Cerita sex ngentot oma

A moot but hopefully interesting brainteaser

2024.05.12 18:50 Kotikbronx A moot but hopefully interesting brainteaser

Hi - I have another intriguing, but probably moot question again - moot since I filed my StAG 15 application back in December 2022 (it’s of course still pending, but at this point changing my filing status wouldn’t make any sense).
So here goes …my Oma married a British national (my Opa, who though born a German citizen in 1885, had naturalized as a Brit in 1905 and returned to Germany ‘permanently’ after the First World War) in December 1920). As an result of her marriage, my Oma automatically lost her German citizenship and automatically, without applying for British citizenship, became a Brit (thereby, years later, after the Novemberpogrom, enabled them to escape from Nazi Germany to England just in the nick of time). My mom, in turn, was born in Germany as a British national through descent in January 1923.
My moot questions are:
  1. Does the sex discrimination restitution law apply to pre-1949 marriages? (If so, my mom would be considered to have been a dual German-British citizen at birth)
And here’s the hopefully fun question, if the answer to my first question is yes:
  1. My mom naturalized as a United States citizen (‘USC’) voluntarily in 1954, but never renounced her hypothetical German citizenship, since she at that time was only a British citizen. I was born in 1957 - so… despite naturalizing as a USC in 1954, would my mom have still been considered a German citizen when I was born based on the new sex discrimination restitution law?
Again, my questions are all theoretical at this point as I have an open and shut (presumably!) StAG 15 case and, though I didn’t apply under Artikel 116, based on a previous response Staplehill kindly (and quickly and succinctly!) provided to another of my moot questions, I’m also likely eligible per Artikel 116, as my Ur-Oma, who unfortunately could not flee with my mom and her parents because she was not, like them, a British citizen, but was, as a German Jew, deported from her home in Hessen and murdered in Theresienstadt in the fall of 1942.
As before, thank you all - and especially Staplehill - for your dedication to this subreddit, and for your straight, to the point, and timely responses!
submitted by Kotikbronx to GermanCitizenship [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 19:25 SenlanZWH G2 vs T1 Hupu Rating and Comments

I'm going to try to translate those top comment from Hupu for MSI, I might skip some of them as they are Chinese internet memes that I've no idea how to translate, and those comment related to Honor of Kings, a popular league like mobile game made by Tencent.
The rating is user poll generated, you can give a rating between 2 and 10 (1 to 5 star), and average is used. A total of 368k people participated in this series' rating.
Hupu rating is an in APP feature so it doesn't really have a link, but here is the post match thread for the match, and on the top there is an link you can click on that get you to that page. link

MATCH 1: G2 vs. T1

G2 Esports
Player Rating Top Comment
BrokenBlade Yasuo 9.5 Go Steel Tempest your mid and support in the back stage.
Yike Lillia 7.4 Felt like you could have ulted earlier in a few of the fights, instead of waiting for a 3-4 man ult.
Caps Tristana 4.6 Chengdu Maocai. (Maocai is a popular local hotpot like dish. Mao has the same pronunciation as Cap in Chinese, and cai(菜 means dish in Chinese) is also used to describe someone that sucks).
Hans Sama Kalista 4.9 You should add your support after this game, you guys got queried into the same game, has to mean something.
Mikyx Rell 3.1 I thought EU is going to be boring Since Hyli didn't make it to MSI, but you are here! 5 star for the comical showing.
Dylan Falco 9.2 This BP is worthy of a 10, both side fighting with their unique picks, regardless of the results, this is entertaining to watch.
T1 (Context: It looks like T1 is getting a lot of 1 star vote for the pause based on the comments.)
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus Twisted Fate 6.1 Nice Yellow Card.
Oner Xin Zhao 6.5 Jocks should really be careful in Chengdu.
Faker Azir 6.9 Early game is so hard to watch, but you are indeed Azir Jinchūriki.
Gumayusi Varus 6.9 Your Varus gives me more of a peace of mind than my condom.
Keria Alistar 7.4 Anyone who understand this game would know how insane this cow is.
KkOma 5.4 That Alistar is a perfect finishing touch.

MATCH 2: G2 vs. T1

G2 Esports
Player Rating Top Comment
BrokenBlade Zac 9.9 Majin Buu is just too op.
Yike Rek'sai 9.9 Chengdu Metro!
Caps Orianna 9.8 Pay tribute to the Caps from S9 that won with AP carry.
Hans Sama Kalista 7.7 If you played slightly better, you guys might actually win today.
Mikyx Leona 6.1 If you didn't int the first two death, I can't imagine.
Dylan Falco 9.5 Why didn't you sub in m0NESY?
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus Ornn 3.2 Do you know why you are not the best top even with your FMVP? Because when you play tank, you can't carry, you are just invisible when you teams are losing.
Oner Viego 2.9 You probably should just go back to Korea now with your good health state. (Reference to an interview done by Oner when asked what is his goal for this MSI, he said beside winning would be able to remain healthy and return to Korea. It got a lot of backlash in China).
Faker Taliyah 2.7 Pay tribute to the legendary mid laner GodV (Mid for LGD in S5, Varus arrowed backwards at worlds).
Gumayusi Varus 6.2 You shouldn't get that much shit, I mean your top side is giga gapped, what could you have done.
Keria Neeko 6.2 It might appears like you have great engage, in reality its just nobody is dodging or backing off.
KkOma 3.1 So this is your true form without pausing.

MATCH 3: G2 vs. T1

G2 Esports
Player Rating Top Comment
BrokenBlade Yasuo 9.9 What make you felt like you could pick TF against me again and again? Because you are the best top based on TikTok?
Yike Vi 9.9 Wow, You Long!(From a poem by Cao Zhi, son of Cao cao. Initially used to describe a female body moves like a swimming dragon, its used in league to describe bruiser moving in and out of enemy and disrupt enemy backline).
Caps Orianna 9.9 The legendary Faker farmer.
Hans Sama Varus 9.8 That flash in the bot lane, so big brain, 99% of the pro will flash up and over the wall.
Mikyx Poppy 9.9 That poppy pick, the Divine Move.
Dylan Falco 10.0 Doesn't matter if you win or lose, you are getting a 10 right now.
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus Twisted Fate 2.5 Big Z, what do you want to develop today. (reference Intel CPUs, currently Zeus is i7 for the two loss, 1/7).
Oner Jarvan IV 2.5 Tarzan: Are you paying tribute to me?
Faker Aurelion Sol 2.5 So, you should go open your app store, download Genshin, and than pull a Neuvillette first. Don't worry T1 fans, you will get your customized patch for worlds again.
Gumayusi Kalista 2.5 Were you cosplaying wolves?
Keria Camille 2.6 Not better than iWandy.
KkOma 2.4 Zhukai: Now you are just flaming me for no reason, my BP is bad, but not this bad.

MATCH 4: G2 vs. T1

G2 Esports
Player Rating Top Comment
BrokenBlade Poppy 8.5 Not at good as Miky's poppy, but you are not the reason G2 lost this game.
Yike Rek'Sai 8.2 You are getting flamed for no reason, you scarified your life to clear that wave and Teddy Guan (LPL Caster) said you inted another on during the cast.
Caps Orianna 5.9 Michelin EU Meal.
Hans Sama Kog'Maw 5.4 Ok, you had your fun this game, please try next game.
Mikyx Renata Glasc 6.0 Why were you roaming with a AD Kog'Maw.
Dylan Falco 7.1 Are you secretly practicing fearless draft mode?
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus K'sante 7.1 Silver Scrapes two days in a row, I love it so much!
Oner Xin Zhao 8.3 This Xin is insane!
Faker Azir 8.5 Azir one trick.
Gumayusi Varus 8.4 You have to ban or take his Varus away from him.
Keria Bard 7.9 Keria: Bro, stop, show mercy, here is a stasis to cool you down a bit.
KkOma 6.0 5 Comfort pick, if you can't win this game, just keep your current form and let PSG send you home.

