Example of analogies in poems

Floor plans, the artistry of architecture

2013.06.26 06:30 Jattok Floor plans, the artistry of architecture

For those who love the art of floor plans. Share past designs of structures no longer around, your own creations, modern marvels and everything in between.

2011.01.27 21:56 I_RAPE_CATS Alternative Video Game/Movie/TV series Artwork

READ BEFORE POSTING TO AVOID GETTING BANNED: Post pictures of cartoons/movies that have been redrawn in a different style. A good example would be an image of the South Park characters done anime style. Another example would be turning a Nintendo character into a Disney Pixar art-style. Background by John Loren Icon by unknown artist

2018.07.28 22:19 SinJiMin Terrible Fandom Memes

Subreddit dedicated to terrible memes and cringe from fandoms all across the board

2024.06.09 12:49 noganogano Is the description of the earth in the Quran wrong?

There is a criticism about the Quran regarding its depiction of the earth. One OP about it as follows ( at: https://old.reddit.com/DebateReligion/comments/1cfvkok/the_descriptions_of_the_shape_of_the_earth_in_the/ ) (after the text of that OP I paste my answer):
Muslims will often say that the Qur'anic verses on the shape of the Earth refer to the "spreading out of the earth's surface around a globe".
Even if we concede this, the following word appears in 13:3, 15:9 and 50:7
madad (extend by drawing or pulling, stretch out, expand) 
If I have a composition of geological materials like sand and rocks in my hand and I call it the earth, it would be linguistically incorrect for me to say "I stretched out the earth" when referring to dispersing these materials on the ground (or a globular object. The verb "stretch" implies an action that elongates or extends something that is inherently capable of being made longer or wider without breaking, typically applied to something continuous and cohesive.
Here's why "stretch" would not be appropriate:
Material Properties: Sand and rocks consist of discrete particles and solid objects. They do not form a continuous, elastic material that can be elongated or expanded through pulling or similar actions. Stretching implies a change in shape or form through tension, which doesn't apply to a collection of loose, non-cohesive materials like rocks and sand. Nature of the Action: The action of spreading rocks and sand involves scattering or distributing these materials across a surface, not elongating them. "Stretch" does not accurately describe this process, as it fails to capture the act of evenly covering an area with particulate matter. 
Now, let's talk about the verb "spread out"... we know what this means... how? Because it is always referring to the spreading out of a cohesive, singular material/object (for example carpet).
The Earth's crust/surface is composed of multiple tectonic plates and a variety of geological materials, making it non-uniform... and while it can be spread out, it would be incorrect to liken it to the spreading out of a uniform fabric.
It's also incorrect to say "spread out like a carpet"... because a carpet is not spread out, unless it's spread out. It would be more correct to say "and we spread out the earth as though it were a carpet". It may seem like a minor thing, but this an omniscient being we're talking about.
The phrase "spread out like a carpet" suggests that the action of spreading has already occurred, making the earth comparable to a carpet that has been laid flat. This phrasing inherently implies that the Earth is already in a state of being spread, akin to a carpet that is flat and extensive.
On the other hand, saying "and we spread out the earth as though it were a carpet" introduces a simile that emphasizes the action of spreading the Earth in a manner similar to how one would spread a carpet.
The carpet analogy is nonsensical regardless, especially if we take it to mean "spread out on a globular object"... because not once in the history of mankind has a carpet ever been "spread out" on a globe. Besides, you wouldn't use the word spread... you'd explicitly say that you have wrapped the globe in a carpet.
It would be easy to improve the Qur'an. Just say "... and we have covered the earth in sand and rock.".
Occam's razor suggests the obvious; these descriptions were written by a flat-earther. There are THOUSANDS of ways we can improve these verses to be more accurate without losing their poetic integrity, ranging from analogies that don't include cohesive objects like fabric to using correct verbs. Nobody in this day and age would ever describe earth's shape like this. There are too many linguistic error, and even when we concede that we need to view these descriptions as metaphors, the metaphors simply don't work.
The answer:
You just try to find the meanings of the word "mad" that make the meaning of the related verses in the Quran non-sensical.
When i ask chatgpt, about the usage of the verb in Arabic literature prior to the advent of the Quran, i get many examples that support the usage of the verb which is in full agreement with the scientific findings about the formation of the earth. You can try for yourself.
On the other hand, the answer of chatgpt to the question "can that verb be used for spreading some material (like dust) on a surface?" is as follows:
"Certainly! The verb "مَدَّ" (madda) in Arabic can describe the action of spreading or dispersing some material, such as dust, on a surface. It indicates the act of scattering or distributing something over a given area. So, if someone is dispersing or spreading dust, sand, or any other substance on a surface, this verb can accurately depict that action."
So, if you study the formation of the earth, you will see that this is how the earth was formed. It was much smaller, and the material in the space spread out on its surface and it became bigger (and longer in its equator).
So, if you find the related Quranic statements non-sensical, you find science non-sensical.
submitted by noganogano to IslamicInformation [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:19 CreationCawthon2 L. Andrew Avalon VS Justice in a outsmarting battle!

L. Andrew Avalon VS Justice in a outsmarting battle!
This is inspired by a RP that the both of them had in OriginalCharacterRP
This post can also show a example of how a normal battle bettween OCs in the smart OCS DeathWheel can look.
[Full Scale IQ] Cognitive Proficiency Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Working Memory Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Total Reading Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] General Ability Index : Justice
[Full Scale IQ] Perceptual Reasoning Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Fluid Reasoning Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Verbal Comprehensive Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Non-Verbal Index : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Visual Spatial Index : L.Andrw
[Full Scale IQ] Full Scale IQ Quotient : L.Andrew
[Full Scale IQ] Process Speed Index : L.Andrew
Full Scale IQ : L.Andrew Avalon take Full Scale IQ [No-Low Diff]
[Overall EQ] Emotional Perception : L.Andrew
[Overall EQ] Emotional Management : L.Andrew
[Overall EQ] Emotional Engagement :Justice
[Overall EQ] Emotional Understanding : Justice
Overall EQ : L. Andrew Avalon take EQ [High-Extreme Diff]
[Overall SQ] Social Adaptability : Justice
[Overall SQ] Social Engineering: Justice
[Overall SQ] Social Regulations : Justice
[Overall SQ] Self Management : Justice
[Overall SQ] Self Awareness : L.Andrew Avalon
[Overall SQ] Relationship Management : Justice
[Overall SQ] Social Initution : Justice
[Overall SQ] Impulse Control : Justice
[Overall SQ] Social Skills : Justice
[Overall SQ] Charisma : L.Andrew
[Overall SQ] Motivation : L.Andrew
Overall SQ : Justice [Mid Diff]
[Intelligence] Existential : L.Andrew
[Intelligence] Linguistic : L.Andrew
[Intelligence] Logical-Mathematic : L.Andrew
[Intelligence] Interpersonal : L.Andrew
[Intelligence] Intrapersonal : Justice
[Intelligence] Fluid : L.Andrew
[Intelligence] Crystalize : L.Andrew
Overall Intelligence : L.Andrew Avalon slam Justice in Intelligence [No-Low Diff]
[Strategy] Execution : L.Andrew
[Strategy] Efficiency : L.Andrew
[Strategy] Control : Justice
[Strategy] Foresight : L.Andrew
[Strategy] Adaptability : Justice
Overall Strategy : L.Andrew take strategy [Low Diff]
[Planning] Adaptability : L.Andrew
[Planning] Execution : L.Andrew
[Planning] Short term : L.Andrew
[Planning] Long term : L.Andrew
[Planning] Preparation : L.Andrew
[Planning] Versatile : L.Andrew
[Planning] Prossesing : L.Andrew
[Planning] Complexity : L.Andrew
[Planning] Aim : L.Andrew
[Planning] Coverage : L.Andrew
Overall Planning : Andrew take Planning [No Diff]
[Manipulation] Pure : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Direct : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Logical : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Indirect : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Individual : L.Andrrw
[Manipulation] Emotional : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Mass : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Deception : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Gaslighting : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Guilt Tripping : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Misdirection : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Love Bombing : Justice
[Manipulation] Blackmailing : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Persuasion : L.Andrew
[Manipulation] Threats : Justice
[Manipulation] Seducing : Justice
[Manipulation] Coercion : L.Andrew
Overall Manipulation : Andrew take the manipulation point [No-Low Diff]
[Thinking] Logical : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Abstract : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Concrete : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Illogical : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Convergent : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Divergent : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Initutive : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Creative : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Faster : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Critical : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Lateral : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Linear : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Non-Linear : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Analytics : L.Andrew
[Thinking] Strategical : L.Andrew
Overall Thinking : L.Andeew take it overall [No Diff]
[Reasoning] Logical : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Illogical : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Analogical : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Cognitive : Justice
[Reasoning] Perceptual : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Problem Solving : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Risk Calculation : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Deduction : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Induction : L.Andrew
[Reasoning] Abduction : L.Andrew
Overall Reasoning : Andrew take reasoning [No-Low Diff]
[Foresight] Prediction : L.Andrew
[Foresight] Anticipation : L.Andrew
[Influence] Influence Building : L.Andrew
[Influence] Leadership : Justice
Overall Influence : Andrew take influence [Low-Mid Diff]
[Perception] Cold Reading : L.Andrew
[Perception] Hot Reading : L.Andrew
[Perception] Initution : L.Andrew
[Perception] Methods : L.Andrew
[Perception] Mind Reading : L.Andrew
[Perception] Seeing Through People's : L.Andrew
Perception Overall : L.Andrew take Perception [No Diff]
[Knowledge] Academic : L.Andrew
[Knowledge] Application : L.Andrew
Overall Knowledge : Andrew take knowledge [Mid Diff]
[Psychology] Analysis : L.Andrew
[Psychology] Empathy : L.Andrew
[Psychology] Sympathy : Justice
[Psychology] Creative : L.Andrew
[Psychology] Understanding : L.Andrew
[Psychology] Warface : Justice
[Psychology] Insight : L.Andrew
Overall Psychology : L.Andrew take psychology overall [Low Diff]
Who is smarter?...
L. Andrew Avalon outsmart Justice [No-Low Diff]
submitted by CreationCawthon2 to OriginalCharacterDB [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 11:13 Adam_Addy_Hansen My problems with dating these days

28M, living at home still.
My life hasn't been easy, and sure I can level the playing field by saying no one's life has been easy. We all go through things, we all struggle, and there are those who overcome those struggles, and those who stay in those struggles.
To me, it almost seems like no matter how much I try to overcome my struggles, there was always one or two more things that came out of nowhere and made everything worse than the struggles previously, just to knock me back down a few more pegs. I'll give you some examples: at 24, while striving for a full-time position at the hardware store I was working at to secure stability and independence, I was wrongfully fired. Compounding the stress caused by later being diagnosed with Ulcerative Proctitis (ulcerative colitis), and the looming need for personal health insurance. A stroke of luck came when my mom's friend facilitated a job opportunity, but the role of a mortgage servicer proved mentally and emotionally taxing, exacerbated by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and eventual quarantine. Despite grappling with trauma and disillusionment from the corporate world, I found solace in joining my best friend's candle business at 26, albeit facing daunting challenges accessing affordable health insurance due to income restrictions and exorbitant medication costs for the condition ($600-$1200 without insurance). The only way I could see a way out was either by balancing multiple part-time jobs and working insane amount of hours, finding a full-time job with benefits, or staying exactly where I was by flying underneath the goverment required limit of hours one can work, so as to recieve free healthcare by only working with my friend (who wasn't giving me very many hours to begin with since it is a small-business of just her and I). I chose to stay where I was because there were more layers behind just the need for healthcare that was in the recesses of my psyche which were self-esteem issues, finding a sense of purpose, the seeking of therapy to work through these issues, eating disorders that have been around since I was a kid, and the perpetual loneliness I had been feeling for quite sometime. You might be wondering, "why didn't he just move out and find a roommate?" I don't want a roommate, and see no difference in living with someone like a roommate and learning to adapt to their lifestyle, or living with my mother who I already know the lifestyle of.
Nevertheless at some point, I found a YouTube channel called, "HealthyGamerGG." Where the creator known as Dr. K talks to everyone in his community about mental health matters. I learned about alexithymia (which is correlated to my sense of purpose), he talks about self-esteem, he talks about confidence and finding a partner, and I'm just soaking it all up! I'm learning everything I could, I'm talking to all of my friends about this stuff too and they're noticing a change in me. At some point, I started going to therapy and my therapists started noticing the changes in me as well, I even started going to the gym. I finally find a sense of purpose, and I go out on a limb and try something in IT--my friend told me I could shadow him at work, and he was going to help me through getting a job.
Despite the significant personal growth and improvements in various aspects of my life, such as self-esteem, ambition, and healing from trauma and Alexithymia, I still struggle to find love. The issue: there is an initial expectation of perfection early on, which often overshadows deeper connection and understanding of nuance in personal situation. In essence, there's a lack of flexibility and grace for each other. Of course, while I endeavor to be transparent about my journey without overwhelming potential partners, my life is far from stagnant and there is a clear path forward with much ambition (something I've been told that many women are looking for in men); I'm actively pursuing certifications in IT to eventually land a job, I'm learning French, I'm engaging in photography, and I'm maintaining a fitness routine. However, I recognize that my life feels incomplete without a partner to share experiences and contribute to mutual growth, aiming for a relationship where both individuals complement each other without relying on the other for complete fulfillment solely from one another.
A recent twitter post by a woman in her 30s sparked some discussion online a while ago, about her dating struggles due to career-focused life choices. She had a life that was very carefully designed by her own hands, and she was finding it hard to get into a relationship with someone who would fit in to the concreteness of the life that she built for herself; vs finding someone when she was younger or being a little more flexible with what she allows. At first, I thought this was just something that was significant for her life and could only be attributed to a reason why I was still single on the other side of the equation, but didn't have any consequence with how I should or have approached my own life. Upon recent reflecting on a date that happened a few weeks ago, in addition to a friend's insight about why I'm still single as a whole--with the analogy of me being a unicorn seeking another unicorn, coming from my friend--I came to the understanding that I shared in the issue immensely. The challenge for me was to find acceptence of the seemingly concrete quirks from people who didn't want to accept those quirks. This introspection revealed the need to reject limitations imposed by conditions like ARFID so that I can be embraced for actual personal traits, rather than being a unicorn seeking a "perfect match." Thus the a wider diversity of people being able to love me for me rather than most being put off by the rigidity of my quirkiness and only few trying to love me for "me," with the quirks. The aim has shifted to working on being open-minded so that compatibility isn't overshadowed by arbitrary constraits set upon by my own short-comings and traumas.
In the interim, while I can understand that people shouldn't date others based on one's "potential" or their prospect, that should only apply when someone's word doesn't match their actions. Likewise, there seems to be a lack of understanding that when you get into a relationship, you are adopting some of that person's responsibilities and/or another person as a responsibility. Relationships aren't there to make you happy, they're designed for accountability and improving in life and happiness can be a side-effect of that. Which means that you're not going to be perfect or ready when you walk into a relationship, but you become ready and you have to be willing to change. Otherwise, there is no other point to be in a relationship as there is no place for rigidity in relationship. This requires a lot of grace, patience, and understanding from both sides of the equation to work and to attempt the relationship. It's scary, but at some point everyone needs to take a leap of faith knowing that even if the grass might be greener on the otherside, you should just worry about taking care of the grass you do have instead of comparing with something that is imaginary or could potentially just be artificial.
submitted by Adam_Addy_Hansen to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 10:52 Count-Daring243 Best Floating Record Players

Best Floating Record Players

Discover the latest innovative designs in the world of vinyl records with our Floating Record Players roundup. These cutting-edge turntables elevate your listening experience with their mesmerizing floating records, bringing together old school charm and modern technology. Our collection features the best options on the market, helping you choose the perfect floating record player for your home or office. Dive into our top picks and embark on a journey of sound that transcends time.

