Bird dissection game


2019.03.08 00:29 iamsed wingspan

Wingspan is a relaxing, award-winning strategy card game about birds for 1 to 5 players. Each bird you play extends a chain of powerful combinations in one of your three habitats. Your goal is to discover and attract the best birds to your network of wildlife preserves.

2013.09.06 17:43 chikkinpocks Unity2D - Develop 2D games using Unity


2011.03.09 21:30 honestbleeps The addictive island-hopping bird game


2024.06.07 22:00 EurekaStockade 1064/---Sixth June Twenty Twenty Four WHO Announces New Strain Of Bird Flu Jumped To Humans= 911

1064/---Sixth June Twenty Twenty Four WHO Announces New Strain Of Bird Flu Jumped To Humans= 911
In this post I explain the timing of this headline--
6 June 2024= 6/6/'24= 6/6/6
so we knew Globalists would stage some signalling events on this date
6 June-- WHO warns of new strain of Bird Flu has jumped to Humans
Same day---Boeing Starship docked with Space Station
Same day-- Elon Musk 121 ft Rocket splashes down after predictable 66 mins journey
121 ft Rocket Space X
25 June 2024= 1190 days after the Suez Canal stunt on 23 March 2021
I've been predicting they would stage a Bird Flu Outbreak this year
Globalists favour staging Outbreaks during US Presidential Election years
21 June 2022-- Biden warned of a Second Pandemic
why he chose this date--
21 June= 21/6= 216= 6x6x6= 666
23 Months 22 days later--
12 June
June 12= 6/12 backwards= 216= 6x6x6= 666
30 July= Day 888 of Putin Invasion
322 days after September 11
21 June 2022-- Biden warned of a Second Pandemic
119 weeks later--
30 Sep 2024
30 Sep= 30/9= 30 + 9= 39
WAR= 39
4 April 2024-- NATO's birthday-- Bird Flu Outbreak in Texas Cattle
other possible dates--
30 July= Day 888 of Putin Invasion
322 days after September 11
Bird Flu is also code for other events---
WORLD WAR 3= 117
11 July= 11/7
11 July 2024= 117 days before the US Presidential Election
11 years 119 days Xi JinPing has been in power since 14 Mar 2013
10 May 2024-- Solar Storm hits earth creating Aurora Borealis Headlines
2 months 23 days later--
1 August
other Outbreak related dates--
8 Jun 2024= 223 weeks after WHO warned of the Corona Health Emergency on 30 Jan 2020
14 July--- Bastille Day= 9 months 11 days after the FEMA Emergency Test on 4 Oct 2023
23 Years 22 days after Operation Dark Winter-- global smallpox bioterrorist simulation exercise held on 22-23 June 2000
19 June 2024= 223 Weeks after WHO announced the Corona Pandemic on 11 March 2020
15 July 2024= 4 years 4 months 4 days after WHO announced the Corona Pandemic
3 months 22 days before the US Presidential Election
18 Dec 2024= 911 days after Biden mentioned a Second Pandemic on 21 June 2022
666 days after Putin withdrew from the Nuclear Arms Treaty on 21 Feb 2023
18 Dec= 18/12= 18 x 12= 216= 6x6x6= 666
BIRD FLU is also code for BITCOIN
22 Aug= 223 days after BITCOIN CRASH= 121 on 12 Jan= 12/1
Outbreaks during US Presidental Election years----
2020--- Trump vs Biden Election--Corona Pandemic
2016---Trump vs Hillary--- Zika Outbreak
2014-- -Ebola Outbreak--US Mid terms
2012-- Obama vs Romney election-- MERS outbreak
2008---Obama Election---Salmonella Outbreak
2009-- Global Financial Crisis--- Swine Flu Outbreak
9/3/'09 SWINE FLU OUTBREAK = 223
2002-2004-- SARS Outbreak---Bush vs Kerry election
submitted by EurekaStockade to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:34 Kindergoat Birding Game

I’ve been playing the game Wingspan on my computer and I am addicted to it. It’s a card game featuring birds and I thought you all might like it. It’s available on IOS, Google Play, PC and there is also a physical board game. It’s really fun and you learn a little while you play. Thought you all might like it. World of Wings is another one on IOS that you might like. Anyway, thought you all might want to check these games out!
submitted by Kindergoat to birding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:19 SamsungGalaxyBrain Summerhall 2.0: King's Landing boogaloo

Let us imagine, my friends, that it is the 10th anniversary of Robert's reign. He and a lot of the nobles are out on a hunt when King's Landing explodes into a giant ball of green flames. Some homeless orphan, or maybe even one of Varys' little birds, goes exploring, stumbles onto one of Aerys' forgotten caches, it catches fire and triggers a chain reaction. Too bad so sad. Northmen, Dornishmen, and Iron Islanders did not have anyone of importance attending, but the rest of the Kindgoms lose many an important player in the game.
• Loras was at the hunt, but Olenna, Mace the Ace and Margaery, invited to the capital by Renly, who, being the groomer that he is decided to start the Lyanna lookalike thing young, were all toast. Willas and Garlan have weathered the storm, having stayed at home, and they were in general smart cookies, but not Queen of Thorns level smart, and nearly not as power-hungry. They just wanted to chill and grieve now.
• The Iron Islands have barely begun to recover from their last attempt at independence, but the Great Fire presented them with an opportunity like none other, and so they have made a half-arsed attempt at ploundering the Western coast of the Seven Kingdoms. In Winterfell, young Theon loses his head.
• Jon Arryn, Lysa, Sweetrobin, and Baelish were unsurprisingly in King's Landing at the time. They did not attend the hunt, and now they also were all toast. Harry was still a green boy at the time, the lords were not pleased with the prospect of a regency, many of them wanting absolute power for their own now that the main Arryn line was extinct, the Mountain Clans saw that as a good omen and went on a rampage. The Vale was in turmoil.
• Tywin and Kevan attended the feast but not the hunt, as they were visiting Cersei and her children at the time. They, too, were all toast. Jaime and Lancel could not get out of their respective Kingsguard and page duties due to Bobby B being petty for once, so they survived, but now a succession crisis in the Westerlands was also in place with the potential heirs being a grief-stricken and deeply unlikable Kingslayer with a vow of celibacy, a deeply unlikable whoremonger Imp, and a green boy.
• Edmure was also in King's Landing, visiting Lysa, and opted to visit a tavern with several other prominent Riverlands heir lads, so can you guess what they all became? You are goddamn right! Toast! So now Hoster, who was already at the first stages of his terminal illness and could not perform, only had the Blackfish, who wasstill refusing to marry, and the Stark kids for heirs. Several other houses were experiencing similar issues, but apparently while everybody else was grieving, Old Walder held a massive celebration at the Twins. Oh, and make no mistake, he will also be pushing for Genna and Emmon's kids to inherit Casterly Rock, and let us not forget about trying to put all of his daughters into newly widowed Robert's bed. How 'nice'.
• As previously mentioned, Cersei and all three of Robert's golden 'heirs' were home at the time. Tragically, so was the Mannis. Which means now Bobby's heirs were a gay pedo, a greyscale-ridden girl, and a score of bastards. Not that that was of any concern to Robert, he normally would not give a rat's arse about any of them dying. The matter in which they had died, though? Now, that is another thing entirely! Wildfire is a clear mark of the work of DRAGONSPAWN! Without Jon Arryn or dear old Ned to steady him, he declared war on the entire continent of Essos to deal with DRAGONSPAWN! for good. Screw securing his line, he can do it later. Everybody in Westeros thought this idea was bonkers and a clear sign of his own Targ ancestry coming out, and they surely had their own problems to deal with, but oh well, he was King. For now. And oh, where are the Targs by the way?
• While Dorne has rejoiced and begun discreetly gathering troops in Viserys' name, Vizzy the Mad himself and his sister were nowhere to be found. For all of his abundant mental issues, Viserys was slippery as an eel and has gotten very good at hiding in the slums of whatever Free City he was in at the time. Dozens of Robert and Illyrio's agents were out to get him, and he could not really distinguish him from Doran's agents, could he? In the end, though, Doran proved fleetingly victorious, until Vizzy got felled by a shadow demon at the docks, just as he was about to set sail for Westeros. Oh yeah. Melisandre had decided to shift her attentions to Bobby dearest, proclaiming him Azor Ahai reborn, and had managed to calm him down a little with her magical nether regions, promising and delivering on a bit more boring yet far more quicker way to get rid of the Targs. In the process, Daenerys had escaped, but had also gotten the short end of the stick by encountering the same type of wizard young Varys had, who promptly caught her and made her permanently barren, Aretuza-style. This is no maegi curse. Not even a dragon can grow a secong uterus. She may or may not get her dragons several years down the line, but her own line definitely ended with her.
• Speaking of Illyrio. With Varys having perished in the fire, he became the head of the whole fAegon operation, and started aggressively marketing the young 'King' to the Seven Kingdoms. The thing is, word of a dead Spider, one-sided letters in cypher, and word of JonCon who is easily led and could be convinced Aegon Jinglebell Frey was the son of his Silver Prince if you told him enough sentimental plattitudes, is not enough. That kid could be any random Lyseni or dragonseed. And the Golden Company's involvement only made the whole shebang more sus. It still gave them a modicum of support... until their glorious homecoming ship got caught in a storm in the Narrow Sea and drowned. fAegon, the sole survivor, was now best bros with Patchface and his namesake Jinglebell. The fiasco, however, gave many an enterprizing man on both sides of the Narrow Sea an idea, and Westeros became inundaded with dozens of various fAegons, fViseryses, fRhaenyses, fDaeneryses, and even an occasional fRhaegar and f'Dragonwolf', all claiming the same thing. The latter, however, made Catelyn a bit sus, and she wrangled the truth out of her husband.
• It did not make things better, however. You see, dearest not-so-gentlereader, instability South of the Wall made the Night King seize the opportunity a couple of years earlier, bringing terror to the Free Folk, who, in turn, came in troves and brought terror to the North. Ned Stark, unlike his son/nephew, was not one to negotiate with wildings, and young, too young Robb and Jon, both eager for glory despite being barely into their teens, snuck onto the battlefield and both died by enemy arrows.
• In the end, an unlikely Suicide S̶q̶u̶a̶d̶ Duo of Bobby B and Dany on dragons tried having their last stand against the Others but failed. Oh well. At least no future Westerosi will worry about not having an air conditioner in a heatwave now. You know we all do. Ain't that, in a way, a happy ending?
submitted by SamsungGalaxyBrain to TheCitadel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 roachyfrog TIFU by realizing what “bitter” actually tastes like

