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2013.06.22 20:07 Holding the Crooked County accountable.

A repository of links, stories, pictures, and video of everyone favorite corrupt TX county doing what it does best. Fucking it's denizens with an unlubricated gavel.

2012.12.08 01:39 iwilee1127 Welcome to UfoTruth! Only Credible Evidence ,Video, Pic's, Sightings, UFOs In The MainStream Media

Step into a realm where speculation takes a backseat and factual exploration soars. Our dedicated community members are driven by the pursuit of knowledge and the desire to unravel the secrets surrounding Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) or as they have more recently been referred to, Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena(UAP). Here, we believe in keeping the discussions rooted in verifiable evidence, nurturing an environment that encourages critical thinking and objective analysis.

2024.06.07 21:20 NinjaBr0din I need some help designing an Invested warlock subclass for DnD

For starters, this post will probably be talking about Sunlit Man quite a bit, so be forwarned there will probably be spoilers in some form. Also, this turned into quite the essay, so prepare yourself.
That aside, I want to build a new Warlock subclass for my next DnD campaign, a warlock that works like Nomad sounds incredibly fun. Warlocks already have shardblades in the form of their pact weapon, and they have a similar magic system where they have a ton of power but it goes in quick bursts, so if seems fitting.
What I have so far:
•1 BEU will equal 1 level 1 spell slot, and can be used as such. Level 2 spells require 2 BEUs, level 3 requires 3, and so on. Upcasting spells works the same as regular casters, casting a level 2 spell as level 4 would require 4 BEUs(a level 4 spell slot). They would be able to choose the level they cast their spells at, rather than having to always cast at the highest level like standard warlocks but they are still limited by their casting level, no upscaling to a level 5 spell when they only have level 2 spells.
•they won't regain any BEUs from resting, short or long. They will only be able to regain BEUs by drawing on investiture in the world. They will not be limited in how many BEUs they can have, only by how many they can collect.
•At certain thresholds, they will gain additional abilities to corelate with Heightenings. Currents plan is at 5 BEUs they regain 1 hp per turn due to passive healing, with the healing increasing by 1 per heightening. At the second heightening (15 BEUs) they will be able to manipulate connection and communicate with others regardless of shared language(only 1 language at a time, can only be used once per day), at higher levels this may include buffs to persuasion and loosen the limitations on how effective it is and often it can be used. At the third heightening,(25 beus) they will gain a +1 to perception and wisdom checks, with an additional +1 on each subsequent heightening. At the 4th heightening(50 BEUs) they will gain +1 to strength, dexterity, and constitution with an additional +1 for each subsequent heightening. At the 5th heightening (75BEUs) they gain improved Investiture Efficiency, reducing the cost of all spells by 1(would free first level spells be too strong? Or could that potentially work?) and increasing investiture gain by 50% when drawing from a non-living power source(living things just have their 1 BEU, unless they are also invested in some form) and getting a bonus on rolls to steal investiture from slain enemies. While I'm not sure what effects to include, I feel like 100 for the 6th, 125 for the 7th, 150 for the 8th, 175 for the 9th, and a full 200 BEUs for the 10th heightening would be appropriate.
So what I really help with need is:
1) a way to recharge investiture, aka warlock spell slots, I want to sacrifice the short rest recharge and instead gain power from drawing on things around them (kind of like how you need to feed Gale enchanted shoes and such in Baldur's Gate 3, but maybe not just restricted to magic items since they tend to be rare in DnD) I need something that will allow them to keep a moderate baseline, and eventually grow in power through the course of the campaign that isn't brokenly weak/overpowered. Buying BEUs from merchants in towns could be 1 way, as well as convincing people to transfer theirs to the warlock and drawing the power from magical items and potentially spells cast on them(maybe 1 BEU per spell level, absorbed as a reaction, similar to how Nomad draws on investiture) I also need some tables on how many BEUs various levels of enchantment would give. Also considering if it would be too strong for them to gain 1 BEU from each kill as they absorb the enemy's Breath(maybe lock that behind a roll, have a chance to draw their power)
2) A balanced heightening chart, including possible changes to what I have already listed as well as buffs all the way up to the 10th heightening.
3)Some forms of Torment, in case things start to get too overpowered. They could even be tied to the heightenings, so that the stronger they become the more they have to fight around their limitations. Also potentially a baseline Torment that is always active decided by a roll on character creation.
4)I need some ideas/feedback for class specific level buffs. So far all I've got is increasing the complexity of their shardblade, allowing basic moving parts(chains, ranged weapons like bows, etc.) at level 5, and more complex devices with multiple moving components at level 9(think clocks, locks, a jack stand, etc). Maybe at a decently high level(like 13) they gain the equivalent of a Divine Breath, granting the buffs of the fifth heightening without the need to hoard enough BEUs to reach that point. Subsequent heightenings will still require the full number of BEUs(the Divine Breath Equivalent is still just 1 BEU, it just grants the buffs)
5)and of course, if y'all come up with anything else that I missed, additions are welcome and wanted.
Thanks in advance to any who take the time to read and/or pitch in.
submitted by NinjaBr0din to Cosmere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:03 SirDank474848 Solo Leveling

Hatsu: Solo Leveling (Enhancement 100% - Emission 80% - Manipulation 60% - Conjuration 60%)
Description: The user can gain XP by defeating enemies through combat, though the amount of XP gained is relative to how strong the opponent was. No XP will be gained if the user loses a battle. Through leveling up, the user's physical stats will increase and they will gain abilities akin to video games. Through physical training the user can also gain XP, but it will not give more XP than fighting. Each time they level up, the next level will require more XP to reach. The user can continue to level up to raise their stats, having a level cap of 99.
Level 5 - Overall physical stats increase, the user gains “Double Jump”
Level 10 - Overall physical stats increase, the user gains “Critical Hit”
Level 15 - Overall physical stats increase, the user gains “Rest”
Level 20 - Overall physical stats increase, the user gains “Hadouken”
Level 25 - Overall physical stats increase, user gains “Spin Dash”
Level 30 - Overall physical stats increase, the user gains “Star Man”
Double Jump (Emission 80%) :The user can jump twice in the air in any direction.
Critical Hit (Enhancement 100%) :The user has a 5% chance of landing a critical hit with each attack they land on an enemy. Once a critical hit activates the user will have their attack raised by the power of 1.5.
Rest (Enhancement 100% - Manipulation 60%) : The user can activate a Rest to recover energy and heal damage dealt to them, user will fall asleep when the ability is active. The user can only use 2 Rest’s once per day, the more tired or hurt they are, the longer they will be asleep.
Hadoken (Emission 80%) - The user can fire a Hadoken at the opponent through a physical “button input”, crouching, moving forward, and following with an open palm strike. Upon input the user will fire a one-way projectile at an opponent that can deal more damage depending on how much aura is put into it. The user can repeat the combination twice in order to do a “Shinku Hadoken”, firing a stronger version of the move, spending twice the amount of aura.
Spin Dash (Enhancement 100%) - The user rolls into a somersault, their body rolling at an accelerated rate and sending themselves into a Spin Dash. The user can charge while stationary, bolting at high speeds while moving. The user can bounce off of enemies or the wall, though the longer they dash, the more dizzy they'll be afterwards. The user will lose momentum over time, decreasing in speed steadily.
Star Man (Enhancement 100% - Emission 80% - Conjuration 60%) - The user creates a “Star Man”, upon contact it will grant them invincibility for 20 seconds and enhance their jumping, speed, and strength. Any attacks directed at the user will be transported temporarily to a pocket dimension. The user isn't the only one that is able to use the Star Man, an enemy or ally can also obtain the power up if they touch it. Once the power-up ends, whoever used it will be locked into Zetsu for 20 minutes. They cannot create another Star Man until they defeat another enemy.
submitted by SirDank474848 to HatsuVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:42 Key-Competition-7489 (Record of Ragnarok RS) Chapter 24: Burning Bright

(Record of Ragnarok RS) Chapter 24: Burning Bright
As Arthur concluded his speech, there was a silence across the battlefield. As Nezha blinked a few times whilst properly processing the king's words, slowly he lifted his spear closer to his face. The constant clashes between him and Arthur had gradually chipped away at certain spots of the top most layer of metal, revealing all the spear's original colorations that were hidden away.
Under the newer golden layer, lay the silver and aqua blue metal that the spear still had, the red dye that was painted over the spear's handle has also gradually chipped off, revealing parts of its original oak color underneath. All of them, reminders of his past friendship with Ao Bing, and all had been hidden away and covered up. To ensure that he would not be reminded of the good times they once shared, and could go back to cursing the Dragon Prince's memory undisturbed.
For a moment, Nezha felt a wave of nostalgia, and even a small twinge of sadness as he continued to gaze at the spear in his hand, all those old memories he shared with Ao Bing slowly flooding back into his mind. But shaking his head, he ignored those thoughts once again as he got back into a fighting stance. He currently had a fight to win right now, there would be time for reflection and regret after he was victorious.
Taking the Qiankun Ring that hung from his side, Nezha willed it to shrink in size and diameter as he lifted it over the stump that used to be his left arm, allowing the ring to shrink till it fit snugly around it before letting go.
"Odd, what is Nezha doing?" Heimdall questioned as the rest of the audience murmured in agreement, sharing his curiosity.
In the sea of confusion, only Nezha's family, the Jade Emperor and Erlang Shen knew what was happening.
" OH HO!" Erlang said with a grin, "Could it be? Nezha's really gonna use THAT here and now?"
"H-huh?" Jinzha exclaimed by his side, "You aren't referring to what I THINK you are referring to are you? To attempt that with the damage he sustained… That would be suicide on Nezha's part!"
The Jade Emperor's eyebrows knitted in concern as well, "Quite correct Jinzha, With the amount of blood he had lost and his severed limb? Doing such a risky move would be MOST unwise… But if there is anyone with the sheer will and determination to pull it off… It is without a doubt your brother, the Third Lotus Prince!"
While the rest of the godly audience yelled their support for Nezha, it was still Li Jing whose eyes shone with worry and uncertainty for his son. Noticing this, Lady Yi gently squeezed her husband's arm, trying to help soothe his nerves.
"Do not fret my love," She said, "Our son will make it out of this and return to us, he always has. No matter how strong or dangerous his foe is, he will always find a way to come out on top."
Li Jing nodded, seemingly calmed by his wife's words as his face morphed back to a stern expression, "Y-yes, quite correct my love, forgive me for dampening the mood. Nezha will show that human the true extent of his strength!"
With that, the two joined the rest of their friends and family to show their support for Nezha. But even though he seemed to have calmed his nerves, on the inside of his mind, the Pagoda-Bearing King's mind was still plagued with uneasiness and shame.
"I am so sorry, my son," Li Jing silently thought to himself, "I never imagined that my actions would have impacted you so negatively. I beg, in the name of all of Heaven itself, that you emerge victorious so that I may have a chance to right my wrongs."
"Haven't done this in a while," Nezha grunted in the battlefield below, as he felt a small twinge in his arm due to the pressure being applied on his wound from the ring , "And there's the fact I don't have my left arm anymore, but let's see if I still got it in me."
Re-adjusting his spear to proper positioning, Nezha gazed back at Arthur with a confident grin, his eyes glowing with an eerie red light, "That's the second big heroic speech you gave during our battle, do you take classes for them or something? Don't worry though, I'll give your words some more thought once I WIN THIS FIGHT!"
Finishing his sentence, the Fire and Wind wheels roared to life as Nezha ignited the tip of his spear and charged, preparing for another assault upon the King of camelot.
Arthur merely smirked in response, despite Nezha's facade of indifference and cockiness, the momentary pause from before was all the king needed to know that his words had their intended effect on the Third Lotus Prince.
"Never doubted you for a minute, Third Lotus Prince!" He roared, as he swung his sword to meet his foe, "Now don't you dare disappoint! WALLS OF CAMELOT, ACTIVATE!"
As he said this, the embossed design on the Shield of Avalon glowed with bright blue light, and once again, two tall and wide forcefields of the same color materialized, stretching across the length of the battlefield.
"And we are back to the cagefighting!" Heimdall yelled, "Arthur has activated the forcefield capabilities of his shield, quite the smart play if you ask me! Right now, with the loss of his left arm, Nezha is at a HUGE disadvantage, as it means that he can no longer use his Qiankun Ring to its fullest potential! Pair with the fact that Arthur STILL has one last healing charge remaining in Excalibur's scabbard, the outcome of this match doesn't seem favorable for the Third Lotus Prince!"
Inside the forcefield created by the Shield of Avalon, the two fighter's traded blow for blow as they constantly tried to outdo their opponent. Arthur had chosen to re-use the same strategy as he had done before whilst using the Shield's ability, the King of Camelot placed himself behind his shield whilst jabbing blow after blow towards Nezha with Excalibur, trying to force his foe back against the walls where he could deliver the decisive blow.
This still proved to be a challenge, as with the loss of his left arm, Nezha had completely abandoned any of his previous fancy spins, instead beginning to focus on delivering quick consecutive jabs at Arthur. Nezha also started employing the use of large arching sweeps with his spear to help generate more power for his attacks, helping to make up for the amount he'd lost due to his severed arm. And with the speartip still ablaze, Arthur found himself having to lean back or shield his face everytime Nezha made these swipes to prevent himself from getting burnt.
The King of Camelot gritted his teeth as he felt himself get pushed backwards by Nezha's constant strikes, while the loss of his arm had hindered the Third Lotus Prince's fighting style to a some degree, it most certainly had not dampened his battle spirit or drive in the slightest… Yet in spite of all of this, Arthur could not help but smile, for this was exactly how he liked it!
"Urgh… That human really did a number on Nezha!" A few of the young gods in the audience that had previously been at the Lotus Prince's party groaned as they watched the fight continue, "He looks so unsightly now that he's missing an arm! And his technique is all sloppy and uncivilized now without those cool spins and turns!"
The Jade Emperor snorted loudly as he heard this, turning to face the young gods with a disapproving look, "It seems you youngsters have no clue about even the simplest things these days, I see. The art of combat isn't just about fancy moves and pretty kicks, it also requires careful thought and strategising. With the loss of his left arm, Nezha's center of balance had been altered dramatically, so if he were to continue with his previous attacking style. The Third Lotus Prince would most likely find himself toppling to the ground due to his left side being lighter than his right. "
All of the younger gods blushed in embarrassment whilst silently nodding their heads, after all being lectured by the Chief God of the Chinese Pantheon himself would be a very humiliating ordeal for most people. The Jade Emperor meanwhile, merely shook his head as he turned back to watch the battle,
"Do not think the fight already over young ones, the Third Lotus Prince still has one final trick up his sleeves, or should I say sleeve."
As he said this, out of the corner of his eyes, a small flicker of flames seemed to briefly flash around the Qiankun Ring that was fitted around Nezha's left shoulder, before just as quickly disappearing from view. Seeing this caused the Jade Emperor to give a light smirk.
"Quite the impressive man and fighter you are, King of Camelot," The Jade Emperor said to himself, "But let's see how all your resolve fares against the fires that burnt even the Great Sage Equal to Heaven!"
As Nezha lifted his spear overhead to deliver a heavy downward swing, Arthur flung his right hand, along with the Shield of Avalon which he still held within that hand, to meet that swing.
As Nezha's spear clashed with Arthur's shield, the King of Camelot felt his teeth chatter from the recoil experienced from the blow, and it took all his willpower and strength to stand his ground. Even though the sheer force Nezha was applying on the Shield of Avalon with his spear made retreating seem like a much more favorable option, Arthur grunted with effort as he persevered and held his own against the weight of the attack.
Arthur's choice to tank Nezha's attack was not without reason, as with them locked in a standstill, and the loss of the Third Lotus Prince's left arm. Nezha virtually had nothing to protect his unguarded left from Excalibur's mighty blade, which the king gripped tightly in his own left hand, waiting for this exact moment.
With a triumphant roar, Arthur swung Excalibur forward, hoping to cut straight through Nezha's midriff with a single strike and end the fight right then and now. But as he did, with his blade drawing closer to Nezha's flesh. Time seemed to go into slow-motion, and just barely out of his line of vision, did Arthur, like the Jade Emperor before him, also glimpse a small flicker of flames gathering around the Qiankun Ring that looped around the stump that used to be Nezha's left arm.
But as he continued watching it, to Arthur's amazement and horror, the entire Qiankun Ring around Nezha's shoulder suddenly burst into flames, engulfing the entirety of it before spreading down the length of his arm, if he still had one of course. And these flames were not the same regular orange ones that blazed around the Fire-tip Spear's head from before, rather these flames were a vibrant light blue, with a slightly orange tip around the ends that burnt bright and strong.
In a blink of an eye, the strange blue fire had grown and shifted into a fully functioning and capable prosthetic arm, one made of fire and flames, constantly flickering and crackling as it radiated pure power and divine energy. It was from this that Arthur knew just from seeing it, that this strange new power Nezha had unleashed was incredibly dangerous.
Right as Excalibur was about to make contact with its target, Nezha's new flaming left hand shot forth, skillfully catching hold of Arthur's blade right within his fiery grasp and holding it fast. Instantly a loud sizzling noise was heard, as the sheer hot temperature from Nezha's arm had placed the divine metal of Excalibur under immense pressure.
Arthur's eyes could only widened in shock as Nezha, hand still firmly holding onto Excalibur, forcibly pushed his sword out of the way, and with his right arm still locked in it's prior position, under heavy strain holding the Shield of Avalon against Nezha's Fire-tip Spear. The King of Camelot realized with a start, that his own strategy had been turned against him!
Out of nowhere and as quick as a bullet, Nezha's knee flew straight into Arthur's gut from below, causing the king's face to grimace in pain as the blow connected and sent him stumbling backwards and doubling over as a result of the low blow.
However, the Third Lotus Prince would not give Arthur the luxury of recovering again, immediately following up from the previous move, Nezha rushed forward with how new left arm reared back. The disorientated Arthur barely had time to look up before he realized that a flaming blue fist was speeding straight towards his face, it was only thanks to his instinct and quick reaction time was he able to lift the Shield of Avalon in an attempt to block the attack.
A heavy metallic sound exploded across the arena, as the entire arena could only watch in shock as Nezha's fiery first tore straight through the Divine Weapon as though it were paper. As luck would have it though, the shield still had managed to do its job of protecting Arthur from the main brunt of the attack. However, the King of Camelot was still sent flying further backwards,crashing heavily into the arena wall, much to the distress of the human audience members, and especially his Knight of the Round Table.
"No, no, no!" Galahad groaned loudly, while simultaneously cowering at the sight of Nezha's new arm, "what the hell was that! How the hell did that god manage to tear through a Divine Weapon with just fire alone while his spear and rings failed to do the same?"
"No… That fire… E-even with all my years mastering the art of sorcery and magic, I have never seen anything like it before.."
Those words had come from Merlin, whose face had become just as pale as it was when he and Arthur realized that the Scabbard of Excalibur had gone missing all those years ago,
"S-such regal and divine power… Yet… I can't help but feel… INTIMIDATED by the obvious danger it exudes!"
The Knights of the Round Table all shuddered at Merlin's words, all except for Lancelot, who was focused solely on his friend, slumped slightly against the wall he had been roughly thrown against, with eyes full of concern and faith.
"Come on, Arthur, you can't give up now… Get up… GET UP!"
"W-WHAT?" Pandora exclaimed in shock from their balcony, "SINCE WHEN COULD NEZHA DO THAT?"
The girl turned towards her companions who looked equally worried,
"A substitute hand made out from the fires of his own Qiankun Ring?" Göll said as she nervously chewed her thumb, "The Third Lotus Prince is even more resourceful than we thought!"
"No….." Prometheus replied through gritted teeth, "It's even worse than that, if I'm not mistaken, those flames that Nezha has right now in place of his arm aren't just ANY regular fire… Rather, they are ones of incredible power! "THE TRUE FLAMES OF SAMADHI!"
"T-true flames of Samadhi?" The two girls said simultaneously, "W-what's that?"
"Only the most powerful form of fire-magic that a select few can master," Prometheus answered gravelly, "The Samadhi flames spread at an incredible speed , capable of burning down nearly anything unfortunate enough to stand in its way! But unlike normal flames, it cannot be so simply extinguished by water , in fact its flames are only intensified when exposed to rain! One would need an entire ocean's worth of water to even hope to dampen its strength!"
Göll and Pandora paled at the Titan's words as they looked back down at the arena, the both of them having only one thought running through both of their minds as they continued to watch the fight.
"This is BAD!"
"This round just keeps getting better and BETTER folks!" Heimdall yelled as the God's audience cheered seeing their fighter's comeback, "Nezha has pulled out his ultimate trump card in the form of the Samadhi Flames! And it's done some SERIOUS damage to Arthur's shield! Also for anyone who doesn't know what the Samadhu Flame is, think fire! But HOT, HOT, HOTTER!"
Whilst Heimdall was busy commentating, Nezha who stood in the middle of the arena, rotated his left shoulder, slowly willing the fires on his left arm to die down just a little bit at the moment.
Most of the time when he did make use of the awesome power of the Samadhi Flames, it would usually be on one of his many weapons to help boost its prowess in battle. But never before had he tried to use it directly on himself, much less as a substitute for a severed limb. Regardless, he still seemed able to keep the power of the flames under control, preventing it from spreading across the entire arena uncontrollably. Though, it definitely would be in his best interest not to use it more than he had to.
Suddenly, coughing from the arena walls made everyone's head turn to the other side of the arena, just as Arthur stumbled away from the mess of cobwebs that were the cracks on the arena wall, resulting from his heavy impact against them.
"Heh, heh…" Foolish of me to assume that you would be any weaker after my previous stunt, Third Lotus Prince." Arthur complimented as he staggered back upright on his two feet.
"Who'd you think you're fighting, King of Camelot? Some rank amateur god?" Nezha responded with a grin, "Even if you cut off both my arms, you better BELIEVE that I'm still gonna give you the fight of your life!"
"Oh definitely," Arthur chuckled, holding up the Shield of Avalon to reveal the sizeable hole that was punched straight through the metal, around it were blackened char marks that still had smoke sizzling and burning off it, "That is some serious firepower you have there, pun not intended."
"Yep, definitely was a risk putting myself out there once again after you severed my left arm," Nezha replied, "But I needed the fuel for the fire that was my fighting spirit to be able to use the Samadhi Flame, fuel provided from a epic battle against a foe such as yourself, King of Camelot."
"Your words flatter me, Third Lotus Prince," Arthur said, as he raised Excalibur in a light taunt, "Now, won't you be a gentleman and so kindly show me more of what this Samadhi Flame of yours has in store?"
Nezha's smirk widened, "You asked for it.."
In a blink of the eye, Nezha was suddenly in front of Arthur, his flaming fist flung far behind his head as he prepared to unleash a devastating strike straight towards the king's face. Arthur just barely managed to move out of harm's way once again, by quickly rolling across the arena floor. And as he Lifted his head, he was just in time to see the Lotus Prince's fist slam straight through the solid marble and concrete that made up the arena's walls, the sheer force caused the entire section of the arena to quiver slightly, which in turn caused various audience members seated there to scream in fear, as the subsequent crater that was left behind from the impact was a mess of cracks and burnt rubble, blackened with soot.
"H-hey be careful with that fist of yours, Prince Nezha!" Heimdall called out nervously, "We don't want to end up hurting the audience members now, do we?"
"Sorry Heimdall!" Nezha replied as he proceeded to use his left arm as a shield to block a counterattack from Arthur, as soon as Excalibur's blade came into contact with the Samadhi Flames, loud sizzling noises could be heard once again, as the sheer heat from the fire began turning the divine metal used to craft the king's sword red-hot. Prompting Arthur to quickly disengage from their clash, as well as quickly lifting his shield to block a follow up attack from Nezha's spear.
Realizing that a close quarter fight against Nezha now, would be extremely disadvantageous for himself. Arthur frantically began racking his brains to come up with a suitable plan to counter this new threat, as he continuously dodged and ducked incoming blows from the Third Lotus Prince, but all of them just didn't seem to cut it!
Direct combat against the Third Lotus Prince was an obvious no go, although Excalibur had served him well through many a battle, constant contact with the Samadhi Flames might end badly for his faithful sword if he continued on. As for his other Divine Weapon, the Shield of Avalon may be damaged, but it would still fare well against Nezha's spear. However, one more punch from his left hand, and that could be all it takes for his shield to shatter into pieces.
Speaking of the Shield of Avalon, perhaps the Walls of Camelot might have some use? But if his intention was to avoid fighting face to face, then using the shield's ability would defeat the entire purpose! If only he could find a way to have the Walls of Camelot separate him and his opponent, rather than trapping them both in an enclosed area… Hmm… Wait a minute…
Suddenly, inspiration struck Arthur, quick as a wink he raised Excalibur, managing to directly parry another blow from Nezha's fist, a heavy, "BOOM!" reverberated across the arena, as the heavy recoil that ensued sent both fighters flying apart from one another, with Nezha landing on the right side, whilst Arthur landed on the left.
As he did, Arthur quickly got to his feet, but strangely instead of positioning himself with his shield and sword facing towards his opponent, the King of Camelot had instead chosen to go with perhaps the strangest possible option he could by having his side facing Nezha, whilst the front of his body stood facing the arena walls, much to the confusion of everyone in the audience.
"Fufu, Looks like the heatwaves from the Third Lotus Prince's fire has finally driven that foolish human mad, or perhaps he has just realized that victory is impossible," Amaterasu snickered as she and the other two Sun Gods observed the match.
"No… I don't think so, Amy," Huitzilopochtli replied as he began chewing the food in his mouth faster in anticipation, as Nezha began moving forward, once again towards Arthur, "I think that guy still has some kind of trick in store for Nezha."
As the Aztec Chief God said this, the Shield of Avalon glowed bright blue once again, as Arthur activated the Walls of Camelot, materializing the two force fields back into the arena. Except that this time, due to the direction Arthur now stood in, instead of the forcefields keeping the two fighters trapped in a small lane, they now stood perpendicular to the Third Lotus Prince. With Arthur safely behind them for the time being, while his opponent was kept out!
Nezha skidded to a halt as he saw this, his eyebrows cocked in surprise at what the king had done. Meanwhile, Arthur turned his head to face his opponent as he raised Excalibur with his left arm. With the sword not being made of flesh nor bones, it could still pass through the forcefield to strike Nezha, while the Third Lotus Prince could not!
Seeing this, Nezha could help but smirk at Arthur's quick thinking and ability to adapt, "What's the matter, King Arthur?" He said with a light taunt, "You aren't flaking out on me now, are you?"
Arthur responded with a smirk of his own through heavy pants, "Well… i'll admit this is rather underhanded, but it was the best thing I could think of to assist me now after seeing just how dangerous that Samadhi Flame of yours is!"
Nezha chuckled as he flexed his left arm, "Ah, true I guess, this stuff is pretty dangerous…" As he said this, he casually tossed his spear from his right hand to his left, "So I totally get why even a brave warrior like yourself would cower at the sight of it…But that shield isn't gonna be able to protect you for much longer."
As he said this, Nezha left hand tilted the Fire-tip spear at an extreme level, with the handle being almost perpendicular to the ground below as it rested on the back of his arm. RIght after this, The fires that made up Nezha's left hand slowly began to morph, the fingers fusing together to form a singular tip, much like a snake's tail. The positioning of his new hand also began to change, with his grip slowly moving downwards till it curled around the base of the spearhead, as his fiery hand began to grow in length till it was nearly the same as the length of his spear.
Once this was done, Nezha's entire left arm slowly began to curl around and around the handle of his spear like a snake, slowly covering the entire polearm in blue fire, till it seemed that the Fire-Tip spear itself had fused together with Nezha's arm and become one with the Third Lotus Prince.
As Arthur and the audience members watched in disbelief, Nezha slowly raised his new and improved left arm, elbow bent, and level with the ground. Slowly the flames that covered his spear began to spin and spin, getting faster and faster with each second, till the Lotus Prince's arm now resembled a flaming vortex with a sharp speartip at the center. Nezha's eyes glowed with an even more intense red, as the ground beneath his legs began to crumble whilst he crouched.
Without warning, a sonic explosion boomed across the arena, as Nezha flew forward from whence he stood. Left arm now outstretched, flames spinning faster than ever before, and with them the sharp point of the Fire-tip Spear as well, whirling around and around like a spinning drill head. Later on when interviewed, spectators of the round even swore up and down that as Nezha rushed towards the forcefield, they could perfectly visualize in front of them the gaping maw of nine roaring dragons. All made purely from the blue fires of the Samadhi flame that too formed Nezha's left arm, charging straight towards Arthur and his forcefield, jaws opened wide, whilst following the Lotus Prince's lead.
Regardless of what they saw, that moment would soon go down in the books as the day Heaven first bore witness to Nezha's ultimate technique, originally born from the childhood memories shared between the son of a military general and the heir to the Dragon King. It had now become a incredible force of pure firepower that was to be reckoned with, it was called:
Arthur's eyes widened in horror as he flung his arms upwards, crossing his shield and sword in front of his body to shield himself from the impending attack, but it was useless. The moment the tip of the spear touched the forcefield, a cobweb of cracks splintered across the entire structure, expanding faster than the eye could see before with a resounding, "CRACK!" the entire structure shattered into pieces, dissolving into nothingness as Nezha shot forth aiming directly for the King of Camelot himself.
Humanity could only scream in horror, as they watched their fighter getting engulfed entirely in the fires of the Samadhi Flame. Before seeing through the flickering flames, the outline of Nezha's spear pierced straight through Arthur's chest, as the Lotus Prince blew straight past the King of Camelot, and landed heavily on the ground behind him.
As the flames finally settled, mankind was horrified to see what remained of their fighter, standing in the middle of the battlefield, was a blackened and charred figure riddled with third degree burns, that used to be King Arthur Pendragon, with a large hole in the middle of it's chest as it stood upright. In it's hands was the hilt of the sword that used to be Excalibur, it's crystal blue blade almost completely shattered from the grievous blow, with a short jagged length still remaining. On the ground in front of the figure, was pieces of the round disc that was the Shield of Avalon, already damaged from Nezha's previous attack, and now reduced to bits and pieces on the floor.
Silence in the arena, besides the crackling of flames spread across the battlefield that had resulted from Nezha's attack. As everyone stared open-mouthed at what had become of Arthur, some of the Knights of the Round Table even began breaking down into tears, believing it to be the end of their king.
"A-arthur…M-my boy…" Merlin whimpered sorrowfully as he slumped in his chair.
"No… It's not over yet, it CAN'T BE!" Lancelot yelled hysterically as he got up from his seat and rushed over to the edge of the stand, cupping his hands around his mouth as he yelled out to the statue that was his friend, "ARTHUUUUR! DON'T YOU DARE DIE ON ALL OF US NOW! WAKE UP! WAKE UPPPPPP!"
"I-is it over?" Heimdall whimpered after a moment or two, "Did Nezha finally clinch the third victory in the row for the gods with his incredible firepower?"
"No…" Nezha breathed heavily to himself, "Not just yet…"
Right on que, answering both the desperate pleas of Lancelot, and the confidence Nezha had in his foe. Two slits on the figure's grievously burnt face suddenly burst open, revealing Arthur's eyes as his scorched d lips split apart, allowing him to let out a strangled gasp as he fell to his knees. Slowly, in a rather morbid display that made quite a few spectators pale, the King of Camelot's burnt skin began flaking off his body as new flesh, tissue and skin began to replace his old ones. From his face, a brown stubble began to sprout from his scalp, beard and upper lip as new hair follicles grew in to substitute the ones that were singed off.
In a matter of minutes, the Scabbard of Excalibur's final healing charge of the day proved once again the incredible miracles it could perform, as what was once an unrecognizable and scorched statue, now stood Arthur Pendragon as he once was, slightly dazed and disorganized. But nevertheless, in near perfect condition as before, though his clothing was all but burnt away, save for his trousers, which gave the King of Camelot some dignity.
"Y-you…You…You ABSOLUTE DICKHEAD!" Arthur burst out laughing as he finally managed to catch his breath, shocking the audience once more, "You KNEW my scabbard still had one last charge left! Why the bloody hell would you go and waste your ultimate technique on that then? That really HURT you know!"
Nezha grinned, his face riddled with fatigue from pulling off such a powerful move, "I'm gonna be 100% honest with you right now… I kinda got way too caught up in the heat of the moment, and it just completely slipped my mind…"
Arthur guffawed at the Third Lotus Prince's response, "Never change, Prince Nezha, never change… Well, what are you waiting for? Come and end the fight right now, I'm unarmed and undefended, and more importantly, I've no more tricks to play."
Nezha shook his head, as a fiery glare appeared on his face, "Nah… There's no honor in striking down a fallen foe… If I am to be truly victorious, I want it to be with the both of us standing tall and proud, after having given it our all! SO COME ONE, KING OF CAMELOT! You haven't been one to give up when our match first began! SO WHY THE HELL START NOW? I know you've still got SO MUCH MORE to give!"
Arthur smiled as he slowly got up to his feet, turning to face his opponent with a look of respect, "Then I thank you, Third Lotus Prince, Nezha. For giving me this chance to redeem myself, in a final clash against you for the sake of my people."
"T-this is SUCH AN AMAZING SCENE!" Heimdall yelled with tears in his eyes, "The miraculous power of the Scabbard of Excalibur has once again saved King Arthur from certain doom! And the incredible display of sportsmanship and respect from the Third Lotus Prince, Nezha is truly heartwarming! But one cannot deny the truth, with no more healing charges from his scabbard, and his two Divine Weapons shattered. How in all of HEAVEN can Arthur possibly make a comeback from this and achieve victory for mankind?"
The Watchman of the Apocalypse soon got his answer, as Arthur removed the Scabbard of Excalibur on the right side of his belt, and gently sheathed and covered the broken blade of his faithful sword. Before standing in his fighting stance, readying himself for battle.
"Well then Third Lotus Prince," The king said as he now held up his makeshift blade with both hands, "If this truly be the finale of our battle, then let us both make sure that we end it with everything we got, and our hearts burning strong! So READY WHEN YOU ARE! LET'S FINISH THIS!"
Nezha wore a smile of pure delight, as he leveled his flaming spear and prepared to charge, "LIKEWISE! My only regret is not meeting a worthy foe like you sooner!"
With a loud battlecry, both fights rushed towards each other with their weapons drawn, as some spectators leaned forwards in anticipation to witness what many assumed to be their final clash. Meanwhile others, mostly humans, covered their eyes, unable to bear to watch their fighter get annihilated for real this time.
As the two weapon's met, a brilliant surge of bright blue light exploded from within the Scabbard of Excalibur, engulfing the entirety of the arena and forcing everyone to shut their eyes from the sheer intensity of the light. But as the audience opened their eyes, to see what now lay in front of them, they were left speechless…
submitted by Key-Competition-7489 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:14 DryClothes2894 If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit

If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit
Alright so Ive started to get sick of seeing every single day like 5 or 6 new posts about FPS drops and overall performance losses, and a lot of comments about "The game is poorly oPtiMiZeD" and so forth. Half the folks don't even bother listing their specs, very helpful (not)
The truth is a double edged sword here.
One being that, it really isnt as bad as people think (read why later), and two, people forget all the time that this is THE Unreal Engine demo-game, that all the new features of UE are tested on before getting put out for use in other new game releases that use the engine. This game is always going to be on the bleeding edge as they rapidly advance game technology and innovate. All things considered, it really is pretty impressive it still even runs on the decade old PS4 and similar devices.
Now there are a few specific folks on here who CONSTANTLY are complaining about "game optimization" and yet they are on ancient hardware that was low end when Fortnite came out 7 years ago, one guy literally has a GTX 870 that predates this game by a good 3 years (March 2014 release date), over a decade old now. People, you know who you are, stop complaining.
Now onto the next points, addressing both why people think its worse than it is (and what created this problem) and then how to fix things for the most part on your system, aside from external variables out of my control such as crap software like antivirus RGB perhipheral software game launchers etc.
The first problem of how we got here, is mostly due to the lack of good information, and the spread of information that is just wrong. Most of this is top down in a viscous cycle as follows:
Pro playestreameetc doesnt know much about hardware, just plays the game, thats why they're good.
Said player starts to have problems with FPS etc
They then reach out to a "tweaker" on like Twitter to get their PC "optimized"
This is because player has money and can pay for services rather than learn this stuff himself.
Tweaker doesnt really know what he's doing or what impact certain settings have
Tweaker changes a bunch of stuff that he probably shouldn't, stuff that hes copying from other "tweakers"
System seems better to placebo affect, player promotes tweaker on socials, "Thanks to X for fixing my FPS!"
FPS boost YT kids scavenge and investigate thru like stream vods to see what changes were made
FPS boost YT kids then, also not knowing what these settings do, turn this into content
Content, that makes them money, regardless of whether it actually does anything meaningful
This information of supposed "fixes" then gets circulated around, via other YT kids or Reddit or etc
These "fixes" really just make things worse overall because they disable proper functionality of the OS
Now you have lots of players all doing the same "fixes" by their favorite FPS boosters
They all do these tweaks because they trust the person with a microphone
And now you have a bunch of people running settings and tweaks that are overall detrimental to performance
And then everyone, including the FPS YT kids (who dont know anything) all say "The game is poorly optimized"
This goes for people even like Jerian, Codelife, Marrentm, Lestripez (his site is straight up malware, avoid) etc
You know these guys dont know anything when they say that free space on your disk equates to more FPS, which is why they always tell you to delete temp files and stuff, it doesnt matter unless the disk is full.
If you watch these guys streams too, you can see their FPS is usually all over the place, because their "fixes" dont actually do anything beneficial.
I see a lot of times too where someone gets their PC "optimized" and then weeks later is getting BSODs, because the tweakers messed with a lot of stuff that they didn't know how it works, but saw from someone else, such as changing lots of registry values, dangerously unstable overclocks, and so forth.
I can stand behind my work because I have a youtube channel for gameplay, and my FPS is at a LOCKED 240 the entire time in 1440p DX12 on high settings, its linked in my reddit profile if you care to see for yourself any of my recent videos.
The "oPtiMiZaShUn" of Fortnite is relatively fine, and Epic certainly can't fix a problem they didn't create, a problem that has been created by these FPS boosters.
ANYWAYS now that we have the backstory for the major half of the problem, lets tackle the other side in regards to the hardware itself, assuming the configuration of the game is fine, Ill address configuration next.
Now I have spent quite a long amount of time the past few years deep diving into what really makes this game run well and what holds it back in regards to performance, and when it comes down to just raw hardware, assuming the configuration is fine and not full of snake oil, the game, like other Unreal Engine titles and multiplayer games in general, is very memory bottleknecked. That is the throughput and bandwidth of your RAM affects the games overall performance significantly.
This is why you can get low CPU and GPU utilization, and the game still runs poorly, aside from the utilization metrics being very skewed with how modern hardware works, its not perfect measurement, but still illustrates a point for the most part, but essentially your ram bandwidth is saturated or the ram latency is high and holding reduntant tasks up because it takes longer than it needs.
The reason for this is that in a BR type multiplayer game, you not only have a large open world map with a diverse destructible enviroment, but then you throw 100 players on to it that all are doing lots of things, making changes to said enviroment thru activities, construction, destruction, combat, etc.
All this information about what these players are doing (at least the ones in your render distance) has to get stored and read in and out of system memory as stuff happens in real time, this is why FPS tends to be low in stacked endgames with lots of players in a concentrated area, its saturating your memory bandwidth trying to keep up with all the constantly updating information about all the players and what theyre doing.
This is why AMDs line of X3D CPUs are super strong in games like this, because the cache is essentially turbocharged RAM running at almost a terabyte a second. having fast access cache for redundant tasks can speed the process of all this constant transfer up significantly.
Its also the kryptonite for why older Intel CPUs like 8th 9th 10th Gen etc, all really struggle these days, because they have significantly less cache than their AMD counterparts from the same time periods.
And its also the principle of how a certain special device that is now becoming more known technically works, its called Direct Memory Access because its reading the location and info of the players from your RAM and sending that to another device whether PC, Rasberry Pi, etc.
Ill have more information at the bottom for more specific stuff in regards to RAM, but the cliff notes is that enabling XMP is important, but it does leave a good bit on the table, and too many generic kits, especially DDR5, are really bad on the settings they come with out of the box. This is why people think the game runs bad on high end PCs, that come with generic DDR5 kits that have atrocious timings.
Again, more info on this aspect of things at the bottom.
BUUUUT leaving all that aside for now, lets get into what you can do right now that should fix a lot of your FPS problems, no overclocking or any BS snake oil tweaks, just proper configuration thats surprisingly close to stock, you'll be surprised at the amount of settings that don't actually matter.
Ive spent over a year now doing consulting with numerous people thru either Reddit DMs or Discord, helping many peoples game go from zero to hero, some rags to riches stories for sure. (most of it is undoing snake oil from FPS booster kids) and thru that I have developed a shotgun approach that generally is the gist of what needs to be done, and its had a pretty solid success rate.
DISCLAIMER, I am not telling you to do things that I wouldn't or have not already done countless times on all of my many test machines, but you still do this at your own risk and so obviously be precautious, but rest assured I know what all this stuff does.
So obviously starting off things, you probably wanna do some basic housekeeping
Get rid of any garbage software you dont use and stuff that just runs in the background, like
RGB software, ASUS Aura Sync/Armory Crate are HOGS
Extra Anti-Virus software aside from Defender (Especially Norton and MCaffe
(You dont need it, just get a adblocker and dont go to sketchy sites, the antivirus companies sell the viruses to malware companies, and then sell you a solution to the problem they create, classic marketing, dont buy into it)
Double movement software *can* also be a hog in some cases, use ingame diagonals if possible
Controller interfacing/overclocking software can be a massive offender of bogging things down
High polling rate mouses and keyboards like 8000Khz, 4000Khz, eat up CPU cycles, just use 1000.
Also undo any existing exotic FPS booster tweaks, if youve made a lot of changes over the past years it may be a good idea to install fresh windows from USB, I reccomend Windows 11 22H2, its generally performed the best on all my numerous systems, you can get an ISO from the internet archive, but do whatever you want for OS.
Its also beneficial to turn off Virtualization/SVM in the BIOS, with it on windows sandboxes the OS and it does create a mesuarable hit to performance.
Next thing is basic windows changes, starting with HAGS. Most GPUs support it so if you have it it is beneficial to turn this on. Search "Graphics settings" in the settings search and click the first result. Then once in there hit the link for Change Default Graphics Settings. Once there enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.
The second option is also beneficial for if you want to run a stretched resolution that requires you to be in Windowed Fullscreen mode, as this uses Flip to give you the same input delay as if you were on Fullscreen.
This leads into the next thing, which is DONT have the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" box checked for your Fortnite EXE file, this disables Flip functionality for Fullscreen on modern games especially DX12 that dont use old Exclusive fullscreen, so you get more input delay as the game runs in bad window fullscreen, and your alt tabbing takes longer too, Flip offers much lower latency than old exclusive fullscreen with faster alt tab support.
Like if you read it, it litterally says your disabling optimizations, dont listen to boneheads on youtube who think this does anything, your just giving yourself more input delay.
Now into graphics drivers, its always a good idea to run DDU or Display Driver Uninstalller from time to time, to clean everything out with the shader caches and reset settings. There also is the fact that a lot of the newer drivers from Nvidia are a dumpster fire right now, its never a good idea to constantly update them. Now AMD can be the same way too, but in most of my consults Ive not experienced any problems just running DDU and installing the latest once supported by the card. You can always run DDU again and install a different driver and find one that works best for you.
On Nvidia I tend to prefer 537.58 or 551.86, the former is a bit older than some of the 4060 and Super variants of the 40 series so you may need a slightly newer one but 4070 and older are just fine with this.
For downloading specific versions just google it, make sure you get the right one for either desktop or notebook variants depending on what your on.
I get the best lows on 537.58 but 551.86 has slightly better average FPS and feels a bit snappier at times, but of course you can DDU and try as many as you like till you find one you like.
The DDU tool itself is pretty self explanatory, select on the right GPU and then the appropriate option for your GPU whether it be Nvidia or AMD (or Intel for ARC and iGPU users), and then hit clean and restart. Once back on the desktop install fresh drivers.
From there on the Nvidia side of things, the only settings in here that really matter (aside from setting your monitor refresh rate of course) is setting your Shader Cache size to Unlimited, and setting PhysX to your graphics card instead of having on auto select. On auto this can sometimes run physics on the CPU and give you nintendo switch framerates when builds are breaking and etc.
All that other crap doesnt make much of a difference if at all, lets move on to your Epic launcher.
Now in your library go to your Fortnite install options. The big thing is dont have High Res textures installed, doesnt look any different, and have the DX12 Shaders and Cosmetic Streaming disabled, it sometimes is called Predownloaded Assets or something.
Fun fact about the Pre-download Assets option, I am partially the reason it exists, as back during the May 4th update for Chapter 4 Season 2 last year, they removed the old settings and fuctionality for texture streaming, forcing the game to constantly hog internet bandwidth downloading textures on the fly as players were in your render distance, creating constant packet loss if you werent on 10 Gig Fiber.
Through a handfull of reddit posts, a video detailing the behaivour, and emails, I was able to get thru to the developers and ask them for this option to download everything ahead of time, because SSD storage is cheap whereas fast internet isnt even available in a lot of places.
Everyone has theyre own mark on this game, mine is a setting that everyone uses because its so beneficial.
ANYWAAYYS so now we got that done, lets go to the manage page.
In here you really only want the -NOTEXTURESTREAMING command, this is different from the assets one as this affects game textures like map roads grass buildings etc, not the player skins like the other one does. Having this in there essentially cuts down on CPU and memory traffic by loading everything into your RAM ahead of time rather than constantly move it around, this helps with pop in and hitching.
The other ones litterally dont affect shipping releases of the game, only content cooking on dev builds.
Alright so now assuming youve done everything correctly, lets get into building a shader cache for your game. A lot of this has been moved to be done during loading screens, so if your loading in on DX12 with fresh drivers, your CPU is gonna be working hard.
If your not on DX12, just switch it and restart, most GPUs these days run DX12 anyways, DX11 is not worth using at all, and Performance mode is held back by crappy DX11, but if you must use it just change your settings on DX12/11 pages and then load performance mode back up.
For this though were assuming your using DX12 cause it really is just built better, especially for Radeon cards, so let get into shader caching.
Now a big thing here is turn off Nvidia Reflex, because its only beneficial if you are completely GPU bound, which is impossible if you run low settings and or cap your frames. It manages your frame buffer by slowing the CPU to prevent the GPU from getting behind, but if your not GPU bound your game will just feel like crap. You also will get much more consistent input delay with it off, and stuff like shotgun not shooting twitchy framerate generally goes away as well.
Just cap your FPS right below whatever you average around, even a 3060 with DLSS balanced can run 144 on High DX12 1440p, which leads into the next thing, being that higher settings help with better caching. Obviously after a few rounds once the stutter from caching is done you can put it on low, but run something like this to start. Cap FPS, fullscreen, DX12.
This runs even like 70 FPS at native 1080p on a 1660. Just drive around for a few games visiting all the biomes and POIs till it evens itself out, then switch back to low or whatever you want for settings once its cached.
If you want DX12 to look like performance mode, put render distance on Low, that runs a locked 160 on a 2060 laptop GPU with a 9th gen i7.
The big thing is setting your cap below what your averaging for frames because consistent frames are better than high frames, and youll get less delay if you arent GPU bound. You may need to play with it to find what works best for you.
Assuming im not forgetting anything this should be close to about it for what you gotta do, lmk how this goes for you, if its still running bad you can always try different nvidia drivers and a windows reinstall if you feel ambituos.
Otherwise yea this should get you a fair bit of improvement, now onto extra stuff.
Now in regards to RAM overclocking, I spent months heavily studying memory tuning and overclocking because of the difference it really makes having good ram with all the timings tightened down, theres a reason on my main system I run DDR5-8000 with all the timings and subtimings tightened way down, its not for everyone but for a hardware enthusiast like me I like that last extra bit, and it results in great dividends on the 1% lows.
This of course has spent a lot of time on rigorous stress testing to ensure its absolute stability, dont OC memory if you dont know how to stabilize it, it will slowly corrupt your OS and will make your game run like crap as modern ram has a lot of error correction built in that comes at a performance hit.
My lowly 5800X has no problem maxing out a 3080Ti at a steady 300 FPS on DX12 thanks to its tuned Samsung B Die ram, putting good ram on my 5900X nearly doubled my FPS over the garbage that was on there.
If you want to dive into the world of learning how to identify what ram you have and overclock it properly, theres github guides and plenty of existing resources on the overclocking subreddit, as well as youtube content by guys like Actually Hardcore Overclocking AKA Buildzoid, I learned so much from watching his videos of reacting and critiquing other peoples ram timings, and then diving into his own ram overclocking content.
He even has a great guide for DDR5 on Ryzen 7000 with Hynix memory (almost any 6000 CL30 2x16 kit) that offers some timings that should work for most kits just fine and offer much improvement over stock, just ignore the part about 2033 FCLK as that was simply a bug with AGESA that made the ram run at 6100MT/s which is why it WAS faster, just run 2000 FCLK for DDR5 6000.
It is a valuable skill to learn how to tune ram as it can breathe new life into a underperforming system, but you cant teach a bird how to fly as it is an acquired skill, so if you want to really make this game fly, you should learn how to tune your ram.
submitted by DryClothes2894 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:12 kkjsanders93 Short Animesque tale

