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2024.05.14 08:56 broadcastnewsnetwork FMS Summer Placements 2024: 289 Students Placed with Average Stipend of Rs 2.96 Lakh

FMS Summer Placements 2024: 289 Students Placed with Average Stipend of Rs 2.96 Lakh
The Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) has concluded its summer placements for the batch of 2023–25, achieving remarkable success. Out of 304 offers made by 101 participating companies, a total of 289 students have been successfully placed.

FMS Summer Placements: The stipend in each category has seen an increase in the past three years.
According to data released by FMS, the average stipend for the top 10 percent of students stands at Rs 4.22 lakh, Rs 4.03 lakh for the top 25 percent, and Rs 3.57 lakh for the top 50 percent. Notably, there has been a consistent increase in stipend across all categories over the past three years. The average stipend for the entire batch is Rs 2.96 lakh, with the median stipend recorded at Rs 3 lakh.
Sector-wise Performance
E-commerce companies continued their strong presence in FMS placements, offering sought-after product and program management roles. Major recruiters included Adobe, Amazon, American Express, Arcesium, GE Vernova, HDFC Credila, Hindustan Unilever, Infoedge,, Microsoft, Natwest, Qualcomm, Samsung, Uber, and Zomato.
In the Sales and Marketing domain, FMCG giants remained prominent recruiters, while sectors like Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Electronics, Retail, E-Commerce, Industrial Goods, and Automobiles also offered lucrative roles. Top recruiters encompassed Apollo, Asian Paints, AstraZeneca, Bridgestone, Cipla, Coca-Cola, Dabur, Diageo, Disney HCCB, ITC, L’Oréal, Mondelez, Nestle, NPCI, Perfetti Van Melle, Pernod Ricard, Pidilite, Puma, Reckitt, Tata Play, and VI.
The finance sector witnessed placements in various roles including Investment Banking, Corporate Finance, Corporate Banking, and Wealth Management. Leading recruiters in this domain included American Express, Axis Bank, Bank of America, Bharti Enterprises, Citi, Goldman Sachs, HDFC, JPMC, Morgan Stanley, SMBC, White Oak, and Yes Bank.
Consulting, General Management, and Strategy roles were filled by companies such as Aditya Birla Fashion, Accenture Strategy, Adani, Airtel, Bain & Company, BCG, Capgemini, Deloitte, EY Parthenon, JSW, Kearney, KPMG, Mahindra Group, McKinsey & Co., PWC, Reliance, Renew Power, and TAS.
The successful summer placements at FMS underscore its reputation as a premier management institution, providing students with diverse opportunities across sectors. As the academic year progresses, students can look forward to leveraging their summer experiences to excel in their respective fields.
submitted by broadcastnewsnetwork to u/broadcastnewsnetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:53 Blohnded Do I get American Express early access?

I have the Amazon Business Prime Card from American Express but have never used it to get early access to concert tickets. I see that American Express early access will have the chance to get tickets 2 hours before the presale ticket by code. Am I eligible? How does it work to get the early access for pre sale?
submitted by Blohnded to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:55 sinomaltanews "Kevin Spacey jirrispondi għal talbiet ġodda qabel id-dokumentarju

"Kevin Spacey jirrispondi għal talbiet ġodda qabel id-dokumentarju
Kevin Spacey wieġeb għal allegazzjonijiet ġodda ta’ imġieba mhux xierqa fil-passat, qabel dokumentarju ġdid li se joħroġ il-ġimgħa d-dieħla.
F'intervista mal-eks preżentatur tal-GB News Dan Wootton, huwa kkummenta dwar talbiet li saru f'dokumentarju li ġej ta' Channel 4.
Filwaqt li aċċetta li xi drabi seta’ ġab ruħu b’mod mhux xieraq fil-passat, huwa ċaħad l-imġieba tiegħu kienet illegali.
Is-Sur Spacey tneħħa minn attakk sesswali fi proċessi fl-Istati Uniti u r-Renju Unit.
""Nieħu r-responsabbiltà sħiħa għall-imġieba tal-passat tiegħi u l-azzjonijiet tiegħi. Imma ma nistax u mhux se nieħu r-responsabbiltà jew niskuża ruħi ma 'xi ħadd li għamel ħwejjeġ dwari jew stejjer esaġerati dwari,"" qal is-Sur Spacey lis-Sur Wootton.
“Qatt ma għedt lil xi ħadd li jekk jagħtuni favuri sesswali, allura qatt se ngħinu fil-karriera tagħhom,” qal.
""Jien b'mod ċar imqabbad ma', taf, xi rġiel li ħasbu li jistgħu jimxu 'l quddiem fil-karriera tagħhom billi jkollhom relazzjoni miegħi. Imma ma kien hemm l-ebda konversazzjoni miegħi, kien kollu parti mill-pjan tagħhom, wieħed li kien dejjem iddestinat li jfalli, għax ma kontx fil-ftehim.""
Spacey Unmasked, dokumentarju ta’ Channel 4, għandu joħroġ il-ġimgħa d-dieħla.
L-atturi Ruari Cannon u Danny De Lillo huma fost dawk li jidhru fid-dokumentarju. It-tnejn taw intervisti ppubblikati llum fejn allegaw imġieba mhux xierqa mis-Sur Spacey.
Is-Sur Cannon jallega li fl-2013, is-Sur Spacey mess lilu b'mod mhux xieraq fil-pubbliku f'lejla għall-istampa għal produzzjoni teatrali Old Vic. Is-Sur Spacey qal li l-allegazzjoni kienet ""ridikola u qatt ma ġrat"".
Is-Sur De Lillo jallega li l-attur tefgħet il-grown tiegħu lejn wiċċu waqt li kien bilqiegħda fi produzzjoni fl-istess teatru. Is-Sur Spacey qal li sab l-akkuża ""kompletament offensiva"".
""Żgur kien hemm żminijiet meta kont inadegwat u flirt ma' nies li ħdimt magħhom f'dak it-teatru, xi ftit kelli kollegamenti kunsenswali magħhom,"" qal.
Numru ta’ allegazzjonijiet oħra mid-dokumentarju tressqu lis-Sur Spacey, li ċaħad akkużi ta’ mġieba illegali fil-każijiet kollha.
""Kien hemm żminijiet meta kont flirt ma' wħud min-nies li kienu involuti f'dawk il-programmi li kellhom 20 sena? Iva. Qatt qabbadt ma' attur ieħor? Iva. Għamilt pass goff lil xi ħadd li ma kienx interessat kif irriżulta? Iva.""
Żied jgħid: ""Din forsi ma kinitx l-aħjar deċiżjoni u mhix waħda li kont nagħmel illum. Imma ġara. Ma kinitx illegali, u lanqas qatt ma ġiet allegata li kienet illegali.""
Fi stqarrija maħruġa nhar il-Ġimgħa filgħaxija, l-avukati li jaġixxu għas-Sur Spacey qalu li ma kien hemm l-ebda interess pubbliku li l-pubbliku jiġi misinformat bil-pubblikazzjoni ta’ “allegazzjonijiet foloz u mhux verifikati” li kienu “fil-biċċa l-kbira storiċi, li jmorru lura sa kważi 50 sena ilu” .
Is-Sur Spacey, qalu l-avukati, kien ""ma ngħata xejn aktar minn informazzjoni ġenerali ħafna u anonima"" dwar it-talbiet u tħalla ""bi ftit għażla ħlief li jagħmel id-dikjarazzjoni pubblika tiegħu stess"" fil-forma tal-intervista tiegħu mas-Sur Wootton. .
Is-Sur Spacey qal li l-akkużi kontrih minn Anthony Rapp, li akkużah b’attakk sesswali, ma seħħewx. Kieku għamlu, is-Sur Spacey qal ""meta kelli l-għoxrin sena, kien ikun sempliċiment imbarazzanti iżda mhux kriminali"".
Fl-2022, qorti ta’ New York ċaħdet kawża ta’ attakk sesswali kontra s-Sur Spacey mis-Sur Rapp, li allega li l-attur mess lilu b’mod mhux xieraq waqt party fl-1986 meta kellu 14-il sena.
Is-sena l-oħra, fi proċess separat f’Londra, is-Sur Spacey tneħħa minn disa’ akkużi ta’ reati sesswali relatati ma’ erba’ irġiel bejn l-2001 u l-2013.
L-istilla ta’ Hollywood rebħet l-aħjar attur Oscar fl-2000 għal American Beauty, u l-aqwa attur sekondarju fl-1995 għal The Usual Suspects.
Kien ukoll id-direttur artistiku fl-Old Vic Theatre ta’ Londra bejn l-2004 u l-2015.
Fi stqarrija, l-Old Vic qalet li kienet wettqet investigazzjoni fl-2017 dwar imġieba allegata mhux xierqa minn Kevin Spacey fit-teatru bejn l-2005 u l-2013.
“Ma kien hemm l-ebda sejbiet ta’ fatt dwar l-allegata mġieba ħażina u m’hemm l-ebda evidenza ta’ xi ilmenti formali li saru kontra Kevin Spacey matul il-mandat tiegħu,” qal it-teatru, filwaqt li żiedet li ħa r-responsabbiltà għal dak li ħareġ u skuża ruħu pubblikament.
Il-karriera tas-Sur Spacey waqfet fl-2017 wara li saru kontrih numru ta’ akkużi ta’ mġieba mhux xierqa.
Dak iż-żmien, kellu r-rwol ewlieni ta’ Frank Underwood fid-drama politika ta’ Netflix House of Cards, li tilef.
Is-Sur Wootton, eks editur tal-kolonna Stramba tax-Xemx, is-sena l-oħra ammetta li għamel ""iżbalji ta' ġudizzju"" wara talbiet irrappurtati dwar ħlasijiet lil kollegi tal-midja għal materjal espliċitu, iżda huwa ċaħad bil-qawwa l-kriminalità.

