Keli stewart wrestling

What's Your Headcanon DC Timeline?

2024.05.22 00:16 MrDownhillRacer What's Your Headcanon DC Timeline?

For me, it's:
Year Negative Four
Year Negative Two
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six
Year Seven
Year Eight
Year Nine
Year Ten
After the first decade or so, time starts being more amorphous and operating on some cross between a timeline that develops and a stationary Simpsons-like timeline where time doesn't really move. Some things progress, some things don't, everything is kept vague, and characters don't notice or call attention to this. Essentially, large amounts of time are zipped into small amounts of time, and both the longer and shorter time intervals between events are "correct" depending on how much we're zooming in on the timeline. For example, Kyle Rayner had a good number of years as a solo Green Lantern and Tim Drake was Robin for a solid amount of time before Hal Jordan returned and Damian Wayne showed up, but somehow, superheroes in general have only been operating for about 10 to 15 years, max. This is really the only way you can keep Batman perpetually in his 30s or 40s without having weird consequences like each Robin only holding the title for a year before he gets a new one.
So after this, I stop having specific "years" and it becomes more like "periods of time in which certain things co-occur." So there might be considerable time intervals between events, yet those events might also paradoxically be squished into some 10-15-year timeline.
The Fall of Heroes Era
The Reconstruction Era
The Millennium Era
The Infinite Crisis Era
The Final Crisis Era
There are things I'm on the fence on, such as whether the Golden Age heroes are part of this timeline. On the one hand, I like the idea of Superman being the world's very first superhero and the public never having had encountered anything fantastical until his debut. If the JSA existed before him, then his debut would be met with "hey look, I guess flying men are back" instead of "can you BELIEVE a man can fly?!" Batman's debut also seems more striking if Gotham was never patrolled by a Green Lantern (that guy probably would have single-handedly demolished Gotham's mob in the '40s instead of letting it grow to the size it would later become).
On the other hand, I wouldn't want to jettison the cool relationships that exist between the Golden Age and later characters, like Kyle Rayner knowing Jade. I think I lean toward "keep them on Earth-2, but allow them to have regular meetings and friendships with the Earth-0 guys." But if the walls between universes are that porous, that just raises the question of why Power Girl got stuck on Earth-0 when the rest of the Earth-2 people can go home whenever they want.
submitted by MrDownhillRacer to DCcomics [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:13 omegacluster New Music Additions 2024-05-20

Today's additions are:
submitted by omegacluster to ctebcm [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 01:06 M4C4BRO BIBLIOTECA MT


Biblioteca MT 1-MentalismoMentalismo-13 escalones del mentalismo-Arte de ler mentes-Henrik Fexeus-O mentalista-Tricks of the mind - Derren Brown-Absolute Magic-Derren Brown-Pure effect-Derren Brown-Easy mentalism-Practical Mental magic-Theodore AnnemannPsiquiatria-Manual de psiquiatria portugues-Cinema e LoucuraPsicologia-Psicologia Facil - Ana Merces Bahia BockPNL-Introdução à programação neurolinguística-Joseph 0'Connor e John Seymour-despertar do gigante interior-PNL Programacao Neurolinguistic - Steve Andreas-Usando Sua Mente (PNL) Richard Bandler-PNL: A Nova Tecnologia do SucessoNeurociência-Neurociências - Desvendando o sistema nervoso Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.,-As bases biologicas do comportamento-marcus brandao-Truques da mente-Stephen L.Macknik & Susana martinez-Condecom Sandra Blakeslee-Subliminar - Leonard MlodinowHipnose-Hipnoterapia Ericksoniana Passo a Passo-Sofia Bauer-hipnose - dicas, métodos e técnicas-o homem de fevereiro-erickson-Manual hipnose completo-fabio puentes-Hackeando mentes - Marcelo Maia-A Realidade é Plástica- Anthony JacquinSedução-Como se dar bem com as Mulheres - Ron Louis e David Copeland-A Arte Natural da Sedução - Richard La Ruina-Manual de Artes Venusianas-O Jogo-Neil Strauss-O livro negro da sedução-Biblia da seduçãoMicroexpressões-linguagem das Emocoes-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanPersuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack ShaferInterpretação-A preparação do Ator-StanislavskiMemorização-Mentes Geniais - Alberto Dell isola-Mentes BrilhantesArgumentação-A Arte de Argumentar-tratado de argumentação a nova retórica-Chaim Perelman-logica juridica-chaim perelman-Argumentação Juridica-Vitor Gabriel-schopenhauer - como vencer um debate - dialetica eristica-schoppenhauer - do pensar por si-Oratória-Reinaldo Polito-Introducao a retorica-Olivier Reboul-How to Argue & Win Every Time- Gerry SpenceRedação-tecnicas basicas de redacao-branca granaticPedagogia-A encantadora de BebesAdestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cão Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanMotivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzAMitologia-Mitologia Greco-Romana - René Ménard-Os Mitos Gregos-Robert GravesMágica-Ultimate secrets of card magic-Expert card technique -Jean Hugard & Frederick BraueMagia & Ocultismo A.Alquimia -Alquimia-Marie Louise Von Franz -Psicologia e Alquimia-C.G. Jung -Alquimia E A Imagição Ativa -Marie Louise Von Franz -Anatomia da psique alquimia B.Astrologia -Astrologia e Mitologia-Ariel Guttman e Kenneth Johnson -Curso Básico de Astrologia-MARION D. MARCH & JOAN McEVERS -A Astrologia e a Psique Moderna-DANE RUDHYAR -A Astrologia dos ciganos-Maria Helena Farelli C.Tarot -Tarô de Marselha-Paul Marteau -Tarô Dicionário & Compêndio Jana Riley -O Tarô e a Viagem do Herói-Hajo Banzhaf D.Magia -Dogma e Ritual da Alta Magia -Eliphas Lévi -O Livro Do Prazer-Austin Osman Spare -Lex Satanicus -Curso de magia-J. R. R. Abrahão -A Magia Do Vodu-Maria Helena Farelli -A Bíblia Satânica - Anton LaVey -O livro da Lei - Aleister Crowley2-TradingTrade-Apostila aprenda a investir na bolsa corretora xp-OPERANDO NO MERCADO COM MT4-Analise Fundamentalista-Os supersinais da analise técnica-Investir cada vez melhor-Sobreviva na bolsa-Aprenda a operar-Manual do pequeno investidor em - Fabio AlmeidaTransações imobiliarias-apostila TTI-como montar uma imobiliaria-dominio da venda imobiliariaEconomia-Freakonomics-SuperFreakonomics O Lado Oculto do Dia a Dia - Steven D. Levitt-Curso basico de macroeconomia-Historia Pensamento economico-manual de Economia da USP-Economia nua e crua - Charles WheelanADM-Manual do CEO-O CEO é o limiteEstratégia-os axiomas de Zurique-Pai rico pai pobre-investimentos O segredo de George Soros e Warren Buffet-O X da questão-Investimentos inteligentes - Gustavo CerbasiHistória-Sonho Grande-A jogada do seculo-Michael Lewis-Bumerangue-Michael Lewis-Flash Boys-Michael Lewis-O homem que roubou Portugal-Os Genios dos Negocios-Peter-Krass-Golpes bilionarios-kari nars-A ascensao do dinheiro - Niall Ferguson-A bola de neve-Alice Schroeder-crash-uma breve histria da economia-O Lobo de Wall Street - Jordan Belfort-O Sequestro da America - Charles H. Ferguson-Por que sai do Goldman Sachs - Greg Smith3-CiênciaMedicina———1-AnatomiaAnatomia Humana Basica Dangeloe FattiniAtlas de Anatomia Humana NetterAtlas Fotográfico de Anatomia - YokochiGrays p. estudant.Anatomia Moore orientada para a clínica2-FisiologiaFisiologia Humana - Dee Unglaub Silverthorn3-PatologiaBogliolo Patologia4-HistologiaHistologia Básica - Junqueira e Carneiro5-Biologia celularBiologia Celular e Molecular -Junqueira & Carneiro6-BioquímicaBioquímica Médica Básica de Marks7-Bioestatística8-Embriologiaembriologia clinica Moore9-MicrobiologiaMicrobiologia Medica - Patrick Murray10-ImunologiaMurphy - Imunobiologia De Janeway11-GenéticaGriffiths - Introdução à Genética12-ParasitologiaParasitologia Humana Neves13-RadiologiaFundamentos de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por imagemTratado de Técnica Radiológica - Bontrager14-FarmacologiaFarmacologia Básica Clínica Bertram Katzung Goodman - Farmacologia15-SemiologiaSemiologia Medica - PortoSemiologia BatesExame Clínico-PortoSemiologia médica - mario lópezSemiologia Médica - Rocco16-Clínica GeralHarrison - Medicina InternaCecil17-Urgência e EmergênciaATLSManual APH18-PediatriaBlackbook PediatriaNelson Tratado de Pediatria19-Ginecologia e ObstetríciaObstetricía RezendeObstetricia BasicaRotinas Em ObstetriciaGinecologia FundamentalRotinas em Ginecologia20-NeurologiaA Neurologia que todo médico deve saber - NitriniNeurociências - Bear, M. F., Connors, B. W., & Paradiso, M. A.Cem bilhoes de neuroniosNeuropsicologia - Roger Gil21-PsiquiatriaCompêndio de Psiquiatria - KaplanManual De Psiquiatria Portugues22-Cirurgia geralCirurgia ambulatorial - SavassiManual de técnica cirúrgica para a graduaçãoPropedeutica CirurgicaRuy Garcia - Tecnica Operatória e Cirurgia ExperimentalSabiston - Tratado de CirurgiaTECNICA CIRÚRGICA Goff23-CardiologiaCardiologia para Clinico GeralSerrano - Tratado de Cardiologia SOCESP24-Exames LaboratoriasExames Laboratoriais - Nemer, Neves e FerreiraMedicina Laboratorial para o ClínicoRenato Failace - Hemograma - Manual De Interpretação25-DiversosManual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce JuniorFundamentos em Toxicologia de Casarett e DoullWilliams - Tratado de EndocrinologiaCurrent ReumatologiaDermatologia - Azulay & AzulayNefrologia - RiellaPneumologia - Série No ConsultórioAndrew Holtz - A ciência médica de HouseOnde não há medicoBiologiaQuimicaRotinas de enfermagemEngenharia———--Princípios de Mecatrônica-João Maurício RosárioFísica,Astronomia e Cosmologia———————————–-50 Ideias de Fisica Que Precisa - Joanne Baker-Física Moderna para iniciados, interessados e aficionados-O Universo Numa Casca de Noz-Stephen Hawking-Breve história do tempo-Stephen Hawking-O universo elegante - Brian Greene-A Realidade Oculta - Brian Greene-O Tecido do Cosmo - Brian Greene-Fisica do futuro - Michio Kaku-Hiperespaco - Michio Kaku-Mundos Paralelos - Michio Kaku-Batendo a porta do ceu - Lisa Randall-O cerne da matéria-Cosmos - Carl Sagan-El grande diseno-Stephen Hawking-E SE Respostas científicas para perguntas absurdas - Randall MunroeMatemática———--50 Ideias de Matematica Que Pre - Tony Crilly-17 Equacoes Que Mudaram o Mundo - Ian Stewart-20.000 léguas matemáticas-As maravilhas da matemática-Introdução a filosofia da matemática-O diabo dos numeros-O andar do bebado-Em busca do infinito-Os misterios dos numeros-Sera que Deus joga dados-Simetria matematica-A Matemática nos Tribunais - Leila Schneps, Coralie Colmez-Mathemagics How to Look Like a Genius Without Really Trying Mantesh Marked-Mania de matemática
-The Numbers Behind NUMB3RS-Keith Devlin & Gary LordenBiologia——–-50 Ideias Genetica - Mark Henderson-O Maior Espetáculo da Terra As Evidências da Evolução-Richard Dawkins-POR QUE A EVOLUÇÃO É UMA VERDADE -Jerry A. CoyneLógica——-A Arte de Pensar Claramente - Rolf Dobelli-Tratado Lógico Filosófico-Wittgeinstein-Pinóquio no País dos Paradoxos-Raciocínio Lógico e Matemática para Concursos CESPE/UNB-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro César-Pense Como um Freak_ Como Pensa - Steven D. Levitt-Guia das falácias de Stephen Downes-Lógica jurídica-Chaim Perelman-Modal Logic for Open Minds - Johan van Benthem-Philosophical Perspectives on Infinity-Graham OppyBibliografia do CombateAMT-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 1ª Parte - Fuzil-EB-C 23-1 - Tiro Das Armas Portáteis- 2ª Parte - Pistola-EB-Caderno de Instrução do Fuzil de Assalto 5,56 IA2 (EB70-CI-11.405)-EB-Catálogo de Armas-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-IP-23-90 Morteiro 81 mm ROYAL ORDNANCE-EB-IP 23-34 Lança-Rojão 84mm(AT-4)-MCRP 3-01B Pistol Marksmanship - USMC-MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine CorpsAssault-CI 7-5-2 Combate em área edificada-EB-CI 21-75 Patrulhas-EB-Manual de Conduta de Patrulha-PMESP-Apostila Instrução Tática Individual -FNSP-The Hunter’s page-Rodrigo Pereira Larizzatti-In0531 Combat in built up areas-Us ArmySniping-IP 21-2 Caçador-EB-CI 21-2-1 contra caçadores-EB-The Ultimate Sniper -Maj.John Plaster-B-GL-392-005/FP-001 Sniping -Canada-FM 3-22.10 FM 23 10 SNIPER TRAINING AND OPERATIONS-MCWP 3-15-3 Sniping-USMC-MI6-028 Tiradores de élite-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Atirador de elite-Carlos DavidArtes Marciais-C 20-50 luta-EB-Ringue Master-Boxing-Edwin Haislet-Gracie Jiu-Jitsu - Thomas de Soto-A Biblia do MMA- Anderson Silva-Krav Maga-Kobi Lichtenstein-FM 3-25.150 Combatives-US Army-MCRP 3-02 Close Combat-US Marine Corps-Wrestling for Fighting The Natural Way-Randy Couture, Erich Krauss, Glen Cordoza e Eric Hendrikx-GET TOUGH! -W.E.FAIRBAIRN-Ninjutsu - Arte da resistencia-Mystic Art of the Ninja - Stephen Hayes-Ninja Combat Method - Stephen Hayes-Secrets from the Ninja Grandmaster-Stephen K. Hayes & Masaaki Hatsumi-The Way of the Ninja: Secret Techniques - Masaaki HatsumiTFM & Alimentação-EB20-MC-10.350 Treinamento Físico Militar-EB-Guia dos movimentos de musculação-Frédéric Delavier-Musculação além do anabolismo-Waldemar Marques Guimarães Neto-MD42-M-03 Manual de Alimentação das Forças Armadas-EBEsgrima-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima -Volume 1- FLORETE (EB60-ME-25.401)-EB-Manual de Ensino de Esgrima - Volume 2 – Espada (EB60-25.502)-EB-C 20-51-Esgrima-EBSobrevivência-IP 21-80-sobrevência na selva-EB-Fm 21 76 Survival manual- us army-SERE-FASOTRAGRUPAC /LANT 1520-8 (REV 1-99)APH & Medicina-MANUAL DE ATENDIMENTO PRÉ-HOSPITALAR-CBMDF-PROTOCOLO DE SUPORTE BÁSICO DA VIDA-CBMGO-ATLS Advanced Trauma Life Support-Colégio Americano de Cirurgiões Comitê de Trauma-Manual de Diagnóstico e Tratamento de Acidentes por Animais Peçonhentos-FUNASARastreamento-SIGN AND THE ART OF TRACKING-Christian Nellemann with Jack Kearney and Stig Nårstad-SAS Tracking Handbook-Barry Davies-The art of tracking the origin of science-LiebenbergManuais-cgcfn 1003 manual basico do fuzileiro naval-cgcfn 1004 combatente anfibio-Manual Operacional Do Policial Civil SPTécnicas Militares-C 22-5 ordem unida-EB-C-21-74 Instrução Individual-Exército Brasileiro(EB)-EB70-MC-10.233 Defesa QBN-EB-EB70-CI-11.002 CÃO DE GUERRA-EB-C-6-199 Topografia-EB-C-5-40 Camuflagem-EB-Manual de Operações de Choque-The Ultimate Parkour & Freerunning Book-Jan Witfeld, Ilona E. Gerling& Alexander PachApronto Operacional-EB70-CI-11.404 Caderno de Instrução de Aprestamento e Apronto Operacional-EB-Guia do Aluno Comanf-Marinha do Brasil-Orientação Cioesp - EB-Orientação Cigs - EB-Orientação Cam(Curso Avançado de Montanhismo) - EB-Orientação PQD - EBExplosivos-C 5-37 Minas e Armadilhas-EB-FM 5-25 Explosives & Demolitions-U.S.Army-TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook-U.S.Army-TM 9-1910 Military Explosives-US Army-TM 9-1300-214 Military Explosives-US Army-The Anarchist Cookbook-William Powell-Guerilla Arsenal- David Harber-The Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Advanced Anarchist Arsenal-David Harber-The Preparatory Manual of Explosives-Jared B.Ledgard-Kitchen Improvised Fertilizer Explosives-Tim Lewis-Homemade Semtex-Seymour Lecker-Science of Revolutionary Warfare-Johann Most-The Explosives Course-Abu Khabab al-Masri(Midhat Mursi)-Ragnar’s Homemade Detonators-Ragnar BensonMergulho-B-GL-361-007/FP-001 Combat Diving-National Defense Canada-MANUAL DE NATAÇÃO EsEFEx-EB-U.S. Navy Diving Manual SS521-AG-PRO-010-MANUAL DE OPERAÇÕES DE MERGULHO-CBMESP-A Guide to Public Safety Diving-North Carolina PSD Standards-Manual Operacional de Bombeiros-CBMGO-FM 3-05.212 Special Forces Waterborne Operations-US Army-MULTI-SERVICE TACTICS, TECHNIQUES,AND PROCEDURES FORMILITARY DIVING OPERATIONS-Headquarters of the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, andCoast Guard USParaquedismo-CADERNO DE INSTRUÇÃO DE TREINAMENTO E TÉCNICA BÁSICA DO PARAQUEDISTA MILITAR EB70-CI-11.001 -EB-MANUAL TÉCNICO DO MESTRE DE SALTO PARAQUEDISTA-EB-Manual Técnico de Salto Livre (EB60-MT-34.405)-EBEquitação-Manual Técnico Equitação (EB60- MT-26.401)-EB-Manual Equitação da Federação Paulista de HipismoOperações-M016 Manual Tecnica Esqui-Ejército de Tierra(Espanha)-Ci9011 Assalto Aeromóvel e Infiltração aeromóvel-EB-Cold Region Operations ATTP 3-97.11/MCRP 3-35.1D (FM 31-70 and FM 31-71)-US Army-MOUNTAIN OPERATIONS FM 3-97.6 (90-6)-US Army-DESERT OPERATIONS-FM 90-3/FMFM 7-27-US Army-Jungle Operations-FM 90-5-US Army-MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING FM 3-97.61(TC 90-6-1)-US ArmyEspionagem-CIA-Manual Oficial truques e espionagem-H.Keith Melton-Techiques of the professional pickpocket-Wayne B.Yeager-Curso de Introdução à Atividade de Inteligência – CIAI-CGISistemas de armasA.Aeronaves-Art of the kill-Pete Bonanni-Natops Flight Manual F16-Natops Flight Manual F18-Natops Flight Manual F14-FLIGHT MANUAL EuroFighter v1-TM 1-1520-251-10 HELICOPTER, ATTACK,AH-64D LONGBOW APACHE-DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY USB.Submarinos-Conocimientos submarinos S-70-Armada EspañolaC.Barcos-Manual de Marinero y del Soldado de infantería de Marina-Armada Española-Manual de policiamento fluvial-PPMPA (Pará)D.Cavalaria-IP 17-82 - A VIATURA BLINDADA DE COMBATE - CARRO DE COMBATE LEOPARD 1 A1-EB-Manual M113-Exército PortuguêsE.Artilharia-SERVIÇO DA PEÇA DO OBUSEIRO 155 mm M109 A3-EBRocketry-Fundamentals of Guided Missiles-S. R. Mohan-AFM 52-31 Guided Missile Fundamentals-Department of the Air Force-Advances in Missile Guidance, Control, and EstimationGunsmithing-Gunsmithing at Home Lock Stock & Barrel- John E.Traister-Building Firearms-Harold HoffmanArmas Nucleares-U.S. Nuclear Weapons - The Secret History Hardcover-Chuck Hansen-Swords of Armageddon - Chuck Hansen-Dark Sun: The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb-Richard Rhodes-The Making of the Atomic Bomb-Richard Rhodes-Atomic Accidents: A History of Nuclear Meltdowns and Disasters- James MahaffeyEngenharia Naval-SNAME Ship Design & Construction-Engineering Economics and Ship Design - BuxtonEstratégia militar-Field Manual of Military Operations (FM 3–0)-United States Army-Manual de Campanha C 124-1 - Estratégia-EB-As grandes estratégias - John Lewis GaddisCriminalística-Techniques of Crime Scene investigation-Barry A.J Fisher-Procedimento operacional padrão:Perícia Criminal-Ministério da Justiça BR-Manual de orientação de quesitos da perícia criminal-DPF-Introduction to Criminalistics-Barry A.J Fisher,William J.Tilstone e Catherine Woytowicz-Fundamentals of forensic science- Max M. Houck & Jay A. Siegel-Ciências Forenses-Alberi Espindula,Gustavo Caminoto Geiser e Jesus Antonio VelhoA.Localística-Practical Crime Scene Processing and InvestigationB.Balística-Hanbook of Firearms and Ballistics-Brian J.HeardC.Hematologia Forense-Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes-Stuart H.James & William G.Eckert-Bloodstain Pattern Analysis -Tom Bevel & Ross M. GardnerMedicina Legal-Medicina Legal-Genival Veloso-Manual técnico-operacional para os médicos-legistas do Estado de São Paulo-Manual de Medicina Legal - Delton Croce Junior-Manual de Técnicas em Necropsia médico-legal-Luiz Carlos L.Prestes Jr. &Roger AncillottiPsicologia ForenseA.Perfil-Serial Killer louco ou cruel-Ilana Casoy-Mentes Perigosas - O Psicopata - Ana Beatriz Barbosa SilvaB.Microexpressões-Linguagem das Emoções-Paul Ekman-O código de Ekman -A.Freitas Magalhães-Inteligência visual-Amy E.HermanC.Persuasão-As Armas da Persuasao - Robert B. Cialdini-Manual de Persuasão do FBI - Jack Shafer-Oratória-Reinaldo PolitoD.Adestramento-Adestramento Inteligente-Como Criar o Cao Perfeito Desde - Cesar MillanE.Motivação-Magica de Pensar Grande-David J SchwartzALógica-Raciocínio Lógico Passo A Passo -Cabral,Luiz Claudio; Nunes, Mauro CésarHistória-The illustrated guide to the world’s top counter-terrorist forces-Samuel M.Katz-Bushido (o Código do Samurai)-Daidoji Yuzan-DA GUERRA-CARL VON CLAUSEWITZ-A Arte da guerra-Sun Tzu-O Livro dos Cinco Anéis-Miyamoto Musashi-Charlie Oscar Tango-Eduardo Betini e Fabiano Tomazi-Oscar Alfa-Fabiano Tomazi-Elite da tropa- André Batista, Rodrigo Pimentel e Luiz Eduardo Soares-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Mark Bowden-Não há dia fácil-Mark Owen-Seal team six -Howard E.Wasdin & Stephen Templin-Diário de um policial-Diógenes Lucca-COE Comandos e Operações Especiais-por Luis Augusto Pacheco Ambar (Autor), Guto Ambar (Fotógrafo)-Matar ou Morrer-Conte Lopes-Rota 66-Caco Barcellos-Thoughts of a Sniper-Vasily Zaitsev-O diário de Guantánamo- Mohamedou Ould SlahiCrime Organizado-A Guerra: a ascensão do PCC e o mundo do crime no Brasil-Bruno Paes Manso e Camila Nunes Dias-Laços de Sangue. A História Secreta do PCC-Marcio Sergio Christino & Claudio Tognolli-Quatrocentos Contra um (uma Historia do Comando Vermelho)- William da Silva LimaFicção-Shibumi-Trevanian-Tom Clancy - A Caçada ao Outubro Vermelho-Tom Clancy - A Soma de Todos os Medos-Tom Clancy Morto ou Vivo-Scarpetta - Patricia Cornwell-Dexter - Design de um Assassino - Jeff Lindsay-Querido e Devotado Dexter - Jeff Lindsay-Duplo Dexter - Jeff LindsayDocumentários-Guerreiro Mais Mortal-Sniper: Deadliest Missions(Sniper:Atiradores de Elite (BR))-Generais em guerra-National Geographic-SAS Survival Secrets-Arma Humana (Human Weapon)-The History Channel-Por Dentro do Mossad-Duki Dror-Terrorismo atentados frustrados - Netflix-Medalha de honra-Netflix-The secrets of seal team six(Secretos de los SEALS VI(espanhol))-COMBATES AÉREOS(Dogfights)-History Channel-Preparados para o fim do mundo -National Geographic-À Prova de Tudo(Man vs. Wild)-Bear Grylls-No Pior Dos Casos-Bear Grylls-A vida em um milhão de anos-NatGeoFilmes-Falcão Negro em Perigo-Ridley Scott-Até o Limite da Honra-Ridley Scott-13 Horas: Os Soldados Secretos de Benghazi-Michael Bay-Sniper Americano- Clint Eastwood-Rede de Mentiras-Ridley Scott-Rota Comando-Elias Junior-S.W.A.T. - Comando Especial-Clark Johnson-Tropa de Elite-José Padilha-A Hora Mais Escura-Kathryn Bigelow-44 Minutos-Yves Simoneau-Beasts of No Nation-Cary Fukunaga-Ameaça Terrorista-Gregor Jordan-Círculo de Fogo (Enemy at the Gates)-Missão Impossível(Saga)-A Identidade Bourne-Doug Liman-Colombiana-Olivier MegatonSéries-Band of Brothers-Phil Alden Robinson et al-White Collar-Jeff Eastin-Generation Kill- Iraque 40 dias de horror-Patrick Norris et al-Polícia 24h-Diego Guebel-Operação de Risco- Carla Albuquerque & Eduardo OliveiraGames-Arma 3-Insurgency-Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Blacklist-Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas-Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon: Future Soldier-Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare-Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare-Tom Clancy’s H.A.W.X-ACE COMBAT 7: SKIES UNKNOWN-Microsoft Flight Simulator-X-Plane 11-Ship Simulator Extremes-UBoat-World of Warships4-ArteSadismo-120 dias de sodoma-Justine-Marques de Sade-O orgasmo multiplo do homem-Sexo Tântrico - Alicia Gallotti-Dossiê do beijo5-CeticismoAteísmo-God The Failed Hypothesis- Victor J. Stenger-The Miracle of Theism Arguments for and Against the Existence of God- J L Mackie-The Non Existence of God-Nicholas-Everitt-Arguing About Gods-Graham Oppy-Iron Chariots Wiki-Arguing for Atheism-Robin Le Poidevin-O relojoeiro cego-Dawkins-Atheism: A Philosophical Justification Michael Martin-Logic and Theism - Jordan Sobel-The Cambridge Companion to Atheism - Michael Martin-Irreligion -John Allen Paulos-A Cosmological Argument for a Self-Caused-Quentin SmithCeticismo-The Skeptic’s Dictionary- Robert Todd Carroll-The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience - Michael Shermer-An Encyclopedia of claims,frauds,and Hoaxes ofthe Occult and Supernatural- James Randi-O Mundo Assombrado pelos Demonios-Carl Sagan-Cerebro e Crenca - Michael Shermer-Por que as Pessoas Acreditam em - Michael Shermer-Pura Picaretagem - Daniel Bezerra6-Budismo-A Doutrina de Buda-contos zen budistas-O cérebro de Buda-O Livro de ouro do Zen -David Scott & Tony DoubledayBIBLIOTECA MT
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2024.05.17 16:22 jakub23 THE 10 BEST WRESTLERS IN THE WORLD [according to the Wrestling magazine, Vol. 1 No.6, July 1951] & more

