Excel workout manager for 10-minute trainer download

Masari: Simple Private Money

2017.10.01 20:59 symmitchry Masari: Simple Private Money

Masari (MSR) is a scalability-focused, untraceable, secure, and fungible cryptocurrency using the RingCT protocol. Masari is the first CryptoNote coin to develop uncle mining and a fully client side web wallet.

2024.05.21 19:48 ironfoot22 To the July Intern

These are the things I learned about residency that I wish I could tell myself as a July intern on wards service. I know many of y’all here will disagree with a few, but this is how I see it. There’s definitely quite a few missing, so y’all fill in what I forgot.
submitted by ironfoot22 to Residency [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:48 040502702142621 A small proof of concept to stop cigarette smoke from your neighbours

A small proof of concept to stop cigarette smoke from your neighbours
If you stay in an apartment and your neighbour smokes, some of that cigarette smoke may find its way into your house. This is not ideal. To fight this problem, I propose an automatic window closing system triggered by cigarette smoke. In particular, it is triggered by a spike in particulate matter concentration. This works because cigarette smoke is known to contain a large amount of particulate matter and volatile organic compounds. (See: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6352107/#:~:text=They%20found%20that%20the%20most,µm%20sized%20particles%20%5B57%5D.))


You can see the Arduino, sensor, and motor driver hanging haphazardly on the left side of the video.

Does it really work?

Yes somewhat. Currently, if you smell cigarette smoke in your apartment, it would be too late to close your windows. If you close your windows, the cigarette smoke would be trapped in the house with you. If you don't, the cigarette smoke gets stronger and stronger. With this new set-up, the window completely closes within 30-45 seconds of the start of the event. This protects your apartment from the bulk of the wave that follows.
The 30-45 seconds is not a hard limit. It's due to:
  • Poor sensor placement due to the a limit on how long the data cables could be
  • Insufficiently sensitive algorithm to differentiate between noise and an actual smoke event
  • Unoptimal speed of actuator (running at 60-70% of maximum currently) to close the windows due to an inefficient motor driver. With the entire setup optimised, the response time should be as short as 12-15 seconds (from start of event to complete window closure). Nonetheless, at the moment, the proof of concept demonstrates that it should work.
The rest of this post would be dedicated to a technical description.

High Level idea

  1. The particulate sensor continuously monitors particulate concentrations and feeds it to a microcontroller.
  2. The microcontroller receives the data and uses an algorithm to determine when there is a spike. When a spike is detected, the microcontroller sends a signal to the motor driver.
  3. The motor driver selects the speed and the direction of the motor in the actuator.
  4. The actuator closes the window.

Low level implementation

An overview of the physical setup is as follows:

Particulate Sensor

The particulate sensor is an Adafruit PMSA0003I sensor, mounted on an Adafruit breakout board, that detects particulate matter using an in-built laser. The particles are measured according to binned particulate sizes. For our case, we considered the smallest bin (0.3-1.0μm) because we observed the biggest spike in this interval. The sensor was programmed to take readings every 3 seconds. This is acceptable because the single-response time for the sensor is ≤1 second and it is not too unreasonably slow to detect spikes in readings. These readings were then sent to an Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 Microcontroller.
We remark that the particulate sensor requires 5V to be powered. For power and data communications, we connected the breakout board to an Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 via a Stemma QT cable (see: https://www.mouser.sg/ProductDetail/Adafruit/4209?qs=PzGy0jfpSMvCXPIwCvMoFg%3D%3D). The connection details are detailed here https://learn.adafruit.com/pmsa003i/arduino.


The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 microcontroller receives sensor data and translates that to signal data. If we take a look at the incoming data, it is extremely noisy. To smooth out the noise, we applied a Kalman filter. See https://www.cs.unc.edu/~welch/media/pdf/kalman_intro.pdf for more details. Within a short interval, we expect the sensor data to be roughly constant. The Kalman filter was designed under this assumption. Upon applying the Kalman filter, we shall take it as the 'ground truth'.
When we observed the data over time, we observe sharp spikes. These spikes correspond to two different pollution sources: incense and cigarette smoke. Incense burns slowly over time so the spike lasts for a few hours. On the other hand, cigarette smoke is characterised by a sharp spike of about 10-15 minutes in duration.
Regardless of the source, we want to close the window whenever a spike is detected. To do this, a lagging baseline is taken. We define the baseline at a point in time as the median value of the 'ground truth' values in a five minute window. This corresponds to data that is 5-10 minutes old. If at any moment the positive difference between the 'ground truth' and the baseline is larger than the 98.5th percentile of the distribution, we trigger the actuator. The trigger works by sending a LOW/HIGH signal to the Motor Driver.
Why 98.5th percentile? It just seems to work. Choosing a smaller percentile like 97th percentile leads to more false positive window closures (maybe not a bad thing) whereas choosing a larger percentile leads to much slower response times.

Actuator and Motor Driver

The inexpensive L298N bridge serves as a motor driver. The bridge helps us to control the speed (but it is not important here since we just want it go to at maximum speed) and the direction. The direction is controlled by a LOW/HIGH signal from the Arduino. To swap the direction, we simply flip the signals and send a HIGH/LOW signal instead.
The Hakiwo 12V Linear Actuator was purchased off Aliexpress and has a power rating of 20W and a rated speed speed of 100mm/s. This sounds pretty good on paper as the sliding window would close in 7 seconds. However, in practice, the speed when:
  1. directly connecting the actuator to a 12V DC Power Supply is about ±85-90mm/s.
  2. connected to a 12V DC Power Supply via the L298N bridge is about ±58mm/s. The significant difference in speed could be attributed to the voltage drop incurred by the L298N bridge. It was stated that when 12V is supplied to L298N bridge, only 10V actually reaches the motor. Hence, the massive heatsink to dissipate the heat. See https://howtomechatronics.com/tutorials/arduino/arduino-dc-motor-control-tutorial-l298n-pwm-h-bridge/.


We want to log the data and be able to have convenient access to the data. To do so, we connected the Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 to AWS IoT Core service. Subsequently, we routed messages sent from AWS IoT Core to AWS Timestream which is basically a database. To visualise the data, we sent it to AWS-managed Grafana.
See https://docs.arduino.cc/tutorials/opta/getting-started-with-aws-iot-core/ on how to set it up.

Algorithm Design

After logging the data into AWS Timestream, we would like to load the data on my personal computer to design the algorithm. We unloaded it to AWS S3 and downloaded the archive file. We used Julia on an .ipynb instance. Julia because it's faster than Python. Upon designing and verifying the algorithm on past data, it is then translated into C++ for uploading to the Arduino.
Algorithm Subplots Check The plot generated above is used for us to visually inspect the effectiveness of the algorithm. Visually, the spikes are all protected (actuators are activated throughout the duration of a cigarette smoke event). Although it's not that effective with the incense pollution but that's not a problem for us at the moment.

To take note

  • The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 Wifi chip is really weak. My empirical observations was if the Wifi signal is less than -60dBm, you would not be able to reliably connect to your router.
  • When the Ardunio is powered by a USB connection and the Adafruit PMSA0003I particulate sensor is powered from the Arduino, there would not be enough power to boot both the Arduino and the sensor when first connected to the power supply. To fix this, the 5V wire of the stemma qt cable is disconnected when the Arduino is powered. Once the CHRG light on the Arduino has stopped blinking, we reconnect the wire.
  • If the Arduino and sensor are powered separately, it does not work either. I don't know why.

Total Cost

  • SGD65 - Sensor (Mouser)
  • SGD50 - Arduino (Mouser)
  • SGD70 - Actuator (Aliexpress)
  • SGD2 - L298N bridge (Shopee)
  • SGD10 - Mounting tapes (Hardware shops)
  • SGD1/mth - AWS

Future improvements

  1. Lower Cost - The current cost is about SGD200. However it can be reduced further by switching to ESP32s. If there is sufficient demand for mass production, unit prices for the electronics would be 5-20% lower and custom PCBs would allow us to avoid the premium associated with breakout boards.
  2. Better Motor Driver - The current L298N bridge is too inefficient and too bulky. It retards the actuator too much. Additionally, if the actuator were to upgraded to a higher speed actuator which requires 5A of current, the L298N would be unsuitable.
  3. Better spike trigger algorithm - The current algorithm still takes about 10-30 seconds from start of smoking to full window closure. If the algorithm is too sensitive, then it is prone to triggering sometimes by noise. If the algorithm is too insensitive, then too much cigarette smoke would enter the apartment before getting triggered.
  4. Cheaper microcontroller - The Arduino MKR Wifi 1010 microcontroller is fairly expensive at about 39 USD. Since ESP32s are inexpensive and they have an efficient protocol (ESP-NOW) for communication between ESP32s, we can assign each device a microcontroller -- one for the sensor, one for each actuator, and one for control. We would no longer be limited by the length of the data cables. We would then be able to have more optimal placement of the sensors and the actuators.
  5. Faster actuator - If we need to get more mileage out of this entire setup, a faster actuator that goes at 150mm/s can be considered.
submitted by 040502702142621 to singapore [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 16:56 Brief_Mycologist1225 Empowering Your Workforce: Top Training Companies in Dubai

Dubai, the City of Gold, is not just a dazzling metropolis known for its luxurious lifestyle and iconic landmarks. It's also a thriving business hub where innovation and continuous learning are paramount. As companies strive for excellence in a competitive market, investing in employee training becomes crucial.

But with a plethora of training companies in Dubai, choosing the right partner for your organization's needs can be overwhelming. This article by HNI.ae aims to simplify your search by highlighting some of the top training companies in Dubai, each catering to diverse learning objectives.

Identifying Your Training Needs:

Before diving into the list, it's essential to identify your specific training needs. Here are some key questions to consider:

What skills do your employees need to develop? Is it leadership training, communication skills, software proficiency, or industry-specific knowledge?
What is your learning style preference? Do you prefer instructor-led classroom sessions, online learning modules, or a blended approach?
What is your budget? Training costs can vary depending on the program duration, size of the group, and trainer expertise.
Top Training Companies in Dubai:

1. Edstellar:

This global training solutions provider offers a comprehensive range of programs, from soft skills development to technical certifications. Edstellar boasts a network of over 5,000 certified trainers, ensuring you find the perfect fit for your needs. They also provide a user-friendly learning management platform for streamlined administration and progress tracking.

2. Spearhead Training:

A veteran in the training industry, Spearhead has been delivering high-quality corporate training programs for over 40 years. Their extensive portfolio covers management & leadership, business skills, sales & marketing, personal development, and more. Spearhead is known for its interactive and engaging training methods, ensuring participants retain valuable knowledge.

3. Meirc Training and Consulting:

With over 65 years of experience, Meirc is a leading provider of public and customized training solutions. They offer a vast selection of courses, including industry-specific programs and internationally recognized certifications. Meirc emphasizes practical application, ensuring participants gain real-world skills readily applicable in their roles.


Focused on delivering tailor-made training solutions, PROTRAINING works closely with clients to understand their specific needs and develop customized programs. Their offerings encompass communication skills, leadership development, team building activities, and more. PROTRAINING is a great option for companies seeking a personalized learning experience.

5. Atton Institute Training Center:

Known for its short-term, intensive workshops, Atton Institute caters to busy professionals seeking to acquire new skills quickly. Their programs emphasize practical application and are offered in various formats, including on-site training and online modules.

Benefits of Investing in Employee Training:

The benefits of investing in employee training are well documented. Here are just a few:

Enhanced Employee Skills and Knowledge: Training equips your workforce with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently.
Increased Productivity: Skilled employees are more productive, leading to improved performance and higher outputs.
Improved Employee Engagement: Investing in employee development demonstrates your commitment to their growth, fostering a more engaged and motivated workforce.
Reduced Turnover: Employees who feel valued and have opportunities for growth are more likely to stay with the company.
Enhanced Innovation and Problem-Solving: Training promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, leading to more innovation and improved decision-making within the organization.

By investing in the right training program for your employees, you can unlock their full potential and drive your organization towards success. Dubai offers a diverse range of training companies, each with its own unique strengths and focus areas. This HNI.ae article serves as a starting point for your search, helping you choose the ideal partner to empower your workforce and achieve your business goals.

Additional Tips:

Read client testimonials and reviews before making a decision.
Inquire about free consultations to discuss your specific needs and explore customized training options.
Compare pricing and package options to find the best fit for your budget.
By taking a proactive approach to employee training, you can ensure your team has the tools and expertise needed to thrive in the ever-evolving business environment of Dubai.

submitted by Brief_Mycologist1225 to u/Brief_Mycologist1225 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 15:22 Praserih Airtable, word and excel

I know this has been asked before but I can't seem to get it to work.
We use airtable to keep a database of artworks and exhibitions. I have three tables: The database, the translations (i think i'll end up merging these two if there's a way to do so because i've found that having them separate is more harm than good, I'll accept any advice on that as well) and one for making the lists.
In the lists table i create a view for each exhibition / collection i need so i can keep them organized, but essentially is just a the translations base synced and with a few extra fields added for utility purposes.
Oftentimes I need to share these artwork lists with museums and galleries. Usually I get away with downloading a csv of a filtered view and using InDesign's datamerge to create a decent looking pdf file. The issue is that pretty often I also need a word document or even an excel datasheet. I've managed to use google sheets instead of excel and works fineish, the main issue is exporting to a word document.
What i essentially need is each record in a view to be added to a word file, whether it's each in a new page or, preferably, just separated by a couple paragraph breaks. The fields i need to add are the caption of the artwork field and the image, which is the part i haven't been able to figure out. If it's possible to add some formatting that would be great but it's really not that important.
Is there any way to do this for free? I figure that a service like documint can help with that but the free version offers 10 documents a month, which we'd likely spend in a couple days.
submitted by Praserih to Airtable [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:57 Snushy_101 LearnWorlds vs Kajabi: Who Ultimate Showdown

LearnWorlds vs Kajabi: Who Ultimate Showdown
Did you know that online course creation is a booming industry, with revenues expected to reach $325 billion by 2025? When it comes to choosing the right platform for your online courses, LearnWorlds and Kajabi are two popular options that offer a range of features to help you succeed in creating websites and communities for students. In this post, we will compare LearnWorlds vs. Kajabi to help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs and goals.
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When choosing between LearnWorlds and Kajabi, consider your specific needs for course creation and management.
  • Evaluate the website and design flexibility offered by both platforms to align with your branding and user experience goals.
  • Leverage the marketing and sales tools provided by LearnWorlds and Kajabi to maximize your reach and conversion rates.
  • Compare the pricing structures of LearnWorlds and Kajabi to determine which platform offers the best value for the features you require.
  • Explore how LearnWorlds and Kajabi can support your business goals based on their unique strengths and limitations.
  • Make an informed decision by weighing the pros and cons of LearnWorlds and Kajabi in relation to your online course business.

Understanding LearnWorlds and Kajabi

Target Audiences

LearnWorlds: Focused on professional training for individuals or organizations looking to deliver educational content with a strong emphasis on structured learning experiences. Kajabi: Targets knowledge commerce entrepreneurs, catering to those aiming to sell their expertise through various digital products and services.

Course Creation Emphasis

LearnWorlds: Known for its excellence in course creation, offering robust tools for designing engaging and interactive online courses with a focus on educational content delivery. Kajabi: Offers a broader range of digital products beyond just courses, providing options for creating memberships, coaching programs, and other online offerings.

Business Focus

LearnWorlds: Primarily emphasizes online courses, providing a platform tailored for educators and trainers to create and sell their courses online effectively. Kajabi: Positioned as an all-in-one business platform, enabling users to not only create courses but also manage websites, marketing campaigns, sales funnels, and more within a single ecosystem.
Transform your passion into profit! 💰 Get started with LearnWorlds' free trial and start earning from your expertise today.

Course Creation and Management


LearnWorlds offers a range of course features to enhance the learning experience for students. These include interactive videos that engage learners actively. The platform allows for student highlights, enabling recognition and motivation. Moreover, LearnWorlds supports drip-fed courses, enabling content delivery at scheduled intervals.


Kajabi stands out with its diverse course options designed to cater to different needs. The platform provides coaching programs, offering personalized guidance and support to students. Moreover, Kajabi offers memberships with convenient monthly payments, making it easier for learners to access content continuously. Furthermore, Kajabi provides bundled courses that package related content together for a comprehensive learning experience.

Focus Comparison

When comparing LearnWorlds and Kajabi in terms of course focus, LearnWorlds is well-suited for structured courses that require a systematic approach to learning. On the other hand, Kajabi caters to a wider range of digital products beyond traditional courses, making it versatile for various educational offerings.

Website and Design Flexibility


Customizable templates are available on LearnWorlds, allowing users to brand products. However, full branding control may require upgrades.


Kajabi's design tools offer a website builder with various customization options, including a landing page builder for enhanced flexibility.

Branding Differences

While LearnWorlds provides customizable templates for branding, it may necessitate upgrades for complete control. On the other hand, Kajabi stands out with its extensive design flexibility, offering users more options without additional costs.
Both platforms cater to users seeking creative control over their websites and designs, ensuring that course creators can align their online presence with their brand identity effectively.
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial

Marketing and Sales Tools


LearnWorlds provides various marketing features to assist in promoting online courses. Users can create memberships, offer subscriptions, host podcasts, and develop ebooks. These tools cater to different aspects of marketing strategies.


On the other hand, Kajabi focuses on sales tools, offering a range of features for boosting sales. This includes email marketing software, integrations with other platforms, coupon creation, promotional tools, and affiliate programs. These tools are designed to enhance the overall sales process.

Marketing Strategies Comparison

LearnWorlds and Kajabi differ in their approach to marketing strategies. While LearnWorlds concentrates on course promotion through memberships and subscriptions, Kajabi provides a broader spectrum of marketing tools. This includes email marketing, promotions, coupons, and affiliate programs aimed at driving sales growth.
  • LearnWorlds emphasizes course promotion through memberships and subscriptions.
  • Kajabi offers a broader range of marketing tools such as email marketing software and affiliate programs.

Pricing and Value for Money


LearnWorlds offers a variety of pricing plans to cater to different needs. The price ranges from $29 per month for the Starter plan, ideal for beginners, to custom pricing for more advanced features. This flexibility in offers allows users to choose a plan that aligns with their requirements and budget.

Kajabi Comparison

In comparison, Kajabi follows a different pricing model. When looking at the big difference between LearnWorlds and Kajabi, it's essential to consider the various tiers and features each platform provides. Understanding this difference is crucial in making an informed decision based on your specific needs.

Value Assessment

When evaluating the value each platform offers, it's crucial to analyze the features provided by both LearnWorlds and Kajabi. Consider factors such as customer support, course creation tools, marketing capabilities, and scalability. By assessing these aspects carefully, you can determine which platform provides the best value for money based on your business requirements.

Final Remarks

After comparing LearnWorlds and Kajabi in various aspects like course creation, design flexibility, marketing tools, and pricing, you now have a clearer picture of what each platform offers. Your choice between the two should align with your specific needs and goals. Consider the features that matter most to you and how each platform can help you achieve success in your online course business.
As you move forward with your decision, remember to prioritize what will best support your course creation and marketing efforts. Take into account not only the current state of your business but also where you envision it going in the future. By selecting the platform that aligns most closely with your objectives, you set yourself up for growth and success in the online learning industry.
Take the leap into online course creation! 🎓 Start your free trial with LearnWorlds and begin your journey to financial freedom.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are LearnWorlds and Kajabi?

LearnWorlds and Kajabi are popular online course platforms that help in creating, managing, and selling courses. They offer tools for course creation, website design, marketing, and sales.

Which platform is better for course creation and management?

LearnWorlds offers a user-friendly interface with interactive features like interactive video lessons and assignments. Kajabi focuses on customization options and provides advanced tools for course management.

How do LearnWorlds and Kajabi differ in website design flexibility?

LearnWorlds offers a range of customizable templates with drag-and-drop functionality for easy website design. On the other hand, Kajabi provides more flexibility in design customization to match your brand identity.

What marketing and sales tools do LearnWorlds and Kajabi provide?

LearnWorlds offers built-in marketing features like email campaigns, affiliate marketing, and sales pages to promote courses effectively. Kajabi provides tools for creating sales funnels, automated email sequences, and analytics for tracking performance.

In terms of pricing and value for money, how do LearnWorlds and Kajabi compare?

