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The MH650 Headset - a One Month In review

2024.06.11 13:55 Rlahn The MH650 Headset - a One Month In review

The MH650 Headset - a One Month In review
tl;dr: an adequate option if you're looking for something in this price range. Mine broke in a month, due to a manufacturing defect - customer support was great, and I got it replaced with little hassle.

All round, I'd say it's a good pair of headphones. It definitely gives me what I wanted, and its miles better than anything else I tried before.
They do have some flaws. Most of these are minor, most of these I had known of when buying the product. None were significant enough to meaningfully alter my experience.
My pair broke just under a month after I received them. I was able to take them to a service center in my city, who accepted it without any debate, and had a replacement ready for me in a week.

  • The sound quality fits my needs, although the bass is noticeably weak
  • 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound does its job well (weirdly, though, I can't seem to turn it off? see below)
  • The Master+ app is generally poor
  • The mic is amazing, especially for the price range
  • On-device controls are much better than I expected them to be
  • The build quality seems ok, but there are a few points that feel particularly week.

I am a PC gamer who also frequently listens to music. I've never seen grass in my life, and my primary concern has been making sure my audio products are convenient to use from the comfort of my room.
Most of my past buys have been lower-end headsets from companies like CosmicByte. They were of remarkably poor quality, and all of them became practically unusable in less than two years. Tired of this trend, I was looking for something better. I wanted better audio quality and a more reliable mic, but also a better lifespan, and the safety that came with buying from a brand of more renown.
My budget was initially at ~3,000₹ (<40$), although after research that was raised to 5-6000₹ (60-75$). I live in Mumbai, India.

Firstly, I want to be clear that I am not an audiophile. My requirements for 'good audio' are not really that high, and I don't know enough about the higher-end audio market. As such, I'm not really the best person to be talking about Sound Quality.
For me, the sound quality fits my needs. I don't have the expertise (or the interest) to say much more. If the finer details of sound quality matter a lot to you, you'll have to look elsewhere.
I will say, however, that the bass is VERY weak (this was something that was mentioned in a lot of other reviews I read, too). It was significant enough for me to notice right on day one - music I listen to that's heavy on bass felt DRASTICALLY different (weirdly, this doesn't affect gaming much - idk why, but I'm not complaining)
I shall be discussing this more in the section on the Master+ app, but I wanted to add here that the in-built equalizer does not do shit. It did not affect the sound I was hearing AT ALL.

The MH650 is quite loud - my system volume (which used to be at 100% with my old headphones) is now typically at 10-20%, with the volume sliders on most games being at 30-50%. That said, whenever I'm listening to music that's bass-heavy, the volume bar on Spotify has to go from ~30% to 60-70%. The bass is very weak.

The 7.1 Virtual Surround sound does its job very well - I am able to easily pinpoint the location of sounds when I'm gaming, I have no issues here. However, it seems that I am unable to turn it off? Like, it seems physically impossible. Both the on-device Surround Sound toggle, and the option on the Master+ app, do nothing at all.
This is very annoying, since SS does also make sounds feel like they're coming from further away, and it causes some sounds to be more muffled than I would like. If anyone else is having a similar problem, could you mention it in the comments below?

In a single word - Dogshit.
I have found the app to be finicky, inconsistent, and generally poor at doing its job. Many other people who have used it have felt the same.

Once it recognizes your device (if it recognizes it at all) you get three tabs of settings: RGB, an Equalizer, and the 7.1 Surround Sound. All of them are subpar in performance.
Equalizer: The equalizer, as I have said before, does not do shit. Audio sounds the exact same in all three of the default presets ('Pop Music', 'Gaming', and 'Movies') as well as when I had all the sliders pushed to their maximum and minimum values.
I've dealt with it for now, but the weak bass is really starting to get on my nerves. I'll probably get some external EQ software set up to boost the bass, sometime soon™.
Surround Sound: Admittedly, I haven't messed with the surround sound much (I didn't mind the default preset), so I don't have that much to speak about here. However, I want to state again how I seem completely unable to turn Surround Sound off - both the toggle option on the app, and the on-device 7.1 toggle button, don't do anything. Very annoying.
However, I want to state again how I seem completely unable to turn Surround Sound off - both the toggle option on the app, and the on-device 7.1 toggle button, don't do anything. Very annoying.
RGB: The RGB settings are very limiting. You have three options - a color cycle, a static single color, and a breathing single color (and also turning it off entirely). All three let you vary the brightness, but the color cycle doesn't let you choose which colors to cycle between.
There is a significant difference between the colors that are shown on the app, and the colors that are produced by the lights on the headset. In general, what you get on your device is a lighter, less vibrant, more washed-out version of what you see on the app. This is especially so for the for the Red and Green components, which seem to be significantly weaker than the Blue.
The RGB looks best with darker, blue-dominant colors: cyans, blues, purples, and magentas all look good. The other side of the spectrum (lighter pinks, yellows, oranges, greens) tend to look overly washed-out and desaturated.

Another major issue is that the app has this annoying tenancy to just... forget all my settings? I can fine-tune everything to be a specific way, only for it all to be gone the next day.
I have no clue why the app struggles so much, or why it as so many flaws. It is especially disappointing, since the app support was one of the major selling points to get the MH650 over the MH630.

In general, I find these to be surprisingly responsive, much better than anything I've used before (granted, that's not saying much... but I like them all the same).
There are 4 different controls - a volume slider and a mic mute button on the left earcup, and the 7.1 toggle and and RGB button on the right. There aren't any inline controls on the chord, which I have to mention because I HATE those with a burning passion.
The volume slider doesn't have any tactile 'bumps', but it still works just fine. It doesn't have any issues faced by most cheaper headphones, where fiddling with the volume can cause a change in the audio balance between the earcups, which I greatly appreciate
The mic mute does what it does, nothing much to say there. It extends out a good bit further than any of the other buttons, which I find helpful, since its the button you'll be using the most There is one issue I have though - using this to mute your mic will force the RGB to flash red. This 'hijacking' of your RGB takes place even when you have the mic detached. I have no clue why this was added... it feels kinda random? Its cool to have, ig, but imo there should be a way to turn it off. I definitely find it more annoying than useful.
The 7.1 toggle, as I have mentioned already, does nothing for me. Idk why, or whether this is an issue only I face.
The RGB button is standard. It cycles through the 3 RGB settings that you can customize with the Master+ app (a color cycle, flat single color, and breathing single color), along with turning the RGB off entirely. Not much to say here. It does its job.

I feel like the mic on the MH650 is excellent - especially for this price range. I've even had friends call out how my voice sounds much better with these than with my previous sets. It can act a bit over-sensitive at times, but that hasn't been too much of an issue so far.
The mic is also detachable! I usually keep it off most of the time, storing it in one of my desk drawers, because I think the headset looks better with the mic off. There's a little cover for the plug-in point, but the joint connecting it to the body is very flimsy. It broke off within a week. Thankfully, this doesn't affect the audio quality in any way (although it might cause dust to accumulate in the hole... I suppose I'll update this post if it causes any issues).
The mic is flexible, and the neck can be bent into any shape you want. So far, it seems to be pretty well-built, and able to retain its shape nicely. I will say, however: the joint that links the neck to the connector feels kinda weak. Its not shown any sign of giving out yet, but I feel like it might be liable to breaking if roughly handled.

The earpads have a fabric material on the outside, with faux leatheleatherette/pleather on the inside. This choice of material confuses me - typically, you would see the more breathable fabric on the inside so that your ears don't overheat, and the faux leather on the outside, to help avoid sound leakage.
I hadn't noticed the double-material earpads while researching the product. I thought it would be fabric all the way. It was probably just me being blind, but if you hadn't noticed it either, this is something you should be aware of before buying.
The pleather on the inside does give the earcups a nice seal. Sound is trapped inside well, and it muffles external noise adequately. It also means your ears will get quite hot, especially if you're living in a warm region like me. I definitely feel some discomfort when listening to music/gaming for long hours in the afternoons.
The leatherette had already started to tear up by the time my headset broke - sad, but not entirely unexpected; the faux leather is usually the first thing to break in most headsets. Obviously, the replacement I got does not show any signs of damage.

Feels pretty comfortable. It's well-built, and looks to be pretty sturdy. It's mostly plastic, not metal: this does hurt the durability, but it also makes the headset quite light (282g, without the cable).
The headband cushioning is made of the same fabric material on the earpads. It's flexible, doesn't chafe, and feels comfy to use (even after several hours). No problems here.
The clamp force is high, but not uncomfortably so. I got used to it in about a week.

Similar to the frame, they are built mostly out of plastic, but still feel quite sturdy. They're pretty flexible, and comfort-wise don't give you any trouble.
I want to mention, however, that the swivel joints that connect them to the headband don't feel sturdy. According to reviews, this is a common first point of failure. Personally, I never really liked 90° swivel joints in the first place, so its annoying to see them be so weak. Still, they haven't caused me any problems yet.

My headset broke in just under a month of usage. From what I can tell, something inside the hinge that connects the left earcup to the headband shattered - it jutted out at a weird angle, and the screws didn't go back in [note: the hinge here is different from the swivel joints I was talking about in the previous section]
This happened during a late-night gaming session, last thursday. I contacted Cooler Master the next morning, and they told me to go to a service center in my city. I went there on Saturday, with the tax invoice for the product, and the original packaging it came in
I ended up sitting there for about half an hour, during which they inspected the product. Eventually, they deemed that all was in order, and took it in with no further questions asked. I was given a receipt and told that they would call me once a replacement was ready for pickup. I got the call a week later (this saturday), and picked it up with no hassle.
All in all, it was a remarkably smooth process. Everyone I talked to was pretty helpful, and there weren't any random delays or hold-ups along the way. Way to go, CM Customer Service!

This is a collection of other minor points, that I can't fit elsewhere
  1. The RGB is bright. Like, really bright. Like, enough-to-appreciably-light-up-a-dark-room bright. So-bright-that-they-cause-the-earcups-to-noticeably-heat-up-after-prolonged-usage bright. It doesn't affect much, but I do think its neat.
  2. The USB-A connector it comes with is kinda finicky. The fit is surprisingly loose, and sufficiently strong jerks to the cable/connector can cause it to loose connection entirely. This isn't that much of a problem rn, but I'm mentioning it here because it feels like something that could become a big issue later. The headset also comes with a USB A-C connector. That one, thankfully, is much more reliable
  3. The packaging incorporates a LOT of plastic. Its sad to see, especially since the industry is starting to make good advancements towards more plastic-free packing. If you care about environment-friendly packaging and are looking for a new pair of headsets, consider checking out Corsair's stuff instead - they're really good at this (I'd recommend their HS55/HS65 products)
  4. The design is pretty bespoke. With the RGB off and the mic detached, this looks like its just an ordinary pair of headphones. This could be useful if you plan on wearing it outside or something... idk. Again, I've never touched grass, so I wouldn't know
  5. Cooler Master also gives you this felt bag in the packaging, to carry the headset in. Haven't used it yet, since I've never needed to take my headset out of the house, but hey... who am I to complain about a nice bag?

I feel like I want to add a section here, at the end, to compare the MH650 with the other products in its series. If you didn't know, the MH650 is one of three headsets in the MH6XO line, with the other two being the 630 and the 670.
The MH630 is the 'base' product. It has all the core functionality you would expect from a headset, but without most of the other 'premium' features. It does also come with a detachable AUX chord.
The MH650 is similar to the MH630, but with a few additional features bundled in. These are:
  • Support for the Master+ app
  • A detachable mic
  • RGB
  • Virtual 7.1 surround sound
  • A USB cable instead of AUX one (unlike the 630, this is not detachable)
The MH670 is a wireless version of the 650.

Now, if you've been following along, you'd realize that the 650 really isn't all that superior to the 630: The app support and RGB are meh. The detachable mic is cool, but idk how many people actually care about that. The cable is no longer detachable, and the USB connector they put in is very loose.
The surround sound... I know that a lot of people care about this, a lot, but you must also realize that a headset does not require surround sound support for you to have directional audio. Stereo headsets are perfectly capable of telling you the exact location a sound - the concept that you need Surround Sound because its the only way to achieve proper directionality is, for the most part, just marketing
All in all, the MH630 really isn't that much worse than the 650. Rn, its available for ~3.9k... compared to this, the 650 is a ~25% rise in price, and that's almost entirely just so that you can get surround sound bundled in (and maybe a detachable mic if you really want that).
The 630 was out of stock when I was making my buy, but rn it's back for sale, at ₹1k less than the 650. Consider giving it a look?

All in all, I'd say this is a great set of headphones. It has some annoying flaws, it has some great traits, but for the most part its *adequate* - and for me, that's exactly what I need.
If you're looking for a pair of lower-end headphones, perhaps as an entry into the world of branded gaming headsets, then this is a great option. I am definitely quite happy with what I've gotten.
Some other options you could consider, if you didn't like what you heard here and want some suggestions in a similar price range:
  • Razer's Blackshark V2 X
  • Corsair's HS55/HS65 line
  • HyperX's Cloud Stinger and Cloud Stinger II
  • Cooler Master's MH630
I shall edit this with more info should anything develop, but I don't expect much to change. I plan on writing more (smaller) reviews, when I'm 6 months and 2 years in, respectively. I'll link them here once they're up.
submitted by Rlahn to coolermaster [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:39 Automatic-Shoe-1013 scam or no scam? scam or no scam?
Always wanted an oversized beanbag chair and luckily Instagram knew just what to show me! A large beanbag for 70% off and it’s only $90? Heck yeah - so I bought it. Shipping all the way from China; my experiences of things shipping from China with ‘good prices’ is not the best lol. Looking closer at their site: only 4-5 star reviews that praise everything about them, everything is on sale but they do NOT refund sale items, only contact information is an email - hella suspicious. Not too fucked up if it is a scam but I’m just curious if anyone has purchased from them and actually received it
submitted by Automatic-Shoe-1013 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 13:18 JustBoatTrash Pimco Warns of More US Regional Bank Failures on Property Pain
Pacific Investment Management Co. expects more regional bank failures in the US because of a “very high” concentration of troubled commercial real estate loans on their books.
“The real wave of distress is just starting” for lenders to everything from malls to offices, John Murray, Pimco’s head of global private commercial real estate team, said in an interview. His division sits within Pimco’s $173 billion alternatives business.
Uncertainty over when the Federal Reserve may cut interest rates has exacerbated challenges faced by the commercial real estate sector, where high borrowing costs have hammered valuations and triggered defaults, leaving lenders stuck with assets that are tough to sell. Contrary to some market expectations, larger banks have been disposing of some of their higher quality assets first to avoid deeper losses, according to Murray.
“As stressed loans grow due to maturities, however, we expect that banks will start selling these more challenged loans to reduce their troubled loan exposures,” he said, adding his team has been snapping up CRE loans offloaded by some large US banks for the past 18 months.
The turmoil has been particularly felt among regional banks, which boosted their CRE exposure that in many cases is now worth only a fraction of their value at their peak. Smaller banks have continued to worry investors ever since the collapse of a few last year. Earlier this year, US Bancorp, the largest regional bank by assets, increased its provisions for credit losses in the first quarter to $553 million.
Regional banks were also the only lenders that didn’t demand extra down payments from commercial-property borrowers in recent years, highlighting their vulnerability to falling values, according to a report released by MSCI Real Assets in March. Deposit-taking institutions face an estimated $441 billion wall of maturing property debt this year.
For larger banks, the property exposures aren’t expected to cause systemic failures as their CRE lending was curbed after the 2008 crisis, Murray said. But borrowers’ failure to repay means they’re lending even less compared with 2021 and 2022, he added.
Meanwhile, many mortgage real estate investment trusts have become more sidelined as they deal with problems of their own. That’s limited their ability to underwrite new investments. Starwood Real Estate Income Trust tightened its shareholders’ ability to pull money last month in an effort to preserve liquidity and stave off asset sales, while Blackstone Inc.’s $59 billion property trust saw an uptick in withdrawal requests.
Lending volumes for major public mortgage REITs have plunged 70% from 2021 levels, according to Murray.
While banks tend to hog most of the headlines, another area that needs close attention is the more than $200 billion of loans made by debt funds in the US that are set to mature through 2025, Murray said. Many of these loans were originated during the peak pricing era of 2021, often with a three-year term and a three-year rate cap.
“The first catalyst for stress at the asset level is occurring right now, as assets will struggle to meet extension tests in this higher rate environment,” Murray said.
The Newport Beach, California-based asset manager is also keeping an eye on how German banks deal with their commercial real estate exposure.
“The combination of rising rates plus recessionary pressures creates real challenges for commercial real estate, from both a capital markets and fundamentals perspective,” Murray said.
submitted by JustBoatTrash to REBubble [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 12:32 realAlias_ I got the Ironman Hyperion + all scrolls within 32 runs

I got the Ironman Hyperion + all scrolls within 32 runs submitted by realAlias_ to HypixelSkyblock [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 12:04 DonutOfTruthForAll Thoughts on Lib Dem manifesto for health?

Give everyone the right to see a GP or the most appropriate practice staff member within seven days, or within 24 hours if they urgently need to, by: Increasing the number of full-time equivalent GPs by 8,000, half by boosting recruitment and half from retaining more experienced GPs. Giving everyone 70+ and everyone with long-term health conditions access to a named GP. Freeing up GPs’ time by giving more prescribing rights and public health advisory services to qualified pharmacists, nurse practitioners and paramedics. Introducing a universal 24/7 GP booking system. Removing top-down bureaucracy to let practices hire the staff they need and invest in training. Establishing a Strategic Small Surgeries Fund to sustain services in rural and remote areas.
Guarantee access to an NHS dentist for everyone needing urgent and emergency care by: Bringing dentists back to the NHS from the private sector by fixing the broken NHS dental contract and using flexible commissioning to meet patient needs. Introducing an emergency scheme to guarantee access to free NHS dental check-ups for those already eligible: children, new mothers, those who are pregnant and those on low incomes. Guaranteeing appointments for all those who need a dental check before commencing surgery, chemotherapy or transplant.
Take action to prevent tooth decay by: Providing supervised toothbrushing training for children in nurseries and schools. Scrapping VAT on children’s toothbrushes and toothpaste.
Work towards a fairer and more sustainable long-term funding model for pharmacies, and build on the Pharmacy First approach to give patients more accessible routine services and ease the pressure on GPs.
Improve early access to mental health services by: Opening walk-in hubs for children and young people in every community. Offering regular mental health check-ups at key points in people’s lives when they are most vulnerable to mental ill-health. Putting a dedicated, qualified mental health professional in every school, as set out in chapter 8. Ending out-of-area mental health placements by increasing capacity and coordination between services, so that no one is treated far from home. Extending young people’s mental health services up to the age of 25 to end the drop-off experienced by young people transitioning to adult services. Increasing access to clinically effective talking therapies. Taking an evidence-led approach to preventing and treating eating disorders, and challenging damaging stigma about weight. Making prescriptions for people with chronic mental health conditions free on the NHS, as part of our commitment to review the entire schedule of exemptions for prescription charges. Transforming perinatal mental health support for those who are pregnant, new mothers and those who have experienced miscarriage or stillbirth. Tackling stigma through continued support for public education including Time to Talk. Cutting suicide rates with a focus on community suicide prevention services and improving prevention training for frontline NHS staff. Recognising the relationship between mental health and debt, and providing better signposting between talking therapies and debt advice. Ending inappropriate and costly inpatient placements for people with learning disabilities and autism. Modernising the Mental Health Act to strengthen people’s rights, give them more choice and control over their treatment and prevent inappropriate detentions. Creating a statutory, independent Mental Health Commissioner to represent patients, their families and carers. Widening the current safety investigation into mental health hospitals to look at the whole patient experience, including ward design and treatment options.
Boost cancer survival rates by: Introducing a guarantee that 100% of patients will be able to start treatment within 62 days from urgent referral. Replacing ageing radiotherapy machines and increasing their number, so no one has to travel too far for treatment. Recruiting more cancer nurses so that every patient has a dedicated specialist supporting them throughout their treatment. Passing a Cancer Survival Research Act requiring the Government to coordinate and ensure funding for research into the cancers with the lowest survival rates. Halving the time for new treatments to reach patients by expanding the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s capacity. Launching a new prostate cancer screening programme for those at higher risk.
Help people spend more years of their life in good health by: Increasing the Public Health Grant, with a proportion of the extra funding set aside for those experiencing the worst health inequalities to co-produce plans for their communities. Establishing a ‘Health Creation Unit’ in the Cabinet Office to lead work across government to improve the nation’s health and tackle health inequalities. Introducing regulations to halt the dangerous use of vapes by children while recognising their role in smoking cessation for adults, and banning the sale of single-use vapes. Improving access to blood pressure tests in community spaces. Expanding social prescribing and investing in community projects that bring people together to combat loneliness. Introducing a new kitemark for health apps and digital tools that are clinically proven to help people lead healthier lives. Introducing a new levy on tobacco company profits to help fund healthcare and smoking cessation services. Protecting children from exposure to junk food by supporting local authorities to restrict outdoor advertising and restricting TV advertising to post-watershed. Extending the soft drinks levy to juice-based and milk-based drinks that are high in added sugar. Tackling air pollution and poor air quality in public buildings with a Clean Air Act, as set out in chapter 12.
Train, recruit and retain the doctors, nurses and other NHS staff we need, including by: Establishing a properly independent pay review body. Retaining more staff across the NHS through a ten-year retention plan. Making flexible working a day-one right and expanding access to flexible, affordable childcare, as set out in chapters 4 and 9. Fixing the work visa system and exempting NHS and care staff from the Immigration Skills Charge, as set out in chapter 18. Ending the false economy of spending money on agency workers and encouraging the use of flexible staff banks.
Fix the life-threatening crisis in our ambulance services by: Ending excessive handover delays for ambulances by increasing the number of staffed hospital beds to end degrading corridor care, and fixing social care as set out in chapter 7. Publishing accessible, localised reports of ambulance response times. Creating an emergency fund to reverse closures of community ambulance stations and cancel planned closures where needed.
Implement a ten-year plan to invest in hospitals and the primary care estate to end the scandal of crumbling roofs, dangerous concrete and life-expired buildings.
Create a new ‘Patients Charter’ to harness lived experience of patients and embed patient voice, partnership and safety standards across health and care settings, including: A new legal right to a second opinion. A new legal right to maintain contact in all health and care settings. Protecting patient data and patients’ rights to opt out of data sharing.
Implement the recommendations of the Infected Blood Inquiry in full, including delivering full and fair compensation to all victims of the scandal in a timely and transparent manner.
Introduce truly independent complaints processes and transparent monitoring of reports of sexual misconduct in the NHS.
End the General Medical Council’s five-year rule which prevents patients raising complaints relating to matters more than five years old.
Enable patients to leave hospital when they no longer need to be there by investing in social care and community care, as set out in chapter 7.
Develop and implement a post-pandemic strategy for supporting people who are immunocompromised.
Harness the benefits of new technology and digital tools for patients by: Ring-fencing budgets to enable the NHS to adopt innovative digital tools that improve patient care and experience and save staff time and costs. Replacing old, slow computers to free up clinicians’ time to care for patients. Requiring all IT systems used by the NHS to work with each other. Ensuring every care setting has electronic records that can feed into a patient’s health record with the patient’s consent. Expanding virtual wards and investing in new technologies that free up staff time and allow people to be treated at or closer to home.
Review diagnostic provision across the NHS and implement a new ten-year Strategic Diagnostics Plan.
Improve faster access to new and novel medicines and medical devices by seeking a comprehensive mutual recognition agreement with the European Medicines Agency.
Combat the harms caused by drugs by: Moving the departmental lead on drugs policy from the Home Office to the Department of Health and Social Care. Investing in more addiction services and support for drug users, including specialist youth support services. Freeing up police time, reducing court backlogs, tackling prison overcrowding and reducing the harms of drug misuse by diverting people arrested for possession of drugs for personal use into treatment where appropriate. Protecting young people, tackling the criminal gangs and taking ‘skunk’ off the streets by introducing a legal, regulated market for cannabis. Sales will be restricted to over-18s only, from licensed retailers with strict limits on potency and THC content. Treating Scotland’s drug deaths crisis as a public health emergency, and devolving powers for tailored solutions where necessary.
Provide a fair funding deal for hospices, including children’s hospices, recognising the valuable services they provide and saving money on hospital admissions.
End the General Medical Council’s five-year rule which prevents patients raising complaints relating to matters more than five years old.
Legalise cannabis
Repair crumbling buildings and replace old computers.
submitted by DonutOfTruthForAll to doctorsUK [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:49 sigul77 What are the must buy during the Summer Deals?

