Asthma scholarships in oklahoma

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2015.08.11 00:57 electricbetsy Women In Technical Studies

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2024.05.17 22:22 shubai91 [QCrit] Adult Contemporary: Of Blood. 80k

Hi! Happy Friday. Thanks so much for taking the time to review this. I really appreciate your feedback.
Dear [Agent],
Being a death-magnet is not a good look for a first-year medical student. After her sudden disappearance before her college valedictorian speech two years earlier, Prin returns to her alma mater to start medical school. OF BLOOD AND CHOCOLATE, complete at 80,000 words, is a contemporary novel with romantic and suspense themes. The story combines the angst and coming of age themes from Gabrielle Zevin's Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, with the mystery and adventure found in Jennifer Lynn Barnes' The Inheritance Games.
After visiting an Indonesian monastery and becoming convinced that she is responsible for her mother's death, Prin comes back to take the Hippocratic oath with her med school class–an ironic gesture for someone who has frequently found herself entangled in lies. She has to confront the former friends she ghosted — including her college crush, Parker. Becoming the campus leper makes her a textbook case that is contagious and disfiguring for her on social media.
Parker, now her anatomy TA, hates her the most. His evaluations threaten her number one rank on the class bleederboard, a requirement to keep her scholarship. After she receives blood-stained threats in her anatomy locker, Prin realizes her issues are far more serious than class rankings.
Prin knows the monks' puzzling tenet—that life and death, love and hate are circular — holds the key to finding her stalker. However, time is not circular, and she must find the person behind the threats before she not only loses her scholarship, but possibly her life.
[bio paragraph]
Seven hours before my disappearance
Lies get a bad rap. Not all of them harm someone. Many are used to protect either those you love, or even yourself. Studies tell us that the average person lies about five to ten times a day. I’d argue this number grossly underestimates the number of falsehoods we tell. Especially those we tell ourselves.
People build lies using the same scaffolding that doctors employ to help patients. Aspiring to become a doctor, I’d shadowed clinic physicians as a candy striper, bearing witness to the gears that spun underneath their white coats. Each patient’s story held clues, resembling glittering rocks in the depths of the Earth's mantle. The doctor formed a differential, a list of common causes, to decipher a patient’s fever or cough. A viral infection. Pneumonia. Asthma. The hidden jewel lay dormant in the patient’s words, and it took years of training to hone the physician’s ability to mine them.
Fabrications operate the same way. A differential--or list of reasons--can explain why the lie was told. To protect others? A necessary lie. To simplify a situation? A white lie. To protect yourself from plunging into something dark? An aspirational lie. The latter were the most dangerous. Telling the same falsehood too many times tricks your mind into believing it as truth.
Tap. Tap. A faint knock reverberated off the hardwood slab of my bedroom door before it creaked open. Zara, my best friend, filled the entryway, her figure backlit by incandescent lighting as hair spilled out from her makeshift ponytail onto a white silk robe. Like the Gonocephalus chameleon found in Jakarta, it was a look she donned only at night and shed during daylight for designer couture.
I glanced up at her, feeling stranded at sea, my weight shifting on the pink life raft that doubled as my bed. Help me! I’m drowning.
submitted by shubai91 to PubTips [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:47 Educational_Wave4824 Any advice for optometry scholarships? Specifically for UHCO. (Stats included) *edited and shortened*

THIS IS A SHORTED VERSION OF A PREVIOUSLY DELETED POST: I post this earlier today but it was very long and not well articulated. I am really looking for advice and have spent quite some time trying to convey what I’m working with.
I just finished my junior year of undergrad. I am chem major and biology minor. I put in a lot of work and am really hoping it pays off w financial assistance. I’m sharing stat summaries and background info to hopefully gain some help/advice.
SUMMARY: To simplify it, so far I’ve been a full time student (~15 hrs), working two jobs as a tutor assisting up to Calc II, Intro to Stats, Gen chem, & O Chem as well as TA for Gen Chem lab. All whilst being in two officer position w/ two dif orgs. I then got another lab to TA and a promotion (Tutoring Team Lead & adding an O chem to TA) on top of the previously mentioned responsibilities. I have a GPA of 3.88 (3.97 for pre req), 240+ hours of research (+150 more planned for this summer), 300+ volunteer hours (some health care/some not), ~35 shadowing hours, in honors college, will be university scholar and ACS certified by graduation. I took my first year of college and senior year of HS simultaneously. I ended HS as 3rd ranked and various academic accomplishments if that is considered in application.
BACKGROUND: All this to be said, I am first gen college student from an ‘economically disadvantaged’ family of 7, I have had 4 siblings who’ve all tried college and have flunked out. In Spring ‘25 I will be the first person from either side of my family to earned a bachelors. (My dad never finished HS and none of my grandparents even finished middle school). I primarily worked so hard to eleviate some financial requirements. I found a passion for optometry/eye care due to having refractive and strabismic amblyopia from 8y/o to 16y/o until I got corrective surgery.
HELP/ADVISE: My top pick is UHCO but I am applying to both optom schools in tx and the one in oklahoma. I hate to have put in all this work for no compensation and am curious as what to do?
Plz suggest personal statement or secondary app essay idea, scholarships based off any of this info, etc. It would be so appreciated!!!
submitted by Educational_Wave4824 to OptometrySchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:02 throwaway27249228f question about OSU

I'm a junior in high-school about to be a senior (class of 2025), and i did terrible in school this year. I have D's and C's in science and math. I've always been really good at science, but I had a lot going on this year, and I know colleges look at your junior year grades. I just got my ACT scores back and I scored a 23, with a 19 in STEM (16 in math and 21 in science) I really want to pursue entomology at Oklahoma State University. Should I apply at the beginning of my senior year or wait until the end so I can send them my grades from my senior year? I also plan on retaking the ACT and taking the SAT next year. I'm just worried about scholarships.
submitted by throwaway27249228f to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:34 MaleficentBlu What can I do different?

I've fallen out of love and patience with my daughter.
Apologies if this is long and for the cussing-not even sure where to go from here.
Situation: Pending formal separation from husband, mother of two, 11f and 6m.
Dad is experiencing life changes in the form of disrupted employment, emotional affairs and exacerbated ADHD symptoms so for the purposes of this, I am a single parent to the two. I work FT in a highly advanced field, as well as working on my masters.
Daughter is very bright, very capable with ADHD diagnosed at 6, medicated at 7. Is in a stupid expensive private school to accommodate her academic and socioemotional needs. Said school is about 23 mins one way so think ~2 hours commute each day. School was chosen due to small classes and general support. We are eligible for some scholarship assistance but due to joint income (I'm the primary earner), we still have a decent amount out of pocket. Son is in public school but I still have to cover after care because our schedules don't allow us timely pick up. His school is in opposite direction of hers. In short, lots of money and time spent.
Daughter is encouraged to be in as many outlets as possible to widen her experiences, challenge her and also support her ADHD symptoms. This means, additional time and money to get her from points a to b. No complaints on the cost; however, she will HALF ASS everything just to say she did it and get us off her back. Therapy can't get her motivated, money doesn't either. All it seems she wants is fucking junk food after and to watch YouTube shorts. School notes there are challenges but in general, she's fine there.
Last week, after a 3rd round interview, I picked up my son from school early and raced to a track meet to see her first event. Brother and I are cheering as loud as can be and...she stopped. Straight up decided she was not finishing. When she saw me and brother, she clutched chest and said her "asthma" was acting up when asked by the coach what was wrong. She doesn't have asthma, hay fever or none of that shit. She had done this event before; she was just slow.
Mind you, we went through the process of encouraging the night before, the special foods, the "good luck" text swarm from family...fucking nothing. We aren't a competitive family; moreso one of those "hey you tried your best" type people but it's still met with complete rejection. Even said "all you gotta do is finish and give it your best." Got home and response was "I didn't want to do it anyway but no one listened".
And the attitude, the snark, the denials, the hygiene, the fucking everything being a problem just hit fever pitch today. I dropped her off at camp with barely a goodbye, when the parents are expected to stick around and cheer the kids off. Between the lack of trying, the high costs (therapy, meds, school, extra curricular), I don't fucking HAVE it anymore. What else do I need to do here?
submitted by MaleficentBlu to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:13 iJustWantTolerance Is this the greatest football player of all time?

Is this the greatest football player of all time? submitted by iJustWantTolerance to NCAAFBseries [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:16 Careful_Hearing5104 I'm mad at my family cause they only care about my weight

I 16F 5, 6 am 231 LB I've been dealing with weight problems my whole life and I've also always had aseet tooth. But most recently my parents have been getting on my case about my weight especially since I'm in AFJROTC (Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps) I don't tend on joining the military I just plan on being in AFJROTC for the scholarships. You see we have a fitness test every quarter it consist of push ups, sit ups, and mile. I'm good at all of these with a 41 push ups and 62 sit ups and 11:57 mile, and yes I understand that's not vary fast but for my weight and having asthma it's hard. But again my family always talks about my weight and how I need to lose some and they always are on top of me for it. They say I need to go out on walks and play sports and stuff like that you see I planed on joining water polo over the summer to have fun but then it got canceled so not I dont really have an options. Ever time I say I want to do something like a sport my parents shove it off or say it's to expensive. like I wanted to do boxing not that long ago and my mom found a program with videos to exercise with and gloves and a punching bag they would send you but she said it was to expensive and it was dropped and never talked about again so I don't see the point anymore in telling them about things I want to try cause they only brush it off.
It hurts me and gets me annoyed when they talk about my weight and eating habits yes I'll admit it I have bad eating habits and I tend to eat large portions of things. I also want to mention my parents/ whole family is not skinny in fact my dad is take weight lose shots ever one in my family dose.
I'm happy with my weight I've even met someone who makes me feel vary happy and beautiful about myself and my body so I really don't want to make weight lose a priority any time soon. I would love to hear what people think thank you.
submitted by Careful_Hearing5104 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:19 RedSquirrel404 Oklahoma City vs Syracuse JDi

Got accepted a week or so ago to Oklahoma City. No scholly and required to take the Legal Methods class in the summer and place high to even be considered for scholly. Low cost of living and lowkey area.
Just got accepted to Syracuse's JDi program with a 20% Dean's scholarship. High cost of living and cold area.
Not sure which option I should take that will benefit me in the long run.
submitted by RedSquirrel404 to OutsideT14lawschools [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 12:58 LastWeekInCollapse Last Week in Collapse: April 28-May 4, 2024