So I’m down on my luck in life always. Always tried my hardest but it’s just pretty obvious I’m one of those marathon runners that shouldn’t have even been placed on the list to qualify to run any marathons. Like a slug living amongst birds that eat slugs. Like that only one peace of work from a professional that looks like it was made by a child.
Basically I just am not equipped to exist. And for a little while now I have been working towards an understanding that it’s not shameful to decide to tap out of a game/activity if you can’t play it. There is no shame in being a spectator (ghost/spirit) rather than a participant (human). I don’t have anyone that would need less than a moment of thoughts prayer in my life that would be affected in any way. No real connections. Not even pets. And I never understood this world much really.
Anyway, I resigned from my job that was breaking my body down more than helping me with bills and I have taken measures to secure all my loose ends. I used anything that was left to do small little things that I had always pushed back.
And then, armed with some outdated knowledge about this thing that goes into cars to keep the cars cool/heated, I went to the store and got me a gallon.
I picked some soda up. Got some energy drink mixtures too and then I set everything up.
I was going to put some stuff on TV that would absorb my attention and then keep sipping till grim reaper made an appearance.
Everything was done before this to settle my case with the Big Guy Upstairs. I had a confession session. Cried my heart out. Surrendered. Spoke everything I wanted to. Asked questions. Yelled. And then told Him that He placed me in this world exactly the way I was and gave me freedom of choice.
So my choice was to tell him that I had tried life and earth out and tbh it sucked. That I probably was never going to be one of those people who would pass all His trials and tests. I told Him that His trials and tests suck ass. It’s almost like He keeps you in a state where you are pushed beyond your comfort zone and even if you know he’s the boss and you give him his due respect, the risk of succumbing to anger, blasphemy, mental illness, suicide, crimes against yourself and others, etc. etc. are way too high.
I told Him idk what the Blood of Jesus has to do with things, but I hate how we can’t just peacefully decide to exit existing as humans. And I was specifically angry about how when He decides your time has come, it is usually right when you’re not ready. And majority of the times it will be in some painful, gruesome and weird way. Very rarely do you get deaths where someone was just peacefully chilling and died.
I didn’t know if I would get a shot to see Satan himself but I told him if he could hear me that he was dumb for wasting all his time trying to mislead humanity when he could be building crazy space empires or messing around with aliens. Or like making wishes come true. Idk.
Now to the TIFU. I had used a small glass bottle for my “shots”. It was disgusting. Whatever they put in it tastes worse than anything I have ever tasted. Shampoo and soap taste better. I couldn’t get past the first gulp. My entire tongue was coated with that taste for a while after. You better believe I looked like a meme when I realized God played me yet again.
Too much power is not good sometimes. This is the lesson I learned. Is it blasphemy if I think God has way too much power and that is not a good thing tbh if you really think about it. We are completely at his Mercy even at our worst points. And it is completely up to Him whether or not you will get even a small bit of relief from it.
TLDR; God has way too much power and I don’t like it one bit. Tried to politely return my soul to Him cause I’m not really feeling life/earth/existing in general and he checked me. We playing human Chess but God is ALWAYS on his power tripping checkmate phase. Ain’t no winning.
submitted by roachyfrog to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:16 MoJokeGaming Is there some mod that allows for more audio options?

As the title says, is there a mod or something that allows for more extensive audio settings? Stuff like sound effects, ambience, voice, rather than just "Game Volume". My friends are struggling with some audio in the game like the Old Birds being too loud, and I'd love to make it easier on them.
submitted by MoJokeGaming to lethalcompany [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:06 Littl3mata The Wild Side: Animal Symbolism in TLOU 2, part 2 [ SPOILERS ]

