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2024.05.14 15:28 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 13 2024

DAY: MAY 13, 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:27 Vivid_Ad6862 husbands anxiety making sharing responsibilities difficult

The short story is this:
I(34F) have been with husband (33M) for 10 years. He's a wonderful man but suffers from extreme anxiety and generally poor mental health and thusly struggles to help me with any big stressful decisions in life. Lately as stress has risen he has started not only not helping me with big decisions but panicking and getting in my way. I am starting to wonder if it's worth it to continue to stay with someone who has such a negative outlook on life and massive anxiety that he's just not a good partner when things are rough in the mental load department. While I understand and feel so bad for him that he's going through something as rough as severe anxiety and depression, it's also been quite hard on me and makes me feel unstable about my own future. And if I do stay with him, how the heck do we move forward?
The long story is this:
We've been together for over 10 years. My husband has extreme anxiety. He has been going to therapy for it (although he's having to take a break right now because we're both between jobs), and generally working on improving his mental health all this time. I'm proud of him for that--it's not an easy road. A lot of people refuse to even try. I've definitely noticed improvements. In many ways he's a wonderful man.
But any time things are stressful I feel like I have to handle them alone because he just can't. Asking him to help with things like deciding where to move, what to do with our careers, finances, tricky family stuff, and even planning our wedding a few years ago mostly just sets him off. And it's not abusive or anything, but he'll either shut down and just stare into space (a trauma response I'm sure), or just like attach to some random tangent and refuse to talk about the issue, or just get mad and grit his teeth and say "fine" over and over. To be clear I don't think he has bad intentions in doing this, I think he literally just cannot process it. To some degree I'm like "eh I'd have to do this for myself anyways" but I'm also like "man I wish I could talk to him about what to do about mom getting older" for example. I've suggested for a long time that he could do something like pick up a book on finance basics and read it himself, I don't need to be involved (because if I'm teaching him that's stressful for him). But the reality is he hasn't learned even basic finances even though I've explained to him multiple times it's really important. The very idea of finance just scares him too much.
With finances for example, this backfires because he doesn't understand things like a budget exactly. I'll say "ok, we can only spend XYZ this month. I know the credit card would *let* you spend more than that, but we need to not do that. I don't want to cap it in case we need it for something though". This kind of conversation will trigger anything from "Omg we are broke and about to die of starvation" with a side of panic attack or basically behavior like I'm gonna go spend more because I feel out of control of my life with any restrictions. The dumb thing is if I just don't tell him about a budget and do things like say "Hey would you mind cooking a steak tonight" it's totally fine. But like...I don't want to feel like I have to manipulate him into staying on budget. It feels awkward and also unstable to me. This all feels especially stupid because we're actually fairly well off money-wise--but we can't afford "eat at steakhouse 3 times a day" and this is enough to set him off because he's just so detached from understanding money it's kind of all or nothing for him.
Lately stress has been extra high -- we're between jobs (but have ample emergency fund), family stuff is piling up, we've had to move, and I've made it clear our relationship is struggling lately because of this whole topic. So he's been doing weird things that to me I consider a threat to our safety. He'll stare at his bank account for hours. It makes me worry he'll do something crazy. I feel like a mega bitch for even considering "hey maybe I take your bank passwords and hold them for right now" because I'm like "are you just gonna start smashing buttons out of fear and drain all your money???". Thankfully I recognized this weird behavior a long time ago and my finances are pretty separated from his but like if we stay together I'd be responsible for him too so it's still like "Please don't go do something crazy like move all the money into some account you don't understand because you read about it for 5 minutes online". Also lately when he's applying for jobs he's been only applying for jobs he's way overqualified for or that are based in some random area that pays a lot less. He has a lot of anxiety about not being good enough if he applies for the types of jobs I tell him to (I am senior in the same field). I decided to remove myself from the equation (I get it can be hard hearing these things from your wife) and connected him with a career coach (he very much likes working with the coach) but he's still just doing stuff like applying for entry level positions even though he's far ahead of that.
And this type of behavior is where I'm like "Ok this is no longer you're sweating in the corner while I decide what to do about mom" it's like "You are making bad financial decisions that impact both of us because you're afraid and refuse to actually engage in a conversation with me where we actually talk about it and solve the problem." Like sure, he'll sit there, but he's just saying "fine" over and over or parroting back what I say without actually understanding. It's like every conversation I have with him on a stressful thing is him trying to figure out how to get out of the conversation without me "getting mad". Which is totally again a trauma thing from his childhood. I usually just end up sighing and saying "Okay...this is going nowhere, I guess I'll just go handle it..."
Then the other day when I was explaining some expenses he had the gall to say "I don't trust you with money!!!" and I was just sort of like "???" because this dude has made me manage his accounts since 1 month into dating him LOL. I was like " you think the rent just pays itself? Do you think the fridge is just magically full of food all the time? Do you even know what a credit score is and why yours is so high now? Do you think your portfolio magically built itself? You don't trust me? You've implicitly trusted me all this time because you refuse to do any of this yourself but I don't want our lives to suck so I handle it."
I bring up finances because it's the easiest to explain without context of family stuff for example but this behavior extends to many parts of our life that are "stressful".
He's super willing to do things if I do the mental load associated with it. Like ok, I figured out all the stuff about mom needing a nursing home and the logistics of that. Help me move her in? Absolutely, no problem, will 100% show up and be happy to help. Physical labor or anything repetitive where I've helped laid down structure is generally usually fine. That's part of what makes me figuring out what to do next is so hard. He wants to be better. But I'm still just like "Please don't go exploding our life because of your anxiety."
I feel stuck. I understand why he's doing these behaviors but it's like...ok I'm still left out in the cold on things. And then to get something as ungrateful as "I don't trust you with money" as if all my work on it wasn't real...ugh. And if I just leave him be a lot of the time it's fine, but if I press him on it things almost always get worse because all he does is add panic to my stressful situations. If you don't think too hard life isn't that bad and we can do things like go out with friends, but if I question you even a little it sets you on an anxiety and depression spiral.
I feel lonely in the big decisions of life. I feel his lack of understanding mixed with his poor mental health is making him incapable of truly being grateful because he just can't understand everything I've done. I so desperately want to make things work but I feel so incredibly stuck on these things after having tried to improve them for so many years.
Does anyone have advice on how to move forward?
Thank you for your time.
submitted by Vivid_Ad6862 to relationships_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:26 JaredvsSelf I got the promotion, despite being the most junior member in the department. Here's how I did it.

(tl;dr included)
In less than a year, I've become the new senior support agent. Over agents who had been set up to get the position, who had been sort of told they were going to get the position.
That's right. I'm finally off of the phones, and I did it even though I have the least amount of experience at the company than the rest of the department. In the spirit of helping others succeed, I'd like to share how I did it.
(Full disclosure: prior to working for this company, I had over three years of IT experience with one other employer, where I was also promoted to Tier 2. I also have a B.S. in CS. All other forms of employment in my life revolved around customer service, which I used to my advantage in the interview process to land this job. If I started over, here are the tips I'd want to learn first over everything else...)
tl;dr Do the work, assist your supervisor, find your niche, lean on customer service, learn how to troubleshoot, volunteer for the difficult stuff, learn how to research, document everything, keep a positive attitude, get lucky.