MATCH 5: G2 vs. T1

G2 Esports
Player Rating Top Comment
BrokenBlade Zac 9.9 Zac King
Yike Bel'Veth 3.0 Paying tribute to JDG Kanavi, in the final match against T1.
Caps Taliyah 3.0 You EW has no mastery at all, so slow.
Hans Sama Jinx 2.2 Dude, seriously? If you don't know how to build, just save up 4750 and buy an AWP for m0NESY and snipe Faker.
Mikyx Poppy 9.8 Everybody wants to win, but not you my friend, you have a bigger dream, you want to be the protagonist of this game.
Dylan Falco 9.2 Not only look good, your BP is also good.
Player Rating Top Comment
Zeus K'sante 8.8 Jinx will have nightmares tonight about you pounding her.
Oner Lee Sin 4.4 Sorry guys, I'll stop visiting Big O sensei these few days. (China like to call a lot of people sensei, but in this game sensei is probably referring to sex workers).
Faker Ahri 9.7 I might carry, I might int, but I'll never be a coward!
Gumayusi Varus 4.8 Did you call Faker big bro after this game.
Keria Kalista 4.8 Ranged Tahm.
KkOma 4.5 Just like yesterday, win or lose, it will feel like losing.
submitted by SenlanZWH to leagueoflegends [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 00:28 elektronegro Oh neim, Frangk bihte nihct

Oh neim, Frangk bihte nihct submitted by elektronegro to OkBrudiMongo [link] [comments]

2024.04.22 07:44 Ordnungstheorie Focus Online ist auf einem ganz komischen Rachefeldzug gegen junge Menschen

Ja, Focus ist eh Müll. Seit einigen Wochen schiebt mir Google aber eine regelrechte Flut von Focus-Artikeln unter, bei denen schon die Überschrift "Der Autor hasst junge Menschen" (Focus-Sprech: Generation Z) brüllt. Eine kleine Auswahl (alles mobile Links):
Wenigstens lässt Focus Online in dieser Vendetta auch ein wenig Raum für Selbstkritik:
Ist die Gen Z gar nicht das Problem, sondern auch wir?
Vielleicht hat sich der Sohn des Chefs als trans geoutet oder das Jurastudium abgebrochen oder so.
submitted by Ordnungstheorie to einfach_posten [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 12:27 Utopila Ich (M34) bin immer noch Jungfrau

wie bereits im Titel beschrieben bin ich mit 34 immer noch Jungfrau und würde gerne mal drüber reden, da es mich teilweise schon belastet.
Ich bin als ich jung war sehr religiös erzogen worden und hatte immer den Eindruck, dass ich nur mit einer Frau im Leben Sex haben oder intim sein darf. Das hat dazu geführt (und wurde durch meine Eltern befeuert), dass sie perfekt sein musst und ich Ansprüche hatte, die einfach keine Frau erfüllen konnte. Entsprechend habe ich in meinen jungen Jahren nie jemanden gedated.
Später wurde meine Mutter sehr krank und da mein Vater das alles nicht verkraftet hatte und Alkoholiker wurde musste ich mich praktisch um beide kümmern und um meine über 90-Jährige Oma. Das waren sehr schwierige Zeiten und ich habe in der Zeit auch noch Arbeiten müssen um das alles zu finanzieren. Ich hatte einfach keinen Kopf zum Daten.
Nach etwa 6 Jahren sind meine Oma, und meine Mutter innerhalb weniger Wochen gestorben und ich habe mich auch von meinem Vater gelöst. Mir wurde bewusst, wie sehr ich mich für alle aufgeopfert habe. Ich habe alles hinter mir gelassen und dann auch mein erstes Date gehabt.
Leider hat Sie damals recht schnell nach meinen vergangenen Beziehungen gefragt und ich war schon 28 und noch Jungfrau. Das hat Sie nicht sehr gut aufgenommen und das ganze beendet bevor es richtig begonnen hat.
Danach habe ich noch zwei weitere Frauen gedated, allerdings ist es einmal an ähnlichem gescheitert, einmal einfach, weil unsere Lebensziele zu unterschiedlich waren. Ich würde sagen, dass ich generell eher schüchtern und unsicher Frauen gegenüber bin, die ich attraktiv finde und von denen ich etwas möchte. Außerdem rede ich mich selbst immer schlecht und bin nicht zufrieden mit meinem Aussehen und fühle mich hässlich. Generell bin ich eher ein Einzelgänger
Mein restliches Leben habe ich allerdings gut in den Griff bekommen. Ich habe viele Hobbys, bin aktiv unterwegs und eigentlich ganz glücklich. Mittlerweile habe ich es akzeptiert und versuche mich auch gar nicht mehr zu daten. Irgendwie fühle ich mit der stillen Akzeptanz auch besser als mit dem Druck den ich mir früher gemacht habe.
Danke für das Lesen. Ich wollte einfach nur mal alles loswerden, da ich da sonst nur sehr selten drüber rede und es mir unangenehm ist es Freunden gegenüber zu „beichten“.
submitted by Utopila to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 20:58 coolcatplay Ex (f24) hat mit mir (m30) Schluss gemacht, keine Gefühle mehr / Anziehung fehlt

Ich (m30) wurde von meiner Freundin (f24) vor ca. 3 Wochen verlassen. Eine zweite Chance hat sie abgelehnt.
Kurze Vorgeschichte:
Kennen gelernt haben wir uns in einem Lokal, bei uns in der Gegend. Ich hatte direkt meinen Blick auf Sie geworfen und war hin und weg. Leider wurde dies erstmal nicht erwidert. Wir hatten uns dennoch angefreundet. In dieser Freundschaft war ich direkt nach einer Beziehung aus. Sie hat es sich schwer getan weil Sie sich von anfang an in typ Mann verliebt hat : min 1,85 groß, breiterer körperbau etc. Das habe ich alles nicht gehabt. Nun ich war dennoch immer für Sie da und konnte sie von mir gut überzeugen. Sie hatte bis zu unserem ersten Kuss keine Gefühle für mich. Das ganze dauerte ungefähr 5 Monate und wir kamen zusammen.
Kurz bevor wir zusammen kamen, hat Sie mehrere Panik-Attacken bekommen und wurde mit einer Angststörung diagnostiziert. Ich habe mich mit ihr wochenlang eingesperrt im Zimmer. Sie lebt bei Ihrer Mutter und ich war auch noch zuhause am wohnen weil einige Monate zuvor meine vorherige Beziehung zerbrach, welche ich beendet hatte. Ich bin zu allen Arzt Terminen mitgefahren, habe sie komplett begleitet durch ihre schwere Situation. Sie hat immer versucht für andere erreichbar zu sein und Ihre Hilfe angeboten. Bspw. Hunde-Sitten (da mussten wir gemeinsam 3 Wochen bei einem Verwandten von Ihr wohnen), Fahrt von A nach B etc. Bei vielem bin ich einfach mitgekommen, damit Sie nicht alleine ist. Die Zeit vergeht, es war alles super, ihre psychische Erkrankung machte ihr zu schaffen wodurch Sie Anfang Februar 2023 mit Antidepressiva behandelt wurde. Der Sex war bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt super. Irgendwann auch nach den ersten Monaten konnte man eine Besserung Ihrerseits verspüren. Ich war immer an Ihrer Seite, habe ihr mit der Uni etc geholfen. Im Juni 2023 hatte ich meine eigene Wohnung und wir haben diese gemeinsam eingerichtet (natürlich hab ich alles bezahlt und wollte das sie sich wohl fühlt). Den Schlüssel hatte ich erst später gegeben, obwohl Sie seit Tag 1 sehr stark daran hing, dass ich ihr sofort den Schlüssel überreiche. Naja für mich keine große Sache, wir konnte aber nicht zusammen wohnen, weil sie noch Studentin ist und eben zuhause wohnt.
FFWD: August 2023. Meine Oma ist gestorben. An diesem Abend war Sie bei mir, hat mich in den arm genommen, ich musste noch ins Krankenhaus bin aber ohne Sie gefahren. Am nächsten Tag, hatte ich gefragt ob sie nicht vorbei kommen würde, weil ich mich aktuell sehr leer fühle und einfach sie bräuchte. Ihre Antwort war: ich weiß nicht, bin zuhause und müde und liege auf der Couch. Willst du nicht kommen? Und bring bitte Schokolade mit. Dieser eine Moment hat mir mein Herz gebrochen. Ich dachte in diesem Moment: Womit hab ich das alles verdient? Wieso ist Sie jetzt in diesem Moment nicht für mich da?
Seit diesem Augenblick, wurde in mir etwas zerstört. Und das hat nun denke ich auch meine Beziehung kaputt gemacht. Die letzten Monate ab Dezember 2023 bis zum 1. März 2024 verliefen ungefähr so: Wir hatten keinen Sex mehr, weil Sie keine Lust hatte. Wenn dann mussten wir uns überwinden. Sie wollte dass ich immer kuscheln komme, obwohl Sie abends nur noch mit Ihrem Handy auf TikTok hing. Ich musste immer kraulen etc. Aber ich hab das gleiche auch von Ihr verlangt. Wieso kommt Sie denn nicht mal zu mir und umarmt mich? Ich war oft auch launisch aufgrund meiner Schichtarbeit Früh/Spät/Nacht im Konti-Wechsel.
Wir hatten auch darüber mal gesprochen, dass wir uns etwas gehen gelassen haben. Wir hatten uns aus Spaß immer gegenseitig etwas fertig gemacht und ich hatte wohl auch geäußert, ach du machst doch niemals schluss mit mir, du brauchst mich. Aber wir lieben uns und möchten dennoch daran arbeiten. Es hat die ersten 2 Wochen ganz gut geklappt, bis wir wieder in das alte Muster verfallen sind.
Aufgrund dessen dass wir keinen Sex mehr hatten, hatte ich natürlich auch weniger Anziehung zu Ihr. Jeder Kuss wurde von Ihr beinahe abgelehnt. Ich hatte daraufhin gesagt, irgendwie fühlt sich das wie eine Freundschaft an.. Sie kommt abends vorbei, legt sich auf die Couch und schaut Ihre Serien. Ich musste immer was kochen, Essen gingen wir auch noch paar mal auswärts. Das war mein eigener Gnadenstoß. 3 Wochen später am 02.03 hat Sie mich verlassen mit der Begründung ihr fehlt es einfach an Zärtlichkeit und Nähe. Die Beziehung hat sich eher ins freundschaftliche Entwickelt. Ich wäre am Anfang anders, hätte mich anders verkauft. Sie hat mich dennoch geliebt, aber es war nicht wie am Anfang vor einem Jahr. Ich hatte es eingesehen und gesagt: Das gleiche kann ich auch von dir erwarten. Wieso kommst du nicht mal auf mich zu? Ihre Antwort war: Sie erwartet das eher von mir.
Ich natürlich dümmlich reagiert und Sie etwas unter Druck gesetzt. Wir hatten uns auch nochmal getroffen und über alles gesprochen. Ihre Therapeutin sagte: Wenn Ihr Freund nicht will, dass Sie zu ihm einziehen auch ohne etwas beizusteuern, dann liebt er Sie nicht vom ganzen Herzen. 1 Woche später hatten wir nochmal telefoniert, ich hab angerufen und gefragt ob Sie nicht Ihre Sachen wieder haben will. Da erwähnte Sie, dass Sie mich vermisst, sie das kuscheln vermisst und dass ich Ihr fehle. Sie hätte sogar einmal so stark geheult und wollte schon fast zu mir fahren und sagen, Sie bereut alles, aber irgendwas hat Sie zurück gehalten. Sie müsste zu Ihrer Entscheidung stehen. Wir hatten uns dann gesagt wir sehen uns nochmal am Samstag (gestern) bzgl. Reden / Sachen etc.
Naja, Sie rief an, weinend, meint Sie hat einen Brief für mich in dem Sie nochmal alles erklärt und Sie mir keine Chance geben kann, weil eben die Gefühle weg sind. Sie spürt keine Anziehung mehr und möchte es nicht versuchen, hat aber dennoch Liebeskummer.
Sie fehlt mir nun seit Tag 1. Alles was ich vernachlässigt habe, obwohl das von beiden Seiten kam, möchte ich nachholen. Ich möchte Ihr gerne Zeigen wie sehr ich sie liebe. Wir hatten die perfekte Basis für eine Beziehung, aber leider ist das knistern weg. Einige Fehler wurden begangen, wodurch der ein oder andere verletzt wurde. Leider. Eine Info: Alle Ihre Beziehungen gingen nach ca. einem Jahr zu ende. Sei es Gefühlstechnisch, ekeln vor Partner oder sehr viel Streit.
Lohnt sich noch ein Kampf? Ich denke erstmal tut eine Kontaktpause gut. Ich weiß aber nicht wie ich das noch aufbauen soll. Denn ich war eigentlich nicht Ihre Liebe auf den ersten Blick.

