Puk code generator

Spotify Premium code Generator

2014.03.13 07:42 dinesh989 Spotify Premium code Generator

Spotify Premium code Generator

2022.02.04 13:26 Background_Deer_9296 Gift Card Code Generator

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2016.12.05 19:50 pantos33 Xbox Gold Code Generator

Welcome to the web portal for Xbox Live gold membership card code giveaways. This is an online generator service which has been updated for 2016. The generator will allow you to generate $10, $20, $50 codes and also 1 year gold memberships. The generator works server side meaning the generation is done via our servers not your PC. That is why no download is required. As long as we know the Xbox Live algorithm which M$ uses we will be able to generate codes forever.

2024.04.29 05:32 hubeiqiao How to let GPTs run uploaded Python code smoothly

Hello everyone, last year I created an IELTS Speaking Simulator GPT, which offers an authentic practice experience. It accurately simulates the IELTS speaking test, choosing questions from the latest question bank.
To randomly select questions from the bank, I upload Python scripts for execution with the Code Interpreter, alongside text files for each topic. Initially, despite some failures, the system eventually succeeded in randomly selecting topics to start the simulation.
After the GPT-4-Turbo-20240409 release, I noticed this GPT can consistently generate questions from the assigned knowledge set accurately on the one-shot, suggesting a significant improvement in ChatGPT’s performance. Unfortunately, this improvement was short-lived, and within a week, the system’s performance declined.
After several unsuccessful attempts, I am seeking advice on how to ensure smooth execution of assigned Python scripts in GPT.
I know that utilizing function calls might be the best approach, but I am keen to explore other solutions. Perhaps this will be addressed in GPT-5.
P.S. I locked “Memory” feature this week, but when I let it remember the location when it runs successfully, it fails in subsequent interections.
Here is my current related prompt:
submitted by hubeiqiao to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:31 hubeiqiao How to let GPTs run uploaded Python code smoothly

How to let GPTs run uploaded Python code smoothly
Hello everyone, last year I created an IELTS Speaking Simulator GPT, which offers an authentic practice experience. It accurately simulates the IELTS speaking test, choosing questions from the latest question bank.
To randomly select questions from the bank, I upload Python scripts for execution with the Code Interpreter, alongside text files for each topic. Initially, despite some failures, the system eventually succeeded in randomly selecting topics to start the simulation.
After the GPT-4-Turbo-20240409 release, I noticed this GPT can consistently generate questions from the assigned knowledge set accurately on the one-shot, suggesting a significant improvement in ChatGPT’s performance. Unfortunately, this improvement was short-lived, and within a week, the system’s performance declined.
After several unsuccessful attempts, I am seeking advice on how to ensure smooth execution of assigned Python scripts in GPT.
I know that utilizing function calls might be the best approach, but I am keen to explore other solutions. Perhaps this will be addressed in GPT-5.
P.S. I locked “Memory” feature this week, but when I let it remember the location when it runs successfully, it fails in subsequent interections.
Here is my current related prompt:
submitted by hubeiqiao to ChatGPTPro [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 05:04 littlezappa Wealthsimple Trade Bonus (Trade and Crypto) US0EBW - Get a Bonus ($25 for you and $25 for me) or (Up to $250 for Premium or $1000 for Generation) Including Previous Non Referred Members 🍁

Wealthsimple is Canada's first $0 commission stock trading app – sign up now using my referral code and we'll both Get a Bonus ($25 for you and $25 for me) to trade.
Now also includes crypto trading. So if you are not into stocks, you can purchase some crypto and still get the bonus.
Link: https://my.wealthsimple.com/app/public/trade-referral-signup?code=US0EBW
Bonus: Since I am a premium client, we will both get our reward boosted to $250 if you also become a Premium client within 30 days and $1,000 if you reach Generation.
Wealthsimple Cash (Their prepaid card) is also now integrated into the app
submitted by littlezappa to referralcodes [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:48 PuzzleheadedArea1256 ICD9 specs for PQI provided by AHRQ?

I am doing an analysis using PQIs from 2010 through 2016, but I cannot find the suitable ICD9 code/program to generate PQIs from AHRQ's webiste. Does anyone have the list or the resource that contains the ICD9 diagnosis codes by PQI? Would love to have an excel format of this asap. Thank you.
submitted by PuzzleheadedArea1256 to epidemiology [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:46 Playful_Gur_1068 Need Help with Rock Paper Scissors Project

21.5 LAB*: Program: Rock paper scissors

Program Specifications Write a program to play an automated game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Two players make one of three hand signals at the same time. Hand signals represent a rock, a piece of paper, or a pair of scissors. Each combination results in a win for one of the players. Rock crushes scissors, paper covers rock, and scissors cut paper. A tie occurs if both players make the same signal. Use a random number generator of 0, 1, or 2 to represent the three signals.
Note: this program is designed for incremental development. Complete each step and submit for grading before starting the next step. Only a portion of tests pass after each step but confirm progress.
Step 0. Read starter template and do not change the provided code. Variables are defined for ROCK, PAPER, and SCISSORS. A seed is read from input to initialize the random number generator. This supports automated testing and creates predictable results that would otherwise be random.
Step 1 (2 pts). Read two player names from input (str). Read number of rounds from input. Continue reading number of rounds if value is below one and provide an error message. Output player names and number of rounds. Submit for grading to confirm 2 tests pass. Ex: If input is:
3 Anna Bert -3 -4 4 
Sample output is:
Rounds must be > 0 Rounds must be > 0 Anna vs Bert for 4 rounds 
Step 2 (2 pts). Use random.randint(0, 2) to generate random values (0 - 2) for player 1 followed by player 2. Continue to generate random values for both players until both values do not match. Output "Tie" when the values match. Submit for grading to confirm 3 tests pass. Ex: If input is:
12 Anna Bert 1 
Sample output is:
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Tie 
Step 3 (3 pts). Identify winner for this round and output a message. Rock crushes scissors, scissors cut paper, and paper covers rock. Submit for grading to confirm 6 tests pass. Ex: If input is:
55 Anna Bert 1 
Sample output is:
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Bert wins with rock 
Step 4 (3 pts). Add a loop to repeat steps 2 and 3 for the number of rounds. Output total wins for each player after all rounds are complete. Submit for grading to confirm all tests pass. Ex: If input is:
82 Anna Bert 3 
Sample output is:
Anna vs Bert for 3 rounds Bert wins with paper Anna wins with scissors Tie Anna wins with scissors Anna wins 2 and Bert wins 1 
This is the current code I have:
import random
ROCK = 0

Read random seed to support testing (do not alter) and starting credits

seed = int(input())

Set the seed for random

player1_name = input()
player2_name = input()
while True:
num_rounds = int(input())
if num_rounds < 1:
print("Rounds must be > 0")
print(f"{player1_name} vs {player2_name} for {num_rounds} rounds")
player1_wins = 0
player2_wins = 0
ties = 0
for _ in range(num_rounds):
player1_choice = random.randint(0, 2)
player2_choice = random.randint(0, 2)
if player1_choice == player2_choice:
ties += 1
elif (player1_choice == ROCK and player2_choice == SCISSORS) or \
(player1_choice == SCISSORS and player2_choice == PAPER) or \
(player1_choice == PAPER and player2_choice == ROCK):
player1_wins += 1
print(f"{player1_name} wins with {['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'][player1_choice]}")
player2_wins += 1
print(f"{player2_name} wins with {['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'][player2_choice]}")

