Poems that contain hyperbole

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2014.03.13 17:54 garyp714 Original Content Poetry

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2017.03.13 22:39 mmonzeob Bad MakeUp Artists

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2014.03.26 04:52 freedreamer Poetry Critics: for constructive criticism of your poetry

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2024.05.15 00:00 ArthRol Impressions on two rather overlooked George Orwell's novels - 'Keep the Aspidistra Flying' (1936) and 'Coming up for air' (1939)

Naturally, I came to know Orwell with 1984, which I read roughly three years ago in a Russian translation. I was at my humble beggining in discovering literature, and the book impressed my chiefly trough its deep theoretical base, the atmosphere of utter lack of hope and ingenious terms such as 'doublethink' - anyway, you probably know what I am talking about
Yet it was only much later that I have read his other literary works - namely, those indicated in the title. There I discovered Orwell as a great analytic of human psychology, an inventive storyteller. Both novel have a bleak atmosphere with a bit of dark humor, and somewhat foreshadow themes that would appear in 1984.
In *Keep the Aspidistra Flying', Orwell depicts a peculiar intellectual named Gordon Constock, almost thirty and "already moth-eaten". The gist is that he refused his status and prospects of a "good job" in order to avoid being subservient to "the Money God" - that is, he lowers himself on the social scale, living in self-imposed penury, working in a bookshop. Generally, this Gordon would seen like an off-putting person, constantly frustrated, whining and complaining, raving about the 'end of civilization', a little bit sexist and a great deal pessimist. The reader is plunged into his interior monologue and obsessive thoughts, which are captivating to follow. The plot revolves around his fight with the Consumerist system - however, as you might have guessed, he is not a valliant knight in shining armor, but rather a vain nihilist with questionable worldview. This affects the relationship with other characters - his friend Ravelstorm (a self-proclaimed Marxist, who is distracted from thougths about the rough conditiond of the Proletariat by the soft appearance of his mistress), his self-abnegating sister Julia, etc. Also, Gordon tries to write poetry - and one of the poems is gradually 'conceived' throughout the novel, containing his impressions and emotions in a self-piteous, frustrated style - with quite a decent result I'd say. Besides, Orwell realistically describes some unpleasant aspects of London's life through the protagonist's actions: slums, squalor, drunkenness and prostitution. Per general, a great read!
On the other hand, 'Coming up for air' describes a character who is an organic part of the system - a middle-aged clerk from a London's suburb, on the surface - a typical lower-middle-class and a family man, called George Bowling. The novel is written entirely through his perspective and keeps a rather melancholic tone. The narrator, with a rueful humor, talks a bit about himself, expressing a dissatisfaction with his menial life, yet remaining fatalistic about it. Then he starts a 80-or-so pages description of his pre-WW1 life and memories from a small town - and, frankly, it stirred my interest, being related in a vivid language. His rustic life is placed in contrast with the modern, after-war existence. This leads to nostalgia, and basically the plot of the novel is consisted of an attempt to chase this feeling, to make it come true, to revive what has been long forgotten. The novel (published sone month before the WW2) contains a distinct feeling of uncertainty, fear, anguish about the future, expressed in various instances. The narrator ask himself what would become if the war starts - if the bombers arrive - which, as he thinks, will happen in 1941. But he fears not the destruction itself, but what would come after the pains of war - a new world of rubber truncheons, slogans, suppression, hate. Something that Orwell will describe 11 years later in '1984'.
Overall, I think both books are worth reading. However, you have to expect that the protagonists - Gordon Comstock and George Bowling - might not be quite prepossesing.
submitted by ArthRol to books [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:27 TwistRepulsive6518 [OG] [NB] If the characters had in-game hobbies

[OG] [NB] If the characters had in-game hobbies
This is my second time writing this because I lost the first draft even though I saved multiple times.
Anyways, this is (Maybe) part 2 of stealing features from other games and incorporating it into the mechanics of 'Obey Me!' While writing the shops for each character, my mind wandered and I had a thought, what if there were hobbies like in 'Blush Blush'. Leveling up these hobbies would give rewards such as intimacy multiplier, icons, bonuses, and cards.
I'm a yapper, so this is going to be long. Not proof-read
firstly, i'll talk about the hobbies mechanics and what it would do:
There should be 4 types of hobbies:
  • Common- hobbies that almost every character has.
  • Uncommon- Hobbies that 5 or more characters have
  • Rare- Hobbies that 2, 3 or 4 characters have
  • Character specific- A hobby distinct to each character
the rewards for these would be:
  • Common/Uncommon- Grimm, AP
  • Rare- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines
  • Character specific- Grimm, AP, DP, DV, Character lines, Card pieces
  • NOTE: all four will add an intimacy multiplier that will apply to only characters who have that hobby
the rewards for the level max for these would be:
  • Common/Uncommon- an icon of Sheep MC doing the hobby
  • Rare- icon, Memory card of the characters with that hobby
  • Character specific- Icon, UR card of that character
The Hobbies:
  • Reading
  • Running
  • Bowling
  • Music
  • Watching TV
  • Board games
  • Art
  • Cooking
  • Swimming
  • Sports
  • Dancing
  • Nature
  • Sleeping
  • Animal lover
  • Card games
  • Horse riding
  • Gaming
  • Modelling
  • Partying
  • Piano
  • Calligraphy
  • Knitting
  • Marine Biology
  • Demonus tasting
  • Shopping
  • Working out
  • Technology
Character Specific:
  • Cursed Record collector
  • Gambling
  • Cosplay
  • Cat Enthusiast
  • Self-care
  • Competitive Eating
  • Stargazing
  • Chess
  • Tea tasting
  • Baking
  • Writing
  • Magic tricks
  • Trap making
  • Sewing
  • Journalism
There are a lot of hobbies listed above, however considering how long the game is running, and the amount of characters, a wide variety of hobbies make sense.
Now onto the characters:
  • Bowling
  • Music
  • Board Games
  • Cooking
  • Reading
  • Card games
  • Demonus Tasting:
"I'd love to share a glass with you. Meet me in my study in 20 minutes" "Careful, i wouldn't want to drink too much, who knows what I might do"
  • Horse Riding:
"Hold on tight to my waist, I'll keep you safe" "Let's take a trip together, far from my brothers"
  • Piano:
"There's a piano in the music room, you're the only one i trust to use it" "Lets play a duet, naturally I'll take the lead"
Character Specific:
  • Cursed Record Collector:
"Come to my room, i want to show you a new record I acquired" "I used to have more records but Mammon is holding some hostage for money"
  • UR Card: Lucifer looking at a record player with Sheep MC on top of the record spinning.
  • Running
  • Watching TV
  • Music
  • Card Games
  • Sports
  • Dancing
  • Partying:
"YOOO! THE GREAT Mammon wants to hang out with you! lets go paint the town" "WHA! I CANT HEAR YA OVER THE MUSIC FROM YESTERDAY"
  • Modelling:
"You can look but ya cant touch... well, i g-guess i wouldnt complain if ya did" "Did ya see the new edition of Devucci? Top cover baby"
  • Shopping:
"Hey my favourite human, my first, my number one... ya really wanna pay for me today, don't ya?" "YES! I just stole Goldie back from Lucifer! let's go before he finds us!"
Character Specific:
  • Gambling
"Hey MC... whats your favourite number? thats gonna be my lucky number today" "MC you have to come to the casino with me! you're my good luck charm"
  • UR Card: Mammon holding Sheep MC running out the Casino
  • Art
  • Watching TV
  • Music
  • Card Games
  • Sleeping
  • Swimming
  • Gaming:
"Luke befriended me in Mononoke Land... who knew he was so good" "Can you come to my room later? i brought a new game"
  • Marine Biology:
"Henry 2.0 is my friend... sometimes i think i should get him some siblings" "Once Belphie drifted out to sea... we didn't see him for a week"
  • Knitting:
"Wanna make a Ruri-chan doll with me? It's n-not like i wanna hang out with you or anything" "I'm just a Yucky otaku who likes knitting"
Character Specific:
  • Cosplay
"H-Henry? y-your dressed as Henry? E-eh d-dont taunt me like that" "Can you be the Azuki-tan to my Ruri-chan? BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!!!"
  • UR Card: A picture of Levi in a Ruri-chan costume and Sheep MC dressed as Azuki-tan
  • Art
  • Board games
  • Bowling
  • Reading
  • Pottery
  • Animal Lover
  • Calligraphy:
"Don't talk, im concentrating... okay, now continue." "I wrote your name on your book for you... i know you'll enjoy it"
  • Piano:
"whats your favourite song? ill play it for you" "My heart is fluttering... your notes are really doing something to me"
  • Knitting:
"I learnt how to knit from Raphael... he's a good teacher... maybe i can teach you some tricks" "Want to knit some scarfs for each other?"
Character Specific:
  • Cat Enthusiasm:
"MEOW" "Sorry about that- i accidentally cursed myself again"
  • UR Card: Satan and Sheep MC with a cat filter
  • Running
  • Art
  • Music
  • Nature
  • Pottery
  • Dancing
  • Partying:
"hi <3 lets go out tonight!" "I can dance all night long! join me?"
  • Modelling:
"Why does Mammon have to be attractive? he's an idiot" "I'm ready for my close-up <3"
  • Shopping:
"You should wear an outfit i choose for you" "Lets go to the new lovers' Cafe, my treat"
Character Specific:
  • Self-care:
"Hehe! i have the cutest face-mask for us to try" "You have soft hands, lets join them..."
  • UR Card: Asmo and Sheep MC with matching face-masks on Asmo's bed
  • Running
  • Watching TV
  • Bowling
  • Nature
  • Sports
  • Cooking
  • Working Out:
"Lets play Fangol together... you remember the rules, right?" "Here... hold the stick like this... good, thats good."
  • Horse Riding:
"We could both ride on one horse... I'll hold you tight, I promise." "I'm not letting you ride a horse until you wear a helmet"
  • Gaming:
"You, me, Levi and Belphie should all play a game together sometime; its more fun with more people" "Lets play an easy game this time..."
Character Specific:
  • Competitive Eating:
"Woah! There's a human world sport that involves eating?" "MC, lets eat a whole pile of hot dogs together! I'll let you have the first bite"
  • UR Card: Beel eating from a plateful of hotdogs and Sheep MC cheering him on
  • Board Games
  • Watching TV
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Sleeping
  • Animal Lover
  • Gaming:
"The last time i played with Simeon, i slept through 'DevilKart' and still won when i woke up" "Sleep is like life's pause button"
  • Knitting:
"I only started knitting because i wanted a new blanket, but its actually fun" "I can knitt in my sleep y'know... maybe i can trap you in one of my knitted blankets... heh."
  • Piano:
"Can you play me a lullaby?" "You really have a lot of time- huh?"
Character Specific:
  • Stargazing:
"You remember THOSE stars? Those are the one's Beel and I gave you" "I wonder if you think about me when you look at the stars... just like how i think of you"
  • UR Card: Belphie stargazing with Sheep MC on his chest looking up at the stars
  • Running
  • Art
  • Music
  • Pottery
  • Nature
  • Animal lover
  • Horse riding:
"Lucifer, Mephistopheles, and I like to take leisurely strolls on the Horse ranches... those two are like best friends" "I wonder if Barbatos will allow me to take the day off to entertain you with a ride on my horse?"
  • Piano:
"Lets have a contest! Who can play better?" "I'll play a tune for you at the next Devildom festival... as our guest of honour"
  • Demonus tasting:
"Lucifer says the funniest things when he's drunk" "'I love you, now clean your room' such fun! Do i sound like Lucifer?"
Character Specific:
  • Chess:
"I've never been beat before... you really want to play against me" "If you win, I'll be your 'pawn' for the night"
  • UR Card: Diavolo playing Chess against Sheep MC
  • Art
  • Board Games
  • Music
  • Reading
  • Pottery
  • Animal Lover
  • Caligraphy:
"The Young Master is lazy when it comes to learning calligraphy" "Its refreshing to see someone so young taking an interest in calligraphy"
  • Knitting:
"Knitting was something i didn't pick up for thousands of years, who knew it was so... amusing." "I created a quilt, a patchwork of human history as a side project"
  • Marine Biology:
"It's only logical to learn about the human world sea-life," "In another timeline, we are all fish."
Character Specific:
  • Tea Enthusiast
"It's piping hot... be careful." "Does it taste familiar? it contains ingredients from your home country"
  • UR Card: Barbatos and Sheep MC having a tea party
  • Bowling
  • Watching TV
  • Board games
  • Swimming
  • Nature
  • Animal Lover
  • Marine Biology:
"I LOVE ALL THE CUTE FISHIES" "Barbatos likes teaching me about fish when we cook together"
  • Knitting:
"Simeon made me a sweater! its so cute! i wear it when i go to the human world!" "MC, can you help me start the row for my knitting?"
  • Gaming:
"I just sent Levi a friend request on Mononoke Land! he accepted immediately" "Simeon said I'm no longer allowed any more time on my DDD today!"
Character Specific:
  • Baking:
"Someone get Solomon out the kitchen. PLEASE!" "Can you reach the mixer for me? Simeon put it on the top shelf to hide it from Solomon."
  • UR Card: Luke and Sheep MC with chef hats and aprons mixing a batch of dough.
  • Bowling
  • Board games
  • Art
  • Pottery
  • Nature
  • Reading
  • Working out:
"Being an angel means i have to be in top shape!" "Lets do some exercises together... i'll help you do some stretches."
  • Modelling:
"A company called 'Majolish' asked me to be their model." "Mammon and Asmodeous gave me tips on how to pose; i could show you later if you want."
  • Knitting:
"I made Luke a little sweater... Raphael helped me with the design" "Solomon took a picture of me knitting... I'm hunched over."
Character Specific:
  • Writing:
"Leviathan keeps begging me for a new TSL novel... he really is an avid fan, huh?" "Luke said i should use a computer... i kept pressing the wrong keys..."
  • UR Card: Simeon typing on a computer, squinting with glasses with a Sheep MC (Also with glasses) doing the same on his shoulder
  • Art
  • Board games
  • Music
  • Card Games
  • Animal lover
  • Sleeping
  • Calligraphy:
"This is how we used to write in 'ye olden days'" "Hmm... who else can i taunt with my writing?"
  • Piano:
"Let me dream a little dream of you ♩" "I wonder what the others would say if i played your faverouite song?"
  • Marine Biology:
"I still cant believe I'm exiled from the sea" "do you think if i put Leviathan and Barbatos in a tank, they'd fight?"
Character Specific:
  • Magic Tricks:
"Get ready for the elusive Solomon-dini" "And for this trick, I will take your heart."
  • UR Card: Solomon in a magician hat with a magician wand, he points the wand at Sheep MC
  • Art
  • Running
  • Music
  • Sports
  • Nature
  • Swimming
  • Modelling:
"I only model so that Solomon has to see my face everywhere!" "Do you... want to do a photoshoot with me?"
  • Partying:
"Yoooo! Lets go party, i'll sneak you outta RAD" "Lets set fireworks! hahaha!"
  • Demonus Tasting:
"When i first came to the Devildom, i didnt understand Demonus, now i totally get it!" "I wonder how a drunk Barbatos acts like..."
Character Specific:
  • Trap Making:
"If you ever need help, just text me... I'll send one of my traps over" "This is 'Spider-squid v4', i made it for you..."
  • UR Card: Thirteen shooting a net-trap from her contraption with Sheep MC ontop of the trap
  • Art
  • Board games
  • Music
  • Pottery
  • Animal lover
  • Sleeping
  • Calligraphy:
"You want to see my writing, why?" "I could write you a poem, I guess..."
  • Piano:
"I remember playing this tune in the Celestial Realm" "Could you do me a favour? Could you gather Lucifer and his brothers... i wanted to play a song for them"
  • Knitting:
"I made you a sweater... i heard this design was 'hip' with the humans" "Knitting is easy and repetitive, its addictive that way"
Character Specific:
  • Sewing:
"I remember sewing the brother's clothes in the Celestial Realm" "You know some new sowing techniques? You humans are incredible"
  • UR Card: Raphael sowing some clothes with Sheep MC's help
  • Art
  • Board games
  • Running
  • Sports
  • Pottery
  • Nature
  • Calligraphy:
"Calligraphy is a forgotten art" "I wish to write your name in as many fonts as i can"
  • Piano:
"I can play a multitude of human songs I heard from the past" "Lord Diavolo once told me a story of a young boy, but he expressed it through the medium of piano... that was a long hour."
  • Horse Riding:
"Lord Diavolo takes Lucifer and I to ride horses sometimes, its always so... awkward" "I like racing horses, I've known how to ride horses since i was a mere boy"
Character Specific:
  • Journalism
"i think you should be on the front page of the school newspaper" "You enjoy spending time with me?"
  • UR Card: Mephisto and Sheep MC with magnifying glasses
submitted by TwistRepulsive6518 to obeyme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:21 Ill_Variation_2480 TTPD's new nickname "Female Rage: The Musical" should upset you.

Edit: If you are going to comment on the length of this post, please don't. This is not a simple snark but rather an actual critical think piece about feminism and Taylor Swift.


Pertaining to Taylor Swift, "Female Rage" has deviated from its intended meaning after Swift debuted a new performance of The Tortured Poets Department during the Eras Tour. Now, according to Swift's use of the phrase, female rage is interpreted as public backlash against Swift's dating choices rather than as a response to the broader injustices against women and women's rights. This post examines Taylor Swift's flawed feminism, philanthropy, branding, and the controversial trademark petition for the phrase "Female Rage: The Musical". Swift's background as an entertainer, indeterminate politics, and alignment with capitalism over feminism pervades her legacy, again threatening her public tolerance as not just an individual but as a brand.

Once Upon a Female Rage...

If you were cognizant in the early 2010's, you've heard countless jabs at Taylor Swift in the media. Magazines, radio, or online. Music critics did not take her seriously as a songwriter; parents put a woman on an unrealistic pedestal as the ideal role model for their children; she dated too much and used men as lyrical fodder. No matter the story, it inevitably spread, conjoined with everyone's respective opinions, and you'd be left to wonder, "Why does everyone hate this girl so much?"
Taylor's target demographic has always been young or adolescent girls, more so when Swift herself was one. She made music that spoke to the awkward misfit, cultivating a para-social relationship with fans on MySpace, then later twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, where Taylor posted relatable vlogs showcasing the life of a homegrown American girl. Taylor had a delayed public "growing up" and, compared to her female pop contemporaries, Swift never "gratuitously sexualized her image and seems pathologically averse to controversy" (and, apparently, never even had a sip of alcohol until she turned 21). She was more than happy to spin this narrative to allude to an inherent moral superiority above other women in the industry (Better Than Revenge, heard of it?), engaging in the very slut-shaming that she herself endured (the Madonna and Whore archetypes). The victim complex arose with the need to prove Taylor as a different type of pop girl. Based upon her holy and clean image, Swift had been dubbed "a feminist's nightmare", and that "[To Swift] other girls are obstacles; undeserving enemies who steal Taylor’s soulmates with their bewitching good looks and sexual availability." Feminism and Tennessee-Christian country values don't exactly mix, it seems.
Years later, Swift befriended Lena Dunham and thus experienced white feminism osmosis, where Dunham taught Swift that real feminists defend rapists, makes insensitive jokes about rape and abortion, and prioritize all-white casts. Swift then declared herself a feminist in 2014, saying,
"Becoming friends with Lena – without her preaching to me, but just seeing why she believes what she believes, why she says what she says, why she stands for what she stands for – has made me realize that I’ve been taking a feminist stance without actually saying so."
I suppose the male-centric songwriting subject that permeates Swift's discography contained covert feminism and that we just didn't see that. Perhaps, the "Bad Blood" song and music video were written only in jest and not about poor Katy Perry, for Swift, as a feminist, would "never make it a girl fight" or tear other women down (though all Katy did was date your terrible ex-boyfriend and allegedly steal three backup dancers from your tour). In 2013, Swift said, in response to Tina Fey and Amy Poehler's joke towards her serial dating, "There is a special place in hell for women who don't help other women."
There was that time in 2015 Taylor said that Nicki Minaj was "invited to any stage [she is] on" (as if Taylor expects to have access to every stage, award, and platform that Nicki might not otherwise have as a black female artist...yikes!) in response to Nicki's criticism of the white + thin VMA nominations. Later, Nicki responded with confusion, as Swift continued, "It’s unlike you to pit women against each other. Maybe one of the men took your slot..". Of course, this 'beef' was 'squashed' when Nicki performed with Taylor at the VMAs, with Nicki quite literally only having 38 seconds of stage time without Taylor. Maybe all that parading around with a legion of famous white women - similar to the way Taylor might've done with her numerous 1989-era handbags - was in fact a stance against gender inequality, and that this display of "girl power" should be enough to constitute Swift as a feminist icon.
Even while Swift says that Dunham informed her feminist outlook, she dances around the exact contents of those beliefs: "what she believes, what she says, what she stands for" is not exactly insightful towards what beliefs Swift might have inherited. Taylor never broaches women's rights topics such femicide, FGM, forced pregnancy & marriage, sex trafficking, women in slavery, women's financial and political oppression, women's educational rights, women's health, or women's autonomy, so we can assume she only gives a fuck about "girls supporting girls" (whatever that fucking means).
Despite some questionable (and sometimes vindictive) behavior, Taylor as a young woman did not deserve every media lashing that she received. We cannot deny that most headlines and criticisms perpetuated a misogynistic rhetoric which has plagued Swift for a majority of her career. Acknowledging events such as the development of her ED, her sexual assault trial, "Famous" lyric and MV depiction of Taylor, and the explicit Twitter deepfakes, for example, as both disgusting and unfortunate things that happened to a young woman in Hollywood does not negate the fact that Taylor is mostly a performative feminist.

Get Your Fucking Ass Up and Be a Philanthropist, It Seems Like Nobody Wants to Be a Philanthropist These Days

In 2013, Taylor Swift cut the ribbon at the grand opening of the Taylor Swift Education Center at the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville, Tennessee. The donation amount - $4 million - was the largest individual artist gift ever donated to the Country Music Hall of Fame, which is, of course, mentioned on Swift's website. The two-story facility features three classrooms, an instrument room, and an interactive children's exhibit gallery. Swift also performed at "All for the Hall" charity shows and has donated numerous artifacts from her career (such as notable guitars, tour costumes, etc) to the museum.
This was over 11 years ago, and it is still the only notable philanthropic contribution Taylor Swift has made.
For a woman of her net worth and stature, and a woman who recognizes the difficulties for women in film and music, you would think that Taylor Swift might establish a scholarship program for women to study the arts or something. Perhaps Swift might even consider becoming a member of organizations that support female artists, or one that supports LGBTQ+ causes (since she is now proudly an ally), yet she remains superficial with her graces. Broader philanthropy, such as donating relief aid to Palestinian women or women impacted by violence and discrimination will probably never receive any financial support from Miss Swift because then she'd be using her money towards philanthropies involving anyone but white entertainers.
She even says herself in Miss Americana, "My entire moral code as a kid and now is a need to be thought of as 'good'." Well, she's certainly thought of as good, though her actions say otherwise. She's more than happy to do a vaguely altruistic song and dance for a clip-worthy interview quote and mass appeasement, then fuck off to one of her mansions on a 20 minute private jet flight, rather than actually contribute to anything pertaining to the causes she has endorsed. Yet, far too many people continue to give a woman such as her their money, time, and energy, and she hoards these resources to herself.

I Like Some of the Taylor's Songs, But What the Fuck Does She Know About Feminism?

