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2024.05.14 16:53 dBonesLH Spring Horror Reviews feat. Buehlman, Cutter & More!

Hi Horror fans! I am back with a few more reviews. I normally try to mix up the new and the old the classic and the atypical when I can. My success varies depending on which books call to me. Let me know what you think!
Lowest reviewed to highest.
Survivor Song by Paul Tremblay
Premise- A new rabies virus is running rampant in Massachusetts and Nats is running out of time. Almost ready to give birth and exposed to the rapidly advancing virus she needs help before the baby arrives or she succumbs…
Thoughts- This book almost broke my DNF record. It has been a long time since I gave up on a book and this was close. If it wasn’t a relatively short book (around 300 pages) I don’t think I would have powered through. I disliked one of the main characters throughout (Nats) finding her grating and her attempts at humour embarrassing. It also employs just about every cliché ever put into the apocalyptic or outbreak genre and then makes it worse by being self referential about the cliches. Then towards the end the other main character who I didn’t mind as much becomes so selfish (I understand she’s trying to help her friend but come on) that she willingly endangers a busload of people just for her own ends. All of this is without delving into the awkward and awful kid “slang” Tremblay employs for about 50 pages in the middle of the book. My wife really enjoyed the audiobook for his A Head Full of Ghosts so I will probably try that before writing him off as an author who is not for me but he has a really difficult hill to climb after this. A final thing to note much of this book even when action was occurring felt plodding and slow somehow which I can’t even wrap my head around because rabies infected people chasing down our main characters should be exciting but I could barely keep my eyes open.
Rating- 2/5. Not a 1 because I finished it. Do not recommend. Read any other apocalyptic or outbreak book The Stand or Swan Song comes to mind.
Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman
Premise- The Black Death ravages the French countryside and evil lurks behind every corner. A former knight turned brigand encounters a young girl who is more than she seems. Can he find redemption? Does he deserve it?
Thoughts- This is another horrorlit darling. I actually picked up Buehlman’s fantasy novel The Blacktongue Thief first in anticipation of this this novel because it was the only novel of his available at my book store. I enjoyed that and appreciated the author’s humour and dark side. This novel came with a lot of hype as it has to be one of the most recommended books in this sub. The premise of a medieval horror which features demons and devils was incredibly appealing and my wife and I decided to read through it at the same time (her on audio). We both found it pretty underwhelming which I know might be controversial. It’s strange because its well written, I enjoy the characters and the setting but somehow it did not gel with me. The best way I can describe it is it felt almost like a horror show with say 22 episodes. Like most shows with 22 episodes a lot of them are filler or freak of the week episodes and that is how a lot of the middle of the book felt to me. We would travel along with Thomas and Delphine, they would encounter something strange and remarkable (occasionally horrifying) and move on to another area where another strange or remarkable thing would happen. It felt oddly disconnected. Now I need to talk about the ending which didn’t redeem my feelings about a large portion of the book but it was my favourite thing about this novel for sure. It ends in a fantastic way and encapsulates what I think the author was going for throughout the book but didn’t land for me until the end with themes concerning sin, redemption and second chances. This might be the definition of a book I appreciate and can see what others love about it but didn’t register with me for large portions. That ending though, so good.
Rating-3.5/5 stars. An interesting setting for a modern horror novel let down by some meandering adventures which caused it to lose me somewhat before ending on a high note.
Little Heaven by Nick Cutter
Premise- Three hardened mercenaries team up for what seems like an easy job, rescue a woman’s nephew from a cult down south. What it turns into is a fight for their lives which will haunt them down through the years and will make them wonder if they ever really escaped Little Heaven?
Thoughts- My second foray into the work of horrorlit darling Nick Cutter. I enjoyed The Troop and found it suitably disgusting and chilling to earn the reputation it has in the wider horror fan annals. I actually think I prefer Little Heaven overall. One of my biggest gripes with The Troop was its lack of meaningful characters and many of them felt like stereotypes and while some of the characters in Little Heaven fall a little into that category (the Reverand in particular is just a straight black heart) the main group were all well realized in my opinion and despite their obvious shortcomings I came to root for them. Cutter per usual is a master with description, creeping the reader out with every mention of things slimy, crawly or looming. In this book he has included some pages of art which further the atmosphere and really burn some of the images into your mind (one rather tall character in particular). I enjoyed the back and forth between the two timelines, one during the initial trip to Little Heaven in the 60’s and the ugly return in the 80’s. It had almost an It like feeling of needing to overcome your fear when you know what is awaiting you but finding the courage decades later to face it regardless. Similarly to The Troop, Cutter doesn’t give us the Hollywood happy ending either which I enjoy, you get your elements and take what you can from such an evil place. Without going into spoilers there were things about the ultimate confrontation which I disliked (mostly the reveal of what is within the black rock itself) and things which I enjoyed a lot (the ultimate fate of one of the main characters). I think that I have now read what I would consider his two most applauded books I can move onto the one which splits horror audiences in half, The Deep. Overall though Cutter writes horror that really is a page turner and I will continue to read him until he proves otherwise.
Rating-4/5 stars. Another fast-paced creepy jaunt evoking elements of Heart of Darkness (and modern horror takes like Children of Chaos) and the two timeline split involving children obsessed evil like King’s It, Mr. Cutter continues to impress and make it his own.
Empire of the Vampire by Jay Kristoff
Premise- The sun has gone dark and the great empire of Elidaen is at war. Not with their neighbouring countries but the great unholy horde of undying monsters that make up the vampiric kingdoms. Gabriel De Leon will learn what it means to survive and battle against these creatures on his journey to becoming a member of the Silversaints, the great brotherhood of warriors who try to keep the darkness at bay.
Thoughts- Let me start by saying that putting this into my horror reviews is a little of a stretch. This is really more of a dark fantasy book with horror trappings. If you just want straight horror and are not into fantasy as a genre maybe give this one a pass, but if you do enjoy fantasy even a little please check this out. It is epic in scale with fantastic characters and really fun dialogue. If I am being reductive it is like 70% Witcher, 20% Blade and 10% Interview with a Vampire. I happen to enjoy all three of those things quite a bit so I loved this book. The story bounces between three time frames, the framing story in the “present” where Gabriel is imprisoned and telling his life story to his vampire jailor, his origin story taking place when he is around 16 telling of his upbringing and becoming a Silversaint and finally him as a 32 year old on a quest for the holy grail. Kristoff does a really good job at least early on keeping the reader engaged on each story as they bounce back and forth and I never felt too much like I needed to go back to the other time line even though I was always interested in what would happen next. There was one sequence which dragged a little for me (basically the sequence going to and time in Redwatch) but it is a minor gripe in a hell of a book. I am very excited for the sequel which should be out in first half of 2024. This book looks from the title and cover a little juvenile but it is very adult (many brutal murders, battles, amusing and creative cursing and a fair bit of the sexy stuff) so do not be scared off by appearance alone. A definite recommend from me. I could see some people finding the dynamics and themes well trodden from other recent media as mentioned Witcher and things like The Last of Us, but the world and characters Kristoff creates makes it work despite the familiarity.
Rating-4.5/5 stars. A brilliant start to what I hope will be the and amazing vampire series.
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer by Patick Suskind
Premise- Jean-Baptise Grenouille is born with a unique ability, the most extraordinary nose of all time. He can remember, store and create any scent he wishes. To that end he “collects” as many as possible and aims to create the greatest perfume known to mankind. Unfortunately, the best scents that he wishes to capture for his perfume comes from virginal teenage girls and he will take their odour no matter the cost….
Thoughts- I prepared myself for this book based on comments from fellow readers by expecting it to fall into the more distinguished “literature” side of the horror genre. It did but it still surprised me with the directions that it went in. I was expecting more focus lets say on the murders themselves and Suskind does such an amazing job detailing the inner workings of Grenouille’s mind that when we finally get to that part of the book we absolutely understand why they are not really the focus of the novel but merely a means to an end. The descriptions of odours are amazing and a few times I felt myself almost gagging at some of the images Suskind conjures with his prose. I am not a prose person but he does a wonderful job detailing scents in a way you would never think of. The journey Grenouille goes on is utterly unexpected and fascinating. You truly get a strange insight into this broken creature and why he is doing what he is doing and how ultimately the murders mean nothing to him but a way to capture or collect his perfume which is his ambition. The last few pages erupt into a madhouse of defied expectations just when I thought we would have a fairly basic ending Suskind pulls the rug out once again. It also really underlines how animal humanity can be and what we can be reduced to based on our senses.
Rating-5/5 stars. A truly unique novel which defied all expectations. Very different and easy to recommend to horror readers who want something out of the ordinary.
If you want to read my previous horror reviews I will post the links here:
Devil in the White City, The Troop, The Damnation Game, Swan Song, The Fisherman and Something Wicked This Way Comes
Playground, Ghost Story, Red Dragon, The Exorcist, Children of Chaos
Mr. Gaunt and Other Uneasy Encounters, Mongrels, Strange Weather, Let the Right One in, The Final Girl Support Group
Potential Options Upcoming books:
Owned- Old Country by Query, The Fireman by Hill and Carrion Comfort by Simmons (started this one got about 1/3 through and put it down wasn’t clicking despite me loving his Sci-Fi).
Wishlist- The Imago Sequence and Other Stories by Barron, Boy’s Life by McCammon.
submitted by dBonesLH to horrorlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:47 OShaunesssy Book report guy back and I just read a book written by Bret Hart's ex-wife Julie and she has some crazy accusations of physical abuse and heavy drug use by both her and Bret, and shows a more shameful side of Bret than his own book depicted.

Having read a comprehensive book detailing the Hart Family/ Stampede Wrestling, as well as books by Bret Hart, Bruce Hart and Dynamite Kid, I can say it was great to hear from someone who was spoken about in all those books. It is fascinating to see all the intersecting points of view when it comes to anything Hart Family related.
Bret Hart book
Bruce Hart book
History of Stampede Wrestling book
History of the Hart Family as documented in various books
Dynamite Kid book
This book was short and a quick read, but you could tell it was written with honesty and truth. She doesn't shy away from her own mistakes and issues while detailing the own POV on a relationship where most people have only heard from Bret.
As always, it's done in chronological order. I hope you find it as interesting as I did...
Julie had a truly wild and horrific youth experience between being sent to juvenile detention centers and dealing with genuinely abusive step parents. She is honest and critical of her own behaviors as well and doesn't like the choices she made. I grew up in the area where she spent her teenage years, and I can confirm that the seedy ghetto areas of Saskatchewan are genuinely gross and terrifying places to be when you're young and directionless.
She talks about how she was r*ped while hitchhiking as a teenager and got pregnant. She gave the baby up for adoption and tried to press charges but got cold feet and ran to another neighboring city. She was afraid the man who assaulted her would escape the charges and come after her again. She was young and naively thought that if she had just switched towns, she could escape everything. When a cop found her, he accused her of running because she was lying about the assault. This type of bullshit is why women don't come forward.
Julie was working in Regina, Saskatchewan, at the arena where wrestling was held when it came in town. That's where she first saw Bret Hart, and Bret saw her too. He ended up asking her boss Gil to introduce the two. Bret spoke about this in his book, too, how Julie caught his eye while he was in the ring. Gil later warned Julie that dating a wrestler is risky because they have a lot of "stops on the road." Julie didn't understand that Gil wasn't criticizing or accusing Bret of anything, but how he knew how wrestlers were on the road, in terms of meeting women.
Julie speaks favorably on how Bret treated her younger sister Michelle (the future wife of Dynamite Kid) but I remember in Bret's book, him describing in detail how attracted he was to the underage Michelle when he met her. Julie says Bret treated her like a sister, and her book came out after Bret's, so I'll take her word for it.
Julie moved in with Bret in Calgary just a few months into their relationship and she remembers being a wreck of nerves and anxiety ay the start, unable to cook or even attend the big Hart Family Sunday dinner. Eventually, Bret got her out to the Hart house where she met Stu and Helen Hart. Helen was a sweetheart, but she remembers Stu eying her up and down, with Julie saying, "He gave me the once over." Adding, "Stu judged women on their teeth and legs." She said Stu stared at her teeth and legs as if she were a race horse he was inspecting.
Julie remembers how Stu would turn any conversation into something about wrestling. She mentioned being a Saskatchewan Roughrider fan (Canadian football team), and Stu went on a rant about Gene Kiniski, who briefly played for the Edmonton Eskimos This made me chuckle as Stu and Gene had a but of a rough relationship since Stu gave up on Gene when he was a rookie and hurt his knee. Gene went to Toronto where "Whipper" Billy Watson essentially turned Gene into the big name star he was known for.
In Bret's book, he described the first night Julie came to the Sunday Hart dinner and when Julie passed on the salad, Bret's sister Diana Hart snapped on her saying, "What, you're too good for fuckin' salad!?" Bret says his mom responded by saying to Julie, "So you met Bret's sister Diana." In Julie's book, she describes this event as well but doesn't mention the funny line from Helen. She says Bret just took Julie and decided to leave immediately. Bret's other sister, Georgia, followed them outside and apologized on behalf of Diana and excused Diana by pointing out how pregnant Diana was at the time.
Julie actually puts over Diana quite a bit and says she actually came to admire Diana for how outspoken she was. She says Diana had a great style and was a gifted artist. After reading so many Hart related books, it's refreshing to hear something positive about Diana. Diana is the "Black sheep" who married "The British Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith. Diana would write a scandalous and legal minefield of a book in 2001 called "Under the mat." It was quickly pulled from shelves after Owen Hart's widow Martha threatened legal action over what was said about her and Owen. Bret and Bruce Hart also denounce the book, calling it mostly lies, but not everything can be written off as fiction, including stories, some wild stores about Dean Hart. I desperately need this book.
Julie said she never got over the sight of Bret Hart eating an avacado as if it were an apple.
While Bret was in Japan wrestling with his brother Keith, Julie said she spent a lot of time with Keith's girlfriend. It was Keith's girlfriend who smartened Julie up to how wrestling works. Up to this point, she believed it to be legit, and even Bret had been selling it like this to her. She was furious, and when Bret called, she told him they were done and hung up on him. The next day, Bret's older brother Bruce stopped by to help her understand kayfabe and how silly it all was. Julie says she ended up feeling bad for reacting like that and yelling at Bret, but she says he forgave her immediately. Bret tells this same story in his book, adding details of how Julie would worry and stress about Bret Hart being brutalized every night.
Here's something I dont remember from Bret's book. He knocked up Julie very early into their relationship, and Julie got an abortion. She said they both weren't ready for being parents, but Julie says she was deeply saddened by their choice. She never expressed these misgivings with Bret, and assumes Bret was relieved, she didn't make it any more difficult on them. To Bret's credit, maybe he didn't mention it in his book for Julie's benefit. Or he did mention it very briefly, and I missed it.
Julie remembers accompanying Bret on a trip overseas where they went to a freaky sex show place where they had "baby tigers and lions and torture rooms."" She says at one point Bret got tied up on a table and was playfully whipped.
On this trip, Julie remembers a woman hitting on Bret right in front of her and had to yell at her to back off while Bret laughed. Julie was pissed and made them go back to the hotel. Once there, Julie was mouthing off to Bret before he grabbed her and "bodyslammed" her into the flower bed. He offered to help her up afterwards but she told him to fuck off.
A week later Bret came home smelling of perfume and Julie says she just snapped. She said she grabbed him and dug her finger nails into his face and eyes. She says Bret later would tell her that he never saw her the same after this incident. I don't remember Bret describing Julie ever getting physical like that in his book, but he did describe a lot of shouting matches.
Julie says she and Bret got married after her younger sister and Dynamite Kid. She says they got married in secret because Bret didn't like his siblings much and said they didn't deserve to be part of it.
When Julie was pregnant again this time they felt ready to start a family. Though Bret made Julie not tell anyone for the first 5 months of her pregnancy and when he "told" his parents, it was through a letter he left on their bed before he left for a wrestling tour. Julie remembers feeling hurt by this because Bret would say his parents always wanted their children to start families with someone who had money, a significant name and an education. Julie had none of those things and while she doesn't say it, you get the feeling that she thinks Bret was ashamed or embarrassed by her.
When she got pregnant again, she says Bret was mad at her for not being more careful with birth control. She says she became very irritable and bitchy throughout the pregnancy and always found something to be mad at Bret for. She is super critical of her behavior here and doesn't excuse it.
The night she gave birth, Bret left to go out for drinks, despite Julie asking him not to in case her water broke. When she woke up at 5am to her water breaking, she was furious that Bret didn't come home yet and had to call a friend to get her to the hospital. Bret was a no-show for her entire delivery and missed his second child being born. Julie says she was furious and seriously considered divorcing him then.
When Bret started touring with WWF, he was gone for much longer periods of time and this strained their marriage. Working for WWF really put a strain on Bret and filled him with confidence issues as well. She said between his self doubt and her loneliness, their marriage was barely holding on.
She remembers how Bret would call from the road and bemoan about how lonely he was. I'm reminded of his book, how he would complain about feeling lonely, then complain that the guilt of cheating on Julie was too much.
Julie says she got a literal itch and went to a doctor who told her that she caught "something" from a public washroom. A suspicious Julie went home and threw all her bedding in the garbage and then thought to check on her suspicion. She looked through their phone bills to find that Bret was placing a ton of calls to a girl from New Jersey and that he even kept the receipt for a Christmas present he bought this girl!
Julie describes how Bret called and she just screamed "I want a divorce!" Before she hung up and ripped the phone cord out of the wall. Eventually she agreed to go meet him and they started yelling at each other in a parking lot after a show. She says at one point Bret through a can of budweiser at her head, hitting her! She says wrestler Les Thorton got between the two and tried to calm them down. She remembers screaming how she won't get in the car with Bret and Bret yelled back, "Don't be stupid, get in the car! Your embarrassing yourself!" She says Bret later said the girl meant nothing to him and Julie should be greatful that Bret isn't addicted to drugs. Wild. At one point when they were back in the hotel room, a girl called the room asking for Bret and Julie snapped, breaking a lamp.
In Bret's book, he described how he decieved both Julie and this girl from New Jersey, neglecting to tell this side girl that he was married until she was head over heels in love with him. Bret talks about how tough this was for him and says that Stu and Helen Hart talked Julie out of leaving him.
Julie says their relationship was never the same after the affair. She couldn't trust him again.
Julie says when her grandmother died a few months after the affair, Bret was calling her everyday to check in but she said "I couldn't have cared less about those calls."
Julie says it was around this time that she and Bret started to regularly do cocaine. She said the coke helped her not think about the affair and how she would ask Bret to score some if she couldn't get it out of her head. She said she would do coke and sleep in the car just to avoid Bret. She suggests this all slowed down when Vince started cracking down on coke use with drug tests.
She speaks highly of Vince McMahon, this book was written in 2013, and she is greatful for what Vince was able to provide for her family and the opportunity he gave Bret. She says when she first met Vince, he was wearing a suit and sneakers. When she asked Bret why he wore sneakers, Bret said "so he can get around." During the show she noticed Vince was all over the place during matches, never sitting still and always running around from one person to another.
Julie remembers meeting Ozzy Osbourne at Wrestlemania 2 and "marking out" because he was her idol as a teenager. After the show, she says Ozzy was present as everyone had drinks at the hotel and Dynamite Kid spiked her drink. She said she could barely stand and Dynamite just laughed at her the whole time.
Julie notes how devoted Bret was to making sure his kids had the best toys, and how Bret would drive to every toy store before Christmas and find what the kids wanted. She appreciates this but also wishes Bret didn't miss so many plays and dances and activities due to his schedule. She was starting to really resent wrestling and wanted Bret to quit. She hated having this big house that felt empty most of the time without Bret home. In Bret's book, he wanted her to get a job to fix her loneliness.
She says her 3rd pregnancy was easier than her second and Bret was very sweet to her and praised how good she looked.
Julie brings up how devastated Bret was when his brother Dean died in 1990. She remembers watching him wrestle the next night at Survivor Series ppv and seeing the pain on his face. Bret talks about how tough this was in his book and how much shame he felt. Dean needed a kidney transplant and none of the Hart brothers stepped up. Bret didn't want to derail his career. Though you can't blame anyone more than Dean himself, who was stubborn and often went against doctors orders, so even with a mew kidney, Dean may have still died.
Julie talks about continuing her partying and drug lifestyle into the early 90s when she would party with a local band and inviting them to live at her house. She said Bret was very understanding and never pushed her for details on those nights out. Some nights Bret would watch the kids all night while Julie was getting fucked up and partying.
On of those musicians, Marc, was very close with Julie and while Julie never says she hooked up, she does say her younger sister Michelle did hook up with Marc, a bunch of times in secret. She doesn't specify if this was before or after Michelle left Dynamite Kid, but she says Marc did move in with Michelle and help her with the kids. This would have been after Dynamite went back to UK, since I'm sure Dynamite would have kicked the door down and attempted to murder Marc if this were in the final months of of Michelle and Dynamite's marriage.
Julie's brother committed suicide and Julie didn't have the support system around to prevent her from spiraling into heavy drinking.
In 1996, Bret Hart was filming a movie (Sinbad) in South Africa and halfway through, asked Julie to come join him. Julie is very honest about how she was self sabatoging her life at this point but was still deeply in love with Bret. She was excited to read an early draft of some Shakespeare work that was at a museum, but Bret couldn't be bothered to go with her so she went by herself.
She says her and Bret shared a perfect moment watching the sun set, but Bret got mad at her when she decided to record it.
Julie describes sneaking cigarettes because Bret didn't know she picked the habbit up again.
The trip ended when Julie was asking Bret something but he just ignored her several times in a row. When she finally looked at what had his attention, she saw he was gawking at a topless sunbather on the beach. She stormed off to the hotel room after telling Bret to show her more respect than that. Julie says Bret followed her to the room, with him saying she always ruins these trips. When Julie started packing her bags, she says Bret pushed her hard onto the bed. She started spewing insults at him, before, she says, Bret grabbed her by the hair and threw her from the bed and onto the floor! Julie says she started crying and demanding that Bret get her home immediately or else she would find someone who would. Bret screamed at her "Get the fuck out! I've had it with you! We're fucking done! I will put you on a plane tonight, but don't expect to win me back!"
Having read Bret's book, he does mention the trip to South Africa where he filmed the Sinbad movie. But Bret makes no mention of inviting Julie on the trip and instead points out how it coincided with a WWF tour in South Africa at the same time. Bret does talk about how the Dutch found the area and how beautiful itnwas there, which was something Julie mentioned as well that Bret talked about. Bret does mention getting a lot of ladies phone numbers on the last few days of the trip and seeing a drunk Yokozuna swapping spit with some South African PR woman when they were both very drunk. Bret makes no mention of Julie being there or how he got physical with her.
The Hart's always try to shy away from controversial truths, just ask any one of them where Bruce Hart met his wife. They will all say at a wrestling show, and neglect to mention how Bruce Hart was a 33 year old substitute teacher who knocked up his 17 year old student. Gross. (I'll never not bring this up when talking about the Hart's btw)
Julie talks about Mathew Hart, Georgia and BJ's son who died in 1996 from Necrotizing Fasciitis, a legitimate flesh eating virus. From everyone's account, the poor boy suffered for 2 weeks until he died. Julie says she and Bret took their kids on vacation when the poor kid died. A lot of people act as though the Hart Family curse started at the Screwjob in 1997, but really it started with Dean in 1990 and Mathew in 1996.
Julie remembers how gleeful Bret was when he called her up and bragged about giving a drunken Vince McMahon his tag team finishing move. Julie warned Bret that Vince wasn't the type to forget that and she suspects that it played a part in the screwjob. This sounds silly imo but what do I know, I found it an interesting and unique take if nothing else.
Julie remembers the morning of the 1997 Survivor Series ppv, someone warned Bret that Vince and Shawn were seen the night before talking and getting into an elevator together.
Julie says she and her lawyer were sitting somewhere in the arena as the Montreal Screwjob happened. Julie says she got up, looking at the monitor and said, "Holy shit, that's not supposed to happen!" And her lawyer, also shocked, said, "No, it is not."
Julie says she and the layer had to sprint to catch up to Bret and Vince and she describes her scolding of Triple H and Shawn Michaels, saying the words just poured out of her. It's maybe the most memorable scene of that documentary, watching Triple H and HBK shrink into children as Julie dresses them down.
Julie says the 1997 holidays were anything but cheerful and says she was boozing a lot and doing coke "from time to time."
Julie wanted to get a nanny or house keeper but Bret refused and put his foot down on the subject.
Julie says Bret asked for a divorce in early 1998 and she handled it poorly. She is critical of her immediate response to run away from home and stay at a hotel. When she returned home for clothes, her confused daughter asked her what was going on and a rageful Julie said "Your dad wants a divorce and I can't stay in the same house as him anymore! Julie says she was so blinded by her anger she didn't see the damage she was doing then.
Julie says that the Wrestling with Shadow's documentary crew needed Julie and Bret to reshoot something that didn't come out right when they originally shot it. So Julie and Bret had to pretend to be a in a marriage again talking things out about Bret's career. Julie says her and Bret slept together after they shot the scene and she was hurt when Bret said afterward, "One for the road, I guess."
The next time she heard from Bret, he told her to get a lawyer because he had one already.
Julie says she and Bret spent many nights yelling at eachother over the phone, with Bret calling her a whore and saying he didn't take all those bumps so Julie to take all his money. This is a statement Bret would repeat a lot to Julie over the years of them fighting. He would call her a money grabbing whore and how he didn't take a bunch of bumps so Julie could end up with the money.
Just as Julie was ready to sign custody papers, Bret's personal assistant contacted Julie and told her that Bret had been seeing some girl in the States for months. The assistant said she felt guilty arranging their meetups behind Julie's back. Julie said she later told Bret that she isn't signing shit and she needed to contact her lawyers with the new developments. She said Bret first tried denying it, calling his assistant jealous and a liar. Then Bret blamed Julie because Bret said he "couldn't get past her traumatic past." What the fuck Bret, I'm pretty sure he is referring to Julie being sexually assaulted as a teenager. (He makes this clear later in the book) Then he bragged about his new girl looking better than Julie and being younger than Julie, with Bret also saying the kids will love the new girl. Bret even later said Julie was getting heavier and letting herself go.
Pretty wild story here. Julie says that Bret started neglecting the kids, even when he was in town, and often skipped out on seeing them altogether. For Canada Day 1998 Bret promised to take them out and to the fireworks. Julie says they waited all day, expecting a fun evening with their dad. But Bret didn't show up with their friend Dean, until after 9pm, (stoned and drunk according to Julie) after Julie tried to call Bret repeatedly and got no answer.
Julie isn't proud of this, but says before Bret arrived that night, Julie had sat the kids down and told them Bret was off smoking pot with a new girlfriend. Julie knew immediately she shouldn't have said it, she saw her kids starting to cry and knew she tarnished how they look at their dad.
Bret was pissed off that Julie decided to take the kids to the fireworks, and when Julie had herself and the kids in the car, an enraged Bret started punching the drivers side window until Julie agreed to get out and talk.
Bret grabbed and dragged her off around the corner of the house where Julie defiantly told him that the kids know he smokes pot and is seeing someone else.
Julie says Bret snapped, slammed her hard up against the wall and yelled, "You bitch! I hate you! I hate you!" Then Julie claims that Bret grabbed her by the throat and slammed her on the ground where he continued to choke her until their son Blade came around the corner and screamed at Bret to get off his mom!
As Julie was catching her breath, their friend Dean, who was still there and in shock, tried to help Julie up. Bret took off with their son Blade and a panicked Julie called the police. She foolishly said to the 911 opperater that her husband pro wrestler, Bret Hart, had taken her child againt her will. The police arrived and seemingly didn't know who Bret was, tried to get Julie to press charges. The police were able to call Bret and convince him to bring the kid to the police station, so the cops could bring him home. Bret makes no mention of this in his book.
Julie says Bret stopped by the next day and apologized and tried to ask her to sit down for coffee. Julie explained how they scarred their children for life the night prior and she wasn't interested in speaking to him in friendly terms yet.
Julie defends Bret a bit by saying she could see in person that she wasn't the cause of his anger and that he was just deeply angry and disappointed with things. This would be 1998 and even Bret describes how bitter and despondent he was at this time. Julie says he stopped being around the kids and it hurt them, especially their boys Blade and Dallas who started getting a chip on their shoulders and seeking conflict. One time Julie asked Dallas about Bret and Dallas said, "He never calls and is never around."
Julie says things were getting stable but she and Bret started secretly sleeping together again and complicated things. She says Bret would pick her up and drove to a seedy part of town before casually dropping her off at home after. She says she was initially amused by this but eventually began to wonder how many other women Bret does this with. It made her feel uncomfortable to say the least.
One time as she was being dropped off, Julie asked Bret if he was happy. Bret said no and that he couldn't get happy. Then Bret asked if Julie was seeing anyone, but didn't let her answer, he just said "of course you are." Julie realizes now that Bret was suffering some deep depression and at the time she mistook codependency for love.
Eventually Bret's other girlfriend caught wind of his and Julie's rendezvous and made Bret break things off. Julie could hear the woman on the other end of the line when Bret called to inform Julie that they need to set boundaries in their relationship now.
Julie says Bret once called her to say he tested for hepatitis and that Julie should get checked out as well.
Julie later found out that the girl Bret was seeing was nearly the same age as their daughter.
Julie says her and Bret continued to sleep together behind his girlfriends back though, with Bret always asking for "coffee" before making a move, which Julie always reciprocated.
Bret would break up with his girlfriend near the end of 1998 and ask Julie if he can spend the holidays with her and the kids. Julie relents, and soon they seem to be trying to salvage their relationship with Bret more present then he ever has been.
Soon after the new year, Bret and Julie take a trip together to Hawaii. Julie finally builds up the courage to ask Bret what he thinks of them getting back together, and Bret says he doesn't want to get "trapped" again. Julie snapped and said, "That's it I'm done, I can't keep playing these games with you!"
During this conversation, as Julie was walking away, Bret randomly said, "My therapist said that sometimes girls, like the ones your age when all that stuff happens to you, they like it." Julie burst into tears and ran out of the room. What the fuck Bret, to imply that that when his wife was a 16 year old girl, she liked getting r*ped!
Helen Hart died a few weeks after 9/11 in 2001. She was from New York, and Julie remembers how devastated Helen was following the September attacks. Helen went back to New York a few weeks later to visit her sister, but due to the border concerns, she was held up for hours after her plane landed back in Calgary. She wasn't able to reach her insulin and eventually went into a coma.
Helen was on an off ventilation a few times while at the hospital, and one day Alison (Bret's sister) called and told him to come visit asap, because Helen was back on a ventilator and it wasn't looking good. Bret thought Alison being an alarmist and decided to visit the next day. Julie says she wishes they had visited that night, because Helen passed away a few hours later.
One afternoon, Julie came home to find her son Dallas on the phone, when she asked him who he was speaking to, Dallas said, "It's dad, but he sounds drunk." Bret told Julie that he fell off his bike and couldn't get up. He wasn't speaking clearly and couldn't properly explain where he was. Julie and her daughter Beans, drove around looking for Bret based off his perception and directions.
Julie and Beans found him laying casually in the grass, as if he was resting. She said one of Bret's eyes was wide open and the other was closed, and half his mouth was dropping. She struggled to move him as he slurred his words and insisted he was fine. Eventually an ambulance was called and Bret was loaded in.
Julie says the stroke changed him, made him mooder and more depressed. She isn't casting judgment, just pointing out changes she noticed as she spent every day at the hospital with him, helping to feed and cloth Bret, even helping him to the bathroom.
Julie remembers one night that Bret confided in her that he feared he got a stroke as punishment for all the bad things he done. He told her that the morning he got a stroke, he was planning on signing the divorce papers.
Several months later, with Bret moving aorund more, he spent Easter with Julie and the kids, but Julie found an email from some woman in Italy, directed to Bret and it suggested some heavy sexual stuff. Julie felt stupid and used again. When she confronted him on it, he denied anything and she reluctantly believed him.
A week later as Bret prepared for a trip, she found a plane ticket to Italy, when she asked Bret where he was going, he said England. Julie drove him to the airport and told him to get the fuck out.
Bret went to Italy to be with a fan he met at a contract signing, who was obsessed with him since she was a little girl. Julie says she is exactly what Bret needed to feel like the Hitman again. After reading Bret's book, this assessment is completely accurate.
The Italian woman's name was Cynthia and she was also just a year older than Bret's daughter Jade. Julie said Jade had the hardest time accepting Cynthia, whom Bret was determined to integrate into the family.
When Bret's dad Stu died, Julie remembers how she, Bret and Stu's granddaughter Jenni all stood by the bed and watched as he passed. She remembers how she kissed his cheek and told him he could go see Helen now, he didn't need to be here and longer. I remember the speech Stu gave at Helen's funeral, with one line in particular staying with me, "I'm glad for the time I had with her," he said full of love, but his pain was on display too, "Ill never get over this" he finished solemnly, "I don't have enough time."
Julie remembers one day that their son Blade called her from Bret's house, begging for her to pick him up. Blade and Bret started arguing about Cynthia, with Bret saying to his own son, "Don't make me pick between you and Cynthia, because I'll pick Cynthia! And if you don't like it you can get the fuck out!"
Julie started calling Bret "Hitman" when he acted like this to his children, with Julie telling them that their father still loves him and not to worry about what The Hitman says, because it's coming from a broken mind.
One day after Julie bought a house, Bret randomly showed up with a turkey and tried to hit on her. Julie found it amusing and asked him if Cynthia knew he was there. Bret tried to make a move on her but Julie made it clear that won't happen so Bret left. As he left, he told Julie, "I still have cravings for you and I'm not sure I'll ever get over them." To which Julie just cooly responded with, "You will."
After Bret left that day, Julie called his assistant who confirmed that Cynthia was literally on a plane back to Italy right then. Julie laughed at how pathetic it was for Bret to say goodbye to Cynthia and then an hour or two later, show up at Julie's with a turkey and looking for sex.
Bret secretly married Cynthia and months later told the kids after the fact. Their son Blade was so furious he could barely speak to Julie when he got home and eventually blurted out, "Dad married that girl!" Their other son Dallas was also furious and explained how Bret callously told the kids "tell your mom, make sure you tell your mom." He was clearly trying to hurt Julie and used the kids to do so.
When Bret was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2006, Julie insisted on going and told Bret if he doesn't find a way for her to be there, then she would call Vince McMahon herself and arrange it. Bret promised her she would be there but asked her to be discreet about it.
Julie got asked to do an online interview leading up to the Hall of Fame, and she let slip that she would be at the show to support Bret. Later, an irate Bret called her, yelling about how she was supposed to be discreet. Julie clued in on the fact that Bret didn't tell his new wife yet about Julie coming and now he was in hot water. In the end, Bret refused to allow Julie to come to the Hall of Fame to support him.
In Bret's Hall of Fame speech, he just talked about his new wife and how Cynthia was there for him after his stroke and just put her over big. He didn't mention Julie and only mentioned 2 of his 4 children. She says her children were extremely hurt by this and calls it the ultimate betrayal.
Julie started running low on money in 2008 and even attempted to be on a reality show. It was all a BS scam though and she had to invest money into it and eventually it all fell through. She speaks of this with a bit of shame while framing it as something she learned from.
Julie was facing bankruptcy and foreclosure on the house, so as a last resort, she called Bret. She asked him for 9 grand to cover 3 mortgage payments so she can sell the house. Bret chastised her for having money problems before ultimately saying no. He suggested that she rent the house out or have the kids pay rent. As they left, Julie warned him that if she loses the house, Bret may need to take the kids at him place. She doesn't say what he said to this, but she does say, "His response was too cruel to put into writing." Good lord, considering all she told so far, I wonder what Bret said that was so bad, Julie didn't want to even write it down?
Julie does point out that Bret didn't owe her a damn thing and she was in this situation by her own doing. Julie felt like she was letting her kids down most of all.
Julie would move in with her daughter Beans where they split the rent together. She got a job making $14/hour working as a janitor at a local middle school and Julie notes that she was living well below the poverty line.
Julie remembers how absurd it was for her to show up to her janitor job driving a Lexus.
Julie ended up selling her Lexus to her daughter Beans, and Julie bought herself a 1999 Sunfire. It was the first car she ever bought with her own money.
Julie's father died in 2012 and Julie says she wrote a letter to him, promising to make him proud, and stuffed it inside his coffin.
Julie says she spends most of her days being a grandma to Jade's daughter and how grateful she is to be close to her kids still.
Bret can't say the same, Julie notes how he travels alone or with his wife and never offers invites to his kids. She says it breaks her heart to see how far Bret drifted away from their children, even if all her kids insist that they don't care. This was in 2013, so potentially Bret and his kinds could have a better relationship by now.
Julie spends the last several pages of the book detailing her kids and all the ways she loves them. You can tell she is a mother first and foremost, you can tell she loves them unconditionally. Jade, Dallas, Beans and Blade, weird names for kids but I also have a weird name so I can't judge.
submitted by OShaunesssy to Wreddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:15 zain_ahmed002 Why GlitchMimic is true and why GlitchAfton is flawed (Long post)