Adjust the reporting of ties

if ties > 0:

Adjust the reporting of total wins

if player1_wins > 0 or player2_wins > 0:
if ties > 0:
print(" and ", end='') # Add 'and' before the total wins
print("", end='') # Print a newline if no ties were recorded
if player1_wins > 0:
print(f"{player1_name} wins {player1_wins}", end='')
if player2_wins > 0:
print(" and ", end='') # Add 'and' between player 1 and player 2 wins
if player2_wins > 0:
print(f"{player2_name} wins {player2_wins}")
I'm getting the following errors:
4:Compare outputkeyboard_arrow_up0 / 1Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legendInput
55 Anna Bert 1 
Your output starts with
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Tie 
Expected output starts with
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Anna wins with rock 
5:Compare outputkeyboard_arrow_up0 / 1Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legendInput
15 Anna Bert 1 
Your output starts with
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Tie 
Expected output starts with
Anna vs Bert for 1 rounds Tie Tie Tie Tie Anna wins with rock 
7:Compare outputkeyboard_arrow_up0 / 1Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legendInput
82 Anna Bert 3 
Your output
Anna vs Bert for 3 rounds Bert wins with paper Anna wins with scissors Tie Tie and Anna wins 1 and Bert wins 1 
Expected output
Anna vs Bert for 3 rounds Bert wins with paper Anna wins with scissors Tie Anna wins with scissors Anna wins 2 and Bert wins 1 
8:Compare outputkeyboard_arrow_up0 / 1Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legendInput
17 Randy Jenny 15 
Your output ends with
Jenny for 15 rounds Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Jenny wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with scissors Randy wins with rock Tie Tie Tie and Randy wins 6 and Jenny wins 1 
Expected output ends with
Tie Tie Jenny wins with paper Jenny wins with rock Tie Jenny wins with paper Randy wins with paper Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with rock Jenny wins with scissors Randy wins with paper Randy wins 10 and Jenny wins 5 
9:Compare outputkeyboard_arrow_up0 / 1Output differs. See highlights below. Special character legendInput
17 Randy Kristen -2 -3 8 
Your output
Rounds must be > 0 Rounds must be > 0 Randy vs Kristen for 8 rounds Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Kristen wins with scissors Tie and Randy wins 3 and Kristen wins 1 
Expected output
Rounds must be > 0 Rounds must be > 0 Randy vs Kristen for 8 rounds Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Tie Randy wins with paper Tie Kristen wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with scissors Tie Randy wins with scissors Randy wins with rock Tie Tie Tie Tie Kristen wins with paper Randy wins 6 and Kristen wins 2 
submitted by Playful_Gur_1068 to CodingHelp [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:24 _Hamzah DYNAMIC_SERVER_USAGE error on vercel

DYNAMIC_SERVER_USAGE error on vercel
I am working on a Next 14 project to familiarize myself with all the latest updates.
I created a simple `posts` page that fetches a post by ID and renders the post. I am also using `generateStaticParams` to generate all the post pages during build time. The application is working correctly on local environment. The build is also running and running `next start` on my local environment is also working as expected.
However, after deployment on Vercel, the application breaks when I visit the post page. Vercel logs display the following error: `DYNAMIC_SERVER_USAGE`
The code for the page is:
import Comments from "@/app/components/Comments"; import CommentsInput from "@/app/components/CommentsInput"; import MarkdownRenderer from "@/app/components/MarkdownRenderer"; import { prisma } from "@/lib/prisma"; import { authOptions } from "@/utils/authOptions"; import { getServerSession } from "next-auth"; import Link from "next/link"; import React, { cache } from "react"; import "react-quill/dist/quill.snow.css"; import { ArrowLeftIcon, PencilSquareIcon } from "@heroicons/react/24/outline"; import { Comment, Post } from "@prisma/client"; export type CommentsWithCommenterInfo = (Comment & { commenter: { name: string; id: string }; })[]; type PostWithComments = ({ comments: CommentsWithCommenterInfo } & Post) null; const getPost = cache(async (id: string): Promise => { return prisma.post.findFirst({ where: { id }, include: { comments: { include: { commenter: { select: { name: true, id: true, }, }, }, orderBy: { createdAt: "desc", }, }, }, }); }); export async function generateStaticParams() { const posts = await prisma.post.findMany({ select: { id: true, }, }); return posts.map((post) => ({ id: post.id })); } export async function generateMetadata({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) { const post = await getPost(params.id); return { title: post?.title "Next Posts", }; } const PostPage = async ({ params }: { params: { id: string } }) => { const post = await getPost(params.id); const session = await getServerSession(authOptions); if (!post) return 
Post Not Found
; return (


{session?.user?.id === post.authorId && ( )}
); }; export default PostPage;
Also sharing a screenshot of the error on Vercel.
Am I using `generateStaticParams` incorrectly here? I found it used in a similar manner in the official Next.js docs
submitted by _Hamzah to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:12 dvnschmchr Skill Trade / Coaching Swap anyone? Frontend/Vue (You) x SEO(me)

I'm looking to learn more about front end development specifically in Vue.js for SAAS apps / websites / etc. probably will explore supastarter as well.
I'd love to accelerate that learning process by doing some pair-programming with somebody who is very experienced in this area teach coach and code to speed it up.
Was thinking like 1-3 sessions per week? or whatever our schedules will allow. Im up for as much as you want really.
And in return I could do the same thing for your projects on the SEO side. Help teach/work with you to get your websites/projects/saas/whatever ranking higher, generating more leads, etc.


- https://www.linkedin.com/in/devinschumache
submitted by dvnschmchr to u/dvnschmchr [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 04:00 GDT_Bot Playoff Game Thread: Edmonton Oilers (2-1) at Los Angeles Kings (1-2) - Game 4 - 28 Apr 2024 - 07:30PM PDT

Edmonton Oilers (2-1) at Los Angeles Kings (1-2)

Crypto.com Arena

Comment with all tables

Live Updates

Time Clock
2nd - 15:33
Teams 1st 2nd 3rd Total
EDM 0 0 -- 0
LAK 0 0 -- 0
Team Shots Hits Blocks FOW% Giveaways Takeaways Power Play PIM
EDM 5 16 8 0.5% 3 2 0/0 0
LAK 10 26 8 0.5% 1 0 0/0 0
Period Time Team Strength Description
Period Time Team Type Min Description
  • Referees: Jon McIsaac, Wes McCauley, Francois St-Laurent
  • Linesmen: James Tobias, Matt MacPherson


07:30PM 08:30PM 09:30PM 10:30PM 11:30PM 02:30AM

Game Info:

Other Preview - Boxscore - Recap
GameCenter On NHL.com

Thread Notes:

  • Keep it civil
  • Sort by new for best results
  • This thread is completely bot-generated, unfortunately it can only be as accurate as the sites it pulls data from
  • If you have any suggestions for improvements please message TeroTheTerror
  • Thanks to Sentry07 and Obelisk29 for their code!


