Straight shotacon

The stigma against pedophiles in the US is disproportionate and harmful to everyone.

2024.04.30 08:27 FlameKeeper621 The stigma against pedophiles in the US is disproportionate and harmful to everyone.

Full disclosure: I am a cis-male, non-offending pedophile in my early 30s. I grew up with loving parents and was never sexually abused. And despite complicated thoughts and feelings on the subject, I am ultimately anti-contact (that is, I do NOT advocate for sexual contact between adults and children, and do not think laws prohibiting such conduct should be changed). I'm posting this on a separate account from my main to keep any possible backlash and hate mail contained.
As a heads up, this is going to be a long post.
In the last several months I've been connecting with online pedophile support groups for moral and mental support, and I've even come out to someone very close to me in real life, and they've been understanding and supportive. But at the same time, I've also lately been having these occassional episodes of hopeless and depressive rage at how people like me are viewed and treated by society at large.
It’s been eating at me inside for a while now, and I can't keep silent about it any longer. I'm not expecting many people to agree with me, but if I can change a few minds, or at least one, I'll consider my effort here a success. I will try to address this subject with the nuance I believe it deserves, and hopefully any commenters will respond in kind.
There is a very persistent narrative regarding pedophiles in the United States, that we're all sick freaks and monsters who desire nothing more than to rape children, deserving of a bullet and a shallow grave, if not worse. Pedophiles are basically the ultimate acceptable target, more than even murderers, terrorists, or other major criminals. Anything bad that happens to them is better than they deserve.
Before anything else, we should take a moment to get our definitions straight.
A pedophile is an individual who consistently experiences sexual attraction toward prepubescent children (generally 12 and under). Evidence strongly points to pedophilia being an in-born neurological trait, so it's almost always something that one discovers about oneself. Most importantly, pedophilia is an attraction only, and being a pedophile does NOT guarantee that one will go on to sexually abuse children. Pedophilia may or may not be exclusive (i.e. some pedophiles, like myself, are also attracted to adults in addition to children.)
In fact, not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles. Many abusers, perhaps even close to a majority, are situational offenders who prefer adults but abuse children as targets of opportunity. Some offenders have anti-social traits or impulse control problems, and some abuse out of a desire for control and power, rather than genuine sexual attraction. On the flipside, many pedophiles never commit sexual offenses against children.
Another important thing to note is that pedophilia is NOT a super-rare condition. Some studies suggest that between 3 to 5 percent of the general adult population are pedophiles, or at least have pedophilic inclinations (though with a stronger skew toward men than women). That's potentially as many as 1 in 20 people. It's very likely that you've met and interacted with pedophiles in your everyday life without ever knowing it, and there's a real possibility that someone close to you, whether a friend or a family member, may be a pedophile.
Naturally, the vast, vast majority of pedophiles (at least in the US) keep their condition a secret because of how they are demonized in society, and because of how it could ruin our entire lives if we were outed. People like us are literally viewed as the scum of the earth. Our status as pedophiles completely eclipses and renders worthless all other facets and qualities we have as people, as human beings. And I believe that this stigma is actively harmful, not just to pedophiles themselves, but to society at large.
It's an extremely isolating condition, especially for people who are exclusive pedophiles. And that isolation is dangerous, not only because of the mental stress and harm it produces, but also because it makes it far more difficult to seek help if someone finds themselves in major distress about their attractions, or feels they may be at risk of offending in some way.
Similarly, I believe that how we handle child pornography possession (hereafter referred to as CSAM - child sexual abuse material) is also too draconian. To be clear, I believe that viewing real CSAM is unethical, even if it was acquired without money changing hands.
While I don't subscribe to the re-victimization theory (that a child is re-victimized each time CSAM of them is viewed by another person), I do believe that consuming CSAM represents a tacit acceptance of the abuse that made its creation possible, and that the act of seeking it out does ultimately increase demand for its production. These are problems that society is well within its collective right to discourage by law.
The problem is that in many cases, the criminal penalties for CSAM possession are as severe or sometimes even worse than if one had committed hands-on sexual acts with a child. And just like hands-on offenses, being convicted of possession will land the convicted on the sex offender registry, which is itself a cruel additional punishment that doesn't actually protect anyone. All it does is prevent offenders from re-integrating into society, increasing their isolation and making it more likely that they'll end up re-offending.
(As an aside, I think the US criminal system in general is far too draconian and far too focused on punishment over rehabilitation or restoration, to the detriment of society overall, but that's a topic for a different discussion).
Suppose that someone has fallen into viewing CSAM and they pick up an addictive habit of it, and they come to regret it and desire to stop. What are they supposed to do at this point? The penalties for coming forward to the legal system are literally life-destroying, and while one could try to seek therapy for it, the vast majority of therapists don't have the training or mindset to deal with pedophiles, and there may be legal requirements requiring them to report suspected sex offenders to the authorities.
Even in cases where such a requirement may not be applicable, a spooked therapist may report them anyway, once again leading to ruinous consequences. That's not even getting into the poor availability and lack of affordability of good mental healthcare in the US to begin with. It's a complete shitshow all around.
Some might say that a person who views CSAM deserves to be punished harshly, the same as if they had abused a child directly. But again, I believe this sentiment is overly rooted in disgust and the desire to punish perceived evil without considering the practical consequences. A person who has screwed up and viewed CSAM but wants to stop is now effectively trapped in a no-win situation, because now in addition to already incredibly isolating social stigma, they have the threat of serious prison time and a life on the sex offender registry hanging over their heads.
They have every reason to keep their struggle a secret and deal with it alone, and it's far, far more difficult to break away from harmful habits under that kind of isolation and mental stress, especially if there are other co-existing mental health conditions involved.
Ultimately this means that, more likely than not, the problem will be perpetuated in secret. And the distribution of CSAM continues to be a major problem, both on the dark net and even on many regular internet platforms, despite the harsh legal sanctions against it. It seems clear to me that our current approach to dealing with it is just not working.
To reiterate, I do NOT believe that real CSAM should be legalized. I think viewing it is unethical, and that its discovery warrants some sort of enforced social response. But that doesn't have to equal long prison sentences and the modern equivalent of a scarlet letter. I think the severity of such punishment is seriously disproportionate given the non-violent and indirect nature of the offense. In my view, something like mandatory commitment to therapy and civil restoration-type penalties would be far more appropriate, though I'm open to other ideas too.
Even beyond this, there have been increasing legal efforts to make even virtual, fictionally depicted child sex media (e.g CGI material and lolicon/shotacon) and child sex dolls illegal, despite these mediums having not involving real abuse of children at all, and despite there being no conclusive evidence of such artificial pornographic material leading to greater rates of child sexual abuse.
I believe these kinds of laws represent a serious legal overreach and violation of civil liberties, given that such material is truly victimless (unlike real CSAM). I accept that many people wouls find such things disgusting, but that's not a sufficient reason to impose serious legal restrictions, and would effectively criminalize one of the few ethical outlets people like me have for our desires.
(This is incidentally tied in with a recent greater prevalence of censorship and restriction of NSFW materials on the Internet, which is more often than not used as a convenient social punching bag and scapegoat, especially by conservative politicians.)
Overall, I don't expect everyone to like or be comfortable with pedophiles, for understandable reasons. While it would be nice if we could exist fully in the open with no problems, I don't think something like that will be possible any time soon. But I firmly believe that this culture of harsh demonization and disproportionate punishment in cases of CSAM posession are overall counter-productive to preventing harm to children, and create unnecessary suffering for many, many people. And I believe it needs to change.
Here are some sources for those who want to do further reading:
submitted by FlameKeeper621 to ControversialOpinions [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:02 The_Loli_Otaku [Rewatch] Ro-Kyu-Bu! SS EP12

Don't give up. And do your best!

"Because You’re Here"

Extra Info and Links

ANN MAL TV Tropes Wikipedia

Comment of the Day!!

Specs64z getting thrown off by the sharingan superpowers.
This game plays out more like some sort of shonen anime battle than an actual basketball game. The basketball games before this one felt at least a little more planned out, but this time everyone just straight up cheats. They got the Sharingan eye or something.
MMK is proving our resident Mimi shill.
For me I feel mimi got pretty shafted but well all the 5th graders did, its just that mimi is a leetle different. Even our 6th grader girls got pretty shafted too.
Shame Specs64z for fast forwarding through the training montage episode!!
Being in 3 simultaneous rewatches while my investment declines has led me to commit a grave sin against Ro Kyu Bu, one I have never and never again shall commit, lest God strike me dead. I watched at 1.5x speed.
The shame…

The Loli Otaku's "Loli of the Day Corner!!"

It feels right to dedicate at least one section to shota. Despite being The Loli Otaku I'm actually a huge fan of the shota character type. Shota are the natural prey of the big tiddy onee-chan but some species of shota have been known to pray on older ladies themselves.
There's kind of a holy trinity for shota character types in my opinion. First, is the "tough boy" who is most likely to come out with lines about how "he'll protect onee-chan." Then there's my personal favourite, the "golden retriever," that is pure childlike joy incarnate. And the third one, or the one most likely to be the victim of Onee-chan assault, "the toy boy."](


  • Favourite shota character! Also, who is your favourite shotacon woman?
  • Who is your mvp for our final match and why?
  • Since the Cunnies didn't get official nicknames in-universe it's time for the fanbase to come up with a few!! List out some good nicknames for the Cunnies crew!
  • Was this a satisfying finale or did you want anything more from the show?
  • Are the girls still cute even if they're middle schoolers now...?
  • Do you plan on playing the VN games after this?

Abyssbringer's "What is the thematic purpose of this scene corner!!"

The Loli Otaku wants to be cheered on by cute twins!!

Future Prompt?

Try your luck, and fight chin-up!!
submitted by The_Loli_Otaku to anime [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 10:40 TheKrzysiek If you're going to make fun of r/touhou mods for approving art because "they look old enough", then don't forget about r/2hujerk mod literally linking to loli and shota hentai.

If you're going to make fun of touhou mods for approving art because submitted by TheKrzysiek to 2hujerk [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 14:15 ftincel_ What are the ethical implications of dating a female shotacon? Is convictmaxxing a viable method of scoring?