The Top 18 Best Floating Record Players

  1. 3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers - The Jensen JTA-475 3-Speed Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo offers versatile music playback with excellent sound quality, portability, and ease of use. However, some users may experience minor build quality concerns.
  2. Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth - Experience the perfect blend of retro design and modern features with the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player Stand, a 3-speed turntable that lets you stream your music wirelessly or play vinyl with ease, all in a stylish Espresso finish.
  3. Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable - The Audio-Technica AT-LP60X-GM Fully Automatic 2-Speed Belt-Drive Turntable provides a nostalgic vinyl listening experience with its automatic features, stereo sound, and high-quality components, making it an attractive addition to any home audio setup.
  4. Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable - The Pro-Ject Artist Series Dark Side of the Moon turntable is a meticulously crafted piece of audiophile equipment, blending iconic album design with top-tier components, creating a stunning visual and sonic experience that transcends time.
  5. Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player - The Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player, boasting built-in speakers, delivers high-quality vinyl sound plus the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity, USB recording, and an adaptable, compact design.
  6. Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline - Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - A compact, stylish, and portable 3-speed record player with built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and full-range stereo speakers for enhancing your vinyl and digital music listening experience.
  7. Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers - The Arkrocket Cassini Vinyl Turntable offers a perfect blend of vintage charm and modern technology, featuring Bluetooth connectivity, sleek walnut finish, and 40Watt bookshelf speakers for a powerful, immersive listening experience.
  8. Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player - Experience the timeless vinyl sound with the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and portable record player featuring automatic playback, Bluetooth connectivity, and a quality build for immersive listening experiences anywhere in your home.
  9. Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio - The Fuse VERT Vertical Vinyl Record Player with an Audio Technica cartridge, Bluetooth, and FM radio offers exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and versatile functionality for an unbeatable vinyl listening experience.
  10. Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - The Victrola Stream Onyx is a sophisticated turntable verified by the Works with Sonos program, providing rich, vivid sound and seamless integration with your Sonos system for an unparalleled listening experience.
  11. Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black - The Crosley Coda Shelf System - Black is a vintage-inspired, high-performance turntable with a 3-speed belt-driven system, Bluetooth receiver, and fully manual tone arm, perfect for enjoying both vinyl and digital music in a stylish and compact package.
  12. Victrola Acrylic Bluetooth Turntable - 40W, 12-Hour Battery Life, Wireless Streaming, 2-Speed Turntable (33 1/3 and 45 RPM), Metal Tone Arm, Built-In Rechargeable Battery - Experience the perfect balance of classic vinyl sound and modern technology with Victrola's sleek, acrylic Bluetooth turntable, featuring True wireless floating speakers and up to 12 hours of playtime.
  13. Aiho Modern Single Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric - Pro-Ject's VT-E BT Black Vertical Turntable combines sleek design, easy setup, and Bluetooth connectivity for a premium audiophile experience.
  14. Stylish Turntable & Speakers Package - T1 Phono SB, A2+ White - Experience immersive audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB turntable and Audioengine A2+ speakers, expertly crafted for premium sound and design, seamless connectivity, and easy setup.
  15. Stylish Floating Vinyl Turntable and Sonos Five Speaker Package - Experience the perfect combination of high-quality vinyl and immersive streaming with Pro-Ject: T1 Phono SB Turntable and Sonos Five - the ultimate high-definition audio package.
  16. Crosley T160 Record Player with Bluetooth & Floating Design - The Crosley T160 Shelf System - Grey offers a stunning balance of style, functionality, and performance, providing a captivating vinyl listening experience with its sleek design, built-in Bluetooth, adjustable pitch control, and crisp sound quality.
  17. The stylish and modern JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable with a high-quality moving magnet cartridge pre-installed. A stunning vinyl record player that brings you closer to your music while offering the convenience of Bluetooth connectivity. - The JBL Spinner Bluetooth Turntable - Black/Orange offers 5-star sound quality with its Bluetooth capability and high-quality components, creating an intimate listening experience with your favorite vinyl records.
  18. Pro-Ject T1 Phono Permanent Magnetic Tonearm Wireless Bluetooth Enabled Record Player - White - Experience premium audio with the Pro-Ject T1 Phono SB Turntable, featuring a dense, plastic-free plinth, belt drive design, and vibration-absorbing feet for optimal performance.
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🔗3-in-1 Jensen Turntable CD Radio, Cassette and AM/FM Stereo Speakers

I recently got the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set and I can't express how happy I am with my purchase. I remember using my dad's old turntable and the nostalgia it brings back is just priceless. This one is a modern twist to the classic turntable - it plays not only vinyl records but also CDs and cassettes. Plus, it has an AM/FM tuner so I can listen to my favorite radio stations.
What I love about this product is that it is versatile. The turntable allows me to play 3-speed records, which gives me a variety of options. The CD player accepts both regular and rewriteable discs, while the cassette deck, although it looks a bit fragile, still works perfectly fine. This device also comes with features such as repeat of songs and tracks, skip/search forward and backward and random play.
The blue back-lit LCD display and programmable memory adds a nice touch to the whole setup. It's super user-friendly; even my grandma could figure it out! And let's not forget about the stereo headphone jack, perfect for those late-night listening sessions without disturbing anyone.
However, one downside I noticed is that the build quality isn't top-notch. It feels a bit plasticky and might not hold up over time. Another thing is that the speakers lack bass. But hey, considering how affordable this product is, these are minor quibbles.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a nostalgic music player that combines old school charm with modern convenience, the Jensen 3-speed turntable CD radio, cassette, and AM/FM set is definitely worth checking out. Just remember to handle it with care due to its somewhat delicate build.

🔗Modern Vinyl Record Player Stand with Bluetooth

First of all, let me tell you about my experience with this Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player. The moment I set my eyes on it, I was thrilled. Its retro design, available in on-trend colors, instantly captured my fascination. The built-in features like the CD player, FM radio, and USB player made it a versatile piece of entertainment. Plus, the ability to record from vinyl directly to USB without using a computer was intriguing.
The unit stands tall with four long legs and four short rubber feet. This unique design not only adds to its charm but also provides two different decorative options. The dimensions are just right - measuring 17.10 x 15.70 x 11-in and weighing 14.68 lbs. It's easy to move around and fits perfectly into any space.
While the sound quality is commendable, filling the room with a rich, full tone, the construction could use some improvement. The turntable feels a bit flimsy, especially the auto-stop button that sometimes fails to work. Also, there's a little wobbling when a record is on, but not enough to cause any skipping.
In terms of usability, setting up this record player is a breeze. Even someone who's new to vinyl could get it up and running in no time. The included instructions are concise and clear.
However, I did encounter a few issues with the build. First, it seems like there hasn't been much care about handling during shipping. The packaging was good, but it's not enough to prevent some minor damages. Second, I wish the legs could be secured better to ensure they don't pop out from under the record player.
Overall, despite its drawbacks, I believe the Victrola Liberty Bluetooth Record Player does offer a blend of vintage charm and modern convenience. It performs well, especially for its price point, and it's a nice addition to any room's décor. If you're looking for a stylish and functional record player that won't break the bank, I'd recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Audio Technica Fully Automatic Vinyl Record Turntable

Discover the joy of vinyl with the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. I've been using this product for a while now and it's been a game-changer. The fully automatic belt-drive operation with two speeds, 33-1/3 and 45 RPM, ensures smooth playback of your favorite vinyl records.
One of the standout features of this turntable is its anti-resonance, die-cast aluminum platter. This not only adds to the aesthetics but also significantly reduces vibrations and noise during playback, enhancing the overall listening experience. The redesigned tonearm base and headshell have also made a noticeable difference in improved tracking and reduced resonance.
The integral Dual Magnet phono cartridge with a replaceable diamond stylus (ATN3600L) provides rich audio quality, promising hours of listening pleasure. The AC adapter manages AC/DC conversion outside of the chassis, effectively reducing noise in the signal chain.
What I particularly love about this turntable is its portability and compact design. It's easy to move around and fits seamlessly into any room setting. However, the hinged detachable dust cover could be a bit sturdier to better protect my vinyl records.
In terms of performance, this turntable performs exceptionally well, especially given its attractive price point. While it may not impress the audiophiles, it's a perfect introductory turntable for vinyl enthusiasts or anyone looking to explore the world of vinyl.
So, if you're in search of a reliable, easy-to-use turntable that won't break the bank, I highly recommend the Audio Technica AT-LP60X-GM automatic turntable. You won't be disappointed!

🔗Pro-Ject's Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable

I've been using Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable for a couple of months now, and I must say it's truly an audiophile's dream. The first thing that caught my attention was its striking design, which pays homage to Pink Floyd's iconic album cover. That, combined with the high-quality materials, makes it a standout piece in any home.
The sound quality is simply phenomenal. The flat silicon belt connecting to the AC motor ensures stable speeds, while the low-resonance tonearm in black aluminum and acrylic creates a captivating visual appeal. I love how the included Pick it PRO Special Edition delivers the rich sound expected from a Dark Side Of The Moon turntable, which is enhanced by the dimmable LED rainbow backlight.
However, there have been some hiccups along the way. One issue was the subpar power supply provided, which caused a buzzing noise in the speakers. I had to purchase an additional alim with a terrestrial to resolve this problem, adding extra expense to an already hefty price tag.
Another minor inconvenience was the non-included prism element from the video promotional material, an optional accessory that costs another 100€. It wasn't mentioned in the initial purchase, which caught me off guard.
Additionally, the support for the arm and the RGB backlight needed to be hand-tightened due to their lack of stability, but this wasn't a major setback.
In summary, if you're a music enthusiast who's ready to delve into the world of vinyl, Pro-Ject's The Dark Side of The Moon Special Edition Turntable may just be the perfect addition to your collection. Its exceptional sound quality and striking design make it worthy of a high-end turntable. Just be prepared for a few extra expenses along the way.

🔗Victrola Retro 3-Speed Record Player

I recently got my hands on the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player with Built-in Speakers, and it's been quite a nostalgic journey for me. This record player is a perfect blend of old-school charm and modern convenience. The three-speed turntable (33 1/3, 45, 78 RPM) plays all my favorite vinyls, transporting me back to the days when music was a tangible experience.
One feature that really stands out is the ability to record your favorite music directly to a USB, no computer needed. It's like having a personalized mixtape from the past. Plus, its Bluetooth compatibility lets me stream music wirelessly from my smart device, making it versatile for both old and new tunes.
However, there are some downsides too. The build quality feels a bit flimsy, and the tone arm can be quite slow to lower, which might annoy some users. Additionally, the sound quality isn't top-notch compared to higher-end models, but considering the price point, it's quite reasonable.
In conclusion, if you're looking for a budget-friendly record player with a touch of vintage charm, the Victrola 3-in-1 Bluetooth Record Player might be worth considering. But if you demand impeccable sound and robust build quality, you might want to explore other options.

🔗Crosley Cruiser Plus Bluetooth Suitcase Turntable in Tourmaline

Once a vinyl enthusiast, always a vinyl enthusiast. That's my motto ever since I got my hands on the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable - Tourmaline. It just blends old school music with modern technology seamlessly. When I first unboxed it, I was instantly charmed by its charming suitcase-style shell. It gave off a vintage vibe that I absolutely loved. Plus, the built-in Bluetooth receiver and stereo speakers took the convenience factor up a notch.
Navigating through the Turntable is a breeze. The adjustable pitch control and 3-speed feature (33 1/3, 45 & 78 RPM) gave me the flexibility to play any vinyl record I wanted. And don't even get me started on the Bluetooth in/out capability. It was like having a digital music player and a vinyl record player all wrapped into one device.
One day, I had the brilliant idea of connecting my phone to the turntable and playing some of my favorite vinyl-to-digital remastered tracks. The sound quality was phenomenal, a perfect blend of digital clarity and analog warmth. Now, if only it didn't skip randomly sometimes. . .
Despite the occasional skip, the Crosley Cruiser Plus Turntable has been a reliable and enjoyable companion on my vinyl adventure. It's portable, easy to use, and best of all, it beautifully blends the charm of old school vinyl with the convenience of modern technology.

🔗Bluetooth Vinyl Turntable with 40W Stereo Speakers

As a music enthusiast, I've had my fair share of turntables, but the Arkrocket Cassini has truly stood out. Upon receiving it, I was blown away by its stunning walnut finish and sleek design. The ease of setup was impressive, making it truly user-friendly. However, what truly captured my attention was the sound quality this turntable delivers.
It uses a moving magnet cartridge system, which offers a stable playback, allowing my vinyls to be enjoyed in all their glory. This turntable also supports Bluetooth, giving me the flexibility to connect with wireless speakers or headphones when I want. The included 40Watt bookshelf speakers are a cherry on top, providing clear and powerful sound.
The only con I noticed was that the turntable is a bit on the heavier side, making it a little less portable than some other options. However, this is a minor inconvenience for the incredible listening experience it provides. Overall, I highly recommend the Arkrocket Cassini for anyone looking to enhance their vinyl listening experience.

🔗Sony Automatic Bluetooth Record Player

I recently got my hands on the Sony PS-LX310BT, a sleek and functional record player that's revolutionizing the vinyl listening experience. The first thing that impressed me was its easy setup. Unlike some turntables that can be a real pain to assemble, this one was up and running in no time.
One of the standout features of this record player is its Bluetooth connectivity. This allows me to play my vinyl collection on my wireless speakers, giving me more freedom and flexibility when listening to music. Plus, the auto-start function means I can simply press a button and let the music flow, without having to manually lower the tonearm onto the record.
Despite its minimalist design, the PS-LX310BT is built to last. Its sturdy construction and smooth operation make it a reliable choice for vinyl lovers, and its attractive appearance makes it a welcome addition to any room.
However, I did run into a few issues. For instance, the player's tonearm wasn't always able to pick up the record grooves, leading to some skipping and stuttering. Additionally, the player's built-in pre-amplifier wasn't as powerful as I'd like, making it difficult to get the full range of sound out of my vinyl.
Overall, I'm quite happy with my purchase. The Sony PS-LX310BT is a solid record player that combines modern technology with the classic sound of vinyl. While it's not perfect, it's definitely worth considering if you're in the market for a new turntable.

