Teck deck coloring pages

You should definitely check out New Hitman if you haven't (+ How to actually buy it for cheap on steam)

2024.05.21 23:09 GeoUsername69 You should definitely check out New Hitman if you haven't (+ How to actually buy it for cheap on steam)

The games of the "new" Hitman trilogy are some of the best games of the past 10 years, and now they're all part of one game. Unfortunately actually buying the damn thing is harder than actually playing it and makes no sense whatsoever so here's how to get it for cheap (at the suggestion of someone on the Hitman sub) because IoI made it extremely stupid and confusing.
When you go to the steam page (in the USA) you will see 4 big options
Buy HITMAN World of Assassination Part One ($30 but currently on sale for $12)
Buy HITMAN World of Assassination ($70 and not on sale)
Buy HITMAN World of Assassination Deluxe Edition ($100 and not on sale) - This is basically the base World of Assassination game plus the below Deluxe Pack, so includes everything except for the little DLCs below
Buy HITMAN World of Assassination Deluxe Pack ($30 and also not on sale)
Plus a bunch of DLC below (i'll get to it)
What to actually do:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1659040/HITMAN_World_of_Assassination/ Buy Hitman World of Assassination Part 1 for 60 percent off. It gives you access to all the maps from Hitman 2016 (which I'll call Hitman 1 for the rest of this post) but doesn't give you the Hitman 2 or 3 maps, nor Freelancer, nor VR.
https://store.steampowered.com/sub/981937/ Upgrade pack that includes all the Hitman 3 maps, Hitman 2 maps (except the ones included in the "HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 2 Expansion" Yes I know it's absolutely stupid) and all the stuff except the base Hitman 1 maps (which you have). It is unlisted for stupid and shady reasons.
Now you should have everything included in the $69.99 Hitman World of Assassination "deal" for 40 percent of what you would pay normally. Despite the game itself not actually being on sale.
The Deluxe Pack ($30) includes
HITMAN 3 - Deluxe Pack - Adds some extra "escalations" directors commentary and some other minor stuff
HITMAN 3 Access Pass: HITMAN 2 Expansion - Contains New York and Haven (& the associated missions) which take place during the main story, along with the Sniper Assassin gamemode and a few other missions. Most important of the 3. Buy this if you only can afford/want to buy one. You will notice this has very negative reviews. This is because IoI already charged for this when Hitman 2 was out.
HITMAN 3 - Seven Deadly Sins Collection - Seven 3-stage missions that are "eh" to "ugh"
There are also some minor DLCs. Sarajevo Six were some PS4 exclusive missions from Hitman 1 that are kinda bad, The Undying Pack lets you kill Sean Bean, and the rest are just cosmetics and extra weapons that aren't even worth mentioning.
What the fuck were they thinking with this??? Who the hell knows.
This game is mostly fine vanilla. There's a bit of jank but it's not like New Vegas or anything.
https://thepeacockproject.org/ lets you play the game without internet plus play elusive targets at any time.
Freelancer Variations lets you play the alternate versions of each map in the Freelancer game mode. If you are on Linux or Steam Deck you will need to use Windows or a VM to actually install the mod since SMF does not work at all (I tried) but once its deployed it works fine.
submitted by GeoUsername69 to TwoBestFriendsPlay [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 redditissocoolyoyo Should I buy this Z?

Should I buy this Z? submitted by redditissocoolyoyo to 350zRoadster [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:52 KaladinVegapunk Sanding question

Sanding question
So I'm sanding the deck to get it ready for paint, I'm on 80 and it's basically uniform smoothness for the most part. The thing is only portions actually look like that first image, the rest have that grey coloring which I'm not sure if it's the ancient paint or what. Those ridges make it a bitch to sand evenly, I went at an angle to try and smooth it out based on advice but it's still not really leveling out, though it feels the same to the touch.. To be honest I really don't need to be perfect, Im not looking for a professional job that's what the 6 grand on the rest of the deck was for haha.
My question is should I get the whole deck to be uniform like that corner or call it a day, move up to higher grains and get to painting?
submitted by KaladinVegapunk to BeginnerWoodWorking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:35 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #100-120

Number 100:

1.Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, diligence, and practicality. 2. The Page of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card embodying creativity, intuitive exploration, and emotional sensitivity. 3. Creative Intuition: Reflects artistic expression, intuitive exploration, and creative potential. 4. Emotional Curiosity: Symbolizes curiosity, emotional depth, and imaginative creativity. 5. Exploring New Emotions: Embodies emotional exploration, creative inspiration, and sensitivity.

Number 90:

  1. Balanced Vision: Signifies a well-rounded vision, completeness, and achieving balance.
  2. The Knight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing assertive action, determination, and swift movements.
  3. Swift Action: Reflects decisive action, determination, and assertive behavior.
  4. Assertive Communication: Symbolizes clear communication, directness, and swift decision-making.
  5. Active Pursuit: Embodies quick thinking, adaptability, and focused determination.

Number 91:

  1. Harmonious Growth: Signifies growth, expansion, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Queen of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing clear communication, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  3. Intellectual Clarity: Reflects clear thinking, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  4. Balanced Judgment: Symbolizes fairness, intellectual maturity, and clear-sightedness.
  5. Assertive Authority: Embodies clear communication, intellectual strength, and assertive guidance.

Number 92:

  1. Stable Leadership: Signifies stable leadership, practicality, and vision.
  2. The King of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing visionary leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. Visionary Leadership: Reflects influential leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurship.
  4. Creative Authority: Symbolizes innovative thinking, leadership in creative ventures, and a visionary approach.
  5. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Embodies pioneering mindset, leadership skills, and a visionary outlook.

Number 93:

  1. Transformational Change: Signifies radical changes, growth, and dynamic shifts.
  2. The Five of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing financial hardship, isolation, and seeking help.
  3. Overcoming Adversity: Reflects challenging times, seeking assistance, and perseverance.
  4. Recovery from Struggles: Symbolizes resilience, seeking support, and rebuilding after hardships.
  5. Adapting to Change: Embodies resilience, overcoming difficulties, and seeking stability.

Number 94:

  1. Adaptive Partnerships: Signifies adaptable relationships, cooperation, and flexibility.
  2. The Six of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying transition, moving on, and mental healing.
  3. Moving Forward: Reflects transitions, leaving behind difficulties, and seeking peace.
  4. Mental Healing: Symbolizes mental clarity, emotional peace, and healing from past issues.
  5. Transition to Stability: Embodies moving towards peace, seeking resolutions, and finding tranquility.

