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2024.06.09 20:53 FewWillingness1081 How to get customer feedback for your SaaS on social media platforms like Reddit, Linkedin, and Facebook

How to get customer feedback for your SaaS on social media platforms like Reddit, Linkedin, and Facebook

Getting customer feedback for your SaaS on social media platforms like Reddit, Linkedin, and Facebook

One of the best ways to get engagement on your social media accounts is by "asking" for advice. This can be advice about your profile page (optimization), website, product, store, or perhaps even an article, or post. Depending on which platform you use that advice could range from a polite suggestion (Linkedin) to a scary, vile response (Reddit).
No one likes to stand out from a crowd. It's a very real way of getting "cut down" by others if you're not mentally prepared to receive the feedback you asked for. In fact, in some cases, you might even receive feedback you didn't expect, and may not be in a position to hear.
While being on the recipient end of getting feedback has never been easy, it's also a position that many people would die to be in. If you're capable of persuading complete strangers (organically) to provide you with feedback, for better or worse, it's a win in your situation. Many companies pay well over 6 figures (sometimes 7) annually to have a constant stream of feedback, while others can simply go on Reddit and ask questions that have the potential to go viral. I'm sure Tinder, Hinge, Bumble Inc., and many other applications would love that a simple viral post on Reddit can garner enough feedback to influence change over their winning products. You're welcome (Viral Reddit Post).

Learn the skill of patience & deciphering

If the feedback comes in, and you don't agree with it, it's still important to have a process in place to break down what you received at face value, versus what it could mean, and how it relates to the outlook of your product. If it doesn't align, then leave it, but look at it from various angles, and bring in a second, or third opinion to help you analyze the data.
Here are a few questions I would ask to help me analyze newfound data:
  1. Am I breathing? You should always take a deep breath before, and after reading something online. You don't know what kind of effect it can have on you.
  2. Is it relevant to the question at hand?
  3. Is it something that we already documented?
  4. Is it something we haven't considered?
  5. Is it worth being considered?
  6. What happens if we ignore the feedback?
  7. What are the potential outcomes if we implement the feedback?
  8. How difficult (or easy) is it to make changes, based on the feedback?
  9. How does it rank on the low-effort, high-value return checklist?
  10. Is someone else currently doing what is being proposed (case studies)?
  11. Does the response have a deeper meaning that cannot be posited at first glance?
Many more questions could be asked, but this is a great way of identifying if there is something deeper that you should consider. I call this "the signal, within the noise".
If you liked this brief passage, I have added this to my new e-book "The Growth Checklist" ($29), along with many other amazing topics that can help you scale your brand online through organic marketing tactics. I don't spend money on ads unless I have a consistent pipeline of 10,000 (or more) visitors to my website. This helps me optimize my funnel to make sure that we're providing value at every inflection point during the visitation process.
Thank you for reading!

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We also wrote this article, along with other similar ones on the following platforms:
  1. Linkedin
  2. Our Website
  3. Quora
Follow us on whichever platform you prefer!
submitted by FewWillingness1081 to u/FewWillingness1081 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:49 BonesJackson I went to East West Pizza (MOZZZROLLA STIX, Hiney Mustrad, Meat Bell, etc). It did not impress.

Didn't expect the amusing typo menu post to cause such a stir 'round these parts but here we are. The main reason I didn't have high hopes for the place is the lack of care in the menu, to me, indicated there was a good chance corners were cut in other areas. Perhaps things like cleanliness, ingredient quality, and flavor might also suffer the same fate as the menu, but I'm willing to give most places at least one chance if not more. I noticed also that literally every picture on their website is fake or just mooched from Google Image searches.
Keeping that in mind, the SO and I went over to East West Pizza in Seaside, formerly a Pizza Hut, then a Straw Hat Pizza, and now the current owners. The first thing that struck us was the complete lack of decor. Place was just empty and dull. Not inviting. The large digital screens that showed the now-infamous menu constantly pulsed transitions, wipes, and fade into itself making the actual ordering process distracting and mildly frustrating. I noticed the different pan sizes on the wall and pointed that out to my SO. The lady behind the counter said, "Ah yes those are leftover from Straw Hat. We don't have a personal size" despite the pan being there.
"Ok," I said, "so maybe take it off the wall?"
Lady glanced at it, then stared at me blankly. I reached towards the Personal Pan size, gesturing like I could remove it. Literally no reaction. Blank stare. I left the pan on the wall. Throwing caution to the wind I ordered a Medium Chicken Curry Pizza, and a side of the MOZZZROLLA STIX. SO went with the Chicken Curry Pasta. Side and pasta came out first, then the pizza shortly after.
Pizza: 3/10. Completely bland. Unable to find any Butter Chicken Sauce. Saving grace was when I encountered a hunk of ginger and my brain said, "oh look! Flavor!" but it was short-lived. The joy in Indian cuisine is found in the intense aromatic spices often toasted up in ghee to make those punchy dishes we love so much. And like, there was a whisper of a hint of those. And from that I can SEE why this has the potential to be a really cool fusion cuisine. But this was just bad. Chicken was dry and flavorless. Crust was doughy and a little bit undercooked. I brought the leftovers home for family to try. My mom took one bite, mad a sad face, and went, "oh. No. No thank you." My brother took ate a slice and said, "Meh. I'll pass." then grabbed his leftovers from Aabha and munched on those.
MOZZROLLA STIX FRIES: 2/10. When they arrived I didn't realize it was going to be a tray half-filled with mozzarella sticks and halfway with french fries. I picked one up and said, "Oh. They're... fleshy." "Fleshy?" SO inquired. I handed her one. "Ah. They're baked. They must not have a fryer."
Fleshy, underbaked mozzarella sticks and limp fries from a frozen bag with literally zero seasoning at all. I requested a shaker of salt to attempt to give it life because goddamn it was just a limp potato stick. And a little cup of Ranch dressing. Did not finish.
Pasta: 6/10. Not my dish but I did try a little and, despite it being a Chicken Curry pasta compared to my Chicken Curry pizza, it was an entirely different flavor profile. Chicken also was moist. She seemed to like it but I am only sort of briefly reviewing the one forkful I had.
Final thoughts are that my fears of a lazy menu being a sign of a lazy restaurant were completely justified. I do not believe the sloppy menu is a tactically-planned maneuver for marketing purposes. As it stands now I would not go back.
submitted by BonesJackson to MontereyBay [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:40 ScaryMan1985 This man kidnapped my family.The cops told me he doesn’t exist

