Vintage sheridan pellet gun

H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

2024.05.17 08:40 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 07:18 mr_vinchengchong Can I get in trouble for having a fake gun inside my car?

Might sound dumb but I really don't know ir there's a way for me to get some legal trouble if an officer or on official inspected mt car and found a fake gun (pellet gun). I jokingly said ro my father one time that I should do that but he said there might be a law against something like that. I just want to have like a bluff for protection when an unfortunate time comes.
submitted by mr_vinchengchong to LawPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 04:27 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 03:47 LunarNeedle I made my own dream patch notes to re-add the fun back into the primaries without needing too many manhours at AH. Simple changes, huge results! The Helldiver way™

I was thinking about the new SEAF basic training course pushing forward new troops, and wondered if this was a new ploy to write in the guns becoming universally better into the story from all the new citizens picking up rifles for Super Earth, leading to a huge balance pass adding back the fun back into the primaries to help ease the annoying burden of being stuck with your primaries only.
These passes were made to add in power back into the game mostly via easily adjustable stuff. Ammo capacity, mag count, damage, explosive damage, heat build up you name it. This balance pass was made so that there felt like there was no trap gun, just guns with unique purposes. When guns were identical, I'd nerf some stats to create diversity between builds. But still, hypotheticals aside, lets have some fun and buff our divers
I've provided as much numbers as I could by stealing them from this heavenly guide I've read in my tired stupor. Below every gun, I've included a little blurb, but whenever I have a * next to it, I'm either not confident on the gun, don't have it or both.
If you want to run your own balance pass, feel free; but do remember the priority of this mental excersize was the ease of implementation. This can be also done to stragems as well, but I opted to keep the focus in what the Helldiver drops down with first and foremost. Although, I really really agree that we need to spawn with -1 stim w/o space optimization, not -2

Assault Rifle

Liberator: Damage up (60->68), capacity slightly up (45-46)
(The all-around good gun now with a bit more damage to help with tankier foes)
Liberator Penetrator: Damage increased (45->70)
(Far chunkier, so much so nothing else needs to be buffed)
Liberator Concussive: Damage up (65->75)
(Does 10% less DPS than Liberator, but explodes weakpoints so it's balanced)
Adjudicator: Damage up (80->92)
(An ammo hog should do good damage, making it a better half marksman/assault rifle with Concussive being buffed so heavily to be brought in line)
Tenderizer: Damage up (60->68), reload speed slightly slower (3.1sec -> 3.3sec for full reload, tactical saves 1 second), fire rate reduced (10 -> 8 shots/sec)
(A stun-full side-grade to Lib Penetrator that does slightly less DPS in favor of stun)*

Marksman Rifles

Diligence: Unchanged stats, medium penetration by default.
(It's a sniper, it should be the first earliest Medium Penetration)
Diligence CS: Damage up (140->175)
(To give a compensatory buff to CS w/ Diligence getting Medium Penetration)


Defender: Damage up slightly (70->78), capacity up (45->60), slight reduction in fire rate (520->495)
(Slightly chunkier SMG, with slightly more ammo to help with SSD delivery)
Pummeler: Quicker reload (3.2 seconds -> 2.9 seconds full reload)
(20% less DMG than Defender, but with stagger on hit and a less awful reload compared to Defender)*
Knight: One more mag in reserve (7 -> 8)
(Hey, this thing is pretty good looking, so lets let you use it longer)*


Punisher: Higher fire rate (80->120), decrease in damage (405->380)
(Very good stagger gun, should get more firerate for damage to allow AOE stunning if spreading wide enough)
Slugger: Double damage (250->500), reduced fire rate (80->70), slightly increased recoil (120->140), slightly increased reload time (5% per round)
(Big gun should feel big, and this does that. Might be too much?)*
Breaker: Damage decreased slightly (330->300), fire rate up (300->380), capacity per clip increase (13->16)
(Pretty good shotgun, so just tuning its numbers to really let you spray a bit more, but more as much as the namesake)
Breaker Incendiary: Fire rate up (300->380), capacity per clip slightly reduced (25->24), 2 less pellets w/ same damage (20/pellet -> 24/pellet), 30% less spread
(More damage via fire rate, more capacity, less total pellets helping avoid potential friendly fire)*
Breaker Spray 'n Pray: Fire rate up (330->440), capacity up (26->32), spare magazine up (7->10)
(Spray and Pray should really be more efficient ammo wise; like this thing should be THE W+M1 diver build)*
Dominator: Damage up (275 -> 360), slower fire-rate (4.16/sec -> 3.8/sec)
(15% overall DPS increase to keep in line with the other shotguns)

Energy Weapons + Explosives

Sickle: Mag count up (3->4), damage slightly up to 58
(Slightly more DPS, slightly more mags to keep it good while the other items get larger buffs)
Scythe: Mag count up (3->4), lowered heat build-up by 15%, damage increase (350/sec->480/sec)
(Making it both less of a trap to use with higher DPS, but not high enough it outguns even the explosive crossbow, which considering it's range is fine)*
Punisher Plasma: Contact damage increases (100->150), explosion damage increased (150->200)
(Sometimes when a gun has so many dumb parts about it, sometimes just slapping on a bigger number can fix it. This is one of those guns, but I admit more experienced people could provide a better buff)
Crossbow: Damage way up (420->680), capacity up (5->6), spare magazines up (8->10)
(This buff pushes this gun into the range of damage just above current LibPenerator, which considering it's stealthy could be fine.)
Eruptor: Contact damage up (420 -> 640), explosive damage up (190->220), capacity up per clip (5 -> 6), still no shrapnel
(Only attacking 0.416 times per second means this gun's only now is superior to in-game explosive crossbow, but considering it's explosive damage and huge stagger I think this is fine...)
Blitzer: Damage per bolt increased (250 -> 400), recharge speed slightly slower (1.33seconds -> 1.2seconds)
(Same as the first, just added more DPS to the gun to help balance out it's native Helldiver accuracy bonus)
Scorcher: Contact and explosive damage slightly up (100+100->115+115)
(Apparently this is good against bots, so I'm just giving it a little buff as a treat. Honestly the most superfluous, but I buffed all the others so ;P)


Peacemaker: More damage (90/shot) (Honestly, this one is just to make it feel like it's a sidegrade from Redeemer other than ammo efficiency)
Redeemer: More reserve mags (4->6), fire rate down (18.33/sec -> 17/sec) (To make Redeemer slightly more flexible for SSSD transport while still being good DPS wise)
Senator: Damage up (175->240) (Make it less of a compromise to select this over the other buffed secondaries)
Verdict: Damage up (125->140), magazine size up (10->12), improved ergonomics (Slightly better magazine size and damage to keep it feeling fun, with better ergonomics vs. the senator)
Dagger: Damage doubled (200/sec -> 400 damage/sec) (New lowest DPS gun, but still twice as strong as live game)
Grenade Pistol: Explosion size up, damage up (250+350 -> 350->400), reserve ammo up (8->9). (Honestly don't use this thing at all, definitely want fellow divers to give this a balance pass)
* means I don't have experience with the weapon yet, and am just running off of collective vibes from community + friends.
Yeah, lots of damage up ain't it? The biggest problem with the game is the DPS difference when you pick a bad gun in a bad situation, and this patch was made to make every gun closer to ther 600/sec DPS metric, or at least as close as I can. If you want to redo ANY of these changes, feel free to comment with how you'd change it. I'd love to spark any discussion on game balance to help support our Helldivers on the warfront. For Super Earth!
submitted by LunarNeedle to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 02:06 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:07 MADDL007 [XB1] H: Q50vhc25 AD, Weapons, Off-Meta AP/WWR Armor, UNY Armor W: B/50c/15c Handmade, Enclave Aligned Flamer Mods, Apparel, Masks