Number 95:

  1. Intuitive Exploration: Signifies intuitive insights, exploration, and heightened awareness.
  2. The Seven of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing challenges, standing firm, and defending beliefs.
  3. Defending Beliefs: Reflects standing your ground, overcoming challenges, and defending principles.
  4. Courageous Stand: Symbolizes resilience, determination, and facing opposition with courage.
  5. Spiritual Fortitude: Embodies inner strength, resilience, and defending spiritual values.

Number 96:

  1. Balanced Adaptation: Signifies adaptability, harmony, and maintaining balance amid change.
  2. The Eight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing dedication, skill-building, and craftsmanship.
  3. Dedicated Efforts: Reflects focused work, dedication, and skill enhancement.
  4. Skill Development: Symbolizes honing talents, focused learning, and mastering skills.
  5. Steady Progress: Embodies consistent effort, skill improvement, and dedicated craftsmanship.

Number 97:

  1. Spiritual Exploration: Signifies spiritual growth, exploration, and inner enlightenment.
  2. The Nine of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying anxiety, worry, and mental distress.
  3. Overcoming Anxiety: Reflects inner turmoil, worry, and seeking peace of mind.
  4. Mental Relief: Symbolizes seeking calmness, alleviating worries, and finding mental solace.
  5. Inner Healing: Embodies emotional stability, mental peace, and healing from distress.

Number 98:

  1. Resourceful Solutions: Signifies resourceful approaches, adaptability, and innovative strategies.
  2. The Ten of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional fulfillment, harmony, and family bliss.
  3. Harmonious Bonds: Reflects joyous connections, family happiness, and emotional satisfaction.
  4. Emotional Fulfillment: Symbolizes contentment, happiness, and a sense of completion.
  5. Family Harmony: Embodies familial joy, emotional satisfaction, and harmonious relationships.

Number 99:

  1. Innovative Vision: Signifies visionary ideas, creativity, and seeking higher understanding.
  2. The Page of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying intellect, curiosity, and new perspectives.
  3. Intellectual Curiosity: Reflects seeking knowledge, new ideas, and intellectual exploration.
  4. Energetic Communication: Symbolizes clear thinking, direct communication, and new concepts.
  5. Exploring New Horizons: Embodies curiosity, embracing new perspectives, and intellectual ventures.

Number 100:

  1. Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.
  2. The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, diligence, and practicality.
  3. Steadfast Commitment: Reflects dedication, reliability, and unwavering commitment.
  4. Practical Adaptation: Symbolizes adjusting plans, steady progress, and reliability in change.
  5. Consistent Progress: Embodies steady growth, adaptable strategies, and reliability in endeavors.

Number 101:

  1. Creative Harmony: Signifies creative expression, harmony, and a balanced creative approach.
  2. The Queen of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing charisma, confidence, and creativity.
  3. Creative Confidence: Reflects self-assuredness, creative flair, and passionate expression.
  4. Charismatic Leadership: Symbolizes influential leadership, boldness, and creativity in leadership.
  5. Inspired Expression: Embodies passionate creativity, confidence, and influential charisma.

Number 102:

  1. Stable Independence: Signifies independence, stability, and self-reliance.
  2. The King of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional maturity, compassion, and leadership.
  3. Emotional Stability: Reflects balanced emotions, leadership in emotions, and compassionate authority.
  4. Compassionate Leadership: Symbolizes emotional intelligence, balanced leadership, and stable emotions.
  5. Steady Guidance: Embodies calm authority, emotional stability, and compassionate leadership.

Number 103:

  1. Resourceful Expansion: Signifies expansion, resourcefulness, and growth opportunities.
  2. The Ace of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, prosperity, and materialization of goals.
  3. Material Opportunities: Reflects new beginnings, potential wealth, and fertile ground for growth.
  4. Prosperous Ventures: Symbolizes abundance, materializing ideas, and fruitful beginnings.
  5. Potential Manifestation: Embodies the potential for success, materialization of goals, and fertile opportunities.

Number 104:

  1. Harmonious Creativity: Signifies creative collaborations, balance, and artistic endeavors.
  2. The Two of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing partnerships, mutual respect, and emotional connections.
  3. Harmonious Bonds: Reflects emotional connections, partnerships, and mutual understanding.
  4. Collaborative Unity: Symbolizes cooperation, emotional balance, and harmonious relationships.
  5. Balanced Partnership: Embodies mutual respect, emotional harmony, and cooperative endeavors.

Number 105:

  1. Intuitive Exploration: Signifies intuitive insights, exploration, and heightened awareness.
  2. The Three of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying foresight, expansion, and seeking new horizons.
  3. Seeking Opportunities: Reflects anticipating growth, expansion, and seeking new possibilities.
  4. Expansive Vision: Symbolizes forward-thinking, seeking prospects, and planning for growth.
  5. Foresightful Ventures: Embodies anticipation, seeking new paths, and visionary exploration.

Number 106:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a solid base.
  2. The Four of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing apathy, dissatisfaction, and contemplation.
  3. Contemplation and Discontent: Reflects introspection, discontentment, and contemplating choices.
  4. Seeking Satisfaction: Symbolizes a search for fulfillment, exploring options, and inner reflection.
  5. Emotional Reevaluation: Embodies reconsideration, emotional introspection, and seeking contentment.

Number 107:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Five of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying conflict, tension, and winning at a cost.
  3. Conflict and Resolution: Reflects confrontations, ego clashes, and resolving disputes.
  4. Learning from Conflict: Symbolizes understanding losses, valuing lessons, and seeking resolution.
  5. Resolving Disagreements: Embodies conflict resolution, compromise, and learning from adversity.

Number 108:

  1. Stable Foundation: Signifies stability, security, and a solid foundation.
  2. The Six of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence.
  3. Nostalgic Reminiscence: Reflects fond memories, innocence, and reconnecting with the past.
  4. Emotional Connection: Symbolizes deep emotional bonds, nostalgic experiences, and innocence.
  5. Past Reflections: Embodies reminiscing, innocence, and reconnecting with cherished memories.

Number 109:

  1. Innovative Ideas: Signifies fresh perspectives, original concepts, and inventive thinking.
  2. The Seven of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing deception, manipulation, and evasion.
  3. Deception and Secrecy: Reflects hidden motives, evading truth, and misleading actions.
  4. Seeking Clarity: Symbolizes uncovering deceit, honesty, and seeking truth.
  5. Honesty and Transparency: Embodies truthfulness, sincerity, and open communication.