* Do. The. Work. I'm not saying you have to kowtow to the machine, or go full nepotism (that's actually fairly harmful to your chances, I would argue); but the reality was clear that I was the only one doing work consistently. Our team is entirely WFH, and after having commuted an hour and ten minutes for my previous employer, I wasn't going to squander this opportunity. Your employer is going to give you goals to meet. If they're realistic, and the employer doesn't then exploit your efforts, do them. That's it. To be honest, despite doing this work, I would often cut corners and treat myself to some down time. WFH, baby. But when the chips were down, I did what I needed to do. Most others didn't.

* If your supervisor asks you a favor, do it (within reason). I understand there are a lot of employers and supers out there looking to take advantage of their workers. You have to make that call yourself. But I felt confident that mine were not taking me for a ride, and when they asked me to tackle something, I did it. I told them, no problem, I've got you. I'm here to help you. Because I'm happy to have this job, and I want to succeed here. My super would often apologize for asking me to do so much. Apparently this is because the other agents would tell them no, they have too much to do already. Don't get me wrong, there were times when I had to turn something down, but more often than not I jumped in to help when I could.

* I found my niche. I have really bad ADHD, and I have to write everything down. That includes solutions to problems. So I became really good at making my own knowledge bases. Guess which department didn't have a knowledge base? Yep. I made the KB for our team, and I continue to maintain it. I shared it with other supervisors, I shared it with other relevant departments. It got me noticed. Figure out what you're good at, find opportunities to put it to use.

* Customer service. Nobody likes customer service, least of all me. But you know what? That's also an opportunity. Leaning on customer service is how I landed this position in the first place. Be nice to your customers, and on average you'll become The Guy. They'll mention how helpful and kind you are to the right people. They'll call in to the queue and make cases specifically asking for you. Again, this will ideally get you noticed by the right people. I've been on customer calls with my peers. I would often be horrified hearing the things they've said to customers. I'm talking inappropriate comments, passive-aggressiveness, shutting down questions and requests, take your pick. That sort of stuff does get reported, and you will be known as 'that person'.

* Troubleshooting. It becomes more and more clear now that I'm a senior agent, and I see the Tier 2 cases, that some people are just better at troubleshooting than others. Some cases from Tier 1 will have a paragraph (yuck, use bullet points instead), while others will have a single sentence. That's right, people will constantly escalate cases with a single sentence that boils down to, "I don't know, I can't figure it out," and they won't even bother to write up WHAT they did. Even if you're not the best at thinking of all the possibilities, document your process fully. It makes a huge difference. My escalation notes would clearly state the current case issue at the time, all the relevant people, files, screenshots, steps, all laid out in an easy to read format. You can begin this process as soon as you get the ticket. My strategy is, treat the case like you're going to escalate from the beginning, and document the notes as such that someone else will take over when you've exhausted your knowledge. Most of the time you end up finding the solution yourself if you keep track of it all as you go along.

* Do the hard stuff (within reason). For two months I was asked to cover another department that was on fire. It was Hell. Absolute Hell. I kept statistics of my calls and cases, and it was literally 5x my normal workload, and the customers for this particular department were positively miserable to work with. But I did it anyway. I learned a ton about several platforms my peers will never touch. Again, this got me noticed by the right people. I don't want to advocate destroying your health for your job, however. Despite the stress, I knew that if things got truly bad, I would intervene on my own behalf. Remember to take care of yourselves.

* Research. Nobody else seems to like researching anything. We have several knowledge bases available to us (including the one I made), and it seems like nobody else uses them. Very often I'll find the answer to a problem by knowing what keywords to search, and then I take that article and incorporate it back into my own KB for the future. Now a case that took an hour will only take 5 minutes... if you take the 5 minutes to actually try to FIND the answer. Most of the time, my peers will run the typical troubleshooting steps, shrug, and send the case along. A little bit more effort on your part will get you noticed. Do it. Even if you don't find the answer, write on the case notes that you tried searching in XYZ places and was unable to find anything.

* Stay positive. It's tough. It's really tough. But staying calm and positive really does make a huge difference for yourself and for the morale of your customers and peers. Being the one with the level head in a catastrophe will let you stand apart from those who give up or become mega salty. You don't have the answer to a question? Tell them, don't worry, I'll research this and get back to you. We'll figure this out. I'm here to help you. I've worked with clients who are absolutely ruthless, and they turn into teddy bears when I say this stuff to them. They're so used to being shut down that they become aggressive, but if you let them know you actually care and will help, you'll see a huge difference. Did the system just go down and your team is freaking out? Bring in some much needed levity. Don't worry guys, someone just plugged in the toaster oven. Let's find a workaround until it's back up. Things happen, no need to suffer twice.

  • I got lucky. I'm not going to claim every single thing I did led me to this promotion. A lot of it just had to do with dumb luck. It was lucky that I found the job posting, lucky that I got the job, lucky that the department evolved in such a way that I was finally placed in this position that I'm in. Lucky that my coworkers seemingly didn't care, or rested on their laurels. So don't beat yourself up if things don't turn out the way you wanted.
If you do all of this, or are already doing this, one could make an argument that it's better to find other opportunities that will take notice of your efforts and reward you in kind.
I hope this helped someone today.
Hang in there, keep going, keep learning, and keep taking care of yourself. You've got this.
Edit: adjusted formatting.
submitted by JaredvsSelf to ITCareerQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:24 ThrowRA_drake My girlfriend (21f) sends me (21m) screenshots of guys who text her and I don’t know why it makes me feel bad?

We’re always honest with each other and I do know she’ll tell me everything
She likes to post pictures of herself on her stories on instagram. I don’t really like or care for social media, but she wants my “approval” and to validate what she’s uploading
I try to be supportive but in reality kind of dislike her posting. We’ve talked about that, she says she intends to quit social media, but is keeping it for the moment because that’s where she texts friends
So today she posted a picture, asked me if I like it, told her I do, then a few minutes later she sends me a screenshot of some guy saying some absurd stuff like how impressed he is with her ballet/dance skills and pilates and so on
This happens pretty often, I know she sends me that stuff because it’s funny and the guy sounds absurd saying that, but it’s making me kinda uncomfortable
It’s a reminder that dudes text her all the time. I have her passcode, I can check her phone if I want to but if I do that then it means I dont trust her and whats the point in staying in a relationship without trust (she has checked mine)
I always think that “these are the ones she shows you, there surely are more”. Again, she tells me everything: interactions, who she ran into, all of it (and i appreciate that but it also makes me uncomfortable to judge her)
My question is: is it a sign of my insecurity if I dont like her posting and dudes interacting with her? How can i fix that in myself if it is and how do ai talk to her about it if it isn’t?
submitted by ThrowRA_drake to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:23 Zealousideal_Fan4915 AITA for teaching my nephews stuff my brother and his loopy wife don't want them to know.

My brother is a religious nutcase. I person think that's fine as long as it doesn't impact on anyone else.
He is a tradesmen and his wife stays home and homeschools their kids. Once again that is a choice people make and 100% his right.
I was over at his place during the eclipse that just happened and I heard them explaining to the kids how it worked.
It was a fascinating journey into madness. There were secret conspiracies, spheres (not Earth), a dome, and somehow contrails.
I kept my mouth shut until the kids buggered off. Then I asked him if he was just fucking with his kids.
Nope. They actually believe this stuff. And a bunch of other stuff. This is recent. My brother was educated at a regular high school. Our parents are not delusional like this.
This last weekend they were visiting us and the kids were all excited about the Northern Lights being visible. I live out on an acreage so they were Gorge away from the city lights.
My kids asked for an explanation about them so I tried to remember all of the stuff I learned in school about them. About solar particles, magnetic fields, and high altitude atmosphere. I also looked it up on my phone to make sure.
My nephews asked how this was possible on a flat earth and I explained that the flat earth was an idea that weren't away for most people a long time ago.
My brother isn't happy and neither is his wife. They said that it isn't my place to teach their kids ideas that are wrong and disagree with scripture.
I told him that his behaviour with regards to his kids education was borderline abusive. And that I didn't understand why he wants his kids to grow up so ignorant that they cannot get a post secondary education.
He just said it was best if we didn't see each other until I got right with god.
I am a Christian. I still think my brother is a whack job. I don't think I'm wrong for answering his kids questions honestly.
submitted by Zealousideal_Fan4915 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:22 hopefullynotanicegrl We were flirting and then I got left on read...any advice?

