Ancient greece olypmpic requirements

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2024.06.07 22:12 Ornac_The_Barbarian ♥ ♥

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Working on practicing with pharmacaphobia. This bow made me happy. As of this screenshot I'm just starting the Dwarven halls. Same armor, now a +1 crossbow which I equipped to help my darts.
submitted by Ornac_The_Barbarian to PixelDungeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 22:00 Georgijevic The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Virtual Reality Game Systems for Mind-Blowing Gaming Experiences - NeuroSync VR

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best Virtual Reality Game Systems for Mind-Blowing Gaming Experiences - NeuroSync VR
Are you ready to immerse yourself in mind-blowing gaming experiences? Look no further! In this ultimate guide, we will take you on a journey to choosing the best virtual reality game systems that will transport you to another world. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or new to the virtual reality scene, this guide has got you covered.
With the rapid advancements in technology, virtual reality gaming has become more accessible and realistic than ever before. But with so many options available in the market, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one for your gaming needs. That’s where we step in.
From the top VR headset brands to the essential features you should consider, we will break down everything you need to know. Get ready to explore the various platforms, controllers, resolution, and content options that will ensure an unforgettable gaming experience.
So, if you’re ready to level up your gaming and step into another dimension, join us as we dive into the ultimate guide to choosing the best virtual reality game system. Get ready to elevate your gaming experience to new heights!

What is virtual reality gaming?
Virtual reality gaming is a cutting-edge technology that allows players to immerse themselves in a virtual world using a headset and other peripherals. It provides a unique and immersive experience where players can interact with virtual environments and objects as if they were real. By wearing a VR headset, users are transported to a digital realm where they can explore, fight, solve puzzles, and engage in various activities.
The concept of virtual reality gaming has been around for decades, but recent advancements in hardware and software have made it more accessible to the masses. Instead of playing games on a traditional screen, virtual reality gaming puts you directly into the game, allowing for a more immersive and realistic experience.
With virtual reality gaming, you can physically move around in the game space, look in any direction, and interact with objects using specialized controllers. This level of immersion creates a sense of presence and makes the gaming experience feel more real and engaging. Whether you’re exploring ancient ruins, battling space aliens, or racing against the clock, virtual reality gaming takes your gaming adventures to a whole new level.

Benefits of virtual reality gaming

Virtual reality gaming offers a wide range of benefits that enhance the overall gaming experience. Here are some of the key advantages of diving into the world of virtual reality gaming:
  1. Immersive Gameplay: Virtual reality gaming transports you to a whole new world, immersing you in the game like never before. With a VR headset, you can look around, move freely, and interact with objects, making the gameplay feel incredibly realistic.
  2. Physical Engagement: Unlike traditional gaming, virtual reality gaming requires physical movement, adding a whole new level of engagement and exercise to your gaming sessions. Whether it’s swinging a sword, dodging bullets, or crawling through tight spaces, virtual reality gaming gets you up and moving.
  3. Social Interaction: Virtual reality gaming isn’t just a solitary experience. Many VR games allow you to play and interact with friends and other players from around the world. Whether it’s teaming up to defeat enemies or competing against each other in multiplayer battles, virtual reality gaming offers a social experience like no other.
  4. Health and Well-being: Virtual reality gaming can have positive effects on your health and well-being. It can help reduce stress, improve cognitive function, and even provide therapeutic benefits for certain conditions. Some VR games are specifically designed for exercise and fitness, allowing you to get a workout while having fun.
  5. Limitless Possibilities: Virtual reality gaming opens up a world of possibilities. From exploring fantastical realms to experiencing historical events, virtual reality games can transport you to places and situations that would be impossible in the real world. The only limit is the imagination of game developers.

Virtual reality gaming market trends

The virtual reality gaming market has seen significant growth in recent years, with more and more players embracing this immersive technology. The market is driven by advancements in hardware and software, as well as the increasing demand for realistic and interactive gaming experiences.
One of the key trends in the virtual reality gaming market is the development of more affordable and accessible VR headsets. Early VR headsets were expensive and required powerful gaming PCs to run smoothly. However, newer models are more affordable and can be used with gaming consoles or even standalone, eliminating the need for a high-end PC.
Another trend in the market is the introduction of wireless VR headsets. These headsets offer a greater degree of freedom, allowing players to move around without being tethered to a PC or console. Wireless VR headsets use technologies like inside-out tracking to detect the player’s movements, providing a more immersive and seamless experience.
Content is also a significant driver of the virtual reality gaming market. As more developers create VR games and experiences, the library of available content continues to grow. From action-packed adventures to puzzle-solving mysteries, there’s a virtual reality game for every genre and taste.
Additionally, virtual reality is not limited to gaming alone. The technology is being adopted in other industries such as education, healthcare, and training. Virtual reality can be used for immersive learning experiences, virtual therapy sessions, and realistic simulations for training purposes. This diversification of virtual reality applications is expected to further boost the market in the coming years.

Factors to consider when choosing a virtual reality game system

When choosing a virtual reality game system, there are several factors to consider to ensure that you get the best gaming experience possible. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
  1. Platform Compatibility: Before investing in a virtual reality game system, make sure that it is compatible with your gaming platform of choice. Some VR headsets are designed specifically for PC gaming, while others are compatible with gaming consoles or standalone devices. Check the system requirements and compatibility before making a purchase.
  2. Resolution and Display Quality: The resolution and display quality of a virtual reality headset greatly impact the visual experience. Higher resolution headsets offer sharper and more detailed visuals, enhancing the immersion. Look for headsets with at least 1080p resolution or higher for optimal visual quality.
  3. Field of View: The field of view (FOV) refers to the extent of the virtual world that is visible to the player. A wider FOV provides a more immersive experience, as it allows for better peripheral vision. Look for headsets with a FOV of at least 90 degrees or higher.
  4. Comfort and Fit: Since virtual reality gaming involves wearing a headset for extended periods, comfort and fit are crucial. Look for headsets that are adjustable, lightweight, and have cushioning for added comfort. Consider the weight distribution and ergonomic design to ensure a comfortable gaming experience.
  5. Tracking and Controllers: Tracking technology is essential for accurately capturing your movements in virtual reality. Look for systems that offer precise tracking, whether through external sensors or inside-out tracking. Additionally, consider the type of controllers included with the system. Controllers with motion tracking capabilities provide a more immersive and intuitive gaming experience.
  6. Content Availability: The availability of quality content is a vital factor in choosing a virtual reality game system. Look for systems that have a diverse library of games and experiences that align with your gaming preferences. Consider the genres, gameplay styles, and developers behind the available content to ensure a satisfying gaming experience.
By considering these factors, you can narrow down your options and choose a virtual reality game system that suits your gaming needs and preferences.

Popular virtual reality game systems in the market

The virtual reality gaming market is flooded with a wide range of game systems from various brands. Here are some of the most popular virtual reality game systems currently available:
  1. Oculus Rift: The Oculus Rift is one of the most well-known virtual reality headsets on the market. Developed by Oculus VR, a subsidiary of Facebook, the Rift offers a high-quality VR experience with excellent resolution, comfort, and tracking capabilities. It requires a compatible gaming PC to run and has a vast library of games and experiences.
  2. PlayStation VR: Developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment, the PlayStation VR is designed specifically for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 consoles. It offers an affordable entry point into virtual reality gaming, with a wide range of games and experiences available. The PlayStation VR headset provides a comfortable fit and has a solid tracking system.
  3. HTC Vive: The HTC Vive is a premium virtual reality system that offers a high level of immersion and realism. Developed by HTC and Valve Corporation, the Vive features room-scale tracking, allowing players to move around in a designated play area. It requires a gaming PC to run and has a growing library of games and experiences.
  4. Valve Index: The Valve Index is a high-end virtual reality system developed by Valve Corporation. It offers one of the best visual experiences with high-resolution displays and a wide field of view. The Index features precise tracking and comes with advanced controllers that offer finger-tracking capabilities. It requires a powerful gaming PC to run and has a selection of high-quality games.
  5. Oculus Quest 2: The Oculus Quest 2 is a standalone virtual reality headset that does not require a PC or console. It offers an all-in-one solution for virtual reality gaming, with built-in tracking and controllers. The Quest 2 is more affordable than its predecessor and has a growing library of games and experiences.
These are just a few examples of the virtual reality game systems available on the market. Each system has its own strengths and weaknesses, so it’s important to consider your gaming preferences and budget when making a decision.

Comparison of virtual reality game system specifications and features

To make an informed decision when choosing a virtual reality game system, it’s essential to compare the specifications and features of different systems. Here is a comparison of some key specifications and features to consider:
  1. Resolution: Higher resolution headsets offer sharper and more detailed visuals. Oculus Quest 2 and Valve Index both offer a resolution of 1832 x 1920 pixels per eye, while PlayStation VR has a resolution of 960 x 1080 pixels per eye.
  2. Field of View: A wider field of view enhances the immersion. Valve Index offers a field of view of 130 degrees, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR have a field of view of around 100 degrees.
  3. Refresh Rate: The refresh rate determines how many frames per second the headset can display, affecting the smoothness of the visuals. Valve Index has a refresh rate of up to 144Hz, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR have a refresh rate of 72Hz and 120Hz, respectively.
  4. Tracking: Tracking technology is crucial for accurately capturing your movements in virtual reality. Valve Index and HTC Vive utilize external base stations for precise tracking, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR use inside-out tracking.
  5. Controllers: The type of controllers included with the system greatly impacts the gaming experience. Valve Index controllers offer advanced finger-tracking capabilities, while Oculus Quest 2 and PlayStation VR come with standard motion-tracked controllers.
  6. Content Library: The availability of quality content is vital. Oculus Quest 2 has a growing library of games and experiences, while PlayStation VR offers a wide range of games specifically designed for the PlayStation platform.
By comparing these specifications and features, you can determine which virtual reality game system aligns best with your gaming preferences and requirements.

Virtual reality game system accessories and add-ons

In addition to the virtual reality game system itself, there are several accessories and add-ons that can enhance your gaming experience. Here are some popular accessories to consider:
  1. VR-Compatible Gaming PCs: If you’re considering a virtual reality game system that requires a gaming PC, ensure that your PC meets the system requirements. Upgrading your PC’s graphics card or adding more RAM may be necessary for optimal performance.
  2. Additional Controllers: Some virtual reality games and experiences may benefit from having additional controllers. Consider purchasing extra controllers for multiplayer games or games that require specialized input devices.
  3. VR-Compatible Headphones: While most virtual reality headsets have built-in audio, using external headphones can provide a more immersive and high-quality audio experience. Look for headphones that are comfortable to wear with the headset and provide excellent sound quality.
  4. VR Covers: Extended gaming sessions can be uncomfortable, especially if you’re wearing a headset for an extended period. Consider purchasing VR covers or comfort enhancements like foam replacements or head strap padding to improve comfort during gaming.
  5. Comfort Enhancements: VR Chairs or VR Platforms. Comfort during gameplay is paramount for players health. Platforms like C-Infinity enable the players to emerse them self in a long and comfortable gameplay.
  6. Wireless Adapters: If your virtual reality game system supports it, a wireless adapter can provide greater freedom of movement by eliminating the need for a tethered connection to a PC or console. This can greatly enhance the immersion and overall gaming experience.
  7. VR Stand or Mount: A VR stand or mount can help keep your virtual reality headset and controllers organized and protected when not in use. Look for stands or mounts that are specifically designed for your headset model to ensure a secure and stable display.
These accessories and add-ons can enhance your virtual reality gaming experience and provide added comfort, convenience, and immersion.

Virtual reality game system compatibility and requirements

Before purchasing a virtual reality game system, it’s important to consider the compatibility and system requirements to ensure that it will work seamlessly with your existing setup. Here are some compatibility factors and requirements to keep in mind:
  1. Gaming Platform: Determine whether the virtual reality game system is compatible with your gaming platform of choice. Some systems are designed specifically for PC gaming, while others are compatible with gaming consoles or standalone devices.
  2. System Specifications: Check the system requirements of the virtual reality game system. Ensure that your PC or console meets the minimum specifications for optimal performance. Pay attention to the required graphics card, processor, RAM, and storage space.
  3. Space Requirements: Some virtual reality game systems, especially those that offer room-scale tracking, require a designated play area. Ensure that you have enough space in your gaming area to move around comfortably without any obstructions.
  4. Internet Connection: An internet connection may be required for initial setup, firmware updates, and downloading games and experiences. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection to enjoy the full capabilities of the virtual reality game system.
  5. Power Requirements: Virtual reality game systems may require additional power outlets or USB ports for charging controllers or connecting peripherals. Ensure that you have enough power sources available to accommodate the system’s requirements.
By considering these compatibility factors and requirements, you can ensure a smooth setup and optimal performance of your virtual reality game system.
submitted by Georgijevic to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 Ariana-The-Returned Forbannet Lyn

Forbannet Lyn

1 Overview

A blade made for the Værånd Samuel by Ariana. It houses powerful lightning magic from storms at dawn, which gives it its red tint. It's a standard sized katana blade, making it light to wield.

2 Magical abilities

Given its nature of making, it is quite obvious that it possesses the ability to charge up powerful strikes via the latent lightning that always radiates from it. It's powerful magic consequently requires fast movement to be effective, perfectly suiting Sam's fighting style.

3 Materials

The materials used were as follows: • Captured cursed lightning • Shadespark • Ancient and cursed plywood from the lands known as "IKEA".

