Kamryn and friends cgp

Should he try to do MBA or not? Is there someone like this in B school.

2024.06.05 09:36 Outrageous_Pirate427 Should he try to do MBA or not? Is there someone like this in B school.

This is for a friend......
If someone who have qualifications as ahead 80 in 10th But 60 in 12th and had 2 years gap in final year because he was not able to clear the final year paper but than changed his subject and got 9 cgp what are his possibility of getting in good MBA colleges
submitted by Outrageous_Pirate427 to Indian_Academia [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:58 rayku22 [CUSA32836] Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Ultimate Edition Update v1.30 + DLC Fully Backported

Special thanks to RIAN CHANNEL and xmrallx!
Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.50 / 9.00 Backport! DLC released together with my friend Arczi! New update to include the new Kurenai DLC pack!
submitted by rayku22 to PkgLinks1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 21:36 rayku22 [CUSA34119] Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Update v16.01 Deluxe Bundle Edition + DLC Fully Backported

Special thanks to xmrallx, Bobby and Andri!
Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.55 / 9.00 / 11.00 Backport! DLC Released together with my friend Arczi who spent countless hours making all 303 DLC! We did not add the full names to the files but the params all have original names, it was just too much extra work and we are exhausted, i had to figure the issues with the game, as always haha while he spent 2 days making DLC, its too many...... They all had extra data, luckily the paks inside were just junk files and it works without them or we would be screwed lol
submitted by rayku22 to PkgLinks1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 00:03 Trexmanovus Why people/systems believe in “Colour Revolution Theory”, and to the extent why conspiracies are the phenomena that they are

