Acrostic poem about leadership

Poetry Class Week Seven

2024.05.13 14:44 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Seven

Week 7: Limericks and Acrostic Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the whimsical nature of limericks and the creative use of acrostic poetry. - Understand the structure and humor in limericks. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of using acrostic forms.
Day 1: Introduction to Limericks - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of limericks. - Explanation of the AABBA rhyme scheme and humorous themes.
Day 2: Analyzing Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic limericks. - Exploration of the distinctive rhythm and structure.
Day 3: Analyzing Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in limericks. - Exploring the versatility of the form.
Day 4: Crafting Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first three lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on establishing humor and rhythm.
Day 5: Crafting Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final two lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on creating resolution and punchline.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a limerick focusing on a humorous scenario or theme.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first three lines of your limerick. How did you establish humor and rhythm? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and a punchline in the final two lines of your limerick? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a limerick?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of limericks, their AABBA rhyme scheme, and the use of humor within the concise form.
Day 6: Introduction to Acrostic Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of acrostic poetry. - Exploration of arranging words vertically to create hidden messages.
Day 7: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic acrostic poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging words.
Day 8: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in acrostic poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with vertical arrangements.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:19 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sonnet:
  1. Haiku:
  1. Villanelle:
  1. Limerick:
  1. Free Verse:
  1. Acrostic:
  1. Ghazal:
  1. Tanka:
  1. *Cinquain:
  1. Pantoum:
- *Definition:* A poem with repeating lines and a specific pattern, often used for reflection. - *Example:* Craft a pantoum exploring the cyclical nature of life and change. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:30 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:30 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to Careers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:28 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:28 Ok-You5223 What careers would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:27 Ok-You5223 What career would you suggest me?

What Im passionate about:
drawing (semi realism/ abstraction) painting character design hand crafting designing (creating things) writing (poems/ stories/ screenplay) human psychology reading (philosophy) indie game design decorating sketching (anything)
attention to detail good at sketching natural skill when it comes to most art related things a lot of fantasy/ creative can be persuading doesn't give up easily likes giving good advice
unfocused/ gets lost easily can be slow with math unorganized bad at memorizing things stubborn/ will only do things my own way problems with procasination runs out of energy quickly when it comes to social interactions hates small talk
Career and lifestyle goals:
How much money is enough?
Enough to keep a family living a standard life without stressing out about money I guess? (I can be really good at saving up) Some guy said $70 000 a year is great so lets go with that (this kind of thing is different for each country though) Its better not to focus too much on money for now.
What type of jobs do you like?
Any job that involves creating things, it makes my existence feel meaningful. (Thats why I've been thinking of architecture for a long time. Buildings last centuries.)
Do you want a leadership position?
I wouldnt mind leading others but I dont really care about that. I would just prefer not to be one of those workers who have to do what someone else says all the time. I want to use my own creativity. Id like working with a group of equals or alone. I like working alone.
Do you want to eventually become an entrepreneur?
That idea doesnt seem so bad, in a way I like it, but it would probably be wayyy too tiring for me. I just want to create things and live a calm life. Constantly networking and thinking about business would be too overwhelming for me. But the idea of becoming an entrepreneur eventually might grow on me with time since it gives off a feeling of independence and like every day will be different, which I really care about. I just know that if I were to open a buisness Id invest all of my time and thought in it which wouldnt be ideal if i also want to live calmly and take care of my family.
As of right now, I've only had Architecture in mind. Although it has many issues, I cant think of anything else. What careers would you guys recommend? (Im 16F)
submitted by Ok-You5223 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:17 ResponsibilitySad331 A Victim of Online Fiction - Ch15: Bad ties

Have you ever jumped into cold water on a hot day? Have you ever ridden an asteroid across the surface of the sun? Have you ever done a backflip off the moon and landed in a bucket of water in Vatican City? If so, then you’ve experienced one-tenth of what I experienced the moment I took that pill.
My headache disappeared, my heart started pumping, adrenaline and pure energy flowed through my veins instead of blood. My fingers twitched and my mind moved at three times the speed of light.
I fell back on my chair, flew towards my desk and danced my fingers like I was playing the keyboard. Chapters fell before me like grass in front of a chainsaw.
I cranked out TEN chapters in three hours. And that’s not just writing them either that’s editing them multiple times, adding extra hyperboles, and making the first 31 sentences and the title into acrostic poems that read: Alex has shit ties.
It was heavenly.
After dusting off my 11th chapter I stood, did a couple of yoga poses and then took off out of my front door for a run.
Now, everyone has a weakness, Superman’s got his kryptonite, Achilles has his heel, I have physical exercise. Usually, the thought of going for a run would make me want to chop my legs off. But those crazy little pills made the sad-sad go away. I was flying past houses, high-fiving bushes and waving to people as I roamed the streets like an exercise junkie.
My god-like strides took me through the suburbs of The Village through to the centre of town where Sherlock-Holmes themed coffee shops and Wuxia-themed teahouses dominated the streets. Writers sat in booths talking and hacking away at tablets and laptops, while cover artists drew mythical figures in between shots of espresso.
There was a hard-working bustle about the place. Little box-like robots wheeled their way out from a boutique distribution centre to people’s homes carrying boxes of wine, cheese, and steaming meals.
I slowed my run and sat back on a bench beside a rose bush. Birds were chirping and there was a hum of music from the cafes. It was heaven.
That night Manuel was back at my house and we walked three blocks over to a giant log cabin and another party. The next morning I took a pill, busted out eight chapters and went for another run. As the weeks flew by I attended more parties than I’d ever been to in my life, smashed out over a hundred chapters and grew dark rings around my eyes.
And then one day I met her.
This time we’d been invited to a pool party in the early evening. Manuel was sucking up to a bunch of new authors, and I was drinking beer with a bunch of horror writers while watching two guys beside the pool punching each other in the face over the use of Oxford commas. I didn’t know who was in the right – the guy whose eye was bruised, red, and puffy – or the guy with a swollen, red lump on his forehead.
Turns out, it didn’t really matter because they both paused mid-swing to stare at someone behind me.
In walked a woman in a white turtleneck, and large round glasses. Four other writers dressed in full tweed suits flanked her. Heads turned. Famous web fiction writers who I hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to were whispering to each other and pointing to the woman in white.
The horror writers next to me were trying to look disinterested but I could see them peering at her out of the corner of their eyes.
‘Hey Stephen,’ I poked a tall guy in the arm, ‘who’s that?’
Stephen laughed, ‘Good one man.’
‘I’m being serious dude, why’s everyone staring?’
Stephen hissed his next sentence like he was embarrassed others would hear, ‘Man. That’s the emperor of this place – the most read author in the whole of Crusher Media, that’s...’
‘...Lazy Cultivator? The guy that writes the chicken story.’
Stephen nodded, ‘Only – she’s not a guy.’
‘I guess I should say hi,’ I got out of my seat just as Stephen put his arm up to form a barrier.
‘Dude!’ He said, 'You, me, all of us,’ he gestured around the circle of horror writers, ‘We’re dirt.’ A couple of the guys clinked their beers and took a swig. Stephen pressed a finger into my chest, ‘We don’t talk to people like her. We don’t even look at her. This place has a hierarchy and man, you are the mud that hierarchy sits on.
I swallowed, ‘Good to know I’m appreciated then.’
Stephen shrugged, ‘Just letting you know the way things are dude.’
The tweed-wearers and their leader moved through the party like blue whales through a school of shrimp. A group of romance writers cleared out of their chairs beside the pool and the gang sat down and produced bottles of champagne from a wine cooler. The woman in white pulled a pair of VR glasses, a wireless keyboard, and a purple pill bottle from her bag, then she slipped a pill between her teeth, pulled the VR glasses over her face and started hacking away at the keyboard so rapidly she broke off one of the keys.
I swallowed, ‘She doesn’t come to parties often?’
Stephen shook his head, ‘not the sort of parties the rest of us get invited to. But... I’ve heard stories.’
I nodded slowly, my forehead was beginning to hurt the way it always did when the orange pills wore off. I took the orange pill container out of my pocket and shook it. There was no comforting tap of pills on the side.
I spun the lid open. It was empty.
My hands started to sweat. I got up, knocking over Stephen’s beer. He yelled at me, but I just waved an apology. I made a beeline straight for Manuel who was chatting to a bunch of fresh writers.
‘Hey, Eli,’ he said, wrapping an arm around me, ‘You guys heard of ElitheHill?’
A couple of the new writers grinned, one guy stuck out his hand, but my headache was getting worse with every second.
‘Manuel,’ I hissed, ‘I need some pills man.’
Manuel raised an eyebrow, ‘What?’
‘I need them now, my head...’ I stopped and rubbed one of my eyes, ‘I need the orange pills man.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Yeah, I’ll get you some man – in the morning.’ he wrapped his arm around me, ‘Come on man, be cool, have a beer.’
I shook my head frantically, my hands trembled, ‘I need them now Manuel. Come on. You’ve got to have at least a pack on you.’
Manuel stared at me, his eyes suddenly seemed much colder, ‘Yeah. I got some, but they’re two thousand reads.’
‘Two thousand?’ I bit my lip, ‘Man, they were five hundred two days ago.’
He shrugged and pulled the orange container from his pocket ‘You want em? Or not?’
My hands were a pool of sweat, my head thumped like a drum and bass concert and my right eye was twitching.
‘Yeah,’ I snatched them from his hand, ‘I’ll get Alex to transfer to you tomorrow.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Now get lost,’ his smile returned as he looked to the young writers, ‘You’re scaring off the new kids!’
The others laughed.
I fumbled with the pill bottle and Manuel gave me a kick, ‘Man! Get out of here.’ His eyes were hard again.
I stumbled my way over to the toilet, kicked the door open and slammed it behind me. My hands shook as I twisted open the capsule. The toilet smelt like vomit. The lid gave a click, popped open and I shook two pills into my hand. I usually took one, but I felt like I deserved the extra hit after everything I’d been through. I shoved them in my mouth, threw my head back, and swallowed.
A moment later I had electricity flowing through my veins and lightning in my brain. When I kicked the door of the toilet open it was like the world was in 8k resolution. Colours and lights were sharper and more beautiful. Beethoven’s fifth symphony was playing, someone passed me who smelt of elderflower and sweet wine. I breathed in and started dancing.
My call with Alex the next day began with me reciting a poem about his ties that I made up on the spot. He was wearing a beetroot red tie and by the third verse, his face had gone the same colour. It took him a few minutes to calm down, but when he finally did he ended up being quite pleased.
‘I see you’ve been producing a lot of chapters Mr Hill, you’re also pulling in a lot of readers. My suggestion is that you should start stockpiling them, rather than just posting them as you finish, that way when you hit another of your dry spells, you’ll have a buffer to get your shit sorted.’
I grinned and pulled the orange pills from my jacket pocket, ‘I’m not going to have another slump.’ I tossed the pill bottle up and caught it behind my back without looking, ‘Alex, I have discovered the key to literary immortality.’
Alex’s smile wavered for a moment, then with an effort of brute force he manage to affix it back to his face.
‘I’m glad Mr Hill.’ he went silent for a moment, ‘Just be careful okay... with those chapters I mean... we don’t want you to get burnt out with nothing left in the can.’
I shrugged, shook the pill bottle again, ‘Don’t worry about me buddy – just keep transferring Manuel that money. Okay?’
Alex nodded and ended the call.
submitted by ResponsibilitySad331 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:29 adulting4kids Week One Poetry