Swift continued with her self-proclaimed feminist campaign, positioning herself as a political activist and LGBTQ+ ally in the Miss Americana documentary. The primary focus of the documentary consists of the sexual assault trial, Andrea Swift's cancer diagnosis, Taylor's ED and body dysmorphia, media scrutiny, and, largely, finally speaking up about her politics publicly, mostly her opposition to the 2018 Tennessee Republican senate candidate, Marsha Blackburn, and Blackburn's beliefs. Swift says, following a scene discussing her experience during the trial,
"I just couldn't really stop thinking about it. And I just thought to myself, next time there is any opportunity to change anything, you had better know what you stand for and what you want to say."
We must ask ourselves, though: when has Swift ever spoken up to change anything? Okay, pulling her entire catalogue from Spotify because they didn't pay their artists enough and similarly pulling her catalogue from Apple Music are changes that she leveraged due to her revenue potential and power, but they are not pertinent to the average woman's rights. Moreover, these are issues that directly impacted Taylor's income, which was enough reason for her to protest in the first place. Swift has sold the most units for a female artist in first week sales, is the first female artist with 100k monthly Spotify listeners, is the first female artist to win the Album of the Year Grammy 4 times, and is the first female artist to do X, Y, and Z, all while being inoffensive and family-friendly to boot. The actual Taylor Swift seems unwilling to compromise the brand of Taylor Swift by contributing in meaningful ways to feminist causes, especially if it is for women outside of America and Hollywood.
The reason political anthems such as "The Man" and "Only the Young" of the Lover era feel disingenuous and corporate is because, well, it is. Taylor has taken every opportunity to advance her career or public image at the expense of other women. What is truly genuine to Taylor's outlook on other women is vying for male attention, taking down female competition, and vocalizing feminist injustices only if they directly impact her and her money. Some will argue that it's satisfactory for a woman with such a huge platform to even TALK about feminism, but that just isn't enough. It's even less impressive when you candidly look at the scope of her feminist lens: "If I was the man, then I'd be THE MAN", or "I really resent the ‘Be careful, buddy, she’s going to write a song about you’ angle, because it trivialises what I do", and, of course, "We all got crowns". Feminism, but only when it happens to me. It gets worse when you look at Taylor's track record of copying other famous women and removing other female artists as potential threats to her pop prowess.
It's good for PR to align yourself with certain blanket feminist and political beliefs, therefore good for branding, therefore good for ticketing and merchandise sales, therefore good for business. And Taylor Swift is a business.
She's not a feminist. Taylor Swift is a capitalist.

I Can't Pay Those Sweatshop Workers a Livable Wage or Benefits! How Else Would I Make My Billions?

Recently, Taylor's team filed to trademark the phrase "Female Rage: The Musical" after Taylor said during Paris N1 of the Eras Tour,
"So you were the first ones to see The Tortured Poets at the Eras Tour...or as I like to call it, 'Female Rage: The Musical'."
This trademark petition was filed last week on Saturday, and news comes about just as numerous unofficial fan-made merch designs have cropped up with this phrase plastered on Fruit of the Loom basics. I'm of the opinion Swift's team motioned for a trademark so that they can send out cease & desists to all those that make knockoff merch, which disrupts potential sales for Bravado, UMG's choice merchandising company; however, since it was filed earlier, perhaps Swift has bigger plans with the bizarre use of the gendered phrase. One Swiftie referred to the phrase "female rage" as "a funny Eras Tour joke". Could it be a possible fourth version of the Eras Tour Movie? Whatever the reason, the motion to capitalize off of such a concept is disgusting, but not unsurprising, for a woman that profits on her vain feminism.
Swift, through her company, TAS Rights Managements, has also trademarked over 200 phrases, including "1989", where she owns the property rights to this calendar year on keychains, phone cases, sunglasses, stationary, bags, beverage ware, clothing, entertainment services, your subconscious, and, of course, Christmas ornaments.
The vapid consumerism in Swiftie culture is, frankly, disgusting. Bravado's sustainability statement is non-existent, the quality control is abysmal, and the materials they use are horrible. The materials, such as acrylic and polyester, are made from petrochemicals. This means they are non-renewable, shed microplastics, and are quite toxic in production. The manufacturing process to make all of those lazy-rushed Eras Tour logo graphic tees is a huge blow to environmental well-being. Apparently, though, Swifties don't give a fuck. They sell out products in seconds and either have to face the manufactured scarcity or buy from a scalper that resells for 200% of the already ridiculous retail price. This doesn't include the environmental impact of vinyl records, CD, and cassette production, of which Taylor produces many variants that sell unsustainable amounts.
If we're talking about women's rights violations, why is no one acknowledging the women that work in the inhumane sweatshop conditions that have to pump out fugly t-shirts and hats? The millions of plastic microfiber dander they are inhaling, or the toxic dyes that touch their bare skin? Are they being compensated fairly for their skilled labour and are they in safe working environments? Do these women have minimal bargaining power, and do they have authority over their worker's rights? Is Taylor Swift female raging at their injustices? Does Taylor Swift ever feels bad that her wealth was built on the backs of women of color, disadvantaged by the demands of the global economy and garment industry? Do you think she ever says a little white feminist prayer for them before she goes to sleep at night?
What's even crazier is not that Taylor herself doesn't care, it's that Swifties don't care. There CANNOT BE ethical billionaires. You only make a billion dollars if you are exploiting other human beings for capital gain. Based on public perception of the possible "Female Rage: The Musical" trademark, it seems like Swifties are already asking for merch with this phrase. "If Taylor made it, I'd buy it." Oh, cool. So not only do you champion Miss Swift's avarice and billionaire status, but you also are unashamed to admit to your blind consumption of her music and merchandise, no matter where they might originate in production or sincerity. Just as Swift takes and takes and takes, Swifties' consumerism of Taylor Swift cannot be quelled.
The tortured artist's most vulnerable and sincere poetry...available now in 21 different versions!

I Am Tortured Poet, Hear Me Whinge

Look - even if Taylor's intention is to characterize TTPD as more "tortured" and "angry", the main thread of the album is "I was ghosted by my decade-long situationship with a controversial indie boy and my fucking stupid fans wrote a 'Speak Up Now' open letter prompting me to drop him" anger, which is adequately expressed in the lyrics and performances. The extent of Taylor's "female rage" on TTPD is on tracks such as "Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?", which contends with relentless media scrutiny; "But Daddy I Love Him", where Swift firmly states she'll date whoever she likes no matter how "Sarahs and Hannahs" may react; and "The Albatross", a track mythologizing her reputation and the consequences of dating her. Of course, these coincide with deep psychological wounds that formed during Swift's early years in the media, and so, from her feminist perspective, these subjects tackle the misogyny and double standards that she faced.
Yet Taylor Swift still has no grounds to be claiming that TTPD best exemplifies female rage and therefore she, in the context of this album, is female rage incarnate. As the daughter of a stock broker and mutual fund marketing executive, Taylor was born into wealth and allowed privileges like trips and subsequent relocation to Nashville all so that she might get a record deal. Her father even invested at least $120,000 into the then-fledgling label, Big Machine Records, which ensured Taylor's place with Borchetta after leaving her dead-end development deal with Sony. The fact that her parents were able to buy her a fucking brand new guitar for Christmas and pay for music lessons says so much about the financial security and safety of her childhood.
Money is privilege and protection, and despite Swift's experiences with misogyny and loser boyfriends, she does not know what female rage is.
Her rage is derived from her frustrations with her obsessive fans pulling the moral superiority card on Taylor in response to her rebound with Matty Healy. That's literally it. She's just pissed that the monster she created is no longer obediant, it's become a feral, sovereign entity that depletes the world of its natural resources and thinks it is more intelligent than it actually is because it's mommy has started to talk to it with big words. Apparently, 'illicit', 'elegy', 'nonchalant', and 'precocious' are considerably big words for the oafish monster, and I find it strange that this level of literacy is present in a group of fans that allegedly have GPAs of 3.5 or higher, but I digress.
Taylor Swift has never been one paycheck away from destitution. Taylor Swift has never experienced racial discrimination. She may have instances of gender discrimination, but she possesses the ideal white, blonde American beauty standard and therefore reaps the benefits of being a conventionally attractive woman. Taylor Swift has sufficient social capital. Taylor Swift is a billionaire woman prolonging her victimhood though she, as a woman, has mostly had control over her image and music (unlike her contemporaries). Taylor Swift is NOT entitled to be championed for her "female rage", nor should she be. Taylor Swift has never even been the struggling artist, for fuck's sake. I don't give a fuck if she's trying to fill the empty lunch tables of her past. Taylor Swift purporting herself, her unpolished album, and her lukewarm feminism as a musical bleeding with female rage is asinine.

Sigh Try and Come For My Job, Poors

Out there in the world right now is a 23-year-old woman, a recent college grad, who works as a barista. She has to wake up and get ready to go into a minimum wage job because she cannot get a job in her field. She doesn't have healthcare benefits or sick time, so she has to go into work no matter how she's feeling. All day long she is berated by vicious customers and creepy men, and, exhausted from being on her feet, she knows she has to go home to her shitty roommate that never does the dishes and her roommate's shitty dog. To comfort herself, she considers getting a treat, but thinks against it when she remembers that matcha lattes cost $15 and they taste like milky dirt. She knows that she needs to buy groceries this week, and so the woman resolves to go home, but notices that her gas tank is low. She goes to put gas in the car, but the pump stops at $27.86 because that's all that she has in her checking account. The woman, bereft and reeling, sinks into the driver's seat. "Well," she thinks, her head in her hands, "at least I don't have Taylor Swift's job. I just couldn't imagine."
Fame is somewhat of a choice. If at any moment Taylor feels that she is misunderstood, misconstrued, or overwhelmed by public opinion, she can LEAVE the public eye - Lord knows she has the retirement fund and residuals to do so. In "I Can Do It With a Broken Heart", the TTPD song about meeting the demands of your career-zenith mega-tour while in the relationship trenches, Taylor ends the song by rambling,
"You know you're good when you can even do it with a broken heart...you know you're good...and I'm good, cause I'm miserable, and no one even knows!...try and come for my job."
Yeah, obviously we wouldn't know, you recently passed the billionaire threshold and are the most famous and in-demand performer in the world right now. Taylor Swift makes an estimated $10 to $13 million dollars A NIGHT on the Eras Tour. Furthermore, the Eras Tour movie grossed $261.6 million globally, (which, as the producer, Taylor takes home 57% of the ticket sales) not counting the streaming revenue from Amazon Prime Video and the estimated $75 million deal that Disney paid to have it on Disney+. We're not even considering the income from cheap plastic popcorn buckets and drink cups plastered with colored squares in her Era-specific likeness.
It's funny. Taylor Swift often said that being famous wasn't hard, that she "isn't complaining". I'm sure it is difficult to always have to present in a good mood, else you'll end up misrepresented in the media, and I'm sure it's invasive to virtually have no privacy or semblance of anonymity. Still, Taylor Swift shows up each night of tour and performs. For a majority of her career, she has penned her sad songs while on the road. Most of "Red", her breakup album, was written in the thick of the Speak Now World tour. Now, some Swifties say they almost "feel bad" for attending the Eras Tour with Swift's revelations in this song, that they have had a 'dimmed experience' upon hearing Taylor's misery whilst performing. Despite the fact that Taylor said that "this was the happiest she's ever been" at Gilette Stadium in May, the lyrics "boohoo, woe is me, smile for the cameras and make the fans happy!!!" are jarring for Eras attendees.
While Taylor Swift was making double-digit millions a night in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and feeling miserable, Ana Clara Benevides Machado passed away due to heat exposure. The concert promoters, Time For Fun, are now the subject of a criminal investigation due to their lack of adequate hydration and safety. Taylor Swift cancelled the Sunday show that was to follow and offered VIP tent tickets to Benevides Marchado's family, which was a kind gesture, but perhaps incongruous to the incident of which they were offered as consolation. Everyone grieves differently, of course, but I'm not sure attending the very show at the very same venue that my daughter or sister passed away in two days prior, where the singer CONTINUED the show despite her death, would be healthy for closure.
There was no female rage at the show as Swift never saw Benevides Machado pass out. There was no female rage towards the disregard for fans as humans while Swift elected to proceed with her Brazil tour dates despite the country being in historic heatwaves (at risk of overheatting herself). If Taylor Swift was so shaken by touring with a broken heart or a fan's passing, she wouldn't have added an additional North American leg of Eras just two months after the Matty breakup. She's brokenhearted but willing to mend the cracks with your money and move onward with her worldwide female rage induced pillaging.
No matter what happens, even if you die at a Taylor Swift concert, Taylor collects a big fat check and flies away. She doesn't know you as anything other than a conversion rate or earning potential despite what her nearly 20-year long parasocial relationship with fans might otherwise indicate. She knows that, while some Swifties are without disposable income, they feel obligated to spend on a "48 Hours Only!" exclusive vinyl variant instead of necessities because they are so entrenched in Taylor Swift's intoxicating celebrity, they'll prioritize materialistic fandom before their needs. This is good enough for her because this means she can expand her real estate portfolio and finance her cat's lavish lifestyles. They're worth an estimated $100 million dollars. Her three cats could pool their net worth and solve world hunger.
While you and I might be denied bereavement leave and barely surviving the current political and economic climate, Taylor Swift has to, instead of gets to, perform for stadiums at full attendance for three nights in a row across the globe. You and I might be replaced by AI at our longtime jobs, but Taylor Swift is threatened with losing more and more money each time you listen to a "Stolen Version" of her songs. If we don't buy every variant of all of her albums, then who is going to pay for the fucking cats?
It is tone deaf to spend as she spends and lives as she lives in this economy, but this is her reality. She was able to donate $100,000 to all of her tour truck drivers, and that's wonderful, but it leads me to wonder about the ethos of the 2020s where one woman can hoard such life-changing amounts of money. Remember in 2014 when she gave a fan $90 ($120 in today's money) to get Chipotle because she had no fucking clue how much it cost? This is a 34-year-old woman who is increasingly out of touch with the reality for working class people and women in general. Normal everyday adults must wake up and go to their thankless jobs, and yet Taylor Swift, despite all her riches, incessantly references the lows of her life and career as a public figure and entertainer to farm sympathy and drive sales. And still, the corporate women have latched onto "I cry a lot, but I am so productive! It's an art!" as their cubicle battle cry.
Do you think that, from up in her private jet, Taylor Swift gazes at the world through her poetic, tortured eyes, and thinks, "All the little people, in their cars, walking, going about their lives...all those girls that don't support girls...do they know that I've made an album about female rage?"


Thank you for reading. I would love to hear your critical insights towards this entire ordeal: TTPD, the trademark, the implications of it all.
TLDR: Taylor Swift is a bad feminist and is delusional to think that the TTPD eras set exemplifies female rage at women's injustice.
submitted by Ill_Variation_2480 to travisandtaylor [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:32 alphariusomega123 I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).

I'm so sick of people's stupid nerfs to Superman that's why I'm making this post (long post).
Were Kryptonians only planet busters in the Post Crisis?
Short answer absolutely not, long answer: let's explain this false belief.
This post arises because, among other things, in several blogs and YouTube channels and tik tokThis is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong., it is stated that in DC's post-crisis continuity, Superman and the rest of the Kryptonians who escape from him only possess a destructive power that reaches planetary (or multi planetary) at its maximum.
which is absolutely false and we'll see because, although this publication will be focused for the moment on the post-crisis, I will also make one for the new 52 that is also nerfed horribly.
Without further ado let's get started.
This is a very common myth. It is often mistakenly believed that Superman is a hero who is only limited to protecting the Earth and who moves on planetary scales, but the truth is that in the more than 80 years of the character's history, he has traveled to all kinds of places both within their own universe as well as outside it, and even outside their multiverse. The same can be applied to his cousin Kara.
Without going any further, since the beginning of the 90s, DC's own writers have declared that Superman's adventures move on a cosmic scale, putting at risk not only the fate of the world, but often that of the galaxy or even the universe. So the idea of ​​Superman as someone limited to saving Metropolis and little else is wrong.
If there is one thing that has been consistent throughout the Post Crisis period, it is how Kryptonians like Superman or Supergirl can achieve planet-level feats quite casually. Let's review some examples:
  • In just his first year as a superhero, Superman took down a monster with the strength of a planet in one fell swoop.
-According to Batman at the end of the Emperor Joker arc, Superman could juggle planets if he wanted to.
  • A Kryptonian teenager who has absorbed a modicum of yellow sunlight can easily tear a planet in two in a tantrum, according to Superman.
  • Even after being without sunlight for an extended period, Superman is still capable of destroying a planet with a mere leap.
  • Superman destroyed multiple stars in the Galactic Golem dimension without problems and also withstood the explosion of the dimension that housed them.
  • Both Supergirl and Superman emerged unscathed from the Kryptonite explosion on New Krypton, and the former was at the epicenter of the planet's explosion.
-Superman dragged the weight of the Earth, the Moon and a spaceship and it has also been said that he could move the Earth if he wanted to.
  • It was also said that Superman is among the beings capable of moving a planet with one hand
...among other examples. So it is illogical to think that his limit is there.
Not really. This happened on three occasions, and all three have a context behind them:
  • The first occurred in JLA #75. In this, the sorceress Gamemnae had previously killed the entire Justice League, reducing them to mere ghosts/skeletons that were not even a mere shadow of her original power. After this, Gamemnae would release all the water she had accumulated into space, altering the Earth's orbit, so the League would have to keep the planet in its orbit (and not move it, as people think). Even after being resurrected, the League was in a deplorable state, with Superman having to stop to absorb solar energy and even then he was not at his full power.
  • The second took place in Justice League of America #29. Here Superman and Green Lantern are not moving the Earth (again), but fighting to keep it in its orbit (again) against the powerful gravitational pulse of Starbreaker, who was dragging it towards the Sun. Starbreaker is so powerful that it can drag entire galactic clusters with that same pulse and it was also becoming more and more powerful thanks to the negative emotions of the planet. And if this were not enough, Starbreaker had previously weakened Superman with red sun energy.
  • The third and last was in JLA #58. The League had to do an extremely complicated maneuver with the Moon, dragging it as quickly as possible into the Earth's atmosphere to bring oxygen to the Moon and fill it with fire (all at high speeds), removing it at the last second. Not just move it. So it stands to reason that they would want as many hands on the task as possible. They were also quite injured and tired and subsequently suffered even more blows from the White Martians.
As we can see, the evidence normally used to claim that Superman needs help moving celestial bodies is not such, and even one of them, far from being a demerit, is in fact a remarkable feat against someone very powerful.
This is heavily taken out of context. What Brainiac-13 claimed was that Superman did not have the power to move HIS planet away from him, referring to the War World, which Brainiac had taken control of. This distinction is not mere semantics, since Brainiac-13 has just absorbed the universal energies of Imperiex with which he wanted to cause a new Big Bang that would destroy the current universe and replace it with another. These energies were going to allow Brainiac-13 to remodel the entire universe to his whim.
That Superman needed to overload himself with solar energy to face such an enemy is not strange if we take this into account. So managing to move the War World against Brainiac's will is a very high-level feat for Superman, not a demerit. Let's remember that Superman could not destroy the War World, because if he did this he would automatically activate Imperiex's Big Bang and destroy the universe.
Once again we find two extremely decontextualized situations. Let's analyze them:
  • The first occurred in Superman/Batman #4. In this instance, we see how Hawkman supposedly knocks out Superman after hitting him with the claw of Horus, which extracted his power from the Earth's magnetic core. Said claw was a magical weapon, as Hawkman himself implies when asking Superman if he thinks he and Batman believe they invented castling.
And Superman is vulnerable to magic, as we all know and as mentioned in the same instance, which makes this attack that much more devastating. But also in the next instance we discover that Superman and Batman allowed themselves to be captured to take them to Luthor, making Hawkman and Captain Marvel believe that they had defeated them. Which disproves that Superman was actually knocked out by Horus' claw.
  • The second occurred in Justice League of America #30. Here, an 81-trillion-ton shadowy moon was approaching the solar system at 7,614,000 km/h, which would trigger a mass extinction event whether the moon impacted or not; so they needed to pulverize it, not simply destroy it. To accomplish this, Superman punches the moon with a fist of infinite mass, accelerating as close to the speed of light as possible with the intention of gathering enough mass to destroy the moon completely without causing danger to Earth.
I don't know Superman's weight, but according to the DC wiki he weighs 107 kg (they don't cite sources). Accelerating at 0.99 c, that's 5.86x1019 Joules. The figure Batman gives for the moon's mass is incorrect, but assuming he's right, that would be 1.8x1026 Joules. Multiplying both energies, the result is an explosion of 1.06x1046 Joules or solar system. But if we use the real mass of the moon, it generated 1.43x1032 Joules, which multiplied by Superman's energy gives a result of 8.3x1051 Joules, well into the solar system+.
So this is indeed another feat that far exceeds the planet level. It is also interesting to mention that the substance of the creator of said moon (Shadow Thief) is an apparently infinite dimension and that with that same power, Starbreaker was able to fight and defeat Dharma, who kept two universes together.
Faced with the constant exposure of feats above the planet level (like the ones here), a series of preeminent refutations usually arise to try to disprove them, often dishonestly distorting the context of the original scene to give it a completely different meaning. These are the most common:
6.1) "The Nebula Man is not a living universe, because his size is not that of one"
A: Just because Neh-Buh-Loh is human-sized on the outside does not negate that it is a universe on the inside. In the same scan already shown from Seven Soldiers: Frankenstein, it is said that he is a sentient and mobile mass of malleable super-matter, indicating that his universe is scalable to his size; and in fact, in JLA: Classified (same story in which he confronts Superman), we are also shown its nature as a sentient universe and the Justice League traveling inside it (from which they come and go through boom tubes). ).
In fact, in the aforementioned Seven Soldiers, it is revealed to us that if it were not for the Ultramarine Corps, Neh-Buh-Loh would have already grown to replace the current universe. This is therefore the same case as the Galactic Golem, which on the outside barely measured several meters, but on the inside it was a vast dimension with many planets and stars.
6.2) "Absorbing energy to vaporize half a galaxy does not count as resistance, it is a hax"
A: It's not just about the act of absorbing energy. In the same comic it is mentioned how said energy was anti-sunlight, that is, harmful to Superman. In fact, we are clearly shown Superman being damaged by said energy and Batman and Martian Manhunter initially believed that Superman had died trying to absorb it. So it's clearly scalable to the physical attributes of it.
6.3) "Superman did not move the Mageddon, he was just trying to free himself from the chains that held him while it tortured him"
A: Martian Manhunter himself explicitly mentions that Superman was turning the wheels of Mageddon. This is later confirmed, where Martian explains how Superman is now one of the components of the machine and is using his strength. On the other hand, if Superman was just being held against his will, there would be little point in him breaking the chains so easily when Batman managed to snap him out of the trance the Mageddon kept him in.
6.4) "There is no mental limiter. Superman has been defeated on previous occasions and even died against Doomsday"
A: The limiter is subconscious, not conscious. Superman can't choose when he stops using it. At least not until he completed his training with Mongul. It is important to clarify that it is mentioned that his fight against Doomsday was the only time where he was able to free himself from the limiter.
6.5) "The universal black hole was a dream, Superman wakes up in the following pages"
A: This is half true. Sure enough, Superman wakes up from the "sleep" in the following pages. However, just before that, Death clarifies the event as something real and explains that it took place within a plane where mind and matter intersect to shape dreams and turn them into reality. Let us also remember that in DC, dreams give birth to new universes, so it matters little even if we take what happened as a literal dream.
6.6) "Superman did not receive the Suneater explosion, in fact, he had to escape from it"
A: This, on the other hand, is a complete lie. Superman received the explosion, as we can see in the panel; What he had to escape from was a cloud of red solar radiation born as a result, which Jonathan mentions would have incinerated him (not killed him) if it had reached him; Well, as we all know, red sunlight weakens Superman and deprives him of his powers. In fact, Superman had previously received several bursts of red solar radiation, making this feat even more impressive.
6.7) "The solar system that Superman moved was barely the size of buildings while he moved it"
A: The solar system had not yet reached the size it would have according to the scale of our universe, but that does not mean that its mass was proportional to its size. The system was adjusting to the new scale from its microscopic size, since it was originally from a compressed universe. Therefore, its mass was equal to that of a real one, evidenced by the mention that very soon the gravity of its star was going to destroy Metropolis. If he didn't have it, he wouldn't be able to generate such a gravitational field, being so small.
6.8) "In the same story, it is mentioned that his best hits barely destroy planets"
A: And where exactly is it mentioned that those were his best shots? 🤔 Because in fact, it is implied that these were casual.
6.9) "The Void Hound did not destroy all those star systems at once. Furthermore, it is only mentioned that those systems died"
A: Nowhere in the story is such a thing stated or even hinted at. In fact, the mention that the Void Hound was only tested once suggests that it destroyed all of those systems with a single attack. Regarding the other, the mention is accompanied with images of celestial bodies being destroyed, which makes it extremely unlikely that by "killing them" they were not referring to the fact that they were destroyed.
6.10) "Superman only covered the Mnemon fissure before it broke free, and he also had to get help from John Stewart because it was too much for him"
A: Under the pretext that covering the fissure was not a feat of strength, it makes no sense to argue that he needed John Stewart's help to keep it closed. In any case, Superman himself mentions that he was enduring "unimaginable" pressure to keep his hands closed. Regarding it being "too much for him", this was due to the visions that the Mnemon sent to Superman, with the aim of driving him crazy and making him release his grip on him.
As for John Stewart's "help," it simply consisted of acting as a backup for Superman (in case his hands opened) and creating the construct of a magnet to generate an electromagnetic field strong enough to reduce the pressure of the Mnemon enough that Superman could safely release it and throw it into a wormhole.
6.11) "Resisting the explosion of the La Fuente wall was an outlier, since it is a structure superior to the multiverse"
A: Superman only had to resist a tiny portion of the wall's destruction. Specifically, the one he had right in front of him. He couldn't do it all either, even if he wanted to. Since the Source Wall is a pan-dimensional structure that surrounds all of existence, the only way Superman could take all the destruction from it would be by being omnipresent throughout the multiverse. This does not mean that it is a great feat, since a mere breach is enough to destroy a universe.
6.12) "That Orion has a power comparable to the Big Bang is hyperbole"
A: We know that it is not hyperbole because emanations of Orion have feats of a similar level, such as containing an explosion that was going to destroy the universe at a quantum level, fighting against a god that was going to destroy the universe and defeating him (along with Superman, btw), killing an emanation of Darkseid that became one with the universe, contributing the energy to destroy the universe from the anti-life equation, etc.
As we can see based on all this, it makes no sense to believe that Kryptonians who have been absorbing sunlight from a yellow sun are only planetary (or multi-planetary) in attack power, at least as far as Superman and Supergirl are concerned. it means. The opposite has been proven in countless instances, and the evidence in all of them is that destroying planets is only a small fraction of these characters' true destructive potential. Therefore, to affirm that this is its limit or that the many feats that exceed this level are outliers is to speak without any type of foundation.
submitted by alphariusomega123 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:36 TheBlaringBlue The Art of the Rap Battle

