Vaporizers in nc

The people of NC

2017.03.09 15:29 The people of NC

we are a great community to post whatever whacky things you come across in NC or to post news or really anything NC related with laxe rules just have fun and try and be kind to others

2009.06.24 17:21 Geminize For the Raleigh, NC and surrounding areas.

Raleigh is the capital of the state of North Carolina as well as the seat of Wake County. Raleigh is known as the "City of Oaks" for its many oak trees. Join us on Discord!

2023.07.27 00:37 itsbriannam_snark Im_an_InFlUeNcEr

No copyright infringement intended. All media is public domain. Have fun.

2024.05.14 17:03 seayouIntea Our realtor is no help, advice needed- to buy or to walk (NC)

This might be a little long, and I apologize in advance. I'll include what information I have, and we need input as we don't really have experienced elders freely offering advice and our agent is seemingly no help. (I have yet to encounter a helpful agent, and this is our third home purchase, but I digress)
We are under contract on a home purchase in NC. This is our second time buying in NC and so I am familiar with the process and DD and all of that. The market we're buying in right now is way overvalued. The home isn't our dream home, or final home, for that matter- but we're willing to stay in it for 5-6 years, or turning it into a rental sooner. It's a 1975 ranch, it's too small for us and these boys of mine aren't getting any smaller. Granted, we are moving from 5b4ba 4,00sqft and have done a lot of necessary home repairs between this home and the previous one totalling about $20-30k in each home- just for some add'tl background.
Pros: the mortgage would be equal to local rents (providing we apply 100% of the equity from the sale of our current home) and it is in the school district I want for my children.
SO: 1975 ranch. Sold in 2020 ($250k) and again in 2022 ($340k). Currently listed at ($398k with 5% commission $20k) Both buyers overpaid ~20k over ask. Neither of these buyers did any updates/repairs to the property, it's a bit of a fixer-upper. I don't think the current owners ever actually lived in it, it's completely empty, they are ~75-80 years old, the home is in a trust & I think they're trying to liquidate. While the list agent is out of the same broker as our buying agent, our agent won't divulge any details and that is fine. whatever.
We offered $388k with CC. They accepted our ask, with only $5k CC concession. We accepted. We only put down $1k DD and $1k EMD
We just completed a home inspection this past Saturday. The home has water in the crawlspace, elevated moisture reading >19% "fungal growth," torn down insulation, duct work damage, vapor barrier is only cover ~60% of the crawl space, outdated panel, no GFCIs in the home, leaking sink drain, and a 22+ year old hot water heater showing corrosion. Because we are using a VA loan, the moisture issue would have to be addressed to approve funding.
We would also like to do a septic inspection, though our agent won't schedule one (the whole system was replaced in 2019) and a roof inspection, but she is dragging her feet that "we won't have time."
We told our agent we would absolutely need the seller to cover 100% close so we can address these issues. She said them agreeing to that is unlikely as they agreed $10k under ask with $5k in CC. But, we would need them to cover close to we can address these issues. We are somewhat aware of what these repairs will cost as we have done them before.
She wants us to request repairs from the sellers- though I'm not sure they'll willingly replace an entire vapor barrier (~$6k and electrical ~$2k) She's not offering any additional advice, as we aren't sure what they'll have to do to remedy the issue to cover VA requirements. I don't want to shell out for more inspections if theyre unwilling to make more concessions.
Which brings me here. How would you proceed? Should we walk? I've applied to a couple of rentals as a plan B, to sit and wait and watch the market- but we wouldn't be able to purchase for a year (& that's fine if we save ourselves an outpouring of issues in the interim, despite having to move again in a year).
submitted by seayouIntea to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 06:21 PlayerPin Respect Dark Enerjak! (Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog)

Dark Enerjak, Ruler of Dark Mobius

"You arrived just in time, traveler. You will witness my final victory and total domination of this world!"


Dark Enerjak (or simply Enerjak) was formerly known as Knuckles the Echidna, Guardian of Angel Island. The timeline of this world resembles that of standard Mobius' exactly save for one event: Dark Mobius lacked the interference of Knuckles' time-traveling daughter at the time of Knuckles' would-be assassination. Jaded and still wielding the almighty power of his Chaos Knuckles form, he would slowly corrupt and transform into an evil despot who felled everything before him, including Super Sonic, with almighty force. Embracing his dark power, he adopted the title of Enerjak--the evil god that empowered and corrupted his ancestors before him--and destroying all those who stood in his way, taking the souls of those who managed to survive or resist him to use for his Prelate minions.
Decades later, only a scant few Freedom Fighters, led by his daughter Jani-Ca, had their souls intact enough to resist him (which, of course, he allowed by design since he'd be too bored without their resistance). It wasn't until the main timeline's Silver the Hedgehog discovering Dark Mobius that Enerjak decided to fight once again. Enerjak gloats, goads, and takes great entertainment in the entertainment his opponent's struggles give him. Do not forget, though: Enerjak is a god.

Source Key

  • Sonic the Hedgehog (1993) [StH#XX]
  • Sonic Universe [SU#XX]
  • Official Dark Mobius Blog Posts [DM:Post Entry #X]

Hover over a feat to see its source.

Feats performed by Jani-Ca as Enerjak will be labelled under Jani-Jak.

I. Strength

II. Speed

III. Durability

IV. Chaos Power



Soul Manipulation


V. Offscreen Fights


Robotic slaves of Dark Enerjak, these minions hold the soul and power of their original host amplified by Enerjak's power. Typically, Enerjak will use the Prelates of his former team, the Chaotix, but can be provoked into summoning more.
As quite a few Prelates are unnamed, feats belonging to specific Prelates will be labeled with their associated character. The Prelates seem comparable in power, so feats performed by one Prelate should be able to be performed by another sans specific abilities such as Ray's flight and Espio's ninjutsu.






Characters Used for Scaling (all pre-Super Genesis Wave):
submitted by PlayerPin to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 01:15 yinor62332 How many questions to the seller is too many? (NC)

We've been house shopping in NC for a month now. But the whole non-refundable "Due Diligence" thing here is really giving me pause to put in any offers given the number of things that you can find in inspections. We've seen some great (on the surface) houses that are openly flips, and I have so many questions: Why is there no crawl space vapor barrier? What happened to the insulation in attic that's half bagged up? Why is the yard full of trash? Why was the pool removed but the pool liner is still half buried in said yard? What's with the attic vent that's just unplugged?
I get it... no house will be perfect. On the surface these are fixable problems in a few weekends of cleanup labor. It's what I can't see that worries me. Is it unreasonable to pose them to the seller though (through my agent) and judge the answers? Or are we just expected to go with what we see and don't ask any questions.
submitted by yinor62332 to RealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:59 ejah555 Primer color affect paint color

Primer color affect paint color
I’m paint matching my bumper to my satin gray Honda and I started out using this light gray primer on the left than ran out and used the dark black one on the right. It turned my bumper dark black.
Is this gonna make the final product a darker shade of gray once I spray the base coat?
submitted by ejah555 to Autobody [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 22:41 Mepicanloscocos2009 Baltimore

En 1816, Baltimore se convirtió en la primera ciudad de Estados Unidos en utilizar alumbrado público de gas de hulla; y París hizo lo propio en 1820.
EN 1900, GRAN BRETAÑA EXTRAÍA 224 MILLONES DE TONELADAS DE CARBÓN AL AÑO. El gas de hulla también se utilizaba en las cocinas domésticas. En la década de 1850, todas las grandes ciudades contaban con una fábrica de gas. El carbón y el gas para calefacción hicieron que la madera dejara de ser necesaria en tales cantidades, lo que permitió destinar a la agricultura tierras que antes se reservaban a los bosques.
Otros usos del carbón El coque, obtenido de la combustión del carbón en un horno para eliminar el mayor número posible de impurezas, se convirtió en un combustible esencial para las fábricas de hierro y acero. El primer alto horno de coque en funcionamiento se utilizó en 1709 en Coalbrookdale (Shropshire), propiedad de Abraham Darby (1678-1717). Los altos hornos alimentados con coque podían alcanzar temperaturas mucho más elevadas que el combustible tradicional, el carbón vegetal, y no introducían impurezas en el horno, dos condiciones esenciales para fabricar el mejor acero. El carbón, por su parte, se utilizaba como fuente de calor en todo tipo de instalaciones, desde fábricas de ladrillos hasta cervecerías. La alta concentración de fábricas en las Midlands Occidentales y su uso intensivo de carbón hicieron que la región se conociera como el "País Negro". Entre los subproductos de la fabricación de coque, además del gas de hulla, figuraban el alquitrán y numerosos productos químicos. En el último cuarto del siglo XIX, el carbón se utilizaba, y aún se utiliza, para generar electricidad.
The First Industrial Revolution, c. 1760 - 1840 La primera Revolución Industrial, c. 1760-1840 Simeon Netchev (CC BY-NC-SA) Gran Bretaña producía anualmente solo entre 2,5 y 3 millones de toneladas de carbón en 1700, pero en 1900 esta cifra se había disparado a los 224 millones de toneladas. En el siglo XIX, Gran Bretaña extraía dos tercios del carbón mundial. Un inspector de manufacturas francés que visitó Gran Bretaña, Monsieur Ticquet, señaló en 1738 que "el carbón es una de las grandes fuentes de riqueza y abundancia de Inglaterra, y lo considero el alma de las manufacturas inglesas" (Horn, 40). En el censo de 1851 había 220.000 mineros del carbón en Gran Bretaña.
El carbón se había convertido en la savia de la Era Industrial, su valor demostrable en estadísticas y gráficos, pero también de forma más romántica en, por ejemplo, la decisión de los expositores de la Gran Exposición de 1851 en el Palacio de Cristal de Londres de incluir en sus muestras de las maravillas de la era moderna un trozo de carbón de 24 toneladas. Menos maravillosa era la gran contaminación atmosférica que la combustión del carbón generaba en las ciudades y en las zonas de industria pesada.
Condiciones de trabajo en las minas Trabajar en una mina nunca es el entorno más agradable, pero en los siglos XVIII y XIX las condiciones eran especialmente malas. La mayoría de los frentes de carbón se trabajaban con picos. La veta de carbón que se trabajaba podía ser muy estrecha, de modo que un minero se veía obligado a trabajar en un espacio no superior a 30 pulgadas (75 cm). En las minas trabajaban mujeres y niños. Las mujeres se encargaban de transportar pesadas cestas de carbón desde el frente hasta los carros, lo que normalmente implicaba caminar sobre el agua.
Los niños de apenas cinco años eran útiles para subir a los estrechos pozos de ventilación y asegurarse de que las trampillas se abrían y cerraban con regularidad. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los niños se empleaban para trasladar el carbón del nivel de trabajo a la superficie o para separarlo de otros residuos antes de transportarlo. A los que tiraban del carbón en carretas con arnés se les llamaba "hurriers", y era un trabajo agotador y perjudicial para el desarrollo físico del niño. Muchos padres no se oponían a que sus hijos trabajaran, a pesar de los riesgos para la salud, ya que aportaban ingresos muy necesarios para la familia. Además, más de la mitad de los niños que trabajaban en las minas conservaban su empleo al llegar a la edad adulta. Entre 1800 y 1850, los niños constituían entre el 20 y el 50% de la mano de obra minera. La consecuencia de trabajar a una edad tan temprana era que la mayoría de los niños empleados en las minas nunca superaban los tres años de escolarización.
Child Pulling Coal in a Mine Niño extrayendo el carbón en una mina Unknown Artist (Public Domain) Hombres, mujeres y niños sufrían a menudo problemas de salud debido al duro trabajo físico y a los largos turnos de 12 horas. Respirar polvo de carbón año tras año hizo que muchos desarrollaran enfermedades pulmonares. Como señala enfáticamente el historiador S. Yorke, "La industria minera del carbón debe representar una de las peores explotaciones de hombres, mujeres y niños que jamás haya tenido lugar en Gran Bretaña" (98).
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La lámpara de seguridad Con más mineros trabajando cada vez a mayor profundidad en el interior de la Tierra, inevitablemente se produjeron más accidentes. En 1838 hubo 97 muertos por derrumbes de techos; en 1864, 395. La rotura de cuerdas y la caída de grandes pesos era otro suceso común, pero se redujo tras la introducción de cables de acero en las minas a partir de principios del siglo XIX.
Otra grave amenaza para la vida y la integridad física era la explosión de gases (denominados grisú por los mineros, una mezcla letal de gas metano y polvo de carbón) que se acumulaban durante el proceso de extracción. La llama desnuda de las lámparas utilizadas para iluminar los pozos que avivaban el gas era la causa de tales explosiones.
En 1815, Humphrey Davy (1778-1820) y George Stephenson (1781-1848) inventaron de forma independiente la lámpara de seguridad para uso de los mineros, que encerraba la llama en una fina malla (que permitía la entrada de aire pero no la propagación de la llama). Además, si la llama de la lámpara pasaba de naranja a azul, indicaba que los niveles de gas eran peligrosamente altos en el pozo y que era hora de salir. En tercer lugar, la lámpara podía detectar una cantidad peligrosa de dióxido de carbono (asfixia) en el aire, ya que la llama se extinguía sola y permitía a los mineros abandonar la zona antes de que ese gas se acumulara hasta alcanzar una cantidad fatal. La lámpara de Davy, la más eficaz de las dos, se utilizó por primera vez en una mina de carbón del condado de Durham en 1816. La lámpara salvó innumerables vidas, pero también es cierto que los mineros llegaron a depender tanto de las lámparas que a menudo se arriesgaban a explorar pasadizos potencialmente peligrosos de una mina que de otro modo habrían dejado en paz. La lámpara de seguridad tampoco era tan brillante como la luz de las velas, por lo que muchos mineros se negaron a utilizar el nuevo invento aunque las velas estuvieran prohibidas.
Davy Lamp Lámpara Davy Science Museum, London (CC BY-NC-SA) Reforma: la Ley de Minas de 1842 En 1842 se aprobó la Ley de Minas gracias a los esfuerzos de lord Ashley, conde de Shaftesbury (1801-1885), y a la indignación pública ante la creciente frecuencia de accidentes y el conocimiento de que hombres y mujeres trabajaban juntos bajo tierra en estado de desnudez en condiciones calurosas. Ashley encabezó una Comisión Real que investigó las condiciones de trabajo en varias minas y recopiló testimonios de quienes trabajaban en ellas. Hubo opositores a la Ley, principalmente los propietarios de las minas y quienes estaban en principio en contra de la interferencia del gobierno en la industria. Esta oposición fue la principal razón por la que la recomendación de reducir la jornada laboral de 12 a 10 horas nunca llegó a hacerse realidad. No obstante, la ley prohibía el trabajo subterráneo de mujeres, niñas y niños menores de 10 años. Las normas de seguridad debían aplicarse mejor y solo los mayores de 15 años podían manejar maquinaria. El gobierno contrató inspectores de minas para garantizar la aplicación de las nuevas normas. A corto plazo, la Ley significó que muchas mujeres perdieron su trabajo, y las familias que solo tenían hijas sufrieron graves dificultades económicas.
Para bien o para mal, la minería del carbón fue un pilar de la economía británica hasta el siglo XX. El célebre historiador Alan Macfarlane resume la importancia del carbón para la Revolución Industrial y la vida tal como la conocemos hoy:
Nuestra civilización en el mundo moderno se construyó primero sobre el carbón y después, por supuesto, sobre otras energías del carbón: el petróleo, etcétera. Sin esto, no podría haber habido Revolución Industrial, no podría haber ocurrido en Inglaterra y todavía estaríamos viviendo en una sociedad agraria.
(Dugan, 67)
Preguntas y respuestas ¿Qué aportó la minería del carbón a la Revolución Industrial? La minería del carbón fue esencial para la Revolución Industrial, ya que creó la necesidad de la bomba de la máquina de vapor y proporcionó el combustible para las máquinas de vapor, la calefacción y el alumbrado de gas. ¿Para qué se utilizaba el carbón en la Revolución Industrial británica? En la Revolución Industrial, el carbón se utilizaba como combustible para máquinas, trenes y barcos de vapor. El carbón se utilizaba para la calefacción y el gas de hulla para el alumbrado. El coque de carbón quemado era esencial para las industrias del hierro y el acero. ¿Por qué era importante la minería del carbón para Gran Bretaña? La minería del carbón era importante para Gran Bretaña porque proporcionaba una fuente de combustible barata y constante. Bibliografía Allen, Robert C. The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective . Cambridge University Press, 2009. Armstrong, Benjamin. Britain 1783-1885 . Hodder Education, 2020. Dugan, Sally & Dugan, David. The Day the World Took Off. Channel 4 Book, 2023. Forty, Simon. 100 Innovations of the Industrial Revolution. Haynes Publishing UK, 2019. Hepplewhite, Peter. All About. Wayland, 2016. Horn, Jeff. The Industrial Revolution . Greenwood, 2007. Humphries, Jane. Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution . Cambridge University Press, 2010. Shelley. Industrialisation and Social Change in Britain. PEARSON SCHOOLS, 2016. Yorke, Stan. The Industrial Revolution Explained& Massive Wheels. Countryside Books, 2005. La World History Encyclopedia está asociada a Amazon y recibe una comisión por las compras de libros que cumplan los requisitos. Sobre el traductor Agustina Cardozo Agustina Cardozo Agustina es traductora pública (inglés/español), uruguaya, con estudios avanzados de Lingüística. Sus áreas de experiencia como traductora son la traducción biosanitaria y la traducción jurídica. Le interesan la Historia y las humanidades en general.
Sobre el autor Mark Cartwright Mark Cartwright Mark es un autor, investigador, historiador y editor a tiempo completo. Se interesa especialmente por el arte, la arquitectura y por descubrir las ideas compartidas por todas las civilizaciones. Tiene una maestría en filosofía política y es el director de publicaciones en World History Encyclopedia.
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Estilo Chicago Cartwright, Mark. "La minería del carbón en la Revolución Industrial británica." Traducido por Agustina Cardozo. World History Encyclopedia. Última modificación marzo 17, 2023.
Estilo MLA Cartwright, Mark. "La minería del carbón en la Revolución Industrial británica." Traducido por Agustina Cardozo. World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 17 mar 2023. Web. 21 abr 2024.
Licencia y derechos de autor Escrito por Mark Cartwright, publicado el 17 marzo 2023. El titular de los derechos de autor publicó este contenido bajo la siguiente licencia: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Por favor, ten en cuenta que el contenido vinculado con esta página puede tener términos de licencia diferentes.
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submitted by Mepicanloscocos2009 to copypasta_es [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 09:03 Noah2Luka lc please, with tags this time