What are the ethical implications of dating a female shotacon? Is convictmaxxing a viable method of scoring?
As a pooner advocate, I'm trying to think of solutions for pooner loneliness and isolation, while keeping our physical realities in mind (typically having the body of male children or puberty stunted), and I believe I have found a possible method or solution where our physicality can be an advantage.
As straight transgender men, we inherently don't have many options due to our dicklessness, and general puny builds. As a shotamoder who passes 99.9% of the time as a male child within 12-14 age range. Personally I'd be suspicious of any woman, who believed me to be a bio male, hitting on me (not like that ever happens) without explicitly knowing my age (Even if she did, attraction to me would still feel moderately suspicious due to my form appearing as that of a male child.) When one thinks of it, there are no actual options for shotamaxxerpoons for dating that keeps their physical realities in mind other than convinctmaxxing or waifuism (where a 2d woman loves you despite your physicality). When you hear of pooners who think about convinctmaxxing you must keep in mind that this is likely a last resort for him.
I have not put the most thought into this topic either as well. Therefore I have not decided my opinions on this matter yet. I have discussed it before with a buddy but he told me that it's not good to joke about such things (I wasn't joking) but didn't elaborate as to why it's bad which is why I come to you tpoons about it. I must mention that this is not hybristophilia because hybristophilia is specifically attraction to a criminal for the sole purpose of them being a criminal. I'm not attracted to female shotacons solely because the woman in question is a sex offender, I'm merely attracted to her physical form. Below are some possible rebuttals that I imagined one may comment.
>This is enabling pedophilia. This could normalize or encourage her behavior as well.
femaleconvinctmaxxer pooners don't approve of pedophilia we're just taking advantage of two bad situations for our own gain. femaleconvinctmaxxer pooners have no plans on knowingly enabling a female shotacon's crimes for we are adults and she is committing no crime being with us, and we are actively preventing her from committing a crime again.
>Dating bad people makes you a bad person.
Possibly so. It's important to consider the impact of ones choices of dating someone deemed a bad person, and look into yourself as to why you're dating this person and whether the gain is worth the pain, but overall I don't think that dating a person who is bad inherently automatically makes you a bad person because people are complex, but I do think this point is highly considerable.
>Why are you utilizing pedophilia for your own gain
As straight pooners, we are one of, if not, the least desirable group of people imaginable. At some point a straight pooner has to stop and start thinking outside the box as to how he is going to find a willing sexual partner if he hasn't given up entirely yet. As of now, It appears straight trans women being willing for pooners is a minority group within a minority group within a minority group.
>Female shotacons don't want you bro.
Affirmative, but they have less options as well due to their deplorable history. Even though I've never experienced a date I assume that people who do date (especially women) like to do extensive background checks and formal interviews (first dates at expensive restaurant) like a job interviewer because dating is culturally a professional financial arrangement, when these people do their background checks it's easy to find her criminal record and those who are not pooners are significantly likely to understandably back out from the relationship and try and seek a pure, non-convict gf. With that in mind, their pool has gone from massive to nearly entirely drained. This is where pooners come in to take society's scraps.
>How could this possibly be a positive thing for society whatsoever? We should isolate female sex offenders from socialization entirely.
One of the reasons why I think this could even be good for society is 1. You're keeping a close eye on the girl making sure she doesn't do anything terrible sort of like a personal guard, likely preventing her from any possible repetitions of her crime 2. You're acting as a consensual adult substitute for instead of being a literal child so this likely significantly prevents her from repeating her crime.
>How exactly would a pooner go about with finding this type of woman?
Now, as for the method of finding oneself a shotacon gf may be the morally questionable part for some considering how most (non-famous) pedophiles aren't going around telling everyone they meet that they are such. The method that a convictmaxxer may go about with this is 1. Going onto an American arrests database 2. Sorting female arrests by type of arrests (Though, the female arrests section oddly has a lot of cis men in it.) 3. Finding her full name, dob, location 4. OSINTmaxxing to find her contacts OR you try and contact her through the prison penpal system ( ( Unfortunately you do have to pay some money to use these sites specifically though. Which may be a dealbreaker for some poorcels.
Discuss below. I don't know anything about ethics in an academic sense other than natural law built into the human brain so I take all responses in good faith and expect the same (ie : I won't tell anyone to kill themselves this thread so this is a safe space for retards)
Also personally, I have no plans on convictmaxxing anytime soon due to being anti-t4c and st4t worshipping, but I do think it's a struggle that the public should be aware of regarding pooncels.
submitted by ftincel_ to 4tran4 [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 11:09 Appropriate-Pitch-57 The differents reaction between shotacon and lolicon genre

As the title said, those genre sometimes if not most, has differents reaction that bothered me. With lolicon, people always disgusted, hating it, mocking, and throw anything bad to the genre or story as if it was the very filthy thing in the existence.
However, it was different with shotacon, since whenever someone try to called it out as disgusting, people sometimes says, "It's a freaking fictional, bro. No need to get serious about it." That answer baffle me and sometimes I wanna says they're hypocrite or double standard but people power or power in number says the opposite to me which sometimes resulting in me getting mocked instead.
I don't know why people always disgusted with lolicon but not with shotacon. When the male in lolicon being pervert, readefans would disgusted but when the female in shotacon does the same, readefans would be horny and happy with it while also says something along, "Mommy... that's supposed to be me, not him!" or anything like that.
Although it is not on the topic I discussed in the post, the same treatment happens with straight/harem and yuri. The straight romance/harem get the lolicon treatment but the yuri get the shotacon treatment. I don't know why that happens tho...
P.S: Before anyone says about my grammar, I'm sorry for that since I'm not native speaker I can't write it correctly but I'll try to fix it if someone point the mistakes.
submitted by Appropriate-Pitch-57 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 14:53 Lion267 My quilt on extreme porn categories, caused by porn escalation?

I have watched porn since is was about 12, starting with pictures/magazines and not long after, videos on the internet. Right now i am 29 and so i have watched porn for 17 years.
Recently i started to feel quilty of what i was watching sometimes. My wife knew i watched porn but did not know what exactly i was watching. Because i started to feel guilty, i “confessed” the most extreme things i had seen to my wife because of that guilt.
Though my wife, who never watched porn, thought it was weird, she was supportive and we agreed that it was not healthy and that i needed to stop watching the extreme categories. I decided maybe i needed to stop watching porn altogether.
So there is nothing wrong between me and my wife, i don’t want to keep secrets from her so i am very transparant and we talk about this when i feel i need to.
However, looking back, i want to know if these categories that i sometimes watched were caused by addiction and porn escalation (needing more extremes to satisfy the need) or that i am a weird person, if there is something wrong with me.
To be clear i did not only watch these categories but i would sometimes watch one or more of these categories, sometimes with a long period of time between them. 90% of the time i watched “normal” porn.
The categories include: -3D straight shotacon (the focus was on the woman and i think i liked the contrast of an adult woman “allowing” a younger looking person to have her) In some periods every 5th time of watching porn was this category while in other periods i did not see this for weeks/months.
-Woman + dog. This i watched no more than 5 times total. First time started with curiosity. Later i guess i liked to see an attractive woman “allowing” an animal to do her)
-Rape/molested porn. Always 3D made. Mostly female characters of games that got in trouble and were “defeated” by the bad guy or creatures of the game that they were in.
-Webcam recordings of teen girls 18+, but sometimes their age was questionable. This was more out of curiosity. I became sexually active as an adult so maybe i wanted to know how a 18 or even a little younger body looked like. I want to emphasize that i am not attracted to minors. If i was i would say so in this post. This i watched around 30 times in those 17 years of porn watching.
These are the worst categories is felt most quilty about. Again, i did not watch these everytime, but seldom.
Other categories include grandpa + young woman which i have watced sometimes and wheelchair guy + woman which i have watched about 5 times total.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this and would like to see your views on this. Was this porn escalation or was i just weird and is/was there something wrong with me?
submitted by Lion267 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 14:50 Lion267 Are these categories a case of porn escalation?

I have watched porn since is was about 12, starting with pictures/magazines and not long after, videos on the internet. Right now i am 29 and so i have watched porn for 17 years.
Recently i started to feel quilty of what i was watching sometimes. My wife knew i watched porn but did not know what exactly i was watching. Because i started to feel guilty, i “confessed” the most extreme things i had seen to my wife because of that guilt.
Though my wife, who never watched porn, thought it was weird, she was supportive and we agreed that it was not healthy and that i needed to stop watching the extreme categories. I decided maybe i needed to stop watching porn altogether.
So there is nothing wrong between me and my wife, i don’t want to keep secrets from her so i am very transparant and we talk about this when i feel i need to.
However, looking back, i want to know if these categories that i sometimes watched were caused by addiction and porn escalation (needing more extremes to satisfy the need) or that i am a weird person, if there is something wrong with me.
To be clear i did not only watch these categories but i would sometimes watch one or more of these categories, sometimes with a long period of time between them. 90% of the time i watched “normal” porn.
The categories include: -3D straight shotacon (the focus was on the woman and i think i liked the contrast of an adult woman “allowing” a younger looking person to have her) In some periods every 5th time of watching porn was this category while in other periods i did not see this for weeks/months.
-Woman + dog. This i watched no more than 5 times total. First time started with curiosity. Later i guess i liked to see an attractive woman “allowing” an animal to do her)
-Rape/molested porn. Always 3D made. Mostly female characters of games that got in trouble and were “defeated” by the bad guy or creatures of the game that they were in.
-Webcam recordings of teen girls 18+, but sometimes their age was questionable. This was more out of curiosity. I became sexually active as an adult so maybe i wanted to know how a 18 or even a little younger body looked like. I want to emphasize that i am not attracted to minors. If i was i would say so in this post. This i watched around 30 times in those 17 years of porn watching.
These are the worst categories is felt most quilty about. Again, i did not watch these everytime, but seldom.
Other categories include grandpa + young woman which i have watced sometimes and wheelchair guy + woman which i have watched about 5 times total.
Thankyou for taking the time to read this and would like to see your views on this. Was this porn escalation or was i just weird and is/was there something wrong with me?
submitted by Lion267 to PornAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.01.16 03:09 fizzytastic [Virche Evermore] Mathis route thoughts!!

this post will contain spoilers for all of Mathis's route and also plenty of spoilers for Lucas and Scien's routes!

