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Will we ever see any news in the media on “Putin is being accused of rape”?

2024.02.18 15:03 SergiyIlluk Will we ever see any news in the media on “Putin is being accused of rape”?

The verdict of the International Criminal Court in the case “Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda” and the possibility of bringing the government officials of the Russian Federation to justice for crimes of rape committed by Russian members of armed forces is analyzed by Olena Temchenko, an expert of the Expert Center for Human Rights.
Wars have almost always gone hand in hand sexual violence. Mankind tried to establish certain rules and the corresponding prohibitions for leading war. In the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, the prohibition of rape is established directly, as well as indirectly through the prohibition of torture and ill-treatment during both international and internal armed conflicts.
Despite the unanimous position of the world community, the issuance of a number of verdicts in high-profile cases of the International Criminal Court, the development of practical implementation in national courts regarding criminal liability for such crimes, rape continues to be committed even during the conflicts in the twenty-first century.
So did happen in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).
The Union of Congolese Patriots and Patriotic Forces (UPC/FPLC) participated in a non-international armed conflict with the opposing side in Ituri, DRC Province in 2002-2003. One of the leaders of these armed formations was Bosco Ntagandu. UPC/FPLC soldiers raped women, children and men.
ICC in the case THE PROSECUTOR v. BOSCO NTAGANDA №ICC-01/04-02/06 concluded that the actions of the UPC/FPLC against the civilian population were the foreseeable result of a premeditated strategy targeting the civilian population; the crimes were committed in accordance with the policy of the UPC/FPLC in which Bosco Ntaganda performed a very important military function.
Despite the claims of certain commanders (Kahwa) being made in front of the soldiers that “any soldier who … rapes women or girls will be shot dead”, military operations were carried out including rapes. No member of the UPC/FPLC formation was punished for this.
And although in these and other cases of rape of the civilian population Bosco Ntagand was not proven to be directly involved, on July 8, 2019, Trial Chamber VI of the ICC found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt on 18 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, in particular according to the Article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute Bosco Ntagand was found guilty as an indirect perpetrator of rape as a crime against humanity (Article 7(1)(g) Rome Statute) and as a war crime (Article 8(2)(e)(vi) Rome Statute). He was sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Mass rapes of the civilian population committed by Russian military personnel became a terrible reality during the year of full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.
After the liberation of the temporarily occupied territories, facts of rape of civilians performed by the Russian military were revealed.
Witnesses reported cases where commanders themselves organized rape or gave instructions that implied they condoned it. Thus, during the temporary occupation of Kyiv region, three military men entered a private house. One of them was a commander who ordered the woman to follow them, explaining: “Our guys have had a couple of drinks and now they want to relax.” The woman was raped.
The listed above and other documented crimes of Russian military personnel bear the marks of rape as a war crime and a crime against humanity in accordance with the elements of crimes of the ICC, which contain the interpretation of Articles 7 and 8 of the Rome Statute.
At the same time, Russian commanders did not apply disciplinary measures to prevent crimes and did not take measures to bring the perpetrators to justice. Wayne Jordash, a British lawyer who advises Ukrainian prosecutors, noted that he saw signs of tacit consent of the commanders in 30 cases he reviewed.
Law enforcement agencies of Ukraine investigate all detected crimes. As of March 4, 2023, the Prosecutor’s Office of Ukraine recorded 171 cases of sexual violence related to the military conflict. Most of them are in Kherson and Kyiv regions. Among the victims there are 39 men and 13 minors, including a boy, the rest are women.
But taking into account the latency of such crimes, there may be many more of them. According to human rights defenders, 90% of such crimes are not reported.
As world practice shows, victims of such crimes may refuse to report and further investigate the crime due to social stigma. Thus, expert Maeve Lewis, testifying during the ICC hearing of the above-mentioned case, claimed that women did not report their rape … because they were ashamed, victims would hide the act of rape to avoid social consequences.
Such a situation could be significantly changed by the prosecution of the guilty and not only the direct rapists, but also their commanders on the basis of Article 28 of the Rome Statute.
In our opinion, there are grounds for bringing to justice the top leadership of the aggressor country on the basis of analogy with the case of Bosco Ntaganda. After all, the Russian military and political leadership denies the commitment of sexual crimes, including rape by its military personnel. Such crimes are not investigated or prosecuted by the Russian side. Moreover, units whose servicemen repeatedly applied sexual violence, including against children, receive awards. Thus, the 64th motorized rifle brigade, which was stationed in Bucha, and is known for numerous cases of sexual violence, even against children, was awarded the honorary rank of Guardsman for “mass heroism, bravery, resilience and courage” according to Putin’s decree dated 04/18/2022.
In order to prosecute the government officials of the Russian Federation, military commanders and direct perpetrators of rape for rape as a war crime and a crime against humanity, it is important to carefully document the facts of rape for their subsequent delivery to the International Criminal Court.
For reference
This publication is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in the framework of the Human Rights in Action Program implemented by the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union (, conclusions, and recommendations presented in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID, the United States Government, or UHHRU. The contents are the responsibility of the authors and ECHR.USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results. USAID’s work demonstrates American generosity, promotes a path to recipient self-reliance and resilience, and advances U.S. national security and economic prosperity. USAID has partnered with Ukraine since 1992, providing more than $3 billion in assistance. USAID’s current strategic priorities include strengthening democracy and good governance, promoting economic development and energy security, improving healthcare systems, and mitigating the effects of the conflict in the East. For additional information about USAID in Ukraine, please call USAID’s Development Outreach and the Communications Office at +38 (044) 521-5753. You may also visit our website: or our Facebook page at
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2023.05.26 16:22 miarrial Le groupe Castel, géant français de la boisson, soupçonné d’avoir financé des milices en CENTRAFRIQUE, visé par une enquête du parquet antiterroriste

Le groupe Castel, géant français de la boisson, soupçonné d’avoir financé des milices en CENTRAFRIQUE, visé par une enquête du parquet antiterroriste
Le géant français du vin et de la bière, propriétaire notamment de la chaîne de magasin Nicolas, est visé par une enquête du parquet antiterroriste, selon les informations de la cellule investigation de Radio France ce vendredi. Une ONG le soupçonne d’avoir financé des milices armées en Centrafrique pour poursuivre ses activités dans le pays.
Le groupe du milliardaire Pierre Castel, géant français du vin et de la bière, est soupçonné d'avoir financé des milices armées pendant la guerre civile en Centrafrique
Des cannes à sucre se dressent à perte de vue. Dans ce paysage paisible, la vie ne semble rythmée que par le bruit de la coupe. C’est la saison de la récolte. Des centaines d’hommes s’affairent depuis l’aube au milieu de 5 000 hectares de plantations. Nous sommes à Ngakobo, une zone reculée de la Centrafrique, à 400 kilomètres à l’est de la capitale, Bangui. "C’est une petite ville atypique, à laquelle on accède après des heures de piste, raconte une humanitaire française qui a arpenté la région. On voit des champs à perte de vue et une usine juste à côté." Cette usine, c’est la sucrerie Sucaf RCA, la plus grande du pays. Elle appartient à la société française Somdiaa, elle-même filiale du géant industriel français Castel.
L’usine Sucaf RCA, rattachée au groupe Castel, est implantée à Ngakobo, à environ 400km de la capitale centrafricaine
À sa tête, l’homme d’affaires Pierre Castel a obtenu le monopole du sucre en Centrafrique il y a 20 ans. Une position dominante acquise avec l’aide de l’ancien président François Bozizé. Le milliardaire français, aujourd’hui 10e fortune française âgé de 96 ans, n’a jamais caché sa proximité avec les chefs d’États africains. "Je les connais tous. Ça aide, déclarait-il dans le magazine Challenges en juillet 2014. Les Africains sont reconnaissants quand vous les soutenez. Aucun ne m’a trompé."
>> ENQUETE. Paradis fiscaux : la face cachée de l’empire Castel, rattrapé par le fisc suisse
Aujourd’hui, le groupe de Pierre Castel est pointé du doigt par une ONG américaine, The Sentry, une organisation cofondée par l’acteur George Clooney. Elle lui reproche dans un rapport d’avoir versé de l’argent à des milices rebelles pour préserver ses intérêts économiques sur place. Des accusations que le groupe Castel réfute. Mais en France, le parquet national antiterroriste s’est saisi de l’affaire et a ouvert une enquête préliminaire pour des soupçons de complicité de crimes de guerre et de crimes contre l’humanité.
En cause : des faits qui ont eu lieu il y a une dizaine d’années. En 2012, la situation politique se dégrade considérablement en Centrafrique. Une coalition de milices armées, la "Seleka", est décidée à chasser le président Bozizé du pouvoir. Un peu partout, des affrontements éclatent entre ces rebelles et les "anti-balaka", qui se présentent eux comme des groupes d’auto-défense dans les villages. Le conflit est interethnique. La Seleka est composée essentiellement de musulmans – minoritaires dans le pays –, tandis que les anti-balaka sont pour la plupart chrétiens.
La localité de Ngakobo, où se trouvent les plantations de Castel, n’échappe pas à la flambée de violences. Au mois de décembre, des hommes de la Seleka attaquent la sucrerie. Deux personnes sont tuées et neuf autres blessées. À Paris, au siège de la société Somdiaa, la décision est prise de fermer l’usine Sucaf.
Ngakobo est touché par les violences de guerre civile, mais l’usine Sucaf rouvre ses portes alors que les exactions continuent
Début 2014, malgré l’insécurité qui règne encore, l’entreprise estime cependant que les conditions sont réunies pour reprendre son activité, soit à peine un an après la décision de fermeture. "Nous rouvrons le site, mais nous le faisons sous la protection de l’armée et dans le cadre d’un contrôle qui remonte jusqu’à l’ambassade, explique Pierre-Olivier Sur, l’avocat d’Alexandre Vilgrain, PDG de Somdiaa à l’époque. Une fois le site rouvert, pas moins d’une vingtaine d’ONG se succèdent sur place. Tout s’est passé sous le contrôle de ces ONG et sous la protection militaire internationale."
Les ONG que nous avons contactées nous ont pourtant répondu avoir passé très peu de temps dans la ville de Ngakobo. Quant aux soldats de la Minusca – la mission des Nations unies pour le retour de la paix en Centrafrique –, ils ne se sont pas révélé d’une grande efficacité pour faire cesser les conflits entre groupes armés. "J’ai vu les soldats de la Minusca à Ngakobo, raconte l’une des rares humanitaires françaises à être restée plusieurs jours dans le village. Hélas, comme ce fut trop souvent le cas en Centrafrique, leur action et leur intervention étaient toujours trop timides. Les soldats restaient le plus souvent calfeutrés dans leur camp et n’empêchaient en rien les groupes armés d’évoluer librement."

