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Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive

2024.06.09 13:06 lemonsaltwater Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive

Colin + Pen = Swans: A Deep Dive
A joint research effort of u/sc127 and u/lemonsaltwater
Throughout Seasons 2 and 3, swans are a recurring theme in Colin and Pen’s story, both in terms of explicit imagery/sound and allusions to swan behavior and stories. There are so many allusions that it is clear the showrunners, and Julia Quinn,* want us to make these associations, as every detail is intentional.
(\while neither of us have read the books, but based on character names, as well as references to the books on this sub, we can assume this. If you've read the books, please comment with more swan references! We do not present this as something hidden/new but rather for the fun of finding all of the references.)*
The biggest allusion to swans is how swans mate for life and form into bonding pairs quite young, well before mating age. Trumpeter swans bond as young as 20 months — but then wait several years and don’t mate until at least the age of 4-7. Colin and Pen meet at a young age and form a friendship but it then takes several years for it to become romantic.
Let’s plunge our beaks underwater and dive into how these associations play out for Colin and Pen individually and then as a couple.

Colin’s character as a swan

Colin has always been a swan, even if he didn’t lean into it. It shows up in a variety of character traits throughout the seasons.
Male swans are fiercely protective of their partners. We see Colin’s protectiveness over Pen show up multiple times. I did a longer post on the evolution of Colin's protectiveness a few weeks ago, but here are some scene highlights:
  • Ep 1x01: After Penelope beams at how happy she is to be wearing a pink dress, Cressida then spills her drink on her. Colin feels defensive of her, and rejects Cressida's bid to dance (big social no-no!) and dances with Penelope instead
  • Ep 2x07, 2x08 (Cousin Jack’s scam): He not only gets angry at Mondrich for insulting the Featherington family, but also at Cousin Jack for taking advantage of the Featherington women
  • Season 3 has multiple examples of Colin protecting Pen: after his dating help is revealed, balloon, protecting her from a mistake. It is notable that the few times we see Colin angry, they are all related to Pen’s feelings.
We'll likely see more of this in Part 2 (and various book spoilers indicate this as well).
Male swans are also one of the few species of waterfowl that take an active role in rearing children. Male swans will sit on the eggs and protect them, unlike other waterfowl. In Seasons 1 and 2, Colin is often seen playing with his younger siblings. We see the male swan’s interest in child rearing most obviously in 2x02 when Eloise recoils from Daphne’s baby and Colin swoops in to tenderly and lovingly hold him.
Swans are known for mating for life and for being dedicated partners, unlike other species of waterfowl. Colin “My Wife” Bridgerton, hello. But even before Season 3, we see this in Season 2 when Colin is the only one in the front row who appears happy at Anthony and Edwina’s wedding, and according to Luke, Colin is actually crying because he loves love so much. He delights in love.
Afterwards, Colin finds himself somewhat depressed and “searching for answers at the bottom of his flask” after their “bungled nuptials.” For someone who sees love as "the one thing in life that holds genuine meaning," to see an engagement broken off at that point is deeply distressing. (We'll return to Anthony's wedding later.)
His recurring appearance changes after his extended travels: Swans shed all of their feathers during their annual summer migration period. After his travels between S1 and S2, he returns with facial hair. After his travels between S2 and S3, he returns with new clothing.

Penelope: Duck => Swan

Penelope, meanwhile, needs to go through a transformation in order to become a swan.
(There are a lot of motifs used for Penelope throughout the show: butterflies, cake, etc, but here we’re going to focus on ducks and swans.)
Let’s start with her name. To get all Colin-season-2 for a moment, “Penelope” is believed to derive from the Ancient Greek word penelops, which means “duck.” In modern language, “pen” is the official name for a female swan. And her last name is Featherington.
Something that starts as a duck and becomes a swan… that sounds a lot like the HC Andersen short story The Ugly Duckling, which is about a duck who is cast aside by society for being ugly, only to later learn that the reason it looked different was because it was actually a swan.
While Colin and Pen are more likely to quote Byron than Danish fairy tales, the allusions to The Ugly Duckling are quite strong throughout Penelope’s character arc. (And indeed, fantasy plays a huge role in their worldviews.)
This is directly referenced in the book:
“I thought you believed in me," she said, "that you saw beyond the ugly duckling.”
For a brief refresher on The Ugly Duckling, let’s take Wikipedia’s summary and annotate it:
After a mother duck's eggs hatch, one of the ducklings takes longer to hatch and is bigger and perceived by the other animals as an ugly little creature. It suffers much verbal and physical abuse from its mother and siblings, and has an absent father. It wanders from the barnyard and lives with wild ducks and geese until hunters slaughter the flocks. It finds a home with an old woman, but her cat and hen tease and taunt him mercilessly, and once again he sets off alone.
Penelope is the youngest of three children. From the first episode, it is clear that her mother regards her as less desirable and less beautiful than her sisters. She is repeatedly subject to unkind comments and treatment by her mother and sisters. To take just one example, when suitors come over to meet Marina, and her mother closes courting hour, she says “Please feel free to bid farewell to Phillipa or Prudence, or even Penelope.” (Colin is the only one to take her up on this.)
Portia also insists that Penelope wear bright yellow dresses even though she herself prefers pink. Yellow is the color of baby ducks. Portia tends towards green, often in iridescent fabrics, which roughly maps to the coloring of several types of adult ducks (even females). (In the Ugly Duckling, the ugly duckling is gray rather than yellow like it’s siblings. However, they’ve taken a bit of artistic license here to reinforce the duck imagery.)
We don’t have a direct literal correlation to the cats and hens, but we can interpret “leaving the barnyard” as Penelope being too early presented in society, and the “cats and hens” being the multitude of carry comments and “clucking hens” (judgmental, gossipy mothers) of society.
It’s also interesting how Cousin Jack is presented quite clearly as a hunter in Season 2, and the gun rack on the wall clearly makes Portia uncomfortable. There aren’t direct references to duck hunting, yet that was a common hobby. (We admittedly don’t know anything about rifles and can’t figure out if any of them he displays on the wall are specifically for duck hunting, but would love it if someone knew!) Cousin Jack, of course, nearly destroys their family.
The duckling sees a flock of migrating wild swans. It is delighted and excited but cannot join them because he is too young, ugly, and unable to fly. When winter arrives, a farmer finds and carries the freezing duckling home but he is frightened by the farmer's noisy children and flees the house. The duckling spends a miserable winter alone outdoors, mostly hiding in a cave on the lake that partly freezes over.
We can read this as being when Pen watches Colin leave for Greece, and when she looks at the happy Bridgerton household. She is also too young and immature to fervently declare her feelings as she states one should. Nicola plays her as immature (the little hop when she speaks, high voice), and she is trapped in her mother’s house.
The allusion of the migrating swans is also interesting as one could see all of the Bridgertons as swans who glide gracefully on the surface of society (“pretty Bridgertons”). While not all of the Bridgertons exhibit swan-like behavior, Violet and Edmund do (but more on that below). Note how in 3x02 Penelope says the place she feels the most comfortable is/was the Bridgerton Drawing Room at Sunday tea -- surrounded by the flock of swans.
We could be a bit literal with our interpretation here and say that Colin’s protection of Pen with the Ruby scam is equivalent to the farmer’s care, and then is scared off not by children but his own friends. But I think we can look at it more broadly to say that Penelope goes from thinking she will be cared for — as Colin says during their dance in 2x08 — but then feels cast aside.
She then spends a miserable summer alone, without Eloise or Colin. We know she was miserable by how she is dressed and carries herself in the beginning of 301: hunched over and back in an old gown with her protective helmet of curls.
The duckling, now having fully grown and matured, cannot endure a life of solitude and hardship anymore. It decides to throw himself at a flock of swans, feeling that it is better to be killed by such beautiful birds than to live a life of ugliness.
When we first meet her in 3x01, it is clear she has had an awful, lonely summer. She is shown in her old clothing -- notably more pink but still yellow, a sign of the impending transition -- and looking shy and hunched over.
But she resolves to fully break free of her family and marry. Her first dress is iridescent emerald green — the color of peacocks, which is likely the most direct motif given she hides behind a peacock in the garden, but it is also the color of adult mallards and several other duck species.
She throws herself into the fray at great personal risk rather than having to continue to live with her family of ducks that reject her. However, she is still awkward and unsure of herself. While she walks down the stairs with confidence, once she's on the floor, she's isn't fully carrying herself with confidence, and sort of slides her feet along the floor in a slouchy manner. She then proceeds to bungle her conversation with the lords who approach her. In other words, she still sees herself as an ugly duckling -- or perhaps ugly duck since she's grown. But Colin is able to see beyond that and has the first glimmers of starting to notice her as something different than everyone else.
Part 2 speculation:
The Ugly Duckling is shocked when the swans welcome and accept it, only to realize by looking at his reflection in the water that it had been not a duckling but a swan all this time. The flock takes to the air, and it spreads its wings to take flight with the rest of its new family.
Penelope is shocked when Colin has feelings for her, and according to the trailer, is welcomed with open arms by Violet and the rest of the swan’s family (except Eloise, who does not exhibit swan-like behaviors herself, but that's a different topic). Given the focus on mirrors so far this season, perhaps this combined mirrougly duckling/swan theme will reappear. Penelope will then integrate herself into the Bridgerton family and identify more with them, rather than her family of birth. She thus gets both self-acceptance, a husband, a loving family, and freedom all at the same time.
Given the use of mirrors this season, I expect Colin will literally and figuratively help Penelope see herself in the mirror the way he sees her, in a parallel to what Colin says in S2 E2 about her letters:
Your letters were so encouraging. I thought, if Penelope can see me this way, then surely I can too.
A brief note on Penelope's clothing
We can see hints of this in her clothing. Over Season 3 Part 1, Penelope’s clothing changes from Featherington green to Bridgerton blue. Yet in the kiss scene and Colin’s dream, she’s wearing dresses that are such light blue/green that they almost appear to be white, and she doesn't seem to wear these dresses in other scenes. (The dream one is similar to the market scene, but the sleeve detailing is different -- it's much more feathery. Hmmm.) While white dresses can imply wedding, perhaps another thread to pull here is their swan-like whiteness. The moment when they kiss is the first time it occurs to him to see her romantically, and it is also the first time he sees her in a white dress. That she is in white in his dream reinforces the idea that he sees her a swan.
(Yet they aren't fully white — so there is still evolution to happen.)
Colin calling her Pen — "swan" — from the very beginning
And lastly, back to her nickname. The first time we ever see Colin talk to Penelope is in S1 E1 after Colin visits the Featherington house during courting hour for Marina, he refers to her as Pen. He refers to her again as Pen when they dance later in that episode. The viewer thus sees her transition from Penelope, a duck, and then becomes Pen, a swan. Colin has thus always seen her as a swan, even if he didn’t realize it.
(We have not done a full analysis of the times he calls her Penelope vs the times he calls her Pen, nor of other people using her nickname.)

