Best in slot arcane mage

Best In Slot Items

2021.11.07 02:37 _DK_ Best In Slot Items

Best In Slot Items

2016.12.07 11:29 piponwa AI freak out

For all the things an Artificial Intelligence has done that made you say WTF! The idea behind this sub is to post images or other media generated by AIs that really puzzle the human brain. AIs are now as good or better than we are at labeling images. The thing is that you can run AIs in reverse to obtain bogus images made from what the AI thinks you want generated. The result can be psychedelic or just mind blowing. Videos, texts and music are also welcome. Check out the wiki for more resource

2020.05.01 01:45 KingValdyrI Aedrenar: After the War

A Subreddit dedicated to a new Campaign Setting for Tabletop RPG Games!

2024.06.10 00:17 Adventurous_Pea_1122 GSW texture roller for bases and trays

Hey all, I just received my city states vs nords starter set and am excited to try out this game. For my city states army I want to achieve a temple aesthetic for my bases using a gsw rolling. However, I am not sure how to best tackle this given the bases still need to slot into the trays. Do I put the bases in the tray first, apply some putty over everything, roll over the putty with the texture roller and then cut out the bases again? Just wondering if anyone tried something similar...
submitted by Adventurous_Pea_1122 to Conquest [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:55 Foodogs79 needs you! Lone Wolf NA - Horde

is recruiting

in preparation for the imminent launch of Phase Four. We are a smaller, tightly-knit family of good friends who have been active in all eras of WoW since the launch of Vanilla in 2004. Many of us have transitioned to Lone Wolf from our parent guild on Grobbulus (Alliance), which has been active since the re-release of Classic in 2019. With the upcoming launch of Phase Four, we are looking to fill as many slots as possible to ensure we have a full roster for upcoming content.
To complete our roster we need approximately one tank (warlock would be great), couple of resto shamans, and some chunky DPS (mages for sure, maybe an spriest and can't have enough warlocks for MC). Currently we're farming ST on Wednesday nights at 8PM Server Time. We have more interest in one's personality and focus on adding to their community than we do in their ability to parse. If parsing is your thing, then by all means have fun, but our focus is and will be primarily on having fun clearing content.
I've been trying my damndest to cultivate an active community both in game and on Discord. I have no interest in someone who expects to show up for raid, get loot and disappear for the rest of the week, no matter how hard you might parse. We want people who are looking for a true home, people who will be active in voice chat and looking to participate in random BGs, World PvP events, etc. If you are looking for a large guild with many members online all the time, then this is not the place for you. We're very particular about the personalities we choose to keep amongst our ranks, and if one's attitude (while we have diversity in such) becomes counterproductive to the friendly atmosphere we've worked hard to promote, that's not going to fly. In the wisdom of Fergie circa 2005, "No no no no drama".
If this kind of environment sounds enticing to you, we'd love to talk. A lot of our guild is family with one another IRL, but we all treat one another as one little virtual family at the end of the day 💜 Feel free to reach out to myself in game @ Foodogs (foo.dogs) or my co-GM @ Karlorr (scantron2739) with any questions you might have.
We look forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Foodogs79 to seasonofdiscovery [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:55 NynjaofDoom Midnight Releases

How many people that have joined so far I’ve ever attended a midnight game or console release and what was the first one you ever got to go to?
The first console release I ever got to be at was for the Nintendo game cube. I waited 13 hours in the layaway section with a homie of mine from school who was my social studies teachers son. We showed up and my stupid ass didn’t bring anything to occupy myself so sitting on that hard ass binge was hard as hell for long a and my stupid ass didn’t bring anything to occupy myself so sitting on that hard ass bench hurt after several hours. Thankfully, his mom and dad showed up after a while to give us a break and gave us some money to grab some food from the McDonald’s and some snacks so we didn’t have to risk our spot in a spot in line.
I ended up getting Luigi‘s mansion because there weren’t very many weren’t very many games on launch at all and I figured after Super Mario 64, Luigi’s Mansion was fixing to go fucking wild! I thought it was going to be this epic game where you went into haunted paintings in this big haunted mansion that Luigi inherited and had to clean up, and possibly it would even be two player and you would explore the big 3-D haunted world inside of that mansion like you did the paintings in peaches castle in super Mario 64. Imagine my disappointment when I hit 100% on my first play through the same day, I bought it. And all I got when I bought it was an extra controller that I had no use for when I hit 100% on my first play through the same day I bought it.All I got when I bought it was an extra controller that I had no use for, a memory card, the console, and Luigi’s Mansion. THE DEVASTATION!
It took so long for decent games to come out for it, and the consoles were kind of hard to find so after having it for a month or 2 and being so mad about it I ran into a friend of one of the local pawnshop owners that was a super into modding and stuff and he wanted it so I traded it to him for a pretty nifty amount of stuff.
-What he got 1x Indigo GameCube, 1x Indigo controller, 1x Black controller, 1x Luigis Mansion, 1x memory card 59
-What I got $100 cash, 1x Sega Dreamcast, 4x OEM controllers, 2x third party controllers, 4x VMUs, 2x Memory Cards, An 8 pack of CR2032s, Chu Chu Rocket, SEGANET, UNREAL Tournament, Quake III, Phantasy star online Version 1 sealed, Phantasy star online Version 2 sealed, Tony Hawk, Evolution, Skies of Arcadia, Street Fighter 3 TNG, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, Marvel VS Capcom 1, Marvel VS Capcom 2, Power Stone 1, Power Stone 2, Plus a huge CD binder 500 slot, ~300+ burned games
I then went to the other pawn shop I town and picked up the Dreamcast keyboard for $20
And this led to me learning about making & burning VCDS. (the complete invader Zim, including the lost episode and tons of music videos were my first ones since smart phones weren’t really a thing back then) Ended up skating to Wendy’s getting me 8 jr bacon cheeseburger deluxe and 2 chicken sandwiches, then skated to Walmart and picked up a 100 disk spool of cdrs and had the best summer ever. Used some of the money for junk food and pool trips too. Shit was awesome!
Edit: to add commas
submitted by NynjaofDoom to clubretro [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:51 claaark Maverick Concepts Asuka - 75 @ $10

Maverick Concepts Asuka
75 spots @ $10 = $750
Description: Older Asuka (i recently learned this is pronounced AH-skuh), Opal G10 show scale running on PB washers. Shockingly decent, it has a nice snappy action especially front flipping, and will fall shut with no (or very minimal) play. The G10 show scale could have used a Ti liner as it feels like there's a little flex to the knife but it's still plenty solid. Doesn't seem to have any real issues, there's some minor snails on the lock side that could be refinished easily. Blade appears to have a 'factory' edge, zirblast finish. Will ship with branded pouch and coa.

PayPal Info:
Cash App Info:$ClarkSwanson

Tip BlobAndHisBoy
Number of vacant slots: 47
Number of unpaid users: 11
Number of unpaid slots: 28
This slot list is created and updated by The EDC Raffle Tool by BlobAndHisBoy.
1 Cabmandoo
2 Glock45owner
4 Hopeful-Fan6603
6 Cabmandoo
7 Hopeful-Fan6603
8 No_Craft_6594
10 azcpl121314
13 Cabmandoo
15 Cabmandoo
20 vangobroom97
21 azcpl121314
22 Cabmandoo
24 wjinak
25 Bosskz
26 Hopeful-Fan6603
27 Cabmandoo
33 Cabmandoo
36 SurpriseUnhappy2706
38 wjinak
41 Cabmandoo
50 Bosskz
58 Gboogie3
61 No_Craft_6594
63 Cabmandoo
65 SurpriseUnhappy2706
69 wonderous2020
70 Cabmandoo
75 No_Craft_6594

submitted by claaark to KnifeRaffle [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 DrippyWest Cooking