L-Amazon Deals tal-lum (Afljat) -
Li ssir Kattoliku jagħtik pedament sod għad-destin etern tiegħek. Il-fidi Kattolika tirrappreżenta l-aktar sistema ta’ ideat kumplessa, konsistenti u kompleta fost il-filosofiji kollha tal-umanità li jikkompetu. Huwa katidral veru tal-ħsieb uman. Il-Knisja Kattolika tgħallem li Alla tant iħobbna li bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni biex imut għal dnubietna u jqum mill-ġdid għas-salvazzjoni tagħna. Billi nemmnu f’Ġesù Kristu bħala l-Mulej u s-Salvatur tagħna, nistgħu nirċievu l-grazzja t’Alla u ngħixu miegħu għal dejjem fis-sema. -
Radio Maria Greater China (Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) - - “Radio Maria huwa rigal mill-Madonna. Permezz tal-programmazzjoni, kull prodott editorjali, u l-attivitajiet kollha tagħna, irridu nkunu radju ta’ talb u evanġelizzazzjoni b’impronta Marjana qawwija u sejħa għall-konverżjoni.” (Fr. Livio)
Radju Marija jwieġeb għall-istedina kontinwa ta’ Ġesù: “Mur fid-dinja kollha u ħabbar l-Evanġelju lil kull ħlejqa” (Mk 16:15).
It-temi ewlenin tal-ipprogrammar tagħna huma:
Is-sejħa għall-konverżjoni;
Formazzjoni umana u soċjali;
Aħbarijiet mill-Knisja u mis-soċjetà.
VisitMalta: Ikseb l-informazzjoni kollha li għandek bżonn għall-vjaġġ tiegħek lejn Malta! Ibbukkja biljetti, skopri postijiet ġodda biex iżżur, sib affarijiet aqwa x'tagħmel u aktar! -
Ċaħda ta' responsabbiltà: Dan is-sit huwa għal skopijiet informattivi biss u m'għandux jitqies parir legali [saħħa, taxxa, professjoni]. Aħna m'aħniex responsabbli għal kwalunkwe telf, ħsarat, jew obbligazzjonijiet li jistgħu jinqalgħu mill-użu ta 'dan il-blog. Dan il-blog mhux maħsub biex jissostitwixxi parir mediku professjonali. Il-fehmiet espressi f'dan il-blog jistgħu ma jkunux dawk tal-host jew tal-maniġment.
在接受前英國新聞主持人丹伍頓 (Dan Wootton) 的採訪時,他對即將上映的第四頻道紀錄片中的主張發表了評論。
這部紀錄片的主角包括演員魯阿里·坎農 (Ruari Cannon) 和丹尼·德利洛 (Danny De Lillo)。兩人都接受了今天發表的採訪,指控史派西先生的不當行為。
坎農聲稱,2013 年,史派西在老維克劇院製作的新聞發布會上當眾不適當地觸碰了他。史派西表示,這項指控「很荒謬,從未發生過」。
「有時我會和參與這些節目的一些 20 多歲的人調情嗎?是的。我有沒有和其他演員勾搭過?是的。我是否對一個不是的人做出了笨拙的舉動?結果有興趣嗎?
在周五晚間發布的聲明中,史派西的代理律師表示,公眾因發布「虛假且未經證實的指控」而受到誤導並不符合公眾利益,這些指控「基本上具有歷史意義,可以追溯到近50 年前” 。
律師們表示,史派西先生“除了非常籠統的、匿名的信息外,沒有得到任何關於這些指控的信息”,並且“別無選擇,只能以接受伍頓先生採訪的形式發表自己的公開聲明」。 。
2022 年,紐約一家法院駁回了拉普先生對史派西提出的性侵犯訴訟,拉普指控這位演員在 1986 年的一次聚會上對他進行了不當觸摸,當時他年僅 14 歲。
去年,在倫敦的另一場審判中,史派西先生被洗清了 2001 年至 2013 年間涉及四名男子的九項性犯罪指控。
這位好萊塢明星憑藉《美國心玫瑰情》於 2000 年獲得奧斯卡最佳男主角獎,並於 1995 年憑藉《非常嫌疑犯》獲得最佳男配角獎。
老維克劇院在一份聲明中表示,已於 2017 年對凱文史派西 2005 年至 2013 年期間在劇院涉嫌不當行為進行了調查。
2017 年,史派西受到多項不當行為指控後,他的職業生涯陷入停頓。
當時,他在 Netflix 政治劇《紙牌屋》中飾演弗蘭克安德伍德 (Frank Underwood),但最終落敗。