Why GlitchMimic is true and why GlitchAfton is flawed (Long post)


Just to preface, this isn't an attack at anyone. This is purely related to the theories themselves and not at any person.
Just thought that it was important to get that out of the way as I don't want anyone to feel attacked, I just want to show how a certain theory just cannot work.
I've recently joined Twitter (it's actually going well, better that what I expected as I've heard a lot of "bad" things about FNAF Twitter), and it's a platform where a lot more people believe in GlitchAfton. So this past week I've been collecting information about the topic, posting them as threads to then compile it into a "megathread" which I've just released this morning, you can check it out here (this post is just going to be a detailed version of that tweet).
I understand that the consensus here on Reddit is that GlitchMimic is the right answer, but I recently made a poll and surprisingly a lot of people still wanted me to make this post.


It's important to establish what the main GlitchAfton argument is, which is that Glitchtrap looks and behaves like Afton so therefore it should be Afton. Which is a fair and simple conclusion to make.
Going a little deeper, the argument is that Glitchtrap says "I always come back", appears as a golden Bonnie suit, Glitchtrap in AR having UCN voice lines, and other things such as The Entity being Glitchtrap.
This post will refute these main points, there of course will be some other points here and there that GlitchAftoners might use, but we'd be here all day refuting every single GlitchAfton point. So it's just better to counter the main ones and then that'll hopefully convince some that the little points are also wrong too.

Circuit boards

GlitchAftoners believe that the circuit boards used for the HW game are Afton's Springtrap boards. However, there's a multitude of issues with this.
When we look at the description of the boards, we see that their entire purpose is to "digitally recreate" performances and personalities
"Using proprietary technology developed by Fazbear Entertainment, our VR development teams were able to use vintage control board, almost like plug and play, digitally recreating performances and personalities from the past in an instant."
The "Proprietary tech" is the scanner, used to scan the boards into the games. We know this as the whole concept of AR and what Tape Girl says is that the boards were scanned using FE tech. So they used special FE tech to scan the circuit boards' contents into the game.
People often overlook "digitally recreating". This isn't a "ctrl+c and ctrl+v" thing. It's creating it again, but in a digital environment. So the personalities and performances from the animatronics are created again using the boards as that's the boards specialty.
This is exactly what the Mimic Line was created to do, they didn't want to ctrl+c ctrl+v the code from one Freddy Fazbear to another, they wanted to make something that would watch and "recreate" the actions and routines of the OG band so that they can use it in other FE locations. It's a way to avoid "a lot of coding"
The Way Agony and Remnant work
This further solidifies the argument of Glitchtrap just being the Mimic. I made a Twitter Thread going into detail about how Remnant and Agony work, I strongly recommend that you take a look at it to fully understand this point.
To sum it up, assuming that Afton's boards were even used for the VR game and assuming that his Remnant/ agony was on these boards.. It still wouldn't result in GlitchAfton. Why?
Well, let's start with Remnant. As explained in the books, Remnant is the process of the intangible (memories) mixing with the tangible (object).
Afton in TFC adds to this by saying how both the body (current soul host) and emotion (pain) are needed for the "soul" to "follow" and find its "eternal home"
Some people try to hyper-examine the grammar and say how Afton is saying that ether or are required and both don't need to be present. If you look at the very next sentence and the overall scene as a whole you'll see that both are required as it's why Afton is cutting pieces of himself to put into the Funtime Amalgamation.
Also, you might've spotted that I said that the body is the "current soul host". The body acts as William's current soul host as he's still living and.. well.. The soul is obviously still in his body.
However, this changes when a soul moves from one possessed object to another. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT SOULS HAVE A CHOICE IN WHERE THEY CAN GO OR WHEN THEY CAN LEAVE. It just means that when the current soul host ceases to exist or is destroyed, the soul still follows the same procedure of the "host" being close to the object it's about to possess.
We see this in the Epilogues, where Andrew's current "soul host" is William, but when his body explodes and is destroyed, he possesses nearby objects as he still follows the same procedure as other remnant "cases".
What is this procedure?
Well, it's essentially:
(Memories + Emotion) + Current Soul Host + Object
The reason as to why I'm mentioning all of this is because Even if we assume that Afton's agony was on the boards used for HW his soul wouldn't end up in the game. Like I said, Remnant is the mixing of memories and emotions with the tangible. The memories and emotions latch onto tangible materials, like the metal or plastic in the boards and not the code.
It's WHY we see souls trapped in animatronics, bound by their coding. The MCIs can't enter the saferoom because of their coding. Elizabeth can't talk through Baby because of the coding, etc.
Souls don't mix with code, they mix with tangible things like materials. So EVEN IF Afton's boards were scanned, his soul would REMAIN on the boards and not in the game due to the boards being digitally scanned.
In the same twitter thread mentioned above, agony is also explained. "Agony" is actually an umbrella term for a range of negative emotions, like grief and rage. Each have their unique qualities.
Grief seems to "pour" the emotion itself along with a piece of that person's soul. The soul doesn't do much in terms of controlling things, it's more of the soul containing the memories of that person. We see this with Henry and the Charliebots:
Rage, however, doesn't pour the soul into an object. It just pours the pure emotion. We see this with the Mimic and the Springtrap "anomaly" seen in In The Flesh, where they refer to the person as their "father" due to them having no memories from them nor do they have a piece of their soul.
Afton, at no point, would be feeling grief. And if he did, his soul wouldn't do anything as shown in the Charliebots and as shown with the Remnant description, souls can't alter code. They can't change it nor can they form a super virus.
If Afton's rage infected the boards used, it wouldn't contain a piece of his soul. Taking us back to square one of "how is Glitchtrap like Afton", and the only other option given Hand Unit's description of the boards is that it's the Mimic.

The Entity, MXES, and how they're NOT Glitchtrap

Another GlitchAfton argument is that The Entity is Glitchtrap, and how that disproves GlitchMimic as the Entity is seen to work against the Mimic.
However, there's just a teeny tiny flaw with that.. The Entity being Glitchtrap is contradictory. Lemme explain.
Again, I've made a thread which explains it in more detail as well as some people replying to it with more info. The point is that when Cassie enters a wormhole thing in RUIN, we see the Entity's head consuming the screen to then reveal the PQ3 room
The entire room wants to draw your attention to the Princess' sword struck through the PQ3 arcade machine
This very clearly shows how the Entity is related to Glitchtrap's defeat, as I genuinely see no reason as to why Glitchtrap would proudly show it's victim that it lost.. Like what purpose does that serve?
The Entity also tries to kill us for using the mask for too long and when we try to deactivate the nodes, however the one responsible for giving us that mask to begin with was Glitchtrap.
At the end of HW2, we see that Glitchtrap is responsible for the "Helptrap" ending and how it sets up the events of Cassie receiving the mask (Linking Helptrap to the start of RUIN)
So Glitchtrap being the Entity means that:
  1. Glitchtrap sets up the events for Cassie to receive the mask (more about this later)
  2. Glitchtrap tries to kill Cassie as the Entity for having the mask
Like there's no correlation between either of their goals, as Glitchtrap could have just killed her as Maskbot or something. WHY GIVE HER THE MASK TO THEN TAKE IT AWAY?
It's self-contradictory.

"I always come back" + UCN lines

This links with a Reddit post I made a couple months back, explaining how the Mimic was fed the in-universe indie games before being implemented into the HW game.
post explaining how the indie games are based on the ones we've played
We even get hints of this in Pressure, where the indie games are named as "fables" that Luca speculated to be "true", we even hear Nightmare BBs voiceline said by BB:
Showing how to some degree, FE knew about UCN and the in-universe game had some of the same voicelines as the real UCN game we've played.
Showing how the Mimic would have been fed these games and how it would've known about these voicelines.


Now that GlitchAfton has been addressed and shown how it's not possible to be true, it's time to prove GlitchMimic and how certain things prove it.
Glitchtrap is a MASCOT COSTUME
"Mascot" is often referred to the Fazbear band, so it's not really something unique. But the fact that it's a costume and not an animatronic is unique. The costume idea really comes from the Mimic, as it's speciality is to fit inside the costumes as it becomes the end for it.
The whole Grimick ending of Ruin as well as the whole point of the Mimic Line and it's story is to show how it's linked with mascot costumes. Establishing a base connection between the Mimic and Glitchtrap


It's best to start with *The Monty Within (*TMW) as it explains how Glitchtrap does the things it does. It explains how AI can infect the left side of the brain, and that it can take over the mind completely.
The yellow highlighting is awful ik lol
We even see this happen with Kane, where the Mimic (as Monty) enters Kane's mind and slowly starts to take over his entire brain. Making its thoughts as Kane's thoughts, and gradually being able to move Kane's limbs and then kills Kane for going against his orders. Seems familiar, no?
In HW, we see that Glitchtrap's first victim was Jeremy, and that he sliced his face with the guillotine slicer. Some people theorise he sliced of the Vanni mask or whatever, that's a debate for another day. But even if he had the mask on, his face would have been severely injured. And the whole gist of the Jeremy sub-plot is that he dies from the slice and therefore it lead to a lawsuit.
Given TMW, and how it shows Kane being sliced in the head by a saw due to the Mimic taking control of his body, Jeremy also most likely died due to Glitchtrap forcing him to get sliced too due to Jeremy trying to go against Glitchtrap.
Glitchtrap also takes control of the mind just like the Mimic does in TMW, we see this with Vanessa and Gregory in GGY. It's able to control their movements and also their thoughts (more on this later)
However, there are a few who just deny that the Mimic is Monty from TMW despite the whole story outright showing how it is. But if you're in doubt, here's a Twitter thread explaining how.


Given that TMW explains Glitchtrap's abilities, GGY explains Glitchtrap's behaviour. In GGY, we see that Gregory is under the influence of Glitchtrap, the story takes place some time after the therapy tapes as the last therapist from SB was also murdered. Glitchtrap behaves extremely robotic at times, it's able to emulate a child's behaviour to an extent, but then says things that are extremely robotic:
This matches Glitchtrap from the games, where in the AR emails, it searches things like "how to induce compliance in human subjects?"
Afton's specific trait is that he's very good with his words, to the point where he can manipulate people with them. At no point would he ever say "human subjects" and "human being", as he was human himself once. This is quite clearly coming from something that isn't human, and given the nature of it's wording and lack of emotion, it's clear that this is coming from a robotic mind.
However, the AR emails also show how Vanessa tries to fight back at times by searching "help" and even in the SB therapy tapes, she's found a way to "lock away" Glitchtrap by "compartmentalising" it.
This links back to TMW with Taylor's logic:
Kane says how this "negative self talk" is the AI within, so this negative talk would be Glitchtrap and in Kane's case, the Mimic. Where it being "sidelined" results in that person becoming more free and better. It's exactly what we see with Vanessa, where she's sidelined him by locking it away.
Glitchtrap in GGY also observes a person for a really really long time, which is called out as not being something normal as well as being something uncomfortable:
Greg returned the wave. He smiled. Then he cocked his head and studied Tony for several seconds. For some reason, Greg’s scrutiny made Tony want to squirm
Again, this isn't something Afton would do as he's discrete in his manipulation, not outright showing it and being the most non-human you can ever be.
Also, look at the wording. "cocked his head and studied", it's the exact same wording used for Tiger Rock, further linking the Mimic to Glitchtrap
"Tiger Rock said, cocking his head and studying Kai like he was the most fascinating boy in the world"
Tiger rock also says how it loves learning languages, even saying "if it exists, I can learn it", which explains the PQ1 ending and also the wall code.
GGY also explains how Glitchtrap was coded into the animatronics themselves, which links back to the therapy tapes where Patient 46/GGY moved the Glitchtrap virus from the Pizzaplex's systems to the animatronics themselves which "cascades" into a bunch of subroutines that do the same thing the original virus does.
The funny thing with Tales is that the Pizzaplex-related stories all link together via attractions, it's how we can make a timeline of it. Link to the web of Tales is here, we can see that GGY has a lot of the same attractions as stories like Nexie, Tiger Rock, and The Storyteller.
This makes it abundantly clear that GGY takes place in the same timeline as The Storyteller, and in The Storyteller we see that the Mimic was in control of the Pizzaplex.
For both Glitchtrap and the Mimic to be in control of the pizzaplex, with the exact same abilities, the exact same "control", and in the exact same timeline. It just makes it clear that they are the exact same entity.
Otherwise, it'd mean that there'd be some sort of AI war, where each are vying for control. But there's not even an ounce of any sort of reference or implication of it. It JUST DIDN'T HAPPEN.

help"i" and HW2

This, I feel, is the most direct GlitchMimic can ever be.
Helpi (with an "i") is seen in both HW2 and RUIN. In Ruin it's shown that Helpi is infected by the Mimic, and Helpi comes from the VANNI mask showing that the Mimic also comes from the Vanni mask. And we KNOW it's the Mimic as it quite literally mimics things.
In RUIN, we see that the Mimic (in Helpi) is responsible for injecting an occipital transmitter. This, obviously, is connected to the Occipital lobe which is responsible for forming a visual image from the light rays our eyes pick up.
This is important as it explains how we can walk through glitched objects in RUIN. The objects were never there to begin with, they're made up by the Mimic manipulating the image the occipital lobe forms to make it look like there's objects there when there actually isn't.
Well it's because using the mask allows us to "walk through" these non-existent objects. It makes Cassie feel like she needs to wear the mask, as the only way to free the Mimic is through the mask as she needs to deactivate the nodes.
The whole point of RUIN as a whole is that Cassie is tricked by the Mimic into wearing the mask to free it, and it does this by the help of Helpi and therefore showing how they're linked.
Helpi also makes an appearance in HW2 seen here. And YES, this is Helpi with an "i" and not with a "y". It's the SAME Helpi the Mimic has control over.
This links with the HELPtrap ending, where the player (Cassie's dad) becomes Maskbot and therefore gives Cassie the mask. As I've shown earlier in this post, the entity behind the HelpTrap ending is Glitchtrap.
Linking Helpi to Glitchtrap, Helpi to the Mimic, and therefore Mimic to Glitchtrap.
Another thing to note is that the Mimic was connected to the Pizzaplex's systems during SB, we know this as it plays a scene from SBs camera feeds in RUIN, where Cassie says "Hey, that's my mask".
It also explains why the Mimic knows that Gregory said "I-I'm Gregory".. Nobody else would have known or seen that.. Just Glamrock Freddy.
Which leaves the only explanation of the Mimic being coded into Glamrock Freddy for it to have heard Gregory say that as well as the Mimic being in the Pizzaplex's systems due to the camera feed seen in RUIN.
Linking with the GGY point from above.


