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2024.05.21 13:49 Cerebral_Kortix Fujimaru Ritsuka is Completely Insane - A Full Analysis

**Fujimaru Ritsuka, the Last Master of Humanity, Enemy of the Crypters, Ammo of the Black Barrel, Feller of Goetia... is batshit insane.
Let me explain.

Lack of Basic Understanding of Causality

Fujimaru's bizzare tendencies show up from the very beginning of FGO. According to the game, he joins Chaldea after seeing a poster and deciding to take the job on a whim.
However, Chaldea is in Antartica. The implication is thus that Fujimaru abandoned his family, abandoned his life, abandoned everything he'd ever known and loved, to go to Antartica for a job that he had no idea what was, with zero guarantee of getting the job, with no certainty of a return trip-
On a whim.
Immediately after this, while getting lectured by his potential boss, being told everything he needs to know to pass the entry test, he decides now would be a perfect time to take a nap. Understandably, his boss is miffed by the new intern with zero experience taking a nap right in front of her while she's explaining the most important part of their job, and she decides to fire him.
Fujimaru reacts to this with... nothing. He's a little concerned and stressed per his dialogues, but you'd think he'd be significantly more horrified about needing to walk back home through the Antarticas or join an oil mine at the bottom of Chaldea. Instead, he just... chills with the doctor?
When he finds out Chaldea is on fire and even all the skilled, significantly better Masters than him are dead, his reaction isn't terror or fear. Instead, he remembers a girl he talked to ONCE, and immediately rushes over to the literal origin site of the fire to check if she's alright. Then he sees that she's buried under a building. As a regular guy, he has no prospects of saving her. And the longer he stays, the lower his chances of survival get. His response?
Ignore everything to hold her hand and stay there till no hope of getting out remains.
Presumably CHALDEAS itself is impressed by what is either the tremendous love of Ciel-lookalikes or the complete lack of basic understanding of consequence in this man, and it sends him to Fuyuki presumably in hopes to unite him with fellow madman Shirou so that their collective insanity can open a path to the Root or something.

What's Self-Preservation? Can I eat it?

Fujimaru is teleported to a hotter fire surrounded by skeleton upon skeleton. Fortunately, the girl he held hands with turned into super servant Galahad. She can protect hi-
Ritsuka why the hell are you throwing yourself into danger when you have a LITERAL SHIELD at your side?
No Fujimaru do not sacrifice yourself trying to protect someone WHO LITERALLY WEARS ARMOUR AND HAS A SHIELD!
Fujimaru taking a page from the book of Shirou Emiya has a violent martyr complex and nearly dies dooming all humanity in the first twenty minutes of the game. Very fortunately, Cu Chulainn notices this and not wanting to be outdone by someone else dying before him, saves the day.
Ritsuka later proceeds to instantly grasp the concept of Shadow Summoning and turn it into his technique which further raises the question of if brain damage in the Nasuverse just lends you power somehow when we consider the strongest techniques in the series:
Ritsuka then acts normal for some time till we reach the end of Singularity-F. He finds out about the END OF HUMANITY.
He is somehow barely fazed by this and determines to save it all himself. This random chump with no mage skills, no Master experience, nothing at all, is entirely confident. This is presumably the true reason why Servants keep being summoned - not by Mash's roundtable shield - but because Fujimaru's balls are just so big they've developed their own gravitational fields and draw in Servants from the Throne like a blackhole.

Psychopathy in the Singularities

Fujimaru Ritsuka, Humanity's Last Asylum Escape, then goes to Orleans, sees several thousand dragons, ignores the terror of that sight, murders a fanfiction OC, murders his way through Septem without going insane in the process despite interacting with Nero, and finally we reach the madness that is Fujimaru in Okeanos.
Fujimaru in Okeanos:
We continue on to London. Fujimaru sees a Goddess, the human equivalent of a God, a fragment of Amaterasu, one of the Heavenly Kings, all back to back and is completely uninterested.
He trusts Mordred, literally known as the Knight of Treachery and Jekyll whose best known myth is him pretending to be another person to get out of the consequences of his desire to be evil and betray all his friends.
From this we conclude Fujimaru Ritsuka has no understanding of basic human minds and operates on some greater level of humanity known only to him and Soujuuro.

Train him wrong as a joke? Wait, we were supposed to train him?

Fujimaru walks across the entirety of America on foot in less than a month. In Lord of the Rings, this took over a year. Now, this wouldn't be surprising for a mage. They can boost their physical capabilities so-
What do you mean Fujimaru doesn't know how to enhance his body?
Yeah, as it turns out, contrary to a number of doujins and... basic expectations, not a single person taught Fujimaru Ritsuka, Last Master of Humanity, the guy on whom the entire world depends, basic f***ing magecraft. You know, Da Vinci, maybe some things are more important than making fun of Romani for liking Vtubers? Maybe you could have taught the kid literally the most important fundamental to keeping up with Servants?
This is shown in Lostbelt 1 where Kadoc is surprised that Fujimaru can't enhance his eyes before Fujimaru reveals that he doesn't know anything about enhancement at all, which is... C'mon, Paracelsus, Avicebron, Circe, Medea, they're all literally part of the team. Did not one of them consider "huh, I wonder if I should teach the Last Master of Humanity, the guy on whom all humanity depends, magecraft?"
Shirou was trained wrong. Ritsuka? Somehow Chaldean staff are even more negligent than Kiritsugu. He wasn't trained at all!

Fujimaru tells God to eat Shit

Fujimaru goes to Camelot. He's almost normal for most of it besides a tad too deep sense of social justice shared by Mash.
Then he confronts the Lion King. The Lion King who could smite him with a single thought. The Lion King who wields the Pillar of the World. He looks at her, this terrifying force of nature, an actual divinity, God to mortal.
...And he tells her she's a dumbass.
"Humans aren't butterflies you can put on a board!" says Fujimaru Ritsuka, having for unknown reason decided to try to refute a GOD. And flabbergastingly, this works as Lion King takes brain damage presumably from the sheer bafflement that a child with no special abilities is talking down to her, causing her to go berserk and lose when Bedivere activates his Bitch-Slap Airgetlam.
Then he goes to Ancient Uruk/Babylonia/I still have no clue where this is. He meets Gilgamesh, King of Heroes, several tiers beyond what Fujimaru will ever be.
"I'm going to skip the line to talk shit to you and ask you to join me," decides Ritsuka. Gilgamesh, unimpressed tries to make him do housework. Fujimaru reveals that in addition to being Humanity's Last Master, he's Humanity's Last Housewife and perfectly does everything till Gil is forced to respect his impressive janitorial skills and they go off to Literal Hell together.
Fujimaru's insanity then makes him befriend several people he shouldn't including:
Somehow, he gets all of these to work together including mortal enemies Gilgamesh and Ishtar, and inspires King Hassan to give up his Grand title to become a different Grand- a Grandfather.
Fujimaru Ritsuka fights with Lucha Wrestler God trying to kill him by attempting to... suicide tackle her by being air dropped for some reason instead of just breaking the damn magic stone powering her because Fujimaru has offscreen developed telepathy and knows exactly what Lucha Goddess wants.
Having befriended a fourth god trying to kill them, they go to befriend Mom by beating her to death. The gang cheers as they succeed and Waifu Grim Reaper is outed as a tsundere.

Coughing Baby vs Omnipotent King of Seventy Two Demon Gods (the baby wins)

Fujimaru goes to outer space. He meets unsurmountable odds. Seventy-two immortal Demon Gods. His reaction?
"Nah, I'd Summon."
Fujimaru transforms the game into a Kingdom Hearts story as the bonds he formed along the way act as a catalyst to summon EVERY SINGLE SERVANT IN THE THRONE to fight for his ass. Goetia screams like a baby as Fujimaru performs the ultimate JJK beatdown by calling in every damn person to ever do anything of note to kick Goetia in the balls through the sheer overwhelming power of friendship.
Goetia reveals himself to be a fraud and pulls "with this treasure I summon Ars Almadel Salmonis: The Time of Birth Has Come, He Is the One Who Masters All!"
Fujimaru calls in additional support from Archetype Eggplants to block an attack that destroyed seven humanities. Following this, he calls in Goetia's dad to put his omnipotence on timeout.
Then, Fujimaru Ritsuka, this untrained regular human with zero enhancement skills, solos Goetia with a Shield he's never used, beating him in a straight boxing match.
Combined with the Francis Drake thing, it makes me wonder if he's secretly the FGO version of Soujuuro.


