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2024.06.09 04:08 RowdyFortnite Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November

Summary of President John F. Kennedy's First Term (1961-1965) // Echoes of November
President John F. Kennedy - 35th President of the United States
Vice President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Secretary of State: Dean Rusk
Secretary of the Treasury: C. Douglas Dillon
Secretary of Defense: Robert McNamara
Attorney General: Robert F. Kennedy
Postmaster General: J. Edward Day (1961-1963) replaced by John A. Gronouski
Secretary of the Interior: Stewart Udall
Secretary of Agriculture: Orville Freeman
Secretary of Commerce: Luther H. Hodges
Secretary of Labor: Arthur Goldberg (1961-1962) replaced by W. Williard Wirtz
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare: Abraham Ribicoff (1961-1962) replaced by Anthony J. Celebreeze
Ambassador to the United Nations: Adlai Stevenson II
In the weeks leading up to the start of his presidency, Kennedy went about assembling a cabinet meant to balance various political factions. With a cabinet consisting of liberals and Stevenson allies such as Stevenson's close friends J. Edward Day and Arthur Goldberg along with Stevenson himself as Ambassador to the UN. Kennedy also selected Republican C. Douglas Dillon as Secretary of the Treasury in an attempt to calm a Wall Street anxious of the Democratic return to power. However the most influential members of the administration came not from the cabinet but from some of Kennedy's closest advisors such as National Security Advisor McGeorge Bundy and staffers Ted Sorenson ,Larry O'Brien, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr, Pierre Salinger, General Maxwell D. Taylor and W. Averell Harriman. The most prominent cabinet members proved to unsurprisingly be President Kennedy's brother Robert F. Kennedy as Attorney General and the "Whiz Kid" Ford executive Robert McNamara as Secretary of Defense. Sources have described President Kennedy's management of the administration as the "wheel with all spokes leading to Kennedy" with President Kennedy assuming an increased amount of involvement compared to his predecessor President Eisenhower.
President Kennedy with Secretary Rusk and Secretary McNamara
Domestic Policy
-Upon taking office President Kennedy unveiled his ambitious "New Frontier" program, in the sprit of Roosevelt's "Second Bill of Rights" and Truman's "Fair Deal", both of which failed. The fight for New Frontier policies has been a brutal one with a coalition of Southern Democrats and conservative Republicans opposing the President every step of the way. However some of the early accomplishments included a federal minimum wage increase, housing act that allocated federal aid for urban renewal and housing, yet these were soon met with crushing blows to the New Frontier with both President Kennedy's massive education funding bill and healthcare for the elderly bill being killed by the conservative coalition. Lacking the support to accomplish the more idealistic of his policy proposals, recently President Kennedy has instead opted to focus on poverty as the central theme of the New Frontier, with sources confirming it will be the central theme of President Kennedy's re-election campaign domestically.
-Economically President Kennedy has fully endorsed Keynesian economics, emphasizing economic growth over inflation or deficits. To this end President Kennedy has received much of the credit for the soaring economy, with GDP, production and sales in major industries skyrocketing compared to the Eisenhower years. President Kennedy's economic program has been especially popular due to his major tax cuts across the board, however this has also come with a government budget of over $100 billion with the U.S. running a peace time deficit for the first time in American history.
-In the early days of his Presidency, Kennedy largely avoided the issue of civil rights, seeing it as an issue that would only drive a wedge between him and the southern Democrats that would be necessary for his re-election campaign. However soon the civil rights movement would force President Kennedy's hand as freedom riders being attacked by mobs finally force Attorney General Kennedy into deploying Marshals to protect them. After much criticism from civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, in 1963 Kennedy finally take major action by proposing a constitutional amendment outlawing poll taxes which was ratified in January 1964. After this victory Kennedy began to become more actively involved and in June 1963 federalized the Alabama National Guard to force Governor George Wallace of Alabama to allow black students to attend the University of Alabama. That very night Kennedy took to the television delivering a speech outlining his administrations new civil rights objectives seeking to fully end segregation in the U.S. and secure voting rights for African Americans in the south. This would mark a turning point in the Kennedy Presidency as his approval rating in the south crashed and southern Democrats vowed to oppose the President at every turn. The August 1963 "March on Washington" created momentum for Kennedy's Civil Rights legislation. This momentum would ultimately not lead to success though as amendments and additions tacked on by conservatives sunk the proposed "Civil Rights Act" before it made it out of committee. Heading into 1964 the administration has elected to table the Civil Rights legislation as they fear another drawn out battle with Congress would damage the President's re-election odds as polls already show a majority of Americans feel the President has pushed to hard for the legislation.
-One of the surprising focuses of Kennedy's term has been the attention given to NASA and space policy. In the early days of his term it seemed the organization would see it's crewed space exploration program dismantled, however out of respect to Vice President Johnson (who was the White House's point man for NASA) the decision was delayed. During this time the Soviet Union once again made world headlines, this time by putting the first man in space with cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. This blow to American prestige has inspired an all out space race, with President Kennedy going as far as to pledge to put an American on the moon. With increased attention and funding, NASA administrator James E. Webb has been thrust into one of the most important roles in the administration.
-On other issues, President Kennedy has signed into law the Equal Pay Act of 1963, aimed at reducing wage inequality between genders following the release of the Presidential Commission on the Status of Women's report which was chaired by former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt before her death in 1962. On the issue of crime, Attorney General Robert Kennedy has led a vigorous prosecution and targeting of organized crime, leading to some controversy for the administration with the targeting of unions around the country, specifically the Teamsters, with dozens of Teamsters already jailed. This testy relationship with the unions has caused some concern in the upcoming 1964 election as Teamster head Jimmy Hoffa has reportedly expressed a desire to "cause as much embarrassment as he can" to the President, a feeling said to be shared by Alabama Governor George Wallace who appears to be currently assembling a campaign staff.
President Kennedy with Civil Rights leaders following the March on Washington
Foreign Policy
-On foreign policy (specifically regarding the USSR) President Kennedy shifted away from former President Eisenhower's policy of brinksmanship towards a more conventional arms policy termed "flexible response". In pursuing this policy, Kennedy oversaw a buildup of special operations forces and elite units. However Kennedy also pursued further nuclear armament and it's said the nuclear capacity of the U.S. has increased by over half compared to the Eisenhower years. In addition to this policy, Kennedy also established the "Peace Corps" (led by his brother in law Sargent Shriver) with young American volunteers going into developing countries and teaching English, helping infrastructure development, food and aid deliveries, etc. This program has been a highlight of the reelection campaign as "Peace" has been the main foreign policy message.
-In the final days of the Eisenhower Administration, plans had been carefully crafted by the CIA to overthrow Marxist Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, with a counter-revolutionary forced funded and trained by the CIA in Florida in anticipation of a US backed invasion of the island by these fighters. When presented with the plan upon taken office, Kennedy eagerly signed off due to his hardline campaign stance against Castro, despite warnings from some members of the State Department. On April 17th 1961, 1500 fighters swarmed the island hoping to quickly inspire an uprising to overthrow Castro, however no such revolt occurred and instead the invaders found themselves pinned down with American air support having been pulled by President Kennedy out of fear of exposing the American sponsorship of the invasion force. As such the force was quickly defeated and Kennedy would be forced to pay over $53 million in return for the surviving members of Brigade 2506. The aftermath of the failed invasion actually saw Kennedy's poll numbers rise as he took full responsibility for the failure and received vocal support from former President Eisenhower and former Vice President Nixon. This would however be the start of a split between Kennedy and the CIA, State Department and the Joint Chiefs as Kennedy felt he had been hung out to dry by the diplomats and military, instead relying on White House advisors and staffers for major decisions from then on.
-In the months following the failed Bay of Pigs invasion, fears rose among Cuban and Soviet officials of the U.S. planning another invasion prompting increased economic and military aid to Cuba from the USSR. As part of this aid, dozens of Soviet missiles and bombers were shipped to Cuba, along with around 100 tactical nuclear weapons. On October 14th 1962, American U-2 spy planes photographed the missile sites being built conforming to the Kennedy administration that Cuba indeed had offensive nuclear weapons. Despite considering immediate airstrikes, on October 22nd President Kennedy would announce in an address to the nation a naval blockade to intercept any further Soviet arms shipments. The nation would hold it's breath for a week, enduring a string of fearful headlines including Soviet ships approaching the blockade, an American spy plane being downed and even false reports of war already breaking out. Finally on October 28th Soviet Premier Khrushchev announced the withdrawal of the Soviet missiles from Cuba with President Kennedy issuing a public promise not to invade Cuba. With the "Cuban Missile Crisis" over the nation would favorably react to Kennedy's handling of the crisis with yet another major approval rating boost energizing the White House.
-Despite all the attention being focused on Cuba throughout Kennedy's first term, another country has seen a growing communist threat, Vietnam. As the communist Viet Cong increasingly threatened the capitalist South Vietnam regime, Kennedy increased the amount of American military advisors in the region from 11,000 to 16,000 over the course of 1963 however remained reluctant to dispatch any American combat troops. In August 1963 a series of crackdowns on Buddhist monks ordered by South Vietnam President Ngo Dinh Diem led to new Ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. being tasked with getting the President to step down. Diem resisted these calls from the U.S. however leading Ambassador Lodge to advise the only way Diem would leave office would be by military coup. Despite this assessment from Lodge, the Defense and State department provided the White House with starkly different pictures of the situation in South Vietnam, leading the President to send General Maxwell D. Taylor and Secretary of Defense McNamara on a fact finding mission to the country. This mission seemed to confirm the reports from the State Department of an increasingly weakened position of the South Vietnam military in fighting the Communist guerillas. With President Diem finally losing American backing, on November 1st 1963 South Vietnam generals would arrest and execute Diem. Wishing to put the Vietnam issue on the backburner for the 1964 election, Kennedy would recall 1,000 of the advisors previously dispatched after the Taylor-McNamara mission.
-With more than 20,000 fleeing East Berlin to West in mid-1961 and U.S. military spending ratcheting up with President Kennedy specifically indicating the funds would be spent securing West Berlin, on August 13th 1961 the Soviet Union began construction of a wall separating East Berlin from West Berlin and blocking passage between the two halves of the city. Despite receiving criticism for allowing the wall to go up, Kennedy would strike back in a June 1963 tour of West Berlin saying "Democracy is not perfect, but we never had to put up a wall to keep our people in". One of Kennedy's major accomplishments leading up to the 1964 elections has been a nuclear test ban treaty which was signed by Secretary of State Dean Rusk along with his Soviet and British counterparts on August 5th 1963, banning the testing of nuclear weapons on the ground, in the air or underwater.
President Kennedy authorizing the naval blockade of Cuba
Supreme Court
Chief Justice Earl Warren
Associate Justice Hugo Black
Associate Justice Felix Frankfurter (retired in 1962) replaced by Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg
Associate Justice William O. Douglas
Associate Justice Tom C. Clark
Associate Justice John Marshall Harlan Jr.
Associate Justice William J. Brenan Jr.
Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (retired in 1962) replaced by Deputy Attorney General Byron White
Associate Justice Potter Stewart
Kennedy would have the opportunity to fill 2 Supreme Court vacancies in his first term, first with the retirement of Associate Justice Charles Evans Whittaker (a key swing vote on the court) citing exhaustion from a heavy workload and stress. Kennedy would tap Deputy Attorney General and former NFL star turned lawyer Byron White who had worked on the Kennedy campaign and served as Deputy Attorney General under Robert F. Kennedy. The second vacancy would come when Associate Justice of 23 years Felix Frankfurter. Frankfurter would leave large shoes to fill as the leader of the conservative faction in the Court (despite being an advisor to FDR and progressive lawyer) who had notoriously feuded with the Courts liberals such as Associate Justices Black and Douglas along with Chief Justice Warren himself, describing Warren's work as "dishonest nonsense". Frankfurter's retirement would come because of a stroke and President Kennedy would nominate another member of his administration, Secretary of Labor Arthur Goldberg to the position. Overall the Court continues to be extremely liberal with Harlan being the only Justice considered a "conservative".
President Kennedy with former Secretary of Labor and current Associate Justice Arthur Goldberg
A November Day in Dallas
One of the more widely discussed events of President Kennedy's first term come from a relatively unimportant trip to Dallas taken on November 22nd 1963. A little before noon the President arrived from Forth Worth Texas with First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Texas Governor John Connally and met Vice President Johnson at Love Field in Dallas Texas. Kennedy would spend around 10 minutes greeting the crowd at the airfield before departing for the Dallas Trade Mart building in his 1961 Lincoln Continental. With the motorcade running behind schedule the crowds lined along the motorcade route eagerly waited hoping to catch a glimpse of their President. At one such location along the motorcade route, one eager spectator in Dallas' Dealey Plaza would be momentarily distracted by some shining object out of a window of the Texas schoolbook depository building. Initially disregarding it, after 5 more minutes of waiting for the motorcade the observer again would glance up and observe what he described to officer Marion Baker as a "man with some type of rifle in the window of the depository". Heading out to the street Baker would see the man, holding a 6.5mm Carcano rifle, aimed directly at the incoming Presidential motorcade. In horror Baker would observe the police motorcycle come into view, with President Kennedy waving to the crowd just a few cars back. With only seconds to spare, Baker would draw his revolver and open fire at the open window of the schoolbook depository building. The following 30 seconds would become some of the most important in American history, as the excited crowd gathered to see President Kennedy would flee in terror at the series of gunshots. Upon hearing the gunshots, Secret Service agent Clint Hill would jump from the car behind the President and shove President Kennedy down into the seat as a series of gunshots from the sniper rained down upon the car, striking Governor Connally and fatally wounding agent Hill as he gave his life protecting the President. The motorcade would rush to the Dallas Parkland hospital with the President soon guarded by a brick wall of Secret Service. Officer Baker would rush into the schoolbook depository where employees franticly milled about, some unaware of the attempted assassination from their very building. Baker and Depository superintendent Roy Truly would begin to comb the building for the would be assassin with Baker radioing for backup to cover the entrance. There the 2 would encounter Lee Harvey Oswald, who Truly identified as an employee and was soon allowed to leave the building were he would take a taxi back to his boarding room in Dallas. Their error in letting Oswald leave would soon become clear when Officer J.D. Tippit was shot and killed while approaching Oswald who resembled the description of the shooter given by witnesses. Just 30 minutes later Oswald would be in custody after a shootout at a movie theatre where Oswald had barricaded himself in. Immediately questions about the motive would arise however to this day Oswald has denied any involvement despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary. While describing himself as a "marxist not a communist" suspicion turned to communist agents and the USSR, however investigation thus far seems to indicate Oswald acted alone and not as part of a broader conspiracy as Oswald has shown a history of mental instability including multiple court martials as a U.S. Marine and a defection to the USSR before deciding to return to the United States, in addition authorities now believe Oswald had previously unsuccessfully attempted to assassinate General Edwin Walker (a known segregationist and critic of Kennedy). Nonetheless this chapter of John F. Kennedy's presidency would go down in history as one of the closest to success assassination attempts on a U.S. President.
Would-be assassin of President Kennedy, Lee Harvey Oswald
submitted by RowdyFortnite to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 02:56 najumobi Title: Gov. DeSantis Kills Hemp Bill, Thus Keeping Delta-8 and Related Compounds Legal: Gov. DeSantis Sends Legislators to the Drawing Board, as He Calls for 'Sensible, Non-Arbitrary Regulation.'

