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Videos and free practice quizzes to help medical coders and billers at all levels. Suitable for CPC / COC / CIC or other exam prep, or for advanced professionals who wish to become medical coding team leads / compliance coding auditors. Presented by The Coding Guild Ltd.

2012.08.05 00:23 koolkao Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable

Anesthesiology: Keeping Patients Safe, Asleep, and Comfortable. Subreddit for the medical specialty dedicated to perioperative medicine, pain management, and critical care medicine.

2024.06.11 00:51 greenpatagucci 25F Try to climb the ladder or go back to school?

I (25F) have been the practice manager at a small primary care clinic for 3.5 years, and I am looking for a change. I have my BS in Health Administration, along with the prerequisites courses required for most healthcare clinical programs. I'm wondering if it is better for me to stay the course in healthcare management, or if I should take advantage of the prerequisite courses I have taken to do a 2 year clinical program (nursing or dental hygiene).
What I like about my current role:
What I dislike about my current role:
I'm considering taking a career step backwards in order to get my foot in the door at larger healthcare organizations. At 25, I feel I don't have the experience or years under my belt to make me a reasonable candidate for clinic management at a large health system (at least in the eyes of recruiters). Is it a good idea take a lower-paying role scheduling or working as a care coordinator with one of these organizations in the hope of being an internal hire for a management role once I've proven myself? Or should I continue to apply for roles that feel big hoping to get a chance?
My other option is to go back to school. I'm lucky to have no student loan debt, and feel resistant to changing that, but it is also much easier to get a large salary bump by becoming a clinician. My prerequisites won't be good forever, so I'd need to go back to school soon or risk starting all over. There are a variety of 2 year programs near me that I could attend to get a BSN or RDH, and I've already made sure my prerequisites work.
I'm very grateful for any advice (and/or words of encouragement). Thanks in advance!
submitted by greenpatagucci to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:47 Proof-Loquat-1392 (PSA) The Potential Dangers of Homeoblock and a Dentist's Extreme Consequences

For those who don't have time to read all of this All of this is to say that the Homeoblock appears to be yet another shady device like AGAA sold to the innocent and naive. If you are offered this device, be wary. If you wish to learn more about this incident, you may search for "HBG", "Homeoblock Guy", etc. on Looksmax forums. I will link threads in this post for you to explore and learn more about what is perhaps one of the greatest fiascos in the holistic dental landscape. I am posting this not only to grab your attention and prevent future mishaps due to poorly designed appliances or unethical dentists, but also hopefully to work together towards finding a solution for the young man who has sadly disappeared from the internet.

TikTok clip from one of his interviews
Beware Homeoblock can worsen your midface ratio
Dr. Lupita Roca is HBG’s Butcher
Homeo Block disaster
Some might already be familiar with this case, but a once handsome young man used the Homeoblock device provided by their dentist. They were promised many things, such as a symmetrical face, improved proportions, and their dentist would repeatedly claim that they would look like a "GQ model". Now, these are bold claims for a dental appliance one must wear each night before bed, and we found that this was indeed the case. The appliance caused shockingly poor facial deformities in this young man. The most noticeable change was the massively increased midfacial length and overall poor facial form resembling a melting sculpture. These changes occurred in under 3 months and continued to worsen thereafter.
When this young man approached their dentist kindly to show the disastrous results, they were met with brutality. The young man recorded the interaction, as they live in a region where recording medical appointments is legal without the other party's consent. In this recording, the dentist can be heard immediately raising their voice aggressively at the young patient after they asked why the patient had come in. The young man (the patient) went on to describe what they had already discussed via mobile/electronic communication. That was when the dentist became hostile and began aggressively cutting off the young man each time he had made an attempt to answer one of the dentist's questions. Throughout this recording, the dentist would attempt to back out of taking responsibility for their actions. In fact, the dentist refused to provide the young man his medical records and images in an attempt to sweep the situation. Fortunately, for the young man, this is a crime punishable within his region as a misdemeanor and a fine.
This story goes on for quite a while, but the young man made every effort to be heard on the internet. He approached a YouTube podcast and a few European media outlets to get interviews and reach a global audience to find a solution. Unfortunately, when the dentist caught wind of this, the Looksmax community, which was being updated, believed that the young man had been sued by the dentist out of anger. However, it was confirmed through a whistleblower from within the establishment that the dentist (their boss) had attempted to unjustly imprison the young man for speaking out on the internet about their abuse and exposing the dentist's malpractices. Thankfully, the young man was freed and declared innocent due to a lack of supporting evidence and the dentist's history of such psychotic acts, which destroyed the confidence of her once supportive side.
The dentist in question is Dr. Lupita Maricela Roca at Arlington Smile Center in Arlington, Virginia, in the United States. Looksmax and mewing members who have visited this establishment have confirmed shady practices, such as advertising the young man's sibling as a good case patient and an ongoing patient, despite the family having left the establishment due to malpractice and a legal fiasco.
In conclusion, keep mewing, stay healthy, and never give up. Remember that in any field, there are always people trying to take advantage, so stay vigilant. We are stronger together! Above are Looksmax threads for you to piece together the knowledge and context of this case. Just be cautious at all times as you work to improve your wellbeing.
submitted by Proof-Loquat-1392 to Mewing [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:46 Kooky_Tap4477 phlebotomy or medical assistant