You liars told me he was a regular ordinary human and the most boring Type-Moon protagonist with no mental problems like the rest.
What the hell did you mean? I have never met a man more on the spectrum, insane, off the walls, unhinged, bonkers and genuinely weird than this guy.
How did I let myself be fooled? He's a Type Moon protagonist! It should have been obvious from the get go!

Fujimaru Ritsuka is Completely Insane.


submitted by Cerebral_Kortix to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 BlueberrySharp7 My strange experiences

  1. I am not diagnosed with “Synesthesia”.
  2. I am diagnosed with Autism-Spectrum-Disorder.
  3. Sometimes I see colors that fade again.
  4. I put this into google and “Synesthesia”.
  5. I went to Reddit “Synesthesia”.
My experience history: 1. Sometimes, apparently “randomly” I will see a color pop up. This is getting more common after 3 months of regular zen meditation. 2. When I look at the walls, sometimes I look at the “patterns”. And when I focus on a particular one for a while, it gradually seems to gain a little color. It’s weak and usually a type of red. 3. In most cases I have ever experienced those it was ONCE blue, a FEW times green and MOST of the time a kind of red or light purple or pink-red. 4. I often go over chess games blindfolded and I always remember them after going over them once. 5. Right now the clock says 12:36. When I look at the numbers, I always think of the patterns like 123 and 6 is all of those multiplied together. Or 2304 is 48 squared. It’s very natural for me.
Problems: 1. I thought that most people experience Synesthesia since near-birth. 2. Synesthesia tends to have specific/clear and consistent associations, like number-color, that I can not see for myself, or don’t have. 3. I am confused now.
submitted by BlueberrySharp7 to Synesthesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:41 TheYoggy How do I help my husband? (hemophobia)

I'm pregnant with our first child. A couple of weeks ago while spending time together playing viedo games, my husband started to feel bad. It turned out that was because of the scene in the video game that contained wounds and blood.
He later told me that he always had fear of blood e.g. he would pass out during blood exams. It doesn't matter if it's about him bleeding or someone else, it always turns out bad. He feels dizzy and sick.
I obviously don't want to expose him purposefully to any kind of danger or situation involving blood. I'm just worried about his presence during birth of our child (blood, pain, etc), I don't want him to feel bad or pass out. I obviously would feel much more safe with him by my side. Also, when it comes to any emergency situation involving me or our kids needing his urgent help with wound of some sort, I'd feel much more safe knowing he'll be able to step up.
I'm a qualified paramedic so I haven't really experienced any problem of blood fear kind. I genuinely want to help him overcome this and am looking for ways to make him comfortable with sight of blood.
As far as I can tell, he doesn't want to go to psychologist nor therapy, so please don't recommend that. We've had bad experiences with it that I don't want to get deeper into. I'm looking for something we can do by our own safely. How do we do this?
submitted by TheYoggy to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:33 Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 Triple, no, Quadruple the Fun!

The Fullmer County Records Department poated announcement that this year has had the highest number of quadruplets they have ever seen, with 8 lucky couples bringing home 4 babies each. Help them out by creating a list of names using the criteria below.
  1. Addison and Melanie Wexner were only joking a little when they told their son Oliver he could give their new baby a cars name. The humour then faded when he not only held them to it (in a guilting way only a 6 year old can) but when they found out theyd need 4 child-appropriate car names. While their three sons and daughter all have names in the top 100 most popular names, they can thank their big brother for their unique middle names.
  2. Mercedes Johnson lost her late husband, Jimmy, in a car accident but she gained four new babies to always keep his memory alive. She game her two daughters middle names that rhyme with her stepdaughter's Brynn and two sons middle names that rhyme with her stepson, John's name. All four of her children also have first names that start with J.
  3. What happens when you add four baby boys to a math teacher and English teachers lives? For Eric and Damien Hodges, it equaled four of the cutest authomathematician namesakes youve ever met.
  4. Greg Waldvogel figured agreeing to his wife naming their next child after someone from her favourite TV show so long as he couls name their first-born after his favourite football player, Tom Brady, despite her being a daughter. His wife, Rebecka, has never liked little Tommie's name but seems to have gotten the last laugh since her ultrasound showed that she not only gets to name their son after the queens on Rupaul's Drag Race, but she gets to name all four boys after the queens. Though Greg must admit, he is impressed that she managed to make their names work the way she did.
  5. Linguaphiles Jodi and Trey Sutherland were thrilled to find out they would be adding four new little girls to their household. Lovers of all things language, particularly archaic ones, the pair agreed when they had their first baby, Ire Eustolia, to give all their children beautiful yet rare names so they could share some of the love for names that history buried. Through their four daughters, who all have names from ancient times like their big sister, we think theyve continued to achieve their mission.
  6. Chase Lipiec was a little annoyed to admit that a political debate between his father and fiance, Rhea James, led to the names of their children. After becoming fed up with her father-in-law's blatant disregard for gender neutrality, she decided she not only was not going to have a gender reveal as her in-laws wanted but that all four babies would have gender neutral first and middle names. Sure enough, it wasnt until three weeks after their birth that it was revealed to the elder Lipiecs that they had three new granddaughters and a new grandson.
  7. Lovers of old school rap and R&B music, Chelsea and David Barnes decided to name their all of their kids after the singers from their wedding playlist. Though the 2012 playlist is a little dated by music standards, their daughter Aaliyah Sadé will be sharing the name compliments with her two brothers and two sisters.
  8. Hanleigh and Giordano Anastasi are avid travellers who are taking the next step in life by becoming parents. Though they didnt know the step would be so big and leave them scrambling to find enough names for their new litter, they still want to do the naming tradition of colour, American county, and a Sicilian name [a requirement of Gio's grandmother] that they had planned when they first started trying to create a family, even if the order gets switched around. Luckily, the full long names fit all four girls well, and there are plenty of nicknames to go around as well!
submitted by Hlorpy-Flatworm-1705 to namegames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:10 Cookebyname What is the oldest person you’ve seen on FM?

What is the oldest person you’ve seen on FM?
Xavi is currently showing 100 years old, however if you work out from the date of the game and his date of birth, he is actually 109 years old and still a leading scout at Man Utd!
submitted by Cookebyname to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:27 Alive-Court-2566 Unlocking the Power of Email Marketing: Building An Email List

In today's digital landscape, where every business vies for attention, email marketing stands tall as a stalwart strategy. At the heart of this potent approach lies your email list – a compilation of engaged subscribers who eagerly anticipate your messages. But building this list isn't just about numbers; it's about quality, resonance, and personalized connection.
Quality over Quantity:
Contrary to popular belief, size isn't the sole determinant of success when it comes to your email list. What truly matters is the caliber of your subscribers. Are they genuinely interested in what you offer? Are they eager to hear from you? At Remarkable Digital, we understand the essence of quality over quantity. Our focus lies in attracting engaged subscribers who resonate with your brand and eagerly anticipate your content.
More Than Email Addresses:
Your subscribers are more than mere email addresses; they're individuals with distinct preferences, interests, and behaviors. Leveraging this insight can transform your email marketing strategy from good to exceptional. By capturing pertinent details such as birth dates, interests, and job titles, we enable you to personalize your content effectively. Imagine the impact of sending tailored messages that resonate deeply with each recipient – it's a game-changer.
Platforms You Can Trust:
In our journey to bolster your email marketing endeavors, we ally with trusted platforms like Klaviyo and ActiveCampaign. These robust tools empower you to gather email subscribers effortlessly and delve into valuable data insights. With our guidance, you can seamlessly segment your email lists, infuse personalization into your campaigns, and deploy automation sequences that drive conversions. It's about leveraging technology to foster meaningful connections.
Ready to Get Building?
If you haven't prioritized building your email list yet, now is the time to do so. With the right strategy in place, your email list can serve as a powerful catalyst for business growth. Whether you're embarking on this journey for the first time or seeking fresh insights, Remarkable Digital is here to guide you. Let's work together to amplify your reach, engage your audience, and convert prospects into loyal customers.
As you delve into the realm of email marketing, remember that success lies in the quality of your email list. By prioritizing engagement, personalization, and strategic alliances with trusted platforms, you can unlock the full potential of this invaluable asset. Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let's start building – one subscriber at a time.
Building An Email List
submitted by Alive-Court-2566 to u/Alive-Court-2566 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:00 sadmonkeybox That time I was accidentally ableist