Recently I got my hands on an antediluvian issue of "Wrestling" magazine, which was published in the early 1950s by the late bodybuilding icon Joe Wider. I thought it would be fascinating for us to explore the rankings as compiled by the magazine's editorial team. AFAIK, these rankings were updated monthly, so here they are as they were published in July 1951.
THE 10 BEST WRESTLERS IN THE WORLD: 1 — Lou Thez 2 — Frank Sexton 3 — Ruffy Silverstein 4 — Earl McCready 5 — Gino Garibaldi 6 — Bert Assiratti 7 — Buddy Rogers 8 — Chief Don Eagle 9 — Yukon Eric 10 — Antonino Rocca
THE 10 BEST WOMEN WRESTLERS: 1 — Mildred Burke 2 — Nell Stewart 3 — May Weston 4 — Lilly Bitter 5 — June Byers 6 — Carol Cook 7 — Juanita Coffman 8 — Jean Holland 9 — Dot Dotson 10 — Cora Combs
THE 10 BEST TAG TEAMS: 1 — Mike and Ben Sharpe 2 — George and Bobby Becker 3 — Chris and Babe Zaharias 4 — Sandor Szabo and Primo Carnera 5 — Buddy Rogers and Billy Darnell 6 — Al Williams and Rudy May 7 — Hans and Fritzie Schnabel 8 — Michael Leone and Great Moto 9 — Leo and Gino Garibaldi 10 — Ted Christy and Karl Davis
THE TOP 10 VILLAINS: 1 — Abe Kashey 2 — Dick Raines 3 — Bill Longson 4 — Lavery Baxter 5 — Ernie Dusek 6 — Rudy Kay 7 — Green Hornet (Lou Bastien) 8 — Togo 9 — Wladek Kowalski (aka Killer Kowalski) 10 — Hans Schnabel
THE 10 MOST POPULAR WRESTLERS: 1 — Antonino Rocca 2 — Don Eagle 3 — Gene Stanlee 4 — Primo Carnera 5 — Leo Garibaldi 6 — Lou Thesz 7 — Buddy Rogers 8 — Verne Gagne 9 — Kenny Ackles 10 — Roland Meeker
The publishemanaging editor also shared their greatest match of all time in a separate article in the magazine. It was the bout between The Golden Greek Jimmy Londos and Jim Browning, which took place on June 24, 1934, at Madison Square Garden's Long Island Bowl. Although this is not part of any of the rankings, I thought it would be another interesting tidbit from the long-gone era of professional wrestling history.
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2024.05.16 04:22 Lordofthe305 CPWA Octane 5-15-24