Eivor is a bit of a strange protagonist.
She’s basically flawless and without blame. She’s brash and bold, proud and unashamed — brave and wise far beyond her years, yet able to be soft and compassionate when not brandishing spears. She’s got a knack for leadership, a strong moral compass and an even stronger muscular system with which to enact justice.
And she’s got bars?
As someone not deeply versed in medieval European histories, imagine my shock and confusion upon discovering that Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla included rap battling.
My first experience with Flyting had me asking so many questions about what I just witnessed that I couldn’t wait to begin Googling. I figured flyting probably was historically accurate, but if that’s the case, then what else can it tells us about the medieval warrior and about Eivor’s characterization?
I set off to find out.
Wikipedia and howstuffworks combined gave me a robust definition of flyting.
A ritual, poetic exchange of insults practiced mainly between the 5th and 16th centuries. Examples of flyting are found throughout Scots, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Celtic, Old English, Middle English and Norse literature involving both historical and mythological figures. The exchanges would become extremely provocative, often involving accusations of cowardice or sexual perversion.
The idea behind flyting was to influence public opinion of the participants and raise both of their profiles. And each participant wanted to make himself look better than the other, even if they were friendly.
Not only that, but flyting’s also the first recorded use of shit as an insult. That right there is worth this whole essay and then some.
I came away from those definitions with some small Euphoria, as they reinforce what I already expected from Ubisoft — historically accurate and (arguably) immersive side activities grounded in realism.
Unfortunately, none of the flyting foes that Eivor faces in this fantasy are founded in any real-world flyters. I was particularly frustrated when I realized Fergal the Faceless and Borghild the Alewife’s Bane were fictional features, not real historical fiends of rhythm and rhyme.
Two of Eivor’s syntax competitors are “real” in some sense, however.
In Norse mythos, Odin, Thor, Loki, Freyja and more would handle their Family Matters over a flyte from time to time, dueling wits and words as competition and entertainment.
In fact, one flyte we do see in game — Odin as he flytes over the river with Thor in the Asgard Arc — is likely a reference to a real medieval Norse poem; The Hárbarðsljóð.
In it, Thor jaunts back to Asgard after a journey in Jötunheim. He comes to a junction in which he must jump a large river, and thus hunts down a ferryman to shepherd him across. The ferryman, Hárbarðr, is Odin in disguise. He then begins to diss guys.
Ahem. ‘Guys’ being Thor, obviously.
First, Odin drops a yo-mama joke:
Of thy morning feats art thou proud, but the future thou knowest not wholly; Doleful thine home-coming is: thy mother, me thinks, is dead.
He keeps going, taking more shots than a First Person Shooter, this time saying Thor dresses like a girl:
Three good dwellings methinks, thou hast not; Barefoot thou standest and wearest a beggar’s dress; Not even hose dost thou have.
Thor says watch your mouth before I clap back:
Ill for thee comes thy keenness of tongue, if the water I choose to wade; Louder, I ween, than a wolf thou cryest, if a blow of my hammer thou hast.
Odin replies by saying Thor’s wife is fucking another dude:
Sif has a lover at home, and him shouldst thou meet; More fitting it were on him to put forth thy strength.
The version we play out in game isn’t identical to the real-world poem, but carries some similarities; Thor’s threatening to cross the river to fight Odin as well as his boasting of slaying giants are present in each.
Ratatosk is the only other ‘real’ flyting enemy in Valhalla. While Odin doesn’t flyte with Ratatosk in Norse myth to my knowledge, the flyting against the squirrel is thematically accurate, at least.
Ratatosk’s purpose is to scramble up and down Yggdrasil, scurrying spoken messages from the eagle that sits at its peaks to the snake that slithers at its base. The nature of Ratatosk’s messages is in line with the act of flyting — the mischievous rodent carries falsehoods and aggressive statements to stir up drama and distrust between bird and serpent.
Flyting took place not only in poems and folklore, but in town squares and royal court. It was a facet of medieval life and social interaction. This weaving of prose then, in this time period, seemingly was just about as much of an admired skill as the swinging of a sword. It’s no wonder our unbreakable warrior Eivor is so proficient with word.
Like, really proficient with word.
I mean, I know it’s me choosing the dialogue options, but sheesh, is there anything she can’t do?
Actually, Eivor’s expertise in flyting is strange to me. It feels random and unearned — out of character, even. It comes more unexpectedly than Kendrick Lamar’s Not Like Us.
It probably only feels out of character, however, due to our modern understanding of proficiency with words versus proficiency with might. Our current interpretation of verbal ability compared to physical ability would perceive verbal ability as the ‘softer’ of the two skillsets. Physical strength is typically interpreted as tough and more dominant. You don’t expect to see an MMA fighter composing poetry, do you? The qualities that modern thought attributes to writing and physicality don’t mesh.
But in reality — and historically accurately in Valhalla — medieval warriors weren’t just blind berserkers. They were actually artists, poets and writers.
We’ve already demonstrated how Odin and Thor — Norse myth’s most famous warriors — carried out flyting. Thus, medieval Vikings would’ve surely done the same. Beyond Vikings though, the Illiad contains instances of public, ritualized abuse. Taunting songs are present in Inuit culture while Arabic poetry contains a form of flyting called naqa’id. Further, Japanese Samurai were known to be frequent composers of haiku, while Japanese culture also gave birth to Haikai, poetry in which vulgar satire and puns were wielded.
This historical accuracy ends up eliminating the randomness of Eivor’s flyting ability. Despite her verbal finesse feeling unearned, we can surmise historically that Eivor has practiced the wielding of words plenty in her life before we take over as the player. She’s dedicated time to this.
Now that we know why she has it, we can take a closer look at what it does for her.
So, Eivor can rap. She can match you with her axe or she can match you with her words. She’s just about unbeatable.
Her mastery of words demonstrates on some level that she’s not all Push Ups and might is right. She’s not all bruiser and bluster, burn and berserk. She’s an appreciator of the finer things — the more abstract, mental skills that require brain power, deftness and finesse.
This duality of strength and genius rounds out Eivor into a deeper, richer, more admirable character. More than just raw muscle in pursuit of glory, Eivor’s mastery of verse demonstrates her prioritizing not just her body, but her mind.
And it goes a long way for her.
Eivor can use her prowess with prose to progress past pointless plot points throughout Valhalla’s plethora of arcs and missions. It’s just a stat check in the end, but with enough practice flyting and enough charisma gained, Eivor unlocks new dialogue options that bend the world around her to her will.
Witch hunters in Eurvicscire on the brink of terrorizing Moira can be dispersed verbally rather than brawled or killed. There’s an entire riddle-solving fetch quest in Wincestre that can be skipped completely by telling King Aelfred’s abbot fuck off (figuratively). Eivor’s sharpening of her mind protects her body, saves her time, and allows her to frictionlessly fell her endeavors.
Her articulate advances don’t just alter her into admirability, they allow her to influence people and progression. With semantics from her mouth and twists from her tongue, Eivor can have her way whenever she wishes. In a game this large, I’m only left longing that the opportunity to make use of this charisma wasn’t relegated to niches.
Regardless, if medieval England is butter, Eivor’s tongue is the hot knife that behooves her move through her subduing more smoothly.
It all just goes to show that ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ flyte is right.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to AssassinsCreedValhala [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:08 YourlocalTitanicguy Odd Titanica: Hollywood sleaze

In this edition of “Odd Titanica”, we are going to dive into the sleazy, opportunistic world of show business. A world that comedian Fred Allen said of, “you can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a fruit fly, and still have room for three caraway seeds and a producer’s heart”. Hyperbolic? Let’s take a look at Hollywood’s response to the Titanic disaster to see that there really is no business like show business.
Dorothy Gibson and the lost, first, film are well worn trivia by now. The traumatized actress rushed into production, her inability to process her trauma causing her mental breakdown, collapse, and retirement from acting immediately after the film was finished - it’s a perfect story to demonstrate the callousness of the film industry. But there is more to the story, and digging deeper shows us that “Saved” may have been the least sleazy project undertaken by the studios.
Dorothy’s account of the sinking and the suffering she endured filming “Saved from the Titanic” are predominantly found in two sources - The New York Dramatic Mirror and Moving Picture World. These were trade magazines, published weekly, and consisting solely of material related to the stage and screen business. These would be announcements of upcoming features, casting news, celebrity gossip, technical news - anything the movie star to the man sweeping the floor at the cinema needed to know. And they included ads … lots and lots of ads.
Immediately realizing that Titanic was not only a horrible tragedy but an incredible business opportunity, Moving Picture World got to work. As people stormed White Star Line offices, and raided newspaper carts for any drop of news regarding the sinking, Moving Picture World provided the latest in Titanic news; or perhaps we should say “Titanic” news.
The headlines of the April 27th issue may have screamed TITANIC, but as the public grabbed their copy and hurriedly flipped through the pages, they found that what they were actually given was ads. Those eye grabbing headlines were followed by much smaller print-
TITANIC EFFORTS... are being exerted by Champion to put before the exhibitors that will make them regular Champ Patrons! Get the following latest [releases] and you’ll be convinced!.
UNSINKABLE … is the reputation of Rep productions, but these two releases will sink into the minds of everyone who sees them and will remain there as worthy object lessons.
THE CRY OF THE CHILDREN …suggested by the poem of Elizabeth Barret Browning in 2 reels this Tuesday!
THE DEATH SHIP...a sensational two reel drama of the sea containing one of the most thrilling dynamite explosions imaginable!
For all the slimy marketing tricks, flipping through the pages still has plenty of legitimate ads for real Titanic newsreels, movies, and a specific type of presentation known a Myriorama involving painting, music, and recitation. But, show business would strike again - the ads were legitimate, but what they were advertising was not. History has sort of forgotten the huge demand for Titanic media in the wake of the sinking, something that didn’t really exist. When cinema owners would order these “only surviving genuine negatives of the disaster” complete with lobby display package, they instead received-
our astonishment to find the Lusitania and Olympic, and one or two scratch films of ancient days posing as pictures of Titanic.
But they didn’t stop. Animated Weekly advertised that they were “the first to reach the wreck… chartered a tug from Cape Breton and rushed to the scene while the survivors were still in the water”. Cinemas began to promote footage of the sinking. Audiences wrote their disgust to Moving Picture World-
These representations are to the point of criminality … Take, for instance, the picture showing the Titanic with about a sixth of her forward length stuck into the iceberg. Everybody knows the collision did not occur in that manner!
They pointed to the following ad as an example - FIRST PICTURES OF THE TITANIC OCEAN DISASTER. The cinema owners responded by noting that they had misread, crammed in tiny letters were the words “sunk in” so that ad actually read FIRST PICTURES OF THE TITANIC sunk in OCEAN DISASTER. It was the customer's fault, they said, to be stupid enough to think anyone could have actually filmed the sinking.
Once this ruse was discovered, the studios shifted gears. The next step was to advertise film along with presentations by “A Lecturer who was on board”. When the audience realized the lecturer was not on Titanic and demanded a refund - the response from the managers was
Those signs didn’t say he was a survivor.
… and any attempt to charge him with the crime of fraud was absurd because, in his own words-
Of course I didn’t give him his money back. The sign didn’t misrepresent anything. West was on the Titanic, the sign didn’t say when he was.
…which was true. The lecturer, Eugene West, had visited Titanic while she was under construction at Belfast.
As for the movies themselves?
We said we had pictures. If people were foolish enough to think we meant moving pictures, that was their fault.
This particular cheated audience member was told if he wanted his money back, to go on the street and sing for it. Whether it was this, or something else, eventually the public snapped and began hauling out cinema managers and beating them in the streets. By May, the mayors of Boston and Memphis had banned the showing of any Titanic pictures - moving or still- within the city.
But, where was Dorothy in all this? Tucked in the very back of the magazine, after another newsreel ad,, we get to the celebrity sighting and gossip section. Ed Lux of the Rex Film Exchange was in town, Dan Markowitz of Fox Pictures was as well, Arthur Schmidt of the Victor Film Company was seen having a lovely spa at a Turkish Bath, Sam Gobel of the St Louis Motion Picture Company has been walking up and down 42nd street, we don’t know if Southern film maker Henry Wasserman is still here but he might be, Dorothy Gibson survived the sinking of the Titanic, and the Director of Selig Pictures took some actresses to Santa Catalina for a swim and a photoshoot and they had a great time.
By the following edition, on May 2nd, Moving Picture World was also able to provide its readers with the first stills from “Saved from the Titanic” and a feature on Dorothy. Along with this, tucked in the editorials, the magazine finally published a piece of truthful news about the Titanic disaster-
Senator William Alden Smith … declined to grant permission to have the cinematopgraph make a record of the sessions of the committee. “The sessions” he is quoted as saying…”are solemn affairs and must not be hippodromed or commercialized”. He is, however, falling into a serious error in judgement-
…they sniffed.
As a matter of right, the camera man ought to have been permitted. The day of the enfranchisement of the motion picture will surely come .. which will give equal rights to the cinematographer and the newspaper man.
Then, among the illegal false advertising and reports of public brawls at the cinema, they ended with-
The lesson of the Titanic disaster and all its incidents can be made far more impressive by pictures that move than by mere words in cold letters.
submitted by YourlocalTitanicguy to titanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:05 YourlocalTitanicguy Odd Titanica: Hollywood sleaze

In this edition of “Odd Titanica”, we are going to dive into the sleazy, opportunistic world of show business. A world that comedian Fred Allen said of, “you can take all the sincerity in Hollywood, place it in the navel of a fruit fly, and still have room for three caraway seeds and a producer’s heart”. Hyperbolic? Let’s take a look at Hollywood’s response to the Titanic disaster to see that there really is no business like show business.
Dorothy Gibson and the lost, first, film are well worn trivia by now. The traumatized actress rushed into production, her inability to process her trauma causing her mental breakdown, collapse, and retirement from acting immediately after the film was finished - it’s a perfect story to demonstrate the callousness of the film industry. But there is more to the story, and digging deeper shows us that “Saved” may have been the least sleazy project undertaken by the studios.
Dorothy’s account of the sinking and the suffering she endured filming “Saved from the Titanic” are predominantly found in two sources - The New York Dramatic Mirror and Moving Picture World. These were trade magazines, published weekly, and consisting solely of material related to the stage and screen business. These would be announcements of upcoming features, casting news, celebrity gossip, technical news - anything the movie star to the man sweeping the floor at the cinema needed to know. And they included ads … lots and lots of ads.
Immediately realizing that Titanic was not only a horrible tragedy but an incredible business opportunity, Moving Picture World got to work. As people stormed White Star Line offices, and raided newspaper carts for any drop of news regarding the sinking, Moving Picture World provided the latest in Titanic news; or perhaps we should say “Titanic” news.
The headlines of the April 27th issue may have screamed TITANIC, but as the public grabbed their copy and hurriedly flipped through the pages, they found that what they were actually given was ads. Those eye grabbing headlines were followed by much smaller print-
TITANIC EFFORTS are being exerted by Champion to put before the exhibitors that will make them regular Champ Patrons! Get the following latest [releases] and you’ll be convinced!.
UNSINKABLE … is the reputation of Rep productions, but these two releases will sink into the minds of everyone who sees them and will remain there as worthy object lessons.
THE CRY OF THE CHILDREN …suggested by the poem of Elizabeth Barret Browning in 2 reels this Tuesday!
** THE GREATEST MOTION PICTURE OF NATIONAL INTEREST - THE SINKING OF**…. the big battleship. Remember the Maine!
THE DEATH SHIP...a sensational two reel drama of the sea containing one of the most thrilling dynamite explosions imaginable!
For all the slimy marketing tricks, flipping through the pages still has plenty of legitimate ads for real Titanic newsreels, movies, and a specific type of presentation known a Myriorama involving painting, music, and recitation. But, show business would strike again - the ads were legitimate, but what they were advertising was not.
History has sort of forgotten the huge demand for Titanic media in the wake of the sinking, something that didn’t really exist. When cinema owners would order these “only surviving genuine negatives of the disaster” complete with lobby display package, they instead received-
our astonishment to find the Lusitania and Olympic, and one or two scratch films of ancient days posing as pictures of Titanic.
But they didn’t stop. Animated Weekly advertised that they were “the first to reach the wreck… chartered a tug from Cape Breton and rushed to the scene while the survivors were still in the water”. Cinemas began to promote footage of the sinking. Audiences wrote their disgust to Moving Picture World-
These representations are to the point of criminality … Take, for instance, the picture showing the Titanic with about a sixth of her forward length stuck into the iceberg. Everybody knows the collision did not occur in that manner!
They pointed to the following ad as an example - FIRST PICTURES OF THE TITANIC OCEAN DISASTER. The cinema owners responded by noting that they had misread, crammed in tiny letters were the words “sunk in” so that ad actually read FIRST PICTURES OF THE TITANIC sunk in OCEAN DISASTER. It was the customers fault, they said, to be stupid enough to think anyone could have actually filmed the sinking.
Once this ruse was discovered, the studios shifted gears. The next step was to advertise film along with presentations by “A Lecturer who was on board”. When the audience realized the lecturer was not on Titanic and demanded a refund - the response from the managers was
Those signs didn’t say he was a survivor.
… and any attempt to charge him with the crime of fraud was absurd because, in his own words-
Of course I didn’t give him his money back. The sign didn’t misrepresent anything. West was on the Titanic, the sign didn’t say when he was.
…which was true. The lecturer, Eugene West, had visited Titanic while she was under construction at Belfast.
As for the movies themselves?
We said we had pictures. If people were foolish enough to think we meant moving pictures, that was their fault.
This particular cheated audience member was told if he wanted his money back, to go on the street and sing for it. Whether it was this, or something else, eventually the public snapped and began hauling out cinema managers and beating them in the streets. By May, the mayors of Boston and Memphis had banned the showing of any Titanic pictures - moving or still- within the city.
But, where was Dorothy in all this? Tucked in the very back of the magazine, after another newsreel ad,, we get to the celebrity sighting and gossip section. Ed Lux of the Rex Film Exchange was in town, Dan Markowitz of Fox Pictures was as well, Arthur Schmidt of the Victor Film Company was seen having a lovely spa at a Turkish Bath, Sam Gobel of the St Louis Motion Picture Company has been walking up and down 42nd street, we don’t know if Southern film maker Henry Wasserman is still here but he might be, Dorothy Gibson survived the sinking of the Titanic, and the Director of Selig Pictures took some actresses to Santa Catalina for a swim and a photoshoot and they had a great time.
By the following edition, on May 2nd, Moving Picture World was also able to provide its readers with the first stills from “Saved from the Titanic” and a feature on Dorothy. Along with this, tucked in the editorials, the magazine finally published a piece of truthful news about the Titanic disaster-
Senator William Alden Smith … declined to grant permission to have the cinematopgraph make a record of the sessions of the committee. “The sessions” he is quoted as saying…”are solemn affairs and must not be hippodromed or commercialized”. He is, however, falling into a serious error in judgement-
…they sniffed.
As a matter of right, the camera man ought to have been permitted. The day of the enfranchisement of the motion picture will surely come .. which will give equal rights to the cinematographer and the newspaper man.
Then, among the illegal false advertising and reports of public brawls at the cinema, they ended with-
The lesson of the Titanic disaster and all its incidents can be made far more impressive by pictures that move than by mere words in cold letters.
submitted by YourlocalTitanicguy to RMS_Titanic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:01 Zappingsbrew A post talking about 400 words