I 30 years old and I’m living alone in Washington state. It wasn’t always this way, 5 years ago my wife and kids went missing and I know exactly who kidnapped them. The cops told me this person didn’t exist.
5 years ago before my family was kidnapped, we lived a happy life as a small family. Me, my wife, my 5 year old son, and my 2 year old daughter.
I did my normal routine, tucked the kids into bed and then went into me and my wife’s room. When I woke up, all of them were gone without a trace.
1 week after my family disappeared was the first time I saw John Raker, he was standing across the street. I walked over to talk to him. I asked him if he’s seen my family, or if he’s seen any signs. By that time I had the entire police searching everywhere for my family. John said that he hadn’t seen them but he was willing to help find them.
I appreciated John for willing to help me, but the next morning, I got woken up early, around 6:50 or so. I could here the storm cellar door being slammed shut. I got up and peered out the window. It was John Raker. He was in my backyard. I opened my window and yelled out to him. He said he was going down to search near the lake behind my house. I invited him in for a glass of orange juice.We talked for a bit then I asked him why he was looking in the storm cellar. He told me not to go down there, he said it “wasn’t safe.” That night I put a lock on the storm cellar
I hadn’t seen John for couple days after that, until one night, I lurched out of bed when I heard metal clashing outside my window. The time read 2am. He had bolt cutters in his hands, and beside him were grocery bags, months worth of groceries. What stood out most were the diapers and the baby food. He was trying to get into that storm cellar. I sprinted down the stairs, and out the back door. He stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the door slide open.
“what the fuck John” I yelled
He didn’t speak for about 30 second. He than said “your family needs me, Nick” I tried to shove past him to get into that storm cellar. He than pulled out a dagger out of his coat. He stuck the blade into my mouth.
“If you ever go in there. I’ll kill your entire family” he said. I was gagging, and when he finally pulled that knife out, blood poured of my mouth like a river. I then watched him break the lock and enter the storm cellar with the food. I must have passed out because I woke up the next morning on the lawn. My vision was bright red and blurry. My entire mouth had been gutted. I drove straight to the police station. I told them about John Raker, I told them about my family in the storm cellar. The Officers searched through public records everywhere but never found him. The Police Chief called me in and told me that John Raker doesn't exist.The officers came to my house and searched the storm cellar. My family wasn’t in there, it was just the food from the night before. They offered to park the cruiser outside my house for the night and keep an eye out. That night I saw John Raker about 50 yards down the street from the police cruiser. The next morning when I asked the officer he said he never saw him. How could he not have seen John? The officer said I could give him the call the next time I see John.
I went to bed that night and when I woke up John was standing over my bed dressed in all black.
I yelled at the top of my lungs “GET THE HELL OUT” I yelled so loud that the women jogging by called the police. The officer came over and searched my entire house. John had disappeared again. After that day the entire police department thought I had gone crazy.
Throughout the years, John had terrorized me. I’d see him almost every other day, weather he was across the street, or standing in the backyard. He was always watching. One night while I was shaving in the bathroom, I had a small glimpse of something behind the shower curtain move in the mirrors reflection. At that moment I knew exactly who it was. I wanted to show John I wasn’t afraid of him, so I just walked out of the room, turned the light off, and shut the door. That was a huge mistake. The next morning I woke up and all the knives in the kitchen disappeared.
Every month John would bring food into the storm cellar. What I noticed is he stopped bringing food down there after the 3rd year. He stopped feeding my family.
It’s the 5th year and I hadn’t seen John in over a month. I bought myself a shotgun to protect myself from John.I should’ve bought it way sooner, or was the shotgun there to protect me from myself. You see, the cops were right. John isn’t a real person, but he exists inside of me. I want my family back more than anything, but John, he wants them to suffer, he wants them to starve. John has been feeding them just the right amount of food and water so he can keep them alive. The storm cellar is where me and John would stock up the foods and essentials. The real prize was in the basement. And when I said John stopped feeding them after the 3rd year, it’s because the cashier at the grocery store became suspicious of us.
Every 2 months or so, me and John would stock up. Diapers, baby food, vitamins. This was the type of town where everyone knew each other. Everyone knew my family was kidnapped. The cashier women started doing investigations of her own. I couldn’t take any chances. I stopped going to the grocery store, I stopped feeding my family. And if you were wondering about the knives, the knives were 6 inches deep in the cashiers flesh.
As of now, my son would’ve been 10, and my daughter 7. My beautiful daughter, my wife, my son. All corpses because of John. How can those kids endure such a brutal death? How can I get rid of John for good? I bought a shotgun for a reason.
submitted by ScaryMan1985 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 alrightyaphrodite Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3