LearnWorlds offers various pricing plans starting from $29/month with essential features included. Kajabi has higher pricing starting at $149/month but includes all-in-one solutions making it suitable for established businesses looking for comprehensive tools.
Useful Links:
  1. LearnWorlds LifeTime Deal
  2. LearnWorlds Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:54 chiragsoftwebusa Optimizing cloud costs: Avoid these 5 mistakes that inflate cloud bills

Amazon Web Services (AWS) stand as a formidable giant in the dynamic landscape of cloud computing, where agility and scalability are supreme. Organizations worldwide have embraced AWS to power their digital infrastructure, leveraging its vast array of services to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and accelerate growth. However, amidst this technological marvel lies a critical challenge- cost management.
As businesses scale up their AWS usage, the associated expenses can spiral out of control, impacting profitability and hindering strategic initiatives. Let’s explore some insights on AWS cost optimization and how to transform your cloud expenditure into a strategic advantage. Whether you’re a startup, a mid-sized enterprise, or a global corporation, these insights will empower you to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and propel your business forward.
AWS cost optimization: Top tips and best practices to reduce your bill
Optimize your AWS cloud investments with cost optimization services & tools. Learn AWS cost optimization best practices & tools to reduce costs, improve performance & avoid unexpected bills.
Read More

Here are some key cloud statistics:

Moreover, organizations adopting AWS report significant advantages:

5 Common mistakes that increase cloud bill and how to avoid them

1. Unmonitored AWS Instances

Failure to monitor unused AWS instances can lead to unnecessary costs in cloud infrastructure. Neglecting to track idle, aging, or inactive AWS instances results in poor resource utilization, known as cloud sprawl. Organizations face inflated AWS bills due to uncontrolled instances from development testing or shadow IT projects.
How to tackle: To tackle this, a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) can manually track AWS instances or use automated cloud management software, such as AWS Config or AWS Trusted Advisor, to identify and decommission unused instances regularly, optimizing resource utilization and reducing unnecessary expenses.

2. Lack of instance size management

The challenge of improper instance sizing in cloud computing disrupts budgets and performance. Over-provisioning wastes resources and costs, while under-provisioning leads to performance issues. Efficient instance size management involves analyzing workloads, automated scaling, and continuous optimization to align resources with actual needs, ensuring cost-effectiveness and optimal performance.
How to tackle: To tackle instance size management challenges, IT teams or CCoEs customize AWS instance configurations, implement scheduling using AWS Auto Scaling, monitor performance metrics with Amazon CloudWatch for continuous optimization, and leverage AWS offerings like AWS Reserved Instances for cost-effective scaling and predictable billing.

3. Failure to implement a multi-cloud strategy

Failing to implement a multi-cloud strategy means missing out on opportunities to optimize costs, performance, and resilience across various cloud platforms. It limits the ability to compare services and pricing models from different providers like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Without a multi-cloud approach, organizations may face vendor lock-in, higher costs, and reduced flexibility in adapting to changing business needs.
How to tackle: To address the challenge of not implementing a multi-cloud strategy, organizations should prioritize evaluating services and pricing from various providers. Embracing a multi-cloud approach allows for cost optimization, improved performance, and reduced dependency on a single vendor, ensuring flexibility and resilience in cloud deployments.
Suggested: Cloud migration guide: Your strategic path to AWS migration

4. Neglecting orphaned snapshots

Neglecting orphaned snapshots, which are created when instances are terminated without properly managing associated volumes and snapshots, can lead to unnecessary charges in cloud environments. These orphaned volumes and snapshots continue to incur costs even though they are no longer actively used, contributing to wasteful spending and inflated bills. It’s crucial to regularly review and clean up orphaned resources to avoid unnecessary charges and optimize cost management in cloud infrastructures.
How to tackle: To tackle the issue of neglecting orphaned snapshots, implementing backup strategies is crucial. This includes taking snapshots before deleting volumes, which reduces costs by billing only for snapshots at lower rates rather than full volume charges. Additionally, it’s essential to monitor orphaned snapshots regularly and manage them efficiently to avoid unexpected cost surges. This proactive approach, coupled with leveraging AWS services like Amazon EBS Snapshot Lifecycle Manager, ensures optimal cost management and prevents unnecessary expenses in cloud environments.

5. Lack of automation

Not embracing automation for tracking cloud resources hinders efficiency, especially at scale. Manual methods are time-consuming, prone to errors, and often lack real-time insights. Automation streamlines resource management by automatically monitoring, provisioning, and optimizing cloud assets. It reduces human intervention, ensures accuracy, and enables quicker responses to changing workload demands, leading to improved operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness in cloud environments.
How to tackle: Tackling the issue of not embracing automation involves leveraging automated tools and workflows to streamline processes and improve efficiency in cloud operations. Automation enforces best practices, maintains consistent performance standards, and reduces the burden on operations teams by handling repetitive tasks and ensuring accuracy. This enables teams to focus on critical aspects of cloud management, such as optimizing costs, enhancing security, and supporting business innovation, with the assistance of AWS services like AWS Lambda and AWS CloudFormation.


Explore the best strategies to migrate to the AWS cloud

The cloud serves as a tool, not a destination. For insights on leveraging AWS services and cloud migration strategies, explore the whitepaper on migrating to AWS cloud.

The strategic benefits of AWS cost optimization

It is imperative for modern organizations to leverage, cost optimization in AWS since it isn’t merely a tactical exercise – it’s a strategic imperative. As businesses harness the power of Amazon Web Services to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and scale their operations, understanding the profound impact of cost optimization becomes paramount.

Let’s delve into the benefits of cost optimization that resonate across organizations, from startups to multinational corporations:

1. Enhanced profitability
At its core, cost optimization is about maximizing value. By meticulously managing AWS expenses, organizations free up capital that can be reinvested strategically. Whether it’s funding R&D initiatives, expanding market reach, or fortifying the balance sheet, every dollar saved contributes to the bottom line. In a competitive business landscape, profitability isn’t a luxury – it’s survival.
2. Agility and scalability
Cost-optimized architectures are inherently agile. They allow businesses to scale up or down seamlessly based on demand fluctuations. Whether it’s handling a sudden surge in user traffic or accommodating seasonal spikes, optimized AWS resources ensure operational flexibility. Agility isn’t just about speed; it’s about adaptability – the ability to pivot swiftly in response to market dynamics.
3. Strategic resource allocation
Cost optimization forces organizations to scrutinize their resource allocation. It prompts questions like: Which workloads are mission-critical? Where can we consolidate? What’s the optimal mix of reserved instances and on-demand capacity? By aligning resources with business priorities, organizations optimize performance, reduce waste, and drive efficiency.
4. Competitive edge
In a digital economy, time-to-market is a critical differentiator. Cost-optimized AWS environments expedite development cycles. Whether it’s launching a new product, rolling out features, or responding to market shifts, streamlined costs translate to faster execution. Organizations that move swiftly gain a competitive edge – edge that can make or break success.
5. Sustainability and corporate responsibility
Cost optimization isn’t just about financial gains; it’s about responsible stewardship. By minimizing resource consumption, organizations contribute to environmental sustainability. Efficiently managed AWS workloads reduce energy consumption, carbon footprint, and e-waste. In an era where conscious consumers and investors prioritize eco-friendly practices, cost optimization aligns with corporate social responsibility.
6. Empowering innovation
Lastly, cost optimization liberates resources for innovation. It fuels experimentation, encourages risk-taking, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. When teams aren’t bogged down by unnecessary costs, they can focus on ideation, prototyping, and disruptive solutions. Innovation isn’t a luxury – it’s the lifeblood of progress.

AWS cost optimization best practices

How Softweb Solutions can help organizations with AWS consulting services

Softweb Solutions specializes in crafting personalized AWS cost optimization strategies tailored to your business needs. Our expert team analyzes your AWS environment, identifies cost-saving opportunities, and implements efficient resource management practices, ensuring maximum ROI and performance optimization for your cloud infrastructure.

Ready to optimize your AWS costs? Reach out for personalized cost optimization assistance today!

Talk To Our AWS Experts

Navigating the cloud cost horizon

Optimizing cloud costs is crucial, especially with AWS dominance. This blog highlighted common mistakes and provided solutions like addressing unused instances, improper sizing, and lack of automation. The strategic benefits include enhanced profitability, agility, competitive edge, and innovation empowerment. By following best practices like using right-sized resources and AWS tools, organizations can drive long-term success.
So, let’s reduce AWS costs and optimize not just for today, but for the tomorrows we envision. Together, we’ll sculpt a future where innovation thrives, sustainability blooms, and your business yields exponential returns.
Originally published at softwebsolutions.com on April 12, 2024.
submitted by chiragsoftwebusa to AWS_cloud [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 14:52 maxikaz19 Is Exodus a hard wallet?

Exodus is not a hard wallet; it is a software wallet. Exodus is a popular cryptocurrency wallet that can be downloaded and installed on a desktop or mobile device. Unlike hard wallets, which are physical devices designed to securely store cryptocurrency offline, Exodus operates as a digital application providing a user-friendly interface to manage a variety of cryptocurrencies.
Software wallets like Exodus offer several benefits, such as convenience and ease of use. They allow users to quickly access their funds, perform transactions, and monitor their portfolio from anywhere with an internet connection. Exodus supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies and includes built-in exchange services, enabling users to swap one cryptocurrency for another directly within the wallet.
However, it's important to note that software wallets, including Exodus, are generally considered less secure than hard wallets. Since they are connected to the internet, they are more vulnerable to hacking, malware, and phishing attacks. To mitigate these risks, users should follow best security practices such as enabling two-factor authentication, using strong and unique passwords, and keeping their software up to date.
For those who prioritize security and have significant amounts of cryptocurrency to store, using a hard wallet like Ledger or Trezor might be a better option. These devices store the private keys offline, reducing the risk of theft through cyber-attacks.
In summary, while Exodus provides an excellent balance of functionality and user experience as a software wallet, it lacks the enhanced security features of a hard wallet. Users should assess their security needs and choose the type of wallet that best fits their requirements.
submitted by maxikaz19 to cryptoQandA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:12 Ok-Sense4899 cbsetak org

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is a prominent educational board in India. It conducts exams for Class 10 and Class 12, which are crucial for students' academic futures. Excelling in these exams requires strategic preparation and a focused mindset.

Importance of Early Preparation

Starting your preparation early is vital. It allows you to cover the entire syllabus without rushing. Create a study schedule that allocates time for each subject, ensuring you have ample time for revision.

Understanding the Syllabus

Familiarize yourself with the CBSE syllabus. Knowing what topics to focus on can streamline your study process. Break down the syllabus into manageable sections and tackle each one systematically.

Effective Study Techniques

Active Learning

Engage in active learning by taking notes, summarizing information, and teaching concepts to others. This method helps reinforce knowledge and improve retention.

Practice with Past Papers

Solving previous years' question papers is an excellent way to understand the exam pattern. It also helps identify important topics and improve time management skills.

Use of Flashcards

Flashcards are great for memorizing key concepts, definitions, and formulas. They are portable and can be reviewed frequently, making them a handy revision tool.

Time Management During Exams

Create a Study Timetable

Develop a realistic study timetable that includes breaks and leisure activities. This balance prevents burnout and keeps you motivated.

Prioritize Weak Subjects

Identify your weak subjects and devote extra time to them. Strengthening these areas can boost your overall performance.

Regular Revision

Regular revision is crucial for retaining information. Allocate specific times for revision in your timetable to ensure you revisit all topics before the exam.

Staying Healthy and Focused

Balanced Diet and Hydration

Maintain a balanced diet and stay hydrated. Proper nutrition fuels your brain and improves concentration.

Adequate Sleep

Ensure you get enough sleep, especially before exams. A well-rested mind is more alert and better at problem-solving.

Physical Exercise

Incorporate physical exercise into your daily routine. Exercise reduces stress and enhances cognitive function.

Exam Day Strategies

Arrive Early

Reach the exam center early to avoid last-minute stress. Familiarize yourself with the location and the exam room.

Read Instructions Carefully

Before starting the exam, read all instructions carefully. Misunderstanding instructions can lead to errors and lost marks.

Time Allocation

Allocate time to each section of the exam based on its weightage. This strategy helps you manage your time effectively and complete the exam within the allotted period.

Stay Calm

Stay calm and composed during the exam. Panic can hinder your performance. Take deep breaths and focus on one question at a time.


Mastering CBSE exams requires a combination of early preparation, effective study techniques, and a healthy lifestyle. By following these tips, you can enhance your performance and achieve academic success. Remember, consistency and dedication are key to excelling in your exams.
submitted by Ok-Sense4899 to u/Ok-Sense4899 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 13:06 PatsyStonesBun Signs that your new Pre-Workout is working vs. not?

TL;DR - Here's what I'm asking

I'm brand new to pre-workouts and quite new to strength/resistance training. I'm curious to hear from those of you with much more experience, how you personally define a successful pre-workout ("this one is really working well for me") And, conversely, what signs do you look for to indicate that you need something stronger for your pre-workout? ("This one really isn't working out for me because I XXXX") Also, how long should you give yourself to get 'settled in' to the experience of taking a particular pre-workout before considering an alternative?

My background / workout regimen

I started weightlifting / resistance training three months ago. Working with a great trainer 4 days/wk. My trainer breaks down each day's strength/resistance training sessions into three groups of exercises. Each of the three groups has 3 separate exercises. Each exercise has 4 sets of between 10-15 reps. With 4 sessions a week, we hit legs, glutes, back, shoulders, triceps, biceps, chest and core. Each session ends with 10-15 minute high intensity conditioning session (quickly rotating between stations.)
I also do at least an hour of steady-state cardio, on my own time, 6-7 days a week and a yoga/mobility class once a week.
I'm also spending some time with a nutritionist to figure out my macros. I've estimated them, but I have free access to a registered dietitian, so I might as well make use of it!
I'm male. Early 40s. With the usual goal -- lose fat, gain muscle. I'm also a LADA diabetic, so healthy A1C / blood glucose is of course important.

My first ever pre-workout -- Bulk Black

This is my first week on pre-workout and I'm trying to take stock of how it's affecting energy and performance on my strength/resistance days. After doing a lot of reading on here and elsewhere (including super informative posts like this one from u/naderq), I decided to go with Transparent Labs' Bulk Black (with my own addition of agmatine, per nader's recommendation)

My post-workout

In case it's of interest, the post-workout I've decided to go with is MuscleTech NitroTech Whey Protein + added Glutamine powder

The reason I'm asking about evaluating your pre-workout

My first two days taking Bulk Black have been interesting. I consider my workouts very challenging. I really have to push to get those last sets completed. And, by the end of the 10-15 mins of the HIIT circuit training at the end, I am sweaty and out of breath. I've only had two sessions with Bulk Black so far, but both times, I didn't really notice anything different during my workouts. What I did notice was that my energy was much stronger post-workout. I wasn't limping to my car, but walking quickly. And I didn't feel like I needed to take a nap after. Which is great. Just not sure if I'm experiencing an impact during my workouts... yet. Note: while this may change as the months progress, right now, none of the weight / resistance exercise I'm doing are to exhaustion, they are a specific number of sets and reps which are all to be completed.
submitted by PatsyStonesBun to Preworkoutsupplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:31 CaradogRhys 2023-2024 Season Review

Now that the sun has set on another season it’s time to reflect on our performance throughout and look forward to how next season could go.
TLDR; Much improved season but game management has cost us throughout. Continued strong recruitment for next season especially at Manager position.
Let’s begin with the raw stats.
We finished 10th for the second successive season but amassed our highest points total of 18 in the WSL alongside our best goal scoring season with 26 goals for and our best defensive season conceding 45 goals against. An improvement of 11 more goals scored and 3 fewer goals conceded than last season.
We finished third in our Continental Cup group losing only one game to Manchester United which ultimately cost us progression to the knockouts.
Furthermore, we reached the FA Cup semi final for the first time in our history, dominating lower league teams along the way.
Our top 5 goal scorers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 10
Cayman - 7
Petermann - 6
Tierney - 4
O’Brien/Whelan/Rose - 3
Top 5 assist providers (in all competitions):
Rantala - 7
Momiki - 5
Petermann - 4
Tierney - 4
Takarada - 3
End of season awards winners:
Player of the Season - Rantala
Players player - Rantala
Goal of the Season - Goodwin vs Liverpool
Academy Player of the Season - Kiera Bell
Congratulations to all. Now on to the review proper.
We start with the positives. Recruitment has been great this year. The additions of Petermann, Rantala and Cayman have increased our goal scoring output and the acquisitions of Lietzig, Kop, Thibaud, Rose, Momiki and Takarada has added greater depth and quality to our squad and made us a more competitive team throughout the season.
We very rarely sat in against teams, aimed to play out from the back and press opposition back lines which served us well and earned plaudits from around the league especially early on in the campaign.
Additionally we have a very solid tandem of goalkeepers in Leitzig and Kop that have shown they can be rotated in for each other and not effect the confidence of the team in front of them which is a great bonus.
Finally, we continue to see success in our youth academy with them winning the double of the PGA Plate and County Cup as well as academy players continuing to get minutes in the senior team.
Now, unfortunately, the negatives.
Elephant in the room is the managerial situation. After Kirk’s dismissal for unprofessional conduct and Foster stepping down as interim manager with the conclusion of the season we are now searching for our fourth manager in three seasons in the WSL.
Something is very clearly not right behind the scenes when our last 2 male managers have crossed professional boundaries with players and our last permanent female manager was unceremoniously dismissed hours after a giving a pre match press conference. Questions have to be asked about how our next manager is going to be recruited, monitored and assessed by the higher ups. This inconsistency has been reflected in our on pitch performances and the players must be commended for how they have handled the off pitch turmoil.
To be optimistic, whomever the next manager shall be they need to keep pushing the progressive, attacking football we have developed under Kirk whilst making us a less porous side defensively and able to manage games better and see them out especially when we have the lead.
Which very neatly leads me to our biggest downside this campaign, our game management.
All of our 4 league victories this season came against two teams (Bristol City and Everton) half of those came in the opening two games of the season (where we were briefly top of the league 🙌🏻) and the other 2 came in three games at the end of January/beginning of February. That is a long time to go without success without it effecting not only our league standing but the morale of the team.
It has been a reverse of our previous seasons where instead of seeing us floundering at the bottom to pop up at the end of the season we have watched us have an electric start only to slowly but surely watch our league position erode away.
The story of our season was giving up leads and losing points from winning positions happening 7 times in the league. The most defining examples is being 2-0 up at halftime at home to Arsenal, being the better side only to be decimated in the second half and lose 6-2. Drawing 1-1 in stoppage time to a 10 player West Ham and both games against Brighton. First surrendering a two goal advantage in the final 10 minutes of the away fixture to draw the game and then taking the lead at home to only go 2-1 down, fight back to level the tie but lose to another goal conceded in the last 5 minutes.
Of those 7 leads and potential 21 points lost, if we win against West Ham and Brighton, that’s 9 points in our favour and we would be celebrating a much stronger finish to our season.
With regards to looking forward to next season I do feel we have very strong foundations to build upon and become even more competitive not only in the league but have strong cup runs as proven by our results in a tough Conti Cup group and our semi final appearance in the FA Cup.
As for personnel we have a squad full of internationals with at least half a season of chemistry with each other, excellent training facilities and the privilege of playing at the King Power for home league games.
Obviously we need a quality manager to lead us. I would have jumped at the chance to take on Carla Ward but she is taking time out to spend time with her family. Aside from her I am not so well versed in the women’s managerial landscape to make an educated suggestion. Maybe Melissa Phillips, formerly of Brighton who seemed to have good respect from her players and a decent track record with London City Lionesses and Brighton.
For players I would like to see another striker brought in. When Petermann isn’t available we lack a focal point up top and Siemsen hasn’t been relied upon much when fit.
Cover at full back would be a priority as well. Bott is outstanding and we can always rely on the experience of Cayman but depth is definitely an issue. Ale did a decent job towards the tail end of the season but is only on loan and Nevin has seemingly dropped down the pecking order.
Further depth in the middle with the departure of Whelan and a younger, more modern centre half (think Plumptre) to complement the guile and physicality that we have in place.
A third experienced keeper wouldn’t go amiss to cover for injury to Kop or Leitzig.
I’m genuinely excited to see how he play with a fully fit complement of wingers next year as that is where we are stacked with promise: Rantala, Rose, Cain, Goodwin, O’Brien and Momiki (on occasion) offer a truly dangerous outlet for us and pose any defender a headache.
One final note. Thank you to Whelan for her services as our club Captain for the last two seasons. She has lead by example, never kicked up a fuss not being a starter this season and always given 100% on the pitch. May she enjoy her retirement from football.
Feel free to add your own thoughts and opinions and we look forward to improving further in the off season.
submitted by CaradogRhys to lcfcwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:13 Skizzlebits Another drop in the bucket

TF2 used to be my life
I originally created a steam account back in 2016 because my best friend wanted to play TF2 with me. I had barely touched FPS games, much less any PC game to begin with because I grew up a sheltered kid from a poor family. My mom subscribed to the whole "FPS causes violence" philosophy and would get mad at me for playing phatom forces on Roblox when I was 13-14 years old. Needless to say, I wasn't supposed to be able to play TF2 or much of anything violent for that matter, but nonetheless I continued.
My dad had a shitty old macbook pro that he had as a work laptop for years and years. The thing finally gave out and was decommissioned and he "disposed of it" and brought it home to use as a family computer. This thing could barely run flash games, but I downloaded tf2 anyway and struggeled through the 10 minute load times and the 20-30 fps on a good day to play. The allure of the game and the characters helped me push through the buggy laggy mess.
When I got to high school I got another shitty laptop, this time for school. This one could TF2 albiet not much better than the first and I spent hours of my life watching tf2 youtube videos and playing the game. I was so into it my sophomore year that I almost failed multiple classes in school because I engaged with the game so frequently. It was one of the few games I could play (I used to watch let's plays of games I couldn't run so I could still experience them) and I loved tf2 to death. I played sitting criss cross on the couch because I didn't own a desk, and used the cushion space next to me as a mousepad. None of my friends played it but it was my personal escape from the world.
Right as covid started I scored my very own gaming laptop. Lenovo had a discount on laptops for school, my parents were more well off than they had ever been, and I managed to sweet talk my dad into getting me something nice for my 18th birthday. The FIRST game I put on that thing was TF2 and I practically cried because after years I finally had something that could run it. By this point I was better at the FPS genre and the bump in computer specs made it even easier to excell. My mother wasn't ecstatic that I was playing FPS games but she let it slide because I was getting older. About that same time my friends got me into Apex Legends and because of years of trial and error with TF2 I was actually not too bad at the game. I even competed in some minor tournaments and won a hat from an Apex competition, proving my mom wrong and showing that what I enjoyed wasn't a complete waste of time, and I credit TF2 with both my teacher for FPS and my passion for the genre. Several years later I even saved the money from my first job to build my own PC.
I was there for Rick May's death, I was there for the begining of the botting of casual servers, and when I say it wrenched me to my core, I mean my teenage high school self cried as I deleted and redownloaded my favorite game mutliple times over several months. I never really did experience the hype of new updates as I only truely got into the game post jungle inferno. But I've been here for the slow rot and decay that has taken place over the past seven years as the game has faded from an old glory, to a rotten corpse.
The game in it's current state is barely playable, there are workarounds for it, but it's insulting to watch the thing that really started my passion for PC gaming and really gaming in genral get repeatedly kicked to the side. I realize that "Valve as a company works differently" is an excuse that gets thrown around a lot but I know I'm not alone in saying that this is not the end TF2 deserves. Its been SEVEN FUCKING YEARS since we got any kind of real attention from Valve and while it probably doesn't men shit I love this game and I don't want to watch negligence to consume the thing that has given me so much joy.
I love TF2 and I don't want to watch it die, not like this...
submitted by Skizzlebits to tf2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:56 icertglobal1 Announcing the Incoming 2024 Citrix Technology Professional (CTP)

Announcing the Incoming 2024 Citrix Technology Professional (CTP)
Are you an IT professional eager to stay ahead of the latest industry trends and innovations in virtualization and networking technology? If so, we have exciting news for you! Citrix is thrilled to announce the incoming class of 2024 Citrix Technology Professionals (CTP), a group of expert professionals who have demonstrated excellence in the field of IT.