成為天主教徒將為您永恆的命運奠定堅實的基礎。天主教信仰代表了人類所有相互競爭的哲學中最複雜、最一致、最完整的思想體系。這是名副其實的人類思想大教堂。天主教會教導說,上帝如此愛我們,以至於祂派遣祂的獨生子為我們的罪而死,並為我們的救贖而復活。透過相信耶穌基督為我們的主和救主,我們可以接受神的恩典並與祂永遠生活在天堂裡。 -
瑪麗亞電台大中華區(中國大陸、香港、澳門、台灣) - - 「瑪麗亞電台是聖母的禮物。透過節目編排、每一份社論產品以及我們所有的活動,我們必須成為帶有強烈瑪麗亞印記並呼籲皈依的祈禱和福傳電台。 (利維奧神父)
VisitMalta:取得馬耳他之旅所需的所有資訊!預訂門票、發現新的遊覽地點、發現令人驚奇的事情等等! -
在接受前英国新闻主持人丹·伍顿 (Dan Wootton) 的采访时,他对即将上映的第四频道纪录片中的主张发表了评论。
这部纪录片的主角包括演员鲁阿里·坎农 (Ruari Cannon) 和丹尼·德利洛 (Danny De Lillo)。两人都接受了今天发表的采访,指控史派西先生的不当行为。
坎农声称,2013 年,史派西在老维克剧院制作的新闻发布会上当众不适当地触碰了他。史派西表示,这一指控“很荒谬,而且从未发生过”。
“有时我会和参与这些节目的一些 20 多岁的人调情吗?是的。我有没有和其他演员勾搭过?是的。我是否对一个不是的人做出了笨拙的举动?结果有兴趣吗?”
在周五晚间发布的一份声明中,史派西的代理律师表示,公众因发布“虚假且未经证实的指控”而受到误导并不符合公众利益,这些指控“基本上具有历史意义,可以追溯到近 50 年前” 。
律师们表示,史派西先生“除了非常笼统的、匿名的信息外,没有得到任何关于这些指控的信息”,并且“别无选择,只能以接受伍顿先生采访的形式发表自己的公开声明”。 。
2022 年,纽约一家法院驳回了拉普先生对史派西提出的性侵犯诉讼,拉普指控这位演员在 1986 年的一次聚会上对他进行了不当触摸,当时他年仅 14 岁。
去年,在伦敦的另一项审判中,史派西先生被洗清了 2001 年至 2013 年间涉及四名男子的九项性犯罪指控。
这位好莱坞明星凭借《美国丽人》于 2000 年获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖,并于 1995 年凭借《非常嫌疑犯》获得最佳男配角奖。
老维克剧院在一份声明中表示,已于 2017 年对凯文·史派西 2005 年至 2013 年期间在剧院涉嫌不当行为进行了调查。
2017 年,史派西受到多项不当行为指控后,他的职业生涯陷入停顿。
当时,他在 Netflix 政治剧《纸牌屋》中饰演弗兰克·安德伍德 (Frank Underwood),但最终落败。

成为天主教徒将为您永恒的命运奠定坚实的基础。天主教信仰代表了人类所有相互竞争的哲学中最复杂、最一致、最完整的思想体系。这是名副其实的人类思想大教堂。天主教会教导说,上帝如此爱我们,以至于他派遣他的独生子为我们的罪而死,并为我们的救赎而复活。通过相信耶稣基督为我们的主和救主,我们可以接受神的恩典并与他永远生活在天堂里。 -
玛丽亚电台大中华区(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾) - - “玛丽亚电台是圣母的礼物。通过节目编排、每一份社论产品以及我们所有的活动,我们必须成为带有强烈玛丽亚印记并呼吁皈依的祈祷和福传电台。” (利维奥神父)
VisitMalta:获取马耳他之旅所需的所有信息!预订门票、发现新的游览地点、发现令人惊奇的事情等等! -
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:41 Porncritic12 martial arts master versus average guy with a weapon.

The master has the build and health of Mike Tyson in his prime at starting, and has trained with the most intense diet and exercise in existence for the last 20 years, And is currently age 30, He has mastery of every single martial art in existence, and knows everything there is to know about fighting with your bare hands.
The second man is your average American, but he has trained with his chosen weapon for one year, his weapon won't break or degrade through natural uses, but that doesn't stop martial arts man from breaking it.
The two men start at opposite ends of the Arena, there are no rules except that martial arts man cannot attack with the other man's weapon.
The arena is a completely empty Amazon warehouse with nothing in it but the Two men, two doors and a window.
Round 1:Switchblade.
Round 2:A Baseball bat
Round 3: A shovel.
Round 4: An axe.
Round 5: Pepper spray.
Round 6: a taser.
submitted by Porncritic12 to whowouldwin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:45 Ur_Anemone Dozens of Venezuelan women denounce alleged serial stalker Rebeca García

Dozens of Venezuelan women denounce alleged serial stalker Rebeca García
Dozens of young Venezuelan women have denounced a woman called Rebeca García, who they claim has been harassing, stalking and threatening them over multiple years.
The case has now gone viral on social media in Latin America, in part because of the overwhelming response to the victims’ accounts and pleas for justice in the country where officials have claimed that “harassment between women doesn’t exist.”
Ms García, who is now being referred to as the “Venezuelan Baby Reindeer” by Latin American media, has been accused of sending hundreds of inappropriate emails to her victims, breaking into their residences, and publishing a book on Amazon detailing “false” encounters and fantasies with multiple women.
Over the years, her victims have reported her to Venezuelan authorities without success, claiming officials dismissed the case under the pretexts that Ms García has “obvious mental deterioration” and that “harassment between women doesn’t exist.”…
A majority of Ms García’s alleged victims, who have gone to the El Hatillo Police in Caracas, the Scientific, Criminal and Criminalistic Investigations Corps (Cicpc) and the Ministry of Internal Relations, have faced obstacles due to Ms Garcia’s alleged psychiatric disorders.
Furthermore, they have failed to file official complaints because of Ms García’s gender in the past. According to Ms Aguirrezabal, the officer in charge at the Venezuelan Public Ministry told her and Ms Trindade that “there is no law protecting harassment of women against women” when they tried to file another complaint.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 Background_Handle_96 4th Gen quirks (but I'm probably the idiot)

If anybody knows how to "fix" these, pls chime in; I'm still trying to get accustomed to all the thingamajigs and settings
To be clear, none of these are deal-breakers and I still really like the truck. More like minor annoyances or interesting design choices that made me go "huh okay."
submitted by Background_Handle_96 to ToyotaTacoma [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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2024.05.13 20:52 Right_Trick_5848 [H] 60-70% Most Payments [W] Amazon GC UK/DE/FR/ES Razer Gold UK/GBP: Most UK Gift Cards e.g ASDA, Argos, Tesco, Currys, John Lewis etc ...

***My Impersonators (DO NOT TRADE WITH): Right-Trick-5848, righttick_5848 Note the misspellings, note the dash "-" instead of the underscore "_", always verify it is me in PMs
Amazon DE Germany, FR France, ES Spain @ 60%
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UK: Amazon, Asda, Currys, Argos, Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons, John Lewis, Love2Shop, One4all, Justeat, Wickes, Ikea, Screwfix, Deliveroo, Ubereats, Cex, Uber, Game, TKMaxx, Whsmiths, M&S, Marks and Spencer etc @ 60-70%
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2024.05.13 20:50 Downtown_Ikea Theory: What happens to The Courier

We will talk about the ending of New Vegas first though, this is my reasoning:
Yes Man: I don't think that Vegas will become independent as we will be seeing The Courier will means Bethesda and Amazon will need to make a lot of The Couriers action throughout Fallout: New Vegas canon and non-canon which Bethesda doesn't really do. (For Example: We don't know jack about The Lone Wanderer apart from the fact he got the Megaton Sheriff killed by accident and he helped make The Wasteland Survival Guide).
NCR: I doubt the NCR will win Hoover Dam, since in the show the NCR is hanging on by tape and thread, it would make a large amount of New Vegas just pointless since in the end Hank made the second elephants foot in Shady Sands.
Caesar's Legion: This one is a bit of a stretch but I don't believe that Caesar and his merry band of romans will end up as the victors, because I think Todd is smart enough to know that making the evil faction as canon will upset the NCR purists as well as a number of regular fans, also (and this is just personal opinion) I don't think that the Legion really would fit FO:TV's general theme as apart from Lanius, Caesar, and Graham the faction as a whole is just kinda silly. One of the reasons the Legion works well the F:NV is because it doesn't feel as serious as other Fallout games, I mean one of the quests in the game has you resolve a turf war between a bunch of Elvis impersonators and America II where as in FO:TV a technology-obsessed, militaristic self-serving army and a nation trying to build a new nation in the image of the old fights it out over a technology (that the remnants of pre-war America made), a technology that a 200-year old scientist needs to create a virtually infinite amount of electricity.
Mr. House: Process of elimination leads us to House winning, I also don't think much more needs to be said.
The 5th Option: The Tunnellers made it out of The Divide and killed everyone, probably not gonna happen though, it would be funny if it did though.
The Courier: Enough about the factions, time to talk about The Courier; when you completing the side-quest Oh My Papa you have the option of telling Papa Khan to stop staying in the past and to look forward instead by leaving the Mojave Wasteland behind, if you end up making that decision the ending slides will tell you that The Great Khans travelled to Wyoming, where they reconnected with the Followers of the Apocalypse, who taught them economics, transport, and governance using those skills they carved a mighty empire out of the American Northwest. During the quest Oh My Papa after you tell Papa Khan that he should leave the Mojave he tells The Courier that if he's ever tired of wandering alone, that he [The Courier] has the makings of a Great Khan, what I think happened is that after The Courier secured Hoover Dam for Mr. House he travelled to Wyoming to join the Great Khan.
TL:DR House won, Courier joined the Khans.
submitted by Downtown_Ikea to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:44 chrisspags Sports betting data app with traction seeking investment