Not sure what the abbreviations mean? No problem, let me know! I’m willing to bundle for the items I want.
——Weapons for trade——
AA/E/90 The Fixer
ARIS/50crit/25 Ultracite Laser Rifle
ARIS/FFFR Light Machine Gun
B/50crit/15crit Crossbow
B/FF90 The Fixer {mule}
B/50vhc/15crit Handmade {mule}
B/50crit/15crit Tesla Rifle
B/50crit/15crit Ultracite Laser Rifle
EXE/FF25 Handmade
MUT/50crit/25 Laser Rifle
MUT/FF25 Gatling Plasma
Q/50vhc/25 Alien Disintegrator
Q/50vhc/90 Alien Disintegrator
Q/E The Fixer (2 Star)
Q/E Handmade (2 star) {mule}
Q/50crit Railway Rifle (2 Star) {mule}
Q/50crit/1A Railway Rifle {mule}
Q/E/FMSWA Railway Rifle {mule}
Q/FFR Railway Rifle (2 Star) {mule}
Q/FFFMSWA Railway Rifle
Q/AP/25 Tesla Rifle
Q/AP/25 Tesla Rifle {mule}
Q/50LD/Stealth Tesla Rifle
Q/50crit/25 Pump Action Shotgun
Q/DWA/FR 50 Cal Machine Gun
Q/DWA/FR Pepper Shaker
SUP/DWA/DRWA Resolute Veteran (Survivor Mode Legacy)
TS/50vhc/15crit Alien Blaster
TS/E/90 10mm Submachine Gun
TS/FMSWA Laser Rifle (2 Star - Legacy)
V/50crit/25 The Fixer {mule}
V/FFFR The Fixer {mule}
V/E/25 Railway Rifle
V/40PA/1S Power Fist
Enclave Plasma Rifle #1 w/ Severe Beta Wave Tuner, Aligned Automatic Barrel, Stabilized Stock, Reflex Sight {mule}
Enclave Plasma Rifle #2 w/ Standard Capacitor, Aligned Flamer Barrel, Stabilized Stock, Reflex Sight
Dross Grenade, Pearly Peepers
——Plans & Recipes for trade——
All Scout Backpack Mod Plans including High Capacity
Plan: Alien Blaster
Plan: Alien Disintegrator {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator High Powered Receiver {mule}
Plan: Alien Disintegrator Poison Receiver
Plan: Blue Ridge Scout Outfit {mule}
Plan: Camo Backpack {mule}
Plan: Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp {mule}
Plan: Pepper Shaker {mule}
Plan: T-60 BOS Initiate Paint
Plan: T-60 BOS Knight CPT Paint
Plan: T-60 BOS Knight Paint {mule}
Plan: Ultracite Emergency Protocols
Plan: Vintage Water Cooler
——Armor & Other items for trade——
AutoStim/AP/WWR Robot Right Arm (Sturdy) {mule}
BOL/AP/WWR Wood Chest Piece {mule}
GS/1INT/WWR Raider Left Arm {mule}
HunteAP/WWR Metal Chest Piece
MUT/1INT/WWR Trapper Right Leg {mule}
NOC/AP/WWR Combat Armor Right Arm (Light) {mule}
OE/1INT/SENT Leather Left Arm (Sturdy) {mule}
UNY/1E/WWR Robot Left Leg
UNY/1INT/WWR Robot Left Leg (Light) {mule}
UNY/1L/WWR Metal Chest Piece (Light - Level 10)
UNY/1P/WWR Combat Armor Right Leg (Heavy)
UNY/1P/WWR Robot Left Leg (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/FDC Metal Chest Piece (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/WWR Leather Chest Piece (Sturdy)
UNY/1S/WWR Leather Right Arm (Light)
UNY/FIRE/AWR Combat Armor Chest Piece (Light)
UNY/RAD/WWR Combat Armor Right Leg (Light) {mule}
VAN/1INT/WWR Trapper Right Arm
W/INT/WWR Combat Armor Right Arm (Sturdy)
Z/AP/WWR Robot Right Arm (Sturdy)
All 8 Holotape Mini Games
All Non-Rare apparel available - just ask
Misc Items: ask me for my list
——Items I want——
B/50crit/15crit Fixer or Handmade
B/50crit/25 Fixer or Handmade
B/50crit/25 Laser Pistol / Rifle
B/50crit/25 Enclave Plasma Rifle (reflex sights, aligned auto)
B/50crit/25 Plasma Rifle
Q/E/25 Handmade
Q/E/FR Handmade
Q/50crit/15crit Railway
Q/50crit/25 Railway
Q/50crit/FR Railway
Q/AP/FR Tesla Rifle
Q/50crit/90 Tesla Rifle {mule}
Q/50vhc/25 Tesla Rifle
Q/50vhc/FR Tesla Rifle
Enclave Plasma Gun Aligned Flamer Barrel Mod (one or multiple)
Baseball bats level 45 - indigo, pink, yellow
Plan: Dr. Bones
Plan: Golf Cart
Plan: Princess Backpack
Plan: Ultracite Calibrated Shocks
Asylum Worker Uniform Forest
Asylum Worker Uniform Pink
Asylum Worker Uniform Red
Asylum Worker Uniform Yellow
BOS Jumpsuit
Fasnacht Brahmin Mask
Fasnacht Buffoon Mask
Fasnacht Crazy Guy Mask
Fasnacht Deathclaw Mask
Fasnacht Demon Mask
Fasnacht Fiend Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Blue Devil Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Honey Bee Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Mask
Fasnacht Glowing Scorchbeast Queen Mask
Fasnacht Hag Mask
Fasnacht Loon Mask
Fasnacht Raven Mask
Fasnacht Winter Man Mask
Forest Camo Jumpsuit
Forest Scout Armor Mask
Hunter’s Long Coat (will pay caps)
Leather Coat
Radicals Face Mask (will pay caps)
Responder Fireman Helmet
Responder Fireman Uniform
Tattered Field Jacket
Traveling Leather Coat
Urban Scout Armor Mask
White Powder Jumpsuit
I’m really only after the items listed above, make me an offer. No caps, flux, or junk offers please.
submitted by MADDL007 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 00:00 Ultim8_Lifeform Respect Clover! (Undertale Yellow)


Five humans, missing...
Spoilers for all of Undertale Yellow's main routes below
Undertale Yellow is a fan-made prequel to the hit indie game Undertale. While Undertale follows the story of Frisk, the seventh human child to fall into the monster ruled Underground, Undertale Yellow follows the story of their immediate predecessor. Meet Clover, the sixth human. Unlike the humans that fell before, this gun-toting cowboy is unique in the sense that their journey to the Underground was no accident. Clover entered the Underground voluntarily in order to investigate the disappearances of the previous five humans and, if it turned out they perished at some point after their fall, hoped to avenge their deaths. See, while Frisk possessed a red SOUL that embodied Determination, Clover's SOUL is yellow for the trait of Justice. Clover's journey would lead them all throughout the Underground, meeting some monsters that will be familiar to those who have played Undertale and some brand new faces as well.
Like Undertale before it, Undertale Yellow's story can be altered significantly depending on the player's actions. Perhaps Clover befriends the monsters they meet and determines they were unfairly trapped underground, deciding to sacrifice themselves to bring monster kind closer to freedom. Or maybe Clover will blame the monsters for the deaths of the previous human children, avenging them with swift cruelty. Either way, Clover will act in the way they believe they can best embody Justice.

So How Do the Fights Work Anyway?

Like its predecessor, Undertale Yellow tends to treat RPG mechanics as literal aspects of the game's world. Due to the abstract nature of fights in both Undertale and Undertale Yellow, with enemy monsters targeting Clover's SOUL rather than their physical body, it's understandable that there may be some confusion about how Clover actually scales to certain monsters. Luckily, this is a bit more clear in Undertale Yellow than it was in the original game, as the reveal trailer shows that the attacks of monster are things that Clover physically has to react to and dodge (we even see this same attack utilized in game) even though the battle menu only shows their SOUL.
But this is just for when encounters have already begun, what about before that? And what triggers encounters anyway? There's an area in the Wild East where boulders are falling onto the path that Clover needs to dodge. If they fail to avoid them, this begins an encounter too, where Clover is given the opportunity to avoid the "attacks" in the battle menu to negate damage. Other examples include Clover escaping damage from hot steam after touching it and avoiding damage from Axis' energy balls after they hit them. What this means for standard versus fights is a little vague, but it likely means that any attack that would deal meaningful damage starts an encounter and that it would be impossible to simply kill Clover with a sneak attack. Even if it hit them, Clover would still get the opportunity to dodge before the proper fight begins. That said, there is one example of Clover dying without triggering an encounter at the end of the Neutral Route. It's possible this is because it was an unescapable situation but the mechanics of it are still vague and unclear.
As seen with the previous examples such as the falling boulders and steam, it seems that attacks that hit Clover's SOUL and their physical body are more or less interchangeable. Or rather, it isn't possible to circumvent the SOUL to only hit the physical body because even attacks that hit Clover's physical body will trigger an encounter that can then be dodged or endured by the SOUL.
Finally, it's worth noting that the sizes of objects can vary from their appearances in the battle to what they look like in the overworld. We see Clover's SOUL alongside their physical body a few times throughout the game and it's pretty consistently a little larger than their torso. So this thread will describe feats with that scale in mind.