Let's now delve into Abby's perspective.
Abby's equivalent of the Wyoming Museum is her scenes in the aquarium. I find the choice of this particular ocean biome interesting. Throughout her journey in Seattle, Abby gradually distances herself from the WLF. The aquarium serves as a clandestine refuge where Abby and Owen seek solace away from their WLF responsibilities, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the city. The ocean represents a hidden world, a sanctuary that other surface animals cannot penetrate, symbolizing a refuge from the conflicts and chaos above. Abby's character in Seattle is symbolized by a crab—outwardly strong yet internally vulnerable, much like herself as depicted by Owen's observation that she appears tough but is soft at heart. This symbolism extends to the imagery of a giant crab adorning the doors leading to the tragic fate of Owen and Mel. Upon her return from the island, blood stains beneath the doors. I think this is supposed to represent how by her actions she brought death to her friends, akin to bearing the weight of guilt or "dirty hands." Throughout her narrative, various other depictions of crabs persistently follows Abby.
Abby's Seattle setting is aquatic, but it wasn't always so. Prior to her father's death, her symbolic habitat was the jungle. In her initial flashback in Salt Lake, she stands at the zoo entrance, surrounded by banners portraying jungle and savanna creatures like tigers, elephants, apes, and antelopes. She can also find a flyer of the zoo ad with the tiger on it. In Santa Barbara, when visiting the Firefly outpost, Lev asks why the children's room depicts animals and a forest. Abby explains that it is a thing parents can do and that her father painted her a jungle in her room when she was little. I think deep within, Abby identifies with a tiger, and she actually re-finds herself with Lev's encounter. The tiger represents her true essence, her totem animal, while the crab represents what she turned into in Seattle. The crab, with its hard exterior and soft interior, also mirrors Abby's hardened exterior developed from her experiences with the WLF.
Yet, subtle hints throughout her narrative suggest a rediscovery of her true self as a tiger that coincide with what she's going throught. One instance that really striked me is the big cartoonish tiger she encounters in a cafe on the road to the hospital, sat in a position of meditation, coinciding with her growing bond with Lev. This moment signifies her gradual return to inner peace and authenticity. Another significant occurrence is the depiction of a tiger hidden behind a counter during her escape from the island with Yara and Lev, labeled with "mean streak." This moment precedes a pivotal confrontation with her former allies, symbolizing Abby's re-embrace of her tiger nature—a resurgence of strength and determination as she confronts her past and fights for her newfound family. The reappearance of the tiger symbolizes Abby's journey of self-discovery and resilience, marking her reclaiming of inner strength and ferocity in the face of adversity.
During the Salt Lake flashback, as Abby finds her father and they continue through the park, they enter the aquatic biome, greeted by a crab facing exactly towards the banner depicting a tiger, symbolizing Abby's future transformation in Seattle. She enters the mouth of a whale, symbolizing her immersion into the aquatic world. In the very next flashback, she will exit from the mouth of a shark, marking her transformation complete.
Owen is symbolized by a spotted seal. The first time they ever entered the aquarium, Owen get out of the water and place himself right in front of a seal depiction named "Oscar", saying some things to Abby. You can see a little crab right under. Hints in dialogues also point at Owen being a seal. During the scene in the aquatic dome underwater, Owen concludes their conversation by expressing his intention to spend some time with the seals. Another subtle clue to Owen's future role as a father is found within the aquarium's main room: a statue depicting a seal and its cub. This imagery hints at Owen's impending journey into parenthood.
I'm going to talk about Tommy in Abby's section because it mostly striked me while doing her parts, with the exception of this dinosaur looking like a horse head in the wyoming museeum as mentionned in my first post. Right after letting Yara at the "Big Fat Crab Shack" to get to the marina, she stumble upon Manny who's being targeted by Tommy. Interestingly, if you look behind Abby, you'll spot the "Big Fat Crab Shack" logo again with its giant crab, while directly in front of her, just a couple of meters away, is an advertising van for "Manke" beer. The logo on the van is a horse, accompanied by the tagline "made with the finest ingredients of southern America," which resonates with Tommy's Texan roots. This van appears again later not far, in the parking lot where Tommy shoots at Abby, instigating an attack from the infected.
However, what puzzles me is why Abby doesn't perceive Tommy as an aquatic animal like she does with others. My only lead on this is that the aquatic version of Tommy is a seahorse. This notion is reinforced by the presence of a seahorse symbol at the Serevena Hotel, where Ellie and Dina encounter men tortured by Tommy. Honestly not 100% convinced on this seahorse part.
Lev is seen as a shark by Abby. A whole section of the aquarium is dedicated to sharks and their importance in the ocean ecosystem ( you can also see a little crab under one of the shark depictions ) When Abby and Yara seek a gift for Lev, they deem a shark plushie as the perfect choice, emphasizing his connection to this creature.
A prominent shark exhibit features a large specimen seemingly poised to attack a diver's cage, adorned with scars on its mouth sides. The image of Lev braving the seas on his boat to rescue his mother on the island further reinforces this association, evoking the image of a shark cutting through the waves with determination.
In Abby's perception, Lev embodies the qualities of a shark, yet he identifies himself with a cat, ( or it's his totem animal ) First and foremost, we can clearly see Lev's agility and fearlessness, particularly evident in his comfort with heights, mirroring a cat's nimbleness and independence. Additionally, Lev expresses fears akin to those of a cat—water and dogs. During Ellie's parts, I found this board on the ancient communication agency swarmed by scars ( in front of the tramway ). There this little text on a board from a meeting to pitch a product, back in the days. It says :
"Client pitch meet ideas - emotional angle - comedy angle - personnification of cat ? "
Even though it might be a bit of a stretch, this corresponds perfectly to what happens between Abby and Lev. She feels pity for him upon learning his story and comes to love him, thus the emotional angle, and Lev also makes some jokes or blunders, like asking Abby what's going on between him and Owen at the worst possible moment, or when he doesn't know certain common words due to his life among the Seraphites.
The more obvious sign that Lev is really a cat can be found in the same cafe where we found the tiger in meditation pose, on the left walls. Just like Owen, we can witness Lev positionning himself right in front of this animal and get some dialogues. He say something like it's weird to represent humans as animals / humans from before were weird doing this. This particular artwork features two cartoonish cats adorned in rock-inspired attire, captured in a lively dancing pose. A male and female, holding hands. This really striked me as being a representaion of Lev's gender duality. Abby mentions Lev's "punk-rock" spirit not long before this, hence the outfits.
Yara is a sea otter, simply because she wears this shirt with a sea otter at the aquarium.
The WLF obviously are wolves but Abby actually sees them as Orcas. Upon awakening at the stadium, Abby is greeted by a rug adorned with an orca motif. Then she gets to the mess hall, there's one wolf banner on one wall but also depictions of orcas adorning pillars and inscriptions proclaiming "Home of the Orcas" on the walls. Orcas are kinda wolves of the seas, share several characteristics with wolves, such as being large predators that hunt in packs, exhibit complex social structures, and are territorial. By associating the WLF with Orcas, Abby's perception elevates them to a level of strength, cunning, and dominance akin to these apex predators of the ocean.
Scars are possibly herons. I found some herons in the wyoming museeum as mentionned in my first post, but also some depictions while Abby is crossing the chinese district to get to martyr's gate. They communicate throught whistling like birds including herons. They also go throught the city by the airs, basically. Theres not much hints, but I do feel like the herons correspond really well to Seraphites due to their way of life and behavior. Firstly, herons are often associated with aquatic areas such as marshes and rivers, where they patiently and strategically hunt their prey. Similarly, the Seraphites have established themselves on an isolated island, resembling a marsh, where they practice an ascetic and contemplative form of living in harmony with nature, living in wooden houses. Furthermore, herons are patient and methodical predators, silently observing their surroundings before taking action ( Remember that arrow in Ellie's shoulder ? ) The Seraphites also exhibit a deliberate approach in their lives and interactions, emphasizing discipline, reflection, and strategic planning.
During the visit to the Chinese district, theres a peculiar creature: the dragon. Numerous depictions of it adorn this area. There might be a connection to the Seraphites, evidenced by the presence of Martyr's Gate and the increased encounters with them following this section. However, it's challenging to pinpoint its exact representation; my guess is that it symbolizes a broader concept rather than a specific character or faction. Might also just be because it's the chinese district.
Abby seem to be also linked to whales and octopus, I think each representing one concept. Ellie's collection of cards includes one intriguing card featuring a whale named "Big Blue." The description of the card reads:
"Big Blue is an extra-dimensional entity who has taken on the appearance of a blue whale. First arriving on Earth over a billion years ago to keep watch over nascent life forms, they use their infinite well of knowledge to help guide the human race in times of great need and upheaval. Their unfathomable age has one major drawback: days appear to pass as microseconds. However, this time dilation effect is offset if they hold their breath—which they can do for several years at a time."
The whale, as an entity with ancient wisdom and knowledge, could be seen as a manifestation of destiny itself. Just as the whale has existed since the dawn of life on Earth, destiny is a force that has shaped Abby's life from the very beginning. It has guided her path, leading her to the pivotal moments and encounters that defined her journey. Despite the challenges she faces, destiny continues to steer her toward her ultimate purpose and fate.
In many cultures and mythologies, the octopus is often associated with aspects of mystery, danger, and conflict. Its tentacled appearance and ability to camouflage itself in its environment make it a powerful symbol of the struggle and complexity of human conflicts. In the game, the giant octopus present at the aquarium can be interpreted as a visual representation of the internal and external conflicts that the characters, especially Abby, must face. The octopus's tentacles seem to stretch out and envelop the environment, evoking how conflict can feel omnipresent and difficult to avoid. Furthermore, the octopus is a formidable predator in the marine world, using its tentacles to capture and subdue its prey. This imagery can be associated with how the characters in the game are ensnared in the conflicts surrounding them.
And finally, Abby sees Ellie as a Stingray. Ellie's journey to get to Abby in Seattle final moments is symbolic of her descent into the aquatic world : to get to the hidden crab in the secretive ocean, she must transform as an aquatic animal. As Ellie approaches the aquarium, the challenges intensify, marked by increasingly stormy weather and turbulent seas. Despite the obstacles, Ellie perseveres, ultimately reaching her destination, not before falling into the ocean. Few notes here, first of all there's this outdoor kids' play area, a crab faces towards a whale and a shark, while an orca wing and a seahorse stand behind them. Could be a representation of how Abby is leaving her past behind and her newfound responsibility towards Lev. Next, right before kneeling to get under the fence, a sign featuring a stingray lies on its side, urging one to "become a member today". Further symbolism unfolds as Ellie encounters a shark depiction just before her fall from a broken window, with a stingray positioned EXACTLY on the floor where she lands. On the same note there is a stingray positionned on the floor exactly where Ellie kills Mel & Owen. The cafe section of the aquarium, named "Stingray Bay Cafe," features murals depicting a beach with palm trees, foreshadowing the events to come in Santa Barbara. Abby's exploration of the aquarium with Yara while looking for Lev reveals a section named "Shipwreck Cove," dominated by a giant stingray overhead, further hinting at the impending encounters and sequences involving boats, serving as a metaphor for both characters feeling like shipwrecks by the end of their tumultuous journey.
Also, The use of animal symbolism during Ellie and Abby's confrontations adds a layer of complexity and depth to their dynamic. During their intense fight in the theater, the actions of Ellie and Abby mirror the characteristics of the animals associated with them. Abby's brute force and relentless attacks, smashing Ellie into the floor and causing them to fall to a lower level, hitting her with her fists or grabbing her, align with the symbolism of the crab and its claws. She also headbut Ellie ( bison ). In contrast, Ellie's actions, repeatedly tries spiking Abby with her knife like a stingray hitting its prey, reflect a more tactical and predatory approach. I invite you to re-check their fight at the theater with that in mind, it's really striking.
As we've discussed, these symbols are not merely decorative but serve as powerful storytelling devices, conveying concepts or themes of identity, transformation, and growth. Whether you've noticed these subtle details yourself or are discovering them for the first time, it's clear that the developers at Naughty Dog have crafted a meticulously designed world filled with rich symbolism and meaningful connections.
So, what are your thoughts? Have you spotted any other animal motifs or symbols ? Let me know your theories !
submitted by Littl3mata to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:05 justsomeearthweirdo [PC/NSW/Mac] A Short Hike

