teal SCM_THEME_PROMPT_CLEAN BASH_VERSINFO __git_merge_strategy_options _omb_prompt_background_white _omb_term_underline SCM_THEME_PROMPT_DIRTY BASH_VERSION __git_mergetools_common _omb_prompt_background_yellow _omb_term_underline_black SCM_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX BG __git_patchformat _omb_prompt_black _omb_term_underline_blue SCM_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX black __git_printf_supports_v _omb_prompt_blue _omb_term_underline_brown SCM_THEME_TAG_PREFIX blue __git_push_recurse_submodules _omb_prompt_bold _omb_term_underline_cyan SDIRS bold __git_quoted_cr _omb_prompt_bold_black _omb_term_underline_gray SECONDS bold_black __git_rebase_inprogress_options _omb_prompt_bold_blue _omb_term_underline_green SESSION_MANAGER bold_blue __git_rebase_interactive_inprogress_options _omb_prompt_bold_brown _omb_term_underline_lime SHELL bold_cyan __git_ref_fieldlist _omb_prompt_bold_cyan _omb_term_underline_magenta SHELLOPTS bold_green __git_revert_inprogress_options _omb_prompt_bold_gray _omb_term_underline_navy SHELL_SESSION_ID bold_orange __git_send_email_confirm_options _omb_prompt_bold_green _omb_term_underline_olive SHLVL bold_purple __git_send_email_suppresscc_options _omb_prompt_bold_lime _omb_term_underline_purple SHORT_HOST bold_red __git_sequencer_inprogress_options _omb_prompt_bold_magenta _omb_term_underline_red SRANDOM bold_white __git_showcurrentpatch _omb_prompt_bold_navy _omb_term_underline_silver .ssh/ bold_yellow __git_untracked_file_modes _omb_prompt_bold_olive _omb_term_underline_teal SSH_AGENT_LAUNCHER .byobu/ __git_whitespacelist _omb_prompt_bold_purple _omb_term_underline_violet SSH_AUTH_SOCK .cache/ __git_ws_error_highlight_opts _omb_prompt_bold_red _omb_term_underline_white .steam/ CDPATH GLOBIGNORE _omb_prompt_bold_silver _omb_term_underline_yellow SYSTEMD_EXEC_PID CHRUBY_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX .gnome/ _omb_prompt_bold_teal _omb_term_violet tan CHRUBY_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX .gnupg/ _omb_prompt_bold_white _omb_term_white Templates/ CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX .gradle/ _omb_prompt_bold_yellow _omb_term_yellow TERM CLOCK_CHAR_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX green _omb_prompt_brown OMB_USE_SUDO THEME_BATTERY_PERCENTAGE_CHECK CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX GROUPS _omb_prompt_cyan _omb_util_original_PS1 THEME_CLOCK_COLOR CLOCK_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX GTK2_RC_FILES _omb_prompt_gray _omb_util_prompt_command THEME_CLOCK_FORMAT COLORFGBG GTK_MODULES _omb_prompt_green _omb_util_prompt_command_setup THEME_PROMPT_HOST COLORTERM GTK_RC_FILES _omb_prompt_lime _omb_util_readlink_visited_init .themes/ COLUMNS HISTCMD _omb_prompt_magenta _omb_util_unload_hook THEME_SHOW_CLOCK completions HISTCONTROL _omb_prompt_navy OMB_VERSINFO THEME_SHOW_USER_HOST COMP_WORDBREAKS HISTFILE _omb_prompt_normal _omb_version .thunderbird/ CONDAENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX HISTFILESIZE _omb_prompt_olive OMB_VERSION UID CONDAENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX HISTIGNORE _omb_prompt_purple .openjfx/ underline .config/ HISTSIZE _omb_prompt_red OPTERR underline_black cyan HISTTIMEFORMAT _omb_prompt_reset_color OPTIND underline_blue .darling/ HOME OMB_PROMPT_SHOW_PYTHON_VENV orange underline_cyan .darling.workdi HOSTNAME _omb_prompt_silver OSH underline_green DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS HOSTTYPE _omb_prompt_teal OSH_CACHE_DIR underline_orange Desktop/ .icons/ _omb_prompt_underline_black OSH_CUSTOM underline_purple DESKTOP_SESSION IFS _omb_prompt_underline_blue OSH_SPECTRUM_TEXT underline_red DIRSTACK INVOCATION_ID _omb_prompt_underline_brown OSH_THEME underline_white DISPLAY .java/ _omb_prompt_underline_cyan OSTYPE underline_yellow Documents/ JOURNAL_STREAM _omb_prompt_underline_gray PAGER USER .dotnet/ KDE_APPLICATIONS_AS_SCOPE _omb_prompt_underline_green PAM_KWALLET5_LOGIN USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX Downloads/ KDE_FULL_SESSION _omb_prompt_underline_lime .password-store/ USER_HOST_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX echo_background_black KDE_SESSION_UID _omb_prompt_underline_magenta PATH .va echo_background_blue KDE_SESSION_VERSION _omb_prompt_underline_navy Pictures/ Videos/ echo_background_cyan KONSOLE_DBUS_SERVICE _omb_prompt_underline_olive PIPESTATUS VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX echo_background_green KONSOLE_DBUS_SESSION _omb_prompt_underline_purple .pki/ VIRTUALENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX echo_background_orange KONSOLE_DBUS_WINDOW _omb_prompt_underline_red PLASMA_USE_QT_SCALING virtuoso/ echo_background_purple KONSOLE_VERSION _omb_prompt_underline_silver plugins .vscode/ echo_background_red LANG _omb_prompt_underline_teal POST_1_7_2_GIT WAYLAND_DISPLAY echo_background_white LANGUAGE _omb_prompt_underline_white PPID white echo_background_yellow LC_CTYPE _omb_prompt_underline_yellow PREVIEW WINDOWID echo_black LESS OMB_PROMPT_VIRTUALENV_FORMAT PROFILEHOME .wine/ echo_blue LESSCLOSE _omb_prompt_white Projects/ XAUTHORITY echo_bold_black LESSOPEN _omb_prompt_yellow PROMPT_COMMAND XCURSOR_SIZE echo_bold_blue .librewolf/ _omb_spectrum_bg PROMPT_DIRTRIM XCURSOR_THEME echo_bold_cyan LINENO _omb_spectrum_fg PS1 XDG_ACTIVATION_TOKEN echo_bold_green LINES _omb_spectrum_fx PS2 XDG_CONFIG_DIRS echo_bold_orange .local/ _omb_term_background_black PS4 XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP echo_bold_purple LOGNAME _omb_term_background_blue Public/ XDG_DATA_DIRS echo_bold_red LS_COLORS _omb_term_background_brown purple XDG_RUNTIME_DIR echo_bold_white LSCOLORS _omb_term_background_cyan PWD XDG_SEAT echo_bold_yellow MACHTYPE _omb_term_background_gray PYTHON_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX XDG_SEAT_PATH echo_cyan MAILCHECK _omb_term_background_green PYTHON_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX XDG_SESSION_CLASS echo_green MANAGERPID _omb_term_background_lime QSYS_ROOTDIR XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP echo_normal .MathWorks/ _omb_term_background_magenta QT_ACCESSIBILITY XDG_SESSION_ID echo_orange .matlab/ _omb_term_background_navy QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR XDG_SESSION_PATH echo_purple .MATLABConnecto _omb_term_background_olive QT_WAYLAND_FORCE_DPI XDG_SESSION_TYPE echo_red MEMORY_PRESSURE_WATCH _omb_term_background_purple QTWEBENGINE_DICTIONARIES_PATH XDG_VTNR echo_reset_color MEMORY_PRESSURE_WRITE _omb_term_background_red RANDOM XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT echo_underline_black .minecraft/ _omb_term_background_silver RBENV_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX XKB_DEFAULT_MODEL echo_underline_blue Minecraft/ _omb_term_background_teal RBENV_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX _xspecs echo_underline_cyan MO_ORIGINAL_COMMAND _omb_term_background_violet RBFU_THEME_PROMPT_PREFIX yellow echo_underline_green .mozilla/ _omb_term_background_white RBFU_THEME_PROMPT_SUFFIX echo_underline_orange Music/ _omb_term_background_yellow red echo_underline_purple .mysql/ _omb_term_black _RED 
submitted by TyranoTitanic42 to bash [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 20:40 HiTsUgAy4 My final build (and a meme one) this league: Cold Conversion TS with 474% MS and more! *Multi-mirror tier

