Gu shen gong traditional

Wasjig 1000 pices number 18

2024.06.07 21:35 Square_Passage_9918 Wasjig 1000 pices number 18

Wasjig 1000 pices number 18
These are always a blast to do as you never know what the jigsaw is untill you do it. They are cute and bright. This one was gifted to me by my partner as he found it at a charity shop.
submitted by Square_Passage_9918 to Jigsawpuzzles [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:02 JulianLongshoals JVL really undersold how batshit crazy Falun Gong is

JVL's most recent triad was about how the Epoch Times is a criminal enterprise. He notes that they are owned by Falun Gong and he expressed wonder about how "an outlet founded to oppose China's repression of minorities" became authoritarian itself, but this misses a very important point.
Falun Gong only cares about one minority group, and that is itself.
They are virulently homophobic. Their founder has said that gays are "less than human" and will be "the first target of God's annihilation". They also believe in traditional gender roles and are outspoken against feminism.
They believe that each race came from and will return to its own heaven. Although frowned upon, they do not explicitly forbid interracial marriage, but believe they will go to different places when they die (if they rid themselves of all karma, otherwise they are reincarnated). Basically divine segregationism.
They do not believe in modern medicine or evolution, and even believe that scientific advancements are given to us by aliens to cause us to lose faith in God.
They also believe that they can perform miracles and that their founder, Li Hongzi, can even levitate. They believe that through mediation they can learn to read minds and recieve visions of the future. And they also consider Trump to be sent by God to destroy communism once and for all.
In short, these are not just anticommunists, they are basically Chinese MAGA or even QAnon. The Chinese Government doesn't often get it right, but they nailed it when they declared Falun Gong a cult.
submitted by JulianLongshoals to thebulwark [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:31 Winter_Emergency_850 Født alkoholiker

En række ydre karakteristika kendetegner disse. Nyfødte børn med alkoholskader er udbredt. Skaderne er oftest ødelæggende for den nyfødte og som regel livsvarig.
Tjek fx de danske politikere der brillerer i medierne. Nogle forsøger at kamuflere forholdet med kosmetiske operationer mv.
Wiki: “In Jewish tradition, each embryo has an angel teaching it all of the wisdom in the world while it is in utero. The angel lightly taps the infant’s upper lip before birth to prevent the infant from revealing the secrets of the universe; the infant then forgets the Torah it has been taught. Some believers of the story speculate that this is the cause of the philtrum, but it does not have a basis in traditional Jewish texts”.
V Hugo beskriver amors bue i Les Misérables, hos den smukke, uskyldige Fantine, der falder så dybt.
Tjek fx Klaus Schwab, div guru'er m.fl. Delirium tremens og vanvid lurer lige under huden. Ja, i sandhed, fædre/mødrenes synder går i arv i xx generationer. Se fx om druk her; Om blackout her:
submitted by Winter_Emergency_850 to borndrunk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:35 stlatos Etymology of Indo-European *yag^i- / *yag^o- ‘ice’, etc.
Lubotsky (1981) describes the apparently optional loss of PIE *H (laryngeals) before mediae (*b / *d / *g() ) in Indo-Iranian in an attempt to find regularity. This would produce *-aH2C- > -āC- vs. -aC- in most IE, and is seen in other branches, often for the same roots. PIE *paH2g^- ‘make fast/fixed/solid/stiff’ > G. pḗgnūmi ‘make fast/solid / freeze’ but págos ‘crag/rock / coagulation/frost’, Skt. pā́jas- ‘strength/firmness / frame’ but pajrá- ‘firm’, etc. Greek -ē- shows *-a:- < *-aH2-, Skt. -a- can not come from *H (syllabic *H > i) and shows that there was no *H2 > Greek -a-, so both from *-a-. Outside of IIr., also examples like *bha(H2)d- > Go. bōtjan ‘be of use / do good’, ON batna ‘become better’, etc. Since *H is supposedly regularly lost in many contexts, but sometimes still remains, I see little likelihood that full regularity exists for all its environmental outcomes. Attempting to find elusive regularity when obvious order exists is pointless.
I believe that most cases Lubotsky described were due to H-metathesis (Whalen 2024a, b) which could turn *CVH- > *HCV-, *CHV-, etc., seemingly at random. This can be seen most easily in Greek, where *CVH- > *HCV- creates a new a-, e-, or o-. Since *H- > 0- in IIr., it would be hard to prove this, but in the case of reduplicated stems, the *H could move before the 1st C, so *Ce-CeH- > *CeH-Ce-, etc. In this way, *paH2g^- would be expected to have perfect *pe-paH2g^- > Skt. **papāje, but instead *pe-paH2g^- > *peH2-pag^- > pāpaje. Since the same applied to *k^H2and- ‘shine’ and *ke-k^H2nd- ‘be visible/notable/outstanding’ > Greek kékasmai ‘overcome / surpass / excel’, kekadménos ‘excelling?’, but *ke-k^H2nd- > *keH2-k^nd- > Skt. śāśad- ‘be eminent/superior / prevail’, the principle is clear.
Other changes in Greek are very similar, creating *H2m- > mh- in *meg^H2ǝlo- ‘big’ >> *Hmegǝlo-:i > Att. mhegalō. This does not seem regular, since *H- could also become *x- > k- in *melH3dhro- > *melH3ǝdhro- > *Hmelǝdhro- > G. mélathron / kmélathron ‘beam / roof’. This new *HC- behaved like old ones without regular outcomes, like *HmeigW- > ameíbō but *Hmeig-ti- > meîxis, Corc. Mheixios. This metathesis also can explain some cases of a- vs. 0- in Greek as the result of optional movement of *H, not failure of original *H- to vocalize:
*tlH2ant-s ‘bearing / supporting’ > G. tálanton ‘*lifting > balance / talent (of weight)’, *tlH2ant-s > *H2tlant-s > Átlās ‘Atlas’
*melH2du- ‘soft’ > W. meladd, *H2mldu- > G. amaldū́nō ‘soften’
*mudH2- > Skt. mudirá- ‘cloud’, G. mudáō ‘be humid’, amudrós ‘*cloudy > dim / faint’
*H2-ger- > G. ageírō ‘gather / collect’, *graH2-mo- > Skt. grā́ma-s ‘village / troop / multitude’
*sprH2- > Skt. sphuráti ‘spurn / spring / quiver / tremble’, *spǝrǝH2-ye- / *H2spǝrǝ-ye- > G. (a)spaírō ‘move convulsively / quiver’
*sprH2g^- > Skt. sphūrj- ‘burst forth / crash / roar’, *spǝrǝH2g- / *H2spǝrǝg- > G. aspharagéō ‘resound / clang’, spháragos ‘bursting with noise’
*sprH2g^o- > Av. fra-sparǝga- ‘branch’, *H2spǝrǝgo- > G. aspháragos / aspáragos ‘shoots (of asparagus)’
*skelH2- > Li. skélti ‘split / cleave’, G. skállō ‘stir up / hoe’, *sklH2-H3okW-s ‘hole made by hoe / hole dug up / mole’s hole / mole(hill)’ > skálops / *H2-skWl-H3ok-s > (a)sphálax / (a)spálax ‘mole’
*tw(e)rH3- ‘mix / stir (up) / agitate’ > OE þweran ‘stir / twirl’, Skt. tvárate ‘hasten’, tvarita- ‘swift’, tū́r-ghna- ‘racer’s death’, G. saróō / saírō ‘sweep (up/away)’
*H3-trw-nye- > G. otrū́nō ‘stir up / rouse / egg on / hasten (mid)’
*H1gWhel- / *gWhelH1- > OCS želja ‘wish’, ON gilja ‘allure/entice/seduce/beguile’, G. (e)thélō ‘be willing’

None of these, let alone all of them, is likely to be *H2sprH2g^-, or even *H2spHrH2g^- (if you consider all ph to come from *pH), etc. Seeing unexpected a- from *H2- when *-H2- is expected to exist in each has a simple solution: metathesis. This is seen in many more words, explaining multiple oddities from the same cause. This has many implications for etymology, sound changes, the nature of regularity vs. order, and other tendencies throughout Indo-European. This idea has many implications that should be studied individually, often leading to additional findings.
  1. blagŭ
Since alternation of *H / *r points to uvular *R (Whalen 2024c), it is possible that *H2 = *R could cause *gWRoH3- > *gWroH3- / *gWerH3- ‘eat / swallow / gulp’ > G. bibrṓskō ‘eat (up)’, *gWRoH3- > *gWoH3- ‘feed / fatten / pasture / graze’ > G. bóskō ‘feed (animals)’ (Whalen 2024e). Thus, if a liquid appeared “from nowhere” in a word with apparent *-aHC- > *-aC-, it would be evidence that the short *-a- was caused by *H moving:
*bhaH2g- ‘divide’ > Skt. bhāgá- ‘share’, bhāgyá- ‘(good) fortune’
*bhH2ag- > Skt. bhaj- ‘to share’, bhaktá-m ‘meal’, bhágavant- ‘fortunate / prosperous’, OCS ne-bogŭ ‘poor’, bogŭ, Av. baga- ‘god’
*bhH2ag- > *bhRag- > *bhlag- ‘blessed/lucky’ > OCS blagŭ ‘good’
  1. *paH2K-
PIE *paH2g^- ‘make fast/fixed/solid/stiff’ and *paH2k^- ‘join / bind / fasten’ are too close to be unrelated. The addition of suffixes *-k^ and *-g^, with no apparent meaning of their own, being added seems unlikely. These only vary by voicing, and the voiced quality of *H2 = *R allows *Rk^ to become *Rg^ with assimilation. If *R and *x were in free variation, or changed in some branches, *-k^- might have remained at times. Also, *paH2k^- shows the same optional H-loss as *paH2g^-, thus *pa(H2)k^- & *pa(H2)g^- :
*pH2ag^- > G. págos ‘crag/rock / coagulation/frost’, Skt. pajrá- ‘firm’
*paH2g^- > G. pḗgnūmi ‘make fast/solid / freeze’, Skt. pā́jas- ‘strength/firmness / frame’
*pH2ak^- > L. paciscor ‘bind / bargain’, Av. pas- ‘bind/tie / fasten/fetter together’
*paH2k^- > G. pêgma ‘anything joined together / framework / bond in honor’, OHG fuogen ‘join’
*paH2k^(o)-s > OHG fuoga ‘joint, Skt. pā́śa- ‘snare / bond’, L. pāx ‘*bond/*agreement > peace’
Their common origin is also shown by derivatives where *k^ vs. *g^ can’t be determined (before *t, *s, etc.). That there is no way to choose between them based on meaning shows that they are identical:
*paH2g^s(a)lo- > G. pássalos ‘peg’, L. *pakslos > pālus ‘stake’; *paxk^lo > *päxk^lo > *pexle > Es. peel ‘pole/post’, F. pieli ‘(door)post/jamb’, Hn. ajtó-fél
G. -ss- shows *-ts- < *-ks- (Whalen 2024h, i, j). The Uralic data should not be rejected out of hand, and that a clear *K existed in PIE helps show that long V’s were often created by loss of *x before *C.
A root like *paH2k^- = *paxk^- might also cause assimilation to *paxx^- = *paH2H1-, which would appear to cause *C > 0 in most IE, producing traditional *paH2- ‘firm / fix(ed)’. As evidence, when most *H > 0, *HH might remain as x in some (like *k^H2alH- > Li. šáltas, R. xolod ‘cold’ below):
*paH2- > Av. paxruma- ‘firm / fast (of penned up cattle)’, L. pār ‘even / equal / fit / proper’
With 2 H’s, it might be more likely to show alternation of *H / *s (Whalen 2024f), so also equivalent to:
*paH2s- >> *pH2as-ti- > Arm. hast ‘firm / fast’, Skt. pastyá-m ‘residence’, OE fæstnian ‘fasten / fix / bind’
*paH2s- >> *paH2s-o-s > G. Dor. pāós ‘kinsman by marriage’
Though pāós is supposedly Pre-Greek, the semantics match *bhendhH- ‘bind’, Skt. bándhu- ‘relative’, Mi. pańt ‘husband of elder sister’, G. pentherós ‘wife’s father’, Li. bendras ‘companion/partner / common’, etc.
  1. cold
Lubotsky’s examples include some roots where H-metathesis seems difficult:
*g^hleH1d- ‘cool’ > Skt. hlā́dikā- ‘refreshing’, *g^hled-no- >> pra-hlanna- ‘cooling’, hlādate ‘be refreshed’
That is, would *g^hleH1d- really become *H1g^hled- or *g^hH1led-? However, this affords an opportunity to test my theory, since such a cluser might be expected to show a 2nd metathesis to “fix” it:
*g^hleH1d- > hlād-
*g^hH1led- > hlad-
*g^hH1eld- > *g^H1eld- > *jald- > Skt. jaḍa- ‘cold / stiff’
Loss of *l causing retroflexion by Fortunatov’s Law (other ex. in Whalen 2023a, 2024g). Likely also related to *g^()el- > L. gelū ‘cold / frost’, etc., maybe by *g^H1eld- = *g^R^eld- > *g^eldR^- > *g^elR^-. If not due to C-loss, surely anyone would admit that they seem related, whether in my scheme or by affixation. *g^- vs. *g^h- in this context is no problem. For other irregularities in *g(h)Hl-, see:
*g^H2lag^t- > G. gálakt-, L. *ghlakt > *hlakt > lac, *kałzt’in- > Arm. kat’n , *kałc’ > Agulis kaxc’ ‘milk’, Skt. jálāsa- ‘soothing’, *jar-margya- > jā́marya- ‘adj. describing milk’
*g^H2low- > L. glōs ‘husband’s sister’, G. gálōs, Arm. tal, Ph. gélaros ‘brother’s wife’; *kälew > F. käly ‘sister-in-law’
Here, G. gal- vs. L. *ghl- > *hl- > l-; Ph. gélaros (likely *gélawos) doesn’t show expected *g- > k-, *g^(h)- > z-, etc. The Uralic data should not be rejected out of hand. Many roots with *-a- begin with *K-, probably *KH2- to explain *e > *a, etc. More evidence that clusters of *KH- underwent such changes, often > x- (showing *H = *x / *R or similar) in (Whalen 2024c):
*k^H2alH- = *k^xalx^- ? > L. calēre ‘be warm’, Lt. silt ‘grow warm’, salts, Li. šáltas ‘cold’, R. xolod ‘cold’
G. kōphós ‘dull/deaf’, OCS xabiti ‘spoil', xabenŭ ‘woeful/wretched/miserable’
*k^xalpikiko-s ? > Slavic *xolpĭčĭkŭ ‘boy / young servant’, TB kālpśke ‘youth / boy’
*kxamanto-s > R. xomút ‘horse’s harness’, Li. kãmanos ‘leather bridle’
*kxaudh-? > OP xauda- ‘cap’, Av. xaōda- ‘helmet’
G. kúmbos ‘vessel/goblet’, Skt. kumbhá-s ‘japitchewater japot’, Av. xumba-
Skt. kardama- ‘mud’, NP xard ‘muddy place’
  1. ice
There are several problems in PIE *yeg^i- / *ye(:)g^o- ‘ice’. Since *-e:- is usually caused by *H1, older *yeH1g^o- > *H1yeg^o- would fit short vs. long V, just as above. Since many IE cognates show i- vs. yo-stems, *yeH1g^yo- with optional y-dissimilation could be even older. Many of these are reconstructed by others with *-g- not *-g^-, though Kv. ǘć, etc., require *-g^-. These could be reconciled if *y-y > *y-0 also (or sometimes) caused *y-gy > *y-g^. With these ideas, maybe:
*yeH1g^yo- > *yeH1g^o- > Iran. *yāźa- > Sar. yoz, Wx. yaz ‘glacier’ >> Kh. yóoz / yòz ‘ice’
*yeH1g^o- > *H1yeg^o- > ON jaki ‘piece of ice’, H. egā-n ‘ice’, Pr. (y)ǘzu, Kv. ǘć, Kt. yúz
*yeH1g^yo- > *H1yeg^yo- > Celtic *yegi- > OIr aig ‘ice’, W. ia
As more support, there is also 0-grade *iH1g^yo- / *H1ig^o- / etc. > Li. ìžas ‘hoar / rime / slush ice / ice lump’, yžė̃ ‘ice-crust’, yžià ‘ice-floe’. Claims that Iran. *yāźa- came from *yoKo- would not apply to Baltic ī / i variation. This would require H-metathesis (after Winter’s Law, if it was regular).
It is possible that *H = *R could cause dissimilation of *R-r > *R-l, *R-n, etc. (Whalen 2024c). This might be seen in:
*H1yeg^uro- = *R^yeg^uro- > Gmc. *jikula- > ON jökull ‘icicle / glacier’, *R^yeg^uno- > H. eguna-s, MCo. yeyn, Br. yen ‘cold’
These also greatly resemble groups of supposedly non-IE languages, which also share many variants, as does *(H)ye(H)g^(y)- (Whalen 2023b, 2024k):
Ku. yaq ‘hail / snow’, yaGo / yaGu / yaXǝu ‘cold (of weather)’
*jäxŋje > *jäŋxe > F. jää ‘ice’, Sm. jiekŋa
*jaŋka ‘ice hole’ in Samoyed (showing *ja- ( > *jä- ) was opt. in all )
*jäxkšV > Mr. jükše- ‘become cold’, F. jä(ä)hty- ‘cool (down)’
*jänte- > Mi. jant-, Z. jed- ‘freeze’
For *-k- vs. -0- in Uralic, the match to *-H- vs. -0- in IE should not be rejected out of hand.
This stem is also very similar to supposed *sriHg(^)os- ‘frost / cold’. Words like G. págos ‘coagulation/frost’ from pḗgnūmi ‘make fast/solid / freeze’ show that a shift ‘stiff(en) > freeze/ice’ is possible. With *R / *H, it allows 0-grade *H1ig^o- (Li. ìžas ‘slush ice) to be the 2nd member of a compound:
*styaH- > Skt. stíyā- ‘stagnant water?’, styāyati ‘stiffen / grow dense / increase’, styāna- ‘grown dense / coagulated / stiffened / thick’
*stiH-iH1g^o- ‘stiff ice’ >> *stiHiH1g^os- > *stHiH1g^os- > *stRiH1g^os- > *sRiH1g^os- > L. frīgus ‘cold’, G. rhîgos ‘frost’
With 2 H’s, it might be more likely to show alternation of *H / *R / *r. Dissimilation of *i-i might be irregular, but *stR- > *sR- is probably regular.
There is also an IE group of words for ‘ice’ with a general resemblance: Alb. (h)akull ‘ice / icy (cold)’, sukull ‘snowflake’ (compound with *kyu- ‘move / rush’ as ‘falling snow’?; *kyew- > Skt. cyav- \ cyu-, OP ašiyava ‘set out’, Arm. č’u ‘departure / journey’, G. -(s)seúomai ‘rush / hurry’), L. gl-aciēs ‘ice’ (compound with gelū ‘cold / frost’). Alone, these would point to *H2ak-ulo-, *H2ak-yo-. Though it’s not easy to tell if they’re related, these roots, supposedly distinct, would be unlikely to add uncommon *-ulo- as in ON jökull. Two with the form *(H)yV(H)K- ‘ice’ being unrelated seems forced, and there is already plenty of unexplained variation within *H1yeg^- itself that does not fit regularity. As above (*paH2k^- / -g^-), the voiced quality of *R allows *yeH1g^yo- = *yeR^g^yo- to be from older *yeR^k^yo- with assimilation, or *yeRk^yo- with 2 assimilations (or metathesis of *Rk^ / *R^k, etc., if *-gy- is older than *-g^y-, as considered above), so *H2 / *H1 and *g^ / *k are not obstacles. It is also unlikely that *-R^g^- is original, since a random cluster happening to contain 2 palatal K/Q is odd.
One possibility concerns *Hy- / *H1-. Two roots seem to show that *H3e- became *H3o-, but some cognates require *H1o- (lost in Hittite) or *yo- / *i- :
*H3york- > *zd- > G. dórkai ‘eggs of lice/etc.’, *Hork- > Arm. ork‘iwn, *Hirk- > *rinksa- > Os. liskä, Skt. likṣā́, A. liiṇṭṣií ‘nit’ (Whalen 2024l)
*H3yonH1os- > L. onus ‘load / burden’, *H3onH1(ye)- ‘carry’ > H. aniya-, impf. anniska- ‘work / carry out’ (Whalen 2024m)
If my *yeH1/H2k(^)- is correct, the same might produce *yaH2k- > *H2yak- > *H1ak-. Since many cognates are in IIr., where *e vs. *a can’t be determined, there’s no way to know how many words in each set are from each V. This means words for ice from both *yak- and *yeg- should be related, by one theory or another.
Lubotsky, Alexander (1981) Gr. pḗgnumi : Skt. pajrá- and loss of laryngeals before mediae in Indo-Iranian
Whalen, Sean (2023a) Fortunatov’s Law in Context\_law\_in\_context/
Whalen, Sean (2023b) Kusunda and IE\_and\_ie/
Whalen, Sean (2024a) Laryngeals, H-Metathesis, H-Aspiration vs. H-Fricatization, and H-Hardening in Indo-Iranian, Greek, and Other Indo-European
Whalen, Sean (2024b) Laryngeals and Metathesis in Greek as a Part of Widespread Indo-European Changes
Whalen, Sean (2024c) Greek Uvular R / q, ks > xs / kx / kR, k / x > k / kh / r, Hk > H / k / kh (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024d) Notes on Proto-Indo-European Words for ‘Chin’ (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024e) The X’s and O’s of PIE H3: Etymology of Indo-European ‘cow’, ‘face’, ‘six’, ‘seven’, ‘eight’ (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024f) Indo-European Alternation of *H / *s (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024g) A Pressing Matter: Soma, Figs, and Fat (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024h) Indo-European *ksw-, Greek *ks / *ts, Cretan Hieroglyphic 045 ‘Saw’ > Linear A *74 = ZE (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024i) Greek *-ts / *-ks / *-ps / *-ws, Brythonic *ma:tri(:)pa: ‘mother’s sister’ (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024j) IE s / ts / ks (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024k) Uralic and Tocharian (Draft 2)
Whalen, Sean (2024l) Cretan Elements in Linear B, Part Two: *y > z, *o > u, LB *129, LAB *65, Minoan Names (Draft)
Whalen, Sean (2024m) Etymology of Indo-European *ste(H3)m(o)n- ‘mouth’, *H3onH1os- ‘load / burden’, *H3omH1os- ‘upper back / shoulder(s)’, *H3 / *w, *m-W / *n-W (Draft)₁eyg-žas
submitted by stlatos to HistoricalLinguistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 21:44 blommish Upgrading. DW board or traditional? (Gong)