A bit of backstory, I (F28) met him (M26) a few weeks back at an event and I felt an instant spark between us, I'm almost 100% sure he did too. We ended up messaging the same night and he was definitely flirty, afterwhich I also reciprocated. He doesn't live in my country but we talked about another event happening in a couple months in his country which I'm attending and he has seemed very keen to see me, asked multiple times about it and about when he will see me next. We spoke once again a week after we met which was also flirtatious and he asked again if he will be seeing me at the event, and again seemed keen.
Yesterday he had a story up, and I decided to reply to it as I've been thinking of him quite a bit and wanting to initiate conversation, so it felt like a good way to initiate. He continued the conversation from there, asking questions about me, etc. There was definitely an undertone of flirtatiousness again, and then the last message I sent last night was unopened until this morning, but then he just didnt reply... leaving me very confused as I thought the conversation was going well and that he definitely seemed interested, and engaged. It also wasn't the kind of message that doesn't need a reply to, which even if it was, he would usually still answer. I'm thinking he opened it as he woke up and then forgot about it but I would hate to let this die just because he forgot :( I also don't want to double text...
So if you have any advice it would be very much appreciated
submitted by hopefullynotanicegrl to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:18 Horror-Breakfast1234 seeking advice for leasing space

Looking for some advice. I am in the early stages of trying to open a coworking space type of thing. There’s a couple of specific locations I’m interested in. And I’m not really sure how to move forward.
I called one up asking for the price and to see the place to see if it would be a good fit and the realtor kind of asked me a few questions and then told me he’d call/email me and never did. It’s totally possible that he is just flakey but I kind of wondered if maybe he just didn’t think he should take me seriously.
I have a few questions about how this usually goes: - is this the kind of thing where I need my own realtor type of person? - do I need to get a small business loan or something? I feel like I probably have the funds to try out my idea for 6 months or so, but im not sure what the norms are here in terms of lease lengths, etc. - is there something im missing here to be taken more seriously? - am i taking this too personally and thus dude just forgot to call me back?
submitted by Horror-Breakfast1234 to smallbusiness [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:15 GravyMB 19x transfer

Wife bought me a 19x as a surprise birthday gift right before the AWB went into effect…. Obviously bought under her FOID.
Afew months later, looked into transferring it into my name and could believe how easy the ISP was making it…( fill out form/ get ISP portal approval/ hold into paper work 10 years, now I hear forever) so much so I was convinced I was missing something …
Went to Range USA in Naperville where it was purchased just to ask… figure people at a gun store have bought / sold.
Was told because of the 17/19 rd mags it was sold with, it was part of the ban and I couldn’t do anything with it…so I kinda left it at that.
Fast forward to afew months ago and that crap the state wanted you to do about registering your banned items… went thru the flow chart and the actual list..19x isn’t there… and now they sell the 19x locally again, just with 10 rd mags. So, obviously, the gun isn’t banned, it’s the mags….
Question is… the weapon should be able to be legally transferred now… just gotta keep the 17/19 mags for range days and either buy factory 19x 10 rd mags or I heard g17 15 rd mags fit..
Thanks for any and all help with clarification!!
submitted by GravyMB to ILGuns [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 lameazz87 Job interview yesterday. Can't help but overthinking it....

I had a job interview yesterday. Frustrating would be an understatement. I did a week's worth of work to prepare for this interview. I'm currently a nursing assistant and trying to get out of that field due to burnout. I was applying for an insurance sales job.
While that is still a very customer involved role, it's one where I'm less likely to be micromanaged, there is less company hierarchyhy, less stimulation chaos, and more room to eventually take my education and go do my own thing.
Also, it's a job where my current skills align well, but I can switch to a different career completely. Anyway, I dressed up, got there early, prepared research about the company, asked questions to ask, and presented myself in a professional manner, etc. I didn't even overly mask because I realize sometimes I do that, and it's a bad thing, and people can tell it's fake, and it's off-putting. I was myself but professional.
Immediately, I could tell the guy was not interested in interviewing me. He pulled up me resume and asked me a Q, when I would answer and attempt to make eye contact he would took at traffic outside, or fiddle w his phone and interrupted me saying "sorry traffic is really backing up out there". I was like, "wtf!" In my head. It made it so hard to concentrate on the answers I was attempting to give and staying professional.
Then he went on to talk about how he was looking for a certain right fit, and he didn't want to try to fit a "square peg in round holes" analogy for his team. When I asked him to clarify what a right fit for his team would look like, he couldn't give me a good answer. We talked about how my skills could transfer from healthcare to insurance, and I assured him I had very effective communication skills and was very efficient at deescalating people during times of conflict.
I also talked about when I worked in marketing. He didn't care and dismissed it, saying it wasn't the same. I asked him to give me an example of how it would be handled differently in insurance with an angry customer. He did (somewhat), and I told him "so pretty much effective communication.... active listening, empathy for the customer, problem solving, and escalating the issue higher if needed? Yeah, that's exactly what we do in healthcare. Also, by the end of the interview, I was just done and ready to run out of there.
But I can't help but feel like my feelings are hurt. Idk what I didn't wrong. Idk if it's because I'm older, im not a stereotypical southern blonde belle. My teeth are a little crooked, and maybe I said something wonky, idk. I wouldn't want to work for him anyway he seems like a judgmental 🍑. But I'd like to know what I didn't wrong lmao.
submitted by lameazz87 to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:14 Late_Abbreviations49 How long have you been on the waitlist for?

Hi! Feb last year my mother and I went into Hermes to get a pair of sandals for my sister, we were chatting with the SA and asking questions and in that moment she offered my mother a leather appointment. In April we went and she made her wishlist and we were told that the waitlist is about a year. Fast forward to now and still nothing, she messaged our SA and she has made sure we're still on the waitlist but we haven't heard anything as of yet. I was also offered a Kelly in October and I know it's still early, but I was wondering if I should go back in and make a few more purchases and see if anything can be done. (I got to pick my Kelly after a shopping spree and I was thinking about having another one and making it an annual thing) any thoughts? how long did it take for you to be offered your bag?
submitted by Late_Abbreviations49 to TheHermesGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:12 nors4 Finnally got smt, let's hope it is a begining of my career.