Other Things To Note

  • At the end of certain routes, Clover acquires certain abilities/powerups that don't necessarily apply to the rest of the game. Feats or items that are limited to those routes will be marked with the corresponding route.
    • [Pacifist] Feat
  • Like your standard RPG's, Undertale Yellow possesses a leveling system that will increase the more enemies that Clover kills, with certain abilities being unlocked after certain levels are achieved. However, in the Genocide route Clover showed off the ability to level up rapidly simply by being filled with enough righteous fury. Abilities that are locked behind certain levels will also be marked accordingly.
    • FeatLV 19
  • The majority of feats will come from Undertale Yellow, but occasionally clips from trailers and other promotional material on the director of the game's Youtube channel will be used, which will be labeled with a T like so:
    • FeatT




Justice SOUL


Note that while Clover can store excess items in boxes they find around the Underground, they can only carry eight items in their inventory not including their current Weapon, Ammo, Armor, and Accessory. Later in the game they discovered the Dimensional Satchel which allows them to access the boxes from anywhere, but they still only have eight slots to bring into an encounter.
Note that cutscenes will always play out the same regardless of whether the Toy Gun or Wild Revolver is being used, so while the Revolver is obviously the more powerful of the two the Toy Gun is much more powerful than it's name would suggest and the following feats apply to both weapons.
Rather amusingly, Clover will jam whatever odd materials they can find into their weapon which somehow works perfectlyT
Food/Healing Items
Note that at their weakest (LV 1), Clover has 20HP and at their strongest (LV20), Clover has 100HP
Single Use
Two Uses
Unlimited Supply


Somebody calls for help
You answer the call
submitted by Ultim8_Lifeform to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:42 Shattered_Disk4 This is the feedback layout I’m going to put in the final survey that touches on almost everything in the game. Give opinions (stay civil please) (long)

I have an amateur background in game design, concept artist, study game design, work in education, and honestly obsessed with game design as a whole. Heros, cards, mechanics, systems etc, etc, I’m very passionate about it and I don’t want to sound pompous cause i am aware to how the “oh I KNOW about game design” sounds, but I am serious about it so I don’t want this to sound like it comes from ignorance.
Here’s the list of changes, tell me what stands out, ideas, etc..
General- ultimate Charge rates need to be increased significantly, cooldowns should not carry over between rounds. Healing across the board needs to be reduced slightly which I will go into in each character suggestion for Strategist. (If not mentioned the healing stays the same)
Give players more information- damage numbers, stats, healing numbers, ability explanations, Etc..
Teamups need to be reworked or removed from the game all together. They should be flavorful add ons, not so important that they make or break a charcater like magneto and scarlet witch or almost useless like Magik and black panther, or massively oppressive like punisher and rocket.
Seasonal buffs need to be removed. They are not enjoyed in any game they have ever been in, and creates artificial metas. Also defeats the purpose of the playing your favorite characters, because it pushes you to play other characters if the seasonal buffs are made too strong.
Melee damage characters need to have movement speed increased above normal speeds to help chase and not get backpedaled by other characters. Black panther, spiderman, hulk, etc.
More signs you are taking damage, either visual effects, screen effects, sounds, etc. sometimes it’s hard to tell where or who is damaging you and makes the game feel floaty.
Possible suggestion- add “power” health- a new type of health that can replace a portion of characters like vanguards health bars, that reduce instances of damage by a percentage. Rapid damage instances will be reduced more than single shots.
Example: A fast hitting attack that does 10 damage multiple times will be reduced more than an instance of damage that does 70 damage 1 time.
Similar to armor in other games. Example- hulk health: 400HP+200 power= 600 total on health bar.
Add a universal HP regen when out of combat for a certain time period.
Add a role lock or Queue system, at least in competitive play. Unbalanced teams are un-fun to play against and un-fun to play with.
Hulk- put his leap on a cooldown, dealing damage when he lands. Remove the targeter and make it a leap in the direction he is looking with a set distance about the maximum length of the current jump if not a little less. Also let him aim it down to target people next to him.
Start the game and respawn as the hulk instead of Banner. Makes getting out of spawn after dying take way too long to return to the fight and serves no real purpose compared to other vanguard.
Remove the radioactive lockdown ability, and replace it with something new. Doesn’t feel like a “hulk” ability.
Ability concept Suggestion: a stomp that leaves a jagged rock wall going forward and up in a line that knocks up enemies and damages them. Leaving the wall in place as an obstacle that can be destroyed or that last a short duration before breaking.
Vanguards are all about controlling the area; and right now hulk just doesn’t do that, he feels like a giant duelist who’s doesn’t do any damage.
Gamma burst- reduce damage, now pierces enemies.
Increase melee damage slightly.
Overall the hulk doesn’t feel powerful like the hulk should, I feel like these changes can fix that problem.
Magento- Replace his primary fire with the greatsword from his team up. Reduce the damage, cleave width and range.
Metal bulwark- can now place it on himself as well as Allies.
Metallic curtain- blocking damage adds to megnetos metal rings.
New passive- hold jump button to float into the air, doing so slowly consumes metal rings. Can no longer slowly descend.
Team up (if they are kept in the game)- scarlet witch makes metal malwark deal damage in the area around it when destroyed or when it ends.
Peni Parker- Make being pulled to her web a cooldown that can be activated, instead of being a certain distance away. Current form of set distance feels very clunky, and awkward to use in regular gameplay.
Reduce the amount of mines placeable, and damage of arachno-mines. Limit amount of mines to either 5 or 6. I stopped counting when I had 14 mines on the ground at the same time.
Make arachno-mines able to be destroyed by shooting them. Mines inside the webs are now invisible.
Mines from the ultimate are not limited in amount.
Doctor strange- Reduce damage on primary fire.
Groot- Reduce the amount of walls that can be placed. 1 for each wall type at a time. Cooldown of each wall starts when walls are retrieved or destroyed.
Walls now also have a duration.
I know the initial idea of him building ramps and connecting walls was cool, but in practice it just provides too much ability spam potential instead of building like intended, and that many obstacles in the game at one time that can be used rapidly makes some matches purely unplayable.
Reduce damage of primary fire to be more similar to hulk. ( no reason Groot should have more damage at a longer range)
Ironwood wall health reduced to 600 from 900.
Reduce damage Groot Ultimate does significantly, almost to nothing. Around 50 damage on initial hit and ticks of 5 damage for its duration.
Storm- Make movement similar to magneto, where she floats on the ground. And an activated flight can be turned on and off with an ability key-bind with a 1.5 second cooldown between activations, but consumes no resource, just a different movement type.
Increase base movement speed in the air while flying.
Enemies hit by the Lightning strikes on goddess boost, receive a chain lightning debuff. When they are hit by bolt rush, a chain lightning bolt will arc to nearby enemies who also have the new debuff. But for reduced damage of the initial bolt rush.
Black panther- Reduce cooldown on sprint rend to 8 seconds from 12 seconds.
Increase amount of spears to 3.
Remove spinning kick and replace with a new ability to help him initiate attacks and stay alive.
Suggestion: vibranium shielding-black panther crosses his arms and reduces his movement speed slightly. Creating a small shield that only covers his own body that floats in front of him. This blocks damage all frontal damage and last 2 seconds. Does not block melee damage.
This ability would have a 8 second cooldown.
If spinning kick is not removed, make it aim-able in any direction similar to sprint rend.
Sprint tend cooldown is refunded if a KO is achieved with it, no matter if a vibranium mark was applied.
Bast’s decent resets sprint rend cooldown when it is used.
Increase primary fire melee damage and range to be more inline with other melee characters. Reduce attack speed.
Make subtle step a passive like spider-man or Peni Parker. Feels too clunky to be on a cooldown and doesn’t make sense.
Iron man- Make movement the same as storm new movement I suggested above. Always flying feels like a detriment to the player and does not feel good to play.
Increase direct hit damage of his primary fire.
Keep direct damage as it is now in armor overdrive.
Increase damage of micro missle barrage and make it usable in Ironman’s regular mode, not just flying or overdrive.
Scarlet Witch- Reduce sensitivity of chaos control lock on. Slightly Increase the rate of chaos energy gained.
Mystic projection charges reduced to 1 and now is a single use ability cooldown reduced to 7 seconds from 8 seconds.
Starlord- Primary fire Damage fall off increased (should do less damage at longer ranges)
Primary fire spread increased slightly.
Suggestion: replace blaster barrage with a new ability. This ability is essentially a “I win” button, which feels really bad to play against this strong of an ability that isn’t even an ultimate.
Suggestion: an element gun element switch that have different effects for a few seconds when switched (not constant) fire, ice, shock, etc.. which activate after hitting a certain amount of shots on a enemy.
Effects would be up to devs.
If not removed than the damage should be reduced.
Punisher- Primary fire Damage fall off increased (does less damage at longer range)
Primary fire Spread increases the longer the trigger is held down, starting when the magazine reaches 20 rounds and ramps up on continuous trigger hold.
Stopping the trigger pull will reset the spread.
Shotgun damage reduced significantly, headshot multiplier reduced, damage fall off increased, spread of pellets increased.
Ultimate should have wider spread, doesn’t make sense he can laser beam people across the map. Also increased damage fall off.
Turret health reduced to 400.
Hela- Primary fire Damage fall off increased.
Primary fire damage decreased
Ultimate damage decreased, ultimate duration decreased (maximum 4 Nastrond crows can be fired.)
Blast radius of Ultimate decreased, makes the player be more accurate to get KOs with it.
Magik- no longer gains bonus health on primary fire melee attack or quick melee attack but these melee attacks heal Magik if she is below full health for the same amount of bonus health previously gained: 13 HP.
Bonus health received for dealing ability damage is increased slightly.
Primary fire melee attack speed increased slightly.
Spider-Man- No changes needed that I can currently tell. These other changes should make the character more reliable when playing.
Namor- Character needs to be reworked from the ground up. Does not feel like I’m playing Namor or feel like a comic book character. Decent viability, but boring design.
If the same playstyle is kept, give him different turret types, (fast firing fish, water barrier turtle, slower fire rate octopus that gets an incsreaed attack from wrath of the seven seas) allow him to move while shielding himself and does increased damage with wrath of the seven seas, but has a longer cooldown.
Loki- No longer receives full ultimate ability when transforming, but has a massively increased charge rate.
When KO’d in his ultimate, he no longer is eliminated but reverts back to Loki.
Reduce the amount of healing and damage illusions do.
Regeneration domain- renamed “untouchable domain” no longer heals from damages received, but character inside can no longer be damaged.
Hela and Loki team up removed from the game, or when activated goes into a long cooldown.
Mantis- Ultimate no longer is a heal over time, but a large bonus health shield that is applied to all Allie’s in range. Keeps the same duration.
Movement speed of the ultimate stays the same.
Her current ultimate Feels way too similar to Luna snow ultimate and when used together or back to back feels really unfun to play against.
Luna Snow- Ultimate duration reduced from 12 seconds to 7.
Healing reduced for primary fire.
Healing from share the stage stays the same. So percentage would be increased to accommodate the reeducation of primary fire healing.
Rocket raccoon- Primary fire damage reduced, projectile speed increased. Now has significant damage fall off at longer ranges.
Healing reduced from secondary fire repair mode. But increased if the orb fired is closer to the ally they are healing. (Rewards accuracy)
B.R.B.- now has a duration. (Maybe 30 seconds)
Recall cooldown increased to 10 seconds from 5.
Cooldown increased to 35 seconds on revive from 25 seconds.
Punisher team up removed from the game.
submitted by Shattered_Disk4 to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:56 mgkmagic mgk's interview with Marvin magazine issue 13