CPWA Octane 5-15-24
We open with a recap of Fatal Alliance, highlighting some of the key moments that occurred during the event, leading up to the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship match between Masato Kojima and "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones in a Hardcore Hell match. The match itself was a bloodfest with Kojima emerging as the new CPWA World Heavyweight Champion. We then see highlights of the CPWA World Tag Team Championship match between The Mortician and Mangod taking on The Jordans (Shelton and Elijah). The match was hard-hitting and explosive, but the Mortician and Mangod won the match and regained the CPWA Tag Team Championships.
The package ends and we open with a 30-second intro highlighting all of the stars of CPWA as The Roots' "BOOM" plays in the background. The intro ends with "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones holding the CPWA Heavyweight Championship belt over his head. Pyro goes off in the arena for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the crowd.
Brian Kinsley: We welcome you to CPWA Octane! We are coming to you live from Indianapolis, Indiana! Brian Kinsley along with Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, and it's the fallout from Fatal Alliance!
Anthony Harris: We also have new champions, including new CPWA Tag Team Champions and of course, a NEW CPWA World Heavyweight Champion! Not to mention, that we'll be kicking off the second annual CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament.
Sir Samuel Stewart: Let's take it to the ring!
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You" plays in the arena as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, along with Brother Julius make their entrance to address the crowd. Lejuan and Brother Julius enter the ring and address the crowd.
LeJuan Jones: My goals of becoming a double champion in two different promotions went up in flames thanks to not only Devon Gatlin-Tyson, but also Masato Kojima. I was supposed to be the true thriving force in not just CPWA, but also in UWC. I was expected to retain and go forth to dominating, but now I can't even do that. If you were expecting to see Masato Kojima tonight, he flew all the way back to Japan, where he can celebrate with the rest of his fellow hooligans. However, there is someone here tonight that's going to be competing in the main event again, and that's you DGT!
Big K.R.I.T.'s "Reign On" plays in the arena as GM Ronny Sharpe stands on the entrance stage.
GM Ronny Sharpe: LeJuan, you will not put your hands on Devon Gatlin-Tyson tonight. Seeing as you are still recuperating from your match, I would advise you not to interfere in tonight's main event, but then again, I am not Brother Julius, who should be telling you otherwise. Should you or any member of Number One Enterprises interfere in the main event tonight, LeJuan, you will never challenge for the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship again!
Brian Kinsley: That ought to slow his roll.
GM Ronny Sharpe: And another thing, UWC reached out to me and they are considering Devon Gatlin-Tyson to be the number one contender for their World Heavyweight Championship! So it looks like your title opportunities have vanished!
LeJuan is extremely livid from the revelation.
Anthony Harris: Sucks to be "The Number One Pick" right now.
Sir Samuel Stewart: I'm not sure what LeJuan Jones is gonna do until then...
We cut to the backstage area and we see Devon Gatlin-Tyson being interviewed by Kimberly Reynolds. DGT expresses his grattitude about being named number one contender for the UWC World Heavyweight Championship and believes that he is poised for great things in the future.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Announcer: And it is a first-round match for the CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament.
The O'Reillys and Paddyhats' "Barrels of Whiskey" plays in the arena. The crowd cheers and chants Rory's name.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Dublin, Ireland, he is Rory Irvine.
Almighty 3's "To The Other MC's" plays in the arena.
Announcer:And his opponent, from Opa-Locka, Florida, he is Money Mark!
Match 1: CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament: First Round: Rory Irvine vs. Money Mark
The opening match to kick off the second annual CPWA Super Junior Carnival felt more drab than the usual lightning quick, crisp, and precise action you would expect from the Cruiserweights. Both guys felt like they had to rush through the match after a lengthy segment from LeJuan Jones. Rory won the match with a Celtic Cruifix Drop. Rory Irvine will face the winner of Tiger Kazama and El Colibri.
We cut to a recap of the CPWA Tag Team Championship match between The Mortician and Mangod taking on The Jordans (Shelton and Elijah), which lasts for a minute. The recap ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a first-round match for the CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament.
Bambu's "Chairman Mao" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Shanghai, China, he is Keith Yang.
Brian Kinsley: IT'S YANG TIME!!!
Punjabi MC's "Sounds of the Des" plays in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, from Mumbai, India, Sharnaz Khan.
Match 2: CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament: First Round: Keith Yang vs. Sharnaz Khan
Give Sharnaz Khan the credit for taking a two-time CPWA World Heavyweight Champion in Keith Yang to his limit and more. Khan jumped out the gate hot and looked to pull off a major upset, but it wasn't meant to be. Keith Yang managed to weather the storm and hit Khan with Yang Time to get the win. Keith Yang will face the winner of Daigo Yoshimura and Silver Eyes.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Floribama Boyz (Jeremy and Kirk G.) taking on Pretty Boy. We then see a graphic hyping up a match between Kwazi Nkosi and "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Olympians' Sanya Felix and Number One Enterprises' Big Angela.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we see Sabina Bellini being interviewed by Kevin Meyers. Sabina expresses disdainfully about losing the CPWA Women's International Championship and vows to win it back. Kiara Thompson and Big Angela walk into the interview, scoffing at Sabina before leaving. Sabina frowns and shakes her head in disgust.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following match is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Olympians, from Los Angeles, California, Sanya Felix.
Megan Thee Stallion's "Captain Hook" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And her opponent, representing Number One Enterprises, accompanied to the ring by Kiara Thompson, from Newark, New Jersey, she is Big Angela
Match 3: Sanya Felix vs. Big Angela
Big Angela continues to impress and improve in the ring by leaps and bounds. Her match against Sanya Felix saw her match speed with surprising speed and raw strength. Felix looked for the win, but former Olympian and tag partner Kiara Thompson distracted the referee. This allowed Big Angela to throw Sanya Felix off the top turnbuckle, hit her with a spear, and a Banzai Splash to get the win.
We cut to a recap of the CPWA Hardcore Championship match between Pretty Boy and Raymundo Vega, which lasts for a minute. The recap ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a 2 on 1 handicap match scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
LMFAO feat. Lil Jon's "Shots" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from the Florida Panhandle, they are Jeremy and Kirk G., the Floribama Boyz!
The arena lights go out and we hear an ominous female voice.
Ominous Female Voice: Pretty Boy...oh Pretty Boy...punish...them...all!
Glitter Wasteland's "Cold War (Nightcrawler Remix)" plays in the arena as blue and red lighting fill the arena.
Announcer: And his opponent, he is Pretty Boy!
Match 4: The Floribama Boyz (Jeremy and Kirk G.) vs. Pretty Boy
Pretty Boy decimated the Floribama Boyz in brutal fashion, despite the tag team doing their best to subdue him. Pretty Boy ended the match with two tombstone piledrivers to Jeremy and Kirk G., pinning them on top of each other to secure the victory.
After the match, Pretty Boy continued brutalizing the Floribama Boyz. Suddenly, Nu Breed's "Florida" plays in the arena as "Florida Man" Gary Strange rushes down to the ring and attacks Pretty Boy with a steel chair. "Florida Man" brings the fight to Pretty Boy, causing referees and road agents to rush in and break up the fight. Despite their efforts, Pretty Boy and "Florida Man" resumed their fight.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between Marco Rocha and Owen Benoit-Jericho. We then cut to a graphic hyping up the main event between The Olympians' Jordan Angle and Devon Gatlin-Tyson and Iron-Willed (Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller). We then see a graphic hyping up a match between Kwazi Nkosi and "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we see Pretty Boy and "Florida Man" Gary Strange carrying their fight to the backstage area. Referees, road agents, and several competitors rush over to break up the fight. "Florida Man" then yells obscenities at Pretty Boy.
We then see Brother Julius on his cell phone with someone. Brother Julius nods and smiles before hanging up his cell phone and walking away with a satisfied look on his face. We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a first-round match for the CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament.
Zola's "Zingu 7" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Cape Town, South Africa, he is Kwazi Nkosi.
Rain's "It's Raining" begins to play in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, from Seoul, South Korea, he is "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon!
Match 5: CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament: First Round: Kwazi Nkosi vs. "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon
A somewhat decent match, but the finish kinda soured since it felt like it was called on the fly. "The Korean Idol" had control for much of the match, but every now and then, Kwazi would make some sort of comeback. After a nearfall finish, Kwazi mounted a final comeback and won the match with a Phoenix Splash. Kwazi Nkosi will face the winner of Mark Starr and Deron "Ron" Jordan.
2 out of 5 stars.
We see Brother Julius talking with "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones about who he was on the phone with and whispers in his ear. LeJuan nods and daps up Brother Julius. We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a first-round match for the CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament.
Gabriel O Pensador's "Sem Parar" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he is the CPWA Hardcore Champion Marco Rocha.
Blood Brothers' "Replica" plays in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, representing The Commonwealth, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he is Owen Benoit-Jericho.
Match 6: CPWA Super Junior Carnival Tournament: First Round: Marco Rocha vs. Owen Benoit-Jericho
Another match that looked promising, but also fell flat due to execution. The last time these two competitors faced off, it was a five-star classic. This time around, not so much. OBJ looked a bit off and it didn't help that Rocha was the one trying to carry the match. Rocha won the match wth a Jacknife Powerbomb pin. Marco Rocha will face the winner of Jason Reynolds and Ricky Vice.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a graphic hyping up the main event between The Olympians' Jordan Angle and Devon Gatlin-Tyson and Iron-Willed (Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller).
***Commercial Break***
Brian Kinsley: Next week, CPWA will be in Chicago, Illinois for Octane. We will see more first round action in the Super Junior Carnival as Tiger Kazama takes on El Colibri, Daigo Yoshimura vs. Silver Eyes, Mark Starr taking on Deron "Ron" Jordan, and CPWA Cruiserweight Champion Jason Reynolds taking on Ricky Vice.
Announcer: Our main event is a tag team match scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Olympians, the team of Jordan Angle and Devon Gatlin-Tyson.
Metallica's "Orion" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And their opponents, representing Number One Enterprises, the team of Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller, Iron-Willed!
Main Event: The Olympians (Jordan Angle and Devon Gatlin-Tyson) vs. Iron-Willed (Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller)
While DGT may have been the focal point of this match, the rest of it was more of a slog to get through. As much as Jordan Angle and Klaus Muller loved to utilize their amateur wrestling acumen, the Indianapolis crowd wanted to see pro wrestling, rasslin' rasslin'. During the match, The Bushmasters (Shakir and Stokes) interfered in the match, attacking Angle, allowing Muller to place DGT in the Rings of Saturn to get the win for his team.
2 out of 5 stars.
After the match, The Bushmasters join Iron-Willed as they attack DGT and Jordan Angle. Ryan Phelps, Miguel Sandoval Jr., Chip Day, and Miles Orozco rushed down to the ring to help DGT and Angle. As DGT and Angle slid out of the ring to safety, Angle was attacked by the Soldiers of Misfortune (General Wade and Guerrilla God), leaving DGT at the mercy, or lack thereof, of "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones. It was an overwhleming 7 on 4 beatdown that saw Number One Enterprises and The Bushmasters beatdown The Olympians as Octane faded to black.
The results from
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2024.05.06 15:33 Leather_Focus_6535 The 113 inmates executed by Virginia in the post Furman era and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk) [part 1, cases 1-58]