Week 1: Introduction to Poetry and Sonnets
Day 1: Overview of Poetry Styles - Activity: Icebreaker - Introduce yourself through a poetic name acrostic. - Lecture: Brief history of poetry, introduction to various styles. - Discussion: What draws you to poetry? Share your favorite poems.
Day 2: Understanding Sonnets - Activity: Analyze a classic sonnet together. - Lecture: Explanation of sonnet structure (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Discussion: Share initial impressions and feelings about sonnets.
Day 3: Writing Exercise - Crafting a Sonnet - Activity: Break down sonnet structure with examples. - Assignment: Write a sonnet exploring a personal experience or emotion. - Vocabulary Words: Quatrain, Couplet, Volta.
Day 4: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for sonnets. - Lecture: Discuss common challenges and strategies in sonnet writing. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Day 5: Recap and Reflection - Activity: Reflect on the week's lessons and exercises. - Lecture: Overview of upcoming weeks. - Assignment: Write a short reflection on what you've learned about poetry and sonnets.
Study Guide Questions for Week 1: 1. What is the basic structure of a sonnet? 2. Compare and contrast Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets. 3. How does the volta contribute to the meaning of a sonnet? 4. Discuss the role of rhyme and meter in sonnets. 5. Explore your personal connection to poetry. What emotions or themes resonate with you?
Quiz: A short quiz assessing understanding of sonnet structure, key terms, and the historical context of poetry.
Week 2: Embracing Haiku and Villanelle
Day 1: Understanding Haiku - Activity: Analyze classic haikus. - Lecture: Explain the traditional structure and themes of haikus. - Discussion: Share thoughts on the simplicity and depth of haikus.
Day 2: Crafting Haikus - Activity: Write haikus individually. - Lecture: Discuss the significance of nature in haikus. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual haikus.
Day 3: Unraveling the Villanelle - Activity: Analyze a famous villanelle. - Lecture: Explore the structure and repetition in villanelles. - Discussion: Discuss the impact of repeated lines on the overall theme.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Composing a Villanelle - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a villanelle. - Assignment: Write a villanelle on the theme of memory or loss. - Vocabulary Words: Tercet, Refrain, Envoi.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for villanelles. - Lecture: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting repetitive forms. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' villanelles.
Study Guide Questions for Week 2: 1. What defines a haiku? Discuss its structure and thematic elements. 2. Explore the cultural significance of nature in haikus. 3. What is the structure of a villanelle, and how does repetition contribute to its impact? 4. Discuss the emotions evoked by repeated lines in a villanelle. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting a villanelle. What challenges did you face?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of haikus, villanelles, and the effective use of repetition in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 14:28 adulting4kids Poetry Syllabus

Course Title: Exploring the Panorama of Poetry
Course Description: This course delves into the rich tapestry of poetic forms, guiding students through the exploration and creation of fifty distinct styles of poetry. From classic sonnets to innovative forms like golden shovel and palindrome poetry, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of poetic expression, learning the nuances of each style and honing their creative skills.
Week 1-2: Introduction to Poetry and Sonnets - Overview of poetry styles - In-depth study of sonnets - Writing Exercise: Crafting a sonnet on personal experiences
Week 3-4: Embracing Haiku and Villanelle - Understanding the elegance of haiku - Exploring the repetitive beauty of villanelles - Writing Exercise: Composing haikus inspired by nature
Week 5-6: Limericks and the Art of Humor - Decoding the humor in limericks - Crafting limericks with wit and wordplay - Writing Exercise: Creating humorous limericks on everyday topics
Week 7-8: Free Verse and Acrostic Poetry - Liberating creativity through free verse - Playing with words in acrostic poems - Writing Exercise: Expressing emotions through free verse
Week 9-10: Ghazal and Tanka Mastery - Unveiling the beauty of ghazals - Crafting tankas with precision - Writing Exercise: Creating a ghazal on themes of love and longing
Week 11-12: Cinquains and Pantoum Prowess - Perfecting the art of cinquains - Embracing the rhythmic challenges of pantoums - Writing Exercise: Developing a pantoum on personal growth
Week 13-14: Sestina and Rondeau Exploration - Mastering the intricacies of sestinas - Crafting rondeaus with musicality - Writing Exercise: Composing a sestina on the theme of time
Week 15-16: Triolets and Kyrielles - Understanding the charm of triolets - Embracing the structure of kyrielles - Writing Exercise: Crafting a triolet on the beauty of simplicity
Week 17-18: Ode to Joyful Ballads - Writing joyful odes - Crafting narrative ballads - Writing Exercise: Creating an ode celebrating personal achievements
Week 19-20: Epic Journeys and Blank Verse - Exploring epic storytelling - Mastering the art of blank verse - Writing Exercise: Composing a blank verse poem reflecting on personal reflections
Week 21-22: Petrarchan Musings and Terza Rima Mastery - Delving into Petrarchan sonnets - Crafting poems using terza rima - Writing Exercise: Writing a Petrarchan sonnet on conflicting emotions
Week 23-24: Renga Collaboration and Prose Poetry - Collaborative renga creation - Experimenting with prose poetry - Writing Exercise: Crafting a prose poem inspired by a vivid memory
Week 25-26: Concrete Poetry and Narrative Art - Creating visual impact with concrete poetry - Mastering the art of narrative poetry - Writing Exercise: Developing a narrative poem based on personal experiences
Week 27-28: Pastoral Elegies and Morning Aubades - Writing pastoral poetry - Crafting mournful elegies - Writing Exercise: Composing an aubade capturing the essence of dawn
Week 29-30: Ekphrastic Marvels and Found Poetry Adventures - Creating poetry inspired by art - Crafting poems through found materials - Writing Exercise: Developing an ekphrastic poem based on a chosen artwork
Week 31-32: Epigrams and Clerihew Laughter - Crafting witty epigrams - Writing humorous clerihews - Writing Exercise: Composing a clerihew about a contemporary figure
Week 33-34: Quatrains and Double Dactyl Delight - Mastering the art of quatrains - Crafting light-hearted double dactyls - Writing Exercise: Creating a quatrain reflecting on the beauty of simplicity
Week 35-36: Terzanelles and Haibun Adventures - Crafting terzanelles with precision - Exploring the combination of prose and haiku in haibun - Writing Exercise: Composing a haibun narrating a meaningful travel experience
Week 37-38: Golden Shovel Challenges and Villancico Celebrations - Creating poems using the golden shovel technique - Crafting festive villancicos - Writing Exercise: Developing a golden shovel poem using a line from a favorite poem
Week 39-40: Tercet Beauty and Sevenling Narratives - Embracing the charm of tercets - Crafting sevenlings with narrative flair - Writing Exercise: Composing a sevenling reflecting on a vivid childhood memory
Week 41-42: Palindrome Reflections and Parallelismus Membrorum Insights - Creating palindrome poetry - Crafting poems using parallelismus membrorum - Writing Exercise: Developing a palindrome poem exploring balance in life
Week 43-44: Rubaiyat Contemplations and Blues Poem Expressions - Exploring Persian poetry with rubaiyats - Crafting poems inspired by the blues - Writing Exercise: Composing a rubaiyat on themes of love or mortality
Week 45-46: Erasure Transformations and Anaphora Intensity - Crafting poetry through erasure - Mastering the use of anaphora - Writing Exercise: Creating an erasure poem using a page from a novel or newspaper
Week 47-48: Tetractys and Sijo Harmonies - Crafting tetractys with specific syllable counts - Exploring traditional Korean poetry with sijo - Writing Exercise: Developing a sijo capturing a moment of beauty or introspection
Week 49-50: Blitz Poem Exploration and Epitaph Conclusions - Crafting blitz poems with rapid expression - Writing poignant epitaphs - Final Project: Compose an original poem using a style of the student's choice, reflecting personal growth throughout the course.
Assessment: - Weekly writing exercises - Participation in collaborative projects - Midterm and final projects showcasing mastery of chosen styles
Materials: - Poetry anthologies - Artworks for ekphrastic exercises - Writing journals - Selected readings for each style
Prerequisites: None. Open to all students with an interest in poetry and creative expression.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 07:51 readingitnowagain Free Black Men Comment of the Week Awards: May 5th 2024

Every week this thread will feature the Free Black Men Comment of the Week Award.

If you want to nominate a comment, link to it below.

This first award goes to me. Cause y'all need this knowledge.
My only issue with your assessment is that OP question focuses on America and not the world.
Yeah I read it. But it shouldn't focus on just America because America don't exist in a vacuum, and anti-African racism is not an American invention. Our enemies have tried the tactic OP describes many times around the world. And all it has done is increased racism, not lessened it.
Moreover, do you think that lumping those groups together under the umbrella of "too many African men are focused on gratification and attention", detracts from blacks in America (ADOS and Africans) who are fighting for black issues?
I've read your comments enough to know that you're not a dumb man. So when you started this line of questioning, I had a feeling you were just trying to push me to adopt your definition of African American in a slick way instead of just coming out and saying it.
So let me spell it out point blank for you so you have no doubts about my position:
People who say any version of the following are dumb and wrong: "We aren't African American, we're Black," "we're Black Americans not African Americans," "African American was invented by Jessie Jackson and he doesn't represent me," "Elon Musk and Theresa Hines Kerry was born in Africa so they are considered African American too," "Barack Obama's father is really from Africa so Barack Obama is the true African American," "Nigerian, Ghanaian, and Ethiopian immigrants are the real African Americans."
All that is braindead ahistorical nonsense with no basis in etymology or historical usage.
We call ourselves African American because historically we were unable to trace our lineage to any specific African country due to torture by our families' captors in attempts to force our families to renounce their African identities. When the earliest Africans in America [1] [2] began publishing in English, they called themselves African [1] [2]. Our people's earliest corporations and organizations are called African: the African Methodist Episcopal Church, the Free African Society and etc. By the late 1800s Reconstruction-era thought leaders began adopting "Afro-American" in reaction to Dixiecrats and the Klan trying to attack our people's rights of citizenship in the confederacy's push to reinstitute enslavement. That's when you see corporations like the Afro American Press Association founded and adopt the name.
Only in the 20th century did our people begin to formally refer to ourselves by color, with the exception of places like Louisiana where the French attempted to create a buffer class of mixed people who they called "Men of Color" since the 1700s.
Immigrants from Nigeria, Ethiopia, Jamaica, Haiti, Barbados, Guyana and etc do not refer to themselves as African American -- they call themselves Nigerian American, Ethiopian American, Jamaican American and etc just as we African Americans would if we knew which countries our families were abducted from. Barack Obama called himself African American to ingratiate himself to the African American electorate, but he is technically Kenyan American. Kamala Harris is Jamaican American and Indian American.
Again, having read your comments in the past, I know you're well-read enough to already know this or to have looked it up yourself. But your real objective here was just to setup this statement right here:
Moreover, do you think that lumping those groups together under the umbrella of "too many African men are focused on gratification and attention", detracts from blacks in America (ADOS and Africans) who are fighting for black issues?
Look man -- As far back as 2008 at least, I was pointing out the folly of our leadership using language too loosely and allowing our identity language to be adopted as a catch-all by any and everyone. I can link you to writing of mine from nearly 20 years ago online making the precise same point you just made, long before Yvette Carnell and Antonio Moore decided they needed to "rebrand" the race.
Our race is African, our ethnicity is African American, and our nationality is American. There is nothing difficult about saying we are fighting for exclusive African American interests at home to address the particular harms caused by the enemy here while simultaneously standing with our global African cousins to combat the enemy's harms against all of us worldwide.
As an aside, people who think language and making new names acts as some kind of moat to keep infiltrators out are ignoring both history and current events: in England "black" means Africans, Arabs, and South Asians. In South Africa "black" means Africans, Indians, and Chinese. And here in America, "black" means Wesley Snipes, Lupito Nyango AND Rasheda Jones. And as we're all aware, Rachel Dolezal and Sean King go out of their way to claim "black" too when their asses are mixed with nothing but mayonnaise and baking soda.
So playing these cute little word games don't stop nothing or build nothing. Only exercising power aggressively and jealously and exclusively for our people builds sustainably.
And that is why I "lumped these groups together under the umbrela of African men:" because nature and the Ancestors "lumped us together" by blood. We are the same race of men. I can show you DNA proof linking me to blood relatives in multiple African countries who my family lost contact with 300 years ago when my Xth Great-Grandparents were enslaved. So Africans all around the world are literally our cousins. And the answer to u/RaikageQ's question is: we as a race of men have been losing against the Eurasian race for 400 years everywhere throughout the world -- not just here in America. And African men who have tried to cut corners by "fixing" racism in their little part of the map have found themselves mired in just more racism -- as I alluded when namechecking Brazil (heavily mixed and more racist than ever), the Dominican Republic (heavily mixed and more racist than ever), California (heavily mixed and yet leading in carceral enslavement of African American men), South Africa (created a mixed buffer class of millions and yet Africans are still a bottom caste in the country with pushing 90% of the population, and Australia (tried to breed Aboriginal Australians out of existence, and the Aboriginals, who are not African but look identical to us in many cases, experience more racism than ever). I could even add Nigerians and Ghanians to the mix, because while they often claim obliviousness to racism in their homelands, the Chinese and Arabs are recorded daily attacking them in their own home and their young men who travel abroad for work reach only as far as Libya, Morroco, and Algeria before Tuaregs and Maghrebs who tried u/RaikageQ's "breed out of existince" trick as far back as 4000 years ago actually ENSLAVE those Nigerian and Ghanaian young men the minute they cross the desert -- today in 2024.
Again -- I've read you enough to know you're informed enough to know all this or smart enough to look it up if you don't. I respected you enough not spell it out for you the first time. In the future please respect me enough to just come out and make your point instead of asking me leading questions that force me to write all of this as proof that my words mean what they say.
submitted by readingitnowagain to freeblackmen [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:05 TaxIcy1399 Juche Versus LGBT Culture: Collection of Quotes and Sources