This thread has been my comfort zone for a long time. I would come here and read all the posts of people who have been struggling to find a job, just like I did. My personal story is not unique to this thread, where there are probably countless stories like mine. To give some context: I'm an international student (migrant 🥲) in the UK. I have studied here for 5 years at a good university that is part of the Russell Group. I completed both my master's and bachelor's degrees with high 2.1 grades. During my university years, I had a couple of internships and some work experience in a pub. Despite my qualifications and experience, finding a graduate position was incredibly challenging.
I'll be honest, in the beginning, I wasn't really applying for jobs. My daily application rate was low, and my self-esteem suffered as I had no idea how to do it properly. What kept me going was the motivation that if I didn't do it, I would fail to live up to what my parents had provided for me. My go-to tool became a chat GTP for cover letters, tailored CVs, and sometimes interview preparations.
Out of all the interviews I had, 70% led to nothing. I applied to more than 600 jobs during this period, got around 20 interviews, and only 3 led to second/final round interviews. Interestingly, those 3 interviews that led me to the next stage came from "Quick apply" postings, which said "send your CV and Cover letter to this email." I would advise others to pay attention to the "quick apply" posts. The first company that invited me for an in-person interview was great and had interesting people. They even covered my transportation costs. However, they sent me a rejection on Sunday via an automatic reply. This devastated and demotivated me for at least a week. I wished they had sent me a personalized rejection on Monday, especially since they had brought me to the final round. On top of that, in the email, they said they would be happy to provide feedback if I requested it, but when I did request feedback, no one ever got back to me.
Just before that, I directly contacted a company called Prohibition Partners through their info email. They contacted me back and I had an interview with one of the Data Analysts. They seemed happy with me and asked me to do a research project on the Weed market in Canada to see how I can conduct market research. I completed the research and was told they would review it and get back to me, but I was ghosted.
The last interview was nice, and I got it through "Quick apply," where it said to send the CV and Cover letter directly to the recruiter's email address. The phone screening went well, and the interview stage went well too, but unfortunately, they went with a more qualified and experienced candidate.
After half a year, I finally got something - an internship that I received through a cold emailing, and I hope they will give me a returning offer afterward.
How was this whole job search experience? It was fucking horrible. I hated the repetitive workdays and fucking workday website, the same typical questions everywhere, and the re-typing of information from my CV that was already provided in the CV. It felt like they shouldn't ask for a CV if they're just going to ask for the same information again. The whole job market feels insane right now. However, stay strong, there is a chance, but you never know where it's going to come from.
submitted by nors4 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:10 throwaway4359087 My friend (35F) has been slow to respond and rarely reaches out, but when I (35F) told her it hurt me but that I wanted to make an effort to preserve the friendship she....didn't reply to my text. Where to go from here?

We've been very close for about 20 years and I love the time we spend together, though we get less of it since we live 2 hours apart. She has 2 small kids (3 and 5) and I don't have any kids, so I knew that this would be a challenging season of life, albeit temporary. I'm happy to hang out with the kids and I ask about them, I'm not trying to pretend like this isn't a huge life change even if I can't be a fellow 'mom friend.' At the end of last year, I scrolled through the last 6 months of our texts and pretty much anytime we talked, it was because I had reached out first, and she'd generally respond but sometimes it would take days.
Back in January she texted me an apology saying she's been dropping the ball on responding. I appreciated the acknowledgement, because it was starting to wear on me, feeling like I was the only one putting energy into the friendship. After that conversation I kind of backed off and figured the ball was in her court to be the next one to reach out. 14 weeks went by with no contact and it really bummed me out. It started to feel like she was failing a test she didn't know she was taking, and it felt very middle school. And that didn't feel good, to be carrying these negative feelings about someone I care about.
So yesterday I texted saying it's been a while and asked how she was, she replied a few hours later with a quick update and asked how I was. I sent back a long text saying that I had noticed I was the one reaching out and it didn't feel great to have that happen over and over again. I was hoping to hear from her more after the January convo but after the weeks and then months went by it just made me feel bad. I ended the text with "I don't want to feel like that about a friend, especially if there's something going on in their life that I'm not aware of. I know sometimes life gets busy and people can grow apart, but since we've known each other for so long and I care about you, I wanted to be honest about what I was feeling. If you're interested, could we maybe schedule a phone call this week to catch up? It would be nice to hear your voice."
I was really hoping none of it came across as snarky/mean/full of attitude because I genuinely didn't intend it to, I just wanted to be honest with a dear friend in the interest of full disclosure and continuing to be friends going forward. But she read my text right after I sent it, and hasn't replied. Do I just never text her again? If she doesn't reply to this, that doesn't really leave us much to go on in the future. Do I let a week go by and then ask how she's doing, or ask what she thought about my text, or something else? I'm just bummed.
TL;DR I want to preserve this friendship but I can't do it alone, and I don't know what to do next.
submitted by throwaway4359087 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:10 Think_Knowledge_9005 Struggling to get a job post-grad.

Intended to get a grad degree immediately after graduating, but I had a parent suddenly die during college and it became financially impossible to take on more debt for school. I am currently looking for a job with a degree in International Studies. I have two internships I did my junior year of college in political research and outreach. I have a senior thesis as well for my program. I also worked several part-time jobs throughout college, which were just service positions, but experience nonetheless. I have a decent GPA from a Top 100 university (not great prestige but not awful, reasonably respected in the region). I've never been either unemployed or not in school for more than a couple months.
I cannot for the life of me find a job, and with the loss of income from my parent passing, it's become really difficult to make ends meet. I need to help my disabled mom and am stressed beyond belief. I currently work a part-time job as a docent at a museum and the wage/hours are fucking terrible. I can't find a full-time job or a second part-time job. I've literally been rejected from ice cream shops and hosting jobs (even using a paired down resume with only my service experience.)
I've had my resume and cover letter reviewed by both my university career center and AI. I don't have significant gaps in my resume. I apply to around 5-6 jobs every week since I graduated in August (assuming I can find relevant positions). So I've probably sent out around a couple hundred or more at this point and have only heard back from ~20 (mostly rejections). I've had around 5 interviews, one for a paralegal position where the interviewer ROLLED their eyes at me (he was asking a non-technical question). I genuinely don't think my interview skills are that poor. Nothing special, just not obviously bad. That experience actually made me think that hiring managers were evil. :(
Is it just me or the market? I really want to go back to school and do an MS in risk management (dream career is in global risk) but I literally can't afford it or afford more debt. I'm interested in doing certs to bolster my resume, but even spending $100 on a cert course is a big investment at the moment. Not sure how to move forward but something's gotta change asap because I'm barely keeping my head above water.
My partner is in a similar position. He has a grad degree from a Top 20 school (for his field) with ample connections. He's getting interviews at impressive firms (like making it to interview round 2/3 at Jane Street). He's struggling to find employment. We graduated around the same time.
I don't think either of us are dummies or crash-outs. WTF can we do?
submitted by Think_Knowledge_9005 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:04 gorgo_nopsia 2 people think my mom is xSFJ. But I don’t see it. Help please!

I think my mom has Se, Ni, and Te.... however, two people on my previous post believed she was xSFJ (but didn’t elaborate why). What do you guys think? Please explain why you think yes or no.
Will answer any questions you may have. Thank you!!
submitted by gorgo_nopsia to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:03 talkiemateapp Top 10 Free Character AI Alternatives