[PC/NSW/Mac] A Short Hike
Released: 2019 Tag: Relaxing, Adventure
Just wanted to share a little gem I stumbled upon recently. In "A Short Hike," you play as Claire, a bird exploring a serene island. There's no rush, no pressure – just you, the island, and the joy of exploration. It's the perfect game to unwind and escape for a while.
With charming pixel art, soothing music, and plenty of delightful surprises along the way, "A Short Hike" is a breath of fresh air in the gaming world. So if you're looking for a relaxing adventure, give it a try.
Happy hiking!
submitted by justsomeearthweirdo to GamesOffTheRadar [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:04 Beginning_Boss_5435 Opila & Tarta Chicks

Opila & Tarta Chicks



The Baby Opila Birds are Opila Bird**'**s cute chicks. Five of them look like miniature Opila Birds, while one is slightly different. The Chick in question sports a cyan color with red accents on its claws, wings, beak and the ruff of feathers on top its head. This is because the Opila & Tarta Chick's father is Tarta Bird, who is cyan with red accents.
theyy are case 10A_10F and 100% Opila's babies
Givanium Opila Chick is the Opila Chick who accompanies the player in Garten of Banban IV. When she falls into the givanium tank, she transforms into a new form: She's now spotty and more muscular and large. Her legs and beak are now bright yellow, with the latter being covered in her pink skin and has an indentation on the inside. In addition to her bulging white eyes, she now sports a dark blue wing bone with giant tattered purple feathers. Event their mother Opila Bird is trying to get in through the exit door, normally she would kill The Player but if they collect all 6 Baby Opila Birds, Opila Bird will run up to her chicks instead of killing The Player, letting them safely go through the exit door instead Opening the door prematurely will lead to Opila Bird attacking the Player first.
Event During the garten of banban 3, the Player can find one of the Baby Opila Birds sitting inside the Bird Room in the middle but this is actually a trap because Opila Bird and Tarta Bird are stalking the Player from above, if the Player gets too close to the Baby Bird, Opila Bird or Tarta Bird will jump down and kill the Player, it seems like they are using their Baby Bird as bait to lure the Player. But, if the Player tames Tarta Bird by riding on his back, both Opila Bird and the Opila Chick are on the Player's side now and the Player places the Baby Bird on Opila Bird's back. The Baby Bird is sitting on the back of Opila Bird as Hellish Banban chases Opila Bird and Tarta Bird. Luckily, they made it through the door where Opila Bird and the Baby Bird run up to safety with Tarta Bird, running up shortly. When the fight is happening, Tarta Bird falls down due to the rumbles in the ground caused by Jumbo Josh . Opila Bird then briefly stares at the Player, signaling that she trusts the Player to take care of her Baby Bird before she jumps down to save Tarta Bird.
Event At the end of the previous game, Opila Bird trusted the Player to protect her Chick when she jumped down. So the Player is accompanied by the same Opila Chick, later nicknamed "Little Beak*"* by Sheriff Toadster. Little Beak plays a big role in garten of banban IV as she is one of the player's most trusted allies. She helps the Protagonist with some puzzles, as well as chirping as a warning for when Nabnab is nearby in the Ventilation Sector. At the end of the game, however, Little Beak falls into a Givanium barrel due to Queen Bouncelia shaking the entire room, thus she quickly mutates into a Givanium monster, growing in size and strength tremendously. Her allegiance to the Player doesn't seem to be affected as she then attacks Kittysaurus, and they begin to fight out of view.
Event During the game, after Player falls to Bird Room Givanium Little Beak can be seen sitting on the wall. Player needs get all 3 parts for Mr. Kabob Man's dress. Opila Chick can't catch player under the Middle of the room and can't find him. After Mr. Kabob Man distracts and stuns Little Beak, player gets to first battery. Player walking through the line, where Opila Chick can't see him. After getting next tent player distracts her using Givanium barrel. Player gets to the middle and wear gauntlets on Mr. Kabob Man and distracts and stuns bird again. Player gets to last battery and roll another Givanium barrel. Using Batteries and Bird Trap player stuns bird. After player clicks button "Secure and Exit" Little Beak tries to get player, but door kick her and back her into first form. After bird awakes, she run away.
  • There are Six Chicks and the number of Eggs that the Player fed Opila Bird in Opila Bird Mission was also Six. (Excluding the secret Seventh Egg)
  • There is only one Tarta chick among most of the Opila Chicks.
  • Their habitat is Opila and Tarta Chicks room and the Bird Nest.
  • The Givanium Opila Chick is covered in Givanium, Hence the different colors on its skin.
  • The Opila Chick in Garten of Banban IV is confirmed to be female (as Bittergiggle refers to her as a "she").
  • In the trailer for GoB IV, Little Beak seems to be completely covered in Givanium unlike in game where she is only partially covered in Givanium with her skin color being very visible.
  • It's unknown what happened to the other Opila Chicks after the second game as only one returns in the third game.
  • It's possible to glitch Little Beak into the ventilation sector walls by going between two vents and placing her at a specific angle. However you will end up soft locking yourself in the process as Sheriff Toadster will be blocking the only way between the two vents.
  • The Tarta chick in Garten of Banban II confused most players due to the seventh secret egg. The Tarta chick was also hinting Opila Bird's husband, Tarta Bird.
  • Opila and Tarta chick first talk in Garten of Banban: Punchrush
Opila & Tarta Chicks say: *cute chirping*
submitted by Beginning_Boss_5435 to gartenofbanban [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 ChrisHansel What if there was a guest-only game?

I mean, obviously with the exception of certain characters like Scorpion and Sun-Zero, just to set a baseline that really fleshes the game out as an MK game. Make the majority of the roster guest characters, and stop putting them in mainline games. Sort of like the SSB version of Mortal Kombat. Everybody wants different guests, so put all of them in here. It’ll make people stop komplaining about it, and it‘d give everyone a chance to have that Mortal Kombat take on their favorite characters, since it’s not just a popularity kontest for 2-3 slots. Me personally, I’d love it, because I know for a fact that no matter how much I wish for it, The Bride and Vergil are never making the cut for an actual Kombat Pack guest, and I know half the komnunity would rather not have guests at all.
Two birds with one stone. Everyone’s happy. Of course this would never happen, because WB doesn’t give a flying fuck about the player and just wants money, but still, it’s a thought.
submitted by ChrisHansel to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:41 Equivalent_Ad_3364 Can you punish a house that rebelled?

So I started as the Prince of Dragon stone in the earliest game start, like 254AC something like that. Never heard from the Monstrous and those lands became mine with no fuss. At around 304 AC I have the 6th Blackfyre rebellion trigger. After fighting a grueling war that only A few key marriages and a hastily married daughter to the Heir of Casterly Rock helped me win. I want to punish Dorne and Oldtown for siding with the Blackfyres. Is there a way for me to punish them without incurring tyranny with my Loyal vassals? I want to take lands or something away from the jerks who dissected me at the drop of a hat.
submitted by Equivalent_Ad_3364 to CK3AGOT [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:59 Sp00ker [PC] [2010s?] Tile based animal survival game

I played this back in 2016-2018ish I think, all I recall is being on a 2D tile based map and you could pick an animal species to play as, early players were locked to certain types till you successfully progressed I believe? The map was of wilderness, trees, water etc
I remember playing as a bird and you had to find water, food sources, a mate, then to build a nest and raise young. I'm pretty certain it was online and the other animals of same or different species were controlled by other players, maybe some weren't? unsure about that. But you had to be careful not to be eaten and I think could fight too, generally you would avoid going onto tiles other players/predators were on for example
Does anyone have any idea what game this is? I've been looking forever and can't seem to find it
submitted by Sp00ker to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:41 WatercressFun5783 My review on Steins;gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram (Yes, you should buy it)