Black clover Coincidences*
Yami is swept away and ends up in clover, and gets adopted by Julius, the same time William gets adopted by Julius, and both of their magics are required to open the qliphoth, and yami's home is connected to hell, and William is cursed, and William's father had a different son with a different woman, and this kid wasn't cursed, which hints that the curse was from william’s mother's side, like Lichita or Charlotte's curses, William’s curse is most likely related to Megicula
So a Devil born curse and a kid with connection to the underworld get spirited away to the final bosses doorstep, just in time for the elves to reincarnate, and the new elf leader ends up in the cursed boys body, and the fight with the elves pushes both Yami and William to Arcane stage, so they can open the qliphoth, and the elven reincarnation was the scheme of a Devil
And the unborn child of the elf leader and a human royal gets reincarnated into the orphaned Prince of a other kingdom, who just so happened to be in clover because...Lucius's siblings took over the spade kingdom, and this Prince gains star magic and a 4 leaf wind magic, then finds the wind spirit, so he can eventually gain saint stage, so he can kill a devil
It even almost seemed like the dark triad gave clover an extra 6 months to train for no reason, then left all their strongest members alive with a new burning passion, almost like they wanted everyone to get stronger
Almost like Lucius spent 500 years making his dream team to defeat Lucifer, so he could swoop in and clean up
So wouldn't it be insane to think that a kid, born with no magic, born to a cursed woman, ended up in the same church, on the same day, as Lucius’s golden boy meant to defeat Lucifer? Wouldn't it be fuckin crazy if some how, a magicless devil also slipped out of hell and landed right in front of the cursed woman the same day. And she, for some reason, had a 5 leaf grimoire from the elven leader who set off the reincarnation 500 years ago who is also the father of the elf soul inside golden boy, anD SOMEHOW GOLDEN BOY AND NO MAGIC GUY BECOME BEST FRIENDS AND HOLD THE SAME DREAM OF BECOMMING *checks notes* THE SAME FUCKING POSITION THAT LUCIUS CURRENTLY HOLDS?
So magicless johnson makes a contract with the anti magic devil (who is also his brother) and they end up becoming the key to defeating supreme devils?
Come to think of it, mars being in the dungeon and being connected to Fana (who got reincarnated upon) serves as a pretty good test of might for our 3 main characters as well as it being the place Asta and Yuno get some major power ups (2nd sword and wind spirit are both in the dungeon asta and yuno are hand picked for, spooky)
This would also explain why mimosa is the only non elf on the golden dawn, she was specifically put there as a healer because she would be instrumental in bringing about the exact future lucius needed, and it explains why she is in the dungeon with yuno and Klaus, without her Asta and Yuno don't level up
The Mars and Fana show up in the witches forests for Asta's next big power up. And we know Morris has some connection to the dark triad
Since Lucius' soul magic can give "instructions" to people by rewriting their personalities, it's possible he had been subtly manipulating humans and devils from the shadows for hundreds of years
The final nail in this analysis is the dark triads character profiles, their ages are all listed as --- implying they are ageless, as if they had been reincarnated or resurrected (which we've seen lucius do)
We see zenon talking to Lucius after Allen dies, he then accepts the devil host contract, but vanica later claims he had just attained his devil. If zenon is talking to Lucius (In a wheel chair) then it would be before he was Julius, which means at least 40 years before the series, but it also implies that zenon has had a Devil in the past, then a new devil (beelzebub) in the present
I'm sure there's more if I really combed through it, but this is just a small chunk of perfectly placed coincidences that seem to work out too well in Lucius's favor
Either Tabata has a lot of happy accidents where everything works out by *coincidence* or Lucius has been pulling strings for a lot longer than we know, almost like he can control time or something
submitted by DrippyWest to BlackClover [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:23 allaccountnamesused [Discussion] Modern Affinity

It’s no secret at this point that affinity looks poised to make a splash after mh3 and the question for everyone who loves turning grey cards sideways is “what’s the best way to do it?” I don’t have any particular deck lists that I think are worth posting since I haven’t put in the reps to justify advocating for any build so in this post I’m going to lay out some archetypes I think are worth considering and the cards I think are worth looking at from mh3.

General Thoughts

Affinity has felt as though it was on the cusp of meaningful viability for some time now and as people have pointed out on this subreddit before it seems to have an issue of balancing enablers and payoffs in a way that avoids clunky dead hands. Kappa cannoneer is positioned to offer a resilient beater and Ugin’s Labyrinth will help us avoid clunky hands.
Izzet affinity beatdown
This list is the one I think is most likely to take off early on. Easy access to meltdown, weatear, galvanic blast and countermagic all make this a strong contender though red does less for the deck than other second colors might.
Simic Hoof
There was experimentation after MH2 with a Simic version of the list that was neoforming 7 drops into hoof on big boards for wins
Dimir (hand destruction?)
MH3 has opened up black as a serious contender for a secondary color. Cards like etherium pteramander and refurbished familiar provide a solid early game while still being useful draws later on and crabomination supplements the top of our curve while also having potential to outright steal games off of good flips. If E tron ends up being the menace it’s threatening to be I could see this being a solid choice.
Grixis 8 plate
This list will have to sacrifice playing artifact lands and Ugin’s Labyrinth in favor of shocks and fetches to consistently hit its colors. Cards like pteramander, cranial plating, and cranial ram supported by our 0 cost artifacts with a top end of kappa cannoneer, thought monitor, and a couple copies of imskir, iron eater has the potential to put on serious pressure. The big concern this deck has given its higher density of lower cost artifacts would be getting crushed by meltdown in a way that the 7 mana affinity builds above don’t once they’re established. On the other hand, this list likely does have an easier time rebuilding than the higher cmc lists do.
Mox amber
This is the deck I’m least sure about and if it works i expect it to be UR with 4x tamiyo, 4x Ragavan, 4x Emry. Fitting these in requires cutting artifacts which slows us down and makes me think the deck wants a combo payoff or resigns itself to playing a grindier midrange deck.

individual card considerations (in no particular order)

Ugin’s Labyrinth: a card everyone knew would be a problem the second it was spoiled. This card’s ability to LARP as ancient tomb makes it an obvious candidate for a 7 drop heavy build. In order to consistently have an enabler in hand on turn 1 we want 14 7+ CMC cards in the deck. Obvious includes for this would be playsets of frogmyr enforcer, myr enforcer, and soujorner’s companion which leaves us wanting 2 more (arcane proxy and phyrexian fleshgorger are the only two that stand out to me).
Crabomination: this card strikes me as one with a lot of potential. While it doesn’t have any way to protect itself it’s a card that threatens to take over a game if it’s allowed to resolve and it’s well within the realm of possibility that we could land it on turns 2 or 3 consistently.
Etherium Pteramander: another big draw to running black as a secondary color. There’s nothing not to love about this card except for concerns about consistently casting it on turn 1.
Phyrexian Tower: I dont think much needs to be said about this, If the deck ends up in UB this card ends up in the deck.
Tamiyo: This card lends itself to either a slower midrange build or the Simic hoof build. Generating clues to draw you out of a stall and increase artifact count is great but being able to -3 to recur neoform and try to combo again or get back a galvanic blast to fight for board is fantastic.
Patchwork automaton: I’m torn on this card. We obviously can’t grow it as fast as legacy 8 cast and it can end up clunky but the ability to jam it on 1 off of Labyrinth and start pumping it puts a lot of pressure on an opponent especially if you follow it with kappa on 2 or 3.
Refurbished familiar: this card deserves testing. I think it has a real chance at replacing frogmite in any list running black

The 3 drops

These two cards are competing for an important slot in the deck.
Simulacrum Synthesizer: a card that’s been a staple in affinity lists for a while and will likely be an absolute house game one. Its major drawback is its fragility to meltdown which I have no doubt will be seeing a great deal of play in the near future. Not only does X=0 kill our tokens but X=3 isn’t unreasonable and takes the synthesizer with it.
Kozilek’s unsealing: my personal love of drawing a bunch of cards makes me lean in this direction over synthesizer but this card can also help smooth out curves with mana from saccing spawns and keeps us on a gameplan of presenting a high volume of threats while preventing us from ending up with 0 cards in hand. Thought monitor for 5 cards seems too good to pass up and the fact that it triggers on cast means it insulates us from counter magic.