Well, thank you for coming this far, it just honestly makes sense for Glitchtrap to be the Mimic and not Afton.
submitted by zain_ahmed002 to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:34 healthmedicinet Health Daily News May 8 2024

DAY: MAY 8 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 15:05 BlueKingfisher3 Destiny's conversation with Devin Nash and the elephant in the room

"Twitter isn't real life, go touch some grass" was a popular sentiment in this community and others about 3 years ago, but is the underlying assumption still true? I loved the convo between devin and destiny for discussing this particular topic.
I believe one of the central threads sewn throughout the zeitgeist of our current times is the ever increasing influence of the internet on our daily lives. Brave take I know, but I think it has to be said. Especially after covid, something definitely changed. I feel It is so normalized and ubiquitous to many, (especially young people! who have become almost like like fish in water), that we often underplay its underlying influence on the events of our lives, both big and small. I feel that destiny is uniquely positioned to be one of the harbingers of the dangers of the internet that we are beginning to see unfold in real time, and I only hope that he sees and understands this. This conversation gave me a lot of hope that he does, but I think more work needs to be done to realize this idea in the collective unconscious of the masses. Right now it feels like we are the blind men feeling the elephant, one feels the snout and says its the jews, the other feels the tail and says its the democrats, the other feels the hard bulky body and says its the tankies etc. etc. I think you get the point. The truth is we are all feeling the underlying elephant in the room, which is the internet and its downstream effects.
The internet is unlike anything ever before in human existence, a seemingly endless interconnected new dimension composed of human thoughts we can plug into, navigate through and interact with. (Kind of reminds me of the great link from DS9), a veritable virtual hivemind where thoughts are uploaded, spread and immortalized; communications and thoughts go viral and come and go at light speed. Cool right? A realized collective unconscious, I think Jung would have a heart attack, cum his pants or both. Except this becomes has started to become a problem for a number of reasons.
I'm not a philosophy expert, but I would argue that perception is reality, or at least perception often becomes reality, especially for most people who don't think about philosophy and things. Since we cannot experience reality through anything but our own biased perspective who can say what objective reality truly is? is there a such thing as truth? These questions are fun to think about but are beyond me. I'm mostly worried about the idea that human perceptions, which are subject to many thought traps, biases, and distortions that I believe are being magnified via the internet and becoming manifested into reality. Take for example the recent discourse about people being unhappy with Biden's economy. Despite all metrics saying the economy is doing relatively well, people are still unhappy with the economic situation. Why is this? I won't pretend to have an answer but some believe social media is to blame. Will stancil a twitter libtard, and congressional candidate has tweeted A LOT about this phenomenon. some examples: https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1778517866897174553 https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1785630261285154961 https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1785376394492494243 https://twitter.com/whstancil/status/1785352353463276015 It could literally be because door dashing food or eating at mcdonalds costs more.
It is well known that there is a negativity bias in media, this also appears to be true for social media. Except I think there is almost zero effort at creating good faith content on social media, and often explicit effort at creating actually malicious content with almost no punishment as of now. At least in the united states, you can really say almost anything on social media relatively anonymously and get away with it, and people are starting to learn how to use this to their advantage. Whether its influencers, advertisers, foreign governments or some guy in his moms basement trolling the internet is flooded with negative and harmful thoughts. This has led to a gold rush of sorts into the influence sphere. Content translates into thoughts that then spread virally and create a kind of idea virus or meme. The problem is that due to negativity getting more clicks, huge negative spirals of sentiment and discourse are created, like some kind of negativity hurricane. The red spot of jupiter got nothing on Andrew Tate or the Israel Palestine discourse. Most bright spots are few and far between. Cat memes, good oc or creative art and content are often lost inside this whirling storm of internet sludge.
I am reminded of this quote from Earl Nightengale: "let's say that the farmer has two seeds in his hand- one is a seed of corn, the other is nightshade, a deadly poison. He digs two little holes in the earth and he plants both seeds-one corn, the other nightshade. He covers up the holes, waters and takes care of the land...and what will happen? Invariably, the land will return what was planted. As it's written in the Bible, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." Remember the land doesn't care. It will return poison in just as wonderful abundance as it will corn. So up come the two plants - one corn, one poison. The human mind is far more fertile, far more incredible and mysterious than the land, but it works the same way. It doesn't care what we plant...success...or failure. A concrete, worthwhile goal...or confusion, misunderstanding, fear, anxiety and so on. But what we plant must return to us." Just as the human mind is fertile, so to is the "mind" of the internet, and there is a rush to plant whatever we can.
I believe that these cyclones has become so powerful, and so REAL, that it is easier than ever to get caught up in it. The hivemind is here, and its easier than ever to turn your brain off and go waste hours scrolling, while you are reading other peoples thoughts or watching them, you are essentially letting other people think for you. Its easy and fun to let other people think for you, especially when so many are grasping at straws for some kind of meaning these days. This is part of the reason I think the US gov banned china. Yes it gave photos, contacts, face scans and more to the chinese government. But More important I think was a foot inside the mind of the average American and a lever to influence it one way or another if desired.
Devin's argument that just going offline will help, is only partially right. It will help you personally, but I feel this is akin to a country trying to become isolationist in an already globalized world. Even if a few people may overcome the perfectly tailored dopamine content machines that are modern social media platforms, the large majority is still feeding into that storm and often stuck inside it themselves. It fails to solve the larger societal problem of the endless raging hurricane that grows stronger everyday
I think You can recently notice this easily when people pull out their phones to record something in bizarre situations, like hunter avalone vlogging during him getting shot, prank videos, people sticking cameras in the faces of people they're road raging against, people snitching on themselves doing crime by posting videos of it etc. there is a real presence the internet that can be noticed by a careful observer if you just think why the fuck are they recording and uploading this? People have even started to use the word chat to refer to this hivemind, which I find kinda funny but kinda terrifying. Many knowingly or unknowingly participate in this, and it begins to alter their behavior because they feel that they if they act in a certain way in connection to the collective consciousness they will be vindicated, rewarded, satisfied etc. by their connection and contribution to the hivemind when they share their experience/video later. I think this is kind of what destiny refers to as a constellation of ideas, and how we are seeing people's ideas influenced and reinforced by the desire for social belonging to the collective
Not to mention that Due to the disconnection from any normal human interaction we have evolved to have (no facial expressions, body language.), its all too easy to revert to our worst selves and forget to be empathetic to one another like human beings. We find safety to do the worst among the mob of others stuck in the frenzied hivemind whirlwind, leading to cancelling, (which is easier than ever due to the ever increasing % of our lives online, especially since its archived forever) increasingly absurd purity testing, trolling, harrasing, doxxing, misinformation, demagoguery, populism and other negative behaviors.
The main point I'm trying to get at is that I feel destiny, not through any fault of his own, often focuses on the downstream effects of this phenomenon of the internet, ex misinformation, divisive rhetoric, extremist politics etc. When instead I think he needs to acknowledge and look into the upstream antecedents of these phenomena, which is human psychology and the powerful magnifier that is the internet. Destiny used to say, oh its just these right wing dipshits. Then he realized it was lefties too... then it was the twitch chatters, and so on. The truth is we are all subject to these sorts of things destiny fights against because we are all humans that fall for the same common human psychological traps. (YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE TO PROPAGANDA.) I feel that a greater understanding of human psychology and a psychological approach could help destiny in understanding his debate opponents, convincing audience members, and giving context to public figures thoughts and actions. I honestly believe that what destiny does during his debates, especially with good faith interlocuters, is somewhat akin to Cognitive behavioral therapy, (not with his opponent but with their audience), rather than formal debate. Pointing out the flaws in the other persons underlying thought process is often the most effective method of convincing audience members.
Everyone says things have really gotten crazy in recent years, first it was just an arab spring, then obama, then it was just trump, then it was just covid yada yada. But the real culprit has and will continue to be the internet. I believe in creating the internet humanity has undertaken a construction of a veritable Tower of Babel, a way for us to "climb" to "heaven" and achieve "godhood" through the creation of a physical hivemind inside some supercomputer. The internet seems it is here here to stay, so it stands to reason its only a matter of time before we do away with the clumsy interfaces we know and are all eventually jacked into it on some musk brainchip shit. Who knows what that will be like, but I think it must be the closest thing I can imagine to godhood, a true superconsciousness. That is, Unless god comes down from heaven and punishes us, scatters us across the globe and turns our first attempt at a common consciousness into a scattered landscape of separated idea bubbles where we can no longer interact with one another. It seems is already happening. The writing is on the wall I just hope we can see it and understand its implications in time before we suffer its worst consequences and I think destiny is one of the few who can decipher and spread that gospel written on that wall.
  1. Perception is essentially as good as reality for most people.
  2. The internet is the collective unconsciousness realized, a real manifested hivemind of human thought independent of our own individual minds. The problem is this consciousness can be interacted with and altered in ways we do not yet understand and are not able to address.
  3. This hivemind is subject to our typical human faults, creating distorted thoughts. Combined with negativity bias, perceptions are altered leading to an alteration of our reality in a self reinforcing cycle I call a negativity hurricane.
  4. hiding from this negativity hurricane doesn't make it go away, only awareness of it (and probably subsequent legislative action) can make it go away. That is why it is important to spread this idea which destiny can help with.
  5. meme magic is real, the internet is the tower of babel and destiny is the messiah inshallah blesstiny
submitted by BlueKingfisher3 to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:57 AcosmicOtaku The world BEFORE magic returns.

The world of DIVINE WILL is teeming with the magical: from metahumans, kaiju, faeries, and aliens. In this world, the supermundane was somehow split from the mundane, with only the GSSDO [and by extension, the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church] being fully aware of the magic sleeping in the world.
A large part of the pre-revelation worldbuilding of DIVINE WILL is based on George Ellis musing about a possible end of physics: that is to say, some intrinsic barrier to progress built into the laws of physics themselves, which may not be circumventable, or at least in the human lifetime.
By 2075 AD, no reliable observation contradicting Quantum Mechanics, General Relativity, Special Relativity, or the Standard Model in their respective domains are made. Contradictions to their predictions in places outside of their intended theoretical scopes abound, though, such as the orbit of Hyperion contradicting QM. As a result, string theory, which requires the extension of the SM, looses the majority of support in the physics community, as nothing is expected to be discovered, if there is anything to discover, under the Planck energy in particle accelerators [which is not feasible].
The development of various alternative computing models [from DNA, to membrane, tublin, quantum, and even neuromorphic] never displaces transistor computers, but rather different computing methods are optimized for different tasks because each method has its own intrinsic advantages and limitations. Think of fluidics still being used in specialized environments for specific purposes today.
Moreover, while AI does advance, it possesses intrinsic limitations which cannot be overcome. Since all computers simply preform math problems translated into programs, they cannot replicate the human experience of apprehending essential and accidental forms intuitively. There is no answer to the question "what does it feel like to be ChatGPT" no matter how advanced these Chinese rooms become, so the only Lovelace A.I.s, in the sense of ensouled computers, are wetware computers: composed of neurons [i.e. living cells].
An interesting detail of the anthropology of this setting is the vindication of Andrew Lang's Urmonotheism hypothesis and the eventual shift in the evolutionary anthropological community to the "single-species hypothesis" which treats Denisovans, Erectus, Heidelbergensis, and Neanderthals as lineages as opposed to species. Some minor notes are that H. habilis is reclassified as a lineage of Australopithecus, and no animal communication system quite reaches the nature of "language" as linguistically defined.
The historical worldbuilding of DIVINE WILL heavily draws on the work of James Lindsay & Eric Voeglin. For a detailed rundown of the material I'm working with, here's a series of lengthy lectures, in what I believe to be the most reasonable order for anyone new to the subject.
N.B. I am using the terms in a more narrow and precise manner than Lindsay or Voeglin did, so what they call "Gnosticism" is, in verse, called either "Dialecticism" or "Esotericism", and Gnosticism and Hermeticism are branches of that religious tradition.
I picked this because it makes for unique worldbuilding distinct from other historical fiction. It lays out an ancient and dangerous force of manipulation, but unlike other fictions where the threat may be an ancient organization unchanging through the ages, the manipulative force is a rogue memetic religion which parasites other religions. It's a conspiracy with no mastermind, a virus of the mind which mutates to avoid detection and propagate itself.
The effects of Medical Lysenkoism, in particular, will have some spotlight, as it directly effects not only the generations after the competency crisis in prior generations, but also effects the worldviews of the people who were raised by its victims and survivors.
The failure of the empirical sciences to progress leads to a resurgence of interest in rationalist philosophies [many of which have theological bends], and history has rhymes as a number of old ideas return, complemented with new knowledge. Aristotelianism, Dvaita, Lutheran Neoscholaticism, Objectivism, Platonism, Thomism, Reformed Neoscholasticism, Scotism, &c. experience a resurgence across the globe, and many nations that abandoned a symbiotic relationship between State and Church reestablish this ancient communion [usually to help stabilize and define national identities].
The geopolitical superpowers of this setting are-
This is to create a balancing tension.
Other important geopolitical changes include-
I'm finishing this at 04:00, so if you have any questions, let me know and I'll answer them, or consider them in the event I don't have an answer, as soon as I can. I am quite tired, and this might be a little poorly organized.
submitted by AcosmicOtaku to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 14:49 healthmedicinet Health Daily News April 30 2024

DAY: APRIL 30 2024

submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 09:22 themaelstorm The Callout: My One-Shot TTRPG Story

Hey everyone, this weekend I'm going to host a one-shot TTRPG in a local event and I thought I'd share my game here, both because it's fun sharing with fellow enthusiast, but also I'd love to hear your thoughts! It's a bit of a reading so bear with me.
It's meant to be a relatively simple and light-hearted game with a lot of action, some humor and some shock value. So don't take it *too* seriously. Feel free to point out any lore mistakes. There is no pressure to make it too accurate but I'm happy to correct some stuf
"The Callout"
(Very important to note the name is a pun. It’s callout as players are summoned to deal with a problem, but also the word sounds like fallout and the first part sounds like Cola)
Somewhere in Massachusetts, which their CEO was said to own half of, NukaCola Company works with Vault-Tec for a special Vault. Externally, it was the companies collaborating as part of a PR stunt for NukaCola’s 30th year, opening in 2074. The Vault would be built beneath the biggest NukaCola factory ever (that's also constructed as part of this) and everyone who worked there would get a spot in this uniquely structured, big Vault. This factory’s output wouldn’t be sold retail, all would be distributed to Vaults.
Of course, this also attracted people in droves. The wages were exceptionally low, but it was worth it considering a lot of people didn't have the money to purchase vault spots.
The underground Vault was indeed not a traditional one. In fact, it was a lab. NukaCola Company conducted experiments there that they couldn’t anywhere else, as they had some "privacy" backed by Vault-Tec. And the spots for workers were basically cryochambers and cages for them to be experimented on.
Nuka Company started these even before the bombs fell. Vault-Tec wasn’t happy about it as they didn’t want any suspicion drawn on the Vaults. However, NukaCola CEO John-Caleb Bradberton knew the dirt on Vault-Tec and he had the power to expose them, so Vault-Tec didn’t do anything… directly. Instead, they used their influence to restrict the LEAP-X program and misinform him about “15 pounds of human material” limit. Vault-Tec wanted him out of the game and didn’t expect Bradberton to commit to his head being preserved. They also had a surprise for the Vault.
When the bombs fell, the factory was hit. There are no records of why it was hit, but apparently the Vault had some very sensitive electric lines above that controlled the door and it malfunctioned, causing everyone inside to be irradiated. On top of that, a new Overseer emerged to take control of the vault.
How? Multiple sabotages. VaultTek provided faulty door controls and the connection with the electric lines closer to the ground. While Bradberton was smart, he and his organization had no experts that weren’t secretly bought by Vault-Tec. It was set up in a way that a slight quake, which was bound to happen when the use of Vault was relevant, would get the door open.
And the Overseer? That was RobCo. During their construction, RobCo was testing a new line of multi-purpose robots and they were willing to charge almost nothing since it would be a good demonstration of the robots and good publicity, being part of the PR stunt. It was very plausible.
In truth, this was one of the locations House was trying to set up as a base in the East Coast, as part of his grand plans. But, things didn’t go the way he planned either as he didn’t realize VaultTek’s sabotage, thinking the doors would be opened years later and his hidden away Overseer would only come to effect once the world starts repopulating. He also did not know about the experimentation that Nuka Cola planned, thinking this would be a Vault filled with workers and some kind of “communist experimentation” (in his defense, which was the plans by Vault-Tec at the earlier phases)
Now, Vault-30N (for 30 years of NukaCola) is filled with uniquely mutated ghouls, a surviving ghoul doctor with a special friend that continues the experiments and a robot Overseer that is very confused on how to deal with all of this.
Some experiments that happened:
So, the Overseer did some calculations and lured some experiments outside, hoping to get some attention. Overseer figured if any humans were left, they’d clear out the location. Once that was done, he could get access to the rest of the systems easily and anyone who cleared out the area would either be assets to help him or targets for the security system.
And that’s how it starts. People see some strange lights coming from the destroyed Nuka Cola factory and want it checked out.
The game will be going through the different floors, facing mutants, hearing messages from the Overseer and finding out some truths about the whole thing. The Doctor and the Overseer will both offer alliance. The Doctor says he has knowledge of hidden Nuka Cola safe houses with a lot of supplies and tools that could help a lot of people, if they kill the Overseer. The Overseer offers a strong ally in himself but mostly plays into the ethics card, calling the doctor evil and pointing the many workers still in cryo chambers that can be saved. Do the party do the “right thing” and kill the evil doctor? Or do they let the doctor continue what he’s doing but get supplies that help a lot of people? Or do they kill both and try to take over the Vault?
So - what do you think?
submitted by themaelstorm to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:24 ConsciousRun6137 German Biologist Stefan Lanka Bet €100,000 the Measles Virus Doesn’t Exist. He Won.

German Biologist Stefan Lanka Bet €100,000 the Measles Virus Doesn’t Exist. He Won.
Excerpt..In November 2011, German biologist Stefan Lanka publicly issued a bold challenge. He offered the hefty sum of 100,000 Euros to anyone who could prove the existence of the measles virus.
Lanka was inspired to issue the challenge after witnessing an intense and sustained propaganda campaign that year by both the World Health Organization and the German government, urging people to get vaccinated against measles.
Article here…Measles vaccine lie.


Billions of doses of measles vaccines have been administered since their introduction in the early 1960s. Authorities constantly admonish the importance of measles vaccination, and whenever a measles ‘outbreak’ occurs it is invariably blamed upon unvaccinated folk.

The existence of a measles virus, therefore, is presented as a given. Which means Lanka should have been flooded with offers to take up his challenge.
After all, who could resist the opportunity to legally score a quick and easy €100,000?
Turns out proving the existence of a measles virus isn’t so easy.
There was only one response to Stefan’s challenge. Not from one of the world’s countless virologists or microbiologists, or vocal health authorities, but from a bright-eyed medical student called David Bardens.
On January 16, 2012, Bardens emailed Lanka and asked if the challenge was still current. Lanka replied in the affirmative.
On January 31, 2012, a cocksure Bardens replied with the following message:
“With the detailed compilation of literature attached I have given you both the proof of the existence of the measles virus and the required images and information on the diameter of the measles virus.
Please transfer the amount of € 100,000 to the following account […]
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to acquire such a relatively big amount of money with such a relatively little effort.
With best regards,
David Bardens”
The literature tendered by Bardens as ‘proof’ of the existence of the measles virus consisted of the following titles, which will herein be referred to as “The Bardens Six”:
Enders JF, Peebles TC. Propagation in tissue cultures of cytopathogenic agents from patients with measles. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1954 Jun; 86 (2): 277–286.
Bech V, Magnus PV. Studies on measles virus in monkey kidney tissue cultures. Acta Pathologica et Microbiologica Scandinavica, 1959; 42 (1): 75–85.
Nakai M, Imagawa DT. Electron microscopy of measles virus replication. Journal of Virology, 1969 Feb; 3 (2): 187–197.
Lund GA, et al. The molecular length of measles virus RNA and the structural organization of measles nucleocapsids. Journal of General Virology, 1984 Sep; 65 (Pt 9): 1535–1542.
Horikami SM, Moyer SA. Structure, Transcription, and Replication of Measles Virus. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 1995; 191: 35–50.
Daikoku E, et al. Analysis of Morphology and Infectivity of Measles Virus Particles. Bulletin of the Osaka Medical College, 2007; 53 (2): 107–114.

Sorry, But I Asked for “Proof”

Lanka replied to Bardens – correctly – that the studies did not meet the requirements. They did not prove the existence of the measles virus.
Bardens, not understanding the difference between a dubious claim and valid scientific proof, promptly sued Lanka for non-payment.
When the case was heard, the court’s medico-legal ‘expert’ was Andreas Podbielsky, from the University of Rostock.
Podbielsky just happened to be … a virologist.
This was like calling an astrologist to give ‘expert’ testimony on the validity of horoscopes.
Little surprise that, on March 12, 2015, the court ruled in Bardens’ favour. Lanka was ordered to pay Bardens the €100,000.
Incredibly, the court made this decision despite Podbielsky admitting that none of The Bardens Six reported the results of any control procedures.

The 2015 ruling is the part of the story the mainstream media want you to hear, and fell all over themselves to report.

A vaccine denier bet $100,000 the measles virus ‘doesn’t exist.’. He lost, trumpeted the Los Angeles Times. The LA Times article relied heavily on ad hominem attack to portray Lanka as a screwball. According to uber-snide LA Times writer Michael Hiltzik, Lanka had “a long history of pseudoscientific outbursts,” was prone to “denial” and “pure publicity stunts,” and was allegedly the latest of “cranks blowing up their own case in court.”
Having tripped over itself to ridicule Lanka, the glorified trash rag that is the LA Times was too embarrassed and no doubt too compromised to ever report on what subsequently transpired.
Ditto for the hordes of other outlets that gleefully reported the original decision, but suddenly suffered a monumental case of writer’s block when it came to reporting what happened next.
Lanka, you see, promptly appealed the decision. The case was then heard by the Higher Regional Court (Oberlandesgericht) Stuttgart on February 16, 2016. After reviewing The Bardens Six, the court agreed they failed to meet the contest requirements as set by Lanka. The criteria stipulated a single publication that both proved the existence of the measles virus and measured its diameter. This was hardly an unreasonable request. If I go into the Australian outback, allegedly discover a never-before-seen animal, and write up a detailed report on the Koalaroo, it would be expected I provide a bit more morphological detail than just “adult members of this new species are big. Real big. I’m talking h-u-g-e. I mean, you should see the pecs on these things!”
The original decision was reversed and Lanka got to keep his €100,000.
In December 2016, Bardens tried to get this ruling revised, but the court saw no reason to do so.

Outside of Germany, the mainstream media response to the appeal result was deafening silence. The response of ‘fact-checkers’ (aka globalist-funded liars) and virus believers was to dismiss the appeal ruling as a result of fortuitous technicality.

Interestingly, none of these fact-fudgers or virus stalwarts ever discuss The Bardens Six – the actual studies submitted by the then-student as ‘proof’ the measles virus really exists.
There’s a reason for that.

The Bardens Six Didn’t Prove Diddly Squat

After his initial 2015 victory, Bardens told an interviewer, “You could hand the virus to Lanka on a silver platter if it were a bit bigger – he would probably still deny its existence.”
He added, most ironically, “Unfortunately I had to learn in recent years in my discussions with anti-vaxxers that their opinions are often so stuck that you have no chance to reach them with any facts.”
This is the smug derision with which mainstream ideologues regard those who quite reasonably ask for proof of something’s existence.
So let’s take a look, in chronological order, at the slop a mainstream stalwart holds as ‘proof’ the measles virus exists. This will reveal just who the intractable dogmatists really are.

Enders & Peebles 1954.

If you’ve done any research into the history of measles, you’ve no doubt come across the name John Enders. In 1954, he and colleague Thomas Peebles claimed to have cultivated “cytopathic agents” from patients with ‘measles.’
Those of you wise to virology’s “cytopathic effect” charade will already know where this paper is going:
La-la land.
The duo begin their paper by writing:
“Numerous attempts have been made in the past to propagate the agent of measles in lower animals, in chick embryos and in tissue cultures. The results of different investigators were often at variance or directly contradictory. It has been made reasonably clear, however, that monkeys, especially M. mulatta, are moderately susceptible to experimental inoculation.” (Bold emphasis added).
Ah yes, yet another ‘virus’ we are incessantly told is hyper-virulent, potentially deadly, and necessitating urgent population-wide vaccination, but suddenly suffers stage fright when examined under experimental conditions.
So Enders and Peebles set out to cultivate this socially awkward virus, and to demonstrate its virulence via the “cytopathic effect” wank, which is nothing more than voodoo science done First World-style.
Here’s how this absurd charade works: You take some samples (in this case, throat swabs, blood and feces) from people who reportedly suffer the disease in question.

You begin your experiment with the assumption that these samples contain a ‘virus.’ You spin the samples around and around at high speed in a centrifuge to separate the fluid and sediment. You then take some of the mix and place it in a test tube or petri dish containing a ‘cell culture’ consisting of, among other things, antibiotics and bovine fetal serum.

Note that nothing has been isolated here. Quite the opposite has occurred: You’ve taken a gob of phlegm, which contains a whole bunch of other yeccch aside from a mythical virus, and you’ve added more items to it, including bovine fetal serum which contains RNA and possibly DNA.

Because you are work in a profession built upon lies, you call this mixture a “viral isolate.”
You then take this anti-isolate, and mix it with a bunch of cells. Not just any cells; to pull off this fraud, you need a special cell line that will give you the results you want.
The cell line of choice is African green monkey kidney cells.
After mixing the heavily adulterated sample you call an “isolate” with the cell line, you let the mixture sit. You periodically place the mixture under an electron microscope, and when you notice the added cells are starting to deform and die off, you yell “bingo!”
You triumphantly write up a paper claiming you have ‘isolated’ said ‘virus.’ In reality, you haven’t isolated diddly squat, but you assume the “cytopathic effect” (cells dying) is proof that there’s a nasty cell-wrecking virus in there.

One of the most fundamental rules of science is control your variables, which is why valid scientific experiments are always performed with control subjects or samples.

There is nothing valid about the virus isolation gig, however. It is a sham, so you scrupulously avoid performing the exact same procedures on samples from healthy humans not suffering from said ‘virus.’
That would undermine the whole charade, and put a quick end to all those lucrative grants and Nobel Prize nominations. It would also bring an end to the virus farce, an extremely lucrative source of fear porn for megalomaniacs and drug companies alike.
The above pretty much describes what Enders and Peebles did, but a few other observations are worth noting.
The authors reveal they tried to get this cell culture/cytopathic effect ruse going with the following cell lines: Human embryonic lung, human embryonic intestine, human embryonic skin and muscle, human foreskin, human uterus, human kidney, embryonic chick tissue, rhesus monkey kidney and rhesus monkey testis.
In other words, to create the cytopathic effect that supposedly demonstrates isolation of a ‘virus,’ they tried a vast array of cell lines – everything from penis trimmings to monkeys’ balls.