I remembered a small thing that happened in my teenage years, and I just realized how much of an asshole I must have looked like.
It's late in the evening, I'm out with some friends when I get a text from a guy friend who moved away a few months ago. He was in town and wanted to hang out. I agreed to meet up.
He picks me up in his car. I'm shooting the shit with him, but I'm also hiding the fact that I'm feeling anxious (chronic anxiety gang)
We go to his cousin's house. I've never met his cousin before. Turns out cousin is wheelchair-bound. I think he has some sort of birth defect, but I didn't ask about it of course, because it wasn't my business. I say hello. Cousin seems nice. Im still anxious.
Friend suggests the three of us play video games. I'm starting to feel jittery and overwhelmed, and feel the need to get some fresh air. So I ask if we can go on a walk. Friend said no.
I then feel crampy, so I excuse myself to go to the restroom. Turns out my period started, which can heighten my anxiety. I have nothing with me to remedy this. Oops.
I go back out and tell my friend I've started my period and need to go home. It's late anyway, and I don't have what I need to take care of myself. He blinks at me in silence a few moments... then kindly agreed to take me home.
So... I can only guess that this was his perspective:
Needless to say he didn't reach out again after that.
submitted by sadmonkeybox to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:22 another-one-somwhere [TOMT][GAME][2010s?] a life sim game

it was some kind of game that you had a digital life, you have these nodes and you get to play it by choosing which option you would do in each situation, starting from birth, and then go down the path, and you have like stats and stuff.
submitted by another-one-somwhere to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:10 TheCreativeFitz FF7R part 3 theory

I know there has been plenty of these going around but I still want to throw my idea out there.
I think in this trilogy that I definitely agree with the idea we are seeing multiple Sephiroths. The one I want to focus on is the one at the end of Remake. I have had this theory for a bit but this new update to EC really hits it home for me.
I believe that the outcome where the party wins is the outcome where Sephiroth is the actual hero and the true villain of this story is going to be Hojo and Jenova. I have several pieces to throw at the board but do not have them cohesively put together on how they would fit.
The main driving point is the aspect of parents in these games.
In this situation with Sephiroth, it would be Lucrecia, but before that, think of all the other characters. Cloud loses his mom, does not know his dad, Tifa loses both parents, Marlene loses both of hers if you don't count Barret, Aerith loses hers, Red XIII loses his, Rufus and the show down with his father, as well as the challenge between Yuffie and proving to her dad she is "ready" to be a ninja of Wutai.
Now for Sephiroth, the one we are really familiar, has always believed that his mother died giving birth to him, Jenova, and his father, who he knows , is Hojo.
I think we are at a possible road in the upcoming game that the thing Vincent mentions to the part of unfinished business is not to find and kill Sephiroth but to tell him that his mother loved him and is still around looking for him. I think this bond that Sephiroth is continuously searching for of being wanted and having a place, can be strong enough for him to make an attempt at redemption.
I think that it will severe his pursuit to search for a rejoining with Jenova and realize that she/it has been causing him to do this the entire time. We are constantly told in Rebirth how she manipulated everything with the Cetra to cause infighting and wars to break out. The first play of this that everyone gets to is that she is doing this to Cloud and friends, but I also think this really applies to Sephiroth. An understanding that she is truly the enemy and needs to be stopped is backed up by what we just seen in Ever Crisis. The want to stop the cycle of death, even if he is the one that must die to do it.
Once again, as I continue on, I realize this will be rambling but I do want to show the pieces of my puzzle theory that I am putting together rather than showing you the entire puzzle. I think there could be a double meaning with the cover of Rebirth. You see a peaceful backdrop with Zack and a tumultuous behind Cloud. However, the background behind Sephiroth can be looked at two ways. It could be the site that we see with the Meteor in the flash forward in Remake, but I think in a way this can be showing the true path to the end of all this lies with him. The path of no geostimga, the destruction of the planet not happening, the continued fighting all ends by his decision.
A couple of other things to pick up on that is now popping up a lot from places like Max Dood and Curious Corduroy, is how much that FF7R Sephiroth we see at the end is basically on the same backdrop as the scene in Ever Crisis. I think is a direct showing that these two are the same.
I also thought that the white feathers falling that we have been seeing throughout Rebirth and Remake was symbolism for Aerith but I no longer think so. I think this represents this Sephiroth I am referring to. The reason being is when Glenn and his party are together in EC and are in need of help, before Sephiroth jumps down from the helicopter to save everyone, white, dove like feathers drop there as well.
Another big one is the wording used by Sephiroth when referring to himself. Now please give me grace here as I am not knowledgeable of the Japanese language, so feel free to look up the exact wording. The Sephiroth we see at the end of Remake uses the Japanese word for me/I. However, in the original and in other parts of the FF7R series, Sephiroth uses the word for us. This is the same pattern as in the original where before the Nibelheim even, he normally uses I but after it, he uses we. (I'm guessing he means himself and his mother, Jenova). I think that Nojima is very aware of this and is using this as context clues for us to use.
Now this isn't story related and goes against what some of the other big FF7 streamers think, but I do think we are going to get a Sephiroth team up or a section where he sides with the party in the 3rd part. The reason I believe this is related to the first Chapter in Rebirth. I think for a Dev resource point of view, it was weird how much time and effort they had put into playing as Sephiroth. I think there would so many easier and cheaper ways to make Sephiroth playable than what they did. Unless......we are going to use his model, animations, and playability again at some point. Sephiroth has more abilities at the start of the game than we have as we play as Zack. He has two fighting forms like Cloud, he has dual techs, he has multiple limit breaks, materia casting, battle cinematic animations, etc. I guess it really could be just to nail that first chapter but it just doesn't make sense since he was not playable in the original as it was done by AI. In this game, it would look like how Red XIII was controlled in FF7 Remake.
The final, real curve ball that I really do feel like I'm reaching on is I think Omni Aerith originates from the timeline that this Sephiroth lies in and would not be killed because he realizes he is being manipulated, there for would never choose to do it. However, the part that makes me really skeptical of this is the stamp that is shown in Ever Crisis as I believe it is the beagle, meaning the timeline the Remake party comes from.
I will finalize all this by saying that Rebirth and Ever Crisis have really drilled home the idea of the hero that was Sephiroth. I think they have done so way more than in the original. When Cloud tells the Kalm story, the part that really stuck with me is Barrett saying "He sounds like a real stand up guy." Through out the Kalm story, it shows how much Sephiroth was trying to develop Zack/Cloud into being an even better Soldier.
Please know that I am not considering this the for sure route or anything like that. I just wanted to layout my thoughts and ideas for the fun of discussion hoping to hear some things that people have realized that maybe I didn't. I hope you all enjoy this or have fun hating it haha.
submitted by TheCreativeFitz to FF7Rebirth [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:13 omegacluster New Music Additions 2024-05-20

Today's additions are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:56 Responsible-Map-5465 husband wife dispute problem solution