mgk's interview with Marvin magazine issue 13
mgk aka machine gun kelly on genre:sadboy, his exoskeleton, rap album, rock album, Lana Del Rey, Trippie Redd, bands, etc. The full interview below is from Marvin magazine issue 13, which can be purchased on Marvin's official website.
It Has Always Been About the Music for mgk
The Artist Recently Teamed up With Trippie Redd for Their Collaborative Ep ‘Genre : Sadboy.’ Now, He’s Truer to Himself Than Ever Before.
mgk has topped the Billboard 200 chart with his 2022 pop-punk entry, ‘mainstream sellout.’ He has been nominated for GRAMMY Awards, won Billboard Music Awards and earned hundreds of millions of Spotify streams. Today, mgk is the main attraction at Dust Studios in Los Angeles.
A fresh coat of ink covers the rapper’s arms and chest, mimicking the rain clouds he loves so much back in his hometown of Cleveland. “It was supposed to be spread out over the course of a year, just because of the amount of ink,” he reveals. “But I did mine in a month.”
When people ask if he’d been sedated for the process, mgk says he’s shocked. “My eyes started opening to this phenomenon, which is essentially opting out of the point of what a tattoo is, which is cathartic pain.”
mgk soon references his lyrics, which — particularly on his latest project, an extended collaborative EP with rapper and fellow Ohio native Trippie Redd — tend to be expressions of isolation, roller coaster relationships, shifting between self-medication and sobriety, and the purgatorial aspects of extreme fame.
“I’ll call out for help in my lyrics, and not one fucking person will give two shits,” he says, reasoning that his public bluster and occasional hot temper must indicate stoicism.
“Essentially, I think they believe the exoskeleton of confidence that I had to put on because I was being fucked with by the outside world. That’s even from down to idols that I had growing up,” he continues.
“Like, they all turned on me, you know what I mean? And I’m like, ‘Guys, what? What am I supposed to do? Because I can’t just be a turtle and go into my shell. I have to come out. I have to bite back.’”
Most recently, mgk has poured his innermost thoughts into his aforementioned project with Redd, ‘genre : sadboy,’ a spare, ruminative collection of tracks that gently dovetail between trap, hip-hop and acoustic pop. “I can’t quiet my thoughts/ Don’t let them out this Pandora’s box/ I ruined my wedding, now I wish I had a rope/ So, I could still tie the knot,” mgk spits on the sorrowful closer “summer’s gone,” which, at face value, appears to reference his broken engagement to Megan Fox.
His ongoing friendship with Redd, who appeared on 2019 single “Candy” and on 2020’s “all I know,” has been important to him both personally and professionally.
“Growing up in Ohio, everyone kind of knows about everyone,” mgk says. “I fell in love with how much of an art piece he was. I related in so many ways — how easily misunderstood he could be. Because I was rapping in the early 2010s, but I was wearing studded denim jackets, punk patches, ripped jeans and things that weren’t really aesthetically hip-hop.”
When the pair return to Ohio, which they do often, mgk and Trippie usually attempt to meet up and record. During one session, which mgk calls a “special night,” they began recording music, which kicked off their path to making what would become ‘genre : sadboy.’ “We felt really good about these records because they didn’t feel like some of the other records we had made. [In the past], we had experimented with pitching our voices really high, or doing stuff that felt like 2017, 2018 rager music. Stuff that if we didn’t put it out now, then it wouldn’t make sense to put it out later.”
Around the time they teamed up to create ‘genre : sadboy,’ mgk says, “life started to kick both of our asses simultaneously.” He and Redd would spend hours on FaceTime, talking about everything from each other’s psyches to “magic,” “family” and “why certain things are or are not happening for us personally [and] career-wise. … It’s nice to have somebody you can find solace in.”
The idea of feeling misunderstood comes up frequently in mgk’s lyrics. Active since the mid-2000s, mgk grabbed the baton from Y2K nu-metal upstarts like Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park and spent the next two decades merging rap and rock as it suited his mood and creative expression.
As for the EP title ‘genre : sadboy,’ mgk points out the symbolism behind its artwork. “On the cover, ‘genre’ is over my body because that’s one of the big arguments behind mgk: ‘What genre is he? Why is he allowed to do this genre? I don’t like that he does this genre.’ And then ‘sadboy’ is over Trippie’s body because the argument with Trippie is that fans love his ‘sad boy music,’ and they’re mad that he released [2023’s] ‘Mansion Musik,’ which is rager songs. They wanted the ‘sad Trippie’ back.”
Ultimately, neither mgk nor Redd were interested in winning over critics or new audiences with their latest collaboration. This one’s for the existing fans — and, of course — for themselves. “I wanted to just give it away right away,” mgk says of the short time leading to the EP’s release. “Like, yeah, this is a niche project. We’re not doing this for numbers. We’re not doing this to try and get the masses on our side. This is for people who are just sad and want to put this on. Individually, I don’t think that [Trippie and I are] allowed to make those albums. Because people want a roller coaster.
We’re associated with hype shit. Our concerts are hype. I envy people like Lana [Del Rey] because they’re allowed to just make these mood albums. I wanted to have an excuse to make my own, and this seemed like the perfect place to do it.” Though he’d always hinted at having an expanded music palate, rolling through hip-hop to trap to metal, hard rock and pop, in 2020 mgk fully embraced the guitar, releasing the pop-punk-inspired “tickets to my downfall,” which featured drums and production by Travis Barker, who was swiftly turning into a genre godfather, appearing on WILLOW’s howling “t r a n s p a r e n t s o u l” and Avril Lavigne’s sneering pop-punk reentry “Love Sux.”
“He’s someone whose front door was always open to me plenty of times during ‘Tickets To My Downfall’ and ‘mainstream sellout,’” mgk says of Barker, who also produced the singer’s 2022 album. That album featured WILLOW on “emo girl” and Bring Me The Horizon’s Oli Sykes on the thrashing “maybe.”
Despite being credited with the 2020s pop-punk revival, raking in awards for ‘Tickets To My Downfall’ and hitting No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with ‘mainstream sellout’ — not to mention nabbing high-profile TV and film roles (2018’s “Bird Box” and portraying Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee in 2019’s “The Dirt”) and earning over $30 million at the box office on the ‘mainstream sellout’ tour — mgk cannot help but feel underappreciated.
Sure, the numbers speak for themselves. But for someone as vulnerable as he is, mgk is quick to note that you can have the biggest and best house on the block — and it can still be empty when you get home.
Reflecting back on the last decade-plus of his life and career, mgk is blunt about the reality of his lived experience.
“I still haven’t found a home, because I didn’t grow up with one,” he says. “I also think a lot of people just skip my background. They just bury that whole thing and act like my life started when I was like 28 and started getting some real success. What about the 10 years I spent underground? What about those years on Warped Tour? When I did the pop-punk album, every band acted like I was brand new. And I was like, ‘But you guys were with me on those stages when I was opening for you at 1 p.m.’”
"So many people walk up to me and they’re like, ‘Dude, what you did, what you did,’ and I’m like, ‘Why is that narrative never told?’"
“I’ve never been a critic favorite,” mgk continues. “I never really looked to them [for] praise. I look to see if they have any valid points that maybe I could soak in and utilize for the next project. Which is why my next solo project will not be a rock album. But when I do decide to do a rock album, I’ve taken in so many of the critics’ opinions, which are actually valued and understood, that [it] will be a really, really intelligent, powerful rock album.”
So there it is: mgk’s next studio release will not be a rock album. “I think it’s always smart to give people what they want,” he ruminates. “And right now it feels like they want a rap album.” But does mgk want to do a rap album? “I do,” he says. “I’ve learned to drop every chip on my shoulder...
There is one part of my stomach that just cannot be filled by any other genre other than doing a great rap album.”
When mgk looks back at his favorite artists from earlier generations, ones that were deemed sellouts or not taken seriously, he holds a spark of hope. Maybe some years in the future, his critical success will catch up with those Spotify streams. “I remember blink-182 in middle school, and everyone said, ‘That’s such a poser band.’ Now, all those kids grew up, their egos dropped, they had families and now they’re all like, ‘Dude, I can’t wait to go see blink-182 at the When We Were Young festival.’ I pray that the same thing comes [for me]. Honestly, I don’t know. If it does, great; if it doesn’t, fuck it.
As soon as that redemption arc theory leaves his mouth, mgk changes his mind. “Actually, I don’t care. I do what I do because I love it. I’ve never been a money guy. I’ve never once looked at my bank account in my life. I am strictly here because there’s a hunger inside me that can’t be satiated. No matter how many records are sold, no matter how many concerts are sold out, I just am in love with music and in love with art.”
Written by: Rachel Brodsky Photography by: Jimmy Fontaine
submitted by mgkmagic to MachineGunKelly [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:41 Priroda8080 [Old cellphone] [early 2010's] a run and gun game with some vague similarities with Metal Slug

