Questhelper 3.3.5

Returning player (back from WotLK)

2023.10.23 09:04 DataSufficient870 Returning player (back from WotLK)

Played all the way back in the WotLK days and decided to pick it up again. Boy, I did not realize just how much time has passed since those days and there’s an overwhelming amount of content.
I have lots of comments/questions… I’ve read a good amount and watched some videos but it seems like a lot is already outdated.
  1. Is there a fast way max renown?
  2. After you’ve done the campaign on one character, can you skip it on the others?
  3. Any must-dos at this point? Anything that shouldn’t be missed or adds a lot of QoL or is locked behind quests?
  4. Fast ways to decently gear before tackling Mythics (which didn’t even exist when I last played…) or raids?
  5. Professions used to be… a lot more straight forward. But they were also important for specific perks to buff your characters. 5a) Is that still the case? Or are the perks available to everyone now and professions are mostly to make money? 6) What are the current go to addons? I feel like before you really only needed DBM, Healbot, and Questhelper.
Pre-DF expansions:
  1. Is there any benefit to completing prior campaigns outside of catching up on lore? Certain raids or otherwise locked by completion of those campaigns?
  2. Any benefit for the Garrison/Shipyard other than just for fun? 2a) Any particular “best” buildings, followers, etc.? 2b) Are the level 3 building achievements a pain? 2c) Since the followers are capped, do you just drop the common followers? 2d) Is there a fast way to farm garrison resources?
  3. What are the “best” or unique parts to each expansion (such as the Garrison/Shipyard for WoD as an example)?
  4. Is Shadowlands flying really as annoying as it seems to unlock? I got to 60 well before completing the campaign but kept pushing because I assumed I was close… ended up getting to the point where I had to pick a covenant I chose the Night Fae covenant (I read you can switch later so didn’t put too much stock in it. Which leads to some more questions… 4a) Unlocked the Sanctum, additional mission-like area similar to the Garrison. Do other covenants get a similar type of base with upgrades? 4b) How painful is it to max renown? It seems like you’re sorta time locked because I get to the tier 5 jailer threat and rep gets locked. 5) After you’ve completed the main campaigns, whether it be for Shadowlands, WoD, or others… can you skip it on alts?
Thank you!
submitted by DataSufficient870 to wownoob [link] [comments]

2023.08.22 07:29 BleakSeeker I managed to do an unliberated black mage solo on my Shade in 55 minutes.

I managed to do an unliberated black mage solo on my Shade in 55 minutes. submitted by BleakSeeker to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2023.07.21 06:01 Emoduckky Say hello to my new void Spider <3

Say hello to my new void Spider <3
Found him outside my job hiding in a corner. He was extremely feral and hated everyone. After 8 days he’s a total sweetheart and plays with my other kitty who’s 4 yrs old! He’s about 12 weeks old and I got him his shots already.
submitted by Emoduckky to cats [link] [comments]

2023.03.20 17:40 Corvenos Questing/Leveling addon for 3.3.5?

anyone know of or have a link to a questing addon for WOTLK 3.3.5, i have tried questhelper but i freeze every time i attack a mob. mainly looking for something similar to .
submitted by Corvenos to wowservers [link] [comments]

2022.01.22 21:49 thegreatestviz information for New Player joining Chromiecraft or wow private servers

