Pdf anatomy of blood vessels review sheet exercise 21

MEAction - Patient network for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( ME / CFS ).

2016.05.28 19:59 EtienneLaw MEAction - Patient network for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( ME / CFS ).

We are an international network of patients helping Myalgic Encephalomyelitis & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ( ME / CFS / SEID / PVFS / CFIDS ) activists do what they do - better. Reddit home of the #MillionsMissing campaign.

2015.08.08 20:35 Justwonderinif A place to discuss SerialPodcast: The First Season

All timelines from this subreddit have been imported into /AdnanSyed. These are the timelines used by Brett Talley and Alice LaCour during their recent coverage for the case on their podcast, "The Prosecutors" Start here for the timelines: https://old.reddit.com/adnansyed/comments/y302yp/timeline_i/ Information/Background on Brett Talley and Alice LaCour aka "The Prosecutors" is here: https://old.reddit.com/ProsecutorsPodcast/

2018.05.16 20:18 Justwonderinif TheCaseAgainstAdnanSyed


2024.05.15 02:40 ShiftYourReality How to Escape the Confines of Time and Space According to the CIA (The Gateway Experience)

In the ’80s, the spy agency investigated the "Gateway Experience" technique to alter consciousness and ultimately escape spacetime.
The intrigue revolves around a classified 1983 CIA report on a technique called the Gateway Experience, which is a training system designed to focus brainwave output to alter consciousness and ultimately escape the restrictions of time and space.
The CIA was interested in all sorts of psychic research at the time, including the theory of applications of remote viewing, which is when someone views real events with only the power of their mind. The documents have since been declassified and are available to view.
This is a comprehensive excavation of The Gateway Process report. The first section provides a timeline of the key historical developments that led to the CIA’s investigation and subsequent experimentations. The second section is a review of The Gateway Process report. It opens with a wall of theoretical context, on the other side of which lies enough understanding to begin to grasp the principles underlying the Gateway Experience training. The last section outlines the Gateway technique itself and the steps that go into achieving spacetime transcendence.
Let’s go.
• 1950s - Robert Monroe, a radio broadcasting executive, begins producing evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable effects on human capabilities. These include alertness, sleepiness, and expanded states of consciousness.
• 1956 - Monroe forms an R&D division inside his radio program production corporation RAM Enterprises. The goal is to study sound’s effect on human consciousness. He was obsessed with “Sleep-Learning," or hypnopedia, which exposes sleepers to sound recordings to boost memory of previously learned information.
• 1958 - While experimenting with Sleep-Learning, Monroe discovers an unusual phenomenon. He describes it as sensations of paralysis and vibration accompanied by bright light. It allegedly happens nine times over the proceeding six weeks, and culminates in an out-of-body experience (OBE).
• 1962 - RAM Enterprises moves to Virginia, and renames itself Monroe Industries. It becomes active in radio station ownership, cable television, and later in the production and sale of audio cassettes. These cassettes contain applied learnings from the corporate research program, which is renamed The Monroe Institute.
• 1971 - Monroe publishes Journeys Out of the Body, a book that is credited with popularizing the term “out-of-body experience.”
• 1972 - A classified report circulates in the U.S. military and intelligence communities. It claims that the Soviet Union is pouring money into research involving ESP and psychokinesis for espionage purposes.
• 1975 - Monroe registers the first of several patents concerning audio techniques designed to stimulate brain functions until the left and right hemispheres become synchronized. Monroe dubs the state "Hemi-Sync" (hemispheric synchronization), and claims it could be used to promote mental well-being or to trigger an altered state of consciousness.
• 1978 to 1984 - Army veteran Joseph McMoneagle contributes to 450 remote viewing missions under Project Stargate. He is known as “Remote View No. 1”.
• June 9th, 1983 - The CIA report "Analysis and Assessment of The Gateway Process" is produced. It provides a scientific framework for understanding and expanding human consciousness, out-of-body experiments, and other altered states of mind.
• 1989 - Remote viewer Angela Dellafiora Ford helps track down a former customs agent who has gone on the run. She pinpoints his location as “Lowell, Wyoming”. U.S. Customs apprehend him 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.
• 2003 - The CIA approves declassification of the Gateway Process report.
• 2017 - The CIA declassifies 12 million pages of records revealing previously unknown details about the program, which would eventually become known as Project Stargate.
The author of The Gateway Process report is Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell, hereon referred to simply as Wayne. There isn’t a tremendous amount of information available on the man, nor any photographs. In 1983, Wayne was tasked by the Commander of the U.S. Army Operational Group with figuring out how The Gateway Experience, astral projection and out-of-body experiences work. Wayne partnered with a bunch of different folks to produce the report, most notably Itzhak Bentov, a very Googleable American-Israeli scientist who helped pioneer the biomedical engineering industry.
A scientific approach
From the outset of the report, Wayne states his intent to employ an objective scientific method in order to understand the Gateway process. The various scientific avenues he takes include:
• A biomedical inquiry to understand the physical aspects of the process.
• Information on quantum mechanics to describe the nature and functioning of human consciousness.
• Theoretical physics to explain the time-space dimension and means by which expanded human consciousness transcends it.
• Classical physics to bring the whole phenomenon of out-of-body states into the language of physical science (and remove the stigma of an occult connotation).
Methodological frames of reference
Before diving into the Gateway Experience, Wayne develops a frame of reference by dissecting three discrete consciousness-altering methodologies. He’s basically saying, there’s no way you’re going to get through The Gateway without a solid grounding in the brain-altering techniques that came before it.
1) He begins with hypnosis. The language is extremely dense, but the basic gist is as follows: the left side of the brain screens incoming stimuli, categorizing, assessing and assigning meaning to everything through self-cognitive, verbal, and linear reasoning. The left hemisphere then dishes the carefully prepared data to the non-critical, holistic, pattern-oriented right hemisphere, which accepts everything without question. Hypnosis works by putting the left side to sleep, or at least distracting it long enough to allow incoming data direct, unchallenged entry to the right hemisphere. There, stimuli can reach the sensor and motor cortices of the right brain, which corresponds to points in the body. Suggestions then can send electrical signals from the brain to certain parts of the body. Directing these signals appropriately, according to the report, can elicit reactions ranging from left leg numbness to feelings of happiness. Same goes for increased powers of concentration.
2) Wayne continues with a snapshot of transcendental meditation. He distinguishes it from hypnotism. Through concentration the subject draws energy up the spinal cord, resulting in acoustical waves that run through the cerebral ventricles, to the right hemisphere, where they stimulate the cerebral cortex, run along the homunculus and then to the body. The waves are the altered rhythm of heart sounds, which create sympathetic vibrations in the walls of the fluid-filled cavities of the brain’s ventricles. He observed that the symptoms begin in the left side of the body, confirming the right brain’s complicity. Bentov also states that the same effect might be achieved by prolonged exposure to 4 - 7 Hertz/second acoustical vibrations. He suggests standing by an air conditioning duct might also do the trick. (David’s Lynch and other celebrities are committed adherents to transcendental meditation today.)
3) Biofeedback, on the other hand, uses the left hemisphere to gain access to the right brain’s lower cerebral, motor, and sensory cortices. Whereas hypnosis suppresses one side of the brain, and TM bypasses that side altogether, biofeedback teaches the left hemisphere to visualize the desired result, recognize the feelings associated with right hemisphere access, and ultimately achieve the result again. With repetition, the left brain can reliably key into the right brain, and strengthen the pathways so that it can be accessed during a conscious demand mode. A digital thermometer is subsequently placed on a target part of the body. When its temperature increases, objective affirmation is recognized and the state is reinforced. Achieving biofeedback can block pain, enhance feeling, and even suppress tumors, according to the report.
The Gateway mechanics
With that, Wayne takes a first stab at the Gateway process. He classifies it as a “training system designed to bring enhanced strength, focus and coherence to the amplitude and frequency of brainwave output between the left and right hemispheres so as to alter consciousness.”
What distinguishes the Gateway process from hypnosis, TM, and biofeedback, is that it requires achieving a state of consciousness in which the electrical brain patterns of both hemispheres are equal in amplitude and frequency. This is called Hemi-Sync. Lamentably, and perhaps conveniently, we cannot as humans achieve this state on our own. The audio techniques developed by Bob Monroe and his Institute (which are comprised as a series of tapes). claim to induce and sustain Hemi-Sync.
Wayne employs the analogy of a lamp versus a laser. Left to its own devices the human mind expends energy like a lamp, in a chaotic and incoherent way, achieving lots of diffusion but relatively little depth. Under Hemi-Sync though, the mind produces a “disciplined stream of light.” So, once the frequency and amplitude of the brain are rendered coherent it can then synchronize with the rarified energy levels of the universe. With this connection intact, the brain begins to receive symbols and display astonishing flashes of holistic intuition.
The Hemi-Sync technique takes advantage of a Frequency Following Response (FFR). It works like this: an external frequency emulating a recognized one will cause the brain to mimic it. So if a subject hears a frequency at the Theta level, it will shift from its resting Beta level. To achieve these unnatural levels, Hemi-Sync puts a single frequency in the left ear and a contrasting frequency in the right. The brain then experiences the Delta frequency, also known as the beat frequency. It’s more familiarly referred to these days as binaural beats. With the FFR and beat frequency phenomena firmly in place, The Gateway Process introduces a series of frequencies at marginally audible, subliminal levels. With the left brain relaxed and the body in a virtual sleep state, the conditions are ideal to promote brainwave outputs of higher and higher amplitude and frequency. Alongside subliminal suggestions from Bob Monroe (naturally), the subject can then alter their consciousness.
The Gateway system only works when the audio, which is introduced through headphones, is accompanied by a physical quietude comparable to other forms of meditation. This increases the subject’s internal resonance to the body’s sound frequencies, for example the heart. This eliminates the “bifurcation echo”, in which the heartbeat moves up and down the body seven times a second. By placing the body in a sleep-like state, The Gateway CD’s, like meditation, lessen the force and frequency of the heartbeat pushing blood into the aorta. The result is a rhythmic sine wave that in turn amplifies the sound volume of the heart three times. This then amplifies the frequency of brainwave output. The film surrounding the brain—the dura—and fluid between that film and the skull, eventually begin to move up and down, by .0005 and .010 millimeters.
The body, based on its own micro-motions, then functions as a tuned vibrational system. The report claims that the entire body eventually transfers energy at between 6.8 and 7.5 Hertz, which matches Earth’s own energy (7 - 7.5 Hertz). The resulting wavelengths are long, about 40,000 kilometers, which also happens to be the perimeter of the planet. According to Bentov, the signal can move around the world’s electrostatic field in 1/7th of a second.
To recap, the Gateway Process goes like this:
• Induced state of calm
• Blood pressure lowers
• Circulatory system, skeleton and other organ systems begin to vibrate at 7 - 7.5 cycles per second
• Increased resonance is achieved
• The resulting sound waves matches the electrostatic field of the earth
• The body and earth and other similarly tuned minds become a single energy continuum.
We’ve gotten slightly ahead of ourselves here though. Back to the drawing board.
A psycho-quantum level deeper
Wayne then turns to the very nature of matter and energy. More materially (or less if you will), solid matter in the strict construction of the term, he explains, doesn’t exist. The atomic structure is composed of oscillating energy grids surrounded by other oscillating energy grids at tremendous speeds. These oscillation rates vary—the nucleus of an atom vibrates at 10 to the power of 22, a molecule vibrates at 10 to the power of 9, a human cell vibrates at 10 to the power of 3. The point is that the entire universe is one complex system of energy fields. States of matter in this conception then are merely variations in the state of energy.
The result of all these moving energies, bouncing off of energy at rest, projects a 3D mode, a pattern, called a hologram, A.K.A our reality as we experience it. It's best to think of it as a 3D photograph. There’s a whole rabbit hole to go down here. Suffice it to say, the hologram that is our experience is incredibly good at depicting and recording all the various energies bouncing around creating matter. So good, in fact, that we buy into it hook, line, and sinker, going so far as to call it our "life."
Consciousness then can be envisaged as a 3D grid system superimposed over all energy patterns, Wayne writes. Using mathematics, each plane of the grid system can then reduce the data to a 2D form. Our binary (go/no go) minds can then process the data and compare it to other historical data saved in our memory. Our reality is then formed by comparisons. The right hemisphere of the brain acts as the primary matrix or receptor for this holographic input. The left hemisphere then compares it to other data, reducing it to its 2D form.
In keeping with our species' commitment to exceptionalism, as far as we know humans are uniquely capable of achieving this level of consciousness. Simply, humans not only know, but we know that we know. This bestows upon us the ability to duplicate aspects of our own hologram, project them out, perceive that projection, run it through a comparison with our own memory of the hologram, measure the differences using 3D geometry, then run it through our binary system to yield verbal cognition of the self.
The click-out phase
Wayne then shows his cards as a true punisher, issuing, "Up to this point our discussion of the Gateway process has been relatively simple and easy to follow. Now the fun begins." Shots fired, Wayne. What he's preparing the commander reading this heady report for is the reveal—how we can use the Gateway to transcend the dimension of spacetime.
Time is a measurement of energy or force in motion; it is a measurement of change. This is really important. For energy to be classified as in motion, it must be confined within a vibratory pattern that can contain its motion, keeping it still. Energy not contained like this is boundary-less, and moves without limit or dimension, to infinity. This disqualifies boundary-less energy from the dimension of time because it has no rate of change. Energy in infinity, also called "the absolute state," is completely at rest because nothing is accelerating or decelerating it—again, no change. It therefore does not contribute to our hologram, our physical experience. We cannot perceive it.
Now back to frequencies. Wave oscillation occurs because a wave is bouncing between two rigid points of rest. It's like a game of electromagnetic hot potato (the potato being the wave and the participants' hands being the boundaries of the wave). Without these limits, there would be no oscillation. When a wave hits one of those points of rest, just for a very brief instant, it "clicks out" of spacetime and joins infinity. For this to occur, the speed of the oscillation has to drop below 10 the power of -33 centimeters per second. For a moment, the wave enters into a new world. The potato simply disappears into a dimension we cannot perceive.
Theoretically speaking, if the human consciousness wave pattern reaches a high enough frequency, the “click-outs” can reach continuity. Put another way, if the frequency of human consciousness can dip below 10 to the power of 33 centimeters per second but above a state of total rest, it can transcend spacetime. The Gateway experience and associated Hemi-Sync technique is designed for humans to achieve this state and establish a coherent pattern of perception in the newly realized dimensions.
Passport to the hologram
In theory, we can achieve the above at any time. The entire process though is helped along if we can separate the consciousness from our body. It’s like an existential running head start where the click-out of a consciousness already separated from its body starts much closer to, and has more time to dialogue with, other dimensions.
This is where things get a little slippery; hold on as best you can. The universe is in on the whole hologram thing, too, Wayne writes. This super hologram is called a "torus" because it takes the shape of a fuck-off massive self-contained spiral. Like this:
Give yourself a moment to let the above motion sink in...
This pattern of the universe conspicuously mirrors the patterns of electrons around the nucleus of an atom. Galaxies north of our own are moving away from us faster than the galaxies to the south; galaxies to the east and west of us are more distant. The energy that produced the matter that makes up the universe we presently enjoy, will turn back in on itself eventually. Its trajectory is ovoid, also known as the cosmic egg. As it curls back on itself it enters a black hole, goes through a densely packed energy nucleus then gets spat out the other side of a white hole and begins the process again. Springtime in the cosmos, baby!
And that is the context in which the Gateway Experience sits.
[Deep breaths.]
The following is an outline of the key steps to reach focus levels necessary to defy the spacetime dimension. This is an involved and lengthy process best attempted in controlled settings. If you’re in a rush, you can apparently listen to enough Monroe Institute Gateway Tapes in 7 days to get there.
The Energy Conversion Box: The Gateway Process begins by teaching the subject to isolate any extraneous concerns using a visualization process called “the energy conversion box.”
Resonant Humming: The individual is introduced to resonant humming. Through the utterance of a protracted single tone, alongside a chorus on the tapes, the mind and body achieve a state of resonance.
The Gateway Affirmation: The participant is exposed to something close to a mantra called The Gateway Affirmation. They must repeat to themselves variations of, “I am merely a physical body and deeply desire to expand my consciousness.”
Hemi-Sync: The individual is finally exposed to the Hemi-Sync sound frequencies, and encouraged to develop a relationship with the feelings that emerge.
Additional Noise: Physical relaxation techniques are practiced while the Hemi-Sync frequencies are expanded to include “pink and white” noise. This puts the body in a state of virtual sleep, while calming the left hemisphere and raising the attentiveness of the right hemisphere.
The Energy Balloon: The individual is then encouraged to visualize the creation of an “energy balloon” beginning at the top of the head, extending down in all directions to the feet then back up again. There are a few reasons for this, the main one being that this balloon will provide protection against conscious entities possessing lower energy levels that he or she may encounter when in the out-of-body state.
Focus 12: The practitioner can consistently achieve sufficient expanded awareness to begin interacting with dimensions beyond their physical reality. To achieve this state requires conscious efforts and more “pink and white noise” from the sound stream.
Tools: Once Focus 12 is achieved, the subject can then employ a series of tools to obtain feedback from alternate dimensions.
Problem Solving: The individual identifies fundamental problems, fills their expanded awareness with them, and then projects them out into the universe. These can include personal difficulties, as well as technical or practical problems.
Patterning: Consciousness is used to achieve desired objectives in the physical, emotional, or intellectual sphere.
Color Breathing: A healing technique that revitalizes the body’s energy flows by imagining colors in a particularly vivid manner.
Energy Bar Tool: This technique involves imagining a small intensely pulsating dot of light that the participant charges up. He or she then uses the sparkling, vibrating cylinder of energy (formerly known as the dot) to channel forces from the universe to heal and revitalize the body.
Remote Viewing: A follow-on technique of the Energy Bar Tool where the dot is turned into a whirling vortex through which the individual sends their imagination in search of illuminating insights.
Living Body Map: A more organized use of the energy bar in which streams of different colors flow from the dot on to correspondingly-colored bodily systems.
Seven days of training have now occurred. Approximately 5 percent of participants get to this next level, according to the report.
Focus 15 - Travel Into the Past: Additional sound on the Hemi-Sync tapes includes more of the same, plus some subliminal suggestions to further expand the consciousness. The instructions are highly symbolic: time is a huge wheel, in which different spokes give access to the participant’s past.
Focus 21 - The Future: This is the last and most advanced state. Like Focus 15, this is a movement out of spacetime into the future.
Out-of-Body Movement: Only one tape of the many is devoted to out-of-body movement. This tape is devoted to facilitating an out-of-body state when the participant’s brain wave patterns and energy levels reach harmony with the surrounding electromagnetic environment. According to Bob Monroe, the participant has to be exposed to Beta signals of around 2877.3 cycles per second.
Wayne expresses concern about the fidelity of information brought back from out-of-body states using the Gateway technique. Practical applications are of particular concern because of the potential for “information distortion.”
The Monroe Institute also ran into a bunch of issues in which they had individuals travel from the West to the East Coast of the U.S. to read a series of numbers off of a computer screen. They never got them exactly right. Wayne chalks this up to the trouble of differentiating between physical entities and extra-time-space dimensions when in the out-of-body state.
Wayne swings back to support mode though, lending credence to the physics foundation of the report. He cites multiple belief systems that have established identical findings. These include the Tibetan Shoug, the Hindu heaven of Indra, the Hebrew mystical philosophy, and the Christian concept of the Trinity. Here he seems more interested in hammering home the theoretical underpinnings that make The Gateway Experience possible, rather than the practical possibilities promised by The Gateway Tapes.
Possibly with his CIA top brass audience in mind, Wayne then gives an A-type nod to The Gateway Experience for providing a faster, more efficient, less subservient, energy-saving route to expanded consciousness. This finishes with a series of recommendations to the CIA for how to exploit Gateway’s potential for national defense purposes.
The missing page
One curious feature of The Gateway Report is that it seems to be missing page 25. It’s a real cliffhanger too. The bottom of page 24 reads “And, the eternal thought or concept of self which results from this self-consciousness serves the,” The report picks back up on page 26 and 3 sections later as if Wayne hadn’t just revealed the very secret of existence.
The gap has not gone unnoticed. There's a Change.org petition requesting its release. Multiple Freedom of Information Act requests have demanded the same. In all cases, the CIA has said they never had the page to begin with. Here’s a 2019 response from Mark Lilly, the CIA’s Information and Privacy Coordinator, to one Bailey Stoner regarding these records:
One theory goes that that rascal Wayne M.-fricking-McDonnell left the page out on purpose. The theory contends that it was a litmus test—if anyone truly defies time-space dimensions, they’ll certainly be able to locate page 25.
[Cosmic shrug.]
Writing Credit Vice