Oilers and Kings

Join the discussion in the /Hockey Discord.
submitted by GDT_Bot to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:55 Curious_Foundation13 Using River Auto Material 2019 to generate river at runtime

Using River Auto Material 2019 to generate river at runtime
So I found this tool overall very useful, but I'm running into a small problem which I couldn't resolve. Essentially I've copied some code from the API into my scripts to generate the river from scratch at runtime in my game scripts. It's all good except one last bit. As you see from the screenshots, the river isn't wide enough, although I set the width thereof in the script to match the carved riverbed. In order to actually 'effect the width', I need to manually click (i.e. by hand) any of the buttons in the RAM menu (inspector). Button selection is done by setting
mainRiverSpline.GetComponent().toolbarInt = 1;
where the number is the index of the button. That, unfortunately, doesn't work as expected. If anyone sorted this out, or has a working runtime generation script, I'd be very grateful. Also, for some reason, lake generation doesn't have this issue.
submitted by Curious_Foundation13 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:50 tsikhe Moirai Programming Language Example Service with JSON Support

After a recent change to The Moirai Programming Language, public/stable AST and Type classes have been added to the new transport namespace. Non-public functions exist to translate these public constructs to the internal canonical AST and Type classes used by the interpreter.
I have added an example microservice that accepts both Moirai and JSON requests. If raw Moirai code is sent in a POST request, it will be executed immediately. If JSON is instead sent in the POST request, then the following happens:
Note that the canonical AST and Type classes are internal. Also note that the Moirai interpreter library has no concept of JSON. Only the service knows that JSON exists.
Adding a JSON endpoint to the example service allows for serverless applications that accept traditional JSON requests. This was added because I received comments that potential users might not feel comfortable executing arbitrary code sent over a network.
Both Moirai and the example service are free and open source software with MIT license. Interestingly, the example service is only 560 lines of code, while providing multi-tenant serverless functionality. (Multi-tenant is not supported by AWS Lambda etc.)
submitted by tsikhe to ProgrammingLanguages [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:19 Old-Manufacturer6209 I made a Python CLI Tools for Competitive Programming

Source Code: https://github.com/JeanExtreme002/FastSnake
PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/FastSnake/
What My Project Does
FastSnake is a command-line tool that allows you to easily create, expand, run, and test Python solutions for competitive programming problems. 🐍🏁
This project provides useful CLI tools for competitive programming, such as test case generators, algorithms and data structures, tools for platforms Codeforces and AtCoder, and other features that assist you during the development and testing of solutions, besides building a nice directory structure to develop your solutions. 🤓
Target Audience
This project was developed for programming competitors, focusing on users of CodeForces and AtCoder, who need to quickly develop solutions for complex problems
There is no project currently doing this same thing.
How to Install
Just type the following commands:
$ pip install fastsnake $ fastsnake -v 
Explore the documentation of FastSnake package at repository's project.
submitted by Old-Manufacturer6209 to Python [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:10 zusbob what do I do with this weird problem, it only happens with this game, everything else is fine, but why this?

what do I do with this weird problem, it only happens with this game, everything else is fine, but why this? submitted by zusbob to roblox [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 03:06 ky00t Another article about boomers and millennials that assumes GenX never existed.

Early boomers (like my parents) definitely had GenX kids, and many late millennials have GenX parents. So why do I keep seeing articles about “millennials and their boomer parents” that completely ignores the generation in between? It’s annoying to basically be erased!
submitted by ky00t to GenXWomen [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:55 NuclearCyan The objective had a set of gunship factories next to it…

The objective had a set of gunship factories next to it…
It's safe to say we did not succeed.
submitted by NuclearCyan to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:44 Shynka Blazon Generator

Blazon Generator
I found it weird that there was a textbox in the setting to do something with blazon.
So i took a peak a the code and generated some random ones that work in game. just gotta put the name of the image into the textbox.
Few possiblities. but there are probly endless
Also made a ui for it
submitted by Shynka to kingdomthegame [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:39 Doorstheory How do i do this?

How do i do this? submitted by Doorstheory to TalkieOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:30 solobusiness_vadim The Secret Sauce That Makes SaaS Giants Soar

The Non-Technical Journey Begins

You're reading this because you've got a killer app in the works, and you're ready to take the tech world by storm.
But here's the thing: even the most brilliant code can't save a product that fails to connect with its audience or generate revenue.
That's why, over the next four days, I'm going to dive deep into the often-overlooked non-technical side of SaaS success.
Get ready to become a marketing maverick, a customer whisperer, and a business model boss.
Today's lesson? Understanding the customer journey from first impression to raving fan.
Here are three powerful strategies to start implementing today:
  1. Create buyer personas: Who are your ideal customers, really? Go beyond demographics and uncover their deepest desires, pain points, and objections. (Template included)
  2. Map the user experience: How will customers discover, evaluate, and adopt your product? Visualize every touchpoint and make it seamless. (4-5 stages everyone goes thru)
  3. Leverage emotional motivators: People buy solutions to their problems, not just features. Tap into the underlying "why" behind their purchases. (I have an awesome prompt to help you get off the starting line fast)
🚨Quick win: 🚨 - Jot down three adjectives that capture the essence of your ideal customer's deepest, perhaps unspoken, desire. (Pssst...it's not about your product.)
Tomorrow, we'll tackle the art of messaging that converts. But for now, soak in today's wisdom and get those buyer personas locked in!
submitted by solobusiness_vadim to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:19 foadsf CrossBLAS Project: A Modern Fork of BLAS for Fortran Enthusiasts

Hey folks,
I'm excited to share with you all a project I've been working on called CrossBLAS. It's a modern fork of the original netlib BLAS code base, now revamped for better compatibility and cleanliness.
What's CrossBLAS? CrossBLAS aims to bring BLAS's robustness to a wider range of platforms and compilers. I've ensured it compiles seamlessly with Intel's ifort.exe on Windows and GNU's GFortran on WSL Ubuntu. The code is now more organized and less cluttered, making it easier for developers to navigate and contribute.
Current Status: While the core functionality is up and running, there are still several issues to tackle: - CTests are not operational yet. - The Config.cmake file generation is a work in progress.
Call for Collaboration: This is where I need your help! I'm calling on all Fortran aficionados and coding enthusiasts to test CrossBLAS. Your feedback is invaluable, and I encourage you to open issues on the GitHub repository to discuss any problems or suggestions you might have. Of course, pull requests are more than welcome—let's make CrossBLAS even better together!
Get Involved: Check out the repository, give it a spin, and let's collaborate. Your contributions will improve CrossBLAS and support the broader Fortran community.
Thank you for your time, and happy coding!
submitted by foadsf to fortran [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:57 softtechhubus Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!

Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!
Launch Your Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24: Create Local Business, Professional iOS, and Android Apps Effortlessly. Use Our Drag-N-Drop Mobile App Builder to Bring Your Ideas to Life with Just a Keyword!
Introduction to AppOwls24
In today's competitive business world, having a mobile app is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for businesses of all sizes. The mobile app industry has exploded, with over 107,000 new apps being created every single month on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store alone. This staggering statistic highlights the immense demand for mobile apps across a wide range of industries, from local businesses to global enterprises.
Enter AppOwls24, a groundbreaking AI-powered mobile app builder that empowers entrepreneurs, marketers, and small business owners to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity. With AppOwls24, you can create stunning, fully functional mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms in just a matter of minutes, without any prior coding or design experience.
What sets AppOwls24 apart is its innovative use of artificial intelligence. By simply entering a keyword or selecting from a wide range of pre-designed templates, the platform's AI-driven technology will automatically generate a mobile app tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're looking to create a mobile app for your own business, or offer mobile app development services to local clients, AppOwls24 puts the power of professional-grade app creation at your fingertips.

Features and Capabilities of AppOwls24

AppOwls24 is packed with a comprehensive suite of features that cater to the diverse needs of modern businesses and entrepreneurs. Let's dive into the key capabilities that make this platform a game-changer in the mobile app development arena.
AI-Driven Mobile App Creation The heart of AppOwls24 is its revolutionary AI-powered technology. With just a few simple steps, you can create a fully functional mobile app for iOS and Android platforms. Simply enter a keyword or select from one of the platform's pre-designed templates, and the AI will automatically generate a mobile app tailored to your specific requirements. No coding or design expertise is necessary, making AppOwls24 an accessible solution for users of all skill levels.
Seamless PWA and Native App Creation AppOwls24 offers the flexibility to create both Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) and native mobile apps for iOS and Android devices. PWAs provide a seamless cross-platform experience, while native apps leverage the full capabilities of each operating system. The platform's intuitive interface allows you to easily convert your PWA into a native app with a single click, ensuring your mobile app is optimized for every user's device.
Comprehensive Customization Options AppOwls24 empowers you to truly personalize your mobile app experience. From customizing the color scheme and branding to adding multimedia elements and interactive features, the platform's user-friendly drag-and-drop editor makes it easy to bring your vision to life. You can create multiple pages, integrate ecommerce functionalities, and even set up paid memberships – all without the need for complex coding or design skills.
Diverse Monetization Opportunities AppOwls24 is designed to help you maximize your revenue-generating potential. The platform offers a wide range of monetization options, including the ability to create ecommerce stores, sell digital products and services, and integrate a paid membership model. You can also leverage the platform's built-in loyalty program and promotional features to drive customer engagement and repeat business.
Effortless App Publishing and Hosting One of the most significant advantages of AppOwls24 is its streamlined approach to app publishing and hosting. The platform handles all the technical aspects, eliminating the need for you to purchase a domain, set up hosting, or navigate the complex app store approval process. With AppOwls24, you can publish your mobile apps on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store with ease, or opt to host them on the platform's own secure servers.
Unparalleled Scalability and Growth Potential AppOwls24 is built to scale alongside your business. Whether you're creating a single mobile app for your own venture or launching a mobile app development agency, the platform's robust capabilities allow you to manage and expand your portfolio with ease. With the ability to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps, AppOwls24 ensures that your growth is not hampered by technical limitations.

Who Can Benefit from AppOwls24?

AppOwls24 is a versatile platform that caters to a wide range of users, from entrepreneurs and small business owners to digital marketers and app development agencies. Let's explore the key target audiences that can leverage the power of this innovative mobile app builder.
Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners In today's digital-first world, having a mobile app is essential for businesses of all sizes to remain competitive and engage with their customers effectively. AppOwls24 empowers entrepreneurs and small business owners to create professional-grade mobile apps for their ventures, without the need for extensive technical expertise or a sizeable budget. Whether you're a local restaurant, a fitness studio, or a professional service provider, AppOwls24 enables you to establish a strong online presence and connect with your target audience through a custom-branded mobile app.
Digital Marketers and Affiliate Marketers For digital marketers and affiliate marketers, AppOwls24 presents an incredible opportunity to diversify their revenue streams and offer additional value to their clients or audience. By leveraging the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities, you can quickly build and sell mobile apps to local businesses, online entrepreneurs, and even individual consumers. This not only opens up a new revenue channel but also enhances your credibility as a trusted digital marketing partner.
Mobile App Development Agencies AppOwls24 is a game-changer for aspiring mobile app development agencies or freelance app designers. By eliminating the need for complex coding and lengthy development processes, the platform allows you to rapidly create and deploy mobile apps for your clients, significantly increasing your efficiency and profit margins. With the ability to white-label the platform and customize it to your brand, you can establish your agency as a premier mobile app development solution in your local market or beyond.
Bloggers, Vloggers, and Content Creators For bloggers, vloggers, and content creators, AppOwls24 provides a unique opportunity to expand their reach and monetize their online presence. You can leverage the platform to create mobile apps that showcase your content, sell digital products, or even offer paid memberships. By transforming your blog or YouTube channel into a branded mobile app, you can enhance the user experience, deepen your audience engagement, and unlock new revenue streams.

How to Profit from AppOwls24

AppOwls24 presents a wealth of opportunities for users to generate lucrative revenue streams. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a digital marketer, or a mobile app development agency, the platform offers several strategies to help you capitalize on the booming mobile app industry.
Offering Mobile App Development Services One of the most straightforward ways to profit from AppOwls24 is to offer mobile app development services to local businesses and online entrepreneurs. By leveraging the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities, you can quickly and cost-effectively build custom mobile apps for your clients, charging them a premium for your expertise and the high-quality finished product.
According to recent industry reports, the average cost of developing a mobile app ranges from $50,000 to $150,000 or more, depending on the complexity and features. By using AppOwls24, you can create professional-grade mobile apps for a fraction of the cost, allowing you to offer competitive pricing while still generating significant profits.
Additionally, the platform's white-label capabilities enable you to rebrand the AppOwls24 interface and present it as your own mobile app development agency, further enhancing your credibility and perceived value in the eyes of your clients.
Creating and Selling Your Own Mobile Apps Another lucrative opportunity with AppOwls24 is to create and sell your own mobile apps, either for personal use or as a commercial product. Whether you're looking to enhance the online presence of your own business, transform your blog or YouTube channel into a branded mobile app, or develop a standalone mobile app for the consumer market, AppOwls24 provides the tools and functionality to bring your ideas to life.
By leveraging the platform's ecommerce and membership features, you can monetize your mobile apps through in-app purchases, subscriptions, and other revenue streams. This not only diversifies your income sources but also allows you to establish a scalable, passive income-generating asset.
Becoming a Mobile App Reseller AppOwls24 also offers the opportunity to become a mobile app reseller, allowing you to purchase mobile app licenses and resell them to your own customers or clients. This model is particularly appealing for digital marketers, affiliate marketers, and existing mobile app development agencies looking to expand their service offerings.
By reselling AppOwls24 licenses, you can provide your clients with high-quality mobile apps without the need to invest in expensive in-house development resources. This not only enhances your value proposition but also enables you to generate recurring revenue streams through license sales and ongoing support and maintenance.

