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NoFapChristians: A Gathering place for Christian Fapstronauts

2013.10.15 15:56 Alexanderr NoFapChristians: A Gathering place for Christian Fapstronauts

NoFapChristians is a safe place for Christian NoFap users to discuss the process of recovery from porn addiction and other forms of compulsive sexual behavior.

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2017.09.08 12:56 deviousflower 3


2024.05.14 07:42 TrueSaltnolies Standing in the Gap

My only acquaintance with Mica is through Facebook or YouTube videos and photos. Upon viewing anything related to her stored online, it quickly became evident that her primary love was for Christ. She was his servant first. She exuded such charm, and was a gentle, humble, and vibrant spirit in all I saw.
There is a Christian principle called "Standing in the Gap". I was thinking this through after seeing a post that asked "Why are you here?(in SM)--just for entertainment from the story, or for justice and to support the family?"
Mica has Micah 6:8 on her Facebook page. "What does the Lord require of you? Seek justice, love mercy, walk humbly with your God."
I hope most of us are here because we are seeking justice first and foremost. As for mercy, I don't think JP extended any to her at all. Any mercy shown toward JP on social media will be tempered with a desire for him to be brought to justice. He and those complicit MUST be investigated.
So if you are here, I hope you will be here to:
And if the time comes for us all to step back, we will. We certainly don't want to interfere with an investigation, only help it.
(P.S. I'm not a moderator or anyone special, just compelled to be part of this case for now and a Christ-follower.)
submitted by TrueSaltnolies to JusticeForMicaMiller [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:09 ThrowawayHornyAcc04 A little bit about me

Hey there. Obviously this post is a little bit about me that I want you to know.
I am currently 19, I’m 6’2”, I’m Latino, a college student with no job, and I’m very secretive and very very shy.
Currently, I’m lonely as all hell and want a girlfriend. Obviously I don’t want to give away where I live, and that’s probably a dealbreaker for those looking to date, but I understand. I will say I live in the US.
As for dating, I’m not particularly picky. I love hot cougars and milfs, but in terms of dating, I would rather date someone around my age (18+) who loves to play games and relax, and is very active in that way. I do love me a “good” Christian girl as well! Would love to wife someone up and start a family too. Though, hot moms can definitely DM…
I do love chatting online, be it nsfw or just chatting with someone. I’m pretty kink friendly, open to a lot, and I’m kind.
If you’d like to chat with me, please do! I’d love to talk with you beautiful ladies!
submitted by ThrowawayHornyAcc04 to u/ThrowawayHornyAcc04 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:47 Mundane-Agency-5371 Idk what to do

I’m 19 (M) and I just don’t know what to do. I failed high school (I was homeschooled btw). I need to get a job, get my license, and get my GED. I’m not making excuses but I’m fairly sure I have ADHD, when I was little a therapist or psychologist was certain I had ADD (outdated medical term now) but we never followed up for any test or diagnosis. I can only really focus on things I enjoy, everything else is a struggle. I zone out constantly, everything online that I read about ADHD literally makes be feel like I’m reading a book about myself.
After a certain point I was expected to pretty much do everything education wise on my own and I just really fell behind and struggled. I have a lot of anxiety about everything. The thought of working a job scares me especially because I’m 19 with absolutely no work experience, I feel like I’m going not going to be a valuable employee and nobody will think I’m worthwhile.
I’m also gay but I definitely don’t feel comfortable about that, I was raised Christian and just don’t know how to feel. I’ve felt this way since I was around 12-13 and I just honestly wish I wasn’t like this, I’ve never felt attracted to women at all but I’m not telling anyone, I don’t ever plan on telling anyone although there have been signs about myself that made me realize I’ve always been this way.
The last 4 years I’ve just gotten worse. I’ve struggled with certain things and have kinda stopped valuing my life. I’m starting to not care anymore, driving used to terrify me and but nothing scares me anymore only because I don’t really care. Last three years I’ve started this downward spiral of certain thoughts, I’ve been telling myself that I’m just looking for attention or it’s just self pity but I don’t know, nobody knows about this at least not to my knowledge. I’ve done some things a few months ago but haven’t really done them again, I think about it every day though. It just doesn’t feel like things are going to get better. From what I’ve heard working sounds so depressing, getting the ged feels like an impossible task.
Idk what I’m doing here, maybe I’m just looking for attention. Right now I don’t plan on doing anything,I’m not at that point yet but I don’t know how much longer I can keep dealing with this.
submitted by Mundane-Agency-5371 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:32 SPARTAN-Jai-006 Kendrick fandom has truly gone off the rails

Bro, I can’t believe what I’m reading either on the main Kendrick sub or Dark Kenny. These guys have truly lost it, they’re spreading crazy theories about the Christian Alvarez guy and shit. They’re starting to sound like my conspiracy theorist family members. They’re also starting to adopt cult-like language and have gone beyond reason.
I know Drake has done some highly questionable stuff. How did we go from “he texts Millie Bobby Brown” to allegations of abusing disabled people, and Epsetin-island Q Anon level theories?
Hopefully whatever is up all comes to light. I personally think Drake isn’t smart enough to even carry these things out and hide it. Either way, this ain’t it and this isn’t the way. All over what some random guy on Twitter is saying.
This beef has turned into something unhealthy, dark, twisted and I’m starting to worry this could become violent for either of the rappers, or others. Parasocial relationships with any celebrity are a hell of a drug.
Be careful of the info you’re consuming online. Talk to real people. Turn off your phone. Go for a walk.
Stay safe peeps.
submitted by SPARTAN-Jai-006 to Jcole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 gurlynnpool Christian Dior Cosmetics Online Shop

Go to this page for Christian Dior Cosmetics Online Shop. If you're looking for the newest coupons and promo codes, that page is the place to go. They always have the latest offers available.
submitted by gurlynnpool to FestDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:09 Sure-Office-8178 How To Reignite My Faith

I (19F) grew up in a strict scripturally-focused non-denominational church that focused more on intelligence than emotion and spirituality. While in many ways I'm thankful for the experience, it also misled me on many things and has left me spiritually unfulfilled. My family is Christian, but my parents aren't that devout and their faith has never been their own, it's all my controlling religion-obsessed grandmother's.
Her devotion kept her children with a horribly abusive father for over 20 years since she was waiting on a biblical reason to divorce. It's hard for me to live with that fact and be okay with the existence of God and His restrictions on divorce, as the situation permanently ruined my family in ways that can never be repaired and still affect us.
My church also never had an active youth ministry because since I was in the nursery class, it was always just me and one other boy. He sadly took his own life as we entered the teen class, so I was left alone and because of what happened, no one wanted to touch that class. Then COVID hit and once again, I was left on my own. Our church was mostly old people, so online services were barely audible and other churches we tried seemed to put too much emphasis on presentation and less on meaningful content.
My family left this church because of the lack of youth and for a lot of other reasons, as well as my mom breaking away from her own mother's control. We've tried other churches, but nothing has been a good fit.
I've broken away from the faith. I don't have any. Because I grew up in Christianity, becoming a Christian was an obligation and as I branch out into other churches...I don't even know how to do that anymore. I'm not baptized (my church believed you're not a Christian until baptism) because I honestly have never believed. I may understand the Bible, but it doesn't mean anything to me. It's never helped me, prayer has never done anything for me. I don't find the Bible empowering or comforting because it's so distant from today and I'm on the autism spectrum and have a strong dislike of envisioning human faces. I would rather the Bible be about blobs of energy or animals rather than people because having to imagine people gives me deep discomfort and triggers my sensory issues. Also, since I am a woman, it really angers me to read about the so-called limitations placed on what my gender can and can't do. I grew up watching men always leading as women actually do everything for them but don't even get to speak for themselves. It's bothered me since I was a little girl and even if it is unbiblical, I can't see myself endorsing or supporting a place where women can't teach, pray, or even speak, like the church I grew up in.
I don't get the basics anymore. Why being a sinner is a bad thing, the point of prayer, salvation, why would I even want to be a Christian, etc. Nothing in Christianity entices me or makes me want to conform to it. It won't cure my disabilities, give me wealth, or fix a toxic family history. I can't be forgiven by the actual people I seek forgiveness from, who may still hold grudges against me...I don't see the point of it. I haven't since I was a child.
I really don't have an open mind anymore. I don't trust Christian research or science, it has such a history of false claims. I don't trust Christian content creators and there's so many that give me a good reason not to. Trust issues also run in the family, I was raised by two victims of severe child abuse who continue to be paranoid and distrustful well into adulthood.
Talking to people quickly turns to arguments, as I present question after question, counter after counter, and it feels like I just get vague reasoning in return. I relate to people who've left Christianity more than those in it. I want to be a Christian, solely to tick off the checkmark that's been instilled in me. Being a Christian is like graduating and getting a job, it's an obligation to fulfill for me.
Christianity bears no benefit, no meaning, and no point as far as I can see.
It's never been pleasant for me. Reading the Bible is confusing, going to or watching churches is the most grating experience on earth, and surrounding myself with other Christians is only an invitation to fake smiles, fake friendships, drama, and gossip. I grew up long enough in the community to know this.
I have a lot of alone time this summer and I wanted to use it to really work on my spiritual health. I just don't know how to start since I've completely turned away from it all.
Any advice would be welcome, but unfortunately, that does not mean it will be taken.
submitted by Sure-Office-8178 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:04 catboyitchi Not sure what to do