Link to full article:
The article reports on Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s veto of Senate Bill 1698, a proposed law that aimed to tighten regulations on the state’s hemp industry. The bill sought to limit the concentration of delta-9 THC---a psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants---in hemp extracts and prohibit several other non-CBD (cannabidiol) compounds. These compounds interact with the brain’s CB1 receptors, which are part of the endocannabinoid system involved in regulating various physiological processes.
Governor DeSantis’s decision is depicted as a win for the hemp industry and small businesses. He expressed concerns that the bill would place excessive regulatory burdens on small enterprises and disrupt the market without achieving its intended goals. Instead, he called for “sensible, non-arbitrary regulation” that would provide stability to the industry while ensuring consumer safety.
The bill would have set a cap on delta-9 THC at 5 milligrams per serving or 50 milligrams per container, affecting products like hemp extracts that are used for their therapeutic benefits. It also aimed to ban compounds such as delta-8-tetrahydrocannabinol, delta-10-tetrahydrocannabinol, and others, which are chemically similar to THC but are derived from hemp.
The vetoed bill followed previous legislation (SB 1676) passed in 2023, which established age restrictions and packaging guidelines to prevent minors from accessing hemp edibles. The new bill was part of a broader trend of states imposing bans on certain hemp products, against the backdrop of potential federal restrictions.
Governor DeSantis’s veto has been praised by industry leaders, who view it as a protective measure for Florida’s regulated hemp market, small businesses, and jobs. They emphasize the need for a regulatory framework that balances safety with economic freedom.
Hemp: A variety of the Cannabis sativa plant species, grown primarily for industrial use. Unlike marijuana, it contains low levels of THC.
Delta-9 THC: The main psychoactive component of cannabis, responsible for the ‘high’ feeling.
CBD: A non-psychoactive compound in cannabis, often used for its potential health benefits without causing a high.
CB1 Receptors: Part of the nervous system that interacts with cannabinoids, influencing mood, appetite, and pain sensation.
Psychoactive: A substance that affects the mind, mood, or behavior.
submitted by najumobi to Conservative [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:32 tayloremac Crossing border with dog

Hey Fellow Kingstonians! Question for those who travel cross border with pets. We have a trip planned to Florida in October and are taking our grumpy/lazy bulldog. How does border crossing go? We will have him muzzled since he’s not fond of men or people in uniforms and have all his papers and vaccine paperwork ready. Any tips? He has an rx for trazadone that we could definitely finitly use for this.. but just trying to plan accordingly!
Edit: we do have his rabies and microchip info ready to go! Just a nervous bulldog owner since he looks like your typical big bully - with all the dog bans going on lately it just makes a girl a nervous Nelly!
submitted by tayloremac to KingstonOntario [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:23 Apprehensive_Pea7911 Shills cannot convince diamond hands to fold

They are not trying to convince us with their "MOASS is canceled" nonsense. They are trying to influence the mass appeal interest in Stonk due to the MSM coverage of RK's Livestream and the recent (twice) run ups in stock price.
Need I remind you about Kenny's Shilling Game Plan:
  1. Tied GME down with shitty meme basket stocks. This takes away some of inbound money that otherwise would've gone to GME. Popcorn being the most successful one so far, but it is still failing to keep up.
  2. Bought out VV$Bee subreddit and ban all talks of GME. Kill the original source of social media interest in GME. Point newbies to it and then NEVER talk about Superstonk.
  3. Initiated GME hate by paying shills to post haterade across many social media platforms. Even as far as creating the GME cheese melt subreddit filled with paid and unpaid trolls.
  4. Created the illusion that the squeeze has already happened by paid shills articles, paid shill movies, paid shill TV shows, and paid shill experts that eventually reveal their true motives.
  5. Attacked the top figures they cannot corrupt. RC, RK, Superstonkers, Warren Icannnnn, etc. just make up shit and throw at them non-stop for the past 3 years and will continue for the next ten years.
  6. Refused to close the short positions and keep doubling down.
  7. Forced DTCC and government agencies to manipulate and change the rules to their advantage. FTDs, disclosures of Booked shares, settlement dates, gag orders, etc.
  8. Moved to Florida to shield primary home from future seizure.
  9. Donated money to powerful politicians for future protection such as DeZantis.
  10. Hid the connection to Archegos, Credit Suisse, Swiss National Bank, UBS, Bank of America, Federal Reserve and more. Going as far as classifying the bag for 100 years.
  11. Held a useless congressional hearing in 2021. Focused on robbinghood instead of instinet and Kenny.
  12. Turned off the buy buttons multiple times at multiple brokers.
  13. Made it hard(er) to DRS.
  14. Screwed up the stock split via crime and insiders like the CFO. Germany was especially egregious.
  15. Hit max pain on options contracts nearly perfectly every single week for 3 years.
  16. Bought Twitter with Elon, and immediately banned private plane tracking, and then passed a law banning it.
Never ever ever ever forget these actions. MOASS is inevitable because of one thing: we ain't folding.
submitted by Apprehensive_Pea7911 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 15:10 RoadDoggFL Round 4 Game 1 GDT. 4 more wins!

Stats stats stats stats roster roster injuries preview glhf
Note 2: /FLAPanthersTickets is a dedicated sub for ticket sales (tickets, parking passes, merch, etc.). Attempts to buy or sell on /FloridaPanthers may result in a ban. If whatever you're selling isn't allowed on the other sub, feel free to create your own and we'll direct people in your direction. Or try eBay. Giving away tickets/items here is perfectly fine.
Note 3: we're removing low quality posts that should be comments.
Note 4: not reading the rules isn't an excuse
submitted by RoadDoggFL to FloridaPanthers [link] [comments]

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What’s going on in our brains when we plan? Study uncovers how mental simulations rely on stored memories

In pausing to think before making an important decision, we may imagine the potential outcomes of different choices we could make. While this “mental simulation” is central to how we plan and make decisions in everyday life, how the brain works to accomplish this is not well understood. An international team of scientists has now uncovered neural mechanisms used in planning. Its results, published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, suggest that an interplay between the brain’s prefrontal cortex and hippocampus allows us to imagine future outcomes in order to guide

Study reveals brown fat’s role in protecting blood sugar metabolism

While white fat stores calories, brown fat burns them. A new study, appearing in the journal Cell, reveals that brown fat improves metabolic health by providing nutrients important to other organs, rather than warming up body temperature. Long seen as a villain in metabolic diseases such as diabetes, fat can play the hero too. A study by molecular biologist Shingo Kajimura

Heavy cannabis use linked to CVD mortality in women

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Study finds animal empathy differs among men

James Cook University researchers investigating men’s empathy towards animals have found higher levels in men who own pets versus farmers and non-pet owners. The study is published in Animal Welfare. Dr. Jessica Oliva is a senior lecturer in psychology at JCU. She said it was well established that women felt more animal empathy (AE) than men. “Compromised abilities to feel empathy in men can have devastating effects on both animals and humans alike. Animal abuse was committed by almost half of all male perpetrators of intimate partner violence, according to

New therapeutic targets to fight type 2 diabetes

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New insights into macrophage behavior in cancer therapy

Do you want the bad news, good news or better news? The bad news is that cancer continues to be the second leading cause of death in the United States, trailing heart disease. The good news is that overall cancer mortality rates have been steadily decreasing over the last 20 or so years. The better news is that researchers from South Dakota State University are slowly chipping away at the universally dreaded disease in hopes of improving treatments and eventually seeing better health outcomes.
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2024.06.07 23:02 ThatOrange_ Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1865

Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1865

The New Order is not without troubles, but seems to have a bright future
".....and we must endeavor, to uphold and defend these values which we have claimed as our motto. In so doing, I do not merely call upon Radical men, or black men, or white men, but all men everywhere. To our east there was once a nation, which proclaimed in its declaration of independence that all men were created equal, endowed with certain rights by heaven above. I think this was a noble sentiment, and though their union of states did not endure, in some small way, I think, that same spirit now exists in these halls...."--Excerpt from Archon P.G.T. Beauregard's inaugural speech.
As expected, the election of 1860 was a a brilliant triumph for the Free Radical Party, a result that was never really in doubt. Of more concern was the inter-party emerging between the party's pragmatic wing and its militant idealists. Ultimately, and by slim margins, General Beauregard, hero the Civil War, would emerge victorious. A tense week followed, where he met with Minister of War O'Flanagan to try and mend fences. Mediated by a sullen Dupoy, the negotiations were ultimately successful, with O'Flanagan keeping his current post, and reserving the right to hand pick the men at a couple other ministries. Harmony, for now, was preserved in the Radicals.
The Office of Freedmen faces many challenges
Having rejected calls from the ultra-jacobin elements of his party to begin a massive program of land redistribution to former slaves, Archon Beauregard acted swiftly with the Free-Soil Act. Designed to be accumulative and supportive rather than punitive and confiscatory, it would set aside large tracts of prairie land in the lightly populated northern and western regions of the country as land gifts for ex-slaves. A portion of the recent gains in upper Nuevo Mexico would also be wrapped into the deal, with the fortified settlements serving a dual purpose aimed against the powerful Comanche, whose raids upon both Anglois areas of Louisiana and even the Mexican heartland were greatly feared. The plan was not without controversy or debate, but the Archon's fervent support for the initiative carried it through, and over the next few years new towns would spring up in newly established directorates, most of which were overseen by black directors. Such colonies included names like New Calais, Dupondville, and Liberation. Long established settlements, such as Des Moines, often the hard-bitten shield of the Tecumsia border, would also see an influx of black citizens.
Still, while largely successful, many ex-slaves preferred to remain in the land of their birth. Many of these individuals and families simply taking up sharecropping or other forms of patronage economy, often under their former owners. This system was not ideal, and often criticized, but a series of bills and acts put forth by the Archon cut out many of the worst abuses. To handle the complicated set of tasks set before the government, the Office of Freedmen would be created. This effort would see a number of disparate local organizations brought together under a single government apparatus, focused on ensuring the integration of ex-slaves into wider society. The Civil Rights Act of 1861 would lay out numerous protections meant as a bolster, among other things banning political parties based solely upon racial or ethnic interests, update local legal codes, and instituted other reforms.

An Austin Ranger on patrol in Upper Nuevo Mexico
The Civil War had been a hard time for many groups in Louisiana, but the Anglois had been hit harder than most. First and proudest of the rebels, the fiercely independent population, descended largely from the English-speaking settlers brought over by Stephen Austin and those who followed after, had after the war been split into several directorates like the other areas of Louisiana. Their cultural center, Austinville, had even been sacked by forces from the Republic of the Rio Grande. This they did not forget. But General Beauregard had during the war acquired an admiration for their fighting skill against him, and officially revived the Austin Rangers. A Pre-War mix of militia and policeman, the group had been disbanded by Ex-Archon Dupoy for siding with the rebels. Beauregard revived them, on the condition they accept black members(previously it had been whites-only), a deal which was accepted. With their numbers now bolstered by ex-slaves from the local Anglois communities, were deployed across the western/southwestern marches, but especially against the ferocious local Comanche, who seemed committed to a long fight. Their efforts would be assisted in part by the Arapaho, a tribe in the western reaches who would sign a treaty of alliance in 1860, and who later, in 1863, would be granted their own provisional pair of directorates, albeit loosely, which was a first for the Republic. This push for native relations was seen by many for what it was-pragmatism in the aftermath of the Sioux Disturbance, where the Sioux, Chippewa, and a number of smaller tribes had revolted against the central government in Prophetstown. Though defeated after only two years, the war would see many Sioux flee west into Louisiana, exacerbating tensions.

The ironclad, Triomphante, at dock after a skirmish with Spain
More importantly, Louisiana is again at war after a brief period of peace. The Archon successfully defused tensions with Britain, securing the staged lapse of British basing rights by 1865, and a resumption of full trade. The British, more interested in our cooperation and needing to focus on fighting rebels in New England, were happy enough to resume normal relations. Spain is another issue entirely. The Spanish-Louisianan War, popularly known as the Continuation War, or The Revengeance, broke out in early 1864. During the Civil War, forces of the Carlist monarchy in Spain had been high-profile backers of the rebels, their navy ships harassing and even blockading parts of the coast. This activity was slow to stop, and when a Spanish warship sunk a Louisianan mail ship-suspected of smuggling-off the coast of Cuba, a series of escalations led to outright war. Though largely limited to naval clashes, the war would see many fly to the colors, even as a strange set of pragmatic circumstances led to, of all nations, the Confederation finding its way into the Louisianan camp. Long paranoid of Spanish possession of the Florida Keys, the forces of Dixie would not wait long, dispatching marines early in 1865 to seize the islands, and lending their critical if limited naval support to the conflict against Spain. This is a deeply uneasy partnership however, and not even a formalized one. No doubt the Confederates are eyeing Cuba, which they have long desired. Archon Beauregard has handled the situation deftly so far, and President Davis seems appeased with the current arrangement. Still, suspicions are deep, even as North America's major slave power and the newly radical Louisiana face a common foe.

Mexico fights for its very survival
The French Intervention in Mexico was long in coming. After Santa Anna's disastrous intervention in the Louisianan Civil War, and the subsequent rise of Benito Juarez, some might have hoped for peace. But if anything, the situation has since spiraled even more. Her economy in utter tatters, debts suspended, Mexico faced the armed might of the Second French Empire. Using the precedent established by Britain in the deeply troubled Kingdom of New England, Napoléon III established the Second Empire of Mexico, with Maximillian of Austria as Emperor. Despite success in the field, however, much is unwell for the new Emperor. Juarez and his loyalists have refused to yield, fighting a guerilla conflict that limits the central government's hold over the wider nation. In addition, the Republic of the Rio Grande, our ally, has embarked on a grand adventure of "liberation." Proclaiming itself the legitimate successor to the failed Mexican state, it seized key locations in Chihuahua and Sonora, although an attempt to bring Alta California has been met with armed resistance. The Empire of California, led by an adventurer proclaiming himself Norton I, has arisen, though in truth its control is largely limited to the major coastal cities. To say the least, the situation is chaotic, and Napoléon III, faced with rising losses and casualties, is stuck in the middle. What to do?
Louisiana has thankfully avoided direct intervention into the "Mexican Quagmire", so far, especially since opinion is deeply divided between which of the factions deserves the most support. Publicly, Archon Beauregard has expressed expected support for the "peace keeping" of the Riograndese, while also managing to avoid a diplomatic break with the French, whom many Louisianans remember fondly for their support in the Civil War, and who share our language and customs.
In 1865, Louisiana once more goes to the polls.
Archon Beauregard is widely popular, and the economy, once looming on the edge of disaster, has largely stabilized thanks to his personal diplomatic efforts. Still, with the nation drawn into a war with Spain, and chaos on the borders, will new leadership arise?
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
Archon P.G.T. Beauregard
Five more years?
The Archon, by most reckonings, has done very well for himself. Overseeing the ongoing integration of Louisiana's vast population of former slaves, he has brought to the Free Radicals a mindset of pragmatic idealism and realistic radicalism. The Little Terror is over, and his efforts at reconciliation have been widely applauded. He has made it his business to exchange personal correspondence even with men whom he vehemently disagrees, such as President Davis of the Confederation, as well as those he personally sympathizes with, such as Napoleon III. "Old Buck", is a familiar face in many social functions in New Orleans, where his status as an upper-class scion has allowed him to reach allies that were once deemed unlikely. The Civil Rights Act, his brainchild, has also made him extremely popular with most black voters, especially black veterans. The St Louis. to New Orleans Railroad, once a dream, was completed as a public work. In many ways, Beauregard has been an atypical Archon. He has avoided efforts by his friends to encourage a cult of leadership, a popular strategy in the Old Order, and instead attempted to evenly distribute offices between the different wings of his vast and tumultuous party. The huge majorities currently enjoyed by the Free Radicals do not mean there is no conflict within the party, but the accord between Beauregard and O'Flanagan has held, glued together by strategic necessity. With that in mind, the party stands united, tenuously. His main focus currently is victory over Spain, and once that is accomplished, another set of ambitious social legislation meant to weave a modern state. While he has largely run a positive campaign, the newspapers are largely under Free Radical control, and lambast the Fusionists as "hydras with too many ideas and no real plan."
Le Mouvement Fusion
(The Fusion Movement)
Director Edgar Darche
The odds are long, but the spirit is willing
Following the rather lackluster showing of the Moderate Party in 1860, and the subsequent death of their candidate right after the election, their party soon fell into obscurity. However, the unexpectedly respectable showing of Dr. Cazanave's Fusion Movement has led to longevity for the scattered coalition of groups and parties. Though overshadowed by the vast forces of the Free Radicals, they keep on existing, and have even increased their seats modestly. With the Moderate Party now also joining the Fusion Movement, it has emerged as the main opposition to the Free Radicals, though by its very nature as a coalition of numerous small parties, the Movement is rather unstable. This year, they have put forth one of the few Directors willing to buck the Free Radicals, Edgar Darche. A former senator assigned to the directorate around Des Moines, he is personally affiliated with the Farmer Party, and is himself the owner of several large farms. Despite this prairie frontier sheen, he was educated in Paris, and is rumored to even possess some Kickapoo blood in his veins. The Fusion Movement has made their main issue this campaign be a focus on "peace and stability", arguing that while Beauregard has done his best, the ongoing war has distracted from ongoing domestic issues. Darche would focus on support for the farmer class, including the growing "black prairie-landers", and is also in favor of the temperance movement. He is also a tariff man, unlike the Free Radical Archon, although he argues they should be "judicious", and not sky high.
who shall be the next Archon?

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2024.06.07 20:58 Competitive-Form5613 Question about the Florida Resident annual pass at WDW

I do not live in Florida anymore but I still have my valid (and NON expired) Florida license. Will I be able to purchase a FL resident annual pass at Walt Disney World with this? ( I also have another state license that I use on the regular for the state in which I moved to- lets say South Carolina)
My main question is above, but I am also wondering if my address on the Florida License has to match my address on my Disney app and profile? Obviously I can change this. I have a new license in another state (but the DMV never took my Florida one away) and the Florida one shows valid until 2028. Will I get away with purchasing a WDW FL annual resident pass or will I be banned for life? I don't want to risk it, but I also lived in FL for 8 years and still have the doesnt expire til 2029. I visit enough monthly for work to the point that florida is getting the equivalent of at least two months rent from me
Everywhere else I've posted this has gotten me removed for "cheating the system", on mostly disney threads which is really annoying because I'm not trying to cheat the system I'm just trying to get an answer lol. Thanks in advance
submitted by Competitive-Form5613 to florida [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:28 Competitive-Form5613 FL annual pass question

I do not live in Florida anymore but I still have my valid (and NON expired) Florida license. Will I be able to purchase a FL resident annual pass at Walt Disney World with this? ( I also have another state license that I use on the regular)

My main question is above, but I am also wondering if my address on the Florida License has to match my address on my Disney app and profile? Obviously I can change this. I have a new license in another state (but the DMV never took my Florida one away) and the Florida one shows valid until 2028. Will I get away with purchasing a WDW FL annual resident pass or will I be banned for life? I don't want to risk it, but I also lived in FL for 6 years and still have the ID...and am there every month for work paying more than the cost of rent for hotels
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2024.06.07 16:58 adulting4kids Fentynal Guide To Quitting

