Pro ana dating

Overly Specific ED Memes

2019.07.31 22:02 runningthewrongway Overly Specific ED Memes

A place to share eating disorder memes that have a very specific context. NOT PRO I know y'all are gonna ignore this but NEDA hotline: 1 (800) 931-2237

2010.04.23 01:21 suemailer All types of Dieting tips and tricks


2012.06.17 07:52 thin and proud


2024.05.24 00:24 DisciplinedDumbass GameStop Hosting In-Person Events *IT'S HAPPENING*

GameStop Hosting In-Person Events *IT'S HAPPENING* submitted by DisciplinedDumbass to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:16 PrestigiousDouble171 I'm confused about my sexuality and gender

I'm confused about my sexuality, like really confused, and scared. I didn't know who else to ask and Google wasn't being too helpful, so I turned to this page.
I apologize in advance. this is going to be a long rollercoaster.
TW: one mention of SA, slight mention of seggsual life (to figure out if I might be asexual or not)
I'm 20 years old and a CIS woman. I always thought that wishing to be born a boy or fantasizing about being a boy was common. As well as finding women attractive and fantasizing about dating one. I've always had these thoughts since elementary, but being raised in a strict Hispanic household, it wasn't an option.
I've lived my life like that for the past years. I have always done my best to be an ally for the community and understand everyone. I got into a relationship with a CIS man as well, so writing all of this feels wrong. But, I think I should understand whatever is going on with me.
However, recently I have started questioning everything about my life and how I see myself. I first started to wonder if I might be bisexual, but then I started being scared I might be comphet... To add on, I started to feel confused about my body and my gender... and the fact that I could either be asexual or just lose spark with my partner.
I guess to start, there have been many times I felt my heart beat faster when I was around girls I found attractive. One of them being my close friend of 5 years. I have found women attractive, most of the time I thought it was jealousy, but I think I noticed now it was attraction... I have found guys attractive and had crushes on boys from school, but I feel like most of the time, it would happen AFTER someone would point out that they were cute. I mean, I have had my heart beat fast around boys too, so it's more confusing. I guess the only person that it didn't feel forced with is my current partner. But I'm not sure if it has always been like that. Apart from my partner, everyone else I had a crush on would only happen after someone mentioned they were good-looking or that everyone was crushing on them.
The only ones that would come naturally were fictional characters and celebrities. Not even the celebrities themselves, it was their character all the time. I'm not sure if that is important information, but I guess those were the only times it felt genuine. I mean, I could ramble about them.
As well, I like being a girl at times. Like, I love dresses and all of that. But, I can't deny sometimes I want to have a flatter chest or something different down there. Or having people wonder if I'm a girl or a guy. As well, the way I tend to dress is usually baggy clothes and rather tomboyish, but I'm not sure if that is helpful information.
Finally, I guess I used to have an active seggsual life and I was super hypersexual. But I got told it was probably a cause of my past SA. Recently, I haven't liked doing anything seggsual. My libido has gone down and I could go months without doing something. However, I'm okay with daydreaming and reading it at times. I'm fine with fantasizing and reading it, but doing it? I can't bring myself to do it. I feel gross at times. But I'm not sure if it's asexuality since I was active in the past.
I'm not sure if I'm asking for advice or help because it's all too confusing and long. I can't expect strangers to solve my problems, but I can't deny, I've been feeling so alone. It doesn't help the people around me are super religious and not very pro-LGBTQ, which kind of added to my internalized homophobia, I think... I guess it's more of a rant, but it would help a lot if someone could just guide me because I'm scared and confused...
P.S. Thank you Chappell Roan (Good Luck, Babe) for getting me through this writing this post.
Edit: My friends just told me that most of the time I would only crush on guys after people would start having crushes on them AND were kind to me. I guess this is important because I have always been considered a boy lover, but idk if any of that was genuine or was I just forcing myself.
submitted by PrestigiousDouble171 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:10 Silver-Durian-9754 Navigating The Privacy Tight Rope: User Concerns On Social Media Engagement"