At a glance, affinity looks to be in a better place than it has been in years. I’m hopeful that this modern classic will get to have another day in the sun and would love to hear the community’s thoughts on what the best colors are and see what lists everyone is brewing right now.
submitted by allaccountnamesused to spikes [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:21 allaccountnamesused Modern Affinity Discussion

It’s no secret at this point that affinity looks poised to make a splash after mh3 and the question for everyone who loves turning grey cards sideways is “what’s the best way to do it?” I don’t have any particular deck lists that I think are worth posting since I haven’t put in the reps to justify advocating for any build so in this post I’m going to lay out some archetypes I think are worth considering and the cards I think are worth looking at from mh3.

General Thoughts

Affinity has felt as though it was on the cusp of meaningful viability for some time now and as people have pointed out on this subreddit before it seems to have an issue of balancing enablers and payoffs in a way that avoids clunky dead hands. Kappa cannoneer is positioned to offer a resilient beater and Ugin’s Labyrinth will help us avoid clunky hands.
Izzet affinity beatdown
This list is the one I think is most likely to take off early on. Easy access to meltdown, weatear, galvanic blast and countermagic all make this a strong contender though red does less for the deck than other second colors might.
Simic Hoof
There was experimentation after MH2 with a Simic version of the list that was neoforming 7 drops into hoof on big boards for wins
Dimir (hand destruction?)
MH3 has opened up black as a serious contender for a secondary color. Cards like etherium pteramander and refurbished familiar provide a solid early game while still being useful draws later on and crabomination supplements the top of our curve while also having potential to outright steal games off of good flips. If E tron ends up being the menace it’s threatening to be I could see this being a solid choice.
Grixis 8 plate
This list will have to sacrifice playing artifact lands and Ugin’s Labyrinth in favor of shocks and fetches to consistently hit its colors. Cards like pteramander, cranial plating, and cranial ram supported by our 0 cost artifacts with a top end of kappa cannoneer, thought monitor, and a couple copies of imskir, iron eater has the potential to put on serious pressure. The big concern this deck has given its higher density of lower cost artifacts would be getting crushed by meltdown in a way that the 7 mana affinity builds above don’t once they’re established. On the other hand, this list likely does have an easier time rebuilding than the higher cmc lists do.
Mox amber
This is the deck I’m least sure about and if it works i expect it to be UR with 4x tamiyo, 4x Ragavan, 4x Emry. Fitting these in requires cutting artifacts which slows us down and makes me think the deck wants a combo payoff or resigns itself to playing a grindier midrange deck.

individual card considerations (in no particular order)

Ugin’s Labyrinth: a card everyone knew would be a problem the second it was spoiled. This card’s ability to LARP as ancient tomb makes it an obvious candidate for a 7 drop heavy build. In order to consistently have an enabler in hand on turn 1 we want 14 7+ CMC cards in the deck. Obvious includes for this would be playsets of frogmyr enforcer, myr enforcer, and soujorner’s companion which leaves us wanting 2 more (arcane proxy and phyrexian fleshgorger are the only two that stand out to me).
Crabomination: this card strikes me as one with a lot of potential. While it doesn’t have any way to protect itself it’s a card that threatens to take over a game if it’s allowed to resolve and it’s well within the realm of possibility that we could land it on turns 2 or 3 consistently.
Etherium Pteramander: another big draw to running black as a secondary color. There’s nothing not to love about this card except for concerns about consistently casting it on turn 1.
Phyrexian Tower: I dont think much needs to be said about this, If the deck ends up in UB this card ends up in the deck.
Tamiyo: This card lends itself to either a slower midrange build or the Simic hoof build. Generating clues to draw you out of a stall and increase artifact count is great but being able to -3 to recur neoform and try to combo again or get back a galvanic blast to fight for board is fantastic.
Patchwork automaton: I’m torn on this card. We obviously can’t grow it as fast as legacy 8 cast and it can end up clunky but the ability to jam it on 1 off of Labyrinth and start pumping it puts a lot of pressure on an opponent especially if you follow it with kappa on 2 or 3.
Refurbished familiar: this card deserves testing. I think it has a real chance at replacing frogmite in any list running black

The 3 drops

These two cards are competing for an important slot in the deck.
Simulacrum Synthesizer: a card that’s been a staple in affinity lists for a while and will likely be an absolute house game one. Its major drawback is its fragility to meltdown which I have no doubt will be seeing a great deal of play in the near future. Not only does X=0 kill our tokens but X=3 isn’t unreasonable and takes the synthesizer with it.
Kozilek’s unsealing: my personal love of drawing a bunch of cards makes me lean in this direction over synthesizer but this card can also help smooth out curves with mana from saccing spawns and keeps us on a gameplan of presenting a high volume of threats while preventing us from ending up with 0 cards in hand. Thought monitor for 5 cards seems too good to pass up and the fact that it triggers on cast means it insulates us from counter magic.


At a glance, affinity looks to be in a better place than it has been in years. I’m hopeful that this modern classic will get to have another day in the sun and would love to hear the community’s thoughts on what the best colors are and see what lists everyone is brewing right now.
submitted by allaccountnamesused to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:19 Coffinnator What do you think of that story concept/idea, where I gave a 2nd form to all of my main character?

A started a new writing project which is based around the concept that the whole MC group has a 2nd form (this "undeniably unique" idea is come from, that some stores (mostly shounen animes) have a protagonist with a stronger 2nd form, so a decided to make a story where ALL the main team has one). Because im at the early stages at the project i dont come up with names right now, because dont want rush it. A world builing is a high fantasy where 13 Overlord rules over specific parts of the world. Not every overlord are enemies with each other, but most of them want to defeat some or all the other overlords. Now, humanity not really have an overlord, so they are in disadvantage. So the Most famus adventurer guild recruited 5 regular teenager adventurer and offert them a suprisingly good reward for a simple quest: hunt down a beast inside the cave. The 5 adventurer seems to be pretty ordinary, there is a fighter (M) an assassin (M) a brawler (M), a light magic sorcereres(F), and an ice mage(F). None of them knew each other before, so they introduce themself as regular adventurers. But when they go to the quest, it turn out that the best they needed to kill was not actually as weak as they thought, and all 5 of them greatly injured. And after that all 5 of them transform into their secret form.
-The Warrior: Transform into a Fire Demon
-The Assassin: Tranform into a Duskborn (a type of undead in the world)
-The Brawler: Tranform into a Magical Beast (not to a furry!!!!)
-The Ligh Scorereres: Transform into an Arulian (a type of celestial race)
-The Ice Mage: Transform into a Frost Lich
After that a big confusion apeared, because none of them recognise each other, they thought the others are enemies too. After the misunderstanding is setelled, a higher memeber of the guils is arrived, who whatched to whole situation. And told them that, the Guild planned to make an overlord from all 5 of them.
What do you think? I love to hear your ideas or features that you think will fit to this setting.
submitted by Coffinnator to fantasywriters [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:16 SatoshiOokami Global paid selector banner - MEGATHREAD

