Elf hat with knifty knitter


2008.06.14 20:25 knittit

Warm, fuzzy, sometimes tangled. Due to the holiday season, it may take up to 48 hours for (1) a post to be approved/ reviewed (2) response to modmail/from a moderator. Regarding the API/blackout we're open again but also watching, listening, thinking hard. Whatever happens needs to happen thoughtfully. Please keep being excellent to each other.

2011.08.27 22:16 p337 Reddit Gifts Elves

A place for [redditgifts Elves](https://www.redditgifts.com/elves/) to hang out!

2024.06.07 15:29 duddlered Grimoires & Gunsmoke: Operation Tolkien Ch. 61

A relentless drumbeat filled the silence of the night as rain pelted the windshield of a dark Toyota Tocama truck. The vehicle sat idling in the shadows of a deserted alley in the heart of New Orleans, and its occupants huddled inside, seeking shelter from the storm that raged outside.
In the driver's seat, a bald, dark-skinned African American man with a baseball hat pulled low over his eyes, DeAndre, also known as just D, stared out into the darkness. His hands rested on the lower part of the steering wheel while he leaned back in his chair with a bored look. He was dressed in a hoodie, the fabric damp from the rain that had lightly dampened it during his brief time outside.
"More of those damn monsters popped up just outside the city near Lexington," D suddenly spoke up, trying to dispel the awkward silence. "They're all over the place now."
His partner, a pale-skinned man named Mason with dark brown hair, shifted in his seat beside him. He was wearing a North Face jacket, the material glistening with raindrops in the dim light of the street lamps. He tapped his hand against the car door, one of the few nervous tics he indulged in before getting into a big operation.
"Yeah, I know," Mason replied in an equally derisive voice. "DHS thinks they're reproducing like crazy because they don't got any natural predators on the East Coast."
D let out a humorless sound that echoed in the confines of the truck. "No shit," he said, shaking his head. "All the nasty shit that'll kill you is either down south or on the West Coast. What do we got up here? Fuckin' black bears?"
A chuckle left Mason’s mouth as he adjusted the ballistic vest that spelled the words U.S. MARSHALL in big, bold yellow letters. "Maybe we should import some of those West Coast mountain lions," he suggested, only half-joking. "Let them loose in the countryside and see how long these monsters last."
“I actually remember hearing a story about some crazy fucker down in Texas using a mountain lion to hunt hogs,” D said as the rain continued to patter against the windshield. “Dude would just let it loose, and it’d just drag a full-grown hog back for him.”
Mason raised an eyebrow, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Damn, that's wild," he said, shaking his head. "But I guess when you're dealing with a hog infestation, you gotta get creative."
"Creative is one word for it. Insane is another." D snorted as his eyes remained fixed on the road ahead
They lapsed into silence once more, the gravity of their situation settling over them like a heavy blanket. They were waiting for their mark, a nondescript white van belonging to the local mob and a solitary dark gray luxury sedan carrying a lieutenant. Other units were on standby, ready to swoop in at a moment's notice, but for now, it was just the two of them sitting in a truck on a rainy night, watching and waiting.
"You know what really gets me, though?" Mason said, breaking the silence. "It's not just these monsters we gotta worry about. It's all the other shit that's been popping up lately. Elves, goblins, orcs... even magic humans or whatever."
D sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. "Tell me about it. It's like something out of that one movie with Will Smith in it. Except all the magic can level an entire block, and it isn’t rare."
"You talking about bright?" Mason asked, huffed in amusement when D snapped his finger and pointed at him in affirmation. "But ya, you right. They're popping up all over the place. Every agency and their mom from Fed to county are trying to round ‘em up. But it's like playing whack-a-mole. You snag one and find out there’s five more bolting around the corner."
D nodded, his expression grim. "Doesn't help that the organized crime and fuck, even gangs are in on it.” He growled in annoyance. “Absolutely hilarious that we might have to start worrying about fireball-slinging gangbangers and mobsters.”
Neither of them, in fact, found it humorous in any way as Mason facepalmed and dragged his hand down his face. The idea of magic-infused crime was a nightmare scenario that law enforcement organizations across the country were scrambling to contain. Intelligence reports revealed a disturbing trend: magical beings from the other side of the rift were harbored by criminal elements in exchange for their services and knowledge. These otherworldly entities would work for the criminal underworld, using their arcane abilities to further illegal activities or, even worse, teach their arts to Earth-native criminals.
It was a development that sent shockwaves through the law enforcement community. The prospect of facing off against criminals wielding supernatural powers was alarming, to say the least. Fireball-slinging gangbangers and mobsters with the ability to level city blocks were no longer the stuff of fantasy - they were becoming a terrifying reality.
The president didn’t even have to issue an executive order, or was one resisted by any level of government when one came. Every agency, from the federal level down to the smallest county sheriff's office, had mobilized to get a lid on the situation. Task forces were formed, special units were trained, and new protocols were implemented to deal with the unique challenges of magical crime.
But it was proving to be a far more difficult task than anyone had anticipated. The magical beings were elusive, able to blend in with human society in ways that made them nearly impossible to detect. They could alter their appearance, change into animals, and in rare cases, some were even able to simply vanish when cornered.
Even more concerning was the fact that these beings were sharing their knowledge with human criminals. The idea of street gangs and organized crime syndicates having access to arcane abilities was a chilling prospect. It threatened to tip the balance of power in the criminal underworld, giving rise to a new breed of superpowered outlaws.
D and Mason sat in their truck, the weight of back-to-back raids, shootouts, and arrests over the past 6 months were taking its toll. They had seen firsthand the devastation that could be wrought by just one rogue magic user from a few weeks ago. A bolt of strange energies ripped through a police cruiser, killing both officers in the blink of an eye. The thought of facing an entire criminal network infused with such powers was almost too much to bear.
"You know, I signed up to take down gangbangers, drug dealers, and mafiosos," Mike started in a low voice that said he didn’t quite believe what he was about to say next. "I never thought I'd be going up against fucking… wizards and shit."
A dark and depreciating laugh left D’s mouth as his hand rubbed his smooth head under his hat. The world had truly made a deranged turn somewhere. He was already under the impression they were living in an unhinged clown world after 2020, but it appeared the universe decided to drive the clown car off the cliff entirely.
"I don’t anyone expected some knife-eared shitter straight out of Lord of the Rings to walk up and point his finger at something and zap it." D continued, rubbing his eyes trying to dispel the headache that was forming. “But we gotta deal with, because if we don't…”
He trailed off, the implication clear. If they failed, the consequences would be catastrophic if the criminal underworld gained a foothold in the arcane arts. The very fabric of society could unravel, plunging the world into a chaos the likes of which had never been seen.
The radio suddenly crackled to life, the helicopter that has been trailing the target vehicles gave situation report. "All units, target vehicles spotted at the intersection of Jefferson and 5th. White utility van and gray luxury sedan, matching the BOLO. They're heading southbound on Jefferson, moving fast. Over."
D and Mason immediately snapped to attention, their postures shifting from relaxed to high alert in a split second. This was the moment they had been waiting for, the culmination of months of hard work and sleepless nights.
"This is Unit 3, roger that on the target vehicles. We're moving to tail. Over." D's voice was calm and controlled as he relayed the information, but the tension in his shoulders betrayed his heightened state of readiness.
Mason was already in motion, reaching into the back of the truck to retrieve their tactical gear. He grabbed two short-barreled AR-15s, specially modified for close-quarters engagements, and began the process of prepping them for action.
As he worked, Mason couldn't help but shake his head at the surreal nature of their situation. "This is some bullshit…" he said, his voice tinged with irritation. "I never imagined I'd be gearing up to take down a bunch of literal sorcerers aided and abetted by fuckin’ mobsters."
A snort left D’s mouth as his eyes fixed on the road ahead as the engine roared to life. "Welcome to New Orleans, brother. Weird shit always happens in New Orleans."
Mason barked out a laugh, the sound harsh and bitter in the confines of the truck. "Yeah, what are they gonna have me saving next? A princess in a castle? What other goddamn fairy tale fucks is gonna pop up in this hell hole and turn it into their own personal magic kingdom?"
The radio crackled again, the voice of dispatch filtering through the static. "Unit 3, be advised. ICE teams and SWAT are in position at the target warehouse. They're ready to breach when you initiate the arrest."
D keyed the mic and responded immediately. "Roger that. We're tailing the target vehicles now, about two blocks behind. Looks like they're heading towards the warehouse. We'll box them in on your signal. Over."
As they navigated the rain-slicked streets, Mason couldn't help but appreciate the irony of the situation. Here they were, U.S. Marshals, the nation's oldest federal law enforcement agency, teaming up with ICE, an organization tasked with border security and immigration control, to take down a bunch of magical illegals and mobsters. It was like a bad joke with a punchline that nobody wanted to hear.
But there was no time for philosophical musings. The target vehicles were in sight, the white utility van and gray luxury sedan moving through traffic rather quickly.
Maintaining a discreet distance, D’s eyes never leave the vehicles ahead. Mason, meanwhile, finished prepping the rifles before the helicopter orchestrating the entire operation came back over the radio. "All units, target vehicles are approaching the warehouse. It looks like they're slowing down and preparing to pull in. Get ready to intercept. Over."
Mason sucked in a deep breath to ready himself while D's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he watched the target vehicles slow down, their turn signals blinking in the rain-soaked night. "This is Unit 3, copy that. We're moving into position for the intercept. Over." D responded in a calm voice that betrayed the tension he felt.
The radio crackled again, the voice of the helicopter operator filling the truck. "All units, SWAT, and the ICE teams are ready to breach. Box those vehicles in and give the signal. Over."
As if orchestrated by a brilliant conductor, multiple unmarked trucks and SUVs converged on two vehicles in different directions. When the target vehicles made the turn into the warehouse compound, D and the other Marshals seemingly made eye contact and gunned their engines. All of the vehicles surged forward with a roar.
"All units, this is Unit 3. We're initiating the stop. ICE teams, breach now! Over." D's voice was loud and clear over the radio, the signal for the carefully orchestrated danc to begin.
Tires squealed as D angled the truck directly at the luxury sedan and slammed into its front. Simultaneously, 4 other Marshals' units converged from the sides, their vehicles screeching to a halt mere inches from the target vehicles or slamming into them directly.
Then, chaos erupted.
"U.S. Marshal Service!! Exit the vehicles with your hands up!" D's voice boomed across the compound as he and Mason leaped from the truck, rifles pointing at the figures in the sedan as they rushed it.
As soon as D's voice echoed across the compound, the luxury sedan's engine roared to life, its tires screeching against the wet pavement as it suddenly threw itself into reverse. The driver was clearly not ready to surrender as he slammed on the gas and sent the vehicle careening backwards, smashing into the white van behind it with a deafening crunch.
The impact caused the white van to rock on its suspension as its occupants were thrown about inside. The side door of the van flew open, and a group of disoriented people tumbled out, their bodies hitting the ground hard as they scrambled to regain their footing.
"Hands!! Show me your fuckin’ hands!!" Another marshal from a different unit rushed forward. His rifle raised as he sprinted towards the driver's side of the sedan, and in an act of pure aggression, the marshal smashed the barrel of his weapon against the window, causing the glass to shatter.
But the sedan's occupants were not going down without a fight. The driver and passenger quickly drew their weapons, but D and Mason were faster. A staccato of harsh cracks left their short-barreled rifles and split the night. Giant fireballs from the muzzle flashes illuminated the rain-soaked darkness as the marshals and the suspects exchanged a furious volley of lead.
Suddenly, the rear door on the sedan's driver's side flew open. A figure then flew out, moving with a speed and grace that seemed almost inhuman. In a blur of motion, the individual closed the distance between himself and another marshal as his hand flashed out to reveal the glint of a long, wicked-looking blade.
But before anyone could react, the blade found its mark, piercing through the marshal's ballistic vest as if it were nothing more than tissue. The marshal screamed in agony, his voice rising above the cacophony of gunfire and shouting as the blade sank deep into his flesh.
A multitude of weapon-mounted flashlights snapped to the two wrestling on the ground, illuminated by harsh, strobing glares. It was then that the marshals found the one wielding the blade was no ordinary person but one of those pointy-eared Elves from Ohio.
The marshals were not about to let this act of brutality go unanswered. As the elf tried to withdraw his blade from the skewered marshal, he was met with a hail of gunfire. Bullets tore through his flesh, sending him stumbling backward and thrashing about as his blood mingled with the rain.
The scene was one of utter pandemonium, the air filled with the sounds of yelling and gunfire from both the vehicles and the warehouses. Using the mayhem that erupted around the sedan and the wounded marshal, the group that had tumbled out of the white van took the opportunity to make their getaway. Desperate to escape the clutches of the law, they scrambled to their feet and made a frantic dash away from the scene.
"STOP!! U.S. MARSHALS!" Mason’s voice boomed over the cacophony of gunfire and the pounding of the rain. But his words were lost in the wind as the suspects fled, their feet pounding against the wet pavement.
Other marshals and D were already in motion as they all took off into a dead sprint with their rifles tucked tight. "STOP, YOU STUPID BITCH!!" D yelled.
Mason joined the pursuit and passed a marshal who had caught one of the slower suspects and started wrestling with them on the ground. Taking a quick look over his shoulder, Mason couldn’t help but still be shocked to see something straight out of a video game: a small 4-foot-tall Goblin wriggling around and trashing as the larger marshal tried to control it.
While 5 marshals broke off from the main assault group to chase the desperately fleeing suspects behind them, the rest of the marshals descended upon them quickly and violently. Commands were yelled out, and weapons were pointed as the doors of both the Sedan and van yanked open the doors. The remaining occupants, who hadn't been riddled by bullets by the initial volley of gunfire, were dragged out and forced to the ground with their faces pressing into the cold, wet asphalt.
D, Mason, and the other marshals continued to chase the fleeing suspects. With the sound of their steady and trained breathing techniques and the clinking of their equipment, they pushed their bodies to the limit as they jumped fences and turned sharp corners.
In the background, the sound of police sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second as backup forces swarmed the area. It was the sign that the operation had gone to hell in a handbasket. The carefully orchestrated plan unraveled in the face of otherworldly abilities and magic. It became increasingly clear that they needed to transition to Plan B and use overwhelming force.
As the chasing marshals sprinted through the maze of warehouses and buildings, D caught a glimpse of the suspects darting into an alley. "There!" he shouted, adjusting his course to follow.
The narrow alley was poorly lit, the shadows seeming to reach out and grab at them as they ran. The suspects were just ahead, their forms barely visible in the gloom as they wove between the buildings with desperate speed.
Suddenly, D saw the suspects they were chasing burst through the door of a single-story office building. The sound of splintering wood and shattering glass echoed through the alley as they piled through the small opening.
D and another marshal slowed to a jog, and their weapons snapped up to take aim at the empty doorway in case any dipshit thought to be cute and shove a gun through it or… fling a spell. While the marshals moved cautiously, they couldn’t help but think that notion to be completely absurd, but here they were. With their hearts pounding in their chests, they moved quickly to make entry.
The first marshal took point, his rifle leading the way as he crossed the threshold. But as soon as his weapon breached the entrance, a massive hand belonging to some big fuckin’ dude shot out from the darkness, gripping the barrel with inhuman strength.
Before the marshal could react, a startled cry was let out as the Marshal was yanked violently inside.
If you'd like to read unreleased chapters and drafts, head on over to my Patreon
You can find the art of the characters Here
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submitted by duddlered to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:56 Espanta_viejas1904 FRIDAY NIGHT: Mah Old crew

FRIDAY NIGHT: Mah Old crew
Ok guys, some of you might be interested on this, but back when i was young i used to be part of a pirate crew, on those times my magical habilities werent as strong as nowadays but i had a little book on which i learned things back then. The tripulations was basically conformed by 10 pirates including me.... some of the most important I can remember are......
  • Captain Lars Cock: A Chill but cruel guy, he was a tall ginger and bearded man who weared a blue trenchcoat and a black hat. He wasnt very smart....but had charisma....waay too much charisma.
  • John (aka Kickapoo): This guy was the muscle of the crew, he was a tall bald guy. At first you might look him and see a stupid guy, but was smarter than others in the group. But nobody cared about that... he used to weara white t-shirt and some black trousers...
  • Barbara: She was the sniper of the group, she was a Drow elf with a strong personality. She always tried to hookup with the captain. She was also a bit slutty. She used to wear a t-shirt and some broken short jeans...y'know typical pirate outfit...
  • Sharik: He was one of the two nerds of the crew alongside me. Necromancer, he was always behind a dark blue cloak that hid his face. He was the shy guy of the crew...he basically resurrected whover died in combat
  • Sebastian: He was the thief of the crew, a white glove thief, refinated and egocentric as fuck, the pure definition of snob. He used to wear a white smokin.
And thats all I can remember, its been 100 years since then, everybody is dead exceptuating me and Barbara, who i havent seen for a long time. She might have returned to the underdark....what will she be doing? Only time can tell......
submitted by Espanta_viejas1904 to wizardposting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:32 AppleTaterTots Tension?