It had a story mode about some alien invasion there was an enemy that looked like the Patrol Bot from MS3 but organic/alien instead; a boss fight in a snow level against a brainwashed team mate/colleague/somebody the protagonists knew and the final boss a giant alien creature grabbed/stuck/fusioned to a massive wall; a vehicle/armomech that looked like the proto gunner from MS6 gun pic ups I remember a grenade launcher that were blue pills, heavy machine gun with green pellets, rocket launcher with black rockets and a flame thrower that had short range and it went ridiculously straight up talking about that you couldn't point the gun upwards only side to side. It also had some sort of "Battle mode" against the game AI red vs Blue teams; game modes I remember like team death match, capture the flag, domination etc.
submitted by Priroda8080 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:34 goldenrule117 64 Bits or Less Retro Gaming Festival & Swap Meet @ Benton County Fairgrounds June 1st & 2nd 2024!

64 Bits or Less is a retro gaming event where you can play all your favorite video game classics on original hardware, relive childhood memories, and hunt for nostalgic treasures. Sponsored by the Portland Retro Gaming Expo, and held in Oregon at the Benton County Fairgrounds, it is an event like no other!
Play everything from Pong to PlayStation at our retro gaming stations, each equipped with a console, controllers, a CRT Television, and a great selection of games. Multi-Player games on two big screen projectors - Golden Eye, Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros, DDR. Relive the days of Wild Gunman, Lethal Enforcers, and Area 51 at our light gun shooting gallery. Win a weekend pass to this years Portland Retro Gaming Expo playing Dr. Mario, Paperboy, or Burgertime in a Nintendo high score contest. Our 8-bit Computer Lab is loaded with classics like the Commodore 64, TRS-80, and Atari 800. Over 30 systems, and hundreds of games available to play!
Refreshments will be available to purchase.
Retro Swap Meet on Both Days! come shop for Vintage Video Games, Toys/Action Figures, Comics, Vintage T-Shirts/Clothing, VHS/DVD, and more from our local vendors, including
Kontraband Retro Games
Jurassic Games
Bricks & Joysticks
TSA Vintage
And More!
Saturday June 1st & Sunday June 2nd - 10am to 7pm. Get tickets now at for $16 or $20 at the door. Weekend pass available at for $30. Children 8 and under are free.
submitted by goldenrule117 to Eugene [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:51 Administrative_Hat95 [Xb1] H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss2

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:50 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items Apparel and grolls for the higher tier items(mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 19:38 Ningning31 All the bags we love in this sub! Brands you may know, and some you may not. Enjoy!

I love this sub so much! I've learned of brands I've never heard of and wanted to return the favor. I created a list of brands we love in this sub with hyperlinks! They are in alphabetical order because I couldn't possibly rank these as we have quite the range of loves!
I thought it'd be nice to include well-known brands for anyone just getting their start in their handbag journey.
I hope you found this fun! Happy to edit this list for any ones that I missed!
submitted by Ningning31 to handbags [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:24 WakkaWaww 25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!