lc please, with tags this time
got this for 300 pretty sure it’s real but have my doubts buying 2nd hand
submitted by Noah2Luka to BalenciagaLC [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 05:22 HellostarsImherre Is these spray can good for AirPods?

Is these spray can good for AirPods?
Hello, noob here on spray cans. I was wondering if these spray cans are good for customizing AirPods. Can I spray them together? Like I want to create a gold outline and the rest blue. Is prolong exposure to the paint bad for my skin?
submitted by HellostarsImherre to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 05:17 HellostarsImherre Is this spray good for AirPods?

Is this spray good for AirPods?
Hi guys, I’m a noob to spray paint and was wondering if these sprays are good for coating AirPods. Also, is having long term contact with the paint harmful to my skin?
submitted by HellostarsImherre to Spraypaint [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 00:35 Dutchlanded Asking advice for advising our contractors

We have a metal building being put up, on a 24x48 slab. They were just out doing grading and digging the footers. The communication is lacking and I wanna be sure I can ask for what we want when they pour the concrete. My experience is limited to fence posts and footers for lean to's, never done a slab.
Part of the slab will be just under a roof, and we want this with a texture so it's not slick if it gets wet. What's the correct way to ask for this? Whats the general process look like for them to do it?
The other part of the slab will be full enclosed. We want this as smooth as possible (reasonable?). It will be a workshop and I want sweeping up sawdust to be easy. What's the normal smoothness process that their not gonna charge us extra for?
They said they can put in crack lines/expansion joints if we want, but it sounded like they don't normally bother. What's normal? Id rather have a straight line seam on the slab, than cracks across it. We're in NC on mostly clay soil.
The slab has a footer around the perimeter. They already set rebar into it, but the plastic sheeting isn't under the wire stands the rebar is on, it just drapes down the side of the footer trench. Is this correct? Or should the vapor barrier go under the rebar supports, and even up the outside of the footer?
Thanks for any advice. They showed up to do all the work so far in a whirlwind, and I feel like I've already missed somethings I wanted them to do (half the gravel we got for below the pad didnt get used).
submitted by Dutchlanded to Concrete [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 01:58 Leviathans_iris Strongest Akatsuki convo

Strongest Akatsuki convo
Strongest Akatsuki? the question of the short on NC Hammer today. Almost no series operates solely on power levels. there are counters. both to extreme & simple. So this is how i scale groups of characters internal to themselves. an array of 1v1s
1- Obito 18/18 wins Obito was still acting for the Akatsuki while he hd rinnengan. A thing you cant forget are his 6 Paths are the 2nd-> 7th Jinchuriki... a fight with him is a 7V1
2nd- Sasuke 17/18 wins Went with war arc sasuke, because he didnt end his warpath of vengeance until after Naruto slapped it out of him after beating Kaguya. so in a way he was still acting under the original manefesto of akatsuki. their twisted peace.
3rd - Nagato & Shin 15/18 wins Fighting the 6 paths of pain is an obscene task given all 6 paths going at once Shin was able to dance with Boruto era Sakura for a while, which makes him physically near or at the top of this list. And he also has a ridiculous MS ability.
5th - Konan & Kisame 13/18 wins Konan Doesnt have many feats, & im not even basing this on her always having her homefield bomb sea advantage... she just shockingly counters most of the akatsuki insanely well it took Might guy cracking open 7 gates to kill Kisame. nuff said
7th - Kabuto - 12/18 wins Dragon sage is nuts... we didnt fully see him use literally any of the kekkei genkai he said he had merged with. but i find this fair for him
8th - Sasori 11/18 wins Being the first to die might make him feel weaker than he is at times. but He HARD COUNTERS a lot of these guys. not to mention none of the akatsuki are really poison specialists or carry around substantial antidotes
9th - Itachi 10/18 Yeah im shocked to see itachi this low too. but his arsenal isnt the best for a number of the akatsuki, & he doesnt have the stamina he needs to last with some of those foes... not to mention his illness
10th Orochimaru 9/18 Orochihmaru i had to take orochimaru from the crush arc (as its the clossest to their departure from the akatsuki)... they arent crazy powerful. but they are insaely difficult to kill, & NEVER EVER discount the telepathic sword that can cut literally anything
10th - Kakuzu & Diedara 8/18 wins im kinda shocked is this far down. BC the man had serious firepower & staying power. taking on more foes simultaniously than most the akatsuki who were killed Diedara being a ranged menace with explosives allows him to take on a surprising amount of the akatsuki despite being expectantly weaker
12th - Zetsu 6/18 wins Im the least aware with this MF of any of the mainstays. but theyre durrable AF, & have a trick or two that counter a few of the members quite well
13th - Jugo 5/18 wins
14th - suigetsu & Hidan 3/18 wins Despite being imortal, hidan isnt fast enough to build his ritual against most of the list.... not to mention he has an almost 0 chance at getting blood from most of them too.
16th - Karin & Yahiko 2/18 wins I also know little to nothing about Yahiko... so i scaled him as an upper jonin at most, especially since he died young. but he was one of jaraiaya's students.
18th - Juzo..... 1/18 wins this Zabzuza wannabe didnt earn nothin. his brainlessness, mediocrity as a 7 sword, & general lack of anything special make him an easy last place --------------------------------
specific fights that might want clarity
Nagato vs shin - I think shin comes out on top BC of his MS & Speed. i dont think the paths are getting a good hit on him easilly, & any use of chibaku tensei & just be thrown back at them... i might be wrong on this but the MF uprooted a small mountain to throw AT sakura, so i thnk hes solid here
Konan vs Itachi - Konan doesnt have a true body. her paper trasnmutation isnt fully described, but without her eyes, itachi's MS is wasted. his susanoo also cant consume her BC her body is seperatable into an entire cloud of seperate pieces. that seperation also protects her from amaturasu as she could just shed the burning layers... she'll outlast him
Kisame Vs Shin: hes not only durable enough to take blows from shin, but he can also very much just drown him. shin wouldnt really be able to get out tf the massive moving water prison
Sasori Vs Itachi - first off, without a real body, i dont think ssori could be caught in a genjutsu, BC people wouldnt know how to manipulate the senses he may or may not have.... a sea of puppets to protect him, & toxic iron sand. which would do work on the already susceptable itachi
Kakazu vs Itachi: one of the harder fights to call. but i just dont think Itachi has the stamina to go toe to toe with kakuzu when he's ill. not to mention IDK how well his sharingan genjutsu would work... again inhuman anatomy & senses. Yatamir could help him. but how much when attacks are coming from all sides
Diedara Vs Hidan: how many pieces do you think Hidan can come back from...? if hes fully vaporized? at best hes getting burried like aginst shikimaru
Hidan VS (Konan, Obito, Pain, Itachi, Diedara, sasori, Sasuke & suigetsu): He physically cannot hit them in the first place to even draw blood. eventually he's going down
Hidan vs Kakuzu: "But the anime said he couldnt kill him?"... if you think Kakuzu is giving that rat the time to build his ritual circle youre a fool. he's burrying the guy 6 feet under!
Sasuke Vs Nagato: Sasuke was stronger than naruto, up until the war arc. this is war arc sasuke against pain. his little paths are being obliterated by indra's Yumi. if they get close they die to Kagatsutchi. he even has a rinnengan of his own counter Nagato's paths (specifically preta) to reginerate his own chakra (the 1 adv nagato had against him)
this list isnt perfect, & would be changed around quite a bit if characters were at their max potential like - Sasori having hunted more kekkei genkai for living puppets - Kakazu having any kekkei genkai masks at all. much less a potential 4! - Itachi not having chakra cancer - Sasuke actually showing ability to utilize all 6 paths of pain (especially the outer path) - shin having DMS (which for some reason he doesn't despite his clones having them) - if orochimaru stayed in the org till the end of shipudden
But hey. no list is perfect...... like the fact i completely forgot kabuto until just now & had to go back & fix everything
submitted by Leviathans_iris to NCPedia [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 23:07 Vapor-Deathstrider I invite you to join Fade’s Journey, Inverted Fate!

(If this is against your rules, don’t feel bad for removing this. I found nothing in your rules that stated that is was not ok. Please tell me if I was incorrect)
Fade's Journey, Inverted Fate is a roleplay done in Fortnite, and was done originally by me and two others. It follows the character Fade as he attempts to lead Lightcore in their mission to eradicate evil. However, as the result of recent drama between me (Vapor) and two of the other actors (Jordi and Gavyn), caused by their repeated lies and false promises, I have made the decision to recast their roles to attain better actors and finish the story with a satisfying conclusion. This is a for-fun project, so if you are interested, please fill out the application form. We await your presence, O’ Reader Mine.
Fade’s Journey Application
submitted by Vapor-Deathstrider to RoleplayGroups [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 21:40 Vapor-Deathstrider I invite you to join Fade’s Journey, Inverted Fate!

(If this is against your rules, don’t feel bad for removing this. I found nothing in your rules that stated that is was not ok. Please tell me if I was incorrect)
Fade's Journey, Inverted Fate is a roleplay done in Fortnite, and was done originally by me and two others. It follows the character Fade as he attempts to lead Lightcore in their mission to eradicate evil. However, as the result of recent drama between me (Vapor) and two of the other actors (Jordi and Gavyn), caused by their repeated lies and false promises, I have made the decision to recast their roles to attain better actors and finish the story with a satisfying conclusion. This is a for-fun project, so if you are interested, please fill out the application form. We await your presence, O’ Reader Mine.
submitted by Vapor-Deathstrider to Group_Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 18:50 mkp0203 Buying new gear at 35, getting back into Hockey

I was the captain of my travel ice hockey team through squirts and peewee hockey. I was pretty good but parents divorce and life happened so I stopped playing around 14. Went back at 21 and played in an adult A-league and topped the league in points. Now I’m 35. I’m wayyyy out of shape and have been for years. I need all new gear but luckily I have a well-paying job so I wanted to get nice gear.
Cut to last night looking up a full set of Bauer Vapor Hyperlite gear… ~$2800?!?!
Since when did gear get this expensive??? Since when did new skates cost $1100?? I can afford it but it seems insane to me. Oh, and I didn’t price a bag or any accessories like socks/jock etc, so it’s going to be over $3000 easy. I always knew ice hockey was expensive but holy hell, talk about a barrier to entry! Not only that but stick and pucks and pickups are $20 each where I live. I remember them being like $5-8… I live in NC, USA for reference.
All that being said, I’m so freakin excited about getting back into the sport. I want to play for the next 10+ years.
submitted by mkp0203 to hockeyplayers [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 20:08 Fair-Jello1970 Do KEF Ci3160RL in-walls work in exterior 2x4 wall?