CIA Declassified Report– The Gateway Experience
Here is a copy of the Missing Page 25
There will be a Gateway Help Post following within the next couple days. Thought you might be interested in a little history in the meantime. Cheers!
submitted by ShiftYourReality to ShiftYourReality [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:34 Marzetty23 Life is very difficult right now

Just recently got a new job. I had been looking for over a year, and it's the first opportunity presented to me. I'm now only 2 days in and all I can think is I wish I never saw the email and was still jobless..
Trying to finish my AA so I can raise my GPA and pursue a bachelor's and even masters possibly close to full time. However I am low on money because I had not worked since 2022.
I was very overweight and had extreme mental issues. I fixed a lot of the physical stuff, and mental stuff has got slightly better do to bettering my life style and some medical diagnosis, but still not great.
I needed money though. What little I had is all but gone, and my mom has been letting me live at home for free. I spent what little I had on classes, and even then it was not enough for my last spring semester and the current summer one. My mom also assisted with those too.
I feel like such a a freeloader because I was not providing any money to myself, nor her and she was letting me live here for free and eat her groceries. It disgusted me, but I was in such a rough position working a job was impossible for me.
Now I got this new job. Working in IT for a college specializing in Dental medicine, and I am only 2 days in and hate it. Now a huge reason is because of 2 things outside of the job, and both sort of affecting each other.
1.) my exercise routine. I was biking 100 miles a week and working out 4 days a week on a very religious schedule, and seeing great results. My body fat percent was going down wonderfully, and I felt amazing health wise. Now I cannot do that unless I want to sleep less than 8 hours a night, which is already hard for me to get, especially because of my extreme anxiety and depressive issues. 2.) school. I am still 21 credit hours away from finishing my AA. I am currently taking pre calc, math being a subject I am very not good at, and I have almost no time to do it. I come home from work, and immediately heat up food and sit down to try and get in a lecture and finish homework, and I barely get it done. I have no time to workout or ride my bike or any exercise after work because it takes me all of my time to heat up dinner, prepare lunch for the next day, clean what needs cleaned, shower and do all the pre calc that needs done.
I am terrified the mental progress I have made is going out the door, as well as the physical fitness, and I'm scared I will fail precalculus lowering my GPA and forcing me to retake it. (Also wasting 500 bucks).
On top of all of that, the job has been nuts. I am 2 days in, and already my entire department seems to hate life. The IT director constantly jokes about firing people and us, all the people underneath him talk shit about each other, there is 0 onboarding process for a new hire, and I'm already doing so many projects I have had to skip lunch, and then get asked by 5 different hr people why I skipped lunch. They tell me to stay and do work and then ask me why I'm still here. I am also being told that as an hourly employee only supposed to work Monday through Friday, that June 2nd I have to work all day Sunday for the students graduation even though I have an exam due that night. So not only am I just out of the blue being forced to work a 6th day that week, but I have to come home and immediately take a pre calc test I will most likely be barley prepared for.
My mom tells me " if you think you need tutoring you should do it" like when the hell am I supposed to have time for that ?? I don't even have time to do anything else.
This is the first week on the job, I will be lucky if I finish all of my homework before Friday when it's do, and even then, I have an exam this Sunday already and will probably have to spend the entire day Saturday and Sunday preparing for it, and skip any chance and physical exercise, or spend time exercising and risk having to stay up all night and being under prepared.
My anxiety is through the fucking roof. I used to have panic attacks constantly, and luckily I have not reached that point, but I feel like my blood pressure is so high that my veins are about to Burst.
I mean I'm 2 fucking days in... How am I supposed to do this for the rest of precalculus. I mean honestly if I make it through this class and pass it I don't think any other class will lose a threat, but it's just insane...
Idk how people do this. I don't get why our society makes it impossible for people to find a job and work hard and have that job make time for school. I have to deal with corporate ass holes who want me to work to the bone just so I can afford to fail my classes... Like what the fuck.
I felt horrible being in the situation I was in not providing any money to myself or my mom... But fuck I want to literally blow my brains out now. Maybe it will get more relaxed, but I can't see that happening whatsoever until I get deeper into precalculus and see if i will even pass it ..
I have 0 people to count on too. No one is supportive whatsoever. No one to hug, or get reassurance from. My mom just says this is how it is and doesn't care. I can't talk to a therapist because anytime I say anything more than I'm sad they want to lock me in a psych ward because no one gives a rats ass about mental health in Florida, or America. I have no friends in real life within 500 miles of me. It's just me.
Idk what to do. Idk what to believe in. Idk how to calm myself, or cope. I can't do any of the things that we're making my life better.
The one thing I have still going strong is diet. I also wake up with enough time before work to at least go on a quick jog before I get ready and leave, but it isn't enough.
I feel like If I can't find some sort of relief or balance I'm going to be right back to crying and panic attacks In the bathroom in a matter of weeks.
I honestly hate life. I wish I could go back to younger me and tell him to sweat blood trying to get into a university with full scholarships so I could pursue The education I dream of full time and find a job I truly enjoy. That is still my long term goal, but I feel like I'm killing myself to get there.
I know so many people do stuff like this and make it though, but so all of those people have decades of issues with major anxiety and depression? Have they all thought about suicide since they were 13 ?
Maybe they have, but for fucks sakes if they have can they at least hug me or just reassure me everything will be okay ???
Because life is very difficult right now.
Also I typed this on my phone, so if some words seem out of place, I probably missed a letter here or there and phone auto corrected.
submitted by Marzetty23 to u/Marzetty23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:24 gabjj13 help please - finance exercises

Hey everyone, I am in the middle of a hiring process for a company and they asked me to solve some finance exercises. I was able to solve them as it is but they got back to me asking to do some corrections considering that the company is a SaaS which is making me struggle with it.
the first one that I need help is regarding the DPO calculation. My answer was using the formula: Average AP / Total COS * Days of the period.
They said that is not wrong but since it's a SaaS company, I should use another method of calculation. A "More SaaS Friendly" one. I googled it and it says that this method includes the Total Purchase of Credits to the formula, but I don't have this information on the P&L that they provided me. I also read in some places that I should add the OpEx to the formula, but what are they? I have a "Direct Expenses" line on the P&L but I am not sure if I must add it as is or consider just some of the lines ("It expenses, Payroll, S&M, Other G&A"). And I also don't know if I need to add it to the COS or calculate the formula only with the OpEx without the COS.
They also provided me a balance sheet and asked me to calculate the FCF (by month).
I used the formula to get the OCF (Net income + D&A + or - Change in the Working Capital). And deducted the Capex to get the FCF. But they said this:
*Your FCF has incorrect mutations in 2 lines. Additionally, there are some CF that are not being considered, such as Investments CF. Please review the structure and mutations and ensure that the [Cash Balance for the month] = [CF for the month] + [Cash balance from the previous month].
Can anyone help me? I need to deliver it by tuesday. Thanks!
submitted by gabjj13 to FPandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:12 Coyote_Havoc Gallóglaigh: Name and Rank