Hi! I’m a relatively inexperienced knitter (I’ve only done a couple beanies (Oslo hat) and a singular sock) and this is my first time with cables. I am currently working on the Lana Vest by Irene Lin, and it’s been so fun and satisfying to see the cables grow.
My only concern is over my tension. I’ve seen online that it’s normal for the last stitch of a cable, especially an LC, to be looser and that it’ll even out during the blocking process (I’ve been doing the purls after the cables clockwise, since that’s a hack I’ve seen). But the holes between my stitches and the transition between knit and purls are so varied. Will this come out during blocking?
submitted by AppleTaterTots to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:04 SnooEpiphanies5637 Eragon/ Fractalverse

I may be in the minority here, but I hope that the two series stay separate.
If I wanted to read a sci fi adventure I would, I want medieval dragon sword fights, so I read Eragon.
I get that it’s a good series, but I don’t want to have to tie in multiple other books that aren’t what I want to read to understand what’s happening if they do cross over in a meaningful way.
Would be like part of the problem the MCU has now. Have to watch/ keep track of so much to know what’s going on it becomes more of a chore than a pleasure. I don’t want to read a whole book to understand one or two plot points that may tie into the future
Angela popping up is a fun hat tip to his original books, but (without reading fractalverse) I feel it’s been given too much attention as to “the two have to be closely intertwined! They exist together!” When Angela is mysterious enough an explanation of her popping between universes could be easily explained and I wouldn’t be surprised to hear of her visiting “the beach side grave of a house elf” or “the temple of extinct warrior monks with laser swords” (to avoid too obvious copyrights)
In summary, let Eragon be Eragon, and let Fractal be Fractal. Light connections, but nothing plot important
Alright, I’m off to yell at a cloud now
submitted by SnooEpiphanies5637 to Eragon [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:23 6WaysFromNextWed Patterns that Oughta be Viral

Patterns that Oughta be Viral
(According to me)
In my constant quest to match the yarn I have already bought to the ideal pattern, I have found a lot of gems that seem to be overlooked. Either that, or I make really weird things. You should make some of these so I feel less weird. Or you should comment with the pattern you love most that is inexplicably not popular yet.
HATS Hieronymus It's absurd. It's got earflaps and a pointy tip. This is your chaotic goblin mode hat. The mitered brim makes it perfect for a self-striping yarn like Zauberball.
Vrtoglavica This classy stockinette beret with piping trim is the perfect winter accessory. I made mine in an alpaca blend and it is oh so soft and warm.
Striper Hat I keep making this one over and over again. It's the pattern for a single skein of sock yarn you don't know what to do with. It's slouchy and asymmetrical and is one of the rare non-sock patterns that makes a self-striping yarn look good.
Riga Bonnet I made this and my friend stole it. I've got the yarn for another one. A loose floppy bonnet for keeping your ears warm in winter, it's a great introduction to Latvian braid.
SHAWLS Witchy Woman Simple geometric texture, stitches creating the illusion of colorwork, the perfect shape for wearing bandanna style, and a use for minis/leftovers.
Dragon Scale Shawl Worsted weight for a quick project, lace at a large enough scale to suit less frilly, feminine fashion styles. I'm terrible at following a lace pattern, but this one was easy for me, so you can do it, too.
Flying V(egans) You have figured out by now that I'm always on the hunt for a good pattern for single skeins of self striping yarn. Because this side-to-side shawl does not change depth as you work it, the stripes stay a consistent depth. The deep V shape also makes it stay on.
Clivia II I'm sharing this one with the caveat that the pattern, which is written out, looks very very long. You will figure out the repeat quickly and won't need to read the pattern line by line. This is the perfect project for using up a lot of worsted weight yarn. Since it has worked side to side, just keep going until you have used a little bit less than half the yarn, and then begin your decreases. I also love the contemporary texture.
Ocelot Bandana This pattern was made for Malabrigo Rios or any other semisolid or glazed yarn that you need to show off with the ideal overall texture. The herringbone stitch is only at the portion of the bandanna that will be worn at the front, so it doesn't take long to work up at all. Yet another perfect single-skein pattern.
Fiore di Mare Shawlette This is a good way to dip your toes into lace. Most of the project is stockinette. It's worked from the bottom tip upward. This is a sweet, delicate accessory to wear to a special event.
OTHER Leksak (Tunic) If you want to make a garment but sweater shaping intimidates you, dip your toes in with this project. It makes a fun flowing piece of outerwear for an active child.
Camp Out Fingerless Mitts OK; this one is already really popular. I think it should just be the default stashbuster anytime you've got scraps left over. Non-knitters love to receive these as gifts. And because every pair is unique, you can give them a new pair as often as you want. It's so easy to modify for any yarn weight and any number of colors.
submitted by 6WaysFromNextWed to knitting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:04 Fancy-Art6806 Doubt

I doubting it very much, but I'm just throwing my cowboy hat into the arena. I'm trying to find someone I had played prison escape with earlier, their bio said they were 18 and they had a werewolf/elf avatar that was so cute. I ended ip snuggling and petting the for the betterment of a couple games.
submitted by Fancy-Art6806 to VRchat [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 23:30 vampirebloodstew Everything must go 😭

You can name your price as long as it’s not less than 500 diamonds each
Froggy hat x1
Woodland faun hooves x3
Snuggly reindeer slippers x2
Carol elves booties x2
Sky High Ballet Butterfly Heels x1
DV puppy ears x4
Rainbow armlets x1
Spinning Web Boppers x5
Large pokey fork x1
Jack-o-lantern x2
Classic ghost costume x3
Kawaii demon horns x2
Bat top hat x6
Supernatural hoop earrings x7
Ginger beard earrings x4
Bat earrings x5
Father Christmas present bag x4
Magical fairy lights x3
Noel bows x2
Sparkly Christmas earrings x1
Christmas window shopping hat x4
Reindeer Crossbody x3
Candy cane ears x7
Light up ornament necklace x1
Gone with the wind headband x4
Flower vines x1
Elf helper hat x3
Cute carrot nose x4
Ice Prince shawl cape x3
Jeweled elf ears x1
Nine-Tails x1
Bunny tail x1
Tea party bow x2
Rainbow candy x1
Sweet bunny hair bows x2
Egg boppers x1
Easter tie x1
Studded rose garters x4
Pumpkin Beret x1
submitted by vampirebloodstew to RoyaleHighTrading [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:47 MEKK-the-MIGHTY Prison transport jailbreak and the finale of a characters arc

We had an amazing session yesterday, a chase sequence battle that took a bunch of fun turns and the dramatic end of a character arc that actually only took a few sessions.
Galrik, Dwarf Cleric of Torm, suffers from hallucinations due to a head injury from years past
Estissos, Human Thief, mostly out for himself and has a bad habit of randomly attacking people sometimes, first mate to Sinbad
Sinbad, Orc Swashbuckler, a pirate captain that journeys for treasure and glory
NPCs of note:
Archmage Venefica von Syreni, leader of the mages association and the authority on all arcane magic in the kingdom. Kind of the BBEG but since its a sandbox evil campaign she's relatively good, lawful evil only by technicality
Duke Miles Montis, the leader of the military and duke of mons, recently arrested Sinbad and Estissos with the aid of Galrik's betrayal
Sir William the Resilient (Billy): the original owner of the armor relic and a 268 year old knight of the kingdom. Teamed up with Galrik to capture the pirate crew
Joblin: a silent warlock with a debt based spellcasting system, responds to any order as given with no further thought, otherwise sits and stares into space, a member of the crew
Baddog: a chaotic evil murderous gnoll wearing a cursed dog collar that prevents him from attacking any creature that is not already considered hostile towards him, a member of the crew
Koby: a kobold with an obsession with explosives and fire, the crew's cannoneer
background info: the game was pitched as an "sandbox evil campaign" at high level (13) and is centered around the hunt for 6 relics, there's the book, staff, crown, armor, boots, and ring. all of the relics are legendary magic items that are kept under strict guard and ceremony by different kingdom agencies, thus it is a crime to steal them. when all are brought together in the Throne Tower, ancient tower of the old elf king it will grant a wish to the one sitting in the throne. The party acquired the armor and crown already.
on their way back they got temporarily caught by the Duke of Mons and escaped on his ship, Galrik stayed behind "as a distraction" and made a deal to betray and ambush the party, he got Sir William on board with the plan and the ambushed succeeded perfectly with almost everyone just surrendering (made for a bit of a wasted encounter tbh). The duke recovered the crown from Sinbad and Galrik wore the armor after convincing Estissos to give it up back on the ship and so the relics were recovered and the pirates were imprisoned
The session:
Estissos and Sinbad slept in their cell, getting curious Sinbad opened the door at the side of their cell to find a Bandit Captain. The cell had clearly once been a storage area and converted into a jail. The Bandit let Sinbad in on his escape plan in return for being his underling, Bandit Cap annoyed Sinbad into it with intentional yawning and referring to his "failures of leadership". Bandit took Sinbad's hat and placed it under his own, he then called out to Estissos as "underling", Estissos stoically remained asleep.
Galrik had tea with the Duke, William and the Royal Assassin. Her Ladyship, Archmage Venefica von Syreni had arrived and sent a nervous young apprentice ahead to let them know. When she entered she grabbed Galrik and downed her tea in a single gulp, not staying for any of the typical noble mannerisms and irritating the Duke who knew things would be this way but hated it anyway. She brought him back to her workshop where she ran several tests on his perception, removing his sight and hearing, and fooling his perceptions. She narrowed her options down to two. The first was an upcasted to 9th level Regeneration, which did repair every issue in his body but did not remove the hallucinations as his brain had healed after the initial infection, it simply healed into a position which caused the hallucinations and so with further healing no longer an option, Venefica came up with a stop gap measure instead, though it would be quite expensive for her and so she made a deal with Galrik, she would give him his cure if he gave up the armor at the Thone Tower. Galrik saw a childish passion for power in her that may prove dangerous but saw that she was not lying and so accepted her deal.
In the jail the signal was given, an explosion down the hall. Bandit began his preparations while Sinbad listened in on the guards and Estissos slept. The guards reveal the attempt failed and the bandit captain's man had blown himself to bits. Bandit made the decision to "stow away" the bomb for later.
The inmates were being transported to the Servitus Mines to work off their debts to society. They were separated into two carts, the first held Estissos, Bandit Captain, Sinbad, and Thug, the second held Joblin, Baddog, Koby, and Bandit.
Thug didn't like authority, he especially hated hats, hats were symbols of authority and he felt it necessary to cut off the heads wearing them. Sinbad baited him into a fight which got the Knight nearby close enough to rip the sword out of his hand. The surrounding cavalry scouts road up along side the cart and threatened to fire as Sinbad broke Thug's chains. Thug leapt out at the other knight and forced him offroad, one of the scouts followed after as Sinbad freed himself
The scouts fired, many missing due to the driving speed and the targets taking cover behind the cart's plank walls, some even sustained crossfire. Sinbad got the blade stuck and Estissos tried and failed to hit the driver with it as the scouts fired again. Sinbad grabbed the sword and freed the Bandit Captain who knocked the driver off the cart and slashed away Estissos' chains. Estissos took the sword from the Bandit Captain and attacked him leaving a massive gash in his shoulder, he then threw the sword into a scout who fired back aiming despite his eyes filling with blood.
Sinbad called out to Joblin to escape with the rest of the crew as he picked up rocks along the road to throw at the scouts, Joblin silently misty stepped out of his chains and dimension doored away with Baddog, Koby and one of the Bandits, to where they do not know.
Sinbad flipped onto a scouts horse, stole his blade and killed him with it, failing to handle the horses at all but still able to ride it he continued jumping from horse to horse killing the scouts.
Estissos followed suit and took control of a warhorse, riding it out front and rearing it up he managed to get the horse to kick a scout in the face and miraculously both the horse and Estissos managed to roll out of the way, Estissos caught onto the front cart and pulled himself to safety as the horse ran into the wilderness. Bandit Captain was ripped away from driving by the Knight but managed to catch Sinbad's hand and land safely on the back cart. Sinbad continued to jump from horse to horse killing the Knight, all while Estissos took control of the front cart once more and rammed one of the scouts into a wall. The last scout saw the grim deaths of his comrades and looked into the predatory glare of Estissos before riding for Mons at full speed abandoning the now free prisoners.
Galrik and Venefica made their way to the Throne Tower by way of teleportation circle back to mons and flying carpet for the remainder of the journey. In Mons they heard of the escape and Venefica decided it wasn't worth dealing with right now as they no longer posed an existential threat and merely a nuisance well within Duke Montis' abilities to handler, though she advised the Royal Assassin to stay. She used potions on the flying carpet as well as her own magic to increase its speed by magnitudes. The vast mountain range gave way to a barren landscape, at the center of which lay a single section of green, a labyrinth of plants, all alive, sentient, sapient, and most of all connected. The green spilled from the tower at its center. Upon arrival she set down outside the labyrinth, explaining that to fly in is futile. She readied herself as though she were planning to go to war against the gods themselves, Galrik watched on and felt no fear for her. Within the labyrinth Galrik was untouched by the plants, they let him through and guided him to the center, Venefica on the other hand was fighting them off the entire way, exhausting much of her magic. Venefica admits she could have brought the Staff to make this journey easier but never did mention why she doesn't do so.
At the Throne Tower Galrik saw the hazy visage of the old elf king, adorned in all his regalia and fineries, but only a shadow of them. The armor urged him to kneel before his king and Galrik did so at Venefica's agreement. Galrik asked her what she would wish for and she chose to answer, though she admitted it was childish, what she wanted was power and the knowledge came with it, she would wish to learn the spell the throne cast to grant her wish in order to gain an infinite supply of wishes. She then went on to say that there are countless reasons not to do so however, not the least of which being the law placed by the King Reginald I specifically forbidding anyone from attempting to harness the power of the wish. Galrik offered up the armor, thankful for her honesty and received in return an Eye of True Sight. Galrik and Venefica once outside the labyrinth, which let them pass freely as they left, teleported to Meridion for the surgery.
Once completed Galrik found his hallucinations appeared hazy and transparent in that eye if they appeared at all, while he would still have his visions, no longer would he have doubts about their reality. Venefica offered to pay him a retainer and offered him a job with the mage's association as a freelance contractor working directly under her.
Next session is definitely going to start with that Bandit Captain (yet unnamed) stabbing Estissos in return for that random swipe with the greatsword, Galriks player is going to a new character so that'll be fun but all in all this was just an epic session with a lot of fun moments, I've been wanting to do a moving platform fight for a long time too
submitted by MEKK-the-MIGHTY to DnDGreentext [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 14:52 BananApocalypse Inspired by the Oilers post on /r/hockey, here is how reddit reacted to every major move that led to the 2022 Colorado Avalanche (Cup-winning) roster

Here is the Oilers post (good job Number333). I'm reminiscing about our championship team now that the Stanley Cup finals are upon us, and thought this would be fun to look at.
submitted by BananApocalypse to ColoradoAvalanche [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:28 ItsMarioTheMythical UPDATE LEAKS. SPOILER!!!

Beesmas 2024
The quests for the Bears in Beesmas 2024 have been leaked.
**For people who don't want to know/accidentally reveal the spoiler tag, please ignore this message. All of these information are extracted and can be found on the official Bee Swarm Simulator Leaks Discord
Black Bear's Honey Wreath Quest & Rewards:
Collect 5,000 White Pollen. Collect 25 Honey Tokens. Collect 10 Tokens from Leaves. Find 1 Hidden Sticker on a Surface around the map.
10,000 Honey 5 Tickets 1 Paper Planter 1 Field Dice 5 Honeysuckles 10 Snowflakes
Mother Bear's Gingerbread House Quest & Rewards:
Collect 25,000 Pollen from the Sunflower Field. Collect 25 Treat Tokens.
50 Treats 25 Strawberries 5 Gumdrops 100,000 Honey 5 Tickets 5 Jelly Beans 1 Smooth Dice 1 Royal Jelly 1 Gingerbread Bear
Brown Bear's Stockings Quest & Rewards:
Collect 200,000 Pollen with Rare Bees. Collect 200,000 Pollen from the Clover Field. Defeat 10 Ladybugs.
3 Field Dice 3 Royal Jelly Green Check Mark Sticker Green Plus Sign Sticker 1,000,000 Honey 10 Tickets 3 Whirligigs 1 Red Extract 1 Blue Extract 25 Snowflakes
Panda Bear's Snowbear Quest & Rewards:
Defeat 5 Spiders. Collect 10 Tokens from Wild Windy Bee. Collect 50 Snowflake Tokens.
50 Snowflakes 10 Stingers 2 Blueberries 250,000 Honey 10 Tickets 1 Atomic Treat 3 Field Dice 1 Black Balloon 1 Ant Pass 1 Gingerbread Bear
Polar Bear's Beesmas Feast Quest & Rewards:
Collect 8,000,000 Pollen from the Pumpkin Patch. Defeat 50 Puffshrooms.
100 Sunflower Seeds 25 Bitterberries 3 Rubber Duck Stickers Wishbone Sticker Giraffe Sticker 25,000,000 Honey 15 Tickets 500 Treats 5 Oils 3 Hard Wax 3 Gingerbread Bears
Science Bear's Beesmas Lights Quest & Rewards:
Convert 2,997,924 Pollen at the Hive. Collect 654,321 Red Pollen. Chase 77 Fireflies.
25 Moon Charms 5 Neonberries 3 Simple Sun Stickers 1 Traffic Light Sticker 1 Paper Planter 3,275,822 Honey 10 Tickets 3 Enzymes 1 Glue 3 Whirligigs 3 Micro Converters 3 Gingerbread Bears
Dapper Bear's Samovar Quest & Rewards:
Collect 2,500,000 Blue Pollen. Collect 2,500,000 Pollen from the Cactus Field. Collect 4 Hours of Satisfying Nectar. Collect 100 Tokens from Planters.
4 Yellow Coffee Mug Stickers Lanceolate Leaf Sticker Cordate Leaf Sticker Hastate Leaf Sticker Spore Covered Puffshroom Sticker 10,000,000 Honey 1 Ticket Planter 1 Satisfying Vial Elf Cap 10 Soft Wax 5 Whirligigs 25 Snowflakes
Onett's Yard Art on the Lid Quest & Rewards:
Collect 25,000,000 Pollen from the Mountain Top Field. Collect 25,000,000 Pollen with Gifted Bees. Collect a Sticker spawned by your Tool while gathering.
4 Green Circle Stickers 3 Happy Fish Stickers White Button Mushroom Sticker Porcini Mushroom Sticker Fly Agaric Mushroom Sticker Porcelain Dipper Sticker 100,000,000 Honey 1 Festive Planter 1 Star Jelly Peppermint Antennas 1 White Balloon 1 Super Smoothie 5 Gingerbread Bears
Spirit Bear's Galentine Shrine Quest & Rewards:
Collect 110,000,000 White Pollen. Collect 4,000,000 Goo from the Rose Field. Collect 6 Hours of Satisfying Nectar. Match 40 Pairs in Memory Match games. Collect 1 Sticker found by your Bees while Gathering. Donate 10 Hard Waxes to the Wind Shrine. Donate 1 Star Jelly to the Wind Shrine.
6 Small Pink Tulip Stickers 3 Pink Chair Stickers 2 Shrugging Heart Stickers Window Sticker Simple Skyscraper Sticker 3 Pale Heart Stickers Diamond Cluster Sticker 250,000,000 Honey 1 Festive Planter 10 Glitter Toy Horn 3 Swirled Wax 1 Pink Balloon 5 Gingerbread Bears
Bucko Bee's Snow Machine Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000 Goo from Blue Flowers. Collect 10,000,000 Pollen from the Blue Flower Field. Collect 30 Tokens from Blue Clay Planters. Pop 1,000 Bubbles. Collect 160 Snowflake Tokens. Use 80 Snowflakes.
Simple Cloud Sticker Small Dandelion Sticker Simple Mountain Sticker 3 Bubble Wand Stickers Blue Square Sticker 50,000,000 Honey 25 Tickets 25 Blue Extract 1 Star Jelly Snowglobe 1 Loaded Dice 50 Snowflakes
Riley Bee's Honeyday Candles Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000 Goo from Red Flowers. Collect 10,000,000 Pollen from the Mushroom Field. Collect 30 Tokens from Red Clay Planters. Spawn 250 Flames. Collect 50 Soft Waxes. Use 20 Soft Waxes.
3 Small Flame Stickers 6 Waxing Crescent Moon Stickers 4 Blowing Leaf Stickers 3 Scythe Stickers Red Palm Hand Sticker 50,000,000 Honey 25 Tickets 25 Red Extracts 1 Star Jelly Electric Candle 2 Red Balloons 5 Gingerbread Bears
Stick Bug's Nymphs Hats Quest & Rewards:
Collect 3,000,000,000 Pollen from the Pineapple Patch. Collect 2,000,000,000 Pollen from the Clover Field. Collect 1,000,000,000 Pollen from the Dandelion Field. Collect 250 Tokens from Stick Bug. Collect 150 Tokens from Defense Totems.
Right Facing Stump Snail Sticker Forward Facing Spider Sticker Small Blue Chick Sticker Menacing Mantis Sticker Little Scorpion Sticker Left Facing Ant Sticker Forward Facing Aphid Sticker Walking Stick Nymph Sticker 20,000,000,000 Honey 100 Tickets 1 Turpentine Pinecone 20 Enzymes 10 Star Jellies 5 Swirled Wax 1 Robo Pass 10 Gingerbread Bears
Robo Bear's Party Cake Quest & Rewards:
Collect 16,777,216 Goo. Collect 512 Cogs. Purchase 32 Upgrades in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 32 Cogmowers. Pick 16 Legendary Bees in Robo Bear's Challenge. Pick 8 Rare Bees in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 2 Golden Cogmowers. Complete 1 "Collect Goo" Quest in Robo Bear's Challenge.
4 Pink Cupcakes Stickers Lightning Sticker Barcode Sticker Magnet Sticker Electro-Magnet Sticker Pulsar Sticker 268,435,456 Honey 64 Snowflakes 32 Tickets 16 Stingers 8 Micro Converters 4 Smooth Dice 2 Caustic Wax 2 Robo Passes 1 Sticker Planter
Honey Bee's Honey Wreath? Quest & Rewards:
Make 999,999,999 Honey. Complete 99,999 Honey Conversion Links. Collect 9,999 Honey Tokens. Collect 999 Tokens from Honeystorms. Collect 999 Honey Gift Tokens. Collect 99 Tokens from the Honey Wreath.
9 Silly Tongue Stickers 9 Honey Dipper Stickers 9 Honey Bee Bear Stickers 999,999,999 Honey 9 Tickets 1 Pink Shades 999,999 Treats 9 Magic Beans 9 Gingerbread Bears 9 Micro Converters 9 Purple Potions 9 Tropical Drinks 9 Star Jellies
Gummy Bear's Goo Years Beacon Quest & Rewards:
Collect 10,000,000,000 Goo from White Flowers. Collect 1,000 Tokens from Gummy Bee. Use 1,000 Gumdrops. Defeat 100 Flying Ants. Defeat 200 Party Mechsquitos. Complete 3 "Collect Goo" Quests in Robo Bear's Challenge. Defeat 3 Epic Puffshrooms. Use the Blue Cannon 25 times. Use the Yellow Cannon 25 times. Use the Red Cannon 25 times.
Launching Rocket Sticker Saturn Sticker Glowing Smile Sticker White Flag Sticker Alert Icon Sticker Atom Symbol Sticker 4 TNT Stickers Precise Eye Sticker Fuzz Bomb Sticker 3 Yellow Sticky Hand Stickers Dark Flame Sticker 2 Black Diamond Stickers Small Shield Sticker 100,000,000,000 Honey Glowering Gummy Bear Sticker Toy Drum 100 Tickets 2,500 Gumdrops 100 Neonberries 10 Glue 5 Caustic Wax 5 Super Smoothies 500 Snowflakes
BBM's Naughty List Quest & Rewards:
Collect 13,333,333,337 Blue Pollen from the Coconut Field. Collect 53,432,100,000 Goo from Red Flowers. Collect 777,911,911,911 Pollen with Bees. Collect 10,000,430,009 Pollen with the Bubble Wand. Collect 3,222,100,000 Pollen with Bumble Bees. Collect 4,000,430,009 Pollen with Bubble Bees. Collect 280,808,911 Pollen with Fetch. Pop 55,504 Bubbles. Get hit by Snowbear's Snowballs 114 times.
Pine Tree Forest Stamp Rose Field Stamp Pumpkin Patch Stamp Cactus Field Stamp Mountain Top Field Stamp Hub Field Stamp Coconut Field Stamp Pepper Patch Stamp Dandelion Field Stamp Mushroom Field Stamp Blue Flower Field Stamp Sunflower Field Stamp Clover Field Stamp Pineapple Field Stamp Bamboo Field Stamp Strawberry Field Stamp Basic Blue Hive Skin Basic Red Hive Skin Basic Pink Hive Skin Basic Green Hive Skin Basic Black Hive Skin Basic White Hive Skin Royal Symbol Sticker Cool Backpack Sticker Black Truffle Mushroom Sticker Shiitake Mushroom Sticker Morel Mushroom Sticker Eviction Sticker Triple Exclamation Sticker
submitted by ItsMarioTheMythical to BeeSwarmSimulator [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 11:12 Hennessyxy ADOPT ME LEGENDARY PET VALUES ( 6/5/24) 🟣🟢🔵🟡🔴