A disaster looms in Sudan… H5N1 expands more… and lots of flooding.
Last Week in Collapse: April 28-May 4, 2024
This is Last Week in Collapse, a weekly newsletter compiling some of the most important, timely, useful, soul-crushing, ironic, stunning, exhausting, or otherwise must-see/can’t-look-away moments in Collapse.
This is the 123rd newsletter. You can find the April 21-27 edition here if you missed it last week. You can also receive these posts (with images) every Sunday in your email inbox with Substack.
A study in Science of the Total Environment examined the impact of palm oil plantations in Indonesia. It found that “establishing oil palm plantations increased surface runoff by 21%, and sediment yields rose by 16.9% compared to the baseline. There was also a significant increase of 78% in mean annual total nitrogen and 144% in total phosphorous.” A look into an Indonesian watershed roughly the size of Sweden’s Gotland island, or France’s Réunion island, found about 25% of the watershed had been transformed into a palm oil plantation. Regional water quality has plunged, rainfall has increased, runoff has risen, and the soil is moister than ever before.
Other forests saw gradual aridification. A recent study in Geophysical Research Letters examined forests in West Africa, where wildfires doubled over the last 18 years. Scientists blame deforestation and changing weather patterns, mostly.
Worsening air pollution is impacting the tourism industry in Nepal, and impacting the population’s health. Bangladesh ended its hottest April since records began 76 years ago. Western Australia is enduring a vicious 7-month Drought. The death toll from flooding in Kenya is now at at least 188, with 90 missing and 160,000+ displaced. About 50 were killed when a dam broke about 30km outside Nairobi. At least 155 have also died in Tanzania from flooding—and the approach of Cyclone Hidaya is expected to cause more deaths & damage.
A study published last week in Earth’s Future determined that tropical hurricanes and cyclones will get wetter, intensify faster, and cause more damage when they make landfall. At a conference of earthquake scientists last week, they discussed the potential for dangerous lake tsunamis triggered by future climate-induced landslides into mountain lakes.
In other mountain regions, like Kashmir, Drought is encroaching as ancient glaciers disappear. In fact, much of India is experiencing terrible Drought and heat.
Manila hit its all-time hottest air temperature ever—38.8 °C (102 °F). Myanmar and Lao felt their hottest night ever, as did a number of Asian capitals. Japan also ended its warmest April on record. Flooding in Saudi Arabia.
China experienced 35+ cm hail (14+ inches), and part of Hainan saw its hottest day of all time, 42.8 °C (109 °F). Scientists are worried about the upcoming normalization of heat-caused dieoffs in marine environments.
Flooding caused the Collapse of part of a highway in China, killing 48+ people. Tornadoes across Midwest America killed several, laying waste across several states. Some regions of the U.S. are seeing insurers pull out or raise premiums beyond affordable limits, due to a changing risk environment—mostly around wildfires & flooding. Like many nations, Greece is bracing for a record fire season ahead.
Hundreds of thousands of fish, perhaps millions, died off in a Vietnamese reservoir blasted by a heat wave which turned parts of the reservoir into mud. In the ocean, temperature fluctuations are increasingly responsible for mass mortality events.
Farmers in the UK are warning of upcoming food shortages, mostly as a result of the devastating flooding which impacted the Isles. Couple that with the news that about 20% of major UK companies issued a profit warning in the last 12 months, and the nation is facing tough economic waters ahead. Global cocoa prices continue to surge, and the futures market for this tight commodity is growing more volatile.
Experts are concerned that vaping is increasing lead poisoning. A study in Science Direct examined the inhalation of nano- and microplastics (from sources like shirts, toothbrushes, and water bottles), and found that they “amplify human susceptibility to a spectrum of lung disorders, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fibrosis, dyspnea, asthma, and the formation of frosted glass nodules.” Nanoparticles, like non-plastic particles from consumer sprays, are also affecting respiratory health.
A 20-year survey of pollution in the Great Lakes showed that 86% of the Lakes’ annual litter is made of plastic. “Plastic is not disappearing—it's just getting smaller and smaller,” said one of the study’s authors. A study into plastic pollution determined that, predictably, a 1% increase in plastics production also results in a 1% increase in plastics pollution—bad news for the planet, considering that plastic is expected to account for 15% of carbon emissions by 2040. Some researchers are warning of potential PFAS contamination from seafood-heavy diets.
The U.S. FDA announced the results from a new study on HPAI (bird flu / H5N1) in milk: no active, infectious virus particles were detected in pasteurized milk, although trace amounts of harmless virus were detected in a range of dairy products. However, 24 cats died at a Texas dairy farm, presumably from contracting H5N1 in raw milk they consumed. It’s also been confirmed now that the March infection of a human from that Texas farm was the first known mammal-to-human transmission of bird flu. Panic is unfolding gradually—and then suddenly.
Nine states have detected H5N1 in their cattle, with Colorado starting last week. Some epidemiologists think there must be more human cases out there, considering all the positive animals… A sample of 30 ground beef samples found them all clean of H5N1. The first walrus died of bird flu last week, on one of Norway’s northern islands.
Scabies outbreak in Idlib, Syria. Dengue fever in Brazil has infected 4M so far this year—and killed 2,000+. A case of Lassa Fever—rarely found outside West Africa—was reported in France. High temperatures are also linked with cardiovascular deaths.
Scientists continue to warn about the potential for zoonotic spillovers to bring diseases to humans, like Alaskapox. But there are also viruses going the other way, like the common cold—which presents a much more serious threat to chimpanzees.
In a moment of good news, hospitalizations for COVID are at all-time lows in the U.S. since the start of the pandemic. And a study confirmed that vaccine-boosted people are at 25% lower risk of Long COVID. Bad news: a new variant, codenamed FLiRT, or KP.2, is catching on, and has proven more immuno-evasive than the previously dominant strain, JN.1.
Another fuel shortage in Nigeria. Experts also believe NYC will experience more blackouts because of climate change in the future.
Two cargo freighters were struck last week by Houthi rebels, including an oil tanker hit last Sunday. The ships which reroute around the tip of Africa, which add another 7-14 days of travel, have emitted a total of the equivalent about 9M cars’ worth of CO2 emissions over the past 4 months. The potential expansion of Houthi strikes to ships in the Indian Ocean also threaten global economic stability.
If logistics win wars, Canada’s armed forces are in difficult straits, taking one year to deliver 50 APCs promised to Ukraine. Kharkiv (pre-war pop: 1.45M) is in especially dire straits, with a total shutdown of public transportation, serious blackouts, and the breakdown of running water. “Air raid sirens sound day and night, signaling the ever-present risk of shelling. The city has endured heavy bombardment…insomnia is affecting a significant portion of the population,” said one Kharkiv doctor. Several large divisions of Russian units—up to 70,000, in total—are reportedly planning an assault on Sumy, and on Kharkiv (Ukraine’s second-largest city pre-war) in about a month. Experts believe even 70,000 soldiers is not enough to take and hold Kharkiv.
France is increasingly floating the idea of deploying its troops into Ukraine as a trip-wire force to prevent a deeper invasion of Russian soldiers—and whatever might follow. Britain has given the OK for Ukraine to use British-donated arms for strikes within Russian borders. A German Bundeswehr captain was caught spying for Russia—apparently not for money, but out of fears of a future nuclear attack.
Myanmar’s escalating civil war is threatening to shred the country—and it’s alarming its neighbors. At least 20 civilians died and 70+ were injured by the junta’s artillery last week. The government has now forbidden military-age men from leaving the country to work abroad.
Hundreds of North Koreans have been repatriated, by force, from China. Britain is reportedly planning a large-scale detainment of migrants for next week; the UK saw its biggest one-day arrival of migrants in small boats: 711. In the U.S., immigration continues topping polls as the #1 issue—and the most polarizing one. (#2 was “the Government” and #3 was the Economy in general.) Paris is beginning a wide crackdown on migrants & homeless people in advance of the July-August Olympics.
Analysts are examining the potential for Haitian pirates to emerge as the failed state impacts regional Caribbean stability. Meanwhile, tens of thousands of Pakistani farmer-protestors turned out to disapprove of a government hiatus on buying their wheat. Cuba gave a long prison sentence to a young mother who posted videos of a protest in 2022. El Salvador passed large reforms essentially enabling their uber-popular President to change the Constitution “at will.”
Chinese threats to Philippine vessels are intensifying: a collision, and high strength water cannons struck a vessel in the South China Sea. You can watch part of the incident here if you’re interested. Meanwhile, in Georgia, police used water cannons against protestors opposing a new press law. At a number of American universities, police forcibly disrupted several protests opposing Israel’s conduct in Gaza. The country of Colombia even severed ties with Israel “for having a genocidal president,” said their Presidente. Türkiye has now cut trade with Israel.
The 68-page 2023 Explosive Weapons Monitor was released last week, and it confirms an increase in the use of explosives against civilians, particularly in the education (80% increase compared to 2022) and humanitarian aid (almost 500%) sectors. Most of the increases were due to the ongoing operations in Gaza and Sudan.
Iraq has criminalized same-sex relations and identifying as transgender, with punishments ranging from 1-15 years in prison, plus fines.
In Sudan, the besieged city of El Fasher (pre-war pop: 1.5M, now estimated at around 800,000) is becoming a hellscape under the growing shadow of a looming “large-scale massacre,” another Darfur Genocide, or a devastating famine...El Fasher is also a key hub for aid transiting to the country’s western regions. Some people are said to be eating dirt and leaves already; others are continually fleeing to South Sudan.
“...the conflict has become increasingly internationalized, with other countries becoming engaged and supporting one side or the other. This results in the conflict becoming more complicated…there has been a significant deterioration in the security situation, including increasing arbitrary killings, theft of livestock, systematic burning of entire villages in rural areas, escalating air bombardments of parts of the city and a tightening siege around El Fasher, which has halted humanitarian aid convoys and choked off commercial trade. As a result, prices of increasingly scarce commodities like food, water and fuel have soared, putting large numbers of people at risk of hunger and disease.” -a UN official coordinating humanitarian aid
Select comments/threads from the subreddit last week suggest:
-Brazil’s flooding is catastrophic, and this thread, complete with videos, explains the details. At least 39 are dead, some major roads are washed out, and a city of 90,000+ has become navigable only by boat.
-France is unprepared for most disasters, based on this weekly {English} observation and the 172-page attached {French} report by the Red Cross.
Got any feedback, questions, comments, complaints, upvotes, manifestos, bird flu alarms, etc.? Check out the Last Week in Collapse SubStack if you don’t want to check collapse every Sunday, you can receive this newsletter sent to your (or someone else’s) email inbox every weekend. What did I forget this week?
submitted by LastWeekInCollapse to collapse [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:02 Beneficial-Bet-889 Got my financial aid offer, unsure what to do