🔗Fuse Vertical Vinyl Record Player with Bluetooth and FM Radio

I recently purchased the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player that comes with Bluetooth and FM radio, and boy, am I impressed! The sleek vertical design is perfect for my modern apartment, and it's a great conversation starter when friends come over.
One of the standout features of this record player is its ability to play 33-1/3, 45, & 78 vinyl records. The ceramic cartridge with a diamond needle delivers a rich mid-end and beautiful upper-range sound. The built-in FM radio, alarm clock, and Bluetooth connectivity make it a versatile device that can be used in different scenarios, like playing MP3s and tuning in to my favorite radio stations.
As for the cons, I did face some minor issues with the setup process. The instructions could have been more detailed, but with a little patience, I managed to get it up and running. Additionally, the internal speakers aren't as powerful as I would like, so if you're looking for premium sound quality, you might need to connect it to an external speaker system.
Overall, I'm extremely satisfied with the Fuse Vert Vertical Vinyl Record Player. Its unique design, combined with its versatile features, has made it a valuable addition to my home entertainment setup. If you're in the market for a stylish and functional record player, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

🔗Stylish Modern Sleeper Chair with Linen Fabric

I recently got my hands on the Victrola Stream Onyx, a modern turntable that seamlessly integrates with my Sonos system at home. This sleek black beauty was easy to set up - all it took was a quick scan of the provided QR code, and I was off to the races with the intuitive Victrola app.
The first thing that stood out for me was the sturdy, high-quality build of the turntable. It looks like a piece of art in my living room, and the matte black finish pairs perfectly with the rest of my Sonos setup. But let's talk sound quality; it's simply fantastic. Listening to vinyl through my Sonos system is an experience I don't want to miss now, whether it's playing old classics or exploring new indie gems.
One standout feature I absolutely love is the turntable's automatic tone arm lift function. It makes switching tracks so much easier, and you never have to worry about leaving the needle on a record when you're done playing. The illuminated control knob is also a welcome touch, allowing me to control my entire Sonos system right from the turntable itself.
However, no product is perfect, and the Onyx does have its drawbacks. I occasionally experience some dropped connections with my Sonos setup, which can be frustrating if you're in the middle of playing a record.
All in all, the Victrola Stream Onyx has been an excellent addition to my vinyl collection and Sonos system. Its sleek design and superior sound quality make it worth the investment, and it's the perfect companion for vinyl enthusiasts who want to stream their favorite records throughout their home.

🔗Crosley Coda Modern Vinyl Record Player - Black

Using the Crosley Coda Shelf System has completely transformed my listening experience. Right from unboxing, its sleek black design made me think of a classic timeless piece. The process of setting it up was an absolute breeze, and in no time, I was spinning my first vinyl on its belt-driven 3-speed turntable, which flawlessly plays 33 1/3, 45, and 78 RPM records.
One thing that stood out for me was its Bluetooth receiver. Streaming my digital playlists straight to the included stereo speakers was a super convenient feature, making this system perfect for both analog and digital media. The built-in FM radio added to its versatility, enabling me to tune into my favorite local stations.
The manual tone arm with a pre-mounted moving magnetic cartridge and adjustable counterweight ensures a smooth and accurate vinyl playback. I also appreciated its compatibility with the NP-15 needle, which I found easy to replace and adjust for optimal sound quality.
Despite its compact size, the Crosley Coda Shelf System packs a powerful punch. The vintage-inspired design includes an aluminum platter and a clear dust cover, adding to its aesthetic appeal.
However, one little inconvenience I had was the packaging of the slipmat. It arrived folded, affecting the sound quality initially. But with a solution like ironing it flat, this issue was quickly resolved.
All in all, the Crosley Coda Shelf System has rekindled my love for vinyl music and its vintage charm. The combination of its fantastic sound quality, stylish design, and versatile functions make it an absolute must-have for music lovers.
My only minor gripe – the speakers are somewhat small, and although they provide clear sound, I wouldn't mind if they were just a tad louder. However, this doesn't deter from the overall excellence of the product. So, if you're in the market for a high-quality, stylish, and versatile turntable system, look no further than the Crosley Coda Shelf System. You won't regret it!

Buyer's Guide

Floating record players offer a unique and stylish way to enjoy your vinyl collection. These innovative devices use magnetic levitation technology to create the illusion of a floating vinyl record as it spins. This not only adds a touch of futuristic flair to your home audio setup, but it also ensures smooth, quiet playback. If you're in the market for a floating record player, there are several factors to consider to ensure you choose the best option for your needs.

Features to Look for in Floating Record Players

  • Magnetic Levitation: The core feature of a floating record player is the use of magnetic levitation to create the appearance of the vinyl record floating in the air. This not only looks stunning but also minimizes vibrations and noise for improved audio quality.
  • Audiophile-grade Components: For the best sound performance, look for floating record players that use high-quality components like precision tonearms, durable cartridges, and premium speakers or amplifiers.
  • Compatibility: Make sure the floating record player you choose is compatible with a wide range of vinyl record sizes, including 7", 10", and 12" records. Some models may also support 45 RPM records for maximum versatility.


Important Considerations

  • Budget: Floating record players come in a wide price range, with some models costing several thousand dollars. Determine your budget beforehand and prioritize features and performance over price.
  • Size and Space: Consider the dimensions of the floating record player and ensure it will fit comfortably in your desired location without overcrowding or obstructing other elements of your home audio setup.
  • Ease of Use: While floating record players are primarily focused on their appearance, it's essential to choose a model that is easy to set up, operate, and maintain for long-term enjoyment.

General Advice for Floating Record Player Buyers

When shopping for a floating record player, do your research and read customer reviews to get a sense of performance, build quality, and overall satisfaction. Make sure to visit stores or dealers that carry a variety of models, so you can see and hear them in person before making a purchase. Finally, invest in high-quality vinyl records to truly experience the full potential of your new floating record player.



Who is this article for?

This article is for music enthusiasts, especially lovers of vinyl records, who are interested in innovative and unique records players. The floating record players featured in this article offer a captivating and futuristic design that adds a new dimension to the listening experience.

What is a floating record player?

A floating record player is a type of turntable that elevates or "floats" the vinyl record from the platter, creating an illusion of weightlessness. This design, made famous by the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), adds an aesthetic appeal to the player and offers a unique record listening experience.

How do floating record players work?

Floating record players use a combination of magnetic forces and specially designed components to levitate the vinyl record above the platter. This not only creates an attractive visual effect, but also helps reduce friction and vibrations, potentially improving sound quality. However, it is important to note that not all floating record players may achieve significant improvements in sound quality compared to traditional record players.


What are the advantages of using a floating record player?

  • Visually appealing design with a futuristic and artistic appearance
  • Potential benefits of reduced friction and vibrations that may lead to improved sound quality
  • Offers a unique listening experience with the record "floating" above the platter

Are there any disadvantages to using a floating record player?

  • Higher price point compared to traditional record players
  • Some users may not perceive significant improvements in sound quality
  • The floating mechanism adds complexity to the turntable, which could increase the risk of mechanical issues

What should I consider before buying a floating record player?

  1. Budget: Consider how much you're willing to spend on a floating record player, as they can be more expensive than traditional record players.
  2. Features: Compare the features of different floating record players, such as manual or automatic operation, built-in pre-amplifiers, and the availability of replacement parts.
  3. Brand reputation: Research the brand and its reputation to ensure quality and customer support.
  4. Sound quality: Although floating record players may offer some advantages, make sure to review audiophile opinions and read reviews to assess the sound quality of a particular model.


What are some popular floating record players on the market?

Some popular and well-regarded floating record players include the [U-Turn Orbit Special Edition](https: //www. gofloating. com/), the [Fluance RT85](https: //www. vinylrecordplayers. org/best-floating-record-player), and the [Pro-Ject Debut Carbon EVO](https: //www. pro-ject. com/en/products/turntables/turntable-the-box-essential-iii/).

How do I maintain a floating record player?

Floating record players should be maintained like any other high-quality record player. Ensure that belts are replaced periodically, the stylus is cleaned and replaced when necessary, and the playing surface is kept free of dust. Additionally, always handle records with care, and ensure that your floating record player is placed on a stable and level surface to prevent vibrations.

Do floating record players require a specific type of vinyl record?

No, floating record players are designed to play standard vinyl records. However, it is advisable to use high-quality vinyl records to ensure optimal sound performance and preserve the longevity of the record player.

How do I set up a floating record player?

Setting up a floating record player is similar to setting up a traditional record player. Connect the player to your amplifier or preamplifier, place the vinyl record on the platter, and gently lower the stylus onto the record. Ensure that the floating mechanism functions properly and that the record is not touching the platter or other surfaces.

What is the difference between manual and automatic operation in floating record players?

Manual operation in a floating record player requires the user to manually lift and lower the stylus onto the vinyl record. Automatic operation, on the other hand, utilizes a motorized mechanism to lift and lower the stylus automatically. Both types of operation can provide satisfying performance, and the choice between them ultimately comes down to personal preference.

How long do floating record players typically last?

The longevity of a floating record player depends on a number of factors, such as proper maintenance, usage frequency, and the quality of the components used in the player. Well-maintained floating record players can last for many years, but it is crucial to replace belts and styli as needed to keep the player in optimal condition.

How can I prevent my floating record player from shaking during use?

To prevent shaking in a floating record player, ensure that the player is placed on a stable and level surface and minimize external sources of vibration. For example, avoid placing the player near heavy traffic or a washer and dryer, and consider using a record weight to keep the vinyl record flat on the platter.
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2024.06.09 06:47 Educational-Owl6731 Poem about existential crisis, nihilism, and anger issues

Poem about existential crisis, nihilism, and anger issues
Nature was my main muse for this poem. Analogies like "avalanche" and "plague" express the collateral damage of anger issues if it wasn't acknowledged. But despite the horrific sight of apocalypse, I see my pain as powerless compared to the ever-evolving universe. I also express my pain through seeing the violence in our history.
After expressing 34 stanzas about the grand scheme of things, I still feel confused and lost. I have more questions than answers about the world we live in. There is one stanza that's always stuck in my head:
Every outburst turned into waterfalls No one is equipped to control the streams All because I can't get up from my downfall A broken sanity caused by a broken dream
submitted by Educational-Owl6731 to u/Educational-Owl6731 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 05:02 Arkavari1 I don't know what to do...

I've become incredibly frustrated. I really cannot figure out from whence my anxiety hath arisen. I am done with it in any case. I am accomplishing everything I set my mind to, so why the hell would I be anxious? The only thing left to try is a certain herbal refreshment.
Really, I am sure I know why I am anxious, but there is absolutely nothing I can change the past, and I am trying not to worry about the future either. I've crushing myself lately with every task and purpose I can throw myself into. It is partially for personal achievement, in part for distraction, and for the purpose of self-flagellation. Flogging myself for ending up here, but I shouldn't be so harsh, the actions of others play a large part. I just can't help but feel that, despite going out of my way my entire life to walk on egg shells, I have made the wrong choices that led me to be here.
It is not without benefit. I have been doing a lot to improve my life. For myself for once. I have lost 35 pounds and 5 inches in the last three months. But a lot of what I'm doing with my time is not for me. I am trying to protect the LGBTQ community. My community. If that means bringing someone from $15/hr to $30/hr, or helping them get access to transitioning, or just mental health care, I want to keep them safe. It's not entirely selfless. There is someon out there, whether I know them or not, who is the most important person to me, and if I do this, if I can maybe work my way to getting legislation passed or policy changed to prevent the abuses during the last administration, then I am protecting them, too.
God, it sounds so sappy and childish when I say it out loud like this. But who cares? I feel what I feel. I just can't do nothing to look out for them, and I definitely can't do anything. I have silently perused the dating market and found a few people who may be of interest. There is one in particular, but I feel like I shouldn't bother. I'm not afraid of him saying "no" to a first date. In fact, the opposite, what if he says yes and we date for a while and we fall in love? Then I will be in love again. And what's to stop him from hurting me like the others?
I hate to speak ill of my own parents, but even since the beginning, when I truly needed someone to be there for me I had no one. My grandmother was all I had. We all have the need to be with someone who we can trust and be trusted by, love and be loved by, be safe with and keep safe, insofar as any person can protect another, to encourage and be encouraged by, etc. Even in an emergency there are so few people I can rely on. However, I am fortunate to have found people who are truly great to me. Friends only, but amazing people. Maybe that's one reason I'm doing as well as I am, in spite of the heart-ache I know is hiding deep within me. One of them is even like the father I always wished I'd had. Someone who not only is proud of me, but gives me the tools to be successful, as well.
I really am trying to just not feel anything anymore. I don't think that my cavernous heart can be paved over and made unfeeling. But I really want to try. I just don't know what goals or purposes there are outside of interpersonal relationships. Everything I want to do I work hard at and end up doing to my satisfaction. I don't have the same love of possessions that enchants so many others. People and the relationships with them are the only interesting thing in the world. The only valuable thing in the world. It's hard to imagine that I might have to set that aside.
And while I've limited my time concerning myself with all of this to as little as 8% of my time, I still keep digging up statistics, data, checking the dating market. The probabilities are not good for getting what I want. I've considered just being casual the rest of my life. Perhaps I should, but I hate to give in when it isn't what I want. The more I interact with my community, the more I see that that's just how it is. And I understand not wanting to get married, I don't know if I will ever bring myself to ever again, but it is kind of sad that we fought so hard to prove that it isn't just a sexuality and that we deserve to be married, but so few do marry.
I get that we are all so traumatized by bullying, domestic violence, ostracization, being disowned, and so on. But it's breaks my heart that I keep seeing how dramatically that is impacting our relationships, and creates an inability to trust one another. We aren't alone in this, it is so often that we destroy ourselves on behalf of other people and how they've treated us.
These are the musings of frustration, not of fact. They are born of worry and I feel bad for even entertaining them. I just want to find my little peace in this world. I've always been the one who rushes headlong into it, a knight in shining armor. But I've come to realize that I do that for people I come to care for, because I feel they deserve everything... and it's the thing I've always secretly wanted for myself. My own knight in shining armor. Not in any grandiose manner that reflects the imagery of the epic poems. But being swept off my feet does sound wonderful. But I'm a masculine top, and I think that is some fatuous ideology for someone like myself. It doesn't have to be complicated or extraordinary.
I just don't know how to proceed. I used to think I knew what the future might look like, but I can't even face the future. I live entirely in this moment, right now. And I try not to think about all of the things I've been doing for which I had that emotional support. Or the great date opportunities I've had. For example, tomorrow I have plans for what I hope will be a wonderful garden party, and it always feels a bit gray to not have anyone to bring. I have random thoughts about hopefully teaching them sign language. Sometimes I find it more enjoyable to converse in that medium. I'm not quite as talkative as I used to be (a lesson from my father: one should listen twice as often as one speaks) yet sometimes when I am passionate I keep going on, but I have found that speech without the spoken word is somewhat calming to me. When I am upset, especially, I have a hard time uttering vocal words, and it would be nice to have that way of relating my upset with someone.
I must digress, I'm not even certain this can all be posted in one piece, and it isn't doing me any good to vent anyway. I still need to find a good therapist. Not that they have ever helped much, other than helping me talk myself through to a solution. I suppose that is something, though, and my insurance covers it. I suppose that is the next thing to do, now that things have calmed down.... if I ever let things calm down. If I ever have a reason to let things calm down....
submitted by Arkavari1 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 04:52 BGodInspired Simplify to Amplify: The Power of Clear Communication in Faith


Understanding the Power of Simplicity

Have you ever tried to explain something complicated, only to find that people are just not getting it? We’ve all been there, fumbling for the right words and losing our audience in a sea of confusion. This isn’t just a modern-day problem; even Jesus faced this challenge when He spoke in parables so that His profound truths could be easily understood by everyday people. Truly, if you can’t explain it simply, you probably don’t understand it well enough.