Quoting from the video How to kill a God
A Colour Revolution is just whatever revolution that exists in the world and in history, that Puttin & those who think like him believe is the fault of the CIA, as such the definition of what exactly is a Colour Revolution has to keep being changed so that the end goal proving it's all a CIA-OP remains intact. (...) You're not finding the common connection between everything and using that as the basis of the conclusion, you're starting with the conclusion you want, and admitting anything which disproves it, and also distracts from the fact that you've made the connection between flying & evil and refuse to explain. But that's the thing – that connection never needs to be made. The connection is taken on faith that it's there. If it can't be found it's not because it doesn't exist, it's because you fail to find it that connection can never be proven to not exist because Color Revolution Theory is not an academic or a scientific study – it's a conspiracy theory. It's a conspiracy theory that has been painted with the veneer of just enough clever sending scientific woowoo terminology to give it the air of legitimacy so that you go into it already believing that the foundation work that all things that fly are evil, has already been concluded by serious experts. So the end bit the CIA is responsible is the only bet you're allowed to question.
LazerPig described weak signals – or more accurately speaking, intelligence & counterintelligence weak signals. Weak signals are the core axiom pillars why the concept of secret police oand secret services exist in the first place – it's their raison d'être. If you're against that, guess who's the next suspect (maybe terrorist) on a hidden list of scrutiny, threatening national security™...
It's a circular reasoning:
Isn't it nice the world we live in – and with whom we share it? Isn't it cute how there are healthy people who – by their own volition – concocted schemes & formulas to self-enforce upon themselves mental illnesses (that they don't have) to justify everything; including their monthly paychecks, fees, and the occasional hidden bribes?
But, it's paranoia. It is paranoia. It's paranoia dubbed in clever sending scientific woowoo terminology to give it the air of legitimacy(sic). It's how The System™ self-enforces itself to exist, disregarding what that system is, how it operates, what's its ideology (if it does have one in the first place), what are its interests. It's the self-licking ice cream cone. It's why dictators/authoritarians with their socio-political, economic, and enforcement (police, secret police, secret services, special services etc.) machineries are obsessed with destroying everything they see a threat & where they think know there's a threat. It's why they wake up in the morning deciding how to ruin lives. It's why their family & friends/community (awwww, there it is; there's that family values again) can afford all those fancy cars, villas, mansions, offshore accounts/properties, chic private university degrees etc. It's why (and how) their aforementioned machineries fill the hours for their monthly/quarterly performance reports, from being fired and/or thrown out the window, hoping to get a pension at the end of their tenure besides what they've stolen. It's the formula for how (and why) they justify their monstrous existence instead of shooting themselves in the head, since everyone else is chickenshit scared to do it.
There are several Wikipedia articles describing weak signals but, oddly, there isn't an English one. Closest are SWOT, risk management, and failure of imagination.
What French wikipedia says:
Signal faible – Weak signal
Weak signals are elements in the perception of the environment, whether opportunities or threats (SWOT matrix), which need to be listened to in anticipation, known as [information] monitoring (surveillance state?), with the aim of participating in the development of forward-looking choices with a view to establishing a strategy and reducing uncertainty. The use of the concept of ‘weak signal’ is expanding, although its relevance remains open to interpretation.
According to Igor Ansoff, the founder of this concept, the Strategic Early Warning System (SEWS) methodology uses weak signals to analyse partial and fragmentary information provided by the environment. This analysis sometimes complements an analysis of major trends. Weak signals are low-frequency signals, or even signals which are not apparent but which are deduced from a piece of information or a fact. SEWS is not confined to geopolitical and technological analysis, but increasingly to financial analysis.
The importance of weak signals lies not in their perception, which is rarely at first sight, but in the contrasting reactions they trigger, helping to imagine dynamic scenarios. Contrary to popular belief, weak signals are above all extrapolations of deductions, particularly in directions that are a priori impossible or even detestable. More concretely, capturing weak signals involves going beyond an initial level of appearances, information or reactions to look for ‘augmented’ data. The journalistic techniques of gathering and processing information used for this purpose make it possible to collect a great deal of data. This data must then be validated and re-interrogated before being used to build a development or management strategy.
The detection of weak signals is the subject of various corporate monitoring processes: technological, competitive, commercial and environmental, social, societal, etc. monitoring, as well as economic intelligence. Weak signals can also be detected outside any corporate logic, which means that monitoring can be supplemented by awareness-raising. Detecting weak signals is a necessary task for companies and organisations (police? secret services?): the main risk for them is not to take risks.
And to use a couple of poignant quotes:
“Trust, but verify.” “The fact that you are free is not your achievement, but rather a failure on our side.”
“If it were a fact, it wouldn't be called intelligence.”
Moving on...
The reason why God-Country-Family is such an effective way, of manipulating people, is because when the world becomes too overwhelming, the average person retreats back to what is important to them – which is their personal morals, the place they live, and their family – and so long as nothing is directly affecting those three things, then, they will rarely go out of their way to care about anything else outside of that scope. A lot of people couldn't give two shits about children dying in other countries, but when it's your family, who is under threat, that's when the knives come out. And that's what's actually happening in these revolutions and people who thought they were progressing towards a better life, suddenly, find out that they're not, and not only are they facing a lifetime of gradually declining living standards under some arsehole, but so are their children, the wall has come down and they have been exposed to the potential of a better life & a better way of doing things, and the idea that the hardship they suffer is required to protect them against the corruption of the West, no longer flies. They've seen the corruption of the West and they want to be part of it because it's better than being part of the corrupt East. (...) Every single Revolution currently described as a Colour Revolution was against a corrupt dictator in favor of actual democracy, not the feudalism disguised as democracy that they'd always lived under. That's not something that is unique to any of the Colour Revolutions, that's just what a revolution typically is they are largely throughout history about overthrowing tyrants.
This is where I have to underline an error in thinking to LazerPig, in relation to Colour Revolutions, and what I've written above.
From the perspective of the System™ as a whole, there are two fundamental fulcrum questions: 1) Who's more likely to die at a protest or revolution – parents or individuals? 2) Who's more likely to kill a policeman, riot policeman, secret police officers, and/or soldiers?
Obvious answer to the first question: individuals. Lone individuals, solo or in some ad-hoc group, are more willing to expose themselves to higher degrees of danger at a protest, or revolution upheaval. It's not definitive that they want to die, but they're one degree or two more than the average person afraid of ending up at the hospital of bruises or worse. Parents – whether under democracy or a dictatorship – will never expose themselves to danger. You might find a mother with her daughter, or a father, or a full family with some cardboard messages but... that's it. That's it. Once tear gasses are tossed and the riot police are starting to get pushy, it's full retreat for them.
... but what about the second question? I cannot recall a protest (let alone revolution) in my lifetime, where people in the crowd – individuals or family people with their kids or their kids waiting for them at their homes – suddenly decide to kill riot police, secret service officers (if they can find them), or soldiers armed with automatic rifles. I don't know how, just decide to lynch or stab them, or something. Or attack buildings associated with enforcement agencies, such as police departments, secret services HQs, military barracks, and kill whoever is in there. I can't recall, not even solo individuals, and they're the ones who supposedly have a higher degree of IDGAF of harm. People at protests, let alone revolutions, do not trust each other. Less so into killing people in uniforms, armour, and supported by tanks, helicopters, and special vehicles.
More than that, what if the protest or revolution fails? More often than not, they do – and the machineries immediately start crushing down, ruining lives in the process. No person, no matter how sane or insane, wants any consequences.
And that's the point that proves the argument; that these authoritarian/dictatorship countries know people are afraid of consequences, they know the System is ruthless, they know all the written & unwritten rules – therefore, it has to be CIA, because only lunatics (right?) have an obvious death wish against obvious self-defeating odds of success. Add the cherry on top that people, especially family types, don't even fantasize in their heads killing police, riot police, soldiers, and secret service officers – or kill whoever on shift at the ministries/departments of internal affairs, defense, barracks, police HQs etc.
In conclusion, no. Normal people & normal parents do not want to die and leave their kids alone, orphans, even to their relatives. Never rely on families for protests & revolutions, because they're the most obvious type of people who don't want to die, nor do they want to suffer any subsequent consequences (they're very exposed). The rhetoric is romanticized (parents wanting a better future for their kids) but the reality of the situation is that parents in authoritarian/dictatorship countries – paradoxically – don't love their kids, at least not at the core level. Sure, they may want in abstract a better life for them but, as it turns out, even former Communist countries favoured sending their people by the millions in wealtheir countries to drive taxis, scrub shit stains off toilets, and pick fruits & vegetables from industrial farms. Or prostitution. Or begging. Or criminality.
Or not wanting for them a universal healthcare service & preventing school shootings, right?
People averse from killing operatives & agents of their governments/states are the proof of evidence for any country that, whoever wants to coup d'etat the system, isn't organic. That's why everything is a CIA-OP to the kremlin orcs, and not something spontaneous – what peon (Приспособленчество & ничего) has a death wish for themselves and/or their families, if that's the case?
I've read the book that was cited but I want to remind a fragment from CGP Grey's video Rules for Rulers:
So potential key supporters must weigh the probability of surviving the cull and getting the rewards, versus the risk of being on the outside of a dictatorship they helped create. In a stable democracy, that's a terrible gamble. Maybe you'll be incredibly wealthy, but probably you'll be dead and have made and have made the lives of everyone you know worse. The math says no. Being on the right side of a coup in a dictatorship means having the resources to get you and your family what the peasants lack: health care, education, quality of life.
What I want to underline is that, this is also true for an authoritarian/dictatorship system, applied inversely:
So potential key supporters must weigh the probability of surviving the cull and keep the rewards, versus the risk of being on the outside of a democracy they helped create. In a dictatorship, that's a horrible gamble. Maybe you'll remain incredibly wealthy after what you've stolen during the previous regime & not be investigated by some democratic tribunal, but probably you'll be tortured to death, and have made the lives of everyone related to you – directly or by conjecture – worse. The math says no.
submitted by Trexmanovus to lazerpig [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:03 thenamelessthing Save the date! Event in Montreal Canada August 17, 2024

-- English version will follow --
Voici l'occasion de rencontrer les membres de la communauté Meccg, jouer des parties amicales, discuter et échanger autour de l'univers de Tolkien. Un nombre minimal de participants doit confirmer leur présence pour que l'événement ait lieu. Aucun frais d'admission, mais comme nous utiliserons les locaux d'un pub ludique (L'Abyss), il serait appréciable de consommer sur place en échange. Merci à tous pour votre présence.
English :
Here's your chance to meet members of the Meccg community, play friendly games, chat and exchange ideas about the Tolkien universe. A minimum number of participants must confirm their attendance for the event to take place. No admission charge, but as we'll be using the premises of a playful pub (The Abyss game store), it would be appreciated if you could eat on site in exchange. Thank you all for attending.
You can fill the form if you want to register or if you want to share with friends who they are not on Facebook/Discord.
Vous pouvez remplir le formulaire si vous voulez vous inscrire ou si vous voulez partager avec des amis qui ne sont pas sur Facebook.
Or Facebook: https://fb.me/e/2j7ItrGDi
submitted by thenamelessthing to meccg [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 00:46 Chansey53 First Theories of Hexagonal Chess