Navigating The Privacy Tightrope: User Concerns on Social Media Engagement


This study analyses consumer concerns about privacy in social media engagement, the factors influencing these concerns, and provides strategies for handling them. To achieve this objective, this paper provides feedback on two vital questions (What are the primary concerns of social media users regarding privacy? And What factors contribute to these concerns?) that guide this research. The paper uses qualitative analysis to obtain analyze data. Lastly, the paper provides suggestions for future research and solution
In the current digitized world, many people are increasingly sharing their information with the public through social media. However, this act of sharing their details through electronic gadgets such as smartphones has and still increases the risk of privacy violations as people engage through social media. One of the events that significantly deepened consumer privacy concerns in the United States was the Cambridge Analytica data breach on Facebook half a decade ago, which affected many user accounts in the land. This data breach initiated the #deletefacebook movement across social networking sites culminating in many users reconsidering their connections with social media platforms about their trustworthiness, and potential for confidential issues. For one section of users, this meant signing out of these sites while the other section considered it as a chance to reset their confidential settings. According to Bright et al, user privacy concerns differ across sites in the user journey, and only a few sites are developed equally when it comes to user concerns as well as disclosures specifically in connection to social networking sites (1). Throughout this duration of redefining their connections with social networking sites, users find themselves coping with the "privacy paradox" and despite having privacy concerns, online users persist in disclosing their private details for distinct reasons, rather than safeguarding their details online. Therefore, this paper investigates [consumer concerns about privacy in social media engagement, and factors influencing these concerns, and provides strategies for handling them]().
A. Research problem
Social media plays a significant role in promoting interaction and sharing of information among users from all over the world. However, sharing of information over social media sites has and still increases the risk of privacy violations as people engage through social media. It's from this, that this paper settled on evaluating the consumer concerns about privacy in social media engagement, factors influencing these concerns, and providing strategies for tackling them.
B. Aim and Objectives
This study is determined to analyze the user concerns about privacy in social media engagement, highlight the primary factors influencing these concerns, and provide recommendations on desired approaches for handling them.
C. Research question
[1. What are the primary concerns of social media users regarding privacy?]()
2. What factors contribute to these concerns?
Social media has grown to become the modern-day routine. Currently, many social networking sites are continuing to integrate to offer distinct digital affordances as well as chances to enlarge individual networks, interactions, and information sharing. The availability of these sites has significantly culminated in to rise in user engagement. For instance, TikTok is among the most used sites with a massive following of more than 750 million accounts. Currently, people are becoming more open to sharing individual data and with the aid of the modern digital culture, this has been made possible by utilizing the availability of internet service. Although social media is considered to be of great significance in facilitating communication and entertainment among users, it also stores noticeable repositories of individual details that culminate to privacy concerns. This threat of privacy breaches has continuously increased as social media are frequently accessed through applications on cell phones, where a substantial number of identifiable data is stored, aggregated, and linked across various social networking sites.
Even as the issue of privacy threat has attained massive attention and recognition, especially among people who use these platforms, many studies have reported the concept of privacy paradox, which implies discrepancies involving persons' habits of disclosing individual details and their concern concerning privacy threat. Even though social media users have an increasing concern concerning privacy on media platforms, they are willing to proceed to disclose their data for various gratifications. According to Chen et al, some social media users always show or rather demonstrate reduced effort to offer safety on their confidentiality despite showing significant concern associated with social media (2). On the contrary, there is also a section of social media consumers who are not naive in their revel actions (2). This brings us to an analysis of the historical evolution of social media platforms, the emergence of privacy concerns, and important theoretical frameworks particularly privacy calculus.
Typically, the rise of privacy is significantly connected to the fast growth of technologies and the growing nature of the modern digital space. History shows that privacy was mainly linked with physical and individual interactions. During this time, people were interacting at their homes and with immediate families. However, this was significantly changed by the massive evolution in the digital world. The development of social media sites, and the level of connectivity they provide initiated a new era of unprecedented access to individual information. The new developments have made it simple for people to share their stories and even sensitive information with just one click significantly subjecting one to underlying privacy perils. The world is experiencing significant growth or cases in several data breaches leading to massive breaches of private data to the public. Hackers always target unsuspecting firms or companies to access important details such as the profile of clients or company records which could result in various forms of exploitations. When such a breach happens, it severely affects both the company and the individuals because while the person's data is compromised so is the deterioration of trust in the organization by the public.
Privacy calculus (shown in Figure 1 in the appendix section) refers to the comprehension of privacy as well as safety trade-offs of a certain innovation or firm. It assumes that individuals will divulge individual details whenever the perceived rewards or advantages outweigh the potential cost. Kehr et al. ascertain that the choice of sharing information is associated with privacy calculus as the equilibrium between the rewards and the hazards of revealing individual details or data. A person's privacy calculus can be impacted by several factors including but not limited to the perceived value of the details being revealed and the repercussions of the disclosure. Additionally, the cultures and factors within the society might considerably influence privacy caliculus These factors include but are not limited to societal norms associated with privacy in specific locations. Research has indicated that the threshold of diversity which is always accompanied by the growing society has some considerable effect on the withdrawal from the globe making people even more sensitive to what they share with the public.
This study used a qualitative approach in analyzing the user concerns on social networking site engagement. Primarily, this method was applied in this study because it offers a significant opportunity for the researcher to devolve deeply into but not limited to nuances of consumer experiences, viewpoints as well as emotions. Compared to a quantitative approach which only focuses on numerical as well as statistical evaluations, the selected approach here delves deeply into the underlying inspirations, feelings, and means that drive consumer connections online. Approaches such as but not limited to interviews and focus groups provided a substantial opportunity for the researcher to unveil the intricate web of norms and values that significantly impact how consumers interact and their perception of social media sites.
Additionally, the qualitative approach substantially enabled the researcher to attain different consumer concerns. According to Van der Vlist, and Helmond, social networking sites are characterized by a sophisticated structure that comprises different cultures and subcultures with distinct practices as well as concerns (3). By applying a qualitative approach, an investigator can therefore attain immediate information precisely on the experiences of consumers over different populations, and locations. This great understating is significant because it helps to design comprehensive as well as consumer-centric sites that cater to the different requirements as well as tests of the audiences across the world.
Moreover, the qualitative approach offered the researcher a flexible and adaptable experience especially when analyzing emerging issues within social media and user engagement. As indicated by, Reynolds, and Bennett, the qualitative approach allows the use of their analytical paradigms to suit the certain features of emerging issues encompassed in social media as well as consumer involvement (4).
When collecting data, the research applied the following types of qualitative methods:
A. Interviews
Interviews offered a significant platform for participants to articulate their concerns using their own words thus providing the researcher with the desired information on the experiences and viewpoints of people using the complex domain of social media. By applying the open-ended questions, the researcher was able to analyze the profound inspirations that significantly provided limelight to the intricacies of social media. Besides, interviews helped in contextualizing the user concerns in the wider brackets of social and cultural settings in which they take place. By involving the respondents in the study through discussion, the researcher was able to identify factors that significantly influence consumers'' viewpoints and habits including but not limited to peer pressure and cultural ideals. The contextual comprehension offered great support especially in deciphering the motive behind consumer concerns and coming up with solutions or rather strategies that perfectly resonate with the distinct array of consumers globally. Lastly, the interview helped to foster significant discourse that involved the researcher and respondents. This helped in cementing trust and the needed help that improved the credibility of the research.
B. Questionnaires
This study also used questionnaires to obtain relevant data that assisted in the completion of this research. Typically, questionnaires are valuable equipment issued when collecting data because they can gather a significant number of standardized information effectively. This study started by clarifying the objective of the questionnaires to participants. The researcher applied an open-ended type of questionnaire and crafted questions that aided in the collection of data from the respondents. The questionnaires were delivered to participants through email surveys that significantly aligned with the features of the sample group as well as the study aims. The clarity of the communication in the email and privacy substantially fostered participant involvement in the study. Besides, the researcher ensured that the information provided through this tool was secured and systematically organized to foster the analysis of information. In a nutshell, the study implemented effective usage of questionnaires in collecting vital data in the study. The researcher adhered to the best practices and embraced the spirit of iterative refinement thus harnessing the complete ability of the questionnaires and advanced knowledge concerning user concerns on social media engagement.
The sampling technique applied in this study was purposeful approach. This approach is broadly applied in qualitative studies to identify data-rich scenarios for the most efficient usage of scarce resources (5). The sampling techniques comprise of coming up and choosing people or groups that possess knowledge concerning or have experience with the topic under study (5). Through the use of emails, the researcher chose respondents who met certain qualifications and offered valuable information concerning consumer concerns on social media. Based on the participants’ selection criteria, a purposeful sample of (n=60) was selected to participate in the survey.
The research used thematic analysis (TA) in analyzing data. TA has enabled the research to unveil the profound concerns that prevail more across social media consumers. Through a systematic analysis specifically of the content that is common among consumers, the research was able to pinpoint reappearing subjects that show shared concerns, and frustrations. For example, factors including but not limited to privacy issues, and cyberbullying frequently arise in literature addressing the concept of consumer concerns within the context of social media. Nevertheless, TA offered a structured framework that greatly helped in organizing as well as interpreting qualitative information. Through conducting a thorough grouping of information or rather data into topics and sub-topics, the research was able to attain a fundamental insight into the diverse range of issues from the consumers. As argued by Thompson, TA promotes the rigor as well as reliability of the study outcomes, making sure that conclusions are based on empirical proof (6).
Additionally, TA offered significant support in facilitating comparisons as well as synthesis over distinct studies. Considering the idea that the use of social media keeps on growing, investigators always face various pieces of publications addressing the same subjects. TA gives these investigators to highlight the similarities and differences across datasets thus facilitating the enrichment of their comprehension concerning consumer concerns. Despite the above merits of TA in this study, this approach also significantly fails in various areas especially when applied to data analysis (7). For instance, the TA does not have strict directives for completing an analysis. This might easily culminate in variability, particularly in the manner in which this approach is used in different studies, thus rendering it difficult to draw a comparison in findings or replicate studies.
The consideration of ethics within studies is paramount since it ensures that the studies are completed by observing integrity, respect as well as fairness specifically on respondents involved. It's vital to uphold ethical consideration because morally right and also helps to maintain the credibility of the research. This research upheld the ethical standards before, during, and after the study in various ways. Firstly, the researcher ensured that the idea of informed consent was considered by significantly providing vivid information to respondents so that they could come up with independent choices about their involvement in the study. The researcher also ensured that there was room for withdrawal from the research by any respondent if they felt to do so. The research also ensured the concepts of confidentiality and privacy were considered during the interview process. Research has shown that it is vital to offer respect to the privacy of respondents to enhance or build confidence and trust (8). Enria et al. Emphasizes the need to maintain privacy during the study process from information gathering up to publication to lock out unauthorized personnel or disclosure of personal details (8). In this study, the researcher adopted the necessary measures to offer the needed protection or security for sensitive data or details gathered during the interview and the study at large.
Furthermore, the researcher also took the responsibility of reducing harm and at the same time raising the benefits for respondents. The researcher achieved this carefully by offering potential safety and eliminating threats associated with the research such as but not limited to physical harm. The researcher ensured that the relevant measures were executed to provide safety to vulnerable groups. In addition, the researcher ensured that there was respect for the respondent's independence as well as dignity. This was achieved by significantly treating respondents with respect and dignity. This entirely involved, honoring their choices concerning but not limited to their inclusion in the research.
Nonetheless, the researcher also ensured that fairness and equity were upheld during the study. The researcher observed the concept of diversity in recruiting participants and at the same time eliminating the prejudices grounded on aspects including but not limited to race or religion. Besides, the researcher took the necessary steps by considering the potential outcomes of the study for the most vulnerable respondents specifically people living with a disability. Lastly, the researcher guaranteed that ethical oversight, as well as responsibility, is observed throughout the research procedure. The researcher took the primary function of ensuring that the study adheres to the ethical standards designed by Institutional review boards.
The analysis focused on demographic examination by exploring aspects such as age, gender, education, job status, and social media platforms used. Based on gender, there 27 were female while 33 participants were men. The youngest participant was aged 21 years while the oldest was 57 years. The average age of the participants was 35.4 years, indicating that most were men. The minimum education level of the participant is a high school graduate and all participants were actively in employment or self-employed.
All the participants had registered an account with at least two social media platforms, although a majority (48), had multiple accounts. Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok were the most common social media platforms. However, most of the participants had registered an account with professional platforms like Linkedin, although most were not active participants on these platforms. Facebook emerged as the most popular for general networking while X was preferred for emerging news and trending online topics.
TA was adopted to explore the concerns of the users regarding privacy. Following the analytical approach proposed, there were five emerging themes on the most pressing privacy issues by users of social media networks; namely the scale and scope of data collection, potential misuse of user data, third-party app portability, behavioral tracking, and potential data breaches.
A. Discussion
To achieve the objective of the study, it was vital to provide substantial feedback on the two research questions that guided this study. The first question focused on understanding the primary concerns of social media about privacy. Social media networks have revolutionized and transformed communication, social networking, and bridging people's relationships. These mediums offer crucial benefits but also introduce noteworthy privacy concerns. The interviews revealed that the concerns delve around the process of data collection, use of information collected, security, control over private data, tracking behavioral patterns, and the association of third-party stakeholders. The interviews provided a comprehensive understanding by highlighting relevant concerns in detail, which will be explored further by applying the TA framework to ensure that each factor is understood well.
Scope and scale of Data Collection
The interviewees showed concerns about the scale and scope of data collection by social media networks. It emerged as one of the most pressing issues among social media users because of the intricacy of remaining private. Social media platforms obtain an enormous volume of information, including aspects like name, age, and residence and intimate details such as internet activities, hobbies, and text messages. The respondents indicated that the platforms can collect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) because account holders it is one of the requirements at the point of registration [10]. Crucial information like personal email addresses, contact numbers, and date of birth. The participants showed concerns because they suspected fraudulent actors could access the data and use it for malicious purposes.
The participants also showed concern for the ability of social media platforms to study behavioral patterns using the data collected. Participants argued that privacy is a crucial aspect of human dignity and should be guaranteed by social media platforms [11]. One participant noted that Facebook can track their interment activities, sites visited visit, content, preferences, and communication patterns. Therefore, it demonstrates that the use of collected data by social media is an issue that could pose privacy risks.
Misuse of Personal Data
The participants showed concerns about the use of information collected and stored in social media databases. Social media platforms can leverage the data collected to understand how to improve the experiences of users and other aspects that improve the quality. Based on the participants' responses, targeted advertising can be a vulnerability to users. Social media platforms can use the data to facilitate Ad Personalization [11]. The algorithms can be trained to analyze user data to enable personalized advertisements, which is an invasive antic. The platforms can be involved in the monetization of user data by selling the analyzed ta to third-party organizations.
The participants of the survey observed that social media platforms used the data beyond advertising purposes. The algorithms can be refined to understand social media consumption patterns to influence their purchase decisions. This is a form of manipulation by feeding users targeted information to influence their attitudes, behaviors, and choices [12]. Third-party organizations can leverage modern advances in AI and analytics to study the behavior of social media users and enable the system to make product recommendations and even product development.
Data Breaches
Data security emerged as a leading theme in during the interviews as recent news of frequent cyberattacks and monumental data breaches led to the exposure of personal information. Most participants noted that the high-profile incidents of data breaches by social media platforms like the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal led to the manipulation of voters' decisions in the US election and the Brexit vote. Millions of personal information data were mined without the users' consent. The exposure of the data led to adverse consequences including identity theft, financial fraud, and online vulnerabilities.
Similarly, users noted that user accounts frequently face security vulnerabilities. The accounts have weak password protocols. Some participants indicated that they have been victims of social media account hacks due to the weak security protocols. However, the participants were encouraged to indicate the password, implying that they used a common password including date of birth, name, and city [10]. Some users understood the two-factor authentication, which is crucial in minimizing hacking. The two-factor authentication protocols lead to problems by adding layers. Making it unpopular among most social media users.
Poor account security reduces the ability of users to control their personal information. However, most social media platforms recognize that there is a need to enhance the security of users' accounts. The security setting is complex and confusing to many ordinary social media users. A significant proportion of participants did not understand the process of setting the advanced security protocols [13]. Most users rely on the default security setting, which encourages sharing of personal information and social media activities. The users are expected to maneuver the complex process to ensure the security of their data. Shifting such an obligation to users with limited knowledge about the technicality of social media account security raises ethical and moral concerns.
Behavioral Tracking
Most users noted that social media platforms can perform behavioral tracking by analyzing social media activities, patterns, and content. Cookies Technologies provide the platforms with a tool to perform continuous tracking across different websites, retaining in-depth profiles of user's behavior [13]. The platforms can conduct behavioral tracking with informed consent: The Cambridge-Analytica incident reveals the vulnerability of social media platforms on individuals and society. The profiles created were used not only for marketing and advertising purposes but also to influence political campaigns.
Participants of the study indicated that the ability of social media platforms to collect data limitlessly can expose users to surveillance vulnerabilities. Collecting private and intimate data, such as personal health information and PII can enable third-party actors to perform surveillance since each aspect of social media interaction is documented. The Power held by social media companies leads to the loss of anonymity over personal information to some extent. The structure of social media communication makes it impossible to maintain anonymity because the data is augmented into a singular platform.
Third-Party Apps Data Portability
Portability and the right to delete information is also a concern among users. This stems from the concept of the "right to be forgotten." Users may opt for some content from their social media platforms. Users have limited control over the spread and distribution of the content they post. Deleting the content does not limit other account owners to post similar information [14]. This is a significant concern highlighted by the participants of the survey. deleting their data or controlling its spread once shared.
The growth of social media has coincided with an era of integration of online systems and solutions. Most social media platforms allow third-party apps and integrations. Third-party applications operate based on their practices, policies, and unique terms and conditions for service. There are more privacy issues when social media networks integrate third-party apps and services. Integration of third-party Apps into the social media application can facilitate the collection of data and potential for misuse [12]. There is a lack of clarity over the party responsible for the security of data. Besides, the more the data is available to employees of both organizations, it can be at risk of breaches.
The second question focused on examining the mediating factors contributing to the social media user’s privacy concerns. Based on the TA, the merging factors included inadequate regulatory protection, ineffective social media platform privacy policies, and ignorance of users on appropriate security settings.
Accessibility and Permission
Accessing the data held may require permission from the user or the social media platform. Some apps may be granted broad permissions that allow them unlimited access to the information. Third-party apps often request access to a wide range of user data, which may not be necessary for their functionality. There is a lack of appropriate oversight over data and usage by third-party organizations and apps. The platforms do not provide sufficient oversight and guidelines on how the third parties use and protect the data they access.
Therefore, there is potential for misuse and manipulation of user data by social media platforms and third parties who access the data. Social media platforms may have strict privacy but third-party organizations may have inconsistent privacy concerns. The Cambridge Analytica scandal is an illustration of such an incident, where Facebook data was accessed with crucial privacy breaches. Social media platforms pose a significant threat because they can lead to trust issues among users. Some of the participants noted that they had deleted their accounts because of fear of privacy breaches [14]. The constant privacy issues influence the attitudes and behaviors on social media and their level of trust in these platforms. Hence, the participants have adopted self-censorship due to the awareness of potential online tracking and data collection. This involves avoiding sharing some details or expressing views freely.
The risk of privacy breaches can minimize the levels of social engagement to conceal one's true personality and character. Privacy concerns can lead to reduced engagement, with users less likely to participate in activities that require personal information sharing. Users have also shown concerns for better data and information security practices by social media platforms. The participants of the survey indicated that transparency over the use of the data collected is necessary to protect their confidentiality [12][13]. The growth in awareness and understanding of the right to privacy has been a significant factor that has influenced the demand for better information security protocols.
Inadequate Regulatory and Policy Concerns
Privacy is a right recognized by the laws of different countries including the United States. There are specific legislations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU block or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), enacted to protect the privacy and confidentiality of users' data. However, it does not provide sufficient protection to users since there are several hurdles in its implementation. The lack of effectiveness and compliance with the law has contributed to the loopholes that are constantly utilized by the platforms to collect personal data [12]. The legislations impose legal and criminal liabilities on social media platforms, which can be a crucial method of deterring platforms from engaging in unauthorized sharing of users' data.
Ineffective Social Media Site Policies
Social media platforms have policies that guide the usage of data collected from account holders. Most of these terms are often complex and it is difficult for the users to comprehend. Users sometimes agree to conditions without fully understanding service and privacy rules since they are lengthy and complex [11]. The participants contented that they had never read through all the policies, terms, and conditions of using the site. These challenges lead to the acceptance of policies that allow the collection and usage of data.
Besides, social media platforms are constantly enhancing policy changes that could affect the security of users' data. Platforms regularly change their terms of service, sometimes making major adjustments to privacy provisions that users might not always see or comprehend [13]. The ignorance of users creates vulnerabilities in users and places social media platforms in a superior position. This enables the platforms to include policies that are pro-data collection.
B. Conclusion
Social media companies need to improve privacy controls, strengthen security, simplify privacy settings, and follow strict regulations to strike a balance between user interaction and privacy. Platforms can provide a safer and more reliable environment and encourage users to interact without jeopardizing their personal information by fully addressing these main concerns. This fine balance, where the advantages of connection and sharing are evaluated against the fundamental right to privacy, will determine the future of social media.
Dealing with a wide range of intricate issues is necessary when navigating the social media privacy tightrope. It makes sense that users are concerned about the scope of data gathering, the uses to which it is put, the security of their data, and their control over it. These issues become even more complicated when third-party apps are involved and behavioral tracking is used. These privacy concerns provide serious legal and policy hurdles in addition to affecting user behavior and confidence.
C. Future Research
Social media platforms need to reconsider the concept of user privacy to protect the confidentiality of user data. It is necessary to communicate clearly about the purpose for which the data collected is to be used. The current system is opaque and the users have limited knowledge about the terms and conditions of service. Organizations must protect the integrity of user data. Failure to comply with the regulatory requirement can lead to substantial financial and reputational damage to a social media platform. Facebook has been heavily fined for data breaches and scandals.
Policymakers and legislator should also understand the risk that social media platforms expose to their users and introduce stricter regulations and guidelines on how these platforms can use data collected. Currently, social media platforms are powerful and can influence users to accept terms that would allow the collection of personal information. The legislation should focus on introducing guidelines that compel the platforms to be transparent and use terms that are easily understandable to all users. The study focused on users that are educated but they were also not familiar with the terms on the use of personal data by the platforms. The government can provide better protection by introducing liabilities on platforms that mislead users to accept opaque terms and conditions with a loophole that will allow the collection of PII. Government involvement will be necessary as information and communication technologies continue to transform how organizations collect, analyze, and utilize online users and activities.