Hi everyone! I’m looking to start a nursing associates degree in the fall and I’m interested in getting an additional certificate in medical assisting or phlebotomy. I was wondering if you all had experience with either of these certifications and if one is more valuable than the other when applying to a nursing program. Thank you in advance! <3
submitted by Kooky_Tap4477 to prenursing [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:44 Kevin-TheGentleGiant Pharmacy Assistant Role

Hi, Iam a pharmacy graduate from India and Iam actively looking for Pharmacy assistant roles in Toronto and Brampton.I intend on clearing PEBC exam and I believe the pharmacy assistant job will act as a stepping stone to Canadian Pharmacy practice.I been volunteering at a fortinos drug store pharmacy and I am familiar with HealthWatch Iam actively looking for a Pharmacy Assistant role,any leads will be appreciated.
P.S : There are no openings at the place I been volunteering. Reference can be provided on request.
submitted by Kevin-TheGentleGiant to ShoppersDrugMart [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:36 lost_library_book My ‘24M’ girlfriend ‘23F’ is about to break up with me because i can’t finish during sex

I AM NOT OOP. OOP IS u/Charming_Age_6928
Originally posted on amiwrong and AmIOverreacting
Content warning: discussion of eating disorders, body dysmorphia
3 posts - Medium-long
Original post - May 12th, 2024
Second post - June 4th, 2024
Third post - June 9th, 2024
My ‘24M’ girlfriend ‘23F’ is about to break up with me because i can’t finish during sex
my girlfriend and i have been together for almost 3 years. i’ve never had issues cumming, in fact, i would always finish too fast. but about 3 months ago, i’ve been having issues finishing.
at first it would just take me a little longer to finish but now i can’t finish at all. i don’t know what changed, im still very attracted to her and i love her with all my heart. i can tell its taking a toll on her and she feels like she’s doing something wrong. it’s actually effecting our relationship because she thinks im hiding something from her.
she thinks i either: am not attracted to her, i masturbate too much, i watch porn, she’s not good in bed, im cheating on her, or i think she’s “loose”. all of those things are obviously not true but it’s like she doesn’t believe me. it sometimes puts a lot of pressure on me because i can’t 100% relax if all i think about is to cum for my girlfriend. and honestly i don’t really care if i finish or not, all i want is to make her feel good. and i try to tell her that but she says she doesnt understand what changed with me.
she says it doesn’t make sense that i can’t cum at all anymore. and honestly i don’t know too. now she barely wants to have sex because she says that it just makes her feel like i’m using her body to masturbate and that i’m just like every other man. when she told me this, it genuinely hurt because it couldn’t be further from the truth and i can’t believe that after all this time together she thinks i could do something like this. i don’t know what to do, everytime i try to talk about it, she shuts me down because she thinks im lying to her.
we ended up having a real fight about this the other day and she ended up crying saying that i don’t think she’s pretty and she stormed out. we’re perfect in every other aspect and i don’t want to throw away 3 years for this. i can understand how she feels from her perspective that’s why im asking how can i make her believe that i truly don’t know what’s going on with me? has any other man dealt with something like this?
Relevant Comments
Any major change to any bodily function should be seen by a doctor.
Delaying while wondering what’s happening is not going to fix it.
OOP confirms they are not on any medications
I would do a few things if I was in your situation
  1. Cut out porn and jerking off.
  2. Go and see your doctor.
  3. Go to therapy with your gf
  4. Are you on any new medication
  5. Talk to your GF set up a dinner and have a serious discussion. Tell her your true feelings you need to open up to her and make her feel completely loved and she needs to do the same right now for each other. You are both feeling inadequate in the bedroom and you need to support each other be vulnerable
  6. You need to get out of your head and start to enjoy it again.
1. i don’t watch porn & i jerk off once maybe twice a week (which i don’t think is too much?)
2. i did go once and everything was fine but ill go again
3. i will try to convince her. she just has her mind set on me not being attracted to her anymore and she thinks im disgusting for sleeping with her when i clearly don’t enjoy it (literally her words)
3. no
4. i’ll try
5. i’ll try
Second post - 1 month later
AIO: I (24m) think my girlfriend (23f) is starving herself. Am I overreacting or should I bring it up?
My girlfriend and I have been dating for 3 years (our anniversary was on the 2nd), and I have been having suspicions that she might be starving herself or at least has an eating disorder. We moved in together about a year ago, so I learned her routine pretty quickly. However, I’ve noticed some changes.
A few examples: when she makes food, she never makes any for herself. When I ask her where her plate is, she says that she already ate. When I offer to share mine, she says no. If I insist, she takes the tiniest bite and says she’s full, but then I hear her stomach growling a few hours later. Or, if we share a sandwich, she always takes the smallest half. Sometimes it's noticeably smaller, and when I mention it, she gets nervous and tries to change the subject.
She’s been vomiting a lot lately, and I'm scared that she’s making herself throw up. She doesn’t seem to have any other symptoms besides vomiting, and when I ask her if something is wrong, she says she doesn’t know. Her vomiting doesn’t seem “real”—one time I heard her making a lot of gagging noises and coughing, as if she was forcing it. I’m really scared for her. Some of her pants are looking a little loose on her now. Again, maybe it’s normal, but I don’t know.
I talked briefly to my sister about it, and she said that I was imagining things. But I know my girlfriend. I live with her. I feel like she’s going through something right under my nose, and I’m too blind to see it.
One time, I planned a little date and cooked something for us (I told her I wanted to try a recipe I saw online). I wanted to eat it with her while watching a movie, but she said, “Oh no, sorry, I already ate before coming.” I knew she was lying because she couldn’t look me in the eyes. I told her that I thought we would eat together, and she said she forgot and that she’s trying to cut out dairy, so she wouldn’t have eaten it anyway. Again, lies. I dropped it because I didn’t want to fight, so we just watched the movie in mostly silence. I heard her stomach growl a couple of times, and she just drank water. I was getting so irritated because I had food prepared for both of us, so why not just eat?
We went to sleep, and I woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and found her eating the food I had made earlier. Why is she ashamed to eat in front of me? I have never done or said anything to make her insecure about her body or her weight. I don’t understand. She’s always preaching communication, so why not communicate with me? Am I imagining things?
Also, she’s been pressing me about going to the gym with her and making her a workout plan. Again, maybe she’s just trying to get into fitness, but with everything else, I’m scared it’s something worse. If she is starving herself, how do I approach this conversation with her? Has anyone else dealt with something like this? How did it end?
Thank you.
Relevant Comments
As someone who had an eating disorder, all of this fits. It sounds like talking to her isn't working, but maybe offering couples therapy or bringing your concerns to her family if you're close with them. It can get dangerous fast, it's good she has you to be there and try and help.
I’ll try. It’s especially difficult because I feel like she will automatically shut it down. She seems so on guard lately. I don’t know how to approach the subject
You know I care about you. I want us to have a long relationship. I have noticed, lately, that you haven't been eating and it concerns me. I want you to know that you can trust me if there is a problem. I am here to support you. I am wondering if you could have an eating disorder like bulimia.
I bet she is on guard. She has noticed that you have noticed. Get yourself some reading material about eating disorders. They are not something that can be stopped at will. It is disordered thinking. This is something that must be dealt with by a mental health professional.
Good luck. What a good partner you are.