Writing Prompt: "For the last time I am a SIREN! Mermaids are women!"
Story: A man meticulously unwinds the bandages from a fragile pigeon. It coos softly in his palm as he tenderly strokes its neck. In this long-awaited moment, he theatrically raises his hand to the sky, releasing the bird, only to be jolted by a sharp crack piercing the air. He watches as feathers drift down, one by one, before recoiling at the bird's abrupt, lifeless fall.
“Ey, I’m weary of fish every night,” the scruffy sailor mutters, lowering his gun and adjusting his tricorne hat. He yaks the dead pigeon by the neck. "Oy, was that your friend, Orson?" Orson drops to his knees, eyes brimming with tears, enraged. "Gentlemen, Orson here has spent the last week nursing our dinner back to health and now has graciously agreed to gut and cook it for us. What a nice guy ey?" He tosses the bird at Orson as the crew gathers mocking him.
Orson complies, a shameful whisper escaping his lips, "Aye aye, captain."
The night grew old as the moon full. “You know, a full belly really puts me in the mood,” a sailor grunted, ambling toward the net full of fish, his hand rubbing his crotch. Inside the net was an unclothed woman with long brown hair, lifting her head from the pile of fish, clambering over the squirming creatures. She clutches the net with terror in her eyes. “The captain swore on his mother that the bitch grew legs when he caught her. I wonder if a mermaid’s booty tastes as fishy as me wife’s,” the sailor jeered, undoing his pants. The rest of the crew follows, their hips thrusting forward toward the girl.
Orson stood before the group of men, raising his hands in protest. “Step aside Orson! You keep forgetting—the nice guys finish last. So that means you can have your turn with her after we’ve all had a go.”
The captain steps between Orson and the crew declaring, “The sweet nectar that drips from the mermaid’s thighs is reserved for the king only!” The crew groans, pulling up their pants and cleared out.
Orson turned to give the captive woman a reassuring nod but was instantly ensnared by the vastness of her eyes. He stood in a complete trance, seemingly responding to nothing. “How are you talking without making noise?” he asks her, captivated not by her beauty, but by the slightest tilt of her head. “You are somehow conveying thought without words. I didn’t know mermaids were able to do that.” All her movements were profound and deliberate, even a mere blink was purposeful. After a moment of staring, he repeats what she conveyed back to her, “So you can’t talk or transform unless there’s water? A siren you say?” Tears began to swell in her eyes, followed by another familiar look of terror. Orson mirrored her expression in their nonverbal conversation before sprinting back to the captain’s quarters.
“Siren? Those are myths, and they fly, not swim. Do not let the mermaid fool you!” the captain bellowed, swigging from the pungent brown liquid in his glass. “Of course, captain, but I do believe her warning is genuine if we don’t let her go,” Orson reasoned. The captain hurled his glass across the room. “The king’s brother married a red headed mermaid. I know how competitive the royal family is. If I can make the same happen for our king, he’d reward me until the day I die. Don’t mess this up for—”
Orson and the captain pause. It is faint, but a low, graceful harmony gently brushes through the ship's halls. Orson lowers his gaze, shaking his head in grim realization as the captain rushes to his arsenal. Orson clenches the barrel of the captain’s loaded rifle, forcing it downward. The captain retaliates with a blunt strike to Orson’s head. He immediately crumbles to the ground. The soothing tune that crescendoed deepened his weary state. As his vision fades, he deciphers the captain’s silent words: “We have a squeeze for the king, so we’ll just help ourselves to her mermaid friends.”
Orson awoke, finding himself lying on his side in a cell, face to face with a woman who met his gaze. He held his throbbing head, sitting himself up. "It's nice to see you outside of the net," he remarked softly. The woman remained silent, her eyes speaking volumes. Orson studied her every movement, interpreting each twitch and gesture as if they were words themselves. "Thank you, but nice is the last thing I should've been. If I had resisted a bit more than I had, perhaps you could've been free," he mused regretfully. She communicated her disagreement with a gentle shake of her head, cracking a slight smile tenderly stroking her hair as a response.
Confused, Orson echoed her unspoken question. "I don’t know. Tell me, why do you think he was right about the nice guys finishing last thing?" The woman traces her finger around Orson’s lips and down his chin, a sensual gesture that made him swallow nervously as he listened to her response in his mind. "A very insightful mermaid, aren’t ya—?" Orson pauses as if interrupted, “Sorry, yes, I forgot. You’re a sirin and mermaids are women, I won’t forget it again,” he replied, feeling a palpable attraction between them.
Orson glanced at the terrified sailor standing guard outside the cell. Before he could inquire about the commotion on the deck of the ship, a haunting melody ominously reverberated throughout the vessel again. Orson and the siren exchanged uneasy glances. The sailor pivoted to unbar the cell door, "The captain's likely done for. Take care of her," he commanded, gesturing toward the woman with his rifle, "and join me in dealing with the rest of these wretched creatures." The sailor left.
As Orson and the woman crept up the stairs to the deck, she tore off a pieces of his shirt stuffing it into his ears. He obeyed without question. On deck, hidden in a shadowy corner behind barrels was the captain cowering, hands clamped over his ears. Through the thick fog smothering the ship, Orson saw men shuffling like the undead. The dark hymn persisted, driving each sailor to the edge where they plunged themselves into the mercy waters.
Orson, gripped by terror, stared toward the source of the haunting melody. In the distance, shrouded in mist, a woman lounged on a rock with one foot seductively pointed toward him. The arch of her back and the way she caressed her neck and collarbone drew him in, until a piercing note from the siren beside him shattered his focus. The powerful voices of the two cut through the darkness as they battle for Orson’s control.
Then, an echoing gunshot silenced everything. In the ensuing silence, Orson watches in horror as the distant woman falls off the rock and collapses into the water. The smoke trail was traced back to the captain’s rifle. Orson and the girl raised their arms in surrender. “I warned you, the mermaid is the king’s property!” The captain growled, aiming his gun at them. He then snatched a coil of rope from his belt and hurled it over. “Mr. Nice Guy, would you be so kind? Tie up your mermaid girlfriend as well,” the captain demanded with venomous sarcasm.
His smug stance faltered as the deafening sound of splintering wood tore into the side of the ship. Startled, he fumbled to reload his gun while Orson and the siren stood frozen, awaiting the horror that was climbing aboard. A woman, draped in ragged clothing fashioned from sea debris, leapt onto the deck with feral grace. She turns to the siren, “How dare you sing against your own kind for this simpleton!
The captain’s interference only ignited her fury further. “—I’ll be damned. Mermaids really can transform into people!”
She turned on the captain with blazing eyes. “For the last time, I am a SIREN! Mermaids are women!”
As swiftly as she came onboard, she was violently thrown off. A single bullet between the eyes from the captain was all it took for the woman to erupt in agony. Orson and the siren could only watch as the sea woman thrashed, her screams piercing the night. Foam bubbled from her mouth, and her legs twisted back into a jagged fishtail before the captain tossed her lifeless body back into the dark, churning water.
"Now, where were we?" he sneered, gesturing to the rope at their feet.
The sirens swimming amidst the ship were forced to stand down by their leader. Not because they lacked the power to kill the captain in an instant, but because of the gun he had shoved in the face of one of their own still onboard. Orson and the woman, eyes wide with terror, helplessly tied themselves up under the menacing gaze of the gun.
They sat in fear for their lives all night until they reached the city, bathed in the golden hues of the early morning sunshine. The beating sun didn’t bring solace to Orson; it more of a cruel prelude to the hell that awaited him.
Orson was condemned to death for defending the siren, deemed an act of treason for meddling with the king’s property. The girl, deemed "blessed" was forced into marriage with the king. The wedding and beheading were set to occur at the same ceremony. Both saw the day as the ultimate mockery of life; an forced arranged marriage and an unjust death intertwined into an agonizing spectacle.
Orson stained the once-beautiful paved brick path with a long streak of blood as he was dragged to the altar. He endured relentless beatings and vile insults from the townspeople as they spat and heckled. Not too far behind, escorted by the king’s knight, was the siren adorned in nothing but sheer fabric. The crowd erupted in applause and lewd whistles at her alluring figure visible through the transparent gown. Despite facing imminent death with his head resting on the guillotine, the overwhelming sense of shame and helplessness Orson felt for her tore at his heart.
It was only when he noticed discreet glances between the siren and some of the townswomen did the knots in his stomach begin to loosen. “Who knew mermaids had a mountain of a backside? She’ll be my favorite plaything yet, ey?” chuckled the king. Orson glares at the king towering beside him with a soft smirks. “She’s a siren. Mermaids are women you incompetent twat.” he hisses. The king didn't catch his precise words but responded with a snarl for speaking out of turn.
On cue, the king’s choir commenced the ceremony, sparing Orson another blow across the face. Listening intently, he noticed the peculiar nature of the song. It was angelic yet aggressive. The heavenly voices wavered, infused with a fierce yet mesmerizing melody. Several women in the crowd chimed in. Sensing the shift, the siren that stood before the king as his bride swiftly turned to Orson, stuffing cotton into his ears. The king’s hand clasps around the siren’s neck, his grasp tight. “You deceitful mermaids think you can outsmart me. I see through your tricks!” He points to the cotton in his ears.
Meeting the king’s gaze head-on, the siren communicates a silent message that echoed loud and clear in the minds of all those nearby.
“For the last time, I am a SIREN! Mermaids are women!”
With a single motion, she swipes a small blade concealed beneath her bosom and slashes the king’s throat. The gruesome sight of the king gurgling for air as blood spilled from his lips drove the women in the audience to flee in terror. Meanwhile the men, ensnared by the choir’s song, descended into a frenzy of gruesome acts.
With empty eyes, there were men that stumbled into the ocean’s embrace, drowning themselves. Others doused themselves in oil, igniting their bodies in flames. Some resorted to using butter knives to carve open their throats while others used forks to tear out their own eyes. The women of the choir, along with the remaining few standing amidst the sea of overturned chairs, all proceeded towards the nearby ocean. The newly freed Orson marveled at the transformation of the sirens, witnessing their smooth human legs morphing into stunning colorful fishtails.
Just as she was on the verge of swimming away, the siren pauses to lock eyes with Orson as her companions disappear into the depths of the water. Orson listens in wonder to the siren's voice for the first time.
"Do you remember what I told you?" she asks. "I am a SIREN! Mermaids are women!" Orson jokes. They both laugh. Rising from the water, she traces her finger along his chin. "No, I’m talking about the what I said that you called insightful." Orson gazes at the scattered corpses on land and the bodies floating in the ocean.
He blushes before replying, "Nice guys finish last because they last the longest."
submitted by kkjsanders93 to TheDarkGathering [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:38 HyRisKxFistPump Fast

I’m very happy with how fast everything has moved for me. Just got my temp jurisdiction today so we’ll see soon. This is my initial claim and FDC. I’m very grateful so far, compared to seeing how long a lot of people have to wait to get to this point.
submitted by HyRisKxFistPump to VeteransWaitingRoom [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:19 limerite Summary of the last few side story chapters

i write summaries of the side story for tumblr but i'd love to see more redditors interested in the side story so i'm reposting them here with edits for readability :) please check out this for information on where to read the side story!
LHH had used ORV to check on his companions a few chapters ago, but kimcom's constant thinking of KDJ had forced him over to view them as well. Last chapter had yjh reminiscing about a memory from during his time in space:
While he's resting in another world, Biyoo tells him to imagine a life without the scenarios, which he can't do well. After some conversation (Biyoo: "maybe in another life you wouldn't be unemployed. i feel sorry for captain.") He hears a boy's voice in the distance and immediately gets up and runs to grab his shoulder. As he reaches the boy, a gruff boy grabs his arm, while a small girl moves to protect the boy. He apologizes and lets go.
Watching the three walk off, he starts to think. That boy who sounds like Kim Dokja, the gruff boy with a strikingly similar aura to himself, and the small girl with a mole on her cheek... he knows they couldn't really be who he's thinking of. Even so, somewhere out there, a story like that might just exist.
+ my translation of the above scene:
The voices of young children were heard from the bottom of the streamlet. One girl shouted "Let's go to the PC bang!", and another boy frowned. And a pale, slender boy headlocked the frowning boy.
"Ah! Let's go!"
The moment Yoo Joonghyuk heard the boy's voice, he suddenly rose from his seat.
Yoo Joonghyuk began to descend the hillside. His slow-moving legs gradually began to quicken. Yoo Joonghyuk ran to the boy and grasped the boy's shoulder, forgetting his lack of breath.
The boy looked back at him with a frown.
"Who are you?"
"What is it, ahjussi?"
A blunt-looking boy grabbed Yoo Joonghyuk's arm, and a small girl who stood in front of the boy as if to protect him scowled at Yoo Joonghyuk.
Yoo Joonghyuk quickly let go.
"I'm sorry. I was mistaken."
The children went back on their way, grumbling weakly.
Looking at their backs, unfamiliar yet somehow familiar, Yoo Joonghyuk suddenly started to imagine like that.
「Maybe that boy.」
Isn't it that, similarly to Biyoo, that boy is a reborn Kim Dokja, finally forgetting all the tregedies after reincarnating?
Yoo Joonghyuk eyed the boy and the girl next to him. A blunt-looking boy with an oddly similar atmosphere to him, and a girl with a beauty mark like Han Sooyoung.
Of course, the kids were not Yoo Joonghyuk and Han Sooyoung. Even though he knew that, Yoo Joonghyuk kept experiencing strange feelings.
What if, somewhere in the universe, there really was such a story?
The voice of the lowly smiling Biyoo reached his ears.
[See. I told you, even Captain has a story that he imagines.]
After this, he senses LHH watching him, which scares the shit out of LHH and he switches to someone else.
Now, he finds himself possessing the kkoma KDJ that kimcom has been taking care of. He can see Cha Yerin and Ji Eunyu struggling in the carriage while he's passed out, but as he tries to deactivate ORV, there's an error... he watches them for a while, listening to their thoughts.. and while watching them, he loses confidence in his plan to change the 41st round. What happens to kimcom after the 41st round is changed?
Yoo Joonghyuk walks in then, shouting Kim Dokja's name. YSA tries to ask what's going on, and YJH just keeps repeating that Kim Dokja was here. And then he sees the kkoma KDJ. He immediately sprints over with [Red Phoenix Shunpo] and grabs him. lhh is frantically trying to release orv while yjh glares at him. kimcom tries to explain that it's not really kdj, and points at the screen showing LHH.
But then they notice that he's passed out. And knowing the skill that KDJ uses when he passes out... kimcom gather around LHH. a silence sweeps over the group. and they all come to a conclusion.
"Let's lock him up."
LHH panics.
"Should we buy a cage for now?""Does the 'Dokkaebi Bag' have that?""Why don't you ask Bihyung?""What about a leash too?""What kind of dog is ahjussi?"
ORV is still erroring out. He can't cancel his skill. Yoo Joonghyuk is STILL holding him, and staring at him with a strange gaze. He starts to think he'll really be locked up.
YSA finally decides to calm everything down and tells the group to stop playing jokes.
LSH, walking in with an animal cage: We were joking?
He's asked a question, but in his current form he can't talk. A system is set: He'll blink once for 'yes', and twice for 'no'. Each person will ask one question, and Lee Gilyoung goes first.
"Dokja hyung... it's you, right?"
The most important question to them. Is he Kim Dokja?
He blinks. Three times.
It's true, and not true. He is Kim Dokja, but he is also not Kim Dokja. Each member of kimcom accepts that response in their own way. LSH then warns that LHH's condition is off. ORV's condition is unstable. It's only natural that it would be, as crossing worldlines is normally impossible. Yoosung pleads for him to stay. She knows he has a place to go back to, that he has people who need him. But them, too... She chokes up and can't continue. But as he's acting as the Demon King of Salvation right now, his incarnation's voice was clear.
「We need ahjussi too.」
By Lee Seolhwa's estimate, LHH has around 5 minutes left. Everyone steps back, letting Shin Yoosung ask the last question. She asks why he came here. it's a question he can't answer. YSA hugs Shin Yoosung and rephrases the question.
"Did you miss us?"
Shin Yoosung looks up then. Maybe this was the question she really wanted to ask. Lee Hakhyun decides to think as Kim Dokja.
He looks at . Shin Yoosung, Lee Gilyoung, Yoo Sangah, Lee Jihye, Yoo Joonghyuk... and even Han Sooyoung, who wasn't there. He wanted to remember their faces. Like taking a picture, he slowly blinks once.
Tears well up in Shin Yoosung's eyes, and the rest of the group have similar reactions. Yoo Joonghyuk is still looking at him with that same strange gaze. YSA moves close to him, and whispers something that only he could hear.
"We know. Dokja-ssi isn't the 'Kim Dokja' we remember."
"Even so, we still think Dokja-ssi is Dokja-ssi. No one can deny that."
Yoo Sangah then moves back, and speaks again in a voice everyone can hear.
She says that he can stay here, if he wants. They can provide the probability for it. And they can help the 41st round. The rest of them start to speak up, and as they talk, the story of begins to speak.
Lee Hakhyun can see the space between the lines. The side of that was never shown. Several from kimcom were not here. And yet they didn't blame him. They were saying it was fine for him to stay on top of the lines they had created. Is his own story really that important? Maybe Han Sooyoung was right when she said he wasn't qualified to write the 41st round. It already has an ending, and it can't be changed. He could spend the rest of his life here, for Kim Dokja's Company's sake, who would be comforted just by him being here—
On the screen, he hears the voice of the 41st Yoo Joonghyuk.
Even as Lee Hakhyun is here, the 41st round's Yoo Joonghyuk continues to forward forward. Toward the end of a story that would end in failure.
Seeing him, he finally understood why Kim Dokja had not stayed in the 1863rd round.
Shin Yoosung desperately asks if he would stay. bBut all he sees is darkness, as she has covered his eyes. She tells him not to answer.
In the darkness, He hears yoo joonghyuk's voice.
"Listen, Kim Dokja.""Regardless of the story you want, we will continue to create the ending we want. And you cannot stop us."
With a spark, ORV starts to release. LGY helps the crying SYS as YSA thanks him for coming. Seeing kimcom, he's convinced yet again.
Kim Dokja would have wanted to come back to them no matter what.
So why didn't he? What forced him to leave the people he loved most?
As his conscious fades, he hears a voice.
【Do you really want to know?】
He could instinctively feel it. He knows the owner of that voice.
【Even if that truth could ruin you forever?】
submitted by limerite to OmniscientReader [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:08 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.14

By the time we made it to Doc Roberts, my battery was sitting at 230/1560 and I was feeling like flattened shit.
Doc Roberts was an older gentleman, with wisps of white hair ringing his mostly bald head like a halo and a turkey neck held in place by a shoestring tie. His office was in his house and featured various anatomical posters on the walls along with a selection of instruments that could be mistaken for medieval torture devices. The posters showcased the innards of Humans, Elves, Dwarves, and other races with little notes indicating the various different organs. It was fascinating to see the differences between the races, the way they were all similar, but contained fundamental differences. Dwarves have two livers and two spleens, by the way.
“You got a hell of a constitution, boy,” Doc said, handing me a vial of cherry-scented liquid that burned like bad whiskey going down. While my wound had healed and I wasn’t bleeding anymore physically, my guts still hurt something fierce. A few seconds after draining the vial my battery stopped bleeding points, leaving me with 180/1440. “Pretty sure you got shot in the liver, which is a death sentence for most. You shoulda died ten minutes ago by my reckoning.”
Silas cocked an eyebrow at me, but said nothing.
“What I owe you Doc?” I said, mentally grabbing my wallet in a death grip. Medical was never cheap, even in a fantasy world.
“Thirty silver for the elixir, 5 for me,”
“Can I buy one of those elixirs from you?” I asked.
“Certainly,” he said, reaching into a cabinet for a vial of the vile substance.
“Neat trick, that” he said when I pulled the coins from my inventory. “The towers don’t reach this far out. Silvertown is in a dead zone. Town’s been petitioning them wizards to build one for years now, but with the mine drying up, they don’t want to invest.”
“Definitely a trick to it,” I said, rising from the table and doing a buck-naked quick change back into my Bounty Hunter outfit, which had been cleaned and pressed while in my inventory. “Thanks for everything, I’m feeling a lot better now.” Which was true. My guts had settled and felt bruised instead of like they were filled with liquid fire.
“What prompted you to go after those other two?” Silas asked as we walked back to the inn. Night was rapidly approaching, shadows deepening as the last of the sunlight faded behind the mountains.
“Opportunity presented itself and I took advantage,” I said. “You think there are more around?”
“I have no doubt,” Silas said. “Sleep with one eye open tonight.”
I nodded, wondering how I was going to manage that. I was exhausted, bone tired, and wanted nothing more than to sink into a comfortable bed and sleep like the dead.
I could barely keep my eyes open through dinner, which was a thick steak and some sort of asparagus-like vegetable. Silas insisted that I eat the heavy meal because I needed to replace the blood I’d lost. All I know is that it was the best damn steak I’d eaten in a long time and I was surprised when the last piece had vanished off my plate.
Upstairs, I snuffed out the magic rock-light on the wall and lay on the bed for a few minutes fighting sleep before rising and rolling the blankets into the semblance of a human figure and propping myself up in the corner of the room. I figured I would have a good shot at anyone that came through the door. After ten minutes of misery I finally had a grand idea.
Opening the window, I stepped onto the balcony and eased my way to the corner of the building and then shimmied down the post to the ground. A minute later I was in the stable with Horse and getting comfortable for the night.
“Wake me if anything interesting happens,” I said, rolling up in my blanket and dropping straight to sleep.
[Enter Dreamland? Y/N]
Hells no.
Horsey thoughts nudged me from my sleep, filling my mind with the image/scent of a dozen other horses that had arrived nearby. My inner clock read 4:18am and my battery was up to 710/1440. I was only feeling half dead instead of 95% dead.
I swapped the unprimed bullets in my pistol with primed Lightning, taking heed of my talk with Silas earlier yesterday. I was shooting to kill, because sure as anything these men intended to shoot me dead.
I left the stable door open and mentally instructed Horse to be ready for action. He sent an image of me stepping in a Horsey-pie.
A waning moon greeted me as I eased out of the stable, activating [Stealth] as I approached the front of the building. Shadows draped around my shoulders like a cloak while some innate sense pushed me towards the thickest patches of darkness. My boots were nearly silent on the ground, each foot placed in time with the nervous shifting of the horses only a few dozen yards away now. Snatches of conversation reached my ears.
“…bastards roughed up John and Saul pretty good…”
“…we’ll take the kid, ya’ll get the old man…”
I counted ten horses, six with riders. The front door of the inn opened with a loud click, prompting me to begin a countdown. It should take them about 20 seconds to reach the second floor.
When my mental sandglass ran out, I signalled Horse. He burst from the stables in a gallop, passing by the outlaws with a loud neigh that shattered the stillness of the night. Hands went to their guns as their heads jerked around, their eyes following the riderless horse as it ran hellbent for leather.
Lightning erupted from my gun, followed by an explosive thunderclap, utterly ruining my night vision. And theirs.
One down, five to go.
They fought to control their horses while I fired off another round, lightning arcing through the air to impact another target as I shifted position. Moments later a hail of metal bullets and kinetic bolts impacted the spot I had just vacated. Just three to go now.
All hell broke loose upstairs, the sound of gunfire and shattering glass impacting my ringing ears. I sent instructions to Horse and quickly fired off the remaining four rounds in my gun, ejecting the brass as I darted to a new patch of shadows. One of the horses screamed in agony as it went down, trapping the rider under it.
Horse came barrelling up the road and shoulder checked one of his brethren, causing it to toss its rider. [Aimed Shot] slowed time for two seconds while I focused on the remaining man and sent a stone bullet into his chest.
Scurrying from the shadows I plugged the two downed men with a Kinetic Bolt to the chest, shattering their ribs. The front door of the inn burst open and I spun like a ballet dancer, releasing a Kinetic Bolt into the face of another bandit as he set foot on the threshold. His head jerked, neck bent at a lethal angle as he was tossed into the man behind him. I heard three shots ring out in succession, then quiet settled on the street.
“You out there Vinnie?” Silas called out from inside.
“Yup. I made a bit of a mess.” I called back.
Silas stepped out the door, gun drawn, his eyes scanning the surroundings before reloading faster than I could blink and holstering the pistol.
I sent happy vibes to Horse for a job well done. He ignored me and walked back to the stables, sending an image of molasses and oats before he gripped the door with his teeth and pulled it closed.
“Interesting animal you have there,” Silas said, watching horse close the door.
“You have no idea,” I replied.
I triggered [Disassembly] on the last bandit, watching as he dissolved in a cloud of multicoloured motes leaving behind Valuables. This time there were two gold teeth included in the process. I reached down and plucked the mana stone from the ground then handed it to Silas. Gathering up the pile of coins, I added them to my inventory. It had been a profitable night, with each of the bandits I dropped providing 200 credits and a total of 58 silver along with a handful of copper and brass.
John and Saul were among the dead, startling me with their presence. I gave the Sheriff some serious stink eye over that and he actually managed to look ashamed for a moment.
Silas had a Materials wand that he used to disassemble his kills while I used [Disassembly], giving a vague explanation that I had purchased the skill from a Tower. Truth was I didn’t want to risk losing hard earned credits. If the System was going to let me double-dip, I wanted to take full advantage.
Sheriff Hugo and Doc Roberts watched as we went about the grim task of reducing the bandits to dust, collecting the mana stones that were left behind and dropping them into separate pouches. “I’ve received three from you,” He said to Silas, voice rough with aggravation. “And five from you. You’ll get credit for these two men once Doc gets them patched up. Stop by the office after you finish breakfast, there’s paperwork to be done.”
The eastern sky was painted with a brilliant palette of orange pastels and deep blues before everything was settled and Hugo released us under our own recognisance. We filed back into the inn, dodging a sleepy teenage boy who was mopping up the floor.
“You busted my place up pretty good,” Blyton complained from behind the bar.
“It sometimes happens when I receive unexpected visitors,” Silas answered
“He managed to keep it outside,” the innkeeper said, pointing at me.
Silas clapped me on the back, grinning. “That he did, and he did a fine job of it too.”
“He did a fine job waking up all of creation with those Lightning rounds,” Blyton muttered, causing Silas to chuckle in agreement.
Scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, grits and beans in a heavy tomato sauce was the breakfast served, making me homesick for a long moment. Grandpa used to serve beans with breakfast. I lost myself in the memory of quiet mornings as a young boy, swinging my legs from a chair too big for me as he sipped coffee and stared out the kitchen window.
“We should get going,” Silas said, prodding me out of my introspection. “It’s already a long day and it’s only going to get longer.”
The trip to the sheriff’s office was uneventful and we arrived to find Sheriff Hugo elbow deep in paperwork. He motioned for us to have a seat.
“That’s 325 silver for you,” he said, pushing two gold and twenty-five silver to Silas, along with three sheets of paper. He pushed a stack of coins in my direction along with five sheets of paper. “And 650 for you.”
The paperwork was a declaration that we had killed the bounty and delivered their mana stone to local law enforcement for processing. I suppose I’ll be seeing this a lot in the future.
“The Patriarch wants to see you,” Hugo said once we’d finished signing everything, pushing a fancy envelope with a broken wax seal across the desk. “You’ve stirred up a mess of trouble here.”
“Can’t stir up trouble if there’s no trouble to be found,” I said, watching Silas place the envelope in his jacket pocket. “I killed two messes of trouble that were locked up tight in your cells. Care to explain how that trouble got loose?
“They were bailed out by the Hand of the Patriarch,” Hugo snarled, pointing at the door.
We took our cue and left.
“I can’t help but notice that there’s some funny business going on,” I said as we rode the half mile to the fortified mansion of Silvertown’s Patriarch, Lord Mathies Jurgens.
“Don’t need a bounty sense to figure that out,” Silas agreed. “I just can’t put my finger on exactly what it is. Everyone in town is tight-lipped.”
“So how much trouble are we in, being sent to the Patriarch?” I asked, only a little worried about our destination.
Silas shrugged. “Not as much as you’d think, since we’re appearing before him as free men and not in chains.”
I began asking questions rapid-fire and Silas did his best to answer them, humouring my ignorance because I was ‘a foreigner from Albion’.
As he explained things, I tried to wrap my head around the concept of independent city-states ruled by a Patriarchal dictator with absolute power. It wasn’t a monarchy, like in Albion or Arcadia, nor was it a federation of states like Colonia. It was barely controlled chaos in my eyes.
Each Patriarch was sponsored by another Patriarch, and in return they paid tribute in the form of taxes to their sponsor. They all shared a mutual defence and support pact, meaning that if one was attacked all would join in defence of their brother city. Over time several strong families had emerged to control the majority of the cities, including the Jurgens who were a minor but influential Family.
I gave up trying to grasp the simple complexity of the political and economic system, all I needed to know was that the rulers were called Lord, they held absolute power, and they appointed everyone to position, from the treasurer, to the town guards, to the city sheriff.
I also learned that misogny and racism were the flavour of the day. Women were second-class citizens, Elves and dwarves were grudgingly tolerated, goblins, orcs, and the other “lesser” races were killed or enslaved.
In a surprise twist, homosexuality wasn’t that big a deal. It was considered strange not to take a wife for procreational purposes, but having a male lover and a wife? Perfectly normal. Polygamy? Normal. A pantheon of Gods, including strong female goddesses? Of course. Women owning land or a business? Unheard of.
That was for Citizens, of course. Non-citizens were expected to have strange cultures, like the idea of equality in Colonia. Equality for male land owners, that is. No penis, no land, no vote. Arcadia was much more tolerant when it came to inclusiveness according to Silas. While their system was built around nobility and monarchy, it wasn’t strange for women to hold power, own land, or serve as equals in many endeavours.
Silas was homosexual, by the way. Or bisexual, whatever. He was a stereotypical Midlander. He had a male lover in Comstock who was raising his son. His wife had died in childbirth a few years ago and he just hadn’t found the right woman to replace her.
I had no idea what to say to that. You do you, Silas. I'm not going to judge.
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:01 Cyberlegend Red Base