submitted by coolcatplay to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.03.24 17:44 Pumuckl4Life Früher war alles anders

Früher war alles anders submitted by Pumuckl4Life to deutschememes [link] [comments]

2024.03.04 21:56 NighteyesWhiteDragon NATLA Ep 4 - Did anyone else catch...

That they made Oma and Shu a same sex couple?
submitted by NighteyesWhiteDragon to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2024.03.02 12:25 thewritegrump Would you believe me if I told you that this fic is a spin-off of a spin-off of a niche AU and that it is now over five times the length of the fic that started this whole thing?

Would you believe me if I told you that this fic is a spin-off of a spin-off of a niche AU and that it is now over five times the length of the fic that started this whole thing? submitted by thewritegrump to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 11:42 Salzmine Freundin beschuldigt mich der Erpressung

Ich weiß nicht mehr weiter und brauch Rat. Meine Freundin(w27) und ich(m29) sind seit 2 Jahren zusammen und kennen uns seit 10 Jahren. (lange Zeit beste Freunde 4 Jahre Pause und kein Kontakt) Unsere Beziehung läuft super, Sie ist meine beste Freundin und andersrum, wir unternehmen viel (Urlaub, Ausflüge, etc.) Sie hat eine Tochter aus der Jugend(w6) die ich genau so liebe wie ich Sie liebe. Wir sind am 01.01. aus meiner 1-zimmer Eigentumswohnung in Die Tochter lebt beim Vater bzw. bei der Oma väterlicher Seite und es gibt ein geteiltes Sorgerecht. Wir haben die kleine alle zwei Wochen für ein Wochenende, das hat sich mit der Zeit so eingependelt, da Sie es nicht geschafft hat, alleine dem Kind das zu bieten, was Sie sich für Sie wünscht. So viel zum Hintergrund und der Beziehungsdynamic. In unsere gesamte Beziehung gab es bis auf einen großen Streit im Sommer letzten Jahres keine Probleme. Zu dem Streit: Bei dem streit ging es um unser Sexualleben, ich war nicht zufrieden da wir zu der Zeit, wenn es hochkommt, 1x die Woche Sex hatten, was deutlich weniger war als wir bzw. ich gewohnt war. Ich habe zu der zeit ein paar sehr drastische Sachen gesagt, genau wie Sie. Das Ganze endete mit einer 48-stündigen Trennung. Wir haben uns beide ausgesprochen und entschieden, doch zusammen zu bleiben. Der erste Monat nach dem streit war eine harte Zeit, Sie hatte jemanden über einen Freund kennen gelernt, in dem Sie einen Freund gesehen hatte. Er hat im Nachhinein für viel Aufruhr in unserer Beziehung gesorgt, in dem er schlecht über mich geredet hat. Ich hatte schon damals gesehen, dass der Typ mehr wollte. Meine Freundin wollte das nicht sehen. Sie war schon immer der Typ Frau, der hauptsächlich mit männlichen Freunden umgeben hat. An einem Tag wollte Sie dann feiern gehen (vorher auch schon nie ein Problem für mich gewesen, bin nicht der große Feier Typ) und ist dann mit Ihm losgezogen. An dem Abend habe ich Sie dann vom örtlichen Kiez abgeholt, da er Sie dort sehen lassen hat, weil er wohl nicht das bekommen hat, was er wollte. Letztendlich hatte ich recht und Sie hat es eingesehen und den Kontakt komplett abgebrochen. Unsere Beziehung hatte sich anschließen wieder zu einem Traum entwickelt, alles war wieder im Lot. Wir sind in den Urlaub geflogen (Gran Canaria) haben Ausflüge unternommen und Freunde getroffen. (oft gemeinsam, selten allein) Nun zum Problem: Sie hatte für drei Jahre einen sehr guten Freund bzw. „besten Freund“ mit dem Sie sehr viel gemacht hat. Das alles hat in dem Zeitraum stattgefunden, wo wir keinen Kontakt hatten. Ihre damalige Beziehung ist auch unteranderem wegen dieser Freundschaft kaputt gegangen, da Sie nach einem Streit, der in einer 3-monatigen Trennung endete, direkt mit Ihm geschlafen hatte. Die beiden hatten sowas wie eine sehr kurze Beziehung, die endete, weil Sie nicht mehr mit Ihm (Bester Freund) schlafen wollte. Damit endete auch die Freundschaft der beiden und auch die Beziehung die anschließend wieder zwischen Ihrem damaligen Partner zustande gekommen ist hat keine weiteren drei Monate überlebt. Der „beste Freund“ hatte anschließend aus Frust einiges an negativen Sachen über Sie an die Familie des Vaters Ihrer Tochter gesteckt. (Drogennutzung, Sprunghafte Beziehungen, etc.) Was in einen Sorgerechtsstreit endete, der vor Gericht entschieden werden musste. Sie hatte damals fast Ihre Tochter verloren. Nun hatte dieser ehemals „beste Freund“ eine Hündin die meine Freundin geliebt hatte. Sie hatte schon von dem Hund geschwärmt, wann immer wir irgendwo einen Hund gesehen hatten und wir und über eigene Haustiere unterhalten hatten. Der Hund wurde in der Letzten Woche durch einen Gift Köder vergiftet und musste gestern eingeschläfert werden. Das Ganze hat Sie durch einen Bekannten mitbekommen, der diesen (ehemals besten Freund) ebenfalls kennt. Sie hat daraufhin kontakt (über Tiktok) zu Ihm aufgenommen und ist vorbeigefahren, um dem Hund die letzte Ehre zu erweisen. Ich fand die Idee nicht gut, aber ich bin selber Tierliebhaber und konnte die Trauer verstehen. Sie hatte eine Bindung zu dem Tier. Also habe ich meine Sorgen (sie verzeiht sehr schnell) hintenangestellt und Sie einfach machen lassen. Nun erzählte Sie mir am Abend, nachdem ich Sie abgeholt hatte, dass Sie heute wieder zu Ihm fahren möchte, um zu schauen, wie es Ihm geht. Ich habe darauf hin wohl etwas böse geschaut und meinte zu Ihr Trocken. „Ein letzes mal, wenn du wieder Kontakt zu Ihm aufbaust, bin ich Weg“ Sie fragte, warum und ich meinte zu Ihr, dass Sie scheinbar vergessen hat, was er Ihr angetan hat. Eine so toxische Persönlichkeit möchte ich nicht in unserem Leben. Wir sind dann beide Schlafen gegangen. Heute Morgen haben wir nun einen Riesenstreit, weil Sie meint ich erpresse Sie. Ich habe versucht Ihr nochmal vor Augen zu führen, warum das eine dumme Idee ist. Auch habe ich ein schlechtes Gefühl im Bauch, was diese Beziehung angeht. Sie ist uneinsichtig und meint nur Sie lässt sich nicht erpressen, ich bin der Meinung, dass ich hier nur meinen Standpunkt vertrete, das ist einfach ein no-go für mich. Was soll ich nun machen? Soll ich weiter meinen Standpunkt vertreten oder ist mein Gedankengang hier falsch? Ich Liebe Sie sehr und möchte nicht das die Beziehung endet, aber ich sehe auch keine Beziehung mit Ihr wo er mit in unserem Leben ist.
Entschuldigt bitte Rechtschreib- und Gramatikfehler, ich bin derzeit etwas aufgewühlt und schreibe diesen Text in meiner Firma.
submitted by Salzmine to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 14:49 raggedsweater Did anyone else notice the slight change in Omashu’s founding?