Hello and welcome to my build showcase. This build was partially inspired by aer0’s reminding me of harbies in City Square and mostly by enjoying doing City Square with essences, beasts, and harbingers so much.
The build showcase:
First we have a non-uber and scoured Searing Exarch. No problem there, with culling strike and adrenaline it’s likely we phase him. Then come two maps, with deli, using the strat I’m testing right now (don’t do it, it’s worse than other alternatives like shrines and just deli spawn points). And finally we get to a random Strand I rolled, 40% delirious. The tree, scarabs and sextants were directly from my mapping strat, so it’s not optimized for that type of Deli, but it was able to easily handle most of the content there, so there’s a potential path to research there (more dmg & life, less MS).
The PoB as of right now:
The first disclaimer is that this build isn’t cheap, nor I ever cared at the prices of the items I had to buy. If a good corrupted Mageblood was 500d, then so be it. I think it can be done with a lower budget, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it without at least a Mageblood.
The second disclaimer is that this build was made to do only alched maps with, at worst, delirium going on. So the dps is way overkill, and if I cared enough, there surely must be ways to drop a bit of damage in favor of more tankiness, because we only have freeze + suppress + 89% evasion chance + Progenesis as our defensive layers. While I’ve done 40% deli maps with this exact build, I wouldn’t personally use it as is for that. Way too squishy and the speed isn’t that useful.

