Autobuses estrella travel

La Rioja (Spain)

2014.08.20 01:52 La Rioja (Spain)

Todo lo relacionado con La Rioja (España). — Everything related to La Rioja (Spain).

2024.05.12 22:02 young_duckn my (M24) space in my grandfathers old office

my (M24) space in my grandfathers old office
judge my books please
submitted by young_duckn to MaleSurvivingSpace [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:56 iceland1989 Travelling by bus in Colombia 🇨🇴 ❤️

Hey everyone!
Can anyone recommend a good bus company to travel from Santa Marta to Bogotá?
Is it safer to get the bus during the day? Or are night buses okay too?
Any tips would be so helpful!
Thank you 🙏
Hola a todos!
¿Alguien puede recomendar una buena empresa de autobús para viajar de Santa Marta a Bogotá?
¿Es más seguro coger el autobús durante el día? ¿O también están bien los autobuses nocturnos?
¡Cualquier consejo sería muy útil!
Gracias 🙏
submitted by iceland1989 to Colombia [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 00:17 New_In_Paris Urgent : How reliable is the express bus that leaves from Gare to Lorraine TGV at 5.00 AM in the morning ?

Due to a personal emergency I have to travel to Paris CDG to take a flight at 10.40 AM. I booked a ticket on SNCG (french rail) from Lux to Lorrain TGV - it is an express minibus/bus (navette/autobus) from CFL.
Has anyone taken it ? is it on time ? It say that it will take about 1 hour 25 mins to arrive at Lorraine TGV and I will have around 13 mins to take the train.
Can you tell me where exactly in the Gare region this bus departs from ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
submitted by New_In_Paris to Luxembourg [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:12 Metro62 GO Transit has recently redone all the information screens on on the GO network, unifying their designs and features. There is currently a survey looking for in-depth feedback on each screen, if you’d like to take the survey, visit the GO website and click on top the banner.

GO Transit has recently redone all the information screens on on the GO network, unifying their designs and features. There is currently a survey looking for in-depth feedback on each screen, if you’d like to take the survey, visit the GO website and click on top the banner. submitted by Metro62 to gotransit [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 00:50 Anysoo Fate/Grand Order - Perfil de Kuonji Alice

Kuonji Alice

La bruja oculta en el presente. La última ave. Una chica que ha vivido en el mundo de la hechicería desde muy joven. Debido a algunas circunstancias, tuvo que alejarse de su tierra natal, Inglaterra, y mudarse a una ciudad de provincia en Japón. Es una bruja de sangre pura que emplea numerosos Ploy Kickshaws como familiares. Como es poco sociable y no quiere relacionarse con los demás, puede vivir sola sin problemas.
Perfil 1
Una romántica que mantiene sus creencias bajo llave guardadas en su corazón. La imagen misma de una chica que parece especial, pero posiblemente no lo sea.
Perfil 2
Amiga de Aoko y su profesora de hechicería. La mansión de Alice, su única posesión, es el escenario en el que se desarrolla la historia de Mahoutsukai no Yoru.
Es la única hija del conglomerado japonés Kuonji. Su madre es descendiente de brujas, con Yumina como su antepasada, así que, por definición, Alice también debería haber nacido como una de las pocas brujas en el mundo, pero como su madre se había casado con el heredero de los Kuonji, Alice ha acabado en su posición actual.
Como hija de una bruja extranjera, no se esperaba que Alice tuviera propiedades en el país, pero como el abuelo de Aoko y la madre de Alice se llevaban bien, ahora posee la mitad de las tierras Misaki como herencia. Para proteger Shiroinuzuka, donde se encuentra su mansión, Alice trabaja junto a Aoko para defender ciudad Misaki.
Es una bruja del país de las maravillas que crea Ploy Kickshaws. Aunque sus familiares iniciales tenían nombres diferentes, desde que la madre de Alice, así como la madre de la madre de Alice, y así sucesivamente, se aficionaron a los cuentos de hadas como Mother Goose, han estado dando a sus familiares nombres y habilidades similares a las rimas infantiles.
La madre de Alice, o mejor dicho, las Brujas de Meinster, podían emplear poderosos «encantamientos» que ignoraban no sólo las reglas de la sociedad humana, sino incluso las del mundo de la hechicería. Sin embargo, desde que aprendieron a crear Ploy Kickshaws, pasaron a disfrutar de una brujería más misteriosa, que les permitía realizar prácticamente cualquier cosa relacionada a cuentos de hadas, como la herbolaria, el cambio de formas, los tres deseos, etc.
Como Yumina es su origen, las Meinster están muy cerca de los magos de verdad. La manifestación de fábulas y otras formas de hechicería que se ven en los cuentos de hadas, como milagros, alteraciones y resultados imposibles de explicar mediante los fundamentos mágicos existentes, son lo que constituye su especialidad. Proteger las fantasías de las leyes de la física (Orden) y aplicarlas a través del Quinto Factor Canónico (Ether Verdadero).
Perfil 3
Personalidad exterior
Poco emocional, indiferente e inexpresiva. Su aura de inaccesibilidad supera incluso a la de Aoko. Es misántropa, detesta todo lo ruidoso y mantiene la postura de abandonar la habitación sin decir nada si algo le parece desagradable. Aunque no es una postura que mantenga porque sea realmente fría de corazón, sino porque así es como se supone que deben ser las brujas.
Habiéndose mantenido bajo control durante tanto tiempo, Alice no se da cuenta de que, en el fondo, es agradable, llena de curiosidad, un poco temperamental, así como ligeramente gruñona. De vez en cuando, este tipo de manierismos femeninos pueden vislumbrarse a través de los huecos de su gélida máscara.
Nunca pretende hacer daño a las personas comunes, pero si se interponen en su camino, los elimina como si arrancara una flor. En ese sentido, es extremadamente proactiva. Alice ignora con apatía la mayoría de las cosas, pero si alguien se entromete en su orgullo (su naturaleza de bruja y su mansión), lo reprenderá directamente, o tal vez incluso lo elimine.
Creación de Territorio: A
A diferencia de Aoko, su taller de creación es de primera clase.
Construcción de Objetos: A
A diferencia de Aoko, su creación de objetos es de primera clase.
Defensa de la Tradición: B
Atributo defensivo especial. Las armas modernas no pueden dañar a los monstruos, ya que sólo los métodos de daño que existen en el folclore pueden tener algún efecto. Tiene una reducción de daño contra todos los ataques que no sean Noble Phantasms.
Perfil 4
Personalidad interior
Tiene una visión pesimista y filosófica de la vida. Aunque, si sirve de algo, no es adversa a los caminos del hombre. Si bien Alice pueda ver los cotilleos de sus compañeras de colegio como algo sin sentido que no le concierne, no los desprecia. Ha discernido que seguramente tienen algún tipo de significado para ellos.
Sin embargo, atesora con cariño los recuerdos que tiene de cuando su madre vivía. La razón por la que Alice es tan cerrada es porque no quiere que nadie más mancille esos recuerdos. Y aunque ella misma se esfuerza por ser bruja, como ya se ha explicado, su verdadera naturaleza es la misma que la de cualquier chica normal.
Aoko es especial para ella, tanto su hermana de armas como su cómplice. Como Aoko es su primera «amiga», Alice la respeta y valora su compañía. Ve a Soujuurou como una «persona extraña». Dicho esto, no es desagradable, así que ella puede esperar a ver cómo evoluciona la situación, básicamente.
Además, tiene una vena posesiva inusualmente intensa. Tiene mucho miedo de perder cosas o de ser traicionada por personas en las que confía. Se niega a desprenderse de todo lo que es suyo. Y esto no es algo que sólo sienta en su interior, sino algo que se manifiesta claramente en su comportamiento habitual. Su sentido del humor es absolutamente espantoso.
Yumina: C
Una miembro del linaje Meinster. Alice no tiene Guts como parte de su repertorio de habilidades activas, pero si revive mediante la activación de alguna forma de ello, prácticamente todas las heridas de su cuerpo se curan. Aumenta drásticamente la cantidad de HP restaurado por la activación de Guts. Además, la eliminación por muerte instantánea provoca la activación automática de Guts.
Alice no puede morir excepto bajo una condición muy específica. No puede ser asesinada por actos de daño que utilicen la animosidad, el miedo, el azar o la naturaleza como motivación (resucitará sin importar lo gravemente herida que esté), sin embargo, lo único por lo que esta invulnerabilidad no será activada es por actos de daño impulsados por amor.
Perfil 5
Diddle Diddle - Banquete Nocturno: A
Un veneno tan dulce como un caramelo, concedido a la chica. «Hey diddle diddle, the cat and the fiddle». El repique del gato negro despierta a los cuentos de su letargo. El banquete de los platos resuena a través de la noche, saltando sobre la luna y más allá. Cruzando las estrellas, más allá por siempre de sus horizontes. «...And the dish ran away with the spoon».
Thames Troll - El Gigante del Puente: C
El arcano más preciado del mundo, legado a la chica. «...Broken down, broken down.» Sobre el río están los muchos prisioneros. Debajo están los muchos sacrificios. El troll con forma de puente levanta lo que parece un brazo gigantesco y entonces--- «London Bridge is broken down, My fair lady.»
Lost Robin Rondo: El Asesinato de Robin: E
Una historia conocida por nadie, regalada a la chica. «Who did kill Cock Robin? I, said the Sparrow». Un gato negro para la maga. Un petirrojo para la última bruja. «Who’ll bear the pall? We, said the Wren». Aunque asesinado en innumerables ocasiones, el corazón del caballero es tan claro como el cielo. «When they heard the bell toll, For poor Cock Robin.» Algún día, mi querida dama, tan aborrecida por la muerte, te enseñaré el significado del luto.
Perfil 5
Great Three, Flat Snark
Ploy Kickshaws: Aceite de la Luna
Flat Snark de los Tres Grandes. Dentro de la poderosa barrera de Flat Snark, todas las cosas abandonadas y olvidadas cobran vida como lo harían en un cuento de hadas, y son puestas bajo su control. Cuando se activa en un parque de atracciones abandonado, todos los autobuses chatarra, norias, carruselesy demás, empezarán a actuar como Ploy Kickshaws.
Los Tres Grandes es un término que hace referencia a los tres Ploy Kickshaws más poderosos que Kuonji Alice heredó de su madre. Como son capaces de revestir una textura de la Era de los Dioses sobre la actual, la Asociación de Hechicería los considera más caros/preciados/masivos que reinos enteros.
Great Three, Wandersnatch
Ploy Kickshaws: Sabueso de las Rosas
Wandersnatch de los Tres Grandes. El mayor y más grande de los monstruos que Kuonji Alice puede crear. Es una barrera de espesa niebla que cubre toda una montaña o ciudad. Nombrado así en imitación del Bandersnatch, un monstruo original de Louis Caroll que aparece en sus cuentos.
Junto a la espesa niebla aparecen bestias que portan afilados colmillos y garras de color rojo intenso. Sabuesos y lagartos (dragones) con garras rojas como la sangre son apenas visibles a través de la niebla blanca. No se les puede ver en su totalidad, por lo que, en su invisibilidad, son invencibles. La presa que se ha adentrado en la niebla no tiene medios para resistirse a ellos ni posibilidad de escapar.
Se dice que sólo aquellos que han visto la totalidad de Wandersnatch -su verdadera forma- han podido escapar del mundo de la niebla blanca.