Number 110:

  1. Harmonious Stability: Signifies stability, balance, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Overcoming Limitations: Reflects feeling constrained, seeking freedom, and finding solutions.
  4. Mental Liberation: Symbolizes breaking free from restrictions, seeking alternatives, and mental clarity.
  5. Freedom from Restraints: Embodies seeking liberation, overcoming limitations, and finding solutions.

Number 111:

  1. Enlightened Guidance: Signifies spiritual wisdom, intuitive insight, and divine guidance.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying resilience, endurance, and standing firm.
  3. Resilient Persistence: Reflects unwavering determination, resilience, and courage.
  4. Strength through Challenges: Symbolizes overcoming adversity, standing tall, and resilience in difficulties.
  5. Courageous Resilience: Embodies resilience, persistence, and fortitude in adversity.

Number 112:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, structure, and balance in all aspects.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing painful endings, betrayal, and rock bottom.
  3. Closure and Renewal: Reflects closure of cycles, painful endings, and readiness for new beginnings.
  4. Embracing Change: Symbolizes transformation, releasing pain, and seeking renewal.
  5. Transition to Healing: Embodies letting go, embracing change, and healing from pain.

Number 113:

  1. Innovative Inspiration: Signifies creative inspiration, intellectual ideas, and forward-thinking.
  2. The Page of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, practicality, and studiousness.
  3. Exploring Opportunities: Reflects new ventures, practical pursuits, and embracing opportunities.
  4. Practical Ventures: Symbolizes grounded approaches, new prospects, and exploring possibilities.
  5. Curiosity and Learning: Embodies curiosity, embracing knowledge, and seeking practical paths.

Number 114:

  1. Adaptive Progress: Signifies adaptability, progress, and flexibility in approach.
  2. The Knight of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing romantic idealism, creative pursuits, and following dreams.
  3. Dreamy Pursuits: Reflects emotional depth, pursuing dreams, and romantic aspirations.
  4. Creative Aspirations: Symbolizes creative endeavors, emotional expression, and passionate pursuits.
  5. Sentimental Pursuits: Embodies emotional expression, dream chasing, and romantic ideals.

Number 115:

  1. Visionary Exploration: Signifies visionary ideas, spiritual quests, and explorative insights.
  2. The Queen of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing emotional intelligence, compassion, and nurturing stability.
  3. Nurturing Empathy: Reflects compassionate care, emotional intelligence, and nurturing support.
  4. Intuitive Guidance: Symbolizes heightened intuition, emotional wisdom, and empathetic connections.
  5. Emotional Wisdom: Embodies empathy, emotional insight, and nurturing compassion.

Number 116:

  1. Stable Authority: Signifies stable leadership, practical wisdom, and authoritative stability.
  2. The King of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing material success, prosperity, and financial security.
  3. Financial Stability: Reflects material success, practical wisdom, and financial security.
  4. Reliable Leadership: Symbolizes grounded leadership, prosperity, and practical stability.
  5. Steadfast Authority: Embodies stability, financial security, and leadership strength.

Number 117:

  1. Innovative Knowledge: Signifies unconventional wisdom, unique insights, and visionary intellect.
  2. The Ace of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying clarity, truth, and new perspectives.
  3. Clarity and Truth: Reflects mental clarity, truth-seeking, and a new viewpoint.
  4. Mental Prowess: Symbolizes intellectual strength, clear thinking, and seeking truth.
  5. New Beginnings: Embodies fresh starts, mental clarity, and the pursuit of truth.

Number 118:

  1. Structural Stability: Signifies stability, organization, and a structured approach.
  2. The Two of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing indecision, stalemate, and weighing options.
  3. Decision-Making Dilemma: Reflects mental conflict, decisions, and weighing choices.
  4. Balancing Choices: Symbolizes a need for resolution, balanced decisions, and seeking clarity.
  5. Mental Crossroads: Embodies decision-making, seeking clarity, and resolving conflicts.

Number 119:

  1. Balanced Partnerships: Signifies balanced relationships, cooperation, and mutual understanding.
  2. The Three of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card embodying celebration, friendship, and joyful gatherings.
  3. Harmonious Celebrations: Reflects joyful occasions, friendships, and harmonious connections.
  4. Friendship and Unity: Symbolizes social bonds, celebration, and mutual happiness.
  5. Joyous Relationships: Embodies happy connections, celebrations, and mutual appreciation.

Number 120:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Four of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing rest, recuperation, and a period of contemplation.
  3. Mental Rejuvenation: Reflects recuperation, resting the mind, and seeking mental peace.
  4. Contemplative Rest: Symbolizes introspection, mental tranquility, and taking a break.
  5. Peaceful Pause: Embodies mental rejuvenation, quiet reflection, and inner calm.
These interpretations offer insight into various aspects of life and situations, aiming to provide diverse perspectives and potential meanings for each card.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:29 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #69-78

Number 69:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies innovative ideas, creativity, and expressing original concepts.
  2. The Five of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying conflict, tension, and winning at a cost.
  3. Conflict and Resolution: Reflects confrontations, ego clashes, and resolving disputes.
  4. Learning from Conflict: Symbolizes understanding losses, valuing lessons, and seeking resolution.
  5. Resolving Disagreements: Embodies conflict resolution, compromise, and learning from adversity.

Number 70:

  1. Stable Foundation: Signifies stability, security, and a solid foundation.
  2. The Six of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing nostalgia, childhood memories, and innocence.
  3. Nostalgic Reminiscence: Reflects fond memories, innocence, and reconnecting with the past.
  4. Emotional Connection: Symbolizes deep emotional bonds, nostalgic experiences, and innocence.
  5. Past Reflections: Embodies reminiscing, innocence, and reconnecting with cherished memories.

Number 71:

  1. Innovative Ideas: Signifies fresh perspectives, original concepts, and inventive thinking.
  2. The Seven of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying assessment, patience, and re-evaluation.
  3. Assessment and Patience: Reflects reevaluation, patience, and reassessment of progress.
  4. Contemplating Progress: Symbolizes reviewing efforts, considering growth, and reassessing plans.
  5. Reaping Rewards: Embodies the patience to see results, assessing achievements, and future planning.

Number 72:

  1. Balanced Harmony: Signifies balance, cooperation, and harmony in partnerships.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Overcoming Limitations: Reflects feeling constrained, seeking freedom, and finding solutions.
  4. Mental Liberation: Symbolizes breaking free from restrictions, seeking alternatives, and mental clarity.
  5. Freedom from Restraints: Embodies seeking liberation, overcoming limitations, and finding solutions.