The build

We are a Deadeye (the +2 projs alone allow me to get other charms) that uses Queen of the forest, Adrenaline, instant 50 rage (weapon swap), Haste and flask scaling to achieve +474% movement speed, while also having Vaal Haste and Berserk as a panic button, giving us +500% and +646% increased ms respectively. Both combine for +680%. The DPS comes through our auras Hatred, Haste, Precision and Herald of Purity & Ash. Also we get a little help from a bow, quiver and amulet I had laying around. Of course I also happen to have pretty good gloves in the pile. I know there are better gem setups for dps, but it has 7.4 mill per arrow, and we shoot 8 of them. That also helps our defenses. Because we freeze everything. Then we scale evasion (we’re rangers, after all) to help us both survive and be faster. We manage to get suppression capped without needing to use Entrench, so we gain a bit there. And, finally, Petrified Blood + Progenesis + infinite leech. (Of course I also have Steelskin, but it’s not permanent). Our eHP is decent for alch-tier mapping, which is what I only wanted to do with this build. We get 95k for both melee and projectiles, but drop to 21k for spells. Average Deadeye experience. Ailment immunity is achieved through a Stormshroud + boots only. Perma phasing and onslaught come from a Mageblood and then we round the build with lazily crafted items.

How it started + the gear I crafted

I’ve always enjoyed doing City Square-related mapping. So at this point in the league, I decided to go for three of the best crafting tools: essences, beasts, and fracturing orbs. My strat was ready, and I had a beautiful MF TS character that was ready to lower her deaths per map rate. Only problem was: what gear do I get to be faster and not lose much in the way? My first “condition” was 100% permanent uptime of the movespeed (if it was Berserk-related, we’d run into the problem of losing freeze. Also we “lose” an otherwise great item in Torrent’s Reclamation). I refused to change my class, (not even considering ideas like PF + some Micro-distillery stuff) so the first item I thought of was Queen of the Forest. Great, now we need evasion. What do we do? Scaling through our skill tree, Grace, gear, and a Jade flask (with increased effect through our charms), we get 89% chance to evade. For the helmet it could be a Devoto’s Devotion with a reservation implicit, a bit of damage, and free MTX. That would’ve been great. Though sadly we’ll have to settle with those ugly Twitch dropped ones, because I realised that a rare helmet would help our defenses a ton. For most of my journey, my helmet had RMR instead of Phys taken as. That also was key in me running as many auras as I needed to be able to be visually impaired by Colgate-sponsored MTX’s. Gloves were just a hand-me-down. The boots were pretty easy. I just went for 100% there because that iteration of the build didn’t allocate the Thick Skin cluster. For our rings we get one of the most important items for comfort: Death Rush. Not only it gives us permanent adrenaline, but also has 23% chaos resistance (helping us to almost cap it: 63% with Progenesis, which always on when mapping) and life gain on kill. Awesome. The second ring, though, was just me looking through the Craft of Exile affixes, picking one I thought would be the best for the build (maybe there’s a better fracture, idc), and going for Crit multi, int and either a res or life. Lightning res helped here for dealing with the altars downsides.