Book recap & discussion: Izabella St James ‘Bunny Tales: Behind Closed Doors at the Playboy Mansion’ - Prologue and Chapters 1-3
Izabella reflects on meeting a "$20 million-a-movie club" actor at a restaurant who finds her "astounding", he calls her the next day and they talk forever. He's extremely into her until he learns that Izabella lived at the Playboy Mansion, she says he was livid and couldn't be associated with her as her Playboy past would taint his reputation.
She feels defensive about his judgment of her Playboy Mansion past, she was letting go of the steering wheel of life and exploring herself and freedom. She says to understand each other we should know where each other has come from. So here she is to set the record straight and let you be the judge if she really did ruin her life by living as one of Hef's 7 girlfriends.
Izabella was born in Krakow, Poland. She has a handful of paragraphs talking about the beauty of Poland, the spirited and resilient character of Polish people, and she lists notable people of Poland. She writes about how Poland was the most devastated eastern European country of World War II, and is home to some of the most horrific places in the world, including Auschwitz. Her dad was a baby when his family had to flee their home after catching fire during crossfire between Germany and Russia, and he lost his brother later to a landmine. Izabella's grandpa was arrested and sent to Auschwitz for helping Jewish people - he survived but was a ghost of himself.
After WWII, she says Poland fell on the wrong side of the Iron Curtain and became a communist country - this was the setting of her childhood until age 11. She says her dad had a high up, well-paid position at a factory and their family of three had a better life than most people. TVs, cars, clothes etc. were scarce and expensive, but Izabella's family had a car, considered a luxury, and she was spoiled by her parents with lots of toys and a snack bar in her room. She's loved animals all her life and has never wanted to eat meat.
Izabella goes on many vacations with her parents in their car to other eastern European countries, but are put through unbearable screenings when they cross borders. Her dad is pressured by the Communist party to reveal names of anti-communist staff at his factory and his job is threatened. They manage to secure a special visa to visit Greece on a bus, and they plan not to return. They have to leave their possessions and everything behind as to not raise suspicions, so Izabella has to say goodbye to her dog and it breaks her heart. She lives in Greece with her parents for a year and she loves it, she learns to speak Greek. Her parents struggle with making money and starting over, and Izabella appreciates their sacrifices so that she can have more opportunities than communist Poland could offer - she's sure moving into the Playboy Mansion is not an opportunity her parents had in mind, but she's about being receptive and exploring new opportunities with the freedom her parents helped secure for her.
Izabella's family's immigration request is approved to move to Canada. They are sent to Prince George, British Columbia - a small lumber town in the Rocky Mountains. They all have to learn English, now Izabella's third language. Her parents don't see a future there so they get a van and the three drive across Canada to Toronto, where they've heard of more opportunities. They settle in Kitchener-Waterloo and Izabella starts grade 8 (age 13-14), she says even though she missed grades 5-7 moving around the world she was not behind as the Polish communist curriculum was so advanced. She starts to learn French, her fourth language. She makes friends, dates lots of boys, loses her virginity, and gets straight A's. She can't do frog dissection, and realizes she can't be a doctor, so she decides to enter the "only other traditionally prestigious and respectable profession", and become a lawyer.
She turns down scholarships to other universities and chooses McGill University in Montreal, "widely regarded as the 'Canadian Harvard'". She lives with 2 of her best friends and says they were legends in their neighborhood as 3 tall blonde housemates. She enjoyed experimentation and parties and trips with her friends. She says 'never a shortage of men' for her and her friends, and one guy she dates Keith is head over heels for her but they break up due to school demands for her and pilot training demands for him - they remain close friends. She dates a footballer Ryan from another university but they break up due to distance. She dates a guy named Sean who dotes on her, but hooks up with Ryan secretly whenever they are in the same town - Sean finds out and calls Ryan's new girlfriend and tells her too. Izabella swears off dating for a while after this fiasco.
Izabella is a double major in political science and history. She adds humanistic studies to be a more "well-rounded person" – studying Spanish, philosophy, classical music, and geography. She dreams of becoming an ambassador, a diplomat, and decides on law specializing in international affairs. She finds out Keith, her pilot ex - died in a plane crash flying his girlfriend on a snowy night. There is a major ice storm of 1998 with 5 days of no power in Montreal, she's had enough of the cold winter weather. Her grandmother passes away in Poland. The deaths of Keith and her grandmother make her consider life, and that there is more out there to experience and enjoy than just studying. She wants a change and to be somewhere warmer. When considering law schools, she weighed reputation and the lifestyle of the area equally - and applies to 2 schools in California. Pepperdine University in Malibu is the first to accept her application, her parents co-sign for her student loans, and she makes the move.
Izabella says her first year of studying at law school is a mix of satisfaction and disappointment. She’s not dated since the Ryan-Sean drama, but starts to notice a tattooed tall guy at Pepperdine “only in LA can you find a hot tattooed guy who is presumably intelligent”. The guy manages to introduce himself to Izabella after a few sightings, his name is Justin and they fall in love. This other girl wants to date Justin, and one night after Izabella drives home from a bar where that girl saw Izabella with Justin - she smells burning rubber and discovers someone ripped off her cars’ windshield wipers and stuffed them in the exhaust pipe. She believes it to be that girl but can’t prove it so lets it go.
Izabella says there is not a large international law market in LA, so she connects with someone in entertainment law who works for Playboy for an interview. It goes well but she decides to go study law in Spain over the summer where she can also work on her Spanish skills. She applies for another school loan and is off to study in Madrid for 2 months capped off with a 2-week vacation in Italy, Justin joins her and they have a great time but are “ready to kill each other” by the end of the trip. She returns to Pepperdine for her second year, she stays on top of her studies but also hits the Malibu beaches and hottest clubs in Hollywood all the time. She only makes 2 friends in law school as she says everyone is competitive, thinks they are the smartest, and if you are attractive as well as smart people will resent you.
Izabella is out with one of her two hot-confident-smart-but-also-has-personality friends from university, Vivian, one night, when they go to the same restaurant as Hugh Hefner. It was the year 2000, and in 1.5 years time Izabella will be part of Hef's ‘party posse’ – but at the time of this first sighting she would never believe that was in her future. Hef is sitting with Buffy Tyler, Katie Lohmann, and Doctor “Feelgood” Mark Saginor. Izabella says she sees a lot of girls going to introduce themselves to Hef and she thinks it is embarrassing, but Vivian wants to go say hi so Izabella reluctantly goes with her. They are invited to join the table, Izabella is fascinated by Buffy and Katie and wonders what their life and setup with Hef is like. Mark Saginor takes Izabella and Vivian’s numbers and invites them ‘Fun in the Sun’ on Sunday.
Izabella is nervously excited to visit the Playboy mansion. She says her ex, Sean, always said she should be a Playmate, and at McGill guys called her “Pam Anderson’s little sister” – not that she looked like Pamela Anderson at all, just because Pam was huge in Canada and “any girl with blonde hair and boobs was always compared to her”. At ‘Fun in the Sun’, it is not as wild as she had imagined. She says hi to Buffy Tyler who she finds cool and friendly. Izabella asks if she lives at the mansion and Buffy says she shares a room with Katie Lohmann and that it’s a lot of fun. Later on, Izabella notices one of Hef’s girlfriends “surrounded by a group of wanna-be Girlfriends”, the girlfriend comes over to Izabella and tells her she is pretty – Izabella says this girlfriend will later be her roommate at the mansion and partner in adventure. (Most likely Tiffany Holliday).
Izabella and Vivian are invited to mansion parties and attend many together – Vivian says they should call and ask to be invited back to Fun in the Sun, Izabella does not tell Vivian that she has been receiving invites to Fun in the Sun all along. Izabella doesn’t go to the Sunday ‘FITS’ as to not upset Justin, and she is fine with just going to big mansion parties. Izabella is working for a professor helping with a book on international business transactions, but she realizes she would have to move East where there is a broader international law curriculum to continue her studies as planned.
By the end of her second year at Pepperdine, Izabella and Justin take a break as he will be studying for the bar this summer and Izabella is ready to travel again. She gets another school loan to study at Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland – “one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe”. She studies in cafes, visits the underground salt city Royal Salt Mine at Wieliczka, and has a deeply memorable and heart-breaking trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camps where her grandfather had been sent. Justin calls her over the summer and it’s nice, but she decides she is not ready to jump back into their relationship.
She returns to her last semester in LA and is excited to resume attending mansion parties, and Fun in the Sun again now that she doesn’t have to worry about upsetting a boyfriend. Justin remains close and she draws comfort from that. Attending the parties at the mansion is her only plans in regards to Hef. “I never imagined what the future would bring”.
Chapter 4 coming soon
submitted by alrightyaphrodite to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:36 Cassius_O OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County

OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County
OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County
———————//—————- Apple Valley Animal Shelter is a high kill shelter in the high desert of San Bernardino county. We don’t post very many cats from here YET… because there is a lack of rescues, there is a lack of fosters, there is a lack of resources and systems in place to help the cats at the shelter. Last year in 2023, 7% of the cats exited the shelter alive the statistics are grim.
We have found a fostepotential adopter on the East Coast, who is willing to jump through some crazy hoops, and we have a Rescue who is local that’s willing to help him. We are going to need to raise funds to either transport them across country or to fly them. Since we are so new to this, it’s a little unclear how we will pull this off. would you be opposed to pledging to help? it would go towards transportation, vetting, spay, neuter, microchip, a health certificate, & vaccinations.
‼️ Alert: date available for euthanasia: 06.04.24 Momma WHISKERLICIOUS - nursing kittens ID: #av241628
Available for FOSTER or RESCUE. Nursing newborn kittens. Available 06.01.24 NOT in adoption area
Kennel: 12.CAT_receiving Gender: female (not sterilized) Age: adult Source: SBCO . shelter note: AVAILABLE FOR FOSTER or RESCUE on 06/01/24
Showed up on the website on 5/30 arrived at the shelter 05/27/24 it's been observed that many cats not in the adoption room are euthanized ‼️ within a few DAYS they can legally be.*
Location: Apple Valley Animal Shelter Email: animalservices@applevalley.org (adoptions), avasrescues@applevalley.org (rescue organizations) Address: 22131 Powhatan Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Phone: (760) 240-7555
💗 How Can I help AVAS cats: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122146200884213839&id=61556415188242
Contextual information: ‼️ Leash law applies to cats in San Bernardino County ‼️ Although Apple Valley City claims that cats are exempt from leash laws, but according to Apple Valley's Code of Ordinances 15.01.070 - Control of animals, it appears that the ‼️ SAME REGULATIONS apply to cats/ Healthy Stray cats can be trapped and killed.
💗1. Help with Leash Law Update: 1.1 Request to update leash law in San Bernardino County https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122146197776213839&id=61556415188242 1.2 Request to update Apple Valley's Code of Ordinances and implement TNVR in Apple Valley: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122145398504213839&id=61556415188242
💗 Foster interest registration form https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122145132230213839&id=61556415188242
No official TNR or low cost S&N program provided in Apple Valley City. 💗 San Bernardino County 💗 TNVR program in the County’s Animal Care service areas: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=852150106951303&set=a.561679325998384 Voluntarily bring exposure to AVAS cats ———————-//————————-