Hi! 75kg, gibes without transition. Own Gong Hipe Perf 5'3 110L. Local spot is mostly light wind, so I only go out when base wind is 6m/s+. Last day we had gusts up to 17m/s.
I'm considering Gong Cruzader (don't know which one yet) or a Gong Mint 95L. What would you buy today if you would go for 1 board?
If going for the cruzader (dw), how are they to travel with by flight? Any recommendation for bags?
submitted by blommish to wingfoil [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 10:46 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Dueling Tree Targets

Best Dueling Tree Targets

Ah, the thrill of a good target practice session! And what better way to spice it up than with a healthy dose of competition? In this article, we'll be taking a look at some of the best dueling tree targets on the market. From the most realistic designs to the sturdiest constructions, we've got it all covered. So buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner marksman as we dive into the world of Dueling Tree Targets!

The Top 10 Best Dueling Tree Targets

  1. Durable Self-Healing Target Set for Rimfire Practice - Improve your marksmanship and practice in style with this top-rated Do-All Triple Spinner, designed specifically for rimfire maximum airguns and featuring interchangeable spinning targets, all-steel construction, and vibrant red and yellow colors.
  2. Premium AR500 Laser Cut Torso Bullseye Target with Gong - Introducing the ultimate Dueling Tree Target: a 12" x 24" AR500 steel torso with a 5" hole and 6" gong, providing the perfect bullseye challenge and unmissable target sound.
  3. Swinging Airsoft Target Stand with 6 Steel Plates for Precision Shooting - Revolutionize your airsoft training with Atflbox's versatile Dueling Tree Target Stand, featuring 6 swinging steel plates to challenge your aim and provide instant visual and auditory feedback.
  4. Precision Cut AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Shooting Targets - Experience precision shooting with these high-quality 3000fps, 3/8in. AR500 steel Dueling Tree Targets compatible with a range of calibers, perfect for pistol and rifle enthusiasts.
  5. Best I-Bullseye Gong Rifle Shooting Target for Dueling Tree - Experience the thrill of bullseye shooting with the AR500 Bullseye Shooting Target by ShootingTargets7, featuring a unique 4 inch center target and yellow zinc plated surface for superior protection and durability.
  6. High-Quality Dueling Tree Targets for Precise Shooting Practice - Spartan Armor Systems' Dueling Tree AR550 6 Paddle Kit provides an unparalleled shooting experience, combining durability and precision with the versatility and reliability of the AR550 material.
  7. Durable Steel AR500 Dueling Tree Targets for Shooters - Unleash your precision with Dragon Targets' AR500 steel gong reactive targets. American-made, durable, and easy-to-use, they transform your shooting experience with laser-cut thickness and maximum visibility.
  8. Durable AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Targets - Suitable for Pistols and Rifles - Revolutionize your shooting range experience with Magnum Target's 6-pack of 4-inch AR500 Steel Shooting Paddles, perfect for DIY Dueling Trees that last up to 3000 fps at 100 yards.
  9. Magnum Target Set: Premium 6in. AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Shooting Paddles - Improve your dueling tree with these Magnum Target 6in. 3/8in. Thk. AR500 Steel Targets - Six Metal Paddles - DT66AR500, offering superior durability and easy rotation for ultimate shooting experience.
  10. Magnum 6-inch AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Targets for Practical Shooting - Sharpen your shooting skills with Magnum Target's 6-inch dueling tree targets, featuring 3/8-inch AR500 steel, perfect for most pistol and rifle rounds, and providing maximum durability and precision.
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🔗Durable Self-Healing Target Set for Rimfire Practice
I recently used the Do-All Triple Spinner target set in my backyard and I must say it has been a game-changer in my shooting practice. This set is tailored for soft-nosed. 22 rimfire rounds and it is well-designed for beginners and seasoned shooters alike. The set includes interchangeable spinning targets which spins when hit, making it easier to see and correct your positioning.
What stood out to me is the all-steel construction, which offers durability even when hit multiple times. I appreciate that the manufacturer includes a stabilizing stand, which holds the targets firmly in place, reducing the need for constant resetting after every shot.
However, the size of the targets is relatively small, which might prove challenging for some shooters. Additionally, the provided stickers for marking targets could have been of better quality, as they started falling off within a few shots. These factors might necessitate additional purchases or modifications to the product to suit individual preferences.
Overall, the Do-All Triple Spinner target set is a convenient and effective practice tool for. 22 rimfire enthusiasts. Its sturdy design, interchangeable spinning targets, and versatile base make it a great investment for improving your marksmanship.

🔗Premium AR500 Laser Cut Torso Bullseye Target with Gong
The AR500 Steel Bullseye Torso Silhouette Targets caught my attention with their 12" x 24" size, and I was eager to start using them in my shooting range. Hanging them up was a breeze, and I appreciated the included chains that made them easily accessible. The central bullseye added an extra challenge to the targets, and the distinct sound of hitting it was satisfying.
One feature that stood out to me was the 5" hole with a 6" AR 500 gong behind it. It was a clever design that allowed for immediate feedback on accurate shots, making me feel more in control of my aim. However, I also noticed that the quality of the torso silhouette wasn't as well-defined as I'd hoped, making it more difficult to pick out smaller details at a distance.
My experience with the AR500 Steel Bullseye Torso Silhouette Targets was overall a positive one, with the central bullseye and sound features adding a unique touch to target shooting. The sturdy construction and easy assembly made this an excellent addition to my range, but I would also recommend being mindful of the appropriate distances when using these targets for different caliber ammo to avoid any potential pitting or damage.

🔗Swinging Airsoft Target Stand with 6 Steel Plates for Precision Shooting
Using Atflbox's dueling tree target stand has been a bit of a thrill. With six steel plates swinging around to engage my airsoft BB gun practice, it's become the best friend I never knew I needed. I've found the targets easy to see even from a distance, and the swing mechanism is intuitive enough to make my training sessions lively.
Every time I manage to hit one of the targets, the Atflbox does reward me with a satisfying pivot to the other side. It sparks a healthy sense of competition, much like real dueling trees. The fact that I don't have to manually reset it after each shot is the cherry on top.
However, sometimes the targets aren't as stable as I'd like them to be once hit. The wind can throw them out of whack. But overall, I've found the Atflbox dueling tree target stand to be an excellent choice for home or backyard airsoft training. It's a simple, effective, and aesthetically pleasing addition to any airsoft range.

🔗Precision Cut AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Shooting Targets
A couple of weekends ago, I decided to upgrade my outdoor shooting area with the Magnum Target. I received the set of 6 AR500 steel dueling tree targets; each paddle measuring 6 inches by 3/8 inches. They're not painted, which gives them a raw, rugged appeal, fitting for an outdoor environment.
The first thing that struck me was the impressive construction. The targets are made from AR500 steel plate and are incredibly sturdy, standing up to all the rifle and pistol calibers I have in my collection. The precision cuts make them highly accurate shooting targets. I even found the plasma-cutting process gave them a unique and distinctive aesthetic, perfect for a dueling tree setup.
However, the Magnum Target isn't without its cons. One issue was the weight; they're significantly heavier than I anticipated. I had to ensure they were securely anchored to prevent them from moving around during use. It would have been handy if they came with a built-in hanger for easy mounting.
Despite this, my overall experience with the Magnum Target was very positive. They meet all the safety requirements for shooting targets and, as long as you're aware of the precautions, they are perfect for practice sessions. The price-to-value ratio is excellent, especially for regular users, and they offer a lifetime of practice for your ammunition.

🔗Best I-Bullseye Gong Rifle Shooting Target for Dueling Tree
I recently tried the 1/4 inch AR500 Bullseye Shooting Target. The golden yellow, zinc-plated finish looked great and was a nice touch. The center of the target was definitely the star of the show, creating a unique sound and a thrilling challenge for the shooter.
Setting it up was a breeze - it arrived ready for paint and all I had to do was add a bit of paint to the T-posts and it was good to go. I've shot a few rounds on the target and it held up fantastically, needing only a couple of spray paint touches to look brand new again.
The only thing that could have been better is if the box it came in was more resilient - it was a bit dented, but this is a really minor issue considering the quality of the rest of the product. All in all, this ShootingTargets7 Bullseye Shooting Target has really become a favorite for us. Its unique design and great durability make every shot a thrilling experience!

🔗High-Quality Dueling Tree Targets for Precise Shooting Practice
Imagine using a product that makes your daily life easier and more exciting, with just one piece of equipment. That's what you get with the Spartan Armor Systems Dueling Tree AR550 6 Paddle Kit Metal TTM-DT6-550 - the ultimate target for all your shooting needs.
This dueling tree is not only durable and versatile, but it's also incredibly fun to use. The 6-inch diameter and 0.375-inch depth make it ideal for various shooting scenarios. The 6 paddle setup allows you to enjoy hours of shooting practice while honing your skills. And with the Multi Purpose Base, you can set it up anywhere, making it a convenient and portable option.
However, there's always room for improvement. While the dueling tree is designed to provide hours of entertainment, there's one aspect that could use some work - the paddle pole. It's a bit too short, and users have expressed their desire for a longer pole to accommodate more paddles in the future. This would make the dueling tree even more versatile and customizable for your specific shooting needs.
Overall, the Spartan Armor Systems Dueling Tree AR550 6 Paddle Kit Metal TTM-DT6-550 is a top-notch target for a wide range of shooting enthusiasts. It's durable, versatile, and provides hours of entertainment. Though there's one area that could use improvement, this dueling tree is still a must-have for any shooting aficionado looking to amp up their practice sessions.

🔗Durable Steel AR500 Dueling Tree Targets for Shooters
I've been using the Dragon Targets AR500 Steel Targets for quite some time now, and I must say, they've been a game-changer for my shooting experience. Made of high-quality, durable AR500 steel, these targets are crafted with precision in America using a top-notch Mitsubishi CNC laser cutter.
What stands out the most is their reactive nature - when hit, they ding loudly, alerting the shooter to their accuracy. This feature not only saves time, but also allows for more rounds to be fired in a single session. The targets come in a matte white finish for maximum visibility and are designed not to reflect light back towards the shooter. They can also be easily repainted once the original paint is worn off.
One downside is the cost, but considering the longevity and quality, I believe it's a worthwhile investment. Overall, these Dragon Targets are a solid choice for any shooter who values precision and durability.

🔗Durable AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Targets - Suitable for Pistols and Rifles
Imagine trying to perfect your marksmanship skills with a traditional target on a plain board? Boring, right? Enter the Magnum Target Duelling Tree Metals with tubes. These bad boys make every session at the firing range a whole lot more exciting. Picture it - a fully kitted out range, with the Magnum Targets standing proud as the pinnacle of targets. Oh, the thrill you'd have, taking aim at a 3/8 inch AR500 steel shield, while your buddy challenges you on the other end.
The Magnum Target is more than just your everyday shooting target. It’s made of high-quality AR500 steel, which means it can handle rifle rounds up to a whopping thousand feet per second (wow, that's fast! ). You're getting good value for your money here, and the precision cuts you see are just another testament to the product's quality.
But just like anything else, there are always pros and cons. While the steel paddles are sure to last a long time due to the precision cutting process, they are also heavy and can take a bit of extra effort to install. However, considering the level of protection they offer, this slight inconvenience seems like a small price to pay.
There are a few warnings in the product description, but hey, it's for your own safety, right? Always remember to wear eye protection, hearing protection, and follow recommended shooting distances. You and your buddy can share the duelling tree, but never use non-frangible or steel ammo, and definitely no armor-piercing ammo. That's just plain asking for trouble.
So, if you're planning on building your very own duelling tree, the Magnum Target is one way to go. It's rugged, versatile, and built for serious shooters. Plus, it's super easy to install, even for those who might not be the most handy folks. So, what are you waiting for? Get your hands on these and start turning your shooting range into an adrenaline-fueled adventure.

🔗Magnum Target Set: Premium 6in. AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Shooting Paddles
Imagine having your very own dueling tree at home, thanks to Magnum Target's 3/8in. AR500 Steel Targets. These six 6-inch diameter steel paddles are perfect for DIY dueling trees, providing sufficient upright clearance and a full rotation for each shot. The 7/8in. x 4in. pins ensure smooth rotation for thousands of shots, making them suitable for most pistol rounds, including magnum calibers.
In my experience, the 3/8in. AR500 steel targets not only offer great durability, having a rating of 3000fps at 100 yards, but also have a precision-cut, white-painted surface. This allows for easy targeting during practice sessions.
One minor drawback, however, is that the targets aren't already painted white. But overall, the easy-to-install design and the option to customize the size and shape of the dueling tree make up for it. And, best of all, the prompt and efficient customer service only adds to the fantastic experience of using Magnum Target's 3/8in. AR500 Steel Targets.