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(14) K. D. Martin and R. W. Palmatier, “Data Privacy in Retail: Navigating Tensions and Directing Future Research,” Journal of Retailing, vol. 96, no. 4, pp. 449–457, Dec. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.jretai.2020.10.002.


Figure1: The conceptual model of extended privacy calculus

submitted by Silver-Durian-9754 to u/Silver-Durian-9754 [link] [comments]

2024.05.24 00:10 FrauAmarylis May 23-27 Frau's Fun Memorial Weekend Guide

All weekend

Strawberry Festival Fri 1-10pm, Sat/Sun 10-10, and Sun 10-9pm. Parade is 10am Sat.Rides cost $3-8 each and Fri all day ride wristband is $35, and Sun-Mon wristband $40, and $15 fast Pass. Monday is A Redhead contest. free festival parking at churches nearby. No pets. Village Green Park, Euclid& Main St, downtown Garden Grove.
Scottish Fest at OC Fairgrounds $30 adults, $6 kids, $12 parking. 2-day admission $45 adult, $8 kids. 10am-6pm, Sat, and 10-5:30 on Sun. Frau likes watching The Caber Toss (yes, people in kilts toss a full tree trunk, end-over-end) and Sheep toss at the Highland Games Competition, the Highland Dancers Kids' Competition, and the Chain mail sword- fighting. Try Haggis, Scotch Eggs, and Whiskey Tastings (the whiskey classes sell out, get your tix online for those ahead of time). Sheep herding demos with those dogs that round them up. Eric Rigler (famous bagpipecomposer for Braveheart, Titanic, all the movies) performs at noon and 3pm Sat. The Scots aren't known for singing so the Celtic bands have Irish Singers, thankfully. Lots of bagpiping. Wear a kilt or blue& white colors and bring your drinking horn. 88 Fair Center Dr, Costa Mesa. Military and EMS get free entry.
Fences Play $14+, various dates and times thru June 9th. Costa Mesa Playhouse.
Pick your Own Sunflowers Tanaka Farms.
Live Music on the Green at Bella Terra Mall free, Fri 6-9pm Kaitlyn Weathers- pop country music, Sat 6-9pm Tanner Howe- pop music, Sun 12-3pm Adelaide-bossanova and pop. Bring a blanket, chair, or sit in the grass. Lawn area in front of Century Theaters. Park in structure next to Costco.
Free Concerts at Irvine Spectrum Fri, Sat, Sun 5:30pm-8:30pm, near H&M.
Newport Beach Wine Festival $215/adult.
Best Places to see Wildflowers
Anaheim Garden Walk free, pet-friendly, Fri 5-10pm, Sat & Sun 2-10pm. Vendors, kids crafts, selfie photo booth.
Live Music on the Green free,Fri& Sat 6-9pm, Sun 12-3pm. Bella Terra Mall on The Green (new lawn area in front of Century Theaters) Parking: Park in the structure next to Costco. Huntington Beach.
Live Music on Forest free, Fri-Sundays, various times, downtown Laguna Beach in the Forest pedestrian area.

Thursday May 23

Taste of Brea $50 wristband, Thurs 5-9pm, downtown Brea. the largest, regional food fair in OC. 100 food &beverage vendors. Entry includes all-you-can-enjoy, delicious tastes from local and regional restaurants, breweries and wineries. Live music, featuring the band Cold Duck. Free parking.
Free Concert in the Park- Los Alamitos Thursdays, free, 6:30-8pm. Taylor Swift Cover band this week. Bring your blankets or chairs or picnic food. Food also available for purchase. Beer garden? 10902 Pine St. On Pine & Florista St.
Quarteto Nuevo Thurs, $35. 7:30pm. Jazz fiusion concert. Muckenthaler Cultural Center, 1201 W Malvern, Fullerton.
Group Mountain Biking Aliso/Wood Canyons Parkfree, Thurs, 5:30pm, RSVP & details here: Checkout this Meetup with Orange County Mountain Biking:

Friday May 24

Black Star Canyon OC Parks Group Hikefree, 8-10:30am. Wear hiking clothes, shoes, hat and bring hiking poles if you have them. Must RSVP online.
free Movie in the Park: Moana Fri, 6:30pm is food trucks, art-making, etc. movie starts at 8pm, run time 1h47min. you may bring folding chairs and food. Segerstrom Argyros Plaza, must RSVP by signing up for Plaza Pass online.
Pacific Symphony on the Go Free, Fri, 6:30-7:30pm. Bring a blanket from 5:30pm. Napoli Park, 27682 Napoli Way,Mission Viejo.
Pop Vision Live Top 40 Music Free, Fri, 5:30-7:30pm, at Garden+Grille, food for purchase, Mission Viejo.
Sunset Serenades Free, Fri, 6:30-8pm. A Rock Band is Tonight. Free Concerts every Friday in May at Heisler Park Amphitheater, up the stairs from Main beach in Laguna Beach by Whale Sculpture. Restrooms nearby. Jazz, pop, and Rock bands. Bring your own alcohol beverage is allowed only if you have food also. Picnicking is popular.

