Star wars wall stencils


2017.01.14 02:37 DogsRNice nukedmemes

this subreddit is no longer shut down because of you know why. Like DeepFriedMemes but with extra 3rd degree burns and epilepsy Old reddit design is recommended If you can't nuke your own meme, visit nukedrequests

2011.12.10 09:21 Stencil Templates

Stencil Templates is a home and archive for the digital copies of stencils. We seek to produce and catalog all stencil templates in the world in one easily searchable place. We have two rules: follow the tag system and be excellent to each other.

2014.09.14 17:34 AttackTheMoon The cuck shed!

the cuck shed

2024.05.14 04:00 ImplementHeavy3632 IUTR star wars

IUTR star wars submitted by ImplementHeavy3632 to IRLgirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:58 YourStonerGF 33F, US, For your new nerdy best friend inquire within!

I'm rather nerdy. I spend most of my days at home hanging out with the cats. I've loved art ever since I was very young. I have big ambitions to have my own graphic design gig some day.
I love video games. I got a lot to play on. PS5, Xbox One, Switch, Meta Quest 2, and my iPad. So, like, pretty much everything but PC 😅 I also collect PS1 & 2 games to play on my PlayStation 2. In recent years I've been very casual with my gaming, playing a lot of platformers and survival/crafting games. I'll play a bit of everthing, though, except, like, sports games.
I love tabletop games. Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40K/AoS, Magic: The Gathering, PokĂŠmon TCG, Digimon TCG, and Lorcana. I love to paint miniatures as well, but it's a bit of a struggle to actually get people to play with me. Never really gotten the chance to play an TTRPG, but would love to. I suffer from a bit of learning curve.
I love music. Dance Gavin Dance, Papa Roach, Twenty-One Pilots, A Day To Remember, stuff like that. Bit of an elder emo. I wish I could play an instrument, but I fear I may be tone deaf 🙃
I love Marvel. Spider-Man's probably my favorite.
I love Harry Potter. Pretty sure my house is Hufflepuff.
Huge fan of The Office. I've seen the whole series countless times.
I love horror movies and got into true crime on YouTube few years ago. My favorite horror movie is probably The Blair Witch Project, second to the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I love anime and manga. Demon Slayer is by far my favorite. I also really love Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Digimon, Dragon Ball, and Sword Art Online.
I'm doin' a Japanese course on Duolingo.
I love baking, coffee, and grilling. I don't have too much confidence in my cooking skills 😅 I'm rather adept at baking though, and I love smoked meats 🤤
🟢4 20 friendly because some seem confused🟢
submitted by YourStonerGF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:57 ckosacranoid Harry as a shipgirl from Kantai Collection.

I have seen some crossovers with Harry and Kantai Collection, but none of them have made him into a ship girl. The biggest one was Harry and the Shipgirls where he gets to live with a Japanese Battleship and a Abbles Princess as his sister. The close is Harm becomes a shipgirl. Others have him as a leader of something at Most.
This idea is that Lily did something to protect Harry as a child...the thing she did was an old way to summon ship spirits. She summons a ship spirit that combines with him. Somehow she summons the USS Milwaukee, the lead ship of her class from the American civil war.
Tunny not wanting to deal with Harry when she finds him on the doorstep sends him to live with an old family member that was both a wizard and in the US Navy. The year Harry gets his letter to Hogwarts, something happens to cause him to change and become a shipgirl. He gets the letter and somehow the return does not state about his sex change or that he changed his name. Since his guardians know about magic they do not need the teacher to visit. So no visit from Hagrid.
Due to her changes, she is also a very armed warship that someone gets listed as part of the US Navy, though she is a very outdated ship. The magical side of the navy where she does have some use at some point later in her life. The downside is that she now looks about 8 years old since most ships look like they are the age of roughly their weight. Since she was a lightweight back then she did get some bump in age to not look like a 5-year-old.
So on the train, everyone is looking for Harry Potter who should be a boy with dark hair and a scar and glasses. She is not one of those, and her crew offered the Dark Price of Tommy's loaded soul a choice when the change happened. Become part of the crew or get torn up. Well, it decided to join the crew and no longer can take over or deal with the real Riddle.
As she is the last student standing there for the sorting and no one knows who she is she hands Mrs. G the updated paperwork with her new name and everything about her which causes all kinds of chaos that night. She is now a girl and is now named Milwaukee Potter. She is also an A person from the States which causes all kinds of shit later down the road.
It soon comes out that she is a magical creature you could say and her crew hating to Snape. At some point, she asks in his insults if he is asking for War with her crew. He makes an offhand comment about yes....the gloves come off after that as the crew come up with new and fun ways to make his life hell with jokes and actions. Nothing that hurt him, just poke fun at him to hell.
She really does love to cruise the lake over the next few years which leads her to know every inch of the lake though.
Tommy tries to kidnap her to get the stone and gets run through by her guns and crew. She does not care about the challenge of the third level since she has a bunch of crew that keep her from doing dumb things at times.
2nd year, do you want to call the very armed ship a dark lord at all? As for the chamber and fighting the very big snake? Can you say boom from 4 11-inch cannons?
3rd year...Do you think some idiot is going to hurt me? I mean I have very big guns damn it. Besides, Black do you surrender to the US Navy since you did the crimes of trying to harm the ship along with Peter? There is nothing that Fudge can do since he does give up to a different government and the crimes against them are not active.
4th year. So you want me a ship to be in your game as a person from a different country? Things get very nasty when the Navy and government get into the mix, so so gets to be the rep of the US Navy in this whole shit storm. The one said how to deal with it.....
The head will look very nice on her wall at home later. The Lake Challenge, She moves on top of the water to the village very quick cine she knows the lake inside and out. She sends some chibi crew as divers to get the people back and all four of them without a fight within 10 minutes.
As for the maze and the graveyard. The death idiots no stand a chance for some extra firepower she can bring to bear with the crew also acting as fire support for snipers.
submitted by ckosacranoid to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:48 codywan_confusion AITAH for doing a Codywan RP?