🔗Magnum 6-inch AR500 Steel Dueling Tree Targets for Practical Shooting
I've always been a fan of target practice, so when I came across these Magnum Target Dueling Trees, I knew I had to give them a try. The metal paddles are sturdy and well-crafted, fitting perfectly into the included tubes for easy set-up. I was particularly impressed with the fact that they're designed to withstand a wide range of pistol and rifle rounds, even some of those higher-powered magnum calibers.
However, there were a couple of things that stood out to me as well. First, there was a bit of an assembly challenge – I had to be careful to make sure everything was securely fastened to avoid any accidents. And secondly, these targets are only suitable for use with proper eye and hearing protection, which is a bit of a bummer since it adds an extra layer of hassle.
All in all, though, these Magnum Target Dueling Trees offer a solid shooting experience, and I'm happy to have them as part of my practice sessions. Just be sure to follow the safety guidelines and you'll be good to go.

Buyer's Guide

Dueling tree targets are an essential piece of equipment for archery enthusiasts, providing a realistic and durable target for practice. These targets offer a range of features that cater to different shooting styles and skill levels. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the important aspects to consider when choosing a dueling tree target, as well as some general advice for getting the most out of your purchase.

Material and Durability
The material used in a dueling tree target can significantly impact its performance and longevity. Common materials include plastic, foam, and rubber. Plastic targets are generally less expensive but may not provide the same level of durability as foam or rubber targets. Foam and rubber targets are more resistant to wear and tear, making them a better choice for frequent use. Consider the target's impact resistance, as it will determine how well it withstands arrows and other projectiles.

Size and Shape

Dueling tree targets come in various sizes and shapes, each designed for specific shooting scenarios. The most common shapes are circular, diamond, and octagonal. Circular targets are suitable for general practice, while diamond and octagonal targets are ideal for sharpening your aim and accuracy. The target's size should also be considered, as larger targets provide more surface area for arrow penetration and are better suited for distance shooting. Consider your shooting style and preferred target shape when making your selection.

Visibility and Markings

Clear visibility of the target is crucial for accurate shooting. Look for targets with contrasting colors or markings, which will help you better see the target from different angles and distances. Some targets also come with built-in sight marks, which can assist in calibrating your aim. Consider the target's visibility and markings when purchasing a dueling tree target.

Portability and Mounting

The portability and ease of mounting a dueling tree target are essential factors to consider. Some targets are lightweight and easy to transport, while others may be bulkier or heavier. Additionally, the target's mounting system should be reliable and adjustable to ensure it remains stable during use. Consider the target's portability and mounting options when making your purchase.

Maintenance and Replacement

Regular maintenance and replacement of worn-out parts are essential for keeping your dueling tree target in top condition. Some targets come with replaceable inserts or panels, which can be easily swapped out when necessary. Additionally, some manufacturers offer maintenance and repair services, which can be beneficial for extended product lifespan. Research the target's maintenance and replacement options before making your purchase.

Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews
When purchasing a dueling tree target, it is essential to consider the brand's reputation and customer reviews. A reputable brand will typically offer high-quality products and excellent customer support. Read customer reviews to gauge other users' experiences and get a better understanding of the target's performance, durability, and ease of use.

Budget and Pricing

Lastly, consider your budget and the pricing of the target when making your selection. Dueling tree targets come in a range of price points, with some offering more advanced features and higher durability at a premium. Determine your budget and prioritize features that are most important to you when choosing a dueling tree target.
By weighing these factors and following this comprehensive buyer's guide, you can find the perfect dueling tree target to suit your archery needs and enhance your shooting experience.


What are Dueling Tree Targets?

Dueling Tree Targets are a type of shooting target designed specifically for use with tree-stand bow hunting. These targets are often hung from tree limbs and offer a more realistic and challenging shooting experience.

What are the benefits of using Dueling Tree Targets?

  • Improved accuracy and shot placement
  • Increased shooting distance
  • Realistic target experience for tree-stand bow hunting
  • Durability and long-lasting use

How can I set up a Dueling Tree Target?

Setting up a Dueling Tree Target involves hanging the target from a tree limb using a sturdy rope or a built-in hanging mechanism. Ensure that the target is securely fastened so it does not move during shooting.

What are some popular brands for Dueling Tree Targets?

  • Block Buster
  • Barnett
  • Mossy Oak
  • Diversity

What materials are Dueling Tree Targets typically made of?

Dueling Tree Targets are usually made of durable, weather-resistant materials such as high-density foam or plastic composite. These materials ensure that the targets are long-lasting and can withstand multiple shooting sessions.

Are Dueling Tree Targets suitable for practice at any distance?

Yes, Dueling Tree Targets can be used for practice at various distances, depending on the specific model and set-up. Users can adjust the height and placement of the target for different shooting distances.
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2024.06.04 23:47 PlasticRequirement37 WTS/WTT US Big Tea Declutter

Hi! I am moving and need to get rid of a LOT of tea. I am a compulsive sampler so I have many small sample amounts, alongside some larger portions of tea, tea cakes, and teaware.
If you are interested in anything, feel free to send me any questions or requests for pics. Sorry in advance for the trash formatting, I suck at reddit.
Here is the list of tea by brand and then teaware:
Mei Leaf
Kick Back Champ Puer Cake- 195g
~~Jiu Qu Hong Me Red Plum Black Tea- 11g~\~
~~Imperial Yixing Hong Black Tea from Jiangsu- 36g~\~
~~Wild Plantation Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong Black Tea- 36g~\~
~~Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong of Wu Yi Fujian Black Tea-38g~\~
~~Orchid Aroma Zheng Shan Xiao Zhong Black Tea- 40g~\~
~~Yi Mei Ren Wu Liang Mountain Yunnan Black Tea- 87g~\~
Imperial Xinyang Mao Jian Green Tea of Henan- 16g
First Flush Mao Feng Yunnan Green Tea- 46g
Purple Varietal Yue Guang Bai White Tea of Dehong- 27g
Fuding "Guo Xiang" Gong Mei White Tea Cake, Around 335g/357g
Shui Jin Gui Golden Water Turtle Wu Yi Rock Oolong Tea- 11g
Premium AA Da Hong Pao Wu Yi Shan Rock Oolong Tea 58g
~~Traditional Tie Luo Han Iron Arhat Wu Yi Shan Rock Oolong Tea- 22g~\~
Hei Cha
~~2017 Gao Ma Er Xi Liang Bai Dan Fu Brick Tea of Hunan- 50g~\~
2021 Cha Yu Lin Gao Ma Village Wild Tian Jian- 50g
~~2021 Cha Yu Lin Liu Bu Xi Village Tian Jian Basket Tea-48g~\~
2017 Yun Tai Mountain Sentinel Mountain Fu Zhuan Brick Tea- 50g
2023 Young Fun- 19g
2020 Nightlife- 21g
~~2020 bamboo dove- 20g~\~
2022 moon bear- 19g
~~2020 turtle dove- 20g~\~
2021 tiltshift-25g
2021 tiltshift- 21g
~~2022 moon waffles- 10g~\~
~~2018 white tripel- 20g~\~
~~2023 chuan zibai- 20g~\~
2020 mall ninja dojo- 19g
~~2023 karst- 20g~\~
2013 gongmei- 25g
2013 shoumei- 21g
2018 hot brandy- 21g
2014 shoumei- 21g
Basic Puer Tea Sample Set: All cakes included and each is 90\\\\\\\~95g/100g
Assam Golden Bud Breakfast Blend- 18g
Orthodox smoked white tea- 19g
Orthodox smoked black tea- 12g
Bihar First Flush Black Tea- 8g
Arunachal Roasted Black Tea- 6g
2022 Spring wild white tea 7g
2023 arunachal handrolled oolong 7g
Nilgiri highland white 4g
2023 Sikkim first flush 5g
Sikkim handrolled oolong 2g
Darjeeling Muscatel Imperial Black Tea- 7g
Giddapahar Exotic Darjeeling First Flush Black Tea- 10g
Daily Darjeeling Second Flush Black Tea 9g
Castleton Premium Darjeeling First Flush Black Tea 9g
High Mountain Darjeeling Oolong Tea- 9g
Darjeeling Spring Gold First Flush Black Tea- 6g
Roasted Darjeeling Second Flush Black Tea- 5g
Darjeeling Pearl White Tea- 6g
Darjeeling Premium First Flush Black Tea- 5g
Just Paper and Tea (small shop in DC)
Organic Assam 27g
Assam GF05 21g
Keemun 21g
(Unopened) White Peony Bai MuDan Tea- 132g
One River Tea
Forbidden Fruit -22g
Crimson Lotus Tea
I have a bunch of 20g samples most of which I took 5g from to try or have not touched. They are:
2019 Moon Princess
2020 Beneath an Emerald Sea
2020 Slumbering Dragon
2020 The Way
2020 Believe
2020 Baby Dragon
2020 Spring Honeybomb
The balled samples I have are jingmai, bangdong, kunlu, hekai, and another kunlu
(Amazon) 2x fanquare Chinese Gold Ceramic Kungfu Tea Set, Japanese Travel Tea Set with Tray, Portable Bag, Black Teapot, Tea Strainer
The trays of both have cracked but I've glued them before with a strong adhesive and they continued to work fine, I was too lazy to dry and oil the wood though which would prevent it. Also one of the six cups in one of these sets has a chip in it which is not noticeable but I would avoid drinking from it in case it is sharp
Yunnan Sourcing SAMA "MC05" Insulated Thermal Flask with Cup for Brewing Teain good condition, got the blue color
submitted by PlasticRequirement37 to teaexchange [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 20:35 KryptKrasherHS O'Rin, Lady of Butterflies


Hello, Hello everyone! I hope yall are doing good, and a Happy Pride Month to any and all who celebrate it. With a new month, comes a new challenge, and this one was right up my alley. Some of you will remember this concept from a couple of weeks ago, when it was a mere rough concept, but after taking feedback and seeing this month's challenge, I have fully ironed it all out. This is also the first time I have designed a Support Champion instead of a Carry or Bruiser style, and as you can probably tell from my submission history, I love making Mechanically Complex and Unique Champions. A Mechanically Complex/Unique Support was difficult for me, but as I mentioned, I got a lot of good feedback from people, and was able to create O'Rin, Lady of Butterflies
O'Rin is an Ionian, Vastaya that is supposed to be a mix of Battle Mage (or Warlock as I like to call them) and Enchanter, similar to Karma in that intrinsically she is a Support Champion that needs to be with an Ally in order to function, however she provides extreme amounts of Battlefield Utility and Damage, in this case through her Butterflies. Unlike Karma however, O'Rin is almost firmly set as a Bot LaneSupport Champion because her abilities revolve and rely on her allies. She could be a Mid Laner, in conjunction with a very tempo-oriented or Snowballing style Jungler, however she has very little tools in her kit that this would require, namely waveclear, consistent damage abilities and Lane Pressure of her own. On the other hand, just like Karma, O'Rin is designed to forego the traditional Support Items, barring World Atlas and maybe Imperial Mandate, in favor of AP Items as she scale incredibly well with Raw AP and Mage items in general. I foresee her Core build being World Atlas (Zak'Zak's Realmspike) > Imperial Mandate > Rabadan's Deathcap > Banshees's Veil/Cosmic Drive/etc in order to maximize the AP that she can get to turbocharge not only her Butterflies but also her abilities, especially considering that the abilities come with decently long cooldowns.
As to how she support's her Allies, O'Rin provides devastatingly powerful effects at the cost of long Cooldowns and Conditional Activation that relies on her teammates. She is very clearly designed to work in Higher Elos with Higher Skill pilots, however she provides a vast array of tools within her kit. The Butterflies on their own provide True Damage, Nearsighting. Crowd Control Amplification, Executes, %Max Health Burn Damage, Damage Amplification and Healing. Of course you cannot access these effects at the same time, but similar to Viego, participating in a Takedown Chain will allow you to rapidly cycle between effects of your choosing, allowing you to rapidly inflict whatever effects you want while in the middle of combat. In addition, her actual abilities provide Knock backs, Stuns, Heals, Shields, and of course work with her butterflies, creating a very potent Support Champion, at the cost of being incredibly squishy, incredibly complex and incredibly team reliant. More specific detail will be talked about in the Analysis Section below.

Base Stats:

Base Health: 530 + 90/Level
Health Regen: 4.0 + 0.5/Level
Base Mana: 400 +35/Level
Mana Regen: 7 + 0.5/Level
Armor: 30 + 4/Level
Magic Resist: 28+ 2/Level
Base AD: 50
Base AP: 70
Movement Speed: 335
Attack Range: 575


Passive: Butterfly Swarm:
O'Rin has a swarm of 3 Butterflies surrounding her, increasing by 1 when she reached Level 6, 11 and 16. Damaging Abilities and Applying Crowd Control send a Butterfly with a Unique Effect to that enemy. Healing or Shielding an Ally will instead send a Butterfly to them, empowering them to send a Butterfly of their own via the same conditions. Butterflies will stay with Allies for 15 seconds, before returning to O'Rin. If an Ally dies while bonded to a Butterfly, the Butterfly will immediately return to O'Rin.
Enemies can only be affected by a Butterfly' sent from the same Host every 10 seconds, unless Monarch's Ascension is used, Once a Butterfly has applied its' effects, it takes 1-5 Seconds, depending on distance from O'Rin, to return to her, and it cannot be sent to an enemy or ally until it is fed again.
O'Rin's Butterflies apply Unique Effects, depending on what plant O'Rin has fed them. Once all of O'Rin's Butterflies have been sent to an Enemy and returned, they must be fed again for the next 1.5 seconds, during which they are unable to be sent to an Enemy or Ally. O'Rin can choose what plant to feed them, to change what effect they apply:
White Lotus: Butterflies will deal an additional 12.5% Current Health True Damage to their Target
Black Nightshade: Butterflies will Nearsight Enemies and reduce their Movement Speed by 50% for 3 seconds. Additionally, the duration of any Crowd Control Effects applied within this time is amplified by 50%
Green Hemlock: Butterflies will Execute target Enemies if they fall below 7.5% Max Health. This effect will apply up to 1.5 seconds after the Butterfly lands on a target.
Red Wisteria: Butterflies will burn Enemies for 7.5% Max Health Magic Damage over 3 seconds
Blue Jasmine: Butterflies will deal an additional 40 + 20% Bonus AP Magic Damage to the target, and heal O'Rin or the ally which they where bonded to by 150% of the damage dealt.
Additionally, Butterflies will apply O'Rin's On-Hit and On-Damage effects only, however an Ally's Attack or Ability will apply their On-Hit or On-Attack effects like normal, via their own Attack or Ability.
Q: Chrysalis Kunai
Passive: O'Rin can store an amount of charges of this ability equal to the maximum amount of Butterflies she has. She regenerates a charge every 3 seconds. When she runs out of charges, O'Rin must be out of combat for at least 5 seconds before she will start regenerating charges again. Each charge has a 0.5 second, static cooldown between uses.
Enemies hit with 3 Kunai within 3 seconds are Knocked Away from O'Rin. If they hit Terrain, they are stunned for 0.75 Seconds, and a Butterfly is sent to them, if one is available and will apply its' effect, regardless of Butterfly Swarm.
Active: O'Rin throws an enchanted Kunai at a target enemy, dealing 20/30/40/50/60 + 35% Total AP Magic Damage.
Static Cooldown: 0.5 Seconds
Static Mana Cost: 25
W: Nectar of the Ancients
Passive: On Takedown, O'Rin can re-feed her Butterflies.
Active: O'Rin gives a target Ally some of her Sacred Nectar, healing them for 50/60/70/80/90 +40/45/50/55/60% Bonus AP and giving them 25/30/35/40/45% Bonus Movement Speed for the next 2.5/2.75/3/3.25/3.5 Seconds.
Cooldown: 15 Seconds
Mana Cost: 75
E: Flight of Beauty
Passive: While under the effects of Flight of Beauty, Allies cannot receive a Butterfly from O'Rin via Nectar of the Ancients, or Items, unless O'Rin is the target, in which case all of her Butterflies will contribute towards this ability.
Active: O'Rin surrounds herself or an Ally with half of her Butterflies, prioritizing ones that must be fed, granting them a (30/40/50/60 + 15/20/25/30/35% Total AP) per Butterfly, Shield for the next 2.5 Seconds. During this time, if any of the Butterflies can still apply their effects, and O'Rin or her Ally attempts to send a Butterfly to an enemy, then they will leave their Host and the Shield will decrease by the aforementioned amount.
Cooldown: 22/19/16/13/10 Seconds
Mana Cost: 125
R: Monarch's Ascension
Passive: If O'Rin dies while her Butterflies are in a Frenzy, the Butterflies will leave their hosts, and the Frenzy will dissipate.
Active: O'Rin summons all of her Butterflies back, feeds them with a plant of her choosing, puts them into a Frenzy for the next 15 seconds, and then sends her Butterflies to all of her nearby Allies. While in a Frenzy, they gain the following benefit;
Once all Butterflies have calmed down, they return to O'Rin and must be fed once again.
Cooldown: 180/120/60 Seconds
Mana Cost: 100