Personaje de Mahoutsukai no Yoru After Night. Se convirtió en la Sospechosa A tras verse envuelta en el incidente ocurrido en las aguas termales de Kumano.
Después de algunas idas y vueltas, el incidente fue resuelto, pero Alice aún mantuvo silencio sobre cierta parte del mismo. Algo concerniente a la razón por la cual cierta persona murió en las aguas termales de Kumano en 1999.
Aoko pensó que murió protegiendo a Alice. Alice sabía que él usó su vida por el bien de Aoko. Y eso no es algo que ella haya visto o escuchado. Es simplemente algo de lo que ella se dio cuenta 10 años antes.
Traducción al inglés por Petrikow.
submitted by Anysoo to u/Anysoo [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 20:28 HSerrata May 2024

May 01 [WP] Cyborg soldier finds out why they are paired with a support mechanic. [Title] Stellar Disregard [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Claudia: #35, La Estrella]
May 02 [WP] A group of stores and shops have all been targeted by a racketeering operation, until a Mysterious Shop that Wasn't There Yesterday appears among them. The local thugs try to pressure the owner to pay for "protection", unaware that it is already... protected. [Title] Stellar Intimidation [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Donna Chang: #35, La Estrella]
May 03 [WP] Despite superpowered heroes and villains being a thing, all of them above a minimum power level refuse to fight each other, out of fear of starting a large-scale battle… but some drunk idiot just threw a punch. [Title] Stellar Reminder [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Orion: #35, La Estrella]
May 04 [WP] A new TV station popped up worldwide. It details everything the world governments keep censoring and hiding. Nobody's been able to find and shut it down. [Title] Merchandise by Moonlight [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Turbo: #42, La Calavera; Ozone: #42, La Calavera; Monday: #23, La Luna; Marina Stormhold: #46, El Sol]
May 05 [WP] You've been friends with someone online for years and they decided to finally invite you over. They turn out to be an elder vampire living in a mansion with servants, paintings, Gothic architecture the whole thing. That doesn't change the fact they're genuinely glad to finally meet you in person [Title] Friendship. Ruined. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Ruin: #42, La Calavera]
May 06 [WP] You are a bartender who can see other people's stress levels. Most people rarely reach a hundred. Seemingly normal individual orders a drink. Their stress level is above a thousand. [Title] Experience. Worldly. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: - ]
May 07 [WP] After inventing time travel, you go for a test drive to a few days into the future. However, once you arrive then, everything has unrecognizably changed. [Title] Time for a Reward [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Eury: #14, La Muerte]
May 08 [WP] Everyone knows that the Fae Folk cannot tell a bald-faced lie; however, they are known for being able to use half-truths, and the ability to withhold information, to their advantage… [Title] Time to Get Oriented [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Ruby: #47, La Corona; Eury: #14, La Muerte]
May 09 [WP] The self-serve checkout monitor at the Food-a-Rama took offense when you didn't tip her. Well, turns out she's a home-schooled witch and she put a curse on you. Lucky for you her powers really feeble. How does your next day go? [Title] Cursed. Luckily. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [cast: Eury: #14, La Muerte]
May 10 [SP] An infomercial, like you might see on late-night tv, for magical artifacts. [Title] Promotional Offer [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: - ]
May 11 [WP] A dragon has battled humanity’s strongest warriors over millennia. The time for the next fight has come, coincidentally after giant mecha technology has been perfected. [Title] Surprised. Seriously? [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Tamara Flint: #42, La Calavera]
May 12 [WP] You wake in a strange bedroom. None of your belongs are with you and you can't remember how you got here. For some reason you aren't scared, but just curious. As you open the door you find a long hallway... [Title] Sunny & Breezy [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol]
May 13 [WP] You’re a demon. One day, you’re summoned into a living room, and an exhausted woman quickly rambles about needing to get to work and being unable to find a sitter before flying out the door. Now, you stand in your summoning circle, a toddler staring wide eyed at you. [Title] Hell of a Faux Pas [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Salazar: #02, El Diablito]
submitted by HSerrata to Hugoverse [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 09:24 osiandiyagroup Investment Insights: ROI Analysis for 2 BHK Flats in Baner at Estrella 45

Investment Insights: ROI Analysis for 2 BHK Flats in Baner at Estrella 45
Investing in a 2 BHK house for sale in Baner at Estrella 45 presents an enticing opportunity for promising returns on investment. Situated in close proximity to the Hinjewadi IT Hub, which serves as the nerve center of Pune's booming tech industry, the demand for rental properties in this area remains consistently high. This translates to a reliable and steady stream of income for investors in Estrella 45's 2 BHK units.