Beginner Info: If you're new to private server scene and don't know how to go about it here's a simple guide Step 1: Create an account on Step 2: If your country has torrents as an issue or you don't have a VPN click on the direct download link else torrent link on this page:
Step 3: Remove read only from the downloaded file by right click on properties - uncheck Read only. Also click on unblock (shows downloaded from external source upon hovering)
Step 4:(optional) For Windows on Wow.exe right click - send to - desktop(create shortcut)
Step 5: Launch game from desktop(step above) or WoW folder - scroll to end to accept ToS and on login screen enter ID and Pass you created in Step 1.
Step 6: Choose Chromiecraft realm
Step 7: Create char
Intermediate Info: In this link you should download addons foldeor specific addons if required(scroll to bottom of page)
New player suggestion: Questhelper is very useful while leveling as it tells you where to go and what do kill/loot, DBM is essentially mandatory for raiding as it shows timers of boss spells/casts/actions required. Rest you can check on google what the addon does and if you need it.
Advanced Info: ChromieCraft is no Pay2Win and if you would like to support the server in financial or non financial way here are the methods to do it.
Current Number of players in game:
Raiding Reset time: same as retail every Wednesday
Current Progression:
as of 23 Jan 2022 Molten Core has been released and full details can be viewed here:
RAF Info: Since there is no Pay 2 Win in the game however new players catch up mechanic is in place. You can get double exp till level 55( for now, will be extended when new bracket opens) or 30 days of account creation. All you need to do it go to Recruit A Friend once you login on Chromiecraft website :
You can enter the code of anyone on the server either your friend( who does NOT have the same IP as you) or you can ask on Discord of Chromiecraft for an RAF code or use mine like 40096 to get the double exp bonus on all your characters till you reach level 55 or 30 days pass from entering the code. Also note that you can only enter the code within 7 days of account creation that is mentioned in the step 1.
People who have recruited you in those 30 days or till you reach level 55 can help you summon unlimited times to flight paths for example you can DM me /w Wi or /w Vivek if my code has been used( mentioned above) i can help you get flight paths which should help you in questing/leveling.
Please feel free to ask questions here or discord. as of 2021 we are at around 500-1000 pop playing at any given point of time and would like to create a helpful community. recruiting into a social or raiding guild happens and you can see their advertisements only on discord guild recruitment channel.
GL and Welcome to ChromieCraft
submitted by thegreatestviz to ChromieCraft [link] [comments]

2021.03.27 21:59 chappelles new player questions

classic deserter here. started playing on lordaeron yesterday and have a few questions adjusting to pserver / wotlk:
  1. is there a good information source for wotlk such as wowhead has for classic & retail?
  2. is there an equivalent to questie addon? i didn't like the questhelper addon, it feels unintuitive and i'm missing things like seeing available quests on the big map everywhere and not just around you, seeing mail boxes & flight paths (without having to change it ingame), etc.
  3. is there a solid source for downloading wotlk addons? or is it just googling wow 3.3.5?
  4. best professions for someone new on the serve leveling? should i go for 2x gathering? are there any merits for picking up JC/BS for warrior for leveling?
submitted by chappelles to warmane [link] [comments]

2019.08.12 16:50 shoeless__ Let's talk Addons

In my opinion there are a few addons that stand out and I always download.
#1 is Auctioneer in my opinion this is the gold standard in AH add ons I love being able to post multiple stacks quickly and the UI displays competing items in a way that you can choose to buyout or undercut competitors super easy. also adds a price to the tooltip of items so you can price things while questing and decide what to vendor and what to send to the bank alt.
#2 is Healbot this is actually an add on that I have not been able to find a working version of for Classic so if anyone has another option for a click to heal raid frame interface I would love to hear about it.
#3 is DBM just because most raid groups require it I am not a huge fan of it but if they want me to have it I will use it until I learn what to do in a fight and don't need to use it any more.
#4 is Questie has become the vanilla quest add on of choice but I preferred questhelper back in the day but this is another add on I can't find for Classic. I am committed to not using a quest add on for my phase one character for as long as possible but I know I will be adding a quest add on once I get past level 40 so I can keep on track with which zone to quest in. I personally get confused when I do 2-3 levels in each zone and have to go back and forth to level efficiently.
#5 bartender I like to have the option of moving things around and bartender is fairly simple to use.