Juche Versus LGBT Culture: Collection of Quotes and Sources
Amid growing interest in and support for the DPRK, many people with different ideological and cultural backgrounds are starting to learn about Korean-style socialism. Juche ideology is approached by comrades who have a deep understanding of it, by beginners who bear some alien influences and by liberal fetishists who project their subjective fantasies on the DPRK in order to appropriate its symbols and imagery by painting them with the rainbow colours of decadent capitalism.
A study of the primary sources is needed to fight against Western liberals, who try hard to suppress them, and to educate real friends of the DPRK against the attempts of cultural appropriation aimed at depriving Juche ideology of its revolutionary character and at accommodating it to postmodern narratives. Let’s begin with two statements by the great leaders, coming respectively from a speech delivered at a plenary meeting of the Nampho City Party Committee on 5 March 1973 and from a talk to senior officials of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on 25 September 1987:
At present there are many people in capitalist societies who live and die like beasts in the jungle. I was told that in capitalist countries many men go about with long hair, their faces made up and their lips painted after the fashion of women while many women have their hair cut short like men, smoking as they walk along the streets.
― Kim Il Sung, Works, vol. 28, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1986, pp. 214-215.
As the marketing channels are clogged to a greater extent, capitalists are moving towards deforming the material life of people by creating an artificial inhuman demand. They are manufacturing a variety of things to stimulate extravagance, corruption and dissipation and to paralyse the human body and mind, with the result that the number of drug addicts, alcoholics, as well as degenerates pursuing abnormal desires, is growing rapidly and people are becoming mentally and physically deformed. Even the defenders of the bourgeoisie are lamenting and calling this phenomenon an incurable disease of modern capitalism.
― Kim Jong Il, Selected Works, vol. 9, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1997, p. 27.
These passages do not directly mention homosexuality, but they will immediately trigger any Western liberal who happens to read them, since they lay the theoretical foundations for criticizing LGBT ideology as an offspring of late capitalism. As socialism was crumbling in East European countries, the DPRK proudly reaffirmed its revolutionary principles through press and literature:
In our country no one worries about food, clothing and housing, and everyone is provided equally with material conditions for discharging his role and responsibility as a master of society. There is nobody who is exceptionally better off, nobody who goes ill-clad and hungry, and everyone takes a job according to his ability and desire and leads a happy life through his creative labour. In our country today there are no jobless people, no people who go bankrupt and wander about begging, no drug addicts and alcoholics and no decadents who seek to meet their abnormal desires.
― “Let Us Vigorously Advance Along the Road of Socialism, Repulsing the Challenge of the Imperialists”, The Pyongyang Times, 25 December 1989, p. 5.
Who were those “decadents”? In the original Korean language version, published by Rodong Sinmun on 22 December 1989, they are called “fin-de-siecle faggots” (quoted in B. Cumings, North Korea: Another Country, The New Press, New York 2011, p. 149).
A novel from the cycle “Immortal Leadership” — where the great leaders appear as characters, along the patterns defined by Kim Jong Il in his treatise On Juche Literature, halfway between fiction and history — tells the story of Ryu Su Jin, a DPRK professor who studied in the USSR in the 1950s and comes back to Moscow in 1989 to understand what is going on in the country and meet his former university mates. Some of them held fast to socialist ideas while other became supporters of Perestroika, like Mikhail Formenko, who makes a revealing statement on the subject:
“Now there will be homosexuals here in Moscow. Because the trends of Western Europe are spilling over like a flood… You’ll see if I’m wrong. You may think that all homosexuals are perverts, prostitutes and lunatics, but that’s not true. It depends on how you establish ethical standards. They are confident that they are at the cutting edge of a new century and a new trend of thought. They advocate freedom of individuality. Absolute freedom… Various marriages, various lifestyles according to individuality… I claim freedom of choice in all of this. Homosexuals in the West demand that the parliament revise and supplement the marriage law. Diversity, pluralism… This seems to be the universal aspiration of humanity at the end of this century. Hey, what is the happiness that we, who have been accustomed to simplicity since childhood, enjoyed at university? Looking back today, it was a foolish inebriation of complacency.” (…)
Ryu Su Jin felt cold in the heart and even experienced a sense of disgust, but he kept the attitude of the newly arrived guest and just listened in silence.
― Ri Jong Ryol, Pyongyang Declares, § 4.1.
The words of the revisionist character and the reaction of the protagonist, which “Formenko’s theory of homosexuality is disgusting” to, reveal that, already in 1997, DPRK scholars had a clear awareness that political and economic liberalization goes hand in hand with cultural and sexual liberalization. A comparison is due to the literary scene in South Korea at the time:
South Korean literature and art do not ennoble people’s ideological and spiritual life but serve as ideological and spiritual venom which degenerates people and eggs them on to queer tastes and the pursuit of their base instincts. Ma Kwang Su’s zealous advocacy of open sex and free love is openly flooding the press. Ma Kwang Su’s novel Merry Sara and his poem Let’s Go to Jangmi Hotel trifle with the masses and cause much ado in society.
― Jo Song Baek, The Leadership Philosophy of Kim Jong Il, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1999, pp. 121-122.
The novel Happy Sara by Ma Kwang Su is about a female college student who experiments with casual sex, including homosexual encounters, out of social norms. Another DPRK short story depicts the capture of the US spy ship “Pueblo” in 1968, with a memorable exchange between an American prisoner crewman and a KPA officer:
“Captain, sir, homosexuality is how I fulfill myself as a person. Since it does no harm to your esteemed government or esteemed nation, it is unfair for Jonathan and me to be prevented from doing something that is part of our private life.”
“This is the territory of our republic, where people enjoy lives befitting human beings. On this soil none of that sort of activity will be tolerated.”
― Chŏn In Kwang, “Snowstorm in Pyongyang”, Chosŏn Munhak, no. 11, November 2000, p. 45.
It is not by chance that homosexuality featured prominently in the second part of a lengthy article by Rodong Sinmun against US false “democracy” as a source of human degeneration in 2005:
American-style “democracy” is reducing people to slaves of money and snobs ruled by instinct who will do anything for money and animal pleasure. “Gold kills more people than metal kills. A knife kills a person’s body, and money kills a person’s spirit”: these words from a European writer are unfolding in the reality of America today. It has become common to sell and even kill one’s own relatives for a few pennies. It is a shame and tragedy for humanity that American-style “democracy” exists, which creates large numbers of deformed human beings who are obsessed with money and have lost all human dignity, morals and conscience, every day and hour. In the United States, all kinds of immoral acts are rampant by people absorbed in eroticism. The number of homosexuals is increasing day by day, and indecency is spreading among young people who walk naked along the streets in broad daylight. How on earth can we find anything human here? Nevertheless, the US ruling class nonsensically praises the fin-de-siecle American lifestyle as “the best free lifestyle that modern people should have”.
Let Us Firmly Oppose and Reject American-Style “Democracy”, Rodong Sinmun, 13 December 2005.
The highlighted phrase, with “capitalist society” instead of the “United States”, was used again by Rodong Sinmun in another article on 28 May 2011. More commentary on homosexuality in the USA appeared in the same year:
Meanwhile, in New York State, a bill allowing same-sex marriage was adopted, causing shock in the social world.
This brings the number of states in the United States that have legalized same-sex marriage to six.
All facts clearly show that the United States is a very rotten and corrupt society.
Disorder and Immorality are Rampant in the United States, KCNA, 20 August 2011.
Among the criminals, drug and alcohol addicts, and homosexuals who infest cities like New York and Washington, there are many children of “first-class education”.
― Pak Chun Sik, Young Students’ Common Sense, vol. 2, Kumsong Youth Publishing House, Pyongyang 2011, p. 327.
Then the famous attacks on Michael Kirby, then chairman of the UN “Enquiry Commission on human rights in North Korea”, came to outrage Western imperialists:
As for Kirby who took the lead in cooking the “report”, he is a disgusting old lecher with a 40-odd-year-long career of homosexuality. He is now over seventy, but he is still anxious to get married to his homosexual partner.
This practice can never be found in the DPRK boasting of the sound mentality and good morals, and homosexuality has become a target of public criticism even in Western countries, too. In fact, it is ridiculous for such gay to sponsor dealing with others’ human rights issue.
KCNA Commentary Slams Artifice by Political Swindlers, 22 April 2014.
As far as the former chairman of the “Inquiry Commission” Kirby is concerned, he is an old sexual maniac who earned an ill-fame for his decades-long homosexuality. He, under the mask of “lawyer”, even cried out for legitimacy of homosexual marriage censured even by people of his country and has been keen on perpetrating only politically-motivated frauds and swindle. He is also a heinous anti-DPRK confrontation element with an inveterate bad habit of interpreting its system in a Nazi manner.
US Should Apologize for Its Anti-DPRK Conspiratorial Document: KCNA, 29 January 2015.
Criticism of LGBT politics reached its peak in 2016, when professors at Kim Il Sung University joined the ideological battlefield by taking up and expanding formulations from 2005 and 2011:
The decay in the USA includes the vicious “social cancers” such as racial discrimination, frauds and trickeries of political organizations, crimes, divorce, infant pregnancy, homosexual marriage and abortion, all of which are characteristic of only the USA where it is hard to find sound reason as befits human society. Because of this decay, the US is becoming unable to give its influence on the world-wide problems.
― Kim Hong Il, Development of External Economic Relations in a Multilateral Way is an Important External Economic Policy of the DPRK, 29 March 2016.
According to data, American TV channels broadcast a large number of romantic movies with teenage children as the main characters, and the new generation, who are growing up with erotic relationships, drug use and high moods, are exposed to unhealthy thoughts and decadent lifestyles. They say that it is natural that various crimes such as murder, robbery, theft, prostitution, drugs and gambling are increasing day by day among youth in capitalist countries.
In capitalist society, all kinds of immorality are rampant by people contaminated by lust and eroticism. The number of homosexuals is increasing day by day, and indecency is spreading among young people who walk naked along the streets in broad daylight.
In a capitalist society dominated by individualistic morality, it is impossible to think about true human love, loyalty, and cooperation, and it makes no sense to think about any kind of creation or beauty.
― Hwang Hak Chol, The Reactionary Nature of Imperialist Ideological and Cultural Infiltration Strategy Through the Media, 21 July 2016.
In the United States, where normal human thinking is completely paralysed and intelligence and civilization are deformed, the issue of same-sex marriage, which cannot be imagined in human society, is an important topic of discussion at every presidential election. (…) In general, in a capitalist society, homosexuals who want to marry are called “gays”.
Same-sex marriage is a fin-de-siecle phenomenon that can only exist in a rotten capitalist society which pursues “endless freedom,” and it is a product of the mental and moral corruption of capitalism that has reached its extreme. It’s not difficult for anyone to guess what will happen to human society if same-sex marriage, like the stinky stench and malodorous filth of capitalism, is pervasive in society. Since such perverted same-sex marriage has become a hot topic for candidates running for the office of president, called the head of state, the United States is, as everyone says, an upside-down world, a rotten and ailing society.
― Kim Hui Song, Same-Sex Marriage and the US Presidential Election, 10 December 2016. (See my full English translation.)
Rodong Sinmun kept targeting “pride parades” while other DPRK media focused on homosexual scandals in South Korean military:
In capitalist society, various means are created to intentionally promote a debauched and depraved life and paralyze the human body and mind. As a result, the number of drug addicts, alcoholics and corrupt elements pursuing perverted desires is increasing day by day.
In a capitalist society dominated by bourgeois morality, rampant with all kinds of social evils and overflowing with corrupt lifestyles, the fact that young people with extravagant clothes, hairstyles and tattoos walk around the streets without hesitation is rationalized by bourgeois morality.
In today’s capitalist society, moral corruption has reached a point where it can no longer be dealt with.
The moral corruption deepened by the imperialists is an incurable disease that cannot be healed with any treatment. Capitalist society, overflowing with all kinds of social evils, is falling into the abyss of destruction of its own accord.
― Ri Hyon Do, Moral Corruption is an Inevitable Product of Capitalist Society, Rodong Sinmun, 20 August 2018.
Homosexual behaviour is becoming a growing concern at the South Korean Ground Military Academy.
Unable to endure this kind of behaviour that takes place at school, students are even demanding that they change because they cannot stay in the same bedroom as their perverted colleague.
In fact, such behaviour is occurring even among female military students, but officials at the South Korean Army Ground Force headquarters are said to be reluctant to reveal the facts for fear of these obscene practices becoming known to the media.
Homosexual Behaviour at South Korea's Military Academy, Arirang Meari, 11 November 2019.
Recently, “same-sex sexual crimes” are increasing day by day in the South Korean puppet army.
According to South Korean media reports, the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” cases within the puppet army has nearly doubled in the past three years.
According to published data, the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” cases in the puppet area increased from a total of 264 in 2019 to 352 in 2020 and 480 in 2021.
It is said that the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” that occurred this year until last July was 292, far exceeding the number of crimes in 2019.
Regarding this, various circles are deploring that “the increase in same-sex sexual crimes shows that soldiers are becoming increasingly perverted and animalized.”
“Same-sex Sexual Crimes” Increase in the Puppet Army, Arirang Meari, 4 October 2022.
In recent years, especially through the website of its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the DPRK has been quoting and supporting stances of African countries and others against Western attempts to force LGBT “civil rights” upon them:
A few days ago, Walter Mead, American expert on international affairs, in his writing carried in the Newspaper “Wall Street Journal”, mentioned that Putin is trying to undermine the U.S.-led world order by using the moral and political confusion in the West as a “secret weapon”. (…)
Then he stressed that the West has 3 weak points today. Those are the protective trade policy of the U.S.; the insulting words by the leaders of the Western countries to a large number of the world people, i.e., homosexual propaganda; and internal disagreement.
The American expert has connected the moral and political confusion in the U.S. and the West with the disruption of the U.S.-led world order. This can be seen somewhat objective assessment.
Today, the moral and political confusion in the U.S. and the West caused by the deformation in material life of human beings, impoverishment in their spiritual and cultural life and the reactionary nature of their political life serves as a powerful “secret weapon” disintegrating the U.S.-led world order from within.
U.S.-led world order is based on the decadent capitalist values and political ideals which justify the spiritual and moral corruption, depravity of human beings and the jungle law, and it is doomed to be buried in the grave of history of its own accord.
“Secret Weapon” Undermining U.S.-led World Order, 27 July 2022.
This is no longer the first time that the U.S. Ambassadors to African countries bought disfavor from the relevant countries by arrogant and insolent acts unbecoming their duties.
The U.S. Ambassador to Zambia was deported in December 2019 for criticizing the ruling by the court of the country whereby 2 homosexuals were sentenced to severe penalty.
― Jong Il Min, Main Culprit is U.S., 15 November 2022.
A member of the parliament of Ghana, concerning the U.S. vice-president's demanding the Ghanaian government ensure the rights to homosexuals, asserted that "the human rights record of the U.S. vice-president and his country is stunning and there is nothing for Ghanaians to learn from it".
― Jong Il Hyon, U.S. Deceptive Policy on Africa Is Bound to Fail, 7 May 2023.
Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni criticized the World Bank’s recent unreasonable act against his country.
Taking issue with Uganda’s law on combating homosexuality, the World Bank announced that it would stop providing loans to the country.
The World Bank is trying to force his country to abandon its religious belief, culture and sovereignty, the Ugandan President said, describing it as an unreasonable act.
Uganda will continue to develop without loans from the World Bank, he said, adding that the country will achieve its prosperity by intensifying education in patriotism, social order and others.
Ugandan President decries unreasonable act of World Bank, The Pyongyang Times, 19 August 2023.
The Pyongyang Times dealt a final blow to LGBT culture in Japan as a link in the chain of capitalist decadence and demographic winter:
It is an elementary human ethic to love their children and respect their parents. Nevertheless, in Japan where the misanthropic logic that “Human must be brutal to others”, the law of the jungle and individualism seeking only a gay life have become social tendency, adults regard giving birth to babies and bringing them up as a burden and trouble and even don’t hesitate to kill them.
Land rife with immorality, depravity, The Pyongyang Times, 5 April 2023.
Unlike the USSR and other former socialist countries, the DPRK never banned homosexuality. Article 1.4 of the Constitution of the KFP&MCHA stipulates that “The Association shall not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, ethnic origin, political belief, backgrounds, gender, disability, sexual orientation or age”. However, Article 8 of the Family Law of the DPRK stipulates that “Citizens are entitled to marry freely. Marriage shall be undertaken between a single male and a single female.” This is the principled stance of socialist family politics against bourgeois “civil rights”. Normalization of “sexual freedom” and postmodern propaganda targeting children and youth are equally unthinkable.
I hope this collection of primary sources will help all sincere supporters of the DPRK to fight against cultural appropriation by Western fetishists, who expect the whole world to embrace the decadent culture of late capitalism. As Kim Il Sung recalled: “There are quite a number of people on the Earth who are anxious to see our style of socialism corrupted by the filthy germ of revisionism. Our people and the People’s Army therefore never tolerate the infiltration of our ranks by revisionism. We do not want our Party to be reduced to a club or a market-place by the tendency of ultra-democracy. The suffering inflicted upon us by the evils of ultra-democracy in military affairs during the anti-Japanese war and the lessons of Eastern Europe cry out to us that we must not allow this.” (Works, vol. 47, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 2008, p. 195)
submitted by TaxIcy1399 to u/TaxIcy1399 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:44 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Seven