Audio and visual swan motifs

So, Colin is always a swan, and Pen transitions from duck to swan. Several times throughout the seasons, we see direct and indirect nods to swans in terms of imagery, dialogue, and other scene elements when Colin and Pen are together.
It’s notable that, as far as we can tell, swans and swan noises largely only show up when Colin and Pen are together. (There is one exception, discussed in the next section.)
The most obvious is in 2x05:
COLIN: After all, everyone else is finding some purpose to their lives. Anthony is to be married. Benedict has his artistic pursuits. And, well, here I am... feeding the ducks. [Looks at a swan as he says this]
PENELOPE: I am sure the ducks are most grateful.
The implication being, of course, is that Colin does not realize he's not looking at a duck but at a swan. His feelings for her aren't romantic yet. But he is really looking at a swan — Pen. And that she, not the ducks, is grateful for his company and conversation.
Interestingly, quacking is heard in the background. It’s hard to say whether it’s ducks or swans — perhaps it’s intentionally ambiguous.
Singing swans = courting activities? Or a shift in feelings for Colin?
But let’s pull that thread a bit, as swans singing comes up several more times. Swan songs have historically had an association with death, yet “their sounds are more distinguishable during courting rituals and not correlated with death.” We could then interpret hearing swan songs as times that are courting-esque, or perhaps moments when Colin’s perspective on Penelope is starting to shift.
In 2x06, Penelope has a heated conversation with Eloise about Eloise’s feelings about Theo. Eloise asks her if she’s ever felt the torment of feelings for someone, and Penelope says she could only imagine it. She then looks over at Colin and swans are heard in the background.
A few moments later, when Penelope walks over to Colin for the “purpose” conversation, swans are again heard in the background. (Listen very closely as she walks over to him.)
In 3x01, when Colin and Penelope talk in the garden after the presentation, swans are heard in the background as Colin looks at her while she looks away. In this scene, Colin is wearing his beautiful embroidered vest, which features a duck near the collar. It also features a parrot. (Shout out to u/EverEarthling for this amazing deep dive on the vest!) Perhaps when Colin bought this vest in Paris, he still viewed Penelope as a duck, and himself as a parrot (i.e. one who parrots the behaviors of what society expects). Given this, we might not see this vest again, as gorgeous as it is.
While we might think these were coincidences because they happened to be near water, it seems unlikely, as there are a lot of garden/park/outdoor scenes where no swans are seen or heard.
In 303, at the end of the Willow scene, swans are heard in the background as Penelope leaves. Swans then re-appear the Hawkins Balloon Fair. There is a giant wicker statue of a swan, decked in lilacs and light pink roses, off to the side of the balloon. (Lilacs being the favorite flower of the Bridgertons and light pink being the Bridgerton color of first love.) While we don’t get an obvious camera angle of this, based on body positions, Penelope would have been looking at this swan statue the entire time while talking to Debling.
Here's Nicola goofing around with said swan statue.
In 3x04, the Queen has dancing swans in her wig. And, this is the first time in the season when Colin and Penelope dance together.
We also have a small wink in terms of grass. Swans who have not yet begun mating, even if they are paired, will gather in flocks in fields of grass. Paired swans who are too young to mate will move throughout the flock socially yet still be paired — much like the environment of a ball. In 2x03, Colin mentions how he once spent meditating for hours on a single blade of grass, and in 3x03, when trying to impress Debling and looking directly at a swan, Penelope says how she likes grass.
(Perhaps we can also interpret this to mean that Eloise is not a swan: she says she’d rather watch grass grow than talk to other debutantes. But, again, that’s for another post on Eloise being different than her siblings.)
Interestingly, at these swan social gatherings, “some individuals will have several courtships with other members of the flock, whilst others, tend to stay away from densely populated parts of the herd and do their own thing.” Sounds like Colin and Pen!
From the book, there's a mention of a "swan song:" (credit to u/leadwithlovealways)

Colin + Pen = Swans

Let’s talk for a moment about the behaviors of bonded swan pairs and their mating behaviors, as there are a lot of parallels.
One important part of the beginning of the swan courting ritual is that both will drop their wings completely to their sides, and not puff themselves up at all. We can see this literally in terms of Colin and Pen in the carriage (both have their arms down at their sides), but also metaphorically: they are both at their most vulnerable, their least puffed-up, in the entire season.
When swans are bonded, they will press their chests together and bend their necks together and rest their foreheads against one another, forming a heart shape. In their first kiss, we see Colin rest his forehead against Penelope’s ever so slightly — somewhat tentatively, almost, and his chest is not pressed to hers. (It is in his dream, though.). We see the forehead-resting and chests pressed together more times in the carriage scene.
Mating dances
First, watch this video of swans doing a mating dance. (Or read, if you prefer.) Note how look away from each other and then back with intense eye contact.
They will stare at each other during the up and down motions of the necks and will sometimes raise both heads together at the same time to look at each other with sideways glances as they turn their heads from side to side.
Now, let's pivot back to Bridgerton -- and to another couple. In 2x05, Anthony and Kate’s pivotal dance when they can no longer ignore their feelings for one another resembles the courting dance of swans, with their arms interconnected and circling around another. While one could say that’s true of most dancing, this one is particularly striking, and perhaps it's when Anthony drops his rakishness or ability to think about others and starts to accept his committed, swan nature (though it takes him some time). You can also see echoes of the swan mating dance in how they pass one another side-by-side in Simon & Daphne's dance when they're truly in love, though the Kate/Anthony dance is much clearer.
The closest we’ve seen to Colin and Pen dance like this is 2x08, yet that dance is much more tentative than Kate and Anthony’s, and only bears a very faint resemblance to the swan mating dance. They make eye contact, but it is not intense or focused. Colin also refers to her as "Penelope", not "Pen," during that dance, and they barely touch. Distance is implied in multiple ways. But back to the topic of this post, one has to wonder whether we’ll see Colin and Pen dance in a way similar to a swan mating dance in Part 2.
Swan mating rituals
Now we're going to dive a bit deep in terms of parallels between swans and intimacy. Yes, this is completely fucking unhinged on an already unhinged post. I’m sorry if you will never be able to look at swans the same again.
  • Swans will keep intense eye contact during courting and mating. Yup, check.
  • While mating for most birds lasts only a few seconds, for swans it can be at least 20 minutes if not up to an hour. Seems fitting given the mentions of a 10-minute long intimacy scene in Episode 5!
  • Right before swans engage in the act, the male swan will drape his neck over the female swan’s. We seem to be getting hints of this in the trailer, with Colin standing behind her in the mirror.
  • We're going to skip over specifics of swan sex positions. That would simply be too unhinged.
  • Right after mating, swans stay close together and echo the head turning/tilting of the courting ritual. One can hope this means we get lots of after-sex cuddling. If not, it’s totally in headcanon now.
  • After mating, swans will clean one another. We can see this in how Colin lovingly puts Pen’s dress and hair back in place before straightening his own clothes in the carriage scene.
  • Swans also tend to mate many more times than is necessary in order to fertilize eggs. Based on this, and based on what we’ve heard about Part 2, we’re probably going to see this parallel, too.
  • Male swans eagerly build a nest once they’ve decided to mate. This matches what we’ve heard about Colin quickly buying a house for him and Pen.
  • Swan couples that are new to a territory/nest usually don’t lay any eggs for the first year, so maybe they’ll wait a bit before having children. But that seems unlikely with these two given that birth control didn’t exist…

Looking forward

Given that swans mate for life, we can be guaranteed a happy ending here.
As the show goes on, one can predict that swans will represent the two of them in various ways, and that we might expect to see swan motifs in the decoration of their new home. (In the Part 2 trailer, in the wedding scene, the walls are decorated with a swan motif.)
In terms of children, swans keep their children close to them during their early life. We therefore might be able to predict that both Colin and Pen will likely be very attached to their children, and we will be unlikely to see them without their children once their children are in the picture. Even though Colin loves to travel, we could also predict he’ll quickly want to settle down and delight in being at home with their children, just like a swan.
Since male swans actively participate in child rearing, we also hope we’ll get to see lots of heart-warmingly adorable scenes of Colin bouncing their babies on his knees and taking care of them in future seasons. Maybe we’ll be lucky and even get a Regency-ified version of baby wearing with Colin wearing their baby wrapped around him with a shawl!

Bonus: Press tour Easter eggs!

In the Netflix India Bollywood/Bridgerton video, Luke wore a duck sweater. u/sc127's read on this:
Black Swan theory regarding Nicola's outfit: Do you think it's alluding to Colin and Pen getting married? In the eyes of the Ton, they would consider the Polin relationship as a Black Swan. It fits the criteria of being a surprise, having a major effect, and can be rationalized in hindsight.
Pink Ducks on Luke: I think the symbolism is more straight forward compared to Nicola's outfit. Pink is Pen's favorite color and it is the Bridgerton color of first love. Colin is in love with a duck named Pen :)
submitted by lemonsaltwater to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:00 Conscious-Dingo4463 1973. MG

1973. MG submitted by Conscious-Dingo4463 to classiccars [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:51 Ready-Pin-5066 Need help deciding UNew Haven vs. Syracuse

I recently got off the Syracuse waitlist. It is my dream school, and I’m so excited, however I’m worried about making the financially smart decision. SU Pros: -alumni network -Maxwell in Washington -Study Abroad in strausburg -Better social life -Bigger student population -has my major (political philosophy) -Bus system to major cities Less driving for my family, as they are closer to SU -More ski opportunities (ski club) -Maxwell and cas combined program -campus is prettiei like the campus more -more time with family (ie get more out of my season pass for skiing)
SU Cons: -Much more expensive -Have to redo fin aid appeal process, registration, etc -Longemore expensive flight (My immediate family lives on the west coast, my extended family whom I referred to above live close to SU) -Late in the year -> hard to find roommate, good housing, etc -Will have less money to participate in extra programs, clubs, etc -More rich/snobby kids -bigger classes initially
UNH Pros (already committed to UNH) - Much cheaper (little debt) -On a sports team (not recruited/no scholarship) -(Slightly) cheaper flight, no layovers -Better housing -Small poli sci program (professors seemed to really care/be involved) -Trip to switzerland with poli sci program -smaller class sizes
UNH Cons - Don’t like/not as good social scene -More driving for family -Less time at family’s house bc of sport
My immediate family is paying $20k/yr, and my extended family offered to pay up to $20k/yr as well, but it would cause a bit of financial strain, and I don’t want to put them through that. Because of this, I agreed to take out max $20k in loans/yr (including Fafsa loans). Syracuse COA is 45k/yr (including work study and Fafsa loans), while UNH COA is $28k/year, and I could graduate with no debt. Now, I know this seems like a no brainer, and you’re probably wondering why I made this post. The issue is, I just don’t like UNH. SU is my dream school, and I know this sounds cliché, but I got “the feeling” everyone talks about when visiting campus. I simply loved it and could not imagine myself anywhere else. I visited UNH and thought it was nice, but was overall indifferent. Before getting off the waitlist I did not care about starting college, and now I’m happy and excited. Also, (I know this negates a lot of SU’s pros but) I’m heavily considering switching my major to marketing, as there will be more job opportunities and higher paying salaries to help pay back my loans. Other info that may help - I know people discourage visiting family too often while at college, but for many personal reasons it is important to me to be close to them and see them often - They may not let me take out $20k in loans (instead paying it themselves), but again I don’t want to be a burden - I went to a big high school with strong school spirit and have always wanted to attend a large college with prominent athletics and a good gameday atmosphere. I know there are more important factors when picking a school, but this will definitely help my mental health/happiness - I’m not upset about giving up my sport in order to attend SU. I mainly joined the team at UNH to try and get involved in school spirit, but don’t feel the need to do that at SU. Also, skiing is something I do for fun, not the sport I would do at UNH
I’m sorry this post is so long, and if the formatting is weird (i’m on a mobile device), but any advice would be greatly appreciated, as I am really struggling in making this choice and the deadline is Wednesday.
submitted by Ready-Pin-5066 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:48 TornadoJoeEDH Buyer paid fees are Mercari deceptive means to make even more investment profit

So it just dawned on me what the real potential reason for them changing all the fees over to the buyer paying them. Greed! JK that was already obvious to anyone and everyone for a lot longer than the fee changes, but of course everything they do is based on greed.
Day 1 the buyer pays the fees on top of the listing price up front. Day 1 the seller doesn't pay anything, (and never had to see a grand total payment invoice higher than the grand total since the fees were a deduction, not an increase) Mercari receives even more total money than before on the same price items, increased net total to compound higher interest gains without the listing prices changing
*Worst case scenario for Mercari: Day 5, (after 1-day rushed delivery and 3 days since) , the seller gets the money, (lets just call this 5 days after the order was placed by the buyer, just to have a control number in place even though that speed is probably mythical rare lol). Mercari is not able to make any more investment money from that payment since it was passed on to the seller, now they are using """""their own money which has risks""""" ha if only..
*Best case scenario for Mercari: Day 5 after the order that doesn't show any legitimate sign of being shipped, just the automated shipping label created in the system, buyer requests cancellation for the money be refunded. Seller denies the request. Customer is told they must wait until weeks have passed before the money can be refunded since they say the seller informed them that the order was shipped, supposedly. Mercari substantially increased the amount money and amount of time they get to watch the risk free investment profits churn before they have to give that base money to the rightful owner.
Mercari probably also very likely has their own fake listings just to increase the overall flow into the investment pot with the maximum length of time before having to refund the buyer. Even if it has been longer than the shipping deadline you still can only "request" cancellation, at which time the seller simply claims they shipped. That is where Mercari then tells the buyer that they have to wait weeks "since it was said to be on the way"
Mercari does not follow their stated deadlines willingly, they usually have to be initiated by the buyer, and I know that because I see it happen all the time with my orders... Im too hopeful and stubborn to give up so quickly. I have never tried to get a refund right after the deadline, since I don't want to lose that item I finally found at that great price, I ask the seller if it will be shipped soon since it's been a week or two since I placed the order, and then within a few days after that I reluctantly deem it to be the huge letdown that it is and wonder how long it will be before I stumble across another score like that was supposed to have been.... Weeks of interest gains from bogus listings that were never going to be shipped, just there for loan bait illegally.
submitted by TornadoJoeEDH to Mercari [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:45 Agitated_General_889 Season Pass or GOTY for mods?