What are your go to addons?
submitted by shoeless__ to classicwow [link] [comments]

2019.07.09 00:05 DogterSmok Pinging interest for a server I'm working on

Hi, I've been working on a server in my spare time (mostly for learning and fun) and am considering gathering a team to release it. I'm not at home right now and won't be for a couple of weeks so I can't provide screenshots or anything similar but I can provide a list of some of the features and I'd like to know what you think. Some of it is done but there's still a lot of work to be done.
buzzword warning: custom

some custom flair:

I'm also considering restricting the leveling zones to just a couple, partly due to fact that some leveling zones (stv) are now endgame zones and partly because of the expected low crowd of a custom server. Spreading all players across Azeroth would make it very empty. This would probably be solved by having 4-5 custom (remade, call it what you want) leveling zones. Some shared between factions, some divided and 1 main hub for each faction. (might need a portal system or have someone dabble with noggit to make this work)

any ideas welcome
submitted by DogterSmok to wowservers [link] [comments]

2019.02.09 01:25 syresh Questhelper broken? 3.3.5a


I get errors when I try using Questhelper on a 3.3.5a server. Project Ascension. I downloaded the correct version and even tried editing the check for private servers.
Says its broken and stays at 1% loading.

msg: Interface\AddOns\QuestHelper\manager_achievement.lua:166: table index is nil
toc: 1.4.1
v: 1.4.1
game: 3.3.5
locale: enUS
timestamp: 2019-02-08 17:17:38
mutation: nil
silent: false
(Coroutine error in preinit)

Or does anyone use Carbonite? Any way to make it not totally hideous? Seems to really be ugly and clunky but I don't know if it's just default settings or something.
submitted by syresh to wowservers [link] [comments]

2018.04.07 06:56 _xcee Addon advice for returning player? (8 years)

Hey everyone!
I've been feeling the call of WoW lately, and since i was able to retrieve my old account from WotLK that call has just been chipping away at my resolve. Long story short, i remember WoW being amazing with its addon compatibility, and cant remember playing without em! However when i looked up some they appear to have been unupdated for years, which wasnt surprising considering how long i've been away.
At any rate i was hoping for some advice on replacements for these addons that i remember using:
1) X-perl Unitframes (3d moving portraits, unitframes)
2) Recount (dps meters)
3) Auctioneer (AH listing info on item tooltips etc)
4) Scrolling combat text(?) (Displayed buffs, status effects etc as scrolling combat text above your character)
5) Cant remember the name of this one, but it let me bind mouse clicks on unit frames to cast spells (eg: shift-leftclick on friendly frame to cast chain heal)
6) Questhelper (where do i find mankirk's wife?)
Thanks in advance for your help, and any advice for addons you would recommend me picking up too would be greatly appreciated! (ps: sorry if the formatting is shite, im posting this off mobile!)
submitted by _xcee to wow [link] [comments]

2017.06.10 05:36 SinSiiYT Am I dreaming, or is this really my ping? (Gummy's TBC)

Am I dreaming, or is this really my ping? (Gummy's TBC) submitted by SinSiiYT to wowservers [link] [comments]