I bought my Switch a month ago, and I am eager to buy new games.
I've seen these on offer for the summer deals in Italy (EU maybe). What would be your must buy?
Here is the list of games on sale I could be interested in with their discounted and full prices:
  1. Chained Echoes - 21,24 € (originally 24,99 €)
  2. Sonic Frontiers - 20,39 € (originally 59,99 €)
  3. SONIC FORCES™ Digital Bonus Edition - 7,99 € (originally 39,99 €)
  4. The LEGO Movie 2 Videogame - 4,79 € (originally 39,99 €)
  5. Superliminal - 8,99 € (originally 17,99 €)
  6. Dragon Quest® XI S: Echi di un'era perduta – Edizione definitiva - 29,99 € (originally 59,99 €)
  7. The House in Fata Morgana: Dreams of the Revenants Edition - 24,49 € (originally 34,99 €)
  8. Tetris® Effect: Connected - 23,99 € (originally 39,99 €)
  9. Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - 7,99 € (originally 19,99 €)
  10. Ori and the Will of the Wisps - 11,99 € (originally 29,99 €)
  11. Oceanhorn 2: Knights of the Lost Realm - 14,99 € (originally 29,99 €)
  12. TUNIC - 13,99 € (originally 27,99 €)
  13. OKAMI HD - 9,99 € (originally 19,99 €)
  14. IMMORTALS FENYX RISING - 7,99 € (originally 39,99 €)
  15. Hollow Knight - 7,49 € (originally 14,99 €)
  16. Outer Wilds - 15,99 € (originally 22,99 €)
  17. Oceanhorn - Monster of Uncharted Seas - 3,74 € (originally 14,99 €)
  18. Balatro - 12,59 € (originally 13,99 €)
  19. Dead Cells - 12,49 € (originally 24,99 €)
  20. Gigantosaurus Il Gioco - 12,49 € (originally 24,99 €)
  21. NBA 2K24 Edizione Kobe Bryant - 8,99 € (originally 59,99 €)
  22. Prince of Persia The Lost Crown - 29,99 € (originally 49,99 €)
  23. The Lara Croft Collection - 19,99 € (originally 24,99 €)
  24. Tomb Raider I-III Remastered - 22,49 € (originally 29,99 €)
  25. Street Fighter™ 30th Anniversary Collection - 9,89 € (originally 29,99 €)
  26. Capcom Fighting Bundle - 19,79 € (originally 59,99 €)
  27. Night in the Woods - 9,49 € (originally 18,99 €)
  28. World of Goo - 10,04 € (originally 14,99 €)
  29. HOT WHEELS UNLEASHED™ - 5,99 € (originally 39,99 €)
  30. Fashion Dreamer - 34,99 € (originally 49,99 €)
  31. LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection - 7,99 € (originally 39,99 €)
  32. EA SPORTS FC™ 24 - 14,99 € (originally 59,99 €)
  33. LEGO® Gli Incredibili - 4,79 € (originally 59,99 €)
  34. STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic™ II: The Sith Lords - 7,00 € (originally 14,00 €)
  35. STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic™ - 6,24 € (originally 12,49 €)
  36. STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ - 9,99 € (originally 19,99 €)
  37. STAR WARS™ Republic Commando™ - 7,49 € (originally 14,99 €)
  38. STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic Bundle - 11,92 € (originally 26,49 €)
  39. STAR WARS™ Heritage Pack (2023) - 37,85 € (originally 75,70 €)
  40. Detective Pikachu: il ritorno - 34,99 € (originally 49,99 €)
I already own: - FC24 - Lego Star Wars, Ninjago, Marvel Heroes 2 - Switch Sports - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - Captain Tsubasa - Cars 3 - Death squared And looking at used Mario and Zelda games too.
What should I absolutely get from the list?
submitted by sigul77 to Switch [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:35 YaekoHepner98 What a sweetheart.

What a sweetheart. submitted by YaekoHepner98 to Nicegirls [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:12 AlexIbt ☀️ AliExpress Summer Sale 2024 June 618: Up to 70% Off! - reddit

☀️ AliExpress Summer Sale 2024 June 618: Up to 70% Off! - reddit

AliExpress Summer Sale 2024 - reddit

Get ready for the 618 Shopping Festival, the mega sale event of the summer! Here’s everything you need to know about the AliExpress Summer Sale 2024:
☀️ - A short guide to the sale
When is AliExpress Summer Sale 2024 in June?


  • June 12-13: Preview Deals - Sneak peek at upcoming discounts!
  • June 14-16: Warm-up Phase – Start adding products to your cart!
  • June 17-23: Official Sale Period – Shop and save with massive discounts
AliExpress Summer Sale 2024 - reddit
Play Games, get coins

Main Sale Pages

  • PROMO CODE: We will publish Promo Codes soon.
  • CHOICE DAY: Get discounts with promo codes. Buy 2 & get up to 5% off
  • UEFA EURO 2024: Spend less, get more
  • COUPON CENTER: Store coupons
  • TOP BRANDS: Enjoy these amazing deals
  • THE PRIDE: Be brave to be yourself
  • WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS: Cheer for the game, cheer for your team
  • And other exciting pages.

Stay tuned for updates and follow our news for the latest information on promo codes and exclusive deals. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to save big on your favorite products during the AliExpress Summer Sale 2024!

AliExpress Sales June 2024 - PromosSale
submitted by AlexIbt to PromosSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 11:01 Windyo Summer '24 Release Notes - Abridged Edition

The Salesforce Discord Collective Presents: THE SUMMER 24 RELEASE NOTES - ABRIDGED GEN AI will be a success the day I don't have to keep writing these
The MIAW team gets the award of "team that I have liked reading the releases of the most over the past year consistently". Have a cookie.
With most of the articles being factual, exhaustive, example-full and linking to proper documentation both in reference and in help pages, the Development subsection gets a special award for being lovely release notes that were actually interesting.
This abridged version was graciously written up by the SF Discord
We have a nice wiki:
And a linkedin page:
Join the ~14000 members in the most active chat-based community around Salesforce these parts of the web at
submitted by Windyo to salesforce [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:58 VectorMediaGR From Big Clive to you. Stop fucking playing with MOT's! 70% die from playing with them while 30% survive with serious life altering injuries like mangled or amputated limbs. Just stop. If you want to actually do something with a MOT, make yourself a welder or rewind it for your project.

From Big Clive to you. Stop fucking playing with MOT's! 70% die from playing with them while 30% survive with serious life altering injuries like mangled or amputated limbs. Just stop. If you want to actually do something with a MOT, make yourself a welder or rewind it for your project. submitted by VectorMediaGR to ElectroBOOM [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 10:51 bruddagames [Store] Welcome to Brudda's Store featuring Collector's Cache Sets from TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's and 2023 Diretide events.

Please don't hesitate to contact me to discuss the sale of my sets at the prices listed below, payable in items.
If you're curious about why you should trust me, consider my extensive track record. I've successfully sold over 1000 sets from events like TI6, TI7, TI8, TI9, TI10, Nemestice, Aghanim's, and Diretide 2022 Collector's.
For checking my gifting Cache Sets history, feel free to review the comments on my profile and verify the sets in their inventory that were gifted by me.
In terms of transaction protocol, the buyer is always goes first. However, if you prefer an added layer of security, we can involve a middleman from this subreddit.
Regarding any concerns about scamming, it's simply not in my best interest. With over 800 cache sets available for sale, my focus is on providing a trustworthy and legitimate service.

August 2023 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Primeval Abomination Primal Beast 20+ $10
Astral Herald Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Taur Rider Alchemist 20+ $10
Spectral Shadow Abaddon 20+ $15
Crescent Huntress Spectre 20+ $20
Tyrant of the Veil Wraith King 20+ $15
Tomo'kan Footsoldier Hoodwink 20+ $10
Darkwood Eulogy Death Prophet 20+ $10
Sea Spirit Kunka 20+ $20
Triumph of the Imperatrix Legion Commander 20+ $10
Beast of Thunder Storm Spirit 20+ $20
Ancestral Heritage Jakiro 20+ $10
Dezun Viper Dazzle 20+ $15
Brightfist Marci 20+ $30
Snailfire Snapfire 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Bird of Prey Legion Commander 20+ $15
Grand Suppressor Silencer 20+ $10
Darkbrew's Transgression Alchemist 20+ $15
Transcendent Path Oracle 20+ $15
The Wilding Tiger Brewmaster 20+ $10
Dawn of a Darkness Foretold Doom 20+ $15
Cursed Cryptbreaker Pudge 20+ $15
Feasts of Forever Night Stalker 20+ $10
Darkfeather Factioneer Phantom Assassin 20+ $10
Withering Pain Clinkz 20+ $10
Freeboot Fortunes Ogre Magi 20+ $10
Acrimonies of Obsession Vengeful Spirit 20+ $20
Sacred Chamber Guardian Huskar 20+ $15
War Rig Eradicators Techies 20+ $10
Grudges of the Gallows Tree Treant Protector 20+ $25
Brands of the Reaper Anti-Mage 20+ $40
Sublime Equilibrium Void Spirit 20+ $50

Diretide 2022 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Shadowleaf Insurgent Hoodwink 20+ $15
Scarlet Subversion Riki 20+ $15
Whippersnapper Snapfire 20+ $10
Hounds of Obsession Chen 20+ $10
Seadog's Stash Clockwork 20+ $10
Starlorn Adjudicator Dawnbreaker 20+ $15
Spoils of the Shadowveil Spectre 20+ $15
Chines of the Inquisitor Faceless Void 20+ $10
Trophies of the Hallowed Hunt Ursa 20+ $10
Crimson Dawn Phoenix 20+ $10
Forgotten Station Terrorblade 20+ $15
Dirge Amplifier Undying 20+ $15
Champion of the Fire Lotus Monkey King 20+ $10
Deathstitch Shaman Witch Doctor 20+ $10
Blue Horizons Marci 20+ $30
Angel of Vex Invoker 20+ $50
Dark Behemoth Primal Beast 20+ $50

Aghanim's 2021 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Scales of the Shadow Walker Phantom Lancer 23 $15
Perception of the First Light Dawnbreaker 22 $15
Apex Automated Clockwerk 22 S $15
Test of the Basilisk Lord Razor 25 $10
Secrets of the Frost Singularity Ancient Apparition 23 $8
Perils of the Red Banks Chen 22 $10
The Chained Scribe Grimstroke 24 $10
Widow of the Undermount Gloom Broodmother 23 S $15
Forgotten Fate Mars 22 $5
March of the Crackerjack Mage Rubick 24 $10
Cosmic Concoctioneers Alchemist 23 $20
Blightfall Abaddon 23 $15
Pyrexae Polymorph Perfected Ogre Magi 25 $35

Nemestice Collector's Cache 2021

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Twilight Hex Dark Willow 23 S 15$
Litany of the Damned Doom 24 15$
Astral Terminus Enigma 23 10$
Caerulean Star Enchantress 22 10$
Arcane Inverter Gyrocopter 22 S 25$
Creed of the Skullhound Lycan 22 S 25$
Desert Bloom Nature's Prophet 23 20$
Silence of the Starweaver Oracle 23 10$
Eyriebound Imperator Skywrath Mage 23 15$
Anthozoan Assault Tiny 23 25$
Defender of the Brumal Crest Winter Wyvern 10 S 10$
Red Sands Marauder Shadow Shaman 23 20$
Footfalls of the Sporefathers Witch Doctor 12 60$

Collector's Cache I 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Ravenous Abyss Underlord 20+ $15
Apocalypse Unbound AA 20+ $10
Beholden of the Banished Ones Warlock 20+ $15
Fury of the Righteous Storm Disruptor 20+ $5
Mindless Slaughter Pudge 20+ $20
Heartless Hunt Bounty 20+ $15
Herald of the Ember Eye Grimstroke 20+ $10
Fissured Flight Jakiro 20+ $10
Flashpoint Proselyte Husker 20+ $15
Signs of the Allfather Nature prophet 20+ $15
Glory of the Elderflame Lina 20+ $35
Origin of the Dark Oath Night Stalker 6 $25
Songs of Starfall Glen Enchantress 20+ $10
Ancient Inheritance Tiny 20+ $30
Forsworn Legacy mars 20+ $50

Collector's Cache II 2020

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Evolution of the Infinite Enigma 20+ $6
Beast of the Crimson Ring bristle back 20+ $15
Clearcut Cavalier Timber 20+ $10
The King Of Thieves Keeper of light 20+ $10
Horror from the Deep Tide 20+ $20
Talons of the Endless Storm chaos knight 20+ $15
Carousal of the Mystic Masquerade Rubick 20+ $6
Crown of Calaphas Shadow demon 20+ $15
Wrath of the Fallen doom 20+ $20
Blacksail Cannoneer Sniper 20+ $10
Secrets of the Celestial 📷 Skywrath mage 20+ $5
Blaze of Oblivion Phoenix 20+ $10
Steward of the Forbidden Chamber Templar Assassin 20+ $25
Claszureme Incursion Void 20+ 70$
Ire of the Ancient Gaoler Arc Warden 6* C 35$
Master of the Searing Path Ember Spirit 3* C 40$

Collector's Cache 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Paean of the Ink Dragon Grimstroke 1*C 15$
The Arts of Mortal Deception Enigma 21 10$
Poacher's Bane Tidehunter 20 10$
Soul of the Brightshroud Death Prophet 21 10$
Curse of the Creeping Vine Undying 6*C +1 25$
Appetites of the Lizard King Slark 18 25$
Riddle of the Hierophant Oracle 20 10$
Defender of Ruin Disruptor 22 25$
Allure of the Faeshade Flower Dark Willow 4 * C - 1 reserved 25$
Pursuit of the Ember Demons Huskar 4* C 25$
Forbidden Medicine Dazzle 3* C 35$
Priest of the Proudsilver Clan Chen 4* C 15$

Collector's Cache II 2019

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Sight of the Kha-Ren Faithful Drow Ranger 31 15$
Tribal Pathways Warlock 30 10$
Directive of the Sunbound Clockwerk 31 10$
Endless Night Abaddon 30 15$
Dapper Disguise Pudge 27 15$
Fury of the Bloodforge Bloodseeker 30 15$
Automaton Antiquity Broodmother 31 10$
Grim Destiny Wraith King 29 10$
Distinguished Expeditionary Tusk 30 10$
Verdant Predator Venomancer 31 10$
Prized Acquisitions Batrider 31 5$
Fowl Omen Necrophos 34 30$
Echoes of the Everblack Abaddon 4*C 25$
Souls Tyrant Shadow Fiend 1 * C 45$
Tales of the Windward Rogue Pangolier 3 * C 45$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache I

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Trail of the Sanguine Spectrum Bloodseeker 20 10$
Insights of the Sapphire Shroud Dark Seer 18 4$
Pillar of the Fractured Citadel Spirit Breaker 21 $10
Molokau Stalker Venomancer 21 $10
Morbific Provision Witch Doctor 22 10$
Raptures of the Abyssal Kin Queen of Pain 20 15$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 20 5$
Fate Meridian Invoker 2 *C 30$
Visions of the Lifted Veil Phantom Assassin 1 *C 40$
Grasp of the Riven Exile Weaver 4 *C 20$

The International 2018 Collector's Cache II

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Pitmouse Fraternity Meepo 37 10$
Fires of the Volcanic Guard Ember Spirit 37 10$
Shackles of the Enduring Conscript Axe 37 S 6$
Shimmer of the Anointed Nyx Assassin 29 5$
Loaded Prospects Brewmaster 39 15$
Ire of Molten Rebirth Phoenix 36 10$
Pattern of the Silken Queen Broodmother 26 5$
Third Awakening Dragon Knight 7 *C -2nonR 35$
Dread Ascendance Doom 5 *C 40$
Raiments of the Obsidian Forge Underlord 22 20$

The International 2017 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Rumrunner's Carronade Brew master 20 15$
Abyssal Vortex Enigma 27 10$
Samareen Sacrifice Huskar 22 10$
Shadowforce Gale Luna 24 20$
Mechalodon Interdictor Gyrocopter 27 + 3*C 15$
Cunning Corsair Riki 24 20$
Pressure Regulator Clockwerk 3 *C 20$
Meranth Dragoon Sven 2 *C 35$
The Dread Prophet Nature's Prophet 2 *C 35$
Riptide Raider Monkey King 2 *C - 1nonrev 20$

The International 2016 Collector's Cache

Set name Hero Quantity $$
Nightsilver's Resolve luna 2 M* dtygod* 20$
Oni Knight the Dark Conqueror Chaos Knight 3C + 2 dtygod dopey* 20$
Rising Glory Magnus 2C+ 1 moiz 20$
Dirgeful Overlord Undying 3 *C 25$
Iceburnt Elegy Winter Wyvern 1 *C 25$
Wartorn Heavens Zeus 1 *C 35$
I've updated my policy and no longer entertain joy riders. If you're interested in adding me, I request a $3 deposit in items upon adding me.
This $3 deposit will be deducted from your total set cost.
Please refrain from adding me if you're not comfortable with the listed prices.
Keep in mind that prices are subject to change, and sets may go out of stock even if you're waiting for one, as someone else may purchase it before you.
If you're interested in reserving sets, please make sure to do so.
submitted by bruddagames to Dota2Trade [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:50 mobile-pixels Father's Day Sale: Up to 50% Off on Mobile Pixels Monitors!