The rusted sand, left undisturbed for an incalculable amount of years, swirled into red whirlwinds then bellowed into giant, suffocating clouds before suddenly freezing, then dropping – as if each individual grain was pulled back down to the ground where it belonged. This strange shifting revealed a solid sphere; white and gleaming and proud. Concealed behind the red flux, it had floated silently and gently (despite its gargantuan size) into a crater in which it now perched, waiting.
The crater itself wasn’t that imposing or even that impressive. Despite this, it still held back the solar winds that flurried overhead, donning its sturdy, jagged walls which peaked into pointed mountain tops that surrounded in all directions. Perfectly placed in the centre, embraced by the crater, lay a structure. Not too dissimilar to the ball that had just began sharing the same space, only jammed into the rock up to its equator, far less clean and gleaming, and with an entranceway clearly marked and carefully sheltered which, nevertheless, was coated in a film of red dirt.
About one kilometre away from this structure, the mechanical ball balanced perfectly on its south pole without even a notion of listing or tilting – despite the lack of any apparent landing apparatus. A few brief moments passed before, with no warning, an almighty gust of air bellowed from unseen cracks and in the centre and, facing the building, one of these hidden fissures began to appear more apparent, opening wider and wider so that in single file, four beings carefully advanced out.
Bipedal, they stood tall on limbs like the hind legs of a dog or horse – thick and powerful. As they strode, their upper bodies (which weren’t unlike a human’s) remained still, giving the illusion that they almost glided slowly and methodically along the ground. They kept their arms close to their bodies and their three, long fingers splayed out, so their palm faced upwards. The suits they wore clung close to their bodies so that it looked like a second skin. Bright white, like their vehicle, and, even with their purposeful movements, no creases could be seen. Constantly smooth. Above a thick neck lay a long black oval. Presumably, this was transparent, though from the outside it gave no sense that light could pass.
After a short while, the creatures approached the structure, giving no indication that they were focused on anything else, and with a quick few taps of an unseen screen above their forearm, two jittering doors pulled themselves apart painfully, revealing a cramped air lock. The four beings crammed into the space and in a minute or two – amid by the racket of rushing air – the lock opened, giving way to the guts of the building.
Inside, a thick stillness lay heavy on the pristinely preserved interior. The walls were lined with monitors and keys and switches. Small red blinking lights flashed gently like the final flickering of distant stars and all the screens showed clicking line graphs which continuously drew a still line on the monitors. Save for one, which showed the image of a red sphere, mounted on a wall next to another central doorway. There lay not a single speck of dust on anything, no grime or dirt could be detected anywhere. Just a bright white. You could be forgiven for assuming this place was still lived in - like the owner had stepped away for a brief second. You could also be forgiven for not seeing the creatures that sat around a table, whose porcelain suits blended into their surroundings save for an iridescent glow that shimmered like an aura or halo.
The explorers floated into action, pressing keys and observing monitors and tapping at air above their wrists. In a short while they seemed satisfied and gathered at the next door. Again, they opened it with their invisible devices and again, the doors rumbled open, shaking and quivering.
Inside there lay the same humanoid life-form spotted in the previous room, gently slumped over so that it could almost be sleeping. Bipedal, it lay so its arms tucked in close to their bodies with their palms facing upward. Its suit was baggy and creased though a bright white, like its home, save for a large dark crimson streak on its hand. In between its shoulders stood a black sphere. Presumably, this was transparent, though from the outside it gave no sense that light could pass.
In the first display of emotion, it took some time for the four creatures to realise that next to this gentle corpse was scrawling on the wall, evidently biological in nature. The same substance as the stain on the bodies hand. They began the translation process.
It read: “Here I am. Last of my kind. My abode delivered by my planet, Earth. It was green and blue. Now it is gone. We cared for it little, and it treat us the same. But we were here once. We were humans.”
The beings stood motionless. What kind of creatures let their home rot and fester? What kind of being cares so little for the place it resides or the peers it shares its home with? More importantly, what kind of aliens leave one of its own behind? On this planet? On this desert? And what kind of species is so desperate for recognition, for legend, that with its very last breath, or lifeforce, announces itself to no one? With desperate scribbles, screaming into the void that they were once here. That they were Humans. That their planet was Earth.
As the corpse stared up at the four beings, they saw their own black ovals reflected in its spherical abyss.
This is my first piece of writing posted online. Criticism and feedback welcome :)
submitted by Cyberlegend to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:33 Future_Ad_3485 Cold Case Inc. Part Four: The Annoyance of Time Worms and Their Masters!

Rolling onto Marcus’ bare chest, the sight of our clothes scattered everywhere had my cheeks burning a bright scarlet. Swinging my feet over the edge of the bed, the door swinging open had me tugging on one of my oversized t-shirts over my head. Tarot floated into the space, his boots touching the floor. A pocket watch shaped envelope fluttered in his palm, my shaking fingers curling around it. The time council had a task set for me and there was no way out of it. Ripping it open, the image of a time worm had me chewing on my lips. The odd thought of Tarot delivering this to me had alarm bells going off, his pensive expression far from his usual one. Fishing around his pocket, his quaking hand pressed a photo of a demon witch with wild neon waves and matching neon green eyes. Noting her tall but flawless hourglass figure, a matching smile had me putting two and two together. Packing a bag with supplies, the image of her neon green flaming motorcycle flashing in my head. A pale hand reached for me, her inky lips mouthing the word help.
“One can assume that is your daughter.” I pointed out simply, his eyes averting to the floor. “Consider your daughter found, Tarot. If my friend needs me, then my assistance will come swiftly.” Fighting tears in his eyes, my brow cocked in disbelief. An abrupt embrace had my eyes rounding with surprise, my fingers peeling my pendant off my neck. As snarky as I was, the desire to save people is what kept me going. Stepping back while scratching the back of his neck, a flurry of tarot cards whisked him away. Rolling my eyes, his lack of information wasn’t unusual. Creating a line with my pendant as I tugged my socks and boots, the underbelly of time hummed to life. Crossing into the swirling colors, the simple ivory path met the heel of my boots. Shutting the opening behind me, Marcus could exchange harsh words with me later. Besides, the rules strictly banned his presence. Dropping my pendant over my neck, the scent of the worm had to be somewhere. Draping my bag over my shoulder, the time thread weighed a ton. Walking along the path, the plan went through my mind. First thing first, find the worm and kill it. Second, the culprit had to be hunted down and executed. Thirdly, his daughter needed to be brought back home. A quiet voice had me spinning on my heels with a twitching smirk, Saby bouncing up to me with a big smile on her face. Stifling my initial frustration, the hole she fell through had the shimmering worm I was looking for. Ordering her to stay, my dagger expanded from its charm form. Floating over my head, my dagger flipped over my fingers. Aiming for its heart, violet energy built around my palm. Flicking it in the direction of a vital organ, another blast of magic had the dagger sinking into the heart. Shriveling while screaming out in pain, a sea of holes greeted my irritated grimace. Drying into a sparkling powder, problem number one was solved. Catching my fallen dagger, the damage had to be repaired. Putting Saby on my back, a quick warning had her arms hugging my neck. Building energy around my boot, a big ball hummed to life. Pushing off the ground, her real smile never left her face the whole ride back to where she fell. Setting her on her bed, I had work to do. Summoning my slumber powder, a quick blow had violet dust glistening around her face. Collapsing back onto her pillow, cool air lashed at my cheeks the moment I jumped back into my original destination. Whistling sharply, a clear bubble caught my feet. Shifting through my bag, my fingers curled around the glowing needle and thread. Threading it with ease, these attacks were becoming more common. Moving the five foot needle with ease, a secure knot granted me permission to move on to the next one. Cutting off the end with my dagger, the bubble carried me to the next one. Working for several hours, the mistakes had been corrected and the holes were sealed shut with the finest of thread. Lowering me to the pathway, my empty footfalls echoed in the big space of time bubbles. Coming into the city, one person would be able to help me out. Marble homes lined the street, a scarlet Victorian home sang out boisterous swing music. This guy had given me issues before, a low growl rumbling in my throat. Marching up to the door, a swift kick had the door flying across the room. His guests scurried out, my dagger spinning in my palm. A golden haired man with golden hourglass eyes approached me, his arms folded across his shimmering emerald suit. His waves floated around his shoulders, my own fingers running through my snarled waves. Fixing my bangs, his hourglass irises flipped several times. What an asshole!
“You have looked better.” He teased cruelly, a haughty fit of laughter exploding from his lips. “I can feel your mental health decaying. Did you have to see your filthy past? I could erase it for y-” Pressing the sharp edge of my dagger into his neck, my patience was wearing thin. Hissing a few curse words, he had no right to bring up such a thing.
“I may not be able to kill you but I can hurt you real well.” I promised with a sarcastic smirk, punching him in the gut with a ball of built up energy. Doubling over, golden blood painted my boots. The Warden wasn’t my nickname for no reason, the council sending me to clean up their messes all the time. Kicking him in the stomach, the sickening crack of his spine snapping in half had him crumbling to the floor into a heap. Crouching down to his level, his rounded eyes met my tired expression.
“Where is the culprit and where is this woman?” I demanded hotly, pulling out the picture of the green haired woman. Noting his body quivering in fear, something was off about the situation. Shaking his head, his fingers clawed at the worn wooden floor. Mumbling something about the slave trade, the hilt of my dagger creaked in protest at my increasing grip. Dropping a healing potion by his hand, the bastard would be okay by tomorrow. Sprinting onto the pathway, the doorway to the lower realm of time creaked open. Sprinting down the ancient stone stairs, screams and groans had me cursing under my breath. Darting around the cages of trapped monsters, a cloaked figure a few inches shorter than me floated by. Sniffing the air, I began to chew my lip out of a nervous habit. Sensing Glanda’s energy, the pieces all came together. That wicked witch had sent a worm into the realm of time. The poor monsters crying out for help, my heart shattering into pieces. Too tired to fight her, her death was on the chopping block anyway. Sneaking through the shadows, a crumbled up version of the woman in the picture had my heart breaking. Most of her hair had been cut off, no life remaining in her eyes. Hitting the walls of keys, Marcus sure would create a fantastic distraction right about now. The colors drained from my cheeks, Glanda snapping her head in my direction. Sucking in a deep breath, her neon green eyes followed me throwing all the keys into her rusty cage. Getting down inches from her face, her numb gaze frightened me. Sliding my hand through the bar, my hand cupped her cheek. Please don't be so broken that I can't get you out of here.
“I need you to let yourself out and then help the other monsters out. I have a problem to deal with.” I begged with my genuine smile, her shaking hands grabbing mine. Glanda snapped her fingers, several masked demons gathering behind her. Dropping her hands, my dagger spun in my palms. Violet flames flickered to life around me, Glanda commanding them to kill me. My hair floated up, hers doing the same. When was she going to go head to head with me?
“Quit being a bitch and fight me yourself.” I challenged her with a wicked bout of laughter, my eager dagger ready to cut her into pieces. “Oh, I forgot. You aren’t heathen.” Charging at me, flames devoured my dagger. Dodging their attacks, a swift cut had three them screaming in crackling flames. Placing my feet out, two of them met the floor. A flick of my wrists sending the sharp edge of my dagger through their necks. Heads decayed to ash before they could hit my boot, horror rounding my eyes at the monster of a demon picking me up by my hair. Summoning my dagger, the hilt met my slick palm. Cutting my hair, my body smashed onto the marble floor. Too shocked to move, the beast of a demon tossed my hair to the side. A motor revving had me turning my head slowly, his daughter grinning sadistically. Neon flames covered the motorcycle, her shouting move had me rolling out of the way. The monsters ran back into their own dimensions, Glanda joining them. Popping to my feet, she wasn’t going to get away without a bruise. Switching the plant part of my powers, a thick vine shot from my palm, the thinner tip whipping her back towards me. A triumphant grin lingered on my defiant expression, a fit of cruel laughter bursting from my lips. Tossing her about, it was her turn to feel the other side of what she did. Pausing for a moment, our jaws dropped at the bike flying into his head. Tapping her neon green pendant three times, a flaming ball of fire shoved its way down the demon’s throat. A cloud of smoke obscured her landing, her arm scooping me up. Driving up the stairs, the wheels squealed in protest as a jet of flames cut off my connection to Glanda. Hugging her waist, she had to have a couple of inches on me. Smiling back at me, the freedom in her eyes was infectious. Light returned to her neon green eyes, the glow reminding me of fireflies on a cool summer night.
“Get us out of here!” She shouted over the rumbling of her engine, a confident smile illuminating her features. “Glanda will retaliate at any moment.” She wasn’t wrong, an army of demons were heading our way. Plucking my pendant off of my neck, curiosity twinkled in her eyes at me spinning it around clockwise. The pendant spun around faster, a blast of energy knocking us back into the day my mother was murdered. Panicking at the light dying down in my pendant, my powers had been drained. Dragging into the alleyway near my home, a snap of her fingers had the bike going invisible. My three year old self watched out the window in her bright overalls and striped t-shirt with her hands pressed against the window, the color draining from my cheeks for the millionth time today. A clammy sweat drenched my skin, every breath growing shorter. My piggish father dragged my mother out by her dark brown hair, her face facing in the opposite direction of us. My younger self banged on the window, my father slamming her fist into her head until her desperate pleas quieted down. Ruby pooled around her body, my father snapping his furious gaze in her direction. Ripping the door open, his daughter buried me in a hug. Listening to her screams had me trembling in her arms, her chin resting on my head. The wet sound of blood splattering the window had her emotions soaking the top of my head.
“No wonder you are so strong.” She whispered in a deflated tone, her finger lifting into the air. “How about I treat you to a wonderful meal several states away from her. Snapping her fingers, both of us had bell bottoms and white flowing shirts on. Lifting up my chin with her finger, a pair of scissors glistened in her hands. Spinning me around, the scissors moved a mile a minute. Pieces of my hair floated to my feet, her other hand holding my head straight. Seconds from snapping at her, she moved onto her own. Pouting in a rebellious manner, her snarky words had me liking her instantly.
“Don’t kill me but you cut your hair like a blind person. So I gave you an inverted bob with layers.” She teased sarcastically, a stifled laugh tumbling from my lips as she shaved the left side of the head. “Nice to see you laugh. So I heard you have a coven. May I join? Witchcraft has always interested me. I know the basics but I am a bit stuck.” Hesitation had me stepping back as I played with the hem of my shirt, her puppy dog eyes winning me over. Cutting my palm with my dagger, she slid the sharp edge of her scissors along her palm. Cupsing our hands together, an inky pocket watch tattoo poked out of the collar of her shirt. Fishing around my bag, tears welled up in my eyes at my mother’s silky handkerchief grazing the tips of my fingers. Standing on my toes, her kind smile never left her face at me tying the blue and orange handkerchief around her head.
“Take good care of it. That is the last thing I have of my mother.” I spoke with a mixture of sincerity and sternness, her head nodding once. “Keep being funny. Your sense of humor is refreshing. Now take me away.” Climbing onto her bike with her, my arms snaked around her waist. Revving the engine, adventure glowed in my eyes at the bike standing on one wheel. Several states passed by us, the hands on the neares clock moving a mere five minutes. Parking in front of a worn restaurant in Maine, the ocean waves crashed nearby. Turning a couple of knobs, the flames died down to reveal a normal black motorcycle. A vacancy sign blinked at a colorful motel across the way. Fishing round my bag, a wad of seventies dollar bills felt heavy in my palms. The witch who helped me grabbed my wrist the moment I hopped off, fright haunting her eyes. Cupping her hand, she had nothing to worry about.
“Get us a seat while I get a room. I can’t travel for a few hours at the least.” I comforted her, her mind fighting between being tough or vulnerable, a silver necklace catching my eyes. Reading the name Lightz, it didn’t take much for me to put it all together. Lightz was her name and a beautiful one at that. Spinning her towards me, my hands cupped her face. Abrupt tears told me that I shouldn’t leave her alone.
“Bring your bike over while I get us a room.” I caved, a lovely smile met mine. The right corner of her lips hanging over the left slightly, dirt crunching underneath her wheels as we crossed the road. Waiting outside, the bell announced my presence. A young blonde haired woman looked up from her magazine, her hand sliding over a ledger while smacking gum in her mouth. Fishing out the amount of money plus a bit extra to ensure our rest, a key hitting the tip of my finger. Wonderful personality, I thought sarcastically to myself. Taking a second look at her, her ice blue eyes met mine in a chilling stare.
“Watch your mouth in my motel or a punishment will be served.” She spoke coldly, running her hands through her perfect waves. Leaning onto the desk, a souvenir box caught my eyes behind her. Pretending that it didn’t affect me, a case had fallen right on my lap. Guiding her to the room, the key slid in with ease as she parked her bike outside. Locking it behind us, my pensive expression had her asking if I was okay. What made that woman tick? Thinking back to her nametag, Loretta flashed in my head. Lorretta had to be caught, an idea coming to mind. Maybe the locals knew about any disappearances, my brow cocking at a bottle of water hitting my face.
“Maybe you could be Sherlock Holmes after we eat. I am starving.” She joked with a biting tone, her hand resting on her hip. A long sigh drew from my lips. Huffing out a quick fine, that would give me the opportunity I desired. Locking the door behind us, her cold gaze met my defiant grin on my determined features. Bars would soon keep her in her new home, the orange sure to look lovely on her. Crossing the street, another bell announced our presence. Taking a seat at the worn wooden bar, the walls were lined with pictures of missing persons. Asking for a napkin, the similar brown hair and brown eyes spoke of a type. Borrowing a pen from the friendly but rather hairy bartender, eyes tracked me walking up to the missing people. Scribbling away, certain jewelry underneath their names would help me identify who was who. Plopping down at the bar, Lightz had ordered for me. The bell rang once more, Loretta finding her way in. A lovely summer ivory summer dress floated over her hourglass figure, the stool groaning as she took a seat next to me. Refusing to look her in the eyes, her next word sent a shiver up my spine.
“Mice like you get devoured by the cat.” She chuckled heartily as if it was a normal thing to say. “The mouse doesn’t find her way out on her own. Such lovely hair and eyes.” Playing with my hair, Lightz slapped her hand away. Rising from her stool, she towered over Loretta. Leaning down by her ear, my ears didn’t pick what she said. Loretta rose with a huff, the door slamming behind her. What the hell did she say? Crashing down next to me, a couple of hot burgers got placed in front of us. We didn’t order anything, something feeling fishy. Bringing it to my nose, a rancid smell had me whacking it out of her hands. Slamming my money on the counter, a sedative had been blended with the meat. The cook had to be an associate of hers, my hand snatching her wrists. Dragging her out, two black bags were dropped over our heads. Tossing us into the back of a van. Leaning onto the side of the van, a darkness swallowed us. Turning my head towards her, we would need her magic.
“Pretend to be knocked out when they open the door. She should bring us to the bodies.” I whispered loud enough for her to hear and her alone. “Punch your way out and find a neighbor. Call the cops and bring them to me. Am I understood?” Shaking her head, she didn’t want to leave my side. Whatever would come my way could be dealt with by one of my many healing potions. Driving through the hours, my powers began to return slowly. The brakes squealed in protest, another scream giving hope of me not being found out. Pale moonlight flickered through the holes of the bag over my head, chaos erupting next to me as Lightz smashed her way out. Ordering them to let her go, her gloved hands ripped me out of the van. A trail of neon energy had me sighing in relief, grunts pouring from her lips as she hooked me up to a meat hook via chains. The years of execution trained me for this moment, no pain starting yet. Ripping the bag off of my head, a tarot card floated by her head. Floating upside down behind her head, a temporary time pass hung around his neck. Knocking her out with a kick, a dull thud announced her landing. Lowering me down, his steady hands went to work chaining her up in my former position. Helping the other woman down, cuts covered her face. Tearing at the hem of my shirt, my steady hands tied the material around the deep cut on her arm. Wet eyes met my gentle smile, her lips parting to speak several times.
“Who are you? I want to send you a thank you note.” She inquired in a hoarse voice, red and blue lights bathing the area. Too concerned with messing with time, forget me powder appeared in my palm. Blowing the iridescent powder into her face, her body collapsed into a heap. Snatching Tarot, his protests fell on deaf ears as I dragged him out the back door. Freezing at the sight of Lightz on her motorcycle, silent tears stained his cheeks. Yanking us onto her bike, I was more than happy to be on the very back. Riding away from the scene, enough power had been restored for us to go home. Pulling off my pendant, my pleas for them to hold on had me. Spinning my pendant counter clockwise, the energy built in the air.
“I call upon the sands of time to whisk me back home and to set this timeline in place. “ I chanted tiredly, the pendant spun faster. A blast of energy shot us into the grand hall of his castle. Flying off the back of the bike, a fuming Marcus caught me. Seconds from berating me, the motorcycle engine died down to reveal Tarot and Lightz hugging each other with uncontrollable sobs. Saby skidded downstairs, only to stop in awe at the witch taking off my mother’s handkerchief. A bond formed between them, inky tattoos of phoenix's appeared around their necks, her father noticing as well. Approaching each other cautiously, Saby’s ears pinned back with her rich blush. Lightz bowed in front of her, her genuine smile enchanting Saby. That smile could enchant anyone if I was being honest.
“I am your mate, Lightz. Let me make you a meal to steal your heart.” She flirted shamelessly, placing her on her back while passing me my scarf. Marcus let it go the moment Tarot bowed in my direction. Pressing his palms together, his fraying nerves had been eased. Thank goodness. Today may have been hard but it sure was worth it.
“Many thanks for your bravery. If it weren’t for you, my daughter would still be trapped.” He choked out oddly, his nature not leading to him having such an air. Waving around my hand to calm his down further, exhaustion weighed heavily on my eyelids. Bobbing my head up and down, sweet slumber stole me away.
submitted by Future_Ad_3485 to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:23 OpheliaCyanide [That Time I Ran Over A God] --- Chapter 16

What started as a panicked attempt to get her over-intoxicated friend to a hospital ended up in a disastrous car crash that claimed the lives of her friends... and a careless God crossing the street. But Sammi's adventure wasn't about to end there. In her dying breath, the God curses Sammi to take up her mantel. Now with her three friends resurrected as ghosts, Sammi has to navigate the tricky world of godhood.
Previous Chapter Next chapter coming soon!
Start here! Patreon (up to chapter 9)
Step zero was figuring out any fucking lead on Henry Miller. The only lead I had was that I’d told him to join a monastery, so my real step zero was to figure out if they even made monasteries anymore.
“I’m pretty sure those stopped being a thing at least a hundred years ago,” Joni said. “Monks with shaved heads and brown robes in stone castle buildings? How do you sell that to a modern guy?”
Her comments weren’t helpful, even if they were probably true. But right now she was all I had, since the other ghosts were still sleeping, as were Cara and Tina. I’d woken early from a nightmare about a car crash, and decided to get a jump on the research, so I’d look competent by the time the others woke up. Besides I couldn’t calm my brain and felt nauseous just lying down.
Joni had already been awake by the time I staggered out of my bedroom, cold and sweaty and shaking from the lingering mental images. I was so disoriented that if I was a cartoon character, I’d have a little halo of stars circling my head. Maybe a little halo of bloody and broken bodies would be more accurate, but that probably wouldn’t make it into a cartoon.
Regardless, my life wasn’t a cartoon, so instead of staggering around like Bugs Bunny drunk on carrot juice or something, I hurled up my dinner in the bathroom. Joni, who had been watching the sunrise, poked her head in and asked if I needed a distraction. It was probably the kindest thing she’d said since I killed her, and I also absolutely needed a distraction, so we’d jumped into googling monasteries on my phone.
“Stop scrolling through images,” Joni said. “You’re just getting pretty buildings. Try maps.”
“Good idea.” This was actually a lot like our old study sessions back in high school. Joni would tell me what to look up and I’d look it up, and then we’d get distracted both cracking jokes and making cynical comments about whatever we were looking up. It was kinda nice. Familiar.
“Oh shit,” Joni said as I pulled up the map's results. “Well I take it back then. Clearly there’s a monastery on every block.”
This was an exaggeration for sure, but there were at least three monasteries within a fifteen minute drive. “These are so boring too,” I said, flicking through some of the images associated with each result. “Like, I just figured there weren’t any close cause I’d never seen a castle near the city, but these are just… just brown buildings with crosses and stuff out front.”
“They look like middle schools.” Joni leaned in. “Sisters of Carmel? Is that real? Or is this just a nun themed candy shop?”
“Dude, I would fuck up a nun themed candy shop.” My stomach rumbled a bit, which was a bit ironic given it was only empty cause it had decided against storing last night’s dinner. “Little candy necklace rosary beads or whatever?”
She snorted harder than I’d expected. “Chocolate crosses. No, no, chocolate crucifixes.”
I wasn’t exactly sure the difference, but she seemed tickled by it. “Maybe they sell sodas that’s like holy water or something.”
This got even more laughter from Joni. “It’s not a deadly sin if you pay for your indulgences,” she said. “Those gross necco wafers that are, like, communion wafers.” At this point she’d kinda lost me.
“I forgot you grew up Christian,” I said. “Am I even gonna be allowed on the premises? Or is it a Christian only thing?”
“Hmm? Uh, yeah, they should let you in.” Joni wiped a tear away from her eyes. “Like… well, yeah, like I said, I didn’t even know monasteries still existed. It’s not like we did field trips at Sunday School. But like, just say you’re Catholic if they ask. They don’t exactly give you an ID or something when you’re baptized.”
“What if the holy water burns me?” I asked.
“That’s literally not a thing, Sammi. That’s just stupid TV stuff.” The snickers had subsided in her voice at this point, and she was fixing me with a sardonic eyebrow raise. “Like ninety percent of all that crap about demons was made up, and the other stuff was just superstition. Demons were, like, code for mental health issues or temptation or shit. They don’t exist.”
“Neither do ghosts.” I tapped the side of my head. “Actually wait, now that I think about it, I probably have more to worry about being a rival God than I do being non-Catholic. Like what if actual God God comes down and is pissed at me for trying to steal his converts?”
Joni got halfway through an eyeroll before stopping to maybe consider my point. “I’m… I actually… yeah, I don’t know. If we covered that, I slept through it. I mean, until like, a few days ago, I’d have pretty comfortably said I was an atheist. Now? Shit, man, if actual Catholic God exists, I know a lotta people who are gonna be pretty bummed.”
I went back to the results, flicking through and looking for the closest guy monastery. “I mean, but if there are multiple Gods, maybe they’ll be fine. Like sure Catholic God is gonna throw my parents into hell for cheating on each other, but maybe the God of… uh, I dunno, do you suppose the Greek Gods exist? They all fucked each other and shit. If Mom can make a case that she fucked her married manager out of love or something, maybe she can go to Mount Olympia.”
“God, I just had a thought.” Joni’s eyes had gone huge. “What if you’re the only God and all the other religions were just invented as schemes.”
This made me pause, very uncomfortable. I’d also been an atheist until about three days ago, but for some reason there being no Gods was more comforting than being the only God. Like boy would we be screwed if that was the case.
My stomach started twisting again, the same way it twisted when you got about a month into the school year and realized you’d forgotten an entire class. Was I supposed to be doing more than just a few odd schemes here and there? Was I supposed to be forging galaxies? Creating new life? Judging the dead? Were there just backlogs of dead people waiting for entrance to the afterlife while I tried to steal a couch?
“Well shit, Joni, you really harshed my mellow a bit.” My stomach was no longer craving candy. It was craving release.
“Huh?” She looked up from the phone, blinking at my grey face. “Why?”
“What if I was supposed to be doing more God stuff and it’s just all piling up?” I had started to sweat again, picturing a lengthy line of old ladies and grandpas and tragically young children standing impatiently while their grieving families blasted a cold, uncaring God with prayers.
“Jesus no.” Joni was so adamant that I felt better almost immediately. “The old God would have told you. Besides, you don’t have, like, any blinking ‘seven thousand unread messages’ tabs on your little Source thing, do you?”
I checked. I did not.
“See? You’re fine. Now pull up the webpage for the Little Brothers of Frances. They’re the closest to where the whole showdown with Noah happened, so if Henry blitzed straight to a monastery, he’s probably there.” She jabbed a finger through my phone screen.
The webpage was shockingly helpful. There were a buncha solemn quotes about giving unto the poor, and doing unto others, and prayer unto Jesus, and all kinds of untos, but there were also hours and locations listed, and even a sorta office hours thing with the monks. It seemed like it would almost be too easy to slide right in and ask about our violent town fence.
“Seems like the right place to look.” I grinned, saving the webpage and clicking my phone off. It was ten AM now, and the others would be waking soon. “I’m gonna make breakfast and then lay out the plan. Really impress them, you know?”
“All right, simmer down.” But Joni had a crooked smile on her face, and I could tell she was impressed with me. Maybe just a tiny bit, but impressed all the same.