Cease-fire (noun) a temporary pause during hostilities where peace is discussed and fresh troops are tactically deployed to gain the upper hand when hostilities resume.
"Does she have a sister?"
The human body, in a fight-or-flight situation, will send signals to increase oxygen resulting in the widening of the blood vessels to allow a greater flow of blood indicated by the reddening of Robert's face. This wasn't the first time someone asked either. Derrick was the first person to notice that Robert had not returned to his bunk and, spurred on by curiosity mixed with a touch of fear, a search party was organized. Robert had been observed exiting Sorcha's quarters, receiving a passionate kiss as he left, and entered the bay to a round of cheering and lewd comments.
"It just sort of.... happened." Robert replied under his breath.
"Calm down Rob im just picking at you, nobody expected you to move so fast is all." Jacob commented.
"I didn't... She... its kind of a blur. "Robert tried to explain.
"She... at you?" Hobbs asked. "Well... Now I really want to know."
"Get the men to chow," Robert ordered. "I need a shower."
"Cold showers are a myth Robert!" Hobbs called after him.
"It will take a couple days at our fastest speed, but we will get you there." Captain Blanchard answered.
"I don't doubt you Captain," Robert replied, "I'm just curious how long we have aboard. Do you have a cargo bay we can use for training?"
"What kind of training did you have in mind Colonel?" Captain Blanchard inquired.
"Marksmanship and movement drills if possible, hip pocket training if not, and we could all use some exercise if anything." Robert replied.
"We do have access to the gym Rob," Thomas pointed out, "and a workout rotation has already been created."
"Thank you for reminding me," Robert replied, "and thank you for making that happen. I'll find an open time for myself after breakfast."
"Derrick made the schedule yesterday when we was at dinner." Jacob commented.
Robert raised an eyebrow at that. Derrick was good in a fight, he knocking out a diplomat before telling the parole board off if Robert remembered correctly, but it wasn't like him to take initiative.
"Another matter if I may." Captain Blanchard began. "I know all of you are very fond of Robert and would follow him to hell and back if he ordered it, but it would be best if you started addressing each other properly. For instance, Robert holds the rank of Colonel and should be addressed as 'Sir' or Colonel Grant. It's a common military practice with a millennium of tradition behind it. Lower officer ranks should also be addressed in the same fashion accordingly. Since you have time to train, military bearing should also be part of that."
"Good point Sir." Robert replied.
Captain Blanchard smiled a little at Robert. "You and I have an equivalent rank so rank and last name is all that would be required."
"So I'd be Captain Hobbs or sir?" Hobbs asked.
"Last name." Robert interjected.
"Hobbs is my last name sir." Hobbs replied.
"What's your first name?" Jacob asked.
"First names the reason I go by my last name." Hobbs replied.
"Which is..." Robert pressed.
Hobbs tried to melt into the dining room chair. "Any you laugh we gonna have words later." Hobbs said.
Nobody was impressed by the empty threat.
"My daddy liked to read a lot, old books mostly, stuff from way back. He'd even read them to me after I came along, and he told me he named me Cy after one of his favorite people."
"Captain Hobbs," Captain Blanchard said with a smile, "Cy is short for Cyrus, the name of several emperors in ancient Persia."
Hobbs nodded.
"I know that sir, and thanks for not laughing, but I wasn't named after a king, my full first name is Cyrano."
"How big was his..." Robert started to ask, but decided to change the subject due to the look on Hobbs' face.
"Can we use the gym for battle drills?" Robert asked instead.
"Yes, of course." Captain Blanchard replied a little too quickly.
The rest of Breakfast was finished in silence.
"Like Cyrano De Bergerac?" Derrick asked quietly.
"Yeah." Robert replied.
"His nose ain't that big." Derrick commented.
"That's not what I wanted to talk about, I heard you made the schedule for the Gym rotation." Robert said, changing the subject.
"Yeah... yes sir." Derrick replied. "There's a space for you already written in."
"Thanks but I was curious as to why?" Robert asked.
"Seemed like a good idea, just like a lot of the other stuff I've been doing." Derrick said.
"Yeah, your name came up a few times about work rotation as well, and I wanted to make sure you were okay with handling that for me." Robert said.
"No problem Sir, it's just something I started doing." Derrick said offhandedly.
"Good to hear," Robert replied, handing him a small envelope.
"What's this Sir?" Derrick asked.
"You're compensation Captain." Robert replied with a smile.
Derrick's eyes widened in shock, just as Robert had expected. His days of pretending to slack off while making sure everyone was taken care of were over, and Derrick knew it.
"We need another Captain, you're it."
submitted by Coyote_Havoc to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:11 ar_david_hh Second Iran bridge \\ Army command exercises \\ Pro-West parties unite \\ Pashinyan: I will have one EU with some fries and ketchup, please \\ Day 6 of Ninth Crusade: Archbishop vs. Deputy Rector \\ Bentley tax? \\ Yerevan's €25M project \\ Global warming & Sevan \\ Wage stats \\ Gago's Jesus

14-minute read.

average monthly nominal salaries and YoY change in Q1 2024

Yerevan +8% to ֏324K/$836
Syunik +7% to ֏295K/$760
Shirak +7% to ֏142K/$366
Yerevan had the highest wages. Syunik had the highest wages among provinces, while Shirak had the lowest.
REPORT: While the average nominal monthly salary does not always show the level of economic prosperity in a region, its rise has made a tangible difference in Syunik.
SUREN PARSYAN (economist): Syunik has higher wages and strong employment. It is the most prosperous province with the lowest unemployment poverty rate in Armenia: 24% in Armenia, 15% in Yerevan, and 2% in Syunik.
REPORT: Over the last 5 years, the average monthly nominal salaries have risen by 40% while the inflation was 21%.

Armenian army launches command staff exercises

They will exercise the practical implementation of deployment and combat plans, evaluate the commanders' skills, improve the synchronized work between various groups, develop the officers' moral characteristics and practical skills during preparation and combat operations, etc.
They will use automated control systems and modern technologies during the exercises.

Armenia and India will form a new working group for defense cooperation

Defense ministries of AM and IN held a meeting on Tuesday. They discussed the 2024-2025 cooperation plan and the creation of a new working group to coordinate the cooperation.

from PM Pashinyan's speech at Copenhagen Democracy Summit:

PASHINYAN: Democracy has indeed become a reality in Armenia. Before the 2018 Velvet Revolution, massive electoral frauds were the usual companion of elections in Armenia. There was no trust among the citizens that there was a real chance for them to elect the government.
Now the situation is totally different; citizens know that they are powerful enough to decide. The two general elections that were held in Armenia after the Velvet Revolution have been acknowledged as democratic, free, and competitive both by the Armenian society and the international community.
Armenia made huge progress in strengthening the democratic institutions, an achievement reflected in reputable democracy indexes:
(a) Now we are the 43rd in the Reporters Without Borders’ Freedom of Speech index, compared to 79th place in 2017.
(b) Categorized as having partially free internet in 2017 by Freedom House, now we enjoy the status of a country with free internet.
(c) In Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, Armenia is now 62nd instead of 107th in 2017.
(d) In the Economist Intelligence Unit’s democracy index we are 84th compared to 111th in 2017.
In order to assess this progress, it's essential to note that alongside democratic reforms, Armenia has been contending with external security challenges: the 44-day war in Nagorno-Karabakh, Azerbaijan's invasion of Armenia in 2021 and 2022 and the occupation of over 200 km2 amid inaction by [Russia's] CSTO, the forced displacement of over 100,000 Armenians from Nagorno-Karabakh, have cast doubts among Armenian citizens weather democracy is the right choice. So, democracy needs to prove its efficiency while dealing with security, economic and humanitarian challenges.
We are pleased with the deployment of EU monitoring mission alongside the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, and we welcome EU’s decision to expand its capacity. On the other hand, we hope for the inclusion of Armenia into the European Peace Facility and in this regard, we rely on the support of all EU member states [Hungary].
A new set of commitments aimed at strengthening Armenia’s economic resilience, state institutions, and addressing the humanitarian needs of refugees has been taken on by the European Union and United States during the high-level meeting on April 5 in Brussels. The rapid and effective implementation of those commitments is of utmost importance.
Despite all the challenges, we believe that the real and most aspiring companion for democracy is lasting and sustainable peace. My government took the share of its responsibility for this. Recently we reached an agreement with Azerbaijan to launch the delimitation of our interstate borders on the basis of the Almaty Declaration of 1991. That means that during the delimitation we should simply reproduce the Soviet-era administrative borders. This is the implementation of the agreement reached in Prague in 2022. Now it is time to incorporate and reflect those agreements in the peace treaty and have it signed.
Another key point for our regional stability is the «Crossroads of Peace», project, initiated by my government. This project implies that Armenia and Azerbaijan restore and open transport and other communications in accordance with the sovereignty and jurisdiction of the countries through which they pass, and comply with the principles of equality and reciprocity. These elements of the concept were agreed upon during the July 2023 meeting with Ilham Aliyev and Charles Michel. //

... Politico reporter's Q&A with Pashinyan

REPORTER: [Ex-NATO leader] Anders Fogh Rasmussen called your neighbor an autocracy. You are in a very difficult geopolitical and geographical position. How do you solve the security problem in that environment?
PASHINYAN: I would not like to comment on the internal situation of our neighboring countries. Democracy fully corresponds to the mentality of our people. It is a strategy for our government, it is our political belief, it is also our political identity. The members of our political team have spent most of their lives fighting for democracy, the rule of law, and freedom of speech. Now we have the opportunity to realize all these values in our country.
The security situation was complicated because of the regional and global situation; the world order is collapsing at the moment. My assessment is, and I have had occasion to say this publicly, that the 2020 war was a prelude to further developments. And now the main issue is security.
What is our strategic point of view, how are we going to guarantee the security of our country? Recently, I gave a speech in our parliament, where I said that the most important tool for ensuring security is a foreign policy based on legitimacy. This is the reason why we so often speak about the 1991 Almaty Declaration.
It is very important that during the 2022 Prague meeting, two very important agreements were reached. Armenia and Azerbaijan recognize each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty on the basis of the Almaty Declaration and will use it as the basis for the border demarcation. This is the reason why I said that we are not drawing a new border, we just need to reproduce the existing one on the ground. This process is happening right now, and I hope that we will continue it steadfastly.
REPORTER: The border conflict that has occurred in recent years has had a negative impact on relations with Russia and Russia's role for Armenia. What would you say about this?
PASHINYAN: Armenia is a member of CSTO. We are officially a CSTO member, but I have announced that we have frozen our participation.
REPORTER: So are you still a member or...?
PASHINYAN: It is a matter for further discussion, but it is very important to record the current situation. A crisis arose in our relations after Azerbaijani troops invaded Armenia, and according to CSTO procedures, the Organization and its member states had to support Armenia in this situation. But even after the formal application, the CSTO refused to take any concrete steps, and in fact, that is the main reason for freezing our participation in the CSTO at all levels.
REPORTER: Do you expect the West to occupy the current vacuum and ensure your security?
PASHINYAN: We are diversifying our foreign relations in all spheres. Now we are developing defense cooperation with India, France, and other countries. We have a certain cooperation with the European Union because as I mentioned, we are happy about the deployment of the EU Civilian Observation Mission on the border. It is a civilian mission but in a way, it is a new factor for the security of our region. This is the first time that the European Union participates in the security agenda of Armenia.
REPORTER: Would you like to become an EU member?
PASHINYAN: We are waiting for the EU's decision to include Armenia in the European Peace Facility. We also hope to start visa liberalization negotiations, and last year I announced in the European Parliament that Armenia is ready to be as close to the European Union as the European Union deems it possible. This is our position.
REPORTER: Can you elaborate on what initiatives Armenia is taking in the fight against corruption?
PASHINYAN: We have made huge progress but have not eradicated corruption from Armenia. We must continue to be persistent in the agenda of democratic reforms. This is the reason why cooperation with the European Union is of utmost importance for us because today the European Union is our main partner in the implementation of our democratic reform agenda. We hope that the European Union, as well as the USA, will increase their support to Armenia in the implementation of democratic reforms, because, as I said, democracy is a strategy for us.
By the way, in 2019 we started a Strategic Dialogue with the USA, and today we see the strengthening of our cooperation with the European Union. We recently had a tripartite meeting with the participation of the USA, EU, and Armenia. It was an unprecedented format, where we adopted a huge agenda of institutional and economic reforms. It is also very important that we receive more tangible support from the EU and the US to address the humanitarian needs of the Nagorno Karabakh refugees because it is a very sensitive and emotional issue for us.
REPORTER: In which year would you like Armenia to become a member of the EU?
PASHINYAN: This year [as soon as possible]. //
Pashinyan met Anders Fogh Rasmussen. The latter emphasized the importance of the “Crossroads of Peace” project in the context of unblocking the regional infrastructure.
Pashinyan discussed various topics with the PM of Denmark. The latter accepted his invitation to visit Armenia.
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former regime continues to hold protests and briefly shut down roads in Yerevan with demands for PM Pashinyan's resignation