Father's Day Sale: Up to 50% Off on Mobile Pixels Monitors!

Celebrate Father's Day with Incredible Savings!

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Whether your dad needs a portable monitor for work, gaming, or travel, our range of Mobile Pixels monitors are designed to enhance his digital experience. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to score high-quality monitors at unbeatable prices.

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Hurry, this offer won't last long! Visit our website and shop the Father's Day sale now to ensure your dad gets the best tech gift this year.

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Happy Father's Day from Mobile Pixels! 🎉

Geminos $509 (Save $490)

Trio/ Trio Max $339 (Save $360)

Duex Float 15.6-inch $212 (Save $187)

Duex Max 14.1-inch $169 (Save $260)

Duex Plus 13.3-inch $203 (Save $196)

Duex Lite 12.5-inch $169 (Save $190)

Glance 16-inch $135 (Save $114)

Glance Plus 15.6-inch OLED touchscreen $254 (Save $145)

Glance Pro 15.6-inch OLED touchscreen with 400 nits brightness $404382 (Save $145)

MP 23.8" Desktop Monitor $129 ( Save $70)
submitted by mobile-pixels to mobilepixels [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:12 CIAHerpes An alien fungus has been spraying black semen across town. People exposed to it have started changing in horrific ways…

Strange and seemingly isolated incidents had happened in the days leading up to the massacre. I lived in a small farming community called Matheson where everyone knew everyone. My neighbor, Steuben, owned a sprawling dairy farm. He must have been at least seventy, but he still looked sixty, a vigorous and healthy hard worker with wide blue eyes and thick salt-and-pepper hair. His land rose up in the rolling hills and gently babbling creeks of the surrounding woodlands.
Three days before, one of his cows had given birth. Steuben said the calf had been something from a nightmarish fever dream. It screamed and wailed constantly, gurgling in a sick, blood-choked voice. It had no skin, but instead looked like it was flipped inside-out, the gleaming veins and slick, wet muscle thrumming with adrenaline and primal agony. It looked like a bloody, crying mass of pulsing organs. Steuben had grabbed his hunting rifle and put the poor creature out of its misery, shooting it in the back of its deformed, slanted head. It had no eyelids, and he said the filmy cataract eyes had stared up accusingly at him as he killed it.
Though I didn’t witness it myself, a few of my neighbors and friends had talked about seeing a meteor shower over town the night before the deformed calf’s birth. Bright blue streaks like lightning flashed across the night sky. I wouldn’t know the significance of this until much later, until it was far too late to do any good.
One of my neighbors, who was nine months pregnant at the time, ended up giving birth to a baby boy a couple days after the incident with the calf. The father told me that the infant had only lived for a few hours in intensive care, and it had been such a horrific sight that the mother and father could barely stand to look at its twisted, alien features. The doctors had told her it was an extreme case of something called “Harlequin Ichthyosis.” I looked up the pictures of what he described, seeing pictures of mutated, skinless infants with dark blood vessels like tumors running down their chests and bulging, clown-like eyes that gleamed an infected red.
It was around the same time that people began to notice the fish dying off in large numbers, their rotting bodies floating to the tops of ponds and streams all over the area. Fishermen said many of the lakes had become dead zones overnight, as if chemical weapons or high doses of radiation had contaminated them. The local and state governments started putting up signs all over town, warning people not to swim or eat anything they caught from the local waterways until the Department of Environmental Protection could test it for toxic contaminants. All of the state parks in the area were closed down temporarily as well. My wife Sophie and I had joked about finding a cabin out in the woods to wait out the Rapture.
In hindsight, that was probably far closer to the truth than either of us could have ever imagined.
I awoke early the next morning, seeing the first razor-sharp shards of a sunrise peeking through the window. It was Saturday, and I had the weekend off from work. I looked over, seeing my wife still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. Purple light like fresh bruises streamed in from a cloudless blue sky. I didn’t know why, but something felt wrong. It took me a few moments to realize what it was.
I didn’t hear a single sound outside. Our house was surrounded by woods and swamps, and normally the birds would be singing their little heads off by now. But it sounded as dead as in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Even the insects had gone quiet.
I crept out of bed, trying not to wake Sophie. I ended up getting dressed and making coffee and a bagel. Feeling restless, I decided to go out for a drive around the block. I hopped in my truck and slowly pulled out onto the empty street.
After a few minutes, I drove past the local park. It had a brightly-colored playground looming high in the air, though this early in the morning, it stood empty. A few joggers and random people walking their dogs lumbered through the foggy mist, circling around the paved trails of the park. A still pond coated with green scum stood at the center. I noticed how the eerie quiet extended out here as well. Besides the rumbling of my truck’s engine and the distant barking of a dog, I might as well have been driving through a graveyard.
I was glancing out the driver’s side window and didn’t see the young woman covered in blood slinking out onto the street until the last second. She dragged a broken leg behind her, the sharp points of bone poking out through the skin. Her head turned to look at me moments before I collided with her. She was completely naked. But that wasn’t the strange thing.
There was something wrong with her face. Long, black tendrils like spidery legs jutted out of her mouth, her nose and her ears. Her eyes looked like they had been removed or eaten away, and more skittering, jointed things oozed out of those. She was crying scarlet tears from her dark, empty sockets. Orange pus and clotted gore dripped down her chin from the open wounds, staining her lower body in rivulets of drying filth. I tried to slam on the brakes, but it was far too late. My front fender smashed into her waist. After that, everything seemed to happen very fast.
Her body flew up with a shattering of glass, but the woman never screamed or made a sound. Her face remained as blank and slack as that of a puppet’s. A spiderwebbing of cracks flew across the windshield as her body rolled over the truck, flying up over the top of it and crashing down on the road with a wet, bone-shattering sound.
“Holy shit!” I cried, my tires fishtailing wildly with a squealing of rubber as I came to a stop. I heard people screaming in the nearby park now. I thought they had seen the accident, but I was too focused on the destroyed body of the woman to care. Hyperventilating, I climbed out of the truck, running over to her side.
She jerked on the road like a dying hornet, her shattered limbs twisting with a grinding of broken bone. Her empty eye sockets stared blankly up at the vast blue sky, the spidery legs twitching faster. The right half of her chest appeared caved in, and she continuously coughed up frothy streams of bright-red blood. I immediately pulled out my cell phone. With trembling fingers, I dialed 911, never looking away from the dying woman laying in front of me.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice said.
“Hello?! I need help! I think I killed…”
“...this is a prerecorded message. Emergency services are temporarily suspended in your local area due to a federally-declared state of emergency. This is not a test.
“Please stay inside for the duration of the emergency. Assistance is on the way. Do not panic. Your government has everything under control.
“If you notice any unusual lifeforms in your local area, do not approach them. Do not try to kill or harm them in any way. Give them as much distance as you can. If possible, try to seal all windows, doors and cracks.
“Your area is now a federally-mandated quarantine zone. Until you can be safely evacuated, stay in your home and await rescue. Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time.”
“What?!” I screamed into the phone. “There’s someone dying here! I need an ambulance!” In response, the message started to repeat, the cool robotic female voice sounding as nonplussed as if it were announcing a sale on produce at a grocery store. I ended the call, looking around hopefully for someone who might be able to help. It was only then I noticed the bloodshed spreading all around me.
“What is that?!” a female jogger cried, pointing at the sky. My eyes widened in confusion and horror as I tried to comprehend what I saw there. No one was looking at me or the woman I had run over. No one had even noticed in all of the chaos.
A writhing, twisting black mass of thrumming flesh stretched over the forest, growing at a rapid rate over the tops of the trees. The mass was a few feet across, lumpy and wet. It seemed to be passing fluid through its main body, like some enormous intestines uncoiling out above the world. It stretched upwards like something from Jean and the Beanstalk, growing and curving back down towards other tube-like masses.
Every few feet along the fleshy, worm-like mass, hollow protrusions as long as railroad spikes shot out. They reminded me of spider legs, jointed and covered with fine, dark hairs. They skittered constantly as the central body continued growing. Even from the street, I could hear the wet, sucking sounds the legs made as they constantly flexed and relaxed, dripping black sludge like dirty oil from their glossy skins.
As more and more hollow tendrils spiraled out of the eerie flesh, I saw the movements of the spidery tendrils were not random. They would spray thick, black fluid in the direction of anything that moved. A man and his dog at the far perimeter of the park were totally covered in the strange goo.
As they continued thrashing and fighting, the tendrils kept shooting more sludge at them. After a few seconds, it covered his face like an opaque mask. The man clawed at his eyes and mouth, trying to get it off. The dog gave high-pitched squeals of terror and pain as it rolled on the ground, its legs kicking randomly in the air. Its fur had become a soaking black mass of goo.
Throughout the air, I smelled a disgusting odor that I immediately recognized. It was the slightly sweet, chlorine-like smell of semen, but so concentrated and pungent that I almost retched. As more and more of the black goo sprayed down at the screaming, writhing people, the smell intensified, so thick that I could taste it on the back of my throat.
As I stood staring, open-mouthed, watching the stragglers in the park get consumed and covered by this strange sight, something grabbed my ankle. I jumped, yelling in panic. I looked down, seeing the twitching body of the woman I had hit changing before my very eyes.
Her blue lips chattered, the broken shards of teeth biting deeply through her bloody lips. The thin, crooked legs skittering out of her mouth, eyes, nose and ear continued lengthening before my eyes. A couple heartbeats later, I saw what they attached to.
Five of them ripped their way out of her jerking, dying body, looking like mutated alien spiders. They plopped wetly onto the pavement below. Their sharp points of legs skittered and ripped through the seizing woman’s mutilated flesh, sending drops of blood flying in all directions.
The alien spiders looked like some eldritch combination of an infant and a black widow. Each of them had a fat, round central mass, the same color as the woman’s pale skin. The pink flesh was stretched as tight as a snare drum. It looked like mice were living inside the thick liquid of the creatures’ central bodies, pressing against the thin membrane with the fleeting impression of tiny legs and gnashing faces.
Dozens of the jointed, skittering legs jutted out from their thrumming flesh. Looking up at me, I saw big, blue human eyes on their twisted faces. They were bloodshot, the pupils dilated and wild. The fleshy orbs had no nose, but each had a pair of human-like lips twisted up into a savage snarl beneath the massive eyes. Hundreds of thin, hollow needles emerged from their gnashing mouths.
Instinctively, I backpedaled to the driver’s door. Each of the spiders started wailing like a crying baby, their mouths opening in dissonant shrieks. They turned towards me, their wild, insane eyes meeting mine. At that moment, I felt like I had been plunged into a nightmare.
I had no time to think as they pushed themselves off the ground, flying high in the air with a sudden fury. Those very human mouths filled with too many sharp black needles flew straight at my face. I ducked at the last moment, hearing them smash into the side of the truck. There was a ringing of metal as they left deep dents in the body, each about the size of a baseball.
I leapt inside, slamming the door behind me as more spidery creatures flew up, smacking hard into the glass. Their wild faces stayed stuck there for a long moment, staring in at me with a gnashing of teeth and an oozing of more black sludge.
I started the truck. As the air conditioner clicked on, blowing air from outside into the cab, the smell of thick semen wafted in, cloying like ammonia.
I pulled a U-turn, burning out in my rush to get back home and check on Sophie. I needed to get us out of this cursed town.
As I passed by the park, I noticed that nothing moved now. The bright summer day started to go dark overhead. Looking up, I saw more and more black, worm-like masses growing over everything, partially blocking out the Sun in their rapid growth. Like cancerous cells, the disparate lifeforms connected, their spidery legs skittering faster with a renewed vigor. Hundreds more small spiders were crawling out of the park, but not all had human faces. One of them had a dog’s eyes and black lips, its central mass furry and yellow like that of a golden retriever.
Nothing moved on the streets now except the spiders and the black, worm-like masses stretching above our heads. I sped down the streets, seeing pale faces peeking out of windows. As my truck sped ahead, it continuously got sprayed with black sludge from above. It covered my windshield like some kind of hellish snow. Within a couple minutes, it was nearly impossible to see anything.
When I tried to use the windshield wipers to clean it off, it just smudged and bubbled. Cursing, I tried to see through a smaller and smaller portion of the glass until I was forced to stop, only a few hundred feet away from my home. The sludge continued raining down on me, covering every single window until I was submerged into blackness.
I breathed hard in the sudden darkness, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I had no idea what to do. I heard soft thuds land against the outer body, more mutated spiders throwing themselves at the only moving thing on this dead, apocalyptic street.
I tried to inch forward slowly, like a blind man trying to drive. I was moving in the right direction overall, but at any moment, I knew I would hit something. Moving along at a few miles an hour, I heard the crunch a few seconds later. I must have hit one of the cars parked along the side of the street.
I looked through the truck for anything possibly useful in this situation. I wished I at least had a gun, but I had nothing here except an old, rusted boxcutter in the glove department. I didn’t even have a mask or anything to put over my face. I refused to wear masks for any reason, though I might have made an exception for this situation.
I found a plastic bag covered in dirty streaks of grime underneath the seat. Grabbing the box cutter and the plastic bag, I prepared myself to get out and run.
I knew it was absolutely insane, but I had to get back home. I couldn’t stay in this truck until I simply starved or dehydrated to death. If the US government was anywhere near as useful at fixing this situation as they were at anything else they tried to do, then I knew they would be no help. With the efficiency of government services, I figured they might get here sometime around next year and spend hundreds of billions of dollars doing so, after every single person in this town had already rotted down to skeletons.
I inhaled deeply, putting the plastic bag over my head like some sort of cheap Halloween mask. I ripped two tiny holes for the eyes, hoping it would still do some good. Grabbing the box cutter in one trembling hand, I flung open the door, running out onto the street.
The black masses stretching overhead made it as dark as a solar eclipse outside. They covered the roofs of every home, wound their ways through trees and branches and slunk across creeks like organic bridges. The entire pulsating, massy flesh constantly shimmered and gurgled. I heard sounds of wet sliding above my head.
I looked around frantically, seeing my house only a hundred feet away. I sprinted as fast I could, zigzagging wildly.
Something liquidy and thick crashed directly next to me, a mass of sputtering black goo reeking of semen. The strange tendrils continued shooting wads of this alien material. I knew I couldn’t make it to the house. Then I heard a cry from nearby.
“Walt! In here!” someone cried, a wavering old man’s voice. I looked up, seeing my neighbor Steuben standing in his open doorway only a dozen feet away. I leapt towards him, climbing up the steps on all fours and flinging myself through the door with every ounce of strength I possessed. I heard more wet, thudding sounds as that strange alien goo continued covering the path behind me.
I rolled through the door, falling forward and slamming my head into the wall. My vision turned black for a moment. I swam through the pain and confusion, hearing Steuben slam and lock the door behind me. I ripped the plastic bag off my head, breathing hard and covered in sweat. My heart pounded in my chest, frantic as a cornered, panicked animal. I looked down, seeing the box cutter still clutched tightly in my hand, my knuckles white with tension. I slipped it in my pocket.
“Sophie!” I cried, breathless. “I need to get to Sophie!” Steuben came over slowly in his typical long-sleeve plaid shirt and blue jeans, looking down at me with his flat, blue eyes.
“It’s OK, Walt,” he said calmingly. “Sophie’s here.” I looked up, surprised.
“What? Where?” I asked, confused. “Why is she here?”
“When everything started, she said she got scared and saw you weren’t home. She came here when the announcements began on the radio and TV. She’s in the back room right now.” He knelt down, extending a withered hand towards me. “Come on up, I’ll bring you to her.” My heart soared with waves of bliss. I scrabbled to my feet.
“Thank you so much, Steuben!” I cried in ecstasy, grateful that Sophie was alive and OK. He put out a hand, pointing down the hallway.
“She’s in the room at the back,” he said. “Go see her.” I nodded happily, running forward. His slow, plodding footsteps followed behind me. The floorboards creaked ominously as I flung open the door.
I saw Sophie there, naked and bound with strands with razor-wire. Fresh streams of blood dribbled down her smooth, pale flesh. Her mouth was gagged, her eyes huge and wild. The back window was open, and I saw alien spiders slinking through. Some were a combination of human and spider, while others had dog, squirrel, cat or racoon features. Yet every single one gave the same ghastly aura of sickness, the smell of thick semen in the air.
“Sophie!” I cried as one of them skittered up on her face, its black needles dripping drops of mutating sludge onto her eyes and nose. She shook her head wildly from side to side, trying to clear it. Her panicked, muffled sobs filtered through the gag, ripping at my heart.
I heard the cocking of a gun behind my head. I turned slowly, seeing Steuben standing there with an insane rictus grin splitting his old face, aiming a .45 pistol at my forehead.
“Steuben? What the fuck?!” I cried, my hand instinctively crawling nearer to my pocket with the box cutter. He smiled.
“Get into the room with that stupid bitch,” he said, “or I’ll kill you both.”
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “I never did anything to you!” He shrugged.
“It’s part of my job with the Cleaners,” he said simply. “After the meteorite hit and started contaminating the local environment, the government asked me to experiment a bit on the locals if I could, measure the time it takes for the reaction to occur.” He pointed to cameras and audio recorders located all around the room. “You and your wife will be the first scientific subjects for the fungus. If we can control this, imagine how powerful of a biological weapon it would be! It could take out a whole country in days.” I closed my hand around the box cutter, ready to make my move.
“OK, I’ll go,” I pleaded, nodding slowly. “Just don’t kill me.” Steuben smiled grimly as I leapt forward, yanking the box cutter out of my pocket and slicing upwards at his neck.
The pistol went off instantly. I felt a burning pain in my left shoulder as the bullet exploded through the top of it, blood instantly soaking my shirt. With a battle-cry of pain and anger, I forced the blade into the side of his neck with all my strength. It cut through his jugular vein easily, the skin separating a moment later. A waterfall of blood poured down his chest.
He stumbled back, grabbing at his spurting neck. The pistol fell to the floor with a metallic clatter. Looking at me with dead, surprised eyes, he fell slowly forward.
I looked back, seeing Sophie’s face covered in black sludge. She was suffocating, her lips turning blue. Spiders crawled over every inch of her exposed flesh. When their strange, alien eyes met mine, the ones closest jumped in my direction.
I backpedaled quickly, slamming the door shut. I heard them slam against its other surface with soft crashes.
I took Steuben’s gun, searching his house meticulously for something that might help me survive. I felt sick about Sophie’s death, but once she had become infected, I knew she was gone. The moment that black goo entered someone’s body, it seemed they were beyond help.
I tried to slow the bleeding from my shoulder, bandaging it as best as I could. I felt pieces of bone splinters rubbing in the wound as I tightened it, gritting my teeth against the pain. The bullet appeared to have gone through the top of my shoulder, missing the arteries but shattering the bone. I would have to use my right hand for everything for a while, I thought as pain like battery acid shrieked from the wound.
In Steuben’s garage, I found a strange vehicle. It looked like a bulldozer, but it had cameras on the outside connected to a TV in the center console. There were special high-pressure water jets pointed at the cameras to clean them off. It was as if Steuben had known what was coming and had made plans to escape.
I looked at the plates, seeing they were government plates. They said the vehicle was federal property. Steuben’s story started to seem more and more true. Had he actually been a member of some secret government agency experimenting on US citizens?
I played around with the bulldozer for a few minutes, finding out how to operate it and keep the cameras running. It took significantly longer with only one hand and with the many injuries and bruises covering my body, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. Once I knew how it worked, I turned it on, sealing the exterior.
Feeling a combination of bliss at escaping and sickening horror at Sophie’s fate, I crashed through the door of Steuben’s garage, ambling the bulldozer down his driveway. The windows were instantly covered in black goo, but through the aid of the cameras, I could still see.
Making my way slowly forward, I left that den of horrors behind, driving through the dead streets of Matheson towards freedom.
submitted by CIAHerpes to CreepsMcPasta [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:11 CIAHerpes An alien fungus has been spraying black semen across town. People exposed to it have started changing in horrific ways…