Do KEF Ci3160RL in-walls work in exterior 2x4 wall?
My installer says he can install a KEF Ci3160RL into my exterior wall. His plan is to totally remove the insulation from behind the speaker and replace it with a "bladder" material like Dynamat.
The mounting depth of the speaker is 3.9". I have 2x4 walls with 1/2" drywall and live in NC, USA.
The existing discussions make it clear not to cut into the vapor barrier, so it seems like it might be OK as long as he can seal it back up and maintain the vapor barrier. But, I'm not sure about condensation if I don't have any insulation behind the speaker.
Has anyone done this? Would you recommend letting him do it? Also, would you bother?
On one hand, I'd love to be able to match my front and surround channels. Using all R-series gives me the nicest in-wall system I can afford. On the other hand, I don't want to screw up my house especially if it's a waste of money.
My alternative to using the Ci3160RL is the Ci4100QL, which has a 3" mounting depth. I asked the installer to come over to look at the size and shape of my room and tell me whether it was worth paying the extra cost to put the R-series speakers up front if I was going to mix them with the Q-series on the sides and ceiling. He was pretty vague on the whole thing. He didn't provide much insight as to how well a system that was all Q-series would fill the room, and I still don't know whether timbre-matching will be a significant concern if I mix the types.
Thanks for sharing your experience!
submitted by Fair-Jello1970 to hometheater [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 18:29 iamawesome1110 Is this done correctly?

This is the HW heater. The valve is situated so that I just cannot be released (not enough clearance between the valve and HW heater) Is this safe? I haven’t seen any water coming down the pipe (been two years living in this house now). Should I be worried?
submitted by iamawesome1110 to HomeMaintenance [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 03:53 Count-Daring243 Best 223 Bolt Carrier Group
Welcome, gun enthusiasts! Today, we're thrilled to present a roundup of the top-rated 223 Bolt Carrier Group products on the market. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of firearms, our article will provide you with an in-depth look at the best options available for your needs. So, buckle up and let's dive right in!

The Top 18 Best 223 Bolt Carrier Group

  1. Nickel Boron Coated Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for 6.8 SPC Rifles - Upgrade your rifles with this nickel-boron coated Failzero FZ-6.8SPC-01-NH bolt carrier group, expertly designed for 6.8 SPC rifles without the need for a hammer.
  2. Premium JP Enhanced Gas Rings for Improved Rifle Performance - Experience the ultimate gas seal and low-friction rifle performance with JP Enhanced Gas Rings, specifically designed for small-frame carrier groups and perfect for .223 caliber rifles.
  3. High-Performance 10.5" Open Carrier Case for 14Bolt 14T - Nitro Gear & Axle's NC-GM14T-3 GM 10.5" Open Carrier Case 14 Bolt 14T 4.10-Down Standard delivers unmatched strength, longevity, and performance, offering superior fitment and installation ease for an exceptional driving experience.
  4. Nickel Boron Coated Bolt Carrier Group for 223 Rifles - Upgrade your firearm with Spike's 223 Bolt Carrier Group, featuring a durable nickel boron coating and the iconic ST Spider Logo.
  5. AR-15 Bolt Kit for 223 Bolt Carrier Groups - Upgrade your AR-15 with the LBE Unlimited ARBLTKT Bolt Kit, featuring a complete replacement set including the Bolt, Firing Pin, Cam Pin, and Retaining Pin, perfect for those who want a reliable and long-lasting spare kit.
  6. Rise Armament Bolt Carrier Group - Silver, Nickel Boron - Rise Armament's Silver Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Group, RA-1010-NIB, is a high-quality, reliable choice for 223 users seeking improved accuracy and shot-to-shot consistency.
  7. Strengthen Your Rear End Setup with ARP 250-3008 - Ensure durability and reliability with ARPs 250-3008 Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit, featuring chrome moly alloy construction and a robust 200,000 PSI rating.
  8. Precision Manufactured Derailleur Hanger for Enhanced Shifting Performance - Upgrade your bicycle's shifting performance with the CNC-machined Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger, expertly crafted in the USA and featuring an anodized finish for durability.
  9. Lightweight 223 Bolt Carrier Group for Tactical Applications - Experience the sleek, high-quality performance of the Spike S M16 Bolt Carrier Group, featuring a lightweight design and a nickel boron finish for exceptional durability and reliability.
  10. Precision-Machined Derailleur Hanger for Optimal Performance - Experience the perfect combination of durability and seamless shifting with Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger, a meticulously crafted, Made-in-USA, anodized masterpiece.
  11. High-Quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group with Chrome Lined Finish - Experience top-quality craftsmanship with the MK47 Bolt Carrier Group - 76BA4A3, featuring 9310 Steel and 8620 Steel with durable Phosphate Finishes for enhanced performance and durability.
  12. Sons of Liberty 223 Remington/556NATO Bolt Carrier Group - Experience unmatched precision and durability with Solgw's Scalper Bolt Carrier Group, designed for 223 Remington/556NATO compatibility and perfected with a Manganese Phosphate Finish for optimal performance.
  13. Premium 5.56 Bolt Assembly for Enhanced Firearm Performance - Cmmg CMM55BA457 5.56 Bolt Assembly: Exceptional build quality and unmatched durability ensure reliable firearm performance.
  14. ARP Stainless Steel Rear End Cover Bolts for Optimal Reliability - Enhance your Ford's performance and reliability with ARP's high-strength 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit, featuring 3/8-24 threads, a black oxide finish, and a 200,000 PSI rating.
  15. Stainless Steel 9mm Enhanced Bolt Carrier Group - The Odin Enhanced 9mm BCG provides ultimate precision and durability with its stainless steel finish, perfect for enhancing the performance of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups.
  16. Heavy Duty Pullrite ISR Series Mounting Kit for Dodge Trucks - Removable SuperRails & Posts - The Pullrite 2230 24K HD Custom ISR Mounting Kit is a reliable and versatile solution for Dodge 2500 & 3500 Pickup Trucks, offering easy installation, durability, and a clean bed design.
  17. Zenoah G23rc Bolt Carrier for 2-Stroke Gas Engines - Upgrade your 223 gun with the Zenoah G23rc Bolt Carrier, featuring the ZEN022430614 SKU/Part number for an enhanced performance.
  18. Carriage Bolts: Zinc-Plated 5/16-18 x 3/4" Bolt Set - Discover our Hard-to-Find Fastener 014973453671 Carriage Bolts, providing a durable 5/16-18 x 3/4 Zinc-plated steel solution with 25 pieces, ideal for rust-resistant applications when safety is crucial.
As an Amazon™ Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.


🔗Nickel Boron Coated Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for 6.8 SPC Rifles
I've been using the Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's made a world of difference in my shooting experience. The 6.8 SPC rifles have always been a bit finicky, but this Bolt Carrier Group really stands out. The nickel boron coating is a game-changer, reducing friction and providing a smooth, reliable operation.
One of the things I appreciate most is the "No Hammer" feature. It ensures that there's minimal wear and tear on the bolt carrier, extending its lifespan and reducing the need for frequent maintenance. The 11-inch length provides ample coverage, ensuring accuracy and precision at the range.
However, one downside I've noticed is that the product might not be suitable for all states or hunting regulations. It's always important to double-check before placing an order. Overall, I'm impressed with the Failzero Bolt Carrier Group and its improved performance for 6.8 SPC rifles.

🔗Premium JP Enhanced Gas Rings for Improved Rifle Performance
I've recently tried out the JP Enhanced Gas Ring 223rem and I must say, it's been an interesting experience. This one-piece design is a major departure from the traditional three-piece gas rings found in most rifles. It uses a similar design to that of the McFarland rings, but with the precision-ground gas rings specifically designed to fit small-frame carrier group components such as the JP Enhanced Bolt.
The company claims that after testing multiple minute grind callouts, they've come up with a perfect balance between a solid gas seal and a very low-friction relationship between rings and bolt carrier, which is said to increase the rifle's operational window. However, I found that having a low-friction relationship led to some issues. It doesn't have as sturdy a seal as expected, and I've noted increased fouling after several shots.
One feature that did stand out to me was the design of the rings. They use the cycling action itself to scrape the walls of the carrier, which helps shed fouling with every shot. It's a smart design that shows that JP Enhanced puts a lot of thought into their products.
While there were a few drawbacks, the overall performance of the JP Enhanced Gas Ring 223rem was decent. It may not be the perfect fit for all rifles, but it's worth considering for any. 223 rifle enthusiast looking for a replacement gas ring.

🔗High-Performance 10.5" Open Carrier Case for 14Bolt 14T
Nitro Gear and Axle's NC-GM14T-3 10.5" open carrier case is a game-changer for those seeking durable and dependable differential components. Its 4.10-Down standard gear ratio makes it perfect for any off-road adventure, providing exceptional strength and longevity thanks to high-grade materials and top-notch machining, lapping, and heat-treating processes used in manufacturing.
This 14-bolt, 14T carrier case offers smooth installation and is available in both empty and loaded versions. As an empty unit, the carrier case is perfect for those who want to customize their differential setup. On the other hand, the loaded unit is assembled with spider gears and a cross bar, perfect for those looking for a hassle-free installation.
In my experience, this case provided an effortless transition, making every drive smoother and more enjoyable. Although it might be a pricier option, the peace of mind and quality of the Nitro Gear and Axle components make it worth every penny. Give your vehicle the premium-quality upgrade it deserves with Nitro Gear and Axle's NC-GM14T-3 open carrier case.

🔗Nickel Boron Coated Bolt Carrier Group for 223 Rifles
The Spike's Bolt Carrier Group, or BCG, is a crucial component in a build, especially when you don't want to compromise. As someone who's been using this part in my daily life, I can attest to its functionality and quality.
What stood out to me right away was the bolt's finish - polished and shiny. It's not just aesthetics; the nickel boron coating makes cleaning a breeze. I never had to worry about jams, making this BCG an invaluable addition to my build. Its smoothness is a game-changer, which is vital for efficient firearms operation.
However, I found it initially tight when I first assembled it. While it's not a problem, it did take some effort to break it in. Also, the extractor was rather stiff, which required some adjustments before it could function correctly.
Nonetheless, the pros of this BCG outshine the cons. It's an excellent investment for anyone looking to build a reliable firearm. The high rating and positive reviews from other users only solidify this perception. To me, the Spike's BCG is not just an accessory; it's a core part that makes a difference in the performance of my firearm.

🔗AR-15 Bolt Kit for 223 Bolt Carrier Groups
As someone who just finished assembling my AR-15, I can't help but appreciate the seamless process that LBE Unlimited's AR-15 Bolt Kit has provided. With its superior finish, the kit stood out amongst other, less polished options. Installation was a breeze, and I'm glad I didn't have to worry about any compatibility issues with the AR-15.
Despite this, I did notice a slight difference between the bolt and the original one I had. While not a deal-breaker, it raised questions about the product's durability in the long run. However, for the price, the bolt kit offers solid value, and I'm confident that it'll function as expected for some time.
Overall, if you're in the market for a reliable and affordable alternative to OEM parts, this AR bolt kit from LBE Unlimited is an excellent choice. It's a great way to ensure your AR-15 functions reliably even with an extra kit on hand for emergencies.

🔗Rise Armament Bolt Carrier Group - Silver, Nickel Boron
There's something about the Rise Armament, Bolt Carrier Group, Silver, Nickel Boron that truly makes a mark on my daily gun enthusiast life. Its sleek silver finish effortlessly elevates my gun's appearance, but it's more than just aesthetics that impress me. This robust piece is built to last with its nickel boron finish, ensuring I can rely on its durability for the long haul.
However, I have to admit, it can be a bit heavier than its counterparts, which can affect the overall balance. Overall, this bolt carrier group is a reliable addition to my arsenal.

🔗Strengthen Your Rear End Setup with ARP 250-3008
I recently encountered a situation where I needed to enhance the performance of my vehicle, and the ARP 250-3008 - Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit was a godsend. This sturdy kit contains 10 studs and is manufactured from a rugged chrome moly 8740 alloy with a black oxide finish. The studs are rated at 200,000 PSI, which is significantly stronger than conventional Grade 8 hardware, and they have precision machined threads for secure engagement that won't rust.
As I installed the kit, I noticed the ease of use and the sleek appearance of the bolts in contrast to my painted OEM cover. The ARP studs are perfect for either painting or chrome plating, providing an attractive complement to any setup. Furthermore, the washers included with the kit make assembling a rear end a breeze.
My only drawback with the kit is that it's a bit pricey for a DIY vehicle enthusiast like me. However, considering the superior performance and enhanced reliability it provides, the high price tag is worth it in the long run. All in all, the ARP 250-3008 - Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit is a valuable investment for anyone seeking optimum performance from their vehicle.

🔗Precision Manufactured Derailleur Hanger for Enhanced Shifting Performance
I recently came across the Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger, and let me tell you, it made quite an impression. The CNC machining really stands out in its precision and attention to detail, leading to improved durability and smoother shifting performance.
One of the things I appreciate most about this derailleur hanger is that it's made right here in the USA. That sense of pride and craftsmanship is evident in the product, and it gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm supporting local manufacturers.
The anodized finish on this derailleur hanger is top-notch, providing a sleek and professional look to your bike setup. Plus, the included mounting hardware makes installation a breeze.
While the product does its job admirably, there is a slight downside to the anodized finish, as it can be a bit prone to scratches. It's a small trade-off, though, considering the overall quality and craftsmanship of the derailleur hanger.
Overall, the Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger is a fantastic addition to any bike enthusiast's arsenal. Its precision, durability, and commitment to quality make it a standout choice in the market.

🔗Lightweight 223 Bolt Carrier Group for Tactical Applications
Spike's M16 bolt carrier group comes as both a lightweight and heavy option, delivering unmatched performance for gun enthusiasts and long-range shooters. The product's high resistance to wear and tear, due to its strong and durable nickel boron finish, ensures a smooth operation even under pressure.
Having used this lightweight tactical bolt group, I've noticed a considerable reduction in muzzle jump compared to traditional M16 bolt carriers. This is a significant advantage when engaging targets at longer ranges, as it minimizes the impact on my accuracy while shooting.
However, I should mention that some users may consider the NiB finish as an unnecessary expense, especially if comparing it to a cheaper alternative. There have been instances where shooters have opted for a more budget-friendly lightweight bolt carrier group from other manufacturers as a result.
The Spike Tactical bolt carrier group's solid construction, versatile options, and ease of use make it a top choice for avid gun enthusiasts seeking a reliable and lightweight solution. Just remember to check your local regulations before placing an order to fully comply with hunting and ownership laws.