Mathis: “I've even found myself hoping that Bourreau was still alive and murdering people.”
oh boy are you in luck
I kinda glossed over it in the prologue but Jean and Mathis have a very cute and sweet relationship :((( I hope this game doesn't kill Mathis's OTHER big brother
JEAN HAS A LOVER!?!? honestly I've always kinda wished otome would feel more willing to explore romantic relationships with the side-characters.
however this also makes me far more concerned for him. in THIS game that can't possibly go well. sorry in advance, Jean. I hope she has a character sprite tho…
and he's…. never introduced her to Mathis or told him her name.. that makes me concerned for a different reason.
oooooh i wonder if the “other deaths that have yet to be discovered” are related to the Deliverer. there's no way that's a real story. if there was an easy way to leave no one would live here anymore lmfao. so there's just someone who's taking people's money and killing them under the table right 💀
man it does kind of bum me out that whenever otome has an LI that's even a YEAR younger than the MC they go out of their way to shotacon him. 😭 treating her like a cradle robber for being interested in a guy who's perfectly within her age range. they wanna baby him so bad
aaaaaaaaaaww he wants to be an author just like his dead brother. I wonder if he's gonna get to finish that story…..
Mathis: “Ah, maybe there's a secret passage under the [lycoris] flowers that leads to Hades, and…”
he's just pitching ideas for his novel here but it'd be neat if this was foreshadowing
is the Deliverer ALSO a named character? we have ANOTHER serial killer on our hands?
so I have absolutely no reason to doubt Jean at the moment. it's just kind of a baseless gut instinct that I feel like the game is gonna do everything possible to fuck Mathis over. so, sorry Jean I'm pointing my finger at you. 💀
Mathis's mom: “Why can't you speak like a normal child…?!”
classic. If your kid has a mental illness or disability you can always try beating the shit out of them to solve the problem.
actually this line made me realize that even when he isn't stuttering he speaks in a slow, awkward way. like there's a gap between his words. sometimes I speak slowly too, when I'm trying to find the right words. it sounds kind of similar. people tend to get impatient and guess what I'm thinking or just straight up cut me off, so suddenly I find him relatable lmfao.
so not only does Scien recognize Jean's lover from the picture in this locket, he thinks Jean has shit taste. XD which probably relates to why Jean won't introduce Mathis to her
Jeeeeeaaaannn you ARE doing some shady shit aren't you 😭
and…. Mathis has this weird metal thing on the back of his neck..? 💀 Ceres described it looking like a wound or a bruise which I don't really get, because it definitely looks metallic.
she touched it and it shocked Mathis, but he didn't believe there was anything there. he thinks she's joking. so whatever that is, he's unaware of it. which is ummmmmmmmmmmmm disconcerting to say the least
this is now the second time Ceres and Mathis were just talking and minding their own business before being drenched in blood
and this was a victim of Bourreau's. which triggered Mathis. Ceres held him to keep him from running after Bourreau, but Mathis pretty aggressively shoved her to the ground. 💀 not unexpected tbh. I mean, him insulting her is, but not the aggression.
I think he has a bad temper and impulsive tendencies… also gets overwhelmed very easily…. but he's definitely not mean, so I imagine he's going to feel extremely guilty later, after he's calmed down
Mathis never went home after. Jean is apologizing to Ceres for what happened and she's just like, umm idk what you mean? I don't remember what happened :)))
liar. 😭
damn okay. guess I was wrong about him feeling really guilty. 😭 she must have startled him somehow because he popped up behind her with a knife and was like oh it's just you :////
not exactly repentant behavior but pretty funny if you ask me!!! she doesn't even care she's just happy to see him lmfao
she welcomed him back and he told her to shut up 😭 NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING.
he speaks way more confidently when he's pissed lmfao. the slow speech pattern is GONE
and he was about to hit her AGAIN?? but Jean stopped him. and NOW he seems to have regained consciousness. and the guilt. homie was hardcore dissociating i guess??
so Mathis said he wasn't gonna give up and that he'll make amends after Bourreau is dead, so Ceres was like. I understand. that's why I'll beat you to it. :)
so she's gonna try to capture Bourreau before Mathis can kill him, so he doesn't have to turn himself in as a criminal afterwards. XD
he also confessed to her in the middle of that convo?? she kinda just glossed over it though lmfao
continued in comments...
submitted by fizzytastic to otomegames [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 10:40 PennyPink4 War breaks out in the comments on r/Asmongold after a screenshot is posted that shows that an anime translated "lolicon" to "pedophile"

OP: "while translators have been catching Ls lately, I though this was pretty funny and based.
The image in the OP saying "funimation's Hensuki subs Translate "Lolicon" to "Pedophile".
Top comment WhAtAbOuT?
Sorting by controversial shows that a war broke out between users on different sides:
"If you think this is based you simply don't get why localizers having any "freedom" is a bad thing."
"Lmao ‘#censorship’. That’s literally what a lolicon is though?"
"Bro, let me boil it down to you: pedos are attracted to children, lolis look like children, if you are attracted to characters that look like children, you a pedo. Stop with the mental gymnastics."
"You’re a weirdo if your immediate reaction to this is “what about shotacon”
"Apologists: "Actually, if she had big tits or is hundreds of years old it's technically not pedo"
All of these comments were in the top of controversial which shows that there is a disproportionate amount of people that felt attacked by the OP in there.
For some mental gymnastics:
"I am not sure about it lolicon and pedophile sounds like a different concept to me. How so. There is a character called Hestia in Danmachi anime. age wise in mythology she is older than the the Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. in anime it is also a known fact. She is petite but have relatively big boobs yet japans consider her as Loli. So can we really place the guy who is attracted to her with some pedos who have sexual desires for underage girls? it doesn't really sound fair to me. One is a weebo who just loves a fictional young looking grandma. Other one is a sexual predator who preys on underage girls"
"These comments are really funny, isn't saying that the same thing when gamers are accused of being violent homicidal?"
"pedophile -> sexual attraction to prepubescent children lolicon -> aesthetic attraction to animated/cartoon adolescent* girls. aesthetic attraction here is more often referred to as 'moe.' and while they are different, it's close enough that people mix them up. they're objectively different. this is not a defense of pedophilia or any sexual dysfunction nor abuse of minors. but lolicon is objectively not the same thing as pedophilia. this isn't complicated. lolicon isn't even a rebranding in the same sense that "MAP" was/is. it's a known thing that has been around for a long time. the rebranding here is associating it with pedophilia which it isn't. to be clear, i'm not a fan of lolicon myself, but i am a pedant and this is definitely an incorrect translation. edit: i originally wrote teenage, but adolescent is more accurate"
With the downvoted response: "aesthetic attraction" lol. "You don't understand, I jerk off to drawings of children because I find them 'aesthetically attractive', not because of anything weird!"
""Censorship and shitty localization is great as long as I agree with it". Cool take, OP."
Another user responds to this longwinded explainaination, in a nutshell:
"1) lolicon = pedo who likes adults too 2) lolicon = pedo who likes girls 3) lolicon = pedo with high standards All together... pedo seems like a great translation if you are talking about a straight male"
submitted by PennyPink4 to SubredditDrama [link] [comments]

2023.12.24 05:38 Rine901 CHOOSE YOUR お姉さん!!!

CHOOSE YOUR お姉さん!!! submitted by Rine901 to idolmaster [link] [comments]

2023.10.14 23:50 BronyWithAGun Dni list ^_^

Please do NOT interact if you are: A zoophile A m.a.p/pedo A loli/shotacon An AntiFur A necro A racist A bigot A homo/transphobe A 'super straight' A supporter of these individuals: NecroFilic/MORTiS, birdie/alias, nekozuna, twisted doctosleepykinq, lovely Lauren, jk Rowling, shotascara, dhc, jasonafex, creepshow art, Xx_mushroom_girl_xX, khord kitty, kero the wolf, hypnotist saphho or Emily youcis. A rapist Or any other degenerate filth.
submitted by BronyWithAGun to CringetopiaMusic [link] [comments]

2023.09.24 22:02 1fishmob I finished a series that should have been an absolute train wreck by proxy of what it is, but somehow ended up being smarter, more thought provoking and honest more terrifying than anything in recent memory.

The series is a called Happy Sugar Life. It is a tale about love. Or more accurately, the horrors of it! How people all have their idea of what love is, but how that means humanity's sweetest emotions can give rise to the most unhealthy of obsession and depraved of intentions.
The basic premise is that it follows a high schooler named Satou, who is popular among the student body for being someone who likes to get freaky with any man that comes her way. But one day, that all changes as she proclaims she's found her true love. Her friends are happy for her, but what no one realizes is that her "true love" is actually a little girl that Satou found on the streets one night named Shio, and has been keeping in her in her apartment under lock and key, and uses Shio to learn what it actually means to love someone and receive love in return. However, keeping their secret isn't easy. Because Satou finds herself in almost constant quarrels with other people in her city; metaphorical predators, stalkers, thugs, her gr@@mer of an aunt, creeps who want Shio for their own (less platonic) purposes, as well as the older brother of Shio, Asahi, who is desperately searching for her day in and day out. But in the end, what might end up undoing Satou and her "happy sugar life" isn't any person found on the street, but her own crumbling psyche as she desperately clings onto this happiness she feels.
It's good to note this series, and by proxy its manga, despite being called a romance, is officially listed as a psychological horrothriller. But it's already easy to what this is going to be about; it's a horror story tackling themes like the depravities of the human mind and how a seemingly normal person could justify the most heinous of actions towards their fellow man. And while not always perfect, I do think it was handled with more grace, maturity, and tactfulness than 90% of what Hollywood makes today. It never uses any of this subject matter to push any agendas or shamelessly shock the audience with no rhyme or reason. It instead acts a clever critique/deconstruction of many ingrained stereotypes/biases in modern story telling to tell a narrative told solely through our unreliable narrator, Satou. EX: Satou may be keeping Shio locked up in her apartment, but compared to Shio's living arrangements prior to their kidnapping; an abusive father, a mother who barely cognitive to take care of her, no money left over for them because of alcohol addiction etc. Shio is living a much better, happier life with plentiful food, safety, and a guardian whose that seeks to attend to her every need every second of the day they're together, and Shio goes along with this by her own choice. So by proxy, the genuinely messed up situation now looks a lot less messed up by comparison.
But it also makes sure it never crosses a line; obviously, this could go Cuties very quickly, so when producing it, they made it animated to ensure they didn't need real children for any scenes, hired grown @$$ adult to do all the roles and kept the relationship Shio and her captor as purely as3xual/platonic. a good example of this is with one of the aforementioned "creeps", Taiyou. Taiyo, a boy around Satou's age, was kidnapped and m@lested by his manager for a week straight, and this left a mark on the poor guy. He's gone from a fairly confident high schooler to a sheltered recluse with both a nasty fear of older women because of what happened, but also developed an unhealthy obsession with Shio after finding one of her missing person's posters; believing her to be an innocent angel sent by God to purify his tainted body. Which results in him both losing his social life and being manipulated by Satou for her own purposes. Now, if this was to happen in any number of other shows or movies, they'd just play this up for laughs; "a guy got @@@@ by a woman, LOL" and make fun of it for the rest of the show/movie. But HSL doesn't do that, it portrays what happens to him as bad and it never once portrays it as any but, We do have a few comical moments with Taiyou, but it's never with his violation at the center of it. But he is also a criticism of stuff like the all to popular lolicon and shotacon; which usually portrays p3dos as comical or harmless. Or you know, what can be found in Kodomo No Jikan, . But HSL decides to say "if you find Taiyou's obession with this little girl disturbing, why don't you find this other stuff disturbing as well?" The trauma he endured and the repercussions it had on him is as tragic, horrifying and disgusting as it should rightfully be portrayed as.
I can keep going on about this, and I am going to make an hour long video dissecting this masterpiece of provocative horror, but I wanted to share some of my thoughts on it.
submitted by 1fishmob to CriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2023.08.30 12:02 Sparkle-sama The absolute Anarchy of the Project Mugen Discord doesn't give me much hope for the actual launch of the game