What is a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP)?

A Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) is a highly specialized IT professional who has achieved an expert level of knowledge and expertise in Citrix products and solutions. These professionals are recognized for their outstanding contributions to the Citrix community and their ability to create innovative and cutting-edge solutions using Citrix technology.

What does it mean to be a Citrix Technology Professional?

Being named a Citrix Technology Professional is a prestigious honor that highlights an individual's dedication to staying at the forefront of industry advancements. CTPs are regarded as thought leaders in the field of virtualization and networking, and their expertise is sought after by organizations looking to implement Citrix solutions.

Why is the 2024 CTP class significant?

The incoming class of 2024 Citrix Technology Professionals represents the latest group of top-tier IT professionals who have demonstrated a high level of skill and knowledge in Citrix technology. These individuals have proven themselves as leaders in the industry and are poised to drive innovation and excellence in the years to come.

What sets CTPs apart from other IT professionals?

Citrix Technology Professionals are not only experts in Citrix products and solutions, but they also possess a deep understanding of the industry as a whole. These professionals are constantly staying up-to-date on the latest trends and advancements in the IT world, allowing them to offer specialized knowledge and strategic insights to their organizations.

How can becoming a Citrix Technology Professional benefit your career?

Becoming a Citrix Technology Professional can open doors to new opportunities and career advancements. CTPs are often sought after by companies looking for top talent to lead their IT initiatives and drive innovation. Additionally, being a part of the Citrix community provides access to a network of like-minded professionals who can offer support, guidance, and collaboration.
How to obtain Citrix Client Administration Certification?
We are an Education Technology company providing certification training courses to accelerate careers of working professionals worldwide. We impart training through instructor-led classroom workshops, instructor-led live virtual training sessions, and self-paced e-learning courses.
We have successfully conducted training sessions in 108 countries across the globe and enabled thousands of working professionals to enhance the scope of their careers.
Our enterprise training portfolio includes in-demand and globally recognized certification training courses in Project Management, Quality Management, Business Analysis, IT Service Management, Agile and Scrum, Cyber Security, Data Science, and Emerging Technologies. Download our Enterprise Training Catalog from https://www.icertglobal.com/corporate-training-for-enterprises.php and https://www.icertglobal.com/index.php
Popular Courses include:
  • Project Management: PMP, CAPM ,PMI RMP
  • Quality Management: Six Sigma Black Belt ,Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Lean Management, Minitab,CMMI
  • Business Analysis: CBAP, CCBA, ECBA
  • Agile Training: PMI-ACP , CSM , CSPO
  • Scrum Training: CSM
  • DevOps
  • Program Management: PgMP
  • Cloud Technology: Exin Cloud Computing
  • Citrix Client Adminisration: Citrix Cloud Administration
The 10 top-paying certifications to target in 2024 are:
· Certified Information Systems Security Professional® (CISSP)
· AWS Certified Solutions Architect
· Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect
· Big Data Certification
· Data Science Certification
· Certified In Risk And Information Systems Control (CRISC)
· Certified Information Security Manager(CISM)
· Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification
· Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)
· Certified Scrum Master (CSM)


In Conclusion , As the IT landscape continues to evolve, having specialized knowledge and expertise in areas such as virtualization, networking, and software solutions is crucial for staying competitive in the industry. The Citrix Technology Professional program recognizes those individuals who have shown a commitment to excellence and innovation in the field of IT, and the incoming class of 2024 is no exception. Congratulations to the newest Citrix Technology Professionals, and we look forward to seeing the incredible achievements and contributions they will make to the industry in the years to come.
For more information click here
Subscribe to our youtube channel : iCert Global
For Discounts use Coupon Code : INSTANT10
Our Website : www.icertglobal.com
mailto : [sam@icertglobal.org](mailto:sam@icertglobal.org)
Contact us : US: +1(713)-287-1214 IND: +91 988-620-5050
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2024.05.21 11:52 Stage-Piercing727 Best Cold Steel Trainers

Best Cold Steel Trainers

Welcome to our roundup of the best Cold Steel Trainers! In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at some of the top sellers in the market. From their design and functionality to their customer reviews, we've got you covered with all the information you need to make an informed decision. So, let's dive in and explore the world of Cold Steel Trainers together!

The Top 7 Best Cold Steel Trainers

  1. Cold Steel Spear Head Trainer with Santoprene Handle - The Cold Steel 92R95 Spear Head Trainer is a durable and non-toxic training tool for honing knife skills, featuring a 7mm edge thickness and a head length of 10 2/3", making it a reliable choice for knife enthusiasts.
  2. Cold Steel Rondel Rubber Training Dagger for Practicing Knife Skills - The Cold Steel Rondel Rubber Training Dagger offers a realistic training experience with its 1-inch thick, 11.25-inch blade and weight of 0.35 lb, perfect for safely refining your combat knife skills.
  3. Cold Steel O Bokken: High-Impact Polypropylene Alternative to Traditional Bokken - Practice your sword technique with Cold Steel O Bokken - a durable and realistic synthetic training sword made from high impact polypropylene, perfect for building your skills and confidence without the risk of injury.
  4. White Leather Hi-Top Sneakers by A-COLD-WALL - Embrace effortless style and comfort in the A-COLD-WALL Luol High-Top Leather Sneakers, featuring an Italian cut and a satin finish, perfect for casual outings.
  5. Versatile Magnetic Indoor Trainer with Craftsmanship and Ease of Use - Get the ultimate training flexibility with the CycleOps SUPERMAGNETO Pro Trainer, featuring four resistance curves and customizable workouts for any rider type and goal.
  6. Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher Baseball Bat - Durable, Versatile Trainer - The Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher (92bss) is a nearly indestructible baseball bat made of durable polypropylene, perfect for competition, batting practice, at-home self defense, and even Martial Arts training.
  7. Unbreakable Gladius Trainer Sword by Cold Steel - The Cold Steel 92BKGM Gladius Trainer Sword, a modern yet authentic training sword made of heavy-duty polypropylene, closely replicates the size, weight, and feel of a real sword, all while being virtually unbreakable and safe for novice users.
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🔗Cold Steel Spear Head Trainer with Santoprene Handle

When I first got the Cold Steel 92R95 spear head trainer, I was skeptical about how realistic and sturdy it would feel. But after taking it out of the box, I was pleasantly surprised by its construction. The spear head is made of Santoprene, a non-toxic material that's flexible yet strong enough to provide a realistic experience.
While the 10 2/3 inch head length may seem intimidating at first, it's actually quite manageable. The 7mm edge thickness and 6.13 inches of blade length provide a balanced feel, allowing for smooth and precise movements. It even comes with a small base mount for easier attachment to a broom handle.
However, the product does have some minor cons. Firstly, it's quite heavy, making it a bit challenging if you're not accustomed to holding it for long periods. Secondly, the flexibility of the spear head can sometimes make it feel a bit wobbly when in use, which may cause some safety concerns.
Nonetheless, the Cold Steel spear head trainer is a great tool for training purposes. Its combination of safety, flexibility, and realistic feel makes it an excellent choice for those looking to improve their skills without risking injury. Just be cautious and make sure you're comfortable with the weight and flexibility before diving in.

🔗Cold Steel Rondel Rubber Training Dagger for Practicing Knife Skills

Training with a real dagger can be a dicey proposition, but Cold Steel's Rondel Rubber Training Dagger offers a safer alternative in a sleek, easy-to-handle design. The rubbery construction is perfect for honing your sword skills without the risk of injury, making it an excellent choice for all-level HEMA practitioners.
The Rondel Rubber Training Dagger's blade feels solid in your hand while its knurled grip offers a surehold even with sweaty palms. The overall construction is well-balanced, and its rounded tips prevent accidental injuries. Additionally, the rubber blade is surprisingly flexible yet stiff enough to parry a blow, making it an excellent training companion for beginners and experienced practitioners alike.
The 1-inch thick blade provides ample weight to mimic the feel of a steel dagger without being too heavy to swing around. Its 11.25-inch blade length and 17.13-inch overall length make it versatile enough for various techniques, from simple strikes to complex parries. The Santoprene handle offers a durable, comfortable grip, and it's easy to hold even when wearing gloves.
While this dagger won't be a perfect substitute for a real one, its realistic heft and blade shape make it a practical and efficient training tool. Its affordability ensures that you can have one readily available for both yourself and your sparring partners, making it an excellent addition to your HEMA training kit.

🔗Cold Steel O Bokken: High-Impact Polypropylene Alternative to Traditional Bokken


I've recently started practicing martial arts, and one of the essential training tools I was recommended was the Cold Steel O Bokken. This synthetic sword has been a game-changer in my training regimen.
The first thing that caught my attention was the molded-in high impact polypropylene grip. It provides superior grip and comfort, making it very easy to maneuver during sparring sessions. The sword's polypropylene handle is also very durable and resistant to damage, perfect for the intense nature of martial arts practice.
One of the highlights of the Cold Steel O Bokken is its lightweight design. It's perfectly replicated the size and feel of a steel sword, while minimizing the risk of causing serious injury. The blade length of 30 inches and its 1-inch thick blade makes it an ideal choice for both beginners and more experienced practitioners.
However, there are a couple of downsides I've noticed while using the Cold Steel O Bokken. Firstly, the blade's sharpness could pose a potential threat during practice, especially when you are using it with other people. Secondly, the hilt guard that comes with the sword is made from flimsy rubber, which tends to crack with age and usage. While it's not vital for the sword's functionality, it does affect its overall appearance.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Cold Steel O Bokken has been a reliable and essential training tool in my martial arts journey. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to enhance their practice sessions while minimizing the risk of accidents.

🔗White Leather Hi-Top Sneakers by A-COLD-WALL

Over the past month, I've been rocking the A-COLD-WALL Luol High-Top Leather Sneakers in white. As a sneaker enthusiast, I appreciate the classic, timeless look of white canvas and rubber soles and was excited to see how these would fare in my wardrobe.
The first thing I noticed is that these sneakers are true to size, providing a comfortable, snug fit. I also appreciate the sizing being mentioned as Italian, which made me feel like I'm rocking a European vibe. The round toe shape adds a touch of elegance while maintaining a comfortable fit.
The Luol Hi Top Sneaker has a rich, raw edge construction that makes these kicks stand out. The padded reinforced ankle is a great feature, providing both support and comfort on long walks. I also loved the large blind debossed logo at the heel - it's subtle yet eye-catching. The ACW bracket logo debossed and printed at the toe box adds a touch of personal style.
However, these sneakers aren't perfect; the laces may need some getting used to if you prefer a tighter fit, and the soles could be a bit more cushioned for added comfort during long wear.
Overall, the A-COLD-WALL Luol High-Top Leather Sneakers in white are a great addition to any wardrobe. The classic style, comfortable fit, and unique features make this sneaker stand out from the crowd.

🔗Versatile Magnetic Indoor Trainer with Craftsmanship and Ease of Use

As a cycle enthusiast, I've tried my fair share of trainers, but the CycleOps SUPERMAGNETO Pro Trainer takes the cake. The power curve for every rider type and ride type in one trainer is a game-changer. I can easily switch between easy, road, interval, and mountain resistance curves to customize my workouts according to my goals.
But what really stands out is the Flexible Power Curve Technology. It allows me to adjust resistance curves for a truly personalized training experience. I also love the easy adjustments for both ride and rider types. Plus, the Pro Series frame adds a touch of elegance to the trainer.
However, there's a downside to every product. The setup process can be a bit tricky, especially if you're new to trainers. Also, the noise level might be a concern for some, as it's not the quietest trainer on the market. But overall, the CycleOps SUPERMAGNETO Pro Trainer delivers a smooth, effective, and versatile training experience. It's a sturdy, easy-to-set-up, and quiet piece of craftsmanship that makes indoor cycling an enjoyable part of the daily routine.

🔗Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher Baseball Bat - Durable, Versatile Trainer

In my daily life, I've found the Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher to be a game-changer. This nearly indestructible bat, made of durable polypropylene, stands true to its claim of never breaking, rotting, cracking, splintering, or fading. Its 29-inch length and two-pound, one-ounce weight make it versatile and perfect for various activities, such as competition, batting practice, and even at-home self defense. The synthetic polypropylene material also adds an extra layer of strength and durability.
While using the Cold Steel Brooklyn Crusher, I've noticed both the positive and negative aspects of it. The most noteworthy aspect is its unbreakable nature, which instills confidence in the bat's performance. However, its weight might be a drawback for some users, making it a bit too heavy for casual use or for individuals who prefer a lighter bat. Nonetheless, it remains an excellent choice for those seeking a strong and reliable baseball bat for a variety of purposes.

🔗Unbreakable Gladius Trainer Sword by Cold Steel

Having had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel 92BKGM Gladius Trainer Sword, I can honestly say it's a fantastic training tool. The synthetic device, made of heavy-duty polypropylene, is incredibly durable and safe to use. Unlike the wooden swords of old, it won't rot, crack, chip, or splinter, providing you with a reliable training companion.
Right off the bat, the sword's design and construction were impressive. With a blade length of 20-30 inches, a 9-inch handle, and an overall length of 31 inches, it closely duplicates the size, weight, and feel of a genuine sword. This feature allows you to train as you would with a real one, without the added risk of injury.
The weight and balance of the sword are spot on, making it easy to handle. This is also due to its single-mold construction, which adds to its overall sturdiness. In fact, I was surprised at how solid and unbending it was.
One of the key advantages of the Cold Steel Gladius Trainer is its cut resistance. It's designed to be remarkably stiff and resistant to blows, allowing you to train effectively without having to worry about it failing or breaking.
Despite its robustness, the sword is surprisingly comfortable to hold. The 9-inch polypropylene handle is a good length, providing a firm and secure grip. The sword's overall balance and weight distribution make it a joy to handle.
However, no product is without its minor drawbacks. While it's a terrific training tool for novices, it's not a perfect substitute for a "live blade. " The sword's rigidity might be a bit too much, making it less forgiving than a wooden sword. But that's a trade-off for the added safety it provides.
The Cold Steel Gladius Trainer Sword is an excellent investment for anyone looking to improve their swordsmanship skills. With its durability, close-to-perfect replication of a real sword, and cut-resistant design, it's an indispensable tool for anyone on the journey to becoming a skilled swordsman.

Buyer's Guide

Cold Steel Trainers are designed to help individuals build and maintain their self-defense skills. These trainers come in different forms, such as throwing stars, knives, and swords. Before purchasing a Cold Steel Trainer, it is crucial to consider several factors to ensure you get the most out of your investment.

Material Quality

Cold Steel Trainers are generally made from high-quality materials, such as steel, brass, or tungsten. Look for trainers with a sturdy build and a durable finish. Quality materials will stand up to regular training and practice, ensuring your trainer lasts longer.

Safety Features

Safety should always be the top priority when training with a Cold Steel Trainer. Check the trainer's design and construction for potential safety hazards, such as sharp edges or loose parts. Ensure the trainer has safety features, like a dull edge or a soft rubber tip, to prevent accidents during practice.


For effective training, the Cold Steel Trainer should closely resemble the real weapon it represents. Look for trainers that have similar dimensions, weight, and balance to the actual weapon. This realism ensures that when you transition to using the real weapon, you will be more comfortable and better prepared.

Ease of Use

Your Cold Steel Trainer should be easy to use and handle, regardless of your skill level. Trainers with appropriate weight and size can help in developing correct techniques and building hand-eye coordination. Make sure the trainer you choose is suitable for your level of training and that you are comfortable using it.

Price and Value

Cold Steel Trainers come in different price ranges, depending on their material, construction, and brand. While it is tempting to go for the cheapest option, it is essential to invest in a quality trainer that offers good value for your money. A high-quality Cold Steel Trainer will last longer and provide better training results.

Choosing the Right Trainer for Your Needs

Consider your specific self-defense training needs when selecting a Cold Steel Trainer. Think about the weapon you want to practice with and the level of difficulty you are comfortable with. By understanding your requirements, you can make a more informed decision when purchasing a Cold Steel Trainer.

Maintenance and Storage

To keep your Cold Steel Trainer in good condition and extend its lifespan, proper maintenance and storage are crucial. Always clean your trainer after each use, and store it in a cool, dry place. If the trainer has any moving parts, lubricate them regularly to prevent rust buildup and ensure smooth operation.
When it comes to Cold Steel Trainers, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. By considering factors such as material quality, safety features, realism, ease of use, price, and maintenance, you can find the perfect Cold Steel Trainer that suits your self-defense training needs and preferences. Remember, investing in a high-quality trainer will lead to better results and greater satisfaction in your training efforts.



What are Cold Steel Trainers?

Cold Steel Trainers are a line of training swords developed by Cold Steel, a well-known manufacturer of edged weapons. They are designed to provide a real-life training experience for those interested in swordsmanship, martial arts, or just practicing swordplay.

Why should I choose Cold Steel Trainers over other brands?

Cold Steel Trainers are known for their high-quality craftsmanship and durability. They are made from materials that closely resemble those used in traditional swords, which makes them ideal for practicing swordplay techniques and developing proper form. Additionally, Cold Steel is a reputable brand with a long history of producing high-quality edged weapons, so customers can trust their products.

What types of swords are available in the Cold Steel Trainers line?

  • Katana
  • Longsword
  • Shortsword
  • Jian
  • Broadsword
  • Mace
  • Safety Sword

Are Cold Steel Trainers suitable for beginners?

Yes, Cold Steel Trainers are suitable for beginners. They are designed to provide a safe and effective training experience without compromising on the quality of the weapon. The safety features, such as blunt edges and rounded points, make them ideal for learning sword techniques and improving your skills.

How do I maintain my Cold Steel Trainer?