Strange and seemingly isolated incidents had happened in the days leading up to the massacre. I lived in a small farming community called Matheson where everyone knew everyone. My neighbor, Steuben, owned a sprawling dairy farm. He must have been at least seventy, but he still looked sixty, a vigorous and healthy hard worker with wide blue eyes and thick salt-and-pepper hair. His land rose up in the rolling hills and gently babbling creeks of the surrounding woodlands.
Three days before, one of his cows had given birth. Steuben said the calf had been something from a nightmarish fever dream. It screamed and wailed constantly, gurgling in a sick, blood-choked voice. It had no skin, but instead looked like it was flipped inside-out, the gleaming veins and slick, wet muscle thrumming with adrenaline and primal agony. It looked like a bloody, crying mass of pulsing organs. Steuben had grabbed his hunting rifle and put the poor creature out of its misery, shooting it in the back of its deformed, slanted head. It had no eyelids, and he said the filmy cataract eyes had stared up accusingly at him as he killed it.
Though I didn’t witness it myself, a few of my neighbors and friends had talked about seeing a meteor shower over town the night before the deformed calf’s birth. Bright blue streaks like lightning flashed across the night sky. I wouldn’t know the significance of this until much later, until it was far too late to do any good.
One of my neighbors, who was nine months pregnant at the time, ended up giving birth to a baby boy a couple days after the incident with the calf. The father told me that the infant had only lived for a few hours in intensive care, and it had been such a horrific sight that the mother and father could barely stand to look at its twisted, alien features. The doctors had told her it was an extreme case of something called “Harlequin Ichthyosis.” I looked up the pictures of what he described, seeing pictures of mutated, skinless infants with dark blood vessels like tumors running down their chests and bulging, clown-like eyes that gleamed an infected red.
It was around the same time that people began to notice the fish dying off in large numbers, their rotting bodies floating to the tops of ponds and streams all over the area. Fishermen said many of the lakes had become dead zones overnight, as if chemical weapons or high doses of radiation had contaminated them. The local and state governments started putting up signs all over town, warning people not to swim or eat anything they caught from the local waterways until the Department of Environmental Protection could test it for toxic contaminants. All of the state parks in the area were closed down temporarily as well. My wife Sophie and I had joked about finding a cabin out in the woods to wait out the Rapture.
In hindsight, that was probably far closer to the truth than either of us could have ever imagined.
I awoke early the next morning, seeing the first razor-sharp shards of a sunrise peeking through the window. It was Saturday, and I had the weekend off from work. I looked over, seeing my wife still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. Purple light like fresh bruises streamed in from a cloudless blue sky. I didn’t know why, but something felt wrong. It took me a few moments to realize what it was.
I didn’t hear a single sound outside. Our house was surrounded by woods and swamps, and normally the birds would be singing their little heads off by now. But it sounded as dead as in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Even the insects had gone quiet.
I crept out of bed, trying not to wake Sophie. I ended up getting dressed and making coffee and a bagel. Feeling restless, I decided to go out for a drive around the block. I hopped in my truck and slowly pulled out onto the empty street.
After a few minutes, I drove past the local park. It had a brightly-colored playground looming high in the air, though this early in the morning, it stood empty. A few joggers and random people walking their dogs lumbered through the foggy mist, circling around the paved trails of the park. A still pond coated with green scum stood at the center. I noticed how the eerie quiet extended out here as well. Besides the rumbling of my truck’s engine and the distant barking of a dog, I might as well have been driving through a graveyard.
I was glancing out the driver’s side window and didn’t see the young woman covered in blood slinking out onto the street until the last second. She dragged a broken leg behind her, the sharp points of bone poking out through the skin. Her head turned to look at me moments before I collided with her. She was completely naked. But that wasn’t the strange thing.
There was something wrong with her face. Long, black tendrils like spidery legs jutted out of her mouth, her nose and her ears. Her eyes looked like they had been removed or eaten away, and more skittering, jointed things oozed out of those. She was crying scarlet tears from her dark, empty sockets. Orange pus and clotted gore dripped down her chin from the open wounds, staining her lower body in rivulets of drying filth. I tried to slam on the brakes, but it was far too late. My front fender smashed into her waist. After that, everything seemed to happen very fast.
Her body flew up with a shattering of glass, but the woman never screamed or made a sound. Her face remained as blank and slack as that of a puppet’s. A spiderwebbing of cracks flew across the windshield as her body rolled over the truck, flying up over the top of it and crashing down on the road with a wet, bone-shattering sound.
“Holy shit!” I cried, my tires fishtailing wildly with a squealing of rubber as I came to a stop. I heard people screaming in the nearby park now. I thought they had seen the accident, but I was too focused on the destroyed body of the woman to care. Hyperventilating, I climbed out of the truck, running over to her side.
She jerked on the road like a dying hornet, her shattered limbs twisting with a grinding of broken bone. Her empty eye sockets stared blankly up at the vast blue sky, the spidery legs twitching faster. The right half of her chest appeared caved in, and she continuously coughed up frothy streams of bright-red blood. I immediately pulled out my cell phone. With trembling fingers, I dialed 911, never looking away from the dying woman laying in front of me.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice said.
“Hello?! I need help! I think I killed…”
“...this is a prerecorded message. Emergency services are temporarily suspended in your local area due to a federally-declared state of emergency. This is not a test.
“Please stay inside for the duration of the emergency. Assistance is on the way. Do not panic. Your government has everything under control.
“If you notice any unusual lifeforms in your local area, do not approach them. Do not try to kill or harm them in any way. Give them as much distance as you can. If possible, try to seal all windows, doors and cracks.
“Your area is now a federally-mandated quarantine zone. Until you can be safely evacuated, stay in your home and await rescue. Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time.”
“What?!” I screamed into the phone. “There’s someone dying here! I need an ambulance!” In response, the message started to repeat, the cool robotic female voice sounding as nonplussed as if it were announcing a sale on produce at a grocery store. I ended the call, looking around hopefully for someone who might be able to help. It was only then I noticed the bloodshed spreading all around me.
“What is that?!” a female jogger cried, pointing at the sky. My eyes widened in confusion and horror as I tried to comprehend what I saw there. No one was looking at me or the woman I had run over. No one had even noticed in all of the chaos.
A writhing, twisting black mass of thrumming flesh stretched over the forest, growing at a rapid rate over the tops of the trees. The mass was a few feet across, lumpy and wet. It seemed to be passing fluid through its main body, like some enormous intestines uncoiling out above the world. It stretched upwards like something from Jean and the Beanstalk, growing and curving back down towards other tube-like masses.
Every few feet along the fleshy, worm-like mass, hollow protrusions as long as railroad spikes shot out. They reminded me of spider legs, jointed and covered with fine, dark hairs. They skittered constantly as the central body continued growing. Even from the street, I could hear the wet, sucking sounds the legs made as they constantly flexed and relaxed, dripping black sludge like dirty oil from their glossy skins.
As more and more hollow tendrils spiraled out of the eerie flesh, I saw the movements of the spidery tendrils were not random. They would spray thick, black fluid in the direction of anything that moved. A man and his dog at the far perimeter of the park were totally covered in the strange goo.
As they continued thrashing and fighting, the tendrils kept shooting more sludge at them. After a few seconds, it covered his face like an opaque mask. The man clawed at his eyes and mouth, trying to get it off. The dog gave high-pitched squeals of terror and pain as it rolled on the ground, its legs kicking randomly in the air. Its fur had become a soaking black mass of goo.
Throughout the air, I smelled a disgusting odor that I immediately recognized. It was the slightly sweet, chlorine-like smell of semen, but so concentrated and pungent that I almost retched. As more and more of the black goo sprayed down at the screaming, writhing people, the smell intensified, so thick that I could taste it on the back of my throat.
As I stood staring, open-mouthed, watching the stragglers in the park get consumed and covered by this strange sight, something grabbed my ankle. I jumped, yelling in panic. I looked down, seeing the twitching body of the woman I had hit changing before my very eyes.
Her blue lips chattered, the broken shards of teeth biting deeply through her bloody lips. The thin, crooked legs skittering out of her mouth, eyes, nose and ear continued lengthening before my eyes. A couple heartbeats later, I saw what they attached to.
Five of them ripped their way out of her jerking, dying body, looking like mutated alien spiders. They plopped wetly onto the pavement below. Their sharp points of legs skittered and ripped through the seizing woman’s mutilated flesh, sending drops of blood flying in all directions.
The alien spiders looked like some eldritch combination of an infant and a black widow. Each of them had a fat, round central mass, the same color as the woman’s pale skin. The pink flesh was stretched as tight as a snare drum. It looked like mice were living inside the thick liquid of the creatures’ central bodies, pressing against the thin membrane with the fleeting impression of tiny legs and gnashing faces.
Dozens of the jointed, skittering legs jutted out from their thrumming flesh. Looking up at me, I saw big, blue human eyes on their twisted faces. They were bloodshot, the pupils dilated and wild. The fleshy orbs had no nose, but each had a pair of human-like lips twisted up into a savage snarl beneath the massive eyes. Hundreds of thin, hollow needles emerged from their gnashing mouths.
Instinctively, I backpedaled to the driver’s door. Each of the spiders started wailing like a crying baby, their mouths opening in dissonant shrieks. They turned towards me, their wild, insane eyes meeting mine. At that moment, I felt like I had been plunged into a nightmare.
I had no time to think as they pushed themselves off the ground, flying high in the air with a sudden fury. Those very human mouths filled with too many sharp black needles flew straight at my face. I ducked at the last moment, hearing them smash into the side of the truck. There was a ringing of metal as they left deep dents in the body, each about the size of a baseball.
I leapt inside, slamming the door behind me as more spidery creatures flew up, smacking hard into the glass. Their wild faces stayed stuck there for a long moment, staring in at me with a gnashing of teeth and an oozing of more black sludge.
I started the truck. As the air conditioner clicked on, blowing air from outside into the cab, the smell of thick semen wafted in, cloying like ammonia.
I pulled a U-turn, burning out in my rush to get back home and check on Sophie. I needed to get us out of this cursed town.
As I passed by the park, I noticed that nothing moved now. The bright summer day started to go dark overhead. Looking up, I saw more and more black, worm-like masses growing over everything, partially blocking out the Sun in their rapid growth. Like cancerous cells, the disparate lifeforms connected, their spidery legs skittering faster with a renewed vigor. Hundreds more small spiders were crawling out of the park, but not all had human faces. One of them had a dog’s eyes and black lips, its central mass furry and yellow like that of a golden retriever.
Nothing moved on the streets now except the spiders and the black, worm-like masses stretching above our heads. I sped down the streets, seeing pale faces peeking out of windows. As my truck sped ahead, it continuously got sprayed with black sludge from above. It covered my windshield like some kind of hellish snow. Within a couple minutes, it was nearly impossible to see anything.
When I tried to use the windshield wipers to clean it off, it just smudged and bubbled. Cursing, I tried to see through a smaller and smaller portion of the glass until I was forced to stop, only a few hundred feet away from my home. The sludge continued raining down on me, covering every single window until I was submerged into blackness.
I breathed hard in the sudden darkness, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I had no idea what to do. I heard soft thuds land against the outer body, more mutated spiders throwing themselves at the only moving thing on this dead, apocalyptic street.
I tried to inch forward slowly, like a blind man trying to drive. I was moving in the right direction overall, but at any moment, I knew I would hit something. Moving along at a few miles an hour, I heard the crunch a few seconds later. I must have hit one of the cars parked along the side of the street.
I looked through the truck for anything possibly useful in this situation. I wished I at least had a gun, but I had nothing here except an old, rusted boxcutter in the glove department. I didn’t even have a mask or anything to put over my face. I refused to wear masks for any reason, though I might have made an exception for this situation.
I found a plastic bag covered in dirty streaks of grime underneath the seat. Grabbing the box cutter and the plastic bag, I prepared myself to get out and run.
I knew it was absolutely insane, but I had to get back home. I couldn’t stay in this truck until I simply starved or dehydrated to death. If the US government was anywhere near as useful at fixing this situation as they were at anything else they tried to do, then I knew they would be no help. With the efficiency of government services, I figured they might get here sometime around next year and spend hundreds of billions of dollars doing so, after every single person in this town had already rotted down to skeletons.
I inhaled deeply, putting the plastic bag over my head like some sort of cheap Halloween mask. I ripped two tiny holes for the eyes, hoping it would still do some good. Grabbing the box cutter in one trembling hand, I flung open the door, running out onto the street.
The black masses stretching overhead made it as dark as a solar eclipse outside. They covered the roofs of every home, wound their ways through trees and branches and slunk across creeks like organic bridges. The entire pulsating, massy flesh constantly shimmered and gurgled. I heard sounds of wet sliding above my head.
I looked around frantically, seeing my house only a hundred feet away. I sprinted as fast I could, zigzagging wildly.
Something liquidy and thick crashed directly next to me, a mass of sputtering black goo reeking of semen. The strange tendrils continued shooting wads of this alien material. I knew I couldn’t make it to the house. Then I heard a cry from nearby.
“Walt! In here!” someone cried, a wavering old man’s voice. I looked up, seeing my neighbor Steuben standing in his open doorway only a dozen feet away. I leapt towards him, climbing up the steps on all fours and flinging myself through the door with every ounce of strength I possessed. I heard more wet, thudding sounds as that strange alien goo continued covering the path behind me.
I rolled through the door, falling forward and slamming my head into the wall. My vision turned black for a moment. I swam through the pain and confusion, hearing Steuben slam and lock the door behind me. I ripped the plastic bag off my head, breathing hard and covered in sweat. My heart pounded in my chest, frantic as a cornered, panicked animal. I looked down, seeing the box cutter still clutched tightly in my hand, my knuckles white with tension. I slipped it in my pocket.
“Sophie!” I cried, breathless. “I need to get to Sophie!” Steuben came over slowly in his typical long-sleeve plaid shirt and blue jeans, looking down at me with his flat, blue eyes.
“It’s OK, Walt,” he said calmingly. “Sophie’s here.” I looked up, surprised.
“What? Where?” I asked, confused. “Why is she here?”
“When everything started, she said she got scared and saw you weren’t home. She came here when the announcements began on the radio and TV. She’s in the back room right now.” He knelt down, extending a withered hand towards me. “Come on up, I’ll bring you to her.” My heart soared with waves of bliss. I scrabbled to my feet.
“Thank you so much, Steuben!” I cried in ecstasy, grateful that Sophie was alive and OK. He put out a hand, pointing down the hallway.
“She’s in the room at the back,” he said. “Go see her.” I nodded happily, running forward. His slow, plodding footsteps followed behind me. The floorboards creaked ominously as I flung open the door.
I saw Sophie there, naked and bound with strands with razor-wire. Fresh streams of blood dribbled down her smooth, pale flesh. Her mouth was gagged, her eyes huge and wild. The back window was open, and I saw alien spiders slinking through. Some were a combination of human and spider, while others had dog, squirrel, cat or racoon features. Yet every single one gave the same ghastly aura of sickness, the smell of thick semen in the air.
“Sophie!” I cried as one of them skittered up on her face, its black needles dripping drops of mutating sludge onto her eyes and nose. She shook her head wildly from side to side, trying to clear it. Her panicked, muffled sobs filtered through the gag, ripping at my heart.
I heard the cocking of a gun behind my head. I turned slowly, seeing Steuben standing there with an insane rictus grin splitting his old face, aiming a .45 pistol at my forehead.
“Steuben? What the fuck?!” I cried, my hand instinctively crawling nearer to my pocket with the box cutter. He smiled.
“Get into the room with that stupid bitch,” he said, “or I’ll kill you both.”
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “I never did anything to you!” He shrugged.
“It’s part of my job with the Cleaners,” he said simply. “After the meteorite hit and started contaminating the local environment, the government asked me to experiment a bit on the locals if I could, measure the time it takes for the reaction to occur.” He pointed to cameras and audio recorders located all around the room. “You and your wife will be the first scientific subjects for the fungus. If we can control this, imagine how powerful of a biological weapon it would be! It could take out a whole country in days.” I closed my hand around the box cutter, ready to make my move.
“OK, I’ll go,” I pleaded, nodding slowly. “Just don’t kill me.” Steuben smiled grimly as I leapt forward, yanking the box cutter out of my pocket and slicing upwards at his neck.
The pistol went off instantly. I felt a burning pain in my left shoulder as the bullet exploded through the top of it, blood instantly soaking my shirt. With a battle-cry of pain and anger, I forced the blade into the side of his neck with all my strength. It cut through his jugular vein easily, the skin separating a moment later. A waterfall of blood poured down his chest.
He stumbled back, grabbing at his spurting neck. The pistol fell to the floor with a metallic clatter. Looking at me with dead, surprised eyes, he fell slowly forward.
I looked back, seeing Sophie’s face covered in black sludge. She was suffocating, her lips turning blue. Spiders crawled over every inch of her exposed flesh. When their strange, alien eyes met mine, the ones closest jumped in my direction.
I backpedaled quickly, slamming the door shut. I heard them slam against its other surface with soft crashes.
I took Steuben’s gun, searching his house meticulously for something that might help me survive. I felt sick about Sophie’s death, but once she had become infected, I knew she was gone. The moment that black goo entered someone’s body, it seemed they were beyond help.
I tried to slow the bleeding from my shoulder, bandaging it as best as I could. I felt pieces of bone splinters rubbing in the wound as I tightened it, gritting my teeth against the pain. The bullet appeared to have gone through the top of my shoulder, missing the arteries but shattering the bone. I would have to use my right hand for everything for a while, I thought as pain like battery acid shrieked from the wound.
In Steuben’s garage, I found a strange vehicle. It looked like a bulldozer, but it had cameras on the outside connected to a TV in the center console. There were special high-pressure water jets pointed at the cameras to clean them off. It was as if Steuben had known what was coming and had made plans to escape.
I looked at the plates, seeing they were government plates. They said the vehicle was federal property. Steuben’s story started to seem more and more true. Had he actually been a member of some secret government agency experimenting on US citizens?
I played around with the bulldozer for a few minutes, finding out how to operate it and keep the cameras running. It took significantly longer with only one hand and with the many injuries and bruises covering my body, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. Once I knew how it worked, I turned it on, sealing the exterior.
Feeling a combination of bliss at escaping and sickening horror at Sophie’s fate, I crashed through the door of Steuben’s garage, ambling the bulldozer down his driveway. The windows were instantly covered in black goo, but through the aid of the cameras, I could still see.
Making my way slowly forward, I left that den of horrors behind, driving through the dead streets of Matheson towards freedom.
submitted by CIAHerpes to ZakBabyTV_Stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:10 CIAHerpes An alien fungus has been spraying black semen across town. People exposed to it have started changing in horrific ways…