In the chat room for the EN server of Project Mugen, there is currently effectively zero actual moderation from human mods. They only have an automoderator set up. The server was created on July 19th, but has been active as early as August 15th.
On August 24th, when the trailer for this upcoming video game dropped, many new people joined the server due to hype, but for some reason, the Staff of the server had not set up any of moderation whatsoever. Upon seeing it had zero moderation and restrictions, many users proceeded to many horrible things like spam @everyone pings, use Text-To-Speech to say shocking things, send links to porn and shock sites, advertise products and discord servers, send images of gore and porn (including loli and shota porn, which is controversial and doesn't have a place in a Official Discord Server for a video game), and do many other disappointing things that reflect bad moral character.
On August 25th, a NetEase staff named Xiao joined the server, helped clean up the server, banned a few of the members who posted obnoxious things, and set up a slowmode to help ease chat, and an automoderator to help maintain the server. However, he did not set up the automoderator effectively, as it can mute members for typing in caps (which is a common way of expressing excitement) and often doesn't catch on common words that people use to discuss NSFW topics. Also, after stopping the absolute anarchy that was August 24th, he simply became inactive. Not a single message from him has been sent since.
News spread to other members that there was a large official server that was largely unmoderated and a new set of trolls joined
in the art-creation channel, there is currently no permission for members to send images, this is because on August 28th, a bunch of internet trolls saw that there was no moderation and took the opportunity to send beastiality porn, loli and shota porn, and gore of real dead people for almost 3 hours with no consequences until a mod (Likely Xiao) silently banned some of the users and deleted some messages and removed the permission to post images in that channel. However, even scrolling up, you can still see remnants of the vile images that these trolls sent involving lolis and gore. The Discord member who started the chain of posting shock images was never even banned. In fact, if it wasn't for the posting of gore, I don't think the loli and shota porn posting would have stopped
Now, a bunch of people who are interested in the game are now having fights with people who are also interested in the game for very different reasons.
A plethora of lolicons who saw the bunny character in the Project Mugen trailer came into the server to talk about her sexually, and also talk about how much they find lolis attractive. This is not the kind of topic that should be allowed in the Project Mugen server, especially considering that the majority of people who reside within that server are in their early teens, most people in that server are underaged minors.
I personally couldn't care less if someone is a lolicon or a shotacon, but I find it incredibly distasteful to talk about something like this so openly in a public server. In fact, it even expanded past simple lolicons with no shame to obvious trolls saying the most egregious shit they could think of to spark a reaction.
But adding fuel to the fire, many regular people who despise lolicons or shotacons now started many arguments in the server with the people who are lolicons, and even sent them death threats, which are against the Terms of Service of Discord.
For the past 48 hours, the entire topic of discussion for Project Mugen has been about lolis. No joke, that is all the server has talked and argued about. Nothing about what they were even saying had anything to do with Project Mugen, but due to the lack of real human moderation, nothing has been done to stop these individuals.
The most the two (2) Staff have done is add more words to the automod (Loli, lolicon, rape, cunny, but somehow NOT the n word, f slur, multiple swear words or anything about shotas or shota, you can say that as much as you want 💀) which causes... a 30 minute timeout and nothing else. Not to mention that all the automodded words are easily bypassable without even having to use your brain. All it causes is more friction and animosity between users.
How can NetEase manage the marketing and management of their upcoming video game if they can't even handle the management of their Official Discors server?
(To give an example of what's going, here's some pictures of how absurd the server has been. The names are censored not just for privacy, but because some of them are straight up gross. This is a drop of water in a bucket in the grand scope of Project Mugen lore:
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15)
submitted by Sparkle-sama to gachagaming [link] [comments]

2023.05.20 20:46 DigammaF The Ambassy Glossary

  1. Rational
  2. Statute
  3. Annotations
  4. Definitions


Since the lolishotaAmbassy is a place aimed at discussion, it seems essential to lay some definitions. That will remove the need to write disclaimers in every post or every comment, and that might also spark interesting debates.
It is important to remember that you shouldn't use the annotations below in common settings. The definitions merely exist to help clearing misunderstandings and staying aware of some of one's biases.


Of course, this text wasn’t issued by some kind of deity, and as a result, suffers biases and other artifacts due to subjectivity. Provided the correct arguments, the text is subject to changes. But what is a good definition, and what are the arguments needed to support that one definition is better than another one? A good definition is both descriptive and predictive: meaning that it can describe all the situations that we need it to, and it allows for generalization to yet unknown cases. If you think that your definition for any term below is either more descriptive or more predictive than the one that is exhibited below, please let know any staff of lolishotaAmbassy to start the discussion.
The shape of the document itself is up for discussion, as different ways to depicts information has different pros and cons.
Additionally, if you would like to see a term included in the glossary, feel free to contact the staff of lolishotaAmbassy.


Definitions below often rely on external content that is not provided by the glossary. As a result, they may also be refered to as definition schematics instead of straight up definitions. Some annotations are used to show which parts of the definitions are incomplete. Those are significant details, since it has great impact on the rules one must follow to instantiate a definition : examples of instantiation include trying to decide if an element fits the definition, or the production of an hypothetical element for argumentation purposes. Some subparts of the definitions rely on processes or qualifiers that are defined differently by different framework. For exemple, different philosophical doctrines offer different definitions for concepts such as free will or innocence.
An annotation is put next to the main term to signal that it is relevant for its definition, and next to a word in the definition itself to signal which part of the definition is subject to it.


loli ab
Fictional character that features childisha traits and is identifiedb as a girl
ex: loli medical cis would refer to fictional characters that features childish traits such as defined by the modern medical field (that is to say the lack of secondary sexual characteristics) and is canonically born as a girl, whereas loli medical genderFluid would be a broader definition, notably also including characters commonly refered to as “baits”.
remark: The most commonly discussed definition would be written as loli kawai cis because the childish aspect of the characters it describes is often deduced from attributes such as uwu-talk, big eyes, innocent behavior etc which are part of the “kawai aesthetic”.
shota ab
Fictional character that features childisha traits and is identifiedb as a boy
lolicon / shotacon a
Content that depicts loli / shota in sexuala settings
submitted by DigammaF to lolishotaAmbassy [link] [comments]

2023.05.20 00:05 air-bonsai a reminder female chasers (can be) terrible, too

a reminder female chasers (can be) terrible, too submitted by air-bonsai to ChasersRiseUp [link] [comments]

2023.03.25 21:08 Tegridy_Tardy Oh boy

Oh boy submitted by Tegridy_Tardy to okbuddybocchi [link] [comments]

2023.01.12 03:53 Exterminator_36 Thank you Anon, let me write them down to avoid them

submitted by Exterminator_36 to 4chan [link] [comments]

2022.10.21 22:10 valukar r/MadeInAbyss Frequently Asked Questions (Update)

/MadeInAbyss Frequently Asked Questions

Anime Related Questions

Where can I watch the anime?

You can watch the Made in Abyss Season 1 legally online with Amazon Prime and HIDIVE. Season 2 is available online on HIDIVE.

Where can I watch the movies?

All the movies are available online on HIDIVE. You can watch the first movie, Journey’s Dawn, here. The second movie, Wandering Twilight, is available here. The third movie, Dawn of the Deep Soul, is available to stream in here.

Will there be another season of Made in Abyss?

We don’t know. The latest season aired in Summer 2022. There hasn’t been any announcement for a new season yet.

Which chapters do the movies/series cover? / In what order do I have to watch them?

Check out this chart to see how the movies are related to the manga chapters and series. There's also a chart that shows the relation to the layers. [Spoiler!]

Are there any changes in the first two movies compared to the show?

The movies have some new scenes and extended scenes, as mentioned by the composer, Kevin Penkin in this interview. However, the recap movies are very similar to the anime with the biggest difference being a small cameo by Prushka at the end of the second movie.

Where can I buy the movies?

Where can I get the physical manga/Blu-rays/DVDs/support the series?

If you hope to see more of the series animated then the best way to support the series is to purchase the Blu-rays, DVDs, and the official manga. In addition to this, purchasing Japanese BDs/DVDs/Manga straight from Japan is the best way to support the series. That said, only do this if you want to support the series in earnest as they will not come with translations. If you wish to read/watch Made In Abyss in another language besides Japanese you should avoid buying the products straight from Japan.
  • English translated manga: Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
  • Japanese manga: Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
  • English anime Blu-rays: 1.
  • Japanese anime Blu-rays: 1, 2.
You can also check out temp_sales's detailed explanation and guide for supporting your favorite series and buying BD/DVDs from Japan here for further information.

How faithful is the anime adaption?

The anime adaption is extremely faithful. There are minor differences between the anime and manga with some of the most significant changes being at the behest of the author himself. Rough translation can be found here.

Manga Related Questions

How often are new chapters released?

While there's no set schedule they are published on the 10th, 20th, or 30th of any month. These are the release histories for 2012-2014 and 2015-2017. Purple indicates how many days since the previous chapter and blue the number of pages.

Is there a way to be notified of new chapter releases?

As soon as a new chapter is released we create a new discussion thread and pin it to the top of the subreddit. In addition to this we ping everyone in the subreddit's Discord server when the scanlation is publicly available.

Where should I read the newest scanlated chapters of Made In Abyss?

We recommend reading the newest chapters on mangadex.

Where in the manga should I start if I have seen the anime?

The general consensus is to start at chapter 1. While the anime adaptation is exceptionally good, it isn't 1:1. The community typically encourages everyone to start from the beginning in order to soak in the true intent of the author on every level. This is especially true of Season 2, which adapts the story in a different order from the manga and skips scenes some find relevant. It will only take most people a few hours at most to read up to the point where the anime leaves off so time shouldn't be too much of a concern. If you end up deciding on skipping to chapter 26 then it is highly advised to read Extra Chapters 1, 2, and 3 beforehand. If you've seen the 3rd movie, you'd have to skip to chapter 38. If you’ve seen season 2, you’d have to start at chapter 60.

Where in the manga does the anime end?

The first season of the anime ends about halfway through chapter 26, the 3rd movie ends in chapter 38 in the manga and the second season ends around chapter 60. That said, there are three chapters in the manga that occur before chapter 26 that were not included in the anime. These are the "Extra Chapters" and only a portion of one was included in the anime. You might want to check out this chart to see how the movies are related to the manga chapters and series.

Is there more of Made in Abyss to read?

Beginning with chapter 47, there’s also a Fan colored version of the scanlation. There’s also the Official Made in Abyss Anthology.

Other MIA Related Questions

What’s Nanachi’s gender?

Their gender is ambiguous. Based upon their feminine appearance, Nanachi is generally presumed to be female. However, their gender and sex have never been explicitly stated within the series itself. The only gender referent used by Nanachi is the pronouns that they used to refer to themself with. When talking about themself Nanachi uses the pronoun oira (which evokes a person with a rural background, a "country bumpkin"), which has a masculine connotation to it. The creator of Made in Abyss, Akihito Tsukushi, commented on Nanachi's sex on Twitter, stating: "the sex of Nanachi is unknown. Let's imagine :)." The official English translator (Jake Jung) of Made in Abyss has also chosen to use gender neutral pronouns. Given that the changes made to survivors of the curse are random, it's possible that Nanachi may not actually have a gender at all.

What’s Marulk’s gender?

Marulk’s gender has been stated to be male on multiple occasions by Tsukushi, many of which are not currently available anymore. In-text, however, Marulk’s gender has not been explicitly revealed, only implied. For that reason, Jake Jung decided to keep his gender ambiguous in the official translation.

Subreddit Related Questions

What are considered spoilers on /MadeInAbyss?

Almost all anime content is "non-spoiler". Any manga only information is considered a spoiler and should be appropriately spoiler tagged. Name drops aren't prohibited, but names, titles, forms, genders, etc. that give hints to the direction of the story would be considered a spoiler. For manga readers out there a good example of what would be considered a spoiler would be mentioning (WARNING! THIS IS A MANGA SPOILER FROM CH. 61!) Doni is Lyza’s Whistle

What happens when a new season is airing? What about a movie release?

For airing anime series: All the content introduced with the season will be considered a spoiler and must be spoiler-tagged until 1 month after the season finale airs.
For new movie releases: All the content introduced with the movie will be considered a spoiler and must be spoiler-tagged until 1 month after it’s been released internationally.

How do I use spoiler tags?

All spoilers posted in threads that do not have the spoiler flair need to be spoiler tagged. To spoiler tag something use the following format:
>!Your spoiler goes here!< 
It will show up as such:
Your spoiler goes here

Is it ok to mention or link to MangaDex?