That title felt like some vintage Craigslist dating post and I apologize for it. My co-founder, a former Amazon engineer, and I have built an app that uses market data to help people make better bets, similar to a Kayak for travel. We've bootstrapped thus far and have seen a lot of positive growth so we're shaking every tree we can to see if we can find funding.
Some milestones: * Over 190% MoM revenue growth since launch in late November * 500 downloads following our January App Store debut * Monthly user base of around 400, each session averaging 4+ minutes
Americans lost $11 billion to sportsbooks last year. With a ton of expected growth in US sports betting, we believe our product can help save a lot of people, especially 18-25 year olds, from getting gobbled up by these apps in the coming years.
If there's anyone out there whom this resonates with, shoot me a DM!
submitted by chrisspags to angelinvestors [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:38 Gallowglass-13 Earth Lab: A Hypothetical Vision of a New Earth 15 Million Years From Now.

Scenario: An Earth-like planet inhabited with all living species found today and left to their own devices for fifteen million years. Note that harmful invasive species have been removed.
Continents, islands etc include:
Terra Europa.
The continent that houses Europe’s flora and fauna. Its wildlife includes the varied and strange descendants of the deer, wisent, feral cattle, sheep, goats, chamois, horses and wild boar, muntjac sized rabbit descendants, the descendants of the wolf, lynx, wildcat and bear alongside the new competitors in the form of mustelid and rat descendants. On the coasts, flightless descendants of gannets, guillemots and puffins occupy niches once occupied by the great auk while cetacean and pinniped descendants continue to roam the northern ocean.
Hy-Brasilian Isles.
A set of islands that act as proxies for the islands of Britain and Ireland along with their corresponding surrounding islands.
Terra Africanus.
The home to Africa’s wildlife. It still boasts a wide array of creatures descended from today’s animals, but some truly bizarre new forms have occurred such as predatory baboons, varied forms of hyaena that include a huge bear-like species and small to medium sized descendants of the hyrax with some truly bizarre forms. Hippos have become almost fully aquatic and often make forays into lagoons. Five species of elephant descendants occupy various niches with one living a semi aquatic lifestyle on the coast. The great herds are swelled with varied antelope, zebra, buffalo, pig, giraffe and rhino descendants and watched by the descendants of the native cat and dog species who compete with the rising descendants of civets, mongooses, meerkats and mustelids.
Neo-Arabian Peninsula.
A peninsula that houses the wildlife of the old Arabian Peninsula. Notable inhabitants include pack hunting descendants of the cheetah, carnivorous descendants of the hamadryas baboon and strange camel and antelope descendants.
Terra Asia.
The home to Asia’s wildlife. Probably the most varied continent in terms of habitat, from vast steppes and pine forests in the north to flood plains and rainforests in the south, this is reflected in the wildlife.
Terra Indus.
A subcontinent connected to Terra Indus that houses India’s wildlife. One descendant of the Asian elephant has become highly specialised to life in the water and now calls the warm estuarine mangroves near the coast home. They share it with a semi aquatic form of tiger and fully aquatic descendants of the gharial. The forests and grasslands host their own bounty with scavenging descendants of the langur and the mongoose plus giant cat and canine descendants that hunt bizarre antelope, deer and bovid descendants.
Terra Australis.
Home to the wildlife of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Its unique wildlife includes varied and often large descendants of wombats and bandicoots, deer-like and ground sloth-like descendants of kangaroos, wolf-to-big cat sized descendants of the quoll and Tasmanian devil, armoured echidnas, tree dwelling and rabbit like descendants of the wallabies, wallaroo and potoroo, giant emus, huge goannas, dingo descendants resembling bears, land-dwelling and massive descendants of crocodiles, monkey-like possums, panda-like koalas, bone-eating skinks and carnivorous descendants of the cassowary.
New Albion.
An archipelago that houses species from the Bismarck Archipelago such as New Britain and New Ireland along with more recent land formations. The wildlife reflects that found in old Papua, but is unique to the area. It includes a flightless descendant of the New Guinea harpy eagle and strange descendants of native marsupials and reptiles.
New Tasmania.
Kept separate from the mainland of Terra Australis, the far more temperate environment of New Tasmania hosts a unique set of animals adapted to the smaller landmass.
Terra America Septentrionalis.
The home of the wildlife native to North and Central America. The native wildlife has been joined by immigrants from Asia thanks to the new land bridge. The natives include diverse descendants of the mountain lion, wolf and bear species, numerous descendants of deer, bison and peccaries, giant alligators and of course, new larger mustelid predator competitors. This includes relatives of creatures living in Terra America Meridionalis.
Terra America Meridionalis.
The continent that houses the wildlife of South America. Its wildlife includes horse-like and elephant-like descendants of the tapir, larger descendants of the various giant rodent species, bear like sloths, giraffe like descendants of the guanaco, flightless descendants of the vampire bat, giant predatory birds much like those that existed in South America’s prehistory, hyena and fox like descendants of the South American possums, apex predators descending from the Amazon giant otter, varied types of armadillo and unique cat, fox, dog and bear descendants found nowhere else
Taino Archipelago.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of the Caribbean. Local wildlife include seal-like sloths, giant hutia descendants and a terrestrial descendant of the Cuban crocodile.
Terra Antarctica.
The continent that houses the wildlife of Antarctica. Its inhabitants include varied species of ground dwelling bats, giant descendants of albatrosses and penguins, marsupials and reptiles from the offshore islands of Australia and a leopard seal descendant that lives like a crocodile.
Sunda Peninsula.
A peninsula that houses wildlife from the regions of Malaysia and the Sunda Islands. The only exceptions to this rule have been the islands of the Philippines, Sulawesi, Komodo and Flores. Descendants of the Sumatran tiger prowl the jungle in packs while semi aquatic descendants of local rhino species and the dwarf elephants of Borneo bask in the river systems The descendants of the Komodo dragon have split; one remains largely on land while another has taken to the sea. In the New Philippines, the descendants of binturongs, civets, mongooses and leopard cats compete for food which include the descendants of native pigs, badgers, buffalo and deer.
Greater Zanzibar.
An island neighbouring Terra Africa. The land is largely grassland and hosts a set of animals related to those found in mainland Africa, but unique. These include a small species of elephant, flightless descendants of the secretary bird among others.
New Madagascar.
The new island home of Madagascar’s native wildlife. Notable creatures include new species of giant lemur, leopard-like giant fossa, wolf-like giant mongoose, giant birds, descendants of reintroduced pygmy hippos and giant tortoises, bandicoot-like tenrecs, larger descendants of the native giant rat, terrestrial crocodiles and rabbit-sized chameleons.
New Comoros Archipelago.
An archipelago neighbouring New Madagascar. The native lemur population has diversified with some even swimming between islands while dodging sharks, snakes and crocodiles.
Mauritius-Reunion Archipelago.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of Reunion and Mauritius. It hosts a unique set of birds found nowhere else alongside giant tortoises.
Greater Seychelles Archipelago.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of the Seychelles as well as the Maldives, Andaman and Sentinel Islands. The giant tortoises are the most notable inhabitants, but some are semi aquatic unlike their neighbours and capable of traversing the sea to some extent.
New Year’s Islands.
A small group of islands that houses the wildlife of Christmas Island. The native crabs have continued to diversify while bats and birds have begun to occupy previously empty niches.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and other surrounding islands, new and old. Fauna includes descendents of the kagu and other native birds, several descendents of the native skinks (the largest being as big as a border collie), strange new species of gecko and three species of terrestrial crocodile.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of Aotearoa, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Tuvalu, the Cook Islands, the Society Islands and various new and old islands. Fauna includes ground-dwelling fox-sized bats, larger descendants of the tuatara, kiwi and kakapo (among others) and eagle-like descendants of the kea alongside various other oddities.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of Palau to Neo-Hawaii. It provides a system of beaches for nesting seabirds and sea dwelling reptiles as well as a fractured land bridge. The native wildlife mostly comprises the descendants of castaways and flying species.
An archipelago that houses the wildlife of the Galapagos Islands. The giant tortoises are now far larger, the marine iguanas are now fully aquatic alongside the penguins and some finches are now flightless.
An island chain that houses the wildlife of Hawaii. Fauna includes giant ducks, tortoises and a flightless ant eating kiwi-sized descendants of one of the modern honeycreeper species.
Neo-Rapa Nui Archipelago.
A small island chain as remote as Rapa Nui. It boasts significant seabird colonies while forests have taken over much of the land.
A medium island in the Indus Ocean strewn with thick jungle growing out of hard rocky terrain. While mammals are rare, the island is bountiful with reptiles, amphibians and numerous arthropods that, thanks to the higher oxygen density, have grown to impressive sizes and make up a good chunk of the predatory niches on land, in the trees and even in the swampy waterways that carve their way through the lowlands.
New Zanzibar Strait.
A stretch of sea that separates Terra Africanus from New Zanzibar. Small islets create a mangrove environment that intermingles with tropical reefs, creating a unique fusion of oceanic, semi aquatic and terrestrial life.
Indus Ocean.
The Indus is one of the core centres of ocean biodiversity with numerous atolls and reefs. These locations are a hub for new forms of ocean life while islets provide nesting grounds for birds, sea turtles and sea crocodiles.
Tangaroa Ocean.
The largest ocean on Earth Lab. Among the atolls and reefs, vibrant new fish species dwell alongside new coral species, cephalopods like a pack hunting descendant of the Humboldt squid, a swimming sea slug descendant, various new sharks and rays, serpentine descendants of toothed whales that hunt smaller species alongside aquatic penguins, crocodiles and new species of turtle, big and small.
Proteus Ocean.
The Proteus boasts fewer islands, but still plays host to numerous forms of ocean life. Alongside the numerous schools of fish swim the new serpentine hunting whales, fully aquatic seals, huge manatee descendants, giant sharks and penguin like descendants of guillemots and gannets that swim alongside the now fully aquatic penguin species.
Turgis Ocean/Great Ice Shelf.
While solid land in the Turgis is rare now, the Great Ice Shelf still provides a home for those creatures hardy enough to eke out a living. These include a colony of ice-burrowing seabirds, ice burrowing semi-aquatic colonies of flightless midge descendants, giant sea hairs that dwell beneath the ice, predatory lobsters, aquatic penguin descendants and predatory descendants of seals and toothed whales.
Tundris Ocean.
Largely covered by ice, the Neo-Arctic ocean regions host unique new species which include aquatic polar bears capable of bringing down small whales.
submitted by Gallowglass-13 to SpeculativeEvolution [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:20 Chefunicorn AITH for reacting so strongly?