Throwaway account because the subject matter is cringe and id rather not get bullied on my main, thanks.
TLDR: My boyfriend thinks the romantic codywan RP I'm doing with a friend is emotionally cheating and wants me to stop RPing and to stop engaging with the fandom. AITAH?
I (f27) am in an argument with my bf (m29) of two months concerning a text based roleplay I'm doing with a friend.
I'm a cringey fandom roleplayer. Fandom and RP have been an enormous part of my life since I was 13. It is my most beloved hobby, two of my best friends in the whole world, I meant through RP. Roleplaying is basically like creating fanfiction with another person. You each play a character, you write a couple of paragraphs, then the other person responds. It's a game. It's fiction. The things my character says or does are oftentimes not things that I would say or do or endorse, because I'm playing as a character. The relationship I have with my RP partner is not the same as the relationships our characters might have with each other. We DO NOT bring our real lives into the RP. I promise, this is relevant so keep it in mind.
I know it's not everybody's cup of tea, I know a lot of people see it as childish and cringey, and I'm okay with that. It was something that I was deeply ashamed of and was bullied for for a long time, but I've come to accept that it's something I don't have to be ashamed of, but it's still a sensitive topic for me and something I really don't like to disclose. Growing up, I felt a lot of pressure to keep this hobby a secret, or to abandon it entirely because people who found out about it were mean about it. When I was 17, one of my closest friends emailed large potions of my "Mermaid Destiel mpreg RP" around the school. So, I'm sure you can imagine why I'm having such a hard time looking at this situation rationally. It's all caught up in my feels.
In 2019, I started doing Codywan (Obi-Wan x Commander Cody, if you're a casual Star Wars fan and know nothing about the fandom, I am so sorry.) rp with a friend, and we're still doing that RP to this very day. She is one of my closest friends. We have written thousands of pages together. The RP is most definitely romantic, but it isn't smutty. We tried writing porn a couple of times years ago, but it never went anywhere because I didn't enjoy it. The old threads have long since been deleted.
My boyfriend absolutely hate the RP. I have never, ever tried to hide it from him. I told him about it when we first started dating, before we were official, because he asked what my hobbies are. He's a Star Wars fan, not really into the fandom thing, and we had a good laugh about it. Sure, he's made a couple of snide remarks about how cringy it is, but I'm not going to pitch a fit about that because, yeah, it is cringy. I'm self-aware enough to know that. But yeah, it's never been a secret. He's never been very interested in it, and that's fine by me. Every once in a while he'll ask me questions, and I'll answer them. I guess that's why I feel so blindsided about this whole thing.
Recently, he asked to read a couple, just out of curiosity, and I let him, and he was fucking furious! The section he was reading was romantic, describing the characters holding hands and kissing because they were on a date. He accused me of emotionally cheating on him with my RP partner. I think that's ridiculous. Like I said, the role play is fiction. I have never felt romantic feelings for my RP partner, we've never kissed, we've never even met in person. Yes, we chat about all kinds of things outside of the RP because we're friends. Outside of the rp, we do not flirt. We do not talk about our sex lives. I have never come ever said anything bad to her about my boyfriend. I've never hidden the fact that I have a boyfriend from her. I do not see her out as my primary source of comfort. We talk about fandom, other hobbies, life, things like that.
I just feel so fucking confused. I pulled up our "out of character" thread and begged him to read it because I felt like that would prove my innocence, but he absolutely refused because he "already saw everything he needed to know". I asked him if married actors are cheating on their spouses when they have to kiss other people in movies, and he said that wasn't the same. I asked him if it was cheating for an author to write about a romantic relationship, he said that it wasn't the same because authors work alone. I asked him "what about people who co-author books together?" I mean, christ, were Terry Pratchett and Neil diamond having an affair without each other when they wrote Good omens? That's fucking ridiculous. But he got absolutely furious and told me to "shut up and stop trying to defend myself!" He told me I ruined Star Wars by doing this to him, and he wanted me to delete discord and Tumblr. I told him absolutely not, I hadn't done anything wrong. It still makes me so fucking mad because he was talking down to me like I was a fucking child, and my punishment for disobeying him was taking away my social media.
He was mad at me and gave me the cold shoulder for a couple of days, but yesterday, he sat me down because he wanted to have a talk with me. He apologized for freaking out at me, he said that his behavior was irrational and unacceptable, and he did agree that he had no right to try to force me to delete discord and Tumblr. You told me that the role play made him really uncomfortable, and that he felt I had betrayed him by hiding this from him, which is absolute bullshit and I called him out on that, because I hid nothing from him. He tried to tell me that I never told him it was a romantic RP, and I told him that he knew from the start that it was a ship RP, what did he expect? Then he said he doesn't mind if I kept RPing, but he doesn't want me engaging with the Star Wars fandom anymore, and he wants me to block my friend. I told him that he's talking down to me again, that he is punishing me without even bothering to hear my side of things. I asked him, again, to read the OOC thread, because if he genuinely thinks our relationship is inappropriate, I need to know. The characters we play are fictional, the relationship is fictional, there's a line between fiction and reality and we do not cross it. The RP isn't going to give him an accurate representation of my relationship with my friend. If he wants to judge that relationship, he needs to look at the OOC thread. Well, when I suggested it, he blew up at me again and told me I wasn't listening to him. He told me I was being petulant, fucking petulant, and unreasonable. He hasn't spoken to me since, and he's still absolutely fuming.
Look, I'll be honest, there's no way in hell I'm staying in this relationship. I do not want to being a relationship with somebody whose first response is anger. I want somebody who respects me enough to have an adult fucking conversation with me. If he had just talked to me instead of accusing me of cheating and blowing up at me, things would be different. But he didn't and I don't do second chances, not for stuff like this.
But this is the first long-term relationship I've had since I was a teenager, so some part of me feels like maybe I misstepped. Is doing a romantic RP with someone "cheating"? Was I in the wrong? AITAH?
submitted by codywan_confusion to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:47 DBeast82 More Star Wars Helmets?