Title: Understanding Fentanyl: Uses, Risks, and Controversies
Introduction: Fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, has gained significant attention in recent years due to its role in the opioid epidemic. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of fentanyl, including its medical uses, associated risks, and the controversies surrounding its widespread misuse.
Medical Uses: Originally developed for managing severe pain, especially in cancer patients, fentanyl is an analgesic that is 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine. It is commonly used in medical settings for pain management during surgeries, chronic pain conditions, and palliative care.
Risk Factors: While fentanyl is effective in controlling pain when administered under medical supervision, its misuse poses serious health risks. The drug's high potency increases the likelihood of overdose, leading to respiratory depression and, in extreme cases, death. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, often mixed with other substances, has been a major contributor to the rising number of opioid-related deaths.
Controversies and Illicit Use: The illicit use of fentanyl has sparked controversy and public health concerns. The drug is often clandestinely produced and added to other drugs, such as heroin or cocaine, without the user's knowledge. This has resulted in a surge in overdoses, as individuals may unintentionally consume lethal doses of the opioid.
Law Enforcement and Regulation: Governments and law enforcement agencies worldwide are grappling with the challenges posed by the illicit production and distribution of fentanyl. Efforts to regulate its manufacturing and distribution are ongoing, with stricter controls in place to prevent diversion into illegal channels.
Treatment and Harm Reduction: Addressing the fentanyl crisis requires a multi-faceted approach, including expanded access to addiction treatment, harm reduction strategies, and public awareness campaigns. Naloxone, an opioid receptor antagonist, has proven effective in reversing opioid overdoses and is increasingly available to first responders and the general public.
Conclusion: Fentanyl, with its remarkable pain-relieving properties, has become a double-edged sword in the realm of healthcare. While it serves a crucial role in medical settings, its misuse poses severe risks to public health. Efforts to combat the opioid epidemic must focus on education, regulation, and treatment to strike a balance between managing pain effectively and preventing the tragic consequences of its illicit use.
Narcan, also known by its generic name naloxone, is a medication used to rapidly reverse opioid overdose. It works by binding to the same receptors in the brain that opioids target, effectively reversing the life-threatening effects of opioid toxicity. Narcan is commonly administered in emergency situations where an individual is experiencing respiratory depression or unconsciousness due to opioid overdose.
Emergency responders, healthcare professionals, and even some non-professionals, such as family members of individuals at risk of opioid overdose, may carry naloxone. The medication is available in various forms, including nasal sprays and injectable formulations, making it accessible for different situations.
The prompt administration of Narcan can restore normal breathing and consciousness, providing crucial time for the affected person to receive further medical attention. It is an essential tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at preventing opioid-related deaths and is a key component of public health initiatives addressing the opioid epidemic.
Suboxone is a prescription medication used in the treatment of opioid dependence and addiction. It is a combination of two active ingredients: buprenorphine and naloxone.
  1. Buprenorphine: This is a partial opioid agonist, meaning it binds to the same receptors in the brain that opioids bind to but with less intensity. It helps to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms, allowing individuals in recovery to better manage their addiction.
  2. Naloxone: Naloxone is an opioid receptor antagonist, which means it blocks the effects of opioids. When taken as directed, naloxone remains largely inactive. However, if someone were to misuse Suboxone by injecting it, the naloxone component can counteract the opioid effects, reducing the risk of misuse.
Suboxone is often prescribed as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT), a comprehensive approach to opioid addiction that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It can be used in the detoxification phase as well as for long-term maintenance therapy. The goal of Suboxone treatment is to help individuals gradually reduce their dependence on opioids, manage cravings, and improve their overall quality of life during recovery.
It's important to note that Suboxone should only be used under the supervision of a qualified healthcare professional, as improper use or abrupt discontinuation can lead to withdrawal symptoms or other complications.
Precipitated withdrawal refers to the accelerated onset of withdrawal symptoms, often more severe than typical, when an opioid antagonist is introduced to the body. This occurs because the antagonist displaces the opioid from receptors, leading to a sudden and intense withdrawal reaction.
For example, if someone is currently dependent on opioids and receives a medication like naloxone or naltrexone, which are opioid antagonists, it can rapidly trigger withdrawal symptoms. This is a safety mechanism, as these medications are often used to reverse opioid overdose or as part of addiction treatment.
The term is commonly associated with medication-assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, where medications like buprenorphine (a partial opioid agonist) are used. If buprenorphine is administered before other full opioids have cleared from the system, it can displace those opioids from receptors, leading to precipitated withdrawal. This is why healthcare providers carefully time the initiation of medications like buprenorphine to avoid this intensified withdrawal reaction.
Understanding the potential for precipitated withdrawal is crucial in the context of addiction treatment to ensure safe and effective transitions between medications and to minimize discomfort for individuals in recovery.
Using Suboxone involves adherence to a specific treatment plan under the guidance of a qualified healthcare professional. Here are some key aspects related to the use of Suboxone:
  1. Prescription and Medical Supervision: Suboxone is a prescription medication, and its use should be initiated and supervised by a qualified healthcare provider, typically in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder.
  2. Dosage: The healthcare provider will determine the appropriate dosage based on the individual's specific needs and response to the medication. It's essential to follow the prescribed dosage and not adjust it without consulting the healthcare provider.
  3. Administration: Suboxone is often administered sublingually, meaning it is placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. This method allows for the absorption of the medication into the bloodstream.
  4. Timing: The timing of Suboxone administration is crucial. It is often started when the individual is in a mild to moderate state of withdrawal to reduce the risk of precipitated withdrawal. The healthcare provider will provide guidance on the appropriate timing.
  5. Regular Monitoring: During Suboxone treatment, individuals are regularly monitored by healthcare professionals to assess progress, manage side effects, and adjust the treatment plan as needed.
  6. Counseling and Support: Suboxone is typically part of a comprehensive treatment plan that includes counseling, therapy, and support services. This holistic approach addresses both the physical and psychological aspects of opioid addiction.
  7. Gradual Tapering: Depending on the treatment plan, there may be a gradual tapering of Suboxone dosage as the individual progresses in their recovery. Tapering is done under medical supervision to minimize withdrawal symptoms.
  8. Avoiding Other Opioids: It's crucial to avoid the use of other opioids while taking Suboxone. Combining opioids can lead to dangerous interactions and diminish the effectiveness of the treatment.
  9. Side Effects and Reporting: Like any medication, Suboxone may have side effects. Common side effects include headache, nausea, and constipation. Any unusual or severe side effects should be promptly reported to the healthcare provider.
  10. Pregnancy Considerations: If an individual is pregnant or planning to become pregnant, it's important to discuss this with the healthcare provider, as the use of Suboxone during pregnancy requires careful consideration.
Always follow the guidance of your healthcare provider and inform them of any concerns or changes in your condition during Suboxone treatment. Successful recovery often involves a combination of medication, counseling, and support tailored to individual needs.
Suboxone, when used as prescribed under the supervision of a healthcare professional as part of medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for opioid use disorder, has a lower potential for abuse and addiction compared to full opioid agonists. This is because Suboxone contains buprenorphine, a partial opioid agonist, which has a ceiling effect on its opioid effects.
Buprenorphine's partial agonist properties mean that it activates opioid receptors in the brain to a lesser extent than full agonists like heroin or oxycodone. As a result, the euphoria and respiratory depression associated with opioid abuse are less pronounced with buprenorphine.
However, it's essential to emphasize that any medication, including Suboxone, should be taken exactly as prescribed by a healthcare professional. Misuse, such as taking larger doses or combining Suboxone with other substances, can increase the risk of dependence or addiction.
Abruptly stopping Suboxone can lead to withdrawal symptoms, emphasizing the importance of a gradual tapering plan under medical supervision when discontinuing the medication. It's crucial for individuals using Suboxone to work closely with their healthcare provider to ensure proper management of their opioid use disorder and to address any concerns or side effects during the course of treatment.
Withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone, or buprenorphine (the active ingredient in Suboxone), can occur when someone who has been using the medication for an extended period stops taking it abruptly. It's important to note that withdrawal symptoms can vary in intensity and duration based on factors such as the individual's overall health, the duration of Suboxone use, and the dosage.
Common withdrawal symptoms from Suboxone may include:
  1. Nausea and vomiting
  2. Diarrhea
  3. Muscle aches and pains
  4. Sweating
  5. Insomnia or sleep disturbances
  6. Anxiety
  7. Irritability
  8. Runny nose and teary eyes
  9. Goosebumps (piloerection)
  10. Dilated pupils
It's important to distinguish between withdrawal symptoms and precipitated withdrawal. Precipitated withdrawal can occur if someone takes Suboxone too soon after using a full opioid agonist, leading to a more rapid and intense onset of withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal from Suboxone is generally considered less severe than withdrawal from full opioid agonists, and the symptoms tend to peak within the first 72 hours after discontinuation. However, the duration and severity can vary from person to person.
If an individual is considering stopping Suboxone or adjusting their dosage, it's crucial to do so under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Tapering the medication gradually, rather than stopping abruptly, can help minimize withdrawal symptoms and increase the chances of a successful transition to recovery. Seeking support from healthcare providers, counselors, and support groups is essential during this process.
Kratom is a tropical tree native to Southeast Asia, specifically in countries like Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, and Myanmar. The leaves of the Kratom tree have been traditionally used for various purposes, including as a stimulant, a pain reliever, and to manage opioid withdrawal symptoms.
The active compounds in Kratom, called alkaloids, interact with opioid receptors in the brain, producing effects that can vary depending on the strain and dosage. These effects can include:
  1. Stimulation: At lower doses, Kratom may act as a stimulant, promoting increased energy, alertness, and sociability.
  2. Sedation: At higher doses, Kratom may have sedative effects, leading to relaxation and pain relief.
  3. Pain Relief: Kratom has been used traditionally for its analgesic properties, and some people use it as a natural remedy for pain.
  4. Mood Enhancement: Some users report improved mood and reduced anxiety after consuming Kratom.
However, it's important to note that Kratom is not regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and its safety and effectiveness for various uses have not been clinically proven. There are potential risks associated with Kratom use, including dependence, addiction, and adverse effects such as nausea, constipation, and increased heart rate.
Due to these concerns, Kratom has been a subject of regulatory scrutiny in various countries, with some regions imposing restrictions or outright bans on its sale and use. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution, seek reliable information, and consult with healthcare professionals before considering the use of Kratom, especially for medicinal purposes or to manage opioid withdrawal.
Methadone is a synthetic opioid medication used primarily in the treatment of opioid dependence, particularly in the context of medication-assisted treatment (MAT). It is a long-acting opioid agonist, meaning it activates the same opioid receptors in the brain that other opioids, like heroin or morphine, do.
Key points about Methadone include:
  1. Opioid Dependence Treatment: Methadone is often used as a maintenance medication to help individuals reduce or quit the use of illicit opioids. It helps by reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
  2. Long-Lasting Effect: One significant advantage of methadone is its long duration of action. A single daily dose can help stabilize individuals, preventing the highs and lows associated with short-acting opioids.
  3. Supervised Administration: In some cases, methadone is provided through supervised administration in specialized clinics to ensure proper use and minimize the risk of diversion.
  4. Tolerance and Dependence: Like other opioids, individuals using methadone can develop tolerance and dependence. Therefore, the dosage needs to be carefully managed, and discontinuation should be done gradually under medical supervision.
  5. Reduction of Illicit Drug Use: When used as part of a comprehensive treatment plan, methadone has been shown to reduce illicit opioid use, lower the risk of overdose, and improve overall health outcomes.
  6. Potential Side Effects: Methadone can have side effects, including constipation, sweating, drowsiness, and changes in libido. It's important for individuals to report any adverse effects to their healthcare provider.
  7. Regulated Use: The use of methadone is tightly regulated, and it is typically dispensed through specialized clinics or healthcare providers who are authorized to prescribe it for opioid use disorder treatment.
Methadone treatment is part of a broader approach that often includes counseling, therapy, and support services. It has been a valuable tool in harm reduction strategies aimed at addressing the opioid epidemic and helping individuals achieve and maintain recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a 12-step program that provides support for individuals recovering from addiction, particularly those struggling with substance abuse issues. It is important to note that NA, like other 12-step programs, does not have an official stance or opinion on specific medical treatments, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for withdrawal.
The approach to medication assistance in withdrawal can vary among individuals within the NA community. Some may find success and support in MAT, while others may choose alternative methods or prefer an abstinence-based approach. NA encourages individuals to share their experiences, strength, and hope, but it does not dictate specific treatment choices.