Hi, I need to know if I’m being unreasonable. So some background.
I’ve been married for 22 years now. My husband just told me he will not move to Fla as he promised me for 22 years. We were to move once the kids were done with school.
I have lived in a house he bought when I left for 2 days because he told me he still loved his ex. He also chose where the house would be. The town, the land, everything. We were married for 3 months at the time. While I was gone 2 whole days he went to a divorce lawyer. He also decided that I would stay home because we had special needs children while he worked even though I begged him to change jobs so I could work as well.
I don’t know what our bills are, how much he makes, never gone on vacation where I want, I don’t have a bank card, and he has made several bad comments on my looks. His ex boobs are bigger, you’re an Amazon woman (please note in a yt looking Native American so this is offensive af), you are broad (I was loosing weight) . I am finally tired of it. I’ve been nothing but faithful, raising the kid alone because he works 10-12 hours, dealing with almost their whole lives alone (he just now decided to try and all but one is grown).
I am finally tired of this treatment. I’m no longer trying. I’m not cleaning, I will only “cook” microwaveable food, I won’t answer his calls, have sec with him, nothing. I’m leaving once I save enough after the youngest graduates next year. I need to know if AITH for actibg this way?
submitted by Chefunicorn to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:44 zefpomp [H] Crypto, PayPal, CashApp, Zelle [W] MANY Different Gift Cards

I am a daily/long term buyer looking for the following gift cards:
Amazon(US, DE, UK, CA)**, Apple/iTunes, eBay, Gyft, eGifter, Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Home Depot, Lowes, Prepaid Visa/Mastercard**, GameStop, Steam, PSN, Razor Gold, Giant Eagle, Nike, Newegg, Sheetz, Staples, Dollar General, CVS, Starbucks, DoorDash, Uber, Grubhub, and more!
**I am looking for frequent and/or bulk Amazon gift card sellers.
**Prepaids include tremendous, prepaiddigitalsolutions, myprepaidcenter, and many more.
The above list is not all inclusive, if you have another gift card you wish to trade, feel free to send me a message.
I am currently NOT buying: Disney, Google Play, Nintendo, Dominos, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Texas Roadhouse, Forever21, American Eagle, Victoria's Secret, Chewy, Top Golf, Anything airline/theater related, or any type of subscription gift cards.
Most rates are 70-79%, but my rates will fluctuate depending on the retailer, payment method, personal need, and the total amount/denominations. Please do not contact me asking for rates above 80%. I will attempt to beat other offers.
I can pay via Crypto(typically USDT, USDC, BTC, LTC), PayPal, CashApp, and Zelle. I can trade Amazon gift cards for other gift cards.
submitted by zefpomp to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:01 Afrogirl123 Help me compete for Miss Virginia USA TEEN!!

Help me compete for Miss Virginia USA TEEN!!
Before you scroll, please listen to why this is important. There are so many tragic cases on this subreddit and I wouldn’t be posting this if I didn’t exhaust all other options Hi everyone! My name is Nhyiraba Kwarteng. I am a 15 year old first generation Ghanaian student. I am always looking for ways to push the boundaries of my identity and bring recognition to the West African Community., which is why I have decided to compete in the Miss Virginia Teen 2024 pageant. Virginia is the 5th state with the largest population of African immigrants, including my family. If I win this pageant, I will be the first Ghanaian American to hold the title of Miss Virginia Teen, and the. I will compete at the national level. I am choosing to fund myself to take stress of my family, as I live in a single/ low income family household. I have struggled with body and image issues all my life, and competing like this could be a huge step for me. If anyone and everyone could donate 2-4 dollars each it would help me reach my goal as I need the money by June 1st 2023. Thank you all so much!
submitted by Afrogirl123 to gofundme [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:47 VinylAlerts [Amazon] Various Artists - All My Friends: Celebrating The Songs & Voice Of Gregg Allman [American Marble 4 LP] @ $19.30

Various Artists - All My Friends: Celebrating The Songs & Voice Of Gregg Allman [American Marble 4 LP] @ $19.30 direct
submitted by VinylAlerts to VinylDeals [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:39 foreverdownvoted1 So here’s a short Miata story.