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
If you are a visual storytelling fan and strive for creativity through fictional characters’ eyes, you’re in the right place. is an amazing tool that lets you do just that! But what if you crave a different experience, with more tools or a specific character in mind? Fear not, for we have gone through 35+ options and picked the top 10 paid and free Character AI alternatives, each offering a unique experience tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re a writer looking to enrich your stories, a history buff eager to get deeper into the past, or simply someone who loves engaging with AI in a new way, keep reading if you’re:
A tech enthusiast curious about the intersection of AI and storytelling.
A gamer eager to experience AI-driven narratives in your favorite games.
A marketer looking to use AI for content creation and engagement.
A researcher interested in the psychological impact of AI-generated characters on user engagement.
A storyteller seeking new ways to engage your audience through AI-generated content.
  1. TalkieMate
Website: TalkieMate
TalkieMate is the best free alternative to Character AI, providing users with a plethora of options to create their personalized AI girlfriend. With TalkieMate, you can engage in deeply immersive and uncensored conversations on a wide range of topics, including NSFW content. The platform offers customizable characters, allowing users to tailor their experience according to their preferences. Whether you’re looking for a companion for deep discussions or just casual chat, TalkieMate offers a unique and engaging experience.
Completely free with no subscription fees.
Highly customizable AI girlfriend with personalized features.
Uncensored NSFW chat options for mature interactions.
Ability to create personalized AI girlfriend with specific traits and characteristics.
Some advanced features may be available only in premium plans.
Website: is one of the leading AI Girlfriend apps with which you can talk on a range of NSFW topics and have a deep conversation. Candy Ai enables users to adjust their virtual girlfriends to their preferences and experience real conversations and engaging dialogue. Candy Ai also has a unique function that enables users to generate a specific image or audio message that boosts the reality of the experience.
Customizable characters are not only limited to appearance and personality but also provide users with a tailored experience.
NSFW chat options for more mature interactions and more audience satisfaction.
Numerous features to be explored, satisfying the tastes and preferences of different people.
The free plan comes with necessary functionalities and the chance to upgrade for extra benefits.
The majority of features are availed in the Premium Plans which may constrain the access of some users.
Pricing Plans:
Free Plan: Offers basic features and AI companion engagement without cost.
Premium Plan: Starts at $9/month, unlocking advanced features and enhanced user experience.
Custom Plans: Tailored to specific needs, with varying pricing based on customization requirements.
  1. Botify AI
Website: Botify AI
Botify AI offers an innovative character AI style. It presents a revolutionary system that allows users to communicate with real people or characters from their favorite TV shows, films, or literature. Thanks to the flexibility of Botify AI, you have the possibility to create your own digital character and customize every detail like appearance, emotions, voice, and backstory.
Free version accessible.
High-quality editing tools.
Intuitive interface for users.
Relies on outdated data in some instances.
Utilizes Automated style writing, which may not suit all preferences.
Pricing Plans:
Essential: Starting from $35 per user per month, suitable for simple websites requiring comprehensive SEO data and recommendations.
Pro: Starting from $55 per user per month, ideal for businesses heavily reliant on organic search, aiming to protect and expand their organic revenue.
Enterprise: Custom pricing for large, complex organizations needing accelerated scaling, support, and security.
  1. Replika
Website: Replika
Replika is a personal AI assistant that you can talk to. It was designed to give the user a deeply special and personal experience. Made to be a friend, a confidant, and an emotional support, Replika utilizes the learning ability of machines and natural language processing, thus bringing to the fore the ability to engage in empathetic and contextual conversations.
Highly personalized and customized stories and avatars.
Ranges from new features to improved or enhanced capabilities, are constantly being forwarded.
Provides not only free but paid as well on the conditions built-in subscription options.
One main shortcoming lies in the fact that chatbots’ uses go beyond the conversation stage.
The question of privacy and usage of users’ personal data is one of the aspects, which is a crucial issue when talking about social media.
Impact of user dependency and emotional attachment as prospective risks.
Pricing Plans:
1 month plan: $19.99
12 months plan: $5.83/month (billed annually)
Lifetime plan: $299.99 (billed once)
  1. Anima AI
Website: Anima AI
MyAnima AI is our super smart AI chatbot. It has been developed to be the best friend for you who likes playing the role of a human and can do this like nobody else. With Anima AI, a user can easily pick any relationship status of their choice: AI-Girlfriend, -Boyfriend, Virtual Wife, the other way round, or even a custom-made Character AI. Whether it is a friend who will be a help and support, a virtual companion with whom you can role play, someone with whom you share your emotions, or a chat partner you can discuss any topic that tickles your fancy, Anima AI can help you out.
Unlimited unique stories.
Anima AI is an AI bot that is warm and conversational.
Ability to respond to your messages instantly when you need to talk.
Some features are called back in the Free version.
Pricing Plans:
Anima AI offers a free version with basic features, allowing users to create a customized AI virtual companion after signing up.
  1. DeepFiction
Website: DeepFiction
DeepFiction narrates a plethora of stories that include captivating and thrilling sagas to touching and heartwarming fables. What sets it apart? You can, however, change your characters and the scenery to your taste. That is the AI-powered mechanism that enables the production of compelling and well-connected stories with the help of natural language processing and machine learning.
Unlimited unique stories.
Customise characters and settings.
Sparks creativity and imagination.
Suitable for all ages.
Limited control over the plot.
This chatbot is not interactive like most other chatting bots.
Pricing Plans:
DeepFiction offers a single pricing plan at $5 per month.
  1. StoryMate
Website: StoryMate
StoryMate is your virtual reading partner, but without a library sound ban. It’s essentially there to bring the wonder of literature to life, providing you with an extensive collection of books and amazing narration methods to send you exploring faraway lands or to make you acquainted with unforgettable characters.
Elicits a desire for reading.
Enhances writing abilities.
Provides diversified choices of relevant titles for different age groups.
Facilitates collaborative creativity.
May not be suitable for all those that seek highly sociable experiences.
Chiefly concerns a child’s literature.
  1. Kajiwoto
Website: Kajiwoto
Kajiwoto offers the same experience as Character AI to users creating human-like chatting with AI characters having their own character features. It is a cool platform for both AI fanatics and those who are creatively inclined. In Kajiwoto, the users can choose whether they want a free or paid membership to fit their needs. Yet, it has this 200-character restriction on one-on-one dialogues.
Free option available.
Customizable mood for your Kaji.
Unlimited chatting.
Permits NSFW content.
Premium subscription required for business idea development.
Paid subscription can be expensive.
Pricing Plans:
Free Plan: Unlimited chat and access to basic features.
Kajiwoto Plus: $7.32/month, includes unlimited AI voice usage and private rooms.
Kajiwoto Pro: $25.00/month, offers all features of Kajiwoto Plus plus more, for the ultimate AI experience.
  1. KUKI.AI
Website: KUKI.AI
KUKI.AI is a conversational AI with award-winning applications, providing exceptional functionalities. This virtual assistant employs the most advanced AI methods to allow the users to have very natural talks, thus qualifying it as a good chatbot application. Through direct and indirect semantic cues analogous to GPT, the KUKI.AI aggregates its knowledge base. Through the dissection of phrases into two inputs of “core” and “wild card”, it is able to expand its vocabulary for more understanding of multiple speech patterns. To use KUKI.AI without being limited by the number of questions one can ask, the chatbot answers all queries while making sure conversations do not repeat themselves.
Infinite question handling capability.
User-friendly interface.
Absence of graphics, a text-only trip.
Pricing Plans:
$75/month (100,000 chat)
$1500/month (Dedicated service plan)
  1. In World AI
Website: In World AI
Inworld AI is a leading platform that allows you to chat with AI characters or even create your own if you wish, similar to Character AI. On Inworld AI, you can have conversations for free with the characters but if you want to have access to features like API integrations, and unlimited character creation, you have to get their premium plan which starts at $20 monthly. Inworld AI utilizes the power of the OpenAI models meaning that accurate information will be delivered by the chatbot.
Through it, you can design characters.
Available at no individual cost for chatting.
The paid version starts at a subscription fee as low as $20 per month.
It can only be accessed through an internet browser.
The app has not yet been launched and is only accessible through mobile browsers.
Pricing Plans:
Free — $0–200 API integrations and minutes, 60 virtual characters, customization options.
Pro — $20 per month — 2000 API integrations and minutes, unlimited virtual characters, customization options, shareable workspaces, access to Discord community.
So there you have it – 10 alternatives for Character AI, each with a distinct personality and feature set. Keep in mind that selecting the ideal chatbot for your clan involves striking the ideal equilibrium between amusement, education, and age suitability. With the right AI companion by your side, you can make learning an adventure, and turn screen time into quality time.
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submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:02 Sorsrax22 Instagram