Dozens of participants were detained and released the same day for blocking roads. The detentions decreased from 170 on Monday to ~63 on Tuesday. They want Pashinyan to resign or to be impeached. The protest organizers visited universities to gather student supporters, some of whom joined them with a dance. The organizers also stopped by at a bakery where they were given free food.
A felony investigation was launched after a police vehicle, "with the sirens on", struck a reporter on the street. In another instance, an investigation was launched against a protester who brought a long sword. One other case was launched over alleged threats made on Facebook by a Galstanyan fan who wants scores of people to be beaten in dalans and exiled from Armenia, "մենակ էտ դեպքում էս սրբազան հողը կմաքրվի էս տեսակ շան ծնունդներից, ուրիշ ձև չկա!!!!"
A ruling faction member of Yerevan City Council complained about "harassment" by opposition figures who are attempting to convince ruling party members to join the protests and the impeachment.
RULING MEMBER: That is not how it works. No one will join you with that conduct. People will join if they see you have a legitimate agenda with trustworthy leaders. Instead, you are "ethnically cleansing" the citizens of Armenia [referring to one opposition speaker telling non-Armenians to leave] և հեռու չէ են օրը երբ դուք գուցե ասեք որ հայ լինելու համար պետք է Հայկ նահապետից տեղեկանք բերել: //
Yesterday the protest co-organizer Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan said he received a report suggesting that the Deputy Rector of Yerevan State University supposedly urged deans and others to retaliate against students who joined the protests. Galstanyan said he was unsure whether the report was true, but decided to read it out loud anyway. On Tuesday he rallied his supporters to the backyard of the University where he demanded to speak with the Deputy Rector for clarification.
The Deputy Rector went downstairs and greeted Galstanyan, who shook her hand but wouldn't let it go for an uncomfortably long period, prompting her to ask him to let go of her hand. The Deputy Rector declared that whatever Galstanyan read about her was a defamatory lie.
GALSTANYAN: I never believed it myself.
DEPUTY RECTOR: Then you should not have said out loud something you did not believe.
GALSTANYAN: Listen, there is a recorded fact...
DEPUTY RECTOR: Where is that "recorded fact"?
GALSTANYAN: It was on the media. As I said yesterday, I had no verification that it was true, which is why we came here to clarify it. If it's false, then I apologize.
DEPUTY RECTOR: Thank you. //
The Deputy Rector urged the protest organizers not to enter the building or disrupt the classes, and that "anyone who wants to follow you can follow you, anyone who wants to stay in classrooms should stay in classrooms".
The angry Deputy Rector left. Another university official criticized Galstanyan for not checking the information before reading it to his followers. Galstanyan said he stands behind his words, and that he was "just reading what was on the media", but reiterated that he had no intention to insult the Deputy Rector.
Galstanyan and his supporters visited the monument dedicated to Operation Nemesis. He praised the figures behind Nemesis for "assuming personal responsibility". In front of the crowd, Galstanyan introduced Hambig Sassounian who recently joined his movement. He pointed to the Nemesis monument and said Sassounian is "one of the successors, one of the brightest people." In related news, on Sunday a ruling faction MP complained about receiving death threats with reference to Operation Nemesis.
DANIEL IOANNESIAN (NGO chief): When this protest dies down, we need to discuss the following: (1) The transparency of political and media funding. There are some regulations in place, but they are incomplete and easily bypassed. For example, I'd like to know who paid for Archbishop Galstanyan's giant stage in Republic Square. In 2018 Pashinyan organized a fundraising for it and disclosed a detailed report. (2) Should the media organizations that do not respect the rules of financial transparency enjoy all the mechanisms for the protection of journalists? (3) Are the customs authorities confident that the church is not facilitating the business activities of certain figures disguised as donations? (4) Is it fair for the church and clergy members not to pay taxes? Should they be able to have a Bently and LX570 without paying taxes? [The "Bentley" is based on a true story.]
Archbishop's fans spotted Miss Armenia 2003 and a H1 host Lusine Tovmasyan drinking a coffee at a Yerevan café and approached her.
PROTESTER: (unintelligable)
LUSINE: I was here drinking coffee yesterday, and a year before that.
PROTESTER: Why have you not joined the holy struggle?
LUSINE: Լավ եկեք թարգեք, շատ զզվելի ա, էնքան զզվելի ա․ //
Pro-Kremlin propagandist Alexander Dugin praised the pro-Russian forces' protests in Armenia and criticized the pro-EU protests in Georgia.
Pro-Kremlin Russian politician Semyon Baghdasarov praised Archbishop Bagrat and the ongoing "uprising" in Armenia against the "traitor" [Nikol] who "rigged" the elections with the help of "Turkey, UK, and US". Nikol is a Turkish MI6 agent. video,
Video of a protest recorded from above: video
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Armenian government has upgraded other diplomatic channels to reduce reliance on ARF's diaspora structures in the US, says pro-West NGO chief

KHURSHUDYAN: The status of the Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. [Lilith Makunts] has been significantly upgraded. I won't go into specifics because it's tied to our neighbors, but she plays an interesting role there. We have great conditions for the U.S. Congress to pressure Azerbaijan. This is outside of ARF's lobbyist groups in the U.S.
REPORTER: ARF Hay Dat's recent conduct has been shameful.
KHURSHUDYAN: And its influence on the Lemkin Institute was obvious. //
Yesterday Kurshudyan accused the Lemkin Institute of caving to ARF's pressure and meddling into Armenia's internal affairs to assist the protests by the pro-Russian former regime.
KHURSHUDYAN: Lemkin Institute accused Pashinyan's April 24 genocide remembrance day statement of containing "victim blaming". Lemkin did not comment on Pashinyan's statement for several weeks, waited 15 days, and as soon as these pro-Russian protests began in Armenia, they gave them a պաս:

Armenia's four most prominent pro-West opposition parties announce the formation of a unified platform

Republic Party, led by ex-PM Aram Sargsyan.
Hanun Republic Party, led by Arman Babajanyan.
European Party of Armenia, led by Tigran Khzmalyan.
Christian-Democratic Party, led by Levon Shirinyan.
Have the following agenda...
(1) Promotion of Western values in Armenia and Armenia's membership in EU and NATO.
(2) United front against threats and risks of destabilization coming from Russia.
(3) Vetting judges to clean up the courts, and resolution of issues left unaddressed by the Pashinyan administration.
(4) Continuation of border demarcation based on 1991 Almaty.
(5) The use of international law to achieve a fair resolution for Nagorno-Karabakh residents.
The platform is open for like-minded forces to join.

Armenian army chief denies being a Russian citizen

A statement released by the defense ministry denies media reports that CoGS LtGen Edward Asryan is a dual citizen of Russia. His wife is an ethnic Russian with Armenian citizenship and his kids are dual citizens, but Asryan only has citizenship in Armenia. The whole family has resided in Armenia since 2006, said the statement.

Georgia passes controversial ‘foreign agents’ bill despite widespread opposition

The law will require organizations receiving more than 20% of their funding from abroad to register as “agents of foreign influence” or face crippling fines.
The bill will be sent to the President who is expected to veto it, but her veto is expected to be overruled by the parliamentary majority later.
Georgian PM Kobakhidze had an "honest conversation" with U.S. deputy foreign minister James O'Brien, telling him that the Georgian government is interested in deepening the partnership with the U.S., "which requires mutual efforts and relations based on fairness."
James O'Brien demanded to speak with the manager - Bidza Ivanishvili. The latter refused to meet O'Brien, saying he won't hold any meetings under "blackmail".
The White House said the U.S. will review its relations with Georgia if the bill becomes law.
source, source, source,

how many of the 101,000 Nagorno-Karabakh refugees have left Armenia and haven't returned yet?

As of...
Dec: 6.6K
Jan: 6.9K
Mar: 8.0K
Apr: 9.1K
May: 9.9K
The former Ombudsman of Nagorno-Karabakh said many of them have family members and friends in Russia who invite them to move.

temperatures are rising rapidly in Armenia

REPORTER: The rainy May is not going to be enough to alleviate the negative consequences of the rapidly rising temperatures in Armenia. With a ~3 Celsius anomaly, Armenia had the second-highest increase in temperature over the last 6 months among a group of monitored countries.
WEATHER CENTER: High temperatures increase the evaporation of water and reduce the amount of snow in the winter. In December and January, we recorded rain instead of snow in certain mountainous regions, which is bad for water resources.
REPORTER: A conference was recently held in Yerevan within the framework of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification.
UN official: Around 40% of global soils are degraded. Millions of people will be forced to migrate from their communities by 2050 as a result of climate problems. Emergency action is needed to reduce the rate of rising temperatures. //
Armenia joined the Convention three decades ago and has assumed the responsibility to restore degraded soil by 2030. The government is promoting drip irrigation systems for farming and wants to plant more trees.

is the decline of Lake Sevan levels finally slowing down?

see the YoY chart

Yerevan Municipality to receive a €25 million loan from European Investment Bank to raise energy efficiency

It's part of the implementation of Eastern Partnership programs. The Armenian government and the EU are co-financing it.
The goal is to raise energy efficiency and carry out seismic retrofitting in 6 medical clinics and 32 kindergartens run by the municipality. The length of the program is 4 years.
video, video,

Gagik Tsarukyan is inside you

there is a bit of Tsarukyan inside all of you
see it to believe it

Gagik Tsarukyan says the new Jesus statue is ready and will be installed by the end of 2025

It will be a tourist attraction site. There will be a ropeway. Also, Tsarukyan needs you to know that he is a man of God and an avid believer.

Armenia and Slovakia discussed AM-EU visa liberalization


Lithuania will help retrain Armenian law enforcement agents to combat cybercrime, analyze crimes, etc.


Armenia's Economy Minister Papoyan met the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Geoffrey Pyatt

In a Washington meeting participated by the Armenian Ministry delegation and Armenia's Ambassador, they spoke about the Crossroads of Peace logistics project proposed by Armenia, several topics relating to Armenia's energy and economic security, and the Armenian government's ongoing efforts to classify Armenia as a "market economy".

Armenia and Iran discussed the construction of a second bridge over the River Araks

The first bridge began operating in 1996. It came to replace the floating bridges on the river.
Iran says the AM-IR traffic through the Meghri checkpoint significantly increased last year. Coupled with the fact that Armenia is building a modern North-South highway, they believe it's necessary to have a second AM-IR bridge to handle the rising traffic.
The parties are currently discussing the formation of a working group consisting of experts to discuss the topic.

a new study on mice indicates that more exercise might be better than more sleep for clearing brain of toxins

They injected a dye into a brain and tracked the speed of its movement during sleep and exercise.
The findings show that the clearance of the dye was reduced by 30% in sleeping mice compared with mice that were kept awake. This has not been confirmed on humans yet.
Previous research has suggested that sleep is important for preventing dementia as it is during this time that toxic proteins are cleared from the brain.
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submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:22 3-vil Rinse and repeat?

Here's a post of mine from 2017

I'm in.
Hard mode
My goal is to regain, no find myself. PMO'ing since the age of 12. I'm 27 now. Porn fucked up my life. No more!
Today is one year after my attempted OD. The catalyst was my girlfriend of five years leaving me and me screwing up my career as a firefighter. I was broken then and I'm still broken now. I blame PMO and porn in general. Insanity is repeating the same cycle and expecting a different result. Time to break this cycle.
Post end
How naive I was