Hi im 15 and i discovered Santa Muerte last year. I was drawn to her and i kept on thinking about her. Maybe it’s because of my own ideologies where I want the best for people and don’t want to see, my own people especially, struggle that I was intrigued by how Santita would help people and give them hope to continue with their lives. Also because I’m not in the best place myself mentally, I thought of her as someone I could talk to. I know people use her for even the bad (as said by my parents, they told me they respect her and I alr know the stigma she has around her) and that’s what made me not become a devotee until around August. So with my parents having different views on her, I was unsure how to really go on because I did feel like she would listen. Also scared because I thought my mom would be incredibly angry with me. Then it turned more than some interest at that point. I knew that putting my faith, trust and care for her wouldn’t disappear but that feeling of having my mother find out was something I didn’t want to happen. So I bought a statue of Santita from a devotee online and I would hide her whenever I would go to school. I eventually did a ritual to invoke her in her statue and I’ve felt her presence since. When I would come back from school I would put her on my bookshelf with my crystals; I gave her water, tea, a candle and fruit sometimes. I’ve drawn her art, I would light some sage, cleanse her with it, and meditate with her. I felt a genuine connection. I think about her daily even when I fail to talk to her. I feel guilty when I don’t pray for days. I dont have the motivation to do anything at times and sometimes I generally don’t feel right doing school work or even doing a hobby when I can be doing this or that. Over the year it has gotten worse esp because of an overload of school, my job, and me being “too sensitive” as a problem in my household (resulting in my mental health declining). I’ve hidden her for long periods of times and have left hidden in my utility cart covered with a piece of paper since my mom wouldn’t notice. I’ve given her my apologies and each time I felt as if she understood but I can tell lately she’s not happy with how I’m treating her, hiding her and not taking her out, not making an effort. I don’t believe she’s angry at me but rather upset. And I understand why. When my mom caught her in my room, we argued. She told me it wasn’t good for me and talked about god (when I don’t really believe in him) is the only one I should putting my love in. She also brought up narcos and all that just like my father did. I don’t like how she has this prejudice against her but I fail to speak up for her. I feel as if I failed to even try to reach an actual understanding of Santita to my parents. But now I have a dilemma. My dad suggests to give her to a church, and actually has been asking around how to do so. And my mom says as long as I take care of Santita I can keep her :( and I really care about her I do. I don’t want her gone and I just want to make it up to her. A thing that stood out to me was my dad saying I should wait until I’m older. And I understand given my age I may not know everything obviously but I am willing to learn. Also because I guess that’s one way that they’ll let me continue being a devotee (they don’t know I’m a devotee, I’ve lied to why she was in my room and I feel terrible about it. I feel like I haven’t shown Santita my love of her and it just feels as if I’m not even loyal by lying) So I need a second opinion. Should I wait until I’m older? I don’t want to just leave her and boom she’s not apart of my life anymore until I’m a few years older because I would actually feel I don’t even know how to describe it. And how would giving her away work ???? I’m not even Christian or catholic so what will giving her to a church do ??? I don’t want them to do anything with her. I’m hoping my parents just let her be and let me take care of her. So should I wait ???? Am I actually just so blinded by what I *think* our connection is or what ??? Should I wait until I’m more mature ?????? I’m honestly just overthinking I need advice please.
submitted by catboyitchi to SantaMuerte [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 Anico191 Non denominational

Hey all! I’m feeling called to orthodoxy. I’ve listened to quite a few lectures on why orthodoxy is the true church, and many of these messages have hit home with me for a variety of reasons.
Can anyone recommend some good YouTube videos on why non denominational Christianity may not be the right approach?
Non denominational churches are all over and incredibly popular via live streaming online. No doubt some of these churches and church goers love Jesus. But many of these churches feel more like a Tony Robbins motivation talk, and often preach the prosperity Bible.
I’d love some well articulated videos of the ‘issues’ with non denominational churches.
submitted by Anico191 to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:53 DepartureHonest7948 The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!

CMM.World &
The Great Harvest is here. Christ's Mandate for Missions and CMMTheology build strong, organic relationships globally as we worship, grow and equip together. Like Joshua and Caleb and the Apostle Paul, we see with faith what He sees in each person (to help each reach fullness), group (many streams and backgrounds in unity) and nations (sheep vs. goat nations). Our passion is to love, connect, equip and send with the simplicity, fullness, and power of the Gospel.
The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence! Inbox
By CMM.World - November 10, 2022
Dear Mighty One,
I see the Lord's eye upon us we discover by revelation the 'new thing' He is doing in our lives and of those of us who, beyond the present darkness, gaze into His eyes. The 'tuning fork' of Yahweh is orchestrating the sons and daughters of our living God in growing holy remnant unity to withstand as we stand with Him fearlessly in the boldness of the faith of God in this hour. Egypt is behind us, and the covenantal promises and prophetic words we have received (1 Tim. 1:18) empower us by His Holy Spirit to advance in warfare, humbly growing in the spirit of wisdom and revelation.

Yesterday as I encouraged some friends, I said, 'stay in the blissful extravagance of His presence.' Today I saw in Psalm 34 His eyes are upon us in vs. 8 & 9 and v:15 about the 'uncompromisingly righteous.' We are to be holy as He is holy. That leaves no room for any more compromise or seeking to please man or the traditions of men, being free of the fear of man, the religious spirit, and any demonic activity. We are seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Lord, help us understand by revelation to walk in all the authority we have been given by Jesus Christ.
Psalm 34:8-9 'O taste and see that the Lord [our God] is good! Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts and takes refuge in Him. O fear the Lord, you His saints [revere and worship Him]! For there is no want to those who truly revere and worship Him with godly fear.'
v. 15 'The eyes of the Lord are toward the [uncompromisingly] righteous and His ears are open to their cry.'
Chuck Pierce shared this amazing word from Penny Jackson that is right on for this season:
May YOUR November be full of Thanksgiving and Praise for you and yours as YOU enjoy The Uncompromising Blissful Extravagance of His Presence!
Thank you for praying for CMM and all your fellow CMM Global Family worldwide. Pray for all the missionaries, schools, and students in CMM College of Theology in the US, Ecuador, Canada, Cuba, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Thailand.
Pray for the new wells and the living water and safe water recently drilled or soon to be drilled in Tanzania, India, Malawi, and Pakistan.
Pray for our upcoming Christmas gift campaigns to bless children and youth in many nations. Many of them are precious, beautiful children (orphans). As the Lord leads, pray about giving any amount to bless dear CMM children this Christmas.
Pray for each other, dear friends. We all know we each need prayers going up to Heaven for all those on the front lines. We each are on the front lines!
Please pray for me as I speak tomorrow online to a crusade with 8,000 expected to attend in Pakistan. In December, I will speak at conferences in Liberia and Kenya with fellow CMM Ordained ministers Robert Bimba (Liberia), Tom Omukhobero, and Daniel and Christine Oyoko (Kenya).
We are working on plans and trips for 2023. If you would like to have some of our awesome CMM family speakers for a conference in your area or would like to join or lead a missions trip, we would love to hook you up with dear friends in many nations.
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Louis Blom of Judea Harvest as Associate Director of Missions at CMM. This strategic alliance multiplies the efforts and impact in building the Kingdom of our God, for His glory.

Many blessings and shalom from us all here at the home office and around the world.
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2024.05.14 00:23 Alice-Lapine My Husband Helped Me Exit QAnon in 2020. Here’s His Advice.