The primary focus of NA is on mutual support, fellowship, and following the 12-step principles, which include admitting powerlessness over addiction, seeking spiritual awakening, and helping others in recovery. Members of NA are encouraged to respect each other's choices and paths to recovery.
It's essential for individuals seeking support for addiction to find a treatment plan that aligns with their needs and values. Consulting with healthcare professionals, attending support groups, and considering various treatment options can be part of a comprehensive approach to recovery.
SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) is a science-based, secular alternative to traditional 12-step programs like Narcotics Anonymous. SMART Recovery emphasizes self-empowerment and utilizes evidence-based techniques to support individuals in overcoming addiction.
Regarding Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT), SMART Recovery takes a neutral stance. The program acknowledges that MAT, when prescribed and monitored by healthcare professionals, can be a valid and effective part of a comprehensive approach to addiction treatment. SMART Recovery recognizes that different individuals may have unique needs, and treatment plans should be tailored to the individual's circumstances.
SMART Recovery's focus is on teaching self-reliance, coping skills, and strategies for managing urges and behaviors associated with addiction. The program encourages participants to make informed decisions about their recovery, including the consideration of medications that may be prescribed by healthcare providers.
Ultimately, SMART Recovery emphasizes a holistic and individualized approach to recovery, allowing participants to choose the methods and tools that best suit their needs and align with their values. This includes being open to the potential benefits of MAT for some individuals as part of their overall recovery plan.
Several treatment modalities are available for individuals struggling with opioid use disorder. The most effective approach often involves a combination of different strategies. Here are some key treatment modalities for opioid addiction:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): MAT involves the use of medications, such as methadone, buprenorphine (Suboxone), and naltrexone, to help manage cravings, reduce withdrawal symptoms, and support recovery. These medications are often used in combination with counseling and therapy.
  2. Counseling and Behavioral Therapies: Various forms of counseling and behavioral therapies are crucial components of opioid addiction treatment. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), contingency management, motivational enhancement therapy, and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) are among the approaches used to address the psychological aspects of addiction and help individuals develop coping skills.
  3. Support Groups and 12-Step Programs: Participating in support groups like Narcotics Anonymous (NA) or 12-step programs can provide valuable peer support, encouragement, and a sense of community for individuals in recovery.
  4. Detoxification Programs: Medically supervised detoxification programs help individuals safely manage the acute withdrawal symptoms associated with stopping opioid use. These programs often serve as the initial phase of treatment.
  5. Residential or Inpatient Treatment: Inpatient treatment programs provide a structured and supportive environment for individuals to focus on recovery. These programs may include a combination of medical supervision, counseling, and therapeutic activities.
  6. Outpatient Treatment: Outpatient programs allow individuals to receive treatment while living at home. This flexibility can be beneficial for those with work or family commitments. Outpatient treatment often includes counseling, therapy, and medication management.
  7. Holistic and Alternative Therapies: Some individuals find benefit from holistic approaches, such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation, or mindfulness practices. These can complement traditional treatment modalities and contribute to overall well-being.
  8. Peer Recovery Support Services: Peer recovery support services involve individuals with lived experience in recovery providing support, guidance, and encouragement to others going through similar challenges.
The most effective treatment plans are often individualized, taking into account the specific needs, preferences, and circumstances of each person. Collaborating with healthcare professionals to develop a comprehensive and tailored approach can significantly enhance the chances of successful recovery from opioid addiction.
The withdrawal timeline for fentanyl, a potent synthetic opioid, can vary among individuals based on factors such as the duration and intensity of use, individual metabolism, and overall health. Fentanyl withdrawal symptoms typically start shortly after the last dose and follow a general timeline:
  1. Early Symptoms (Within a few hours): Early withdrawal symptoms may include anxiety, restlessness, sweating, and increased heart rate. Individuals may also experience muscle aches and insomnia.
  2. Peak Intensity (24-72 hours): Withdrawal symptoms usually peak within the first 24 to 72 hours after discontinuing fentanyl. During this time, individuals may experience more intense symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, dilated pupils, and flu-like symptoms.
  3. Subsiding Symptoms (5-7 days): The most acute withdrawal symptoms generally begin to subside within about five to seven days. However, some symptoms, such as insomnia, anxiety, and mood swings, may persist for a more extended period.
  4. Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS): Some individuals may experience a more prolonged period of withdrawal symptoms known as post-acute withdrawal syndrome (PAWS). This can include lingering psychological symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. PAWS can persist for weeks or even months.
It's crucial to note that fentanyl withdrawal can be challenging, and seeking professional help is recommended to manage symptoms safely and effectively. Medical supervision can provide support through the detoxification process, and healthcare professionals may use medications to alleviate specific withdrawal symptoms and improve the overall comfort of the individual.
The withdrawal process is highly individual, and some individuals may find additional support through counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups to address the psychological aspects of recovery. Always consult with healthcare professionals for guidance on the safest and most effective approach to fentanyl withdrawal.
Xylazine is a veterinary sedative and analgesic medication. It belongs to the class of drugs known as alpha-2 adrenergic agonists. While it is primarily intended for veterinary use, xylazine has been misused in some cases for recreational purposes, particularly in combination with other substances.
In veterinary medicine, xylazine is commonly used as a sedative and muscle relaxant for various procedures, including surgery and diagnostic imaging. It is often administered to calm and immobilize animals.
However, the use of xylazine outside of veterinary settings, especially when combined with other drugs, can pose serious health risks. Misuse of xylazine has been associated with adverse effects, including respiratory depression, cardiovascular issues, and central nervous system depression.
It's important to emphasize that the use of xylazine for recreational purposes is highly dangerous and illegal. The drug is not intended for human consumption, and its effects can be unpredictable and potentially life-threatening.
If you have concerns about substance use or encounter situations involving illicit drugs, it is crucial to seek help from healthcare professionals, addiction specialists, or local support services. Misuse of veterinary drugs or any substances not prescribed for human use can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
PAWS stands for Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome. It refers to a set of prolonged withdrawal symptoms that some individuals may experience after the acute phase of withdrawal from substances like opioids, benzodiazepines, or alcohol. PAWS is not limited to a specific substance and can occur with various drugs.
These symptoms are generally more subtle than the acute withdrawal symptoms but can persist for weeks, months, or, in some cases, years after discontinuing substance use. PAWS can vary widely among individuals and may include symptoms such as:
  1. Mood swings
  2. Anxiety
  3. Irritability
  4. Insomnia
  5. Fatigue
  6. Difficulty concentrating
  7. Memory problems
  8. Reduced impulse control
  9. Cravings for the substance
PAWS can be challenging for individuals in recovery, as these lingering symptoms may contribute to relapse if not effectively managed. Supportive interventions, such as counseling, therapy, and participation in support groups, can be beneficial for individuals experiencing PAWS. Healthy lifestyle choices, including regular exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep, may also contribute to the overall well-being of those in recovery.
It's important to note that PAWS is not experienced by everyone in recovery, and its severity and duration can vary. Seeking guidance from healthcare professionals or addiction specialists can assist individuals in managing PAWS and maintaining long-term recovery.
Quitting substance use "cold turkey" involves stopping the use of a substance abruptly without tapering or gradually reducing the dosage. It's important to note that quitting cold turkey can be challenging, and the level of difficulty varies depending on the substance, the duration and intensity of use, and individual factors.
If you're considering quitting a substance cold turkey, here are some general recommendations:
  1. Seek Professional Guidance: Before making the decision to quit cold turkey, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional or addiction specialist. They can provide guidance based on your specific situation, assess potential risks, and offer support.
  2. Create a Support System: Inform friends, family, or a support network about your decision to quit. Having a support system in place can provide encouragement, understanding, and assistance during challenging times.
  3. Understand Withdrawal Symptoms: Be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting the substance cold turkey. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the substance but may include anxiety, irritability, insomnia, and other physical or psychological effects.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Nourished: Maintaining proper hydration and nutrition is crucial during the quitting process. Stay hydrated by drinking water and consuming a balanced diet to support your overall well-being.
  5. Exercise: Engage in regular physical activity. Exercise can help alleviate stress, improve mood, and contribute to your overall physical and mental health.
  6. Consider Professional Treatment: Depending on the substance and the severity of dependence, professional treatment options, such as inpatient or outpatient programs, may be beneficial. Medical supervision can assist in managing withdrawal symptoms and ensuring safety.
  7. Therapy and Counseling: Consider participating in therapy or counseling to address the underlying factors contributing to substance use and to develop coping strategies for a successful recovery.
  8. Plan for Triggers: Identify situations, environments, or emotions that may trigger the urge to use the substance. Develop a plan to cope with these triggers without resorting to substance use.
It's essential to approach quitting any substance with a comprehensive strategy, and individual circumstances vary. Seeking professional advice ensures that you make informed decisions about the best approach for your specific situation. If you are experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms or have concerns about quitting cold turkey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional for guidance and support.
Tapering refers to the gradual reduction of the dosage of a substance, typically a medication or a drug, over a specific period. Tapering is commonly used in the context of addiction treatment, where it involves slowly decreasing the amount of a substance to manage withdrawal symptoms and minimize the risks associated with abrupt discontinuation.
Key points about tapering include:
  1. Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT): Tapering is often part of medication-assisted treatment for substance use disorders. For example, individuals dependent on opioids might undergo a gradual tapering of medications like methadone or buprenorphine.
  2. Reducing Dependence: Tapering is employed to reduce physical dependence on a substance by allowing the body to adjust to lower levels gradually. This helps minimize the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  3. Individualized Approach: Tapering plans are typically individualized based on factors such as the substance used, the duration and intensity of use, and the individual's overall health. Healthcare professionals design tapering schedules to meet the specific needs of each person.
  4. Supervised Tapering: Tapering is ideally done under the supervision of a healthcare professional to ensure safety and effectiveness. This is particularly important in cases where abrupt discontinuation could lead to severe withdrawal symptoms or complications.
  5. Psychological Support: Tapering is not only about physical adjustments but also addresses psychological aspects of dependence. It provides individuals with an opportunity to develop coping skills and strategies for managing life without reliance on the substance.
  6. Preventing Relapse: Gradual tapering can help reduce the risk of relapse by easing the transition to complete abstinence. It gives individuals the time and support needed to adjust to life without the substance.
Tapering is a careful and structured process that should be guided by healthcare professionals. Abruptly stopping certain substances can lead to severe withdrawal symptoms and potential health risks. Seeking professional advice and support is crucial for a safe and successful tapering process, whether it's part of addiction treatment or the discontinuation of a prescribed medication.
Engaging in activities during withdrawal can help distract from symptoms, provide a sense of accomplishment, and contribute to overall well-being. Here are some ideas for keeping busy during withdrawal:
  1. Reading: Escape into a good book or explore topics of interest to keep your mind occupied.
  2. Movies or TV Shows: Watch movies or binge-watch a TV series to pass the time. Choose lighthearted or inspirational content.
  3. Exercise: Engage in gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or stretching. Exercise can help improve mood and alleviate some withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Creative Hobbies: Explore creative outlets such as drawing, painting, writing, or playing a musical instrument.
  5. Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness or meditation techniques to calm the mind and reduce stress.
  6. Gardening: Spend time outdoors, tending to a garden or plants. Nature can have a positive impact on mood.
  7. Puzzle Games: Solve puzzles, play Sudoku, or engage in other mentally stimulating games.
  8. Listening to Music or Podcasts: Create playlists of your favorite music or listen to podcasts on topics of interest.
  9. Cooking or Baking: Experiment with new recipes and treat yourself to nourishing meals.
  10. Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. Keeping a journal can be therapeutic during withdrawal.
  11. Educational Courses: Take online courses or watch educational videos on platforms like Coursera or Khan Academy.
  12. Board Games or Card Games: Play board games or cards with friends or family for some social interaction.
  13. Self-Care Activities: Take relaxing baths, practice skincare routines, or indulge in other self-care activities to nurture your well-being.
  14. Volunteering: If possible, consider volunteering for a cause you're passionate about. Helping others can be rewarding.
  15. Stay Connected: Reach out to friends and family for support. Having a support system is crucial during withdrawal.
It's important to choose activities that align with your interests and energy levels. Remember that withdrawal is a challenging time, and it's okay to prioritize self-care. If symptoms become severe or unmanageable, seeking professional help is recommended.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:48 kittehgoesmeow What A Day: Veep On Rollin' by Crooked Media (06/06/24)