Back story with context

I now know my addiction started with MO at the age of 5. I used to do that on a daily basis to self soothe and it didn't help that I discovered what can be done with an electric massager. See my parents got divorced the first time around about then, they remarried each other, only to get divorced again. Mom remarried a abusive alcoholic, moved to my absent father and verbally abusive stepmother, all this before turning 14. Looking back I can see I was neglected and found my own coping mechanisms. Smoking cigarettes, weed and alcohol since 13, other drugs soon followed at 16, whatever I could get my hands on.
Note all my compulsive and addictive behaviours were actively being pursued in some form or another throughout my story, I merely set the stage with the background.
At 19 I lost my virginity to a broken and hurt girl that was on average banging 4 guys a week, she literally had to take off her clothes and ask me whilst naked 'What are you waiting for?' I was so inept and socially awkward. After two hours of furiously boning because I couldn't finish, I snuck back to my room only to jerk off. I recall thinking to myself was that it? Was all the hype about that? Needles to say this girl went and 'cheated' on me after a week, left me a tad embittered.
At 21 I somehow got my first girlfriend, she had been raised by her grandparents because both her parents had tragically died in two separate freak accidents, she had proper traditional values, real wivey material. Wanted to wait until marriage. None of it mattered much to me, I knew what I wanted and at 21 it certainly wasn't a wife. She was studying nursing and I was a firefighter, we were both renting, me with friends, her in a student commune. We started occasionally sleeping over at each other, very innocently at first just making out, cuddling and talking.
post deleted
She took the sheets with to wash and made a hasty retreat, I went to work in a cold sweat, post clarity had never been so fucking surreal nor had it ever garnered so much self loathing.
What had I done.
Later that day she messaged and asked me over where she gave me a hand written letter, front and back, tear stains and little hearts. In it written how beautiful it was, how much she loves me and how no-one can ever find out.
I felt physically sick.
What had I done.
We secretly moved in together and what followed was five years of a co-dependant relationship where she grew to hate me and I went progressively deeper into the abyss of porn.
In the interim my father passed away from cancer, I DUI'd and totalled into a young married couple, got arrested, went to a 'Stress clinic' and broke up with my girlfriend out of guilt. Quickly got back together and a few months later she mercifully broke up with me. I was just so weak. Maybe she just woke from being disillusioned, maybe she grew out of her naivety, maybe my addictions just followed their natural conclusion, maybe PTSD and tragedy got the better of me. She got a new boyfriend, I almost got a restraining order. (She withdrew the case in the judges chamber's on condition I NEVER contact her again) In short succession I slept with multiple partners, a few times while blackout drunk, a few one night stands and I left a wake of pain, regret, broken hearts and shame. All consensual.
Finally I tried to OD on sleeping pills, went back to the 'Stress clinic' and whilst there someone dear called and told me that to gain my life I had to give it away. Found religion or it found me, resigned from the Fire brigade.
Footnote~ The ex got married and became a mother sometime during, heard it through the grapevine.
She'll never have to see me again as per her wishes.
Learnt about NoFap {insert original post}
I moved a couple of states over, away from everything I had broken and everyone I'd hurt. Went on a journey, forgave myself, hated myself, loathed myself, forgave myself again, went on another journey. The whole time PMO and MO came and went.
Streaks came and went. Depression stayed and dark thoughts came back like a long lost friend but I kept on crawling towards the light, towards freedom.
FFW to now
I'm cold turkey from substances and on a 18 day streak. I've come to realise you can't run from this demon and this fight is worth fighting head on. PAWS or Post-accute Withdrawal Syndrome is real and even with my longer streaks I've only been kicking the can further and further down the road by occasionally binge relapsing.
I haven't been in a relationship nor have I had sex since the fallout. Real intimacy absolutely terrifies me and I suffer from anxiety and depressive episodes.
But there's hope!
I've been seeing a life coach, exercising and spending more time with friends and family, joined a men's prayer and accountability group. To go fast go alone, to go far go with others and I'm in it for the long haul.
The penny's dropped.
I can tell something has changed.
I'm coming back to life.
3 months ago I met a girl on a online dating platform, absolutely way out of my league, someone who's beautiful inside and out. I'll be meeting her for the first time this Friday and we'll be spending the weekend together, in a social setting.
I'm excited yet apprehensive. I don't want to place her on a pedestal but I want to treat her like a queen. We're only meeting and nothing intimate will happen, both of us want to wait until we're married be it with one another or someone else. But darn I'm excited. I want to hope again. I want to love and be loved.
I want to live again.
  1. Porn can mess you up and the abyss is deeper than you can imagine.
  2. Addiction is not about the substance but rather underlying behaviours and coping mechanisms.
  3. Circumstances nor your past should determine your future.
  4. There's alway's hope!
submitted by 3-vil to NoFap [link] [comments]

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  2. U.S. 212 Phone Number: I have a verified U.S. American business phone number with the prestigious 212 area code (212-380-1856 - Ext 3) that can both send & receive phone calls, texts, voicemails, photos, and website links.
  3. Social Media Verified: I have an active & verified online social media presence with my name and contact info regularly showing up on all major search engines including: Google, Yahoo, and Bing.
  4. Professional Website: I have a professional, well-designed, well-written, 100% secure SEO-optimized WordPress business themed website: Hiraedu.com
  5. Team of U.S. Academic Experts: I and my team of dedicated academic experts complete all types of academic coursework for students in most math, English, science, business, humanities, social Sciences, computer programming, and foreign language classes on a 24/7/365 full-time round-the-clock basis. This is not some part-time gig for me. It’s literally my primary source of income. I can regularly make myself available to help students with last-minute & same-day academic requests.
  6. Essay Writing Skills: I can write essays & research papers in native U.S. American English and fluent Canadian English using APA MLA Harvard Chicago Vancouver OSCOLA IEEE formatting & citations.
  7. 75+ Types of Academic Software: I am highly skilled & experienced in using over 75+ types of academic software and educational platforms including the following: ALEKS, Blackboard, Brightspace, Canvas, Cengage, WebAssign, ConnectMath, Crowdmark, D2L, Moodle, Pearson MyLab and Mastering, MyMathLab, MyStatLab, MyOpenMath, StraighterLine, WebWork, and Wiley.
  8. Can Change IP Address: I have multiple reliable VPN software including: NordVPN, SurfShark & ExpressVPN that allows me to successfully change my computer’s original New Jersey IP address to any major city in the U.S. & Canada to avoid raising red flags with students’ online class software.
  9. Proctored Exam Help: I have developed multiple highly effective methods of helping students with exams, tests, and quizzes that are proctored by software like: Respondus Lockdown Browser with Webcam, Honorlock, Examity, Proctorio, Proctor360, Proctortrack, and ProProctor using 3 highly effective proven methods. Option 1 - WhatsApp: I use WhatsApp to have the student discreetly text me photos of the exam questions outside of the webcam’s view and I text them the correct solutions to the exam questions. Option 2 - Screen Share: Using screen share software like Zoom to see the student’s screen displaying the exam questions and I text the correct solutions. Option 3 - Remote PC Access & Control: Using remote computer access software like to control the student’s mouse and keyboard from my own computer.
  10. Study Help Apps: I have over 15+ paid subscriptions to a wide range of study help apps, software, websites, and programs to help me solve exam & homework questions faster and more efficiently. Some of these resources include: Brainly, Chegg, CourseHero, Quizlet, SymboLab & WolframAlpha.
  11. Calculators & Math Software: I have access to a very sophisticated graphing calculator and various mathematical software that provides step-by-step solutions to complex mathematical problems within seconds, allowing me to provide exact solutions to the student in a timely manner.
  12. Test Taking Techniques: I have developed highly effective methods to determine the correct answers to questions that I’m not already familiar with including process of elimination, working backwards, quickly searching for similar questions online, and utilizing standardized test taking techniques taught only in elite standardized test prep tutoring programs.
  13. Handwriting & Scanning Apps: I have impeccable handwriting and a high-quality mobile scanner app that allows me to scan written solutions in very legible high-definition JPG, PNG, and PDF formats.
  14. Flexible Payment Methods: I offer negotiable rates, multiple payment methods (PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, anonymous credit & debit card payments via online invoice), and flexible payment plans: weekly (most expensive), monthly, half-now / half-later, and all-up-front (least expensive).
  15. Money Back Guarantee: I have won multiple academic awards for my exceptional skills & expertise in math. I guarantee overall A & B grades for all coursework completed. Plus. I also offer a 50% refund for C+, C, and C- scores, and a full 100% refund for D+, D, D-, and F scores.
Considering the fact that you found my contact information online, it’s understandable to be skeptical regarding the legitimacy of my services. Therefore, I’m willing to do all of the following to help you feel more secure in trusting me with your academic needs:
At the risk of sounding arrogant, I consider myself to be at least marginally more intelligent (both academically & socially) than the average person. Therefore, if I ever decided to suddenly risk prison time, risk my reputation, and risk enduring the wrath of modern-day “cancel culture” by scamming people out of their money:
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submitted by Large_Scene3565 to Statisticshelpers_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 3-vil 7 Years ago and what's changed? It's a long one...

Here's a post of mine from 2017

I'm in.
Hard mode
My goal is to regain, no find myself. PMO'ing since the age of 12. I'm 27 now. Fucked up my life. No more!
Today is one year after my attempted suicide. The catalyst was my girlfriend of five years leaving me and me screwing up my career as a firefighter. I was broken then and I'm still broken now. I blame PMO and porn in general. Insanity is repeating the same cycle and expecting a different result. Time to break this cycle.
How naiive I was

Back story with context

I now know my addiction started with MO at the age of 5. I used to do that on a daily basis to self soothe and it didn't help that I discovered what can be done with an electric massager. See my parents got divorced the first time around about then, they remarried each other, only to get divorced again. Mom remarried a abusive alcoholic, moved to my absent father and verbally abusive stepmother, all this before turning 14. Looking back I can see I was neglected and found my own coping mechanisms. Smoking cigarettes, weed and alcohol since 13, other drugs soon followed at 16, whatever I could get my hands on. Opiates, hallucinogens, psychoactives, stimulants, depressants, inhalants if it could be abused chances are I would and have, fortunately not crack or needles, it blessedly somehow never crossed my path but the rest was fair game when it did and I was always on the prowl for something new or a quick fix.
Note all my compulsive and addictive behaviours were actively being pursued in some form or another throughout my story, I set the stage with the background but nothing I've done is justifiable.
At 19 I lost my virginity to a broken girl that was on average banging 4 guys a week, she literally had to take off her clothes and ask me whilst naked 'what am I waiting for?' I was so inept and socially awkward. After two hours of furiously boning because I couldn't finish, I snuck back to my room only to jerk off. I recall thinking to myself was that it? Was all the hype about that? Needles to say this girl went and 'cheated' on me after a week, left me a tad embittered.
At 21 I somehow got my first girlfriend, 18 straight out of school she had been raised by her grandparents because both her parents had tragically died in two separate freak accidents, she had proper traditional values, real wivey material. Wanted to wait for her big day. None of it mattered much to me as I started the process to groom her over the course of 3 months. I knew what I wanted and at 21 it certainly wasn't a wife. She was studying nursing and I was a firefighter, we were both renting, me with friends, her in a student commune. We started occasionally sleeping over at each other, very innocently at first just making out, cuddling and talking.(explicit)>! Progressively I moved towards groping and heavy petting. Until one morning after a house party at my place. I woke up with a boner and her snuggling up against me. I had had enough of waiting. I won't try to sugarcoat it or gloss over it or paint it pretty.!<
She said no.
More than once.
My mind went into that blank primal space of no return, the same space it would go with porn. I forced myself on-top of her and I raped her.
She took the sheets with to wash and made a hasty retreat, I went to work in a cold sweat, post clarity had never been so fucking surreal nor had it ever garnered so much self loathing.
What had I done.
Later that day she messaged and asked me over where she gave me a hand written letter, front and back, tear stains and hearts. In it written how beautiful it was, how much she loves me and how no-one can ever find out. I felt physically sick.
We moved in together and what followed was five years of a co-dependant relationship where she grew to hate me and I went progressively deeper into the abyss of porn. Maybe she just woke from being disillusioned, maybe she grew out of her naiivety and maybe my addictions just followed their natural conclusion, maybe PTSD and tragedy got the better of me.
In the interim my father passed away from cancer, I DUI'd and totalled into a young married couple, got arrested, went to a mental institute and broke up with my girlfriend. Got back together and she mercifully broke up with me. I was just so weak. She got a new boyfriend, I almost got a restraining order. (She withdrew the case in the judges chamber's on condition I NEVER contact her again) In short succession I slept with multiple partners, a few times while blackout drunk, a few one night stands and I left a wake of pain, regret, broken hearts and shame. All consensual.
Finally I tried to OD on sleeping pills, went back to the mental institute and whilst there someone dear called and told me that to gain my life I had to give it away. Found religion, resigned from the Fire brigade.
Footnote~ The ex got married and became a mother sometime during, heard it through the grapevine. She'll never have to see me again, that was her wish and one I will gladly grant.
Learn about NoFap {insert above post}
I fled a couple of states over, away from everything I had broken and everyone I'd hurt. Went on a journey, forgave myself, hated myself, loathed myself, forgave myself again, went on another journey. The whole time PMO and MO come and go.
Streaks came and went. Depression stayed and suicidal thoughts came back like a long lost friend.
FFW to now
I'm cold turkey from substances and on a 18 day streak. I've come to realise you can't run from this demon. PAWS or Post-accute Withdrawal Syndrome is real and even with my longer streaks I've only been kicking the can further and further down the road by occasionally binge relapsing.
I haven't been in a relationship nor have I had sex since the fallout. Real intimacy absolutely terrifies me and I suffer from anxiety and depressive episodes.
But there's hope, I hope
I've been seeing a life coach, exercising and spending more time with friends and family and I've joined a men's prayer and accountability group.
The penny's dropped.
I can tell something has changed.
I'm coming back to life.
3 months ago I met a girl on a online dating platform, absolutely way out of my league, someone who's beautiful inside and out. I'll be meeting her for the first time this Friday and we'll be spending the weekend together, in a social setting.
I'm excited yet apprehensive. I don't want to place her on a pedestal but I want to treat her like a queen. We're only meeting and nothing intimate will happen, both of us want to wait until we're married be it with one another or someone else. But darn I'm excited. I want to hope again. I want to love and be loved.
I want to live again.
  1. Porn can mess you up and the abyss is deeper than you can imagine.
  2. Addiction is not about the substance but rather underlying behaviours and coping mechanisms.
  3. Circumstances nor your past should determine your future.
  4. There's alway's hope!
submitted by 3-vil to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:23 AEGISAlliance CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Referral Code: ZULMHXXVCB Solid advice for new plasma donors included! Thank you!