4 Conclusion

A well balanced blade that can give a little extra kick from the electricity it can blast. Made from Shadespark, a metal that can imbibe magic and regurgitate it back towards the perpetrator. There is a mistake in its making however. The top quarter of the sword near the point has a large scratch, evidence of Ariana's clumsiness when handling the blade.
submitted by Ariana-The-Returned to InventorsFoundery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:12 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Google Map

Maldives Island Google Map
Maldives Island Google Map We've all heard about the amazing wonders of the Maldives, that dreamy destination with its crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches.And now, there's a tool that allows us to navigate this paradise with ease - the Maldives Island Google Map. But it's not just any ordinary map; it's a virtual guide that unveils the secrets of this enchanting archipelago.From hidden lagoons to bustling towns, this map holds the key to unlocking the treasures of the Maldives.So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of discovery, join us as we explore the wonders that await on the Maldives Island Google Map.Key TakeawaysThe Maldives is a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean, known for its stunning beaches and rich marine life.Google Maps can be used to explore the Maldives, locate different islands and atolls, and even experience virtual street view of local neighborhoods and attractions.Pros of using Google Maps for the Maldives include its user-friendly interface, satellite view for stunning visuals, and real-time traffic information.However, there are also limitations such as the need for an internet connection, limited street view coverage, and potential inaccuracies in directions.Overview of the Maldives IslandLet's take a closer look at the beautiful Maldives Island chain and discover its captivating charm and natural wonders.The Maldives is a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls. With its clear, green waters and stunning views, the Maldives is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers.One of the main attractions of the Maldives is its rich marine life. The Indian Ocean surrounding the islands is teeming with a diverse range of marine species. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be delighted to explore the vibrant coral reefs and encounter colorful fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins. The Maldives is home to over 2000 species of fish, making it a perfect destination for underwater exploration.The Maldives is also known for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters. The white sandy beaches stretch for miles, providing the perfect backdrop for relaxation and sunbathing. The warm tropical climate and gentle sea breeze create an idyllic setting for a beach vacation.In addition to its natural beauty, the Maldives offers a unique cultural experience. The local population of about 300,000 inhabitants adds to the charm of the islands. The Maldivian people are friendly and welcoming, and visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through traditional music, dance, and cuisine.How to Access Google Maps for the Maldives IslandAfter exploring the captivating charm and natural wonders of the Maldives Island chain, it's time to discover how to access Google Maps for this stunning destination. Google Maps provides a convenient and user-friendly way to navigate the Maldives Islands, whether you're seeking the best spots for underwater photography, trying to find your way around the local neighborhoods, or planning to attend cultural festivals and events.To access Google Maps for the Maldives, simply open the Google Maps website or app. Once you're there, type 'Maldives' in the search bar to locate the country on the map. From there, you can zoom in and explore the different islands, atolls, and cities that make up the Maldives.One of the most fascinating features of Google Maps is the satellite view. By using this feature, you can see the stunning natural beauty of the Maldives Islands from above. The unique arrangement of the islands and the crystal-clear turquoise waters are truly a sight to behold.Another useful tool on Google Maps is the street view function. This allows you to virtually explore the local neighborhoods, resorts, and attractions on the islands. Whether you're looking for the best place to stay or want to get a sense of the local atmosphere, street view can provide valuable insights.In addition to navigation, Google Maps also offers real-time traffic information and directions. This can be particularly helpful when exploring the Maldives Islands and trying to find the best local transportation options.So, whether you're planning an underwater photography expedition, looking to immerse yourself in the local culture at festivals and events, or simply want to navigate the islands with ease, Google Maps is an invaluable tool for your Maldives adventure. Start exploring and let Google Maps be your guide to this paradise on Earth.ProsConsUser-friendly interfaceRequires internet connectionSatellite view for stunning visualsLimited street view coverageReal-time traffic informationPossible inaccuracies in directionsExploring the Main Attractions on the Maldives IslandAs we explore the main attractions on the Maldives Island, we're greeted with a breathtaking display of natural beauty and a myriad of exciting activities to indulge in. One of the main attractions that draw visitors to this paradise is its stunning beaches. The Maldives boasts picture-perfect stretches of white sand, fringed by crystal-clear turquoise waters. The beaches here are simply unparalleled, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and tranquility.But the beauty of the Maldives doesn't stop at its shores. The underwater world surrounding the islands is equally captivating. With its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, the Maldives offers some of the best snorkeling and diving opportunities in the world. Exploring the underwater world is like entering a whole new realm, where colorful fish dance among the coral gardens and graceful manta rays glide effortlessly through the water. It truly is a sight to behold.Aside from the stunning beaches and the underwater world, the Maldives also offers a range of other main attractions to explore. Luxury resorts dot the islands, offering world-class amenities and the ultimate in relaxation. Indulge in spa treatments, savor delectable Indian cuisine, or simply lounge by the infinity pool, soaking up the sun and the breathtaking views.As we venture further into the Maldives Island, we discover hidden gems such as local markets, where we can immerse ourselves in the vibrant culture and pick up unique souvenirs. We can also embark on island-hopping adventures, visiting different atolls and experiencing the distinct charm and beauty of each.Navigating the Beaches and Lagoons on the Maldives IslandNavigating the beaches and lagoons on the Maldives Island is like embarking on a captivating journey through a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives' 26 atolls and 1190 coral islands are spread across a vast area, offering diverse beach and lagoon experiences. Here are some ways to explore these stunning landscapes:Beach Activities: The Maldives is a paradise for beach lovers. With its crystal-clear, turquoise waters and soft, white sands, you can enjoy a range of activities such as sunbathing, beach volleyball, and building sandcastles. Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline and soak in the breathtaking views.Coral Reefs: Explore the vibrant coral reefs that surround the Maldives Islands. Go snorkeling or diving to discover an underwater world teeming with colorful fish, turtles, and other marine life. The coral reefs offer a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and diversity of the ocean firsthand.Boat Tours: Since most transportation in the Maldives is done by boat, taking a boat tour is a must-do activity. Hop on a traditional dhoni or a speedboat and cruise along the coastline, hopping from one island to another. Enjoy the cool ocean breeze and marvel at the picturesque scenery as you navigate the beaches and lagoons.Spotting Marine Life: The Maldives is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity. Keep an eye out for dolphins, manta rays, and even whale sharks. Embark on a dolphin-watching excursion or join a guided tour to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.Exploring the beaches and lagoons on the Maldives Island is a truly unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the coral islands, indulge in beach activities, and embark on boat tours to discover the wonders of this tropical paradise.Discovering the Underwater World of the Maldives IslandEmbarking on a journey beneath the surface, we venture into the captivating underwater world of the Maldives Island. With its 1,190 coral islands grouped into 26 atolls, the Maldives offers a diverse array of underwater landscapes waiting to be explored. The country's capital city, Male, serves as a convenient hub for underwater excursions, with its map showcasing the intricate layout of atolls, cities, and towns, aiding in planning our underwater adventures.As we delve into the turquoise waters of the Maldives, we're greeted by an abundance of marine biodiversity. The stunning coral reefs that surround the islands provide a habitat for a wide variety of fish, turtles, and other marine creatures. Snorkeling adventures here are truly unforgettable, as we immerse ourselves in a world teeming with vibrant colors and fascinating underwater life.For those looking to capture the beauty of the underwater world, the Maldives also offers excellent opportunities for underwater photography. As we explore the coral gardens and swim alongside schools of fish, we can use these underwater photography tips to capture stunning shots: make sure to use a waterproof camera or housing, get close to your subjects to capture their details, and take advantage of natural light for vibrant and clear images.In the Maldives, the underwater world is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. With its breathtaking marine biodiversity and opportunities for snorkeling adventures and underwater photography, it's a paradise for those seeking to explore the mysteries beneath the surface. So, grab your snorkel gear and dive into the enchanting waters of the Maldives Island.Finding the Best Resorts and Accommodations on the Maldives IslandWhen it comes to finding the best resorts and accommodations on the Maldives Island, there are a few top-rated options that stand out. These resorts offer luxurious over-water villas with stunning ocean views and direct access to the water.If you're on a budget, don't worry, as there are also some great budget accommodations available that still provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay.Top-Rated Maldives ResortsTo find the best resorts and accommodations on the Maldives Island, we can explore the top-rated options that offer luxurious experiences and breathtaking views. Here are the top-rated Maldives resorts:Luxury accommodations: The Maldives is renowned for its opulent resorts that offer world-class amenities and services. From private pools to personal butlers, these resorts provide a truly indulgent experience.Beachfront villas: Imagine waking up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore and stepping out onto your own private beach. Many of the top-rated resorts in the Maldives offer beachfront villas, allowing guests to enjoy direct access to the pristine white sands and turquoise waters.All-inclusive packages: For a hassle-free vacation, consider opting for an all-inclusive package. These packages often include meals, drinks, activities, and even spa treatments, ensuring that guests can relax and enjoy their stay without worrying about additional expenses.Breathtaking views: Whether it's a panoramic view of the Indian Ocean or a stunning sunset over the horizon, the top-rated resorts in the Maldives offer unforgettable vistas. Guests can indulge in the natural beauty of the islands from the comfort of their own luxurious accommodations.Best Budget AccommodationsAs we delve into the search for the best budget accommodations on the Maldives Island, let's uncover the hidden gems that offer affordable stays amidst the breathtaking coral islands and atolls of the Indian Ocean.The Maldives may be known for its luxury resorts, but there are also budget accommodations that provide a unique and cost-effective experience. Some of these accommodations are located on man-made islands specifically designed for tourism, offering a range of island activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and spotting marine life.However, it's important to consider the cultural experiences that come with staying in budget accommodations. Islamic cultural rules, such as restrictions on alcohol and attire, may impact the experience.Nonetheless, budget accommodations in the Maldives offer a fantastic opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the islands without breaking the bank.Exploring Local Cuisine and Dining Options on the Maldives IslandLocal cuisine on the Maldives Island offers a tantalizing fusion of Indian, Sri Lankan, and Arabian flavors, reflecting a rich culinary heritage that's sure to delight food enthusiasts. From mouthwatering Maldivian delicacies to popular seafood dishes, exploring the local cuisine provides an authentic dining experience.Here are some highlights:Maldivian Delicacies: Immerse yourself in the local culture by trying traditional Maldivian dishes. Garudhiya, a fragrant fish soup made with fresh tuna, is a must-try. The flavors of the fish, combined with aromatic spices, create a comforting and flavorful broth. Another delicacy is mas huni, a refreshing tuna and coconut salad. This dish combines flaked tuna, grated coconut, onions, chili, and lime juice, resulting in a delicious and satisfying meal.Popular Seafood Dishes: Being surrounded by the Indian Ocean, it's no surprise that seafood plays a significant role in Maldivian cuisine. Indulge in mouthwatering grilled fish, prawns, and lobster, expertly prepared by local chefs. The seafood is often seasoned with a blend of spices, giving it a unique and flavorful taste.Authentic Dining Experience: To truly experience the local cuisine, venture beyond the resorts and hotels and visit local cafes and family-run restaurants. Here, you can savor traditional Maldivian meals cooked with love and passion, providing an authentic dining experience. Interacting with the locals and witnessing their culinary traditions adds an extra layer of authenticity to your dining experience.International Dining Options: If you prefer a wider variety of culinary options, upscale resorts and hotels on the Maldives Island offer a range of international dining options. From Asian fusion to Mediterranean cuisine, you can explore different flavors and satisfy your taste buds.Whether you choose to indulge in Maldivian delicacies or explore international cuisines, the diverse dining options on the Maldives Island are sure to satisfy every palate. So, go ahead and embark on a culinary adventure that will leave you craving for more.Shopping and Souvenir Hunting on the Maldives IslandShopping on the Maldives Island is a delightful experience, offering a wide variety of handcrafted treasures and unique souvenirs waiting to be discovered. The island is home to vibrant local markets where visitors can immerse themselves in the rich culture and find authentic items that reflect the Maldivian heritage.Exploring these markets allows travelers to appreciate the traditional crafts that have been passed down through generations. One can find intricately designed wooden carvings, showcasing the skill and artistry of local artisans. These carvings often depict marine life, such as dolphins, turtles, and coral reefs, capturing the essence of the Maldives' natural beauty.For those looking to bring home a piece of Maldivian fashion, colorful sarongs are a popular choice. These garments, known as 'feyli,' are made from lightweight fabrics and feature vibrant patterns inspired by the island's flora and fauna. They're perfect for lounging on the beach or adding a touch of tropical flair to any wardrobe.Handwoven baskets made from locally sourced materials are also sought-after souvenirs. These baskets come in various sizes and shapes, making them versatile and practical for everyday use. They're a testament to the island's commitment to sustainable craftsmanship.A visit to the local markets wouldn't be complete without exploring the exquisite jewelry made from seashells and coral. These pieces are intricately designed, showcasing the natural beauty of the ocean. From necklaces and earrings to bracelets and rings, each jewelry item tells a unique story and serves as a reminder of the Maldives' breathtaking underwater world.Shopping for souvenirs in the Maldives Island isn't just about acquiring material possessions; it's an opportunity to support local craftsmanship and take home a piece of the island's soul. These authentic souvenirs serve as cherished keepsakes, reminding us of the beauty and cultural significance of the Maldives.Uncovering the Cultural and Historical Sites on the Maldives IslandNestled among the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives Island is a treasure trove of cultural and historical sites waiting to be uncovered. From ancient monuments to vibrant festivals, here are some of the highlights that showcase the rich cultural heritage of this island paradise:Cultural Preservation: The Maldives takes great pride in preserving its cultural traditions. Explore the local villages to witness traditional craftsmanship, such as intricate woodcarvings and exquisite lacquerwork. Visit the National Museum in Malé to delve into the country's history and discover artifacts that date back centuries.Historical Monuments: The Maldives is home to a number of historical monuments that offer a glimpse into its past. One such landmark is the Hukuru Miskiy, also known as the Old Friday Mosque, which is adorned with beautiful coral stone carvings. Another must-visit is the Malé Friday Mosque, an architectural marvel with its intricate coral patterns and ornate minaret.Traditional Festivals: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Maldives by attending traditional festivals. The most prominent celebration is Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan. Witness the joyous festivities, which include feasts, music, dance, and traditional performances. Don't miss out on the Bodu Beru, a lively drumming performance that's a hallmark of Maldivian culture.Island Excursions: While the Maldives is known for its stunning beaches and luxury resorts, the islands also offer a chance to explore the local way of life. Take a trip to a local island and experience the warmth and hospitality of the Maldivian people. Engage in activities like cooking classes, fishing trips, and cultural tours to gain a deeper understanding of the island's heritage.Uncovering the cultural and historical sites on the Maldives Island is a journey that will leave you enriched and inspired. Embark on this exploration and let the Maldives weave its captivating tales of the past.Planning a Dreamy Honeymoon on the Maldives IslandIf you're dreaming of a romantic and unforgettable honeymoon, the Maldives Island offers the perfect destination to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. With its 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls, the Maldives provides diverse landscapes and experiences for couples seeking a dreamy getaway.When it comes to honeymoon accommodations, the Maldives boasts an array of luxury resorts and water villas that allow you to immerse yourself in the island's natural beauty. Imagine waking up to stunning views of clear green waters and experiencing the rich marine biodiversity right at your doorstep.To make your honeymoon even more special, the Maldives offers a range of romantic activities. From private beach dinners under the starlit sky to couples' spa treatments that will relax and rejuvenate you, there are plenty of options to ignite the spark of romance. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be delighted by the opportunity to explore the Devata Coral Reef, known for its vibrant colors and abundant marine life.To make planning your dreamy honeymoon a breeze, many resorts in the Maldives offer honeymoon packages. These packages often include special perks such as candlelit dinners, couples' massages, and even sunset cruises. Whether you prefer a secluded and intimate experience or a more adventurous and active honeymoon, the Maldives has something for every couple.In addition to its breathtaking beauty and romantic offerings, the Maldives also provides a chance to immerse yourself in the local lifestyle. With most transportation done by boat, you'll have the opportunity to explore different islands and experience the authentic, non-touristy side of the Maldives.Tips for a Relaxing Spa and Wellness Experience on the Maldives IslandWhen it comes to finding the best spa treatments and serene wellness retreats on the Maldives Island, we've got you covered.From traditional Maldivian treatments to outdoor spa sessions with breathtaking ocean views, there are plenty of options to ensure a truly relaxing experience.Don't forget to take advantage of unique activities like underwater spa treatments or beachside massages for an extra dose of tranquility.Best Spa TreatmentsImmerse yourself in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation on the Maldives Island with the best spa treatments that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Here are some popular wellness activities and the benefits of holistic therapies to elevate your spa experience:Traditional Maldivian Massage: Experience a deeply relaxing treatment using coconut oil, known for its nourishing properties. This massage technique will help relieve tension and promote a sense of calm.Rejuvenating Seaweed Body Wrap: After a day of exploring the beautiful islands, indulge in a detoxifying and nourishing seaweed body wrap. This treatment will leave your skin feeling hydrated and revitalized.Luxurious Overwater Bungalow Spa: Treat yourself to a luxurious spa experience in an overwater bungalow, where you can enjoy stunning views and the soothing sounds of the ocean. Let the tranquil surroundings enhance your relaxation.Maldivian Sand Massage: Exfoliate and revitalize your skin with a Maldivian sand massage. This unique treatment promotes relaxation while leaving your skin smooth and radiant.Try these incredible spa treatments on the Maldives Island for a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.Serene Wellness RetreatsAre you looking for a truly relaxing and rejuvenating spa and wellness experience on the Maldives Island? Look no further than the serene wellness retreats scattered across the stunning coral islands and atolls of the Indian Ocean.These retreats offer a peaceful and tranquil environment, perfect for unwinding and finding inner peace. Immerse yourself in a range of spa treatments, from soothing massages to rejuvenating facials.Indulge in yoga retreats, where you can stretch and strengthen your body while surrounded by the beauty of nature. Practice meditation to calm your mind and find inner balance.These retreats also offer holistic healing practices, allowing you to connect with your mind, body, and spirit.Experience the ultimate relaxation and wellness getaway in the Maldives.Trying Exciting Water Sports and Activities on the Maldives IslandGet ready for an unforgettable adventure as we dive into the exhilarating world of water sports and activities on the beautiful Maldives Island. With its crystal-clear waters and stunning coral reefs, the Maldives offers a plethora of options for those seeking adrenaline pumping water sports and unforgettable experiences.Here are four exciting activities to try on the Maldives Island:Snorkeling Adventures: Immerse yourself in the vibrant underwater world of the Maldives through snorkeling. Swim alongside colorful fish, explore mesmerizing coral reefs, and witness the diverse marine life that calls these waters home. The Maldives offers numerous snorkeling spots where you can discover the beauty and tranquility of the underwater realm.Adrenaline Pumping Water Sports: If you crave excitement and thrill, the Maldives has you covered. Try your hand at jet skiing, where you can zoom across the clear blue waters, feeling the rush of the wind against your face. Or, take on the challenge of paddleboarding, parasailing, or kayaking, and experience the thrill of maneuvering through the picturesque island scenery.Romantic Sunset Cruises: For a more relaxed and romantic experience, embark on a sunset cruise. Sail into the golden hues of the setting sun, while sipping on a refreshing drink and enjoying the breathtaking views. Watch as the sky transforms into a canvas of vivid colors, creating a magical moment that will stay with you forever.Dolphin Watching and Fishing Trips: The Maldives is home to an abundance of marine life, including playful dolphins. Join a dolphin watching excursion and witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat, leaping and gliding through the waves. Alternatively, go on a fishing trip and try your luck at catching some of the local fish, adding a thrilling element to your island adventure.Whether you're seeking adrenaline or romance, the Maldives offers an array of water sports and activities to suit every preference. Dive into the clear waters and create memories that will last a lifetime.Exploring the Local Wildlife and Nature Reserves on the Maldives IslandWhat hidden treasures of wildlife and nature can be discovered on the Maldives Island? The Maldives Islands aren't only known for their stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters but also for their rich biodiversity and commitment to wildlife conservation. With several nature reserves and a strong focus on eco-tourism, exploring the local wildlife on the Maldives Island is an experience like no other.One of the must-visit places for nature enthusiasts is the Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve. This UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve is home to an incredible array of marine life, including manta rays, whale sharks, and vibrant coral reefs. Snorkeling or diving in these waters allows you to witness the beauty of the underwater world while contributing to its preservation.For those interested in birdwatching, the Maldives is a paradise. The islands are a vital stopover point for many migratory birds, offering a unique opportunity to observe rare species up close. The Hulhumale Wetland, located near the capital city of Male, is a popular spot for birdwatching, with over 70 bird species calling it home.To learn more about the local flora and fauna, a visit to the Maldives Wildlife Rescue Center is a must. This center focuses on rehabilitating and releasing injured or orphaned wildlife, such as sea turtles and birds. Visitors can participate in educational programs and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of wildlife conservation.Eco-tourism is a key focus on the Maldives Island, with many resorts implementing sustainable practices and offering guided nature walks and wildlife safaris. These activities allow visitors to explore the islands' unique ecosystems while minimizing their impact on the environment.Taking a Virtual Tour of the Maldives Island's Private Islands and RetreatsEmbark on a captivating virtual journey through the private islands and retreats of the Maldives, where breathtaking natural beauty and luxurious architecture await. With the advancement of technology, accessing virtual tours of these exclusive destinations has become easier than ever before. Let's dive in and explore the wonders that await you in the Maldives:Experience luxury resorts: Through virtual tours, you can step into the world of opulence and indulgence that the Maldives is known for. Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of the private island resorts, where houses seem to float on the crystal-clear waters. Marvel at the elegant villas, complete with private pools, outdoor showers, and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean.Explore the vibrant marine life: The Maldives is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. Take a virtual dive and witness the wonders of the underwater world. Swim alongside colorful fish, graceful manta rays, and even spot a majestic whale shark. These virtual tours provide an up-close encounter with the incredible marine biodiversity that surrounds the Maldives.Understand local customs: As you explore the virtual tours, you'll also gain insights into the rich cultural experiences offered by the Maldives' resorts. Learn about the Islamic customs and traditions that are an integral part of the Maldivian way of life. Discover the influence of these customs on the resorts' offerings, from traditional Maldivian cuisine to unique activities and experiences.Plan your future visit: While virtual tours provide a glimpse into the wonders of the Maldives, they also serve as a guide for planning your future visit. Take note of the resorts and retreats that capture your interest and start envisioning your dream vacation in paradise.Through accessing virtual tours, you can now indulge in the luxury, natural beauty, and local customs of the Maldives from the comfort of your own home. Start your virtual journey today and get ready to be enchanted by the wonders of this tropical paradise.Capturing Insta-Worthy Moments on the Maldives IslandAs we explore the enchanting Maldives Island, we're captivated by the countless opportunities to capture insta-worthy moments amidst its stunning natural beauty and unique experiences. From the moment we arrived, we knew that this tropical paradise was a photographer's dream.The Maldives Island offers a plethora of picturesque settings that are perfect for capturing sunset photography. Imagine standing on the soft white sand, feeling the gentle breeze on your skin, as the sky transforms into a vibrant canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples. It's a sight that will leave you in awe and your followers longing to be there with you.But the beauty of the Maldives doesn't end with its mesmerizing sunsets. Underwater photography is another must-do activity here. The crystal-clear, green waters provide the perfect backdrop for capturing vibrant coral reefs, tropical fish, and even majestic manta rays and whale sharks. Whether you're a professional photographer or just a hobbyist, the underwater world of the Maldives will leave you breathless and your camera roll full of stunning shots.In addition to its natural beauty, the Maldives Island is also known for its vibrant local festivals and events. Throughout the year, the island comes alive with celebrations of Maldivian culture, music, and dance. From the Bodu Beru festival, where locals showcase their traditional drumming skills, to the Eid al-Fitr celebrations marking the end of Ramadan, there's always something happening that's worth capturing and sharing with the world.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich Country Is Maldives Located In?Maldives is located in South Asia, in the Indian Ocean. It's a stunning country consisting of 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls.We, as travelers, are captivated by its natural beauty and isolation. The Maldives offers a unique living experience, with its beautiful coral reefs and luxury resorts.The official language spoken is Dhivehi (Mahl), and the capital city is Male. Maldives truly is a paradise on Earth.Where Is Maldives in Google Earth?When exploring the stunning beaches of Maldives, we were amazed by the crystal-clear waters and powdery white sand.Snorkeling and diving allowed us to uncover the underwater wonders of Maldives, with vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish and other marine life.And let's not forget about the luxury resorts in Maldives, where we indulged in world-class amenities, breathtaking views, and impeccable service.It's no wonder that Maldives is a dream destination for travelers seeking a tropical paradise.Where Is the Maldives Close To?The Maldives is close to India and Sri Lanka, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking to explore the Indian Ocean. With its stunning coral reefs, luxury resorts, and abundant marine life, the Maldives offers popular tourist attractions like swimming, snorkeling, and spotting unique sea creatures.The best time to visit is during the dry season from November to April, when the weather is sunny and the waters are calm, perfect for enjoying activities and water sports.How Many Islands Are in the Maldives?There are approximately 1,190 islands in the Maldives, making it a paradise for anyone seeking a tropical getaway.These islands offer a diverse range of tourist attractions, from stunning coral reefs to luxurious resorts.In addition to the natural beauty, the Maldives is also rich in local culture, with a 100% Islamic population.Underwater activities like swimming and snorkeling are a must-do here, as the marine life is abundant and breathtaking.ConclusionAs we explore the stunning Maldives Island on Google Maps, we're reminded of the extraordinary beauty that exists in the world.The captivating beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse wildlife create a paradise that's truly awe-inspiring.Whether you're a local or a tourist, this interactive map allows you to immerse yourself in the wonders of the Maldives and discover its hidden treasures.So, grab your virtual snorkel and get ready for a journey of exploration and wonder on the Maldives Island.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 JerkFrollo [Other/ICON][Online][Saturday, 1pm EST] Playtest ICON, a high fantasy game of tactical, team-based combat in a campaign about chivalry