cats #applevalleyanimalshelter #AVAS #volunteer #adoptme #rescueme #kittycat

We need funds for transportation… Devore Animal shelter is further out. The bulk of rescues are spread out across So Cal all the way from San Diego to Los Angeles to Riverside to Ventura County. Gas is not cheap and collecting funds to pay for short notice transport is the only way to save them.
If anyone wants to set aside a few dollars towards transport that would be helpful.
On a side note… Statistics are so grim at Apple Valley Animal Shelter which is not far from Devore. About 7% of the cats make it out of there alive. We studied the adopted budgets from 2009-2023 and it’s just a trajectory that goes up and the city council who seem to just swap seats and jump around so they can stay in office has a mindset of “welp… we can’t adopt our way out of this..”
Rather than thinking… “what can we do to improve this”. —>> solutions are really basic… TNR and free spay and neuter programs.
Would you be opposed to writing two entities. Just sign your name, do not say where you live.
  1. ⁠⁠San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (BOS)
  2. ⁠⁠Apple Valley City Council Members & Mayor (Apple Valley has a contract with the county to take in cats from all over)
Here is one post where it shows the email addresses of the Apple Valley City Council and suggestions on what to say.
And here is the post where you can click to see a sample letter to the BOS
Me and some other people run this Facebook page where we focus on Apple valley cats.
Very few rescues have pull rights from Apple Valley Animal Shelter and we are trying to raise awareness. If the town of Apple valley excluded cats from the leash law that would also help lessen the amount of animals brought into the shelter.
submitted by Cassius_O to National_Pet_Adoption [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:35 Cassius_O OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County

OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County
OPERATION WHISKERLICIOUS… Pledges needed to get this momma cat with nursing kittens out of Apple Valley Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in the high desert, San Bernardino County
———————//—————- Apple Valley Animal Shelter is a high kill shelter in the high desert of San Bernardino county. We don’t post very many cats from here YET… because there is a lack of rescues, there is a lack of fosters, there is a lack of resources and systems in place to help the cats at the shelter. Last year in 2023, 7% of the cats exited the shelter alive the statistics are grim.
We have found a fostepotential adopter on the East Coast, who is willing to jump through some crazy hoops, and we have a Rescue who is local that’s willing to help him. We are going to need to raise funds to either transport them across country or to fly them. Since we are so new to this, it’s a little unclear how we will pull this off. would you be opposed to pledging to help? it would go towards transportation, vetting, spay, neuter, microchip, a health certificate, & vaccinations.
‼️ Alert: date available for euthanasia: 06.04.24 Momma WHISKERLICIOUS - nursing kittens ID: #av241628
Available for FOSTER or RESCUE. Nursing newborn kittens. Available 06.01.24 NOT in adoption area
Kennel: 12.CAT_receiving Gender: female (not sterilized) Age: adult Source: SBCO . shelter note: AVAILABLE FOR FOSTER or RESCUE on 06/01/24
Showed up on the website on 5/30 arrived at the shelter 05/27/24 it's been observed that many cats not in the adoption room are euthanized ‼️ within a few DAYS they can legally be.*
Location: Apple Valley Animal Shelter Email: animalservices@applevalley.org (adoptions), avasrescues@applevalley.org (rescue organizations) Address: 22131 Powhatan Road, Apple Valley, CA 92307 Phone: (760) 240-7555
💗 How Can I help AVAS cats: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122146200884213839&id=61556415188242
Contextual information: ‼️ Leash law applies to cats in San Bernardino County ‼️ Although Apple Valley City claims that cats are exempt from leash laws, but according to Apple Valley's Code of Ordinances 15.01.070 - Control of animals, it appears that the ‼️ SAME REGULATIONS apply to cats/ Healthy Stray cats can be trapped and killed.
💗1. Help with Leash Law Update: 1.1 Request to update leash law in San Bernardino County https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122146197776213839&id=61556415188242 1.2 Request to update Apple Valley's Code of Ordinances and implement TNVR in Apple Valley: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122145398504213839&id=61556415188242
💗 Foster interest registration form https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=122145132230213839&id=61556415188242
No official TNR or low cost S&N program provided in Apple Valley City. 💗 San Bernardino County 💗 TNVR program in the County’s Animal Care service areas: https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=852150106951303&set=a.561679325998384 Voluntarily bring exposure to AVAS cats ———————-//————————-

cats #applevalleyanimalshelter #AVAS #volunteer #adoptme #rescueme #kittycat

We need funds for transportation… Devore Animal shelter is further out. The bulk of rescues are spread out across So Cal all the way from San Diego to Los Angeles to Riverside to Ventura County. Gas is not cheap and collecting funds to pay for short notice transport is the only way to save them.
If anyone wants to set aside a few dollars towards transport that would be helpful.
On a side note… Statistics are so grim at Apple Valley Animal Shelter which is not far from Devore. About 7% of the cats make it out of there alive. We studied the adopted budgets from 2009-2023 and it’s just a trajectory that goes up and the city council who seem to just swap seats and jump around so they can stay in office has a mindset of “welp… we can’t adopt our way out of this..”
Rather than thinking… “what can we do to improve this”. —>> solutions are really basic… TNR and free spay and neuter programs.
Would you be opposed to writing two entities. Just sign your name, do not say where you live.
  1. ⁠⁠San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors (BOS)
  2. ⁠⁠Apple Valley City Council Members & Mayor (Apple Valley has a contract with the county to take in cats from all over)
Here is one post where it shows the email addresses of the Apple Valley City Council and suggestions on what to say.
And here is the post where you can click to see a sample letter to the BOS
Me and some other people run this Facebook page where we focus on Apple valley cats.
Very few rescues have pull rights from Apple Valley Animal Shelter and we are trying to raise awareness. If the town of Apple valley excluded cats from the leash law that would also help lessen the amount of animals brought into the shelter.
submitted by Cassius_O to rescuecats [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:34 tempmailgenerator Resolving Facebook OAuth Permissions for Ruby on Rails Applications

Overcoming OAuth Challenges with Facebook Integration

Integrating Facebook Login into a Ruby on Rails application can significantly enhance the user experience by streamlining the sign-in process and providing a seamless way to connect users' social profiles. However, developers may encounter challenges when configuring OAuth permissions for new applications. Unlike the straightforward process experienced in previous setups, certain permissions like 'public_profile' and 'email' now require additional verification steps. This shift reflects Facebook's ongoing efforts to tighten security and privacy measures, ensuring that applications accessing user data have legitimate business reasons to do so.
When faced with the message "Your app has standard access to public_profile. To use Facebook Login, switch public_profile to advanced access. Get Advanced Access," developers might feel confused, especially if their other applications didn't encounter such hurdles. The requirement for "verification required" even for standard permissions like 'email' and 'public_profile' marks a new compliance level. Understanding these changes and how to navigate the verification process becomes crucial for implementing Facebook Login successfully. Two days post submission of the necessary company documents can see the revival of Facebook Login functionality, indicating the importance of compliance with Facebook's updated policies.
Command Description
OAuth integration Process for allowing the app to authenticate via Facebook, granting permission to use Facebook Login.
Business Verification The procedure required by Facebook to verify the authenticity of a business to grant advanced permissions like email and public_profile.