(PS: IF YOU WISH TO USE MY VALUES ON YOUR WEBSITE, JUST CREDIT Me/@Source ME, THANK YOU) Twitter https://twitter.com/Hennessyxy
-Shadow Dragon: 155.00🟣 NEON: 439.00 🟢 MEGA: 1333.00🟢
-Bat Dragon: 131.00🟣 NEON: 378.00 🟣 MEGA: 1200.00🟣
-Giraffe: 92.00🟢 NEON: 255.00 🔵 MEGA: 805.00🟢
-Frost: 63.00🟣 NEON: 174.00 🟢 MEGA: 541.00🟣
-Owl: 48.00🟣 NEON: 126.75 🟢 MEGA: 497.00🟣
-Parrot: 41.25🟢 NEON: 112.50 🔵 MEGA: 347.00🟢
-Evil Unicorn: 31.00🟢 NEON: 84.00 🔵 MEGA: 285.50🟣
-Crow: 29.50🟢 NEON: 82.00 🟢 MEGA: 270.85🔵
-Blazing Lion: 21.00🟣 NEON: 75.00 🟣 MEGA: 300.00🟣
-Diamond Butterfly: 18.50 🟣 NEON: 70.00 🟢 MEGA: 340.00🟢
-Arctic Reindeer: 12.00🟣 NEON: 38.00 🔵 MEGA: 113.00🔵
-King Monkey: 10.00🔵 NEON: 43.50 🔵 MEGA: 179.50🟣
-Albino Monkey: 8.75🟣 NEON: 31.00 🔴 MEGA: 95.00🟡
-Black Pheasant: 7.00🟢 NEON: 32.75 🟢 MEGA: 116.00🟢
-Turtle: 7.00🟣 NEON: 20.00 🟢 MEGA: 60.50🔵
-Ghost Capuchin Monkey: 6.35 🔵 NEON: 27.10 🟢 MEGA: 105.00🟢
-Undead Jousting Horse: 5.25 🟢 NEON: 22.00🟢 MEGA: 91.00🟢
-Kangaroo: 5.25🟣 NEON: 17.50 🟢 MEGA: 54.50🔵
-Gold Scarab: 4.50🟣 NEON: 22.00 🟢 MEGA: 86.00🟣
-Diamond Hamster: 4.45🟣 NEON: 22.00 🟢 MEGA: 94.00🟣
-Diamond Amazon: 4.15🟡 NEON: 16.50 🔵 MEGA: 67.00🔵
-Strawberry Bat Dragon: 4.15🟣 NEON: 15.75 🟢 MEGA: 61.50🟢
-ChocoChip Bat Dragon: 4.10🟢 NEON: 15.00 🔵 MEGA: 60.00🟢
-Candy Floss Chick: 4.00🟢 NEON: 16.25 🟢 MEGA: 63.75🟢
-Emperor Gorilla: 3.90🔴NEON: 13.75 🔴 MEGA: 33.00🔴
-Midnight Dragon: 3.90🟢 NEON: 15.50 🔵 MEGA: 62.00🔵
-Jellyfish: 3.85 🟢 NEON: 16.80 🟣 MEGA: 64.50🟣
-Vampire Dragon: 3.70 🔵 NEON: 15.80 🟢 MEGA: 62.00 🔵
-Frost Unicorn: 3.50🔵 NEON: 15.00 🟢 MEGA: 61.50🟢
-Mechapup: 3.45🟢 NEON: 17.75 🟢 MEGA: 70.00🟣
-Sugar Glider: 3.35🟢 NEON: 15.50 🟢 MEGA: 63.00🟣
-Diamond King Penguin: 3.10🔴 NEON: 13.50 🟡 MEGA: 54.00🔴
-Lava Dragon: 3.05🔵 NEON: 13.20 🟡 MEGA: 53.50🔵
-Rainbow Dragon: 3.00🟣 NEON: 14.00 🟢 MEGA: 57.00🟢
-Nessie: 3.00 🟢 NEON: 14.25 🟢 MEGA: 57.50🟢
-Frost Fury: 2.85🟢 NEON: 9.30 🔵 MEGA: 36.50🔴
-Albino Gorilla: 2.65🟢 NEON: 12.00 🔵 MEGA: 50.00🔵
-Capricorn: 2.55🔵 NEON: 11.00 🔵 MEGA: 45.00🔵
-Caelum Cervi: 2.45🔴 NEON: 10.75 🔵 MEGA: 43.00🟢
-Winged Tiger: 2.40🟡 NEON: 10.50 🔵 MEGA: 42.10🔵
-Dancing Dragon: 2.35🔵 NEON: 10.95🔵 MEGA: 40.00🟢
-Ninja Monkey: 2.25🟢 NEON: 10.25 🔵 MEGA: 42.00🔵
-Royal Capuchin Monkey: 2.25🟢 NEON: 10.75 🔵 MEGA: 44.00🟢
-Werewolf: 2.20🟢 NEON: 10.10 🟢MEGA: 41.00🟢
-Mushroom: 2.20🟣 NEON: 10.10 🟣 MEGA: 40.00🟢
-Rosy Maple Moth: 2.20🟢 NEON: 9.90 🟢 MEGA: 39.00🟢
-Lavender Dragon: 2.20🟡 NEON: 9.85 🔵 MEGA: 39.00🟢
-Diamond Albatross: 2.15🔴 NEON: 9.00🔴 MEGA: 38.00🔴
-Tio De Nadal: 2.10🔵 NEON: 8.20 🔴 MEGA: 37.00🔵
-Gold Penguin: 2.10🟡 NEON: 8.15 🔵 MEGA: 36.00🟡
-Golden Hamster: 2.05🔵 NEON: 8.25 🔵 MEGA: 37.00🟢
-Ghost Dragon: 2.05🔴 NEON: 8.00 🟡 MEGA: 36.00🔴
-Diamond Lady Bug: 2.05🔴 NEON: 8.65 🟡 MEGA: 35.75🟡
-Golden Chow: 2.05🔵 NEON: 8.50 🟡 MEGA: 35.50🔵
-Queen Bee: 2.00🔴 NEON: 8.05 🟡 MEGA: 34.25🔵
-Volcanic Rhino: 1.95🔵 NEON: 8.05 🟢 MEGA: 37.50🟢
-Firefly: 1.95🔵 NEON: 8.00 🟢 MEGA: 35.00🟢
-Candle: 1.95🔵 NEON: 7.90 🔵 MEGA: 34.50🔵
-Ice Golem: 1.90🔴 NEON: 7.80 🔵 MEGA: 34.00🔵
-Candy Hare: 1.90🔵 NEON: 7.70 🟢 MEGA: 33.00🟢
-Gold King Penguin: 1.80🟡 NEON: 7.65 🟡 MEGA: 33.00🟡
-Leviathan: 1.80🔵 NEON: 7.50 🔵 MEGA: 35.00🟢
-Chameleon: 1.75🟡 NEON: 7.35 🟡 MEGA: 31.50🟡
-Hot Doggo: 1.70🟢 NEON: 7.25 🟢 MEGA: 31.00🔵
-Skele Rex: 1.70🔴 NEON: 6.25 🟡 MEGA: 30.00🟡
-Diamond Unicorn: 1.65🟡NEON: 6.30 🟡 MEGA: 25.00 🟡
-Diamond Mahi: 1.60🔵 NEON: 6.65 🟡 MEGA: 27.50🟢
-Phoenix: 1.60🟢 NEON: 7.00 🔵 MEGA: 28.75🟢
-Jousting Horse: 1.60🟡 NEON: 6.75 🔵 MEGA: 31.00🟢
-Princess Capuchin Monkey: 1.60🟢 NEON: 7.40 🔵 MEGA: 30.00🟢
-T-Rex: 1.60🟢 NEON: 6.75 🔵 MEGA: 28.00🟢
-Squid: 1.60🔴 NEON: 6.25 🟡 MEGA: 29.00🔴
-Lava Wolf: 1.55🔵 NEON: 6.50 🔵 MEGA: 29.00🟢
-Spinosaurus: 1.55🔵 NEON: 6.25 🟢 MEGA: 27.00🔵
-Glacier Kitsune: 1.45🟢 NEON: 6.35 🔵 MEGA: 26.20🟢
-Fallow Deer: 1.40🟢 NEON: 6.55 🟢 MEGA: 26.10🟢
-Cactus Friend: 1.35🟣 NEON: 5.25 🟢 MEGA: 30.25🟣
-Naga Dragon: 1.35🟢 NEON: 6.45 🔵 MEGA: 25.50🟢
-King Bee: 1.35🟡 NEON: 6.20 🔵 MEGA: 24.50🔵
-Shark Puppy: 1.35🔵 NEON: 6.00 🟢 MEGA: 24.00🔵
-Gold Albatross: 1.35🔴 NEON: 5.80 🟡 MEGA: 24.00🔴
-Dodo: 1.35🔵 NEON: 5.95 🟡 MEGA: 23.50🔵
-Yule Log Dog: 1.35🟡 NEON: 5.75 🔵 MEGA: 23.00🟡
-Black Chow: 1.30🔴 NEON: 6.05 🟡 MEGA: 26.75🟢
-Shetland Light Pony: 1.30🟡 NEON: 6.00 🔵 MEGA: 25.00🟢
-Gargoyle: 1.30🟢 NEON: 6.25 🟢 MEGA: 25.00🟢
-Golden Rat: 1.30🔵 NEON: 5.70 🟡 MEGA: 22.50🟢
-Owlbear: 1.30🟡 NEON: 5.45 🔵 MEGA: 22.00🔵
-Shark: 1.30🟢 NEON: 5.40 🔵 MEGA: 21.50🟢
-Octopus: 1.30🟢 NEON: 5.20 🔵 MEGA: 21.00🟢
-Snow Owl: 1.25🟡 NEON: 4.65 🟡 MEGA: 18.00🟡
-Unicorn: 1.25🟣 NEON: 4.75 🟢 MEGA: 16.75🟣
-Hawk: 1.20🔴 NEON: 4.75 🟡 MEGA: 19.00🟡
-Tree Kangaroo: 1.15🔵 NEON: 4.50 🟢 MEGA: 23.00🟢
-Axolotl: 1.10🔵 NEON: 4.70 🟡 MEGA: 24.60🟢
-Chocolate Chow: 1.10🔴 NEON: 4.40 🟡 MEGA: 19.50🟡
-Fleur de Ice: 1.10🔵 NEON: 4.90 🟢 MEGA: 23.25🟢
-Mecha Meow: 1.10🔵 NEON: 4.50 🟡 MEGA: 17.00🟢
-Criosphinx: 1.05🔵 NEON: 4.50 🔵 MEGA: 25.50🟢
-Billy Goat: 1.05🔵 NEON: 4.35 🟡 MEGA: 18.00🔵
-Goldhorn: 1.05🔵 NEON: 4.20 🟢 MEGA: 23.80🟢
-White Amazon: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.20 🔵 MEGA: 22.00🟡
-Pirate Hermit Crab: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.00 🔵 MEGA: 17.00🟢
-Green Butterfly: 1.00🔵 NEON: 4.65 🔵 MEGA: 23.25🟢
-Field Mouse: 1.00🔵 NEON: 4.50 🔵 MEGA: 23.00🟢
-Scarecrow Crow: 1.00🔵 NEON: 5.15 🟢 MEGA: 23.00🟢
-Stripped Eggy: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.50 🔵 MEGA: 19.90🟢
-Chimera: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.40 🟡 MEGA: 18.00🔴
-Kitsune: 1.00🔴 NEON: 4.15 🟡 MEGA: 17.00🟢
-Sunrise Duckling: 1.00🔴 NEON: 4.05 🟡 MEGA: 16.50🔵
-Winged Horse: 0.95🔴 NEON: 4.10 🟡 MEGA: 16.50🟡
-Lion Guardian: 0.90🔵 NEON: 4.60 🟡 MEGA: 19.50🟢
-Dire Stag: 1.00🟢 NEON: 4.15 🟢 MEGA: 19.50🟢
-Cerberus: 0.90🔵 NEON: 4.55 🟡 MEGA: 18.50🟢
-Maneki-Neku: 0.90🔵 NEON: 4.40 🟢 MEGA: 17.60🔵
-Baku: 0.90🟡 NEON: 4.05 🟡 MEGA: 16.50🟡
-Alicorn: 0.90🔵 NEON: 3.90 🟡 MEGA: 16.00🟢
-Peacock: 0.85🔵 NEON: 3.85 🟡 MEGA: 16.90🟢
-Ice Moth Dragon: 0.85🔴 NEON: 3.75 🟡 MEGA: 16.00🟡
-Astronaut Gorilla: 0.85🔵 NEON: 3.35 🟢 MEGA: 15.70🟢
-Golden Lady Bug: 0.85🔴 NEON: 3.30 🟡 MEGA: 15.00🔴
-Robodog: 0.80🟡 NEON: 3.65 🔵 MEGA: 15.50🟢
-Gold Walrus: 0.80🔴 NEON: 3.60 🟡 MEGA: 15.20🟡
-Cobra: 0.75🔴 NEON: 3.55 🟡 MEGA: 15.25🟢
-Diamond Dragon: 0.75🔴 NEON: 3.50 🟡 MEGA: 14.70🔵
-Gold Mummy Cat: 0.75🔵 NEON: 3.45 🟡 MEGA: 14.50🔵
-Griffin: 0.75🟡 NEON: 3.20 🟡 MEGA: 13.75🟢
-Ancient Dragon: 0.70🟡NEON: 3.10 🟡 MEGA: 13.90🟢
-Green Pheasant: 0.70🔴 NEON: 3.00 🟡 MEGA: 12.00🔵
-Dragonfly: 0.7🟡NEON: 2.70 🟡 MEGA: 11.50🟡
-Gold Unicorn: 0.65🔴 NEON: 2.60 🟡 MEGA: 11.00🔵
-Diamond Griffin: 0.65🔴 NEON: 2.50 🟡 MEGA: 10.50🔵
-Lunar Moon Bear: 0.60🔴 NEON: 2.50 🟡 MEGA: 10.00🔵
-Dragon: 0.60🔴 NEON: 2.25 🟡 MEGA: 10.00🔴
-Gold Dragon: 0.60🔴 NEON: 2.20 🟡 MEGA: 9.50🔴
-Gold Griffin: 0.60🔴 NEON: 2.15 🔴 MEGA: 9.25🔴
-Gold Tiger: 0.50🔴 NEON: 2.10 🟡 MEGA: 8.75🔴
-Metal-Ox: 0.50🔴 NEON: 2.00 🔴 MEGA: 8.00🔴
-Minion: 0.50🔴 NEON: 2.00 🟡 MEGA: 7.00🔴
-Hedgehog: 15.50🟣 NEON: 60.10 🟢 MEGA: 185.50🟣
-Dalmatian: 9.05🟣 NEON: 35.50 🟢 MEGA: 120.00🟣
-Flamingo: 7.00🟢 NEON: 27.00 🟢 MEGA: 104.15🟢
-Lion: 6.50🟡 NEON: 24.25 🔵 MEGA: 87.00🟡
-Blue Dog: 5.55🔵 NEON: 27.20 🟢 MEGA: 85.80🟣
-Elephant: 5.25🟢 NEON: 22.50 🔵 MEGA: 65.00🟡
-Cow: 5.15🟣 NEON: 17.50 🟢 MEGA: 60.00🟢
-Crocodile: 4.25🔵 NEON: 14.00 🔵 MEGA: 53.50🟢
-Caterpillar: 4.00 🟣 NEON: 14.35 🟢 MEGA: 53.50 🟣
-Zombie Buffalo: 4.00🟡 NEON: 13.50 🔵 MEGA: 53.00🟢
-Puffin: 3.30🟢 NEON: 12.00 🟡 MEGA: 47.00🟡
-Hyena: 3.25🟡 NEON: 11.00 🟡 MEGA: 44.00🔴
-Pink Cat: 3.05🟡 NEON: 10.50 🟡 MEGA: 38.00🔴
-Shrew: 2.90🔵 NEON: 10.50 🟡 MEGA: 44.50🟢
-Meerkat: 2.70🟡NEON: 10.20 🟡 MEGA: 40.00🟡
-Turkey: 2.65🟡 NEON: 9.75 🟡 MEGA: 39.65🟡
-Platypus: 2.25🔵 NEON: 9.55 🟡 MEGA: 39.00🔵
-Tortuga De Isla: 2.20🟡 NEON: 9.10 🔵 MEGA: 38.50🟢
-African Wild Dog: 2.20🔵 NEON: 8.90 🟢 MEGA: 38.00🟢
-Wild Boar: 2.15🟢 NEON: 9.30 🔵 MEGA: 37.50🔵
-GOAT: 2.15🟢 NEON: 9.10 🟢 MEGA: 37.00🟢
-Pelican: 2.10🟢 NEON: 9.00 🔵 MEGA: 37.15🟢
-Llama: 2.10🟡 NEON: 8.15 🟡 MEGA: 36.00🔴
-Brown Bear: 2.10🟢 NEON: 8.50 🟡 MEGA: 35.80🔵
-Royal Spaniel: 2.05🟡 NEON: 8.25 🟡 MEGA: 34.00🔵
-Arctic Fox: 2.05🔵 NEON: 8.00 🟡 MEGA: 33.60🔴
-Peppermint Penguin: 2.00🟢 NEON: 8.05 🟢 MEGA: 33.20🟢
-Glacier Moth: 2.00🔴 NEON: 8.00 🔵 MEGA: 33.00🟢
-Pig : 2.00🟢 NEON: 8.00 🔵 MEGA: 30.20🟡
-Rhino: 1.90🟡 NEON: 7.00 🟡 MEGA: 28.00🔴
-Ice Wolf: 1.80🔴 NEON: 7.00 🟡 MEGA: 28.40🔵
-Irish Spaniel: 1.75🔴 NEON: 7.00 🟡 MEGA: 29.00🔵
-Yeti: 1.70🟢 NEON: 7.00 🟢 MEGA: 26.00🟣
-Polar Bear: 1.65🔵 NEON: 6.50 🟡 MEGA: 27.00🔵
-Capybara: 1.60🟢 NEON: 6.40 🔵 MEGA: 27.00🟢
-Swan: 1.55🟢 NEON: 6.20 🔵 MEGA: 23.80🟡
-Goose: 1.45🔴 NEON: 6.20 🟢 MEGA: 23.00🔵
-Black Panther: 1.40🔵 NEON: 5.60 🟡 MEGA: 22.40🔵
-Sheeep: 1.40🔴 NEON: 5.30 🔵 MEGA: 22.50🔵
-Silly Duck: 1.40🟢 NEON: 5.40 🟡 MEGA: 21.60🟡
-Orca: 1.35🟢 NEON: 5.00 🔵 MEGA: 27.00🟢
-White Sand Dollar: 1.30🔵 NEON: 5.50 🔵 MEGA: 23.00🟢
-Chicken: 1.30🟢 NEON: 5.00 🔵 MEGA: 20.00🔴
-Border Collie: 1.25🔵 NEON: 5.00 🟡 MEGA: 20.00🟡
-Drake: 1.20🟡 NEON: 4.90 🟡 MEGA: 19.50🟡
-Ring Tailed Lemur: 1.15🔵 NEON: 4.85 🔵 MEGA: 21.50🟢
-Pomeranian: 1.15🟢 NEON: 4.80 🟡 MEGA: 21.00🔵
-Anteater: 1.15🟡 NEON: 4.70 🟡 MEGA: 20.50🟢
-Purple Butterfly: 1.10🟢 NEON: 4.65 🔵 MEGA: 24.10🟢
-Red Sand Dollar: 1.10🔵 NEON: 4.45 🔵 MEGA: 20.25🟢
-Reindeer: 1.05🟢 NEON: 4.05 🟡 MEGA: 14.00🔴
-Chef Gorilla: 1.05🔵 NEON: 4.20 🟡 MEGA: 14.50🟢
-Evil Rock: 1.05🟣 NEON: 4.50 🔵 MEGA: 22.00🟢
-Lion Cup: 1.00🟢 Neon: 4.40 🟢 Mega: 20.00🟣
-Alpaca: 1.00🟢 NEON: 4.40 🟢 MEGA: 19.00🟢
-Magma Moose: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.30 🟡 MEGA: 18.00🟢
-KookaBurra: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.20 🟡 MEGA: 17.50🟢
-Snowball: 1.00🔴 NEON: 4.10 🟡 MEGA: 16.90🟡
-Karate Gorilla: 1.00🟡 NEON: 4.00 🟡 MEGA: 14.00🔵
-Albino Bat: 1.00🟢 NEON: 4.30 🔵 MEGA: 20.00🟡
-Horse: 0.95🟢 NEON: 3.90 🟢 MEGA: 15.50🟢
-Black Springer Spaniel: 0.95🟢 NEON: 4.45 🔵 MEGA: 20.00🟣
-Evil Basilisk: 0.90🟢 NEON: 4.15 🟢 MEGA: 19.05🟣
-Lamb: 0.90🔴 NEON: 4.00 🔵 MEGA: 19.60🟢
-Brown Springer Spaniel: 0.90🟡 NEON: 3.90 🟡 MEGA: 18.10🟢
-Red Squirrel: 0.85🟡 NEON: 3.70 🔵 MEGA: 17.70🟢
-Toasty Red Panda: 0.85🟢 NEON: 3.60 🟡 MEGA: 17.50🟢
-Magma Snail: 0.85🔵 NEON: 3.50 🟡 MEGA: 17.00🟢
-Chick: 0.80🟣 NEON: 3.60 🟢 MEGA: 13.75🔴
-Toy Monkey: 0.80🟢 NEON: 3.50 🔵 MEGA: 18.00🟣
-Blue Scarab: 0.80🟡 NEON: 3.45 🔵 MEGA: 18.80🟢
-Business Monkey: 0.75🟢 NEON: 3.35 🔵MEGA: 18.50🟢
-Nightmare Owl: 0.75🟢 NEON: 3.75 🔵 MEGA: 16.50🟢
-Space Whale: 0.75🟢 NEON: 3.25 🔵 MEGA: 14.50🔵
-Ghost Bunny: 0.75🔵 NEON: 3.05 🟡 MEGA: 12.00🔴
-Lynx: 0.70🟢 NEON: 2.95 🟡 MEGA: 15.00🟡
-Irish Elk: 0.70🟢 NEON: 2.85 🟡 MEGA: 14.50🟢
-Evil Chick: 0.70🟢 NEON: 3.00 🟡 MEGA: 13.00🟢
-Koala: 0.70🔵 NEON: 2.80 🟡 MEGA: 13.00🔴
-Sprout Snail: 0.65🟢 NEON: 2.95 🟢 MEGA: 15.50🟣
-Black Scarab: 0.65🔵 NEON: 2.75 🟢 MEGA: 14.00🟢
-Happy Clam: 0.65🟢 NEON: 2.85 🟢 MEGA: 14.00🟣
-Flaming Zebra: 0.65🟢 NEON: 2.80 🟡 MEGA: 13.90🔵
-Frog: 0.60🔵 NEON: 2.75 🟡 MEGA: 12.00🔴
-Mule: 0.60🟡 NEON: 2.60 🟢 MEGA: 12.00🟣
-Musk-Ox: 0.60🔵 NEON: 2.65 🔵 MEGA: 11.50🔵
-Ash Zebra: 0.60🟢 NEON: 2.50 🟡 MEGA: 10.50🟡
-Panda: 0.55🟡 NEON: 2.45 🟡 MEGA: 6.50🔵
-Wolf: 0.55🔵 NEON: 2.15 🟡 MEGA: 6.50🟢
-Green Amazon: 0.55🔴 NEON: 2.25 🟡 MEGA: 9.95🟢
-White Mummy Cat: 0.55🔵 NEON: 2.25 🟡 MEGA: 9.10🟢
-Ram: 0.55🟢 NEON: 2.20 🟢 MEGA: 9.00🟢
-Tan Chow: 0.50🔴 NEON: 2.25 🟡 MEGA: 9.00🔵
-Gingerbread Reindeer: 0.50🟡 NEON: 2.00 🔵 MEGA: 8.00🔴
-Wolly Rhino: 0.45🟡 NEON: 1.85 🟡 MEGA: 7.20🔴
-Moon Rabbit: 0.45🟢 NEON: 1.85 🟢 MEGA: 7.50🟢
-Deinonychus: 0.45🔵 NEON: 1.85 🔵 MEGA: 7.40🟢
-Evil Dachshund: 0.45🟢 NEON: 1.85 🔵 MEGA: 7.30🟢
-Sabretooth: 0.40🟡 NEON: 1.80 🔵 MEGA: 7.20🟢
-Stegosaurus: 0.40🟢 NEON: 1.75 🟢 MEGA: 7.05🟣
-Highland Cow: 0.40🟣 NEON: 1.75 🟢 MEGA: 7.00🟡
-Penguin: 0.40🔵 NEON: 1.60 🟢 MEGA: 6.45🔵
-Ladybug: 0.35🔵 NEON: 1.95 🔵 MEGA: 6.95🟢
-Clownfish: 0.35🟡 NEON: 1.85 🔵 MEGA: 6.75🟢
-Flower Power Duck: 0.35 🔵 NEON: 1.60🟡 MEGA: 6.55🟢
-Chickatrice: 0.35🔵 NEON: 1.75 🟢 MEGA: 6.35🟢
-Rat: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.65 🟡 MEGA: 6.25🔵
-Starfish: 0.35🟡 NEON: 1.60 🟡 MEGA: 5.75🔴
-St. Bernard: 0.35🔴 NEON: 1.60 🟡 MEGA: 5.50🔵
-Wyvern: 0.35🟡 NEON: 1.55 🟡 MEGA: 6.10🔵
-Sasquatch: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.60 🟢 MEGA: 5.75🟣
-Amami Rabbit: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.55 🔵 MEGA: 5.70🟢
-Summer Walrus: 0.35🟡 NEON: 1.50 🟡 MEGA: 5.55🟢
-Snowman: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.45 🔵 MEGA: 5.50🟢
-2021 Uplift Butterfly: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.40 🟡 MEGA: 5.50🟢
-Australian Kelpie: 0.35🟡 NEON: 1.40 🔵 MEGA: 5.00🔵
-Husky: 0.35🟢 NEON: 1.35 🔵 MEGA: 5.25🔵
-Toucan: 0.35🔴 NEON: 1.35 🟡 MEGA: 5.20🟡
-Robin: 0.30🟢 NEON: 1.25 🟡 MEGA: 5.00🔴
-Therapy Dog: 0.30🟡 NEON: 1.35 🔵 MEGA: 5.20🟢
-Ibex: 0.30🔵 NEON: 1.35 🔵 MEGA: 5.25🟢
-Skele-Dog: 0.25🔵 NEON: 1.35 🔵 MEGA: 5.55🟡
-Slug: 0.25🔵 NEON: 1.35 🔵 MEGA: 5.50🟢
-Monkey: 0.25🟢 NEON: 1.15 🔵 MEGA: 4.25🟡
-Emu: 0.25🔴 NEON: 1.10 🟡 MEGA: 4.25🟡
-Dylophasaurus: 0.25🟢 NEON: 1.10 🟢 MEGA: 4.20🔵
-Bee: 0.25🟡 NEON: 1.10 🔵 MEGA: 4.20🟢
-2022 Uplift Butterfly: 0.25🔵 NEON: 1.10 🔵 MEGA: 4.10🟢
-Rock: 0.25🟣 NEON: 1.10 🟢 MEGA: 4.20🟡
-Gingercat: 0.20🔴 NEON: 0.95 🟡 MEGA: 3.95🔵
-Scorpion: 0.20🟡 NEON: 0.90 🟡 MEGA: 3.80🟢
-Woolly Mammoth: 0.20🔵 NEON: 0.90 🟡 MEGA: 3.65🟡
-Hydra: 0.20🔵 NEON: 0.85 🔵 MEGA: 3.50🔵
-Snow Leopard: 0.20🔵 NEON: 0.80 🔵 MEGA: 3.25🟢
-Bat: 0.15🟡 NEON: 0.65 🔵 MEGA: 2.75🟡
-Triceratops: 0.15🔵 NEON: 0.65 🟡 MEGA: 2.40🟢
-Pterodactyl: 0.15🔴 NEON: 0.60 🟡 MEGA: 2.35🔵
-Seahorse: 0.15🟡 NEON: 0.60 🔵 MEGA: 2.25🟢
-Glyptodon: 0.15🟣 NEON: 0.65 🔵 MEGA: 2.40🟣
-Bandicoot: 0.15🔴 NEON: 0.60 🟡 MEGA: 2.20🟢
-Black Mummy Cat: 0.10🟡 NEON: 0.50 🟡 MEGA: 2.15🟢
-Dolphin: 0.10🔵 NEON: 0.40 🔵 MEGA: 2.00🟢
-Kirin: 0.10🟡 NEON: 0.40 🔵 MEGA: 1.85🟢
-Ground Sloth: 0.10🔴 NEON: 0.35 🟡 MEGA: 1.80🔵
-Narwhal: 0.10🔵 NEON: 0.35 🟡 MEGA: 1.70🔵
-Tasmanian Tiger: 0.05🟡 NEON: 0.30 🟡 MEGA: 1.50🔵
-Walrus: 0.05🔵 NEON: 0.25 🔵 MEGA: 1.75🔵
-Crab: 0.05🔵 NEON: 0.25 🔵 MEGA: 1.55🔵
-Stingray: 0.05🔵 NEON: 0.20 🔵 MEGA: 1.35🔵
-Dingo: 0.05🔴 NEON: 0.20 🔴 MEGA: 1.10🔴
-RANDOMS: 0.05-0.20 NEON: 0.20-0.80 MEGA: 0.60-3.50
-Cloud Rattle: 6,666.00🟢
-Neon Black Scooter: 170.00🔵
-Candy Cannon: 123.00🟡
-Safari Egg: 50.00🟢
-Broomstick: 48.00🟡
-Tombstone: 38.00🟢
-EggBurt Stroller: 35.00🔵
-Blue Egg: 29.00🔵
-Headless Pumpkin: 24.50🟢
-Rocket Sled: 23.75🟡
-Ghost Vehicle: 23.50🔵
-Pink Egg; 22.00🔴
-Jungle Egg: 22.00🟣
-Farm Egg: 17.00🟢
-Cloud Car: 12.50🔵
-Ember Wings: 12.00🟣
-Gold X-Mas Present: 12.00🟣
-Santa Hat: 9.00🟣
-Green X-Mas Present: 8.50🟢
-Go-Kart: 7.45🔴
-X-Mas Egg: 7.25🟢
-Premium Monkey Box: 7.20🟢
-Rainbow Maker: 6.75🟣
-Elf Hat: 6.25🟢
-Bunny Carriage: 5.25🟢
-Pumpkin Carriage: 5.05🟢
-Chinese Lantern: 5.00🔵
-Quad Stroller: 4.50🔵
-Premium Gorilla Box: 4.00🔵
-Bathtub: 3.20🔴
-Moped: 3.15🔴
-Giant Cheetah Mount: 3.00🟢
-Rat Box: 2.70🟢
-CHICK EGG 2020: 2.55🟢
-Aussie Egg: 1.90🟣
-Diamond Egg: 1.80🟢
-Bat Box: 1.55🟢
-Fly Potion: 1.45🟢
-Ride Potion: 0.95🟣
-Rainbow Wand: 0.90🔵
-Fossil Egg: 0.55🟣
-Fool Eggs: 0.50🟢
-Gold Egg: 0.45🔵
-Ocean Egg: 0.45🟢
-Wolf Box: 0.35🔵
-Mythic Egg: 0.35🟢
-Pony Box: 0.25🔵
-Woodland Egg: 0.25🟢
-Japan Egg: 0.20🔵
-Asia Egg: 0.15🔵
-How To Use The Value List?
-What's a Fair Offer for an Evil Uni?
-According to the List, an Evil Uni has a Value of 31.00
-A Fair Offer should have a Combined Value of around 31.00
-An Example can be a Combination of:
-Neon Turtle 20.00
-Neon Dodo 6.10
-Neon Snow Owl 5.50
-Total Offer 31.60 ( Slightly OveFair )
-This List/Chart is just a simple Point Value Based System. Each Pet has a Value from 1-1000, With Easy Math you can determine whether your Offer is W/F/L.
-( UPDATED 6/5/2024
submitted by Hennessyxy to adoptmeroblox [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 08:39 iCANhasGALAXY Help me implement a very specific NPC, please!