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anticipate, anxiety, any, anybody, anymore, anyone, anything, anyway, anywhere, apart, apartment, apologize, apparent, apparently, appeal, appear, appearance, apple, application, apply, appoint, appointment, appreciate, approach, appropriate, approval, approve, approximately, architect, area, argue, argument, arise, arm, armed, army, around, arrange, arrangement, arrest, arrival, arrive, art, article, artist, artistic, as, ashamed, aside, ask, asleep, aspect, assault, assert, assess, assessment, asset, assign, assignment, assist, assistance, assistant, associate, association, assume, assumption, assure, at, athlete, athletic, atmosphere, attach, attack, attempt, attend, attention, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attribute, audience, author, authority, auto, available, average, avoid, award, aware, awareness, away, awful, baby, back, background, bad, badly, bag, balance, ball, ban, band, bank, bar, barely, barrel, barrier, base, baseball, basic, basically, basis, basket, basketball, bath, bathroom, battery, battle, be, beach, bear, beat, beautiful, beauty, because, become, bed, bedroom, bee, beef, beer, before, begin, beginning, behavior, behind, being, belief, believe, bell, belong, below, belt, bench, bend, beneath, benefit, beside, besides, best, bet, better, between, beyond, bicycle, big, bike, bill, billion, bind, biological, bird, birth, birthday, bit, bite, black, blade, blame, blanket, blind, block, blood, blow, blue, board, boat, body, bomb, bombing, bond, bone, book, boom, boot, border, boring, born, borrow, boss, both, bother, bottle, bottom, boundary, bowl, box, boy, boyfriend, brain, branch, brand, brave, bread, break, breakfast, breast, breath, breathe, brick, bridge, brief, briefly, bright, brilliant, bring, broad, broken, brother, brown, brush, buck, budget, build, building, bullet, bunch, burden, burn, bury, bus, business, busy, but, butter, button, buy, buyer, by, cabin, cabinet, cable, cake, calculate, call, camera, camp, campaign, campus, can, Canadian, cancer, candidate, cap, capability, capable, capacity, capital, captain, capture, car, carbon, card, care, career, careful, carefully, carrier, carry, case, cash, cast, cat, catch, category, Catholic, cause, ceiling, celebrate, celebration, celebrity, cell, center, central, century, CEO, ceremony, certain, certainly, chain, chair, chairman, challenge, chamber, champion, championship, chance, change, changing, channel, chapter, character, characteristic, characterize, charge, charity, chart, chase, cheap, check, cheek, cheese, chef, chemical, chest, chicken, chief, child, childhood, Chinese, chip, chocolate, choice, cholesterol, choose, Christian, Christmas, church, cigarette, circle, circumstance, cite, citizen, city, civil, civilian, claim, class, classic, classroom, clean, clear, clearly, client, climate, climb, clinic, clinical, clock, close, closely, closer, clothes, clothing, cloud, club, clue, cluster, coach, coal, coalition, coast, coat, code, coffee, cognitive, cold, collapse, colleague, collect, collection, collective, college, colonial, color, column, combination, combine, come, comedy, comfort, comfortable, command, commander, comment, commercial, commission, commit, commitment, committee, common, communicate, communication, community, company, compare, comparison, compete, competition, competitive, competitor, complain, complaint, complete, completely, complex, complexity, compliance, complicate, complicated, component, compose, composition, comprehensive, computer, concentrate, concentration, concept, concern, concerned, concert, conclude, conclusion, concrete, condition, conduct, conference, confidence, confident, confirm, conflict, confront, confusion, Congress, congressional, connect, connection, consciousness, consensus, consequence, conservative, consider, considerable, consideration, consist, consistent, constant, constantly, constitute, constitutional, construct, construction, consultant, consume, consumer, consumption, contact, contain, container, contemporary, content, contest, context, continue, continued, contract, contrast, contribute, contribution, control, controversial, controversy, convention, conventional, conversation, convert, conviction, convince, cook, cookie, cooking, cool, cooperation, cop, cope, copy, core, corn, corner, corporate, corporation, correct, correspondent, cost, cotton, couch, could, council, count, counter, country, county, couple, courage, course, court, cousin, cover, coverage, cow, crack, craft, crash, crazy, cream, create, creation, creative, creature, credit, crew, crime, criminal, crisis, criteria, critic, critical, criticism, criticize, crop, cross, crowd, crucial, cry, cultural, culture, cup, curious, current, currently, curriculum, custom, customer, cut, cycle, dad, daily, damage, dance, danger, dangerous, dare, dark, darkness, data, database, date, daughter, day, dead, deal, dealer, dear, death, debate, debt, decade, decide, decision, deck, declare, decline, decrease, deep, deeply, deer, defeat, defend, defendant, defense, defensive, deficit, define, definitely, definition, degree, delay, deliver, delivery, demand, democracy, Democratic, Democrat, demonstrate, demonstration, deny, department, depend, dependent, depending, depict, depression, depth, deputy, derive, describe, description, desert, deserve, design, designer, desire, desk, desperate, despite, destroy, destruction, detail, detailed, detect, detection, detective, determine, develop, developing, development, device, devil, dialogue, diet, differ, difference, different, differently, difficult, difficulty, dig, digital, dimension, dining, dinner, direct, direction, directly, director, dirt, disability, disagree, disappear, disaster, discipline, disclose, discover, discovery, discrimination, discuss, discussion, disease, dish, dismiss, disorder, display, dispute, distance, distinct, distinction, distinguish, distribute, distribution, district, diverse, diversity, divide, division, divorce, DNA, do, doctor, document, dog, domestic, dominant, dominate, door, double, doubt, down, downtown, dozen, draft, drag, drama, dramatic, dramatically, draw, drawer, drawing, dream, dress, drink, drive, driver, drop, drug, dry, due, during, dust, duty, dwell, dying, dynamic, each, eager, ear, earlier, early, earn, earnings, earth, earthquake, ease, easily, east, eastern, easy, eat, economic, economy, edge, edit, edition, editor, educate, education, educational, educator, effect, effective, effectively, efficiency, efficient, effort, egg, eight, either, elderly, elect, election, electric, electrical, electricity, electronic, element, elementary, eliminate, elite, else, elsewhere, e-mail, embrace, emerge, emergency, emission, emotion, emotional, emphasis, emphasize, employ, employee, employer, employment, empty, enable, encounter, encourage, end, enemy, energy, enforcement, engage, engine, engineer, engineering, English, enhance, enjoy, enormous, enough, ensure, enter, enterprise, entertain, entertainment, entire, entirely, entrance, entry, environment, environmental, episode, equal, equally, equipment, equivalent, era, error, escape, especially, essay, essential, essentially, establish, establishment, estate, estimate, etc, ethics, ethnic, European, evaluate, evaluation, evening, event, eventually, ever, every, everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere, evidence, evolution, evolve, exact, exactly, exam, examination, examine, example, exceed, excellent, except, exception, exchange, exciting, executive, exercise, exhibit, exhibition, exist, existence, existing, expand, expansion, expect, expectation, expense, expensive, experience, experiment, expert, explain, explanation, explode, explore, explosion, expose, exposure, express, expression, extend, extension, extensive, extent, external, extra, extraordinary, extreme, extremely, eye, fabric, face, facility, fact, factor, factory, faculty, fade, fail, failure, fair, fairly, faith, fall, false, familiar, family, famous, fan, fantasy, far, farm, farmer, fashion, fast, fat, fate, father, fault, favor, favorite, fear, feature, federal, fee, feed, feel, feeling, fellow, female, fence, festival, few, fewer, fiber, fiction, field, fifteen, fifth, fifty, fight, fighter, fighting, figure, file, fill, film, final, finally, finance, financial, find, finding, fine, finger, finish, fire, firm, first, fish, fishing, fit, fitness, five, fix, flag, flame, flat, flavor, flee, flesh, flight, float, floor, flow, flower, fly, focus, folk, follow, following, food, foot, football, for, force, foreign, forest, forever, forget, form, formal, formation, former, formula, forth, fortune, forward, found, foundation, founder, four, fourth, frame, framework, free, freedom, freeze, French, frequency, frequent, frequently, fresh, friend, friendly, friendship, from, front, fruit, frustration, fuel, fulfill, full, fully, fun, function, fund, fundamental, funding, funeral, funny, furniture, furthermore, future, gain, galaxy, gallery, game, gang, gap, garage, garden, garlic, gas, gate, gather, gay, gaze, gear, gender, gene, general, generally, generate, generation, genetic, gentleman, gently, German, gesture, get, ghost, giant, gift, gifted, girl, girlfriend, give, given, glad, glance, glass, global, glove, go, goal, God, gold, golden, golf, good, govern, government, governor, grab, grace, grade, gradually, graduate, grain, grand, grandmother, grant, grass, grave, gray, great, green, grocery, ground, group, grow, growing, growth, guarantee, guard, guess, guest, guide, guideline, guilty, gun, guy, habit, habitat, hair, half, hall, hand, handful, handle, hang, happen, happy, harbor, hard, hardly, hat, hate, have, he, head, headline, headquarters, health, healthy, hear, hearing, heart, heat, heaven, heavily, heavy, heel, height, helicopter, hell, hello, help, helpful, hence, her, herb, here, heritage, hero, herself, hey, hi, hide, high, highlight, highly, highway, hill, him, himself, hip, hire, his, historic, historical, history, hit, hold, hole, holiday, holy, home, homeless, honest, honey, honor, hope, horizon, horror, horse, hospital, host, hot, hotel, hour, house, household, housing, how, however, huge, human, humor, hundred, hungry, hunter, hunting, hurt, husband, hypothesis, ice, idea, ideal, identification, identify, identity, ignore, ill, illegal, illness, illustrate, image, imagination, imagine, immediate, immediately, immigrant, immigration, impact, implement, implication, imply, importance, important, impose, impossible, impress, impression, impressive, improve, improvement, incentive, incident, include, including, income, incorporate, increase, increased, increasingly, incredible, indeed, independence, independent, index, indicate, indication, individual, industrial, industry, infant, infection, inflation, influence, inform, information, ingredient, initial, initially, initiative, injury, inner, innocent, inquiry, inside, insight, insist, inspire, install, instance, instead, institute, institution, institutional, instruction, instructor, instrument, insurance, intellectual, intelligence, intend, intense, intensity, intention, interaction, interest, interested, interesting, internal, international, Internet, interpret, interpretation, intervention, interview, introduce, introduction, invasion, invest, investigation, investigator, investment, investor, invite, involve, involved, involvement, Iraqi, Irish, iron, Islamic, island, Israeli, issue, it, Italian, item, its, itself, jacket, jail, Japanese, jet, Jew, Jewish, job, join, joint, joke, journal, journalist, journey, joy, judge, judgment, juice, jump, junior, jury, just, justice, justify, keep, key, kick, kid, kill, killer, killing, kind, king, kiss, kitchen, knee, knife, knock, know, knowledge, lab, label, labor, laboratory, lack, lady, lake, land, landscape, language, lap, large, largely, last, late, later, Latin, latter, laugh, launch, law, lawsuit, lawyer, lay, layer, lead, leader, leadership, leading, leaf, league, lean, learn, learning, least, leather, leave, left, leg, legacy, legal, legend, legislation, legislative, legislator, legitimate, lemon, length, less, lesson, let, letter, level, liberal, library, license, lie, life, lifestyle, lifetime, lift, light, like, likely, limit, limitation, limited, line, link, lip, list, listen, literary, literature, little, live, living, load, loan, local, locate, location, lock, long, long-term, look, loose, lose, loss, lost, lot, lots, loud, love, lovely, lover, low, lower, luck, lucky, lunch, luxury, machine, mad, magazine, mail, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, major, majority, make, maker, makeup, male, mall, man, manage, management, manager, manner, manufacturer, manufacturing, many, map, margin, mark, market, marketing, marriage, married, marry, mask, mass, massive, master, match, material, math, matter, may, maybe, mayor, me, meal, mean, meaning, meanwhile, measure, measurement, meat, mechanism, media, medical, medication, medicine, medium, meet, meeting, member, membership, memory, mental, mention, menu, mere, merely, mess, message, metal, meter, method, Mexican, middle, might, military, milk, million, mind, mine, minister, minor, minority, minute, miracle, mirror, miss, missile, mission, mistake, mix, mixture, mm-hmm, mode, model, moderate, modern, modest, mom, moment, money, monitor, month, mood, moon, moral, more, moreover, morning, mortgage, most, mostly, mother, motion, motivation, motor, mountain, mouse, mouth, move, movement, movie, Mr, Mrs, Ms, much, multiple, murder, muscle, museum, music, musical, musician, Muslim, must, mutual, my, myself, mystery, myth, naked, name, narrative, narrow, nation, national, native, natural, naturally, nature, near, nearby, nearly, necessarily, necessary, neck, need, negative, negotiate, negotiation, neighbor, neighborhood, neither, nerve, nervous, net, network, never, nevertheless, new, newly, news, newspaper, next, nice, night, nine, no, nobody, nod, noise, nomination, nominee, none, nonetheless, nor, normal, normally, north, northern, nose, not, note, nothing, notice, notion, novel, now, nowhere, nuclear, number, numerous, nurse, nut, object, objective, obligation, observation, observe, observer, obtain, obvious, obviously, occasion, occasionally, occupation, occupy, occur, ocean, odd, odds, of, off, offense, offensive, offer, office, officer, official, often, oh, oil, okay, old, Olympic, on, once, one, ongoing, onion, online, only, onto, open, opening, operate, operating, operation, operator, opinion, opponent, opportunity, oppose, opposed, opposite, opposition, option, or, orange, order, ordinary, organic, organization, organize, orientation, origin, original, originally, other, others, otherwise, ought, our, ours, ourselves, out, outcome, outside, oven, over, overall, overcome, overlook, owe, own, owner, pace, pack, package, page, pain, painful, paint, painter, painting, pair, pale, Palestinian, palm, pan, panel, panic, pant, paper, paragraph, parent, park, parking, part, participant, participate, participation, particle, particular, particularly, partly, partner, partnership, party, pass, passage, passenger, passion, past, patch, path, patient, pattern, pause, pay, payment, PC, peace, peak, peer, pen, penalty, people, pepper, per, perceive, percentage, perception, perfect, perfectly, perform, performance, perhaps, period, permanent, permission, permit, person, personal, personality, personally, personnel, perspective, persuade, pet, phase, phenomenon, philosophy, phone, photo, photographer, phrase, physical, physically, physician, piano, pick, picture, pie, piece, pile, pilot, pine, pink, pipe, pitch, place, plan, plane, planet, planning, plant, plastic, plate, platform, play, player, please, pleasure, plenty, plot, plus, PM, pocket, poem, poet, poetry, point, police, policy, political, politically, politician, politics, poll, pollution, pool, poor, pop, popular, population, porch, port, portion, portrait, portray, pose, position, positive, possess, possession, possibility, possible, possibly, post, pot, potato, potential, potentially, pound, pour, poverty, powder, power, powerful, practical, practice, prayer, preach, precisely, predict, prediction, prefer, preference, pregnancy, pregnant, preparation, prepare, prescription, presence, present, presentation, preserve, president, presidential, press, pressure, pretend, pretty, prevent, previous, previously, price, pride, priest, primarily, primary, prime, principal, principle, print, prior, priority, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, probably, problem, procedure, proceed, process, processing, processor, proclaim, produce, producer, product, production, profession, professional, professor, profile, profit, program, progress, progressive, project, prominent, promise, promote, prompt, proof, proper, properly, property, proportion, proposal, propose, prosecutor, prospect, protect, protection, protein, protest, proud, prove, provide, provider, province, provision, psychological, psychology, public, publication, publicity, publish, publisher, pull, punishment, purchase, pure, purpose, pursue, push, put, qualify, quality, quarter, quarterback, quarterly, queen, quest, question, quick, quickly, quiet, quietly, quit, quite, quote, race, racial, radiation, radical, radio, rail, rain, raise, range, rank, rapid, rapidly, rare, rarely, rate, rather, rating, ratio, raw, reach, react, reaction, reader, reading, ready, real, reality, realize, really, reason, reasonable, recall, receive, recent, recently, reception, recipe, recipient, recognition, recognize, recommend, recommendation, record, recording, recover, recovery, recruit, red, reduce, reduction, refer, reference, reflect, reflection, reform, refugee, refuse, regard, regarding, regardless, regime, region, regional, register, regular, regularly, regulate, regulation, regulator, reinforce, reject, relate, relation, relationship, relative, relatively, relax, release, relevant, relief, religion, religious, rely, remain, remaining, remarkable, remember, remind, remote, remove, repeat, repeatedly, replace, replacement, reply, report, reporter, represent, representation, representative, Republican, reputation, request, require, requirement, research, researcher, resemble, reservation, resident, residential, resign, resist, resistance, resolution, resolve, resort, resource, respect, respond, response, responsibility, responsible, rest, restaurant, restore, restriction, result, retain, retire, retirement, return, reveal, revenue, review, revolution, rhythm, rice, rich, rid, ride, rifle, right, ring, rise, risk, river, road, rock, role, roll, romantic, roof, room, root, rope, rose, rough, roughly, round, route, routine, row, rub, rubber, rude, ruin, rule, run, running, rural, rush, Russian, sacred, sad, safe, safety, sake, salad, salary, sale, sales, salt, same, sample, sanction, sand, satellite, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfy, sauce, save, saving, say, scale, scandal, scare, scatter, scenario, scene, schedule, scheme, scholar, scholarship, school, science, scientific, scientist, scope, score, scream, screen, script, sea, search, season, seat, second, secondary, secret, secretary, section, sector, secure, security, see, seed, seek, seem, segment, seize, select, selection, self, sell, Senate, senator, send, senior, sense, sensitive, sentence, separate, sequence, series, serious, seriously, servant, serve, service, session, set, setting, settle, settlement, seven, several, severe, sex, sexual, shade, shadow, shake, shall, shallow, shape, share, sharp, she, sheet, shelf, shell, shelter, shift, shine, ship, shirt, shock, shoe, shoot, shooting, shop, shopping, short, shortly, shot, should, shoulder, shout, show, shower, shrug, shut, shy, sibling, sick, side, sigh, sight, sign, signal, significant, significantly, silence, silent, silver, similar, similarly, simple, simply, sin, since, sing, singer, single, sink, sir, sister, sit, site, situation, six, size, ski, skill, skin, skirt, sky, slave, sleep, slice, slide, slight, slightly, slip, slow, slowly, small, smart, smell, smile, smoke, smooth, snap, snow, so, so-called, soccer, social, society, soft, software, soil, solar, soldier, sole, solid, solution, solve, some, somebody, somehow, someone, something, sometimes, somewhat, somewhere, son, song, soon, sophisticated, sorry, sort, soul, sound, soup, source, south, southern, Soviet, space, Spanish, speak, speaker, special, specialist, species, specific, specifically, specify, speech, speed, spend, spending, spin, spirit, spiritual, split, spoil, sponsor, sport, spot, spray, spread, spring, square, squeeze, stability, stable, staff, stage, stain, stair, stake, stand, standard, standing, star, stare, start, state, statement, station, statistical, status, stay, steady, steal, steel, steep, stem, step, stick, still, stimulate, stimulus, stir, stock, stomach, stone, stop, storage, store, storm, story, straight, strange, stranger, strategic, strategy, stream, street, strength, strengthen, stress, stretch, strike, string, strip, stroke, strong, strongly, structural, structure, struggle, student, studio, study, stuff, stupid, style, subject, submit, subsequent, substance, substantial, substitute, succeed, success, successful, successfully, such, sudden, suddenly, sue, suffer, sufficient, sugar, suggest, suggestion, suicide, suit, summer, summit, sun, super, supply, support, supporter, suppose, supposed, Supreme, sure, surely, surface, surgery, surprise, surprised, surprising, surprisingly, surround, survey, survival, survive, survivor, suspect, sustain, swear, sweep, sweet, swim, swing, switch, symbol, symptom, system, table, tactic, tail, take, tale, talent, talk, tall, tank, tap, tape, target, task, taste, tax, taxi, tea, teach, teacher, teaching, team, tear, technical, technique, technology, teen, teenager, telephone, telescope, television, tell, temperature, temporary, ten, tend, tendency, tennis, tension, tent, term, terms, terrible, territory, terror, terrorist, test, testimony, testing, text, than, thank, thanks, that, the, theater, their, them, theme, themselves, then, theory, therapy, there, therefore, these, they, thick, thin, thing, think, thinking, third, thirty, this, those, though, thought, thousand, threat, threaten, three, throat, through, throughout, throw, thus, ticket, tie, tight, time, tiny, tip, tire, tissue, title, to, tobacco, today, toe, together, toilet, token, tolerate, tomato, tomorrow, tone, tongue, tonight, too, tool, tooth, top, topic, toss, total, totally, touch, tough, tour, tourist, tournament, toward, towards, tower, town, toy, trace, track, trade, tradition, traditional, traffic, tragedy, trail, train, training, transfer, transform, transformation, transition, translate, translation, transmission, transmit, transport, transportation, travel, treat, treatment, treaty, tree, tremendous, trend, trial, tribe, trick, trip, troop, trouble, truck, true, truly, trust, truth, try, tube, tunnel, turn, TV, twelve, twenty, twice, twin, two, type, typical, typically, ugly, ultimate, ultimately, unable, uncle, undergo, understand, understanding, unfortunately, uniform, union, unique, unit, United, universal, universe, university, unknown, unless, unlike, until, unusual, up, upon, upper, urban, urge, us, use, used, useful, user, usual, usually, utility, utilize, vacation, valley, valuable, value, variable, variation, variety, various, vary, vast, vegetable, vehicle, venture, version, versus, very, vessel, veteran, via, victim, victory, video, view, viewer, village, violate, violation, violence, violent, virtually, virtue, virus, visibility, visible, vision, visit, visitor, visual, vital, voice, volume, voluntary, volunteer, vote, voter, voting, wage, wait, wake, walk, wall, wander, want, war, warm, warn, warning, wash, waste, watch, water, wave, way, we, weak, weakness, wealth, wealthy, weapon, wear, weather, web, website, wedding, week, weekend, weekly, weigh, weight, welcome, welfare, well, west, western, wet, what, whatever, wheel, when, whenever, where, whereas, whether, which, while, whisper, white, who, whole, whom, whose, why, wide, widely, widespread, wife, wild, wildlife, will, willing, win, wind, window, wine, wing, winner, winter, wipe, wire, wisdom, wise, wish, with, withdraw, within, without, witness, woman, wonder, wonderful, wood, wooden, word, work, worker, working, workout, workplace, works, workshop, world, worried, worry, worth, would, wound, wrap, write, writer, writing, wrong, yard, yeah, year, yell, yellow, yes, yesterday, yet, yield, you, young, your, yours, yourself, youth, zone.
submitted by Zappingsbrew to u/Zappingsbrew [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:52 Mysterious_Lynx_9300 Life

The flash on the screen
In a blink of an eye we lose the world
And still we return from the void
The experience like a fever of flesh and hair
There's no more past to speak of
There is only now and next
I did all I could to tell the truth
I told every lie on earth
I believed you, every time,
And I thought that all of it
Was in my mind, I didn't
Believe that I would tell myself the truth.
That it could be me to hold and heal you.
I must not be
And it need not be.
Slush or ice or boil or steam
I want to make it as water for us
My heart bursts all on it's own imagination
You don't have to tell me what to do
Or what you want
You don't have to tell me anything
But if I'm still on your mind then tell me
Why do we come back?
I'm chased off, I am little, I am avoidant,
My library contains mostly fiction and paperbacks
It lacks classics and class and god
Thats something you have
It's tired but it's true:
I want what's best for you, even without me
And I never wanted to be without you
But I prefer to see you breathe easy and true
No more broken wings blackbird, be whole
Must I say goodbye? Maybe in french
But I don't know what that really means
A mess of thoughts and papers to slip on
Dork holds all his books to his chest
Like he forgot his bag or
Is in a hurry or
Can't share these poems
How water serenely holds aloft
In a paper lantern above
Never to meet the flame
But in the rippled reflections
submitted by Mysterious_Lynx_9300 to Informal_Effect [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:22 lushgreenland last night i had a dream that i met your best friend and your mom.