Number 73:

  1. Enlightened Guidance: Signifies spiritual wisdom, intuitive insight, and divine guidance.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying resilience, endurance, and standing firm.
  3. Resilient Persistence: Reflects unwavering determination, resilience, and courage.
  4. Strength through Challenges: Symbolizes overcoming adversity, standing tall, and resilience in difficulties.
  5. Courageous Resilience: Embodies resilience, persistence, and fortitude in adversity.

Number 74:

  1. Balanced Stability: Signifies stability, structure, and balance in all aspects.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing painful endings, betrayal, and rock bottom.
  3. Closure and Renewal: Reflects closure of cycles, painful endings, and readiness for new beginnings.
  4. Embracing Change: Symbolizes transformation, releasing pain, and seeking renewal.
  5. Transition to Healing: Embodies letting go, embracing change, and healing from pain.

Number 75:

  1. Innovative Inspiration: Signifies creative inspiration, intellectual ideas, and forward-thinking.
  2. The Page of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, practicality, and studiousness.
  3. Exploring Opportunities: Reflects new ventures, practical pursuits, and embracing opportunities.
  4. Practical Ventures: Symbolizes grounded approaches, new prospects, and exploring possibilities.
  5. Curiosity and Learning: Embodies curiosity, embracing knowledge, and seeking practical paths.

Number 76:

  1. Adaptive Progress: Signifies adaptability, progress, and flexibility in approach.
  2. The Knight of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing romantic idealism, creative pursuits, and following dreams.
  3. Dreamy Pursuits: Reflects emotional depth, pursuing dreams, and romantic aspirations.
  4. Creative Aspirations: Symbolizes creative endeavors, emotional expression, and passionate pursuits.
  5. Sentimental Pursuits: Embodies emotional expression, dream chasing, and romantic ideals.

Number 77:

  1. Visionary Exploration: Signifies visionary ideas, spiritual quests, and explorative insights.
  2. The Queen of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing emotional intelligence, compassion, and nurturing stability.
  3. Nurturing Empathy: Reflects compassionate care, emotional intelligence, and nurturing support.
  4. Intuitive Guidance: Symbolizes heightened intuition, emotional wisdom, and empathetic connections.
  5. Emotional Wisdom: Embodies empathy, emotional insight, and nurturing compassion.

Number 78:

  1. Stable Authority: Signifies stable leadership, practical wisdom, and authoritative stability.
  2. The King of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing material success, prosperity, and financial security.
  3. Financial Stability: Reflects material success, practical wisdom, and financial security.
  4. Reliable Leadership: Symbolizes grounded leadership, prosperity, and practical stability.
  5. Steadfast Authority: Embodies stability, financial security, and leadership strength.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:28 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #55-67

Number 55:

  1. Transformational Change: Signifies radical changes, growth, and dynamic shifts.
  2. The Five of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing financial hardship, isolation, and seeking help.
  3. Overcoming Adversity: Reflects challenging times, seeking assistance, and perseverance.
  4. Recovery from Struggles: Symbolizes resilience, seeking support, and rebuilding after hardships.
  5. Adapting to Change: Embodies resilience, overcoming difficulties, and seeking stability.

Number 56:

  1. Harmonious Partnerships: Signifies collaboration, cooperation, and mutual understanding.
  2. The Six of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying transition, moving on, and mental healing.
  3. Moving Forward: Reflects transitions, leaving behind difficulties, and seeking peace.
  4. Mental Healing: Symbolizes mental clarity, emotional peace, and healing from past issues.
  5. Transition to Stability: Embodies moving towards peace, seeking resolutions, and finding tranquility.

Number 57:

  1. Spiritual Exploration: Signifies spiritual growth, exploration, and inner enlightenment.
  2. The Seven of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing challenges, standing firm, and defending beliefs.
  3. Defending Beliefs: Reflects standing your ground, overcoming challenges, and defending principles.
  4. Courageous Stand: Symbolizes resilience, determination, and facing opposition with courage.
  5. Spiritual Fortitude: Embodies inner strength, resilience, and defending spiritual values.

Number 58:

  1. Adaptive Solutions: Signifies adaptable strategies, versatility, and innovative thinking.
  2. The Eight of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing searching for fulfillment, moving on, and spiritual quest.
  3. Seeking Fulfillment: Reflects seeking emotional fulfillment, walking away, and pursuing deeper meaning.
  4. Spiritual Quest: Symbolizes inner exploration, seeking higher purpose, and spiritual evolution.
  5. Emotional Evolution: Embodies emotional growth, seeking fulfillment, and spiritual introspection.

Number 59:

  1. Visionary Progress: Signifies visionary ideas, progress, and a forward-thinking approach.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying resilience, perseverance, and standing strong despite challenges.
  3. Resilience in Challenges: Reflects strength, resilience, and overcoming adversity.
  4. Endurance through Trials: Symbolizes persistence, standing firm, and courage in difficulties.
  5. Visionary Persistence: Embodies determination, progress, and perseverance towards goals.

Number 60:

  1. Harmonious Stability: Signifies stability, balance, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Ten of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing burdens, responsibilities, and feeling overwhelmed.
  3. Heavy Responsibilities: Reflects burdens, feeling overwhelmed, and carrying a heavy load.
  4. Releasing Burdens: Symbolizes letting go of stress, seeking help, and sharing responsibilities.
  5. Seeking Balance: Embodies finding balance, delegating tasks, and seeking relief.

Number 61:

  1. Innovative Ventures: Signifies new beginnings, original ideas, and entrepreneurial pursuits.
  2. The Page of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing intellect, curiosity, and new perspectives.
  3. Intellectual Curiosity: Reflects seeking knowledge, new ideas, and intellectual exploration.
  4. Energetic Communication: Symbolizes clear thinking, direct communication, and new concepts.
  5. Exploring New Horizons: Embodies curiosity, embracing new perspectives, and intellectual ventures.

Number 62:

  1. Balanced Adaptation: Signifies adaptability, harmony, and maintaining balance amid change.
  2. The Knight of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card representing reliability, diligence, and practicality.
  3. Steadfast Commitment: Reflects dedication, reliability, and unwavering commitment.
  4. Practical Adaptation: Symbolizes adjusting plans, steady progress, and reliability in change.
  5. Consistent Progress: Embodies steady growth, adaptable strategies, and reliability in endeavors.