Week 7: Limericks and Acrostic Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the whimsical nature of limericks and the creative use of acrostic poetry. - Understand the structure and humor in limericks. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of using acrostic forms.
Day 1: Introduction to Limericks - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of limericks. - Explanation of the AABBA rhyme scheme and humorous themes.
Day 2: Analyzing Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic limericks. - Exploration of the distinctive rhythm and structure.
Day 3: Analyzing Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in limericks. - Exploring the versatility of the form.
Day 4: Crafting Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first three lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on establishing humor and rhythm.
Day 5: Crafting Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final two lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on creating resolution and punchline.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a limerick focusing on a humorous scenario or theme.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first three lines of your limerick. How did you establish humor and rhythm? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and a punchline in the final two lines of your limerick? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a limerick?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of limericks, their AABBA rhyme scheme, and the use of humor within the concise form.
Day 6: Introduction to Acrostic Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of acrostic poetry. - Exploration of arranging words vertically to create hidden messages.
Day 7: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic acrostic poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging words.
Day 8: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in acrostic poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with vertical arrangements.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:19 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sonnet:
  1. Haiku:
  1. Villanelle:
  1. Limerick:
  1. Free Verse:
  1. Acrostic:
  1. Ghazal:
  1. Tanka:
  1. *Cinquain:
  1. Pantoum:
- *Definition:* A poem with repeating lines and a specific pattern, often used for reflection. - *Example:* Craft a pantoum exploring the cyclical nature of life and change. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:56 TaxIcy1399 Juche Versus LGBT Culture: Collection of Quotes and Sources