Strange and seemingly isolated incidents had happened in the days leading up to the massacre. I lived in a small farming community called Matheson where everyone knew everyone. My neighbor, Steuben, owned a sprawling dairy farm. He must have been at least seventy, but he still looked sixty, a vigorous and healthy hard worker with wide blue eyes and thick salt-and-pepper hair. His land rose up in the rolling hills and gently babbling creeks of the surrounding woodlands.
Three days before, one of his cows had given birth. Steuben said the calf had been something from a nightmarish fever dream. It screamed and wailed constantly, gurgling in a sick, blood-choked voice. It had no skin, but instead looked like it was flipped inside-out, the gleaming veins and slick, wet muscle thrumming with adrenaline and primal agony. It looked like a bloody, crying mass of pulsing organs. Steuben had grabbed his hunting rifle and put the poor creature out of its misery, shooting it in the back of its deformed, slanted head. It had no eyelids, and he said the filmy cataract eyes had stared up accusingly at him as he killed it.
Though I didn’t witness it myself, a few of my neighbors and friends had talked about seeing a meteor shower over town the night before the deformed calf’s birth. Bright blue streaks like lightning flashed across the night sky. I wouldn’t know the significance of this until much later, until it was far too late to do any good.
One of my neighbors, who was nine months pregnant at the time, ended up giving birth to a baby boy a couple days after the incident with the calf. The father told me that the infant had only lived for a few hours in intensive care, and it had been such a horrific sight that the mother and father could barely stand to look at its twisted, alien features. The doctors had told her it was an extreme case of something called “Harlequin Ichthyosis.” I looked up the pictures of what he described, seeing pictures of mutated, skinless infants with dark blood vessels like tumors running down their chests and bulging, clown-like eyes that gleamed an infected red.
It was around the same time that people began to notice the fish dying off in large numbers, their rotting bodies floating to the tops of ponds and streams all over the area. Fishermen said many of the lakes had become dead zones overnight, as if chemical weapons or high doses of radiation had contaminated them. The local and state governments started putting up signs all over town, warning people not to swim or eat anything they caught from the local waterways until the Department of Environmental Protection could test it for toxic contaminants. All of the state parks in the area were closed down temporarily as well. My wife Sophie and I had joked about finding a cabin out in the woods to wait out the Rapture.
In hindsight, that was probably far closer to the truth than either of us could have ever imagined.
I awoke early the next morning, seeing the first razor-sharp shards of a sunrise peeking through the window. It was Saturday, and I had the weekend off from work. I looked over, seeing my wife still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. Purple light like fresh bruises streamed in from a cloudless blue sky. I didn’t know why, but something felt wrong. It took me a few moments to realize what it was.
I didn’t hear a single sound outside. Our house was surrounded by woods and swamps, and normally the birds would be singing their little heads off by now. But it sounded as dead as in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Even the insects had gone quiet.
I crept out of bed, trying not to wake Sophie. I ended up getting dressed and making coffee and a bagel. Feeling restless, I decided to go out for a drive around the block. I hopped in my truck and slowly pulled out onto the empty street.
After a few minutes, I drove past the local park. It had a brightly-colored playground looming high in the air, though this early in the morning, it stood empty. A few joggers and random people walking their dogs lumbered through the foggy mist, circling around the paved trails of the park. A still pond coated with green scum stood at the center. I noticed how the eerie quiet extended out here as well. Besides the rumbling of my truck’s engine and the distant barking of a dog, I might as well have been driving through a graveyard.
I was glancing out the driver’s side window and didn’t see the young woman covered in blood slinking out onto the street until the last second. She dragged a broken leg behind her, the sharp points of bone poking out through the skin. Her head turned to look at me moments before I collided with her. She was completely naked. But that wasn’t the strange thing.
There was something wrong with her face. Long, black tendrils like spidery legs jutted out of her mouth, her nose and her ears. Her eyes looked like they had been removed or eaten away, and more skittering, jointed things oozed out of those. She was crying scarlet tears from her dark, empty sockets. Orange pus and clotted gore dripped down her chin from the open wounds, staining her lower body in rivulets of drying filth. I tried to slam on the brakes, but it was far too late. My front fender smashed into her waist. After that, everything seemed to happen very fast.
Her body flew up with a shattering of glass, but the woman never screamed or made a sound. Her face remained as blank and slack as that of a puppet’s. A spiderwebbing of cracks flew across the windshield as her body rolled over the truck, flying up over the top of it and crashing down on the road with a wet, bone-shattering sound.
“Holy shit!” I cried, my tires fishtailing wildly with a squealing of rubber as I came to a stop. I heard people screaming in the nearby park now. I thought they had seen the accident, but I was too focused on the destroyed body of the woman to care. Hyperventilating, I climbed out of the truck, running over to her side.
She jerked on the road like a dying hornet, her shattered limbs twisting with a grinding of broken bone. Her empty eye sockets stared blankly up at the vast blue sky, the spidery legs twitching faster. The right half of her chest appeared caved in, and she continuously coughed up frothy streams of bright-red blood. I immediately pulled out my cell phone. With trembling fingers, I dialed 911, never looking away from the dying woman laying in front of me.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice said.
“Hello?! I need help! I think I killed…”
“...this is a prerecorded message. Emergency services are temporarily suspended in your local area due to a federally-declared state of emergency. This is not a test.
“Please stay inside for the duration of the emergency. Assistance is on the way. Do not panic. Your government has everything under control.
“If you notice any unusual lifeforms in your local area, do not approach them. Do not try to kill or harm them in any way. Give them as much distance as you can. If possible, try to seal all windows, doors and cracks.
“Your area is now a federally-mandated quarantine zone. Until you can be safely evacuated, stay in your home and await rescue. Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time.”
“What?!” I screamed into the phone. “There’s someone dying here! I need an ambulance!” In response, the message started to repeat, the cool robotic female voice sounding as nonplussed as if it were announcing a sale on produce at a grocery store. I ended the call, looking around hopefully for someone who might be able to help. It was only then I noticed the bloodshed spreading all around me.
“What is that?!” a female jogger cried, pointing at the sky. My eyes widened in confusion and horror as I tried to comprehend what I saw there. No one was looking at me or the woman I had run over. No one had even noticed in all of the chaos.
A writhing, twisting black mass of thrumming flesh stretched over the forest, growing at a rapid rate over the tops of the trees. The mass was a few feet across, lumpy and wet. It seemed to be passing fluid through its main body, like some enormous intestines uncoiling out above the world. It stretched upwards like something from Jean and the Beanstalk, growing and curving back down towards other tube-like masses.
Every few feet along the fleshy, worm-like mass, hollow protrusions as long as railroad spikes shot out. They reminded me of spider legs, jointed and covered with fine, dark hairs. They skittered constantly as the central body continued growing. Even from the street, I could hear the wet, sucking sounds the legs made as they constantly flexed and relaxed, dripping black sludge like dirty oil from their glossy skins.
As more and more hollow tendrils spiraled out of the eerie flesh, I saw the movements of the spidery tendrils were not random. They would spray thick, black fluid in the direction of anything that moved. A man and his dog at the far perimeter of the park were totally covered in the strange goo.
As they continued thrashing and fighting, the tendrils kept shooting more sludge at them. After a few seconds, it covered his face like an opaque mask. The man clawed at his eyes and mouth, trying to get it off. The dog gave high-pitched squeals of terror and pain as it rolled on the ground, its legs kicking randomly in the air. Its fur had become a soaking black mass of goo.
Throughout the air, I smelled a disgusting odor that I immediately recognized. It was the slightly sweet, chlorine-like smell of semen, but so concentrated and pungent that I almost retched. As more and more of the black goo sprayed down at the screaming, writhing people, the smell intensified, so thick that I could taste it on the back of my throat.
As I stood staring, open-mouthed, watching the stragglers in the park get consumed and covered by this strange sight, something grabbed my ankle. I jumped, yelling in panic. I looked down, seeing the twitching body of the woman I had hit changing before my very eyes.
Her blue lips chattered, the broken shards of teeth biting deeply through her bloody lips. The thin, crooked legs skittering out of her mouth, eyes, nose and ear continued lengthening before my eyes. A couple heartbeats later, I saw what they attached to.
Five of them ripped their way out of her jerking, dying body, looking like mutated alien spiders. They plopped wetly onto the pavement below. Their sharp points of legs skittered and ripped through the seizing woman’s mutilated flesh, sending drops of blood flying in all directions.
The alien spiders looked like some eldritch combination of an infant and a black widow. Each of them had a fat, round central mass, the same color as the woman’s pale skin. The pink flesh was stretched as tight as a snare drum. It looked like mice were living inside the thick liquid of the creatures’ central bodies, pressing against the thin membrane with the fleeting impression of tiny legs and gnashing faces.
Dozens of the jointed, skittering legs jutted out from their thrumming flesh. Looking up at me, I saw big, blue human eyes on their twisted faces. They were bloodshot, the pupils dilated and wild. The fleshy orbs had no nose, but each had a pair of human-like lips twisted up into a savage snarl beneath the massive eyes. Hundreds of thin, hollow needles emerged from their gnashing mouths.
Instinctively, I backpedaled to the driver’s door. Each of the spiders started wailing like a crying baby, their mouths opening in dissonant shrieks. They turned towards me, their wild, insane eyes meeting mine. At that moment, I felt like I had been plunged into a nightmare.
I had no time to think as they pushed themselves off the ground, flying high in the air with a sudden fury. Those very human mouths filled with too many sharp black needles flew straight at my face. I ducked at the last moment, hearing them smash into the side of the truck. There was a ringing of metal as they left deep dents in the body, each about the size of a baseball.
I leapt inside, slamming the door behind me as more spidery creatures flew up, smacking hard into the glass. Their wild faces stayed stuck there for a long moment, staring in at me with a gnashing of teeth and an oozing of more black sludge.
I started the truck. As the air conditioner clicked on, blowing air from outside into the cab, the smell of thick semen wafted in, cloying like ammonia.
I pulled a U-turn, burning out in my rush to get back home and check on Sophie. I needed to get us out of this cursed town.
As I passed by the park, I noticed that nothing moved now. The bright summer day started to go dark overhead. Looking up, I saw more and more black, worm-like masses growing over everything, partially blocking out the Sun in their rapid growth. Like cancerous cells, the disparate lifeforms connected, their spidery legs skittering faster with a renewed vigor. Hundreds more small spiders were crawling out of the park, but not all had human faces. One of them had a dog’s eyes and black lips, its central mass furry and yellow like that of a golden retriever.
Nothing moved on the streets now except the spiders and the black, worm-like masses stretching above our heads. I sped down the streets, seeing pale faces peeking out of windows. As my truck sped ahead, it continuously got sprayed with black sludge from above. It covered my windshield like some kind of hellish snow. Within a couple minutes, it was nearly impossible to see anything.
When I tried to use the windshield wipers to clean it off, it just smudged and bubbled. Cursing, I tried to see through a smaller and smaller portion of the glass until I was forced to stop, only a few hundred feet away from my home. The sludge continued raining down on me, covering every single window until I was submerged into blackness.
I breathed hard in the sudden darkness, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I had no idea what to do. I heard soft thuds land against the outer body, more mutated spiders throwing themselves at the only moving thing on this dead, apocalyptic street.
I tried to inch forward slowly, like a blind man trying to drive. I was moving in the right direction overall, but at any moment, I knew I would hit something. Moving along at a few miles an hour, I heard the crunch a few seconds later. I must have hit one of the cars parked along the side of the street.
I looked through the truck for anything possibly useful in this situation. I wished I at least had a gun, but I had nothing here except an old, rusted boxcutter in the glove department. I didn’t even have a mask or anything to put over my face. I refused to wear masks for any reason, though I might have made an exception for this situation.
I found a plastic bag covered in dirty streaks of grime underneath the seat. Grabbing the box cutter and the plastic bag, I prepared myself to get out and run.
I knew it was absolutely insane, but I had to get back home. I couldn’t stay in this truck until I simply starved or dehydrated to death. If the US government was anywhere near as useful at fixing this situation as they were at anything else they tried to do, then I knew they would be no help. With the efficiency of government services, I figured they might get here sometime around next year and spend hundreds of billions of dollars doing so, after every single person in this town had already rotted down to skeletons.
I inhaled deeply, putting the plastic bag over my head like some sort of cheap Halloween mask. I ripped two tiny holes for the eyes, hoping it would still do some good. Grabbing the box cutter in one trembling hand, I flung open the door, running out onto the street.
The black masses stretching overhead made it as dark as a solar eclipse outside. They covered the roofs of every home, wound their ways through trees and branches and slunk across creeks like organic bridges. The entire pulsating, massy flesh constantly shimmered and gurgled. I heard sounds of wet sliding above my head.
I looked around frantically, seeing my house only a hundred feet away. I sprinted as fast I could, zigzagging wildly.
Something liquidy and thick crashed directly next to me, a mass of sputtering black goo reeking of semen. The strange tendrils continued shooting wads of this alien material. I knew I couldn’t make it to the house. Then I heard a cry from nearby.
“Walt! In here!” someone cried, a wavering old man’s voice. I looked up, seeing my neighbor Steuben standing in his open doorway only a dozen feet away. I leapt towards him, climbing up the steps on all fours and flinging myself through the door with every ounce of strength I possessed. I heard more wet, thudding sounds as that strange alien goo continued covering the path behind me.
I rolled through the door, falling forward and slamming my head into the wall. My vision turned black for a moment. I swam through the pain and confusion, hearing Steuben slam and lock the door behind me. I ripped the plastic bag off my head, breathing hard and covered in sweat. My heart pounded in my chest, frantic as a cornered, panicked animal. I looked down, seeing the box cutter still clutched tightly in my hand, my knuckles white with tension. I slipped it in my pocket.
“Sophie!” I cried, breathless. “I need to get to Sophie!” Steuben came over slowly in his typical long-sleeve plaid shirt and blue jeans, looking down at me with his flat, blue eyes.
“It’s OK, Walt,” he said calmingly. “Sophie’s here.” I looked up, surprised.
“What? Where?” I asked, confused. “Why is she here?”
“When everything started, she said she got scared and saw you weren’t home. She came here when the announcements began on the radio and TV. She’s in the back room right now.” He knelt down, extending a withered hand towards me. “Come on up, I’ll bring you to her.” My heart soared with waves of bliss. I scrabbled to my feet.
“Thank you so much, Steuben!” I cried in ecstasy, grateful that Sophie was alive and OK. He put out a hand, pointing down the hallway.
“She’s in the room at the back,” he said. “Go see her.” I nodded happily, running forward. His slow, plodding footsteps followed behind me. The floorboards creaked ominously as I flung open the door.
I saw Sophie there, naked and bound with strands with razor-wire. Fresh streams of blood dribbled down her smooth, pale flesh. Her mouth was gagged, her eyes huge and wild. The back window was open, and I saw alien spiders slinking through. Some were a combination of human and spider, while others had dog, squirrel, cat or racoon features. Yet every single one gave the same ghastly aura of sickness, the smell of thick semen in the air.
“Sophie!” I cried as one of them skittered up on her face, its black needles dripping drops of mutating sludge onto her eyes and nose. She shook her head wildly from side to side, trying to clear it. Her panicked, muffled sobs filtered through the gag, ripping at my heart.
I heard the cocking of a gun behind my head. I turned slowly, seeing Steuben standing there with an insane rictus grin splitting his old face, aiming a .45 pistol at my forehead.
“Steuben? What the fuck?!” I cried, my hand instinctively crawling nearer to my pocket with the box cutter. He smiled.
“Get into the room with that stupid bitch,” he said, “or I’ll kill you both.”
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “I never did anything to you!” He shrugged.
“It’s part of my job with the Cleaners,” he said simply. “After the meteorite hit and started contaminating the local environment, the government asked me to experiment a bit on the locals if I could, measure the time it takes for the reaction to occur.” He pointed to cameras and audio recorders located all around the room. “You and your wife will be the first scientific subjects for the fungus. If we can control this, imagine how powerful of a biological weapon it would be! It could take out a whole country in days.” I closed my hand around the box cutter, ready to make my move.
“OK, I’ll go,” I pleaded, nodding slowly. “Just don’t kill me.” Steuben smiled grimly as I leapt forward, yanking the box cutter out of my pocket and slicing upwards at his neck.
The pistol went off instantly. I felt a burning pain in my left shoulder as the bullet exploded through the top of it, blood instantly soaking my shirt. With a battle-cry of pain and anger, I forced the blade into the side of his neck with all my strength. It cut through his jugular vein easily, the skin separating a moment later. A waterfall of blood poured down his chest.
He stumbled back, grabbing at his spurting neck. The pistol fell to the floor with a metallic clatter. Looking at me with dead, surprised eyes, he fell slowly forward.
I looked back, seeing Sophie’s face covered in black sludge. She was suffocating, her lips turning blue. Spiders crawled over every inch of her exposed flesh. When their strange, alien eyes met mine, the ones closest jumped in my direction.
I backpedaled quickly, slamming the door shut. I heard them slam against its other surface with soft crashes.
I took Steuben’s gun, searching his house meticulously for something that might help me survive. I felt sick about Sophie’s death, but once she had become infected, I knew she was gone. The moment that black goo entered someone’s body, it seemed they were beyond help.
I tried to slow the bleeding from my shoulder, bandaging it as best as I could. I felt pieces of bone splinters rubbing in the wound as I tightened it, gritting my teeth against the pain. The bullet appeared to have gone through the top of my shoulder, missing the arteries but shattering the bone. I would have to use my right hand for everything for a while, I thought as pain like battery acid shrieked from the wound.
In Steuben’s garage, I found a strange vehicle. It looked like a bulldozer, but it had cameras on the outside connected to a TV in the center console. There were special high-pressure water jets pointed at the cameras to clean them off. It was as if Steuben had known what was coming and had made plans to escape.
I looked at the plates, seeing they were government plates. They said the vehicle was federal property. Steuben’s story started to seem more and more true. Had he actually been a member of some secret government agency experimenting on US citizens?
I played around with the bulldozer for a few minutes, finding out how to operate it and keep the cameras running. It took significantly longer with only one hand and with the many injuries and bruises covering my body, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. Once I knew how it worked, I turned it on, sealing the exterior.
Feeling a combination of bliss at escaping and sickening horror at Sophie’s fate, I crashed through the door of Steuben’s garage, ambling the bulldozer down his driveway. The windows were instantly covered in black goo, but through the aid of the cameras, I could still see.
Making my way slowly forward, I left that den of horrors behind, driving through the dead streets of Matheson towards freedom.
submitted by CIAHerpes to horrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 09:10 CIAHerpes An alien fungus has been spraying black semen across town. People exposed to it have started changing in horrific ways…