This is the list that I wrote for the 113 inmates executed by the state of Virginia, from the 1976 Gregg national reinstatement of the death penalty to the state abolishing it in 2021. For the sake of clarification, the dates given here are an approximate timeframe of the offender's earliest known criminal activities to their executions. Many of the crimes surveyed here are also extremely horrific, and the gory details are discussed in my descriptions. Please read at your own risk.
Unfortunately, as with Missouri, the list exceeds the maximum 40,000 character count Reddit allows for submissions, and thus I had to split it into two separate posts. Here is the link to part 2 of this list.
The 113 executed offenders:
1. Frank Coppola (~1960s-1982, electric chair): Coppola, his wife, and two other accomplices hatched a plan to rob Payton Wetchell, a 55 year old car dealer, at his home. One of the accomplices posed as a delivery girl, and lured Payton's wife, 51 year old Muriel, out by ringing the doorbell. The group then forced themselves inside at gunpoint and tried extorting from her valuables though beatings. Mariel’s head was slammed against the door numerous times, and she ended up dying from suffocating on her vomit and a brain hemorrhage. When Peyton arrived at the scene, he was beaten as well. Although he survived, the treatment for the fractures required Peyton to have a steel plate grafted on his forehead, and he took his own life about a decade after the incident. The Coppolas and their accomplices made off with $3,000 and 3 rings. Coppola was a career burglar, and lost his job as a policeman for failing to report inmate abuse. His execution caused some controversy, as a witnesses described Coppola's legs catching fire during the electrocution.
2. Linwood Briley (~1971-1984, electric chair): In 1971, at the age of 16, Briley killed his neighbor, 57 year old Orline Christian, in a sniper attack from his bedroom window while she was laying clothesline. He escaped prosecution by convincing authorities that it was an accident. 8 years later, Briley went on a rape and robbery spree with two of his brothers (including James) and another accomplice. They murdered anywhere between ~12-21 males and females in their attacks. Their means of killings were very diverse and circumstantial, and completely indiscriminate on who they killed. The eldest known victim was 76 year old Mary Gowen, whom they raped and shot to death, while their youngest was 5 year old Harvey Barton, who was shot dead after the gang gang-raped and murdered his pregnant mother, 23 year old Judy. Some like, 17 year old Christopher Philips had his head crushed with a concrete block, a few others like 62 year old Mary Wilfong were beaten to death with baseball bats, and 59 year old Charles Garner was fatally stabbed with scissors and a fork. Almost all the victims were murdered in their homes, but some were attacked at their jobs. While on death row, Briley and James escaped with 4 other inmates, but were recaptured after a 3 week long manhunt.
3. James Briley (~1970s-1985, electric chair): He was one of Linwood Briley's brothers, and he assisted in him in the robbery, rapes, and murders of at least 12 to 21 people. As previously mentioned, Briley and Linwood broke out of prison on death row with several other inmates, and were all recaptured within weeks after their escape.
4. Morris Mason (~1960s-1985, electric chair): Mason broke into the homes of two elderly women, 86 year old Ursula Stevenson and 71 year old Margaret Hand. In both attacks, the victims were raped, beaten with an ax handle, bound and nailed to chairs, and burned alive when he set their houses on fire. He also attacked a pair of sisters, who were 12 and 13 years old, in their home. The 13 year old grabbed a gun from their father’s closet for protection, but Mason wrestled the gun away, and shot her instead. She survived with crippling injuries. Mason then kidnapped the 12 year old, took her to a nearby forest, and sodomized her. He covered the girl with leaves, lit them on fire, but she survived with only minor burns to her hair and shirt. Mason was also responsible for several burglaries during his crime spree, and was convicted several previous times for arson attacks. Authorities believe that Mason was committing acts of arson since his childhood. His execution sparked some controversy, due to him allegedly having a cognitive disability.
5. Michael Smith (~1970s-1986, electric chair): Smith kidnapped 35 year old Audrey Weiler while she was walking from a beach. He dragged her into a forest and raped her. During the sexual assault, Smith stabbed Weiler and drowned her in a nearby river. At the time of the attack, Smith was a sex offender with a rape conviction, and had reoffended against Weiler only months after his release from prison.
6. Richard Whitley (1980-1987, electric chair): Whitley went to the home of his occasional employer, 63 year old Phoebe Parsons, to vent about his broken marriage. As they were conversing, he stabbed Parsons to death. During the attack, he sodomized Parsons with an umbrella, and engaged in sex acts with her body. He then sacked the home of any valuables, stole her car, and fled to Florida.
7. Earl Clanton Jr. (~1971-1988, electric chair): At the age of 17, Clanton killed an unidentified woman in circumstances largely undisclosed beyond it being a robbery. Although Clanton was given a 26-28 year sentence, he was paroled 8 years later. A year after his release, he strangled a neighbor, 38 year old Wilhemina Smith, during a robbery of her home. He also had a malicious wounding conviction when he badly injured a teenage boy with brass knuckles, and his mother had made complaints of him stealing money from her. However, Clanton claimed that she faked her complaints in retaliation for him refusing a sexual relationship with her. Clanton also took part in the mass prison escape orchestrated by the Briley brothers, but was recaptured with them.
8. Alton Waye (1977-1989, electric chair): Waye invaded the home of 61 year old Lavergne Marshall, and stabbed her 42 times. He then raped Marshall and poured bleach on her body.
9. Richard Boggs (1984-1990, electric chair): After Boggs killed an unidentified man in a hit and run accident, he rushed to the home of his neighbor, 87 year old Treeby Shaw. When she offered him tea, Boggs hit her in the head with a steel object, and stabbed her to death with a butcher knife. He stole some silver from the home, which was discovered by investigating police officers in his car. On an unrelated side note, Boggs' older brother was shot dead by police during a car chase some years after his execution.
10. Wilbert Evans (~1964-1990, electric chair): While incarcerated for a robbery in North Carolina, Evans was transferred to Virginia to testify at a murder trial. While being transported in a prison van, he decided to take the opportunity to escape, and seized a gun from one of his escorts, 47 year old William Truesdale. Truesdale was shot dead during the struggle and Evans used the gun to destroy his handcuffs. Although he managed to jump out of the van, Evans was cornered by police officers only a few blocks away, and was recaptured followed a bungled suicide attempt. Evans had an extensive criminal history, and was convicted of robbing a gas station at the age of 18. During his time on death row, he protected staff members held hostage from being raped and abused by the Briley brothers during their attempted escape. His execution caused some controversy, as blood was observed coming out of his blood, nose, and eyes during the fatal shocks.
11. Buddy Justus (1978-1990, electric chair): Justus abducted and raped 3 women, 32 year old Rosemary Jackson, 21 year old Stephanie Hawkins, and 21 year old Ida Moses, and shot them to death. He was charged with a 4th murder, as Moses was pregnant and her unborn child also died in the attack. In two of his known murders, Justus was assisted by an 18 year old man that he befriend after he picked him up hitchhiking. He also received several life and death sentences in the states of Georgia and Florida.
12. Albert Clozza (1983-1991, electric chair): Clozza snatched 13 year old Patricia Bolton while she was walking home from a bookmobile. He dragged the girl into a forest and sodomized her with a twig. She was also severely beaten in the attack, and the corner's report mentioned that Bolton was "asphyxiated by her own blood."
13. Derrick Peterson (1982-1991, electric chair): During a holdup of a grocery store, Peterson shot and killed the manger, 45 year old Howard Kauffman. He then ran off with thousands of dollars worth in checks and cash.
14. Roger Coleman (~1977-1992, electric chair): Coleman tricked his sister-in-law, 19 year old Wanda McCoy, into letting him inside her house. He then raped and stabbed her, and she was nearly decapitated in the attack. A long standing sex offender, Coleman was convicted of raping a woman in her home a few years prior to McCoy's murder, and had exposed himself to two other women just before the killing. Unfortunately for him, one of the women happened to be an artist, and she drew a sketch that enabled the police to identify him for the murder. Despite his past offenses, Coleman had a strong following for his innocence among the anti death penalty crowd. A notion that was debunked following a 2006 DNA test that concluded his guilt.
15. Edward Fitzgerald Sr. (1980-1992, electric chair): Out of fear of her being a police informant, Fitzgerald abducted his drug dealer, 22 year old Patricia Cubbage. He raped and stabbed her 184 times, and reportedly carved a "tick-tack-toe design" into Cubbage's back.
16. Willie Jones (1983-1992, electric chair): Jones tricked the parents of an acquaintance, 78 year old Myra and 80 year old Graham, into letting him inside their house by pretending to be an undercover cop searching for missing children. He shot and killed Graham, tied up and gagged Myra, locked her in a closet, and stole their entire life savings (which amounted to $30,000). To destroy any evidence of his crime, Jones set the house on fire. Myra, who was still tied up and trapped in her closet, was burned alive. Jones was also one of the inmates that escaped from death row with the Briley brothers, but was recaptured weeks after the breakout
17. Timothy Bunch (1982-1992, electric chair): Bunch, a then active service Marine, was dating Su Cha Thomas, a 40 year old South Korean immigrant. Believing that Thomas was too much like his “slut” ex wife, Bunch decided that he wanted to rob and kill her. He tricked Thomas into letting him inside her home with the promise of a date. She was shot in the head and Bunch hung the body to a closet doorknob with a scarf. Bunch then ransacked the home, and stole a watch, diamond ring, and a pearl necklace. According to investigators, he confided in them that he had an orgasm while robbing and murdering Thomas. After the killing, Bunch was deployed to Japan, but extradited back to Virginia to face trial for Thomas’ murder.
18. Charles Stamper (1978-1993, electric chair): While robbing a restaurant that he worked at, Stamper shot and killed three of his co workers, 43 year old Agnes Hicks, 35 year old Franklin Cooley, and 20 year old Steven. He stole a total of $4,000 in the robbery. On death row, Stamper was attacked by fellow death row inmate Lem Tuggle for allegedly being a snitch. The assault left him permanently paralyzed, which made his execution somewhat controversial.
19. Syvasky Poyner (~1970s-1993, electric chair): Poyner shot and killed 5 females, 72 year old Louise Paulett, 45 year old Joyce Baldwin, 44 year old Carolyn Hedrick, 43 year old Chestine Brooks, and 17 year old Vicki Ripple during a two week long robbery spree. He directed his attacks towards beauty parlors, supermarkets, ice cream shops, and motels. A life long career criminal, Poyner had several auto theft, forgery, and burglary convictions, and his earliest date back to when he was 14 years old.
20. Andrew Chabrol (1991-1993, electric chair): Chabrol, a Navy serviceman, made unwanted advances on a fellow married sailor, 27 year old Melissa Harrington, and refused to back down despite repeated rejections. Harrington filed sexual harassment charges, and Chabrol was dismissed from service following an investigation. Angered by the loss of his career and her rebuffing his advances, Chabrol kidnapped Harrington from her home with the help of a friend, and tied her to his bed. He then raped and strangled her to death. The case attracted outcry years later when it was discovered that Chabrol and Harrington’s remains were buried in close proximity to each other in the Arlington cemetery.
21. Joe Wise (1983-1993, electric chair): Wise abducted 45 year old William Ricketson during a robbery. He beat and shot his captive in the eye and chest, dumped him in a water hole used for an abandoned power plant's lavatory, and drove off with his truck. Although Ricketson survived the shooting, he drowned in the hole.
22. David Pruett (~1975-1993, electric chair): In 1975, Pruett fatally stabbed his co worker, 22 year old Debra McInnis, while robbing a restaurant they worked at together. As the investigators weren't able to solve the McInnis murder, Pruett remained a free man. 11 years later, he tied up his friend's wife, 35 year old Wilma Harvey, in the couple's home while her husband was out of town. He raped Harvey, stabbed her 29 times and slit her throat, ransacked the house for any valuables, and stole an undisclosed amount of money. Pruett was also tried and sentenced for an unrelated rape incident alongside Harvey and McInnis' murders.
23. Johnny Watkins Jr. (1983-1994, electric chair): Watkins gunned down two store clerks, 41 year old Carl Buchanan and 22 year old Betty Barker, during a week long robbery spree. In the robberies that killed Buchanan and Barker, Watkins stole a combined total of $125. His brother Ronald was also executed for an unrelated robbery murder [for more details, please see section 49 on Ronald Watkins].
24. Timothy Spencer (~1980s-1994, electric chair): Spencer broke into the residences of at least 5 women and girls, 44 year old Susan Tucker, 35 year old Debbie Davis, 32 year old Susan Hellams, 32 year old Carolyn Hamm, and Diane Cho, a 15 year old South Korean immigrant, and raped them. All the verified victims were strangled to death with ligatures and ratchets. Another man was falsey convicted of Hamm's murder, but was cleared of guilt in a 1989 DNA test. The falsely accused man was one of the first inmates to be exonerated using DNA testing, while paradoxically Spencer was the first serial killer to be convicted with DNA evidence. Spencer also had a history of burglaries before his killing sprees.
25. Dana Edmonds (1983-1995, lethal injection): During a robbery of a grocery store, Edmonds tied up a grocer, 62 year old John Elliott. He bashed Elliot's head with a brick, stabbed his neck, and took $40 from the register.
26. Willie Turner (~1970s-1995, lethal injection): In 1978, Turner shot and killed W. J. Smith, a 54 year old jeweler, during a jewelry store robbery. A few years prior to Smith's murder, Turner had killed an unidentified inmate in largely undisclosed circumstances while serving time for a malicious wounding conviction, but was let out on parole. While on death row, Turner took part in the Briley brothers led breakout, and made several escape attempts on his own. In one incident, Turner pretended to have smuggled a gun in his cell, and used the hoax to make threats against the prison staff.
27. Dennis Stockton (~1950s-1995, lethal injection): 18 year old Kenneth Arnder allegedly crossed a dealer during a drug deal. The dealer retaliated by paying Stockton $2,000 to kill him. Stockton lured Arnder in his car with the promise of driving him to safety, and shot the youth in the eyes. He cut the hands off his body to prevent identification and dumped it in a remote North Carolinan forest. Stockton had a long criminal history since he was a teenager, which included several convictions of arson, safecracking, drug dealing, and weapons possession charges. Police also found dismembered body parts kept in a jar in his home, but Stockton claimed that it was simply a gift given to him by a biker gang, and he only kept the remains to show off at parties.
28. Mickey Davidson (1990-1995, lethal injection): Davidson’s wife, 36 year old wife Doris, made a decision to leave him for her ex husband. In a jealous rage, he beat her and her two daughters, 14 year old Mamie and 13 year old Tammy Clutterback, to death with a crowbar.
29. Herman Barnes (1984-1995, lethal injection): Barnes held up a grocery store at gunpoint, and shot and killed the owner, 72 year old Clyde Jenkins. Mohammad Afifi, a 42 year old Palestinian immigrant that worked as the store’s clerk, was also gunned down when he came to his boss’s aid.
30. Walter Correll Jr. (1985-1996, lethal injection): Correll and two accomplices ambushed, carjacked, and kidnapped 24 year old Charles Bousman Jr. after they motioned him to stop on a remote highway. After they stole his rings and watch, they beat and stabbed Bousman to death, dumped his body in a nearby forest, and drove off with his car. His execution was a source of contention, as Correll's supporters and attorneys assert that he was an intellectually disabled man set up by his accomplices for lesser sentences.
31. Richard Townes Jr. (~1970s-1996, lethal injection): Townes shot a clerk, 32 year old Virginia Goebel, in the head while robbing a grocery store, and stole $183 from the register. He had a long history of violent robberies, and had shot and wounded a taxi driver after holding him hostage for 6 hours several years before Goebel's murder.
32. Joseph Savino III (~1980s-1996, lethal injection): After he was released on parole from an armed robbery conviction, Savino beat his boyfriend, 64 year old Thomas McWaters, to death with a hammer in their home. According to Savino, McWaters was pressuring him for sex, and threatened to have his parole revoked if it was withheld.
33. Ronald Bennett (1985-1996, lethal injection): Bennett broke into the home of Anne Vaden, a 28 year real estate agent. After he tied Vaden up, Bennett beat, strangled, and stabbed her to death. One of Vaden's rings was stolen in the robbery, and he gave it to his wife. The murder was left cold for a year, but was solved when Bennett's wife drunkenly confessed her husband's deeds to a friend while showing off the ring.
34. Gregory Beaver (~1980s-1996, lethal injection): After Beaver escaped from a Maryland rehab center, he went on a rampage that involved stealing a car and storming a restaurant his stepfather owned to rob and assault him. While speeding away from the scene with a hitchhiker he picked up, Beaver was pulled over by Leo Whitt, a 49 year old state trooper. In the scuffle that broke out, Beaver shot and killed Whitt. The hitchhiker then tricked Beaver into stopping at a nearby restaurant, and he used the payphone to call the police on him. Beaver previously had 10 unspecified felony convictions, which was why he was placed by his family in the Maryland rehab center.
35. Larry Stout (1987-1996, lethal injection): Stout assaulted a dry cleaning store with a knife, slashed the throat of the owner, 40 year old Jacqueline Kooshian, and stole $1,200.
36. Lem Tuggle Jr. (~1971-1996, lethal injection): In 1971, Tuggle raped and fatally strangled 16 year old Shirley Brickey, and was given a 20 year sentence for it. He was released from prison after serving 10 years. Two years after his release, Tuggle lured 52 year old Jessie Havens from a dance hall, and then raped and shot her to death. On death row, he participated in the mass escape orchestrated by the Briley brothers, and paralyzed the above mentioned Charles Stamper for allegedly being an informant.
37. Ronald Hoke (1985-1996, lethal injection): Hoke forced his way inside the home of 56 year old Virginia Stell, a woman he met at a bar. He raped and stabbed her to death with a knife taken from the kitchen, and stole some medication from Stell's purse.
38. Michael George (1979-1997, lethal injection): In 1979, George lured 9 year old Larry Perry from his grandparents' home, and shot the boy dead after raping him. As the body was never found and the prosecution couldn't disprove his claims of it being an accidental killing, George was able to secure an involuntary manslaughter plea deal from the courts, and was released within two years for good behavior. After his release, he molested several teenage boys, and expressed fantasies about them being sexually tortured by "evil creatures" in the forest in his written works of fiction. In 1990, George made his fantasies a reality when he ambushed and abducted 15 year old Alexander Sztanko while the boy was ridding a motorbike. He shackled Sztanko to a tree, sodomized him with a stun gun, sliced pieces of his skin with a machete, shot him in the head, and stole his motorbike. Other teenage boys in the area also reported being assaulted in the same manner as Sztanko by a “Rambo like” camouflaged assailant. Although it is strongly believed that George was responsible for the attacks, he wasn't convicted of them.
39. Coleman Gray (1985-1997, lethal injection): Gray kidnapped 49 year old Richard McClelland while robbing a store he managed. He forced McClelland to collect over $12,000 in cash, drove his captive to a remote dirt road, and shot him six times in the head.
40. Roy Smith (1988-1997, lethal injection): Smith got into a violent argument with his wife in their home, and the neighbors called the police on him. He fired on the responding officers, and killed John Conner, a 38 year old sergeant. The remaining officers managed to subdue him after a brief standoff and physical struggle.
41. Joseph O'Dell III (~1958-1997, lethal injection): O'Dell was condemned for the abduction, rape, and strangulation murder of 44 year old Helen Schartner. She was last seen leaving from a night club, and her body was found near a beach. His execution was controversial, as O'Dell had a massive support base who believed in his innocence. The circuit court's decision to burn the DNA evidence relating to the Schartner case in 2000 sparked further outcry from them. Despite this, O'Dell was a long time felon with over 17 convictions dating back to the 1950s, and a woman claimed to have escaped a kidnapping attempt from him.
42. Carlton Pope (~1982-1997, lethal injection): Pope shot and killed 24 year old Cynthia Gray and wounded her sister while robbing them at a pool. He had a malicious wounding conviction when he shot a friend in the toe, and was paroled months before Gray's murder for that sentence.
43. Mario Murphy (1992-1997, lethal injection): 37 year old James Radcliff's wife hired Murphy to kill him in order to collect a life insurance policy. She, her boyfriend, Murphy, and 3 other conspirators pounced on Radcliff while he was sleeping in his bed, and they stabbed and beat him to death with a metal pipe. Due to all the other conspirators accepting plea deals, Murphy was the only one sentenced to death for the murder, which he perceived was because of Mexican nationality. His death sentence and execution also caused a minor diplomatic dispute with Mexico.
44. Dawud Mu'Min (1973-1997, lethal injection): At the age of 19 in 1973, Mu'Min shot and killed Charles Shupe, a 43 year old taxi driver, while robbing his taxi. He was given a 48 year sentence for the murder. 15 years later, Mu'Min was assigned to a inmate labor program. While working on a road, he pretended to be on a lunch break, and took the opportunity to sneak away from his escorts and supervisors. Mu'Min broke into a shopping center, raped Gladys Nopwasky, a 42 year old retailer, and stabbed her 16 times with a screwdriver. After he stole $4 from her purse, Mu'Min returned back to the work program.
45. Michael Satcher (1990-1997, lethal injection): Satcher ambushed 23 year old Anne Borghesani while she was biking near a highway. He raped, beat, and stabbed her 16 times with an axl. Another young woman was also assaulted by Satcher in a similar fashion, but she survived the attack. Both of their purses were stolen and disposed of in the same bush.
46. Thomas Beavers Jr. (1990-1997, lethal injection): Beavers broke into the home of 61 year old Marguerite Lowery, and raped and suffocated her to death with a pillow. He sacked the house, stole her jewelry, and drove off with Lowery's car. The killing went unsolved until a year later when Beavers was arrested for sexually assaulting a neighbor in circumstances nearly identical to Lowery's murder. A police search while investigating the neighbor incident found Lowery's stolen jewelry in his house.
47. Tony Mackall (1986-1998, lethal injection): While holding up a gas station at gunpoint, Mackall shot the cashier, 31 year old Mary Dahn, and took $515 from the register.
48. Douglas Buchanan Jr. (1987-1998, lethal injection): Enraged that his father, 43 year old Douglas, married a much younger woman, 31 year old Geraldine, shortly after his mother's passing, Buchanan shot him to death in their home. He also gunned down and stabbed Geraldine and her two sons, 13 year old Joel and 10 year old Donnie.
49. Ronald Watkins (1988-1998, lethal injection): While robbing a store that he formerly work at, Watkins stabbed the store owner, 29 year old William McCauley, 7 time in his back and slit his throat. McCauley's body was discovered by his father, who stopped by to check on his son after he failed to return home on time. As a sidenote, Watkins was the younger brother of the above mentioned Johnny Watkins Jr..
50. Ángel Breard (1992-1998, lethal injection): Breard stabbed his neighbor, 29 year old Ruth Dickie, to death during a botched rape in her home. He also made another unsuccessful attempt at sexually assaulting a second neighbor half a year later, which enabled investigators to tie him to Dickie's murder. His death sentence and execution sparked outrage in his native Paraguay.
51. Dennis Eaton (1989-1998, lethal injection): Eaton and his girlfriend, 24 year old Judy McDonald, carjacked 68 year old Ripley Marston Sr. and 26 year old Walter Custer Jr., and shot them both dead. While speeding away from the murder scene, the couple were pulled over by a state trooper, 48 year old Jerry Hines, and gunned him down as well. In the following police chase, Eaton ended up crashing his car into a telephone pole, and injured McDonald in the process. As they were corned, Eaton finished off McDonald by shooting her in the head, and made an attempt to commit suicide before he was subdued.
52. Danny King (~1980s(?)-1998, lethal injection): King and his then wife duped Carolyn Rogers, a 55 year old real estate agent, into letting them inside a vacant house by posing as clients. They jumped Rogers as she was giving them a tour of the house. She was choked with King's bare hands and stabbed to death in the assault. The couple then stole rings and checks from her purse. Both King and his ex wife blamed each other for the murder, but King was the one that was convicted of it by the courts. King also had a long history of robbery and car thefts, and was released from prison 10 days before the murder.
53. Lance Chandler Jr. (~1987-1998, lethal injection): Chandler shot and killed a clerk, 33 year old William Dix, during a convenience store robbery. He had a criminal record dating back to the age of 14, and had previous arrests for armed robbery, assaulting officers, and public intoxication.
54. Johnile DuBois (~1990s-1998, lethal injection): During a convenience store robbery, DuBois and 3 teenage accomplices tried forcing the clerk, 39 year old Philip Council, to open the register for them. When they thought he was acting too slow, the DuBois and the other robbers beat Council and shot him to death. DuBois had a history of thefts, illicit firearms possessions, assault, and probation violations.
55. Kenneth Stewart Jr. (1991-1998, lethal injection): Stewart separated from his wife, 35 year old Cynthia, after their marriage disintegrated. He was forbidden by the courts from being in contact with their son, 5 month old Jonathan, without Cynthia's consent. To overcome the custody barriers, Stewart tried to reconcile with Cynthia. When she refused, he shot her and Jonathan dead in her home.
56. Dwayne Wright (1989-1998, lethal injection): Wright went on a weeklong crime spree in Maryland and Virginia. In his Maryland attacks, he shot and killed 31 year old Odell Thomas and 24 year old Reginald Turman, and stole Turman's car and a total of $400. He then drove to Virginia, and held Saba Tekle, a 34 year old Ethiopian refugee, at gunpoint in her apartment. Wright forced Tekle to undress, shot her dead when she resisted his attempts at sexual assault, and swapped Truman’s car for hers.
57. Ronald Fitzgerald (1993-1998, lethal injection): Fitzgerald shot and killed 39 year old Coy White in his home in order to get his hands on the man’s 13 year old daughter. He abducted and raped the girl after forcing her to steal money from her father’s pockets, and left her locked in the trunk of his car. After abandoning White’s daughter, Fitzgerald flagged down a taxi driver, Hugh Morrison (age unknown), and shot him dead. Fitzgerald used Morrison’s stolen taxi to kidnap an 18 year old woman and her two children, and drove them to a motel. He raped the 18 year old in the motel room while her two children were watching tv. The family were spared and released, and Fitzgerald forced a couple to drive him to a courthouse with the intentions of committing suicide there. However, the attempt failed with his gun jamming, and he was captured by the police.
58. Kenneth Wilson (1993-1998, lethal injection): Wilson forcibly entered the home of his cousin's girlfriend, 31 year old Jacqueline Stephen, with a knife. He bound Stephen to a bed, and tied her 12 year old daughter and her daughter's 14 year old friend to the bed's posts. Wilson then made an attempt to rape Stephen, and cut her and the girls' throats. Stephen died at the scene, while both of the girls survived their injuries.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:09 MrsLadyZedd Vertigo (1958)