Hi fellow Waste landers.
I have the original vanilla Fallout 4 and currently doing a playthrough after many years without playing. I want to play survival mode and would like to try some mods as well. Is it better to add the DLCs, and if so, is it preferable to get the Season Pass (£27.99) or GOTY (£34.99) edition.
I will be waiting for a sale as think the prices reflect the current hype, so happy to wait whilst doing a run through in normal mode.

submitted by Agitated_General_889 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 12:34 GouthamiDurgasi Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, shareholders warned

Elon Musk could leave if $56 billion pay package not approved, shareholders warned
Tesla boss Elon Musk may be forced to quit if shareholders do not approve his $56 billion pay package under a controversial new scheme that has sent ripples through investor communities and industry players. Growing apprehension is now being experienced as the rumor of the likely approval of the package might clash with much controversy among the upcoming shareholders' meetings over what this would mean for Tesla. This article will outline Musk's pay package, the concerns of shareholders, and the possible implications for Tesla if Musk resigns.
Background to Elon Musk's $56 Billion Pay Package
The $56 billion pay package for Elon Musk is one of the largest in the corporate sector. This compensation plan is performance-based, having been approved in 2018. This means that Musk will only be able to realize the total amount if Tesla achieves a range of tough financial and market value milestones. The plan was aimed at aligning Musk's interests with the interests of the Tesla shareholders so he would be motivated to grow the company.
According to the terms of the package, Musk gains no salary or cash bonuses, making him one of the highest-paid U.S. CEOs. Instead, the only way for Musk to receive any of the compensation is if his company achieves a set of ambitious milestones related to its operations and market value. These goals relate to the various growth of Tesla revenues, adjusted EBITDA, and market capitalization. If all the goals were achieved, Musk would get stock options worth around $56 billion when the plan was passed.
Shareholder Concerns and the Approval Process
As the day of the shareholder meeting draws nearer, there has been concern over Musk's proposed compensation plan. Some shareholders have said that such a pay packet of such a scale is not justifiable given the performance and financial health of the company. Some investors argue that the pay package is too much and could dilute existing shares significantly if Musk achieves all the targets. The approval for the pay package comes from a vote by the Tesla shareholders.
To occur, it requires a majority of votes in favor of the package. The board of directors has recommended approval, citing Musk's critical role in Tesla's success and the need to retain his leadership. Some institutional investors and advisory firms have come out against it, urging shareholders to vote against the package because of its size and potential to hurt shareholder value.
The Potential Effect of Elon Musk's Exit on Tesla
The potential exit of Elon Musk from Tesla would, to a great stretch, have an impact on the company. Quite frankly, he is the CEO but also faces aspired for in Tesla under his visionary leadership and relentlessness. In the face of Musk quitting, considerable faith on the part of investors would be lost, making the share price of Tesla. Moreover, Musk's leaving would tend to disrupt the long-term strategic direction of Tesla.
Being the mastermind behind most of the ambitious projects at Tesla—including developing new models for electric cars, advancing battery technology, and even expanding the business into energy—his absence slows down innovation. It can affect the company's ability to meet long-term targets. The market analysis has it that the uncertainty around Musk would bring higher volatility in his stock.
Investors might take a pessimistic approach to any such news, which dictates that Musk leaves, thereby influencing the stock price. Further, it would be challenging to find another CEO with a similar vision and ability to inspire the same level of dedication from the workforce at Tesla.
Corporate Governance and Executive Compensation
The $56 billion pay package for Elon Musk has once again triggered a debate grounded in the more significant issues related to corporate governance and executive compensation. Indeed, in the past few years, there has been increasing scrutiny of CEO pay packages, especially those that are outstandingly huge or pegged to aggressive performance targets. Critics say such packages can offer a perverted incentive to CEOs, who aim at enjoying the "get rich quick scheme" where they optimize on results today at the expense of tomorrow's value for shareholders.
For Musk, the pay package is designed to link his interests to the shareholders—performance-based compensation. But the sheer magnitude of the package has caused some to wonder if it's over the top and whether such largess sets an appropriate, or in this case, inappropriate precedent for other firms. Corporate governance experts also often call for companies to be judicious in executive pay matters, noting that members of a board of directors should consider thoughtfully whether enormous pay packages could damage company culture, employee motivation, and firm value.
Moreover, they have established a plea for very close monitoring to ensure the targets are formulated such that an individual is not pushed to gamble to attain the spelled incentives.
Tesla's Future and Its Trajectory of Innovation
The future of Tesla is not altered by whether Musk's compensation plan will make the vote or not. The position of Tesla in the electric vehicle market remains sturdy due to the brand and high customer loyalty it has achieved. What has been propelling the growth of Tesla is its commitment to innovation and sustainability, with a promise for new models and advancement in battery technology.
One of the most significant strengths of Tesla is its ability to innovate under changing market conditions. The company is significantly focusing on vertical integration from vehicle manufacturing to energy production and storage and, hence, has an additional competitive advantage. On top of these, Tesla spends a considerable amount on research and development to maintain competitiveness in future technological advancements in the automotive and energy sectors.
The future of Tesla will be pegged on the company's ability to expand its market again. Already, the company has expanded its market entry beyond the USA into Europe and China. Growth must continue in these and other markets to keep growing and ultimately be successful.
Other Notes from Industry Experts on Tesla's Leadership and Strategy
Some industry experts have also weighed in on what will happen with Elon Musk leaving, but more crucially, their musings about his massive pay plan. Many think that Musk's leadership is a grave reason for Tesla's success; they point out personal qualities such as vision, innovation, and an ability to inspire the workforce. Nevertheless, some experts view Tesla as an organization that could do just fine even without Musk at the top.
For this, they refer to the strong management team that envelops the company and the culture of Innovation evident in the company that he has developed. Further, Musk has made sure that Tesla has a strong brand with good products and a loyal customer base. Experts further note what is proper and effective succession planning.
They say that Tesla's board of directors needs to be ready for the case of Musk leaving and to have in place a laid-out plan that would ensure its transition is smooth. This includes potential successors carrying forward Musk's vision, maintaining momentum, and moving the company forward.
The potential turning point in the future of Tesla is now as shareholders are about to vote on the $56 billion pay package for CEO Elon Musk. The decision will hence have far-reaching implications, not only for what happens next between Musk and the company but also for Tesla's place on the map.
With shareholders weighing the pros and cons of this latest compensation plan, they need to look at the potential risks and benefits of keeping Musk on as CEO. Nevertheless, deep in my heart, Tesla is all about innovation and sustainability. Its future will be determined by how well it can adjust to different market conditions, broaden its global activity, and push forward the boundaries of what will be possible in terms of electric vehicles and energy.
submitted by GouthamiDurgasi to u/GouthamiDurgasi [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:42 Sharp_Turnip_2228 Dlc

So, I'm a console player, and so far I've enjoyed planet zoo very much, i didn't want to buy any dlc at the start because i didn't want to spend a lot of money for a game i wasn't even sure i would enjoy much.
So I've got a couple of questions for anybody wanting to guide me through what would be the smartest.
A month ago, i bought the Europe and North America dlc bundle, and enjoyed it so far. I'm still playing a lot, and I'm think about wether i should buy the season pass and if it's worth it. I did some research and it said that the season pass didn't include all current and future dlc's. So, i wanted to know if it would be smart to buy the season pass, or buy the packs or bundles i'm interested in when on discount.
So, regarding i already bought the Europe-America bundle, would it still be worth it getting the season pass at full price?
And if not, of course, nobody knows this 100% sure, but will there be a lot of discounts on planet zoo? And would it be smarter to wait for those discounts?
Thanks for taking the time guiding me through this 'luxury' problem.
submitted by Sharp_Turnip_2228 to PlanetZoo [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:33 Hondurasgoldencoffee How to Choose the Right Coffee: A Guide to Finding Your Perfect Brew

Selecting the right coffee can feel overwhelming with the myriad of options available. From different origins and roasts to various brewing methods, there’s a lot to consider. Whether you’re a coffee novice or a seasoned connoisseur, here’s a guide to help you choose the right coffee, find the best taste, and make an informed pick.

Understanding Coffee Tastes

Coffee flavor profiles can vary widely depending on several factors, including origin, processing method, and roast level. Here’s a breakdown of what to consider:
  1. Origin: Coffee’s flavor is heavily influenced by where it is grown. Here are some general characteristics of coffees from different regions:
    • Africa (e.g., Ethiopia, Kenya): Known for bright, fruity, and floral notes.
    • Latin America (e.g., Colombia, Brazil, Honduras): Often have a balanced flavor with notes of chocolate, nuts, and caramel.
    • Asia (e.g., Indonesia, Vietnam): Typically exhibit earthy, spicy, and sometimes smoky flavors.
  2. Processing Method: The way coffee is processed after harvest affects its taste:
    • Washed: Clean, bright flavors with more acidity.
    • Natural (Dry): Fruity and sometimes wine-like, with a fuller body.
    • Honey (Semi-Washed): A balance between washed and natural, with sweetness and some fruitiness.
  3. Roast Level: Roasting brings out different flavors in coffee:
    • Light Roast: Retains most of the bean’s original flavors; often bright, acidic, and fruity.
    • Medium Roast: Balanced flavor, aroma, and acidity; often has hints of caramel and chocolate.
    • Dark Roast: Bold, rich, and sometimes bitter, with deep chocolate, smoky, and spicy notes.

Choosing the Right Coffee for Your Taste

  1. Identify Your Preferred Flavor Profile: Think about what flavors you enjoy in other foods and beverages. Do you prefer fruity and tangy, sweet and nutty, or bold and smoky? This can guide you towards certain origins and roast levels.
  2. Experiment with Single Origins: Trying single origin coffees can help you pinpoint your preferences. Each region offers distinct characteristics, and exploring them can be a fun journey. For example, if you enjoy bright and fruity flavors, start with an Ethiopian coffee. If you prefer something smoother and chocolaty, try a Brazilian coffee.
  3. Consider Your Brewing Method: Different brewing methods can highlight various aspects of the coffee’s flavor. For instance:
    • Pour-over (e.g., V60, Chemex): Accentuates clarity and brightness; great for light roasts.
    • French Press: Enhances body and richness; suitable for medium to dark roasts.
    • Espresso: Concentrated and intense; works well with medium to dark roasts.

How to Pick the Best Coffee

  1. Freshness Matters: Coffee tastes best when it’s fresh. Look for roast dates on packaging and aim to consume coffee within a few weeks of roasting. Avoid pre-ground coffee if possible; grinding beans just before brewing ensures maximum freshness.
  2. Quality Indicators: High-quality coffee often comes with certifications such as Fair Trade, Organic, or Rainforest Alliance. These indicate ethical sourcing and sustainable farming practices.
  3. Small Batch Roasters: Consider buying from small batch or specialty roasters. They often pay more attention to quality and offer a wider range of unique and high-quality beans.
  4. Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations: Customer reviews and expert opinions can provide insights into the taste and quality of different coffees. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations from baristas or coffee enthusiasts.
  5. Sample Different Coffees: Many roasters offer sample packs or smaller quantities so you can try a variety of coffees without committing to a large bag. This is a great way to discover your favorites.