Steins;gate: Linear Bounded Phenogram is a spin-off game of Steins;Gate that contains a series of short stories that take place in different worldlines. Each story is unrelated from one another and are told from the persective of a different character each, rather than just Okabe, which helps us to better understand the thoughts of the main characters in the series. At first I thought I may not like the idea of having different perspectives, as Okabe is just such a good protagonist, but I ended up enjoying it a lot. I needed to buy Steins;gate ELITE in order to play this, and it was 100% worth it. The game has +30 hours of content and I think every Steins;gate fan will love this game (it literally made me cry lol). I would give it an 8/10.
Now for those who have already played it, I will rate each individual story and give my opinion on it (with spoilers!)
1. Dr Jekyll Online 9.5/10 - I swear the way my jaw dropped to the ground on the plot twist. maybe it was just me but I didn´t see it coming at all even though things were pretty weird. The only thing I didn´t like apart maybe for the slow start is Kurisu joining SERN for no reason (at least not showed in that story) and then Okabe actually considering joining them too in front of Mayuri´s tomb, like wtf?
2. The Caged Bird Sings 7/10 - It was nice to see what goes through Daru's mind when he's saying lewd stuff, the plot was good too. Also I died laughing at Daru´s comments lol
3. Vermillion Soteria 9.5/10 - This is probably the worst shape Okabe has ever been (second to S;G Suzuha ending obv) This story has the best screams of despair from Okabe in the whole series imo. I love how they showed us the perspective of Kurisu while Okabe is shifting between worldines. The plot is excellent too and I loved to see Kurisu accepting her feelings for once.
4. Ghostly Rendezvous 7/10 - This one was kinda weird tbh, I haven´t played any other sciadv game so maybe the whole ghost stuff is explained there, but from only S;G content this feels like suzuha has schizophrenia and then she passed it on to the others xd. Apart from that the plot and the dynamics with the other suzuha's are great
5. Built With Love 7.5/10 - This one was a little weird but pretty funny, the ending C;G is the cutest thing ever too
6. Superhero Chat-Noir 8.2/10 - I loved the relationship Suzuha and Faris have in this one, they get along so well so naturally, also the lizard Okabe and Kurisu was hilarous.
7. Hermaphroditus In The Labyrinth 4/10 - I really hated the Luka ending in the original S;G and this story pretty much takes place in that worldline, so yeah, really bad.
8. Eternal Polaris 9.5/10 - I literally cried on this one, the plot is amazing and the relationship Kurisu and Mayuri build up is perfect. Seeing Okabe and Kurisu trying to save Mayuri from her perspective is so sad. This one has the best ending imo too, seeing a worldline in which Mayuri and Okabe are strangers made me tear up, and then I totally lost it when they meet again.
9. The Quantum Awakening 8/10 - I like how Kurisu and Mayuri got along with Moeka (even though she is a horrible person, and nothing will change that). The plot and Moeka's development in this story are really good nonetheless. (I dunno why Okabe would cry at her dying though, he barely cries during the whole series, so that when it happens it´s because he can´t take it anymore, but ye)
10. Abduction Between Three Worlds 8.5/10 - This story had a lot of potential, the plot was really interesting and the ideas were great, so it made me a little upset that in the end it was just a big misunderstanding instead of being something serious. Nevertheless, It is still a really interesting story (I just rememberd in the start they show us that Okabe just shifted to that worldline and he has amnesia from the last ones, but they didn´t explore this idea further more if I'm recalling well, so I guess he was just in a cycle of trying to solve this mistery and got amnesia or smth?)
11. Lunar Bifrost 6.5/10 - This story was the one with the biggest potential, and they didn´t even scratch the surface of using that potential. It wasn´t bad but they had such interesting ideas that I don´t know why they would put Nae as the main character and then end the plot in such a weird way. This felt like it was building up to something interesting that never occured, and a mediocre way to end such a good spin-off.
In conclusion, I loved the game and had a lot of fun, and even though not every story was amazing, It still is a must play for every Steins;Gate fan out there.
submitted by WatercressFun5783 to steinsgate [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:18 Littl3mata The Wild Side: Animal Symbolism in TLOU 2 [ SPOILERS ]

The presence of animal symbolism in part II is striking and deliberate. On a recent playthrough, I paid meticulous attention to every detail in each levels and scenes, and I was astounded by the sheer number of animals depicted, each appearing at specific moments and with particular characters. I am now 95% convinced that these animals tell a parallel story to Ellie and Abby's journeys. More than that, it seems at least both characters has their own biome that represents their worldview, underscoring the idea that they lives in their "own world," reflecting the tribalism of society. These biomes and their associated animals can change over time as characters undergo life-changing experiences or move to different environments. Additionally, some animals symbolize broader concepts such as wisdom, chaos, conflict. And to add onto that, I think that potentially each individual has the way they see themselves and each others as animals, and the real true core totem animal they are, that can come from a different biome. This whole post will be split in two posts, one on Ellie's perspective and one on Abby, mainly because I have 370 screenshots of animals and can "only" put 20 by posts ( lol ) Apologies in advance if some of the shots seems weird, I tried in some places to take all of the animals in one room, hence the weird angles.
During Ellie's gameplay / Jackson parts, we mostly see northern central american animals : moth, deer, moose, horse, bison, boar, bighorns, owl, eagle etc... During Abby's in Seattle, it's clearly an aquatic biome : whale, crab, sea-otter, seal, shark, orquas, octopus.
The first time we see Ellie she's drawing does and a deer with it's face hatched. Initially, I interpreted this as a representation of Ellie herself, given her connection to deer from the first game. However, upon deeper reflection, I think the deer represent a concept more than a person and that is the concept of family. By removing the deer's head, Ellie could express a rejection, not being in phase with her family, a.k.a Joel. This interpretation is supported by Ellie's journey throughout the game, where she grapples with feelings of betrayal and loss, ultimately leading to a rift between her and Joel. By the end of the game, when Ellie settles on the farm, she has formed her own family with Dina and JJ. The presence of multiple deer depictions in her home at the farm suggests a reconciliation with the concept of family, albeit in a different form than before. Another interpretation is that the deer could symbolize Dina specifically. Given their close relationship and the significant role Dina plays in Ellie's life, it's plausible that Ellie's drawings reflect her conflicted emotions towards Dina, especially considering the complexities of their relationship throughout the game. Of all the things belonging to Ellie Dina left at the house, the deer head is missing.
The moth symbolizes several themes in Ellie's journey. First and foremost, it represents transformation and metamorphosis. Just as a moth undergoes a transformation from a caterpillar to a moth, Ellie undergoes her own transformation throughout the game. This transformation encompasses her physical journey, her mental and emotional growth, and her grappling with her identity and purpose. The moth also symbolizes vulnerability and fragility. Moths are often drawn to light but can be easily harmed by it. Similarly, Ellie is drawn to her mission of vengeance and justice, but this pursuit leaves her vulnerable to the dangers and traumas of the world around her. Moths are often associated with the night and darkness. In Ellie's case, this could symbolize her journey into the darker aspects of herself.
I won't detail the myriad of animals encountered from the game's onset up to the Wyoming Museum section, as it would be repetitive and lengthy. However, it's worth noting that between these points, a plethora of animals linked to Ellie and other characters that I will talk about later can be observed if you pay close attention. Whether during explorations in Jackson, patrols with Ellie and Dina, or visits to places like the Baldwin manor, numerous instances of animal imagery abound. Some of these visuals are included in the post for reference. All depictions of animals found in the game appear during relatively calm phases. You won't see any during high-action or rushing phases ( except in cinematics ).
The Wyoming Museum level is rich with symbolism, more so than initially apparent. When Ellie first arrives, she engages in a playful moment behind the reception desk, jokingly stating that the dinosaurs aren't present today, then jests that there's at least one—the reference being Joel. Later, Joel compares a dinosaur to Tommy, noting how thick is skull is ( foreshadowing being shot in the head and surviving ), and a resemblance to him when viewed from a specific angle ( this specific dino's head looks like the head of a horse, remember this for later ). In my interpretation, these dinosaurs symbolize the first generation of virus survivors, epitomized by Joel and Tommy, who are starting to age and will someday disappear like the dinosaurs. They represent the last ones to have really known the world as it was before the virus, marking the end of an era where they will be looked at almost as mythical creatures of the past, viewed as legendary and distant.
Next, we delve into the science section before Ellie takes a plunge into the water, transporting herself to the natural history center. Inside, the first scene she stumbles upon is the moose surrounded by wolves. Behind them, there are two other animals: bighorns on the right and a bison on the left. Many already know the moose is a representation of Joel, encircled by the WLF ( there's also a dead moose on the day of Joel's death during Ellie and Dina's patrol ) The moose is looking up, at the light. I think this is supposed to reprensent how Joel died while "looking for the light", like, even if he died a horrible death, he managed to find his light in Ellie and Jackson and despite the tension between him and Ellie, he died knowing she would have tried to forgive him as she told him the night before his death, so he finally found "the light" = died in peace.
The bighorns and bison behind could represent either elements connected to Joel's death — the bighorns being the Fireflies, the bison being Abby — or they could symbolize the choices Ellie faces after Joel's death: stay at home (represented by the bighorns) or seek revenge against Abby (the bison). My only lead to connect Bighorns to the Fireflies is that they were supposed to be at the colorado university ( go, bighorns ! ). Another interpretation links the bighorns to community and Jackson, given their depiction in Ellie's journal alongside her reflections on daily life in Jackson. As for Abby being portrayed as a bison in Ellie's eyes, theres some depictions of bisons that appear throughout scenes associated with Abby. The encounter between Tommy and Ellie at the farm, where he describes talking to a guy who met this girl with "arms like an ox," serves as a narrative convenience. The expression "arms like an ox" is more universally recognized and effectively conveys Abby's strength in the moment. Despite the slight discrepancy between ox and bison, the similarity between the two animals makes the comparison relatable and apt. I also have come across at least 2-3 instances of wooden carved moose and bison facing each other as if preparing to attack, further emphasizing this symbolism.
Let's return to the museum. As we progress, we encounter cryptic messages on the walls. Ellie eventually arrives in a room filled with birds, particularly eagles and owls. Notably, an eagle is found in Joel's bedroom, its wings spread over pictures of Sarah and Ellie, and an owl is on his mug. The eagle might represent the protective parental figure and the owl Joel's wisdom since arriving in Jackson. The eagle and owl are the only birds turned EXACTLY towards the moose being attacked by wolves. Note for later that herons are also clearly positionned for us to see on one side.
Ellie then enters a room filled with displays of different biomes, culminating in the butterfly and moth room. In this room, a Firefly ended his life, which is significant considering the Fireflies' association with Ellie and her past. The choice of this specific room underscores the thematic connection between the Fireflies and the transformative journey Ellie is undergoing as a moth. Upon exiting the room, Ellie is startled by the glowing eyes of three wolves. Immediately after, a boar charges at her. This sequence of events leads her to a wall where "LIARS" is scrawled with the Firefly symbol painted above it. This marks a pivotal moment for Ellie: she stops seeing Joel as a moose, an animal that had represented a certain grace and nobility, and starts perceiving him as a boar. In her eyes, Joel has lost his majestic qualities and is now seen as a more brutal and aggressive creature.
This shift in perception is further emphasized in a deleted scene from the game. In this scene, Ellie chases a boar through the woods. When she finally approaches the agonizing animal, she is overwhelmed with flashes of Joel's death. This moment could symbolizes Ellie's internal struggle and the deep connection between her trauma and her evolving view of Joel. The boar, once a symbol of ferocity and survival, now embodies the pain and brutality of Joel's end, reflecting Ellie's conflicted emotions and the heavy burden of her quest for revenge.
A somewhat funny Rattlers foreshadowing can be found during Ellie's arcade shambler fight, the room she exit from has these big snakes plushies in a box marked as "new".
Maria might be a pheasant but this is pure speculation. There's a pheasant behind her when Ellie gets her biggot sandwiches, but without more direct evidence or context, it remains speculative to attribute the symbolism of a pheasant to Maria's character. Pheasants can represent various qualities, including resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness, but without more explicit narrative connections, it's challenging to draw definitive conclusions about Maria's character based solely on this imagery.
Jesse might be symbolized as an elephant, with the primary evidence being JJ's elephant plushie. This symbolism aligns with Jesse's protective nature and his willingness to confront danger when his loved ones are threatened. Elephants are known for their strong familial bonds and protective instincts, which mirrors Jesse's role in the story. Theres limited direct evidence for this and again on this one it's more speculation than anything.
JJ is a special one and I find his case very cute. He actually just wear this pajama representing many different animals, indicating that he is still too young for us to know which animal he will ultimately become. In the downstairs toy room, there's a play mat featuring numerous savanna animals, notably a giraffe, lion, elephant, and a little zebra. His raincoat also has a lion on it, and in one of Ellie's drawings, JJ is holding a plushie that seems to be a cartoonish lion, but he is deliberately covering the animal's face with his hand. This detail might be intentional, suggesting that his true symbolic animal is yet to be revealed. In the realm of speculation and with very few hints, I'd say he will be a lion or that the lion will be the symbolic savanna animal of part 3, similar to how the giraffe and zebra were in the previous parts. Few hints : Near the end of Ellie's journey in Seattle, she encounters two statues of lions in the theater. One of them seems to be bowing to her, which could symbolize respect or acknowledgment. At one point, Owen is repainting the animal mural at the aquarium. The finished side features a giraffe on the right and zebras in the middle. The unfinished side, however, includes a depiction of a lion. Another user actually said something to me one time that striked me about this : "It's not a leap to guess that these parts of the mural represent The Last of Us as a whole." The unfinished side represents the part of the story that remains to be written !
I found deciphering Ellie's part to be more difficult than Abby's, a lot more mysterious and suble. I also think this is deliberate because Ellie's story is not over while we had to totally understand Abby if we ever had to discover the animal symbolism, if that makes sense. Let me know your thoughts ! And let's now find out Abby's perception in post n°2.
submitted by Littl3mata to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:14 DryClothes2894 If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit

If your FPS is bad, this *should* help you a fair bit
Alright so Ive started to get sick of seeing every single day like 5 or 6 new posts about FPS drops and overall performance losses, and a lot of comments about "The game is poorly oPtiMiZeD" and so forth. Half the folks don't even bother listing their specs, very helpful (not)
The truth is a double edged sword here.
One being that, it really isnt as bad as people think (read why later), and two, people forget all the time that this is THE Unreal Engine demo-game, that all the new features of UE are tested on before getting put out for use in other new game releases that use the engine. This game is always going to be on the bleeding edge as they rapidly advance game technology and innovate. All things considered, it really is pretty impressive it still even runs on the decade old PS4 and similar devices.
Now there are a few specific folks on here who CONSTANTLY are complaining about "game optimization" and yet they are on ancient hardware that was low end when Fortnite came out 7 years ago, one guy literally has a GTX 870 that predates this game by a good 3 years (March 2014 release date), over a decade old now. People, you know who you are, stop complaining.
Now onto the next points, addressing both why people think its worse than it is (and what created this problem) and then how to fix things for the most part on your system, aside from external variables out of my control such as crap software like antivirus RGB perhipheral software game launchers etc.
The first problem of how we got here, is mostly due to the lack of good information, and the spread of information that is just wrong. Most of this is top down in a viscous cycle as follows:
Pro playestreameetc doesnt know much about hardware, just plays the game, thats why they're good.
Said player starts to have problems with FPS etc
They then reach out to a "tweaker" on like Twitter to get their PC "optimized"
This is because player has money and can pay for services rather than learn this stuff himself.
Tweaker doesnt really know what he's doing or what impact certain settings have
Tweaker changes a bunch of stuff that he probably shouldn't, stuff that hes copying from other "tweakers"
System seems better to placebo affect, player promotes tweaker on socials, "Thanks to X for fixing my FPS!"
FPS boost YT kids scavenge and investigate thru like stream vods to see what changes were made
FPS boost YT kids then, also not knowing what these settings do, turn this into content
Content, that makes them money, regardless of whether it actually does anything meaningful
This information of supposed "fixes" then gets circulated around, via other YT kids or Reddit or etc
These "fixes" really just make things worse overall because they disable proper functionality of the OS
Now you have lots of players all doing the same "fixes" by their favorite FPS boosters
They all do these tweaks because they trust the person with a microphone
And now you have a bunch of people running settings and tweaks that are overall detrimental to performance
And then everyone, including the FPS YT kids (who dont know anything) all say "The game is poorly optimized"
This goes for people even like Jerian, Codelife, Marrentm, Lestripez (his site is straight up malware, avoid) etc
You know these guys dont know anything when they say that free space on your disk equates to more FPS, which is why they always tell you to delete temp files and stuff, it doesnt matter unless the disk is full.
If you watch these guys streams too, you can see their FPS is usually all over the place, because their "fixes" dont actually do anything beneficial.
I see a lot of times too where someone gets their PC "optimized" and then weeks later is getting BSODs, because the tweakers messed with a lot of stuff that they didn't know how it works, but saw from someone else, such as changing lots of registry values, dangerously unstable overclocks, and so forth.
I can stand behind my work because I have a youtube channel for gameplay, and my FPS is at a LOCKED 240 the entire time in 1440p DX12 on high settings, its linked in my reddit profile if you care to see for yourself any of my recent videos.
The "oPtiMiZaShUn" of Fortnite is relatively fine, and Epic certainly can't fix a problem they didn't create, a problem that has been created by these FPS boosters.
ANYWAYS now that we have the backstory for the major half of the problem, lets tackle the other side in regards to the hardware itself, assuming the configuration of the game is fine, Ill address configuration next.
Now I have spent quite a long amount of time the past few years deep diving into what really makes this game run well and what holds it back in regards to performance, and when it comes down to just raw hardware, assuming the configuration is fine and not full of snake oil, the game, like other Unreal Engine titles and multiplayer games in general, is very memory bottleknecked. That is the throughput and bandwidth of your RAM affects the games overall performance significantly.
This is why you can get low CPU and GPU utilization, and the game still runs poorly, aside from the utilization metrics being very skewed with how modern hardware works, its not perfect measurement, but still illustrates a point for the most part, but essentially your ram bandwidth is saturated or the ram latency is high and holding reduntant tasks up because it takes longer than it needs.
The reason for this is that in a BR type multiplayer game, you not only have a large open world map with a diverse destructible enviroment, but then you throw 100 players on to it that all are doing lots of things, making changes to said enviroment thru activities, construction, destruction, combat, etc.
All this information about what these players are doing (at least the ones in your render distance) has to get stored and read in and out of system memory as stuff happens in real time, this is why FPS tends to be low in stacked endgames with lots of players in a concentrated area, its saturating your memory bandwidth trying to keep up with all the constantly updating information about all the players and what theyre doing.
This is why AMDs line of X3D CPUs are super strong in games like this, because the cache is essentially turbocharged RAM running at almost a terabyte a second. having fast access cache for redundant tasks can speed the process of all this constant transfer up significantly.
Its also the kryptonite for why older Intel CPUs like 8th 9th 10th Gen etc, all really struggle these days, because they have significantly less cache than their AMD counterparts from the same time periods.
And its also the principle of how a certain special device that is now becoming more known technically works, its called Direct Memory Access because its reading the location and info of the players from your RAM and sending that to another device whether PC, Rasberry Pi, etc.
Ill have more information at the bottom for more specific stuff in regards to RAM, but the cliff notes is that enabling XMP is important, but it does leave a good bit on the table, and too many generic kits, especially DDR5, are really bad on the settings they come with out of the box. This is why people think the game runs bad on high end PCs, that come with generic DDR5 kits that have atrocious timings.
Again, more info on this aspect of things at the bottom.
BUUUUT leaving all that aside for now, lets get into what you can do right now that should fix a lot of your FPS problems, no overclocking or any BS snake oil tweaks, just proper configuration thats surprisingly close to stock, you'll be surprised at the amount of settings that don't actually matter.
Ive spent over a year now doing consulting with numerous people thru either Reddit DMs or Discord, helping many peoples game go from zero to hero, some rags to riches stories for sure. (most of it is undoing snake oil from FPS booster kids) and thru that I have developed a shotgun approach that generally is the gist of what needs to be done, and its had a pretty solid success rate.
DISCLAIMER, I am not telling you to do things that I wouldn't or have not already done countless times on all of my many test machines, but you still do this at your own risk and so obviously be precautious, but rest assured I know what all this stuff does.
So obviously starting off things, you probably wanna do some basic housekeeping
Get rid of any garbage software you dont use and stuff that just runs in the background, like
RGB software, ASUS Aura Sync/Armory Crate are HOGS
Extra Anti-Virus software aside from Defender (Especially Norton and MCaffe
(You dont need it, just get a adblocker and dont go to sketchy sites, the antivirus companies sell the viruses to malware companies, and then sell you a solution to the problem they create, classic marketing, dont buy into it)
Double movement software *can* also be a hog in some cases, use ingame diagonals if possible
Controller interfacing/overclocking software can be a massive offender of bogging things down
High polling rate mouses and keyboards like 8000Khz, 4000Khz, eat up CPU cycles, just use 1000.
Also undo any existing exotic FPS booster tweaks, if youve made a lot of changes over the past years it may be a good idea to install fresh windows from USB, I reccomend Windows 11 22H2, its generally performed the best on all my numerous systems, you can get an ISO from the internet archive, but do whatever you want for OS.