How to Use AppOwls24

Using AppOwls24 to create stunning, functional mobile apps is a breeze, even for those with no prior experience in app development. The platform's intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make the process of building and publishing mobile apps accessible to users of all skill levels. Let's walk through the step-by-step process of creating a mobile app using AppOwls24.
Step 1: Choose Your Approach When you first log in to the AppOwls24 platform, you'll be presented with two options for creating your mobile app: entering a keyword or selecting from a pre-designed template.
If you opt for the keyword-based approach, simply type in a relevant keyword or phrase that describes your business, industry, or the type of mobile app you wish to create. AppOwls24's AI will then analyze your input and automatically generate a custom mobile app tailored to your specific needs.
Alternatively, you can browse the platform's extensive library of pre-designed templates, which cover a wide range of industries and use cases. These templates serve as a starting point, allowing you to customize the app's features, branding, and content to your liking.
Step 2: Customize Your Mobile App Once you've selected your preferred method for app creation, the real fun begins. AppOwls24's intuitive drag-and-drop editor empowers you to customize your mobile app to your heart's content. From adjusting the color scheme and branding elements to adding multimedia content, interactive features, and ecommerce capabilities, the platform's user-friendly interface makes the customization process a breeze.
Key features you can explore and implement in your mobile app include:
  • Courses and coaching services
  • Appointment booking and management
  • Ecommerce stores and digital product sales
  • Paid memberships and subscription models
  • Quizzes, surveys, and interactive elements
  • Loyalty programs and rewards systems
  • Push notifications, SMS, and email integrations
As you navigate the editor, you'll have the flexibility to create multiple pages, add custom content, and arrange the various components to suit your specific vision for the app.
Step 3: Publish and Launch Your Mobile App Once you've finalized the design and functionality of your mobile app, it's time to publish and launch it to the world. AppOwls24 streamlines the entire publishing process, handling the technical complexities so you can focus on the more important aspects of your business.
With a single click, you can convert your mobile app into a Progressive Web App (PWA) or a native iOS and Android app, ready for submission to the respective app stores. The platform also offers the option to host your mobile app on its own secure servers, eliminating the need for you to purchase a domain or set up hosting.
Throughout the publishing and launch process, AppOwls24 provides comprehensive guidance and support, ensuring that your mobile app meets all the necessary compliance requirements, including ADA accessibility and GDPR data protection standards.

Real-World Case Study: Launching a Mobile App Development Agency with AppOwls24

To better illustrate the power and versatility of AppOwls24, let's explore a real-world case study of how the platform can be leveraged to launch a successful mobile app development agency.
Meet Kshatriya, a digital marketing consultant with a passion for helping local businesses thrive in the online space. Kshatriya had long recognized the importance of mobile apps for her clients, but the traditional app development process was often too complex, time-consuming, and expensive for her small business clients to consider.
That all changed when Kshatriya discovered AppOwls24. Intrigued by the platform's AI-powered app creation capabilities and user-friendly interface, Kshatriya decided to take the plunge and explore the possibility of launching her own mobile app development agency.
Step 1: Familiarizing Herself with AppOwls24 Kshatriya started by thoroughly exploring the features and functionality of AppOwls24, taking advantage of the platform's comprehensive training resources and support team. She was particularly impressed by the platform's ability to create custom mobile apps in minutes, the wide range of monetization options, and the seamless publishing and hosting capabilities.
Step 2: Developing Her Service Offerings Armed with her newfound knowledge of AppOwls24, Kshatriya began to shape her mobile app development agency's service offerings. She identified key target industries in her local market, such as restaurants, fitness studios, and professional service providers, and crafted tailored mobile app packages to address their specific needs.
Step 3: Branding and Positioning Her Agency To establish her agency as a trusted and reputable mobile app development solution, Kshatriya leveraged AppOwls24's white-label capabilities. She customized the platform's interface to match her brand's visual identity, created a professional-looking website, and developed a compelling value proposition that highlighted her expertise and the advantages of AppOwls24.
Step 4: Acquiring Clients and Delivering Results With her agency's branding and service offerings in place, Kshatriya began actively marketing her mobile app development services to local businesses. She leveraged her existing digital marketing expertise to create targeted campaigns, attend local networking events, and build a strong referral network.
Thanks to the efficiency and user-friendliness of AppOwls24, Kshatriya was able to quickly create and deploy high-quality mobile apps for her clients, often in a matter of days or weeks. This, combined with her personalized service and ongoing support, allowed her to consistently deliver exceptional results and build a reputation as the go-to mobile app development partner in her local community.
Step 5: Scaling and Diversifying her Business As Kshatriya's mobile app development agency gained traction, she began to explore additional revenue streams and growth opportunities. She leveraged AppOwls24's reseller program to offer white-label mobile app solutions to other digital marketing agencies, further expanding her reach and client base.
Additionally, Kshatriya recognized the potential of creating and selling her own mobile apps, either for her own business ventures or as standalone products. By utilizing AppOwls24's ecommerce and membership features, she was able to diversify her income streams and build a portfolio of revenue-generating mobile apps.
Today, Kshatriya's mobile app development agency is thriving, with a steadily growing client base and a reputation for delivering high-quality, cost-effective mobile app solutions. The flexibility and scalability of AppOwls24 have been instrumental in her success, allowing her to efficiently manage her agency's operations, focus on client satisfaction, and explore new avenues for growth and profitability.

AppOwls24 Funnel and Pricing

AppOwls24 offers a comprehensive product funnel designed to cater to the diverse needs and budgets of its users. The funnel includes the following components:
Front-End Offer (FE): AppOwls24 Standard The AppOwls24 Standard package is the entry-level offering, providing users with the core functionality of the platform. This includes the ability to create mobile apps using AI-powered prompts or pre-designed templates, as well as access to various customization and publishing options. The FE is priced at $37 during the early bird period, with a regular price of $47 thereafter.
Upsell #1: AppOwls24 Ultimate The AppOwls24 Ultimate upgrade supercharges the platform, unlocking a wealth of additional features and capabilities. This includes the ability to create an unlimited number of mobile apps, access to premium hosting and SSL, advanced ecommerce and membership functionalities, and more. The Ultimate upgrade is priced at $97 per year.
Upsell #2: AppOwls24 Professional The AppOwls24 Professional package builds upon the Standard offering, providing users with advanced customization options, access to additional templates, and the ability to remove the AppOwls24 branding from their mobile apps. This upgrade is priced at $67.
Upsell #3: AppOwls24 Enterprise For users looking to launch their own mobile app development agency, the AppOwls24 Enterprise package offers a comprehensive suite of features. This includes a white-label solution, a reseller license, and a range of agency-focused tools and resources. The Enterprise upgrade is priced at $59.
Upsell #4: AppOwls24 Whitelabel The AppOwls24 Whitelabel upgrade takes the platform's customization capabilities to the next level, allowing users to completely rebrand the interface and create their own mobile app software business. This high-end offering is priced at $297.
Upsell #5: AppOwls24 DFY For users who prefer a more hands-off approach, the AppOwls24 DFY (Done-For-You) package provides access to a curated collection of pre-built mobile apps, custom logo design, and a personalized setup service. This upgrade is priced at $197.