I’ve had all the different types of eating disorders at different times in my life, I still struggle with one now. I will say that we will do anything to keep from admitting it, and it sounds like she’s going through one (if not multiple) eating disorders. Please take this with a grain of salt, but I just wanted to share some tips on what was helpful for me while battling it:
  1. Having food around, but not making me eat it at a designated time. You mentioned she ate leftovers later that night, that’s something I would do too, but I’d try to fight it off as long as I can
  2. Please do NOT point out the weight loss, or mention she looks skinny - I would see that as a “win” and that I should keep doing what I’m doing because it’s working
  3. Keep “safe” snacks around the house, even if that’s some low calorie or healthier options, so she feels better eating (we’re just trying to get her to eat.)
  4. Tell her the throwing up is so concerning that you’re going to insist she goes to the doctor if it doesn’t get better soon, because “it could be a sign of something more serious, and you want to make sure she’s okay.” This might prevent the purging a bit.
  5. Tell her how beautiful and amazing she is. Seriously. And ask her if she’s doing okay emotionally because she doesn’t seem like herself. I hope this helps OP, sending love to both of you.
ETA: typos
Third post - six days later
Hello, I made a post a couple of days ago regarding my girlfriend's eating disorder. I ended up having a conversation with her yesterday, and here’s how it went down.
I told her yesterday morning not to make any plans for that night because I wanted to do something with her. When she came home, I acted as if everything was normal. Not going to lie, I was scared at first because she seems so on guard these days. Every time I had tried to talk about this, she would always shut it down or just leave, so I was scared she would do that again.
I read some comments saying not to bring up her physical appearance because it could be seen as a “win” in her eyes, so I really tried not to do that. I ended up saying something like, "Baby, I want to talk to you because I've noticed certain behaviors, and I am worried about you. But I just want to start off by saying that I love you more than life, and that’s why I really want to solve this because I truly want to spend the rest of my life with you. But I've noticed that you haven’t been eating a lot lately, and it’s really worrying me. I know we’ve talked about this before, but I really want to have a conversation about it right now because I love you so much, and I’m scared for you. It's not weird that I care about you eating. I'm getting scared that something will happen to you because not eating and making yourself throw up can seriously affect your health. I am not trying to fight with you, but I feel like if we’re in a relationship, I should and have to bring up my concerns when there’s something. Will you please help me understand what's going on? I love you more than anything; please just help me help you."
She said I was making a big deal out of nothing and that she was fine. I said that in our three years of dating, I have never seen her act like this, and she said, "Well, of course, I’m not going to be the same at 20 and at 23." I said, "Please just talk to me and tell me what’s going on." She was quiet for a little bit and then said, "Do you think I look skinnier?"
I didn’t know what to say. Again, some people said NOT to tell her if I noticed her weight loss, but then I didn’t want to lie to her. I said I didn’t know and that I don’t notice those kinds of things. I then said that her throwing up was concerning too and I felt like she does it secretly as if she was doing it on purpose. I followed with, "I just want to help you, please," and she blurted out, "I know you don’t find me attractive anymore." I was speechless, not going to lie, because it's not true, and she just started crying like I’ve never seen her cry before. She was inconsolable.
She eventually told me that she “knew” we had bedroom issues because of my lack of attraction to her. (Context: I’ve had issues cumming, and it strained our relationship a bit. We had a serious talk about it, I got an appointment with a urologist, and I thought we had moved past it.) She said that she knew I wasn’t able to cum because I thought she was ugly and fat. I was so confused. She even pulled up examples that I had no idea about. She said that three or four months ago, we were having sex, and when I was about to finish, I apparently glanced at her stomach, and it made me not able to cum.
I reassured her that this is completely false and that I might have a medical issue, but I love her body and her face, and I think she’s the prettiest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on. She was like, "Stop lying." She then revealed that she didn’t even want to get skinny and that she’s doing all of this for me. I didn’t know what to say; I’ve never been in those types of situations. I just held her as she was crying in my arms, and at this point, I was crying too. I just repeated that I love her and that I’m here for her. She was crying so hard. She fell asleep in my arms.
While she was sleeping, I started looking up couples therapists and eating disorder therapists. When she woke up, she looked happier. She still wasn’t eating, but she seemed less reserved. And here I am now. I saw a comment suggesting that I should buy low-calorie snacks just to get her to eat, but I’m scared. Just finally having that conversation was hard, but now getting her to eat is a different story. Same with therapy. I don’t know if she’ll blow up at that suggestion. I called in sick at work just to spend time with her. I will try to eventually convince her to go to therapy, but for now, I don’t know. Thank you, everyone, for commenting; you all helped so much!
Relevant Comments
I’ve struggled with anorexia for 16 years, started when I was 14. Your conversation was beautiful! Please call a physician for further assistance! She may need to go into a facility to get her behaviors back in check. Do not force regular foods, this can cause more issues than beneficial. Start with protein shakes and smoothies. Liquids that are packed with nutrition.
Thank you so much
You did amazing!! What a shock to hear she thought you wanted this, it must have hurt. This will be a long journey but it sounds like you are looking up the right things. Sending love and healing
I know I haven’t stopped thinking about this. I’m trying to think about every conversation I’ve ever had with her and I literally cannot think of a single thing I’ve said or done to let her think I don’t like her body. Thank you for the support this means a lot to me
I have dysmorphia. My SIL posted candid shots of me on a trip recently and all I can see is how awful I look. What weird facial expressions I'm making. How unnatural I look sitting or standing. It's just wrong and deeply upsetting. It literally threw me into a panic attack and made me ill. Objectively I am capable of seeing that those things aren't true or not more true then anyone else in an unflattering/unposed picture but it caught me off guard and easily could have gotten worse if I didn't have the tools I've gained over years to help me manage. I have supportive and loving friends and family but I can also tell you that I've latched on to every even unintended negative thing they've said because my brain has a medical issue that needs treatment. Please don't try to logic your girlfriend out of a chemical imbalance that she needs and deserves help with.
As someone who has suffered from various eating disorders since the age of 6, I want to make sure you understand something very important: no matter what she says, YOU did not cause this.
Eating disorders lie to you, and it is very possible that the sexual issues the two of you have had may have sprung a leak in the intrusive thoughts for her, but that doesn't mean you did anything wrong. A dormant and presumably in-check or even unrealized eating disorder can jump start from something as benign as work troubles. It is simply about being in control of something, ANYTHING, makes you feel powerless.
You are challenging that control, so she's lashing out. Like I said, eating disorders lie to you. They also teach you how to lie. It's like a parasite struggling to survive - it will make its host body do anything to keep it alive.
I'm so sorry you're going through this. I think you've handled things amazingly so far, and I think that you're proving yourself to be exactly the patient and loving partner she's going to need.
Marked ongoing.
If you have comments, keep them HERE. DO NOT brigade over to the original post to comment. DO NOT harass the OOP with dms or replies.
Stay safe and remember: a preposition is an incorrect word to end a sentence with.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:33 Last-Code-9839 Weapon Ideas + New Class (NURSE)