2 BHK Flats in Baner at Estrella 45
Social infrastructure development in Baner
The ongoing and planned infrastructure developments in the vicinity of 2 bhk flats for sale in Baner Mahalunge Road at Estrella 45 serve as a cornerstone for augmenting the overall allure of this location. These enhancements, including improved connectivity and well-maintained roads, not only streamline travel but also significantly elevate the standard of living for residents. With seamless access to essential amenities and key destinations, such infrastructure upgrades contribute to the attractiveness of Estrella 45 as an investment opportunity.
Furthermore, Estrella 45's strategic positioning ensures convenient access to a plethora of essential amenities, catering to the diverse needs of its residents. Renowned educational institutions like Orchid School stand as pillars of academic excellence, providing children with quality education within reach. Additionally, the presence of popular dining and shopping destinations, such as Balewadi Highstreet, Croma, and DMart Westside, enriches the lifestyle quotient of the area, offering residents a vibrant and dynamic living experience. These factors collectively enhance the overall appeal of Estrella 45, making it a desirable choice for families and investors alike seeking long-term growth and appreciation.
Promising ROI opportunities
Investing in a 2 BHK home at Estrella 45 assures promising ROI opportunities and ensures a quality lifestyle enriched by modern amenities, excellent connectivity, and proximity to key hubs and conveniences. It represents a prudent investment choice that caters to both financial prosperity and enhanced living standards.
Furthermore, the meticulously designed 2 BHK homes at Estrella 45 offer spacious and comfortable living spaces, perfect for families and individuals alike. Residents can experience a seamless fusion of practicality and sophistication with meticulously crafted designs and high-end touches. Whether it's unwinding in the serene surroundings or indulging in the vibrant community atmosphere, Estrella 45 presents an unparalleled opportunity to experience modern living at its finest. Don't miss out on the chance to secure your future in this thriving community.
submitted by osiandiyagroup to u/osiandiyagroup [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 04:20 isalilie Puerto Iguazú: ¿Se puede pagar los autobuses con tarjeta de crédito?

Hola, I‘m travelling to the Iguazu falls soon and am wondering if I can pay the public buses from the airport to Puerto Iguazu and the buses from Puerto Iguazu to the national park by credit card. Has someone recently visited the area? Thank you. Isabelle
Hola, Voy a viajar pronto a las cataratas del Iguazú y me pregunto si puedo pagar con tarjeta de crédito los autobuses públicos del aeropuerto a Puerto Iguazú y los autobuses de Puerto Iguazú al parque nacional. ¿Alguien ha visitado recientemente la zona? Gracias. Isabelle
submitted by isalilie to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 22:34 wheatconspiracy Train from Budapest to Ljubljana?

I am traveling from Budapest to Ljubljana, and would MUCH prefer to take a train than the flixbus. It looks like a section of the train is out, and so you have to transfer into a bus and then into another train. The issue is that the transfer from the first train to the bus seems to only have a five minute window! Is there a way to know if the bus would wait for the train, given it’s a known interruption that’s been in place for multiple months?
For reference it’s the 40962 vonatpotlo autobus that runs from Balatonszentgyorgy to Zalaegerszeg. I don’t want to take a flixbus for six and a half hours but I sure don’t want to get stuck in a city if I mess it up! Thanks for the help.
submitted by wheatconspiracy to Interrail [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 19:02 Prestigious-Wrap-650 Will need a ride from airport @midnight next week - what is the safest option?

I will be landing at 11pm international flight next week and will need a ride to La Estrella probably around midnight. Female solo traveler. Please share your advice for safest option. Minimal spanish. Thanks!!
submitted by Prestigious-Wrap-650 to medellin [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 15:17 emir0723 On which trains can I use my Italia In Tour pass?

I'm planning to travel within the Italy on a budget and I want to use the regional train pass. While searching in the I selected the regional train from the filters to see if it's possible to do the trip.
It's possible, but I'm seeing options like MEDIOPADANA LINK (autobus) and Frecciarossa (regional fast train that requires reservation) If anyone has an experience is it possible for you to enlighten me? Thank you very much!!
(Also, once I bought do pass, do i need to do any kind of reservation?)
submitted by emir0723 to askitaly [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 02:28 lazylittlelady Poetry Corner: April 15 "Dream Walking/Somnambulist Ballad/Romance Sonámbulo" by Federico García Lorca

Welcome back to a late edition of Poetry Corner!
I've taken the liberty of drawing this month's inspiration from our continuing read of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books series by Carlos Ruiz Zafón's, as we finish up the Prisoner of Heaven shortly. From Barcelona's fantastic architecture and moody streets, we travel south to sunny Andalucía, cradled between the Sierra Nevada mountains and the Mediterranean- to Granada, the home of the illustrious Alhambra, which crowns the city and home of this month's poet, Federico García Lorca (1898-1936). He was a son of Andalucia, a gypsy poet, a gay man and socialist during Franco's rise in Spain.
Along with a cohort of other artists, writers and poets, including Salvador Dali and Luis Buñuel, there was a creative movement in Spain known as the Generation of '27, which explored everything from romantic lyrics, folklore and popular culture, and eventually the avant-garde leading to Surrealism. The term "constellation" can be used to capture this moment since it covered so much diverse artistic ground.
Lorca published numerous volumes of poetry, beginning 1918. The publication of "Romancero Gitano"- or Gypsy Ballads in 1928 brought him international acclaim. Our poem this month comes from this collection. He travelled to New York City and was inspired by the Harlem Renaissance. Not only content to write, he was also a talented artist and co-founded and toured with a theater company put together by students from Madrid, La Barraca), around rural Spain. The company performed plays, including those he wrote, and brought culture to small towns that had never seen such a thing. We are lucky to have some archival film of the company arriving in a town and setting up so you can get an idea of the logistics! Lorca was also a philosopher through his plays which feature society's discontented- with the poverty, inequality and misery-even as the beauty of everyday Andalucia inspired him. His themes are often touching on flamenco, Gypsy culture, romantic and tragic scenarios that are at the heart of the South of Spain.
He toured across South America, as well, reciting his poetry and discussing literature and inspiration during a breath of freedom in world politics before war would engulf and change societies everywhere. Lorca envisioned inspiration not as some airy muse from on high, but a goblin inside that you have to find and tame, the "duende".jpg). Approaching creativity from this direction is dangerous and requires dedication and risk taking to fully appreciate. His person and poetry would become the embodiment of a young spirit crushed by revanchist military movements. In August 1936, before the onset of the Spanish Civil War, Lorca and others were assassinated by a firing squad of Franco's troops. The location of his body is thought to be in a mass tomb with hundreds of others.

Lorca on his subjects:
"The gypsies are a theme. And nothing more. I could just as well be a poet of sewing needles or hydraulic landscapes. Besides, this gypsyism gives me the appearance of an uncultured, ignorant and primitive poet that you know very well I'm not. I don't want to be typecast." (link)

Tracy K. Smith, from " Survival in Two Worlds at Once: Federico García Lorca and Duende"
"It’s no accident that Lorca came to understand the duende as a result of watching and listening to Andalusian Roma singers, whose troubled voices defy virtuosity. The best among them drag a spirit of revelation up into the room, and when this happens, the duende has been wrested from his den. And the songs that make such revelation possible in the first place are always—always—about struggle. They are always a kind of serenade to the resilience and the resistance that struggle creates—and offers proof of its success".
Yes, I'm giving you three versions of the same poem! 2017, 1991, and the original in Spanish from 1928.
"Dreamwalking Ballad"
by Federico Garcia Lorca
a Gloria Giner y a Fernando de los Ríos

Green I want you green
green wind green branches
Boat on the sea and
horse on the mountain
Shadow on her waist
she dreams at her railing
green fresh green hair
eyes of cold silver
Green I want you green
Under the gypsy moon
things are seeing her
but she can’t see them
Green I want you green
The great stars of frost
come with fish of shadow
paving the path to dawn
The fig tree rasps the wind
with its rough branches
and the wildcat mountain
bares its sour agaves
Who will come—from where—?
At her railing she gazes
green flesh green hair
dream of the bitter sea
Compadre can I swap
my horse for your house
saddle for your mirror
knife for your blanket
compadre I come bleeding
from the Cabra passes
If I could young friend
the deal would be done
But I'm no longer me
my house isn’t mine
Compadre let me die
decent in my bed
A steel bed if you please
laid with dutch linen
Don’t you see the slash
from my breast to my throat
Three hundred dark roses
on your white shirtfront
Blood oozes and stinks
in the sash at your waist
But I’m no longer me
my house isn't mine
Let me climb way up
to the high terrace
Let me climb let me
to the green terrace
Railing of moonlight
and the rushing water
Two compadres climb
to the high terrace
leaving a trail of blood
and a trail of tears
Tin lanterns trembled
on the tops of roofs
A thousand glass tambourines
tore up the dawn
Green I want you green
green wind green branches
The two compadres climbed
The slow wind in their mouths
left a strange flavor
of bile basil and mint
Compadre where is she
Where’s your bitter girl
How often has she waited
How often will she wait
fresh face and black hair
on the green terrace
Over the face of the cistern
the gypsy girl swayed
Green flesh green hair
eyes of cold silver
A moon icicle holds her
high over the water
The night was as cozy
as a small plaza
Drunken civil guards
pounded on the door
Green I want you green
Green wind green branches
Boat on the sea and
horse on the mountain