Jesus’ Example of Simple Communication

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus consistently communicated deep spiritual truths through simple stories and analogies. Whether He was talking about the Kingdom of Heaven being like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32) or explaining God’s love through the parable of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32), His teachings were relatable and easy to grasp.
When you find yourself struggling to express a concept or idea, take a moment to reflect on Jesus’ approach. Simplifying your message doesn’t diminish its value; instead, it makes it more accessible and impactful.

The Importance of Clear Communication

1 Corinthians 14:9 reminds us, “So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.” This verse emphasizes the value of clarity in our communication.

Reflection: Are You Accurately Conveying Your Message?

Take a moment to reflect on your own communication style. Do you tend to overcomplicate things? Are there areas in your life where you could benefit from simplifying your message? Consider the following questions:
By addressing these questions, you’ll be on your way to improving your communication skills, making your interactions more meaningful and effective.

Practical Steps for Simplifying Your Message

  1. Know Your Audience: Tailor your message to the level of understanding of your listeners. Avoid jargon and use familiar language.
  2. Clear Structure: Organize your thoughts coherently. Use bullet points or numbered lists to break down complex ideas.
  3. Use Analogies and Stories: Just as Jesus used parables, employ analogies and stories to illustrate your points vividly.
  4. Ask for Feedback: Encourage questions and solicit feedback to ensure your message is being received as intended.
  5. Practice: The more you practice explaining your ideas simply, the more naturally it will come.

A Call to Action: Share Your Experience

Let’s make today a day of change. Do you have any tips or personal experiences about simplifying communication? Share your thoughts and stories in the comments below. Your insights could be the key to helping someone else unlock the power of simple, effective communication.
By actively engaging in this conversation, we can collectively grow in our ability to communicate clearly, just as Jesus did. So, take a moment, reflect, and then share. Let’s simplify our messages and enrich our conversations!
Remember, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Let’s strive for understanding and clarity in all our communications, following the example set by our Lord.
If you like this content, please connect with us at: https://BGodInspired.com
Or dig for more answers yourself with our BGodInspired Bible Tools! Be careful – each interaction is like a new treasure hunt… you can get lost for hours 🙂
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2024.06.09 02:39 Charity00 The Amazing Race 24 - Review

I’ve decided to rewatch every Amazing Race and rank them all.
SEASON 24 (ALL STARS) gets a 6/10
This is probably one of the most frustrating seasons! It looked like very little effort was put into the returnee cast, the route, the challenges, leg designs and even editing/storylines were inconsistent. However…it usually wasn’t boring! There was some drama (some of it a bit annoying though), there was the charm of seeing returnees (I do love the appeal of All Star seasons), and a season with Rachel Reilly is never boring! So I find it similar to the Family Edition in that it has lots of flaws but is generally entertaining enough to enjoy. So it gets a 6 because it was still enjoyable (but is obviously ranked near the bottom).
General Thoughts
Cast Ranking
1.Brendan/Rachel - they carried this season! Rachel started out as not wanting to be her old emotional self and was a lot less whinier than TAR20 (although I preferred her meltdowns honestly haha). She had a “heroic” edit where she prayed rather than getting stressed out - also supported Luke at the cocktails challenge and helped Brendan get through the plate spinning. However they are also responsible for the biggest drama of the season - U-Turning Dave/Connor and the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline. Once again Rachel has most of the cast hating her…and I love it! Rachel then reverted back to her old crying self in the last 3 legs with meltdowns at the bulls, crying at the Wellington toss and picking fights in the finale. So still crazy, still got her sequins, fell over a few times haha, bizarre lines (saying “I want to win to get a baby” over and over haha) and provided the drama and laughs that this season needed.
  1. Dave/Connor - the rivals of the Brenchels and made the next biggest impact! They seemed very sweet and relatable like at the disco “We’re just 2 Mormon boys from Salt Lake City” haha and I liked their sweet bond with Caroline/Jennifer where they let them step on the mat in front of them. But they also feel annoying and entitled. Dave mentioned his achilles A LOT, Dave complained about his age A LOT ("Yeah outrunning an old man", “U-Turning a 60 year old man” and “This is a young person’s game”), complained about Brenchels A LOT and they seemed very self righteous over the U-Turn. Their involvement in the Accidental Alliance came across as childish rather than noble, “That snotty woman! She’s scary looking!” So I'm not sure if they were meant to be likeable or not - they sort of sucked a lot of the fun out of the season honestly. But a decent redemption for them and they made a decent impact and got us talking.
  2. Leo/Jamal - still fun and likeable with some sneaky moments but more toned down than last time. A few cheeky moments like “We love you Connor, we love you Connor” when he finished the sewing (hoping for help), but then “I’m kidding, I don’t” after they left. Strategic again like when they wanted to lie to Jet/Cord at one stage but didn’t because they wanted to avoid the U-Turn this time. Made the smart decision rather than the emotional one when U-Turning the threats Jet/Cord. Unfortunately finished in 4th place again.
  3. Jet/Cord - the cowboys are “back in the saddle”! Another likeable team but I found Leo/Jamal more interesting. They were “threats” again, “We’re like butter, we’re on a roll” when coming in 1st haha and also worked alone again “We’re used to being the lone rangers”. I sort of liked how they didn’t join in on the Brenchel drama. Still find them a bit overrated but I know a lot of viewers enjoyed seeing them again.
  4. Caroline/Jennifer - were the sweethearts and underdogs who weren’t great racers but slid by each week (and saved by 2 non-eliminations). I thought they were likeable enough, “Who would u-turn Dave/Connor, they’re the sweetest guys…and have great hair” haha Were proud of their flirting again and used it to get an Express Pass off Jet/Cord…and were helped multiple times by Leo/Jamal and Dave/Connor. You don’t need to be a strong “girl power” team…the underdogs who get through by flirting are just as interesting haha But weren’t that great TV honestly….like last time.
  5. Mark/Mallory - a fascinating dynamic even though most fans didn’t like this hybrid. In a way it did damage the reputation of 2 fan favorites (Mark/Bopper and Gary/Mallory) because they were very negative to one another (Mark refusing to race without the backpack despite having everything he needed, and Mallory seemed uncaring and not taking responsibility) but I enjoyed their drama. I liked how Mallory joked about losing their passport on leg 1…and the foreshadowing. I prefer their messy dynamic rather than them just being nice and boring for 2 legs.
  6. Natalie/Nadiya - screamed at eachother through the whole 1st episode and I loved every minute they were on screen “It’s in Asian, I can’t read it!” haha They were such a hot mess in their 1 episode and possibly my favourite first boots! This season would have been so much better if we saw them involved in the Brenchel drama later, and I would have loved to see some more crazy moments and seeing them get to visit Sri Lanka.
  7. Margie/Luke - the last 4 didn’t really contribute much this season. These 2 are ahead because I always enjoy watching their dynamic with their sweet bond and occasional bickering (nothing bad, just normal healthy struggles). Luke’s sexuality was finally brought up (a nice scene where Luke explains his coming out to Margie) and I liked Margie saying that when Luke pulls her this time, he has to be gentler because she’s older haha Felt very likeable this time, like when they were reflecting on the train ride in Sri Lanka.
  8. Flight Time/Big Easy - they were fine but didn’t do much this season. They had a nice moment dancing with the locals in Borneo, joking about the Beekmans winning with roller bags, and talking to their wooden donkey when they couldn’t work out what they did wrong. So ultimately a few more fun moments than the 2 ranked below them. Didn’t feel like they wanted to be there as much as previous seasons.
  9. John/Jessica - didn’t do much this time. They were at the centre of lots of storylines in TAR22 but I think that was just “lucky circumstances” rather than them being big characters. They were just a generic nice couple here. It was nice though seeing Joey/Meghan and John/Jessica helping each other again like last time (and Brendan/Rachel having a random final 3 alliance with them haha). Their only moment here was them working with other teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind them, and losing a footrace.
  10. Joey/Meghan - Also didn’t do much and the only difference is John/Jessica made it further. Joey just played up to the cameras like last time (screeching “White is not my color” at the wedding dresses) but they were still likeable enough. Their only storyline was Meaghan helping John despite the 2 of them being in last place. So not the smartest move but nice that they still have that friendship.
Leg Rankings
1.Leg 8 - Italy (F6 - Flight Time/Big Easy eliminated) - the most entertaining episode of the season! So much drama going on between all teams and great scenery. Brendan/Rachel U-Turning Dave/Connor…with Dave’s irrational hatred for the rest of the leg plus Brendan/Rachel disagreeing over who to U-Turn. Then Dave/Connor helping Leo/Jamal (despite U-Turning them too and calling it a “blessed u-turn” haha). Decent challenges - racing donkeys (teams falling off especially Rachel, and the donkey struggling with Big Easy haha), building a wooden donkey (teams not using the box as part of it, many switches) and writing the Ancient manuscript (dull but some teams still struggled and was made better with Dave not accepting an apology and later mocking Brendan/Rachel). Rachel was hilarious “They can’t get me in a place of worship” haha Also had Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer working together (with Dave/Connor accidentally losing them just like Bates/Anthony did) and just a good mix of fun and drama! Not for everyone, but I liked it.
  1. Leg 4 - Malaysia (F8 - Non elimination) - fantastic, especially the Kuala Lumpur section at the end. The beginning in Kota Kinabalu had the trampoline challenge which had Jessica struggling and injuring her foot and Rachel having to take off her pantyhose because she was slipping haha But Kuala Lumpur had the Petronus Towers and Batu Caves, a night leg plus a fantastic Detour (if you ignore that it was impossible for Luke to do the DJ routine). Pouring the cocktails and the DJ routine had lots of teams struggling with placement shifts from the flights (one of my favorite Detours). Luke has a meltdown and smashes the glasses (Margie yelling like a mother to pick them up haha) and Rachel of all people calms him down. 3 hours later Brendan/Rachel pray and have a very positive edit and music (and don’t accept Margie/Luke’s offer for both to take a penalty) and a great ending between these 2. Loved the music and close up of Rachel’s cross haha Would be the best leg of the season if the whole leg was in Kuala Lumpur.
  2. Leg 2 - China (F10 - Mark/Mallory eliminated) - it looked like a cheap Covid leg but pretty exciting overall. Some great drama with Mallory forgetting Mark’s bag and arguing about going back for it, “People from Kentucky don’t act this way” and Mark being like “I don’t have much and I mean nothing to her”. A trainwreck but can’t stop watching! Jet/Cord walk for a long time and lose their 1st place lead and some okay navigation drama at the start. Building the toy car at “Chuck e Cheese on steroids” was fun - a little girl annoying Flight Time, Meghan helping her ally John (despite being last), and especially Caroline struggling and Jen managing to get the Express Pass off Jet/Cord, “I knew I’d get it off him” hehe. The featherball was also fun with all teams so close together, and Mark/Mallory just not working well together at all. No team chose the massage, and I don’t mind watching teams in pain haha but I prefer skill based challenges so I don’t mind. 7 teams then check in together at the pit stop together. Very fun and fast paced!
  3. Leg 11 - England/Wales (F4 - Leo/Jamal eliminated) - was decent and felt competitive enough but not as top tier as past final 4’s - mediocre tasks for a final 4 elimination and not many storylines but not too dull. Soccer task was ok but nothing special, shooting the clay pigeons/tossing wellingtons was terrible (still felt tense though at the end…and I guess it made Rachel crack), but I really enjoyed remembering the Welsh poem on the aqueduct (good scenery, cultural and challenging). The costumes and castle looked nice - “we’re in Downton Abbey” and Rachel finally has a TAR20 type meltdown when she picks the wrong size shoe and cries like a child (the foreshadowing at the start when Rachel says “I’m proud that I haven’t freaked out yet”). Placement shifts, self driving, Rachel meltdowns are always a positive for me, and actually had a strange positive edit where the final 4 were getting along. So still enjoyable overall and a sad ending for Leo/Jamal. Just needed a few better challenges, especially the Detour at the end.
  4. Leg 7 - Italy (F7 - John/Jessica eliminated) - a good enough leg but would rank higher if it had bigger moments or storylines. It had the Coliseum, many teams together at the final puzzle (Roman Numerals) which is always a plus (Flight Time hilariously having no clue how to do it, Rachel not helping teams, and Leo/Jamal strategically helping last place teams)…and a foot race for last with teams thinking Caroline/Jennifer were behind. However the challenges were embarrassingly bad - remote controlled chariots seemed so silly and out of place (feels very inauthentic to the Ancient Roman theme), the gladiator routine was silly, and counting the Spanish steps wasn’t that hard as long as a local could tell you the Roman Numerals. Finding the site of the “unhappy Roman holiday” had some difficulties, Rachel thinking the “eternal city” is Ethiopia for some reason haha and while the detours were silly, they had some funny struggles with Leo “I watched all 4 seasons of Spartacus”. And of course a very close finish!
  5. Leg 9 - Switzerland (F5 - Non elimination) - challenges were okay and nice Swiss scenery…but very big on the “We hate Brenchels” drama! I don’t mind it but can understand why some may find it annoying this episode. The “Accidental Alliance” is created on the train with teams mocking Rachel’s “I want to race around the world with my best friend” haha. And celebrate getting to clueboxes before Brendan/Rachel, helping one another “their family” and also complaining about them A LOT! Cleaning the room was okay as an attention to detail task and Jet was like “Now my wife knows I can clean”, and Helga “Figure it out!” was a great judge! Working out that the object is a drillbit for a tunnel plus the Mustang Puzzle were nice simple tasks - Rachel thinking it’s a wheel haha and Dave/Connor giving their allies answers. Delivering the milk through the snow at the end was a bit dull besides Brendan writing “TAR24 WINNERS BRENCHEL” on the gondola haha So just an okay leg but depends whether you like the “We hate the Brenchels” storyline.
  6. Leg 6 - Sri Lanka (F7 - Non elimination) - another “okay” leg. Started strong with the tuk tuk Road Block - Rachel was fantastic screaming “GREEN GREEN GREEN” but her colours being wrong (her ally John eventually helps her). Lots of fun chaos with everyone manhandling tuk tuks “I was booty bumping rickshaws out of the way” haha But then there’s a train equaliser and delivering logs with an elephant/make paper from elephant dung was boring (and arguably animal cruelty making the elephant do that). “You’re only as fast as your big fat elephant”. They’re okay cultural tasks but not that difficult or interesting besides a few bubbles when making the paper. Nothing much happens besides some foot races - Jet/Cord vs Leo/Jamal “It’s Indians vs. Cowboys! And the Indians are WINNING!” haha and also Dave whining that John/Jessica outrun him “Yeah beat the old man”. The tuk tuk segment was a highlight of this season and it’s unfortunate that there was an equaliser and that the 2nd half dragged.
  7. Leg 10 - Spain (F5 - Jet/Cord eliminated) - felt like a bit of a cheap and underwhelming final 5 elimination leg with some really silly challenges - shaving a balloon and running with bull costumes. A bit of the Brenchel drama (Dave saying the U-Turn was “kind of inappropriate” when it really wasn’t haha and “Dave/Connor are the sweetest guys on the planet”). Leo/Jamal decide to U-Turn Jet/Cord instead of Brendan/Rachel…but not that interesting “There’s only room for two cowboys on this race and it’s Leo and Jamal! Yeehaw!” Haha Shaving the balloon was terrible, nothing much from the flamenco dance, delivering the hams was a boring and generic Speed Bump, and the bull costumes were silly but at least had some fun moments - Rachel was hilarious as always getting knocked around like crazy saying the bulls were ”bullies”, Dave complaining “I’m an old matador”, Jet/Cord missing parts of the phrase, plus Jamal’s knee injury. It wasn’t necessarily too boring which is why it isn’t ranked lower.
  8. Leg 1 - China (F11 - Natalie/Nadiya eliminated) - was terribly designed! The challenges were finding the Chinese symbols on the band members (very quick and forgettable starting line task), finding wedding dresses (had an okay navigational element and the only decent task), the Canton Tower bubbles (luck based and terrible) and summersaults (terrible, impossible to fail, too tame of a height challenge for All Stars, Caroline “Flight Time looks like a sexy piece of spinning meat”). Natalie/Nadiya were fantastic entertainment and saved this episode from being terrible by yelling “YOU IDIOT” and “I TOLD YOU” over and over (and even argue over who is doing the Road Block). “Those are Chinese flags, not race flags you lunatic!” It also had Bopper’s medevac which was a dramatic start and it’s nice seeing all the returnees bantering with one another (Brenchel army at the airport and Natalie/Nadiya joking about Rachel’s crying). But not much content besides Twinnie craziness, Jet/Cord dominating, and teams struggling to find the wedding dresses.
  9. Leg 12 - USA (F3 - Finale) - for a finale, let alone the All Stars finale, the challenges were too easy - digging for a chest (boring), David Copperfield routine (impossible to fail and only designed to show off David Copperfield), putting lightbulbs in the Mirage sign (not challenging and only designed to show off Las Vegas) and looking for the neon sign in the helicopteskydive (didn’t look that hard to find). Very unsatisfying. But it wasn’t too boring with some minor drama with Brendan/Rachel and Caroline/Jennifer having a fight at customs (not caught on camera so just explained through talking) and there’s some arguing while digging for the chest (throwing sand in each other’s holes). Plus Brendan screaming at a taxi “We’re in a race so we can have a baby” haha plus Brendan/Rachel lost in a hotel that Rachel once worked at. And to be fair, it was very close between Dave/Connor and Caroline/Jennifer - sprinting to the final clue and waiting to see who skydived first. And a night leg in Las Vegas was a great idea…just terribly designed!
  10. Leg 5 - Sri Lanka (F8 - Margie/Luke eliminated) - unfortunately a dull leg because Margie/Luke were an obvious elimination. It did have some great airport scrambles which is always welcome in the modern era (Brendan/Rachel taking a risk on a short connection and Margie/Luke failing to get on standby). Sewing the t-shirt had potential to be a tough interesting challenge…but needed to have all teams together. Several teams struggled, teams worked together (Jessica and Brendan, as well as Connor helping a struggling Jennifer) and Big Easy really struggled “If I have to sew something I’ll just ask my fiancé or my mother…or just buy something new” haha and Flight Time just shows off his basketball skills. The fishing had to be one of the dullest challenges ever and balancing the plates wasn’t much better (although Rachel is the one telling Brendan to calm down here). Printing the t-shirts was also a boring Speed Bump. Margie/Luke are way behind and have a nice scene enjoying the Sri Lankan train ride, but not much excitement.
  11. Leg 3 - Malaysia (F9 - Joey/Meghan eliminated) - was terribly designed - boring challenges (repelling down a waterfall, delivering goods, blowdart) and separating the flights by 3 hours just didn’t make sense as there was little drama for the top 6…and then 3 teams far behind. And flight scrambles are always better than sign-ups. The top 6 just went through three tasks robotically, and even the bottom 3 had little drama or stress. I guess there was a bit of a storyline about the Brenchel army being the bottom 3 and facing the fact one of the friends will go. But Joey/Meghan are obvious boots after struggling to find a taxi. The only interesting parts were the rafts falling apart in the rapids and Rachel repelling in her underwear so her sequins don’t get wet “God forbid she lose some sequins along the way” haha The promos really hyped up the dangerous rapids and they were fine for that short segment but no drama came from them in the episode.
Not a great season but I feel gets unfair hate (just like the Family Edition which also had bad leg designs, bad route, drama that some found annoying). I don’t think it was terrible as most legs had things happening that made each one interesting enough. Everyone vs Brenchels was similar to Everyone vs Weavers (had some interesting aspects, better than nothing, but was a bit annoying at times). The cast, route and challenges were unsatisfying but entertainment is most important to me and this season was usually not boring. TAR8 and TAR24 had similar weaknesses/frustrations so I’m ranking them together. I enjoyed TAR24 slightly more but I could see TAR24 getting a 5 or less if it wasn’t a returnee season, as it had some similarities to TAR16 (many teams were compelling because of their history rather than things they did on this season).
So after each season I will place it on a ranking:
1.TAR5 - 10/10
  1. TAR3 - 10/10
  2. TAR12 - 9/10
  3. TAR17 - 9/10
  4. TAR18 - 9/10
  5. TAR2 - 8/10
  6. TAR7 - 8/10
  7. TAR20 - 8/10
  8. TAR11 - 8/10
  9. TAR13 - 8/10
  10. TAR6 - 8/10
  11. TAR10 - 7/10
  12. TAR22 - 7/10
  13. TAR14 - 7/10
  14. TAR1 - 7/10
  15. TAR9 - 7/10
  16. TAR21 - 6/10
  17. TAR15 - 6/10
  18. TAR23 - 6/10
  19. TAR4 - 6/10
  20. TAR24 - 6/10
  21. TAR8 - 6/10
  22. TAR19 - 5/10
  23. TAR16 - 5/10
submitted by Charity00 to TheAmazingRace [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 01:29 Kioga101 The Ancient Weapons and Possible Real-life Equivalents