So my friend is having a graduation party and he really likes chess. He’s also really good. He can beat people while blindfolded and while blindfolded but I just say coordinates (instead of “pawn E4”, just “E4”. Couldn’t handle just “pawn” though. Anyways, me and him have both seen the CGP Grey “Can Chess Hexagons?” Video and we love it. So I’ve thought about getting him a copy of the book Grey uses, “First Theories of Hexagonal Chess” by Wladyslaw Glinski, for a graduation present. It’s especially cool because it comes with a hexagonal chess board too. The only problem is, I can’t find it anywhere. The National Library of Australia can email me a pdf, but that’s not very special. I want to get him a real hard copy. So I’ve come to Reddit, possibly the most socially connected site in the world. Surely one of you know’s a guy a know’s a guy who know’s a guy who runs an obscure bookshop in Leeds that has a copy. So, if you know anyone who has a copy of this treasure, please put me in touch. It would mean a lot to me.
submitted by Chansey53 to chess [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:48 DbeID What do Algerians watch on the internet?

Curious to see what everyone uses to pass the time while browsing the net here in Algeria. Here's my personal list, but be warned it's a bit long since Youtube has transformed into my main source of entertainment:
Variety show/comedy:

Science, history and general knowledge:
Physics (mostly, some do other topics as well):
General knowledge:




submitted by DbeID to algeria [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 22:41 DiscoverDurham Things to do in Durham this week!

If you’d like to add an event to our calendar, submit an event here. Please check with the event organizers to see if events change due to weather. Have a great week!
See the full weekly calendar on our website.

Noteworthy Events

Beats N Bars Festival 2024 at American Tobacco Campus
Duke Graduation at Wallace Wade Stadium
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
Kids Night Out at Museum of Life and Science

Multi-Day Events

ACC Softball Tournament at Duke Softball Stadium
Moms & Mimosas at Urban Axes
Graduation Weekend at The Durham Hotel
Historic Buildings Open House at West Point on the Eno Park
Jewish Food Week at Jewish for Good at the Levin JCC
Movies at The Carolina Theatre

Monday, May 6

5 p.m.
Arts & Drafts at Fullsteam Brewery
6 p.m.
Disc Golf Putting League at The Glass Jug in RTP
6:30 p.m.
Trivia Night at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
7 p.m.
Singles Night at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
8 p.m.
Blondshell at Motorco Music Hall (sold out)
All Black Masquerade Party at Rubies on Five Points

Tuesday, May 7

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
Events at Rubies on Five Points
11:05 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
12 p.m.
Native Plant Solutions: Clay Soils (Online) at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
5:45 p.m.
Community Fitness Classes with YMCA at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
6 p.m.
Queer Bachata at Arcana
Women on the Wall at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
6:30 p.m.
Trivia at Durham Food Hall
7 p.m.
Trivia at Beer Study Durham
Live Piano Karaoke at Congress Social Bar
Not Rocket Science Trivia at DSSOLVR Durham
TBS 1st Tuesday Blues Jam at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Sip & Strum Ukulele Class at Bull City Solera and Taproom
8 p.m.
Jeremy 'Bean' Clemons Trio at Kingfisher
Psychedelic Porn Crumpets at Motorco Music Hall
Tommy Emmanuel, CGP at The Carolina Theatre
Open Stage at The Pinhook

Wednesday, May 8

Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
3 p.m.
Durham Farmers’ Market at Durham Central Park
4 p.m.
Whiskey Wednesdays at Alley Twenty Six
5 p.m.
Free Wednesday Wine Tasting at Beer Study Durham
5:30 p.m.
Wined Down Wednesday: Alcohol Ink Coasters at Guglhupf
6 p.m.
Figure Drawing and Tarot with Devon at Arcana
Witches Brew at Fullsteam Brewery
6:30 p.m.
Eric Hirsh Solo Piano at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Trivia Night with Pickle at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Universus TCG: Local Championship at Atomic Empire
Hammered Trivia at Hi-Wire Brewing
Karaoke Night at Mavericks Smokehouse
Music Bingo at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
Brett Chambers Open Mic at The Blue Note Grill
7:30 p.m.
Stand-Up with Rhizome Comedy at The Durham Hotel
8 p.m.
Air Hockey Tournament at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Trivia Night at Bull McCabe's
Karaoke at Moon Dog Meadery
Pachyman / Combo Chimbita at Motorco Music Hall
Cindy Lee / Freak Heat Waves at The Pinhook (sold out)

Thursday, May 9

Events at Durty Bull Brewing Brewing Company
12 p.m.
Taking Back Thursday: Mysti Mayhem at Boxyard RTP
1 p.m.
Meet the Keepers at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
3 p.m.
Guided Museum Tour at 21c Museum Hotels Durham
5 p.m.
Thirsty Thursdays at Dashi
5:30 p.m.
Walking Club with Bull City Strollers at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
6 p.m.
Keegan Heron and Tarot with Virginia at Arcana
Vinyl Night with DJ Deckades at Gizmo Brew Works
6:15 p.m.
Pony Run at Ponysaurus Brewing Company
6:30 p.m.
Colorful Flower Arranging Class at DSSOLVR
Line Dance Classes at Mystic Farm and Distillery
Boulders & Brews Meetup at Triangle Rock Club - Durham
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Trivia Night at Beer Tooth Taproom
Bring Your Own Vinyl Night at Congress Social Bar
Candlelight: A Tribute to Whitney Houston at Hayti Heritage Center
Summer Jazz Jam (Curated by Al Strong) at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Community Board Game Night at Moon Dog Meadery
Jazz Jam Sessions at Succotash Southern & Creole Kitchen
7:30 p.m.
Trivia Night with Big Slow Tom at Clouds Brewing Brightleaf Square
The DPAC Rising Star Awards at DPAC
Katie Basden with Emily Musolino at The Blue Note Grill
Praying in Bronze: A Handbell Concert at Trinity United Methodist Church
8 p.m.
Weekly Single Mingle at Boxcar Bar + Arcade
Trivia at Fullsteam Brewery
Ben Beal w/ Delivery Boys at The Pinhook
9:30 p.m.
Karaoke Night at The Tavern