Juche Versus LGBT Culture: Collection of Quotes and Sources
Amid growing interest in and support for the DPRK, many people with different ideological and cultural backgrounds are starting to learn about Korean-style socialism. Juche ideology is approached by comrades who have a deep understanding of it, by beginners who bear some alien influences and by liberal fetishists who project their subjective fantasies on the DPRK in order to appropriate its symbols and imagery by painting them with the rainbow colours of decadent capitalism.
A study of the primary sources is needed to fight against Western liberals, who try hard to suppress them, and to educate real friends of the DPRK against the attempts of cultural appropriation aimed at depriving Juche ideology of its revolutionary character and at accommodating it to postmodern narratives. Let’s begin with two statements by the great leaders, coming respectively from a speech delivered at a plenary meeting of the Nampho City Party Committee on 5 March 1973 and from a talk to senior officials of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea on 25 September 1987:
At present there are many people in capitalist societies who live and die like beasts in the jungle. I was told that in capitalist countries many men go about with long hair, their faces made up and their lips painted after the fashion of women while many women have their hair cut short like men, smoking as they walk along the streets.
― Kim Il Sung, Works, vol. 28, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1986, pp. 214-215.
As the marketing channels are clogged to a greater extent, capitalists are moving towards deforming the material life of people by creating an artificial inhuman demand. They are manufacturing a variety of things to stimulate extravagance, corruption and dissipation and to paralyse the human body and mind, with the result that the number of drug addicts, alcoholics, as well as degenerates pursuing abnormal desires, is growing rapidly and people are becoming mentally and physically deformed. Even the defenders of the bourgeoisie are lamenting and calling this phenomenon an incurable disease of modern capitalism.
― Kim Jong Il, Selected Works, vol. 9, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1997, p. 27.
These passages do not directly mention homosexuality, but they will immediately trigger any Western liberal who happens to read them, since they lay the theoretical foundations for criticizing LGBT ideology as an offspring of late capitalism. As socialism was crumbling in East European countries, the DPRK proudly reaffirmed its revolutionary principles through press and literature:
In our country no one worries about food, clothing and housing, and everyone is provided equally with material conditions for discharging his role and responsibility as a master of society. There is nobody who is exceptionally better off, nobody who goes ill-clad and hungry, and everyone takes a job according to his ability and desire and leads a happy life through his creative labour. In our country today there are no jobless people, no people who go bankrupt and wander about begging, no drug addicts and alcoholics and no decadents who seek to meet their abnormal desires.
― “Let Us Vigorously Advance Along the Road of Socialism, Repulsing the Challenge of the Imperialists”, The Pyongyang Times, 25 December 1989, p. 5.
Who were those “decadents”? In the original Korean language version, published by Rodong Sinmun on 22 December 1989, they are called “fin-de-siecle faggots” (quoted in B. Cumings, North Korea: Another Country, The New Press, New York 2011, p. 149).
A novel from the cycle “Immortal Leadership” — where the great leaders appear as characters, along the patterns defined by Kim Jong Il in his treatise On Juche Literature, halfway between fiction and history — tells the story of Ryu Su Jin, a DPRK professor who studied in the USSR in the 1950s and comes back to Moscow in 1989 to understand what is going on in the country and meet his former university mates. Some of them held fast to socialist ideas while other became supporters of Perestroika, like Mikhail Formenko, who makes a revealing statement on the subject:
“Now there will be homosexuals here in Moscow. Because the trends of Western Europe are spilling over like a flood… You’ll see if I’m wrong. You may think that all homosexuals are perverts, prostitutes and lunatics, but that’s not true. It depends on how you establish ethical standards. They are confident that they are at the cutting edge of a new century and a new trend of thought. They advocate freedom of individuality. Absolute freedom… Various marriages, various lifestyles according to individuality… I claim freedom of choice in all of this. Homosexuals in the West demand that the parliament revise and supplement the marriage law. Diversity, pluralism… This seems to be the universal aspiration of humanity at the end of this century. Hey, what is the happiness that we, who have been accustomed to simplicity since childhood, enjoyed at university? Looking back today, it was a foolish inebriation of complacency.” (…)
Ryu Su Jin felt cold in the heart and even experienced a sense of disgust, but he kept the attitude of the newly arrived guest and just listened in silence.
― Ri Jong Ryol, Pyongyang Declares, § 4.1.
According to the protagonist, “Formenko’s theory of homosexuality is disgusting”: already in 1997, DPRK scholars had a clear awareness that political and economic liberalization goes hand in hand with cultural and sexual liberalization. A comparison is due to the literary scene in South Korea at the time:
South Korean literature and art do not ennoble people’s ideological and spiritual life but serve as ideological and spiritual venom which degenerates people and eggs them on to queer tastes and the pursuit of their base instincts. Ma Kwang Su’s zealous advocacy of open sex and free love is openly flooding the press. Ma Kwang Su’s novel Merry Sara and his poem Let’s Go to Jangmi Hotel trifle with the masses and cause much ado in society.
― Jo Song Baek, The Leadership Philosophy of Kim Jong Il, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 1999, pp. 121-122.
The novel Happy Sara by Ma Kwang Su is about a female college student who experiments with casual sex, including homosexual encounters, out of social norms. Another DPRK short story depicts the capture of the US spy ship “Pueblo” in 1968, with a memorable exchange between an American prisoner crewman and a KPA officer:
“Captain, sir, homosexuality is how I fulfill myself as a person. Since it does no harm to your esteemed government or esteemed nation, it is unfair for Jonathan and me to be prevented from doing something that is part of our private life.”
“This is the territory of our republic, where people enjoy lives befitting human beings. On this soil none of that sort of activity will be tolerated.”
― Chŏn In Kwang, “Snowstorm in Pyongyang”, Chosŏn Munhak, no. 11, November 2000, p. 45.
It is not by chance that homosexuality featured prominently in the second part of a lengthy article by Rodong Sinmun against US false “democracy” as a source of human degeneration in 2005:
American-style “democracy” is reducing people to slaves of money and snobs ruled by instinct who will do anything for money and animal pleasure. “Gold kills more people than metal kills. A knife kills a person’s body, and money kills a person’s spirit”: these words from a European writer are unfolding in the reality of America today. It has become common to sell and even kill one’s own relatives for a few pennies. It is a shame and tragedy for humanity that American-style “democracy” exists, which creates large numbers of deformed human beings who are obsessed with money and have lost all human dignity, morals and conscience, every day and hour. In the United States, all kinds of immoral acts are rampant by people absorbed in eroticism. The number of homosexuals is increasing day by day, and indecency is spreading among young people who walk naked along the streets in broad daylight. How on earth can we find anything human here? Nevertheless, the US ruling class nonsensically praises the fin-de-siecle American lifestyle as “the best free lifestyle that modern people should have”.
Let Us Firmly Oppose and Reject American-Style “Democracy”, Rodong Sinmun, 13 December 2005.
The highlighted phrase, with “capitalist society” instead of the “United States”, was used again by Rodong Sinmun in another article on 28 May 2011. More commentary on homosexuality in the USA appeared in the same year:
Meanwhile, in New York State, a bill allowing same-sex marriage was adopted, causing shock in the social world.
This brings the number of states in the United States that have legalized same-sex marriage to six.
All facts clearly show that the United States is a very rotten and corrupt society.
Disorder and Immorality are Rampant in the United States, KCNA, 20 August 2011.
Among the criminals, drug and alcohol addicts, and homosexuals who infest cities like New York and Washington, there are many children of “first-class education”.
― Pak Chun Sik, Young Students’ Common Sense, vol. 2, Kumsong Youth Publishing House, Pyongyang 2011, p. 327.
Then the famous attacks on Michael Kirby, then chairman of the UN “Enquiry Commission on human rights in North Korea”, came to outrage Western imperialists:
As for Kirby who took the lead in cooking the “report”, he is a disgusting old lecher with a 40-odd-year-long career of homosexuality. He is now over seventy, but he is still anxious to get married to his homosexual partner.
This practice can never be found in the DPRK boasting of the sound mentality and good morals, and homosexuality has become a target of public criticism even in Western countries, too. In fact, it is ridiculous for such gay to sponsor dealing with others’ human rights issue.
KCNA Commentary Slams Artifice by Political Swindlers, 22 April 2014.
As far as the former chairman of the “Inquiry Commission” Kirby is concerned, he is an old sexual maniac who earned an ill-fame for his decades-long homosexuality. He, under the mask of “lawyer”, even cried out for legitimacy of homosexual marriage censured even by people of his country and has been keen on perpetrating only politically-motivated frauds and swindle. He is also a heinous anti-DPRK confrontation element with an inveterate bad habit of interpreting its system in a Nazi manner.
US Should Apologize for Its Anti-DPRK Conspiratorial Document: KCNA, 29 January 2015.
Criticism of LGBT politics reached its peak in 2016, when professors at Kim Il Sung University joined the ideological battlefield by taking up and expanding formulations from 2005 and 2011:
The decay in the USA includes the vicious “social cancers” such as racial discrimination, frauds and trickeries of political organizations, crimes, divorce, infant pregnancy, homosexual marriage and abortion, all of which are characteristic of only the USA where it is hard to find sound reason as befits human society. Because of this decay, the US is becoming unable to give its influence on the world-wide problems.
― Kim Hong Il, Development of External Economic Relations in a Multilateral Way is an Important External Economic Policy of the DPRK, 29 March 2016.
According to data, American TV channels broadcast a large number of romantic movies with teenage children as the main characters, and the new generation, who are growing up with erotic relationships, drug use and easy-going moods, are exposed to unhealthy thoughts and decadent lifestyles. They say that it is natural that various crimes such as murder, robbery, theft, prostitution, drugs and gambling are increasing day by day among youth in capitalist countries.
In capitalist society, all kinds of immorality are rampant by people contaminated by lust and eroticism. The number of homosexuals is increasing day by day, and indecency is spreading among young people who walk naked along the streets in broad daylight.
In a capitalist society dominated by individualistic morality, it is impossible to think about true human love, loyalty, and cooperation, and it makes no sense to think about any kind of creation or beauty.
― Hwang Hak Chol, The Reactionary Nature of Imperialist Ideological and Cultural Infiltration Strategy Through Mass Media, 21 July 2016.
In the United States, where normal human thinking is completely paralysed and intelligence and civilization are deformed, the issue of same-sex marriage, which cannot be imagined in human society, is an important topic of discussion at every presidential election. (…) In general, in a capitalist society, homosexuals who want to marry are called “gays”.
Same-sex marriage is a fin-de-siecle phenomenon that can only exist in a rotten capitalist society which pursues “endless freedom,” and it is a product of the mental and moral corruption of capitalism that has reached its extreme. It’s not difficult for anyone to guess what will happen to human society if same-sex marriage, like the stinky stench and malodorous filth of capitalism, is pervasive in society. Since such perverted same-sex marriage has become a hot topic for candidates running for the office of president, called the head of state, the United States is, as everyone says, an upside-down world, a rotten and ailing society.
― Kim Hui Song, Same-Sex Marriage and the US Presidential Election, 10 December 2016. (See my full English translation.)
Rodong Sinmun kept targeting “pride parades” while other DPRK media focused on homosexual scandals in South Korean military:
In capitalist society, various means are created to intentionally promote a debauched and depraved life and paralyze the human body and mind. As a result, the number of drug addicts, alcoholics and corrupt elements pursuing perverted desires is increasing day by day.
In a capitalist society dominated by bourgeois morality, rampant with all kinds of social evils and overflowing with corrupt lifestyles, the fact that young people with extravagant clothes, hairstyles and tattoos walk around the streets without hesitation is rationalized by bourgeois morality.
In today’s capitalist society, moral corruption has reached a point where it can no longer be dealt with.
The moral corruption deepened by the imperialists is an incurable disease that cannot be healed with any treatment. Capitalist society, overflowing with all kinds of social evils, is falling into the abyss of destruction of its own accord.
― Ri Hyon Do, Moral Corruption is an Inevitable Product of Capitalist Society, Rodong Sinmun, 20 August 2018.
Homosexual behaviour is becoming a growing concern at the South Korean Ground Military Academy.
Unable to endure this kind of behaviour that takes place at school, students are even demanding to be relocated because they cannot stay in the same bedroom as their perverted fellows.
In fact, such behaviour is occurring even among female military students, but officials at the South Korean Army Ground Force headquarters are said to be reluctant to reveal the facts for fear of these obscene practices becoming known to the media.
Homosexual Behaviour at South Korea's Military Academy, Arirang Meari, 11 November 2019.
Recently, “same-sex sexual crimes” are increasing day by day in the South Korean puppet army.
According to South Korean media reports, the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” cases within the puppet army has nearly doubled in the past three years.
According to published data, the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” cases in the puppet area increased from a total of 264 in 2019 to 352 in 2020 and 480 in 2021.
It is said that the number of “same-sex sexual crimes” that occurred this year until last July was 292, far exceeding the number of crimes in 2019.
Regarding this, various circles are deploring that “the increase in same-sex sexual crimes shows that soldiers are becoming increasingly perverted and animalized.”
“Same-sex Sexual Crimes” Increase in the Puppet Army, Arirang Meari, 4 October 2022.
In recent years, especially through the website of its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the DPRK has been quoting and supporting stances of African countries and others against Western attempts to force LGBT “civil rights” upon them:
A few days ago, Walter Mead, American expert on international affairs, in his writing carried in the Newspaper “Wall Street Journal”, mentioned that Putin is trying to undermine the U.S.-led world order by using the moral and political confusion in the West as a “secret weapon”. (…)
Then he stressed that the West has 3 weak points today. Those are the protective trade policy of the U.S.; the insulting words by the leaders of the Western countries to a large number of the world people, i.e., homosexual propaganda; and internal disagreement.
The American expert has connected the moral and political confusion in the U.S. and the West with the disruption of the U.S.-led world order. This can be seen somewhat objective assessment.
Today, the moral and political confusion in the U.S. and the West caused by the deformation in material life of human beings, impoverishment in their spiritual and cultural life and the reactionary nature of their political life serves as a powerful “secret weapon” disintegrating the U.S.-led world order from within.
U.S.-led world order is based on the decadent capitalist values and political ideals which justify the spiritual and moral corruption, depravity of human beings and the jungle law, and it is doomed to be buried in the grave of history of its own accord.
“Secret Weapon” Undermining U.S.-led World Order, 27 July 2022.
This is no longer the first time that the U.S. Ambassadors to African countries bought disfavor from the relevant countries by arrogant and insolent acts unbecoming their duties.
The U.S. Ambassador to Zambia was deported in December 2019 for criticizing the ruling by the court of the country whereby 2 homosexuals were sentenced to severe penalty.
― Jong Il Min, Main Culprit is U.S., 15 November 2022.
A member of the parliament of Ghana, concerning the U.S. vice-president's demanding the Ghanaian government ensure the rights to homosexuals, asserted that "the human rights record of the U.S. vice-president and his country is stunning and there is nothing for Ghanaians to learn from it".
― Jong Il Hyon, U.S. Deceptive Policy on Africa Is Bound to Fail, 7 May 2023.
Ugandan President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni criticized the World Bank’s recent unreasonable act against his country.
Taking issue with Uganda’s law on combating homosexuality, the World Bank announced that it would stop providing loans to the country.
The World Bank is trying to force his country to abandon its religious belief, culture and sovereignty, the Ugandan President said, describing it as an unreasonable act.
Uganda will continue to develop without loans from the World Bank, he said, adding that the country will achieve its prosperity by intensifying education in patriotism, social order and others.
Ugandan President decries unreasonable act of World Bank, The Pyongyang Times, 19 August 2023.
The Pyongyang Times dealt a final blow to LGBT culture in Japan as a link in the chain of capitalist decadence and demographic winter:
It is an elementary human ethic to love their children and respect their parents. Nevertheless, in Japan where the misanthropic logic that “Human must be brutal to others”, the law of the jungle and individualism seeking only a gay life have become social tendency, adults regard giving birth to babies and bringing them up as a burden and trouble and even don’t hesitate to kill them.
Land rife with immorality, depravity, The Pyongyang Times, 5 April 2023.
Unlike the USSR and other former socialist countries, the DPRK never banned homosexuality. Article 1.4 of the Constitution of the KFP&MCHA stipulates that “The Association shall not discriminate on grounds of race, creed, ethnic origin, political belief, backgrounds, gender, disability, sexual orientation or age”. However, Article 8 of the Family Law of the DPRK stipulates that “Citizens are entitled to marry freely. Marriage shall be undertaken between a single male and a single female.” This is the principled stance of socialist family politics against bourgeois “civil rights”. Normalization of “sexual freedom” and postmodern propaganda targeting children and youth are equally unthinkable.
I hope this collection of primary sources will help all sincere supporters of the DPRK to fight against cultural appropriation by Western fetishists, who expect the whole world to embrace the decadent culture of late capitalism. As Kim Il Sung recalled: “There are quite a number of people on the Earth who are anxious to see our style of socialism corrupted by the filthy germ of revisionism. Our people and the People’s Army therefore never tolerate the infiltration of our ranks by revisionism. We do not want our Party to be reduced to a club or a market-place by the tendency of ultra-democracy. The suffering inflicted upon us by the evils of ultra-democracy in military affairs during the anti-Japanese war and the lessons of Eastern Europe cry out to us that we must not allow this.” (Works, vol. 47, Foreign Languages Publishing House, Pyongyang 2008, p. 195).
submitted by TaxIcy1399 to EuropeanSocialists [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 14:29 adulting4kids Week One Poetry

Week 1: Introduction to Poetry and Sonnets
Day 1: Overview of Poetry Styles - Activity: Icebreaker - Introduce yourself through a poetic name acrostic. - Lecture: Brief history of poetry, introduction to various styles. - Discussion: What draws you to poetry? Share your favorite poems.
Day 2: Understanding Sonnets - Activity: Analyze a classic sonnet together. - Lecture: Explanation of sonnet structure (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Discussion: Share initial impressions and feelings about sonnets.
Day 3: Writing Exercise - Crafting a Sonnet - Activity: Break down sonnet structure with examples. - Assignment: Write a sonnet exploring a personal experience or emotion. - Vocabulary Words: Quatrain, Couplet, Volta.
Day 4: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for sonnets. - Lecture: Discuss common challenges and strategies in sonnet writing. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' work.
Day 5: Recap and Reflection - Activity: Reflect on the week's lessons and exercises. - Lecture: Overview of upcoming weeks. - Assignment: Write a short reflection on what you've learned about poetry and sonnets.
Study Guide Questions for Week 1: 1. What is the basic structure of a sonnet? 2. Compare and contrast Shakespearean and Petrarchan sonnets. 3. How does the volta contribute to the meaning of a sonnet? 4. Discuss the role of rhyme and meter in sonnets. 5. Explore your personal connection to poetry. What emotions or themes resonate with you?
Quiz: A short quiz assessing understanding of sonnet structure, key terms, and the historical context of poetry.
Week 2: Embracing Haiku and Villanelle
Day 1: Understanding Haiku - Activity: Analyze classic haikus. - Lecture: Explain the traditional structure and themes of haikus. - Discussion: Share thoughts on the simplicity and depth of haikus.
Day 2: Crafting Haikus - Activity: Write haikus individually. - Lecture: Discuss the significance of nature in haikus. - Discussion: Share and discuss individual haikus.
Day 3: Unraveling the Villanelle - Activity: Analyze a famous villanelle. - Lecture: Explore the structure and repetition in villanelles. - Discussion: Discuss the impact of repeated lines on the overall theme.
Day 4: Writing Exercise - Composing a Villanelle - Activity: Break down the process of crafting a villanelle. - Assignment: Write a villanelle on the theme of memory or loss. - Vocabulary Words: Tercet, Refrain, Envoi.
Day 5: Peer Review and Feedback - Activity: Peer review workshop for villanelles. - Lecture: Discuss the challenges and beauty of crafting repetitive forms. - Discussion: Share insights gained from reviewing peers' villanelles.
Study Guide Questions for Week 2: 1. What defines a haiku? Discuss its structure and thematic elements. 2. Explore the cultural significance of nature in haikus. 3. What is the structure of a villanelle, and how does repetition contribute to its impact? 4. Discuss the emotions evoked by repeated lines in a villanelle. 5. Reflect on the process of crafting a villanelle. What challenges did you face?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of haikus, villanelles, and the effective use of repetition in poetry.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 03:40 CultEscapee4213 I left a One Association Church. Here's my story.