For context I'm an OOS student from rural Oklahoma accepted as a pre-science looking to do Microbiology.
I received my financial aid offer today and tbh idk how to feel.
the breakdown of cost is:
total need: roughly $66k
w/ pell grant/supplemental: roughly $57k
w/ pell/supplemental and federal loans/work study: roughly $46k
I also can take around $15k out of my college fund but that's a little over half of it.
The main thing is that UW has been my dream school for like 2 years now and I loved it when I visited but taking out like $57k (since fed loans and work study are still debt) is so much money for just the first year.
I did take lots of concurrents (composition, humanities, history, government) and APs (calc, chem, physics, bio) so I'm pretty sure if my concurrents transfer I'd go in as a freshman but that's an IF. I don't want to defer since if I defer and don't go then I still have to pay $400.
The counselors have told me that once I get accepted to a major I can get more scholarships but that's a big IF
Main reason I want to choose UW is because they have a really good public health/immunology program since they were where the covid vaccine was first tested and since working with stuff like that is what I want to do I figured UW would be the best for it.
Another reason that I know sounds dumb is that at OSU there isn’t really clubs for what I like (no powerlifting, board games (just DnD), and only a couple really small gaming clubs). I know I could start those clubs but I would also really like to be able to participate in that stuff as a first year.
My other choice is Oklahoma State University and I know it's cliche and sounds whiny but I want to get out of Oklahoma and start a different life. I just don't want to take on life-altering debt to do that.
I know it's not the best idea to be asking random people on the internet for advice on this, but as UW students do you:
A: Believe UW is worth it as an out of state student.
B: Think that my concurrents will transfer (since they aren't really pertinent to my area of study and are just gen-ed. They're also all online from OSU-OKC which is an OSU campus so maybe they'd transfer better? The counselors said they wouldn't tell me if they transfer until I accept admission).
C: Believe that roughly $35k for just the first year is worth it for an OOS student.
D: Am I a dumbass for not applying to more OOS schools (the answer is yes)
Edit: I guess I’m mainly looking for a reason to justify going to UW. I know it’s a terrible idea in the long run and the only reason I hate Oklahoma so much is because I’ve told myself over and over it’s terrible. I know it’s only 4 years (less probably, could get out of OSU in hard maybe 2 years but wouldn’t have any research/internships so no grad school would take me) and it would only be around $20k-$25k without using college fund. Maybe I’m just desperate because I don’t want to see people from my high school because I know I’ll feel an unbelievable amount of awkwardness because I am one of the weird kids that everyone is nice to because they pity me. Everyone except one of my teachers is telling me that that much debt is too much which I do agree with, but I also don’t want to have any regrets about where I go.
Edit 2: I appreciate everyone’s response and after talking with some other people irl I’m probably going to just bite the bullet and go to OSU. Pretty sure with my credits I can finish my degree in 2 years which may look good, plus apparently OSU has good connections (unsure if true, heard from mom’s friend of a friend). Good luck to everyone!
submitted by Beneficial-Bet-889 to udub [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:31 tucansoup Paying for UCO

Im in highschool rn and im planning on applying to UCO. Im trying to figure out how much financial aid UCO would probably give me from people actually going there. I have tuition payed for (oklahomas promise), but I don’t know how to pay for the rest. I plan on getting a bachelors in arts admin and a masters in business admin with their accelerated program.
31 act 4.0, 4.39 GPA White male Low income (<40k) First generation Lgbt Class president Cross country and track Stuco VP Academic Team captain Quest bridge scholar Football film NSHSS member Beta Club Concurrent/AP/Honors classes Part time job Presidents honor roll Previous* FFA President, secretary Previous* band leadership
Also any help on scholarships that I need to apply for would be great. 😃
submitted by tucansoup to UCO [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 18:10 John3262005 Battleground state Pennsylvania gets first electric school buses funded by Biden admin

Battleground state Pennsylvania gets first electric school buses funded by Biden admin
Pennsylvania received its first electric school buses funded by the Biden administration on Thursday, an effort in the critical battleground state that is expected to highlight the president’s climate agenda.
First Student, which is the leading school transportation provider in North America, is set to host a ribbon-cutting ceremony Thursday in Harrisburg, Pa. The event will celebrate the deployment of the buses that are funded by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Clean School Bus Program, which was included in the bipartisan infrastructure law.
The state received six new electric school buses that were manufactured by IC Bus Tulsa in Oklahoma, a shop with United Auto Worker laborers. The infrastructure law authorized $1 billion to the EPA for this program for each fiscal year from 2022 through 2026, and the EPA then gave First Student $140 million.
EPA’s Clean School Bus Program aims to provide school districts with clean or zero-emission school buses to help fight climate change and lessen the risks of cancer and asthma in young kids.
submitted by John3262005 to JoeBiden [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 04:26 runshikesbikes Chronic Cough 3 Years Running

Hello everyone, I am a 28 year old Male, non-smoker, vegetarian, ultra runner.
3 years ago this Friday I moved from Pennsylvania to Northern New Mexico. 3 years ago I also ran my best 50k race of 6 hours an 4 minutes over a very mountainous course in Virginia, that’s beside the point but it is a data point.
When I was driving across the country, I stopped in Indianapolis and got my J&J Covid shot on the motor speedway (that was pretty cool). As I continued driving across the country I got very ill (headache, cough, fever, etc) and was in the hotel bed in Oklahoma for 2 days before finally having enough energy to drive to my final destination. Just including this as background information just incase it is
I write this because since that drive across the country, and the subsequent move to NM I have had a horrible chronic cough. It is dry. It is productive. I have been to allergists and tried all the inhalers (Advair, Breztri, Albuterol etc.), Allergy Shots for a year, even some local company makes a remedy called “Aller Pops” and I have even tried those, no change to my cough. I have gone to a respiratory specialist and they suggested GERD or a hiatal hernia. I began omeprazole and still have had not change to the chronic cough.
The Cough: - Gets worse with higher altitude (above 12,000 feet). - Does not get better with lower altitude (races at lower altitude have still had the cough). - Gets worse the longer I go. (I.e. keeling over and coughing til puking almost at longer distance races). - If I run super hard or try to exert myself to my full lactate threshold, my lungs give out before my legs. - Worse after I stop running for days at a time, so much so my abs and back get sore. - Dry. Whiteish solid phlegm. Sometimes just clear phlegm. Sometimes no phlegm.
The medicine: - Multiple Inhalers (Breztri, Albuterol, Nebulized something, Advair, etc.) - Allergy Shots - Claritin (currently on) - Omeprazole (currently on) - Ziluten - Tums Test Results: - Clear chest X-Ray - Spirometry normal - Exercise induced spirometry indicated normal recovery, so no bronchiospasms (asthma) (i.e. I did all the spirometry tests fine after sprinting on a treadmill for 15 minutes that did induce the cough).
I’m writing this because it is destroying my life and my willpower to train or run or be active anymore. I haven’t been able to run at the same level, or exercise at the same level as I used to. None of the doctors in this state have been able to figure it out, and I haven’t found one that has given enough of a crap about me to help me or work to figure it out. I’m desperate. I need help. I’m at my wits end about it and just need help.
Edit: spelling of Omeprazole
submitted by runshikesbikes to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 03:54 Hova1120 WAMC + School List Help/Suggestions (MD+DO, CA ORM 3.77/507)

Here is my profile for reference:

· State/Country of Residence: CA

· Ethnicity: Asian

· Year in School: Graduated in 2022 from UC Davis

o Lived near Davis area my entire life

· Undergraduate Major(s)/Minor(s): Double Major in Biological Sciences and Psychology

· Cumulative GPA: 3.77

· AMCAS sGPA: 3.71

· AACOMAS sGPA: 3.72

· UC GPA: 3.932, upward trend in last 94 units (All As)

· MCAT Score(s): 507 (129/123/129/126)

· Research Experience: 2500-2300+ hours in Epigenetics Asthma Lab

· Publications/Abstracts/Posters (include how you were credited e.g. First author, second author, etc.): 1 Co-author publication that is still under review. 1 Co-author graduate level textbook chapter publication. 1 Co-author publication that is has not yet been submitted.

· Clinical Experience (paid or volunteer): ~1500 Hours Scribing in the ER, new scribe job in April working in the ER, 1000-1500 hours COVID Testing and Vaccine Clinic Volunteer at a private practice, 1000-1500 hours volunteering with assigned patients at a hospice, 500 hours volunteering for student run vaccine clinic during pandemic

· Physician Shadowing: 20 hours with Orthopedic Surgeon, 16 hours with OMM DO Physician and 4 hours with Pediatrician, Still planning on shadowing the above doctors more

· Non-Clinical Volunteering: 2000-2500 hours Volunteering as a driver for Meals on Wheels, Pre-Med AMSA Volunteer – 100 hours, 200 hours as Orientation Leader at my university, 100 hours as BioLaunch Mentor Collective

· Other Extracurricular Activities: Rec Basketball at my community center, VP of Math and Physics Club at community college

· Other Employment History: Walmart Associate, Classroom assistant at Kumon

· Relevant Awards/Honors: Dean’s List x 4, Summa Cum Laude

· Immediate family members in medicine? (Y/N): No

· First Member of family to go to Medical school and obtain a bachelor’s degree

· Interest in Rural Health (Y/N): Yes - I grew up rural and interested in giving back in an area that is similar

School List:

MD School List:

UC Davis




California University

Cal Northstate




Rosalind Franklin



Medical College Wisconsin

Oakland Beaumont

Wayne State

Wright State



Wake Forest

Virginia Commonwealth

Eastern Virginia

Western Virginia

George Washington





Penn State





University of Kentucky

University of Alabama Heersink

University of Illinois

University of Louisville

University of Toledo

Carver College of Medicine

SUNY Downstate

SUNY Upstate

DO School List:

Western University of Health Sciences

Touro CA

Touro Nevada

Touro NY



Des Moines

MidWestern Arizona

MidWestern Chicago

Kansas City University

ATSU Kirksville

Campbell University

Philadelphia College


Alabama College of Medicine

University of Incarnate World Texas


University of North Texas

Ohio University Heritage

Oklahoma State University


William Carey

Rocky Vista

Idaho College


Liberty University

Edward College of Medicine (VCOM)

I don't mind taking out or adding schools. I know my state schools are reaches too but I don't want to retake the MCAT because I did already study a long time. Any suggestions or your thoughts would help greatly.
submitted by Hova1120 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 21:20 Sad_Turnover3333 What should I do with my life?