art by me!!! find it on my tumblr !
submitted by Last-Code-9839 to TF2WeaponIdeas [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:27 layapostolate BANAL NA PAG-AARAL HOUSE OF PRAYER

Banal Na Pag-aaral Inc is registered as a non profit religious organization in the state of California. It has 3 main buildings. The House of Prayer which a Perpetual Adoration is being held -a vigil adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. A Place of Refuge that accomodates retreatants for up to 80 people and The Cultural Arts Center for shows, yearly gatherings for members around the world, events & Savior of The New City - a passion drama play , script writed and directed by our Chairperson Ate Salve Stuart. I have been a member of this organization since 1983.
Although, the organization is not under the umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church for the basic reason, because the spiritual retreat is open for any walks of religous background who wanted to understand the deeper relationship with Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Mother through our Marian devotion.
Most of the BNP members are filipinos and born and raised as a Roman Catholic through the sacrament of baptism and confimation. Most of the members are also married under the Roman Catholic Sacrament of Matrimony. Thus, receiving confession attending Holy Mass on catholic churches.
BNP Mission has over 800 Marian Fatima Devotion in the Philippines, over 100 Vigil Adoration in which some local chapters hold their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and spend time in prayers from 9PM - 4AM.
BNP mission also do many charity works in helping the poor and the hungry.
And now that our Chairperson Ate Salve has passed in 2021, we continue to sponsor weekend retreats and the testimonies from the new graduates who has not met Ate Salve, shares a very unique experience - revealed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ.
I have been with the BNP mission for 40 years now. I grew up as a catholic, went to school is San Beda , a Benedictine School, migrated in Los Angeles in 1983, went thru the tough times between 1978 - 1987, went on a divorce.
For 40 years on my life spent and dedicated to BNP mission, I testify that the practices and devotion to the Holy Eucharist and our Blessed Mother is consistent with our Catholic Faith.
Like Mother Theresa, St. Bernadette, St. Rita of Cascia to name a few, it took a very long time for the Roman Curia as its role is to govern an enity within the Catholic Church - in which has the responsibility to protect the Roman Catholic members. That is why all levels of the Roman Catholic hierchy requires clergies not to agree with the BNP mission; as they are only following their obedience to the church.
However, the BNP mission does not claim that it is a Catholic Movement at all. We the members claim and testify being born, baptized and raised as Roman Catholic while we attend our local mass in our local parishes.
There are time we also have a celebration of the Holy Eucharist and celebrate mass in our House of Prayer - Ontario, California. The same way the BNP members celebrate mass at the BNP Shrine in Amadeo Cavite with the kindness of an ordained Roman Catholic Priest who also graduated and is now a BNP member.
for 40 years, it is quite factual that if the BNP missions foundation set forth by Ate Salve and being inspired the Mahal Na Ingkong ( as members accept being the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ ) deceives people - then it is also factual that the BNP mission can not stand on its on as an independent layman with its members as Catholics and Christians for this very long period of time.
The mission continues while our vigil adorers grows and devotees of the Blessed Mother grows as well.
We continue to have ordained Catholic clergies that accepts and assist in the Sacraments during every retreat classes wordwide.
If I may disclose:
Any information that is made as an offense regarding the BNP mission are all in accurate, hear says. Because, if I get a chance to know anyone that shares falls claims, I know it that person is an fully dedicated BNP or not. Thus I can explain further.
What is valuable, is that the members of the BNP shares a very special unmeritted grace and would like to continue sharing to anyone who has an open mind and an open heart & will not necessarily place anyones faith or belief inside a small box. None of us can place God in a box because He is infinite.
Our faith can grow to take us into a life of holiness or at least to be favorable to God, if we choose to do so.
May The Good Lord Bless all of you and keep you always,
Castita e Beneficenza
submitted by layapostolate to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:26 arena_one [5 YoE] MLE with a PhD in LCOL at a F500 company looking for senior/staff ML eng positions in HCOL areas