(Also posted in QAnonCasualties)
The first critical question to answer for yourself is: ‘How important is this relationship to me?’ If this is a relationship that you feel strongly you want to save, then you can do that. It will require putting some of your own beliefs aside—at least for the time being—so you don’t spend precious energy arguing about things you clearly disagree about.
Patience is key. This may be a phase, and this may be long term—even a forever shift. You just can’t know. I was advised to contemplate this two ways:
One: Think of this akin to something far less contentious, like a nonreligious person finding Jesus and becoming a Born Again Christian or embracing some other evangelical belief system. Once converted, the world is different for them. They see reality through a different lens, and no matter how hard you try you will NOT shift their view. So don’t even try. You have to accept that this is their view, and no amount of logic, science, pleasing, or anything else will change their mind.
Two: The second way of thinking about this is as an illness or an injury. Some would say falling down this rabbit hole is similar to a psychotic break. Taking that view, how would you show up for your fiancé if he broke his leg or had a head injury? Show up the same. Be loving. Be caring. Stay close so he doesn’t hurt himself or others, and be his protector to the extent he will allow it. Encourage him to be reflective enough not to make decisions or take actions that can have significant negative consequences while he is in an alternative reality or ungrounded state.
Next, if you want to work this through, here are some keywords that may become your gospel: patience, curiosity, balance, love, and support.
Curiosity: This was a hard one for me, but I signed on to it and did my best. Essentially, put your mind in a place of childlike curiosity. I had to constantly remind myself that no one really knows the objective truth. No one has enough information to be absolutely sure of their position. Therefore, can you leave room in your mind for the potential that what you have come to believe may not be so? If you can hold that and then listen to your beloved with curiosity, that will go a long way. I would also make an agreement with him—that he should not be seeking to change your views just as you commit not to try and change his. You will simply agree to share information with each other, but not debate.
Balance: I suspect your fiancé is deep in the rabbit hole and for him there is little else to focus on. It is almost a compulsive disorder. It is designed to be addictive. I suggest working hard to get him to focus on being present in life with you, focusing on aspects of being alive that are happening here and now. What do you enjoy doing together? What projects are important? What activities that have nothing to do with being online are essential to your well-being and enjoyment of life?
The discussion of beliefs and time spent ‘doing research’ needs to be limited to maybe one to two hours a day. Encourage him to stay aware of how his time spent scrolling online is taking away from his life, including connection with you, family, career productivity, etc. See if you can motivate and inspire him to strike a balance. That needs to be his commitment; to maintain balance and well-being in his own life, and to give energy and attention to nurturing your relationship together. Again, your work is to meet him with curiosity—to accept where he is at, rather than reacting to and judging him.
Love: Focus on your love and your dreams for your future. Remind him why the two of you have chosen each other. All of that still exists. It has been overshadowed by Q, but it is still there, and the balance will hopefully bring him back to remembering.
In the end, I needed to accept that my beloved might never come back to her old self. I needed to see if I could find a way for life to be good even if that was the case. I gave myself six months to see if we could find our way through, but I did not tell her. In that time, I needed to prove to myself that life with her could still be good. During that time, I fervently hoped she would return to the Alicia I remembered. I feel fortunate beyond words that she ‘came around’ almost exactly six months after she went down the rabbit hole. However, if she hadn’t, we had still worked out a way to be together. But life is much better with her back out of the rabbit hole.
Support: Find a network of people to support you. This will be very hard on you. And you want to show up as best you can—and so you need to have people you can turn to for strength, compassion, empathy, and the occasional shoulder to cry on. Find people who care about both of you, who will not judge him for his new beliefs but can have some understanding for the fact that this trap has pulled hundreds of thousands of people into it. Many good-hearted, intelligent people with the best of intentions have unwittingly slid down the rabbit hole, and once you are in, no one on the outside can save you. You have to get yourself out. Best to find support people who can have compassion for both of you, as judgment will likely drive him further away.
Friends, family, and my therapist were all important to our success, and I am indebted to their patience with me.
submitted by Alice-Lapine to ReQovery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:21 Alice-Lapine My Husband Helped Me Exit QAnon in 2020. Here’s His Advice

(This is also a snippet from the book I will be publishing soon about my whole QAnon experience from falling in to getting out to the process of recovery.)
From my husband -
The first critical question to answer for yourself is: ‘How important is this relationship to me?’ If this is a relationship that you feel strongly you want to save, then you can do that. It will require putting some of your own beliefs aside—at least for the time being—so you don’t spend precious energy arguing about things you clearly disagree about.
Patience is key. This may be a phase, and this may be long term—even a forever shift. You just can’t know. I was advised to contemplate this two ways:
One: Think of this akin to something far less contentious, like a nonreligious person finding Jesus and becoming a Born Again Christian or embracing some other evangelical belief system. Once converted, the world is different for them. They see reality through a different lens, and no matter how hard you try you will NOT shift their view. So don’t even try. You have to accept that this is their view, and no amount of logic, science, pleasing, or anything else will change their mind.
Two: The second way of thinking about this is as an illness or an injury. Some would say falling down this rabbit hole is similar to a psychotic break. Taking that view, how would you show up for your fiancé if he broke his leg or had a head injury? Show up the same. Be loving. Be caring. Stay close so he doesn’t hurt himself or others, and be his protector to the extent he will allow it. Encourage him to be reflective enough not to make decisions or take actions that can have significant negative consequences while he is in an alternative reality or ungrounded state.
Next, if you want to work this through, here are some keywords that may become your gospel: patience, curiosity, balance, love, and support.
Curiosity: This was a hard one for me, but I signed on to it and did my best. Essentially, put your mind in a place of childlike curiosity. I had to constantly remind myself that no one really knows the objective truth. No one has enough information to be absolutely sure of their position. Therefore, can you leave room in your mind for the potential that what you have come to believe may not be so? If you can hold that and then listen to your beloved with curiosity, that will go a long way. I would also make an agreement with him—that he should not be seeking to change your views just as you commit not to try and change his. You will simply agree to share information with each other, but not debate.
Balance: I suspect your fiancé is deep in the rabbit hole and for him there is little else to focus on. It is almost a compulsive disorder. It is designed to be addictive. I suggest working hard to get him to focus on being present in life with you, focusing on aspects of being alive that are happening here and now. What do you enjoy doing together? What projects are important? What activities that have nothing to do with being online are essential to your well-being and enjoyment of life?
The discussion of beliefs and time spent ‘doing research’ needs to be limited to maybe one to two hours a day. Encourage him to stay aware of how his time spent scrolling online is taking away from his life, including connection with you, family, career productivity, etc. See if you can motivate and inspire him to strike a balance. That needs to be his commitment; to maintain balance and well-being in his own life, and to give energy and attention to nurturing your relationship together. Again, your work is to meet him with curiosity—to accept where he is at, rather than reacting to and judging him.
Love: Focus on your love and your dreams for your future. Remind him why the two of you have chosen each other. All of that still exists. It has been overshadowed by Q, but it is still there, and the balance will hopefully bring him back to remembering.
In the end, I needed to accept that my beloved might never come back to her old self. I needed to see if I could find a way for life to be good even if that was the case. I gave myself six months to see if we could find our way through, but I did not tell her. In that time, I needed to prove to myself that life with her could still be good. During that time, I fervently hoped she would return to the Alicia I remembered. I feel fortunate beyond words that she ‘came around’ almost exactly six months after she went down the rabbit hole. However, if she hadn’t, we had still worked out a way to be together. But life is much better with her back out of the rabbit hole.
Support: Find a network of people to support you. This will be very hard on you. And you want to show up as best you can—and so you need to have people you can turn to for strength, compassion, empathy, and the occasional shoulder to cry on. Find people who care about both of you, who will not judge him for his new beliefs but can have some understanding for the fact that this trap has pulled hundreds of thousands of people into it. Many good-hearted, intelligent people with the best of intentions have unwittingly slid down the rabbit hole, and once you are in, no one on the outside can save you. You have to get yourself out. Best to find support people who can have compassion for both of you, as judgment will likely drive him further away.
Friends, family, and my therapist were all important to our success, and I am indebted to their patience with me.
submitted by Alice-Lapine to QAnonCasualties [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:03 Ur_Anemone The Sleazy Rise and Humiliating Fall of Ashley Madison

The Sleazy Rise and Humiliating Fall of Ashley Madison
The 2015 hacking of adulterous dating website Ashley Madison was a crime, and yet precious few felt sorry for those who were impacted by this offense, be they the company’s CEO and his employees or the 37 million users who were outed as cheaters. Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal, a three-part Netflix docuseries from directors Zoe Hutton and Gagan Rehill, focuses on a couple of sob stories—including a popular Christian vlogging couple caught in the cheating crossfire—which detail the fallout from this headline-making incident, all in an effort to put a human face on a tawdry scandal. No matter the tears and critiques dispensed by those individuals, however, there’s little here to lose sleep over—unless, of course, your profile was in one of the two infamous data dumps…
Orchestrated by a collective that called itself The Impact Team, the hackers announced that if Ashley Madison didn’t shut down within 30 days, they’d release the personal information of all 37 million account holders. Thrust into turmoil, Biderman and his panicked companions hired Swedish cybersecurity experts Joel Eriksson and André Catry to track down who was behind this breach. Alas, they came up with nothing, and on August 18, the floodgates opened.
While Catry initially suspected that Biderman might have had something to do with the hack (because the site believed that all publicity is good publicity), a second hack that contained all of Biderman’s personal and professional emails put that idea to rest. More than just revealing him to be an adulterer, this information exposed the wide-scale fraud being perpetrated by Ashley Madison, whose pledges of cybersecurity excellence (look at all those award badges on the homepage!) were a lie, and whose female users were largely fake accounts either manned by company employees or by bots. In other words, most men were paying through the nose and risking their marriages, reputations, and careers to chat with non-existent women. All in all, it was about as big a losing proposition as one could imagine.
Much of this has been reported ad nauseam during the past decade, so Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal adds a human element by portraying individuals who were affected by the hack. The lion’s share of that attention goes to Sam and Nia Rader, a Texas couple whose seemingly perfect life as Christian vloggers was upended by the revelation that Sam had spent time on Ashley Madison. Sam and Nia’s story is told through lots of confessional interviews and their online videos, with Sam contending that he was motivated by a lack of self-esteem (and a longing for first-love excitement) rather than sex. Yet like so much of what’s said in this docuseries, his comments must be taken with a giant grain of salt, especially since he implies that, even aside from Ashley Madison, he strayed from the marital path for years and continually lied about it to his spouse.
Despite Sam’s anguished recitation of his missteps, Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal fails to make him sympathetic. Similarly, its attempts to paint the media and public’s gleeful fascination with the hack—and the cheaters who were being shamed—as unseemly and cruel are largely unsuccessful. Even when it concentrates on Christi, whose seminary-teacher husband committed suicide because of the data dump, the docuseries doesn’t get far in making viewers feel bad for taking “self-righteous” delight in seeing louts grapple with the consequences of their risky actions. In the end, the blame for these ruined lives and fortunes falls squarely on those who willingly chose to do what they did, knowing full well the obvious potential costs. As a result, Hutton and Rehill’s non-fiction investigation is most notable for simply shining a light on the lengths people will go to indulge their selfish desires—a notion borne out by the fact that Sam and Nia are still together, as well as by Ashley Madison’s continued operation.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:57 macaronduck Anyone else concerned about redeemed zoomer and people that think like him?