husband wife dispute problem solution The tender bond of marriage, once a beacon of love and commitment, can sometimes be tested by the trials of everyday life. The whispers of discontent, the lingering resentments, and the unspoken doubts can creep into the relationship, leaving a couple feeling lost and disconnected. As the astrologer’s ancient wisdom reveals, the stars can hold the secrets to understanding the intricate dynamics of a husband-wife relationship, and the keys to unlocking the doors to harmony and peace. In this post, we’ll delve into the expert astrologer’s most effective solutions to husband-wife disputes, drawn from the celestial realm of planetary influences, zodiac signs, and the cosmic dance of energies. With practical advice and profound insights, we’ll explore the ways to diffuse tension, rebuild trust, and reignite the flame of love, helping couples to strengthen their bond and find the path to a more joyful, loving, and fulfilling marriage.
  1. Understanding the importance of astrology in marriage
As the ancient art of astrology continues to evolve and gain recognition, it’s no surprise that many couples are seeking its wisdom to strengthen their bond and navigate the complexities of marriage. In fact, the alignment of celestial bodies and the intricate web of cosmic energies can have a profound impact on our relationships, revealing hidden patterns and dynamics that can either foster harmony or create tension.
For husband-wife disputes, a deeper understanding of astrology can be a game-changer. By analyzing the birth charts of both partners, an expert astrologer can uncover the underlying causes of their conflicts, revealing valuable insights into their personalities, communication styles, and emotional triggers. This knowledge can then be used to develop targeted strategies for improving communication, resolving conflicts, and building a stronger, more resilient bond.
By applying the principles of astrology to marriage counseling, couples can gain a more nuanced understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and motivations, allowing them to work together more effectively to overcome challenges and build a stronger, more loving relationship. In this blog, we’ll explore the ways in which astrology can be used to identify and address the underlying issues that can lead to husband-wife disputes, providing effective solutions to help couples strengthen their bond and achieve a happier, more fulfilling marriage. husband wife dispute problem solution
  1. Identifying the root causes of husband-wife disputes
The intricate tapestry of marriage, woven from threads of love, trust, and understanding. Yet, even the most seemingly harmonious relationships can be rent asunder by the whispers of discord, as the whispers of doubt and frustration begin to erode the foundation of communication. It is at this juncture, when the once-clear waters of love and commitment have become murky and turbulent, that the search for answers begins.
As an expert astrologer, I have witnessed countless couples grappling with the seemingly insurmountable forces of conflict, their relationships stretched to the breaking point by the very same issues that once brought them together. But, I firmly believe that the key to unlocking the secrets of a happy and fulfilling marriage lies not in the symptoms of the problem, but rather in the root causes that lie beneath the surface. husband wife dispute problem solution
In this critical phase, it is essential to identify the underlying forces that are driving the husband-wife disputes, and to understand the celestial dynamics that are at play. By delving into the ancient wisdom of astrology, we can uncover the hidden patterns and energies that are influencing the relationship, and develop a deeper understanding of the motivations and desires that are driving the individuals involved.
By pinpointing the specific astrological influences that are at the heart of the conflict, we can begin to develop targeted strategies for addressing the underlying issues, and crafting a customized plan for healing and reconciliation. In this section, we will explore the key astrological indicators that can help us identify the root causes of husband-wife disputes, and provide a roadmap for navigating the complex and often treacherous terrain of marriage.
  1. The role of planetary positions in marital conflicts
As an expert astrologer, I’ve had the privilege of delving into the celestial influences that shape our lives, including the intricate web of relationships that bind us. When it comes to husband-wife disputes, it’s crucial to understand the role of planetary positions in amplifying or alleviating the tensions that arise. The ancient art of astrology reveals that the positions of the planets can have a profound impact on our emotions, behaviors, and interactions with our partners.
The positions of the planets can be thought of as a cosmic backdrop, setting the stage for the drama that unfolds in our relationships. For instance, the fiery energy of Mars can ignite passion and excitement, but it can also fan the flames of anger and aggression. On the other hand, the gentle, nurturing influence of Venus can foster empathy and understanding, helping couples to navigate their conflicts with greater ease. husband wife dispute problem solution
The Sun, as the central figure, represents the ego and self-identity, and its position can significantly impact how we perceive and respond to our partner’s actions. The Moon, being the emotional counterpart, plays a crucial role in regulating our emotional tides and influencing our reactions to our partner’s behavior. When the Moon is in a particular phase, it can amplify our emotional needs, making us more sensitive to our partner’s words and actions.
In addition to the Sun and Moon, the positions of other planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune can also have a profound impact on our relationships. Jupiter’s expansive energy can bring a sense of optimism and adventure, while Saturn’s restrictive influence can create feelings of responsibility and duty. Neptune’s dreamy, spiritual energy can foster a sense of connection and unity, but it can also lead to feelings of disconnection and isolation.
submitted by Responsible-Map-5465 to u/Responsible-Map-5465 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:12 Either-Transition212 Rant about my journey

TLDR…. Unless you want to……
Part of me feels awful writing this but I’m just at a loss of what to say to my husband at this point. Any advice would be helpful if you’ve been in a similar situation. Long story short, he has a child with another woman that he didn’t find out about until the child was 5 months old. (My step son obviously). He is 6 1/2 and we have been together for almost 6 years so you can do the math. I got on birth control when we first started dating due to his fear of it happening again (not saying I would ever do that but he had the fear, for a logical reason). His life has not been easy whatsoever with his ex, and his custody of his child. It has all been incredibly stressful and hard on him. She won’t as much meet me in person (after 6 years and a marriage). It’s incredibly difficult. However, I have always wanted to have my own children and made that very clear up front (from 2 months of dating to be honest). I decided to quit birth control last year. I told him several months in a row I was going to quit before I actually quit to ensure he understood what I was saying. When I did finally quit, I got pregnant immediately. Like, the week I quit. And I didn’t know because I wasn’t sure my period was normal due to just quitting! So I found out at 5 weeks. Was super excited because as said, all I’ve wanted to be was a mom. And he was really happy too.. 7 weeks in, I start bleeding.. for literally 13 days. I got 4 ultrasounds during this time but I didn’t have insurance so it was never at an actual doctors office it was at a sonogram place in the area for people just wanting to see their baby. No doctor would see me! Heartbeat was strong for those first 4 sonograms and finally by the time a doctor would see me (2 weeks later because I was a new patient therefore they could not/would not fit me in) I went in and had transvag ultrasound where the technician clearly didn’t read my chart, I could immediately tell the heartbeat was gone, and she asked “have you been bleeding”? Yes. If you read my chart you would have seen. Then the doctor comes in HAPPY CHEERY and says “why do you seem upset?” I’m like care you kidding me? I said i just saw my baby died. He said “oh, she wasn’t supposed to tell you that”…. Like, really? So miscarriage at 8 weeks, 3 days.
Anyways fast forward (this happened again at my follow up for my miscarriage with doc not reading chart and says “so you’re 31, thinking of having kids?”) fast fast forward, as I’m rambling now, we’ve been trying since December as my miscarriage was in Septembeoctober (sept 29th).
It’s been EXHAUSTING mentally. My husband is not really understanding that this is real for me and how hard it hurts. He has a kid. He is in constant fight mode with his ex over his kid. It’s like I don’t matter and our journey doesn’t matter. For the first 4 months he was in denial that a fertile window existed. I had to physically call my doctor and have her say it on the phone. Now he promises every month to be on his game. Last month he was but of course this week, fertile week, he’s not. And today is my positive OPK and he’s in a bad mood over his ex and their kid. It’s just exhausting and I don’t know what to do! I don’t know how to get it through to him? I don’t know if I’m being dramatic? I don’t know what is the deal. I am mentally and emotionally just so sad. I feel catatonic the last week. Just awful. Please help me.
submitted by Either-Transition212 to tryingtoconceive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:52 autobuzzfeedbot 13 Heartbreaking Movie And TV Moments From The Last 10 Years That Were Actually Improvised By The Actors On Set

  1. First, in Little Women (2019), when Laurie and Jo have their conversation on the hill, where Laurie continually interrupts her with, "I love you, Jo," all of those weren't in Greta Gerwig's original script but were added by Timothée Chalamet while filming.
  2. In The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 6 (2023), when Joel gives his emotional monologue to Tommy about his fear of failing Ellie, Pedro Pascal added in one of the most heartbreaking lines. "'All I know is that when I wake up, I know I've lost something,' that was something from Pedro directly," showrunner Neil Druckmann revealed.
  3. And, in The Last of Us Season 1, Episode 9 (2023), when Anna holds Ellie after giving birth, her saying, "Oh, you're so tough," wasn't scripted. Showrunner Craig Mazin revealed it was Ashley Johnson's "natural maternal response," and it ended up being his favorite line in the scene. Ashley also voiced and did the motion capture for Ellie in The Last of Us video games.
  4. In A Quiet Place (2018), right before Lee dies, he signs to Regan how he's always loved her. The script originally just had Lee saying, "I love you," but while filming, Millicent Simmonds suggested to John Krasinski that he change the line to what you see in the final film. Millicent said that John cried upon hearing her suggestion.
  5. In Succession Season 4, Episode 3 (2023), when Shiv, Roman, and Kendall hug following Shiv's press conference announcing Logan's death. The hug was not in the original script, but something Sarah Snook, Kieran Culkin, and Jeremy Strong instinctually did while filming.
  6. In The Walking Dead Season 7, Episode 1 (2016), when Rick, Glenn, Abraham, Maggie, Daryl, and the rest of the group meet Negan for the first time, Michael Cudlitz improvised Abraham's now iconic line while Negan is bashing his head.
  7. In The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes (2023), when the tributes enter the arena for the Hunger Games, Sofia Sanchez instinctually grabbed Rachel Zegler's hand, and the moment between Wovey and Lucy Gray made the final cut.
  8. In House of the Dragon Season 1, Episode 10 (2022), Matt Smith was the person who had the idea on set that Daemon should be the person to tell Rhaenyra that Luke had been killed.
  9. In Euphoria Season 2, Episode 5 (2022), when Rue and her mom fight after her mom finds the drugs hidden in her room, the fight was improvised by Zendaya and Nika King. "[The script] said one line [of stage direction]: 'Rue and her mom have a fight,'" Zendaya recalled.
  10. In Past Lives (2023), when Hae Sung and Nora are standing outside waiting for his Uber, director and writer Celine Song revealed that Greta Lee and Teo Yoo didn't know exactly when the car would show up. So, some of the subtle, and heartbreaking, moments where they just stand in each other's company one last time were unscripted.
  11. In Dead to Me Season 1, Episode 9 (2019), Linda Cardellini came up with the line Judy utters after finding out that Abe died and she didn't get to say goodbye. Creator Liz Feldman said, "That just came out of Linda. I don't know where it came from, but it certainly felt like it came from a very deep, real place."
  12. In Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany improvised Wanda and Vision's final goodbye before Wanda destroys the Mind Stone. Before filming the scene, Elizabeth and Paul talked a lot about what their characters mean to each other.
  13. And finally, in Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Tom Holland came up with Peter saying, "I don't wanna go" before he turned to dust in front of Tony Stark. When Tom wants to make himself cry on command, he repeats a phrase over and over again, and that's what inspired this.
Link to article
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2024.05.21 03:33 ForeverCurseLucifer It’s the life style from Birth.