Its also beneficial to turn off Virtualization/SVM in the BIOS, with it on windows sandboxes the OS and it does create a mesuarable hit to performance.
Next thing is basic windows changes, starting with HAGS. Most GPUs support it so if you have it it is beneficial to turn this on. Search "Graphics settings" in the settings search and click the first result. Then once in there hit the link for Change Default Graphics Settings. Once there enable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.
The second option is also beneficial for if you want to run a stretched resolution that requires you to be in Windowed Fullscreen mode, as this uses Flip to give you the same input delay as if you were on Fullscreen.
This leads into the next thing, which is DONT have the "Disable Fullscreen Optimizations" box checked for your Fortnite EXE file, this disables Flip functionality for Fullscreen on modern games especially DX12 that dont use old Exclusive fullscreen, so you get more input delay as the game runs in bad window fullscreen, and your alt tabbing takes longer too, Flip offers much lower latency than old exclusive fullscreen with faster alt tab support.
Like if you read it, it litterally says your disabling optimizations, dont listen to boneheads on youtube who think this does anything, your just giving yourself more input delay.
Now into graphics drivers, its always a good idea to run DDU or Display Driver Uninstalller from time to time, to clean everything out with the shader caches and reset settings. There also is the fact that a lot of the newer drivers from Nvidia are a dumpster fire right now, its never a good idea to constantly update them. Now AMD can be the same way too, but in most of my consults Ive not experienced any problems just running DDU and installing the latest once supported by the card. You can always run DDU again and install a different driver and find one that works best for you.
On Nvidia I tend to prefer 537.58 or 551.86, the former is a bit older than some of the 4060 and Super variants of the 40 series so you may need a slightly newer one but 4070 and older are just fine with this.
For downloading specific versions just google it, make sure you get the right one for either desktop or notebook variants depending on what your on.
I get the best lows on 537.58 but 551.86 has slightly better average FPS and feels a bit snappier at times, but of course you can DDU and try as many as you like till you find one you like.
The DDU tool itself is pretty self explanatory, select on the right GPU and then the appropriate option for your GPU whether it be Nvidia or AMD (or Intel for ARC and iGPU users), and then hit clean and restart. Once back on the desktop install fresh drivers.
From there on the Nvidia side of things, the only settings in here that really matter (aside from setting your monitor refresh rate of course) is setting your Shader Cache size to Unlimited, and setting PhysX to your graphics card instead of having on auto select. On auto this can sometimes run physics on the CPU and give you nintendo switch framerates when builds are breaking and etc.
All that other crap doesnt make much of a difference if at all, lets move on to your Epic launcher.
Now in your library go to your Fortnite install options. The big thing is dont have High Res textures installed, doesnt look any different, and have the DX12 Shaders and Cosmetic Streaming disabled, it sometimes is called Predownloaded Assets or something.
Fun fact about the Pre-download Assets option, I am partially the reason it exists, as back during the May 4th update for Chapter 4 Season 2 last year, they removed the old settings and fuctionality for texture streaming, forcing the game to constantly hog internet bandwidth downloading textures on the fly as players were in your render distance, creating constant packet loss if you werent on 10 Gig Fiber.
Through a handfull of reddit posts, a video detailing the behaivour, and emails, I was able to get thru to the developers and ask them for this option to download everything ahead of time, because SSD storage is cheap whereas fast internet isnt even available in a lot of places.
Everyone has theyre own mark on this game, mine is a setting that everyone uses because its so beneficial.
ANYWAAYYS so now we got that done, lets go to the manage page.
In here you really only want the -NOTEXTURESTREAMING command, this is different from the assets one as this affects game textures like map roads grass buildings etc, not the player skins like the other one does. Having this in there essentially cuts down on CPU and memory traffic by loading everything into your RAM ahead of time rather than constantly move it around, this helps with pop in and hitching.
The other ones litterally dont affect shipping releases of the game, only content cooking on dev builds.
Alright so now assuming youve done everything correctly, lets get into building a shader cache for your game. A lot of this has been moved to be done during loading screens, so if your loading in on DX12 with fresh drivers, your CPU is gonna be working hard.
If your not on DX12, just switch it and restart, most GPUs these days run DX12 anyways, DX11 is not worth using at all, and Performance mode is held back by crappy DX11, but if you must use it just change your settings on DX12/11 pages and then load performance mode back up.
For this though were assuming your using DX12 cause it really is just built better, especially for Radeon cards, so let get into shader caching.
Now a big thing here is turn off Nvidia Reflex, because its only beneficial if you are completely GPU bound, which is impossible if you run low settings and or cap your frames. It manages your frame buffer by slowing the CPU to prevent the GPU from getting behind, but if your not GPU bound your game will just feel like crap. You also will get much more consistent input delay with it off, and stuff like shotgun not shooting twitchy framerate generally goes away as well.
Just cap your FPS right below whatever you average around, even a 3060 with DLSS balanced can run 144 on High DX12 1440p, which leads into the next thing, being that higher settings help with better caching. Obviously after a few rounds once the stutter from caching is done you can put it on low, but run something like this to start. Cap FPS, fullscreen, DX12.
This runs even like 70 FPS at native 1080p on a 1660. Just drive around for a few games visiting all the biomes and POIs till it evens itself out, then switch back to low or whatever you want for settings once its cached.
If you want DX12 to look like performance mode, put render distance on Low, that runs a locked 160 on a 2060 laptop GPU with a 9th gen i7.
The big thing is setting your cap below what your averaging for frames because consistent frames are better than high frames, and youll get less delay if you arent GPU bound. You may need to play with it to find what works best for you.
Assuming im not forgetting anything this should be close to about it for what you gotta do, lmk how this goes for you, if its still running bad you can always try different nvidia drivers and a windows reinstall if you feel ambituos.
Otherwise yea this should get you a fair bit of improvement, now onto extra stuff.
Now in regards to RAM overclocking, I spent months heavily studying memory tuning and overclocking because of the difference it really makes having good ram with all the timings tightened down, theres a reason on my main system I run DDR5-8000 with all the timings and subtimings tightened way down, its not for everyone but for a hardware enthusiast like me I like that last extra bit, and it results in great dividends on the 1% lows.
This of course has spent a lot of time on rigorous stress testing to ensure its absolute stability, dont OC memory if you dont know how to stabilize it, it will slowly corrupt your OS and will make your game run like crap as modern ram has a lot of error correction built in that comes at a performance hit.
My lowly 5800X has no problem maxing out a 3080Ti at a steady 300 FPS on DX12 thanks to its tuned Samsung B Die ram, putting good ram on my 5900X nearly doubled my FPS over the garbage that was on there.
If you want to dive into the world of learning how to identify what ram you have and overclock it properly, theres github guides and plenty of existing resources on the overclocking subreddit, as well as youtube content by guys like Actually Hardcore Overclocking AKA Buildzoid, I learned so much from watching his videos of reacting and critiquing other peoples ram timings, and then diving into his own ram overclocking content.
He even has a great guide for DDR5 on Ryzen 7000 with Hynix memory (almost any 6000 CL30 2x16 kit) that offers some timings that should work for most kits just fine and offer much improvement over stock, just ignore the part about 2033 FCLK as that was simply a bug with AGESA that made the ram run at 6100MT/s which is why it WAS faster, just run 2000 FCLK for DDR5 6000.
It is a valuable skill to learn how to tune ram as it can breathe new life into a underperforming system, but you cant teach a bird how to fly as it is an acquired skill, so if you want to really make this game fly, you should learn how to tune your ram.
submitted by DryClothes2894 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:24 VeryCommonUsername For those who work from home (or spend their free time gaming) - do you prefer having your "office" in the basement or upstairs & why?