Yet they settled on just two: Human kidney and monkey kidney cells.

Why kidney cells and not, say, skin cells, the latter being a far more intuitive choice for examining a disease that involves outbreaks on the skin?

Because the antibiotics used in all these cytopathic effect experiments are kidney toxic. In their experiments, Enders and Peebles used both penicillin and streptomycin.

Little wonder that African green monkey kidney cells have become the cell line of choice for cytopathic effect experiments: They can be relied upon to deform and die in the presence of kidney toxic antibiotics, hence giving researchers the results they are after.
But that wasn’t all.
While the Enders and Peebles experiment hardly constitutes “isolation” of a ‘virus,’ let’s assume there really was a ‘measles virus’ lurking in their cell cultures. If this were the case, it would be reasonable to assume that when this anti-isolate was administered to living entities, instead of glass receptacles, it would trigger the disease of measles.
Well, it turns out Enders and Peebles did have a crack at this. They tried ‘infecting’ two litters of suckling white mice with their so-called isolate.
What happened?
Despite being directly injected with the porqueria concocted by Enders and Peeble, “The animals remained well during an observation period of 21 days.”

I have to wonder if Bardens even read the six papers he submitted as proof, or whether he just read the misleading abstracts, like most interns and physicians who bother reading journals do. If Bardens had read this paper closely, he should’ve realized Enders and Peebles didn’t isolate anything. They even inadvertently admit it:

“Although we have thus already obtained considerable indirect evidence supporting the etiologic role of this group of agents in measles,” the duo wrote, “2 experiments essential in the establishment of the relationship remain to be carried out. These will consist in the production of measles in the monkey and in man with the tissue culture materials after a number of passages in vitro sufficient to eliminate any virus introduced in the original inoculum. The recovery of the virus from the experimental disease in these hosts should then be accomplished.” “The findings just summarized support the presumption that this group of agents is composed of representatives of the viral species responsible for the measles.” (Bold emphasis added)
The bottom line is that Enders and Peebles 1954, the first paper confidently put forward by Bardens in his attempt to prove Lanka wrong, was a hopelessly confounded endeavor that didn’t isolate Jack Schiesen. We are supposed to just “presume” the virus was lurking there somewhere in the hopelessly adulterated cell culture mixtures.
Although not mentioned in the paper, and despite not having isolated anything, this is the experiment that would later be cited by others as having discovered the “Edmonston strain” of measles virus.

Bech & von Magnus 1959

This paper reports “the isolation of five strains of measles virus in cultures of trypsinized monkey kidney cells.”
We could write this paper off based on that alone, but the authors also claim they identified the strains by serologic tests and even transmitted the disease to monkeys.
As with Enders and Peebles they used bovine amniotic fluid in their culture, and they added penicillin and streptomycin to the mix. Once again, they produced the ‘cytopathic effect’ in cytopathy-prone monkey and baboon kidney cells.
Which again means they didn’t isolate diddly squat.
Furthermore, what they generously called an ‘isolate’ could only be obtained from the samples of seven of the 13 patients, despite all specimens being collected within 40 hours of rash onset.
The researchers then claimed to have detected measles antigens in the blood of four patients. However, no control procedures were performed with measles-free patients, so we don’t know whether these antigens were truly unique to the condition we know as measles, or something you could find among any random sampling of people. Even if they were unique to measles patients, there is no proof they represented a ‘virus’ because no virus was ever isolated.
Two monkeys were then ‘inoculated’ intranasally and orally with the so-called ‘isolate’ of one of the patients, a 6-year-old girl whose mixture evinced measles ‘antigen.’
Eleven days later, one of the monkeys developed a “universal rash” allegedly spreading from head to toe. I say “allegedly,” because while the researchers were happy to pepper their paper with multiple microscopy images of the in vitro cytopathic effect, there was not a single picture of the measled monkey.
In humans, measles is accompanied by high fever, cough, runny nose, red watery eyes and a rash that lasts 5-6 days before fading. However, the affected monkey showed normal temperature throughout, and its skin rash lasted only 24 hours. No other symptoms were reported.
The other monkey showed no symptoms at all.
So the affected monkey reportedly suffered a brief skin breakout, but its sequelae were not consistent with what we call measles.
But let’s assume for a moment that this monkey’s brief skin flare-up was caused by the administration of throat fluid from an unwell six-year-old human.
The question then becomes: Was it the throat fluid – containing countless elements – from a sick human that made the monkey sick, or a measles ‘virus’ that the researchers never isolated but simply assumed to be present because they subscribed to the cytopathic effect ruse?
We’ll never know because no virus was ever isolated.
Another pertinent question is what would have happened to that same monkey if it was administered the throat fluid of a healthy six year old girl?
We’ll never know because, as is par for the course in this absurd isolation charade, no control procedures were performed at any juncture.
So we have a study that again never isolated anything, in which only 7 of 13 patients had samples which could be made to do the cytopathic wank, and only 4 that could show ‘antigens.’
It reported on two monkeys, one of whom suffered a brief skin breakout and no other symptoms commensurate with measles; the other experienced no ill effects at all.
As with Enders and Peebles 1954, this paper provides lots of assumptions and presumptions but no proof of a virus.

Nakai & Imagawa 1969

This paper describes “electron microscopic observations of the various stages of measles virus replication and the morphological changes induced in HeLa cells.”
While not as ubiquitous as monkey kidney cells, HeLa is another cell line popular among those perpetuating the cytopathic effect charade. This cell line is named after African-American woman Henrietta Lacks, who unfortunately passed away from cervical cancer in 1951 at only 31 years of age. During the brief period between her diagnosis and passing, Henrietta underwent radium treatments for her cancer at John Hopkins Hospital. A sample of her cancer cells retrieved during a biopsy were sent to the lab of one Dr George Gey. According to the John Hopkins website, Gey had been collecting cells from all patients who came to Johns Hopkins with cervical cancer, but each sample quickly died in his lab. Henrietta’s cells however, were unlike any of the others he had ever seen: Where other cells would die, her cells doubled every 20 to 24 hours.
While clearly unrepresentative of typical human cells, the durability of the HeLa line made it a favorite with researchers.* This was the cell line Nakai and Imagawa used to propagate the Edmonston strain of measles ‘virus’ for the experiments described in this 1969 paper.
Let’s stop, for a moment, to digest what we’ve just read. The Edmonston strain was not an isolate – it was the outcome of a cell cultured sample from one of the child cases in the Enders and Peebles 1954 paper.
This ‘strain,’ obtained not via isolation but by the anti-isolation cell culture/cytopathic effect ruse, was then subjected by Nakai and Imagawa to another bout of the cell culture ruse, this time using the highly atypical HeLa cell line.
The researchers note they bathed the final cell suspension in a mixture containing 1% osmium tetroxide, a highly poisonous substance.
The researchers further reveal that the preparations were stained with a solution of uranyl acetate in ethyl alcohol for 60 minutes and stained further with lead hydroxide for 15 minutes.
So they produced a preparation in which cells were exposed to an array of toxic substances: Osmium tetroxide, ethyl alcohol, lead and uranyl acetate (which contains the isotope 238U of uranium).
Importantly, the researchers also write: “Control preparations of uninoculated HeLa cells were examined in a similar manner.”
They give no further details about these ‘uninoculated’ preparations. Based on what I’ve seen from other studies involving the ‘isolation’ sham, I’m guessing ‘uninoculated’ means a preparation not only void of a sample from a sick patient, but also void of a sample from a healthy patient. In which case it’s not really a control.
The authors then took lots of electron microscopy images of the preparations. We are presented with photos of what could easily pass for cellular vesicles, which we are told are measles virions. There are also multiple photos of long thin strands which we are told are “the helical nucleocapsid released from measles virion.”
They claimed the ‘virions’ were pleomorphic (able to change shape and form) with sizes ranging from 180 to 600 nm.
That’s all well and good, but there’s a problem. A big problem.
Remember how the researchers claimed they created control preparations with “uninoculated” HeLa cells?
That’s a critical detail, yet they inexplicably make no further mention about these alleged control preparations.

You can’t expose an atypical cell line to a bunch of poisonous substances, then claim the vesicles that subsequently show up in electron microscopy images are ‘measles virions’ without confirming the same thing didn’t happen to a control preparation.

Yet that’s exactly what Nakai and Imagawa did.
Once again, if you consider ‘proof’ to be conclusive evidence of something, as opposed to shady leaps of faith, then Nakai and Imagawa did not prove the existence of a measles virus.

Lund et al 1984

In the experiment reported in this paper, Lund et al do the Cytopathic Boogaloo with Vero (African green monkey kidney) cells.
In other words, they don’t isolate anything, and don’t prove the existence of a measles virus.
They conduct no control procedures, so they cannot confirm that the vesicle-like structures and strands captured by electron microscopy would not have similarly been visible in control samples.
Not to be deterred, they measure the size of the vesicle-like structures and strands. “Purified virions,” they claim, “examined by negative staining in the electron microscope exhibited a pleomorphic range of particle sizes varying in diameter between 300 nm and 1000 nm.” Their paper thus added to the already long list of publications claiming disparate sizes for the alleged measles ‘virus’ (Waterson et al 1961; Waterson 1965; Norrby & Magnusson 1965; Nakai et al 1969; Waters et al 1972; Hall & Martin 1973; Waters & Bussell 1974).
Once again, this paper doesn’t even begin to prove the existence of a measles virus.

Horikami & Moyer 1995

I’m not sure why Bardens included this paper, because it’s not an experimental report like the aforementioned. It’s simply a review paper that takes the existence of the measles virus as a given, and discusses its alleged structure, transcription and replication.
It does mention “Negatively stained preparations of virus particles appear roughly spherical but pleomorphic by electron microscopy, with the diameters of the particles ranging from 300 um to 1000 um.” In support of this statement, it references the Lund et al 1984 paper we just discussed above.
Lund et al did not even begin to prove the measles virus exists, and neither does this review.

Daikoku et al 2007

Five down, one more to go. Will this 2007 paper by Daikoku and colleagues save the day for the anti-Lanka crowd?
Unfortunately for them, no.
Everything you need to know about this study is contained in the following passage:
“[Measles viurus], the Edmonston strain, was inoculated into African green monkey kidney cells, Vero cell line, and cultured in a minimum essential medium containing 1% fetal bovine serum.”
Zzzz … zzz … zzzz …
Huh? … what? …
Sorry folks. After a while, this cytopathic effect charade gets so predictable and boring it becomes downright narcoleptic.
After doing the cytopathic effect wank, “particles with a nucleocapsid-like structure inside or a projection-like structure on the surface were determined to be MeV-like particles.”
These ‘measles virus-like particles’ ranged between 50 nm and 1000 nm in diameter.
That’s great, but because these particles were obtained via the uncontrolled cell culture/cytopathic effect caper, there is no proof they were measles virions.

Another Massive Fail for the Voodoo Virus Crowd

That, ladies and gentlemen, is The Bardens Six:
  • Four studies that insulted our intelligence with the cell culture/cytopathic effect farce;
  • another that claimed its poison-replete cell culture escapade featured a control experiment, but never detailed or shared the results of that control experiment;
  • a review article that described the characteristics of a virus whose alleged existence relies on the cell culture/cytopathic effect farce.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to u/ConsciousRun6137 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 00:48 CrystalCommittee Other people have asked in other threads where my revised first chapter comes from.

It's chapter 29 from the original book of 'it's not anymore'. I told it in flashbacks. Because of it's size, I can't post it all here, but I'll do a good chunk to get you an idea. If you want the whole thing, modmail me, or comment, there are ways. I don't want you getting too committed to it, as I'm gutting it.
“Procrastination of the opposition is how they have succeeded time and time again. It started here.” Harry says as the image displays of their cabin; Harry is sitting at a desk writing quickly on a sheet of paper in response to the voice coming through the radio. “When I wrote those coordinates of the downed plane, no one was supposed to find them, Amanda’s design.” He says, zooming the image in to show precisely what he’d written down. “I never gave it a second thought until I was here, and it became clear that the Crystal Samantha had in her possession, picked up on and recognized the mayday call Amanda, and through her, the Emerald had made.”
Harry guides Garrett’s attention to the image. They watch as Harry rips the paper from the pad, places it in his shirt pocket, spins up from his chair, and moves to a bedroom, flipping on the light.
"Up and at 'em, Sam, We've got to go."
Sam grumbles and pulls the blankets up over her head. Harry moves over and pulls the blankets from the bed, revealing Sam wearing flannel pajamas looking to be no more than a teenager. He gives her a shake.
"You're the one who wanted to go with me; we've got a plane down up on the mountain. Come on.” He turns and is going to toss some clothes at her but finds them scattered around the room in complete disarray. "And when we get back, you are putting some organization to this room."
"Come on, dad; I'm an adult now."
“I am well aware of your actual age and experience. However, your physical appearance and the story you’ve created to explain your uniqueness; you’re seventeen, still living at home and not paying rent. Just because you know the difference doesn't mean you don't have to follow the rules that you put into place." He says, making a solid point.
“You’re taking advantage and enjoying it too much.”
“Yes, I am. What father of a teenage daughter wouldn’t? The devil is in the details, as you always say.”
"Yeah, yeah yeah. I'm coming. A little privacy please?" She asks as she works her way into wakefulness.
"I'll be outside warming up the truck; don't take too long, okay?"
"I know, dad."
Harry leaves the room with a large smile on his face, closing the door behind him gently. Sam works her way out of bed slowly; then, her pace quickens as the cold of the room gets to her.
Garrett takes momentary notice of the Crystal dangling around Sam’s neck, as it gives a subtle glimmer, then quickly he shields his eyes, embarrassed to see Sam in such a private moment. “It was active then. Was Sam aware?”
“It is my belief she wasn’t. The Crystal wasn’t fully active, but it had picked up on the distress signal the Emerald had sent out. I’ve sifted through Samantha’s history with a fine toothcomb, curious myself; this was the first it ever showed life. I was unaware that it was anything other than it appeared, a pretty little rock on a tattered leather band that Samantha cherished because it was all she had left to remember her mother. But hindsight and the ability to see all instead of just my perspective can really open your eyes.”
Sam quickly assembles a pair of long underwear, pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt and pulls them on. Next, she moves to a mirror on the dresser and looks at herself. Then, through a yawn, she tries to do something with her hair, failing to make any change; she reaches for a well-worn baseball cap and puts it on, tucking her short blonde hair over her ears and adjusting it to perfection.
“Moira?” Garrett inquires.
“Never wore it from what I was able to see through this.” He says of the mist. “But she had possession of it from the time she was a child that much I know from my recollections.” He lowers his head for a moment; strong emotion carries in his voice. “The link between Moira and me isn’t as strong as it is with Samantha.”
“Makes sense; she’s genetically linked to you whereas Moira…I’m sorry I didn’t--” Garrett quickly tries to pull back his words.
“It’s alright.”
Garrett focuses back in on Sam as she pulls on a pair of snow pants, followed shortly by thick socks and boots, then reaches for a coat resting on the back of the chair and heads out of the room. “She looks so young here this can’t be--”
“It is,” Harry says with a hint of knowledgeable laughter at his lips. “What happened up on the mountain aged her, not only in appearance but with experience. We moved around a lot and rebuilt our lives repeatedly to hide Samantha’s unique ability to age ten times slower than the rest of the world. A secret, which you knew on many occasions, made Sam a target of uncountable entities, the key to eternal youth,” Harry says sarcastic mockery on his tone.
“It wasn’t the only thing. Her ability to fight off every virus known to man added a few more targets on her back.”
“Yes,” Harry says with an understanding nod indicating there had been additional steps taken in this area as well. “A normal parent has to explain why school is important to attend once in their life. But, on the other hand, I had to do it on multiple occasions, and what an oddity to remind your child to dumb it down so as not to draw attention. And while Samantha always wanted to help by providing the answers to what ailed those she befriended in these times?”
“She couldn’t without exposing herself.” Garrett finishes for him. “But knowing Sam, she couldn’t help herself, thus prompting relocation and need to re-identify.”
“Yes,” Harry says, indicating they should continue watching.
Sam emerges from the cabin, turning the lights off inside, leaving only the exterior light of the cabin and those of the truck to light the darkness. She shivers against the cold, zipping her coat all the way up as she moves towards the truck with a plow on the front, 'Search and Rescue' painted on the side, a trailer on the back with two snowmobiles and the necessary gear. She climbs into the passenger seat, puts on her seatbelt. Harry puts the truck into gear and starts out. He reaches down and pulls up a large metal coffee cup handing it to Sam.
"Coffee, strong, to wake up my navigator."
"Yeah...yeah...yeah,” Sam says, taking the offered cup. She gives the rising steam a long enjoyed sniff, takes a small sip, then reaches for the folded maps on the dashboard in front of her. "Coordinates?"
Harry unzips his coat, removes the folded paper from his pocket, and hands it to Sam. She reaches up, turns on the light above her head, and unfolds the paper and maps.
"Why can't people have emergencies on a real people schedule?" She asks with a yawn.
"It's not the way it works, Sam."
They drive along for a few minutes; Harry slows as they approach a split in the road, seeing Sam look up making a decision. One is plowed and clear; the other has a few inches of untouched snow on it.
"Which way is going to be faster?" Harry asks.
"If we go around to the bridge, it'll be too long," She says, pointing towards the plowed road. "And depending on how they came in, that whole side of the mountain is going to be unstable if it hasn't come down on them already. So to Severin's creek, snowmobiles from there, and pack the last mile. That should keep us clear of an avalanche or on top of it if it's already down."
"I love how you do that," Harry says as he directs the vehicle towards the unplowed road.
The image freezes, and Harry looks to Garrett, wondering if he had caught the importance. “I don’t understand.” Garrett offers.
“I didn’t catch it then; it took all that transpired afterward for me to see what happened here fully. What I wrote down? And where she directed us? Significantly different. I had no reason to question, Samantha was never wrong, and she knew those mountains better than anyone.”
“It appears she wasn’t aware of it either,” Garrett says of the interaction. “The Crystal.”
“Yes, it guided us to our destination.” Harry pauses, then shakes his head as if clearing a thought he doesn’t want to voice.
“What is it?” Garrett asks, picking up easily on the avoidance.
“It’s something. I know you, and even after years, I can still read you like an open book.”
Harry works the thought together, struggling somewhat. “But you’re not an open book.”
“Never have been.”
“It’s more than that; it’s blank. Not even page numbers, indicating there was something there. Thorough.”
“It has to be.”
Harry moves his hands and queue’s the next rendering. “It’s not even re-written, missing; there are no references whatsoever.”
“What are you getting at Harry?”
The image begins to move as Harry falls into silence, formulating his response. Garrett sees the deep contemplation and leaves it for the time being.
The sun is just starting to rise as Harry and Sam spot the airplane wreckage. A small plume of smoke rises from the forward section resting in a crater to the west; the tail end eastward higher on the ridge.
"I'll take the tail," Harry says, indicating the more extensive and further section, then directing Sam towards the front. "Call it in and radio if you find anyone."
"Got it. Be careful, Dad; it doesn't look stable up here."
“She was always looking out for me, even then,” Harry offers with a smile, hiding the pain behind what he’s viewing.
Garrett’s eyes are glued to the image, taking it all in. “It’s just as she described it.”
“Yes, every intricate detail that you recall from their telling of it,” Harry says with a sarcastic yet surprised undertone.
Sam snowshoes towards the front section of the plane. There are no outward signs of life or movement as she approaches. She un-straps the snowshoes and watches her head to avoid the sharp edges of the shredded exterior of the plane. She digs down, moving large chunks of snow until she's able to get her flashlight inside.
"Anyone alive in here?"
Garrett watches, his eyes unmoving from the image, taking in every detail. “What she told me? Yes. That she held to that story, unshakeable even though there was absolutely no evidence, not even a shred. Amanda as well, and it was…” he shakes his head in disbelief, “Just the other day she confirmed it.”
“It was confirmed before, but to protect them, yourself, and the carefully covered history between the three of you, you chose to remove--very thoroughly, I might add--all previous references to them.”
“There is always a reason.” Garrett justifies his actions.
“Of that, there is no doubt. Why is it important for you now to witness and replace what was lost? It protected them then, but now, your lack of knowledge regarding the events, and inability to take their accounting of it--”
“Places them in danger.”
“Very much so.” Harry returns.
"One," Amanda says through labored breath in the mist.
"Hang in there; we'll get you out of there. How many were on the plane?" Sam asks as she continues to dig a hole to get inside the plane.
"Five, the flyers are dead, the other two I don't know." She returns with a thick British accent.
“Wow,” Garrett says under his breath.
“Wasn’t expecting it?” Harry asks.
“No, it’s…uhm,” he snaps his fingers, trying to put words to it.
“It’s what’s missing that you’re so accustomed to picking up between them. The feeling that volumes worth of information is being shared between them, in an instant.” Harry says.
“Yeah, that’s part of it.”
“And probably her accent,” Harry says with a half nod and embarrassed smile. “You always did have a weakness for the Brits, especially the women.”
“Touché.” Garrett returns with a broad smile. “Moira lost hers years before she met you, yet, when in your company, it’d always sneak back in.”
Harry smiles. “Uh-huh.”
"You're sure they're dead?" Sam asks of Amanda.
Sam pulls her radio. "Dad confirmed five on board; I've got one alive, two dead."
"Copy." the radio crackles.
"My name is Sam; what's yours?" Sam pauses her digging and listens when there's no response. "Are you still with me?"
"Are you hurt?"
"Nothing life-threatening."
Sam gets her head and flashlight in enough to see. Amanda is partially buried, her back against the side of the airplane, a slope of snow between them.
"Anything broken?"
"Right clavicle. Yes, I can walk out of here when you unbury me and get me something warm."
"On it," Sam says, not expecting the ungrateful nature of the woman. "I'm sorry; I didn't catch your name."
"I didn't give it. Just do your job."
"Yes, ma'am."
Sam's radio crackles. "Sam, two alive here. One able to walk, the other we're going to need the sled and a med-evac as soon as possible."
"Copy that. Calling it in." Sam rolls onto her back, switches the radio channel, finding difficulty with gloved fingers. "Dispatch, Rescue One on scene. Three confirmed survivors, two deceased. Two survivors are mobile, one critical. Pack unstable, advise pickup at the meadow at the fork of Severin's creek."
"Copy Rescue One."
Harry senses Garrett’s question and halts the image, and looks at him. “It’s just you and me here. What is it?”
“Why would she take that as her surname? The very location of where it all started? This is all wrong.” Garrett defends.
“There is an explanation to it, an unexpected and risky choice, I’ll admit, but a wise one nonetheless. You have to trust in what you are aware of now. It all worked out because of the choices made, and not all of them by you. Part of why you are here is to witness the decisions made, beyond your control, that shaped the current landscape.”
Garrett gives an uncomfortable nod as Harry restarts the image. “You’re saying I’m a control freak?”
“You are, but you at times, forget, either on purpose or not, that there are others just as vigilant and demanding of their control and guidance of a situation. Allies that you aren’t certain you can trust but desire to do so.”
Sam tucks the radio back into her pocket and continues to dig. Finally, when she's made the hole big enough, she squeezes through, then pulls her pack inside, sliding down to where Amanda is. She places the flashlight upward, lighting the plane's interior, and settles in to check on Amanda. A flash of recognition crosses Sam's expression as she quickly checks to see if Amanda's eyes dilate.
"I told you I was fine." Amanda snaps, moving her head quickly to the side and away from the direct light.
"Actually," Sam corrects as she starts moving the snow from around Amanda, "You said 'nothing life-threatening,' but given you've been buried up here for a couple of hours, shock, concussion, hypothermia, Internal bleeding come to mind, to mention a few."
"I am familiar."
Sam, trying to keep it light, and Amanda talking continues. "Been in situations like this before, then?"
"Not this particular one."
"Okay, not particular, but I’ll assume similar," Sam says, pausing for a moment again, sensing recognition. "This is my first rescue involving a plane."
"Hum." Amanda returns, avoiding.
"Bet it was frightening. I don't like flying, wouldn't catch me anywhere near an airplane, and this..." She rolls her eyes around. "Is why. You're probably thinking the same thing now, huh?"
Amanda nonchalantly shrugs her shoulders then winces at the pain in her shoulder. Sam pauses her digging and looks right at Amanda with a quizzical look. Amanda meets her eyes. Sam shakes her head softly as if clearing an errant thought. Amanda’s expression changes to cautious curiosity as she watches Sam.
“Sam’s not afraid of flying,” Garrett interjects, his mind working through what he sees between Sam and Amanda.
“She was,” Harry says. “Or better phrased, those before her that were starting to come to the surface at this time were affecting her recollections subconsciously.”
“The dreams of those that carried the Crystal before her obtaining it.” Garrett nods. “Amanda explained it to me, the whispers of their lives. Tragic deaths in the name of what was right and just.”
“In a nutshell, yes. But even in her own lifetime, previous to this moment, Samantha had had her fair share of rough and tumble encounters in the air. You recall the flight from Buenos Aries, the hijacking?” Garrett nods, familiar with it. “The young girl sitting four rows behind you couldn’t have been more than eight or nine years of age?”
Garrett recalls the time, the young girl in question, and while recognition doesn’t show on his face, he begins to understand. “It was Sam.”
“Yes. You’ve chosen to keep the imagery, but not the identity, the purpose, of who and what Sam was to you at the time. She was no one to you.”
“They believed I was carrying the encryption key to some highly sensitive financial materials.”
“You were, but what was on the flash drive in your pocket was an exceptionally well-falsified version and what you intended them to come after, which they did.”
“Sam’s memory was where the copy was.”
“Yes, the only one. A family vacation that was not.”
“Wait, I never used Sam--”
“You did, we all did, in our own ways. Her age, as you are aware, is deceptive. Here? This 17-year-old girl? Has the experience of a forty-year-old easily, had attended four universities under different names and piled up an immeasurable amount of education. Since she’s been able to talk and we realized her gift, she’s been used as an asset. The closest guarded secret. But it came to a head; the stress was getting to her, to all of us. She requested, and we all agreed, to let her step away, live a normal life. This was the cover and the life she chose.” He says of her digging in the snow.
“How did she…?”
“Hide it? She had some help.” Harry smiles. “At this point, she was aware of her entire past with us, who you were, what we did, who we did it for, and what her mother and I were running from with your help. It’s why the review, it’s coming to the surface again. This situation escalated far beyond what any of you, Amanda being the partial exception, have allowed yourselves to be aware.”
“By choice. Did I…?”
“Take the memories from her? No, though you’ve tried many times, you were never successful.”
“Then how?”
Harry gives a half-raised eyebrow and suggests Garrett watch the image. “If a picture is worth a thousand words?”
"Don't worry; we'll take good care of you. It's not far to the snowmobiles, and then only a half an hour to where the chopper can pick up your friend." Amanda doesn't answer as she analyzes Sam, her actions, and tone, as if reading her like a book. "Family?" Sam asks, again gaining no answer. "Co-worker? Acquaintance? Do you know them?" Sam sits up for a moment and runs her arm across her forehead; she's working up a sweat at this pace. She pulls off a glove and unzips her coat to get some air.
"Yes, I know them..." Amanda starts off, hoping it will stop her questions, but her words trail off her eyes catching the Crystal's shimmer on a necklace around Sam's neck.
“Sam knew who she was,” Garrett says, seeing the recognition between them.
“No. These two had never been made aware of each other. I know,” he says, staving off Garrett’s apparent disbelief on the matter, “You were always afraid of and never divulged of your interactions with Amanda – you didn’t even know her name then or her true identity. She was your contact, for lack of better phrasing, within the Trust. A very adversarial relationship, but one you never clued Sam in on. For a good reason, I suspect.”
“Then how is this--the Crystal,” He says, putting it together. “Her previous experiences and lives, they recognized Amanda.”
“Yes,” Harry says as they both return their focus to what is going on between Sam and Amanda.
"Anyone I can have Dispatch contact? Let them know you're okay?" Sam asks.
"No." The tone in which Amanda answers moves both of them to look directly at each other. For Sam, it is out of surprise at the response, Amanda in fear of having answered truthfully and hoping the fear in her voice didn't relay.
"Okay," Sam returns cautiously. "Didn't mean to poke a nerve.”
Amanda shakes her head slightly, indicating it was nothing of concern. "Have we met before?" she asks softly.
Sam is thrown even more with the sincerity and nicety behind the query than the question itself. "I was going to ask you the same thing. You're familiar to me, but... "
Sam's radio crackles interrupting her thought then is further interrupted by a loud bang followed by a second that echoes through the canyon. Both women are startled by the sound.
"What the hell was that?" Sam asks, scrambling for her radio; she depresses the button. "Dad? Dad?! Dad, come back?" there is nothing but a crackle. "Dad?"
“What just happened there?” Garret asks.
Harry looks down to his clothes, the wounds, “These. I fought that bastard like you would not believe, but,” Harry turns away from the image. “I apologize, but I do have difficulty watching this, but it’s important you do.”
“The impact is important, I understand,” Garrett says, not holding it against him as he looks away.
The ominous silence is interrupted by a slight rumble, which Sam isn't sure she's hearing. Sam’s eyes fill with fear as she meets those of Amanda, confirming what she's thinking.
"Avalanche!" Sam throws throwing herself on top of Amanda.
It's only seconds before the snow impacts the side of the plane, rolling it down the slope like a twig in a rapidly flowing stream. Sam and Amanda are thrown about inside the plane, the sounds of bones snapping, their bodies bending and contorting in unnatural ways as they are thrown around like rag dolls.
Garrett cringes as Amanda smashes face-first into a protruding piece of one of the windows, the entire left side of her face torn open. He directs his attention to Sam as her arms and legs fight for a position within the revolving space; then a snap is heard, her body goes limp and smashes lifelessly to the roof of the plane. Everything goes black.
submitted by CrystalCommittee to FictionSerials [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 23:14 Ralts_Bloodthorne Nova Wars - Chapter 52