Threads linking to MangaDex which are not posted or approved by a moderator (usually new chapter posts) will be removed. It is ok to mention in those threads and link MangaDex in comments if asked for.

I am working on a non-english fan-translation. Can I post about it?

While we encourage everyone to go and get the official releases, we do support different translation efforts. You are free to ask for feedback or advertise some of your chapters, as long as you post them on MangaDex and strive for high quality. However, if your translations prove to be of low quality (mistranslations, bad grammar, unreadable fonts, etc), they will be blacklisted from the subreddit.

What is actually not allowed by the rule: "No Lolicon / Shotacon / Porn”?

Most content that’s sexually explicit is not allowed, this includes but is not limited to sexual acts, genitalia, and fetishism. In the case of the children of Made in Abyss, our rules are even more strict and we will always play it safe, so we will also remove content that might fall in a gray area, such as bare breasts and cropped NSFW art. Official art done by Tsukushi is not exempt from this rule. The subreddit only allows somewhat lewd content from adult characters. Examples of allowed content: Implicit sexual acts, partial nudity.

What is considered "low effort content"?

Occasionally we need to remove content from the subreddit that is "low effort", but many times this is heavily nuanced. There are a lot of questions we ask ourselves before we decide if any given post is low effort. Here are some pointers to help you decide if a submission would be considered for removal:
  • Is the submission unique? Does it provide something new or is it something you can easily find looking around in the subreddit?
  • Does it spark or contribute any meaningful discussion to the subreddit? Or is it playing off of something already beaten to death?
  • Is the submission covered in some way by the FAQ?
  • Does the submission seem to have taken a large amount of time or effort to craft?
  • Does the post look like it’s fishing for a specific reaction out of people?
  • Is the submission just a picture of a random hole?
Sometimes we are forced to remove content people are proud of -- content that took time and effort on the part of the user. We ask that everyone be understanding when we remove a post for "low effort". Sometimes the post plays off of a meme that has multiple variations already posted. Sometimes there are simply too many fluff posts at that given time. Sometimes the post is of too poor quality and you'll need to go back to the drawing board for the next one. Regardless of the reason, please be considerate when interacting with the mods and if you're gonna shitpost, really take that extra time to make that shitpost shine.

Is AI Art allowed on the subreddit?

Short answer: Yes, use the Misc flair, include which model you used on your title, and make sure it’s a good quality post.
Long answer: AI art has been a pretty controversial topic and the subreddit has also had its own share of issues with them being spammed whenever a new model becomes FOTM. We have removed a lot of posts like these because the end product had little to do with Made in Abyss, was of low quality or there simply were just too many similar posts. However, we do think that there is a place in the subreddit for AI-generated content, so if you want to post some, we only ask you to follow some guidelines:
  • Use the Misc flair. We want to keep the Fanart and OC flairs for human-made art.
  • On the title of your post, include the model you used so other people interested can check it out if they want to.
  • Keep in mind the low effort rule. AI-generated content can very easily be considered low effort so really make that post stand out and make sure it’s not just a copy of someone else’s art, which will incur further punishment.
  • (Optional) Share the prompts you used in a comment. This will significantly decrease the odds that your post will be deleted and it’ll be appreciated by the people that want to try to recreate it.

Am I allowed to post an advertisement for...?

If you want to post an advertisement for another community, service, merchandise, etc. please read over our advertisement policy.

Miscellaneous Questions

Is there a Discord server?

We do have a Discord server. You can always find a link to it on the sidebar as well.

What if I have a question that wasn't answered here?

If you have a question that was not answered here be sure to check the sidebar! If it wasn't answered here or on the sidebar then feel free to ask the community by submitting a new thread. If it is a question directed at the moderators of the subreddit, send us a modmail.

Useful Links

This FAQ is also available here.

submitted by valukar to MadeInAbyss [link] [comments]