Vertigo (1958)?wprov=sfti1#)
MLZ MAP (Score): 96.71 / Zedd MAP (Score): 88.65 / Score Gap: 8.06
Our Collection
IMDb Summary: A former San Francisco police detective juggles wrestling with his personal demons and becoming obsessed with the hauntingly beautiful woman he has been hired to trail, who may be deeply disturbed.
Starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore, and Henry Jones.
I’m not sure if all of you know this about me, but I Left My Heart in San Francisco. There is quite literally no place like it in the world. Though when we lived there I was frustrated by crowded public transportation, moving the car to the other side of the street weekly, and the costs of living, I can never see a film set in San Francisco without the incredible memories flooding back at me. I am pretty sure that Jimmy Stewart left his heart there too.
Police detective John "Scottie" Ferguson, (who has retired because of an incident in the line of duty) has developed acrophobia (an extreme fear of heights) accompanied by vertigo. He is asked by a college chum, Gavin, to follow his wife Madeline. Now don’t get it wrong, he and Madeline are quite deeply in love, but she’s been acting strangely and he’s concerned.
Turns out, Madeline may just be possessed by a ghost. Luckily, this ghost has decided to trek all over the most beautiful parts of San Francisco. I know Hitch hated filming on location, but I am so glad he was able to record this gorgeous time capsule of filming spots before he went back to the studio lot. This was the first film to use the dolly zoom, an in-camera effect that distorts perspective to create disorientation, to convey Scottie's acrophobia; the effect is often referred to as "the Vertigo effect."
As we try and figure out what in the heck is going on, Scottie ignores his best friend and previously beloved companion and gets all tied up in this giant mess, none of which is really his doing. He is a sucker for a beautiful woman, and suckered he is.
This beautiful woman was costumed by my very favorite designer, Edith Head who could put any starlet into one of her designs and make them look gorgeous.
Zedd fills us in on a question of genre. “Is it film noir? There are noir elements everywhere - yes. Is it noir? There are so many Hitchcock elements (he could be classified as a genre in and of himself) - I’d say no. Hitchcock and Noir had a baby and they named it Vertigo.”
Though not a huge hit when released, Vertigo has become known as one of the greatest films of all time. In fact, it has caused many cases of “permanent fascination” where the film is viewed over and over. A bit ironic isn’t it? A person being obsessed, with a film about obsession, no less? Sometimes you gotta just Movie On!
submitted by MrsLadyZedd to moviereviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:06 MrsLadyZedd Vertigo (1958)

Vertigo (1958)?wprov=sfti1#)
MLZ MAP (Score): 96.71 / Zedd MAP (Score): 88.65 / Score Gap: 8.06
Our Collection
IMDb Summary: A former San Francisco police detective juggles wrestling with his personal demons and becoming obsessed with the hauntingly beautiful woman he has been hired to trail, who may be deeply disturbed.
Starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore, and Henry Jones.
I’m not sure if all of you know this about me, but I Left My Heart in San Francisco. There is quite literally no place like it in the world. Though when we lived there I was frustrated by crowded public transportation, moving the car to the other side of the street weekly, and the costs of living, I can never see a film set in San Francisco without the incredible memories flooding back at me. I am pretty sure that Jimmy Stewart left his heart there too.
Police detective John "Scottie" Ferguson, (who has retired because of an incident in the line of duty) has developed acrophobia (an extreme fear of heights) accompanied by vertigo. He is asked by a college chum, Gavin, to follow his wife Madeline. Now don’t get it wrong, he and Madeline are quite deeply in love, but she’s been acting strangely and he’s concerned.
Turns out, Madeline may just be possessed by a ghost. Luckily, this ghost has decided to trek all over the most beautiful parts of San Francisco. I know Hitch hated filming on location, but I am so glad he was able to record this gorgeous time capsule of filming spots before he went back to the studio lot. This was the first film to use the dolly zoom, an in-camera effect that distorts perspective to create disorientation, to convey Scottie's acrophobia; the effect is often referred to as "the Vertigo effect."
As we try and figure out what in the heck is going on, Scottie ignores his best friend and previously beloved companion and gets all tied up in this giant mess, none of which is really his doing. He is a sucker for a beautiful woman, and suckered he is.
This beautiful woman was costumed by my very favorite designer, Edith Head who could put any starlet into one of her designs and make them look gorgeous.
Zedd fills us in on a question of genre. “Is it film noir? There are noir elements everywhere - yes. Is it noir? There are so many Hitchcock elements (he could be classified as a genre in and of himself) - I’d say no. Hitchcock and Noir had a baby and they named it Vertigo.”
Though not a huge hit when released, Vertigo has become known as one of the greatest films of all time. In fact, it has caused many cases of “permanent fascination” where the film is viewed over and over. A bit ironic isn’t it? A person being obsessed, with a film about obsession, no less? Sometimes you gotta just Movie On!
submitted by MrsLadyZedd to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 03:01 MrsLadyZedd Vertigo (1958)

2024-157 / MLZ MAP: 96.71 / Zedd MAP: 88.65 / Score Gap: 8.06
Wikipedia?wprov=sfti1#) / IMDb / Official Trailer / Our Collection
IMDb Summary: A former San Francisco police detective juggles wrestling with his personal demons and becoming obsessed with the hauntingly beautiful woman he has been hired to trail, who may be deeply disturbed.
Starring James Stewart, Kim Novak, Barbara Bel Geddes, Tom Helmore, and Henry Jones.
I’m not sure if all of you know this about me, but I Left My Heart in San Francisco. There is quite literally no place like it in the world. Though when we lived there I was frustrated by crowded public transportation, moving the car to the other side of the street weekly, and the costs of living, I can never see a film set in San Francisco without the incredible memories flooding back at me. I am pretty sure that Jimmy Stewart left his heart there too.
Police detective John "Scottie" Ferguson, (who has retired because of an incident in the line of duty) has developed acrophobia (an extreme fear of heights) accompanied by vertigo. He is asked by a college chum, Gavin, to follow his wife Madeline. Now don’t get it wrong, he and Madeline are quite deeply in love, but she’s been acting strangely and he’s concerned.
Turns out, Madeline may just be possessed by a ghost. Luckily, this ghost has decided to trek all over the most beautiful parts of San Francisco. I know Hitch hated filming on location, but I am so glad he was able to record this gorgeous time capsule of filming spots before he went back to the studio lot. This was the first film to use the dolly zoom, an in-camera effect that distorts perspective to create disorientation, to convey Scottie's acrophobia; the effect is often referred to as "the Vertigo effect."
As we try and figure out what in the heck is going on, Scottie ignores his best friend and previously beloved companion and gets all tied up in this giant mess, none of which is really his doing. He is a sucker for a beautiful woman, and suckered he is.
This beautiful woman was costumed by my very favorite designer, Edith Head who could put any starlet into one of her designs and make them look gorgeous.
Zedd fills us in on a question of genre. “Is it film noir? There are noir elements everywhere - yes. Is it noir? There are so many Hitchcock elements (he could be classified as a genre in and of himself) - I’d say no. Hitchcock and Noir had a baby and they named it Vertigo.”
Though not a huge hit when released, Vertigo has become known as one of the greatest films of all time. In fact, it has caused many cases of “permanent fascination” where the film is viewed over and over. A bit ironic isn’t it? A person being obsessed, with a film about obsession, no less? Sometimes you gotta just Movie On!
submitted by MrsLadyZedd to 500moviesorbust [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 06:07 Craving_Awesome099 Live Stardom All Star Grand Queendom 2024 PPV Discussion Thread (English commentary): 3 Stages of Hell! Mayu Iwatani vs. Sareee! Konami's Stardom Return! Aja Kong's Stardom Debut!

The most anticipated show of Stardom's year is finally here, All Star Grand Queendom in Yokohama BUNTAI!
Star times 3:00p Tokyo 7:00a LON 2:00a NY 11:00p LA
Pre show at 10:15 on Stardom's YouTube
Maika vs. Momo Watanabe VTR
Saori Anou vs. Hanan VTR
Mayu Iwatani vs. Sareee VTR
PPV can be purchased through PIA
English commentary will be done by Stewart Fulton and a "special guest"
Match card Stipulation
Lady C and Rian vs. Cosmic Angels (Yuna Mizumori & Aya Sakura) Pre Show
Ranna Yagami vs. Momo Kohgo Pre Show
Rina vs. Sayaka Kurara Future of Stardom Championship (main show begins)
God's Eye (Syuri, Konami, & Ami Sohrei) vs. Empress neXus Venus (Xena, Waka Tsukiyama, & HANAKO) Konami's return to Stardom
Saki Kashima vs. Saya Kamitani vs. Saya Iida vs. Fukigen Death 4 Way match for the High Speed Championship
Mina Shirakawa vs. Natsuko Tora
Crazy Star (Suzu Suzuki & Mei Seira) vs. FWC (Hazuki & Koguma) vs. 02Line (AZM & Miyu Amasaki) vs. Young Oedo Tai (Starlight Kid & Ruaka) 4 Corners Match for the Goddess of Stardom Championship
Cosmic Angels (Tam Nakano & Natsupoi) vs. Aja Kong and Kaoru Ito Kong and Ito's Stardom debuts
Mayu Iwatani vs. Sareee IWGP Women's Championship
Saori Anou vs. Hanan Wonder of Stardom Championship (Hanan is cashing her Wish as the 2024 Cinderella tournament winner)
Maika vs. Momo Watanabe 3 Stages of Hell Match for the World of Stardom Championship. First fall is a regular wrestling match. Second fall is a Hardcore Match, Pinfalls and Submissions Count Anywhere. Third Fall is Last Woman Standing
submitted by Craving_Awesome099 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 05:35 Lordofthe305 CPWA Octane 4-24-24

CPWA Octane 4-24-24
We open with a recap of last week's show as Masato Kojima took on Keith Yang. The match was back-and-forth with Kojima picking up the victory with a Kojima Kutter on Yang. We then see "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones taking on The Olympians' Jordan Angle. The match was intense and hard-hitting, but it would be Angle winning the match with an Olympic Slam. After the match, Kojima announced the stipulation of the upcoming match for the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship.
Masato Kojima: You...Me...No Disqualification...HARDCORE HELL!!!
"The Number One Pick" looks on in shock as the recap ends.
The package ends and we open with a 30-second intro highlighting all of the stars of CPWA as The Roots' "BOOM" plays in the background. The intro ends with "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones holding the CPWA Heavyweight Championship belt over his head. Pyro goes off in the arena for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the crowd.
Brian Kinsley: We welcome you to CPWA Octane! We are coming to you live from Cleveland, Ohio! Brian Kinsley along with Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, and we have a terrific show for you tonight! We have The Odenkirks taking on the Mortician and Mangod, Lightning Achara will be in action as well as Money Mark.
Anthony Harris: We will also see "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez taking on Ferial Singh and The Olympians do battle against The Commonwealth.
Sir Samuel Stewart: Let's take it to the ring!
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You"plays in the arena as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, along with Brother Julius make their entrance to address the crowd. Lejuan and Brother Julius enter the ring and address the crowd.
LeJuan Jones: Last week, I was denied a chance to enforce a stipulation that would benefit me in retaining my CPWA World Heavyweight Championship, but I was wrongfully denied, thanks to a nosy Olympian like Devon Gatlin-Tyson. Brother Julius went to appeal to GM Ronny Sharpe about a redo main event match, but we were denied because our GM doesn't want to see greatness shine. Now, I don't know what Hardcore Hell is supposed to be, but if this is Kojima's answer for his getback, he will surely come up short once again.
Big K.R.I.T.'s "Reign On" plays in the arena as GM Ronny Sharpe stands on the entrance stage.
GM Ronny Sharpe: Lejuan, the more you make excuses for yourself, the more arduous your life continues to be, even if you are CPWA World Heavyweight Champion. I just got done talking with Masato Kojima about the Hardcore Hell match and I am here to announce that there will be a contract signing tonight for the match itself.
The crowd cheers.
GM Ronny Sharpe: Furthermore, since you're blaming Devon Gatlin-Tyson for his involvement in your match, how about next week, you will face him in a non-title match! Should DGT win, he will be given a guaranteed title shot for your CPWA World Heavyweight Championship at any given time that he desires!
Brian Kinsley: That is big news!
Anthony Harris: I'm sure DGT is somewhere thanking God for this opportunity.
We cut to the backstage area and we see Jordan Angle being interviewed by Kimberly Reynolds. Jordan Angle says that he couldn't be anymore happier for DGT to get such an opportunity and that he will train him as much as possible. Lord Phillip Byron IV walks into the interview and says that DGT doesn't deserve such an opportunity when someone such as himself is more deserving. Angle refutes Lord Phillip Byron IV's claim by saying that DGT is more than deserving, especially after having a successful last year. Lord Phillip Byron IV scoffs and asks Jordan Angle what DGT is doing now, to which Angle responds by saying that DGT is doing far better than you and will be the next CPWA World Heavyweight Champion.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Mashup Maloney's "Adon's Beaming" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, accompanied by Mai, from Kagoshima, Japan, he is Tiger Kazama!
The March of Death theme plays in the arena.
Announcer: And his opponent, from Guadalajara, Mexico, this is El Colibri.

Match 1: Tiger Kazama vs. El Colibri
After two segments that had the Cleveland crowd clamoring, the cruiserweights did what they did best and that was put on classics. This match was no different as Tiger Kazama and El Colibri once again did battle in the ring. Kazama was working with some underhanded tactics during the match, and even Mai got involved in the match, attempting to distract the referee. Thankfully, El Colibri managed to overcome this by bouncing Mai off the ring apron with a Tiger Feint Kick to her butt, followed by placing Tiger Kazama in the La Mistica to get the win.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Olympians (Ryan Phelps and Devon Gatlin-Tyson) and The Commonwealth (Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton). We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between Clarissa Yang and Lightning Achara. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez and Ferial Singh.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we see Devon Gatlin-Tyson being interviewed by Kevin Meyers. DGT jovially expresses how much an opportunity to not only have a chance to beat "The Number One Pick" for a title opportunity but also a possibility to become CPWA World Heavyweight Champion. DGT is interrupted by Owen Benoit-Jericho, who tells him that he needs to worry about surviving his match tonight.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
DaniLeigh Ft. Fivio Foreign "Dominican Mami" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, she is one-half of the CPWA Women's Tag Team Champions, "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez.
Panjabi MC's "Jogi" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And her opponent, from Bollywood, she is Ferial Kapoor.