The Ancient Weapons. Supposedly weapons of mass destruction that led the front of the Void Century War, so powerful as to erase an island on a single use and raise the world's water levels by meters. We have over the years received small amounts of information on them, and as of 1117 I believe that we can make a pretty solid guess as to what they do (or can do), and as every piece of fiction is an abstraction of the real world and the author's thoughts, I found it interesting to try and relate the ancient weapons with real world weapons that have been planned and researched over the years... Plus a few bonuses because why not. I'm basically just compiling and resuming dozens of wikipedia articles so feel free to go there to know more.

The Ancient Weapons:


Even though Pluton was revealed first, we know surprisingly little about it compared to the other weapons. That said, we know it is some sort of super ship with considerable power, enough to be thought of as unbeatable by anything other than another Ancient Weapon (which is what led to the preservation of Pluton's blueprints until Franky burned them). This makes it easy to make an educated guess because we do already have something of the sort in the real world, something that Oda "surprisingly" hasn't really used in his story's naval combat. I'm talking about aircraft carriers and their general class of ship. The modern flagship of a modern fleet. Until now, we haven't seen anything beyond battleships in the story.
Fleet with four aircraft carriers.
Now, Aircraft Carriers. They don't translate very well to One Piece, after all they have not discovered planes and that technology -- Pluton could have a fleet of aircraft inside of it but in my opinion that's reaching -- yet. It doesn't need to go that far either.
The biggest publicized aircraft carriers, according to the Wikipedia, are about 320 meters in length or about 1050 something feet on average. The longest one ever being the latest USS Enterprise -- the first ever nuclear powered aircraft carrier inaugurated in 1958 -- which is now decommissioned and the biggest and still active ship being the USS Gerald R. Ford that replaced the Enterprise with its class of ships (the class is named after the lead ship). Through my research, aircraft carriers can be as small as 234,40 meters (769ft) but the aircraft carrier exclusive size, the one where only aircraft carriers have is about 300 meters long (~984 ft) and higher.
USS Gerald R. Ford.
These ships are known for the cream of the crop, and their ability to serve as a hangar for other ships, most commonly aircraft. But that's not all they have in store. general features of an aircraft carrier:
Possible considered upgrades to modern aircraft carriers (technology discovered or made efficient after the ships were built) include:
Besides that, there are also types of aircraft carriers like escort carriers, amphibious assault ships, anti-submarine warfare carriers and more that are specialized on other things.
USS Iwo Jima, an Amphibious Assault Ship type Aircraft Carrier.
What does this all mean?
This means that if Pluton is indeed inspired on an aircraft carrier, you can expect something with the qualities I described like carrying aircraft could be carrying other regular ships instead; the island of the ship could actually be an island; it could shoot missiles instead of cannonballs or lasers; it could have a robot crew operating it (like those in Enel's cover story) or a super autonomous klabautermann; it could have built-in detection systems for Sea Kings, ships and people; it could make Den Den Mushi useless like the EM wave stuff does to comms; be powered by the mother flame if nuclear power is analogous to it... These are things that you can expect coming from the weapon when it is fully unveiled.


Poseidon is a living person, and she commands Sea Kings. It is the ancient weapon we probably know the most about. It is also the one that is a bit weird to translate to a real world weapon as Sea Kings and sea creatures, alive and stuff. We don't have a fleet of secret specially trained Dolphins or something irl... probably.
A classic panel, legendary even, showcasing the Sea Kings in their nest in the Calm Belt.
Still! There is a type of vehicle that is pretty much the king of sea warfare, and a type of soldier that works well with it. Poseidon can be a mixture of Nuclear Submarines, Shock Troopers, Frogmen and Commandos.
Nuclear submarine, and people on it!
Sea Kings are known to be very hard to detect underwater, and to be able to cause a lot of damage to a regular or unprepared ship. Sea Kings also grow in both size and intelligence with time, making these older Sea Kings powerful and smart chess pieces.
Nuclear submarines are made to be stealthy and to hold a lot of power with their torpedoes and missiles. They go undetected and strike critical hits on the enemy's fleet multiple times if possible. They can also allow for the infiltration into the enemy line, and advanced espionage. The fact they use nuclear power allows them to stay way more time deployed than a regular one that uses conventional fuel. Thankfully when it comes to features submarines like those are way simpler, not that they're not effective, they're very effective.
Another thing is that Nuclear Submarine CAN be armed with nuclear weapons. I don't know how that would translate to a Sea King.
Shock Troops are special troops made to lead an attack on the enemy. Hit first and hit hard, Commandos are special units that go behind the enemy line to do critical missions and Frogmen are combat swimmers that specialize in doing underwater combat, recon, tactical stuff.
a Frogman underwater.
They may even be able to influence ocean currents in some way, a virtue of their number and size. Poseidon is in a way simpler to interpret and understand than the other two, but it doesn't need it. Such a huge marine force can do a LOT in a world mostly made of islands.


The newest one to be teased and the first one we got to see working! From high above it strikes dozens and dozens of strikes, each a beam of apparent red light that razes the target until all that remains is a huge hole in the sea. It is confirmed to lead to a rise in sea levels!
The Lulusia Kingdom never... existed.
The first thing that comes to mind to a visual reader is a Laser Weapon, in real life they aren't all that crazy but fiction is different. DragonFire is a new weapon that is being developed by the British and is said to be used in their Royal Navy by 2027, Laser Defense Systems like the Israeli Iron Beam also come to mind. No doubt military all over the world are researching the possibility of making a super laser pointer to stop anything electronic that comes nearby, sadly, the melting/ vaporizing beam or even Cyclops "Punch Force" beams are not realistic. Laser technology is being developed as we speak and systems that allow for a reasonable charging and firing of a beam is in our futures, only that they'll stop missiles and drones and stuff, probably blind a bird or a pilot maybe. It takes too long for a laser to heat up something for a combat application like the ones in our dreams, it'll remain a thing of the future for a while. Nothing of that spy movie satellite laser stuff (at least not with lasers).
DragonFire being tested.
The first thing that comes to mind to a contextual reader is the Thermonuclear Weapon, a Nuke, I don't need to explain about nukes, everyone knows what it can do and how it gets there and stuff. Nowadays a nation can launch one of those bombs in a missile from strategically placed military bases that have been planned for the best mutual destruction possible. You can always put one in a plane and drop it or in the previously mentioned Nuclear Submarine. They're way more powerful than those infamous nuclear bombs from WW2, they're Hydrogen Bombs now, optimized nuclear fission made to instigate a chain reaction with the most available particle in the surface of Earth. It basically gets the air itself to release energy.
Now comes the fun part to me, finding other weapons besides the most obvious that could've been integrated into the design of Uranus. I'll make a list:
an M777 type Howitzer
fictional image of what it could be. It's a proven concept but not practical irl at all.
how a FOBS works. it launches and evades the usual north facing radars.
That's pretty much it. From what we know, whatever it was based on, it needs to move to be over the target and needs Mother Flame to work. It looks like a laser and it completely erases an island to an incredible depth.