Soupçons d’accord financier

Attaques puis représailles, assassinats, vols… La population de Ngakobo vit dans la terreur. L’une des plus puissantes milices de la Seleka, l’Unité pour la paix en Centrafrique (UPC), contrôle désormais la province d’Ouaka. Ses hommes armés prennent leurs quartiers à Ngakobo. Certains s’installent dans les locaux gérés par la Sucaf. Le chef de l’UPC, Ali Darassa - aujourd’hui soupçonné de crimes de masse par l’ONU - devient un interlocuteur presque naturel de la diplomatie française et des dirigeants de la filiale du groupe Castel.
Des milices armées prennent le pouvoir dans la région où est implantée l’usine Sucaf, et certains s’installent même dans les locaux de l’entreprise
Mais pour l’ONG The Sentry, Ali Darassa n’a pas été qu’un simple "interlocuteur". L’organisation, qui affirme se baser sur de multiples témoignages et sur des rapports de sécurité internes à l’entreprise, soutient qu’un accord financier tacite aurait été passé entre la Sucaf et les rebelles de l’UPC, afin que ceux-ci assurent la sécurité du site. Ali Darassa et son adjoint auraient ainsi pu percevoir en cinq ans 258 000 euros en espèces, selon The Sentry.
Un rapport de sécurité interne à la société du groupe Castel, auquel nous avons eu accès, laisse en effet apparaître que l’UPC aurait réclamé de l’argent pour sécuriser le site de la Sucaf. Dans ce document daté du 21 janvier 2019, l’auteur écrit : "Réception dans mon bureau du commandant adjoint des Seleka qui réclame des droits d’alimentation à la Sucaf. C’est plus ou moins des menaces voilées. Ils demandent à ce que la direction leur donne une prime hebdomadaire pour la sécurisation."
Ces accusations sont jugées fantaisistes et infondées par le groupe Castel, qui a diligenté un audit interne. "Après un travail approfondi pendant près de huit mois (...), aucune trace d’un quelconque accord entre la direction du site et tel ou tel groupe armé pour continuer à opérer n’a été identifiée", affirme l’avocat français du groupe, Bruno Quentin.

Un racket "consenti"

Des représentants du groupe reconnaissent toutefois avoir cédé à une forme de racket de la part des groupes armés. Comme un peu partout dans le pays, la milice issue de la Seleka avait installé des barrières de péage autour de la ville de Ngakobo. "Il y avait des checkpoints de l’UPC qui délimitaient l’entrée de la ville. À celui par lequel nous étions passés, j’avais vu deux enfants, qui n'avaient pas plus de 12 ans, avec leur kalachnikov au bras, raconte un humanitaire français. Dans ces zones non contrôlées par le gouvernement, aucune marchandise ne pouvait circuler sans qu’une taxe ne soit payée aux groupes armés."
La milice issue de la Seleka avait installé des checkpoints et ne laissait passer que les véhicules qui leur payaient une taxe
Les camions qui transportaient le sucre du groupe Castel devaient donc rémunérer les miliciens s’ils voulaient entrer ou sortir du site. Dans un document interne à l’entreprise que nous avons consulté, un employé de l’usine de Ngakobo écrit le 16 mai 2017 : "Ali Darassa et son état-major ont instauré une taxe de douane de 150 000 francs CFA [environ 230 euros] par camion qui transporte le sucre de Ngakobo à Bangui. La taxe doit être payée à la sortie du site." Le racket aurait duré plusieurs années. Un autre document daté de novembre 2020 stipule que "de nouvelles taxes ont été imposées par les Seleka pour le transport de sucre. Ils réclament 80 000 francs CFA par camion. Si le camion ne charge pas le jour même, il doit payer 40 000 francs supplémentaires", est-il écrit.
Les transporteurs de la Sucaf payaient-ils l’UPC à chacun de leur passage ? "Je le crois, répond Pierre-Olivier Sur, l’avocat de l’ancien PDG de Somdiaa, dont la Sucaf est une filiale. C'est remonté, mais de façon très partielle, comme si c'était une chose obligée, normale, habituelle et absolument consentie de tous, y compris de l'ambassade de France." La diplomatie française a refusé de répondre aux questions de la cellule investigation de Radio France sur ce point, "une enquête pénale (étant) en cours".
Mais, toujours selon l’ONG The Sentry, le "deal’" supposé entre la Sucaf et l’UPC serait allé plus loin. Des miliciens de l’UPC auraient été chargés de saisir du sucre importé du Soudan qui devait être commercialisé illégalement en Centrafrique. Ce sucre aurait ensuite été reconditionné dans des sacs estampillés "Sucaf" à Ngakobo. The Sentry soutient qu’une commission prélevée sur la revente de ce sucre aurait été attribuée aux rebelles de l’UPC. "D'après les investigations menées, la revente de sucre de contrebande par Sucaf représente un million d'euros rien que pour l’année 2015, avance Clémence Witt, l’avocate française de l’ONG. On sait aussi par des témoignages que le pourcentage reversé aux groupes armés pouvait atteindre 50 %." Une fois encore, le groupe Castel nie en bloc.
Un marché aurait été passé entre les miliciens de l’UPC et l’usine Sucaf. Plusieurs centaines de milliers d’euros auraient pu être remis aux miliciens
Au total, quelques milliers de dollars ont pu être versés aux rebelles, mais "du bout des doigts", insiste pour sa part l’avocat Pierre-Olivier Sur. Cette affaire n’est, selon lui, pas comparable à celle qui vise le cimentier Lafarge, soupçonné d’avoir versé des millions de dollars à des membres de l’organisation terroriste Daech pour poursuivre son activité en Syrie (réécouter l'enquête de Benoît Collombat et Elodie Guéguen sur Lafarge en Syrie). "On n'a pas franchi la ligne jaune. On est bien en deçà, insiste Me Sur. Il n'y a surtout aucun lien de causalité entre cet argent qu'on distribue de façon minimaliste et les exactions qu'on pourrait qualifier de crimes contre l'humanité, s'il y en a eu."
Pour l’ancien patron de la Somdiaa, les sommes qui auraient pu être versées aux milices rebelles seraient donc dérisoires. Cet argent a cependant pu servir à alimenter le conflit armé dans ce pays qui est l’un des plus pauvres du monde. "On n'a pas affaire à des sommes extrêmement importantes, mais quand on voit le prix d'une kalachnikov sur le marché informel centrafricain, avec quelques milliers de dollars, on peut en acheter un certain nombre, explique Benoît Lallau, enseignant-chercheur à Sciences Po Lille, spécialiste des conflits. Et ça peut évidemment peser sur une dynamique locale de guerre."

"Ils lui ont tiré dessus à bout portant"

À partir d’octobre 2013, dans la province d’Ouaka, l’État ne contrôle plus rien. Le général de l’UPC, Ali Darassa, est désigné préfet militaire. Dès lors, il se sent chez lui partout. Il n’hésite pas à se rendre à Ngakobo dans des locaux gérés par la Sucaf pour passer la nuit ou profiter du réseau wifi de l’usine. Lorsqu’il débarque dans le village, il est escorté par des dizaines d’hommes en treillis, dans des pick-ups équipés de lance-roquettes ou de mitrailleuses. La population semble terrorisée par ces miliciens, si l'on en croit ce document de la Sucaf auquel nous avons eu accès : "Le 14 décembre 2020, les élèves de l’école primaire de la Sucaf ont débrayé suite à l’arrivée d’Ali Darassa. Le nombre de Seleka qui a investi la cour de l’école a effrayé les enfants qui sont tous sortis des classes en courant. C’est la panique généralisée."
Pendant plusieurs années, les événements tragiques seront quasi quotidiens. Le 7 février 2015, l’usine est attaquée à la roquette. Trois personnes qui travaillaient à l’étage de la cristallisation sont blessées et évacuées à l’hôpital. Quelques heures plus tard, ce même jour, un soudeur de la Sucaf est tué par des hommes d’Ali Darassa. "Ils lui ont tiré dessus à bout portant", peut-on lire dans un rapport sécuritaire de l’usine centrafricaine. Un autre compte-rendu mentionne une "débandade au village", le 8 juillet 2016, suite à l’"assassinat de M.Y. de retour des parcelles où il coupait les cannes".
La milice de l’UPC terrorise, assassine et vole les habitants de Ngakobo et plusieurs employés de l’usine Sucaf sont assassinés
Dans ces conditions, la société Somdiaa n’a-t-elle pas mis des salariés en danger ? Elle employait dans ses plantations de nombreux anti-balaka, ennemis jurés de l’UPC. "Le bilan coûts-avantages a été réfléchi, répond l’avocat Pierre-Olivier Sur. Est-ce qu'on va fermer le site de réfugiés [Ngakobo abritait un site de déplacés près du village ouvrier] ? Est-ce qu'on va virer les 1 200 personnes ? Est-ce qu'on va laisser plus de 10 000 personnes sans école, sans hôpitaux, sans maternité ?" Pour Me Sur, c’est d’abord un choix "humanitaire" qui a été fait en maintenant l’usine ouverte pendant la guerre.