To maintain your Cold Steel Trainer, you should clean it after each use to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated. You can use a soft cloth or a mild cleaning solution to clean the weapon. Additionally, store your trainer in a dry place to prevent rust and other damage. It's also important to check the sword regularly for any signs of wear or damage and replace any parts that need repair.

What is the warranty on Cold Steel Trainers?

Cold Steel typically offers a lifetime warranty on their swords and training weapons. If you encounter any issues with your Cold Steel Trainer, you can contact the manufacturer directly to discuss a potential repair or replacement.
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2024.05.21 11:52 YourAlphaTramp Struggling with essay deadlines? Here's what saved me!

Struggling with essay deadlines? Here's what saved me!
I know the pressure of juggling multiple assignments, exams, and social life can be overwhelming. A few months ago, I found myself drowning in deadlines and utterly stressed out. I had three essays due within a week, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't keep up. That's when I discovered speedypaper.com, and it honestly saved my academic life.
I was initially skeptical about using a writing service. There are so many out there, and it’s hard to know which ones are reliable. But after reading several positive reviews, I decided to give SpeedyPaper a try. They offer a wide range of services, from editing to custom essay writing, and their user-friendly interface made it easy to place an order.
One of the things that stood out to me was their customer support. I had a few questions about the ordering process and the types of papers they could handle. The support team was incredibly responsive and helpful, which immediately put my mind at ease. I submitted the details of my assignment, including the topic, length, and deadline, and within a few minutes, I received a confirmation email.
The turnaround time was impressive. I had a 10-page research paper on climate change due in three days, and they delivered it well within the deadline. The quality of the paper exceeded my expectations. It was well-researched, well-written, and formatted perfectly according to the APA guidelines. I made a few minor tweaks, but overall, it required very little editing.
Using Speedy Paper not only helped me meet my deadlines but also gave me more time to focus on other important tasks. I managed to prepare for my exams and even squeezed in some much-needed relaxation time. My grades improved significantly, and I no longer felt like I was constantly playing catch-up.
While SpeedyPaper has been my go-to, I’ve also heard great things about a few other services that you might want to consider:
  1. essaymarket.net: This site is known for its top-notch quality and diverse range of services. They cater to various academic levels and can handle tight deadlines without compromising on quality. Plus, their prices are quite reasonable, which is always a bonus for students on a budget.
  2. writepaperfor.me: Another excellent option, Write Paper For Me is praised for its user-friendly platform and reliable writers. They offer a satisfaction guarantee, which means if you’re not happy with the final product, they’ll revise it until you are. This level of commitment to customer satisfaction is truly commendable.
  3. papercoach.co: If you’re looking for a service that combines quality with affordability, Paper Coach is worth checking out. They have a reputation for delivering high-quality papers on time and offer a variety of discounts for first-time and returning customers.
In conclusion, if you’re struggling with essay deadlines like I was, don’t hesitate to seek help from a reliable writing service. Speedy Paper saved me from a lot of stress and helped me improve my grades.
Good luck with your studies, and remember, it’s okay to ask for help when you need it!
submitted by YourAlphaTramp to AcademicPenning [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:27 Heavy_Credit_8954 Vidnoz Faceswap Review: How is the effect? Is it worth the price?

Vidnoz Faceswap Review: How is the effect? Is it worth the price?
Hello everyone, this is the third face swap tool I've tried. It also ranks high in search results when looking for face swap options.
So, I gave it a try and conducted a thorough comparison with Deepswap, the product I'm most familiar with, to evaluate its specific features and whether it's worth the investment.
Pricing Plan of Vidnoz
Most of Vidnoz's AI face swap features offer a free trial service, but some features are limited, such as the resolution of images/videos and the size of the photo/video uploads. However, for users who want to try it out, the free trial of Vidnoz should generally meet your needs.
In terms of pricing, Vidnoz is on the expensive side as they have adopted a membership + credits system.
You first need to pay to become a subscription user, with the specific prices as follows:
  • Starter Plan: $26.99/mo
  • Business Plan: $74.99/mo
You still need to purchase credits to use these features, the specific prices are as follows:
Once you become a subscription user, you will have access to all of Vidnoz's AI features, which include not only photo/video face swap but also talking photos, text-to-videos, AI avatars, and a range of other functionalities.
All features are bundled together for sale, so for users who only want to use the face swap feature, you either make use of the free trial offered, or you have to spend a significant amount of money to purchase all the AI features provided, which I think is quite expensive.
Key Features Review: Vidnoz VS Deepswap
Photo Face Swap (Score: 8/10)
Vidnoz delivers excellent results, with no discernible traces of AI face swapping.
The service is available for free use.
The facial features align very well with the character's face, and the face shape is also a good match, although it cannot restore the character's facial lighting and shadows.
There's also a comparison button, you can press and hold it to compare with the original image. Additionally, it supports social media sharing and downloading.
After a face swap, the character's appearance in Vidnoz looks more natural than in DeepSwap, but the images from DeepSwap are more in keeping with the original character's expressions.
Vidnoz's facial appearance seems more harmonious, but DeepSwap's eyes and eyebrows are more reminiscent of the original character.
Video Face Swap (Score: 8/10)
Vidnoz supports GIFs and video face swapping. Free users can upload videos up to 100MB, while paid users can extend this to 500MB.
The free version supports face swap videos of up to 15 seconds, and sometimes you may need to queue.
With Deepswap, paying users can upload larger files of up to 500MB and videos of up to 10 minutes, which is essentially the same as Vidnoz.
Vidnoz's facial features tend to fit well with the face, maintaining consistency even when hair is covering parts of the face, making it look very natural and not like it has been altered with deepfake technology. However, some imperfections may still appear when the character is in motion.
Compared to Deepswap, Deepswap's character facial clarity is higher, and it also restores the character's expressions more accurately. Vidnoz seems to use some filters that beautify the character's image. You can clearly see that the video's color tone is different from the original.
Batch Photo Swap (Score:7/10)
After uploading a photo, the system will automatically recognize the facial features of the target person in the image. Then, you just need to upload the photo you want to replace it with.
The facial features are well-fitted to the face, and Vidnoz employs some image beautification techniques, making the person's face and features look more refined and attractive while retaining their original appearance.
In contrast, Deepswap lacks similar image beautification functions, but it is better at restoring some of the basic characteristics of the target person, making them look more like themselves, although the features are not as refined as those in Vidnoz.
AI Background Remover (Score:8/10)
In comparison, Vidnoz performs better with smoother image edges and better handling of hair details.
AI cartoon generator (Score:6/10)
The images generated by Vidnoz resemble oil paintings. Deepswap's results are more cartoon-like, but the quality is average. Both still need improvement.
  • Excellent photo face-swapping results, with automatic beautification of images.
  • Excellent video face-swapping effects, with automatic color correction tailored for videos.
  • A variety of additional features, including AI virtual characters, AI avatars, Talking photos, and more.
  • The price is relatively high, as all AI features are bundled together for sale. For face swap users, it's unnecessary to purchase the entire suite just for the other AI functionalities.
Vidnoz offers an exceptional and excellent photo/video face swap service. All the generated images and videos look incredibly natural, without any significant AI traces.
Moreover, the generated pictures and videos are enhanced with some facial beautification work, including color adjustment.
If you're just a casual face swap user, then 720P images and 15-second videos will perfectly meet your needs.
The face swap quality of Vidnoz is impeccable. However, if you're a heavy user, you'll have to spend a considerable amount of money to purchase Vidnoz's AI capabilities bundle, which I don't think is worth it.
If you're a heavy user and only want to spend a little money to experience more face swap features, then I suggest you try Deepswap. After all, they offer similar face swap quality, but at a more affordable price.
submitted by Heavy_Credit_8954 to faceswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:00 createdjustforthis23 21/05/2024

I woke up to seagulls this morning, I really like the sound of them. I mean they don’t make pretty sounds, nor is it relaxing, but it feels like a comforting noise I guess? I think because I like being by the sea. I’m not sure. It was nice though. I love living by the sea, like I hear ship horns and seagulls and all of that. It makes me forever paranoid of tsunamis though. I think I’d like to live in a little seaside town with my honey, but I also don’t because then I couldn’t have the garden of my dreams nor would I have the countryside lifestyle I want. I don’t really know what I want. I don’t think I have enough money to be all that picky anyway.
I kind of woke up with that pit in my stomach feeling today. I don’t like how our calls were last night, either one of them. The first I felt like he didn’t want to talk to me and the second it was me being like that to him. I didn’t mean to make it come across that way, but I think he just caught me out when I was mid-deep sleep? I couldn’t wake up or focus and idk. Normally I’m fine to wake up though? And I love his night time calls, to know he’s thinking about me makes me feel so warm inside. It feels weird to think I ever cross his mind when we aren’t in an active conversation, I guess that comes back to the self esteem thing and feeling unworthy of being a thought in his mind, not feeling important enough, or something. But in that second call, I guess I didn’t like that he got me off the phone earlier because he was so sleepy, but then it turned out he was still up and about two hours later? It made me feel like he lied about being tired to get rid of me. I don’t think that was the case, but it’s how it made me feel in the moment. Anyway I woke up feeling uneasy, I felt okay but a little uneasy so I made sure to apologise. I think as well because I fell asleep feeling a little uneasy, it felt like he rushed me off the phone or like I was boring him to death or something. But it made me think about how it’s only 9pm where he is, and that he could quite easily have someone come over around that time. I don’t believe he would do that, but it scares me all the same. The way in which he could crush me into nothing is a little frightening sometimes, it really feels like I’ve just laid out my sad little heart out there for him to stomp all over if he so wishes to do so. I know if he did end things I would be okay, I think, but I can’t say I don’t worry about how it would affect my mental health and “recovery” - how far would it set me back? But also that’s not on him at all, and I’m never ever going to imply as such to him. He ought to make decisions based on what he wants and is best for him. Anyway it’s fine and we talked this morning and nothing has changed for him either, we both still want each other and this so it doesn’t even matter. I still feel bad about how I made him feel. I’m really glad, even though I made him feel bad which I wish I hadn’t, but sometimes it really helps to have him say he still wants this. I know his actions speak louder than words, but sometimes I need the words too. And so him saying “I’m still the same” was really reassuring and made me feel so lovey.
I’ve made a hair appointment, for end of June. I kind of wanted it early June as my hair is annoying the f out of me now, but her first available slot is end of June sooo I guess it still works out well. It gives me five weeks to continue growing out my layers so that we can start afresh. I’m going to get my face framies cut shorter this time as they grow out so quickly. I think otherwise I’ll get very subtle layering, enough to add some movement and help it air dry nicely, but I want the ends as thick as possible too. I’ll get a general root touch up to darken them up a little, and then a tonegloss for the lengths to cool down the warmth a little and darken it up ever so slightly. And then I’ve booked in for a full on olaplex treatment, so that will be nice. I am all about my hair health this year. I always have been but now even more so.
It’s so autumnal today. I really want to watch my favourite cosy romcoms, their autumn scenes are always my most absolute favourite. And winter I suppose. Basically Meg Ryan in autumn is my favourite thing and comforts me to no end.
I think I assume that if I know something then everyone else must know it too, so when they don’t I find it baffling that they don’t know. I guess because I consider myself thicker than a brick and everyone else smarter than I am, so I’d say in the team quiz no one knows the answer I start thinking how do you not know this, but that’s unfair of me and I’m making an assumption based on my low self esteem. But also I am as dumb as a rock so I mean there’s low self esteem and then there’s self awareness. But I just assume that if I know something, then it therefore must be as widely known as 2+2=4.
I’m wearing my Mon Guerlain perfume today, I quite like it, I guess I liked it a fair but considering I seem to have both a bottle of the edp and edt? I think this was during lockdown. Anyway I never wear it but I am today as it’s quite a warm scent, it’s like a warm vanilla but with a touch of lavender? Barely any lavender though, just a teeny tiny little bit. I just googled and that’s exactly what it is so yay me! Except it’s blatantly obvious so perhaps I’ll calm down on the self celebrations. Anyway it’s not one I’d replace but I do like it I suppose. It feels a little mature, not in an older woman way but in a mid-40s way. I read a comment and it said that it gives wife-and-adoring-mother with a wealthy husband, who’s just kissed her children goodnight before sweeping off in her furs to dinner and the opera. It’s classy and elegant, but with something warm and motherly to it and I get that too. Like the mama in Peter Pan! Anyway I’m a little ways off that stage of my life. But it’s a nice wfh scent I suppose. Most of my perfumes are just wfh/chill at home ones now. I wear perfume everyday, I’d say that’s silly but a) Andy tends to too and anything he does that I do makes me feel more assured it’s okay, b) I have a lottttt to get through and c) even if I didn’t have a lottttt to get through I still would because I just like to feel pretty. I may be as ugly as a troll but I will still be presentable enough. Not nicely, but perfume, groomed brows, glowy skin/skincare, my cutie lil diamond studs, brushed hair etc. Except I like a lived in look, I don’t like to look super prim and proper I prefer more bedheady hair and to look like I don’t care an awful lot, but in a nonchalant Kate Moss way not a get wrecked Adam Sandler way. Except I think Adam Sandler is the better of the two - I read he still has a regular-ish house? Then again it was the internet and I’m as gullible as… idk something gullible. That’s what I adore about Andy, he will do his own research and not believe anything outright, he’ll question it and all of that. Whereas I can just be like woowwwww crazy and then move on. There are many ways I’d like to be more like him, I don’t want to be like him but I just want to be better and he’s better so idk. He seems a little paranoid I’ll be like his ex who basically tried to become the tweedle dum to his tweedle dee, but I mean that’s never going to happen? I like to try things he likes, for example snacks and drinks and things. And if he says he enjoys using something and recommends it, ie his mouse, then I take his recommendations seriously. But I’m never going to dress or act like him, I mean I adore him but I don’t want to be a man…? I like being girly and different from him! But I just mean I like how he approaches things, I like how he handles disagreements or thinks about new information - they’re things I want to kind of learn from him. Not in a way where I’d ask because that makes it weirder. Idk. This whole thing is weird. I just admire him. Now I sound like some kinda single white female… which I am… oh god.
Todays been fine overall. I did something new workwise, getting into LOEs for H&S speeding stuff, I had a call with a manager about one of his direct reports this morning and he was like I mean is it that bad and I had to tell a 40 something grown man that it is indeed bad to speed 28km over the speed limit. For any reason. And in a branded vehicle at that. Anyway so then I had to do the letter which was fine but it’s such a confusing template so I suggested some alterations to the Head of and she said they were excellent and she would change the template letter to include my suggestions, so that made me feel good. I enjoy that part of my work, I think I like processes and policies and all of that stuff. Idk why someone with social anxiety thought it would be smart to get into PEOPLE advisory. But like I said, as thick as a brick.
I had such a fun chat with him this evening, he makes me all giggly and silly and I hate myself for saying that. The word giggle is so bleh. I mean it’s a cute word but it feels wrong to say for whatever reason. It’s like when people say “hehe” in texts or whatever, it makes me feel gross even though I don’t even mind it. I think in the right context from the right person it’s fine, but I’ve never experienced that so idk. Now I’m thinking of… something. Something we watched. And the subtitles had it as “heh heh” and I’m thinking sopranos. Anyway newsflash to no one: I love him a hellllllll of a lot.
I wish I didn’t have to go to the office tomorrow. It’s so annoying. I know it’s good for me and also my manager has outright asked me to, so I kind of have to regardless, but also I’ll just focus on the fact it’s good for me to be properly out of the house and stuff. And it has perks I guess, I can have sushi for lunch, peruse the bookshop nearby and I also don’t snack when I’m at the office, I take nuts with me but I don’t eat them because I get all anxy about if people can hear me chewing or if they think I’m some kind of insatiable ogre who can’t wait til lunch or dinner. But so I just have a few bits of sushi for lunch. Although I really want to try this Vietnamese place, they have a salad that looks so bloody good, but I’ve never been and it looks like the kind you line up for like subway and that sends a barrage of anxiety through me so maybe sometime in the future. But I also tend to get more done and idk. It’s good for me. I’ll just keep telling myself that while I hate life two days a week for the foreseeable. It’s not even that bad, it is bad anxiety wise - like yesterday I didn’t go to the bathroom for over an hour from when I needed to pee because of my anxiety, I also didn’t fill up my drink bottle or get another coffee at all for the whole day. So my anxiety is bad, but maybe over time it’ll get better, I’m sure it will, I just have to suck it up in the interim.
I think I’ll stop now because I have 10 mins exactly til 8 and I need to get entirely ready for bed and post this. I needed to blowdry my hair but I spent too long in the shower and now I don’t have time so oh well. Tbh I look like utter shite anyway lately so what’s a bad hair day to go with it? I’ll just put it up. I feel disgustingly ugly lately, I always do but especially lately. Okay now I have 8 minutes night night
submitted by createdjustforthis23 to u/createdjustforthis23 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:29 GuiltlessMaple Best Cold Steel Oss Knife

Best Cold Steel Oss Knife

Are you in need of a versatile and reliable knife for your outdoor adventures? Look no further than the Cold Steel Oss Knife! In this article, we'll take a closer look at the features, benefits, and reviews of this popular blade. Get ready to discover why the Oss Knife is a top choice for those seeking the ultimate knife for their outdoor pursuits.

The Top 19 Best Cold Steel Oss Knife

  1. Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife - Embrace the might of the Cold Steel Kobun, a lightweight and resilient Tanto styled boot knife with an AUS-8A blade, Kraton handle, and Kydex sheath, perfect for soldier-like adventures.
  2. Compact and lightweight Cold Steel Peace Maker II knife - Experience exceptional versatility and comfort with the Cold Steel Peace Maker II - a discreetly carried, lightweight belt knife suitable for hunting, fishing, and self-defense.
  3. Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense - Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife: A slim, featherweight, and highly effective neck knife, inspired by the ancient Scottish skean dhu, with a flat-ground AUS 8A stainless blade and secure-ex sheath for reliable retention and swift access.
  4. Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife - The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto, a stealthy and durable addition to the Nightshade series, offers a lightweight, versatile solution for self-defense and survival situations, making it a must-have for those seeking ultimate protection.
  5. VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle - Experience unparalleled performance and durability with the Cold Steel Master Hunter - the ultimate American-made hunting knife, praised by top hunters worldwide.
  6. Highly Durable Cold Steel Bushman Knife for Survival Needs - Experience unparalleled strength and versatility with the Cold Steel Bushman Knife, an expertly crafted survival tool with a 10.1 oz steel blade and customizable handle options for ultimate efficiency and reach.
  7. Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training - Experience realistic Tomahawk training with Cold Steel's Trench Hawk Trainer - offering exact size, weight and feel, while prioritizing safety with durable synthetic materials.
  8. Versatile Full-tang Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Knife - Experience unmatched durability and versatility with the Cold Steel FX65RZR Razor Tek, perfect for your next wilderness adventure.
  9. Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife - A tiny yet mighty blade, the Cold Steel Super Edge combines a rugged design, versatile functions, and comfort to create the ultimate all-in-one knife without weighing you down.
  10. Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife for Durability and Versatility - Experience the versatile and professional Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife, constructed with German 4116 Steel for ease of re-sharpening, and featuring a durable Zy-Ex core handle with a comfortable, non-slip Kray-Ex exterior.
  11. Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife - Carve your way to culinary perfection with the Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife, featuring a precision-ground 4116 German stainless steel blade and an ergonomic Kray-Ex handle for unmatched grip and performance.
  12. Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade - The Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear is a perfectly balanced, ultra-sharp single-edged knife capable of handling any field task with a thin, hollow ground Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade – all packaged in a Secure-Ex sheath for added safety.
  13. Commercial-Grade Butcher Knife from Cold Steel - Unleash the power of the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife, perfect for commercial and professional use with its razor-sharp German 4116 steel and comfortable handles for durability and ease of grip.
  14. Cold Steel Oss Scimitar Knife for Commercial Uses - Experience versatile and reliable performance with the Cold Steel Commercial Series Scimitar Knife, crafted from premium cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel and featuring comfortable non-slip handles for unparalleled grip and durability.
  15. Cold Steel Urban Pal: Lightweight Urban Survival Knife for Security in Today's World - Survive and thrive in the urban jungle with the Cold Steel Urban Pal, featuring a strong AUS-8A stainless steel blade, Kraton handle for optimal grip, and Secure-Ex molded sheath, perfect for self-defense or everyday carry.
  16. Tactical Drop-Forged Tomahawk Knife - Cold Steel War Hawk - Cold Steel War Hawk - a tactical and military-grade 19in overall fighting hawk, combining strength and historical design elements for efficient obstacle breaching and cutting.
  17. Cold Steel Oss Reversible Tanto Knife with Secure-Ex Sheath - Unlock unyielding strength and convenience with the Cold Steel 40A Click N Cut, a versatile utility knife perfect for tough cutting tasks and priced reasonably for long-lasting usage.
  18. Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper: Versatile Bushcraft Machete with Tough Steel Construction and Comfortable Carry Sheath - The Cold Steel All Terrain Chopper w/Sheath offers a multitude of survival and bushcraft capabilities, thanks to its sharp blade and point and tough full-tang steel construction.
  19. Premium Six Steak Knife Set by Cold Steel Kitchen Classics - Elevate your culinary experience with the Cold Steel - Kitchen Classics, featuring six ice-tempered, precision-ground steak knives in a stylish Oak countertop stand, providing comfort and superior cutting performance.
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🔗Classic Cold Steel Tanto Point Boot Knife

As someone who often finds themselves in need of a reliable blade for everyday use, I've had the pleasure of testing out the Cold Steel Kobun. This lightweight Tanto styled boot knife is definitely a handy addition to have on hand. I was instantly impressed by its sharp, reinforced point that contrasts with the thin blades commonly found in other boots knives.
One feature that stood out to me was the Kobun's deeply checkered Kraton handle. It offers an excellent grip, making the knife more secure in the hand. The cross section of the handle is also surprisingly thin, while still providing enough thickness to resist turning or shifting.
Another notable aspect of the Kobun is that it comes complete with a Secure-Ex sheath. This sturdy sheath makes it easy to attach the knife securely to your belt, ensuring that it remains easily accessible whenever you need it.
However, there was one downside that I discovered while using the Kobun. The default clip that was included with the knife was quite weak and didn't hold up well to everyday wear. I had to replace it with a Blade-Tech brand Tek-Lok belt attachment in order to ensure a more secure and reliable attachment to my belt.
Overall, the Cold Steel Kobun has been a reliable and versatile companion during my everyday activities. I would highly recommend it to anyone in need of a durable and efficient boot knife for both personal and practical use.