"At best, he's mistaken, but at worst, he's just outright lying." - Emily Baden, Justice Alito’s neighbor, who called his self-serving explanations about flying an insurrectionist flag bogus.


Trump’s veepstakes are intensifying. And he’s running this search the way he handles everything — like an unhinged reality show.
Other names still in the mix include Reps. Byron Donalds (R-FL) and Elise Stefanik (R-NY), and former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Development Ben Carson. You know, just a few characters from our recurring nightmares.
The way Trump and his madman ego-driven brain works, there could still be a dark horse that emerges in the days leading up to the RNC. We will be standing by with our popcorn.

Look No Further Than Crooked Media

Crooked is going big, because we refuse to go home! Help us hit our $100K fundraising goal in support of organizations fighting in states where conservatives are banning gender affirming care and targeting trans youth at the exact moment they need us the most. We’re aiming high, because lord knows these right-wing freaks are going low. Donate directly to the fund or pick up items from our new Pride or Else collection and let Crooked do it for you, with a portion of proceeds going directly to the fund. Learn more at

Under The Radar

Can anything stand up to big AI? Federal regulators are reportedly about to try.
Officials at two key departments have reached an agreement on how to proceed with antitrust investigations into major artificial intelligence companies, the New York Times reported Thursday, citing unnamed sources. The Justice Department will take a look at the incredibly lucrative chip-maker Nvidia. The Federal Trade Commission will look into Microsoft, and also OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT.
These probes represent a new kind of oversight for companies that are rapidly remaking the digital fabric of our lives with astonishingly lifelike videos, still images, audio and text. Congress has yet to set down any meaningful regulations governing the powerful new technology. Big AI has largely escaped the scrutiny of the Biden administration until now. Europe, meanwhile, is ahead of the game in passing AI regulations.
Silicon Valley bros hate when the government gets in their business. Then again, the rest of us hate it when AI tells us to eat rocks, put glue on our pizza, or run with scissors, as Google’s AI Overview feature recently did. When one user asked the system whether Google search violates antitrust laws, the AI reportedly answered: “Yes, the U.S. Justice Department and 11 states are suing Google for antitrust violations.”
Federal regulators may want to ask that AI search bot a few more probing questions, and this time, put it under oath.

What Else?

Steve Bannon has been ordered to prison, and soon! A federal judge on Wednesday told the former Trump advisor to begin his four-month prison sentence on July 1. Bannon’s appeal to overturn his conviction for ignoring January 6 committee subpoenas was rejected, and now he has to spend some time in the big house. Maybe he’ll save a warm bunk for his former boss.
An Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza killed at least 33 people, including 23 women and children, according to the Associated Press. The Israeli military claimed that Hamas militants were operating from within the school. Israeli fighter jets reportedly used U.S.-made munitions in the strike.
Spain became the first European country to ask the United Nations court for permission to join the international case accusing Israel of genocide brought by South Africa. “There should be no doubt that Spain will remain on the right side of history,” Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez said.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s visit to Congress has been rescheduled to July 24, according to Punchbowl News founder Jake Sherman. The original date, June 13, was changed due to the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.
State GOP lawmakers in Pennsylvania reportedly booed two officers who defended the Capitol on January 6 during a visit to the statehouse. Democrats introduced former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquillino Gonell as “heroes” to their colleagues before the room filled with chaos as Republicans booed, heckled, and walked out of the chamber in protest. Keep it classy, fellas.
The NYPD is seeking to revoke Trump’s gun license after he was convicted of 34 felony counts of falsifying business records last week, according to the New York Times. Federal law in New York and Florida says people with felony convictions cannot own firearms, and Trump reportedly had three pistols registered in New York. Two were turned over when Trump was indicted in April of last year. The third was legally transferred to Florida, but it’s unclear if the gun is still in Trump’s possession. Seems like Trump’s gun slingin’ days could be over.

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Light At The End Of The Email

Researchers at the University of British Columbia have developed oral insulin drops that can be placed under the tongue and absorbed into the body, which could drastically change how diabetes patients receive insulin by replacing injections. The new needle-free option may be both more convenient and reduce the risk of cross-contamination, needle pricks and infections.
Three young boys out for a hike in North Dakota got to live out any young boys’ dream when they accidentally discovered the remains of a baby T. Rex dinosaur, according to an announcement from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Thursday. The museum will have the fossil on display in the coming weeks two years after the boys – ages 12, 9, and 11 at the time – made the discovery and contacted a family friend who works as the museum’s curator of paleontology. All I ever find when I go on hikes is dog poop.


Shelbi Blackstone on Twitter: "I don’t understand why bugs come inside when they have a whole outside to themselves."
submitted by kittehgoesmeow to FriendsofthePod [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:59 IlluminatedApe Wall Street Silver Lawsuit Update - BIZZARO EDITION

Wall Street Silver Lawsuit Update - BIZZARO EDITION
“Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself.”
Napoleon Bonaparte
James Morrison (Jim Lewis) is now suing me in multiple Courts over statements I have made.
Quick Recap:
1. I believe that James Morrison aka .@WallStreetSilv is not happy that I and others figured out his real name wasn’t Jim Lewis.
2. I believe that Morrison is not happy that it is a factual public record that he is a convicted extortionist in the 1st and 2nd degree.
3. I believe that Morrison is not happy that it is a factual public record that he was convicted of Assault in the 3rd degree.
4. I believe that Morrison is not happy that public records exist of an affidavit from an Orange County detective that took sworn testimony from his then minor son that talks about Morrison assaulting his son with closed fists and the throwing of a fruit bowl.
5. I believe that Morrison is not happy that Reddit banned Morrison’s and Ivan Bayoukhi’s accounts while I and others who have been critical of their behavior are now the leadership of the Wall Street Silver community.
6. I believe that Morrison is not happy that I have an attorney. My attorney has also assisted in defending Morrison’s claims made against Peter Spina and the late James Forsythe, who recently passed away from a tragic and unfortunate accident.
Well, it has come to the point where Morrison, unable to achieve his goal (of getting an injunction to prevent free speech) has shifted his tactics. Through my research of public court records, James Morrison is now suing himself. Yes, you read that correctly, but more specifically, he is suing a company that he and his wife own, Kacey Media LLC.
But how did we get here? Let me explain and we’ll get back here shortly.
My last official statement on these matters centered around (in my opinion) a frivolous stalking case that resolved in my and the late Mr. Forsythe’s favor; however, after the dismissal was entered and legal arguments were presented, the judge reopened the cases on the grounds that Morrison is owed an evidentiary hearing. The judge determined that Morrison, as the Petitioner, was entitled to an evidentiary hearing although my counsel argued that the Court had the ability to dismiss without an evidentiary hearing. A hearing is in the process of getting scheduled for either September 3 or 4. Fortunately, the temporary injunction revoking my Constitutional Rights was not reinstated while we wait for this hearing.
In public records related to charges filed in Washington State, Morrison has a history of threatening cyberstalking, in addition to his convictions for assault and extortion. I and others worry about whether Morrison will turn on us outside of the courts.
In a letter sent to a Washington State Judge, Morrison’s wife stated “He (Morrison) has a history of severe depression and during my visits at the jail I have already started noticing the change in him. I am terrified that his mental health will suffer. His biological father committed suicide at young age and it is a real concern for me.”
The Defamation case continues to drag on. Since last year, I have tried to depose Morrison (legally interrogate under oath) and this has yet to happen, but not without a multitude of attempts. We have successfully been able to get some written statements, but the most burning question of exactly what damage I caused has yet to be revealed because Morrison has avoided showing any financial statements to date. We had a hearing scheduled to compel Morrison, but that was cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with a new Judge that has been assigned to the case.
Most recently, Mr. Colvin (his attorney) broke his ankle. Surgery will incapacitate the attorney for 4 weeks or more. Peter Spina’s (Gold Seek/Silver Seek) Motions contesting jurisdiction over him were scheduled for argument this week, but that will now be pushed off as well and potentially all my pending dates for the duration of Colvin’s absence.
All of this would be very frustrating if there wasn’t something else going on, but there is…
It’s time we made what has happened public while at the same time we shut it down in the courts in so doing keep this community safe yet again!
On April 3, Morrison, through his attorney, filed a sham pleading in a different circuit court, presumably expecting that no one would find it. Except I did, and we’ve been watching. We believed that the case was filed in the attempt to obtain discovery by circumventing Florida procedural rules. We received confirmation of this suspicion on Tuesday, June 4.
u/DumbMoneyMedia, u/pizzaslut_69420, .@NateFisher, u/TheHappyHawaiian were targeted in a subpoena requesting their real names and other private/financial information from X related to the sham case. I am pleased to report that at this time X refused to comply with their improper subpoena and we expect Reddit to react the same.
This week, we moved to Intervene in the case. It was amended on Tuesday to add language regarding my interest in the Lake County case. We intend to take affirmative offensive legal steps against Morrison in the very near future. I’m sharing the subpoena that was attempted against u/DumbMoneyMedia (with his permission). The subpoena was sent to X, but X has indicated that it will not provide a response.
The reputation of the WallStreetSilver community continues to be tarnished by the repugnant content of impersonator and I pray that some day soon justice will be served, and the voice of the movement taken from the impersonator and given back to its own community! Until then, please consider sharing and donating (if you can) to the community’s Legal Defense Fund. All your help and support means an incredible amount to me and the community!