Navigating Facebook Login Integration Challenges

Integrating Facebook Login into a new application often presents unique challenges that developers need to navigate. A common hurdle is meeting the stringent requirements set by Facebook for accessing user data, such as email addresses and public profiles. Unlike in the past, Facebook now requires business verification for apps that wish to utilize Facebook Login for authentication purposes. This verification process is designed to protect user data and ensure that only legitimate businesses can access sensitive information. The process involves submitting various documents that prove the authenticity of the business, including legal documents, business licenses, and other formal identification that can verify the business's legal status and operational integrity.
Once the verification process is initiated, developers may find themselves in a waiting period where the functionality of their Facebook Login integration is limited. This period can be frustrating, as it directly impacts the user experience and the app's ability to gather important data for user profiles. However, it's important to note that this is a standard procedure, and patience is key. Typically, within a few days to a few weeks, Facebook completes the verification process, and upon approval, apps gain advanced access to the necessary permissions, such as email and public_profile. This advanced access enables developers to create a seamless login experience for users, leveraging Facebook's vast user base to simplify the login process and enhance user engagement with the application.

Configuring Facebook OAuth for Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails framework specifics
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_ID'], ENV['FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET'], scope: 'email,public_profile', info_fields: 'email,name' end 

Verifying Your Ruby on Rails App with Facebook

Using Rails and Facebook's Graph API
graph = Koala::Facebook::API.new(user_token) profile = graph.get_object('me?fields=email,name') puts profile['email'] puts profile['name'] 

Navigating Facebook OAuth Challenges for Web Applications

Integrating Facebook OAuth into web applications has become a common practice for developers looking to streamline the user authentication process. This approach not only enhances user experience by reducing the need for multiple account credentials but also allows applications to access valuable user data with permission, fostering personalized interactions. However, the process is not without its hurdles, especially for new applications. Developers often encounter challenges related to Facebook's rigorous access permission protocols, which now require business verification for accessing email and public_profile information. This verification process, while crucial for maintaining user privacy and security, can be a significant bottleneck for developers eager to implement Facebook Login functionalities.
The evolution of Facebook's API and its access policies reflects a broader industry trend towards tighter security measures and increased scrutiny of app permissions. For developers, this means adapting to a landscape where user trust and data protection are paramount. Successfully navigating this process involves a thorough understanding of Facebook's documentation, a meticulous approach to application setup, and a proactive stance on compliance with Facebook's policies. Additionally, developers must be prepared for the verification process by having all necessary business documents in order, which, once approved, can significantly streamline the integration of Facebook OAuth and enhance the application's user engagement strategies.

FAQs on Facebook OAuth Integration

  1. Question: What is Facebook OAuth?
  2. Answer: Facebook OAuth is an authentication method that allows applications to interact with Facebook's API, enabling users to log in with their Facebook account.
  3. Question: Why do I need business verification for Facebook Login?
  4. Answer: Business verification is required to ensure the security and privacy of user data, granting applications access to email and public_profile information.
  5. Question: How long does the business verification process take?
  6. Answer: The process can vary, but it typically takes a few days to a few weeks, depending on the completeness of the submitted documents and Facebook's review queue.
  7. Question: Can I use Facebook Login without verifying my business?
  8. Answer: No, business verification is mandatory for accessing email and public_profile permissions essential for Facebook Login functionality.
  9. Question: What documents are needed for Facebook business verification?
  10. Answer: Required documents can include business licenses, tax files, utility bills, and other official documents proving the legitimacy of your business.

Wrapping Up Facebook OAuth Integration

The journey of integrating Facebook OAuth into a web application encapsulates the evolving landscape of digital authentication and user data access. This process underscores the importance of adapting to stringent access permissions and privacy protocols to leverage Facebook's vast user base for enhancing user experience. While the requirement for business verification presents an additional layer of complexity, it is a necessary step towards ensuring the security and privacy of user data. The successful navigation of this process not only unlocks the potential for personalized user interactions but also aligns with broader industry trends towards data protection and privacy. As developers and businesses continue to evolve in this dynamic digital environment, understanding and complying with such requirements will be crucial for leveraging social media platforms to drive engagement and growth.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:29 Psilocyence Finally got around to getting these framed! 🙌

I've had these in my collection for quite a while now and they've just been put away safely. I finally went and got some frames today so I can hang them up to display them properly and securely! Nick has been my favorite artist since I first discovered his music and it was always a goal of mine to have something signed by him in my collection, so I am extremely thankful I was lucky enough to get my hands on one of the signed copies of the vinyl when they dropped! 🙏 still hoping some day I'll be lucky enough to meet him in person to get one of my many Illenium jerseys signed! 🤞😁 love you Nick! 💙
submitted by Psilocyence to Illenium [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:27 Xatronet880 Sign of God?

For background context, I grew up unaffiliated with religion. I wouldn't say I was either an atheist or theist, but I never had strong thoughts about what happens after people die. I always knew about religion, but never incorporated that into my life. I was always kind and helpful to others, animals, and took care of myself. About 3 years ago, I was diagnosed with OCD, which causes me to have repeating, unwanted thoughts about things that I'm afraid of constantly. A very common repeating theme in my thoughts were fears of death, and religious themes. Don't know why these specific ideas, but never questioned them too deeply. About a week ago, I started fearing the ideas of what happens when I die. I started to lose concentration on my day-to-day life, and I felt scared for what was going to happen to me. This drew me to Christianity. I started praying for the first time ever in my life. I prayed for God to give me a sign and help me get over these fears and doubts I had about the unknown after death. Other things I did were watching videos about Christianity, reading verses of the bible, and having a conversation with a friend who believed (who ended up praying for me at the end of our talk). While this was all happening, the fear that I had initially was starting to fade away slowly, but I still had doubts wither or not this was a sign. However, I had noticed every time I prayed, I felt slightly better. I prayed whenever I felt scared or helpless, which I figured was just a compulsive response to my intrusive thoughts.
Fastforward to last night, it was sometime between 3:25-3:30 am and I had woken up from sleep. When I was lying in bed, I thought about my conversation with my friend, and questioning my beliefs on if there is a god. All of a sudden, I got this feeling of lightness and falling. You know how sometimes when you try to sleep, and you get that feeling that you fell but come back to reality a second later? It was similar to that, and initially it scared me. But instead of feeling nervous, i got this feeling that everything was alright, and I felt safe. Every time I felt a little uneasy with what was happening, it’s like I was reassured that it was okay. It was this warm, protective feeling, like I was at ease and at peace. I wish I remembered all the details of the duration, but I believe this lasted for about 2 or so minutes. Just before this feeling ended, I could sense someone speaking to me about my heart, to which I saw the word "warrior". Then that’s when the feeling ended. Thing is when it ended, I was awake, not in any half-sleep state or woken from any sleep paralysis, but awake and aware. I don't know what this all meant, but I prayed and asked Jesus if this was a message or sign. I'm still searching for answers, but something tells me that this was a sign. I just wanted to get this out and see what others thought.
Sorry for the long post, but I wanted to provide as much detail as I could. Thanks!
submitted by Xatronet880 to AskAChristian [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:26 Classy_Canids Xbox One disc licensing issue or optical drive replacement.