So if your not aware there is this channel on youtube known as redeemed zoomer ( He is a former athiest who became a christian. He is well known online for a movement he is leading called the protestant reconquista. He essentially wants to 'retake' mainline denominations from theologically progressive ideology.
Personally speaking, I am rather theologically moderate. I agree with some stuff he says like same-sex marriage being a sin but disagree with him on female preachers.
I truly think he has noble intentions in his goals of trying to revitalize dying churches. But what concerns me are some of the ideas he circulates and people he promotes. I think using language like 'reconquista' brings an attitude of needing violence and aggressiveness to overtake someone else. Which to me is something that is not Christlike.
He likes to promote people that are vocal about being 'trad' which whether or not you agree with that I disagree with his attitude of that being the only valid way to think. I also think he is to focused on worldly power and glamour. He likes to talk a lot about how churches used to have institutional power and how they need that back or about how evangelical/non-denominational churches are bad because they are much less nice looking than a old gothic cathedral. Which to me is a superfluous thing to focus on.
Overall, I think he is a pushing a us vs them way of thinking which I think is the wrong approach. I am concerned because he is growing in influence on a new generation of Christians with these ideas.
What are your thoughts?
submitted by macaronduck to Christian [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:29 ar_david_hh Yerevan: Clashes between protesters & drivers; BEVER's allies, Archbishop's plans \\ France & OSCE welcome delimitation \\ FM vs ex-FMs: Almaty \\ Yerevan's GIS maps, promenade, lights \\ EU Trade Commissioner & European standards in Armenia \\ Electric vehicle switch \\ CB on EVs and deflation

9-minute read.

France welcomes the latest round of negotiations between foreign ministers of Armenia and Azerbaijan in Kazakhstan

FM Mirzoyan said the negotiations in Kazakhstan were held in a constructive environment and referred to the statement made after the meeting.
PARIS: France stresses the importance of both sides confirming their commitment to the Almaty Protocol of 1991 and to mutual recognition of each other’s territorial integrity as the core of this process, following the quadripartite meeting in Prague on 7 October 2022.
France calls to continue the delimitation of the border on the basis of the principles agreed in the declaration of April 19, 2024, and as an extension of the first demarcation work carried out on the ground. At the same time, it calls for continuing discussions with a view to signing a peace treaty between the two countries.
France welcomes the initiative of the Kazakh authorities to facilitate the holding of these talks.
France continues to work together with its partners to establish just and solid peace in the South Caucasus in accordance with international law. //
source, source, source, source,

OSCE: Reaching stable and comprehensive peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan remains a priority for us

OSCE Chair-in-Office Ian Borg visited Armenia on Monday.
BORG: The only way to ensure comprehensive and stable peace is through diplomacy. The steps made towards border delimitation between Armenia and Azerbaijan are the actions needed to reach peace. //
Pashinyan and Borg discussed the AM-OSCE cooperation and the peace talks.
BORG: The OSCE is committed to supporting stable peace, solving all conflicts in the OSCE area, and applying the organization’s mandate to ensure regional peace and stability. //
source, source,

opposition activists detained and released after briefly shutting down several streets in Yerevan

Last week the protest organizers, led by Archbishop Bagrat and MPs representing pro-Russian parties, called for strikes and road closures on Monday. They demand PM Pashinyan's resignation. The opposition parties have not yet disclosed when they plan to launch the impeachment process in the parliament. They likely have the minimum number of MPs to launch the impeachment but they'd still need dozens of ruling party MPs to join them for the motion to succeed, which is unlikely.
On Monday over 170 people were detained and released after blocking roads, including with the use of trash cans and hay. A red beret pushed a journalist out of his way while running up the stairs, sending him to the ground. Another journalist fainted during a clash between police and protesters. In the morning, Yandex Maps showed the traffic congestion in Yerevan at Level 5 on a scale of 1-10, a "usual workday".
In one instance, an angry driver got out of his car and pushed the trash can out of the street, while other cars proceeded to drive through the sparse group of protesters. Video.
ARF MP Garnik Danielyan, a co-organizer of the protest, engaged in a dispute with a driver. The angry driver told the MP to go "siktir", while the MP called him "chatlax". Video.
One protester suggested catching and "putting down" police officers one by one while they are alone, "because they feel good in large numbers." Video.
A psychotic incident was recorded between a protester and a bystandedriver who was presumably trying to open the road. The protester hit the man and called him "Nikol's trash". The police intervened to push the protesters out of the road.
During an encounter between a protester and one resident, the protester asked the latter if he was a Christian:
PROTESTER: Քրիստոնյա՞ ես
PROTESTER: Հա ու համփ արա [suck my dick]
The resident pushes the protester, and the protester spits on him. Several people got off the buses and urged the protesters to leave or to "go protect the borders" instead. The red berets arrived within minutes and removed the trash cans and the small number of protesters from the road. video, video, video,
While the ARF has long been viewed as the voice of diaspora, other movements have emerged to challenge its dominance. The Armenian Movement of France has organized a petition that calls to encourage Armenia's independence and Euro-Atlantic integration, to keep the church and state separate, and not take any destabilizing actions.
KHURSHUDYAN: They [ARF and protest organizers] are attempting to convince the diaspora to join them by influencing various organizations like the Lemkin Institute. It is strange that the Lemkin Institute released a statement accusing PM Pashinyan's Genocide statement of containing "victim blaming" only now, during these protests, several weeks after Pashinyan made that statement. It took a lot of effort for these forces to lobby and create the impression that the diaspora as a whole is on their side. //
The BEVER (Sasna Tsrer) party leaders said they are cooperating with the pro-Russian former regime parties but only on the issues of removing Pashinyan and stopping the border delimitation process.
BEVER (Ara Papyan): If Pashinyan resigns now and pro-Russian forces win the elections democratically, it will be the population's fault, not ours. // video
As you know from Sunday news digest, the pro-Russian forces and a group of ex-diplomats led by Kocharyan's Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian, are against using the 1991 Almaty declaration as the basis for delimitation. Foreign Minister Mirzoyan was asked to comment on Monday.
MIRZOYAN: The Deputy PMs of Armenia and Azerbaijan, who are in charge of border commissions, have come to an agreement to launch the delimitation process taking into account the 1991 Almaty Declaration. This was welcomed by numerous states and international organizations. The foreign diplomats you mentioned are deserters who fled their duties while Armenia was under physical attack in 2021. I can no longer treat them seriously. That is the most civil language I can use toward them. In reality, by torpedoing the Almaty Declaration and the peace process based on Almaty, these ex-diplomats continue to torpedo the sovereignty, statehood, and territorial integrity of Armenia. In the best-case scenario, they do this without understanding, and in the worst-case scenario, they are following the orders of a foreign state. I don't have further comments. //
Archbishop Bagrat Galstanyan said they will not hold daily meetings at Republic Square anymore, and that smaller gatherings will be held near the St. Anna church every evening to wrap up the day and discuss future plans. Yesterday Arman Babajanyan revealed a meeting between church officials. On Monday, Archbishop Galstanyan confirmed that he indeed met Catholicos on Sunday. Galstanyan was asked whether he plans to "transfer" the "leadership" of the movement to political parties. He said he is open to that idea: "Թող գան, վերցնեն, ով ցանկանում է:"
source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source, source,

Executive Vice President of the European Commission for Economic Affairs, the EU Trade Commissioner, will visit Armenia this week

Valdis Dombrovskis will meet Armenian and EBRD officials and take part in an annual meeting of the EBRD Board of Governors.
source, source,

PM Pashinyan is in Denmark for the "Copenhagen Democracy Summit"

Nikol Pashinyan will take part in the discussion on “From the frontline: Armenia’s defense of democracy.”