Saturday May 25

Polynesian Festival and Luau Show Free festival, Luau/show $30 adult, $15 kids. Sat, 10am-10pmvendors, music, entertainment, woody cars, food, shave ice. San Clemente Community Center. Not sure exact time Luau starts.
Kids Fishing Tournament 6am-2pm. Sat, Santa Ana River Lakes at 4060 E La Palma Ave, Anaheim.
Free Silent Disco free, Sat, 6-9pm. Giant Wheel Lawn outside at Irvine Spectrum Mall.
80's Theme Dana Point Trolley HopSat, noon-5pm. $10 wristband gets you drink/food specials at participating restaurants along trolley route. Pick up wristband at Dana Point Ale House11:30-2pm. First 500 people get a free Fanny Pack. Live trolley tracker:
Free Car ShowSat 10am, Raffle, Face-painting, pet-friendly. Willowick Golf Course: 3017 W Fifth St Santa Ana.
Fritz Coleman Comedy Show $20, Sat, 8pm. Camino Real Playhouse, 31776 El Camino Real,San Juan Capistrano.
2 mile Ranger-led Bird walk in Laguna Canyon $3 parking, must RSVP online. 18751 Laguna Canyon Rd, Laguna Beach.
Resin Craft Group free for adults and Kids, Sat 2-3:30pm, Make fun things with UV Resin. Must RSVP by email Mission Viejo library- Friends Storytime Room. 100 Civic Center Dr, Mission Viejo.
Guided Sketch in the Park Sat, 9am-1pm. Free entry & Parking, Bring your own materials (list given with online rsvp). please RSVP. Irvine Ranch Historic Park, 13042 Old Myford Rd. Irvine.
Good Life Fair free, Sat, noon-5pm Health& Wellness fair, food, raffles, Kids Fun Zone, etc. McFadden Park, 900 S Melrose, Placentia.
Long Beach BBQ Festival$25, Sat, Noon-9pm. Shoreline Aquatic Park.

Sunday May 26

Annual Free Concert on the Water 1-5pm, Baby Beach and Ocean Institute area. Sponsored by DP Yacht Club. Join in on the water with your SUP, kayak, etc. Can use free DP trolley (
Weiner Dog Races Sun, $5-$10; Races at 11am and 1pm, gates open at 10am. Old World German Biergarten, 7561 Center St, Huntington Beach. Explore the German bakeries, etc.
6 mile Aliso/Wood Canyons Group Hikefree, Sun, 7:30-10:15am. Canyon View Staging Area, 22124 Utility Access Rd, Aliso Viejo. RSVP and more details here Checkout this Meetup with Trail Mix: Free Sundays Concert 2pm, Nixon Library. free parking. Ethan Chen, Pianist.

Monday May 27 Memorial Day Events

Wreath Laying & Patriotic Band 10:15 am wreath and speaker, 11am band. Nixon Library, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda.
MV Memorial Day Ceremony 8:30am, Kershaw Garden at City Hall. Mission Viejo.
Mission SJC Field of Honor Mon, $5, 10am-4pm. more than 400 (3′ x 5′) American flags, each standing seven-feet tall in solemn formation, waving proudly.
Memorial Day 1/2 Marathon, 10k/5k Laguna Hills.

Plan Ahead-

Cirque du Soleil: Koozå $40+, June 8-July 21. Laguna Hills Mall Big Top Tent.
Annual Bluegrass & BBQ eventSun, June 9, from 4-7pm. $25 entry, $52 with BBQ, LCAD in Laguna Beach.
Free Silent Disco Nights Giant Wheel Lawn at Irvine Spectrum. May 25, June 29, July 27, Aug 31, Sept 28, Oct 26, Nov 30.
Jazz Wednesdays in Laguna Beach
$29 Aladdin Musical May at Segerstrom in Costa Mesa.
OC Free Thursday Concerts in the Parks June 20 to Aug. 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. Enjoy 9 free outdoor Summer concerts Thursday evenings at various parks.
OC Summer Concerts Mega List
OC Summer Movies in the Park List
submitted by FrauAmarylis to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:51 AquariumThrowaway117 Just hopped back on the dating apps, any honest feedback would be helpful!

Just hopped back on the dating apps, any honest feedback would be helpful! submitted by AquariumThrowaway117 to Tinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:48 Granmastro Demo review from a soulsbornekiro fan (ENG/ITA)

Just finished the beta. It lasted about 3.5h for me, I’ve explored all the available maps and I found (I believe) almost all secret areas. I have to say that I am kinda disappointed, I was really looking forward to this Italian project because I knew who were in the development team: Sabaku No Maiku, an Italian “Souls” expert and Spike Shadowhunter, a veteran monster hunter player and Enotria’s game designer.
Starting with the pros: art, ambience and enemy design are fantastic, the idea of a souls like mixed with Italian opera is something I’d never thought could work together and the Italian language is well implemented with the English language, it may sound a bit off for non-Italian speakers, but you’ll get used to it. Level design is also cool, I found it funny exploring the maps and discovering secret areas getting me to useful items. I also loved the sound design, especially in the second part inside the city. OSTs are also cool, they reminded me of The Witcher 3 ones with all the vocals and instruments. For the combat I saw a variety of weapons, but I only used ultra greatswords for my run. Also the abilities are fine, nothing really new but they give you a lot of advantage in combat and they look cool and flashy.
And that’s about it.
For the cons: the combat itself is very slow, I know I only played with greatswords, but the wind-up for the normal R1 lasts about 2/2.5 seconds (or at least it feels like, I didn’t timed it, but it’s really close), slowing down as hell the fights. The positive note is that the attacks have hyper armor on weaker attacks. The parry is satisfying when you perform it, but it doesn’t cut it because it also has a tiny and obnoxious wind-up animation, I don’t know why it isn’t instant when you press L1 (like in Sekiro for example), and I found difficult both at the start and at the end of the demo finding the right moment to parry the incoming attacks because not only I needed to know the enemy’s moveset, but also I needed to take into account that I have to press the parry button a little before the attack would hit me. The camera on lock-on is placed too below the character, it should’ve been a little above from where it is now, because most of the times I couldn’t see enemy’s attacks because either the player or my weapon was in the way, in fact when I started playing without lock-on, the combat felt better. Last but not least, the ability to change mask wasn’t useful for me, because the animation takes too long and I didn’t feel the need to have a change of loadout on the go.
The player movement as a whole feel very sluggish and the camera movement isn’t sharp and sometimes it doesn’t follow the players’ movement very well.
Progression wise, level ups are very very cheap, while weapons, masks and abilities upgrades are very very costly. In fact I was able to only 1 weapon to max level (6 or 8 I believe, I don’t remember), while my character’s level was around 25
There are also a few bugs to take care of, for example some enemies don’t move at all and I heard that bosses have the same problem. Another bug I encountered is that chests and enemy loot wasn’t showing on screen.
Performance wise I found it pretty bad optimized, I have a 3070 paired with an i5-8600k and 16gb of RAM and there were frame drops from 120/130 to 90/80. To avoid that I had to fix my framerate to 60, but even then, there were signs of stuttering, most of the times it was stuttering when I was rotating the camera.
Enemy placement is well done for the most part, but there are some sections that really feel like you’re getting ganked, especially the mini bossfight from my last post.
The ui is generally fine, I’m not a fan of pop-up windows that pause the game for tutorials because they ruin the flow of the gameplay. Also you can’t go to the bottom of the inventory by pressing UP on the controller and you have to scroll all the way down
And that’s about it
If I were to rate this demo, I’d give it a 4.5/10, it really needs serious work and if it was released today, I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone, which is really sad giving the hopes I had for this game.
Ho appena finito la beta. È durata all’incirca 3 ore e mezza e ho esplorato tutte le mappe disponibili e ho trovato (almeno credo) tutte le aree segrete. Sono abbastanza deluso da questa beta, avevo veramente creduto nel progetto dato che sapevo chi c’era nel team di sviluppo: Sabaku, un esperto di “souls” in italia e Spike shadowhunter, un veteran hunter di monster hunter, nonché game designer di enotria.
Cominciando con i pro: l’art design, l’ambiente e il design dei nemici sono fantastici, l’idea di un souls like misto all’opera italiana è qualcosa che mai avrei immaginato assieme e la lingua italiana è ben integrata nella traduzione inglese, può stonare un po’ a chi non conosce l’italiano, ma ci si fa l’abitudine quasi subito.
Anche il level design è fatto bene, mi sono divertito a esplorare le mappe e scoprire tutte le aree segrete, le quali mi hanno portato a oggetti utili. mi è piaciuto un sacco anche il sound design, specialmente nella seconda parte della demo, nella città. Le OST usate sono fighe e mi hanno ricordato più di una volta delle OST di The Witcher 3 con i vocals e gli strumenti usati. Riguardo al combattimento, ho trovato una buona varietà di armi, anche se nella mia run ho solo usato gli spadoni pesanti. Le abilità sono a posto, niente di davvero nuovo, ma danno un buon vantaggio in combat e gli effetti e animazioni usate sono ben fatti.
E per i pro è tutto.
Passando ai contro: il combat in generale è veramente lento, lo so che ho giocato solo con gli spadoni, ma il tempo di carica dell’attacco base dura all’incirca 2/2.5 secondi (calcolato a mente, non l’ho cronometrato al millisecondo, ma siamo vicini), il che rallenta un sacco gli scontri. Una nota positiva è che hanno messo hyper armor contro gli attacchi più deboli. Il parry è gratificante quando riesce, ma anche quello ha problemi: ha un’animazione prima del “vero” parry che dura veramente poco, ma si sente. Non ho capito perché non l’abbiano fatto istantaneo (come in sekiro per esempio) e mi è stato veramente difficile abituarmici, e anche alla fine della demo avevo problemi di timing perché non solo dovevo sapere quando era il momento giusto di parryare, ma dovevo anche tenere in considerazione di questa minuscola animazione e dovevo premere il pulsante prima che l’attacco mi raggiungesse. Anche il lock-on dei nemici ha problemi, infatti la telecamera è posizionata troppo in basso e innumerevoli volte non sono riuscito a schivare o a parryare un attacco perché il personaggio o l’arma erano in mezzo e non mi facevano vedere bene il nemico. Quando ho provato a senza il lock-on, il combat era già migliore. Ultimo, ma non per importanza, l’abilità di cambiare maschera non è stata molto utile per me, l’animazione per cambiarla dura veramente troppo e non ho mai avuto la necessità di doverla cambiare mentre ero in un’area.
Altri problemi che ho visto sono il movimento generale del player, il quale è veramente legnoso, la telecamera che non segue bene il personaggio in molti casi e sembra oleosa quando la si muove (da fermi, in combat, ecc…). Ho anche riscontrato un paio di bug, uno tra i quali sono i nemici che sono immobili, e da quello che ho sentito anche i boss hanno questo problema, mentre l’altro bug riguarda il loot delle chest e dei nemici, il quale non veniva fuori a schermo quello che lootavo.
Parlando delle performance, il gioco è mal ottimizzato. Ho una 3070, un i5-8600k e 16gb di ram e c’erano drop di frame da 120/130 a 90/80. Per risolverlo ho dovuto lockare i frame a 60, ma nonostante quello, dava comunque segni di stuttering di volta in volta, la maggior parte delle volte quando ruotavo la telecamera.
Il posizionamento dei nemici è fatto bene, nella maggior parte, ma ci sono alcune parti di gameplay dove sembra veramente che ce ne siano troppi, specialmente la mini bossfight del mio ultimo post.
Per quanto riguarda la progressione, ho trovato veramente facile livellare, mentre ho trovato veramente difficile potenziare armi, maschere e abilità, infatti sono riuscito solo a portare al massimo un’arma (lv 6 o 8 mi pare) e arrivare a livello 25 circa
Infine, parlando dell’interfaccia, non sono un grande fan delle finestre a pop-up che mettono in pausa il gioco come tutorial, dato che rovinano il flusso generale del gameplay. E non si può arrivare in fondo all’inventario premendo “SU” sul controller e devi per forza scrollare tutti gli oggetti per arrivare in fondo.
E questo è tutto.
Se dovessi dare un voto alla demo darei un 4.5/10, ha davvero bisogno di sistemare le lacune elencate sopra e se il gioco fosse stato rilasciato oggi non lo consiglierei a nessuno, il che è veramente triste date le speranze che nutrivo per questo gioco.
submitted by Granmastro to EnotriaGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:45 lerhond Wednesday Esports Discussion - May 22