Hi, I'm a 17 year old boy who lives in small town, with currently divorced parents.
I've been a kid who liked to imagine alot of things, one thing about it is I liked alot of nostalgia and I didn't really get along with most of the kids in town, I have 2 brothers one small and one big brother. They are both shitheads as currently I have to suffer under one roof.
My mom and dad got divorced after my dad drinking alot and my mother as wanting to be independent woman she decided to take us all with herself and I used to stick with her. While my dad was alcoholic I used to live under roof while being terrorized at night. My family had alot of fights and I always watched them, and it ethier ends with my dad flipping and destroying stuff to actual fight and leave for 2 days.
I didn't get along with kids in town, especially at school and l didn't really liked how they act and it's ethier them or me, I chose to avoid them honestly. The reason why I was probably bullied it's because I spent 142 days in hospital due to developing Heavy asthma and I was under active medication. I had 2 severe attacks that impacted my breathing and I was close to die at one point because my lungs refused to breathe in as the second I breathed out.
Back to my mom, I used to love Animals, I used to have 4 ducks and 6 geese. I had occasionally 1 duck and one goose which what I actually took care of them, 5 geese and 3 ducks died unfortunately. The last goose died cause someone used weapon in this case shovel to kill goose, I was heartbroken and I still miss the times I took care and had every moment with them. By time I used to spend alot time on computer playing games and I liked communicating alot which what made town clear I speak English excellent. I used to play alot games till I decided to make my own games by time and I had some really bad experience with site not letting my account for while until I got it back last year.
Now let's get back to mother. My mom had rented 100² apartment to feel alot free in the home and it was nice for some time until some things started occurring. One day my mom went to police to report my dad for family violence and he spent 24 hours in jail and because he was also out of his mind threatening our lives with grenade and 2 guns, police also confiscated those guns. (yes he did once let us play with those and I messed up something which I wasn't aware so I put it back by my guess). Anyway, We took our stuff and left. I used to do alot fun activities to satisfy myself. Living in that apartment was living hell considering the fact my mother had her own self attitude and her own personality to spoil it out of us and never took time to talk to us. 1 year after my dad got released and went to take custody of us, and I agreed to stay with mom, my little brother wanted both, and my bigger brother with dad. My brother packed himself and he also wanted visitation, so every summer or winter break would be spending time with his house.
While I was in that town I only made like 2 or 4 friends that are younger than me and we actually developed our friendship to the point we call each other bad names without any drama. Anyway, I would sometimes spend time in house and the only good thing that I like is that to spend my winters in house and summers like half of it. Because my father gave less than 2 shits he often drive us to aunts so aunts could talk with us and share stories and that's prominently most traditional thing to do when we're not in school.
3rd year in living in apartment I did feel once gurge to go back with my dad cause I felt unfair the way my mother was treating me and made me live living hell out of life. I then apologized and moved on. My grand parents passed away and my grandpa forgot to put his will so my mother inherited some lands and a house where my grandpa lived. So we moved to the bigger city like 100+ km away because the first city I moved was 30+km. We moved and my little brother didn't really behave along with mother's standards and I didn't like her seeing cry because I do feel pain for My parents suffering.
I then acted like bigger brother and actually helped and accommodate my mother in any way. 2 years and I barely ask my parents for anything. The reason why is because I don't want to make them think that I'm spoiled and because they spent money on me too much I would take ethier too far or make them think I'm a needy kid, so I took everything to saving level where I barely ask them for anything. One day when I went to my dad's he was passed at one point because I didn't ask him for anything at all, and that I'm not really a needy kid. Keep in mind I still played my favorite game and learned English and went well in school but not with my headrooms because while I was living with my dad, my headroom from 3rd grade all way to 5th made me skip all lunches and wait for her infront of teachers lounge and every kid that passed trough hallway I was ethier to be stared at or laughed at.
I didn't want to make my parents think that I was problematic so I tried my best to behave at school and get good grades. I once remember getting accused of destroying some artwork just because I saw it fall off and got in "NO lunch Jail", basically you're only sitting at your desk and can't get up. I hated mostly everyone but I only had one friend till 6th grade when I moved. In city wasn't even better but just when I moved away to my grandpa's house I started to make friends.
Yes, I passed the school and went later to highschool. Choosing highschool direction was a dilemma because I didn't know what would I want to be when I grew up. So I went what my mom would rather and I went to a school who offered me scholarship because less people went for that direction. I somehow passed first year. Now comes the summer where things break down, because my dad wants to sue her multiple times, my mom was fighting for life to the point I went with her and she was receptionist at some hotel and I was in room.
Eventually I learned how to code, so I spent my well time over past 6 years on that game to create 4 or 5 games that went somewhat successful, I also developed learning different coding language from .lua, like .html and .css where I made my own site that I hosted and I'm proud of what I made and want to work more on it. Fast foward to mid close to the end of summer and I was constantly passed to go help one man to work and I didn't work for 2 days and 1 day skipped because I wasn't that much in will to do so, and I still had to do it because I need to get used to from Monday to Friday cycle and I chased my dreams. I used to like more to be on computer to the point I wanted to be tech nerd or programmer, but I couldn't succeed at that due to my average grades.
One day I went into argument with my mother where it resulted me to call my dad and move with him. He suffered heart attack due to too much alcohol and cigarette consumption. So he needed to go to some commission and verify that he can still continue working. He was denied to work for one whole year and still manages to bring home some bread and fill up that fridge because it was always to argue who's fridge was more full and who feeds their kids most. My dad used to have rule where if you forgot to eat then you're defo getting grounded. Anyway, I explained him in car what happened and because on the argument what names my own mother called me made feel heartbroken and still moved out.
In car with dad he understood the situation and because my mother set him in debt for not paying child support for 2 years he got in heavy debts where he would have tkcpay up some amount of money or his pay will be reduced. So when I moved with my brothers (forgot to mention but my lil bro moved before me to dad cause he was desperate.)I explained them the situation of mine and still proceeded to talk with Me so I tried my best to avoid situations.
My dad's lawyer about the debts said that us (me and my brothers) can forgive the debt because it was child support money to be given to us and we're already getting taken care of that all lawsuit with debt backfired, so judge ruled in favor of dad and forgave debt. My dad wanted to make deal with her if she don't comply he would bury her in debt to the point she wouldn't be able to retire anyway.
Anyway, that was scheduled sometimes else but now let's get back to present. Living with my brothers is living hell, ofcourse especially my bigger brother because of 2 things. My little brother found a horrible round of friends where they smoke and drink at 14 and get out late at night. My bigger brother however don't like to discuss about any issue nor what happened, he just ethier hit or kick. My dad changed alot since jail time so he tries to be nice with all of us and for my little brother who's ass for this matter is living hell. We used to share all 3 of us a room, a phone and toys now we can't even share a room to the point it pisses me off That I wish to move out early as soon as I hit 18. My dad confronted me about doing something my little brother told him opposite and he went on rant of job since if I could finish my highschool but I can't for some fucking reason, then I would.
For some reason I would rather now slave my ass off to the point I even develop insomnia and in situations I'm involved I get stressed out every time. I can't have normal peace and every time it's ethier one day alone or constant terror where my brother would swear at me and constantly piss me off for matter of time that makes me get revenge at him but I pull myself together and still manage to have smile on my face. Today's the boiling point where I just got kicked out of house for some time and I fucking hate the fact that if he's the bigger brother I should listen to it, (but in this context, my little brother won't listen to me and so that's what I'm pissed off about. He just kicked me out and now I'm sitting in cold writing this, my hands hurt and I don't feel my fingertips anymore. (I'm sorry for you readers reading this but I just feel like I need to blow off this stress and I can't do it anymore.
What should I do now? (PS: I know it's going to be on tiktok so please consider tagging me so I could see it -Chroma)
If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer it.
submitted by Sad_Turnover3333 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 16:17 RutabagaNo1722 Jay Hopper YRs 27-28

Jay Hopper YRs 27-28
Coach Hopper has built something special at UCLA and this team should have a legitimate shot at the title! The Bruins have some great depth across the board and NBA talent at every single position. UCLA has a tough non conference schedule but they only drop 1 game before Pac-10 action begins. They are able to carry that momentum into conference play as they go 15-3 finishing the regular season in first place! Coach Hopper is hoping to play better in the conference tournament which has been a weak spot for him throughout his career. UCLA makes it to the conference title game where they lose to Cal by 2 points. UCLA and Cal are both awarded #1 seeds in the big dance! The Citadel is the first round matchup for the Bruins and this was a massacre. An easy first round win will send the Bruins to play against Texas Tech in the second round. This battle was an offensive showcase for both teams as neither team was able to slowdown their opponent. Hopper and the Bruins were able to outlast Texas Tech in the long run as they move onto the sweet 16! PF Tyler posted a great stat line against Texas Tech with 14pts, 9rbs, 7asts, 1stl, and 3blks. He sure did it all for the Bruins in that 2nd round game. St Bonaventure has made a Cinderella run to the sweet 16 where they will face off with UCLA. The Bruins come out slow and St. Bonaventure goes into halftime with a 4 point lead. This game goes back and forth for its entirety as St. Bonaventure is showing some heart competing against a much more talented team! In the end, the Bruins prove to be too much as C Barton has a huge 2nd half leading UCLA to the Elite 8! Syracuse will be the the Elite 8 matchup for Hopper and the Bruins. Syracuse only has 1 player that is 6’9” and everyone else on their roster is shorter. Coach Hopper emphasizes the importance of getting the ball inside and tells the big dogs to crash the offensive glass hard! They execute the game plan very well as UCLA is able to pull out a win behind a double double from C Barton and another great performance from PF Tyler posting 25pts, 9rbs, 1ast, 3stls, and 3blks! LSU makes their way into the Final 4 as well where they will play Hopper and the Bruins. UCLA comes out the gate playing well as they are able to build a 5 point lead going into half! The Tigers make some halftime adjustments and they go on a run to start the 2nd half. Both these teams are refusing to go down without a fight as it is a tie ball game with under 2 mins left! Unfortunately, LSU hits some clutch shots and the Bruins crumble in crunch time. Hopper and the boys are sent home again after another great run is thwarted in the final 4! Oklahoma wins the title as a #12 seed and SF Ames is able to win national defensive player of the year! Also, C Barton finishes his illustrious career winning conference player of the year as he declares for the draft. Coach Hopper wins national coach of the year for the first time and is able to bring in one of the greatest recruiting classes in UCLA history! He brings in 3 5 star guards who are all top 10 players along with a 4 star PF and a 4 star C. PG Jordi Geli Fitzwater (what a name?!) will come in and start as a freshman after being the #1 recruit in the nation. Cal somehow still gets the #1 recruiting class as it appears they filled 9 scholarships! The whole starting lineup goes to the NBA along with a couple bench players and PF Tyler is one of the only returning players from the Final 4 team.
Hopper and the Bruins are fresh off a Final 4 run but they have a completely transformed roster from last season! 7 Freshman and 1 Sophomore make up the majority of the UCLA roster and former #1 overall recruit PG Jordi Geli Fitzwater gets up to an 87 overall as a freshman! The talent is there for this UCLA team but there is no team unity with these youngsters. This leads to a rough regular season where the Bruins go 8-10 in Pac-10 play. UCLA is able to sneak into the NCAA tournament with a 21-12 record but they are eliminated quickly against Alabama in round 1. The Cincinnati Bearcats win the national title with a lackluster roster. Yet again, Hopper pulls in a phenomenal recruiting class headlined by 5 star Center Skip Garza! He also snags a couple other 5 star recruits in PG Jenkins and SF Demond. 4 star SG Gary rounds out the class to add some depth in the backcourt. There is no lack of talent in Los Angeles but Coach Hopper can’t seem to get these guys to a national title! Stay tuned to see if Hopper can ever get all this talent to its full potential and bring the hardware back to the UCLA campus!
Side note: I’m starting to think it’s more difficult to win a sim legacy with a blue blood like UCLA. I generally stay at smaller schools or mid majors when I do these sims so I don’t have much experience simming with a blue blood. The players rarely stay long enough to fill the team unity bar which seems to make a huge difference. Also, it is really seeming like having Centers on the roster is hindering my ability to win lots of regular season games. In the smaller schools, it never mattered bc my teams were so much better than every other team in the conference! The teams that consistently finish on top of the Pac-10 almost never have a highly rated Center or even a Center at all who plays a lot of mins. It seems like the teams that win the most in the sims are full of PGs and SGs with a couple SFs and only 1-2 PFs to play in the front court! Has anyone else noticed Centers doing more harm than good in big conference sims?
submitted by RutabagaNo1722 to ea2kcbb [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 13:52 Turbulent-Week7442 AITAH for saying my to my sister that she's the one making our parents life more harder ?