Armenia will bring its consumer protection legislation in line with European standards

The head of Armenia's Competition Protection Commission visited Poland to participate in ICPEN (International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network).
They spoke about unfair business practices and how to combat them, online taxi service regulations, online casinos, discounting policies used by businesses, etc.
GEVORGYAN: Armenia is going through an important phase in terms of protecting the interests of consumers. Discussions are underway to align Armenia's consumer protection legislation with EU standards. It is necessary to use digital technologies and train skilled experts in this field.

Russia begins withdrawing border agents near the border village Nerkin Hand: residents

The villagers noticed that the Russian soldiers were no longer observing the traffic from the observation post and that they were packing some of their stuff.
source, source,

anti-corruption: Patrol Police officer is charged with accepting a bribe from a driver

INTERIOR MINISTRY: In early March, two officers pulled over an Indian driver on Kievyan St. One of the officers demanded a ֏20,000 bribe to ignore the fact that the vehicle didn't pass a tech inspection. They negotiated it down to ֏7,000. The officer was charged with felony bribery. He confessed. The case is in court. //

Yerevan Mayor Avinyan had a lightbulb moment

The city has purchased 6,000 LED lights producing 4000K white light. Mayor Avinyan instructed the department to install them only on roads and to purchase weaker 3000K bulbs for condo backyards in order not to disrupt sleep.
Last month the city replaced 8.6 kilometers of cables. The Mother Armenia statue and the Opera building will have new գեղարվեստական lighting.
source, source, video,

Yerevan implements GIS (geographic information system) to collect data from various sources and make targeted decisions based on visualized data: VIDEO

MAYOR AVINYAN: The Municipality and all the district offices are switching to a new management style with the introduction of GIS. Every department will join it, phase by phase. We are talking about digital maps which we must learn to use. This is going to significantly simplify some of the work done by departments.
OFFICIAL: This is part of the digitization strategy. This unified GIS platform will collect information from the cadastre, transport, Active Citizen app, utility services, construction, etc., and make them accessible in one place. The visual data allow us to carry out analysis and make fact-based decisions.
For example, we created a cadastre GIS by using a satellite image as the base layer, then integrated it with the cadastre database. This map shows in detail the boundaries of properties, the purpose and status of each land plot, etc.
Another example is a map of air pollution, prior records, and analytical tools.
The GIS map for the Active Citizen app allows us to see the submissions and the completed work, their locations on the map, and how well the city responds to issues reported by citizens. You can filter the issues by category. For example, you can show only the reports about illegal dumping, click on the report and see the image shared by the citizen, then click to see the status and the outcome of city's response. The tools allow you to analyze the data and the performance rate.
Another map shows the 3D image of the city with its buildings and green areas. Here we can calculate the capacity of bus stops, etc. Drones can be used to create a very detailed digital 3D copy of specific buildings.
You can click on a land plot and it'll pull up the ownership information, the permit records, etc.
Connecting two dots shows you the altitude differences and other data that you can use, for example, during the installation of irrigation pipes.
This is less than 1% of its potential. We plan to train employees next week.
MAYOR AVINYAN: We should make some of this data public, like the air quality map or certain maps that did not require financial resources to create [քձիբ խոզ]. This is a revolutionary change in the municipality. We need to speed up the work with the use of digital tools.

Yerevan begins planting hundreds of adult "high-value" trees and thousands of bushes near the new promenade/park around the Yerevanyan Lake: VIDEO


Central Bank chief was invited to Parliament to discuss economy and expenditures

MP: Regarding CB's report on the efficiency of service vehicles used by state agencies. The state buildings scheduled to receive solar panels should also be equipped with EV chargers so the service vehicles can use the energy generated by the panels. I requested information from Yerevan Municipality about the service vehicle expenditures and it shows that EVs are not only cheaper because of electricity, but also because they are overall more affordable to maintain. We are talking about large savings.
CB CHIEF: Our estimates show that EVs are 2x-3x more affordable compared to combustion engine vehicles, even if we factor in all the adjacent expenses. In Yerevan, we have [state] buildings with solar panels on roofs but [connecting them to EV chargers in the parking lot] will be very difficult because these are old and sometimes "historical" buildings. They also have problems with air conditioning, plumbing, etc. At the same time, we are trying to implement this solar panel project in the newer buildings, for example, in Dilijan, where we have EV chargers for service vehicles in the parking lots.

Central Bank chief spoke about the deflation in Q1

RULING MP: It is great for our residents' pockets that the prices have fallen but what is its effect on the economy and exports? What is the best inflation rate to maintain a "balance"?
CB CHIEF: During the discussions with our colleagues from IMF, regarding regional and global events, we agreed that countries develop when the inflation is low and manageable. It encourages investments. In this regard, the overall microeconomic stability and the fiscal policy of Armenia create a very good environment for this predictability. This is one of our "cards" in our relations with foreign entities.
During each CB session, we discuss several market and inflation scenarios. Under one scenario there is a risk of inflation becoming too high, while under other scenarios it could remain low. We are trying to find the most balanced option and thank God we have been able to continuously lower the [refinancing] rates, which helps the state. //
Ըստ զեկուցողիդրամավարկային քաղաքականության ծրագրում ներկայացվող սցենարների համաձայն 2024 թվականի կարճաժամկետ հորիզոնում գնաճը կպահպանվի նպատակային ցուցանիշից ցածր մակարդակում` տարեվերջին այն կկազմի 1,3%-1,5%:
video, source,

Central Bank chief spoke about the refinancing rate, the rate at which the state borrows from banks, copper prices, etc.


how did the family of Ilham Aliyev's security chief obtain so many properties in the United Kingdom?

Offshore companies owned by Eyyubov’s wife and daughter spent $114 million on real estate in the United Kingdom. The family, including Eyyubov himself, also own over $46 million in properties in Dubai.
OCCRP report,

growing concerns in Abkhazia that Putin might have secretly "sold" them to Georgia as a confederation in exchange for Georgia's neutrality between West and Russia

submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:36 Typical-Car2782 Why isn't Garry Tan considered antisemitic?

As background: there are five Jewish supervisors (out of 11) on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors: Dean Preston, Aaron Peskin, Hilary Ronen, Myrna Melgar, and Rafael Mandelman. Mandelman got red-baited in his first race and lost; he decided to go hard-right in the last couple of years. Preston is a socialist, while Peskin, Ronen, and Melgar are kind of left Dems. (Our state senator is also Jewish and a right-wing zionist, and the mayor is also Jewish but doesn't identify.)
So Garry Tan, who really jumped on the bandwagon to recall Jewish DA Chesa Boudin, then pivoted to attacking those four supervisors. (He throws in the only Black supervisor and the only Asian supervisor, who he essentially calls a race traitor, to show that he's not focused on Jews alone.) The inclusion of Melgar, who's from El Salvador and probably keeps the lowest profile on the board, strikes me as him finding out there's another Jew to be mad at without knowing a single thing about her.
The language he uses is pretty clear. He played the "I'm pro-semite, actually" card and this all went away, though he did un-list the video.
"Wipe out the hard-left Peskin-Preston cabal"
"Peskin, Preston...Melgar, Ronen - your days are numbered."
"Dean Preston is working hard to expand the tentacles"
"Tan wrote “Die slow motherfuckers” in reference to Supervisors Aaron Peskin, Connie Chan, Myrna Melgar, Shamann Walton, Hillary Ronen, Dean Preston and Ahsha Safaí" (But claimed he was drunk so it doesn't count.)
Tan was also highly-opportunistic in bashing competitor Paddy Cosgrave after he made these straightforward comments about Palestine: "I’m shocked at the rhetoric and actions of so many Western leaders & governments, with the exception in particular of Ireland’s government, who for once are doing the right thing. War crimes are war crimes even when committed by allies, and should be called out for what they are."
I understand that a lot of people give an antisemite like Mike Johnson or John Hagee a pass because they're christian zionists, but Tan is just a weird crank who threatens Jewish politicians. And while our local press is in the tank for right-wing venture capitalists, this is a city that has had majority support for a ceasefire the entire time.
So I really don't get how he wormed his way out of this.
submitted by Typical-Car2782 to JewsOfConscience [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:06 InterviewImaginary81 What happens when you go to the mosque?