Truly becoming a meme project

I had already toyed with the idea of getting a Shaper-influenced regular amulet with RMR + maybe some other influence reservation to get back the 3 points from the small cluster, and combine that with 2x phys as extra. Then I did the math on a Simplex base. I would be able to drop the annoint, so I get more movement speed via Freedom of Movement. And then I also realized that I could drop the helmet implicit to become tankier. The amulet itself would give me around 20% extra movement speed, so I was in. As I was checking the weights on Simplex’s, I haggled for one from 0.6 mirrors to 500 d. That’s all I needed to see to know I had to make this. I spent around 100 Essences of Scorn, some self-farmed, but 4/5 th’s of it were bought. At a 4-1 ratio. It was beyond frustrating never getting RMR as my second suffix. And then it truly hit rock bottom. I used 4 Hinekora’s to be able to Annul the prefix and go for the reforge. Obviously, I hit T2. Now I’ve wasted another lock and am literally broke, so it’ll be a sad T2 movement speed mod.

The remaining items

I needed to get CB somewhere, and a cluster is the best place when I was doing MF to be able to use a FF&FF combo. I swapped to this build before I finished that goal, but I had bought the cluster anyway, so I used it. Of course a Mageblood is great, but if you can get one with the MS implicit it’s even better, the difference in price was negligible. The Watcher’s was just a cheap one I found. I think I should’ve gone with extra evasion chance and movement speed, but it was only 50 div, and the one I had before was a bit overkill for my goals. That TWWT was only 2 divs, and it’s truly trash. But helps me be lazy in not needing to filter out reflect maps, gives us stun immunity (remember we have instant 50 rage when we weaponswap), and has the key mod “Warcries grant…”. That’s because we use a Redblade Banner as our shield in the second slot. So any warcry will give us instantly 50 rage. The weapon to me is literally a stat stick. I picked Enduring Cry because the endurance charges sometimes can be useful (cracking open some essences can be deadly). The small cluster is to be able to run Herald of Ash in the build. But why? We don’t need the damage, we have almost the same coverage without the explosions. But I like them, and seeing the mtxs makes dopamine go happy place. Probably, with some pobing, you can realistically fit Arctic Armour for a bit of extra tankiness, but idc, I just wanted to use a Herald. Ash was a bit more DPS so I went with it, but honestly the correct choice would be Ice, imo, because of the freeze and such. For life auras I had to play a bit around and get some life to be able to fit both a high level Precision and Herald of Purity, and someone smarter than me would be able to fit in a Vitality, because we don’t have regen, and it’s annoying. I’ll admit my Lethal Pride is pretty decent, but when I got it I didn’t know it was so good, so I got it cheapishly. We generate frenzy charges through Blood Rage, and since we don’t do the manaforged arrows setup, we have to get power charges from somewhere. And I also found out that blind chance would be one of the top suffixes, so I got it. The final charms are just whatever PoB told me was better for both dps and movement speed.