2022.09.27 03:44 jj200275 v12c4

KONOSUBA VOLUME 12: CHAPTER 4 Part 1 Next morning. Thanks to the events that took place last night, I ended up tossing and turning without getting even a wink of sleep. “G-good morning, Kazuma. You sure are early today.” I went to the kitchen to have breakfast only to meet a similarly sleep-deprived Darkness who gave me a lackluster greeting. “I’m not up early. I just couldn’t sleep thanks to what you did last night. Why do you and Megumin keep teasing a teenage boy like me? Raising my hopes only to leave me hanging. Do you actually like me or do you just find it amusing to see me suffer?” “Th-That’s… N-No, nevermind. What happened last night was my fault. I wasn’t thinking straight. To think that I had to be comforted by a girl that’s younger than me… I really failed as a noble… Please forget about what happened last night.” Saying that, she regretfully lowered her head. “How could I ever forget that? Not only was I handcuffed to an older noble lady, I got stripped half-naked and even got my first kiss forcibly stolen. That doesn’t exactly happen often, you know?” “That’s not what I was referring to! No, wait, of course I want you to forget about that too!” Darkness slammed on the table as she said that, her face blushing a bright red. Then, Aqua, who unusually was awake this early, came down the stairs and said, “Why are you raising such a fuss this early in the morning? Are you excited because you spent a night with this man? You can’t lose control of yourself like this, Darkness. I know that you have some strange inclinations, but you should still respect yourself more.” “That was too much, Aqua. But guess what, I know full well how things will progress for a man in this situation. From now on, I’ll have a raucous lifestyle where Darkness and Megumin both fight for my attention. Then, when you are left alone, you’ll end up feeling lonely and eventually realize what your true feelings are.” With a mouthful of bread that she was having for breakfast, Aqua nodded along to my words and replied. “That I should have acted sooner to fix this damn NEET?” “No, of course not! You originally only thought of me as a housemate, but after this you’ll slowly realize that you actually have romantic feelings for me. But sorry, Aqua, I just can’t bring myself to see you as a romantic partner. I can only see you in the same way I see Emperor Zell or Chomusuke.” “Hey, hold on a minute! Why do you make it sound like I was casually dumped?” Towards the two of us who were bickering so early in the morning, Darkness, who was wearing her usual school teacher-like outfit, said. “Hey, I’ll be coming back late tonight, so you don’t have to make my portion of dinner or wait for me. I’ll be staying over at my father’s place…” Darkness said with a somewhat awkward expression before leaving the house. … What’s with this atmosphere? Could she be bothered by what happened last night? Yeah, I did reject her after all. It’d be stranger if she wasn’t bothered by it… … Right, I even had my first kiss. It’s not like sharing the same bed or holding hands, I actually kissed a girl. No, it still kind of feels like a middle schooler’s awkward romance. But at the very least, I’ve crossed that line that separates men and boys. “Hey, Kazuma, what’s wrong? You look much more slovenly than usual.” Aqua rudely said as she looked at me with disgust. “You are just as blind as usual. Take a good look. This is the face of a harem owner.” “Your bed head is really amazing, isn’t it, Kazuma-san?” Oh, by the way… “If you’re free, do you want to visit the adventurer’s guild? You don’t have any plans today, right?” I have an inexplicable urge to visit the adventurer’s guild today. Then, well, I won’t name anyone, but I want to brag to them about having kissed a girl and becoming an adult. “Don’t make it sound like I have a lot of free time. I plan to take Emperor Zell to defeat monsters outside town today. I’ll have him start defeating monsters from a young age and start accumulating experience points. If we start his education now, he might be able to swallow the entire Demon King’s castle in a single gulp by next year. ” “The only way I can see this ending is with you and the chick being swallowed in a single gulp. Anyway, where did Megumin go?” “Megumin left early in the morning. She said something about boasting about her victory as a woman to Yunyun.” So that girl has gone to do just what I’m planning on doing. Still, boasting about her victory as a woman? We still haven’t actually become lovers yet, right? And she’s fine with telling Yunyun? Even though she wants to keep it a secret from Darkness and Aqua? After briefly pondering upon my words, Aqua lifted the chick in her hands to eye-level. “Oh, yeah, now’s the time where the adventurer’s guild comes in handy. I think I’ll be accompanying you after all, Kazuma. I’ll find some bored looking people to help me raise Emperor Zell’s level.” “I really don’t think there’ll be anyone frivolous enough to help a chick grind levels… but alright then, let’s head to the adventurer’s guild.” Part 2 The adventurer’s guild has a completely different atmosphere compared to yesterday. “Giant Frog subjugation quest here! We still need a mage!” “We still need two frontliners! Ones clad in metal armour! Is anyone available?!” “Seems like several goblins have been spotted in the forest! That’s goblins! The beloved goblins that are worth a lot of money! In order to make sure the newbies aren’t going to get wiped, we’re going with a larger than normal party! Anyone who needs money, feel free to join up!” “Anyone who can’t deal with the frogs, want to try dungeon delving with us? We have a policy of avoiding combat and only searching for treasure! People with the thief class are welcome, you’ll be handsomely rewarded!” The adventurers who would normally laze around getting drunk in the tavern are extremely enthusiastic today. It’s almost like back when Komekko was still around. I flag down an adventurer I’m acquainted with. “Hey, what’s going on? Why’s everyone so hardworking? This isn’t like you guys.” If everyone’s so hardworking, I will feel bad if I were to slack off alone. It’s the same state of mind that causes me to start sweating when I see others seriously studying before a test. “Oh, it’s Kazuma. Well, what else could it be? It’s the taxes yesterday. The taxes. Everyone here was caught by the tax collectors and lost half of their hard-earned money. We’re just feeling the pinch from our wallets being suddenly lightened like that.” The adventurer with a scar on his nose sighed. Oh, I see, adventurers are fundamentally loose with money, after all. After having experienced the luxuries that come with being rich, there’s no way anyone here could bear to see their standard of living drop. All the adventurers in the guild are desperately running around searching for high-paying jobs that will get them back to that lifestyle. At this rate, the problem of monsters increasing around the town that Darkness and the guild staff were so worried about would be resolved quite quickly. “Kazuma-san, Kazuma-san, do you think there’d be anyone who’s free to help Emperor Zell gain some levels? Everyone here seems so busy.” “That’ll depend on how much you are offering as a reward. Speaking of, do you have a reward prepared?” Aqua passed Zell over to me before taking out her wallet. “Well, I have some coupons that can be redeemed at the Axis church for a free confession from me. Do you think that’ll be enough?” “They’ll probably just rip it up on the spot, so don’t even try. Everyone’s panicking over not having money, after all.” Still, this is a problem. I originally came here to find the bunch I usually hang out with and brag about my recent developments… At that moment— “Hey, isn’t that Kazuma!? I’ve heard from the tax collectors! Lalatina is the mastermind behind this sudden tax collection, right!?” An adventurer who I was quite close with suddenly shouted that at us as we were waddling by the entrance. He was probably caught yesterday; he was visibly angry as he complained to me. “Hey, we were chased around by Darkness too, you know? You’re complaining to the wrong person. In her words, she said she did this to get the lazy adventurers back to work again, and to resolve the country’s financial issues.” The adventurer didn’t bother hiding his displeasure. “Yeah, it’s true that we haven’t been accepting many jobs lately, but even so, didn’t we just recently deal with all the piled up quests…?” The adventurers around me who agreed with those words started voicing their protests as well. “She says that it’s to resolve the country’s financial issues, but who knows what she’s actually using that money for? I’ve been hearing rumours, you know? That Lalatina’s been spotted dragging around a young boy and teaching him who knows what.” In response to the guy who dropped such a bombshell— “And now Darkness is looking to become a shotacon too? Just how greedy is that woman?” No, I’m sure that even Darkness wouldn’t cross that line… probably… And what about that earnestness she showed me yesterday? It almost drove me to tears to turn her down, but if she was fooling around with a kid behind my back, even I might just end up appearing before Eris-sama again. Then, Aqua suddenly started looking around excitedly— “Hey, Kazuma, isn’t this a good opportunity? Look at the covetous gleam in everyone’s eyes.” She said while looking at the adventurers around the guild with a pitying gaze. “Aqua-san, I don’t want to hear that from someone who ended up crying after dropping 100 eris down a drain because she was planning on using that to buy ice cream.” “Shut up, you boorish man. If you keep spreading such baseless rumours, I’ll lay a curse on you that will have you waking up each morning to find that the bed is wet… Anyway,” Aqua addressed the adventurers who’ve quieten down. “I’ve found Darkness’s actions to be suspicious recently. As her guardian, I feel a need to resolve the issues plaguing her!” Aqua proudly hoisted Emperor Zell with both arms above her head. “I’ve been curious about what she normally gets up to for a long time. Hey, aren’t you guys curious about what she usually does?”
—At an orphanage on the outskirts of Axel. The kind of place that people from the Eris church regularly bring meals to and wealthy people from other cities occasionally donate their hand-me-downs to. Aqua, me, and the adventurers that have followed us are currently standing in front of it. “Hey, oji-san, is Darkness really here?” “Yeah, you can’t mistake it, Aqua-san. Everyone’s seen Darkness here wearing an erotic outfit and grinning as she looks upon the children playing. I’m not lying.” I don’t really get the grinning while looking at children bit, but the erotic outfit bit is certainly suspicious. Just when I resolved myself to knock on the door of the orphanage. “Lalatina-sama, you shouldn’t do this… It’s still way too early for us…” What’s undeniably a young boy’s voice could be heard from the other side of the door. Part 3 That’s definitely the voice of a boy who has yet to enter puberty. The boy sounded very apologetic as he said those words. “What are you saying? The earlier you learn about it, the better. Plus, you’ll need to know this stuff when you become an adult. So, come on, no need to restrain yourself…” “B-But, Latatina-sama…” Oh my. I thought it might have been some kind of misunderstanding, but this is definitely Darkness’s voice. I suppressed my trembles and placed my ear to the door of the orphanage. The other male adventurers followed suit. No, not just the male adventurers. Several of the female adventurers joined us and placed their ears to the door as well. “Fufu, you say that, but you are actually really curious about it, aren’t you? You can go ahead and touch them.” Oh my! I think I recall her saying something along those lines when she was holding me down last night! Dammit, why isn’t there a skill that allows you to see through walls in this world!? I really want to see what’s going on in there! … No, wait, it’s still too early to say so. If there’s a skill such as Farsight in this world, it wouldn’t be strange for there to be some kind of skill that allows you to see through walls. I should ask about it later. I wonder who made a gulping noise. It might even have been me. “Here, go ahead and touch it. This belongs to you from now on.” “B-belongs to…” Hearing Darkness’s words, the boy responded with a voice that’s a mixture of both trepidation and hope. That girl, what’s with this ‘this belongs to you’ crap!? After saying all that stuff to me yesterday! … Has she fallen to such depths because I rejected her? What’s this clawing feeling in my chest? Am I jealous that Darkness was taken away by someone I don’t know? And a younger person at that? No, this is something that anyone would feel if a close female friend of theirs found a boyfriend…right? Yeah, even we aren’t going out… “So, what do you think of it?” “It’s firmer than I expected, and it’s so smooth and soft. ” After hearing the boy’s words, I finally understand what is going on. Or rather, I understand what he’s touching now. Something’s that smooth and soft, and firmer than he expected, that could only be… “Don’t just touch it, why don’t you try sniffing it too?” Hey, even I haven’t done that yet. What’s this inexplicable excitement I’m feeling? Is this what being NTR’d feels like? I didn’t have such a fetish the last time I checked… “Hey, guys, is the door stuck or something? I’m getting sick of standing around out here, so I’m heading on inside.” Saying that, Aqua, failing to read the mood as usual, goes to open the door. “Hey, wait—! I hurried to stop her, but she already opened the door. And beyond that is…
“So, what do you think? A freshly printed book has a really nice smell, doesn’t it? I particularly like the smell of this ink.” “I like this smell too, Lalatina-sama…” Beyond the door, a nostalgic scene appeared before me. Yes, in a room that is almost identical to the classrooms of my world, Darkness, and the boy to whom she’s giving a book to, are happily enjoying its fragrance.
—All the adventurers, including me, stood dumbstruck. Having handed what seemed like a textbook to the young boy, Darkness also couldn’t help but stiffen as she turned to look at us— “W-Why are you guys here…?” That’s what we should be asking you. In the first place, just what is this situation? All I can see is a female school teacher in a suit giving out textbooks to impoverished children in an orphanage. “Hey, Darkness, what are you doing? This seems just like a school.” Hearing what Aqua, who has once again completely failed to read the mood, had to say— “Y-Yeah, it is. Kazuma mentioned it before, in a certain country, there exists facilities such as this that gives education to children free of charge. The town of Axel has been putting a similar program into action, in order to give the children whose families couldn’t afford private tutors a proper education…” As we were listening to the explanation, the children who noticed our presence looked at us with sparkling eyes. Adventurers who battle with monsters every day must seem really cool to these children. The adventurers who had just their egos inflated by Komekko’s admiring gaze some time ago started getting lightheaded once again. “Have you always been doing this kind of stuff?” In that short skirt and white shirt, she really does look the part of a female teacher. … No, in a way you could also say it’s a very bad form for an educator. “Hmm, well, I suppose you could say that. By the way, this is the outfit that I normally wear, but I’ve heard that it’s also the uniform of female teachers of a certain country…” Oh, that’s probably the work of my reincarnated colleagues. “My father has been thinking about reforming the education system for quite some time, so we’re funding this experiment in Axel out of the Dustiness family’s own coffers.” Come to think of it, Darkness’s father is said to be a very formidable statesman in this country. I’ve heard that there are no schools in this country other than the ones in the Crimson Demon Village, but it seems that the people of this country have properly absorbed the ideas brought over by the people from my world and started to implement them. Just when I was starting to admire that— “To be honest, it’s not something I often show to others, so having you all find out about this is a little embarrassing…” Darkness shyly said to the adventurers arrayed before her. “By the way, what did you guys come here for?” What we came here for? That’d obviously be to see you… …No, I can’t say it. I can’t possibly tell her that we came here to spy on her because we suspected that Darkness might have been collecting taxes just so she could afford to care for her harem of shotas. How could I possibly say something that perverse? I’m probably not the only one who had such thoughts. All the adventurers present simultaneously averted their gaze, and the one next to me started nudging me in the back as if to say ‘Hey, say something.’ “So um, you know how we got taxed yesterday? We were concerned about where all that money was going to, so we came here to check things out. Ah, after learning that all my hard earned cash is being used to provide children with an education, I’m now overflowing with the motivation to work. Right, guys?” “Yeah, as expected of Lalatina!” “The name Lalatina isn’t just for show, I see!” “You are really cool, Lalatina!” “You’re so cute, Lalatina!” “Shut up! Don’t call me Lalatina! Do you guys want to get punched!?” I noticed the boy who was smelling the book earlier suddenly appear next to the red-faced Darkness. He was hugging the book close to his chest with an apologetic expression on his face. Having noticed him too, Darkness crouched down in front of him. “What’s wrong? Please don’t mind us, okay?” “Bu-But, I heard that the food and clothes in this orphanage, and these books too were bought using the money earned by these adventurers…” … After hearing the boy’s words, the adventurers present fell silent. Darkness gave the boy a gentle smile. 90730 “Yeah, that’s right. These adventurers fight monsters day and night in order to protect you, and they even give a portion of the money they earned in order to help people like you who’ve lost their parents. So you need to appreciate those feelings and properly treasure that book…okay?” “… Yeah, I understand. Thank you very much, everyone.” The boy thanked us with such a smile, and that sentiment was echoed by all the children in the classroom. All the adventurers, including me, were moved to tears. Then, towards those children, “I have something to discuss with these adventurers, so please quietly study with your textbooks while we talk.” Darkness said that while signalling at us to head outside. Part 4 “…I showed an embarrassing side of me…” Darkness bashfully said after we exited the orphanage. “Say, Darkness, is this orphanage really supported with the money you robbed from us?” “What do you mean rob? Don’t make it sound that bad. The tax money that you contributed went into helping adventurers who got injured on the job and retired adventurers. The occupation of an adventurer has always had an uncertain future after all. With this, the adventurers who’ve gotten too old to work will at least be guaranteed enough money to eat.” “Is-is that so? But, those children earlier…” Yeah, they said something about this and that being funded by us adventurers. “The Dustiness house is paying for their upkeep, but, as ashamed as I am to admit it, we’ve had some financial issues as of late. The money we taxed from you was used to shore up that deficit, so that’s why… But don’t misunderstand! I will definitely properly repay it! Several people got injured dealing with the piled up quests the other day, so there’s been some unexpected expenses…” Crap, what should I do? Although she said she’s ashamed, we can’t even bear to look directly at her. The other adventurers around me were also blushing and pointedly avoiding her gaze. “Umm…” To the adventurers gathered, Darkness— “So, that’s what I did with the tax money you contributed… Is it acceptable?” —said apologetically. “Well, we heard that Lalatina was teaching something or the other to children! So, well, after learning that our money was used for something like this, we are very, well, er, you know, right, everyone?” “Yeah, of course, it’s Lalatina we are talking about. We’re just worried that she might be trying to quietly shoulder some big burden on her own!” “Right? And just like we feared, Lalatina has been pushing herself again! Right?” “Aren’t we comrades? The fact that you’re nobility should have nothing to do with this. If you want, we could even escort them on their way to and from school.” What a smooth reversal of attitude. I’m not in any position to criticize them, but it’s pretty amazing that they managed to convert so abruptly. Hearing those adventurer’s words. “No, there hasn’t been any difficulties in particular so far. Just hearing those words is enough, thank you. The safety of the children from regular households as they commute to and from this school is already being handled by a worker of a certain magic item shop.” Darkness showed a genuine, unblemished smile as she said that. “Still… Hearing you all say that really makes me motivated. Thank you very much. I was sure that you all would still be holding a grudge over what happened yesterday.” “What are you talking about, Lalatina!?” “Yeah, Lalatina, don’t be so distant!” “How could we ever doubt you, Lalatina!” “Umm, I’m really happy to hear you all say that, but I really wish you would stop calling me Lalatina…” In attempt to cover their tracks, the adventurers repeatedly praised Darkness, who buried her face in her hands in embarrassment. “Hey, isn’t this a little different from what you were saying before? Darkness, I’m telling you, before we came here, Kazuma told everyone-” Still oblivious to the situation, Aqua was neutralized by the nearby adventurers before she could reveal any critical information. “Hey, what are you doing! Cut it out!” Aqua slapped at the hands of the adventurers who grabbed her as she struggled intensely. In order to divert Darkness’s attention away from Aqua’s antics— “I here thought you were just a perverted noble. I certainly didn’t expect you to be doing such righteous deeds. Why couldn’t you act more like this in your normal life? If you behaved like this, you wouldn’t be unmarriageable and would probably even have a few children by now.” “What are you talking about!? I’m not unmarriageable, I just chose not to get married! Had I wanted to, I would have plenty of suitors to choose from!” Hearing Darkness’s angry outburst, one of the adventurers hammered his fist in realization. “Oh, speaking of which, Lalatina, I heard that you had a child with Kazuma!” Darkness couldn’t help but sputter upon hearing that. “Oh, yeah, that’s right. Congratulations, Lalatina!” “Don’t go off and play any strange erotic games on your own now, Lalatina!” “But isn’t it great? Lalatina-chan does have some weird inclinations, after all. I always feared that she’ll end up getting abducted by some strange folks.” “I was worried that she would happily head off one day to live in some strange monster’s nest. Hearing this puts me at ease.” “Kazuma looks to have a pretty secure future. There’s no need to worry about being too poor to afford food if you are with him!” All the adventurers present started giving us their blessings. Though, judging from their smirks, it doesn’t seem like they are serious. Everyone’s probably just teasing Darkness as a little payback over yesterday’s incident. “You guys! Even after I took pains to explain everything…! You guys don’t get it at all!” Not noticing that she was being teased, Darkness protested while blushing all the way to her ears. “We get it, we get it! Every noble has their secrets, after all. It’s okay if you don’t want to admit it! We know how it feels!” “I hope that the joyous day where the two of you officially declare the date of your marriage ceremony isn’t too far off!” “You guys don’t understand! You don’t understand at all!” Darkness desperately tried to refute those allegations. “So, seriously, how have things been going, Kazuma? Did something really happen between you two?” “It’s Kazuma-san we are talking about. There’s no way that something’s actually happened, right?” “Yeah, he’s famous for chickening out at the last moment, after all.” Oh, yeah, I remembered why I originally wanted to visit the adventurer’s guild. “All you folks who are still somehow virgins despite working as a rough and tumble adventurer, you better get down on your knees and beg for forgiveness! Don’t think I’ll always be on your level! I even crossed that line yesterday, right, Darkness?” “Idiot! What are you saying! How could you bring up such a topic right now?!” Darkness ended up digging herself deeper while trying to refute it. “She-She didn’t deny it! You’re kidding, right? Lalatina actually admitted it!” “Wait, seriously? Lalatina-chan, did you actually do it? Hey, how far did you go? Please tell onee-san the details!” “I thought Aqua-san was just misunderstanding something again when she said that Lalatina had a child…” “No! You’re mistaken!” Watching Darkness once again turn bright red and frantically flail around, I decided to throw some more fuel onto the fire. “What’s so mistaken about it? You tied me down last night, stripped me half-naked and did those kind of things to me! And that was my first time! Are you seriously calling me a liar?” “No, I do think I was in the wrong, but—!” “Don’t think that the first time is only important for women! We guys also value our first time highly! It really doesn’t sit well with me to have my first time passed off as some kind of accident!” “N-no, that’s not what I…! Sorry, that was my fault! I wasn’t thinking straight back then! So, please, let’s both agree to forget about that, please!” After hearing our conversation, the adventurers around me seemed to be convinced and started looking at me with both admiration and jealousy. “That’s all I will say about this. I’ll leave what actually took place to your imaginations.” “You really are…! No, that’s not it, we just—!” Just as the cornered Darkness was about to explain everything… “Oh, by the way, I saw a girl in there with blonde hair and blue eyes like Lalatina-chan in there earlier. Is she the child you had with him?” One of the female adventurers asked with great interest. Hearing that, the adventurers couldn’t hold back their curiosity any longer, and once again opened the door to the orphanage…! “You guys, you better cut it…!” Just as Darkness prepared to resort to violence on the verge of tears… …She found that the children who were so energetic just a short while ago were now laid lifelessly around the classroom. Part 5 “—Fuhahahaha! Have you cheeky scamps been studying hard today? Moi have come to fetch you all! Now, all who wish to touch my mask, please properly line up… Hmm, what’s going on here?” Another troublemaker appeared at the chaotic orphanage with a maniacal laugh. “Hey, you, what are you doing here? I don’t have time to deal with you right now, so I’ll graciously let you live. Now scram! There’s a deserted alley in that direction, go laugh to your heart’s content over there! As you can see, the children are in peril right now!” While the adventurers hurriedly ran around setting up blankets and laying the children on them, Aqua worked on drawing a large magic circle in the centre of the orphanage. “Just what is going on? The orphanage has been very peaceful up till now, so how did… Do you not feel at peace unless you bring trouble to everywhere you go?” “Don’t make it sound like everything bad that happens is my fault! These children just suddenly collapsed for no reason. You’re a more likely suspect! You didn’t do something to these children, did you?” Vanir resiliently shot back after being accused by Aqua. “What are you saying, you bringer of misfortune? As if the ever popular-with-children moi would ever do something like that! The only people who would lay such a curse would be members of the most villainous Axis Cult such as yourself!” Just then. “But this is really troublesome. To think that they would come down with Colorin disease…” Vanir’s muttered words caught attention as I was using freeze on a fevered child’s forehead. “Hey, Vanir, do you know what caused all these children to collapse? What’s with that cutesy sounding Colorin disease?” Everyone present turned their attention towards Vanir after hearing my words. “These cheeky scamps have all contracted Colorin disease… It’s an extremely peculiar disease. It will remain dormant for a time after infecting someone, but once that period of dormancy is over, it will disperse a fast acting toxin into its surroundings just like so. From what my all seeing eyes tell me… That girl over there is the host.” Vanir pointed to the collapsed Sylphina.
“There are two ways to cure this disease.” Vanir was sitting cross legged on the floor, illuminated by the faint glow emanating from the magic circle that Aqua drew. The children seem to be in much less pain than before, probably due to the effects of the magic circle. “First off, treating the children apart from the host is quite simple. A constant application of recovery magic and detoxification magic would see them healthy in no time. But…” Saying that, he glanced at Sylphina lying motionlessly in Darkness’s arms. “Detoxification magic would not work on the host. We can only prolong her life using recovery magic while we work on a special antidote.” “What’s this antidote!? How do you make it!?” In response to Darkness’s frantic question, Vanir raised his fingers and started counting. “There are five ingredients required to make it. The onion of an onion duck, the root of a mandragora, tears of a ghost, and there’s…” The adventurers dutifully wrote down them down as he listed the ingredients. “And the last ingredient is… This might be tricky to acquire, but it’s the nails of a high ranking devil.” “God Blow!” 90731 The moment Vanir listed the final ingredient, Aqua threw a punch at him and turned a portion of his body back to dirt. “What do you think you’re doing during an emergency like this!? Now the floor is all covered with dirt! This is no time to fool around!” “Yeah, I’m hitting you precisely because it’s an emergency! Ghost tears will be easy to get, we just need to go home and tell a few sob stories. Nevermind that, hurry up and hand over your nails!” Oh yeah, Vanir is a high-ranking devil himself. But in response to Aqua’s words, Vanir slowly shook his head. “Moi is only using a temporary body to inhabit this world. Other than my mask, the rest of my body is made out of dirt.” Aqua hammered her fist in realization upon hearing those words. “Right, how about we pay a visit to those girls in that shop? ‘Excuse us, but we need to pry off one or two of your nails.’” “You fool. Moi said it needed to be the nail of a ‘high-ranking’ demon, didn’t moi? Those hatchlings wouldn’t even register on the scale.” These guys are probably referring to the Succubi who work at the shop. But, if that wouldn’t do… “That leaves us no choice. Very well, it’s time to resort to the demon summoning ritual that have been passed down through the Crimson Demon clan…” “Wait, Megumin, that’s a little… Vanir, do you not know any other high-ranking devils? Can’t you do something with those all-seeing eyes of yours?” Darkness asked as she hastily stopped Megumin who was about to prepare some kind of dubious ritual. “… Hmm, well, moi does know of a high ranking demon who lives close to this town.” Vanir thoughtfully touched his mask. “Wh-Where is he!?” In response to Darkness’s panicked question, Vanir replied…
submitted by jj200275 to meteorologytransfer [link] [comments]