AppOwls24 Pros and Cons

Like any software or platform, AppOwls24 has its own set of advantages and potential drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of using this AI-powered mobile app builder.
Pros of AppOwls24:
  1. Ease of Use: AppOwls24's intuitive interface and streamlined workflow make it accessible to users of all skill levels, even those without any prior experience in app development.
  2. AI-Powered App Creation: The platform's innovative AI technology allows users to create custom mobile apps simply by entering a keyword or selecting from pre-designed templates, eliminating the need for complex coding or design expertise.
  3. Wide Range of Monetization Options: AppOwls24 offers a comprehensive suite of monetization features, including ecommerce integration, paid memberships, and loyalty programs, allowing users to generate revenue from their mobile apps.
  4. Seamless Publishing and Hosting: The platform handles the technical aspects of app publishing and hosting, including the app store approval process, domain registration, and web hosting, making it a hassle-free experience for users.
  5. Scalability and Growth Potential: AppOwls24 is designed to scale alongside its users' businesses, allowing them to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps within the platform.
  6. Comprehensive Customization: The platform's drag-and-drop editor empowers users to deeply customize their mobile apps, from branding and design to advanced features and functionality.
  7. Dedicated Support and Regular Updates: AppOwls24 provides users with 12 months of dedicated support and regular platform updates, ensuring a seamless and continuously improving experience.
Cons of AppOwls24:
  1. Limited Coding Flexibility: While the platform's AI-powered app creation and drag-and-drop editor offer significant advantages, users with more advanced coding requirements may feel restricted in their ability to implement complex, custom functionalities.
  2. Ongoing Subscription Costs: For users who opt for the higher-tier plans or the annual subscription of the AppOwls24 Ultimate package, the recurring costs may be a consideration, especially for smaller businesses or individual entrepreneurs on a tight budget.
It's important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of AppOwls24 based on your specific business needs, budget, and long-term goals before making a decision. The platform's strengths in ease of use, scalability, and monetization potential may outweigh the potential drawbacks for many users.

AppOwls24 Money-Back Policy

AppOwls24 is committed to providing its users with a risk-free experience, which is why the platform offers a comprehensive money-back guarantee. All purchases of AppOwls24, including the various upgrade packages, are backed by a 14-day full refund policy.
This means that if, for any reason, you are not completely satisfied with your AppOwls24 purchase, you can request a full refund within the first 14 days of your purchase. No questions asked, no hassle, and no hidden fees – just a straightforward refund process to ensure your peace of mind.
The 14-day money-back guarantee applies to all AppOwls24 packages, including the Standard, Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Whitelabel, and DFY offerings. This policy demonstrates the confidence the AppOwls24 team has in their product and their commitment to customer satisfaction.
Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a digital marketer, or a budding mobile app developer, the money-back guarantee allows you to explore the full capabilities of AppOwls24 without the risk of financial loss. It's a testament to the platform's quality and the team's belief that once you experience the power and simplicity of AppOwls24, you'll be eager to continue your journey with the platform.

AppOwls24 Pricing and Bundle Deal

AppOwls24 is offered at a highly accessible and competitive price point, making it a viable option for users across a wide range of budgets and business sizes.
The standard pricing for the AppOwls24 platform is as follows:
AppOwls24 Standard: $47 This is the entry-level package, providing users with the core functionality of the platform, including AI-powered app creation, customization tools, and basic publishing capabilities.
AppOwls24 Ultimate: $97 per year The Ultimate upgrade unlocks a wealth of advanced features, such as unlimited mobile app creation, premium hosting, and enhanced ecommerce and membership options.
AppOwls24 Professional: $67 The Professional package builds upon the Standard offering, providing users with additional customization options, template access, and the ability to remove the AppOwls24 branding.
AppOwls24 Enterprise: $59 Designed for users looking to launch their own mobile app development agency, the Enterprise package includes a white-label solution, a reseller license, and a range of agency-focused tools.
AppOwls24 Whitelabel: $297 The Whitelabel upgrade allows users to completely rebrand the AppOwls24 interface and create their own mobile app software business.
AppOwls24 DFY: $197 The DFY (Done-For-You) package offers a curated collection of pre-built mobile apps, custom logo design, and personalized setup services.
In addition to the standard pricing, AppOwls24 also offers a special bundle deal that provides exceptional value for users. The AppOwls24 Bundle, priced at $317, unlocks access to the Ultimate, Professional, Enterprise, Whitelabel, and DFY packages, along with a range of exclusive bonuses and training resources.
This bundle deal represents a significant saving compared to purchasing the individual upgrades separately, making it an attractive option for users who envision leveraging the full power of the AppOwls24 platform.
It's worth noting that during the initial launch period, AppOwls24 is offering an early bird discount, allowing users to access the Standard package at a discounted price of $37. This limited-time offer is designed to incentivize early adopters and ensure that the platform's revolutionary capabilities are accessible to a wider audience.
Whether you opt for the Standard package, the comprehensive Bundle, or any of the individual upgrades, AppOwls24 provides a scalable and cost-effective solution for mobile app creation and monetization, catering to the diverse needs of entrepreneurs, marketers, and app development agencies.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here

Who Created AppOwls24?

AppOwls24 is the brainchild of Abhi Dwivedi, a seasoned entrepreneur, software developer, and the co-founder of VineaSX Solutions LLC. Abhi has a long-standing track record of success in the online marketing and software creation industries, having launched multiple best-selling products and built a reputation as a trusted leader in the JVZoo community.
Abhi's passion for empowering entrepreneurs and small business owners to leverage the power of technology has been a driving force behind the development of AppOwls24. Recognizing the immense potential of the mobile app industry and the challenges faced by traditional app development processes, Abhi set out to create a solution that would democratize mobile app creation, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.
With a deep understanding of the pain points and evolving needs of modern businesses, Abhi and his team of talented developers and designers have meticulously crafted AppOwls24 to be a game-changer in the mobile app development landscape. Through the incorporation of cutting-edge AI technology, a user-friendly interface, and a comprehensive suite of features, Abhi has positioned AppOwls24 as a transformative tool that can help users unlock new revenue streams and achieve their business goals.
Abhi's commitment to customer satisfaction and his track record of delivering high-quality, results-driven products have been instrumental in the development and success of AppOwls24. As the platform continues to evolve and expand its capabilities, users can rest assured that they are in the hands of an experienced and dedicated team, led by Abhi Dwivedi, that is dedicated to their success.

AppOwls24 Launch and Access

AppOwls24 is slated for launch on April 30th, 2024, with a highly anticipated prelaunch webinar scheduled for April 29th and April 30th.