I left a One Association Church. Here's my story.
[Relevant Trigger Warnings: Miscarriage, Suicide Mentions, Emotional & Spiritual Abuse, SA Mentions]
Hi, friends!
After several years of lurking around here, I’ve decided to post my testimony. I’m not going to share my name, but the details are very easily identifiable and I’ve accepted that pretty much anyone from OneA who reads this will likely figure out who I am.
I joined a OneA church at the age of 18, when I was freshly out of foster care. I was brought in by a friend of mine who was connected to the church via members of her immediate family, and they invited me to stay at one of the discipleship homes for a few days. During that time, I was completely immersed in the church culture, and I fell in love with it. The sense of community, the kindness and compassion that were shown to me by the people there, and the feeling of finally having a purpose and a sense of direction were exactly what I felt I was lacking in my life.
I was targeted by this church while I was at my most vulnerable: nearly homeless, recovering from a very recent miscarriage, and lacking a social support structure to fall back on. At the time, they were my heroes, as far as I was concerned. For the first time in my life, I had a stable, secure, clean place to live, easy access to food, and most of all, what felt like a family.
To understand the full magnitude of what this church did to me, you’d have to understand who I was before I joined. I was a creative; I’d written nearly 800 poems and several novels. I was preparing to enroll in a pre-med program and become the first in my biological family to attend college. My goal in life was to rise above the harrowing statistics that former foster kids face: homelessness, abusive relationships, jail, human trafficking, staggeringly low college graduation rates, and mental illness, just to name a few.
I lived in a house with up to 12 other people, with 2-4 single women sharing a room. It was not entirely unlike the foster homes I grew up in. In a way, it was familiar and comforting to be surrounded by other people. It wasn’t until I had been there for two-three months that the subtle signs of their control began to imbue themselves into my life.
The first red flag I remember was when I confided in them about my struggles with mental illness. With 80% of former foster kids experiencing mental health issues, it was no surprise to me that I did too. Shortly before joining OneA, I had attempted suicide and was placed in an adolescent psychiatric hospital. I was also put on medication to help regulate some of the symptoms I was having. I had stopped these medications when I became pregnant, as they weren’t safe to take. When I joined, I was told that I wasn’t allowed to begin taking them again, and that I should trust in God to heal me of these issues.
One night, I explained to them the symptoms of one of the mental health concerns I was struggling with, and was told that what I was experiencing was not the result of a chemical imbalance in my brain, but rather, a result of demonic influence. They anointed me with olive oil and prayed over me for several hours until I stated that I had been healed of these issues.
After this, I was told that I wasn’t allowed to speak privately with any of the other single girls, and that the only people I could talk to behind a closed door were members of leadership. This was a direct result of me confiding in one of the other single women about my mental health issues, and she was harshly corrected for not telling leadership immediately about what I had told her.
Over the next few months, their control over my life became more and more evident. I was instructed to sell my books and delete the hundreds of poems and novels I had written, as having hobbies that weren’t centered around God and the church was considered to be a form of idolatry. I wasn’t allowed to go to college, because that would take away my attention from my “true calling” in the church. I wasn’t allowed to talk to non-members except for the purpose of trying to bring them into the church.
Perhaps the most heartbreaking thing that occurred during this time was the way I was treated during my grieving process after my miscarriage. I was required to attend a baby shower for one of the church members who had become pregnant at nearly the same time I had, and living with her was a near-constant reminder of what I had lost. I was also required to clean the tub and prepare a bath for her after she had the baby [a week before what my due date would have been with my daughter].
I was forced to throw away the few reminders I had of my daughter. My positive pregnancy test, the blanket I bought her when I found out I was pregnant, and a necklace I bought to commemorate her after I miscarried were all wrapped in a grocery bag and tucked neatly into the trash can, mementos I can never get back.
They went through my wardrobe and threw away all the clothes they deemed “too immature” for a future wife. When I was late on rent one month, they went through my entire bank statement and told me which purchases were deemed “unnecessary,” and required me to give them my bank account login information so they could access it at any time. Over the 2.5 years I spent there, I gave the church nearly $4000, not including the monthly rent payments.
I was encouraged to go on a 10-day-fast during which I only consumed juice and water, as a method of unlearning a tendency towards strong emotions [referred to by them as "emotionalism".] I have an eating disorder history, and was told in the very beginning that this was not a valid reason to abstain from fasting, as that was "letting the devil win."
Single women were treated like children, and were expected to submit their lives fully to their disciplers until they had "earned" the right to get married. Marriage was treated as the ultimate goal, a prize that would be awarded when you proved your loyalty to the church. Marriage and courtship were often withheld or lengthened as punishment for not demonstrating enough "spiritual maturity," and single women were expected to devote hours upon hours of unpaid childcare and other domestic labor to the church.
And then there was the sleep deprivation. There was one point where, between near-daily church services, work, and other expectations, I was averaging 3 hours of sleep per night. I fell asleep while driving several times, and was told that if I had enough faith, God would "restore" the energy that I lacked.
They also strictly controlled my ability to obtain medical care. I’m asthmatic, and when I had COVID [which I contracted at the One Association Conference that was held in the height of the pandemic], I was harshly corrected for missing a single church service because I was in a back room having coughing fits so strong that my lips were turning blue and I could hardly take a breath. I later found out that I had severe bronchitis, was developing walking pneumonia, and had hurt one of my ribs from coughing so hard.
I won’t speak too extensively on what other members experienced, but I will point out a few things that stick out to me as being particularly cruel.
A woman that I lived with was forced to withdraw, cold turkey, from her mental health medications and flush them down the toilet. I won’t name specific medications, but one of them is particularly dangerous to stop taking without tapering off of it.
A woman from one of the other churches was required to stop breastfeeding her newborn, because it would “drain her energy” and “take her focus away from the church.”
A woman from one of the other discipleship homes [also asthmatic] was accused of lying when she said her blood oxygen had dropped to 86% when she had COVID, and was told not to seek medical care.
I won’t elaborate on this one, but marital r*pe is not just condoned but encouraged in these churches.
When I left, I left in the middle of the night, barefoot in the middle of winter as I carried my boxes to my car to avoid waking anyone up and alerting them to what I was doing. For months, I was paranoid and terrified that God was going to cause harm to me for leaving.
Leaving required completely canceling my bank account and starting a new one, turning off any method they could use to find out my location, taking all recognizable decals off my car, taking time off work, and parking nearly a mile from where I worked in hopes that they wouldn’t attempt to make contact with me. At one point, I found out that when I left, they had sat outside of my workplace waiting for me to walk out so they could confront me about leaving. They also attempted to break into my car to leave me a bag of hand-written, guilt-trip laden letters nearly a month after I left.
I could go on and on about the abuses that this church committed, the various ways they demonstrated their control over my life, but suffice it to say that they fully fulfill the criteria laid out by the BITE Model of Mind Control (see below).
I want to make it abundantly clear that I’m not angry with any of the members of these churches. I feel nothing but compassion and empathy for those involved with this. I’m not speaking out because of hatred; I’m speaking out because I still love the people I left behind, and because I know the power that a testimony can have. I left because a previous member’s testimony helped to open my eyes, and I can only hope mine does the same for someone else.
If you are a member of one of these churches and you’re reading this, I urge you to think critically about the situation you’re in. Financial, emotional, physical, sexual, medical, and mental control are all aspects of a severely abusive relationship. Leaving is possible, and life is so much better on the other side.
If you have a relative or friend in one of these churches, this is not a safe environment for your loved one to be in, and the only way to support them is by letting them know you’re a safe person to go to in the event that they decide to leave.
If you’re considering joining one of these churches, RUN. As far and as fast as you can. Don’t let them lure you in with lovebombing and false hope. You will be forced to give up everything you know and love.
If you’ve been affected by a OneA church in any way, and you’d like to talk, my messages are open. If my testimony affects even a single person out there, then everything I went through was worth it.
submitted by CultEscapee4213 to ExOneAssociation [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 14:28 adulting4kids Poetry Syllabus

Course Title: Exploring the Panorama of Poetry
Course Description: This course delves into the rich tapestry of poetic forms, guiding students through the exploration and creation of fifty distinct styles of poetry. From classic sonnets to innovative forms like golden shovel and palindrome poetry, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of poetic expression, learning the nuances of each style and honing their creative skills.
Week 1-2: Introduction to Poetry and Sonnets - Overview of poetry styles - In-depth study of sonnets - Writing Exercise: Crafting a sonnet on personal experiences
Week 3-4: Embracing Haiku and Villanelle - Understanding the elegance of haiku - Exploring the repetitive beauty of villanelles - Writing Exercise: Composing haikus inspired by nature
Week 5-6: Limericks and the Art of Humor - Decoding the humor in limericks - Crafting limericks with wit and wordplay - Writing Exercise: Creating humorous limericks on everyday topics
Week 7-8: Free Verse and Acrostic Poetry - Liberating creativity through free verse - Playing with words in acrostic poems - Writing Exercise: Expressing emotions through free verse
Week 9-10: Ghazal and Tanka Mastery - Unveiling the beauty of ghazals - Crafting tankas with precision - Writing Exercise: Creating a ghazal on themes of love and longing
Week 11-12: Cinquains and Pantoum Prowess - Perfecting the art of cinquains - Embracing the rhythmic challenges of pantoums - Writing Exercise: Developing a pantoum on personal growth
Week 13-14: Sestina and Rondeau Exploration - Mastering the intricacies of sestinas - Crafting rondeaus with musicality - Writing Exercise: Composing a sestina on the theme of time
Week 15-16: Triolets and Kyrielles - Understanding the charm of triolets - Embracing the structure of kyrielles - Writing Exercise: Crafting a triolet on the beauty of simplicity
Week 17-18: Ode to Joyful Ballads - Writing joyful odes - Crafting narrative ballads - Writing Exercise: Creating an ode celebrating personal achievements
Week 19-20: Epic Journeys and Blank Verse - Exploring epic storytelling - Mastering the art of blank verse - Writing Exercise: Composing a blank verse poem reflecting on personal reflections
Week 21-22: Petrarchan Musings and Terza Rima Mastery - Delving into Petrarchan sonnets - Crafting poems using terza rima - Writing Exercise: Writing a Petrarchan sonnet on conflicting emotions
Week 23-24: Renga Collaboration and Prose Poetry - Collaborative renga creation - Experimenting with prose poetry - Writing Exercise: Crafting a prose poem inspired by a vivid memory
Week 25-26: Concrete Poetry and Narrative Art - Creating visual impact with concrete poetry - Mastering the art of narrative poetry - Writing Exercise: Developing a narrative poem based on personal experiences
Week 27-28: Pastoral Elegies and Morning Aubades - Writing pastoral poetry - Crafting mournful elegies - Writing Exercise: Composing an aubade capturing the essence of dawn
Week 29-30: Ekphrastic Marvels and Found Poetry Adventures - Creating poetry inspired by art - Crafting poems through found materials - Writing Exercise: Developing an ekphrastic poem based on a chosen artwork
Week 31-32: Epigrams and Clerihew Laughter - Crafting witty epigrams - Writing humorous clerihews - Writing Exercise: Composing a clerihew about a contemporary figure
Week 33-34: Quatrains and Double Dactyl Delight - Mastering the art of quatrains - Crafting light-hearted double dactyls - Writing Exercise: Creating a quatrain reflecting on the beauty of simplicity
Week 35-36: Terzanelles and Haibun Adventures - Crafting terzanelles with precision - Exploring the combination of prose and haiku in haibun - Writing Exercise: Composing a haibun narrating a meaningful travel experience
Week 37-38: Golden Shovel Challenges and Villancico Celebrations - Creating poems using the golden shovel technique - Crafting festive villancicos - Writing Exercise: Developing a golden shovel poem using a line from a favorite poem
Week 39-40: Tercet Beauty and Sevenling Narratives - Embracing the charm of tercets - Crafting sevenlings with narrative flair - Writing Exercise: Composing a sevenling reflecting on a vivid childhood memory
Week 41-42: Palindrome Reflections and Parallelismus Membrorum Insights - Creating palindrome poetry - Crafting poems using parallelismus membrorum - Writing Exercise: Developing a palindrome poem exploring balance in life
Week 43-44: Rubaiyat Contemplations and Blues Poem Expressions - Exploring Persian poetry with rubaiyats - Crafting poems inspired by the blues - Writing Exercise: Composing a rubaiyat on themes of love or mortality
Week 45-46: Erasure Transformations and Anaphora Intensity - Crafting poetry through erasure - Mastering the use of anaphora - Writing Exercise: Creating an erasure poem using a page from a novel or newspaper
Week 47-48: Tetractys and Sijo Harmonies - Crafting tetractys with specific syllable counts - Exploring traditional Korean poetry with sijo - Writing Exercise: Developing a sijo capturing a moment of beauty or introspection
Week 49-50: Blitz Poem Exploration and Epitaph Conclusions - Crafting blitz poems with rapid expression - Writing poignant epitaphs - Final Project: Compose an original poem using a style of the student's choice, reflecting personal growth throughout the course.
Assessment: - Weekly writing exercises - Participation in collaborative projects - Midterm and final projects showcasing mastery of chosen styles
Materials: - Poetry anthologies - Artworks for ekphrastic exercises - Writing journals - Selected readings for each style
Prerequisites: None. Open to all students with an interest in poetry and creative expression.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 17:59 Mynaa-Miesnowan Commencement (Time strained, constrained, and constraining - is a Bridge 🌈)