As I’m about to finish my last of the Star Wars Helmet collection, do you think there will be anymore? Seems they are moving to more of the dioramas and midi-scale ships. I know there are some MOCs of other helmets out there that I may add to my collection. What are your thoughts?
submitted by DBeast82 to lego [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:46 DukeOfDerpington Duality of Prey-Chapter 11

Huge shout out to & for helping with Brainstorming and Co-Writing this.
As always, all credits for the original Nature of Predators and it's content goes to Space Paladin15, thank him for allowing artist and writers to use his original work of art for their own uses.
Gaian Ref Sheet-Here, Done by the artist
As well as a *Huge* thank you for Julian Skys for filling in for the editor for this chapter. I'll post a comment as to why I haven't been posting too much, safe to say though, kept ya waiting huh?
[Subject Memory Transcription: Rux Limpbut, Venlil News Anchor and TV Show Host]
Date [Standardized Galactic(?) Time]:August 1st, 2136
Now I'm regretting not taking that transfer last week. This just keeps getting better.
I was in my car outside of the Network’s station. I was at my wits end yesterday and was trying my damnedest *not* to freak out on air. Now? Now I had the pleasure of my network telling me they needed me to come in way early to report on some breaking news. Just as I was about to leave for Solgaliks sake!
I took a small sip of the “coffee”. Now this was a blessing, coffeehouses on Gaia were open paw around, no matter what. I was giving a small prayer to those “ancestors” for their love of anything strong. Well, anything strong that wasn't alcohol. They could stomach one drink or two but after that? They were out.
I let out a relieved sigh as the warm liquid flowed down my maw, the reward of caffeine soon following after this. Hopefully in time for the recording. With that I opened the door, grabbing my briefcase as I greedily drank the rest of the coffee as I approached the wide doors of the Networks station.
They creaked a little as they always did as I appeared in the doorway, a sleepy, overworked ghost. I tossed the coffee cup into the trashcan by the door as I nodded over the after work plans that I had to either postpone, or completely not do.
No bar time, going to be too tired. Not going to have enough time to do more digging in what that Farsulian diplomat released, even after it's been nearly two months. Brahk. Still need to be ready for the shift tomorrow-
“Rux?” The front desk secretary pulled me up and out of my thoughts as I blinked a couple of times, my ears raising as one of my eyes focused on her, a bit frizzled from the overtime I was clocking at the moment.
“Hm? Oh. Hey Liakal, caught me off guard almost as bad as the padcall I got. What's up?” I rubbed my eye as I fully focused on her, making my way over to her.
“Well, whenever you're ready for them they'll give you all you need, apparently, when you get into the studio. What they told me is uh, it's not a pleasant amount of news.” She nervously played with her claws and her headset, her lips quivering a bit.
“That bad? Speh. What about that uh, guest? She gets off-”
“O-oh! Mrs Tarva. She got off the planet easily. I can't say anything else though Rux. They said whatever they have to tell is very, very pertinent not to be let loose until you broadcast it… sorry Rux.”
I patted the top of the semi circle desk that Liakal was sat into, before giving her a quick, albeit small smile with a finger gun before I quickly deflated. It was that bad. With a nod from me I departed into the hallway to the left of the front desk, approaching one of the elevators.
A button press, a chime and the feeling of gravity and anxiousness about to make me hurl later, I was on the floor with the studios. I retraced the steps I had taken only claws before to mine. The green sign saying “Predator Problems” told me I hadn't failed as usual. Something had to be done with our program and segment name, if for nothing else there was apparently much more juicy stuff to talk about.
Opening the door, I expected the hustling and scrambling of the cameramen, the lighting crew, audio specialists. But nothing except a small huddled group of uniformed men. Brahk, I was hoping this wasn't the case but I was never that lucky. I resigned myself to fate as the group finally paid attention to me, and the door clicking and shutting behind me.
“Mr. Rux. Please come over here and sit. You're all good, we just need to go over what we need you to announce in this upcoming impromptu broadcast.” Why the hell were the Gaians on Prime? Wait no. That's not the problem. Why are officers from their military here? Oh stars.
However I could feel my body coming towards the oval shaped table. Eventually knocking into a chair and pulling it out, resting my briefcase onto the ground and taking a seat, pulling up to the desk. I rested my paws on it as I gave a look to the group assembled around it.
All were wearing roughly the same uniform, their fur patterns one of the only differing things between them. Aside from the one at the end of the table. They wore a green beret atop their head, nestled in between the horns that adorned it. They cleared their throat and slid a small packet of papers towards me, startling me a tiny bit.
“While I wish to be polite and respectful, there's simply no way to say this without being blunt. Sole Speaker Jikem is dead. With the current atmosphere on Gaia we thought it'd be best to announce the formation of an emergency government and a leader to head it. All of which has been done in a roundabout manner so as to not alert any radicals or terrorists.”
I had only taken a cursory glance at the front of the small packet before that bombshell of an information was dropped onto me nonchalantly. My paw was halfway to the front page to turn it before my gaze looked up at the Gaian at the end of the oval table who had done so.
“What? Sorry can you-”
“Rux. Come on, you know what I said. Now, I know it isn't everypaw that you get to report on the death of a head of state, let alone be the first one to do so. I'll most certainly give you that. So, we'll give you some time alone…well mostly, to get acquainted with the packet and once you and your crew are roaring to go we'll release the news to the Commonwealth.”
I took a small lookover of the second page but had to pause for a short moment again as I took it in. Yes, yes I did have some questions. Half from the large info dropped on me and the other half that I was now reading with my very own eyes now.
Before they could fully get up I had worked up the courage to get a short clearing of the throat and read out of the lines in the packet out aloud after I had decided it would be better to ask now rather than after. “In conjunction with recent attacks the Armed forces has decided to-” I put down the packet in its entirety now.
“What in the stars could you possibly mean by “safeguarding” democracy? This just seems to be some type of justification for a military takeover. I mean, who's going to fall for this?”
The chairs of the small clique of officers seem to find themselves filled once more as they returned to their positions, most of them now gazing between me, some random crew member scurrying near me and the head honcho with the green beret.
The intensity of the stare of the Gaian at the opposite end of the table seemed to intensify, seemingly his gaze looking through me. “Mr. Rux, I can assure you any such speculation to that matter and that, frankly, justified if albeit imaginary fear is going to be the last thing people on Gaia are going to worry about. Alright?”
I anxiously nodded back, sighing. “L-look I'm just-”