Since there are only a few hours before the release, let's have this thread that will hopefully prevent multiple threads with questions 'who to pick' and you can also post your results, either who you picked or your other lucky rolls.
In any case, let's get to the tier list for the banner. Each tier will have a list of characters with a little explanation of why they were placed there. As always with tier lists, it's a subjective list, but I tried to accumulate all the possible info I had to assemble it so it shouldn't be off... I think? :D Hopefully it will be at least a bit helpful in deciding.
SSS (Super Special Smexy) tier Breaker Raiza and Lydie. This tier is self-explaining, if you miss one, your first selection is given. If you miss both, you have the selector banner sorted out. They are levels above all other available characters because of their utility and their longevity.
S (Spark-worth) tier * Sophie - She is another definite pick due to being the best debuffing tank, but not on the level of the two mentioned above. In any case, if you miss her and have the two, she's another must-have and your tank for most of the parties will be sorted out. * Izana-chan - Super cute and strong neko, what more could you even want? On a more serious note, still one of the strongest ST magic characters, she's literally the 4th pick if we go in order after the big 3. If you miss her, adopt her, she will return the love. * Lila - First I was thinking about putting her on the A-rank like Lily, but Lila has one big advantage. Devs hate the non-attacker ice characters. Until this day in JP we still not only do not have another ice breaker, but we also still do not have an ice defender! For this reason, Lila gets a push to the S-rank because she won't leave the ice teams and her resistance lowering before S2 is also a big plus. * Xmas Resna - Do you have all your team slots ready and do not feel the need for speed attack? It's Xmas Resna's turn because of her brilliant Purple/Red Skill Up synthesis gift. If you combine her with Valentine Totori, you have the best combination for the future equips, because the ultimate crafting item (with skill up and critical dmg up) is purple. With just these two characters you can easily craft the best equips possible.
A (Average) tier * Lily - I was thinking of putting her in AB tier because she's not needed if you got breaker Logy but if you don't, she's a good pick because we don't have any other lightning breakers. * Meruru - Depending on your ice team options, probably won't see much use in battle, but her synthesis skill makes her a good contender for the A-tier. * Xmas Patty - Excellent slash defender, but just a defender, hence, A-tier.
-AB tier- This is a special tier for Klaudia and Will. They are both very good in their specific element teams and if you have the teams for them ready, they are an A-tier, otherwise, B-tier.
B (Boo) tier * Plachta - AOE breaker which is always good but suffers from early release syndrome, with Heidi coming, won't be used often. * Valeria - Strong and quick character, but overshadowed in her role by Logy who is unlimited. * Ellie - wuuut? What is the non-unit doing outside of C-tier you ask? Yes, good question indeed and it's actually more of a future tip for the whales. Her leader skill actually makes her very viable for the wind tower and overall in the wind teams. * Empel - Yet another victim of the Rose series. He used to be the phys buffer to go but with Flocke-tan, there's no use for him anymore. Won't fall into C-tier because of the multiple buffing possibility but also won't get him a higher tier either.
C (Collection purpose) tier * All currently unlimited characters. - Yes, even OG Raiza, don't even think of exchanging currently unlimited characters, you will definitely get them from the FES tickets which will still be given out and their lineup does not change. * Nio - Yes, sorry, Nio-chan, you are cute and Ayesha's imouto, but as a unit, you are severely lacking. It's not even the skills, but the lack of the main aspect that makes a tank a tank, the taunt. Without that, she's unfortunately not usable. And not even her synthesis gift saves her. With Rose Lydie coming, she won't find use in the majority of the content. * Sue - Another victim of the Rose series. With Valeria coming, she won't see a use. She has an interesting full HP buff gimmick but with the amount of AOE attacks, she won't get to use it often.
??? tier HW Plachta. An enigma. Nobody knows if she is a part of this banner or not. Due to missing her original event + banner, it's very hard to predict if she will appear here or not. If she does, take her as a collection piece if you don't choose anyone else.
W (Waifu) tier Waifu > Meta, who am I to tell you who to pick after all? :D
submitted by SatoshiOokami to Atelier_Resleriana [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:10 acado_gt [WTS] [NY] KWC/Umarex/Elite Force 1911 CO2 Blowback Pistol TAC Black/FDE (REFURBISHED, IN BOX)

(All photos of gun, mag, packaging)
$110, PayPal ONLY, free shipping
this is an elite force/umarex (distributed, KWC OEM'd) 1911 TAC, coming with the box, documentation, and an allen key for removing/installing the CO2 can in the mag
the pistol itself was a win from the airsoftGI "call your hits" slot machine -- it never saw field use but was rather poorly mutilated by a younger and stupider me who chopped the barrel tip instead of removing it properly. it was mostly used as a fidget toy/trick reload gun so the original mag's feedlips broke and there's some noticeable scratches. in addition, there's a bit of black spray paint droplets/residue on some parts of the gun (don't ask) but nothing internally best i can tell -- i've cleaned off some of it, which has led to minor paint stripping on the FDE frame, but for the most part the gun looks okay
onto the refurb work -- i swapped out the barrel completely using an official drop-in kit (IT HAS THE ORANGE THREAD ADAPTER, be warned if that bugs you, see photos), had to buy an entire new replacement mag (i initially wanted to repair the old mag but couldn't find the needed part), gave a clean to some of the more obvious paint markings on the frame, and lastly removed and deep-cleaned the grip panels. this is as good as this gun is getting without swapping basically everything, but it does fire well and the new parts work completely fine (see testfire video above!), so i would say scuffed-up as it is, this pistol is more than field ready and i'm tossing in the CO2 can for free on this one as well
all in all, a decent CO2 GBB 1911 at a decent price, had some work done and ready for some real action!
submitted by acado_gt to airsoftmarket [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 23:01 BrilliantCost674 what kind of pickups should i get?

I currently own a squire strat that I want to start modding, I'm currently looking at a set of red silver and blue lace sensor pickups for some heavier rock stuff. The only issue is, my stratocaster has two single coils and one humbucker in the bridge. Should I just buy a seperate humbucker pickup, if so which one would suit my set up the best? And is there anyway to make my set up work without having to buy a whole new pickup, and trying to put a single coil in the humbucker slot?? I am very new to modding and would like some help.🙏🙏
submitted by BrilliantCost674 to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:54 kingslayer086 Rules question: arcane evolution, and wizard dedicaton.

Arcane evolution says i get a spellbook i can put spells into. Start of day, i pick a spell and att it to the repitoire. Picking a spell in the repitoire already makes it a signature spell.
Wizard dedication means i prepare spells from a spellbook.
Slots are obviously tracked seperately, as well as spells prepared for the dedication vs the repitoire.
My question is can i use the same spellbook for both features such that i have less book-keeping to do?
submitted by kingslayer086 to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:45 UberEpicZach Dragon Development Diary #7: 'Closer to Gods than Men'

Dragon Development Diary #7: 'Closer to Gods than Men'
Hey Everyone, Uber here!
Today, with our #7th Dragon Dev Diary, we are jumping straight back into the mechanical side of our update, one which everyone has been wondering about since the reveal of our trailer months back. I am joined once again by Sililex, who has done wonders in bringing the warfare side of the update to life; a major part of the update concept that would have held back both an announcement, most of it's development and even its release,
Hey Again! As previously told, I am Sililex and today; I am pleased to be coming to you with what is likely the most anticipated of our dev diaries:


Warfare and its troubles are well documented; this was the hardest of our features to program and stumped us for several months. CK3 code severely limits our ability to interact with the warfare system, so much so that the Modding Co-op server we have has a command to dispel hopes and dreams:
Warfare’s issues, especially the prompt above, remain true and accurate. To wit, I want to add a disclaimer before we get deep into what will be a very nitty-gritty mechanics dev diary. We have implemented circumventions of these systems within what was possible in CK3. Sacrifices on gameplay had to be made because of the above restrictions and for performance reasons. While this circumstance is not the ideal implementation, it is what we have been able to do with the available tools.
Nevertheless, the team has been testing and refining the systems for several months now, and while it may not be mathematically perfect, I think that the system provides a smooth, engaging, and appropriate impact on the warfare system. So, without further ado, let's get into the details!