Xbox One.
Several disc based games had the triangle with an exclamation point and several others had the disc with the triangle with an exclamation point.
Did a soft reset, didn’t resolve it. Did a hard reset, didn’t resolve. Updated password, singed out and back in; didn’t resolve it. Disconnected the external hard drive (where the vast majority of all the data is), did a console reset via “reset and keep my games & apps”; didn’t resolve it. Plugged external hard drive back in; didn’t resolve it. Worse yet, now all the disc based games have one of the icons and prevents plays, only a handful of digitally purchased games are playable. Either it gives the error “Do you own this game or app? If you have a game disc, insert it now. If you bought this online, make sure you’re signed in. If don’t have rights for playing it, you’ll need to get it at the Microsoft store.” Again, this is o my impacting disc based games it appears.
The optical drive has started occasionally grinding; could that be causing the issue?
Additionally, I connected that profile to a One X and those icons appears on all the games on the One X as well, but they were still playable.
submitted by Classy_Canids to XboxSupport [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:26 SarasCaptions A peace sign

A peace sign submitted by SarasCaptions to AlyssaMilanoPhotos [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 ninasafiri Play some cozy demos today! Get a head start on Steam Next Fest!!

Steam Next Fest starts tomorrow June 10th! It's a huge showcase with a TON of demos and it can be hard to find time to try them all.
Here's some cozy games that dropped their demos a little early for either Wholesome Direct, Women-Led Games Fest, or Steam Next Fest~

Farming Sims

Life Sims


Visual Novel/Dating Sim



Cozy Design


Puzzle Builders
Puzzle Adventure
submitted by ninasafiri to CozyGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:22 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to MinecraftServerTalk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:21 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to minecraftserverlist [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:20 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:20 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:19 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:19 AsunderSage Join CozyCraft SMP! 🌟 100+ Mods 🎮 Voice Chat 🎙️ Factions ⚔️ Community 🤝 Survival 🌿 Discord 💬 Land Claims 🏞️ NO Grief 🚫!

🌟 Welcome to Cozycraft SMP! 🌟
Are you tired of the relentless chaos of PvP servers? Looking for a cozy haven where you can explore, build, and connect with fellow Minecraft enthusiasts? Look no further! Join us in the warm embrace of Cozycraft SMP, where adventure meets tranquility and creativity knows no bounds!
🏡 No PvP, Only Peaceful Coexistence: Leave your swords at the door and embrace a world where collaboration and camaraderie reign supreme. Build to your heart's content without the fear of unexpected attacks!
🗣️ Voice Chat & Proximity Chat: Immerse yourself in the ultimate multiplayer experience with voice chat and proximity chat features. Communicate with your friends and neighbors in real-time as you traverse the breathtaking landscapes of Cozycraft SMP!
🛡️ Factions & Land Claims: Form alliances, establish territories, and protect your precious creations with our robust factions and land claim systems. Forge bonds with your fellow players as you work together to defend your shared home from any threats!
🌈 100+ Mods for Endless Excitement: Dive into a world of endless possibilities with over 100 carefully curated mods designed to enhance your Minecraft experience. Whether you're an intrepid explorer or a master builder, there's something for everyone in our extensive modpack!
🐾 For Adventurers, Builders, and Animal Lovers: Whether you're embarking on epic quests, constructing towering monuments, or simply enjoying the company of adorable Minecraft creatures, Cozycraft SMP has something for every type of player. Join us and let your imagination run wild!
🤝 Community-Driven & Committed Staff: At Cozycraft SMP, our community is our greatest asset. Join a passionate and dedicated group of players who are committed to fostering a welcoming and inclusive environment for all. Our attentive staff is always on hand to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
🌱 Ever Growing & Updating: With Cozycraft SMP, the adventure never ends! We're constantly adding new features, hosting exciting events, and listening to feedback from our players to ensure that every moment spent in our server is filled with joy and excitement.
Don't wait another moment to join the Cozycraft SMP family! Embark on an unforgettable journey filled with friendship, creativity, and endless fun. See you in-game! ✨ https://discord.gg/T3UywHRXND
submitted by AsunderSage to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:15 Environmental-Horse1 The enemy will come at you hard when you become righteous

I’ve been retaining for over two years with no voluntary release and it’s been a battle between light and dark. When you do what you can to do right the enemy will do whatever he can to attack. If he can’t get you when you’re awake be ready for attacks in your sleep. I just know as long as I’m being pure and righteous the enemy can’t win, he can only try and instill fear. When you retain know you signed up to fight, it’s a spiritual warfare and there’s no going back to your old ways because you will see everything of this matrix for what it is.
Just felt like expressing what I’ve been feeling cause it’s been a crazy journey, peace and love ✌🏻
submitted by Environmental-Horse1 to Semenretention [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:07 Marty_Glaubermann Stamp exchange

Stamp exchange
Looking for stamp exchange, I'd love the Leo stamp, the metal eh stamp especially, but any others I don't have would be amazing. I can offer the following in return:
Slowly _ Aries _ Hello world _ Around the world _ Happy birthday to you 2019 _ Happy birthday to you 2021 _ Happy birthday to you 2022 _ Happy birthday to you 2023 _ You've got mail _ Footprints on Europe _ Long time no see _ Typing machine _ Let's talk slowly _ Serious writer _ Bronze collector _ Old friends _ Footprints on Asia _ Footprints on Africa _ Footprints on South America _ Footprints on North America _ Let's go shopping _ Early bird _ 1st bucket of gold _ Keep warm _ Year off the dog _ Silver collector _ 1st anniversary _ 2nd anniversary _ 3rd anniversary _ 4th anniversary _ 5th anniversary _ Next level _ Hello from the outside _ Fasionista _ Never stop writing _ Generous heart _ Traveler _ 1st hot air balloon flight _ 1st ascent of everest _ 1st telegraph message _ International tea day _ 1st laser _ Discovery of DNA _ bigfoot _ Chupacabra _ Mokole mbembe _ Mothman _ Nessie _ Yeti _ Penny black _ World wide web _ Read across America day _ Hari raya aidifitri _ Non binary pride flag _ Alice in wonderland day _ World bicycle day _ Sherlock Holmes day _ Towel day _ Walpurgis night _ International day of human space flight _