Sign-ups open

Hanzo Genji Cup (NA)
Nexomania Development League (NA)


Banshee Cup #2 - playoffs (Probuilds)
VODs: YouTube playlist
  1. Team BananaH - BananaH, fancypants, itrax, JeanLassalle, JohannAYAYA
  2. Team Sven (2-4 vs. Team BananaH) - Aether, aryon70, captenrex, Nano, Sven
  3. Team HlopakA (1-3 vs. Team BananaH) - Hiraeth, HlopakA, HunterOrc, Miriale, Parnax
  4. Team Ultralisk (1-3 vs. Team HlopakA)
  5. Team Daykwaza (1-3 vs. Team HlopakA in the group stage) & Team Dynouh (2-3 vs. Team Ultralisk in the group stage)
  6. -
  7. Team Jia (1-3 vs. Team Daykwaza in the group stage) & Team Mascarade (2-3 vs. Team Dynouh in the group stage)


For an always up-to-date calendar of Heroes esports matches and events, check the calendar in the subreddit's sidebar. You can also subscribe to that calendar by following this guide. There's also a calendar on Liquipedia's front page.
May 25 (Saturday) - 9:00 PDT 12:00 EDT 16:00 UTC 18:00 CEST 2:00 AEST
Amateur league stream schedules:


submitted by lerhond to heroesofthestorm [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 23:26 Sweet-Count2557 Best Babymoon Destinations In February 2024

Best Babymoon Destinations In February 2024
Best Babymoon Destinations In February 2024
Are you expecting a little bundle of joy in February? Well, congratulations! It's time to celebrate this special milestone with a well-deserved babymoon getaway.
But where should you go? Fear not, we've got you covered with the best babymoon destinations in February.
Imagine basking in the warm Hawaiian sun on the beautiful beaches of Maui, or cuddling up by the fireplace in a cozy Aspen cabin surrounded by snow-capped mountains.
If tropical vibes are more your style, head to Riviera Maya in Mexico for pristine beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters.
For a touch of romance, Santorini's breathtaking sunset views will leave you spellbound.
And if you're looking for pure paradise, the Maldives offers luxurious overwater bungalows and vibrant coral reefs just waiting to be explored.
So pack your bags and embark on an unforgettable babymoon adventure this February!
Key Takeaways
Maui, Hawaii is a popular babymoon destination in February, offering stunning beaches, warm weather, and a range of accommodations.
Aspen, Colorado is a charming winter babymoon destination with ski resorts and activities such as skiing, snowshoe hikes, and ice skating.
Riviera Maya, Mexico is a tropical paradise babymoon destination with romantic beach resorts and opportunities for exploration, including visiting Tulum and cenote swimming.
The Maldives is a perfect tropical getaway babymoon destination with luxurious overwater bungalows, vibrant coral reefs, and activities like diving, snorkeling, and romantic beach dinners.
Maui, Hawaii
Maui, Hawaii is an idyllic destination for couples seeking a romantic babymoon getaway in February. With its stunning beaches, lush landscapes, and warm weather, Maui offers the perfect setting for expectant parents to relax and connect before their little one arrives.
When it comes to accommodations in Maui, there are plenty of options that cater to couples on their babymoon. From luxurious resorts with private villas and infinity pools overlooking the ocean to cozy bed and breakfasts nestled in the tropical rainforest, you'll find a range of choices that suit your preferences and budget.
During your stay in Maui, there are endless activities to enjoy as a couple. Take a leisurely stroll along the famous Ka'anapali Beach or explore the vibrant marine life while snorkeling in Molokini Crater. For those looking for adventure, go hiking through Haleakala National Park or embark on a scenic helicopter tour over the island's breathtaking landscapes.
Indulge in soothing spa treatments specifically designed for expectant mothers or savor delicious meals at waterfront restaurants offering fresh seafood and farm-to-table cuisine. Don't forget to capture precious moments together by hiring a professional photographer who can capture beautiful maternity photos against Maui's picturesque backdrop.
Maui, Hawaii provides an enchanting escape for couples embarking on their babymoon journey. From luxurious accommodations to an array of activities tailored for expecting parents, this tropical paradise offers everything you need for an unforgettable romantic getaway before welcoming your bundle of joy.
Aspen, Colorado
Aspen, Colorado offers a charming winter getaway for expectant couples seeking a romantic escape before their little one arrives. With its stunning ski resorts and plethora of winter activities, Aspen is the perfect babymoon destination in February.
Imagine snuggling up with your partner in front of a crackling fireplace after a day on the slopes. Aspen boasts four world-class ski resorts, each offering an array of trails suitable for all levels of skiers. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, there's something for everyone here.
If skiing isn't your thing, don't worry! Aspen has plenty of other winter activities to keep you entertained. Take a leisurely snowshoe hike through the picturesque Maroon Bells, or go ice skating hand-in-hand at the outdoor rink in downtown Aspen. You can even try your hand at dog sledding or take a scenic sleigh ride through the snowy mountains.
After a day filled with adventure, indulge in some well-deserved pampering at one of Aspen's luxurious spas. Treat yourself to a prenatal massage or relax in the hot tub while taking in the breathtaking mountain views.
With its picturesque scenery and abundance of winter activities, Aspen, Colorado is the ultimate babymoon destination for expectant couples looking to create lasting memories before their bundle of joy arrives.
Riviera Maya, Mexico
Escape to the tropical paradise of Riviera Maya, Mexico, where you can bask in the sun-kissed beaches and indulge in delectable cuisine while creating unforgettable memories before your little one arrives.
Riviera Maya is home to some of the most romantic beach resorts, providing the perfect setting for a babymoon getaway. Imagine waking up to breathtaking views of turquoise waters and white sandy beaches right outside your door. These resorts offer luxurious amenities such as private pools, spa treatments designed specifically for expectant mothers, and gourmet dining experiences that will tantalize your taste buds.
In addition to enjoying the resort's offerings, Riviera Maya offers plenty of opportunities for exploration. Take a day trip to Tulum and discover ancient ruins perched on a cliff overlooking the Caribbean Sea. Explore the well-preserved structures that once belonged to Mayan civilization and imagine what life was like centuries ago.
If you're feeling adventurous, take a dip in one of Riviera Maya's famous cenotes – natural sinkholes filled with crystal-clear water. These cenotes are not only stunning but also provide a refreshing escape from the heat.
Whether you prefer relaxing on pristine beaches or delving into ancient history, Riviera Maya has something for everyone during your babymoon vacation.
Santorini, Greece
Get ready to immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty of Santorini, Greece, where you'll feel like you're stepping into a picture-perfect postcard. The iconic white-washed buildings are nestled against the stunning blue waters of the Aegean Sea.
Santorini is one of the best babymoon destinations in February, offering a romantic and luxurious getaway for expectant parents. When it comes to luxury accommodation, Santorini has no shortage of options. From boutique hotels to private villas, you can indulge in comfort and relaxation while enjoying panoramic views of the island. Many accommodations offer special packages for babymoons, including spa treatments and prenatal massages to help you unwind and rejuvenate.
One of the highlights of visiting Santorini is experiencing its famous sunsets. A sunset cruise is a must-do activity during your babymoon. Hop on a boat and sail along the coastline as you witness the sky turning shades of pink, orange, and purple. It's a truly magical experience that will create lasting memories for both you and your partner.
In addition to luxury accommodations and sunset cruises, Santorini also offers plenty of opportunities for exploration. Take a stroll through charming villages like Oia or Fira, where you can admire beautiful architecture, browse through local shops, and savor delicious Greek cuisine at waterfront restaurants.
Santorini truly is a dream destination for your babymoon in February. With its stunning scenery, luxurious accommodations, and unforgettable experiences like sunset cruises, it's no wonder why this Greek island remains a top choice for couples seeking an idyllic getaway before their little one arrives.
If you're looking for the perfect tropical getaway, look no further than the Maldives. Stay in luxurious overwater bungalows and wake up to breathtaking views of crystal-clear turquoise waters. Dive or snorkel in pristine coral reefs teeming with vibrant marine life, and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.
Indulge in romantic private dinners on the beach, where you can enjoy a delicious meal under the stars as the gentle waves crash against the shore. The Maldives offers a truly unforgettable experience for your babymoon, filled with relaxation, adventure, and romance.
Stay in Overwater Bungalows
Immerse yourself in pure bliss as you indulge in the ultimate luxury of staying in overwater bungalows during your babymoon getaway. Experience the serenity of waking up to breathtaking views of crystal-clear turquoise waters right at your doorstep.
Here are four reasons why staying in overwater bungalows is a must for your romantic babymoon:
Romantic Sunset Walks: Step out onto your private deck and witness the mesmerizing hues of the sunset reflecting off the tranquil ocean. Take leisurely strolls hand-in-hand with your partner, creating memories that will last a lifetime.
Unparalleled Privacy: Enjoy uninterrupted moments together, surrounded by nothing but nature's beauty. With no neighbors nearby, relish in complete seclusion and intimacy.
Couples Massages: Pamper yourselves with rejuvenating couples massages on your own private terrace or even directly above the water. Let skilled therapists melt away any stress or tension, leaving you feeling utterly relaxed and connected.
Unmatched Luxury: From lavish furnishings to exclusive amenities like direct access to the sea for snorkeling or swimming, these overwater bungalows offer an unparalleled level of opulence and comfort for your babymoon retreat.
Embark on this extraordinary adventure, creating cherished memories while indulging in the epitome of luxury during your babymoon getaway!
Snorkel or Dive in Pristine Coral Reefs
Little did you know that beneath the surface of those crystal-clear turquoise waters lie vibrant coral reefs just waiting to be explored during your babymoon getaway. Imagine yourself diving into the depths, surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colors and mesmerizing marine life. To capture these breathtaking moments, don't forget to pack your underwater camera and unleash your inner photographer. Snorkeling or diving in February allows you to witness some of the most pristine coral reefs around the world. From Bora Bora in French Polynesia to the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, these destinations offer unforgettable experiences for soon-to-be parents seeking adventure and tranquility. Make sure you have the best snorkeling gear to enhance your exploration and fully immerse yourself in this magical underwater world.
Enjoy Private Dinners on the Beach
Indulge in the ultimate romantic experience with private beachfront dinners, where you can savor a delicious meal while being serenaded by the gentle sound of waves and basking in the warm glow of the setting sun. Imagine sitting at a beautifully decorated table, your toes buried in soft sand, as you enjoy an intimate dinner for two.
As part of this exquisite experience, consider these four additional elements:
Private Cooking Classes: Take your culinary skills to new heights with personalized cooking classes right on the beach. Learn how to create delectable dishes from expert chefs who'll guide you through each step.
Beachside Spa Treatments: Pamper yourselves with rejuvenating spa treatments offered right on the beach. Feel tension melt away as skilled therapists work their magic, leaving you feeling relaxed and refreshed.
Candlelit Atmosphere: The soft glow of candlelight adds a touch of romance to your private dinner setting, creating an enchanting ambiance that enhances your overall dining experience.
Customized Menus: Tailor-made menus allow you to choose from a variety of delectable dishes and flavors that suit your preferences perfectly, ensuring an unforgettable dining experience.
With private beachfront dinners combined with private cooking classes and beachside spa treatments, February babymoon destinations offer couples an idyllic escape filled with romance and relaxation.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the visa requirements for traveling to Maldives?
To travel to the Maldives, you'll need a visa and valid travel insurance. Visa requirements include having a passport with at least six months validity from the date of entry, a confirmed return or onward ticket, and proof of sufficient funds for your stay.
It's important to check with the Maldivian embassy or consulate in your country for specific visa regulations. Don't forget to secure comprehensive travel insurance that covers medical expenses and trip cancellations for peace of mind during your babymoon getaway.
Are there any specific health precautions that need to be taken while visiting Riviera Maya, Mexico?
When visiting Riviera Maya, Mexico, it's important to take certain health precautions. The region is known for its stunning beaches and ancient ruins, but it's also home to some potential health risks.
Make sure to pack mosquito repellent to protect against diseases like dengue and Zika virus. Stay hydrated in the tropical climate and be cautious of food and water hygiene.
It's always a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider before traveling to ensure you're up-to-date on vaccinations.
What are some popular activities and attractions for couples to enjoy in Aspen, Colorado?
Looking for a romantic getaway in Aspen, Colorado? Get ready to be swept off your feet! With its stunning natural beauty and thrilling outdoor activities, Aspen is the perfect destination for couples.
Indulge in a candlelit dinner at one of the charming romantic restaurants, where you can savor delicious cuisine together.
And don't forget the exhilarating skiing experience that awaits you on the majestic slopes. Whether you're seeking relaxation or adventure, Aspen has it all for an unforgettable couple's retreat.
How long does it typically take to travel from Maui, Hawaii to Santorini, Greece?
The travel time from Maui, Hawaii to Santorini, Greece can vary depending on the flight options available. On average, it takes around 20 to 25 hours to reach Santorini from Maui, with layovers included.
There are no direct flights between these two destinations, so travelers will need to make connections. Popular layover cities include Los Angeles, New York, or London.
The journey may be long, but the breathtaking beauty of Santorini makes it worth the trip.
Are there any specific travel insurance recommendations for a babymoon trip to Santorini, Greece?
You're embarking on a beautiful babymoon adventure to Santorini, Greece. To ensure peace of mind during your trip, it's wise to consider travel insurance coverage tailored for this special time.
Look for policies that offer comprehensive protection for pregnancy-related complications and medical emergencies. Prices may vary depending on the level of coverage you desire, but remember, the cost of travel insurance is a small price to pay for the priceless memories you'll create on your babymoon getaway.
So there you have it, the best babymoon destinations in February. Whether you're craving the warm beaches of Maui or the snowy slopes of Aspen, there's something for every expectant couple.
And let's not forget about the romantic allure of Santorini or the breathtaking beauty of the Maldives. Just imagine strolling hand in hand along pristine shores, feeling that sweet anticipation in the air.
It's ironic how a trip meant to relax and prepare for parenthood can also be so invigorating and unforgettable. So go ahead, indulge in a babymoon getaway and create memories that will last a lifetime.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:56 BOfficeStats Domestic BOT Presale Tracking (May 23). Bad Boys: Ride or Die shooting towards $3.26M THU / $5.3M EA+THU. THU comps: Inside Out 2 emoting towards $7.10M while Deadpool and Wolverine claws at $31.07M.