last night i had a dream that i met your best friend and your mom. Your friend was distracted and that made you upset. he was fumbling around in the kitchen doing other things and i could see you getting tense because you wanted him to like me. your mom liked me though. i said something to make her laugh. we were laughing and walking outside somewhere. it was an unfamiliar landscape. i woke up laughing and my first thought was to tell you that hey, your mom likes me. but i cant tell you something like that. because that would be unfair. your mom will never meet me and probably not your best friend either.
you told me that one of my poems made him cry. that it was reigniting the love between him and his partner. ironic isnt it? our heartbreak makes their love stronger.
as i sit here at 1 o'clock in the morning, i wonder if texting is equal to thinking. like, do you think about me even if you arent texting me? or does your lack of text mean that you have found peace tonight somewhere else? i waiver between wanting you to be happy and wanting you to long for me. we fell in love together simultaneously, living parallel stories and not knowing it. do you think we will fall out of love the same way? on two seperate sides of a wall?
i think this will all pass. the only reason im holding on so tight is because I dont think ill ever get to feel this way again. feelings are overpowering logic tonight. nights are for feeling anyways.
i stay up all day to be someone for him, and i stay up all night to be someone different for you. i need an extra place between night and day to be someone for me.
i told you i had a plan, and i did. it sounded good at first and man it just felt good to be in control again. i wrote it all out. steps one through five. by step five it stopped looking like a plan and started to just look like moving on.
pain fills my body again, making me 50 pounds heavier. i sunk into the couch and opened this note to write, write, write. I write what i cannot say. i write to contain my feelings so as not to scare you with it all.
funny how i told you i wasnt a romantic. well now you know. i heard the way you said it to yourself out loud, like realizing even more reasons why im a caged bird. you shook your head.
but dont feel bad for me. im trapped in a cage of my own making. no one put me here and no one has the key. i know its easier for you to think you can save me from the dragon in the tower. i am the dragon.
but hey, i do love you. i think i do. i mean i could name five things i dont like about you but i love you. i love your mind and the way you make things go easier. quiet and simple against my raging impatience. you stood still and i walked. i asked you why you stopped and you said you wanted to see how necessary it was for me to keep moving. well it was necessary, until i met you and i decided i wanted to stay here. but life is moving me. its always had a heavy current. waves lift me and throw me, so i learned how to be one myself. i crash over everything. i would probably crash over you too.
you wanna know what i think about alot? the way you look when you chew your food. isnt that odd? your face gets really serious and you furrow your brow a little bit. someone in a movie reminded me so much of you. if i told you who it was you would laugh.
it's time for me to stop writing. my eyes are getting lower and lower and the numbness is turning into sleepyness. i wonder if ill have more dreams about you. i wonder if youll have dreams about me.
maybe we will both dream about that hillside tonight. i hope so.
submitted by lushgreenland to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:08 adulting4kids Dead Sea Scrolls Study Guide -Unedited

The War Scroll, also known as the "War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness," is a unique text within the Dead Sea Scrolls that portrays an apocalyptic battle between the forces of good (Sons of Light) and evil (Sons of Darkness). This scroll provides insight into both historical and symbolic elements.
Historical Accuracy:
The War Scroll, while containing detailed military tactics and an epic narrative of the ultimate confrontation, doesn't explicitly reference any specific historical event or timeframe. Some scholars believe it could be a product of the community's anticipation of a future messianic conflict or a reflection of their own community's struggles against opposing forces during their time. Interpreting the historical accuracy of the scroll often involves exploring the context of the Qumran community and the turbulent times in which they lived.
Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
The War Scroll goes beyond a mere description of a physical battle. It portrays a cosmic conflict between the forces of light and darkness, reflecting not just a literal warfare but also a symbolic and spiritual struggle. The text emphasizes righteousness, divine intervention, and the victory of good over evil.
Within the study guide, activities and exercises could involve dissecting the symbolic elements present in the War Scroll, exploring the deeper meanings behind the battle tactics and the metaphysical implications of the conflict. Understanding the symbolism could involve group discussions, comparative analysis with other ancient texts with similar themes, and exploring the impact of this symbolic representation on the community's beliefs and practices.
Here are a few activities and exercises to explore the symbolism and historical context of the War Scroll from the Dead Sea Scrolls:
  1. Symbolism Analysis:
Provide excerpts from the War Scroll and encourage participants to identify and discuss the symbolic meanings behind elements like the "Sons of Light" and the "Sons of Darkness," various weapons, and the strategies outlined for battle. Group discussions or written reflections can help participants explore the deeper layers of meaning.
  1. Comparative Analysis:
Compare the War Scroll's themes with similar apocalyptic or eschatological texts from different cultures or religions, such as apocalyptic passages in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible or apocalyptic texts from other ancient traditions. Create worksheets or discussion prompts to highlight similarities and differences in themes, symbols, and beliefs about cosmic battles.
  1. Historical Context Exploration:
Present historical information about the era when the Dead Sea Scrolls were written. Discuss the political, social, and religious climate of that time, including the turmoil in the region, to understand how these factors might have influenced the composition of the War Scroll. Encourage participants to consider the possible motivations behind the text's creation.
  1. Creative Interpretation:
Encourage creative expression by asking participants to create artwork, poems, or short stories inspired by the themes and imagery found in the War Scroll. This exercise allows individuals to engage more deeply with the symbolic elements and interpret them in their own unique ways.
  1. Role-playing or Debates:
    Organize a role-playing activity where participants take on the roles of "Sons of Light" and "Sons of Darkness," debating their ideologies, motivations, and strategies for the ultimate battle. This exercise helps in understanding differing perspectives and interpreting the conflicts presented in the scroll.
Interpretative variations regarding the river's crossing in different ancient texts reflect the unique religious, philosophical, and cultural perspectives embedded within these narratives. These differences in interpretation offer insights into diverse worldviews and varying theological frameworks present in ancient texts:
  1. Mesopotamian Context:
  1. Biblical Context:
  1. Gnostic or Apocryphal Context:
  1. Greco-Roman Interpretation:
These varied interpretations highlight the richness and diversity of religious, philosophical, and cultural frameworks present in ancient texts. The river's crossing serves as a flexible symbol that adapts to different narratives, conveying themes of transition, judgment, liberation, or cosmic transformation based on the unique perspectives of each tradition.
Exploring these interpretative variations allows participants to appreciate the complexity of symbolism within ancient texts and provides insights into how different cultures and belief systems interpreted common motifs like the river Euphrates. It showcases the intricate interplay between religious, philosophical, and cultural elements shaping the symbolism and theological implications embedded in these narratives.
The river Euphrates, a prominent geographic feature in ancient texts, embodies universal themes that transcend specific cultural contexts. Identifying these universal themes helps reveal shared human concepts of transition, boundaries, and transformative events across diverse ancient traditions:
  1. Threshold and Transition:
  1. Boundary and Separation:
  1. Transformative Events:
  1. Symbol of Power and Control:
  1. Metaphor for Spiritual Journeys:
These universal themes associated with the river Euphrates highlight fundamental aspects of the human experience—transitions, boundaries, transformative events, power dynamics, and spiritual journeys. The river's symbolism in ancient texts speaks to shared human aspirations, struggles, and beliefs that transcend cultural boundaries and resonate across different epochs and civilizations.
By identifying and discussing these universal themes, participants gain a deeper appreciation for the profound symbolism embedded in ancient texts and recognize the timeless relevance of concepts such as transition, boundaries, and transformative events in shaping human narratives and aspirations.
  1. Historical Context:
  1. Symbolism and Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Comparative Analysis:
  1. Parallelism in Biblical Texts:
  1. Community Beliefs and Practices:
  1. Cultural Significance of Cosmic Battles:
  1. Interpretive Variations and Unique Perspectives:
  1. Personal Reflection and Modern Relevance:
  1. Theological and Philosophical Implications:
  1. Literary and Symbolic Analysis:
- Analyze the narrative structure and symbolic elements present in specific passages of the War Scroll. How do these elements contribute to the text's overarching themes and meanings? 
These study questions aim to provoke critical thinking, promote in-depth exploration of themes, encourage comparative analysis, and stimulate discussions on the multifaceted nature of the War Scroll's content and its significance within ancient and contemporary contexts.
  1. Archaeological and Linguistic Analysis:
- How does the physical condition of the Dead Sea Scrolls, including the War Scroll, impact our understanding of their preservation and historical context? - Discuss the linguistic peculiarities or unique textual features found within the War Scroll and their implications for translation and interpretation. 
  1. Apocalyptic Expectations and Messianic Concepts:
- Explore the portrayal of messianic figures or anticipated saviors within the War Scroll. How do these concepts align with or diverge from contemporary expectations of a messianic figure in other ancient texts or religious traditions? 
  1. Impact of Apocalyptic Literature:
- Analyze the enduring influence of apocalyptic literature, such as the War Scroll, on subsequent religious, literary, or cultural traditions. How have these texts shaped later beliefs or inspired artistic and literary works? 
  1. Ethical and Moral Frameworks:
- Discuss the ethical or moral implications of the cosmic conflict depicted in the War Scroll. How do the themes of righteousness and wickedness contribute to the text's underlying moral framework? 
  1. Role of Prophecy and Revelation:
- Explore the role of prophecy and revelation within the War Scroll. How do the prophetic elements contribute to the text's portrayal of future events and cosmic justice? 
  1. Experiential and Ritualistic Elements:
- Investigate potential ritualistic or experiential dimensions associated with the teachings or beliefs conveyed in the War Scroll. How might the community have engaged with these teachings in their religious practices or communal activities? 
  1. Literary Genre and Interpretation:
- Discuss the classification of the War Scroll within the broader genre of apocalyptic literature. How does its classification influence our understanding and interpretation of its themes and symbolic elements? 
  1. Relevance in Modern Scholarship:
- Reflect on the ongoing scholarly debates or discoveries related to the War Scroll. How have modern interpretations evolved, and what implications do these new perspectives have on our understanding of the text? 
  1. Intersection of Faith and Scholarship:
- Consider the interplay between faith-based interpretations and scholarly analyses of the War Scroll. How might religious convictions or theological frameworks influence academic research and vice versa? 
  1. Future Research and Interpretative Avenues:
- Propose potential avenues for future research or areas of exploration concerning the War Scroll. What unanswered questions or unexplored aspects merit further investigation? 
The composition of the War Scroll, along with other Dead Sea Scrolls, was likely influenced by several historical events and societal conditions prevalent during the time of its writing, which is estimated to be between the 2nd century BCE and the 1st century CE:
  1. Hellenistic Rule and Cultural Influence:
  1. Political Turmoil and Resistance Movements:
  1. Religious Sects and Spiritual Expectations:
  1. Anticipation of Cosmic Redemption:
Regarding the historical context of the Dead Sea Scrolls' discovery, its significance lies in multiple facets:
  1. Preservation of Ancient Texts:
  1. Insights into Jewish Sectarianism:
  1. Confirmation of Scriptural Accuracy:
  1. Impact on Biblical Studies and Scholarship:
The historical context of political upheaval, religious expectations, and the preservation of texts within the Dead Sea Scrolls contributes significantly to understanding the milieu in which the War Scroll was written. It provides a backdrop against which the themes of cosmic conflict, eschatological anticipation, and religious fervor within the War Scroll can be comprehended.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:53 MaJaRains Shark's Cove "Mall"/rant

I just gotta put this out there because I've seen so much hyperbolic BS around the supposed "mall" at Shark's Cove on North Shore, Oahu.
First, is my definition of a "mall" different from y'all's? Is the Foodland in Wahiawa a "mall"? The one in Laie? So, having shops around a Foodland doesn't make it a mall, yeah? -so, stop it!
They had already put out public comments to try and shit down the existing food trucks at Shark's Cove, the community overwhelming supported those trucks.
So, now they go another way - now, they want to City & County to buy that land from the private owners. City and County's money... that your and mine tax dollars that they want to use to buy private property. No thanks!
Oh! But it's for a first responder station! ...directly across the street from an existing fire department ahem, which already has a helipad. Who parks are Pupukea Beach Park, besides the buns that live there? Seems like a better suited place AND it's already owned by C&C.
So, what's this "mall" going to contain? A credit union, a daycare center, some of the food trucks would have an actual storefront. Doesn't really sound like a mall to me... sounds like local jobs. Banking closer than Haleiwa, Child-care closer than Mililani...
But sure, let's stop the "mall"
submitted by MaJaRains to Hawaii [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:00 JCD_007 Digital Reality - Part 52

Welcome to Digital Reality...
Link to Part 1
Link to Part 35 (contains links back to Parts 2-34)
Link to Part 36
Link to Part 37
Link to Part 38
Link to Part 39
Link to Part 40
Link to Part 41
Link to Part 42
Link to Part 43
Link to Part 44
Link to Part 45
Link to Part 46
Link to Part 47
Link to Part 48
Link to Part 49
Link to Part 50
Link to Part 51
Note: This story is meant to be read after completing DDLC Plus. All credit for the original DDLC and DDLC Plus characters and world goes to their creator, and this story is not affiliated with the official DDLC content. Some concepts like the Universal Constructor and the concept of AI rampancy are also borrowed from other series (most notably the original Deus Ex), though their use in this story is my own idea. With a few exceptions, my original characters in this story will generally not be named and their descriptions will be kept vague, so anyone reading this who wants to see themselves in one of the original characters can more easily do so. I'd welcome any feedback and will post more parts as I write them. I hope you enjoy the story.
Credit for Sayuri's character design: Hoeruko. Credit for Sayuri's sprites: Ian and Itz_Matic.
Here is Part 52 of the story. Sayori, MC, and the FXI team try to keep Yuri calm while waiting for Natsuki to arrive. But they may have a much bigger problem than Yuri's behavior. Custom Dialogue: A Serious Problem
Part 52: Solutions and Problems
“The fourth construction is proceeding,” UC senior engineer Lauren Medrano reported, raising her voice to be heard above the pinging noises coming from the Universal Constructor and the commotion in the control room, “System estimates fifteen minutes to completion.”
UC project manager David Kent nodded, “Our construction time is getting faster with each run. Very good.”
The FXI President picked up his phone and sent a text to the FXI CTO.
Natsuki should be here in fifteen minutes. How are you holding up?
A few moments later the FXI CTO replied.
We’ve kept Yuri talking and she seems a little bit calmer. She’s demanding that you come back to the conference room so that she can confess to me in front of all of my friends.
The FXI President shook his head as he typed back.
I’ll be over in a minute. At least you have managed to keep her talking and she hasn’t gone totally out of control.
He put the phone down and turned to Ive Laster. “I’ll be right back. They’re asking for me in the conference room. Seems like they’ve been able to keep Yuri talking so far.”
Laster nodded. “Okay. My system will be pretty much locked up for the next twenty minutes or so running the diagnostic scan. It’s a scan of active processes, so while it’s fairly quick it still takes a ton of resources. Do you mind if I use your machine if we need anything from VM1 while mine is unavailable? I’ll text you if anything comes up or if the construction finishes while you’re gone.”
“Yeah. Sure,” the FXI President replied as he stood up from his chair, “I’ll let you know what happens with Yuri.”
The FXI President turned, walked out of the UC control room, and walked down the hall to the conference room where Sayori, MC, Yuri, and the FXI CTO sat. Sayori looked uncomfortable. MC appeared to be intently studying his can of soda. The FXI CTO’s expression was somewhere between shock and exhaustion as he sat next to Yuri, who held his hand as she continued to grin.
Yuri’s eyes lit up and she stood as the FXI President entered the room. “Good! We’re all here! Now we can begin.
“What can we expect here?” the FXI President whispered to MC.
“Probably a monologue of a confession,” MC whispered back with a sigh, “You might want to grab yourself something to drink or a snack. This could take a while.”
Yuri stared with intensity at the FXI CTO. “Ever since we met, I knew we were meant to be together. Not even the distance between your reality and my digital world could keep us apart. And you found a way to bring me here! So I can stand before you and confess my love for you!”
“Yuri, I…I have to admit that I was scared of you AIs at first given the potential for what could happen if self-aware code were to go out control,” the FXI CTO said cautiously, “But over time as we interacted with all of the members of the Literature Club, your humanity became clear.”
“Yes!” Yuri agreed enthusiastically, “You saw something in us that nobody else did. You fought for us…you fought for me! How could I not fall in love with you? And if you were willing to do so much to bring me to your reality, you must feel the same way!”
The FXI CTO started to reply, but Yuri cut him off and continued to speak, the tone of her voice varying between passionate and pleading.
“I’m sorry…I’m normally more eloquent than this…but I just can’t help myself. My mind has just been racing nonstop thinking about you! It’s like my heart is just screaming your name!”
“Do you even know my name?” the FXI CTO asked.
“Don’t be silly…of course I do!” Yuri quickly replied with a giggle, “I know everything about you. It’s very easy for an AI to search the internet and quickly find out a lot about a person.”
“Like what?” the FXI CTO inquired, “Tell me something that I’m interested in.”
Yuri gave him a smug grin. “Well, for example I know that you like to read cyberpunk novels and conspiracy theory books. Soon we will read together! It will be so much fun!”
The FXI CTO’s mouth fell open. “How did you…yeah. AI. Maybe my initial feelings of concern weren’t wrong. Or maybe I should just delete my social media accounts.”
“It’s not nice to invade people’s privacy,” Sayori said, looking up at Yuri, “It’s one thing to have a crush on someone, but it’s not okay to dig into their private files.”
Yuri glared at her. “Don’t judge me. You weren’t the one trying to find a way to love someone who was in a completely separate reality. I didn’t get a childhood friend programmed to fall in love with me like you did.”
Sayori looked away, her expression showing dismay and hurt feelings.
“That’s uncalled for, Yuri,” MC interjected, “The initial script may have been programmed so that Sayori and I would have feelings for each other, but we were given the choice and we chose each other.”
“And I chose him!” Yuri retorted, grabbing the FXI CTO’s hand possessively, “It isn’t wrong to want to get to know the one you love!”
“Right, but you have to give me a chance to respond to your confession first,” the FXI CTO pointed out.
“Yes, you are right,” Yuri agreed, her manic expression flickering for a moment, “I just need to find the perfect words and we’ll be together forever! But…I can’t find the words. Why can’t I find the words?”
“Feel free to take as long as you need,” the FXI CTO reassured her, “It’s okay.”
Yuri paused for a long moment, her eyes rapidly looking around the room. “This isn’t working. Why isn’t this working? What’s wrong with me? I need to think…I need to clear my head and organize my thoughts. I know! Get me a pen!”
“You want a pen?” the FXI President asked, “Just a pen, or paper too?”
“Of course! Paper too!” Yuri replied, “What would I do with just a pen? I can’t write on the table!”
“What are you going to write?” MC asked.
“I figured it out!” Yuri said excitedly, “The perfect way to confess my feelings is through poetry! There are so many vivid images that I can create with a poem.”
The FXI President looked through one of the cabinets in the conference room and came up with a notepad and pen with the MES logo on them. He pushed them across the table toward Yuri.
“Okay, Yuri, I look forward to reading your poem,” the FXI CTO said, “Should we give you some space to write?”
“No, no, you’re not going anywhere!” Yuri replied, her expression returning to a manic grin, “I want to stare into your eyes as I ponder every word that I will write for you! But the rest of you should leave and give us some space.”
The FXI President looked to the FXI CTO. “You going to be okay?”
The FXI CTO gave an exhausted smile. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. Go check and see how long it will be before Natsuki gets here.”
Yuri’s expression became one of annoyance. “Why would you ask about her? Nobody cares about that little pink brat.”
Sayori winced in emotional pain as she stood from her chair. “Yuri, please be nicer to our friends. We’ve all been through a lot today.”
Yuri ignored her and began furiously writing on the notepad. Sayori shook her head sadly as she followed the FXI President and MC out the door of the conference room toward the UC control room.
“I really don’t like seeing her like that,” Sayori said glumly, “I like when everyone is happy, and when Yuri gets like that or when she and Natsuki fight it just makes me so sad.”
“Well maybe Yuri will calm down after she’s able to write for a while,” MC offered hopefully, “Or if she doesn’t, Natsuki should be here soon anyway. How does she get Yuri out of that state anyway?”
“I don’t know. I’ve only briefly seen her like this before. I think most of the times in the original script that she was like this was after I…” Sayori replied, trailing off as unpleasant memories came back to her, “No. Sorry MC, I don’t want think about this right now. It led me to memories that really hurt…some of the worst rain clouds.”
“Sorry, Sayori,” MC apologized, “I didn’t mean to make you think about that.”
Sayori nodded, accepting his apology, but remained silent.
The FXI President opened the door to the UC control room and followed MC and Sayori in. The room was filled with the noises of the UC and the conversations of the engineers.
“How’s construction going?” the FXI President asked.
“Finishing up now,” Medrano replied with satisfaction, “The system is running final error checks…call it another two or three minutes. The UC has surpassed all of our expectations today.”
The FXI President nodded and walked over to the table where Ive Laster and Paula Miner sat behind his computer. “How’s the scan going?”
“It hasn’t turned up anything so far, but unfortunately the scan is using a ton of resources,” Laster said, “It’s degrading system performance on VM1 to the point where it’s going to slow down the next transmission significantly.”
The FXI President grimaced. “That’s not ideal.”
“No, not at all,” Laster agreed, “How are things going with Yuri?”
“We’ve been stalling for time and trying to calm her down,” the FXI President explained, “She seemed to be getting a little bit better and decided that she needed to write, so we gave her a pen and paper.”
“See? Your fears were clearly unfounded,” Miner said to Laster with a smile, “We made the right call by proceeding.”
The FXI President shook his head. “Not entirely. She’s still in a manic and obsessed state.”
Miner waved her hand dismissively. “We’ll deal with that later.”
The FXI President turned back to his computer and the terminal window to VM1, where Monika and Sayuri anxiously awaited news of Natsuki.
“Any updates?” Monika asked.
“Almost done,” the FXI President replied, “Should only be about a minute or two more until Natsuki gets here.”
“How’s Yuri doing?” Sayuri added, her voice full of concern.
“She’s a little better, I think,” the FXI President explained, “She’s still in her obsessive state, but she’s decided that she can better express her feelings through writing. We gave her a pen and paper.”
“That’s at least a bit of positive news,” Monika said with some relief, “Just keep an eye on her until Natsuki arrives. And at least she’s writing and not using the pen for…never mind.”
The FXI President frowned as a console window unexpectedly popped up on the terminal screen.
He turned his laptop to face Laster. “Is this normal?”
Laster looked at the console message. “Rea told me that some assets that aren’t being used might be offloaded during the scan but keep an eye on it and let me know if it keeps happening.”
The FXI President nodded.
“Construction complete,” one of the UC engineers announced, “Removing nanites from construction chamber.”
“Nanite removal confirmed,” another engineer reported, “Clear to open the UC chamber.”
“Excellent,” Medrano said with a nod, “Reset the system for the next construction.”
Laster, Miner, Sayori, MC, and the FXI President walked to the windows in the control room, as the light above the door to the UC chamber flipped from red to green. The construction chamber at the center of the chamber slid open, and a short, pink-haired young woman stepped out.
“Wow. Her pink hair and eyes really are striking in person,” one of the engineers observed.
Natsuki looked around the room. “I’m here! Start the party!”
From the windows above the UC chamber Natsuki saw Sayori and MC waving to her. Returning their smile, she walked up the stairs and through the door to the control room.
“Natsuki!” Sayori yelled, running over to her friend and giving her a huge hug, “You made it!”
“Oof…you’re squeezing me a bit tight there, Sayori,” Natsuki said, loosening the embrace.
“Ehehehe…sorry,” Sayori said, stepping back from Natsuki, “I’m just so glad that you made it okay.”
Natsuki turned to Laster and the FXI President. “So you’re the guys we’ve seen as fuzzy silhouettes in our world?”
“That’s us,” the FXI President confirmed, “We’re glad you made it safely.”
“Yeah…” Natsuki said quietly, “Thanks for everything. Nobody has ever cared about me much before, so…yeah. Thanks.”
“Of course,” Laster replied, “We do need your help with Yuri now. You said you had a way to snap her out of her obsessive state?”
Natsuki thought for a moment. “Oh…yeah, I should be able to help. Where is she?”
“Come with us,” Laster said, leading Natsuki to the door to the UC control room, “She’s in a conference room down the hall. We also have some snacks there if you want something to eat.”
Natsuki, the FXI President, Sayori, and MC followed Laster down the hall to the conference room where Yuri and the FXI CTO sat. Yuri was furiously writing on her notepad, pausing frequently to stare at the FXI CTO.
Yuri looked up as Natsuki stepped into the room. Her expression became one of rage as she stood.
“You! Don’t you dare interrupt me when I’m trying to write the perfect confession!”
“Well hello to you too, Yuri,” Natsuki said, “Please calm down. I’m not trying to steal him from you.”
“Nobody cares what you have to say!” Yuri yelled, her tone increasingly agitated, “Just get out, you little pink brat!”
Natsuki sighed as she stepped closer to Yuri, “Yuri, you’re my friend. So I’m really sorry to have to do this.”
Natsuki slapped Yuri across the face. Sayori gasped and looked away as MC cringed.
Yuri staggered for a moment and fell back into her chair.
“That was your solution?” Laster asked incredulously.
Natsuki held up a hand. “Give her a minute.”
Yuri blinked rapidly several times. She looked around the room, meeting eyes with Natsuki, Sayori, MC, Laster, the FXI President, and the FXI CTO in turn.
“W-what…what happened?” Yuri asked. She looked down at her notepad, which was filled with barely legible scribbles.
“You…you weren’t yourself,” Natsuki explained, “And smacking you across the face is the only way I know to get you to snap out of that state.”
Yuri looked from Natsuki to her notepad to the FXI CTO as she thought for a moment before bursting out in tears.
“I…I’m so s-sorry,” she sobbed, “This is why I was so afraid to come to the real world. Everyone will think I’m just a mess now…that I’m just a crazy yandere. I’m n-not like that. I don’t know what came over me…I don’t know what to do…my passions just overcome me sometimes…”
Yuri put her head down on the table and continued to cry softly. Sayori walked over to where she sat and embraced her.
“Yuri, everyone knows that wasn’t the real you,” Sayori said, “We know you’re a passionate person. We’ve enjoyed reading your poetry and seeing your passion in your writing. And most of all we’ve been so glad to have you as a friend.”
Natsuki joined the hug. “Yeah. We won’t always get along, but I’m glad that you are part of the Literature Club and I’m happy you’re my friend.”
Yuri looked up, her eyes red from tears. “B-but everyone in the real world thinks I’m crazy. This is why nobody has ever liked me…I don’t know how to be normal.”
She turned to the FXI CTO, who had been sitting silently in his chair. “I’m so sorry for everything that happened today. I know I made you uncomfortable but please…I don’t know how to prove it to you but please know that isn’t the real me.”
The FXI CTO gave her a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, Yuri. I know that’s not what you’re normally like. And at least you didn’t pull out one of your knives on me. To be honest, we wanted to not send your file to the UC until you were feeling better, but we were overruled.”
Yuri smiled weakly. “Thank you for understanding.”
“Whoever made that decision is a complete idiot,” Natsuki said, “I would have volunteered to go before Yuri to give her time to calm down.”
“Hey…we may have had our disagreements, but Paula’s support has been important to getting this all done and she is a friend of mine,” Laster interjected.
“The same Paula who said it was okay to delete Sayuri?” Natsuki asked, her tone becoming dark.
Sayori, MC, and Yuri all looked at Laster with suspicion in their eyes.
“Hang on a minute,” Laster replied, holding up a hand, “I’m not asking you to like Paula or be friends with her, but I need you all to stay calm until this is all done. Let me handle her. She and I have known each other for years and we work well together. And remember, two of your friends are still in the digital world and we need to make sure nothing prevents them from getting here.”
Natsuki continued to glare at Laster for a moment before her expression finally lost its anger. “Fine. But just make sure everyone gets here, okay?”
Laster nodded. “Speaking of which, we need to head back to the control room to get ready for the next construction. You all can stay here and relax for now.”
“Can…can we watch?” Yuri asked quietly, “The whole concept of constructing an entire person using nanotechnology almost seems like something out of a science fiction story. I would also like to take the opportunity to demonstrate to all present that I am now in a much better mental state than when they first saw me.”
Laster shrugged. “Sure. Just stay out of everyone’s way and don’t touch anything.”
Laster, the FXI executives, and the members of the Literature Club filed out of the conference room and returned to the UC control room.
Paula Miner looked up as the group entered the room. Her face flickered when she saw the members of the Literature Club, but she maintained her composure. “About time you guys came back. They’re ready for the next file.”
Yuri and Natsuki walked to the windows overlooking the UC chamber as Laster and the FXI executives sat down at the table with their laptops. Sayori and MC stood behind them, observing the room.
“Are you…feeling better now?” Medrano asked Yuri cautiously.
Yuri nodded slowly. “Yes. Thank you for asking. I apologize...I was in an alternate mental state when my file was transmitted to your machinery, causing the unusual behavior that you saw.”
“It’s okay,” Medrano replied with a smile, “You’ve been through a lot today. But please let us know if you have any other issues.”
Medrano turned to Laster and the FXI executives. “Our system is ready to proceed with the next construction. Transmit whenever you’re ready.”
The FXI President turned to his laptop and the remaining members of the Literature Club on VM1.
“Okay, Sayuri, you’re up next,” he said, “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes, I am ready…though it’s not like I had much to get ready,” Sayuri said flatly, “I don’t have any personal items or even a change of clothes.”
He turned to Laster. “Looks like we’re ready to go here, Ive.”
Laster nodded. “Okay. Let’s do it.”
The console window reappeared on the FXI President’s terminal window.
The FXI President turned his laptop to face Laster. “Ive, look at this. Something is very wrong here.”
At the same time Laster’s ThinkPad sounded a warning alarm and a dialogue box with a red border appeared on the screen. The color drained from Laster’s face as he read the message.
“What was that?” UC project manager David Kent asked, looking over at Laster.
Miner shook her head, but Laster ignored her. “We just received an alert from our security software. It’s detecting malicious code on VM1.”
Kent’s eyes widened. “Your system is connected to the network that the UC is on. Is there a risk of it spreading to our system? Do we need to shut down?”
“No, we can’t shut down now!” Miner exclaimed, “We are so close to complete success.”
“I can appreciate that Paula, but at the same time we can’t risk bricking the UC if this thing is a threat,” Kent replied.
“It appears to be deleting files on VM1,” Laster explained as he furiously typed commands into his laptop, “I’m trying to see if I can isolate it but I don’t know if I’ll be able to. But if this thing is doing what it appears to be doing, we’re going to lose VM1 soon.”
“Lose VM1?” Miner asked, concern appearing in her voice, “As in the AIs too?”
Laster quickly shook his head. “No. Their files should be protected by the encryption, but if everything else goes down there won’t be a virtual universe for them to exist in.”
Laster picked up his phone and dialed Rea Vorte in the server room. She picked up quickly as Laster set the phone down and put it on speaker mode.
“Rea, are you seeing this?” Laster asked, “We’ve got a serious issue down here.”
“Yes, I am,” she replied, “Ro and I are reviewing the process list right now to see if anything stands out.”
“We’ll work as quickly as we can,” Ro Teether added, “But if the system becomes unstable that could really slow us down.”
The console window continued to add more lines to text to the list.
“We just lost another room!” the FXI President announced.
“What’s happening?” Sayori asked as she looked over the FXI President’s shoulder, “Are Monika and Sayuri okay?”
“For the moment,” the FXI President replied, “We need to transmit now so we can get them off of VM1 ASAP.”
Kent nodded solemnly as he turned to Medrano. “Lauren, is there a threat to the UC?”
Medrano thought for a moment. “The UC itself shouldn’t be at risk; it runs on proprietary code that only exists in its control system so the odds of a virus being able to attack it are almost zero. What I’m more concerned about are the file servers that we use to store our data logs. Those could be highly vulnerable to a virus that destroys files.”
“Not good,” Kent replied, “Ive, how fast is this thing moving?”
“Hard to say,” Laster replied as he scowled at his laptop, “But based on what has happened so far I’d say we may not have more that a half an hour before VM1 goes down.”
Kent sighed. “Okay. Lauren, what do you think?”
“While I understand the importance of completing this project for the AI team,” Medrano said, an apologetic note in her voice, “And while I’m sure Ive is giving us his best guess on how long we have before this thing might spread, we can’t take risks with our data.”
Laster gave Medrano a look of disappointment. “So are you shutting us down?”
Medrano was silent for a long moment. She glanced at the clock on the wall of the control room before replying. “Let me do some quick checks on our systems to see what our backup status is. Shouldn’t take me more than a few minutes and if we’re lucky you’ll isolate this nasty code quickly.”
“Thanks, Lauren,” Laster said as he turned back to his laptop.
The UC control room had become largely quiet as Medrano worked with her engineers to check the security of their file servers while Laster continued to try to track the malicious code. Sayori, MC, Yuri and Natsuki looked increasingly anxious with each passing minute.
After several minutes, Medrano turned away from her laptop. “We checked our file servers, and our backup process won’t run again until seven tonight, so there is a threat to data that hasn’t been backed up. Out of professional courtesy, I’ll give you five minutes before we have to terminate the connection to your system. That should be enough time to transmit another AI to the UC. I know you wanted all six, but I can’t risk our data so we’ll just have to settle for five.”
“So only one more?” the FXI President asked.
Medrano nodded.
Sayori, MC, Yuri and Natsuki looked horrified as the meaning of Medrano’s words hit them.
“No,” Sayori mouthed silently, tears forming in her eyes.
Laster covered his eyes with his hands for a brief moment as he thought. “Thank you, Lauren. It’s definitely not the outcome we wanted but I appreciate the five minutes to transmit one more of them.”
Miner picked up Laster’s phone, which was still connected to Vorte and Teether.
“We’re going to send one more AI to the UC. Once we confirm that the transmission is complete, move the remaining AI to cold storage.”
“Understood,” Teether replied, “We’ll shut down VM1 as well to prevent this thing from spreading.”
“Are you ready for me to go?” Sayuri asked from the terminal window on the FXI President’s laptop.
Laster turned to the FXI President. “Should I tell them?”
The FXI President shook his head. “I’ll tell them.”
He turned back to his laptop. “There’s…there’s been a problem. A virus appears to be attacking VM1 and deleting files. We don’t know how long we have, but the UC people will only let us send one of you before they terminate the connection. I’m sorry.”
Monika and Sayuri did not immediately reply, but the stunned and scared looks on their faces said more than words.
submitted by JCD_007 to DDLC [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:17 hn-mc Could protection be sought for traditional genders (male and female) from UNESCO?