ICON: Return of the Paladins
In Arden Eld, a world of swords and sorcery, sin rouses from its ancient slumber. Arkenruins, dungeons that corrupt the land, bubble from the earth, threatening to swallow the peaceful, pastoral Green Age in its maw, consuming the world in a Churning Age of renewed apocalypse.
Standing against that are you, the Icons: those burdened with great power. Yet even your power is not enough to thwart the coming blight alone; you must unearth and muster a light older and stronger than the coming darkness. If evil will not stay in its grave, neither shall good. Knights must not remain errant; the world needs ennobling to withstand ignoble invasion. Will you make way for the return of the Paladins?
Slots Available: 1 (and a half; there's a lesser, sidekick roll for those who want something much simpler)
System Used: ICON 1.5, a high fantasy game that's one half freeform narrative play and one half intense, tactical combat.
Style: Text, voice, and video.
Session Duration: About 4 hours
Schedule: 1PM EST on Saturdays, weekly. If you're interested but the time doesn't work, feel free to PM what times do and maybe the group could change.
Requirements: Discord and a Forge account to access my Foundry server; and a camera.
Premise: The flower of chivalry is starting to bloom in the World of Arden Eld. There are rumors on the wind that a new kingdom has formed, desperate for any whose souls answer to the call of knighthood. Eager to join and bear the truth of this for yourself, you will help this kingdom survive the coming darkness, into a nobler age.
Note: You'd be entering into an ongoing campaign, and to make a balanced party, the next PC would have to be a tank class.
More info here:
Interested? Send me a PM with the special word, and we'll do a short interview.
submitted by JerkFrollo to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 LiteraryHedgehog MEGATHREAD: Dragon Boat Event, June 7-10

With thanks to all who helped create this guide!
This event will run from Friday, June 7 until 20:00 GMT on Monday, June 10; to participate you will need version 11.5.0 or later, at least 100 dragon power, and a high quality, stable internet connection.
Please keep event-specific questions and discussions in this thread; good luck and happy merging!


Event Notes
Elsewhere in the Game:


Tap the link above to open the Image Guide as a Google Slides document; it can be saved as a pdf for viewing elsewhere.
  1. Cloud Key Map
  2. Cloud Key Chart
  3. Tile Healing Map
  4. Infinite Harvestables Map
  5. Event Quests Chart
  6. Event Rewards Chart


Tap a key item to go to its wiki page for more info and hi-def images




  • 1.1 Merge 5 of Anything — 150 times
  • 1.2 Creat a Level 7 Point Item (Sensous Swan Lamp) — 5 times
  • 1.3 Harvest from a Level 3 Consumable Harvestable (Noble Dragon Statue) — 75 times
  • 2.1 Harvest from a Twin Life Flower — 200 times
  • 2.2 Harvest from Dead Plants — 75 times
  • 2.3 Create a Life Orb of the Heavens — 3 times
  • 3.1 Heal Land — 35 tiles
  • 3.2 Have Healed Land — 350 tiles
  • 3.3 Have Healed Land — 675 tiles
  • 3.4 Heal All the Land — 861 tiles


  • Prize 1: 3 pts (3 total)
  • Prize 2: 22 (25)
  • Prize 3: 235 (260)
  • Prize 4: 420 (680)
  • Prize 5: 640 (1,320)
  • Prize 6: 960 (2,280)
  • Prize 7: 4,470 (6,750)
  • Prize 8: 5,400 (12,150)
  • Prize 9: 6,570 (18,720)
  • Prize 10: 11,230 (29,950)


A = featured in Arcadia; S = Shiny capable; N = New
  • Main trophy breed: Turtle (AS)
  • Secondary trophy breed: Fiesta
  • Tertiary breed: Sharp
  • Event Trophy Item: Artful Bonsai Tree
    • Spawned eggs: Deer (AS)
    • Tappables: Turtle (AS)


Note: Rewards shown are for Event Portal Level 16
  • Legend (under 12 hours)
    • Main Breed: 20x nests, 5x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3, 3x L4
    • Secondary Breed: 20x nests, 5x L3, 3x L4
    • Tertiary Breed: 7x L2
    • 3x L4 Fruit Trees
  • Champion (under 24 hours)
    • Main Breed 1: 11x nests, 6x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 9x nests, 2x L3, 1x L4
    • Tertiary Breed 3: 12x L2
    • 2x L4 Fruit Trees, 1x Super Egg Fragment
  • Hero (under 36 hours)
    • Main Breed: 5x nests, 4x L1, 3x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 5x nests, 3x L3
    • 1x L4 Fruit Tree, 1x L2 Hill, 1x Super Egg Fragment


  • The Event Shop and Capsules appear after you’ve healed 30-70 tiles; after that a free Bronze Capsule can be collected every 3 hours.
  • It takes 5 or 6 level 9 Life Orb of the Heavens to clear all the 5k+ land, depending on how much you heal by merging items off dead land.
  • To collect both the full set of Points Prizes and any level of Rush Rewards, you will need to earn 29,950 points.
    • Reaching this amount requires 1x Level 9 points item, 1x L8 item, 2x L7 items, and 2x L6 items (or just aim for 2x L9 points items).
  • There’s always enough material to merge by 3s when making Key items.
  • Caves must be tapped to spawn a Zomblin; only one event Zomblin lives in each cave, and it turns into Stinky Cheese when killed.
  • The Gold Capsule, Fallen Star, and Tanzanite Nest are hiding near the far edge of the map, on tiles requiring 50k energy to heal.
  • Infinite Harvestables:
    • There are usually 9x Level 1, 3x L2, 1x L3, 2x L4, and 2x L5 Infinite Harvestables (Spiritual Trees) on the map; you can delete one level 1 and one level 2 and still have enough to make a level 6, as long as you 5-merge whenever possible.
    • Note: No Infinite Harvestables are used as keys in this event.
  • Consumable/Limited Harvestables:
    • Each 1x2 Noble Dragon Statue can be harvested 25 times; 75 total harvests are needed to complete Quest 1.3.
    • Each harvest of the big 2x2 Grinning Buddha at the back of the map yields a 10% chance of spawning an extra Noble Dragon Statue.
    • Once all available Noble Dragon Statues and the Grinning Buddha are gone, there is no way to get more.
  • Strategy advice:
    • Spending money or gems is NEVER required to complete an event, nor is using an auto-clicker or other exploits.
    • The number and level of possible reward items is determined by your Event Portal level; working to raise that to its maximum of L16 is one of the best ways to boost your overall progress in the game
    • A good basic introduction to events is available here on the Fandom Wiki; there’s also some Wiki event guides and tips articles here and here, and a whole collection of general guides and tutorials here
    • Additional general event strategy advice (active vs passive or idle play, etc) can be found in the Community FAQ and in these threads: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, and Link 4.
    • For active players wanting more dragons, the Prism Flower method is a good option: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3. Note: this technique is only for active play; since only 2 dragons at a time will harvest when left on their own, having more will actually slow down idle harvesting.
    • A recently shared strategy using the Hills chain here can greatly increase Life Flower production, but it usually takes a few gems (maximum of 80, but less if you get some in capsules)
  • Chinese New Year event theme’s main wiki page.
  • Previous Similar Events:
REMINDER: Before closing your game, or when moving from the event level to your camp, always exit to the World Map screen and pause there until everything’s fully loaded to trigger the game to save your progress.