Choosing the right coffee involves exploring different origins, understanding how processing and roast levels affect flavor, and considering your brewing method. By identifying your taste preferences and paying attention to freshness and quality indicators, you can find the perfect coffee that suits your palate. Enjoy the journey of discovering and savoring the diverse and delightful world of coffee!Selecting the right coffee can feel overwhelming with the myriad of options available. From different origins and roasts to various brewing methods, there’s a lot to consider. Whether you’re a coffee novice or a seasoned connoisseur, here’s a guide to help you choose the right coffee, find the best taste, and make an informed pick.Understanding Coffee TastesCoffee flavor profiles can vary widely depending on several factors, including origin, processing method, and roast level. Here’s a breakdown of what to consider:Origin: Coffee’s flavor is heavily influenced by where it is grown. Here are some general characteristics of coffees from different regions:
Africa (e.g., Ethiopia, Kenya): Known for bright, fruity, and floral notes. Latin America (e.g., Colombia, Brazil, Honduras): Often have a balanced flavor with notes of chocolate, nuts, and caramel. Asia (e.g., Indonesia, Vietnam): Typically exhibit earthy, spicy, and sometimes smoky flavors.
Processing Method: The way coffee is processed after harvest affects its taste:
Washed: Clean, bright flavors with more acidity. Natural (Dry): Fruity and sometimes wine-like, with a fuller body. Honey (Semi-Washed): A balance between washed and natural, with sweetness and some fruitiness.
Roast Level: Roasting brings out different flavors in coffee:
Light Roast: Retains most of the bean’s original flavors; often bright, acidic, and fruity. Medium Roast: Balanced flavor, aroma, and acidity; often has hints of caramel and chocolate. Dark Roast: Bold, rich, and sometimes bitter, with deep chocolate, smoky, and spicy notes.Choosing the Right Coffee for Your TasteIdentify Your Preferred Flavor Profile: Think about what flavors you enjoy in other foods and beverages. Do you prefer fruity and tangy, sweet and nutty, or bold and smoky? This can guide you towards certain origins and roast levels.
Experiment with Single Origins: Trying single origin coffees can help you pinpoint your preferences. Each region offers distinct characteristics, and exploring them can be a fun journey. For example, if you enjoy bright and fruity flavors, start with an Ethiopian coffee. If you prefer something smoother and chocolaty, try a Brazilian coffee.
Consider Your Brewing Method: Different brewing methods can highlight various aspects of the coffee’s flavor. For instance:
Pour-over (e.g., V60, Chemex): Accentuates clarity and brightness; great for light roasts. French Press: Enhances body and richness; suitable for medium to dark roasts. Espresso: Concentrated and intense; works well with medium to dark roasts.How to Pick the Best CoffeeFreshness Matters: Coffee tastes best when it’s fresh. Look for roast dates on packaging and aim to consume coffee within a few weeks of roasting. Avoid pre-ground coffee if possible; grinding beans just before brewing ensures maximum freshness.
Quality Indicators: High-quality coffee often comes with certifications such as Fair Trade, Organic, or Rainforest Alliance. These indicate ethical sourcing and sustainable farming practices.
Small Batch Roasters: Consider buying from small batch or specialty roasters. They often pay more attention to quality and offer a wider range of unique and high-quality beans.
Read Reviews and Ask for Recommendations: Customer reviews and expert opinions can provide insights into the taste and quality of different coffees. Don’t hesitate to ask for recommendations from baristas or coffee enthusiasts.
Sample Different Coffees: Many roasters offer sample packs or smaller quantities so you can try a variety of coffees without committing to a large bag. This is a great way to discover your favorites.ConclusionChoosing the right coffee involves exploring different origins, understanding how processing and roast levels affect flavor, and considering your brewing method. By identifying your taste preferences and paying attention to freshness and quality indicators, you can find the perfect coffee that suits your palate. Enjoy the journey of discovering and savoring the diverse and delightful world of coffee!
submitted by Hondurasgoldencoffee to Honduran_coffee [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:20 Perkelton Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup: June 9 2024 29 ending soon (incl. Rebirth, Feudum) & 28 new this week (incl. Grimcoven, Return to the 7th Citadel)

What is this?

This is a weekly crowdfunding roundup of new projects launched last week and projects that end the coming week.

Google Docs

As an alternative format, the lists are now also available as a Google Docs found here: Weekly Crowdfunding Roundup


Expect new lists every Sunday between 00:00 and 23:59 CEST on the following platforms:
Reddit: /boardgames

Selection criteria

The criteria for the lists are as follows:

Ending soon

Newly launched

Notable filtered projects


🎉: Staff pick/featured
💰: Funded
🔥: More than average 200 backers/day
🌱: Creator's first project
🌳: Creator's >5th project
🔄: Money back guarantee (Read more)


I live in El SalvadoCanada/Colombia/USA, why are you posting on a Saturday?!
Because I'm writing this from Europe in the future where it's already Sunday. Timezones be crazy.
Why are there a bunch of non-board games in the board game list?
Because the Tabletop games category on Kickstarter includes anything remotely related to board games and sometimes things slip through my filters.
Why is this future award winning board game and literal saviour of humanity missing from your list?
Sometimes my filters get a bit overzealous and discard actually valid projects. If you feel something is missing for this reason, leave a comment and I'll add it (maybe).
Can I donate all my money to you?
Can you help me promote my game?
Please no. I make lists. Nothing more.
Your list is full of errors and now I cnat spel amymor!
Indeed, this fine piece of code runs purely on single malt whisky, so anything can happen. Leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.

Ending soon (29)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
Rebirth: Limited Edition A brand new, tile-laying game from Reiner Knizia, set in a lush and hopeful future. 5552 €265,854.00 (1329%) in 19 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 45-60 min. 🎉💰🔥🌳 BGG
Feudum Game-of-the-year winner, Feudum is back with the 7th anniversary collector's edition featuring an exclusive clockwork behemoth! Grrrrrrrrrr. 2679 $354,257.05 (1417%) in 26 days 2024-06-14 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players ⏱️ 150 min. Area Control 💰🌱
Hex Effects: A Spellbinding Card Game Hex Effects is a “take that” card game that involves beautiful artwork and easy-to-pick-up gameplay. From the makers of Side Effects! 1413 $55,457.00 (462%) in 24 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰 BGG
How to Save a World Three desperate plans. One small chance... to save a world. 1216 CA$114,038.00 (190%) in 19 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
Village Pillage: Big Box + New Expansion Magic makes its way to Village Pillage in the fourth and final expansion to the critically acclaimed game! 1090 $60,172.00 (301%) in 19 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑5 players ⏱️ 15-30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
BERSERKERS : Chaos Extension by Alone Editions Berserkers is Back ! 972 €26,872.00 (413%) in 24 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Big Sur, Grand Central Skyport, Sand Art, & Wine Cellar Mix and match your pledge from four new games across a variety of styles, themes, and player counts to elevate your next game night. 893 $42,936.00 (429%) in 12 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
🍁 Masters of Maple Syrup & Downstream 🛶 Manage a maple farm and explore the riverbank in these cozy, pocket-sized games for two! 835 CA$47,616.00 (595%) in 19 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Greenlight A game for people who will never make it in Hollywood. 829 $45,269.00 (453%) in 33 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Thorgal: The card game Thorgal: Card Game, where strategy meets destiny in a thrilling card-based adventure 761 €40,864.00 (409%) in 19 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. 💰 BGG
The Big Bad Wolf Based on The 3 Little Pigs! Secretly pass the "Big Bad Wolf" then Entice & Persuade players into flipping it, to Blow Down their house! 570 $12,768.00 (365%) in 26 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 15-35 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
Catstronauts: The Board Game The cooperative boardgame based on the hit graphic novels! 492 $31,506.00 (630%) in 26 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30 min. 💰🌳 BGG
TOOTHEAD Let's Get Ready To Rumble!!! Sneaky moves and a lot of fighting in an innocent setting. A family-friendly game, also great for parties! 448 €29,744.00 (372%) in 33 days 2024-06-10 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑8 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 40-180 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
Amsterdam Board Game Design - season 1 Three fun card games by different members of ABGD: Bable, Grachtenpand, & TimeZoo. May this be the first season of many! 419 €11,900.00 (397%) in 27 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Guns of the Old West Players compete in solo/co-op play or as a team with over 100 campaign paths. Each playthrough is a unique cinematic experience offering endless replayability. Players make strategic decisions and interact with each other to achieve their group and secret individual objectives, some of which involve… 299 £53,400.50 (107%) in 26 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑8 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 45-90 min. Card Game Wargame Dice Game Area Control Cooperative 💰🌱 BGG
DVG - Mustang Leader The WWII Air War Over Europe Solitaire Game! 284 $54,294.00 (271%) in 19 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
GotchaCards: a rock-paper-scissors card game! a thrilling RPS dueling card game for all ages by Pat Casao & pabloKM 278 $15,972.00 (86%) in 31 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 🌱
EXPENDABLE EMPLOYEES A Cooperative Miniature Skirmish-Extraction Game Inspired by Lethal Company, Content Warning & Helldivers 2! 269 CA$6,390.00 (256%) in 24 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Dabba Walla The famous Dabba Walla invite everyone to join them on their daily journey through Mumbai! 250 $14,400.00 (288%) in 5 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
The Thinning Veil Cormac Mac Airt on the Other Side of Midnight A solo dungeon crawl now featuring a 2 player mode set in the world of The Thinning Veil, and featuring Cormac Mac Airt, High King of Inis Fael! This game is the first in the Thinning Veil line and the Cormac series. 243 £34,126.74 (1706%) in 26 days 2024-06-11 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑2 players ⏱️ 90 min. Dice Game 💰
Freak War: A Card Game A fun and simple pick-up-and-play card game—with unhinged rules and a hidden layer of intense strategy. 227 $15,544.00 (155%) in 26 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 6+ ⏱️ 15-60 min. 🎉💰 BGG
Dice Tales: Knight's Adventures Become mighty Knight, live exciting adventures in this solo sandbox print and play roll and write board game with a dose of strategy. 226 €3,030.00 (3030%) in 10 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1 player 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-30 min. 💰🌱 BGG
One Hour World War II A fast playing game of all of World War II for 2 players. Actions and Reactions drive the game. Plays in....wait for it.....1 hour. 224 $20,955.00 (1080%) in 8 days 2024-06-15 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
The 7 Seas: A New Start Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of The 7 Seas. Explore, trade, and fight to become a legend! 218 €20,600.20 (206%) in 24 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑5 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 30-90 min. 💰 BGG
The Dream of Gods: An Interactive Mystery Game Speak with gods. Solve puzzles. Uncover secrets. An interactive mystery book with audio, puzzles and visuals. 201 €12,151.00 (608%) in 25 days 2024-06-14 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Of Popes & Plagues The Game of Plague & Pestilence in the Middle Ages 183 $7,890.00 (158%) in 33 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑6 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 20-60 min. 💰🌱 BGG
Scare BnB - Spooky family fun for all ages! Help guests flee from a Bed and Breakfast run by monsters! 142 $2,938.00 (94%) in 19 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 5+ ⏱️ 15-30 min. 🌱 BGG
El Camino de Belén (The Journey to Bethlehem) The game that brings families together. Up to 4 teams, the first to get to Bethlehem wins! The game comes in English and Spanish. 111 $10,384.00 (103%) in 30 days ⚠️ 2024-06-09 💸 Kickstarter 💰
WARLINE x Dragons War Design the battlefield. Design your army. Design custom tactics. Craft your own path to victory in this sandbox fantasy warfare game. Now, Warline's head-to-head "Strategicraft" gameplay is bolstered with the new solo or cooperative army-versus-dragon expansion—Dragons War. 99 $10,085.15 (81%) in 10 days 2024-06-16 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players ⏱️ 45 min. Wargame Cooperative