In the LA, Oma and Shu were both female lovers; in the animated series, they were a male and female. It adds more to the forbidden nature of their love. I, for one, love how inclusive Avatar’s universe is. Having this slight change in Omashu’s history makes ATLA subtly more consistent with TLOK after the Korea and Asami reveal. I’m not sure if there was any other references to same-sex couples in ATLA.
(Perspective from a hetero-dad hoping to raise kids in a world that seems to struggle with sorting out hate and bigotry)
submitted by raggedsweater to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 04:24 JonnyK23 Noticed a change in the live-action that I enjoyed! Shoutout to representation.

Hi everyone! I believe representation matters and the live-action made a cool change I wanted to point out. The Cave of Two Lovers, Oma and Shu, are women in the new series! Shoutout to same-sex couples being authentically normalized and humanized!
Here's my article If you want to read my thoughts! read it here!
submitted by JonnyK23 to Avatarthelastairbende [link] [comments]

2024.02.24 04:18 JonnyK23 Did you see how they changed the Cave of Two Lovers? I wrote about it!

read my article for njgaylife.com

They actually changed the origin story and I really like it. Oma and Shu were women in the live-action, a same-sex couple! So canonically in the live-action the first earthbenders learned from the badgermoles were Oma and Shu.
submitted by JonnyK23 to TheLastAirbender [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 11:57 degejos Terlahir Dikotil didunia yang Monokotil

Terlahir Dikotil didunia yang Monokotil submitted by degejos to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 08:56 Rampaging_Celt [Job] Crown of Thorns - {2024-02-08 00:30 (UTC)}

{2024-02-08 00:30 (UTC) }
Player Count: 3-5
Duration: IDK Omae, depends on how fast you work? 4ish likely
Communication: A working microphone for Discord voice chat, access to Roll20 for a lobby.
In game location: Seattle
Game theme: Persecution
Game type: Investigation, Wetwork, Extraction
Threat level: Crimson Rewards as Medium
Prerequisites: Patience for my dumbass, basic understanding of your character and the setting, enthusiasm
IC Response: Give an example of a time your character did the right thing for the wrong reason(s).
OOC Response: A link to your character sheet, your role and comfortability with it between 1 and 10. Your discord username, if you’re worth any bonus GMP, and if you have a hard time limit. IC Response not required but appreciated.
Content Warnings: Christofascist Violence, and standard 6th world CW’s (violence, drugs, sex, etc)
Some jackass is messing up my operation and the brass wants my ass if this isn’t cleaned up soon. Need some assets with a good head for danger and more than a single goddamned braincell amongst them. If that sounds like you or you just want to kill some bad men I’m hiring. Pay is Appropriate for the work.
submitted by Rampaging_Celt to RunnerHub [link] [comments]

2024.02.01 14:11 yslbeezyturnup Keine Lust mehr auf Sex & noch mehr Probleme

Moin, ich (M22, Student) bin mittlerweile seit über 2 Jahren mit meiner Freundin (23, Vollzeit-Job) zusammen. Wir leben auch quasi seit dem wir uns kennen zusammen, weshalb für uns auch schnell klar war, dass es kein Problem ist eine gemeinsame Wohnung zu beziehen.
Jetzt zu den Problemen: Ich würde mich niemals als super ordentlichen Menschen definieren, aber im Chaos bin ich einfach extrem unproduktiv, weshalb ich versuche das Wohnzimmer halbwegs ordentlich zu halten. Sie hingegen gibt nen Fick darauf, um es mal so auszudrücken. Alles was sie anfasst bleibt woanders liegen, solange bis ICH es wieder wegräume (es liegt schon lange der Verdacht auf ADHS; beide Eltern selbstständig, größtenteils von der Oma großgezogen). Ich mache alles im Haushalt (Einkaufen & Kochen mache ich gerne), aber alles andere wird zunehmend zur Last. Klar ich bin öfter zu Hause und sie bedankt sich regelmäßig für meine Arbeit, aber neben meinem Studium bin ich Selbstständig und habe zusätzlich zwei Jobs, weil ich auch einfach hohe Ambitionen für meine Karriere habe. Ich bin es leid im Müll zu leben. Sie ist jetzt kein Messi, aber alles fliegt überall herum. Ich kann halt nicht für zwei Personen gleichzeitig Aufräumen, dafür fehlt mir einfach die Kraft. Habe auch schon oft versucht normal mit ihr darüber zu reden und ihr auch gesagt, dass ich schon des öfteren darüber nachgedacht habe deswegen auszuziehen, aber das lässt sie scheinbar kalt. Aber wenn ich mir irgendwas zu schulden kommen lasse ist direkt die Beziehung gefährdet und ich knicke doch wieder ein. Ich bin halt auch ein Mensch der Konflikten aus dem Weg geht und sein Wohl dem seiner Mitmenschen unterordnet, aber wenn ich platze, dann knallt es richtig…
Dazu kommt, dass wir seit knapp 1 Jahr auch noch Probleme im Bett haben. Ich weiß nicht woran es liegt, aber ich habe einfach keine Lust mehr auf Sie. Vielleicht hängt das mit ihrer Faulheit zusammen, vielleicht mit ihren zusätzlichen 25kg oder der Tatsache, dass ich keine Drogen mehr nehme. Versteht mich nicht falsch, ich bin kein Oberflächlicher Mensch. Sie ist nach wie vor meine beste Freundin, mein Anker, mein Ruhepunkt, aber sexuell gesehen ist nicht mehr die Intensität da, wie es mal war. Ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll. Wenn wir Sex haben nur betrunken, oder wenn ich dann doch mal wieder was genommen habe, weil diese Abwesenheit von Lust doch mein Selbstwertgefühl langsam schwinden lässt und Drogen leider ein sehr leichter, aber nur kurzfristiger Ausweg sind. Ich bin auch nicht süchtig oder konsumiere Super regelmäßig. Das letzte mal war Silvester. Da hatten wir auch das letzte mal sex.
Sorry wenn das alles bisschen durcheinander ist. Ich hab versucht nen roten Faden zu finden, aber ich schreibe oder rede mir sowas nie von der Seele, weil ich sowas nur mit mir selbst Diskutiere, um anderen nicht zur Last zu fallen. Vielleicht hilft ja die Info noch zur Einschätzung meiner Person.
Danke schon mal an jeden Kommentar, der mir irgendwie auch nur ein bisschen helfen zu versucht.
submitted by yslbeezyturnup to beziehungen [link] [comments]