One of the many benefits of beeing the only one speaking english at a table is the immense mountain of possible stealable content. I want to have the horse thief meme as npc, because Ive made a survey for my players regarding power levels, difficulty, violence levels and more and I had one open question that asked what you'd like and wouldnt like to see and two players asked for some sort of talking animal, but specifically animal and not someone polymorphed or anything like that.
So this horse thief is a son born from centaur mom and minotaur dad. And hes full horse. He also has full human sister. His details arent as important other than I want to make him Thief Rogue. Mage hand will be very useful for a horse after all.
I had an idea on how to introduce him, just give the players the robbery puzzle and its him behind it. Im afraid even with like a horseshoe as a clue it wouldnt be obvious the HORSE DID IT!
I could do a cinematic scene where a lone horse without rider puts on his saddle and all and stealths out but idk if there will be a chance for that.
The main shtick is that hes called Buck the Saddler, and hes a well known thief in the thieving industry but everyone thinks its this human/elf/halfling in cowboy hat when in reality he just picks up a random peasant every time and sticks them up as a decoy, paying them some tiny amount for trouble.
He is supposed to be a friendly npc to a party ad help them sometimes in campaigns but I dont want him to be just another NPC that goes to the party "please help me". Also I want him to be one of those NPCs that when next time we play and they meet him they remember him. Any ideas?
submitted by iCANhasGALAXY to mattcolville [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 23:07 MWMN19 From The Ashes ┃ Chapter 1 - New Circumstances

Life brings forth unique circumstances... Those unique circumstances attracted many, they flocked to the unknown like moths to a flame. I never considered myself one of them, I much rather preferred the mundane. Some kind of order in what I saw as a chaotic world.
But life on a farmstead never sounded appealing. Life on the factory floor is even less so. But what piqued my interest from the earliest memories I have, those I chose to keep, is science. The natural world and its inexhaustible mysteries.
That's why I chose the life of a student. Mundane and orderly.
The scientific method tries to find order in chaos. To document and organize vast amounts of information. To find dots and connect them into a complex web of interwoven information that explains the unexplainable. And ultimately, make something from it. The simplicity of boiling water and the complexity of mechanical contraptions are at first glance completely different things... Yet if you combine them, you get the steam engine.
Despite all of its laws and rules, your imagination is the limit in science. Nothing is impossible when you are determined enough.
I am told that my mind works differently than those around me and that I am gifted... I simply see it as seeing order where none seems to be.
In a roundabout way, I am also an adventurer attracted to the unknown, like a moth to a flame. But I do not seek to experience high tales or become a hero in some story, no... I seek answers.
And to find them you must let yourself drown in the chaos and uncertainty of this world. And hope to the Gods, if there are any, that you will swim back up.
But to some questions... I hope I won't find them. I hope I remain blissfully ignorant. To stay in my little comfortable bubble.
Like in the case of where I find myself now.
In history class.