UNESCO protects all sorts of things as the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Could such protection be sought for traditional (male and female) genders as well?
This might sound like a joke, but if we are moving towards post-gender world, if the lines between genders get blurred, if more and more people embrace non-binary identities, perhaps in the future new generations will find it hard to understand the literature and poetry in which there are still traditional genders present. Maybe people in the future will have no clue what it means to be a man or a woman.
Maybe they won't understand poems or song lyrics that make reference to women and men as subjects and objects of fascination and infatuation, sources of desire, etc. Maybe they won't understand how Laura was a muse to Petrarch... Or Abba's song "See that girl, watch that scene, digging the dancing queen" as it contains words referring to traditional genders.
Maybe UNESCO can somehow protect traditional genders from being forgotten?
submitted by hn-mc to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:18 IBQC [@The_JBS] The latest edition of the Democracy Perception Index contains some bad news for climate alarmists and those who favor unchecked immigration in Europe.

[@The_JBS] The latest edition of the Democracy Perception Index contains some bad news for climate alarmists and those who favor unchecked immigration in Europe.
Study: Reducing Immigration, Not Climate Change, Should Be the Priority for Europe
The latest edition of the Democracy Perception Index contains some bad news for climate alarmists and those who favor unchecked immigration in Europe. The study is done each year by market research firm Latana in connection with the Denmark-based Alliance of Democracies Foundation, and is a measure of how people see “democracy.”
Focused on how the average world citizen views democracy and their government’s role in the issues of the day, the survey finds that 85 percent believe democracy is important, but only 58 percent are satisfied with the state of their democracy. Roughly half of those surveyed believe that the governments only act in the interests of a small group of people.
“War and violent conflict” is seen as the most significant challenge in the world, followed by hunger and poverty. Climate change remains on people’s minds but, apparently, has fallen down the list of priorities somewhat.
More and more, Europeans see migration as a top issue. “Europeans also increasingly view ‘migration’ as one of the world’s top three challenges, particularly in Germany, Ireland and France, which are now among the countries with the highest concern about migration across the globe.”
“Over the past two years, many European countries have seen a sharp rise in the share of people who say that ‘reducing immigration’ should be a top priority,” the study states. “At the same time, the desire to prioritize ‘fighting climate change’ has decreased in these same countries.”
Nowhere is the phenomenon more striking than in Germany, where the share of people who wish to prioritize reducing immigration is 44 percent, while prioritizing climate change is a chief concern of just 24 percent.
While 33 percent of the globe agrees that fighting climate change is among the world’s top three challenges, only 14 percent agree that it should be a top three priority for their own government. Reducing poverty, fighting corruption, the economy, improving healthcare and education, reducing income inequality, self-defense, and reducing immigration all rank above fighting climate change, despite all the clamoring that it’s an existential crisis.
In the United States, only 24 percent view climate change as a top priority, and only 19 percent think it should be a priority for the government.
Terrorism is also a top priority, particularly in France, where 43 percent view it as a top-three problem. Promoting gender equality is a priority to only 9 percent of respondents.
The numbers for those who would prioritize climate change have dropped significantly since 2022.
“Since 2022, more and more Europeans say that their government should prioritize ‘reducing immigration’, and fewer say that their government should ‘fight climate change’. Now in 2024, for the first time, reducing immigration is a greater priority for most Europeans than fighting climate change,” the study stated.
The study was based on 63,000 interviews with respondents from 55 countries.
Despite all of the hyperbole surrounding so-called climate change by media pundits, it’s become quite clear that their message isn’t being perceived the way they’d like it to be. With a few obvious exceptions, the average world citizen isn’t worried about climate change to the extent that those in charge would like to see.
submitted by IBQC to JohnBirchSociety [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:15 PoisonedWhispers [Part 3] A critique of 4THOT’s two subreddit bans upon myself; and some remarks on Litmus tests.

Edit: o7
Responding via edits is silly. Standard hyperbolic response, as I mentioned below. But I gotta address two things just so y'all aware that I can offer a rebuttal if need be. 4THOT says:
Here's the full interview with the UN Rapporteur on Violence against Women claiming she isn't aware of the rocket attacks - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/bar-shemur-8b1bb23b_the-un-rapporteur-on-violence-against-women-activity-7171212859895459841-gq6B
I don't know why he's attempting to "find" the "full interview". The linkedin video he has given here is literally the exact same video I gave in my comment. Click the hyperlink saying "the lengthier clip." They're both posted by the interviewer, Bar Shem-Ur. Mate, did you even read my original comment? If you scroll down this page (part 3), you can see I say "the segment that aired on Hazinor, Channel 13 is exactly the same." I searched for where the footage originally aired and found no additional material. 4THOT, mate, the "clip-chimp" is this 30s clip the Jerusalem Post originally posted. When I say "lengthier" clip, I am talking about the 5min segment that you had to "find" despite the fact that I already found it.
nvm this dipshit didn't find the actual interview, this is a cut from twitter
Once again, the video from Twitter I provided is the exact same video as the linkedin one. There is no entire, unedited full interview anywhere without the tiktok rapid cuts. There might be more footage out there, who knows, I've literally never claimed to have found the "full" interview. I called it a clip compilation because I don't know if more footage exits. Another baffling response. Anyways, I'll leave the rest, this is not the way to have a back-and-forth. Toodles! XD
Edit 2: Just to clarify what I was attempting to do in my comment, 4THOT still has not directly answered this question from part 3, the main post:
Do you think Alsalem holds the position that Hamas or Hezbollah have never fired rockets against Israel?
I honestly don't remember the last time I saw someone claim that Hamas has never fired rockets against Israel; this would be an astronomically fringe position. If you read the headline of the JP alone, and maybe even the article, you can still come away with the conclusion that Alsalem believes that Hamas has never fired rockets against Israel. I gave evidence of the fact that some people came away with this conclusion in the redacted comment:
Because if they've lived their entire lives unaware of the rocket attacks,
I don't believe that to be true; Alsalem has not lived her entire life unaware of the rocket attacks. We need more evidence to establish that then this interview.
Notice how I have actually quoted 4THOT verbatim down below? But for some reason, I need to provide a "direct link" to it, even though you can see it if you just scroll down the page? Baffling, like I said. "Isn't that interesting?" You're quoted verbatim mate! What do you think is "interesting" here?
4THOT you are killing me:
Here's the actual thread where you were banned.
You do realize that I've linked the thread I was banned twice? A third time as well if you want to include the moment where I linked someone else's comment in that thread. Unbelievable.
I never said the headline is "incorrect" these are the actual words I used in my direct appeal:
If the headline is poor, I might present information in the comments in order to ensure that the criticism is well-directed.
I believe that the headline could lead to a misinterpretation. I was later proven to be correct. I provided evidence of that misinterpretation in the direct appeal. And 4THOT refuses to engage with any of it. Again, these edits reply are so silly. I have no idea why he's so reluctant to have an actual exchange, but judging by how he's already responded, I get it mate. Finito once more. I gotta go get some cheese balls...

The Short Version can be found here.

Part 1 here. Part 2 here.

The Beekeeper. Bzzt:

Ah, I'm so fucked. 💀


This part is going to be an interesting challenge. I would say I’m walking a tightrope here, but that metaphor implies that there’s some slim chance where one can write a section like this and not get banned, um, again (and again?). The original plan was something a bit more comprehensive, where alongside another matter, I would make the case that there have been a number of pro-Palestine users that have correctly addressed misinformation on this sub, where they do a decent job of breaking circlejerks, adding some sordid nuance to threads that otherwise would have devolved into the ones laid out in Part 1 and Part 2. These users will, inevitably, have an “interaction” with 4THOT at some point; they will subsequently be banned on justifications that I obviously believe are nonsensical, where said justifications are also exhibited by 4THOT, whether in that exchange itself or in other threads; and these users are not interested in returning to the sub.
I abandoned this plan for a long litany of reasons; there’s two in particular I’ll highlight here: (1) I don't believe I can achieve the effects I desire; and (2) I'm keen to avoid any accusations of this section being some “hit-piece” or “hate-post.”
I do not intend to present arguments against any other aspect of moderation that I might find to be problematic; I do not intend to make comments on character. I am simply razor-focused on one aspect of moderation here, and one aspect of the unbanning process.

...and Goals

This part will attempt to try and have my other goal — which is shared by many other users in this sub — come into fruition: I believe users should be able to participate in this sub without needing to take into consideration what 4THOT’s personal views are on a matter.
The only things a user should be cognizant of is what are Reddit's site wide rules, including those specific to this sub; what are the subreddit rules; and what are Destiny's desires in terms of what comments and submissions are allowed here. I also believe subreddit rule 6 (rule 5 on new reddit) needs to be amended to remove the arbitrariness.
If a user comes away with a different interpretation of events than 4THOT does, and said user doesn't exhibit any other behaviour in their comment or submission that violates those stated parameters, then that user ought not to be banned.
If 4THOT’s personal opinion is something that we need to be mindful of — and Destiny approves of this notion, agreeing that opinions 4THOT alone finds to be beyond the pale warrants an immediate ban — then, unironically, that stipulation should be added to the subreddit rules.
Furthermore, as mentioned in the TL;DR, I am requesting clarification on if there’s any procedure by which you can get unbanned when 4THOT sets a condition on the unban — and whether or not he should be setting conditions on the ban. 4THOT has mentioned that "Ninou has orders to not unban certain [regards.]"
As it stands, it’s not clear if Destiny approves of this behaviour. I say this because I have not seen him comment on this aspect of moderation when it comes to the subreddit. If he already disapproves of this behaviour, then I would request that this sentiment be conveyed to 4THOT, which should hopefully reduce the likelihood this reoccurs in the future.
I'm asking that Destiny clarify here because then it's something that can be clipped, and moderators here can use that clip when, well, moderating.
One final point before I critique the bans. There’s a noticeable difference between this section on 4THOT, and his um, passionate challenge to Kelly Jean: she’s easy to avoid. Just close the stream mate! Whereas 4THOT has control over who can participate in this subreddit, Kelly Jean can't dictate who can and can't appear on stream. Mashallah. 🙏 Thus, I feel this submission has justification.

The Bullet: A Forlorn Attempt for Consistency

The second ban is infinitely more interesting, but I’ll briefly address the first 30-day ban. I am not here to relitigate this discourse. The post in question that led to the infraction was removed, but it's still available if you’re a moderator, and I won't be reposting it here. The gist of the post was a question on whether or not we should be banning people for misinformation, referencing a user who received a 90-day ban from 4THOT for posting a misquote from a mainstream Israeli news outlet, during a live translation of a speech Netanyahu was giving. I’m pretty sure 4THOT knows who i24News are, so I couldn't quite follow his thought process here.
Moreover, if you’ve gone through the examples above, then you can easily imagine my bafflement here as well, particularly because a couple days earlier a Twitter clip was posted of an individual clearly misspeaking.
The user who submitted this post was only banned for 10 days — despite doubling down on this not being a misspeak — and I was bemused by the inconsistency being applied here. Being completely consistent in terms of my own principles, I mentioned in my post that I don’t think either of them should be banned, but if this is the standard that is going to be maintained, then it would only be reasonable that some level of leniency is given if you happen to inadvertently post misinformation from a reputable news outlet.
Regarding the Netanyahu misquote, I am in full agreement with 4THOT that it is a misquote, but it is regrettable that, well, some chose to challenge him on this front, arguing that the corrected quote is functionally the same, or worse. Take note of how civil his interlocutor here is up until the point 4THOT used an insult; unwisely, his interlocutor chose to match tone. I’m only mentioning this because, despite the insults 4THOT might use against me, I have no interest in engaging in a similar style of rhetoric as I don't find it to be conducive to a productive conversation, and I’m hoping I don't have to deal with a level of vitriol here that users are sometimes not allowed to match — not that I have any interest in doing so. There’s a couple tame jokes in this post, but hopefully I don’t get a response like this:
Thank fucking God that guy died because he'd absolutely kill himself by biting off his own tongue to choke on his own blood if he ever read the obese shithead redditors backseating one of the most extreme acts of political protest any human being can ever do.
Frisco, you got cooked mate 😭.

A Guardian Angel?

Now, after I was banned, another user made a post about the ban upon myself, which generated a fair amount of interest, you fucking drama frogs. Here, I simply wish to make four remarks:
  • I'm sure you can see how different in tone, rhetoric, and substance OP’s post is compared to my original post (for those of you that remember reading it), and compared to this post. There are a number of insults that are frequently used against 4THOT which I don’t use as I’m looking for good-faith engagement from him. That being said, I appreciate the fact that OP wasn’t looking for a meaningful, productive exchange with 4THOT here, and thus they didn’t feel the need to temper their rhetoric.
  • In the pinned comment, 4THOT uses a fair amount of hyperbole. The original post was very benign, and didn’t come anywhere close to conveying a sentiment that “this Reddit is ruined” or “4THOT is literally the IDF.” I don’t see how you can come away with this reading considering how mild the post was.
  • Once more, I am not here to relitigate this, but I would have loved to address some of the criticism levelled against myself in the comments under OP’s post; I certainly wasn’t going to re-open those conversations a month later. That being said, I appreciate users like Wannabe_Sadboi for making the arguments that I, more or less, would have made had I had the opportunity to immediately respond. Just to quote one of their comments: “People shouldn’t be banned for being partisan, they should be banned only for breaking rules, and Splemndid didn’t break any rules.” But, apparently, there are rules being broken here, and it is not clear what these rules are, and whether or not Destiny approves of them.
  • If the original post was problematic because it was too indirect, then hopefully this post which is significantly more direct — but kept well under the threshold of something that could be constituted as a “hate-post” — should not be a problem.