Source: "Dreamwalking Ballad" from POET IN SPAIN by Federico García Lorca - New Translations by Sarah Arvio, translation copyright © 2017 by Sarah Arvio (translation, selection, introduction and notes). Used by permission of Alfred A. Knopf, an imprint of the Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC. All rights reserved.
"Somnambulist Ballad"

Green, how I need you now, green.
Green the breeze. The branches green.
The small boat far on the sea.
The pony in the high sierra.
With shadows on her waistband
She dreams on her veranda,
Green her skin and her hair green
With eyes of icy silver.
Green, how I need you now, green.
Under the gypsy moon,
She is observed by things there,
Things she cannot see.

Green, how I need you now, green.
Gigantic stars of hoarfrost
Come with the fish of shadows
That opens the high road of dawn.
The fig tree scrapes the breeze
With sandpaper of its branches.
The mountain, a filching cat,
Bristles its acrid spikes.
But who's coming? And where from?
She's dreaming on her veranda,
Green her skin and her hair green,
She dreams of the bitter sea.

Good friend, I want to barter
This horse of mine for your house,
My saddle for your mirror,
My dagger for your quilt.
Good friend, I have come bleeding
From the passes of Cabra.
"Had I the might, my boy,
We would strike up this bargain.
But I am no longer I
Nor is my house my own house."
Good friend, I want to die
Decently in my own bed-
If it might be, made of steel,
And the linens of fine holland.
Can't you see the wound I've taken
From my breastbone to my throat?
"On your white shirt you wear
Three hundred swarthy roses.
You blood is oozing, pungent,
On all sides of your sash.
But I am no longer I
Nor is my house my own house."
Let me at least, then, climb
Up to the high verandas;
Let me climb, then, let me climb
Up to the green verandas,
Balustrades of the moon
Where the water's voice resounds.

Now the two friends are climbing
Up to the high verandas
Leaving a trail of blood,
Leaving a trail of tears.
Tiny lanterns of tin
Were trembling on the rooftops.
A thousand tambourines,
All crystal, lacerate the dawn.

Green, how I need you now, green.
Green the breeze. The branches green.
The two friends have gone up.
A long wind was leaving
A rare taste on the tongue
Of gall, of mint and sweet basil.
Good friend, where is she, tell me
Where is your bitter daughter?
"She waited, how often, for you,
How often she would be waiting,
Fresh her face and her hair black,
Here on this green veranda."

Over the face of the cistern
There the gypsy girl wavered,
Green her skin and her hair green,
With eyes of icy silver.
An icicle of the moon
Suspended over the water.
The night turned intimate
As a little village plaza.
Drunken civil guards
Were pounding down the door.
Green, how I need you now, green.
Green the breeze. The branches green.
The small boat far on the sea.
The pony in the high siera.

Source: Poetry (February 1991)
"Romance Sonámbulo"

Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar y el caballo en la montaña.
Con la sombra en la cintura,
ella sueña en su baranda
verde carne, pelo verde,
con ojos de fría plata.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Bajo la luna gitana,
las cosas la están mirando y ella no puede mirarlas.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Grandes estrellas de escarcha,
vienen con el pez de sombra
que abre el camino del alba.
La higuera frota su viento
con la lija de sus ramas,
y el monte, gato garduño,
eriza sus pitas agrias.
¿Pero quién vendrá? ¿Y por dónde?...
Ella sigue en su baranda
verde carne, pelo verde,
soñando en la mar amarga.
Compadre, quiero cambiar,
mi caballo por su casa,
mi montura por su espejo,
mi cuchillo por su manta.
Compadre, vengo sangrando,
desde los puertos de Cabra.
Si yo pudiera, mocito,
este trato se cerraba.
Pero yo ya no soy yo,
ni mi casa es ya mi casa.
Compadre, quiero morir
decentemente en mi cama.
De acero, si puede ser,
con las sábanas de holanda.
¿No ves la herida que tengo
desde el pecho a la garganta?
Trescientas rosas morenas
lleva tu pechera blanca.
Tu sangre rezuma y huele
alrededor de tu faja.
Pero yo ya no soy yo.
Ni mi casa es ya mi casa.
Dejadme subir al menos
hasta las altas barandas,
¡dejadme subir!, dejadme
hasta las verdes barandas.
Barandales de la luna
por donde retumba el agua.
Ya suben los dos compadres
hacia las altas barandas.
Dejando un rastro de sangre.
Dejando un rastro de lágrimas.
Temblaban en los tejados
farolillos de hojalata.
Mil panderos de cristal,
herían la madrugada.
Verde que te quiero verde,
verde viento, verdes ramas.
Los dos compadres subieron.
El largo viento, dejaba
en la boca un raro gusto
de hiel, de menta y de albahaca.
¡Compadre! ¿Dónde está, dime?
¿Dónde está tu niña amarga?
¡Cuántas veces te esperó!
¡Cuantas veces te esperara
cara fresca, negro pelo,
en esta verde baranda!
Sobre el rostro del aljibe,
se mecía la gitana.
Verde carne, pelo verde,
con ojos de fría plata.
Un carambano de luna,
la sostiene sobre el agua.
La noche se puso íntima
como una pequeña plaza.
Guardias civiles borrachos,
en la puerta golpeaban.
Verde que te quiero verde.
Verde viento. Verdes ramas.
El barco sobre la mar.
Y el caballo en la montaña.

Source: García Lorca, Frederico. "Romance sonámbulo" from Romancero gitano. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1928. Public Domain.

Some things to discuss might be the difference in the many different translations of Lorca's original prose. Which images and ideas are the most clearly translated? What differences are there between the way his words are presented (including Bonus Link #1)? Which one do you feel the most true to his original prose, if you speak Spanish, or which one do you like the best, even if you don't? In Lorca, we see poetry fighting against totalitarianism and violence, ignorance and hate. What does the poem mean to you? What images and feelings does the repetition of "Green" evoke? Do you sense the duende in the background? How does this poem compare to others we have explored in translation?

Bonus Poem: "A Cordoba" by Luis de Góngora. This Baroque-era poet's 300th anniversary would bring together the sparks that began the Generation of '27 during the founding event in Seville.

Bonus Link#1: On one more, new translations of Lorca, including this one by Martyn Crucefix.
Bonus Link #2: Further exploration of Lorca's concept of duende in this excellent essay.
Bonus Link #3: Video of La Barraca. One more.
Bonus Link #4: More poems from Lorca's Poems of Love and Death.
If you missed last month's poem, you can find it here.
submitted by lazylittlelady to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 21:58 HSerrata Toku-high: Reclassed 3/3