With Sincerest Regards,
Illuminated Ape
Moderator of WallStreetSilver

submitted by IlluminatedApe to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:55 sillysnacks The Illegal US Blockade on Cuba

The Illegal US Blockade on Cuba
Hi everyone, I hope you’re all having a good day and enjoying the sub! As a mod, I should be more active on here but this past month or so has been very busy.
From April 21st to May 4th, I was in Cuba and there, I witnessed the firsthand effects of the illegal American blockade on the socialist republic. I stayed at a camp in the heart of the Artemisia province and there, I lived the way the Cuban people do. I ate simple yet delicious food, talked to the people, and experienced hardships such as power outages and no running water at times. When we traveled, we took buses that were generously given from China to Cuba but with the financial situation, spare parts aren’t too common and gas is rationed.
A typical liberal would try to use these examples as “proof” of socialism being “inefficient”. However, all of these hardships stem from the illegal American blockade. For example, Cuba can’t export any goods to the neighboring US nor can most businesses in the US export their goods to Cuba due to the US government’s restrictions. And many foreign countries and businesses hesitate to sell goods to Cuba because if they do, they are banned from doing business with the US temporarily or permanently. Speaking of sending money, Americans with relatives in Cuba can only send up to $2,000 to them and this is ONLY if you have close relatives in Cuba. Anyone else who sends money to Cuba, even a dollar risks arrest by the FBI and can go to prison for several years. These measures were introduced with the sole purpose of starving the Cuban population enough to prevent overthrow the government.
However, these efforts have failed as the socialist government works to ensure that every Cuban has access to food, clean water, shelter, healthcare, education, and employment (yes, with a salary) for free. And likewise, support for the Cuban government, the Communist Party, and socialism is widespread. Most “Cuban” dissidents don’t even live in Cuba but rather in Miami and other parts of south Florida where they receive support from the US government.
That all said, the blockade on Cuba is yet another example of America’s genocidal foreign policy. Please feel free to share your thoughts, questions, and concerns. Thank you!
submitted by sillysnacks to YesAmericaBad [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 18:42 live_life_purposely Dogs are mauling and killing more people.

I apologize Mods if this has already been posted. Great article today, June 6, 2024, from usatoday regarding the increase of dog bites in America. Glad to see the founder of, Ms. Lynn, providing her expertise. Go to the article to see latest statistics. Well, at least we are Talking about it on a public level. Still have a long way to go America...but keep plugging through soldiers...things can change, if we don't give up.
Article Text
Dogs are mauling and killing more people. What to do pits neighbor against neighbor
Cybele Mayes-Osterman
USA TODAY June 6, 2024
Anxiety still overtakes Santina Pado whenever a dog is not on a leash. Her phone’s heart monitor signaled a possible cardiac arrest on a family vacation last year when she saw one leaped to greet a woman standing next to her.
The moment brought back the sheer terror of being attacked by a pack of dogs on her daily stroll in rural Fayette City, Pennsylvania. A brindle boxer and four others leapt at her, teeth gnashing, and ravaged her arms, back, and leg. She collapsed, screaming, and suffered a heart attack.
"This is it," she thought. "This is the last day I'm going to have on this earth."
A passerby jumped out of his car and fired a gun into the air, scaring the dogs away. Pado later learned two of them had bitten people before. Yet their owner allowed them to run loose.
More and more in recent years, dogs have bitten, mauled and killed in America. Just in the past two weeks, a husky killed a newborn baby in Tennessee, and an 83-year-old died in the jaws of unleashed dogs in Alabama.
In the past decade, the number of fatal dog attacks more than doubled, from an average of roughly 40 a year to nearly 100 after the pandemic hit, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The number of bites each year has also increased, experts say, from the most recent estimate 20 years ago of 4.5 million to untold millions today.
But how to stem the growing numbers of canine attacks is sharply divisive, pitting neighbor against neighbor, and advocates against condo boards, local councils and state governments. Some have passed leash laws or bans of certain breeds. A dozen states require that dogs have computer chips implanted with a record of any past aggression.
Some say dogs that attack or exhibit signs of acute aggression should be euthanized. Others say they can be rehabilitated and deserve the chance at happy lives, and that breed-specific bans are discriminatory, disproportionately impacting the poor and people of color.
Still, advocates and experts say the status quo is not enough and more must be done to save lives, particularly as millions more households took on pets since the pandemic – some 23 million by one estimate.
"You see how crazy this has gotten," Colleen Lynn, founder and president of, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing serious dog attacks. "It's happening more and more."
Lynn says it's time for government to step in and force better dog management. "Management means everything," she said. "It means training, it means euthanasia if you can't handle it."
Dog bites and fatal attacks can be 'completely unprovoked'
The details are crushing.
A 4-year-old riding his bike slain by a family friend's bulldog in Alabama. A man in Los Angeles fatally attacked by his own pit bulls. A stay-at-home mother in Georgia mauled to death in her yard as she tried to save her children from a pack of dogs.
A 3-month-old baby killed by the family dog in New Jersey, and two weeks ago, a six-week-old set upon as he napped in his crib in Knoxville, Tennessee. Parents Chloe and Mark Mansoor decided to donate little Ezra's organs and speak out on local TV to warn others.
"To just bring awareness that it could be any dog at any time – completely unprovoked," Chloe Mansoor told WVLT. "No matter what the history is."
The tragic toll in 2024 just keeps climbing.
Jim Crosby, a research associate at Harvard University's Canine Aggression Project who tracks dog bite-related fatalities, said there's no way to tell how many dog bites happen each year in the United States. ER visits due to dog bites decreased from almost 363,000 in 2012 to 317,000 in 2021, according to CDC estimates. But getting an overall bite total would require piecing together those estimates from hospital records with health department and industry records, including insurance data.
"None of those databases talk to each other," he said. "So, there's a huge issue with getting decent numbers and there's an even bigger issue with reporting."
Crosby and others who track dog attacks believe they have increased along with the boom in dog ownership during COVID. Even before the pandemic, the number of dogs in the U.S. shot up by at least 6.9 million from 2016 to 2020, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.
Crosby believes other factors are also fueling the spike in attacks. He said dogs raised during the pandemic missed out on crucial socialization and interaction with other dogs as they holed up with their owners during extended lockdowns. Once their owners returned to office jobs, the dogs were left alone at home, further depriving them of social contact.
"We have been seeing a lot more problem behavior cases from the dogs that have come up and were adopted during the period of COVID," Crosby said.
He and Mike Shikashio, a dog aggression expert and certified dog behavior consultant, noted increased demand for dogs in recent years may have upped pressure on dog suppliers.
"Some of the shelters were adopting out dogs that maybe shouldn't have been adopted out," Shikashio said.
Crosby said with stretched resources, few shelters have the capacity to work intensively with individual animals over weeks to rehabilitate them, he said, and in some cases putting them down may have been better than adopting them out.
"Nobody wants to see animals needlessly killed, but there's also the public safety question," Crosby said.
Attack6-week-old baby fatally mauled in crib by family dog in Tennessee
Julie Castle, CEO of the Best Friends Animal Society, says society needs to do better and provide whatever resources are necessary.
"Why, as the wealthiest country in the world, are we talking about how to best kill our best friends rather than how to best save our best friends?" she said.
Castle said giving dogs "the right environment and the right routine" could produce "incredible improvement" in aggressive dog behavior.
Lawmakers turn to 'dangerous dog' legislation
The white scars that run from Kathleen Culpepper's elbow to her wrist are a permanent reminder of the day she was rushed to emergency surgery after her landlady's dogs mauled her in her front yard in Virginia.
A neighbor scared them away before they killed her, but not before they ripped her arm apart. In the ambulance, emergency medics couldn't start an IV because Culpepper's vein collapsed. Making the arm usable required two operations.
"It just was ugly," she said. "The guy just patched me together to hold the skin on."
The dogs had bitten her before, landing her in the emergency room. This time they were euthanized.
Virginia is one of a vast majority of states – 42 and the District of Columbia – that have "dangerous dog" laws on the books, according to the Animal Legal and Historical Center at Michigan State University's College of Law.
It's also one of a handful of states, including New Jersey and Louisiana, that require all dogs deemed "vicious" by a court be euthanized. Culpepper never pursued a court order after the first bite – she was scared her living situation would be jeopardized and she couldn't afford to move.
In almost all cases, a fatal dog attack is "going to result in the dog being killed," said David Favre, a professor at the college and editor-in-chief of the Animal Law Web Center.
If a dog is legally found to have a propensity for violence, "then you'll be able to keep the dog only so long as you abide by a set of conditions for protection of the public," Favre said. Those conditions range from muzzling a dog to barring a minor from owning it.
In at least 12 states and the District of Columbia, dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs must have a microchip implanted or, in some cases, be tattooed. Both Virginia and Pennsylvania maintain registries of dangerous dogs.
"The idea is that you're trying to prevent future harm," Favre said.
What will stem the number of dog attacks?
Florida is considering a measure named after a postal worker killed by five dogs in 2022, Pamela Jane Rock. It would force registration of dangerous dogs, require owners have liability insurance, and mandate the "destruction" of repeat-offending dogs.
Dog attacks on postal workers shot up to more than 5,800 cases last year, according to figures released last week by the U.S. Postal Service. That's 500 more than in 2022.
Lynn, president of the dog attack-reduction group, wants more laws requiring shelters to disclose dogs' aggression records.
"So many people in the public don't even understand that they are getting a dog with a bite history when they go to a shelter, period," she said. "So, mandatory bite disclosure is a way that they can't get away with that anymore."
She and others say instituting bans and restrictions on dog breeds deemed more dangerous is another solution. singles out "dangerous dog breeds, chiefly pit bulls," and says cities and counties in at least 14 states that implemented laws regulating dog breeds reduced dog attacks or dog bites.
Proponents of breed-specific legislation point to studies like one from 2019 that concluded bites from pit bulls are "more frequent and severe."
But opponents say such measures can come with a litany of problems. Jessica Simpson, senior public policy specialist for the Humane Society, said pit bulls are "a broad categorization of an animal and not a particular breed of dog" and are typically identified by appearance, which can be misleading. She said singling them out can contribute to housing instability for their owners and also discourage owners from getting help or training for fear their dogs will be seized.
"It's costly to enforce because people bring lawsuits, civil suits against this stuff and then obviously, it impacts resources," she said.
Advocacy organizations, including The Humane Society, and some legal scholars, say breed-specific legislation can be racist.
Ann Linder, an associate director of the Animal Law & Policy Program at Harvard Law School, concluded "pit bulls were perceived as most commonly belonging to people of color – specifically, young, Black males." A white paper published by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners said banning or restricting them, including through homeowner insurance exclusions, can effectively be a form of "redlining," discriminatory practices that have kept people of color from moving into white and wealthy neighborhoods.
A study of Denver's pit bull ban, in place for more than 30 years, also found enforcement primarily targeted the city's most vulnerable areas and communities of color – particularly where "racially diverse communities intersect with predominantly white neighborhoods."
The Humane Society advocates for replacing the laws with dangerous dog laws. Simpson said at least 21 states have banned breed-specific legislation.
Dog attack survivors face steep medical bills, crippling anxiety
After racking up $12,000 in medical bills and two years of healing, including six months of physical therapy, the lingering effects of the dog attack on Pado's daily life in Pennsylvania now are mostly psychological.
Even though the dogs that bit Pado had attacked others before, euthanasia is mandated in Pennsylvania only after a dog kills someone or a dog previously ruled "dangerous" causes severe injuries or its owner repeatedly fails to register, insure or microchip it.
In October, Gov. Josh Shapiro signed a law trying to discourage people from harboring dangerous dogs by doubling registration fees for them to $1,000 and jacking up fines for unlicensed dogs to as much as $500.
The dogs that attacked Pado during her walk in 2022 were put down afterward. She is still trying to return to her daily routine of walking a 3.5 mile loop every day. She recalled trying last year, setting off on the rural trail once again.
"I thought, I'm not going to let these animals stop me from doing stuff that I like."
But a mile in, anxiety overtook her. She called her husband to pick her up.
"That's my challenge, to see if I can do it," she said. "So far I haven't been able to do that."
Cybele Mayes-Osterman is a breaking news reporter for USA TODAY. Reach her on email at []( Follow her on X u/CybeleMO*.*
submitted by live_life_purposely to BanPitBulls [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:30 Pudix20 With increasing bans on overt displays during Pride Month, what are some *subtle* ways to show signs of support- particularly for classrooms?