🔗Compact and lightweight Cold Steel Peace Maker II knife

I've been using the Cold Steel Peace Maker II for a few weeks now, and I must say, it's a game-changer. The knife is incredibly lightweight, making it perfect for daily carry. I've been using it for a variety of tasks, from opening boxes to trimming small branches, and it's handled every job with ease.
One of the standout features is the Scandi ground blade, which is incredibly easy to resharpen. The unique compound ground clip point provides a stiff distal tapered point capable of piercing thick targets without compromising precious cutting power.
The ergonomic handle design is another plus, with a thin, rectangular shape and subtle contouring. The palm swell and double quillon guard offer both comfort and protection. The knife also comes with a secure-ex sheath, which is cut and stab-resistant and impervious to the elements. The sheath attachment is sturdy and won't come loose, even during strenuous activities.
However, the blade does require frequent sharpening due to its soft steel composition. But considering the product's affordability, it's a small price to pay for the versatility and convenience it offers. The Peace Maker II is a reliable, multifunctional knife that's perfect for those who need a reliable and versatile cutting tool.

🔗Slim and Effective Steel Surveillance Knife for Self-Defense

Recently, I've been trying out the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife, and let me tell you, it's been a game-changer. This sleek little thing, perfect for self-defense, fits conveniently under any clothing, making it the ideal secret weapon (if you can keep it that way! ). It's so lightweight, you'll barely notice the half-pound heft, and the 4-inch blade is sharp as a tack – if you're not paying close attention, the edges might leave you astounded, your friends and family, that is.
Now, we all know that sharpness can sometimes come at a cost - durability. However, this knife's AUS 8A stainless steel blade seems to handle it all, remaining steady even after some of my more intense activities. The flat ground design does wonders against whatever material it clashes with.
The Secret Edge also includes a Secure-Ex sheath, a reliable retention system that's quick to access and deploy without compromising safety—perfect for those urgent moments. And it's equipped with a thin, flat faux G-10 handle, ergonomic enough to stay put in your hand while preventing any slippage or rolling. The three-hole design and aggressively textured surface ensure a grip like no other.
However, there are a few minor things that I've picked up on:
  1. The edge is only 3.5 inches long, despite the claim of a 3.5-inch blade length, which does diminish its cutting power.
  2. The product's description said it has no weight, but it actually weighs 3.2 ounces. It might seem negligible, but it makes a difference, especially over long periods of wear.
Overall, the Cold Steel Secret Edge 11SDT Knife has been a remarkable addition to my daily life. Its unassuming appearance, while still offering reliable functionality, makes it a top choice for those in need of a tactful self-defense tool.

🔗Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto: Sleek and Impervious Serrated Knife

I remember the day I brought home my Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto. The sleek black design and the promise of a lightweight yet durable knife piqued my curiosity. It was a perfect addition to my collection of self-defense tools, for those moments when you need to protect yourself and your loved ones.
The handle, made of Kraton, felt great in my hand, with its solid grip that remained unaffected by temperature and moisture. It was a great contrast to the Grivory blade finish, which made the knife look even more menacing. I loved how the tanto point blade shape gave a perfect balance between sharpness and durability.
However, it wasn't all roses. The Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto felt a bit underwhelming when it came to cutting tasks. Its plastic blade just didn't have the same edge retention as a traditional steel blade, making it not ideal for more demanding tasks like cutting through thick materials.
Still, for the price and as a lightweight and corrosion-resistant self-defense tool, the Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto has proven to be quite the handy piece. It's a unique addition to any collection, and it's been a great conversation starter among my friends and family.

🔗VG-1 San Mai 3 Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Hunting Knife with Kray-Ex Handle

As a reviewer who has tried the Cold Steel Master Hunter, I can confidently say that it has become my go-to knife for various outdoor activities. One of the features that stood out to me was the comfortable, deeply checkered Kraton grip, which allows for long-term use without any discomfort. The broad, thin blade with a distinct taper provides exceptional cutting ability, edge retention, and ease of resharpening.
However, one of the cons I encountered was the knife's tendency to be easily lost due to its minimalistic design. I also noticed that the blade occasionally required additional sharpening, despite its excellent edge retention. Nevertheless, the overall performance and durability of the Master Hunter make it a reliable and versatile tool for all your hunting needs.

🔗Highly Durable Cold Steel Bushman Knife for Survival Needs

Recently, I had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel Bushman Knife and let me tell you, my experience was quite an adventure. This knife, with its 7-inch blade made of SK-5 high carbon steel, proved to be a reliable companion on my outdoor excursions.
One of the standout features was its hollow handle, which was surprisingly versatile. I was able to store a few essentials inside, and with the right handle extensions, I could reach impressive lengths for certain tasks. The knife's unique construction allowed for a seamless blend of blade and handle, which gave it a solid, reliable feel.
However, there was one drawback to my experience: the sheath. While the Secure-Ex sheath featured a Ferrocerium Fire Steel, which was convenient for starting fires, it had a few issues. The locking mechanism was less than secure, making it prone to accidental release. It also lacked a left-handed option, which could be a dealbreaker for some users.
Despite these minor setbacks, the Cold Steel Bushman Knife proved to be a sturdy and practical tool for various outdoor activities. With its strong blade and adaptable handle, it was a reliable ally on my adventures. While the sheath could use some improvements, the knife itself more than made up for it.

🔗Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer - Practical, Durable, and Safe Tomahawk Training

When I got my hands on the Cold Steel Trench Hawk Trainer, I was immediately impressed by its size and weight. The synthetic material felt surprisingly sturdy and authentic, making it perfect for learning the ropes without the danger of injury.
Not to mention, it closely resembles the actual Trench Hawk, so every training session felt like a real-life scenario. However, the weight was noticeably lighter than the real deal, which might not be ideal for those looking for a more accurate experience.
Overall, the Trench Hawk Trainer provided a safe and effective way to hone my skills, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to up their training game.

🔗Versatile Full-tang Stainless Steel Cold Steel Oss Knife

I recently tried out the Cold Steel Razor Tek, and I must say, it's a versatile and sturdy blade that has made quite an impact in my outdoor adventures. The 6.5" 5mm thick recurve blade is a powerful tool for those who need a reliable knife for larger tasks - it's perfect for chopping. The ergonomic and textured handle provides a comfortable grip that's suitable for any wilderness outing.
One feature that stood out to me is the secure-ex belt sheath, which holds the knife securely and makes it easy to access when needed. The 11.7 oz weight is manageable, allowing for long-term usage without causing fatigue. However, the knife's size and thickness might not be ideal for everyone, so it's essential to consider if it's suitable for your specific needs.
Overall, the Cold Steel Razor Tek is a well-crafted blade that would be an excellent addition to any outdoor enthusiast's arsenal. The 4116 stainless steel and the black Gfn handle make it a reliable and stylish choice. While it may not be the cheapest option on the market, the Razor Tek's quality and durability make it a worthwhile investment for those looking for a dependable cutting tool.

🔗Lightweight Miniature Cold Steel Super Edge Knife

The Super Edge is the ultimate keychain companion for any adventurous spirit. With its sleek design and razor-sharp blade, this little powerhouse can take on any task thrown at it. Whether you're taming a wild zipper or cutting through a tough piece of rope, the Super Edge never disappoints.
Its lightweight construction and secure sheath make it a discreet and convenient carry option, ensuring you're prepared for any situation. While its diminutive size may fool some, never underestimate the capabilities of this impressive workhorse.
The Super Edge has proven itself as a reliable tool in the hands of users, earning its stellar reputation as one of the best keychain knives on the market.

🔗Cold Steel Commercial Series 10" Chef's Knife for Durability and Versatility

I recently got my hands on the Cold Steel Commercial Series Chef's Knife, and I must say, it has been a game-changer in my daily life. The knife's razor-sharp cryo-quenched German 4116 steel not only makes cutting vegetables and meat a breeze but also re-sharpening is a breeze in the field.
The handle, featuring a stiff Zy-Ex core for durability and a non-slip Kray-Ex exterior, provides a comfortable grip for hours of use. This knife has become a staple in my kitchen, and I find myself reaching for it every time I need to chop anything.
However, one downside I've noticed is the build quality. The knife I received had a small gap between the handle and the blade, which might pose a hygiene problem when used for meat and fish. But overall, it's a fantastic kitchen knife for the price, and I highly recommend it for everyday use.

🔗Heavy-Duty, Comfortable Cold Steel Kitchen Knife

The Cold Steel Kitchen Classics Chef Knife has been a lifesaver in my daily kitchen tasks. The 8-inch blade is incredibly sharp and holds its edge well, making it perfect for everything from slicing through tomatoes to chopping up a variety of fruits and veggies. The handle is also quite comfortable to grip, providing a secure and solid hold.
One of the highlights of this knife is its German 4116 stainless cryo-quenched material, which ensures the blade remains sharp and durable. I especially enjoyed the terrific stiff Zy-Ex core and the softer, deeply checkered Kray-Ex exterior handle for a non-slip grip. This knife has been my go-to in the kitchen, and I appreciate its reasonable price tag.
However, there was one downside: the grip started to peel and break after about two years of use. Nonetheless, this knife truly stands out for its superb sharpness, comfort, and durability.

🔗Cold Steel OSS Knife: Efficient Field Tool with Japanese AUS8A Stainless Steel Blade

I recently had the pleasure of using the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear during a few camping trips. This knife truly shines when it comes to cutting and slashing through tough materials. The blade's thin ultra-keen edge is a testament to its impressive performance.
One of the standout features of this knife is its Secure-Ex Sheath, which keeps it safely tucked away when not in use. The Japanese AUS 8A Stainless Steel blade lends a sense of durability and reliability, perfect for those who need a versatile and effective blade in their daily life.
However, there are a couple of minor drawbacks worth mentioning. The handle/guard is a bit flexible, which may not be ideal for heavy-duty tasks. Additionally, some users have found it a bit challenging to remove the knife from the Secure-Ex Sheath.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Cold Steel 39LSSS OSI Tactical Gear has proven to be a reliable and effective companion on my camping trips. Its balance and heft make it a joy to use, and the Secure-Ex Sheath ensures that it's always ready for action. Overall, this is an impressive knife that's well worth considering for anyone in need of a reliable and versatile blade for various purposes.

🔗Commercial-Grade Butcher Knife from Cold Steel

As a home chef, I've always been on the lookout for affordable yet high-quality knives. That's when I stumbled upon the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife 8.0 in Blade. Impressed by the sharpness and durability of the blade upon first use, I knew that this knife could handle any heavy-duty task in my kitchen.
One of the features that stood out to me is the ergonomic design of the handle. The Zy-Ex core adds rigidity, while the softer, food-safe Kray-Ex exterior provides a comfortable, non-slip grip. After hours of chopping vegetables and cutting meat, my hand never felt tired or overwhelmed. This is truly a game-changer when it comes to kitchen knives.
However, the blade is quite heavy, which requires a certain level of force to wield effectively. For those with weaker hands or for tasks that don't require much pressure, this may be an issue. But, in my experience, the weight has been a welcome addition to the overall power of the knife.
When it comes to sharpening, the cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel holds an edge remarkably well. I've used it extensively without any significant blade degradation. The knives also do not rust easily, a crucial factor when dealing with raw meat or wet conditions.
Overall, the Cold Steel Commercial Series Butcher Knife 8.0 in Blade has proven to be a reliable addition to my kitchen arsenal. Its sharpness, durability, and robustness make it a worthwhile investment for both home cooks and professionals alike.

🔗Cold Steel Oss Scimitar Knife for Commercial Uses

The Cold Steel Commercial Series Scimitar Knife has truly become an indispensable addition to my daily life, thanks to its remarkable design and unmatched quality. This Taiwanese-made knife is perfect for all sorts of tasks, from hunting and fishing to commercial kitchens and butcher shops. The 10-inch blade, made from premium cryo-quenched German 4116 Steel, is incredibly sharp and re-sharpenable.
Its durable handle, featuring a stiff Zy-Ex core and a comfortable non-slip grip made from Kray-Ex, is a game-changer for long hours of usage. The knife's satin finish gives it a sleek look, and its overall length of 15.25 inches offers ample reach for an array of applications.
My experience with this knife has been nothing short of fantastic, and I highly recommend it to anyone who values versatility, durability, and quality.

Buyer's Guide

The Cold Steel OSS Knife is a versatile, reliable, and durable option for outdoor enthusiasts, campers, and survivalists. Designed for various tasks, this versatile knife can be used for hunting, fishing, and other outdoor activities. In this buyer's guide, we will discuss the important features, considerations, and general advice about the Cold Steel OSS Knife and similar products.


Key Features of the Cold Steel OSS Knife

  • Durable and Lightweight Construction: The Cold Steel OSS Knife is made from high-quality materials like 1095 Steel and is designed to be lightweight and easy to handle.
  • Versatile Design: The knife features a versatile design with a tanto tip that offers both cutting and piercing capabilities.
  • Secure Locking Mechanism: The Cold Steel OSS Knife has a secure locking mechanism that ensures the blade remains safely in the handle.
  • Ergonomic Handle: The knife's handle is designed to provide a comfortable grip, even when wet, and features contoured lines for optimal finger positioning.

Important Considerations When Choosing a Knife

  • Purpose: Determine the primary use of the knife. This could include hunting, camping, fishing, or other outdoor activities.
  • Blade Type: Different blade types offer various advantages. Tanto blades, like those found on the Cold Steel OSS Knife, combine cutting and piercing capabilities.
  • Durability: Consider the knife's durability and the materials from which it is constructed.
  • Weight: Consider the knife's weight and how it may affect its ease of use in various situations.
  • Grip Comfort: The handle's design and comfort are essential for optimal performance and control.


General Advice for Cold Steel OSS Knife Owners

Proper maintenance and care are essential for ensuring the longevity and performance of your Cold Steel OSS Knife. Always clean the blade after use and apply a protective coating to prevent corrosion. It is also recommended to sharpen the blade regularly for optimal performance.
The Cold Steel OSS Knife is a reliable and versatile option for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a durable and lightweight knife. By considering the key features and important considerations when choosing a knife, you can make an informed decision and find the perfect tool for your needs.



What is the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife is a tactical knife designed for survival and self-defense situations. It is a sturdy, durable knife that features a full tang construction, making it suitable for heavy-duty tasks.

What materials are used in the construction of the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife is made of high-quality materials, including a 6V14 stainless steel blade and Zytel handle. The blade is designed for excellent edge retention and resistance to corrosion, while the handle offers a comfortable grip and durability.


What kind of blade does the Cold Steel Oss Knife have?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife features a spear-point blade, which offers a combination of strength and piercing power. The blade has a length of 5 inches and a thickness of 0.143 inches.

What is the handle of the Cold Steel Oss Knife made of?

The handle of the Cold Steel Oss Knife is made of Zytel, a high-performance thermoplastic that offers excellent grip and durability. The handle also features a finger guard and a lanyard hole for easy retention.

What is the weight of the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

The Cold Steel Oss Knife weighs approximately 7.2 ounces, making it a lightweight yet sturdy option for survival and self-defense situations.

Is the Cold Steel Oss Knife suitable for outdoor activities?

Yes, the Cold Steel Oss Knife is a versatile knife that is suitable for a wide range of outdoor activities, including camping, hunting, and hiking. Its durable construction and versatile blade make it a valuable tool for various survival situations.

What is the best way to maintain the Cold Steel Oss Knife?

To maintain the Cold Steel Oss Knife, it is recommended to clean it regularly after use and avoid storing it in a damp environment. Additionally, it should be periodically sharpened to ensure optimal performance.
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2024.05.21 08:53 asterminta Told to go home from work for being arrogant - Long Rant

I’m just trying to accept my fate after fumbling a good job opportunity :( . The job I’m currently working at gives me too little hours after employing too many(?) people, aka 4 hours a day max. They won’t accept anyone who isn’t working full time during the summer, but since I have a summer course, they won’t employ me much. I decided to do a job search & found the perfect one: located near me, more hours, more pay, better environment, & I’ve worked customer service before.
I got a call back(!) and was told to go have a small chat with the manager—let’s call her managerOne—at 3 PM on a Saturday. I accidentally slept over it and my four alarms; I guess I was too tired the night before. I immediately called her back and asked if I could still go there and she said yes, but she just interviewed another girl. Now I’m panicking because she might think I’m not punctual. I get there and I try to be as nice as possible (desperate for this job). She likes me and my attitude for being “smiley” and dissed the other girl for not knowing English and being too stern. Ngl I was happy hearing that. She said I need to do a 24 hour unpaid training to see if I’m actually fit for the job, which was unusual. Training usually pays less but not nothing. After the interview I thanked her for the time and clarified a few questions through text. She told me I would be assigned at least 24 hours within 2 full days of the week (yippie more hours)!
Today I made sure not to sleep over my training. Set hella alarms and slept hella early. I showered in the morning & did my makeup >< a girlie needs to be presentable. Made bold decision to put hair down after a century of tying it up. I went in at 12 afternoon and told them I was here for training. I was informed there was going to be another trainee with me. I was a little skeptical because training two people at once isn’t unheard of, but I doubted the place needed that many new hires. The new trainee was chill and very quiet. There were two full time girls working there. The one that trained us in the back room was very sweet, best posture, nice attitude and clearly a warming person. However, an hour in at 12:55, I was told to go home by the other girl. She told me that “I wouldn’t be a good fit for the job. Two managers were looking through the security cameras and thought I was chewing gum and being too arrogant with my attitude”. I asked her whether managerOne was the one who decided. She said yes and that even during my interview with her, I was chewing gum.
One thing about me is that I hate chewing gum & have never chewed gum for years. However, I do fidget with my tongue piercing. After I left the store I immediately called up managerOne and asked why she could kick me out if she liked me so much. I clarified to her it was my tongue piercing I was fidgeting with. She told me my attitude in posture made me look very careless about the job, giving a “whatever” attitude as if this job isn’t important to me. I told her I made it clear I truly wanted this job. I was asking a lot of questions to the trainer about how to do the job well.
During our training, I sat down with legs and arms crossed. I have a habit of crossing my legs for comfort (long torso and short legs make life hard). The girl training us told me 10 minutes into the training that crossing my arms might come off as arrogant to the customers. For the next 40 minutes I pulled my chair in and uncrossed everything. She told me that servers put their hair up, so I took out my rubber band and hair clip I packed just in case. ManagerOne told me that these two girls have been working for a long time and can tell whether one person would be fit for the job and didn’t want to waste my time since training is unpaid. I didn’t know I offended the sweet trainer that much. I’m usually reserved and almost never go out of my way in the job I have currently.
I asked managerOne if she could vouch for me. She said no because she trusts the two full-time workers more. The walk home was surreal in a negative way, like am I really going home right now? I enjoy doing restaurant work & I’ve done plenty before. ManagerOne told me there was a location open elsewhere. This location is an hour commute away and ends late nights at 1 AM sometimes. I would get home 2:30 AM after cleaning and maybe get there at 11:30 AM to open store again. I want more hours but not to the point of risking burnout.
Now I called up the other places I reached out to during my job search and most of them don’t need me. I regret getting a tongue piercing to fidget with and I regret putting my hair down and I regret not being a soulless person with no personality. Terribly sad about fumbling this job. Their food is mad good too & I feel like I’m banned from eating there. I might have messed up in a few places that might be minuscule but still contribute to me getting kicked out. I can think of not pushing my chair in when trainer was getting past me. I can think of saying it might be tedious to walk back and forth between the customers and chef if there was something to be clarified between the two (aka one dish takes 15 minutes to cook occasionally, so should I tell the customer first or ask the chef and come back to the waiting customer). I said that line in Mandarin so perhaps it might’ve not come off as good. I think they were going to kick one of us out regardless to fill in one space and keep their options open.
tldr: kicked out for being too arrogant one hour into training (chewing gum and crossing arms and legs) altho I don’t chew gum and changed posture immediately after being told
submitted by asterminta to Rants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:14 RemarkableSlide9400 Top Home Broadband in Pune Fast, Secure, and Affordable Internet

Top Home Broadband in Pune Fast, Secure, and Affordable Internet
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2024.05.21 08:07 GuiltlessMaple Best Cobra Security Cameras

Best Cobra Security Cameras

Welcome to our in-depth review of Cobra Security Cameras, the go-to solution for home and business security. In this article, we'll take you on a tour of some of the most impressive products Cobra has to offer, helping you make an informed decision on which one suits your needs. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of top-notch home security.