Hey. I am who I am, I’m him. By title given, birth to a world set to rules we follow…if we decide to play. The game has settings and each individual has a choice to make. Not many cherish loyalty. Envy is real and jealousy is an emotion one should discard.
We’re human in the end. To flawed to really say what we feel (No mask/No anonymity), flawed in how we yearn for more than what we are given. Do you want to settle for what you have now or do you want to continue pushing until you conquered the flesh and focus on the spirit. We can do it. Let’s make that money until it’s not the focus and our generations can only continue to climb. Know this, I am no one special and I’m a lost soul in a crowd of many faces, it’s better that way as eyes can’t look away from what they recognize.
submitted by ForeverCurseLucifer to OlMlC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 03:17 untitled7549 Meet the Westies

[Verse 1]
Dear Tyrone
I'm sorry that that man is your partner, let me be honest
It takes a man to grab a gram, your friend is not responsive
I look at him and wish that Spotify paid more to artists
I'm sorry that you gotta spit shit and then stand behind him
Life is hard, I know, the challenge is working in studio
Sometimes our homies make mistakes that affect us droppin’ some more
Hey, you're a good man that need good leadership
Let us be your mentor since Kanye West don't teach you shit
Never let a man drop on YZY, son
Either you stream that shit or slap that man in the head, son
Never fall in the porno business, that's bad religion
Please remember, you could be a bitch even if you got bitches
Never date-switch, whether right or wrong, you're a musician
Even if it don't benefit your goals, get a deal, get some discipline
Don't cut them corners like Omari did, fuck what the nitrous did
Don't pay to play with them Brazilians, get Peggy rapping bitch
Understand, no throwin' rocks at carnivals, that's law
Don't be ashamed 'bout who you wit', that's how he treat the Jews
Don't have a verse to hide a curse, to hide the sound, be sure
Five percent will comprehend, but ninety-five is lost
Be proud of who you are, your strength come from within
Lotta superstars that's real, but your partner kinda stupid
And you nothing like him, you'll carry yourself as king
Can't understand me right now? Just play this when you fifty

[Verse 2]
Dear Donda
Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them
Especially with all these fans that's hurt inside this climate
You like music, so you know how it feels to be in alignment
With emotion, hopin' a man can please you and give you classics
Dear Ray, you gave birth to a master manipulator
Even usin' you to prove who he is is a huge favor
I think you should ask for more bangers, and more bangers
And more, uh, more bangers
I'm blamin' you for all his lyin' addictions
Psychopath intuition, the man that like to play victim
You raised a horrible fuckin' musician, the nerve of you, Ray
Donda, sit down, what I'm about to say is heavy, now listen
Mm-mm, your son's a sick man with sick thoughts, I think n***as like him should drop
Him and Carti should get locked up in a stu’ for the rest their life
He hates making music, yet hypes it all with kinks of a liar fetish
Bought a porno set because he understood fucking the girls just fit him better
He got dick defenders on YZY that he keep on a yearly allowance
A fan should never be compromised and he fucking up rollouts around them
And we gotta raise our daughters knowin' his website ships like garbage
Fuck a rap battle, he should die so all of these orders can come with a shirt and
I been in this industry twelve years, I'ma tell y'all one lil' secret
It's some dumb shit goin' on and some of these artists be here to police it
They be streamlinin' victims all inside the LP and tellin’ ‘em “Listen”
Then drop videos of TALKING to further push their agendas
To any brother that be playin' his music, know that you're playin' your sister
Or better, you're sellin' your niece to the morons, not the smart ones
Young Thug said, “Slow on BS" so I'ma drop mine
The factory 'bout to get raided too, it's only a matter of time
Ayy, Tyler, keep the fanbase away, hey, Freddie, keep the fanbase away
To anybody that embody the love for their stans, keep the fanbase away
They lookin' at you too if you standin' by him, keep the fanbase away
I'm lookin' to hoop through any fucker that kids, keep the fanbase safe

[Verse 3]
Dear baby girl
I'm sorry that your father too active inside your world
He don't commit to much inside music, yeah, that's for sure
He a narcissist, misogynist, livin' inside his songs
Try destroyin' Ov-hoes rather than takin' care of his own
Should be playin' us Promotion, or wearing Gosha with us
Or at our eleventh birthdays singin' Poppin’ with us
Instead, he be with Saint payin' for games and watching' hoops, examples that we don't deserve
I wanna tell me that I’m loved, I’m brave, I’m kind
I got a gift to change the world, and could change your father's mind
'Cause Volume 2 is the future, but he lives inside confusion
Money's always been illusion, but that's the life he's used to
His idol prolly didn't drop shit neither
History do repeats itself, sometimes it don't need a reason
But I would like to say it's not your fault that he's hidin' another ablum
Give him grace, this the reason I play Graduation
So the babies like me can cope later
Give me some confidence to go through somethin', it's hope later
I never wanna hear me chase a man 'cause it's feral behavior
Sittin' in VC with cracker babies for validation
I need to know that love is eternity and trumps all pain
I'll tell you who your father is, just play this song when it rains
Yes, he's a hitmaker, songwriter, superstar, right
And a fuckin' deadbeat that should never say "sequel"
Meet the Westies

[Verse 4]
Dear Kanye,
I know you probably thinkin' I wanted to crash your party
But truthfully, I don't have a hatin' bone in my body
There's supposed to be a good exhibition within the game
But you fucked up the moment you lied straight to my face
Why you had to stoop so low to dissapoint some decent people?
Guess integrity is lost when the metaphors doesn't reach you
And I like to understand 'cause your mind was never normal
forty-seven, but you showin' up as a seven-year-old
You got lyin' problems, jerkin' problems, gas-huffin' and spendin' problems
Bad with money, hole in house
Solicitin' fanbase problems, therapy's a lovely start
But I suggest some honest sorries, strip the ego from the bottom
I try to empathize with you 'cause I know that you been through some shit an'
Crave entitlement, but wanna be liked so bad that it's puzzlin'
No dominance, let's recap moments when you didn't fit in
No secret handshakes with your friend
No culture cachet to binge, just disrespectin' your partner
Integrity's on the fence, don't know which account will love ya
The skin that you livin' in is compromised in personas
Can't channel your good within even when standin' next to a brother
You a body shamer, you gon' hide them album sequels, ain't ya?
You embarrassed of 'em, that's not right, that ain't how mama raised us
Take that mask off, I wanna see what's under them achievements
Why believe you? You never gave us nothin' to believe in
'Cause you lied about religious views, you lied about your surgery
You lied about Yandhi and Good Ass Job, all is perjury
You lied about your ghostwriters, you lied about your crew members
They all pussy, you lied on 'em, I know they all got you in 'em
You lied about the mix, you lied about the volumes, huh
You lied about them other tracks that's out there hopin' that you come
You lied towards the only fanbase that can dicksuck you till hell
Fuck a rap battle, this a long life battle with yourself
submitted by untitled7549 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:41 Fiorella999 Rewatch S1 Episode 1