The Bereted officer seemed to nod while holding up his paw, my line of reasoning and thought being stopped by the intrusion. “Worried, you ancestors are always worried. It's why we're here, yes? Anything too dangerous or otherwise unsafe we've always volunteered for so as to save our more cultured self from such. Think about this announcement like that. A warning and an update from our side of the Commonwealth about current affairs, nothing more, nothing less.”
With that it seemed settled for the time being, as the small clique once again rose, and this time was actually able to depart to the booth that overlooked the studio, keeping what I was sure to guess a keen pair of eyes to observe anything.
I settled into my seat more as I gave the small packet a read. It was general stuff as of this point when it came to announcements. Why it's happening, what happened in more details, what they planned to do in the upcoming future, all that juicy stuff. Overall a very plain, if very informative script to go by. Still, being the first to announce the death of a head of state via “Unnatural Causes” would make even some of the most resolved Gaians a bit jumpy, yes?
Once I finally gave the entirety of the packet a quick read over I sat it down giving a glance to my, by now, very familiar set that we used for “Predator Problems”, the entire reason for why I had started it had been to educate and warn people about what to do with predators and the like. Now I was going to have to educate them, apparently, about the fact that our “brothers” in species so to speak were having a bit of topsy-turvy time on their capital planet. Now I was kinda hoping I was one of the more conspiracy theorist nut jobs just so I didn't have to get contacted.
Resigning myself to fate, and the fact that apparently I of all Vens was the most level headed to announce this, I looked over the studio, eventually finding the small group of uniformed men again. I got up and out of the chair as I made my way over to them, flicking my tail into a questioning sign as I did so, my approaching presence quickly noticed.
“Seems like you've got some questions, you read the packet though yeah?” One of them said, I simply signaled a yes with my ears to respond.
“So, is this immediately being aired? Or is it being aired later on tomorrow-well, this paw? Should it be the first thing or the last thing or is it the only thing I'm doing for this one?” With these questions the small clique seemed to talk in-between themselves, small glances were made in my general direction, they seemed to come to some type of conclusion though as they turned back to me, the bereted one now taking center stage again once more.
“Yes. It's being immediately aired. You do realize you are a bit of a celebrity on Gaia, yes? A special breaking news from you would certainly draw the right eyes. Then it'll spread from there. We do have other stuff for you to read, but it'll appear on the prompter. Other than that though we'll take our leave once everything is said and done.”
I gave a small thanks to Solgalik, as that would mean I would be able to go back home and get at least a claw or two of rest. Speh, if I just slept here I could get an extra one easy. But I didn't have much time to dwell on that, instead I apparently had a job to do right now.
With that bit of information I decided to go around, talking to the crew, who as of this point has finally settled down and has stopped scattering from the Gaians. A small conversation with each helped us plan out the next few tantalizingly painful minutes that were about to unfold live on air.
With everything and everyone in place, I took my seat at the curved table in the middle of the cameras, getting my little tie ready. With a countdown from 3, I settled into my on screen persona as the red lights of the cameras went on.
“Good Paw to everyone tuning in! I'm your host as always, Rux Limpbut, and this is Predator problems. This time though, we do have some breaking news that we need to get to. So with that being said, I suppose it's time for me to get to it.”
I straightened my back, placing my paws firmly as I closed my eyes, breathing in and then opening my eyes again.
Alright. Just gotta break the news that the head of state of the other half of our Commonwealth is dead and their Army just decided to seize power for democracy's sake.
“I have some sad, and what some can and should be saying is unsettling, news. Sole Speaker Jikem of the Gaian Cooperative, has died earlier this paw. Details are scarce and hard to come by as of this point, but from preliminary reports and investigations, it seems as though he *may* have been assassinated while at a checkpoint. As many of you know he was elected on a lockstep ticket with the current governor of Venlil Prime, Veln. He oversaw the last closing years of the Dominion-Federation war, as well as the beginning of closer federation ties. Many people are bound to ask as of this point what is going to happen, and the easiest and most truthful answer is…we don't know.”
I shuffled some papers, discarding the packet to the side of the table before continuing on with the information I was to spout out.
“Already reports are coming in that the Armed Forces of Gaia have declared a state of emergency and already there are rumblings that they have formed… an emergency government?”
I gave a bit of a confused look before continuing, I could see the group of uniformed Gaians nodding as I did so, apparently that was good enough for them.
The rest of the news report was generally a bit unsettling, or at least info packed by many people's standards. Updates on the federation at large, some reports on the status of the Venian Commonwealth and what was the plan going forward and before I knew it the red blinking light on the cameras had vanished, and the lights overhead had dimmed.
“Alright, that's good for us. We'll have one of our guys stay over the paw to help your team edit it but other than that? You can head on home.” The bereted one informed me, before signalling to one of the clique, most likely the one to stay here and “help” us edit.
I rested back in my chair and closed my eyes, I think it was time for me to get some shuteye.
Smoke billows out from the mouth of the Uniformed figure, a lit cigar cradled in his claws. He takes a survey of the trio gathered in front of him.
“So.” The figure grunts out, leaning back into his chair.
“So, what?” One of the trio asks inquisitively, shifting in their seat.
“So now what? Not many paws you get to make a masterstroke of a situation like this. Sole speaker is dead, people are looking to any type of stability and we perfectly fill the slot.” The Uniformed figure takes the cigar up to his mouth, smoking it lightly.
“Well there are numerous concerns.” The most center of the trio speak.
“Like what to do with those brahking predators that apparently still exist.” To the right of the first speaker.
“I vote we integrate them posthaste!” And finally the one on the other end.
A thick billowing cloud of smoke escapes the lips of the Uniformed figure, fidgeting for a moment before rolling forward. His face now fully lit.
“Gentlemen. Calm down. We have plenty of problems with plenty of solutions. But that's why you put me in charge of this little emergency government anyhow right? Levelheaded, warhero, clean political record.”
The trio murmur for a moment before returning a nod, the middle one piping up as he did so.
“Yes, that is why we decided to throw our towel in with you Marshal.”
The Uniformed figure now places his elbows on the table, his paws bridging each other while the cigar is still in-between in his paws.
“That's Marshal-at-Arms Jyuvernik to you. Now where were we? Ah right. The Dark corner. I want you to send a diplomatic team to assess the cattle debacle.”
submitted by DukeOfDerpington to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 Outrageous_Present11 Is it common for younger generations to have not seen the original Star Wars movies?