AppOwls24 Bonuses

To further sweeten the deal for early adopters of AppOwls24, the platform's creators have prepared an impressive lineup of exclusive bonuses that will be available during the launch period. These bonuses are designed to provide users with additional tools and resources to maximize their success with the platform.
Bonus #1: Advanced Analytics and Reporting This bonus grants users access to a comprehensive analytics and reporting dashboard, allowing them to gain a bird's-eye view of their mobile app portfolio. Users can easily track the performance of their apps, monitor user engagement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their mobile app strategies.
Bonus #2: Free Cloud Storage AppOwls24 Ultimate users will receive free cloud storage for hosting and saving all the mobile app pages, stores, and blogs they create using the platform. This bonus provides users with added convenience and peace of mind, ensuring their content is securely backed up and accessible from anywhere.
Bonus #3: Waived Setup and Monthly Fees For a limited time during the launch, AppOwls24 is waiving the standard setup and monthly fees, allowing users to access the platform's full suite of features with a one-time payment. This exclusive offer represents significant savings, making the platform even more accessible for entrepreneurs and small business owners.
Bonus #4: TikTok Traffic Generation Training This bonus provides users with a comprehensive video guide on leveraging the power of TikTok to drive traffic and promote their mobile apps. The training covers the ins and outs of creating successful TikTok marketing campaigns, catering to the platform's unique audience and engagement dynamics.
Bonus #5: WP TubeLeads Plugin The WP TubeLeads plugin is a valuable bonus that helps users enhance the user engagement of their YouTube videos and grow their email lists. By integrating this plugin with their mobile apps, users can maximize the impact of their video content and convert more leads.
Bonus #6: Underground Traffic Sources Training This bonus offers users access to a training module that reveals lesser-known, yet highly effective traffic generation techniques. By tapping into these "underground" sources, users can drive targeted traffic to their mobile apps and stand out from the competition.
These bonuses, coupled with the powerful features and capabilities of AppOwls24, make the platform an even more compelling choice for users looking to capitalize on the mobile app development industry. By taking advantage of these exclusive offers, users can amplify their success and maximize the return on their investment in AppOwls24.

Should You Use AppOwls24?

If you're an entrepreneur, marketer, or small business owner looking to capitalize on the booming mobile app industry, AppOwls24 is a compelling solution worth serious consideration. The platform's innovative AI-powered technology, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive suite of features make it an attractive option for users of all skill levels.
Here are a few key reasons why you should consider investing in AppOwls24:
  1. Ease of Use and Accessibility: AppOwls24 is designed to be highly intuitive and accessible, allowing even those without any prior coding or design experience to create professional-grade mobile apps. This low barrier to entry is a significant advantage, especially for small businesses and solo entrepreneurs.
  2. Scalable and Versatile: The platform's ability to create and manage up to 100 mobile apps, coupled with its diverse monetization options, make it a scalable and versatile solution. Whether you're looking to build a mobile app for your own business or offer mobile app development services, AppOwls24 provides the tools and functionality to support your growth.
  3. Cost-Effective and Profitable: Compared to the high costs associated with traditional app development, AppOwls24 offers a more affordable and profitable alternative. The platform's one-time pricing and ability to help users generate revenue through their mobile apps make it a financially viable option.
  4. Comprehensive Features and Capabilities: AppOwls24's feature-rich platform, including ecommerce integration, loyalty programs, membership capabilities, and advanced customization options, allows users to create truly engaging and functional mobile apps that can drive business success.
  5. Dedicated Support and Regular Updates: The platform's 12-month support and consistent updates ensure that users can rely on a reliable and continuously improving solution, reducing the burden of maintaining and enhancing their mobile apps.
However, it's important to consider the potential drawbacks of the platform, such as the dependency on the platform for hosting and publishing, the limited flexibility for advanced coding requirements, and the ongoing subscription costs for higher-tier plans.
Ultimately, the decision to invest in AppOwls24 should be based on a careful evaluation of your specific business needs, budget, and long-term goals. If the platform's strengths align with your objectives and you can overlook the potential drawbacks, AppOwls24 may be the perfect solution to help you capitalize on the growing mobile app industry and drive the success of your business.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here


In the competitive world of business, the demand for mobile apps has reached unprecedented heights. Businesses of all sizes, from local enterprises to global corporations, recognize the critical importance of having a strong mobile presence to engage with their target audience and drive success.
AppOwls24 is a game-changing solution that empowers entrepreneurs, marketers, and app development agencies to capitalize on this lucrative opportunity. By leveraging the platform's revolutionary AI-powered technology, users can create stunning, fully functional mobile apps for iOS and Android platforms in a matter of minutes, without the need for complex coding or design expertise.
The comprehensive features and capabilities of AppOwls24 make it an attractive choice for a wide range of users. From effortless app creation and seamless publishing to diverse monetization options and scalable growth potential, the platform provides the tools and resources necessary to thrive in the mobile app industry.
Whether you're looking to offer mobile app development services, create and sell your own mobile apps, or simply enhance the online presence of your business through a branded mobile app, AppOwls24 offers a versatile and user-friendly solution that can help you achieve your goals.
The platform's competitive pricing, comprehensive money-back guarantee, and impressive lineup of exclusive bonuses further cement its position as a must-have tool for anyone serious about capitalizing on the mobile app revolution.
As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of having a strong mobile presence will only continue to grow. By investing in AppOwls24, you position yourself at the forefront of this dynamic industry, empowered to create, deploy, and monetize high-quality mobile apps that drive tangible results for your business or your clients.
Take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of the mobile app industry and explore the transformative capabilities of AppOwls24 today. With its user-friendly interface, AI-powered technology, and comprehensive suite of features, this platform is poised to revolutionize the way you approach mobile app development and propel your business to new heights of success.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here
FTC Affiliate Commission Disclaimer: The links and affiliates mentioned in this article may result in the author receiving commissions or other compensation. However, this in no way influences the objectivity or honesty of the review. The author's primary goal is to provide accurate and helpful information to assist readers in making informed decisions about the AppOwls24 platform.
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Front-End Here
Recommendation: Get access to AppOwls24 Bundle Deal here
submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:57 hojichalatte [USA-CA][H] Theresia Nintendo DS, Trace Memory, Pokemon Ruby, signed Valkyria Chronicles for PS3, Parasite Eve: The 3rd Birthday PSP, Capcom vs SNK 2, other PS2, PS3, PS4 games, other video game promotional items [W] Paypal, Local cash, video game/anime related trading cards