Un massacre dans un camp de réfugiés

Précisons que l’enquête de la justice française ne porte pas sur une éventuelle mise en danger du personnel de la Sucaf. Mais les gendarmes de l’Office central de lutte contre les crimes contre l’humanité (OCLCH) vont se pencher sur une autre accusation portée par The Sentry : une possible aide matérielle et logistique aux milices armées. Des passages de rapports sécuritaires rédigés dans l’usine pendant la guerre civile peuvent en effet laisser penser que le chef de l’UPC venait régulièrement demander de petits "services" aux employés ou cadres de la Sucaf.
Le chef des miliciens de l'UPC, Ali Darassa, se rendait régulièrement à l’usine Sucaf pour réclamer des “services”
xtraits :
  • 14 juillet 2017 : "Le directeur de l’usine a rencontré Ali Darassa aujourd’hui. Ali Darassa a sollicité du gasoil et du sucre."
  • 14 décembre 2020 : "Ali Darassa a sollicité notre garage pour dépanner les phares de ses pick-ups. Il a promis de partir ce soir si ses phares sont réparés."
  • 7 février 2021 : "Arrivée d’Ali Darassa sur site avec quatre pick-ups et des hommes lourdement armés. Le pneu d’un de leurs pick-ups est crevé. Ils sollicitent l’intervention de nos pneumatiques."
Si ces dépannages ont eu lieu, il faudrait, selon The Sentry, s’interroger sur une possible complicité de crimes par fourniture de moyens. Un événement interroge particulièrement à ce sujet. Le 14 novembre 2018, le chef de l’UPC aurait une nouvelle fois demandé à la Sucaf de réparer l’un de ses pick-ups Toyota. Quelques heures plus tard, à 95 kilomètres de là, les miliciens de l’ex-coalition Seleka s’attaquent à un camp de déplacés chrétiens dans le village d’Alindao. Le site est entièrement brûlé. 112 personnes meurent, parmi lesquelles beaucoup de femmes et d’enfants. Pour les Nations unies, le massacre d’Alindao pourrait être qualifié de crime contre l’humanité. L’ONG The Sentry évoque la possibilité que le véhicule Toyota, qui aurait pu être réparé à Ngakobo, ait servi à commettre ces exactions.
La Sucaf a rendu des services à la milice d’Ali Darassa (dépannage, réparation, pleins de carburant) qui commettait des exactions dans la région
De son côté, le groupe Castel dénonce une nouvelle fois des accusations à charge et non corroborées. Pour la justice, les soupçons de complicité par fourniture de moyens sont assez difficiles à étayer en règle générale, précise-t-on par ailleurs du côté des enquêteurs. "Il faut qu'il y ait un élément moral, c'est-à-dire qu'il y ait connaissance de l'emploi et des moyens fournis pour commettre éventuellement des exactions, explique le général Jean-Philippe Reiland, chef de l’Office central de lutte contre les crimes contre l’humanité. Ce sont des dossiers très compliqués où il faut que l’on fasse la démonstration de la responsabilité de l'entreprise - ou de ses dirigeants - dans les faits reprochés."
Reste cette question : pourquoi alors, après de telles exactions, continuer d’accueillir Ali Darassa dans l’enceinte de l’usine Sucaf ? La nouvelle du massacre d’Alindao s’est, en effet, répandue très vite. Quelques heures plus tard, un employé de la Sucaf le mentionne dans son rapport qui sera transmis au siège de la maison-mère Somdiaa, à Paris. "Cet homme avait tenté de prendre le pouvoir par la force, rétorque l’avocat d’Alexandre Vilgrain, l’ancien patron de la Somdiaa. On le soupçonnait de tout ce qu'on peut imaginer dans ce genre de situation, Mais il avait institutionnellement installé son autorité et son pouvoir. Quand il arrive, on lui ouvre les portes. Il est le préfet. Que vouliez-vous faire ?", lance Me Pierre-Olivier Sur.

"Il fallait se retirer"

Sans évoquer précisément le cas du groupe Castel et de ses filiales, le patron de l’Office central de lutte contre les crimes contre l’humanité met en garde les dirigeants d’entreprises. Maintenir une activité économique en zone de guerre expose les sociétés à un risque pour leur réputation et sur le plan pénal. L’avocate française de The Sentry estime pour sa part que Castel aurait dû cesser ses activités dès le début de la guerre. "L'immense majorité des partenaires économiques et des sociétés qui interviennent dans des zones de guerre, dès lors qu'un conflit est initié ou qu’une situation sécuritaire est dégradée, se retire, affirme Me Clémence Witt. Or, là [dans le cas de la Sucaf en Centrafrique], la période temporelle est particulièrement problématique. Les faits qui sont dénoncés dans ce rapport vont de fin 2014 à début 2021, poursuit-elle. On est sur six années pleines et entières de soutien à un groupe qui commet des atrocités. La prudence, la mesure et le droit auraient réclamé un retrait."
Pendant six ans, la Sucaf a maintenu son activité et a soutenu une milice qui a commis des atrocités terribles dans la région
Ce retrait interviendra finalement, en juin 2022, par la liquidation de la société Sucaf sur décision du conseil d’administration de la Somdiaa. "Force a été de constater que la situation en Centrafrique dans les zones où Sucaf RCA opérait s’est complexifiée de jour en jour, rendant presque impossible la conduite de l’activité, et sans perspective d’améliorations", justifie dans un mail, Bruno Quentin, l’avocat français du groupe Castel.

Les Russes aux commandes

Aujourd’hui, la situation à Ngakobo, comme dans le reste de la Centrafrique, reste extrêmement chaotique. Les miliciens russes du groupe paramilitaire Wagner ont fait main basse sur l’essentiel des ressources du pays. Ils mènent aussi une campagne visant à déstabiliser les intérêts français et notamment l’activité bière du groupe Castel. Ainsi, Wagner est soupçonné d’être derrière un incendie criminel qui a ravagé en mars 2023 les entrepôts de bière du groupe dans la capitale, Bangui.
Dans ce contexte, le parquet antiterroriste aura certainement du mal à enquêter. "La Centrafrique est aujourd'hui dans une alliance très forte avec Moscou. La coopération avec la justice française est difficile à imaginer, juge Mathieu Olivier, journaliste à Jeune Afrique. Dans un pays qui est toujours en guerre civile, et où la France n'a pas vraiment une image extraordinaire en ce moment, ce sera très compliqué de mener des investigations sur place." De son côté, l’ONG The Sentry, qui a déjà fourni de nombreux documents aux enquêteurs, précise que plusieurs témoins qui lui ont permis de rédiger son rapport, seraient prêts à témoigner auprès de la justice française.
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submitted by miarrial to francophonie [link] [comments]

2022.08.12 00:51 Beautiful_Cycle6845 No Idea whats crashing my game atm. [FO4]