Match 2: "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez vs. Ferial Kapoor
A decent yet solid match that featured a lot of storytelling, seeing how the rivalry between "The Dominican She-Devil" and "The Bollywood Princess's" teams have gone. Despite some minor hiccups, the match ended smoothly with a Bollywood Ending from Ferial to get the win.
3 out of 5 stars.
We cut to the backstage area and we see Money Mark getting ready for a match tonight. Brother Julius approaches Money Mark and tells him that he knows who he will be facing tonight and that he can provide some leverage for him. Money Mark tells Brother Julius that he doesn't need any help tonight, and that he can win all by himself.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing the Olympians, the team of Ryan Phelps and Devon Gatlin-Tyson.
Blood Brothers' "Replica" plays in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, representing The Commonwealth, the team of Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton

Match 3: The Olympians (Ryan Phelps and Devon Gatlin-Tyson) vs. The Commonwealth (Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton)
A very wonky match with no kind of flow or chemistry. Neither team could get out of first gear and the Cleveland crowd was flat for the match. Kelly Lawton ended the match with an Outlaw Cutter on Phelps to get the win for his team.
1 out of 5 stars.
After the match, OBJ brawls with DGT, causing referees and road agents to break up the fight.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between Money Mark and his mystery opponent. We then cut to a graphic hyping up the main event between The Odenkirks (William and Jake) taking on the Mortician and Mangod. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between Clarissa Yang and Lightning Achara.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we see OBJ and DGT still fighting backstage. Members of the Commonwealth and the Olympians come through to break up the fight, only for it to escalate into a brawl between the two factions.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing the Olympians, from Seattle, Washington, she is Clarissa Yang.
The lights in the arena turn off. We then hear thunder and lightning sounds emanate throughout the arena. Suddenly Teriyaki Boyz' "Tokyo Drift" plays in the arena as the lights turn back on as Lightning Achara makes her entrance
Announcer: And her opponent, from Bangkok, Thailand, she is the CPWA Women's Champion, Lightning Achara!
Match 4: Clarissa Yang vs. Lightning Achara
Along with the opening match, this match was the match of the night, filled with intense grappling sequences and counters, hard-hitting kicks, and long submission holds. After several near falls, Clarissa Yang won the match with a Rolling German Suplex Pin.
After the match, Clarissa Yang did a title belt motion at the hard cam, hinting at the possibility of being the next challenger for the CPWA Women's Championship.
We cut to a video package highlighting The Odenkirks (William and Jake), which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Almighty 3's "To The Other MC's" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Opa-Locka, Florida, he is Money Mark!
The arena lights go out and we hear an ominous female voice.
Ominous Female Voice: Pretty Boy...oh Pretty Boy...punish...them...all!
Glitter Wasteland's "Cold War (Nightcrawler Remix)" plays in the arena as blue and red lighting fill the arena.
Announcer: And his opponent, he is Pretty Boy!
Match 5: Money Mark vs. Pretty Boy
Pretty Boy came out with a mission and that was to not only win back the CPWA Hardcore Championship but to also brutalize anyone and everyone in his path. Money Mark put up quite a fight, but Pretty Boy delivered his onslaught, beating Money Mark and putting him away with a Tombstone Piledriver.
2 out of 5 stars.
After the match, Pretty Boy continued beating down Money Mark. The referee attempted to break up the beatdown, only for Pretty Boy to deliver a chokeslam and Tombstone Piledriver on the referee.
We cut to a video package highlighting the Mortician and Mangod, which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: Our main event is a tag team match scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they are William and Jake, the Odenkirks
An organ cover to Runaway Casket plays in the arena
Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, from the Resting Peace Funeral Home, he is The Mortician.
Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" (Elliot Loud version) plays in the arena
Announcer: And his tag team partner, from God knows where, he is Mangod.
Brian Kinsley: IT'S MANGOD!!!
Anthony Harris: Brian, for the love of God.
Main Event: The Odenkirks (William and Jake) vs. The Mortician and Mangod
The main event was not only a nod to the old-school days of wrestling with no frills and nobody pulling punches, but both teams put on a show. The match ended with Mangod hitting a Glorious Headbutt from Hell on Jake to get the win for his team.
After the match, The Odenkirks shook hands with the Mortician and Mangod, much to the approval of the Cleveland crowd.
We cut to a graphic hyping the contract signing between Masato Kojima and "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones.
***Commercial Break***
Brian Kinsley: Next week, CPWA will be in Cincinnati, Ohio for Octane. We will see The Olympians' Ryan Phelps take on Owen Benoit-Jericho, Cynthia Steele takes on Michelle Bluefeather, King Shaka defends the CPWA Television Championship against Miguel Sandoval Jr., and Devon Gatlin-Tyson takes on "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones.
We cut to the ring and we see GM Ronny Sharpe standing in the middle of the ring with a negotiating table and two chairs next to him.
GM Ronny Sharpe: Ladies and gentlemen, Fatal Alliance is a few weeks away and the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship will see "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones defend his title against Masato Kojima.
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You" plays in the arena as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, along with Brother Julius make their entrance. LeJuan sits at one side of the negotiating table.
D12's "Fight Music" plays in the arena as Masato Kojima makes his entrance. Kojima sits at the other side of the negotiating table. GM Ronny Sharpe: As both of you know, the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship match will be a Hardcore Hell match. To illustrate what a Hardcore Hell match looks like, Masato Kojima put together a video package of what all of us will expect to see at Fatal Alliance.
We cut to a video package illustrating what a Harcore Hell match looks like. Hardcore Hell is a Hell in A Cell type match with hardcore weapons and blowtorches scattered around ringside and attached the cell itself as we see highlights of the matches that took place primarily in Japan, some featuring Masato Kojima himself. The video package ends and we see "The Number One Pick" with a perturbed and shocked look on his face.
Masato Kojima: That's only a taste of what I will do to you come Fatal Alliance. I'm ready to sign the contract! (Sore wa, chimei-teki dōmei ni kite watashi ga anata ni okonau koto no hon'no ichibudesu. Keiyakusho ni shomei suru junbi ga dekimashita!) (それは、致命的同盟に来て私があなたに行うことのほんの一部です。 契約書に署名する準備ができました!)
LeJuan Jones: Not so fast! I'm not going to be a part of some deathmatch without any insurance or compensation.
GM Ronny Sharpe: You don't need to worry about any insurance or compensation because you have Number One Enterprises, which by the way, will be barred from the main event at Fatal Alliance. Furthermore, should you lose the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship on top of next week's match, you will not be allowed to challenge for the UWC World Heavyweight Championship! Now sign the contract.
Masato Kojima signs the contract and slides it to "The Number One Pick." LeJuan looks at the contract and signs it.
Brian Kinsley: The match is official!
"The Number One Pick" wastes no time flipping over the table and attacks Masato Kojima. The two brawl, leading to referees and road agents to break up the fight. As LeJuan and Brother Julius exit the ring, Masato Kojima flies through the ropes with a plancha dive onto LeJuan to continue the brawl.
Brian Kinsley: This is complete and utter madness! Fatal Alliance can't get here any sooner and we know it is going to be a maelstrom of violence when Masato Kojima and "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones are locked inside Hardcore Hell! For Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, this is Brian Kinsley saying goodbye everybody!
Octane fades to black.
The results from

submitted by Lordofthe305 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 02:49 RodeoBoss66 San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo: Recap, Highlights and Payouts

The final rodeo of the Texas Swing paid almost $800,000 in 2024 with the inclusion of breakaway roping

April 22, 2024 04:50 PM
The 2024 San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo marked the conclusion of the Texas Swing and delivered new No. 1s and big risers in the World Standings.

Cooper Cooke Takes Over No. 1 in the World With Dominant Bareback Riding Performance

Cooke was the only roughstock cowboy to win both rounds in San Angelo doing so with matching 88.5-point rides, the first on Korkow Rodeo’s Buffalo Soldier and the second on Pickett Pro Rodeo’s Night Gazer
The win marked Cooke’s first since the Brawley Cattle Call (California) on Nov. 12, but he did make the Finals of the last four Texas Swing Rodeos.
He made $17,070 in San Angelo overtake RodeoHouston Champion Leighton Berry for the No. 1 spot in the PRCA World Standings. Cooke was 3.5 points clear of second place Jacob Lees.

Dylan Hancock Rockets Almost 40 Spots in PRCA World Standings

The 20-year-old entered the weekend No. 51 and completely off the radar of the rodeo world. Flash forward to Friday night and he was the champion of his hometown rodeo and on his way to ranking No. 13 in the PRCA World Standings after all the money was tallied.
Hancock was 7.8 to win the Short Round and claim the Average by four tenths of a second over one of his traveling partners Cole Clemons.
“It means everything (to win this rodeo), that was the coolest thing I’ve ever done right there, to make a great run in front of my home crowd, it was awesome,” he said.

Brooke Eddy Becomes First Ever Breakaway Champion With 2.1-Second Run in Finals

There were a total of 180 ladies vying to be the inaugural San Angelo Breakaway Roping Champion and it was Texas cowgirl Brooke Eddy who got it done with an aggregate time of 7.0 seconds on three.
Eddy won a total of $9,909 in San Angelo. Entering the rodeo, she had banked just $582 on the year and sat No. 238 in the World. By the time the money is counted from the weekend, she will be in the Top 50 of the WPRA World Standings.
“It’s been a trialing couple of years, but I think this is our year,” she said. “This horse means a lot to me...I’m just super thankful for her to come to something this big and do this, it means a lot.”


First Round: 1. Cooper Cooke, 88.5 points on Korkow Rodeos’ Buffalo Solider, $7,710; 2. R.C. Landingham, 87, $5,911; 3. (tie) Jacob Lees and Wyatt Maines, 86.5, $3,598 each; 5. (tie) Ethan Mazurenko and Will Norstrom, 86, $1,542 each; 7. Tilden Hooper, 85.5, $1,028; 8. Keenan Hayes, 85, $771.
Finals: 1. Cooper Cooke, 88.5 points on Pickett Pro Rodeo Co’s Night Gazer, $1,650; 2. Jacob Lees, 87, $1,250; 3. Ethan Mazurenko, 86, $900; 4. (tie) Tilden Hooper and Will Norstrom, 85, $475 each; 6. R.C. Landingham, 84.5, $250.
Average: 1. Cooper Cooke, 177 points on two head, $7,710; 2. Jacob Lees, 173.5, $5,911; 3. Ethan Mazurenko, 172, $4,369; 4. R.C. Landingham, 171.5, $2,827; 5. Will Norstrom, 171, $1,799; 6. Tilden Hooper, 170.5, $1,285; 7. Wyatt Maines, 169.5, $1,028; 8. Bodee Lammers, 161.5, $771.


First Round: 1. Jacob Edler, 3.6 seconds, $6,554; 2. Cole Walker, 3.7, $5,700; 3. (tie) Stetson Jorgensen and Tyler Waguespack, 3.8, $4,417 each; 5. (tie) Trisyn Kalawaia, Don Payne and Talon Roseland, 3.9, $2,280 each; 8. Gavin Soileau, 4.0, $570.
Second Round: 1. (tie) Trever Nelson and Rooster Yazzie, 3.6 seconds, $6,127 each; 3. Ty Erickson, 3.7, $4,845; 4. Grady Payne, 3.8, $3,990; 5. (tie) Adam Musil and Heath Thomas, 3.9, $2,707 each; 7. Chance Howard, 4.1, $1,425; 8. (tie) Tanner Brunner, Tyke Kipp, Wade Steffen and Dirk Tavenner, 4.2, $142 each.
Finals: 1. (tie) Mike McGinn and Cole Walker, 4.1 seconds, $1,656 each; 3. Chance Howard, 4.2, $1,309; 4. (tie) Matt Reeves and Heath Thomas, 4.4, $963 each; 6. Don Payne, 4.7, $616; 7. Trever Nelson, 4.9, $385; 8. Stetson Jorgensen, 5.0, $154.
Average: 1. (tie) Matt Reeves and Cole Walker, 12.8 seconds on three head, $9,191 each; 3. Don Payne, 13.2, $7,267; 4. Mike McGinn, 13.6, $5,985; 5. (tie) Heath Thomas and Trever Nelson, 13.8, $4,061 each; 7. Chance Howard, 14.0, $2,137; 8. Stetson Jorgensen, 14.3, $855.


First Round: 1. Dustin Egusquiza/Levi Lord, 3.8 seconds, $5,721 each; 2. (tie) Brenten Hall/Kaden Profili and Tanner Tomlinson/Patrick Smith, 4.0, $4,602 each; 4. (tie) Brady Tryan/Calgary Smith and Tyler Wade/Wesley Thorp, 4.1, $3,109 each; 6. (tie) Luke Brown/Travis Graves, Devon Johnson/Boogie Ray and Max KuttleCashton Weidenbener, 4.2, $1,244 each.
Second Round: 1. (tie) Derrick Begay/Colter Todd and Dustin Egusquiza/Levi Lord, 3.6 seconds, $5,348 each; 3. Chace Thompson/Chad Williams, 3.7, $4,229; 4. (tie) Jake Clay/Trey Yates, Coleman ProctoLogan Medlin and J.C. Yeahquo/Buddy Hawkins II, 3.8, $2,736 each; 7. Mason Appleton/Cooper Freeman, 3.9, $1,244; 8. (tie) Billy Bob Brown/Josh Patton, Wade Smith/Zach Varian and Slade Wood/Nathan Walker, 4.0, $166 each.
Finals: 1. Cash Duty/Ross Ashford, 4.2 seconds, $1,380 each; 2. (tie) Shay Dixon Carroll/Jace Helton and Curry KirchneJake Edwards, 4.5, $1,110 each; 4. Andrew Ward/Kollin VonAhn, 4.9, $840; 5. Tyler Wade/Wesley Thorp, 5.3, $660; 6. Cory Kidd V/Tanner Braden, 6.0, $480; no other qualified runs.
Average: 1. Shay Dixon Carroll/Jace Helton, 13.9 seconds on three head, $8,582 each; 2. Tyler Wade/Wesley Thorp, 14.2, $7,462; 3. Cash Duty/Ross Ashford, 14.3, $6,343; 4. Cory Kidd V/Tanner Braden, 14.4, $5,224; 5. Andrew Ward/Kollin VonAhn, 14.6, $4,104; 6. Curry KirchneJake Edwards, 15.5, $2,985; 7. Dustin Egusquiza/Levi Lord, 7.4 on two head, $1,866; 8. James Arviso/JR Gonzalez, 8.7, $746.


First Round: 1. (tie) Wyatt Casper, on J Bar J’s Hell On Hooves, Sage Newman, on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Code Blue, and Ryder Sanford, on J Bar J’s Dirty Lizard, 87.5 points, $5,481 each; 4. Lefty Holman, 87, $2,584; 5. (tie) Tyrel Roberts and Cort Scheer, 86.5, $1,409 each; 7. Brody Cress, 86, $940; 8. (tie) Tanner Butner, Isaac Diaz and Cauy Masters, 85.5, $235 each.
Finals: 1. Tanner Butner, 88.5 points on J Bar J’s In The Lu, $1,650; 2. Sage Newman, 86.5, $1,250; 3. (tie) Wyatt Casper and Isaac Diaz, 86, $750 each; 5. Tyrel Roberts, 84.5, $350; 6. Lefty Holman, 83, $250.
Average: 1. (tie) Sage Newman and Tanner Butner, 174 points on two head, $6,225 each; 3. Wyatt Casper, 173.5, $3,993; 4. Isaac Diaz, 171.5, $2,584; 5. Tyrel Roberts, 171, $1,644; 6. (tie) Lefty Holman and Ryder Sanford, 170, $1,057 each; 8. Cort Scheer, 169, $705.


First Round: 1. Riley Mason Webb, 6.9 seconds, $6,996; 2. Tuf Case Cooper, 7.6, $6,083; 3. (tie) Connor Atkinson and Bryce Derrer, 7.8, $4,714 each; 5. Ryan Jarrett, 7.9, $3,346; 6. Cash Hooper, 8.1, $2,433; 7. (tie) Tom Crouse, Riley Pruitt and Marty Yates, 8.2, $710 each.
Second Round: 1. (tie) Cash Enderli, Zaine Mikita and Marty Yates, 7.3 seconds, $6,083 each; 4. Jake Pratt, 7.4, $4,258; 5. (tie) Charlie Gibson and Shad Mayfield, 7.5, $2,890 each; 7. (tie) Macon Murphy and Jeremiah Peek, 7.6, $1,065 each.
Finals: 1. Dylan Hancock, 7.8 seconds, $1,978; 2. Riley Mason Webb, 8.2, $1,720; 3. Tom Crouse, 8.5, $1,462; 4. Cole Clemons, 8.8, $1,204; 5. Carson Watford, 9.3, $946; 6. Cash Hooper, 11.0, $688; 7. (tie) Connor Atkinson and Ryan Jarrett, 16.7, $301 each.
Average: 1. Dylan Hancock, 24.9 seconds on three head, $10,494; 2. Cole Clemons, 25.3, $9,125; 3. Tom Crouse, 25.4, $7,756; 4. Riley Mason Webb, 25.7, $6,387; 5. (tie) Cash Hooper and Carson Watford, 27.3, $4,334 each; 7. Ryan Jarrett, 33.1, $2,281; 8. Connor Atkinson, 33.2, $912.