Final remarks

I still gotta get the amulet to T1 movement speed. I’m also playing around setups with Voices, because I’d like to have some way to fit the FF&FF for Avatar of the Chase, but that’d mean dropping another jewel too. Can this be scaled further? Probably, minmaxing the charms, crafting a better helmet and ring, grabbing a real TWWT and maybe even a better Watcher’s.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the read and the ride in this fun adventure.
submitted by HiTsUgAy4 to PathOfExileBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.02.23 20:38 HiTsUgAy4 My final build (and a meme one) this league: Cold Conversion TS with 474% MS and more! *Multi-mirror tier

Hello and welcome to my build showcase. This build was partially inspired by aer0’s reminding me of harbies in City Square and mostly by enjoying doing City Square with essences, beasts, and harbingers so much.
First we have a non-uber and scoured Searing Exarch. No problem there, with culling strike and adrenaline it’s likely we phase him. Then come two maps, with deli, using the strat I’m testing right now (don’t do it, it’s worse than other alternatives like shrines and just deli spawn points). And finally we get to a random Strand I rolled, 40% delirious. The tree, scarabs and sextants were directly from my mapping strat, so it’s not optimized for that type of Deli, but it was able to easily handle most of the content there, so there’s a potential alternative of doing this on Strand, dropping speed for dps.
The PoB as of right now:
The first disclaimer is that this build isn’t cheap, nor I ever cared at the prices of the items I had to buy. If a good corrupted Mageblood was 500d, then so be it. I think it can be done with a lower budget, but I’m not sure if it’s worth it without at least a Mageblood.
The second disclaimer is that this build was made to do only alched maps with, at worst, delirium going on. So the dps is way overkill, and if I cared enough, there surely must be ways to drop a bit of damage in favor of more tankiness, because we only have freeze + suppress + 89% evasion chance + Progenesis as our defensive layers. While I’ve done 40% deli maps with this exact build, I wouldn’t personally use it as is for that. Way too squishy and the speed isn’t that useful.

The build

We are a Deadeye (the +2 projs alone allow me to get other charms) that uses Queen of the forest, Adrenaline, instant 50 rage (weapon swap), Haste and flask scaling to achieve +474% movement speed, while also having Vaal Haste and Berserk as a panic button, giving us +500% and +646% increased ms respectively. Both combine for +680%. The DPS comes through our auras Hatred, Haste, Precision and Herald of Purity & Ash. Also we get a little help from a bow, quiver and amulet I had laying around. Of course I also happen to have pretty good gloves in the pile. I know there are better gem setups for dps, but it has 7.4 mill per arrow, and we shoot 8 of them. That also helps our defenses. Because we freeze everything. Then we scale evasion (we’re rangers, after all) to help us both survive and be faster. We manage to get suppression capped without needing to use Entrench, so we gain a bit there. And, finally, Petrified Blood + Progenesis + infinite leech. (Of course I also have Steelskin, but it’s not permanent). Our eHP is decent for alch-tier mapping, which is what I only wanted to do with this build. We get 95k for both melee and projectiles, but drop to 21k for spells. Average Deadeye experience. Ailment immunity is achieved through a Stormshroud + boots only. Perma phasing and onslaught come from a Mageblood and then we round the build with lazily crafted items.

How it started + the gear I crafted

I’ve always enjoyed doing City Square-related mapping. So at this point in the league, I decided to go for three of the best crafting tools: essences, beasts, and fracturing orbs. My strat was ready, and I had a beautiful MF TS character that was ready to lower her deaths per map rate. Only problem was: what gear do I get to be faster and not lose much in the way? My first “condition” was 100% permanent uptime of the movespeed (if it was Berserk-related, we’d run into the problem of losing freeze. Also we “lose” an otherwise great item in Torrent’s Reclamation). I refused to change my class, (not even considering ideas like PF + some Micro-distillery stuff) so the first item I thought of was Queen of the Forest. Great, now we need evasion. What do we do? Scaling through our skill tree, Grace, gear, and a Jade flask (with increased effect through our charms), we get 89% chance to evade. For the helmet it could be a Devoto’s Devotion with a reservation implicit, a bit of damage, and free MTX. That would’ve been great. Though sadly we’ll have to settle with those ugly Twitch dropped ones, because I realised that a rare helmet would help our defenses a ton. For most of my journey, my helmet had RMR instead of Phys taken as. That also was key in me running as many auras as I needed to be able to be visually impaired by Colgate-sponsored MTX’s. Gloves were just a hand-me-down. The boots were pretty easy. I just went for 100% there because that iteration of the build didn’t allocate the Thick Skin cluster. For our rings we get one of the most important items for comfort: Death Rush. Not only it gives us permanent adrenaline, but also has 23% chaos resistance (helping us to almost cap it: 63% with Progenesis, which always on when mapping) and life gain on kill. Awesome. The second ring, though, was just me looking through the Craft of Exile affixes, picking one I thought would be the best for the build (maybe there’s a better fracture, idc), and going for Crit multi, int and either a res or life. Lightning res helped here for dealing with the altars downsides.