The Top 15 Best Cobra Security Cameras

  1. High-Definition Wireless Outdoor Security Camera with Smartphone App - Upgrade your home security with the 8CH Expandable All in One Wireless Security Camera System, featuring a 10.1" monitor, high-resolution Full HD video, and smartphone app access for motion detection and real-time notifications.
  2. Detailed HD Cabin View Infrared Night Vision Security Camera for SC Series - The Cobra FV-CV1 Full HD Cabin-View Camera for SC Series provides crystal-clear detail-rich 1080P video, infrared night vision, and a swivel-mounted design with a 120° FOV, making it perfect for capturing all-angles of your vehicle's interior.
  3. Ultimate Smart Dash Cam - 2023 Editor's Choice Winner - Experience ultimate driving intelligence with the Cobra SC 400D Dash Cam, featuring 4K Ultra HD and 1080p cameras, real-time alerts, Alexa integration, and a suite of advanced safety and connectivity features for the smartest way to drive.
  4. Cobra SC 100 Smart Dash Cam with GPS and Bluetooth Connectivity - Capture and protect every drive with the Cobra SC 100 Single-View Smart Dash Cam, featuring crystal-clear Full HD recording, dual-band WiFi, and smart emergency alerts.
  5. Ultra Compact 1080P Full HD Dash Cam with Motion Sensor - Capture every moment with the ultra-compact and discreet Cobra CDR 820 HD Dash Cam, boasting 1080P Full HD video recording, a 1.5" LCD screen, and smart features for automatic protection during accidents.
  6. Smart Dash Cam with Dual-View for Crystal Clear Video and Hands-Free Voice Control - Capture both front and rear views of your ride, hands-free voice commands, and crystal clear video resolution with the Cobra SC 200D dual-view smart dash cam.
  7. Cobra SC 201 Dual-View Smart Dash Cam: Advanced Safety and Security Solution - Capture crystal-clear front and cabin views with the Cobra SC 201 dual-view smart dash cam, featuring Full HD resolution, infrared cabin night vision, and real-time road alert connections.
  8. Cobra SC 200D WiFi Dash & Rear Cam for Optimized Safety - Capture and monitor your journey with the Cobra SC 200D Smart Dash & Rear Cam, featuring high-quality quad-HD cameras and Wi-Fi GPS technology for the ultimate driving experience.
  9. Cobra SC 400 4K Smart Dash Cam with GPS, Extra Features, and Alexa Integration - Stay connected and protected on the road with the 4K UHD Cobra SC 400 Smart Dash Cam, featuring Alexa integration, GPS mount, and live police alerts for a safer, smarter driving experience.
  10. Dual-View Dash Cam with iRadar for Enhanced Road Safety - Cobra - Capture and monitor your driving experiences with the Cobra DASH2316D dual-view dashcam, featuring HD recording, advanced iRadar app integration, and up to 64GB storage, all in a sleek black design.
  11. Swann Pro-5MPMSD: High-Quality 5MP PIR Add-On Dome Security Camera with Night Vision - Protect your premises with the Swann Pro-5MPMSD, a powerful 5.0-Megapixel PIR Add-On Dome Camera featuring advanced infrared night vision, state-of-the-art motion detection, and discreet dome styling.
  12. Wireless Security Camera with 1080p HD & True Detect Sensor - Experience hassle-free security with the Swann CoreCam, offering up to 3 months of battery life and crisp 1080p HD video, while ensuring reliable alerts through innovative heat and motion detection.
  13. Seco-Larm Enforcer 4-in-1 Analog Turret Camera for Home Security - Seco-Larm Enforcer 4-in-1 Analog Turret Camera offers versatile compatibility with various formats, 24/7 crystal-clear images, and easy installation for seamless home control.
  14. Smart Dash Cam with High-Resolution 1296P Video - Upgrade your driving experience with the Cobra Drive HD 1296P Dash Cam, boasting 1296P resolution for stunning picture quality, 8GB micro SD card for efficient storage, and USB connectivity for seamless device compatibility.
  15. Cobra Security IP Dome Camera with IR Cut Filter and Dual-codec Compression - Experience ultimate security with the CBC America DDK1500D D: a vandal-resistant 530TVL IP dome camera that provides seamless dual-codec M-JPEG/MPEG-4 compression and M-JPEG streaming.
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🔗High-Definition Wireless Outdoor Security Camera with Smartphone App

Recently, I had the pleasure of testing out the 8CH Expandable All in One Wireless Security Camera System with 10.1" Monitor. This outdoor camera kit, Cromorc Home Business, comes with a Network Video Recorder system and outdoor camera that allows you to follow in real-time what's happening around your home or business. The NVR system offers a 10-inch LCD monitor that connects automatically with the 4 cameras without the use of wires.
One of my favorite features of the Cromorc system is its high-resolution Full HD video of 1920 * 1080P and night vision with clear images thanks to the 3 integrated Infrared Array LEDs. I was impressed by the camera's ability to record day or night up to 7/7 and extend the viewing distance to 20 meters. Additionally, the cameras have a metal housing and IP66 weatherproof protection, which is perfect for outdoor usage.
However, I did notice a slight drawback in the night vision quality. The range at night is not as great as expected, but overall, the system is good for the price. The motion detection function notifies you with a real-time SMS on your smartphone through the IP PRO application on iOS or Eseecloud on Android's Google Play, which is quite helpful.
In conclusion, the Cromorc Home Business is a reliable and expandable outdoor security camera system that offers a convenient and easy-to-use monitoring solution. With its Full HD video quality, night vision, and motion detection features, this system makes an excellent choice for securing your home or business.

🔗Detailed HD Cabin View Infrared Night Vision Security Camera for SC Series

I recently tried the Cobra FV-CV1 Full HD Cabin-View Camera and it exceeded my expectations. The 120° field of view and adjustable recording angle made sure I could capture the entire cabin interior in stunning detail. The infrared night vision function was particularly useful, as it captured the interior footage in crystal-clear clarity even during the darkest hours.
The installation process was a breeze, with the simple plug-and-play mechanism. It took just seconds to install it in my SC 200. The only downside I encountered was that I couldn't use the front and rear facing dash cam at the same time.
Overall, Cobra FV-CV1 has become an essential addition to my daily life, offering peace of mind and ensuring I'm prepared for any incidents on the road.

🔗Ultimate Smart Dash Cam - 2023 Editor's Choice Winner

As a savvy driver, I was always on the lookout for the perfect dash cam. That is until I came across the Cobra SC 400D. A friend of mine recommended it, and I was surprised at how intuitive it was to use. The real-time alert system and Alexa integration were just some of the features that made this dash cam feel like it was made for me.
The Cobra SC 400D Ultimate Smart Dash Cam boasts a sleek touch screen, which I found incredibly easy to navigate while driving. I also appreciated the voice command feature which, although still a work in progress, added a level of convenience I hadn't seen before.
However, nothing in life is perfect, and the Cobra SC 400D wasn't immune to its quirks. The app-based Drive Smarter community integration could be frustrating at times, as it required an unpredictable WiFi connection and the occasional firmware update. Moreover, I encountered a minor issue with the GPS mount attachment, which was tricky to align at first.
Despite these problems, the Cobra SC 400D proved to be an excellent dash cam, providing me with a reliable solution to record my journeys and monitor my surroundings. It's an ideal companion for anyone looking to enhance their driving experience.

🔗Cobra SC 100 Smart Dash Cam with GPS and Bluetooth Connectivity

One sunny afternoon, I decided to take my Cobra SC 100 Single-View Smart Dash Cam on a test run. The setup was quick and easy, and the dash cam's sleek design remained inconspicuous behind my rear view mirror. As I headed off on my journey, I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort knowing that my every move on the road was being captured in crystal-clear Full HD resolution.
The Cobra SC 100 boasts a plethora of features that ensure your safety on the road. With continuous loop recording, I knew that I wouldn't miss any key moments. The emergency Mayday alert system was a particular highlight for me, as it gave me peace of mind knowing that I could quickly alert emergency contacts in the event of a severe accident. The dash cam's Parking Mode and Motion Sensing functionality also made me feel more secure, as I knew that it would be keeping an eye on my vehicle even when I wasn't in the driver's seat.
However, there were a few aspects of the Cobra SC 100 that didn't quite live up to expectations. While the app's connectivity was smooth, I found that the GPS location and speed information were only embedded in the video clips intermittently. This, coupled with the occasional sound recording that I couldn't seem to turn off, left me feeling a bit frustrated.
Despite these minor drawbacks, the Cobra SC 100 proved to be a reliable and impressive product. Its sleek design, easy setup, and wealth of advanced features made it a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking a reliable dash cam.

🔗Ultra Compact 1080P Full HD Dash Cam with Motion Sensor

The Cobra CDR 820 HD Dash Cam has been a reliable companion in my daily drive. The ultra-compact size allowed me to install it discreetly, and the 1.5" LCD screen made it easy for me to review the footage. The wide 118-degree angle ensured that I could capture clear videos from any angle, even in long-range situations.
The product's pros include its ease of use, seamless installation, and the ability to record high-quality videos with impressive detail. The camera also featured a motion sensor and G-sensor for automatic recording and protection of crucial footage during accidents, which was a nice addition.
However, there were also some minor drawbacks. The battery life was relatively short, and I had to rely on a 12V power source to keep it running. The sensitivity of the G-sensors seemed to be too high, causing unnecessary "locks" for even minor vibrations. I had to disable the motion sensor and G-sensor to avoid these issues.
Despite these drawbacks, I am satisfied with the Cobra CDR 820 HD Dash Cam's performance. It captured clear images, had a user-friendly interface, and offered easy access to recorded footage. It's worth investing in a dash cam for added security and peace of mind.

🔗Smart Dash Cam with Dual-View for Crystal Clear Video and Hands-Free Voice Control

I recently installed the Cobra SC 200D dual-view smart dash cam in my car, and I must say, it's been an interesting journey so far. This little gadget has captured some stunning footage of my daily commute, and the ability to switch between front and rear view is a game-changer. The 3-inch LCD screen is the cherry on top, allowing me to review the footage right there on the spot.
However, there have been a few hiccups along the way. For starters, the voice command feature didn't quite work as advertised. Sometimes it missed my commands, and other times it responded with the wrong action. It would be nice if the technology was a bit more reliable in this area.
Additionally, I found the app to be a bit tricky to navigate at times. It took me a few tries to figure out how to download the clips and upload them to the cloud storage. A more user-friendly interface would have made this process much smoother.
Overall, the Cobra SC 200D has its ups and downs. While it provides a great view of my surroundings and captures some lovely footage, the voice command feature and app could use some refining. But all in all, it's been a worthwhile addition to my car.

🔗Cobra SC 201 Dual-View Smart Dash Cam: Advanced Safety and Security Solution

Imagine cruising down the road with peace of mind, knowing that your every move is captured and recorded by the Cobra SC 201 Dual-View Smart Dash Cam. This incredible device offers a dual-view feature, allowing you to capture the road ahead and your vehicle's cabin interior in crystal-clear Full HD (1080P) resolution. The built-in cameras are equipped with infrared cabin night vision, ensuring that even in low light conditions, you'll have crystal-clear footage of your interior.
Setting up the Cobra SC 201 is a breeze, with its convenient 2" LCD screen that allows you to easily view and access the camera menu and settings. The Drive Smarter app connects you with the Cobra driver community, providing real-time road alerts that can help you stay one step ahead of potential hazards.
But what sets this dash cam apart are its safety and security features. Continuous loop recording, emergency Mayday alert, Parking Mode, and Motion Sensing all work together to ensure maximum protection for you and your vehicle.
While there are some pros and cons to consider, overall, the Cobra SC 201 Dual-View Smart Dash Cam is a reliable and valuable addition to your daily driving routine, offering peace of mind and an extra layer of protection on the road.

🔗Cobra SC 200D WiFi Dash & Rear Cam for Optimized Safety

The Cobra Smart Dash & Rear Cam SC 200D QHD 1600P WiFi GPS has been a real game-changer in my daily life. Installing it in my car took some time, but once it was set up, I was blown away by its functionality and ease of use.
One of the key features that stood out to me was the high-quality video recording. The Quad HD front video quality and Full HD rear camera capture the tiniest details, even during nighttime drives. The sleek 3 inch QHD OLED display made it a breeze to review the footage.
Another great aspect of this dash cam is the hands-free voice commands and safety features. The built-in WiFi and GPS made sharing and storing footage incredibly convenient, while the incident reports and Mayday alerts provided a sense of security. The continuous loop recording and emergency Mayday alert, along with the motion sensing and advanced driver assistance, ensured maximum protection for my car and me.
However, I did experience a few drawbacks. At times, the dash cam would stay on even after I turned off my car, which was quite frustrating. Additionally, the app occasionally crashed or froze, which made it difficult to access the video files. I also noticed that the app interface changed after the company updated it, which caused some confusion.
Overall, the Cobra Smart Dash & Rear Cam SC 200D QHD 1600P WiFi GPS is a fantastic investment for anyone looking to enhance their driving experience. With its impressive features and stunning video quality, it's a product I'd highly recommend.

🔗Cobra SC 400 4K Smart Dash Cam with GPS, Extra Features, and Alexa Integration

This past month, I got my hands on the SC 400 Smart Dash Cam by Cobra. As a daily driver, I was really excited to try it out and see how it would make my commute safer and more convenient. Right out of the box, the camera felt solid and well-built. The mount attachment was easy to install, ensuring a secure placement on my windshield.
The first thing I noticed was the 4K UHD resolution, which made the video footage incredibly clear. It captured every detail, and the color accuracy was impressive, even when driving on sunny days or through challenging weather conditions. The wide-angle lens also made it easy to keep an eye on my surroundings. However, one downside was the footage quality during low-light situations; the camera could have done better in this regard.
Another standout feature was the GPS mount attachment, which allowed me to track my route accurately. The extra adhesives that came with the package were a nice touch, ensuring the camera remained firmly in place. The vehicle charger and micro USB data cable made it simple to power the camera and transfer files to my computer or phone.
One of the most appealing aspects of the SC 400 Smart Dash Cam was its built-in Alexa capabilities. With just a few voice commands, I could control the camera, start and stop recording, and even make it switch between the front and rear cameras. The heads-up navigation feature was a game-changer, helping me stay on track and avoid any unnecessary detours.
However, there were a few issues I encountered. Firstly, the DriveSmart app, which is required to upload files and access additional features, left much to be desired. Its user interface was clunky, and frequent updates were required to maintain compatibility with the camera. Additionally, the app's connection issues and lack of support for popular navigation services like Google Maps or Waze were disappointing.
Overall, the Cobra SC 400 Smart Dash Cam has some great features that make driving safer and more convenient. While it's not perfect, it offers a solid solution for those looking to stay protected on the road.

🔗Dual-View Dash Cam with iRadar for Enhanced Road Safety - Cobra

A few weeks ago, I spent some time trying out the Cobra DASH2316D drive HD front and rear camera dash cam with iRadar. The front-facing 1080p HD camera captures everything happening on the road, while the 160-degree wide angle lens at the rear provides ample coverage for everything behind me. The user interface is a breeze to navigate as all the important settings and features are neatly laid out for easy access.
The 16GB microSD card does the trick in storing recorded footage and ensuring that critical events are preserved. However, as I found out, it fills up pretty quickly, and you may have to swap out the card every few weeks depending on how much footage you've captured. The built-in G-sensor automatically detects impacts, saving those precious moments.
What really impressed me is the iRadar feature which provides real-time updates on the locations of speed cameras and police activity. This handy tool allows me to know exactly where I should keep my eyes peeled, or to strategically plan my route to a hotspot of activity (though that might not always be a bad thing).
However, there is always room for improvement, especially in today's technology-driven world. The main con I've experienced is the occasional unresponsiveness of the app. At times, it took a few attempts to refresh or open the iRadar app for speed camera updates.
Overall, the Cobra DASH2316D delivers decent performance in terms of video quality, storage space and crucial features that make for an essential dash cam. It's not perfect, but it's hard not to recommend it for providing a clear picture of what goes on in and around your car.

🔗Swann Pro-5MPMSD: High-Quality 5MP PIR Add-On Dome Security Camera with Night Vision

With its 5-megapixel camera, the Swann PRO-5MPMSD dome provides crisp and clear images, even during the night. The infrared cut filter and powerful LEDs ensure that the camera captures every detail in any light, and the sturdy aluminum construction ensures durability whether you're putting it indoors or outdoors. The true detect PIR motion sensor eliminates false triggers, giving you more reliable motion detection and activity-triggered recording, keeping your property protected.
Installation is a breeze, and you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you're watching over what matters most.

🔗Wireless Security Camera with 1080p HD & True Detect Sensor

One sunny afternoon, I decided to install the Swann CoreCam Security Camera at my home. The set-up process was a breeze, and the cameras were up and running within minutes. The 1080p Full HD video quality was crystal clear, both day and night. I was impressed that the cameras were weatherproof and could operate all year round.
The heat and motion detection feature was a game-changer. It triggered video recording and sent push notifications when anyone entered my yard. I loved the two-way talk feature that allowed me to greet guests or warn intruders. The siren added an extra layer of security to my home.
The Swann CoreCam Security Camera also offered hands-free voice control. I could easily ask Siri or Alexa to check the footage or receive alerts. The cameras backed up my recordings locally and in the cloud, ensuring that I always had a copy of my footage.
However, I did experience a few issues. The battery life seemed to be shorter than advertised, lasting only a few weeks before needing a recharge. The motion detection could sometimes be unreliable, with a few false alarms. Lastly, the cameras' brackets had limited adjustment options, which made it difficult to position them perfectly.
Overall, the Swann CoreCam Security Camera offered a reliable and easy-to-use solution for home security. The pros outweighed the cons, and I'm satisfied with my purchase.

🔗Seco-Larm Enforcer 4-in-1 Analog Turret Camera for Home Security

The Seco-Larm Enforcer has been a reliable addition to my home surveillance system. The wide viewing angle and built-in IR LED ensure that my home stays under constant and clear surveillance. The digital noise reduction is a game-changer, as it helps me sort through the fuzzy images caused by low light situations.
However, sometimes the dynamic range could use some tweaking to avoid over-exposure in certain areas. Overall, a solid choice for a home security camera.

Buyer's Guide

Cobra Security Cameras are designed to provide you with the best possible security for your home or business. These cameras come with various features that make them an excellent choice for ensuring the safety and protection of your property. In this buyer's guide, we will go through some of the most important features, considerations, and advice for buying Cobra Security Cameras.

Important Features to Consider

  1. Resolution: Look for a camera with a high-resolution output to ensure clear and crisp video footage. Cobra Security Cameras usually offer 1080p HD recording, which is more than enough for most users.
  2. Night Vision: Night vision is crucial for monitoring your property at night. Cobra Security Cameras come with infrared LEDs, which allow for night vision up to 60 feet.
  3. Motion Detection: Motion detection is an essential feature that helps the camera detect any motion within its field of view. Cobra Security Cameras have a powerful PIR motion sensor that triggers recording when movement is detected.
  4. Weather Resistance: If you plan to use the camera outdoors, look for one with good weather resistance. Cobra Security Cameras are designed to withstand harsh weather conditions and are rated IP66.
  5. App Compatibility: Make sure the camera is compatible with a mobile app, as this will allow you to monitor your property from anywhere. Cobra Security Cameras support iOS and Android devices.
  6. Storage: Look for cameras that support local storage, as this will allow you to save recordings directly to an SD card. Cobra Security Cameras provide a microSD slot for local storage.