If the event is not showing up correctly or if glitches are affecting your play:
  1. Check that you meet the version and dragon power requirements.
  2. Try hard-closing and then relaunching your game.
  3. Try rebooting your device (ie, turn it completely off, then back on and allow it to fully boot up before relaunching the game). If you are on wifi and have access to the router, try rebooting that, too.
  4. Try switching to a completely different internet source.
  5. Try clearing your game’s cache (google for instructions for your specific phone type).
  6. If you’re suddenly experiencing multiple issues like lagging or error messages (or if the event vanishes completely), close the game and try again after 2-3 hours. Events are internet-based, and sometimes issues with the servers can cause temporary problems — all we can do for that is to wait it out.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact Gram Games Support through the in-game link or the Support Web Portal for help figuring out what’s wrong.
  • NOTE: Cloud Save is still unreliable: according to the developer, it is not safe to be used and should be left turned off.
  • NOTE: Saving your Progress: Make sure to save your progress by traveling to the World Map screen (and waiting there until everything’s fully loaded) regularly, and especially before closing your game.
  • Glitch: Missing sell/delete option If your task bar is missing the option to delete dimension jars or other items, you can start with the standard troubleshooting methods; if those don’t trigger a fix, replaying a few levels or working in your camp for a while have reportedly helped.
  • Glitch: Event level only shows clouds If your event screen shows only clouds instead of the map, check that you are zoomed all the way out. If you are and it still won’t show, try collecting one of the free Bronze Capsules (you may need to wait for the timer to count down).
  • Glitch: Missing rewards/Game crashes after collecting rewards Exiting directly from the event level to your Camp can trigger a crash and loss of items; always exit to the World Map screen first — and pause there until everything’s fully loaded — to trigger the game to save your progress, then enter your Camp.
edits are on-going
submitted by LiteraryHedgehog to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:53 ActualThrowaway7856 All in one budget color laser printer in 2024?

What would you like to accomplish?

Need an all-in-one color laser printer that can still use generic toners. Trying to replace an ancient inkjet that's been a pita for years now.

Are there any models you are currently looking at?

Brother’s MFC-L3765CDW however I think it uses 229 toner which is really expensive. Also been looking at Canon - imageCLASS MF654Cdw since it's cheaper all in one color laser. No HP please since I've heard they don't allow generic non-oem toners.

More Details:

Questions Answers
Budget: up to $400, prefer $300
Country: USA
Color or black and white: color
Laser or ink printer: laser
New or used: new
Multi-function: scan and copy at least
Duplex Printing: preferred but not required
Home or business: Home
Printing content: Documents
Connection type: Ethernet required, others preferred.
submitted by ActualThrowaway7856 to printers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:42 DinoZavr Reminder: ESO+ free trial: instant freebies (June 07 - June 19, 2024)

Quick Note: added Necrom Section. also note this time it is 12 days, not usual 7 :)
Activation: ingame Crown Store -> ESO Plus tab → click “Free Trial!”.

INSTANT or QUICK Freebies:
Dungeons DLC: - Shadow of the Hist: Heroic personality -- Enter either the Ruins of Mazzatun or the Cradle of Shadows (Shadowfen) - Horns of the Reach: Bullhorns emote -- Enter either Falkreath Hold or Bloodroot Forge (Craglorn) - Dragon Bones: hat: Renegade Dragon Priest Mask -- Enter either Fang Lair or Scalecaller Peak (Bangkorai/Stormhaven) - Wolfhunter: Werewolf Hunter Hat -- Enter either Moon Hunter Keep or March of Sacrifices (Reaper’s March/Greenshade) - Wrathstone: hat: Ayleid Royal Crown -- Enter either Frostvault or Depths of Malatar (Eastmarch/Gold Coast) - Scalebreaker: outfit style: Dread-Aurelian Mask -- Enter either Lair of Maarselok or Moongrave Fane (Grathwood /Northern Elsweyr) - Harrowstorm: Emote: Wickerman Mishap -- Enter either Unhallowed Grave or Icereach (Bangkorai/Wrothgar) - StoneThorn: Pet: Energetic Dwarven Shock-Spider -- Enter either Castle Thorn or Stone Garden (Western Skyrim/Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns) - Flames of Ambition: Outfit weapon style Fire-Forged Maul -- Enter either The Cauldron or Black Drake Villa (Deshaan/Gold Coast) - Waking Flame: Scorion Pyreling non-combat pet – Enter either Red Petal Bastion or the Dread Cellar (Glenumbra/Blackwood) - Ascending Tide: Abyssal Embrace Face Markings - Enter either Coral Aerie or Shipwright's Regret (Summerset/Rivenspire) - Lost Depths: Mulberry Hermit Crab non-combat pet - Enter either Earthen Root Enclave or Graven Deep (both surface entries are in High Isle/Amenos, so if you don't own High Isle chapter use map to teleport inside or group with a friend, who is inside and teleport to them) - Scribes of Fate: has no “immediate” loyalty reward. Despite declaring the “Lost in the Woods” emote being granted for just visiting Bal Sunnar or Scrivener's Hall, actually it is rewarded on completing BOTH dungeons on Normal difficulty (relevant discussion: ) Entry points: Bal Sunnar – Stonefalls & Scrivener's - Hall The Rift. - Scions of Ithelia - Bascially, nothing. Completing both Oathsworn Pit and Bedlam Veil in Normal yeilds you only 10 Achievement points, nothing more. has ESO+ group dungeons color-coded on the Tamriel map:

Zone DLC:
- Orsinium: Pet: Echalette -- Enter Orsinium capital city (also: quests for Orzorga provisioning recipes, get Briarheart dagger quest reward for your StickerBook) - Thieves Guild: Pet: Jackal -- Enter Abah's Landing. Unlock TG skill line (also grants Thieves Guild Leathers costume) - Dark Brotherhood: Personality: Assassin -- Enter Gold Coast zone. Unlock DB skill line (the second quest in DB story unlocks the Shrouded Armor costume) - Clockwork City: Pet: Scintillant Dovah-Fly -- Enter the Brass Fortress (also do quests for provisioning recipes, the later are bound, so it worths the efforts). Collecting Precursor dummy fragments is up to you as it is quite time consuming and the dummy itself has too low HP. - Murkmire: Pet: Verdigris Haj Mota -- Enter Lilmoth (quest Death Among the Dead-Water rewards with a Fire Rock memento) - Dragonhold: Outfit Style: Topal Corsair Hat -- Enter Southern Elsweyr (questing unlocks other pages). Questing unlocks Mask of Alkosh hat and The Za’ji’s Dragonguard Uniform costume - Markarth: Outfit Style: Arkthzand Anfractuosity Shroud -- Enter The Reach (questing grants head and body markings, and Witchwise Headdress hat collectible) - The Deadlands – Oblivion Explorer’s Headwrap - Enter Fargrave for the first time (its’ wayshrine is unlocked) - Firesong- Firesong Obsidian Mask – Enter Galen
- Summerset: nothing immediate. fish in Artaeum for bound provisioning recipes (otherwise they are obtainable by purchasing Waterlogged Psijic Satchels, which is an expensive lottery), unlock Psijic skill line (progressing it also unlocks buying bound furnishing recipes at the Artaeum trader). Also one of three Antiquities leads for Music Box “In Dreams and Memories” drops in Summerset. And fast to obtain “Alinor Allemande” dance emote from the Antiquity lead.
- Elsweyr: nothing immediate. (Despite parts of Peryite Skeevemaster costume drop in Orcrest public dungeon, parts of a Grisly Mummy Tabby pet drop in Rimmen Necropolis all these are not bound and may be purchased from Guild Traders any time), zone quest unlocks Hall of the Lunar Champion housing (a free manor sized house!!), and Dragonslayer Style head & shoulders outfit styles. Three wings of the Hall of the Lunar Champion manor are unlocked by completing 1) Elsweyr story, 2) Dragonhold story, 3) completing both Lair of Maarselok and Moongrave Fane on normal difficulty. Also completing Sunspire Trial on normal unlocks purchases of the beautiful Akatosh Chancel doors (furnishing for housings) for 100K gold from Achievement furnisher in Rimmen.
- Greymoor - nothing immediate, but Antiquities are numerous.. It takes like 6 ..7 hours to level up Scrying and Excavation up to level 7 to be able to get mythics (faster moving speed is preferable – get crafted Adept Rider set or Coward's Gear set). I did it on 3 characters and stayed at Artaeum doing first greens, then cycling between greens and blues till a purple lead (one time per location) at level 5 scrying (normally 3..4 hours depending on how fast you do move). Then i preferred to stay at Artaeum for approx 3 more hours repeating green-blue cycles to get level 7 (the alternative is to go Green-Blue-Purple in the base game zones & Artaeum (purple part is non-repeatable on account) to unlock the 100,000 gold Al-Esh Ascension Coin lead, but you have to unlock Eyevea (by completing Mages Guild questline) and get 10 in scrying to dig for this gold), and, basically, as other zones are bigger and you would most likely have to kill mobs on your way – this method of skill line progression would take more time then staying in small cosy Artaeum. Well.. this is up to you to decide.
Alcast has a good & comprehensive Antiquties guide: His guide also includes a link to the levelling guide, where author recommends green-blue-purple method. ESO Hub has good information about Mythics and theirs leads Friendly reminder: Mythics are reconstructable at any time (and theirs level is fixed CP160), but not deconstructable.
There are some cosmetic Antiquities items
Also pick up the Alinor Allemande emote (Summerset), and, maybe Aldmeri Symphonia music box. Also get fancy crafting stations: Anvil of Old Orsinium, Druidic Provisioning Station, Daedric Enchanting Station, and the Shipbuilder's Woodworking Station. The Ebon Dwarven Wolf mount is 17 parts, so it might take you too much time to get them all in one week, though it is doable, if the random number generator is loyal to you. DisplayLeads addon is awesome and extremely helpful (
- Blackwood nothing seriously big, but you can get a free Bog Dog pet (Lost in the Wilds quest) and some nice furnishings (including a canoe). Companions are not on the table. To kill your time there is the 15 pieces Blackwood Tapestry antiquity furnishing (check Alcast for the guide if interested). Also Thrafey Debutante Gown is a stylish costume obatined with 50 Scaly Cloth Scraps (tradeable) fragments from the Silent Halls public dungeon.
- High Isle. Again, nothing immediate. Cosmetics include non-combat pet Jerall Rescue Dog acquired during Tales of Tribute questline, non-combat pet Coral Haj Mota: 25 Coral Haj Mota Decoys from the Spire Of The Crimson Coin and 25 Coral Haj Mota Lures from Ghost Haven Bay (these are tedious to get tradeable fragments)
Courtly Traveling Attire costume plus head and body marking you get during the zone story line quest Nighthunter's Cowl hat is one lead Antiquity

- Necrom. Nothing immediate. Long term offers include: Emissaries Enclave - big house, 28 quests 1.5M gold, The Fate Scryer Costume – completing the quest “Chronicle of Fate”, shroom tender style - different style pages unlocked by achievements, new ToT desk – Almalexia. nix-ox steed mount would be hard or, probably impossible to get, I can not tell for sure (please comment on that), Abyssal Cephaliarch’s Face Art – completing the quest “A Hidden Fate”, Body Art – completing the quest “A Calamity of Fate”. Also The Prism of Moribund Sapience – completing the quest “In a Troubled House”. The Meln’s Soul Gem memento – completing the quest “Spirit of Fate”
Necrom Master Angler achievememnt unlocks Shroomtender Shoes style, though i normally do not mention Master Angler achievements for DLC zones, as catching all them rare fishies consumes the enormous amount time and only one other Master Angler achievement rewards directly - becoming the Deadlands Master Angler allows to purhcase a Sulfur Pool achievement furnishing. So them fishing shoes style is for the most reckless of you, daredevils! I don't have that much time to complete that. :
Other Shroomtender style pages are unlocked by doing all deleves, world bosses, quests and other activities in Necrom zones.
Berylglow Nix-Ox Steed mount requires the Savior of Necrom achievement with 5 coditions. The third of these is Complete all 3 Daily Job achievements for Necrom's Stalwart Protector one of three requirements for that is "Complete 30 Bastion Nymic Daily Quests for Ordinator Tandasea in Necrom" (i doubt participating in your friends' shared daily Nymic counts, if you have already completed your own daily Nymic, so, here, in my understanding, is the catch. please, correct me if i am wrong and 30 Nymic (as well as 30 WB and Delves dailies) can be done in a week) link: (these 30 Nymic dailies also unlock a Obsidian Dwarven Sphere pet, though, again, i doubt it can be done withing a week)

UESP page with the images of loyalty rewards:

What works:
- Thieves Guild, Dark Brotherhood, and Psijic Guild skill lines skill line will persist, allowing looting Thieves Troves and Psijic portals. Blade of Woe still continues to function (Please, keep in mind that is per character! Psijic quest (it is long) unlocking the line (and subsequent ones (long too)) is fun only first 9 times.., after that it starts becoming annoying)
- Housing purchased in DLC zones will persist, on exiting the house you would not enter a DLC zone, but teleport back to the location from which you have teleported to your house
- Furnishings exceeding non-ESO+ limits will stay, but you will not be able to re-add them if accidentally put away
- you would be able to allocate/deallocate Skill Points (with respec or by loading an Armory build) in the TG/DB/Psijic/JC/Scrying/Excavation skills you have already unlocked while progressing these skill lines.
- Antiquities will still allow you to scry from the map (though I am not sure it was intended by Zenimax)
thanks go to u/LordAsheye for the instructions:

What does not work:
- Jewelry Crafting skill line still requires Summerset (after ESO+ expires you can not access JC crafting stations if you don't own the DLC), but it makes a lot of sense to research Infused, Bloodthirsty and Swift traits for reconstructing stickerbook jewelry (thanks Kelinmiriel for this tip) as at any time you can buy the Transmute Station or visit your friends houses/guildhalls where the said station has been already deployed.
- You would not be able to further progress DB, TG and Psijic skill lines (if not maxed them) after free ESO+ trial ends.
- You can not play Tales of Trubute (if you have no access to High Isle) after trial end
- Companions of Blackwood and High Isle are decoupled from the zone for ESO+ Free trials (but, of course, work for the real subscriptions), Companions of Necrom are not accessible, because Necrom is the latest Chapter, which is not unlocked with ESO+ (trial or regular)

- re-log with each character to make materials they carry to go into the Crafting Bag (after event it will turn into "extract-only" mode)
- unlock TG, DB and Psijic skill lines for each of your characters (looting a thieves trove is enough to unlock the TG line, so if you are lucky to spot the thing that saves a trip to Hew's Bane)
- collect skyshards, lorebooks, unlock exploration and questing dyes and achievements, check achievement furnishers (as they offer quite a lot of inexpensive and nice furnishings)
(LovelyNorth has an excellent achievement furnishers visual guide:
- dye your costumes (this is done per character, so the same costume may be dyed differently on different characters)
- dye your Companions costumes (if you have Blackwood or High Isle or Necrom and unlocked them Companions)
- refine your raw materials, preferably on a character with the best refining passives and Meticulous Disassembly green CP star slotted
- if you do crafting dailies, then pack your CraftBag with everything. I’d suggest depositing a LOT of style stones (basic ones are 15g each at vendors located near crafting stations), potency runes (again, vendors), Ta runes, Mudcrab Chitin and Violet Coprinus. If you craft furnishings stock up with furnishing materials as well.
- pack your houses with 2x storage (utilize 2x furnishing limits at houses of any size)
- do the treasure maps (might be purchased at the Guild Traders) pointing to otherwise restricted zones
- if you decided to train Antiquities, then acquire new and do the existing leads in the unlocked DLC zones (if you decide to max up Antiquities skill lines (for the Ultimate difficulty furnishing leads) - the easy way to get level 7 lead (Void-Crystal Anomaly furnishing) is to harvest nodes in Coldharbour, as it drops surprisingly often there from resource nodes)
- attune your crafting stations to Order's Wrath (High Isle), Law of Julianos (Wrothgar) , New Moon Acolyte (Southern Elsweyr) (also: Clever Alchemist, Wretched Vitality, Mechanical Acuity (CWC), Coldharbor Favorite, Stuhn's Favor, Heartland Conqueror, and Ancient Dragonguard are quite good options too (imho), but that is you, who decides on that matter and most of the GuildHalls normally have them crafting stations).
- it is worth mentioning you can open your geodes to use doubled (1000) transmute crystal limit (though after the event you would not be able to add new crystals unless you consume the existing ones to make theirs number to drop below the “normal” 500 limit)
- purchasing alchemy ingredients to pack your CraftBag with is up to you (this may help to level up new characters uber-fast using batches of pre-crafted Master Achemy Writs), as well as buying uncommon style materials (for future gear crafting Master Writs). However, for both of these purposes I’d suggest just to subscribe to ESO+.