Alright , i been thinking so much before writing here , and ill say it now , my english is shit , english is my 3rd language, so my writing skill are not great.
Me (21m) , a second child in my family of four , my sister(24) the first and had two little brother with 7 and 9 age gap difference from me.
As a context , my dad always favours my sister , its just my dad , my mom always seems neutral , its not like my sister is a miracle child or some cause my first little brother is, he had to go into ICU as soon as he was born , he had Dyspnea symptoms and had sudden asthma attack once in a while , it was a difficult times for our family as my dad will sometimes rush from work to the hospital because of him. This also cost my mom to stop working to take care of my brother.
Alright , so back to my story , even in these difficult times , my dad still spoils my sister , although its not like before , but you can still see how my dad treat me and my sister. He will always tend to reject or turn down any of my request as he will say money are tight or whenever i ask to go for trips he will say just stay at home and take care of my brother as a good older brother . My mom always noticed this and always argue about my treatment. so as time passed , i stop asking for anything as it will always end in my parents arguing.
Fast forward a few years later , my brother seems doing so much better and i even had another brother after him . All the happy family everyone dreams about is what you can see at my family. As my sister , even though she was so spoiled by my dad , my mom always make sure to be strict with her , I think thats why she's not that entitled, like she still hang out with us and she's the one who helped my mom a lot at her last pregnancy.
So , we are a happy family of 6 , nothing wrong except financial problems. Still remember my mom need to stop working cause of the situation? my dad told my mom she no need to work again even to this day , they sometimes complain about this as there is saving for them , my dad make good money , but at the end of the month , there is no savings , he pay mortgage, insurans and my sisters car , if anything happens (like my brothers medical fees) , he just borrowed from family and friends he know , although he'll pay it back in maximum 3 month , but still , we doesn't have anything called emergency fund. Ill admit i live a middle class life , had PS4 for all of us , had a bike i can use freely , going on vacation every 3-4 month , so yeah ,in my dad perspective this is more than enough, he also sends money for my grandparents. so yeah , money are tight , but we are doing fine.
About school , im always the brightest student in my household , got straight A for all my middle school and averaging B+ throughout my highschool , be in mind , im not a nerd , im play football , basketbalk and sometimes go to gaming cafe with my friends . You can calk me like the most extrovert person even , even to this day , most of my highschool teacher stills remembers me as they ask my well-being at my brothers ( we went to same highschool) . As for my sister , she average , no , below average, her studies are not great , shes often failed one or two class , even though i tried to teach her , she still cabt do it. Although that, she will get amazing marks in languages , always school topper is english , remember i told you English is my third language, but for her she can speak fluently, because of this , my parents just thought that the reason she not doing well in school is because she had talent tor something else .
So with her marks being only awesome in English , she didnt get her first pick college , so she had to downgrade a bit and went to a average college to finish diploma first as her specific subjects marks are lower than the required expected , alright, no here the problem starts , my dad , offers to pay her full college tuition, although it will be done in installments, he just promised my sister he will pay it fully if she did her best . so yeah , my dad agree to pay my sister her whole diploma fees.
Alright , back to me , right after i finished highschool , i land a part-time job as a waiter at a restaurant, since my communication skills a good , i get good tips and can easily say i was making a lot of money , like a lot for a 17 years old kid , so i always buy somethings like grocery or some snacks whenever i feel like and as a help to my dad after all he is the only one contributer. so yeah. I worked there for like 6 month while waiting for my results and applying through many college and universities. In between that time , i even give my dad my whole salary cause he got stucks with his payment and all , I still think i did the right thing to this day as it was a payment for my sister's college fees , so yeah , my dad also paid me back in the next 4 month. So , during this time , all my expenses are be done by me only , I built a new gaming PC for my brothers to play (Old one cant even run GTA5) , repaired the bike multiple times without asking my dad for money (i was using it a lot) , bought my own new smartphone as my old one ( handdown ) is outdated lol.
As my results come , i also got into my first choice college , they even offered me 50% scholarship of the annual fees , i was so happy that i tell this to my parents , i also offer the they no need to pay for me , just keep and save the money for my brothers as a college funds , i told them ill take a study load as it not much and with what im going to study, i can pay back the loan in maximum 4 years, at this point , my dad insisted he will pay for it but after some negotiation , i told them he can take care of my expenses like food just like when and transportion just like before im moving out as my university has a free accommodation. he seem happy and relieved at the same time , my mom happy , everyone happy.
While i wan in university,i occasionally went home so i can still be with my family and all , everything stays the same except ill be missing from home for 4-5 days a week to attend all classes .Six month ago, Its a short semester break, so had 10 days off , happy going home as all my friends also will be in the neighborhood at the same time , as i reach home , i heard my sister got engaged two days ago , her bf proposed to her , she was all over the moon when telling me this , im happy for her ofcourse , she been a good sibling to me , although there is ups amd downs , she still my sister. Not long afterthis , i noticed my sister is holding the new iPhone 15 Pro , this is a shock to me , although i told you guys that my dad is stable and we lived a middle class life , but still , by any mean , we didn't have that kind of money to buy a high end smartphone just like that , and even if we want to buy it , it will be just be cutting cost of other things that needed to pay this month, so as curious as im , i ask my mom and as she said its a gift from them to my sister as she gonna get married soon , i ask her where she got the money , she just told me that my dad arranged that money , and i ask them like from who they borrowed it ? , my mom say its my dad money , im confused , as im not trying to look down on my parent , but they dont have that kid of money in one go , i know my parent .
So that night , I ask my dad about it while he's out smoking , he tell me that he took some of the money from my brothers college fund , at this time , i was schocked , firstly, i never knew he will make a fund account just because i told him to , and im a bit disappointed how can he took money from it and use it on different purpose , if it's emergencies, i can still understand , but for this ? he can also buy the smartphone on installments, but he choose this choice istead , as i was gonna ask him why he did this , he just said "You'll not understand, even if i explain it to yo many times , you'll never understand it , but ,One day , you will have a child too, you also gonna have a girl , just like me , at that time you'll understand what i did , i did all my best to give you the best i can , but it just , I just can't say no to her when maybe the last time she'll ask me something, after this she'll be with her husband " , i just say oke , and went back inside .
as angry as im , i know how a great guy my dad is , he always stayed humble , his son scores perfect and get into his first choice , he didn't even brag about it , he also teach us how to be humble and not boasting to everyone , maybe thats how also i didn't know my sister got engaged and even my dad bought her the new phone as she never post it on social media and keep it a suprise for me to ..
A few days has passed , i had so much fun this break , my brothers are 13 and 15 , so hang out with them becoming more common as they also matured so much , everything is better than fine .
Before the last day of me leaving , my dad sits with me and my sister ,he then talks about our finance situation, he said that he gonna pay half of my sisters wedding expenses, and when i ask how since it gonna cost a fortune, he said he need to sell the a few land my grandparents give to him , i just nod as i remember the thing he told me nights before , i didnt speak anything, it just my sister said she gonna borrom some of her friends money or just take a loan as she doesn't want my dad to sell the land , buy my dad insisted he will cover it , and as he ask me for my aporoval , i just say whatever you do , whatever you say , ill just follow it , idk why i said that , but i never regret it , my dad just smiled at me and thank me , my sister were in tears as she cant hold the emotions .
everything went normal , my sister's marriage plan , my family and her in-law family had a great chemistry as they start to hang out a lot , its a good news overall.
last week , my dad called me and told me he had some issue , his car broke down and he apologised to me that he cant send me money for this month and and he also has some spending to do regarding bills and utilities, i just said okei and i tell him ill use my money , take note that i had a 50% off scholarship, but the student load that approved for me is 80% of my annual fees , so i had plenty of money , but only my dad and mom knows about it , so i told them im not gonna use that and just incase of emergency, i mean , this is emergency right?
fast forward , last Saturday, i went home like usual , this time i can feel the tension in the house , my mom told me that my dad car is hit by a big tree during recent thunderstorm, thankfully no one is injured , but it still cost him a dime even plus with all the insurance covered to get the back to how it was before , now , he using the bike to go to work , since my sister is using the car , and he reruse to use it even after my sister force him to take it ,
so , since the money is tight , i use a bit of my money to buy important groceries, my mom told me i no need to do it , but i just tell her it im buying for me , not for everyone, so yeah , im trying my best to reduce the burden my dad has ,
Everything when fine until i went home with all those plastic bags with the foods and a few extra snacks , seeing this , my sister ask my mom where she had the money as the money she give (my sister also working) not enough to buy all that , my mom told her its my dad's as our promise not to tell anyone about my extra loan.
at this point , my sister drag me to the sides and told me that i need to stop wasting my dad's money , and maybe in the future i need to think about part time job , since our family are in a bit struggle. i told her i didn't have time for part time and even if i did , I'll be so tired and ill be missing the lessons and if my CGPA. is below a certain grade , i can get my scholarship revoked , and i even suggested her to contribute more money since her works also pay decent money , she just tell me im a crazy person since i know she's saving for her honeymoon , i said just lowered the budget since we are struggling and dad also paid for your wedding , so you must have a lot of money . she says its not my problem how many money she had , it just that I doesn't appreciate what my dad has done to me , i was taken aback by this , the i told her shes the reason why dad doesn't have savings , then i just blash at her that she's the one doesn't get good marks and dad paid for her fees , not me , shes the one asked for a new expensive smartphone, not me , shes the one got her car paid fully , not me , and she's the one getting spoiled so much that whatever she asked is given by my dad, and shes the reason why dad worked so hard. As she heard this , i can see her eyes become teary,
she just run to her room and locked , idk what to say , i didnt stop or apologize to her. , i feel like i said what i want to say all this time , i feel relieved more than regret , my mom saw her running and come to me and ask what happened, i tol her everything and she so mad at me like how could i said those things to her ,
its been 3 days now , i left to my university , my dad still didn't know this as my mom didnt say a word at him , she just with my sister all these day , and she not even wanna talk to me if i didn't apologize to my sister
so , AITAH to tell the truth to my sister ??
submitted by Turbulent-Week7442 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 09:15 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 12 2024

DAY: APRIL 12 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 23:00 Admirable_Slice_2014 Parents gaslit me into joining AFROTC and it’s kind of screwed me up