Shinokuni in action. You can look up Pompeii's \"statues\" yourself.
submitted by Kioga101 to OnePieceSpoilers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:48 ranc1 Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds

Social anxiety as rollercoaster (V) - clouds
Quick recap. We can see the complex social anxiety trauma as a rollercoaster map. The rollercoaster wagons are where our inner parts, our inner children sit during the ride. The rollercoaster tracks is the autopilot ride during the socialization. Outer elements like clouds and bad weather are external elements that influence quality of our ride. Rollercoaster loops are effects of social anxiety like physical symptoms. And repeating the ride is Repetition compulsion.
Wagons (carts) are composed of: ♦MASKING
While external elements are composed of: ♦INNER CRITIC
These interact with each other - external elements influence our thoughts and pattern of thinking (wagons). In a sketch, it would look like this:
Rollercoaster as social anxiety analogy.
When I started to create the rollercoaster analogy I did not see the connection at first. This was apparent to me only when the sketch was finished. Let's examine the external factors.
First of all, CBT is ignoring the external factors. CBT explains social anxiety as our personal defect - and our own responsibility - CBT explains that we can "cure" social anxiety if we only have will power. Unfortunately - this easy approach does not work in real life and this CBT explanation only adds to more trauma and shame.
This CBT approach of blaming the individual for social anxiety is called Dispositional attribution: Dispositional attribution is a phrase in personality psychology that refers to the tendency to assign responsibility for others' behaviors due to their inherent characteristics, such as their motives, beliefs or personality, rather than the external influences, such as the individual's environment or culture.
When we take a holistic perspective, when we take into consideration external factors, then this is called Situational attribution: the ascription of one's own or another's behavior, an event, or an outcome to causes outside the person concerned, such as luck, pressure from other people, or external circumstances. Also called environmental attribution; external attribution.
It is important to note at this point - that I am not telling that we need to blame other people for our social anxiety. Neither that we need to control and manipulate other people to become healthy and sane in order for us to become healthy, too. We cannot change other people - sick, mentally ill people with personality disorders will hardly likely ever change, they can't. They are trapped inside their fantasy and they refuse to grow up.
When we try to change other people, this is called Alloplastic defense: Alloplastic adaptation: The subject tries to change the situation, i.e. the external environment.
When we try to change ourselves, in order to fit in into groupthink herd mentality, this is called Autoplastic adaptation: Autoplastic adaptation is a form of adaptation where the subject attempts to change itself when faced with a difficult situation.
What I am saying that we do not change other people, and that we do not change ourselves too. My approach in social anxiety is education and learning about what is troubling us - in order to have self compassion for ourselves and to understand that our problems, issues, hang-ups, isolation, panic, self-hatred - all stem from exposure to abnormal sick people. And due to exposure to mentally ill people in childhood - we never learned how to handle difficult people or how to develop our persona. Instead - we put ourselves aside in order to please and fix and soothe the mentally ill people around us. So our only job here is to take well-being away from parasites and into our own hands - that we take care of our own needs in order to filter out toxic people and form solid, firm interdependent connections with healthy individuals. With ACE and ACoA - we will tend to fuse and connect with toxic people - because this is where we feel normal and "ourselves", when we please others and when we are around hysterical people who always create drama and problems out of nothing.
My conclusion about social anxiety after examining all the evidence - is that social anxiety stems from the external source: toxic people. The put us into state of defense, and we resort to dysfunctional coping mechanisms. The fact that we are in defensive mode is a sign that we are fighting against the virus. Fighting against intrusive parasitical predatory personalities will keep us in emotional dysregulation and away from Ventral Vagal (feeling safe around other people). Exposure to hostile antagonistic personalities will "naturally" form the inner critic inside us - as internalized voice of discipline, we will end up with toxic shame (feeling inept and unworthy at our core) and general apathy - the passive immobile attitude of isolation and avoidance: 'why try in life' anyway. Exposed to toxic people over long period of time we will develop persona of emotional reactivity. And this corresponds to narcissistic abuse - death of 1000 cuts.
External elements are:
♦INNER CRITIC Even though it is called "inner" - this recording stuck in loop was recorded in our childhood when we were around parents who did not mirror our needs, we were emotionally neglected. Instead of love and interest we received the discipline and message that we are only accepted and validated when we are silent, when we make no problems, when we try hard to please others and when we make no mistakes or any kind of disturbance. A parent with undiagnosed untreated Aspergers will display all characteristic of narcissistic parent with additional flavor: hysteria regarding time and being punctual, hysteria regarding loud sounds, hysteria regarding creating or doing anything unusual and not foreseen. So of course, in childhood when the child is supposed to learn through mistakes and to be loud and to make noise - trying to survive with adult who is 5 year old spoiled selfish egocentric toddler trapped in adult body will result with us introjecting this adult toddler's voice inside our head. Inner critic - even though it is internalized voice - the voice comes from the external element: abuser(s). Inner critic is like Trojan Horse inside our mind implanted by toxic people. Broken record that was programmed in our mind to play itself on loop replay. But it does not feel like external. Without reading the psychology books - this inner voice will be easily mislabeled as our conscience or general feeling of anxiety and unease, that we are doing something wrong no matter how much we try to avoid making mistakes. That whatever we did - was wrong. And whatever we will do - it will never be good enough. The inner critic will influence hence our Self - our persona, our personality. And with trauma - we do not have our true identity inside us. We have coping mechanisms and make-shift persona that serves only to avoid danger and criticism - so inner critic is influencing our false self. Schizoid empty core. Basically this means we will lack leadership and taking charge of our ship, our inner GPS will be in the hands of inner critic and toxic people around us whom we will worship as our gods and police who approves anything about our choices in life. CBT does not explain this. CBT explains us that we lack confidence and social anxiety coaches will try to tell us that we need to develop self-esteem - without taking into consideration that we do not have the house of Self to host the self esteem or self worth in the first place. And nobody explained this fact - that we lack the Self - we lack Identity - we lack Persona, our own likes and dislikes, our anger, our disagreements, our needs - they are gone - these are not inside us. When we start to build our true likes and dislikes, when we allow ourselves to be angry at unfair people, when we start to disagree and when we take care of our well being - we will start to build our Persona. And then the inner critic and toxic people will not harm us in such extent as now - it would be like having a solid house when there is storm outside. Now we are out in the cold and we try to hide below someone's larmieeaves, or someone else's umbrella. Nobody told us to have our own umbrella and to build our own house inside to dwell for ourselves - so that we do not seek external validation from the others. Nobody told us that expressing anger and acknowledging the anger is what we need to do - it does not take much to build our inner house, there is no hard science in it. This is why narcissists and psychopaths use anger a lot. They understand at some level that this provides them confidence - however the difference here is that agenda of anti-social personalities is to harm and control other people. With social anxiety - our agenda is normal and healthy: to resolve issues, to find peace and harmony and to live in harmony with others, Ventral Vagal. Predatory personalities are looking for supply - they are unable to build the solid house inside since they reject vulnerable parts of themselves, which they see as weak, inept, shameful, sissy, feminine, gay, abnormal and sick. This self hatred and self rejection keeps them mentally ill, and they choose to build fake superior self in order to seek admiration from other people. Which of course is dysfunctional and cannot function. Our purpose in life is to be authentic and to contribute to society, to help each other and to chisel/sculpture each other in better people (Michelangelo Phenomena). Narcissists on the other hand believe in Crab mentality (to pull other people down), greed and accumulating money and to exert/exercise power in order to command the others. When we grew up with selfish egocentric angry people (5 year old toddlers trapped in adult body) - we will learn to hate our own anger and to push it down - since we would be punished repeatedly for showing our own anger - which narcissists cannot tolerate in others, even in children. Anger means boundaries and end of ruling domain and narcissists see this as threat to their existence. So in ACE and ACoA - our anger will be destroyed first. And without anger we won't be able to build our true authentic persona, personality or identity.
■DOUBLE BINDING This external element is gaslighting. Always finding faults with facts and reality. This dualism leads to self-pathology that gives birth to inner critic and toxic shame. Leads to wrong decisions, leads to self sabotage. It is control, manipulation, misrepresentation, misdiagnosis, bias, lies, stigma. I made a list of double binding examples on my blog and I've made topic here at reddit. Closely connected to double binding/dualism is concept called Hyper-cognition: "Bias toward what is known may lead to wrong and delayed diagnoses that bring harmful consequences". This is what is happening in CBT, when social anxiety is explained as cognitive distortion problem. When we lack any kind of diagnosis at all is called Hypo-cognition (hypocognition (uncountable) (psychology, linguistics) Inability to discuss or process a concept because of lacking a word for it.). Another example of hyper-cognition is when abused, traumatized women are quickly diagnosed as BPD because 1) symptoms of complex trauma are the same as in DSM for BPD - hypercognition - and DSM is missing the concept of Complex Trauma to make distinction in the first place - hypocognition. 2) it is easier to throw a shaming diagnosis on someone in order to shut him up than to actually do the deep work and see what is really going on. Narcissists and psychopaths use dualism a lot - this is how they keep being trapped in their confirmation bias and their justification and rationalization of their criminal acts. Instead of taking responsibility - they will use blame of someone's errors or lack of education or insight as their fault for any problem that happens. And if the target has no self inside, no education in the psychology or matter at hand, it is easy to end up feeling toxic guilt and toxic shame for being the "wrong". Double binding will lead to dysregulation - we will be emotionally dysregulated. CBT both does not recognize neither dualism nor dysregulation. I never heard this two concepts in billions of self-help books that I read or countless CBT articles about social anxiety. This video explains amazingly problem with double binding:
Unlike gaslighting and double binds which stop the moment we cut our abusers out of our lives, shame can persist long after we've ditched our abusers. Even after their death.
Because the coping technique is in itself a source of shame, it can lead to a self-reinforcing cycle. Shame provokes the coping technique which in turn provokes more shame. One of the most twisted kinds of shame instilled in targets of abuse is the shame of sticking up for yourself.
🟥 malignant shame
Let me fetch an example of dualism from my blog -
On one corner we have: to be free means to be lacking constitutive identity (Ortega) at the other side there is: DSM personality disorder
Where is the truth? Who holds the Book of truth? Who is the authority and power to tell us what is true?
In epistemology, the Münchhausen trilemma is a thought experiment intended to demonstrate the theoretical impossibility of proving any truth, even in the fields of logic and mathematics, without appealing to accepted assumptions Münchhausen trilemma (wiki)
● TOXIC SHAME Toxic shaming comes from the external source: mentally ill people. Any person who is toxically ashaming other person - is a sign that the accusations come from unbalanced person. There has to be some kind of distortion and abnormality in anyone who is acting like wounded animal and trying to mentally destroy the other person - it is no different than physical assault. With toxic shame we end up with chronic burden, where we cannot relax at all, we are in state of hypervigilance and walking on egg shelves, but it is not depression - it is caused by hysterical person. We end up with desire to be perfect and superior - and narcissism is build on severe toxic shame. We end up avoiding someone's criticism and we try defensive mechanisms in order to pre-emptively avoid someone's attack. Toxic shaming will influence our toxic shame wagon, placeholder of our thought patterns which we will carry along on rollercoaster ride (socialization). I see Toxic shame and Inner critic as the two most powerful factors that skew and distort our sense of security - and we end up with what appears as social anxiety symptoms. We cannot control other people to stop shaming us. People who shame us - believe that we are the toxic. They see us as a threat. They believe that we are doing something to threaten their standard of living. So no wonder that we will end up silent, with self-censorship and making ourselves small and invisible and we will avoid social situations - because we are not narcissists. We do not want to harm other people, we do not want them to feel hurt or abused. I see Sam Vaknin Nothingness concept and Dr Ramani Radical acceptance - as the only available cure for toxic shame stemming from other people. Sam Vaknin concept tells us that we understand how our life is not enmeshed with others and that other people's anger is their own responsibility contained inside their own world - which we cannot enmesh with even if we try to trauma bond with others. We simply cannot enter into other person's mind and their perception of the world - there is a barrier between us and other people, which philosopher Kant discovered 200 year ago.
For Kant, what is external to us is external to space and time also, and can never be known as a thing-in-itself. DK THE PHILOSOPHY BOOK
Dr Ramani talks about Radical acceptance - as understanding that we are okay with toxic people being toxic - in order to pull our focus and resources away from toxic people - and that we invest the same energy into our well being and our goals in life. It is understanding that toxic people will hurt and harm us and they will be painful - but the difference is that we no longer linger on their drama and baiting. As soon as we try to understand or fix or help toxic people - we end up in Shared Fantasy with them, without us being aware that we are inside someone's fantasy and their delusion.
♦ ABUSE This is very overt external element - it includes when toxic people blame us - and toxic people are pathological liars and successful manipulators. Their glib charm as Halo Effect will allow other people (witnesses) to believe them rather than us. Abuse is DARVO - toxic people will never admit being wrong and they will always deflect the problem onto others. Abuse is also Mate crime. With social anxiety - when we are insecure about who we are and our anger is suppressed - we will attract toxic people who will exploit our time, money, energy and focus. The abuse will influence our Masking. We will try hard to either please the abuser with people pleasing and fawning - in order that they do not seriously harm us. Or we will enter into battles with them - where they will use our anger as proof that we are abnormal and sick and that they are innocent victims.
■ PAST TRAUMA Flashbacks. Being triggered. CBT does not talk about this issue at all. I first learned about this only 3 years ago when I started to research social anxiety from deeper resources that led me to the discovery of CPTSD. Past trauma is ACE and ACoA. There is online quick test for ACE. Trauma will influence our HSP aspect. It will make unclear whether we are too sensitive so we experience trauma as trauma - or the trauma itself cause us to be hypersensitive to the abuse.
● TOXIC PEOPLE I deliberately make separation from the Abuse and Toxic people. Toxic people do not wear sign toxic on their forehead. All toxic people will appear as angels due to glib charm - in order to secure supply from other people. Toxic people will scan our needs - and offer them for cheap in order to hook us up. The only way to handle them is to allow them to be toxic. We cannot change them. We need to focus on our life and cut or minimize exposure to toxic people as much as possible. Toxic people will deliberately trigger pain and trauma as coercive control manipulation to paralyze the victim with shaming and criticism. When someone is angry at me I feel RSD: and it is automatic belief that my values are worthless, that I am not allowed to speak, or do what I like and that I am not equal to other people and must behave as slave, victim and lower class citizen by being quiet and servile and non-assuming. This is where masking and people pleasing kicks in coupled with revenge fantasy and rancour and making the offender my central focus and me as victim that must be atoned and I need to make the offender like me and accept me and validate me – in any way possible, including not showing my anger and not telling my side of story for the fear of offending the offender. Or later on – when offender makes the mistake that I am not allowed to point it out and cause them same cruelty back by talking facts about their mistakes. Offender is bunch of nobody – great for feedback, learning from mistakes, but their ad hominem arguments are irrelevant. Toxic people influence our rollercoaster wagon cart of Toxic duty, and toxic responsibility. We end up with toxic shame and toxic guilt and we believe in their double binding, in their explanation of reality and their truth - and then we feel duty and responsibility to run their virus program or else. Toxic people will punish us if we do not fawn to them. They will punish us if we are not sad or hysterical or frightened. If they are in any place of power - they will use this against us in order to control us. Toxic people seek control and manipulation - this is how they feel good inside, by creating coercive control. They will bait us and use honeymoon period to keep us hooked like on drugs. We need education in narcissistic abuse and recognizing the red flags.
From my own experience I know this is true - with social anxiety trauma - we never learned the red flags. We were raised in toxic ambient and with toxic people around us who were bad models for us in our formative years. Instead of validation and unconditional love we learned the opposite: to be invalidated and that we must earn love and appreciation and validation from others and beg for it from others. That we must perform circus tricks and then and only then perhaps be rewarded with small percentage of mirroring and validation from them. We will believe this is normal way of interacting with others - and it is no wonder that we have social anxiety now.
Up next, I would explore the mess - the loops inside the rollercoaster of social anxiety and then analyze what happens to us when we are not aware of the rollercoaster at all. When we lack the education in psychology and we have no words to describe what is happening to us. Lisa Romano calls this living below the veil of consciousness and I love that term - because we will operate with the veil over our eyes.
submitted by ranc1 to SocialAnxiety_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:38 Cthulhululemon You, you, you, you, and you

TL;DR: Yes, there can theoretically be multiple instances of a being with a rightful claim to calling themselves "you", with none of them ever actually being you.

This argument is not intended to address the identity question of "why you are you". Rather, it's an attempt to decipher what ‘you’ might mean within the context of exact copies...i.e. clones, teleporters, etc...

For the purposes of this argument we're defining 'copies' in a manner that goes far beyond identical twins or any form of conventional similarity. We're specifically referring to copies that are precise physical & biological replicas, down to the properties of each being's respective cells, molecules, and particles.

Even strict materialism leaves room for the potential existence of infinite universes and infinite iterations of you. If we adopt this view for argument's sake, it means that an exact replica of you is not only possible, but perhaps inevitable.
For example...the real Thanos (TA) is killed at the start of Avengers Endgame, and then another real Thanos (TB) enters the picture from a separate universe. Neither has a stronger claim to realness than the other. We can classify TA as being native to our reality (and accurately describe TB as an interloper from another realm) but they're both equally real and are both Thanos. There are presumably infinite legitimately real Thanii out there.
Either all are a real Thanos or none are.
Yet despite both being a real Thanos, TA and TB aren't literally the same entity. They are not causally connected, they occupy separate positions in space and time, and they're unable to directly experience each other's consciousness.
If we adopt the perspective of TA...TB is also an original you, and is also a real you, but is not literally you.