What didn’t work

Two popular methods were designed while we’ve been working on this problem, and I want to discuss why we did not pursue them.
The first of these are dragons such as Men-At-Arms, used in the AGOT-Bookmarked submod developed by our very own Team-member Troof. While this has some great benefits - the simplicity of interacting with a battle- they had several drawbacks. While obviously, they were not characters, we could, in theory, make a new MAA whenever a dragon is born as if they were ‘paired’. The problem, however, is that we would have no way to destroy them then when the dragon died—in addition to the difficulty of MAA’s stack, made this method unfeasible.
The second method would have been dragons as artifacts, as like the AGOT - Dragons of Valyria mod. While this has some intriguing benefits, such as character-specific buffs, it always felt very ‘finicky’ to us. It used up an artifact slot, which doesn’t make sense, and had no real ‘character’. These artifacts were, in essence, placeholders for all the same benefits the character could provide if it existed, and the mapping could be done comprehensively.
That issue truly ties to our core design philosophy. As Uber has repeatedly spoken on, this team's core vision for dragons was always having dragons be real characters in the world. As such, we needed to look at the ways that characters can interact with armies and which of those we could interface with.
Fundamentally, these exist in two ways — as knights and as commanders. The question was then, where does a dragon sit? Trivally, they should not be commanders, but perhaps they could be powerful knights? Unfortunately, the game caps prowess at 100, no matter how high you put it. While 100 is undoubtedly high, it’s only about 2.5 Arthur Daynes. While he was a terrific swordsman, Balerion was definitely worth more than 3 of him. (This is also why we separated dragon Combat Effectiveness as its own stat)
The next thought, and what we ended up using, was character modifiers. If you had a dragon, your character could get a modifier. However, the ones we were trying applied to all of your armies. That meant that if you had two armies in separate areas, your dragon would buff both. In addition, not all dragonriders actually rode with their armies, such as Rhaenyra in the Dance. Further, how would we reflect dragonrider courtiers helping? Or worse, all of these at the same time?
We faced these problems, and now I’ll finally get on with it and start telling you about our solution.

The Dragon Warfare Engine

After much trial and error, the one thing we could interact with that allowed for an army-specific, character-specific buff was a battle advantage. For those who don’t know, battle advantage confers a +5% damage bonus to your army for every point above your opponents.
It’s the big number in the centre of a battle screen, with the net difference being the number of +5% buffs one side is getting. Here is an example of how an equal advantage is calculated to illustrate.
During each battle phase, commanders roll to determine an additional battle advantage. Our solution was, therefore, to apply a seriously large battle roll floor and ceiling increase to give a flat bonus to a commander throughout the battle.
This can lead to smaller armies with dragons acting as if they are forces well beyond their size. For illustration, here is an example with Caraxes.
To make this as seamless as possible, I created what I called the Dragon Warfare Engine - essentially a running check over a dragon to see who it should give this modifier to at any given time. Dragons can be knights in our system, and their riders can be commanders or knights themselves. Thus, the dragon will continually check where it and its rider are and apply the buff to their commander or its rider’s commander. This way, you can still use your dragon as that extremely powerful knight while enabling it to buff the army's strength. Of course, a dragon cannot act without its rider, so any dragon acting as a ‘knight’ will pull their rider into one of the several combat events.
Dragon in Battle Camera Still Under Work.
Further, these obviously cannot be in two places simultaneously. As such, a rider trying to act as a commander in an army separate from their dragon will be pulled away from their independent army.
I cannot tell you what a nightmare all of these different cases, scopes, and their interactions were to code, but the result is an intelligent application of buffs to the commander of a dragon / its rider reflecting the different Combat Effectiveness of dragons. By way of example, here is the buff that Seasmoke gives:
While here is the buff that Vhaegar gives:
The eagle-eyed among you will notice another dragon buff present there — this is because, of course, multiple dragons can be in the same army. One benefit of this approach is that these modifiers can natively stack. There is nothing stopping you from getting a +2000 battle advantage with 10 Godly dragons. Another useful fact of this system is that because the advantage is relative if the other side also has a dragon, their relative impacts are already calculated for us.
Now, I want to be upfront that this system has three deficiencies.
  1. These buff and debuff application calculations have minor delays for performance reasons. You may see them out of sync for a few ticks if you change commanders frequently or if your commander dies. This is only relevant in fringe cases — it is in sync 99% of the time, and one or two ticks should right it if it is not.
  2. Dragon ‘damage’ is really a combination of their ultra-knight damage (where present) and the buff to the damage the army itself has. That means that a massive dragon in a tiny army may actually do less than a small dragon in a massive army. As we cannot directly damage an army, this is, unfortunately, the best we can do.
  3. Armies without a commander cannot be buffed even when a dragon is present.
As I said at the outset, these are the sacrifices we make working within our limited system. Personally, I find a helpful headcanon in that the dragons are not just damaging willy-nilly, but their effectiveness also boosts the effectiveness of the army as a whole through strategic positioning and hitting enemy weak points. Moving away from the nitty-gritty math, though, it still feels very smooth to play, and we’ve had our QA folk enjoying it for quite a while now. While ideally, we’d like to get it more perfect on the math end; this is the best we can do with the current system while balancing performance and smoothness to gameplay.
Of course, warfare consists of more than just battles…but I’ve already used up my word limit, so like Ned Stark’s corpse to Catelyn, this is coming to you in two parts. Tune in next week for our dev diary on all the other aspects of warfare, as well as details on a system in how you might stand against these great creatures!
Thank you for reading!
Join our Discord if you haven't already! And stay tuned for more and more dev diaries! Previous Dragon Dev Diaries:
Dragon Development Diary #1: The Vision
Dragon Development Diary #2: The Anatomy of the Dragon Portrait
Dragon Development Diary #3: A Dragon's Character
Dragon Development Diary #4: Hatching and Cradling
Dragon Development Diary #5: Dragonpits & Dragonkeepers
Dragon Development Diary #6: 'A Rogue Tale'
submitted by UberEpicZach to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:37 justaddsleep Let's Talk About Thorns


Hello fellow dead raisers, today I want to talk about something I am passionate about. Which if you can't tell by the title is the thorns Necromancer. I am not entirely sure what makes me gravitate to the niche, weird, and mundane builds in video games. But here I am so let's' get started.

What is Thorns Necromancer

Thorns Necromancer is the use of Thorns to deal damage and clear content in Diablo 4. It is a quite powerful build but because of its quirky playstyle requires some patience and fortitude to really see shine. What I mean by this is that the build can demolish a lot of the game with ease but as you climb higher requires bosses to auto attack which is hit or miss "ba dum tish". Unlike the Barbarian we split our stat investment across quite a few things to scale our damage up. So at times it can feel a little less than linear.

Gearing Golem


Gearing Defender





Solo Golem:
Golem Thorns Spreadsheet:



Thorns Necromancer is quite strong and while I stopped pushing with it at around 105. Others like Ranny who is much better at the build have gotten into the 110's I think possibly 120's? If you had a fully optimized thorns golem build I could see it maybe going even higher if you could fish the right bosses and survive. Because the Bone Golem can hit thorns values into the 290,000 range the damage can scale to absurd levels on the right bosses. I am really hopeful that we will see a more refined and bug fixed version of this build in season 5.
I would also like to state that I am not all knowing. If you find something that contradicts what I have found please let me know. Also, Ranny is a much better thorns player than I am. I take his word as gospel when it involves thorns. I want to give a shoutout to Seetod once again for being the Minion G.O.A.T. I couldn't of tested a lot of these things or found as many bugs without his help.
submitted by justaddsleep to D4Necromancer [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:24 bruddagames [Store] Welcome to Brudda's Store featuring Collector's Cache Sets from TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's and 2023 Diretide events.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss the sale of my sets at the prices listed below, payable in items.
If you're curious about why you should trust me, consider my extensive track record. I've successfully sold over 1000 sets from events like TI6, TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's, and Diretide 2022 Collector's.
For checking my gifting Cache Sets history, feel free to review the comments on my profile and verify the sets in their inventory that were gifted by me.
In terms of transaction protocol, the buyer is always goes first. However, if you prefer an added layer of security, we can involve a middleman from this subreddit.
Regarding any concerns about scamming, it's simply not in my best interest. With over 800 cache sets available for sale, my focus is on providing a trustworthy and legitimate service.