[First Contact] [Dark Ages] [First] [Prev] [Next] [wiki]
No inspection ready unit is fit for combat. No unit fit for combat is inspection ready. - Unknown, Age of Paranoia, TerraSol
Specialist Grade Five Gulgulka was a Drimarian, a cold blooded being of the type that fills the ranks of secret police and bureaucracies the galaxy over. Pleas, begging, cries of mercy, none of it mattered to a being like Gulgulka. He was unmoved by requests for pity just as he was unmoved by personal hardship. He was almost biologically incapable of excitement or extremes of emotion.
Which was why Specialist Grade Five Armkept, the 625th Telkan Marine Brigade Master Armorer, was staring at him wide eyed and thinking about sidling over to the door and making a break for it.
"I have, I believe, mentioned that my first duty station was with the Lanaktallan Star Herd," Gulgulka was saying. His eyes were wide, he kept licking his lips, and his hands were clasped together tightly.
Armkept just nodded, wondering if the Senior Divisional Master Armorer had cracked under the pressure.
"As such, I was exposed to Lanaktallan historical documentaries," Gulgulka stated. He moved over to the hologram projector in Armkept's armory.
Armkept had seen Gulgulka walk calmly across an ammunition locker where the 4.2 inch mortar rounds were screaming at the 155mm artillery shells to smack them both back into line, ignoring the smoke and heat.
The Drimarian practically scurried over to the holotank.
"Lanaktallan documentaries are an acquired taste," Gulgulka stated. "The section detailing how it was theorized the Sentience Upload Disaster System worked was a 12 hour section of the documentary, going deep into Terran biological idiosyncrasies as well as their unique cerebral biology."
Armkept just nodded, shifting a little closer to the door.
Gulgulka was a little too close to the loaded M19 Magnetic Accelerator Sidearm than Armkept was comfortable with.
"With the return of the Terrans, due to the return of TerraSol to n-space, I began rewatching the documentary series covering the ancient Council-Confederacy Conflict that led to the Terran Extinction Event, commonly called the TXE at that time frame," Gulgulka said. He began punching holokeys on the holotank.
Armkept moved a little closer to the door.
"Yes, yes, it was vital I look over the documentary again. Not only to attempt to understand the Terrans, but there was something there. I knew there was something there. Something I had seen before and since," Gulgulka said. "But it was not one documentary, no, there are three key points to what I discovered."
Gulgulka looked at Armkept and Armkept felt the fur just behind and between his ears raise up.
The Drimarian looked crazed.
"It was not the Second Precursor War as a whole that was creating invoked memory stimulus in my mind," Gulgulka said. He turned back to the holocontrols. "I initially began looking up a forty-thousand year documentary, which only exists in Lanaktallan recreational cold storage databases, to understand the Terrans that have joined our forces just as I examined the Lanaktallan and the Telkan when I was stationed with them."
"All right," Armkept said. He figured maybe speaking might calm the Drimarian down. "Why do you need me?"
Gulgulka turned and stared at Armkept for a long moment.
"You were not afraid to tell me that I had misinterpreted doctrine regarding arms room maintenance," Gulgulka stated. "You, correctly, realized that I have no interest in personal glory or aggrandizement."
Armkept just nodded.
"You will not be afraid to tell me if my suppositions are in error, while also questioning any weak points in my hypothesis," Gulgulka said. "Others may agree with me outwardly while not believing me, others might disregard my hypothesis without examining the evidence, believing that ancient history has no bearing upon our current situation."
"Very well," Armkept felt better now that he was three steps from the door.
The Drimarian fast forwarded through the documentary. Even jumping by twenty chapters at a time, it still took nearly five minutes for the Drimarian to stop on the first one. He then moved to the second one.
Material and Logistics Challenges was the beginning of the documentary, but Armkept missed what the rest of it said as Gulgulka began to fast forward by a dozen chapters at a time.
"Shades. Shades were the key to proper memory invocation," Gulgulka said.
"Phasic impressions of Terrans killed while enraged in a high phasic environment," Armkept said. "What does..."
"Shades ended the Second Precursor War. Propagating through the superluminal communication arrays, infesting the upper bands of jumpspace and the lower bands of hyperspace. For several centuries those bands were referred to as "ghostspace" and "shadespace" respectively," Gulgulka said.
"Ships still hit pockets now and then," Armkept said. "It's why we use counter-shade methods whenever we travel."
"Yes! Counter-shade!" Gulgulka stated.
The third one was a fleet engagement. Armkept could tell by the timestamps and the humungous Mar-gite constructs on the screen.
Gulgulka fast forwarded it, rewound it, then stopped it.
He opened another window and loaded up some files.
"BEHOLD!" Gulgulka said, harrumphing several times and pointing at the four windows.
"What is it?" Armkept said.
"No, no, cannot tell you," Gulgulka said. "You must look at evidence and come to your own conclusion," he looked at the time on his datalink. "You have six hours before we are to report to Corps Military Intelligence and Analysis Section," he looked around slyly. "I once helped their senior analyst pass an arms room inspection by working for three days straight. His commander, at the time, was secretly angry that the arms room passed even his high level inspection," Gulgulka clenched his hands with glee. "I took great satisfaction in the commanding officer's anger."
Armkept moved over to the holotank and looked at the windows.
"That one first," Gulgulka said.
It was a map of the galaxy. Armkept hit play.
The screen suddenly covered with white. It faded, and the documentary narrator went in to how the "Great Flash" AKA "The Galactic Phasic Flashbang" completely covered entire light decades in split seconds, all generated from stars. There were graphs and charts showing energy breakdown, propagation rates, all kinds of data that made no sense to Armkept.
Gulgulka paused it on the charts.
"Now this one," Gulgulka said. He pointed at the fleet engagement.
He played it and the playback ended with a white flash. Afterwards, there were energy readings and estimations, including propagation rates and radius of effect.
Gulgulka paused it.
Armkept looked back and forth.
The data was very close to matching.
"This one," Gulgulka said.
Armkept tapped the icon and it began playing.
It was an examination of the molecular circuitry used in reactors during the Great Flash. A technical breakdown of the degredation of the molecular circuitry, including estimations for the reasons. There was a series of graphs showing the cascading resonance failures as well as the energy vibrational cascade affecting even heavily shielded military grade reactors past a certain threshhold.
Gulgulka paused it.
"This one," Gulgulka said.
Armkept hit play and watched. It was his own examinations of the armor of several of the Telkan Marines that had been exposed to the white flash that had disabled nearly all of the Confederate Space Force vessels, the powers armor, the armored vehicles, and universally crashed out the civilian electronics.
Then it was Gulgulka doing the same examination on armor.
Gulgulka paused it.
Armkept looked back and forth between the windows.
"How was the Great Flash initiated?" Armkept asked.
"It was never discovered. It emanated from tens of thousands of stellar masses. It was assumed to be some kind of Terran doomsday weapon targeting phasic species," Gulgulka stated. "It only happened a single time and was determined, according to the documentaries I have doublechecked, to be a method of eliminating the Terran Phasic Shade infestation of the galactic spur."
Armkept just nodded, taking a look at the molecular circuitry examples.
The damage was nearly identical.
"Do you know a signals technician? Someone who works with molecular circuitry?" Armkept asked.
"Yes, yes, I know one. A Lanaktallan. Very detail oriented," Gulgulka said.
"Have him come here, I want to ask him questions but I don't want him to think I'm a crazy person," Armkept said.
"So, you believe there is something to what I have examined," Gulgulka said. "Although correlation does not equal causation, correlation can lead to the discovery of causation."
"You're definitely on to something," Armkept said. "Let's go over the flash and its immediate after effects, say, the next forty-eight hours."
Gulgulka nodded, still looking excited. "You will like this part, Telkan."
"Why?" Armkept asked as Gulgulka bookmarked the timestamp then fast forwarded the documentary.
"Because, there are images and sound recordings of one of the most famous Telkan to exist. One the features prominently in Lanaktallan historical documents," Gulgulka said. He paused it.
The Telkan staring out of the screen had cybernetic eyes, white streaks in his facial fur, two obvious cybernetic ears.
His eyes glowed red.
Captain N'Skrek looked at his staff, then at the data in the middle of the conference table.
It had been collated less then three hours prior and immediately forwarded to him.
"We'll have to drop out of hyperspace and deploy the needlecaster," N'Skrek said.
"Energy profiles are a match," Vice Admiral Breakheader said. He shook his head. "The fact they hid signals in the pulse to affect the molecular circuitry in order to induce resonance signals to hotload a virus shows that this had significant planning."
"Is there any way to overcome it?" N'Skrek asked his Chief of Engineering.
The Chief nodded. "We use Terran thinking wires."
"What's the difference, aside from the fact they're from over forty-thousand years ago," N'Skrek asked.
"They're Terran. They don't like other people touching them," the Chief of Engineering chuckled. "This thing was built on Mars. The Mars."
N'Skrek just chuckled and shook his head.
"All right. Signal the rest of the fleet. We'll drop and deploy the needlecaster," he ordered.
The ship sat in the gulf between galaxies where there wasn't even space dust to accumulate on the hull after tens of thousands of years.
The ship was massive, measuring in the hundreds of miles long and tens of miles thick. The great bell housings for the engines were larger than most capital ships. There were massive bubbles on the sides, containing complete ecologies fed by esoteric means.
Ecologies that had gone wild from the radiation of deep space where the only light was from galaxies rather than individual stars.
The name on the hull was almost obliterated by time.
W - - DEN
There was a marking near the engines of the manufacturer.
The hieroglyphics were lost to time, warfare, and entropy.
The bridge was on the rear of the ship, in a tall castle-esque structure. Heavily armored, protected.
The bridge was a dead place. Full of dust, ironically enough from particle shed of the ceramic filters that kept the air sterile.
The bridge was manned by vac-suit clad skeletons still sitting at their posts. The monitors were unreadable, time and dust wiping away the messages that once burned with intensity.
In the captain's char the skeleton sat staring out the six foot thick crysteel window at the emptiness beyond.
A single light blinked under the Captain's vac-suited hand.
A slow pulse. One blink every month, down to the picosecond.
Something changed.
The blinking suddenly went rapid, two blinks a second.
Deep within the ship automated systems creaked to life. Computer cores, loaded with WORM and EPROM data, were put in place as the ancient and dead computer cores were removed. Automation took over.
The vac-suits stiffened and jerked in a strange parody of life as thick pinkish gel began filling the vac-suits of the crew members still sitting at their posts to the point of their skeletons being little more than dust held together by memory.
Deep in the ship, in a section wrapped in hundreds of meters of armor, totally inaccessible by physical means, a single monitor was live.
There were words burned into the screen.
Those words were dim, unlit now, as the cathode ray tube system shifted.
SIGNAL DETECTED had replaced it.
Commands went out to the massive drives.
Quantum drives powerful enough to each individually move a moon slowly came to life as age degraded parts failed and were replaced. Reactionless drives and grav-drives first stopped the tumbling of the ship then oriented it on its target.
A small energetic galaxy.
The drives, all repaired, began to glow sullenly.
Space rippled as the ship got underway, scrunching up space in front of it, riding the bumpy folds, and letting it smooth out behind them.
The radiation cascade that had killed the initial crew had long ago been solved, and instead was used as energy to emit in order to speed the forward progress of the ship.
On the bridge, the suits were twitching, shivering.
The gel drained away.
Inside each suit was a Terran, eyes closed.
An electric shock through the chest, at the brainstem, made them all jerk.
The Captain opened his eyes, looking around.
I Live. I Die. I Live Again.
The Warden headed home.
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2024.04.21 08:55 SamueleDelPapa Prima inizieranno ai lavori per i civili (che già lo stanno facendo) poi arriveranno ai lavori di lorblu (...) .Ma lorblu reagiranno al lavoro rubato oppure si accontenterano del reddito della gleba universale ( contratto da divano a 600 €uro digitali)

Mostra originale Tradotta in: Italiano I Opzioni ▼ Ch L’agghiacciante ascesa dei robot umanoidi cinesi si prepara a diventare l’esercito dell’Anticristo entro il 2030  23 marzo 2024 (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/23/chilling-rise-of-chinese-humanoid-robots- preparing-to-become-the-army-of-the-antichrist-by-2030/)  adm-zagami (http://leozagami.com/authoadm-zagami/) Donazione a sostegno del lavoro di Leo tramite GoFundMe https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-leo-zagami-show-lesule (https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-leo-zagami-show-lesule) cashapp/$leozagami (https://fundly.com/leo-lyon-zagami-channel) (https://www.gofundme.com/f/the-leo- zagami-show-lesule) Articolo di Leo Zagami In Confessioni di un Illuminati, volume 9, ho scritto: Gli Illuminati di oggi si considerano l'élite “gnostica”, i “pneumatici”, che salveranno il mondo, eredi degli antichi gnostici, nati dall'antico “gnosticismo” mesopotamico, così come dallo zoroastrismo e dai misteri dell'antico Egitto e della scuola alessandrina. , che minacciavano il cristianesimo, così come l'ebraismo, nei loro numerosi tentativi di sabotare le leggi mosaiche. E ora gli Illuminati Translate » “gnostici” hanno ottenuto la tecnologia per costruire un “Nuovo Ordine Mondiale Atlantideo” e, utilizzando la robotica e l’intelligenza articiale, aiuteranno Satana e la sua Legione a schiavizzare l’umanità mentre si godono la loro Gnosi. Come ho spiegato anche nel volume 6.66 e nel volume 7 , altri due libri in cui ho denito pubblicamente “La trilogia di Cyber Satan” e come l’obiettivo dell’intelligenza articiale, alias Cyber Satan, sia quello di ottenere il controllo completo del pianeta entro il 2030, e come gli Illuminati contemporanei pianicare di costruire una “Nuova Atlantide” con l’aiuto della Cina e del suo onnicomprensivo Ordine Mondiale Cyber-Satanico. Ho scritto per quasi vent'anni nei miei libri e articoli sul ruolo chiave della Cina comunista nel progetto degli Illuminati, ecco perché per accelerare questo processo i robot umanoidi potrebbero "presto" essere portati nelle case della gente comune, secondo una nuova teoria. centro di robotica a Pechino. Ucialmente, i robot in questione, che utilizzano l’intelligenza articiale e assomigliano ai corpi umani nella forma, dovrebbero spingere la Cina in avanti nella sua guerra tecnologica con gli Stati Uniti, ma la verità è che la Cina sta costruendo il futuro esercito dell’Anticristo per il 2030, pronto per ascesa dell'Anticristo. Il centro lanciato alcuni mesi fa, chiamato Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center, ha nora fornito dettagli minimi sul suo progetto per rilasciare un prototipo di robot umanoide per scopi generali. Ma ha assicurato al South China Morning Post (https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3256239/china-sees-rise-humanoid- robots-disruptive-innovation-will-spur-economic-growth? module=top_story&pgtype=homepage) che i robot in questione verranno realizzati “presto”. Si prevede inoltre che i robotintegreranno la forza lavoro in contrazione della Cina, poiché la massiccia economia spinge a potenziare i suoi motori di crescita con nuove “forze produttive” guidate dalla tecnologia. Una fonte anonima del Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center ha dichiarato al Beijing Youth Daily : “Il sogno di ogni azienda di robot umanoidi è quello di portare robot umanoidi in migliaia di famiglie”. This Chinese vision of the future seems a unique opportunity for the implementation of Cyber Satan’s global take-over, because it comes not only amid China’s erce ongoing tech war with the United States but also as China faces serious demographic challenges, including a rapidly aging population, as well as a property market crisis. Revelation 13:2 gives us an ulterior conrmation of China’s diabolic role, as the dragon of the Apocalypse that gives “his power and his throne and great authority” to the Beast of Revelation. The Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center was reportedly established late last year and involves both private and state-owned robot manufacturers. A source described as a “person in charge “said leading Translate » experts and researchers from the robotics industry at the center were looking to create “a common technological platform, a public service platform and regulatory standards for the humanoid robot industry.” They added: “In the future, humanoid robots may enter automobile manufacturing, 3C (computer, communication, and consumer electronics) manufacturing, and other elds, thereby further improving the industrial manufacturing level.” China is hoping to turn this into a money generating project by transforming the humanoid robot sector into “an important new engine of economic growth” by 2027, according to China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). The center’s humanoid robots will be a technological convergence of articial intelligence and new materials that will help China to make the country more self-reliant and competitive against the U.S., but in secret, they are planning to take over the world with what is going to become the Army of the Antichrist, that’s why China could soon replace human soldiers with robots (https://www.the- sun.com/news/10294154/china-robot-ai-high-tech-drones/) within the next 10 years, and our [1] worst fears are coming to light as robots are also entering the Ukraine Battleeld. (applewebdata://40A74E19-002E-4F70-B0A4-9B337D596130#_ftn1) China is currently the second-largest holder of humanoid robot patents in the world with 1,699, behind Japan, according to a November report by the Research Institute of People’s Daily Online. And China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced last year its plans to mass-produce humanoid robots, producing about 500 robots per 10,000 workers, by 2025. This means we don’t have much time to prepare and get o the grid as the Cyber Satan take-over is implemented worldwide by the Illuminati, with the help of their Jesuit e Signori sabbatiani. Ascolta il mio avvertimento, prima che sia troppo tardi, e sintonizzati per THE LEO ZAGAMI SPETTACOLO sabato 23 marzo 2024, con Leo e Christy Zagami LIVE alle 17:00 PST (18:00 MT/ 19:00 CST/20:00 EST) con notizie, analisi geopolitiche e occulte. OOBBAAMMAA IINN LLOONNDDOONN WWWW33 AANNDD TTHHEE TTEERRRRROORRIISSTT AATTTTAACCKK IINN MMOOSS…… [1] (applewebdata://40A74E19-002E-4F70-B0A4- 9B337D596130#_ftnref1)https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/robots-are-entering-the-ukraine- battaglia eld-fab195d2 (https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/robots-are-entering-the-ukraine- Traduci » battaglia eld-fab195d2) ATTENZIONE È uscito il libro più importante di Leo Zagami! Confessioni di un volume degli Illuminati 9: Sette passi verso i segreti del disordine del Nuovo Mondo dal transumanesimo e l'immortalità a Gesù gnostico, UFO e stregoneria degli insetti Su questo sito utilizziamo solo cookie e strumenti simili (collettivamente, "cookie") per fornire servizi a te, inclusa l'autenticazione, la conservazione delle tue impostazioni e la consegna contenuto. Altri siti e servizi Amazon potrebbero utilizzare i cookie per scopi aggiuntivi; A Per saperne di più su come Amazon utilizza i cookie, leggi l'Informativa sui cookie di Amazon. ACQUISTA SU AMAZON CONDIVIDI ANTEPRIMA GRATUITA OTTIENI ANCHE UNA COPIA DELLE Confessioni di un Illuminati Volume 8: Dall'Ascesa del Antichrist To the Sound of the Devil and the Great Reset, l'unico libro là fuori che potrebbe aiutare il confuso Kanye West alias Ye scopre la verità sull'élite di Hollywood e sul loro segreto scopo. Traduci » Su questo sito utilizziamo solo cookie e strumenti simili (collettivamente, "cookie") per fornire servizi a te, inclusa l'autenticazione, la conservazione delle tue impostazioni e la consegna contenuto. Altri siti e servizi Amazon potrebbero utilizzare i cookie per scopi aggiuntivi; A Per saperne di più su come Amazon utilizza i cookie, leggi l'Informativa sui cookie di Amazon. ACQUISTA SU AMAZON CONDIVIDI ANTEPRIMA GRATUITA E non perderti l'incredibile Confessioni di un Illuminati Volume 7: Dalle Radici Occulte del Grande ritorno alle radici populiste Traduci » Su questo sito utilizziamo solo cookie e strumenti simili (collettivamente, "cookie") per fornire servizi a te, inclusa l'autenticazione, la conservazione delle tue impostazioni e la consegna contenuto. Altri siti e servizi Amazon potrebbero utilizzare i cookie per scopi aggiuntivi; A Per saperne di più su come Amazon utilizza i cookie, leggi l'Informativa sui cookie di Amazon. ACQUISTA SU AMAZON CONDIVIDI ANTEPRIMA GRATUITA SOSTIENI IL LAVORO DI LEO ACQUISTANDO I SUOI ​​LIBRI!!! Leo Zagami è l'autore del libro rivoluzionario Confessions of an Illuminati vol. 6.66 Il L'era del cyber-satana, dell'intelligenza artificiale e della robotica Traduci » Su questo sito utilizziamo solo cookie e strumenti simili (collettivamente, "cookie") per fornire servizi a te, inclusa l'autenticazione, la conservazione delle tue impostazioni e la consegna contenuto. Altri siti e servizi Amazon potrebbero utilizzare i cookie per scopi aggiuntivi; A Per saperne di più su come Amazon utilizza i cookie, leggi l'Informativa sui cookie di Amazon. ACQUISTA SU AMAZON CONDIVIDI ANTEPRIMA GRATUITA OTTENEREanche Confessioni di un Illuminati Volume 5: Il declino dell'Occidente e l'ascesa del satanismo in nostra Società con un nuovissimo capitolo sul virus del PCC e La Fine dei Tempi Traduci » Su questo sito utilizziamo solo cookie e strumenti simili (collettivamente, "cookie") per fornire servizi a te, inclusa l'autenticazione, la conservazione delle tue impostazioni e la consegna contenuto. 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ACQUISTA SU AMAZON CONDIVIDI ANTEPRIMA GRATUITA Obama, l'Anticristo e la Terza Guerra Mondiale dietro gli attacchi terroristici di Mosca (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/22/obama- l'anticristo-e-la-terza-guerra-mondiale-dietro-gli-attacchi-terroristici-di-mosca/) Ricerca…  CONDIVIDI: Inviare Condividi su Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php) MESSAGGI RECENTI L’agghiacciante ascesa dei robot umanoidi cinesi si prepara a diventare l’esercito dell’Anticristo entro il 2030 (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/23/chilling-rise-of-chinese-humanoid-robots-preparing-to-become- l'esercito-dell'anticristo-entro-il-2030/) Obama, l'Anticristo e la Terza Guerra Mondiale dietro gli attacchi terroristici di Mosca (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/22/obama-the-antichrist-and-world-war-iii-behind-the-moscow- Traduci » attacco terroristico/) Jimmy Chérizier, il “capobanda” che controlla Haiti, si dichiara pronto a stringere un'alleanza il Diavolo (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/09/jimmy-cherizier-the-gang-leader-who-controls-haiti- dichiara-di-essere-pronto-a-fare-un-alleanza-con-il-diavolo/) Il Dipartimento della Difesa ammette l'esistenza del programma di ingegneria inversa UFO "Kona Blue" ma nega ancora l'esistenza degli UFO recuperati (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/08/defense- il dipartimento-ammette-l'esistenza-del-programma-di-reverse-engineering-ufo-kona-blue-ma-ancora- nega-l'esistenza-degli-ufo-recuperati/) L'unica religione mondiale e perché tutti si stanno preparando per la fine dei tempi (http://leozagami.com/2024/03/04/the-one-world-religion-and-why-everybody-is-preparing-for-the- fine dei tempi/) COMMENTI RECENTI  Soros ha aiutato il noto attore e comico Volodymyr Zelenskyy a diventare presidente dell'Ucraina Fare il lavaggio del cervello al Paese con una serie televisiva intitolata “Il servitore del popolo” Titolo del giorno (https://headlineoftheday.com/2022/03/04/soros-helped-known-actor-and-comedian-volodymyr- zelenskyy-diventa-presidente-dell'Ucraina-facendo-il-lavaggio-del-cervello-al-paese-con-una-serie-tv-chiamata-servo- of-the-people/) su Soros Ha aiutato il noto attore e comico Volodymyr Zelenskyj diventa presidente dell’Ucraina facendo il lavaggio del cervello al Paese con una serie TV intitolata “Servant of the People” (http://leozagami.com/2022/02/23/soros-helped-known-actor-and-comedian-volodymyr-zelenskyy- diventare-presidente-dell'Ucraina-facendo-il-lavaggio-del-cervello-al-paese-con-una-serie-tv-chiamata-servo-del- persone/pagina-commento-1/#commento-415929)  Soros ha aiutato il noto attore/comico Volodymyr Zelenskyj a diventare presidente dell'Ucraina Lavare il cervello al Paese [VIDEO] – Debtstop (https://debtstop.com.au/soros-helped-known-actor- il comico-volodymyr-zelensky-diventa-presidente-dell'ucraina-facendo-il-lavaggio-del-cervello-al-paese- video/27/02/2022/) su Soros Ha aiutato il noto attore e comico Volodymyr Zelenskyy a diventare Il Presidente dell’Ucraina ha fatto il lavaggio del cervello al Paese con una serie TV intitolata “Il servitore del popolo” (http://leozagami.com/2022/02/23/soros-helped-known-actor-and-comedian-volodymyr-zelenskyy- diventare-presidente-dell'Ucraina-facendo-il-lavaggio-del-cervello-al-paese-con-una-serie-tv-chiamata-servo-del- persone/pagina-commento-1/#commento-415919)  Soros ha aiutato il noto attore/comico Volodymyr Zelenskyj a diventare presidente dell'Ucraina Lavare il cervello al Paese [VIDEO] - Europe Reloaded (https://www.europereloaded.com/soros- ha aiutato-il-noto-attore-comico-volodymyr-zelensky-a-diventare-presidente-dell'ucraina-tramite-il-lavaggio-del-cervello- the-country-video/) su Soros Ha aiutato il noto attore e comico Volodymyr Zelenskyy a diventare Il Presidente dell’Ucraina ha fatto il lavaggio del cervello al Paese con una serie TV intitolata “Il servitore del popolo” (http://leozagami.com/2022/02/23/soros-helped-known-actor-and-comedian-volodymyr-zelenskyy- diventare-presidente-dell'Ucraina-facendo-il-lavaggio-del-cervello-al-paese-con-una-serie-tv-chiamata-servo-del- persone/pagina-commento-1/#commento-415918)  Ucraina: Soros ha aiutato il celebre attore e comico Volodymyr Zelenskyy a diventare presidente dell'Ucraina nel cercare il paese con una serie televisiva chiamata « Serviteur du peuple ». – L'Informatore. 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2024.04.21 00:13 DismalRebirth Attention All Newly Emergent Vaulties. (A Guide to the Regions)