25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!
Thank you in advance!
37 games to choose from in multiple genres; survival horror, action, platformer, First Person Shooter FPS, retro, vintage, adventure, puzzle, strategy, role playing RPG, flight simulation, aircraft, aircraft combat, supernatural, melee weapon, escape room, comic book hero, superhero, music rhythm games, simulators, games based on movies, tabletop gaming and more.
I'll update this as I add more games. :-)
Beat Saber
Blade & Sorcery Nomad
Dead Hook
Ghostbusters Rise Of The Ghost Lord
Gun Club VR Reloaded
Journey Of The Gods
Killer Frequency
Last Labyrinth
Layers Of Fear VR
Lies Beneath
Little Witch Academia : VR Broom Racing
Lucky's Tale
Marvel's Iron Man VR
Pistol Whip
Pixel Ripped 1978
Pixel Ripped 1995
Project Demigod
Resident Evil 4 VR
Robo Recall Unplugged
Sairento Untethered
Shadowgate VR: The Mines Of Mythrok
Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy's Edge
Star Wars Pinball VR
Stranger Things VR
Superhot VR
The 7th Guest VR
The Exorcist: Legion
The Room VR
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution
UBoat: The Silent Wolf
UltraWings 2
Warhammer 40,000: Battle Sister
Warplanes: Battle Over Pacific
World Of Mechs
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by WakkaWaww to MetaQuestAppReferrals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:19 WakkaWaww 25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!

25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!
Thank you in advance!
37 games to choose from in multiple genres; survival horror, action, platformer, First Person Shooter FPS, retro, vintage, adventure, puzzle, strategy, role playing RPG, flight simulation, aircraft, aircraft combat, supernatural, melee weapon, escape room, comic book hero, superhero, music rhythm games, simulators, games based on movies, tabletop gaming and more.
I'll update this as I add more games. :-)
Beat Saber
Blade & Sorcery Nomad
Dead Hook
Ghostbusters Rise Of The Ghost Lord
Gun Club VR Reloaded
Journey Of The Gods
Killer Frequency
Last Labyrinth
Layers Of Fear VR
Lies Beneath
Little Witch Academia : VR Broom Racing
Lucky's Tale
Marvel's Iron Man VR
Pistol Whip
Pixel Ripped 1978
Pixel Ripped 1995
Project Demigod
Resident Evil 4 VR
Robo Recall Unplugged
Sairento Untethered
Shadowgate VR: The Mines Of Mythrok
Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy's Edge
Star Wars Pinball VR
Stranger Things VR
Superhot VR
The 7th Guest VR
The Exorcist: Legion
The Room VR
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution
UBoat: The Silent Wolf
UltraWings 2
Warhammer 40,000: Battle Sister
Warplanes: Battle Over Pacific
World Of Mechs
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by WakkaWaww to OculusReferralLinks [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:18 WakkaWaww 25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!

25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!
Thank you in advance!
37 games to choose from in multiple genres; survival horror, action, platformer, First Person Shooter FPS, retro, vintage, adventure, puzzle, strategy, role playing RPG, flight simulation, aircraft, aircraft combat, supernatural, melee weapon, escape room, comic book hero, superhero, music rhythm games, simulators, games based on movies, tabletop gaming and more.
I'll update this as I add more games. :-)
Beat Saber
Blade & Sorcery Nomad
Dead Hook
Ghostbusters Rise Of The Ghost Lord
Gun Club VR Reloaded
Journey Of The Gods
Killer Frequency
Last Labyrinth
Layers Of Fear VR
Lies Beneath
Little Witch Academia : VR Broom Racing
Lucky's Tale
Marvel's Iron Man VR
Pistol Whip
Pixel Ripped 1978
Pixel Ripped 1995
Project Demigod
Resident Evil 4 VR
Robo Recall Unplugged
Sairento Untethered
Shadowgate VR: The Mines Of Mythrok
Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy's Edge
Star Wars Pinball VR
Stranger Things VR
Superhot VR
The 7th Guest VR
The Exorcist: Legion
The Room VR
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution
UBoat: The Silent Wolf
UltraWings 2
Warhammer 40,000: Battle Sister
Warplanes: Battle Over Pacific
World Of Mechs
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by WakkaWaww to MetaQuestDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 18:10 WakkaWaww 25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!

25% off 37 games - Sairento, UltraWings 2, Resident Evil 4, Iron Man, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners/Retribution, Project Demigod, 7th Guest, Little Witch Academia, Exorcist: Legion, Pistol Whip, Gun Club, Ghostbusters, Warhammer 40K Battle Sister, Swordsman, Star Wars, World Of Mechs + more!
Thank you in advance!
37 games to choose from in multiple genres; survival horror, action, platformer, First Person Shooter FPS, retro, vintage, adventure, puzzle, strategy, role playing RPG, flight simulation, aircraft, aircraft combat, supernatural, melee weapon, escape room, comic book hero, superhero, music rhythm games, simulators, games based on movies, tabletop gaming and more.
I'll update this as I add more games. :-)
Beat Saber
Blade & Sorcery Nomad
Dead Hook
Ghostbusters Rise Of The Ghost Lord
Gun Club VR Reloaded
Journey Of The Gods
Killer Frequency
Last Labyrinth
Layers Of Fear VR
Lies Beneath
Little Witch Academia : VR Broom Racing
Lucky's Tale
Marvel's Iron Man VR
Pistol Whip
Pixel Ripped 1978
Pixel Ripped 1995
Project Demigod
Resident Evil 4 VR
Robo Recall Unplugged
Sairento Untethered
Shadowgate VR: The Mines Of Mythrok
Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy's Edge
Star Wars Pinball VR
Stranger Things VR
Superhot VR
The 7th Guest VR
The Exorcist: Legion
The Room VR
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners
The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners - Chapter 2: Retribution
UBoat: The Silent Wolf
UltraWings 2
Warhammer 40,000: Battle Sister
Warplanes: Battle Over Pacific
World Of Mechs
Zombieland Headshot Fever
submitted by WakkaWaww to u/WakkaWaww [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:49 ya-boi-benny Respect Dmitri Smerdyakov, the Chameleon (Marvel, 616)

The famous baseballer, Jackie Robinson, he once said: “A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.” I could not agree more. That is why I try to make as much impact on my faces’ lives as possible. After all, they have done so much for me. It is the least I can do. Unlike them, I need not fear what people think of me. So I can be brave where they are weak. For I will just be someone else tomorrow.
Born in Russia to the Grand Duke Nikolai Kravinoff, Dmitri Nikolaievich Smerdyakov was treated like trash by his noble father and his working class mother. Young Dmitri was approached one day by Gustav Fiers, who was impressed by the boy's impressions and paid for a trip to Karl Fiers academy. There, Dmitri would learn to master the arts of disguise, vocal impression and infiltration, becoming the Chameleon upon his graduation.
He'd move to America and use his talents to pull off high-scale burglary, working for any group that could afford his fee, including the Communist party, Hydra or the Green Goblin. His elicit activity brought him into conflict with the Hulk, Iron Man and most often Spider-Man, all of whom had to act with great caution when the Chameleon was in town. After all, which one of them could tell if that unassuming civilian or their own ally was preparing to stab them in the back?
Dmitri has some mental hangups over his time with the Kravinoffs. He’s managed to repress the memories and considered himself good friends with his half-brother Kraven. In reality, he was more like a whipping boy and slave to the Hunter, and when he has to wrestle with those feelings, he can mentally revert to that scared little boy with no strong sense of identity or independence. But when he’s able to move past these feelings, the Chameleon has proved himself as a powerful, manipulative force, finding his place as temporary Crime Master of New York and member of the Sinister Six.
During one of Dmitri’s mental breaks, he began to believe that he was his deceased half-brother, Kraven the Hunter. So exact was the Chameleon’s performance that he moved and fought with the hunter’s skill and agility. This was an extreme fringe case and there are no other examples of a disguise altering Chameleon's capabilities like this. Physical and skill-related feats from this period will be marked with [KH].
Hover over a feat to see which issue it's from.