As you can probably guess I did the same thing as most of you guys. In my case my face is in the photo as well so I’m probably screwed. They’ve got my following list on Instagram as well as my phone number and was asking for 100$ BTC through cash app. Luckily I stalled enough and read on here about what to do. I deactivated my account and blocked them on everything. I also took screenshots and sent them to local authorities, although I doubt it will help much.
As I’m writing this they are messaging me on WhatsApp (which I never messaged them on it’s just connected to my phone number) sending the photo harassing me still. It’s a tough situation really hard to sleep at the moment. Knowing any second they may release the photos. Praying that if I don’t respond or even open the messages they will move on to the next one.
I’ve warned my immediate family said that my Instagram was hacked and not to open anything from me or anyone else hoping they won’t open the DM they will soon get. Feel like it would be easier to explain the pic that way saying “they stole it from my camera roll” rather than I got tricked by a man on the internet.
Appreciate you guys being on here helping people out. I’ll keep y’all updated on what happens in my case. Plan of action is to ignore. I will not be sending money. I will not pay someone to go in there and try to them to delete. Just pretending they don’t exist from now forward.
submitted by Sorsrax22 to Sextortion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 relationshipguy254 When Your Partner Sends Flirty Messages to Others When Angry?

Have you ever felt upset because your partner texts other people in a flirty way when they're mad at you? It's a situation that can leave you feeling confused and hurt. Today, I would like to answer the question of what you need to do when your partner sends dirty texts to others because they’re mad at you. This situation arises when you mostly raise a concern about the relationship, but instead of resolving the matter, they get mad and sext someone else. Of course, you will feel bad about it, and when you’re afraid of the relationship ending, you may end up apologizing for doing nothing.
Actually, the first thing you need to realize when you’re in this situation is that you’re not in a healthy relationship. This is because if someone goes to that extent of not wanting to solve the issues in the relationship, then there are only two options: either you end the relationship or you just stick with it but end up getting hurt.
Also, when your partner flirts with other people, and then you find yourself asking for feedback in forums, it simply means there’s a problem in the relationship and the problem can also solved by you being honest with yourself and the reality of the relationship. It's about going back to the basics—what are your boundaries? What are some of the things you cannot tolerate in a relationship?
When you don’t have a great relationship with yourself, or when you're neglecting yourself consciously or unconsciously, you tend to ignore the significant and clear red flags because you're afraid of what will happen if you acknowledge the truth about the toxicity of the relationship.
When your partner constantly avoids conflict or gets mad when you raise something, that is an avoidance of conflict, and you will end up getting hurt. You may want to keep the relationship and seek solutions, but often, the desire to maintain the relationship stems from fear of abandonment or being alone. When you're emotionally and physically dependent on someone else, you'll do whatever it takes to keep them because you're not accustomed to standing up for yourself. If your partner flirts instead of resolving issues, ask yourself why you're staying in that environment, or even question if they have the energy to flirt, then they should have the energy to address those issues.
Also, when someone avoids concerns and consistently engages in behaviors you dislike, it indicates that you, too, are avoiding the inevitable. You're sidestepping the reality that perhaps you're not standing up for yourself or that you're tolerating your partner's behaviors. This pattern is common in many relationships, especially unhealthy ones. Over time, you may become accustomed to tolerating hurtful behavior until it becomes normalized, and you're unsure how you reached that point. It often begins with seemingly minor issues.
Therefore, it's crucial to address problems in a relationship as soon as they arise. If you find yourself hesitant to raise concerns, recognize that it's about you. You may be grappling with deep-seated insecurities, such as fear of abandonment, rejection, or not pleasing others. Addressing these fears is key. Once you confront them, you'll realize that perhaps the relationship isn't right for you, or you may need to explore other options.
Note from the Author
If you’re ready and you’d like my help with healing, finding peace in life and breaking free from these toxic patterns, then you can book a FREE BREAKTHROUGH CALL with me HERE. Happy healing 💙💙. Feel free to share and comment! Use this information with caution, it comes from my own thoughts & bias, experiences and research😊.

submitted by relationshipguy254 to healfromabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:01 AutoModerator Ticket/Parking Exchange & Sales Thread – Columbus Crew @ Chicago Fire – Saturday May 18, 2024 @ 7:30PM CT - Soldier Field

Welcome to the ticket and parking pass exchange thread for Columbus Crew @ Chicago Fire – Saturday May 18, 2024 @ 7:30PM CT - Soldier Field! Before you engage with others here, please read and heed the following advice to ensure a safe and successful transaction:
Reminder: The moderators of chicagofire do not facilitate ticket exchanges and are not responsible for any transactions made between members. Engage at your own risk.
Note for Season Ticket Members (STMs): Please arrange for any account exchanges to other games at least 72 hours before the match begins to ensure all transactions are processed smoothly and efficiently. Exclusions may apply. If you have any questions about this, please reach out to your STM rep. The front office staff information can be found here:
By participating in this thread, you acknowledge that you have read and understood these guidelines and agree to abide by them.
Happy trading and GO FIRE!
submitted by AutoModerator to chicagofire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:00 eddyalfaro My (32m) wife (31f) of 14 years cheated on me. She kept friendships with those men, then posted online and shared nudes of herself. Do I continue this marriage?

So I (32m) have been married to my wife (31f) for 14 years, 7 months, and 11 days. We've had our rough patches in the past. Before I deployed she threw her wedding ring at me 3 times saying she was done. She saw a snapchat with a girls name on it, and immediately assumed I was cheating. In all sincerity that girl was a classmate and we exchanged notes that way, plus the occasional how are you regular stuff. My wife decided it was time for a divorce so she packed up and left. Told me to sell the house and split the profits, which I did. I go on deployment the whole time maintaining constant contact with her and the kids (3 of them). The whole time. She used this time to build a connection with a coworker and have sex at work in the back room. Then she connected emotionally with another guy and slept with him 3 or 4 times according to her. Finally there was a one night stand with someone that I don't know about. She never told me about any of this. When I got back we decided to make things work and focus on us. Fast forward to a few weeks ago, we were going on our weekly date and I see a guys name on her phone as I'm driving. She quickly tilted the phone so that I couldn't see the messages. I thinking there was no way she was cheating on me, assumed this was a coworker friend. Two nights ago I cooked dinner for the family. After finishing up, she asked if I wanted ice cream to which I said yes. She doordashed it, and asked me to pick what I wanted using her phone while she went to the bathroom. I had an inkling to check her messages which I did end up doing. Here is the same guy who had been messaging her in the car. They had planned to go hiking together, he called her his favorite person, and then she sent emojis which included the finger in the hole. I gave her her phone back and calmly asked how long she had been cheating on me. She denied doing anything and asked where this was coming from. I told her about the messages and she was defensive about me looking through her phone. She later admitted after hours of arguing, that this is a coworker whom she flirted with at her old job while I was deployed. They had been messaging and suddenly became flirty again. She said he was the only guy she's ever talked to like that. She decided to leave the kids at home and send me vague messages insinuating she was going to hurt herself. She has done this in the past to the point where she was hospitalized for a week. She drove up the mountain and I followed her to make sure it wasn't a real threat to hurt herself. She promised me she wouldn't do anything so I drove back home to be with the kids. I had to calm down and took a bath. She snuck inside the house and put one of my guns on my bed saying she left it there. I went looking for her but she went to her dad's house to spend the night due to being ashamed of her actions. That was three days ago. Yesterday I decided to read her journal to see how long it had been going on. And boom, I discovered there was another guy whom she "fell in love with after 3 days". This was the guy she slept with multiple times. She came clean about all 3 guys she slept with during our break time. So I asked to see her phone and she allowed me to look at it. Then I found out she had a reddit account where she would post nudes and message guys. The guys would send NSFW pics back and they would sext. She claims it was only attention seeking behavior, but I found out she had a full on conversation with a guy whom she gave her snapchat to. They exchanged pics and would sext back and forth. She swears up and down she will never do anything like this again. My question to the community: what do I do? I love her to death and have spent a good majority of my life with her. I just don't know what to do. Sorry for the long explanation, please help.
TLDR; My wife of 14 years cheated on me during a separation but continued those relationships as friendships. She then posted nudes online and chatted with guys. Do I continue the marriage?
submitted by eddyalfaro to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:00 agileideation Unlocking the Mysteries of Coaching: A Deep Dive into the Anatomy of a Coaching Session