Long Ago, when peace and harmony covered the land, the Spirits walked freely across the Land of Ionia. With them, the Vastaya did as well, romancing the humans and embracing the calm and steady life that Ionia was known for. Each Spirit took the form of an animal native to Ionia, and roamed the land, wholly unknown to the commonfolk and sustaining the Spirit of Ionia itself.
Mirithra, the Spirit of Nature itself, was oft to take the form of a Large, Colourful Butterfly and roamed the land, making sure that the Humans and Vastaya alike kept it proper. Myths and Legends grew from this, describing either a gentle, protective Butterfly that blessed those who came upon it, or a monstrous, cannibalistic flying creature that consumed any and all who dared tread foot on its' land. Nobody knew which story was true, yet all who walked amongst the sleepy forests, along the ivory coasts, up the craggy, granite peaks kept this story in mind. At the same time, others dismissed such things as the story that it was.
Indeed, there where some that took this the other way, and instead of treading carefully, took it upon themselves to hunt and slay this creature, not understanding what it actually was. Most failed, however after the son of a Lord was killed, the Spirit was hunted and slain. The beautiful butterfly that once flew through the forests, was cast into the depths of a dark cave. Its wings broken, its body full of stone and lead, it reverted into a Chrysalis and the Spirit went into a deep hibernation.
Millennia passed, and the tectonic forces of the world eventually revealed the entrance to the cave once more, and this was how O'Rin's ancestors found it. Still in the Golden Age of Ionia, her ancestors nurtured the Chrysalis, for they where stewards of the land instead of defilers of nature. After many years, the Spirit awoke yet again, but this time forsoke its bestial form. The only remnant was an intricate tattoo in the shape of a butterfly, that lain upon the chest of the clan's newborn child. But this was no ordinary marking, for rather it was a blessing by the Spirit upon its' caretakers, that gave them an extended life of eternal youth and the ability to commune with the Spirits themselves.
The ones marked by such a tattoo where elevated to Matriarch or Patriarch of the clan itself, for such powers where a sight to behold, and came with great wisdom and a long, powerful life. Yet for all these gifts, only the first born child of the Blessed could be granted such powers as well, and upon that child's birth, the Blessed would be found dead and a Butterfly would be found amongst the child's cradle. The butterfly would be a lifelong companion of the new Blessed, as they grew and matured both into a caretaker of Ionia and as the head of the clan.
O'Rin was the newest in this line. Just as previous generations had, her mother had died in childbirth, and her father had vanished, and in their place O'Rin was born with the tattoo upon her chest and a venom black butterfly resting upon her cradle. Such an ominous sign was not forgotten by the clan's elders, for this was the first time in history that a Black Butterfly was found with a child. In a quick, panic-driven, fear-induced coup, they cast out O'Rin as the head of the house, throwing her into the deepest, darkest prison within the massive estate.
Located amongst the high peaks of Northern Ionia, within the dense granite, the prison was O'Rin's home for the first part of her life. Yet within the darkness, amongst the cool air, isurrouunded by unyielding stone, the Black Butterfly found its way to O'Rin and just as previous generations, accompanied her as she grew within the the Prison known only as The Well of Despair. Yet instead of despair, O'Rin grew and matured with a sense of defiance. Instead or murderers, rapists and all other sort of criminals, she found instead people who where loyal to the estate rather then the Elders. Unbeknownst to the recent generations, the clan's elders had slowly corrupted and consolodated power to themselves, deposing all who stood in their way, and turning O'Rin's family into a puppet, while they ran the estate for themselves. With the Black Butterfly at her side, these former soldiers, stewards, clerics and advisors raised O'Rin in the ways of her ancestors. Reading by the ghostly candlelight, sh learned of the legends behind her family. Training by the handful of hours fo snlight, she became adept at a multitude of martial arts. Speaking in echoes through the mountains, she learned the Common Languages and the Uncommon languages.
In time, her Vastayan Roots came to fruition as well. From a young age, her skin was mottled and grew into rough scales. Her tongue, grew longer, and eventually split into a fork during her teenage years. Her irises changed from wholly circular to narrow slits, yet her vision became acutely stronger. Through her childhood, such changes where met with awe, and could not be controlled,yet in her teenage years she became adept at changing herself at will. She could disguise her mottled, scales as pale, smooth skin. She coudl shorten and fuse her tongue for a short time. She could rapidly grow out her hair after much exhaustion, to lose it days later.
Soon, her day of reckoning came, for upon her ascent to womanhood, she and her adoptive family escaped from the mountain prison, and set off for her ancestral home. Behind her a massive vanguard followed, made up of all those who who where falsely imprisoned with her, but also the humans and vastaya alike who where downtrodden by the clan's elders. Yet beside her always, was the same Black Butterfly that had been with her since birth.
She and her allies quickly overwhelmed the Elder's soldiers, and she retook her ancestral position back. With great speed and brutal efficiency, she purged the corruption and rot within the estate and instituted people who where not only loyal, but also capable in their place. Nevermore, was anything like this going to happen to her family again, and indeed the estate continued to thrive. Notably, she had her people hide and protect her lands with the strongest magic they knew of. Nestled between a mountain ranges, and amongst sleepy forests, these magiks guaranteed their survival from any potential physical and political invaders.
By in large the estate functioned like normal. Her vassals continued with their life, living in peace and prosperity like all before them, but she instituted a strict return to the stewardship that had been lost generations ago. Her land, while physically hidden, was quite easily accessible, and it became a respite for the Spirits, be they escaping from Human Hunters, or the Azakana that opposed them. Make no mistake, Humans, Vastaya and all in between lived amongst her estate, but only the Spirits could come and go as they pleased.
The heart of this Stewardship, was the Butterfly Shrine, where not only the original Spirit of Nature, Mirithra, permanently lived, but any other Spirit could visit to rest and recover in either their Mortal Form or their Animalistic Form. The Butterfly Shrine was half in the physical realm and half in the Spirit Realm, and was the crown jewel of O'Rin's estate. Humans could come and go, offering prayers and offerings to the Spirits, while the Spirits themsleves could rest, safe from the influence of physical hunters and Azakana alike.
The smoke from prayer incense drifted constantly through the air. Silent prayer took place amongst the Courtyards and Gardens. Food and other offerings where placed at the numerous shrines. The Gardens themselves where tended and amongst the plants, an incomprehensible collection of Butterflies lived with the Spirits. Notably, O'Rin's signature Black Butterfly could always be seen amongst the swarm of rainbow colored insects, for just like her ancestors, O'Rin had the power to commune directly with the Spirits directly within the realm, and served as bridge between worlds, and Mirithra had quickly bonded with her, re-uniting her family line, with the Spirit itself.
It was her duty as the Speaker of the Spirits to commune with them, but it was also her duty as Aegis of the Ancients to protect them as well. Such was the case, when invaders pierced the veil between worlds and began to defile the land with chaotic, dark magic. Yet as quick as they came, they fell quicker still for O'Rin wielded powers that where hitherto unseen. The gardens of the Butterfly Shrine, home to Butterflies and Spirits alike, rose up against the invaders. Thought quite beautiful, the Butterflies where capable of destruction themselves and O'Rin was their caretaker.
In time, she met a handful of outsider, that somehow traversed through the Spirit World and had arrived at the Butterfly Shrine. She knew not how they had survived, nor why they had come, yet all who arrived where clearly strong enough to survive amongst the Spirit Wilds, and respectful of the Spirits themselves to travel amongst them for so long. She met a tall, lithe swordsmen, with a red mask bound to his face, bleeding from many wounds and collapsed upon the forest's floor. She met a Ninja Master and his Apprentice, traveling amongst the Wilds, in search of the Spirits themselves, in search of harmony. She met an armored warrior. and his Acolytes, wielding shadowy, chaotic magic also in search of a Spirit. She offered them a respite, amongst her people and Spirit's alike and it was only their respect of the Spirits that kept them alive. As for keeping the Butterfly Shrine a secret, O'Rin bound all of them with a Blood Oath before they left the refuge, cursing them to hold their tongue lest they immolate in unending Spirit Fire.
In time, she found herself growing older, and with it came new responsibilities. She was of child-bearing age, and Tradition and Fate meant that she was to take a lover and give birth to a new heir, one who would take up the mantle as Speaker of the Spirits and Aegis of the Ancients. Yet O'Rin took care in whom she pursued, for haste was of nigh importance to her. She did eventually take a lover after many years, and many years after that they married, and years after that she found herself heavy with child. By no means, was she her young self that had overthrown the Elders but nor was she an old, demented Lady like the Elders that she had overthrown. Her pregnancy would be long and hard, but she was determined to uphold her duties till the birth of her daughter. In her mind,she knew that her life's end was near upon her, yet she felt a serene sense of happiness, knowing that child would be born into a safe world, accompanied by a Butterfly of their own, and would serve the Spirits as she had, reaping the same benefits she had.

Quotes and Interactions:

Pick Quote: Behold! The Butterfly Swarm takes flight!
Ban Quote: The Swarm will not rest!
Zed: My Butterflies will devour you and your dark magic, Defiler!
Shen: My praises, Spirit Walker. The Spirits themselves bow to you...
Akali: Careful young one! Your blades are Sharp, but my Butterflies are hungry!
Kennen: Where you to visit the Butterfly Shrine, you would achieve the Enlightenment that you so desperately desire...
Syndra: I pity thou. An unjust fate, for a woman whom was destined for greatness...
Karma: Your play at serving the Spirits! My family has served for Millennia!
Yone: The Azakana have been culled, and for that you have my thanks!
Xayah: Your actions are admirable! Mayhaps you would join our Sanctuary?
Rakan: A pity that you are spoken for, but your loyalty is admirable nonetheless!


I was debating whether to put this above, but I decided to put it here. Apologies in advance to TheHerald for having to read all the way down here in order to see if this qualifies for the competition. This champion qualifies for the competition under the Art of Inspiration. My initial Inspiration was from Vincent van Gogh's Butterfly Series, however the specific Inspiration behind the Butterfly Swarm Theme and the Feeding Mechanic is Long Grass and Butterflies as well as Grass and Butterflies. The paintings are an abstract work where you can interpret the paint as either long grass in a field while blowing in the wind, or Butterflies feeding upon grass in a field. This became the initial inspiration, and of course I took it and ran to create the fundamental mechanics behind O'Rin.

Gameplay Analysis:

Writing a Gameplay Analysis is almost as fun as designing the champions themselves. It allows me to explain how my vision for the Champion and their gameplay, while also allowing me to reflect upon the design process and fix any errors or ambiguities that arise. But anyway, I digress.
O'Rin's main Mechanic is of course the Butterfly Swarm that she manipulates. Just a disclaimer, this is the first time I have ever build a Support Champion, however I think I did a decent job. Initially the effects that the Swarm can apply look to be incredibly strong on their own, in fact when I designed them I thought about what sort of passive would I give to a BruiseHypercarry, ie:
However, these strong effects are gated behind some conditions that neuter O'Rin from spinning out of Control. Namely, that you can only apply these effects from the same "Host" once every 10 seconds, or in the case of her Ultimate, once every 3 seconds. Coordinating these effects would mean having a team that actually knows what O'Rin does and can function around her, which is the second Mechanism that keeps her balanced. O'Rin's intrinsic Butterfly Mechanics rely on your ADC/Team as a whole to understand what they do, and how it affects the rest of the kit. For example, Flight of Beauty is a shielding ability, but it can also be turned into an Offensive Ability at the cost of the Shield itself. The final effect that gates O'Rin, is the fact that all of her Butterflies have the same effect, which means that based on your Gamestate and Team Composition, you may want a different effect. For example, if you have a high octane, early game comp, White Lotus and Blue Jasmine are going to be more valuable compared to Black Nightshade or Red Wisteria. Consequently, if you are facing a heavy BruiseTank/Juggernaut Comp, then Red Wisteria and Green Hemlock will be more valuable. Even if you are skirmishing in 2v2s instead of 5v5s, then Black Nightshade would be more valuable then anything else, because you can lock down and kill the carry int he skirmish fast. What ability to use and spread to your Allies is going to depend on a lot of factors, and having a good team that can capitalize on your decision is also important for O'Rin to function properly
As mentioned, Flight of Beauty and Nectar of the Ancients are the abilities that synergize the best with the overall Butterfly Mechanic. Nectar of the Ancients is a decently strong, scaling heal, but more importantly this is the main way that O'Rin can get a Butterfly onto an Ally. Butterflies will only go to an Ally if O'Rin can heal or Shield them, so she needs one of each type of ability. The Heal itself scales incredibly with AP and also applies a MS Bonus that scales with rank in how long it lasts and how large the bonus is. Truth be told, this is a very powerful ability on its' own, but combine it an the Butterfly Mechanic, and you have an Enchanter that is unquely suited for more aggressive ADCs instead of scaling Hyper Carries. Flight of Beauty is the shielding ability, and uniquely it scale not only with rank, with AP but also with Butterflies. Specifically, the AP Ratio increases with Rank, and because O'Rin intrinsically scales the amount of Butterflies that she has, it also increases the total Shielding AP Ratio that is used.
Then we come to the Coup de Grace of the kit, Monarch's Acension. In essence, t is really simple, because it is a huge stat boost at the end of the day, but it allows O'Rin to make her Buttrflies and in extension her teammates extremely lethal and punishing. First, it automatically allows O'Rin to re-feed her Butterflies, which means that she can change what effect they apply just before or just after a teamfigth starts. From there it provides utility, such as the ability to re-apply effects on the same target every 3 seconds instead of 10, as well as being able to apply said effects 3 times instead of 1 before needing to be fed. This makes her O'Rin absolutely lethal in team fights, as applying something like Black Nightshade or White Lotus on a significantly lower cooldown and with the ability to do it multiple times means that unless O'Rin is dealt with immediately or before a fight, it will be very hard to combat, given the sheer amount of stats and effects that she allows her team to apply. However, killing O'Rin will dissipate the swarm, and therefore if you can kill her early in the fight, then the combat pressure she applies will also be gone
The main point behind having such High AP Ratios that scale as hard as they do was to incentivize O'Rin to not build Support Items, but rather AP/Mage Items. All of her abilities scale incredibly hard with AP, and this is because I wanted to push her towards a more Karma-esque build path. My intended, or rather predicted build path would be a World Atlas (into Zak'Zak's Realmspike) into a Blackfiretorch, followed by an Imperial Mandateand finished by a Rabadan's Deathcap. This gives the Mana and Raw AP, which O'Rin desperately needs/wants to turbo charge her abilities, whilst till providing some form of Support Utility. Namely, Imperial Mandate is arguably the best Support Item in the game, and O'Rin perfectly synergies with it, given her poke with Chrysalis Kunai and the Crowd Control Effects on Black Nightshade. Dipping into Imperial Mandate reduces the total amount of AP you can get in 3 items, which realistically Supports most commonly hit only 3 items or so, but the Coordinated Fire effect synergizes too much with the kit to not dip into it. Blackfire Torch gives her the Mana she needs, and also AP, but more importantly the Burn from BFT will spread via her Butterflies that deal damage. This means that with the help of her Allies, she can very quickly spread the Burn to many enemies, which in turn amplifies her AP temporarily, which in turn amplifies her Healing and Shielding. Rabadan's Deathcap is a must for any AP Centric Build, so that is why its the Capstone of this build.
Rune Wise, I actually think that O'Rin would take Unsealed Spellbook more then any other Keystone Rune. She is unique in that she does not really benefit from any other runes specifically, as the entire kit is really around enabling her teammates, but on the flip side, the traditional support runes really do not feel like they would fit either. Summon Aery would be the other potential Keystone Rune, but at the same time O'Rin actually benefits from being able to cycle her Summoner Spells because it would give her the flexibility she needs in order to survive or switch gears to help her teammates. Beyond that, I catered her Base Stats to be very Mana Hungry, so going Inspiration Primary with Boots + Biscuits > Sorcery Secondary with Mana Runes would probably be her most optimal Rune page.
Finally, in terms of weakness, O'Rin is designed to be incredibly squishy and immobile. Her Cooldowns are pretty long, and her envisioned build path has little little CDR. As well, her abilities are impactful when used offensively or on other people, so not wasting it on herself and using it on the proper target is important. Additionally, her high dependence on AP means that she is goign to be buying the most expensive item in the game, being Rabadan's Deathcap, which not only has a terrible buildpath but is coming off the income of a Support. In total, O'Rin really wants to play aggressively and snowball her lane matchups, while simultaneously being incredibly squishy and immobile. As well, she wants to be paired up with an aggressive ADC, which means that she will often be putting herself in danger, but if she can be piloted correctly, she can take over games on her own, given how strong her Butterflies are and how fasts he scales with AP.
submitted by KryptKrasherHS to LoLChampConcepts [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 13:01 Federal-Quality7763 Flight AAAAAAA

Flight AAAAAAA submitted by Federal-Quality7763 to flightradar24 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:50 Electrical-Bug2025 Can anyone help translate this line?