Friday, May 10

Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Events at Mettlesome
Events at Moon Dog Meadery
Events at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in RTP
8 a.m.
Forest Bathing Walk at Sarah P. Duke Gardens
10 a.m.
Tasting at Ten at Counter Culture Coffee
12 p.m.
Co-Working Social at The Glass Jug Beer Lab in Downtown Durham
5:30 p.m.
Friday Night Live: Bull Dirtys at Boxyard RTP
Kids Night Out at Museum of Life and Science
6 p.m.
DJ Marrs and Tarot with Joy at Arcana
Friday Night Makes at Durham Arts Council
The Duke Street Dogs at The Blue Note Grill
Cocktails & Cheeseperience Design at The Blue Ridge Room inside Frontier RTP
6:30 p.m.
Keyon Harrold Presents "Foreverland" Presented by WUNC Music at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
SUB: Terranean at The Fruit
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
Magic: Standard Showdown at Atomic Empire
Live Vinyl Spinning by PhDJ at Beer Study Durham
Freedom Friday w/ DJ Mayor at Congress Social Bar
7:30 p.m.
Film Screening: Shorts Night at Shadowbox Studio
Jake Hart & John Hart Trio at Sharp 9 Gallery
Leonid & Friends – A Tribute to the Music of Chicago at The Carolina Theatre
8 p.m.
Stereo Reveries at DSSOLVR Durham
9 p.m.
Keyon Harrold Presents "Foreverland" Presented by WUNC Music at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Mk.Gee at Motorco Music Hall (sold out)
¡Tumbao! / Cinematheque / Ancestor Piratas at The Pinhook

Saturday, May 11

Events at Atomic Empire
Events at Boxyard RTP
Events at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Distillery Tours and Tastings at Liberty & Plenty
Events at Mettlesome
Events at Moon Dog Meadery
Events at Rubies on Five Points
Events at The Carolina Theatre
Guided Walking Tours with Triangle Adventures
8 a.m.
Durham Farmers' Market at Durham Central Park
parkrun Durham at Southern Boundaries Park
9 a.m.
South Durham Farmers' Market at Greenwood Commons Shopping Center
9:30 a.m.
Guide Supported Canoeing, Kayaking, and Standup Paddleboarding at Eno River
10 a.m.
Dig into Compost at Museum of Life and Science
Roots and Soul: Walking with Pauli Murray at Pauli Murray Center for History and Social Justice
10:30 a.m.
Mother's Day Brunch at The Durham Hotel
12 p.m.
Crafternoons at Gizmo Brew Works
Sylvan Esso 10 year Anniversary Release at Psychic Hotline Pop-up
1 p.m.
Documentary Screening: Puerto Rican Hibiscus at The Fruit
2 p.m.
Mother Daughter Self Defense seminar Women Empowered at Gracie Durham
6 p.m.
Trio Factual Jazz and Tarot with Kathleen at Arcana
6:30 p.m.
Keyon Harrold Presents "Foreverland" Presented by WUNC Music at Missy Lane's Assembly Room
Weymouth / North By North / Plastic Giants at The Pinhook
6:35 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
7 p.m.
ADF Showings at Scripps: Tony C. Johnson at ADF's Samuel H. Scripps Studios
Prints-4-Prince Art Show at PS37
Dexter Moses Trio with Lillian Park at Succotash Southern & Creole Kitchen
7:30 p.m.
Ghost Town Blues Band at The Blue Note Grill
8 p.m.
The Decemberists at DPAC
8:15 p.m.
Let's Chat About the Stars Paddle at Falls Lake Durham
9 p.m.
Keyon Harrold Presents "Foreverland" Presented by WUNC Music at Missy Lane's Assembly Room

Sunday, May 12

9:30 a.m.
Women's Kayaking 101 at Falls Lake
10 a.m.
Jazz Brunch at Lula & Sadie's
10:30 a.m.
Al Strong Presents Jazz Brunch at Alley Twenty Six
Yoga on Tap at Fullsteam Brewery
Mother's Day Brunch at The Durham Hotel
11:30 a.m.
Pokémon TCG: Twilight Masquerade Prerelease Tournament at Atomic Empire
12 p.m.
Sunday Dollar Bin Sale for Charity at Rumors Durham
Farmers Market at ZincHouse Winery & Brewery
12:15 p.m.
Public Tour at Duke Chapel
1:05 p.m.
Durham Bulls vs Nashville at Durham Bulls Athletic Park
2 p.m.
Hammered Trivia with Casey at Durty Bull Brewing Company
Hillandale Golf Beginner Clinic at Hillandale Golf Course
Feel Good, Do Good: FREE Circl Mobility Group Exercise Class at Jewish for Good
Mother's Day Flower Arranging Class at Weldon Mills Distillery
3 p.m.
Lore, Yore, and the In Between at The Carolina Theatre
6 p.m.
DJ Parkside and Tarot with Virginia at Arcana
6:30 p.m.
Open Mic Night at Moon Dog Meadery
7:30 p.m.
Somesurprises at The Pinhook
8:30 p.m.
Cloud Nothings at Motorco Music Hall

Running Art Exhibits

Jenny Blazing: Scapes - 5 Points Gallery Featured Artist Exhibition at 5 Points Gallery
Hometown (Inherited): Ten Year Retrospective at The Fruit
Dan Gottlieb: Figure Ground at Craven Allen Gallery
Constellations: 40 Years of Explorations within Sacred Geometry by Steven Ferlauto at Horse & Buggy Press and Friends
It Ain’t All Black And White at DAG Truist Gallery
María Magdalena Campos-Pons: Behold at Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University
Counterpoints at Durham Bottling Co.
Cameron Elyse's Divine Nine Legacy Memoir Exhibition at Hayti Heritage Center
submitted by DiscoverDurham to bullcity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 18:42 cartesi Participate in Cartesi's Governance: Voting Opens Soon for 2 Proposals!