2024.01.26 04:07 Kinalvin Caenis’ Servant Profile from FGO material X


Class: Lancer True Name: Caenis Sex: — Source: Greek Mythology Region: Europe Alignment: Neutral Evil Height: 174cm Weight: 59kg
Character Creator: Hikaru Sakurai Character Designer: Azusa Character Voice: Komatsu Mikako Major Appearances in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order
Parameters Values
Strength A
Constitution B+
Agility A
Magical Power D
Luck B
Noble Phantasm C

Class Skills

Magical Resistance: C
A Skill that nullifies Magecraft spells that were done with a chant of two verses or below. It cannot defend against large-scale Magecraft such as Great Magecrafts and Ritual Spells.
Madness Enhancement: EX
Caenis, who is the Hero of Tyranny, possesses a special Madness Enhancement on the occasion of this materialization. They normally have reason, but if their anger accumulates and completely goes beyond the limits of their tolerance, they will completely become a storm of spears to the point that trying to come to a mutual understanding with them is absolutely impossible. It is not something at all where they might kill even their Master, but rather they will have the tendency to try to proactively kill their Master in order to end their own materialization.
Divine Core of the Sea God: B
Caenis the Heroic Spirit originally did not possess a Divine Core, but the Sea God Poseidon bestowed a special grace onto that Spiritual Foundation of theirs. So as a rare exception, the Caenis who is summoned as a Servant possesses a pseudo-Divine Core, and they further possess the Spiritual Status of not a Heroic Spirit Servant, but a Divine Spirit Servant.

Personal Skills

Monstrous Strength: B+
A Skill that temporarily amplifies one’s strength. It is primarily an offensive special characteristic possessed only by monsters and Mystical Beasts. It increases one’s Strength Parameter by one Rank upon usage. The duration for this increase depends on the Rank of “Monstrous Strength”.
The Pillaging Spear: B
A Skill that demonstrates the way an usurper ought to be and how obsessed they are in pillaging/usurping with force.

Noble Phantasms

Lapith Caeneus: Soar, My Great Golden Wings Rank: A Classification: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm Range: 1~50 Maximum Number of Targets: 100 people
An Anti-Army Noble Phantasm that has Caenis’ very own existence sublimated as a Noble Phantasm. They carry out a metamorphosis into “a bird that has golden wings” that they transformed into on the occasion of their death, and they cause damage to the enemy camp by charging into it while flying.
Neptune’s Blessing: The Favouritism of the Sea God Rank: B Classification: Anti-Personnel Noble Phantasm Range: 0 Maximum Number of Targets: 1 person
An absolute defense that is accompanied by the nature of immortality. A Conceptual Defense. It is primarily a Noble Phantasm of the Constantly Invoked-Type.
A blessing granted to Caenis during the occasion where, after her virginity was forcefully taken away from her by the Sea God Poseidon, she transformed into a man in accordance with her wish. An invulnerable body that can stay unscathed even if it was stabbed or cut and can make Caenis ignore iron blades. It even nullifies every weaponry-based attack made on Caenis, but it cannot nullify wide surface attacks done with a large mass or an enormous energy behind it. (It also cannot nullify the entire damage from an attack equal to or greater than an Anti-Fortress Noble Phantasm.)
As a secondary effect, it is possible for Caenis to exercise the Authority to cross over the seas. Due to this, they can even cross over into a Lostbelt.
Poseidon’s Maelstrom: The God of the Sea’s Great Raging Tidal Wave Rank: EX Classification: Anti-Fortress~Anti-Sea Noble Phantasm Range: 1~70 Maximum Number of Targets: 600 people
Caenis pulverizes their target(s) by means of a super-massively large ocean current, and there is no difference whether the target(s) is on the ground or mid-air in the function of this attack. It is a powerful Offensive Noble Phantasm even under normal circumstances like described above, but if it is a situation where the target(s) is on water, underwater, or is close to a large quantity of water, the attack’s power will increase even more. It is a limited reproduction of a very small fraction of the Authority over Oceans that the Sea God Poseidon possesses, and it is primarily regarded as something that has an extremely large area of effect equal to, or possibly greater than, an Anti-Country Noble Phantasm.


First Person Pronouns: ore / “watashi” during the extremely rare occasions where Caenis returned to their past mentally. Second Person Pronouns: omae / temee / “anata” during the extremely rare occasions where Caenis returned to their past mentally. Third Person Pronouns: yakko / aitsu / “kare / kanojo”, etc. during the extremely rare occasions where Caenis returned to their past mentally.


A warrior who keeps anger within themselves. Something that they hate is the sea. Something that they hate is the gods. Caenis has so much anger to the extent that they have Class Aptitude for Avenger. However, one does not sense such a thing from them normally. If they are in a good mood, it seems that they will respond to things cheerfully. Even if they are in a bad mood, if someone talks to them, they will at least respond to them, and would further take the trouble to go along with them with some trifling small talk. They like sweets, so if someone begins to talk about a topic on different kinds of candies, it seems that they will be greatly delighted.
However… if their anger happens to flare up even for a moment, Caenis will become unmanageable. The state of that resulting fury, which does not even make them balk at killing their own Master, can even sometimes compare with a Berserker’s.

Motive / Attitude towards the Master

Caenis hates the matter of serving others. If their partner is on par with a monarch, they would go through with supplanting them on the spot and decapitate their head, before they would ascend to their throne as an usurper.
It seems that the matter where Caenis was obedient to Kirschtaria Wodime in the end, even while saying this and that towards him… can only be described as an exception among exceptions. The reason is that Caenis, who should be repudiating every monarch, noticed something in regard to his soul.
A Master who has summoned the Divine Spirit Caenis must be careful. They are essentially in a vessel that is not fit to be someone’s subordinate. One had better be always on attention regarding their state of mind.

Speech Examples

I’m Caenis. My True Name is Caenis, and I’m a Divine Spirit. ————Tsk. What’s with this “I’m Caenis” from me? He has the fucking nerve to mess with me here too.” “My True Name is Caenis, and I’m a Divine Spirit. It seems that guy said I’m a Lancer. Well, do treat me favourably… Huh? Yo, what, it’s you, huh?! Haha. Whaaat, do you need me after all? Hey, it can’t be helped then; I’ll accompany you!” “I’m… a Divine Spirit!!” “There’s no blade, none whatsoever… that can reach me!

Historical Image / Character Image

A warrior as well as an usurper who appears in Greek Mythology. Caenis went on an adventure with many heroes as a member of the Argonauts. It has been told that————she was a woman, but later became a man.
It is said that Caenis was once a genuine woman, one who was famous for her beauty and had been praised as a beautiful maiden in Thessaly. She continued to reject numerous marriage proposals, but on some day, she received the love of the Sea God Poseidon (Neptune). Her virginity had been taken away by force. Legends say that the Sea God was satisfied and told Caenis “I will completely fulfill any of your wishes”, and she replied with “Please make me not a woman, so that I will not suffer something like this ever again”; thus, Caenis became an invincible man.
It is unsure whether or not Caenis truly became a man. It is said that after their death, Caenis/Caeneus transformed into a bird that has golden wings and disappeared into the sky, but there is also an anecdote where their corpse that was left behind was that of a woman’s. In either case————Caenis/Caeneus became a robust warrior before that and made a show of ruling the lands as an usurper.

During their lifetime, their name as a man is Caeneus. Caenis is their original name (as a female).

Character Image in “Fate/Grand Order

As a Heroic Spirit, they materialize as a Servant with a feminine figure. Just like the name they had around the time where they had lived as a woman, their True Name is also Caenis.
… It is said that Caenis transformed into “a bird that has golden wings” on the occasion of their death. That anecdote is being provided to them as a Noble Phantasm even in this materialization, but there is a possibility where the special characteristic of “being able to shapeshift their body as they please” that this Noble Phantasm contains can run out of control. It is perhaps that reason why they materialized with a female body and why their body is endowed with animal traits.
When Caenis advances through their Spiritual Foundation Ascensions, the Divine Protection and Blessing of the Sea God, which is their Noble Phantasm, appears more pronounced, and they attain a form that gets closer to their own self when they were alive. That is to say, they become a shining existence with no equal, a being coiled around with sublime armour, as if they are in the likeness of the Great Sea God Poseidon————It is the figure of “an invulnerable warrior.
Moreover, as a result of having received a particularly strong grace from Poseidon, Caenis’ Spiritual Foundation is being constructed into a state where their Spiritual Status has substantially ascended. They no longer fit into the status of a Heroic Spirit… The summoned warrior Caenis has achieved a materialization as a Divine Spirit Servant.