Chilling Effect. Brrr 🥶

When I was hit with the 30 day ban, I sent a direct appeal hoping the length of the ban would at least be reduced, which didn't receive a response, and neither did sending an unban request via the unban request form. No biggie. At least with a temporary ban I know when to expect to be unbanned.
After the 30 day ban, I decided to give up doing two things: (1) making attempts to get other users unbanned when I felt the justifications were not cogent or fair; and (2) participating in I-P threads that 4THOT himself had already made comments within — in particular, those where he was actively arguing with other users on the subreddit. This is a bad chilling effect; even if I see a comment they have made where they’ve made a false claim, or I disagree with their analysis or moral claims, I’m choosing not to engage because I'd rather not go through yet another cycle of bans. I value shitposting in the subreddit more than having arguments with 4THOT.
Moreover, I’m also not interested in getting caught in the crossfire when, upon finishing his Reddit debate, he bans his interlocutor from the subreddit, and also those who have made similar comments to the one his interlocutor has espoused elsewhere in the thread. He does not always do this, and I would literally never make the claim that he just “ban everyone that disagrees with [him]”. I won’t call this hyperbole as I’m sure someone has levelled this incorrect accusation against him. 4THOT is capable — and has demonstrated on myriad occasions — of being able to have dispassionate disagreements. The issue is that I’m not interested in rolling the dice here with another ban.
Thus, I decided to avoid 4THOT entirely while participating in the sub as normal, making the usual shitposts. (Y’all are welcome for the template, btw. I went frame by frame, looking for the shot of Destiny at his most euphoric.) Alas, woe is me, I made a fatal error: I can’t avoid 4THOT if I choose to comment in a thread first. Browsing new, the bane of my existence, Hobbitfollower you dastardly devil.

The Nuke: A Muddled Statement and Different Interpretations

In the trenches of new, I came across a submission which posted this version of a Jerusalem Post article. If you've read The Six Points, then you can see what I'm attempting to do in my comment, that was apparently egregious enough to warrant banning me “until Israel/Palestine is over.” Before I go over this, I’m going to once again link the comment I made on this subreddit defending Israel from the accusation that they have been siding with ISIS for years.
I apply the exact same methodology when dispelling conspiracy theories on Israel as I do for the UN official whose comments are the subject of the post. I’m digging up the relevant primary sources; I’m searching for archived versions of articles posted on inactive websites; I’m reading multiple articles from different Israeli outlets reporting on the same speech; and I’m reading the entire transcript of the nearly hour-long speech by the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence at the time, Herzi Halevi, just so I can make an informed comment here. At no point am I ever concerned that I could be banned for this comment. I can freely talk about anti-Israel propaganda, and I know no moderator is going to bat an eye at that.
I recently watched a Hasan video because dgg taught me the art of hate-watching, and now I hate-watch dgg while they hate-watch Hasan. Early on in the video, an article headline by the Intercept is shown: “Leaked Cables Show White House Opposes Palestinian Statehood.” Ken Klippenstein appears in the byline, which immediately sets off a red flag for me because I’ve found reporting by him in the past to be absolutely dreadful, including the time when he used to work for the Grayzone, where he gave Seymour Hersh a softball interview, and allowed him to spread risible conspiracy theories. The Intercept article shown in Hasan’s video doesn't provide the cables they are reporting on, but they are available on Ken’s substack. Without going on a tangent, unsurprisingly, the Intercept’s piece on these cables misrepresents them (IMO).
Similarly, when I had a discussion with a tankie on another subreddit on whether or not the 2010 Australian Labor Party leadership spill was “a US-backed coup”, I once again seeked out all the relevant and many Wikileaks cables, read them all, and made my own assessment.
Enough examples! You get the idea! I have a consistent principle that I am applying here. Upon opening up the JP article OP submitted, I see Danielle Greyman-Kennard in the byline. This is a person who previously wrote an article claiming that a dead Palestinian baby was a doll (which is not the first or last time this has happened in general; Pallywood amirite?). When it was brought to her attention that this is a body going through rigor mortis, she doubled-down in a patronising tweet.
Eventually, someone at the JP realized the fuck-up, and the article was retracted. There are a number of journalists and writers for Israeli outlets that seek to publish or tweet out any information that casts pro-Palestine organisations or individuals in a bad light — and that’s fine. If you’re pro-Palestine, and you’re saying or doing some dumb shit, that’s on you, not the individual that wants to report on it. However, there are biases at play here, where one must be cognizant of how these biases can filter down into how information is presented.

Direct Appeal

The following is the direct appeal I sent when I was banned which will serve as a clarification on the comment:
What up, I initially disagreed with your assessment, but upon re-reading it, now I'm unsure what our disagreement is, and what you think I was trying to address in my comment. Hopefully, the following will serve as clarification.
When I opened up the submission, I read the headline, I read the article, I watched the clip contained within, and then I sought out any additional footage from the interview that was readily available. The safe assumption I make when it comes to article submissions on reddit is that folk are generally not going to read the article, and will likely only comment based on the headline. If the headline is poor, I might present information in the comments in order to ensure that the criticism is well-directed. The headline of the Jerusalem Post article is:
UN Special Rapporteur 'unaware' of rocket attacks on Israel
If you asked the average person what they thought this headline meant, they would think the UNSR thought there had been no rocket attacks launched against Israel ever or since the start of the war. As evidence that some came away with this conclusion, you can read [redacted link] here posted on [redacted subreddit] (emphasis mine):
This can't be real right? This is a fake article right? Or a satire piece? Because if they've lived their entire lives unaware of the rocket attacks, then they have no right having anything to do with the global politics or whatever it is the UN does. That's just insane.
In other words, this individual is in disbelief, and they're astonished that Reem Alsalem, the UNSR, is completely unaware of any rocket/missile attacks that have been fired against Israel ever. Here I hope we can acknowledge two things: (1) Alsalem does believe there have been missile attacks against Israel at various points in time; and (2) most pro-Hamas sycophants aren't going to deny these missile attacks have taken place -- they want these attacks to take place. Alternatively, they might seek to diminish the destructive capability of these attacks, or assert that it is Israel's fault these attacks are occurring. It's pretty rare to come across someone claiming they've never happened, period.
My comment was made to highlight that she was really caught up in the frequency of the attacks and how she was possibly misinterpreting the question. Reem Alsalem has a wide litany of dumb beliefs that you can criticize her on; in this case, I thought the criticism would be better directed for being unaware of the frequency of attacks. The JP itself does include a line that would have better served as a headline:
[UN Special Rapporteur] unaware of the frequent rocket attacks made by Hamas and Hezbollah against Israel.
As mentioned, I was trying to ensure that commenters didn't make comments like the one I linked. Re-reading my own comment, it could have been phrased better to make sure that those who read it understood my intentions.
Further comments
The rest of the direct appeal consisted of me clearing up any misconceptions that I might be pro-Hamas, providing various links of comments that demonstrate what my beliefs are. This my attempt to "pass the litmus test" as I don't believe I'm being engaged on the merits of my argument.
Once again, as I’ve hopefully established by now, we know there can be a widespread reluctance here to sometimes read past the headline and open the article, and even the article itself might not have sufficient context to truly parse what is being said. At the time, the only additional footage available from the interview was the five minute, heavily edited clip compilation available on the interviewer’s Twitter. It is just… irritating to watch. Partly because, as I said, I have to suffer through listening to Alsalem’s asinine beliefs, but also because it’s so chopped up that I can't quite tell what’s been cut out, what statements are directly following from which questions, and so on.
Other users also had interpretations of their own to give, taking note of the fact that there may be an edit after she says "but". I actually don’t think there was anything additional said, and it’s just awkwardly edited. However, unlike with Herzi Halevi’s speech, I and everyone else watching these clips are working with scraps here, and the segment that aired on Hazinor, Channel 13 is exactly the same. There is ambiguity here; an amorphous, nebulous, incoherent jumble of statements where one can make a range of interpretations — but one of those interpretations was not permissible on the subreddit. My own of course.
I’m still baffled as to what 4THOT’s contention here is. He comments:
!cleanse nvm you're an idiot. She says she has seen "attacks" but does not specify from where or whom or when. When he specifically asks if she's seen rocket attacks that have been reported from the north from Hezbollah and South from Hamas without "every single day" and is asked about rocket attacks from those areas says she hasn't seen it.
I presume the position he holds here is that Alsalem is being sly: when she says that she has seen attacks, she is actually referring to Israeli attacks, not Hamas or Hezbollah. For further clarity, I would have asked 4THOT:
  • Do you think Alsalem holds the position that Hamas or Hezbollah have never fired rockets against Israel?
  • If no, do you think Alsalem holds the position that Hamas or Hezbollah have never fired rockets against Israel since the initial barrage of rocket attacks on Oct. 7th?
In his first reply to my comment, he armed me and said I was his “strongest soldier.” 😳 Must have noticed these guns 💪😎. It seems like he originally agreed with me, and I don't know what impact, if any, this had on the ultimate decision.
I remember staring at this section of the unban request form thinking, "Err, I don't know." Like you all, when I've been banned by Destiny in the past, I know what to write here. He doesn't like snark; if you're being a condescending prick, get that ass banned. I have a general understanding of what sort of comments Destiny hates in this subreddit, and thus I know how to participate in the subreddit without being on the receiving end of a ban.
Taking the recommendation of another user, I cobbled together something for the unban form, and figured I'd just try again in a month. Alas, both the form and my last exchange with 4THOT was unsuccessful, and I would not have even attempted to send an unban request form to Ninou had I known that she had "orders to not unban" certain users. While I can understand that there may be certain users whose offenses are so egregious that a ban conditional on a lengthy period of time having been passed first is warranted, I don't believe I fall in this camp.
It's often stated by both Destiny and other moderators that the "process to get unbanned is pretty easy." Conditional bans tarnish the smoothness of this process, where good-faith unban requests are rejected due to the condition set, and I don't believe this should be the case.
If Destiny could offer further clarity here, that would be appreciated by both myself and others who have had this conditional ban placed upon them.

The Litmus Test:

Scroll up all the way to the top of Part 1, and what do you notice I've done in the preamble? I’m keen to avoid guilt by association; I believe Destiny just calls this being “webbed.” In the TL;DR I specifically mention the "pro-Israel crowd"; I know what this will invoke in the minds of people reading this, the associations people will draw to other people who have made criticism against the pro-Israel crowd. Thus, I feel the need to ensure that I dissociate myself from those people. That’s why you see the statement about Hasbara and brigading; it’s me raising a giant flag screeching, “Hey, I’m not like the others, this post is different!”
Let me give a couple examples here (suffer through some more examples…you must suffer…).
Example I - An Odd Title and an Audacious Inquiry
In this submission, OP posts a Twitter video with the submission title: “Reuters video shows militants armed with assault rifles atop aid convoy trucks and shooting at palstinians [sic] approaching the trucks.” Now, no one mentioned this in the comments, so to add some clarification here: this is not Reuters reporting, this is a clip from a Reuters live stream showing a view from a tent camp in Rafah. (Specific timestamp here.) Anyone watching this stream can clip whatever noteworthy event they see and add their own statements on what has transpired. As far as I can tell, that seems to be what the original clip here from N12 news has done, and it was also posted on their website, with no additional details.
This individual (henceforth called Doc) asked some fair questions. They made mistakes, of course, such as watching the clip on mute (you silly goose); but I would agree that “shooting at palstinians [sic]” invokes an image of, well, Palestinians being riddled with bullets, and instead we get what seems to be shots fired into the air. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask that the title reflect this distinction. What’s unfortunate here is that merely attempting to get an accurate summary is enough for OP to assume the worst about them, and thus we get the rebuke: “Keep dicksucking the terrorists stealing the aid.” I’ve seen Doc’s comments before, when they say they’re an “Israel stan”, they are. But for OP, they immediately engaged in “the web”, guilt by association, etc., and that was enough to result in this petty infighting. I thought leftists were the only ones that did that?
Example II - No Steelmans Allowed
In the second example, it’s me that’s on the receiving end of the purity test. Personally, as someone who is not a leftist (see what I’ve done there?), I do think a considerable number of y’all miss the mark when it comes to criticising leftists, and I attempt to steelman their positions as I find that to be more conducive for better discourse. Feel free to disagree with the steelman, the point is that merely providing that steelman is enough for OP to assume that these are my own positions — despite clearly stating multiple times that I’m not pro-Palestine, that I support Operation Prosperity Guardian, etc. Once again I bring up that I have defended Israel from silly conspiracy theories when they mentioned “your tribe”, as that’s my attempt to pass the litmus test, demonstrating my impartiality here.
Example III - ???
I'm not sure if 4THOT engaged in a similar type of purity testing both for the initial comment I was banned for, and also in my last exchange with them on another subreddit. The exchange was pretty bizarre: I asked if they checked Reddit DMs; they replied that they do, and “our agreement stands.” In their next reply, they mentioned that they confused me with another person, and said that, “Yes, once I/P is over I will let your people go.” That phrase “your people”, is quite similar to how the OP in the previous example said “your tribe” and “your side.” This seems to be the guilt by association I spoke on: I’m being lumped in with a group whose views generally don’t align with my own. That’s why part 1 begins with an introduction on myself. I need to pass the litmus test first before I can get good engagement — and it’s unfortunate that I feel compelled to do that.
Engage in good-faith
The conclusion here is a simple one: don't assume what positions your interlocutor holds merely because they're skeptical about that framing of certain stories, or because they attempt to provide a steelman for the opposing side.

Finito for Real

What I’m looking for here is clarity. UN officials will continue to say and do stupid things; that applies to pro-Palestine people, that applies to leftists. But every now and then, upon seeing one of these submissions, I might think, “Eh, this is pretty stupid, but I think it’s stupid for slightly different reasons to everyone else.” Can I express those opinions here? Must I add a preamble to every comment so that people don’t assume the worst? Do I need to be thinking, “Hmm, I wonder what 4THOT thinks about this story?”

Free me OOOO 🐟

Thanks to everyone that offered feedback. :)
submitted by PoisonedWhispers to Destiny [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 10:20 GillianSerio The Ink Inside the Mind (short story/poetry)

This book contains short stories and poems that will make you laugh, cry, look over your shoulder, make sure your door is locked, and most importantly, open your eyes. From a poem about how hard of a job a TV has to a story with multiple endings. Also this book contains the author’s personal point of view on things that might make you think twice. It also contains fictional short stories that fall under everything from horror to love.
It takes your emotions on a rollercoaster, can you handle the ride?
submitted by GillianSerio to wroteabook [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 01:17 ResponsibilitySad331 A Victim of Online Fiction - Ch15: Bad ties

Have you ever jumped into cold water on a hot day? Have you ever ridden an asteroid across the surface of the sun? Have you ever done a backflip off the moon and landed in a bucket of water in Vatican City? If so, then you’ve experienced one-tenth of what I experienced the moment I took that pill.
My headache disappeared, my heart started pumping, adrenaline and pure energy flowed through my veins instead of blood. My fingers twitched and my mind moved at three times the speed of light.
I fell back on my chair, flew towards my desk and danced my fingers like I was playing the keyboard. Chapters fell before me like grass in front of a chainsaw.
I cranked out TEN chapters in three hours. And that’s not just writing them either that’s editing them multiple times, adding extra hyperboles, and making the first 31 sentences and the title into acrostic poems that read: Alex has shit ties.
It was heavenly.
After dusting off my 11th chapter I stood, did a couple of yoga poses and then took off out of my front door for a run.
Now, everyone has a weakness, Superman’s got his kryptonite, Achilles has his heel, I have physical exercise. Usually, the thought of going for a run would make me want to chop my legs off. But those crazy little pills made the sad-sad go away. I was flying past houses, high-fiving bushes and waving to people as I roamed the streets like an exercise junkie.
My god-like strides took me through the suburbs of The Village through to the centre of town where Sherlock-Holmes themed coffee shops and Wuxia-themed teahouses dominated the streets. Writers sat in booths talking and hacking away at tablets and laptops, while cover artists drew mythical figures in between shots of espresso.
There was a hard-working bustle about the place. Little box-like robots wheeled their way out from a boutique distribution centre to people’s homes carrying boxes of wine, cheese, and steaming meals.
I slowed my run and sat back on a bench beside a rose bush. Birds were chirping and there was a hum of music from the cafes. It was heaven.
That night Manuel was back at my house and we walked three blocks over to a giant log cabin and another party. The next morning I took a pill, busted out eight chapters and went for another run. As the weeks flew by I attended more parties than I’d ever been to in my life, smashed out over a hundred chapters and grew dark rings around my eyes.
And then one day I met her.
This time we’d been invited to a pool party in the early evening. Manuel was sucking up to a bunch of new authors, and I was drinking beer with a bunch of horror writers while watching two guys beside the pool punching each other in the face over the use of Oxford commas. I didn’t know who was in the right – the guy whose eye was bruised, red, and puffy – or the guy with a swollen, red lump on his forehead.
Turns out, it didn’t really matter because they both paused mid-swing to stare at someone behind me.
In walked a woman in a white turtleneck, and large round glasses. Four other writers dressed in full tweed suits flanked her. Heads turned. Famous web fiction writers who I hadn’t worked up the courage to talk to were whispering to each other and pointing to the woman in white.
The horror writers next to me were trying to look disinterested but I could see them peering at her out of the corner of their eyes.
‘Hey Stephen,’ I poked a tall guy in the arm, ‘who’s that?’
Stephen laughed, ‘Good one man.’
‘I’m being serious dude, why’s everyone staring?’
Stephen hissed his next sentence like he was embarrassed others would hear, ‘Man. That’s the emperor of this place – the most read author in the whole of Crusher Media, that’s...’
‘...Lazy Cultivator? The guy that writes the chicken story.’
Stephen nodded, ‘Only – she’s not a guy.’
‘I guess I should say hi,’ I got out of my seat just as Stephen put his arm up to form a barrier.
‘Dude!’ He said, 'You, me, all of us,’ he gestured around the circle of horror writers, ‘We’re dirt.’ A couple of the guys clinked their beers and took a swig. Stephen pressed a finger into my chest, ‘We don’t talk to people like her. We don’t even look at her. This place has a hierarchy and man, you are the mud that hierarchy sits on.
I swallowed, ‘Good to know I’m appreciated then.’
Stephen shrugged, ‘Just letting you know the way things are dude.’
The tweed-wearers and their leader moved through the party like blue whales through a school of shrimp. A group of romance writers cleared out of their chairs beside the pool and the gang sat down and produced bottles of champagne from a wine cooler. The woman in white pulled a pair of VR glasses, a wireless keyboard, and a purple pill bottle from her bag, then she slipped a pill between her teeth, pulled the VR glasses over her face and started hacking away at the keyboard so rapidly she broke off one of the keys.
I swallowed, ‘She doesn’t come to parties often?’
Stephen shook his head, ‘not the sort of parties the rest of us get invited to. But... I’ve heard stories.’
I nodded slowly, my forehead was beginning to hurt the way it always did when the orange pills wore off. I took the orange pill container out of my pocket and shook it. There was no comforting tap of pills on the side.
I spun the lid open. It was empty.
My hands started to sweat. I got up, knocking over Stephen’s beer. He yelled at me, but I just waved an apology. I made a beeline straight for Manuel who was chatting to a bunch of fresh writers.
‘Hey, Eli,’ he said, wrapping an arm around me, ‘You guys heard of ElitheHill?’
A couple of the new writers grinned, one guy stuck out his hand, but my headache was getting worse with every second.
‘Manuel,’ I hissed, ‘I need some pills man.’
Manuel raised an eyebrow, ‘What?’
‘I need them now, my head...’ I stopped and rubbed one of my eyes, ‘I need the orange pills man.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Yeah, I’ll get you some man – in the morning.’ he wrapped his arm around me, ‘Come on man, be cool, have a beer.’
I shook my head frantically, my hands trembled, ‘I need them now Manuel. Come on. You’ve got to have at least a pack on you.’
Manuel stared at me, his eyes suddenly seemed much colder, ‘Yeah. I got some, but they’re two thousand reads.’
‘Two thousand?’ I bit my lip, ‘Man, they were five hundred two days ago.’
He shrugged and pulled the orange container from his pocket ‘You want em? Or not?’
My hands were a pool of sweat, my head thumped like a drum and bass concert and my right eye was twitching.
‘Yeah,’ I snatched them from his hand, ‘I’ll get Alex to transfer to you tomorrow.’
Manuel nodded, ‘Now get lost,’ his smile returned as he looked to the young writers, ‘You’re scaring off the new kids!’
The others laughed.
I fumbled with the pill bottle and Manuel gave me a kick, ‘Man! Get out of here.’ His eyes were hard again.
I stumbled my way over to the toilet, kicked the door open and slammed it behind me. My hands shook as I twisted open the capsule. The toilet smelt like vomit. The lid gave a click, popped open and I shook two pills into my hand. I usually took one, but I felt like I deserved the extra hit after everything I’d been through. I shoved them in my mouth, threw my head back, and swallowed.
A moment later I had electricity flowing through my veins and lightning in my brain. When I kicked the door of the toilet open it was like the world was in 8k resolution. Colours and lights were sharper and more beautiful. Beethoven’s fifth symphony was playing, someone passed me who smelt of elderflower and sweet wine. I breathed in and started dancing.
My call with Alex the next day began with me reciting a poem about his ties that I made up on the spot. He was wearing a beetroot red tie and by the third verse, his face had gone the same colour. It took him a few minutes to calm down, but when he finally did he ended up being quite pleased.
‘I see you’ve been producing a lot of chapters Mr Hill, you’re also pulling in a lot of readers. My suggestion is that you should start stockpiling them, rather than just posting them as you finish, that way when you hit another of your dry spells, you’ll have a buffer to get your shit sorted.’
I grinned and pulled the orange pills from my jacket pocket, ‘I’m not going to have another slump.’ I tossed the pill bottle up and caught it behind my back without looking, ‘Alex, I have discovered the key to literary immortality.’
Alex’s smile wavered for a moment, then with an effort of brute force he manage to affix it back to his face.
‘I’m glad Mr Hill.’ he went silent for a moment, ‘Just be careful okay... with those chapters I mean... we don’t want you to get burnt out with nothing left in the can.’
I shrugged, shook the pill bottle again, ‘Don’t worry about me buddy – just keep transferring Manuel that money. Okay?’
Alex nodded and ended the call.
submitted by ResponsibilitySad331 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 23:33 NightAngelRogue [Discussion] Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey - Chapter 25 through Chapter 33 (The Expanse Book 1)