I work from home but also enjoy leisurely gaming in my time off. I have two free spaces to set up my desk and can't make up my mind which to stick with. I've gone back and forth between the two for the last two years but want to make a more permanent choice.
Option 1: Upstairs (second story of the house) in a dedicated office directly across from our bedroom. My wife currently has a desk and some bookshelves in this room but there's more than enough space for me to add my desk. She doesn't work from home so I'd have it to myself during the day and we'd share it when gaming in the evenings. I'd get more natural light and have a huge window overlooking trees. I'd be able to hear birds during the day and bullfrogs at night. The downside is this room gets hotter in the summers and cooler in the winters as it's over the garage.
Option 2: In the basement (where it currently is) at the bottom of the landing. The basement is a large room that has a massive sectional and TV, and then a small gym in a dedicated room off to the side. There is really good overhead recessed lighting but minimal natural light which kind of bums me out. It's not practical to open the windows so I don't get to hear birds or nature. It's much cooler in the summer, which is nice, and there's a large fireplace that makes it warm and cozy in the winter.
Which would you pick?
submitted by VeryCommonUsername to AskMen [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:20 VeryCommonUsername Should I put my home office in the basement or upstairs?

I work from home but also enjoy leisurely gaming in my time off. I have two free spaces to set up my desk and can't make up my mind which to stick with. I've gone back and forth between the two for the last two years but want to make a more permanent choice.
Option 1: Upstairs (second story of the house) in a dedicated office directly across from our bedroom. My wife currently has a desk and some bookshelves in this room but there's more than enough space for me to add my desk. She doesn't work from home so I'd have it to myself during the day and we'd share it when gaming in the evenings. I'd get more natural light and have a huge window overlooking trees. I'd be able to hear birds during the day and bullfrogs at night. The downside is this room gets hotter in the summers and cooler in the winters as it's over the garage.
Option 2: In the basement (where it currently is) at the bottom of the landing. The basement is a large room that has a massive sectional and TV, and then a small gym in a dedicated room off to the side. There is really good overhead recessed lighting but minimal natural light which kind of bums me out. It's not practical to open the windows so I don't get to hear birds or nature. It's much cooler in the summer, which is nice, and there's a large fireplace that makes it warm and cozy in the winter.
Leaning towards option 1. Choose for me.
submitted by VeryCommonUsername to makemychoice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:46 Heavy_Marionberry576 Freezing After Beating Pokémon

Freezing After Beating Pokémon
I am on endless mode and made it to this ice stage, but as soon as I beat one of the birds in the double battle, the game freezes. I tried swapping pokemon to win, but no luck. I eventually tried running and that helped me get past the level, but now it's doing the same thing with a single battle. It always freezes at the "it's super effective!" Prompt.
I don't want to keep running. Has anyone encountered this issue before and know a way around it?
submitted by Heavy_Marionberry576 to pokerogue [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:46 cocoisfromsaturn I got mega smash a while ago!

I got mega smash a while ago! submitted by cocoisfromsaturn to AngryBirdsMattel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:40 Itchy-Assumption3803 Tchia

Tchia is Verified!![](

Special Edition

The Tchia: Oléti Edition comes with the Tchia base game and the Kepler Customization Pack, which includes four costume sets for Tchia and four boat customization packs, inspired by fellow titles from the Kepler game catalogue.
All costume sets include hair, make-up, outfit, and backpack. All boat packs include flag, sail, and base.

About the Game

Join Tchia on her tropical open-world adventure as she sets off to rescue her father from the cruel tyrant, Meavora, ruler of the archipelago. Climb, glide, swim, and sail your boat around beautiful islands as you explore a physics-driven sandbox. Face the fabric soldiers created by Meavora in open encounters where your creativity gives you the edge. Take control of any animal or object you can find, make new friends and jam on your fully playable Ukulele.

A poetic coming-of-age story inspired by New Caledonia.SOUL JUMPING


Tchia's special gift lets you take control of any animal or object you can find. With over 30 animals and hundreds of objects to choose from, fly around as a bird, explore the ocean as a fish or dig for treasures as a dog! Use your unique soul-jumping abilities to explore solve puzzles, and uncover secrets.EXPLORATION & TRAVERSAL


Jump and glide your way across a vast archipelago and use the Tricks system to perform cool stunts and dives. The free climbing mechanic lets you ascend anything in the world without restriction including any physics-driven tree. Take to the ocean waves, and sail your customizable boat across turquoise lagoons and dive around coral reefs and shipwrecks.COMBAT & ENCOUNTERS


Face the Maano: mysterious enemies spawned from pieces of wood and fabric. Keep moving, improvise, and use all of Tchia’s abilities to come out on top of those intense encounters. You can also put your skills to the test by tackling mystical challenges in the Totem Shrines.UKULELE


Just jamming by yourself or playing alongside other inhabitants of the archipelago, your fully playable ukulele will be a trusty companion throughout the game. Use it at key story moments during rhythm sections, or play unlockable melodies at any point in the open world to trigger special events such as attracting animals, triggering rainfall…STORY & MUSIC


Take Tchia on a heartfelt adventure and meet a diverse cast of characters inspired by New Caledonian cultures. Fully animated cutscenes voiced in traditional language will punctuate your journey while an original orchestral score infused with local sounds creates a unique and immersive world.CUSTOMIZATION & ITEMS


Stylize Tchia’s clothing and boat with hundreds of unlockable cosmetic items ranging from a traditional look to the most over the top options. You will also unlock useful and fun tools along the way such as a flashlight, slingshot, compass, camera...NEW CALEDONIA


The world of Tchia was inspired by New Caledonia, A tiny island in the Pacific Ocean, homeland of Awaceb's co-founders. Inspiration was taken from the rich and varied local landscapes, cultures, music, languages, folklores and traditions and was used to create a fictional world and to tell a universal story for all to understand and enjoy. The characters are voiced by local talent in traditional languages, and subtitled in many languages including English, French, Russian, Chinese, German, and more.Looking to spend more chill time in Tchia's archipelago ?

Tchia's free update include 8 new soul melodies to have even more fun during your exploration, such as acrobat mode, human torch or the super boat ! You'll also be able to equip a variety of new outfits, and all cosmetic items will now give you additional perks in your journey, such as more stamina or special abilities. If you've ever wanted to lead a crab gang or attract sharks, suit up!

Links:View Tchia11,79 € - Buy Now\_item\_assets/steam/apps/1496590/header.jpg?t=1711382013
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:39 Technical-Ferret4328 Violent pretend play

So my 2.5 year old has been doing a lot more pretend play recently
He loves his wooden trains and we have some little bluey figures
So a lot of his games at the moment is him driving his toy car filled with the figures onto the track and shouting “oh no the train is coming”
Sometimes he runs them over sometimes he pushes them out the way before the train is coming
We went to visit some trains recently where a bird was walking on the rails and a train was coming, the bird was fine and flew out the way in time
But he talks about it a lot, that the bird was on the track and the train was coming, so I wonder if he’s just acting out what he saw and playing with the scenario
But it just seems so violent, should we be concerned?
submitted by Technical-Ferret4328 to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:08 NolanHockeyPodcast Bomber Game Reaction 2024 1/18 MTL-27 WPG-12 Loss --Flipped By The Bird--

Bomber Game Reaction 2024 1/18 MTL-27 WPG-12 Loss --Flipped By The Bird-- submitted by NolanHockeyPodcast to WinnipegBlueBombers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 16:42 NolanHockeyPodcast Bomber Pre-Season Game Reaction 2024 1/18 MTL-27 WPG-12 Loss --Flipped By The Bird--

submitted by NolanHockeyPodcast to CFL [link] [comments]