This week, we're celebrating International Coaching Week, and I thought it'd be the perfect occasion to delve deep into what exactly happens in a coaching session. Many see coaching as a simple conversation, but it's so much more—it's a transformative journey tailored to empower you, whether in your personal life or professional career. Today, I want to unpack the "anatomy" of a coaching session and explore how it can catalyze profound change. #CoachingWeek2024 #PersonalGrowth
  1. The Structure of a Session
Every coaching session has its unique flow, yet they all follow a certain structure to ensure maximum impact. Here’s a typical breakdown:
Establishing a Coaching Agreement: This is where we set the stage, aligning on expectations and confidentiality. It's the foundation of trust and openness. Setting the Agenda: Unlike a casual chat, every session has a purpose, defined by you. What's the main issue you want to tackle? This gives us direction. Exploring Options: Through powerful questioning and active listening, we dive deep into the heart of the matter, uncovering possibilities and new perspectives. Committing to Action: The session culminates in defining actionable steps that align with your goals, ensuring that insight translates into real-world progress. 2. Techniques That Drive Transformation
Powerful Questioning: It’s about asking the right questions, not giving advice. These questions provoke thought, challenge assumptions, and uncover underlying beliefs. Active Listening: This is where the coach listens not just to the words but to the emotions, the unsaid, creating a space where you feel truly heard and understood. 3. Outcomes You Can Expect
Clarified Goals: It’s common to start with a vague idea of what you want. Coaching helps crystallize those thoughts into clear, attainable goals. Actionable Insights: Beyond insights, you get a concrete plan of action, steps you can take to move forward towards your goals. Enhanced Self-Awareness: Often, you’ll discover things about yourself you weren’t conscious of before, opening up new paths of personal and professional growth. Why Share This?
I'm passionate about the transformative power of coaching and believe in sharing knowledge and experiences to help others grow. Whether you're curious about coaching, considering becoming a coach, or looking for ways to enhance your personal development journey, I hope this insight into coaching sessions helps illuminate the path.
Let's Engage
Have you ever experienced a coaching session that led to a significant breakthrough? Or perhaps you have questions about the process? I’d love to hear your thoughts, experiences, and queries. Let’s start a conversation that helps us all grow and learn.
A Bit About Me
As a dedicated coach, I'm here to support and challenge you in your journey toward being your best self. If you're interested in how coaching can help you achieve your goals, feel free to reach out.
Looking forward to our journey together on this subreddit. Let's create a space for growth, learning, and transformation.
submitted by agileideation to agileideation [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:59 DisapointedVoid Contact Protocol (21)