Unarmed Striking
Striking with Weapons
Scaling with Spider-Man
Scaling to Others
Blunt Force
Vehicle Crashes




Realistic Masks
Malleable Flesh
Other Methods



Other Equipment

Field Gear
Base Installations


Monica Rappaccini: I apologize for the delay in initial payment, but we first had to verify your identity. A.I.M.’s intel had been that the Chameleon was dead- or in an insane asylum.
Chameleon: Yes, well. That would be exactly what I wanted you to think. Faded into the background, imperceptible… that’s where a Chameleon is most comfortable… and where I shall now return.
submitted by ya-boi-benny to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 12:19 Administrative_Hat95 H: List (updated) W: Offer will take caps, junk, bobbles, maps, and ammo for a few items (mostly looking for a V40p90 chainsaw, Gsbq, Bol, Life, or Uny/Ap/Wwr Heavy combat limbs) also really like Bloodied Grolls E25 2525 50c25(melee too) 40Ss1S 40Ss25

Anti armor:
AAE - 50Cal x2
AASs25 - Enforcer
AA50vhc25 - Harpoon
AASs90 - Handy buzz
AA25aim15r - Handmade
AA50c15r - Auto pipe
AA2515r - .44
AA2515r - Railway
AA2515r - Railway
AAE90 - Gat Gun
AAE50dr - Railway
AAE15R - Gat gun
AA2590 - Harpoon
AASs15b - Chainsaw
AA2590 - Fixer
AA2525 - Fixer
AAE1P - Fixer
AA2550dr - Gamma
AA50c25 - Lever action (lvl 25)
AA50C15R - Bolt Pipe (lvl 10)
AA2590R - ult laser rifle
AAEfms - 10MM Pistol
AAE - Pump shotgun
AA50C50B - Handmade
AA50C15R - 50 Cal*
AA50C90Rw - Crossbow*
AA2525 - Assaultron*
AA2525 - 44 Revolver*
AA2525 - Pipe AutoRifle*
AA40Ss1S - Hachet*
AA40Ss1S - Pitchfork*
AA40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge*
AA40Ss50B - Chinese sword
AASs1S - Grognak
AASs25 - Shepherd crook
AASs40B - Golf club
A2550B - AD
A50c25 - Fatman
AE250Dr - LMG*
A2515C - Enclave*
A2515C - Tesla*
AE100Ms - Fixer*
A40Ss50B - Cult dagger
As50c25 - AD
As2525 - Double barrel
As50c25 - Enclave rifle
As2525 - Radium
As2525 - Pepper*
As2515C - Radium*
As2515R - Gamma*
AsE250Dr - Fixer*
As50C15R - Fixer*
Ber25 - Auto Granade*
BerE1A - Powder Rifle*
Ber40Ss - Shishkebab*
BSs1s - Mole Gauntlet
B2515c - lmg
B2515c - Rocket
BSs90 - Grognak
BE15r - Lmg
BE15c - Handmade
B50c15c - Double barrel
B2590rw - Enclave pistol
BE - 10mm
B50c15r - AD
B40Pa40% - Chainsaw
B50c25 - Fixer
BE15R - Railway
B2550Dr - Nu laser
B2550Dr - Ult laser
B50c25 - 50cal (level 25)
BE50Dr - Handmade
B2550Dr - Gamma
B50C15C - Railway
BE1A - Dragon
B25Aim50Dr - Bow*
B50Bash15R - MiniGun*
BE - Pipe Auto*
B25 - 50cal*
B50C15C - 50cal*
B2525 - Assault rifle*
B25250Dr - Plasma*
B40Ss1A - Baseball Bat*
B40Ss1E - Mole Gauntlet*
B40Ss15B - Sledge*
B40Ss1E - Shishkebab
B40Pa1S - Sheep club
E50c25 - 10mm Pistol
EE15R - Handmade*
EE100MS - Powder rifle*
E50C15C - Crossbow*
EE - Railway*
E2515C - Radium*
EE15C - Fixer*
E50C15C - Fixer*
EE250Dr - Fixer*
E50C15R - Fixer*
Ex2525 - Gat Plasma
Ex50C15R - Gauss*
ExE25 - Handmade*
F2525 - Combat rifle
FEGhost - 50cal*
FE1P - Railway*
F50C15C - Handmade*
Ghoul Slayer:
G50c25 - AD
GE25 - Western
GE25 - Submachine Gun
G2525 - Tesla*
G40Ss15c - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
H2525 - Assaultron
H1515R - Fixer*
I50C15C - Hunting rifle
I50c25 - Broadsider
IE1P - Powder rifle*
I2525 - Plasma*
Jug50c25 - 50cal
JugE - Pipe bolt
JugE1A - 50cal*
JugE - Handmade*
Jug25250Dr - Tesla*
JugE15R - Fixer*
Jug40 - Power fist*
JE15r - Lmg
JE250Dr - Minigun
JE - 10MM Pistol
J50c15R - Nu laser
JE - Pump
J2525 - Broadsider*
J2515R - Cryo*
J25Aim25 - Flamer*
JE50B - Handmade*
JE25 - Western*
J40Pa1A - BearArm
J40Ss40Pa - Grognak
J40Ss40Pa - Machete
J40Ss - Shishkebab
J40Ss15 - Sledgehammer
M2590 - Flamer
Med2590rw - flamer
MedRap15c - AD
Med2525 - 50cal
MedE25 - Dragon
M2525 - Handmade
M50c25 - mini
M50c15c - Fatman
M2590 - Tesla
M2550dr - AD
ME15R - Radium
M2525 - 10MM SMG*
M50C25 - Handmade*
M2515C - Fixer*
Mutant slayer:
Ms40pa90 - Chainsaw
MsSs1s - Grognak
MsE25 - Handmade
MsE25 - Fixer
TE15R - Fixer*
T2525 - Tesla*
Q50c25 - Handmade
Q50c25 - Reguler Plasma rifle
Q50c25 - AB
Q2550b - AB
Q25fms - AD
QE25 - Mini
Q25fms - Mini
Q50c25 - Gat gun
QE250dr - Railway
Q2515c - Auto Enclave (all mods)
Q50vhc25 - Nu Laser
Q25 - Nu Laser (lvl 15)
QEFms - Gat gun
Q50c50b - Handmade
Q25Aim - Ult laser
QE90Rw - 10MM Pistol
QE - 10MM SMG*
Q25 - Radium*
SE15 - Dragon
Tr2515r - AD
TrE25 - Lmg
Two Shot:
Ts25aim - Agl
Ts50vhc50b - Cryo
Ts50vhc25 - Auto pipe
TsE - Handmade
Ts251a - Enclave Auto
Ts25 - Enclave pistol
Ts251a - Ult laser
TsE14c - Dragon
Ts2525 - Fixer
Ts25 - 10MM Pistol
TsE15R - 10MM Pistol
Ts251A - Nu laser
Ts50CGhost - Fixer*
Ts50c15 - Enclave Auto*
Ts25Aim50Dr - Gatling Plasma*
TsE100Ms - Lever*
Ts25 - Tesla*
V25aim1a - Lmg
VE - 50cal
Vrap15b - Chainsaw
VSs90 - Cult blade
V40pa25 - Drill
V50C15R - AB
VBash25 - Minigun
V25Aim15R - AD
VE50b - Fixer
VE25 - Fixer
V50C25 - Flamer
V50c15c - Nu laser
V2525 - Ult laser
VE25 - Powder Pistol*
V50C15C - Gatling Plasma*
VE - 10MM SMG*
VE - Lever*
V50C15R - Enclave Auto*
V40Ss15B - Boxing
V50c1S - Cult dagger
V40Pa1S - Mr.Handy
V40Ss1S - Meat hook
V - Revolutionary sword (no blade)
V40Ss - Shishkebab
V40Ss90Rw - Super Sledge
ZE15C - Fixer*
ZE15R - Fixer*
Z50C25 - Gatling laser*
Z2525 - Cryo*
A1aCav - Marine RL
A1iCav - Marine LA
AapCav - Light Combat Chest
Aap - Light Combat LL
AFireWwr - Light Metal RL
AapHtd - Heavy Leather RA
Aap15b - Light Metal RA
AapWwr - Light Raider LL
A1LCav - Heavy Combat LA
A1sSent - Ultra Chest
Au1eWwr - Heavy Leather LL
Au1AWwr - Urban Scout Chest
Au1AWwr - Sturdy Combat LL
Au7%LedWwr Urban Scout LA
AuPJwr - Raider Power RL
B1iSent - Sturdy Combat Chest
BapAwr - Sturdy Combat Chest
B1cSent - Heavy Combat RL
Bap - Light Combat LA
B1LSent - CE LL
BradSent - CE LL
BHungerSent - Heavy Leather RA
BHungerWwr - Heavy Leather RA
BapLock - Light Leather RA
BHazWwr - Marine LL
B1iSent - Marine LL
BapWwr - Marine RL
B1iSent - Urban Scout LA
B1iSent - Light Robot Chest
B1LSent - Marine RA
B1cSent - Urban Scout Chest
B1LWwr - Urban Scout LA
BapAwr - Wood Chest
B1sWwr - Wood LL
Bap50b - Wood RL
B1iCryo - Ultra LL
BhungerAwr - Ultra RA
B1cFdc - Ultra - RL
B1iWwr - T45 RA
B1sWwr - T45 RL
B1eWwr - T45 Chest
B1iFdc - T45 Chest
BapCav - Ultra LA
B1iSent - Ultra RL
BfireWwr - T60 Chest
B1LWwr - Ultra RA
B1iSent - Xo1 Chest
BapEnergy - T51 RA
B1sFdc - T51 Chest
ChapHtd - Heavy combat Chest
ChHazSent - Heavy Robot RA
CapSent - Urban Scout Chest
L1eFdc - CE Chest
L1iSent - CE Chest
L1sRadrec - Light Combat LA
L1aWwr - Forest Scout LA
L1pWwr - Forest Scout LL
L1eWwr - Forest Scout RL
Lap - Heavy Metal RA
L1eWwr - Heavy Metal RA
L1iFdc - Heavy Robot RA
L1iFdc - Marine LA
L7ledWwr - Marine LA
L7ledAwr - Marine RA
LapFdc - Sturdy Robot LA
LapWwr - Light Robot LA
LapFdc - Urban Scout LL
LapHtd - Urban Scout RA
LapSent - Trapper Chest
M7%LedSent - Heavy combat LL
Mutant slayer:
MS1iSent - Ult LL
O1iFall - Light Combat RA
O1iBlock - Forest Scout Chest
O1LWwr - Forest Scout RL
OapWater - Heavy Metal RL
O1iPoi - Heavy Raider LL
O1eFdc - Marine LA
Oap - Marine RA
OapBlock - Sturdy Combat LA
O1sFdc - Sturdy Combat LL
Oap - Sturdy Metal RL
O1sSent - Trapper RL
OcryoWwr - Trapper RL
O1iRadRec - Urban Scout LL
OapBlock - Urban Scout LL
Oap - Wood LA
O1cSent - Ultra LA
O1iCav - Ultra LL
O1pWwr - Ultra RA
O1iCav - Ultra Chest
O1iFdc - T45 Chest
O1iWwr - T45 LA
OpoisSent - Ultra LL
RpoisonSent - CE RA
Rap - Forest Scout Chest
RapWwr - Forest Scout RA
ThungerFdc - Light Robot RA
T1iFdc - Urban Scout RL
UhazWwr - Heavy Robot LL
Uradres - CE Chest
UpoisonCav - CE LL
UapCav - Light Combat RA
Uap - Forest Scout LA
UapBlock - Forest Scout RL
U1cSent - Heavy Leather LL
U1cWwr - Light Leather Chest
U1pSent - Light Leather RA
UFireWwr - Marine RL
UcryoWwr - Light Metal Chest
UapJwr - Heavy Metal RL
UapFall - Heavy Robot Chest
U1LFdc - Light Leather LA
UapFall - Urban Scout Chest
U7ledWwr - Urban Scout Chest
U1aCav - Urban Scout LA
UapFire - Urban Scout LA
Uap - Urban Scout RL
UfireWwr - Wood Chest
URadWwr - Wood Chest
VhungerFdc - Marine LL
Vap - Heavy combat RL
V1iLimb - CE Chest
V1iBlock - CE RA
VapSent - Light Combat LA
V7ledJwr - Light Combat RA
V1iSent - Light Combat RA
VradFdc - Forest Scout Chest
VapLimb - Forest Scout Chest
VPoisCav - Forest Scout Chest
VapStim - Forest Scout LA
VradSent - Forest Scout RL
VfireFdc - Heavy Combat RA
V1i - Heavy Combat Chest
V1iCav - Heavy Leather RA
V1iWwr - Trapper LA
VfireSent - Urban Scout Chest
VapRadrec - Urban Scout Chest
VapEnergy - Urban Scout LA
VapJwr - Urban Scout LL
V1eSent - T60 LL
V1iWwr - Ultra LA
VapWwr - T45 Chest
V1cSent - Exca LL
VapAwr - T51 LA
VapAwr - T51 Chest
VcryoFdc - Exca RL
V1iFdc - T45 Chest
Wap - Sturdy Combat RA
W1iCav - CE RA
W1iCav - Forest Scout LA
W1sWwr - Heavy Combat Chest
W1sAwr - Light Robot RL
W1iAwr - Sturdy Robot LA
W1sWwr - Urban Scout LA
WapSent - Wood Chest
WapCav - Wood LA
W1iSent - Wood LL
W1iWwr - Wood RA
Wap - Wood RL
Legacy Shishkebab 3* Ss15b
PSA - Ultra Set
Responders uniform
Crazy guy
Skull lord set x2
Behemoth Plushie
Pepper Shaker
Vintage Water cooler
Brahmin Plushie
All Alien plans
submitted by Administrative_Hat95 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 11:14 BoludoVulture Cellphone game from the late 2000's 2d run and gun with some vague similarities with Metal Slug