First Round: 1. (tie) Timber Allenbrand, Megan Powell and Madalyn Richards, 2.1 seconds, $3,791 each; 4. J J Hampton, 2.2, $2,321; 5. (tie) Jordan Jo Hollabaugh, Alli Masters, Addie Weil and Joey Williams, 2.3, $1,363 each; 9. (tie) Jenna Lee Adams and Brooke Eddy, 2.4, $870 each; 11. (tie) Haley Mason and Britta Strain, 2.5, $638 each; 13. (tie) Josie Conner and Angie Green, 2.6, $406 each; 15. (tie) Addee Carder, Rickie Fanning, Kadin Jodie, Delaney Kunau, Abby Medlin, Aspen Miller and Riley Welch, 2.7, $33 each.
Second Round: 1. Kelsie Domer, 1.7 seconds, $4,642; 2. (tie) Shelby Boisjoli-Meged, Emilee Charlesworth and Bradi Good, 2.0, $3,017 each; 5. (tie) Sarah Angelone, Hannah Bass, Alli Masters and Taylor Munsell, 2.1, $1,363 each; 9. (tie) Hadley Clearman, Jessi Everett and Shelby Whiting, 2.2, $812 each; 12. (tie) Martha Angelone, Bailey Jay, Kirsty Stewart and Hali Williams, 2.3, $406 each.
Finals: 1. Brooke Eddy, 2.1 seconds, $2,076; 2. Kelsie Domer, 2.3, $1,805; 3. (tie) Rickie Fanning and Alli Masters, 2.8, $1,399 each; 5. Addie Weil, 3.7, $993; 6. Josie Conner, 12.0, $722; no other qualified runs.
Average: 1. Brooke Eddy, 7.0 seconds on three head, $6,962; 2. (tie) Kelsie Domer and Alli Masters, 7.2, $5,048 each; 4. Rickie Fanning, 8.3, $3,481; 5. Addie Weil, 8.7, $2,785; 6. Josie Conner, 17.2, $2,089; 7. Timber Allenbrand, 4.7 on two head, $1,741; 8. (tie) Joey Williams and Haley Mason, 5.0, $1,480 each; 10. Angie Green, 5.1, $1,218; 11. Emilee Charlesworth, 5.3, $1,044; 12. Harley Meged, 5.5, $870; no other qualified runs.


First Round: 1. Wenda Johnson, 15.66 seconds, $6,177; 2. Kalli McCall, 15.97, $5,295; 3. Kylee Scribner, 16.02, $4,412; 4. (tie) Ashley Castleberry and Shelley Morgan, 16.09, $3,383 each; 6. Sara Winkelman, 16.10, $2,353; 7. Shy-Anne Jarrett, 16.12, $1,765; 8. (tie) Mallee Jones and Oceane Veilleux, 16.16, $1,030 each; 10. (tie) Ryann Pedone and Dona Rule, 16.17, $294 each.
Second Round: 1. Jymmy Cox, 14.03 seconds, $6,177; 2. (tie) Wenda Johnson and Tiany Schuster, 14.05, $4,854 each; 4. Dona Rule, 14.08, $3,824; 5. Sydney Graham, 14.11, $2,942; 6. Jordan Driver, 14.15, $2,353; 7. Ilyssa Riley, 14.18, $1,765; 8. Timber Allenbrand, 14.20, $1,177; 9. Dena Kirkpatrick, 14.22, $882; 10. Brittany Pozzi Tonozzi, 14.24, $588.
Finals: 1. Tiany Schuster, 14.08 seconds, $2,402; 2. Dena Kirkpatrick, 14.17, $2,059; 3. Shelley Morgan, 14.20, $1,716; 4. Ilyssa Riley, 14.21, $1,487; 5. Dona Rule, 14.23, $1,144; 6. Kalli McCall, 14.25, $915; 7. Wenda Johnson, 14.29, $686; 8. Sydney Graham, 14.51, $458; 9. Emma Charleston, 14.66, $343; 10. Jymmy Cox, 19.14, $229.
Average: 1. Wenda Johnson, 44.00 seconds on three head, $9,266; 2. Tiany Schuster, 44.35, $7,942; 3. Dona Kay Rule, 44.48, $6,619; 4. Shelley Morgan, 44.55, $5,736; 5. (tie) Ilyssa Riley and Kalli McCall, 44.57, $3,971 each; 7. Dena Kirkpatrick, 44.64, $2,647; 8. Sydney Graham, 45.05, $1,765; 9. Emma Charleston, 45.12, $1,324; 10. Jymmy Kay Cox, 49.53, $882.


First Round: 1. JR Stratford, 90 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Bruised Kitty, $7,217; 2. (tie) Jeff Askey and Dustin Boquet, 88, $4,811 each; 4. Cooper Jacobs, 87.5, $2,646; 5. (tie) Colton Byram, Beau Gardner, Vinell Mariano, Wacey Schalla and Jackson Ward, 86.5, $914 each.
*Finals: 1. Scott Wells, 85.5 points on Pete Carr Pro Rodeo’s Twilight Zone, $5,000; no other qualified rides.
Average: 1. Scott Wells, 171.5 points on two head, $7,217; 2. (tie) Jeff Askey and Dustin Boquet, 88 on one head, $4,811 each; 4. Cooper Jacobs, 87.5, $2,646; 5. (tie) Colton Byram, Jackson Ward, Vinell Mariano, Wacey Schalla and Beau Gardner, 86.5, $914 each. *(all totals include ground money).
submitted by RodeoBoss66 to prorodeo [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 19:22 Leather_Focus_6535 The currently 31 offenders executed by Arkansas since the 1970s and their crimes (warning, graphic content, please read at your own risk)

Here is the list I pre wrote for Arkansas' execution roster since the 1970s reinstatement of the death penalty. The dates given here don't always correlate with time spent on death row, and are often more of a loose timeline of their criminal activities. For example, if an offender's first convicted offense was them stealing a car as a teenager, I often include that in the date. Another issue that needs to be addressed is many of these cases are extremely graphic in nature, so please read at your own risk.
Due to it being near finals for my classes, I'll probably delay releasing my lists for the remaining states of Georgia, Alabama, Missouri, Virginia, Oklahoma, and the still in progress Texas for the next few weeks. However, Georgia will likely be the next one I'll share here.
The currently executed 31 offenders:
1.John Swindler (~1977-1990, electric chair): Swindler was sentenced to death for the killing of a 30 year old policeman named Randy Basnett. Basnatt pulled over Swindler while he was driving a stolen car, and the latter fatally shot the former in the ensuring confrontation. Swindler was also responsible for the abductions and double shootings of a teenage couple, 18 year old Greg Becknell and 18 year old Dorothy Rhodes, and the killing of 25 year old Jeffrey McNerney was attributed to him despite failing to be convicted of it in court.
2.Ronald Simmons (1987-1990, lethal injection): Simmons massacred his family, which consisted of his 46 year old wife Bersabe, his 8 children (all between the ages from 7 to 26 years old, with the youngest being conceived through sexually abusing one of his daughters), his 33 year old son-in-law Dennis McNulty, his 23 year old daughter-in-law Renata, and 4 grandchildren (all between 3 to 7 years old, including the eldest who was also the aforementioned youngest child he fathered with one of his daughters). He murdered his relatives through shootings, strangulations, and drownings. After murdering his own family, Simmons opened fire on his workplace. Simmons killed 23 year old Kathy Kendrick, a co worker he sexually harassed, and 33 year old James Chaffi, a random customer, in his rampage.
3.Ricky Rector (1981-1992, lethal injection): When Rector and a group of his friends drove to a home style restaurant, one of his friends was denied entry for not being able to pay for a ticket. Enraged, Rector pulled out a gun and fired into the establishment. Two patrons were wounded, and a third, 33 year old Arthur Criswell, died from a hit to the throat. Rector went on the run for 3 days, until his sister and a police officer that was also a family friend, Bob Martin (age unknown), convinced him to surrender. Despite his promises of surrendering, Rector fatally shot Martin in the back when he turned to walk away from the scene. Rector's execution was a source of controversy, as he acquired a cognitive disability from a botched suicide.
4.Steven Hill (1984-1992, lethal injection): After escaping from the custody of a corrections facility, Hill and an accomplice broke into a nearby home. They tied up the elderly homeowners and intimidated them into complacency with rape threats. He almost murdered them until his accomplice talked him out of it. They then stole the couple's truck, and tried fleeing the scene. Responding police officers forced the two into bunkering in a nearby house. In the following confrontation, Hill shot and killed one of the officers, 39 year old Robert Klain.
5.Edward Pickens (~1975-1994, lethal injection): Pickens and two accomplices held up a grocery store at gunpoint. Two of them gang raped a 23 year old female clerk, while they cleared out the register and stole her diamond wedding ring. They then lined her, the store owner, and 7 customers on the ground, and shot them multiple times. Two of the hostages, Westley Nobles [the sources are very inconsistent on his exact age, and they range anywhere from 64 to 76 year old] and 31 year old James Scherm, were killed while the others survived their injuries. A third man, 33 year old Theordore Criner, was carjacked and shot in the head by Pickens' accomplices, and his car was used as a getaway vehicle in the robbery.
6.Jonas Whitmore (1986-1994, lethal injection): 62 year old Essie Black welcomed Whitmore inside her home to share her homemade cookies with him. He repaid Black's kindness by stabbing her 10 times and slitting her throat. Whitmore then ransacked her house and stole $250 in cash. On death row, Whitmore attacked Ronald Simmons for waiving his appeals, as he believed that him volunteering for execution would compromise his battle against his.
7.Hoyt Clines (1981-1994, lethal injection): Clines and 3 other men forced themselves inside the home of 47 year old Donald Lehman. They beat Lehman with a motorcycle chain and shot 3 him times in front of his wife and daughter. The assailants then stole $1,000 and several of Lehman's guns.
8.Darryl Richley (1981-1994, lethal injection): Richley was one of Clines' accomplices. He assisted him in murdering Lehman and robbing his family.
9.James Holmes (1981-1994, lethal injection): Holmes was the third member of Clines' gang. He also partook in the home invasion that killed Lehman.
10.Richard Snell (1983-1995, lethal injection): Snell was a militant of the white supremacist group The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord (CSA). He shot and killed a pawn shop owner, 36 year old William Stumpp, on the mistaken belief that he was Jewish, and a police officer, 37 year old Louis Bryant, for being black. Prior to his murder sprees, Snell was also involved in a few failed terrorist attacks.
11.Barry Fairchild (1984-1996, lethal injection): Fairchild was convicted of abducting army nurse, 22 year old Marjorie Mason. According to prosecutors, he sodomized and shot her to death in a barn. Fairchild's death sentence and execution has been scrutinized, as there are strong accusations of police coercion and misconduct involved in the case. More specifically, the defense attorneys have alleged that Fairchild had a intellectual disability, which supposedly left him vulnerable to exploitation by investigators. Other questioned suspects have also claimed that they were beaten while detained by the officers.
12.William Parker (1984-1996, lethal injection): Parker shot his ex-wife's parents, 49 year old James and Sandra (age unknown) Warren, when he ambushed them while they were pulling out of their driveway. He blamed them for the disintegration of his marriage with their daughter and sought vengeance. A day after the killings, Parker kidnapped his ex wife, 27 year old Pam, and opened fire on police officers trying to intervene. Pam and an officer, 41 year old Mauris Feyen, were hit by Parker's gunfire, but both survived their injuries.
13.Paul Ruiz (1977-1997, lethal injection): Ruiz broke out of prison with his accomplice Earl Denton. He and Denton ambushed two park rangers, 55 year old Opal James and 27 year old David Small, and a marshal, 42 year old Marvin Richie, while on the run. They robbed Richie and the rangers of their wallets at gunpoint and abducted them. They tied their captives up with their own handcuffs, and shot them execution style. James and Richie were killed by gunshots to the head and neck respectively, while Small survived with a bullet wound to his chest.
14.Earl Denton (1977-1997, lethal injection): Denton was an accomplice to the above mentioned Ruiz. As discussed under Ruiz's section, Denton assisted him in the robbery abductions of two park rangers and a marshal while on the run from a prison breakout. He took part in the killings of two of their hostages, and the attempted murder of the survivor.
15.Kirt Wainwright (1988-1997, lethal injection): Wainright robbed a convenience store at gunpoint, and fatally shot the clerks, 37 year old Karen Ross and 28 year old Barbara Smith.
16.Eugene Perry (1980-1997, lethal injection): Perry held up a jewelry store owned by the Staton family. He tied up the owner, 53 year old Kenneth and his daughter, 24 year old Suzanne, and shot them both twice in the head at point blank range. After the killings, Perry stole up to $100,000 in jewelry.
17.Wilburn Henderson (1980-1998, lethal injection): Henderson broke into a furniture store owned by 50 year old Willa O'Neal and her husband. He shot Willa dead and took $41 from the cash register.
18.Johnie Cox (1989-1999, lethal injection): Cox tied up his step grandmother, 68 year old Marie Sullens, and two distant relatives, 34 year old Margaret and 32 year Billy Brown, in their home. He stabbed, strangled, and shot them all to death, and then burned down their house with their bodies inside.
19.Marion Pruett (~1981-1999, lethal injection): A few years after being released from a federal prison and placed in the witness protection program, Pruett went on a nationwide crime spree. In Mississippi, he abducted a loan officer, 43 year old Peggy Lowe, while robbing a bank and shot her to death. While robbing two convenience stores in Colorado, Pruett fatally shot two clerks, 24 year old James Balderson and 21 year old Anthony Taitt. The murder that got him condemned in Arkansas was 30 year old Bobbie Robertson, a clerk he kidnapped from a convenience store and shot dead. Pruett also beat his common law wife, 25 year old Pamela Barker, with a clawhammer and burned her body while stealing money for cocaine.
20.Mark Gardner (1985-1999, lethal injection): Gardner forced his way into the home of 60 year old Martha and 57 year old Joe Joyce, and bound them and their daughter, 31 year old Sara McCurdy. After he finished restraining his captives, he sexually assaulted Sara in front of her parents, and strangled all of them to death with a belt. He then ransacked the house, snatched jewelry, and drove away with the Joyces' car. While awaiting execution, Gardner raped Damien Echols, one of the accused West Memphis Three.
21.Alan Willett (1993-1999, lethal injection): Willett assaulted his 3 children, 17 year old Ruby, 13 year old Eric, 8 year old John, and his intellectually disabled brother, 43 year old Roger, under his care with a window weight in their trailer home. Eric and Roger were killed in the attack, while Ruby shielded John with her own body and dragged him and herself to the safety of a neighbor's house. Several teachers and a visiting pastor filled numerous complaints about the children's malnourished looking appearances and the family's filthy living conditions to social services before the murders, but were all dismissed by the investigating case workers.
22.Christina Riggs (1997-2000, lethal injection): Riggs poisoned her children, 5 year old Justin Thomas and 2 year old Shelby, with a combination of potassium chloride, amitriptyline sedative pills, and morphine. When that failed to immediately kill them, Riggs switched to suffocating them with a pillow.
23.David Johnson (1989-2000, lethal injection): Johnson duped Leon Brown, a 67 year old watchman, into letting him in the Little Rock Crate warehouse he was guarding. After entry, he beat Brown to death with a 2x4 lumber, stole a car, and drove off with Brown's body.
24.Clay Smith (1998-2001, lethal injection): Misty Erwin, Smith's 20 year old girlfriend, accused him of domestic abuse and initially requested police protection. However, she withdrew her complaints, and continued her relationship with Smith. A few days later, Smith shot Erwin, her cousin, 24 year old Shelley Sorg, Sorg's two children, 5 year old Sean and 3 year old Taylor, and a babysitter, 12 year old Samantha Rhodes, to death with his rifle.
25.Riley Noel (1995-2003, lethal injection): Noel's brother was previously killed in a drive by shooting, and he believed that 19 year old Yashica Young was responsible for setting up the murder. In retaliation, Noel and 3 other gang members broke into her family's home in search of her. They rounded up Yashica's younger siblings, 17 year old Marchell, 12 year old Mustafa, and 10 year old Malak Hussian, forced them to lie on the ground, and executed them with a shotgun. When Noel tried to do the same with the siblings' mother, 34 year old Mary, the gun jammed. She was able to wrestle the gun away, and chase Noel and his gang out of her home.
26.Charles Singleton (~1979-2005, lethal injection): While robbing York's Grocery Store, Singleton stabbed the owner, 19 year old Mary Lou York, twice in the neck.
27.Eric Nance (1993-2005, lethal injection): Nance found 18 year old Julie Heath broken down on the side of the highway. He lured her into his car with the offer of a ride. Nance then raped Heath and slit her throat with box cutters. On an unrelated side note, Heath's mother took her own life a year after the murder reportedly out of overwhelming grief.
28.Ledell Lee (~1989-2017, lethal injection): Lee was given a death sentence for the rape and murder of 26 year old Debra Reese, who was fatally struck 36 times with a tire thumper. He was also trialed for the murder of 22 year old Christine Lewis, but was acquitted from the inablity of the jury to reach a verdict. His execution is controversial due to the mixed results of a 2021 DNA test. More specifically, a DNA of an unknown man was found on the tire thumper (which was owned by Reese and her husband), but it still remained a "moderate" possibility that blood found on Lee's shoes could've belonged to Reese. Despite the DNA controversies, Lee had several unrelated rape convictions and accusations, and bills found in his possession had serial numbers that were traced back to money stolen from Reese.
29.Jack Jones (~1983-2017, lethal injection): In 1983, Jones abducted 20 year old Regina Harrison in Florida while she was going on a nightly bike ride. He raped and strangled her to death, and dumped Harrison's body in a nearby forest. Harrison's killing was originally pinned on Ronald Stewart, another sex offender with several previous rape convictions, until a DNA testing in 2019 proved Jones' responsibility. Jones committed his second verified murder in 1991, when he raped and strangled 32 year old Lorraine Barrett in her motel room. His last known murder occurred in 1995, when he broke in a home that 34 year old Mary Philps shared with her 11 year old daughter Lacey. Jones raped and strangled Mary to death, beat Lacey unconscious, tied the girl to a chair, and fled the residence.
30.Marcel Williams (1994-2017, lethal injection): Williams abducted 22 year old Stacy Errickson from a gas station, and forced her to withdraw money from a ATM. He then raped and murdered her through beating and strangulation attacks, and buried her body near the Arkansas River. Williams had a long history of sexual predations, and had at least two rape convictions prior to Errickson's murder.
31.Kenneth Williams (1998-2017, lethal injection): In 1998, Williams shot and killed 36 year old Jerrell Jenkins during a robbery. Days after Jenkins' murder, he kidnapped 19 year old Dominique Hurd and her boyfriend at gunpoint. After he forced them to withdraw money, Williams shot both of them. Hurd was killed in the shooting, while her boyfriend survived his injuries. A year later, Williams escaped from prison and broke into the home of 57 year old Cecil Boren. He stole one of Boren's guns and fatally shot him 6 times with it. Williams then stole Boren's wallet, jewelry, clothes, and other guns, and drove away in his truck. The following police chase caused a traffic collision that took the life of a delivery truck driver, 24 year old Michael Greenwood. Beyond his murder convictions, Williams also abducted a 39 year old woman, molested several children as a child himself, and was part of the Gangsters Disciples gang.
submitted by Leather_Focus_6535 to TrueCrimeDiscussion [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 16:42 East-Warthog8343 My sealed cassette collection

My sealed cassette collection submitted by East-Warthog8343 to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 16:18 Thingstodo919 Things to do this weekend!