[5 YoE] MLE with a PhD in LCOL at a F500 company looking for seniostaff ML eng positions in HCOL areas
Hello everyone, I would love to get some feedback on my resume before I get started with my job search. I anonymized the resume the best I could but in a way that it keeps the overall format and information.
One thing that I wonder about is if I should keep the publications done during the PhD given that it was about 5 years ago. I also have removed the internships I did after my bachellors and masters since it was a while back and not really on my current focus.
Additionally, I don't have hands-on experience with Tensorflow, Pytorch, or LLMs. I'm learning pytorch on my own outside work but right now my current place doesn't use any of them...
submitted by arena_one to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:25 ghostloverboy2019 “certified lover boy” found out that his girlfriend cheated on him with an assistant professor.

5 years ago, I began dating a girl when she was 16 and I was 20. She was a newcomer to Bombay, unfamiliar with the city, and resided in Andheri Sagar City. We often visited Juhu because it was her favorite spot. I saw her every day, taking her to Carter Road and then to Grandmama’s Cafe, where we were like a happy, cute couple, sharing a simple kiss. However, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, we were separated by lockdown measures. I returned to my hometown while she remained in Andheri. I urged her to come back to our hometown for fear of her being alone during the pandemic. We stayed connected through nightly video calls and games of Ludo, although she never won – something I sometimes let her believe. She also took care of my pet turtle for 8 months to a year. During COVID, we engaged in sexting, not due to distance, but because a year had passed without any physical intimacy, as she was not yet comfortable. Upon my return to Bombay, I occasionally stayed at her PG residence for 3-4 days each week, finally culminating in our first intimate encounter after a year and a half. I brought a cat with me from my hometown whom I named Cxcx, after her nickname. I was deeply in love with her, being the one who supported and guided her when her parents were against her. After a year and a half, she left her PG, which amusingly concluded with the landlord kicking me out on our last night there. We spent that night at Marine Lines. Six months later, she gained admission to DY Patil in the medical field, a moment that brought us joy. Throughout the years, we shared numerous outings and built a future together. I often traveled between Navi Mumbai and Bandra, with me teaching her how to navigate the local train system, making her street smart. Through her four years at college, I was her constant companion, standing up for her in moments of conflict with her family. Despite occasional disagreements, we made up quickly, though she was more likely to hold onto past issues. One of my favorite things was seeing her cute, angry face and red nose during disagreements. Her family had mixed opinions of me, with her mother initially fond of me, while her younger brother and another sibling had differing views. After turning 25 and working with a reputable company, I took a break from our relationship from November 2023 to April 2024. The break was tumultuous but made me realize my mistake, leading me to beg for reconciliation in April – a day I cherished deeply. Our relationship blossomed from April to May, becoming stronger than ever. For her birthday in May, I gifted her sneakers, booked an Airbnb, prepared love-themed chocolates, and made her a mango cream dessert – a beautiful day that ended abruptly as I fell ill with food poisoning. She lovingly cared for me, tending to my ailments and offering comfort during my sickness. I ended up sleeping the whole night while she watched Netflix alone because I was sick. Despite that, it was still the best day. Even though I was feeling unwell, that didn't stop me from initiating a morning intimate session. Moving on from the intimate part, that turned out to be the last time I saw her. After that, whenever I tried to reach out, she would claim she was busy with college, highlighting she was the head girl in her field. She declared she had no time as she was focused on studying, preparing for upcoming finals set to occur between the 4th and 5th of June. Sometime later, she requested a three-month break, citing the need to concentrate on her studies. This sudden request struck me as suspicious since she had never asked for a break in our five-year history, no matter how challenging the circumstances were. Seeking advice from a female friend, I questioned the normality of her behavior. Her initial query centered around whether my former partner was seeing someone else. I adamantly believed this wasn't the case, convinced she wouldn't betray me. However, following days of her constant avoidance, which included blocking me across all social platforms and even on my phone, I discovered that she had begun communicating with someone she previously despised as far back as March 28 – just before we rekindled our relationship. Despite her not revealing this to me, it was evident through their suggestive discussions that she held an interest in her ex-boyfriend's close friend, indulging in flirtatious exchanges and expressing desires for physical intimacy. Shockingly, I later discovered that during her birthday celebrations, she was exchanging messages with this individual while physically with me, partially undressed and engrossed in Netflix. Upon reading those messages, I experienced my first-ever anxiety attack and had the overwhelming sensation of losing everything instantaneously. In a matter of seconds, five years of cherished memories crumbled. Witnessed by my stunned parents, my emotional breakdown was palpable. Frantically reaching out to friends and family for solace, I realized the importance of their unwavering support during times of distress, even though this betrayal tarnished the commitment and sacrifices made over the years. Succumbing to my desperation, I persisted in contacting her through various means, only to be met with silence and further blockades. Desperate for closure, I discovered that she had been romantically involved with her assistant professor from DY Patil, a revelation that triggered a second wave of anxiety. Exchanges between them, expressing satisfaction in their physical relationship, heightened my inner turmoil. I felt deeply wounded, having invested years of emotional dedication only to be discarded for a mentor. Despite threatening information that could jeopardize her career, I refrained from retaliating out of lingering affection and a desire not to sabotage her future prospects. As I navigate through this tumultuous ordeal, supported by my resilience and loved ones, I remain sleepless and neglectful of my well-being, a consequence of a girlfriend's betrayal with her esteemed professor. In this pit of despair, I look for guidance on how to rise above this predicament and ponder upon seeking retribution or choosing the path of forgiveness. The stark reality of a narrative mirroring those found in adult entertainment now unfolds in my life, witnessing the chronicles of a girlfriend's infidelity for the embrace of an assistant professor.
submitted by ghostloverboy2019 to cheatingexposed [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:22 Late_Tomato_9064 Older CF folks, are you making any arrangements for your twilight years?