Am deciding to rewatch just before season 2 to have it fresh in my mind. Just finished episode 1.
-I must say the scale is what always impresses me. The Great Council of 101 opening blows out of the water the Great Council we had in the finale of GOT. Speaking of which, I have rewatched the first season of Game of Thrones a couple of times now, and while I still think overall it’s more consistent in writing, something that in hindsight it does suffer from us the lack of scale just because their budget was nowhere where it would be in later seasons. It doesn’t look bad mind you, but just compared to later it is noticeable. This is most evident in the tourney’s with the Hand’s tourney looking tiny in comparison to the tourney in this first episode where it just feels like this grand vision! Also the costume department as always just did a spectacular job with everyone’s outfit and am always impressed, especially with the House clothes and things like Daemon’s armor. Also the Kingsguard armor is a 1000% improvement over the original show which I didn’t particularly like. (Funny side note: in a way we got a glimpse into what the Blackfyre House clothes and soldiers will look like with those Drummers, very odd Lmao)
-The acting is spectacular especially with Viserys’s actor, who regardless of whether you like his character or not, blows it out of the water, especially in the small council scene after his wife and son’s death. Also Aemma’s actress did a great job as well, especially with the birth scene which is still brutal!
-I don’t know where people get the stance “Daemon never wanted the throne just his brother’s affection and love”? This episode is a clear indicator as any that it is not the case, with him constantly talking about his position. Yeah he does love Viserys and wants that love back but they are not mutually exclusive
-One minor thing that always irks me as everyone already knows is the change in the Great Council of 101, where instead of it mainly being between Viserys and Laenor, it’s between him and Rhaenys. I get why they did the change, after all it simplifies things and then adds this parallel between Rhaenyra and Rhaenys, but it had its purpose showing just how patriarchal Westeros was that even the heir coming from a female line was not accepted that when Viserys actually choose a female heir it was all the more baffling. This change just makes his decision more hypocritical.
-I know a lot of people hate the lighting, but unpopular opinion I like it. It’s not a modern world where the light will reach each corner. The sets are grand, but the lighting makes it both ominous and personal. A good balance. Not to say it’s never a problem but for the most part I like it.
-Overall a great episode setting the more fantastical tone with a more grounded personal feel. The ending was perfectly placed even though Viserys speech should have ended at him naming her heir instead of the whole Aegon’s prophecy which I have always stood by is a dumb inclusion in the show and most likely in the books. As a TG person I don’t have anything to complain much about and probably won’t for the first few episodes but will probably facepalm and roll my eyes as I get in the second half. Love Otto’s actor as always is the only thing I have to say, as well as early Alicent. People especially on Team Black will argue he is a nefarious villain for wanting his daughter to be the one the King marries, but that is just the system that they operate with and the context they are in. If it wasn’t Viserys she would be married off to another lord. Not everyone can have a royal tour to choose s suitor. Nobody questions Corlys character despite also being ambitious. Otto is ambitious but also clearly loyal and competent. Still as I said a great episode that someone on both sides can enjoy

submitted by Fiorella999 to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:44 LizardEnthusiast69 my family does nothing but veg out

Im just putting this out there to see who connects, and how you might internalize these things.
childhood years wear fantastic birth-11.
11-18 was a nightmare.
My dad worked all the time during my teen years. Literally gone from the house for weeks on end. I remember once he was gone for 6 weeks to work. When he came home he'd always be "too tired" to do anything. I have no real memories of us doing stuff together, except lift weights once a week.
Constantly, non stop, harassed and bullied at school. nobody to help me or guide me. Parents just say "be the bigger man". Dad never home, mom is the type that cant hurt a fly. Anytime i would complain, they wouldnt really believe me, or thing it wasnt a big deal. If it was my word against authority, i was wrong by default. Authority is always right.
Mom, dad, siblings will sit in front of the TV all the time. Chronic video game addictions that have been persistent from childhood to adulthood (20+ years of chronic video game addiction). Nobody has hobbies, passions or direction. Buying things, eating, and tv watching is everyones hobby.
Dad eventually retires and does nothing but watch tv- all our conversations are about the tv he watches or who he doesnt like about politics. Always upset at politics, picks fights with people over it, but does nothing and doesnt know what hes talking about. Very overweight, naps, watches tv, goes to pub. Somehow in good health still
brothers so addicted to video games, they have done absolutely nothing with their adult lives and are reaching middle age. poor, uneducated. Rooms filled with pizza boxes and soda cans. late 30's.
Mom always emotional because she is constantly getting taken advantage of. she believes everything authority tells her, and thinks "everyone is on their own journey". Kinda new agey
On top of all of this, my parents are always trying to dump their hallmark greetings on me. "education is so important", "take the path less followed", "kindness is everything", "you only live once seize the day"
However, none of this is backed up by action of any sort on their end. They do not educate themselves at all.
is this just how people are? is this normal?
my parents arent abusive or bad, but nobody has a clue, and nobody has an ounce of direction or spine. I feel i suffered tremendously growing up, and even now. The weakness attracted so much trouble. I never could make sense of all of this
submitted by LizardEnthusiast69 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:26 Electrical-Glass-943 WTF Is Sparkle Dick Wearing?

WTF Is Sparkle Dick Wearing?
Is that a woman's jacket?! How is it that Ashley has ShScrawny walking around in the same tight skinny jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and the same shoes all the time? Ain't the bitch rich?!?!?!?!?!
Ashley's other Sparkle Dick posts have had longer captions. This one is weird. Like, is it one of the "best relationships" when you only see your man once or twice a month? Bffr. I know ShShank said shit about his sugar mama today on his page.
I love y'all so much for always hoping or speculating that these two are over. Many ppl on these subs need to remember these two may be end game. In my fantasy, AshHess got dumped and deleted her Instagram. In reality, being a Karen put her account on pause for 72 hours.
You know the only thing Ashley gave Shank for their anniversary is pussy. Ashley to Sprinkles: "Eat my pussy. That's your present."
Meanwhile the bitch is so unserious. I think I watched Ashley doing standup IN MAY last year and she told the crowd that she isn't in a relationship with Sparkle Eyes, but they're going to Mexico for her birthday, which is in July. They have not been together since 5/20! She coerced him into dating her during her bday trip. I think Ashley is rounding up. She's counting their very first date, when he met her in her hotel room to fuck her because she told him she's off birth control and wants sex, and acting like they've been exclusive ever since then. A desperate AF 🤡 who really doesn't know how to act after being single for two decades.
submitted by Electrical-Glass-943 to GirlsGottaEatRealTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 00:41 AdventurousTone594 I have a kid (12F) who was recently diagnosed. Does her history and evaluation sound right to you?