Yeah so recently my game has been crashing. like when I boot up the game, enb, and reshade are loading in, and its a black screen for like a minute then it crashes. I have no idea whats doing it. I sorted my load order, cleaned my entire load order, removed ones I thought were doing it and nothing. Can someone help me with this?
Load Order:
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 DLCUltraHighResolution.esm
8 8 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
9 9 WorkshopFramework.esm
10 a ArmorKeywords.esm
11 b HUDFramework.esm
12 c XDI.esm
13 d Homemaker.esm
14 e Snap'n Build.esm
15 f CleanMySettlement.esm
254 FE 0 PPF.esm
16 10 SS2.esm
17 11 SS2_XPAC_Chapter2.esm
18 12 TheFarmlands.esm
19 13 CWPointLookoutFO4.esm
254 FE 1 CWPointLookoutFO4Patch.esl
254 FE 2 UnderwearCW.esl
20 14 ProjectMojave.esm
254 FE 3 VaultOutfitPack.esl
254 FE 4 KillTips_by_tooun.esl
254 FE 5 Corpse Collision.esl
254 FE 6 tooun_Animationpack.esl
254 FE 7 Horrorghouls2.2.esl
254 FE 8 COOTS_LetMeSleep.esl
254 FE 9 PMOutfitPack.esl
21 15 SettlementKeywords.esm
22 16 EthreonMasterPlan.esm
254 FE a Pipboy3000A.esl
254 FE b Natural Bundle Cave Set.esl
254 FE c Natural Bundle Masonry Set.esl
254 FE d Natural Bundle Bunker Set.esl
254 FE e shaw memorial2k.esl
254 FE f NVG - Train crow landing height fix plus added train.esl
254 FE 10 NVG - Train crow landing height fix.esl
254 FE 11 Military Vehicles Retextured.esl
23 17 Arbitration - Resources.esm
254 FE 12 YouAndWhatArmy.esl
254 FE 13 NISTRONHDColorSystem.esl
254 FE 14 HiPolyFacesCompanionPlugin.esl
254 FE 15 NPSShopping.esl
254 FE 16 NCRArmourPack.esl
254 FE 17 HoloDisplay.esl
254 FE 18 AnimatedJewelry_ATG.esl
24 18 Fallout 4 Fixes.esm
25 19 CWSS Redux.esp
26 1a WeaponsFramework.esm
254 FE 19 AWHD2KFull.esl
254 FE 1a Inspectweapons.esl
254 FE 1b CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin.esl
254 FE 1c CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit.esl
254 FE 1d SavrenXFoodAndFoodware.esp
27 1b SettlementMenuManager.esp
254 FE 1e Visible Idle Markers.esp
28 1c TrashbegoneDLC.esp
29 1d Shatter - Statics.esp
30 1e WorkshopRearranged.esp
31 1f ImmersiveVendors.esp
32 20 Northland Diggers New.esp
33 21 Eli_Display Shelves.esp
34 22 ImmersiveCleaning.esp
35 23 Better Landscape Grass.esp
36 24 Boston Natural Surroundings.esp
37 25 D.C.I.R..esp
254 FE 1f hdreworkedprojectrevised.esp
38 26 Concord Revised.esp
39 27 RynsFallout4.esp
40 28 Improved Boston Airport.esp
254 FE 20 EAMR.esp
41 29 Boston_Police_Department.esp
254 FE 21 weightless misc items.esp
42 2a Armorsmith Extended.esp
43 2b ECO.esp
44 2c btinteriors_project.esp
45 2d Hangmans Alley Optimized.esp
46 2e VanillaExtensions.esp
47 2f ImmersiveV95.esp
254 FE 22 FPSL.esp
254 FE 23 Clarity.esp
48 30 ih_lv_cars_have_loot.esp
49 31 Immersive_Lexington.esp
50 32 g2m_Workshop_Nexus.esp
51 33 A Sensible Prydwen Overhaul.esp
52 34 RailroadRedone.esp
53 35 MutilatedDeadBodies.esp
54 36 NaiGoodneighbor.esp
55 37 subwayrunnnernodynamic.esp
56 38 SuperMutantRedux.esp
57 39 Stm_DiamondCityExpansion.esp
254 FE 24 weightless junk.esp
58 3a FunctionalDisplays.esp
59 3b Reverb and Ambiance Overhaul.esp
modern firearms.esp
254 FE 25 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
254 FE 26 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Weightless.esp
60 3c Immersive Pickup Sounds F04.esp
254 FE 27 FogOut - Interiors - All DLC.esp
61 3d MojaveImports.esp
62 3e ImmersiveCovenantCompound.esp
63 3f ImmersiveGunnersPlazaInterior.esp
64 40 Mac10.esp
65 41 THBrows.esp
254 FE 28 FIS-Naming-Weap-Armo-EN.esp
gkx better destruction through science!.esp
66 42 F4NV-N99.esp
254 FE 29 HiPolyFaces.esp
254 FE 2a CBBE.esp
254 FE 2b Eli_Sleeveless Outfits.esp
254 FE 2c Realistic Death Physics - ALL DLC.esp
254 FE 2d Realistic_conversations - More_NPCs.esp
254 FE 2e Classic VATS.esp
67 43 Glock19x.esp
254 FE 2f PeopleArentTheSameHeightTodd510.esp
254 FE 30 Nexus_PMC.esp
254 FE 31 PMC_extended.esp
254 FE 32 Look At Me TE.esp
68 44 Classic Combat Armor.esp
254 FE 33 Classic_Vault_111_Outfit_Replacer.esp
254 FE 34 MojaveImports-FallUIPatch.esp
69 45 AnimatedCandles.esp
70 46 NukaVimRack.esp
71 47 Wasteland Illumination.esp
72 48 ImmersiveBeantown.esp
254 FE 35 TheKite_Railroad_Handmaiden.esp
73 49 HAIA With Crafting.esp
254 FE 36 Look At Me CE.esp
74 4a CF_AtomicWarlord.esp
75 4b CastleRestored.esp
254 FE 37 S.BordersUnlocked-alldlc.esp
76 4c america rising - a tale of the enclave.esp
77 4d TrainBar.esp
78 4e Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
79 4f WorkshopPlus.esp
254 FE 38 DiamondCitywithoutTrash0.5.esp
80 50 FallComplete.esp
81 51 ImmersiveDrumlinDiner.esp
82 52 Immersive S Boston Military Checkpoint.esp
83 53 CrimeTown.esp
84 54 ImmersiveHubCityAutoWreckers.esp
85 55 DiamondCitywithoutTrash0.21.esp
86 56 The House.esp
87 57 Colt6520.esp
254 FE 39 Look At Me RE.esp
88 58 Be Exceptional.esp
89 59 Freeze.esp
all sanctuary houses destroyed.esp
90 5a wattzlasergun.esp
254 FE 3a Wattz Laser Gun - Unofficial Update.esp
91 5b W.A.T.Minutemen.esp
92 5c Minutemenoverhaul.esp
93 5d BetterFarHarbor_Open.esp
94 5e VALENTINE.esp
95 5f DCEnhancedSecurity.esp
96 60 FemsheppingsMegaSurgeryCenterRenovated.esp
97 61 AtlasSummit.esp
254 FE 3b DiamondCityAmbience.esp
98 62 VendorItemSteal.esp
254 FE 3c Fallout 4 AI Overhaul.esp
254 FE 3d You Talk Too Much.esp
99 63 Realistic_conversations.esp
254 FE 3e CR-TrainBar_Candles.esp
100 64 KSHairdos.esp
101 65 BetterSettlers.esp
102 66 MoreVariedBodyShapesAndSkins.esp
103 67 Facials.esp
104 68 The Eyes Of Beauty.esp
105 69 CheatTerminal.esp
106 6a Minutemen Supply Caches.esp
254 FE 3f Settlementobjectscombined.esp
254 FE 40 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
254 FE 41 Lots More Facial Hair.esp
254 FE 42 Lots More Female Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 43 Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
254 FE 44 Beautiful Female Settlers v. 2.0 - BS Compatible - VMSR.esp
254 FE 45 BlurKillerComplete.esp
254 FE 46 DistantBlurRemover.esp
107 6b NAC.esp
Vivid Waters.esp
108 6c Codsworths Janky Roof Repair Service.esp
254 FE 47 StopSetATKAIO.esp
109 6d MilitarizedMinutemen.esp
254 FE 48 SSNPC - DCResidentsAIO.esp
254 FE 49 Wasteland Heroines Replacer All in One_2.0.esp
254 FE 4a CROSS_CoA.esp
254 FE 4b Look At Me GE.esp
254 FE 4c Look At Me GE x SS2.esp
110 6e Mercenary.esp
deadly bosses.esp
111 6f ABundleofTape.esp
112 70 Vault-Tec Workshop Overhaul Redux.esp
254 FE 4d NAC X Water LOD Fix.esp
113 71 cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
114 72 cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC2.esp
254 FE 4e True Shadows - All DLC.esp
115 73 Vault88 - Essentials.esp
116 74 retakrew7 - workshop lighting overhaul.esp
117 75 CSEPBountyMod.esp
118 76 InsideJobs.esp
119 77 Minuteman Watchtowers.esp
120 78 VaultTecConcord.esp
121 79 EFF.esp
122 7a p865_SyntheticLove.esp
123 7b Elizabeth_Companion.esp
254 FE 4f CROSS_MojaveManhunter.esp
254 FE 50 Look At Me GNE.esp
124 7c mk14.esp
125 7d MK18.esp
126 7e standaloneconstruct.esp
254 FE 51 PRP-SS2-Fixes-Ch2.esp
254 FE 52 BunkerHillMinPatrol.esp
127 7f rangergearnew.esp
128 80 CombinedArmsNV.esp
129 81 P220.esp
254 FE 53 realisticbullets.esp
130 82 Weapons of Fate.esp
131 83 LString_Bow.esp
132 84 AER15.esp
133 85 AzarHolsteredWeapons.esp
134 86 CWCreateABot.esp
135 87 p99.esp
136 88 llamaCompanionHeatherv2.esp
137 89 FOLON-StandaloneReleaser.esp
138 8a [SS2 Addon] SimSettlements SuperStructures.esp
139 8b M1928A1.esp
140 8c P90.esp
254 FE 54 P90NPC.esp
141 8d FO4 NPCs Travel.esp
142 8e BH_MCX_Spear.esp
143 8f InstituteArsenalOverhaul.esp
144 90 aeh_shackinup.esp
145 91 ak74m.esp
146 92 CBJ-MS PDW.esp
147 93 CrudeBlowback.esp
148 94 NoPuzzlesForOldSynths.esp
254 FE 55 NV_LMG.esp
254 FE 56 VanBuren_223.esp
254 FE 57 XR92_Rifle.esp
149 95 SigMCX.esp
150 96 thefriedshirts.esp
254 FE 58 InsideJobs_UFO4P.esp
254 FE 59 PuddleReflectionFix.esp
254 FE 5a CROSS_BreakActionLaser.esp
151 97 Ciri.esp
152 98 AtomicRadio.esp
153 99 creativeclutter.esp
154 9a cVc Fishery.esp
155 9b SSEX.esp
156 9c cVc Dead Wasteland 6 DLC.esp
157 9d JetfuelRadio.esp
158 9e FnScar.esp
159 9f WM Chinese Assault Rifle - Standalone.esp
254 FE 5b DiamondCityAutoClose.esp
160 a0 HK_MP5.esp
254 FE 5c PPS43.esp
161 a1 HKUSP9mm.esp
162 a2 HRP_Mk23.esp
254 FE 5d 10mm Replacer and Expansion.esp
254 FE 5e LongRangeBulletHoles.esp
163 a3 Mossberg500.esp
164 a4 Remington700.esp
254 FE 5f Pine Trees Redone - BNS 2.4.esp
165 a5 Take and Equip.esp
166 a6 TrueGrass.esp
167 a7 VELDT.esp
254 FE 60 Better Rubble.esp
168 a8 3dscopes-replacer.esp
169 a9 AssaultRifleOverhaul.esp
170 aa 3dscopes.esp
254 FE 61 3dscopes-AssaultRifleOverhaul.esp
254 FE 62 CleanPoweredDoors.esp
171 ab Flashy_CrimeAndPunishment.esp
172 ac BountifulBoards.esp
254 FE 63 NeuraLOD.esp
254 FE 64 Radiant Clouds and Fogs.esp