Participate in Cartesi's Governance: Voting Opens Soon for 2 Proposals!
What better way to start the week than with 2 CGP proposals up for a vote? Voting opens on May 1st, so be sure to have your CTSI staked before then to participate! ➡️ ChainIDE for Cartesi http://bit.ly/4bcWQkw ➡️ Board Games Framework http://bit.ly/3Wi2UE0
ChainIDE’s goal is to create a zero-setup, cloud-based Cartesi app development platform. It enhances the developer experience with user-friendly tools. Catering to both front-end (React, Vue, JS, CLI) and back-end (Node.js, Python, Go, Rust, C++), it's a comprehensive solution for full-stack Cartesi development.
The Board Games Framework RFP by ThinkandDev aims to develop a state-of-the-art game library, inspired by http://Boardgame.io, for seamless integration with Cartesi tech. This empowers game developers to create turn-based games for the web with blockchain-verified outcomes for maximum transparency and reliability.
What do you think about these proposals? Please feel free to share your thoughts and insights on the matter within the community. Your perspective is valuable and greatly appreciated for shaping the Cartesi ecosystem!
submitted by cartesi to cartesi [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 21:20 Leon_Thomas I'm irked by the constant thumbnail changes

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or if it has already been discussed... I've been a fan of CGP grey for at least 10 years now and have even introduced him to friends of mine and a professor once, but I have become pretty frustrated recently with constantly seeing videos pop up in my youtube feed that look like new videos only to realize they are years-old videos. It feels misleading and somewhat disrespectful to an audience that is excited for new content. I will probably unsubscribe and begin flagging these videos as spam when I see them if this keeps happening, even though I excitedly await whatever project is next.
submitted by Leon_Thomas to CGPGrey2 [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 15:25 ReflectionRecipes Summaries of recent self development videos I found helpful

Can't link them since it's against the rules, but I'm sure you'll find them if you want to dig deeper. Summarized them for personal use. Might post stuff like this again if someone finds it helpful

Stop Wasting Time - 11 Tools to Double Your Focus - by Ali Abdaal

Quick reminder of some of the most common and popular productivity methods
  1. Pomodoro Technique: Use a timer to break work into focused intervals (traditionally 25 minutes), followed by short breaks. This can help maintain concentration over longer periods.
  2. Time Tracking: Regularly track the amount of time spent on tasks, either manually or with apps. This awareness can enhance productivity by making it clear where your time is going.
  3. Mindfulness: Engage in brief mindfulness exercises to reduce smartphone addiction and improve concentration. While the video doesn't provide detailed methods, it suggests that even short sessions can be beneficial.
  4. Distraction Blocking: Use apps to block distracting notifications and websites, or manually turn your phone to grayscale mode to make it less appealing. Alternatively, physically remove your phone from your workspace to avoid interruptions.
  5. Gamification and Social Interaction: Incorporate elements of play and social interaction into your work to make it more enjoyable. This could be through background music that fits the mood of the task or organizing co-working sessions with friends or colleagues. Also: ticking off completed tasks from a list is fun.

Change Your Life by Journalling - 10 Powerful Questions - by Ali Abdaal

Some interesting prompts for a self-reflection session, covering the last weeks to months of your life
  1. What would you do if money were no object? - This question encourages reflection on passions and desires beyond financial constraints, aiming to uncover true interests and potential paths that might bring fulfillment.
  2. What would you like people to say at your funeral? - This prompt urges consideration of the legacy one wishes to leave behind, focusing on the impact on family, friends, coworkers, and those influenced by one's work.
  3. If I were to repeat the things I've done this week for the next 10 years, where will I end up? - This question serves as a reflection on current habits and routines, contemplating whether they align with long-term goals and desires.
  4. What have I done in the last 2 weeks that has energized me? What has drained my energy? - Known as the energy audit, this prompt helps identify activities that fuel or deplete one's energy, guiding towards more fulfilling and energizing tasks.
  5. The Wheel of Life - A holistic life assessment tool that divides life into categories like work, health, relationships, and joy, asking how aligned one's actions are with the desired future in each area.
  6. The Odyssey Plan - Involves envisioning three different paths for the future: continuing on the current path, taking a completely different path, and pursuing a radical path, aiming to explore and compare potential life directions.
  7. What is the goal, and what is the bottleneck? - This question clarifies objectives and identifies the main obstacles hindering progress, promoting a focus on solutions and strategic actions.
  8. Brian Tracy's goal-setting prompt - Involves writing down 10 goals for the next 12 months and identifying the one with the greatest positive impact, encouraging focused action towards achieving it.
  9. Do you work for your business, or does your business work for you? - This prompts entrepreneurs to evaluate whether their business is serving their personal and professional goals or if they are being consumed by it.
  10. If I knew I was going to die 2 years from now, how would I spend my time? - Encourages reflection on what truly matters, questioning whether current activities align with those priorities and inspiring changes to live more in accordance with one's values.

How I got the strongest I've ever been at 36 years old - by Matt D’Avella

Watch if you’re interested in getting into powerlifting as fast as possible, or if you want to up your personal gym game using some of his learnings
  1. Set a Big Goal: Participating in a competition or setting a significant goal provides a clear deadline and motivation, making every training day count.
  2. Hire an Expert: Working with a knowledgeable coach can accelerate progress by providing tailored advice, correcting form, and answering questions, which is more effective than self-guided learning.
  3. Be Imperfectly Consistent: Adjusting workouts to fit life's unpredictable schedule ensures continued progress, even if not every session is perfect.
  4. Practice Progressive Overload: Gradually increasing the weight lifted over time is essential for building strength effectively.
  5. Stay Off Social Media: Comparing oneself to fitness influencers can be demotivating. It's more productive to focus on personal progress.
  6. Follow a Legit Program: A structured program designed by professionals can lead to better and more consistent gains than a self-assembled plan.
  7. Track Everything: Monitoring food intake and workouts helps in understanding how diet and exercise impact fitness goals.
  8. Train Without Going to Failure: Avoiding training to the point of failure reduces the risk of injury and may not significantly impact hypertrophy or strength gains compared to stopping just short of failure.
  9. Effort Makes a Difference: Intensity and focus during workouts significantly impact results, but maintaining such a high level of effort continuously is not always desirable or sustainable for long-term fitness enjoyment.

how i fixed my attention span - by Answer in Progress

Watch if you’re fed up by your wandering mind and inability to focus. Contains some decent insights, in addition to the usual advice
  1. Recognize and Address Distractions: Identify the main sources of external distraction in your life, such as excessive phone use or constant notifications. Take steps to minimize these by deleting unused apps, setting app time limits, muting notifications, and possibly adopting a grayscale display to make your phone less appealing.
  2. Manage Internal Distractions: Be aware of internal distractions like passing thoughts or worries that can derail focus. Keep a notebook handy to jot these down for later consideration, allowing you to return your focus to the task at hand without fearing you'll forget important tasks or ideas.
  3. Adopt Time Blocking: Use time blocking to organize your day, dedicating specific blocks of time to specific tasks. This helps minimize multitasking, which can dilute focus and efficiency. When planning, consider your energy levels throughout the day and schedule tasks accordingly to take advantage of your peak focus times.
  4. Incorporate Meditation: Explore meditation as a tool to enhance your internal ability to manage focus and withstand distractions. Even if you're skeptical, giving meditation a chance through guided apps like Headspace can provide subtle yet significant benefits to your ability to concentrate and stay engaged in activities.
  5. Balance External and Internal Strategies: Recognize that while external changes to your environment and habits can help reduce distractions, strengthening your internal focus through practices like meditation provides a more resilient foundation for managing attention. Aim for a balanced approach that combines managing your external environment with enhancing your internal focus capabilities.
  6. Embrace the Process: Improving focus and managing distractions is a gradual process that involves trial and error. Be patient with yourself as you experiment with different strategies and find what works best for you. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate all distractions but to develop a more mindful and controlled approach to how you direct your attention.