August 2023 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Primeval Abomination Primal Beast 20+ $10
Astral Herald Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Taur Rider Alchemist 20+ $10
Spectral Shadow Abaddon 20+ $15
Crescent Huntress Spectre 20+ $20
Tyrant of the Veil Wraith King 20+ $15
Tomo'kan Footsoldier Hoodwink 20+ $10
Darkwood Eulogy Death Prophet 20+ $10
Sea Spirit Kunka 20+ $20
Triumph of the Imperatrix Legion Commander 20+ $10
Beast of Thunder Storm Spirit 20+ $20
Ancestral Heritage Jakiro 20+ $10
Dezun Viper Dazzle 20+ $15
Brightfist Marci 20+ $30
Snailfire Snapfire 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Bird of Prey Legion Commander 20+ $15
Grand Suppressor Silencer 20+ $10
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist 20+ $15
Transcendent Path Oracle 20+ $15
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster 20+ $10
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold Doom 20+ $15
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge 20+ $15
Feasts of Forever Night Stalker 20+ $10
Darkfeather Factioneer Phantom Assassin 20+ $10
Withering Pain Clinkz 20+ $10
Freeboot Fortunes Ogre Magi 20+ $10
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit 20+ $20
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar 20+ $15
War Rig Eradicators Techies 20+ $10
Grudges of the Gallows Tree Treant Protector 20+ $25
Brands of the Reaper Anti-Mage 20+ $40
Sublime Equilibrium Void Spirit 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink 20+ $15
Scarlet Subversion Riki 20+ $15
Whippersnapper Snapfire 20+ $10
Hounds of Obsession Chen 20+ $10
Seadog's Stash Clockwork 20+ $10
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 20+ $15
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void 20+ $10
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa 20+ $10
Crimson Dawn Phoenix 20+ $10
Forgotten Station Terrorblade 20+ $15
Dirge Amplifier Undying 20+ $15
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King 20+ $10
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor 20+ $10
Blue Horizons Marci 20+ $30
Angel of Vex Invoker 20+ $50
Dark Behemoth Primal Beast 20+ $50

Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Scales of the Shadow Walker Phantom Lancer 23 $15
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker 22 $15
Apex Automated Clockwerk 22 S $15
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor 25 $10
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition 23 $8
Perils of the Red Banks Chen 22 $10
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke 24 $10
Widow of the Undermount Gloom Broodmother 23 S $15
Forgotten Fate Mars 22 $5
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick 24 $10
Cosmic Concoctioneers Alchemist 23 $20
Blightfall Abaddon 23 $15
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi 25 $35

Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Twilight Hex Dark Willow 23 S 15$
Litany of the Damned Doom 24 15$
Astral Terminus Enigma 23 10$
Caerulean Star Enchantress 22 10$
Arcane Inverter Gyrocopter 22 S 25$
Creed of the Skullhound Lycan 22 S 25$
Desert Bloom Nature's Prophet 23 20$
Silence of the Starweaver Oracle 23 10$
Eyriebound Imperator Skywrath Mage 23 15$
Anthozoan Assault Tiny 23 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest Winter Wyvern 10 S 10$
Red Sands Marauder Shadow Shaman 23 20$
Footfalls of the Sporefathers Witch Doctor 12 60$

Collector's Cache I 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Ravenous Abyss Underlord 20+ $15
Apocalypse Unbound AA 20+ $10
Beholden of the Banished Ones Warlock 20+ $15
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 20+ $5
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 20+ $20
Heartless Hunt Bounty 20+ $15
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 20+ $10
Fissured Flight Jakiro 20+ $10
Flashpoint Proselyte Husker 20+ $15
Signs of the Allfather Nature prophet 20+ $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina 20+ $35
Origin of the Dark Oath Night Stalker 6 $25
Songs of Starfall Glen Enchantress 20+ $10
Ancient Inheritance Tiny 20+ $30
Forsworn Legacy mars 20+ $50

Collector's Cache II 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 20+ $6
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristle back 20+ $15
Clearcut Cavalier Timber 20+ $10
The King Of Thieves Keeper of light 20+ $10
Horror from the Deep Tide 20+ $20
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 20+ $15
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 20+ $6
Crown of Calaphas Shadow demon 20+ $15
Wrath of the Fallen doom 20+ $20
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 20+ $10
Secrets of the Celestial 📷 Skywrath mage 20+ $5
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 20+ $10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber Templar Assassin 20+ $25
Claszureme Incursion Void 20+ 70$
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden 6* C 35$
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit 3* C 40$

Collector's Cache 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 1*C 15$
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 21 10$
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 20 10$
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 21 10$
Curse of the Creeping Vine Undying 6*C +1 25$
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 18 25$
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 20 10$
Defender of Ruin Disruptor 22 25$
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 4 * C - 1 reserved 25$
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 4* C 25$
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 3* C 35$
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 4* C 15$

Collector's Cache II 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 31 15$
Tribal Pathways Warlock 30 10$
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 31 10$
Endless Night Abaddon 30 15$
Dapper Disguise Pudge 27 15$
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 30 15$
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 31 10$
Grim Destiny Wraith King 29 10$
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 30 10$
Verdant Predator Venomancer 31 10$
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 31 5$
Fowl Omen Necrophos 34 30$
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4*C 25$
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 1 * C 45$
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 3 * C 45$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache I

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum Bloodseeker 20 10$
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud Dark Seer 18 4$
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel Spirit Breaker 21 $10
Molokau Stalker Venomancer 21 $10
Morbific Provision Witch Doctor 22 10$
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin Queen of Pain 20 15$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 20 5$
Fate Meridian Invoker 2 *C 30$
Visions of the Lifted Veil Phantom Assassin 1 *C 40$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 4 *C 20$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Pitmouse Fraternity Meepo 37 10$
Fires of the Volcanic Guard Ember Spirit 37 10$
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript Axe 37 S 6$
Shimmer of the Anointed Nyx Assassin 29 5$
Loaded Prospects Brewmaster 39 15$
Ire of Molten Rebirth Phoenix 36 10$
Pattern of the Silken Queen Broodmother 26 5$
Third Awakening Dragon Knight 7 *C -2nonR 35$
Dread Ascendance Doom 5 *C 40$
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge Underlord 22 20$

The International 2017 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Rumrunner's Carronade Brew master 20 15$
Abyssal Vortex Enigma 27 10$
Samareen Sacrifice Huskar 22 10$
Shadowforce Gale Luna 24 20$
Mechalodon Interdictor Gyrocopter 27 + 3*C 15$
Cunning Corsair Riki 24 20$
Pressure Regulator Clockwerk 3 *C 20$
Meranth Dragoon Sven 2 *C 35$
The Dread Prophet Nature's Prophet 2 *C 35$
Riptide Raider Monkey King 2 *C - 1nonrev 20$

The International 2016 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Nightsilver's Resolve luna 2 M* dtygod* 20$
Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror Chaos Knight 3C + 2 dtygod dopey* 20$
Rising Glory Magnus 2C+ 1 moiz 20$
Dirgeful Overlord Undying 3 *C 25$
Iceburnt Elegy Winter Wyvern 1 *C 25$
Wartorn Heavens Zeus 1 *C 35$
I've updated my policy and no longer entertain joy riders. If you're interested in adding me, I request a $3 deposit in items upon adding me.
This $3 deposit will be deducted from your total set cost.
Please refrain from adding me if you're not comfortable with the listed prices.
Keep in mind that prices are subject to change, and sets may go out of stock even if you're waiting for one, as someone else may purchase it before you.
If you're interested in reserving sets, please make sure to do so.
submitted by bruddagames to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:15 RatLab7 craft%