Number 63:

  1. Creative Harmony: Signifies creative expression, harmony, and a balanced creative approach.
  2. The Queen of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying charisma, confidence, and creativity.
  3. Creative Confidence: Reflects self-assuredness, creative flair, and passionate expression.
  4. Charismatic Leadership: Symbolizes magnetic personality, boldness, and creativity in leadership.
  5. Inspired Expression: Embodies passionate creativity, confidence, and influential charisma.

Number 64:

  1. Stable Independence: Signifies independence, stability, and self-reliance.
  2. The King of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing emotional maturity, compassion, and leadership.
  3. Emotional Stability: Reflects balanced emotions, leadership in emotions, and compassionate authority.
  4. Compassionate Authority: Symbolizes emotional intelligence, balanced leadership, and stable emotions.
  5. Steady Leadership: Embodies calm authority, emotional stability, and compassionate guidance.

Number 65:

  1. Resourceful Expansion: Signifies expansion, resourcefulness, and growth opportunities.
  2. The Ace of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying new opportunities, prosperity, and materialization of goals.
  3. Material Opportunities: Reflects new beginnings, potential wealth, and fertile ground for growth.
  4. Prosperous Ventures: Symbolizes abundance, materializing ideas, and fruitful beginnings.
  5. Potential Manifestation: Embodies the potential for success, materialization of goals, and fertile opportunities.

Number 66:

  1. Harmonious Creativity: Signifies creative collaborations, balance, and artistic endeavors.
  2. The Two of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing partnerships, mutual respect, and emotional connections.
  3. Harmonious Bonds: Reflects emotional connections, partnerships, and mutual understanding.
  4. Collaborative Unity: Symbolizes cooperation, emotional balance, and harmonious relationships.
  5. Balanced Partnership: Embodies mutual respect, emotional harmony, and cooperative endeavors.

Number 67:

  1. Intuitive Exploration: Signifies intuitive insights, exploration, and heightened awareness.
  2. The Three of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card embodying foresight, expansion, and seeking new horizons.
  3. Seeking Opportunities: Reflects anticipating growth, expansion, and seeking new possibilities.
  4. Expansive Vision: Symbolizes forward-thinking, seeking prospects, and planning for growth.
  5. Foresightful Ventures: Embodies anticipation, seeking new paths, and visionary exploration.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:26 adulting4kids Tarot Symbolism #41-54

Number 41:

  1. Creative Authority: Signifies creative leadership, authority, and innovative thinking.
  2. The Ace of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing new opportunities, inspiration, and potential.
  3. Inspired Beginnings: Reflects new creative ventures, potential, and enthusiasm.
  4. Entrepreneurial Spirit: Symbolizes ambition, creative ideas, and taking initiative.
  5. Creative Leadership: Embodies innovative thinking, initiative, and leading by example.

Number 42:

  1. Nurturing Stability: Signifies a secure foundation, family stability, and providing comfort.
  2. The Two of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying balance, juggling priorities, and adaptability.
  3. Balancing Priorities: Reflects managing responsibilities, juggling tasks, and adaptability.
  4. Financial Stability: Symbolizes stability in finances, balancing resources, and adaptability.
  5. Adaptable Support: Embodies support in various areas, flexibility, and resource management.

Number 43:

  1. Innovative Communication: Signifies creative expression, communication skills, and original ideas.
  2. The Three of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card representing heartache, sorrow, and emotional pain.
  3. Emotional Turmoil: Reflects heartbreak, sorrow, and dealing with emotional pain.
  4. Healing Communication: Symbolizes communication to mend, seeking resolution, and emotional recovery.
  5. Emotional Expression: Embodies expressing emotions, healing through words, and seeking closure.

Number 44:

  1. Foundational Stability: Signifies a solid foundation, stability, and practicality in endeavors.
  2. The Four of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying rest, contemplation, and recuperation.
  3. Rest and Recuperation: Reflects taking a break, rejuvenation, and recuperating energy.
  4. Mental Peace: Symbolizes mental tranquility, contemplation, and inner peace.
  5. Stable Mindset: Embodies a calm approach, stability, and peaceful contemplation.

Number 45:

  1. Creative Solutions: Signifies creativity, resourcefulness, and finding innovative solutions.
  2. The Five of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing competition, conflict, and struggles.
  3. Competitive Energy: Reflects competitive situations, conflicts, and differing opinions.
  4. Resolving Conflicts: Symbolizes finding solutions, overcoming challenges, and conflict resolution.
  5. Adapting to Challenges: Embodies facing challenges, seeking solutions, and adapting strategies.

Number 46:

  1. Balanced Partnerships: Signifies balanced relationships, cooperation, and partnership harmony.
  2. The Six of Pentacles (in some decks): Tarot card embodying generosity, sharing wealth, and giving back.
  3. Generous Assistance: Reflects giving and receiving, philanthropy, and sharing resources.
  4. Balanced Exchange: Symbolizes fairness in transactions, charitable acts, and reciprocity.
  5. Harmonious Cooperation: Embodies teamwork, mutual support, and cooperation.

Number 47:

  1. Intellectual Curiosity: Signifies intellectual pursuits, curiosity, and seeking knowledge.
  2. The Seven of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing illusion, choices, and imagination.
  3. Multiple Options: Reflects diverse choices, illusions, and being lost in fantasies.
  4. Clarity through Choices: Symbolizes making decisions, clarity amidst confusion, and focused imagination.
  5. Imagination and Choice: Embodies imaginative thinking, exploring options, and making decisions.

Number 48:

  1. Stable Foundations: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a strong base.
  2. The Eight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying restriction, feeling trapped, and limited options.
  3. Self-imposed Limitations: Reflects feeling restricted, limiting beliefs, and self-imposed barriers.
  4. Breaking Free: Symbolizes breaking barriers, finding solutions, and liberating oneself.
  5. Release from Restraints: Embodies overcoming obstacles, seeking solutions, and freeing oneself.

Number 49:

  1. Compassionate Visionary: Signifies compassionate leadership, humanitarian efforts, and foresight.
  2. The Nine of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing resilience, strength, and endurance.
  3. Endurance and Strength: Reflects resilience, determination, and standing strong against challenges.
  4. Guarded Perseverance: Symbolizes protection, preparedness, and standing your ground.
  5. Protective Vision: Embodies safeguarding, perseverance, and defending beliefs.