So idk if people here know traditional Chinese but there’s an interesting text about manichaeanism with one line which stumped the translator. There are many other puzzling things here, like Laozi and the quicksand or the prophet Sien yi, or the notion that Manichaeans “usurped the dynastic application.”
Anyway here is the text
And here is a rough English translation based off the French translation provided
Mount Houa-piao of the sub-prefecture of Tsin-kiang of the prefecture of Ts'iuan-tcheou' is linked to the mountains of the Supernatural Spring; its two magpies stand up in horns like houa-piao. On the slope at the back of the mountain there is a rustic chapel which dates from the Yuan period. Sacrifices are made there to Buddha Mâni. The Buddha Mâni has the name “Bright Buddha Mo-mo-ni"; he is a man from the country of Sou-lin; he is another Buddha; his name is “the envoy of the Great Light, to complete knowledge.”
It is said that, more than five hundred years after Lao-tseu had penetrated to the West in the Quicksands, in the year wou-tseu (208 A.D.) of the period of the Emperor Hien of Han he metamorphosed into a pomegranate. The wife of King Pa-ti ate the pomegranate and found it in good taste; as a result she became pregnant. When the time came, the child came out splitting the chest of his mother. The pomegranate, it’s a grenade.
This story is of the same order as that of entering the plum tree and exiting on the left side (???). His religion was called luminous; in clothing he esteemed the white; in the morning, he paid homage to the sun; in the evening, he paid homage to the moon. He had a complete view of the nature of dharma, and pushed to the limit the effort to better clarify it. He said: What comes close to your nature is my being; which approaches my being, it is your nature.
In short, he brought together in one the doctrines of Sakya and of Laozi. He spread his religion in countries like the Ta-che (Arabs), the Fou-lin (Mediterranean East), the [T'ou-]houo-lo (Tokharestan), the Po-sseu ( Persian). [The year] ping-siu (266) of the period t'ai- che of Emperor Wu of Tsin, he died in Persia. He entrusted his doctrine to a mou-chö leader. Mou-chö, under the reign of Kao Tsong of T'ang (650-683), spread his religion in the Middle Kingdom. Then, at the time of Wou Tsö-t'ien (684-704), an eminent disciple of the mou-cho, the fou-to-tan Mi-wou-mo-sseu, in turn came to the Court. The Buddhist monks were jealous of him and slandered him, and there were struggles and difficulties between them; [but Wou] Tsö-t'ien was pleased with the words of the [fou-to-tan], and detained him to make him explain his holy books. In [the] k'ai yuan period (713-741), a Ta-yun-kouang-ming temple was built and homage was paid to him. He himself said that in his country there had been at the beginning two saints, called Sien-yi (Previous Thought") and Yi-chou (Išo, Jesus). This is how with us, in China, we speak of Pan Gu. The word “mo” means great. Of their sacred books, there are seven works. They [also) have the Houa hou king where the story of Lao-tzu penetrating the West into the Quicksands to be born in the [land of] Sou-lin is told. In the houei-tch'ang [period] (841-846), religious people were suppressed in large numbers; the religion of Light was included in this suppression. There was the master of the Law Hou-lou who came to Fou-t'ang. He gave [his teaching] to companions at the Three Mountains, and came traveling to the commandery of Ts'iuan; he died there and was buried at the foot of a mountain north of the commandery. In the Che-Tao [period] (995—997), a scholar from Houai-ngan, Li Ting-yu, found an image of the Buddha [Mâni]) on a magician’s display in the capital; it was sold to him for 50,000 coins, and [thus] the false traits spread throughout the Min (Fou-kien) . During the reign of Tchen-tsong (998-1022), a scholar from Min (Fou-kien), Lin Che-tchang, presented the [Manichean] holy books, which were kept in custody at the official college of Fou -tcheou), When T'ai-tsou of the imperial dynasty calmed the empire, he gave the three religions to the people as their rule. Furthermore he was unhappy that the Manichaeans in the name of their religion, usurped the dynastic appellation. He drove out their followers and destroyed their temples. Chairman of the Ministry of Finance Yu Sin and Chairman of the Ministry of Rites Yang Long addressed the throne to have this [proscription] stopped; this resulted in the matter being set aside and closed . At present , among the people, those who follow the practices of the [Manicheans ] use incantation formulas which are called “the master's recipe"; they are not very visible. Behind the chapel , there are the Ten Thousand Stone Peak (Wan-che-fong), the Jade Spring, the Hundred Steps of the Cloud Staircase (Yun-ti-po-ki ), as well as engraved notices by visitors on the rocks.
submitted by Electrical-Bug2025 to China [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:11 Julian0802 An absurd standard answer I can’t understand

An absurd standard answer I can’t understand
「Peking opera is one of the five major traditional operas in China. Its vocal tones are mainly corposed of Xipi and Erhuang, ________the music played by such instruments as hugin, gong; and drum. 」 It comes from an English exam in China and the standard answer should be in the blank is “to”!
As an English learner,I would select the “which” for the subordinate clause(the music played by such instruments as hugin, gong) is an explanation for Erhuang.
If I must make an error, my incorrect answer will be “ with” , the answer which would be selected by the person who mistook the music described by subordinate clause and the Erhuang for two different things.
I think I will never understand the reason for the “to” and is there a native speaker can explain it?
submitted by Julian0802 to EnglishLearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 02:47 Senior-Toe4308 Since found the pandas, does anyone else really want to see where the tigers are?

Since found the pandas, does anyone else really want to see where the tigers are?
Since Po ended up finding and reconnecting with his people in KFP3. They should do a similar story for Tigress. Like Po, she also was mysteriously abandoned by her parents and left at the Bao Gu Orphanage becoming an Orphan, and it did appear that they didn't just casually do so. So what gives here I wonder?
After all, every other character's species we've seen others of throughout China, even other felines. But no Tigers? Aside from Master White Tiger, who doesn't count since he's been dead for 1,000 years and is chilling in the spirit realm, from POD there seemed to be no other panthera tigris. Seemed strange to me for a while now.
I'm sure they're out there and Tigress should go on the same pilgrimage that Po did to rediscover her kind and her roots and perhaps even her parents. Plus it would be so fun to see how what other tigers are like ans if they're different from Tigress. Really interested to see their culture, traditions, lifestyle, etc.
submitted by Senior-Toe4308 to kungfupanda [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 21:33 ConsistentPiano9441 'Ppl only ever assume straight or gay never bisexual'. In my experience feminine woman are never assumed lesbian, only straight or bisexual.

Womens Femininity has historically been linked to attraction to men. Femininity is viewed socially as a performance by women to attract men, so women= feminine and attracted to men in societies eyes
The stereotype is that lesbians are masculine. A common complaint of lesbians is they are consistently stripped of their femininity and womanhood- being treated as not a real woman bevause they are not attracted to men. Essentially lesbians regardless of presentation are masculinised just like trans women and black women. None of these groups due to racism, transphobic and lesbiphoba have historically been accepted as part of 'traditional womanhood', which has historically only been white (excluding black women) cis (excluding trans women) woman who is attracted to men (excluding lesbians) so if your all three or 2/3, for example a trans lesbian or a black lesbian this is gong to be even more compounded. For a long time no woman who wasn't white, cis or interested in men romantically was considered a woman, and that still affects all of these groups today.
Straight women and bi women are assumed to be feminine. This leads to biphobia, as its why bi women are seen as straight women experimenting and why our attraction to women isn't taken seriously due to the attraction to men It also means we get to escape the dangers of being masculinised as women because our attraction to men means we 'get' to keep our femininity and therefore womanhood in a way lesbians dont.
Obviously femininity is hated in society and there is oppression against fem women regardless of sexuality so im not saying there isn't, and im not saying that bi women who are black, trans, masc presenting or not attracted to men aren't ever masculinised,what im saying that because the wider association of a bi women is being a cis feminine presenting woman who is attracted to men, abd those things are associated with womanhood, it means that as a whole from a birds eye view of society, , bisexual womanhood is percieved as more valid than lesbian womanhood - we are 'more women' in the eyes of society than lesbians, we are not masculinised just for being bisexual the way lesbians are masculinised just for being lesbians. Our masculinisation comes from being part of other groups that are masculinised ie being a trans bisexual, a black bisexual, a masc bisexual, etc not from being bi.
Leading back to my post, this has kinda been my experience. I've identified as a lesbian abd bi and been both masc and fem in both identities and its been wgat ive seen in how other queer ppl are percieved
Fem bi woman- assumed straight or bi
Fem lesbian- assumed straight or bi
Masc bi woman- assumed straight tomboy or lesbian
Masc lesbian woman- assumed straighf tomboy or lesbian.
submitted by ConsistentPiano9441 to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 17:43 Smie27 Reverend Insanity CYOA 4.0

You are being reincarnated into the Gu world, luckly you have been granted access to this character creator. Pick and choose your perks, etc.
You don't need to pick options from any category except, timeline, Innate traits, location and aptitude.
Start with 1.500 Character Points

Choose your timeline.

First timeline. +300 CP
You are born on the 11th of November the same time as Fang Yuan. Some 17 years later Fang Yuan is forced to join a caravan and leaves Qing Mao mountain. Spectral Soul's heaven defying plan succeeds, however Spring Autumn Cicada is never refined instead Fang Yuan refines blood deity and becomes a demonic powerhouse.

Second timeline. Free
You are born the same time as Fang Yuan in his first life. After 15 years, the night before the awakening ceremony, Fang Yuan's will travels 500 years back in time, and the events of Qing Mao mountain ensues…

I Am Fang Yuan! +100 CP
You are born Gu Yue Fang Yuan, the Fang Yuan we know will never transmigrate to the Gu world. The world will be as it was, when set in motion in chapter 1 of reverend insanity. Will Spectral Soul resurrect and dominate the five regions and two heaven? Will you destroy fate? You do not have Spring Autumn Cicada, but every other benefit from this character creator. Skip the location and innate traits section.

Late Antiquity Righteous Era. +250 CP
You are born many years after Spectral Souls demon venerables death. Shadow Sect haven't been created yet and the rise of an immortal venerable is inevitable. Soul path is flourishing and the demonic path has a foothold in the mainstream, but the tides will turn with the birth of paradise earth. Cultivate to your hearts desire.

Late Antiquity Demonic Era. +450 CP
You are born at the end of the medieval antiquity era. Giant Sun immortal venerable is dead and the Huang Jin tribes are flourishing in northern plains. Soul path has yet to be created and a murderous demon venerable is inevitable going to rise. May you leave a footprint in history.

Innate traits:
You may choose which sex you are born as for no cost

Variant Human. +250 CP
You may choose to be born as any variant human. If you choose dragonman then you start your own bloodline, with you as ancestor instead of Duke Long. Thereby being immune to Duke Long's Dragonman Extermination killer move.

Human. Free
You may choose to be born as a human, a safe choice. Although nothing is safe in the Gu world.

You may freely choose which of the five regions you are born into.
You may choose any tier of clan and additionally choose which status you are born into in that clan.
If you choose central continet you will be born to a sect member instead of in a clan.
You may choose to be born into any clan/sect from the story or to be born into one at random according to the chosen criteria.

Mortal Village +150 CP

Mid-tier clan +50 CP
Rank 2 heir +50 CP
Heir of an elder Free
Heir of the clan leader -50 CP

High tier Clan -50 CP
Random +50 CP
Rank 2 heir Free
Heir of an elder -50 CP
Heir of the clan leader -100 CP

Super Clan -100 CP
Random +50 CP
Rank 2 heir Free
Heir of an elder -50 CP
Heir of a rank 5 -100 CP
Child of an immortal -200 CP

*In the mortal village you and one of your parents are the only Gu masters.
*If you pick Child of an immortal, you will be the child of a random immortal from the super clan you picked or a random super force.

If you pick a grade you will get a random aptitude within that aptitude range. You can roll a 2d10 or use a number generator to get a number between 0-19.
If you buy one of the ten extreme physiques, you are guaranteed a super grade blessed land.

Random +50CP
D-Grade Aptitude (20%-39%) +100 CP

C-Grade Aptitude (40%-59%) Free

B-Grade Aptitude (60%-79%) -50 CP

A-Grade Aptitude (80%-99%) -100 CP

Ten(Eleven) Extreme Physique (Your choice of physique) -150 CP

*If you picked random you can roll a d100.
*If you choose A grade, and get 99% you can't evolve into an extreme physique.

Throw a d10, that number is where you are in your bought category. Meaning, if you pick Ten Thousand man soul and get a 6, on the d10, you will have a 60.000 man soul.
You body also gains the necessary Dao marks to contain such a powerful soul.

Ten thousand man soul. -50 CP
This is the soul foundation of a rank 5 expert. A clan leader of a super force, with all the resources that comes with, can expect to reach this soul foundation in 30 years, 20 if they use special or detrimental methods.

Hundred thousand man soul. -100 CP
The soul foundation of a rank 6 immortal who has spent a great deal of effort strengthening their soul.

One million man soul. -200 CP
The soul foundation of a great expert of a path that benefits from soul foundation, like refinement path, wisdom path, enslavement path, etc. Any higher and the Dao mark interference from your soul will become too great.

Ten million man soul. -300 CP
Only a soul path immortal would have a soul foundation this great. At this level the interference from the soul path Dao marks on your soul would be detrimental to cultivating other paths. That is, unless you have a way to get around this Dao mark interference.

You can buy attainment in a path. When you gain the attainment, it acts as if you had gained the attainment through practice and hard work. Not through dream realms or true meaning. You can only buy a limited amount of grandmaster and great grandmaster attainment.
You can only buy grandmaster attainment in 6 paths.
You can only buy great grandmaster attainment in 3 paths.

Master. -50 CP
You can choose to gain master attainment in 3 paths each time you buy this option.
Master attainment is the attainment level of an expert among mortal Gu masters often taking decades to achive. This level attainment gives the Gu master uncanny intuition concerning their path.

Grandmaster. -50 CP
Among mortals only once in century genius' can become grandmaster in a path. Usually grandmaster attainment is reserved for rank 7 experts. Having this level of attainment, one will be able to mimic other paths and to create immortal killer moves using immortal materials, instead of immortal Gu.

Great grandmaster. -100 CP
Only experts among rank 8 have great grandmaster attainment. This level of attainment will allow the user to easily think up new recipes for mortal level Gu worms of their path. Great grandmaster's can even utilize the natural Dao marks of the Gu world.

Immortal ascension:
The quality of ones blessed land is dependent on ones accumulated human Qi. To accumulate human Qi one need to deep ones foundation, by increasing attainment level, experiencing the multitudes of life as a cultivator and attuning oneself to ones chosen path, by carving the apropiate dao marks onto ones body, mind and soul.

Immortal aperture
Immortal aperture are divided into four grades, low, medium, high and super grade. Each grade is defined by the size of the arear inside the blessed land, the immortal essence production and the size of the tributary of the river of time.
The spaciousness of your aperture determines the room for development inside it. The more developed an immortal aperture the more immortal essence it produces, and the more resource it produces to use, sell and trade. You will be rollling for how much space is inside your aperture.

The immortal essence production of an immortal aperture is indicative on how vigorously or often an immortal can fight and use immortal cultivation methods. Without immortal essence beads immortal Gu can't be activated, leaving the Gu immortal impotent. You will be rolling for how many immortal essence beads your aperture produces for each year that passes inside it.

The size of the tributary of time decides how much faster time passes inside your immortal aperture, compared to the five regions time (FRT). This determines how fast you pass tribulations and calamities. As an immortal at rank 6 or above, every 300 years that pass inside your aperture ascends you one rank until you reach rank 9. Meaning it takes 900 years of time inside your aperture to become rank 9. You will roll for how many times faster time flows in your aperture compared to the five regions time.

If you ascend as a time path immortal double the tributary of the river of time in your aperture
If you ascend as a space path immortal gain 50% more space in your aperture.

Low grade blessed land. +400 CP

Starting blessed land size:
2000 km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
1d6 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+10 = IEB at

Medium grade blessed land. Free

Starting blessed land size:
(d4+1) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
2d10 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+20 = IEB at

High grade blessed land. -100 CP

Starting blessed land size:
(1d4+4) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
1d10+20 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
1d10+30 = IEB at

Super grade blessed land. -300 CP

Starting blessed land size:
(1d6+6) * 1000 = Area km2

Base tributary of the river of time (TRoT):
2d10+20 = x TRoT

Immortal essence beads (IEB) production per year:
2d10+50 = IEB at

*you don’t have to be an extreme physique to buy super grade blessed land.

Immortal Gu
When the immortal aperture is created there will be heaven and earth Qi left over that can be used to refine immortal Gu. You as a privileged CYOA participator, can use your points to refine immortal Gu. However you can't refine any immortal Gu from the or any Gu that was the vital Gu of a venerable, including Fortune Rivaling Heaven.
These Gu worms will be created from nothing, and Heavens will doesn't need to approve of you having these Gu worms.
*Purchase immortal Gu responsibly, it's more fun if you don't break the setting.

Rank 7 and 8 immortal Gu are very powerful, therefor there is a limit to how many you can refine at ascension:
You can only buy 3 rank 7 immortal Gu
You can only buy 1 rank 8 immortal Gu

A rank 6 immortal Gu cost 200 CP.

A rank 7 immortal Gu cost 400 CP.

A rank 8 immortal Gu cost 800 CP.

Grab bag:
Grab bag perks are minor perks that are nice to have but not substantial enough to be full perks by themselves.

Pick 3 of any grab bag perks -50 CP

Pick 5 of any grab bag perks -100 CP

Pick 7 of any grab bag perks -150 CP

Reading materials.
You have a popup window where you can read Reverend Insanity and the Reverend Insanity wiki, only you can read it.

Gu professor.
You always know if an immortal Gu exist or not.

You can speak and read the language of every region.

Thousand man soul.
You are born with a 1.000 man soul. With this soul foundation you could control more then 100.000 beast with enslavement path methods. As a Gu master your soul is also strong enough to beat all but rank 5 experts in a battle between souls.

Otherworldly Dao.
Choose what otherworldly Dao mark your soul comes with.

Slavery Gu, of any rank, does not work on you.

Instant success.
Gu worms that carve Dao marks on the user, like Black Boar Gu, Iron Bone Gu etc., will have their full effects shown immediately and painlessly upon use and they won't need primeval essence to activate.

Mutated soul.
You may choose for your soul to be a mutated soul. For example if you chose to have a wolfman soul, your soul would have wolf characteristics and would be many times stronger when controlling wolves. You can also choose to have mutated soul of a path. For example an ice soul, which will boost the effect of ice path Gu worms.

Flying master.
You now have master level attainment in flying.

Extremely attractive appearance.
You have an extremely attractive appearance, and people will subconsciously treat you better because of it.

Eidetic memory.
You gain perfect eidetic memory. However, you may still forget things if you so wish.

Aptitude reroll.
You get to reroll your aptitude and choose the higher number. You can pick this grab bag perk multiple times.

Perks are divided into tiers.
Any perk that gives Gu worms or recipes for Gu worms may not give Lifespan Gu or the recipe for them, unless otherwise stated.

Tier 1 perks

Primeval wealth. -50 CP
You gain a rank 4 Primeval elder Gu containing ten million primeval stones. This is the wealth of a mid sized clan. You may buy this option multiple times.

Gu set. -50 CP
You may pick 10 Gu worms of the same path from rank 1 to 5, they will individually appear in your aperture when you choose. If the Gu worm you have chosen can be refined to a higher rank, you can do so instantly at no cost when you wish, but not to a rank higher than 5. You may buy this perk as many times as you want.

Mortal recipes. -50 CP
You may pick any 10 mortal Gu worms and gain their rank 1 through to rank 5 recipes. The recipes will use modern materials. Meaning, if you choose an ancient or extinct Gu worm, like All-out effort Gu, you will gain a recipe containing materials that are reasonably available. You may purchase this perk multiple times.

Close combat master. -50 CP
You are a battle genius and you have mastered of Krav Maga, Boxing, Brazilian Jujitsu, Grappling and Mauy Thai. Furthermore, you have master level proficiency with longsword, spear, axe and polearm.

Inhuman transformations. -50 CP
If you transform into a less then human form, you will automatically have the ability move and control your body as if you were born in such a form.