I have advice for new plasma donors who may be considering to try it out and earn extra money:
  1. Eat a meal high in protein 2-3 hours before donating, but your plasma protein levels depend on what you ate the day before.
  2. Drink plenty of water and/or non-caffeinated juice before donating to stay hydrated.
  3. Avoid caffeine such as in coffee or soda before donating or you may get nauseous and vomit or faint during your donation.
  4. No alcohol 24 hours before, and for a little while after donating.
  5. No exercising for at least 6 hours after donating as it can put too much stress on the vein.
  6. Some people get away with smoking or vaping nicotine before and after donating, but it's recommended not to for 2 hours before and after. The nicotine can raise your heart's pulse rate.
  7. If your pulse rate is 100 or above, you'll be able to do a vitals retake after a 15 minute wait. But if it's 100 or higher again you'll be deferred for the day. If your pulse rate is an issue, listen to "Pink Noise" or "Green Noise" at a low volume before donating which may help reduce your pulse rate, along with its effect on lowering your blood pressure.
  8. There is a risk of getting a blown vein if the worker is having a hard time finding your vein when they're sticking you with the needle or if you have small veins. You may get deferred until your vein heals if that happens. But it's ok, your body is able to regenerate your veins with a process called Angiogenesis.
  9. There is a risk of blood clots, but when your blood is constantly moving through the machine it prevents that from happening.
  10. You may be subject to drug screening. The drug screening tests for methamphetamines, cocaine, and heroin. Certain pharma prescription meds may show up as a false positive so you'll want to let the plasma center know what meds you're taking. Testing positive for these drugs can result in a permanent deferral from donating plasma.
  11. A sample of your blood will be drawn periodically to test for certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs). A positive test will result in either a temporary or permanent deferral from donating plasma. If you've ever been diagnosed or received treatment for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B (HBV) or Hepatitis C (HCV) you will be permanently deferred from donating plasma.'
Donating Plasma with Managed Diabetes
Individuals with well-controlled diabetes can contribute to plasma donation, but certain criteria need to be met:
Absence of Complications: This means no existing diabetic complications affecting your kidneys, heart, blood vessels, or eyes.
Insulin Independence: If you rely on insulin for diabetes management, a three-month waiting period is required after using needles for non-prescribed medications. Additionally, you must be free of symptoms or treatment needs related to blood sugar fluctuations (high or low) for the past three months.
  1. Healthy Feet: Active foot ulcers requiring medical attention will disqualify you from donation.
  2. Steady Balance: You shouldn't experience dizziness or lightheadedness upon standing.
  3. Type 1 Consideration: For Type 1 diabetics, eating within two hours of donation is mandatory.
Link to download app:
CSL Plasma: Get 5,000 iGive Rewards® points ($50) after five donations for new donors! (Plus new donor money) Using the CSL Plasma app! Code: ZULMHXXVCB Thank you!
submitted by AEGISAlliance to CSLPlasmaReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:12 Brilliant-Lychee-518 Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

What is Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is a natural formula that supports healthy weight loss using 100% plant-based ingredients. It works by addressing the root cause of stubborn weight gain which is found to be blue light exposure and lack of N-REM sleep.
Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made with eight natural ingredients that are 100% non-GMO. The supplement can be consumed in easy-to-mix powder form and each bottle is sufficient for a month’s consumption.
Each bottle of Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic is made inside state-of-the-art facilities that comply with the highest standards of safety and quality ensured by FDA and GMP guidelines. Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic can also work as a digestion support formula and improve your gut health. It also enhances your sleep quality and reduces inflammation in your body.

How Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Works?

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic operates on the premise that certain natural ingredients can stimulate weight loss by targeting key areas such as metabolism, fat oxidation, and appetite control. The formulation is purported to kickstart the body's fat-burning mechanisms, particularly focusing on the abdominal region.
The tonic claims to accelerate metabolism, leading to increased calorie expenditure. Additionally, it alleges to enhance the body's ability to break down fats, converting them into energy. The combination of these effects is said to contribute to a slimmer waistline.

Benefits of Using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic

When it comes to holistic well-being, the Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic emerges as a beacon of hope, promising a plethora of benefits that transcend mere weight loss. This potent tonic is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about ushering in a wave of positive change, enhancing various facets of your life. Let’s explore the incredible impact this elixir can have on your journey to optimal health.
Here are the key benefits of using Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic:

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic Ingredients

Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic features eight natural ingredients to boost your fat loss results. This supplement is entirely safe, with all manufacturing done in a cGMP FDA-approved facility in the United States.
Third parties test all ingredients for purity; the formula has no fillers, GMOs, or synthetic ingredients. You get a clean, safe supplement you can trust to deliver results.
Here’s what you’ll find in every Sumatra Slim Belly Tonic scoop:
submitted by Brilliant-Lychee-518 to u/Brilliant-Lychee-518 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:52 michaelgmcquaid Avrobio - Deep Value Arbitrage Potential on Reverse Merger With Tectonic Therapeutic $AVRO

Avrobio - Deep Value Arbitrage Potential on Reverse Merger With Tectonic Therapeutic $AVRO
After a very lengthy strategic review process beginning in July 2023, Avrobio announced in January 2024 that they would pursue a reverse merger with Tectonic Therapeutic.
The shareholder vote for the proposed merger is on June 11th, 2024, and the merger is expected to close shortly after (before the end of June).
The deal is priced with Avrobio bringing $65 million cash at closing, and in turn current shareholders will own approximately 22.3% of the new company listing under the ticker symbol TECX. If Avrobio closes with cash greater than $65.5 million, the ownership percentage will increase, and Avrobio estimates they will bring $65 to $75 million at closing.
Tectonic has raised or entered agreements for a $130.7 million private placement, and these investors will own 37.9% of the new company, with current Tectonic shareholders owning 39.8%.
Avrobio shareholders will receive CVR’s for all existing IP, should the new company be able to find interested parties.The full merger prospectus can be viewed here
Value, Arbitrage, & Upcoming Catalysts
Avrobio had a closing price of $1.23 on May 10th, 2024. The new syndicate of investors bringing $130.7 million are effectively buying into the company at a 39.3% premium to what Avro is trading at today.
There is a high likelihood based on Avrobio’s Q1 2024 financials that they will bring closer to $75 million cash at closing, swelling the premium that the new institutional investors are paying. Avrobio had over $90 million cash at the end of Q1, with a burn rate of ~ $7m in the quarter.
I expect this discount to narrow or close entirely should the deal close successfully, with the possibility that Avro trades at a slight premium to the private placement due to shareholders receiving CVRs on existing IP.
Tectonic Therapeutic is planning to release confirmatory Phase 1A data mid 2024 for their lead asset TX45, and I would expect this data to be released very shortly before or after the completed merger and listing of the new company.
Eli Lily, also working on a competing biologic of Relaxin, is releasing P2 data sometime in Q3 of 2024. Tectonic’s Relaxin has early indications of being best in class, so should Lily’s data be promising, this could be a major external catalyst for Tectonic.
Avrobio shareholders at the time of closing will receive CVRs for all existing assets, and there is always the potential that there could be an unexpected pay day in the future should Tectonic’s management find a buyer.
In June 2023, Avrobio sold their Cystinosis Gene Therapy program to Novartis for $87.5 million along with a 12 month license to their PLATO platform.
The Gaucher gene therapy program was at a similar stage of development prior to Avro announcing that they were seeking strategic alternatives, so should any of their remaining gene therapy programs have value, it would likely be Gaucher.
They also have earlier stage gene therapy programs for Hunter syndrome, Pompe, and Fabry.
There isn’t a lot of evidence to support the idea that these programs will find a buyer, but the potential is always there.
The Plato platform may actually deliver some value however, as Novartis’s license to use it expires in June 2024, so there is a chance that they either purchase it or re-license it to continue with their Cystinosis program.
I don’t personally assign a lot of value to the CVR’s, but there is a non-zero chance that they may deliver significant value in the future to Avrobio shareholders.
About Tectonic Therapeutic
Tectonic’s management is composed of top talent with a strong history of success both in drug approvals and exits.Tectonic is a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of therapeutic proteins and antibodies that modulate the activity of GPCRs. The discovery of biologics that can modulate GPCRs has historically been quite challenging. Tectonic has developed a proprietary technology platform called GEODe™, with the aim of addressing these challenges to enable the discovery and development of GPCR targeted biologic medicines that can modify the course of disease. Tectonic focuses on areas of significant unmet medical need, often where therapeutic options are poor or nonexistent, as these are areas where new medicines have the potential to improve patient quality of life.Tectonic’s lead asset, TX000045 (“TX45”) is an Fc-relaxin fusion molecule that activates the RXFP1 receptor, the GPCR target of the hormone, relaxin. Relaxin is an endogenous protein, expressed at low levels in both men and women. In normal human physiology, relaxin is upregulated during pregnancy where it exerts vasodilative effects, reduces systemic and pulmonary vascular resistance and increases cardiac output to accommodate the increased demand for oxygen and nutrients from the developing fetus. Relaxin also exerts anti-fibrotic effects on pelvic ligaments to facilitate delivery of the baby. It has long been hypothesized that these unique dual aspects of relaxin biology may offer therapeutic potential in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, the development of a viable therapeutic has been challenging, primarily because of relaxin’s very short half-life. Tectonic believes TX45’s pharmacological profile, the direct result of applying Tectonic’s protein engineering capabilities, has the potential to overcome the limitations that have impeded previous attempts to develop relaxin as a therapeutic protein. To interrogate the therapeutic potential of relaxin, Tectonic has identified Group 2 Pulmonary Hypertension (“PH”) in the setting of Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction (“HFpEF”) referred to as Group 2 PH / HFpEF hereafter, as the initial disease setting. Tectonic hypothesizes that in this setting, treatment with relaxin could improve hemodynamics through effects on vasodilation and potential remodeling in both the pulmonary vessels and the heart which could translate into a clinically meaningful improvement in exercise capacity in these patients. Clinical trials are planned to confirm this hypothesis. Despite this belief, Tectonic’s business carries substantial risks, including Tectonic’s limited experience in therapeutic discovery and development, and the risk that that the platform may never result in the regulatory approval of a product candidate.
Purchasing Avrobio at current pricing offers a very significant discount to the valuation private placement investors are assigning to the new company Tectonic.
With a high probability of the deal closing, the risk/reward on Avro is quite attractive both from an arbitrage and catalyst vantage point.
Should the deal fail to close, Avro investors would still likely profit in the event of liquidation, though the process would be time consuming and the potential upside is significantly less than what the merger offers.
Author owns a long position in Avrobio shares
submitted by michaelgmcquaid to biotech_stocks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:46 Jazzlike-Somewhere-2 Struggling with weight

In September 2023, my TSH levels were at 3. I was actively losing weight through intermittent fasting. However, since December 2023, despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine involving both strength training and cardio, my weight loss progress has halted, and I've even gained 2-3 kilograms.
Upon further blood tests in January 2024, I discovered my TSH levels had dropped to 0.57 mI/UL, indicating a decrease from the previous reading of 3. Additionally, my insulin levels were found to be high, measuring at 199 pmol/L. In response, my endocrinologist adjusted my medication levothyroxine dosage from 0.77 to 0.88.
Despite the dosage adjustment, my recent blood work results from yesterday have left me feeling disheartened as my TSH is low and free t4 is high. My TSH levels have plummeted to 0.21 mI/UL, while my free T4 levels have risen to 26 pmol/L. I've been following an intermittent fasting schedule of 18:6, which adds to my confusion about why I'm struggling so much to lose weight.
submitted by Jazzlike-Somewhere-2 to thyroidhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:45 Jazzlike-Somewhere-2 Thyroid

In September 2023, my TSH levels were at 3. I was actively losing weight through intermittent fasting. However, since December 2023, despite maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine involving both strength training and cardio, my weight loss progress has halted, and I've even gained 2-3 kilograms.
Upon further blood tests in January 2024, I discovered my TSH levels had dropped to 0.57 mI/UL, indicating a decrease from the previous reading of 3. Additionally, my insulin levels were found to be high, measuring at 199 pmol/L. In response, my endocrinologist adjusted my medication levothyroxine dosage from 0.77 to 0.88.
Despite the dosage adjustment, my recent blood work results from yesterday have left me feeling disheartened as my TSH is low and free t4 is high. My TSH levels have plummeted to 0.21 mI/UL, while my free T4 levels have risen to 26 pmol/L. I've been following an intermittent fasting schedule of 18:6, which adds to my confusion about why I'm struggling so much to lose weight.
Age :27 years Female
submitted by Jazzlike-Somewhere-2 to intermittentfasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:27 dorkbait Should I look further into anemia?