🔗Precision-Machined Derailleur Hanger for Optimal Performance
I've been using the Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger for a while now, and I must say, it has truly made a difference in my cycling experience. As a biking enthusiast, I was always looking for a reliable and efficient hanger that could withstand the wear and tear of long rides. This product, made right here in the USA, has shown me that precision and durability aren't just buzzwords, but actual qualities of a top-tier hanger.
CNC machined to perfection, this hanger ensures that the shifting performance is on point, making my ride smoother than ever before. The anodized finish not only looks great, but it also adds to the product's resilience, helping it weather the elements with ease.
One downside I've noticed is that the mounting hardware might not be the most straightforward to use, which can be a slight hassle to some. However, once you've gotten the hang of it, it's not that big of a deal.
Overall, the Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger is a top-notch product that delivers on its promises. Its precision and durability make it a worthy investment for any cycling aficionado.

🔗High-Quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group with Chrome Lined Finish
The MK47 Bolt Carrier Group, with the model number 76BA4A3, has been a reliable addition to my daily life. The 9310 steel bolt, coupled with the phosphate finish carrier made of 8620 steel and chrome lined, has enhanced the durability and performance of my firearm. The use of a steel, phosphate finish extractor has been a game-changer, providing smoother operation and ensuring accuracy.
However, it should be noted that I've experienced slight difficulty during cleaning, which may require extra attention to ensure proper maintenance. Overall, this 223 bolt carrier group has proven to be a valuable investment in my firearm collection.

🔗Sons of Liberty 223 Remington/556NATO Bolt Carrier Group
I remember the first time I used the Solgw Scalper Bolt Carrier Group. It stood out like a beacon in my gun arsenal, with its sleek manganese phosphate finish adding that perfect touch of elegance. Upon firing it, the 8.5-inch bolt carrier group seemed to dance in my hands, with its robust performance and smooth operation making each shot a breeze.
Of course, no product is perfect. While the black SOLGWBCG556-SCALPER bolt carrier group did an excellent job with the 223 Remington/556 NATO ammo, I couldn't help but notice the occasional slight over-penetration, which I assume could be a result of the bullet's design. But overall, the Solgw Scalper Bolt Carrier Group more than lived up to my expectations and proved to be a worthy addition to my gun collection.

Buyer's Guide

The 223 Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) is a crucial component of the 223 Remington firearm family, including the AR-15 rifle. It's the part that cycles the action of the firearm, allowing it to function properly between shots. When selecting a bolt carrier group, you should consider key features like the material, construction, finish, and more.

There are different material options for 223 BCG available, such as chrome-molybdenum steel, titanium, and stainless steel. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages and can impact durability, weight, and performance.


The construction of a 223 BCG can influence its performance and lifespan. Key factors to consider are the quality of machining, tightness of tolerances, and the overall design. Ensure the bolt carrier group is designed and manufactured with attention to detail for optimal performance.


A good finish on your 223 BCG will reduce friction and the wear over time. Popular finishes include chrome, nitride, and black oxide. Each has its benefits, so choose the one that best suits your needs.


General Advice

When purchasing a bolt carrier group, it's essential to research the brand and retailer thoroughly. A reputable brand with a strong track record of quality products and customer support is recommended. Purchase from a trusted firearm retailer to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product.

Maintaining Your 223 BCG
Proper maintenance of your 223 BCG can ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular cleaning, lubrication, and inspection for damage or wear are essential.


What is a 223 Bolt Carrier Group?

A 223 Bolt Carrier Group is a part of an AR-15 rifle. It consists of several components, including the bolt carrier, bolt, firing pin, cam pin, and gas key, all working together to cycle ammunition and extract spent casings. This group is crucial for the proper functioning of the rifle.

What are the different types of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups?

There are different types of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups, including:
Each type offers different benefits, such as improved wear resistance, ease of cleaning, and reduced friction.

What is the difference between a chrome-lined Bolt Carrier Group and a nitride-coated one?

Chrome lining is a process that involves welding or bonding a layer of chrome to the surface of the bolt carrier group, providing enhanced wear resistance and durability. Nitride coating, on the other hand, is a plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition process that creates a hard, wear-resistant surface with excellent lubricity.

How important is a high-quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group in an AR-15?

A high-quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group is essential for the proper functioning, reliability, and accuracy of an AR-15. It helps ensure smooth cycling, proper extraction of spent casings, and reduces wear on other components, all of which contribute to the rifle's overall performance.

Can I install a 223 Bolt Carrier Group from another manufacturer into my AR-15?

Yes, it is possible to install a 223 Bolt Carrier Group from another manufacturer into your AR-15. However, it is crucial to ensure compatibility with your rifle's other components and that the bolt carrier group meets your performance requirements.

What is the difference between a phosphate-coated and a stainless steel Bolt Carrier Group?

Phosphate coating is a chemically applied surface treatment that provides a uniform, adherent layer of protective material to the surface of the bolt carrier group. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is a high-performance alloy that offers greater corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and durability compared to standard steel components.

What is the purpose of a nickel-boron-coated 223 Bolt Carrier Group?

Nickel-boron-coated bolt carrier groups are designed to reduce friction and provide easier maintenance. The coating creates a slick, low-friction surface that makes it easier to clean and lubricate the components, which can lead to improved reliability and performance.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.03.28 03:53 Count-Daring243 Best 223 Bolt Carrier Group

Best 223 Bolt Carrier Group
Welcome, gun enthusiasts! Today, we're thrilled to present a roundup of the top-rated 223 Bolt Carrier Group products on the market. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the world of firearms, our article will provide you with an in-depth look at the best options available for your needs. So, buckle up and let's dive right in!

The Top 18 Best 223 Bolt Carrier Group

  1. Nickel Boron Coated Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for 6.8 SPC Rifles - Upgrade your rifles with this nickel-boron coated Failzero FZ-6.8SPC-01-NH bolt carrier group, expertly designed for 6.8 SPC rifles without the need for a hammer.
  2. Premium JP Enhanced Gas Rings for Improved Rifle Performance - Experience the ultimate gas seal and low-friction rifle performance with JP Enhanced Gas Rings, specifically designed for small-frame carrier groups and perfect for .223 caliber rifles.
  3. High-Performance 10.5" Open Carrier Case for 14Bolt 14T - Nitro Gear & Axle's NC-GM14T-3 GM 10.5" Open Carrier Case 14 Bolt 14T 4.10-Down Standard delivers unmatched strength, longevity, and performance, offering superior fitment and installation ease for an exceptional driving experience.
  4. Nickel Boron Coated Bolt Carrier Group for 223 Rifles - Upgrade your firearm with Spike's 223 Bolt Carrier Group, featuring a durable nickel boron coating and the iconic ST Spider Logo.
  5. AR-15 Bolt Kit for 223 Bolt Carrier Groups - Upgrade your AR-15 with the LBE Unlimited ARBLTKT Bolt Kit, featuring a complete replacement set including the Bolt, Firing Pin, Cam Pin, and Retaining Pin, perfect for those who want a reliable and long-lasting spare kit.
  6. Rise Armament Bolt Carrier Group - Silver, Nickel Boron - Rise Armament's Silver Nickel Boron Bolt Carrier Group, RA-1010-NIB, is a high-quality, reliable choice for 223 users seeking improved accuracy and shot-to-shot consistency.
  7. Strengthen Your Rear End Setup with ARP 250-3008 - Ensure durability and reliability with ARPs 250-3008 Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit, featuring chrome moly alloy construction and a robust 200,000 PSI rating.
  8. Precision Manufactured Derailleur Hanger for Enhanced Shifting Performance - Upgrade your bicycle's shifting performance with the CNC-machined Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger, expertly crafted in the USA and featuring an anodized finish for durability.
  9. Lightweight 223 Bolt Carrier Group for Tactical Applications - Experience the sleek, high-quality performance of the Spike S M16 Bolt Carrier Group, featuring a lightweight design and a nickel boron finish for exceptional durability and reliability.
  10. Precision-Machined Derailleur Hanger for Optimal Performance - Experience the perfect combination of durability and seamless shifting with Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger, a meticulously crafted, Made-in-USA, anodized masterpiece.
  11. High-Quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group with Chrome Lined Finish - Experience top-quality craftsmanship with the MK47 Bolt Carrier Group - 76BA4A3, featuring 9310 Steel and 8620 Steel with durable Phosphate Finishes for enhanced performance and durability.
  12. Sons of Liberty 223 Remington/556NATO Bolt Carrier Group - Experience unmatched precision and durability with Solgw's Scalper Bolt Carrier Group, designed for 223 Remington/556NATO compatibility and perfected with a Manganese Phosphate Finish for optimal performance.
  13. Premium 5.56 Bolt Assembly for Enhanced Firearm Performance - Cmmg CMM55BA457 5.56 Bolt Assembly: Exceptional build quality and unmatched durability ensure reliable firearm performance.
  14. ARP Stainless Steel Rear End Cover Bolts for Optimal Reliability - Enhance your Ford's performance and reliability with ARP's high-strength 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit, featuring 3/8-24 threads, a black oxide finish, and a 200,000 PSI rating.
  15. Stainless Steel 9mm Enhanced Bolt Carrier Group - The Odin Enhanced 9mm BCG provides ultimate precision and durability with its stainless steel finish, perfect for enhancing the performance of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups.
  16. Heavy Duty Pullrite ISR Series Mounting Kit for Dodge Trucks - Removable SuperRails & Posts - The Pullrite 2230 24K HD Custom ISR Mounting Kit is a reliable and versatile solution for Dodge 2500 & 3500 Pickup Trucks, offering easy installation, durability, and a clean bed design.
  17. Zenoah G23rc Bolt Carrier for 2-Stroke Gas Engines - Upgrade your 223 gun with the Zenoah G23rc Bolt Carrier, featuring the ZEN022430614 SKU/Part number for an enhanced performance.
  18. Carriage Bolts: Zinc-Plated 5/16-18 x 3/4" Bolt Set - Discover our Hard-to-Find Fastener 014973453671 Carriage Bolts, providing a durable 5/16-18 x 3/4 Zinc-plated steel solution with 25 pieces, ideal for rust-resistant applications when safety is crucial.
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🔗Nickel Boron Coated Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for 6.8 SPC Rifles
I've been using the Failzero Bolt Carrier Group for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's made a world of difference in my shooting experience. The 6.8 SPC rifles have always been a bit finicky, but this Bolt Carrier Group really stands out. The nickel boron coating is a game-changer, reducing friction and providing a smooth, reliable operation.
One of the things I appreciate most is the "No Hammer" feature. It ensures that there's minimal wear and tear on the bolt carrier, extending its lifespan and reducing the need for frequent maintenance. The 11-inch length provides ample coverage, ensuring accuracy and precision at the range.
However, one downside I've noticed is that the product might not be suitable for all states or hunting regulations. It's always important to double-check before placing an order. Overall, I'm impressed with the Failzero Bolt Carrier Group and its improved performance for 6.8 SPC rifles.

🔗Premium JP Enhanced Gas Rings for Improved Rifle Performance
I've recently tried out the JP Enhanced Gas Ring 223rem and I must say, it's been an interesting experience. This one-piece design is a major departure from the traditional three-piece gas rings found in most rifles. It uses a similar design to that of the McFarland rings, but with the precision-ground gas rings specifically designed to fit small-frame carrier group components such as the JP Enhanced Bolt.
The company claims that after testing multiple minute grind callouts, they've come up with a perfect balance between a solid gas seal and a very low-friction relationship between rings and bolt carrier, which is said to increase the rifle's operational window. However, I found that having a low-friction relationship led to some issues. It doesn't have as sturdy a seal as expected, and I've noted increased fouling after several shots.
One feature that did stand out to me was the design of the rings. They use the cycling action itself to scrape the walls of the carrier, which helps shed fouling with every shot. It's a smart design that shows that JP Enhanced puts a lot of thought into their products.
While there were a few drawbacks, the overall performance of the JP Enhanced Gas Ring 223rem was decent. It may not be the perfect fit for all rifles, but it's worth considering for any. 223 rifle enthusiast looking for a replacement gas ring.

🔗High-Performance 10.5" Open Carrier Case for 14Bolt 14T
Nitro Gear and Axle's NC-GM14T-3 10.5" open carrier case is a game-changer for those seeking durable and dependable differential components. Its 4.10-Down standard gear ratio makes it perfect for any off-road adventure, providing exceptional strength and longevity thanks to high-grade materials and top-notch machining, lapping, and heat-treating processes used in manufacturing.
This 14-bolt, 14T carrier case offers smooth installation and is available in both empty and loaded versions. As an empty unit, the carrier case is perfect for those who want to customize their differential setup. On the other hand, the loaded unit is assembled with spider gears and a cross bar, perfect for those looking for a hassle-free installation.
In my experience, this case provided an effortless transition, making every drive smoother and more enjoyable. Although it might be a pricier option, the peace of mind and quality of the Nitro Gear and Axle components make it worth every penny. Give your vehicle the premium-quality upgrade it deserves with Nitro Gear and Axle's NC-GM14T-3 open carrier case.

🔗Nickel Boron Coated Bolt Carrier Group for 223 Rifles
The Spike's Bolt Carrier Group, or BCG, is a crucial component in a build, especially when you don't want to compromise. As someone who's been using this part in my daily life, I can attest to its functionality and quality.
What stood out to me right away was the bolt's finish - polished and shiny. It's not just aesthetics; the nickel boron coating makes cleaning a breeze. I never had to worry about jams, making this BCG an invaluable addition to my build. Its smoothness is a game-changer, which is vital for efficient firearms operation.
However, I found it initially tight when I first assembled it. While it's not a problem, it did take some effort to break it in. Also, the extractor was rather stiff, which required some adjustments before it could function correctly.
Nonetheless, the pros of this BCG outshine the cons. It's an excellent investment for anyone looking to build a reliable firearm. The high rating and positive reviews from other users only solidify this perception. To me, the Spike's BCG is not just an accessory; it's a core part that makes a difference in the performance of my firearm.