2017.03.25 09:35 RockHardThroner An Appeal for 3.3.5

Introduction Feel free to call me a shill I guess. I've done my best to write up my experience in the hope of helping some other people find an enjoyable place to play WoW.
Past Experience I played WoW retail off and on through school and into college, experiencing Vanilla, lots of BC, some WOTLK, and a bit of Cata. Took a break from WoW for a number of years, then the first private server I played on was Nostalrius ~1 year ago. I grinded a character to 60, was getting raid geared and attuned, and then the server was shut down. I wallowed of course, played some kronos to ~lvl 30, then transferred my nostalrius characters to Elysium when it opened. Played some there but it just didn't feel quite the same and I think I was just ready for a newer expansion of WoW to play. Part of what drew me to Nost in the first place was the prospect of progressive BC expansion in the first place.
The BC Experience So I started looking around for BC servers, signed up for Gummy's forums and got a beta invite but didn't see anything else great out there. That was until I caught wind of the Hellground relaunch hype. I started at HG around a week after the relaunch, played a paladin to 30. This experience was fun, but kind of rough. Lots of random disconnects and server outages. Some quests were bugged/obviously not blizzlike in their execution. I did have fun though, until I was disconnected permanently and the server was shut down. Hopefully they come back with success, but this sent me on a new search.
BC is the most fun I've had with WoW, but the lack of stable BC servers lead me to explore what I saw as "viable" alternative in the later expansions. I downloaded a WOTLK, Cata, and Pandaria client just to check out other servers.
What Expansion/Server to Play? I set out looking for a new server with what was important to me in mind: Good scripting, no pay2win, "blizzlike," and a decent community.
Tried Tauri WoW's EN realm first. It was wonderfully scripted, but I quickly remembered why I didn't like Pandaria. I know I was in the beginning area but it was still too easy. Also, there is some sort of disconnect with the world I feel when you don't have to visit your trainer to pay for skills. I tried's Cata realm next, but I still felt it was too easy and again I felt that disconnect not having to visit a trainer for skills. I didn't play either of these servers enough to get a feel for the community.
The next server I tried was PrimalWoW. This server runs vanilla content in the 3.3.5 engine. I transferred my elysium 60, a very easy process. I hopped in their irc to ask how long it would take and an admin did it right then and there. Hopped in the server and found a helpful guild raiding regularly. This server had 2 major downsides for me though. Even though content is "tuned," vanilla dungeons were never meant to be seriously ran by characters with 3.3.5 talents. I didn't take much time to test this tuning, but the idea was enough to rub me the wrong way. The bigger issue, however, is the smaller community. WoW needs people at multiple levels around the world to succeed and less than ~500 people makes that difficult. A result of this smaller community is crossfaction gameplay. I may be pedantic, but I want an enemy faction roaming the world. It makes the game feel more real and BG's more enjoyable.
Dalaran-WoW, My Choice Finally we come to where I think I'll be playing for a while, Dalaran-WoW's WOTLK server.
Why WOTLK I'll start with the client/expansion. While WOTLK may be a later expansion, it is where the "Vanillaness" of the game seems to die to me. For example, a Paladin's judgements and seals are handled differently and in a simpler fashion compared to vanilla and BC, however you still had to learn them from a trainer and your skills still need to be cast in an intelligent rotation. If you are level 20, and aggro 2 lvl 20 mobs, you better be prepared to take them down in an intelligent fashion or you will die. You still feel like a unique member of a party, not just another energy/mana/insertresourcehere spamming character. The game world has also changed from vanilla in a few major ways: there's a zeppelin from TB to Org, lots more graveyards around the map, some quests have been tuned or moved slightly from vanilla. In addition to this, how you view the world changes too with a built in questhelper (don't lie you used one in vanilla anyway) and various other UI improvements (druid manabar while shapeshifted anyone?). These all fall under quality of life improvements, either things to smooth out the leveling experience or things I would have an addon to do anyway. One negative I could see people finding here is the random dungeon finder. I liked having to coordinate a group in vanilla, but RDF is a godsend when it comes to getting people to the dungeon and getting groups for lower level dungeons. I also enjoy the leveling experience, so 2 complete expansions with 4 continents to explore is a lot of content for me. Also a bonus of WOTLK (and BC for that matter) is the gear just looks cooler even at lower levels.
Dalaran-WoW's Server Now onto Dalaran-WoW's server itself. Registration was simple and the site is very professional. Entering the server you can't use chat functions until lvl 10 and 4 hours played but you can view it. A decent amount of activity in chat gave me hope for the community. The server is very stable, over the past few days I have had no disconnects with ~100 ping in eastern NA. I also haven't had a single bugged quest. After going through Ghostlands on HG I did it on Dalaran and it was a much better experience even at the lower xp rate. As soon as I had chat functions I joined world chat and asked for a leveling guild, I was invited immediately by a group of helpful guys who raid as well. They have run me through some lower level dungeons and helped me out with some gold. Overall, the people on the server I've run into have been very kind and helpful. Also, this is a progressive server with some progression still to go (ICC-No release scheduled but apparently they're working on it) so there is still some fresh endgame for newer players to experience.
Dalaran-WoW: Cons This wouldn't be a fair review if I didn't mention the negatives about Dalaran. The biggest negative for me is the lower than average population. The world doesn't feel empty, I've run into people questing in every zone and had to wait for some mobs to respawn, but you may not get a group for the specific dungeon you want immediately. Another negative is the server has been out for a while. That means it is extremely well scripted (no bugged quests yet I've seen) and the server is stable, but a lot of the playerbase is at max level and raiding. I don't mind this so much as there is still progression to be done and I was never much of one to rush to endgame anyway. This doesn't really count as stability to me, but some of the resource nodes seem slightly off (copper, tin, and silver stacked on top of each other in ghostlands, herbs spawning in patches) but again I don't find this gamebreaking. Another big negative that I haven't experienced personally is they allow multiboxers. I haven't seen one yet, but I would think a coordinated group of 10 people would beat 10 characters controlled by one guy any day of the week.
Conclusion I guess that's it, I'm heading back to Azeroth. I hope some people in the private server community give WOTLK/Dalaran a chance. The population isn't as low as some other servers and I'm having a blast so far. I may find myself moving to a stable BC server if one ever comes out, but for now its 3.3.5 for me. If anyone needs some help or wants to join a leveling guild message me when you have chat privileges (IGN: Oseary, Horde).
submitted by RockHardThroner to wowservers [link] [comments]