I really wish making every single craft option available (including variants (that also includs making planks by putting a log on each of the 9 possibe crafting slots (each type of log)) in the shortest time possible was a popular catgory on minecraft speedrunning, i'd love to see people adapting and finding the best routes to get every needed item, i'd even love to see them making that list of needed items smaller and smaller as speedrunners saw better ways of doing this taunting speedrun
please make this a thing
submitted by RatLab7 to MinecraftSpeedrun [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:11 leehelck i set up a scorchbeast trap

as an experiment i bought an extra camp slot and set it up near Fissure Site Prime & Forward Station Delta. with only the barn prefab, two concrete foundations on either side that have 5 turrets a piece and an entrance into my shelter it has turned out to be an optimal scorchbeast trap. all i had to do was shoot the SB a few times with my rifle while it was fluttering around in the air to grab it's attention and lure it into my turrets' range. needless to say i only needed a few rounds of my Cold Shoulder to finish the monster off once it landed. best 1000 Atoms i've spent.
submitted by leehelck to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 neon313 Deck List Compilation (40 Builds) Top 500 Legend Constructed Weekly Report #272

(Almost) each Sunday, we share with you the best Decks for each constructed mode in Hearthstone: Top 500 Legend Decks & 5k+ MMR Mercenaries Builds.
If you like these articles, make sure to follow us directly on Reddit, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook - you can also support us directly on Patreon if you would like.
If you want to learn how to submit your Deck, check the bottom of this article.

(16 posted this week) Standard Decks

Death Knight

Demon Hunter




  • No decks yet – you can view some older decks: Mage Decks!







(24 posted this week) Wild Decks

Death Knight

Demon Hunter


  • No decks yet – you can view some older decks: Druid Decks!









Submit your Deck

Do you want to be a part of the following weekly Report? If so, submit your Deck if you reached Top 500 Legend in any constructed Mode (Standard, Wild & Twist), 12 Wins in Duels, or 5k MMR+ in Mercenaries.
You can also tag us on Twitter, use our Discord, or comment with your Deck.
Thanks a lot for reading this article; I hope to see you again next week!
submitted by neon313 to hearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:08 neon313 Wild Deck List Compilation (24 Builds) Weekly Report #272

(Almost) each Sunday, we share with you the best Decks for each constructed mode in Hearthstone: Top 500 Legend Decks & 5k+ MMR Mercenaries Builds.
If you like these articles, make sure to follow us directly on Reddit, join our Discord, or follow us on Twitter or Facebook - you can also support us directly on Patreon if you would like.
If you want to learn how to submit your Deck, check the bottom of this article.

(24 posted this week) Wild Decks

Death Knight

Demon Hunter


  • No decks yet – you can view some older decks: Druid Decks!









Submit your Deck

Do you want to be a part of the following weekly Report? If so, submit your Deck if you reached Top 500 Legend in any constructed Mode (Standard, Wild & Twist), 12 Wins in Duels, or 5k MMR+ in Mercenaries.
You can also tag us on Twitter, use our Discord, or comment with your Deck.
Thanks a lot for reading this article; I hope to see you again next week!
submitted by neon313 to wildhearthstone [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:03 RS3FREAK Fighting Vorkath (ranged)

What ranged gear would be best in slot when fighting Vorkath?
submitted by RS3FREAK to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:02 Kiita-Ninetails A look at Artifacts and their implementation

Having seen some talk about Wargames lately, and thinking about the implementation of Artifacts I wanted to put a post together trying to put together my critique with them and why I think they have issues.
In general, I think almost all of them suffer from being largely uninteresting and while this is partly a problem that stems from more broad gameplay issues I think a lot also stem from the implementation.
And I want to kind of break the upgrades down here unit by unit, and explore where I think they succeed and fail and why. As well as a few ways to increase variety. To preface I am operating off the assumption that fleets should be moving away from generally hyper focusing on one unit types and should be combined arms. And that upgrades should offer compelling choice on how each fleet handles its problems and should lay itself out. I will also include easy ideas that are still stat changes, and more out there ones.
For general and universal issues I feel that there's no real reason to specialize, since no ships get significant damage bonuses against any other just driving twenty assault frigates down the throat of a destroyer works about as well as twenty ions. I'd like to see more degrees of specialization where anti strike craft fire struggles against capitals, and anti capital fire is more effective to make specialization more meaningful, which by itself encourages more varied Artifact choices.
I'll just be looking at Hiigaran fleets for now, Incarnate shares many of the same general issues and maybe can be looked at later.
General Artifacts
The Hiigarans
Overall Changes
I'd like to see more fleets and artifacts that focus more on more different playstyle. One where its all about building limited amounts of destroyers and supporting them and starting with guaranteed dessy patterns. One about having very limited fleet size but supporting a battlecruiser [once they don't suck]
Also, for most maps an enormous amount of the play area is functionally unused. Slow down the spawn timer a bit and spread things out to use more of the map and more dimensions within the maps. The biggest culprit is the first mission set with the trench between the big plates, that map uses less then a third of its play area. Also you know, just more maps.
In general there's a lot here, but I really think that if they are going to limit our roster they need to really make sure that any ship with artifacts supports at least two different gameplay feels, in a roguelite mode like this you want the choices to feel like choices and influence how your fleet is built. Right now its just hoping you get the ones that support your fleets 'point' and having a shit run if it doesn't. You want multiple paths to a successful fleet. But anyway this was too long, and I hope the sleep deprived rambling helps people put some feedback into solid form to help push BBI into the right direction here. Because despite Wargames being rough there still is a lot of promise here.
submitted by Kiita-Ninetails to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 22:01 Afro_Knight9577 [SF][FN] Gun Mage Episode 2: A Frosty Reception