I grew up going to sunday service at church with my parents for many years of my life. I reverted to Islam in 2023 Alhamdulillah but I've still been too nervous to go pray outside of my home. Even though I no longer follow Christianity, I did enjoy listening to the sermons and thought they were very engaging. I also enjoyed the feeling of belonging to a community. From what I've seen from trying to look things up online, It sounds like at the mosque you do your prayers and then leave, but I'm looking for more than that. I have heard of khutbah but is that only for men? I have read that it's preferred for women to pray at home but I miss the feeling of being able to worship with a group of people. I also worry that it will fully be in arabic so I won't be able to understand anything as I only understand English.
submitted by InterviewImaginary81 to islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:10 Flowerlovely24 20F#Tennessee

Hello! 🥰 I am a 20 year old Christian college student. I am from Georgia but now live in Tennessee for school. I am searching for friends because I truly want to meet people online as well as here in Tennessee that I may be able to spend time with and grow a beautiful friendship with. I am searching for male and female friends.
So about me: I am an amateur romance writer in my spare time. I love to read and write while I am not studying for college. I absolutely love to cook more than anything else and I love watch Disney movies together on a movie night with our favorite home cooked foods or fast food. I love going on nature walks, camping, horseback riding and exploring new restaurants. I love having sleepovers especially, this truly makes my heart happy.
I am extremely and I mean extremely obsessed with Ariel the little mermaid! I am addicted to her! And this is probably going to be the most biggest fact about me.
I love being able to spend time with friends whether we simply go grab dinner or we walk around our favorite shopping stores.
I haven’t really been able to make friends here in Tennessee yet and I would absolutely love to!
I also want to have friends that I can be there for in their time of need more than anything else because we all need a listening ear and someone in our life who cares and shows us love.
Whether you’re online or in Tennessee, I would love to be friends online or meet in real life.
submitted by Flowerlovely24 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:51 ConsciousRun6137 Origin Of The Word “Jew”

The word ‘jew’ is a modern word. It’s only been around for a few hundred years so when we talk about jews in ancient times, we cannot use the modern moniker we thoughtlessly use today. In doing so, we mistakenly link modern day ‘jews’ to the people of the Bible, the descendants of Judah.
The word jew comes from, depending on what language we are using, ‘Judean’, which was a person who dwelt in the land of Judea.
If I move to Japan, does that make me Japanese? Thankfully not, and as such, we can say the same thing for the people who moved to the southern part of ancient Palestine in the days of John Hyrcanus. Josephus informs us that it is he that is responsible for bringing in this mixed multitude(mostly Edomites) and forcing them to convert to the laws of Moses, what we later call Christianity.
Later in the 2nd to 6th century A.D., the term Judaism was applied to the religion of these Edomites(Idumea), Canaanites, and Pharisees, just like they hijacked the word “jew” so they could pretend to be the people of the Bible.
This is also why they include the Torah in their “holy” book, their ultimate source of Pharisaism(modern day Judaism), the Babylonian Talmud. It’s Identify theft; they need some truth in their books to push their lies and deception.
“Up to the seventeenth century this word was spelled in Middle English in various ways: “Gyu,” “Giu,” “Gyw,” “Iu,” “luu,” “Iuw,” “Ieu,” “Ieuu,” “Ieuz,” “Iwe,” “Iow,” “Iewe,” “Ieue,” “lue” (“Ive”), “Iew,” “Jew.” All these forms were derived from the Old French “Giu,” which was earlier written “Juieu,” derived from the Latin accusative “Judæum” with the elision of the letter “d.” The Latin form “Judæus” was derived from the Greek ‘Iουδαĩοσ; and this in turn from the Aramaic , corresponding to the Hebrew a gentilic adjective from the proper name “Judah,” seemingly never applied to members of the tribe, however, but to members of the nationality inhabiting the south of Palestine (Jer. xliii. 9).” –Jewish Encyclopedia
Jew (n.) late 12c., Giw, Jeu, “a Jew (ancient or modern), one of the Jewish race or religion,” from Anglo-French iuw, Old French giu (Modern French Juif), from Latin Iudaeum (nominative Iudaeus), from Greek Ioudaios, from Aramaic (Semitic) jehudhai (Hebrew y’hudi) “a Jew,” from Y’hudah “Judah,” literally “celebrated,” name of Jacob’s fourth son and of the tribe descended from him.
Spelling with J- predominated from 16c. Replaced Old English Iudeas “the Jews,” which is from Latin.” –Etymology Online
Ioudaios (Greek: Ἰουδαῖος; pl. Ἰουδαῖοι Ioudaioi)\n 1])\1]) is a Greek ethnonym used in classical and biblical literature which commonly translates to “Jew” or “Judean“.\2])\3])
Christogenea Europe, July 5th, 2015: Judaea, Judah and Jew (listen to this)
“Many people suffer under the misapprehension that Jesus was a “Jew,” moreover, that he was “King of the Jews.” Thus, by inference, that the “Jews” were the “Chosen People” of the Holy Bible and so ancient possessors and modern inheritors of the Bible Covenants gifted by Yahweh to their forebears Abraham, Jacob and Judah. However, this is not the case. In fact, during Christ’s Mission and Passion no such people existed called “Jews” nor indeed did the word “Jew.” In short: Jesus was NOT a “Jew” nor was he “King of the Jews.”
In fact, Jesus is referred as a “Jew” for the first time in the New Testament in the 18th century; in the revised 18th century English language editions of the 14th century first English translations of the New Testament. The etymology of the word “Jew” is quit clear. Although “Jew” is a modern conception its roots lie in the 3rd and 4th centuries AD. That is, the modern English word “Jew” is the 18th century contraction and corruption of the 4th century Latin “Iudaeus” found in St. Jerome’s Vulgate Edition and derived from the Greek word “Ioudaios.” The evolution of this can easily be seen in the extant manuscripts from the 4th century to the 18th century, which illustrate not only the origin of the word “Jew” found in the Latin word “Iudaeus” but also its current use in the English language. Littered throughout these manuscripts are the many earlier English equivalents used by various chroniclers between the 4th and the 18th century. Thus, from the Latin “Iudaeus” to the English “Jew” the evolution of these English forms is: “Gyu,” “Giu,” “Iu,” “Iuu,” “Iuw,” “Ieuu,” “Ieuy,” “Iwe,” “Iow,” “Iewe,” “Ieue,” “Iue,” “Ive,” “Iew,” and then, finally, the 18th century, “Jew.” Similarly, the evolution of the English equivalents for “Jews” is: “Giwis,” “Giws,” “Gyues,” “Gywes,” “Giwes,” “Geus,” “Iuys,” “Iows,” “Iouis,” “Iews,” and then, finally, in the 18th century, “Jews.”” –
“Strong’s Concordance more or less defines the words “Jew” and “Jews” as: “in the sense of a country, i.e., a Judean.” The word “Jew” is used 22 times in the King James Version of the Bible in the New Testament, and the word “Jews” is used 172 times and 170 times of those are from the same #2453 as the above “Jew” definition. There are another 6 times the plural word “Jews'” is used and all but one of these is this #2454. So for the 200 times, the words: “Jew, Jews, and Jews'” are used in the New Testament, at least 197 occasions are referring to a Judean in the sense of from a place, i.e., as from a country.
The question still haunts many and they have often asked just who are these people the Bible calls “Jew, Jews, and Jews'”? Why were these people not just simply called “Judeans,” “Israelites,” or “Judeans whose religion was Judaism?” This is the age old word problem of society problem that is surrounded with so many, many, lies and deceptions. “THE FEAR OF THE JEWS” syndrome that plagues society today.” –
“If “jew” is a legitimate synonym for Judahite then why in your Bible don’t you see Ephraimites called “efrays”, Simeonites called “simeys”, Danites called “dans”, Naphthalites called “nafts”, Asherites called “ashes”, Reubenites called “rewbs”, Zebulunites called “zebewls”, Gadites called “gads” Issacharites called “issachs” Benjamites called “benjams” and Mannassehites called “manasses”? …I’m aware of the fate of the northern house, but I would have to dispute the translator’s choice of “jew” as a proper rendering of Yehudi/Judahite or Ioudaios/Judaean.”
“When the Israelites moved into the land of Canaan, they were instructed to destroy all of the Canaanite peoples. They failed to do this, and were warned that harm would later come to them because of this failure (Num. 33:55; Josh. 23:13; Jdg. 2:3). It is evident that both in Jerusalem and elsewhere, the later Israelites did indeed have a problem with infiltration and race-mixing by the Canaanite tribes (Jer. 2:13, 21-22; Ezek. 16:3, 45 et al.). This was one of the chief reasons for their chastisement and removal.
…Judaea from 130 BC forward was a multiracial polyglot of a nation. The first Herod, an Idumaean by race who usurped power from the Maccabees, bribed the Romans for the kingship and from that time the temple priesthood at Jerusalem was used as a political tool. Both Josephus and the ecclesiastical historian Eusebius admit that many of the priests were not worthy of the distinction under the former Levitical traditions…
…It can be shown from the New Testament that many of the original Israelites of Judaea converted to Christianity during the ensuing years, losing their identity as Judaeans. The Edomites never converted, clinging to their traditions found in the Talmud – which has absolutely no authentic connection to the ancient Hebrew religion. Today these people, and all of their many proselytes and those whom they have intermarried with, are known as Jews.”
John 10 22:30 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. 23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. 24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. 25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. 26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you. 27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: 28 and I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. 30 I and my Father are one.
^In these verses Jesus is talking about the modern day Jews, or the bloodline of Satan.
In the following verses Jesus (Yahshua) is talking about the true “Jews”, better known as Judahites (descendants of Judah), or pure blooded Judeans (Judahites who lived in the land of Judea).
He’s talking to his sheep, not “jews”. He’s talking about modern day Israel. He’s talking about White people. He’s talking about Judahites when he says “jews” here, not today’s “jews”.
Revelation 2:9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:50 MultiMom17 Do you ever get your “self” back after kids?