173 ad Shatter - Glass.esp
254 FE 65 Shatter - Ceramic.esp
254 FE 66 Shatter - Filled.esp
254 FE 67 Shatter - Misc.esp
254 FE 68 Shatter - Wood.esp
254 FE 69 MK_ComponentsRedone.esp
254 FE 6a ConstructableWindmil.esp
254 FE 6b MercenaryCBBEPatch.esp
254 FE 6c dD-Enhanced Blood Basic.esp
174 ae Meleebangs.esp
254 FE 6d anymodanyweapon.esp
175 af 44MBF4.esp
176 b0 DaksCombatRifle.esp
254 FE 6e newwepsf.esp
254 FE 6f Remington700_Replacer.esp
254 FE 70 BF1 Animations - Deliverer v1.0.esp
177 b1 Mosin.esp
254 FE 71 CustomCamera.esp
254 FE 72 BetterNightVision.esp
178 b2 DarkerNights.esp
254 FE 73 DarkerNightsDetection.esp
254 FE 74 PowerLinePhysics.esp
179 b3 Reload Sounds.esp
254 FE 75 WheelMenu.esp
254 FE 76 Dark Sci Fi Vault Retexture 4k.esp
180 b4 HDCreaturesRework.esp
254 FE 77 RAW INPUT.esp
181 b5 Third Person Movement Speed Fix.esp
254 FE 78 Crows&Creatures_V1.esp
254 FE 79 Arbitration - Survival Damage by Player 1.5x.esp
254 FE 7a Arbitration - Survival Damage to Player 2x.esp
254 FE 7b LoreFriendlySurvivalChems.esp
182 b6 MercenaryOutfits.esp
183 b7 Military Gorka Suit.esp
184 b8 More_Clothes_Textures.esp
185 b9 PWR.esp
254 FE 7c ConditionBoy.esp
254 FE 7d PWR_HM.esp
254 FE 7e PWR_SKE.esp
186 ba HaxRPG7.esp
187 bb Ephla's Unique Chems.esp
254 FE 7f Rusty Face Fix.esp
254 FE 80 M8rDisablePipboyEffects.esp
188 bc OCDecorator.esp
254 FE 81 Pipboy3000A.esp
189 bd OCDecoratorDLC.esp
254 FE 82 OCDispenser.esp
190 be Sandbag Fortifications - Version 2C.esp
191 bf Stalker Suit.esp
254 FE 83 Boards to Spears.esp
254 FE 84 jdmCouchSleep.esp
254 FE 85 Wetness Shader Fix.esp
254 FE 86 WAVE.esp
192 c0 T-60 Equipment.esp
254 FE 87 Fallout 4 AI Overhaul - Better Goodneighbor Patch.esp
254 FE 88 ImmersiveDogmeat.esp
193 c1 DK811_ImmersiveSunGlasses.esp
254 FE 89 Sinking Bodies.esp
254 FE 8a Suit Up.esp
254 FE 8b Wet Effects.esp
254 FE 8c VividLOD.esp
254 FE 8d Better Bash.esp
254 FE 8e Fixed Gobo Effects.esp
254 FE 8f Popping Heads.esp
254 FE 90 BetterCasingEjection.esp
254 FE 91 Fixed Alpha Maps.esp
194 c2 PD_VisualReload.esp
195 c3 mmd_GuardPostWithSpotlights.esp
254 FE 92 MoreRealisticMovement.esp
196 c4 AA Better Companions - No Conflicts.esp
197 c5 HeadWounds.esp
198 c6 EasyHacking.esp
254 FE 93 Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
254 FE 94 BetterJunkFences.esp
254 FE 95 Leaf Piles Improved.esp
254 FE 96 FO4LaserBolts - InstituteWhite.esp
254 FE 97 FO4LaserBolts.esp
254 FE 98 E3PC.esp
254 FE 99 MilitarizedMinutemenImmersionFix.esp
254 FE 9a Arbitration - Button Lowered Weapons.esp
254 FE 9b FPSL - NukaWorld.esp
254 FE 9c CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit.esp
199 c7 1CAS_ServiceRifle.esp
254 FE 9d UsefulCrank.esp
200 c8 EvilViking13_MinutemenMorale.esp
254 FE 9e WindowBoards.esp
201 c9 F3metalarmor.esp
254 FE 9f DD_1x1_Foundation_Blocks.esp
202 ca American180nv.esp
254 FE a0 Submachine gun replacer.esp
254 FE a1 BetterMinigun.esp
254 FE a2 MyCart_Biohazard.esp
254 FE a3 BuildingBudgetExtender_Unlimited.esp
254 FE a4 Langleys HD Texture Workshop.esp
254 FE a5 TurretStands.esp
254 FE a6 CROSS_Blades.esp
254 FE a7 CROSS_Blades-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE a8 CROSS_InstituteExpeditionarySuit-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE a9 CROSS_VertibirdFlightsuit-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE aa CROSS_Wasteland_Ronin-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE ab CombinedArmsNV-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE ac WastelandImports+BeExeptional-MiscPatch.esp
254 FE ad Shatter - Other Containers.esp
254 FE ae Fallout 3 First Aid Box Replacer.esp
254 FE af ImTalkingToYou.esp
254 FE b0 SS2_XDI Patch.esp
254 FE b1 NoCameraCollision.esp
254 FE b2 Actor Scale Remover.esp
254 FE b3 DistantBlurRemoverVaultTecDLC.esp
254 FE b4 RBValentineJawSync.esp
254 FE b5 SimpleImpact.esp
254 FE b6 Auto Hide Crosshair.esp
203 cb Weapon Rack Extended.esp
204 cc AutoDoors.esp
254 FE b7 Insignificant Object Remover.esp
254 FE b8 Be Exceptional - Uninstall.esp
254 FE b9 DK811_BeExceptional_ClassicPerks.esp
205 cd Archimedes-II.esp
254 FE ba Archimedes-II-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE bb CROSS_BreakActionLaser-FallUIPatch.esp
254 FE bc CrudeBlowback - AWKCR.esp
254 FE be Shatter - Wood Containers.esp
206 ce MoreRobotVoices.esp
207 cf Radium.esp
254 FE bf Dynamic Music Overhaul.esp
208 d0 HandmadeRifleModificationPack.esp
254 FE c0 VHCE.esp
254 FE c1 SF PrestonGarvey.esp
254 FE c2 Genetical Father 1.0.1.esp
254 FE c3 Reanimated Stimpack Sounds.esp
254 FE c4 FAR.esp
254 FE c5 PA-Quick Animations.esp
254 FE c6 LC's UHD Skeletons.esp
254 FE c7 Stimpaks help you breathe.esp
254 FE c8 ValiusHDTextures2K.esp
254 FE c9 FlaconOil_BA2_1K_Part3.esp
254 FE ca FlaconOil_BA2_1K_Part1.esp
254 FE cb Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
209 d1 Ada2Human.esp
210 d2 PortableCloningDevice.esp
211 d3 SynthSwap.esp
212 d4 BetterCompanions.esp
254 FE cc Move (Get Out the Way).esp
254 FE cd BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
213 d5 SleekStylesPack.esp
254 FE ce AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
214 d6 LooksMirror.esp
215 d7 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
254 FE cf PeopleArentlmcpatch510.esp
216 d8 Playable Synth Eyes.esp
217 d9 HN66Fo4_EarringsV1.esp
254 FE d0 ExtendedHairColors.esp
254 FE d1 DnxTattoos.esp
254 FE d2 LooksMenu.esp
254 FE d3 Louder Workshop Radio + NukaWorld.esp
254 FE d4 More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
254 FE d5 LovingPiper.esp
254 FE d6 LovingCait.esp
254 FE d7 LovingCurie_1.0.3b.esp
254 FE d8 PlatinumCurieV2.1.esp
254 FE d9 AE Animated Jetpacks.esp
218 da ESPExplorerFO4.esp
219 db mso_sms.esp
220 dc Laser Weapon Reanimated.esp
221 dd Fallout 4 Consistency Tweaks.esp
254 FE da Consistent Power Armor Overhaul.esp
222 de Scopes.esp
254 FE db Penetration Framework.esp
254 FE dc 9x39 Real Time Cover Penetration Plugin.esp
223 df SideAim.esp
254 FE dd MK18_SA.esp
254 FE de BH_MCX_Spear_RTCP_Patch.esp
254 FE df SigMCX_SA.esp
254 FE e0 FnScar_SA.esp
254 FE e1 FunctionalDisplays-AID-WI-Weightless.esp
254 FE e2 CROSS_2077.esp
254 FE e3 Look At Me AE.esp
254 FE e4 CROSS_CryoLance.esp
224 e0 CROSS_RugerMkV.esp
254 FE e5 CROSS_BrotherhoodRecon.esp
254 FE e6 Look At Me BE.esp
254 FE e7 CROSS_CourserStrigidae.esp
254 FE e8 Look At Me IE.esp
225 e1 Inst_Exoskeleton_R-20.esp
226 e2 hellfirenew.esp
more realistic headshots.esp
227 e3 mauser rifle pack.esp
254 FE e9 SunLightAlignment.esp
228 e4 fn five-seven v3.0.esp
1st person animation tweaks.esp
2k lockpick interface retexture.esp
229 e5 americarising-gearoftheenclave.esp
230 e6 evilviking13_wastelandwalls.esp
231 e7 fusioncorerefueler.esp
232 e8 hzs office and stores.esp
233 e9 infinite conduit wall.esp
234 ea liberty_pa.esp
235 eb min_commonwealthlandlord.esp
254 FE ea not your average neon.esp
236 ec panhelmet.esp
237 ed postpillarsbeams.esp
254 FE eb realistic missile speed.esp
254 FE ec removeuglyflattrash.esp
rezero call of the witch death sound replacer.esp
238 ee sanctuaryparts.esp
239 ef skinarmorcraft-fo4-upc.esp
254 FE ed freefovpowerarmor.esp
254 FE ee freefov.esp
254 FE ef NAC-FH.esp
254 FE f0 NAC-NW.esp
254 FE f1 NACskintonefix.esp
254 FE f2 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
254 FE f3 Arbitration - Recommended Core.esp
254 FE f4 CompanionAccuracy.esp
deadliest explosions.esp
240 f0 EPO.esp
241 f1 PerformanceImproverMolotov.esp
254 FE f5 Better_Notes.esp
254 FE f6 Clothing Of The Commonwealth.esp
254 FE f7 SuperMutantRedux_ArmorSmithExtended.esp
254 FE f8 Look At Me RAE.esp
242 f2 MiscOutfitPackv2.esp
243 f3 StoneShit.esp
254 FE f9 DarkerNights-Radiant.esp
254 FE fa FogOut - Exterior - All DLC - Darker Nights - Level 0 - Dark Sky - No24-7.esp
254 FE fb FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL-Weightless.esp
254 FE fc Glowing Animals Emit Light.esp
254 FE fd Graffity2ElectricBoogaloo.esp
254 FE fe LookingStranger.esp
254 FE ff SSNPC - Minutemen.esp
254 FE 100 MiscHairstyle.esp
254 FE 101 Project Reality Footsteps FO4.esp
254 FE 102 PerpetualBeta_VaultTecSecurityHelmet.esp
254 FE 103 PerpetualBeta_WeldingHelmet.esp
254 FE 104 RemoteExplosives.esp
254 FE 105 AdvBubbleTurretSet-Real.esp
254 FE 106 NPC Spawner.esp
254 FE 107 SkipHSH1_6.esp
254 FE 108 Shatter - Electronics & Machinery.esp
254 FE 109 TransferSettlements.esp
244 f4 SKKFastStartNewGame.esp
254 FE 10a PRP.esp
254 FE 10b PRP-SS2-Fixes.esp
254 FE 10c PRP-Compat-DCA.esp
254 FE 10d PRP-Compat-Clarity-43.esp
254 FE 10e PRP-Compat-Fogout-Int.esp
245 f5 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp
254 FE 10f Pip-Boy Flashlight.esp
246 f6 Eli_Faction Housing Overhaul - AiO.esp
submitted by Beautiful_Cycle6845 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2019.02.27 23:14 CorellianDawn Need Some Help on a Massive Professional Build