In Part 2 of “Fate/Grand Order”, Caenis appears as one of Kirschtaria Wodime’s Servants. There is a reason why Caenis, who hates, detests and loathes every deity, resolved to serve Wodime to the point of being obedient, and it is not just because of his extraordinary charisma. It is partly because Wodime had personally conveyed to Caenis clearly his own intentions – the truth behind “The Reorganization of the Age of the Gods.
To change all humans into gods and have the Age of the Gods reorganized————When all is said and done, the gods from the ancient times would all lose their way of being. Of course, that includes the olden Greek gods, as well as the Sea God Poseidon who Caenis treats as the target of their anger!
That’s excellent, isn’t it? It’s the best way to deal with them!
Caenis had greatly endorsed Wodime for this. “If that’s the case, I will certainly wield the Divine Protection and Blessing of the Sea God that this body is endowed with as a Noble Phantasm to my heart’s content!

Connections to Other Characters

Jason / Medea / Heracles / Atalanta / The Dioscuri / Asclepius
(Their former travelling companions. Caenis has no need to speak of those fellows, but they do not treat them like strangers either.)
(A companion Caenis hangs out with in Chaldea. They get along with each other.)
(The bean sprout. Caenis does not make active efforts to deal with Jekyll head-on since it is troublesome to do so.)
(Their playmate.)
(Does a double take.) (Does a triple take.)
Sakata Kintoki
(Caenis does not take a liking to Kintoki because the latter grew up while being innocent of the ways of the world. In addition, they do not understand well on what his roots are, so they do not take a liking to his inexhaustible nature either.)
(The situation that happens when the two encounter each other is “Oh no, it’s Martha.” Given that Martha is importunate, Caenis runs away whenever they see her face.)
(Caenis’ spine tingles just by seeing Altera’s face. The reason why this happens is unknown to them.)
Adult da Vinci
(Da Vinci has been on Caenis’ mind ever since they heard about the details of how————he wanted to change into a woman out of his own accord. As far as they are concerned, they are a being who cannot understand why he/she would do that, but it is for that reason that they find him/her very interesting.)
Romulus / Romulus-Quirinus
(It seems Romulus belongs to the same family as the God of War Mars; that is to say, Ares. Caenis subconsciously greets him because Poseidon’s Divine Protection within them is showing his feeling of admiration that says “I see.”)
(As a matter of fact, they would get along with each other, but given that they rarely come face to face with each other, Caenis is currently bored as a result.)
(As a matter of fact, they would get along with each other, but————they have not encountered each other in Chaldea even once.)
Gogh / (Swimsuit) Sessyoin Kiara
(“The mermaids in Chaldea are kinda… different. Too different, actually.”)

Comment from Illustrator

Caenis was the first Servant for me where I was able to accept the responsibility of a character’s design in FGO, so I was up to the task of creating their design while being all the more excited. There were also a lot of things that I was of two minds over about when I was designing them, and there were a large number of drafts that ended up being rejected. I thought, ‘Heeey, I would be delighted if there is an opportunity to show these someday.’ Cheers for tanned skin, hurray!! (Azusa)
submitted by Kinalvin to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.01.12 12:40 Kinalvin Zenobia’s Servant Profile from FGO material XIV


Class: Archer True Name: Zenobia Sex: Female Source: Historical Fact Region: The Palmyrene Empire Alignment: Lawful Good Height: 175cm Weight: 60kg
Character Creator: Minase Hazuki Character Designer: Nishide Kengoro Character Voice: Shouji Umeka Major Appearances in Main Works: Fate/Grand Order
Parameters Values
Strength A
Constitution B+
Agility A
Magical Power D
Luck C
Noble Phantasm B

Class Skills

Magical Resistance: D
A Skill that nullifies Magecraft spells that were done in one step (a Single Action). A Magical Resistance of the same degree as an amulet that rejects Magical Energy.
Independent Action: B
The ability to remain autonomous for a while even when rejecting the Magical Energy supply from one’s Master.
As Zenobia has Rank B in this, it is possible for her to maintain materialization in this world for two days even if she is without a Master.
Riding: B
The ability for riding. In the case of most vehicles and beasts, they can be completely managed with above-average skill, but beasts of the Mystical Beast and Sacred Beast Rank cannot be completely managed.
As a strong-minded Queen, Zenobia had got on chariots and horses out of her own accord. It is being told that she rarely embarks on carriages that were made for women.

Personal Skills

Assumption of Augusta: B
A Skill that shows how Zenobia proclaimed herself Empress along with her son – her co-ruler – as Emperor. It is said that she gave her son the title “Augustus”, which was the highest title that indicated one being the Roman Emperor, while she called herself “Augusta”, which is the feminine form of the Augustus title and is a title that indicated one being the mother of the Empress/Emperor. Rather than her saying “We want the crown of the Emperor of the Roman Empire”, this is probably something like her saying “It is us, not you, who are truly worthy in ruling the Roman Empire (the world)” out of pride and sarcasm. For that reason, even if she makes use of this Skill, it would not additionally endow her with the Roman Attribute.
Aurelian’s Siege (Resistance): A
As a result of Aurelian, the Roman Emperor at that time, having personally advanced towards Palmyra with a punitive force, Zenobia was captured at the end of a siege battle. A Skill that represents, up until then, the fierce resistance of the Palmyrene army that Zenobia commanded, and her defiant mentality where she chose to go to war with the foundation of Rome.
Palmyra Heading to Prosperity: A
A Skill that demonstrates Zenobia’s administration faculty of a state that attained balance due to her outstanding military power and intellectual power. She reigned over the Palmyrene Empire skillfully with those powers of hers. Palmyra is an oasis city that existed in the Syrian Desert, and it prospered as an important position for caravans. It is said that at its height of prosperity, Palmyra had governed a vast region that included Syria, Arabia, Egypt and the like.

Noble Phantasm

Authentic Triumph: Break, O’ Golden Chains and Shackles, O’ Golden Shame Rank: A+ Classification: Self-Denial Noble Phantasm Range: 0 Maximum Number of Targets: —
This is a Noble Phantasm whose True Name Release can only be possible during the moment where Zenobia believes, from the bottom of her heart, that “she was able to prove that she is an ideal Queen”, or that “she can prove that matter by battle”, towards her very own present self. She is not able to invoke it if there is even the slightest doubt within her.
By pouring in all of her Magical Energy, emotional strength, willpower, determination, anger, dignity, etc. that she personally possesses altogether, Zenobia smashes the golden shackles and golden chains that are being deeply connected to her Spiritual Foundation as a Servant, before she transforms into the form of “a what-if that she wished for herself”————the form of “the Queen of the East who shook off the loss and shame that were given to her by Roman Emperor Aurelian and who seized victory from Rome.” That is not only setting herself free from her physical body, but also freeing herself from the mentality of the Zenobia from the past who was imperfect.
It is, so to speak, Zenobia denying the possibility of “a Zenobia who is not in her ideal state, one who might have been smeared in cowardice and pleaded for her life”, the denial coming from the side of the Servant, which is a shadow figure, and it is identical to a Conceptual Replacement, temporarily repainting her very own existence. On the occasion that this Noble Phantasm’s True Name Release is achieved, all of Zenobia’s Stats will be raised marvellously.


First Person Pronouns: watashi / (for the occasions where Zenobia is on her formal behaviour) joou (Queen) [watashi] Second Person Pronouns: kisama / kikou / anata / omae, etc. Third Person Pronouns: kare / kanojo / (when regarding things about her Master) Master


Just like the nickname of “The Warrior Queen” that she has, Zenobia’s personality is frankly viewed as clear-cut and straightforward. Regarding her reign, she had used both her cruelty and her generosity for different purposes. In some sense, she is a rational and earnest person. “As a matter of fact, given that I am a talented woman, there are also times where if I was asked for advice by someone, I would have given them some of my knowledge.
It seems reasonable to go to bed early in the night to be prepared for tomorrow. What else is there to do other than that? Umm… That is somewhat… I do not understand it well…” (mumbling)
Zenobia possesses a chaste sense of ethics, and she is a little unfamiliar with love affairs. It is being passed around that she had a sexual relationship with her husband only during the times where she was trying to conceive a child. She does things such as blushing without meaning to from seeing the uninhibited appearances of the Chaldean Servants.

Motive / Attitude towards the Master

The wish Zenobia wants to make on the Holy Grail is for her to personally clear her own shame away. She also thinks that the Holy Grail is not needed if she can demonstrate such a thing during the course of the war where she is fighting in order to obtain the Holy Grail.
Regarding her Master, Zenobia generally comes into contact with them without any difficulties. However, if that person did something like pitying her or laughing at her after they saw her bounded condition, it seems that they will be unable to mobilize her except by using a Command Spell.
Regarding the Chaldean Master, Zenobia will seldomly call them by the name “The Augustus/Augusta of Chaldea”. This word of Augustus/Augusta means “majesty” and the like in Latin, and it later came to be that it was used as a title that indicates the Emperor of the Roman Empire. She had also given that name to her son when declaring independence for their state, and she takes the stance of “The title is merely a title, and it is something that only has meaning when a worthy person takes it as their own.” It is not the case that she blindly attaches an importance to the title itself. That being the case, even if Nero and the other Roman Emperors become offended and say “That is the title of the Roman Emperor! I, too, am Augustus!”, Zenobia would have an unruffled air to her.