Hello all! I am turning 32 this year so I’m am in the over 30 category myself but I’m hoping to hear from some ladies with even more wisdom and perspective.
I have 4 children whom I adore; I really do enjoy being a mother but it is pretty all encompassing and I struggle sometimes with feeling like I’ve lost most of my personal time and activities.
Pre-kids I was very active. I managed a horse boarding facility and trained horses on the side, and had my own. I hiked and rode horses and did karaoke and just in general was very active and independent.
I worked through my first pregnancy and until my first was 8 months old just wearing her in front packs and then back packs, and then I became a stay at home mom. I loved it very much, but after my youngest turned about 2 i started to feel a little lost.
I also had a rough marriage and got divorced. After the divorce I started working again and my kids were a little older and more independent and started school and I felt like I was getting my “me” back. Then I met my now husband and we got married and we had two more kids, and I became a stay at home mom again, but this time I’m also finishing my bachelors in teaching so when this set of young ones starts school I can go back to work as a teacher.
So currently I have 4 kids ranging from 15 months to 11 years. I’m in full time school online with only 2 semesters left to finish my bachelors. Between laundry and cooking and cleaning and after school programs and homework and playdates and diapers and bath time I just don’t really have any time for myself.
I’m okay with being just an especially busy season of life, and I do get a lot of fulfillment and enjoyment out of my children and domestic accomplishments, but I’m not ready to accept that my life will be one of constant service to others for the rest of forever.
So I guess my question is, for those of you with grown children who felt like you lost yourself in motherhood for a little while, did you find yourselves again to once your children were grown?
submitted by MultiMom17 to AskWomenOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:48 isbuttlegz How to believe better

My (32M) mind is a complicated place. I was "saved" at about 13, always went to youth group and church growing up (presbyterian/nondenominational). Living on my own I didnt always go to church but started attending a church regularly several months before meeting my wife (30F, this was 7 years ago). She was raised catholic but their family didnt actually go to church much more than 1-2 days a year. She liked going to church with me. We did various groups together and on our own during our 3 years dating and typically attended Sunday service. We did premarrital counseling through our church and our location pastor officiated our wedding just before the pandemic started.
Something seemed off with the Lead Pastor and his wife, who was also a Pastor at our church did a online AMA style sermom before things started to open back up. They had a awkward falling out where she left the church and they broke up without much public explaination. At that point we started seeing the Lead Pastor as a little ignorant/egotistical in a idk who I offend validate how good my jokes are kind of way. Being more liberal leaning, my wife didnt feel comfortable with some of their policies returning to inperson services so we started to explore other options. My wife was furloughed from her job for a while but eventually we moved about an hour away to support her new role. Her long distance bff who unfortunately has since somewhat broke up with her (somewhat my fault) helped in the research until we finally settled into the church we go to now.
My wife has volunteered 1-4 times a month with young kids ministry (brave for helping the terrible twos) for over 5 years and is sometimes judgemental that I have not taken an equal initiative to donate my free labor. Theyre opening up a location near us and shes passionate about helping with launch team. Ive tried a few serving areas here and there but never really got connected in that way.
All that background, probably time to get into our beliefs. My downfall was probably about when I discovered street epistemology, made popular by Anthony Magnabosco. Upon trying to back up the beliefs that I held for so long (bad news and good news gospel) I found that I didn't necessarily have good evidence to justify my faith in the Christian God. I absolutely did not want to become more agnostic/skeptic as it was rather critical to be accepted/approved by my wife and birth family. After all, I had brought her to the Christian faith and she was passionate about being equally yoked where I could lead our family. My sister and brotherinlaw who we are close with are strong evangelicals who had planned to become fulltime missionaries in India or China but thankfully for various reasons theyre still living in the same state. While most of their network would encourage this leap of faith I think it puts my wife and I as well as our parents in a weird spot.
I hate falling in the middle of what should be issues of the utmost importance that I should have clarity on. As a smart guy I feel dumb for not quite getting it. I don't really feel comfortable, if I'm being honest, identifying as a Christian or an Atheist.
Reading through "our beliefs" on my churches website for example my response is typically how do you know that or what do you mean by that. Not sure if most definitions of God can really be proven or disproven. Sure most Christians will pivot at some point to well thats where faith comes in but to me it does not seem like faith is in any way a valid path to Truth as you can believe literally anything based on faith. While doubts and questioning can be healthy for some but it never really results with any better understanding for me.
So thats just kind of where I'm at not that its where I want to be. I wish I could lead my wife spiritually. I wish I could understand what I dp not with any sort of certainty. Due partially to my mental illness (bipolar) I dont always wake up in time for church. I try to suck it up and go with my wife as it is important to her that ww prioritize church. Last week she had gone by herself after volunteering where the sermon was on tithing. She came back wondering if we would get more blessing by giving more to church with the sentiment that shes not where she expected to be at this point in our lifes. She gets worried about getting older or the possibility of further infertility issues. Seeing families, baby dedications etc reminds her at least subtely how we have been unsuccessful in conceiving. I think we'd make good parents but obviously having fundamental disagreements can be hard. With most important relationships (my wife and God) i wish I didn't have thoughts/beliefs in disagreement with theirs but I don't know if we can really "choose our beliefs".
So what can I do to improve my marriage and be more confident in my Christ affirming beliefs in alignment with our church? Can anybody relate? Thanks for reading my rant/woes hope everyone is happy and healthy on this fine Monday.
submitted by isbuttlegz to Christianmarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:05 Moonkeyvek My fight