Flying grandmaster. -50 CP
You now have grandmaster attainment in flying. Geniuses renowned for their flying skill, at most have qusai-grandmaster flying attainment.

Longevity. -50 CP
You gain a hundred year lifespan Gu. You can use it to increase your lifespan or keep it for a different use.

Tier 2 perks

Dual Dao. -100 CP
You may choose two paths. Those paths do not interfere with each other when you use them.

Variant Dao. -100 CP
If you are a variant human you gain great grandmaster attainment in the path of your Dao. Meaning dragon men gain great grandmaster in enslavement path, hairy men gain refinement path, etc. This doesn't count towards your great grandmaster attainment limit.

Second aperture. -100 CP
You can awaken your second aperture at a time of your choosing. The second aperture functions as if created by rank 6 Second Aperture Gu, meaning it has no restriction of which rank it can rise to. Ascended to an immortal aperture this aperture will be have the same characteristics as your first one. If you picked Dual Dao and Second Aperture, you may also choose two paths that don't interfere in the second aperture.

Superior Gu set. -100 CP
You may pick 10 Gu worms they will appear in your aperture when you choose. If the Gu worm you have chosen can be refined to a higher rank, you can do so instantly at no cost when you wish, but not to a rank higher than 5. Furthermore, these 10 Gu worms do not need to be fed. You can buy this perk twice.

Immortal recipes. -100 CP
You can choose 10 Gu worms and you will obtain the rank 1 recipes, and the rank 2. etc. all the way to rank 9 for each Gu you choose. That is, you will receive the recipe for the lowest possible rank that the Gu worm can be and up. You can choose when you receive each recipe. Whether or not you recive the whole family of recipes at the same time or not. The recipes will only contain materials that can all be found in the current era, with the higher ranked recipes being possible exception. They may contain very exotic or necessarily extinct, but still existing, materials. Some Gu can't exist at the mortal level to a functional degree. You will still recive the recipes for these, but they can at most serve as reference value. You may pick this perk twice.

Auto balancer. -100 CP
When undergoing immortal ascension your Heaven, Earth and Human Qi will automatically be balanced for you. It's guaranteed that you will pass immortal ascension, the only thing that can stop your ascension is being killed by the tribulation itself or outside influences.

Year essence pool. -100 CP
Your immortal aperture gains a year essence pool. This is a enviroment mimicking the river of time, that exist parallelly to your aperture. Meaning that the year essence pool doesn’t take up any space in your aperture. The year essence pool also allows you to control the size of the tributary of the river of time flowing into your aperture. Meaning that you can slow the time of your aperture to anywhere between the time you rolled for, in the immortal ascension section, and that of the five regions.

Wealth of Food -100 CP
Upon immortal ascension a resource point is created inside your aperture for each rank 6 immortal Gu. Each resource point produces food for a corresponding immortal Gu.

Tier 3 perks

Great era inheritance. -150 CP
You gain a rank 6 immortal inheritance, that guide you from rank 1 to the peak of rank 6. However, the inheritance will be 500 years ahead of time from the time of chapter 2 of Reverend Insanity. Furthermore, you may choose for the inheritance to be a path of the great ere like weapon path, pill path, etc. The inheritance contains a myriad recipes for mortal Gu worms of the path that you choose and 5 rank 6 immortal Gu recipes of that path. The inheritance contains no Gu in it of itself.

Dream realm. -150 CP
A dream realm appears at a time and location of your choosing. It will contain true meaning pertaining to a path of your choice. It will be big enough for one person to achive great grandmaster attainment and another one to achive grandmaster attainment, or for three people to attain grandmaster attainment.

Immortal killer moves. -150 CP
You can choose 10 immortal killer moves. You learn the lowest to the highest rank possible of these killer moves. You can pick the same killer move more then once. This means that if you picked time cutting edge you can learn it again when it disappears from your memories.

Life and death aperture. -150 CP
Upon immortal ascension you will experience tribulations at half the strength they normally would be, but you still gain the same amount of Dao marks. With this perk you are also guaranteed to get a high grade blessed land. Unless you posses an extreme physique then you will gain a super grade blessed land like you normally would.

Reinforced physique. -150 CP
If you have an extreme physique you suffer non of the down sides. You will not need to fear exploding by cultivating too high in the mortal ranks. You won't need an immortal Gu corresponding to your physique to ascend. You will soar through the mortal ranks. Your ascension will be on the high end of what a normal immortal might experience, so relativly tame compared to ten extreme physiques. After this Heaven's will isn't going to hold back on tribulation.

Dao physique. -150 CP
Don't pick anything in the aptitude section. Choose a path, you now have an extreme physique equivalent in that path. Meaning, if you chose sword path, you would have a sword path physique with all the benefits and drawbacks of a normal extreme physique.

Tier 4 perks

Anti-divination. -300 CP
You have a rank 9 perpetual killer move applied to you. Only a rank 9 wisdom path immortal with a rank 9 Gu will be able to deduce anything about you. Anytime someone makes deduction about you, they either fail or get an obfuscated answer. You can toggle this killer move so if you want Heavens will to be able to send you tribulations can toggle the killer move off.

Gu house. -250 CP
Choose 5 immortal Gu houses, you gain the blueprint of how to create each of these Gu houses.

Imperial staff. -250 CP
You gain a staff with three teleportation opportunities. You have three opportunities to teleport to any place mentioned in the novel that exist in your era. Except you cannot go to the 9th layer of crazed demon cave.

Rank 8 inheritance. -250 CP
You may choose one or two paths and gain a rank 8 inheritance of the path(s) you choose. You may not pick heaven path. If you bought 'Great era inheritance', this rank 8 inheritance may also be of a great era path along with the other features of 'Great era inheritance'. Regardless of if you bought 'Great era inheritance', you may pick three aspects that the inheritance specializes in. If you only choose for the inheritance to contain one path you may instead pick five: Offense, Defense, Movement, Investigation, Concealment, Healing, Aperture Management and path specialty.
Path speciality meaning, whatever your chosen paths speciality is. For wisdom path it would be deduction, soul path would be soul cultivation, etc.
If you choose two paths then the inheritance contain an excellent method to duel cultivate these two paths. The inheritance does not contain any Gu worms, however it contains the knowledge or how to refine, feed and use a myriad of Gu including several immortal Gu. The inheritance also contains peak strength mortal killer moves that cover all aspects, and how to empower these killer moves to immortal level by using immortal materials. Of course, the inheritance also details these killer moves when used with apropiate immortal Gu. The inheritance also comes with a battlefield killer move, you may choose one specialization for the battlefield killer move : Activation speed, Killing power, Concealment, Suppression. With this inheritance you cultivation will be smooth sailing from beginning to end.

Dao carver. -300 CP
You now gain twice as many Dao marks, from any source, as you otherwise would. Heavens will doesn't take into account how the existence or effect of this perk when sending you tribulations as an immortal.

Pocket paradise. -400 CP
You gain an orb with an blessed land inside. The orb can be carried inside your aperture. When not in your aperture you can activate it, which makes the orb immobile. When placed the orb functions like a blessed land with a land spirit you are in control of. When outside of the blessed land you can deactivate the orb and put it inside your aperture again. The orb supplies the blessed land with heaven and earth Qi, so you can move place the orb any of the five regions without problems. The blessed land has an interior size of 7.000 m2 and time that moves 40 times faster then the Gu world. The blessed land has enough resource production to earn 50 immortal essence stones every year that passes inside the blessed land. There is still a lot of room for development. The resources are related to the path of the blessed land, which you may choose. The blessed land is a paradise, and therefore won't experience tribulations.

Tier 5 perks

Prodigy. -350 CP
In a path of your choice, you now great grandmaster attainment and venerable talent in that path. Meaning you can reach supreme grandmaster without needing outside help. This includes dream realms or absorbing true meaning. Though it may take a few centuries to reach your potential. This does not count towards the limit of how many great grandmaster attainments you can buy.

Small Dream Immortal Venerable. -400 CP
You have master attainment in every path. Master attainment gives have an uncanny and accurate intuitions about everything in the Gu world. For example, when searching for a person or object you will have an accurate, if vague, intuition about which way to search. There are no longer restrictions on how much attainment you can buy.

Legendary expert. -400 CP
You have quasi supreme grandmaster attainment in two paths of your choice. You are now the undisputed expert in your field alive today, but you will still need to exert a great deal of effort to raise your attainment to supreme grandmaster. If taken with prodigy you will immediately gain supreme grandmaster attainment in the path you picked for prodigy.

Gugle maps. -400 CP
Gain a perfectly accurate map of the entire Gu world. The map is in your head but can also be projected as a 3d hologram, and you can choose if others can see it. The map is in google earth like detail and contains information on resource points, hidden inheritances, blessed lands and grotto-heavens, secluded domains. You cannot use the map to see into blessed lands or grotto heavens, but you can see where they are located. The map is not merely a videogame map, it also contains highly detailed information on demographics, infrastructure, detailed economic data, beast territory and more. This map is accurate enough for fixed immortal travel Gu to work with, but activation becomes more likely to fail, the longer since it was updated. To update the map as a mortal sacrifice 100% of your current essence type. As an immortal sacrifice 300 beads of your current immortal essence.

Venerable traits:
You may pick only one of these, but they are free.

Primordial Origin immortal venerable.
You gain ten one thousand years lifespan Gu. You can choose when to recive each Gu individually.

Star Constellation immortal venerable.
As an immortal, every time your aperture produces an immortal essence bead, you can experience the effect of the light of wisdom as if from a rank 9 wisdom Gu, but without the loss of lifespan, for 10 minutes. You can save up these minutes.

Limitless demon venerable.
Chose a path. For as long as you cultivate only that path, and don't use immortal Gu of a different path. you will gain 5x the amount of dao marks in that path as you otherwise would. If you use other paths you permanently loose this perk. This stacks multiplicatively with dao carver.

Reckless Savage demon venerable.
You gain 3 slots. Each slot can be filled with a path. The paths your slots have been filled with don't interfere with each other. You also have great grandmaster attainment in these paths while you have them slotted. You can change the paths of in your slots once every week, central continet time.

Red Lotus demon venerable.
Choose a moment. From now on, whenever you die you or when you choose, your are sent back to that moment. You cannot change the moment that you regress to, it will always be the same moment. Every time you regress, your luck gets massively worse. After 10 regressions, it will be as if everyone but you has Fortune Rivaling Heaven.

Genesis Lotus immortal venerable.
As a mortal your primeval essence regeneration is a 100 times what it normally would be. As an immortal, your origin core produce ten time the normal amount of immortal essence. Meaning if your have an average high grade blessed land with no development, you will produce 300 beads of immortal essence every year that passes in your aperture.

Thieving Heaven immortal venerable.
When you kill someone you can guarantee that they can't destroy a certain amount of immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 6 immortal, they can't destroy one of their rank 6 immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 7 immortal Gu they can't destroy one rank 7 immortal Gu and two rank 6 immortal Gu. If you kill a rank 8 immortal, they can't destroy one rank 8 Gu, two rank 7 Gu and four rank 6 immortal Gu. Etc.
If there are multiple choices, the saved Gu are chosen at random.

Giant Sun immortal venerable.
You have enourmous luck, like a child of human path. Only Red Lotus and Feng Jin Huang are above you in terms of luck.

Spectral Soul demon venerable.
You are born with a one thousand desolate soul, you soul alone has the strength of an high tier desolate beast. But you might be more susceptible to enslavement path methods, but it hardly matters since your soul is so devastatingly powerful.

Paradise earth immortal venerable.
As an immortal you gain natural inspiration, every time you face one of your major tribulations. Heavenly tribulations as rank 6, grand tribulations at rank 7, etc.

Heaven Refining demon venerable.
You gain unlimited willpower and motivation. You now have the perseverance to casually swim through the reverse flow river. Your will to power will never waver.

These are objectives that you give you extra points, but you have to complete them within 300 years or you explode and die. Spectral Soul eats your soul, Heavens Will foils any rival methods. You cannot escape the consequence of not completing your missions.
You may pick as many mission as you want.

Extra time. -100 CP
You gain 200 more years of time to accomplish your missions.

Easy missions

Traditional. +100 CP
Create an inheritance and a suitable inheritance ground. Describe what the trials and requirements there are to get your inheritance.

Imperial Court. +200 CP
Enter the imperial court blessed land at least once.

Medium missions

Paradise. +200 CP
Enter the Grotto-Heaven Blue Dragon Whale at least once.

Secluded Domain.+200 CP
Obtain a secluded domain of heaven and earth. You have to have had ownership of a secluded domain for a month for this mission to be considered successful. You can take this missions three times. You have to obtain three different secluded domains for it to count. You can't 'loose' one and obtain it again later.

Supreme inheritance. +300 CP
Obtain a complete true inheritance of any venerable. Thieving Heavens three refinement opportunities from Lang Ya isn't a true inheritance.

Problem? KILL!. +350 CP
Destroy a super force. You don't have to kill all the members of that force, although it would be a good idea. You simply have to make it so that the super force doesn't exist anymore. This also counts if you can convince someone to exterminate for you, by trickery, commission, or other means.

Hard missions

Homewrecker. +400 CP
Your mission is to destroy 88 True Yang building. If 88 True Yang building is destroyed without your direct involvement, you fail.

Founding ancestor. +500 CP
Create a super force, it may be a clan, sect or other. The force has to span the five regions and each branch must have at least one entity with rank 8 battle strength. Be it a rank 8 Gu master, a rank 7 Gu house or ancient battle formation. 5 immemorial beast also counts as rank 8 battle strength. You have an extra 500 years to accomplish this missions.

Grand theft Gu. +400 CP
Obtain Sovereign Immortal Fetus Gu. With the time limit, you would probably have to complete this mission by either stealing it from Spectral Soul at Yi tian mountain. Or, you could refine it again using it's user, be it Spectral Soul or Fang Yuan, as a refinement material.

Become venerable. +400 CP
Break through the heavenly dao blockade and become venerable. Heavens Will isn't interested in you becoming venerable so you have to destroy or control Fate Gu. You only have 300 years though, so you have to be very quick.

Heavenly court. +600 CP
Join Heavenly Court and loyally serve it's interest. You don't have to save Fate Gu, you might even think it preferable if Red Lotus' plan comes to fruition. But, you have to do what you think is best for Heavenly Court.

Supremacy. +800 CP
As a variant human, make your race dominant in the five regions. You have a 10.000 year time limit.

Specific missions
These can only be picked if you chose the following timelines: Late Antiquity Righteous Era and Late Antiquity Demonic Era.

Pseudo venerable. +300 CP
You must reach pseudo venerable battle strength in all of your aspects of combat. E.I. having pseudo venerable defensive methods isn't enough.

Dao opponet. +300 CP
Defeat one of the coming venerables in battle. You must not be more then one rank above then when you defeat them, and you must not fight them while having immortal level cultivation while they are still mortal.

You may take as many drawbacks as you want. However you may not take drawbacks more then once.
Drawbacks overwrite other options picked in this character creator.

Easy drawbacks
No spoilers. +50 CP
You cannot share the contents of Reverend Insanity with anyone. You may still act on the information but you may not try to explain it to others.

Dao monogamous. +100 CP
Other paths interfere twice as much with the path of your vital Gu as they normally would. If you have dual Dao or Reckless Savage Demon Venerable as your venerable trait you cannot pick this drawback.

Un-undead. +100 CP
You cannot turn into a zombie. For good or ill you cannot become a zombie. Lifespan is always in short supply and you no longer have a fail safe.

Local dao. +200 CP
You are no longer an otherworldly demon. You will not have otherworldly dao marks and others cannot figure out your origin no matter what method they use. Not even soul searching you will let them find out you aren't from the Gu world.

True to your word. +200 CP
Alliance agreements become empowered. Dao marks related to any contract or alliance can only be forcefully removed by a specialized rank 9 killer move. You will have to be very carful with what you sign up to and always add a time limit.

Weakness. +200 CP
Choose one path, you are now twice as vulnerable to that path as you normally would be. You can pick this multiple times.

Medium drawbacks
Inhospitable enviroment. +300 CP
Choose a region, you cannot enter that region. This goes away when the regional walls disappears.

Like a mistress. +350 CP
Gu worms you own need twice as much food to be properly fed.

Halved lifespan. +300 CP
Your lifespan is halved, meaning if you are human you only have 50 years to live. Lifespan extension methods are as effective as they normally would be.

Clear Conscience. +300 CP
You cannot knowingly lie, and you are compelled to answer any question asked truthfully.

Indivisible. +300 CP
You cannot create clones. Others may not create clones of you either. You may still create external wills.

Forget me now. +400 CP
You loose all memory of reading Reverend Insanity upon rebirth. You still remember the options you took in this CYOA, and your previous life. If you picked reading materials in your grab bag it is removed and you can pick another.

Hard drawbacks
Dao dunce. +800 CP
You cannot increase your attainment level beyond what you buy in this character creator. Unless you buy prodigy, then you can become supreme grandmaster in that chosen path.

The Gu world is a capricious thief and has stolen not just but another unfortunate soul. But, this CYOA is fair to all, and so, you will not be the only one who gets too go through this character creator.
Convince another person to go through this CYOA and be reincarnated with you. You will have to both decide on a
This is entirely optional, I just thought it would be fun for people to test out builds together and against other people. I have also create some rules/objectives to facilitate the multiplayer, but you can make up your own.

Twin start:
Two players pick the 'I Am Fang Yuan!' timeline, one person will be reborn as Fang Yuan, the other will be reborn as Fang Zheng. Flip a coin to determine whos who. Optionally, you can also pick one of the two options below.

Each player picks a starting location and they have to collectively accomplish as many of the Missions as possible.