To what's left of you quarter, piece, and part powerful gentlemen and to the appearance of an extreme degree powerful “women” of this penny parade continent, this five and dime celebration, this dollar store revelation, this world-wide cultural instantiation and its jubilation, from factories in Fiji, to factories in China, to the world itself as if a great, round, roving, marvelous factory to print colored bits of paper and tin cans, shells and bombs to burst in midair – confetti for every beach and ocean in this ever-expanding tidal future of ours!
It is nearby somewhere my own hunger urged me from mine and your wilds alike, and in the emergence of a lucidity from the depths of yon trash heap (and my longstanding work therein), which predates not just my meeting you, and its tending endlessly to your children, but every and all conception of me for eternity and more; I came to you and allowed you to mistake yourself for me, as there was no mistaking me for you - for what's left of life in your eyes reveals to me what you know that you both know, and don't know, you need, what you can only ever imagine is lost or out there to be found or bought in your world, what has been conditioned into you so as to preclude seeing and especially the strength of “not seeing,” and it is with every momentarily wakeful glance you give in my direction, every question you hear, every call answered, that ensures me all is not forsaken despite the ceaseless attempt on “all’s life” to the contrary, a tryer of the reigns finds reigns, a fisher finds fish – in the depths of this land, and what clings to it on all fringes and fronts, fits you as your highest metaphor of a culture’s soul: a prisoner’s home for a lost vagabond, the destitute, overdosing on richness, dressed nicely if in the most poorly-fitting and disheveled clothing, as when a child too small tries to don the clothes (i.e., attitude, appearance, nature, purpose) of his absent father – he was looking into a future, and now he is this “future,” much less a “future” anyone would desire, utterly abandoned in hope, deed, action, and almost word, but for everything effeminately subtle and indirect, one thing is said, another is done, and no value may be found in the schizoid feeding frenzy to the tune of perhaps the most psychotic ruling herdsman type who have ever had the unfortunate chance (for every living creature) to love at all, but as anyone here only ever understands such things on meticulous spreadsheets of numbers that can never add up (Remember 2008? Whoops!), as if a sort of simulation of life, or in many cases, simulation of a simulation, of life, or something resembling some sort of denizen of some sort of strange land’s strange life, or similarly, a home that can’t house anyone at all, is only understood in familiar commercials where, a large volume of words, images, and bright colors are lauded and leveraged as a subliminal jackhammer, and of course, the less they mean, the less bearing, therefor reminder of and on reality, the better, so long as one message is clear (desire - what is missing and sought? How to twist the knife into the lonely and afraid?); I can state without undue excess and absolutely zero excitement, that the vault is empty, the account reads zero, rather, your vault is empty, and zero would be an improvement, for its implication would be that of an animal who, having a glance in the mirror, has had a profound and terrible revelation, not the ghost and mummy and living skeleton, the standing ruins that stand and stare back, but, had instead, possibly relearned to create beyond itself, or unlearned, to take pride in everything it IS, and to feel longing and despair and especially contempt for everything that it ISN’T; not a goal, or a destination, and yet would be a road as if so? Feign one more pointless yet needy life, lived as long as possible, forever taking more than can ever give, in service of the greatest number of pebbles and papers, and for itself, its own little day? When is this day? No, let us not see beyond the day – things are too good, your future is already in the water, don’t let anything, least of all yourselves, stand in the way.
Yet it wasn't for any of this I was glad or sad, as the tepid radiations and hopeful evacuations of a life on the wondrously vapid factory clone farm are often quite touching, and at times, seem to reveal the confessions of a beautiful animal, or the image of what once was, now reminiscing on their own or someone else’s golden years, some creature lost to winter everlasting, and astonishingly absent and completely unaccounted in a strange game of 'the most numbers' (as if creating for an audience, what you know as consumer groups and shrubbery, that doesn’t even exist, at least previously, without even realizing it) - once more, let us congratulate this species on its wildest success - it is rare that anyone changes anything, such as, even the most minor character of nature, culture, and being, let alone channeling, cultivating, and hobbling an entire species' psychic domain, with a success not unlike Malaria (and its nature), be it with prescription methamphetamine or the other panoply of assorted multi-colored poisonous candies and treats, largely advertised in yellow and red, like warning signs one finds on a deadly viper, you know (they really catch the eye), and though the medicalization of the future, a sort of savaging by the greatest of shorts never even conceived, but like a carcass that is just there, waiting for the bloated and their bloated feast, because as wisdom will teach anyone who lives long enough, success with or without awareness, as with all success, is classified as Victory under the great auspices of Nike, of which Nemesis never fails to find conscious or unconscious compensation. That’s the thing about the “unconscious” – the unknown is most feared, but just because it is unknown, does not mean it is wrong, unreal, or “not there,” nor does it make it chaos, merely, beyond you, before you, after you, your aftermath – to quote a wise woman, “funny that, humans can be ruins too, and that ruins can stand so long!” - and with these digressions aside, all these matters of which I speak need not in fact be recorded by anyone (even me), it is merely sufficient that they occur. Things are revealed, and those beings who are being revealed to, are helpless, but TO BE revealed to. Whether they see or understand what they are seeing, at all, is another matter. What emerges can’t not emerge, what is revealed, can’t not be revealed, or not witnessed. Like flowers and bees (and spiders) – the world is beautiful and many-legged, bites and stings and sometimes even smells nice.
For, to attempt to comprehend - what it means, for life to mean nothing? It would mean to truly understand this precipice – that, for time itself, mankind itself, ceases to exist, or have any reason, meaning, purpose, or even justification - but that is not our numbered and enumerating way, for, as a nation of decadent accountants, as nation of creditors and debtors even to one’s own family and friends, a nation of strangers and government agents who are primarily bound by their need to sell products and services in plebian, repeated, undifferentiated-as possible-like fashion, all of whom have many guns, are coerced by many guns, under auspices of those guised as ‘the educated’ even, it is the number here that matters most, and nothing else, but it was seeing the real nature of that number, and to what it applies (and how the code is woven through data to reveal all the ugly facts of life) that has us clapping ourselves on the back, or at each other’s throat, both of which are great opportunities for enterprising individuals, for, in a country and culture of mercenaries and prostitutes, the accountant who promises the most, wins, which is to say that the world’s oldest profession has taught all great and small American alike, how much the world, a family, a son, a daughter is worth: nothing. Love has no monetary value, happiness, contentment, the fact that a human being is born is complete, has no value, and if you market to them while they are bewildered, frightened, and alone, coming as they are from a culture conditioned to be sick farm animals, vacuous watchers and consumers and food and sacrifice and disposable animal, then one’s success is eventually guaranteed – and it is this sort of flagrant and glamorous prostitutions and illustrious illusions that has dominated our culture, to allow the most mediocre types to not just attempt to inherit the world, but to continue to assume that they are entitled to it, and to entreat themselves to all therein as if disposable possession, an entire world, increasingly filled with this singular, totalizing, delusion. Sadly, it is this sort of brainless extroversion, and disease, that dominates and continues to pass as leadership in what is already a totally medicalized, encapsulated, and strait-jacketed culture.
Which is really humorous, when you know then the term “business leader” is an oxymoron, and unfitting. After all, a pimp and a butcher do not have followers of loyalty or even duty, they don’t own minds or hearts, they own a line to the bank and paying bills – they have animals employed under pressure, under duress, under the knife, performance, art, feeding the hungry and the needy. The sort of deprecating and depredating effects one finds in such miasma and gore are what is known in the slammer as prisoner conditions—not just immediate depression that conduces to deep, dark, dreamless sleep – and not just that animals in captivity will act out violently as a matter of vital Will and its need to prove to itself, that it is indeed alive in some capacity, but to race to the bottom of the behavioral sink. But everything comes and goes, so it is that which went down the drain has washed back up on our shores, like dumping and leaking perchloroethylene and trichloroethylene, which, as deadly solvents seep directly to the bottom of the groundwater table, some things are just like that – an avalanche – unstoppable, indelible, ineffable, unstoppable, inevitability as it is – fate weaving itself, the basilisks of the new dawn cawing, and then their coming home to roost – leaving the question, who or what was this all for? The state, the herd, and the people are indeed “one,” even if many. Fascism with a good conscience, is to say, civilization is for the survivors, the good, the moral, and the just; and every judge, jury, and executioner agrees, especially when they elicit the confession from the condemned, all of which is fortunate and convenient for the survivors (cowards), so long as one takes their place in the orgy and circle-jerk chain of pity (which is all pity for self, projected outward as cover) of which, all the strangers with guns agree as well, yet despite all these plain as fact appearances, behaviors, and communications that anyone can see, read, and almost even understand, I know others don’t yet know or share my excitement at proposals of an updated and appropriate lexicon, and it is here that we visit terminology that is apt for a soulless, blood-sucking age that would rather see man as docile sheep, than become anything different, more, abd superior.
So it is, henceforth, all those conspicuously inconspicuous nobodies who always hunger more than they can Will - you are not known as the “the managerial elite,” but the “Malarial Elite.” Not the “business class,” but the “boring class.” Not the “political class,” but the “parasitic class.” Not the “leaders of tomorrow,” but the “pillagers of yesteryear.” After all, who would want health - when sickness is so profitable? Rather, how could the healthy even bother with the sick, how could they understand them? The entire medical profession’s creed, to this day, is “please don’t bother us,” as, everyone needs their papers. Yes, while even Dr. Frankenstein and his murdering monster appear naïve and juvenile compared to the sort of psychos who run most wards and hospitals, not to mention any of its direct connection to the state, this is the nature of miasma, no one could choke through it even if they wanted, - so who could ever stand on the shoulders of giants or titans, when the entire country from top to bottom, can only beg, borrow or steal from around the ankles? And the need is locked in – slavery, the most wealth and power ever created in the history of the world, wasted on a dying, decrepit ruling class of pseudo-human being who sound and appear as if they couldn’t have a genuine thought or feeling in their bodies, even if needed to prevent a nervous breakdown, even if needed to mitigate the breakdown of an entire civilization, or imminent death and war around the globe.
And this is perhaps the most astoundingly marvelous thing about a long-extricated, tortured-out diffusive chain of irresponsibility – the one who conceives of the bottom, the lowering of the bar, is not the same as the one who enacts it, is not the same as the one who installs it, is not the same as the one who tills it, is not the same as the one who owns it, all of which beleighs the truth that, most everyone is happy to disappear, they are happy that so little is ever asked or expected, that nobody remembers their name, or asks more. Yes, aloneness, and dangerous aloneness therein is the only real condition, but so it is for everyone. You see, take heart, you’re not alone here. It was only illusion. One or many, many or one – you’re the same thing, desire, create, act and enact the same thing – like addict and supplier, and that’s how and why you have built precisely what it is you have built - and the isolation also serves a purpose – as it makes your domination precipitously convenient (a civilization of people taught to be helpless, passive, watchers and consumers, and bad actors for bottomless pits of crowds at that). People are easy to manipulate, coerce, and control, when alone. The solution that knows how to answer for all problems- as both Socrates and the rapacious, long-annoying American salesmen, marketers, and spammers of all inboxes humanly known, know – you look for the self-conscious weakness, and then you twist the knife as insidiously and compellingly as sublimely [terrible and frightful yet divine distance between desire and reality] possible. Imagine doing this to an entire lower class – like raising rabbits for disposal and harvest.
And while our most acrimonious of orders is, pertaining to the supposedly beloved objects of one’s and one’s culture’s desires, first to try to masticate it, if not, fornicate with it, if not, buy and sell it with the purpose of others enacting the former and/or the latter behaviors upon it, it strikes me that even the larger, stunningly clueless population is beginning to scratch their heads as they watch time stand still in perpetuity, rather, as they watch time leak, fume, and die, to their detriment, on their dime (they pay for it), which, if you’re wondering why is an alarm to you and them, is because this is not what they were promised, and, that first Boston Tea Party is a simpleton's joke compared to the tyranny that rules happily and without remorse today. And so it is, what is being witnessed, interpreted, spun, and sold, is not what they are being promised right now (they see the very opposite in fact – reality, right under their nose, and they can even almost “read it”), and as with right now, Victory demands compensation, and it isn’t just coming, it is already here. Oh no, the best is yet to come, you assure me? I’ll agree, but only because it is in my language and on my terms, and you have no idea what that means.
Even then, despite my great love for this land and some of its most rare and valuable individuals (because the rest is corporate, i.e., state-sanctioned, wasteland), despite knowing all of you far, far, far too well, I am left with no pity in common with you, and if you’ve been reading the stars and the wind and the times (it stands still, slow enough to read for even the illiterate, in some regards, after all), you know then that you have all but nickeled and dimed away everyone else’s pity too, and those left parroting the party line are dead already without knowing it, fail to see they are alone, the target, the victim, the product, as well – but there’s hardly an accountant alive who can cook these books, even a Jew, or maybe someone from the Chinese Communist Party, of which, our own leadership shares beds, and a future as insect-overlords of a placated, wasted, dying populace of a poisoned land.
Yes, our way of life is incidental, a waterwheel in the river of misery for most that is called human biology – so nobody can help themselves against their own (intentionally) weakened and morbid Will and better interest, for instance, the people who once lived here were helpless to crave the steel and alcohol Spanish merchants advertised – and once this poisoned stream had traveled for centuries, found its way into my mouth and after a lifetime of ripping it out, to see what is beyond it, a life-time of sickness and its convalescence, exactly as everyone here intentionally and unintentionally designed, and with perspective on asylums and institutions from both deep inside and far beyond their walls (these are funny conceptual and imaginary designations, walls, barriers, doors, etc.), inside or outside of it, it is fear and hatred and pain – and a recirculation of dollars and pity, with its requisite shame, sympathies, and pities. The price for playing the game? Your eternal soul? No, that was marketing, so you didn’t notice your body was being used, abused, and consumed, by little camouflage predators who have the appearance of ‘ordinary’ human-beings (now its sublimated into the market, god being dead and all), but, alas, are not Apex, but incidental, happenstance, a laugh, a gas, mediocrity given its day since the real predators are medicated, surrounded, and killed off, and ultimately, as ape is to man, this homo sapien is to a better humanity of present and into the future – a (blind) laughing stock. An emperor and empire with no clothes at all. Just as neanderthal did not understand why homo sapien laughed at him, homo sapien doesn’t know how bad the joke is, and the exacting ways in which he and she are the joke (yes, presuming entitlement, and to be the goal, and what's to be preserved).
Even as I have watched, and continue to watch, the most basic and mediocre types of animals reach majority, in all human arenas, whose vanitous parents, teachers, and policemen, all profiting, even forming a way of life, based on their own absence in these future ‘derelicts’ lives, starting in their most vulnerable precatory age, of their own wisdom, persuaded them, having generally only paper or medications to offer, in manners not dissimilar to business in Italian mafia or other gangland activity, to become physicians, psychiatrists, lawyers, sociologists, and even justice-fighters, or freedom fighters (at least on TV, or social media) for an entire society that was conditioned to be ineffectual, hapless, resentful dependents, a dollar farm, a low-wage servant class, buckets of frozen fish consumer voting blocks to market sickness to, tossed to the dust and wind as fertilizer for future pennies, all vegetating on an American-factory-farm-scale organized lunatic asylum, or, as is well known, the streets, and other similar institutions such as prisons and schools, whom all get their French fries from the same governmentally relevant contracted organization, aka business, aka American business, aka corporation, aka, the State as nation, and the state of its affairs – an entire population missing in action, on vacation, tending tiny, totalized, cog-size gardens and planting for their own promised day alone, or sick on the job, owned as it were, by the people who own the entire country, and in some sense, the world, with our closest business partners, in both industry, and way of life, being the Chinese State, of which all Americans should be horrified.
—all of which conduces towards a feeling, or, thought of tremendous weight and burden, which is to say, what can anyone expect in a land where one doesn’t have friends and neighbors or even a husband or wife, but predatory yet desperately needy and dependent associates (nothing is more depraved than businessmen in rut, when they see only paper dollars with starry, religious-eyed zeal), all of whom can, do, and will continue to charge each other by the minute, to get the most out of every serviceable transaction they can name for a surcharge, or convenience fee, or tax, or service fee, of which, the original stamp act which was one of many matchsticks that helped founded this country, is a farce and a joke compared to the sort of brigands, actors, and ugly celebrity that is our body politics – a society where brutal taxation and its repression is culture, is the way of life, occasionally exemplified by “kill dozers” or small business owners flying their small airplanes into local tax offices (see Texas), of which we can say, the genius of America wasn’t a recreation of the old slave pyramid, at least two or three times in a row, as merit turned to money, that is gold, which turned to paper, which turned to non-existent ones and zeroes, nor is the genius the ever-present image and its parading and campaigning of forgettable faces and non-existent personalities and all its pretense of the removal of what sadly passes for aristocracy these days – the genius of America was to monetize every part of the body, every aspect of culture and life, to scrape the human being down to the bone, not of any human value, not of any real value that they themselves feel or want to represent in the actual world, in any remotely authentic, sincere, and even needed manner, but strictly: monetary value. There is no value outside paper money zero and ones values. Which is to say, the modern human soul is a worthless copper penny stretched between the crude, well-armed yet hapless Europeans of America, those eroded basalt Pillars of the West, and the equally hollow and vacuous Chinese Communist Part of the East, whatever facsimiles are left from their origins derived – between the two, like the upper and lower clamps of a vice grip, humanity are a great mass of herd animal, ready to be flambéed, roasted, crispen and woolied, ready to be turned into garment, and dinner, and pointless, disposable sacrifice (for the people that own them, but not for gods, greater purpose, men, or connection to the Earth and environment).
And how much value may be derived from this worthless penny? When the game is the bait and switch, it is never enough. And then how much can you charge for the sickness you create? Each layer of skin is a few cents more, and every American businessman, who becomes wealthy, knows that every penny adds up, because for most American business men, when it is, was, or becomes their time to rob anyone and everyone blind, we see the American for what they are (an empty, pitiless, stomach, no brain) and the most powerful nation in the history of the world – which proves, not just how blind great power is, but also states, the more one wants, the more one must debase one’s self, thus the entire human future, had to be sold out to satiate the money printers - where lavish expense in both cheap thrills and their curtailing, are incurred, inflicted, endured, yet loved with Barnum and Bailey advertising appeal of a culture that can’t decide whether it wants to be most pitiless master or most pitiful slave, prude or whore, noble Paladin or gutless Brigand – a nation not of refined or even rudimentary taste in appearance, behavior, and communication, but of tawdry delight and intoxication, angry politics, fear, and hate, not two minutes, but 24/7 – the assailing and travailing of the world against the senses, against reason, against purpose, against humanity, and harder will it become still. Not just against better, superior senses, but all senses, but that is nonsense for you, and as with yesteryear, today, nonsense rules – the lack of sense, the utter lack of reality. And when it’s clear, when you can quote a man, speaking of a past that hasn’t happened yet, who once said, “even if this country had been twice as big, it still wouldn’t be enough,” and, “the love of possessions is a disease in them” - What can you then truly say to a nation of dependents and liars all suffering under the same physiological sicknesses, whose condition is to admit, buy, sell, or permit everything, except for the Truth, and by design? Cowardice, that is generally called, “healthy fear”? And, the straightforward truth? The simple Truth? All of which precludes the complex, take lifetimes-of-vigorous-activity-to-understand-and painfully destructive-to-swallow-Truth? This isn’t s dog and pony show nation, it is a dollar-leash nation. And where reason and logic fail, passion prevails, therefor, a poem to end, in your honor:
Your life, on a leash, how much can you pay? Therapy, credit, lease no money down today
Your life, on a leash, it isn’t worth a thing
Humans have no value, but for the pennies
They might bring, but them alone, isn’t enough,
Together, a few bucks, but none are left That’s right, not a dime for you or for your kids
Sell it all before the fall, retirement commune called “to live” When nothing to give, but everything with a price No tomorrow, don’t think twice, wondering why
There's no ovation to your ending, fearful but
Just pretending – for, behind all that is corporate nice
Are strangers with guns, aplenty at small price
But the cost is wrought, you broke it, you bought
If you’re so smart, how come you aint rich?
One shouldn’t ask such clueless questions
In culture’s nihilistic pitch – few flown
To the top of the roost of the coup
When one is oh so unconcerned,
Rich, and hidden without a peep
This dollar harvest continent
Then demonstrates, by all such
Empty imagistic reprobates
What was sown was
salted stupid, to be easy
then well reaped
Buy and sell an empty shell
shooting fish in a bucket
Or herding sheep
But this sickness
It lingers
Trade coins
For every
And lie
That you’re nice
That you deserve it
That you can actually afford it
Selling dependence as codependence
the people are stupid and so deserve it
But your dull, dusty harvest, you made it, is here
I don’t know how you tolerate it through the smell
that anyone would be appalled
scrawled floor, ceiling, wall, stinking worms can't stumble, only crawl
Or how people will live through the coming years
of ever-worse, ever-harder, all-consuming and producing horrid fears
A sold-out nation of no rank and station, a parasite full of parasites
Not providence, but lots of guns and hatred
Of course would make so much noise, it’s simply what you can get away with
when men are all absent, resented, and hated - but this is the price for your fascist consumer statist corporate paradise of low-rent, low-class dread and vapid, empty, paper-money doll pretty, petty pointless penny-talking heads
***After it was written, this poem was titled - “Squeeze [the fun out of it]”
submitted by Mynaa-Miesnowan to Year2984 [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:51 probablynotharley type me! open to all opinions!