It wasn’t always easy to tell what Tina thought of me. She felt bad for Cara, but I remained a mystery to her. I talked to thin air a bit, argued with thin air a lot, spent way too much time worrying about the police, occasionally expressed unprompted guilt about a college kid in a coma, and now had asked for a ride to a monastery.
“You said you’re looking for someone,” she asked for the third time as we pulled into the parking lot. “This got anything to do with that shooting you keep saying you’re not involved with?”
“Let me handle this,” I said, “and promise, I’ll let you know the full story when we get back tonight.” It was probably time she learned. She’d stuck through us for a decent amount of shenanigans and it seemed like her tolerance for bullshit was high. If she learned her new, definitely slightly wanted employer was also a God, she’d probably just sigh it off and pour herself a drink.
Tina’s eyebrows jumped at this. “Well okay then. Sure. Where do you want me to keep the car?”
“Uhh, anywhere is fine. I don’t see this going tits up.” Then I reconsidered. “Okay, maybe stay nearby, with the engine running.”
If Henry Miller was here, then we might need to get out quick. Who knew? Technically step 2 was just to get info (step 1 was getting here, we already did that) about Henry’s whereabouts. Maybe we could get as far as step 3, bring him in, but that was a real stretch goal. We’d think about that once we found him.
“Ah. So it’s probably gonna be fine, but keep the engine running.” Tina ran her fingers through the puff of hair at the end of her braid. “No chance I get shot here, right?”
“None at all.” God, how wild would it be if Henry had another gun on him. “Henry’s a pacifist.”
“Isn’t he the one that shot the kid?”
“A newly minted pacifist,” I corrected.
She sighed, but pulled the car to a stop in a spot near the building. “Whatever. Just don’t need to be getting shot is all.”
As my neon blue car came to a stop, I swung the door open and ushered for the ghosts to join me. Then I tossed a salute to Tina before turning towards the unassuming brown building. It was nice. Like it was. A bit of a mix between a school and senior living facility, but it had a nice lil winding pathway covered in autumn leaves and stuff. Some overgrown bushes encroached on the sidewalk a bit. Down the path to the left I could see a younger dude in a grey robe raking the path. He did have all his hair, so they clearly weren’t doing the shaved patch in the middle bit anymore, but it was a pretty neat looking getup. He even had a rope around the waist.
“He’s cute,” Blair said, twirling a lock of hair around her finger.
“He’s also a monk,” Joni said. “You know? Dedicated to God and all.”
“Plus he’s alive, and you’re not,” Christopher added.
Blair’s lip jutted in a pout. “I was just pointing out. Why you guys gotta remind me I can never fall in love again.” She flopped on her back, hair hanging down as I walked towards the building.
“Remember,” I said, whispering as we approached the door. “No powers. None. Zilch. Even I’m gonna be on my best behavior. We don’t need Capital G up there to notice us and bring down the lightning bolts.”
“That was Zeus,” Joni said. “This guy’s more about burning bushes or raining frogs”
Had I misremembered? Our high school hadn’t really had a class on world religions. Or if we did, I didn’t remember. “That doesn’t sound so bad,” I said. Then I grinned. “This place could probably use some bush burning. Maybe we oughta call down some plagues.”
Joni zapped me with a look strong enough to be lightning. “This is the guy that flooded the entire Earth. You wanna be responsible for Noah’s Arc 2.0?”
Right. I did know that one. I put up my hands. “Hey, I’m the one advocating for no powers. Sheesh.” With this, I turned back towards the entrance and opened the glass doors to find two concerned looking monks just on the other side.
“Good morning, ma’am,” the older one said, a bit slowly, eying the area to my left, where Joni was glaring accusatorially at me. I still had my hands up defensively.
“Ah.” I wedged myself in the threshold before gesturing at my airpods. “Sorry, just ending a phone call with my mother about, uh, forest fires.” I made an exaggerated tap on my left ear. “Call ended!”
The monk nodded, his unease diminished. “Of course. We thank you for finishing your call before entering. This is God’s house, after all.”
The younger one, a middle aged man with a smooth face, nodded his head at me. “Are you here to worship or is there something else we can assist you with?”
Thank God they were here to help. “Yeah, actually. I saw online there were some office hours things? Like, monk FAQs. Uh, there was a word for it, something where you sit with one of the brothers and ask them questions.”
“Counseling,” the younger one said. “Of course. Come this way.”
For a moment, I hesitated, one foot hovering over the threshold to the monastery. This would be fine. It would be fine.
“You just gotta go, Sammi,” Christopher said. “One step at a time. Just like a swimming pool.”
Just like a swimming pool. Right. I pushed myself forward and stepped into the building.
Just a newfound god wandering around a monastery. I might be a little nervous if I was Sammi too.
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2024.06.07 15:08 kermiecorn Hp envy x360 screen not working, pls help

Hp envy x360 screen not working, pls help
I ran into this issue about a month or two ago but the win + b bios restore worked. This time it's not, when I use that or win + v the screen just goes white eventually (see pic) and then turns itself off and on a couple of times with the fan running very loudly, then goes back to either white or black. The computer turns on but the display is not working and stays black. The fans turn on and the power button light is on but no error codes, no blinking caps lock or anything. I've tried holding the power button for a hard reset and other key combinations to turn it on but after just using win + v, it's stuck on a white screen with a black halo around the edges that is glitching. Help 😭
Note: I don't know anything about computers, I use my computer for uni
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2024.06.07 14:57 AlienNationSSB Alien-Nation Chapter 204: Across the Stars

All Chapters of Alien-Nation
First Chapter of Alien-Nation Previous Chapter [Next]

Better Nate than Lever

The hallway had deep-settled dust diffusing the flashlights, spare a couple sets of bootprints, and a few lines where someone had been dragged on their heels.
Depths-damned officers can't count, the sergeant noted. Five sets of prints in, two sets out. Assuming she'd carried one of the wounded and dragged the other, that still left someone inside.
"Got a heat signature, third floor." Goshen really hadn't wanted to be found, it seemed. And so up the flights of small stairs they went in silence, rifles at the ready until they arrived at the threshold of the abandoned building's room.
"Clear the room, watch the corners, this piece of shit may have had helpers."
There was a faint sound. The kind that tugged at every woman's heart. A whimpering male cry. The Marines' rifles all wavered, flashlights in the dusty warehouse showing how unsettled they were. Worse when the translator kicked on: Help.
They fell into formation outside the door adjacent to the crime scene, and then flooded into the room, screaming orders. It was only a half second until they forgot all discipline, because all eyes fixated on the boy in the middle of the room, bound to a chair and barely conscious. Red blood spackled on the floor and dripped onto the boy's shirt.
"Shit." the rookie was frozen to the spot, unable to move.
"Tacs, get the medical crew up here. Kick that sick bitch Goshen out of the medievac to make room if you have to. We're not leaving him here until Penn decides to send another."
"One was already on its way, just in case."
"Well tell them to hurry. Link our comms to their pads so they know where we are."
The sergeant took point and crouched next to the boy, and he flinched back. Everything about this was wrong, and evil. At least there weren't any traps wired to him, and it bothered her that she'd even have to check. But a year's service in Delaware hadn't left her a fool, though it pained her to see him whimper when she touched him gently to check for wires. Just what did she do to him? From the bleeding and swelling, it seemed there was no shortage of them.
"All clear," she announced. "Tell the crew he's awake and alert, just in a lot of pain. Shelms, have you got painkillers?" Shelms tapped her bag, before the Sergeant cut in. "No, I mean stuff that'll work on a human, obviously!"
The pod medic shrugged helplessly.
"Alright, you're gonna be okay," she muttered.
"Help..." he was moaning the word in trade shil' now, over and over. Somehow, that just made it worse.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be alright," she tried to comfort him, though her next words were ones she knew he didn't want to hear. "We're gonna have to move you, though." She stood and unlocked the restraints. "I'm going to cut him free and get him ready for pickup. Hold him upright."
Visions of violent retribution echoed through her mind with every gentle step she took, and she didn't even know the boy's name. Such was the way of the galaxy.

Across the Stars

Natalie felt she must have drifted off, though she couldn't say for how long.
She whispered 'I love you,' but still felt a burning anxiety in her, a desperation building she'd never felt before.
Words alone wouldn't be enough to confess the confusing but powerful feelings stirring inside. She had to do more than talk, she had to act. Shuffling around on the bed, she pulled back just enough to give him a quick kiss on the forehead. He stirred slightly, before murmuring something softly, then tucked his face into the crook of her neck, hot breath from full pink lips making her want to squirm. Forcing herself to stay still just so he could rest was torture, but for him, she could endure, until at last the need passed.
She couldn't say how long they stayed like that, bound in intimacy, her mind empty but for a million fleeting thoughts that never fully materialized, and yet every second was blissful. Every worry was dashed against the impenetrable shield that was the bond shared between them, any intrusion guarded against by Morsh and that door, until at last he stirred and yawned, parched lips dragging over her shoulder and making her squirm.
Natalie reluctantly let go as he came up for air, blinking awake and looking up at her in momentary confusion before the weight of the world settled back on his shoulders, and his face turned focused.
"Hey," Natalie whispered, both hoping to interrupt, and also that he was done being worried. Her voice had come out an awkward rasp and she wished for just an instant that she could have stayed as cool as she'd felt just a moment before.
"Uh, hey," he managed back. "Sorry, I must have passed out."
Natalie just nodded, trying to swallow with a dry mouth.
"For how long?" He yawned, trying to sit up and separate. Natalie reluctantly let him go, and sat up straight in the bed, noting with some pride that he at least looked less exhausted.
"I don't know. Not long?"
"My head..." he muttered, gazing around the room at various things, then dragging a hand up to rub at a temple with a thumb. "It doesn't hurt as bad. I feel a lot better." A moment's silence passed between them. "You're real, right?"
She laughed. "Yes, we talked about this. Remember?" Only a heartbeat's pause was enough to send her worrying that he might not, before he nodded slightly, his forehead touching her shoulder again and making her ache to put his head back there. As it was, he seemed happy to be using her forearm as a pillow.
"Right. Sorry, just checking." Her mirth disappeared when his troubled expression deepened. "I suppose we have a lot to talk about, don't we?"   Here goes everything. "I'm so sorry for running away." She just belted the words out.
He blinked at her in surprise and the suspense hung. "It's okay," he managed. "I'm sorry, too. I mean, I think I'm sorry."
At least she wasn't the only one who hadn't prepared for what to actually say when the moment came.
Another awkward silence stretched time.
"How did you get the shirt?" Would Elias be upset at her answer? No, there was no time for lies. She had to tell him.
"I broke into your house. I'm sorry. Your parents said I could go inside, you see and-"
"-They're okay?" He interrupted.
At least she could offer him some good news. More tidbits flew out of her in rapid-fire.
"They left during the fighting, and they're up in Chester. When I found them, and didn't find you with them, I was afraid you had died in the fighting."
His eyes grew distant, and for a moment she worried he'd drifted off to sleep again despite his eyes still being wide open, until he sucked in a deep breath and shuffled in place and met her gaze again. "It was close." She hadn't quite seen him say anything that way before, but then again, what sort of things had he seen down there? It was bad enough watching it from orbit. Some veterans didn't come back as they were, she could just hope that Elias was still the same boy she fell in love with.
"It looked close," she commented.
"You were watching?"
"From the auxiliary bridge of the destroyer, until they started throwing orbitals."
He nodded mutely, the beginnings of facial hair tickling her arm. "I guess with the fire and dust... that must have obscured things for miles."
He didn't say anything else for a few seconds, and Natalie wasn't sure what she could even say. His eyes started sweeping the room and he squinted as he looked up at the light fixture. "There's no one here but us," she promised. "Noblewomen prize their privacy. The interior is *always *trying to find anything we do that's wrong."
"Sometimes for good reasons," he muttered darkly.
"Sometimes. But hey, sometimes those reasons aren't so bad, and end up saving your sausage." She hoped she'd gotten the saying right, but his confused expression told her she hadn't. Or maybe he just didn't know what she was talking about. "Remember how you told me what you thought we were doing wasn't that bad? And how there were some really, really big trees in the woods around your little fortress? Those were some of Mom's Special ones, I'm like, really sure. She was pretty unhappy about that, and looked like she was ready to start chewing on neosteel."
His bright eyes widened, and then he gave a slow nod. Natalie knew they were now both doomed if she was wrong about there being any devices in the room, but couldn't bring herself to care. She was too happy at seeing his expression, and at having gotten the human idiom correct. He focused a bit, and then shuffled around in the bed.
"The sentries did capture a civilian worker snooping around Camp Death. She wouldn't say why she was wandering around alone in the woods with really unusual equipment. We couldn't figure it out, and she wouldn't help us."
'Camp Death' had to be their name for the fortress that he'd been fighting from. "I overheard something about that. I guess Mom couldn't tell them where the worker disappeared without the soldiers investigating stumbling over her forbidden science project, and she couldn't exactly check it out herself. I mean, without sending Morsh or something, and that would have been a really big problem."
"Then that was a Near Miss."
"The contractor hit something?"
Elias's face turned into one of utter confusion. "No? She didn't? What are you talking about?"
"Wait, then what's a 'near miss'? Almost went unmarried? A nearby unmarried woman?"
A smile cracked through his exterior and he shuffled and strained up to situate himself upright, before putting a hand on the top of her head, playfully toying with her hair and then leaning in for a quick kiss on her cheek, right through the rogue strands of hair he'd pushed into rebellion from the loose bun. "What?" She asked, confused, only for him to start laughing. "I asked you if 'Nearly missed' meant 'almost missed, but didn't' but you said 'no' and now I don't-?" She tried to voice her confusion, except she had the distinct feeling he wasn't listening.
He kept on laughing until he ran out of breath, and then played with her hair again for another second. He sucked in a deep breath and rose slightly from the bed, as if admiring and evaluating his crude handiwork at having made her look ridiculously unkempt before lying back down, apparently satisfied with his efforts.
"You're so curious about those little idiosyncrasies in our language. No one else would know to put something like that into my head, and it isn't something I would have considered. Just, it's definitely you."
"Oh." It was a little upsetting that he hadn't believed her a moment ago, when she'd told him everything in front of him was all real. How long had he lived this way, telling everyone one thing, while privately holding onto his own suspicions? It had to be exhausting.
"Well, as opposed to what my mind would tell me is you, if I wasn't really here, you know?" She just stared. What was he talking about? "Okay. So, we're alone." He took a deep breath, his eyes flitting around the room one final time. "I'm sorry that I hid that I was Emperor from you."
"That's-" she wanted to say 'okay,' and wished for a moment instead of daydreaming she'd thought of something to say when this inevitably came up. "It is what it is."
"It is." He echoed, nodding along sagely.
At least that human saying made sense, even if it tended to lead to these awkward silences, where they ended up looking at each other.
Now what?
"Who else knows?" She blurted out. The selfish question that had sprung to mind was one that had burned at her since she'd fled home, and could no longer be contained.
"I can't tell you who without putting them and you in danger." He looked genuinely sad to say it, at least. "Well, except Larry. He knew, and he's gone." He seemed to grow quieter, as if he wasn't quite sure what to do. The suddenly vulnerable boy looked down at his hand, and then up at her, and his expression seemed lost. "I-"
She watched his bravado break apart, and he shuddered as his words failed him, like a power core that lost connection or a signal that cut out, he just stopped dead. She reached out to touch him, but the moment she did, he twitched.
"I'm sorry-" she backed off immediately, only to find him shaking his head slightly.
"It's okay. Thanks, even. It's just that, I can't even mourn, you know? There's always too much going on. I appreciate it, though. I see the temptation to sink into your arms again, and just let the world pass me by. Let everything fall where it may. I just can't, though."
She let the moment pass before remembering what they'd been talking about. "You shouldn't rush the recovery. You can take as long as you need."
He shook his head in disagreement, but didn't say 'why.' Even now, she felt locked on the outside. "We'll see, but I don't think I'm going to process that right now, mid-conversation," he smiled without joy, in that grim sort of way he always did.
"Well, then if you can't tell me who else knows, can you at least tell me who doesn't?" Just how many people knew before she did? Where did she fall in line?
"My parents, for one. I mean, wait, the shirt- did they see it?" Now he seemed anxious, flitting between different emotions like a boy unsure of what to wear for his Debut might try on outfits. He was probably just overwhelmed, unsure how to react.
"As far as I know they're still up somewhere in Chester. I don't think anyone else even knows where they are." She had weighed telling Amilita their whereabouts, but didn't want to complicate matters. "I thought it might have been evidence, so I brought it with me. Do you want them here?"
"No, I don't." He looked distant. "Frankly, my mother would try and make excuses, and my father...I don't know. It would stress the family, let's put it that way." He looked at her bag again, and then shook his head. "Good thinking," he complimented. "I was exhausted, not thinking clearly at all. I think I might have been concussed, or at least I was at the time."
"You're all better now, though?" She wanted to ask about how his eyes had sparked at the mention of the nearby rundown town, but decided it was less important and tucked a few of the rogue strands behind her ear.
He flexed a hand, and then pulled a forearm up from under the sheets and tried flexing his forearm. "I'm feeling better, at least. I don't know if I actually am a hundred-percent, though." He yawned and then began picking the sleep out of his eyes and flicking it into the sheet, then blinking until his eyes were fully wide, pushing away from the wonderful position he'd been in. She immediately missed the weight of his head and the warmth of his breath. "At least, I feel better. We'll see how that goes when I'm up and moving around. By the end of..." he trailed off as his mind wandered into more recent events. "Where's Goshen? What happened to her? And Nate?"
"Wait, 'Nate'? As in Nate from school? He was in the insurgency with you?"
"He was being interrogated. But like, if you're asking whether he was in the rebellion?" Elias shook his head slowly in a way that humans usually meant 'no,' but then shrugged. "I don't know? Maybe? We all worked to keep each others' identities secret from anyone outside their own cell. Remember Jordan?"
"The kid you tackled at the track party."
"Oh! Yeah, him!"
"He was in it."
"He is?" Wait. "Was?"
Elias let the sentence hang meaningfully, before repeating: "Was."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I thought you two hated each other?"
He let out a heavy sigh, and his eyes went unfocused, before shaking his head, though he might've just been scratching an itch on his face with the pillow for all she knew. "There's time for all that later. We need to focus on what's happening right now."
"Right. Uh, for Nate...well, we passed another couple of medievacs, that were coming from here, so they probably brought them both here. I know the military likes to take care of their own, but...well, she's probably here, too, after how hard Amilita says she hit her."
"Then Goshen's here, at the hospital? I mean, I am in a hospital, right?" He glanced around, craning his neck and then turning it into a stretch.
"Natalie, the military knows. Or at least I think Goshen does. I was certain she was acting as part of a larger military operation, and she was leading some small unit to keep everything clandestine and under-wraps."
"What? Why would she do that? Wouldn't capturing Emperor be a big deal to her career?" Not to mention the reward, either.
"It would have been a huge scandal if it got out they got their asses kicked by a human boy. If I went to trial, especially as Elias Sampson, it would have been even messier after they pinned the medal to me. It'd implicate nobility, the military, the plans to put me forward...honestly, there's no shortage of interested parties that would be embarrassed if the story got out."
"I can't see Goshen agreeing to stay quiet, though. They have to have promised her something."
"Maybe they said they'd pave her way forward for a promotion in exchange for silence, and pay her out the reward anyway. Then they shoot her when she's done, just to make sure it doesn't get out."
"They'd really do that?" Did the dark world of power really flow that way, or had he seen too many holodramas? Maybe boys really were just better at drama, intrigue, and social plots, and that was how Emperor always stayed one step ahead of any effort to trap him.
"I mean it makes sense. If I die as Elias, I'd be just one more dead person. They might even blame the insurgency. But think about the outcome: Emperor stays dead, meaning Azraea didn't die for nothing. Goshen's losses are an embarrassment, but now she's not their problem to suffer anymore. So what worries me is that maybe they'll just try something more direct."
Whoever told Goshen might tell Amilita, and then what? Natalie didn't want to think for too long about that- except she found the flaw. "Wouldn't they tell Amilita?"
"Would she believe them? Whatever they said was enough for Goshen."
"If these people are real, they started on Goshen for a reason. Amilita probably wouldn't cooperate, she handed me a laspistol, after all."
"Oh, that's in my bag, too."
"Thank you," he said. "That may come in handy."
"But really, I don't think anyone told Goshen anything. Otherwise, wouldn't the interior have done it themselves?"
Elias paused, and then took a moment. "I suppose you make a good point. One I didn't consider. Why rely on Goshen at all? Goshen probably came up with it on her own. That's still a problem, though. She might still blab what she knows, or thinks she knows."
"No one is going to believe a boy-basher like Goshen. That's why she acted alone." He didn't seem convinced, but did let her keep going. "Nothing for us to worry about."
"No. You're missing the point." He seemed hellbent on making himself stressed out.
"What? Did I miss something?"
"Maybe Goshen doesn't have friends- or would-be-backstabbers in high places, but you're wrong to think that she's harmless. If Goshen goes to some kind of a tribunal or trial, and starts laying out whatever evidence led her to me, then other people might notice those same connections and arrive at the same conclusions. People who aren't crazy and discredited. I'm almost certain that if they start asking questions, my answers will not be good enough."
Natalie almost asked about the 'almost,' he'd left in, but she was raised better than to question a victim of boy-bashing.
"So far, she hasn't said anything to anyone else, right? That means there's still time for me-" he tried to push himself out of the bed, and instead let out a pained groan as he tried to shuffle past Natalie. "Jesus. I'm not sure what the ambulance techs and doctors did, but I'm still sore everywhere. Hold on." He clenched his teeth and threw the bedsheet back off, and tried to push himself over her and out of the bed again.
"Sit down!" Natalie urged, pushing him lightly. "Please," she added at the challenge he seemed to take her words as, until he finally seemed to think the better of continuing to strain himself. His eyes challenging her, he finally stopped trying to crawl his way past.
"Why?" He asked, cocking his head in that peculiar human way. "Look, Natalie, like I just explained- if I don't take out Goshen, then-" and she decided she'd finally had enough. There was a time for ladylike behavior, and there was a time for being forthright and blunt, as Elias so often was.
"Don't you know by now that you can count on me? You never call for help. Ever. I didn't know why *until I realized that you'd been left behind in Delaware by your own parents. You don't count on others, because you don't think help is ever coming. You don't think things will ever get better unless *you do something about it. You don't want to be let down, because of what it'll mean. That you're unloved, and unwanted. So you never give anyone the chance. I'm here to tell you though that it's okay. You don't have to keep fighting alone forever."
He seemed stunned by her outburst, for all of a second, and then closed his eyes. He didn't try to say anything for several seconds, and instead seemed to almost start gathering energy and momentum, as if fighting to contain something that wanted desperately to burst free from deep within. He was almost quaking as it broke through thresholds.
Like the cap of a volcano rumbling until it blasted off with a thunderclap, he rounded on her, eyes shooting wide open as he couldn't hold it back anymore. "You know why I don't?" He finally snapped, his voice harsh as a whip. "Why do I, as Elias, never bother asking, and even turn people down even when they've offered to help me?"
The question was rhetorical, but Natalie wasn't going to just stand there and let herself be yelled at. She'd been through too much to put up with it. "I can guess!"
He hadn't expected that but his anger was unresolved. "Then... then go ahead! Guess!"
She took in a breath, forcing herself to calm down. "It's because even though your parents are here in Pennsylvania too, they're still not here." She expected to be slapped, and braced herself for a blow that never came.
He clenched his jaw in fury, and he finally jerked his head to the side, looking toward the window overlooking the city, one far larger and grander than Wilmington.
"I'm not wrong, am I?" She asked, breaking the sudden silence.
"You're not entirely wrong," he ground the words out, and she sensed all of that built up energy fizzling out. All those emotions wafting off him could still spark, but it could either blow up or just immolate him. So she kept quiet and watched him work through his words and defuse himself. "They're not here. I doubt they even know I'm here, to be fair. But even if I asked, what would they even do for me, right now? What could they even do?"
Natalie wasn't sure. Keep him company? Wasn't that normal to find comfort in? She'd been left to fend for herself, and she'd been scared to be left there alone, and that was just a bad flu or something. Before she could think to ask if their presence would at least be a comfort to him, he answered his own question.
"I think they'd stick around out of obligation, but there's nothing I'd ask them to do- hell, they'd just get in the way of our talking. But all that aside, I'd feel guilty for disrupting their lives for every moment they'd be here, anyway. They'd eventually leave, just further confirmation of what I already know." He shook his head.
"What do you mean?"
He stopped shaking his head to let it hang as he practically deflated from the depth of the sigh he let out. The last gasp of the tension he'd let burst out from underneath left him, until he looked almost hollow."If I ask my Father for something, he'll check first with my Mother before daring to follow through. Doesn't matter what it is, because I'm pretty sure now that she never wanted me to succeed at all, not unless it's in a way she approves of. She's practically doing it to make a point- no help until I shape up. She's been looking to punish me for not living up to whatever standard she imagines, and so the answer is almost always 'no'. In her eyes, I didn't turn out right somehow, even though when compared to Jacqueline I don't do half the things wrong that she- and yet- but then I- "
He started to choke off his sentences, then taking several deep, rasping breaths. She'd never seen Elias act this way. He was almost out of control of his emotions. The resentment, pain, and whatever else he had kept buried had finally bullied its way out and burst, until it threatened to run down from his eyes. It was ugly to see, but she still let him talk. At least when he had finally sparked on those emotions, it was just the dregs and wisps, rather than that initial outburst. Too small to become a conflagration, until his words came to a convulsing stop, like one of those primitive engines they used for their cars breaking down.
"Elias?" She wanted to give him a hug, and instead held his hand as if it was made of the thinnest, most delicate crystalline ice.
Slowly, his breathing steadied out.
"Sorry. Let's just not talk about her. I guess there's just no point in asking them for anything."
"But you can ask me. I'm not them."
He fixed her with a tired smile, one that she eventually understood as 'she just doesn't get it.' She hated seeing that face- and wanted to pry, wanted to dig until she did understand. "Thanks for saying so. Sorry I kind of blew up at you. Family  and trust are sore subjects for me at the moment."
The level of neglect was terrifying to Natalie. Her dad Brynmor had gone through his whole life being doted on by all his sisters, and later on by his many wives, even though with his business he earned more than all of them combined. A rarity, but none of it slowed his wives in their affection and impulse to protect and provide for him. The tendency went beyond something taught. So hearing all this felt wrong to her. This twisting in her gut at hearing this wasn't just another culture shock, it went beyond that.
"You know I'm not them, right?" She had to keep poking at the topic. She'd defused him slightly, even if he was worn out. Natalie needed him to know she was on his side more than she needed air.
He looked back from the window, slowly, and leaned back into the reclining bed.
"For the longest time, I just thought everything between people was transactional. I worried that if I didn't know what the other person was getting out of it, then I was either overlooking something, unknowingly putting myself in their debt, or else they were being stupid. Larry- that guy I just told you about? He told me that people who love each other help each other just because." That one of the members of the resistance had such a positive impact on him was strange to her. Everyone had wondered if the insurgency had turned Elias against her, or what terrible lessons they imparted on each other to take up arms and fight an unwinnable war. She'd never thought about what else they might talk about or discuss.
"Even with me?" Was all she could think to ask.
"Yes, even with you, I was always looking for what someone else wanted in return, and I'd try to find something else to pre-empt what I thought they wanted. Like the perfume thing, for help with the bike thing. And I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't have done anything like, too awful, but at the time that's really how I saw the world."
"You were free to say 'no'. I wasn't going to ask anything else if you did- except maybe more lessons on Earth cultures and history which we were already doing anyway. I really just wanted to get to know you better, and getting to talk more about Earth while we waited for the next grav-car to leave the base seemed really nice."
"And it was! I loved doing that with you, Natalie. But all the money I was making made me feel like I was just further in debt to you, so I started spending it quickly on things that I didn't have, but needed. Shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, skincare products, and clothing. Other things, too. Stuff like...well, you know, things I could use in the other part of my life."
Oh great, so I directly funded the rebellion. If he'd meant to make her feel better, he hadn't.
"After what Larry told me though, I started to let go of that feeling of nervousness I had around you and let you actually start helping me. Maybe at some point in my life or another it actually was 'smart' of me to reject the random offers of help from strangers and shil'vati I didn't know, but it was still weird to me that anyone would offer to do things for me that my own family wouldn't. And I guess I'm sorry I didn't trust you at first."
Some part of her heart melted at being told that he did trust her, now. At least, that's what she thought he was getting at. "I had thought it really weird, the way you'd decline, and then take the help- and then go right back to declining it. I gave you that ride home, remember? From the track party. And when you got hit with the car?"
"I always thought whenever anyone offered to help, it was only out of some social ritual. You know, when people ask how you're doing, they just want to hear 'okay,' and not actually get a real understanding of your situation. They ask if you need help, but they're not prepared to step in and actually help, and they're not actually going to. So you're supposed to just say 'no, I'm good, I'm fine,' and keep on doing whatever you were already doing and hope it works out."
"But you actually wanted someone to help?"
"Why wish for something that isn't real? Asking people for help would be answered with a 'no,' and people offering to help weren't actually willing to. So why bother wanting what will never come? It made me resourceful, but...yeah, hard to take you up on your offers. I was...yeah, I guess I was a bit scared." There was that hangup of boys here, to admit to being afraid, again.
"Scared of me?"
"No, just that if I ever actually asked, I'd just be showing you helplessness- and wouldn't be trusted to handle myself after that. I'd need a bodyguard, an escort. To you, to everyone, I was this boy who could handle himself, and that was neat to you all. Useful, maybe even. Who I was in your eyes mattered a lot to me- and I'm not used to caring what other people think of me. I mean, remember how I would walk down the hall with my nose in a book, and how I dressed and looked? I didn't care how weird I looked to other people. Suddenly, though, I cared a lot."
Natalie felt those words rattle around in her own soul. How often had she felt that way? Afraid, lost, but not even able to ask for help because of who she was? A noblewoman was supposed to be the one people looked to for help, and if she was lost then what good was she to anyone? Just being friendly hadn't worked, all the other girls at Braxis had turned competitive and guarded toward each other- and her. She felt stuck trying to piece things together herself until Masarie's unexpected call- and as much as she was helping Masarie with her vision, Masarie had also helped Natalie piece together what was really going on, and understand what she had to do.
"I can relate to that, at least a bit," she muttered.
"I kept having this thought: 'Maybe my Mother's right to try and punish me'. Good people don't do the kinds of things that I did. The concept of the soul, and whether mine was something other people could see and sense. Yet I also would do those things I did all over again, because they were the right things to do. The people who mattered to me and helped guide me were happy that I was doing them, and that I was leading. They valued me because of it, and so I couldn't just walk away. I often wondered about that, you know. If there was some other, more peaceful way that I'd missed to resolve things. Maybe telling Amilita or whoever about Ministriva's relative, trying to go to the police or interior, or security forces with what we had figured out. I could have gone streaking across the base and begged for help. But every time, it felt like I was leaving everything up to the chance that they'd understand and help me, rather than the certainty of taking action, and so I- I-"
Elias shook his head, slowly at first, then faster until Natalie couldn't stand to see the frantic motions and leaned forward, putting a hand on his face, feeling the warmth. He wavered, as if he'd made himself dizzy. She still stayed quiet, her hands still frozen where they'd raised to help. What did she even do in this situation?
"I'm sorry," she finally offered, hoping the words helped. "I still love you," she added.
"I know," he said sadly. "And I- I love you too. When you ran away I guess I felt like I didn't deserve what I'd had. Like I *was *as bad as everyone says. It doesn't help that when I did point out the mind-wiping, supposedly it's banned now. At least, in Delaware. It beats having to kill my own family to stop the practice. But that just kind of means that maybe all of it was unnecessary, and I just did it because I wanted to kill, like Vendetta." He looked so lost and afraid, she never imagined he carried these kinds of inner doubts.
Here was baring his soul, and all she could think to try was remembering a good time she'd shared with him. She had to come out and tell him the truth. "We don't think you're bad. At least, a lot of people don't. Remember the video game?" She tried on a smile for him. "Remember, you were playing- well, Emperor?" She chuckled.
He looked back to the window and she noticed he seemed suddenly very flushed and red in the face. "Not just 'bad.' I could have settled for that, but no, they think I'm some kind of a sex icon," he mumbled darkly. "They don't see me, or what I'm fighting for. So, really, what was it all for? I mean, I got everyone killed, and what do I have to show for it? A pile of bodies, but no real changes. Azraea will be replaced."
"They don't see you as Elias," she admitted. "But some of them at least understand that you're fighting for something more than yourself. You knew Myrrah, meaning you knew Masarie too, right?"
"She and I only really talked a couple times."
"Well, you certainly left an impression. She called me when I was alone in my room. I was...considering the revelation you were Emperor, and how I felt about all that." She barely managed to keep from calling it 'moping'. Moping was undignified, after all. "And you know what? She had a lot to say to me about you that was really interesting."
"Wait, does Masarie know?"
"No," Natalie laughed. "Nothing like that. We talked about what your goals- Emperor's goals had to be- I mean, you can't possibly hope to kill every Shil'vati. Not if you let her go, and I knew not if you had protected me, too. And you're aware, as Elias, of just how many planets we have, and how many people. So you're not really our enemy as a people, are you? And you're telling everyone what's going on here- and some of them are *listening. With Ministriva, with the mind-wiper, with *everything. And the conversation helped me to see what I had to do, and why you were doing it, and that's why I'm here now, you know? I'm here to tell you that it's okay that you're Emperor."
He was quiet for a few moments. He let out a sigh, shuddering, and then came out. "You're sure?" And then winced, almost as if he'd dashed his chances, giving her a second chance to reconsider.
"What, do you think I'm going to say 'actually, you know what, it's not okay'?" she laughed, hoping to raise his spirits. "It wasn't a small or easy choice. I mean, I'm not celebrating, you know? I don't approve of everything you've done. I just understand why you're Emperor, and what you're trying to do. And I guess I support it. Not just because I love you, but also because I see where you're coming from."
"You understand?" He asked dubiously. "Really?"
"I think I do. In a way that only someone who really knows both sides of you can. The books- you made such a big deal out of rescuing them. You showed me around the state with the omni-pad. What you said over dinner on the rooftop in D.C. with that fat creep, even though it was rude to our host- those were things that mattered to you, and are why you're doing this."
"You think it's about a museum? Or the Odyssey in particular? Or whether or not the books people read are old and dusty?"
"No! No no no, it's about human history, culture, and achievements. What I said was all part of that, but not even close to the entirety. Monuments. Statues. The language itself, and the things your people achieved before we came. There's so much more to it. You told me once: You have to have a past to understand yourself. You have to forge your own identity if you want to have a future. I think... I think you felt like all of it was being taken away. Twisted and warped, you know? To serve someone else. No past, so you don't understand yourselves, and you're more ready to believe whatever we tell you that you are. That way, when we say you're all sex addict boys who do..."
That topic was easy to discuss in her head when it wasn't in front of a boy. Of all the times to get flustered, afraid of what he'd think, or how he'd react. Now isn't the time to be flustered!
"...all the things that our imaginations say you can, you'll believe us. And then you'll be nothing more than that, because we trivialized everything else. Maybe that's convenient to some woman out there somewhere, but not me, and it certainly isn't who you are. You have to carve out your own future, your own life."
"We're meant to be more than what they imagine us to be."
"You are, and you can be. There are dead civilizations that we have discovered the ruins of as we've explored the galaxy, and added the names of their races and empires to our language to mean 'more advanced than we can understand.' We've since shot far past them technologically. If we found them now and added them to our dictionary, what would the word mean?" She shook her head. "I think in our paranoia and fear of you hurting yourself, we intervened, and we never should have, at least not the way we did and have been doing. And it's not too late to change the course. And if I can be a part of changing that course, then I will. I'll do anything."
A few moment's passed. She hoped she was right. She hoped against hope that he heard her, that he wouldn't just laugh at her and tell her she was stupid, and that he was some kind of madman, out to kill them all. No, even that she could live with, she decided. She'd hate herself, but would take it as a lesson.
She'd expected some kind of outpouring of relief, but instead he just seemed to be waiting for her to say something. "You want in, then? You don't think you'll have any regrets?" He seemed less defeated, at least. Some of his energy was back. That could only be a good thing, right?
"I don't think so?" Natalie asked. "If I do, that's just life isn't it?"
He shuffled slightly closer.
"Then where's Goshen?"
Special Thanks to Tumbleman, Miku, and CatsinTrenchcoats for helping with this. I hope the flow of action/details isn't too screwed up.