I pulled up to the Lake Mart gas station convenience store and parked near the entrance in front of the ice machine. It wasn’t a parking spot but I have a small car, a Miata, so I figured no one would mind, plus I would just be in and out real quick - all I needed was a pack of smokes and two white Monster energy drinks. I flung open the door and got out with ease since I had the top down(when the top is up it’s like crawling into a coffin which is kinda cozy in its own way but still hard to get in and out of). I was wearing cheap, black Amazon sweatpants and crocs and a very expensive beige long sleeve V cut sweater. It was a mismatch of the highest order but I didn’t give a shit. “That ain’t a parking spot buddy!” I hear coming from the Ford F-250 filling up with poor-grade 87 unleaded at the pump, the truck isn’t even a manly diesel. I glare at him and yell back: “How’s the ride in that thing? Probably bounces you around a lot on these roads and reminds you of riding your boyfriend.” A very overweight shit kicker type of fella walks around from the side of the F-250. His boots were covered in dried mud along with his Carrhart overalls. It wasn’t fresh mud but definitely from the previous week’s worth of laboring somewhere horrible. “What did you say to me!?” He bellowed. There was some sort of food stain on the front of his T-shirt, possibly mayonnaise or some other condiment. Strange tho since it was only 7:00AM so he clearly wore the shirt the day or days before. “Oh, sorry.” I said to him after seeing his size. “I didn’t realize you were so big, you must be more of a doggy style power bottom type.” “What the fuck does that mean?” he said to me. “It means you’re too fucking fat to be on top of your boyfriend. He rails you from behind.” “Oh that’s it you fuck!” he yelled and started to run at me. Oh shit I thought, I really let my mouth get me into a situation for no real reason. But actually, no fuck this guy, he started it by telling me I can’t park in front of the ice machine. That’s clearly a violation of the Bill of Rights and flagrant treading on me. He was fairly fast for a fat guy but I knew I was faster and had more endurance. I stood there at first near the front of my Miata and he was running full speed and as he closed the distance he stretched his arms out with the intention of grabbing me(to probably try and make out with me). At the last second I strafed to the right behind the safety of the front left panel of my car. Him being inertia laden, was unable to change direction in time to grab me. His arms flailed to his left at me but missed by a wide margin, He contorted his body in trying to grab me in such a way it forced his legs to cross with the next stride and he tripped over his own feet, took two awkward stumbles and ate shit on the asphalt parking lot, landing on his right shoulder before tumbling over himself and into the ice machine. “Dude you just ate shit!” I said to him pointing and laughing. “You’re probably used to it though when you eat your boyfriend’s ass every night.” “You fucking goddamn…” He said as he got to one knee. “Oh no, don’t propose to me, I’m already in a committed relationship…with your mom.” I replied. He finally got to his feet and despite it being only 50 feet that he ran, he was already wheezing. He reached to his right pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife, maybe 3 inches long only but long enough to do some serious damage, then charged at me again. I ran to the rear of my car and put the car between me and him, he tried to slash at me across the trunk but I easily dodged it as he came up feet short. He started chasing me again and I ran to the front of my car and as he ran up to me again, I ran to the rear of my car like a toddler playing “you can’t catch me”. I started laughing at this thought and each time he ran a pass at me I said that to him. “You can’t catch me big fella! You can’t catch me!” I didn’t have to put forth too much effort but I could tell it was taking its toll on him. He had the stubbornness of a retarded mule and refused to give up to save some sense of pride and honor. We played this game for maybe five complete laps around my car before he realized he had no chance of getting to me. He paused for a moment to decide what to do next to save face and not look like such a fat bitch then it donned on him. “You little fuck.” The sweat was pouring down his forehead. “You got a spare tire in the trunk of this shitbox rice burning beanermobile?” He said and eye’d up my right front tire and pulled his arm back. There wasn’t much I could do so as he began to lunge his arm forward to puncture my tire, I let out the loudest and highest pitch rape scream I could make. It was an ear piercing banshee scream and it must have startled him because he missed the tire and hit the fender causing his sweaty hand to slip from the grip and violently slide down the grip and onto the blade of his knife cutting a large gash in his fingers and palm. “FUCKKKKK!” he screamed, still clutching the knife. The Indian clerk that owned and operated the store must have been alerted by my banshee scream and came rushing out the door. “What going on here!?” he yelled, looking concerned and confused. He saw I was standing there and recognized me immediately. I had to be one of the biggest spenders at the store, buying at least a pack of smokes a day and two energy drinks like clockwork and very often getting food for lunch and always paid cash which they loved. They liked me and knew me as well as you’d know a frequent customer. He saw the fat fella was holding a knife but also bleeding. “He chased me and tried to slash my tire.” I said and the clerk nodded and believed me. “That’s not a parking spot!” the big fella said. “He park there every day, never cause any problem. You buddy, you not welcome here. Go now, leave or I call the police!” The big fella glared at me holding his bleeding palm with his other hand now to apply pressure. I didn’t say a word, I just grinned at the big fella and he turned around and went back to his truck, got in and drove off, peeling out with one wheel as he left. I went inside and the clerk apologized to me for the behavior of the big fella even though it wasn’t his fault obviously. I assured him it wasn’t an issue and got my normal supplies and left. I got in my car and hit the vape(I won’t smoke in the car), started the engine and put on some Tool. My adrenaline was still high so I took a deep breath, hit the vape again, and started the engine then pulled out of my personal parking spot. I pulled out onto the road, looking both ways first but not paying attention to the vehicle far down the road and started my short drive home. It was one complete Tool song for the round trip if I drove like a sane person and I causally accelerated. I hadn’t made it a mile before I noticed a F-250 in my rear view mirror growing in size rapidly. It was the big fella and he was going to run me down in a way that wouldn’t exhaust or embarrass him. “Oh fuck” I said and took another vape hit then downshifted into 3rd gear and put the pedal to the floor. The Miata’s engine woke from its slumber and quickly ran the RPM’s up to 6000, putting me back in my seat the entire time. I shifted into 4th and floored it again. The road was awful and full of potholes but the sporty nimbleness of the Miata made avoiding the major potholes and bumps a fun exercise in technical driving. The big fella had a huge run up on me however and was still closing the distance on me even though I was speeding along at close to 90 miles per hour. Either he was an idiot or didn’t know the roads or likely both but as I glanced in the rearview mirror I could see the truck take hit after hit from the potholes. It lurched and bounced each time but the venerable American truck took each hit in stride and held its ground with me. I was doing 105 MPH now on a shitty backcountry road in a 45MPH zone and the F-250’s speed limiter likely kicked in at that speed so I maintained 105 as we approached the curves. I was nervous because I had only one option and that was to navigate a downhill S-turn meant for 35MPH at 105MPH while avoiding potholes that would tear off one of my tires. If I slowed down any, this maniac behind me could plow into me or give me the Pitt Maneuver and spin me out which would inevitably lead to a rollover where I definitely would die. “Fuck it” I said, grabbed another gear and started pulling away from the F-250. There was another option that just came to me ¼ mile from the S-turn and immediately opted for it. Despite the pain of sacrificing it, I lobbed a full 16oz can of white Monster out of the top of my car like a hand grenade. It crashed into the truck’s grill and penetrated through the grill and into the radiator like an armor piercing anti-tank cannon shell. A plume of steam erupted from the truck and I let off the throttle only to see him start gaining ground. I put it to the floor again and clenched my asshole as I was seconds away from barreling down upon the S-turn. I could see far enough ahead that there was no oncoming traffic so I steered as far left as I could to get the best angle entering the turn. The car’s lane detection warning system beeped at me and I told it to fuck off, I was racing for my life here. I tracked into the turn, apexed in the corner and tracked back out into the next turn. I felt myself get lighter when I entered the turn because it was downhill but the Miata stayed true and glued to the road like a Formula 1 car. In the first part of the S-turn, I had to keep the center line in the center of my car because of the massive canyons in the asphalt on the right tire track that Penn Dot hadn’t addressed in several years. There were more potholes but they were minor and at this speed the car glided over them. I had made it halfway through the S-turn and now steered left again and apexed perfectly in the outward curve and accelerated out of it. The next stretch had mild curves that I wasn’t worried about and I got back in my proper lane, now about to check my mirror to see what the big fella’s fate was. I heard the tires squeal as he tried to slow down to make the first curve of the S-turn. He knew nothing of racing despite having decals on his back window of some local hayseed race car driver. When he braked in the middle of the turn, all the weight shifted forward and he lost all rear grip. Combining that with trying to steer right, caused the rear end of the truck to slide out from behind him and he spun 90 degrees. The left front tire caught the canyon pothole and sent the truck into a barrel roll down the hill. I watched it all in my mirror and I slammed on my breaks. The truck barrel rolled at least a half dozen times before hitting the left side guard rail and bounced into the middle of the road. Steam was billowing from the front of the truck and I could see all the airbags had deployed. I pulled the e-brake, did a half turn to slow down and stop, smoke seethed from my tires and when the car came to a halt in the middle of the road, I put on my 4-ways. I then heard a woman yell to me from the nearby house. “Oh my god!” She yelled. “Are you okay!” She saw the smoke and must have thought there was a fire or something coming from my car. “Yeah I’m fine, but that fella probably isn’t” I said motioning to the heap of metal that used to be a F-250. “I saw the whole thing! I was getting my mail when I heard an engine revving”, the woman said, “Why were you going so fast!? Racing?” She was accusatory and slightly distressed or even angry. I turned my head away from the wreck and looked at her. She was in her late 20s, blonde hair, large and possibly fake breasts, blue eyes and wearing the cutest and most sensual peach colored sundress. If she had makeup on it was minor at most and her face held the natural beauty of an entire Miss Universe contest. “I was racing for my life. The guy is a lunatic, he tried to stab me at the gas station then started chasing me. I knew he couldn’t handle that turn but I knew my car could. Looks like I was right.” I said to her. She looked at me seemingly satisfied with my response but asked, “Why did he try to stab you?” “Because I called him gay.” She laughed and smiled thinking I was joking and was about to say something else when we both heard the big fella yell for help. “We prob should check on him” I said and took a deep hit from my vape exhaling more white vapor than was coming from the wrecked truck. A car pulled up and the driver asked if anyone called 911, I said no and he started dialing. “I’m Michelle”, she said and extended her left hand to me to help me out of the car. She presented her left hand palm down so I could clearly see that she didn’t have a wedding ring. I took her hand and got out of the car then released her hand. It was just a short moment but it lasted for decades. I felt an electricity in her touch, the softness of her skin but the strength and firmness of an unyielding woman who was not unsure of herself. She was breeding stock and with each step she took, her breasts bounced slightly and jiggled revealing that they were indeed real and without a doubt perfect. “I’ve never seen anyone drive that fast through that turn before.” she continued. There’s at least a dozen wrecks here a year from people doing the speed limit and you were going how fast?” “105” I replied. “Maybe 110 when I finally hit the brakes.” “You’re insane.” She said and smiled, then adjusted her sundress, undoing one of her buttons revealing a little bit more cleavage. Her nipples were perky and nearly penetrated the fabric. “Its hot this morning…What kind of car is that? It looks German.” “It’s a Miata. Its basically a super car. It has 180hp but don’t let that fool you, the car only weighs a little more than 2200 pounds. Okay, so you've got to understand why the Mazda Miata is such a big deal—it's not just a car; it's a whole vibe! Picture this: It's super lightweight, right? That makes it incredibly fun to drive; it’s like it's practically gliding along the road. And it's got this perfectly balanced rear-wheel drive, so it handles like a dream, especially on curves. Seriously, it's like dancing... but with a car!” I paused for a few moments to catch my breath then added “Plus, it’s affordable, which is crazy considering how sporty it is. It’s like the everyman’s sports car. You can actually own a roadster without breaking the bank!” “Oh well, that’s nice I guess.” She said and continued, “I have to go now actually, I need to…like do some…chores…I mean get ready for work. Bye.” She buttoned up her sundress then ran off back to her driveway. “Are you a fucking idiot?” I heard the big fella yell. I watched as Michelle sprinted up her driveway, not looking back once even though sirens were blaring and the firetrucks and ambulances had arrived. “You had her melting in your hand and you sperged out like a retard about your car? What the hell is wrong with you? I don’t even want to kick your ass anymore, that was the worst thing I’ve ever seen.”
submitted by foreverdownvoted1 to Miata [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:24 STLhistoryBuff Weekly Events Thread 5/13/24 - 5/19/24