“The universe without him in it didn’t make any sense at all. He’d taken risks; he’d seen other people die. Even people he loved. Now, for the first time, his own death was a real thing”
Welcome everyone to the fourth check in for Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey. We continue with the story of Holden and his crew, joined by Miller, the detective as they begin to pull at the threads of the mystery they find themselves wrapped up in. In this fourth discussion, we will be discussing Chapter 25 through Chapter 33.
Now, a note about spoilers!
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Hope you all Enjoy the discussion! Feel free to respond to any or all of the discussion questions below. Looking forward to discussing these chapters with you all!
Read on!
Chapter Summaries:
Chapter Twenty Five: Holden - They leave the scene of the crime. Out of Miller’s earshot, Naomi tells Holden that Miller knew the dead woman. She could see his shock at Julie’s condition. Miller wants to know how Holden knew someone from the Scopuli would be in that room. Holden wants to know how Miller knew the missing girl case was connected to something bigger. They both give half answers. Neither knows who the gunmen were or why they attacked, but Miller says it was a botched operation. Alex wonders why no one is talking about the condition of the corpse in the room. Miller confesses that he didn’t actually know Julie. The investigation gave him a picture of her: She was a good kid, a good racer. He wanted to get her back alive.
He guesses at Julie’s password (“Razorback”), which allows Naomi to access her terminal, which Naomi manipulates through a sealed plastic bag to reduce risk of contamination. Naomi opens a notes file that contains Julie’s account of catching the “Phoebe bug.” Julie referred to the “brown stuff” and described her symptoms, which included fever. She observed that the thing feeds on radiation and is anaerobic—meaning it does not require oxygen. Julie recorded the notes as she traveled to Eros, then contacted Fred Johnson. The group has no clue what caused all the tubes and spurs to sprout on Julie. The Roci crew decides to follow up on coordinates found in Julie’s notes for answers. They think she may have hidden a ship and want to check it out. Miller wants to go with them to find out who killed Julie.
Chapter Twenty Six: Miller - Their ship, The Roci, is in lockdown, unable to leave Eros, which angers Holden. Miller explains Sematimba wants them where he can find them. Miller makes a case for leaving with them but Holden is unsure he can trust Miller. Fred Johnston sends a message to the crew of the Roci: a spy has been caught and revealed danger on Eros. They conclude that someone wants to use Julie’s body as biological warfare. Eros seems an unlikely target and the crew wonders where Julie’s body was meant to go.
Eros is put in emergency lockdown, due to risk of radiation exposure. Everyone is ordered to the casino level. Radiation shelter space is limited but the crew is heading for the Roci anyway. Miller sees a security guard with scars and markings he recognizes as well as stolen riot gear from Star Helix. He’s a thug Miller once arrested and his presence speaks to a bigger picture: a coordinated attack. He warns Holden not to board his ship yet.
Chapter 27: Holden - Miller explains about the fake cops who are thugs that vanished from Ceres. He thinks they’re using the emergency to put everyone in lockup. They hide from the crowd going into shelter and make for the docks. Holden convinces Miller to check out what the thugs are up to and tells Naomi to take off without them if they’re not back in three hours. Following the guards, they see the people being put into the radiation shelter. All the guards leave except one. They ask to join the group inside. When the guard refuses, Miller puts a gun to his head. The guard lets him in. The shelter is dark inside and people are lying there, seemingly dead. The guard steps in and falls over, while Miller and Holden cough and stumble. They’ve been exposed to lethal radiation. They have six hours to get to the Roci’s med bay or they’ll die. They realize the ‘Phoebe bug” that infected Julie feeds on radiation and the people sent to the radiation shelters were likely sent there to be infected and used as incubators.
Chapter Twenty Eight: Miller - Holden and Miller have two hours to get to the Roci before Naomi and the others leave. Armored guards are keeping people away so Holden and Miller head for the maintenance tunnels. In the tunnels, they encounter a few guards, killing one and questioning the other, who Miller recognizes as a criminal from Ceres. The guy reveals he’s working for Protogen, a private Earth company based on Luna and led by Julie’s father. Miller shoots the guard and plans to use the body to rush past security, taking the guard for medical attention. As they carry the corpse, Miller reflects on when he lost his humanity. It’s been a cumulative process, starting with his first kill. He sees Julie as a symbol of the humanity he craves, which he could have had if he made different choices. They arrive at the hideout a few minutes past the deadline. No one is there.
Chapter Twenty Nine: Holden - Holden didn’t actually think they’d leave without him and realizes he is going to die from his own order. Miller suggests they head for the ship, though Holden doubts the ship will still be there. On the way, seeing a fake guard shoot a kid, leading Holden to empty his gun on the guard, but it doesn’t kill him. The guard aims at Holden but Miller kills him. They arrive at the port but mercenary cops with machine guns are blocking the way.
Chapter Thirty: Miller - Miller reflects on his two minds: his cop self, planning the next move and his ‘death self’. The name comes from a poem he once read. Holden wonders why someone would orchestrate such an elaborate deadly scheme. Miller says Protogen doesn’t know what the bug that infected Julie will do. He believes Eros is one big experiment and the scientists are observing the results. Suddenly, a horde of infected appear, moving like zombies, vomiting brown goo. Doors are opening all over the station and more zombies are pouring in. A riot cop starts shooting the zombies, their wounds ooze brown stuff. Miller gets an idea. They could follow the cops from behind as they fall back to escape the zombies. Time is short as Holden and Miller are in bad shape from the radiation poisoning as they follow the mercenaries.
Chapter Thirty One: Holden - Holden is ready to collapse so Miller drags him along as they make their way along the outer levels of the station. The guards are arguing as infected men approach. Miller is reluctant to shoot another person without Holden’s permission. Holden and Miller are trapped between the infected and the heavily armed guard, one faction looking professional and the other look like thugs from Ceres. The factions trade shots, bodies fall and the fighting continues down the corridor toward the ship. Four thugs approach. Miller gets Holden’s permission before he starts shooting. They take the guards armor and helmets and make a run for it. Progress is slow due to radiation poisoning and shots they're taking. They limp to the elevator which will take them to the Roci. The lift arrives and Amos is there holding an assault rifle in each hand.
Chapter Thirty Two: Miller - Miller wakes from dreaming, with something sticking out of his neck. Naomi is there and comments that its good their sick bay is well stocked. Miller passes out and wakes again. He sees Holden who looks terrible and falls unconscious again. Sometime later, while half-awake, he hears Holden tell Naomi that he loves her. Naomi admits that she fell for him more than four years earlier, but he only got interested in her when she was the only woman available. She knows his pattern—she’s seen it repeatedly—and a brief fling is not good enough for her.
Miller coughs and sits up. Naomi says both men died several times, but the ship’s medical resources saved them. They’re both going to have to be checked for cancer every month for the rest of their lives. They’ve had various parts removed; Holden’s thyroid was replaced with an implant, and Miller lost more than a foot of his small bowel. They’re probably sterile now, too, but otherwise they’re in good shape. Eros, however, is dead. There were 1.5 million people on the station. Miller and Holden discuss their escape and the men they killed along the way. Holden says he’s fine with it, but Miller doesn’t believe it. He says it’s good that Holden’s haunted by it and that the feeling won’t go away—so long as he still has a soul. He also tells Holden not to let Naomi put him off. In Miller’s imagination, Julie tells him she loves him too, and she’ll take care of him.
Chapter Thirty Three: Holden - Holden and Miller spend five days in the sick bay. Assorted explanations for the death of Eros are circulating, some political, some not. The Roci is heading for Julie’s asteroid. There’s distance between Naomi and Holden, who regrets his ill-timed romantic gesture. He gets up and finds he can walk. He heads to the ops deck, where Naomi is at a computer station. Holden starts to speak, wanting to have a personal conversation, but Naomi hits a button, and Fred Johnson’s face appears. Fred says they haven’t been able to get anything out of the data from the Donnager. Kelly died for that data, Holden recalls. He wonders if it’s showing Mars who killed the Donnager by revealing the enemy ship’s drive signature.
Miller joins them, and Holden asks him to solve a mystery: If he knew who killed someone, why would he send his partner the clues instead of just naming him? Miller says in case he’s wrong. He would want his partner to examine the clues and reach his own conclusion. Naomi thinks Earth is behind the whole thing. Holden wants to make another general broadcast to share the information they have, but Miller stops him, lest Holden make the largest war of all time—which he started—even bigger. Whoever did all this made it look like Mars killed the Cant, but it didn’t. They made it look like the OPA killed the Donnager—but it didn’t. Now Holden is going to drag Earth into it when he doesn’t know for sure. Holden sees it differently: He’s just releasing data, just exposing the secrets that will enable someone to find the answers.
They reach Julie’s asteroid and, sure enough, there’s a ship tethered there: the Anubis.
submitted by NightAngelRogue to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:27 softtechhubus Mastering Prompt Engineering: The Key to Unlocking the Power of Generative AI

Mastering Prompt Engineering: The Key to Unlocking the Power of Generative AI

I. Introduction

A. Definition of generative AI and its applications

Generative artificial intelligence refers to a class of AI techniques that are capable of generating new content such as images, text, audio, and video based on examples or prompts provided. Some common generative AI models include text generators like GPT-3, image generators like DALL-E 2, music generators, and more. These models have shown great promise in applications such as creativity support tools, content creation, datsynthesis, improving accessibility and more. However, their full potential is still largely dependent on how effectively they are guided via prompts.

B. Importance of prompt engineering for effective AI interactions

While generative AI models have advanced rapidly, their capabilities are still narrow and limited compared to human-level intelligence. As such, their behaviors and outputs are heavily influenced by the initial prompts or instructions provided. Prompt engineering refers to the art and science of carefully designing prompts to optimize generative AI model behaviors for different tasks. It plays a key role in determining whether AI interactions will be safe, beneficial and aligned with human values and priorities. With expertise in prompt engineering, the capabilities of generative AI can be maximized while mitigating potential risks. It is thus critical for unlocking the full power of these technologies.

II. Understanding Prompt Engineering

A. What is prompt engineering?

Prompt engineering involves the iterative process of thoughtfully constructing, testing, refining and curating prompts to achieve intended goals when interacting with generative AI systems. Effective prompts aim to clearly convey task instructions, provide helpful context, avoid ambiguity and ensure models stay aligned. Prompt engineering leverages techniques from fields like natural language processing and human-AI interaction design. Its purpose is to develop structured, nuanced prompts that can reliably steer generative AI towards safe, helpful and truthful behavior across diverse scenarios.

B. Significance of prompts in guiding AI models

Generative AI models are complex deep learning systems trained on vast amounts of data, but they lack human-level reasoning abilities. As such, their behaviors are heavily driven by the exact text, images or other data provided as prompts during inference. Small variations in prompts can significantly impact model outputs and potentially steer the AI towards harmful, misleading or unintended directions if not carefully engineered. Well-designed prompts allow specifying context, constraints and desired styles to guide models towards completing tasks safely and helpfully. Ill-defined prompts may hinder model performance or cause undesirable outcomes.

C. Key principles of effective prompt design

Some principles that underlie expert prompt engineering involve making prompts clear, unambiguous yet flexible. Prompts should precisely define the task or scenario while providing enough context and examples. They aim to be logically structured yet concise. Conditional statements and progressive disclosure of information are often used. Templates, reusable components and iterative testing help refine prompts. Diversity and creativity are encouraged while avoiding potential biases. Collaboration further improves prompt quality. Overall, the goal is developing prompts robust enough to reliably steer models to complete even complex tasks safely and beneficially.

III. Expert Prompt Engineering Techniques

A. Clear and Concise Instructions

1. Defining the task

Effective prompts start with a very clear definition of the task or scenario. Vague instructions don't provide models with enough guidance. Examples of well-defined tasks include "Generate a short story about xyz", "Describe step-by-step how to perform task ABC" or "Respond to the following customer question". Overly broad or ambiguous tasks make it difficult for models to know what is expected.

2. Providing context and constraints

Giving proper context helps models understand tasks. For instance, if generating a medical report, details about the patient, time period and symptoms would be relevant contextual details. Constraints on length, content, style etc. make tasks well-scoped. For example, "generate a 100-250 word summary of the key points" sets clear expectations and boundaries.

3. Using examples or references

Showing models concrete examples of expected performance helps align objectives. For writing prompts, exemplar paragraphs, personas or samples set the tone. Templates can provide references on formatting or logical structures. For image generation, visually demonstrating expected styles guides models well. Examples supplement rather than substitute for clear instructions.

B. Strategic Prompt Structuring

1. Utilizing prompt components (instructions, input, output)

Splitting prompts modularly into logical components like instructions, input context and expected output format allows adding, removing or editing sections independently. It also makes room for multi-step prompting where subsequent sections are revealed iteratively. Well-defined components yield prompts that are adaptable yet cohesive.

2. Incorporating conditional statements or logic

Using if-then conditional logic and variables allows prompts to handle diverse inputs and edge cases systematically. For example, a relationship advice prompt could include - "If the issue is [category], then discuss [solution approach]. Else suggest seeking counseling." This imparts flexible decision trees to prompts.

3. Employing multi-step prompts for complex tasks

Dividing complex, multi-faceted tasks into progressive sub-steps through modular prompting enables systematic guidance. For example, a story writing prompt may first define characters/setting, then elicit a plot outline through a series of questions before prompting for a full story draft. This staged revealing of information and context aids complex interactions.

C. Leveraging Prompt Libraries and Templates

1. Curated prompt collections

Organized prompt libraries containing reusable components allow pulling together fit-for-purpose prompts efficiently by combining pre-engineered sections. They aid prompt customization and enable "Legos-style" prompt building for diverse scenarios. Domain expertise goes into continuously improving and expanding such libraries over time.

2. Domain-specific prompt templates

Templates standardize prompt structures for common tasks, domains or genres. For instance, there may be templates for medical reports, news articles, recipes, poems etc. They embed conventional rules, format guidelines and best practices of respective domains to accelerate prompt design for novices and ensure quality. Templates then undergo refinement iterations.

3. Customizing and adapting prompts

Even the best plug-and-play prompts need to be tailored to specific application needs. Adaptations involve optimizing instructions, contexts, examples and conditional logic unique to situations. Expert engineers analyze prompts holistically and modify them as per learnings from previous iterations, similar prompts or changed requirements. This custom calibration further hones prompts.

D. Iterative Refinement and Testing

1. Evaluating prompt effectiveness

Prompt iterations are informed by systematic evaluations of model outputs against objectives. Automatic metrics and human ratings can assess factors like alignment, coherence, creativity, factuality, helpfulness and success rates. Edge/failure cases highlight opportunities for improvement. Iterative testing and refinement brings out best performace over time.

2. Analyzing model outputs and feedback

Dissecting generated outputs provides rich insights into how models interpret prompts - revealing unclear definitions, biases, unnecessary constraints or missing context. User feedback on application use cases is another valuable source. Together, such analyses pinpoint prompt strengths as well as aspects needing enhancement.

3. Refining prompts based on learnings

Refinement addresses weaknesses discovered during evaluations. It may involve rephrasing instructions, adjusting examples/templates, adding conditionals, removing ambiguities, expanding relevant context et al. Testing then verifies refinements enhance alignment and performance as intended, perpetuating a cycle of incremental prompt optimization.

IV. Best Practices and Tips

A. Considering Model Capabilities and Limitations

Prompts must account for a model's abilities and limitations. For example, while creative writing may align some models, technical topics requiring reasoning may not. Prompts therefore need tailoring based on what a model was designed and trained for versus what it may struggle with. Overly complex, nuanced or sensitive tasks may require special considerations.

B. Addressing Potential Biases and Ethical Concerns

Models trained on large corpora can inadvertently learn social biases which prompts must avoid activating. Sensitive tasks require careful safeguards against harms. Techniques involve using balanced, inclusive examples; preemptively addressing biases; engaging subject matter experts to ensure safety and ethics are prioritized. Evaluations also audit for potential harms which engineers then mitigate.

C. Encouraging Diversity and Creativity in Prompts

While structure aids learnability, too much rigidity limits flexibility. Encouraging some element of reasoned creativity, appropriateness and adaptability in outputs is important for many use cases. Techniques involve using conditionals, variations in examples, embracing non-obvious angles on prompts, requesting novel ideas where applicable and evaluating beyond just alignment.

D. Collaborating and Sharing Prompt Engineering Knowledge

No single individual can master all skills or anticipate blindspots. Collaboration leverages diverse perspectives to holistically improve prompts. Strategies involve forming multidisciplinary teams; openly discussing learnings to expand collective expertise; building communities around prompt design best practices; responsibly sharing template libraries and case studies. This increases overall prompt engineering efficiency and standards across the field.

V. Real-World Examples and Case Studies

A. Successful prompt engineering applications

Some successful applications demonstrate expert prompt engineering at work. For instance, in translating COVID-19 healthcare FAQs into multiple languages through well-structured multi-step prompts with extensive testing iterations. Or generating helpful drug interaction information for pharmacists by first piloting the idea with subject matter experts to gauge nuances. Another example is how masterfully engineered conversational prompts drive chatbots handling sensitive customer support queries smoothly.

B. Lessons learned from real-world scenarios

Real use cases also provide valuable learning opportunities. For example, early AI assistant prototypes struggled with improperly designed identity and relationship counseling prompts requiring extensive redesign post reviews. Another lesson emerged when a healthcare bot produced unintended advice due to missing context in prompts - highlighting the need for supervised testing. Prompt failures driving harmful fake news generation likewise exposed blindspots until addressed. Such scenarios train engineers on prompt design pitfalls to avoid.

VI. Future of Prompt Engineering

A. Advancements in prompt engineering techniques

As models and applications advance, so must prompting methodologies. Emerging areas include semi-supervised prompting leveraging human-AI co-creation; self-supervised prompting enabling models to rationalize and critique their own prompting; multi-modal prompting combining text, images, audio et al.; causal prompting elucidating how outputs would change under interventions; continued standardization through shared resources like ontologies and benchmarks.

B. Potential impact on AI development and adoption

With further research, prompt engineering can transform AI safety, development workflows and adoption landscapes. Expert prompting may help align powerful models and establish safeguards against misuse. Techniques like benchmarking and best practice sharing may industrialize quality for wide impact. Self-guided learning through self-supervision could automate parts of the process. And as generative AI infuses more domains, successful prompting will be key to unlocking AI's potential responsibly at scale.
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VII. Conclusion

This article provided an in-depth overview of prompt engineering for optimizing generative AI systems. It delineated important concepts like the need for effective prompting given narrow AI capabilities today. Techniques discussed involved clear task definition, context provisioning, strategic structuring, leveraging libraries and templates as well as iterative refinement. Best practices addressed abilities, biases while stressing diversity and collaboration. Real examples and future potentials were also reviewed. Overall, expert prompting emerges as the definitive approach to guiding generative AI towards maximally beneficial applications safely.
While generative AI has taken gigantic leaps, its full promise remains dependent on human expertise in areas like prompt engineering. Just as thoughtful design is key to most technologies, intentional prompting acts as the interface optimizing human-AI partnerships. With continued multidisciplinary effort, prompt methodologies will mature to tap AI's strengths reliably while avoid downsides. In the process, generative systems may evolve to handle ever more complex tasks autonomously. But for now, harnessing narrow AI requires our best thinking applied to prompt engineering as the crucial lever for beneficial, innovative and scalable human-AI collaboration. Our efforts here will define generative experiences of the future.
Recommended AI Tool: Wordform AI — If You’re Not Using This AI automation, You’re Missing Out On Leads, Traffic, and Sales From The Biggest Traffic Source On The Internet!
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submitted by softtechhubus to u/softtechhubus [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 16:06 adulting4kids Obscure Literary Devices Writing Class Assignments

  1. Device Identification Exercise:
  1. Creative Writing Prompts:
  1. Literary Analysis Essays:
  1. Collaborative Storytelling:
  1. Speech Writing and Delivery:
  1. Literary Device Showcase:
  1. Rewriting Exercises:
  1. Debate on Stylistic Choices:
    • Organize a debate where students defend or critique an author's use of a specific literary device in a given text.
  1. Literary Device Scavenger Hunt:
  1. Themed Poetry Slam:
- Task students with creating a thematic poetry slam where each participant focuses on a different literary device. - Host a class poetry slam event where students perform their pieces and discuss their choices. 
  1. Interactive Online Quizzes:
- Curate online quizzes or interactive activities that allow students to self-assess their understanding of literary devices. - Provide instant feedback to reinforce learning. 
  1. Peer Review and Feedback:
- Implement peer review sessions where students exchange their creative writing assignments and provide constructive feedback on the integration of literary devices. - Encourage discussions on the effectiveness of different approaches. 
  1. Literary Device Journal:
- Assign students a literary device to track in their personal reading over a set period. - Have them maintain a journal documenting instances of the device, their interpretations, and reflections on its impact. 
  1. Literary Device Bingo:
- Create bingo cards with different literary devices - As students encounter instances of these devices in class readings or discussions, they mark off the corresponding squares on their bingo cards. 
  1. Real-world Application Project:
- Challenge students to find examples of literary devices in advertisements, speeches, or news articles. - Present their findings, discussing how the devices are employed for persuasive or artistic purposes in the real world. 
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 14:27 DeLaRoka Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension

Google Sheets as custom spreadsheet data source for Definer popup dictionary browser extension
You can easily turn a Google Sheets database into a popup dictionary. This allows you to quickly search through it when selecting text on any webpage or PDF document.
A spreadsheet serves as an accessible and adaptable database option. It’s faster to set up and easier to manage than traditional SQL-based databases.
In this tutorial, I'll guide you through creating a popup dictionary for your own spreadsheet. For demo purposes, I’ll use a modified dictionary spreadsheet for the Yherchian constructed language, generously provided by u/Xsugatsal.
First, let's take a look at how exactly all of this will work when we're finished:
Google Sheets database in Definer popup dictionary browser extension
A little explanation of what's going on in the video:
  • A Google Sheets spreadsheet is set to public so anyone with the link can view it.
  • The Definer popup dictionary set up to fetch data from this spreadsheet using a link to Google's Visualization API (gviz).
  • A small window pops up whenever you select a word on a webpage or in a PDF document, displaying results from the spreadsheet if there's a match in the first two columns.
If this sounds useful, let's start setting it up. You don’t need any technical skills to follow these steps.

1. Install the Definer browser extension

Definer - Popup Dictionary & Translator browser extension has a feature called "Custom source" that allows turning any website into a popup dictionary using only its link. We'll need this to interact with Google Visualization API.
Install it from:

💡 On Firefox, you might need to disable Enhanced Tracking Protection.

2. Locate the Custom source

Right-click the extension icon and select "Definer Options". On the "Sources" page, activate the "Custom" source and drag it to the top if you want it as your default. Then, click on "Settings" to configure it.
How to locate the Custom source in Definer browser extension

3. Set up your spreadsheet

Conlang dictionary basic table structure
I’ll work with a prepared spreadsheet that includes four columns:
  1. English word
  2. Yherchian word
  3. Category
  4. Meaning
View my example spreadsheet here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec
It's crucial that the spreadsheet is set to public. In your own spreadsheet, you'd have to find and click on "Share" button and under "General access" select "Anyone with the link".

4. Set the website address (URL)

We need to prepare the URL the popup dictionary will use to fetch data from your spreadsheet. Here’s what it will look like for my spreadsheet:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec/gviz/tq?tq=SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B CONTAINS "{str}"&tqx=out:html&headers=1 
Now, let’s break it down and see what each part of this URL means and how you can customize it for your own spreadsheet:
Gviz link schema
1. Base spreadsheet URL: This is the link to your Google Sheets that is set to public access.
  • Example: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1UMifrR60d-6tQ6LoxbaeXlqomaQcNP11FedeGvoOBec
2. Google Visualization API endpoint: Adding /gviz/tq?tq= to the base URL enables querying the sheet using SQL-like commands. You can read the docs for more info.
3. SQL-like query: The SELECT A,B,C,D WHERE A CONTAINS "{str}" OR B CONTAINS "{str}" part is the query that fetches rows where the first two columns match the word selected in your browser.
4. Output format and headers: The &tqx=out:html&headers=1 specifies that the output should be in HTML format and the first row of the spreadsheet should be used as headers.

💡 You can also target a specific worksheet by adding &sheet=SHEET_NAME_HERE to the end of the URL.

Type the URL into the "URL" field in the Custom source settings in Definer, replacing the spreadsheet ID and possibly modifying the SELECT query to match your table structure.
URL field in the Custom source settings

5. Set custom styles (CSS)

At this point it should already work perfectly. But just to slightly improve the visual aspect, let's add some CSS, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets and affects how webpages look. The code snippet below will align the colors of the resulting table with the Definer’s theme. Paste this into the "CSS" field:
table, tr { background-color: var(--v-ground-base) !important; color: var(--v-text-base) !important; } table, td { border: none !important; } tr[style^="font-weight: bold"] td { border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.4) !important; padding: 0 6px 3px !important; } tr:nth-child(even) { background-color: rgba(var(--text-rgb), 0.05) !important; } 
Copy and paste the code into the \"CSS\" field in the Custom source settings


Now, it's functional AND beautiful. Let's check it out in action:
My attempt to write a poem in Yherchian conlang with the help of Definer popup translator that is connected to my dictionary database in Google Sheets

Searching the Google Sheets database by typing the word, instead of selecting it on a page

Looking up an English word in my spreadsheet by selecting it on a page. Dark theme in Definer.

Highlight to define the word on a page using Definer popup dictionary and Google Sheets as a data source. Light theme.

Select a word on a page to find it in the spreadsheet. Dark theme.

Another example of popup search in Google Sheet database through the definition extension. Green theme.

Definer popup dictionary tool linked to a database in Google Sheets. Royal Blue theme.

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submitted by DeLaRoka to lumetrium_definer [link] [comments]