Number 50:

  1. Innovative Solutions: Signifies original ideas, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.
  2. The Ten of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying endings, betrayal, and painful conclusions.
  3. Closure and Endings: Reflects painful endings, betrayal, and reaching rock bottom.
  4. New Beginnings: Symbolizes closure, new opportunities, and embracing change.
  5. Transformation after Pain: Embodies recovery, acceptance, and moving forward.

Number 51:

  1. Elevated Vision: Signifies higher knowledge, spiritual insight, and wisdom.
  2. The Page of Cups (in some decks): Tarot card representing creative ideas, intuition, and emotional exploration.
  3. Exploration of Emotions: Reflects curiosity, emotional depth, and imaginative ideas.
  4. Creative Intuition: Symbolizes intuitive insights, emotional creativity, and exploring feelings.
  5. Emotional Discovery: Embodies emotional exploration, creative inspiration, and imaginative expression.

Number 52:

  1. Balanced Exploration: Signifies exploration, adaptability, and seeking equilibrium.
  2. The Knight of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card embodying action, ambition, and determination.
  3. Determined Pursuit: Reflects ambitious actions, decisiveness, and swift movements.
  4. Assertive Communication: Symbolizes directness, clarity in communication, and assertive approach.
  5. Active Adaptation: Embodies quick thinking, adaptability, and focused determination.

Number 53:

  1. Harmonious Growth: Signifies growth, expansion, and creating a harmonious environment.
  2. The Queen of Swords (in some decks): Tarot card symbolizing clear communication, independence, and intellectual maturity.
  3. Clear Communication: Reflects assertive expression, independence, and intellectual wisdom.
  4. Intellectual Clarity: Symbolizes mental strength, strategic thinking, and independence in thought.
  5. Balanced Judgment: Embodies fairness, intellectual maturity, and clear-sightedness.

Number 54:

  1. Stable Foundations: Signifies stability, discipline, and building a solid base.
  2. The King of Wands (in some decks): Tarot card representing leadership, vision, and entrepreneurial spirit.
  3. Visionary Leadership: Reflects influential leadership, boldness, and entrepreneurial pursuits.
  4. Creative Authority: Symbolizes innovative thinking,
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:14 Agile-Common-3455 Advice on deck color for our light green grayish house. All door trims and window trims are bronze color. Southern exposure. Thank you!

Advice on deck color for our light green grayish house. All door trims and window trims are bronze color. Southern exposure. Thank you! submitted by Agile-Common-3455 to homerenovations [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:13 MwerpAK Coloring during a meeting 😂

Coloring during a meeting 😂
I'm an admin assistant, so during our Quarterly meetings I often don't have much to do, or I have loads to do, no real in-between. So during the slow times this last Friday, I cooked... So much nicer than just playing on Facebook, and it helped me listen so much better! Got this book on Temu and am actually coloring IN it because the paper is too see-through to photocopy lol. Oh well, it's got enough pages to keep me busy at work for quite some time😇😇
submitted by MwerpAK to Coloring [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:05 r3crac 3D Stereoscopic Wooden Puzzle Cartoon Dinosaur for Kids for 2.81 USD without coupon (Best price in history: 3.23 USD)

Here is the link (Aliexpress): 3D Stereoscopic Wooden Puzzle Cartoon Dinosaur for Kids
(Aliexpress coupons: http://bit.ly/2I1VXQb (All Aliexpress items in my db: https://bit.ly/3lDj9IJ ))
I think it's a nice deal with good discount.
Telegram: https://t.me/couponsfromchinacom
FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/CouponsFromChinaCom
FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/couponsfromchinacom/
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Website: https://couponsfromchina.com
Image: https://ae01.alicdn.com/kf/S34c87557d53a4da1b4e3b4f87b4598b4L/3D-Stereoscopic-Wooden-Puzzle-Cartoon-Dinosaur-Animal-Shape-Color-Cognitive-Educational-Game-Montessori-Toy-Kids-Birthday.jpg
submitted by r3crac to couponsfromchina [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:51 BrnFish245 An open letter to the advisory board and instructors at the Global Center for Religious Research (GCRR)

To the Board of Directors, Advisory Board, and Instructors at the Global Center for Religious Research:
When I first came across an advertisement for the Global Center for Religious Research’s courses, I got excited, especially because the instructors weren’t all old white guys like me. I wanted to get a broad range of experiences. I intended not only to sign up for the courses, but to see whether or not I might be able to offer courses through GCRR in the future. I pictured a future in which I would have a whole new set of colleagues who, like me, treat clients who have experienced religious trauma.
Before buying anything, I decided to join the “Religious Trauma Studies” Facebook group that GCRR is running. It took me less than an hour to become very concerned about the behavior of GCRR and its leader, Darren Slade.
While GCRR’s advertisements give the impression of professionalism and research, Slade himself is traumatizing and even harassing his/your own customers. Do you not see it? Best case scenario: he’ll keep embarrassing you. Worst case scenario: someone (especially if you ever have employees) is going to sue you. If he publicly treats his customers with this much contempt, how will he treat his employees, if he ever gets this business off the ground?
To illustrate, I am attaching several documents printed (customer names redacted) from the GCRR’s “Religious Trauma Studies” Facebook group. It’s messy, but you can go look up the Facebook group and find the originals.
If you’re a therapist, do you not see how much credibility you lose by associating yourself with an organization that mocks your own therapy clients for being triggered and having feelings? And Slade's approach isn't just annoying or unprofessional, it’s aggressive. Surely you can see what I’m talking about? Why are you supporting this guy?
At one point in the attached document (while accusing a woman of being sexist against him for saying he's being sexist), Slade even claims that men are constantly discriminated against just for speaking, and that "oppression and marginalization cut both ways". (About 1/3 of the way down page 3). You are all experts in religious trauma, and I first became interested in GCRR's courses because I saw some women and people of color among the instructors and advisors. Do you, as a group, actually believe that "oppression and marginalization cuts both ways"? Do you believe that racism, sexism, and homophobia oppress and marginalize straight white men just as much as people of color, women, and LGBT people? If so, I'll be warning people away from your whole organization.
Our job is to help people put an end to this kind of abuse, not to perpetuate it. Our job is to help people to recover from their traumas, not inflict more trauma, and certainly not to belittle them for speaking up.
If I had gotten involved without checking out how Slade treats his customers, I'd be embarrassed now, so I'm taking the time to give you the professional heads-up that I would want were I in your shoes.
submitted by BrnFish245 to ReligiousTrauma [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:50 jwbgc Tips on making stacked bar graph