Please, feel free to add any events below! Check out the Visitor's Guide for more things to do around town!
Looking to meet up with people? Check out Meetup St. Louis.
Be sure to continue scrolling past the Weekly Events for Trivia Nights, Live Music, Sporting Events, Local Comedy, and more!

Sporting Events This Week Attractions Around the Area Comedy This Week
St. Louis Cardinals schedule Anheuser-Busch Brewery Funny Bone Comedy Club
St. Louis Blues schedule City Museum Helium Comedy Club
St. Louis City SC schedule Gateway Arch The Improv Shop
St. Louis Battlehawks schedule Missouri History Museum
St. Louis Billikens schedule National Blues Museum

Trivia Nights
Location Date/Time More Information
Anheuser-Busch Biergarten Tuesdays 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Trivia Details
Bar K Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
City Foundry Thursdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Crack Fox Mondays 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm They host a weekly free tournament and game night. Emphasis on Non Alcoholic refreshments and camaraderie.
Joey B's on the Hill Mondays 8:30 pm - 10:30 pm Trivia Details
Nick's Pub Mondays
Felix's Pizza Pub Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
ITAP (Delmar Loop) Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
ITAP (Soulard) Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Schlafly Brewpubs (Any Location) Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Rockwell Beer Co Tuesdays Trivia Details (Reservations required)
The Mack Tuesdays at 8:00 pm Trivia Details
The Pat Connolly Tavern Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
The Post Wednesdays 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm Trivia Details
Pieces Board Game Bar & Cafe Wednesdays Trivia Details
HandleBar Thursdays at 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Trivia Details
Steve's Hot Dogs Tuesdays 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Trivia Details
Wellspent Brewing Thursdays at 7:00 pm

Live Music This Week
Music Venues Live Music Around Town
Blueberry Hill Duck Room 1860 Saloon
Chesterfield Amphitheater BB's Jazz, Blues & Soups
Delmar Hall Broadway Oyster Bar
Enterprise Center City Foundry
The Fabulous Fox Theatre Gallery Pub
The Factory Game 6 Honky Tonk
Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre Gaslight Lounge
Off Broadway The Heavy Anchor
Old Rock House Jazz St. Louis
The Pageant Joe's Cafe
Red Flag The Lot on the Landing
The Sheldon Tim's Chrome Bar
St. Louis Music Park McGurk's
St. Louis Symphony Concert Calendar SoFar St. Louis Secret performances around town
Stifel Theatre Venice Cafe
Yaquis on Cherokee

Recurring Outdoor Activities
Big Muddy Adventures – STL Riverfront Adventure Big Muddy Adventures was established in 2002. They are the first professional outfitteguiding company providing access to the wild wonders of the Middle Mississippi and Lower Missouri Rivers.
Gateway Arch Events There are a variety of things to do along the Mississippi River.
Hidden Valley Ski Resort Ziplining, scenic chairlift rides, and hiking trails opened during the summer. Skiing, snowboarding during the winter.

submitted by STLhistoryBuff to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:49 Navneet_G 🚀 Trending Topic Alert: NASDAQ's Latest Moves 📈