My history with iron levels is a bit of a long one - I was quite underweight from about age 13-age 27, and along with complaining of chronic fatigue and exercise intolerance, the most often suggested culprit was anemia. Suffice it to say, it's a body type that runs in my family, and there were no blood markers to suggest anemia at the time. I'm now 36 and still trying to solve some of my ongoing health issues. I've been getting CBCs fairly consistently the past few years; they were a requirement for health insurance with one company I was at. No flags were raised until I had a sleep study done and the practitioner who reviewed my file noted that I moved a lot (I also didn't get into REM sleep the entire night, but that's another thing entirely). My iron was on the borderline of low, so she instructed me to take iron supplements for the next 3 months and follow up.
Lo and behold, when I had my blood retested, my levels had not changed. I discontinued the supplements. When I have been tested since, my MCH and MCHC have continued to test on the low end of normal or slightly below normal, in the 25.5 range and 31.4 range respectively. However, the most recent test revealed that they have slipped lower, to 25 and 30.6. My RDW is normal at 14 and my MCV is normal, if a bit low, at 81.6. I'm wondering if I should ask my GP for further testing when I see her next, or if because my values have largely remained the same, if slightly off, for so long, they're probably just representative of my normal. I doubt that anemia would account for my issues, which I suspect are a combination of several complex comorbidities related to hypermobility.
Thanks in advance for any input!
submitted by dorkbait to Anemic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 PAAWS_project Study participants wanted: Wear sensors and body camera for a week and earn up to $750


Research study participants wanted: Help campus researchers learn how to measure physical activity using activity monitors and earn up to $750 for one week. IRB Approved.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (#21-02-08).
Name of Investigator(s): Dinesh John, Ph.D. and Stephen Intille. Ph.D.
Title of Project: Accelerating the development of novel methods to measure 24-hr physical behavior
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute
Help Northeastern University researchers learn how to accurately measure everyday behaviors using wearable sensors.
Participants must be healthy individuals between 25-85 years of age, willing and capable of participating in the laboratory session at and near the Northeastern University campus in Boston, and visiting the laboratory on three other occasions during the study.
When? The study takes place over the span of a week. We can find a week that will work for you.
Where? At the Human Performance and Exercise Science Lab on the Northeastern Campus.
What? The study involves one laboratory session of four to five hours where you will do some activities, wearing sensors on your body every day as you go about your daily life for a week, and two nights of sleep wearing more sensors to measure your sleep patterns.
During the laboratory session you will be guided through some light and moderate-to-vigorous intensity activities on and around campus—with plenty of rest.
You will then wear sensors for eight days as you go about your daily life. During this time you will also wear a front-facing body-worn video camera whenever you are awake. The video camera does not record audio.
On two nights, you will visit the lab to be set-up with special sensors to measure your sleep patterns, and then you will go home and sleep with the sensors on.
Each day, you will be asked to describe what you have done during the last 24 hours in a 30-60 minute Zoom session.
At the end of the study you will return to the lab to drop off the equipment and discuss your experience.
You will receive up to $750 in compensation for your participation.
Want to participate?
Contact us to learn more:
PAAWS -- Physical Activity Assessment using Wearable Sensors
submitted by PAAWS_project to NEU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 PAAWS_project Study participants wanted: Wear sensors and body camera for a week and earn up to $750


Research study participants wanted: Help campus researchers learn how to measure physical activity using activity monitors and earn up to $750 for one week. IRB Approved.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Northeastern University Institutional Review Board (#21-02-08).
Name of Investigator(s): Dinesh John, Ph.D. and Stephen Intille. Ph.D.
Title of Project: Accelerating the development of novel methods to measure 24-hr physical behavior
Sponsor: National Cancer Institute
Help Northeastern University researchers learn how to accurately measure everyday behaviors using wearable sensors.
Participants must be healthy individuals between 25-85 years of age, willing and capable of participating in the laboratory session at and near the Northeastern University campus in Boston, and visiting the laboratory on three other occasions during the study.
When? The study takes place over the span of a week. We can find a week that will work for you.
Where? At the Human Performance and Exercise Science Lab on the Northeastern Campus.
What? The study involves one laboratory session of four to five hours where you will do some activities, wearing sensors on your body every day as you go about your daily life for a week, and two nights of sleep wearing more sensors to measure your sleep patterns.
During the laboratory session you will be guided through some light and moderate-to-vigorous intensity activities on and around campus—with plenty of rest.
You will then wear sensors for eight days as you go about your daily life. During this time you will also wear a front-facing body-worn video camera whenever you are awake. The video camera does not record audio.
On two nights, you will visit the lab to be set-up with special sensors to measure your sleep patterns, and then you will go home and sleep with the sensors on.
Each day, you will be asked to describe what you have done during the last 24 hours in a 30-60 minute Zoom session.
At the end of the study you will return to the lab to drop off the equipment and discuss your experience.
You will receive up to $750 in compensation for your participation.
Want to participate?
Contact us to learn more:
PAAWS -- Physical Activity Assessment using Wearable Sensors
submitted by PAAWS_project to PaidStudies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:11 AdInteresting2401 Controversial views and perceptions of the clinical picture of MCAS - Free university of Berlin

2.3.5 Controversial views and perceptions of the clinical picture of MCAS Alternative diagnostic criteria ("Consensus-2")
In 2011, the group of authors led by Gerald Molderings from the Institute for Human Genetics at the University Hospital Bonn and Lawrence Afrin published their own approach to the diagnosis of MCAS (51). In contrast to the diagnostic criteria of Valent et al. (1), the focus here is more on clinical symptoms. In 2016, Afrin et al. published a list of the most common symptoms that could indicate MCAS (52). Furthermore a questionnaire was developed and published on a website (53), after the answers to which the suspected diagnosis of MCAS could be supported or ruled out depending on the scores obtained. In a recently published publication, the working group referred to their diagnostic criteria as "Consensus-2" and compared and discussed them with the criteria of Valent et al. from 2016 (so-called "Consensus-1") (51). An important difference to the criteria Valent et al. 2016, the authors consider the symptoms not only as the main criterion, but also a much wider range of previously unexplained symptoms (111 unexplained symptoms(44)) as the most important indication of a a mast cell-mediated cause (14 symptoms in Valent et al. (1)). As The diagnosis of MCAS is considered confirmed if the main criterion is present together with a secondary criterion and possible alternative diagnoses have been excluded. The secondary criteria, in turn, are based on observations made at the time of the 500 people with suspected MCAS at the time of the first publication (44). Further differences between the two consensuses can be found in the laboratory parameters to be determined. For example, the researchers from different disciplines, which according to their own statements can draw on a wealth of experience of of over 10,000 MCAS patients (diagnosed according to their own criteria, nota bene), consider CgA to be specific for mast cells in addition to tryptase, among other things (44). The counterargument of the lower specificity compared to serum tryptase is granted a certain validity in the addendum to the "Consensus-2" published in 2020 (44), however the differential diagnoses with elevated CgA values should be easy to rule out and other markers are also never 100% specific. However, another group was already able to show in 2017 that CgA should not be used as a marker for mast cell disease(49). Furthermore the group of authors of the "Consensus-2" counts heparin as an important marker for MCAS, which should be determined after venous congestion using a blood pressure cuff (54). This maneuver was reported to cause irritation of excessively activatable mast cells with release of heparin in the congested area. Interestingly, the following section mentions markers such as IL-6 or tumor necrosis factor (TNF) which, due to their lack of specificity, are not used in diagnostics, but only in the evaluation of a successful therapy. The authors of "Consensus-2" criticize "Consensus-1" for, among other things the lack of definitions for a treatment response, whereby the "Consensus-2 does not provide any concrete proposals for evaluating or monitoring the response to therapy. Another point of criticism is the lack of exclusion of other comorbidities or differential diagnoses, such as CFS, EDS and irritable bowel syndrome, as clinical indications of MCAS. [...] In return, the AAAAI expressly points out that there is no evidence to date of a connection between CFS or EDS and MCAS. Overall, the clinical picture of MCAS is so complex and heterogeneous that a precise definition of a diagnostic algorithm is not possible at the present time. Molderings et al. therefore propose the acceptance of both the "Consensus1" according to Valent et al. and their "Consensus-2" until more precise findings are available through research. The resulting disadvantages, such as the the poorer comparability of patient populations in scientific studies would weigh less heavily than those resulting from the rejection of "Consensus-2" (an underdiagnosis due to criteria that are too restrictive according to the authors). On the other hand, the large number of non-specific complaints that are supposedly associated with MCAS harbors the risk of inflationary diagnosis. Presentation in the lay press
An expansion of the MCAS definition with the use of non-validated clinical and laboratory chemical parameters for diagnosis is frequently found in the lay media, above all on websites, but also in the specialist literature. Increasingly, patients with (suspected) MCAS are organizing themselves with commitment and are increasingly organizing themselves into interest groups such as MCAS Hope e.V., which campaigns for the recognition of MCAS "as an independent disease". In addition They also network those affected and their relatives and carry out public relations work, which aims to make the clinical picture known to a broader public. This expansion of the diagnostic criteria described above increases the risk of a misdiagnosis of MCAS and overlooking the underlying disease, which may be easily treatable. On the other hand, such an erroneous diagnosis can also lead to the use of unnecessary or potentially harmful therapies for MCAS and supposed comorbidities (20). Shortly after publication of the review paper "Doctor, I Think I Am Suffering from MCAS: Differential Diagnosis and Separating Facts from Fiction" by Valent et al. a self claimed affected person started an online petition in which she demands the authors and the publishing Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology to remove the article (55). Among other things, they criticize the criterion of the tryptase increase, which is too harsh and would therefore prevent many patients from being diagnosed. The clinic also does not typically manifest as anaphylaxis, contrary to what is described in the paper, since mediator release in anaphylactic degranulation differs from that in piecemeal degranulation. Finally, the author of the petition, who sees herself as a "patient spokesperson", reports on personal experiences of frustration and feelings of frustration and rejection that were conveyed to her by doctors in the course of her medical history. The petition has so far reached just under 3,000 of the targeted 5,000 digital signatures (as of December 2020) and shows in particular how emotional the issue of the topic of MCAS is being observed and discussed not only in professional circles, but also among patients. Apparently, some patients find the diagnosis of MCAS to be the last explanation for their multiple non-specific symptoms and hope for more acceptance in scientific circles. Difficulties in making a diagnosis
In recent years, despite the existence of consensus criteria, a (suspected) diagnosis is often made in practice, even though these criteria are insufficiently fulfilled. In some cases, the MCAS diagnosis is also increasingly used for otherwise inexplicable conditions that cannot otherwise be explained. The evaluation of symptoms without a known direct connection with the release of mast cell mediators, for example from the neurological or psychiatric spectrum, as a manifestation of the disease leads to a further dilution of the MCAS diagnosis (43). In the "Bonn" questionnaire, the vast majority of the items asked are not based on the consensus criteria formulated by Valent et al. for example they see the sonographic evidence of an enlarged liver as an indication of the disease (53). The measurement of a tryptase elevation in acute relapse, as required by the diagnostic criteria is difficult to implement in practice, whether for reasons of time, capacity or billing. Targeted therapy trials with maximum specificity with regard to all possible decisive mediators are not possible without prior measurement of urinary metabolites and, in the absence of criteria or measuring instruments often do not produce satisfactory results (43). Last but not least, the wide range of possible differential diagnoses, such as for example from the endocrinological, neurological, psychiatric or cardiovascular area, further complicates the diagnosis (43).
Translated with deep.l
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 AdInteresting2401 MCAS studies: global classifications, vienna consensus

International general accepted consensus criteria is done by the American Initiative in Mast Cell Diseases (AIM) and the European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM) consensus group:
Global Classification of Mast Cell Activation Disorders: An ICD-10-CM–Adjusted Proposal of the ECNM-AIM Consortium (2022)00493-7/fulltext)
MCAS studies:
Using the Right Criteria for MCAS (2024)
AAAAI Mast Cell Disorders Committee Work Group Report: Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis and management (2022)31116-9/fulltext)
Updated Diagnostic Criteria and Classification of Mast Cell Disorders: A Consensus Proposal (2021)
Proposed Diagnostic Algorithm for Patients with Suspected Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (2019)30056-X/fulltext)
Mast Cell Activation Disorders (2010)
Critical reviews:
Dilemma of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome: Overdiagnosed or Underdiagnosed? (2024)00065-5/fulltext)
Mast Cell Diseases in Practice and Research: Issues and Perspectives Raised by Patients and Their Recommendations to the Scientific Community and Beyond (2022)00640-7/fulltext)
Selecting the Right Criteria and Proper Classification to Diagnose Mast Cell Activation Syndromes: A Critical Review (2021)00676-0/fulltext)
COVID-19 infection in patients with mast cell disorders including mastocytosis does not impact mast cell activation symptoms (2021)00203-8/fulltext)
Mast Cell Activation Syndrome – What it Is and Isn’t (2020)
Doctor, I Think I Am Suffering from MCAS: Differential Diagnosis and Separating Facts from Fiction (2019)30819-5/fulltext)
Mediator studies:
Detecting Changes in Mast Cell Numbers Versus Activation in Human Disease: A Roadblock for Current Biomarkers? (2024) 00271-X/fulltext)
Reversible Elevation of Tryptase Over the Individual's Baseline: Why is It the Best Biomarker for Severe Systemic Mast Cell Activation and MCAS? (2024)
How good are mast cell mediators? (2021) 00515-9/abstract) (Login free)
Potentially related:
Mast Cell Disorders Are Associated with Decreased Cerebral Blood Flow And Small Fiber Neuropathy (2021)
submitted by AdInteresting2401 to MCAS_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 AnkiHubOfficial 👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5

👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5
Check out the update here: https://community.ankihub.net/t/anking-step-deck-update-5/222542
Make sure to participate in the poll as well: https://community.ankihub.net/t/anking-step-deck-update-5/222542#poll-of-the-month-16

👑 AnKing Step Deck Update #5 (April 13th - May 14th)

Hi everyone! 👋
Hope you are all having an amazing month!
Let’s catch you up on what’s been going on every time you click the sync button

🎉 27,535 note updates!

🫶 3,527 new subscribers!

✅ Deck Updates

❓Question Banks

★ NBME: New tags added for OBGYN CMS form 5 (thanks to @taylordugan). Find it under this tag:#AK_Step2_v12::#Resources_by_rotation::ObGyn::nbme::form_5
★ AMBOSS: New step 2 self-assessment tag added! (thanks to @taylordugan)
★ UWorld Self Assessment: Step 1 UWSA #3 has been tagged! (thanks to @herstein.jacob)
★ Step 3 UWorld Tags: New Step 3 UWorld tags added for various QIDs (thanks to @dollajas)!

🎇 Sketchy & Pixorize

★ SketchyPathology: New tags added for missing cards (thanks to @joshuamb)
★ SketchyPhysiology: Tons of new images + tags + hyperlinks added for various videos (thanks to @epcase)
★ Sketchy: 100s of pre-existing screenshots updated with higher quality screenshots (thanks to @musamalik)
★ Pixorize: 100+ images and hyperlinks added, thanks to the official Pixorize team!