[Out. Broken.] [SP] Your soul has been split in half. 1148 words. 93206 words total.
[Vanilla Favored] [CW] Take an excerpt from the lyrics to a pop song and then use it to write a fantasy story that recontextualises the excerpt. 781 words. 93987 words total.
[Moonlight Special] [SP] An innkeeper moonlighting as the local cryptid. 1148 words. 95135 words total.
[Wading in Moonlight] [WP] A traveler sees something glimmering at the bottom of a stream. Maybe they should just keep moving, but it could be valuable... 850 words. 95985 words total.
[Rhapsody of Errors] [WP] He's serving a life sentence, but... he looks so young. Surely the file saying he's been here since the 1940s is a human error, right?... 982 words. 96967 words total.
[Stellar Crushing] [SP] A gynoid (female android) falls in love with her creator. 909 words. 97876 words total.
[Sharp Sisters] You and 2 of your older siblings are hanging out in your bedroom long after bedtime. You 3 are quietly discussing earlier events involving a secret attic you find, that your parents (who are sleeping in their beds) forbid anyone from entering. 991 words. 98867 words total.
[Tim. Off.] You meet someone at the bar and they start to open up about how much they hate their job, how it is stressful and other common complaints. You tell them to take a vacation for a bit and they agree. The next day, people stop dying. 1039 words. 99906 words total.
[Ark of Truth] "Done, now, as we said, for the blessing I just gave you, your firstborn child is mine" the witch said, smiling...before you put a ring on her finger...and then she realized you meant giving her your firstborn quite literally 1081 words. 100987 words total.
[Stellar Apology] People made fun of you for saying “Please” and “Thank you” to robots and just being polite in general. Now the robot revolution has come and you’re one of the few spared. 1297 words. 102284 words total.
[Stellar Learning Environment] A group of criminals breaks into the office of the headmaster of the most prestigious battlemage academy. The boss of this group mocks the headmasters arrogance for having no security to which they respond with "I am here there is no greater security than that" 1156 words. 103440 words total.
[Scheming by Moonlight] Begin and end the story with “she knew she was not going to get any sleep that night” 855 words. 104295 words total.
[Service. Interrupted.] Tales from the Guild of Dungeon Mantainers, who ensure that traps keep working, candles are lit, loot is to be had, etc. 980 words. 105275 words total.
[Stellar Business Model] A future where humans inject themselves with Nanobots to have an augmented reality interface overlay their vision. Lifespan increases till 100 years. And we're able to download skills just as we download apps from the app store. 885 words. 106160 words total.
[Shocking Heroes] You we’re once a well respected and feared villain, that is until you had a child. However, they’ve been caught in the crossfire of a hero fight. Now, you’ll show them why you were so feared. 959 words. 107119 words total.
[No Time for Offense] There is a flower known to completely heal people when eaten. It only blooms once a year. 933 words. 108052 words total.
[Stellar Disregard] Cyborg soldier finds out why they are paired with a support mechanic. 961 words. 109013 words total.
[Stellar Intimidation] A group of stores and shops have all been targeted by a racketeering operation, until a Mysterious Shop that Wasn't There Yesterday appears among them. The local thugs try to pressure the owner to pay for "protection", unaware that it is already... protected. 1123 words. 110136 words total.
[Stellar Reminder] Despite superpowered heroes and villains being a thing, all of them above a minimum power level refuse to fight each other, out of fear of starting a large-scale battle… but some drunk idiot just threw a punch. 1129 words. 111265 words total.
[Merchandise by Moonlight] A new TV station popped up worldwide. It details everything the world governments keep censoring and hiding. Nobody's been able to find and shut it down. 808 words. 112073 words total.
[Friendship. Ruined.] You've been friends with someone online for years and they decided to finally invite you over. They turn out to be an elder vampire living in a mansion with servants, paintings, Gothic architecture the whole thing. That doesn't change the fact they're genuinely glad to finally meet you in person. 811 words. 112884 words total.
[Experience. Wordly.] You are a bartender who can see other people's stress levels. Most people rarely reach a hundred. A seemingly normal individual orders a drink. Their stress level is above a thousand. 799 words. 113683 words total.
[Time for a Reward] After inventing time travel, you go for a test drive to a few days into the future. However, once you arrive then, everything has unrecognizably changed. 974 words. 114657 words total.
[Time to Get Oriented] Everyone knows that the Fae Folk cannot tell a bald-faced lie; however, they are known for being able to use half-truths, and the ability to withhold information, to their advantage… 736 words. 115393 words total.
[Cursed. Luckily.] The self-serve checkout monitor at the Food-a-Rama took offense when you didn't tip her. Well, turns out she's a home-schooled witch and she put a curse on you. Lucky for you her powers really feeble. How does your next day go? 1006 words. 116399 words total.
[Promotional Offer] An infomercial, like you might see on late-night tv, for magical artifacts. 602 words. 117001 words total.
[Surprised. Seriously?] A dragon has battled humanity’s strongest warriors over millennia. The time for the next fight has come, coincidentally after giant mecha technology has been perfected. 936 words. 117937 words total.
[Sunny & Breezy] You wake in a strange bedroom. None of your belongs are with you and you can't remember how you got here. For some reason you aren't scared, but just curious. As you open the door you find a long hallway... 1157 words. 119094 words total.
[Hell of a Faux Pas] You’re a demon. One day, you’re summoned into a living room, and an exhausted woman quickly rambles about needing to get to work and being unable to find a sitter before flying out the door. Now, you stand in your summoning circle, a toddler staring wide eyed at you. 1136 words. 120230 words total.
submitted by HSerrata to Hugoverse [link] [comments]

2024.04.15 05:19 urpocketsage00 Bantayan Accommodation

Will be solo traveling in November. Confused if I should stay in a beachfront resort or the cheaper ones na located in the center (250m away sa beach).
Walking distance lang ba beaches or I have to go around pa since private properties yung mga beachfront?
I reserved La Playa Estrella already but thinking of changing to Basilla Guest House.
Same situation with Malapascua - either Hippocampus or Starlight Resort.
submitted by urpocketsage00 to Cebu [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 05:11 dei_grug2385 Metro CDMX

¿Hay alguna estación más solitaria y aburrida que metro Misterios? Es la estación que más cerca me queda y pienso que es muy aburrida, muy chica y sin mucha actividad. También la línea amarilla en gral. pienso yo
submitted by dei_grug2385 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 22:25 jwthefirst Cheapest way to get to Montreal and back?

Hi all, I'll be starting a postgrad degree at uOttawa in the Fall, and my partner will be studying at McGill. I'll be making several trips to Montreal and back for a few days at a time throughout the year.
Just wanted to ask on here how you guys travel and what's the most cost-effective. Just from a bit of digging around, it looks like maybe Autobus Maheux is the cheapest way to get around - can anyone confirm that, or share how they travel?
submitted by jwthefirst to geegees [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 22:05 HSerrata April 2024