Truly becoming a meme project

I had already toyed with the idea of getting a Shaper-influenced regular amulet with RMR + maybe some other influence reservation to get back the 3 points from the small cluster, and combine that with 2x phys as extra. Then I did the math on a Simplex base. I would be able to drop the annoint, so I get more movement speed via Freedom of Movement. And then I also realized that I could drop the helmet implicit to become tankier. The amulet itself would give me around 20% extra movement speed, so I was in. As I was checking the weights on Simplex’s, I haggled for one from 0.6 mirrors to 500 d. That’s all I needed to see to know I had to make this. I spent around 100 Essences of Scorn, some self-farmed, but 4/5 th’s of it were bought. At a 4-1 ratio. It was beyond frustrating never getting RMR as my second suffix. And then it truly hit rock bottom. I used 4 Hinekora’s to be able to Annul the prefix and go for the reforge. Obviously, I hit T2. Now I’ve wasted another lock and am literally broke, so it’ll be a sad T2 movement speed mod.

The remaining items

I needed to get CB somewhere, and a cluster is the best place when I was doing MF to be able to use a FF&FF combo. I swapped to this build before I finished that goal, but I had bought the cluster anyway, so I used it. Of course a Mageblood is great, but if you can get one with the MS implicit it’s even better, the difference in price was negligible. The Watcher’s was just a cheap one I found. I think I should’ve gone with extra evasion chance and movement speed, but it was only 50 div, and the one I had before was a bit overkill for my goals. That TWWT was only 2 divs, and it’s truly trash. But helps me be lazy in not needing to filter out reflect maps, gives us stun immunity (remember we have instant 50 rage when we weaponswap), and has the key mod “Warcries grant…”. That’s because we use a Redblade Banner as our shield in the second slot. So any warcry will give us instantly 50 rage. The weapon to me is literally a stat stick. I picked Enduring Cry because the endurance charges sometimes can be useful (cracking open some essences can be deadly). The small cluster is to be able to run Herald of Ash in the build. But why? We don’t need the damage, we have almost the same coverage without the explosions. But I like them, and seeing the mtxs makes dopamine go happy place. Probably, with some pobing, you can realistically fit Arctic Armour for a bit of extra tankiness, but idc, I just wanted to use a Herald. Ash was a bit more DPS so I went with it, but honestly the correct choice would be Ice, imo, because of the freeze and such. For life auras I had to play a bit around and get some life to be able to fit both a high level Precision and Herald of Purity, and someone smarter than me would be able to fit in a Vitality, because we don’t have regen, and it’s annoying. I’ll admit my Lethal Pride is pretty decent, but when I got it I didn’t know it was so good, so I got it cheapishly. We generate frenzy charges through Blood Rage, and since we don’t do the manaforged arrows setup, we have to get power charges from somewhere. And I also found out that blind chance would be one of the top suffixes, so I got it. The final charms are just whatever PoB told me was better for both dps and movement speed.

Final remarks

I still gotta get the amulet to T1 movement speed. I’m also playing around setups with Voices, because I’d like to have some way to fit the FF&FF for Avatar of the Chase, but that’d mean dropping another jewel too. Can this be scaled further? Probably, minmaxing the charms, crafting a better helmet and ring, grabbing a real TWWT and maybe even a better Watcher’s.
I hope you’ve enjoyed the read and the ride in this fun adventure.
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