So, in senior year of hs, I got accepted into my dream college, but my parents could not afford me going to any college. They also refused for me to just go to community college first. So, after looking through options to pay for school, my parents thought it would be a good idea to join AFROTC under a type one scholarship. I was very adamant at first, because going to the military has never been in my career plans, or of any interest to me. I also had no idea how I was going to get it since I’ve never been athletic, was pretty out of shape, had no interest in going to the military, AND to add a little razzle dazzle am asthmatic. Anyways, after much conflict with them, and much guilt-tripping about how they didn’t have any money for college, I gave in and decided to apply for a Type One scholarship. After all, it didn’t seem so bad, only 4 years of service after graduation right?
To my complete surprise, I was awarded the scholarship. The only thing is, I am asthmatic so that meant I would have had to get a waiver. When I brought this up to my parents, they were adamant about me disclosing my diagnosis and didn’t want me to do a single thing that would jeopardize my scholarship. They also told me that since I’d be doing a lot of PT in the program, somehow my lungs would get used to running and it wouldn’t matter.
Fast forward to actually being in the program, it was a struggle. The running portion was very difficult for me. And I was always behind when we would do campus runs. I managed to pass my PFAs in my freshman year, getting the bare minimum scores on both tests(75).
After freshman year was over, and I was still allowed to leave AFROTC contractually, I told my parents that I wanted out, and was ready to find other scholarships and switch to a Community college if paying for school was a problem.
I told them how much of a genuine struggle running was for me bc of my asthma and I wouldn’t be able to do FT if I were to move on to a 2nd year in the program. That’s when the gaslighting started. They told me that I was just lazy, that I was not trying hard enough, that I was ungrateful, and also recruited other family members to guilt-trip me by mentioning the hard times my parents were going through.I fell for it, and moved on to another year in AFROTC. That’s when everything came crashing down. I was drowning in school work, mental health issues and really not doing my best in the program. So, I ended up failing multiple PFAs and got disenrolled from AFROTC. To make matters worse, I was asked to recoup scholarship funds (a lot of money). Right now, I feel a lot of resentment towards my parents. I know they wanted me to be able to get an education, and they probably had good intentions, but all this could have been avoided if they had just let me leave the program after my freshman year. Because, all this debt is in my name, not theirs and I will have to bear the brunt of this. I feel so angry and hurt. Am I justified in feeling this way? and what could I do?
submitted by Admirable_Slice_2014 to AFROTC [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 18:02 Abiv23 Dane Brugler's draft guide: Broncos Edition

I was using chatGPT to format these and it's down for me, i'll fix when I can
Dane's draft guide just dropped here are some of the write ups on players the Broncos have met with
I didn't include any of the QBs as I wanted to do a separate post focusing on them only

Day 1 prospects (Day 2 prospects are in the comments)

Brock Bowers (#1 TE in class) Georgia 6031 243 lbs. 3JR Napa, Calif. (Napa) 12/13/2002 (age 21.37) #19

Brock Bowers, the youngest of two children, grew up in Napa and played multiple sports throughout childhood, including baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, and tennis. He was also an avid duck and deer hunter.
Bowers was a standout baseball player in Little League, but his focus shifted to basketball and football in middle school. He played just two years of football before high school and joined the 7-on-7 team KT Prep in eighth grade.
Enrolling at Napa High School, Bowers started as a 5-foot-11 option quarterback for the junior varsity team as a freshman. Moving up to varsity as a sophomore, he emerged as a do-everything weapon, playing wide receiver, tight end, running back, defensive end, linebacker, and returning kicks. Despite Napa's winless (0-10) season his sophomore year (2018), Bowers posted impressive stats with 42 catches for 620 yards and seven touchdowns.
In his junior year, he earned first-team All-Metro, was named County Player of the Year, and took home league MVP honors. Bowers finished the 2019 season with 39 catches for 1,098 yards (28.2 average) and 14 touchdowns, adding 316 rushing yards, three rushing touchdowns, 29 tackles, and an 85-yard kickoff return for a touchdown. His 2020 season was canceled due to the pandemic. Bowers also lettered as a power forward in basketball.
A four-star recruit, Bowers was the No. 3 tight end in the 2021 recruiting class and the No. 10 recruit in California. After his first varsity season, he received his first scholarship offer from Nevada. However, his recruitment exploded after attending the 2019 Nike Sparq camp, where he impressed with a 4.5-second 40-yard dash. Bowers' list of offers grew from one to over 20, including major West Coast programs like Oregon, UCLA, USC, and Washington. He also considered offers from Michigan, Notre Dame (which offered him as a linebacker), and Penn State.
Ultimately, it was Georgia and tight ends coach Todd Hartley who recruited him the hardest. Bowers desired the same small-town feel he had experienced growing up, combined with a big stage on which to compete, making Athens a natural choice for him. He enrolled early in January 2021 and was the No. 8 recruit in the Bulldogs' 2021 recruiting class.
Bowers' parents met at Utah State, where they were both student-athletes. His father, Warren, now a partner of a Napa construction company, was an All-Conference center on the offensive line. Brock’s mother, DeAnna, a part-time math teacher and softball coach, was an All-American pitcher and first baseman on the softball team (1990-93) and was inducted into the Utah State Hall of Fame in 2016. Brock’s older sister, Brianna, played softball at Sacramento State (2019-21).
Bowers, who also earned Academic All-America honors, opted out of the 2023 bowl game and elected to skip his senior season to enter the 2024 NFL Draft.
STRENGTHS: Special athlete for his size ... opens his stride and reaches top speed in a blink ... sets up routes with stems, head nods and sharp footwork, which allows him to accelerate in and out of his breaks ... above-average ball skills, catching the ball well outside his frame (4.4 percent career drop rate) ... coordinated body controlhelpshimcleanlyadjustorhighpointtotheballmid-air...dangerousafterthecatch,becauseofhisspeedandcompetitive chopsto keep hisfeet through contact (averaged 8.5 YAC per reception in college) ... diverse route runner and can be flexed across the formation ... defenses gravitate towards him, creating decoy situations to open windows for other targets ... has the speed to execute jet sweeps (183 rushing yards and five rushing touchdowns in his career) ... physical positional blocker to reach, seal and keep his man occupied ... can be a lead blocker and clear the way ... rare maturity and smarts for a 21 year old (sniffs out and communicates blitzes pre-snap) ... NFL scouts rave about his competitive mentality and the way he despises losing and rises in big moments ... warrior toughness, and his teammates called him “Superman” after he missed only two games following a tightrope ankle procedure — normally a four-to-six-week injury (Kirby Smart: “Agentscalledhimandtoldhimtositouttheseasonaftertheinjury.Thosepeoplewillnotberepresentinghim,Ipromiseyouthat, because all it did waspisshim off.”) ... made his mark in the Georgia record books, finishi ng No. 2 in career touchdown grabs (26), No. 3 in catches (175) and No. 4 in receiving yards (2,538). BACK TO TABLE OF CONTENTS 94
WEAKNESSES: Doesn’t have desired tight-end size for inline work ... offers some growth potential but will likely be under 245 pounds for his NFL career ... doesn’t have ideal length or overwhelming power to easily uncoil versus NFL defensive ends as an attached blocker ... rangy move blocker but can do a better job breaking down in space ... fumbled twice in 2023 ... missed three games as a junior because of a left ankle injury (October 2023), which required tightrope surgery (still traveled with the team and was involved in the gameplan).
SUMMARY: A three-year starter at Georgia, Bowers was the featured weapon in offensive coordinator Mike Bobo’s scheme, lining up across the formation, with his career snaps spread between the slot (52.2 percent), inline (36.6 percent) and wide (9.5 percent). He led the team in receiving each of his three seasons in Athens and joined Herschel Walker and David Pollack as the only three -time first team All-Americans in school history. He also became the first two-time winner of the John Mackey Award as the nation’s top tight end. With both short-area burst and long speed, Bowers makes quick, dynamic cuts to create spacing as a route runner and hits another gear with the ball in his hands to be a home -run threat. He is a natural hands-catcher outside his frame and snatches without breaking stride. His physicality (before the catch, after the catch and as a blocker) is almost as impressive as his athletic traits, although his lack of ideal size and length will show in some inline blocking situations. Overall, Bowers is explosive pass catcher who creates mismatches all over the field with speed, ball skills and competitive edge. He has NFL star potential in the mold of George Kittle, if he lands with a play caller prepared to feature his unique and versatile talent.

Joe Alt (#1 OT in class, will have to trade up) Notre Dame 6085 321 lbs. 3JR North Oaks, Minn. (Totino-Grace) 2/28/2003 (age 21.15) #76

Joseph "Joe" Alt, the youngest of five children (two boys, three girls), was born and raised in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. He grew up in an athletic family, playing multiple sports, and enjoyed fishing and hunting.
Alt primarily played quarterback throughout youth football and middle school. He enrolled at Totino-Grace High School, a private Catholic school, and started at quarterback before moving to linebacker as a sophomore. With his height and frame, his father (John) knew Joe would eventually move to the offensive line, but he made sure he was experienced at several other positions and developed his athleticism before the inevitable move to a three-point stance.
At 230 pounds, Alt moved to defensive end and tight end as a junior and finished with 17 receptions for 143 yards, although he was mainly used as a blocker and sixth offensive lineman. As a senior, he was up to 260 pounds and was again used as a blocking tight end, while also seeing occasional snaps at left tackle (his father was an assistant offensive line coach at Totino-Grace). After a losing record in 2018, Alt helped the program to winning records and playoff appearances as a junior and senior, earning first-team All-Metro, All-District, and All-State honors in 2020. He also lettered in basketball.
A four-star recruit, Alt was the No. 32 offensive tackle in the 2021 recruiting class and the No. 6 recruit in Minnesota. A lean blocking tight end, he didn’t receive his first scholarship offer (Minnesota) until after his junior season. Alt was still something of a secret in the spring of 2020, but several other programs (Iowa State, Kansas State, Northwestern, Rutgers) entered the mix after seeing his potential at camps. He considered Iowa (his father’s alma mater) and Minnesota (his brother’s alma mater and close to home) but wanted to forge his path and committed to Notre Dame. Alt, who attended Catholic school his entire life, signed with the Irish because of academics and the opportunity to play for a program known for producing NFL offensive linemen. He was the No. 8 recruit in Notre Dame’s 2021 class.
John Alt, who was nicknamed the “Monumental Minnesotan,” transitioned from tight end into an All-American offensive tackle at Iowa (1980-83) and was drafted in the first round (No. 21) by the Kansas City Chiefs. John started 149 games over 13 seasons (1984-96) in Kansas City, earning two Pro Bowl nods, and was inducted into the Chiefs Hall of Honor in 2002.
Joe’s brother (Mark), who is 12 years older, was a high school quarterback and had a football scholarship to Iowa but opted instead to play hockey at Minnesota (2010-13). Mark was drafted in the second round (No. 53 overall) of the 2010 NHL Draft and went on to play for the Philadelphia Flyers, Colorado Avalanche, and Los Angeles Kings.
His older sister (Jordyn) played college basketball at Denver University (2014-18). He has two other older sisters (Lauren and Julia).
Joe Alt elected to skip the 2023 bowl game and his senior season to enter the 2024 NFL Draft.
STRENGTHS: Rare redirect and recovery skills, especially for a blocker with his size ... footwork went from good to exceptional in college ... jump sets rushers with impressive accuracy and is rarely late reaching pass-set landmarks ... plays with better-than-expected leverage and sink ... uses every inch of his long arms to lock out andmaintaindistancebetweenhimandrushers...flashestheabilitytoclampdownpowerfulfive-techniques...fundamentallysoundandstaysontime(or ahead of schedule) with his hand placement ... disciplined eyes and is rarely fooled by stunts or delayed pressures ... nimble puller and has shown improved control when stalking at the second level ... steers defenders in the run game with natural power and smooth hips ... penalized just four times in three seasons in South Bend ... enjoyshardandconstantcoaching...All-Americanpedigreewithoutstandingpersonalandfootballcharacter...hisfatherandolderbrotherwere both professional athletes, and the requirements at the next level won’t be too much for him ... one of the youngest players in the 2024 draft class ... ironman competitor and didn’t miss a game in college (finished his Notre Dame career with 33 straight starts).
WEAKNESSES:Anchortendstobegradualandpowerrusherscanwalkhimbackbeforehesettles...occasionallycaughtlunginginpassprotectionversusspeed and can be yanked forward ... his hands are well-timed and active but not always forceful to jar at contact ... easy for his pads to rise when drive blocking ... still relatively new to the offensive line and certain techniques will require time ... was a left tackle only in college and doesn’t have exper ience at right tackle or inside at guard.
SUMMARY: A three-year starter at Notre Dame, Alt was a mainstay at left tackle in offensive coordinator Gerad Parker’s balanced scheme. The so n of a Pro Bowl offensive lineman, he played quarterback and tight end in high school before transitioning to tackle and b ecoming an All-American in South Bend. Although his pass- proanchorisn’talwaysimmediateandhegetscaughtoverextending,Althasthenaturalabilitytoachieve proper leverage, frame up rusherswith hislength and consistently get back to the strength of his body without losing balance. In the run game, he displays terrific movement skills and large, skilled hands to generat e movement at the point of attack. Overall, Alt stays light on his feet with the big-man agility, body control and instinctive recovery skills to become a high-level run blocker and above-average pass protector very early in this NFL career. He projects as a first-year, scheme-versatile starter with the pedigree to be a cornerstone player for an NFL franchise (he is Jake Matthews in Nate Solder’s body).