How to Stop Wasting Your Time - 6 Tips - by muchellb

Ways to stop wasting time that go beyond quick fixes but instead focus on getting a better understanding and therefore control of the underlying factors and triggers
  1. Log Your Alerts: Treat your urges to procrastinate as alerts, not commands. By understanding what your alerts are trying to tell you (e.g., boredom, frustration, low energy), you can address the underlying issue rather than succumbing to distraction.
  2. Mindful Consumption: Apply the concept of diminishing marginal utility to your consumption of digital content. Regularly rate your enjoyment and mood during activities to become more aware of when the activity becomes less fulfilling, encouraging you to stop earlier.
  3. Track Your Time and Mood: Monitor how you spend your time and how it affects your mood, energy, and focus. This can help you identify tasks that make you feel out of control or unenjoyed, contributing to feelings of "time poverty."
  4. 'HelloFresh' Your Tasks: Simplify tasks by preparing them like a HelloFresh meal kit. Include tools needed, steps, launch tasks, time estimates, and flow elements to make starting and completing tasks easier and more enjoyable.
  5. View Distractions Positively: Treat distractions as opportunities to practice redirecting your focus. Just like in meditation, noticing when you're distracted and choosing to refocus is a skill that improves with practice.
  6. Flow Elements in Tasks: Incorporate elements of flow into mundane tasks by setting clear goals, seeking feedback, embracing challenges, and minimizing distractions. This can transform tedious tasks into engaging ones, improving focus and satisfaction.

Throwback: 7 Ways to Maximize Misery 😞 - CGP Grey

Learn how to be miserable. And then do the opposite
  1. Stay Still: Avoid physical activity and remain indoors, limiting your movement as much as possible. This passivity can lead to both mental and physical health decline.
  2. Screw With Your Sleep: Disrupt your sleep pattern by varying your sleep and wake times, leading to insomnia and reduced mental clarity.
  3. Maximize Screen Time: Increase your engagement with screens, particularly before sleep, to disrupt your sleep cycle further and keep your attention fragmented.
  4. Stoke Negative Emotions: Focus on news or social media that fuels anger, anxiety, or despair about situations beyond your control, keeping you in a state of perpetual upset.
  5. Set Vapid Goals: Pursue vague, unrealistic, or delayed goals that ensure failure or dissatisfaction, undermining any sense of achievement or progress.
  6. Pursue Happiness Directly: Aim for a constant state of happiness, which is unattainable, making genuine contentment feel even more out of reach.
  7. Follow Your Instincts: Give in to immediate impulses that lead to long-term misery, avoiding actions that require effort but offer real satisfaction or improvement in your life.
submitted by ReflectionRecipes to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 15:26 cartesi Discover Cartesi Ecosystem Gaming Projects

With the Bubblewars_io playtest coming up and Fastlane_run getting to the Snapshot vote, exciting things are happening on the on-chain gaming front with Cartesi. Let’s highlight some of the epic games that were built/are being built using Cartesi 👇
Arena Mayhem
Ultimate Football
Shipped Out
Got your own idea for a game? Submit a proposal over on the CGP and see if you can bring your game to life with funding up to $50,000 USDC! https://app.charmverse.io/cartesi-grants-program/
submitted by cartesi to cartesi [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 16:07 subredditsummarybot Your weekly /r/70sMusic roundup for the week of March 10 - March 16, 2024

Sunday, March 10 - Saturday, March 16, 2024

Top Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
34 4 comments [1977] It’s scratched and beat to hell, but spinning this classic on the turntable tonight!
31 2 comments [1975] Eric Carmen [R.I.P. 1949-2024] - All By Myself [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
29 3 comments [1979] Joe Walsh - In The City [Dzr] [SC]
28 4 comments [1978] Sweet - Love Is Like Oxygen [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
24 1 comments [1974] Gordon Lightfoot - Sundown [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
24 2 comments [1971] Three Dog Night - Joy To The World (1971) [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
23 9 comments My teenage years
23 1 comments [1978] GEORGE BENSON On Broadway Album Version (1978)
22 2 comments [1977] Paul Davis - I Go Crazy [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
22 2 comments [1977] Josie
21 2 comments [1973] Golden Earring - Radar Love (Official Music Video [HD]) [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
20 2 comments [1978] Peaches & Herb - Shake Your Groove Thing (1978) [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
19 2 comments [1978] Todd Rundgren - Can We Still Be Friends? [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
18 2 comments [1979] The Police - Walking On The Moon [Sp] [AM] [BC] [Dzr] [SC]
18 2 comments [1975] Jigsaw - Sky High [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]

Most Commented Posts

score comments title & link mirrors
15 3 comments [1975] KISS - "C'mon and Love Me" (originally released on 1975's "Dressed to Kill") [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
17 3 comments [1976] Andrew Gold - Lonely Boy [Sp] [AM] [Dzr] [SC]
2 3 comments [What's that song? :snoo_thoughtful:] Chorus of the song reminds me of a 70s song, can't think of it
5 3 comments [1978] NRBQ - Get Rhythm [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
18 3 comments [1974] Pilot - Magic [Sp] [Dzr] [SC]
submitted by subredditsummarybot to 70smusic [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 01:28 rayku22 [CUSA11454] Control Ultimate Edition Update v1.12 Fully Backported