🔗AR-15 Bolt Kit for 223 Bolt Carrier Groups
As someone who just finished assembling my AR-15, I can't help but appreciate the seamless process that LBE Unlimited's AR-15 Bolt Kit has provided. With its superior finish, the kit stood out amongst other, less polished options. Installation was a breeze, and I'm glad I didn't have to worry about any compatibility issues with the AR-15.
Despite this, I did notice a slight difference between the bolt and the original one I had. While not a deal-breaker, it raised questions about the product's durability in the long run. However, for the price, the bolt kit offers solid value, and I'm confident that it'll function as expected for some time.
Overall, if you're in the market for a reliable and affordable alternative to OEM parts, this AR bolt kit from LBE Unlimited is an excellent choice. It's a great way to ensure your AR-15 functions reliably even with an extra kit on hand for emergencies.

🔗Rise Armament Bolt Carrier Group - Silver, Nickel Boron
There's something about the Rise Armament, Bolt Carrier Group, Silver, Nickel Boron that truly makes a mark on my daily gun enthusiast life. Its sleek silver finish effortlessly elevates my gun's appearance, but it's more than just aesthetics that impress me. This robust piece is built to last with its nickel boron finish, ensuring I can rely on its durability for the long haul.
However, I have to admit, it can be a bit heavier than its counterparts, which can affect the overall balance. Overall, this bolt carrier group is a reliable addition to my arsenal.

🔗Strengthen Your Rear End Setup with ARP 250-3008
I recently encountered a situation where I needed to enhance the performance of my vehicle, and the ARP 250-3008 - Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit was a godsend. This sturdy kit contains 10 studs and is manufactured from a rugged chrome moly 8740 alloy with a black oxide finish. The studs are rated at 200,000 PSI, which is significantly stronger than conventional Grade 8 hardware, and they have precision machined threads for secure engagement that won't rust.
As I installed the kit, I noticed the ease of use and the sleek appearance of the bolts in contrast to my painted OEM cover. The ARP studs are perfect for either painting or chrome plating, providing an attractive complement to any setup. Furthermore, the washers included with the kit make assembling a rear end a breeze.
My only drawback with the kit is that it's a bit pricey for a DIY vehicle enthusiast like me. However, considering the superior performance and enhanced reliability it provides, the high price tag is worth it in the long run. All in all, the ARP 250-3008 - Ford 8in Carrier Bearing Stud Kit is a valuable investment for anyone seeking optimum performance from their vehicle.

🔗Precision Manufactured Derailleur Hanger for Enhanced Shifting Performance
I recently came across the Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger, and let me tell you, it made quite an impression. The CNC machining really stands out in its precision and attention to detail, leading to improved durability and smoother shifting performance.
One of the things I appreciate most about this derailleur hanger is that it's made right here in the USA. That sense of pride and craftsmanship is evident in the product, and it gives me peace of mind knowing that I'm supporting local manufacturers.
The anodized finish on this derailleur hanger is top-notch, providing a sleek and professional look to your bike setup. Plus, the included mounting hardware makes installation a breeze.
While the product does its job admirably, there is a slight downside to the anodized finish, as it can be a bit prone to scratches. It's a small trade-off, though, considering the overall quality and craftsmanship of the derailleur hanger.
Overall, the Wheels Manufacturing 223 Derailleur Hanger is a fantastic addition to any bike enthusiast's arsenal. Its precision, durability, and commitment to quality make it a standout choice in the market.

🔗Lightweight 223 Bolt Carrier Group for Tactical Applications
Spike's M16 bolt carrier group comes as both a lightweight and heavy option, delivering unmatched performance for gun enthusiasts and long-range shooters. The product's high resistance to wear and tear, due to its strong and durable nickel boron finish, ensures a smooth operation even under pressure.
Having used this lightweight tactical bolt group, I've noticed a considerable reduction in muzzle jump compared to traditional M16 bolt carriers. This is a significant advantage when engaging targets at longer ranges, as it minimizes the impact on my accuracy while shooting.
However, I should mention that some users may consider the NiB finish as an unnecessary expense, especially if comparing it to a cheaper alternative. There have been instances where shooters have opted for a more budget-friendly lightweight bolt carrier group from other manufacturers as a result.
The Spike Tactical bolt carrier group's solid construction, versatile options, and ease of use make it a top choice for avid gun enthusiasts seeking a reliable and lightweight solution. Just remember to check your local regulations before placing an order to fully comply with hunting and ownership laws.

🔗Precision-Machined Derailleur Hanger for Optimal Performance
I've been using the Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger for a while now, and I must say, it has truly made a difference in my cycling experience. As a biking enthusiast, I was always looking for a reliable and efficient hanger that could withstand the wear and tear of long rides. This product, made right here in the USA, has shown me that precision and durability aren't just buzzwords, but actual qualities of a top-tier hanger.
CNC machined to perfection, this hanger ensures that the shifting performance is on point, making my ride smoother than ever before. The anodized finish not only looks great, but it also adds to the product's resilience, helping it weather the elements with ease.
One downside I've noticed is that the mounting hardware might not be the most straightforward to use, which can be a slight hassle to some. However, once you've gotten the hang of it, it's not that big of a deal.
Overall, the Wheels Manufacturing Dropout 232 Derailleur Hanger is a top-notch product that delivers on its promises. Its precision and durability make it a worthy investment for any cycling aficionado.

🔗High-Quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group with Chrome Lined Finish
The MK47 Bolt Carrier Group, with the model number 76BA4A3, has been a reliable addition to my daily life. The 9310 steel bolt, coupled with the phosphate finish carrier made of 8620 steel and chrome lined, has enhanced the durability and performance of my firearm. The use of a steel, phosphate finish extractor has been a game-changer, providing smoother operation and ensuring accuracy.
However, it should be noted that I've experienced slight difficulty during cleaning, which may require extra attention to ensure proper maintenance. Overall, this 223 bolt carrier group has proven to be a valuable investment in my firearm collection.

🔗Sons of Liberty 223 Remington/556NATO Bolt Carrier Group
I remember the first time I used the Solgw Scalper Bolt Carrier Group. It stood out like a beacon in my gun arsenal, with its sleek manganese phosphate finish adding that perfect touch of elegance. Upon firing it, the 8.5-inch bolt carrier group seemed to dance in my hands, with its robust performance and smooth operation making each shot a breeze.
Of course, no product is perfect. While the black SOLGWBCG556-SCALPER bolt carrier group did an excellent job with the 223 Remington/556 NATO ammo, I couldn't help but notice the occasional slight over-penetration, which I assume could be a result of the bullet's design. But overall, the Solgw Scalper Bolt Carrier Group more than lived up to my expectations and proved to be a worthy addition to my gun collection.

Buyer's Guide

The 223 Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) is a crucial component of the 223 Remington firearm family, including the AR-15 rifle. It's the part that cycles the action of the firearm, allowing it to function properly between shots. When selecting a bolt carrier group, you should consider key features like the material, construction, finish, and more.

There are different material options for 223 BCG available, such as chrome-molybdenum steel, titanium, and stainless steel. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages and can impact durability, weight, and performance.


The construction of a 223 BCG can influence its performance and lifespan. Key factors to consider are the quality of machining, tightness of tolerances, and the overall design. Ensure the bolt carrier group is designed and manufactured with attention to detail for optimal performance.


A good finish on your 223 BCG will reduce friction and the wear over time. Popular finishes include chrome, nitride, and black oxide. Each has its benefits, so choose the one that best suits your needs.


  • Consider the platform and chamber specifications of your firearm to ensure the bolt carrier group is compatible.
  • If you shoot frequently or in high-stress situations, you may benefit from a heavier bolt carrier group for increased durability.
  • Weight can also impact accuracy and recoil. Choosing the right weight for your needs will affect your overall experience.

General Advice

When purchasing a bolt carrier group, it's essential to research the brand and retailer thoroughly. A reputable brand with a strong track record of quality products and customer support is recommended. Purchase from a trusted firearm retailer to guarantee the authenticity and quality of the product.

Maintaining Your 223 BCG
Proper maintenance of your 223 BCG can ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Regular cleaning, lubrication, and inspection for damage or wear are essential.


What is a 223 Bolt Carrier Group?

A 223 Bolt Carrier Group is a part of an AR-15 rifle. It consists of several components, including the bolt carrier, bolt, firing pin, cam pin, and gas key, all working together to cycle ammunition and extract spent casings. This group is crucial for the proper functioning of the rifle.

What are the different types of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups?

There are different types of 223 Bolt Carrier Groups, including:
  • Chrome Lined
  • Nitride
  • Phosphate
  • Stainless Steel
  • Nickel Boron
Each type offers different benefits, such as improved wear resistance, ease of cleaning, and reduced friction.

What is the difference between a chrome-lined Bolt Carrier Group and a nitride-coated one?

Chrome lining is a process that involves welding or bonding a layer of chrome to the surface of the bolt carrier group, providing enhanced wear resistance and durability. Nitride coating, on the other hand, is a plasma-assisted chemical vapor deposition process that creates a hard, wear-resistant surface with excellent lubricity.

How important is a high-quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group in an AR-15?

A high-quality 223 Bolt Carrier Group is essential for the proper functioning, reliability, and accuracy of an AR-15. It helps ensure smooth cycling, proper extraction of spent casings, and reduces wear on other components, all of which contribute to the rifle's overall performance.

Can I install a 223 Bolt Carrier Group from another manufacturer into my AR-15?

Yes, it is possible to install a 223 Bolt Carrier Group from another manufacturer into your AR-15. However, it is crucial to ensure compatibility with your rifle's other components and that the bolt carrier group meets your performance requirements.

What is the difference between a phosphate-coated and a stainless steel Bolt Carrier Group?

Phosphate coating is a chemically applied surface treatment that provides a uniform, adherent layer of protective material to the surface of the bolt carrier group. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is a high-performance alloy that offers greater corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and durability compared to standard steel components.

What is the purpose of a nickel-boron-coated 223 Bolt Carrier Group?

Nickel-boron-coated bolt carrier groups are designed to reduce friction and provide easier maintenance. The coating creates a slick, low-friction surface that makes it easier to clean and lubricate the components, which can lead to improved reliability and performance.
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submitted by Count-Daring243 to u/Count-Daring243 [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 01:29 Intelligent_Check_88 Under sink waterproofing

Under sink waterproofing
Sink had a leak today and I noticed there is space around the pipe for water to drip down under the cabinet. I cut a hole in the cabinet to check down below for water damage. It doesn’t look like much water made it down there but I’m wondering what the proper way to seal up around the pipe may be.
Its new construction (NC) still under warranty so I’m also wondering if the way the pipes come up through the slab was done correctly. It seems odd they are wrapped in cardboard and not some kind of waterproofing. Also the slab appears to be bare concrete without a vapor barrier. I can imagine a sink leak causing the whole first floor to be damaged if I hadn’t caught it this soon. Is it even up to code?
Any info or advice would be appreciated!
submitted by Intelligent_Check_88 to DIY [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 15:45 doctorgecko Respect The Noble Dragon (Discworld - Guards! Guards!)

Noble dragons don't have friends. The nearest they can get to the idea is an enemy who is still alive.

The Noble Dragon

Noble Dragons, or Draco Nobilis, are mythical dragons that are said to have once occupied the Discworld, but are now considered to be little more than stories. But Noble Dragons are very real, and through certain techniques they can be summoned to the Disc. One such dragon was summoned by the patrician's secretary Lupin Wonse, under the hopes that a hero slaying said dragon would allow him to crown a king of his choosing. But the dragon he summoned more powerful, and also far smarter than he was expecting. This dragon managed to return to the Discworld after being banished and took control of both Wonse and the city as the new king, leaving only the underfunded City Watch to oppose her.
Note: At the end of the book it's revealed that the dragon is female, so I'll be referring to her as such for this thread even if the actual text says "he" or "it".
Fire Breath
General Heat
On People
On Structures
Full Body
Movement Speed
Aerial Mobility
Noble Dragon's true home is within human imagination, which they all one day left the Disc to be in, with it being described as another space packed to the brim by nothing but dragons
Forced Summoning
Returning to the Disc
submitted by doctorgecko to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.03.03 23:32 ArmChairAnalyst86 Concerns - April 8th 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse + New Moon & Perigee + 12/P Pons Brooks