New this week (28)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags BGG
Grimcoven Discover our new boss battler game for 1-4 players, set in a dark Victorian universe where only the hunt matters. In the unique tactical gameplay of Grimcoven, you take up the role of a hunter fueled by Lament. 9366 $1,795,810.67 (3592%) in 3 days 2024-06-27 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 90-270 min. Cooperative 💰🔥🌳 BGG
RETURN TO THE 7th CITADEL. Explore, build, YOU are the hero! Get ready for new adventures in the Collapsing Lands! 1000+ minutes of exploration and adventure for 1 to 4 slave-gardeners. 8031 €837,720.00 (1077%) in 5 days 2024-06-19 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
🧁 Apothebakery - The Culinary Alchemists Forage resources, brew elixirs and bake cakes of salvation to heal adventurers on the brink of doom in this game for 1 – 4 players. 3870 £286,958.00 (820%) in 5 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🔥🌱 BGG
Mythic Battles: Isfet Explore Ancient Egypt or Norse Mythology, commanding gods, heroes, monsters and troops in this 2-4 player skirmish adventure game! 3288 €627,108.00 (314%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 60-90 min. 🎉💰🔥🌳 BGG
Mine Turtle: It’s a blast! An explosive game of truth or dare. 2655 £98,122.00 (981%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
Secret Villages & Santa's Workshop (+Related Story Puzzles!) The first expansion to Merchants of the Dark Road, plus a deluxe edition of Santa's Workshop and our first two story-driven puzzles! 2289 $146,525.00 (488%) in 5 days 2024-06-22 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥🌳
Agemonia Reprint + New Heroes! From the publisher of Eclipse, a fully co-operative board game with challenging moral choices, set in an epic campaign for 1-4 players! 1924 €161,398.00 (461%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 60-120 min. 🎉💰🔥 BGG
Yokai Septet Pocket Edition Fan favorite trick-taking game is back with a smaller footprint and an official inclusion of 2-player mode! 945 $15,535.00 (518%) in 5 days 2024-06-21 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Port Royal A Miniature Skirmish Game set in the Searover's Caribbean 558 $72,324.00 (482%) in 4 days 2024-07-05 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Pillars of Heracles - Awaken the Legends! Lead your city-state through a monumental adventure in Ancient Greece in this epic civilization board game for 1-4 players. 517 $42,151.00 (211%) in 5 days 2024-06-24 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 90-120 min. 💰 BGG
Imperfect Crimes: Pop-Up Escape Book Solve an immersive, 3D PopUp Book crime escape game. Find clues, solve puzzles and explore each crime scene filled with hidden secrets. 463 €44,896.00 (180%) in 4 days 2024-07-08 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Operation Barclay Operation Barclay is a two-player game of low/medium complexity about the intelligence war between the Allies and their Abwehr counterparts in the Mediterranean theater in 1942-1943. 461 €15,244.85 (191%) in 3 days 2024-07-04 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players 👶 10+ ⏱️ 25-40 min. Card Game 💰🌳 BGG
2GM Tactics 🔥 France & Total War 2GM Tactics series expansions. Fight in World War II! And become the best General. 368 €20,878.00 (418%) in 5 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌳
Fluffy Dragons A bluffing game, where you'll use the force of the elements to fight your Fluffiest enemies to collect the most gems! 357 $16,827.00 (224%) in 5 days 2024-06-29 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Bunny Boom Bunny Boom is a strategic game of bunny infestation! Manage actions, place cards, and pass the bunnies to your opponents to end the game with the fewest bunnies! 🐰💥 310 CA$28,728.43 (144%) in 5 days 2024-06-27 💸 Gamefound 👥 2‑4 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 15-45 min. Card Game 💰 BGG
Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone™ - RePrint and Vehicle MAYHEM An introduction of vehicles to the Combat Zone featuring the Zetatech Herakles, sleek cyber-bikes, and more! 310 $83,971.00 (280%) in 4 days 2024-06-28 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
Clash - D-Day Special edition Get ready for an immersive World War II experience, during the D-Day landings in Normandy, 1944. 'Clash - D-Day Special edition' is an accessible, turn-based, tile-laying board game for 2 players. You and your opponent will have to fight for every beachhead to win this war. This special 80th commem… 308 €25,105.99 (279%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Gamefound 👥 2 players ⏱️ 45 min. Wargame Area Control 💰🌱
The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow for Liminal Horror The Parthenogenesis of Hungry Hollow is a sandbox investigation for Liminal Horror. 285 $12,340.00 (123%) in 5 days 2024-07-05 💸 Backerkit 💰
Dabba Walla The famous Dabba Walla invite everyone to join them on their daily journey through Mumbai! 250 $14,400.00 (288%) in 5 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 8+ ⏱️ 30-45 min. 🎉💰🌳 BGG
CASSETTE DUNGEONS! A compact rogue-like dungeon crawl board game through a realm of metal and madness packed in a cassette tape case! 196 $2,955.00 (197%) in 6 days 2024-07-03 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1 player 👶 13+ ⏱️ 5-45 min. 💰🌱 BGG
X: Seekers of Fortune | An Action-Packed Adventure Card Game Hunt for lost relics and legendary sites while performing heroic feats to outfox your rivals in this tcg-like strategy card game. 191 $12,328.00 (123%) in 5 days 2024-07-01 💸 Kickstarter 👥 2‑4 players 👶 14+ ⏱️ 20-40 min. 🎉💰🌱 BGG
NAWALLI: The Aztec Card Game (Second Edition) A strategic lane battle game based on Aztec mythology - become a Nawalli Sorcerer summoning Nawals and Spells to dominate the Arena! 129 $8,198.00 (410%) in 3 days 2024-07-06 💸 Kickstarter 💰
Paw of Duty Command a kitty squad to regain control of a war-torn city. 102 $2,832.00 (189%) in 5 days 2024-07-04 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
TomeBound The Game of Strategic Sorcery 77 $4,686.00 (134%) in 2 days 2024-07-07 💸 Kickstarter 💰🌱
Order of the Day: Normandy A boardgame of the D-Day invasion, June 6, 1944, playable by inexperienced or veteran boardgamers. 60 $2,744.00 (62%) in 3 days 2024-07-06 💸 Kickstarter 👥 1‑2 players 👶 12+ ⏱️ 45-120 min. 🌳 BGG
Wrestling Cubes A unique abstract strategy game about pinning your opponent's cubes. 51 $2,102.00 (42%) in 2 days 2024-07-07 💸 Kickstarter
Fantasy Adventure Game LIGHT AND DARKNESS Embark on a journey full of dangers, random locations, random encounters, watch out for traps, hunt animals, heal the sick, pay for services, trade. Enter the darkness and explore ruins, caves, or undergrounds. Keep your team in mind and meet their basic needs of thirst, craving, and sleep. 19 PLN 5,227.50 (7%) in 6 days 2024-08-03 💸 Gamefound 👥 1‑3 players ⏱️ 180 min. 🌱
Top Line Hockey A fast paced table top hockey game that fits on a piece of paper. 18 $605.00 (151%) in 1 days 2024-07-08 💸 Kickstarter 💰

Notable filtered projects (4)

Name Description Backers Pledged Ends Information Tags
DC20 The Next Great Evolution in Fantasy TTRPGs: A Fresh System with Epic Combat, Intuitive Gameplay, and Characters as Unique as Your Group 10643 $1,109,228.00 (5546%) in 5 days 2024-07-02 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥
Blade Runner RPG: Replicant Rebellion & Asset Pack Fight back against Replicant oppression in this major expansion to the award-winning BLADE RUNNER RPG from Free League Publishing. 4134 SEK 3,612,769.00 (1445%) in 12 days 2024-06-13 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🔥🌳
Mörderin by John Blanche John Blanche presents a new range of 32mm grimdark femmes miniatures based upon his artwork. 1733 £53,911.00 (2696%) in 4 days 2024-06-12 💸 Kickstarter 💰🔥🌱
Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Stockholm Kartell Dread Risen - A fully articulated Mörk Borg Action Figure w/ Zine by Johan and Pelle of Stockholm Kartell 1199 $104,799.00 (210%) in 40 days 2024-06-11 💸 Kickstarter 🎉💰🌳
submitted by Perkelton to boardgames [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:55 Vlyn Thoughts from a new player after the Steam release

There seems to be a lot of confusion about the negative reviews on Steam from this community. No, it's not a review bomb, it has several very clear reasons.
Personally, I was interested in Dark & Darker when it originally released, but I never bothered enough to get into one of the play tests (waiting for it to be more complete). I have hundreds of hours in extraction looters (Tarkov, Hunt Showdown, Arena Breakout Infinite, ..) so a fantasy version of that without guns? Awesome!
Unfortunately then the whole copyright strike happened and the game pretty much vanished and was up in the air. I did know about them releasing again on their website with their own launcher, but I'd much rather own the game on Steam and it was still sketch, if things go wrong you buy the game and it permanently shuts down, so I stayed away (but wishlisted on Steam).
With this Steam launch I suddenly got an email: Dark & Darker released on Steam! Obviously I went to the store and was even more surprised: They went free to play? Holy shit! I even checked the Steam page, like the early access drop down (where they usually write about price increases) and the description, but as far as I could tell it was actually free to play. There's plenty of other games like that which have cosmetic MTX and a battle pass, so I didn't expect any locked out features going in.
Anyway, went into the game and had some fun. For a new player it's confusing and rather tough, but definitely interesting. And the loot is cool, I picked up green items and got hyped to even find a blue one later. Managed to extract in my second round, sorted out my loot like in any other game of this type, then wanted to go back in with my new items.
Not allowed. Huh? What?
Then I found out to use your items you need to play HR and that's locked out in the free to play version. But everyone tells you HR is sweaty min-max, the green and blue items you picked up aren't working there anyway (why do they exist?). And normal mode is the most fun anyway and every experienced player prefers it.
Suddenly this turns the game away from a looting game to a simple fantasy dungeon battle royale. Loot doesn't matter (especially for free to play), so why pick any of it up at all? I then wanted to at least try out a few more classes before I buy the game and I found out I'm locked to one slot. If I just want to give another class a try I have to delete my first character I've spent several hours with, great.
I'm utterly stumped why the devs went that way. There's such an easy solution for this whole thing: The game already has a gear score. Allow players to go into the normal dungeon with whatever gear they have, but match their team with other teams that have a similar gear score. Done, was that so difficult? A hardcore loot extraction game where you can't use your loot is just stupid.
Either the game is marketed wrong or there have been several bad design decisions. For now I left a negative review as for a totally new player, this is simply not it.
submitted by Vlyn to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:31 fleur_de_sel_8 VOLT Landscape Lighting on Clearance at Lowes, opinions on flagstone, Garden Antiques

Hello, new to this S.R. I am constantly switching up my landscape, and after poorly setting concrete pavers as a border, I ripped them up and sold them on marketplace! Paid $0.25 each, sold for $0.33 each. Yes Profit, regular Price is $0.69 each. Nonetheless I want to simplify and create a true 4 season garden.
  1. I want to add lighting to my back and front yard. Looking at some VOLT Lighting Kits on sale at Lowes. I believe $260 for 6 lights, 100W transformer, and all the wiring, etc. Regular price is $400. Thinking of getting one if not two (I live on 5 acres and my yards are big! Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thinking of uplighting a couple exterior walls and the 4 trees in my pack yard as well as my new flagstone patio.
  2. I just purchased roughly a ton of bluestone flagstone on Marketplace for $40, yes $40. Tons of work to load and unload, but worth it. Roughly $400 value I found. I don't know if I want to do a moss joint or a polymeric sand joint. I have heard of stone dust and all of that. I want this patio to be rip-up-able, if I change my mind in the future. A nice moss and maybe creeping thyme joint seems nice. This patio will be in my japanese maple, hydrangea, hosta, heuchera , elephant ear, stone sedum area. It gets morning sun and is shaded in the afternoon, natural moss grows where my Bermuda grass doesn't. Moss seems like something that will soften the area. Make it feel older and like its been there a while.
  3. Looking to introduce some garden/landscape antiques in. Any inspiration pictures would be greatly appreciated. Looking for an antique millstone, or antique cast stone/concrete statuary. Anyone want to stand in my yard posed like Altas or Persephone? Will cook you really good food from the Potager garden!
Thanks for the help!
submitted by fleur_de_sel_8 to landscaping [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:07 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:06 glupschipup [H] Victoria 3, Space Hulk: Ascension, Elex II, 300+ Keys [W] Steam (VR-)Games, Steam Game Gifts, Steam Awards/Points, Steam Items (Cards, CS2, etc.), PayPal or Other Offers

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submitted by glupschipup to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:05 Shi144 Egotism vs Altruism

Dear Broadchurch fans, I have posted a series of rewatches of season 1 (\_series\_1) of Broadchurch. Now I find it is time to review some of the prevalent themes within the series. Please be aware that I will discuss season 1 as a whole, so there may be spoilers ahead.
If you enjoy reading this essay, feel free to stop by my AnalysisVault to see if you find some more of my work to your liking. Please note that this subreddit is read only and comments should be made with the original posts rather than the cross-posted ones.