Jared Verse (#2 EDGE in class) Florida State 6037 254 lbs. 5SR Berwick, Pa. (Central Columbia) 11/4/2000 (age 23.48) #5

Jared Verse, the third of six children (three girls and three boys), grew up in Dayton, Ohio, in a basketball family (his father, Eric, played). In middle school, his mother, Jannienne, had to relocate for her career, so the family moved to North Carolina and then to central Pennsylvania.
Verse enrolled at Central Columbia High School in Lime Ridge, PA, where he was a three-year letterman, primarily as an inline tight end, while also seeing occasional snaps on the defensive line. As a sophomore, Verse posted eight catches for 147 yards and one touchdown. He helped the program to nine wins as a junior, recording 15 receptions for 340 yards and four touchdowns (22.7 yards per catch). As a senior in 2018, he earned All-Conference honors for the third straight season with 15 receptions for 385 yards on offense and 14 tackles and three forced fumbles on defense. Verse also lettered in basketball and track, winning the state championship as part of the 4x400 relay team at the 2019 Pennsylvania Championships. He also produced personal bests of 11.34 seconds in the 100 meters and 22.68 in the 200 meters.
A no-star recruit, Verse was a 205-pound tight end as a high school senior and wasn’t ranked by recruiting services. He heard from nearby Division I programs, including Pittsburgh, Rutgers, Syracuse, and Temple but didn’t receive any FBS offers. Two weeks after Verse’s final high school game, FCS Albany recognized his athleticism and growth potential and offered him his only scholarship—with the option to play defensive end or tight end. Verse saw his best long-term path on defense and signed with Albany, redshirting in 2019. Because of the pandemic, he spent most of 2020 taking online classes, working out, and adding weight at home in Phoenix (his parents moved to Arizona after his high school graduation).
Looking for a bigger stage and better opportunities (Albany went 3-12 in his 15 games there) after his productive 2021 season, which included a standout performance versus Syracuse, Verse entered the transfer portal in November 2021. He was considered one of the top players available and received more than 30 FBS offers, including from national powers Auburn, Florida State, LSU, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and USC. When he visited Florida State, Verse met with 2022 first-round pick Jermaine Johnson, who had transferred to Tallahassee before the 2021 season and became the ACC Defensive Player of the Year. Verse signed with the Seminoles and led them in sacks both of his seasons on the roster. His younger sister, Miyah, was a freshman basketball player at Georgia in 2023-24. Verse skipped the 2023 bowl game and declined his invitation to the 2024 Senior Bowl.
STRENGTHS: Well-built athlete with functional arm length ... fast, violent hands and punches above his weight class ... quick off the ball with a sprinter ment ality when attacking the corner (can see track background) ... skillfully uses a variety of chop moves (stab chop, cross chop, etc.) ... effective speed-to-power transition to blow through the blocker’s outside shoulder or cave in pockets ... flashes a closing burst on twists and stunts ... stays balanced through contact to win the point of attack and make run stops at the line ... disciplined backside pursuit ... never feels like he is out of the play, because of outstanding hustle and effort ... would drop and cover running backs a few times each game at Florida State... used to seeing extra blocking attention from backs and tight ends on the edge ... blocked two kicks (FG and PAT) in two seasons at FSU ... plays with emotion; chirping at blockers to disrupt their focus is part of his competitive profi le ... blue-collar background and has a strongsupportsystembuiltonhardwork(added40poundsofmuscleduringthepandemictomovetothedefensiveline)...greatteammate and quickly created a legacy in Tallahassee (before he transferred to FSU, he reached out to their defensive linemen to make sure they knew he wasn’t coming to steal their jobs).
WEAKNESSES: Still crafting his pass-rush sequencing ... average bender and too often finds himself past the pocket ... can get washed and late to leverage redirects ... physical finisher, but he needs to be more controlled breaking down in the pocket and misses too many tackles because of his aggressive style ... can play on his feet but lacks the sudden fluidity to consistently disrupt passing lanes when dropping ... missed one game as a junior with a left knee injury (September 2022) ... will turn 24 as an NFL rookie ... disappointing production as a senior.
SUMMARY: A two-year starter at Florida State, Verse played the “FOX” edge rusher role in defensive coordinator Adam Fuller’s 4 -3 base scheme, standing up and rushing with his hand on the ground. After receiving only one scholarship offer (Albany), he developed into one of college football’s best edge rushers, collectin g 29 tackles for loss and 18 sacks in his 25 games in Tallahassee. As a pass rusher, Verse can win with speed or power and flashes violence in his hands to break d own the rhythm of blockers. He sets a physical edge in the run game and is always around the football, because of his awareness, effort and fierce play personality. Overall, when he channels his relentless energy, Verse is as disruptive as anyone in this class, because of his explosive get-off, power through his frame and NFL-quality hand use. His physical traits and competitive football temperament give him a high floor as an NFL starter (reminiscent of ei ght-year NFL veteran Dante Fowler).

Terrion Arnold (#1 CB in class) Alabama 5116 189 lbs. 3SO Tallahassee, Fla. (John Paul II) 3/22/2002 (age 21.09) #3

Terrion (Terry-ON) Arnold, the oldest of three children, was born and raised in Tallahassee. He started playing sports at age 5, including Pop Warner football (his team was the Eagles). However, basketball was his first love and the sport he focused on throughout elementary and middle school.
Arnold originally attended Florida State University High School in Tallahassee and joined the football team as a way to stay conditioned for basketball season. He saw varsity snaps as a freshman and sophomore, playing running back, wide receiver, and defensive back. However, Arnold suffered a broken ankle in 2018 and missed most of his sophomore season. He was prepared to quit football to focus on basketball, but Charlie Ward, former two-sport star and Arnold’s head basketball coach in high school, convinced him to continue playing.
After his former Pop Warner coach, Ed Hill, was hired as the head coach at John Paul II Catholic High School, Arnold transferred to the small private school for his final two years. He played both ways as a defensive back (cornerback and safety) and wide receiver, and he had a breakout season as a junior with 103 tackles and one interception. As a senior, Arnold finished with 49 tackles and four interceptions (two returned for touchdowns) and was named first-team All-Conference and 2020 Defensive Player of the Year. He earned an invitation to the All-American Bowl. He played varsity basketball all four seasons of high school and led John Paul II in scoring (16.6 points per game) as a senior. Arnold (3.8 GPA in high school) also ran track (sprints, jumps, and relays) and set personal bests of 12.04 seconds in the 100, 23.92 in the 200, and 22 feet, 8 inches in the long jump.
A four-star recruit, Arnold was the No. 3 safety in the 2021 recruiting class and the No. 12 recruit in Florida. He ranked No. 51 nationally. Known more as a basketball recruit, he received his first football offer (Rutgers) after his sophomore season. His recruitment then exploded after he transferred to John Paul II. During his junior season, Arnold added offers from major programs like Alabama, Florida State, Georgia, LSU, Miami, Penn State, and Texas A&M. He also had several schools, including Georgia Tech and Illinois, offer him for both basketball and football. Ultimately, Arnold narrowed down his final choice to Alabama, Florida, and Georgia before committing to head coach Nick Saban (as a cornerback) on signing day. He was the No. 5 recruit in Alabama’s 2021 class (behind JC Latham, Tommy Brockermeyer, Dallas Turner, and Kool-Aid McKinstry).
Arnold talked with Crimson Tide basketball coach Nate Oats about the possibility of playing two sports, but he decided to focus on football (often played one-on-one basketball with Bryce Young after football practice). His younger half-brother (Leon Washington Jr.), the son of former Florida State and NFL running back Leon Washington, was a three-star recruit in the 2024 class and signed with Florida Atlantic. Arnold elected to skip his senior season and enter the 2024 NFL Draft.
STRENGTHS: Good-sized athlete with controlled footwork in his pedal and transitions ... outstanding route recognition and will anticipate break points before receiver hits the stem ... opens his hips easily to carry his athleticism in any direction ... above-average vertical speed but can also decelerate cleanly for sticky coverage on stop/comeback routes ... comfortably turns his head, locates and makes plays on the football ... understands how to leverage his body and use his long arms to disruptthecatchpoint,withoutdrawingobviousflags...above-averagerundefenderforthepositionandmindshiscontainangles...physicallyfightsthrough blocks and hits like a safety ... loves to compete (won’t take plays off) and carries himself with the charisma and mental toughness d esired at the position ... smart, heady player and does a terrific job communicating with the rest of the secondary ... was an outside-only corner in 2022, but Alabama asked him to play both inside and outside in 2023 (and he did so at a high level) ... played 301 combined special-teams snaps over the last two seasons and was a regular on kick coverage and punt returns ... more passes defended (26) than games played (25) in his career ... only FBS player with 12 -plus pass breakups and at least five interceptions in 202 3.
WEAKNESSES: Ordinary top-end speed — has a great 10-yard time (1.52 seconds), but a below-average “flying 20” (1.91) ... guilty of turning his hips prematurely with only average speed/burst as he tries to regain positioning ... physical play style will lead to attention from officials (two pass interference penalties in 2023 — and a few more could have been called) ... played plenty of press in college but wasn’t asked to jam or reroute at the line ... plays w ith acceptable play strength but will be driven from the play at times by blockers ... suffered a concussion in the second half vs. Tennessee (October 2023).
SUMMARY: A two-year starter at Alabama, Arnold worked primarily at left outside cornerback in former head coach Nick Saban’s scheme and would follow receivers to the slot, depending on the matchup (24.4 percent of snaps inside in 2023). After redshirting in 2021 and playing a part-time role in 2022, he led the SEC in both passes defended (17) and interceptions (five) in 2023 and grew into one of the top cornerbacks in the country. A basketball-focused athlete most of his life, Arnold is fluid when he opens up with speed, gear-down skills and body control to stay in phase with basic or sophisticated routes. With average recovery skills, he needs to continue developing his discipline versus both pass and the run, but his awareness for the football is outstandi ng, and he plays with urgency in run support. Overall, Arnoldoffersanidealblendofcoverathleticismandcompetitivemakeup,withtheballskillstomakeplaysateverylevelofthefield.Heisscheme-versatile and has the talent to work inside or outside. He can be an NFL team’s No. 1 cornerback, offering a skill set similar to that of the Chicago Bears’ Jaylon Johnson.
submitted by Abiv23 to DenverBroncos [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 15:23 BrickoCocaine From The Athletic, Dane Brugler's draft guide "The Beast" released today. Here is his write up for Caleb Williams:

1. CALEB WILLIAMS USC 6011 214 lbs. 3JR Washington, D.C. (Gonzaga) 11/18/2002 (age 21.44) #13
BACKGROUND: Caleb Williams, who is an only child, was born and raised in the DMV region, and he grew up in Bowie, Md. (just outside of Washington, D.C.) with his father (Carl), a commercial real estate developer, and mother (Dayne Price), who runs a nursery. Williams originally played running back and linebacker at the Pop Warner level and often played up several levels because of his athleticism and physicality (earned the nickname “Bobby Boucher” after Adam Sandler’s character in The Waterboy). He started dabbling with the idea of playing quarterback in fourth grade and made the move in fifth grade. At age 10, Williams and his father created “The Plan” and laid out an aggressive training regimen to put him on the path to the NFL, including sessions with sports psychologists, specialized diets and 5:30 a.m. workouts at the Prince George’s Sports and Learning Complex in Landover, Md. He also trained with Mark McCain and Russell Thomas, who became business partners with Carl (they co-own AR Capitol Region training center and are part of the family’s inner circle). He attended St. Pius X Regional School for middle school and played quarterback for the Bowie Elite youth team. In eighth grade, Williams led Bowie Elite over the Maryland Heat, an all-star team that included future FBS players like Rakim Jarrett and Blake Corum. Williams received numerous offers from private high schools in the D.C. area and nationwide, including IMG Academy. He chose Gonzaga College High School, a Catholic all-boys prep school, and his family rented an apartment in Northwest Washington that overlooked Gonzaga’s football field. Williams won the starting quarterback job on varsity as a freshman and was teammates with left tackle Olu Fashanu. He was named Gatorade District of Columbia Football Player of the Year as a sophomore with 2,624 passing yards and 24 touchdowns, along with 394 rushing yards and 10 rushing scores. He led Gonzaga to the 2018 conference title (its first since 2002) with a last -second 59-yard Hail Mary touchdown pass to defeat DeMatha Catholic. As a junior, Williams passed for 1,770 yards and 19 touchdowns and rushed for 838 yards and 18 ground touchdowns. He was named first team All-Met and conference MVP in 2019 as Gonzaga finished with an 8-3 record. Williams’ senior season in the fall of 2020 was cancelled because of the pandemic. A five-star recruit, Williams was the No. 2 quarterback in the 2021 recruiting class (behind Quinn Ewers) and the No. 1 recruit in Washington D.C. He was the No. 7 recruit nationally, just ahead of Amarius Mims, Dallas Turner and Emeka Egbuka. Williams received his first scholarship offer (Maryland) in December 2017 and added offers from Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Penn State before the end of his freshman year. Other national programs, like Clem son, Ohio State, Oregon and Texas A&M soon followed with offers. Already considered one of the top prep quarterbacks, Williams won MVP honors at the Elite 11 in Nashville the summer be fore his senior season. He narrowed down his final choice to LSU, Maryland and Oklahoma and committed to head coach Lincoln Riley and the Sooners in July 2020. He spent the beginning of 2021 graduating from Gonzaga while simultaneously taking freshman courses at Oklahoma. After becoming the Sooners’ starter midway through the 2021 season, Williams entered the transfer portal in January 2022, a month after Riley left for the head coaching job at USC. Williams spent a month in the portal and considered offers from Georgia, Oklahoma, UCLA and Wisconsin before ultimately rejoining Riley at USC, citing “familiarity with the offense” for his decision. He was one of the highest NIL earners in college football with double-digit deals, including Beats by Dre, Mercedes, Neutrogena, PlayStation and Topps. Williams started his own charity, the Caleb Cares Foundation, which focuses on combatting bullying and addressing mental health. He elected to skip the 2023 bowl game and his senior season to enter the 2024 NFL Draft. Williams worked with Rich Scangarello during pre-draft preparation prior to Scangarello being named quarterbacks coach of the Las Vegas Raiders.
STRENGTHS: Rare football awareness … impressive pocket mobility and feel for negotiating the rush to evade defenders in confined spaces … displays the unique ability to quickly set his base and find his balance from any platform … passes come buzzing out of his ear with high RPMs, but he can also adjust his arm angles with ease … able to create torque on his throws while flat-footed … delivers with both touch and accuracy, regardless if he is making a layered throw or drive throw … uses the entire field and doesn’t lean on specific zones … comfortable delivering the ball before receivers enter their break … eyes are always up and stay in pass-first mode when scrambling … at his best with receivers who know how to get open on scramble drills (his teammates call it “Baller mode”) … didn’t throw an interception on third or fourth down at USC (199 pass attempts) … reads pressures well pre-snap and knows how to locate his hot reads … dynamic with zone -read and RPO game … well-built athlete who runs with toughness and balance as a ball carrier (grew up playing running back and linebacker and never lost that mentality with the ball in his hands) … averaged 10.1 yards per carry over his career and led USC in rushing touchdowns in each of the past two seasons … emotional competitor and exhibits “field general” leadership qualities on tape … highly productive career, accounting for an FBS-best 120 touchdowns over the last three seasons; only two other players reached triple digits over that span (Sam Hartman, 116; Bo Nix, 105) … finished his career 23-10 as a starter (18-8 at USC and 5-2 at Oklahoma) — the Trojans’ defense gave up at least 34 points in all eight losses (43.0 points per game allowed).
WEAKNESSES: Holds the ball loose from his body, and ball security is a major concern (in the pocket and as a ball carrier) — 16 of his 33 career fumbles came in 2023… guilty of bypassing singles and doubles as he searches for home runs and asks too much of his offensive line (240 of his dropbacks the last two seasons lasted 4-plus seconds) … can get stuck on reads too long, and eyes need to be more efficient and manipulative … pressure will speed up his process and lead to negative results (see 2023 Notre Dame tape) … partially responsible for being sacked 84 times over the last three years, including 35 times in 2023 … hastily abandons his passing mechanics … occasionally leaves clean pockets in favor of creation mode … NFL scouts say it will be important for Caleb to “leave no doubt” during the interview process that he is all-in on football (NFL scout: “He wants to be Jay-Z of the NFL and a true entrepreneur, and that’s great as long as he’s winning on the field.”)
SUMMARY: A two-year starter at USC, Williams was a playmaking quarterback in head coach Lincoln Riley’s RPO, spread scheme with Air Raid concepts (Y-Cross, mesh, etc.) and heavy play action (38.5 percent in 2023). One of the most decorated and productive players in USC’s rich football history, he set single-season school records for passing yards and touchdowns in 2022 and accounted for more plays of 20 -plus yards (134) and 50-plus yards (20) than any other college player over the last two seasons. With his base and body balance, Williams is always in a “ready-to-throw” position to deliver throws anywhere on the field with velocity and accuracy. What makes him special is his poise and mobility to masterfully buy time and create second -chance plays, although he tends to be overconfident in his ability to find answers among the chaos. He led the FBS in touchdowns (120) and “wow” plays over the last three years, but he also led the country in fumbles (33) over that same span and needs to take better care of the football. Overall, Williams needs to be more consistent working on-schedule from the pocket, but you live with the hiccups because the positives are special with his dynamic passing skills and instinctive ability to create. Though stylistically he is like a really impressive karaoke-style version of Patrick Mahomes, he is truly unique as a playmaker.
GRADE: 1st Round (No. 1 overall)
submitted by BrickoCocaine to CHIBears [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 22:28 MattieMadness There are 25 Schools that spend more than $150 Million on their Athletic Department Operating Budget

I was thinking about this in the context of the proposed new NCAA division. To move from DII to DI a school must support 16 sports and the associated scholarships, a minimum cost of about $12 million, not including other expenses.
The NCAA proposed new division would require a $10 million dollar entrance fee and $30K per scholarship athlete to a minimum of 210 scholarship athletes per year. So who could afford to be in that division? That's an increased cost of $6.3 Million per year plus the $10 million dollar entrance fee.
Obviously many schools who spend less than $150 million could afford that, but as there's no clear cutoff, I picked $150 million as a nice round number.
Categories of spending:

THICC Bois 250+ Million

Big Spenders - 200+ Million

Fat Wallets - 185+ Million

Yeah, I Got Money - 150+ Million

submitted by MattieMadness to CFB [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 06:28 alex-annis Are there any clinical trials in the U.S. for gender affirming surgery?

I live in Oklahoma and can’t access gender affirming surgery, because I’m on SSI and have to be on Medicaid as a result. Oklahoma Medicaid doesn’t pay for gender affirming surgery.
I am not able to get a full time job to get insurance, and I can’t have any form of funding that can be turned into cash. (example go fund me.) I can only have 2k to my name. The only way I can get a medical grant or scholarship is if it goes to the provider. This is why I am wondering if there are any clinical trials anywhere in the U.S. for any surgery for transmasc folks. I am afraid that I would be denied though because I am blind and have underlying medical conditions. If I don’t qualify for these trials or there aren’t any I will have to be homeless in another state that has Medicaid that cover gender affirming care and I don’t want to have to do this because of my disability. My family is supportive, but want help me pay for surgery and possibly can’t anyway, and won’t help me with recovery so I really don’t know what to do and I am becoming discouraged. I don’t know how long I can take this. I am being treated with psychiatric drugs because my doctors don’t know what else to do for my anxiety it’s not helping. (I do have access to HRT,but the state could ban Medicaid from covering it, and if I lose it and can’t afford it then it will become life threatening for me.)
submitted by alex-annis to ftm [link] [comments]