Let's re-interpret the same analogy within the context of clones. While our multiversal variations were separate beings that came to be independently of one another, in the case of clones the existence of the copy stems from the prior existence of the original, so the initial conditions are meaningfully different.
Let's imagine that Thanos A is 30 years old. Thanos B is an identical clone that is created today as a fully-formed 30 year-old and implanted with the same memories as TA.
In this example there's a continuity gap. TA was conceived traditionally and has actually existed for 30 years, TB was born today and falsely believes they've been around for 3 decades.
If we adopt the perspective of TA once again: TB is still a real you, and is still not literally you, but is NOT an original you.

In our previous examples, one or both of our Thanii experienced the physical continuity that we are all familiar with. In the multiverse, both TA & TB were born conventionally and then progressed though the stages of life before arriving in the present day, in the multiverse example only TA did.
For our transporter, let's erase that aspect of continuity completely.
When TA is beamed up their parts are not disassembled, transported, and then reconstructed...they're erased from existence and then two new, identical Thanii are materialized at the destination (who are both implanted with the mind of TA).
In other words, TA is gone, TB and TC are their identical replacements who were instantiated at the same time.
In the absence of the original as a measure of authenticity, either TB & TC are both a real Thanos or neither are.

As a final test of the realness of our Thanii, let's imagine a trolley-problem, and that we (as outside observers) are tasked with justly adjudicating which Thanos gets to live.
Let's depart from the MCU films here and have all of our Thanii be pacifists. Were they hell-bent on destroying humanity it would be trivially easy to just say that we should let them all perish.
In the multiverse, some would say that the Thanos native to our universe gets priority, but others would argue that they are both equal.
With the clones, some would say that TA should survive by virtue of being the original, but others would claim that TB is still real so they're both equal.
In the case of the transporter, we'd have no choice but to treat TB and TC as equals.
My view is that for teleological and practical purposes, it would be incumbent upon us to treat ALL as being real and equal. From the 1st person perspective of each Thanos, their "I" is as real as yours and mine are now. We can debate which is the original is certain contexts, but they're real conscious beings in all contexts.

Yes, there can theoretically be multiple instances of a being with a rightful claim to calling themselves "you", with none of them ever actually being you.
Your 1st-person perspective is the basis for your “you” and is yours alone. Other yous can be equally real, but they're never the same entity.
submitted by Cthulhululemon to consciousness [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 00:12 vakar4uk [Question] Gshock MRG vs High end Citizen

Just curious about other people's opinion on this topic - would you take Gshock mrg or high end titanium Citizen from a value/durability perspective?
I am not talking about the looks or brand preference, just the functionality mostly.
For example, analog mrg is about $3k. For this money, actually even cheaper ($2k or less), you can get some Citizen Attesa. Both will have atomic time, citizen even has gps. Both are mode from titanium, and from my understanding citizen's titanium is grade 5 (in those high end watches) and is way harder.
Water resistance is better in gshocks, and they are supposedly tougher, though again - seems like titanium is better in citizens.
Again, ignoring the looks preference - are mrgs worth the extra cash in your opinion?
I'm just curious what another people think.
Reason I'm asking is I'm trying to decide for myself if I want MRG or something like Citizen Power of Antares.
submitted by vakar4uk to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:58 Blurry-Lives Any advice for writing my first novel?

Can I get some feedback on this idea for a novel? (Lovecraft Reimagining)
Hello everyone, aspiring author here!
For the past month or so, I’ve been brainstorming ideas for an H.P. Lovecraft reimagining done in a similar style to Mike Flanagan’s The Fall of the House of Usher mini-series on Netflix. For those unaware, Flanagan and his team essentially took around two dozen of Poe’s short stories, poems, and novellas and threw them in a blender to create a modern-day story about a deal with the devil gone about as well as those kinds of things usually do, leading to the end of the entire Usher bloodline.
My novel is going to be a loose retelling of "The Call of Cthulhu", which I'm VERY well aware has been adapted numerous times, but I’m planning on making several changes to established Cthulhu lore and incorporating elements from Lovecraft's other works as well as similar stories by different authors. Here are some examples of the changes/expansions without giving too much away:
  1. This version of the story takes place in the 1990s.
  2. The protagonist (Francis Wayland Thurston) is a detective before the story begins and uses his great Uncle's findings to help with his investigation of the cult. As for Wayland's personality, I see him as a strange combination of Matthew McConaughey's character in True Detective season one, John Constantine, Spencer Reid from Criminal Minds, and (hear me out) Dipper Pines from Gravity Falls because I want at least a little levity. If you think about it, Gravity Falls is essentially "The Call of Cthulhu" for kids with creatures from folk tales and mythology and the whole "great Uncle studying the dark secrets of the world and leaving behind journals full of his research when he disappears" thing.
  3. This version of the cult will not be a stereotypical pagan cult as they were in the original story. Instead, the cult is going to be a fusion of the Jonestown and Heaven’s Gate cults with a Lovecraftian twist. Using these two real-world cults as inspiration is part of the reason why the story will take place in the 90s.
  4. With the changes made to the cult, as well as my own experiences and views on Catholicism, I definitely want to highlight the gradual shift in the cult from "God-fearing good ole boys" to worshipping the Great Old Ones either through interrogations or through journals and newspaper clippings throughout Wayland's investigation.
  5. And finally, much like the novel Annihilation and it's film adaptation, the cult's activities with other worldly entities will leave behind a strange biological trace of flowers and fungus of an unknown species.
I don't want to reveal too many details or what other works I'm going to incorporate into this, but does this sound like something any of y'all would be interested in reading? I feel pretty confindent in this idea, but I'd really appreciate your feedback! I've been doing some homework reading and watching media that's also inspired by Lovecraft's works from beginning to read the Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer and watching True Detective season one earlier today. I have a list of others to read and watch as I continue to work on the novel, but if any of you have any recommendations I'll gladly take them as well!
submitted by Blurry-Lives to horrorwriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 23:55 NicKardasis Boss EQ-200 used or wait for the new Ibanez PTEQ?

Decided to get an EQ pedal as my next purchase but I have a few questions, as I've never used an eq pedal before and I don't know if it's overkill to get something expensive.
The Boss has presets (big +) and can split the signal so I can use it at the start of the chain and in the FX loop for example. This sounds really interesting and powerful but I don't know how useful it will be in practice. I can find it between £180-200 used which is not that bad but I don't know if I need to spend that much.
On the other hand, Ibanez released the PTEQ this year (which is out of stock until August everywhere here in the UK) which is about £120 brand new and is a parametric eq and looks a bit more "user-friendly"? Also you can adjust the Q of each of the 5 bands to really sculpt the tone, exactly how you like it.
Reading some online forums, most people prefer parametric eq as the frequencies can be adjusted (along with the Q) and even though might take some time to fine-tune your tone, they're a little bit more powerful and versatile in general compared to graphic eq, if I understood correctly.
The Ibanez is apparently fully analog and the Boss is obviously digital. I have no experience with EQs so does this play any role? Some people say that analog can be more transparent but with added noise or hiss while a digital might be quiet(er) but it colours your tone somewhat.
Any help would be appreciated, would love to know more about eq as I feel it's gonna be a gamechanger for me.
submitted by NicKardasis to guitarpedals [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:48 Aznicon1337 Horror Video Advice

Hey guys, I'm new to this sub, and I know this may not be the right question for this subreddit, but I didn't know where else to turn to.
I'm in the middle of making a sort of analog horror piece (Though it isn't really 'analog' so to say) that I think is somewhat unique but I don't know how to properly execute it. You know some of those cringy "ship tribute" videos from the mid-2010s, where it was basically just a slideshow of some fanart for a certain couple from a certain show? This is basically what my video is, except halfway through it's revealed it was posted by a serial killer to mock the public about his crimes by inserting images of his crimes into the video.
I came here to get some advice because the current layout I have for it does not look well executed. I gave an example below:
So, yeah. That's basically what I have in mind so far, and I wanted to clarify that I'm no pro at writing or filmmaking, and I wanted to see if I was going to make something that was a bad idea or if I just needed to improve it.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Aznicon1337 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 21:06 ShinyZeni 4K X Audio Issues (Desync, Chirping Sounds) (Solved?)

TL;DR - Strange audio issues showed up when I switched from HD60 X to 4K X. Updating the firmware helped, but did not resolve completely. Potential full solution: adding a separate Audio Input Source in OBS and selecting the 4K X in that Source. Details Below, sorry I know it's pretty long:
Update: After a 4+ Hour stream, it does appear the above has fixed the issues detailed below! Crossing my fingers it stays fixed!
Original Post:
Hi everyone,
I bought an Elgato 4K X a few days ago to start capturing and recording in 4K60. It is replacing an HD60 X that was previously capturing and recording in 1080p.
Let me start by saying: yes, I confirmed the USB C port on my PC is a 3.2 Gen 2 port. Yes, I am using the HDMI Cable provided by Elgato with the device (which is a very nice cable, btw!), and yes, these issues are present in both OBS and 4K Capture Utility.
When I set it up initially everything seemed mostly fine. My PC was struggling to do all the encoding I wanted, but that's a separate issue :D
Unfortunately yesterday when I was streaming people watching noted that the audio was occasionally cutting out and "making weird noises", and then later they mentioned it was desynced as well.
(note, if you look at the bottom left of the screen there is a timestamp for all these clips) Example 1: https://clips.twitch.tv/SpookyFurrySoybeanShazBotstix-QHKoiDxyh54q4aTk
I had a few ideas why this might be happening, so I made some adjustments and proceeded, but the issues persisted. So I did some searching, came up with mostly no solutions (it's a pretty new device after all) and then had the thought that maybe it needed a firmware update.
I opened 4K Capture Utility which initially struggled to even recognize the device. When it did activate the device, I noticed the audio made a "chirp" noise. Strange. 4K Capture Utility needed an update, so I updated that, then I looked at the 4K X settings and it also had a firmware update available, so I updated that. When I did this I also realized that the HDMI Cable that Elgato shipped with the 4K X was going from the 4K X to my display, so I swapped that to be coming from the console output to the 4K X (it had a 4K cable already before, but I figured I would just eliminate the possibility of the cable not being good enough.)
After updating the 4K Capture Utility, the Firmware, and swapping the cables, things improved. I thought/hoped they were fixed, but after awhile, the audio desync/chirping continued as well.
Example 2: https://www.twitch.tv/shinyzeni/clip/BlindingUnusualWoodcockJKanStyle-ankg18P68FFcJUvK
Again, this was an improvement over what was happening before. If you notice the first clip had the audio drop out for 2-3 seconds, then chirped as it came back in, but the audio was significantly out of sync at that point. In the second clip, the audio cuts for less than half a second, and is still in sync after the chirp noise.
Just a few minutes later though, the audio dropped briefly again, and then was desynced.
Example 3: https://www.twitch.tv/shinyzeni/clip/LightWanderingFlamingoTriHard-iNjwO6oCSHzqRxwD
and awhile later, there was another big drop and big desync:
Example 4: https://www.twitch.tv/shinyzeni/clip/WiseConcernedTurnipLitFam-rNW8dQ1hCLbl1VMu
I made some other adjustments to various settings in OBS, and there had been at least one instance of OBS locking up so at some point I closed it and restarted my PC as well. Unfortunately during the last hour of my stream, there was at least one more small drop and blip that was noted.
Example 5: https://www.twitch.tv/shinyzeni/clip/MagnificentHonorableCobblerBleedPurple-lW1mkrmauJ5MmbsY
So I ended stream for the day and continued troubleshooting. I noticed that every time the card activated, it chirped (first noticed in 4K Capture Utility, then I noticed if I monitored the audio in OBS and Deactivated/Activated the card, it would happen there too.) I tried changing some other settings but to mostly no avail. I read that there are problems with Asmedia USB Host Controller ports that have been causing issues for others, but those issues seemed different from mine. Still, I ordered an adapter to try plugging the card into other USB Ports (since I only have 1 USB C port that is 3.2 Gen 2) and that will be here later today.
This morning I woke up super early and couldn't go back to sleep, so I figured I would keep troubleshooting. I poked around in a few different places but was making no progress. I remembered that someone mentioned the desyncs could be because of a mismatched Sample Rate, but I had checked the Sample Rate of the 4K X in the Sound Control Panel and the option to change it was greyed out, but showed 48000 hz (which is what OBS is set to as well.)
This is where things got REALLY strange.
I noticed that if I had the Sound Control Panel open, and I was on the "Recording" tab where the 4K X is present, and then I deactivated/activated the 4K X ... there was no chirp. I tested this multiple times, because it seemed very strange and had to be a coincidence. However every single time I switched the Sound Control Panel tab off of "Recording", or closed it, the chirp returned. And if I reopened the Sound Control Panel, on the Recording tab, the chirp went away. o.O
I tried switching to Analog Audio, but the device still chirped on activation even after doing that. Then I had a random thought that even if the device was chirping on activation, the bigger issue was likely the desyncs happening in the first place.
So I did another quick search for desyncs specifically, and came across this thread: https://www.reddit.com/elgato/comments/vhr2b7/solved_solution_to_audio_desync/
It mentioned to check the OBS logs to look at the sample rate of the card, so I did and sure enough the Sample Rate showed 44100. Likely the culprit of the desyncs. That thread also mentions you can fix it by setting the mic to be the capture card. I was about to try that when I randomly had the thought of creating a separate "Audio Input Source" in OBS and selecting the 4K X from there. So I did that and... the deactivation/activation chirp is completely gone. The audio continues playing even when I "deactivate" the card, which I have a hunch is part of it, but even if I have the audio input source muted and monitor the card source itself, the chirp is still gone, as long as the audio input source is there in the sources list.
I started a recording and walked away for awhile to take care of some other stuff this morning. I figured I would just let it run on a screen with recurring timed sounds, (enemies firing projectiles) and then come back and check for desync later.
I let it record for 2 hours 15 minutes (and did some gameplay during that time too) and upon reviewing I didn't notice any desyncs. Of course I didn't watch the entire thing, but it seems promising at least. I am going to stream again today and will update here if this ended up being a fix or not.
submitted by ShinyZeni to elgato [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:47 howmymindworks Palestinian Connection to ancient Canaan