Egotism vs Altruism
One of the more prevalent themes in Broadchurch is the question of egotism vs altruism. I will give you a short overview of both concepts as well as the spectrum they represent, then speak about their implementation in the series and finally make a statement about why the makers chose to make it a central theme.

Wikipedia states:
Egotism is defined as the drive to maintain and enhance favorable views of oneself and generally features an inflated opinion of one's personal features and importance distinguished by a person's amplified vision of one's self and self-importance. It often includes intellectual, physical, social, and other overestimations. The egotist has an overwhelming sense of the centrality of the "me" regarding their personal qualities.
In essence, egotism is the personal philosophy of “me first”. A person with strong egotistical tendencies will make sure their own needs are met before those of others. Think, if you will, of the people who will take the best slice of cake for themselves or drive a gas guzzler out of convenience or cut the line at the airport to get the best seat. All of these are egotistical actions. On the other hand, some egotism is warranted for self-preservation. The parent who gives their all for their children but runs themself ragged in the process may need to exercise more egotism. The health care professional who routinely skips their break to care for never-ending patients may want to be more self-preserving by being more selfish. Things like that. In general, society views egotistic action and unfavorable while oftentime people with egotistical traits tend to be more successful in certain areas of life.

Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself. While objects of altruistic concern vary, it is an important moral value in many cultures and religions. It may be considered a synonym of selflessness, the opposite of selfishness.
In essence, altruism is the personal philosophy of “others first”. A person with strong altruistic tendencies will make sure the needs of others are met before their own. Think, if you will, of the people who will hand out food to others happily but forget to get any of their own, take great strides to pick up trash in a local park or offer up their seat for a disabled person on the bus. All of these are altruistic actions. In general, society views altruism as beneficial and a trait to strive for while oftentimes people with altruistic traits tend to be less successful and may feel taken advantage of.

Basically, egotism vs altruism is the Captain Kirk vs Mr Spock discussion. Spock says: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”, goes into a highly irradiated engine room to save the Enterprise and dies in the process. Kirk says “The needs of the few outweigh the needs of the many” and risks war with the Klingons because he can’t live without his buddy.
However, every action has aspects of both in them. Each action every person takes has both egotistic and altruistic nuances to them. The interesting part is where the balance falls. I will let you decide for yourself which way the pendulum swings on the following examples.
Some examples:
The healthcare worker who overworks themselves acts in an altruistic way because they support patients and help them get better. But they are also egotistical in their own way because being “the supportive one” strokes their ego.
The person who drives the gas guzzler acts in an egotistic way because they pollute the environment unnecessarily, take up a lot of space with their vehicle and probably stink up the place with their fumes. But they might also have an altruistic aspect because they need to move large groups of people, feel they are supporting an industry that gives jobs to workers or even further the economy by spending money.
The person handing out food but not taking any for themselves can be very altruistic but depending on the person they can be very egotistic instead, for example when they decide to hog the table, demand ever-lasting gratitude for their “sacrifice” and/or post their actions on social media for clout.
Finally, a person who writes lengthy analyses and posts them on Reddit may appear altruistic because they attempt to enrich the lives of others with their observations and (hopefully) witty posts. They may also be egotistic in an attempt to garner attention and positive reinforcement through the community they choose to post in.

Implementation in the series:
One of the great things about the series is the fact that they are aware of the different sides of egotism and altruism and allow the viewer to form their own opinion. Hardly ever is anything said bluntly, most of the time we are left to figure out things of our own. We see the way the characters act, we see the way they interact and are interacted with and we are left to make our own decision. Hardly ever are things black and white, hardly ever are we given the one true answer ™.
This is one of the main reasons the series is as emotionally impactful as it is. Because life is messy. Life isn’t neat. Life isn’t simple. Stories with simple and clear answers are not realistic because life doesn’t work that way. Think about it. In the last decade or so there were a lot of shows and movies looking deeper into the question of fairy tale villains and whether they were villains at all. Star Wars does this masterfully by looking at Anakin Skywalker’s arch. He seems like a clear-cut villain in episode 4, the first to hit the screens, but as more of his story is revealed, he becomes much less cartoonishly evil.
In fact, the idea of egotism vs altruism is the driving factor in the various aspects of the investigation the detectives conduct. Look at the different suspects, if you will. All of them have (at the very least) some very egotistical behaviors. Steve Conelly, con man and maybe psychic is getting a feeling of importance when passing on his “messages” to the great expense of Beth Latimer, among others. Mark Latimer is so very much wrapped up in his selfishness he neglects just about everyone around him unless caring for them fulfills his needs. Nigel Carter engulfs himself with righteous anger against Jack Marshal, not for the community but seeking Mark’s approval. Paul Coates revels in the attention he and his church gain from the case. Susan Wright is so eager to protect herself, she harms others pre-emptively. Jack Marshal, the man who slept with a child, then married her. No 40-year-old man would do that for selfless reasons.
All of the suspects we are presented in the show are – in one way or the other – selfish. And that’s perfect. Murdering a child is an inherently selfish action. The true joy of the show comes with finding out that the murderer is a man who we are made to perceive as deeply selfless.
Let’s take a look at Joe Miller and how he is portrayed on the show. As I have stated in the various rewatch posts, most of the time Joe Miller is shown as loving, caring and genuinely supportive parent and partner. As u/Vioralarama stated so well in my post about episode 5, “He's got the plot armor of the supportive spouse who handles all the emotional work for the person working the crime.” On the surface, he does. Every time we see Joe Miller, he is seen with a member of his family. And every time he is seen he is doing some sort of supportive work for them.
Case in point, when Joe and DS Miller invite DI Hardy to their home for dinner, Joe does it all. Puts the kids to bed, prepares dinner, does the dishes. He tries to mediate between DI Hardy and DS Miller, too, and makes a great effort to lighten the mood.
Once you look below the surface, though, things look entirely different. We see glimpses here and there that things are not what they seem, mostly through things we DON’T see rather than the things to DO see.
Joe Miller shows some worrying signs of being a neglectful parent and partner quite early on in the show. To pick up the example of the dinner experience, when DS Miller leaves the room, Joe Miller uses the time he has alone with DI Hardy to probe him for information. If he truly were the supportive husband the show wants us to believe, he would’ve used that time to help both find common ground in their working relationship. DI Hardy is the one who brings that up and asks about whether DS Miller likes him. The conversation is cut short though as Joe Miller filled the narrow time slot with questions about the case and didn’t leave DI Hardy enough to ask about how to improve his working relationship with DS Miller. Case in point, DS Miller keeps complaining that DI Hardy addresses her as “DS Miller” instead of “Ellie”. This would have been a great talking point for Joe Miller in that moment, asking “why” and mediating between them. Also, did Joe Miller make a dinner invitation to help DS Miller and DI Hardy form a working relationship or did he do it to garnish information?
More examples:
When DS Miller and Joe Miller tell Tom Miller about Danny’s passing, both leave him alone in his bedroom. Neither offer a shoulder to cry on. Sure, DS Miller is just as responsible as Joe here but Joe is the stay-at-home parent and therefore the more direct caretaker than DS Miller. Also, over the course of the show we never see Joe actually engaging with Tom, there is no attempt at comforting him, not even when he is obviously distraught. Joe Miller lets Tom out of his sight at the Arcade in episode 5, right in the middle of the “pedophile panic” surrounding Jack Marshal. Just in general, Tom spends a LOT of time wandering the town alone. This image doesn’t sit well with the façade of caring, loving, altruistic father.
Indeed, the filmmakers are pulling one over our eyes with Joe, who turns out to be one of the most egotistic persons in the town. Joe spends time and family money on Danny, he breaks into a holiday hut to do so, manipulates the boy with abuser language and, when threatened to be deprived of his attention, gets so angry he strangles the boy. Whom he still believes to be his son’s best friend. And who is his best friend’s son. The same best friend he then begs for praise because he didn’t drop the body into the ocean so he didn’t have to spend years wondering what happened to the boy.
But why do the filmmakers do this? The series REVELS in red herrings, side plots, dead ends and misdirection. The greatest misdirection they can give us is showing us the “perfect” man and making him turn out to be the most terrible one of all. It’s an emotional gut punch and the type of storytelling that works really well with the type of story they want to convey. Because the story of Broadchurch is not about Danny’s murder, it’s about the fallout that follows. A community like this learning that one of their “best people” is indeed a child murderer has to have a terrible ripple course through it, upsetting it deeply.
With so many other characters filling the “egotism” bill, we are offered a view beyond the picturesque coastal town in Dorset, England, where things look perfect, harmonious and just lovely. The series revels in showing us this image and dissecting it piece by piece, looking deeper and deeper into the cesspool of secrets and bad decisions. As such, the viewer is given the change to observe the deep hurt inflicted upon the more altruistic characters – most of which happen to be women – by the egotistic characters – many of which happen to be men. It is the direct and even more terribly indirect hurt that is inflicted upon the altruistic ones that gives the story the emotional impact it has.
Case in point, Beth Latimer and DS Miller both are exploited by their husbands and end up not only dealing with the direct fallout of their respective actions but hurt to a point they cannot even rely on each other anymore. They are both stripped of the delusion of happiness and family being their haven. They are also both stripped of a friendship which could supply each with a friend who “gets it”. Heck, just for the fun of it the makers toss in Susan Wright, a woman who has been so terribly hurt by her husband that she became jaded enough to “join the other team”. She has become the egotistic abuser her husband was simply because she (probably) used to be altruistic. Her experience with her husband, the police and the loss of her kids have kicked her to the other side of egotism simply out of a deep need for self-preservation.
Before the question comes up, no, the series is not about men vs women, or men = bad, women = good. And neither is this post. There are egotistic women in the story, like Karen White, Susan Wright or Becca Fisher. There are altruistic men in the story, too, like DI Hardy. But the trend is quite distinct. In my own personal experience this comes from the general societal expectation that women should be altruistic and work for the group. An expectation that is not socialized as thoroughly in men. The show picks up on this and showcases it to great effect, placing a great emphasis on the price some women are made to pay for following this expectation.
Finally, the question of egotism vs altruism is a thinking point the viewer is left to ponder with beyond the end credits of the last episode. The discussion of who is what and how much can keep the viewer’s mind busy for some time. Several people on this sub posted they hated Mark Latimer’s selfishness, and many commenters agree. If you ask me, this is a great result for a series, making the viewers contemplate things such as this beyond the actual viewing experience.
submitted by Shi144 to Broadchurch [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:41 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueMarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:40 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:40 katelovesmeiu Professional Challenger Coach Verified Metafy & Coachify Partner Eight Years of Coaching Experience Over 7.000 Sessions Held Over 4.000 Students US Collegiate Coach Guaranteed Improvement & Personalized Plans Available Coaching Subscriptions & Individual Sessions Discord > shelbion👑

Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
Book Your Free Consultation Today! > Discord @ shelbion

About Me

My name is Shelbion and I've been an avid League of Legends player for over a decade. In Season 4, I reached Challenger for the first time and even considered pursuing a professional career. However, after much reflection, I decided to pursue other challenges within the game.
Some of my notable achievements as a player include:


With over 7.000 hours of coaching experience, I fall into the category of one of the most experienced individuals in the field. My experience, passion, and ability to identify your flaws and tailor each session to your needs make me stand out as a Coach.
I've studied the techniques of renowned coaches, such as LS, MagiFelix, and others, and I've developed my unique coaching approach. So far, my approach has helped countless individuals, and over 20 teams advance their competitive play, across 5 different continents, including members of various College and University eSport Teams.
Some of my notable achievements include:
I am dedicated to continuously honing my skills and providing the best coaching experience possible to all of my clients, regardless of their rank or location.