- collect Bound-On-Pickup group dungeons DLC gear for the collections book (unbound may be bought)
- quests and dungeons for rewards, achievements and collectibles (like Elsweyr free housing or Elsweyr+Dragonhold Epilogue free flying pet, undaunted trophies.. Pirharri the Smuggler assistant, etc etc..)
- doing DLC dungeons for bound gear, skillpoints, achievements (including skins for achievements in veteran DLC dungeons), motif pages drops and trophies
- if you are for good DPS sets: on normal Falkreath Hold (for Pillar of Nirn) is soloable, just block minotaurs heavy attacks. Frostvault (for Tzogvin's Warband) is soloable too, just get tanky to kill the troll. And you don’t need 60+ runs as you get armor pieces rather quick so you can reconstruct them later (for 50..60 crystals, not 25, but, anyway..). Weapons require more runs, though..
- doing DLC trials with friends for skins, gear and achievement. UESP:
- Zones story quests reward with skillpoints (especially smaller zones: CWC -8, Murkmire – 7, Southern Elsweyr – 6+3, Markarth – 6+3, The Deadlands – 6+3, Firesong – 6+3 (6+3 means 6 from smaller zone DLC plus 3 from epilogue quests completing one year arc (if the appropriate big zone DLC story line completed))). (Thanks to u/RadioRy for this recommendation) Also: warning: it takes only several hours for these storylines if you rush the dialogues, however – rushing is not recommended if you are for stories or RP.
- do public dungeons group events in Summerset Isles, Northern Elsweyr, Greymoor, Blackwood, High Isle and Wrothgar for the skill points (Atoll of Immolation is, technically, a public dungeon too, but does not reward you with a skillpoint. Enter it from The Deadlands, not from Blackwood) has the excellent public dungeons maps
On PC use the Urich's Skill Point Finder addon to check your quests, skyshards and dungeons skillpoints

- check UESP full list of mementos: (“DLC and Chapters” is a sepatare section), maybe you would like to unlock some
- completing skill lines (DB, TG, Psijic)
- complete maps (do world bosses if you please)
- complete fishing Achievements
- do DLC dungeons with friends on veteran difficulty for skins, costumes, titles and other nice rewards

Now some details about fashion for those, who might be interested in that stuff. Skip if not.
Five sections below do not include veteran hard-mode dungeons and trials rewards and achievements, as not 100% of the players do these activities. Let’s talk relatively easy things, OKay?
(Base Game, Morrowind, and Imperial City goodies are not included for the obvious reason – no connection with ESO+, though Shadowfen skeleton or Vvardenfell Scarlett Judge costume are mentioned in the comments each and every time). Dyes are too numerous, so I decided not to overload this document. Check UESP for dyes, please.
I also skipped titles, mementos and emotes to keep this text reasonably compact.
GETTING COSTUMES (not including the ones from the tradeable fragments)
- Antiquarian Field Garb & Antiquarian Robes - gained by progressing scrying and excavating antiquities - Regalia of the Orsimer King - completing Orsinium storyline quests - Cavalier of the Sworn Oath Old Orsinium Sentry Trinimac's Penitent Knight - questing in Wrothgar - Merchant Lord's Formal Regalia - obtained by progressing Thieves Guild story quest - Shrouded Armor - you get it at the very start of Dark Brotherhood story-line quests - Thieves Guild Leathers - you get it just by starting Thieves guild questline - Za'ji's Dragonguard Uniform - completing Southern Elsweyr questline - Oblivion Explorer Garb – obtained during The Deadlands zone story - Courtly Traveling Attire – complete High Isle zone story - Black Hand Robe – complete Dark Brotherhood story - The Fate Scryer Costume - obtained during Necrom zone quest
HATS (not including “instant” ones)
- Nighthunter's Cowl Hat – Antiquity on the High Isle - Ironclad Sarcoshroud – Antiquity in The Deadlands - Helm of the Black Fin – obtained during Blackwood zone quest line - Arkthzand Insight Vertex Shroud – Antiquity in Markarth DLC - Witchwise Headdress – obtained during The Reach story line quests - Dwemer Crown - the Antiquity lead drops from the group event boss in Nchuthnkarst public dungeon in Blackreach - Mask of Alkosh obtained by completing the Dragonhold main questline - Madgod’s Turban obtained with “The Lunacy of Two Moons” side quest in Northern Elsweyr - Psijic Skullcap is obtained on completing the Psijic Order quests line

NON-COMBAT PETS (not including “instant” ones)
- Phoenix Moth – awarded on completing Galen’s story line quests - Jerall Rescue Dog – obtained during Tales of Tribute quest line - Coral Haj Mota – combined from (tradeable) fragments from both High Isle public dungeons - Dremnaken Runt – obtained completing Blackwood + The Deadlands epilogue quest line - Bog Dog pet – obtained by exploration achievement in Blackwood (check ArzyeLBuilds guide - Dwarven Scarab – 7 parts Antiquity from Markarth DLC. Thought Zeni claims they improved the drop rates, they still deserve much better :( - Somnolent Void Rot - obtained during Greymoor + Markarth epilogue quest line - Solitude Silver Wolf – obtained during Greymoor story line quests - Regal Dragon Imp flying pet obtained during Season of the Dragon Epilogue quests

FACE AND BODY MARKINGS (not including “instant” ones)
- Y’ffelon’s face and body marks obtained during Galen story quest line - Stonelore’s Legend Face and Body marks obtained during High Isle zone story - Fargrave Soullatice Face and Body obtained on completing The Deadlands story questline - Ysgramor’s Chosen Face Marking – antiquity lead in Western Skyrim - Ysgramor’s Chosen Body Marking obtained during Greymoor story quest - Dwemer Face Markings – antiquity lead from Colossus Charging Station WB in Blackreach - Dwemer Body Markings – antiquity lead from the boss of The Scraps delve in Western Skyrim - Face & Body Imprint of the Psijic Order are obtained during the Psijic Order quests line in Summerset - Abyssal Cephaliarch’s Face Art – completing the quest “A Hidden Fate” in Necrom - Body Art – completing the quest “A Calamity of Fate” in Necrom

- Barkroot Blessing is 10 parts antiquity from Galen (i will be honest: I gave up with this skin after using 25+ Galen treasure maps with zero freakin’ lead drop; may the luck follow you, tamrielings!:)

- Ascendant Lord’s Greatsword – style page awarded for completing High Isle + Firesong epilogue quests chain - Eldertide Style – shoulder style Antiquity from Galen Treasure Map I - Pelin’s Paragon outfit style pages drop from Tales of Tribute dailies rewards containers - Bog Blight Funerary Mask Style – hat style Antiquity from Blackwood - Leyawiin Brigadine Shield Style – obtained by completing Blackwood zone story line - Malign Ambitions Crow – major adornment obtained during story line quests in Blackwood - Antiquarian's Pickaxe is a two-handed weapon style acquired by reaching the max rank in the Excavation Skill Line - Wolf of Solitude Replica Sword is one-handed weapon style obtained during Greymoor storyline quests - Karthwatch Sigil Shield outfit style is also obtained during Greymoor storyline quests - Wolfcrown of Solitude adornment obtained on finishing Greymoor story line quests - Topal Corsair outfit style pages are awarded for completing different quests in Southern Elsweyr - Ancient & Pristine Moon Crescent Styles are sickle-like one-handed weapon styles obtained by completing side quests chain given by Vastarie NPC in Northern Elsweyr - Skyterror Dragonslayer Style are helm and shoulder outfit styles granted during Northern Elsweyr storyline quests - Mystic Eye Psijic Cuirass outfit Style is obtained during the Summerset zone story - Psijic Warden Gauntlets outfit Style is also obtained during the Summerset zone story - Shroomtender outfit pages are a reward for completing various achievements associated with the exploration of Necrom

UESP has a comprehensive list of dailies and how to unlock them:

(though I would not recommend this because of cooldowns and limited time of the Event, but this is still a good clean family entertainment to diversify your activities. Wrothgar: loot Old Orsinium; CWC: steal in Brass Fortress Basilica; Summerset loot Shimmerene Monastery; Murkmire: steal in Lilmoth and Bright-Throat Village; Northern Elsweyr: loot Rimmen Royal Palace (Dragonhold added no new furnishing plans); Greymoor: loot Nchuthnkarst; Markarth: loot Bthar-Zel (unlocked during the zone quest); Blackwood: steal in Leaywiin Castle; The Deadlands: steal in The Bearer’s Rest in Fargrave, High Isle: loot Castle Navire, Galen: steal in Maltheo Rouillac's House in Vastyr). Necrom loot in Sailenmora Crypts (you have to start the "a thif to catch a thief" quest, but NOT finish it, otherwise you lose access to this place (very juicy from the start, now seriously nerfed))
Swap characters after blue or purple plan drop (the cooldown for blues is one hour per character). I would also suggest to swap characters after you start getting white furnishing plans. Slot “Homemaker” green CP star.

- doing Museum quests for unique furnishing items and costumes ( )
- farming bound collectibles fragments in public dungeons (
- digging mythics and other antiquities (wolfie mount, music box, dance emote, face and body markings, cosmetics, and fancy furnishings, as there are many great-looking Antiquities furnishings)
- do the surveys and refine as much as you can to stock up your CraftBag (ideally to hold up till the next ESO+ free event)

- DO THE SOLO ARENAS: the Maelstrom Arena weapons are still great, also the Vateshran Hollows weapons are good and achievements (unlocking skin and dyes may be done on a veteran difficulty).
BlackRose Prison weapons are also good, but you would prefer to go with friend(s), as this group arena is noticeably harder than the soloable nDSA.
(reminder: Curated drops in Arenas work only on the final chest)
Completing veteran MA unlocks Maelstrom Baron polymorph, completing veteran VH unlocks Void Pathosis skin.

TIP: Set up your priorities!
As there are a LOT of things to be done and time is the essence, I’d suggest getting instant freebies first (it takes less than an hour) and then focus on what you consider the most important (like mythics, or trial/dungeons gear, or some free stuff requiring questing, or dailies, or just exploration, etc) as this depends on what brings you the most fun. The ESO is a MMO game, after all!

Be sure to check the comprehensive list of collectibles compiled by Benevolent Bowd (benevolentbowd):
Friendly reminder: collectibles, mementos, emotes, dyes and currencies are account-wide.

If I have missed anything essential (I intentionally omitted Base Game, Vvardenfell and Imperial City things as they do not depend on ESO+), please, post that in the comments to help making this guide better. Thank you.

Good luck, friends.
Have fun

P.S. FAQ: the most frequent questions are:
- How to activate the ESO+ trial? - Normally the magic sequence is: inagme Crown Store, select the ESO Plus tab, select “Free Trial!” ( official instruction ) - How long does it last? - Normally seven days. Check the official site for precise information. Event ends on June 19 14:00 UTC - is this once in a lifetime promotion? - No. You can participate in all the subsequent ESO+ free trial events whenever they happen - How often such promotions do happen? – it is hard to say, normally 2-3 times a year, but there are no schedule and warranties. - I am already subscribed. Do I benefit from this event? - Not really. - Does this week adds to existing subscriptions? – Nope. - Does free ESO+ trial unlocks Warden & Necromancer classes ?– Nope. - How long does it take to pick up all of them instant loyalty rewards? - Normally less than an hour. - Any free mounts? - Ebon Dwarven Mount from Antiquities. There are also other mounts but it depends. Mounts are granted for trifectas DLC Trials achievements, but they are really hard to obtain, as it takes highly coordinated capable group to achieve vet HM speed-run no-death. Antiquties wolf mount could be unlocked in one week but this takes some serious no-lifing. :) - What will happen with the Craftbag? - it will go into “extract only” mode, you will not lose your materials. u/Kelinmiriel explained the order materials are consumed when crafting: the game uses 1) any stolen materials you're carrying, 2) materials from your craft bag, 3) non-stolen materials in your inventory. You have no choice about this. - Do I keep all these collectibles and items I have obtained? – Sure!

Stay safe, folx!
submitted by DinoZavr to elderscrollsonline [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:18 mikeshumor Archeologists discovered a 2000 year-old oil stain. It was from Ancient Greece!

submitted by mikeshumor to puns [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:13 lickety-split1800 How long does it take to build up reading speed close to ones native language?