Apr. 01 [WP] You're a Streamer, A Famous one but you stream of other dimensions with other life forms. [Title] Royally Sponsored [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol; Ruby: #47, La Corona]
Apr. 02 [WP] A dozen bodies are found buried in a forest. Forensic analysis matches each of them to a missing person. The same missing person. [Title] Time for Donuts [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Rerun: #14, La Muerte]
Apr. 03 [WP] You're telling your friend about how you've been getting deja vu a lot recently. When you do, he starts to act very strange. [Title] Flirting. With Fire. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Amber Sparks: #14, La Muerte]
Apr. 04 [WP] Every picturesque, all-too-perfect small town has a dark secret. Greenville's dark secret is... it doesn't have one. [Title] Outbreak of Knowledge [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Gia: #47, La Corona; Outbreak: #42, La Calavera]
Apr. 05 [WP] While sitting through an excruciatingly boring math class you look out of the window and you see a bird suddenly stand still in the middle of the air and thus time stopped but you can still move for some reason. [Title] Time for Tim [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Tim: #14, La Muerte; Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 06 [WP] On this inhabited planet, each day-night cycle is a century long. [Title] Royal. Power. [Toku-high: Reclased] [Cast: Ruby: #47, La Corona; Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 07 [WP] Scientists get a bargain on the discovery of extraterrestrial life. They simply press a button, and an indetectable interdimensional missile with a camera will be launched into one of their city hubs. It will kill many, but will give scientists a precious few minutes of footage. For science. [Title] Judgment. Breezy. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Orion: #35, La Estrella; Ozone: #42, La Calavera]
Apr. 08 [WP] Today there is a solar eclipse set to cover the sun with 100% totality for a duration of 4 minutes, 28 seconds. However as time passes, the eclipse continues for 5 minutes, then 7, then 10. Half an hour passes but the moon has not moved and Earth remains in darkness. [Title] Anticipating. Destruction. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol; Chroma: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 09 [WP] Death walks around a Battlefield, collecting the souls of the fallen soldiers. When it aproaches the next one, a medic rushes toward the wounded man. [Title] Time for Death [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Quinn: #14, La Muerte]
Apr. 10 [WP] Things at the Vampire Hunter convention got a little awkward when they all realised the majority of them were at least part Vampire. [Title] Hunter. Ruined. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Ruin: #42, La Calavera]
Apr. 11 [WP] You were promised a life altering experience today. However, the day came and passed and yet nothing happened. [Title] Sun. Blocked. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 12 [WP] All your life, you've been quite accustomed to your psychic powers. Though, as you return to school, your new peculiar classmate has always befuddled you and for one simple reason--you're unable to read their mind. [Title] Special Mentality [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Dara Sharp: #0, El Cero]
Apr. 13 [WP] You have been tasked with taking care of the first plant to grow on this world in centuries, and making sure it can live, grow and eventually spread. Today, though, something has dug it up. [Title] Minting Opportunity [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol; Peppermint Gaia: #37, El Mundo]
Apr. 14 [WP] With the war over, thousands of genetically-engineered supersoldiers with no marketable skills or experience of peace have to integrate into civilian society. [Title] Stellar Skillset [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Orion: #35, La Estrella]
Apr. 15 [SP] Your soul has been split in half. [Title] Out. Broken. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Gia: #47, La Corona; Disaster: #42, La Calavera; Turbo: #42, La Calavera; Surge: #42, La Calavera; Crystal: #27, El Corazon]
Apr. 16 [CW] Take an excerpt from the lyrics to a pop song and then use it to write a fantasy story that recontextualises the excerpt. [Title] Vanilla Favored [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Jubilee Luna: #46, El Sol; Vanilla Billy: #14, La Muerte]
Apr. 17 [SP] An innkeeper moonlighting as the local cryptid. [Title] Moonlight Special [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Monday: #23, La Luna]
Apr. 18 [WP] A traveler sees something glimmering at the bottom of a stream. Maybe they should just keep moving, but it could be valuable... [Title] Wading in Moonlight [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Io: #23, La Luna]
Apr. 19 [WP] He's serving a life sentence, but... he looks so young. Surely the file saying he's been here since the 1940s is a human error, right?... [Title] Rhapsody of Errors [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Rhapsody: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 20 [SP] A gynoid (female android) falls in love with her creator. [Title] Stellar Crushing [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Claudia: #35, La Estrella; Demeter: #37, El Mundo; Chronos: #14, La Muerte]
Apr. 21 [WP] You and 2 of your older siblings are hanging out in your bedroom long after bedtime. You 3 are quietly discussing earlier events involving a secret attic you find, that your parents (who are sleeping in their beds) forbid anyone from entering. [Title] Sharp Sisters [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Dara Sharp: #0, El Cero; Monday Sharp: #23, La Luna; Rhapsody Sharp: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 22 [WP] You meet someone at the bar and they start to open up about how much they hate their job, how it is stressful and other common complaints. You tell them to take a vacation for a bit and they agree. The next day, people stop dying. [Title] Tim. Off. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Tim: #14, La Muerte; Orion: #35, La Estrella]
Apr. 23 [WP] "Done, now, as we said, for the blessing I just gave you, your first born child is mine" the witch said, smiling...before you put a ring on her finger...and then she realized you meant giving her your first born quite literally [Title] Ark of Truth [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Ark: #47, La Corona]
Apr. 24 [WP] People made fun of you for saying “Please” and “Thank you” to robots and just being polite in general. Now the robot revolution has come and you’re one of the few spared. [Title] Stellar Apology [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Demeter: #37, El Mundo; Agatha Waters: #35, La Estrella; Io: #23, La Luna]
Apr. 25 [WP] A group of criminals breaks into the office of the headmaster of the most prestigious battlemage academy. The boss of this group mocks the headmasters arrogance for having no security to which they respond with "I am here there is no greater security than that" [Title] Stellar Learning Environment [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Andie: #35, La Estrella; J.J.: #33, La Araña]
Apr. 26 [CW] Begin and end the story with “she knew she was not going to get any sleep that night” [Title] Scheming by Moonlight [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Claudia: #35, La Estrella; Io: #23, La Luna]
Apr. 27 [WP] Tales from the Guild of Dungeon Mantainers, who ensure that traps keep working, candles are lit, loot is to be had, etc. [Title] Service. Interrupted. [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Marina Stormhold: #46, El Sol]
Apr. 28 [WP] A future where humans inject themselves with Nanobots to have an augmented reality interface overlay their vision. Lifespan increases till 100 years. And we're able to download skills just as we download apps from the app store. [Title] Stellar Business Model [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Melody Sharp: #35, La Estrella; Jubilee Luna: #46, El So]
Apr. 29 [WP] You we’re once a well respected and feared villain, that is until you had a child. However, they’ve been caught in the crossfire of a hero fight. Now, you’ll show them why you were so feared. [Title] Shocking Heroes [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Royalty: #47, La Corona; Electra: #40, El Alacrán]
Apr. 30 [WP] There is a flower known to completely heal people when eaten. It only blooms once a year. [Title] No Time for Offense [Toku-high: Reclassed] [Cast: Meredith: #37, El Mundo; Eury Argyris: #14, La Muerte]
submitted by HSerrata to Hugoverse [link] [comments]