2017.03.14 19:11 Zaydock Best QuestHelper Addon for use on 3.3.5 Wotlk Server

Title. Pls recommend best addons needed as im just starting a new character on IceCrown and have no QuestHelper
Edit: Also what is the most basic map addon as i dont want anything too fancy
submitted by Zaydock to wowservers [link] [comments]

2017.02.05 15:56 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP]{1.11.2}{Quests}{Skyblock}{Minigames}{Plotme}{Educational}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
NEW admin shop at /warp mall!
Stats (choose monthly view)
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.11.2 SERVER IP: or
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Minigames We have quite a few minigames as well as original mini games that are not only fun to play but addictive!
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2017.01.29 07:08 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP]{1.11.2}{Quests}{Skyblock}{Minigames}{Plotme}{Educational}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
Stats (choose monthly view)
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.11.2 SERVER IP: or
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Minigames We have quite a few minigames as well as original mini games that are not only fun to play but addictive!
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2017.01.22 07:01 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP]{1.11.2}{Quests}{Skyblock}{Minigames}{Plotme}{Educational}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
Stats (choose monthly view)
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.11.2 SERVER IP: or
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Minigames We have quite a few minigames as well as original mini games that are not only fun to play but addictive!
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2017.01.16 01:50 whatiseas When someone smegas dark map after reset

When someone smegas dark map after reset submitted by whatiseas to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2017.01.15 00:14 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP]{1.11.2}{Quests}{Skyblock}{Minigames}{Plotme}{Educational}{GriefPrevention}{Economy}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
Stats (choose monthly view)
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.11.2 SERVER IP: or
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Minigames We have quite a few minigames as well as original mini games that are not only fun to play but addictive!
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2017.01.07 22:07 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP][Creative]{Skyblock}{1.11.2}{GriefPrevention}{Plotme}{Economy}{Educational}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.11.2 SERVER IP: or
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Minigames We have quite a few minigames as well as original mini games that are not only fun to play but addictive!
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2016.12.31 22:04 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP][Creative]{Skyblock}{1.11.2}{GriefPrevention}{Plotme}{Economy}{Educational}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
PMC server site, with downloadable content:
1.10.2 SERVER IP: or
We upgraded to 1.11.2 on 12/27/2016
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitators Headquarters are at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spawn at /warp spawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Upcoming upgrade 1.11 on Christmas break, more specifically on December 27, 2016. We will gain another custom plugin that will help us better deal with expired claims and assign jobs to people.
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2016.12.24 19:43 EmpathyHeals Empathy [SMP][Creative]{Skyblock}{Factions}{GriefPrevention}{Plotme}{Economy}{Educational}