„Wyatt!“ I heard a familiar voice say my name in a sort of whisper-yell, followed by a not-so-gentle kick on my shoulder.
„Yeah, I'm awake... Just resting my eyes.“ I replied in a drowsy and bored tone, my half-closed eyes gazing through the professor babbling on about something. My mind wanders everywhere, just not here. I faintly hear the professor saying something about the borderlands... A town or place called A- something something.
„Darren, when's the class ending...?“ I asked, my eyes still closed and my mind somewhere between being alive and dead.
„Wait... Any second now.“ Darren replied after looking down at his wristwatch, trying to not look suspicious, or like he wasn't paying attention, but he was paying attention, unlike me... He was at least trying.
There is quite a reprimand for talking during class, this ain't elementary school. But the professor couldn't care less... He was too busy explaining the intricacies of the geopolitical situation we Humans find ourselves in. He wasn't a good speaker, and he was boring, but he wasn't all too strict. At least he had that going for him.
„Want to grab a coffee after class?“ I asked Darren, ever so slightly turning my head in my palm to have him in my peripheral vision.
„Unlike you, I am not an insomniac. And I have another class after this.“ Darren replied half-heartedly.
Damn, he sure wasn't in the mood today. I thought to myself, before realizing he also said he was having another class. It took me a few moments before my gears finally started to turn.
„Why are you attending Magical Sciences?“ I asked him, opening my eyes fully to look at him. He was not amused.
Just when he went to reply the bell rang. And without missing a beat Darren grabbed his bag and blitzed out of the classroom. I quickly followed behind him, catching up to him in the hallway.
„Wyatt I already told you a million times Magic is also a science like the name itself implies.“ Darren told me as soon as I was beside him.
„Yes, I agree, magic is a 'science' to be studied... But you can't use it! I can't use it! No purebred human can use it. Unless you grow a pair of Elven ears or dig up something from your ancestry that shows you have at least one Elven ancestor in the last three centuries, then okay, I would understand. But I know you don't, neither do I nor does anyone in this city or west of the Lydas river.“ I explained.
Just when I finished Darren stopped, and looked at a door. On the door were the initials „M.S“ and a note saying that this class was not going to be held due to the professor's absence.
„Son of a bitch...“ Darren said. „I can't believe I have to explain this again... But alright. We humans might not be able to wield magic. That much is obvious because we do not have any essence, unlike the Elves who have it in droves. Magical Sciences is not about learning spells, that is Magic Craft. Magical Sciences studies what is essence, how it came to be, and how it could be used for the betterment of mankind. But, for all the mysteries that present... The biggest and most pressing mystery, for me at least, is why of all people do you not understand... Refuse to understand!“ Darren responded.
„I know, that you know, why that is. I respect that you don't want to bring back some...“ I winced slightly „Bad memories...“
„I know, that you know, that I know about all of that... Listen, I don't like the Elves as much as the next guy, but for yourself Wyatt, just let it go. Magic doesn't automatically mean it is Elf-specific. Other beings have essence other than Elves. Just quit being irrational, at least let me study what I want. I don't criticize your love of physics and maths, as much as I hate both.“ Darren said, this time in a more empathetic tone. I understood him, I was being irrational... I just couldn't help but somehow associate those blurry images in my mind with Magic... Trauma finds excuses, I guess.
„Then... If you wouldn't like coffee... How about an enchanted coffee?“ I asked Darren, he gave a short laugh and patted me on my back.
„Make it a whisky, you're paying. Can't juggle classes and your annoying ass all day without compensation.“ Darren said as he began walking.
„Fair enough... Wouldn't want you to grow Elf ears because of some enchanted coffee.“ I said.
„Yup, but that whisky ought to be enchanted... Just don't tell Christy. She'll cut my ears off“
„I gotchu brother, dont'ya worry. How about we go to The Den?“ I asked.
„That dump... Alright, we don't have anything tomorrow.“
„Then we better catch the first tram on Wolfram's Street.“ I patted his back as we made our way to exit the university and spend our stipend wisely.

We sat down in The Den, in all of its tobacco and alcohol-filled glory. We always considered ourselves outsiders here. Two students from a prestigious university with free housing and a hefty stipend in a bar frequented by city folk and factory workers. But I managed to fit in somewhat, being from the countryside and having a not-so-fortunate upbringing gave me something to relate with the other guests. Darren on the other hand was a Weser Old Guard, well, his family was. Hailing from the old city, the son of a minor noble. Now his family is in the business of factory production and the fledgling rail industry. But be it for a tired factory worker coming back from his shift, or for a student coming from a stressful day of studies... The Den is the place to be for a drink to calm those nerves.
Once we ordered our drinks, two whiskies, Darren began after a small sip of his drink.
„Listen, man, sorry for being a bit grumpy today. Had a damn long day... And a few issues. But that still doesn't invalidate what I said. You can be a bit irrational sometimes when it comes to some things. Especially in regards to magic, I understand your aversion, but it doesn't hurt to dig into it a little.“
I thought for a moment before replying.
„Is it Christy?“ I asked.
„I really don't want to talk about it now...“
„Aye, I understand...“ Better not to pry into things.
„About that... The magic thing. What is there really to dig into? Yeah, I understand the question of understanding the root of where magic comes from and answering certain questions that are connected to it. The realm of magic is something that is not entirely natural... It is supernatural. The laws of the universe as we know them would not permit magic to exist. It defies logic. One cannot create something from nothing, you cannot physically manifest a fireball. You cannot defy gravity and fly without propulsion. Magic is something that is out of my reach, and there exist people such as yourself who are much more well-suited to research such topics than I am.“ I presented my argument. Well, more of an excuse.
Darren looked at me, taking another swig of his whisky.
„Say, for example, you went back in time. With, I don't know, a train... No, something smaller. A gramophone. And if you were to show it to one of our ancestors three hundred or four hundred years ago. A device that can play sound that was previously recorded. They would think that you were a Mage or some sort of artificer who imbued a physical object with essence. But both of us know that isn't the case. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. We had no way to explain the movement of the stars, why it rained, why things go down instead of up when you dropped them. The most basic questions every child would know today stumped the greatest minds of yesterday. We are those great minds that are stumped by questions that will be common knowledge in a century. And that question, for me at least, is the root if all essence.“ Darren replied.
„You are right, but ultimately you can only work with theory. Magic might be like mathematics, you have a problem which you have to solve. You can find some answer to X but you can never truly prove it because you'll need empirical evidence. You'll need to test your theory, but no mages are lining up to volunteer for your experiments. On a human level, the most magical thing we have is a gramophone... And the old Elven grimoires only teach so much. I would guess that they only teach technique, spells, and incantations. For the Elves magic is a tool to be used, a tool that they take for granted. They don't need to know every minuscule detail of the spell to cast it. They don't need to know exactly how it works in order for it to work. Don't get me started on the genetic parts of it. Essence is hereditary... Halflings taught us that much.“ I said.
„I agree... We can have all the papers we want but they mean nothing if we can't put any of it into practice... Magic is supernatural, it defies physics as we know it, as you've said yourself. But it exists, hence there must be an answer explaining how it works... I don't know really...“ Darren took another sip and massaged his temples. I thought about changing the topic because I saw however much love he had for the subject, he had enough of other subjects crammed into his head for today... I felt the same... But, yeah... Supernatural.
„Darren, do you know Professor Chrisler?“ I asked him, he looked up at me and shook his head.
„He's an old physics professor who's retired. I had a few classes with him a while back. Fascinating guy, he knows what he's talking about... I struck up a conversation with him once after class and he told me of a new emerging field of physics. The study of matter and energy at the most fundamental level. It's called quantum physics, or mechanics... Can't remember. I don't know much about the topic, but he did mention some things that they observed in there, mostly pertaining to light. Wherein light acts as both a particle and a wave at the same time... It is simply, unexplainable. By our current knowledge of physics at least...“ I recalled the exchange I had with Professor Chrisler... Somehow... It seems magic might have something to do with this.
„Interesting...“ Darren took a swig of his whisky, finishing it. „Quantum... What do you call it? It might as well be the key to understanding the fundamental principles of magic. But we have some time until that happens... In the meantime, I'll have another whisky.“ Darren replied.
I took a hearty swig of my own drink, finishing it.
„I'll have another as well... Let's change the topic, enough school for today.“

It's all a bit of a blur, instead of stopping when we should. Well, we continued to the point where all I remember was that I didn't have to tell Darren's girl anything... That woman has a wicked intuition, and she found us. I don't know whether I should be jealous or thankful I don't have the same problem as him. But the more pressing issue was the resounding headache I faced once I woke up in my apartment the next morning. I was still half-dressed when I woke up in my bed.
After I got up I tried my best to freshen up by washing my face with cold water. I thought it would jog up my memory so I could remember what the hell happened last evening. But alas it didn't work.
The next thing I checked was my pockets. I still had my money... Less than I previously remembered, but I had it.
„I had 57 Gelders and 13 Crowns...“ I started counting the coins and paper money while sitting on my bed.
„35 Gelders and 10 Crowns... Shit.“ I spent 22 Gelders and 3 Crowns on booze... A model student of Weser Polytechnic, if I do say so myself. And they said being good at mathematics meant you're good with finances... A lie.
At least I can count my losses.
I crashed onto my bed again, eager to sleep off the hangover. But my attempt at that was cruelly interrupted by a knock at my door. I opened my eyes and went through the possibilities. It could be Darren, trying to ascertain what the hell happened last night. It could be Christy, eager to kick my ass for drinking her boyfriend half to death, he did agree to it, or the local Militia ready to arrest me for drunken misbehavior the previous night... Or all of the above... Who knows? I wasn't ready to play this game of chances, but my hand was forced.
I got up, took a deep breath, and walked slowly to the door.
Then opened it.
„Good morning, mail for a Wyatt Rosallyn?“ The man in front of me was a mailman. I felt relief wash over me.
„Yeah, that's me.“ I replied.
„Okay, I just need you to sign this here and I'll be on my way.“ Sign? That feeling of relief quickly turned into a bottomless pit in my stomach. I audibly gulped.
„A-alright...“ I said, grabbing the pen from the mailman and signing a paper with a bunch of text that I didn't even have time to read. I didn't even think of it in the moment...
After signing the mailman handed me an envelope. It had a government stamp.
„That's it. Have a good day Mr. Rosallyn!“ The mailman tipped his hat and left.
„You too...“ I looked down at the envelope, thinking through what it could be.
I closed the door and went to have a seat on a chair next to a window overlooking the street below. I could hear the morning chatter of pedestrians and the beating of hooves against the pavement. I simply tried to clear my mind before opening it. It couldn't be from Weser Polytechnic, I know what their stamp looks like... Thankfully it isn't from Weser Polytechnic, that would mean they found out about my shenanigans last night... And that would mean they are kicking me out, but neither that would make any sense. I heard much worse stories from other students and they are still attending. Being drunk for one night is not an expellable offense, I'm a goddamn adult...
But a government stamp... It is something entirely unrelated. And it could be something a thousand times worse... Or it could be nothing.
I grabbed a knife from the small kitchen I had and began slowly and carefully opening the envelope. Once I did, I grabbed the piece of paper held within.
Upon letting it see the morning sun... I unraveled it.
In big bold letters on the top of the paper was written :

I started reading.

Deceased person: Kellynstir Rosallyn III
Beneficiary/ies: Wyatt Rosallyn, Kyiela Phormos
I had to rub my eyes, I didn't know anyone from my family called Kellynstir... Weird name, sounded old-fashioned. I never got to know much of my family... Neither have they gotten to know me. So, why am I here? And who is this Kyiela Phormos. Another weird name. Another distant relative? The last name is different, never heard of it. Maybe it's regional.

But what I was interested in was what exactly was being inherited. So I continued reading.

The beneficiary/ies listed above are entitled to assets and liabilities which shall be listed below...
Wyatt Rosallyn –
17 (Seventeen) Ar's of land in the Aeris District, land designation 16,002/5.
20,520 (Twenty thousand five hundred and twenty) Gelders in liquid assets.
A wagon
Kyiela Phormos –
20,900 (Twenty thousand nine hundred) Gelders in liquid assets
A wagon
Two Shirebreed horses (Lyn, Phinn)
The contents of the Rosallyn Library
„Twenty... Thousand...“ I slowly said under my breath. I never knew I had any distant relatives, let alone that they were absolutely loaded! Seventeen Ar's of land is also quite a significant amount. And in the Aeris District of all places... I heard of the Aesir District a bunch, but I didn't know much about it save for some common knowledge... Then my brain went back to the history class of yesterday.
Aesir was a minor trade hub in what we today call the borderlands just beyond the Lydas river to the east. It was a settlement inhabited by both Humans and Elves, with a small but transient population of other races at its peak roughly 250 years ago. The border region which is named after it today lies between the Confederation of Human Republics and Kingdoms and the Elven Lands. Depopulated and destitute. A husk of its former self. The Aesir District today is the only region inhabited by a small number of Elves and Humans under de facto human control.
I put the piece of paper down on the table and stared at the ceiling.
Is this some sort of dream? A prank? A scam? The stamp looked legit, the same with the paper.
Did the government take the money and can I just pick it up in a bank? Do I have to go to Aesir to retrieve it? Well... There were other things I needed to do.
But then again... Kyiela also got over twenty thousand, even more than me...


The Rosallyn Library?
I was too hungover to think over those things... Too much. What I needed was a map and a confirmation that this was legit.
I washed myself, properly this time, got dressed fully, and left my apartment with an envelope in hand. My first stop was the local government office. I thought maybe someone could check the validity of the stamp, just in case.
I got onto a tram and was making my way to the office when I passed the bank. I decided to exit the tram right there and go check how much I had.
I entered the bank and waited in line for a few minutes, thankfully there was not a lot of traffic this morning.
„Good morning, I uhhh... I need to check the balance of my account. Wyatt Rosallyn.“ I said.
I could see the female clerk seemed to be taken aback a bit upon seeing me. I figured it probably wasn't love at first sight, but rather the fact I looked like a frantic and disheveled hungover drunk. Which I was in every sense of the word...
„Of course, sir. I'll just need your documents and identification.“ She asked politely. I handed over the things she asked and she disappeared in the back for a few minutes. She returned with a few pieces of paper.
„Mr. Rosallyn, your current balance is 20,523 Gelders and 56 Crowns.“ She smiled politely. I on the other hand was slack-jawed for a few moments.
Holy shit it's not a scam... And Gods bless our quick bureaucracy.
„How... What's the limit of withdrawal... How much can I withdraw at once?“ I asked sheepishly, swinging my head around and looking at the other clients... I was nervous.
„That would be 1,000 Gelders every week, Mr. Rosallyn.“
„One thou-... I'd like to withdraw that amount, one thousand, if that is possible?“
„Of course Mr. Rosallyn, give me a few moments.“ She smiled politely before going to some back room.
She was gone for maybe five minutes tops... But it felt like she was gone for hours. I nervously shook my leg in place.
I felt sick. I didn't know whether it was from the hangover or from the simple fact that I now had access to more money than I ever had. Both probably.
She finally came back with a stack of twenty 50 Gelder notes. She quickly counted the amount and placed it on the table.
„Here you go sir, I'd just need you to sign this paper here. Any withdrawal higher than 500 Gelders needs a signature.“ She presented me with the paper, which I signed without hesitation.
„Thank your fo-„ The woman started but I grabbed the money and left as quickly as possible from the bank. Mighty impolite from me, but I had other matters I had to attend to.
My next stop then was the Weser Polytechnic Library, a local library would suffice but I had instant access to the WP Library due to me being a student there. After another quick tram trip, I was there.
The first thing I asked for was for latest map of the Human Realms.
I was given instructions on where to look and I began my search, row after row of books about geography...
In the middle of my search, I heard a familiar voice.
„Wyatt?“ I turned around and saw the familiar sight of blonde hair and cold blue eyes, lo and behold, it was Christina... Christy.
„I- ugghh, I can explain everything I sincerely apologize for making Darren drunk. It won't happen again. Anyway how's Darren holding up?“
She gave me a look of pity and disgust.
„Wyatt you look like shit. And Darren is fine, he's hungover. But you really should go home you look like you've seen a ghost. What are you doing in the library?“ She asked me.
At first, it looked like she would give me hell for last night, Darren got the short end of the stick for sure but I wasn't immune. But it seemed like the state in which I was warranted some sympathy. So it was really bad.
„Listen, Christina, I had a few things happen this morning. Nothing bad per se... But significant. And I will probably be out of town for a day, maybe two. So, you can tell Darren I'm doing just great. And I'll be back in a few days, I'll explain everything.“ I told her while simultaneously flipping through a geography book.
„Wyatt, I don't know what happened. I still have a bone to pick with you too... But I'll leave it for another time. I'll tell Darren you're fine. I'll leave you to it, whatever you're searching for. I have an Anatomy class soon.“ She told me.
I stopped flipping through the book for a second.
„On a weekend?“ I asked, slightly disturbed.
„On a weekend. Good luck on your trip, be safe.“
„Thanks...“ I looked back into the book. I found it.
„Oh, and yeah. Christy?“ She turned back around.
„How bad was it?“ I asked.
„I had to call the Royal Guard to help me drag you two out of that place. I took care of everything else.“
„Thank you.“
„No need... Don't do it again.“ She gave me a look that made me shudder before she walked off.
After that encounter, I sat down in the library to more closely examine the book I found. I found the map I was looking for.
I managed to locate the Aesir District, but I still had to find out where exactly the land I inherited was. The district wasn't as small as I had previously thought. And it was quite far off to make things worse. The nearest train stop was right next to the western bank of the Lydas River. After that, I'd probably have to pay a toll to cross the bridge as well as a carriage to take me across. The infrastructure in the region was probably the same as it was a century or two ago. So I'll be away for more than a few days... Weeks probably... I'll have to take care of my absence from classes as well.
I also had to search around for a map of the Aesir District, specifically the land designations. After what felt like hours of riffling through various books and maps, I finally found it. The land I inherited seemed to be somewhere in the middle of Aesir, right between the Lydas and the border of the Elven Lands.
I'll do what I don't usually do.
I'll wing it.
After all was said and done next stop was the train station, right after I packed the things I'd need for the trip. I'll take care of any shitshow I may cause later. I needed answers.
Who is Kellynstir? And most importantly, who is Kyiela Phormos? And what lies on the property I inherited?
Next Chapter - https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1d7frt0/from_the_ashes_chapter_2_the_bufferzone/
submitted by MWMN19 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:15 Significant-Basis433 BG3 Best Honor Mode Party