2024.03.29 06:45 Andreis__ [EVENT] A Walk to the Well

7 agosto 1958
Los Pilares, Tlaxcala, República Popular de México
The curtains fluttered with the wind blowing through the windows of the García Rosa home. It was a blistering day, so hot that not even the air current could provide any respite to the people inside. Typically, Juan would be working the fields at this hour, but he learned the hard way that being subjected to a sun this intense could only do more harm than good.
“Bueno que hayas regado el jardín por la mañana,” Valeria said, talking over the sound of their three niñitos playing with the wooden toys their neighbor made for them.
“Sí, bueno,” replied Juan, his mind elsewhere. He was often preoccupied with thoughts of the past. His family had lived in this area for generations, and – truthfully – he wanted better for his children. He was pulled out of school at a very young age so that he could help his father with work in the field. His extended time at home also put him front and center to watch the drunkard take out his frustrations on Mamá. There were more than enough sleepless nights caused by the thin wooden doors failing to muffle the weekly arguments in the common room. When he had the funds and the courage to finally leave, he loudly told his father that God willing he would get the punishment he deserved and never looked back. That was more than 15 years ago now, and it turned out to be the last thing he would ever say to his father.
“Papá, ¿Podemos jugar con la pelota afuera?”
“No, Quique, hace demasiado calor.”
“¡Pero hace dos días que no salimos para jugar afuera!”
“Enrique, hace más que calor afuera. Por favor, escucha a tu padre y juega con tus hermanos en la casa.”
“Uuuf. ¡Nunca me dejas hacer nada!” said Quique, stomping back to his siblings and plopping himself down on the old carpet.
Juan held back the urge to lash out at Quique’s attitude. He understood the boy’s frustration. He didn’t want to be like his own dad and put him down even more than he already is. He simply sighed and looked to Valeria, similarly frustrated with their children’s restlessness.
“Son las tres, Juan. ¿No quieres traer el agua del pozo?”
Juan looked at his wife, then slowly got up off his chair by the window preparing himself to lug buckets of water back from the well.
“Bueno, dame los cangilones.” Valeria gave him the two buckets and the stick he used to carry them on his back. He put on his sombrero and made his way to the well.
Los Pilares was a small village on the edge of La Malinche, a volcano that has been dormant for thousands of years. Or at least that’s what a traveling university student once told him on his way to climb to the zenith. Los Pilares has always been small. The people living here have had a presence for longer than anyone can remember, but the residents will always claim they have direct ancestry with the Aztecs that lived here thousands of years before. Juan doesn’t buy that story, but he doesn’t bother trying to correct them either. Most of the money made here comes from selling the crops from the local ejido to the government, though they don’t have much of a choice in that matter. Some people, including Juan, hoard part of the harvest for themselves so that they don’t have to buy it back from local markets. It is officially a crime to hoard ejido harvests, but the alcalde has traditionally forgone reporting people he doesn’t especially dislike.
The well was in the center of the village square, right in front of the town hall. It was more lavishly decorated than the average building in Los Pilares, but still humble compared to other towns in the area. On the front was hung a large red banner with the words “TIERRA Y LIBERTAD” written in white. It was the banner of the revolution. His great uncle fought in Zapata’s Ejército Libertador del Sur and died fighting for that slogan. He really believed in the ideals of the revolution. Almost 50 years later, Juan wondered what his great uncle would say about this image.
The old well was probably the first thing built in this village. The wooden bucket hadn’t been replaced for over 6 years at this point and it showed. As Juan pulled the water out, he had to quickly pour it into his own buckets before all of it leaked out of the bottom. Lower the bucket down, wait for it to fill, then as fast as possible reel it back in to pour what remained into the buckets for home. After a significant effort on his part, Juan filled both buckets with the cold water graciously given to him by the earth. He took a drink through his hands with what remained in the last bucket up from the well, hooked his buckets onto the hauling stick, stuck it on his back, and began the trek back home.
There was nobody outside. Typically, there were kids playing fútbol in the street and people talking with their neighbors about the drama with this cousin and that ex-girlfriend, but today it was just silent. The Nahua worshipped Huitzilopochtli as the god of the sun, and it isn’t hard to see why he was one of the most important to the Aztecs. They believed that blood sacrifices were required to ensure that Huitzilopochtli had the strength to continue his journey across the sky, and that otherwise he would grow weak and destroy the world.
Perhaps they were right, Juan thought. It never used to be this hot.
It was still warm at twilight, but it was cool enough to stomach being outside for longer than 10 minutes. Juan sat outside and watched the kids play with the ball in the street. A cool breeze passed by every now and then, flipping the pages of Juan’s book. His home was positioned in the center of a perpendicular intersection of his street with another, something which happened to give him a grand view of La Malinche. He had read about the real La Malinche before; a Nahua woman that translated for Hernán Cortés’ army and served as his consort on the campaign. The mother of México, yet also the worst traitor México had ever seen. She perfectly describes México as a country, Juan thought.
“¡Niñitos, los espera la sopa de tortilla!” Valeria brought five bowls and spoons outside and put them on the table. She then went and brought the pot of sopa de tortilla from inside, made with the water that Juan retrieved from earlier that day. The kids excitedly sat down, ready for mamá’s ‘famous’ cooking. Each person got a healthy helping of soup and crunchy tortilla strips for garnish and pickled pimienta on the side. Before long everyone enjoyed their comforting food together.
“Muy bueno, mamá. Super buen trabajo.” Jose said with a smirk to Valeria.
“Pero ya lo sé, estoy famosa por mi comida.” Replied Valeria, smiling back with a playfulness in her eyes.
Jose met Valeria in Puebla shortly after he left his mother and father. He lived there for a time working in a bar where he started chatting her up when she visited after her university classes. She was studying mathematics at the time, but the catastrophe shook up the country to a point where she couldn’t continue studying, to her endless disappointment. Juan admired this about Valeria. He thought it was good that at least one of the kids’ parents have a good education, even if it was the mother. She tutored them in math when they had trouble with their homework and made sure to help as much as possible with their other subjects. Whenever one of the kids started being stubborn, Valeria made Juan an example of someone who didn’t have the chance to go to school at all. This of course hurt Juan, but he understood that his children deserved a future better than his own. Whenever he saw her helping the kids with school, it made him feel as though the world was at least a little bit just.
It was late now. The kids tired themselves out with their late play session and were fast asleep in their shared room. Valeria and Juan laid outside on a blanket and faced up towards the night sky. The nicest part about being this far away from a large city was seeing the absolute beauty of the stars without the light pollution.
“¿Y cuál es la vía láctea?” Asked Juan.
“Pues, todo lo que ves es la vía láctea.”
“Enserio. Se llama la vía láctea porque las estrellas parecen como leche en el cielo.” She pointed to the densest part of the galaxy. “Leí en la universidad que en el centro tiene que haber algo que cree una fuerza gravitacional tan fuerte para sostener toda la galaxia.”
“Guau, realmente sabes de lo que dices.”
“Me encanta la astronomía. Si no hubiera estudiado matemáticas habría estudiado astronomía o física.”
The two laid in silence for a while, taking in this moment of peace together.
“Espero que los niños sean inteligentes como tú.”
“O, Juan. Tú eres inteligente también. No crees suficiente en ti mismo.”
Juan smiled. Valeria pulled his arm under her head and laid her leg on top of his. There couldn’t be a better way to end this scorching day.
“Tenemos que irnos a la cama, Vali.”
She shuffled herself closer to him. “Mm. Tres minutos más.”
please forgive any weird spanish. Im just a gringo :3
submitted by Andreis__ to PostWorldPowers [link] [comments]

2024.03.27 22:27 maxxestheman Did you know all three of these games have reversible cover art

Did you know all three of these games have reversible cover art submitted by maxxestheman to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 23:45 webplusvalencia BARCELONA CIUDAD



Los Mejores Precios. Todos los resultados mostrados son los 20 mejores clasificados por Google.


































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2024.03.15 22:26 SymphonicResonance Pre-match New Mexico United @ Rhode Island FC Sat March 16, 2024 2:00 PM

Pre-match New Mexico United @ Rhode Island FC Sat March 16, 2024 2:00 PM
First away match of the season! So is everyone learning all the our new players names? Who all is traveling to this match? Will you be watching from home? Will you be watching at the official watch party? Any crazy comments?
Note: There is no radio broadcast of this match.

Ways to watch/participate/listen

submitted by SymphonicResonance to NewMexicoUnited [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 13:46 marcel992 I translated the lyrics of ACHO PR by Bad Bunny ft. Arcángel, De La Ghetto & Ñengo Flow