You are invited to play on Empathy, a server unlike any other, established in February, 2014.
PMC server site:
1.10.2 SERVER IP: or
We are upgrading to 1.11 on 12/27/2016
Some strengths of Empathy, in no particular order:
1) Project facilitator headquarters at /warp spfhq (for survival project facilitator headquarters). Look here: to see what our different projects are and what they focus on. These projects are run by Project Facilitators. For example, one project is BEAR: Better Empathy Activities and Rewards, that you can showcase at /warp BEARCenter. This project provides a mob of the week that drops a set of armor every week, and people can collect them there, and you can see the sets on the wall at /warp BEARshop. BEAF is another project, Better Empathy Accounting and Finance at /warp BEAF that minds our economy. Each project has its own office. The Empathy Quests, Adventures, and Lore office is at /warp eqaloffice.
2) The different worlds: We have a regular survival, named Survival, a PvP enabled survival, named Atlas, a skyblock, called Sanctuary, a plotworld with plots sized 200x200 called Plotworld, and a minigames world called Minigames. Everything in survival worlds is built legit, meaning nobody uses creative or worldedit or anything like that. This includes our main spwn at /warp espawn.
3) Towns: Our towns can be reached from /warp stowns, which stands for survival towns. Among our best towns are /warp mc, /warp cactdale, and /warp birchcity. Another good one is /warp simcity. Again, these cities are built legit, and some town owners some give jobs. Official towns get some server backing: admin claims, a couple free NPC's, and a few other perks.
4) Quests: We have quite a few quests! Go to /warp questhelp and do /q list. A couple you can do are /q start "around the worlds" as a newbie quest that takes you to all our spawns and gives a good amount of money, and /q start SantaAndMrsClaus, a new Christmas one (gear up, you have to kill Mrs. Claus). If you type quests in chat without / you get a link where you can see details about every quest and a pastebin link to the code, so you can follow along or see what it entails before you set off on it. Most quests are dailies and give quest points. Eventually we will have quests that take away points to start, so it is good to collect quest points.
5) School - EMA - Empathy Minecraft Academy at /warp school is an actual school in Minecraft with NPC's that drop loot with real educational content. Here is the EMA PMC project:, here is a specific class, the top 100 words on the SAT: and this is what the drops look like: and Several of the PMC projects on EMA (as well as some of the projects for our quests) provide sets of items that people can download. We are constantly adding more classes at EMA and more educational content to the existing classes. As far as I know my server has the only Minecraft school that has such comprehensive content, including test prep. We have the complete mathematical dictionary, 12 steps to an estate plan, weather class, science class, history class, Spanish class, health class, music class, history class, logical fallacies collection, emotional vocabulary collection, etc. Some educational loot is also included in general quests throughout the worlds. We also have quests at the school. We also have educational loot for many holidays.
6) Unique plugins like NPCDrops and an upcoming land claims expiration and jobs plugin: we have some plugins that have either been edited, rewritten, or written specifically for us. For example, here is a list: that shows a brief mention of each, and here is a link with more details on how to use some of them: NPCDrops allows us to load an infinite amount of items on NPC's, with custom name, lore, effects, and set the amount that will drop, durability upon drop, % chance to drop. To see drops go near an NPC and type /npc select, then /npcdrops list and /npcdrops show. The /npcdrops show command brings up a graphical user interface where you see all the items the NPC has and info about them.
7) Social media: Type /motd and see our sites, like YouTube and Instagram. Please subscribe and follow and like! We have 115 YouTube subscribers and 700 Instagram followers. Follow us on Instagram!
8) Ongoing jobs/projects: Project Facilitators give jobs, for example, BEWTI is recruiting people to help finish the castle at /warp bewticastle1. Check it out, it's beautiful, and it's being built legit.
9) Upcoming upgrade 1.11 on Christmas break, more specifically on December 27, 2016. We will gain another custom plugin that will help us better deal with expired claims and assign jobs to people.
10) Abandoning Factions: Our Hyperion world hasn't gotten much love so we are going to retire Factions. We are looking for ideas for a new map and gamemode so please provide suggestions below for Factions map replacement.
And of course, our community, which is the best! We have players of all ages, many older players play on Empathy. We also have a very diverse player base and the server is well moderated.
We are recruiting Project Facilitators to lead several projects. Our community is friendly, kind, patient, and mature. I ban annoying people and trolls right away, so you don't have to put up with them.
Unique Plugins and Quests
A good mix of supportive plugins that still maintain a vanilla-like feel - none too OP or significantly game-changing. Flying takes cobble, you can't remove or buy spawners, and everything is built legit (nobody gets to use worldedit or creative mode in survival worlds, I just use we to make minigames).
We also have a set of unique plugins or improvements on common plugins. For example, we have:
- NPCdrops - We have Citizens 2 and Sentinel, and we have a unique plugin that allows us to stack any amount of any items and designate a) drop % rate, b) durability of the item that drops c) the amount of items that drop at a time. It even has a GUI (graphical user interface)
- ELM (Empathy Lag Monitor) - ELM is my favorite and the greatest admin plugin EVER and it was built for us by wd40bomber7, who is our Guardian and developer. This plugin quickly allows me and the Advocates on the server to locate lag-causing farms and tp directly to the problem. We can dampen the mobs if we do not want to kill them until the owner of the claim can come and deal with the problem. No vanish, no stalking players, no hunting down lag. It works great and it's being improved to identify redstone lag too.
- Quester - This is not a new plugin BUT with integration with Migniames plugin and NPC drops we build awesome quests and adventures that have components other servers don't offer, like having to farm a mob until you get a drop to advance in questing. We have one-time quests, daily quests, and regular quests where you can earn prizes and quest points. We integrate Quester with other plugins as well like Casino Slots to have gambling quests, and Movecraft to make quests that involve moving objects. We need more people to write quests and adventures for us! Learning Quester is not hard and we have a separate server we can let you on to test them. We have about 40 working quests but we can always use extra!
- Improved ChestShop - On our server when you do /shop find buy item you actually see what world that shop is in. So you can be sure you're teleporting to buy from a shop that is in a world which shares inventory with the world you need the item for.
Please join us and lets BUILD EACH OTHER UP!
Thanks for reading,
submitted by EmpathyHeals to mcservers [link] [comments]