Tips on making stacked bar graph
Newish to Tableau and just looking for some tips. How do I make the top two bars more full so the labels can more easily be differentiated? How do I make these labels into a currency format? Any other advice you might have?
submitted by jwbgc to tableau [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:44 Zak_F03 The Principality’s Diplomatic Passport

The Principality’s Diplomatic Passport
Principality of Zakistan Diplomatic Passport Description
Cover Design: The diplomatic passport of the Principality of Zakistan is distinguished by its deep Bordeaux red color, symbolizing the nation's rich heritage and diplomatic prestige. The front cover is embossed with the national seal of Zakistan in a metallic gold hue. The seal features a majestic olive tree, representing peace and prosperity, encircled by the national motto, "Unity, Honor, Progress," inscribed in the three official languages of Zakistan: Zakistani, English, and French.
Interior Front Page: Upon opening the passport, the interior front page showcases an intricate design of the symbolic olive tree, set against a subtly patterned background that combines elements of traditional Zakistani art and modern aesthetics. This page also contains a unique passport number printed with holographic ink that changes color when viewed from different angles, enhancing security.
Main Photo and Information Page: The main photo page of the passport includes the holder's photograph, personal details, and various high-security features to prevent forgery. Key elements include: - Holographic Overlay: A transparent film embedded with holographic symbols of Zakistan’s national icons, including the olive tree, a dove, and a laurel wreath. - Infrared Ink: Invisible under normal light but visible under infrared light, used for printing the passport holder's name and other sensitive information. - Tactile Laser Engraving: The passport holder’s details are also laser engraved, providing a tactile element that is difficult to replicate. - Microtext: Small, intricate text that is only readable under magnification, featuring excerpts from Zakistan’s constitution and national poems. - Edge Seals: Laser-engraved edge seals on the photo page ensure the integrity of the document and make it evident if any tampering occurs.
Visa Pages: The passport contains numerous visa pages, each featuring a distinct national symbol of Zakistan, showcasing the country’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Pages 12-13 are particularly notable for their depiction of the stunning Oakwood Castle, an iconic historical landmark. The image of Oakwood Castle is printed using a combination of traditional and modern techniques, including: - Watermark: The castle image is integrated into the page as a multi-tone watermark, visible when held up to light. - UV Reactive Ink: Elements of the castle and surrounding landscape glow under UV light, revealing hidden details and enhancing security. - Embossing: The Oakwood Castle is subtly embossed, providing a tactile feel and adding another layer of security. - Intaglio Printing: This technique is used for printing the national symbols on each visa page, giving a rich texture and raised feel to the designs.
Additional Security Features: - Biometric Chip: Embedded within the passport’s back cover, this chip securely stores the holder's biometric data, ensuring swift and accurate identification at border controls. - Rainbow Printing: The gradient technique used in printing makes it difficult to reproduce the pages accurately using conventional methods. - Optical Variable Ink: This ink changes color when viewed from different angles and is used for the national emblem and certain texts within the passport. - Threading: Security threads woven into the pages contain microtext and are visible only under certain light conditions, adding another layer of counterfeit protection.
The Zakistan diplomatic passport is a testament to the nation's commitment to security, heritage, and technological advancement. It not only serves as a travel document but also as a symbol of national pride and identity for Zakistani diplomats and dignitaries worldwide.
submitted by Zak_F03 to Zakistan [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:43 ThePolecatKing Pages From The Liber De KrasĂ­

Pages From The Liber De KrasĂ­
The newest page along with the re color graded first page, of the Liber De KrasĂ­ or (The Book Of Mine) my Digital Dionysian Grimoire of Eldridge knowledge.
submitted by ThePolecatKing to dionysus [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:42 Zak_F03 Principality of Zakistan Diplomatic Passport

Principality of Zakistan Diplomatic Passport
Principality of Zakistan Diplomatic Passport Description
Cover Design:
The diplomatic passport of the Principality of Zakistan is distinguished by its deep Bordeaux red color, symbolizing the nation's rich heritage and diplomatic prestige. The front cover is embossed with the national seal of Zakistan in a metallic gold hue. The seal features a majestic olive tree, representing peace and prosperity, encircled by the national motto, "Unity, Honor, Progress," inscribed in the three official languages of Zakistan: Zakistani, English, and French.
Interior Front Page: Upon opening the passport, the interior front page showcases an intricate design of the symbolic olive tree, set against a subtly patterned background that combines elements of traditional Zakistani art and modern aesthetics. This page also contains a unique passport number printed with holographic ink that changes color when viewed from different angles, enhancing security.
Main Photo and Information Page: The main photo page of the passport includes the holder's photograph, personal details, and various high-security features to prevent forgery. Key elements include: - Holographic Overlay: A transparent film embedded with holographic symbols of Zakistan’s national icons, including the olive tree, a dove, and a laurel wreath. - Infrared Ink: Invisible under normal light but visible under infrared light, used for printing the passport holder's name and other sensitive information. - Tactile Laser Engraving: The passport holder’s details are also laser engraved, providing a tactile element that is difficult to replicate. - Microtext: Small, intricate text that is only readable under magnification, featuring excerpts from Zakistan’s constitution and national poems. - Edge Seals: Laser-engraved edge seals on the photo page ensure the integrity of the document and make it evident if any tampering occurs.
Visa Pages: The passport contains numerous visa pages, each featuring a distinct national symbol of Zakistan, showcasing the country’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty. Pages 12-13 are particularly notable for their depiction of the stunning Oakwood Castle, an iconic historical landmark. The image of Oakwood Castle is printed using a combination of traditional and modern techniques, including: - Watermark: The castle image is integrated into the page as a multi-tone watermark, visible when held up to light. - UV Reactive Ink: Elements of the castle and surrounding landscape glow under UV light, revealing hidden details and enhancing security. - Embossing: The Oakwood Castle is subtly embossed, providing a tactile feel and adding another layer of security. - Intaglio Printing: This technique is used for printing the national symbols on each visa page, giving a rich texture and raised feel to the designs.
Additional Security Features: - Biometric Chip: Embedded within the passport’s back cover, this chip securely stores the holder's biometric data, ensuring swift and accurate identification at border controls. - Rainbow Printing: The gradient technique used in printing makes it difficult to reproduce the pages accurately using conventional methods. - Optical Variable Ink: This ink changes color when viewed from different angles and is used for the national emblem and certain texts within the passport. - Threading: Security threads woven into the pages contain microtext and are visible only under certain light conditions, adding another layer of counterfeit protection.
The Zakistan diplomatic passport is a testament to the nation's commitment to security, heritage, and technological advancement. It not only serves as a travel document but also as a symbol of national pride and identity for Zakistani diplomats and dignitaries worldwide.
submitted by Zak_F03 to micronations [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:41 LooLoo_nonsense Epson ecotank 2803 won’t print color with ink tanks almost full