Strange and seemingly isolated incidents had happened in the days leading up to the massacre. I lived in a small farming community called Matheson where everyone knew everyone. My neighbor, Steuben, owned a sprawling dairy farm. He must have been at least seventy, but he still looked sixty, a vigorous and healthy hard worker with wide blue eyes and thick salt-and-pepper hair. His land rose up in the rolling hills and gently babbling creeks of the surrounding woodlands.
Three days before, one of his cows had given birth. Steuben said the calf had been something from a nightmarish fever dream. It screamed and wailed constantly, gurgling in a sick, blood-choked voice. It had no skin, but instead looked like it was flipped inside-out, the gleaming veins and slick, wet muscle thrumming with adrenaline and primal agony. It looked like a bloody, crying mass of pulsing organs. Steuben had grabbed his hunting rifle and put the poor creature out of its misery, shooting it in the back of its deformed, slanted head. It had no eyelids, and he said the filmy cataract eyes had stared up accusingly at him as he killed it.
Though I didn’t witness it myself, a few of my neighbors and friends had talked about seeing a meteor shower over town the night before the deformed calf’s birth. Bright blue streaks like lightning flashed across the night sky. I wouldn’t know the significance of this until much later, until it was far too late to do any good.
One of my neighbors, who was nine months pregnant at the time, ended up giving birth to a baby boy a couple days after the incident with the calf. The father told me that the infant had only lived for a few hours in intensive care, and it had been such a horrific sight that the mother and father could barely stand to look at its twisted, alien features. The doctors had told her it was an extreme case of something called “Harlequin Ichthyosis.” I looked up the pictures of what he described, seeing pictures of mutated, skinless infants with dark blood vessels like tumors running down their chests and bulging, clown-like eyes that gleamed an infected red.
It was around the same time that people began to notice the fish dying off in large numbers, their rotting bodies floating to the tops of ponds and streams all over the area. Fishermen said many of the lakes had become dead zones overnight, as if chemical weapons or high doses of radiation had contaminated them. The local and state governments started putting up signs all over town, warning people not to swim or eat anything they caught from the local waterways until the Department of Environmental Protection could test it for toxic contaminants. All of the state parks in the area were closed down temporarily as well. My wife Sophie and I had joked about finding a cabin out in the woods to wait out the Rapture.
In hindsight, that was probably far closer to the truth than either of us could have ever imagined.
I awoke early the next morning, seeing the first razor-sharp shards of a sunrise peeking through the window. It was Saturday, and I had the weekend off from work. I looked over, seeing my wife still sleeping soundly on the other side of the bed. Purple light like fresh bruises streamed in from a cloudless blue sky. I didn’t know why, but something felt wrong. It took me a few moments to realize what it was.
I didn’t hear a single sound outside. Our house was surrounded by woods and swamps, and normally the birds would be singing their little heads off by now. But it sounded as dead as in the aftermath of a nuclear war. Even the insects had gone quiet.
I crept out of bed, trying not to wake Sophie. I ended up getting dressed and making coffee and a bagel. Feeling restless, I decided to go out for a drive around the block. I hopped in my truck and slowly pulled out onto the empty street.
After a few minutes, I drove past the local park. It had a brightly-colored playground looming high in the air, though this early in the morning, it stood empty. A few joggers and random people walking their dogs lumbered through the foggy mist, circling around the paved trails of the park. A still pond coated with green scum stood at the center. I noticed how the eerie quiet extended out here as well. Besides the rumbling of my truck’s engine and the distant barking of a dog, I might as well have been driving through a graveyard.
I was glancing out the driver’s side window and didn’t see the young woman covered in blood slinking out onto the street until the last second. She dragged a broken leg behind her, the sharp points of bone poking out through the skin. Her head turned to look at me moments before I collided with her. She was completely naked. But that wasn’t the strange thing.
There was something wrong with her face. Long, black tendrils like spidery legs jutted out of her mouth, her nose and her ears. Her eyes looked like they had been removed or eaten away, and more skittering, jointed things oozed out of those. She was crying scarlet tears from her dark, empty sockets. Orange pus and clotted gore dripped down her chin from the open wounds, staining her lower body in rivulets of drying filth. I tried to slam on the brakes, but it was far too late. My front fender smashed into her waist. After that, everything seemed to happen very fast.
Her body flew up with a shattering of glass, but the woman never screamed or made a sound. Her face remained as blank and slack as that of a puppet’s. A spiderwebbing of cracks flew across the windshield as her body rolled over the truck, flying up over the top of it and crashing down on the road with a wet, bone-shattering sound.
“Holy shit!” I cried, my tires fishtailing wildly with a squealing of rubber as I came to a stop. I heard people screaming in the nearby park now. I thought they had seen the accident, but I was too focused on the destroyed body of the woman to care. Hyperventilating, I climbed out of the truck, running over to her side.
She jerked on the road like a dying hornet, her shattered limbs twisting with a grinding of broken bone. Her empty eye sockets stared blankly up at the vast blue sky, the spidery legs twitching faster. The right half of her chest appeared caved in, and she continuously coughed up frothy streams of bright-red blood. I immediately pulled out my cell phone. With trembling fingers, I dialed 911, never looking away from the dying woman laying in front of me.
“Hello,” a woman’s voice said.
“Hello?! I need help! I think I killed…”
“...this is a prerecorded message. Emergency services are temporarily suspended in your local area due to a federally-declared state of emergency. This is not a test.
“Please stay inside for the duration of the emergency. Assistance is on the way. Do not panic. Your government has everything under control.
“If you notice any unusual lifeforms in your local area, do not approach them. Do not try to kill or harm them in any way. Give them as much distance as you can. If possible, try to seal all windows, doors and cracks.
“Your area is now a federally-mandated quarantine zone. Until you can be safely evacuated, stay in your home and await rescue. Thank you for your cooperation in this difficult time.”
“What?!” I screamed into the phone. “There’s someone dying here! I need an ambulance!” In response, the message started to repeat, the cool robotic female voice sounding as nonplussed as if it were announcing a sale on produce at a grocery store. I ended the call, looking around hopefully for someone who might be able to help. It was only then I noticed the bloodshed spreading all around me.
“What is that?!” a female jogger cried, pointing at the sky. My eyes widened in confusion and horror as I tried to comprehend what I saw there. No one was looking at me or the woman I had run over. No one had even noticed in all of the chaos.
A writhing, twisting black mass of thrumming flesh stretched over the forest, growing at a rapid rate over the tops of the trees. The mass was a few feet across, lumpy and wet. It seemed to be passing fluid through its main body, like some enormous intestines uncoiling out above the world. It stretched upwards like something from Jean and the Beanstalk, growing and curving back down towards other tube-like masses.
Every few feet along the fleshy, worm-like mass, hollow protrusions as long as railroad spikes shot out. They reminded me of spider legs, jointed and covered with fine, dark hairs. They skittered constantly as the central body continued growing. Even from the street, I could hear the wet, sucking sounds the legs made as they constantly flexed and relaxed, dripping black sludge like dirty oil from their glossy skins.
As more and more hollow tendrils spiraled out of the eerie flesh, I saw the movements of the spidery tendrils were not random. They would spray thick, black fluid in the direction of anything that moved. A man and his dog at the far perimeter of the park were totally covered in the strange goo.
As they continued thrashing and fighting, the tendrils kept shooting more sludge at them. After a few seconds, it covered his face like an opaque mask. The man clawed at his eyes and mouth, trying to get it off. The dog gave high-pitched squeals of terror and pain as it rolled on the ground, its legs kicking randomly in the air. Its fur had become a soaking black mass of goo.
Throughout the air, I smelled a disgusting odor that I immediately recognized. It was the slightly sweet, chlorine-like smell of semen, but so concentrated and pungent that I almost retched. As more and more of the black goo sprayed down at the screaming, writhing people, the smell intensified, so thick that I could taste it on the back of my throat.
As I stood staring, open-mouthed, watching the stragglers in the park get consumed and covered by this strange sight, something grabbed my ankle. I jumped, yelling in panic. I looked down, seeing the twitching body of the woman I had hit changing before my very eyes.
Her blue lips chattered, the broken shards of teeth biting deeply through her bloody lips. The thin, crooked legs skittering out of her mouth, eyes, nose and ear continued lengthening before my eyes. A couple heartbeats later, I saw what they attached to.
Five of them ripped their way out of her jerking, dying body, looking like mutated alien spiders. They plopped wetly onto the pavement below. Their sharp points of legs skittered and ripped through the seizing woman’s mutilated flesh, sending drops of blood flying in all directions.
The alien spiders looked like some eldritch combination of an infant and a black widow. Each of them had a fat, round central mass, the same color as the woman’s pale skin. The pink flesh was stretched as tight as a snare drum. It looked like mice were living inside the thick liquid of the creatures’ central bodies, pressing against the thin membrane with the fleeting impression of tiny legs and gnashing faces.
Dozens of the jointed, skittering legs jutted out from their thrumming flesh. Looking up at me, I saw big, blue human eyes on their twisted faces. They were bloodshot, the pupils dilated and wild. The fleshy orbs had no nose, but each had a pair of human-like lips twisted up into a savage snarl beneath the massive eyes. Hundreds of thin, hollow needles emerged from their gnashing mouths.
Instinctively, I backpedaled to the driver’s door. Each of the spiders started wailing like a crying baby, their mouths opening in dissonant shrieks. They turned towards me, their wild, insane eyes meeting mine. At that moment, I felt like I had been plunged into a nightmare.
I had no time to think as they pushed themselves off the ground, flying high in the air with a sudden fury. Those very human mouths filled with too many sharp black needles flew straight at my face. I ducked at the last moment, hearing them smash into the side of the truck. There was a ringing of metal as they left deep dents in the body, each about the size of a baseball.
I leapt inside, slamming the door behind me as more spidery creatures flew up, smacking hard into the glass. Their wild faces stayed stuck there for a long moment, staring in at me with a gnashing of teeth and an oozing of more black sludge.
I started the truck. As the air conditioner clicked on, blowing air from outside into the cab, the smell of thick semen wafted in, cloying like ammonia.
I pulled a U-turn, burning out in my rush to get back home and check on Sophie. I needed to get us out of this cursed town.
As I passed by the park, I noticed that nothing moved now. The bright summer day started to go dark overhead. Looking up, I saw more and more black, worm-like masses growing over everything, partially blocking out the Sun in their rapid growth. Like cancerous cells, the disparate lifeforms connected, their spidery legs skittering faster with a renewed vigor. Hundreds more small spiders were crawling out of the park, but not all had human faces. One of them had a dog’s eyes and black lips, its central mass furry and yellow like that of a golden retriever.
Nothing moved on the streets now except the spiders and the black, worm-like masses stretching above our heads. I sped down the streets, seeing pale faces peeking out of windows. As my truck sped ahead, it continuously got sprayed with black sludge from above. It covered my windshield like some kind of hellish snow. Within a couple minutes, it was nearly impossible to see anything.
When I tried to use the windshield wipers to clean it off, it just smudged and bubbled. Cursing, I tried to see through a smaller and smaller portion of the glass until I was forced to stop, only a few hundred feet away from my home. The sludge continued raining down on me, covering every single window until I was submerged into blackness.
I breathed hard in the sudden darkness, my heartbeat roaring in my ears. I had no idea what to do. I heard soft thuds land against the outer body, more mutated spiders throwing themselves at the only moving thing on this dead, apocalyptic street.
I tried to inch forward slowly, like a blind man trying to drive. I was moving in the right direction overall, but at any moment, I knew I would hit something. Moving along at a few miles an hour, I heard the crunch a few seconds later. I must have hit one of the cars parked along the side of the street.
I looked through the truck for anything possibly useful in this situation. I wished I at least had a gun, but I had nothing here except an old, rusted boxcutter in the glove department. I didn’t even have a mask or anything to put over my face. I refused to wear masks for any reason, though I might have made an exception for this situation.
I found a plastic bag covered in dirty streaks of grime underneath the seat. Grabbing the box cutter and the plastic bag, I prepared myself to get out and run.
I knew it was absolutely insane, but I had to get back home. I couldn’t stay in this truck until I simply starved or dehydrated to death. If the US government was anywhere near as useful at fixing this situation as they were at anything else they tried to do, then I knew they would be no help. With the efficiency of government services, I figured they might get here sometime around next year and spend hundreds of billions of dollars doing so, after every single person in this town had already rotted down to skeletons.
I inhaled deeply, putting the plastic bag over my head like some sort of cheap Halloween mask. I ripped two tiny holes for the eyes, hoping it would still do some good. Grabbing the box cutter in one trembling hand, I flung open the door, running out onto the street.
The black masses stretching overhead made it as dark as a solar eclipse outside. They covered the roofs of every home, wound their ways through trees and branches and slunk across creeks like organic bridges. The entire pulsating, massy flesh constantly shimmered and gurgled. I heard sounds of wet sliding above my head.
I looked around frantically, seeing my house only a hundred feet away. I sprinted as fast I could, zigzagging wildly.
Something liquidy and thick crashed directly next to me, a mass of sputtering black goo reeking of semen. The strange tendrils continued shooting wads of this alien material. I knew I couldn’t make it to the house. Then I heard a cry from nearby.
“Walt! In here!” someone cried, a wavering old man’s voice. I looked up, seeing my neighbor Steuben standing in his open doorway only a dozen feet away. I leapt towards him, climbing up the steps on all fours and flinging myself through the door with every ounce of strength I possessed. I heard more wet, thudding sounds as that strange alien goo continued covering the path behind me.
I rolled through the door, falling forward and slamming my head into the wall. My vision turned black for a moment. I swam through the pain and confusion, hearing Steuben slam and lock the door behind me. I ripped the plastic bag off my head, breathing hard and covered in sweat. My heart pounded in my chest, frantic as a cornered, panicked animal. I looked down, seeing the box cutter still clutched tightly in my hand, my knuckles white with tension. I slipped it in my pocket.
“Sophie!” I cried, breathless. “I need to get to Sophie!” Steuben came over slowly in his typical long-sleeve plaid shirt and blue jeans, looking down at me with his flat, blue eyes.
“It’s OK, Walt,” he said calmingly. “Sophie’s here.” I looked up, surprised.
“What? Where?” I asked, confused. “Why is she here?”
“When everything started, she said she got scared and saw you weren’t home. She came here when the announcements began on the radio and TV. She’s in the back room right now.” He knelt down, extending a withered hand towards me. “Come on up, I’ll bring you to her.” My heart soared with waves of bliss. I scrabbled to my feet.
“Thank you so much, Steuben!” I cried in ecstasy, grateful that Sophie was alive and OK. He put out a hand, pointing down the hallway.
“She’s in the room at the back,” he said. “Go see her.” I nodded happily, running forward. His slow, plodding footsteps followed behind me. The floorboards creaked ominously as I flung open the door.
I saw Sophie there, naked and bound with strands with razor-wire. Fresh streams of blood dribbled down her smooth, pale flesh. Her mouth was gagged, her eyes huge and wild. The back window was open, and I saw alien spiders slinking through. Some were a combination of human and spider, while others had dog, squirrel, cat or racoon features. Yet every single one gave the same ghastly aura of sickness, the smell of thick semen in the air.
“Sophie!” I cried as one of them skittered up on her face, its black needles dripping drops of mutating sludge onto her eyes and nose. She shook her head wildly from side to side, trying to clear it. Her panicked, muffled sobs filtered through the gag, ripping at my heart.
I heard the cocking of a gun behind my head. I turned slowly, seeing Steuben standing there with an insane rictus grin splitting his old face, aiming a .45 pistol at my forehead.
“Steuben? What the fuck?!” I cried, my hand instinctively crawling nearer to my pocket with the box cutter. He smiled.
“Get into the room with that stupid bitch,” he said, “or I’ll kill you both.”
“Why are you doing this?” I asked. “I never did anything to you!” He shrugged.
“It’s part of my job with the Cleaners,” he said simply. “After the meteorite hit and started contaminating the local environment, the government asked me to experiment a bit on the locals if I could, measure the time it takes for the reaction to occur.” He pointed to cameras and audio recorders located all around the room. “You and your wife will be the first scientific subjects for the fungus. If we can control this, imagine how powerful of a biological weapon it would be! It could take out a whole country in days.” I closed my hand around the box cutter, ready to make my move.
“OK, I’ll go,” I pleaded, nodding slowly. “Just don’t kill me.” Steuben smiled grimly as I leapt forward, yanking the box cutter out of my pocket and slicing upwards at his neck.
The pistol went off instantly. I felt a burning pain in my left shoulder as the bullet exploded through the top of it, blood instantly soaking my shirt. With a battle-cry of pain and anger, I forced the blade into the side of his neck with all my strength. It cut through his jugular vein easily, the skin separating a moment later. A waterfall of blood poured down his chest.
He stumbled back, grabbing at his spurting neck. The pistol fell to the floor with a metallic clatter. Looking at me with dead, surprised eyes, he fell slowly forward.
I looked back, seeing Sophie’s face covered in black sludge. She was suffocating, her lips turning blue. Spiders crawled over every inch of her exposed flesh. When their strange, alien eyes met mine, the ones closest jumped in my direction.
I backpedaled quickly, slamming the door shut. I heard them slam against its other surface with soft crashes.
I took Steuben’s gun, searching his house meticulously for something that might help me survive. I felt sick about Sophie’s death, but once she had become infected, I knew she was gone. The moment that black goo entered someone’s body, it seemed they were beyond help.
I tried to slow the bleeding from my shoulder, bandaging it as best as I could. I felt pieces of bone splinters rubbing in the wound as I tightened it, gritting my teeth against the pain. The bullet appeared to have gone through the top of my shoulder, missing the arteries but shattering the bone. I would have to use my right hand for everything for a while, I thought as pain like battery acid shrieked from the wound.
In Steuben’s garage, I found a strange vehicle. It looked like a bulldozer, but it had cameras on the outside connected to a TV in the center console. There were special high-pressure water jets pointed at the cameras to clean them off. It was as if Steuben had known what was coming and had made plans to escape.
I looked at the plates, seeing they were government plates. They said the vehicle was federal property. Steuben’s story started to seem more and more true. Had he actually been a member of some secret government agency experimenting on US citizens?
I played around with the bulldozer for a few minutes, finding out how to operate it and keep the cameras running. It took significantly longer with only one hand and with the many injuries and bruises covering my body, but I forced myself to ignore the pain. Once I knew how it worked, I turned it on, sealing the exterior.
Feeling a combination of bliss at escaping and sickening horror at Sophie’s fate, I crashed through the door of Steuben’s garage, ambling the bulldozer down his driveway. The windows were instantly covered in black goo, but through the aid of the cameras, I could still see.
Making my way slowly forward, I left that den of horrors behind, driving through the dead streets of Matheson towards freedom.
submitted by CIAHerpes to Horror_stories [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:59 Electrical_Formal755 9 Step first date same day lay guide - planning texting and escalating
I wrote this guide roughly 5 years ago on rapid escalation and how to get a girl to your place on the first date . Since i started daygame roughly 2017 it wasn't until 2019 that i had a system in place to getting the woman back to your place on the first date. Rapid escalation can be a useful tool but bear in mind any sort of guide or routine you do will have stumbling blocks and won't work 100 percent of time. You need options to get a system work just like you need sales to get a sales funnel working . If you just try this routine with 1 or 2 women it may capitulate the first time and you may find yourself frustrated. Similarly you wouldn't try one day game roll play with one set you'd spread it with 100-200 sets and look for trends as a result. Rejection and failed dates are part of the game . Also this depends on the women's ideology and their personal views of course. If a woman is rigorsly conservative and religious then rapid escalation is really unlikely to work regardless of your SMV or your game on the first date .
Also note that when trying this there were numerous occasions in which the girl got back to mine and the sex didn't occur. There was even one occasion when a Hong Kong girl took a 40 minute cab to mine just to say she wanted a cuddle at 3am and slept next to me . Just because you get a woman back to yours on the first date doesn't necessarily mean its going to end up in sex on the first date- more often than not it didn't on the first date.
Re: Text game- I am no text game professional - it's not my expertise and as I said before I am not a dating coach- this is a free guide which i wrote 5 years ago and I am well aware that my text isn't particularly good or on a "master" level. The texts I've included in this guide were what worked for me in those specific situations with those girls in question- there might be other objections you face that are different than mine . Of course a lot of my daygame numbers would flake - around 70 percent would and i am not going to share those screenshots because that would make for a very boring guide lol . What you're seeing are the outliers of a lot of daygame approaches - the 1-2 percent of girls that are very responsive and keen to meet . Don't think every woman I am texting is eager to meet up for a date- far from it. Even Paul Janka who is a male model who went to Harvard who lived in New York said 1 in 10 of the phone numbers he got from cold approach actually ended up in lays. My statistics are roughly 1 in 14.
Any questions about the dates or planning dates feel free to just ask
submitted by Electrical_Formal755 to PickUpArtist [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:54 WangYat2007 Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc

Researching the price elasticity of software and the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc
This guide is also avaliable on Steam:
This guide is not for absolute beginners as I will not be detailing where every button is, there are plenty of absolute beginner guides that already exist. However, if you've already played a bit, you will understand this guide as the concept is very simple to execute.
Here, I detail what I've discovered about Software Inc's game mechanics, presented them, and added my thoughts onto it. Whether loss leader pricing is worth it or not, is up to you to decide.
Hey there! I’m Wang, and recently I’ve been experimenting with a sales tactic: Loss Leader Pricing. This isn’t much of a guide, but more of a summary of my research as I tried this tactic in game. It’s not super powerful or game breaking, but can give you an edge against your competitors and accelerate your growth.

What is Loss Leader Pricing?

The concept and execution is very simple. Its when a company sells a product at a lower price than usual (usually below market price) to sell more product, and often at a loss; whether it’s to increase market share, draw customers away from competitors, or stimulate more sales of complementary products*, the effect is still the same.
*a complementary product is when a product is sold alongside another product, eg. Phones and phone chargers, movie tickets and popcorn.
There are plenty of real life examples one can find by simply googling. One of such is Costco’s Rotisserie Chicken, which is sold at a net loss. Shoppers coming to buy the chicken would expose themselves to other products in the store and hence buy more. I haven’t personally seen this in action as Costco doesn’t exist where I live, but the concept still applies: attract more customers.

Before the game

I've just realized this guide is going to look a LOT like a lab report.
What I plan to do is to release a product at various prices, and compare the differences in market recognition and sales.
Before trying this out, there are a couple variables I needed to decide on.
Type of product: I chose a computer OS as the number of potential customers is constant (Not OS dependent). Computer OS in particular as it's the one with the most potential customers out of all OS types.
Quality and creativity of product: Visionary and outstanding. This will make competition less of a variable, thus exaggerating the effects of price, which is what we are trying to isolate and investigate here.
Price of product: This will be my independent variable. I will test out $0, $1, 50% of recommended price, and 100% recommended price for now.

Setting things up

Now, a little annoying quirk I encountered is that the game for some reason treats free products differently from priced products. In the design document, if I change the price to $0, then develop and release the software, i cannot raise the price; the game will give me a prompt saying "Product is already free". Similarly, if the price is non-zero and I try to change it to $0 afterwards, the game will say "please enter a valid value". So I have to develop the OS twice, in two seperate saves in order to test out the effect of free product too. Annoying.
I got myself 37 million dollars in January 1990. I hired a team of designers, programmers and artists for my OS, designed my Computer OS while following the recommended market targeting as best I can, and here I saved.
Notice that the recommended price is $150. I've gotten a marketing publisher as I don't want to set up a marketing team myself.


Here is my gathered data from the various playthroughs.
points to note:
  • I updated the software whenever I could, fixing bugs and updating tech levels.
  • I spent $10,000,000 ordering 5 million copies for every release, which is counted as expenses and affects the value of total profit.
  • Market recognition is not 100% accurate as the number of hearts is eyeballed.
  • Approximately $4,000,000 was spent in development (salaries, food, bills, rent etc).
  • I cannot sign a deal with a marketing publisher with a free product. For non-free products, a marketing publisher was used. (14.4% royalty) The total development cost is a lot higher with a marketing team for the free product.
  • Every product, including the free one, was released on the morning of August 1993; I spent the rest of the day updating tech levels.
direct screenshot from Steam because Reddit table formatting UI is shit
* note that on the second month, I sold 294,628 copies as my marketing efforts caught up (Sparse > Prominent) ** I didn't make $37034 in sales because some people got refunds

Data analysis

Changes in sales when price changes
Seems like when you lower the prices a little bit from the optimal value, sales do go up a little, but not nearly as much to make up for the decreased price, resulting in less profit (Price inelastic demand).
But at very low prices, sales go down. This is very interesting, I did not expect this at all. You would expect the sales to go up when prices go down, right? Imagine a 1 dollar computer OS software that has outstanding quality, that would fly off the shelves! But not here. Upon release, the reviews do indeed say "It is suspiciously cheap".
And then sales skyrocketed when it's free. One would expect $0 and $1 to make no difference, but not in this game. Seems like Software Inc treats "free" and "not-free" products VERY, VERY differently.
So if we plot a graph of price of product against sales, I expect it to look something like this:
And in order to test this theory, I released the product at different prices with increments of $10 ($10, 20, 30 and so on, until 150% of the recommended price, which is $225) and recorded their sales on release.
According to my earlier data, seems like the sales on release and sales after a year are directly tied together: Hence, I won't waste time waiting an entire year 23 different times and only record the sales on release.
Now this was not what I was expecting. I gathered data until $100, before i noticed something was wrong. At $80, sales started to plummet. I was on track to getting no sales at all by the time I reached $150, the suggested price, in direct contradiction with my earlier data.
Taking a closer look, when changing the price, the prompt tells me, Suggested Price: $75. This was the price I set in the design document for this save (which I reloaded over and over to change the price). The anomaly in my data started occuring at $80.
Do you see it?
Seems like the game no longer takes their suggested price, $150, as the "best price" anymore. Before development, I "promised" to consumers that the price would be $75 in the design document. So when I raised the price to something above $75, consumers understandably got angry and didn't buy. You would feel cheated too if a game you were looking forward to jacked up it's price at the last minute for no reason, wouldn't you?
But the more important part is that the data for $10 to $70 fits into my theory. Raising prices, weirdly, raises sales. I'm sure there's a term for this in Economics, where increasing the price of something increases the perceived quality of the product. Some terms I could find with some simple googling and asking ChatGPT were "Veblen Good", "Prestige Pricing", "Snob Effect". You can look into those if ya want.
I re-released Scam OS with $150 set in the design document, and collected the rest of the data.
Note that data at $150 doesn't match the data I presented earlier as this is a completely different save - slight deviations due to random factors occurred during the development process (eg. competition).
Pretty much just what I expected. Massive sales at $0, and a second peak sales at the suggested price. Another noteworthy thing here is the total profit graph - the maximum total profit is the suggested price. Literally anything else will give you less total profit.
I didn't go all the way to $225 as the trend tells you pretty much everything. An exponentially decreasing quantity in sales as you go further and further higher than the suggested price, gradually approaching 0.
Market Recognition
Market recognition seems to be directly tied to how many sales you have. That makes sense. But it doesn't seem to be proportional - the free OS sold 5.4 times as many copies as the $150 OS, but only has a market recognition of 2.2 times more.
Competition is arguably one of the most important elements that decide the success of your product. Here are the competition charts for my 4 test products:
My Computer OS, which I have very creatively named "Scam OS" in an attempt to lure more customers into my social experiment, is represented by the white bars. There are some differences in the competition due to random factors I cannot control, but the general trend is the same: A very well-off OS dominates the market, I release my OS, and another OS quickly releases in succession. These graphs are not very interesting by themselves - Scam OS is able to compete, but not completely dominate the competition. Now, let's look at the $0 graph, shall we?
look at all that beautiful, beautiful white. Scam OS completely destroys the competition. Monthly OS sales at historical records.