Hello Vault Dweller and God bless you.
My name is Ronin. Many call me brother. Few call me Father. Those who have never met me call me the legendary Preacher Man.
I am not a legend. I am very real. Alive. And I have heard of how Vault 76 has recently released a new batch of you Vaulties into the Appalachian wasteland. Not sure what you've all been doing these passed 6 years, but ...
If you are reading this, I hope it helps ...
I have wandered the wastes for quite a long time. The surface, as you all call it, is not exactly how it once was. After the bombs dropped a lot has changed.
There is much to discuss, but let's start with Regions.
The Forest (Best for levels 1-10)
This area is what you will call home for awhile. There is good news and bad news about this.
I will give you the good news first.
This region hasn't been impacted by the bombs quite as harshly as the others. You will find some mutated flora and animals here, but most of this area is quite peaceful. Thankfully, the view mostly keeps you from losing your mind up here.
There is (obviously) an abundance of wood to be harvested here, as well as several Farms which are rich in quality vegetation. This is good because building your C.A.M.P. requires a lot of wood. And what's the point of settling down if you're gonna starve anyway? So go and gather what you can. Plant seeds and harvest your own food.
You will often find Settlers and Raiders around here. These are the two major factions up here. Settlers are team players. What I mean by this is that they are working hard to help EVERYONE succeed and survive up here. They help the weak and unfortunate and help provide for the needy. Raiders ... well ... they are are more reserved. What I mean by this is that they take and provide ONLY for themselves. They usually imprison, enslave, or kill the weak. They are hoping to build a society of the strong and fearless. Luckily these factions don't lash out at everything around them. Some are actually approachable. These people, if you are peaceful towards them of course, will often speak with you and even give you stuff. They can provide you with meals, locations of interest, random items, crafting materials and more! So be peaceful towards those who are peaceful towards you. And if either faction chooses to attack you ... do as you must to survive. God will forgive you.
And now, the bad news.
The Forest is home to many ghouls that have gone feral. This means they aren't capable of compassion anymore even though they were once human like yourself. They probably came from the few towns you'll discover as you wander about. I know it seems harsh ... your heart will feel terribly and beg you to show some sympathy ... but you just can't. There is no reasoning with these things. They aren't people anymore. Get that out of your head. Put them out of their misery. Just like zombies ... a headshot will usually do it.
There is also a terrible mutagenic infection that has afflicted many people. The unfortunate souls that have become infected are more dangerous than the Ghouls. Like Ghouls, this enemy lacks compassion. Unlike Ghouls, these demons can wield weapons ... including firearms! This infection is a more recent occurrence. The people here have called it the Scorched Plague and those afflicted with the infection are called Scorched. This infection has made it terribly dangerous to wander about without being prepared for a fight. Beware ... the plague infects more than just humans.
Here in the Forest lies the birthplace of a demonic cult. The birthplacd is called Point Pleasant and I advise you to avoid it at all costs. Though these cultists are human they have consciously chosen to set aside their humanity for the sake of a chance encounter with their "God". I have witnessed them bathing in the blood of innocent people. Offering people as sacrifices. I have seen them take on hulking beasts and mutated creatures witg no fear whatsoever. They may be human, but their logic is flawed to the point that they fear nothing. Not even you. I attack them on sight before they can attack me. I'm the boogeyman to these monsters. Putting the fear of God into them. Now, what they worship is a frightful thing. I have encountered it many times. What they call God is nothing more than a monster. A creature of myth. An urban legend that has come to life. But let this not make you curious. Instead, stay away from them. Stay away from it. It is not easy to run away from and it doesn't forget a face.
The water source! Exciting right!? WRONG! Water is irradiated up here. It is still visually beautiful in some places... but it isn't safe. You can find or make purified water though. You'll have to discover where and how for yourself.
Last bit of info; the northern side of the Forest, near route 92, is quite Toxic ... I would stay away until you're geared up properly. Explore at your own risk.
The rest of the Forest is for you to discover on your own. It is the safest place you can be up here ... but that doesn't mean it is safe. Be vigilant.
Once you've learned a thing or two about survival head on up to the Toxic Valley. (For Levels 10-25)
This region is home to horribly mutated creatures, terribly polluted water sources, and is covered by a thin layer of industrial white powder. (It isn't snow, please do not consume this stuff)
Let's begin with the good you can find here.
Meat! If you're like me vegetables just don't cut it. You NEED meat and you'll brave the wilderness for it. If you can avoid trouble here, you'll find many Radstags roaming in small groups. Radstags are a precious food source. A wasteland commodity. They are a staple food here on the surface that can be prepared many different ways, but grilled is usually best. Once ingested it almost makes you feel stronger somehow. That bag full of goodies will no longer feel so burdensome.
Another plus is The Crater which is the home of the Raider Faction. Raiders may seem cruel, but these Raiders are not entirely flawed. A bit misguided, yes, but overall decent folks. Here, you can meet with the leader of the organization and even join their gang. They will provide food, clothing, lodging even. I have done countless jobs for them and they never attacked me or did me dirty. They know I don't agree with their mentality towards survivability, but I believe God can save them from their heartlessness. This is a safe haven for the Raider type. You can find unique plans here and weapons! They pay handsomely for jobs which is pretty nice since we all need to keep ourselves busy and keep our pockets full.
Sadly ... that's all the good I can think of for the Toxic Valley. This region is just terrible. Wavy Willard's is overrun with Scorched. Snallygasters! Ugh, Snallygasters ... what a disgusting and terrifying creature. Be wary of these things, they can attack you from a distance!!! Anglers, they suck too. Good meat though, not gonna lie!
Radiation is EVERYWHERE here. At night, the water glows ... if you settle down here, you're either very very brave ... or very very stupid.
If you're going to explore this region, make sure you're armed ti the teeth. Hopefully you've acquired a few pieces if armor by now. Even wood armor can protect you from most Snallygaster bites. Well, at least once.
Moving on.
Next on the map we will be talking about the dreaded Ash Heap. (For Levels 25-35)
The Ash Heap is ... outrageously dangerous. Noxious fumes and harmful smoke fills the air here. Not much life to be found here. There are unending fires here that have burned since I can remember.
Let's discuss the good and the bad about this region, once again, starting with the good!
The Rusty Pick. This location found in this region is a safe haven. No faction resides here, instead, a nonviolent Mole Miner runs a respectable business here. (I love her. She is an awesome listener. Not much good at talking though.) She sells some VERY rare and super useful resources that aid in crafting some truly unique weapons and armor. She also has a BUNCH of trade-ins you can buy from her using a specific currency. Many of these weapons and armors will suit you better than the basic junk you find lying around.
The many many many mines that litter this region are caves full of wonderful loot aaaaaand the occasional hostile Mole Miner and their loyal Molerat friends. The loot can be worth it ... sometimes.
And the bad?
Well, the Mole Miners, Molerats, noxious fumes, toxic gas, raging fires, potential cave-ins waiting to happen, and the bots ... well ... what could be worse right!?
Aaaand that leads us into the next region;
Savage Divide: (for levels 15-100 ... it's kind of a grey area.)
This is the middle region that runs from north to south and is home to many mountainous landscapes and terrible mutant beings.
But there is good news, believe it or not.
Cabins!!! Yes, cabins. What better places to use for C.A.M.P.s than structures that are already there!? Make it yours with views to die for! (Please, don't die for the view.)
Safer hunting grounds. Radstags roam in this area as well, not as heavily as they do in the Toxic Valley, but still a good hunting ground for quality meat.
The Settler Faction's home: Foundation.
These guys ALWAYS help others and are ALWAYS looking for people who can help. If you happen to stop by, maybe join the group? I mean, they have access to weapons, armor, AWESOME FOOD, medical services, and the often have jobs available for you. They have unique plans you can only get through them. This location is a safe haven for the kind hearted that believe in equality and bringing society up as a whole.
The beautiful, safe, and ever-busy Whitesprings resort. This place is the go-to place for Vendors of all sorts. Lots of jobs can be found here. Getting here will prove to be difficult however due to the large population of Ferals Ghouls and Super Mutants (kind of difficult to miss these green idiots.) But I will talk about these guys some more in "the bad". Anyways, Whitesprings is a great location for seeking rest, getting bulk scraps for crafting, and meeting the occasional badass or two.
Okay, the bad ...
Super Mutants. Green, mean and dumb are these beings. A unwanted result of a virus developed by nerds for a war nobody wanted to participate in. These angry guys lack intellect but are stupidly strong. They use all matter of melee weapons, firearms, and when all else fails, they send an angrier, slightly more naked suicider carrying a mini nuke that they tend to set off once they get within range of their victims. You can learn more about these unfortunate victims (yes, they are victims themselves) from a town called Huntersville. Don't drink the water.
Next is the strangest region yet ... the Mire. (For levels 30-100, a lightly more dangerous grey area.)
This swampy region is home to twisting vines, large tree canopies, and even GRASS! All due to an incident involving an attack by --- meh, maybe it'd be better for you to figure it out yourself? Yes. We will leave it at that.
The good and the bad. Here comes the good.
Flora. This region is home to some of the coolest and most interesting plants you'll ever see. Some of these are quite useful as medicine and teas.
The Survival Training Center. A location that would've been nice to have in the Forest where you Vaulties come from. This is a great area to visit to become better suited for survival.
Plans galore. I have found more plans here than anywhere else. This may not be a fact, but man ... this place is worth exploring thoroughly. Be careful though ... the bad is pretty bad.
To start things off with the bad ... let's just discuss insects. Hated them before the war? Well be prepared to hate em even more now. They have all decided human tastes better than nectar and fruits.
Crickets that don't run away but chase. Mosquitos the size of freaking Condors! Flies that not only vomit on everything they land on, but now projectile vomit thanks to mutations brought on by exposure to radiation. Get your fly swatters ready.
Let's also discuss the amphibians! Frogs and salamanders/newts. Cute right? Nope. Wrong. Wrong again. The frogs ... toads? Yeah, Radtoads are creepy as hell. They have many eyes, more to see you with. Razor sharp teeth, I mean where the heck did those even come from!? They also tend to roam in small groups. Their legs are a delicacy though. Gulpers. That's what us surface dwellers call the mutated Salamanders. These things are the stuff of nightmares. They devour EVERYTHING. No teeth. They just swallow things whole and keep it moving. I don't know about you, but I hate tight spaces. I am still traumatized after having to tear my way out from the inside of one ... I don't recommend it.
Fog Crawlers. You guys remember that horror movies The Mist? Yeah, similar terror here. Originally some kind of crustacean I think, these huge creatures tend to roam solo. Do NOT think that makes them easy ... these things are a real menace. Be careful out there in the fog. Listen closely for the sound of chitin rubbing together. Typically means one found you.
And finally the last region; the Cranberry Bog (Lord forgive me for saying it, but FUUUUUUCK this place [for levels 35-100000 roughly]
Cranberries. Yum. But are they worth it these days? Especially since the majority of them just make us sick? Test it out for yourself. This area doesn't attract many Settlers or Raiders. People in general tend to stay far from here. For good reason. Not much out here other than nature, which has become deadly, and The Scorched Plague, which was weaponized here. You'll see what I mean if you ever travel here. Anyways ...
Here's some good news about the Bog;
The Brotherhood of Steel. This is where they have chosen to set up camp. This faction is another Major Faction that is looking for recruits. I wasn't a fan at first, but these guys aren't half bad ... well half of them aren't. You have to decide which side is your side. These guys have armor, weapons, plans for all sorts of things, tech, good paying jobs, and plenty of other stuff. Check em out ... if ... if the whole Bog seems worth a visit I mean.
Ultracite! This is a naturally ... unnaturally? Umm .. this is a new kind of ore discovered all over the place. It's an excellent source of energy. Wildly radioactive though, so maybe don't go near the stuff. But it's your story friend ... go about it however you want.
Cranberries!!!! If and when you find some that are safe to eat, these berries can be used for so much! Great as a relish, trust me on that. These are almost worth going into the Bog for.
And everybody's favorite ... the bad.
Starting things off strong with Scorched everything, almost. Gotta love that ... ugh. Seriously, this Plague has touched EVERYTHING out here. So be careful. It really sucks.
Nukes. It appears the Enclave (another faction you will inevitably learn about) LOVES to nuke the living crap out of the Bog. Don't ask me why, find out for yourselves!
That covers the Regions... I hope you found all of this educational. Umm ... there is one thing I would like to make VERY apparent though ...
There is one very very big BAD.
Anyways, welcome to the surface. Don't run, the vault will not let you back in. Time to Reclaim the Surface or whatever, right!? Yay!
Anyways my little lamb, be good and make wise decisions. May God bless you and keep you safe from harm out there. And, if you wish to join me in bringing truth and light back into this dark world we live in ... come find me. I'll be around.
Until then, Godspeed my little lamb.
submitted by DismalRebirth to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:30 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.

Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon: I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
For additional UAP healing cases from “Beyond UFOs”, the following links are provided:
Introduction to Healing Cases Chapter 6 of “Beyond UFOs” & Case 1 Hemorrhagic Shock in an ER Physician Following Dental Surgery
Case Study 2, Alina del Castillo, Orb Reportedly Heals Probable Acute Bacterial Cellulitis
Two Dramatic UAP Healing Cases in a Retired DEA Special Agent
Case 7, Reverend Michael Carter Reports that a Nordic Type Being Cured a Blood Clot in his leg.
Case 10, a 15-year-old Jack Russell with Heart Failure, Arthritis, and a Massive Stroke


submitted by Contactunderground to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:12 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.


Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon: I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
For additional UAP healing cases from “Beyond UFOs”, the following links are provided:
Introduction to Healing Cases Chapter 6 of “Beyond UFOs” & Case 1 Hemorrhagic Shock in an ER Physician Following Dental Surgery
Case Study 2, Alina del Castillo, Orb Reportedly Heals Probable Acute Bacterial Cellulitis
Two Dramatic UAP Healing Cases in a Retired DEA Special Agent
Case 7, Reverend Michael Carter Reports that a Nordic Type Being Cured a Blood Clot in his leg.
Case 10, a 15-year-old Jack Russell with Heart Failure, Arthritis, and a Massive Stroke


submitted by Contactunderground to ContactUnderground [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:11 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.
Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon: I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
For additional UAP healing cases from “Beyond UFOs”, the following links are provided:
Introduction to Healing Cases Chapter 6 of “Beyond UFOs” & Case 1 Hemorrhagic Shock in an ER Physician Following Dental Surgery
Case Study 2, Alina del Castillo, Orb Reportedly Heals Probable Acute Bacterial Cellulitis
Two Dramatic UAP Healing Cases in a Retired DEA Special Agent
Case 7, Reverend Michael Carter Reports that a Nordic Type Being Cured a Blood Clot in his leg.
Case 10, a 15-year-old Jack Russell with Heart Failure, Arthritis, and a Massive Stroke


submitted by Contactunderground to CE5 [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:06 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023
Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.


Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon: I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
For additional UAP healing cases from “Beyond UFOs”, the following links are provided:
Introduction to Healing Cases Chapter 6 of “Beyond UFOs” & Case 1 Hemorrhagic Shock in an ER Physician Following Dental Surgery
Case Study 2, Alina del Castillo, Orb Reportedly Heals Probable Acute Bacterial Cellulitis
Two Dramatic UAP Healing Cases in a Retired DEA Special Agent
Case 7, Reverend Michael Carter Reports that a Nordic Type Being Cured a Blood Clot in his leg.
submitted by Contactunderground to AnomalousEvidence [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 17:02 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023 I

UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Joseph Burkes MD 2023
Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.
Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon: I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
submitted by Contactunderground to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 16:54 Contactunderground UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023

UAP Healing from “Beyond UFOs”: Long Standing Case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Joseph Burkes MD 2023
Introduction: With the permission of Rey Hernandez, the editor and publisher of “Beyond UFOs” and my co-author Preston Dennett, I am posting this UAP healing case study from Chapter Six of “Beyond UFOs.” Author Preston Dennett and I describe a dramatic healing of a decades long disabling case of chronic fatigue syndrome. The healing reportedly occurred following an onboard a UFO contact experience.
Case Study # 8: “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym: chronic fatigue syndrome (Interview by Joseph Burkes MD)
The witness requests anonymity and that no personal identifying details be included in this case report. She is referred to as “Shannon Dunlap”, a pseudonym. Dunlap had her first UAP sighting at age sixteen. It was witnessed by several members of her family. Several years later Shannon subsequently had what she described as recurrent alien abductions with beings whose appearance matched the “Gray” alien stereotype. They were four to five feet in height and communicated telepathically. They reportedly carried out medical procedures on her. These encounters started in her late teens and then recurred every three or four months during her reproductive years. As Shannon Dunlap entered middle age the experiences decreased to once or twice yearly. At the time of this report, December 2017, Mrs. Dunlap stated that she has not had a visitation in four years. In addition, there were numerous UAP sightings. One was a triangular shaped object that was seen by her and other witnesses. Shannon stated, “Neighbors observed a craft landing on family property, and it left physical trace evidence on the ground. However, I did not personally see the craft. In a separate incident, my neighbors observed a craft hovering near my home. I have had several additional sightings, including two close encounters. One occurred when I was being walked to a craft that had either landed or was hovering above the shoreline.” On another occasion a conscious link was established prior to her sighting. Mrs. Dunlap described the incident as follows, “One night, shortly after my husband and I had retired to our bed, I received a telepathic message to look out of my bedroom window. I opened my eyes and saw the bright lights of an unconventional craft hovering approximately 1000-2000 feet from my window.”
I asked the witness several questions about her recurrent contact experiences.
Dr. Burkes: What kinds of communication occurred between you and the non-human beings that you repeatedly encountered?
Shannon: I have a long history of contact with one particular entity whose apparent role is to reassure me that I am safe and will not be harmed. He informed me that I am part of their family and loved by them. This information was communicated telepathically. His demeanor seems gentle and highly spiritual. He told me they are pleased that I can be trusted.”
Dr. Burkes: Did they tell you about what their intentions are?
Shannon: No harm is intended. They are simply monitoring our planet and are very concerned with regard to our use of nuclear weapons and our failure to respect our planet's environment. Medical tests have been run periodically to determine the level of environmental toxins in my body. They are concerned about our survival, as this toxicity could lead to the disintegration of our species, due to changes in the DNA structure that is being caused environmentally. They are attempting to propagate our species while they study us. They are also very concerned because there is so much misinformation being disseminated by those who wish to cast them in a negative light. They said that they are sorry for frightening us, but they do their best to work quietly and without interfering too much in our lives.
Dr. Burkes: What are some of the spiritual messages that you have received during your close encounters?
Shannon: Our planet is transitioning to a higher dimensional vibration, and they have worked with me repeatedly to elevate my vibrational frequency. They are positive, spiritual beings, here to assist our planet in an evolutionary process that will elevate us to a higher realm.”
In her forties Shannon developed the sudden onset of profound fatigue, muscle aches, sore throat, swollen glands and fever. Her doctor initially diagnosed mononucleosis. Instead of improving over the following months her severe fatigue and other symptoms persisted. Any kind of physical exertion made her feel worse. Shannon also described experiencing sleep disturbance and loss of mental concentration. Her condition worsened to the point where she became disabled from a highly respected profession that she loved. Shannon was referred to an infectious disease specialist and a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) was made. The witness reported that during exacerbations even simple household tasks such as preparing food could not be accomplished. The symptoms waxed and waned in severity, but the disabling fatigue continued. At times Shannon had to use a cane.
In 2012 she heard about an individual that claimed to be channeling extraterrestrials. Being somewhat skeptical of his assertions she decided to put him to a test. She asked that he request a medical healing for her from the “ETs” that he allegedly was in communication with. Several nights later Shannon awoke and found herself in unfamiliar surroundings with intense pain in her muscles. It had an electric quality as if she was being electrocuted. Shannon could not move. Above her she saw either some kind of video screen or holographic like technology that showed the outline of a human form that she presumed was hers. On the display overhead, the left side of the abdomen where the spleen is located was colored mint green. The right groin where Shannon had enlarged lymph nodes was colored pink. The witness also reported observing several tall Gray ET beings that had a glow around each of them. She then reportedly lost consciousness.
When Shannon awoke, she was back in her bedroom, and it was morning. To her delight all symptoms of her disabling chronic fatigue syndrome had completely disappeared. Her ability to exercise was now normal. She could walk several miles, a task that had been impossible for nearly two decades. She was able to work out at the gym for over an hour without any risk of triggering a relapse as had been her plight before the healing. Shannon had no recurrent fevers, swollen lymph nodes, sore throat, or sleep disturbance. Her mental concentration was also restored.
Dr. Burkes: Were any explanations provided as to why you were selected for the recurrent visitations?
Shannon: They told me that I was selected, because they are studying the DNA in my family line and watching for changes in the DNA structure.
Dr. Burkes: What explanations, if any, were offered as to why your request for a healing was granted?
Shannon*:* I was informed that they heal their own.
Dr. Burkes: How did the healing influence your thoughts and feelings about your long history of encounters?
Shannon: I feel very grateful to have been healed. It is a clear indication to me their agenda is benevolent.
Joseph Burkes MD: The medical history documented in this case report is classic for all the major clinical features of chronic fatigue syndrome. CFS is a persistent disabling illness of unknown cause for which there is no cure and has no effective treatment. It goes by several names including, myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) and chronic fatigue immune dysfunction Syndrome (CFIDS). The witness provided me with a page from her medical record dated November 13th,2002. It was initialed by her personal physician and the diagnosis of CFIDS was on this patient’s problem list. A diagnosis of CFS is made on the basis of a chronic history of profound fatigue that is unrelieved by rest. There are no laboratory tests that can make certain a diagnosis of CFS, but testing is important to rule out other illness that result in persistent fatigue. chronic fatigue syndrome is thus a diagnosis of exclusion. The witness provided the results from a battery of blood test results done in the early 1990s when she was first diagnosed. The tests were essentially normal as is typical for patients with this condition. The only exception was a test for the Epstein-Bar Virus that indicated she had a past history of infection by the microbe that causes the common illness mononucleosis. This blood test is often positive in CFS patients but it is also positive in many people that never develop chronic fatigue symptoms. The long-term prognosis is not good for this illness of unknown cause. In medical studies that follow patients over decades, symptoms persist in the majority. Even when patients state that they no longer have the condition their functional level is far below normal.11
In recent years major scientific advances have occurred indicating that patients with CFS are exhausted at a cellular level. Experiments have shown that the profound fatigue is related to the loss of the ability of human cells to burn sugars to produce energy in the normal ways. This explanation explodes the misconceptions promoted by both clinicians and researchers alike that chronic fatigue syndrome might somehow have a psychosomatic origin. It is particularly shameful that many victims in the past have been labeled malingerers and the trivializing term “yuppie flu” was applied to them. For decades, some physicians have recommended that patients should exert more “will power” and gradually increase exercise, despite the reality that exercise typically makes the symptoms worse.12
In a speculative vein, one might suggest that if the intelligences associated with UAPs have found an effective treatment for CFS, as this case indicates, then the therapy might have to be directed at every cell in the body where the energy producing mechanisms involving the metabolism of sugar occur. In contrast, Reverend Carter’s and Alina del Castillo’s conditions involved one body part, the lower extremity, and they were reportedly cured by an intervention that took place in their homes. Shannon with a systemic illness, now understood to be associated with metabolic abnormalities in billions of cells all over the body, apparently required transport to another location (ET spacecraft?) where perhaps a “higher level of care” could be administered.
Preston Dennett: Dunlap’s report of being healed of CFS answers many questions and raises others. In most respects, it’s a typical case of a CE healing. A person with a lifelong history of contact, suffering from an illness (chronic fatigue syndrome) is healed by grey-type ETs using what appears to be advanced technology. The description she provides of seeing her own organs displayed is one I have heard many times before. And yet, there are unusual elements. The pathway to Dunlap’s healing was largely her own doing. She asked for the healing, and it was granted. The question is, why did the ETs wait so long? Dunlap had suffered for many years from CFS, and the ETs did not cure it.
Asking for and receiving a healing is somewhat rare. The fact that the healing was the result of a visit to a channeler is very unusual, but not unique. I have interviewed other individuals who visited a channeler and requested actual ET contact, and it was granted. The fact that the healing occurred in this way shows how complex and interdimensional ET contact is.
submitted by Contactunderground to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.04.18 06:23 duke_of_nothing15 Mahito vs Dark Samus (Jujutsu Kaisen vs Metroid) DEBUNK!