Hey fellow Redditors, have you been keeping up with the buzz surrounding NASDAQ lately? Strap in because there's some exciting stuff happening in the world of stocks and trading!
🔍 What's the Scoop? NASDAQ, the renowned American stock exchange, has been making waves with its recent developments, and it's got investors and traders alike buzzing with anticipation.
📰 Key Highlights:
  1. Tech Titans in Focus: With NASDAQ being home to many tech giants like Apple, Amazon, and Microsoft, any movement in this index is closely watched by investors worldwide. Keep an eye out for how these behemoths are shaping the market dynamics.
  2. Crypto Integration: Cryptocurrency's influence on traditional markets is becoming increasingly apparent. NASDAQ's exploration of crypto integration and blockchain technology is sparking conversations about the future of finance and trading.
  3. Regulatory Landscape: As regulations evolve, they have a significant impact on NASDAQ and its listed companies. Recent developments in regulatory frameworks can cause ripples in the market, so it's crucial to stay informed.
  4. Market Volatility: Volatility is the name of the game in the stock market, and NASDAQ is no exception. Understanding the factors driving fluctuations can help investors navigate turbulent times and seize opportunities.
  5. Innovation and IPOs: NASDAQ's reputation as a hub for innovation is well-deserved, with numerous groundbreaking companies choosing to go public on its exchange. Keep an eye out for exciting IPOs and how they shape market sentiment.
💡 Join the Discussion: Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, NASDAQ's movements offer valuable insights into the world of finance and trading. Share your thoughts, analysis, and predictions in the comments below. Let's dive into the fascinating world of stocks together!
Remember, always do your research and consider seeking professional financial advice before making any investment decisions. Happy trading! 🚀
submitted by Navneet_G to nasdaq [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:33 Honeysyedseo How We Turned $20,950 in 20 Days for Our Client using 3 Apps You Can Install Today

How We Turned $20,950 in 20 Days for Our Client using 3 Apps You Can Install Today
These 3 apps generated $20,950 in the last 20 days for our client.
Here's a breakdown of each and how we applied them to increase AOV (and profit margin):
UpCart Revenue
I just found them to be the best for what we needed.

1 App - Frequently Bought Together

Generated $3,237 in the last 5 days.
$3237 in 5 days
A very well-known company using this technique is Amazon.
It combines related products and offers them as a bundle, so more products are added to the cart.
Important things when setting up this app:
Positioning will make the biggest impact on how much this app will generate revenue for you.
There are 2 most common places when it comes to positioning:
1. Below the Add To Cart
Below the add to cart
The best position. Simply because more visitors will see it.
More people see it = more people get the offer.
The con of this position is that it takes up real estate, and if you have other info that you need to show, it can be tricky to show it all.
2) Below the fold
Below the fold
This is the position that Amazon and most brands use.
It will generate less revenue (because fewer people will see it), but you'll show all your important info and show them this offer.
A couple of other important things when applying this app:
Set the max number of products as 3
When you install this app, it will automatically bundle 4 products as a recommendation.
I think it's too much, as it takes up too much real estate.
So my suggestion is to go with max 3 products (like Amazon).
Turn on the AI (especially if you have large SKU)
The AI does a great job of combining products.
If you have a large number of SKUs, it will most likely make better decisions than you could.

2 App - UpCart Cart Drawer (by Aftersell)

Generated $11,547 in the last 25 days.
UpCart Revenue
The app helps you optimise your cart drawer to increase your AOV and even conversion rate.
How we have applied this app:
Free Shipping + Upsell Combo
Free Shipping + Upsell Combo
Give your visitors a goal (free shipping), and an easy option to reach it (1-click upsells).
They'll justify their decision to buy more because they got free shipping.
You can also try a gift.
People love free stuff, which makes this powerful.
Low-cost add-on
Low-cost add-on
Find an add-on that's a low cost for you but can be valuable to your visitors.
In our client's example, it was an envelope with the purchase.
If at least 10% of visitors add it for $3.99, you'll increase your AOV significantly.
Keep it simple / Don't clutter it up
It's easy to add many options to your cart drawer.
But if you make it cluttered, you will confuse your visitors and decrease your CVR.
  • Distinguish clearly what their cart is
  • What are the upsells
  • Have a single Check Out button

3 App - Aftersell Post Purchase Upsells

Generated $6,166 in the last 30 days.
Post Purchase Upsells
This app offers upsells after your customer has placed the order.
The best time to ask for another purchase is once they already placed the first one.
A couple of things when applying this app:
1st prompt = single product
Single Product
For the first prompt, I suggest you have a single product.
You don't want to overwhelm your customers with another decision-making challenge.
Keep it simple, offer complimentary/related products, and make it seamless.
Use discounts when you can
Discounts will make this offer more appealing because what's the difference if you show your offer the same.
Use real urgency
This offer is already a one-time offer so you can use that as a real urgency.
Have a copy/timer that will reflect this.
If you found this post useful, share it with others.
submitted by Honeysyedseo to eComEnclave [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:58 LastGreatSayain Public Square Stock $PSQH - Donald Trump Play- Tucker Carlson Pumps with ads on X (Twitter)

Public Square Stock $PSQH - Donald Trump Play- Tucker Carlson Pumps with ads on X (Twitter)
I see the value of stock $PSQH going up in the future
Here are the fundamentals
Public Square is an alternative to Amazon, and promotes a American Made Product, Non-Woke E-Commerce directory for small businesses ( Fuck China)
NEW Revenue from Public Square's NEW E-Commerce support services debuted March 2024
A tool that does virtually everything...
Website builder
Funnel builder
Power dialer and VoIP system
Invoicing/payment Solutions
Membership site
Calendascheduling management
and a lot more...
Public Square already has a platform with supporting E-Commerce brands, so they have a developed audience most likley using these New E-commerce services they offer or will need them eventually
At $199 per monthly subscription for the E-commerce Support services, the growth potential is huge
The platform has over 70,000 loyal businesses from different industries and 1.6 million consumer members
Public Square bought the company EveryLife last year also, a company that serves the Newborn Baby market
Babies are born daily, so there is a neccesary market for serving their needs
PSQ Holdings, Inc. Aquires Credova Holdings, Inc., a point-of-sale financing platform providing Buy Now Pay Later solutions catered to the shooting sports and firearms industries
Aquiring Credova, equal collectin payent FEES, IMO, which is another stream of revenue
These new streams of reoccuring revenue will eventually add to marketcap value of the stock $PSQH and drive the price of each share upward
Current Market cap value of Public Square is $122.5M, which is extremely small, but leaves a lot of room for growth, which is where the "being in early" opportunity is
Amazon for example has a $1.95Trillion Marketcap Value, so this lets you know the difference between a new company vs a old mature one
Tucker Carlson does PSQH Ads on his online news network, and on X (Twitter)
Public Sqaure stock has only been around since July 2023, so less than a year old
I am connected to the CEO of Public Square on Linkedin and he is a relentless motivated leader putting himself out there consistently, plus he has Donald Trump JR backing him as an investor and public voice for the brand
I am investing a small chunk of change into $PSQH every payday
BTW there is a SHORT SQUEEZE on this stock(See Image below), and I speculate its due to election year, since this is a Donald Trump Play
Not Financial Advice DYOR
submitted by LastGreatSayain to u/LastGreatSayain [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:36 simmeh024 More payment methods please

As an European without a creditcard I am unable to get the standard/Pro license, Currently the payment providers are all focused on American (Amazon Pay, US bank account, creditcard etc). I would love to pay, however now I need to get a prepaid creditcard in order to pay anything, not sure if these are even accepted by Udio as it is a recurring membership. So please at least offer Paypal, Paypal is accepted very well for the rest of the world.
submitted by simmeh024 to udiomusic [link] [comments]