When I watch videos of native Greek speakers who learned Ancient Greek, I find their speed blazingly fast. I am wondering how many years it would take to read at the same speed.
I'm in the process of reading through my target text for learning Greek, which requires anywhere from 5 to 50 new Greek words per chapter of new vocabulary to memorise before reading. The complete work is ~5400 words and works out to be around 20 new words per chapter.
So for those who manage to read Ancient Greek with speed, how long did it take you to get to a level you feel is as close as you will be to your native language?
submitted by lickety-split1800 to AncientGreek [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:14 DryClothes2894 If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit

If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit
Alright so Ive started to get sick of seeing every single day like 5 or 6 new posts about FPS drops and overall performance losses, and a lot of comments about "The game is poorly oPtiMiZeD" and so forth. Half the folks don't even bother listing their specs, very helpful (not)
The truth is a double edged sword here.
One being that, it really isnt as bad as people think (read why later), and two, people forget all the time that this is THE Unreal Engine demo-game, that all the new features of UE are tested on before getting put out for use in other new game releases that use the engine. This game is always going to be on the bleeding edge as they rapidly advance game technology and innovate. All things considered, it really is pretty impressive it still even runs on the decade old PS4 and similar devices.
Now there are a few specific folks on here who CONSTANTLY are complaining about "game optimization" and yet they are on ancient hardware that was low end when Fortnite came out 7 years ago, one guy literally has a GTX 870 that predates this game by a good 3 years (March 2014 release date), over a decade old now. People, you know who you are, stop complaining.
Now onto the next points, addressing both why people think its worse than it is (and what created this problem) and then how to fix things for the most part on your system, aside from external variables out of my control such as crap software like antivirus RGB perhipheral software game launchers etc.
The first problem of how we got here, is mostly due to the lack of good information, and the spread of information that is just wrong. Most of this is top down in a viscous cycle as follows:
Pro playestreameetc doesnt know much about hardware, just plays the game, thats why they're good.
Said player starts to have problems with FPS etc
They then reach out to a "tweaker" on like Twitter to get their PC "optimized"
This is because player has money and can pay for services rather than learn this stuff himself.
Tweaker doesnt really know what he's doing or what impact certain settings have
Tweaker changes a bunch of stuff that he probably shouldn't, stuff that hes copying from other "tweakers"
System seems better to placebo affect, player promotes tweaker on socials, "Thanks to X for fixing my FPS!"
FPS boost YT kids scavenge and investigate thru like stream vods to see what changes were made
FPS boost YT kids then, also not knowing what these settings do, turn this into content
Content, that makes them money, regardless of whether it actually does anything meaningful
This information of supposed "fixes" then gets circulated around, via other YT kids or Reddit or etc
These "fixes" really just make things worse overall because they disable proper functionality of the OS
Now you have lots of players all doing the same "fixes" by their favorite FPS boosters
They all do these tweaks because they trust the person with a microphone
And now you have a bunch of people running settings and tweaks that are overall detrimental to performance
And then everyone, including the FPS YT kids (who dont know anything) all say "The game is poorly optimized"
This goes for people even like Jerian, Codelife, Marrentm, Lestripez (his site is straight up malware, avoid) etc
You know these guys dont know anything when they say that free space on your disk equates to more FPS, which is why they always tell you to delete temp files and stuff, it doesnt matter unless the disk is full.
If you watch these guys streams too, you can see their FPS is usually all over the place, because their "fixes" dont actually do anything beneficial.
I see a lot of times too where someone gets their PC "optimized" and then weeks later is getting BSODs, because the tweakers messed with a lot of stuff that they didn't know how it works, but saw from someone else, such as changing lots of registry values, dangerously unstable overclocks, and so forth.
I can stand behind my work because I have a youtube channel for gameplay, and my FPS is at a LOCKED 240 the entire time in 1440p DX12 on high settings, its linked in my reddit profile if you care to see for yourself any of my recent videos.
The "oPtiMiZaShUn" of Fortnite is relatively fine, and Epic certainly can't fix a problem they didn't create, a problem that has been created by these FPS boosters.
ANYWAYS now that we have the backstory for the major half of the problem, lets tackle the other side in regards to the hardware itself, assuming the configuration of the game is fine, Ill address configuration next.
Now I have spent quite a long amount of time the past few years deep diving into what really makes this game run well and what holds it back in regards to performance, and when it comes down to just raw hardware, assuming the configuration is fine and not full of snake oil, the game, like other Unreal Engine titles and multiplayer games in general, is very memory bottleknecked. That is the throughput and bandwidth of your RAM affects the games overall performance significantly.
This is why you can get low CPU and GPU utilization, and the game still runs poorly, aside from the utilization metrics being very skewed with how modern hardware works, its not perfect measurement, but still illustrates a point for the most part, but essentially your ram bandwidth is saturated or the ram latency is high and holding reduntant tasks up because it takes longer than it needs.
The reason for this is that in a BR type multiplayer game, you not only have a large open world map with a diverse destructible enviroment, but then you throw 100 players on to it that all are doing lots of things, making changes to said enviroment thru activities, construction, destruction, combat, etc.
All this information about what these players are doing (at least the ones in your render distance) has to get stored and read in and out of system memory as stuff happens in real time, this is why FPS tends to be low in stacked endgames with lots of players in a concentrated area, its saturating your memory bandwidth trying to keep up with all the constantly updating information about all the players and what theyre doing.
This is why AMDs line of X3D CPUs are super strong in games like this, because the cache is essentially turbocharged RAM running at almost a terabyte a second. having fast access cache for redundant tasks can speed the process of all this constant transfer up significantly.
Its also the kryptonite for why older Intel CPUs like 8th 9th 10th Gen etc, all really struggle these days, because they have significantly less cache than their AMD counterparts from the same time periods.
And its also the principle of how a certain special device that is now becoming more known technically works, its called Direct Memory Access because its reading the location and info of the players from your RAM and sending that to another device whether PC, Rasberry Pi, etc.
Ill have more information at the bottom for more specific stuff in regards to RAM, but the cliff notes is that enabling XMP is important, but it does leave a good bit on the table, and too many generic kits, especially DDR5, are really bad on the settings they come with out of the box. This is why people think the game runs bad on high end PCs, that come with generic DDR5 kits that have atrocious timings.
Again, more info on this aspect of things at the bottom.
BUUUUT leaving all that aside for now, lets get into what you can do right now that should fix a lot of your FPS problems, no overclocking or any BS snake oil tweaks, just proper configuration thats surprisingly close to stock, you'll be surprised at the amount of settings that don't actually matter.
Ive spent over a year now doing consulting with numerous people thru either Reddit DMs or Discord, helping many peoples game go from zero to hero, some rags to riches stories for sure. (most of it is undoing snake oil from FPS booster kids) and thru that I have developed a shotgun approach that generally is the gist of what needs to be done, and its had a pretty solid success rate.
DISCLAIMER, I am not telling you to do things that I wouldn't or have not already done countless times on all of my many test machines, but you still do this at your own risk and so obviously be precautious, but rest assured I know what all this stuff does.
So obviously starting off things, you probably wanna do some basic housekeeping
Get rid of any garbage software you dont use and stuff that just runs in the background, like
RGB software, ASUS Aura Sync/Armory Crate are HOGS
Extra Anti-Virus software aside from Defender (Especially Norton and MCaffe
(You dont need it, just get a adblocker and dont go to sketchy sites, the antivirus companies sell the viruses to malware companies, and then sell you a solution to the problem they create, classic marketing, dont buy into it)
Double movement software *can* also be a hog in some cases, use ingame diagonals if possible
Controller interfacing/overclocking software can be a massive offender of bogging things down
High polling rate mouses and keyboards like 8000Khz, 4000Khz, eat up CPU cycles, just use 1000.
Also undo any existing exotic FPS booster tweaks, if youve made a lot of changes over the past years it may be a good idea to install fresh windows from USB, I reccomend Windows 11 22H2, its generally performed the best on all my numerous systems, you can get an ISO from the internet archive, but do whatever you want for OS.
Its also beneficial to turn off Virtualization/SVM in the BIOS, with it on windows sandboxes the OS and it does create a mesuarable hit to performance.
Next thing is basic windows changes, starting with HAGS. Most GPUs support it so if you have it it is beneficial to turn this on. Search "Graphics settings" in the settings search and click the first result. Then once in there hit the link for Change Default Graphics Settings. Once there enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.
The second option is also beneficial for if you want to run a stretched resolution that requires you to be in Windowed Fullscreen mode, as this uses Flip to give you the same input delay as if you were on Fullscreen.
This leads into the next thing, which is DONT have the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" box checked for your Fortnite EXE file, this disables Flip functionality for Fullscreen on modern games especially DX12 that dont use old Exclusive fullscreen, so you get more input delay as the game runs in bad window fullscreen, and your alt tabbing takes longer too, Flip offers much lower latency than old exclusive fullscreen with faster alt tab support.
Like if you read it, it litterally says your disabling optimizations, dont listen to boneheads on youtube who think this does anything, your just giving yourself more input delay.
Now into graphics drivers, its always a good idea to run DDU or Display Driver Uninstalller from time to time, to clean everything out with the shader caches and reset settings. There also is the fact that a lot of the newer drivers from Nvidia are a dumpster fire right now, its never a good idea to constantly update them. Now AMD can be the same way too, but in most of my consults Ive not experienced any problems just running DDU and installing the latest once supported by the card. You can always run DDU again and install a different driver and find one that works best for you.
On Nvidia I tend to prefer 537.58 or 551.86, the former is a bit older than some of the 4060 and Super variants of the 40 series so you may need a slightly newer one but 4070 and older are just fine with this.
For downloading specific versions just google it, make sure you get the right one for either desktop or notebook variants depending on what your on.
I get the best lows on 537.58 but 551.86 has slightly better average FPS and feels a bit snappier at times, but of course you can DDU and try as many as you like till you find one you like.
The DDU tool itself is pretty self explanatory, select on the right GPU and then the appropriate option for your GPU whether it be Nvidia or AMD (or Intel for ARC and iGPU users), and then hit clean and restart. Once back on the desktop install fresh drivers.
From there on the Nvidia side of things, the only settings in here that really matter (aside from setting your monitor refresh rate of course) is setting your Shader Cache size to Unlimited, and setting PhysX to your graphics card instead of having on auto select. On auto this can sometimes run physics on the CPU and give you nintendo switch framerates when builds are breaking and etc.
All that other crap doesnt make much of a difference if at all, lets move on to your Epic launcher.
Now in your library go to your Fortnite install options. The big thing is dont have High Res textures installed, doesnt look any different, and have the DX12 Shaders and Cosmetic Streaming disabled, it sometimes is called Predownloaded Assets or something.
Fun fact about the Pre-download Assets option, I am partially the reason it exists, as back during the May 4th update for Chapter 4 Season 2 last year, they removed the old settings and fuctionality for texture streaming, forcing the game to constantly hog internet bandwidth downloading textures on the fly as players were in your render distance, creating constant packet loss if you werent on 10 Gig Fiber.
Through a handfull of reddit posts, a video detailing the behaivour, and emails, I was able to get thru to the developers and ask them for this option to download everything ahead of time, because SSD storage is cheap whereas fast internet isnt even available in a lot of places.
Everyone has theyre own mark on this game, mine is a setting that everyone uses because its so beneficial.
ANYWAAYYS so now we got that done, lets go to the manage page.
In here you really only want the -NOTEXTURESTREAMING command, this is different from the assets one as this affects game textures like map roads grass buildings etc, not the player skins like the other one does. Having this in there essentially cuts down on CPU and memory traffic by loading everything into your RAM ahead of time rather than constantly move it around, this helps with pop in and hitching.
The other ones litterally dont affect shipping releases of the game, only content cooking on dev builds.
Alright so now assuming youve done everything correctly, lets get into building a shader cache for your game. A lot of this has been moved to be done during loading screens, so if your loading in on DX12 with fresh drivers, your CPU is gonna be working hard.
If your not on DX12, just switch it and restart, most GPUs these days run DX12 anyways, DX11 is not worth using at all, and Performance mode is held back by crappy DX11, but if you must use it just change your settings on DX12/11 pages and then load performance mode back up.
For this though were assuming your using DX12 cause it really is just built better, especially for Radeon cards, so let get into shader caching.
Now a big thing here is turn off Nvidia Reflex, because its only beneficial if you are completely GPU bound, which is impossible if you run low settings and or cap your frames. It manages your frame buffer by slowing the CPU to prevent the GPU from getting behind, but if your not GPU bound your game will just feel like crap. You also will get much more consistent input delay with it off, and stuff like shotgun not shooting twitchy framerate generally goes away as well.
Just cap your FPS right below whatever you average around, even a 3060 with DLSS balanced can run 144 on High DX12 1440p, which leads into the next thing, being that higher settings help with better caching. Obviously after a few rounds once the stutter from caching is done you can put it on low, but run something like this to start. Cap FPS, fullscreen, DX12.
This runs even like 70 FPS at native 1080p on a 1660. Just drive around for a few games visiting all the biomes and POIs till it evens itself out, then switch back to low or whatever you want for settings once its cached.
If you want DX12 to look like performance mode, put render distance on Low, that runs a locked 160 on a 2060 laptop GPU with a 9th gen i7.
The big thing is setting your cap below what your averaging for frames because consistent frames are better than high frames, and youll get less delay if you arent GPU bound. You may need to play with it to find what works best for you.
Assuming im not forgetting anything this should be close to about it for what you gotta do, lmk how this goes for you, if its still running bad you can always try different nvidia drivers and a windows reinstall if you feel ambituos.
Otherwise yea this should get you a fair bit of improvement, now onto extra stuff.
Now in regards to RAM overclocking, I spent months heavily studying memory tuning and overclocking because of the difference it really makes having good ram with all the timings tightened down, theres a reason on my main system I run DDR5-8000 with all the timings and subtimings tightened way down, its not for everyone but for a hardware enthusiast like me I like that last extra bit, and it results in great dividends on the 1% lows.
This of course has spent a lot of time on rigorous stress testing to ensure its absolute stability, dont OC memory if you dont know how to stabilize it, it will slowly corrupt your OS and will make your game run like crap as modern ram has a lot of error correction built in that comes at a performance hit.
My lowly 5800X has no problem maxing out a 3080Ti at a steady 300 FPS on DX12 thanks to its tuned Samsung B Die ram, putting good ram on my 5900X nearly doubled my FPS over the garbage that was on there.
If you want to dive into the world of learning how to identify what ram you have and overclock it properly, theres github guides and plenty of existing resources on the overclocking subreddit, as well as youtube content by guys like Actually Hardcore Overclocking AKA Buildzoid, I learned so much from watching his videos of reacting and critiquing other peoples ram timings, and then diving into his own ram overclocking content.
He even has a great guide for DDR5 on Ryzen 7000 with Hynix memory (almost any 6000 CL30 2x16 kit) that offers some timings that should work for most kits just fine and offer much improvement over stock, just ignore the part about 2033 FCLK as that was simply a bug with AGESA that made the ram run at 6100MT/s which is why it WAS faster, just run 2000 FCLK for DDR5 6000.
It is a valuable skill to learn how to tune ram as it can breathe new life into a underperforming system, but you cant teach a bird how to fly as it is an acquired skill, so if you want to really make this game fly, you should learn how to tune your ram.
submitted by DryClothes2894 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:13 sad-life May I get your Android Box recommendations for playing external HDD media?

Hello everyone! As the title says; I would like to know your recommendations for an Android Box that can play media from an external HDD. 4k is not really required because our 32-inch TV is not capable. For streaming we already have a Chromecast 2nd Gen still working great. We have an ancient Mede8r MED400X2S if you are familiar with this brand. Got this around 15 years ago and has worked great until it got busted this year. Furthermore, it cannot play x265 and crashes when it plays recent x264 releases. For some reason it can play 1080p Oppenheimer IMAX but crashes on 1080p Across the Spider-Verse. I've been eyeing two units; Skyworth Leap S3 and Mi Box 2nd Gen. Both of them are around $45 (SEA region) or less during sale season. I also know about Mecool, but it's out of my budget for now.
submitted by sad-life to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:10 Sobaloochi Hades v. Leo [clash of kings]