~Gun Mage Episode 2: A Frosty Reception~
~Planet: Azuria~
I already knew what it was when I got here, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t still annoying. Before the I’d left, I took the book with me, adorned my power armor, projectile resistant mask, and the robe of the magus hunter core. I took Hunter and boarded my ship for a four-hour flight down south, making it to the country of Bastion. It took me another thirty minutes to get to Slade City proper and land.
I’d found a decent place to stay for the night, but when I woke up in the morning to start poking around the city, it was just as I thought, no one wanted to talk to me. Of course, it didn’t help that I was in a set of purple power armor, a gold mask, and black robes with an intimidating cowl. No doubt I came across as the magic boogey man, but hell, I still had a job to do and I was going to see this through.
I’d spent the better part of a day asking different people on the streets if there were any strange sightings, but surprise, surprise, no one saw anything. Finally, after searching in the fourth district I found an officer, who finally gave me a little bit of her time. Well, it helps that she happened to be pinned down by a couple of thugs and I’d come to her aid.
You see I happened to be walking down a particularly seedy part of the Fourth District when I heard gunfire coming from a particularly grungy alley. Normally it’s against my principles to head towards gunfire, but considering I needed information then perhaps this was my chance. There was a single dumpster and three guys were laughing while standing in the open, shooting a few low caliber guns at an officer who was standing against a brick wall. There was blood dripping from her right hand and her gun was on the cracked concrete.
“Dance for us cop, maybe we’ll let you live.” One joked, while another took a shot after a swig of what I could only guess was a fowl smelling beer, “You’ve got no gun, you’ve got no friends, all you got is us baby!” They all laughed and I was officially over it.
“Bolt shot.” I held up Hunter as my revolver charged with electric energy. I took aim and fired, but it wasn’t a bullet that left the gun, rather a bolt of lightning that struck the first man, causing him to scream spasm, and fall to the ground. The other three squealed in surprise, “A mage, what are they doing in,” a second one began, but before he could finish, I shot a second round that caught him in the chest. Like the first he came crashing to the ground and it seemed the others were spurred to act as a result.
They began firing, but each shot bounced off my armor like they were throwing stones at me. I pulled my best interpretation of a maniacal villain, giving them my best evil laugh, “Fools, now I will experiment on your rotted corpses!” They screamed, but it wasn’t long before I shot the other two and disabled them before they could attract any other attention. The cop ran, dove, and picked up her gun to aim it at me.
Really, I just saved her and she aimed a pistol at me, well I guess I did act like a crazy cultist back there. So, I tried to be reasonable and put my gun away and held my hands up, “Sorry it was just an act, I was having a little fun at their expense.”
She kept the gun raised, despite the fact that she knew it wouldn’t even damage my armor. I rolled my eyes, “Look uh,”
“Sarisa, you’ve got four disabled thugs, you’re still alive, and I put my gun away, so I can’t be that bad.”
“I’m sorry, I just got shot, a bunch of weirdos cornered me, and now a mage comes out shouting about how he’s going to experiment on their corpses.” She began and I thought that maybe poking fun at those thugs was a bad idea. She reached for a few zipties in her pack and bound the four. I kept my distance, though she was struggling to get them on with one hand. As she came to the third thug she looked up, “That wasn’t funny by the way.”
“I thought was.”
“It’s not especially when the Third District has gone through hell over the past few days.” She moved on to the final thug and wrapped him up before returning her attention to me, “Weird stuff like zombie attacks, people being bitten and the like.”
Finally, I was getting somewhere as this was the first lead I had, “These zombie attacks, was there anything off about them.”
“You mean aside from them being dead?”
“Well yeah, did they move as units, act in a manner that might be atypical.”
“Look man where I’m from the dead stay dead, I doubt the officers had time to analyze them for the subtleties you’re asking about.” She finished. Before she could start hauling them back to her car I asked, “One more thing, would you happen to know if there were other magic users involved?”
“Well, no, but Third District has its own local vigilante if that’s what you want. I’m not sure whether they can use magic or not, but he might have been the reason that the officers escaped.” I thanked her and helped her get the four criminals into the back of her squad hover-car.
She offered to ride me to the Third Precinct where I hoped to find answers. As I got out, I wished her farewell and headed towards the squat brick building, where two Trevaxi guards stood. Trevaxi were natives of Azuria just like humans, Sansarians, Nymeans, and Tarak, but they were a bit hardier than the rest of us. They were humanoid shaped gems with glowing eyes of different colors. The two in front of me happened to be emerald colored, each stood ready to gun me down with shotguns.
I nodded at them as I tried to walk into the station, but the on the left stopped me, “What’s your business mage?” He said in a commanding voice. I backed up a little, “I’m here to look into some strange,”
“We don’t need your assistance, now head back to your academy and stay there.” Well, as expected as that response was, I couldn’t turn back.
“Look my man, I need to speak with your chief, because there may be several magic users involved and I’m not sure,”
“You aren’t sure, you mages never are, now get lost before I throw you into the streets.” I looked back and the streets were crowded, no one particularly paid us any mind. This was not the sort of treatment that the station wanted on its record, but who would believe a gutless mage over a veteran officer?
I had to get in and this guy wasn’t going to stop me, “Look, I’m after this magic user because,”
“I don’t care.” I was starting to get pissed. Now, I wasn’t stupid enough to pull Hunter out, but instead lowered my shoulder and charged towards the door. It was stupid, I wasn’t going to get far, but hell I had to try something. Luckily, I took the Trevaxi by surprise and burst through the doors.
To be fair it was a nice office, the desk seemed nice and orderly, but I couldn’t quite get past all the officers with drawn pistols and laser pistols aimed my way. I quickly held my hands up to thwart any ideas of shooting me, but I got the feeling I was pushing it, maybe just a little. A very serious looking woman with a scar on her right eye walked forward, “You’ve got about ten seconds to tell me what you’re here for.”
“I was here looking for two individuals a vigilante and a necromancer, but your men here wouldn’t let me enter peaceably.” She turned to the two officers and gave them a stern look. I’m glad they couldn’t see my face because I was smiling at their misfortune; couldn’t be me. “Look I’m not trying to get in the way or start any trouble but,”
The woman held up her hand to stop me, “Listen, I know you mean well, but we don’t really trust mages, hell half the reason we’re in this mess is because of strange magic.” I sighed, knowing I wasn’t going to get much more in the way of information here. What I didn’t know is that there was another officer there who was paying attention to our conversation.
“While I’m sorry that my boys caused you trouble, I can’t exactly put you on the case with my officers. Your presence here will only cause a greater distraction from the mass of work we already have. Boys if you’ll escort him out.” Before the Trevaxi officers could take me out, a blue scaled Tarak walked towards us, “Hey boss I’ll take care of our mage friend here, I’ll even take him far away from the station.” This seemed to agree with the sergeant, so the officer took me out to his patrol car.
I got in and he started the hover-car then we set off into the mean streets of Slade City. The city was a lot larger than I remembered it being, repulsor roads arced throughout the city as neon lights and signs tried to grab our attention. Traffic was heavy, but this didn’t seem to bother the officer at all. After waiting for a few minutes till we came to an overcrowded part of the city, the officer introduced himself, “I’m Shos, Shos Vozza. You’ll have to excuse my colleagues, but we really have had our hands full.”
“I’m Jaden Blackthorn and to be quite frank I kind of expected that. Why don’t you tell me about this problem you all have?” I asked, but the officer held up a finger, “Look I couldn’t ask for your help with this case without at least letting me treat you to some food at a nice café here in town.” Well, this was a shock, an officer in Slade City that wasn’t jerk. We came around to a parking lot then landed then headed into the bottom floor of a large skyscraper that served as the headquarters for the Magia Technica one of the largest magical tech companies in the country. At the bottom, however, was a café with a classic wood finish and a few baristas running about in aprons.
I sat down with Shos and the two of us pulled up a holo-menu and ordered drinks and I ordered a blueberry muffin. We sat and ate for a few moments before I finally asked, “So, about this necromancer?”
He sighed, “We don’t know much, he’s worked in the shadows for so long, with the occasional zombie attack here and there, but nothing to catch him though. I’ve been working with a vigilante who calls himself the Shadow. He’s a mage just like you, though a bit less refined since he doesn’t have the same experience.”
“Then he may need help to bring down the necromancer. Is there any way we can get in contact with Shadow?”
“Of course, he’s actually a friend of mine, but I’m sure if the rest of the force found out I was working with a vigilante, then I’d lose my job.” He responded. I wanted to assure him that since he was working with a registered mage, he wouldn’t lose his job, but seeing how quickly they wanted me out, I’m sure that wouldn’t be true either. Shos gave me a pointed look, “I need two things from you if we’re to meet Shadow.”
“Name them.”
“The first, obviously, is that you keep my involvement with the vigilante a secret. The second is that you treat Shadow well. He’s not a bad guy, and he tries to do good with the magic that he was given. I know you’re a mage hunter so I think it goes without saying that the academy wants him put away.”
I stopped and thought about what he was saying for a minute. Most mage hunters were killers, but that was not all there was to our job. We were always meant to bring in mages alive to help them get their powers under control, so that they could contribute to society. I leaned back after eating a bite of my muffin before addressing his concern, “Look, I’m actually here to find a guy name Zerik Shin, a mage that specializes in the School of the Unseen.” This seemed to take the cop aback, so the Shadow and Zerik might be one and the same, “A colleague of mine, Dr. Isabela Silva, wanted me to bring him to Arxor Academy so that we could teach him there. This necromancer and vigilante kind of gave me the first leads to this guy’s whereabouts.”
“So, you’re a friend of Dr. Silva,” He laughed, “Man, I wish you’d opened with that.” This girl got around, didn’t she? I guess mages with the ability to heal were always in high demand and Izzy was one of the best. Shos seemed to relax a bit more, “Listen, I’m supposed to meet with the Shadow in a few hours. How about I drop you off, wherever you’re staying so you can make preparations and I’ll do the same. I’ll pick you up so we can go give him some backup.”
“I’d like that.” We shook hands then got up to leave the café. He drove me to the hotel I was staying, where I began to make preparations for the long night ahead of us.
submitted by Afro_Knight9577 to shortstories [link] [comments]