My daughter's typically been a very well-behaved, bright child. So this diagnosis was initially quite surprising to me! But I want to share her story to see if the evaluation makes sense? Or how we can move forward from here? Kind of a long post, just a heads-up!
I miscarried a son just a year before I had her (it was a problem with my appendix, so she was born after I had it removed) if that matters at all. She was born with a larger head than all her siblings. I have type I diabetes by the way.
She was a pretty typical child after her birth. She began saying her first words early at 9mo, and walking at 13mo. However, ever since she was just a few months old, she'd been having violent meltdowns at parties and whenever I turn on the vacuum. Crying, screaming, kicking-- and she wouldn't stop until I took her somewhere quiet. She was breastfed, though I can't remember when we stopped.
Other than that, she was a quiet kid who was very focused on her surroundings. She would often get stuck in a sort of trance-- blankly staring and suddenly very still. These were not seizures; she would snap out of it with a small tap on the shoulder.
She usually responded to her name unless she was very focused on something. Otherwise I'd have to say her name a few times or tap her. When I pointed or looked at something, she wouldn't turn her head unless I said "Look!" or something. She also didn't move her face much or show too many emotions. Her reactions were a little slow.
She has trouble following directions without being explicitly told or shown what to do. This wasn't a problem in younger years, but this is a big issue now (lots of trouble doing chores).
She also had issues with empathy occasionally. She had a bad habit of pushing her younger brother. She'd always laugh afterwards.
Fast-forward to starting preschool. She was very well-behaved and quiet, she didn't talk with other kids unless she was asked to. She would strangely move her fingers around in front of her eyes during nap time (she did the same thing at home).
She played with toys the same way each time unless she was told to do differently. Often, she would get really focused on whatever she was doing and start rocking herself unintentionally. She also loved to-do lists-- she made so many of them as a little kid I stopped counting.
She loves certain sounds and will often seek out these noises on her own.
She was fascinated with other people's emotions. In kindergarten, she would bring up sad stories (like her grandmother's death) and intentionally sit alone to evoke sympathy.
She kept this up for years -- starting drama she didn't care about to see how people react, ending friendships for no reason, lying to her friends to seem more interesting. She got herself into trouble in second grade for passing mean notes to a classmate. This is something that makes me doubt her autism diagnosis a little, since these kids are usually very honest. But she IS also diagnosed with ADHD, so maybe her impulsivity and boredom with life caused her to start drama with her classmates? I dunno.
In third grade, she became obsessed with a certain video game. She played it all day, all night. Her screen time was upwards of 12 hours a day sometimes. Her grades began to plummet, and so did her mental health.
COVID happened, and she had a lot of trouble with the transition. She had bad grades and started cutting herself in fourth grade. She stopped after an intervention.
In fifth grade, she was fine. But she would often read in the middle of class since she couldn't focus on lessons. She couldn't go a minute without doing something. She also continued to rock herself and all. She loved listening to stories or gossip though. She still didn't have a lot of friends.
In 6th grade, she got much louder. She often couldn't tell how loud she was being and was very impulsive. She had a lot of friends (but I've talked to their parents and stuff. They said she is strange and somewhat childish, with an odd sense of humor, but generally quite likeable and funny.) She could only really get along with younger kids, since she was (and is) fairly immature.
At the end of 6th grade, she attempted suicide. We sent her to a psychiatric hospital for 10 days and she continued on meds for a few months. It didn't work-- she attempted again on the third day of seventh grade. The psychiatrist who saw her in the ER after her second attempt told me to take her for autism testing since he noticed several symptoms while talking to her.
Then I spoke to her guidance counselor, who gave me a better perspective on her behavior at school. She doesn't make eye contact, she is attached to a small hamster plush she carries around (emotionally distressed and unable to function without it). She often screams in class randomly and makes impulsive decisions to get reactions out of people (slamming the door or writing disrespectfully to teachers). She has issues remembering social norms, unknowingly interrupts people while they are talking and has a lot of trouble focusing in class. She usually covers her ears during fire drills and won't stop until it's over. She also took something from someone's locker and moved it.
Her guidance counselor used to work as an occupational therapist for children with disabilities and strongly recommended taking her to get evaluated. We were referred to a behavioral therapy/health program.
It's also worth noting that she is very aggressive towards her brother. They get into physical fights, and she has given him two black eyes before.
This is what the evaluation looked like: The therapist privately spoke with my daughter for an hour while she discussed her struggles with depression and behavior issues. During this talk, the therapist examined her behavior thoroughly (restless, little eye contact, unusual voice) She was also asked to fill out some forms with some agree/disagree forms. We also spoke to the psychiatrist -- I told him about her history, and he also looked at her behavior. The psychiatrists and therapists all recognized not only autism, but ADHD as well (her brother and sister both have symptoms of ADHD, but I don't have full custody of them so I didn't get them evaluated). Does this evaluation sound right, is this how the process is supposed to go? We didn't get a paper or anything, but they put her in the system to get treated for these three diagnoses (depression, autism, adhd)
Her symptoms have become more clear to me now. She often repeatedly makes meowing sounds or counts to twenty in italian for no reason (maybe a stim, or repeated behavior?) She has poor facial recognition. She has a very good rote memory. Her vocabulary is years ahead of other kids her age. She can't make eye contact, though from therapy she has learned to look at people's noses! She is obsessed with order and structure (autism) but has trouble maintaining it (adhd). She is afraid to do new things when pressured (autism) but eventually comes around, needing something new and more stimulating (adhd). She often flaps her hands as well, when she is frustrated or really happy. She's still bothered by loud noises and sometimes has to leave the classroom to do work.
She still accidentally interrupts people, but has learned a few more respectful ways to respond. Still has hardly any friends and gets along better with children in special education (she's in general ed right now) And she has a strong interest in giraffes (has them hung up all over her wall, a bunch of figures and plushes), the Holocaust (talks about it a lot, reads lots of books about it, watches videos), geography (can name every country, find it on a map, and draw the flag), and geology (collection of 80+ rocks).
One problem is that her depression heavily masks her ADHD. We recently moved (the transition was initially hard for her, but she was very curious and interested in the new place, probably adhd boredom?) and her behavior issues have disappeared since she isn't as happy with life as it is (so not as energetic or hyper). But I know that once she gets all cheerful and giddy, she will act up again. She has no ADHD medicine yet.
So yeah. Does her diagnosis sound right? Is this how the evaluation process usually goes? How should we proceed from here?
submitted by AdventurousTone594 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:31 lil_starblv I (24f) am in an relationship w (23m) and want to know if I should keep trying just for our daughter’s sake

I (24F) am currently 9 months pregnant with my first child and my fiancé (23M) has made the last 3 months hell for me. Our relationship has always had has trust and verbal abuse issues. Trust issues caused by him and both of us being verbally abusive. We are into our 2nd year together and things have gotten extremely bad. I can admit while I’ve been pregnant and having to stop working by doctors orders I’ve been snappy and a lot more mean. We get into arguments a few times a week over little things like he’s upset as to “why I changed my lock screen photo?” And that I don’t show him enough appreciation as he is the breadwinner of the relationship. But things seemed to drastically unfold the weekend of Mother’s Day. We got into a heated argument because he hadn’t been home in 2/3 days sleeping in his car with one of his friends that got kicked out because he felt bad the friend had no where else to go. I was obviously upset bc I’m pregnant and often feel like I have to take the backseat when it comes to his friends. When he finally gets home he says his friend is gonna be staying with us. Of course that made me upset because they drink, smoke, play loud music and video games and im only a few weeks away from giving birth and need peace and to be comfortable in my own home. So we argue he calls me a selfish b*** , says I have no respect,and that I’m so rude. When he says that I throw a water bottle at him and this causes him to storm out saying he’s done and not to call him. The next day which is Mother’s Day he calls me saying he wants to come back home and fix things. (8/9am)I’m hopeful and wanting to move forward because this is a really big time in both of ours lives and I don’t want my kid to not have her father present. So as the hours pass he still hasn’t come home. He calls again around 5 pm and tells me to pack up his stuff that he’s changed his mind he doesn’t want to talk or come home. Instantly I know he’s with another girl. So later that evening I track his location and sure enough there’s a girl with him in the car. He tells me how they had sex and I immediately break down. I guess me crying made him feel bad bc he kicks her out the car comes home and talks to me saying he never meant to hurt me but me being mean caused him to do it. Those words started another argument because I feel as though you can’t blame me for your infidelity. We had a several hour long conversation on how we can move forward and how we both have things we need to work on in order to make the relationship work. It’s been a week and I feel like nothing has/ will change. I’m trying so hard but he finds any small reason to snap at me and call it quits. Reminding me on a daily how there’s so many girls that he dodges because he wants to make things work and I should try harder but yet leaves for days as soon as something doesn’t go his way. I’m just really afraid that I’ll lose him and have to raise our daughter alone. He hasn’t always been like this, I’m not exactly sure if things will go back to the way they were. And if I should keep hurting and being fearful just because I want to do right by our daughter. I’m constantly afraid to speak out of line, have a particular tone, not do what he says when he says because he threatens to leave. But I’m making myself unhappy in the process and once the baby comes I know things will be 10x harder and more stressful so I’m really not sure if it’s worth bringing her into all this or just letting him go.
submitted by lil_starblv to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:08 TheBlaringBlue The Art of the Rap Battle in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla

Eivor is a bit of a strange protagonist.
She’s basically flawless and without blame. She’s brash and bold, proud and unashamed — brave and wise far beyond her years, yet able to be soft and compassionate when not brandishing spears. She’s got a knack for leadership, a strong moral compass and an even stronger muscular system with which to enact justice.
And she’s got bars?
As someone not deeply versed in medieval European histories, imagine my shock and confusion upon discovering that Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla included rap battling.
My first experience with Flyting had me asking so many questions about what I just witnessed that I couldn’t wait to begin Googling. I figured flyting probably was historically accurate, but if that’s the case, then what else can it tells us about the medieval warrior and about Eivor’s characterization?
I set off to find out.
Wikipedia and howstuffworks combined gave me a robust definition of flyting.
A ritual, poetic exchange of insults practiced mainly between the 5th and 16th centuries. Examples of flyting are found throughout Scots, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Celtic, Old English, Middle English and Norse literature involving both historical and mythological figures. The exchanges would become extremely provocative, often involving accusations of cowardice or sexual perversion.
The idea behind flyting was to influence public opinion of the participants and raise both of their profiles. And each participant wanted to make himself look better than the other, even if they were friendly.
Not only that, but flyting’s also the first recorded use of shit as an insult. That right there is worth this whole essay and then some.
I came away from those definitions with some small Euphoria, as they reinforce what I already expected from Ubisoft — historically accurate and (arguably) immersive side activities grounded in realism.
Unfortunately, none of the flyting foes that Eivor faces in this fantasy are founded in any real-world flyters. I was particularly frustrated when I realized Fergal the Faceless and Borghild the Alewife’s Bane were fictional features, not real historical fiends of rhythm and rhyme.
Two of Eivor’s syntax competitors are “real” in some sense, however.
In Norse mythos, Odin, Thor, Loki, Freyja and more would handle their Family Matters over a flyte from time to time, dueling wits and words as competition and entertainment.
In fact, one flyte we do see in game — Odin as he flytes over the river with Thor in the Asgard Arc — is likely a reference to a real medieval Norse poem; The Hárbarðsljóð.
In it, Thor jaunts back to Asgard after a journey in Jötunheim. He comes to a junction in which he must jump a large river, and thus hunts down a ferryman to shepherd him across. The ferryman, Hárbarðr, is Odin in disguise. He then begins to diss guys.
Ahem. ‘Guys’ being Thor, obviously.
First, Odin drops a yo-mama joke:
Of thy morning feats art thou proud, but the future thou knowest not wholly; Doleful thine home-coming is: thy mother, me thinks, is dead.
He keeps going, taking more shots than a First Person Shooter, this time saying Thor dresses like a girl:
Three good dwellings methinks, thou hast not; Barefoot thou standest and wearest a beggar’s dress; Not even hose dost thou have.
Thor says watch your mouth before I clap back:
Ill for thee comes thy keenness of tongue, if the water I choose to wade; Louder, I ween, than a wolf thou cryest, if a blow of my hammer thou hast.
Odin replies by saying Thor’s wife is fucking another dude:
Sif has a lover at home, and him shouldst thou meet; More fitting it were on him to put forth thy strength.
The version we play out in game isn’t identical to the real-world poem, but carries some similarities; Thor’s threatening to cross the river to fight Odin as well as his boasting of slaying giants are present in each.
Ratatosk is the only other ‘real’ flyting enemy in Valhalla. While Odin doesn’t flyte with Ratatosk in Norse myth to my knowledge, the flyting against the squirrel is thematically accurate, at least.
Ratatosk’s purpose is to scramble up and down Yggdrasil, scurrying spoken messages from the eagle that sits at its peaks to the snake that slithers at its base. The nature of Ratatosk’s messages is in line with the act of flyting — the mischievous rodent carries falsehoods and aggressive statements to stir up drama and distrust between bird and serpent.
Flyting took place not only in poems and folklore, but in town squares and royal court. It was a facet of medieval life and social interaction. This weaving of prose then, in this time period, seemingly was just about as much of an admired skill as the swinging of a sword. It’s no wonder our unbreakable warrior Eivor is so proficient with word.
Like, really proficient with word.
I mean, I know it’s me choosing the dialogue options, but sheesh, is there anything she can’t do?
Actually, Eivor’s expertise in flyting is strange to me. It feels random and unearned — out of character, even. It comes more unexpectedly than Kendrick Lamar’s Not Like Us.
It probably only feels out of character, however, due to our modern understanding of proficiency with words versus proficiency with might. Our current interpretation of verbal ability compared to physical ability would perceive verbal ability as the ‘softer’ of the two skillsets. Physical strength is typically interpreted as tough and more dominant. You don’t expect to see an MMA fighter composing poetry, do you? The qualities that modern thought attributes to writing and physicality don’t mesh.
But in reality — and historically accurately in Valhalla — medieval warriors weren’t just blind berserkers. They were actually artists, poets and writers.
We’ve already demonstrated how Odin and Thor — Norse myth’s most famous warriors — carried out flyting. There are plenty more examples of the burly and the brawn, the Viking and the warrior breaking out poetry and song. Other poems and sagas include the same thing, among the most famous of which is Egil’s Saga — Egil, a tough Viking warrior, would frequently break out into prose throughout the saga’s telling.
Beyond Vikings though lie other other examples from around the world. The Illiad contains instances of public, ritualized abuse. Taunting songs are present in Inuit culture while Arabic poetry contains a form of flyting called naqa’id. Further, Japanese Samurai were known to be frequent composers of haiku, while Japanese culture also gave birth to Haikai, poetry in which vulgar satire and puns were wielded.
This historical accuracy ends up eliminating the randomness of Eivor’s flyting ability. Despite her verbal finesse feeling unearned, we can surmise historically that Eivor has practiced the wielding of words plenty in her life before we take over as the player. She’s dedicated time to this.
Now that we know why she has it, we can take a closer look at what it does for her.
So, Eivor can rap. She can match you with her axe or she can match you with her words. She’s just about unbeatable.
Her mastery of words demonstrates on some level that she’s not all Push Ups and might is right. She’s not all bruiser and bluster, burn and berserk. She’s an appreciator of the finer things — the more abstract, mental skills that require brain power, deftness and finesse.
This duality of strength and genius rounds out Eivor into a deeper, richer, more admirable character. More than just raw muscle in pursuit of glory, Eivor’s mastery of verse demonstrates her prioritizing not just her body, but her mind.
And it goes a long way for her.
Eivor can use her prowess with prose to progress past pointless plot points throughout Valhalla’s plethora of arcs and missions. It’s just a stat check in the end, but with enough practice flyting and enough charisma gained, Eivor unlocks new dialogue options that bend the world around her to her will.
Witch hunters in Eurvicscire on the brink of terrorizing Moira can be dispersed verbally rather than brawled or killed. There’s an entire riddle-solving fetch quest in Wincestre that can be skipped completely by telling King Aelfred’s abbot fuck off (figuratively). Eivor’s sharpening of her mind protects her body, saves her time, and allows her to frictionlessly fell her endeavors.
Her articulate advances don’t just alter her into admirability, they allow her to influence people and progression. With semantics from her mouth and twists from her tongue, Eivor can have her way whenever she wishes. In a game this large, I’m only left longing that the opportunity to make use of this charisma wasn’t relegated to niches.
Regardless, if medieval England is butter, Eivor’s tongue is the hot knife that behooves her move through her subduing more smoothly.
It all just goes to show that ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ flyte is right.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 23:01 lil_starblv I (24f) am in an unhealthy relationship w (23m) and want to know if I should keep making myself unhappy just for our daughter’s sake?

I (24F) am currently 9 months pregnant with my first child and my fiancé (23M) has made the last 3 months hell for me. Our relationship has always had has trust and verbal abuse issues since about 3 months in. We are into our 2nd year together and things have gotten extremely bad. I can admit while I’ve been pregnant and having to stop working by doctors orders I’ve been snappy and a lot more mean. We get into arguments a few times a week over little things like “why I changed my lock screen photo?” And I don’t show him enough appreciation as he is the breadwinner of the relationship. But things seemed to drastically unfold the weekend of Mother’s Day. We got into a heated argument because he hadn’t been home in 2/3 days sleeping in his car with one of his friends that got kicked out because he felt bad the friend had no where else to go. I was obviously upset bc I’m pregnant and often feel like I have to take the backseat when it comes to his friends. When he finally gets home he says his friend is gonna be staying with us. Of course that made me upset because they drink, smoke, play loud music and video games and im only a few weeks away from giving birth and need peace and to be comfortable in my own home. So we argue he calls me a selfish b*** , says I have no respect,and that I’m so rude. When he says that I throw a water bottle at him and this causes him to storm out saying he’s done and not to call him. The next day which is Mother’s Day he calls me saying he wants to come back home and fix things. (8/9am)I’m hopeful and wanting to move forward because this is a really big time in both of ours lives and I don’t want my kid to not have her father present. So as the hours pass he still hasn’t come home. He calls again around 5 pm and tells me to pack up his stuff that he’s changed his mind he doesn’t want to talk or come home. Instantly I know he’s with another girl. So later that evening I track his location and sure enough there’s a girl with him in the car. He tells me how they had sex and I immediately break down. I guess me crying made him feel bad bc he kicks her out the car comes home and talks to me saying he never meant to hurt me but me being mean caused him to do it. Those words started another argument because I feel as though you can’t blame me for your infidelity. We had a several hour long conversation on how we can move forward and how we both have things we need to work on in order to make the relationship work. It’s been a week and I feel like nothing has/ will change. I’m trying so hard but he finds any small reason to snap at me and call it quits. Reminding me on a daily how there’s so many girls that he dodges because he wants to make things work and I should try harder but yet leaves for days as soon as something doesn’t go his way. I’m just really afraid that I’ll lose him and have to raise our daughter alone. He hasn’t always been like this, I’m not exactly sure if things will go back to the way they were. And if I should keep hurting and being fearful just because I want to do right by our daughter. I’m constantly afraid to speak out of line, have a particular tone, not do what he says when he says because he threatens to leave. But I’m making myself unhappy in the process and once the baby comes I know things will be 10x harder and more stressful so I’m really not sure if it’s worth bringing her into all this or just letting him go.
submitted by lil_starblv to relationship_advice [link] [comments]