2015.03.08 12:44 Aerospark12 [Vanilla Addon] Questie

This post needs to be updated, get the latest release from here
Hey all, over the past few days I've been working on porting the QuestHelper database to vanilla, and it's finally to a point where it's functional enough for testing. I'm not sure if this is the best place to post it but I don't know where else.
Anyway, it's basically a refactored version of the 2.4.3 QuestHelper database, with a new front-end that makes use of an edited version of MapNotes. In it's current form it can track quest objectives on the map, and point to the next objective of the currently "selected" quest on the minimap.
Current download link (v2.0.0+)
Github repo
(NOTE: If you download the github mirror and extract only one folder "Questie-master" you need to copy the two folders out of it "Questie" and "MapNotes.")
Changelog (NPE = nill error)
v1.0 BETA
  • Remove MapNotes in favor of Cartographer
  • Added new icons for objective types
  • Added new minimap system that allows for multiple minimap icons at once
  • Added quest tracker and tracking functionality
  • Added objective text to the mouse-over tooltip for relevant NPCs/Objects
  • Added available quests to the map/minimap (based on the player's level)
  • Fixed many quests (See github changelog for more details)
  • Fixed several bugs (See github changelog for more details)
  • Added new debug logging via SavedVariables (Helps with bug reports)
  • Fixed level 5 priest quests (untested?) (Thanks abennette32)
  • Fixed a typo that broke object-objectives (Thanks Schaka)
  • Fixed a bug where the quest finisher wouldn't be shown if the quest had no objectives.
  • Imported the questhelper zone table (This should fix all unknown zone errors!)
  • made it so the minimap automatically points to the nearest selected objective, not the last one in the list.
  • Fixed tirisfal glades (Thanks HammerTiem)
  • fixed a mapnotes bug
  • fixed "darnassis" (Thanks sc2pal)
  • implemented object-type quest objectives
  • fixed a bug where only the first location of an objective was added to the map
  • fixed a few NPEs
  • fixed loch modan (Thanks Keldan)
  • fixed zone NPE (thanks Optim)
  • Fixed MapNotes NPE
  • Fixed redridge and the barrens (Thanks Munki and Atilla)
EDIT: Certain zones (only ones that have spaces in their names) may have an incorrect name internally, If you encounter an "unknown zone" error please send me the exact zone code it gives you and I'll upload a fixed version asap. You can also fix the problem yourself manually by changing the value in "zone.lua"
submitted by Aerospark12 to wowservers [link] [comments]