Concerns - April 8th 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse + New Moon & Perigee + 12/P Pons Brooks
April 8th 2024 - Total Solar Eclipse + New Moon & Perigee + 12/P Pons Brooks
This post will be as controversial as it is long. The crazy part is this is the condensed version. Some may share similar thoughts, or you may think I am a tinfoil wearing weirdo, or both. I am willing to take that risk and I will bring both sides to the table. Before I dig into it, I want to let you know that I am going to do my best to stay within the scientific realm for this one, but it also must be said that there is a significant esoteric aspect to this event as well that I follow and keep tabs on, but it does not hold much weight due to its subjectivity. I have several years researching this subject, and I am ready to say what I have to say with a little over a month left until the eclipse.
By now, you have surely become aware that on April 8th, 2024 , the US will experience its 2nd total eclipse in the last 7 years, with the prior coming on September 21st, 2017. There was also an annular “ring of fire” eclipse in 2023. It is rare for total eclipses to occur in the same region in such a short time span. Rare enough that I could not find another recorded instance of total solar eclipses in the same region in such a short time frame. That does not mean it has not happened, just that it is exceedingly rare. Some people pointed out 1806 - 1812 when a total eclipse and annular eclipse occured over the US as well as some of the interesting events from that time and we will get into that in this article as well.
There are 4 noteworthy astronomical events taking place in and around April of this year. These events occurring by themselves is interesting, but these events occurring in conjunction with one another, that is what makes it VERY interesting and because of that, I have the suspicion that some unique energies and effects will be in play on April 8th and in the weeks surrounding it.
The eclipse itself will be a long duration totality event because the moon will be closest to the earth in its perigee and, as a result, will be at its strongest maximum gravitational influence on the Earth. Since this is a total eclipse, the moon will cover all of the sun. These events create opportunities for sky watchers and professional and amateur astronomers to view rare phenomena. Even though some factors of the eclipse itself are unique, this is not the source of my concerns.
Another factor in play on April 8th and the weeks surrounding it is none other than Comet 12/P Pons Brooks. 12/P will be near its perihelion or closest approach to the sun and will likely be prominent during the eclipse, maybe even visible to the naked eye. This is the most significant factor in the equation. You may be asking yourself why I would be concerned about a comet that is of no threat to collide with the earth based on its current orbit and trajectory and at this point are ready to write me off, but hear me out.
Let's start with what a comet is. To do so, let's look at the cometary theory and how it has changed over the centuries and years. Many ancient cultures associated Comets with change and/or disaster. There are many noteworthy artworks depicting disastrous occurrences with comets pictured. There are many megalithic sites and structures which also seem to depict this belief and reverence. Comets were revered, feared and respected. Many ancient recordings show comets of many unique shapes, comas, and tails unlike anything that we have seen in modern times. As comets began to be more understood and since there was a lack of cometary related disasters, over time they lost those connotations and came to be viewed simply as visiting objects in space that pose no threat provided they do not collide with earth. This is not universal though, as many cultures still keep the same reverence for comets as well as eclipses in their tradition and beliefs. For the bulk of mankind, the definition and nature of comets would change greatly over the centuries. We can find the modern starting point with Aristotle.
Aristotle was alive from 384-322 BC. Aristotle theorized that comets were atmospheric phenomena meaning that they were local to earth and not celestial objects. He felt they must be within the sphere of the moon and separated from the heavens based on a theory that everything in the cosmos is arranged in a distinct configuration and comets are anything but distinctly configured. They are highly dynamic objects and often are perturbed by passing objects resulting in orbital changes measuring thousands of years. This notion was challenged in 1 AD by Seneca the Younger. He theorized that since they are unaffected by the wind and weather patterns and have a regular movement independent of anything occurring on earth that they could not be atmospheric. Obviously, this was correct, but that does not change our opinion about Aristotle does it? He was doing the best he could with the information and axioms existing at that time. It would be several hundred years until Seneca the Younger challenged the theory, and that is a long time for a theory regarding celestial objects to hold up.
Around 1450 AD, man was becoming adept at building and using more advanced tools to observe comets and to learn more about them. This would continue with many disagreements, debates, and prevailing theories. Around the 18th century, Immanuel Kant hypothesized that comets were condensed from volatile material beyond the known planets and that this volatile matter vaporizes as the comet approaches the sun. In 1950, Fred Whipple would take it a step further and proposed that comets were not rocky bodies, but instead were mostly ice, dust, and a included a minute amount of rock, and that the coma and tail are generated when the ice on the comet sublimates as it interacts with solar radiation from the sun. We had not yet laid eyes on a comet nucleus and had no first-hand data retrieved from a comet to go off at that point un time.
What if I told you that a comet is NOT a dirty snowball, and that the phenomena generated by the comet, including the coma, tail, and much much more, is not a result of ice sublimating and then being blown by the solar wind? Before I continue, let me remind you that nearly everything at the highest levels in astronomy is theory. What fits best. A theory will not be entertained or accepted unless it conforms to the axioms or preconceived truths believed to reign in the field despite their flaws. Alternate theories have been well documented and supported, yet they are attacked and vilified for it. Now you may be thinking “Okay smart guy, then why don’t you tell us what a comet is since NASA, academia, and mainstream astronomy’s word isn’t good enough for you?"” I thought you would never ask! Hold on to your hat.
As mentioned, the current cometary theory was authored by Fred Whipple. Without first-hand knowledge otherwise, this was not a bad theory considering the enigma that the comet had been for millenia combined with some elementary observations. Imagine Mr Whipple's surprise when the Giotto spacecraft courtesy of the ESA probe made a pass at the Comet Halley and instead of seeing a dirty snowball covered in ice they saw the darkest and most charred looking object in space until that time. The word charcoal briquette was used in its description. It was said that silence filled the room after the initial “It's the nucleus, there it is, it's the nucleus!”. Well, maybe it was just a one-off, and the next comet would have ice plainly visible for all to see and would confirm the theory. Well, that was 40 years ago, and we are yet to see the smallest tiniest bit of ice on a comet. The theory has been modified to state that the ice is located inside the comet nucleus, and it finds its way out through cracks and crevices. This starts to get pretty wonky as a theory because the entire thing is predicated on sunlight getting through and making the ice sublimate. How can that happen if sunlight can’t get through A the coma and B into the cracks and crevices? That is where we stand today. In the face of overwhelming evidence that a comet is not a dirty snowball and that its phenomena is not caused by ice sublimation and melting and being blown away by the solar wind.
Before I get into what a comet really is, I want to include a few more snippets and contradictions regarding the current dirty snowball theory. I am going to skim these topics, but I strongly encourage you to look into them yourselves. Get into the minutiae and see what adds up and does not, and use your own logic. I certainly have.
Modern observations between comets and asteroids differ very little, with the exception being the phenomena that accompany comets and their orbits. Both objects appear rocky and solid. While Comet Halley was the first that humans were able to successfully probe, it would not be the last. The notable spacecraft and the comets they visited are as follows.
1P Halley - Vega 1, 2 & Giotto - 1986
19P/Borrelly - Deep Space 1 - 2001
81P/Wild 2 - Stardust - 2004
9P/Tempel 1 - Deep Impact - 2005
103P/Hartley - Deep Impact/EPOXI - 2010
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - Rosetta - 2014
In all of these cases, there was no ice observed on the nucleus of the comet and in the case of 9P/Tempel 1 inside the comet either. 9P/Tempel 1 was the Deep Impact mission where a NASA spacecraft slammed into the comet to observe the mechanics and hopefully confirm that there is water ice located inside the comet. Unfortunately for proponents of the dirty snowball theory, there is not an ounce of proof that there is water ice located on these comets, nor that the phenomena is caused by ice sublimation due to solar radiation sublimating it. To understand this better, you will have to check out the videos at the links.

The other curious aspect about a comet as concerns the dirty snowball theory is how a simple ice ball zooming around space for millenia with a supposed finite amount of ice on bodies that are not all that large, a few KM in most cases, while creating a tail that stretches for millions and millions of miles while also exhibiting electrical phenomena and discharging X-Rays and electrons. How does ice hidden below the surface get enough sunlight to create these phenomena? Why does the light appear to originate from within the comet when viewed from inside the coma? It gives the impression there is an alternative and, in my opinion, more correct theory regarding comet composition and phenomena, but it has implications, and that is what we are building towards.

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Lab Example
To the good part. If comets aren’t dirty snowballs, then what are they, and how do they do what they do? The alternative theory regarding the nature of comets can be found within the realm of the electric universe. It is well known that the sun produces far more electrical energy than light energy. The sun is connected electrically to everything in our solar system. It is theorized that when comets enter the heliosphere (area of the sun's influence) that they tap into the solar circuit, creating the phenomena. Just as electricity is dynamic, so are comets. They can change their magnitude, have unique outbursts, and make other alterations that defy the dirty snowball theory in addition to the observational history being totally in conflict with the theory. It is true that in most cases, a comet's behavior is relative to its proximity to the sun. Inner solar system comets can become very dynamic inside the orbits of Earth and Venus. When sungrazing comets appear, often CME’s can follow. This is chalked as a coincidence, but I do not think it is.
It is true that comets are producing a lot of water and with that heat and energy. The mechanism is described as follows: silicates and oxygen originating from the comet's atmosphere meet the hydrogen rich solar wind, water is created, and with it a massive release of energy and heat. The coma is a plasma of charged particles that is electrical in nature. I could go on and on about this, and frankly, it gets deep. Deeper than I am able to effectively grasp in a manner that I can relay to you, but I am convinced and I am going to include several resources that you can take in and make your own determination. Now we get to the issue, what does this mean for us, and why am I concerned?
The solar eclipse in itself has some unique attributes. The moon will be in a new moon phase and at perigee or known as the closest proximity to earth within its orbit, which means it a gravitational influence will be at maximum level. This is why the total eclipse totality is expected to last for around 4 minutes in many locations. There will be some planetary conjunctions and alignments in play that will also be lending their influence to earth and the solar system in general. The sun is nearing solar maximum, and since it is occurring in the spring equinox, the chances for solar activity will be elevated, as fall and spring are the most common times for large solar storms to occur. These things in themselves make for an interesting eclipse, but now we must add the interloper, the intruder, Comet 12/P Pons Brooks AKA the Devil Comet.
Why is it called the “Devil Comet”? Is it because it carries with it the forces of evil and is the devil's limo? No, nothing like that. It gained its moniker due to the “horns” it appears to sprout when it undergoes fairly regular outbursts of activity. During these outbursts, the comet jumps up several orders in magnitude and for reasons not well understood it forms the appearance of growing horns, looking like the Millennium Falcon, or Pac Man, to name a few. These outbursts are attributed to “cryovolcanic activity”. In other words, an ice volcano. This is perfectly in line with the widely held notion of the dirty snowball model. Even though the comet is scorching hot and charred, has no visible ice on the surface, and no ice is observed on any other comet, the explanation remains mundane and antiquated. Where is all of the ice if ice creates the cometary features? How can a comet last for thousands of years if it is constantly using up its ice creating tails and comas, which in some cases become larger than the sun itself? Well, what about the alternate theory? Does it explain the phenomenon better, and what are the implications if so?
If comets are dirty snowballs, we have nothing to worry about. It may put on a good show, but that is about it. However, if they are dynamic electrical objects interacting with the sun's electrical energy and are actively discharging, we could possibly have a problem on our hands. I am not stating with 100% certainty or trying to spread alarm, but I am going to voice my concern here. Here are the stats on Comet 12/P Pons Brooks
Type: Periodic - Halley Type
Orbital Period - 71 years
Nucleus Size - 34 +/- 12 KM
Next Perihelion (closest approach to sun) - April 21 2024
Perihelion Distance - 0.78 AU - For Reference Venus is 0.72 AU, so this comet will be as near to the sun as venus
Next Perigee (closest approach to earth) - June 4 2024
Perigee Distance - 1.55 AU
What these numbers tell us is that 12/P is a fairly large object and it will make a close approach to the sun before approaching Earth. It will be nearing perihelion during the eclipse and could be prominent and visible to the naked eye. The wild card here are the outbursts. Let's consider those outbursts for a minute by examining the outburst on 7/20/2023 and 10/05/2023.
7/20 - Magnitude increased from 16 to 11 with a 100X brightening at 3.9 AU. For reference, Jupiter is at 5.2 AU.
10/5 - Magnitude increased from 15 to 11 with 40X brightening at 3.1 AU.
What these numbers tell us is that despite being a fairly vast distance from the sun still, this comet has the ability to jump considerably in magnitude and brightness and there have been many more outbursts than the two I mentioned above. This does not fit within the dirty snowball model. How can a dirty snowball that far from the sun and its solar radiation exhibit such massive outbursts over and over and over again? Cryovolcanic activity just does not mesh with the observations of other comets. I think it is more likely that this comet has some unique properties that we do not understand or have not observed closely in detail, and the outbursts and unique jet forms are due to the electrical discharge phenomenon. The power of which is dictated by the sun and on that both models can agree, just due to wholly different mechanics. You can tell which theory I subscribe to, but again, I do not rule out the old theory, but I have seen enough to definitely consider alternatives.
So here it is. I am concerned that 12/P will continue its outburst pattern and that one could occur before, during, or after the eclipse at a time when unique energies and forces will be in play. The main risk is solar in nature, in the form of an excited sun interacting with this nearby comet of substantial size, possibly creating a significant space weather event. The other risk is seismic in nature. With the planetary conjunctions, a total solar eclipse with a new moon at perigee, and a potentially very dynamic comet all in play at the same time, there is a lot going on. The path of totality will cross over the New Madrid Seismic Zone, held responsible for the most destructive earthquakes in American history. You may feel that I am grasping at straws here, but I am not. Again, I am not saying I am right, only that I have concerns and have my eye on things. There is an old saying that history doesn’t repeat, but it often rhymes.
The last time that the New Madrid Seismic Zone unleashed a massive earthquake, actually it unleashed 3, was from 1811 to 1812. Were there any other factors at play then as well? Actually, there were. In 1806, there was a total solar eclipse that crossed a very similar path to the 2024 total solar eclipse occurring on April 8th. There would be another eclipse in 1811, but only an annular, but it was a long duration event estimated at 6 minutes 5 seconds. This eclipse took a similar path to the 1806 event and did not cross, like the 2017 and 2024 events that form an X directly over the NMSZ. Also prominent during this time frame was a large comet in the sky. This comet was known as Techumsehs comet and played a pivotal role in the affairs of war and state. I recommend searching that topic all on its own. That comet also has another name. That name is 12/P Pons Brooks AKA, the devil comet. Yes, it is the same comet that will be visiting us next month alongside the eclipse. It would appear we have a series of eclipses and the same dynamic and unusual comet in play in an eerily similar manner to 1811 to 1812. One factor that is NOT the same as 1811-12 is our sun and the earth's magnetic field.
The sun was 2 years out of solar minimum in 1812 and arrived at solar maximum in 1816. In this case, the sun will be at or near solar maximum during the eclipse and the comets approach. The earth's magnetic field was MUCH stronger in 1811. Starting in the mid-1800s, the magnetic field strength began to decline, and over the coming century and decades would accelerate in that decline. Conservatively, field strength has declined approximately 20% since then. In other words, ⅕ of our protection is gone, which leaves us more vulnerable to the electromagnetic energies we encounter from the sun as well as other bodies and events. Coinciding with this declination in field strength is that both magnetic poles going from their typical polar wander in roughly the same geographical area to a straight line dash north and south and has since gone over the geographic north pole and continues to accelerate its movement. It is believed we are in the process of our magnetic poles undergoing excursion or flip. The magnetic north pole moved more from 1984 to 2007 than it had in the 125 years from 1859 to 1984. 1859 was the year when these symptoms really began in earnest, and that year coincided with the Carrington Event, which was the most severe and also the first recorded geomagnetic storm on earth. At the time, only telegraphs existed, but they were effectively fried literally, and one could imagine what a similar event would be like in modern times where we are life and death dependent on technology and electricity to live. Am I saying a Carrington level event is in our future? Heck, no. That can not be predicted and could theoretically occur at any time. What I am saying is that there are factors in play that could increase the chances of an event.
It should be noted that the NMSZ earthquakes did not occur immediately with the comet and eclipse. If anything, those events helped set the seismic activity in motion and are not well understood. There is a correlation between seismic activity and our sun, but it's not well understood or documented. The planet is already seismically and volcanically active at this time. I see a risk period spanning approximately 12 months. The reason for the extended risk period is based on the time frame for the 1811-1812 quakes. It also takes into consideration an even more momentous comet event occurring late this year. That comet is C/2033 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas. A3 deserves its own write-up and will get it once more details become clear, but here is what we know so far.
C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-Atlas
Discovered on January 9th by China’s Purple Mountain Observatory at +7.3 AU.
Type - Unknown, but likely long period (80,000 yrs+)
Size - Unknown - Likely of substantial size based on the distance and magnitude observed.
Orbital Period - Unknown
Current Magnitude - 12.2 - Exceeding predicted
Predicted Magnitude - 13.5
Perihelion Date - 9/24/2024
Perihelion Distance - 0.39 AU - CLOSE
Closest Approach to Earth - 10/13/2024
Closest Approach Distance - 0.48 AU - CLOSE
This event has my attention as well due to the orbital path and distances, geometry, and size/magnitude. If you have not heard, this comet is being hailed as potentially the next “Great Comet” and shares some discovery characteristics with C/1995 O1 - Hale Bopp in regards to its distance and magnitude at such distance. More details are needed here and comets are just harmless dirty snowballs that can only cause problems by colliding with an object, there is nothing to be concerned about. However, if they are dynamic electrical objects, this likely large comet will be making some very close passes with both earth and sun. It will position itself nearly directly in between the sun and earth and is projected to be naked eye visible and all of the buzz remains firmly supportive of a ‘great comet' apparition. Comets are notoriously unpredictable and whether that is because the mainstream theory does not accurately take into account what comets are OR because they are simply that dynamic. They also have a tendency to be perturbed by passing objects such as planets. For instance, Hale-Bopp had over 1000 years shaved off its orbit due to its close approach to the large planets in our solar system.
This is a lengthy article, and I could not even fit all that I wanted into it. It is already far too long and probably more suitable for video or listening, but I am old school, a reader and writer. I have so many smaller details and explanations concerning this topic and I encourage you the reader to contact me if you would like specific details or have questions or debate. I do not state these things as facts. I do not know first hand who has the correct theory. I have considered both sides and I come out on the electrical discharge model. I base this on the work of Jim McCanney, the NASA branded villain Immanuel Velikovsky, The Thunderbolts Project, and the Electric Universe theory. I have attached some links to videos with more information and I have a PDF book I can email you that goes into great detail the difference between theories and bases its findings on data gleaned from Voyager 1, Voyager 2, Pioneer spacecraft, the various cometary probes, and all manner of data and observations. The mainstream academic and scientific communities crucified these people for their alternative theories. Great lengths were taken to discredit Velikovsky and Jim McCanney and to render them pseudoscientists despite many of their theories and predictions ringing true. It makes one wonder, what is so sensitive around this topic that no alternatives will even be considered despite the evident and irrefutable deficiencies with the Dirty Snowball Theory. Mainstream is entirely within their rights to disagree with these men and their theories and to refute them if possible. They are NOT within their rights to discredit and brand them as grifters or pseudo professionals. Every writer knows that writing for money does not work as a sole motivation. I write frequently and I have never made a dime from it. People write to get their words out there, to bring a story or information to the people. Velikovsky did not write his books to get famous and rich, he wrote them because he felt that by comparing the ancient record and modern science he could understand the nature of the solar system and beyond. His books were best sellers before the concerted campaign to discredit and destroy his reputation.
I don’t know what will happen. I do not know what is 100% true. I do have concerns and I have outlined why. I will be observing this eclipse about 3 miles from center totality. I will observe all space based platforms and data points available leading up and during the event including active regions, solar wind models, and X-ray flux. I will be on the lookout for any strange behavior by 12/P Pons Brooks. I mentioned that this event has some esoteric connotations and while I do not put much stock in such things, At the same I do not totally discount the ancient wisdom and experience that they are based on. I think humans have collectively forgotten more than we have learned in our iron age of technology. I think there are major inconsistencies between the proposed version of history taught in schools with what our history actually is. I mention this side of the equation because it has relevancy, but has no proof, and is based on subjective and myth laden information.
In conclusion, I recommend that you keep an open mind and that you dig into the resources and authorities on the topic. I recommend that you keep an eye on the skies. I recommend that everyone should have at least 3 days supplies on hand at all times as basic preparation. Not for this event, but for any event. It has never been a better time to be a “prepper” and I use the term loosely, but there is a lot of talk about events affecting our power grid. I am of the strong opinion that the 3 X-Class flares which did not produce CME’s are responsible for the network outages that occurred. Either that, or it's a massive and unlikely coincidence that communications networks would go down immediately after the flares at a time when the effects on the ionosphere would be most pronounced from the flash of the flare providing a barrage of fast moving charged particles, mostly photons. I find the fact that the GOES-18 satellite monitoring the sun was also briefly knocked off line during this chain of events as supporting evidence. The uneven nature of the event also suggests solar causation because if it was a software glitch or user error, it would likely have affected all users simultaneously. I have also been informed that Verizon has reinforced their networks to some degree against space weather but I cannot confirm this at this time. Like I said, I believe it was the sun that did that, but I am not sure, and neither is anyone else. I think there is a long pattern of withholding information that could cause alarm, and hidden within this article is a situation that may fit that bill. We shall all find out together. I think the chances are that the event comes and goes uneventfully is most likely, but I am definitely leaving some room for the alternative. There are many irons in this fire.
Thanks for reading and encourage you to reach out with questions, concerns, debates.
Edit: one more thing
It's observed by many that active regions on the sun rarely fire off big flare/CMEs when earth facing. The limb is where the big flares usually happens. If there is some mitigating factor in play, then could the presence of the moon in between have an effect? Many eclipses have come and gone without solar events so again, it's likely this one does too, but it's something I feel I should monitor.
Thunderbolts Project - 12/P
Evidence For Electric Comets
Abbreviated Evidence
submitted by ArmChairAnalyst86 to SolarMax [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 18:17 blusau Screenshots from the Superb Owl Stream (February 11)