Each player picks a separate starting location, and they have 300 years to kill each other. Come up with strategies to reach immortal level, and how to aquire the strength to fight each other
submitted by Smie27 to ReverendInsanity [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:41 Probably-Jam anyone else also delusional enough to hope for a showdown rep in multiversus lmao

as far as i can tell, xiaolin showdown is still(?) WB's ip. so the possibility exists
so if Player First and WB make the good decision (not holding my breath considering the changes from beta lmao), who would you like to see roughing it up next to bugs bunny and superman?
personally, i want Jack Spicer. he could use his helipack, the robots, and the Shen Gong Wu for his special attacks and the Monkey Staff to beef up his normal attacks. and since characters can have different specials in the air unlike smash, there could be even more chances to incorporate different wu into his moveset.
for costumes he could have Good Jack, the vacation outfit from the sands of time episode, the director fit from the shadow of fear episode, and maybe even that Clown Squad shirt some of the other characters have to reference his tendency to suck up to the bigger bads lmao
submitted by Probably-Jam to XIAOLINSHOWDOWN [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 12:05 elhomerjas Surname Spotlight "李" LI

A Brief rundown to the surname "李" LI
Mandarin form of the surname 李 meaning ‘plum’: (i) said to have been adopted in place of the Chinese surname 理 (also pronounced Li; meaning ‘rules’ in Chinese) by Li Zhen (利貞) son of an official called Li Zheng (理徵) in the late Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC). It is said that Li Zhen's father incurred the displeasure of King Zhou of Shang (died 1046 BC) and Li Zhen fled to a wasteland area where he survived on wild plums. After his return to civilization he changed his surname to Li (李 ‘plum’) a word with the same pronunciation. The original surname 理 is said to be from Li Guan (理官) the name of a post of officials in charge of legislation in ancient China. Li Er (李耳) also known as Lao Tzu or Lao Zi traditionally regarded as the founder of Taoism is believed to have been a descendant of Li Zhen. (ii) adopted as a surname by the Chi Li (叱李) family from the Xianbei ethnic group during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534 AD). (iii) in the early years of the Tang dynasty (618–907 AD) sixteen high officials with different surnames were granted the surname Li (李) the surname of the royal family of the Tang dynasty by Emperor Taizong of Tang (died 649 BC) because of their contributions to the establishment of the Tang regime. (iv) the surname can also be traced back to several minority ethnic groups in ancient China. Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 黎 meaning ‘black’ or ‘multitude’ in ancient Chinese: (i) from Li (黎) the name of an ancient state (located in Changzhi in Shanxi province) during the Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC) which was annexed in the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC) and later granted to Fengshu also known as Li Hou (黎侯 'Marquis Li'). (ii) adopted as a surname by the Su Li (素黎) family members of the Xianbei ethnic group during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534 AD). Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 利 meaning ‘sharp fortunate’ or ‘benefits’ in Chinese: (i) from the first element of the personal name Li Zhen (利貞) son of an official called Li Zheng (理徵) in the late Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC) also see 1 (i) above. (ii) from the placename Li (利) the name of a fief (located in Hubei province or in Sichuan province) granted to a prince in the state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC). (iii) adopted as a surname by the Chi Li (叱利) family members of the Xianbei ethnic group during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534 AD). Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 栗 meaning ‘chestnut’ in Chinese: (i) said to be from Li Lu (栗陸) the title of a legendary emperor in ancient China. (ii) from Li (栗) the name of an ancient state (located in Xiayi in Henan province) during the late Shang dynasty (1600–1046 BC) which was annexed in the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC). Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 厲 meaning ‘strict rigorous’ in Chinese: (i) from Li (厲) the posthumous title of Qi Li Gong (齊厲公 the Duke Li of Qi ruler of the state of Qi died 816 BC). (ii) from Li (厲) the name of an ancient state (located in Suixian in Hubei province) during the Western Zhou dynasty (1046–771 BC). (iii) adopted in place of the Chinese surname 孫. The king Sun Hao in the state of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period (220–280 AD) ordered the family members of Sun Xiu (a general in the state of Wu possibly died 301 BC) to change their surname to Li (厲) because Sun Xiu had defected to the state of Jin. (iv) adopted in place of the Chinese surname Li (李) by the extended family of an official called Li Jin (李晉) during the Tang dynasty (618–907 AD) who was killed because of his attempt to usurp the throne. Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 酈: from the placename Li (酈) the name of an ancient state (located in Henan province) annexed by the state of Chu during the Spring and Autumn period (770–476 BC).7: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 禮 meaning ‘ceremonies’ or ‘etiquette’ in ancient Chinese: (i) from the first element of the personal name Li Kong (禮孔) and Li Zhi (禮至) officials in the state of Wey who were descendants of Wey Kang Shu (衛康叔 Kang Shu of Wey) founder of the state of Wey. (ii) borne by the descendants of the masters of ceremonies in ancient China.8: Chinese: Mandarin form of the surname 勵 meaning ‘encourage’ in Chinese: (i) said to be adopted in place of another surname Sun (孫) by descendants of Sun Xiu (possibly died 301 BC) also see 5 (iii) above. (ii) said to be adopted in place of another surname Li (厲) by Li Dune an official in the Qing dynasty (1616–1911 AD) who was endowed with the surname Li (勵) by the then emperor.9: Vietnamese: variant of Lệ from the Chinese surname 酈 see 6 above and Le .10: Vietnamese (): variant of Ly from the Chinese surname 李see 1 above.1 Norwegian: habitational name from any of numerous farmsteads named Li from Old Norse hlíth ‘mountain slope hillside’. Compare Lie
Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022
submitted by elhomerjas to FilipinoChinese [link] [comments]


The Fightplan series is back, as 2024 has proved a standout year for Ukrainian boxing, as Oleksandr Usyk captured undisputed status at heavyweight and Denys Berinchyk turned a superb boxing display to beatdown Emanuel Navarrete in San Diego to become the 135lbs WBO world champion. But the pick of the performances came for a legend of the amateur game to lay a marker down half way through the year for the performance of 2024 to recapture his own crown at lightweight, that performance coming from the great...
'Hi-Tech' 'The Matrix' Vasyl 'LOMA' Lomachenko
Vasyl Anatolyevich Lomachenko was born 17 February 1988 in the port city of Bilhorod-Dnistrovsky in the Odesa Oblast of South Western Ukraine. He was born into a sports obsessed family, his mother Tetiana a former gymnast turned instructor and his father Anatoly, an obsessed sports fan determined to see his son represent Ukraine in elite sports no matter what the discipline. Initially wanting the young Vasyl to become an ice hockey player, it was when he was taken to the boxing gym that Anatoly spotted the star potential his son possessed. He started training in boxing when he was 5 years old, with his father teaching him to fight as a southpaw despite 'doing everything with his right hand' which he believed would give him an advantage, as well as taking him to traditional dance classes and gymnastics lessons to help improve his balance, core strength, co-ordination and timing. His first amateur success would come at 16 years old, when Vasyl won the 2004 European Cadet Championships gold medal at 101 lbs. He took 8 months out from competing at competitions due to a growth spurt, but returned to claim a silver medal at the 2007 world championship at 125lbs, as well as winning gold at a nationwide Klitschko brothers tournament and at the Senior European Championships a year later at the same weight. Between 2008 to 2011, Lomachenko won 4 consecutive gold medals at the National Championships, as well as the 2010 Presidents Cup, and of course most notably, his success capturing the gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games where Lomachenko also won the Val Barker Trophy for 'The Most Outstanding Boxer' at the games, before capturing another Olympic Gold medal at the London Games in 2012.
Now having competed at 132lbs for the last 4 years as an amateur, Lomachenko finished his amateur career with a staggering 395-1 record, having lost by just one point to Russian Albert Selimov, who he'd go on to beat twice, as well as holding amateur victories over notable fighters such as Félix Verdejo, José Carlos Ramírez, Óscar Valdez and Robson Conceição.
After his success at the 2013 World Series of Boxing, Lomachenko turned over to the pro game with big ambitious, with the goal to win a world title on his professional debut, and would only accept a deal on those conditions. After exhausting all options, Top Rank signed him to a deal where he could box in his second pro fight for the vacant WBO featherweight title which victory of 25-3 over José Luis Ramírez who he beat on his debut over 4 round for the WBO International title, securing his world title shot. This would come against 55 fight veteran with 41 wins, Orlando Salido, in a highly controversial bout with Salido missing weight by over 3lbs and no less than 52 low blows and repeated headbutts throughout from the Mexican ,who had rehydrated to over 147lbs, without any warning from the referee. Salido would win by split decision, in controversial fashion having only outlanded Lomachenko in one of the twelve rounds, with the broadcast team adding insult to injury with a patronising 'Welcome to professional boxing!' message to Lomachenko. Defiantly, Lomachenko would go on to capture the same title in his next fight, outworking the highly skilled and blisteringly fast enigma of Gary Russell Jr., before defending in a shutout win over 51-1 Thai Chonlatarn Piriyapinyo, not dropping a round despite an injury forcing him to box in final 5 rounds with just his right hand. The next years would be frustrating for Lomachenko, failing to get unifications with the other champions not wanting to risk losing to the elite champion with such little pro experience, as Lomachenko became disillusioned at being offered 'not interesting' match ups. Despite this, he'd carry on defending his title twice more before his knockout of the year contender as he knocked out Roman 'Rocky' Martinez in the 5th round with a vicious left uppercut and right hook combo, where he won the WBO world title at Super Featherweight. This would spark the beginning of his most dominant run of performances, resulting in 4 straight retirement victories at over Nicolas Walters, Jason Sosa, Miguel Marriaga and his schooling over an unbeaten Guillermo Rigondeaux, giving birth to his 'No-Mas Chenko' moniker.
Lomachenko then moved to his third weight class where he'd face the 44-3 WBA world champion Jorge Linares, over coming slight adversity for the first time, after a his first and only ever knockdown in round 6, Lomachenko would rally back to overwhelm Linares with relentless pressure and non stop flurries of punching culminating in a round 10 stoppage, become a 3 weight world champion in a record time of just 12 pro fights. His next matchup would be his first unification bout against the WBO champion Jose Pedraza, winning a one sided decision and twice dropping the champion, he'd make two defences of his titles over former world champion Anthony Crolla, battering him and twice dropping him inside 4 rounds, and coming out on top with an impressive display over former Olympic Gold medalist Luke Campbell, where Lomachenko picked up vacant the WBC world title, before being controversially elevated to 'franchise champion' and not being recognised as the official belt holder amongst the other sanctioning bodies.
Despite this, Top Rank moved quick to make one of the few super fights during the global pandemic, with a much anticipated bout in what was essentially an undisputed bout against IBF champion Teofimo Lopez following his statement win over Richard Commey. Despite his lack of experience at world level, Lopez boxed disciplined throughout using his clear power and athletic advantage to keep Lomachenko backed up and tentative to throw shots, and while Lomachenko had success in the second half of the fight, he lost a clear decision, many questioning his desire and motivation to continue in the sport. Lomachenko responded by choosing to face 2 Lopez inspired opponents, Masayoshi Nakatani, who gave Lopez his toughest matchup, who he stopped in 9 rounds and his world title opponent Richard Commey to make a statement of one upmanship to Lopez. After a lacklustre performance in a bad style matchup against Jamaine Ortiz, he go on to officially fight for undisputed honours over young talent Devin Haney, who had controversially become WBC world champion after Lomachenko had been elevated to the now mothballed franchise status. The fight was a close one throughout with plenty of swing rounds, with their stylistic differences leading to many debated scores online, but in the end Devin Haney won a much debated decision working behind the jab and landing telling body shots to make the difference over Lomachenko's aggression and output. But with Lomachenko standing intact and possibly even enhanced with his performance over Haney he performed another masterful display of one upmanship on both Haney and Lopez's former opponent George Kambosos Jr. with a punch perfect display, allowing Kambosos to land just 11% of his punches before stopping him in the 11th round, capturing the IBO and the vacant IBF world titles now as a two time lightweight world champion, with a 18-3 record with 12 knockouts and 7 victories over current, former or future world champions.
The Matrix
A masterful technician, while he certainly is by no means a flawless fighter, his amateur and professional success can not be denied with elite performances of world level opponents in almost every fight he's taken. his record may be looked on with revisionist eyes in future years, but Lomachenko has not been afraid to step up against younger and much bigger opponents with a similar talent level, even for his supreme talent an undefeated record would be invariably hard to maintain. Nevertheless, some of his greatest wins alone show peak levels scaled by Lomachenko, scaling the summit of weight classes on numerous occasions and making elite fighters look levels apart in his prime. With his elite levels footwork, creating of angles, dynamic reflexes and supreme timing with his own unique tricks of the trade sprinkled in, it will be interesting to see the future trajectory of the 36 year old Hall of Fame shoo in.
Core tactic Preferred range Mid range Primary mentality Aggressive Crisis mentality Reactive Advantage mentality Aggressive
Operating often with a size disadvantage, and very regularly with a reach disadvantage, Loma is an aggressive high output, high movement based fighter that operates best at mid to close range. Like Chocolatito, his lead hand is his key weapon but crucially for Loma it's often his dominant right hand from the southpaw stance. This where he generates the vast majority of his offensive, but will frequently stance switch either to break distance or maintain distance to or from his opponent, in a similar, but much more refined way to that of Teofimo Lopez. He's happy to hold his feet, but only if he's confident he's in an advantageous position to landed more punches than his opponent, otherwise he will pivot out, retreat with a high guard or look to slip-counter while advancing forward to maintain pressure and offensive. His lead hand is crucial as it allows him to be busy while not loading up on big power shots that expend energy, and his constant movement and changing of pace and offensive make him a nightmare to read, to land on and more important to match his work rate when 'The Matrix' is in full flow. Possessing high footwork, reflexes, agility, dexterity and hand speed will be vital in trying to replicate Loma's combinations, movements and offensive output in Leather while utilising good head and upper body movement with the added bonus pf guarding to say defensively alert and able to counter whilst fight aggressively
Long range tactic Heavily favour lead hand Medium work rate Ultra High combinations Follow up Approach/Wait Countermeasures Cover up/ Retreat
Often on the edge of long to mid range, Lomachenko has an extremely active jab, mostly used to back up his opponent or manipulate their guard to find openings. Often being the shorter man means his double or triple jabs are crucial to breaking range while also keeping his opponent occupied, but he's also happy to wait if he he can get a read on his opponent and find an opening he can exploit or to time their rhythm as he darts inside. Defensively, Lomachenko is less active preferring to ride out attacks in a high guard before responding with a better combination, or changing angle or distance to find an advantageous position.
Mid range tactic Favour lead hand Low work rate Medium combinations Follow up Wait/Approach Countermeasures Retreat/Counterpunch
Mid range is where you often see a calculated thinking fighter approach as Lomachenko looks to get a read on his opponent. He will often hold his hands low to bait an opponent into throwing and looking to change distance or angle before almost instantaneously throwing back once he finds how to best exploit the opening. He uses his head and upper body movement as he looks to work off and slip his opponent's jab to catch his opponent whilst they are defensively vulnerable. He uses his 'Matrix shuffle' to step outside and uses lateral shifts to change direction and confused his opponent and his often frame with his lead hand to either knock his opponent off balance or blind their vision and he steps off at an angle, make his movements extremely difficult to read and hard to pick up where he is all while putting himself in a dominant offensive position.
Close range Heavily favour lead hand Medium work rate High combinations Follow up Retreat/Wait Countermeasures Counterpunch/Retreat
At close range, Lomachenko will sense he's in an advantageous position and look to put together his punches in bunches off his lead right hand. He has a wicked uppercut that when he finds the range can be a vicious weapon as he's demonstrated on many occasions, particularly against Crolla, and a very effective lead right hook he will often counter with which is a lethal weapon as his hook will often land first up close, before taking a half step back to follow up with a combination and make it harder for his opponent to land. While he can be hittable up close, his work rate makes sure he's able to outlandish his opponent and his use of movement makes him less of a stationary target to be caught with a shot, but mostly, Lomachenko will be pressing to find openings as he moves rounds the target for angles to attack and capitalise on his success.
Thanks for everyone taking the time to continue supporting this series, and for all the new readers, I hope you can find my writings useful in building fightplans in Leather boxing manager and keep out my previous pieces below. Enjoy boxing in this great period for the sport and all success in every you do. TEEKAY
Video credits
The Fightplan series
The Thinking Fighter
The Thinking Fighter 2.0
Moves like Junior (Roy Jones Jr.)
The Kings of the Counters
The Magical Manny (Manny Pacquiao Machine Gun)
Sweet Little Chocolate (Chocolatito)
Rigo's Rhythm (Rigondeaux)
Magnificent Marvelous Master (Hagler)
Cinnamon Superstar (Canelo)
The Spoiler The GOAT of Boxing (Sugar Ray Robinson)
Golden Oscar Winner (de la Hoya)
Body Hunting Monster (Naoya Inoue)
Xu Can
The Kronk Style
Julio Cesar Martinez
Floyd Mayweather
Usyk with
Dmitry Dictates the Distance (Bivol)
Golden Global Great (GGG - Golovkin)
Wilder Rangy Slugging
(Shakur) Stevenson Steals The Show
Junto Nakatani
AJ (Joshua)
Mini Monster (Ginjiro Shigeoka)
submitted by Tkendell96 to LeatherTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 01:35 hawke_255 Chu Li Ji 樗里疾, the uncle of king sho and qin's greatest general BEFORE the 6 Great Generals