ETA: I am not a teacher and do not have a classroom, just looking out for others or different ways to signal “Love is love.” Basically.
I just came across (another) post that said a school district has banned all flags except the American flag, State flag, or University flags from classrooms. This would include something as simple as the banner with all the world flags that you’d see hanging across the geography classroom. Or the French, Spanish, Italian etc. flags hanging in foreign language classrooms. And you better believe it certainly included Pride flags.
How do I know this?
Reportedly, the change came after a “concerned” parent went before the school board because they were told a teacher had a Pride flag behind their desk and they “didn’t want their child exposed to that.” It’s worth noting that upon seeing the actual classroom the parent had changed their mind, but the board went ahead with the decision anyway. Many feel that it’s crazy that one parent can complain and create a district-wide policy. This is happening all across the U.S. even outside of schools (see: Florida’s “freedom summer” bridge lighting policy).
When I was younger in school, you didn’t see Pride flags, but you knew the teachers that supported you because of their subtle phrases and signs. “You are welcome here.” “All are welcome here.” “Peace, love, and equality.” “This is a safe space.” “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who matter won’t mind and those who mind won’t matter.” You get the idea.
I’m fairly sure I didn’t see any Pride flags, but you still knew because they said it without saying it. Both in their signs and their words about treating others with respect and kindness etc. I know to the rainbow kids we noticed this and it mattered, and the other kids didn’t think anything of it.
What are some very subtle ways to show support that aren’t Pride flags or overt displays of lgbtq support?
Bonus request: I feel like there are a lot of phrases (both positive and negative) that can tell you a lot about where someone stands on their beliefs. Feel free to share some of those too if you’d like.
I love seeing examples of this:
U/nardlz shared: Of all the things I have in my room, the smallest one (the pin) seems to garner the most attention. I had a kid tell me that they knew I was "safe" to be open about pronouns to simply because of that one thing. The little things really do count.
submitted by Pudix20 to lgbt [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:30 mwr247 Less than 8 year old unit with a leaking evaporator coil, 2 month estimate on warranty replacement part, what are my options?

I have a Rheem heat pump system that I purchased back in late 2016 (7 years 8 months ago), still under extended limited part warranty. Just this weekend my air handler (RH2T3617SEACJA) and its condenser counterpart (RP1736AJVCA) suffered a pair of failures causing it to only blow uncooled air. The licensed technician who installed it came out and determined the condenser fan motor needs replacing (variable speed motor, has to be the OEM part, 2 week wait), and that the compressor coil had sprung a leak and was thus low on refrigerant (part not currently available, has to come from manufacturer, 2 month wait).
The two options my HVAC technician gave me were:
  1. Wait 2 weeks for the replacement motor, after which they could attempt to recharge the system to hopefully hold out the remaining 2 months, but no telling how fast it would leak. I'd be paying the labor and refrigerant cost (which could be several charges if it's still leaking, which would be both costly and environmentally unfriendly).
  2. Pay to replace the system entirely with a new system, costing me upwards of $7k.
For context I live in an 1800 sqft house in Florida, in an HOA that has a ban on window AC units, and summer has just begun. A two week wait in early June is already pushing it, but waiting until at least August for the coil feels both completely unreasonable and unlivable. I asked if there was any patchwork they could to do the coil to mitigate the leakage, but they told me it's aluminum, and they don't braze/solder those.
I'm rather unenthusiastic with the options presented, and trying to consider a route forward. My current considerations are:
  1. See if I can find an HVAC technician with the training and willingness to attempt to repair the leak to hold over until a replacement coil can be acquired.
  2. Assert to Rheem that they are not able to meet their warranty obligation within a reasonable time, and that they should provide a suitable replacement unit as an alternative.
  3. Insist that if Rheem isn't willing to replace the unit outright, that they should at least cover the cost of portable air conditioner rentals until they can fulfill their part of the warranty.
But I wanted to check here to see if anyone's encountered any sort of similar situation, and what other possible options I might have, or the viability of those I've already been considering.
submitted by mwr247 to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 21:14 Puginator Disney set to invest $17 billion in Florida parks months after settlement

Months after Disney and Gov. Ron DeSantis’ appointees agreed to end a protracted legal fight, the two sides are set to approve an agreement that could result in the company investing up to $17 billion into its Florida resort and opens the door to a fifth major theme park at Walt Disney World.
The five DeSantis-appointed supervisors who oversee the Disney World district voted Wednesday to give initial approval to a new development agreement that both sides had agreed to negotiate after a March settlement ended their state court lawsuits against each other.
A second vote was required for final approval, and that was set for next week.
“We are heading towards a brand new day, and I’m excited about where this is going,” said Charbel Barakat, vice chair of the district’s board. “I only wish we could have gotten here sooner.”
Woody Rodriguez, director of external affairs for the Disney parks, told board members that the agreement will allow the company to make substantial investments in Disney World.
The agreement between Disney and the Central Florida Tourism and Oversight District would last for the next 15 years. The district provides municipal services such as firefighting, planning and mosquito control, among other things. It was controlled by Disney supporters for most of its five decades until it was taken over by the DeSantis appointees last year.
Under the deal’s terms, during the next decade or two, Disney would be approved to build a fifth major theme park at Disney World and two more minor parks, such as water parks. The company could raise the number of hotel rooms on its property from almost 40,000 rooms to more than 53,000 rooms and increase the amount of retail and restaurant space by more than 20%. Disney would retain control of building heights due to its need to maintain an immersive environment.
In exchange, Disney would be required to donate up to 100 acres (40 hectares) of Disney World’s 24,000 acres (9,700 hectares) for the construction of infrastructure projects controlled by the district. The company also would need to award at least half of its construction projects to companies based in Florida and spend at least $10 million on affordable housing for central Florida.
The settlement in March ended almost two years of litigation that was sparked by DeSantis’ takeover of the district from Disney supporters following the company’s opposition to a Florida law critics dubbed “Don’t Say Gay.”
The 2022 law bans classroom lessons on sexual orientation and gender identity in early grades and was championed by the Republican governor, who used Disney as a punching bag in speeches until he suspended his presidential campaign this year.
As punishment for Disney’s opposition to the controversial law, DeSantis took over the governing district through legislation passed by the Republican-controlled Florida Legislature and appointed a new board of supervisors. Disney sued DeSantis and his appointees, claiming the company’s free speech rights were violated for speaking out against the legislation. A federal judge dismissed that lawsuit in January, but Disney appealed. As part of the March settlement, Disney agreed to put on hold the appeal of the federal lawsuit.
Before control of the district changed hands from Disney allies to DeSantis appointees early last year, the Disney supporters on its board signed agreements with Disney shifting control over design and construction at Disney World to the company. The new DeSantis appointees claimed the “eleventh-hour deals” neutered their powers and the district sued the company in state court in Orlando to have the contracts voided.
Disney filed counterclaims that included asking the state court to declare the agreements valid and enforceable. Those state court lawsuits were dismissed as part of the March settlement.
submitted by Puginator to stocks [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:37 SFT3076 Dead to Rights: Florida's New Juvenile Social Media Law Is in First Amendment Crosshairs
Though the wave of social media regulations on juvenile usage is a novel development, the question of how far lawmakers can go in controlling youth access to media is one that federal courts have been weighing for decades.
Free speech scholars skeptical of the new Florida social media law's fate point to the U.S. Supreme Court's 2011 decision to axe a California law that prohibited the sale of "violent video games" to those under 18.
submitted by SFT3076 to privacy [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 16:03 onnake Mom of Florida' s Monarch High transgender athlete is recommended for firing

Mom of Florida' s Monarch High transgender athlete is recommended for firing
“The mom of a transgender student at the center of a controversy involving Monarch High’s volleyball team could be fired this month from her job at the school.
“The fate of Jessica Norton, an information management specialist at the Coconut Creek high school, is scheduled to be decided at a School Board meeting on June 18.”
“Norton was one of five Monarch officials removed from the school Nov. 27 amid an inquiry into whether there were any violations of the ‘Fairness in Women’s Sports Act,’ a 2021 law that bans transgender girls from playing on girls’ sports teams.
“But Norton is the only one facing potential discipline.”
“Norton hasn’t been told what her specific violation is, her lawyer, Jason Starr, told the South Florida Sun Sentinel.
“’Ms. Norton is still in the dark specifically as to what conduct she engaged in or failed to engage in that constitutes an offense that is subject to employee discipline,’ said Starr, who is director of litigation for the Human Rights Campaign, an LGBTQ rights group.”
“Starr would not say whether family members planned to attend the School Board meeting on June 18. He said the ordeal has taken a toll on the family, particularly the student, who left Monarch the same day her mother was removed from the school and eventually enrolled in an online school.
“’The Norton family is doing everything they can to survive and move forward in this moment. You can imagine, a parent [may lose] their livelihood, a child has lost the structure and social support and extracurricular activates from school. I would be remiss if I would say it’s not challenging. They are a strong and resilient family and they are leaning on their love for each other.’”
submitted by onnake to transgender [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 15:34 For2ANJ Henderson gun dealer accused of selling banned high-capacity magazines to undercover agent in N.J.

Henderson gun dealer accused of selling banned high-capacity magazines to undercover agent in N.J.
New Jersey authorities say a Nevada gun dealer sold magazines banned in the state online, shipping at least 30 of the illegal attachments to the Garden State, including 17 sent to an undercover investigator.
Arms Unlimited, which runs a retail store in Henderson and sells firearms and parts online, is accused of violating a New Jersey law limiting magazine sizes to 10 rounds.
The company did not return a message seeking comment.
The lawsuit, brought by the state Division of Consumer Affairs, is the latest in several such cases where state authorities targeted out-of-state gun sellers accused of shipping banned products to customers in New Jersey, which has among the strictest gun laws in the nation.
“Large capacity magazines are capable of inflicting the most lethal damage possible in the shortest period of time, and we have zero tolerance for their unlawful presence in our state,” said state Attorney General Matthew Platkin.
“To protect our communities from the devastation of mass shootings and other gun violence, we will continue to take action against companies that market and ship these dangerous weapons into New Jersey in violation of our laws.”
In the Nevada case, authorities claim the undercover investigator ordered various magazines holding 11 to 75 rounds from Arms Unlimited online in two separate purchases.
After the second purchase, according to a civil complaint, the undercover received an email from the gun dealer notifying them the products were “considered ‘high capacity’ in your state,” adding that the order would be canceled unless the customer could confirm they were law enforcement.
The agent never responded, the complaint said, but the company still shipped all but the 75-round magazine to New Jersey.
New Jersey lowered its ban on high-capacity magazines from 15 rounds to 10 in 2018, part of a package of gun control measures pushed by Gov. Phil Murphy. Since then, state authorities have gone after a number of online retailers who ran afoul of the ban.
An Indiana gun retailer agreed to pay $17,705 in a settlement in a similar case in which an undercover investigator bought a 60-round magazine. Last year, a state appeals court upheld a $150,000 fine against a Florida gun retailer accused of selling 30-round magazines to undercover agents in New Jersey in a similar probe.
In those cases, the gun sellers contended they had done very little business with New Jersey residents prior to the sting sales.
According to the attorney general’s Nevada investigation, business records showed Arms Unlimited sold an additional 13 magazines ranging from 12 to 20 rounds to New Jersey customers between June 2019 and December 2021.
Cari Fais, acting director of the Division of Consumer Affairs, said in a statement the sales “demonstrate a blatant disregard for our consumer protection laws.”
submitted by For2ANJ to GardenStateGuns [link] [comments]

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