Subscription Based Coaching

Verifications & Certifications


In addition to my experience as a Player, I am also the Founder of Noxus Coaching - a rapidly growing, educational community on Discord. Our community is a great place to find new friends to play with, have a good time, and most importantly, improve your skills.
We hold various events on a weekly basis, including 1v1 & 5v5 tournaments, meme contests, and more. There are plenty of rewards to be won, including free coaching sessions with me. To join our community, visit and message me upon joining to receive your role.


How Does it Work?

We will schedule an initial Interview during which we can discuss your goals and I can provide a more detailed explanation of my coaching services. This interview will typically last for 3-5 minutes.
The First Session is designed to assess your current level of gameplay and identify areas for improvement. After conducting an analysis, I will create a Personalized Coaching Plan tailored to your specific needs. This plan will outline a series of sessions designed to maximize your improvement.
The Coaching Plan may include various session types, such as:
All sessions will be personalized and created specifically for each student's needs. By following this plan, you can feel confident that you are taking the most effective steps to achieve your goals.

Personalized Support (Available 24/7)

In addition to the structured coaching sessions, I offer personalized support to my clients on a 24/7 basis. Whether you have a specific question or just want to debrief after a tough game, I am always available to help. Simply message me and I will respond as quickly as possible.


I am able to cover any server and any timezone! Rates for both Private and Team coaching are negotiable. We will easily get the sessions to fit your budget and your needs.
Payments are usually done through PayPal, however other forms of Payment such as Direct Transfer can be discussed.


Main form of contact is Discord on which you can find me at shelbion (Or Shelbion#8832)
Feel free to message me either on Discord or through a Direct Message on Reddit and I will come back to you as quickly as possible.
submitted by katelovesmeiu to LeagueCoaching [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:32 JustMakingForTOMT Body #1 – An Analysis of the Titanic’s “Other” Unknown Child (LONG POST)

**Trigger warning for in-depth discussion of the deaths and bodies of children*\*
Many of you probably know the story of the Unknown Child, or Body #4 – the body of a baby boy recovered from the sea shortly after the sinking of the Titanic and buried in Halifax’s Fairview Cemetery. Unidentified for years, he was speculated to be either Gosta Palsson or Eugene Rice, tentatively identified with DNA analysis as Eino Panula in 2002, and definitively identified through improved DNA testing in 2007 as Sidney Goodwin. The Unknown Child has come to represent all the young lives who were lost in the disaster.
However, much less well-known is the mystery of Body #1. Pulled from the icy Atlantic on April 21st 1912 by the cable ship Mackay Bennett, the body of an approximately 10-12-year-old boy was the first of 337 Titanic victims to be recovered. Officially, Body #1 was identified as Walter John van Billiard, a 9-year-old third-class boy who perished along with his father Austin and 10-year-old brother James William. He was buried next to his father, whose body was also recovered, in the Whitemarsh Union Cemetery of Zion Lutheran Church, Flourtown, Pennsylvania. However, doubt has always lingered among Titanic researchers and enthusiasts over the true identity of the body. In this post, I’ll examine the case for and against the body’s identification as Walter Van Billiard, investigate some other possibilities for its identity, and summarize my findings.
A few disclaimers: firstly, I’m not a professional, just someone who’s been interested in the Titanic (and specifically its child/teen passengers) for a long time.
Secondly, although I’ve never seen a detailed write-up on Body #1 before, others have discussed this topic and arrived at similar conclusions as mine, so I’m not breaking any entirely new ground here.
Finally, this post isn’t meant to disrespect or offend any of the Van Billiard family or to shatter the idea of a father and son resting beside each other. I’m just trying to take a critical look at the identification of Body #1 and suggest some alternate possibilities.
Approximately 115 Titanic passengers and crew under the age of 18 were lost, and very few of their bodies were ever found. In attempting to identify one of them, I hope to honour them all.

Part I: The Van Billiards

Walter and James van Billiard (photo here) were the two eldest sons of Austin Blyler van Billiard and Maude Murray. One or both boys had been born in Paris, France, but spent most of their lives in Africa, where the family was engaged in diamond mining. By April 1912, the Van Billiards had had four more children and wanted to return to Austin’s family in North Wales, Pennsylvania. They travelled to London, where Maude fell ill. It was decided that she would stay there with her parents and her four youngest children to recuperate, while Austin would take James and Walter ahead to America. Austin’s parents had never met any of their grandchildren before, and he wanted them to spend Easter together. Tragically, they booked third-class on the RMS Titanic, and the rest is history. No survivor accounts mention the Van Billiards by name, so it is unknown how they passed their time on the ship or how exactly they met their ends. A newspaper article (Daily Home News, April 23rd 1912) suggests the boys may have refused to leave their father, but it’s equally likely they simply arrived on deck too late to have the option of boarding a lifeboat.
What is known is that two bodies purported to be members of the Van Billiard family were later recovered and sent to Austin’s relatives in Pennsylvania for burial. Body #255, that of an approximately 40-year-old man with a dark red beard and moustache, was identified as Austin. Body #1, allegedly young Walter, was described as such:
No. 1 – MALE – ESTIMATED AGE. – 10-12. – HAIR. LIGHT.
CLOTHING – Overcoat, grey; one grey coat; one blue coat; grey woolen jersey; white shirt; grey knickers; black stockings; black boots
EFFECTS – Purse containing few Danish coins and ring; two handkerchiefs marked “A”.
Probably Third Class.
Furthermore, the “Inventory of the property found on the body of the late W. VanBilliard” adds that the purse also contained one United States cent and “three wooden disks.” This document can be viewed online at the Nova Scotia Archives website. Interestingly, “Unable to identify from clothing or effects” has been written across the middle of the page in pencil. Further down, it says “Remains shipped. See #255.”
Right off the bat, it's unclear why Body #1 was identified as that of 9-year-old Walter, as opposed to 10-year-old James – or, in fact, why a connection with the Van Billiards was made at all. The Philadelphia Inquirer of May 8th 1912, reporting on the arrival of the bodies in Pennsylvania, states that identification was made “through the Red Cross Society and papers found on their persons.” However, no such papers are mentioned among the effects found on either body, despite this being common practice for the descriptions of Titanic victims’ bodies.
It is also noteworthy that no member of the Van Billiard family was reported as having identified or even viewed the bodies. Identification would, of course, have taken place at Halifax, where the recovered bodies were brought before being buried there or forwarded elsewhere, and I could find absolutely nothing to suggest that any Van Billiard travelled to Halifax to view them. The North American newspaper of May 8th 1912 states quite clearly that Austin’s father, Burgess James van Billiard, was in Pennsylvania when the bodies arrived. Maude and the other children were still in England, and in fact would not make the trip to America until February 1913, almost a full year after the disaster.
Moreover, it must be remembered that none of the Van Billiard family members in America had ever seen their grandsons. They may have seen photographs of them, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that they’d be able to identify a body which had spent six days floating in the freezing ocean. There are stories from other maritime disasters of the era, such as the General Slocum (1904), the Eastland (1915), and the Princess Sophia (1918) of children’s bodies being misidentified (or dubiously identified), even by close relatives. Therefore, even if Burgess van Billiard or another family member had seen Body #1, would that have conclusively proven that it was Walter (or James)? Or would it simply be a case of a grief-stricken human being clinging to the belief that their loved one was one of the few recovered from an icy grave?
According to Judith Geller’s Titanic: Women and Children First, “popular reports” of the time stated that Austin’s body was found with Walter’s clasped to his chest. However, as she goes on to state, this was not the case. This can be seen plainly from the numbers of the bodies, which were assigned in the order that they were retrieved. Body #1 was recovered on April 21st, while Body #255 would not have been picked up until April 25th, according to the diary of Mackay Bennett crewman Clifford Crease. Therefore, identification of Body #1 cannot have been made by its proximity to Austin Van Billiard.
The effects found upon Body #1 also do nothing to prove, or even suggest, that the body was that of Walter Van Billiard. It is true that the handkerchiefs marked “A” could have belonged to Austin, but “A” could stand for many other names of those on board the Titanic. The Danish coins are a tantalizing clue, but none of the Van Billiard family was known to have lived in or visited Denmark. (Of course, it’s possible that the coins could have been misidentified – perhaps they were actually Belgian or Boer, as the Van Billiards lived in both the Belgian Congo and South Africa; or Dutch, as Austin Van Billiard is known to have visited Amsterdam shortly before embarking on the Titanic. (Perhaps the “A” handkerchief was a souvenir from the city?) However, these are only theories.)
It has never been conclusively accepted by Titanic researchers and enthusiasts that Body #1 is that of Walter Van Billiard. Walter’s entry on Encyclopedia Titanica contains the footnote: “Because of the effects recovered with the body there has to be some doubt over the authenticity of the identification.” Similarly, Women and Children First states that “the body might in fact have easily been that of another Third Class boy.” That book’s section on the Van Billiards ends with the somber observation that “a monument to [the] husband and two sons … stands in the Whitemarsh Union Cemetery, but only two (and perhaps one) of them lie beneath it.” Whether or not Walter van Billiard was truly Body #1, one hopes that this (mis?)identification brought some solace to his surviving family members.

Part II: Other Possibilities

With it being established that there is no conclusive proof that body #1 belonged to either of the Van Billiard boys, let us examine other possibilities. I have assembled a list of all male Titanic victims between the ages of 8 and 14 whose bodies were never found. The reason for extending this range is that the estimated ages given to bodies were not always entirely accurate. For example, the body of 12-year-old William Sage was estimated to be 14, the body of 16-year-old Rossmore Abbott was estimated as 22, and the body of 17-year-old Ernest Price was estimated as 26.
Our candidates are:
  1. Eugene Joseph Abbott, 13
  2. Filip Oscar Asplund, 13
  3. Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund, 9
  4. William Neal Thomas Ford, 14
  5. Charles Edward Goodwin, 14
  6. William Frederick Goodwin, 13
  7. Harold Victor Goodwin, 10
  8. Frederick William Hopkins, 14
  9. Husayn Mahmud Husayn Ibrahim, 11
  10. William Andrew Johnston, 8
  11. Albert Rice, 10
  12. George Rice, 8
  13. Betros Seman, 10
  14. Karl Thorsten Skoog, 11
  15. George Frederick Sweet, 14
  16. William Albert Watson, 14
A few possibilities can be easily excluded from this list:
Several more possibilities can be marked as unlikely, if not ruled out entirely:
Our list is thus reduced to:
  1. Eugene Joseph Abbott, 13
  2. Filip Oscar Asplund, 13
  3. Clarence Gustaf Hugo Asplund, 9
  4. William Neal Thomas Ford, 14
  5. William Andrew Johnston, 8
  6. Albert Rice, 10
  7. George Rice, 8
Now, let us look at each of these boys in turn and examine the evidence for and against them being Body #1.
Eugene Joseph Abbott:
William Neal Thomas Ford:
Little is known about Ford, an English youth emigrating to the USA with his extended family and a family friend. None of their bodies are known to have been recovered (although they may be among the unidentified). He has no known connection to the letter A or to the nation of Denmark. Therefore, I see him as among the most unlikely of these boys to be Body #1.
William Andrew Johnston:
William Johnston, a cousin of William Ford, is a slightly more likely candidate for two reasons. Firstly, his father’s name (and his own middle name) was Andrew, providing a connection to the letter A. Secondly, in the one photo of him provided by the Titanic Museum in Pigeon Forge,* he appears to have had light hair.
Albert and George Rice:
Filip and Clarence Asplund:
I believe the Asplund boys are the strongest possible candidates for body #1, due to the following evidence:
If I had to choose between the two Asplund boys for the true identity of body #1, I would suggest that it was 9½ year old Clarence, rather than 13-year-old Filip, due to the fact that those identifying the body clearly deemed it likely to belong to a 9-year-old. However, I think either boy is a likely option.