Conclusion and Takeaways

So, what does this tell us about the effectiveness of Loss Leader Pricing in Software Inc?
Set the price of the product either to free, OR the suggested price. No in between. Definitely not even $1.
The whole point of Loss Leader Pricing is to generate more sales. By lowering the price, you generate a teeny tiny bit more sales, but lose out on a huge chunk of profit. When lowering it even more, the effect is reversed - you lower the price AND lower the sales.
This has been thoroughly proven in the excel spreadsheet and graphs. The peak value for profit occur at the suggested price; Sales peak at 80% of the suggested price ($120), but not by that much. So quite objectively speaking, any price in between is not worth anything. Set the price either to free OR the suggested price in the design document.
The price set in the design document should be the finalized price. (which should be the suggested price anyway, see paragraph above)
As seen in the earlier section, if you lower the price and raise it again on release, even if you raised it back to the suggested price, consumers don't buy the product as much. It's like as if they feel "cheated" when you raise the price after promising them something lower.
Free, high quality products destroy the competition.
A high quality free product is pretty much just a highly effective DDOS attack (Distribution Denial of Service - this option is available in the Accounting tab). If you have a grudge or simply hate the logo of a particular company, releasing a free version of what they do best can really hurt their feelings. This may have a ripple effect in the future, when you've beaten down a competitor product and they don't do so well in the future and you in turn do better.
Software Inc treats free and non-free products VERY differently.
The difference between $0 and $1 is monumental. Such differences include, but is not limited to:
  • Amount of sales (and thus the resulting market recognition)
  • Ability to sign publishing deals
  • ability to change price after release
Boost your gain in market recognition.
Usually, one would need to release 5 to 6 sequels of an IP before they can get a full 6 hearts of market recognition. The nice thing about Software Inc customers is that they all seem to have long term memory loss - they still buy a fully priced sequel even if the prequel was free (i.e. there is no "consumer expectation" that the sequel will be free too). Releasing a free product can shorten the time you need to gain market recognition, perhaps to 3-4 sequels before getting a full 6 hearts. You can even release multiple free products to REALLY get there quick. This can be especially useful in highly saturated markets such as Antiviruses, 2D, 3D editors, audio tools etc. to gain an edge over competitors (Sometimes, releasing 7, 8 sequels of an antivirus can only get me to 4 hearts)
Boosted market recognition, but at what cost?
Now, of course, this action is highly, highly unprofitable. my 2.9 hearts of computer OS market recognition costed me 13 million, and losses will only continue to increase as salaries stack.
Loss Leader pricing could be used when you've established yourself as a company, have millions in the bank already, and want to tap into a new market.
The printing costs of software can easily be brushed off ($2 for ordering copies, $0.15 for printing it yourself) so this strategy is more applicable for software. But, I strongly, STRONGLY, do NOT recommend doing this with hardware, such as phones and consoles. The printing costs of each copy can easily reach $100+. with 4 million sales, you are looking at a net loss of 400 MILLION, That's the net worth of some of the largest companies in Software Inc! not to mention the printing machines and distribution infrastructure needed to print some 400 thousand copies per month!
Is this a viable starting strategy?
But you might wonder, what if you're just starting out? where can I get 13 million dollars of startup cash? Well well well, dear reader, I have written a guide on manipulating the stock market, and with the right decisions, a keen and attentive eye, and a hefty dose of luck, you can potentially earn yourself upwards of 300 million dollars in 10 years with 100k starting cash. You can see it here:
I sound so much like an advertisement. Shameless self promotion, woohoo! (Though I don't earn anything from writing these, it's simply fun for me!)
Anyway, moving on:
Does all this apply to other types of software? 2D, 3D editors? Games?
Honest answer: I don't know. Without actually testing it out, there will always be a degree of uncertainty. However, I also have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. I would assume the sales of all software is calculated by the game based on the same system, combining the effects of price, competition, market recognition, product appeal and so on.
Andddd that should be everything. This guide took me 15+ hours of research and writing, holy moly. This is my analysis and interpretation of the data I've collected. If there are different interpretations and conclusions, please let me know. And at the end of the day, it is up to you to decide whether loss leader pricing or messing with prices is worth it. Manipulating the stock market and then crashing your way into markets with loss leader pricing is just one of the many ways to enjoy a game of Software Inc.
And that marks the end of this guide, a beautiful 2600 words. This is Wang, wishing you high market recognition and customers suffering from long term memory loss in your loss leader pricing journey.
Thank you for reading!
submitted by WangYat2007 to SoftwareInc [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:49 rbanksy Ticket for London show 11 June for sale

Just found out I can't go to the Brixton Academy show tonight 😭
I've listed my ticket for sale on the Ticketmaster site if anyone wants it. It's on for £70, so about 10% off the face value.
submitted by rbanksy to nofx [link] [comments]

2024.06.11 08:28 Furystorm [WTS] ✪ Upgrades to Retaliator Bomber ✪ Banu Tholo / Banu Cube ✪ Furystorm's boutique™ (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) Galaxy's Finest (⌐ ͡■ ͜ʖ ͡■) ✪ Game packages (SQ42 & starter) ✪ LTI Pioneer, Orion, Carrack, Merchantman, Vindicator, others ★ Rare CCUs (upgrades) ★ Vanguard BUKs ★ Modules/Flairs/Weapons/Armor ★


👽👽👽 Welcome to Furystorm's boutique ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 👽👽👽