Screenshots from the Superb Owl Stream (February 11) submitted by blusau to F1NN5TER [link] [comments]

2024.02.18 23:54 SabineRitter [ROUNDUP] UFOs and Sol Foundation videos. Countries:🇺🇸🇬🇧🇦🇺🇿🇦🇦🇪🇮🇳🇮🇪🇩🇪🇭🇺🇳🇱🇮🇹🇬🇹🇨🇭🇩🇰🇫🇷 Colors seen this week: 🟣, 🔵, 🟠,🟡, 🔴🔵🟢

Last week's post
Moon phase waxing crescent, five days before half
.1 sighting description, moving star, two witnesses, single light object red 🔴, moving and stationary, flew overhead, jumpy movements, urban area, Johannesburg south Africa 🇿🇦
.2 videos from the Sol Foundation
.3 information, state of disclosure information, state of disclosure from Latin America
.4 video and photos, nighttime cloudy sky, urban area, near water, Dubai United Arab Emirates 🇦🇪, contemporaneous report, cylindrical, moving slowly, possibly scanning, duration 10 minutes, single light object, elongated, purple 🟣, orientation change to vertical, sudden departure upward, [GOODPOST]
.5 sighting description, contemporaneous report, at home, daytime, outside bedroom window, fleet, flying in formation, low below rooftop, possible metallic sphere shape, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, urban area, Melbourne Australia 🇦🇺, similar sighting in comments, V-shaped formation change to grid,
.6 photos, nighttime sky, urban area, Mumbai India 🇮🇳, near water, Arabian Sea, observed moving and stationary, vanishing, photos show possible splitting, single light object and threelights, close formation, line, jumpy movement, contemporaneous report, duration 5-7 minutes, silent, repeat visitor, previous reaction to being filmed, flareup and vanishing, emotion of peace
.7 ➡️ video, daytime cloudy sky, twolights, blackwhite, flying in formation, horizontal trajectory, video shows vanishing or jumpy movement, contemporaneous report, blackpool England the UK 🇬🇧, similar sighting in comments , at home, outside window, [GOODPOST], similar sightings in comments more video
.8 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, urban area, San Diego California, near water pacific ocean, at home, backyard, single light object, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, duration 5-7 minutes
.9 sighting description and drawing, urban area, Newark New Jersey, two witnesses, single object blackwhite, ring ⭕️ of light surrounding a dark circle, possible reaction to being observed, departing,
.10 photo, nighttime sky, single light object, low over rooftop, urban area, San Francisco California, contemporaneous report
.11 childhood sighting description, single light object stationary, red 🔴, at home, outside window, multiple witnesses, silent, witness looked away and looked back, vanished, other witness observed it moving erratically and sudden departure upward , India 🇮🇳
.12 video, daytime cloudy sky, urban area, single dark object, elongated, vertical orientation, metapod or jetpack man type, similar sighting in comments, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, urban area, Brooklyn NYC New York state, low over rooftop, [GOODPOST]
.13 sighting description and drawing, urban area, Ireland 🇮🇪, single light object, red 🔴, two witnesses, nighttime, moving slowly, duration 1 minute, blinking, pulsating almost like it was using it to propel itself forward
.14 ➡️ video, daytime sky, single light object, low over ridgeline, over Catalina Island, from Laguna Beach California, near water pacific ocean, stationary, observed vanishing, repeat visitor, two witnesses, duration 15 minutes, [GOODPOST]
.15 video, nighttime sky, event amnesia, I totally forgot I’d filmed it, single light object, flickering, Manchester the UK 🇬🇧,
.16 video, nighttime sky, single light object, vanishing, low over rooftop, urban area, Kennewick Washington state, OP deleted
.17 art 🎨, video recreation of ufo sighting, stories wanted
.18 video, daytime sky, Irvin California, single dark object moving slowly
.19 video, daytime sky, from car, single light object or twolights, pacing car, additional contrails type or pacing plane, Deer Trail Colorado, multiple objects observed, downvoted to zero
.20 sighting description, no craft, nighttime, camping, outback Birdsville Queensland Australia 🇦🇺, four witnesses, orange 🟠 glow that grew then shrunk, then exploded bigger lighting up the whole sky in orange, it was growing rather than flashing. Maybe it was around 10 seconds duration all up. , flareup , bolide?, downvoted to zero, has anyone seen?
.21 video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, zigzag movements, Jupiter for comparison, duration 30 minutes, brightness change, trail, east coast USA, contemporaneous report, has anyone seen?, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, big debunker energy, [GOODPOST]
.22 sighting description, contemporaneous report, happening at time of posting, fleet, Augusta Georgia, duration 15 minutes, flying in close formation, straight lines, then a few in diamond 💠 formations, ranged from groups of 2's, 4's, 5's, 9's., two witnesses, nighttime cloudy sky,
.23 sighting description, new Lebanon new York state, nighttime cloudy sky, first noticed from car, threelights, triangle 🔺️ formation, orange 🟠, witness stopped the car and got out, fleet or single object multiple lights, flashing in sequence observed, silent, low below treeline , appearing and vanishing
.24 video, nighttime sky, urban area, Brisbane Australia 🇦🇺, duration 1 hour, appearing and vanishing, fleet, contemporaneous report, video shows threelights, appearing and vanishing, powerlines more video
.25 video, daytime sky, single dark object, elongated, irregular oval-shaped, tumbling, descending, emitting gas or smoke, urban area, Los Angeles California, repeat visitor NOAA wind data for that day
.26 video, nighttime sky, single light object moving, urban area, Hamburg Germany 🇩🇪
.27 photo, daytime cloudy sky, twolights, trail, not seen by eye, Mid-Atlantic USA, 50 miles from Atlantic Ocean , downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted
.28 video, nighttime sky, single light object, flashing, Asheville north Carolina , downvoted to zero
.29 sighting description, at home, inside bedroom, nighttime, audio description light banging noise in my closet. , single dark object, elongated, rectangular shape, black, moving fast, I see a black rectangular solid shadow zip away from me. It was about 6x4 inches long, and as it moved seemed to leave a trail like a blur.
.30 sighting description, contemporaneous report, single light object moving fast, flew overhead, similar sighting in comments, from car, three witnesses , towards Belleville Illinois , has anyone seen?, contemporaneous report
.31 sighting description and reference news article, family story, grandmother, information wanted, Crestview Florida, near Eglin Air Force Base, V-shaped or chevron , similar sightings same area in comments
.32 discussion of childhood sighting descriptions, entities, hostile, emotional reaction anger "you bastards messed with me and now you're going to fuck off??" , similar sightings in comments
.33 sighting description, at home, inside bedroom, entity, physical effects goosebumps, vapor like entity, it's like a grey flame lapping up my bed toward me as it gets closer or the "flame" like extensions get closer the sensation gets stronger , emotion of fear
.34 sighting description, nighttime, two witnesses, Pennsylvania, single light object, orange 🟠, low over ground, stationary, silent, duration 30 seconds, dimming, vanishing, emotion of fear, witnesses left the area, physical effects goosebumps
.35 sighting description, Somogyzsitfa Hungary 🇭🇺 , nighttime, single light object, color change, a shining point that alternated between the colors red, green, blue. 🔴🟢🔵, zigzag movement, flew in a triangle., sudden departure, two witnesses, similar sighting same area in comments
.36 video, daytime cloudy sky, from drone, contemporaneous report, crop circle, Kansas city Missouri debunk?
.37 art 🎨, drawing, entities
.38 discussion of sightings
.39 sighting description, nighttime, from car, two witnesses, low over treeline, single dark object, stationary, ward/Cabot Arkansas, two witnesses, emotion of fear in other witness, black triangle 🔺️ with lights on each point of the craft, silent, similar sightings in comments
.40 sighting description, nighttime, twolights, two witnesses, stationary, flareup and vanishing, I was looking up at the night sky at Orion's Belt and I noticed two bright "stars" that were sitting stationary to the lower left of the constellation.
.41 experience description, no craft, flash of darkness, two witnesses, the (sun)light suddenly blinks once.
.42 video, daytime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, blue 🔵, dragon 🐉, contemporaneous report, Mid north coast New South Wales Australia 🇦🇺
.43 photo, daytime cloudy sky, from car, single light object, low over treeline, the Netherlands 🇳🇱
.44 video, daytime sky, urban area, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, fleet, two witnesses, video shows brightness change, turned black ⚫️ , departure upward, OP comments downvoted, [GOODPOST]
.45 ➡️ video, daytime cloudy sky, urban area, East Brunswick new jersey, single light object, lighting configuration change to dark, shape change to plane, direct link to video, weird shit, [GOODPOST], plane-shaped
.46 video, witness is a pilot, from airplane, nighttime sky, fleet, multiple objects, one orange 🟠 light, brightness change, contemporaneous report, two witnesses , north of Milwaukee Wisconsin
.47 sighting description, repeat visitor, twolights, moving fast, flying in formation, brief duration a few seconds, similar sightings in comments, Northern Italy 🇮🇹 , nighttime , downvoted to zero
.48 original compilation, threelights, similar sighting in comments, daytime, moving slowly, Germany 🇩🇪
.49 sighting description, black triangle 🔺️, urban area, London England the UK 🇬🇧, nighttime, duration 50 seconds, nighttime, at home, backyard, single light object, orange 🟠, approach, flew overhead, low and slow and silent, triangular craft with a hazy orange/amber glow in the middle with white lights at each end of the triangle., threelights with central light, flew over the witness home,
.50 sighting description, urban area, Portland Oregon, from car, contemporaneous report, daytime, two witnesses, single light object, elongated, tictac, moving fast, crossed directly in front, speed change, slowed down, jumpy movement, We watched it cloak/teleport
.51 original project, ongoing, human initiated contact, USA
.52 sighting descriptions and drawing, art 🎨, mushrooms, abduction, fleet , single object multiple lights, Manitoba Canada 🇨🇦
.53 reference video and discussion of sightings, threelights, single object multiple lights, angled from the horizon, low below treeline, many similar sightings in comments, Charlotte North Carolina
.54 video, daytime cloudy sky, twolights, moving slowly, jumpy movements, flickering, blackwhite , duration 30 minutes, previously observed triangle 🔺️, threelights with central red light blinking, reddish glow, horizontal trajectory, near Eugene west Oregon, near water pacific ocean
.55 video, daytime sky, contemporaneous report, urban area Atlanta Georgia, two dark objects, rotating, tumbling, blackwhite, doughnut 🍩 and T-shaped
.56 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, plane-shaped , more video, single light object, disk shape with dome, powerlines,
.57 audio anomaly
.58 sighting description, from car, single light object moving erratically, pacing car, three witnesses, low over ground, flareup, sudden departure upward, emotional reaction shock, witnesses left the area , near Kerman California
.59 childhood experience description, Expecting to see the Moon I looked and in it's place was Saturn. It was huge. It was very real then and it still is now. It was different shades of golds. Lighter at the pole regions and darkening bands of gold converging at the equator. The rings extended beyond the horizons. I felt eyes on me and as I was looking at the other children I started to realize that they were very strange looking children from behind them and I knew the were turning towards me and I didn't want them to.
.60 video, nighttime sky, single light object, diffuse, haze, possible approach, getting larger and lower in brightness until it faded completely., dimming, vanishing, plane for comparison observed, SpaceX?
.61 video, daytime sky, over water, from ship, ferry, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, pacing ship, sudden departure upward, from Barcelona Spain 🇪🇸 to Rome Italy 🇮🇹
.62 documents, The envelope with the name Edmund written on the outside contained a hand written letter explaining that “K” and his sister supposedly found these photos from their dad and are looking for answers. Then there are 9 photos. 3 look like they contain a UFO the other 6 look like diagrams or something?, urban area, Denver Colorado, contemporaneous report, USAF, deleted OP in 3 hours, pictures still there
.63 detailed experience descriptions, multiple events, possible implant, Tuolumne county California. Sierra Nevada mountains and foothills. Stanislaus National Forest., multiple witnesses, entities, cloaked