Chapter Summary:

Amilita and Morsh square off in the hallway. Elias gets comforted by Natalie
BuyMeACoffee for the Author
submitted by AlienNationSSB to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:40 Fallen_AngelMiuna Do You Think This A Past Life Dream or Something Else?

( My grammer isn't all that great so please be nice. I had this dream last year June 19 of last year. )
My dream took back all the way back to Ancient Egypt only thing that stood out more so was that, it looked like I had time traveled. My skin was still pale, however my hair went back to being brown. I was in some kind of palace chamber freaking out, wondering how I got here. I ended up walking past two people who didn't notice me right away till I groaned in pain because I felt a sharp pain on my right upper arm. The moment I made a sound the two people noticed me, one was a woman the other was a man. The woman smiled and said "I finally found the person who will take my place as a sacrifice." The man just smiled but looked at my arm as his smile went away and told the woman in Egyptian to look at my arm. She raises up my sleeve and gasped loudly then quickly realised me as she had a panic look on her face and so did the man. The man started talking to her in Egyptian again, only this time time I was able to understand him as if he was speaking English. He told her "You fool! That's the Sun God's daughter, you sacrifice her and we'll die! Check her other arm, it should show if she's also our savior." Once he stopped talking the woman did just that and lifted up my sleeve on my left arm while I just standing there confused as hell on what this all meant and how I even got here in the first place. The woman's eyes widen in shock as she moves away so the man can look. Once the man's eyes saw my arm he looked surprised then smiled and looked at me "you have the head of the God of the underworld on your arm." I looked at my arm to see it was in fact Anubis then looked at both of them in confusion. The woman and man smiled but their smile quickly faded as the man pushes the woman onto the ground from where they were sitting as he got on the ground as well and they started begging me for forgiveness. I blinked in confusion as I moved back a little but I told them in Egyptian that I forgive them which made them happy but surprised me because I don't even know how to speak any form of Egyptian. The man got up as did the woman, and stated "After all this time, I'm sure you have questions. Questions only your father can answer. Follow me please." They both started walking down many halls till we arrived to a temple, it looked different though. I studied the temple in fascination with a smile then noticed there was a lock of some sorts on the wall, as if I had to place something there. The woman told me that "only the children of the Sun God can enter, those who dared tried entering that are not his children have perished before they could enter." I started freaking out but I took a deep breath because something inside me told me I'll be fine. I was handed a red orb then walked towards the wall, I slowly and carefully place inside the lock then gold light started to emit from the doors as I back away slowly. Once the doors were fully opened I heard a voice from the inside to enter so I took another deep breath and exhaled then walked in expecting something bad to happen only nothing happened to me, only my clothes changed and my hair grew longer. Then Ra ( that's the name of the Sun God or Re or Amun-Re, the Ancient Egyptians gave him servial different names ) walked out from behind a very large pillar and walked over towards me with a loving smile. He told me how much he missed me while I just looked at him confused which made him laugh as he spoke "I am not surprised you do not remember anything my dear daughter, I made it that way. The reason for that is because your life was in danger so I had to erase your memories of everything, who you were, where you were from, who your parents are everything. I sent you into the future in hopes you'll be protected and you have. My daughter you even fallen in love with a human vessel, I will over look even if he harbors a demon within him. I have seen they both make you happy and they have protected you throughout your life in the future, even in your past lives, just not this life time." I just stood there with my eyes wide as I took in all this information in complete shock. My father turned towards me and walked over towards me and gently placed his arm around my shoulder wanting me to walk with him, so I did. We started talking together and I got to know him all over again as I smiled happily.
submitted by Fallen_AngelMiuna to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:40 Fallen_AngelMiuna Do You Think This A Past Life Dream or Something Else?

( My grammer isn't all that great so please be nice. I had this dream last year June 19 of last year. )
My dream took back all the way back to Ancient Egypt only thing that stood out more so was that, it looked like I had time traveled. My skin was still pale, however my hair went back to being brown. I was in some kind of palace chamber freaking out, wondering how I got here. I ended up walking past two people who didn't notice me right away till I groaned in pain because I felt a sharp pain on my right upper arm. The moment I made a sound the two people noticed me, one was a woman the other was a man. The woman smiled and said "I finally found the person who will take my place as a sacrifice." The man just smiled but looked at my arm as his smile went away and told the woman in Egyptian to look at my arm. She raises up my sleeve and gasped loudly then quickly realised me as she had a panic look on her face and so did the man. The man started talking to her in Egyptian again, only this time time I was able to understand him as if he was speaking English. He told her "You fool! That's the Sun God's daughter, you sacrifice her and we'll die! Check her other arm, it should show if she's also our savior." Once he stopped talking the woman did just that and lifted up my sleeve on my left arm while I just standing there confused as hell on what this all meant and how I even got here in the first place. The woman's eyes widen in shock as she moves away so the man can look. Once the man's eyes saw my arm he looked surprised then smiled and looked at me "you have the head of the God of the underworld on your arm." I looked at my arm to see it was in fact Anubis then looked at both of them in confusion. The woman and man smiled but their smile quickly faded as the man pushes the woman onto the ground from where they were sitting as he got on the ground as well and they started begging me for forgiveness. I blinked in confusion as I moved back a little but I told them in Egyptian that I forgive them which made them happy but surprised me because I don't even know how to speak any form of Egyptian. The man got up as did the woman, and stated "After all this time, I'm sure you have questions. Questions only your father can answer. Follow me please." They both started walking down many halls till we arrived to a temple, it looked different though. I studied the temple in fascination with a smile then noticed there was a lock of some sorts on the wall, as if I had to place something there. The woman told me that "only the children of the Sun God can enter, those who dared tried entering that are not his children have perished before they could enter." I started freaking out but I took a deep breath because something inside me told me I'll be fine. I was handed a red orb then walked towards the wall, I slowly and carefully place inside the lock then gold light started to emit from the doors as I back away slowly. Once the doors were fully opened I heard a voice from the inside to enter so I took another deep breath and exhaled then walked in expecting something bad to happen only nothing happened to me, only my clothes changed and my hair grew longer. Then Ra ( that's the name of the Sun God or Re or Amun-Re, the Ancient Egyptians gave him servial different names ) walked out from behind a very large pillar and walked over towards me with a loving smile. He told me how much he missed me while I just looked at him confused which made him laugh as he spoke "I am not surprised you do not remember anything my dear daughter, I made it that way. The reason for that is because your life was in danger so I had to erase your memories of everything, who you were, where you were from, who your parents are everything. I sent you into the future in hopes you'll be protected and you have. My daughter you even fallen in love with a human vessel, I will over look even if he harbors a demon within him. I have seen they both make you happy and they have protected you throughout your life in the future, even in your past lives, just not this life time." I just stood there with my eyes wide as I took in all this information in complete shock. My father turned towards me and walked over towards me and gently placed his arm around my shoulder wanting me to walk with him, so I did. We started talking together and I got to know him all over again as I smiled happily.
submitted by Fallen_AngelMiuna to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:07 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 36

[First] [Previous] [Next]
A long, very long time ago. In a distant land whose name has been changed many times, there was a church. The smallest Church in all of Constantinople. They didn’t have much to survive, barely gathering any followers, but with a little help from the king the nuns in the church lived a calm, if not boring life.

The little house of the Saints sat on top of a small hill, overlooking one of the walls of the great city. The view was not all that special, but at night one could see the many stars above in the clean, pre-industrial skies. Aira, daughter of Maryam, used to sit on its rooftop to watch them closer, to clear her mind, to try and remember the distant memories of her Father, and the lands she and her mother had to abandon with the coming of war.

It was harder to remember every day… but she did her best to keep her memories alive, shining brightly like a fire in the middle of a snowstorm. She didn’t want them extinguished, no matter how painful it could be to look back now that it was all so far away. After all, these memories were her only escape from the life of quiet resignation she was forced to now.

Worshiping strange deities, following foreign laws, letting the traditions and myths they once held so dearly fall into oblivion.

The world was a strange yet wonderful place, full of mysteries to experience and people to meet, all beyond the walls of this city that kept her confined to this faith she resented. The lands of the west, the deserts of Kavir, the many gifts that the Stars bestowed upon mankind, and that the beliefs of the Saints refused to acknowledge.

Her mother didn’t see things this way. Maryam’s fire had been extinguished by tragedy and suffering; life had taught her that there is no time for an identity if you are to survive in this cruel world. It made no sense to cling to old tales, religions and hopes, even people! And so, to protect herself and her daughter, she forsook it all. And she would do it again, there was no space for regret in survival.

Aira was not a dumb kid, she understood the sacrifices her mother was making. She knew it was necessary, and yet, a part inside of her resisted, rebelled, demanded more than the life she could currently afford.

It was that one night, so many years ago, right when the young girl was getting ready to get back inside… that she saw the Alchemist for the very first time, limping, wounded and tired.

Their eyes connected for a moment, blue staring into hazel.

She could have ignored him, or called someone else to help. But something moved her, curiosity made her try to take care of the situation by herself.

That’s how it all started.

It’d been ages since that, a literal myriad of lifetimes. The old church no longer existed, nor did Aira.

Mustafá sat on her own, on top of the tallest tower in all of Palien, watching the stars. The night sky was cleaner here than in Obuda, there wasn’t so much smoke nor light polluting her view of the galaxy. And yet, there were so few stars that night, she could see so little of anything. It was like the entire planet had lost its way with the years.

And now, it spun by itself in the middle of a dark swamp.

Giovanni stood there as well, not too far from her, but not too close either. He was afraid. Not of her reasons to be here, not of the way she may berate him this far. He was afraid of himself, of these feelings of yearning that he couldn’t quite get over. Of the torture of seeing someone and feeling his heart pump faster in anticipation, only to be disappointed once again.

He had to remind himself that these feelings, this yearning, that past he kept looking up to… they were all meaningless now. It was hopeless to try and cling to them.

Mustafá, on the other hand, knew that the man was there and had known for a while now. They were both acutely attuned to each other’s presence, after all. She couldn’t ignore him even if she desperately wanted to, even if she detested that she needed him.

She didn’t want to see him, she didn’t want to look at him.

For he made her feel.

Even without using her balm, even after the effects of the recharging of her soul had dissipated already… seeing the man in person inundated her heart with conflicting, violent feelings.

She wanted to run away, find another solution… but there was none. She had exhausted all of her ideas and now, she had to deal with the consequences of her own inability to deal with things alone.

This was the worst part. The frustration of having to depend on him.

Finally, after several minutes of silence, they spoke. At the same time.


“Took you long enou–”

They frowned. They both absolutely hated that.

After a moment, they tried again. Mustafá took the words this time, before Giovanni could even start. He wasn’t going to.

“The situation has grown out of our control.” She said, crossing her arms. “The Second Sacrifice is coming… I fear it may have even started already.”

“You said it would start in the North Pole.” Giovanni closed his eyes and reassured her. “This isn’t the start.”

‘But what if I was wrong?’, Mustafá wanted to say. ‘What if I miscalculated?’. Of course, she would never say such things. She would never admit to even feeling this way… it was his fault, after all. It was his presence that tampered with her emotions. His annoying, ever changing presence.

“Of course not.” She said, those thoughts only taking a fraction of a second in her mind. “But they are no doubt related to it. You saw the pictures as well, right?”

Both of their minds went back to the images, snapshots of a magical massacre. Burnt floors, bloodstained walls, mangled bodies…

“That I did.” The young man nodded.

“Then you know this was not done by a mere human. This was the work of a Dragon.” Finally, she decided to look him in the eye. She wanted to confirm they were on the same page.

Giovanni doubted. He knew that much was impossible… but he also knew what he saw.


“You are the only one who knows where the few Dragons left have been sealed. I need the map.” She demanded.

“Are you going to check yourself? Are you crazy!?” Giovanni frowned. “It’s too dangerous.”

“I will be bringing Tav with me.” She added.

“That’s even more dangerous!” The man crossed his arms. “I refuse to have a part in this.”

“All you need to do is give me the map and your usual warnings. From then on, it’s my responsibility.” Mustafá slowly stood up.

“I will be worried sick!” Giovanni whined softly.

“You shouldn’t. You know I can’t die, and as long as I am alive, I can keep Tav safe.” She turned to face the young man. It was so jarring, suddenly being his size. She hated that.

“Just because you can’t die doesn’t mean you can’t get hurt. It doesn’t mean you can’t suffer.” He really didn’t want to ask, but he finally caved in. “Have you been taking care of yourself?”

“That is none of your business.” The alchemist rejected his attempts to relate almost instantly.

“Mustafá…” He looked at her, dead in the eye. “Please.”

“Stop that. Stop it right this instant!” She suddenly blew up, unable to contain herself anymore. “Just give me the damn map and let me go, you stubborn old man!”

Silence. A few birds flew away.

Both mages looked at each other for a long time… and Giovanni sighed, conjuring a roll of papyrus and extending it to Mustafá, who immediately snatched it from his hand.

“Thank you.” She said, taking a few steps past the man, only to stop and suddenly whisper. “... I still haven’t found it. The formula…”

“... Stop torturing yourself with that.” He closed his eyes once more. “You don’t have to—”

“I do. And I will find it. I just need more time.” Mustafá softly jumped off the roof, her body disappearing in a sudden blink of octarine light.

And then there was one.

Giovanni kept his eyes closed, his fists closed. Frustration was invading him. A few tears slid down his cheeks. He hated it, but he felt a little relieved that the woman was still in the chase for her Great Work.

If she was still trying to kill him, that meant, in a strange way, that she still cared.

I am multitasking like a champion, reading and taking notes with one half of my brain while the other was keeping track of the messages in my computer.

You are probably familiar with this word meaning Magical Resource, and to a certain point, it is true. Mana is a fountain of magic naturally produced by organic materials such as plant fiber or flesh… but accessing it is very complicated. Humans can only make use of it by transforming it into Astral.

And yet, the rest of the World doesn’t require this process. Magical creatures such as fairies, ghosts and others just seem to use Mana directly from their very beings. Their bodies also seem to be literally made out of the stuff, so be very careful!\*

\ Not fully accurate. Even if their Mana Density is much higher than a human’s, they still have a physical presence in the form of a Core. These tend to implode in death, so acquiring them and studying them was almost impossible until recent years.*

We humans also produce Mana naturally, visible only to those blessed with an eye for magic, babies and a few cats. This aura around us, as they call it, starts with a fluorescent greenish-yellow purple, until it stabilizes into a colour more fitting of the person that emanates it.

Even if Mana is useless for the casting of spells, it is 100% vital for humans; there have been cases of vampires and other creatures draining the entirety of a person’s reservoir, leaving them in an emotionless state some refer to as “Apathia”.