Considerations Before Purchasing

  1. Purpose: Determine the purpose of the camera. Is it for home security or for surveillance in a business environment? This will help you make the right decision on the camera's features.
  2. Budget: Establish a budget for your purchase. Cobra Security Cameras come in different price points, so it's essential to know how much money you are willing to spend.
  3. installation: Consider the ease of installation, as some cameras can be difficult to install. Cobra Security Cameras offer a user-friendly installation process.
  4. Technical Support: Look for a company that offers technical support, as this will come in handy if you encounter any issues with your camera.

General Advice

  1. Check compatibility with your existing security system.
  2. Make sure to choose a camera with sufficient storage, depending on your surveillance needs.
  3. Regularly update the firmware to ensure optimal performance.
  4. Keep the camera's lens clean for better image quality.



What are Cobra Security Cameras?

Cobra Security Cameras are a range of surveillance camera products designed to provide high-quality security for homes and businesses. They offer a range of features, including HD video quality, night vision, motion detection, and remote access through mobile apps.

Are Cobra Security Cameras easy to install?

Yes, Cobra Security Cameras are designed to be easy to install. Many of the cameras come with everything you need in the box, including mounting hardware, and there are mobile apps available that can guide you through the setup process.

Do Cobra Security Cameras have night vision?

Yes, many Cobra Security Cameras have built-in night vision capabilities. This allows the camera to capture clear footage even in low light conditions, making it ideal for use in outdoor environments.

Can I access my Cobra Security Camera remotely?

Yes, you can access your Cobra Security Camera remotely using a mobile app. This allows you to view live footage, receive alerts when motion is detected, and adjust camera settings from anywhere with an internet connection.


Are Cobra Security Cameras weather-resistant?

Yes, Cobra Security Cameras are designed to be weather-resistant. This means they can withstand exposure to the elements, making them ideal for outdoor use.

Do Cobra Security Cameras come with a warranty?

Yes, Cobra Security Cameras usually come with a warranty. The length of the warranty may vary depending on the specific product, but it typically provides coverage for defects and other issues that may arise.

What is the video quality like on Cobra Security Cameras?

Cobra Security Cameras offer HD video quality, providing clear footage that can be used as evidence in case of a security breach or other incident.

Do Cobra Security Cameras have motion detection?

Yes, many Cobra Security Cameras come with motion detection capabilities. This allows the camera to detect movement and trigger alerts, which can be sent to your mobile device for review.

How many cameras do I need for my property?

The number of cameras needed for your property will depend on its size and layout. You should consider factors such as the number of entrances, areas that are difficult to see from a single camera, and any blind spots. It's always best to consult with a security expert to determine the best setup for your needs.
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2024.05.21 08:04 FancyInvestment397 Best Online Casinos in the US for May 2024

Best Online Casinos in the US for May 2024
Playing at online casinos for real money is possible in practically every state in the US. And yes, that includes those without regulated iGaming markets.
In our guide below, we take a closer look at the best real money online casinos in the US and what they have to offer. From bonuses to casino games, it’s all covered here.
Best Online Casinos US

Top 10 RTP Rates at US Online Casinos

The return to player (RTP) rate is how much a real money online casino pays out to customers on average. The higher the RTP rate, the better your chances are of winning. Here’s the top ten:
Casino Sign Up Bonus Best For
Wild Casino Up to $5,000 + 125 Free Spins Excusive blackjack tournaments
Raging Bull Up to $2,500 + 50 Free Spins Progressive jackpot titles
TG.Casino 200% up to 10ETH Telegram casino gaming
Bovada Up to $3,750 Hot Drop Jackpots
Everygame Up to $6,000 Variety of slots
BetOnline Up to $3,000 VIP loyalty program
Las Atlantis Up to $9,500 Free spins promos
Drake 300% up to $6,000 Exclusive jackpots
Lucky Creek Up to $7,500 + 30 Free Spins Daily free spins
Sloto Cash Up to $7,777 + 60 Free Spins Progressive jackpots

5 of the Best Real Money Online Casinos in the US

We’ve researched and played at all of the best real money online casinos in the US and recommend only the safest and most secure. Check out some of our favorites in our reviews below.

1. Wild Casino – Best Online Casino in the US in 2024

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 2017
  • License: Panama Gaming Commission
  • Headquarters: Panama City, Panama
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey

Our Verdict: 9.6/10

Wild Casino is one of the most popular and best real money online casinos in the US. Established in 2017, the platform has continuously improved over the years and now offers more than 800 casino games for real money. These includes 650+ slots, 60 table games, and 70 live casino games.
For banking methods, Wild Casino accepts Bitcoin, altcoins, credit cards, debit cards, wire transfers, and more.
As for bonuses, during research for our Wild Casino review, we found an entire page of promotions. The welcome package is a highlight here and is one of the best in the industry. Crypto players receive a boosted deal with better bonus percentages and higher limits. The offers are easy to claim and have clear terms, making Wild Casino one of the most trusted US online casinos for real money available in the USA.

Features Overview:

  • Game Variety: 9/10
  • Live Casino: 9.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 10/10
  • User Experience: 10/10
  • Payment Methods: 9/10
  • Customer Support: 10/10
  • 650+ online slots with real money payouts
  • Great variety of table games and live options
  • Welcome bonus package covers five deposits
  • Ongoing promotions for cash casino players
  • Fast and secure banking via crypto and more
  • No casino loyalty program

2. Bovada – Big Casino Wins with Hot Drop Jackpots

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 2011
  • License: Curaçao eGaming
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Nevada, New York

Our Verdict: 9.5/10

Bovada is one of the leading USA online casinos for real money with more than a decade of activity. The platform runs smoothly and hosts more than 300 casino games for real money from the likes of Rival, RTG, Genesis, DGS, Spinomenal, and Revolver Gaming. It also has its own exclusive titles developed by Woohoo Games and one of the best poker sites.
Selected slots have added Hot Drop Jackpots, which are progressive prizes awarded hourly, daily, and can reach as much as $300,000.
Bovada Casino doesn’t have the longest list of accepted payment methods. You can choose all major cryptocurrencies, or use cards from Mastercard or Visa. Deposit bonuses are available for new customers and the wagering requirement is generally lower than at other casinos online.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 8.5/10
  • Live Casino: 8/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 8/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 10/10
  • Promotions can award thousands of free spins
  • Hot Drop Jackpots can go up to $300,000
  • Live dealer tables running around the clock
  • Fast real money withdrawals for casino winnings
  • Great variety of online slots available
  • Doesn’t have the best-looking online casino design

3. TG.Casino – Licensed Online Casino Available on Telegram

  • Payout time: Instant
  • Established: 2023
  • License: Gaming Curaçao
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: None

Our Verdict: 9.5/10

TG.Casino is a new online casino that went live in 2023. It’s only available via Telegram, which adds an extra layer of security to the already safe gaming platform. The operator has a Gaming Curaçao license and only offers games from trusted developers.
TG.Casino is one of the best in terms of overall variety with 5,000+ games from NetEnt, Microgaming, Pragmatic Play, Betsoft, Relax Gaming, and many other studios.
Players using the exclusive $TGC token to can earn additional daily rewards. The more you play, the more revenue based rewards you unlock. High rollers benefit from boosted bonuses by depositing over a certain threshold. This is all on top of the welcome bonus available for all new players.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 10/10
  • Live Casino: 10/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 9/10
  • User Experience: 10/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • Largest library of 5,000+ real money casino games
  • High roller rewards and large withdrawals supported
  • Online casino available via Telegram
  • Accepts major cryptocurrencies and has its own token
  • Players can only sign up through Telegram
  • Doesn’t accept credit cards for direct deposits

4. BetUS – Trusted Operator with 400+ Online Casino Games

  • Payout time: 1-2 days
  • Established: 1994
  • License: Government of Mwali
  • Headquarters: Costa Rica
  • Restricted Regions: None

Our Verdict (8.8/10)

BetUS is the oldest brand on our list, first launching in 1994. Mainly known for its sportsbook, the online casino lives up to the same high standards. It has more than 400 slots, a variety of table games, multiple video poker options, and a full live casino. There are even some extra games included in the collection, such as scratch cards, bingo, and keno.
BetUS allows you to play in demo mode for free, an option that not all US real money online casinos offer.
BetUS has multiple bonuses, with bonus funds split between the casino and the sportsbook. If you’re not interested in sportsbook offers, then you can use the BetUS promo codes below to unlock the best casino bonuses. Ongoing promotions are available daily and include reload bonuses, tournaments, and random bonus prizes.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 9/10
  • Live Casino: 8.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 9/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • Great casino interface for browsing and playing for free
  • Online casino tournaments have large prize pools
  • More than $3,000,000 in jackpots on the site
  • Daily promotions on top of a large welcome bonus
  • Only accepts a few cryptocurrencies for banking
  • Demo mode still requires players to sign in

5. Drake – Massive Welcome Bonus for New Casino Players in the US

  • Payout time: 1-3 days
  • Established: 2012
  • License: Curaçao
  • Headquarters: Curaçao
  • Restricted Regions: New Jersey, Kentucky, Maryland, Washington

Our Verdict: 8.7/10

Drake Casino is a solid platform that should make any best online casino top ten. It has more than 500 games in total provided by studios like Betsoft, Rival, Nucleus, and Arrow’s Edge. Some of the titles have added progressive jackpots, with the Mega Jackpot exceeding $30,000.
The Drake Club loyalty program has 10 tiers that offer increasingly bigger reload bonuses and weekly deals.
The lobby can be a little slow to load games, but that the only real drawback. There are loads of filtering options to help you find your favorite games. Drake Casino also has an impressive welcome bonus that is one of the highest-value offers in the industry.

Features Overview

  • Game Variety: 8.5/10
  • Live Casino: 8.5/10
  • Promotions & Rewards: 8/10
  • User Experience: 9/10
  • Payment Methods: 8.5/10
  • Customer Support: 9/10
  • User-friendly lobby with lots of game categories
  • Earn rewards for playing casino games for real money
  • Accepts BTC, LTC, XRP, BCH, and cards for deposits
  • Daily free spins for signing in and using a promo code
  • Limited withdrawal methods available right now
  • Dated site design with slow loading at times

Best Online Casino Bonuses

There are dozens of real money online casinos in the US, and that means that competition for customers can be fierce. But that’s very good news for you as operators will offer a wide range of casino bonuses and promotions.
We’ve gone ahead and listed the most common of these bonuses offered by the best online real money casinos.

Welcome Bonuses

The vast majority of real money online casinos will offer a welcome bonus to all new users. This will see you earn bonus credit or bonus funds for simply signing up and making a deposit. You can then use the bonus credit to play real money casino games. Just bear in mind that you may need to make a minimum deposit before you can grab the bonus.

Deposit Bonuses

A deposit bonus is when real money casinos will match a deposit by a certain percentage. For example, if you get a 100% deposit match bonus on a $100 deposit, you will receive an additional $100 in bonus credit. This can then be used to play real money casino games, but you will have to meet some wagering requirements before you can cash out your bonus funds.

No Deposit Bonuses

No deposit bonuses are available at some real money online casinos but not all. These promotions are the best value as they don’t require you to make any deposit using your own cash. This gives you the chance to test drive an online casino to see if it’s what you’re looking for. These bonuses also have wagering requirements you will have to meet before you can withdraw your winnings.

Free Spins

Free spin bonuses are exactly what they sound like. They offer you free spins on specific slots titles. The idea here is to promote games from a certain provider or introduce new slots. Like the no deposit bonus, this is a great way to try out a game before using your own cash.

Reload Bonuses

A reload bonus is very similar to a deposit match bonus and quite common at real money online casinos. You make a deposit and the casino will match it by a certain percentage. These promotions are run on a regular basis with some of the best online casinos for real money offering them every week.

Bonus Terms and Conditions

Bonuses and promotions at real money online casinos in the USA have terms and conditions that can have an impact on the value of the bonus. That’s why you should read those Ts and Cs carefully and know exactly what they mean. Here are a few terms you’ll come across.
Wagering Requirements
Wagering requirements at real money online casinos can also be referred to as ‘playthrough’ or ‘rollover’. This is listed as a multiple and simply tells you the number of times you need to wager the bonus amount before you can withdraw it as cash.
So say you have a bonus wagering requirement of 25x on a bonus amount of $100. This means that you will need to place wagers totaling $2,500 (25 x $10) before you can withdraw the bonus as cash. This is possibly the most important thing to look out for on a promotion because a high wagering requirement on a high-value bonus might be hard to hit.
Time Limits / Expiry
There are two types of time limits – the time you have to take up the offer and the time you have to use your bonus funds and hit those wagering requirements. The first one is simple enough. Once you sign up at a real money casino, you’ll have anything from a few days up to a month to take up your welcome bonus offer.
The second one can be a bit trickier. US online casinos will set a time limit on your offer and you have to use your bonus and hit the wagering requirement before that time is up. If you don’t make it , you could lose any unused bonus credit.
Minimum Deposits
This is a very basic condition of any real money online casino promo when there is a deposit involved. The minimum deposit, as you may have guessed already, is the least amount of money you can deposit to activate the bonus.
Now here’s the thing – a minimum deposit for a promotion may be higher than the regular minimum at a casino. And in some cases, the minimum deposit amount may change if it’s a bonus made up of several smaller bonuses. For example, a deposit match and free spins bonus over two deposits might require a minimum of $20 for the first deposit and $50 for the second deposit to unlock the free spins.
Winning Limits
Real money online casinos will pretty much give you free money just to get you playing their games. But there’s only so much free money they can hand out. So understandably, they put a limit on how much you can win using your bonus cash.
It’s not a condition that you need to worry about too much though. After all, a bonus is free money, right? But just remember that you won’t win any massive progressive jackpots with that bonus cash.
Game Eligibility
Remember what we said about wagering requirements? Well, not all games contribute towards those requirements. Promotions tend to exclude some games like roulette so check the Ts and Cs.
Games that are eligible will contribute towards your requirement at different rates. For example, slots may have a rate of 100% while the rate for table games could be 50%. This means that if you play $100 on the slots then $100 is taken off your wagering requirement. If you play $100 on a table game, then only $50 counts towards the requirement.
This is a little different to games eligibility because it has nothing to do with your wagering requirement. To put it simply, these are games that you cannot use your bonus funds on.
Even the best online casinos may restrict bonus use for games like live dealer games or any games that have large prizes such as progressive jackpots. You may also be restricted from entering contests using your bonus.

Best Online Casino Games

One of the benefits of playing at a top real money online casino in the US is that you get access to hundreds of games as soon as you sign up. With instant play online casinos, you don’t have to download any additional software to start playing. Simply go to the site and you’re all set. And the best online casinos might even offer many of these games in demo mode for you to try out.


Slots are one of the most popular real money online casino games. You can spin the reels to hit winning combinations called paylines, unlock bonus features and win real money. But it’s not just about matching a few symbols, there are often multiple ways to win. Slots with the Megaways mechanic can have thousands of paylines.
Real money slots also come in a massive range of themes and styles covering everything from safari themes to ancient Egypt and even rock bands. And don’t be surprised if there are hundreds or even thousands to choose from at the best online casinos.

Progressive Jackpots

A progressive jackpot is a type of prize that you’ll find in some slot titles. These jackpots grow with each and every wager that is placed on the game. The most popular jackpot slots pool wagers from players all over the world and not just the casino itself.
The biggest progressive jackpots at online casinos for real money can sometimes reach millions of dollars. In fact , the largest progressive jackpot win of all time was $23.6 million won by a player in Belgium in 2021. The jackpot was won on the Absolutely Mad variant of Mega Moolah.


Online roulette brings this ever-popular table game into the world of online casinos. Pick a number or color and place your bet. Then wait to see if the ball lands on your pick. It’s one of the simplest games to pick up but there are actually a few variants that you can choose from.
The best online casinos will have American, European, and French roulette variants. Some real money online casinos will even offer multi-wheel roulette where you can bet on two or three wheels at a time. Unsurprisingly, roulette is also hugely popular in live casinos.


Blackjack is a classic casino card game where you try to beat the dealer by getting as close to 21 as possible. While the game is simple enough with a straight bet on your hand, there are plenty of side bets to bring a little more action to the table. For example, you can bet on the Lucky Ladies – betting that your first two cards total 20.
You can play virtual blackjack at your own pace at all of the best online casinos. But if you prefer a more traditional style of play, then you can also try your hand at live dealer blackjack.

Video Poker

Most video poker casinos will offer a range of poker variants that combine skill of poker with the excitement of slot machines. It’s based on five card draw and you need to match one of several winning hands by changing or keeping the cards you are dealt. Bets are placed at the start of the game.
Each variant comes with its own set of rules and payout structures that can vary quite a bit. As you can imagine, you’ll need to have some basic poker skills to master this game. It’s also not a bad idea to follow some video poker strategies to improve your odds of winning.


Baccarat is a hugely popular game in land-based casinos, but not quite so popular at online casinos for real money. The goal of the game is to have a hand value closest to nine. You have a few baccarat strategies to choose from such as betting on your own hand, the banker’s hand, or a tie.
The game is available at most of the best real money casinos online in a virtual format. But it’s the live casinos where you’ll find the real action. Live tables are

Live Dealer Games

You can feel like you’re stepping onto the casino floor when you play at live dealer casinos. These casinos offer live streams of table games with professional dealers. All the games have the exact same rules as those you’d find at land-based casinos and you can even communicate with the dealer via chat.
Table games like blackjack, baccarat, and roulette are the most popular games. But in recent times, the gameshow has risen to the top with innovative games like Deal or No Deal and, believe it or not, Monopoly.

Best US Online Casino Payment Methods

Any online casino with real money games should have a solid set of payment options to choose from. Below, we’ve listed the most common.

Credit Cards

Credit cards are widely accepted at the best USA online casinos. They provide a safe, secure, and fast method for deposits, and as most people already have one, they’re super convenient. Withdrawals are a different matter though as very few casinos will payout to a credit card.
It’s also worth noting that some banks may decline transactions to real money online casinos for legal reasons. For example, if gambling is restricted in your state, the bank may decline your request. There may also be fees charged when funding your online casino account.

Debit Cards

As you may know already, debit cards offer exactly the same convenience, speed, and security as credit cards. They’re also accepted by practically all real money US online casinos. And much like credit cards, many casinos don’t offer debit card withdrawals.
One big benefit of debit cards over credit cards is that there are no legal restrictions on the use of debit cards to fund gambling accounts.


A hugely popular payment method for real money online casinos in the US, eWallets offer fast transactions with great security features. They also provide an additional layer of privacy, as your bank or credit card information isn’t shared with the online casino. However, there may be fees associated with eWallet transactions, and some online casinos may not accept certain eWallets.
Popular eWallets include PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, Apple Pay, and Google Pay. Interestingly, the online casino industry is slowly starting to move away from older eWallets like PayPal. Even so, there are still some great casinos that accept PayPal.


Many of the top real money online casinos in the US now accept major cryptocurrencies for both deposits and withdrawals. These digital currencies offer some of the best security features of any payment method, and yes, that includes credit cards.
Cryptocurrency casinos let you deposit and withdraw funds with very low fees and in some cases, no fees at all. Transactions are highly secure as you don’t need to share your banking details and extremely fast. Some crypto withdrawals can be processed in hours or even minutes.
The best online casinos will accept offer a variety of crypto options including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and more. If you don’t have any crypto, casinos like TG.Casino offer you the chance to buy some using your traditional methods like debit or credit card.


The best online casinos for real money offer the complete range of payment options and, believe it or not, that includes old-school paper checks. Just pick ‘cash by check’ and the casino will send your winnings by mail.
The only drawback here is that it’s quite slow. In fact, withdrawals can take several days or even weeks. It’s all down to how fast your mail provider is and how quickly your bank can clear the check. Still a good option to have though just in case.

Wire transfers

Wire transfers are another tried and trusted method for secure and reliable deposits and withdrawals at US online casinos for real money. This is a simple transfer made directly from your bank account to the casino’s account and vice versa.
This type of transfer is very secure as your bank handles the entire process, but it takes time and can be a little on the expensive side. There may also be limits on how much you can transfer to and from your account so check with your bank first.

Tips for Real Money Online Casino Gambling

With everything you’ve read so far, picking the best online casino for real money should be pretty straightforward. But if you’re new to the online casino industry, then you might want to learn a few things about how to gamble online before you place those first wagers. Below, we’ve listed just a few of our favorite tips to get you started.

Pick a Trusted Online Casino

And by trusted we mean one that has a rock solid reputation for customer support and satisfaction. You can do this by reading reviews by people who have taken the time to actually play at casinos online for real money. That’s exactly what we do here, so picking from our recommendations is a no-brainer.