At my work, I have been tasked with coming up with a computer than can run a fairly extensive data gathering and processing center. I don't really have all the details yet on the specifics, but it basically has to track and log various data and gps points for 150 vehicles using around 6 different programs with checkpoints, weight, etc., and then compile all that information and stick it up on a big map in real time.
I was asked to give a ballpark estimate for how much would cost, so I'm running some scenarios in PCPartPicker and here's what I have so far:

It has to run 24/7, so I gave it a giant UPC.

What do you guys think? Is this overkill or not enough? I'm a PC gamer builder, so this scale and functionality is a bit out of my wheel house.
submitted by CorellianDawn to buildapc [link] [comments]

2017.10.26 09:15 BTC2018 Why I Am Holding WaltonChain (WTC)

I would like to share some insight on why I am holding Walton (WTC).. Remember this is just my personal opinion and you should always do your own research and come up with your own assessment before investing.
When it comes to investing, one of the primary things I look for is growth potential. And when it comes to Waltonchain, I feel like the potential for growth is so extreme that it could be unprecedented. Of course I can't say for certain Waltonchain will make investors wealthy. But what I will say is Waltonchain is no stranger to the rapidly growing RFID technology, nor the market it resides in.
About Waltonchain
Everyone knows what a UPC code (bar code) is.. it stores the price and helps retail stores keep track of inventory levels. The advancement of this technology is what brought us RFID tags.. Below are the benefits RFID has over the traditional UPC bar code.
  • RFID chips can store much more information than bar codes.
  • RFID chips are a read/write technology, so more information can be added to them as needed.
  • RFID chips don’t require line-of-sight proximity (i.e., the information they store can be read even when products are still encased in boxes or crates).
  • RFID chips are more robust (i.e., not subject to problems caused by tearing, creasing, or alteration) than bar coding.
  • RFID chips can enable the tracking of individual pieces of merchandise.
What Waltonchain has done is taken the RFID technology to the next level by combining it with blockchain technology.. (See below)
  • A dissymmetric encryption and decryption module is integrated into the tag chip of this project, bringing out safer tag communication.
  • A dedicated storage space is integrated into the tag chip of this project for the storage of hash value of tag status and key information, which makes the tag content truly tamper-resistant;
  • The tag chip of this project adopts the low voltage and low power consumption design, and applies advanced technology; though with an increased size of design, its power consumption is lower than that of traditional design;
  • The anti-collision logic is added to the design scheme of the tag chip of this project. As a result, the collision probability is lower, and the probability of skipping - reading is significantly reduced.
Technical advantages of Waltonchain RFID tags.
  • High security;
  • It is possible to truly trace back to its source;
  • It is possible to achieve the anti-counterfeiting goal;
  • Realize the decentralization with less demanding requirements for credence;
  • Reduce labor costs.
Example of RFID in the real world
Rather than simply identifying an item as a box of Cheerios (as bar codes do), an RFID chip can uniquely identify a particular box of Cheerios and enable it to be tracked all the way through the sales chain, from the warehouse to a consumer’s shopping cart. This level of uniqueness in tracking can, for example, aid in the removal of expired merchandise from store shelves or assist in locating items designated as part of a product recall. - Snopes
Waltonchain's 4-phase development plan.
Walton team has formulated a 4-phase development plan, starting from infrastructure platform establishment to gradually incorporating retail, logistics and product manufacturing, and to finally achieving the full coverage of business ecosystem.
Basically Walton works with retail, logistics, and product manufacturing to improve efficiency on all fronts. The entire process from manufacturing all the way to delivery can be assisted and improved with Waltonchain. Waltonchain achieves this by developing state of the art tamper-resistant RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) chips with storage and encryption capabilities. Waltonchains RFID chips can be applied to any tangible item allowing traceability and improved security throughout its journey.
Phase 1
The team has developed the clothing system integration scheme based on RFID. The system has been implemented in Tries, SMEN and Kaltendin. The condition of widely application and promotion has been met. The team starts to research and develop the RFID beacon chip with proprietary intellectual property rights.
Phase 2
The RFID chips will be mass-produced and used in clothing, retail and logistics. This includes store pickup, pricing, order placing, packing and storage, sorting and distribution, store management, dispatching, customer signature, customer assessment and feedback.
Phase 3
Manufacturers will achieve traceable intelligent packaging. The entire processes will be covered, including material purchasing, production, assembly operation, packaging and inventory management. The quality of the materials can be verified and tracked to the source easily. Counterfeit goods can be eliminated to ensure customer interests.
Phase 4
In the future, all assets can be registered in Waltonchain and problems in asset ownership and traceability will be resolved.
Waltonchain isn't just an idea or some dream, it's becoming a reality. Product testing with manufacturers, warehouses and retail stores is already underway. Even though Waltonchain has a long road ahead (Roadmap), I believe there will be a growing demand not just for RFID technology, but specifically for Waltonchains RFID technology.
Let's take a look at some Q&A's collected from AMA's and FAQ.
How much money has gone into R&D so far? Will we see pictures of the hardware anytime soon?
So far between Silicon, Dr. Kim's Lab, and Waltonchain China and Waltonchain Korea, we have approximately spent $8million dollars in R&D alone. Walton chain RFID system prototype has been fabricated and the photos will be shown next month.
Does the Walton team currently hold, or have plans to file for, any patents that directly related to the RFID tag IC it has plans to produce?
Walton team has written and submitted at least four RFID-related patents. our senior advisor Dr. Kim owns 10s of patents, our affiliate Silicon owns many patents as well. (As you can see form CEO Mo Bing’s introduction video). All of the above patents should be and will be readily available for our use to product Waltonchain’s IP advantages over our potential competitors.
If at some point in the future other companies want to use RFID chips using technology created by WaltonChain, will they pay royalties to WaltonChain for technology patented by WaltonChain members?
What would be an example or scenario, of a RFID chip applying to the average person daily life? Maybe even if they are not aware of their tech surroundings
Many, e.g. supermarket merchandise inventory, RFID anti-theft system of clothing store and so on. You can pretty much think that we would almost work in any scenario with tangible products. But our focus is firstly to break through the clothing industry right now. Think about Walmart or Target and Costco, and then think about their suppliers, the businesses that supply to these large retailers. They can all be our clients.
Have you tested your RFID tech with any company outside of the clothing industry?
Yes, we also test in retail stores and warehouses.
Why choose the application of garment industry as the breakthrough point in Phase 1.0 of this project?
*The RFID tag has achieved the management of item level in the application of garment industry. Hence, the number of usage is enormous. Large amounts of experimental data can be obtained easily in the development and early application of the chip, as a result of which the chip and system technologies will mature quickly ;
*Many core members of the team have years of industry experience in the field of garment, and they are also familiar with the garment industry, the application of RFID intelligent system, and the promotion of software informationization products and other areas. With abundant resources of customer channels, the upfront cost of customer development is low. Therefore, it is possible to enter the market rapidly and to build up customer base in early days.
Does WaltonChain has its own blockchain?
Waltonchain is a self-developed public blockchain, and the wallet is expected to be online at the end of October. For now, WTC is an ERC20 token but when the Genesis block has been mined the token based on Ethereum will be replaced by the actual Walton Coin with the exchange rate of 1:1.
How much testing has been done in real companies who have opted for integration of WTC to see if it will be long term beneficial?
Up to now, many companies such as Tries, Joeone, SMEN in the apparel industry, Kehua, Lipson plastic in the manufacturing industry and Xiangyu group in the warehouse industry have applied for our WTC & RFID integration system. What is impressive is that all of them have benefited a lot by integrating our system! Compared to before integration, their yield rate has increased by 1.2%, the stock turnover increased by 5.8%, the distribution efficiency has improved by almost 100%, and the inventory efficiency almost tripled in their stores.
For customer information please refer to list below:
With the government subsidizing the project, are you able to provide any other insight into the involvement of the government (including other countries)?
Quanzhou Silicon, the technology backup of WTC in China and a subsidiary of the Silicon Group, has been awarded the “second-class international qualification”, and has received project subsidies from the local government of Quanzhou City, Fujian province. Another subsidiary of the Silicon Group, Nanjing Silihua is also involved in the R&D of the parent chain of WTC. The block chain system developed by this company has received substantial recognition by the technology staff of the government. And it is currently applying for the science and technology award of the Nanjing government.
Apart from this, Xiameng IOT Technology Co.,Ltd, another subsidiary of the Silicon Group, has received a 5-million-yuan subsidy for the project “Smart Ocean of Fujian Province”. The subsidy will be used for the establishment of an IOT-RFID system and the development of the corresponding series of products, which will be a dramatic driving force to the development of Smart Ocean industry in China. So far, the IOT-RFID product has made its footprint across the provinces and cities of mainland China, as well as in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, other southeastern Asian countries, North America and Europe . Its stability, sensitivity and reliability have been the model in the industry.
The Walton Coin (WTC)
  • Any child chain creation needs to expend Walton Coins (WTC). As the Walton ecosystem continues to grow, an increasing number of businesses will be joining the ecosystem, as a result of which they will expend a growing amount of WTC to create all kinds of child chains. Thus, the demands for WTC will rise correspondingly.
  • WTC is the only token of the parent chain in the entire business ecosystem. Any cross-child-chain data transmission and asset exchange will expend WTC. Once the ecosystem has been in place, the demands from the businesses for WTC will keep expanding.
  • The allocation mechanism of the transaction fees (such as A coins and B coins ) expended in the important officially-released child chains will be adjusted in an innovative manner, such as those in the transaction child chain or the sales child chain which will be used in the high-frequency circulation. Most of the transaction fees (say 90%) will be allocated to the wallets of child chain book-keeping nodes, while a small proportion (say 10%) will be exchanged to WTC and allocated to the wallets of parent chain book-keeping nodes.
As mentioned in the White paper, RFID tags can also play a vital role in smart stores. Although not unique to Waltonchain here are some RFID and smart store examples..
  • Smart hanger function: when the customer picks up the clothes on the smart hanger, the smart hanger automatically identifies the clothing label in the hands of the customer, the touch screen displays all the information of the clothes in a timely manner and inputs the data into the background server at the same time; the analyzing software automatically counts the data and generates statistical reports of each period for managers to view.
  • Smart fitting room function: when the customer picks up the clothes and walks into the fitting room, the smart fitting room automatically identifies the clothing label in the hands of the customer, the touch screen displays all the information of the clothes in a timely manner and inputs the data into the background server at the same time; the analyzing software automatically counts the data and generates statistical reports of each period (houmonth) for managers to view and estimate the production plan and popular designs according to the fitting rate.
  • Quick check-out function: using RFID can automatically identify the target information, the receiver can read multiple tags at once within its effective working range to achieve the simultaneous identification of multiple products, thus speeding up the check-out process and improve customer satisfaction.
  • Quick Decisions: A customer can't decide which of 3 dresses she wants. To help her decision, she looks at the RFID data and the movement of the dress in the store. It's there that she notices dresses #1 and #2 are often taken to the fitting rooms, but from there, dress #1 outsells dress #2. Dress #3 on the other hand barely makes it to the fitting room at all. Now, she's able to refine her decision making.
RFID technology is a rapidly growing market estimated to reach $40 billion by 2025. It's a competitive market with RAIN RFID (Board of directors include Google, Impinj, AIM, Smartrac and Amazon) but don't let that discourage you.. RFID is still in its infancy in terms of implementation which means there is plenty of room for growth and competition. And let's not forget, Waltonchain also has an impressive team and something RAIN doesn't... Blockchain technology. Waltonchain has patents readily available which gives it advantages over potential competitors.
You know.. I am not a writer but I tried to summarize Walton and it's potential the best I could. Even after reading this post you may not understand the probability of success. But i'll tell you this.. Finding manufacturers and retail stores in China to help launch this technology is NOT difficult at all. It would be quite the opposite, manufacturers and retail stores would be more than willing to participate considering the benefits RFID provides. It's the blockchain technology behind Waltonchains RFID chips, the ongoing research and development, the security, the intellectual property and everything in-between that makes Waltonchain valuable. Now I am not saying I think Walton will own every RFID smart-tag in existence, but I do believe Waltonchain's technology has potential to capture a good portion of the market long-term. Now remember, I am just telling you why I am holding Waltonchain and you should always research and come up with your own assessment before investing.
Upcoming Waltonchain Events
  • Migration to own blockchain - End of October
  • Wallet released - End of October
RFID and Internet of Things:
The number and range of IoT applications that can be envisioned with RFID devices are simply tremendous. The inherent value of RFID lies in enabling “things” to report data in real time for faster, quicker, more interactive decisions both at the industrial level and — increasingly — at the consumer level.
Perhaps the best-known concept, sometimes called the “killer app” for IoT, is the interconnected, automated home, where people can interact with everyday devices in their homes. This vision of the future sees appliances such as refrigerators being aware of their ‘state’, and knowing when to order and replenish groceries; electronics such as lighting, music and TV automatically tuning to individual preferences, which can be managed by presence (proximity to RF-enabled device), by time or by sensory input; access solutions, whether logical ones for Wi-Fi user authorization, or hands-free operation of doors and windows... the possibilities are truly endless. - Smartrac Group
RFID Information:
  • The global radio frequency identification (RFID) technology market is estimated to reach USD 40.5 billion by 2025, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. MarketWatch, May 2017
  • "We definitely see continued growth in retail, and unfolding to the point that it becomes as common as the barcode," - Carl Rysdon, VP of sales for Checkpoint Systems
  • "As good as this sounds, and as big as these numbers might appear, RFID adoption is still only scratching the surface — even when looking at retail apparel applications, where RFID tagging is perhaps achieving 1% of the total available market. Looking outside retail apparel, it’s even more obvious that RFID is still in its infancy in terms of implementation, considering the trillions of objects all around us that can be RFID-enabled." - ChainLink Research
Ill just toss this out there.. I think WaltonChain needs a new and secure website.
submitted by BTC2018 to u/BTC2018 [link] [comments]

2017.01.26 16:10 MRLOWKEY941 [WP] The Year is 3000, and humans are now born with serial numbers and UPC codes. At a security checkpoint for the Guardians Of Humanity, one of the guards scan your UPC and it rings up "Person Not Found"

Edit: To everyone writing in, thank you for taking your time to make my day better. I thoroughly enjoy reading you guys responses!
submitted by MRLOWKEY941 to WritingPrompts [link] [comments]

2016.05.26 21:54 BluntConehead [PS4] LF5M for KF HM Challenge, have CP. Doing it three times preferably.