Slowlys birthday _ Imbolc _ World wetlands day _ Year of the rabbit _ Happy new year 2023 _ World braille day _ World introvert day _ Merry Xmas 2022 _ International mountain day _ Happy Halloween _ World toilet day _ St Martins day _ Sukkot _ Columbus day _ World mental health day _ World octopus day _ International raccoon day _ Rosh hashana _ World rhino day _ International talk like a pirate day _ Day of the programmer _ World letter writing day _ International black cat appreciation day _ International lefthanders day _ International clouded leopard day _ International mon day _ Mandela day _ World emoji day _ International rock and roll day _ Dilophosaurus _ Brontosaurus _ Triceratops _ Parasausolophus _ Tyrannosaurus rex _ Velociraptor _ World giraffe day _ World juggling day _ Pen pal day _ Ice hockey _ Football _ World parrot day _ World turtle day _ Vesak day _ Friday 13th _ Flag of Europe _ May day _ Marathon _ World art day _ World health day _ The red poppy _ Semana santa _ Tartan day _ Tiny but mighty _ Earth hour _ International seal day _ World sleep day _ Purim _ Pi day _ Shrove Tuesday _ Horse racing _ Cupid _ World radio day _ World pulses day _ Rugby _ Skiing _ Year of the tiger _ World logic day _ Rally _ Happy new year 2022 _ Merry Christmas 2021 _ Pavlova _ Human rights day _ Day of the ninja _ World philosophy day _ World vegan day _ Hanukkah _ All souls day _ World post day _ International coffee day _ World gorilla day _ International day of sign language _ International red panda day _ International day of charity _ International literacy day _ Qixi festival (七夕) _ World dog day _ World photography day _ World elephant day _ International cat day _ Eid al adha _ Bonfire _ World chess day _ World ufo day _ International asteroid day _ Dragon boat festival (端午節) _ International day of yoga _ World oceans day _ World bee day _ Cinco de mayo _ International jazz day _ Happy Easter _ International Nowruz day _ Happy fathers day _ International polar bear day _ Happy mother's day _ Groundhog day _ Data privacy day _ National hugging day _ Happy new year 2021 _ Merry Christmas 2021 _ World children's day _ World teachers day _ International day of peace _ Workout _ Play games _ Watch TV _ Wfh _ Sleep in _ Write letters _ International youth day _ International day of friendship _ World environment day _ Rainbow flag _ World press freedom day _ International workers day _ Happy Easter 2020 _ Pôhela boishakh _ Ramadan _ St George's day _ World book day _ World poetry day _ Stay strong _ International women's day _ Chocolate heart _ World cancer day _ Year of the rest _ International day of education _ Epiphany _ Happy new year 2020 _ Drink mulled wine _ Wrap some gifts _ Hello. _ Sleeping _ Stretching _ Freezing _ Liquifying _ Hunting _ Meowing _ Body be active _ Mind keep learning _ Spirit give _ People connect _ Place take notice _ Planet care _ Happy Easter 2019 _ Chocolate egg _ Burger egg _ Chicken egg _ Dinosaur egg _ Earth egg _ Rocket mail _ Rose bouquet _ Spring blessings _ Year of the pig _ Million thanks _ Happy new year 2019 _ Macchiato _ Mocha _ Latte _ Americano _ Cappuccino _ Espresso _ Merry Christmas 2018 _ Best penpal trophy _ Astronomy day _ Albuquerque international balloon fiesta _ Martin Luther king Jr day _ Mevlana festival _ Ha'amonga 'a maui _ National children's day (วันเด็กแห่งชาติิ) _ Songkran _ Nu Ian pyramids _ Masskara festival (День знаний) _ It's time _ Dia de todos es santos _ Coquito _ Andrzejki _ Soroka show _ Inti raymi _ Kerstkrans _ Prinsjesdag _ Argangu festival _ Piedra del sol _ Ponche de frutas navideño _ Dia de muertos _ Mongol archery _ Thingyan _ Jāņi _ Kūčiukai _ Esala perahera _ Coming of age day (성년의 날) _ Hangul day (한글날) _ Chol ch am thmay _ Bom pm touk _ Torii _ Kanninzaki lighthouse (観音埼灯台) _ Setsubun (한글날) _ Greenery day (みどりの日) _ Festa d'Ella republica _ Shabe yalda _ Jama. Masjid _ Makar sankranti _ Pushkar fair _ Diwali _ Holi _ St Patrick's day _ Cheung chau bun festival (長洲太平清醮) _ Big ben _ Tower Bridge _ London eye _ St Paul's cathedral _ Stonehenge _ St John's point lighthouse _ South stack lighthouse _ Bell rock lighthouse _ Eddystone lighthouse _ Scottish bagpiper _ Tolkien reading day _ Darwin say _ Up holy aa _ Caernarfon castle _ Edinburgh castle _ Carrickfergus castle _ Windsor castle _ Guy Fawkes night _ Roast dinner day _ Ada lovelace day _ Her majesty the queen _ Flag of Scotland _ Goth day _ Flag of England _ Flag of Wales _ Flag of northern _ Burns night _ Dundee cake _ Christmas pudding _ Flag of northern Ireland _ Flag of the United Kingdom _ Wimbledon _ Shakespeare day _ Full English breakfast _ England rose _ Scotland thistle _ Wales daffodil _ Bournemouth Ireland shamrock _ Jour des crêpes _ Tió de nadal _ Día del pasillo ecuatoriano _ The little mermaid _ Weihnachtsstollen _ Harbin ice and snow festival (哈尔滨冰雪节) _ Jeûne fédéral _ Winterlude _ Carnaval do Brasil _ Willkakuti _ White Christmas _ Allerheilligen _ Vardavar _ Al Dhafra festival _ Flag of andorra _ Wiphala
submitted by Marty_Glaubermann to slowlyapp_stamps [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:07 CriticismFuture8538 Get $75 from me , $350+ from Draftkings for signing up with my link and depositing. Confirms intantly. Message if interested.

Get $75 from me , $350+ from Draftkings for signing up with my link and depositing. Confirms intantly. Message if interested.
Hey guys im paying $75 if you sign up with my link and deposit $100 in Draftkings. I will show you how to do low hold/ hedge bets to convert the bonuses they offer into more than $350 in profits! No scams or lies you can message me if you need a further explanation on how it works but basically low hold bets is when odds for both sides of a bet are equal, this is when you bet on two diffrent teams/ outcomes to guarantee a sure outcome so that you play through the bonuses without loosing anything! Again so you could make $350+ from Draftkings and $75 from me in a day and also you will be able to withdraw the original $100 deposited so over $400 in profit. I will guide you with my low hold odds calculator to provide info for GUARANTEED PROFITS using the bonuses.Absolutely NO RISK if you follow my instructions.Message me if interested or if you have any questions, lets get this money this is real easy!
submitted by CriticismFuture8538 to u/CriticismFuture8538 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:06 TikiVanilla AITAH for ignoring my sister in law who is also my neighbour?