Speech Examples

The Queen of the East… is here!” “… You are thinking, ‘What the heck is that appearance’, right? Do not worry, I am thinking of such a thing too. But it is not a problem. I can say with confidence that this is something that cannot be helped. Do not worry about these restraints either. I can fight splendidly even in this condition. In all likelihood, it is for the sake of demonstrating that————Surely it is that reason that I am here… now.” “Romulus, Caesar, and in addition, Nero, Caligula… Hmph. Well, there are a lot of Romans… at this place.” (Seeing the Servants with a high degree of skin exposure) “Huh, hold on, for all of you… to openly show your skin like that… Damn, as I expected, you are all being put to shame by someone… You are not? You are not… Is that so?… No, it is not something I should poke my nose into, but…” (blushing)

Historical Image / Character Image

The Queen of the Palmyrene Empire (Kingdom) that existed near Syria during the era of the Roman Soldier Emperors in the 3rd Century. Zenobia was called the greatest Heroine, as well as the most beautiful woman, of the Eastern World. She is a talented person who manipulated several languages and studied several disciplines, has a physique that was thoroughly trained, and liked riding and hunting. She supported her husband, who was Palmyra’s ruler, with her ingenuity and strength, but because her husband was murdered by one of his relatives, it has been decided that Zenobia would rule over Palmyra as Queen instead.
Palmyra was one of the areas governed by the Roman Empire, but it strengthened its influence so that it could match up with the disorders happening in various places within the Roman Empire at that time, and it became a great state that governed a vast region that included Syria, Arabia, Egypt and the like. Zenobia, who was the actual ruler of Palmyra, intensified her antagonism with the Roman Empire by assuming the title of “Empress” along with her son as “Emperor”.
But the Palmyrene Empire fell as a result of the military expedition led in person by the Soldier Emperor Aurelian, who ascended to the throne for the sake of restoring the Roman Empire back to its former strength, and Zenobia in addition became a captive. Regarding the ceremony of Aurelian’s triumphant return, it is said that Zenobia was made into a humiliating spectacle, her figure decorated with dazzlingly beautiful gems and golden chains and shackles as she was paraded around within the Roman cities.
News were passed around that thereafter, Zenobia either died, or became a Roman citizen and lived in happiness, but…?

Character Image in “Fate/Grand Order

Zenobia will not forget about her loss to Emperor Aurelian, nor the humiliation given to her in that ceremony for his triumphant return. The weight of the golden chains; The ache from the golden handcuffs; The glitter of shame from the gems decorated on her. It is also being told that thereafter, when it was nearly time for her to be put up for judgement, she was so terrified with fear, she begged for her life, but————
As a Servant, Zenobia exists for the sake of dispelling that humiliation. Even if it is an uncertain folklore (where she was close to taking sides with Rome), and even if it is lost from her own memories, it is impermissible for the Queen of the East to do something like begging for her life. It is impermissible to be later forgiven and do something like living as a Roman citizen, which destroyed Palmyra.
Rather than deciding that the humiliation itself of her defeat did not happen, it is surely necessary to overcome it instead. Therefore, Zenobia materializes with that most humiliating form. Her true golden age as a Servant is accordingly “the moment she pushes aside that humiliation and dies as a true Heroine.” Even if she materializes in the form from before that time where she was humiliated – from the time where she had been merely acting as the Warrior Queen, she would not escape from derision such as “But in any case, her heart will be broken after this moment and she will turn into a Queen smeared with humiliation, right?” There is no way she can be her true self if something like that is uttered.
This is exactly why Zenobia will continue to assert that very reason with her very own form as that. “My heart will not break from that sort of thing.” “Although I am bound with golden chains and handcuffs, there is never a time where I will even yield to anything.” She is deliberately in that humiliating form————However, she will not forget about her dignity as a Queen, all while resolutely setting her intense eyes on what is ahead of her.

General Armaments

Manacles and chains (since she is in a state where she is bound in shackles, her fighting style is something like restrained hand-to-hand combat). Her sword. Her javelin.[1] Arrows, fire arrows, stones and ballistas (a system of installed crossbows).
There is a record that Aurelian’s army was tormented by the Palmyrene army.

Connections to Other Characters

The Roman Emperors
There are some things to think about. The fact is that, if they were not tyrants, I would have acknowledged them as it suits the occasion, but…
Zenobia had also ruled over Palmyra as a Roman province until some time.
It is said that they get along with each other.
It was the right thing for us to defy Rome that carries out a tyrannical regime.
It is said that they get along with each other.
Why do you not try joining my army too?” (Zenobia says to Spartacus as an invitation while sweetly smiling.)
Cleopatra, Semiramis
Zenobia had personally claimed that Cleopatra is her ancestor, and that she was Semiramis’ successor. If she comes across them in Chaldea, she will become their fan.
Iskandar, Ptolemy
Zenobia had also personally claimed to be a descendant of the Ptolemaic Dynasty. Because of that, if she also comes across these two people in Chaldea, she will naturally become their fan.
Servants with a high degree of skin exposure, such as Swimsuit Servants and Shuten-douji
Zenobia is squirming without meaning to as if those appearances were about herself.
Are those appearances… okay? They are okay?… Is that so?…

Comment from Illustrator

No matter how much disgrace she receives, the Warrior Queen who denies herself and personifies her ideals will reign in the end. To that end, it was necessary to create as much of a gap as possible between her most humiliating aspects and her most ideal aspects so that Zenobia can experience catharsis when she is set free from her shame, and it resulted in a design like this. After trying to have her shame, her warrior aspects and her queenly aspects stand together, it resulted in an unusually large number of ornaments and equipment being added to her, and the ballistas, which were the cornerstone in the protection of her state, float around the Queen and serve her. These, too, are the embodiment of the strength of Zenobia’s will, who resists in an attempt to demonstrate the form that she wishes for. (Nishide Kengoro)
[1] – The JP text says 投げ矢 (fired arrows), but according to her artworks, she does have a javelin (投げ槍) as one of her armaments. Also, it wouldn’t make sense for fired arrows to be on a separate line of text from her other arrow-related armaments, which that line of text is right below it.
submitted by Kinalvin to grandorder [link] [comments]

2024.01.11 06:32 Ok-Ad-7151 im worried..

hi, saya 26F tinggal skrg di luar indo
per hari ini sudah telat hari ke 5, dan baru bulan lalu dpt pacar baru dan kt did have sex without condoms several times, tp dia ga sampe keluar
dulu memang pernah di diagnose PCOS sama obgyn, tp tahun lalu cek katanya sudah better dan i did researched a lot to make sure i live more healthily supaya symptomnya ga memburuk.
period cycle memang gak terlalu teratur.
kalau dilihat 6 bulan kebelakang, biasanya paling telat 3 hari dr estimasi apps kalender (saya pakai Flo dan P.C.)
saya cuma worry aja takut jackpot jujur… tp gatau mau cerita ke siapa
plis doain saya cpt dtg bulan 🫠
edit: akhirnya datang bulan 🥹 telat total 9 hari.. ga lagi2 deh.. makasi utk semua komen dan masukanny 🥲
submitted by Ok-Ad-7151 to Perempuan [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 19:09 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 03/01/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Agile firefighter (Indiegala Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite (IGN Restricted to American countries)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Backfirewall_ (IGN Key)
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10: Power Trip (HB Unrevealed Key)
BOK-BOK: A Chicken Dating Sim (DIG Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Don't Look (DIG Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
Gloria Victis (HB Unrevealed Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Good puzzle: Castles (Indiegala Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
Harpoon (Indiegala Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Metal Strike (DIG Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ozymandias (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Spirit (AWA Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slaughter 3: The Rebels (DIG Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulblight (HB Unrevealed Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Trash Squad (DIG Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Unexplored (Fanatical Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
What A Trash Game (DIG Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
Worms Rumble (HB Unrevealed Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * The Surge 2 - Season Pass * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Silent Hill Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * XCOM 2 War of the Chosen (Tactical Legacy Pack only) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 19:09 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG Bad Rats [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 03/01/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Agile firefighter (Indiegala Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite (IGN Restricted to American countries)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Backfirewall_ (IGN Key)
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10: Power Trip (HB Unrevealed Key)
BOK-BOK: A Chicken Dating Sim (DIG Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Don't Look (DIG Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
Gloria Victis (HB Unrevealed Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Good puzzle: Castles (Indiegala Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
Harpoon (Indiegala Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Metal Strike (DIG Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ozymandias (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Spirit (AWA Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slaughter 3: The Rebels (DIG Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulblight (HB Unrevealed Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Trash Squad (DIG Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Unexplored (Fanatical Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
What A Trash Game (DIG Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
Worms Rumble (HB Unrevealed Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * The Surge 2 - Season Pass * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Silent Hill Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * XCOM 2 War of the Chosen (Tactical Legacy Pack only) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 19:08 Zoliv13 [H] Bundle games from Humble/Fanatical/IG [W] Wishlist/Offers (Update 03/01/2024)