Have Golg CP. Looking to do it three times so need to do some checkpoint exchanging.
All three of my toons are 334/335 and I have 335 Spindle. I know the challenge and would prefer that you do as well. Leave details below, party invite coming from UPC-Code.
submitted by BluntConehead to Fireteams [link] [comments]

2014.04.12 06:23 neverfaraway09 Checkpoints - Earn points towards gift cards by scanning barcodes off of products while you shop!

The title says it all. Just scan the barcode of the item specific to the store and you get points, use those points to earn gift cards to amazon, walmart, target, etc.
The website is and you can either sign up from there OR you can just sign up straight from the app on your phone. (available for ios and android. Don't worry, it's FREE! :D).
My referral code is neverfaraway09. You don't have to use it, but it will give you some bonus points to start out with (as well as me), so it would help both of us get some free money!
EDIT: Just want to let everyone know that you can re-scan the items on there every 24 hours, so just because they haven't added any new ones you can still earn points.
In case anyone wants to use these barcodes, I have them listed down below. These are most of the items that I have on my application. You may have more or less, not sure how it works. And fyi, I know some of the products don't match the picture on the app, but if you look, most of them say 'Any (product of a certain brand), so even though it may look different, they will still scan and give you the points for them. I'll also keep updating this with new products the app may come out with!! :)
Trident Gum
Leggs Pantyhose
Palermo's Pizza (Use UPC-A)
Miracle Whip (Will work for all 4 miracle whips listed)
Quilted Northern
Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh (Will work for all 4 Deli Fresh meats listed)
Paas Egg Decorating Kit
Belvita Breakfast Biscuits
Mt. Olive Pickles
McCormick Food Coloring
Ped Egg
Jelly Belly
Dr. Pepper
Pace Salsa
Loreal Revitalift Miracle Blur
Cutter Bug Spray
Dolci Frutta
Jiffy Pizza Crust
Clorox Green Works
Heinz Ketchup
Ortega Diced Green Chiles
Domino Sugar
Crystal Light
Pop Secret
Random Barcodes On this website I found, the welch's juice and ricola cough drops are currently on this. Just hit Ctrl, F and search for a product by name.
Edit 4/21/14: The ones crossed out are no longer on my application and I've updated with new ones. Not sure if this change was for everyone, but thought I would help weed out the older links. :)
submitted by neverfaraway09 to beermoney [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 19:07 frontbot 6pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. 30% of the file-sharers in the UK admit that they are going to pirate more films, music, games, and e-books within the next year. comments technology
  2. Jay Leno's 3D printer comments technology
  3. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  4. The FBI took -- and mysteriously returned -- their server. comments technology
  5. Game Of Thrones On Track To Be Most Pirated Show Of 2012; Pirates Still Asking HBO For Legitimate Options comments technology
  6. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  7. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  8. Anti-WiFi wallpaper lets cellular and radio through comments technology
  9. FBI Fears Bitcoin's Popularity with Criminals comments technology
  10. Facebook: pay to make your posts stand out... comments technology
  11. New Disney Research Turns Almost Anything Into An Interface comments technology
  12. Asteroid mining: The crazy, awesome plan to grab platinum from outer space. - Slate Magazine comments technology
  13. A website that reveals interesting correlations comments technology
  14. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  15. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  16. Time Warner CEO says that to combat movie piracy, dvds need to start being released soon after the movie is dropped from theaters comments technology
  17. New Cement-Making Method Could Slash Carbon Emissions The proof-of-concept device concentrates sunlight to break apart limestone. comments technology
  18. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  19. Wood 2.0: mass timber and the tall buildings of tomorrow comments technology
  20. Verizon Follows Twitter’s Example And Joins Friends Of The Internet Club The company refuses to comply with subpoena that would give out user details comments technology
  21. 5 future car technologies that truly have a chance comments technology
  22. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  23. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  24. Japanese researchers using particle accelerator to breed salt resistant rice comments technology
  25. Silk: exploring Wikipedia data brought to you by Sideshow Bob comments technology
  26. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  27. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
  28. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  29. Apple ‘iTV’ confirmed by Foxconn boss comments technology
  30. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  31. Pirate Bay to Anonymous: DDoS is censorship, cut it out comments technology
  32. SOPA Supporters Urge White House To Use Secretive TPP Process To Insert Draconian New IP Laws comments technology
  33. Kim Dotcom, MegaUpload’s Founder, Released Song about New Zealand MP comments technology
  34. CISPA has NOT been stopped. comments technology
  35. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  36. TestPAC and other Tech Activists Form Anti-Lamar Smith Alliance - Politico comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 18:07 frontbot 5pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. 30% of the file-sharers in the UK admit that they are going to pirate more films, music, games, and e-books within the next year. comments technology
  2. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  3. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  4. Jay Leno's 3D printer comments technology
  5. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  6. The FBI took -- and mysteriously returned -- their server. comments technology
  7. A website that reveals interesting correlations comments technology
  8. Anti-WiFi wallpaper lets cellular and radio through comments technology
  9. Facebook: pay to make your posts stand out... comments technology
  10. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  11. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  12. FBI Fears Bitcoin's Popularity with Criminals comments technology
  13. Asteroid mining: The crazy, awesome plan to grab platinum from outer space. - Slate Magazine comments technology
  14. New Cement-Making Method Could Slash Carbon Emissions The proof-of-concept device concentrates sunlight to break apart limestone. comments technology
  15. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  16. New Disney Research Turns Almost Anything Into An Interface comments technology
  17. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  18. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  19. 5 future car technologies that truly have a chance comments technology
  20. Game Of Thrones On Track To Be Most Pirated Show Of 2012; Pirates Still Asking HBO For Legitimate Options comments technology
  21. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  22. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  23. Japanese researchers using particle accelerator to breed salt resistant rice comments technology
  24. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
  25. Wood 2.0: mass timber and the tall buildings of tomorrow comments technology
  26. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  27. further rumours on iTV comments technology
  28. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  29. Apple ditching Google Maps in iOS 6 comments technology
  30. Foxconn Chief Confirms The Apple iTV comments technology
  31. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  32. Kim Dotcom, MegaUpload’s Founder, Released Song about New Zealand MP comments technology
  33. USPS has announced that it will refuse to ship any gear containing lithium ion batteries overseas. comments technology
  34. Apple ‘iTV’ confirmed by Foxconn boss comments technology
  35. My pet butt comments technology
  36. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  37. Siri says Nokia Lumia 900 the best smartphone ever comments technology
  38. Silk: exploring Wikipedia data brought to you by Sideshow Bob comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 17:07 frontbot 4pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. Volkswagen Passat sets world record for longest distance on one tank of clean diesel fuel comments technology
  3. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  4. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  5. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  6. 30% of the file-sharers in the UK admit that they are going to pirate more films, music, games, and e-books within the next year. comments technology
  7. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  8. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  9. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  10. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  11. A website that reveals interesting correlations comments technology
  12. 5 future car technologies that truly have a chance comments technology
  13. Facebook: pay to make your posts stand out... comments technology
  14. The FBI took -- and mysteriously returned -- their server. comments technology
  15. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  16. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  17. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  18. Anti-WiFi wallpaper lets cellular and radio through comments technology
  19. Jay Leno's 3D printer comments technology
  20. New Cement-Making Method Could Slash Carbon Emissions The proof-of-concept device concentrates sunlight to break apart limestone. comments technology
  21. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  22. Asteroid mining: The crazy, awesome plan to grab platinum from outer space. - Slate Magazine comments technology
  23. Apple ‘iTV’ confirmed by Foxconn boss comments technology
  24. Japanese researchers using particle accelerator to breed salt resistant rice comments technology
  25. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  26. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  27. USPS has announced that it will refuse to ship any gear containing lithium ion batteries overseas. comments technology
  28. My pet butt comments technology
  29. Mozilla: Microsoft/Apple browser issues not the same comments technology
  30. FBI Fears Bitcoin's Popularity with Criminals comments technology
  31. USPS won’t ship tablets and smartphones internationally comments technology
  32. Facebook testing 'highlight' feature, lets users pay $2 to promote their status updates comments technology
  33. European mobile data roaming costs to fall on 1 July comments technology
  34. Wood 2.0: mass timber and the tall buildings of tomorrow comments technology
  35. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  36. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  37. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 16:07 frontbot 3pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  3. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  4. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  5. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  6. Volkswagen Passat sets world record for longest distance on one tank of clean diesel fuel comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  9. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  10. 5 future car technologies that truly have a chance comments technology
  11. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  12. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  13. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  14. Mozilla: Microsoft/Apple browser issues not the same comments technology
  15. Facebook: pay to make your posts stand out... comments technology
  16. Apple ‘iTV’ confirmed by Foxconn boss comments technology
  17. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  18. New Cement-Making Method Could Slash Carbon Emissions The proof-of-concept device concentrates sunlight to break apart limestone. comments technology
  19. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  20. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  21. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  22. Japanese researchers using particle accelerator to breed salt resistant rice comments technology
  23. My pet butt comments technology
  24. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  25. A website that reveals interesting correlations comments technology
  26. Kim Dotcom, MegaUpload’s Founder, Released Song about New Zealand MP comments technology
  27. 30% of the file-sharers in the UK admit that they are going to pirate more films, music, games, and e-books within the next year. comments technology
  28. The FBI took -- and mysteriously returned -- their server. comments technology
  29. USPS has announced that it will refuse to ship any gear containing lithium ion batteries overseas. comments technology
  30. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  31. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  32. Facebook testing 'highlight' feature, lets users pay $2 to promote their status updates comments technology
  33. Asteroid mining: The crazy, awesome plan to grab platinum from outer space. - Slate Magazine comments technology
  34. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  35. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  36. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  37. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 15:07 frontbot 2pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  3. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  4. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  5. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  6. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  7. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  8. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  9. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  10. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  11. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  12. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  13. Mozilla: Microsoft/Apple browser issues not the same comments technology
  14. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  15. Microsoft Just Blew Google Away In Social Search - Business Insider comments technology
  16. Facebook testing 'highlight' feature, lets users pay $2 to promote their status updates comments technology
  17. Facebook: pay to make your posts stand out... comments technology
  18. 5 future car technologies that truly have a chance comments technology
  19. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  20. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  21. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  22. My pet butt comments technology
  23. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  24. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  25. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  26. Asteroid mining: The crazy, awesome plan to grab platinum from outer space. - Slate Magazine comments technology
  27. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  28. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  29. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  30. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
  31. USPS has announced that it will refuse to ship any gear containing lithium ion batteries overseas. comments technology
  32. "Starting next week, people won't be able to ship a whole host of electronics overseas because items like the iPad, Kindle, laptops, and smartphones use possibly combustible lithium ion batteries." comments technology
  33. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  34. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  35. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 14:07 frontbot 1pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  4. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  5. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  6. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. A new NZ ISP has withdrawn its "global mode" that allowed customers to evade country-based blocking of web content - just 48 hrs after enabling the service comments technology
  9. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  10. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  11. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  12. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  13. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  14. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  15. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  16. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  17. My pet butt comments technology
  18. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  19. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  20. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  21. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  22. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  23. Japanese researchers using particle accelerator to breed salt resistant rice comments technology
  24. Hartverdrahtet – Infinite complexity in 4096 bytes comments technology
  25. ZeroN - controlled magnetic levitation system [video] comments technology
  26. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  27. USPS has announced that it will refuse to ship any gear containing lithium ion batteries overseas. comments technology
  28. Mozilla: Microsoft/Apple browser issues not the same comments technology
  29. "Starting next week, people won't be able to ship a whole host of electronics overseas because items like the iPad, Kindle, laptops, and smartphones use possibly combustible lithium ion batteries." comments technology
  30. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  31. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  32. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  33. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  34. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 13:07 frontbot 12pm Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  4. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  5. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  6. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  9. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  10. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  11. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  12. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  13. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  14. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  15. My pet butt comments technology
  16. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  17. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  18. Google search ranking is editorial in nature and qualifies for First Amendment protection comments technology
  19. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  20. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  21. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  22. How To Survive A Robot Uprising (aka Robopocalypse) comments technology
  23. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  24. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  25. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  26. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  27. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  28. So Siri, What is the best cell phone ever? comments technology
  29. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  30. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  31. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  32. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  33. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  34. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  35. Poll: Would you buy this Nokia Windows tablet comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 12:07 frontbot 11am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  4. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  5. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  9. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  10. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  11. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  12. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  13. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  14. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  15. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  16. My pet butt comments technology
  17. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  18. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  19. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  20. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  21. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  22. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  23. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  24. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  25. Indie Allstars Bundle - Name your price for 10 great independent albums! comments technology
  26. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  27. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  28. So Siri, What is the best cell phone ever? comments technology
  29. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  30. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  31. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  32. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  33. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  34. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 11:07 frontbot 10am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  4. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  5. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  9. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  10. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  11. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  12. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  13. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  14. My pet butt comments technology
  15. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  16. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  17. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  18. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  19. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  20. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  21. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  22. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  23. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  24. Why the UK Pirate Party Runs a Pirate Bay Proxy comments technology
  25. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  26. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  27. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  28. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  29. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  30. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  31. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  32. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  33. So Siri, What is the best cell phone ever? comments technology
  34. Facebook starts charging users to highlight posts comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 10:07 frontbot 9am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  4. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  5. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  9. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  10. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  11. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  12. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  13. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  14. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  15. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  16. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  17. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  18. My pet butt comments technology
  19. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  20. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  21. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  22. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  23. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  24. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  25. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  26. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  27. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  28. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  29. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  30. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  31. So Siri, What is the best cell phone ever? comments technology
  32. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  33. Samsung buys streaming startup mSpot to take on iCloud and Google Play comments technology
  34. Facebook starts charging users to highlight posts comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 09:07 frontbot 8am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  4. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  5. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  8. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  9. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  10. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  11. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  12. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  13. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  14. My pet butt comments technology
  15. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  16. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  17. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  18. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  19. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  20. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  21. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  22. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  23. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  24. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  25. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  26. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  27. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  28. On Diaspora's Social Network, You Own Your Data comments technology
  29. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  30. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  31. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  32. Samsung buys streaming startup mSpot to take on iCloud and Google Play comments technology
  33. Facebook starts charging users to highlight posts comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 08:07 frontbot 7am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  4. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  5. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  8. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  9. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  10. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  11. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  12. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  13. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  14. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  15. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  16. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  17. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  18. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  19. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  20. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  21. Oracle might only receive $150,000 in damages from Google In what was once touted as a $6 billion case, Oracle might end up with only $150,000 in statutory damages. comments technology
  22. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  23. My pet butt comments technology
  24. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  25. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  26. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  27. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  28. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  29. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  30. So Siri, What is the best cell phone ever? comments technology
  31. Samsung buys streaming startup mSpot to take on iCloud and Google Play comments technology
  32. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  33. My own private Internet: .secure TLD floated as bad-guy-free zone - A venture with $9 million in backing wants to establish a locked-down domain. comments technology
  34. MIT: magnetically suspended 3D ball control system (super mouse) comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 07:07 frontbot 6am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  4. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  5. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  6. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  7. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  8. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  9. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  10. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  11. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  12. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  13. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  14. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  15. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  16. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  17. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  18. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  19. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  20. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  21. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  22. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  23. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  24. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  25. Samsung buys streaming startup mSpot to take on iCloud and Google Play comments technology
  26. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  27. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  28. My own private Internet: .secure TLD floated as bad-guy-free zone - A venture with $9 million in backing wants to establish a locked-down domain. comments technology
  29. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  30. MIT: magnetically suspended 3D ball control system (super mouse) comments technology
  31. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  32. Court Forbids Linking to Pirate Bay Proxies comments technology
  33. VLC hits a billion downloads comments technology
  34. Once the most recognized and successful electronics brand in the world, Sony posts its worst-ever fiscal year loss: $5.7 billion comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]