The manga mentions king sho and the 6gg a lot, but there was someone just a great before them. This man is chu li ji, who weakened the 6 kingdoms prior to hakuki/bai qi and arguably this guy's accomplishments helped set the stage for king sho and king sei's conquests. He defeated one of the warring states era's greatest generals kuang zhang, saved yan from destruction from qi, defeated a coalition (possibly single handily), laid the seeds/foundation of the coalition against qi by gakuki, and he also has some interesting facts and rumors related to him. Chances are, 6gg shiba saku/simacuo and hakuki/baiqi may have been this guy's subordinates some time in their lives. Qin people even had a syaing according to the shiji "力气大要算任鄙,智谋多要算樗里"
Chu li Ji or ying ji 赢疾, is the half-brother to king huiwen of qin (king sho's father), making him one of the uncles of king sho. He served 3 kings, and served as a great general, chancellor, lord, and posthumously named 先师 "xian shi"
His military accomplishments: (most sources I found this info from are from the shiji and zhan guo ce)
330 bc: Chu li ji was made "you gen" 右更 and captured the wei city of qu wo 曲沃 and the surrounding territory, annexing it into qin. He then worked together with the famous Gong SunYan to annex the hexi territory
318 bc: By this time Gong Sun Yan defected back to wei and organized a 5-state coalition against qin including wei, han, zhao, chu, and yan. At the battle of kankoku pass/hanggu guan, Chu li Ji defeated the 5-state coalition, forcing the coalition to retreat.
317 bc: Chu li ji led his forces out to kankoku pass to pursue their victory and caught the wei, han, and zhao forces at xiu yu, and defeated zhao prince ke and han prince huan (forcing them to flee), captured enemy general shen chai, killing a total of 82k enemy troops.
314 bc: Chu li ji led qin forces to attack the wei territory of jiao, forcing their surrender. He then defeated Gong Sun Yan (who after leading a failed coalition, defected to han) and the han forces he led at anmen 岸门, killing 10k han soldiers. (one source claims his kill count was 220k). During this year, qi's famous great general kuang zhang 匡章 captured the yan capital (withdrew eventually), but yan was beaten by qi badly.
313 bc: Chu li ji attacked zhao and captured the city of 蔺城 lin, and captured the zhao great general zhao zhuang (also known as zhao bao or zhuang bao). This battle along with the battle of anmen the previous year are 2 of the 5 major battles that severely weakened the "3 jins" (wei, zhao, and han).
312 bc: A coalition of qin, wei, and han vs. a coalition of chu, qi, and song. Qi and song attack wei. After being scammed by the qin chancellor zhang yi, king huai of chu attacks and surrounds the han city of yong. Chu li Ji leads one of the qin armies sent to aid han and defeats the chu great general jing cui 景翠. He then meets up with fellow qin great general wei zhang and defeats the other chu great general qu gai 屈丐 at the battle of dan yang, killing 80k chu soldiers and capturing chu great general qu gai along with 70 chu officers. The qin forces then pursue their victory and defeat chu again at the battle of lan tian 蓝田, conquering 600 li of chu ground. Because of this vcitory, chu li ji is awarded the yan dao area of the shu province and is made lord of yan 严君.
312 bc cont: Following the defeat of chu, Chu li ji then led his forces and meet up with wei allies to march on yan. When crossing into song kingdom territory, the song king makes a pact with qin and pulls his forces out. Chu li Ji then defeats qi forces and their gg kuang zhang forcing them to flee. Chu li ji and han and wei allies also defeated the qi forces led by the other qi great general sheng zi 声子 who were attacking wei's city and either captured or killed him. Yan is able to reform and qi's attempts to conquer yan is foiled. The new yan king wishing revenge ultimately will be the one to appoint gakuki/yueyi and form the coalition against qi.
(basically, this year of 312 bc, chu li ji was the winnemvp of 4 battles). The reason chu li ji defeating kuang zhang is significant is because kuang zhang is one of the warring states era's top ggs who nearly conquered yan, dealt the reformed qin kingdom's one of its earliest and biggest defeats at sang qiu 桑丘, and most importantly was famous for breaching and taking control of kankoku pass when leading a coalition against qin in 298 bc (forcing qin to give up land and negotiate for peace which the qi king was foolish enough to agree to).
311 bc: King wu of qin ascends the throne (king sho's older brother), Chu Li Ji is appointed left chancellor (shoubunkun's current position). He is ordered by king wu to lead 100 war chariots on the eastern zhou capital where he was publicly welcomed by the zhou tianzi and zhou troops.
307 bc: Chu li Ji, wei ran, and empress dowager ming help King Sho/Zhaoxiang ascend the throne, Chu li Ji is honored/respected even more. Chu Li Ji is appointed chancellor (ryofui's position)
306 bc: Chu Li ji leads troops to attack the city of pu 蒲, but is convinced by 胡衍 hu yan that taking such a city will benefit wei more than qin due to its location, and was convinced to switch targets to wei's city of pi shi 皮氏. Because the city didn't surrender, chu li ji decided to withdraw.
300 bc: Chu li ji passes away and is buried in the east of zhang tai 皮氏, south of the wei river. On his deathbed, he stated that "100 years from now, a ruler will have his surround/fork his tomb". This came true as when the han dynasty rose, the emperor's palace was built right around his tomb with the changle palace built on his burial ground's east, the wei yang palace on its west and the arms barracks across from the tomb. Because of him correctly predicting something that happened a century after his death, he was posthumously named "xian shi" 先师 by the later 堪舆家/风水家 "professional geomancers". This could be han dynasty propaganda to help add some mystical predestination to help legitimize their rule, but still, if this IS true, that is insane.
Speaking of propaganda, according to the 谶记秘传, because of his prediction regarding the palace being around his tomb 100 years after his death, no emperor from then on dared touch his tomb. However, the founder of the sui dynasty yang jian decided that he wasn't going to believe such myths and decided to move chu li ji's tomb to chang an city proper. However, during the process, a stone tab was dug up from his tomb reading "杨花谢,李花开" "yang flowers wilt, li flowers bloom" (indicating the yang family's fall aka the sui dyansty, and the rise of the li family aka the tang dynasty). This scared the sui emperor yang jian that canceled his plans on the tomb and reburied the stone tab back into the tomb. This is likely tang dynasty propaganda, but still, bizarre right?
submitted by hawke_255 to Kingdom [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 21:55 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 31 2024: ⚠️OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for 'deceptive activity' 🏫OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu for universities 💼Tech giants form industry group to develop next-gen AI chip 📱Apple planning AI-driven overhaul for Siri to manage individual apps 📚AI Jobs

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 31 2024: ⚠️OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for 'deceptive activity' 🏫OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu for universities 💼Tech giants form industry group to develop next-gen AI chip 📱Apple planning AI-driven overhaul for Siri to manage individual apps 📚AI Jobs

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 31st 2024:

⚠️OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for 'deceptive activity'
🏫OpenAI introduces ChatGPT Edu for universities
💼Tech giants form industry group to develop next-gen AI chip
📱Apple planning AI-driven overhaul for Siri to manage individual apps
📚Perplexity launches AI publishing platform

Enjoying these updates, Listen and subscribe at ‎AI Unraveled Podcast: ‎AI Unraveled: Latest AI News & Trends, GPT, Gemini, Generative AI, LLMs, Prompt, AI Bedtime Stories on Apple Podcasts

⚠️OpenAI reports misuse of its AI for 'deceptive activity'

OpenAI identified and disrupted five covert influence operations that used its generative AI models for "deceptive activity" across the internet.
OpenAI said the threat actors used its AI models to generate short comments, longer articles in various languages, made-up names, and bios for social media accounts over the last three months. These campaigns included threat actors from Russia, China, Iran, and Israel. It focused on issues including Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, the Indian elections, and politics in Europe and the United States, among others.
OpenAI has also published a trend analysis report that describes the behavior of these malicious actors in detail.
Why does it matter?
This provides concrete evidence of generative AI being used to spread misinformation and manipulate global affairs. While there were no novel attacks this time, defending against them in the future will require continued investment in monitoring, safeguards, and public awareness from AI developers and platforms.

💼 Tech giants form industry group to develop next-gen AI chip
Intel, Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other tech heavyweights are establishing a new industry group called the Ultra Accelerator Link (UALink) Promoter Group to guide the development of the components that link together AI accelerator chips in data centers. The group also counts AMD, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Broadcom, and Cisco among its members.
It is proposing a new industry standard to connect the AI accelerator chips found within a growing number of servers. It’s version one, UALink 1.0, will connect up to 1,024 AI accelerators — GPUs only — across a single computing “pod.” It is set to arrive in Q4 2024.
Why does it matter?
Nvidia, currently the biggest player in the AI chip market with an 80% share, is not in the group. Tech giants have been keen to reduce their dependence on Nvidia by working on their own custom chips. This seems to be the latest effort to break Nvidia’s dominance.

📱Apple planning AI-driven overhaul for Siri to manage individual apps

  • Apple is planning a major AI upgrade for Siri in iOS 18, enabling users to control specific features within iPhone apps using voice commands, initially limited to Apple-developed apps.
  • The update will eventually allow Siri to handle multiple tasks in a single request, such as summarizing a recorded meeting and sending it to a friend, as part of Apple's larger AI strategy to be unveiled at WWDC on June 10.
  • New AI-driven capabilities will enable Siri to control iPhones more precisely, including opening files, moving notes, managing emails, and summarizing articles, enhancing device navigation and functionality.
  • Source:

Perplexity launches AI publishing platform

  • Perplexity introduced 'Pages', an AI-driven feature that creates customizable webpages for research and writing based on user prompts.
  • The 'Pages' tool gathers information using Perplexity's AI models, organizes it into sections with citations, and tailors content for different audience levels but requires new prompts to correct errors.
  • The Verge tested 'Pages' on a complex topic and noted its difficulty with intricate subjects, showing it might struggle with in-depth research despite effectively explaining fundamental concepts.
  • Source:

🏫OpenAI launches ChatGPT Edu for universities

  • OpenAI has introduced ChatGPT Edu, a new version of ChatGPT, aimed at improving the academic and operational efficiency of universities with advanced text interpretation and data analysis capabilities, and support for over 50 languages.
  • This version was created following the success of ChatGPT Enterprise in academic institutions such as Oxford, Wharton, and ASU, where it has been used for tasks ranging from large dataset analysis to personalized language practice.
  • ChatGPT Edu provides affordable access to the GPT-4o model, enhanced message limits, robust security measures, and assures that data and conversations will not be used for training OpenAI models, ensuring a safe environment for educational use.
  • Source:

OpenAI says it stopped multiple covert influence operations that abused its AI models.

Google says it fixed the AI Overviews everyone has been roasting for weeks.

Anthropic’s Claude AI now autonomously interacts with external data and tools.

🎬The Simulation unveils ‘Netflix of AI’
AI entertainment startup The Simulation (formerly Fable Studio) just launched Showrunner, a platform that allows users to generate and watch AI-powered TV shows set in virtual simulated worlds.
  • Showrunner combines multi-agent simulations with LLMs to create interactive content aligned with specific virtual worlds.
  • Users can watch, direct, and star in shows set in virtual environments populated by AI characters, with the ability to craft episodes from prompts.
  • The platform is launching with 10 original shows, with users able to generate new episodes and edit deeper into scripts, shots, and voices.
  • Showrunner is opening in alpha to a limited number of users, with select user-created episodes receiving payment, rev share, and IMDB credits.
  • The studio went viral last year after the release of its South Park episode demos and research paper on its SHOW-1 model.
Showrunner is a wild step towards the merging of AI, gaming, and traditional entertainment, enabling users to not only consume but create stories within simulated worlds. The lines are blurring fast between creators and audiences — and the traditional Hollywood media model may never be the same.
New AI Job Opportunities on May 31st 2024
Waymo - Software Engineer, Computer Vision/Deep Learning: Notable - Strategic Account Executive Findem - Director of Sales, Enterprise Twelve Labs - Lead Software Engineer, Frontend

What Else Is Happening in AI on May 31st 2024

Anthropic’s Claude can now autonomously interact with external data and tools
Anthropic has announced the general availability of Tool Use for its AI, Claude. It allows Claude to autonomously interact with external data sources, APIs, and tools, making it a business-ready trusted AI solution that can be confidently adopted by enterprises across various industries. (
Perplexity goes beyond AI search, launches publishing platform ‘Pages’
It is a tool to transform disorganized AI knowledge and research into easily digestible articles and reports for sharing. Users just have to describe the topic, select the target audience, and it will produce an in-depth article with a clear title, subheadings, associated media, and relevant citations. (\_ai/status/1796203494401040846)
Google poaches AWS and Microsoft executives to strengthen AI offerings for cloud customers
Google hired two executives from these rivals as it builds out its AI ranks with the goal of boosting its cloud business. Saurabh Tiwary, a former corporate VP at Mircosoft, will join a newly created role as general manager of cloud AI. Raj Pai, a former VP at AWS, will oversee product management of the cloud AI team. (
Scale AI introduces SEAL Leaderboards, a new evaluation metric for frontier AI models
Trusted third-party evaluations are a missing part of the AI ecosystem, which is why Scale AI built them. These evals will be impossible to overfit, private, domain expert evaluations, unexploitable, and continuously updated with new data and models. (\_wang/status/1795857651592491281)
OpenAI offers nonprofit organizations discounts on corporate ChatGPT subscriptions
It seeks to grow sales of its AI product to enterprises. Under the program, large nonprofits can get 50% off the enterprise-grade version of ChatGPT. Smaller nonprofits using ChatGPT Team will pay $20 per month per user instead of $25 or $30. (

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2024.05.31 14:55 Herbal_Mind Combating Whooping Cough Resurgence: The Power of Integrating Herbal Wisdom with Modern Medicine

Combating Whooping Cough Resurgence: The Power of Integrating Herbal Wisdom with Modern Medicine
In recent years, whooping cough (pertussis) has seen a concerning resurgence globally, affecting not only children but adults as well. This resurgence highlights the need for a multifaceted approach to prevention, symptom management, and treatment. From the clinical herbalist’s viewpoint, integrating herbal medicine with conventional treatments offers a promising path to not only managing whooping cough but also enhancing overall respiratory and immune system health.
Rise in Whooping Cough by DALL-E

The Rise of Whooping Cough: A Call for Integrated Solutions

Whooping cough, characterized by severe coughing fits followed by a distinctive “whooping” sound, poses a significant public health challenge. Despite the availability of vaccines, the incidence of whooping cough has been on the rise, prompting a search for additional preventive and therapeutic measures. Herbal medicine, with its holistic focus on enhancing the body’s natural defenses, presents a valuable complement to modern medical interventions.

Prevention and Immune Support: The First Line of Defense

The foundation of combating whooping cough lies in prevention and the strengthening of the immune system. *Echinacea purpurea*, revered for its immune-boosting properties, is at the forefront of herbal prevention strategies. Regular supplementation with Echinacea can enhance the body’s resistance to infections, potentially reducing the risk of whooping cough.
Equally important is *Astragalus membranaceus*, known for its antiviral and immune-enhancing effects. Astragalus serves as a powerful ally in fortifying the body’s defenses against respiratory infections, including whooping cough.

Navigating Symptoms with Herbal Remedies

Managing the symptoms of whooping cough, particularly the severe coughing fits, is crucial for patient comfort and recovery. *Thymus vulgaris (Thyme)*, with its expectorant properties, aids in relieving congestion and facilitating mucus expulsion. This makes Thyme an invaluable herb in the symptomatic treatment of whooping cough.
Another herb, *Althaea officinalis (Marshmallow Root)*, offers soothing relief for the throat irritation and coughing bouts associated with whooping cough. The mucilaginous properties of Marshmallow Root coat the throat, easing the discomfort and reducing the frequency of coughing fits.

Supporting Recovery: Herbal Treatments to Shorten the Course

The journey to recovery from whooping cough can be expedited with the help of certain herbs. *Sambucus nigra (Elderberry)*, celebrated for its antiviral and immunomodulatory properties, can support the body’s recovery process. Elderberry’s ability to combat viral infections and enhance immune function makes it a key player in the treatment of respiratory infections.
*Pelargonium sidoides (Umckaloabo)*, a herb with roots in traditional South African medicine, has shown promise in reducing the severity and duration of cough episodes. Its efficacy in treating acute bronchitis suggests a potential role in managing whooping cough symptoms, offering patients a quicker path to recovery.

Embracing a Holistic Approach: Beyond Herbs

Incorporating herbal remedies into the treatment plan for whooping cough should be done with a holistic perspective in mind. This includes considering the individual’s overall health, potential allergies, and any current medications. Moreover, lifestyle factors such as a nutritious diet, adequate hydration, and good hygiene practices play a crucial role in supporting the body’s defenses against infections.

The Road Ahead: Integrating Herbal Medicine into Whooping Cough Management

The resurgence of whooping cough underscores the need for integrated solutions that combine the best of conventional medicine and herbal wisdom. The clinical herbalist’s approach, focusing on prevention, symptom management, and recovery, offers a comprehensive strategy that not only addresses whooping cough but also enhances overall well-being.
In conclusion, the integration of herbal medicine into the prevention, management, and treatment of whooping cough represents a promising complementary approach. By emphasizing the importance of a strong immune system and employing specific herbal remedies, we can aid in alleviating symptoms and potentially reduce the duration of this challenging illness. As we move forward, it is imperative that these interventions form part of a broader health strategy, undertaken in consultation with healthcare professionals, to safeguard against the resurgence of whooping cough and protect public health.


  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2022). Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Signs and Symptoms. [online] Available at:
  2. Bone, K., & Mills, S. (2013). Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Elsevier Health Sciences.
  3. Hoffmann, D. (2003). Medical Herbalism: The Science and Practice of Herbal Medicine. Healing Arts Press.
  4. Li, R., Ma, T., Gu, J., Liang, X., & Li, S. (2020). A Review of the Role of Astragalus membranaceus in Immune System Regulation. Journal of Immunology Research, 2020, 1–11.
  5. Tiralongo, E., Wee, S. S., & Lea, R. A. (2016). Elderberry Supplementation Reduces Cold Duration and Symptoms in Air-Travellers: A Randomized, Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial. Nutrients, 8(4), 182.
submitted by Herbal_Mind to HerbalBloom [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 05:31 lgats ShenZhenShiNianXiShiYeYouXianGongSi HELMET WIRELESS EARPHONE A20 (2BGI4-A20)

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2024.05.30 17:31 lgats Shen Zhen Shi Meng Zhi Tuo Ke Ji You Xian Gong Si WIFI LED Floodlight BDBS55WF-5 (2A3W8BDBS55WF-5)

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