(English isn’t my first language so please 🐻 with me.. also that one is quite a long story 🫣 sorryyyy)
My husband is the youngest of quite aloooot siblings. One of them living above the street and the other one right under my feet. His older sisters are motherly and the younger 3 (still older than my husband) are always in sisterly fight mode. Still as adults they act like brats: who knew which news first, who got to know someone new in the family first, who saw a newborn first, who didn’t show up at this event and how they won’t go now as a result etc. In front of me they often talked crap about each other and I was always like “common she probably didn’t even mean it like that” and so on. One of them even made fun of me saying I’m to naive because I think to nice of everyone, while I just don’t want to get dragged into their fights. Why do I tell you this? Because you sense now the urge for drama they have. It was easy to navigate around them UNTIL I got pregnant. I love their children and my husband and me we have spend quite some time with them (getting them from kindergarten, going to the zoo, even having holiday trips with them - just the kids and us). My sister in law who’s living under me - let’s call her Zandra - got her first baby who even as an infant was with us (alone) and I remember helping him when he got his first teeth. He was in pain and cried and still was at my place where I tried to cool it and to give him something to bite on and to let him suck on chamomile tea. When we were at family gatherings I usually entertained her baby because I didn’t liked the conversations of the adults 😅 (mostly because they talked in their language which I don’t speak - my mother in law fled with them to the country we live now). So when I got pregnant suddenly Zandra came up to me saying that I shouldn’t forget her baby when I got my own child. Because he would miss me so much… he was 2 at this time. And it was weird to me that she even brought that up. So I had my first child and let me tell you: it was hard. Waking up every two hours, crying when I was out of sight, baby waking up as soon as I wanted to eat something etc. But still managing the household, cooking etc It wasn’t easy. My husband was working in the daytime and we didn’t had a tv at this time so it was quiet at home. My nephew was now 3 years old. Zandra and her husband are one of those parents who buy their kids everything and have a hard time saying “no” or “stop” to them or laughing when the little one uses swear words 🫥 I mean…. You have to keep your shit together and tell them that it’s not good to use such words, than turn around and hide your laughter, right? 😅 Well, I never cared because in front of me he was really sweet and I explained things to him when he did something he shouldn’t do. But now my baby was woken up on a daily basis because he was driving his cars at the wall, playing ball inside the house or was playing in the hallway, which sounds like he’s inside our living room. I dared to ask my sister in law sometimes, if she maybe could get him to stop doing something because my baby woke up from it (repeatedly). We had a good relationship and I think I never crossed the line… I didn’t ask her daily although her little one was loud daily. She never said anything until she got furious.
That’s when I realised that she is mad at me because of it - I felt like a shitty Karen auntie. I tried to get in good terms with her again - when I found out that she told everyone that I hate her son! She told her whole family and all of her friends and our neighbours! I was shocked! She already talked crap about me when I didn’t even realised that she has a problem with me. She could just came up these 18 steps and told me to stop being a Karen 😅 She also could have ask me maybe if I need some help… remember? I took care of her little one so may times but she vanished after I gave birth. Now I know I wasn’t helpful anymore to her. Anyways. My husband (her brother) had an opportunity and went on a 40days travel when my first born (her nephew!) was 7 month old. 40 days and she never showed up. I’ll never forget that. But I still tried to keep the peace (freaking people pleaser!) and also didn’t told my husband because I didn’t want more sibling fights. Somehow she still thought I hate her son- probably because I didn’t made trips with him anymore - but that’s because I have a baby now! She ain’t doing shit with my baby as well but is mad that I don’t take her 3 year old to Disney? While breastfeeding? She got hyped up by her shitty friends and one time my other sister in law who lives across the street came to me on the playground and we had a talk. Nothing serious. She started talking about her nephew - Zandras son - that he is spoiled and cheeky - I just listened and tried to settle things like I always do and she asked whether I could hear him since I’m living over them. I JUST SAID: Yes, since I’m living over them, I can hear him every day. Than I changed the subject! After she left, I also went home and saw her standing with Zandra and her shitty friends. I went past them and suddenly Zandra followed me and even dared to yell at me using swear words. Can you imagine?! My other sister in law came to her saying I was complaining about her son again! I was pregnant and tried hard not to smack her in the face, thankfully her husband came home and heard her yelling and me telling her to leave . He’s the only person she has respect for and listened when he told her to leave me alone. After some time she even came those 2 stairs up - but just because her husband said so. She didn’t apologised and didn’t even want to talk about it. She never talked about the problems with me, but always behind my back. When I tried she changed the subject. So ridiculous. One time she blocked me because I got mad at her friend who dared to yell at my son and called him a swear word. Her friend insulted her nephew. She didn’t say a word but blocked me because I told her friend that she has no right to yell at my son?! But every time I visited her after some time to reconnect, she acted as if nothing ever happened. This went on for years! She has 3 children now and I 4. Our kids are cousins and neighbours, so they play a lot together. Every time they get into a stupid fight, she took it personal and yells at my kids without even asking what happened. Telling hers to not play anymore with mine. Yah right. That lasts for 2 days maybe but she holding grudges for ever I guess. Obviously our relationship got cold , just saying hi and that’s it.
Now I’m healing. My youngest one is 3 now and my brain starts using it braincells again 😅 .. I am growing and I’m a healing people pleaser now 🥳 (you also helped me realising how manipulating some toxic people are), but that also means that I’m hurting now realising how Zandra used and wronged me. Sometimes I get soooo angry.. like all the hidden anger comes up now. A few weeks ago our daughters (both 9) got into a fight, because Zandras youngest one (3yo) was insulting my daughter and tried to punch her. (Totally normal behaviour 🤔) She hold his hands and told him to stop, than Zandras daughter pushed her to the ground “don’t touch my brother like that” and the fight begun. Yeah she could also just told her brother to stop. But that’s not what she got taught. Really. They think they can do everything they want and always the other children get in trouble. Acting like they are the victim. I just went out to look for them when my other sister in law came up to me telling me that my daughter just got into a fight with Zandras daughter. Great. She said she doesn’t want to interfere (like ‘oh no how annoying. Leave me out of it’) and went home. We had so many situations like that already and I learned that I have to sit the girls down, everyone hearing the other person out, seeing their mistakes, saying sorry and get cool with each other again. Basically teaching them both how to behave, because her mother would just yell at my girl and let her own daughter off the hook to act like that over and over again. Nah. Not having it. My daughter came running to me crying telling me what happened, we went to her cousin and I looked if she was ok and asked if they wanted to talk about it. They both agreed to calm down and let’s go sit somewhere to talk. But my other sister in law suddenly came up to us again and took my niece with her to cool her “injuries”. What?! I told her to leave the two to talk and she’s not injured, but she insisted to take her with her. Wtf?! I told her three or four times to leave but she grabbed her and took her with her. Now I’m sure she immediately called Zandra to tell her the exciting news and she said get my girl, like I’m the fucking weirdo here🤦🏼‍♀️ So I talked to my daughter and asked her cousin who saw everything (Zandras oldest one) and than went to Zandra to “let the girls talk this out”. But no. She was standing in the doorway yelling at my daughter. Accusing her of this and that. I had to interrupt her many times and stand between her and my daughter. and I am so proud that I didn’t let her have it her way like she used to do. She saying my daughter started it with pinching her youngest one. Me asking her daughter if my daughter punched him or hold his hands because he insulted her and tried to punch her. Here we go. She tried hard to accuse my daughter, me telling her to stop screaming like crazy at my daughter asking if she ever talks too her daughter like that. I knew her husband was there and so I told everything what happened even with her own daughter witnessing it. I knew she didn’t listen, but ignored her knowing very well that her husband hears everything. I’m pretty sure he’ll tell her later what’s wrong with her. And we left. Since then she wrote three or four times to me as if nothing ever happened - needing my help of cause. One or two times I answered shortly, the other two times or what I didn’t answered at all. Outside I avoid her. When I had to I said hi. A few days ago she was with two of her friends outside and I went to them because my youngest one dropped something nearby. I had to pick it up and said hi, her friends where in commotion because of their children and didn’t hear it, but Zandra was looking into my eyes not answering at all. I repeated hi but she kept staring into my eyes. I was always very respectful to the older sister in laws. But it’s enough. I raised my eyebrow at her, looked down on her arrogantly, took my son’s shoes, turned around and left. This was the moment t when I decided to not even great her anymore. She is playing games. Talking shit behind my back. Using every possibility in front of her friends to play me dirty, because that was not the first time.
I normally say hi even if I don’t like someone, but she always used it against me, acting like nothing happened when she needed my help (getting her child from kindergarten when I take mine - but not the opposite way of cause; or researching some medical stuff or translating shit) - and than suddenly acted like I’m her worst enemy the next day.
It’s a struggle for me to keep the distance and I hate ignoring family members… but I feel like I really have to, to protect my children and to protect my inner pace. So AITAH to ignore her although I will keep seeing her because she’s my neighbour unfortunately..? And her family definitely thinking bad about me because all her lies the last years. Has anyone experienced something like this and any tips how to deal with such toxic manipulators?
Ps: yes one day I told my husband about everything and he basically told me he wasn’t surprised she always acted like a princess, using people to her advantage. Even the friend she blocked me for - when she got divorced Zandra ended the friendship because her friend didn’t care FOR HER anymore. This friend used to plan all her celebrations and drove her to appointments and brought her kids from school with her car and even cleaned the ass of Zandras kids on the playground, because Zandra was pregnant and couldn’t do it. Now this devoted “friend” is in a divorce, caring for her children alone and has to start working to manage everything herself - and Zandra cuts ties because she ain’t visiting and helping her anymore???? What?
submitted by TikiVanilla to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]