This younger Gen Z kid I work with has never seen the original Star Wars movies and I initially thought he was nuts but then I thought about it…. Those movies are pretty old and maybe I’m just getting older and something like this might be pretty common?
submitted by Outrageous_Present11 to Millennials [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:43 Big_Candle4115 (Selling) Hero. Fault in our Stars 4K. The Longest Ride 4K. Captain America. Mud. The Purge. Warm Bodies 4K. The Lone Ranger. Jurassic World 4K. More inside.

Can only accept CashApp.
A Wrinkle in Time 4K MA- $3
The Fault in Our Stars 4K iTunes (ports to MA)- $2.50
Jurassic World 4K iTunes split (ports to MA)- $2
The Longest Ride 4K iTunes (ports to MA)- $2
Warm Bodies 4K iTunes split- $2.50
Avengers: Infinity War HD GP split (ports to MA)- $2
Beauty and the Beast (2017) HD MA- $2.50
The Big Wedding HD vudu- $1.50
The Bourne Legacy HD MA split- $2.50
Captain America: The First Avenger HD MA- $3
Chicago (Diamond Edition) HD iTunes/HD vudu- $2
Divergent HD vudu- $2
Expendables 2 HD vudu split- $1.50
Fences HD vudu split- $2
Frozen HD GP split (ports to MA)- $1.50
Good Dinosaur HD GP split (ports to MA)- $2.50
Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2 HD MA- $2.50
Hero HD iTunes- $4
Hunger Games HD vudu split- $1
The Lone Ranger HD MA- $2.50
Maleficent HD GP split (ports to MA)- $1.50
Mud HD vudu- $2
Norm of the North HD vudu- $1
Oz the Great and Powerful HD MA- $2.50
Paranormal Activity 3 HD vudu split- $1.50
Paranormal Activity 3 HD iTunes split- $1
Prometheus HD MA- $1.50
Star Trek Into the Darkness HD vudu split- $2
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker HD GP split (ports to MA)- $1.50
Transformers: Age of Extinction HD vudu split- $1.50
Turning Red HD MA- $2.50
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2 HD vudu split- $1
Tyler Perry's Madea's Witness Protection HD vudu split- $1
What to Expect When You’re Expecting HD vudu split- $2
What to Expect When You’re Expecting HD iTunes split- $2
Zootopia HD GP split (ports to MA)- $1.50
Can only accept CashApp.
submitted by Big_Candle4115 to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:42 AlexisAngel2498 Moc building tips?

Ive amassed quite the collection of Lego Star Wars sets and now I’m considering starting moc building… what are some of your best tips/ tricks for building mocs as well as amassing a good bit of bricks to help?
Also are you supposed to capitalize moc? 😂😂
submitted by AlexisAngel2498 to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:38 Temporary_Cancel9529 Since the Star Wars event ends tomorrow does that Jean the village rewards for revel adventure will be fine as well?

I am just wondering cause I saw that I am 3 levels away from completing the rebel village to max level but since the Star Wars event ends tomorrow at 12pm does that mean I can’t get the last village rewards?
submitted by Temporary_Cancel9529 to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 Additional_Time3274 These alternate game modes need to go.

When I first played leg0 mode (cant say the word cuz its gonna be flagged) It felt great, a nice little mode that could run alongside BR. But as time went on, it became increasingly clear that the thought, budget, and spark of the live event and BR teams where shoved in these other modes. The fact that the leg0 mode got a massive update with star wars and even lightsabers and yet they only got half the player count of a Thursday night zero build is mind boggling. And yet they got all the weapons, all new villagers, a ton of builds, interactions, a cinematic trailer, and even a mini pass is crazy. Its crazy that the execs haven't opened there eyes that people come for battle royale. The heart, passion, and commitment was originally poured into BR, and the game reaped the rewards. OG fortnite had millions of players and a crazy amount of money made, and it was focused on BR. People were happy, including me and my friends, and it was a win win. And yet, here we are. I haven't even mentioned the xp and item shops, but those are a whole another thing influenced by leg0. I just hope they realize this before its too late.
submitted by Additional_Time3274 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 autobuzzfeedbot The 20 Most Important Moments In Star Wars' 22-Year Clone Wars Saga

  1. Omega Leaves Pabu To Join the Rebellion
  2. The Bad Batch Retire To Pabu
  3. Crosshair & Hunter Kill Royce Hemlock
  4. Echo Infiltrates Mount Tantiss
  5. Crosshair & Omega Are Detained On (& Escape) Mount Tantiss
  6. Tech Is Killed After A Mission Gone Wrong
  7. Emperor Palpatine Personally Retires The Clones
  8. Echo Leaves Clone Force 99 To Join Rex
  9. Kamino Is Destroyed By Admiral Rampart
  10. Hunter Lets Caleb Dume Live During Order 66
  11. Ahsoka Tano Removes Captain Rex’s Inhibitor Chip
  12. Order 66 Is Executed
  13. Ahsoka Tano Leads The Siege of Mandalore
  14. Anakin Skywalker, Captain Rex, & The Bad Batch Recover Echo From The Techno Union
  15. Fives Uncovers The Clones’ Inhibitor Chips
  16. Ahsoka Tano Is Framed For Bombing The Jedi Temple
  17. The 501st Defies General Krell On Umbara
  18. Anakin, Obi-Wan, & Ahsoka Visit Mortis
  19. Ahsoka Tano Becomes Anakin Skywalker’s Padawan
  20. The First Battle Of Genonosis Kick-Starts The Clone Wars
Link to article
submitted by autobuzzfeedbot to buzzfeedbot [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:35 AugustKellerThinks Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) - Movie Review

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) - Movie Review submitted by AugustKellerThinks to Critics [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 AugustKellerThinks Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) - Movie Review

submitted by AugustKellerThinks to blogger [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:34 Wraithdagger12 SWNN Notes