CF folks who reached retirement age and older, are you making any arrangements for your twilight years and even death? If yes, when did you start and what are the arrangements? If you get hit by a chronic illness? If you need assisted living? Even things like leaving your possessions to someone and funeral? I’m curious because my husband and I are in our 40s and are CF. We started discussing stuff like and I became curious of what older CF folks do.
P.S. I understand that having children does not guarantee that any of that stuff is going to be taken care by them and I want to leave this out of the discussion completely. I want to discuss purely practical ways to arrange your twilight years. Preferably, not even taking into consideration any extended family like nephews, siblings and even friends.
submitted by Late_Tomato_9064 to childfree [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:22 LTtheGreatest [O] emotional support and clarity // voice calls

Greetings! I'm here to offer support to people who want to grow emotionally and develop holistically. If you feel a great desire to change something in your life but you feel like you're (to put it in the words of a famous author) "unable to go forward, unable to go back, and unable to turn around; in a word, stuck", I'd like to talk to you and help you clarify how to get out of it.
A little bit about myself - I'm 33M and throughout my life I have faced many challenges, like most other people. I spent many years dealing with depression and low self-esteem, and for a big portion of that period, I was completely alone. Fortunately for me, I was able to find the way out and to change my state of being, and so I would like to offer a helping hand to others who might be facing similar issues that I had in the past. Basically, I want to be the kind of friend I wish I had at that time. Saying that I wanna emphasize the word FRIEND - I'm not a medical professional or a psychiatrist. I can provide you with emotional support and I can hold you accountable as a friend, but all the changes you make in your life are completely your responsibility. Also, I imagined it to be focused primarily on you, we can discuss how you feel, what you want to change, and how to do so. I will be asking you some questions, and together we will be making a plan of action. Solution over rumination. The only thing I ask from you is that you respect our friendship and the plan of action we make. I know many exercises that can be useful and helpful to facilitate and maintain changes, so that's what I'm referring to.
There are a few things that I'm not interested in, and if you wanna discuss them, I'm not the right friend for you. These are politics and ranting. I know there are people who do that, and I'm completely okay with it, I just don't think it's the best use of our time together, and therefore, I'd kindly ask you to refrain from it when you talk to me. Of course, we will be talking about things that bother you, and you can mention it here and there, but I don't want it to be the main focus of our conversation.
I practice meditation regularly so it'd be really cool if you're into it. Also, I'm into spirituality and inner growth, self-acceptance, personal development, mysticism, and archetypes, and I like expanding my knowledge in these fields. Know Thyself is my personal motto. Throughout our conversations, I will introduce you to some of the concepts from psychology and philosophy that can be useful for a deeper understanding of a situation or reaction.
As for you, you should be open-minded and willing to do what is needed to change your state of being. I prefer voice calls over chats. I hope you will find peace and joy in your life, and if you think conversations with me could be beneficial to you, just text me with some basic info about yourself.
submitted by LTtheGreatest to KindVoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:15 dabbyabby42024 Motorcyclists are often more dangerous than cars