I bought an epson ecotank 2803, used, and it won’t print color. I’ve done the nozzle cleaning option multiple times, cleaned the print head multiple times and did basically all of the maintenance options except for a power cleaning bc I read that that can seriously drain the ink. So I wanted to make sure there wasn’t something else I could try, before I did that.
I included the second picture bc a lot of the stuff online says to change certain settings and see if the color works, but I have a very limited amount of settings and can’t change much.
I don’t really know what I’m doing.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
submitted by LooLoo_nonsense to printers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:38 ThePolecatKing Liber De KrasĂ­ (The UnDead)

Newest page from the Liber De KrasĂ­, along with the first page re color-graded.
submitted by ThePolecatKing to chaosmagick [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:36 fenix0000000 KDE Plasma 6.0.5 RELEASE !

Complete Changelog: Plasma 6.0.5 complete changelog - KDE Community

Dr Konqi
Plasma Addons
Plasma Desktop
Plasma SDK
Plasma Systemmonitor
Plasma Workspace
System Settings
submitted by fenix0000000 to linux [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:24 tomadobi Business partnership with someone who has experience in wallets, accessories, or fashion in Kolkata, and can help source materials.

Looking to co-found a modern wallet brand. I run a digital marketing agency, will be available free of cost for the venture (social, branding, copywriting, SEO, website, ads, ecommerce). But I have no experience in the products themselves. So, I need someone with experience in wallets, accessories, fashion, etc., preferably with experience in D2C supply chains, manufacturing, material sourcing. The idea is to create a chic, new-age brand to connect with the youth. Everything from the branding, communication, colors, and web UI to the product shots will be aligned to that. More details over PM.
If you don't have a clear idea of the aesthetic I'm envisioning, here are some references to check. Please note these are all just references and are not the same. The final product we launch in India will use a similar approach and target the premium market.
Brand References:
submitted by tomadobi to kolkata [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Clandom How can I make mono red 8 field viable enough to bring to an RCQ?

Here's the current list: https://www.moxfield.com/decks/K9SW8tiLbEePOHoH1H3_DQ
I enjoy playing the deck and I feel like there's a lot of decisions to make. The deck has been running really smoothly and I think it performs well against most meta decks, so I don't see why I can't bring it to an RCQ.
However, I feel like the list is slightly suboptimal. Running mirrex and 8 fields seems like a great opportunity to splash a color but I don't know what would be good. Also, I've played pretty stock obosh with ragavans and fables for the past couple months, and I'm not sure if there are any other even mana cards I'm missing.
submitted by Clandom to ModernMagic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 Farpafraf Could use some opinions on this draft

First draft I do in this format so I could really use some feedback on the picks (keep in mind I'm a filthy rare picker so the little bones dude and the mythic card were due to that).
As for the deck building part I'm not sure if I have enough fixing (3 deserts, 2 tubleweeds, 1 gardener, 1 greenblade) to go with 4 colors. I think I might also be a bit too light on actual 1-2CMC drops since I only have 5 actual ones but I've heard it's a slow format. Maybe I should play the keykeeper and miriam? The dogs dont seem great but I like the idea of having something that I can drop on T3 if I'm having fixing issues.
An alternative could be to drop the runsteins and 1 land to play miriam the keykeeper and the grizzly.
submitted by Farpafraf to lrcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 UpAndUpTTT Beehiiv 6 week review - the good and the improvable (for me)

At the end of March, I set a goal to start publishing a weekly newsletter on Beehiiv. I had started before on Mailchimp but couldn't make it past three weeks. Editing and making the email look acceptable was a pain, and I couldn't get into a flow. Then, Beehiiv came along and looked too good to be true.
I got pulled into the shiny new platform and restarted with Beehiiv, and I am so glad I did. I am running a six-week streak, and I am going as motivated as I was on day one. I have never written so much in my life.
Importing from Mailchimp was super easy, and I could edit some of the old posts within Beehiiv to update the links, for example.
I didn't do too much on the initial styling. I changed the color scheme, added a description, and slapped a logo together. I just wanted to get back to writing. And I wanted a system. I wanted a task each day that brought me to complete my weekly post without distractions or detours.
The platform makes it easy to focus on precisely that. After sending the initial two emails, with my style and structure evolving, it was easy to repeat the same steps week after week to get my post out (Research, Outline, Writing, Edit, Final Prep).
I usually style while writing and a bit more during the edit. After six weeks, writing and using the "/" commands continuously feels so simple—I don't have to think about the tool and can focus 100% on the content.
As I had my weekly rhythm going, I had a bit of time for the "tool" again. I set up Google Analytics, SEO, Tag Manager, Indexing my page, etc.,
The YouTube videos Beehiiv puts out make it super simple to learn and understand (no background knowledge needed). Even if the Beehiiv UI had changed (with the new Website builder), the comment section of the videos had these updates. Huge kudos to the guides!
Now that I have content and trackers on all the things, diving into the Growth section makes sense.
The analytics section about where subscribers come from is helpful, but I have not gotten any organic growth yet, which brings me to the "improvable."
Remember why I stopped MailChimp? I had to do too much outside of creating my content. This is how organic growth (cross-posting on social media, etc.) feels to me. But I know that without it, I am not seeing any growth. I understand that that's a task that is on me. I just wish I had a clear path.
I have a small number of subscribers (50), most of whom were gathered from a subscription form on Medium posts and brought over from MailChimp. But outside of that, I have seen no growth.
I will try the Referral program next, but I don't yet know how to optimize my organic growth system.
I feel like the benefit of a follow/follow back commenting system (community) on other platforms is that the newsletter gets promoted indirectly. Pure interaction might spark some growth.
On Beehiiv, I have to go outside the platform and "plug" my newsletter, and I have not yet figured out how to best do that without feeling like I am promoting it too much. The Medium posts, I posted on Medium first and added a form below. But I do want to post on my newsletter first, not on Medium, do I them cross-post there? Would that hurt SEO?
This would be another cool YT tutorial section, or maybe that exists or maybe I need to do a digital growth marketing course to get better at it. But if I have 5 hours per week, I'd rather put that into creating my content, and maybe the referral feature is my best bet?
Would love to hear your thoughts on that and am excited to post a 12-week streak update if anyone is interested.
submitted by UpAndUpTTT to beehiiv [link] [comments]