Sorry for the delay in getting this part out; been away visiting family so not had much time to put fingers to keyboard, plus I managed to have my phone stolen by a roller coaster and it took a white to get it replaced and be able to get into a few things - stupid two factor authentication! Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Y’Lek and K’Rim slowed their mad dash as they neared the armoury; there was no telling whether the Swarm agents had left any traps for them and the armoury was full of extremely energy dense materials and weapons which could potentially jeopardise the structure of the ship if employed in the right way. Grabbing some handy footholds they stopped and considered the imposing door in front of them.
After a few moments of effort K’Rim had eased off the casement off the door’s locking mechanism but could detect nothing amiss with the crystalline structure beneath. Bypassing the outer interface she placed a grasper to the innards and a small spark of bioelectric energy jumped into the crystal which glowed briefly as the uniquely patterned waveform was parsed and compared with the patterns of those permitted access. The door slid aside as they were granted entry with no unwanted surprises being triggered.
With a relieved chitter Y’Lek started inside only to be pulled back sharply as K’Rim pulled on his leg.
“Stop. Just because the door opens, doesn’t mean that it is safe.” K’Rim warned as she pulled a small disc out of one of her utility pouches. Snapping it easily she gently tossed it through the doorway after slowly counting out a grasper of seconds. The exothermic reaction had reached the point where the disc glowed fitfully in the infrared, while it emitted a clear UV light. K’Rim watched it carefully and her antennae twitched with the effort of picking up any slight sound.
The glow-disc struck some of the lockers which filled the armoury and ricocheted off around the room but nothing seemed to react to the heat and movement.
With a decisive clack of her mandibles K’Rim pulled herself through the doorway and into the armoury. Y’Lek followed close on her tarsus. It was immediately obvious that several sets of warrior equipment had been removed, along with copious numbers of weapons.
Y’Lek was surprised when K’Rim didn’t make for the remaining warrior gear but instead to the emergency pressure suits. Seeing the confused tilt of his head K’Rim explained “Although the room appears safe, we don’t know what they may have done while they were here but it is safe to assume that they would have ensured any of the most dangerous equipment could not be used against them.”
She passed a bundled pressure suit to Y’Lek and continued “The emergency gear and non-powered weapons are the least likely to have been tampered with and have the least amount of capacity for harming us even if they have been so we will have to make do with them until we can thoroughly check the rest of the equipment.”
Y’Lek thought for a moment before bobbing in agreement and starting to pull on the pressure suit, careful to sheath his claws with the hardened “gauntlets” integral to the suit before powering up the spiracle gas exchangers and carefully sealing them in place against his thorax. “Yes, I can see the risk now. Though it will potentially leave us vulnerable, it is better to be certain of our equipment than to die of over confidence.”
The emergency pressure suit came together quickly, living up to its name and the pair were quickly sealed against the cold, dry, and slightly strange tasting air that the aliens had been pumping into the Far Flung Seed and supplying them with a more familiar and moister mixture.
K’Rim passed him a set of the ceremonial but still functional weapons and the harness to hold them. They wouldn’t hold up long against a fusion blade or a particle lance but they were durable enough to give them a chance and were completely inert so could not have been sabotaged.
Only a couple of minutes after entering the armoury they swam back out into the corridor and sped off towards the arboretum.
Smithy quickly sprayed a fluorescent marking on the uneven and root covered tunnel junction to identify which way they had come from. “How can such a small ship have so many damn tunnels?” he growled to himself.
“It’s not the size of the ship, it’s what you do with it that matters” quipped Hall.
“Yeah? Well, apparently in this case it was fill it with bloody tunnels.” deadpanned Smithy in response.
“Can it.” broke in Stroud before anyone else could get involved “You can discuss the relative merits of alien design philosophy on your own time; for now you need to focus.”
A chorus of “Sergeant” came back over the radio and the remainder of Delta and Echo buckled down and continued sweeping what even Stroud was prepared to admit was a seemingly endless series of tunnels with apparently zero overarching logic to their layout. Up until a few minutes ago they had been getting directional updates from some supposedly friendly ET’s in the control room but apparently they had suddenly just buggered off so now they were picking junctions that appeared to take them in the vague direction that had been indicated to them.
Stroud again cursed the fact that the maintenance drones brought by the initial engineering team hadn't been able to access this part of the ship and map it due to the tightly sealed blast doors that had protected the forest from the vacuum. Who could have imagined that there would have been so much structure hidden underneath and between the normal corridors and rooms? The three dimensional map they had been creating as they advanced was like something Jackson Pollock and H R Giger might have come up with on an acid trip.
They approached another intersection and slowed. After a quick glance between them, Mears and Jackson moved forward, taking cover behind Mears’ shield. They crept up to the junction and Jackson poked the muzzle of his shotgun, and its camera into the ragged space beyond. The feed showed several small tunnels radiating off at all angles, way too small for any of them to fit down. One navigable tunnel appeared to curve off back in the direction they came from, while another looked like it might go the right way.
Suddenly the camera and the end third of Jackson’s gun disintegrated into a cloud of superheated vapour, shards of glowing metal and smoking composites. With a scream Jackson jumped back, the outer weave on the gauntlet of his left hand shredded and smouldering. In a stunning display of muscle memory he ejected the internal magazine and disconnected the weapon from the backpack feed almost before his mind had caught up with what was going on.
Hands grabbed him as he was yanked further back into the corridor. He flung the remains of his shotgun down and it clattered and bounced down the tunnel in the vague direction of the junction. Jackson was conscious of Mears backing up towards him, shield held protectively to block as much of the tunnel as possible, while Smithy grabbed his forearm and inspected his hand. Stroud stepped over him and took up guard on Mears’ shoulder, weapon trained forward and sweeping what could be seen of the slightly larger space beyond this section of the tunnel.
Another “FOOOM!” as the tumbling wreckage of the shotgun was vaporised as it spun across the opening of the tunnel.
“Fuuuuuuuck me!” said Jackson, at last able to form words as the adrenaline induced tunnel vision started to clear.
“Well, how about you start by showing me whether you can still use your fingers and we can take it from there, eh?” Smithy said from where he was turning his hand from prone to supine again. “Looks like the inner layer of your glove is intact but both Simmonds and Jones complained of numbness after being hit. How’re you feeling?”
Jackson gingerly flexed his fingers and made a fist a few times but grunted as he felt the tips of his fingers tingle where they pressed into the material of his gloves “Feels weird - tingly like I sat on my hand or something.”
Smithy grunted to acknowledge this “OK, well shout out if it gets any worse; got it?”
He pulled Jackson to his feet and slapped him on the shoulder before they both turned back to face down the tunnel again. Jackson surreptitiously flexed his hand a few more times as he pulled out his sidearm and secured its retaining strap to his right wrist. He wasn’t too hopeful that the small pistol would be able to do too much against the ET’s, but it was better than walking around with nothing.
Stroud backed away from the junction where he had been very gingerly checking all the passageways with a camera barely poking out from the mouth of the tunnel they were in.
He stood up and turned to the security team “Ok, looks like there is something stuffed into one of the narrow tunnels - kind of like those shoulder guns the ET’s have, along with a stand and power supply. My guess is it has some kind of automated fire mode and decided that it really didn’t like Jackson’s gun waving around in front of it. Question is, how are we going to get rid of it? We can’t leave it behind in case we need to come back this way in a hurry.”
“I guess it will probably shoot anything we throw at it so grenades are out?” mused Mears
There followed a number of suggestions and comments.
“Can we get an angle on it and just shoot it?”
“How about we let Jackson distract it some more while the rest of us blow it away?”
“We need to avoid the power pack if the two dead ET’s from the corridor are anything to go by.”
Stroud listened for a minute before cutting the chatter short. “Ok, so I think our best bet is to use the ballistic shield to bait it, while someone else blows the top off it from the other side of the tunnel; Mears you and Jackson handle the shield; keep a tight hold on it as those shots release a lot of energy when they hit. Smithy - I’ve marked its location so you hug the other side of the tunnel and draw a bead on it. Wait for it to hit the shield before popping out and taking your shot; and for the love of all that you hold dear do it fast, Ok?”
The team nodded in agreement.
“I will be there to pull Smithy back as soon as he has popped out of cover, just in case.” concluded Stroud before ushering them to their positions. After a few moments of shuffling around each other in the tight space they were ready.
Smithy led the countdown. “Ready. Steady. Go!” Instantly Mears and Jackson shoved a third of the ballistic shield out into the corridor and planted themselves on top of the section remaining in the corridor only a moment ahead of a bright flash and the shield heaving under the impact.
Seemingly almost simultaneously Smithy leaned out and fired, the boom of his shotgun mingling with the “foom!” of the vaporising surface of the shield. Stroud almost bodily lifted him as he pulled him back from the edge.
For a second they were still as they sprawled around the opening.
“A good hit!” called Stroud as he reviewed the few frames of footage from Smithy’s gun camera between jumping out and back in again.
Mears stood up and inspected the sorry remains of his ballistic shield, now missing most of the top edge. “Great, well I hope there aren’t too many more of those hidden around as I’m running out of shield.”
N’Dar’s antennae quivered inside his protective suit. That last series of weapons fire had been far too close for comfort and he still had two more locking systems to bypass. With a furious click of his mandibles he redoubled his efforts, running his bioelectric patterns through a series of filters, amplifiers and other signal processing systems to trick the door into thinking he had a right to open it.
The rot take the claw that had been delaying the aliens! He was supposed to have more time than this!
submitted by DisapointedVoid to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:58 Feeling_Lack_1047 Am I (F20) in the wrong for being upset at my boyfriend (M20) for letting a girl (F19) paint his nails?

My boyfriend (M20) and I (F20) have been together for over two years and go to different colleges. A few days ago he texted me out of the blue that he was drunk and getting his nails painted pretty late at night. Fast forward a day later he brings up again and tells me who did them, who is a girl that I have known very surface level, I’ll call her mia (F19). Now, me and mia have hung out in group settings a few times but she never talks to me, only has interacted with me once. I understand that we go to different schools but everyone in that group talks with me except her. I try to engage in conversation with her but it dies so fast I feel like she just doesn’t want to talk to me. My bf also used to tutor her and have a class together. Maybe she’s shy, I’m like that too so I try not to push her and make her talk to me but when I first met her I had a feeling that she already didn’t want to get to know me and that’s cool I don’t mind that but it’s the fact that she did my bfs nails, and did a poor job at that, knowing I wasn’t gonna be there. When my bf told me he also added that she did her bfs nails and two other guys like that was supposed to make me feel better. I told him that I didn’t like that and it seems like we have set up clear enough boundaries. I told him that if a guy did that to me he would have a fit because most likely he would. I only told him that because I feel like there’s double standards in our relationship, like if I go out he becomes super skeptical while when he goes out I don’t ask him questions and not skeptical about him going out with women and men as a group. I told him that we needed to have clearer boundaries and to take the nail polish off because it was a really bad job. He says that I’m overreacting and she’s just a friend so it’s not a big deal that she is painting his nails. By the way I’m not against guys having their nails painted it just who did them.
TDLR: A girl who I feel like doesn’t like me painting my boyfriends nails. I’m upset but my boyfriend says I’m overreacting.
submitted by Feeling_Lack_1047 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]