Hello, I've been pondering the Spell With No Name (SWNN) a lot recently. These are some notes I've compiled over the past year or so. I'm putting this out there just for the sake of the writing process. Dark magic - or simply highly-destructive spells - are a constant theme throughout the story. Hopefully this will help move my thought processes (and perhaps yours) along.
pre-history Solarians (this is going somewhere) (SEE: 'PRELUDE' MEWNIPENDENCE DAY THAT I WROTE)
Solarian-era Solarians
Solaria needed something more powerful - they were under siege, the war was long
Solaria tried and failed (her word), but left her research to Eclipsa
ECLIPSA'S CHAPTER??? - need research
Eclipsa got back to work once she became queen
The MHC detect shenanigans
The spells warn about the SWNN, they stop it... for now
what is the SWNN?
that episode in mid S4
Solaria's research
Eclipsa's work (past and present)
Should I make a post about just how - 'scary' doesn't really do it justice but we'll go with it - scary it is that the SWNN was actually used, and what that could have meant for the world?I t's honestly kind of Hiroshima/Nagasaki levels of bad. And I say that with all due respect to those events.
Spell With No Name
aka the Total Annihilation spell
According to the Book of Spells, Solaria was making a 'Total Annihilation spell' to combat the Monsters, but she died before she could finish it. She said she was going to leave her work to Eclipsa should anything happen
Eclipsa did make the 'immortal destroyer' spell (the spell which Moon used on Toffee) - which I'm fairly certain is not the Total Annihilation spell
Presumably, in the modern era (after Star gave the Wand back to Eclipsa), Eclipsa was true to her word that she wanted to learn magic to 'help the kingdom' (from S4's Surviving the Spiderbites), but she must also have been working on this Total Annihilation spell which would become the Spell With No Name
WHY is it so bad?
Solaria created it to kill Monsters
destroys literrally everything
ROM corruption
dark magic
ultimate force of evil vs ultimate force of evil (SWNN vs Solarians)
Hypothetically what would have happened if Eclipsa's spells nuked the 'Wand dimension'?
Also "we spells were created to serve the queens of Mewni"
If Narwhal was able to duel the SWNN.. might there actually have been a counter to it?
Olin: "I assume with enough time and creativity a queen could figure out a SWNN counter."
Toffee’s “the threat of magic”… if only he knew about the SWNN
submitted by Wraithdagger12 to StarVStheForcesofEvil [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:31 Melodic_You_54 39 [M4R] #Maryland/DC/Virginia Looking for friends to hang out with

I need more friends to hang out with. I love the ones I have, but they're either too busy with family life or they take too much energy to interact with regularly. People grow apart sometimes, and that's totally fine. It has just left me pretty lonely. As introverted and protective of my me time as I am, I need good people in my life.
A little about me:
I'm very laid back and non-judgmental. It's impossible to know what's going on in someone's head, so I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, even if they piss me off.
I have been divorced since 2021, and I've been happier for it. I have always struggled with depression and anxiety, and my marriage certainly didn't help. Therapy and dedication to self-improvement has been immensely helpful, though. I still have my bad days, but I am light-years ahead of where I was just a few years ago. I'm currently single and would like to be in a healthy romantic partnership at some point, but I'm not in a hurry to be attached to anyone. It needs to happen organically.
I'm a firm believer in choosing kindness and empathy. Even if someone doesn't deserve to be treated with kindness, I do it anyway for my own sake. I come from a long line of hotheads, and I have been an asshole more times in my past than I care to admit. I try very hard to walk a fine line between not being a doormat while always being the bigger person.
I love science fiction. Star Trek, Star Wars, The Expanse, Dune... If it takes place in space and/or on other planets and involves weird but cool shit, I'll likely love it.
I love heavy music. Deathcore, metalcore, hardcore, nu-metal... If it's heavy, I fuck with it. I go to concerts regularly, mostly heavy bands. I do like other music, too, though. Love me some jazz and folk. I can definitely get down with some hip-hop and rap if I'm in the right head space.
I love going to the movies. I typically see at least one movie a week.
I love cooking. Admittedly, I tend to get stuck on the few recipes I already know, but I'm always willing to branch out and try new things.
I'm very introverted and can be pretty quiet, but I can carry a conversation. When I speak, I try to do so with intention. There are certainly times when I need to get stuff off of my chest, but I try not to just brain dump on people. I tend to be a homebody, but I get cabin fever quickly if I stay inside for too long.
I love art. I'm not much of an artist myself, but I have a soft spot for paintings and drawings.
I love animals. I have a cat named Chani. She's a brat, but I adore her.
I feel like that's a pretty good summation of my personality without giving too much away. If you think we would vibe, I would love to hear from you. The closer you are to me, the better, but I'm never opposed to driving an hour or so to see good people.
The final thing I'll say is please don't ghost me. If at some point you decide you're not feeling me or the chemistry just isn't there, just tell me. I promise I won't take it personally or make a big deal out of it. Thanks.
submitted by Melodic_You_54 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:29 TheLukeSkywaIker MCU Cap is lame.