Who is the god that even death wavers before him? Who defies the Bifrost to come to the aid of his brothers? When this god walks, even the dead kneel before him. When he scowls all of Valhalla quivers in fear. Cerberus, the guardian of hell, is no more than a mere puppy in his eyes. Typhon, the monster on par with Zeus, bows out of respect.The oldest of the three strongest gods of Greece, the king of Helheim, Loooooooooord HADES!!!!
Who faces death? Who is the best warrior of the ancient world? Could it be Alexander the great, the man who expanded Greece far beyond any other known power? Nay. Is it the father son duo of Hamilcar Barca and Hannibal Barca, conquerors of Rome? Nay. It is this man who stood only 300 strong against the entire persian army. Leonidas of SPAAAAAAAARTAAAAA
Leonidas and Hades enter into the arena, a slightly wooded area.
Hades: You seem like a good guy… I have to take revenge for killing my brother… forgive me
Leo: What the fuck are you rambling on about? This fight hasn’t started yet! Fuck you and these so called gods and divine fate! Humans can choose their own path, nothing is predetermined by you fucks!
Hades strikes forward with a simple powerful thrust, which bounces off Leo’s shield.The Greek king of men charges forward and bashes Hades’ bident aside and lands a shield bash on the god of the dead.
Leo: You have no clue why one fights! Your brother’s death might have been upsetting but our races’ eradication means I have no pity for you.
Hades: NO! He was a brother, I’m sure as a ruler you understand
Leo: In some world I might have, but here it was not humanity who wanted to wipe out the gods.
The two begin clashing, as it becomes clear that Hades skill with the bident and the power that is lethal enough to maim and harm even Typhoon was forcing Leo on the defensive. Eventually Hades strikes Leo in his abdomen, piercing straight through the warrior king. Even still Leo holds his ground better than expected and forces Hades on the backfoot by instead of moving away from the bident running through it to hit Hades with his shield.
Leo: I have stared death in the eyes, compared to that pain of losing all of Greece because you DAMNED GODS declared it so! ThUs SaYeTh HaDeS LoRd oF tHe DeAd! I won’t fall because humanity needs me! There is no grand fate, and I choose to weave order out of the miasma of chaos of gods! You would never understand.
Hades frowns
[Helheim, After the defeat of Kronos]
Narrator: Zeus took the heavens under his domain, ruling all of the worlds and Valhalla. Poseidon took the seas,Hades, the Underworld.
Hades: Welcome in, please make yourselves at home.
As three old ladies with whips of spiked cactus enter and sit, the furies, awaiting orders from the lord of the dead
Hades: Why are there dead humans in this realm? Why should I care for them?
Furies: This is where the dead lurk, you should care because that is what the Lord of the dead does.
Hades: I need to… be free, I’ll be back.
Narrator: And so Hades walked from Helheim to Tartarus, seeking the one figure who would answer him. The guards dare not stop him as he enters and sits before a chained and crucified individual, Siegfried.
Siegfried: Ohohho, why are you here my lord?
Hades: I could use your guidance. How does it feel to be human?
Siegfried: Why didn’t you ask Hercules?
Hades: He was destined for that, and even still, he can’t be in both valhalla and earth at the same time.
Siegfried: Humans are interesting, they are weak sure, but that makes their change, their growth so admirable. They go full circle, be born, live a good life and die. For them death is the only reason they have meaning, to end is to begin again.
Hades: I see… yet these humans lurk in my realm uninvited…
Siegfried: Then you do not see. They have stories, epics, tales and no one to listen to them.You wish to be depended on? Then understand what the full sacrifice entails. Ask those who have become pillars in their community, for good and bad. And maybe you’ll understand.
Hades: Thank you, Siegfried. I do wish you were free. Odin was cruel about what he did…
Siegfried: This is the price I pay for what I did… I regret nothing.
Narrator: And so Hades returned to Helheim.
Hades: So, Achilles, how was your life?
Achilles: Life was death, death was life. Destruction was creation, creation was destruction. I only saw a brief snippet of what the world is yet I would never give it up for godhood. I lived, I died, I grew and I never want to stop.
Narrator: And so Hades understood humanity a little better and took the techniques he saw and made them his own
[Present day]
Hades swings his bident backwards forcing Leo away from him, He begins spinning the Bident and attempting to cleave Leo in two. While missing any vitals the slash carves up from Leo’s legs to about mid shoulders. [Death's embrace ] As Leo is sent into a wall and a massive plume of dust emerges.
Hades: I do understand what it means to wish revenge, for I too am human.
Made for u/Kingdom121795
submitted by Sobaloochi to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:34 CrispyNaeem Marvel Cinematic Universe Cosmology Thread with Explanations (2024)

Marvel Cinematic Universe Cosmology Thread with Explanations (2024)

The Universe (Earth-616)

Infinite Size Statements:

High 3-A/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D)

Low 2-C/Universal+ (4-D via the temporal dimension)

The Nine Realms

Nine Different Galaxies

In Different Universes

  1. Point two is explicit evidence that Asgard is in another universe
  1. This is about the Yggdrasil sequence in Thor 1's credit scene with a statement of the Nine Realms being multi-dimensional.
There's only evidence linking Asgard to a different universe meaning we can't assume this for the other realms. However, we'll give this rating for the high-end.

High 3-A+/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D+)

Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least two 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension)

(High-End) Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least ten 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension + Nine Realms being different Universes)

Ascendant Realm/Mirror Dimension

Allows someone to transcend to another plane of existence.
  1. Those in the Mirror Dimension cannot be perceived by normal people, and manipulating space and matter is possible without changing the real world. Because it transcends the normal universe that means it stands above it.
  1. "A multitude of other dimensions that exist on top of our dimension, that exist next to our dimension."
  1. People can experience slowed time while in the Mirror Dimension.
Infinite Size

High 3-A+/High Universal Level (Infinite 3-D+) and Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least three 4-D Multiverses)

Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least two 4-D Multiverses) (With the Temporal Dimension)

(High-End) Low 2-C/Low Multiversal Level (At least eleven 4-D Multiverses)

Infinite Dimensions/Universes

  1. As shown in What If, Endgame, and Loki there are parallel realities of the Earth-Dimension which also fall under the infinitely-expanding model.

2-A/Multiverse level+ (Infinite 4D+)

The Dark Dimension

Infinite Size
Eleventh-Dimensional Statements (Possibly an Outlier)

2-A/Multiverse level+ (Infinite 4D+)

(High End) High 1/C/ High Complex Multiverse level (11D)

Gap Junction

No, the default assumption is that this is not the case. "Bigger" could mean having more 2-A structures and, as explained in greater detail previously, having more 2-A structures, or even infinitely many 2-A structures, unless uncountably infinite many, won't scale above a single 2-A structure in size. Source: VSBW Tiering System FAQ
  1. Given that the timeline is infinite before becoming uncountably infinite from a single branch, the Gap Junction gets a +1D over the other dimensions.

Low 1-C/Low Complex Multiverse level (5D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (12D)

An Individual Timeline scales to 5D


  • Valhalla was shown in the post-credits scene of Thor: Love and Thunder to exist outside of the timeline (the strands in the sky are the multiversal timelines) which suggests that this realm is a higher dimension.

Low 1-C/Low Complex Multiverse level (6D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (13D)

Quantum Realm

Infinite Size

Temporal Dimension with Explanations

Outside of explanations which state that multiple time dimensions exist it is difficult to show that a fiction has more than one. The key point that has to be established is that there is a kind of time that flows in a different direction than the past or the future or any of the spatial directions. Of particular consideration are instances in which timelines as a whole being changed, such that there is a timeline (or multiple timelines) before they were changed and after they were changed or created / destroyed. As the timelines as a whole are changed, the before and after in this context can't be the past and future the timelines usually use, but should be a separate direction.
  1. In short terms, this is stating that another temporal dimension can be qualified if it's flowing separately from standard past-present-future.
  2. For clarification in the MCU's Cosmology; the Multiversal War nearly destroyed every timeline in reality, however, He Who Remain's changed the cosmology and essentially erased his variants of existence. The reason why the TVA pruned timelines was to prevent newer versions of Kang from being born. When Janet was trapped in the Quantum Realm in the 1980s she met a variant of Kang from a different era of time before He Who Remain's had died.
Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige previously discussed the interconnected fallout in Multiverse of Madness, saying, "There’s always a method to the madness even in the Multiverse." Feige went on to point out that "Loki and Sylvie did something at the end of [Loki] that sort of allowed all of this to be possible... He Who Remains is gone, and that allowed a spell to go wrong in Spider-Man: No Way Home, which leads to the entire Multiverse going quite mad in [Doctor Strange 2]."
  1. This is the official confirmation that No Way Home and Doctor Strange 2 wouldn't have happened without He Who Remain's death. No Way Home takes place in Late 2024, meaning that there's at least a 35-40-year difference here.
However, caution is necessary. As explained above, we require that the additional time dimension is "a line comprised of uncountably infinite points". If new versions of timelines are only created if they are changed, due to time travel for example, then the number of "snapshots" of the timeline would be far more limited. The amount of snapshots would be one more than the times the timeline was changed. So, for example, if the timeline is rewritten 2 times, there would be 3 snapshots of the timeline: the original, the timeline after the first rewrite and the timeline after the second rewrite. That are far less than the required uncountably infinite many.
  1. We've already provided evidence that the multiverse and its unique dimensions are uncountably infinite without the need for time travel; What If already confirms that the infinite branches are naturally spawned and not by external means.
Aside from direct statements, the easiest way to confirm that the line is comprised of uncountably infinite points/"snapshots" is to show that the development of the timelines is time-like. I.e. typically one would want a statement like the alteration of the timelines being subject to its own flow of time or by saying that special time travel can go to prior versions of the timelines instead of the past. The keyword in the latter case is time travel, as that specifies that the action happens through movement through something like time. Note that such statements can be considered contradicted if the fiction specifies that new versions of the timeline, i.e. additional snapshots, are only created when the timeline is altered or similar.
  1. This is rather simple; the whole cosmology changed forever when He Who Remain's died, and yet the Quantum Realm had a 'prior version of the Timeline' despite He Who Remains being alive during that time. Also, the altercation of one timeline doesn't affect another as stated in What If S1E4.
  2. The Quantum Realm is therefore its hyper timeline and has a separate temporal dimension. A quick reminder is that the realm is layered.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (7D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (14D)

The Void at The End of Time/TVA

Temporal Dimension

However, caution is necessary. As explained above, we require that the additional time dimension is "a line comprised of uncountably infinite points". If new versions of timelines are only created if they are changed, due to time travel for example, then the number of "snapshots" of the timeline would be far more limited. The amount of snapshots would be one more than the times the timeline was changed. So, for example, if the timeline is rewritten 2 times, there would be 3 snapshots of the timeline: the original, the timeline after the first rewrite and the timeline after the second rewrite. That are far less than the required uncountably infinite many.
  1. We've already provided evidence that the multiverse and its unique dimensions are uncountably infinite without the need for time travel; What If already confirms that the infinite branches are naturally spawned and not by external means.
Aside from direct statements, the easiest way to confirm that the line is comprised of uncountably infinite points/"snapshots" is to show that the development of the timelines is time-like. I.e. typically one would want a statement like the alteration of the timelines being subject to its own flow of time or by saying that special time travel can go to prior versions of the timelines instead of the past. The keyword in the latter case is time travel, as that specifies that the action happens through movement through something like time. Note that such statements can be considered contradicted if the fiction specifies that new versions of the timeline, i.e. additional snapshots, are only created when the timeline is altered or similar.
  1. The Void and the TVA remain unaffected by the destruction/pruning of a timeline.
  2. For the time travel section, Loki had used his time abilities to go to a version of the Sacred Timeline before the Multiverse branched out.
  • The Void/TVA would get a +1D.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (8D)

(High End) 1-B/Hyperversal level (15D)

R>F World

  1. R>F grants an infinity over the MCU cosmology.

1-C/ Complex Multiverse level (9D)

(High End) High 1-B/High Hyperversal level (Infinite Dimensions)

That's all folks!
submitted by CrispyNaeem to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:04 Ace201613 Review: The Hanging City, by Charlie N. Holmberg
I've never read any "Romantasy" books. I'm not even sure what that term means. However, if it means a book that is a primarily romantic story in a fantasy world that's what The Hanging City amounts to. The closest comparison I can make to this novel would be The Princess Bride (The film. I've never read the novel) or maybe some of the disney animated movies. Like Cinderella. Fantastical elements, like giant monsters and trolls, exist. They are actually a heavier part of the story than they are in the films I mentioned. But, I always felt from the beginning that romance was the more important part of this book. You could replace the Trolls with humans, change their city to a human city, and change the monsters to regular animals and I don't think much of anything would change as far as the themes and journey for the protagonist go. Not saying any of this as a negative, but I want everyone to understand the type of story this is. The romance ended up being a bit too much for me. But if you like romance then this might be a good choice for you. If it helps, Amazon says that the author has written other books in both the fantasy and romance genres. So, maybe this was her combining the two.


Lark has always been cursed with the ability to inflict others with fear, driving them to madness by experiencing terrors that no one else can see. This ability is what separates her from others. It's what's driven her from one village to the next, because whenever someone discovers she is different they treat her like a monster. It has finally led her to the fabled city of the Trolls, the last place she can seek refuge from others. It is the only place where her father, who seeks to use her abilities for his own desires, might not be able to find her. But the trolls also find her abilities fascinating. For them, Lark's power is the answer to the monsters that have attacked their city for as long as anyone can remember. For Lark, their city is a bastion of city, in which she might finally be able to find friends, a family, and maybe even unexpected love.

World Building

An author by the name of Katherine Langrish wrote 3 novels years ago. Troll Fell, Troll Mill, and Troll Blood. Together they've been collected in a single novel called West of the Moon. If anyone has ever read those novels I think you'll have an idea of the kind of wonderful fantasy romp this is. The city of the trolls comes alive right off the page. You can imagine the appearances of the trolls in your head. There's a trollish caste system that is based on physical capability and combat. Each caste naturally has a different purpose in the troll city. You can rise or fall at different times. The area underneath the city is the home of the monsters and the author goes into naming and describing different monsters for you. And let me say a MAJOR opportunity for her would be writing up some kind of guide or companion piece to this to serve as a kind of index for all of the monsters, because the novel makes it clear there are hundreds down there at the least. While the romance was a bit much for me there was not a single moment where I didn't want to see more of the trolls, their city, the monsters, how human refugees function in the city, etc. To be honest I want to see more of the world as a whole, because it's mentioned a few times that while people like Lark are rare there are more of them across the world. It just seems to be a thing where different situations can cause people to possess magical gifts. Lark's mother was killed by her father while pregnant with Lark, and the unborn Lark absorbed all of her mother's fear. Now as an adult she can share that fear with others. Like that's just so cool to me.
This is the type of world that seems to present itself so naturally, without the need for deep lore or explanations. Trolls exist. Monsters exist. Here's what they're like. It makes it so that the weakest part of the book is actually the human enemies themselves. I almost think that we could've saved the plot involving Lark's father attacking the Troll City for a separate book altogether. Because while it does serve to show why Lark feared him and ran away from him, also tying in with his killing of her mother, everything about it just isn't interesting for me. Granted, the author has it noted time and again that a massive drought is plaguing the world. And that's supposedly part of why the humans are attacking the trolls at all. But because Lark isn't spending time in any human cities I found it hard to care. The trolls have water. The majority of the story takes place with the trolls. Everything else is kind of irrelevant lol.


This is a classic star crossed lovers novel. Instead of being based on class its based on race, human and troll. Humans are second class citizens. Trolls find them disgusting. They tolerate humans that come to their city only if the humans know an ancient chant which requires the trolls to offer them safety. But that doesn't mean the trolls have to treat them well. And it's even noted that if a human died none of the trollish laws would do anything about it. Which thinking on it is a bit weird in terms of the whole protection thing. But maybe that's just because they couldn't determine which troll actually did it. Never ends up happening anyway so it's whatever I guess.
Due to Lark's past it is very important to her to find a place where she belongs and one day have a family. She never grew up with one. Her mother died right before she was born. Her father treated her like a tool. And her stepmother and half siblings don't seem to have liked her either. She wants a home where she can be safe, but she also seeks companionship, platonic and romantic. Due to her abilities the trolls place her in a position to battle any monsters that attack the city, which is interesting in its own right. But it also places her in a living space with a female troll warrior and her bookish brother. Naturally, the brother being less aggressive than other trolls catches Lark's eye and she, being clever (for a human lol) catches his. While I would've preferred more focus on Lark's job as a monster fighter, I have to admit that the budding relationship is handled well. This isn't a story that'll leave you wondering "Why would she like this guy when he does this or that?" He's nice, cares about her, protects her when needed and she does the same for him.

The Ending (?)