Hi, I'm Alessandro from Colombia, and I'm still in the fight.
A couple days ago I relapsed. And I posted the following in PornAddiction during my guilt phase. I deleted it later in the day. I got lost out of focus in telling my story, but my main reason to go online was to seek for help about relapsing. After the post, I didn't actually continued reading the book. After some days whitout using, I relapsed again, I've had about 7 relapses since my fight started. Today I did it again, and opened the book just after doing it. I went to the ¨nature¨ section and reviewed ¨A pleasure or a crutch?¨... ¨Porn isn't pleasant¨... That is the only thing I do not agree with the book, and this doubt has cost me several of my relapses. Today I reviewed that part, comparing porn with food, and the book says that they are exact opposites. I read it again, and again, asking myself, analizing the arguments, but it just doesn't seem correct. Actually, the hackauthor doesn't say it isn't a pleasure, it just says that it's sabotaging happines mechanisms. So I went to science direct and found this: . And thought ¨ok, it is correct that porn is in fact, a pleasant cue. But it is also correct that is the kind of pleasant stimulli of a heroine injection¨. Then I read this: . And found that it's an pleasant stimulli not only for addicts, but also for normal people. So my biggest argument against the book rings true for me. So today I just did a desperate google search: ¨is porn enjoyable?¨, and that led me to find this subreddit. I read a few posts and felt saved, this is the kind of community I need, PornAddiction disappointed me. I'll keep reading you and the book to learn what to do with that question: ¨is porn enjoyable?¨.
The following is that post:
Why did I fail? My story, let's talk.
I spent almost 1 month reading Easy peasy. Long ago I realized I'm an addict, this wasn't a problem for me, I'm very self-conscious, kind of a hobby writer (obviously not in English as you can tell by now). The day I "clicked" while reading the book I spent almost 12 hours in a row writing something like a biography, focused in how porn have changed my life for over 11 years of addiction since I was 8yo. That "click" moment (maybe you know how it is, if you've completed the book) was in January 2024.
Just after completing the book I lived a couple weeks enjoying what is like to remember how to live a human life of freedom. But this surely wasn't the end of this illness. Back in the day I tried all methods. Willpower, streaks, even paid a subscription to app-block just before I gave up and threw it all, all my life, career and aspirations to thrash. After that I accepted I needed help, and then discovered the book (more than discovering it, because I discovered it in habitica in a time before the first suicide note and academy failure, I accepted I have to give it a serious try, not like the first time). Then, after for once in my life trying to be open minded in something, in my most beaten, broken spirit, soul naked moment, I took a learner role with the book, and I could manage to understand it. I understood the things I understand today, this sounds funny but you may know what I mean, those sort of things you simply can't un-understand. Like how you were thinking before how you thing now, discovering that you aren't alone. That old mind was like being a monkey living in a desert island, didn't know how I got there, didn't know how to get out of there, just making poor, illusory conclusions to survive, like: "I'm feeling depressed and hollow inside because of the death of my brother", the sad truth being that, I wasn't even capable of feeling something about it, because the fog in my brain. Used a lot of things to fill the void, not only porn, but also collecting videogames, thinking that playing games is my purpose in life (that, sadly, isn't an exaggeration of my way of thinking back then) That was the life before the mere act of understanding. That understanding is the same click I'm talking about the click that marked the end of a live of making up false realities to cope with existence, all by myself.
But hear me out, just understanding is not everything. That I realized after living a couple weeks of remembering what living a real life is, like the one I was living when I was a kid, before all of this shit.
The most hearth and mind braking thing was beggining to happen to me. The unavoidable relapse. Even when feeling the most hard trained mind, after feeling one of the best stories in the sea of life of war stories versus this monster, this begun to happen to me: forgetting. I thought forgetting was impossible for things that you just understand. But that's a lie, another made up conclusion of the monkey, now you understand me how it works? Subtle logical ideas that you just have and you don't question. Thruth is, you can un-understand things.
I started to forget how the life was before, that literal hell in this world. Despite of how vastly low my life got in those times, the way I felt in real time how my brain was literally rotting, like the room that all week long, contained my endless cycle of waking up, jacking up, feeling like shit, have to study, don't study, feeling like shit, jacking up because I'm feeling like shit, and playing games in the night because the night is for playing games and rest for the arduous work day, even that literal hell I could forget.
I started to forget it day after day of joy and happiness.
Until the day that it just seemed no so bad to me to watch just one peek, it was by waiting for the ads of an anime page to load, knowing exactly what this pop-up page will show. That day I booked a date with a psychologist (right before starting to read the book I was getting to the neuro psychiatrist) and she told me to keep writing as I was doing for necessity in my most anxious days. But after everything just kept going downstairs. Even after reading the book, before this announced and hyped relapse I wasnt doing it right. I couldn't have a date with my girlfriend, which I told all of this process, making sex and orgasms uncomfortable for her, without having sex. Saying to myself that sex and orgasm with a real woman is ok, but knowing deep inside, that I just don't want to do it right know, and even if this is real, it feels like it is triggering the cycle again, even if it doesn't, I personally feel like it does.
So after finishing the book for the first time, yes I enjoyed freedom, but it wasn't for long. Even before the relapse, every single sex session with my girlfriend seemed to harm my mind. I felt guilty.
Why I failed?
After reading the book one time, I started to have the capability to read other books. I started reading a bunch of them at the same time. "Un día en la vida de Iván denisovich", "la república", and digital minimalism by cal Newport, because I knew that the second problem in my life, born because of and also being a backward feedback to the porn addiction, is internet addiction. So I thought the right next step to take is reading a book to help that addiction too.
I think that was the mistake.
I hate social media, but today I'm posting this because I truly want to know the opinion of people that have the same or more knowledge that me. Usually I write this things for myself, and sometimes I share them with my girlfriend and close ones. But this time I want real competent minds in this field to give me it's opinion, it's the first time I write this kind of things in other language, but I read easy peasy in English so I'm thinking genuinely in spite of "translating" my thoughts.
Today I did the thing I think is the correct step that I didn't saw the first time I read the book. Mainly because of one sentence at the end of it, of one guy saying "some people go on in a eternal cycle of re-reading easy peasy" so I understood ok doing so is bad, then I started reading about digital minimalism, not even the recommended lectures by the hackauthor like the addictive voice recognition technique. And after even watching some coomer meme archive (I know is a good movement, but being realistic, those memes are made by a wide range of people, not everyone of them are psychologists like Allen Carr or the hackauthor, not even people with the introductory science based knowledge of the ones who read the book, and besides of the few memes that cleverly show deep and hard to digest realities, like the ones that helped me realize that even though sex with my partner might be good, I'm acting like a depravate thinking of sex everytime I se her alone with me, the majority of memes are made by people that make memes, not artists, I saw a lot of people still thinking about streaks, and a lot of Christianity, and above all of that, what am I doing watching memes to help an addiction man... )
So after reaching that point I had enough. "I'm walking a long ago twisted path, it's time to go back by the road I've been walking, and pause, and think, and solve... " And today I decided to just read the book again. And I have a number of conclusions to share.
  1. This is an example by me, a medical student: what I did the first time reading the book is like reading one article for the exan and getting to the next one just after finishing the last sentence of the previous one. The day of the test, and the test is stumbling across accidental peaks some day, like a pop-up, a social night (don't underestimate this shit like me, even if like me you are poorly social, and while reading those sentences in the book you thought "that advice is not for people like me", one day you'll have to socialize, and damn... That's some relapse factory), or being alone and late in the night, that real life test situations, will ask for your knowledge, and if you just studied it one single time, without the most important thing in learning, which is recalling and "repasar", you are most likely to fail that exam, like I did.
  2. The information in the book never ceases to be enough for me. Even for the most stubborn, egocentric mind, this book schools. I'm not a newbie, one big chunk of the book is focused to helping people lose the fear and accept the addiction, a lot of time ago I'm not longer in that step, and I understand a lot of the brainwashing pillars and went deeper in those, bun even though, finally reading it again makes me feel like the first time. It feels like there are new words between each paragraph that wasn't there the first time. It feels like there are some ideas that are only readable for people that have live that success time, encountered new traps, and failed.
  3. This time I'll take my time for this. I've been addicted since 8yo, more than 12 years. Even if I spend another 12 years working on this, it's fine for me as long as I'm free. I felt like I beated the game, and that I'm no noob that have to go back to the tutorial, that the next step would be other books, treat other problems in my life fast, but this is not like a game that you beat, actually you beat the game at the very time you open the book for the first time.
A long time have past since I finished easy peasy for the first time, after that I went to the psychologist, relapsed a couple times, touched deep ground, fought multiple times with my values, had a lot of tests, had some peaks, have been heavily concerned about the subject of the relationsheep between the addiction and having sex with my partner, surely the most frustrating and difficult doubt to resolve. But certainly, above all of that, I'm much better that I was that first time finishing easy peasy. And that doesn't end in just comparing me with myself to feel optimistic about the progress in this, that means I'll use this new learning abilities gained for focusing in mi career for one time in my life, failing and living new traps and ideas that always were in the book but I didn't understood the first time, to keep working on this.
What do you think? This is my story in a nutshell, that text I wrote that day after the click, was a 12 hours long, this was just 1, that is the impact of this book in my life, and this post is the new way of feeling that I'm not alone in this, and you can help me, and I can help you, than I'm trying. I thing that text is valuable to share with you, because it can help you, but I'll have to translate it and censor it, maybe one day. The psychologist told me months ago I should share everything I write online, but again, I'll have to censor it, so I kept doing in for me, this is the first time I follow her advice, let's see how we do.
I'll keep reading, keep living, keep working on this, actually I have a decent streak, but I would hate being counting days like my prehistoric times. Hope you don't hate my poor writing so much, hope I'll read your opinions, see ya
submitted by Moonkeyvek to pmohackbook [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:58 Weak_Voice_990 STOLEN CARDS!!!!

Okay, so I will start off by saying that several of my most precious cards were stolen by an online breaker.
He is on the Drip app, because he was kicked off of Whatnot for scamming people, which I found out later. So, I would join his breaks and everything was cool.
He always wanted these Paolos I had but I was never interested in selling those cards or cosigning anything with anyone.
If I wanted to sell cards, I always just did it myself.
Finally, after about 3 months, I was in a bind financially and I had several time constraints making it nearly impossible to do what it take to sell singles online.
So I had him over and gave him 75 cards just to see how it would go.
He sent me $500 the next day after selling about 40 cards. He said he wanted to do it again but he needed more,
I figured I would just load him up, so I got together a 400-count box and he came and picked it up.
I didn't hear from him until the next evening and he hadn't sent any money or said much of anything.
I didn't want to have to watch each stream so I asked him to make a list of everything that goes out.
This upset him and he became defensive, then said he would make a list, then kept selling without making a list or sending me money.
I finally got tired of it and went to grab my box of cards.
When I got home, I noticed these were missing...
2023 Topps Chrome Black Gunnar Henderson Blue Lava 05/75
2022 Panini Select Paolo Banchero Red Cracked Ice
2023 Panini Prizm Paolo Banchero Blue Seismic 05/99 (Number & Color Match)
2023 Panini Prizm First Off The Line Christian Mccaffrey Red Shimmer 14/35
2024 Topps Home Field Advantage Fernando Tatis Jr.
2024 Pheonix Deebo Samuel Green Seismic 25/25
2024 Pheonix Christian Mccaffrey Red Seismic SP 185/199
2024 Panini Prizm Rashaad Penny Purple Wave 87/99
These are just a few of the easily identifiable ones, he also stole a ton of prizm color patches, and lazers.
He went by Silverback Hobbies on Whatnot and as recent as 4/12 of this year on Drip.
But it seems he’s trying to rebrand due to all the bad reviews on Silverback so now he goes by Gem’d Up Cards.
Please help me recover my stolen cards!!!!
$50 reward to the person who helps me get them back!!!!
submitted by Weak_Voice_990 to sportscards [link] [comments]