It had a story mode about some alien invasion there was an enemy that looked like the Patrol Bot from MS3 but obviously like an alien meat instead of metal and yada yada; a boss fight in a snow level with a brainwashed team mate/colleague/somebody the protagonists knew and the final boss a giant alien creature grabbed to a massive wall; a vehicle/armomech that looked like the proto gunner from MS6 gun pic ups I remember a grenade launcher that were blue pills, heavy machine gun with green pellets, rocket launcher with black rockets and a flame thrower that had short range and it went ridiculously straight up talking about that you couldn't point the gun upwards only side to side. It also had some sort of "Battle mode" against the game AI red vs Blue teams game modes I remember like team death match and capture the flag.
submitted by BoludoVulture to thetipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 09:32 trenchwork Oyster file-knife puzzle

Oyster file-knife puzzle
I need to make an oyster knife from this 6" file, thickness shown. It's pretty close to what the final size/shape will be, but still far off enough to have me frozen trying to decide how to approach the removal, with little-no experience heating steel. I have:
-handheld propane torch
-firewood, but nowhere to have a fire
-extensive hand file collection
-various hand-grinding/shaping abrasives i.e. low grit diamond plates, very low grit adhesive paper on float glass, low grit whetstones
-kitchen oven
-vintage bench grinder with tightly shrouded wheels
I don't have, but could purchase gun to my head;
-firebrick from the hardware store
-any brick or cinderblock of any kind
Basically stuck on if I should try to use the torch to get it as close to possible to a full nonmagnetic anneal (impossible in open air?) for the softest possible stock, in order to make it easiest (?) to lap the teeth off on my plates, and hand file the shape and bevels in. Noting here that I am most confident with and strongly prefer hand filing to shape this, over any other method, and fear the bench grinder will not be conducive to cutting flat bevels, removing teeth evenly etc... Or, should I just temper in the oven and attempt stock remove and bevel grinding via some combination of my (radiused) bench grinder and plates/stones? The added hesitation there is that I think I want an oyster knife, the primary function of which is levering and prying, to be slightly softer than an oven-tempered file, to shift it's tendencies under load towards bending and away from snapping. That being said, I want it to hold something of an edge as I use the knife to slice adductor muscles after prying. Would an oven temper not result in something that could stand to be slightly softer for prying, and also make it impossible to hand file/ harder to grind?
Do I need to buy a Whitlox forge to get this up to temp for reasonable stock removal speed? Do I have any hope of shaping this via secret methods like heating it randomly with the torch as much as possible and letting it cool slowly multiple times over?
submitted by trenchwork to knifemaking [link] [comments]