Credits to Fugazi for the DLC! Special thanks to mtn for his previous memhole tools and jocover for all this years of hearing me about this game and memholes haha
Notes: 5.05 Backport! After almost 4 years, i finally managed to fix 1.12. Previously jocover and his friend managed to write scripts to remove the memholes of the game on 1.10, including eboot which is not an easy task. This game failed to load every prx because of this memholes and the size of the memory expansion made the ps4 ran out, so i kept trying different ways and approaches, since then i got way more experience in crazy patches and patterns and so kept trying again a few days ago until i loaded all but 1 prx and this was a LOT of progress, A few hours later i managed to make the game boot with crashes, kept changing a few things in modules here and there and 52 backports later the game was running and it felt awesome. The once "impossible" to backport was defeated without removing the eboot's memhole, simply using a lot of logic and trial and error, in which im very proud of being smart enough to be able to do! I gotta say tho this was literally my last shot, because i have nowhere else i can shave off a single byte of memory anymore. IT FELT GOOD seeing the game running! I did test it a bit, audio, subtitles, cutscenes and saves are working, tested a few segments with action, and no crashes so far. Seems good! If you play it, let me know if you can finish it or if you find any weird issue!
submitted by rayku22 to PkgLinks1 [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 00:08 R_Bazerka Supernote DIY 3D print Muji pen + notepad template

Supernote DIY 3D print Muji pen + notepad template
Hey Friends!
I recently got my Supernote Nomad to use in my daily work flow. Saw a bunch of the Muji DIYs so decided to go that route, but instead of stuffing the pen I 3D printed an insert as the filler instead. Thought I'd share the files just in case ppl wanted to print an insert for themselves! I also made a custom notepad template for myself inspired by CGP Grey's Sidekick notebook (I have the physical notebook, but ran out of pages and wanted a digital version).
Muji Pen Filler -https://makerworld.com/en/models/254984#profileId-271335
submitted by R_Bazerka to Supernote [link] [comments]

2024.03.11 18:33 DoNotDoxxMe How do I join a skilled trade union?

I'm a 25M geologist who works for a fortune 500 consulting company, and I would rather be doing anything else for a career honestly. The corporate world sucks, and people who have been working here for 5 years only make 2k more than me. Consulting doesn't pay well, and I don't want to work the rest of my life laboring away at a job that isn't fulfilling or rewarding. I don't regret going to school, but I would be very happy in a skilled trade for a career, and believe very much in the cause of organized labor. I have OSHA 30 and Hazwoper certifications through my job where I oversee geotech drilling and environmental remediation, and also have the EPA CGP and NCDOT Erosion I & II certs from doing land development inspections at my prior job. I also have lots of experience in my youth with unskilled labor, mostly doing grunt work for concrete masons, landscapers and farmers, and I frame houses with Habitat a lot of my weekends which I really enjoy. I've applied to BAC Local 1 in Philly, but haven't heard back. I unfortunately live in NC, where there is little to no union presence, and getting into a trade here would mean taking a 15-20k pay cut at best and possibly 30k or more to start with no guaranteed wage increases or benefits. Unfortunately, I don't think unions are eager to interview anyone who doesn't live in the Local's city. Of course I'd relocate upon acceptance, but I couldn't do so beforehand. Is it just impossible to get into a union unless you have an in with family or friends? What about experience? Applying to an apprenticeship program, I would assume some people with no direct experience but requisite qualifications would be considered, but maybe not? Union Local websites often give me little information on the application process. I'm just very confused on if I even have a snowball's chance of making it to a union apprenticeship without skilled labor experience. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
TLDR: I want to join a relocate and join a union apprenticeship, but I don’t know if I have a realistic opportunity of getting accepted to one.
submitted by DoNotDoxxMe to union [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 17:02 Jasper1296 I designed and printed a Hexagonal Chess Board. I call it "Chess-Agon". Looking for some feedback and help on selling sets.

I designed and printed a Hexagonal Chess Board. I call it
I made a hexagonal chess board after seeing this video by CGP Grey. I designed the board in Fusion 360 and the pieces I found on Printables, on the page it says that commercial use is allowed. It costs me about 21.26 euros in material and takes about 41 hours to get it all printed. It's the first thing I made and there were already some of my family and friends who were interested, so I think there would be people willing to buy it. Knowing this how much would you guys ask for a fully printed version? I also asked in boardgames what they would pay for it. I will probably sell via Etsy, I guess that's the best option, if you know any other places, please tell me. I also wouldn't know how to deal with shipping, is it all through Etsy? What about packaging, what do most people do on Etsy, do they put it in a simple carboard box, or how would I deal with it? I'll give you some photo's below, they're just some quick ones I took, I will definitely make better ones.

White Side

Black Side
submitted by Jasper1296 to 3Dprinting [link] [comments]