\ The body requires a minimum amount of Mana to function and regenerate. Once that threshold is drained, the body enters Apathia. Attempts to combat this have been made by injecting Mana directly into the body to try and reactivate its regenerating properties, but this only works in 45% of the cases. More often than not, the person either becomes dependent on an external intake of Mana, or eventually enter Final Stage Apathia, where the body suffers necrosis until death.*

\ Some equate Mana to the Soul of the person, but my own studies suggest that Mana is only a manifestation of the Soul rather than its entirety. That “threshold” could be the Mana stored in the Soul itself, and once the Soul loses that, it cannot replenish it anymore after a period of time.*

So, keep your wits about that!

So what we use for magic is actually called ‘Astral’, and ‘Mana’ is another thing entirely? Like, unfiltered ‘Astral’? I guess that makes a little sense, one can’t use raw prime matter without turning it into useful resources.

This ‘Apathia’ thing worries me. It sounded like ‘Apathy’... and it reminds me of Mustafá quite a bit, being so apathetic. Could it be possible that she got bitten by a vampire recently and that’s why she’s this much of a bitch? Or is this one of those words that sound similar but aren’t related in the slightest?

Not sure if there’s a word for that.

I guess not…

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I just read about Mana! n.n
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: Your power grows Tavy-chan OWO!!!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): man cant wait for you to start messin with manasteel
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): youre gonna motherfuckin flip
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: MANASTEEL!? O.O That sounds so cool not gonna lie
ケンジー・イズ・マイ・ワイフ!!!: It’s suppah sugoi stuff!! >w< so cool!
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): yeah girl just ask mortimer about it
man don’t you lecture me with your $30 haircut 8): he’s the weaver around ere
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I will, I will! n.n Saints above this is so exciting!

I am about to write something more when I hear knocking on the door. That’s definitely Mustafá. Took her a while, huh? With a little smile, and feeling the strength back in my legs, I let the others know that I’ll be right back and carefully stand up. Everything feels a little woobly but, I can walk if I do it slowly!

She isn’t in a big hurry either it seems, just knocked the one time and that would be it! Good!


With cautious steps I move to the door and, after messing a bit with the lock, I carefully open.

“Hey Mustafá! What’s–... up…?”

What I have in front of me is the defeated shade of a woman, hairs messily falling from under her turban, darkened golden eyes staring right at the floor. Has she been in the rain or something? There’s no other explanation for her looking this soggy!

“Tea. Please.”
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:55 Dutch_Riot How To: Lower Vram usage by atleast 50% for more stable gameplay

So I was trying to figure out how to get the game to run a little more stable, even with an average of 100 to 120 fps the game felt kinda laggy. So obviously I tried to lock the game's framerate to a lower number by changing the display 'Hz' in game but that wouldn't work at all.
What did work for me was the following:
  1. Run the game at least once and set the graphics settings you want then close the game.
  2. Go to my documents in the windows file explorer
  3. open folder my games, then solar crown's folder.
  4. right click on UserSettings file and open with notepad
  5. once open, use search feature (left ctrl+F) and search Fps, by default this is 200 (for me) change it to desired locked frame rate, I went for 60 since this game doesn't need more to be honest.
  6. save the file, right click on saved file, go to properties and set as ''read only'', confirm changes. (this is why I in the first point mentioned to select your choice of graphics settings before doing any changes, making the file read only, means that the game launches with those settings every time. You can still make changes once the game is open, it just wont save those changes)
Your game is now capped to the fps you desire, capping the game to 60 fps and having in my case Amd's freesync premium on allows for the game to feel way smoother than uncapped, also reduced the vram usage by at least 50% for me (with everything on ultra)
This might help people out with lower end pcs to be able to run the game without it consuming an unnecessary large amount of vram.
For reference my system is:
Here's a preview of before (uncapped fps on top and capped 60 fps below) same settings.
submitted by Dutch_Riot to tdu3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:39 Liberty-Prime76 Letter of Marque 85 - A NoP Fanfic

As always, thank you to for the wonderful universe that is NoP! Thank you to for proof reading and helping me make this chapter as good as it can be, you're the man! Honestly LoM wouldn't have gone very far without him! If you haven't you should absolutely go read Foundations of Humanity! It's very good! :D
A big thanks to for helping with proofreading! He writes Out of Our Elements which is a very good one! If you like a good fic in the wilderness and a pair of cute 'friends' ;) you'll love OOE!
Also thank you to ! For this wonderful fanart of Taisa. And this one! She's so cute I'm gonna die
And thank you to ! For this adorable fanart of Chris and Renkel! Dear god help he's adorable I love him so much
Thank you , or AsciiSquid on Discord, for makin' Vengineer Taisa Gamin'. She's absolutely adorable, I love her lil' workers apron. She looks so excited to get to work!
Thank you ! For this astounding Pixel Art of Taisa after a few range day dates with Chris! Her little hat and gunbelt are absolutely astounding!
Thank you ! For this Artwork of Taisa and Chris as characters from One Piece! I've never seen or read it before but it's incredibly cute!
Thank you to for their wonderful work of several LoM fanfics!
First Prev. Next
Memory Transcription Subject: Taikel, Venlil Farmer, Venlil-Human Exchange Host
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
Stars above a paw with good news would be appreciated.
The Warren was silent but for the click-clack of Renkel’s claws on my pad as I sat at the island, staring down at my now cold bowl of crispy brown vegetables. Rensa had fallen further over the last paw, sinking well past where she had been after her accident. I think hope, fear and Renkel were the only things keeping me from stumbling into the night beside her.
My attention tracked across the living room as I swiveled the stool around to focus on the window she was sat in front of, with all I could see being the thread of a shadow slowly bringing the glass to her mouth; the only sign to tell me she was still there at all. I’d thought about replacing the gin with something gentler this waking, it had worked for a glass, keeping her marginally more lucid before she’d decided to refill it herself. Then before too long she was back to the same torpid drift she’d lost herself in these last few paws.
The clink of my skewer against the side of the bowl in front of me split the solemn, cold air of the kitchen as I let out a sigh, turning to look at the beads tic-tacing against each other in front of the open window beside the hearth. My eyes hung on the open thread waiting, almost eagerly, to be filled, for the news of our loss so that sordid black bead could find its new home.
My heart sank at the thought of receiving that message.
Of being informed that they really were gone.
Of having to confront the reality of our loss.
Having to explain to Renkel that his sister was never coming home, that Chris would never share his stories with him again.
That two of his best friends in the world had been taken from him.
Rensa falling even further, spiraling well beyond anything I could ever truly help her recover from.
The image of their stars drifting on the basin brought pooling tears to the corners of my eyes, pulling at the threads binding my heart like Night’s whipping winds.
I could feel them threatening to fall as I wrenched my eyes from Kalthet hanging in the window, squeezing them shut to push the horror away, to do anything and everything I could for my family.
For Rensa, for Renkel.
For them.
Come on, gray coat, do it for the-
The familiar chime of my pad drifted from Renkel on the couch, perking my ears to the distinct tune as he mewled curiously, locked onto the pad just as I was.
Was that Tais-
PAPA!” My son squealed, leaping from the couch to fill the Warren with the rapid pitter-patter of his paws on hardwood followed along with a rapid beat of chime after chime from the pad he all but threw at me.
My heart swayed for a moment, a growing sprout of hope blooming as I gently plucked the pad from his paws, my tail slipping around him, pulling him close as I stared down at the noisy pad. The wheels in my mind spun on slick ground as panic, elation and worry filled my thoughts, my breath hitched, trying to push me onward to read even the first message as they came rushing in like a fresh harvest. Before long they stopped, messages about them going up to a peak to watch, the food Darlene had made, how much she hoped she’d see us again, terror at the Arxur’s arrival, jubilation that the federation had been driven away.
And then they turned to a tide of growing worry as her messages asked where we were, what was going on and how the town was holding up. Questions asking if we were getting the messages flooded in next, creeping closer and closer together before one finally broke the chain with an >Embarassed.< tail sign emote. A heavy sigh of relief tumbled from my mouth as I pulled Renkel a little closer, reading the message aloud to the pup with high ears and a blooming warmth in my chest.
“Hey Papa, looks like relays have been down for… a while. I’m ok, Chris is… mostly ok. I don’t know when you will get this, but whenever you do, I want you to know we’re coming home soon. I love you.”
My attention swung back to the window and the shadow hanging on the curtains between us as Renkel’s paws flew into the air, the pitter-patter of his feet on the hardwood racing around the living room, scooping up his book and bolting upstairs with an elated squeal. My tail fell into an excited wag before I looked back to the pad, the biting worry for Rensa gnawing a little harder at my gut dulled by the fact that they were alive! My daughter and Chris were, seemingly, safe. As worried as I was about reports of the Arxur on Earth, I couldn’t help but be elated at the news. Which certainly didn’t stay my claws from typing out a field of questions of my own as they sprouted to mind.
Oh thank the stars you’re ok, Oil-Spot!
What happened with the ship crash, the U.N. said it started a giant fire???
Are you two safe?
What are the Arxur doing there?
Where are the Arxur?
Where are you?
Her chat-flower bloomed after a few agonizingly long moments, setting the coiled tension in my heart loose as joyful tears slipped free into my wool. I hadn’t thought that little purple flower opening and closing could simultaneously elicit so many emotions.
Papa! Stars above I was worried something had happened.
Venlil ship rammed a fed light cruiser, lit the forest and mountainsides on fire real bad. We spent the last two paws doing our best to help put that out. Its contained and almost gone now so we’re getting shifted.We’re safe, mostly. We’ve got a worrying shipment with a few aid crews for the next paw or two but we’ve been approved to return to Heartwood after that is done.
They helped push the feds back and now they’re helping >Disbelief.< with the rebuilding efforts. Neither of us are particularly pleased with that.
Not sure about all of them but at least three of them are going to be on Polani. >Anger. Worry.<
We’re at Chris’ families, getting Polani ready to go get started with our ‘aid teams’.
How’re Mama and Renkel?
My heart stuck in my throat as I looked up at the window again, peering at Rensa’s shadow as the sound of Renkel excitedly foraging in his room met my ears, searching for the best words to say. I settled on the truth.
Renkel is currently running about the house like he’s had a cup of Chris’ ‘coffee’ again squealing happy. Your Mama is… not doing great right now but hopefully this news helps!
Any idea when you two will be home?
As soon as we can, not sure of exactly how many paws but I promise I’ll keep you updated.
Please let Mama know we’ll be home as soon as we can be.
I will, stay safe for me, Oil-Spot.
We’ll do our best, Papa. Love you.
Love you too.
I set the pad down and found myself staring at the Kalthet again, focusing on the empty space, ecstatic that another black spot wouldn’t yet truly fill our lives.
But it has filled the lives of others. Those people in the shelters… How many have lost family they know they’ll never see again?
>Enough.< A small nod bobbed my chin as I turned, padding up stairs to find Renkel. We’d been cooped up in the Warren long enough; it was harvest-time for all of us to get out and start helping. Besides, stars and I know that if that boy was good at anything other than foraging for new facts it was being a beacon of light in the world.
[Advance Transcript by Time Unit: 1.5 Hours]
Renkel let out an excited giggle, bouncing on his feet as I poured another glass for Rensa, splashing a claw of gin before diluting it with water and fire-fruit oil. Hard stopping hadn’t worked last time and it wouldn’t this time either, not without her howling in pain for paws on end… I couldn’t put her through that for another minute, let alone a few paws. But if I eased her down then it’d be better, it’d be tolerable for her and I was sure that Taisa and Chris’ return would snap her out of her stupor and break the fire just as fast as it’d started.
Or at least I hoped as hard as I could that it would.
Renkel bounds to the door, still jumping in place as his tail lashes about behind him excitedly, barely containing his squeaks as I open the door and wave him on outside. The cool twilight air flows into my wool as the beautiful golden rays dance in my eyes, casting the sky in a beautiful tapestry of colors. I’d seen it a thousand times, every waking of my life and yet, right now, it felt like the first time in forever.
Renkel doesn’t slow, bolting to the truck and calling out an upbeat whistle to Rensa as I stoop at her side, gently extracting the now-empty glass from her paws and replacing it with the new one before nuzzling her crown with an excited, hopeful mewl. “Taisa’s alright darling, they’ll be home in a few paws! Renkel and I are going to the shelter to try and help… do you want to come?”
A noncommittal, foggy grunt of acknowledgment was all I received alongside a weak return of my affections. The knot of pain in my chest tightened down again at the sight of my love, steeping in the fog hanging in her mind. It hurt to see her like this again, especially with the knowledge that the fear and anguish, the very cause of her pain, wasn’t true. Aside from patience and doing my best to gently lift her from the pit she’d dug to hide herself there was little I could do to truly help her.
So patience and a steady paw was what I would provide.
I gave her crown a small lick before I rose, gently easing her back down into her seat with the strongest purr I could manage. “We’ll be back soon, love. Get some rest, things will get better from here, I promise.”
The crunch of gravel beneath bolting paws reached my ears as I turned toward the truck, the excited squeaks, chirps and whistles erupting from Renkel faltered as he slowed to a stop at my side. His voice was a whisper as I turned him to pad to the truck, concern in his voice mirrored in how tight he clutched his book to his chest. “I-Is Mama coming with us?”
“No, Rekan, Mama’s still tired so she’s gonna stay home this time.” I whispered back, my paw squeezing his shoulder as my tail wrapped around his wrist. “But she wants us to go have all the fun we can at the shelter!
“Ok!” The pup’s ears perk, his tail wagging enthusiastically with the answer, tiny claws prodding me onward to the truck before tossing his head over his shoulder to shout to Rensa. “Lets go! Love you Mama! I’ll tell you all about it when we get home!”
A placid >You too.< was all he received.
That didn’t steal the shine from his field though, the joyful sound of his whistling accompanying the rapid prodding of his claws as he pushed me onward to the truck. The passenger door gives its usual whining squeal as it swings open, reminding me once again to call Parnel…
Later. Right now we help.
Renkel’s voice danced with enthusiasm as I hefted him up off his feet and into the seat beside mine, strapping him in as he sang and whistled Taisa’s chime. Before long I found myself joining him as I stepped back, gently swinging the door shut before padding to the drivers side, the hopeful tune dancing in the air around me as I climbed in alongside my son, gently pulling him close for a moment and earning a surprised mewl in return.
“You all ready, Rekan?”
The truck’s engine shudders to life as Renkel props his book up on his lap, happily reading aloud to me about a new ‘fishy’ the ‘Blue Whale’. The rumble thrums through the truck as I slip it into gear, the familiar sound accompanied by the crunch of gravel under tread before it fades into the whispering hum of slow tires on asphalt. I turned my eyes for a moment, harvesting another look at Rensa lounging beside the Warren’s door.
And that little bloom of hope grew just a bit larger at the thought of them home, of her whole again. Of us whole again. I could handle this, in a paw or two she’d be lucid enough again. Then she’d be happy again.
And stars above that’s all I ever wanted.
Memory Transcription Subject: Christopher A. Dewey, Human Merchant Ship Captain, Crystal Star Shipping Co-Owner
Date [Standardized Human Time]: October 20th, 2136
They’re late.
The heft of my loading suit felt like little more than a heavy coat as I stood at the top of Polani’s ramp, alone. Taisa was still up in the helm, likewise suited and strapped as we waited for the grays to arrive, along with their U.N. Handlers. Neither of us was particularly excited about any of this but we still had to do it. Still had to bend the knee every time the U.N. called us up.
We’d done everything they’d wanted us to do, hauled a few thousand souls off the Cradle, more’n that off Earth in the last few days, a quarter of which from places that just weren’t anymore…
And I still didn’t know if Anna was alright. They couldn’t, or wouldn’t, tell me a definitive answer about what happened to her or the museum’s bunker, and it was eating me. Ma’n Pa’d told me I should wait, do my best to keep a level head, keep myself on track and I’d tried. Tried to keep everything straight in my head, to focus on helping people where I could and… and I still couldn’t stop the knife in my gut twisting at losing my little sister.
Patience… Anna’s always been lucky, she’ll be alright. She will.
My eyes turned skyward, looking up at the drifting plume of smoke and ash that still hung in the northern sky. The ash, dust, debris and dreams of a few hundred million people stained the sky that awful gray-brown that stretched for hundreds of miles. Each crater that’d once been a city had looked like over-eager paint smudges from orbit. Looking down at them and biting my lip was about all I could do to keep from crying my eyes out at the idea of what was left of Anna drifting along with… everyone else.
“Still don’t see them, Love!” Taisa whistled through our suit’s comms channel, the upbeat, hopeful lilt dancing in her voice, pulling me from the darkening rapids in my mind. I could practically hear her wagging tail as I shifted to look both ways across the Tarmac, spotting a quartet of white vans and a few loaded cargo trucks.
Damn shame. Would’ve rather just gone home to help Ma an’ Pa rather’n taxi some fuckin’ ‘gators around.
“Hate to rain on our parade here, Darlin’, but I don’t think we’re gettin’ out of it that easy… Fuckin’ half hour late or not.”
Her voice deflated as I heard her sigh filter through the suit’s speakers, a note of fear replacing the hope that’d sung just a moment before. “Ah Speh… and we were so close.”
“Another half hour and I’d’ve called it.” I grumbled back, the heavy clunk of my suit’s boots against the ramp echoing through the cavernous hold as I walked down to the tarmac below. “Stay up in the helm, I’ll get the aid workers, and the fuckin’ ‘gators, settled fast as I can manage.”
“Ok, Love.” Was the only response I received, the fear in her voice building to the point that all I wanted to do was slam the hold shut and comfort her rather than play host to the U.N.’s next great idea for our lives.
Unfortunately that wasn’t an actual option.
The quartet of vans slowed to a stop a hundred yards away, followed by the cargo trucks shuddering to a stop on either side of them, sliding open to reveal the first two were entirely filled with Peacekeepers, Human and Zurulian aid workers and a handful of bags, equipment and medicine, the other pair were packed to the gills with Peacekeepers and Arxur. Suddenly everything felt awful familiar as the horde of scaled bastards slunk from their trucks, their attention bouncing all around the space-port before finally settling on Polani and me.
Some of them bickered back and forth in that grating, growling language as it gutting the air just outside my translator's range and set my nerves alight as they pointed up at the star on Polani’s flank. I could feel the tension in my shoulders growing as they approached, following a few yards behind the first Peacekeeper in the bunch and the pair of shaking Zurulians practically beneath her feet. At least they were a few familiar faces amongst the gray tide rising toward me.
“Captain Dewey! Good to see you again! Was worried about you.” Colonel Connolly called to me, Kelfen and Metek’s scared eyes snapping to me, the pair seeming to relax at least a little.
“Colonel, it's good to see you’re alright as well, I hope things have been better for you than us. Kelfen, Metek, good to see you as well.” I replied with a wary voice, my eyes not leaving the horde lingering behind them.
“That’s a word for it.” Metek grumbled, his ears darting about as he shot worried glances behind him, nervously fiddling with his backpack’s straps. “C-Can we still use the room we were using before? We need to set up which teams a-are going where.”
“Certainly, I presume you know the way?”
“Hop to it then.” I stated, inviting them past me as Kelfen shouted over her shoulder, calling the other aid workers and a handful of peacekeepers to follow them before they padded upstairs, followed closely by a myriad of Humans, Zurulians, Yotul, Venlil and, surprisingly, a few annoyed looking Arxur.
“Now, onto the cargo.” Connolly stated, stepping up beside me to look out at the gathered trucks. “ORF-SP’s got a few cargo-shovers on the way over we’re good to use for the transfers today. Them and the load should be sub-size for your hold so we’ll still have space for our new friends to stay downstairs with a few of my Peacekeepers. We’ll have you loaded up and on our way in a few minutes at the most.”
“Good.” I stated, not taking my eyes off of the grays as I heard the throaty hum of cargo-shovers rolling around Polani’s bow to take up station behind the cargo trucks, slipping their loads free of the trailers with ease. “Faster this is done the faster I can get Tai somewhere that neither of us are on the edge of a breakdown.”
“Agreed.” She stated, leaning to whisper in, what she assumed, was the suit’s ear. “I’m not exactly a fan of the lizards either, Cap’ but… if they’re willing to help haul people out of the rubble, and behave, then I’m willing to take the help.”
I nodded, letting out a long sigh as I stepped aside to let the first cargo-shover crawl up the ramp with its load, cresting into the hold before settling down with a sharp hiss from its pneumatics. “Neither are we. If any of them fuck’s with me or Taisa…”
“They’ll have to go through me and my Peacekeepers, Cap’; trust me I won’t let that happen if I can help it. Besides, once you’ve dropped us off you’re off the hook for any more Arxur loads, just aid moving for a few days. Old Moose says he’s trying to limit his crews to one Arxur flight each. About how long will it take to get to NYC?”
“‘Bout an hour or so.” I replied, a small smile crossing my face at the mention of the Mercy’s giant of a Captain. It wasn’t often I met someone bigger than me but God and Stars above if that man didn’t make me feel small. “Well I’ll have to thank him for that, next I see him. Still owe him and Charlie a drink; need to sort that out.”
“I’m sure the both of them would be happy with whatever you bring along at this point. Anyhow, you’ve got a ship to fly and I’ve got a bunch of idiots and lizards to wrangle.” She replied, waving the Peacekeepers and Arxur aboard with a shout as the last of the cargo-shovers crawled to a stop and settled down to the decking. “ALRIGHT, NO ONE TOUCHES ANYTHING YOU AREN’T ASKED, OR TOLD, TO! HANSEN, AKSEL, ANTOINE, GET YOUR SECTIONS TOGETHER AND REA-”
I shook my head with a small laugh at the familiar display, turning to walk upstairs to Taisa and the Helm. The sooner this was done and all the ‘gators were off our ship the sooner either of us would feel safe again. The hall to the helm was nearly empty as I crested the stairs, finding only a handful of figures standing around Kelfen and Metek as the pair organized the rescue and aid parties around a few other qualified medics. From how they were talking I figured the pair would be doing much the same on the ground, a small swell of pride filled my chest as Metek looked up, meeting the woman at his side’s eyes as she asked a question, hardly stuttering as he answered.
Though my mood was quickly soured as I noticed a mass of gray scales and scars that’d ‘strayed’ away from the group towards the helm. Even in my suit it was still taller than me by a full head while hunched over staring down at the angular pad in its grip.
And I didn’t much care.
“Back to your group.” I grumbled, the thumping clang of my suit boots on the decking punctuating my words as I passed. “Wouldn’t want you missin’ anyone down there.”
A low, rolling growl tumbled from its throat as it turned its head, looking down to meet my eyes before the sound shifted into a throaty chuckle that sounded far more like an actual ‘gator than I cared for. “I assure you, Captain, I’ve reviewed the documents as thoroughly as should be expected.”
“I hope so, Arxur.” I replied, turning back to the helm and forcing myself forward.
“You know, Human, I was surprised to learn that the very ship that would deliver me to aid this world was the very one I’d tried to drop a building on.” The Arxur purred, stopping me in my tracks as their voice rolled through the air like a saw through a cedar. “Odd that my second went missing shortly after she’d decided to board it.”
“Hmph.” I grunted in return, shifting to look over my shoulder and past them to the light pink stain on the bulkhead. “That’s what’s left of her, if’n you wanna pay your respects.”
The Arxur followed my eyeline, studying the stain and the small indent the shell had left behind before letting out a grating chuff of laughter. “She was overconfident and underskilled as a hunter. I’ve no respects to pay to weaklings such as her. You have done me a favor in ridding me of her.”
“Well I’d rather not have to do any more favors for you. Keep yourself, and your men, out of trouble and away from my helm.”
The Arxur narrowed its eyes, staring at me for a long moment before nodding, a horridly jagged smile splitting its lips. “It is good to finally meet a Human with a spine. I will keep my hunters out of their way and away from your pre- friends.”
“Good.” I stated, turning on my heel to trudge into the helm, the auto-door hissing and clacking shut behind me as I stepped out of sight and inside to join Taisa. She was all but curled up in her seat; clad in her suit she looked more like an over-sized armadillo than a Venlil. Her Tail fell stiff as I stepped in, her eyes whipping around to stare at me before her ears perked, a sigh of relief flooding the comms as she relaxed back into the seat.
“Thank Polani! You’re ok. Are we ready to fly, Love?”
“Yea, we’re ready. Let’s get this shit over with.” I grumbled before powering down the suit and sliding myself free of its confines. My pilot’s seat welcomed me as I slid behind the helm, running through Polani’s starting sequence before turning to meet her eyes again. “I’m feelin’ like we need a fuckin’ dog, Darlin’.”
First Prev. Next
submitted by Liberty-Prime76 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:29 ebeisaac Monsgeek M1 – I messed up. Need help

What happened?
The Monsgeek M1 is a great keyboard and I just got started with QMK in it. That said, I made a stupid mistake while assembling the keyboard for the first time resulting in damaging the the hot-swap socket pad of the left shift key.
I had the left shift stabilizer fixed improperly. When I pushed in the switch, the hot-swap socket of the key on the other side of the PCB was partially dislodged. It turns out that it was not just the socket, but the copper wires attached to it. The entire column of the keys after the shift stopped working (left shift, caps lock, tab, tilde, escape).
Temporary fix
I did have a temporary fix by dropping some solder where the damage was done. But that didn't last long enough. Now, I have these switching malfunctioning as well, pressing entire rows of keys at once randomly when I use them.
Now what?
I am in a dilemma whether to sell whats left of this keyboard (not sure if anyone would buy it) or buy a suitable QMK-compatible barebones PCB that can fit into the Monsgeek M1 casing. I will also try reaching out to Monsgeek for a solution, but not that hopeful.
As u/Ani-xxx mentioned, soldering the broken lines yourself with jumper wires is the cheapest solution for this issue. I got the solution from this video:
Since my issue was with the column line to and from the the left shift key, all I had to do is to wire one connection from left control to left shift and then left shift to caps lock. My Monsgeek M1 lives to see another day.
submitted by ebeisaac to mkindia [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:37 KennyBoucher Exit 13 (part one)