🎥 Video Resources

★ BNB Step 1: New tags added for missing cards in antihypertensive video (thanks to @lawsonspence)
★ BNB Step 2: New tags added for many gastroenterology videos (thanks to @a11exa)
★ Bootcamp: 100+ tags and hyperlinks added to various cards (thanks to the official Bootcamp team!

😋 Other

★ PANCE: 1000+ new tags added! (thanks to @camicardona)
★ New Addon: A brand new AnKing table addon for formatting is out! Use this addon to format existing AnKing tables (thanks to @shmuelsash for creating the addon!)
★ GIFs: GIFs displaying clinical signs have also been added (Relative afferent pupillary defect, CN VI palsy, etc.)
The list above does not include the 1000s of spelling, grammar, formatting, image, GIF additions and changes the community (you all) have submitted!

📈 Project Progress

🎉 OnlineMedEd (OME) Project

21,000+ updated hyperlinks have been added. Tags will also roll out in the future!
🚨 Don’t miss out on this exclusive 25% discount on a multi-month membership to OME: ANKING25

🧠 Algorithm Card Project

A new algorithm card covering the workup for blunt abdominal trauma was pushed out (thanks to @Sameem!)
Also check out the accompanying management flow chart made by @beejumm!

🎨 Illustration Projects

@beejumm and @ianthebfg created some gorgeous illustrations to aid in your learning! Check them out:

🫶🏼 Community Shoutouts

A few community members were outstanding with their suggestions this month and we want to highlight their dedication!
Top 5 community members with the most suggestions accepted in the last 30 days:
  1. @camicardona (4,603)
  2. @mohannadkh10 (1,192)
  3. @a11exa (434)
  4. @epcase (369)
  5. @taylordugan (290)
Thank you to everyone who submitted a suggestion this month!

👨‍🔧 New Maintainer

We’re happy to announce this month’s new maintainer! This user has dedicated a ton of time submitting helpful suggestions for content changes/tag additions and general deck improvements. Please give a warm welcome to:
  1. @DillingerMed 🎉

📣 We Need Your Input!

We are looking for current or soon-to-be medical students to conduct a 45 minute virtual interview for research purposes. If you are interested, please sign up here ($25 Amazon gift card for those who complete the interview):
❗️Sign up if interested: AnkiHub User Study
We are also looking for more information regarding what type of curriculum your school hosts (systems-based, traditional histology/anatomy approach for M1 years vs PBL). This quick survey will help us improve AnkiHub in the coming months. It’s a 2-3 minute survey!
❗️Survey link: https://forms.gle/gDM9Dq1TG8cjq2GG6

❓Poll of the Month

Recently, we have started adding video hyperlinks to the extra section of certain cards, typically under a minute long, illustrating certain various physical exam findings. Some of these include:
We want to know more from you below (poll is anonymous)!
Vote here: https://community.ankihub.net/t/anking-step-deck-update-5/222542#poll-of-the-month-16

👋 Wrapping up

We hope you all enjoyed this month’s update!
Take care everyone ❤️
Regards, The AnKing Step Deck Maintainers ❤️

🔗 Useful Links

Want to make a suggestion? Follow the guidelines → AnKing Step Deck Submission Guidelines
Want to volunteer to tag/add images for Sketchy/Pixorize/Boards & Beyond Step 2 or volunteer to make illustrations for the AnKing deck? Send an email to → [anking.ahmedd@gmail.com](mailto:anking.ahmedd@gmail.com)
Get support from our team → https://community.ankihub.net
Frequently asked questions → FAQs - AnkiHub Community 20
Check out the AnKing Step Deck wiki → [Wiki] AnKing Overhaul for Step 1 & 2 by AnKingMed
Follow us on Instagram → The AnKing (@ankingmed) • Instagram photos and videos
submitted by AnkiHubOfficial to medicalschoolanki [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 oooglygoogly122 Not sure what to do

Hi, so I'm searching for advice on how to get diagnosed or what to do.
I'm 21 , and have gained 60 lbs in the last year and it happened so quick. I hadn't changed my diet or exercise patterns the weight just came out of nowhere. I have the worst stretch marks, constant tummy issues, (bloating etc.) facial hair I have to really keep up with my mustache the chin hair isn't as bad tho. But I'm still shaving at least twice a week. I went to the Dr. they ran blood work and my testosterone was high. They then referred me to an OBGYN who did an ultra sound and saw one Cyst on my ovary but said it wasn't enough to be diagnosed with PCOS. Just put me on birth control and hoped it would help.
I gave it a year or so and went to a new Dr. asking for a referral to an Endocrinologist. You have to have a referral to see one here. They ran my blood work, my testosterone is high, thyroid is high , my A1C is on the very high end of the normal range. I still grow a mustache and now a partial beard and cannot loose weight. With all of these issues I'm not sure what it could be other than PCOS. But I was told yet again , that it isn't PCOS and to go back to the OBGYN.
I have changed my diet completely and am exercising more and still cannot loose weight or figure anything out to help me with these symptoms.
Please give me your advice and thoughts !
submitted by oooglygoogly122 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:33 WhereinTexas Frame by Frame Review of Hoax Videos Shows Significant Out of Sync Movement Between Videos

I put together a brief review of the movement of the orbs and jetliner in the below video.
The original videos are not the same length, so to line them up, we use the zap. With the zap visible for about 5 frames in the drone video, and one frame in the hoax satellite video, it's reasonable to suggest the videos should then be matched to within about 5 frames.
In the timestamp, the convention is hr:mm:ss:frames and the frame rate of the final video is 24fps so the count is from zero through 23, and then back to zero for the frame portion.
There is also a separate total frames count.
When reviewing the timing of the orbs entering the video, the first video enters nearly simultaneously in each video.
The second orb enters an apparent steady rotation at 24:01 in the hoax sat. vid, but doesn't appear in the hoax drone vid until about over one second later at 25:03, and isn't in a steady rotation until about 25:16! That's over a second later! Over 42 frames of out of sync movement of orbs!
The third orb also enters out of sync. It's first visible in the hoax satellite video at 25:21, and comes right into a steady orbit by 26:08. However, in the drone video, it doesn't appear until 27:09, nearly two seconds later, and doesn't enter a steady orbit until about 28:12! The third orb entry is even FURTHER off from the 2nd orb entry!
Quite the mismatch given that some folk claim it's "100% in sync" and "not a frame is out of sync".
Have a review of the video below and see for yourself! This exercise, including combining the two original clips, is easily repeatable by anyone interested.
submitted by WhereinTexas to AirlinerAbduction2014 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:31 thinkingstranger May 13, 2024

Today illustrated that the Democrats have become America’s cheerleaders, emphasizing how investment in the nation’s infrastructure has created jobs and rebuilt the country. This week, the Biden-Harris administration is touting its investments in rebuilding roads and bridges, making sure Americans have clean water, getting rid of pollution, expanding access to high-speed internet, and building a clean energy economy, contrasting that success with Trump’s eternal announcements of an “Infrastructure Week” that never came.
The White House today announced that it has awarded nearly $454 billion in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, including more than 56,000 projects across more than 4,500 communities across the nation. Those include fixing more than 165,000 miles of roads and more than 9,400 bridges and improving more than 450 ports and 300 airport terminals. It has funded more than 1,400 drinking water and wastewater projects and projects to replace up to 1.7 million toxic lead pipes, as well as more than 8,000 low- and zero-emission buses. It has funded 95 previously unfunded Superfund projects to clean up contaminated sites. It has improved the electrical grid and funded 12,000 miles of high-speed internet infrastructure, and exposed internet junk fees.
The White House explained that this investment is making it cheaper to install clean energy technology and lowering families’ monthly energy bills, and highlighted today the available rebates to enable people to take advantage of the new technologies.
On Wednesday, May 8, a report from the Semiconductor Industry Association and the Boston Consulting Group explored the “breathtaking speed,” as the president of the semiconductor organization put it, at which the industry is growing. In the Financial Times on May 9, John Thornhill reported that the CHIPS and Science Act, which provided a $39 billion investment in the semiconductor industry, has “primed a torrent of private sector investment.” With the influx of both federal money and an additional $447 billion of private investment in 83 projects in 25 states, the report forecasts that the U.S. will increase its share of global manufacturing capacity for leading-edge chips from today’s rate of 0% to 28% by 2032. Thornhill compared this investment to that spurred by Russia’s 1957 launch of the Sputnik satellite.
The Economist yesterday announced that the U.S. “is in the midst of an extraordinary startup boom,” and explored “[h]ow the country revived its “go-getting spirit.”
In contrast to the Democrats’ confidence in America, the Republicans are all-in on the idea that the country is an apocalyptic wasteland. At a rally in New Jersey Saturday, Trump announced: “On day one we will throw out Bidenomics and reinstate MAGAnomics.” He promised to extend his 2017 tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations.
But the gist of his speech was an angry, vitriolic picture of a failing nation full of “enemies” that are “more dangerous” than China and Russia and who are “going to destroy our country.” In his telling, the criminal case against him in Manhattan is “bullsh*t,” and President Biden has done more damage than the “ten worst presidents in the history of our country” combined: “[h]e’s a fool; he’s not a smart man…[h]e’s a bad guy…the worst president ever, of any country. The whole world is laughing at him.”
Trump lied that other countries are “emptying out their mental institutions into the United States, our beautiful country. And now the prison populations all over the world are down. They don’t want to report that the mental-institution population is down because they’re taking people from insane asylums and from mental institutions.” Then he riffed into “the late great Hannibal Lecter,” the fictional murderer and cannibal in the film The Silence of the Lambs, apparently to suggest that similar individuals are migrating to the U.S.
House Republicans this week are working to pass a nonbinding resolution to condemn Biden’s immigration policies, although it was Republicans, under orders from Trump, who killed a strong bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year.
The only way to turn back this apocalypse, Trump and his supporters insist, is to put Trump and his team back into the White House. From there, Republicans will return those they consider “real” Americans to power.
The last few days have added new information about what that means. On Thursday, May 9, Senators Katie Britt (R-AL), Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Kevin Cramer (R-ND) introduced the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) act. Britt—who is best known for her disastrous response to Biden’s State of the Union speech from her kitchen—said the measure would provide a federal database of resources for pregnant women and women parenting young children, but that information excludes anything that touches on abortion.
The measure is clear that it enlists the government in opposition to abortion, but more than that, it establishes that the government will create a database of the names and contact information of pregnant women, which the government can then use “to follow up with users on additional resources that would be helpful for the users to review.”
A government database of pregnant women would give the federal government unprecedented control over individuals, and it is especially chilling after the story Caroline Kitchener broke in the Washington Post on May 3, that a Texas man, Collin Davis, filed a petition to stop his ex-partner from traveling to Colorado, where abortion is legal, to obtain an abortion. Should she do so, his lawyer wrote, he would “pursue wrongful-death claims against anyone involved in the killing of his unborn child.” Now Davis wants to be able to depose his former partner along with others he says are “complicit” in the abortion.
Antiabortion activists are also seeking to make mifepristone and misoprostol, drugs used in many abortions, hard to obtain. In Louisiana, state lawmakers are considering classifying the drugs as “controlled dangerous substances,” which would make possessing them carry penalties of up to ten years in prison and fines of up to $75,000.
More than 240 Louisiana doctors wrote to lawmakers saying that the drugs have none of the addictive characteristics associated with dangerous controlled substances and warning that the drugs are crucial for inducing routine labor and preventing catastrophic hemorrhage after delivery, in addition to their use in abortions. “Given its historically poor maternal health outcomes, Louisiana should prioritize safe and evidence-based care for pregnant women,” the doctors wrote.
Louisiana lawmakers also rejected a bill that would have allowed anyone under age 17, the age of consent in Louisiana, to have an abortion if they became pregnant after rape or incest. Passionate testimony from those who suffered such attacks or who treated pregnant girls as young as 8 failed to convince the Republican lawmakers to support the measure. “That baby [in the womb] is innocent.… We have to hang on to that,” said Republican state representative Dodie Horton.
Today, at the Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization promoting Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander participation and representation at all levels of the political process, Vice President Kamala Harris encouraged young people to innovate and to move into spaces from which they have been traditionally excluded.
“So here’s the thing about breaking barriers,” she said. “Breaking barriers does not mean you start on one side of the barrier and you end up on the other side. There’s breaking involved. And when you break things you get cut. And you may bleed. And it is worth it every time…. We have to know that sometimes people will open the door for you and leave it open. Sometimes they won’t. And then you need to kick that f*cking door down.”
Harris’s advice reflects the history that happened on this date in 1862, when the enslaved mariners on board the shallow-draft C.S.S. Planter gathered up their families, fired up the ship’s boilers, and sailed out of the Charleston, South Carolina, harbor. The three white officers of the ship had gone ashore, leaving enslaved 23-year-old pilot Robert Smalls to take control. Smalls knew how to steer the ship and give the proper signals to the Confederates at Fort Sumter, Fort Moultrie, and three other checkpoints.
Smalls piloted the Planter, the sixteen formerly enslaved people on it, and a head full of intelligence about the Confederate fortifications at Charleston to the U.S. Navy. In Confederate hands, the Planter had surveyed waterways and laid mines; now that information was in U.S. hands. Smalls went on to pilot naval vessels during the war, and in 1864 he bought the house formerly owned by the man who had enslaved him.
A natural leader, Smalls went on to become a businessman, politician, and strong advocate for education. After serving in the 1868 South Carolina Constitutional Convention that made school attendance compulsory and provided for universal male suffrage, he went on to serve in the South Carolina legislature from 1868 to 1874, when he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served until 1887. When President Barack Obama signed an executive order establishing the nation’s first national monument concerning Reconstruction, he cited the life of Robert Smalls.

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