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20 $ per each
Info about rewards can be found here -
╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆
Item Price, $
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 169
Banu Tholo code 79
Banu Lockbox (Banu Cube) code 89
Mole to Merchantman 159
Starfarer Gemini to Merchantman 165
C2 Hercules to Carrack 139
Valkyrie to Carrack 169
Constellation Aquila to Orion 180
Starfarer Gemini to Hull D Upgrade 109
Constellation Andromeda to Hull C Upgrade 139
Anvil Terrapin to Hull C Upgrade 179
F7C-R Hornet Tracker to Constellation Taurus 39
Corsair to 400i Warbond Edition 12
Hull E to Polaris 50
Ship Upgrades - Drake Kraken Conversion Kit 799
Item Price, $
CitizenCon 2951 Digital Goodies 9
Gemini LH86 Pistol - Voyager edition 6
Kruger P-72 Emerald 105
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
Package Insurance Game Pledge - SC Game Pledge - SQ42 Price, $ Comments
Package - Aurora LN 3MI + + 59 Aurora LN (best aurora) Starter package
Package - Aurora MR SC Starter - Backer Edition 3MI + + 55 Aurora MR Starter package
Package - Syulen Starter Pack LTI + 115 -
3MI +
Anniversary 2017 Mustang Discount Starter 5YI + 58 -
Scoundrel Pack LTI + + 799 7 Items, see picture
Entrepreneur pack LTI + + 699 Prospector + Vulture + Vulcan + Hull B + Ursa Rover
Game package can be upgrade as well on your demand, price negotiated
Package Insurance Price, $ Comments
Argo Combo Pack LTI 111 MPUV Cargo + MPUV Personnel
Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI 116 Yellow + Black
Nox 2 pack LTI 121 Nox + Nox Kue
Aopoa Nox 5 Pack LTI 242 4 Nox + 1 Nox Kue
Race Team Pack LTI 169 X1 + NOX + Dragonfly Black
Origin X1 THREE-PACK LTI 169 X1 Baseline + Velocity + Force
Argo Utility Pack LTI 249 Argo SRV + MPUV Cargo + MPUV Personnel + VFG Hangar
The Tortoise and the Hurricane LTI 409 Anvil Hurricane + Anvil Terrapin
Starfarer + Nox 2 pack LTI 429 Starfarer + Nox + Nox Kue
Origin 600i Series Combo Pack LTI 999 600i Luxury + Exploration + Origin X1
Aegis Wrecking Crew Pack LTI 1159 Reclaimer + Vulcan + Eclipse + Avenger Warlock/Titan
Exotic Mega Pack LTI 1259 Banu MM + Genesis Starliner + Khartu-al + other small ships
UEE Exploration 2948 Pack LTI 849 Carrack, Terrapin, Freelancer DUR, Cyclone RN
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 309 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 479 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 299 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 379 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 849 A lot of items, check screenshot
CCU-d ships are upgraded from another ship. Also I have ships from original sale - they may come with different bonuses but are more expensive.
You can click on the price of original sale item to see it's contents.
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (CCUd), $, no fee Price (OC), $, no fee
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al LTI 179 -
- Nox LTI - 77
- Nox Kue LTI - 77
- San'Tok.Yai LTI 231 -
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan LTI 74 100
- Avenger Titan Renegade LTI 95 111
- Avenger Stalker LTI 84 -
- Avenger Warlock LTI 100 -
- Eclipse LTI 305 333
- Gladius LTI 116 -
- Gladius Valiant LTI 132 147
- Hammerhead LTI 672 777
- Hammerhead Best in Show Edition LTI 746 -
- Nautilus LTI 672 -
- Reclaimer LTI 336 -
- Reclaimer Best in Show Edition LTI 429 -
- Redeemer LTI 333 -
- Retaliator Bomber LTI 284 -
- Sabre LTI 184 221
- Sabre Comet LTI 195 -
- Vanguard Warden LTI 263 -
- Vanguard Harbinger LTI 289 -
- Vanguard Sentinel LTI 268 -
- Vanguard Hoplite LTI 231 268
- Vulcan LTI 216 242
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo LTI 69 74
- MPUV Personnel LTI 74 79
- MPUV Tractor LTI 74 79
- Raft LTI 142 -
- SRV LTI 165 -
- Mole LTI 321 -
Anvil Aerospace Arrow LTI 95 137
- Ballista LTI 168 -
- C8X Pisces Expedition LTI 69 79
- C8R Pisces LTI 84 -
- Carrack LTI 390 -
- Carrack W/C8X LTI 420 -
- Carrack Expedition LTI 430 -
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X LTI 450 -
- Crucible LTI 369 431
- F7C Hornet Mk II LTI 184 -
- F7C Hornet Mk I LTI 121 -
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I LTI 189 210
- F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I LTI 140 -
- F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I LTI 155 -
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I LTI 199 252
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I LTI 200 -
- Gladiator LTI 177 221
- Hawk LTI 116 132
- Hurricane LTI 210 231
- Terrapin LTI 231 263
- Valkyrie LTI 357 -
- Legionnaire LTI 132 -
Banu Merchantman LTI 399 -
- Defender LTI 226 237
Consolidated outland Mustang Alpha LTI 74 -
- Mustang Beta LTI 95 -
- Mustang Gamma LTI 74 -
- Mustang Delta LTI 84 -
- Pioneer LTI - 1599
- Hoverquad LTI - 74
Crusader Industries Ares Inferno LTI 252 -
- Ares Ion LTI 252 -
- Genesis Starliner LTI 357 578
- C2 Hercules LTI 368 -
- M2 Hercules LTI 483 -
- A2 Hercules LTI 735 -
- C1 Spirit LTI 137 -
- E1 Spirit LTI 163 -
- A1 Spirit LTI 210 -
- Mercury Star Runner LTI 273 -
Drake Interplanetary Dragonfly Yellowjacket LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Black LTI - 84
- Dragonfly Ride Together Two-Pack LTI - 126
- Buccaneer LTI 126 142
- Caterpillar LTI 336 -
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition LTI 347 -
- Corsair LTI 263 -
- Cutlass Black LTI 126 -
- Cutlass Black Best in Show Edition (2949) LTI 137 -
- Cutlass Steel LTI 221 -
- Cutlass Red LTI 142 -
- Cutlass Blue LTI 168 -
- Herald LTI 111 -
- Vulture LTI 158 -
Esperia Blade LTI 284 326
- Glaive LTI 373 -
- Prowler LTI 399 510
- Talon LTI 132 -
- Talon Shrike LTI 132 -
Gatac Railen LTI 242 -
Greycat Industrial ROC LTI 77 -
Kruger Intergalactic P-72 Archimedes LTI - 90
- P-72 Archimedes Emerald LTI - 105
Mirai Fury LTI 69 -
- Fury MX LTI 69 -
- Fury LX LTI 69 -
MISC Endeavor LTI 378 -
- Endeavor DISCOVERY-CLASS LTI - 735
- Endeavor Master Set 2018 LTI - 1399
- Expanse LTI 168 -
- Freelancer LTI 121 -
- Freelancer DUR LTI 147 -
- Freelancer MAX LTI 163 -
- Freelancer MIS LTI 184 -
- HULL A LTI 99 -
- HULL B LTI 147 -
- HULL C LTI 357 -
- HULL D LTI 462 -
- Odyssey LTI 578 -
- Razor LTI 163 179
- Razor LX LTI 168 -
- Razor EX LTI 174 -
- Prospector LTI 163 179
- Reliant Kore LTI 84 105
- Reliant Tana LTI 95 -
- Reliant Mako LTI 121 -
- Reliant Sen LTI 105 -
- Starfarer LTI 315 399
- Starfarer Gemini LTI 347 452
Origin Jumpworks X1 LTI - 69
- X1 Velocity LTI - 74
- X1 Force LTI - 79
- M50 LTI 121 -
- 85X LTI - 79
- 100I LTI 74 95
- 125A LTI 79 -
- 135C LTI 84 -
- 300I LTI 77 -
- 315P LTI 77 -
- 325A LTI 93 -
- 350R LTI 137 -
- 400i LTI 265 -
- 600i Touring LTI 399 525
- 600i Explorer LTI 420 580
- Origin G12 LTI 79 0
- Origin G12R LTI 79 84
- Origin G12A LTI 84 90
RSI Aurora CL LTI 74 -
- Aurora LN LTI 79 -
- Apollo Triage LTI 268 -
- Apollo Medivac LTI 294 -
- Galaxy LTI 378 -
- Mantis LTI 168 -
- Perseus LTI 557 -
- Polaris LTI 735 999
- Constellation Taurus LTI 179 -
- Constellation Andromeda LTI 252 -
- Constellation Aquila LTI 321 -
- Zeus MK II MR LTI 205 -
- Zeus MK II ES LTI 163 -
- Zeus MK II CL LTI 163 -
- Scorpius LTI 263 -
- Scorpius Antares LTI 252 -
- Orion LTI 489 -
- Lynx LTI 79 -
- URSA Fortuna LTI 74 -
- Ursa Fortuna LTI 79 -
Tumbril Cyclone LTI - 74
- Cyclone TR LTI - 79
- Cyclone RC LTI - 79
- Cyclone AA LTI - 95
- Cyclone RN LTI - 79
- Ranger RC LTI 105 -
- Ranger CV LTI 111 -
- Ranger TR LTI 116 -
- Nova LTI 126 132
Ship manufacturer Ship model Insurance Price (OC), $ Comments
ARGO Astronautics Argo MPUV 1C Cargo 10YI 53 -
Drake Interplanetary Drake Loot and Scoot Deluxe Package 5YI 189 Cutlass Black with Skull and Crossbones skin + DF Yellow
Consolidated outland Consolidated Outland Mustang Alpha Vindicator 6MI 79 Limited Vindicator version
Esperia Glaive 6YI 439 -
- Glaive 6MI 399 -
Greycat Industrial Greycat PTV 6YI 27 -
- Greycat PTV 10YI 37 -
Kruger Intergalactic Kruger P-72 Archimedes 10YI 55 -
- Kruger P-72 Archimedes 6YI 45 -
- Kruger P-72 Archimedes Emerald 6MI 53 -
- Kruger P-52 Merlin 6YI 37 -
MISC MISC Endeavor OLYMPIC-CLASS 4YI 578 Endeavor with modules
Origin Jumpworks Origin 890 Jump 10YI 1249 -
- Origin 890 Jump 6YI 1099 -
- Origin 890 Jump 6MI 1029 -
RSI RSI Aurora ES 10YI 37 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 10YI 420 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 6YI 399 -
- RSI Constellation Phoenix 5YI 394 Revel&York Hangar
- URSA Rover 5YI 63 -
- URSA Rover 10YI 70 -
Below are listed combo packs with different combination of vehicles, or with space ships
Combo packs Insurance Price (Concept), $ Comments
Offroad Vehicle Pack LTI 137 Cyclone TR + URSA + Greycat PTV
Tumbril Cyclone Pack LTI 305 All Cyclones
All-Terrain Vehicle Mega Pack LTI 473 All Cyclones + Ursa + Lynx + Greycat
Air and Space Pack LTI LTI 315 Terrapin + Cyclone AA
Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 378 Gragonfly + Nox + X1 + Ursa + Cyclone + Nova + bonus
Deluxe Ground Vehicle Pack VIP LTI 840 A lot of items, check screenshot
Module Insurance Price, $
MISC Endeavor Modules (Pods) - -
RSI Galaxy Modules
Galaxy - Med Bay Module 10YI 116
Galaxy - Refinery Module 10YI 126
Galaxy - Cargo Module 10YI 95
Aegis Vanguard battlefield upgrade kits
Harbinger battlefield upgrade kit LTI 140
Sentinel battlefield upgrade kit 6MI 69
Other stuff
Add-ons - Aegis Idris P after market kit - 294
Module Insurance Price, $
Overlord "Dust Storm" Armor Set - 11
Overlord "Riptide" Armor Set - 11
Overlord Helmets "Silent Strike" Pack - 8
Overlord Helmets "Forces of Nature" Pack - 8
Parasite Replica Helmet (Original) - 11
Parasite Replica Helmet (Dark Birth) - 11
Stegman's Cordimon "Voyager" Complete Outfit - 11
Stegman's IndVest “Pathfinder” Complete Outfit - 11
RSI MacFlex Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 21
RSI Venture Rust Society full armor set (5 items) - 32
Mr. Refinement’s Cabinet of Rare & Exquisite Spirits - 11
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #1 - 5
Life in the 'Verse Shirts Pack #2 - 5
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #1 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #2 by CC's Conversions - 10
"Caudillo" Helmets Pack #3 by CC's Conversions - 10
QuikFlarePro Pack - 5
QuikFlarePro Pack Deluxe - 6
Polar Vortex Collection - 7
Cold Front Collection - 7
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Mirage" Combat Knife - 5
UltiFlex FSK-8 "Ghost" Combat Knife - 5
Urban Collection by Element Authority - 11
Adventurer Collection by Element Authority - 11
Manaslu Rust Society Jacket - 8
RSI Horizon Rust Society Helmet - 8
RSI Beacon Rust Society Undersuit - 6
Paladin helmet - 10
IAE-insurance upgrades (adds IAE insurance (10 years) to your ship)
Upgrade Price, $
Prospector to F7C-M Super Hornet 50
Vanguard Warden to Caterpillar 60
Sorted by: Manufacturer -> ship
Target ship manufacturer Target ship Upgrade from Price, $
Aegis Dynamics Avenger Titan Renegade 325A 18
- Avenger Warlock 325A 29
- Avenger Warlock Arrow 26
- Eclipse Constellation Andromeda 78
- Eclipse Vanguard Sentinel 37
- Eclipse Vanguard Warden 53
- Eclipse Blade 37
- Gladius Valiant Gladius 32
- Gladius Valiant M50 23
- Hammerhead Constellation Aquila 477
- Hammerhead 600i Touring 357
- Hammerhead 600i Explorer 315
- Hammerhead Merchantman 131
- Hammerhead Hull D 236
- Hammerhead Crucible 446
- Hammerhead Carrack 173
- Hammerhead Reclaimer 383
- Hammerhead Prowler 341
- Hammerhead Orion 120
- Hammerhead Glaive 435
- Hammerhead Best in Show edition Carrack 219
- Hammerhead Best in Show edition Orion 169
- Nautilus Constellation Aquila 462
- Nautilus Endeavor 425
- Nautilus Crucible 425
- Nautilus Genesis Starliner 372
- Nautilus M2 Hercules 246
- Nautilus Merchantman 110
- Nautilus 600i Explorer 294
- Nautilus 600i Touring 336
- Nautilus Orion 110
- Nautilus Prowler 330
- Nautilus Carrack 173
- Nautilus Reclaimer 372
- Nautilus Hull D 215
- Nautilus C2 Hercules 372
- Nautilus Valkyrie 399
- Reclaimer Constellation Aquila 110
- Reclaimer Starfarer Gemini 84
- Reclaimer Endeavor 73
- Reclaimer Crucible 73
- Reclaimer Valkyrie 47
- Redeemer Constellation Andromeda 110
- Redeemer Vanguard Hoplite 110
- Redeemer Mole 31
- Retaliator Bomber Constellation Andromeda 57
- Retaliator Bomber Vanguard Warden 39
- Retaliator Razor 46
- Retaliator Ballista 52
- Sabre Prospector 31
- Sabre Gladiator 16
- Sabre SRV 16
- Sabre Comet Sabre 31
- Sabre Comet Freelancer MIS 26
- Sabre Comet Khartu-Al 31
- Sabre Comet F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 23
- Sabre Comet Gladiator 35
- Vanguard Harbinger Constellation Andromeda 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Sentinel 26
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Hoplite 68
- Vanguard Harbinger Vanguard Warden 42
- Vanguard Hoplite Constellation Taurus 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Defender 33
- Vanguard Hoplite F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 54
- Vanguard Hoplite Hurricane 44
- Vanguard Hoplite Terrapin 33
- Vanguard Sentinel Constellation Andromeda 52
- Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Warden 31
- Vanguard Warden Constellation Andromeda 31
- Vanguard Warden Vanguard Hoplite 35
- Vulcan Prospector 61
- Vulcan Cutlass Blue 40
- Vulcan Freelancer MIS 40
- Vulcan Sabre 46
- Vulcan Sabre Comet 30
- Vulcan F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 40
- Vulcan F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 30
- Vulcan Gladiator 51
- Vulcan Khartu-Al 46
Anvil Aerospace Ballista Freelancer DUR 15
- Ballista Cutlass Red 15
- Carrack Constellation Aquila 320
- Carrack Mole 320
- Carrack M2 Hercules 99
- Carrack 600i Explorer 147
- Carrack 600i Touring 189
- Carrack Prowler 183
- Carrack Reclaimer 225
- Carrack Genesis Starliner 225
- Carrack Valkyrie 215
- Carrack C2 Hercules 189
- Carrack Hull D 73
- Carrack Endeavor 283
- Carrack Crucible 283
- Carrack Starfarer Gemini 294
- Carrack W/C8X Carrack 55
- Carrack Expedition Carrack 60
- Carrack Expedition Carrack W/C8X 40
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack 80
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack W/C8X 73
- Carrack Expedition W/C8X Carrack Expedition 68
- Crucible Starfarer Gemini 26
- Crucible Constellation Aquila 94
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Prospector 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Khartu-AL 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Gladiator 32
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Freelancer MIS 22
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Sabre 27
- F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I Razor EX 43
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Prospector 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MAX 68
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Razor EX 63
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Gladiator 52
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Khartu-AL 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre 47
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Sabre Comet 31
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 42
- F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I Freelancer MIS 42
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Prospector 31
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Khartu-Al 16
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Gladiator 22
- F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I Sabre 16
- Gladiator Prospector 21
- Hawk Gladius 21
- Hurricane Constellation Taurus 22
- Hurricane Prospector 69
- Hurricane Gladiator 58
- Hurricane F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 48
- Hurricane F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 37
- Hurricane Freelancer MIS 48
- Hurricane Sabre 53
- Hurricane Sabre Comet 37
- Hurricane Khartu-Al 53
- Terrapin Prospector 84
- Terrapin Constellation Taurus 33
- Terrapin Freelancer MAX 86
- Terrapin F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 52
- Terrapin Freelancer MIS 63
- Terrapin Vulcan 36
- Terrapin Gladiator 73
- Terrapin Khartu-Al 65
- Terrapin Sabre 65
- Valkyrie Constellation Aquila 78
- Valkyrie Endeavor 42
- Valkyrie Starfarer Gemini 52
- Valkyrie Crucible 42
- Valkyrie Glaive 42
Aopoa (Xi'an) Khartu-Al Prospector 29
- Khartu-Al Freelancer MAX 31
- Nox Aurora LN 22
- Nox Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox MPUV Cargo 27
- Nox Kue Aurora LN 17
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Black 15
- Nox Kue Dragonfly Yellowjacket 15
- Nox Kue Mustang Beta 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Personnel 15
- Nox Kue MPUV Cargo 22
- San'tok.yāi Constellation Taurus 56
- San'tok.yāi Hurricane 46
- San'tok.yāi Vulcan 56
ARGO Astronautics MPUV Cargo Mustang Alpha 15
- SRV F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 26
- SRV Razor 31
- SRV Prospector 21
- SRV Freelancer MAX 26
- SRV Razor EX 21
Banu Merchantman Mole 199
- Merchantman Starfarer Gemini 169
- Merchantman Prowler 231
- Merchantman 600i Touring 236
- Merchantman 600i Explorer 194
- Merchantman Genesis Starliner 273
- Defender Constellation Taurus 31
- Defender Retaliator 57
- Defender Cutlass Blue 57
- Defender Freelancer MIS 65
- Defender Gladiator 70
- Defender Khartu-Al 65
- Defender Sabre 65
- Defender F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 59
- Defender F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 50
Consolidated outland Mustang Delta Mustang Gamma 22
- Mustang Delta Avenger Stalker 15
Crusader Industries Genesis Starliner Constellation Aquila 115
- Genesis Starliner Endeavor 73
- Ares Inferno Constellation Andromeda 26
- Ares Ion Constellation Andromeda 26
- A2 Hercules 600i Touring 393
- A2 Hercules 600i Explorer 351
- A2 Hercules M2 Hercules 304
- A2 Hercules Carrack 220
- A2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 519
- A2 Hercules Crucible 483
- A2 Hercules Endeavor 483
- A2 Hercules Hull D 273
- A2 Hercules Merchantman 168
- A2 Hercules Orion 168
- A2 Hercules Prowler 388
- A2 Hercules Reclaimer 430
- A2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 504
- C2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 110
- C2 Hercules Valkyrie 47
- C2 Hercules Crucible 73
- C2 Hercules Endeavor 73
- C2 Hercules Glaive 73
- C2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 84
- M2 Hercules Constellation Aquila 236
- M2 Hercules 600i Touring 110
- M2 Hercules 600i Explorer 68
- M2 Hercules C2 Hercules 147
- M2 Hercules Crucible 199
- M2 Hercules Endeavor 199
- M2 Hercules Genesis Starliner 147
- M2 Hercules Prowler 105
- M2 Hercules Reclaimer 147
- M2 Hercules Starfarer Gemini 210
- A1 Spirit F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 63
- A1 Spirit Razor 68
- A1 Spirit Khartu-Al 42
- A1 Spirit F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 26
- A1 Spirit Sabre 42
- A1 Spirit Prospector 57
- A1 Spirit Zeus Mk II MR 21
- C1 Spirit Freelancer 26
- C1 Spirit Legionnaire 15
- C1 Spirit Nova 15
- C1 Spirit Cutlass Black 26
- C1 Spirit Talon 21
- C1 Spirit Talon Shrike 21
- E1 Spirit Razor 15
- Mercury Star Runner Prospector 120
- Mercury Star Runner San'tok.yāi 31
- Mercury Star Runner Defender 52
- Mercury Star Runner F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 99
- Mercury Star Runner F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 89
- Mercury Star Runner Freelancer MIS 99
- Mercury Star Runner Hurricane 63
- Mercury Star Runner Khartu-Al 105
- Mercury Star Runner Razor EX 120
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre Comet 89
- Mercury Star Runner Sabre 105
- Mercury Star Runner Terrapin 52
- Mercury Star Runner Vulcan 73
Drake Interplanetary Caterpillar Constellation Andromeda 116
- Caterpillar Constellation Aquila 31
- Caterpillar Best in Show Edition Vanguard Harbinger 89
- Corsair Prospector 115
- Corsair Constellation Taurus 68
- Corsair Freelancer MAX 120
- Corsair Freelancer MIS 94
- Corsair Sabre 99
- Corsair Sabre Comet 84
- Corsair Gladiator 105
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Mk I 84
- Corsair F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 68
- Corsair F7C Hornet Wildfire Mk I 94
- Corsair Vulcan 68
- Corsair Hurricane 57
- Corsair Razor EX 115
- Corsair Khartu-Al 99
- Cutlass Black Best In Show Edition Gladius 52
- Cutlass Blue F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 36
- Cutlass Blue Razor 36
- Cutlass Blue Prospector 31
- Cutlass Red F7C Hornet Mk I 21
- Cutlass Red Freelancer 36
- Cutlass Steel Constellation Taurus 47
- Cutlass Steel Railen 21
- Cutlass Steel Defender 26
- Cutlass Steel Terrapin 26
- Cutlass Steel Vulcan 47
- Cutlass Steel Hurricane 36
- Cutlass Steel F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker Mk I 47
- Dragonfly Black MPUV Cargo 15
- Herald 325A 26
- Herald Avenger Titan Renegade 21
- Ironclad Prowler 31
- Ironclad 600i Touring 36
- Ironclad Reclaimer 73
- Ironclad Genesis Starliner 73
- Ironclad C2 Hercules 73
- Ironclad Assault M2 Hercules 26
- Ironclad Assault Hull C 47
- Ironclad Assault 600i Explorer 73
- Ironclad Assault Ironclad 99
- Ironclad Assault Prowler 110
- Ironclad Assault 600i Touring 115
- Vulture Prospector 31
- Vulture Razor EX 31
- Vulture Sabre 15
- Vulture Khartu-Al 15
- Vulture Gladiator 21
- Vulture SRV 21
- Mule Aurora LX 21
- Mule Mustang Beta 15
- Mule STV 15
- Mule Ranger TR 15
- Mule MPUV Personnel 15
- Mule MPUV cargo 21
Esperia Blade Constellation Andromeda 52
- Glaive Constellation Aquila 52
- Glaive Starfarer Gemini 26
- Talon Gladius 42
- Talon Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Freelancer 21
- Talon Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Buccaneer 21
- Talon Shrike Gladius 42
- Talon Shrike Reliant Mako 36
- Talon Shrike Freelancer 21
- Talon Shrike Cutlass Black 21
- Talon Shrike Buccaneer 21
- Prowler Constellation Aquila 147
- Prowler Reclaimer 57
- Prowler Genesis Starliner 57
- Prowler Endeavor 110
- Prowler Crucible 110
- Prowler 600i Touring 21
MISC Freelancer MIS Prospector 32
- Freelancer MIS Freelancer MAX 37
- Freelancer MIS Gladiator 22
- Freelancer MIS Sabre 16
- Freelancer MIS Razor EX 32
- Freelancer MIS SRV 22
- Endeavor Constellation Aquila 78
- Endeavor Starfarer Gemini 52
- Hull A 300I 42
- Hull A Mustang Gamma 47
- Hull B 325A 94
- Hull C Constellation Andromeda 294
- Hull D Constellation Aquila 278
- Hull D Starfarer Gemini 262
- Razor F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Razor Nova 36
- Razor F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 15
- Razor LX F7C-S Hornet Ghost Mk I 21
- Razor LX Freelancer DUR 26
- Razor LX Razor 15
- Razor LX 350r 36
- Razor EX Freelancer MAX 15
- Razor EX Razor LX 15
- Razor EX F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 15
- Reliant Tana 325a 15
- Reliant Sen Arrow 21
- Reliant Mako Gladius 15
- Starfarer Constellation Andromeda 76
- Starfarer Vanguard Warden 55
- Starfarer Vanguard Harbinger 24
- Starfarer Vanguard Sentinel 39
- Starfarer Vanguard Hoplite 76
- Starfarer Blade 39
- Starfarer Apollo Medivac 39
- Starfarer Gemini Constellation Aquila 57
- Starfarer Gemini Redeemer 21
- Starfarer Gemini Mole 47
Origin Jumpworks 350r Freelancer 28
- 350r Nova 17
- 350r Legionnaire 17
- 350r Talon 23
- 350r Talon Shrike 23
- M50 Gladius 22
- 85X Aurora CL 15
- 100i Dragonfly Black 18
- 100i Dragonfly Yellowjacket 18
- 100i MPUV Personnel 22
- 100i Mustang Beta 22
- 100i X1 16
- 125a 100i 22
- 125a 85X 19
- 125a Ursa 19
- 125a X1 Force 14
- 135C 100i 27
- 135C 125a 15
- 135C 300i 14
- 135C Cyclone 19
- 135C Mustang Gamma 19
- X1 Mustang Alpha 26
- X1 Aurora LN 15
- X1 MPUV Cargo 21
- X1 Velocity Mustang Beta 21
- X1 Velocity MPUV Personnel 21
- X1 Velocity X1 15
- X1 Force Aurora CL 21
- X1 Force X1 Velocity 15
- X1 Force Nox 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Vanguard Hoplite 21
- 400i Constellation Andromeda 21
- 400i Scorpius 31
- 600i Touring Constellation Aquila 147
- 600i Touring Constellation Phoenix 110
- 600i Touring Reclaimer 57
- 600i Touring Starfarer Gemini 120
- 600i Touring Endeavor 110
- 600i Touring Crucible 110
- 600i Touring Eclipse 162
- 600i Touring Genesis Starliner 57
- 600i Touring C2 Hercules 57
- 600i Explorer 600i Touring 63
- 600i Explorer Constellation Aquila 189
- 600i Explorer Prowler 57
- 600i Explorer Genesis Starliner 99
- 600i Explorer Starfarer Gemini 162
- 600i Explorer Endeavor 152
- 600i Explorer Reclaimer 99
- 600i Explorer Crucible 152
- 600i Explorer C2 Hercules 99
RSI Apollo Triage Constellation Andromeda 23
- Apollo Triage San'tok.yāi 23
- Apollo Medivac Constellation Andromeda 49
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Warden 26
- Apollo Medivac Apollo Triage 36
- Apollo Medivac Vanguard Hoplite 47
- Constellation Taurus F7C-R Hornet Tracker Mk I 42
- Constellation Taurus Razor 47
- Mantis Razor 15
- Mantis Ballista 21
- Perseus Mole 409
- Perseus Carrack 110
- Perseus Carrack W/C8X 89
- Perseus Carrack Expedition 84
- Perseus Carrack Expedition W/C8X 63
- Perseus Merchantman 57
- Perseus Orion 57
- Perseus 600i Explorer 241
- Perseus M2 Hercules 194
- Perseus Hull D 162
- Polaris Constellation Aquila 509
- Polaris Perseus 131
- Polaris M2 Hercules 294
- Polaris Nautilus Solstice Edition 78
- Polaris Hammerhead 78
- Polaris Carrack 210
- Polaris Crucible 472
- Polaris Merchantman 157
- Polaris Orion 157
- Orion Constellation Aquila 209
- Orion Starfarer 219
- Orion 600i Touring 273
- Orion Reclaimer 294
- Orion Genesis Starliner 294
- Orion M2 Hercules 168
- Orion Prowler 252
- Ursa Fortuna Ursa 36
Tumbril Storm Nomad 23
- Storm Herald 17
- Storm Avenger Warlock 17
- Storm Reliant Sen 17
- Storm Spartan 23
- Storm AA Gladius 23
- Storm AA Storm 21
- Storm AA Reliant Mako 15
- Storm AA Hull A 21
- Cyclone Ursa 15
- Cyclone 85X 15
- Cyclone Dragonfly Yellowjacket 26
- Cyclone Dragonfly Black 26
- Cyclone Aurora LN 26
- Cyclone Nox 21
- Cyclone Mustang Beta 26
- Cyclone MPUV Personnel 26
- Cyclone Nox Kue 21
- Cyclone Aurora CL 21
- Cyclone X1 21
- Cyclone AA Cyclone 36
- Cyclone AA Cyclone RN 26
- Cyclone AA Cyclone TR 26
- Cyclone AA Ursa 42
- Cyclone AA Cyclone RC 26
- Cyclone RC Ursa 26
- Cyclone RN Ursa 26
- Cyclone TR Ursa 26
- Ranger RC Mustang Alpha 15
- Ranger CV Mustang Alpha 15
- Ranger TR Ranger RC 15
- Ranger TR Ranger CV 15
- Ranger TR MPUV Cargo 15
- Ranger TR Mustang Alpha 21
- Ranger TR Aurora LX 15
- Ranger TR P-72 Archimedes 15
- Nova Ursa 84
- Nova Cyclone 78
- Nova Cyclone TR 68
- Nova Cyclone RN 68
- Nova Cyclone RC 68
- Nova Cyclone AA 52
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submitted by Furystorm to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

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2024.06.11 07:55 Parsnip Diamantenhände 💎👐 German market is open 🇩🇪

Guten Morgen to this global band of Apes! 👋🦍
I just want to start by thanking you all for your steadfast support of this community. The breadth of this movement is demonstrated here each day.
With the SHFs continuing their aggressive FUD campaign and overzealous price manipulation, we saw exactly the discounts that many of us were wishing we'd purchased just a week ago. I puchased this latest dip as I have so many others, as I will regret if I somehow miss the last dip before the MOASS. With the official earnings date tomorrow, I am eager to see if any additional information is shared that we haven't seen in the recent releases with the share offerings. I personally am looking forward to updated DRS numbers.
Will they remain unchanged? Will they have gone up by the exact amounts of the share offerings? Will the DTCC's DRS number manipulation still be on full display? And finally, will the shorts do their usual fire sale after earnings?
Today is Tuesday, June 11th, and you know what that means! Join other apes around the world to watch infrequent updates from the German markets!

🚀 Buckle Up! 🚀

  • 🟩 120 minutes in: $24.95 / 23,19 € (volume: 121820)
  • 🟩 115 minutes in: $24.93 / 23,18 € (volume: 118857)
  • 🟥 110 minutes in: $24.86 / 23,11 € (volume: 116050)
  • 🟥 105 minutes in: $24.87 / 23,12 € (volume: 113009)
  • 🟩 100 minutes in: $24.95 / 23,20 € (volume: 109149)
  • 🟥 95 minutes in: $24.82 / 23,08 € (volume: 108210)
  • 🟥 90 minutes in: $24.92 / 23,17 € (volume: 104891)
  • 🟩 85 minutes in: $24.94 / 23,19 € (volume: 104310)
  • 🟥 80 minutes in: $24.87 / 23,12 € (volume: 102256)
  • 🟥 75 minutes in: $24.92 / 23,17 € (volume: 98536)
  • 🟩 70 minutes in: $24.95 / 23,20 € (volume: 95287)
  • 🟩 65 minutes in: $24.92 / 23,17 € (volume: 90900)
  • 🟥 60 minutes in: $24.81 / 23,07 € (volume: 88765)
  • 🟩 55 minutes in: $24.90 / 23,15 € (volume: 86402)
  • 🟥 50 minutes in: $24.84 / 23,10 € (volume: 85344)
  • 🟥 45 minutes in: $24.87 / 23,12 € (volume: 83447)
  • 🟥 40 minutes in: $24.90 / 23,15 € (volume: 74849)
  • 🟩 35 minutes in: $25.11 / 23,34 € (volume: 68324)
  • 🟩 30 minutes in: $25.00 / 23,24 € (volume: 63528)
  • 🟥 25 minutes in: $24.98 / 23,22 € (volume: 61664)
  • 🟩 20 minutes in: $25.13 / 23,37 € (volume: 56957)
  • 🟩 15 minutes in: $25.10 / 23,34 € (volume: 49250)
  • 🟥 10 minutes in: $24.93 / 23,18 € (volume: 44118)
  • 🟥 5 minutes in: $24.95 / 23,20 € (volume: 34556)
  • 🟩 0 minutes in: $25.36 / 23,58 € (volume: 14960)
  • 🟥 US close price: $24.83 / 23,08 € ($25.02 / 23,26 € after-hours)
  • US market volume: 127.84 million shares
Link to previous Diamantenhände post
FAQ: I'm capturing current price and volume data from German exchanges and converting to USD. Today's euro -> USD conversion ratio is 1.0756. I programmed a tool that assists me in fetching this data and updating the post. If you'd like to check current prices directly, you can check Lang & Schwarz or TradeGate
Diamantenhände isn't simply a thread on Superstonk, it's a community that gathers daily to represent the many corners of this world who love this stock. Many thanks to the originator of the series, DerGurkenraspler, who we wish well. We all love seeing the energy that people represent their varied homelands. Show your flags, share some culture, and unite around GME!
submitted by Parsnip to Superstonk [link] [comments]