A common theme I see among Zionists is an attempt to erase or belittle Palestinians existence and emotional, historical, and cultural connection to the land. Zionists often juxtaposed Jewish connection to the land with Palestinian connections. This lacks understanding of the sociological understanding of culture.
Zionists detail Jewish connection to the land, most commonly language, religious practices, and calendars, as evidence that they are more connected to the land than Palestinians and claim to be indigenous to Palestine, labeling the latter as colonists. This assertion lacks evidence.
There is no evidence of mass migration from Arabia to Palestine in the 7th century as the Umayyads conquered Jerusalem, and there is no evidence of any Arab colonies set up. On the contrary, the Umayyads didn’t conquer empty space. They conquered people who have lived on the land for several millennia who are the descendants of Canaanites, and Palestinians are genetically descended from these inhabitants whose existence on the land predates the emergence of Jewish people as a distinct people group 3,000 years ago [1][2]. In other words, Jews were not the first ones on the land, a land that has over 10,000 years of history and were never the only ones on the land. The following will demonstrate how they maintained their connection to the land. But first, memes.
What is culture? Culture is fundamentally a body of memes. Memetics is a concept in sociology which defines memes as cultural units of information that are analogous to genes, in that they are passed down (or around) as humans mimic one another and mutate. Mutation means that memes are dynamic, almost living things.
It’s important to understand that no society has experienced a "stop" and complete "reset" of memes. In other words, a group of people cannot completely change every single facet of their behavior, thinking, beliefs, ideas, and practices and adopt new ones without the old ones affecting the new ones. That would require a complete reset of the brain. For example, let's consider language, which we can illustrate as a family tree, where our ancestors have built up sounds to communicate meaning, imitated those sounds, and built upon those sounds to create sentences, so on and so forth. Palestinians preserved Aramaic words and grammar in their speech over time, so it is logical to conclude that since all memes behave the same, that other 'memes' within Palestinian culture have preserved memes from pre-arabization and pre-Islamization. Zionists often claim that even if Palestinians are descendants of Canaanites and other people groups in the region, that they are completely severed from their ancestor’s culture, and that is simply nonsensical.
Palestinians are descendants of people groups that have lived on the land for hundreds if not thousands of years, and it is impossible for a group of people to share the same space for that long and not develop a culture that is tied to the land. Sociologically speaking, when individuals gather, they begin mirroring one another’s behavior, form new vocabulary through shared experiences, and a group dynamic forms. One of those experiences is as broad as living in the same space. A group of newly introduced people in New York City would develop ways of thinking that are influenced by different facets of living in New York, like concepts of time, daily life pace, food, ect, and their identity as a group would be inseparable from New York, in the same way that any individual’s way of viewing the world would be oriented around their immediate environment.
How could this be any different from Palestinians? Their shared cultural experience is glued to the soil of Canaan. Especially considering that most of Palestine was rural until the 20th century, there is great emotional attachment to farming, shepherding, and the rolling hills of the countryside. If you look at Palestinian art, music, and literature, you'll observe some nostalgic feeling about the countryside, the vineyards, the oranges, the apricots, the olives, and a love of the soil. They have a deep attachment to the soil where they work, where they were born and grew up, where their ancestors and prophets are buried. A change in language and religion doesn't completely sever one from 100s of years of history.
Scholars unfortunately do not know a lot about Canaanite culture. There was no unified “Canaanite culture”, and each people group throughout Palestine had different ways of worshiping, ways of behaving, and ways of viewing the world. Also, Palestine is at the crossroads of 2 continents and at the intersection of important trade routes, so it was always the epicenter of exchanges of ideas, technologies, and religious practices. To have a culture that preserves every aspect of its culture would be impossible.
Jewish culture arose from Canaanite culture around 3,000 years ago, and their culture is like any other culture that has changed due to the exchange of memes. Their religion changed (please see Mark S. Smith on this exciting topic), as Israelites (save a few staunch monotheists) were mostly polytheistic until after the Babylonian exile. Their understanding of God developed as the gods El and Yahweh merged into one supreme being while under Assyrian and Babylonian rule (God was seen as less tribal and more universal). The temple was Canaanite, and the architecture and religious items within it mirror Canaanite religion. Their language changed. It is highly unlikely that a Hebrew speaker could transport back in time to King David’s court in 990BC and could understand David for many reasons. This is mainly because this was nearly 3,000 years ago, because linguists aren’t certain of the vowels ancient Israelites used (the written language only shows consonants) and that Hebrew has since been influenced by 3,000 years of interaction with other languages! This is not to undermine Jewish culture, but to demonstrate that every culture changes and is affected by others.
Logically, it is nonsensical to believe that a population can acquire a language over a period of several centuries without maintaining some vocabulary of their previous language in their vernacular. This topic has recently piqued my interest, so I don't have a ton of literature to share, but this paper by Ibrahim Bassel demonstrates how Aramaic was conserved in Palestinian Arabic.
Researchers studying the vocabulary of spoken Arabic in Palestine and who are familiar with Aramaic dialects find substrata of Aramaic: nouns, verbs, grammatical forms that are alien to classical Arabic, and are typical of the Arabic spoken in the region of Aramaic influence – especially in the vernacular Arabic of Syria and Palestine. [3]
Bassel gives several examples,
  1. Palestinian Arabic speakers use Arabic words with Syriac or Aramaic diminutive suffixes not found in Classical Arabic dictionaries
  2. “La” as an object marker in Palestinian Arabic, In Aramaic, the use of la is limited to definite objects.
  3. There are words that are absent in Classical Arabic dictionaries that are found in Palestinian Arabic that have roots in Aramaic, primarily concerning agriculture and the household, like
a. ‘azaqah and azaqtha (found in the Peshitta and in Daniel 6:18)
b. Bannur
c. Ba’ar (to glean the grain and fruits behind the harvesters)
d. ǧift (residue of olive ‘turf’) borrowed in Spoken Arabic from Jewish Aramaic or Mishnaic Hebrew.
If Palestinians in the 21st century were not connected to the land and to their ancestors, they would not be using words used by their ancestors thousands of years ago.
Zionists dismiss Islam as being a purely Arab religion. However, with a cursory glance we can see some threads of ideas preserved from Judaism to Islam due to Muhammad’s exposure to Jews and Christians in Syria and Arabia, like the prophets and their narratives, religious practices modified like the three daily Jewish prayers, how they pray, what they say while praying, when and how they fast ect. These practices “originated” in Canaan, therefore Palestinians are connected to Canaan.
Culture is a diffusion of ideas and its impossible to say that one was preserved more than the other, and more so it's foolish to place a moral judgment on which culture is most pure.
This is in no way some contribution to a “competition” to see who is more connected to the land. It’s irrefutable that Jewish people have roots in the land that are thousands of years deep. It is important for Zionists to know that culture is big. It’s a dynamic and living thing which refuses to be distilled down to one or two components, and protests laymen arbitrarily defining what makes one group more indigenous than the other by identifying factors that apply to them while neglecting others. Palestinians are native to Palestine. If they have a cultural connection to the land, then they have an emotional connection to the land as well.
I'm a layman and have just started to dive into the subject of Palestinian connection to ancient Canaan so I'd love if anyone had any more information to offer or refutations with scholarly articles!
submitted by howmymindworks to IsraelPalestine [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:19 QuakerOats98 How do I use the ADC mode for i2s is esp-idf v5.2.2?

The docs mention that I2S0 can be routed directly to the internal analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC). In other words, ADC and DAC peripherals can read or write continuously via I2S0 DMA. As they are not actual communication modes, the I2S driver does not implement them. The driver does not implement the LCD mode either.
I want to record audio using the ADC and i2s. This used to be possible in the earlier versions of the idf used to have a way to enable ADC mode and I have found examples that do this.
I am new to esp-idf, can someone show me how I would implement this, or steps that I can take to do this. Thanks
submitted by QuakerOats98 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:16 marioagario123 Is it appropriate to say: We have no idea what the laws of the universe are

I am a Software Engineer who also enjoys learning physics. Most of my physics knowledge comes from high school + youtube channels diving into deeper topics. I wouldn't call myself great at it, as would be apparent from what you will read below.
Newtonian mechanics made sense, the standard atomic model made sense, big bang and black holes, however, at one point, things stopped being intuitive. As I go deeper into some topics, the math gets complex and I stop following. That could be the source of the inaccuracies below.
I love physics because of how beautifully things came together, but all my previous understandings are just tearing apart the deeper I dive into topics. All I know is every few decades/centuries, our previous understanding of how things worked is replaced with a new understanding. However, are these replacements getting us significantly closer to the truth, or did our understanding of the universe go from 0.0001% to 0.001%?
Some examples:
In my mind, it is analogous to counting all real numbers between 1-100. First we counted 100, then we realized we have to count the 0.1, 0.2 etc. Then we realized we have to count 0.01, 0.02 etc. Yes, at every realization we got closer to the real count, and that may lead to advancement but when do we realize we are counting to infinity?
submitted by marioagario123 to AskPhysics [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 20:01 SexxxMelaneexxx Terza Rima

Unlocking the Beauty of Terza Rima**
Terza rima is a poetic form originating from Italy, traditionally associated with Dante Alighieri's "Divine Comedy." It consists of tercets (three-line stanzas) linked by a rhyme scheme (ABA, BCB, CDC, and so on), with the final stanza often a rhymed couplet.
  1. Classical: "The Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri.
  2. Modern: "Acquainted with the Night" by Robert Frost.
  3. Modern: "Ode to the West Wind" by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does the interlocking rhyme scheme contribute to the poem's overall structure?
  2. Can you identify any modern poems or songs that use terza rima?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a theme or emotion to explore.
Step 2: Craft the first tercet (ABA).
Step 3: Build on the narrative or emotion in the next tercet (BCB).
Step 4: Continue the pattern, leading to a concluding rhymed couplet.
Example: In the twilight's embrace, whispers linger (A), Reflecting shadows dance, a silent figure (B). Beneath the moon's glow, memories trigger (A).
Remember: Terza rima offers a structured canvas for poetic exploration and narrative development.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:57 SexxxMelaneexxx Triolet

Mastering the Repetitive Beauty of the Triolet**
A triolet is a short poetic form with eight lines, typically characterized by a specific rhyme scheme and repeated lines. The first, fourth, and seventh lines are the same, as are the second and eighth lines. This creates a rhythmic and melodic pattern within the poem.
  1. "A Triolet" by Christina Rossetti.
  2. "Triolet on a Line Apocryphally Attributed to Martin Luther" by A. E. Stallings.
  3. "Triolet" by Robert Bridges.
Tips for Creative Writing:
Questions for Exploration:
  1. How does the repetition of lines contribute to the triolet's impact?
  2. Can you think of everyday situations or emotions that could be beautifully expressed through a triolet?
Additional Resources:
Creative Writing Prompt:
Step 1: Choose a theme or emotion for your triolet.
Step 2: Craft a captivating refrain that encapsulates the essence of your chosen theme.
Step 3: Develop the narrative or emotion within the remaining lines, incorporating the refrain.
Example: In twilight's embrace, shadows softly fall (A) In twilight's embrace, shadows softly fall (A) A dance of darkness, a poetic sprawl (B) In twilight's embrace, shadows softly fall (A)
Remember: The triolet's concise structure offers a canvas for exploring depth within brevity.
submitted by SexxxMelaneexxx to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:25 eZstah DIY Mouse Grips detailed Guide

DIY Mouse Grips detailed Guide
Here's a DIY solution using affordable materials. I've been using this method for several years now and it works very well and doesn't cost a lot of money.
Mouse: Glorious model O Wireless / Pad: Artisan Hien
I'm going to use the Model O Wireless as an example.
Materials Needed:
  1. Mouse with plastic or soft sides / could work on metal but not tested
  2. Tennis racket grip tape (Wilson Pro Overgrip Sensation Black/white)
  3. Double-sided adhesive tape (Tesa Extra Strong Double Sided Carpet Tape)
  4. Scissors
  5. Paper
  6. Ballpoint pen
  7. Isopropanol (70%+) or vodka
  8. Cloth
  9. About 15 minutes
You can use other tapes, but these are the best in my opinion
As you may have already guessed from the list provided, we will be cutting and gluing the overlays. The key ingredient in this method is tennis tape, which is basically designed to not slip in wet hands.
The Wilson Pro Overgrip Sensation Black is specifically listed. And there are several reasons for that.
3 Pack around 10 Euro in Europe
First of all, it is canonical and can be bought literally anywhere in the world. Secondly, the Sensation version is very thin and thus ideal for sticking on the mouse without increasing its size.
mmm, sensational
Thirdly it is nice, high quality and tested by me personally on many mice. Version with 3 skeins, which I recommend to use costs in the neighborhood of 10$. You can take analogs from other manufacturers, the main thing is that the thickness and format must be the same.
The second key ingredient is double sided tape
Currently on EU amazon for 4,60 euro
Tesa Extra Strong Double Sided Carpet Tape is listed as a flooring tape. Ideal if you can get your hands on it. If not, get any adequate analog. Double tape has to be as thin.
Not a key ingredient, but an important and generally useful thing - Isopropyl Alcohol 70-99%.
You can't drink it
Probably the last thing on the list of things you may not have at home. You need it to safely degrease and wash away any dirt on your mouse. Isopropanol does not degrade plastic and is safe for electronics and skin. It is sold in different volumes. If not, you can use vodka.
The tape and alcohol will definitely last for a long time. Even if we consider that we will sometimes use them for other useful things. Like sticking a Jongguk poster on the wall or wiping the screen with alcohol. In any case, the most expensive and important part is are overgrips. The Wilson Pro Overgrip has 3 skeins of 80cm each. The length of the side pad on the mouse shown in this guide is about 8 cm. The length of the overlay on any other average mouse will differ by a couple of centimeters at most, plus or minus. For 10$ we have 240 centimeters of tape. Let's assume that we take huge indents of 1 cm and the final two-sided tape on a standard mouse will be 18 cm.
240/18 = 13 side sets.
It's much cheaper than pre-made sets. And I would even say that the grip is high quality.
Step-by-step execution
So you have understood the theory, and now I will show you how to cut with scissors. First of all, you need to make a very simple stencil out of ordinary paper
We cut out rectangles approximately corresponding to the scale of the mouse side, and further on we cut them down by eye to fit the size of future grips
No super precision is needed here, we just trim the excess paper step by step, like sculptors approaching the perfect shape
The reverse side is the same, but a little simpler due to the lack of side buttons
If you've used scissors in your life, something similar in quality should end up being the result
Place them on the working side of the grip and trace them with a pen
It is very important to observe mirroring and remember which side we will glue, otherwise there is a chance to spoil everything, as I did here:
We detach the foil from the grip, place it adhesive side down on double-sided tape and cut along the same contoursWe get two finished grips, the yellow color is a film of double-sided tape
Use isopropanol to wash the sides of the mouse from dirt and grease, thereby preparing the surface for better gluing
We detach the protective film on the back side of the double-sided tape and finally glue what we have done to the mouse itself
Final result after gluing both sides. I don't need super aesthetics, so I didn't worry too much about perfect lines, if you want you can spend a little more time and make it very neat.
You can see much better on my other mouse. Endgame Geаr OP1 8k Yes, it's not peak aesthetic, but I assure you it works surprisingly good
Pad: Saturn Pro
How long does it last?
It greatly depends on how many hours you spend at your computer daily. Consider how often you play intense, competitive games versus casually browsing Reddit. Factors include the amount and corrosiveness of your sweat, the type of mouse you use, and how you hold it. Fingertip grip differs from holding it with long nails. Additionally, think about whether you wash your hands before using the computer or eat greasy foods like fried chicken and then touch the mouse.
In my particular case, when I was playing a lot and not working. literally 16 hours a day, I re-glued about once every 2 months. Now I don't have that much time to play and I think It can last MUCH longer.
WARNING: if for some reason you decide to make your own grips using this guide, you are very likely to become a slave to these grips forever. Once you've tried Sensational grip, there's no turning back. Your fingertips will never feel comfortable touching bare plastic again.
submitted by eZstah to MouseReview [link] [comments]