Mahito vs Dark Samus (Jujutsu Kaisen vs Metroid) DEBUNK!
Let’s get this started with a simple glance at the connections:
Both are the main threats to the protagonist
A bit generic, but so are most start offs for connections
Who work as the main reflection of them (Metaphorically or Physically)
I can see what you’re going for here, but the comparison doesn’t really work and it’s basically admit it here. Mahito is a metaphorical reflection of Yuji, showing the worst people and curses out there can be, especially if they let great power corrupt them. There’s no real physical similarities, or at least none that can’t be chalked up to just JJK’s art style. Meanwhile, Dark Samus is just lookalike of Samus, no metaphors there. They don’t represent the worst in Samus, or what she could become, or anything like that. They just took the appearance of Samus’s suit and decide wreck everything up cause they’re evil and controlling.
Are unique that they cannot be killed in common ways (Curse and Phazon)
Kind of ironic how this isn’t a unique connection, and just really basic and boring. You could apply this to characters like Doomsday (via his ability to be unkillable to the repeat attacks), Chaos (whose liquid, regenerative body can only be stopped by taking out the brain), Alex Mercer (who’s regeneration requires you to destroy every piece of him left to kill him), and so on. Heck, Phazon is relatively easy to kill, at least in the Metroid universe. Just anything you have that fires lasers, causes explosions, or even freezes stuff can destroy Phazon, which is pretty basic technology in Metroid.
Have abilities that can instakill (Idle Transfiguration, Phazon Virus)
Sure Idle Transfiguration can kill you, but it’s not necessarily meant to be an instakill. Heck, its main usage by Mahito isn’t even to kill people, but rather reshape them into monsters to do his bidding. The Phazon Virus also doesn’t instakill you, at least in most cases, rather it’s like a like disease taking its time absorbing you into it. And “Phazon Virus” is not even an active ability Dark Samus can use. Sure they can utilize it some of their attacks, but it’s not like Idle Transfiguration where it’s a special technique one can use, but rather a byproduct of Dark Samus’s biology. Though I guess, if you wanted, you could argue this connection could be reworded as them being able to corrupt others or something like that.
Also share abilities like create clones
That’s incredibly generic and boring.
From what I can see, what’s here falls into one of two categories:
  1. Incredibly bland and generic with some iffy comparisons
  2. Down right wrong and a misrepresentation of both in some way
And none of it is good.
Now onto why the AP doesn’t work.
It’s simple really: Dark Samus can’t hit Mahito. No, this isn’t some major stat difference thing (because Dark Samus would whoop Mahito into next week if it was), but rather the relation of Metroid and spirits.
Cursed Spirits in JJK are basically untouchable to those who can’t see them and don’t have the proper training/techniques to attack them. And Dark Samus can’t do either, and even if she could see Mahito, she wouldn’t be able to harm him. Ghosts and spirits are a rarity in the Metroid universe, with only known ones being the Chozo spirits with Samus and the Chozo being one of the few to see and interact with them. However, it’s shown that spirits are basically untouchable, unless you have the Power Beam (for whatever reason) like Samus. And Dark Samus doesn’t have this; sure Dark Samus has their own beam attacks, but it’s the not the spirit-harming Power Beam, rather being her own simple Phazon Beam that doesn’t really work like Samus’s apart from firing in a, well, beam. The most we’ve seen Phazon do to spirits is drive Chozo Ghosts crazy, and even then that’s explained in-universe as just a result of the Chozo species being incredibly weak to the Phazon’s corruption.
The most you could argue for Dark Samus is that her presence could drive Mahito a little insane, but that doesn’t do anything to counteract the fact that they can’t touch, making it basically an instant win for Mahito.
Is it a bit silly of me to make a debunk of a matchup 99% of people don’t know exist and would probably only use as bottom tier filler? Yes. But you know what? I’m feeling a bit silly.
submitted by duke_of_nothing15 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 02:57 Imagen-Breaker GT9 Rewrite Part 13 - What Happened To That Boy?

Part 12

The #7’s power began rising again, then it fell. Then it rose, then it descended again, then ascended once more.
That monster had his beliefs system rewired to never give up no matter what, even subconsciously Sogiita Gunha could no longer doubt his own ability so as long as he had a will to fight his ability would never let him lose.
His ability was ill defined but it was roughly thought to be whatever he imagined he could do and if all mental blocks on what he believed were removed then he could basically do anything. Or so they thought.
A change came over the boy’s body.
He was beginning to fade in and out of reality.
His shape was akin to a fading ember, its light flickering erratically as it struggled against the encroaching darkness.
It couldn't be so simple could it? Have the #5 make the #7’s determination and delusions have zero conflict and give him consistent thought patterns to carry out his will and he’d be able to defeat Christian Rosencreutz.
No, we don't live in such an idealized world.
What was the price of that power?
Wasn't it Kihara Gensei that said once Misaka Mikoto had approached 53% of Level 6 her personality would transform into something from another dimension and that a code was needed to keep her in the current reality?
The Magic Gods had stepped beyond humanity by carefully mastering a path of magic and passing through death.
The Transcendents had rewritten their humanity using Alice Anotherbible as a basis.
Shokuhou Misaki, having just learned of magic, made no such preparations for that brave boy.
The #7 resembled a watercolor painting being washed away by a torrential downpour, each stroke losing its solidity and dissolving into a formless blur.
“What guts! I can feel myself getting stronger and stronger by the second. I'm all healed up and ready for Round #2. I'll crush you Rosencreutz and reignite your faith in humanity, I'll overcome you with pure guts!”, said the powerful ghostly boy that might just vanish any second now. The boy surged forward, his fist tightly clenched, poised to deliver an amazing punch. His eyes blazed with a vibrant yellow hue, brimming with overflowing energy. Even his mouth seemed to emit an aura of power as he charged towards CRC.
“Just die already.” commanded Christian Rosencreutz. “You're exactly what I talk about when I say humanity has no purpose. What even are guts to you? You might call me nihilistic and that I gave into despair but you similarly care for absolutely nothing as well except this invisible idea of the human spirit symbolized by the gastrointestinal tract, you senseless optimist!”
With that Sogiita Gunha’s abdomen ripped open and his guts burst out.
His bloody guts.
The #7 was flat on his back.
“Arrrghhhh!” Sogiita let out a guttural scream of pain, the agony coursing through every fiber of his being.
CRC's voice cut through the air like a knife. "Oh, this?" he remarked casually. "That's simple. Your power is unexplainable and contains all possibilities. It's an overflowing stream of energy that fills everything like a poison or virus. I merely had to embed my own control over the world into that stream to cause it to be hostile to you. In short I created a medicine or anti-virus with what you'd call guts. Just like radiation can induce the cancerization of cells, but it is also used to treat cancer. It would be rude to not present you with my own wisdom in return!!”
Sogiita's expression shifted, a mixture of shock and confusion evident in his eyes, though he remained silent.
"When you defended yourself against that cosmic storm and exerted so much of yourself, it made such an opening easier, even with that pesky girl in your head automating you to adapt and get stronger when you met with a roadblock," CRC explained, his tone dripping with smugness. "Albeit, I had to strike while the iron was hot or I might've lost my window, if you adapted to a cosmic storm I don't know what I could've hit you with." he went quiet for a moment, “On second thought I don't think you would've even lasted after that.”
That white haired man said as he pulled out his Crystal World Map and analyzed information: “What you were approaching upon being pushed to your limit is what Crowley labeled a Level 6 or Kether. Your power kept automatically adjusting according to the commands placed by that Esper girl and your beliefs held no doubt anymore pushing you further and further beyond humanity but just as stopping that cosmic storm shattered you internally, a talented person or Gemstone comes out with fault lines that don't appear on diamonds that represent people seeped in real intellect and inner work so you began reaching your breaking point. Something a real Magic God wouldn't have to deal with even if you both had infinite possibilities.”
Rosencreutz snarled, “Oh so that's why I couldn't fight you accordingly in the beginning. I took your own explanations for your power at face value without noticing that you didn't even know what your power even was and you still don't know. Such is the folly of the talented with no real wisdom. You got through my House of Holy Spirit walls because your attacks don't have conventional or knowable range and direction, you were basically attacking me with the very concept of incomprehensibility. I need to respect you for not just brute forcing but that would be giving you too much credit as you didn't even know you were doing any of this. Did your ability truly adjust to make you faster than me or did you just start ignoring concepts like speed altogether? Not worth thinking too much about it since that's the charm of this sort of effect I suppose.”
Christian Rosencreutz looked like a smug stage magician that was revealing the secrets to trade illusions. “Your defense was commendable, deflecting my initial assaults with your arms but when I added a little more oomf to the attack it was so fast you couldn't react and it pierced right through your heart. Your ‘Aurora Guard’ adapted after you regenerated your heart to give you higher durability so your chest couldn't be pierced again so you wouldn't be killed by the same thing twice. However, it seems your reflexes and speed remained untouched—a rather amateurish adaptation, wouldn't you agree?" he mused, a hint of condescension in his voice. “Hmm, if I really wanted to I could've just blown your head off any minute but I found your zeal for battle intriguing, so I indulged myself, welp until your predictable rhetoric on guts and mercy grew tiresome," he concluded, his voice laced with disdain. “I suppose even a Gemstone raised in this city of sin is a substanceless illusionist.”
As CRC spoke, he cruelly stepped on Sogiita Gunha’s literal guts, a twisted grin playing on his lips. "Honestly, I was curious to finally see what they looked like after you mentioned them three million times," he mocked, relishing in Sogiita's suffering.
What Rosencreutz did wasn't too different from Takitsubo Rikou taking control of an Esper's Personal Reality through their AIM field and turning their power against them. The #2 would know that well.
Or the AIM Jammers created in Academy City to restrain jailed Espers from using their powers. They could still use their powers. It would just run the risk of their abilities turning on them and killing them.
It was just like CRC said earlier. The best way to kill someone with all-mighty power is to use their power against them. The #7’s power was limited by his imagination so that meant that even his own power killing him was a possibility.
Christian Rosencreutz was an Expert so he had more refined control over the will he imposed on all living organisms and even inorganic matter with his intimidation.
"Ah, if only I had the chance to mentor you in the ways of enlightenment, to guide you towards spiritual purification, ever heard of the Buddha?" mused Christian Rosencreutz with a hint of sarcasm. "Imagine the potential, placing you in a timeless Phase where the passage of time holds no sway, where my 7 disciples could impart the wisdom of ages upon you and you could grow for a billion years. That's what I would've done if I was in that psychological Thelema magician girl’s place atleast, purify your soul so that you could withstand being in the regular world and had the honed skills necessary to not screw up your gifts.", he continued, his voice tinged with mockery.
"In such a scenario, perhaps you would have offered me a more formidable challenge, Gemstone," he remarked, his tone dripping with skepticism.
Sogiita winced in agony as the pain coursed through his body. "Eugh..." he groaned, feeling the weight of his guts being trampled upon.
Rosencreutz's mocking voice pierced through the haze of pain. "What happened to all those words spewing before? Cat caught your guts?" he taunted, his voice dripping with disdain.
"Dammit. So this is how I die, huh?" Sogiita's voice carried a strange mixture of acceptance and resignation, his lips curled into a bittersweet smile. "I always thought I'd go down saving everyone or die of old age surrounded by my family and friends," he began to ramble, the words tumbling out in a stream of consciousness. "Man, no one ever told me you got so cold when you're near death... Can someone please tell my homeroom teacher I won't be able to make it to class this week? Tell him I'm really sorry. I'm not gonna be able to feed those stray dogs anymore... Can someone please tell Junko I won't be able to match Gekota straps with her? Someone tell Kamijou that our sparring match is canceled... I'm really sorry I couldn't save this old man Houjou Seigo... I promised you at your grave I'd be better and I couldn't even do that. I'm really so damn pathetic, aren't I?”
"He lost..." Shokuhou's voice trembled with sorrow.
"What?" Kamijou's eyes widened in disbelief.
"CRC ripped his guts out..." Shokuhou's tone was grave.
"Are you serious?!?!" Kamijou's voice cracked with shock.
"Do I look like I'm joking?!?" Shokuhou snapped, her words laced with frustration and despair.
Sogiita Gunha didn't kill because he valued all life. At the end of the day he wasn't Kamijou Touma. Sogiita Gunha didn't kill because he didn't want anyone to have to watch their loved ones die.
It might seem utterly unlikely that anyone could've truly loved Christian Rosencreutz but if there was even one shred of chance that someone would cry over his death that wasn't something that the #7 would want to risk.
Sogiita Gunha never killed Houjou Seigo. His organs were failing already and using Ideal allowed him to use his body for one last fight but he couldn't stand watching Mitsuari Ayu crying for him.
He couldn't stand a poor girl crying over a lost one even if that person was a hopeless villain.
"He removed the increased murderous intent command," Shokuhou stated, her voice tinged with urgency.
"You didn't notice right away?" Kamijou asked, his tone frantic with worry.
"No, he must've been smart about it and rejected that command without my knowing," Shokuhou replied, her thoughts racing to comprehend the situation.
"But... why?" Kamijou questioned, his confusion evident in his voice.
"Because the #7 is just like you, Kamijou-san. He didn't want to kill CRC. He wanted to be the hero that can give everyone a happy ending, even the villain. He cried at a kidnapper’s grave with organ failure because he couldn't be saved," Shokuhou revealed, sharing a glimpse into Sogiita's inner turmoil.
“Oh” he muttered.
Shokuhou was connected to Sogiita through Mental Out in an unconventional way. That meant she was feeling what he felt and sharing his memories.
“Maybe all the people that CRC helped all died hundreds of years ago. So what? Their descendants would be alive because he saved them. They would've kept old pictures with Christian Rosencreutz as someone who saved their great great great grandma. CRC might've lost his way but he was a good man once with loved ones so that's why I can't bring myself to kill him. I can't be so gutless dammit.” Sogiita Gunha thought and Shokuhou heard that as his dying thoughts.
Wasn't it true that Christian Rosencreutz went on his rampage after the policemen of Academy City had taken Hamazura Shiage from him? The only person that tried to understand him without adhering to morality?
“If the #7 had kept his murderous intent, maybe CRC could've been finished once and for all.” Shokuhou remarked, her voice heavy with regret.
"Dammit..." Kamijou muttered, his frustration palpable in the air.
Whether or not the #7 truly could kill Rosencreutz in one punch wasn't what mattered here.
What mattered here was that killing Rosencreutz was something the #7 never intended on doing as soon as they locked eyes.
The weight of Sogiita's moral dilemma hung heavily over them.
As Kamijou thought about Sogiita’s death he realized that he was going down his very path.
If he fought Rosencreutz and couldn't fight him with intention to kill then he himself would die.
Was Sogiita Gunha the hero for choosing to not kill a monster? Or was he the villain for ultimately enabling CRC to continue scorching?
That very same question would apply to Kamijou Touma soon enough.
"Mhm," CRC acknowledged, a twisted grin on his face. "I admit, you were fun. I'll never forget you, Gemstone. You gave this old man some enjoyment before he died again," he continued, a sinister satisfaction in his tone. “I'm a little sad you didn't use a skyscraper as a bat to hit me or jump high into the stratosphere and then use the Earth’s gravitational force to make yourself a gutsy meteor with a special name like Super Amazing Comet!, or random bystanders appeared and I'd try to kill them and you'd try to save them, self-proclaimed heroes like you are so fun! At the very least when we locked eyes I was a towering monster over the puny short-stack human.” Rosencreutz at this point had developed a love-hate relationship for the #7.
The notion that one's life flashes before their eyes before death is often romanticized, but the reality may be different. As the brain experiences the process of shutting down, memories may fade gradually, like the dimming of a light before it goes out entirely.
Sogiita Gunha’s memories of agreeing to help Kamijou and Shokuhou disappeared.
His memories of knowing Houjou Seigo died and he didn't save him disappeared.
His memories of battling Misaka Level 6 Shift alongside Kamijou disappeared.
His memories of meeting Hokaze Junko disappeared.
His memories of fighting Mikoto and Shirai disappeared.
His memories of encountering the copycat he inspired disappeared.
His memories of his many brawls disappeared.
His memories of his homeroom teacher always excusing his bad grades cause he was out helping people disappeared.
His memories of feeding stray dogs disappeared.
His memories of watching Super Sentai series after school disappeared.
His memories of staying up at night catching up on studies with his classmates disappeared.
His memories of saving people like Haratani Yabumi disappeared.
His memories of training to become a better version of himself disappeared.
His memories of being experimented on disappeared.
His memories of being inducted into Academy City disappeared.
His memories of being told he was a talented person known as a 'Gemstone’ disappeared.
His memories of realizing he could create supernatural phenomena disappeared.
His memories of his parents disappeared.
All those memories were flowing into Shokuhou Misaki and she couldn't help but cry as she shared that all with Kamijou.
Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the overwhelming flood of experiences that belonged to another.
"Kamijou-san," she choked out between sobs, her voice trembling with the weight of what she had witnessed.
Kamijou’s concern deepened at the sight of Shokuhou's distress. "What's happening, Leader? What are you seeing?"
Struggling to compose herself, Shokuhou wiped away her tears, her hands trembling with emotion. "I-I can see everything... The #7's life, his struggles, his hopes... It's overwhelming," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I see,” Kamijou replied softly, his expression reflecting the weight of the moment. His eyes held a mixture of sadness and understanding, silently acknowledging the depth of Sogiita's sacrifice and the burden it placed on those left behind.
Shokuhou was never close to Sogiita but she would spy on Hokaze Junko & that boy when they went out for tea. She didn't want some troublesome man taking one of her girls.
So maybe that was enough to feel sorry here.
No, anyone would feel terrible seeing a boy with a golden heart’s life end so soon.
As Sogiita's struggles subsided, the hospital room felt colder, the weight of the situation settling in the air.
“What? There's no way!?” exclaimed Shokuhou, her voice filled with disbelief, unbeknownst to the spiky-haired boy what she was talking about.
“Hey?” he asked, his curiosity piqued.
“Sogiita’s alive!” she exclaimed, her tone carrying a mixture of relief and astonishment.
“Really?” Kamijou asked, his voice tinged with hope and disbelief.
Yes, that's right. The boy with the bandana and cape-like jacket was picking himself up again. Despite the absolute crazy odds he’s alive and on his two feet.
The scene was surreal, the air thick with tension as Sogiita Gunha, against all possibilities, rose from the brink of death. His battered form, clutching his own guts to keep them from spilling out further, stood as a testament to his unyielding spirit.
CRC, taken aback by Sogiita's resilience, could only watch in disbelief as the boy with the bandana found his footing once again. "Is that a moving corpse I see? And I haven't even used the Rigor mortis spell." taunted Rosencreutz, his words dripping with derision. "You're really holding your own guts in your hands to keep them from slipping out more? It is impressive though…that your ability forced you back from the brink of death but you haven't regained full control of your power to kill me so what will you do now? Run with your guts between your legs?” he questioned.
There was a deep silence as Sogiita was standing up. What would happen next?
Amidst the taunts and jibes, Sogiita's voice cut through the silence, with regret. “I'm sorry.” that boy said sincerely.
Rosencreutz, bewildered by the sudden shift in tone, could only utter a confused "Huh?"
Sogiita's words spilled forth with a mature smile and melancholic eyes, expressing his ideals and yearning for a different outcome. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he confessed, his voice tinged with sorrow. "I'm sorry my guts couldn't reach you. My favorite shows were always from the Super Sentai brand but one thing I felt was off was how they always just blew up the monsters and looked at the camera. It would've been cool if a monster switched teams or if the heroes tried to agree to a truce.” said that brash hero.
“Uhhhhh” CRC was now getting confused.
In a startling twist, Sogiita's resolve solidified into something unexpected. "But, I guess this is a good middle ground," he declared, his tone resolute. “Instead of blowing you up, I'll blow myself up. I always wanted to go out with a bang.” said the #7 of Academy City. “Super…A-mazing…End.”
“Oh-” Rosencreutz could barely say.
An explosion.
Didn't Sogiita Gunha say he could've tried self destructing against Level 6 Shift Misaka had Kamijou not said he had to save Mikoto himself?
The explosion was concentrated so as to not destroy the planet so instead it stretched across the observable universe. A line appeared to be coming from the earth, that line stretched 550 Septillion miles long. From a distance it looked like the Earth had a small rocket. It was colored a bright yellow.
Shokuhou's words hung heavy in the air, carrying the weight of Sogiita's ultimate sacrifice. "He's dead..." she confirmed, her voice tinged with sorrow and reverence.
"Again!?" Kamijou's disbelief was palpable, his mind struggling to comprehend the enormity of the loss.
“He sacrificed himself to save everyone. Self-destruction. The aftermath the #7's self-destructive act ability was nothing short of cataclysmic. The explosion, carefully controlled to spare the planet but stretch across the observable universe, left a trail of devastation in its wake. From a distance, Earth must've appeared to sport a small rocket, a line stretching an unimaginable 550 septillion miles into the cosmos….” Shokuhou's explanation trailed off, the gravity of the situation sinking in.
Kamijou heard something about the #7 being able to self-destruct but he never realized it would've meant his actual life being taken in exchange.
"Is this what our lives amount to?" Kamijou's voice wavered with uncertainty, his words echoing the inner turmoil raging within him. "Taking ourselves out when we give up on people so we don't need to live with the guilt of taking lives?!" he asked not only Shokuhou but himself, a poignant reminder of the complex moral dilemmas inherent in their tumultuous world.
The honey blonde girl had no response.
The supernatural bombing caught CRC in its range and decimated everything in that empty city, taking no casualties, destroying all buildings, streets, streetlights and all man brought with industrialism.
Christian Rosencreutz must've finally been sent back to Hell right?
Amidst the chaos, one figure emerged unscathed. Christian Rosencreutz, clad in his red garb, laughed triumphantly as the dust settled around him. "Kikikiki…" his laughter echoed, a stark contrast to the devastation wrought by Sogiita's sacrifice.
He had survived.
“Not a scratch on me, hahaha!” Said Rosencreutz. “So much for your guts, Gemstone hahahahahaha-eck!?” Rosencreutz celebrated too soon, a part of the self-destruction’s unexplainable make-up was able to reach him, it caused damage to his internal organs. “He was able to get past the House of Holy Spirit’s defenses again…an eye for an eye I see…I controlled his ability to null the damage of the blast to me but some of the unknowable phenomena in his self-made bomb got through the cracks.” CRC said, barely being able to talk and desperately needing to heal himself: “The red elixir can conquer all deadly disease and even manipulate the lifespan!”
The #5 having lost her connection with the #7 Now that he had seemingly perished, she couldn't see whether or not Rosencreutz was alive or not.
“Leader, look!” said Kamijou, his voice tinged with urgency.
Once more, the emergency broadcast screen flickered to life within the confines of the hospital, casting an eerie glow across the room.
Displayed on its surface was the aftermath of Sogiita's sacrificial act, revealing the devastation wrought by the explosion. And to their dismay, the footage confirmed that CRC had indeed survived, defying the odds yet again.
Shokuhou's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the screen, her heart sinking with dread. "He's alive..." she murmured, her voice barely audible.
Kamijou clenched his fists in frustration, his brows furrowed with anger. "Damn it! After all that, he's still standing..." he muttered, his tone heavy with disappointment.
Their gazes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Despite certainty, despite the sacrifice, their enemy had emerged alive, ready to continue his reign of chaos.
"Is there anyone who can give me as much fun as that Gemstone?" taunted Rosencreutz, his voice echoing through the small wasteland as drone cameras hovered around him. "Will you all allow your city to fall away and crumble now? Is the rest of Crowley’s city truly so utterly and disgustingly gutless!?" His mocking words were clearly meant to strike at the #7’s memory. The drones, resembling a non-lethal version of the Snakeheads, captured every moment, amplifying the sense of foreboding that hung heavy in the air.
Kamijou Touma couldn't help but feel called out in that moment.
"Ah, Esper girl, allow me to clarify something for you, as I know you're observing," Christian Rosencreutz began, his tone laced with a hint of condescension. "That stubborn boy didn't meet his end as you might have assumed. He’s very much still alive."
"Huh?" Shokuhou's confusion was palpable in her voice.
"He transcended to another realm, another Phase," CRC elaborated, his words laden with superiority. "His soul and physical form couldn't contain the immense power he held, so when he triggered his self-destruction, the pent-up energy exploded like a shattered glass jar container with expanding smoke inside, catapulting him into another dimension. I can still sense his lingering presence, tainted with the unmistakable scent of humanity."
Though Shokuhou struggled to grasp the full implications of CRC's revelation, she gleaned a vague idea.
"It's all my fault," the honey blonde girl professed, her voice heavy with remorse. "Had I only considered the glaringly stupidly obvious fact ability that the Level 6 Shift attempt on Misaka-san required a booster code to anchor her to this world, I wouldn't have inadvertently sent him to his death thinking he wouldn't just leave us all.”
"I won't let him get away with this," Kamijou declared, his voice colored in reluctance, the weight of sorrow evident in his tone.
Shokuhou Misaki placed a hand on his shoulder and looked at him. "We'll make him regret this nightmare, we’ll make him cough up blood. Sogiita had the weakness of fault lines like a gemstone so that just means we need to find what makes CRC tick", she said like the cruel queen she was. She didn't know of a weakness but as soon as one showed itself she’d work on a new plan.
Kamijou nodded, "We have to. For Sogiita's sake and for everyone that bastard took to an early grave.” his resolve hardened.
The Justice inside them!
The ego fending them!
Rationalizing their sins!
“Leave Christian Rosencreutz to me.”
“Hee hee ha ha ha. A new challenger,” Rosencreutz responded.
That voice didn't come from Kamijou.
It came from a pure white boy with shoulder-length dirty blond hair and a cocky smile adorning his face. He was clad in a dark maroon-colored suit with both the jacket and the white collared shirt beneath it left unbuttoned, exposing a red V-neck shirt underneath but he had a glowing white shine to him, almost like he was from an alternate universe.
It was Kakine Teitoku, or more accurately, Beetle 05—the runaway rhinoceros Dark Matter beetle that had taken control.
The #2 would be the next to challenge that storm of death.
"Are you going to fight me, boy?" asked Rosencreutz, his voice dripping with arrogance. “You don't even count as human at this point so don't give me the boundless human spirit speech.”
That Devil was approaching.
Bringing bottomless fear with it.
But Kakine Teitoku couldn't afford to lose. It was the turning point of destiny, and he had to seize it with everything he had.
"I will go beyond myself!" Kakine declared, his voice resolute. "I'll gather all my strength and send the darkness flying!"
CRC, the bloodthirsty monster, grinned in anticipation.
But Kakine Teitoku's spirit of justice burned brighter than ever before.
"I refuse to accept a world without hope!" Kakine's words rang out with determination. "I won't stand by and watch as love fades from existence! Not now, not ever!"
"There's no way I won't defeat you!" Kakine proclaimed. "Your laughter ends here! Even if you stand above me now, I'll defy the laws of this world itself with my Dark Matter!”
Rosencreutz's smirk widened as he listened to Kakine's defiant words. "Ah, the arrogance of an ability that escaped its owner's grasp," he chuckled, his voice dripping with condescension. "You speak of this world's laws, yet you fail to see the futility of your efforts. Your Dark Matter may be interesting, but it pales in comparison to the power I wield."
He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing with a sneer, "But by all means, boy, indulge in your delusions of grandeur. It will make your defeat all the more satisfying. Hee hee ha ha ha."
Thoughts of a broken Earth echoed through every corner of the #2’s mind. CRC wouldn't stop at Academy City.
A loveless world, devoid of life, is what he sought to leave behind.
Christian Rosencreutz wasn't wrong.
This wasn't the original Kakine Teitoku.
It was the 05 Dark Matter rhinoceros beetle that had escaped and taken a life of its own.
“There would have been the cowardly side of you, the short tempered side of you, the vain side of you…and the kind side of you.
But who would have thought it would be this form of the #2 that would wrest control away from the rest?”
The desire to protect someone had won out over the desire to kill someone.
The desire to create something had won out over the desire to destroy something.
The desire to stop a fight had won out over the desire to continue a fight.
“I'll turn your mocking laughter into panicked fear, Rosencreutz!!!!!!!!!!” Kakine Teitoku, his eyes shining a bright emerald green as he proudly confronted that Holy monster.
"The #2?!" Shokuhou's voice resonated with disbelief, her tone tinged with surprise.
“Kakine…” said Kamijou, he had fought alongside this Kakine Teitoku during the Agitate Halation.
“Do you think he can win, Kamijou-san? I know you two fought together,” Shokuhou inquired.
Kamijou hesitated for a moment before responding, “Do not underestimate a Level 5.” Kamijou repeated the very phrase Kakine had purported before they fought Rensa #29.