Hey guys, looking to sell my copies of Theresia and Parasite Eve The 3rd Birthday, as well as other Nintendo DS games and some other PS2, PS3, PS4 games, as well as a lot of promotional video game items. Will be updating the promotional items/games list gradually so please check out future posts!
-Nintendo DS:
-Trace Memory (CIB) - $53
Theresia (Brand new, sealed) - $135
Monster Hunter Generations (Brand new, sealed) - $20
Parasite Eve: The 3rd Birthday (Mint, CIB) - $75
Capcom vs SNK 2 (CIB) - $55
Constantine (Sealed) - $50
.hack Infection (Black label, CIB, with bonus DVD) - $30
Star Ocean: Till the End of Time (Black label, CE version, CIB) - $17
Gauntlet Dark Legacy (CIB) - $35
SSX (CIB, Black label): $7
God of War 2 (CIB, Black label, 2005 version.) - $25
Valkyria Chronicles (Signed by producer Ryutaro Nonaka at pre-launch event, opened at signing so he can sign the cover insert, never played or used, Black label) - $100
The Simpsons (Black label, CIB) - $50
Tekken Hybrid Collector's Edition (Mint, CIB): - $80
Deus EX: Human Revolution (Black label, Sealed) - $17
Unreal Tournament 3 (CIB) - $7
Mass Effect 2 (CIB) - $5
Mass Effect 3 (CIB) - $5
Amy of Two (CIB) - $7
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale (Sealed) - $25
Crysis 2 (CIB, Black label) - $6
Resident Evil 6 (Black label, CIB) - $7
The Bioshock Collection (Brand new, sealed) - $23
Tales from the Borderlands (Brand new, sealed) - $40
Battleborn (Brand new, sealed) - $5
-Xbox 360:
Guilty Gear 2 Overture (Brand new, sealed): $40
Burnout Paradise (Sealed, 1st Print version) - $60
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 (Loose, disc only) - $5
Tekken 6 Xbox 360 Promo Faceplate (Brand new, never used/opened, Kazuya version) - $95, OBO
Soul Calibur 4 Xbox 360 Promo Faceplate (Brand new, never used/opened, Darth Vader version) - $100
-Nintendo Gameboy Advance:
Pokemon Ruby (loose, will provide pics for authenticity, etc.) - $85
Guilty Gear XX Accent Core (Sealed) - $50
Xplosiv SEGA PC Virtua Fighter CD-ROM (Brand new, never opened/used, seal torn on the bottom): $5
Xplosiv SEGA PC Virtua Fighter 2 CD-ROM (Brand new, never opened/used, seal torn on the bottom): $7
Vintage Dino Crisis 3 official Capcom promo t-shirt (XL, brand new and never worn, Patrick and Sonya ver.): $90 or best offer
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 San Diego Comic Con 2011 official promo t-shirt (brand new, sealed in wrap, yellow version): $70 or best offer
Tekken 7 Nina Williams Official Namco promo t-shirt (both brand new, never worn, 1 XL and 1 Small available): $70 or best offer
Soul Calibur 5 Project Soul official t-shirt (XL, brand new with original wrap, only given out to raffle winners at Tokyo Game Show event and Bandai Namco staff exclusive): $120 or best offer
Vintage Guilty Gear Overture 2 official promo t-shirt (mint condition, worn only once): $60 or best offer
Vintage Devil May Cry Luce and Ombra official promo t-shirt (M, brand new, never worn): $70 or best offer
Tekken 6 official promo t-shirt (XL, brand new, never worn): $40 or best offer
Tekken 6 X Tapout crossover official promo t-shirt (XL, brand new w/tags, never worn, Bryan Fury version): $130 or best offer
Tekken 6 Premium Gift promo 2009-2010 Calendar - $23
Soul Calibur 4 Official promo patch - $17
Killzone 3 E3 Award promo lanyard (New, never worn) - $12
Wii promo lanyard (blue) - (New, never worn) - $15
Metroid: Other M Promo Bonus Art Folio (brand new, sealed) - $20
Soul Calibur 4 DC Comics x Bandai Namco collab promo comic and artbook (brand new, never read) - $15
Playstation Experience 2016 lanyard w/E3 Experience VIP card attached + PSX 2016 E3 Coca Cola promo cup - $20
Viewtiful Joe promo trading cards by Capcom/Clover (Brand new, sealed) - $15
Valkyria Chronicles Japan promo event limited edition Grenade stress ball - $95
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 large box art promo display - $37
Dead or Alive 5 large box art promo display - $37
Persona 4 Area P4A box art large promo display - $37
Marvel vs Capcom 3 Fate of Two Worlds large box art promo display - $37
If you have any official video game/anime related trading cards (non-TCG) such as Gold LRG cards (will let you know which ones I'd like), Metal Gear Solid trading cards, Fate series (not FGO) trading cards, etc., just let me know what you have. Also am interested in Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku official merch.
Prices are before shipping costs and prefer Paypal F&F but G&S is fine too. PM me to get an estimate on shipping cost with your zip code. Local pickup depends, please let me know first if you're interested in anything and we can go from there about location and meeting up at a place.
For pics, please let me know. If multiple items are bought, can work out some sort of deal or discount.
Hope to sell these to a new home!
submitted by hojichalatte to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:53 craenius251 Automate web scraping with AI agents

Hi everyone. I am the Founder of MatrixBridge
At MatrixBridge we are developing a platform to enable everyone to build and deploy AI agents. Our very first offering in this market is Skrapy. Skrapy is an AI agent that can be deployed at scale to scrape web data. Skrapy is in alpha right now and we will start onboarding early users soon. Sign up to the waitlist to be part of the journey.
Why Skrapy?
Use Cases:
If you have any immediate needs, feel free to book a demo and we will set one up for you!
Join our waitlist to be part of the AI Agent Revolution. We have got a lot more things brewing at MatrixBridge. Please join our discord server to remain updated.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback.
PS: We launched on product hunt recently. Would love to get your upvotes here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/skrapy
Join our discord channel here : https://discord.gg/ns8XfnNRM9 to stay involved and learn more.
submitted by craenius251 to IMadeThis [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:46 Appropriate-East-338 Calling all software engineers, do you think our industry is going down?

I would also like to preface this that I am not the best, if I would give myself a rating I think I would be a 6 out of 10 and have been working in the software development sector across a few domain for the last 10 years. I have worked in startups, SME but not yet at MNC or government sector.
Below are my opinions based on interviewing candidates for the last 3 years and here are my thoughts after going through so many resume and face to face interview on why I think the industry is going down.
I am ready to be proven wrong or given a new perspective to have more hope for the industry
Number of years != technical experience - What do i mean by this? You can work for 3 years doing day to day feature or bug fixes and still not gain the same experience as a person who worked 1 year at a SME or startup where they had to design and code a whole solution if you are someone who just do things without thinking and just follow the flow without understanding anything.
Influx of foreign talent == more lax requirements in what is considered an SWE - Of course i believe there are talent but because of the need for ICT people by a lot of company in Singapore, a lot of companies are not being careful with their selection and as such breed a generation of entitled engineers who think their capabilities are top notch because they can in singapore.
Engineers from a certain country likes to blow smoke - I won't say all because there are truly great ones just that I am probably in a company that will never have a chance to encounter one but the ones i have encounter as compared to other nationality all exhibit this characteristic
A lot of engineers are just copy pasta machines - Most companies hire engineer to maintain or enhance codes so there is very little "development" to talk about as long as you follow the existing way to code or "template". As such the engineer does not learn anything unless they are motivated to explore the code base and see how things are done.
If i have to summarise the above points, i would say that the best engineers are all in FAANG but they only consist of probably only the top 10% of all engineers in Singapore and i have heard that even those of FAANG are working on internal tools using their own programming language which are not relevant to anyone outside of FAANG.
I have a whole opinion on using leetcodes to evaluate a candidate proficiencies but that is for another day.
The remaining 90% are supporting the rest of singapore ICT needs and of which i would best guess that 50% are decent engineers but that still leaves a lot of such engineers with those characteristic that i have listed above.
And if this behaviour continues, eventually when good engineers get promoted and the replacement is not equally good, the ones left behind are those touching system that you used day to day.
If those are non critical systems like accounting, hr system the impact is not that big. But what about medical system, airplane system, banking system?
Side notes, of the techies reading this, i would love to also hear some of the question that you get asked in interviews and also what kind of questions do you hope to get asked to display how good you are at your job?
submitted by Appropriate-East-338 to askSingapore [link] [comments]