1) Captain America is very political. He is a New Deal democrat, who is hurt to see how his government has been infiltrated. This is not something we see in the movies, other than some vague references to WW2. He is for the common people and the American dream. His motivation is carrying on the spirit of the founders. This is a clear, well-defined motivation in the comics. In the movies, all we know is that he hates how SHEILD is evil. That’s it? No commentary on how big billionaires are running the country and how poverty is ruling the states? No commentary on how there are basically no more truly patriotic citizens left in America? This is bare minimum.
2) Captain America realistically should’ve served as a father figure to Spider-Man, in the same way as Tony. Spider-Man has the highest level of respect for Cap, and he thinks of Tony as kinda a douchebag billionaire. They based their entire MCU relationship on the Civil War arc, which is such a weird decision to make.
3) Nomad was so underwhelming. In the comics, Nixon was so bad a president that Cap decided to abandon his identity and become Nomad. He mirrored the same sentiments of the vast majority of Americans. It’s truly one of the most heartbreaking moments in comicbook history. And his return to Cap was so satisfying.
In the MCU, why exactly is he wearing the Stars and Stripes again? Did Thanos’s snap suddenly make Steve regain patriotism in his country?
4) There’s no scene of Cap admiring how far America has come. No scene of his learning about MLK, no scene of him learning about Apollo 11, no scene of him giving remarks on how his old pal General Eisenhower built the highway ststem…Oh, but they instead show that he has a list of movies to watch. Yeah, I guess it’s really important that the audience knows that he watched Star Wars.
5) Steve is never shown interacting with plain people, as Captain America. I think this is really unfortunate. The closest we get are those super duper funny gym videos in Homecoming, where Cap obviously doesn’t want to be there. How about a scene of him giving a genuine lesson on American History? How about a scene of him simply being a good person and talking to a firefighter?
Steve is the kind of person to visit a senior home for veterans and talk for hours and share stories. That’s what I consider cool. But sure, a super duper badass Commando scene of him being James Bond and doing karate is what the average audience wants to see. They don’t want a movie that inspires patriotism, they want to see a Rambo flick
Edit: The exception to #5 is Sam Wilson, but I forgot to mention that doesn’t count. He is only there because he’s relevant to the plot later on
submitted by TheLukeSkywaIker to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:28 peachpandarodriguez4 What are the Best Gifts for Dads for Fathers day Birthdays and Special Days?

I have decided to come up with a list of Amazing Gifts Ideas for Dad's and fathers.
Most of these are Sold on FREE Shipping So here is the List.
I recommend the following top items personally
  1. Leg Messager
  2. Picture Frame for memories
  3. A Tool Rack.
  4. Michael Kors Watch.
Here are the gifts grouped for dads with Category and Product name:
Massage/Relaxation Gifts:
Tech/Gadget Gifts:
Tools/Utility Gifts:
Food/Drink Gifts:
submitted by peachpandarodriguez4 to ConsumerAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:26 237SnK What I think/would like to happen in WOW

This is what I think will happen and what I would like to happen in Winds of Winter.
Stannis wins, but loses almost all his forces and in Winterfell there are no resources left, so he is forced to return to the wall leaving a few men in Winterfell. Ramsey had sent the false pink letter to provoke Jon, because Stannis used Theon and the false Arya as bait, making Ramsey go out with a few men to capture them (against the orders of his father Roose). Ramsey wanted to provoke Jon to make him leave Castle Black (knowing that Jon was his Lord Commander) and thus turn the Night's Watch against him. Ramsey eventually captures Theon and the fake Arya, but on his way back he finds the castle taken by Stannis, so he flees to Dreadfort. Jon is dead, and Selysse, upon learning of the pink letter, proposes to Melissandre to burn Shireen in order to help Stannis, and she accepts. By burning Shireen, Jon is resurrected. A second letter arrives, and this one says that Stannis has taken Winterfell but that he must return to consolidate the supply line (since Winterfell has no supplies to feed the survivors of his army). Jon, upon learning what has happened, with the help of the wildlings and those still loyal to him in the guard, imprisons Selysse along with all those who were part of his murder.
However, Jon decides to let Melissandre escape knowing that Stannis would kill her for what she did, and he does so because as much as it disgusts him that she burned Shireen, there is a power in her or her Red God or whatever that may be necessary for the war against the Others. Stannis returns and learns what has happened from Jon's words (I think this would be a very good moment to see Stannis in a moment of great vulnerability, to see a man like him break). Stannis decides to execute Selysse, and Jon executes all those responsible for his murder. Jon proposes to Stannis to join him this time as Jon Stark (leaving everything related to the Watch, including the Hardhome issue) to save Arya along with the help of the wildlings. Stannis accepts, knowing that the girl Ramsey has is not really Arya, omitting the truth out of interest. This time the North joins Stannis' cause for Jon Stark, and they march to Dreadfort. The battle of the bastards occurs, Jon, Stannis and Mance Ryder win handsomely saving Theon and Jeyne Poole (Jon realizing it wasn't Arya). This is when the wall is destroyed or the Others have somehow gotten through (as by Eastwatch freezing the sea itself). Jon realizes that he abandoned his guard and his brothers for nothing. (At this point the Iron bank funding comes to Stannis, but I doubt very much that it would do much good. Maybe for a large fleet in White Harbor, which would serve to evacuate the north to the free cities).

Aegon conquers the Stormlands and marries Arianne Martell. The attempted coup of the Sand Snakes at King's Landing fails (Ser Robert Strong, the Mountain, protects Cersei and Tommen by killing the Sand Snakes). Dorne, the Stormlands and the golden company led by Aegon and Jon Connington invade Highgarden. Cersei asks Littlefinger for help in the Vale, and he accepts, but meanwhile Littlefinger agrees to an alliance with Aegon and swears allegiance to him if he makes him Warden of the East and Warden of the North through Sansa Stark, thus him marrying her (Robert Arryn dies in an “accident”). Aegon accepts because he knows about Stannis' advance in the North. Cersei opens the gates to the army of the Vale, and it sacks King's landing. Cersei talks to the pyromancer and tells him to burn the whole city while she plans to flee with Tommen. He obeys and begins the process. Then Arya (who has already had her development in Braavos) shows up and in some spectacular way from what she has learned in the Faceless Men kills the Mountain, and then Arya goes after Cersei and Tommen. Cersei begs Arya to spare Tommen's life, to kill her but not to kill Tommen. Arya then slowly kills Tommen in front of Cersei, and then kills her. The whole city starts to burn from the valyrian fire, but Arya escapes (She heard Cersei's orders she gave to the pyromancer being with another face, but she doesn't bother to stop him, she is totally indifferent about it). King's Landing ends up completely in ruins, exploding and burning everything and everyone who fails to escape. Aegon is left without capital and without an iron throne (Varys is also saved thanks to the secret passages).
Euron conquers Casterly Rock with the intention of plundering the gold and finds that there is nothing. In addition, Lady Stoneheart (Catelyn) kills Jaime in front of Brienne (who accepts because she swore to obey Catelyn, even knowing that Jaime had changed and still loving him, she does it out of honor). Catelyn leading the brotherhood without a banner kills and hunts down all the Freys, including Walder Frey, causing the riverlands to end in anarchy. Catelyn, for the intel she got from Jaime, goes to the westerlands to save Jeyne Westerling (Robb's Wife) in The Crag and Edmure on Casterly Rock (along the way she meets Brynden, the Blackfish). Once Catelyn saves Jeyne at The Craig she and her family tell her that they hid Robb's son in the riverlands, pretending that Jeyne had miscarried. She also learns that the Ironborn have captured Casterly Rock, where Edmure is. Catelyn is at the crossroads of going west to try to save her brother or going east to look for Robb's son.