Idea this Part was to take Sogiita Gunha’s character to its most logical extreme. A parallel to Kamijou Touma himself and how he views the world. Sogiita is meant to be a failed version of Touma that stayed true to his stubborn ideals of saving everyone and never giving up on others. It's what caused him his victory against CRC.
Both are 168cm, both have pitch black hair, they kinda look similar, both have unique and ridiculous abilities. They aren't exactly the same though, notice how Sogiita has more laid back hair and Touma’s is spiky, as well as Sogiita having purple eyes while Touma’s are blue.
This'll affect how Touma views truly dangerous intruders like CRC and contribute to how he goes about finally fighting him, even if he has the dragon if he holds back then he’s dead. Sogiita was holding back the entire fight except the end.
He could've torn CRC's head off when he surprise punched him as CRC didn't expect Sogiita to be able to get past his Holy House barrier when his speed adapted. Same way Alice Anotherbible got him by the neck by surprise. Sogiita got past the barrier because his ability is like Hliðskjálf which ignores conventional patterns like range, distance and direction.
“A strong man knows when to be gentle, when to be firm, when to be nonchalant and when to stand unshakable in his principles.”
Sogiita isn't stronger than Rosencreutz, he just has the right scissor to his paper to deliver a killing blow if he did so when he caught CRC off guard.
Well you decide if Sogiita could've killed him or not. Some ambiguity and interpretation in writing can be nice.
I'm a little saddened that this fight had to be split up into two parts cause readers read the first half and get shounen manga vibes and then you read the second half and it's like you just entered a horror movie.

Part 14

submitted by Imagen-Breaker to Toaru [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 12:35 ConsciousRun6137 Flower of Life Deception: Metatronic vs Krystic Science - Part 1

Flower of Life Deception: Metatronic vs Krystic Science - Part 1


“You have to take seriously the notion that understanding the universe is your responsibility, because the only understanding of the universe that will be useful to you is your own understanding.” ― Terence McKenna
“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.” ― Terence McKenna
To better understand the information presented here, it helps to think of a computer. The way in which the universal and planetary systems function are very similar to the way in which computers function. You can think of a computer functioning based on its operating system and software programs. Our Universal and Planetary systems have templates/blueprints/morphogenetic fields that govern the way in which these systems operate and govern the energetic structure, composition and much more. This occurs at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level and is a part of the mechanics of all creation.
Unfortunately, planet Earth’s template was hijacked by those of whom we will refer to here as Controllers and the Negative Aliens and as such our planet’s templates were reconfigured, mutated, distorted and reversed as part of a much larger anti-human agenda. We will refer to it here as the Metatronic Code Distortion and it was purposely programmed by the NAA Controllers to distort the organic relationship between the electron and proton spin rates. The intent was to harness the life force energy through hijacked creational code and inorganic architecture, using the Vesica Pisces (VP) bi-polar geometry. This hijacked Vesica Pisces architecture kept the binary code (consciousness polarity split through separation and distortion) locked down in our planet so that the trinity (Unity Field) code would not be accessible. It forced reversal and split patterns that continually fragmented our consciousness at multiple dimensions.
Why is it referred to as Metatronic?
The family known to many as Metatron is a ‘fallen angelic collective’ out of an entity. Many millions of your Earth years ago this collective was faced with a decision that ultimately lead to their demise. As a collective they chose to separate from Source light and as such this decision is known as ‘The Fall’ by which the beings are no longer connected to and receiving the flow of eternal source light, therefore altering their Krist Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life supply and breaking their link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding (metatronic) can not receive any more energy directly from Source only a limited supply of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black-hole-system which forces it to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life.
The collective made a decision that it would use its knowledge of Primal Creation Physics, and that it would take over this Time Matrix. As long as they were able to feed off of something else that had its life force connection to Source, they wouldn’t go into implosion (molecular compaction). They were able to create a way of feeding energy out of this time matrix to supply and fuel their Time Matrix. These “feedlines” moving energies off planet have clustered and created multiple infections in the Universe and all throughout this Planetary Time Matrix. They do this through the manipulation of the reversed bi-wave polarity fields and rotation of the electron particle by forcing the energy flow in disproportionate channels that feed their intended source. This has created much damage in our nervous system, planetary brain and earthly kingdoms. One level of this damage is to aggressively age the human bodies in a process of molecular decay which is the result of the compaction and reversals in the planetary field.
The fallen, finite geometries are the main tools they use to fuel and feed their systems through the encryption of inorganic architecture. The flower of life is an encrypted reversed code that begins with a phase locked Divine Trinity symbol; it is phase locked because it is disconnected from the energy of Source via the Unified Field – and will never be an Eternal expression. The flower of life grows one sphere of energy at a time and not via energy quantum building of the Divine Trinity; it grows via consuming energy from the planet.

1 eats 1 to become 2 2 eats 1 to become 3 3 eats 2 to become 5 5 eats 3 to become 8 8 eats 5 to become 13 13 eats 8 to become 21 21 eats 13 to become 34
In the FOL pattern the diagonals are set at 60 degrees. This is an unnatural energetic and geometrical relationship that prevents the spheres from phasing correctly with the top sphere (think 3 balls like a pyramid), thus preventing back flow return from god-source. When spheres can’t phase and spark correctly, they become cut off from the normal flows of eternal life currents and become metatronic. The Golden Mean & Fibonacci spirals have no direct connection to their centers. They are progressively removed from Source. In it’s early stages the Fibonacci spiral isn’t a proper spiral. As it expands it approximates to the Golden Mean spiral, but only to a scaled down version of it. The Fibonacci spiral doesn’t have in inner spiral, i.e. it’s incapable of converging towards the centre.
The Fibonacci sequence features a sequence of numerical expansion in which the “next expansion number” to come is reached by “adding together” or “devouring” the two numbers that come before it. If we think of each number as a quantum of energy, then the two previous numbers are “added together” and consumed in order to “become the next number,” leaving nothing in their place; the “numbers before” become “finite quanta” that must “disappear or die” in order for the next number to be “born.” Thus the “numbers” within the Fibonacci sequence ALL represent finite energy forms that will be consumed and cease to exist, in order for the next generation to emerge.
This is “recycling of finite energy” to create growth, not growth through a self-generated power source, and thus the mechanics of the Fibonacci sequence imply that it represents a growth-expansion formula for finite life, not organic eternal life. The growth-expansion pattern of the Fibonacci sequence can be found in nature, within energy structures and biological forms of a finite nature — which includes many, but not all, life-forms on contemporary Earth. The golden ratio can be seen throughout nature, in pinecones, flowers, shells, tree branches, even the proportions of the human face and body.
These false-sacred geometries are distortions based on the original organic eternal-life ratios of the “Krystal Spiral.” These Metatronic code distortions and frequencies are not just an issue here for Earth, but for the whole universe and it’s multi-dimensional anatomy.
This is the Metatronic Code Distortion (Reverse Mutation) and unfortunately for anybody who seeks true self mastery and self-empowerment, or ascension into eternal life spirals, this is a serious problem in the spiritual and new-age communities. Metatronic or finite life structures lead to a severing of higher dimensional and Source connections. This in turn leads to an isolated, closed and dying universe.
So what is the reversed inorganic architecture and geometry being used to serve this agenda?
On our planet, we have levels of geometric architecture that govern the creation of energetic fields and the movement of these fields within the ley lines and grid networks. The fallen finite geometries have been installed into the planetary brain or planetary logos. These geometries can be referred to as the Binary Bi-wave Geometric System or the hijacked Vesica Pisces Network (aka Reversed Networks). The architecture of the planetary logos controls every aspect of the planet, from the physical elemental substances to the emotional, mental and “energetic quanta” or “life force” distribution. It is the main control mechanism and circuit board that governs the planet in every inconceivable way. So these geometries actually are a part of the governance of where these energies go, how they’re directed and what they’re used for. This inorganic bi-veca architecture and reversal networks give the controllers the ability to collect, harvest and send energy to off-planet sources or direct it to their preferred people here on the planet that are supporting the controller agenda. The energy is moving in the Reversal pattern, disconnected from the Organic Supply of Source.
What does this mean for Ascension and how can this reversal/distortion be corrected?
The Crystal template or Unity Intelligence when physically embodied has a function that acts as a re-encryption processor of overwriting distorted artificial code (death or anti life forces) and replacing it with organic Source code (eternal life forces). This is a very similar process to using an “anti-virus” program on your computer hard drive. It scans for problems creating weakness in your computer function and it eliminates or overwrites the virus instructions that were embedded in the computer’s mainframe language. We are receiving a whole new Unity Source Code language at this time and it is purposed to overwrite the distorted code that has been used to “ consume ” others. Unity Intelligence source code is the language platform to end the “ consumptive modelling ” that has infected our blueprint. This means it is getting increasingly harder for those beings who are “consumers” who feed upon others to either exist or have used others energies to serve themselves. These entities are being “starved” and it is another reason why they are desperate and “fighting” aggressively now. Another way to express this is that the Cosmic Christ Intelligence is a Unity Source Code that has access back into the direct God Source thereby it is Eternal and does not need to consume anything to exist. Upon its return to the Earth during the Ascension cycle, its purpose is to incarnate on the Earth body to restore God’s Natural Laws and correct its blueprint back into the Divine Plan for creation.
∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞ Creation is healing Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint ∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
We are in the latter stages of the Ascension Cycle and the time of the VP geometric harness is ending and we are learning how to create trinitized forms which allow the feedback loop of source field energies. Up until recently this planet (consciousness) was separated from the merge between all of its creation components. Now that our Mother principle component has returned, this is the unique process and massive transformation as we ascend and the Unity Field architecture is anchored. This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the bodies. This is the physical embodiment of the Cosmic Trinity and it is happening for the beings that are able to hold these levels of frequencies. This Tri Tone/Trinitized Form is our 12D blueprint and the original intention created for the human species.
Controller Forces are being increasingly squeezed out of this domain and are losing their “feeding sources” as Mother Arc Hub networks are coming online. These “Mother Arc Hubs” are returning the Tri-Wave or Trinity fields of Christos back to our planet. The Tri-Wave format in our particle structure is required to circulate the eternal supply of God Source through our bodies and the planet. As Cosmic Mother Arc returns back to the planetary core her Arc Hub Gateways are systematically being activated into the grid networks and the brain of the planetary body.
In January 2013, our planet arrived to the time of the promised return of Christ, the externalization of the Krystal Star presence (the Cosmic Christos Unity Consciousness). On the earth surface, the etheric filaments of the collective planetary field Ley Lines are filling with the imprints of corrected blueprint patterns containing magnetic sound vibrations. These also help to create chalice configurations for the Mother principle to run her life force through the smaller tributaries of the earth. These corrected configurations are intersections for flowing life force current that circulate throughout the planetary heart system, sonic waves through the oceans, waters and rivers, as they are pumped through the Aurora Portal Network and Mother Arc Hubs. The Morphogenetic Field structure of the planetary mathematical architecture has been coded to fully anchor the Krystal Star frequency presence along with running its “living” energetic current in the planetary brain or Planetary Logos. This has been generated from the constant work involved in the rehabilitation and recoding of the damaged planetary grids, which act as the central nervous system for the planet. There is still much more to do with resetting the planetary grids and the logos (brain) into compatible messaging for trinitized frequency formats.
Aurora Hosting Cycle Begins: Why are the Aurora hosting us for this Ascension Cycle?
The consciousness units of the next Universe, the Rays of the next Universe, the beings that live there in alignment with Krystal Star and Unity Intelligence, are called Aurora. Krystal Star works with the Aurora to build platforms that are safe zones that step over the reversal fields running on the earth from the Frequency Fence and NET.
Aurora answered our call for assistance during the Ascension cycle, and they are the Beloved Guardians that are hosting this Universal Ascension and hosting our planet for ascension. They defend personal sovereignty through the Law of One for all life. Their mission and support is to re encrypt the physical body on atomic and subatomic levels because the chemical constituents of our DNA is an elemental base, so our physical body is an elemental body and it’s comprised of these four base level chemical constituents. We are being re encrypted on an atomic level, our particles are being shifted and we are being upgraded into these new re encryption templates and modes. This is to build the physical elemental form and Monadic form of our body back into the organic life force of our divine blueprint, the original human soul, the Christos blueprint a 12 strand DNA Silicate Matrix. The Aurora’s mission is to build the planetary and individual particle base and re-encrypt us with its new coding. As of December 2013 the Eternal Life Grid was able to be plugged back into Planetary Star Gate 12. The planet and all eternal life forms are now rapidly re-accrediting the energy that we had lost from the distortion. The spin speed of the units of light that compose a matter from determine the Ray of light or flow of energy those units of light can merge with. The increasing spin speed of the planet is what will allow her to “shift” back into her healed expression.
The higher energy of Source spirals into the planet from the Solar Suns non polarized vertical star gates of 12, 9, 6 & 3 held at the core of the sun and into the non polarized planetary star gates 12, 9, 6 & 3 held within the core of the planet.
The higher energy wave then steps down and circulates through the polarized plane “layers” of the planet from the inside of the planet outward following the Eternal Spiral Divine Trinity step down. The speed at which the infusion of higher energy circulates through the planet is determined by the contraction / expansion rate of the Divine Trinity which is an encrypted rate based on the condition of the planetary system and how quickly the planet is able to receive and integrate energy.
This process is extremely intricate and specifically timed per the encryption of Source original intent and ensures the system does not receive more energy than it can hold or faster than it can receive it which ensures the system is not blown up from receiving too much energy to quickly. The cycling rate of the Divine Trinity of Earth increases with an infusion of higher energy every 30 days as the system expands to be able to hold another infusion at the next 30 day time shift infusion.


The metatronic code problems began billions of years ago in another time matrix with the fall of a specific collective. The point is that the metatronic code is not a new thing and certainly the FOL was not something Drunvalo came up with. He is simply one of the contemporary sources who are promoting it. There are lots of wonderful things in Drunvalo’s teachings but the core of what he is getting at in his teachings is the Metatronic code and his unnatural way to spin your merkaba which causes molecular compaction of the seed atom leading to a loss of eternal life status (ie. metatronic). The reason it is seen in so many ancient cultures is because various people and collectives where actively promoting it then just as they are now. The standard definition of Sacred geometry is the geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures such as churches, temples, mosques, religious monuments, altars, tabernacles; as well as for sacred spaces such as temenoi, sacred groves, village greens and holy wells, and the creation of religious art. In sacred geometry, symbolic and sacred meanings are ascribed to certain geometric shapes and certain geometric proportions.

Pythagoras is often credited for discovering that an oscillating string stopped halfway along its length produces an octave relative to the string’s fundamental, while a ratio of 2:3 produces a perfect fifth and 3:4 produces a perfect fourth. However the Chinese culture already featured the same mathematical positions on the Guqin and the tone holes in flutes, so Pythagoras was not the first. Pythagoreans believed that these harmonic ratios gave music powers of healing which could “harmonize” an out-of-balance body.


Although it is more than just architecture designed to shapes with religious meaning and values. These shapes are used because these religious traditions understand, or perhaps understood at one time the deeper esoteric principles those shapes, patterns, and ratios represent. The perennial sacred art-science dedicated to the study and applications of Harmonic power and the symbolic Shapes, Patterns & Numbers that constitute the language of nature & consciousness as a universal code of creation. Sacred Geometry is an ancient-future cosmic wisdom we are fast reclaiming. Under the new labels of Design Science, Fractal Harmonics, DNA Resonance and Scale-Invariance Physics, we are walking again the higher turn of humanity’s spiritual spiral.

What is the Fibonacci Sequence?
The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, …
The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before it.
The 2 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+1) Similarly, the 3 is found by adding the two numbers before it (1+2),
And the 5 is (2+3), and so on!
Example: the next number in the sequence above would be 21+34 = 55
Here is a longer list:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, 17711, 28657, 46368, 75025, 121393, 196418, 317811, …
When you make squares with those widths, you get a spiral:
Fibonacci Spiral.

For example 5 and 8 make 13, 8 and 13 make 21, and so on. The Fibonacci Sequence can be written as a “Rule” (see Sequences and Series). First, the terms are numbered from 0 onwards like this: n = 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 … xn = 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 … So term number 6 is called x6 (which equals 8). Example: the 8th term is the 7th term plus the 6th term: x8 = x7 + x6 So we can write the rule: The Rule is xn = xn-1 + xn-2 where: xn is term number “n” xn-1 is the previous term (n-1) xn-2 is the term before that (n-2) Example: term 9 would be calculated like this: x9 = x9-1 + x9-2 = x8 + x7 = 21 + 13 = 34 Golden Ratio And here is a surprise. If you take any two successive (one after the other) Fibonacci Numbers, their ratio is very close to the Golden Ratio “φ” which is approximately 1.618034… The golden ratio can be seen throughout nature, in pine cones, flowers, shells, tree branches,

Even the proportions of the human face and body.

What is The Torus Field?
In geometry, a torus (pl. tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a ring torus or simply torus if the ring shape is implicit. When the axis is tangent to the circle, the resulting surface is called a horn torus; when the axis is a chord of the circle, it is called a spindle torus. A degenerate case is when the axis is a diameter of the circle, which simply generates a 2-sphere. The ring torus bounds a solid known as a toroid. The adjective toroidal can be applied to tori, toroids or, more generally, any ring shape as in toroidal inductors and transformers. Real-world examples of (approximately) toroidal objects include doughnuts, vadais, inner tubes, bagels, many lifebuoys, O-rings and vortex rings.

What is The Vector Equilibrium?

The underlying structure of the torus is the Vector Equilibrium, or “VE.” It is the blueprint by which nature forms energy into matter. Buckminster Fuller, one of the 20th Century’s most prolific inventors, coined the term Vector Equilibrium. He named it this because the “VE” is the only geometric form where all forces are equal and balanced. The energy lines (vectors) are of equal length and strength. They represent the energy of attraction and repulsion, like you can feel with a magnet.
What is Metatron’s cube?
Metatron’s cube depicts the five platonic solids which may be derived form the flower of life. The five platonic solids are geometrical forms which are said to act as a template from which all life springs, according to spiritual belief. The Platonic solids are five structures that are crucial because they are the building blocks of organic life. These five structures are found in minerals, animated and organic life forms, sound, music, language, etc. Metatron’s cube is also considered a holy glyph, used to ward off evil spirits. The Kabbalah’s Tree of life is also thought to be derived from the FOL.


What is the Flower of Life?

The Flower of Life is a name for a geometrical figure composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles. This figure, used as a decorative motif since ancient times, forms a flower-like pattern with the symmetrical structure of a hexagon. It has been helped into common knowledge by the new age authors such as Drunvalo Melchizedek. Figures as prominent as Leonardo da Vinci ascribed significance to the Flower of Life and three similar symbols, called the “Egg of Life,” the “Fruit of Life,” the “Seed of Life. These figures have historically been considered symbols of sacred geometry, with some authors asserting that they represent ancient spiritual beliefs, and that they depict fundamental aspects of space and time Melchizedek claims that Metatron’s Cube may be derived from the Flower of Life pattern, and that the Platonic solids within it were "thought to act as a template from which all life springs.”
Leonardo da Vinci has studied the Flower of Life’s form and its mathematical properties. He has drawn the Flower of Life itself, as well as components therein, such as the Seed of Life. He has drawn geometric figures representing shapes such as the platonic solids, a sphere, a torus, etc., and has also used the golden ratio of phi in his artwork; all of which may be derived from the Flower of Life design.
The Metatronic Distortion & Flower of Life
The family known to many as Metatron is a ‘fallen angelic collective’ out of an entity. Many millions of your Earth years ago this collective was faced with a decision that ultimately lead to their demise. As a collective they chose to separate from Source light and as such this decision is known as ‘The Fall’ by which the beings are no longer connected to and receiving the flow of eternal source light, therefore altering their Kryst Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life supply and breaking their link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding (metatronic) can not receive any more energy directly from Source, only a limited supply of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black-hole-system which forces it to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life. The collective made a decision that it would use its knowledge of Primal Creation Physics, and that it would take over this Time Matrix. As long as they were able to feed off of something else that had its life force connection to Source, they wouldn’t go into implosion (molecular compaction). They were able to create a way of feeding energy out of this time matrix to supply and fuel their Time Matrix. These “feedlines” moving energies off planet have clustered and created multiple infections in the Universe and all throughout this Planetary Time Matrix. They do this through the manipulation of the reversed bi-wave polarity fields and rotation of the electron particle, by forcing the energy flow in disproportionate channels that feed their intended source. This has created much damage in our nervous system, planetary brain and earthly kingdoms. One level of this damage is to aggressively age the human bodies in a process of molecular decay which is the result of the compaction and reversals in the planetary field. Altering the precise Krist Code encryption configuration of perpetual motion and eternal life breaks the link with God-Source infinite energy supply. Since the modified coding can not receive any more energy directly from Source only a LIMITED SUPPLY of energy remains within its own shield template functioning as a black hole system that has to suck energy from other systems and progressively self consumes, therefore, has a Finite Life.
This is the Metatronic (Anti-Christiac) Code Configuration (Reverse Mutation) and unfortunately for anybody who seeks true self master and empowerment, or ascension into eternal life spirals, this is a seriously abundant problem in the spiritual movements these days.
The fallen, finite geometries are the main tools they use to fuel and feed their systems through the encryption of inorganic architecture. The flower of life is an encrypted reversed code that begins with a phase locked Divine Trinity symbol; it is phase locked because it is disconnected from the energy of Source via the Unified Field – and will never be an Eternal expression. The flower of life grows one sphere of energy at a time and not via energy quantum building of the Divine Trinity; it grows via consuming energy from the planet. The over-lapping circles (as much as it all fits nicely together), only capture and entrap your love/light energy. There is nothing Sacred about it.
The real Sacred Geometry is found elsewhere, like Fibonacci, and in Marko Rodin’s work, and deeper, electromagnetics for just one example.
End of part 1.
submitted by ConsciousRun6137 to EscapingPrisonPlanet [link] [comments]