Use those Online Casino Bonus Offers

There’s great value to be found through online casino promotions whether it’s a no deposit promotion or a deposit match. Whatever is on offer, take advantage of it to give your bankroll a nice bump before you play any real money casino games.

Sign-up with More than One Online Casino

Yep, there’s absolutely nothing stopping you from signing up with five or six real money casinos. This means that you can take advantage of all those welcome bonuses and promotions. You also have a better chance of finding the best real money casino games as you have thousands of games to choose from.

Look for Mobile Online Casinos

Common sense when you think about it because we spend more time on our mobile devices each day. The best online casinos will have either a mobile app or they will be fully optimized for mobile devices. Either way, this is an absolute must.

Manage Your Bankroll

This is perhaps the most important tip of all as gambling responsibly is how you can continue to have fun day in day out. Managing your bankroll is about setting a budget and sticking to it. It’s also about finding and taking advantage of any promotions that save you spending too much of your own cash.

Responsible Gaming at Online Casinos

The best online casinos take responsible gaming very seriously and will offer help and resources if you need them. This includes things like the ability to set limits on your deposits or gaming. Many will also provide tips and guidance on spotting the early signs of problem gambling.
Online casinos try their best to help, but the best advice for anyone who needs support can be found at organizations like:

Are Online Casinos Legal in the US?

The US online casino industry first became regulated when Delaware legalized online casinos in 2012. New Jersey came soon after and both states launched regulated online casinos in 2013. At present, there are seven states that have regulated online casino markets – Connecticut, Delaware, Michigan, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and West Virginia.
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2024.05.21 06:52 ConsequenceSure3063 Best Cloth Resistance Bands

Best Cloth Resistance Bands

Looking for a versatile workout tool that offers both comfort and strength? Look no further! In this roundup article, we are presenting your ultimate guide to the best Cloth Resistance Bands available in the market. These bands not only provide a great way to increase your workout intensity but also offer a comfortable and stylish workout experience. So, buckle up and dive into our comprehensive selection of the top Cloth Resistance Bands that will transform your fitness journey!

The Top 16 Best Cloth Resistance Bands

  1. Resistance Bands Set for Diverse Exercise and Fitness Needs - Bob and Brad Resistance Bands: Affordable, versatile, and eco-friendly workout bands with customizable resistance up to 125lb, perfect for diverse exercises and quick results.
  2. Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts - Whatafit Resistance Bands Set: 11 colorful, adjustable resistance bands for versatile home workout sessions, marked with equivalent weights for easy use.
  3. Fabric Resistance Bands Set for Multiple Strengths - Experience effective resistance training with Vive's 3-band set, perfect for shaping muscles and enhancing workouts while remaining gentle on your skin.
  4. Perform Better 4-Pack Mini Resistance Bands for Training and Warmup - Experience versatile workout options with these durable, professional-grade Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands, available in sets of 4 or 10 with varying resistance levels for both upper and lower body training.
  5. Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts - Enhance your home workout routine with Blogilates Loop Bands (4pk) - perfect for fitness enthusiasts of all levels and ideal for staying fit during travel. Only available at Target.
  6. 5-Level Resistance Bands Set for Home Workouts - Transform your workout routine with HPYGN's versatile 150lb Resistance Bands Set, perfect for strength training, physical therapy, and home workouts.
  7. 5 Piece Black Exercise Resistance Bands Set with Handles, Door Anchor, Ankle Straps - Experience versatile full-body training with the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands Set, offering durable, secure and customizable workout options for all skill levels, including door anchor, ankle straps, handles, and a carry bag.
  8. Cloth Resistance Bands - Set of 4 by WODFitters - WODFitters Fabric Pull Up Resistance Bands: Unmatched Durability and Versatility for Home or On-the-Go Workouts.
  9. Thick Cloth Booty Bands for Exercise & Fitness - Versatile Gymbee Resistance Bands for Men and Women offer three levels of resistance, non-slip cloth booty bands, and high-quality fabric to enhance home workouts and fitness training.
  10. Ultra-Light Cloth Resistance Band for Beginners (Orange) - Discover the new ultra-light & comfy Level 1 1" Fabric Booty Building Band (orange) by The x Bands - perfect for warming up, burning out, and targeting your abs with 20 lbs. resistance, suitable for all fitness levels.
  11. RDX Cloth Resistance Bands for Fitness Enthusiasts - Experience the ultimate workout with RDX Fabric Resistance Bands - perfect for fitness enthusiasts and those recovering from injuries.
  12. WODFitters Fabric Hip Bands Set for Glute Activation - Experience the unparalleled comfort and effectiveness of WODFitters Hip Resistance Bands, offering a versatile and fabric-based solution for seamless glute activation, booty exercises, and overall fitness improvement.
  13. Comprehensive Fitness Training Set - Odoland Cloth Resistance Bands - Enhance workout performance with light, medium, and heavy resistance bands suitable for yoga, Pilates, and gym sessions; perfect for lower body warming up and strengthening muscles, including glutes, hamstrings, and more.
  14. Fabric Resistance Bands 3-Piece Set with 3-Month Centr Membership - Elevate your workout routine with the Centr Fabric Resistance Bands set, featuring premium woven fabric and a 3-month Centr membership for personalized coaching and workout support.
  15. Bosu Fabric Resistance Band - Orange - Discover the comfortable and versatile BOSU Fabric Resistance Band - perfect for shaping and toning your legs, inner thighs, and glutes at home or on-the-go, with three resistance options for a total body workout.
  16. Fabric Resistance Bands: 3 Piece Set - Calia Fabric Bands offer versatile workout options, with light, medium, and heavy resistance bands that combine to create 7 levels. These comfortable fabric bands have silicone ridges to stay secure during studio and at-home workouts.
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🔗Resistance Bands Set for Diverse Exercise and Fitness Needs

As someone who's been using these resistance bands in my daily workout routine, I must say they are quite effective in providing a challenging workout. One of the highlights has to be their ability to stack up to 125-150 lbs, offering various resistance levels based on color coding. For instance, yellow represents 15 lbs, red 20 lbs, and so on. This flexibility allows me to customize my training sessions based on my fitness level.
Made from 100% natural latex, these bands are not only eco-friendly but also boast good elasticity and non-slip handles. The door anchor included further enhances the workout options by enabling wall-mounted exercises. I've found these resistance bands particularly useful for toning muscles, increasing strength and flexibility.
However, one downside might be that they don't appear to last as long as I would like. After heavy use, I've had to replace them more frequently than anticipated. Nevertheless, considering their affordability and effectiveness, they remain a valuable addition to my home gym equipment.
In conclusion, these resistance bands from Bob and Brad offer a versatile and effective way to enhance your workout routine. With adjustable resistance levels and additional accessories like door anchors and ankle straps, they provide a complete fitness solution right at home. While their durability could be improved, overall, they definitely deliver for their price point.

🔗Whatafit 11-Piece Resistance Bands Set for Home and Travel Workouts

I've been using the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set for a few weeks now and it's been a game-changer in my home workout routine. The different colored bands are adjustable, which means I can get just the right resistance for each exercise. Plus, they're super portable, making them perfect for taking on trips or storing in a small apartment.
One of the standout features of this set is the quality of the materials. Each band is clearly marked with its equivalent weight, so I know exactly how much resistance I'm getting. And unlike some cheaper sets, these bands have held up well even after multiple uses.
However, there are a couple of downsides to this product. The handles can be a bit small for some people, making them a bit uncomfortable to use. Plus, the clips that attach the bands to the handles can be a bit difficult to snap on.
Overall, I'd say the Whatafit Resistance Bands Set is a great addition to anyone's home gym. It's versatile, easy to use, and made with good quality materials. Just be prepared to potentially double up on the straps and wear gloves if you have larger hands!

🔗Fabric Resistance Bands Set for Multiple Strengths

Using Vive's Fabric Resistance Bands has been a game changer in keeping my workout routines diverse and challenging. The set includes three resistance bands with varying levels of resistance – light, medium, and heavy – catering to different fitness levels. The light teal band provides a gentle resistance that's perfect for beginners and those looking for a more manageable workout. The dark teal band ramps up the resistance, making it ideal for intermediate workouts. And the black band is a heavy-duty option that's suitable for advanced fitness enthusiasts.
What I particularly love about these bands is their comfortable fabric blend. They're soft against the skin, making them a pleasure to use, even during long workout sessions. Plus, the non-slip lining ensures they stay in place throughout your workout, eliminating any distractions.
However, one drawback I noticed is the limited color options. While the light and dark teal colors are appealing, I would have appreciated a wider color palette to choose from.
Despite this minor issue, I have to say that these resistance bands have significantly enhanced my workout experience. They're lightweight, easy to use, and incredibly effective, making them a must-have for anyone looking to elevate their fitness game.

🔗Perform Better 4-Pack Mini Resistance Bands for Training and Warmup

As a fitness enthusiast who's been using these Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands, I can attest that they've made a significant difference in my workout routine. Not only are these bands incredibly versatile, allowing me to target different muscle groups with varying resistance levels, but they're also incredibly durable.
The professional-grade quality of these bands is evident right out of the box. They come in four different colors, each representing a different level of resistance: Yellow for light, Green for medium, Blue for heavy, and Black for extra-heavy. This feature allows me to tailor my workouts based on my fitness level and goals.
One of the things I particularly love about these bands is how easy they are to transport. I can take them with me wherever I go, whether it's to the gym, the office, or even on vacation. This portability means I never have to miss a workout, and that's a big plus in my book.
Not only have these resistance bands improved my physical fitness, but they've also helped me recover from injuries. I experienced a knee injury a few months back, and using these bands during my physical therapy sessions has accelerated my recovery process.
However, there is one downside to these bands. They can be quite slippery, especially when getting started with a new exercise. This can make it difficult to maintain proper form and can potentially lead to injuries if not handled properly.
In conclusion, these Perform Better Mini Band Resistance Loop Exercise Bands have been a game-changer for my fitness routine. They offer a versatile, durable, and portable solution for adding resistance to my workouts, and their professional-grade quality ensures that I'll be using them for years to come. While there's a minor inconvenience with their slipperiness, that's a small price to pay for the tremendous benefits they provide.

🔗Resistance Loop Bands for Home Workouts

I recently got my hands on the Blogilates Loop Bands - 4pk, and oh boy, these have been a game-changer in my daily workout routine! Having four different resistance levels, from light to crazy, has allowed me to tailor my workout sessions according to my mood and energy levels.
The highlight of my experience has been the fact that these loop bands are incredibly easy to pack. This feature has made maintaining a fitness routine while traveling so much simpler for me. Plus, the designs are developed by none other than Cassey Ho, a leading fitness personality and Pilates instructor. Her expertise guarantees that these loop bands will take your home workouts to the next level!
However, there were also a few minor drawbacks. The light resistance bands, while serving beginners, weren't as effective for me when I desired an intense workout. Additionally, the plastic-like texture of the bands can be a bit off-putting at first, especially if you're used to fabric resistance bands.
Despite these minor issues, I've seen a significant improvement in my overall fitness since incorporating these loop bands into my workout regimen. Their portability and various resistance levels make them a must-have for anyone looking to diversify their home workout sessions.

🔗5-Level Resistance Bands Set for Home Workouts

I never thought I'd enjoy resistance training until I discovered the HPYGN Resistance Bands Set. This set is perfect for a variety of muscle groups, making them an essential part of my home workout routine. The bands are easy to use and adjust, and the door anchor allows me to create custom workout setups with ease.
The quality of the bands is impressive, especially considering the 150lb tension level. I've been using these bands for body shaping and weight loss, and I've definitely noticed a difference in my strength and endurance. However, some of the bands can be quite bulky, making them difficult to store when not in use.
Overall, I would highly recommend the HPYGN Resistance Bands Set to anyone looking to build strength, endurance, and stamina. They are a versatile and effective exercise tool that can be easily incorporated into any workout routine.

🔗5 Piece Black Exercise Resistance Bands Set with Handles, Door Anchor, Ankle Straps

In my fitness journey, I've tried countless tools and gadgets for strength training - but the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands have truly taken the cake. This set of five resistance bands comes with different levels of tension, allowing me to challenge myself as my fitness level progresses.
The first thing that caught my eye was the sturdiness of these bands. Unlike some cheaper options out there, these are designed with a dual security loops on the handle and made from TPE material to ensure maximum durability. It feels like they're built to last, even after hours of intense workout sessions.
Another significant feature is how versatile they are. Whether it's training my chest, shoulders, back, or even thighs, these resistance bands have helped me target different muscle groups without needing a full gym set up. Plus, since they're so lightweight and easy to store, I can take them anywhere, making them perfect for those who travel often or simply prefer working out at home.
However, one thing worth mentioning is that while these bands are great for women and even most men, if you're looking for something extremely challenging for male workout enthusiasts, you might need to look elsewhere. These bands are perfect for maintaining strength and toning up, but don't quite offer the level of resistance some muscle-bound workout warriors might require.
Overall, I would recommend the Himaly Exercise Resistance Bands to anyone looking for an effective and versatile strength training tool. They're durable, easy to use, and can help you achieve your fitness goals from the comfort of your own home.

🔗Cloth Resistance Bands - Set of 4 by WODFitters

I've been using the WODFitters Fabric Resistance Bands for a while now, and I must say, I'm impressed. The bands are made with a fabric and latex blend that doesn't slip or break. I love how versatile they are – perfect for stretching, working out at home or on the go, and even for physical therapy. The best part is how compact these bands are; they don't take up much space at all.
These WODFitters resistance bands have given my workouts that extra kick that I've been missing. Not only do they help me get stronger and leaner, but they also ensure my joints remain intact and healthy. I find the bands incredibly useful for Pull Ups, Ring Dips, and Muscle Ups as well as powerlifting sessions with banded lifts. Plus, combining the bands in different ways gives me an adjustable level of resistance and makes my training more efficient.
The product comes with a set of four resistance bands – Red (10 to 35 pounds), Black (30 to 60 pounds), Purple (40 to 80 pounds), and Green (50 to 125 pounds). I've had the pleasure of using all four of them and can say that they are all of great quality and offer excellent resistance.
However, there was one review that pointed out some disappointment with the bands. The user found them to be less resistant than the original ones. Nevertheless, considering most other users' positive experiences, it seems that this might be an isolated case.
To sum it up, the WODFitters Fabric Resistance Bands are a high-quality and versatile addition to any home workout routine or physical therapy practice. These resistance bands help you achieve your fitness goals while keeping your joints safe. Definitely worth investing in!

🔗Thick Cloth Booty Bands for Exercise & Fitness

I've been using the Gymbee Resistance Bands for a few weeks now, and I must say, they have truly revolutionized my home workout routine. I used to struggle with finding the time to hit the gym, but with these bands, I can get in a quick workout right in my living room. The three levels of resistance allow me to challenge myself as I progress, while the soft cloth fabric feels comfortable against my skin.
But it's not just about the product itself; the included training videos have been incredibly helpful in showing me how to make the most out of these bands. From simple glute exercises to more intense leg routines, there's no shortage of ways to use these bands to build strength and flexibility.
Of course, no product is perfect. One minor concern I have is that the bands can be a bit difficult to roll up once I've finished my workout. However, this is a small inconvenience compared to the overall benefits these resistance bands provide.
Overall, I absolutely love my Gymbee Resistance Bands and would recommend them to anyone looking to incorporate more strength training into their fitness routine without leaving the comfort of their own home.

🔗Ultra-Light Cloth Resistance Band for Beginners (Orange)

Alright folks, let me tell you about my little adventure with the new Level 1 1" Fabric Booty Building Band from the x Bands. This unassuming orange band has quickly become a staple in my workout routine, and I'm not the only one who loves it.
To begin with, it's incredibly light and comfortable, making it perfect for those just starting out with resistance bands. I can attest to its effectiveness as a warm-up tool and a burn-out finisher. Plus, if you're looking to work on your abs, this band is going to stay put as you move your legs back and forth.
Now, this band is no joke when it comes to resistance; it offers about 20 lbs. of resistance, which is ideal for fitness enthusiasts of all levels. It's even better that the x Bands offer a variety of sizes, colors, and designs, allowing you to feel like a true workout boss!
One potential drawback, however, is that some users have reported that their bands lost resistance after just a few uses. While this happened to me only once, it's worth considering if you're planning on using the band daily.
Overall, I've been incredibly happy with my Level 1 Fabric Booty Building Band, and I can't recommend it enough. The quality, versatility, and effectiveness make it an excellent addition to any home gym. So, grab your orange band, and let's get those glutes firing!

🔗RDX Cloth Resistance Bands for Fitness Enthusiasts

I recently got my hands on these resistance bands from RDX and let me tell you, they're a game-changer for anyone looking to incorporate effective workouts into their daily routine. . The soft, odor-free fabric is comfortable and easy to work with, and the three levels of resistance help me switch up my exercises for variety. .
What I really love about them is how versatile they are - from quads to glutes to calves, there's a workout for everything. . Plus, they're perfect for physical therapy, helping to gently yet effectively engage my muscles and improve strength in different areas. . I've seen a noticeable improvement in my strength and physique since using these bands. .
My one complaint would be that the heaviest band can be a bit difficult to stretch, but overall, these are definitely worth adding to your fitness arsenal. .

Buyer's Guide

1. Material and Durability

Cloth resistance bands are made from a mix of fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and elastic. When shopping for the best cloth resistance bands, check the material quality and ensure it's durable enough to handle regular workouts without wearing out quickly.

2. Resistance Levels

Cloth resistance bands come in different resistance levels, ranging from light to heavy. Consider your fitness level and workout goals to choose a band that offers the right challenge without being too difficult. If you're unsure about the resistance level, look for a set that includes multiple bands of varying resistance.

3. Size and Fit

Cloth resistance bands are available in different sizes and can be wrapped around the ankles, knees, thighs, or even used as arm resistance bands. Ensure you pick a size and fit that offers the flexibility and functionality you need for your workout routine. Look for adjustable bands for a customized fit.

4. Versatility and Exercise Choices

  • Cloth resistance bands can be used for a variety of exercises, including stretches, strength training, yoga, pilates, and more.
  • Choose a brand with detailed instructions or online resources for exercise ideas to maximize the use of your cloth resistance bands.

5. Washing and Care Instructions

Proper care and maintenance of your cloth resistance bands can prolong their lifespan. Look for bands with clear washing and care instructions, preferably ones that are machine-washable for easy maintenance.


6. Brand Reputation and Customer Reviews

Choose a brand with a strong reputation for quality and performance. Check customer reviews and feedback to ensure your chosen resistance bands are highly rated by other users.

7. Pricing and Value

Before making a purchase, compare prices and value between different brands. Look for deals, promotions, or discounts to maximize your investment in quality cloth resistance bands without breaking the bank.


What are Resistance Bands?

Resistance bands are elastic bands used for strength training and physical therapy. They provide resistance and can be used in a variety of exercises. Cloth resistance bands are thicker and softer than latex or rubber bands, making them more comfortable to use.

What are the benefits of using Cloth Resistance Bands?

Cloth resistance bands offer several benefits including improved muscle strength, flexibility, and cardiovascular health. They also help with corrective exercises and physical therapy. Their soft texture makes them suitable for people with skin sensitivities as well.

How do you use Cloth Resistance Bands?

Cloth resistance bands can be used in a variety of ways. You can use them for squats, bicep curls, chest presses, deadlifts, and other strength training exercises. Start with lower resistance bands and gradually move to higher resistance ones as you get stronger.

How often should I use Cloth Resistance Bands?

You can use cloth resistance bands daily if you wish. However, it's important to give your muscles time to recover after each workout. Aim for at least one day of rest between sessions.


How do I clean Cloth Resistance Bands?

Before storing or reusing a resistance band, wash it thoroughly with soap and water. Rinse well and let it air dry completely to prevent mildew.

How much resistance do Cloth Resistance Bands offer?

The amount of resistance offered by cloth resistance bands depends on their thickness and size. Typically, bands come in varying levels of resistance, from light to heavy.

Which exercises can be done with Cloth Resistance Bands?

  • Squats
  • Bicep curls
  • Chest presses
  • Deadlifts
  • And many more strength training exercises

Are Cloth Resistance Bands suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Cloth resistance bands are great for beginners because they provide adjustable resistance and are easy to use. Starting with lower resistance bands can help beginners build muscle strength gradually.

How long do Cloth Resistance Bands last?

The lifespan of a cloth resistance band depends on how frequently it's used, how well it's cared for, and the quality of the product. Generally, good-quality bands can last several years with proper care.

How do I store Cloth Resistance Bands?

After washing and drying, store your cloth resistance bands in a cool, dry place. Keeping them away from direct sunlight will help prolong their life.

How do I choose the right Resistance Band?

To choose the right resistance band, consider your fitness level, the types of exercises you plan to do, and the amount of resistance you need. It's advisable to start with a lower resistance band and progress to higher ones as you become stronger.
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