Motorcyclists are some of the most harmful/potentially dangerous people on the road. Now, I am not denying that cars can and will do more damage if they hit someone or drive recklessly, nor am I denying that there are some truly horrifyingly incompetent and dangerous drivers out there who will either intentionally or unintentionally harass or harm motorcyclists.
However, due to the reasons set forth below (which are based on both real life and social media, motorcyclists truly do cause the most harm.
  1. Lane splitting - legality aside, lane splitting is asking for trouble. If you are moving at a speed that is greater than the speed of the other vehicles on the road, you are putting the lives and wellbeing of others at risk, regardless of the vehicle you are moving in. If you are lane splitting, you are more than likely moving at a greater speed than traffic is. It does not matter if someone does their due diligence to check their blind spots, use their mirrors, etc.; if you are moving between lanes at a quick pace there is far too high a chance that someone who does everything right might not see you if you zip over from behind another car or two. Then that person is dealing with the guilt and potential financial harm of hurting you because you are using the road as your own personal mario kart course.
  2. You are smaller and harder to spot than the other drivers on the road. This includes your turn signals, brakes, and other signals that other drivers on the road need to be able to see. Example: a few weeks ago I was driving with some friends to a hike a few hours out. Merging onto the highway, which wasn't very busy, from the right lane to the center. I check the blind spot, the sideview, the rearview, and the blindspot again. There's a motorcyclist in the left hand lane, and some cars ahead of us, but that's about it. Almost immediately after I get over I look in the rearview to see the same motorcyclist right behind me, flipping me off, trying to pull up next to me to have me roll my window down. It turns out the guy had his turn signal on from the left hand lane and was getting over right as I was. How do I know this? Because right behind me was the second car with some of our other friends who saw the entire thing go down, including him switching lanes right as I was.They were only able to see his miniscule turn signal because they were behind us. If I had hurt this guy I would have felt terrible, had to live with the fact that I hurt (and potentially killed someone), would have had to pay hefty fees in paying his medical bills, repair fees, and probably have to go to court. If he had been in a car I would have absolutely seen his turn signal, but because he was on a bike I was oblivious to his intentions simply because the signal was not visible.
  3. Motorcyclists can be extremely arrogant (key words here can be, I'm sure you/your uncle/brothemothesister are perfectly pleasant motorcyclists who wouldn't hurt a fly). You don't get a motorcycle to just get around, you get one because you either want to feel cool, go fast, or both. They aren't exactly practical in the vast majority of places. I will commonly see motorcyclists on social media with helmet cams who post footage of themselves driving insanely recklessly, then getting upset when they have a close call. Even when they are in the right they will sometimes escalate the situation in a way that puts them in just as much fault as the other driver, just because they think that because they made the choice to drive a more dangerous vehicle they are automatically in the right.
Example: Helmet footage on Instagram of a guy on a motorcycle lane who ends up at the front of a line of cars at a four way intersection when it turns green. He is able to move forward through the light before anyone else can move, and bam, some car runs the red light coming from the right and almost hits him. Obviously the car is in the wrong, right? 100%, and nothing about this story makes the car less in the wrong and dangerous.
However, this person then proceeds to go through the light, up about 100 yards, turn around over the median, weave through a bunch of slower moving cars going an insane speed, run a stop sign, just to catch up to the person who almost hit them and scream at her to pull over. For what? For an apology? To just yell at her? In his attempt to catch up to her he himself drove recklessly and illegally. He went from a complete victim in the situation to just as much of an arrogant jackass as the driver in the car.
submitted by dabbyabby42024 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:15 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 11 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 11 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreeebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:15 smartybrome Udemy Free Courses for 11 June 2024

Udemy Free Courses for 11 June 2024

Note : Coupons might expire anytime, so enroll as soon as possible to get the courses for FREE.
submitted by smartybrome to udemyfreebies [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:14 seagullbreadloaf new MS biostats grad applying for jobs - need resume feedback

Not sure if this is the right place to post this so please delete if not allowed.
I recently graduated with an MS in Biostatistics and am looking to land a full-time role as a (bio)statistician, statistical programmer, data analyst, or a related role. I've been applying for jobs in industry, universities, and research hospitals for the past couple months and only got 2 callbacks and 0 offers.
I've changed up the formatting of my resume a couple times. I'm looking to get more feedback on my resume, particularly the "summary" and "skills" sections. Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!
submitted by seagullbreadloaf to biostatistics [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:13 R1cky12345 Physician assistant and hopefully being able to become a SWAT medic?

Hello everyone, I’m from Atlanta Georgia and I am physician assistant, i work 40 hours a week in the Emergency Room as a Physician Assistant, I was wondering that if I could potentially be a reservist at a police department on a swat team or any sort of other kinds of departments in the police force. I still want to be a physician assistant, but I just want to do something part-time the field law-enforcement, such as being a SWAT medic or a SWAT physician assistant or if there is anything or such thing like it please let me know about all of the information if you guys have any. Or if I can even be in Law enforcement as a medic as a Physician Assistant. Thank you, and God bless.
submitted by R1cky12345 to TacticalMedicine [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:10 Jackofhops Cut Your Teeth

To “cut your teeth” is to acquire your first experience or practice learning a new skill set.
An aspiring chef may have “cut their teeth” working as an assistant beneath a renowned chef.
submitted by Jackofhops to FluentEnglish [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:09 Smile414 Chance Me for another Asian Female in STEM.