Part III: Conclusion

None of this is to say that I think the body couldn’t have been one of the Van Billiard boys. After all, there had to be *something* that caused Walter Van Billiard to be singled out amongst all the other possible candidates. Any of the clues I pointed out in this post may have been red herrings.
Maybe the “A” handkerchiefs were a parting gift from a friend whose first or last name started with that letter, or a souvenir of some city the boy had visited. Maybe the Danish coins were simply picked up off the deck, or given to this boy by a Danish passenger for whom he had done a favor. Maybe the age estimate was far off, and the boy was actually a tall 7-year-old or a very young-looking 15-year-old. Maybe Walter really is resting alongside his father in Union Cemetery, Flourtown, Pennsylvania. In the end, unless DNA analysis is ever done, we will never know the true identity of body #1.
My personal ranking of likelihood, out of all the boys examined, is:
  1. Clarence or Filip Asplund (in that order), aged 9 and 13
  2. Walter or James Van Billiard, aged 9 and 10
  3. Eugene Abbott, aged 13
  4. Albert or George Rice (in that order), aged 10 and 8
  5. William Andrew Johnston, aged 8
  6. William Neal Thomas Ford, aged 14
  7. Harold, William, or Charles Goodwin (in that order), aged 10, 13, and 14 – I might even bump Harold (and possibly William) up higher than William Ford due to their younger age.
  8. Frederick Hopkins or William Watson, aged 14
  9. George Frederick Sweet, aged 14 (almost 15)
  10. Husayn Ibrahim, aged 11, or Betros Seman, aged 10
  11. Anthony William Sage, aged 12 – borderline impossible as Will Sage’s ticket was found on body #67, meaning that was almost certainly him. Perhaps an onboard friend of his had stolen his ticket as a prank, or they had switched tickets to keep as mementoes of each other, but I find this quite unlikely.
  12. Karl Thorsten Skoog, aged 11 – impossible; his missing or prosthetic leg would certainly have been noted.
The true tragedy of Body #1 is the fact that there are so many possible candidates for its identification. In memory of all these boys and their families who were lost on the morning of April 15th 1912.
\I have some doubts about the veracity of some photographs from the Titanic Pigeon Forge Museum, but the vast majority of the photos I've seen from there are genuine. I can elaborate further in the comments if anyone is interested.)
submitted by JustMakingForTOMT to titanic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:28 Fun_Yak3615 Creating a Comprehensive ANKI French Deck / Personal Journey

Creating a Comprehensive ANKI French Deck / Personal Journey
This will be an ongoing journal type thing until I get to approximately B2 in my target language (French) with the goal of making a systematic process as I go along that is comprehensive via only ANKI. I will be doing this in real time, but also retrospectively making improvements so that when I finish, the process will be much more efficient for the next person (as well as for myself for any future languages).
Every 20 hours of ANKI study time, I will take a mock exam to track my progress. The mock exams will go up in level as I pass the previous levels. I have just done my second A1 mock exam at hour 60 (the first was at hour 40). At 80 hours, I will probably do both A1 (to get over 90) and GCSE Foundation to see where I stand on harder stuff.
Below is a visual representation I like of hours to level. The expected amount of hours for each level (A1, A2, etc.) is based on what I've found online. For mocks, A1 is using DELF, A2 onward I will use the UK system as they have easily accessible up-to-date mocks. For A1 I am only taking the Oral and Writing Comprehension sections as they are easily graded solo. For the UK ones, I plan on maybe adding the writing section and grading via the help of GPT using their grading rubric.
The "Contextual Learning" (probably should be named Comprehensible Input) above so far has only been watching a series in French with English subtitles (6 hours). It was pretty much useless in my opinion and I will not be doing that again. I think it only gets useful in the more advanced forms.
Black is guideline - Blue is my result - Lower is better
Note on Mocks:
A1: Mock 1: Barely understood any of the oral. I did not follow the rule of only 2 repeats of the audio, and so my score is actually higher than it should be. Was basically answering off 1-word understandings here and there. Was actually surprised to get a passing score. Note that this process does not put any emphasis on learning things that come up in exams (specific useful vocab like numbers, times, seasons, etc. or topics/sentences likely to be used in basic conversation), which will result in poor early scoring that catches up later on (in theory).
A1: Mock 2: Again, oral was pretty poor. They speak much quicker in these than what GoogleTranslate outputs and with much stronger accents. Again, I didn't stick to the 2 repeat limit for audios. The written section was much easier. I got 2 wrong simply because I rushed reading one section (Should have scored 94% overall, with 2 wrong in oral and none wrong in written). Next time I take a mock, I'll take it much more seriously. No phone, no multi-tasking and go over every question twice (I did this whole mock in 30 minutes despite the 50-minute allocation and repeating audio more than you're supposed to).
So these are the main methods I'm using (with the expressed goal of trying to stick with ANKI throughout):
Grammar-translation method Spaced Repetition
Things I may need or complementary methods:
Transfer method - May be useful at the same time in the early days when you're just trying to get a feel. Comprehensible Input - So my main reluctance here is it's not time efficient. It is fantastic for ease of learning, i.e. you can grind the hours needed for learning without burnout or boredom (actually have fun), but the time spent to progress made isn't great overall. There are people on DreamingSpanish with 1500 hours under their belt at B1-B2 level. That's a lot of hours to get to that level. I may have absolutely no choice but to include it at some point, though, given the limitations of the audio in my current method. AI will probably fix all that soon. One caveat, this inefficiency might be due to HOW people are using their comprehensible input rather than simply the default state of the method. Shadowing - No idea how effective this is.
I'm going to try to be succinct in my presentation of what I've done so far, starting with the current, up-to-date process:
  1. I look up frequency lists and learn vocab according to their order.
  2. I start with verbs as the basis of sentence creation. Each conjugation gets a sentence. (Currently only simple present, decided by a rough frequency list of tenses). Each sentence tries to introduce a new vocab word (based on frequency lists and with the ultimate goal of 3+ representations) on top of the verb itself. For irregular verbs, each conjugation is repeated twice because it doesn't follow normal rules.
  3. I introduce individual words as their own cards only after they have been learned via sentences (IE represented 3 times). This is primarily to memorize the genders, but also as a basic supplementation.
  4. Each word and each sentence has an accompanying audio. It's currently GoogleTranslate because it's free. An obvious improvement would be to use more advanced AI and different voices.
  5. When I answer a card in French, I answer by writing in the sentence and saying it out loud at the same time. ANKI highlights in red what doesn't match with the answer. When I answer the English side of a card, I only say it out loud (I'm not learning how to write English, am I).
  6. I always mark a card as correct when it's in the learning phase until the graduation mark. This is a new change because my accuracy has been too low and I think it's more efficient this new way.
  7. The spacing is 20s, 1m, 3m, 9m, 1d (graduation)
  8. I sometimes mark a card as correct if the mistake is very small or if it's just because I misread.
Mistakes I've made that I'm still fixing:
  1. Making the sentences too complicated. (Pretty obvious why this slows the process)
  2. Not sticking to one tense at a time. (I still have some sentences that are just random tenses and they don't stick as well in isolation)
  3. Introducing individual words as translations before they have been learned in context (much slower to learn for tiny words)
  4. Over representing certain verbs and certain vocab (less efficient and can even confuse you sometimes).
Improvements/focus for the next 20 hours:
  1. Audio only cards. (removing the visual aid to improve oral comprehension and pronunciation - may not be enough)
  2. Introduce compound past and simple past (probably won't get to more tenses)
  3. Introduce grammatical rules to cards when they show up (Some rules are not obvious enough to efficiently learn from context alone (making it hard to remember certain sentences because you don't understand the underlying rule of why it's not a direct translation from English - I'm not sure how I'll go about this yet)
Improving the process:
  1. Continue fixing the mistakes from above (lots of old cards still have issues)
  2. Each card has an ID number representing when it was made. I need to go back and add a secondary ID number for when it *should* have been introduced after retrospective analysis so that the next person (or me when I apply it to a new language) gets a better ordering of the introduction of vocab, grammar, and concepts.
All feedback is welcome.
submitted by Fun_Yak3615 to French [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:14 paulruk Which character should I buy?

I've not bought the season pass and I don't get to play that much (family, job being 43) but I'd like to get into some of the new characters.
Chun-li has been my ride or die since SF2 and I've never done well with the big guys. I prefer characters who are fast, loves Rolento and Ibuki in the past. Any suggestions or are there characters already here I'm missing out on.
Btw, I'm aware of AKI. She looks great but I hear not that great to win with.
submitted by paulruk to StreetFighter [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 09:12 AceOfSp8des7422 GGG’s system and Home Field Advantage

I understand coaches have a preferred system and that’s how they want their players to succeed, but when will it be evident to GGG and others that his system just does not fit this team?
With how I understand the system, GGG wants to work the ball down the wings where the mids will either play an outside through ball to Pulisic or Weah or those two will play an overlapping pass to the fullbacks. Then he wants them to cross the ball into the box and play for a header or a volley. After todays game he stated that “We need to be patient and wait for opportunities to cross the ball…” A reasonable assumption would be that we had either jackrabbits or the height advantage with our strikers, attacking mids, or opposite side wingers.
Todays players up top: Balogun: 5’10” 146 lbs Pulisic: 5’10” 150 lbs Weah: 6’0” 146 lbs Wright: 6’4” 174 lbs Pepi: 6’1” 161 lbs
Who in that group, other than Wright is actually going to out jump a CB for a cross? Our only hope is a perfectly placed ball and betting on our speed advantage to win a back post cross. Our one goal today was on great build up play through the center and a nice pass to Weah on the inside. Our personnel does not dictate to be looking for countless crosses and praying we can get 2-3 a game.
I think a different formation or at least a deviation of the 4-3-3 would do wonders for this team. A system should make the overall taken of the team greater than the sum of all the individual players talents. It has been evident that GGGs just does not fit this team for long term success over better teams. Truthfully our strongest team features right in the center in our midfielders. I think a change to a 4-2-3-1 would do absolute wonders for this team.
Across the back I would do Jedi-Ream-Brooks/Richards-Weah
It is inexcusable for the head coach of a national team to hold a grudge with one of his top players in the system, especially at a position of need like CB. Brooks could be a leader on this team. Weah would be in for Dest for now, but I think having a more defensive minded CB like Brooks and having two CDMs would help his defensive flaws and would also let him attack when necessary down the wing.
At CDMs, there are are variety of players we could use. Right now, the best two are Adams-McKennie Adams is more of the defensive savant while McKennie has been our best player at a club level this season. He can play a defensive role while also being allowed to traverse up field to make plays.
Pulisic in this version plays as an outer attacking Mid, but can function as a winger if necessary. He has great ball skills imo and can play inside as well as in his usual winger role. Tillman as been fantastic at a club level and is an amazing playmaker in the center. Reyna is a polarizing option as he has been awful at a club level, but if he is functioning at 100% is probably one of our top players. He is our most creative playmaker and can be a spark plug off the bench if you see it that way.
Up top is Balogun, as he is our best striker right now in mid eyes. He has shown to be a goal scorer and we need that.
Our worst spot right now is Keeper. I am in the group of thought that players need game time to be a sharp keeper 99% of the time. Right now, we do not have a player getting regular time in a top league between the pipes. Turner is still probably the best option, but I think Callender is probably the most tested guy in our system.
Overall, I think playing more down the middle and letting our guys be versatile playmakers is the best option for success. Many of our top guys play multiple positions at a club level. Use that to an advantage and allow guys to rotate and find empty space to make plays rather than forcing buildup play in a stagnant manner. Many of the guys I do not have starting like Musah, Cardoso, De la Torre, etc also play in these hybrid roles.
A small point at the end is also we need a better home field advantage. I understand that this is only a friendly, but many of our games during the World Cup and Copa cannot be 50:50. I don’t know how feasible it is, but our games should be in the NYC, Chicago areas where our fan base is largest. Think about the Mexico USA game in Vegas where it was a Mexico home game. The Federation needs to either work on growing sentiment and ticket sales in areas where our games are or schedule games for areas where we will have the best turnout.
Sorry for the long post , but it is frustrating to see the same stagnant play over and over again. What do you all think about the system and how would you change it?
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