  1. Created Character: Dark Urge Wood Half-Elf Oath Breaker Paladin 8 (multi-attack, aura of protection/aura of hate) Assassin Rogue 4 (feat) Optimal in melee Maximize damage with smites and critical hit damage Use Darkness spell Feats: Savage Striker, ASI Dex +4 (20) Important Gear: Killer's Sweetheart ring, Helldusk helmet, Duelists prerogative, shield (any), deathstalker mantle, Dark justiciar gauntlets
  2. Ascended Astarion:
Gloom Stalker Ranger 5 (multi-attack) Assassin Rogue 4 (feat) Battle Master Fighter 3 (action surge, subclass) Maximize critical hit damage. Able to attack 6 times on first turn (not including surprise and haste) Optimal at ranged but can also be in melee Feats: Sharpshooter, ASI Dex +2 (18) Important Gear: Eversight ring, caustic band (or risky ring), dark justiciar helmet, knife of the under mountain king, rhapsody dagger, helldusk gauntlets, Shade-Slayer cloak
  1. Minthara (Drow Darkness):
Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer (Fire) 10 Pact of Fiend Warlock 2 Eldritch Invocations - Agonizing Blast, Devil's Sight Utilize Metamagic and focus nova AOE damage. Primarily pocketing both astarion and dark urge with haste. If not haste, concentrate on terrain or combat control spells. Feats: Duel Wielder, Alert (primary pick for auntie Ethel's gift - 18 charisma early act 1) Important Gear: Markoheshkir staff, Staff of SpellPower, spellmight gloves, the cloak of the weave, the dapper hat (charisma 20), potent robe.
  1. Shadowheart:
Life Domain Cleric 11 - Wizard 1 Healing, support, combat control, and summons Wizard 1 for spells like globe of invulnerability, cirriculum of strategy, etc. Feats: Alert, ASI Wisdom +2 (18) Important Gear: Whispering Promise ring, Amulet of Silvanus, the reviving hands gauntlets, boots of aid and comfort, staff of arcane blessing or blood of lathander, slippery chainshirt (can use spirit guardians meta from free disengage).
Let me know how I did :)
submitted by Significant-Basis433 to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 03:29 ChemicalHefty2262 Heres my own fakemon region idea I've had for 2 years now(I'm not finished with it so I don't have much)

My fakemon region is called rhe Glowrama Region inspired by magic,myths,and fairytales I wanted to be creative for my own fakemon region so some info on the region is The Glowrama region is considered a myht by alot of people in the pokemon world but little do anyone know its very real just hard to find this pokemon region is filled with fantastic creatures an pokemon that aren't able to be found in other regions including new types,the sound type,the cosmic type,the crystal type,and the new Candy Type
The protagonist:
Arnold and Embry
Arnold:Light brown hair and a teel and white outift with a teel witch hat
Embry:Silver white hair in a single braid and a dark pink and light purple outift with a matching witch hat
Both player characters would be young commoners who grew up on a pokemon farm on the outskirts of Heartlock Village both always wanted to be pokemon trainers despite what their father mother and oldest brother says and it eventually happens when the protagonist would meet the professor couple of the glowrama region
The professors:
Professor Willow:
Professor Willow is a kind hearted and determined and big teddy bear hybrid whos fully man but has the aspects of a werewolf of white and purple he studies the gimmick of the region
Professor Hazel:
Professor Hazel is a kind spirted women with long light brown hair and a magenta cape she studies the magic formation of the region
(Note)some characters in the region are based on characters from fairytales and the professor couple are themed on little red riding hood
Professor Brooke:The third professor of the glowrama region who the player meets later on in the main story she gas dark orange and brown hair she may be in a wheelchair but that doesn't stop her from her research
The rivals:
Matilda:with light brown hair un a long ponytail shes determined and always ready for a pokemon battle shes actually the professors daughter hazels her mom while willow is her step father
Dreene:With orange hair and blue scale skin dreene comes from a dragon town from another part of the region he's stern and competitive but secertly is patient and calm
Tisha:With blonde hair scorching colors of the rainbow and with her simple glasses Tisha is a young artist always drawing or painting gorgeous scenes dhes really quiet and shy it reveals later on shes the youngest sister of the 4th gym trio who use the cosmic type of the glowrama region
Prissy:with her light blonde hair and blue eyes Prissy is fairy royalty of the glowrama region her all pink outift and wings burst a glow to her royalty but she's a real jerk and always acts like she's better then everyone else
Felicia:with pink hair and brown eyes Felicia is also a fairy but a commoner fairy she's in a outift of nature and earth she's shy but sweet and gentle she's always getting pushed around by Prissy who she thinks is her friend
Mora:With her orange brownish hair and blue eyes she a young mermaid with the ability to turn human her tail glows of blue and purple and teel shes adventurous and brave but sometimes nervous
Oscar:with dark teel and green eyes Oscar comes from an elf town up the glowrama region is friendly and kind and good at finding ways outta sticky situations
Malinda:With orange purplish hair and fuschia eyes Malinda is a kind hearted and energetic girl and really good at casting spells and making potions shes actually a student at the glowrama region magic school which is also the 3rd gym in the region
Starters:(Don't got names give me some in comments)
Grass type:A Cat starter that's final evolution is a Queen
Fire type: A owl starter whos final evolution is a King
Water type:A sea serpent starter whos final evolution is a knight
Gym leaders and elite four:
1st gym leader:Fairy type:themed on alice in wonderland
2nd gym leader:Grass type:themed on thumbalina
3rd: gym leader Normal/electric type:(Couldn't think of what to base this gym leader on)
4th gym leader:Cosmic type:gym trio:(Couldn't think of what to base them off)
5th gym leader:Water Type:themed on the Little mermaid
6th gym leader:Fire type:(Could think of what to based the gym off of)
7th Gym leader:Physic type:Themed on Aladdin
8th gym leader:Ice type:(Couldn't think of a theme to base off of)
Elite four
Type:Ghost/Duo elite four membethemed on cultist
Type:Steel type:themed on a knight
Type:Fighting type themed on a Mercenary
Type:Dark type:Themed on a mage
Champion and ruler of the region:Azurine:type mixed of fantasy themed pokemon
Evil team:Team Mystical
Goal:To suck all the magic out of the glowrama region and rule it for themselves
Pokemon types used:Ice,Steel,Crystal
Leader Prisma:With light magenta/red hair and pale skin she wears glittery teel outift(Plot Twist)shes Champion azurines older sister who was jealous of her younver sister being so better at magic then her so she started team mystical so she can prove she's the strongest in the region
Grunts:Would have a knight theme to them of silver white and teel
Amber:A illusion witch who uses her magic to stop anyone in team mysticals path with illusions
Helios:Hes a knight who leads rhe plans of the grunts
Morgana:a evil sorceress who uses her dark magic to help team mystical carry out their plans
Mage Quartet
Blaze:A fire Mage who uses his fire magic to keep people at bay from disturbing there Evil plans
Oceana:A water Mage who uses her water magic to wash away folks who try to stop team mystical
Gaia:A Earth Mage who uses her earth abilities to let nature and the earth go extreme to stop folks from ruining the teams plans
Winda:A air Mage who uses her wind magic to move the winds at high currents to keep people at bay from there plans
The alchemist
Varian(Plot twist)
Varian is the players older brother who joined team mystical so he can give his family a better life then living on a pokemon farm as mere commoners he hates that he has to face his little brothesister but he must if team mystic plans can come forth he secertly has huge feelings for prisma
Hope you like my fakemon region
submitted by ChemicalHefty2262 to Fakemon_Region [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 00:27 Extreme-Lab9523 Dehydrated Oily Skin Routine Help

Dehydrated Oily Skin Routine Help
I’m a 31 year old woman and I have yet to meet anyone in their 60s with a worse in looking forehead and neck than mine. I’ve had an expressive face my whole life and have no idea how people can just train themselves to not move their forehead. I’ve tried using Frownies and they never stay on.
I’m worried that Botox is my only option because of the cost, but considering the amount of money I’ve wasted over the years on products that clearly don’t work for me, it may be the cheapest option. I have a consultation for Botox scheduled with my dermatologist in July. My dermatologist has also confirmed that I have dehydrated oily skin and she prescribed tretinoin which has helped with pimples. I’ve been sticking to the routine she gave me since March, but haven’t seen any changes yet. I currently get a pore refining facial every month since January but I have only seen slight improvements.
I have visible droplets of oil that drip from my sebaceous filaments in my t-zone throughout the day and melt the makeup off completely. I’m awful at taking pictures but I also have broken capillaries around my nose, pimples, and dry patches along my chin. My skin also gets irritated and red very easily.
I try to take the best care of myself that I can, I eat a mostly whole-food plant diet with few processed foods. I’ve had maybe 5 alcoholic drinks in my lifetime; I stopped drinking soda as a kid. I don’t even drink caffeine. I have never smoked or done recreational drugs. I wear hats and sunglasses every time I go outside and reapply sunscreen every two hours as needed. I never ever leave the house without sunscreen no matter the weather.
I’ve given up on face makeup completely because no primer, powder, or setting spray has ever helped my foundation or concealer stay in place in my T-Zone for more than 2 hours because of my oil droplets. Matte products look particularly bad because they settle in to my fine lines and make me look 60.
MORNING - cleanser: Neutrogena hydro boost cleanser - 2x a week azelaic acid suspension 10% from the ordinary - moisturizer: Neutrogena hydro boost Hyaluronic acid water gel - sunscreen: Isntree Hyaluronic acid watery sun gel spf 50 - lip sunscreen (the label fell off so I’m not sure what brand)
NIGHT - makeup remover: elf Holy Hydration Hyaluronic acid makeup melting cleansing balm - cleanser: La Roche Posay hydrating cleanser for sensitive skin- normal to dry skin -2x a week I use peach slice’s salicylic acid toner - moisturizer: La Roche Posay double repair face moisturizer with ceramides and niacinamide - tretinoin 0.025 applied most nights now following a schedule my dermatologist gave me -wait 20 minutes for it to dry - mist face with clean water - 2x a week L’Oréal 1.5 Hyaluronic acid - cetaphil Eyecream - same moisturizer as before - Vaseline on lips
submitted by Extreme-Lab9523 to 30PlusSkinCare [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:12 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] He11star Tour Tee, R1ck Ow3n Bella Pants MRLEE, Vuj@ De & Carh@rtt Carpenters, Ga11ery Dept & CH Trucker, Kapita1 Visv1m Slides, N1ke x Off-White, Rhud3, EE Shorts, 424, Ston3 1sland Ghost Sweaters, LV Belts, F0G Joggers, Ba1enciaga Tees & Hat, Retail Y-3, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$29 - Suprem3 Box Logo Black on Black - Medium (Fits Small-Fitted Medium) - Used quite a few times but still in amazing condition. Blank has slight fading to it which it on point with retail as it was released a few years back, print in pristine condition.
$35 - Vintage N1ke Cream Crewneck - Fits Medium- Lightly worn and high-quality rep. Almost certain from Ambition, take for a steal.
$38 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$32 - Rhud3 Cream Shirt - Fits Medium - Washed and only tried on. In amazing condition.
$35 - Retail N1ke Dri-Fit Black Spellout Sweater - XL (Fits Large) Length 26 / Width 24. - Paid 60 for this at outlets. Has Dri-Fit material and was only washed/ tried on once. In like new condition and take for a steal.
$55 - Vuj@ De Carpenter Olive Pants - Fits Small (Waist Size 28-32) - Only tried on. Quality is amazing and fit is similar to straight fitting pants.
$85 - R1ck Bella Cargo Pants MRLEE - 32 / Fits Medium - Take for a steal as it costs a lot to ship this from China and it’s only been tried on. Best batch out and insane fit. Quality is on point and this is a damn near perfect rep IMO.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$36 - He11star Biker Tour Vintage Tee - Fits Medium - Sells for a crazy $140 at retail, rep is pretty much on point to retail. Worn once.
$30 - EE Blue Floral Stripe Shorts - Fits XS-S - Has correct perforations on logo and nice/light blank for summer weather. Would be keeping but too small on me, perfect for Size 28-30 waists.
$42 - Essentia1s Tan Joggers - Small (Waist Size 30) - High quality batch but too small on me. Print and embroidered logo on front are pristine and blank is on point with retail.
$58 - Y33zy “Ye Must be Born again” Brown Hoodie - Fits Boxy Medium - Sizing similar to retai land puff print is in amazing condition with slight fading from couple of wears. Always gets lots of eyes and extremely comfy hoodie. Stitched out hoodie sizing cause it said XL when this fits more like a medium.
$40 - Ga11ery Dept Brown Longsleeve Tee - Fits Small-Medium - Blank similar to retail and print on front/back is high quality. Tags look great and very accurate/comfy rep.
$52 - Y33zy Calabasa$ Agoura Black/Grey Sweatpants - Fits Small (Waist Size 30) - Blank similar to retail and embroidery is high quality. Honestly can’t tell a difference between this and retail.
$68 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$69 - N1ke x 0FF-White Virgi1 Hoodie - Fits Small - Best batch out and rep from an older seller. Details on point and quality of blank is really nice. Stitching and all minute details on this collab are perfect and such a perfect hoodie. Would be a must keep if I could fit and in no rush to sell because not sure if they sell this anymore. Light stains from storage but almost certain should come out with wash.
$53 - Carh@rtt Light Green Cargo Carpenter Pants - Medium (Fits 32x30) - Most popular batch on Taobao and only washed but never used. Insane quality on par with retail and not in rush to sell. Shipping on this from China was a lot and took a while to arrive.
$78 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$35 - Askyu$elf 90’s Rainbow Tee - Fits Large-XL - Quality and embroidery are extremely well done and such a high-quality blank. Worn once.
$22 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$9 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$19 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$15 - Retai1 Vintage Buzzie Nascar Racing Tee - Fits Medium - Thrifted and used only a few times.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$52 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$139 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$49 - Kapita1 Visv1m Slides - Fits 8.5 Mens - Worn quite a bit but still has a lot of life. The top and bottoms are very clean and the bed could use a wash.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (2 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
$18 (2 Left!) - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
$16 (1 Left!) - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$40 (1 Left!) - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Trucker Hat - Adjustable - New with tags. Best batch out. Solid batch
$34 (1 Left!) - Balenciag@ Brown Logo Beanie - One Size - Best batch out and deadstock, take for a steal.
$29 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$35 (1 Left!) - Chr0me Hearts Pink Hollywood Hat - Adjustable - Bought a while ago and worn a few times. Amazing fit and solid batch.
$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to QualityRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 23:09 jimmythecollector [FS] [USA] He11star Tour Tee, R1ck Ow3n Bella Pants MRLEE, Vuj@ De & Carh@rtt Carpenters, Ga11ery Dept & CH Trucker, Kapita1 Visv1m Slides, N1ke x Off-White, Rhud3, EE Shorts, 424, Ston3 1sland Ghost Sweaters, LV Belts, F0G Joggers, Ba1enciaga Tees & Hat, Retail Y-3, & More! 🏷️💲