Barristan Selmy meets Jorah and Tyrion, and initially Barristan wants to kill Jorah for bypassing the exile but Tyrion intervenes and they focus more on finding Daenerys. The three go on an expedition in search of Daenerys (leaving the Unsullied and the Second Sons in charge of Meereen). Daenerys is trapped in the Dosh Khaleen, and Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan end up finding out somehow, so they plan to save her (Jorah knows the city will be deserted). After they are gone, Victarion and his fleet arrive in Meereen, and Moqorro sounds the horn after making sacrifices to R'hllor (thus avoiding his own death). Moqorro gains control over Viserion and Rhaegal. The Ironborn take over Meereen with the help of the dragons, and Victarion, not finding Daenerys, tells Moqorro that two dragons are enough and that they should return to Westeros. Moqorro objects, and then performs a ritual in his flames that makes him see where Daenerys is. Victarion, Moqorro and the Ironborn make an expedition to go after Daenerys to Vaes Dothrak.
The Dothrakis realize that there is an army heading towards Vaes Dothrak, so all the Khals go there to protect their holy city. Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan at first find the city completely deserted, but when the Khals arrive everything fills up and they must flee and hide. Then the Ironborn arrive, led by Victarion. The Dothrakis charge the Ironborn, and then Moqorro uses the dragons and the dragons burn them. In the midst of the chaos, Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan manage to reach Daenerys along with the other Khaleesis, but Drogon appears. Daenerys controls Drogon as best she can (he isn't under Morroqo's influence), and tells Jorah, Tyrion and Barristan to run away. Drogon then burns Dosh Khaleen along with all the Khaleesis. This is a catastrophe for all the Dothrakis, but then among the flames Daenerys appears. The Dothrakis consider this a prophecy, so all the khals prostrate themselves before her and join her army. Moqorro, Victarion and Daenerys meet, and then Moqorro gives the horn to Daenerys. Victarion objects, but being surrounded by Dothrakis and now without power over the dragons, he decides not to exert force also at Moqorro's persuasion. Moqorro tells Daenerys that death is marching on Westeros, that the wall has fallen. It is then that Daenerys decides to leave with the Dothrakis, the Unsullied and the Ironborn with Victarion's fleet to Westeros (it may be that the Dothraki went overland to the free cities and then embarked from there).
So, this would be in summary what I think would happen without reaching the end and skipping many things. Daenerys would take many months to reach Westeros, she would stop by other slaver cities to feed her great army. Meanwhile, the North led by Stannis as King, Jon Stark as guardian of the North and Mance Ryder leading the wildlings, would have to organize a massive evacuation of the entire North to below the neck. Thousands of ravens would fly. Jon, Stannis and Mance would be on the front lines fighting Aegon's army, being the golden company, dorne, the knights of the valley, what's left of the stormlands and probably also part of the tyrell (who I assume would eventually surrender to Aegon). Stannis' conquest to the south would not so much be a war as a desperate flight, Aegon would not believe anything about the others and would see Stannis only as the brother of the man who killed his father. Aegon's army is much larger, has far more supplies (the north is in ruins) and his army of far, far higher quality (the golden company and the knights of the valley are some of the best). So I would guess that Stannis would lose against the Vale and would have to decide to maneuver to the twins (which are abandoned by the passing of Lady Stoneheart). The goal would not be to win battles, but to flee from the Others. It would be like what Mance Ryder did beyond the wall but all the way north to the south. (I assume at some point Daenerys would land at Dragonstone and fight Aegon, a marriage between them would no longer be viable) Something I forgot about: I assume Davos would eventually find Rickon with Osha. White Harbor would be the most important place to evacuate the north, sending as many refugees as possible to the free cities. Now, I don't quite know what would happen with Bran really. He might be a good point of view from which to see the mass evacuation of the north, with him fleeing to the south as well. I think that the advance of the others should take over all of Westeros and even advance towards Essos through the sea of stepstones but frozen. Let it be a real massive apocalyptic event.
submitted by 237SnK to asoiaf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:25 Kenshin1296 [USA] [H] PSP Go, Gba, Ds Lite, 2ds, Kuon, Rule of Rose, SBK N64, Mario Kart DD, Nsmbw, The Last Story, WiiSportsR, One Piece PW4, DQ Builders, Mario Odyssey, Caligula Eff 1&2, THPS1&2 Etc) GB/Gba games, Pokemon Ranger 1-3, HOTD2, SFEX2 Plus, Intelligent Qube, Stella Dues, Blue Dragon [W] PP F&F

All items are FIRM in price and include shipping!
Will take $5 off each additional item purchased (Certain items including consoles or multi disk ps1 titles may may not be included depending on heaviness or other factors. Just check in with me and I'll lyk)
Everything is tested and fully working unless stated otherwise!!!
Nintendo Switch
Psp (All Umd Only)
Xbox 360 (Some have manuals, some don't. Pictures will show)
submitted by Kenshin1296 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:25 ThatMiniFridge Should i get anything from starwars island before it goes away?

I just started the game and am more interested in the regular gameplay than any Star Wars related stuff. I saw a post saying it is going away tho, so should I grind it for anything particular before then? Thanks
submitted by ThatMiniFridge to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:24 ZaidDeAnda Help with resin warping

Help with resin warping
Hey guys! I started printing star wars miniatures, and I've found a lot of issues printing lightsabers, they always come very warped, like in the pictures. I dont think its a support issue since the stls are from a patreon, so they come supported. Any tips?
submitted by ZaidDeAnda to PrintedMinis [link] [comments]