i've tested ixtps but i also get ixfjs.
How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
Do you need logical consistency in your life?
How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
What do the "highs" in your life look like?
What do the "lows" in your life look like?
How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
thank you for reading!! sorry that this is so long!!
submitted by probablynotharley to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:44 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Seven

Week 7: Limericks and Acrostic Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the whimsical nature of limericks and the creative use of acrostic poetry. - Understand the structure and humor in limericks. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of using acrostic forms.
Day 1: Introduction to Limericks - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of limericks. - Explanation of the AABBA rhyme scheme and humorous themes.
Day 2: Analyzing Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic limericks. - Exploration of the distinctive rhythm and structure.
Day 3: Analyzing Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in limericks. - Exploring the versatility of the form.
Day 4: Crafting Limericks - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first three lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on establishing humor and rhythm.
Day 5: Crafting Limericks - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final two lines of a limerick. - Emphasis on creating resolution and punchline.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a limerick focusing on a humorous scenario or theme.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first three lines of your limerick. How did you establish humor and rhythm? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and a punchline in the final two lines of your limerick? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a limerick?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of limericks, their AABBA rhyme scheme, and the use of humor within the concise form.
Day 6: Introduction to Acrostic Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of acrostic poetry. - Exploration of arranging words vertically to create hidden messages.
Day 7: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic acrostic poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging words.
Day 8: Analyzing Acrostic Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in acrostic poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with vertical arrangements.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 14:19 adulting4kids Poetry

  1. Sonnet:
  1. Haiku:
  1. Villanelle:
  1. Limerick:
  1. Free Verse:
  1. Acrostic:
  1. Ghazal:
  1. Tanka:
  1. *Cinquain:
  1. Pantoum:
- *Definition:* A poem with repeating lines and a specific pattern, often used for reflection. - *Example:* Craft a pantoum exploring the cyclical nature of life and change. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]