It’s been days since I was first admitted. I’ve lost count to be honest, several weeks have probably passed. The thing is, I was never given any reason why, which is madly frustrating. So I do my best not to think about it. I have my own room with a sink. Say nothing and keep a low profile. I’m already up to 100 push-ups and 100 sit-ups daily now. I only work out when they aren’t watching and keep biding my time. My goal is to escape this asylum plain and simple. I’ve got to find my son.
I was able to pilfer a bar of soap, plastic knife, and some black shoe polish. I’ve been working on carving the bar to resemble a small hand gun. I keep it all under the mattress. I’ll need an edge when I make my break. It’s gotten to the point where I can hide their pills under my tongue, then wash them down the drain after they leave.
This place is quite strange, for instance I can’t read any of the text, the characters all look like gibberish to me. There’s other things as well but that’s one of the main things I’ve noticed. The attendants have a strange accent I can’t make out, it’s nothing I’ve ever heard before.
Last night I heard a cat at my window, meowing. I woke and watched it walking back and forth along the ledge on the outside. The cat looks just like my Sophie, sure I know that sounds crazy. Black as coal and quite a big cat, pressing her head against the glass from time to time. It lifted my spirits… sometimes it’s the small things that really matter.
Today there was something different, the attendant that brings my meals told me I’m up for a psychiatric review with their chief resident doctor, Kitchens. He smiled when he told me, in a nice way and told me not to be nervous, it’s routine. I’d never met her before, so I had no idea what to expect. It could be good or bad, and I’d wager the latter.
The next day there were two attendants that came to get me just after the first bell, both quite large men. I’m 6’ 4", so I suppose they wanted to be careful. One of them had a baton tucked in the top of his white pants, the handle looked well worn. "Be good and you’ve got nothing to worry about here." the other attendant told me. They led me out of my cell, one on either side. I immediately realized I was the sole ward in this wing. My room was at the far end of the hallway leading to the steel bars at the junction. No other cells, save mine.
The gate slid open and we crossed the portal over to the other side. "Her office is over here." said the armed attendant. The door was open, and as they led me inside I saw a wooden chair with thick leather straps sitting in front of a desk. "Sit down." he said. "We’ve got to restrain you since it’ll be just you and her." I sat very still and then they strapped down my wrists and ankles. It wasn’t uncomfortable but I could tell I wasn’t going anywhere.
"Hello." I heard the doctor’s voice behind me. She came to my side for a moment then went and sat down behind the desk. She looked to be in her mid forties and had a mane of stark white hair pulled back tight in a bun. The doctor wore wire frame glasses with thick bifocal lenses. There was a wooden metronome sitting on the desk and she leaned over to start the metal pendulum swinging back and forth. Each time the pendulum reached its zenith there was a slight audible click.
She told me this was to be my first evaluation. She wanted me to help me progress so I could eventually leave and return to a normal life again. Her voice had a queer cadence that seemed to match the rhythm of the metronome. It was hard at times not to fall into a trance as her soft words continued to tumble off the top of her pink tongue. She talked and talked as those hard green eyes of hers were constantly staring deep into mine, never once blinking.
Kitchens asked me why I was so quiet. Involuntarily I smiled and looked back, then I felt myself nodding off. The sound of the metronome instantly brought me back out of the brief stupor and now the dim light from the overhead lamp seemed just a bit softer. The doctor was smiling back at me, her perfect white teeth partially hidden by the pale thin lips. She wouldn’t look half bad with some makeup.
My palms began to itch, try as I might to ignore the eerie sensation. There was a warning bubbling up from my subconscious, Kitchens asked me to tell her all about myself. It felt like she was invading my mind now, slowly breaking down the last of my mental barriers. Finally I spoke "Evaluation…" I said. "It’s more like an interrogation." I coughed and immediately a drop of bright red blood spilt from one of her thin nostrils, splatting against some paper spread out on top of the desk. She frowned for the first time and suddenly the metronome came to a stark halt. Now it felt like her mental intrusion had at last come to a stop. I smiled again then she passed out.
I sat there in silence for quite some time waiting to see what would next happen. Finally I heard the door open and the attendant with the tucked baton entered the room. He went over to the desk and gently propped the doctor’s head back, then he turned to look at me. "Stone walling her, aren’t you?" he asked and seemed agitated. I said nothing and slightly dropped my head so our eyes didn’t meet. "Back to your room now." he said and the other attendant entered.
They lead me back to my room, one attendant on either side. I maintained my docile manner, head down, shuffling my slippered feet. Once I was locked in the kind attendant remained for a brief while. He told me I’d get a good dinner this evening and smiled, it actually looked genuine. "Thanks mate." I said. I saw the shock his face, it was the first time I had spoke to either of them since I’d been there.
I immediately took out the cell phone I pilfered after they left. I had managed to snag it off Kitchens’ desk while the attendants were busy unstrapping me. The mobile device was fully charged and I had lots of time to while away before dinner time. It was very difficult to use because I couldn’t recognize any of the characters displayed on the screen, however I was able to figure out how to invoke the AI assistant since it would respond to my voice commands.
The things I quickly learned interrogating the phone amazed me. There was definitely something very odd about this place, this very world. Eventually I found the site linked to the asylum, NüWorld. Funnily enough there was no mention of the asylum, the main advertisement basically stated that for the right price you could live the fantasy life you always dreamed of having. I had no idea what that had to do with me being here.
I decided this evening I had to make my break. Dinner would be served at 6 PM and anything leftover retrieved an hour later. There was only the two attendants as far as I knew and it would be evening by 7 PM. Dinner was served via the long slot in the lower half of the door to my room by the kind attendant. Having no hunger I put it aside and removed the bulbs from the lamp atop the ceiling while standing on top of the bed. I would use the pillow case as a sack to carry the cellphone since my simple clothes had no pockets.
The other attendant returned right on time to collect the dinner tray. "Put it through!" he yelled. I remained silent, waiting beside the door, then there came the click of the tumblers as he put the key into the keyhole and turned it. Slowly the door began to open a bit. "Where are you?" he asked gruffly, still standing outside in the hallway. A moment passed then he pushed the door open and took a step inside, while I remained still, hidden behind the door. I waited, listening to his heavy breathing while he came forward some more into the darkness inside. Springing out at full speed I charged straight into the attendant, knocking him hard against the far wall, then I got behind him and stuck the barrel of my fake pistol underneath his chin. I hugged him tight round his waist with my other arm. "Make one wrong move and I’ll blow your brains out." I whispered into his ear. "Drop the baton right now." I then told him, to which he immediately complied. After I heard the baton hit the floor I took the twine I had fashioned from one end of the bed spread, wrapping it tightly around his neck with both hands. The attendant struggled hard but could not break free as I continued to squeeze, listening to him gag and rasp. Finally he dropped to his knees and keeled over, having passed out. Pulling the twine loose I tied his hands snuggly behind his back and wrapped the blanket around his head, careful so that he could still breathe.
I took the key chain from his belt and entered the hallway. There was no sign of anyone else, so I crept down the hallway to the gate. Other than my recent trip to meet Kitchens this was my furthest outing within the mental institution. Looking past the steel bars it appeared there was doorway leading to the outside just across the inner sanctum. One key after another I attempted to open the lock until finally there came the satisfying sound of the click.
I looked all around and listened while slowly opening the gate. No one was around so I went to the doorway leading out. It was unlocked and I stepped outside into the night, closing the door behind me. Fresh snow had recently fallen and it was very cold. Using the cellphone again I opened a map for the immediate area. It was then I felt something rubbing against one of my legs and heard the sound of soft purring. I looked down to see the black cat standing beside me. It rubbed against me some more then ran over to the edge of the parking lot when I bent over to pet the feline. The cat mewed at me, looking up into my eyes.
I put the cellphone away and instinctively began to follow the cat. It ran beside a parked truck and waited for me there. Inside the vehicle was a hooded winter jacket, which I took out and put on. The cat jumped onto the seat and purred again. I got inside the cab behind the steering wheel and searched through the keys until I found a car key. The engine ignited the first crank and I put the transmission in drive. Next I turned on the heater and backed out of the parking spot. There was only one road, which I took and we were on our way. I looked back one final time at the asylum, very happy to see it from the rearview mirror.
I waited until I was well past the building before turning on the headlights. The immediate area was heavily wooded and a pale full moon loomed overhead. Driving several miles of twisting roadway we finally reached the entrance to the highway. I had placed the cellphone on the middle of the bench between myself and the cat. I heard a sharp chime from the mobile device and looked down to see the cat had placed one of its paws on the screen of the phone. Picking it up I realized the map had zoomed into an area not too far ahead on the highway. The cursor was blinking, pointing at an exit marked number 13. This was the first time I could actually read any of the characters and it was a great feeling.
I turned onto the highway, heading towards the exit. The black cat lay upon the bench, intently watching me as I drove. There were few other vehicles on the highway. We made good time, reaching the exit after several minutes had passed since leaving the road to the asylum. I pulled over onto the curb, noticing the egress had been blocked off with several large orange barrels. I turned off the engine and got out, followed by the cat. The feline ran past the barrels and looked back at me, mewing again.
I followed her, leaving the warmth of the truck behind. I began to feel quite dizzy and my breath grew short as I weaved my way through the barrels. For a moment it felt like I was dissolving, it was the strangest sensation, and right at that very moment the cat leapt up my shoulder, gently nudging her head against my cheek. The weird sensation then quickly passed.
Standing still I placed my hands on my knees and shook my head vigorously, fighting to recall my last memory prior to being incarcerated within the asylum. My memories were dark and murky. The first image finally to spring to mind was my son, again I knew I had to find him. Next I remembered my last case as a personal bodyguard, which had been my most current profession. There was the case of the lost triplets, two of the young sisters were reported missing, one after another. I had been hired to protect the remaining one. This memory was very painful and brought about intense feelings of frustration and rage. Try as I might I could not remember any details regarding initially having been incarcerated.
Loudly the cat meowed, shaking me from searching for my memories. Quickly she jumped back down and ran forward along the closed road beyond the exit, and I followed. The exit road looped around, leading me into a town hidden by thick groves of tall oak trees running along the sides of the highway. The immediate area was composed of buildings surrounding a small lake. The moon was directly overhead now and its rippling image shone upon the surface of the dark water. This place seemed familiar but I could not remember where I was.
The feline led me to the rear of one of the close by buildings. She rubbed up against a door, which I turned the knob and it opened. We both went inside, then I closed the door behind us. Thankfully it was warm, however the lights were all off. I pulled the cellphone out of my cloth sack and enabled the flashlight function. The small bright lamp revealed a leather couch beside the far wall, where I went and sat down. Immediately I felt heavy waves of tiredness rolling through me and my sight began to grow dim. I laid down and just as I was falling asleep I felt the cat climb on top of me, rubbing one its cheeks against my face and purring.
I awoke after a long deep slumber. The cellphone battery was dead now since I had not thought to turn off the flashlight. My first thought upon awakening was that I needed to move. Someone would have, if not already found the truck and the service provider for the cellphone can reveal the last location after it has been switched off. The black cat was sitting over in a corner grooming itself. Against my better judgement I uttered the name Sophie. Immediately the cat stopped grooming and inquisitively looked up at me. That’s not to say it was my cat, how would that even be possible, the situation totally freaked me out.
Running my fingers through my long hair I took a deep breath and tried to relax. It had been ages since my last haircut, and I had grown a long beard as well. Sliding the dead phone under the couch, I got up and stretched. The cat came up beside me. It let me reach down and pet her head. Sophie had been a gift from my ex-girlfriend, Cindy, whom had given her to me when she was still just a tiny little kitten. I could feel her wet fur as I ran my fingertips along her back. Cindy had once said black cats are often the reincarnations of witches, she was really into that kind of thing, which I had always found weird. Sophie seemed to only have ever liked me, much to Cindy’s chagrin.
I felt hungry, having skipped dinner last night. The cat and I searched through the vacant building but we didn’t find anything to eat, however there was a water fountain, which I shared with the cat. Pausing for a moment after the refreshment I looked out one of the windows in the front of the building. Suddenly some memories came flooding back and I remembered this place... this was the very town where I lived! I thought back to the past evening when I last used the map on the cellphone. I distinctly remember this town did not appear beyond the exit, so strange indeed.
Looking out I could see it was early morning. The streets outside were still empty. I sat back down to examine the contents of the winter jacket I had absconded. There was a billfold with some money in an inner pocket, how convenient I chuckled to myself.
submitted by KennyBoucher to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 08:27 Andy_9394 Forgot Windows 10 Password Local Account? Here’s How to Reset It

Forgot Windows 10 Password Local Account? Here’s How to Reset It
Discover various methods to recover a forgotten Windows 10 local account password. This comprehensive guide covers easy to advanced solutions like security questions, command prompt, and third-party tools to help you regain access.
Table of contents
Method 1: Use Security Questions to Reset Your Local Account Password Easily
Method 2: Reset Windows 10 Local Account Password Using Renee PassNow
Method 3: Employ the Command Prompt for a More Technical Approach to Resetting Your Password
Method 4: Utilize a Password Reset Disk as a Pre-Prepared Solution for Password Recovery
Method 5: Utilize Ophcrack as a Solution for Local Account Password Recovery
Method 6: Use Another Administrator Account on the Same Device
Understanding Local vs. Microsoft Accounts
Forgetting your Windows 10 local account password can be a frustrating experience, but fortunately, there are several methods available to help you regain access to your account. One of the simplest ways to reset your password is by using security questions. In the next chapter, we’ll guide you through Method 1: Use Security Questions to reset your local account password easily.

Method 1: Use Security Questions to Reset Your Local Account Password Easily

Forgetting your Windows 10 local account password can be a frustrating experience, but fortunately, there are several methods available to help you regain access to your account. One of the simplest ways to reset your password is by using security questions. By setting up security questions, you can conveniently reset your password without needing any additional tools or devices.
Step 1: Access the Password Reset Option
To begin the password reset process using security questions, you first need to reach the password reset screen. When you are on the login screen, enter an incorrect password a few times until you see the “ Reset password ” option to reset your password.
Step 2: Answer the Security Questions
You will be prompted to answer the security questions that you previously set up when creating your local account. These questions might include queries like “What is your mother’s maiden name?” or “What was the name of your first pet?” . Carefully provide the correct answers to these questions.
Step 3: Create a New Password
Once you have successfully answered the security questions, you will be directed to a new screen where you can create a new password for your local account. Enter a strong and memorable password, confirm it, and then click “Next” or “Finish” to complete the process.
Step 4: Log Back In
After resetting your password, go back to the login screen and use your new password to log in to your account. Ensure you safely store your new password to prevent future lockouts .
  • Convenient and user-friendly method
  • Does not require any external devices or software
  • Straightforward setup process
  • Security questions and answers must be memorable and not easily guessable
In the next chapter, we’ll guide you through Method 2: Reset your password using third-party tools like Renee PassNow for a reliable recovery option . This method offers an alternative for those who may not have set up security questions or are looking for an additional way to recover their account.

Method 2: Reset Windows 10 Local Account Password Using Renee PassNow

Renee PassNow is a software tool designed to help users reset their Windows passwords when they are locked out of their accounts. It’s particularly useful for those who have forgotten their Windows 10 local password and need a quick way to regain access to their system.
Step 1: Download and Install Renee PassNow
Start by downloading Renee PassNow from the official website and install it on a different computer that you can access. Ensure to download the appropriate version based on your computer’s operating system.
Renee PassNow – Professional Windows System Rescue Tool
Remove Windows Login Password 3 steps for whole password remove process.
Recover the files Recover the deleted files without Windows system.
Transfer the data Transfer the important files of the computer with system.
Fix Windows startup error Fix various Windows startup failures or crashes.
Erase disk Completely erase disk files which will not be restored.
Free Trial
Step 2: Create a Bootable USB or CD/DVD
Launch Renee PassNow and insert a USB flash drive or blank CD/DVD into the computer. Select the option to create a bootable media and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
Step 3: Boot the Locked Computer from the Bootable Media
Insert the bootable USB or CD/DVD into the locked Windows computer. Restart the computer and enter the BIOS settings by pressing the appropriate key, usually F2 or Delete . Configure the boot order to prioritize the bootable media. Here are some common methods to enter the boot menu:
For Servers:
  • DELL : Press the F12 key repeatedly before the Dell logo appears on the screen.
  • HP : Press the F9 key multiple times when the HP logo is displayed.
For Common Computers:
  • ASRock : DEL or F2
  • ASUS : DEL or F2 for PCs, DEL or F2 for Motherboards
  • Acer : DEL or F2
  • Dell : F12 or F2
  • ECS : DEL
  • Gigabyte / Aorus : DEL or F2
  • Lenovo (Consumer) : F12 or F2
Step 4: Reset Your Password
After booting from the media, follow the on-screen instructions to reset your password. Renee PassNow will guide you through the process, allowing you to create a new password for your account. Please select “PassNow” in the main menu.
Step 5: Choose the user account for which you want to reset the password. Then, click on the “ Clear Password ” button. Renee PassNow will reset the password for the selected user account.
Step 6: Log Back In
Restart your computer and remove the bootable media. Simply click the login button to access your account without needing a password.
Using third-party tools like Renee PassNow offers a reliable method for password recovery. This process is straightforward and does not require you to remember security questions. However, always download such tools from official sources to avoid potential security risks.

Method 3: Employ the Command Prompt for a More Technical Approach to Resetting Your Password

For those who prefer a technically intricate method, using the Command Prompt in Windows Installation Media can be an effective approach to reset your forgotten password in Windows 10 or Windows 11. This method involves utilizing specific command lines, making it more complicated but rewarding for tech-savvy users. Ensuring precision is crucial, as input errors can trigger parameter issues. Below, we delve into how to employ the Command Prompt for this purpose.
Step 1: Create a Windows Installation USB
To proceed, you would need a Windows 10/11 installation USB, which you can easily prepare by downloading the Windows Media Creation Tool from the Microsoft website. The beauty of a bootable USB is that it allows you to perform various remedial steps on a Windows PC, like resetting a local admin password.
If you do not have a Windows Installation media, you may download Windows Installation Creation Tools here:
Windows Version Download Link Requirement
Windows 7 PC with a working Internet connection, a blank USB flash drive or DVD with at least 8 GB of available storage space, a product key.
Windows 8/8.1 Same to above
Windows 10 Same to above
Windows 11 Same to above
Step 2: Boot from Windows Installation Media
Boot your PC from the Windows installation USB. This can be done with the help of the Boot Menu. For instance, on a Lenovo laptop , press the Enter key once the computer boots up. Then press F12 to open the Boot Menu and choose the USB drive (e.g., SanDisk USB drive) from the menu. Note that the boot menu key may vary for different brands, so ensure you know the correct key for your specific device.
Step 3: Open Windows Setup Screen
Once your PC boots from the installation USB, you will see the Windows Setup screen. Select your preferred language and keyboard, then click Next . Don’t worry; we will not be installing Windows afresh, nor will you lose any personal data using this method.
Step 4: Launch Command Prompt
Press the Shift + F10 keys together on your keyboard to bring up the Command Prompt window. The Command Prompt is a powerful tool that can resolve numerous issues on your PC using shortcut methods.
Step 5: Replace Utility Manager with Command Prompt
Type the following commands in the Command Prompt window, pressing Enter after each line:
move c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe c:\
copy c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe c:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
This will replace the Windows Utility Manager with Command Prompt.
Step 6: Restart Your PC
Remove the Windows installation USB and restart your PC. You can do this using the command
wpeutil restart
or by turning your computer off and then on again.
Step 7: Open Command Prompt from Login Screen
Once the PC restarts and you see the login screen, click on the Ease of Access button. Normally, this would open the Ease of Access menu, but with the previous steps, it will now open the Command Prompt.
Step 8: Reset Windows Password
In the Command Prompt window, type the following command to reset your password:
net user username newpassword
Replace username with your admin account username and newpassword with your new desired password. Press Enter to execute the command.
Step 9: Log In with the New Password
Close the Command Prompt window and log in to your Windows local admin account using the new password you set. Your password should now be reset.
Additional Considerations
Using the Command Prompt through Windows Installation Media to reset a password is an advanced technique and should be performed with caution. Users unfamiliar with command line operations may find this method challenging. It’s essential to avoid any typographical errors during input to prevent parameter errors.
While this approach offers a free solution, it is primarily recommended for users with a solid grasp of computer operations. For those uncomfortable with these steps, third-party tools or simpler methods, such as using security questions, might be better suited. You may also consider advanced tools like Kali Linux LiveCD, which provides powerful capabilities for tech-savvy users familiar with Linux environments.
Tips:Ensure precision in command inputs to avoid errors.

Method 4: Utilize a Password Reset Disk as a Pre-Prepared Solution for Password Recovery

When it comes to resetting a forgotten local account password in Windows 10, one of the most efficient pre-prepared solutions is using a Password Reset Disk . This method leverages a previously created USB flash drive or floppy disk that contains the information necessary to reset your password, making it an indispensable tool in case you find yourself locked out of your computer.
Using the Password Reset Disk
If you find yourself unable to log in because you forgot your password, the Password Reset Disk can save the day. Here’s how to use it:
  1. At the login screen, enter an incorrect password to trigger the Reset password option.
  2. Click on the [ Use a password reset disk instead ] option. You will be prompted to insert your Password Reset Disk .
  1. Insert the Password Reset Disk into the USB port.
  2. Follow the instructions to reset your password. You will need to create a new password for your account.
Handling Multiple Accounts
In case you have multiple local accounts on your computer, such as one for yourself and another for Jon , you can manage password reset disks for each account efficiently. Create separate folders on your USB drive for each account—for example, a folder named Jon for the Jon account.
When you need to reset the password for the Jon account, you can use another (working) computer to move the .psw file out of the Jon folder and into the root of the floppy disk or flash drive so that Windows can read from the right one. It doesn’t matter how many folders you keep password backup files in or how many are on a single disk, as long as the file names and extensions remain unchanged.

Method 5: Utilize Ophcrack as a Solution for Local Account Password Recovery

Ophcrack is a free and open-source password recovery tool that can be incredibly useful when you have forgotten your Windows 10 local account password. It works by utilizing LM (LAN Manager) hashes through rainbow tables to recover passwords. This method can be particularly effective for those comfortable with more technical solutions.
Step 1: Download and Install Ophcrack To use Ophcrack, you will first need to download and install it on another computer with internet access. Once installed, create a bootable USB or CD/DVD using Ophcrack to run it on your locked Windows 10 desktop.
Step 2: Choose and download the Correct Tables
Ophcrack requires rainbow tables to crack passwords. These tables contain precomputed hashes for a wide range of possible passwords. Select the appropriate tables according to the Windows version you are using. In this case, select the tables for Windows XP.
Step 3: Launch Ophcrack
Once you have prepared the bootable device, insert it into the ASUS laptop and restart the computer. As the laptop boots up, you will need to access the boot menu, which can typically be done by pressing a designated key (e.g., F2, F8, or F12) during the startup process. Select the bootable device from the menu, and the Ophcrack software will begin to load.
Step 4: Begin the Password Recovery Process
Once you have selected the correct tables, click on the “Load” button to load them into Ophcrack. Then, click on the “Crack” button to start the password recovery process. Ophcrack will begin analyzing the hashes and attempting to crack the password
Tips: Ensure you download the correct rainbow tables for your Windows version.

Method 6: Use Another Administrator Account on the Same Device

Understanding the Administrator Account
An administrator account has higher privileges compared to a standard user account. With these elevated privileges, you can manage system settings, install or remove software, and, importantly, reset passwords for other accounts on the device.
Step 1: Log in with an Administrator Account
First, ensure that you have access to another administrator account on the same device. Log in to this administrator account using your known password.
Step 2: Open the Control Panel
Once logged in, open the Control Panel . You can do this by typing Control Panel in the search bar next to the Start button and selecting it from the search results.
Step 3: Navigate to User Accounts
In the Control Panel , click on User Accounts and then select Manage another account . This will display all user accounts on the device.
Step 4: Select the Account to Reset
Find the account for which you have forgotten the password and click on it. This will open the account management options for that specific account.
Step 5: Reset Password
Click on Change the password . You will be prompted to enter a new password and confirm it. Enter a new password that you can easily remember but that is also secure.

Understanding Local vs. Microsoft Accounts

When setting up a Windows 10 computer, you can create a local account or a Microsoft account . A local account exists only on your computer, requiring no internet connection, with settings and files stored locally. A Microsoft account uses an email address, integrates with Microsoft services, stores data in the cloud, and syncs settings across devices. You can also have a Microsoft account without using it as your Windows user account, allowing for separate passwords.
Security and Password Recovery
The choice between a local account and a Microsoft account significantly affects how you recover a forgotten password. With a Microsoft account , password recovery is straightforward: you can reset your password online through the Microsoft password reset page. This is because your account information, including the password, is stored in the cloud. On the other hand, with a local account , the password is stored locally on your device. Hence, traditional methods such as security questions or a password reset disk become crucial for recovery.
Convenience and Integration
Using a Microsoft account offers greater ease of access if you are signed into multiple devices and services. For example, if you’re signed into your Microsoft account on your computer and click on OneDrive , whether in File Explorer or in your browser, OneDrive opens seamlessly. Conversely, if you’re using a local account , you’ll need to enter your Microsoft account credentials to access services like OneDrive .Furthermore, a Microsoft account allows you to synchronize settings and data across various devices. This integration extends to other Microsoft services like Microsoft Edge , Mail and Calendar , Office , Microsoft Store , or Skype . This automatic synchronization provides a more unified user experience, particularly for those actively using multiple Microsoft services.
  1. Streamlined password recovery through online reset.
  • 2. Seamless integration with Microsoft services like OneDrive, Office, and Skype.
  • 3. Synchronization of settings and data across multiple devices.
  • 4. Enhanced convenience for users with multiple devices and services.
  1. Privacy concerns due to sharing personal information with Microsoft.
  • 2. Vulnerability to hacking if strong passwords and two-step authentication are not used.
  • 3. Potential for being locked out of all connected devices and services if the account is compromised.


In conclusion, regaining access to your Windows 10 local account can be achieved through a variety of methods, from answering security questions to using third-party tools like Renee PassNow or Ophcrack. Whether you choose a simple password reset disk or a more technical command prompt approach, these comprehensive solutions will help you unlock your system and get back to work seamlessly.

Relate Links :

Mastering Net User: Reset Your Windows 10 and 11 Password Like a Pro
Reset Your Windows 7 Password Without a Precreated Disk
Forgot Acer Laptop Login Password? Here's Your Solutions
Forgot Your Gateway Laptop Password? Here's How to Factory Reset Without It
submitted by Andy_9394 to drfreeware [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:32 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (June 6). Thursday previews: Inside Out 2 ($9.48M), A Quiet Place: Day One ($3.94M) and Deadpool and Wolverine ($28.47M). Despicable Me 4 and Twisters have a promising start to presales.

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 31
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Quorum Update (June 3)
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Florida comp: $9.48M
The Bikeriders
A Quiet Place: Day One Average Thursday Comp: $3.94M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp using TheFlatLannister's Dune2+GOTG3 comp: $28.47M
Despicable Me 4
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 23):
Presale Tracking Posts:
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
May 23
May 25
May 28
May 30
June 1
June 4
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]