If this book is the first in a series, even if it just has one sequel, I think the ending is fine. Lark and her husband (Not sure what to call him, because marriage in Troll society is different than it is in ours, which is as it should be) leave the troll city and set out to find somewhere their relationship won't make them outcasts. But the ending kind of just comes along with the two of them on the road, looking at the sky, and it starts raining. It's a bit sudden for me. And I think their are unanswered questions. The big one, of course, is whether or not they ever find a new home. But I can handwave that, because some stories just end that way. However, we never see things like the reactions of Lark's sister in law to Lark and her brother leaving the city without saying a word. And she is an important character in this novel. The city Lark and her husband are heading to? They know about that because Lark met a human from that city who claimed that there were human/troll couples there. He and Lark were supposed to meet again earlier in the novel, but he never showed up. Why is never explained. Was he killed? Was he lying to Lark to get away from her? No clue. Then, how will the troll leaders react to losing Lark? They don't necessarily care about humans as a whole. But Lark has a useful ability, which saved quite a few of them from dying in a final battle against her father. Are they just going to let her go? I just think that the ending could've been written in a different way to close some of these questions off. And it only sticks out to me because from what I can find the author has said this is a standalone. And if it is I just can't be fully satisfied with these issues hanging.

Final Thoughts

Overall, if you like romance I think you'll enjoy this. If you want a pretty fast paced fantasy story with straightforward stakes I think you'll enjoy this. And If you want a story with trolls as prominent side characters I can guarantee you'll enjoy this. While I think it ends in such a way that there should be a sequel, it's still a nice standalone novel outside of the ending. I think it was a great choice giving Lark an ability that could honestly solve any physical conflict she gets into, but which she doesn't want to use because she doesn't want people to fear her. It makes the moments she does tap into this ability stand out al the more, with each of her decisions holding even more weight because of the emotional cost to her when she sees people fear her after using it. Very nice difference compared to other characters throwing their magical abilities around left and right. As I said from the start I think this is best viewed as a romance story set in a fantasy world. You'll get moments of action and adventure, but the focus is definitely on Lark finding her place in a city of trolls. Keep that in mind and you'll have a good time.
submitted by Ace201613 to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:00 IrinaSophia Saint Panagis Basias: A Contemporary Fool for Christ (+ 1888) (June 7th)

By Lambros Skontzos, Theologian
Ionian Islands are the birthplace of many Saints of our Church. One of them was the newly-appeared Saint Panagis Basias from Lixouri in Kefallonia.
He was born in Lixouri in 1801. His pious and wealthy parents were Michael Typaldos Basias and Regina Dellaporta. He received a strict education, and besides Greek he knew Italian, French and Latin.
Initially, he was appointed a grammar teacher, but soon he was inspired by the radical sermons of Kosmas Flamiatos and Eusebios Panas, great ecclesiastical figures of the time, who defended Greece and Orthodoxy, and joined them. The English (rulers of the Ionian Islands), who were supposed to be protectors, instead tyrannized the people and manipulated their Orthodox phronema. For this reason he left the public school, which propagated English supremacy, and started teaching at home.
At the age of 20, after the death of his father, having an innate inclination towards monasticism and being influenced by the personality of the great ascetic patron of the island, Saint Gerasimos, and also the great ascetic Saint Anthimos, he abandoned everything and went to the small island Xeroskopelos (Dias), in Kato Leivathos, to the Monastery of Blachernae, which was a place of exile for clergy by the English. There he also met the exiled famous cleric Father Nikolaos Kantounis of Zakynthos and received the monastic schema and monastic name Paisios.
But he did not stay there for long, because he was forced to return to Lixouri to protect his widowed mother and his unprotected sister. Although he lived in the world, his entire life proved to be a continuous ascetic struggle and a consistent living of monastic ideals and principles.
In 1836 he was ordained deacon and presbyter by Archbishop Parthenios Makris of Kefallonia. Henceforth he lived for the Church, for Christ and for his faithful brethren. He refused to be appointed to a parish and settled in the small Monastery of Saint Spyridon. For fifty years he officiated daily, preaching with the fire of his soul. He often hastened to the houses of the residents to help them materially and spiritually. Everyone's problem became his own problem. He sold all his possessions and gave them to the poor. He also turned out to be an excellent confessor. Crowds of tormented people hastened to take comfort and lighten their heavy burdens from this virtuous cleric.
With his personal purification and holiness, he received from God the gift of prophecy and foretold the future happening to persons, families and society in general. He was also found worthy to perform miracles in the name of Christ.
At the same time he had developed an admirable national and patriotic activity. On May 21, 1864, he partook in the joy of the Union of Ionian Islands with Mother Greece, for which he himself worked in his own revolutionary way, alongside other radical heroes, preserving and cultivating the Orthodox tradition in such difficult political and social periods.
In 1867, with the terrible earthquakes of Palliki, his house was demolished and since then he was hosted in the house of his cousin John Geroulanos, father of the well-known surgeon and academic Marinos Geroulanos.
Because he was humble and did not want people to talk about him, for this reason he decided to practice the ancient and great virtue of foolishness for Christ. He pretended to be intellectually disabled, so that others would regard his intellectual gifts and virtues as the products of a man of low intelligence. Despite all this, he was respected by all the inhabitants, except in very few cases. Even the well-known Lixouri anti-clerical writer Andreas Laskaratos liked and appreciated him!
From the hardships, deprivations and his ascetic struggle, his health was shaken and he was bedridden for five years. He had been visited at his home by Metropolitan Germanos Kalligas of Kefallonia, and predicted his election as Archbishop of Athens! He died peacefully at the age of 88 on June 7, 1888. His funeral became widespread. All the people of Kefalonia, led by Archbishop Germanos Kalligas, bid him farewell.
His fame never faded from the memories of the pious Kefallonians, until our mother Church in 1986 included him in her Hagiologion. The translation of his sacred relics was a great event, the fragrance of which confirmed his sanctity. His memory is celebrated on June 7th, the day of his final repose. His grace-filled relics are kept in the Church of Saint Spyridon in Lixouri.
Among all his virtues, his humility stands out, which elevates man and places him under the throne of God. In contrast to pride, which casts a man down into the deepest pits of hell. Pride is the incurable root of evil in man, which keeps him away from God's sanctifying grace, while humility is the salvific antidote to the destructive path that selfishness leads man to. It is the worst obstacle to man's salvation. This selfish self-sufficiency, as a very morbid condition, prevents the consciousness of one's sinfulness and the disposition to repent. Selfishness and repentance are two completely opposite and incompatible concepts. One negates the other. The gates of the egoistic man's soul are hermetically shut to divine grace, and consequently his salvation is impossible, as long as he persists in his selfish preoccupation. Saint Panagis was the embodiment of humility, who taught humility more with his life than with his words.
Such clerics, like Saint Panagis Basias, we need in these difficult and apocalyptic days in which we live.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxGreece [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:56 IrinaSophia Saint Panagis Basias: A Contemporary Fool for Christ (+ 1888) (June 7th)

By Lambros Skontzos, Theologian
The Ionian Islands are the birthplace of many Saints of our Church. One of them was the newly-appeared Saint Panagis Basias from Lixouri in Kefallonia.
He was born in Lixouri in 1801. His pious and wealthy parents were Michael Typaldos Basias and Regina Dellaporta. He received a strict education, and besides Greek he knew Italian, French and Latin.
Initially, he was appointed a grammar teacher, but soon he was inspired by the radical sermons of Kosmas Flamiatos and Eusebios Panas, great ecclesiastical figures of the time, who defended Greece and Orthodoxy, and joined them. The English (rulers of the Ionian Islands), who were supposed to be protectors, instead tyrannized the people and manipulated their Orthodox phronema. For this reason he left the public school, which propagated English supremacy, and started teaching at home.
At the age of 20, after the death of his father, having an innate inclination towards monasticism and being influenced by the personality of the great ascetic patron of the island, Saint Gerasimos, and also the great ascetic Saint Anthimos, he abandoned everything and went to the small island Xeroskopelos (Dias), in Kato Leivathos, to the Monastery of Blachernae, which was a place of exile for clergy by the English. There he also met the exiled famous cleric Father Nikolaos Kantounis of Zakynthos and received the monastic schema and monastic name Paisios.
But he did not stay there for long, because he was forced to return to Lixouri to protect his widowed mother and his unprotected sister. Although he lived in the world, his entire life proved to be a continuous ascetic struggle and a consistent living of monastic ideals and principles.
In 1836 he was ordained deacon and presbyter by Archbishop Parthenios Makris of Kefallonia. Henceforth he lived for the Church, for Christ and for his faithful brethren. He refused to be appointed to a parish and settled in the small Monastery of Saint Spyridon. For fifty years he officiated daily, preaching with the fire of his soul. He often hastened to the houses of the residents to help them materially and spiritually. Everyone's problem became his own problem. He sold all his possessions and gave them to the poor. He also turned out to be an excellent confessor. Crowds of tormented people hastened to take comfort and lighten their heavy burdens from this virtuous cleric.
With his personal purification and holiness, he received from God the gift of prophecy and foretold the future happening to persons, families and society in general. He was also found worthy to perform miracles in the name of Christ.
At the same time he had developed an admirable national and patriotic activity. On May 21, 1864, he partook in the joy of the Union of Ionian Islands with Mother Greece, for which he himself worked in his own revolutionary way, alongside other radical heroes, preserving and cultivating the Orthodox tradition in such difficult political and social periods.
In 1867, with the terrible earthquakes of Palliki, his house was demolished and since then he was hosted in the house of his cousin John Geroulanos, father of the well-known surgeon and academic Marinos Geroulanos.
Because he was humble and did not want people to talk about him, for this reason he decided to practice the ancient and great virtue of foolishness for Christ. He pretended to be intellectually disabled, so that others would regard his intellectual gifts and virtues as the products of a man of low intelligence. Despite all this, he was respected by all the inhabitants, except in very few cases. Even the well-known Lixouri anti-clerical writer Andreas Laskaratos liked and appreciated him!
From the hardships, deprivations and his ascetic struggle, his health was shaken and he was bedridden for five years. He had been visited at his home by Metropolitan Germanos Kalligas of Kefallonia, and predicted his election as Archbishop of Athens! He died peacefully at the age of 88 on June 7, 1888. His funeral became widespread. All the people of Kefalonia, led by Archbishop Germanos Kalligas, bid him farewell.
His fame never faded from the memories of the pious Kefallonians, until our mother Church in 1986 included him in her Hagiologion. The translation of his sacred relics was a great event, the fragrance of which confirmed his sanctity. His memory is celebrated on June 7th, the day of his final repose. His grace-filled relics are kept in the Church of Saint Spyridon in Lixouri.
Among all his virtues, his humility stands out, which elevates man and places him under the throne of God. In contrast to pride, which casts a man down into the deepest pits of hell. Pride is the incurable root of evil in man, which keeps him away from God's sanctifying grace, while humility is the salvific antidote to the destructive path that selfishness leads man to. It is the worst obstacle to man's salvation. This selfish self-sufficiency, as a very morbid condition, prevents the consciousness of one's sinfulness and the disposition to repent. Selfishness and repentance are two completely opposite and incompatible concepts. One negates the other. The gates of the egoistic man's soul are hermetically shut to divine grace, and consequently his salvation is impossible, as long as he persists in his selfish preoccupation. Saint Panagis was the embodiment of humility, who taught humility more with his life than with his words.
Such clerics, like Saint Panagis Basias, we need in these difficult and apocalyptic days in which we live.
submitted by IrinaSophia to OrthodoxChristianity [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:53 Personal_Wear_5488 Feed back on the story I've written on Wattpad

I'm Isha Maravi, a struggling writer who’s poured her heart into a novel titled "Medea." By isha maravi I've shared my story on Wattpad. It
Synopsis - Medea
In the ancient world of Greece, Medea, the powerful and passionate princess of Colchis, falls deeply in love with the exiled prince Jason. Her love drives her to betray her family and homeland, aiding Jason in his quest to retrieve the Golden Fleece. However, Jason's ambition and Medea's intense devotion set off a chain of events that alter the course of history.
This gripping tale weaves together themes of love and hate, fate and destiny, and justice and retribution. As Medea's actions become increasingly extreme in her quest for loyalty and revenge, the lines between moral and immoral blur, leading to a dramatic and tragic conclusion. "Medea" is a story of epic romance and devastating consequences, exploring just how far one is willing to go for love.
submitted by Personal_Wear_5488 to Wattpad [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:38 ATraceOfSpades Meet the Archaians! Long dead humanoids, crushed beneath ancient ruins, whose minds were reignited and bodies melded with their ancient surroundings! Just a fun race from my homebred world I thought might be worth sharing! Art from MTG by Micah Epstein.

Meet the Archaians! Long dead humanoids, crushed beneath ancient ruins, whose minds were reignited and bodies melded with their ancient surroundings! Just a fun race from my homebred world I thought might be worth sharing! Art from MTG by Micah Epstein. submitted by ATraceOfSpades to UnearthedArcana [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:35 Karmanic_Misery What is a good fuel name for teleportation based FTL?

Recently started writing a new Sci-Fi story where the effects of being close to an FTL Drive cause adverse effects due to the fuel, but i’m not quite sure what i should call it.
For context, the drive is based off ancient spaceship wrecks and mobile oil-drilling plants in Saturns rings and around Saturn’s moon, Titan. Humanity salvaged these and based their FTL off the ancient alien drives, but the fuel required causes extremely bad health problems, shutting down organs and a very very bad form of cancer in the particularly unlucky.
I know the specific parts of the fuel; liquid oxygen, Methane, and an unidentified substance that humanity just labeled as “Negative Matter” in this universe. I just need a name for the combined form of this stuff. Your help is appreciated!
submitted by Karmanic_Misery to scifiwriting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:28 Standard_Mode9882 Learn Greek with Lantalk! 🇬🇷


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Happy learning! The Lantalk Team
submitted by Standard_Mode9882 to lantalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:58 Ok_Evidence_3254 Can I get UEFA Euro Cup 2024 (live) Streams Options?

Here's is the complete guide to watch the UEFA Euro Cup Online.
The State of Origin is one of the most anticipated sporting events in Australia, pitting the best rugby league players from New South Wales and Queensland against each other in a thrilling three-game series. If you can't make it to the stadium to watch the games live, you might be wondering about your options for streaming the event. In this article, we'll explore the various ways you can catch all the action from the comfort of your home.
Baltic states
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
North Macedonia
San Marino
United Kingdom
Rest of the World
Central America
Indian subcontinent
New Zealand
Pacific Islands
South America
South Korea
Sub-Saharan Africa
United States

Official Broadcaster: Optus Sport

In Australia, the official broadcaster of the State of Origin series is Optus Sport. If you're an Optus customer, you can stream the games live through the Optus Sport app or website at no additional cost. Non-Optus customers can also access the streams by subscribing to Optus Sport for a monthly fee.

Other Streaming Options

While Optus Sport is the exclusive broadcaster in Australia, there are other options for fans around the world:
It's important to note that due to geo-restrictions, these platforms may not be accessible from all locations.

Streaming Alternatives

If you don't have access to any of the official broadcasters, you might be tempted to turn to unofficial streaming websites. However, we strongly advise against this, as these platforms often provide low-quality streams and can pose security risks to your device.
Instead, consider the following alternatives:
  1. VPN Services: By using a virtual private network (VPN), you can change your virtual location and access geo-restricted content. This can allow you to stream the games through the official broadcasters' platforms.
  2. Highlights and Replays: If you can't watch the games live, you can still catch up on the action through highlights and replays. Many official broadcasters offer these on their platforms shortly after the games conclude.

Enhancing Your Streaming Experience

To ensure a smooth streaming experience, consider the following tips:
The State of Origin is a must-watch event for rugby league fans, and thanks to the various streaming options available, you can catch all the action no matter where you are. By subscribing to the official broadcasters or using a reliable VPN service, you can ensure you don't miss a single tackle, try, or memorable moment from this iconic series.
submitted by Ok_Evidence_3254 to qatarworldcupnews [link] [comments]