BoxOfficeTheory Presale Tracking
USA Showtimes As of May 17
Presales Data (Google Sheets Link)
BoxOfficeReport Previews
Haikyu!! The Dumpster Battle
Bad Boys: Ride or Die Average Thursday / EA+Thursday comp: $3.26M/$5.3M
The Lord of the Rings Extended Edition Re-Releases (June 8-10)
Inside Out 2 Average Thursday Comp: $7.10M
Deadpool and Wolverine Average Thursday Comp: $31.07M
Domestic Calendar Dates (last updated May 16):
Presale Tracking Posts:
April 23
April 25
April 27
April 30
May 2
May 4
May 7
May 9
May 11
May 14
May 16
May 18
May 21
Note: I have removed most tracking data that has not been updated for 2 weeks. I think there is value in keeping data for a week or two but at a certain point they start to lose their value and should not be treated the same as more recent tracking data.
submitted by BOfficeStats to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:46 KarmaSutra24 Indian Guy's Interracial marriage was going viral all over IG a few weeks ago.
I found this interesting because:
  1. The woman is not white and is clearly a Latina by the way she looks, if not a Latina then something exotic like Southern European or mixed. It shows that Indian men are not obsessed with blondes like the stereotype says.
  2. The woman is actually hot.
  3. It is going viral on IG and women of other races will see it. It is officially seen as "cool" and high status.
It was not well-received by the South Asian Masc sub because they think that all Indian men should only marry Indian women or that Indian men need billions to get hot girls. My take is a bit different. I think that as Indian men, we need to start SOMEWHERE on the mainstream. For decades, Indian billionaires have been marrying busted-up Indian women or only marrying Indian women and it reflects poorly on the soft power of Indian men in the west.
Indian men have been missing this!
I think we have not had our archetype of the Indian guy who can get hot girls of other races. The techie CEOs marry other Indian women or just busted-up-looking white women. Black guys have their pro athletes that get the hot girls. Even East Asian men are starting to slowly break into the scene with Alessandra Ambroiso getting with an Asian guy.
South Asian Masc do not get the point of this and think that Indian men should only marry Indian women which explains why Inceldom is so high in our community and so many Indian men are struggling to go interracial with black, Hispanic, Asian, and white women.
To me, I think more Indian billionaires and Tech CEOs need to go down this path of marrying or dating sexy Latinas or sexy women of other races. I think if more Indian men who are wealthier start doing this, then it will have a trickle down effect.
Women of other races will have that Indian guy who they can get with stereotype or archetype in their head.
submitted by KarmaSutra24 to AsianMasculinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:43 Rancher_66 This appears when I click on setup in winlator v6

This appears when I click on setup in winlator v6
I'm on sd8 gen1. Any help will be appreciated
submitted by Rancher_66 to EmulationOnAndroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:29 shafteeco First day in 1.5yrs, short volume was less than 50% (26.4%).

First day in 1.5yrs, short volume was less than 50% (26.4%).
This could just be wrong data, but if not, it points to some major shifts coming for GME
submitted by shafteeco to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:21 RaffaellaCerullo Anamaria’s upcoming projects ✨

BEING MARIA (dir. Jessica Palud) - June 19, 2024 (France) - premiered at Cannes.
THE COUNT OF MONTE-CRISTO - (dir. Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patellière) - June 28, 2024 (France) - premiered at Cannes.
REOSTAT (dir. Teodora Ana Mihai) - no release date yet. - this one is produced by Cristian Mungiu.
UNTITLED CHARLES DE GAULLE MOVIE (dir. Antonin Baudry) - no release date yet
She also has an English spoken international project premiering in January 2025. - this one is a big studio film, maybe you can guess what it is 😉
submitted by RaffaellaCerullo to AnamariaVartolomei [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 22:17 Living_Ferret_4508 DRA Survivors