I'm actually a rising junior but I'm estimating my stats by the time I do college apps but pretend these r real lol.
Demographics: Gender, race/ethnicity, state, type of school, and hooks (URM, first generation, legacy, athlete, etc.): Female Asian American, northeast, large public school, no hooks.
Intended Major(s): Still debating but BME, biology, or neuroscience with a minor in business administration
ACT/SAT/SAT II: Yet to take it but striving for a 1500+ based off practice tests
UW/W GPA and Rank: 3.9 UW 4.9 W School doesn't report ranks but I'm in top 10% of my class I believe.
Coursework: AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores, etc : Hopefully 10 APs (max school offers) by the time I apply (Bio, Lang, APUSH, Stats, Calc BC, Physics, Macroecon, Psychology, Spanish, Lit)
Awards: National Champion Runner up in Speech & Debate, National Champion of a large invitational in Speech & Debate, 2x State Champion in DECA, S&D, and HOSA, (prob gna add merit ones here but these are off the top of my head)
Extracurriculars: Include leadership & summer activities:
Worked in two different medical labs since sophomore year (both paid)
Speech & Debate (Captain)
DECA president of chapter of 300+ members (since sophomore year)
Two online internships in a public health company (paid)
Grant Director of a huge non profit and have raised $25,000
Cancer Ambassador and podcast host under a real non-profit (not one of those fake college app ones) raising a couple thousand behind cancer research.
EMT certified and work in ambulances during the summers
not going to write the rest of ECs but these are my stronger ones
Essays/LORs/Other: Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.
Schools: List of colleges, ED/EA/RD, etc
I'm just putting in reaches for chance me cuz my targets and safeties are more local and i don wanna get doxed lol.
Northeastern, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSC, UC Irvine,, UCSD, Johns Hopkins, NYU, northwestern UChicago, Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Princeton, Vanderbilt, Dartmouth, Brown, Cornell, UPenn Wharton, BU, BC, Duke, UNC Chapel Hill, Rice, Stanford, UMich, GeorgeTown, Georgia Tech, Emory, WashU St. Louis, UT Austin, Umiami, Tuft's
submitted by Smile414 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:05 BatSh1tCray Looking for a medical examiners or doctors to comment on bruises from abuse (advice)

A friend's 5-year-old is being abused (physically and likely sexually) by her father. She's trying to prove this while working through family courts. Law enforcement refuses to assist in any way.
She and her family have been bled dry in fighting to protect her daughter from her ex (who also abused her) and can't afford anything much. I am taking a chance and appealing to any medical examiners and doctors here who'd be willing to take a look at a couple of photos of bruises on her little girl. She's not deceased but as I understand it, medical examiners are experts in this.
We aren't in the US. And if you can't help but have suggestions or advice I'd be most grateful for it. And regardless of whether what you suggest is expensive please still mention it.
Thank you very much.
submitted by BatSh1tCray to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:01 drsciencegeek1 Trying to find a job that doesn't waste my law and biology degree

I'm in the process of trying to figure out what I'm doing with my life. I've recently graduated with my master's in law and last year, I finished a master's in biology. I also have a bachelor's in biology and business. My passion has always been in medicine and I've worked in positions such as scribes and medical assistants.
I'm actually trying to apply for medical school but based on my previous attempts, I don't know how well it will go. So I'm wondering if anybody else has any ideas on what I could do with my life right now or if medical school doesn't work out? I'm working odd jobs right now and I pretty much hate my life. I'd prefer to work some kind of management position, but again, I don't even know what to type in the Indeed search bar.
Please help me.
submitted by drsciencegeek1 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 00:00 dreamed2life Astrology for Relocating to Support Body Transformations

For individuals seeking to undergo significant body transformations, whether for health, fitness, or personal reasons, the choice of location can play an important role in their journey. Astrocartography and relocation astrology can provide unique perspectives on places that may enhance physical well-being and support transformative goals. Let’s explore how astrology can assist in finding locations conducive to achieving your desired body transformations.
Using Your Relocated Chart for Physical Transformation
Your relocated chart can reveal astrological factors that support body transformations:
Key House Positions for Physical Change:
Advantageous Planetary Aspects for Body Goals:
Planetary Combinations Favoring Physical Changes:
Astrocartography for Finding Transformation-Supportive Locations
Astrocartography can identify locations that might be particularly favorable for achieving your body transformation goals:
Combining Relocated Chart and Astrocartography for Body Transformation
By integrating insights from your relocated chart with astrocartography, you can find the best places to maximize your potential for a successful body transformation. For example, a strong 1st or 6th house in your relocated chart, combined with a Mars line in astrocartography, might indicate an ideal location for pursuing your fitness and health goals.
Natal Chart Considerations for Physical Well-Being
Your natal chart provides foundational insights into your potential for physical transformation:
For those aiming to undergo body transformations, astrocartography and relocation astrology offer valuable insights into the most supportive environments for their goals. Understanding the astrological influences of different locations and their interaction with your natal chart can guide you in choosing a place that nurtures your physical well-being and transformation journey. However, achieving significant body changes also involves dedication, proper nutrition, effective exercise routines, and sometimes professional guidance. Balancing astrological insights with practical health and fitness strategies can lead to successful and sustainable body transformations.
submitted by dreamed2life to ProAstrocartography [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 23:58 onlinecoursescanada Start Your Medical Office Assistant Career!

Kickstart your career in healthcare 🩺💼 with the Medical Office Assistant Diploma at ABM College Calgary Campus! 🚀 Join our online program and access top-notch training from industry experts. Learn more today! #MedicalOfficeAssistant #ABMCollege #HealthcareCareers
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submitted by onlinecoursescanada to u/onlinecoursescanada [link] [comments]