2022.06.01 07:13 Comicostar Very Specific BL Recs

I have a preference for yaoi and anime or manhua that have a manga style. I am open to dramas or western shows but I don't really watch those shows often. Also, I can tolerate...problematic stuff so I am just about to open to anything you suggest as long that is has what I am looking for. The only exception is shotacon, I will never read shotacon.
These may be so specific that nobody knows what kind of BL would have these plots or nobody has written a BL plot like this. Who knows. I should become a writer and make my own BL plots.

Request #1- (Yaoi or BL Manga/Manhua/Anime)
A relationship between a caregiver and a physically disabled adult who can't live on their own without the caregiver. Yes, it's problematic and there's definitely a power dynamic and potential for abuse but I am interested in a psychological horror with this premise. If it's a wholesome fluffy story, that's cool too even though it's would problematic though I am more interested in the psychological horror aspect. The story must take place in a home where the two can be behind closed doors not in a hospital. The caregiver may either live with their patient or spend so much time at their home that it becomes their home too.
Other Preferences/Genre: Psychologic Horror or Wholesome Fluff as stated above, is Not too long or dragged out, the relationship is established early in the story or somewhere in the first third of the entire narrative. T As implied above, it would interesting if the caregiver was emotionally abusive towards the patient and the patient is too crippled to fight back or escape.
Sexual Content: Sure

Request #2- (Yaoi/BL Manga/Manhua/Anime)
"Guy A" has a crush on their best friend "Guy B". Guy A is so infatuated with Guy B and it's so obvious that Guy B notices. Guy A is so shy to confess their feelings though Guy B pretends like they don't notice that their friend has a huge crush on them. Guy B does purposely mess with Guy A for fun like jokingly flirting with him or doing homoerotic things with Guy A to get him all flustered.
Whether Guy B reciprocates the feelings is up to the writer. I can see a situation where a narcissistic straight guy adores having attention so he "queerbaits" another guy into having a prolonged longing for him to feed the guy's ego without making anything official. Highly problematic but that would be interesting to see. Or Maybe Guy B is trying to get Guy A to confess his feelings to him first.
Genre: Comedy, Slow Burn(ish), Unrequited Love (at least at the start), Guy's B POV (because the plot makes the most sense in their perspective)
submitted by Comicostar to boyslove [link] [comments]

2021.11.16 10:16 Tinyhairypotato The Legend of Linkbeard Part 5 He attempted to commission me to draw loli