.64 video, daytime sky, single light object, possibly entering and exiting volcano, crater of Volcan de Agua. , Guatemala 🇬🇹
.65 video, daytime sky, from car, single light object, elongated, irregular shape, jellyfish 🪼, vertical orientation, pacing car, submission statement issues, removed, video still there
.66 video, daytime cloudy sky, single light object moving, illuminating clouds, Holly Springs north Carolina, silent , disappeared behind treeline
.67 experience description, entity, humanoid, shadow figure, inside bedroom, emotion of fear, physical effects injuries, The next morning I had scratches all over my thighs., similar sighting in comments
.68 audio description, bell canyon California, two witnesses, contemporaneous report, It felt like the entire Earth was buzzing, and we could feel the vibration through our whole body. I also felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, like the earth was about to split in half under me. This whole experience lasted maybe 5-10 seconds duration, physical effects vibration, similar sightings in comments
.69 experience descriptions, Mississippi, flying car, flying pink convertible…with two people inside. They hovered above us way up in the sky and smiled and waved. , witness waved at it, pterodactyl, levitation, single light object, approach, felt observed, communication, felt and just knew it was mad and reprimanding us basically.
.70 photo, daytime cloudy sky, single dark object, elongated, vertical orientation, angular, Switzerland 🇨🇭
.71 sighting description and video, three witnesses, sudden departure, Conroe Texas , daytime, single light object, metallic sphere observed
.72 (duplicate)
.73 photos, daytime cloudy sky, single light object observed, very bright, witness followed it, duration 10 minutes, brightness change to single dark object, plane-shaped, smaller object accompanying it, the shining light faded completely and what was left was this passenger plane-looking thing, but it was like 1/5 the average size. , moving erratically, it took off accross the neighborhood and stopped about half a mile away, so I followed. We did this cat and mouse, back and forth where I would follow it and stop, then it would zip off in another direction.
.74 sighting description, daytime cloudy sky, single light object, low below treeline, trail, elongated, vertical orientation, orientation change to horizontal, disappeared into clouds, brightness change or second object, single dark object, elongated, horizontal orientation, angular, plane-shaped, witness looked away and looked back, vanished
.75 video, nighttime sky, single light object, orange 🟠, July 4th, video shows vanishing , southern Florida
.76 video, daytime sky, single object moving slowly, contemporaneous report, eastern north Carolina,
.77 audio, from home security camera, I think my security camera caught a probe,
.78 sighting description, two witnesses, near water, lake, near airport, nighttime, windy, emotion of fear, single light object, multicolored, low over treeline, approach, flew overhead, vanished, audio description explosion, blue and red 🔵🔴, Omg it looked like dragon ball Z kamahame haa colors it was a fireball of colors.
.79 video, nighttime sky, at home, backyard, contemporaneous report, single light object, orange 🟠, low below treeline, Shelby north Carolina, duration 1-2 minutes, brightness change, color change, vanishing, the object ended up dimming after a minute or two and turned into a white light like a star and disappeared., stationary, video shows possible threelights, close formation, line formation, possible butterfly 🦋 , possible light beam, rectangular, reddish glow,
.80 video, nighttime sky, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, duration 40 seconds, splitting observed, the light in the recording previously splitting into 2 separate lights, twolights, video shows single light object, low over rooftop, new jersey
.81 sighting description and drawing, rocket launch,
.82 video, nighttime sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, triangle 🔺️, shape change, approach, flew overhead, urban area, Westchester Miami Florida, near water Atlantic Ocean, [GOODPOST], downvoted to zero,
.83 sighting descriptions, repeat visitors, northwest England the UK 🇬🇧, fleet, flying in formation, nighttime, subsequent single light object, orange 🟠, at home, backyard, two witnesses, darkness bright as day, illuminated surroundings, subsequent sighting single dark object, dark grey "elongated hexagon" moving across the sky.
.84 experience description and drawing, human initiated contact, entities, information, UAPs have constantly variable surfaces and can change shape at will. more drawings, entity, similar sighting in comments
.85 video, nighttime sky, repeat visitors, at home, felt compelled to go outside, single light object, stationary and moving, duration 10 minutes, mimicking airplane, it started to fly away (and got these plane like pulsating lights), near Avala mountain Serbia 🇷🇸 , very bright, scanning, possibly cloaking, looked like it was sort of scanning the area, and when it finished "turned" or cloaked to something known to us.
.86 audio anomaly, the hum, repeat visitor, contemporaneous report, Østerbro Copenhagen Denmark 🇩🇰 ,
.87 video, nighttime sky, single light object, diffuse haze, rocket launch?
.88 sighting description, contemporaneous report, nighttime, from car, near airport, threelights, triangle formation, lights were all forward facing on what seemed to be a flat surface tbh. There was like one small red light towards the rear., Sarasota Florida
.89 video, mutilation, cow,
.90 sighting description, south Florida, single light object, oval-shaped, approach, flew overhead, shaped like an egg but had a sharp edge going along the middle of it and the bottom half had verticle grooves running from the front to the back., event amnesia, missing time, entities , communication, The only thing I remember after that was waking up in my car as the suns rising. I sat there completely shell shocked.
.91 sighting description, south new jersey near Philadelphia Pennsylvania, two witnesses, from car, single object, elongated, vertical orientation, descending
.92 video, daytime cloudy sky, from car, single object blackwhite, elongated, horizontal orientation, powerlines, Massachusetts, duration 10 minutes,
.93 sighting description and video, contemporaneous report, nighttime cloudy sky, moving stars, single light object, fleet, jumpy movement, flying in formation, line, vertical orientation, 3 more orbs in a vertical line, there was 1 on top 1 in the middle and 1 below it , haze, craft observed, texture visible, there were dark patches that were hexagon shaped that covered this orb and in the front there was a light, duration 2 hours, observed moving and stationary, repeat three times, that white orb that was stopping and going did that 3 times, filled the sky, felt like something I was not supposed to see
.94 discussion of sightings, some comments from pilots, single light object, orange 🟠 , [GOODPOST]
.95 photos, daytime sky, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, tictac, repeat visitor, Iowa, similar sighting in comments
.96 video, daytime sky, powerlines, downvoted to zero, OP comments downvoted, silent, over the Ozark Mountains in Arkansas., twolights, moving separately, low below treeline, elongated, tictac
.97 video, nighttime sky, single light object , multicolored observed moving erratically, zigzag movements, possible communication, I have asked it to move up and down side to side and it does….wtf, repeat visitor, western Massachusetts, up down left right, downvoted to zero
.98 sighting description, nighttime, two witnesses, duration 3 minutes, threelights, line formation, angled from the horizon, brightness change, dimming, vanishing, Oklahoma
.99 video, nighttime sky, urban area, Bavaria Germany 🇩🇪, single light object stationary, multicolored, silent, vanishing, similar sighting in comments, over water, Lake starnberg
.100 photo, daytime cloudy sky, contemporaneous report, single light object, elongated, horizontal orientation, twolights, two objects observed, powerlines, Argentina 🇦🇷, two witnesses, duration 6 minutes, yellowish 🟡, reddish glow, similar sightings in comments ,
.101 video and photos and video from second witness, nighttime sky, urban area, Asheville north Carolina, single object multiple lights, haze, formation change, 1.5 minutes of dancing/orbiting about one another with this strange fog/mist forming and somewhat enveloping them, followed by an alignment into the equilateral triangle shape, followed by more dancing orbiting chaos and then again, the same alignment., [GOODPOST]
.102 sighting description, downvoted to zero, close to LA and south of Pasadena in a little city called El Sereno California, nighttime, single light object, physical effects paralysis, transfixed, my eyes locked on to this one star, I stared at it for a few minutes , flareup, sudden departure, curved trajectory, The light made a movement similar to the Nike logo of a swoosh.
.103 video, at home, backyard, from home security camera, flareup, low below treeline, single light object moving, similar sightings in comments, Georgia, [GOODPOST]
.104 sighting description and drawing, daytime, two witnesses, single light object, orange 🟠, triangle 🔺️, moving straight, vanishing, Argentina 🇦🇷
.105 sighting description, contemporaneous report, nighttime, single light object moving slowly, blinking in a pattern, dim, duration 5 minutes, It had a steady double blink, about every 2 to 3 secs it would blink,blink., at home
.106 video, daytime sky, single dark object, irregular blocky shape, worm 🪱, rotating
.107 photos, from train, daytime cloudy sky, single dark object , was circular and moving whilst tilted slightly, near Leamington Ontario Canada 🇨🇦
.108 childhood experience description, entities, inside home, nighttime, emotion of fear, two small beings walked into the room., they dragged my mothers and brothers souls out of their body. Like they dragged something from them that was light in color, like a deflated human figure
.109 video, nighttime sky, at home, outside window, single light object, multicolored, flickered red, blue white and a bit of green 🔴🔵🟢, contemporaneous report, two witnesses, possibly moving slowly, possible shape change
.110 sighting description and drawing, entity, Huntsville Alabama, Its form, though humanoid in shape, was marred by grotesque elongations and contortions that spoke of a biology wholly divergent from our own. Its head, disproportionately large, bore the remnants of what appeared to be multiple ocular organs, now clouded and lifeless. , blue 🔵,
.111 sighting description, single light object, multicolored, in other photo it was green with somewhat yellow, in another it was blue with orange and white in the middle. 🟡🟢🔵🟠
.112 video, nighttime cloudy sky, storm, lightning, single light object moving erratically
.113 photo, daytime cloudy sky, Phoenix Arizona, single dark object, elongated, vertical orientation, stationary, over the witness home, duration several minutes, jumpy movement, disappearing in an instant and reappearing far off in the distance., possible military response jet, USAF, jet from what looked like the direction of Luke AFB took off directly in line with it before it disappeared completely.
.114 video, daytime cloudy sky, fleet, blackwhite, jumpy movement, birds for comparison, contemporaneous report, St Clair new south wales Australia 🇦🇺, duration 1 hour
.115 video, daytime sky, at work, fleet, urban area, Albuquerque new Mexico, possibly metallic, blinking, multicolored, dancing, plane for comparison observed, video shows single light object, flickering, vanishing and reappearing or jumpy movement , similar sighting in comments
.116 experience description, entity, big white dog, nighttime, the UK 🇬🇧, anomalous silence, I remember feeling like it was REALLY quiet, followed the witness, emotion of fear, witness left the area, similar sightings in comments
.117 experience description, no craft, physical effects injury , at home, outside window, suddenly felt a burning sensation on my left arm, I had a purple, round mark on my arm. 🟣
.118 photo, daytime cloudy sky, cloud anomaly, triangle 🔺️, Arkansas
.119 photo, nighttime sky, streak of light, green 🟢, angled from the horizon, 10 second long exposure
.120 possible crash retrieval, Los Angeles California, around 2010, nighttime, slow moving convoy moving down a main street. There were a few cop cars, some trucks, and smack dab in the middle was an 18 wheeler hauling a flatbed trailer with something big strapped to it
.121 video, nighttime sky, Goa India 🇮🇳, single light object, low over rooftop, possible jumpy movement observed, vanishing
.122 experience description, entities, single light object, single flash, threelights, two witnesses, emotion of fear, witnesses left the area, Ile d'Oleron France 🇫🇷, near water Atlantic Ocean
submitted by SabineRitter to UFOs [link] [comments]