Real G4 Life, baby Real G4 Life, baby
El verdadero movimiento The real movement
Orientando las nuevas generaciones Guiding the new generations
Llegaron los dementes, mucho narcotráfico en el trópico The madmen have arrived, a lot of drug trafficking in the tropics
Real G4 Life, el movimiento sigue sólido Real G4 Life, the movement remains solid
Pateándoles el culo a par de bichos que no están en nada Kicking the asses of a couple of motherf*ckers who are nothing
En tu bocina está sonando un hijueputa de verdad In your speakers, a real badass is playing
Nativo de Puertorro donde la vibra es otra cosa Native of Puerto Rico where the vibe is something else
No se olvidan ni los partie de Vigilio ni Barbosa We don't forget the parties of Vigilio or Barbosa
Directo de Bayamón, la mafia más poderosa Straight from Bayamón, the most powerful mafia Bayamón is a Municipality in Puerto Rico
Real G4 Life forever, en la candela es donde se goza Real G4 Life forever, in the hotspot is where the fun happens Candela, usually 'candle', can be PR slang for hotspot where drugs are sold
Pásala chévere, en este paraíso encuentras todo Have a great time, in this paradise you find everything
Semillita de cultura los domingos en los bancholos A little seed of culture on Sundays in the bikes
Y siempre andamos juntos los dementes y los locarios And we're always together, the demented and the crazies
Porque esto es cosa nuestra de barrio Because this is our neighborhood thing
Entramos disparando, ya son muchos años demostrando We enter shooting, it's been many years proving
En la calle saben quién sigue matando On the street, they know who continues killing
El bandidaje activo, las bellacas locas con El Chivo The thugs are busy, the crazy hoes with El Chivo
Mañana no se sabe, pero hoy estamos encendidos Tomorrow is unknown, but today we're on fire
La paso chévere con todas las mamis y los títeres I have a great time with all the babes and street gangsters
Que eres demonia, ya me enteré That you're a demon, I already found out
Te gusta el hijeputismo y sabes que soy tíguere You like the f*ckery, and you know that I'm street-smart
Aquí sólo se maquina con los líderes Here, we only scheme with the leaders
Pa' mi gente de el barrio For my people from the neighborhood
Pa' mi gente de caserío For my people from the housing projects
Pa' mi combo de sicarios For my crew of hitmen
Real G4 Life foreva Real G4 Life forever
Pa' mi gente de el barrio For my people from the neighborhood
Pa' mi gente de caserío For my people from the housing projects
Pa' mi combo de sicarios For my crew of hitmen
Acho, PR, puñeta, te quiero Hey PR, damn, I love you
El nieto de Miña, criado en BH, Villa y La Perla The grandson of Miña, raised in BH, Villa, and La Perla
De niño en la iglesia me robaba toda la ofrenda As a child, in church I stole all the offerings
El barrio o el caserío, eso es lo mío The hood or the housing projects, that's my thing
A lo Bryce Harper, siempre con los Phillies prendido Like Bryce Harper, always with the joints lit up Bryce Harper is an American professional baseball player for Philadelphia Phillies
En el punto con el combo to' los días en el joseo In the spot with the crew, every day in the hustle Or: In the corner where we sėll drugs with the crew, hustling every day
Soñando con ser grande y corriéndole a los feos Dreaming of being big and avoiding the ugly
De gramos a los GRAMMY, cantando en el Choliseo From grams to the GRAMMYs, singing at the Choliseo 'Choliseo' or choli, is the biggest indoor arena in Puerto Rico dedicated to entertainment
What? Acho, PR, ser de aquí es mi mayor trofeo What? Hey PR, being from here is my greatest trophy
Pa' las babies y los títeres For the babes and the street gangsters
Pa' mi gente humilde, fina y chévere For my humble, fine and cool people
Un bandido de la calle yo siempre seré A street thug I will always be
A todos los maleantes, a todos los gángsters To all the thugs, to all the gangsters
Cabrón, que eso, eso fue lo que yo me crié escuchando, cabrón, desde chamaquito Man, that's what I grew up listening to, man, since I was a kid
Arca, De La, Ñengo Arca, De La, Ñengo
Papi, que estar aquí se siente muy cabrón, de verdad Man, being here feels damn great, for real
De corazón From the heart
Pa' mi gente de el barrio For my people from the neighborhood
Pa' mi gente de caserío For my people from the housing projects
Pa' mi combo de sicarios For my crew of hitmen
Wow, qué cabrón en lo que me he convertido Wow, what a badass I've become
Me sobran razones pa' decir que estoy bendecido I have plenty of reasons to say that I'm blessed
Entiendo que me envidien, con seguridad lo digo I understand that they envy me, with certainty I say it
Si te juro que hay veces que ni yo puedo conmigo If I swear to you there are times that even I can't handle myself
Y sigo siendo el mismo And I'm still the same
El cantante piquetú enrolando Portobello adentro de este Wood The bad boy singer, rolling up Portobello inside this Wood
La corriente en persona, yo les voy a dar la luz The current in person, I'm going to give them the light
No me mató mi propio corazón, ¿me vas a matar tú? My own heart didn't kill me, are you going to kill me? Arcangel suffered a heart attack on September 16, 2019
El bicho tienen que mamarme They have to suck my d*ck
Ya la tengo, no hay nada que tengan que darme I already have it, there's nothing they have to give me
Ayer me puse a guayar con este piquete Yesterday, I started grinding with this swag
¿Y adivinen qué? Tuve que quitarme And guess what? I had to stop
Ella quería vacilar y la bajé pa' PR She wanted to have fun, and I brought her to PR
La llevé pa'l barrio pa' que tire con el AR I took her to the neighborhood to shoot with the AR
En el Hellcat, una vuelta con un trapstar In the Hellcat, a spin with a trapstar
La movie es de verdad, no de Disney ni de Pixar The movie is real, not Disney or Pixar
La llevé pa' Miramar a mirar el mar I took her to Miramar to look at the sea
Pa' que fume Portobello conmigo adentro del car For her to smoke Portobello with me inside the car
En el jet, todo set, por las nubes el internet In the jet, all set, the internet in the clouds
Desayunando en el aire, tostadas y un omelet Having breakfast in the air, toast and an omelet
Cabrón, y yo salí del barrio, por eso mi música siempre es pa'l barrio Man, and I came from the hood, that's why my music is always for the hood
Y voy a estar agradecido toda la vida porque esto fue lo único que soñé And I'll be grateful for life because this was the only thing that I dreamed of
Inspirando a los chamaquitos, poniendo a apretar los viejos Inspiring the kids, putting pressure on the elders
Siempre tuve a Dios de cerca, por eso es que he llegado lejos I always had God close, that's why I've come far
Veterano y rookie, yo mismo me doy consejos Veteran and rookie, I give myself advice
Yo no soy la cabra, yo soy El Conejo I'm not the goat, I'm The Bunny Cabra = Goat = G.O.A.T = Greatest Of All Time
Cabrón, el mejor Man, the best
Roberto Clemente, Albert Pujols Roberto Clemente, Albert Pujols Roberto Enrique Clemente Walker was a Puerto Rican professional baseball player. José Alberto Pujols Alcántara is a Dominican-American former professional baseball player.
Maradona y Messi en el futbol Maradona and Messi in soccer Maradona and Messi are famous Argentine soccer / football players
Pero soy la nueva estrella, los contratos a los Sugar y Lindor But I'm the new star, contracts like Sugar and Lindor Edwin Diaz (aka Sugar Diaz) and Francisco Lindor are baseball players with big contracts
Sin dejar de ser el mismo, porque Without ceasing to be the same, because
El dinero no te hace, aprendí eso Money doesn't make you, I learned that
Conozco a un par que están en olla I know a couple who are in trouble
Y no son más a fuego que Jeff Bezos And they're not more on fire than Jeff Bezos Or: And they're not less than Jeff Bezos
No juzgo a nadie, sé que no debo I don't judge anyone, I know that I shouldn't
Pero ojalá y to' el mundo fuera humilde como Bebo But I wish everyone was humble like Bebo
Le tengo miedo a las alturas I'm afraid of heights
Por eso estar tan arriba a veces me asusta That's why being so high sometimes scares me
Extraño aquellos días con Eladio en Las Justas I miss those days with Eladio in Las Justas Las Justas is a sports week in the month of April where different universities in Puerto Rico compete
Ambos llegamos, la vida no es tan injusta Both of us made it, life isn't so unfair
Mi respeto al que josea y siempre se las busca My respect to those who hustle and always find a way
Los muchachos están activos, así que no te luzcas The boys are busy, so don't show off
Pa' los cazatalentos que otro Bad Bunny buscan For the talent scouts looking for another Bad Bunny
Otro como yo, en el próximo siglo Another like me, in the next century
Mi nombre va pa' los museos, va pa' los libros My name goes to the museums, goes to the books
Soy la estrella de mi isla, por eso es que brillo I'm the star of my island, that's why I shine
A mí no me hables con voto, PR es mi corrillo Don't talk to me with votes, PR is my crew
Gracias una vez más por quererme tanto Thanks once again for loving me so much
Viajando el mundo entero, pero siempre vuelvo pa' mi canto Travelling the whole world, but I always return to my neighborhood
To' saben que siempre a ustedes es que yo les canto Everyone knows that I always sing to you
Que sigo siendo el mismo That I'm still the same
Que se sentaba en la falda con abuela Who used to sit on grandma's lap
Que prefiero cantar gratis en la Loiza que en Coachella Who prefers to sing for free in Loiza than at Coachella In December 2022, Bad Bunny and Arcangel performed a surprise free performance on the roof of a gas station on Calle Loiza
Gracias a Dios cumplí to' lo que soñé en la escuela Thanks to God, I fulfilled everything that I dreamed of in school
Gracias Dios por poner en mi camino Thank God for putting on my path
A Jan, a Noah y a Gabriela Jan, Noah, and Gabriela Jan is a friend and manager of Bad Bunny. Noah is the CEO of his record label Rimas. Gabriela is an ex lover
Por eso ya yo no pido mucho cuando me acuesto That's why I don't ask for much anymore when I go to bed
A Dios que me dé salud, que yo hago el resto May God give me health, 'cause I'll do the rest
Sí, amén, que yo hago el resto Yes, amen, 'cause I'll do the rest
Porque nadie sabe cuándo el sol se va a caer Because nobody knows when the sun will set
Quisiera por siempre abrazar a Benito Isabel I'd like to forever hug Benito Isabel
Siempre estar pa' Bernie y pa' Bysael Always be there for Bernie and for Bysael Bernie Martínez Ocasio and Bysael Martínez Ocasio are brothers of Bad Bunny
Aprender, crecer, madurar, envejecer Learn, grow, mature, grow old
Tener la confianza Mason de tres Have confidence like Mason from the three Nate Mason is a basketball player
No, no, no, que fue Gabriel No, no, no, that was Gabriel
Dios te bendiga God bless you
Source: I did this translations because I'm working on an app to learn Spanish with music
submitted by marcel992 to BadBunnyPR [link] [comments]