2024.02.17 16:01 idk_riane I’m Addicted to My Phone

When I was younger I was always the reader, the bookworm, the girl reading during recess, or math class. In elementary school I was allowed to read an additional Harry Potter book every year and I would anticipate that for months. I put off finishing The Blood of Olympus because I was so sad that the series was ending and I was saying goodbye to these characters. For every birthday I could expect the newly released Avatar the Last Airbender comic book. My conversation with friends revolved around what was happening in the Warriors cats book we were reading. To say the least, reading was a very big part of my life. I’m not sure I could say that anymore.
In the summer after sixth grade I went on a trip with my cousins. Similar to me they were huge book nerds. However, on this trip they had a new toy. They both had just gotten a new iPod, one that looked exactly like a phone but lacked the calling capabilities. The iPod’s novelty was still present as they asked their mom whether or not turning their volume up to fifty percent would damage their ears. I of course wasn’t completely unfamiliar with smartphones. I had played the get Perry The platypus water game quite a few times on my parents' devices. I also had noticed that most adults who had phones were on them quite a lot. And sure enough, very few of the dozens of books packed for our week-long trip were read; very unusual for them. Instead, more time was spent on their new iPods.
I knew that if I ever got a phone though, I would act the exact same way. And that fact scared me. I loved the imaginary worlds captured in books; seeing the vague pictures created in my head; glimpsing the characters' marvelous lives; feeling the power and emotions conjured from just lines of text on a page. I loved talking about the books with my friends and developing inside jokes and references with them. I loved the way reading could make me think. I loved the adventures I could go on. I loved that people complimented me on my reading. I loved that people thought I was smart because I was reading. I loved the person I was when I was reading.
But nevertheless for Christmas in seventh grade I received a phone. Me and my brother had started walking to school and they felt more comfortable with me having a way to let them know when we’d arrived. The biggest revelation was that I could get all these apps to watch television. At first my parents limited me to fifteen minutes of screen time a day. Dude, that didn’t last. I don’t even think it lasted a day. How could it when I suddenly had a vast ocean of information and entertainment everywhere I went, in my pocket!
The place I spent most of my time was YouTube. Like no contest. I don’t really know what was so appealing about YouTube to me at first. Maybe I thought the personalities were fun or I liked the short videos. Whatever the case, I started spending a lot of time there. Like so much so that in eighth grade when we were asked who our favorite YouTubers were as an icebreaker I was blown away when someone answered I don’t really watch YouTube.
Even though what I watched in middle school is completely different than I do now it probably boils down to the same reason why: these videos let me escape in some way. I wasn’t thinking about my homework or responsibilities when watching someone else’s life or creation. I would creepily laugh to myself when watching Try Guys videos. I would see new perspectives and ways of thinking when watching CGP Grey. I would learn new things I only half understood when watching Numberphile. I would imagine a whole new world when watching Critical Role. I even started crying the other night when I was watching this video about making felt animals in tribute to peoples deceased pets. Like what!? But for the most part it was mindless vague happiness or mindless vague anger that drove me to stay on my phone. And man, YouTube shorts have made it so much worse. Like I don’t dare to get TikTok.
The definition of addicted according to Merriam-Webster is: “exhibiting a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity.
I was opening YouTube on autopilot. If I rearranged my apps muscle memory would take over and I’d be lost. After a year of virtual school due to COVID I was nervous to go back to school because I didn’t know how to make it that many hours without being on my phone. My default “I need a distraction” was to open my phone. When I’m waiting around for something I just open my phone. When I’m ever vaguely bored, tired, sad, mad, I open my phone. It’s automatic.
Looking back I know I’ve spent an amount of hours on my phone I don’t want to quantify, but I have no clue what I was doing with all that time. And I stopped reading almost altogether for a very long time. Somehow watching tv got filed under more productive than reading in my head because I can do chores and have something playing at the same time. So reading was seen as a purely self rewarding activity I guess, while video watching was seen as a more effective use of my time. I don’t really know.
My iPhone addiction has also affected my school work, learning, activities, sleep, and probably relationships. Like that’s sad to think about, especially considering how important reading was to me. The first step in breaking my phone addiction is to get rid of the worst problem. So, I’ve deleted YouTube; I’m stopping cold turkey. Writing this blog post is a way for me to fully commit to this; give myself no wiggle room and hold myself accountable. I know if I left it up to my self control I’d find hours of my life continue to disappear.
However, I’m still not counting the time I spent doom scrolling as a loss. That could have been what I needed to feel less overwhelmed or angry or stressed or nervous or ashamed for just a little while. My point is not that all that time on my phone or YouTube was wasted. And I’m not going to dwell on regrets or questions of whether I could’ve spent my time better. Genuinely my phone has made me happy and giddy and ecstatic and hopeful and anticipatory even if right now I can’t recount every single thing I’ve watched or done to feel that way. I just want to stop making it a habit in the future.
Now I’m under no illusion that I’m going to become the best version of myself overnight just by deleting an app. It’s very possible I just replace YouTube with another place that steals a prolific amount of my time. I may obsessively wade through my emails from colleges for something exciting, or play a bit more solitaire. Who knows! It’ll be an experiment. Whatever the case, I'm optimistic about the outcomes and genuinely excited to see what happens over the next 24 hours, week, month, year, etc. I could have just found the solution to all my problems, how cool would that be?
submitted by idk_riane to elevatedintellect [link] [comments]

2024.02.15 13:14 justamuslimonreddit GCSES start in 83 days!! WHAT TO DO TO PASS ALL EXAMS

Hey there! I created a reddit account to help my fellow people who are doing their GCSES to help their revision. START REVISING NOW!!
Watch all the videos on maths genie until you fully undestand you should be done by april time if you do this everyday and after you are finished complete all past papers and keep doing them even if you have done it! repition is key
ENGLISH language
there isnt really many ways to revise english language but what you can do is print past papers and watch walkthroughs on youtube MR SALLES, MR BRUFF, first rate tutors! just keep practising questions structure and you have got this!!
Same goes for literature for language tbh, WATCH MR BRUFF ON YT, and keep answering questions re-write analysis and keep annotating poems. i am doing Inspector calls and a christmas carol so i have bought flashcards from CGP they have aided me in my revision and helped me jump to a grade 3 to a 7, they include quotes, analysis, if you are doing others like jekyll and hyde they have all the sections and they do not cost much either.
Cognito is amazing for short videos for a recap just before a test, and follows with questions.
freesciencelessons on youtube is amazing. keep doing past papers you got this
revisionworld.com you can access all past papers even a-level reivision.
I have only done the core subjects if you would like any others send me a dm or comment! Gcses are in 83 days, you do not want to be that friend that is resitting their maths or english because they could not be bothered to revise!! YOU HAVE GOT THIS ITS NOT TOO LATE START REVISING
submitted by justamuslimonreddit to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.01.27 13:59 Special-Tree-4086 how do you revise for triple science ?

I am in year 10 and my mocks are in April, I have not revised even enough at all for the past tests we’ve had since I am so lost as to where to even start. whenever I’m about to revise biology it seems that the next day I also have a chemistry test and then a physics one. I also have other subjects that need revision but scinece is my biggest concern atm. whenever I’m picking up a cgp book or watching a cognito video I just feel so lethargic and have an episode of extensive nihilism. I’m currently sitting on higher paper for all of the sectors but if I don’t manage to get a grade 5 in my mocks I’m moving down to foundation and I really just want to do higher. my friends are all smart but never do any revision and they’re all passing with flying colours whilst I’m literally on the brink of foundation. I struggle the most with Chem and it definitely isn’t going to get easier after learning about moles. my family r Asians expecting a lot since my relatives and cousins all got into good unis and my sister is getting grades 7+ ( yr 11 ). do I genuinely just go over past papers? what other recourses are out there. plez help I want to have a nice sheet of passes and get a job at a museum or water stones or a post office
submitted by Special-Tree-4086 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 20:09 rayku22 [CUSA32836] Naruto x Boruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Connections Ultimate Edition Update v1.11 + DLC Fully Backported

Special thanks to RIAN CHANNEL and xmrallx!
Notes: 5.05 / 6.72 / 7.02 / 7.50 / 9.00 Backport! DLC released together with my friend Arczi! New update to include the new Hagoromo DLC pack and the Asics Sneakers crossover DLC! Also includes the special jump magazine DLC!
submitted by rayku22 to PkgLinks1 [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 23:44 MasterExploder6 The Year of Bourdain

submitted by MasterExploder6 to AnthonyBourdain [link] [comments]