Stay awhile and listen....
I came across the news story about the girl that died, my condolences to the family. I wanted to reach out to other DRA survivors and share my some of my story... the bits I haven't repressed and maybe others might share thier good or bad times I don't mind!
I am also looking for the parent handbook if anyone has a copy? I can't find one on the Internet archives. My family and I want to take my mother and these mother truckers to court, if I can.
I was there from 05 to 08 in crystal springs. I can't believe the trauma I went through it has been really messing with my head my whole life. When I saw the news story it put me right back there... in the homeless program pulling that gosh darn cart.... yall know what I'm talkin bout. In the hot Utah desert, forcing us to drink gallons of Green Gatoraide (sp?) Ugh... I feel sick just typing this. I still hate the colors orange and green today.... plus polo shirts. -.-
I struggled so badly with sitting for hours on the ground with my legs crossed and Jesus the fact that we had to learn how to make a fire. Who the heck needs to know that. I have not used that once... dont get me wrong when the apocalypse hits I know how to survive lol. Make a fire ✔, filter water ✔, grow food ✔, knit or chrochet a bomb hat, I gotchu bro.
I digress... how did they think using us for manual labor to build stuff, dig giant holes and remove so many tumbleweeds.... omg the tumbleweeds... shivers I still have nerve damage from all the pulling when they 'where out of gloves'
Not to mention I am sure my body is worse for wear after all that, I have 3 auto immune diseases and I had fibro while I was there, I was always told I was over reacting and to suck it up. I used to be punished by being forced to pull a full cart by myself. I was like 120lbs soaking wet. Wtf....
Ngl I was stubborn as heck!!!!! I put of a fight, cut off my nose to spite my face.
Mother paid to send me away so I stayed away. Spent several birthdays there. I remember graduating on my 16th birthday. It was horrific. I couldn't believe my mother wouldn't even get me before my birthday.
You know she wanted to have me changed, I hope she got what she paid for.
Backstory to DRA
Mother sent me away because of a boy I was dating and when I ran away and got "arrested" I refused to go home with her so they took me to a hospital and grilled me for hours of why I ran away. I cracked and said my boyfriend just got arrested for some serious stuff 😐 no I won't tell you not my bussines, and that I had been SA'd most of my life by my cousin.
They told my parents Who told my cousins parents He freaked out screaming ranting and raving about "how he could never do that, he loves me im his cousin" -.- yeah I bet pedo.....
Grandma finally convinces me to come home which is where I wanted to go to all along but my Controlling Liberal Pro choice mother wouldn't let me so I got myself arrested by kicking off with the cops.
They told me I was gonna go to a boarding school like summer camp!
My bio mother had my father take me because she's a COWARD
THEY HID THE HOMELESS!!!! Gave me 5 mins to say goodbye, stripped me down, searched me... Frs didn't check my shoe though I saved some pics and letter from friends under my sole that I read in those abhorrent Port-a-John's when I felt my soul being ripped from my body after hours of PT like up and down those gosh darn stairs to the lake, being bitten to crud by fire ants while doing C cunches & pushups
-.- you know what that C was for if you were there. Im trying to keep this anon.
I realize I am waffling on now but I want to get this out, so heres more trauma dump yay!
I did not realize back then that you arent supposed to get almost weekly pap smears and breast exams by a doctor. When I questioned it then, I was put in isolation or homeless again where I couldn't talk.
So I told authorities that I was SA'd and then my mother pays for me to be SA'd in a LDS concentration camp in the middle of bum f nowhere for almost 3 years.... New achievement unlocked 🔓 Sweet
I stayed for so long that they had to make a special program just so I could move up in the program. It got to a point where no matter how many citations I got I moved up. They split it into a,b,c groups if I recall. Tbh I have blocked out so much.
Well the homeless program got boring so I moved to inside girl!!! Whoo, then farm and animal girl, those were my heavens for so long. When I finally got OLS I was free.... for 5 mins... then 10, eventually the teachers trusted me for 15 mins because it was hard manual work before check ins. I used to lay in the corn field and do that for hours just running back to pop my head in. The teachers couldn't say anything because I was doing the work as well as other girls! Thank you lot, you know who you are even if you were my bullies, you still helped and we were all struggling. I understand it was a hard place and someone needed to be the bottom rung. It definitely toughened me up. I didn't mind because I just got used to being abused so eh whatever. Eventually I did kitchen and Judge those were boring 😴 😒
Man the history teacher was dope though! I loved his Ben & Jerry towers man. I didn't eat many sweets so it never bothered me but I loved watching you all cope and seethe 😈😈😈 as he ate ice cream in front of us hahahahaha.
The library was a safe place too... dude remember when the twilight series came out and everyone went back to monkey brain hahahahahahaha ah good times chicks fighting over smut novels.
Or when they introduced the weekly room prize! Vidya games let's gooooooooooo whoo whoo
So like I will admit not all was bad once you learned how to manipulate the system and staff.. sure the SA sucked but what ya gonna do. Kinda like dodging punches wham wham can't catch me. Ahhhh yes I have golden retriever energy. It I probably what saved me while we were being starved and forced to eat 🤢🤢 baby puke consistence oatmeal 🤮🤮🤮 with no sugar, one slice of bread and cheese and a glass of warm milk......sometimes I wouldn't even. I would just take the citation.. Dry as heck rice, lentils oooooooooo -.- my nemesis.... Will never ever ever touch a lentil again. I am actually on the Carnivore diet for my auto immunes. Works brilliantly
I do remember a few times where I was taken to the Owners home privately... yeah..... that was interesting. Thier house was massive.. anyways moving on.
Man I really fumbled after I left though, I was terrified of being sent back so at 17 I signed up for the future solders program and joined the army... got married to an abusive guy... we had 3 kids, he got me addicted to drugs and alcohol.... he tried to unalive me 4 times before I ran away and I lost my kids to my bio mom and ex. So fun yeah.... yeah.
I am sober now and I am in a different country far from her grasp. I regularly check in with CPS and my kids school plus my kids to see how they are. Safe to say my mother realised she fd up.
Yes I know bad mother how could you leave your children..... I know they are safe. They wouldn't dare with all the people/agencies watching them. Before you berate me just know I have beaten myself up 1million times worse already. It got dark man.... just before the light. Trust....
If I didn't leave I would not be here. I had to get safe so I could fight back. My oldest has already told me she is coming to university here when she's older and I told her she is more than welcome! We will all be free one by one. I talk to them any chance I can get now that I am in a better place.
I am married again, a tradwife conservative and we have one beautiful child. I love my life and I can finally breath.
I hope any other survivors out there are doing well.
submitted by Living_Ferret_4508 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:51 Vast-Passenger1126 [Discussion] Read the World - Ecuador The Sisters of Alameda Street by Lorena Hughes Chapters 24 through 37

Hola amigos and welcome back to our penultimate discussion for The Sisters of Alameda Street. The drama is heating up and it's still anyone's guess who Malena's mother is!! I know I found it SO hard to stop reading, so I'm looking forward to hearing all your theories and then diving straight into the end.
If you want to see any previous discussions check out the schedule and if you just had to read ahead, feel free to post your thoughts in the marginalia (with spoiler tags please!).
Below is a summary and discussion questions are in the comments!
Chapter 24: Amanda, 1940 – Amanda comes home late one night to find Nicolas and Enzo fighting. It seems to be about her and the fact that she’s been out with another man (or men?). Amanda tells Nicolas that ‘she knows’, implying that he’s gay, but Nico refuses to talk about and sticks to his wine and his work.
Chapter 25: Present day – Ana is disappointed that Malena is spending late nights at the club and says Maria Teresa called. Malena runs away by taking breakfast to Alejandra at the workshop. Alejandra is looking at an old newspaper clipping which she quickly hides as Malena comes in.
Chapter 26: Alejandra, 1940 – Alejandra is 17 and has a massive crush on Enrique Hidalgo, but he only has eyes for Abigail. She decides doing her makeup will impress him, but she fails miserably and just gets laughed at by her family. So instead she proposes to her father that she becomes the shop’s accountant; she’ll work for free and won’t swindle him like Rafael or eventually leave like Enrique. Her father agrees to have Enrique teacher her which means she’ll get to spend lots of time with her crush.
Chapter 27: Present day – Malena practices dancing with Sebastian at the club and is overwhelmed by his good looks and sexy moves. This distracts her the next day while trying to help Claudia pick a wedding dress. Mama Blanca tells Malena that Abigail used to sew and points out her old sewing machine. Malena lulls Mama Blanca to sleep by reading her Los Sangurimas (which sounds like a scandalous novel!) and then snoops in the sewing machine where she finds a photo of a man named Victor.
Chapter 28: Abigail, 1940 – Abigail is at Maria Teresa and Manuel’s wedding. She’s agreed to go out with Enrique after he laid it on thick, but is still dreaming of the man who saved her from drowning. She notices that Ana has seemed a lot happier lately, but her thoughts are interrupted when her mystery man arrives! It turns out he’s Maria Teresa’s cousin, Victor Santos Aguilar, but he’s been living outside of San Isidro for the last few years. Abigail suggest that Victor teaches her how to swim and they meet at the pool every day for three weeks. It’s all very sexy and Abigail even gets a hot kiss in before Victor reveals that he’s training to be a priest. He promised his dying father he’d give the outside world one more chance, but he’s decided to fully commit to the priest life and is heading back to the seminary.
Chapter 29: Present day – It’s New Years Eve and Amanda has made an effigy of Enzo to burn as part of the tradition of Año Viejos. At the club, Javier has a secret of his own and is in the band. Malena and Sebastian perform and everything is going well and getting sexy until Claudia shows up! She’s pissed and jealous and puts on some heavy PDA with Sebastian to mark her territory. Meanwhile, Sebastian’s mother has got wasted, pukes everywhere and needs to be taken home. The next day, Ana tries to scold Malena for her actions and an argument breaks out between her and Amanda. Malena notices the name Cesar Villamizar on the newspaper and decides to focus on that and stay far away from both Ana and Claudia.
Chapter 30: Ana, 1941 – Rafael’s tio has died and he’s inheriting his ranch. While Rafael is excited at the prospect of no longer having to work for Ana’s father, Ana is can’t bear the thought of being hours away from the new love of her life. She convinces Rafael to go ahead of her and spend six months fixing the house and seals the deal with some unwanted sex. Rafael leaves and Ana plans to run away until Abigail show up and says she has something important to tell Ana.
Chapter 31: Present day – Malena decides to visit Sebastian under the pretence of finding out more about Cesar. She’s distracted by her growing crush, but manages to ask some questions while she cooks Sebastian lunch. He asks Malena if she’s going to marry Javier and Malena is embarrassed that he remembers seeing them at the seedy hotel so quickly leaves.
Chapter 32: Present day – Claudia goes to Sebastian’s house in the middle of the night. She wants to move the wedding to next week and tries to have sex with Sebastian, who unfortunately is thinking about Malena instead.
Chapter 33: Present day – Malena sees Sebastian dropping Claudia back off early the next morning and is offended that he already forgot about her and her cooking. Malena decides she can’t go on pretending to be Lili and is about to make an announcement to the family when Claudia beats her to it and tells everyone about the new wedding date. Her and Malena have to go to the dressmaker’s together that afternoon for a fitting.
Chapter 34: Present day – Claudia and Malena are on the bus when it crashes into a car being driven by a young woman. Malena wants to help, but Claudia is distressed and drags her away. They get into a massive argument and mud fight, until eventually they start laughing. At the dressmaker’s, they get cleaned up and Claudia notes that Malena has the same birthmark on her thigh that Amanda has, and apparently these things are passed down from mother to child.
Chapter 35: Amanda, 1941 – Amanda had been throwing up all night. Nicolas says that Enzo has seen her out with Enrique and believes she’s been with other men as well. Nico is willing to let Amanda go so she can start fresh with the man she loves, but she says he’s with someone else now. It’s revealed that Nicolas isn’t gay but impotent due to hypospadias with chordee. He asks if Amanda is pregnant. She asks if he’d raise another man’s child and he says no, it’d be too humiliating, so Amanda says she isn’t pregnant.
Chapter 36: Present day – Leaving the dressmakers, Amanda and Malena run into Enzo who accuses her of causing Nicolas’ suicide. Amanda slaps him and then runs away in a cab when Ana tries to interfere. Amanda wants Malena to go to the club that evening, but Malena is afraid of upsetting Ana. Instead she takes the opportunity to snoop through Amanda’s purse and take the armoire key. When everyone’s asleep, she sneaks in and gets out Abigail’ diary. It’s mostly about Victor until an entry at the end reveals that agrees to marry Enrique and then the rest of the diary is charred black. Javier comes into the room!
Chapter 37: Present day – Malena confesses everything to Javier and he takes it surprisingly well. He even agrees to help Malena by looking for the newspaper article Alejandra hid. Javier has a memory of Abigail being pregnant, but says he can’t be completely sure it was her. The next day, Malena goes to the newspaper to meet Cesar. She asks him if he knew a Hugo Sevilla and even though Cesar denies it, it seems he’s lying. Malena realizes that Cesar fits the description her neighbour gave of the man her father argued with the night before he died! Back at the workshop, Amanda is accusing Alejandra of having stolen the armoire key. Alejandra was the one who originally burned it, but she claims it’s what Abigail wanted.
submitted by Vast-Passenger1126 to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:43 diamond_atlas Apps don’t work on cellular data