Hello again Reddit. It is time to once again dive into the fucked up story that is the Legend of Linkbeard. So where we last left off, I found out that Linkbeard might be a sex offender. Which is always fun to find out. Considering Linkbeard clearly hates me, I wasn’t worried about my safety, but I was very worried about Nina.
So the next time I saw DM I told him about it and he was pretty shocked, and instantly conflicted. On one hand we didn’t want to be associated with a sex offender, but on the other hand this was just hearsay from my dad who vaguely remembered tossing him into the arms of the police. Neither of us really knew how to approach Linkbeard about this on the slim chance that I was wrong and Linkbeard was in fact, innocent.
So against my better judgement, I just let this go, and so did DM. We both agreed to make sure that we kept a closer eye on him. Nina didn’t like him that much either and did her best to try and avoid him anyway so we weren’t too worried about her. Plus she had Ori.
I did ask DM why he even let Linkbeard join the game in the first place. Apparently my dumbass friend felt that Linkbeard was just an introverted guy that needed some friends. Now I myself am introverted, so I get where DM was coming from. Some introverts do get sad and lonely even if they do like being alone, and everyone likes having friends. Usually.
Also, a bit of backstory, as it was mentioned that DM was enabling Linkbeard. Which, yeah he was. Back in highschool DM was a pimply little shit with kind of crappy hygiene, as most teenage boys don’t seem to realize how bad they smell when they are teens. DM started to fall into the realm of being a neckbeard and started to call the girls in school bitches and whores.
Thank fuck we had a diverse group of friends both in gender and race. After a real heart to heart talk with him about how he needs to remove that sexist stick from up his ass, and a basic talk on hygiene from some of the other girls, DM slowly crawled out of the devastating hole of neckbeard that he had started to fall into. As a result, DM has a bit of a savior complex and tries to save beards from their bullshit. Which is nice, but some people are just shitty people.
So yeah, DM is the kind of guy that will try and save a beard from themselves because they themselves was very close to becoming a beard. Possibly close to falling into inceldom. To be honest if DM did fall into that I’d probably attempt to save him from that for about a week before giving up because fuck that shit.
Anyway, with that bit of background out of the way, I ended up going to DM’s house early that day because earlier that week, I mentioned to DM I had drawn a few pictures of his NPCs and my own character, and he wanted to see them. Which was kind of nice. I usually draw more gory and graphic kinds of things. Think Bloodborne monsters. But for this I chose a cuter chibi style.
DM really liked it and kind of commissioned me to do a few other drawings of other NPCs in the chibi style. He even asked if I could do a group drawing of all the PC characters. Which I was happy to do. I was going to do it anyway.
So DM and I compared sketches for a while. DM is really good at landscapes, but kind of shit at drawing people. I am the opposite, but we are both improving. So we’re just comparing drawings as people arrived.
We were a semi creative group and it was kind of fun to look through each other’s pictures. We ended up talking about video games and movies until Linkbeard showed up. Once again, he showed up with no snacks. The sketchbooks got passed around and Linkbeard ended up looking at our books.
“Wow DM, you really like drawing horror stuff.” Said Linkbeard.
“Actually that’s Potato’s sketchbook. Mine is the one with the landscapes.” Clarified DM. “I’m not good at drawing people.”
“But girls shouldn’t be drawing this kind of stuff.” Said Linkbeard.
I rolled my eyes. “So what? Should I be drawing princesses and flowers and all that kind of crap? I draw what I like, and I like gore.”
“Well you shouldn’t be drawing that kind of stuff. It’s unbecoming of a lady.”
“Wow, four syllables? That hamster in your head needs a rest. Poor thing is working overtime.” Yes I am a sarcastic bitch. A trait my dad said I got from my mum.
“Well I like her drawings.” Said Nina. “Reminds me a bit of Dead Space.”
Linkbeard looked shocked. “Y-you like Dead Space?”
“Yeah. I suck at those kinds of games, but it’s fun watching Ori play.”
After that session went alright and there wasn’t much in the way of a horror story there, but the horror story came later that night. I don’t remember if I mentioned this, but DM had set up a group for us on facebook so we could let everyone know if we were able to make it to sessions or if we were going to be late. Stuff like that.
So here I was, late at night, eating some ramen and trying to watch some anime or game play footage from some Youtuber that I liked back then. I had facebook opened for whatever reason and I got a PM from Linkbeard. Which was kind of weird, but whatever.
Linkbeard: Hey Potato.
Potato: What’s up Linkbeard?
Linkbeard: So when I was looking through your sketchbook I noticed you drew a really cute chibi girl.
Potato: Yeah. It’s not usually my style, but I like to try different things every now and then.
Linkbeard: Very true. So I was wondering if you could maybe draw me something?
Potato: Like what?
Linkbeard: Princess Zelda in like her BotW white dress would be really cute.
Potato: Yeah, she is pretty in that dress.
Linkbeard: Yeah, so if I send you some reference pictures, could you draw something?
Potato: $15 for a pencil sketch. $20 for ink/coloured in pencil. $30 for a digital drawing. I also reserve the right to not do said commission until I’m fully paid.
If Linkbeard was going to try and commission me for a drawing I damn well was going to make him pay for it. I’m not stupid. I don’t do commissions but I have paid for a few so I have a basic idea of how much they usually are. Also, I was hoping to price gouge the beard a little just so he would leave me alone because I didn’t want to do anything for him. I wanted as little to do with him as possible.
Linkbeard: What? Why so expensive? That’s way too much.
Potato: Then you do it.
Linkbeard: What?
Potato: You draw your own fucking chibi picture of Zelda instead of bothering me.
Linkbeard: Fine $20 commission. Can you draw a chibi Zelda looking like this?
Now I was shocked that Linkbeard was going to commission me in the first place. And before I could say anything… He sent me hentai. Now to be fair, it wasn’t full blown tits and pussy out, it was more kind of ecchi. So like, lewd but not overly sexual. I knew who this character was, because I myself am a bit of a degenerate weeb.
I was fucking shocked because mixed in with these suggestive and sexy poses of this freaking hentai character were dozens and I mean fucking dozens of little anime girls. Think Rika from Higurashi or Kanna Kamui from Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid. I was really fucking horrified at what Linkbeard wanted me to draw.
Linkbeard: So like, draw her in those poses, but with a loli body.
Potato: Look, I’m gonna be real clear with you. There is a difference between chibi and loli. Chibi is a cute style of drawing that exaggerates the head and eyes. Things like that. Lolicon is a gateway to pedophilia just like shotacon and is fucking disgusting.
Look, I really don’t give a fuck if the character is fictional. I find it fucking disgusting to depict any underaged character in sexual situations. It’s gross. It’s fucked up, and I fucking hate it.
And cue Linkbeard screaming at me over Facebook messenger that lolicon was not disgusting and it was fine because they weren’t real and she’s a 10,000 year old dragon. You know, the same bullshit that most fucking creeps say. My god it was fucking annoying. I screen shot those messages for later. Stuff like blackmail material and you know, if ASIO (Australia’s version of the FBI) needs this in the future. I like to keep my options open.
Potato: Look Linkbeard. I don’t like you. You don’t like me. Why the fuck would I draw something that looks like fucking CP?
Linkbeard: She wouldn’t even be naked!
Potato: That’s not the point. I’m like 90% sure that drawing this stuff counts as CP, and I sure as hell do not like you enough to draw that depraved shit and potentially go to prison because you want to wank off to an underaged blond girl. Fuck you. Never message anything like this to me again. In fact, never message me again at all. If you reply with anything but a sad face emoji I will literally punch you in the fucking face and break your fucking nose when I next see you and show everyone what you showed me.
Linkbeard: :(
And that was the last message I ever got from Linkbeard. Anyway I sent DM the messages that Linkbeard showed me and told him to kick his ass from the group. He was a fucking creep and I was going to kill that fucker if he did any more of that gross lewd shit around me again.
DM thought about what I said, and what he said next made me want to kick him in the balls.
DM: No. I’m still going to let him play.
Potato: Excuse me? Are you fucking stupid? What the fuck is wrong with you?
DM: Look, I know this is going to sound really fucked up, but trust me. I have an idea.
Potato: Unless that plan involves beating him to death with a dictionary I don’t fucking care.
DM: Listen, Linkbeard has sent me some questionable stuff too. Even more questionable than the stuff he sent you. I’m digging a little deeper to see how far down this rabbit hole goes. Until then, please be patient. But yeah, if he tries to get you to draw that loli shit again, kick his ass.
Potato: I will kick his ass so hard he’ll start coughing up his spine like a pez dispenser.
At the time I could only assume that Linkbeard had sent more explicit hentai or just straight up porn to DM because DM is a man while I am just some lowly woman. Which in this case was kind of a good thing because I’m not a fan of porn. But yeah, I was still pissed that DM wasn’t letting me in on whatever his plan was at the time.
Unfortunately I wouldn’t know about what Linkbeard had sent DM, and what cunning little plan he was cooking up until it all unfolded. Until then there are several more entries in the Legend of Linkbeard to slog through.
I still have no fucking clue why he wanted me to draw he gross Zelda loli hentai shit. This was literally a week after the last time Linkbeard and I had a verbal fight. Which was the last part where Linkbeard happened to see my dad and my dad told me that Linkbeard is a molester (allegedly). So yeah, hope you all enjoyed it. I’ll try and upload the next part soon.
submitted by Tinyhairypotato to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2020.12.27 13:30 carla_none The story is great, fantastic even but come on...

Don't get me wrong, I love the story but can we all move on and just admit that the author likes drawing naked children instead of this rawness bs? So basically an author with a lolicon/shotacon/alltypesofcon kink could put some suggestive scenes of kids in a story and get a free pass because he can say that it's for realism? Does no one think it's problematic that that excuse could be used by any author regardless of their intentions? Also, what's with the violence comparison I see some people use? No I'm not bothered by kids getting injured in a story about a bottomless pit filled with multiple dangerous creatures. On the other hand, it does feel like the author is creating all types of scenarios to justify some suggestive scenes involving underaged characters. I even heard people say that if you think the show is sexualizing children, then it's because you are aroused by the scenes in question. LMAOOO. I am a 100% straight woman but if I recognize a situation where a woman is being sexualized or objectified it's because the situation itself aroused me?!?!? The mental gymnastics I have seen people go through to rationalize the uncomfortable scenes in this manga/anime was so disturbing tbh. It is kind of funny sometimes, especially the people who are like "damn these westerners and their views of inappropriate portrayal of children" like... Okay?????
Plus, this ain't a slice of life or some coming of age manga, this is a plot-driven story. So, if you think that THE WAY, along with the number of times the author decided to illustrate the "rawness" and "realism" of the characters was necessary and that it adds to the story... please just repeat that to yourself multiple times.
Edit: Okay so I have seen the nudity doesn't equal sexuality approach. I do agree with that statement but let me explain why it does not apply to this situation. Let's take for example, pictures of a naked person on a biology book vs one in a pornographic book. They're both portraying nudity but what makes the other a sexualization of the person is the intent behind the photoshoot. Now in the case of this manga, I personally don't think its crazy to assume that the intent in some scenes was to satisfy some weird fetish knowing that the author has those kind of kinks and has work tagged as doujinshis (it'll be tagged that way depending on where you see it but the fact that the way most people access those artbooks without having to buy it are through hentai sites is pretty self-explanatory) with characters similar to the ones in MiA. The artbooks have panels that'll make you go "wtf" and there is no context/plot so have fun defending that ig. When I found out those things about the author, it really changed the way I view some scenes because I was actually oblivious to some of them the 1st time I encountered them or I just passed them of as jokes made for a different audience.
submitted by carla_none to MadeInAbyss [link] [comments]