$11 - Retail LOVE Uniq1o x MoMA Art Tee - Small - Retailed for $30. Amazing design and lightly worn.
$29 - Suprem3 Box Logo Black on Black - Medium (Fits Small-Fitted Medium) - Used quite a few times but still in amazing condition. Blank has slight fading to it which it on point with retail as it was released a few years back, print in pristine condition.
$35 - Vintage N1ke Cream Crewneck - Fits Medium- Lightly worn and high-quality rep. Almost certain from Ambition, take for a steal.
$38 - F3ar of G0d Essentia1s Longsleeve Polo Gray - Fits Small-Medium - Bought used and fits amazing. Exactly on point with my retail and I can’t tell any difference between both.
$32 - Rhud3 Cream Shirt - Fits Medium - Washed and only tried on. In amazing condition.
$35 - Retail N1ke Dri-Fit Black Spellout Sweater - XL (Fits Large) Length 26 / Width 24. - Paid 60 for this at outlets. Has Dri-Fit material and was only washed/ tried on once. In like new condition and take for a steal.
$55 - Vuj@ De Carpenter Olive Pants - Fits Small (Waist Size 28-32) - Only tried on. Quality is amazing and fit is similar to straight fitting pants.
$85 - R1ck Bella Cargo Pants MRLEE - 32 / Fits Medium - Take for a steal as it costs a lot to ship this from China and it’s only been tried on. Best batch out and insane fit. Quality is on point and this is a damn near perfect rep IMO.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Olive Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$36 - He11star Biker Tour Vintage Tee - Fits Medium - Sells for a crazy $140 at retail, rep is pretty much on point to retail. Worn once.
$30 - EE Blue Floral Stripe Shorts - Fits XS-S - Has correct perforations on logo and nice/light blank for summer weather. Would be keeping but too small on me, perfect for Size 28-30 waists.
$42 - Essentia1s Tan Joggers - Small (Waist Size 30) - High quality batch but too small on me. Print and embroidered logo on front are pristine and blank is on point with retail.
$58 - Y33zy “Ye Must be Born again” Brown Hoodie - Fits Boxy Medium - Sizing similar to retai land puff print is in amazing condition with slight fading from couple of wears. Always gets lots of eyes and extremely comfy hoodie. Stitched out hoodie sizing cause it said XL when this fits more like a medium.
$40 - Ga11ery Dept Brown Longsleeve Tee - Fits Small-Medium - Blank similar to retail and print on front/back is high quality. Tags look great and very accurate/comfy rep.
$52 - Y33zy Calabasa$ Agoura Black/Grey Sweatpants - Fits Small (Waist Size 30) - Blank similar to retail and embroidery is high quality. Honestly can’t tell a difference between this and retail.
$68 - Pa1ace Arms Blue/White Jacket - Fits Small-Medium - Best batch out and was released a few years back. Has been in closet for a while but time to let go, unsure if it’s from Pa1ace37 or not. Insane quality and great for everyday wear.
$69 - N1ke x 0FF-White Virgi1 Hoodie - Fits Small - Best batch out and rep from an older seller. Details on point and quality of blank is really nice. Stitching and all minute details on this collab are perfect and such a perfect hoodie. Would be a must keep if I could fit and in no rush to sell because not sure if they sell this anymore. Light stains from storage but almost certain should come out with wash.
$53 - Carh@rtt Light Green Cargo Carpenter Pants - Medium (Fits 32x30) - Most popular batch on Taobao and only washed but never used. Insane quality on par with retail and not in rush to sell. Shipping on this from China was a lot and took a while to arrive.
$78 - 424 Denim Fairfax Distressed Jacket - Medium - Best batch out and only tried on. Rare rep from a haul I did a few years back and link is now dead. No red sleeve.
$35 - Askyu$elf 90’s Rainbow Tee - Fits Large-XL - Quality and embroidery are extremely well done and such a high-quality blank. Worn once.
$22 - Balenc1aga Pride Tee - Cl0yad - Fits Small - From Cloyad who’s a top-tier reseller. Never been worn personally but seems lightly used.
$9 - Retail D0ckers Straight Fit Pants Grey - 32x29 - Paid $40 and quality is amazing. Have nice straight fit to drape slightly over your shoes and I would’ve 100% kept if I didn’t outgrow them.
$19 - Retail Vintage Chevy Walts Kings Men 1993 Tee - Fits Large - Thrifted and few imperfections (pictured) which might come out in wash. Take for a steal, can’t find comps on eBay.
$15 - Retai1 Vintage Buzzie Nascar Racing Tee - Fits Medium - Thrifted and used only a few times.
$25 - Retail Pepsi Cola Timeless Tee 1993 Tee - Large - Bought from Consignment Shop and in great condition, just had tags removed and some slight aging as it’s an older shirt. Take for a steal.
$79 (FINAL SALE) - Y33ZY Season 5 Lost Hills Sports Jacket - Fits Medium - In like new condition and extremely rare rep from 2019, haven't seen one posted since. I have rarely used and I’m not in a rush to sell it cause this is most likely the first and last one that’s going to be posted on here, hence the price.
$69 - St0ne Isl@nd Cream Ghost Crewneck - Bu$ystone - Fits Medium-Large - Best batch out from BS as TS dosen’t offer this model. Inside is extremely plush and it such a comfy crewneck. Has tonal badge and tags on point as well.
$52 - Br0ken Plan3t “Into the Abyss” Blue Hoodie - Medium - From Hotd0g and one of the nicer designs from this brand IMO. Lightly worn and in amazing condition.


$85 - N3w Ba1ance 2002R Protection Pack Rain Cloud - TZE - 8.5 Mens - Bought best batch out at the time from TZE. Lightly used and still in amazing condition. Comfort and materials are really nice.
$139 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das 4D Exo Runners - Size 7.5 (Fits 7.5-8.5 Snug Mens) - Listings on eBay around $240 brand new/used. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition.
$129 OBO - Retail Y-3 x Ad1das Terrex Swift R3 Goretex - 8.5 Mens - Multiple listings on eBay around $230 brand new. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$79 OBO - Retail Y-3 Ajatu Court Low Black - 8 Mens - Selling for around $166 on StockX. Take for an absolute steal. Lightly used and in amazing condition. Has continental bottoms and perfect shoe for outdoors.
$29 - Black/White Penny Lug Loafers - Fits Mens Size 7.5-8 - Used once and in amazing condition. Saw Jeff Goldblum wear similar model and he pulls them off great but too small on me.
$49 - Kapita1 Visv1m Slides - Fits 8.5 Mens - Worn quite a bit but still has a lot of life. The top and bottoms are very clean and the bed could use a wash.
$23 - Ultraboost$ Oreo 3.0 - 10 Mens (Fits 9-9.5 Mens) - Best batch out from Lin. Used but flash really accentuates flaws, they still have a lot of life.
$36 - N1ke Dunks Curry - Mens 8 - Used on the baseball fields but as you can seen from the bottoms they are still in amazing condition and once cleaned up will be perfect.
$15 - Retai1 Brown Dress Shoes - Mens 8.5 - Worn a few times and quality is amazing, take for a steal.
$89 OBO - Retail N1ke Air Max 1 Premium Hangul SE - 8.5 Mens - Brand new and only tried on. Paid 140 for them, take for a steal.

Accessories (Wallets/Belt/Bags/Cologne):

$13 - Retail T0M Ford “Oud Wood” Cologne Sample - 2ML - Beautiful smell and sprayed a little once just to try. A great way of sampling this beautiful fragrance.
$12 - Cart1er Tank Strap from G33ktime - Strap for smallest size of Cartier Tank (I think it’s small?). Nice but I replaced mine, take for a steal.
$22 (2 Left!) - Stu$$y Camo Waist Bag - One Size - Brand new with tags. Perfect for fitting phone, wallet, keys, portable charger, and more. Amazing quality and IMO 1:1 with Retail.
$34 (2 Left!) - Loui$ Vuitt0n Checkered Brown/Gold Belt - (Adjutable / Waist: 28-34, Includes Belt Hole Puncher for Waist Sizes under 28) - Brand New. 110cm long. Using personal for around 6 months, leather is supple & belt is very durable.
!!$18 (2 Left!) - Bap3 Camo Green Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.!!
$18 - Aap3 Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag.
!!$16 (1 Left!) - Palac3 Tri-Ferg Black Wallet - One Size - Brand New with papers and bag. Misspelled papers, but wallet is spot on.!!

Jewelry (Rings, Pendants, Necklaces, Keychains):

$25 - Chr0me Heart$ Pendants - OOS - Brand New & lead tested, have sold many with good reviews. I’ve personally used most models for 6+ months daily along with an Amazon-bought chain. Pendants have nice weight/quality and always get compliments. 925 sterling silver plated and has been used in the gym without issues. Available Models:
$23 - Chr0me Heart$ Silichrome 20th Anniversary Cross Necklace - One Size Fits All (26 Inches) - Great alternative to paying CH’s wild retail price of $160, this rep is extremely accurate IMO (.95:1). Available Colors:
$21 - LV Keychain Black Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$21 - LV Keychain Brown Checkered - OOS - Brand new and in plastic wrapping.
$22 - Retail Gue$$ Blue/Black Watch - Fits Up to 6.25 Inch Wrists (Has additional clasp to expand to ~6.5 Inches) - Paid 120 shipped for this, take for an absolute steal. Movement is stuck so might need new battery, selling as is.
$22 (Add-On) - Culture K1ngs Cap CarrieStorage NFS - OOS - Exclusive item not being sold; need to buy 3 hats to receive. Take at a great price.


$40 (1 Left!) - Ga11ery Dept Upside Down Logo Trucker Hat - Adjustable - New with tags. Best batch out. Solid batch
$34 (1 Left!) - Balenciag@ Brown Logo Beanie - One Size - Best batch out and deadstock, take for a steal.
$29 (2 Left!) - Chrom3 Heart$ “Big CH” Beanie - One Size - Brand new in bag. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads.
$35 (1 Left!) - Chr0me Hearts Pink Hollywood Hat - Adjustable - Bought a while ago and worn a few times. Amazing fit and solid batch.
$33 - Retail LA Dodgers 9F0rty N3w 3ra Purple Haze A-Frame Hat - Adjustable - Retail and sold out at Cultur3 Kings. Link to retail is HERE. Paid $42 with shipping, just trying to make some money back, take them for $34 with free shipping. Insane quality and has nice Jackie Robinson patch on side.
$20 - Canad@ Goos3 Beanies Various Colors - One Size - Brand new with tags. Very stretchy and breathable to fit most sized heads. Models:
$25 - Retail D0dgers A-Frame Trucker Hat N3w Era - Adjustable - Brand new and never used. I think this is a European exclusive as I see no US sellers have this. Take for a steal price.
$22 - Vuj@ De “VD” Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and nice quality blank.
$22 - Prad@ Badge Black Hat - One Size (Adjustable) - Brand new and never used. Clean embroidery and compared badge to SurvivalSourc3 keychain and looks 1:1.
$22 - Acn3 Studio$ Ice Grey Knit Beanie - One Size - Brand New. Embroidery and quality of beanie are spot on with Retail.
submitted by jimmythecollector to FashionRepsBST [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 19:10 Zagaroth [No Need For A Core?] - CH 193: Beach Day

Cover Art <<Previous Start Next >>
GLOSSARY This links to a post on the free section of my Patreon. Note: "Book 1" is chapters 1-59, "Book 2" is chapters 60-133, "Book 3", is 134-193, "Book 4" is CH 194-(ongoing)
The vastness of the ocean was hard to understand until you truly saw it. Kazue mused upon this thought as she and Moriko walked slowly along the beach of this port city. It was the third and last day they would be spending here before they moved on. Since they had left the capital, they had been much more careful about how long they lingered in any one location. Most places they gave no more than one non-traveling day to, but this city was Kazue's first visit to the sea, and there was much to see and learn here.
Though somewhat surprisingly, neither of the spirits she currently had bonded to her related directly to the sea or sand, or other such ocean themed concepts. The first of them was a rather esoteric, ephemeral entity; a creature of light and shadow, of liminal places and the borders between. Kazue still didn't know why this was the spirit that responded when she was seeking a solution to how the sun readily burned her skin, but she suspected it had more to do with the light and shadow aspects than the liminal aspects, even if these things weren't entirely separable. And it had provided her with the spell she needed.
Of course, the reason she needed it was that Moriko had insisted they buy dresses in the local fashion, though Kazue had insisted that Moriko join her in wearing the short pants that were commonly paired with the lightweight dresses that barely fell to mid-thigh. The fabric was thankfully thicker across the chest because it was borderline sheer in other places, and it was only held up by a thin pair of straps for the shoulders.
And this exposure was no doubt a good portion of why Moriko had insisted on such flimsy casual wear. Not that Kazue had much to complain about, as it did give such a wonderful view of her wife's legs and the way the sun shone on Moriko's skin as the muscles beneath flexed. Yum. While the wide-brimmed hat that Kazue was wearing did make it harder to look up to see people, it did help hide her gaze when she wanted to admire her wife's figure discreetly.
That figure had been such a beautiful sight last night, when Moriko had recklessly chosen to dance in the air with the thunderstorm. It had been both enthralling and terrifying to watch the half-elf laughing almost maniacally as she leapt across the sky; wind, rain, and lightning swirling about her lithe form. While Kazue might have been able to pull together enough spells to enable her to at least join her wife up there, it wouldn't have really been dancing the same way. Kazue would have been moving despite the elements, not with and because of the elements, and she would have had to put a lot more effort into ensuring that lightning didn't strike her.
Not that Moriko was immune to a direct hit from a natural bolt of lightning, no, the reckless woman was entrusting to her control of the elements to keep such a strike from hitting her.
But if Moriko hadn't gone out to dance in that storm, Kazue wouldn't have met the second spirit she was keeping bonded right now: a spirit of lightning and storms. While not so esoteric as her liminal spirit, it could be almost as ephemeral. She knew that they would continue to exist as discrete entities so long as they were bonded with her, but they were the sort of spirit that might otherwise dissipate when conditions were no longer optimal for them. Especially the liminal one; Kazue thought it might have come into existence because she'd been putting effort into finding something that could help her out.
What she was hoping was that if she could keep them bonded long enough to give them a stronger sense of identity and self that they'd be able to exist independently. It was limiting for her to keep them bonded; she could only keep two bonded at a time, and it took several minutes under optimal conditions to bond with a new one. But she didn't mind and thought that her liminal spirit worked really well with her ability to bring dreams and imagination briefly to the surface of reality. Her trick for making it briefly hard to tell where she was as random images of might-have-beens flickered around her could be amplified along the edges of spaces, letting her slide through reality a bit more. She could move further so long as it was along a border and squeeze through gaps she otherwise shouldn't be able to fit through.
Her lightning and storm spirit did not synergize quite so well, though it could speed her up and that did help, and its bolts of lighting were probably her most powerful ranged abilities at the moment. But she hadn't had a good chance to test it out yet, not inside of city limits. But maybe tomorrow while they were on the road.
For now, Kazue was listening to Moriko recount yesterday's events back home.
"So after breakfast, Mordecai tormented the kids by waiting a while before asking if there was anything that wanted to talk about. Then he just nodded thoughtfully when they spoke and asked things like 'is there anything else?' while smiling patiently and encouragingly. The two of them spilled their guts." Moriko was having trouble not laughing while she recounted the tale, and it made Kazue grin.
Nothing truly inappropriate had happened, but it they were at the edge of different social rules. There was a difference between the three of them sharing a room with well-understood rules, and very different for one of them to spend the night in the other's private room. And it certainly wasn't the dungeon's place to 'punish' them for any sort of indiscretion, perceived or otherwise. But as the adults in charge of the area, it certainly fell to them to help encourage a healthy amount of responsibility. Thus Mordecai 'forcing' Derek and Shizoku to tattle on themselves and explain exactly why that wasn't supposed to happen.
Moriko continued happily, "After he'd gotten them to give themselves their own guilt trip, Mordecai gave the pair heavy head rubs and laughed at them before letting them know they weren't in any trouble. His only real concern was responsibility, and he thought that they were both pretty responsible overall but that going forward they should be more careful. He didn't say it directly, but he implied that being responsible might be harder as time went on."
Which was a pretty fair assessment. The Azeria clan worried about it a lot less than even other kitsune clans as all pregnancies were causes for celebration and there was plenty of support for the girl without a need for the father to be in the picture. Kazue had no illusions that this meant her clan was some bastion of enlightenment. Part of the reason that Shizoku leaned so heavily on her grandmother and the forest spirit for parental guidance was that her father had five wives who also wanted his attention and Shizoku's mother hadn't felt the need to be very responsible when there were other women who were happy to spend time cooing over Shizoku and taking care of her. Kazue was fairly certain that this was also the reason that the young kitsune had a tendency to crush on older men, but hopefully, that was taken care of now.
"So after that, Fuyuko decided she wanted to make her contract with the dungeon official. Mordecai made sure to write everything up with her becoming our ward and after it was done he sent a copy of it to both Riverbridge and Azeria to get her status recorded. And then it was on to training! Gentle training this time. Well, mostly. For Shizoku and Fuyuko it was focused around marksmanship practice, mixed with switching their weapons out on the fly. He doesn't think that Shizoku would need to swap between gun and staff quickly very often, but there was no reason to skip that part of the training. For Fuyuko, he's popping up surprise targets for her and mixing them up with some 'targets' that are actually innocents. He says that it should help her get her battle rage under control. Oh, and the swords that came with her bracers are falcatas. They aren't good for fancy sword work but he figures that sometimes she might just need to hit things hard, so these will be better than her long daggers. I have to say, the only reason those things are 'daggers' is because of how tall she is. They'd probably feel like short swords for me, and almost certainly be swords for you, ankle biter."
Well, Kazue wouldn't mind biting Moriko, but that was a slightly different topic and she had her honor to defend. "Careful what you say, my love. This little ankle biter has very sharp teeth and knows exactly where you sleep every night. And she might just think you are tasty enough to take a big bite out of."
"Eek, I am terrified," Moriko said while laughing, "oh please don't eat me all up scary fox lady, I don't know what I'd do." Ignoring Kazue's threatening glare Moriko continued passing on the dungeon's events. "Anyway, the blades are heavier than Fuyuko is used to and weighted a little strangely, but Mordecai says she's adapting fast. Now, as for Derek, well, Mordecai is pushing him a little bit more. Our husband has sectioned off part of the arena to be an elemental testing and training ground. It generates random sparks and bubbles of different elements which naturally drift toward any living thing in the area and speed up as they get closer. Derek has been sitting in the middle of it and his training is to use only his elemental abilities to push them away. And Mordecai has made sure to lean heavily on fire and lightning as those seem to be Derek's weakest elements right now. Man, the poor kid. But he at least has some moral support, Bellona is right there with him. She's taking more of a beating actually, she doesn't have any influence over wood and only indirect influence on metal. She's not going to be there every day though, and Mordecai plans on this being the majority of their training to finish out the first month of the exchange program."
Given how long it had taken the kids to get through the dungeon, there wasn't a lot more time to finish out a month, so everyone had agreed to just start the program early. After this, Derek and Shizoku would arrange to travel with other groups back to his home and after a few days of rest head back to the dungeon, where Fuyuko would rejoin them and they would all head to the Azeria clan to begin a month of training.
"Everything else has just been going smoothly. With your non-combat path, we've been attracting a lot of people who are willing to spend weeks to get through the dungeon instead of the days it takes the combat teams. Though there aren't a lot of teams clearing the wetlands, most of the ones who finish the river zone don't even try it. The people on your path usually only give up if it's taking too long. Oh, and Mordecai says he'd like you to practice working with enchanting crystal-focused items, especially anything that involves altering the crystal itself. He's hoping that the two of you combined might be able to manually convert other gems and crystals into core matrix, though it will probably take both of you to figure it out."
Well, as much as Kazue admired their husband, she did have to admit to herself that it was kind of nice to see that he wasn't as all-knowing as he sometimes appeared to be. And that wasn't a bad idea, it could make a nice project over the winter, when they weren't occupied by other things. Warm thoughts and feelings flowed with that idea, only to be dashed by a sudden sensation of dread and danger. Kazue spun to put her back to Moriko as she frantically searched for the source of that sensation.
A few moments later she realized that the source was inside her, a tug and pull toward her faraway home. She crushed down the panic that wanted to bubble forth and turned back to Moriko, who had gone still and pale.
Moriko met her worried gaze and confirmed Kazue's fears. "We're under attack."
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Also to be found on Royal Road.
My Patreon My Discord Top Web Novels - Romance.io - TVTropes
$3. : 10 Early chapters, lore excerpts $5. : 20 Early chapters, Short Stories $10 : 30+ Early chapters, New stories not published anywhere else (Until after I finish this story at least) . . . . . "A Girl and Her Dungeon", "The Celestine Fox", and AU Core 1: "Coreless"
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2024.06.02 15:27 TheDreadPirateRobots [Have Gun - Will Travel] - 1.9