2012.05.11 06:07 frontbot 5am Fri 11 May 2012 - /r/technology

  1. "HBO co-president Eric Kessler has said he thinks the move away from traditional television to an internet-based model is just a fad that will pass" comments technology
  2. An American court has ruled that software can’t be regarded as property that may be stolen. comments technology
  3. After becoming the first European country to pass net neutrality into law yesterday, a court in The Hague has today ruled that Dutch internet providers UPC, KPN, Tele2, T-Mobile and Telfort must block access to The Pirate Bay. comments technology
  4. Home made, totally functioning, Tesla Coil GUN! comments technology
  5. That article someone posted where an HBO co-president said cord-cutting was a fad, well here is the video he is quoting (start at 17:45 for relevant Q&A). HBO is not run by idiots. comments technology
  6. Scamworld: 'Get rich quick' schemes mutate into an online monster comments technology
  7. Adobe is making users pay to upgrade to Photoshop CS 6.0 to fix a critical vulnerability in Photoshop CS 5.5; 5.5 was released just 13 months ago comments technology
  8. Mozilla calls Windows RT a return to the 'digital dark ages' for limiting browser choice, Google nods in agreement comments technology
  9. Why Are We Still Paying For Hotel Wi-Fi? comments technology
  10. Twitter stripping businesses of their Verified Badge if they stop advertising on Twitter (which costs $5,000/month minimum!) comments technology
  11. CISPA Internet Censorship bill and Privacy. Privacy since 9/11 is going away. We must have liberty not all SECURITY. Please read how technology is being used to destroy privacy comments technology
  12. Scholar: regulating Google results would violate First Amendment comments technology
  13. Ever wonder about the best way to live a fulfilling life? Using natural language processing algorithms, a new research website is crowd-sourcing collective wisdom on happiness and meaning in an attempt to unlock the mystery of what really matters in life comments technology
  14. Mozilla: Windows 8 a 'Return to the Digital Dark Ages' comments technology
  15. Wanna see awesome technology? Built in 1944, pulling over 6000 tons uphill at 35mph. comments technology
  16. Fight the Patriot Act and win. Next? Promise privacy, a surveillance-free ISP comments technology
  17. Transparent Aluminum comments technology
  18. Not just Wal-Mart: Dozens of U.S. companies face bribery charges - The Term Sheet: Fortune's deals blog Term Sheet comments technology
  19. Microsoft bans Firefox on ARM-based Windows: Raising the specter of last-generation browser battles, Mozilla launches a publicity campaign to seek a place for browsers besides IE on Windows devices using ARM chips comments technology
  20. New ISP offers Kiwis a “global mode” to bypass geo-blocking comments technology
  21. Adobe charges its users for fixing security vulnerabilities. comments technology
  22. A new online tool, made by a team of historians and information technology specialists at Stanford University, shows just how long and costly it was to send people and wheat between cities in the Roman Empire. comments technology
  23. This realistic Portal turret is the reason you should stay in school comments technology
  24. Samsung buys streaming startup mSpot to take on iCloud and Google Play comments technology
  25. Somebody in Japan builds a real life Transformer comments technology
  26. 'ICE & FBI Hatch Ingenious Plan To Make DVD Piracy Warnings Longer' comments technology
  27. Anything Can Be A Touch Screen Thanks To Disney's new Research comments technology
  28. My own private Internet: .secure TLD floated as bad-guy-free zone - A venture with $9 million in backing wants to establish a locked-down domain. comments technology
  29. Mark Shuttleworth, Open-Source Software's Sugar Daddy Talks Space, Sperm and Life As A Gazzillionaire comments technology
  30. MIT: magnetically suspended 3D ball control system (super mouse) comments technology
  31. Court Forbids Linking to Pirate Bay Proxies comments technology
  32. VLC hits a billion downloads comments technology
  33. Are you really getting ripped off on printer ink? comments technology
  34. Once the most recognized and successful electronics brand in the world, Sony posts its worst-ever fiscal year loss: $5.7 billion comments technology
submitted by frontbot to fronttechnology [link] [comments]