So I’ve had this issue on my iPhone 10, then upgraded to a 13 pro max and have the same issue. For some reason, despite being having full bars of 5G, some apps just don’t work.
The weird part is I can still make calls and texts, and use google. Those seem to be the only things that work. The rest of my apps, (instagram, Snapchat, etc) don’t work without a WiFi/hotspot connection.
I’ve turned off all VPNs, reset my entire iPhone, and reset network settings. All the non-working apps are up to date as well.
I’ve also tried different settings for cellular data like toggling on/off data roaming or 5G vs LTE but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I even went to the T-mobile store to see if there was a problem, but they weren’t much help.
I’m not super tech savvy, and was wondering if anyone could help or is having the same issue. Thanks!
submitted by diamond_atlas to applehelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:34 diamond_atlas Please help

So I’ve had this issue on my iPhone 10, then upgraded to a 13 pro max and have the same issue. For some reason, despite being having full bars of 5G, some apps just don’t work.
The weird part is I can still make calls and texts, and use google. Those seem to be the only things that work. The rest of my apps, (instagram, Snapchat, etc) don’t work without a WiFi/hotspot connection.
I’ve turned off all VPNs, reset my entire iPhone, and reset network settings. All the non-working apps are up to date as well.
I’ve also tried different settings for cellular data like toggling on/off data roaming or 5G vs LTE but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. I even went to the T-mobile store to see if there was a problem, but they weren’t much help.
I’m not super tech savvy, and was wondering if anyone could help or is having the same issue. Thanks!
submitted by diamond_atlas to TechHelping [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:34 digitaljohn Macbook Pro M3 + Dual Monitor

Hi... ive been eagerly awaiting dual monitor support for my base Macbook Pro M3. Is there any up-to-date news on this or any anticipated release date.
submitted by digitaljohn to mac [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:26 admkukuh [Guide] ASrock SPI_TPM_J1 + BIOS_PH Pinout for CH341A and other programmer + Flashing it

[Guide] ASrock SPI_TPM_J1 + BIOS_PH Pinout for CH341A and other programmer + Flashing it
Got yourself bricked after flashing bios? Did power went out during flashing bios? Want to dump, and mod your bios for silly purposes such as replacing the Bios theme from another asrock series? Lazy to RMA, since you know the board is fine, just bios bricked, and have the tought to self repair but couldn't do soldering stuff? Want to crossflash OEM Board to Production BIOSes? Don't worry, i'll cover you ;)
Disclaimer: This post is a full copy paste from my post on win-raid forums and on on discord support thread with minor edits (content remains the same). Therefore, i am not responsible if you're getting the steps wrong or didn't do any research of the bios chip itself, the programmer you use, and any kind of things around bios programming itself. This post is focused on SPI_TPM_J1 Header since it was my focus, but the logic remains the same for BIOS_PH or BIOS_PH1, just follow the pinout i gave here.
This might be a useful guide for those who have bricked their asrock boards of bios update, and it does have SPI_TPM_J1 Header.
Background: I noticed that SPI_TPM_J1 is a combination for TPM and SPI, which means in theory it could be "Hot Flashed" by any means. I didn't find any documentaries or proof if its able to be hotflashed with the SPI_TPM_J1, but what i do find is inside my B550M Pro4 Manual Book, finally i RTFM for this purpose. I do this because i want to remove AmdSpiRomProtectDxe so that i could use flashprog/flashrom for bios dumping and others.
Asrock used to have BIOS_PH1, and any spi programmer could flash it with that header. But now it moved to SPI_TPM_J1 (to me, more like a hybrid of tpm header and bios_ph1), and after reading the Pinout i had a thought "what if i use those for flashing", so i bought a 1.8v adapter since im on AMD system, and some cheap arduino cables. I found this interesting B550 Steel Legend review in japan, but the pin connected to the cable is tied so i couldn't see it clear, and i'm a bit unsure if its pure CH341A or if it's CH341A connected to raspberryPi, so i thought "Hey, lets give it a try".
Board tested: ASrock B550M Pro4
Here is what you need:
  • A spi programmer (anykind, if you could, buy the ones that support Quad SPI for faster Read/Write, like Dediprog SF600Plus G2 or SEGGER Compact, but it'll be costly)
  • 1.8v Adapter if you use CH341A (1.8v only needed if the bios chip is no more than 1.9v/2v. So if your bios chip is 3.3v, then it wont be needed)
  • arduino jumper cables with 2.0mm pitch. 2.54mm could fit but it requires a bit effort (like i use on mine)
To flash it using spi programmer, you MUST:
  • Power drain your pc (or else the bios chip wont get read), so unplug PSU + take cmos battery off, push and hold the power button in your pc for 11 secs.
  • Then, connect and allign the pins on the SPI_TPM_J1/BIOS_PH to the Programmer matching the schematic i gave (slot differs for non CH341A, but the the pin/connected description is there, so use your logic and see your own programmer slot diagram to make sure the connection between the pins is correct like VDD/VCC must be connected to VDD/VCC in your programmer, etc.)
BIOS_PH1 Header Config
SPI_TPM_J1 Header Config
It's a bit messy but the point is everything connected and alligned correctly
  • After you're sure the programmer and the cable alligned, no power is flowing to the board, plug the programmer to a pc/laptop.
So first step, try to detect the IC, and make sure your IC is detected and supported (you need to know your bios chip since the model imprinted physically on the bios chip itself), and then pick the bios chip itself.
Second step, click on READ to read your bios chip contents, and after it reads it, click on save, so that you have your original bios backed up even if its corrupted (for purposes like transferring mac address if the mac address is imprinted on the bios chip).
Third step is click on erase, wait till it finishes, and after it finished click on blank, make sure there is no error (it means the chip is blank as per what it was programmed after you click erase).
Last step, is to open your bios file, click on program/write ic, and wait till it finishes (the bigger the bios chip, the longer, unless it supports Dual/Quad SPI, which ch341a afaik isn't (just standard spi instructions). For programming, i use NeoProgrammer version, since it supports my bios chip (W25Q256JW). For other programmers such as Dediprog or SEGGER, use their own software.
  • After all of that, on the programmer app, click on verify to verify if the contents on CH341A Buffer and in the Bios Chip are all the same, if all the same (no errors), unplug the programmer and test if your bios is able to boot.
Yeah this is silly but i like the new/current PRO series Bios interface, clean and not bright unlike old PRO series bios interface :p.
I hope this could help for those who didnt have bios flashback. As Always, DWYOR.
submitted by admkukuh to ASRock [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:19 satan_et_sa_tante Plex on Docker on Windows: how to transcode using QuickSync?

Hi all,
I've read every single thread on Reddit but I can't get my Plex to use my GPU to transcode.
Here is my setup :
The movie is transcoding, but Task Manager says my GPU is being used 1-4%, so almost idle. Basically my Plex does not use my GPU.
Device Manager sees mu GPU, and it's enabled. Drivers are up to date.
What am I missing ?
See my docker compose :
 plex: image: plexinc/pms-docker container_name: plex environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - VERSION=docker - HOSTNAME=”DockerPlexServer” - TZ=CET volumes: - .\provision:/config - D:\movies:/data/media/movies - E:\movies2:/data/media/movies2 - D:\series:/data/media/series - D:\music:/data/media/music - D:\photos:/data/media/photos ports: - "32400:32400" devices: - /dev/dri:/dev/dri privileged: true # libusb_init failed restart: unless-stopped networks: - media-network 
PS: I am not sure the /dev/dri:/dev/dri is right since I'm on Windows, but at this point I was desperate :)
submitted by satan_et_sa_tante to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:50 ArtFraga Ana Hawet انا هويت Chords - Guitar Tabs - Massar Egbari Originals by Massar Egbari Originals

Ana Hawet انا هويت guitar tabs download as PDF and Guitar Pro on:
Click here for a free preview of the score (first page)
This score has 7 PDF pages
Credit: this score was transcribed/uploaded by @nachointhebox
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submitted by ArtFraga to RareTabs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 20:30 AdSad6485 ROG Strix 4070 Ti crashing 0x116 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE and 0x1000007e SYSTEM_THREAD_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED_M

I upgraded my system in December 2023 and got the new ROG 4070 Ti OC. Everything was working fine until last week when I started having sudden crashes. It first happened while I was playing World of Warcraft. My monitors would shutdown but I can hear background sounds for a few seconds until my PC crashes.
The problem’s occurrence was rather sudden since I did not do any software or hardware changes since December. My drivers were up to date, and there were no changes to the clocking of any parts. Everything passed the stress tests except for the GPU. Whenever I begin the stress test it crashes after a few seconds. There were even crashes at almost idle use.
Trying to solve the issue, I did a clean uninstall, updated the BIOS and vBIOS, stress tested the whole system and no errors appeared. I changed the PCIe to gen 3, rolled back drivers, uninstalled some Windows quality updates, deleted apps like SignalRGB, Corsair iCUE, you name it.
Upon watching a video on Youtube, one Youtuber suggested connecting the PSU directly to the wall instead of the power strip, especially for Gen 4 GPUs. I tried that and noticed some stability in my system for a few days. The PC would not crash during consecutive GPU stress tests, and I went back to gaming. That lasted only for two days unfortunately. Yesterday while I was gaming my system crashed again. I powered it up and did a stress test for the GPU. A few seconds after it was done, the PC would crash. I don’t know what else to do. I just ordered a new 850w gold PSU, since the recommended wattage for my GPU is 750, but my build is not power hungry to begin with. Im considering RMA as my last resort.
Any suggestions or recommendations to help with my diagnosis?
Below is my build:
CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K 3.6 GHz 8-Core Processor
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master MASTERLIQUID ML240L RGB V2 65.59 CFM Liquid CPU Cooler
Motherboard: MSI Z390-A PRO ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Memory: *Corsair Vengeance LPX 16 GB (2 x 8 GB) DDR4-3200 CL16 Memory
Storage: Crucial T700 2 TB M.2-2280 PCIe 5.0 X4 NVME Solid State Drive
Storage: Seagate BarraCuda 2 TB 2.5" 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive
Video Card: Asus ROG STRIX GAMING OC GeForce RTX 4070 Ti 12 GB Video Card
Case: NZXT H5 Flow ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: Corsair CX650F 650 W 80+ Bronze Certified Fully Modular ATX Power Supply
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro OEM - DVD 64-bit
Case Fan: Corsair LL140 51.5 CFM 140 mm Fans 2-Pack
Monitor: Asus VG278Q 27.0" 1920 x 1080 144 Hz Monitor
Monitor: Dell S2721HGF 27.0" 1920 x 1080 144 Hz Curved Monitor
submitted by AdSad6485 to ASUSROG [link] [comments]