I'd like some fair exchange for those, i'm willing to put more than one game against a game i really want, depends on the offer. I could accept Paypal, but that's not my goal (just getting games i'd like to play). I might want to keep something in those lists, i also have some other Humble and Fanatical games i'm not sure i'll play, so they might appear one day (could be money for an exchange if you have something from my wishlist, don't hesitate to ask). I'm from Europe, that might matter for Keys or gift links. Also, i have many games now, and a lot to do yet, so i might be very picky, even for games on my wishlist (it's more a list for interesting games, that i might want in an undetermined future if i have time).
(HB Unrevealed Key = i have it still unrevealed, but will provide a key, considering the Humble view on trading games)
For people living in France, i also have some old games in boxes that i can send by post, ask me if interested.
My IGSRep page
My SGSFlair page
My GameTrade page
My Barter (come to Barter, it's so much better !)
My SteamTrade
*** I have Amazon Prime, so i already have the games that drop there ***
*** Please tell me what you're interested in in my list and don't just drop yours ***

1/2 Red Riding Hood (DIG Key)
112 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
911 Operator (HB Unrevealed Key)
A.D.M (Angels,Demons And Men) (DIG Key)
Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion (HB Unrevealed Key)
Agile firefighter (Indiegala Key)
Alien Cat 2 (Indiegala Key)
Aliens: Fireteam Elite (IGN Restricted to American countries)
Arata Haunted Asylum (DIG Key)
Army Men RTS (HB Unrevealed Key)
Autonauts vs Piratebots (HB Unrevealed Key)
Baba Is You (HB Unrevealed Key) (GOOD offers only)
Backfirewall_ (IGN Key)
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ben 10: Power Trip (HB Unrevealed Key)
BOK-BOK: A Chicken Dating Sim (DIG Key)
Cargo Transportation: Low Poly (Indiegala Key)
City Siege: Faction Island (Indiegala Key)
Click and Slay (Fanatical Key)
Codename Ghost Hunt (DIG Key)
Cold Cable: Lifeshift (DIG Key)
Combat Tested (Fanatical Key)
Conflict Area (DIG Key)
Conflict Area (Indiegala Key)
Crazy Sapper 3D (Indiegala Key)
Cube Shifter (DIG Key)
Dagon - The Eldritch Box DLC (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Detached: Non-VR Edition (Indiegala Key)
Dezinsector (Indiegala Key)
Don't Look (DIG Key)
DreamWorks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: Hail to the Icons Parody Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Duke Nukem Forever: The Doctor Who Cloned Me (HB Unrevealed Key)
Endless Void (DIG Key)
EnHanced (DIG Key)
Euler Wars (DIG Key)
Fear Of Mine (Indiegala Key)
Fishermurs (Indiegala Key)
Flyist (DIG Key)
Forep Man (DIG Key)
Frick, Inc. (HB Unrevealed Key)
Gloria Victis (HB Unrevealed Key)
HOGuru Presents: The House With Too Many Zombies In It (DIG Key)
Il Sole e la Luna (DIG Key)
GameGuru (HB Unrevealed Key)
Good puzzle: Castles (Indiegala Key)
Hack 'n' Slash (HB Unrevealed Key)
Harpoon (Indiegala Key)
HoloSprint (DIG Key)
Hotel Transylvania 3: Monsters Overboard (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure (HB Unrevealed Key)
Incandescent (DIG Key)
Intelligence (Indiegala Key)
Izmir: An Independence Simulator (HB Unrevealed Key)
Jumanji: The Video Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Lord of the Click 3 (Indiegala Key)
L.S.S II (DIG Key)
Lust from Beyond: M Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Meeple Station (HB Unrevealed Key)
Mello Haunted House (DIG Key)
Metal Strike (DIG Key)
MirrorMoon EP (HB Unrevealed Key)
Morbid: The Seven Acolytes (HB Unrevealed Key)
NAVALNY: A Nightmare of Corrupt (DIG Key)
NeverSynth (Indiegala Key)
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru (Indiegala Key)
Oracle Trials (DIG Key)
Orbital Racer (HB Unrevealed Key)
Ozymandias (HB Unrevealed Key)
Patriots: Back to Civilization (DIG Key)
Planet TD (HB Unrevealed Key)
POBEDA (Indiegala Key)
Quantum Replica (Fanatical Key) x2
Raccoon: The Orc Invasion (DIG Key)
Railroad Tycoon 3 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Rogue Spirit (AWA Key)
Shiba Army (DIG Key)
Sid Meier's Railroads! (HB Unrevealed Key)
Sit on bottle (Indiegala Key)
Slaughter 3: The Rebels (DIG Key)
Slime Up (DIG Key)
Snowboard (DIG Key)
Soul Grabber (DIG Key)
Soulblight (HB Unrevealed Key)
Space BloX (DIG Key)
Spider-Robots War (Indiegala Key)
Stacking (HB Unrevealed Key)
Starlight Alliance (DIG Key)
StarCrossed (HB Unrevealed Key)
Stick Fight: The Game (HB Unrevealed Key)
Supreme Ruler Cold War (Fanatical Key)
Swag and Sorcery (HB Unrevealed Key)
Swords and Soldiers 2 Shawarmageddon (Fanatical Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
System Shock: Enhanced Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Telefrag VR (HB Unrevealed Key)
Teleglitch: Die More Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Amazing American Circus (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Big SokoBang (DIG Key)
The Detective Chapters: Part One (DIG Key)
The Inner World (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Invisible Hand (HB Unrevealed Key)
The Orphan A Tale of An Errant Ghost - Hidden Object Game (DIG Key)
Ticket to Ride (HB Unrevealed Key)
Time Lock VR 2 (Indiegala Key)
Townsmen - A Kingdom Rebuilt (HB Unrevealed Key)
Trash Squad (DIG Key)
Tricone Lab (Indiegala Key)
Tristoy (Steam Gift)
Turbo Golf Racing (HB Unrevealed Key)
Unexplored (Fanatical Key)
Waves of the Atlantide (DIG Key)
Weapons Genius (Indiegala Key)
What A Trash Game (DIG Key)
Win The Diamond (DIG Key)
Worms Rumble (HB Unrevealed Key)
X-Morph: Defense Complete Pack (HB Unrevealed Key)
Yet Another Hero Story (Indiegala Key)
YOU DON'T KNOW JACK Vol. 2 (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zack 2: Celeste's Map (Indiegala Key)
Zen Cube (DIG Key)
Zibbs - Alien Survival (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Claus (Indiegala Key)
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition (HB Unrevealed Key)
Zombie Wars (DIG Key)

Removed / Banned / Delisted / Purchase Disabled games :
Challenges, Lootboy, second hand, might have some dupes in it (also might not be up to date) => i can exchange them for games but also for trading cards, based on grey market value Vs trading cards market value :

Consoles (from IGN) :
Backfirewall_ (XBox) Home Sheep Home: Farmageddon Party Edition (XBox)
Enclave HD (Nintendo Switch America Region)

Wayfinder Early Access on PS5

Wishlist :
Various offers welcome, i'll browse lists, and most wanted are :
DLCs : * The Surge The Good, the Bad and the Augmented DLC * The Surge 2 - Season Pass * Vermintide 2 DLCs : Warrior Priest Career - Sister of the Thorn * Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 * Rocksmith DLCs * Lego Season Passes (Jurassic World - Marvel Super Heroes - Movie - Hobbit - Incredibles - Worlds) * Dead by Daylight DLCs (A Nightmare on Elm Street - Ash vs Evil Dead - Chains of Hate - Charity Case - Curtain Call - Ghost Face - Headcase - LEATHERFACE - Resident Evil Chapter - Silent Hill Chapter - Stranger Things Chapter - The Bloodstained Sack - The Halloween Chapter - The Saw Chapter - Sadako Rising Chapter - Forged in Fog - Resident Evil: PROJECT W) * XCOM 2 War of the Chosen (Tactical Legacy Pack only) * Resident Evil Village Winters Expansion * Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty * Saints Row - Expansion Pass
See here for the rest of my wishlist.
+ offers, i'll browse lists, and eventually take Paypal, but i'm more interested in Paypal & TF2, but i'm more interested in games trades
submitted by Zoliv13 to GameTrade [link] [comments]