After bidding goodbye to Woodhouse and exiting my subconscious, I entered my Inner Sanctum and noticed that the grandfather clock had just a couple of minutes remaining until midnight. As I was debating if I should exit the Dreamland or not, the clock struck midnight. The computer dinged a little melody and began installing the updates while I amused myself by watching Happy Memories on my inner television. My 7th birthday was especially happy, with the entire family gathering to celebrate.
The lights in the sanctum flickered, drawing my attention to the computer.
[Installation Complete. Reboot? Y/N]
I selected [Y] and lost consciousness.
HumanOS Version: 3.0 Model: Vincent J. Carter Serial: 987-65-4329 Battery: 1440 @ 100% Memory: 494/1024 Provider: (PSY) Credits: 1630 Expansion: small white mana stone (unprimed) Apps: Labourer 1.1, Bounty Hunter 3.3, Psychic Skills 1.9 Utilities: Quickdraw 2.1, Aimed Shot 2.1, Haymaker 1.0, Bounty Sense 1.0, Quick Draw1.0, Aimed Shot1.0, Traps and Gadgets 1.0, Intimidation 1.0, Tracking 1.0, Survival 1.0, Marksmanship 1.0, Close Combat 1.0, Stealth 1.0, Negotiation 1.0, Second Wind 1.0, Aura Manipulation 1.2, Auric Sight 1.3, Dreamworld 1.2, Mind Over Matter 1.0, Regeneration 1.0, Disassembly 2.1, Items: S&H Mongoose
I woke to the smell of Delilah cooking over the campfire and peered at the screen blocking my vision making note of the changes and resolving to dig into them further when time permitted. For now, most things seemed to be instinctive instead of needing a mental trigger to function.
That’s a good thing, because I’m horrible at stuff like that.
Dismissing the screen, I rolled over and inhaled deeply. It smells like breakfast will be wolf-skewers and coffee, once I get up and make the coffee. Crawling out of my tarps, I grunted a good morning to the Elf and set about making a pot of coffee.
“You drink coffee?” I asked, wondering how much to make.
Delilah shook her head. “Too bitter,” she replied.
After setting the tin coffeepot next to the campfire to boil, I began packing my things away, stowing them in the inventory space contained in my saddlebags. My Auric sight spotted a silvery thread leading from Delilah into the trees where I spotted Beatale after a few moments of searching. His golden eyes met mine and blinked slowly before returning his attention to scanning the area.
Ten minutes later I was sipping a cup of hot Joe and my morning grogginess had mostly passed.
[Ding! Mana-infused meal consumed. Credits +5]
Nice. Looks like I earn experience just by eating the things that try to eat me.
“How did you become a Summoner?” I asked Delilah when I was half finished my coffee.
“My tribe sacrificed mana cores to Llewellen, goddess of the Tengaoi,” She said, looking puzzled. “Much like Humans sacrifice to their gods, pay gold to those who build the wizard towers, or improve themselves with meditation.”
I sipped my coffee and thought about that. Seems it’s not unusual for someone to spend money to buy Apps and Utilities.
“What about upgrading?” I said, being vague on purpose. She obviously got my meaning, because she answered without hesitation.
“Using your Skills and Abilities increases their limits and accumulates Toh, which can be sacrificed to the Goddess for advancements.”
“What about mana cores?”
“That is only for those without Toh,” she replied. It seemed that you had to buy your way into the club, then you paid for the membership with credits.
Looks like anyone wealthy enough can game the system to start with, but they still have to level up the hard way.
As we talked it became apparent that people earned one experience per day from the day they were born and could sacrifice it at a temple to choose a class when they came of age at 15 years. Calculator told me that 5850 credits were available to spend at age 15 and a quick check of the maths showed that I received credits equal to my age, if the years were 390 days long. Which they were.
“I’ll be heading to Wendleton,” I said, changing the subject. “What are your plans?”
“I am returning to my tribe now that my quest is complete,” She hesitated then stood and removed a leather necklace that featured a large tooth as its centrepiece. “Please accept this. It will guarantee hospitality with the Tangaoi tribes, and some measure of respect with other Elves.”
Accepting the necklace from her hands, I placed it around my neck. “Thank you,” I said. “It’s always nice to have friends.”
She nodded and summoned her mount with a bone totem, saddled it, and mounted a few minutes later. “Safe travels, Vinnie.” She said. “Perhaps we will meet again.”
“Safe travels Delilah,” I echoed. “I hope we do meet again.”
A faint smile crossed her lips before turning her horse and cantering down the trail.
“Well, Horse,” I said after she had disappeared into the distance. “Looks like it’s just you and me now.”
Horsey thoughts filled my head, with distinct overtones of fresh oats. Laughing, I promised him some once we made town. Extinguishing the campfire, I stowed away the remainder of my gear, swung into the saddle, and trotted down the overgrown road.
An hour later the arid scrubland had given way to a rugged grassland filled with clumps of evergreen and other hardy species of deciduous trees. It was nothing like the Colorado I knew, a completely different environment than I was familiar with. The miles passed slowly and after another hour I could make out a caravan of wagons ahead of me. I quickly caught up with them and gave them a jaunty wave as I passed. They were quickly left behind as Horse trotted tirelessly down the road.
Mostly tirelessly. It was 10/hour of battery for standby or a walk, 15/hr for a trot, and 25/hr for a gallop. I wasn’t about to ruin my arse galloping to town, so I settled for cutting the time in half. I’d arrive around noon.
The closer I got to Wendleton, the denser the trees became, shifting from hardy evergreen to those more suitable to a temperate clime. The grass and underbrush also became thicker and greener, filled with vitality and suggesting that this area received more rain than the previous. Looking back, I could see that my altitude had been dropping as I rode. It wasn’t perceptible while I was riding, but from a distance I could tell that I had descended several hundred feet in elevation.
I pulled up [MAP] and began to construct a backstory for myself. Memorising a few cities between the city-state of Wendleton and the Colonial port city of New Frankfort, I wove a tale of a restless traveller from Colonia seeking his fortune in the Midlands. It was flimsy as discount toilet tissue, but hopefully it’d endure a few proper wipes until I got some sort of identification.
After covering miles of dusty road filled with deciduous trees, I began seeing verdant farmland and quaint hamlets close to the road, and reached Wendleton around noon.
The imposing walls encompassing the city greeted us from afar, their sheer magnitude commanding attention even at a distance. Wondering why they were built got me thinking; those walls weren’t just for show. They stood about fifty feet tall and were some thirty feet thick, solid enough to make you wonder what they were really keeping out. And they weren't just bare walls; they were decked out with towers and old-school battlements, giving off serious medieval vibes.
Yet, what truly captured my attention were the scars that marred the surface of those walls. These scars, bearing witness to bygone conflicts, whispered tales of valour and triumph. Each mark seemed to echo the city's rich history, as if its very narrative had been etched into the stone. The sight was nothing short of mesmerising, offering a glimpse into the storied past of Wendleton.
Traffic was flowing in and out of the gate without any obvious security or tax checks in place. Two guards dressed in chainmail armour stood by the gate, with a short sword at their waist and a shotgun slung over their shoulder. They eyeballed me as I slowed Horse to a canter and stopped in front of them. “I’m looking for a quiet place to stay a few days,” I said.
They looked at one another. “The Green Pig,” one said. “Tell them Martin sent you and you may get a discount.”
“Or they may charge you double,” the other guard laughed, slapping his comrade on the shoulder. “But yeah, you should be alright.”
“I’ve taken the scenic route from New Frankfort to get here,” I said, planting the seeds of my new background. “Do I need to register anywhere?”
“Not unless you want citizenship,” Martin said, scratching under his leather cap and examining his fingernails. “You can talk to someone at the Governor’s office about that.”
After getting directions to both places, I thanked the duo and made my way to the suggested inn.
The city inside the walls was a strange mixture of Spanish and European medieval, the buildings built mostly from brick and wood, with lots of wrought iron and balconies. The cobblestone streets rang under the hooves of wagons carrying goods from one place to another while pedestrians crowded the wide sidewalks. Horse navigated the streets and dodged the occasional street sweeper removing dung and other debris from the cobblestones.
Hats were everywhere, as were big bushy beards and thick moustaches. Women wore dresses that hung to just above their ankle while most of the men were dressed similar to myself with linen pants and shirts, with vests and jackets being worn more often than not. All in all, my impression was more of an old western city than some medieval European city.
The scream of a whistle startled me and I quickly located the source of the sound, a genuine steam locomotive pulling out of the local station. As Horse moved down the road under his own guidance I watched the train pull away, hauling passengers and freight to some distant destination.
A few streets later we were in front of a cozy looking tavern with a freshly painted sign bearing the trademark of the inn — a prancing Green Pig.
A few horses were tied to the hitching post outside so I did the same for Horse, wrapping his reins loosely around the rough wood while he dipped his nose into the water trough and drank deeply.
“Don’t wander off,” I said, patting his flank as I headed towards familiar saloon doors that were a staple of every western movie ever made. Pausing, I waited for someone to be tossed through them, then entered with only a slight disappointment that no one had been hurled into the streets. The interior was an eclectic mix of Old West and Medieval, wooden walls decorated with the skulls of strange animals, booths that lined the walls and smaller tables set in front of a large fireplace that featured an oversized mantle. A wide bar took up the rear of the room and the wall behind it was covered in shelves of liquor, with a large mirror featured prominently in the centre. Narrow stairs next to the bar led up to a balcony above where I could see several more tables and a hallway that led into the recesses of the building.
Everyone looked my way as I stood in the door before rejoining conversation with their companions or turning their attention back to the food in front of them. The smell of some meaty stew filled my nostrils, causing my stomach to growl and remind me it had been many hours since my last meal.
Making my way across the hardwood floor to the bar, I plastered a smile on my face and spoke to the skinny bartender pouring a pint from the taps. His hair was greying, as was his moustache, but only a few crowsfeet gathered around his eyes when he returned my smile. “Martin said this would be a good place to stay a few days while I’m in town,” I said.
Light from the door flashed across his glasses as he looked me over. “That it would,” He replied. “Clean bed, two meals, two bits. Or three silver a fortnight.”
I pulled three silver from my inventory and placed them on the smooth surface of the bar, their sudden appearance causing his eyebrow to arch.
“A fortnight then,” He nodded, pushing the pint at me before drawing another. “Something to cut the dust, mister…”
“Vinnie,” I said after draining half the pint. “Vinnie Carter.”
“Lucas Steele,” the barman nodded. “Don’t mess with the girls, breakfast at dawn, dinner at dusk, lunch is two brass. Brass for a beer or whiskey.”
I materialised four brass coins and pushed them across the bar. “Lunch and another pint.”
“Give me a minute and I’ll get everything sorted,” He said with a smile, scooping the coins up.
Nodding, I turned my attention to the patrons in the inn, watching them eat lunch and converse with their companions. Some appeared to be haggling over business matters and I pegged them as merchants or some other related class. My eye caught a man standing near the door, staring at posters on the wall. Wanted posters. Finishing off my pint, I walked over and had a look at them myself.
The man was dressed similar to myself, with a light jacket instead of a vest. Red embroidery accented his black jacket, thorns crawling up the lapels and circling around the collar. He was older than me, maybe in his 40s, face tanned from a lifetime spent in the sun and weather.
“Vinnie,” I said, touching my hat. “Anything good?”
He looked me over and turned his attention back to the posters. “Silas,” He responded. “I’m thinking about going after Blackheart Bill.”
I looked at the wanted poster in question, offering 280 silver for Bill and 20 silver for each of his gang, dead or alive.
“I’m new to the profession myself,” I said. “Any pointers you’d care to share?”
Silas looked at me and smiled. “Shoot first,” he said. “Everything will sort itself after that.”
I laughed, a cheerless sound as I was reminded that I had chosen the profession of psychotics for some reason. Did I really have it in me to be a Bounty Hunter? Was it too late to pick Cowboy? I stared at the posters on the wall, imagining my new life, hunting men and killing them.
For some reason, the thought didn’t bother me much. Maybe it was the difference between imagining it and the reality of a dead body in front of me?
“How green are you?” Silas asked.
“Green as grass,” I admitted.
Silas snorted. “Can you handle that hogleg?” He said, indicating the Mongoose at my hip.
“Still learning,” I said. No sense in talking myself up when I had no clue as to what was average around here. “Any suggestions for my first bounty?”
Silas looked me over with an appraising eye. “Ride with me and we’ll collect Blackheart Bill.”
submitted by TheDreadPirateRobots to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:41 EchoingCascade Tranquility.

Xavier Vincent was a man born in the wrong era, he would have fit in perfectly a millennia ago in a frontier city during the gold rush in the old Wild West. Instead luck would have him born just in time to see the first Human colonists leaving good old Terra for parts unknown. He sold all he had for a ticket on a long range colony ship, strapped his great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's six shooter to his hip and brought his horse on the long cryo sleep...
Then a century later his ship was stopped by a Terran alliance vessel, as it turns out Humanity found several species who helped them breech the technological gap and faster than light travel was achieved in a fraction of what scientists had expected. Vincent was crestfallen when he arrived at his planet of destination, it was an old vibrant city and not a barely functioning colony like he had hoped. Once more the times had played him a bad hand but he refused to give up and boarded a shuttle for the further planetoid in the system where a small farming city of Silos, vaguely Elf like humanoids, were living a simple life.
It's on the outskirts of the small city, a village really, called “Tranquility” where Vincent lay, crushed under the carcass of his horse Betty, bleeding to death.
Shot to death by pirates, bandits by any other name... Not sure if this is the worse way I could have died or the best. A few hours ago a group of twenty had shown to the outpost Vincent called home, they had asked him for his horse and weapons, made it clear that while worded politely it was very much an ultimatum. He had drawn his gun and shot two of them dead before their leader blew Betty and him up. The bandits cursed a storm and one of them moved in to finish him off.
“No.” Said their leader. “Leave him to die a slow death, I want him to know that because of his actions the city will burn, we wanted to have a bit of fun but you killed our good friends, that demands retribution.” He moved in close and whispered the last part in Vincent's ear. “I hope you live long enough to see the flames from here.”
He wished he could say something, move a muscle, spit in his face, something, anything but his sight was becoming hazy and his eyes began to close...
Vincent woke up, still under his horse, still bleeding to death but otherwise feeling fine.
What are you?” The interrogation seemed to come from the wind itself rather than be carried by it.
More specifically.
“... Bleeding to death I guess?”
Species!” The voice sounded annoyed.
“Human and who or what might you be friend?”
A dust devil appeared in front of Vincent and coalesced into a creature that looked like a Silos if it was made of wind and sand. “I'm a Demon from these part, I own many souls but not a Human one, care to make a deal?” The apparition looked over his shoulder.“You don't mind right?
Vincent followed his line of sight and saw a skeletal figure wearing a black cloak, sitting on a folding chair reading a book. Death made a dismissive gesture and muttered something about “FREE WILL” and kept on reading.
Vincent raised an eyebrow but didn't give it more thought, he had an idea and more importantly a village to save. “Bring me and Betty back with bodies that can't die, once I stop the bandits my soul is yours.” The demon smiled and was about to lay his hand on him and Betty when Vincent stopped him, he seemed to have remembered something. “Oh yes, they have a long head start by now and even on her best day Betty could never catch up in time, make her as swift as the wind and make sure she can't tire.” Death raised his head at this and for a moment was about to say something but he caught the look on Vincent's eyes, grinned and returned to his book. “Fine.” Then the creature touched both Vincent and his horse.
Lady Slenas, mayor of Tranquility, was holed up in her resident with the rest of the folk as Torien and his pirates destroyed everything in sight, they claimed Old Man Vincent had killed two of their numbers and they would now pay the price, Slenas thoughts went to the old Human. He had moved in a few months ago to the further outpost still technically within city limits and spent any free time he had ridding his beast of burden at speeds most sentient species would deem unsafe. Most of the able body men where working in the fields and would not be back in time to be of any help. Wished you had killed a few more you old weirdo.
She was getting ready to arm the women and children when an unnatural mist rolled into town. The pirates stopped what they were doing and looked around in shocked confusion, then shots came from the mist. The other women and children had no idea what was happening but Lady Slenas recognized the sound of “Big Iron” Old Man Vincent's archaic weapon.
As screams and explosions echoed throughout the city Torien was terrified, he had heard the weapon a few hours ago but the owner of said weapon was very much past saving when he had left him. It can't be him! He's dead, he has to be! The mist began to lift and Torien felt better every passing second, until he noticed he was the only member of his groups still standing.
“Shouldn't have done that friend, shouldn't have gone after the good folk of Tranquility.” The mist hadn't lifted as he had hoped, Torien watched with mounting horror as the mist gathered into the shape of the man he had killed earlier, he was still mounted on his strange beast and as the monstrosity drew it's weapon from it's holster faster than it should be possible, Torien heard more than felt the bullet that ended his life.
Lady Slenas had many questions, that is until a dust devil formed next to the phantasmal Human. He made a deal with a Demon, for us. She felt relief and sorrow and then her relief turned to guilt...
Time to go, we had a deal.
“I reckon you're right.” Old Man Vincent tipped his hat in the direction of Lady Slenas and reared his horse on it's hind legs and grinned.
“You'll have to catch me first though!” At which point he rode off like the wind, literally.
The people of Tranquility were shocked but not as shocked as the Demon who hesitated just long enough for Vincent to gain an insurmountable head-start.
From this point on, on days of heavy rain or when mist would roam the land, the sound of hooves could be heard accompanied by the of laughter of the damned, a rider running for his very soul, a dead-man... Having the time of his life...
submitted by EchoingCascade to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.06.01 21:28 SupposedEnchilada Edelweiss is now fully armed

Edelweiss is now fully armed
Edelweiss has been patiently sitting, waiting for me to build her armor and weapons, but now it’s finally done. Here’s a few shots of the finished product. The award for my least favorite piece is the pauldron (it’s held together by the power of dreams like the green feather in her hat). Since it kept falling off with the shoulder blades while posing the arms for pictures, I decided to display without for now.
Even with that small hang-up, I still think she’s one of my favorite kits so far. I really like how the swords and robo-arms form a set of flexible wings. I hope more studios release elf characters in the near future.
Three questions for you all: - Do you usually display kits fully armed or unarmed?
  • Does anyone know if any of the new Buster Doll blank face sets are compatible with Edelweiss or Bullet Knights faceplates? I’m guessing not, but I wasn’t sure if the Chaos & Pretty ones were close enough and figured it was worth asking.
  • Is there any kit that comes with an extra mid torso piece or will I need to go third party for that? I have almost everything else necessary between Exorcist and Edelweiss for a spare parts build apart from the torso and some arms.
submitted by SupposedEnchilada to MegamiDevice [link] [comments]