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2024.04.12 05:55 Lordofthe305 CPWA Octane 4-10-24

CPWA Octane 4-10-24
We open with a recap of High$takes, highlighting the big moments of the event, leading up to the main event for the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship match between Masato Kojima, Vader, and "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, Keith Yang. The highlights end with "The Number One Pick" retaining the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship as pyro explodes and confetti falls from the sky.
The package ends and we open with a 30-second intro highlighting all of the stars of CPWA as The Roots' "BOOM" plays in the background. The intro ends with "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones holding the CPWA Heavyweight Championship belt over his head. Pyro goes off in the arena for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the crowd.
Brian Kinsley: We welcome you to CPWA Octane! We are coming to you live from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania! Brian Kinsley along with Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, and it's the fallout from High$takes! There were big moments galore from some epic matches.
Anthony Harris: We also have new champions, including new CPWA Tag Team Champions.
Sir Samuel Stewart: Let's take it to the ring!
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You" plays in the arena as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, along with Brother Julius make their entrance to address the crowd. Lejuan and Brother Julius enter the ring and address the crowd.
LeJuan Jones: Well, well, well...were you expecting to see a new champion emerge? I'm not even sorry to inform any of you that you still live in a fantasy world while still refusing to accept the reality you see before you. As I've said before, I am "The Number One Pick," "The Chosen One," still your CPWA World Heavyweight Champion! And while it wasn't a banner night for the rest of Number One Enterprises, the one true constant and bread winner still remains holding the gold that really matters. While on the subject of gold, I made good on my word that I would not only retain the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship at High$takes, but also, I plan to challenge for the UWC World Heavyweight Championship. Once I invade UWC and take their world title, I will be the most unstoppable force in this industry!
Big K.R.I.T.'s "Reign On" plays in the arena as GM Ronny Sharpe stands on the entrance stage.
GM Ronny Sharpe: LeJuan, you need to focus more on the world title that you possess, rather than going after the UWC World Heavyweight Championship. Considering that you defeated both Masato Kojima and Vader at High$takes, I don't think it would be wise of you to go back to UWC and challenge for the world title there. Ambition is something that you have a lot of, but it can also work against you. Seeing as you're the only member of Number One Enterprises that is celebrating right now, next week, however, there won't be nothing to celebrate about for you and your crew. Iron-Willed and the Soldiers of Misfortune will be a part of a mini tag team tournament to determine who will face Shelton and Elijah Jordan for the CPWA Tag Team Championships at Fatal Alliance. And why stop there? Since Kiara Thompson couldn't get the job done against Sabina Bellini, her insurance policy, Big Angela, will make her Octane debut against Sabina. As for Kiara, if she interferes in that match, she will punished severely. Finally, LeJuan, since you wish to go after the UWC Championship so badly, you will have to successfully defend the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship against Masato Kojima. Which is why, next week, you and Kojima will be in one on one competitions against opponents of your choosing. Should either one of you win your matches, you will choose your stipulation for the world title match. However, should both of you win and/or lose your matches, I will decide which match stipulation will be added to the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship match!
Brian Kinsley: That is a lot to take in!
Anthony Harris: I can't wait for next week! I know it's gonna be epic!
We cut to the backstage area and we see Masato Kojima hitting crates and other breakable objects with his baseball bat. He then turns his attention to the camera.
Masato Kojima: I want LeJuan Jones! I want LeJuan Jones now! 待たせないでね!(Mata senaide ne!) DON'T MAKE ME WAIT!!!!
Kojima goes back to destroying crates and other breakable objects.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Mashup Maloney's "Adon's Beaming" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, accompanied by Mai, from Kagoshima, Japan, he is Tiger Kazama!
The March of Death theme plays in the arena.
Announcer: And his opponent, from Guadalajara, Mexico, this is El Colibri
Match 1: Tiger Kazama vs. El Colibri
A thrilling opener to start off tonight's event. The Philadelphia was still buzzing from High$takes, and were buzzing even more after GM Ronny Sharpe's announcement. As for the match itself, lots of striking, technical wrestling counters, and high-flying from both competitors. El Colibri won the match with a La Mistica on Kazama.
4 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Olympians' Miguel Sandoval Jr. and The Commonwealth's Lord Phillip Byron IV. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Olympians' Sanya Felix and Sabina Bellini. We then see a graphich hyping up a match between Priscilla Pierce and Ferial Kapoor.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break.

Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Johann Sebastian Bach's Air on G String plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from the posh hills of the Hamptons, she is Priscilla Pierce.
Panjabi MC's "Jogi" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And her opponent, from Bollywood, she is Ferial Kapoor.
Match 2: Priscilla Pierce vs. Ferial Kapoor
Another excellent match that had some storytelling to go with it, seeing as it was Priscilla who cost Ferial and Michelle Bluefeather to lose the CPWA Women's Tag Team Championship. The match was back-and-forth towards the end, in which "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez and Cynthia Steele distracted Ferial, by dragging a prone Michelle Bluefeather and "Otaku Girl 86" Michelle Lennox. This led to Priscilla to throwing her pink dust in the eyes of Ferial, leading to Beauty and Grace to get the win.
4 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a recap of the triple threat match for the CPWA Television Championship from High$takes, in which King Shaka won the gold. The recap ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Olympians, from Miami, Florida, he is Miguel Sandoval Jr.
Blue Blood plays in the arena as Lord Phillip Byron IV.
Announcer: And his opponent, representing The Commonwealth, from Buckingham, England, he is Lord Phillip Byron IV.
Match 3: Miguel Sandoval Jr. vs. Lord Phillip Byron IV
This was the match of the night. A hard-hitting, old-school wrestling match that got the Philadelphia crowd cheering. The physicality was ramped up from both competitors, specifically Miguel, who had lost the CPWA Television Championship. This match definitely made up for the CPWA Television Championship match from High$takes, as Miguel won with an impressive Military Press Slam.
We cut to a graphic hyping up the main event between Zecariah Newton and Mangod. We then see a graphic hyping up a match between The Olympians' Sanya Felix and Sabina Bellini.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we see Pretty Boy sitting in a corner in a blue and red lit area in the locker room. An ominous female voice calls out to him.
Ominous Female Voice: Why have you failed me, Pretty Boy? Look what she has done to you! LOOK AT IT!
The camera pans, revealing Tigress Ayala betraying Pretty Boy. The camera pans back, seeing Pretty Boy still rocking back and forth in fetal position.
Ominous Female Voice: Now that you know another type of pain, learn something from it! Use it to motivate you in taking back what is rightfully yours!
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Olympians, from Los Angeles, California, Sanya Felix.
Bassi Maestro's "Te Ne Accorgerai" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And her opponent, from Rome, Italy, she is the CPWA Women's International Champion, Sabina Bellini.
Match 4: Sanya Felix vs. Sabina Bellini
This wasn't a good match, but it certainly wasn't a bad one either. Kiara Thompson and Big Angela had their handprints all over this match as they interfered in the match, costing Sabina the match. Sanya Felix picked up the victory with a Missile Dropkick.
2 out of 5 stars.
After the match, Kiara and Big Angela assaulted Sabina. Suddenly, Queen Latifah's "Wrath of my Madness" plays in the arena as Queen Sheba rushed down to the ring, chasing Kiara and Big Angela out of the ring.
We cut to the backstage area and we see Masato Kojima trying to barge into the locker room of Number One Enterprises. He is stopped by referees and road agents, who end up getting beaten up for their troubles. We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: Our main event is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Blake Shelton's "Good Ole Boys" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, accompanied to the ring by Roy Newton, from the great state of Tennessee, he is Zechariah Newton.
Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" (Elliot Loud version) plays in the arena.
Announcer: His tag team partner, from God knows where, he is Mangod.
Brian Kinsley: IT'S MANGOD!!!
Anthony Harris: Brian, how many times I have to tell you to stop yelling his name?
Main Event: Zechariah Newton vs. Mangod
This main event was nothing more than a hoss fight turned bar room brawl as there were some animosity between Zechariah Newton and Mangod. The fight quickly spilled to the outside, where Mangod took a steel chair and bashed it over the head of Zechariah, forcing the referee to ring the bell for a DQ finish.
1 out of 5 stars.
Mangod continued his assault on Zechariah until Roy intervened with a low blow, forcing Mangod to lose the chair. Roy smacked Mangod over the head with a steel chair. The Mortician rushed down to ringside to help Mangod, evening the odds. Referees and road agents broke up the brawl.
We cut to a graphic saying that we will hear from "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones.
***Commercial Break***
Brian Kinsley: Next week, CPWA will come to you live from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania for Octane. We will see The Soldiers of Misfortune (General Wade and Guerrilla God) take on The Odenkirks (William and Jake). Iron-Willed (Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller) take on The Mortician and Mangod. Big Angela makes her CPWA debut and will take on Queen Sheba. Plus, Masato Kojima and "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones will be in action.
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You" plays in the arena as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, along with Brother Julius make their entrance to address the crowd. Lejuan and Brother Julius enter the ring and address the crowd.
LeJuan jones: Once again, I'm back to grace my presence in whatever pathetic existence you think you have. I had security escort that maniac Kojima out of the premises for my own safety, which means, I can deliver this promo in peace.
Before LeJuan can say another word, Joe Esposito's "You're The Best Around" plays in the arena as the crowd erupts in anticipation for the arrival of Jordan Angle. Suddenly, Jordan Angle enters the ring and ambushes "The Number One Pick" and Brother Julius. Angle delivers an Olympic Slam to both men. Angle celebrates in the ring and grabs a microphone.
Jordan Angle: Hey, "Number One Pick" just so you know, I haven't forgotten what you've done to me and now I'm looking to play spoiler to your little plans. Next week, it's gonna be you and me! One on one!
Brian Kinsley: Oh yeah! Jordan Angle is looking for his get back and he's gonna do it against "The Number One Pick."
Anthony Harris: So much for another celebration for Number One Enterprises. They're gonna have some problems down the road.
Sir Samuel Stewart: This isn't gonna be fun for LeJuan. Jordan Angle looks ripped and he is more motivated than ever!
Brian Kinsley: This is definitely going to be one to watch. For Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, this is Brian Kinsley saying "Goodnight, everybody!"
Octane fades to black.
The results from

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Moore, Dirk Maggs Series: Alien: The Audible Original Dramas, Book 3, Alien, Book 5 Your Brain on Art Audiobook By Susan Magsamen, Ivy Ross cover art 45. Your Brain on Art How the Arts Transform Us By: Susan Magsamen, Ivy Ross Runnin' with the Devil Audiobook By Noel Monk, Joe Layden cover art 46. Runnin' with the Devil A Backstage Pass to the Wild Times, Loud Rock, and the Down and Dirty Truth Behind the Making of Van Halen By: Noel Monk, Joe Layden Sale ends in 22d 14h 30m 25s The Three Musketeers Audiobook By Alexandre Dumas, Marty Ross cover art 47. The Three Musketeers By: Alexandre Dumas, Marty Ross Series: D'Artagnan: The Musketeers Cycle, Book 1, Dramatized Adaptation Cinema Speculation Audiobook By Quentin Tarantino cover art 48. Cinema Speculation By: Quentin Tarantino Behind the Seams Audiobook By Dolly Parton, Holly George-Warren - contributor, Rebecca Seaver - curator cover art 49. Behind the Seams My Life in Rhinestones By: Dolly Parton, Holly George-Warren - contributor, Rebecca Seaver - curator The Heroin Diaries: 10 Year Anniversary Edition Audiobook By Nikki Sixx cover art 50. The Heroin Diaries: 10 Year Anniversary Edition A Year in the Life of a Shattered Rock Star By: Nikki Sixx Top 100 Product List Hollywood: The Oral History Audiobook By Jeanine Basinger, Sam Wasson cover art 51. Hollywood: The Oral History By: Jeanine Basinger, Sam Wasson Sale ends in 22d 14h 28m 19s At Home Audiobook By Bill Bryson cover art 52. At Home A Short History of Private Life By: Bill Bryson Every Man for Himself and God Against All Audiobook By Werner Herzog, Michael Hofmann - translator cover art 53. Every Man for Himself and God Against All By: Werner Herzog, Michael Hofmann - translator Save the Cat! Audiobook By Blake Snyder cover art 54. Save the Cat! The Last Book on Screenwriting You'll Ever Need By: Blake Snyder Series: Save the Cat! Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition) Audiobook By Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace - contributor cover art 55. Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition) Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration By: Ed Catmull, Amy Wallace - contributor The Blues Brothers Audiobook By Daniel De Visé cover art 56. The Blues Brothers An Epic Friendship, the Rise of Improv, and the Making of an American Film Classic By: Daniel De Visé Amusing Ourselves to Death Audiobook By Neil Postman cover art 57. Amusing Ourselves to Death Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business By: Neil Postman All the Beauty in the World Audiobook By Patrick Bringley cover art 58. All the Beauty in the World The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me By: Patrick Bringley The Marathon Don't Stop Audiobook By Rob Kenner cover art 59. The Marathon Don't Stop The Life and Times of Nipsey Hussle By: Rob Kenner Story Audiobook By Robert McKee cover art 60. Story Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting By: Robert McKee MCU Audiobook By Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, Gavin Edwards cover art 61. MCU The Reign of Marvel Studios By: Joanna Robinson, Dave Gonzales, Gavin Edwards 3 Shades of Blue Audiobook By James Kaplan cover art 62. 3 Shades of Blue Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Bill Evans, and the Lost Empire of Cool By: James Kaplan How to Tell a Story Audiobook By The Moth, Meg Bowles, Catherine Burns, Jenifer Hixson, Sarah Austin Jenness, Kate Tellers, P 63. How to Tell a Story The Essential Guide to Memorable Storytelling from The Moth By: The Moth, Meg Bowles, Catherine Burns, Jenifer Hixson, Sarah Austin Jenness, Kate Tellers, Padma Lakshmi, Chenjerai Kumanyika In Love & Struggle, Vol. 3: The Future Is Around Us Audiobook By The Meteor cover art 64. In Love & Struggle, Vol. 3: The Future Is Around Us By: The Meteor Art & Fear Audiobook By David Bayles, Ted Orland cover art 65. Art & Fear Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking By: David Bayles, Ted Orland The Way I See It Audiobook By Melissa Anderson cover art 66. The Way I See It A Look Back at My Life on Little House By: Melissa Anderson Oscar Wars Audiobook By Michael Schulman cover art 67. Oscar Wars A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears By: Michael Schulman Surely You Can't Be Serious Audiobook By David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker cover art 68. Surely You Can't Be Serious The True Story of Airplane! By: David Zucker, Jim Abrahams, Jerry Zucker Life Audiobook By Keith Richards, James Fox cover art 69. Life By: Keith Richards, James Fox The Science of Storytelling Audiobook By Will Storr cover art 70. The Science of Storytelling By: Will Storr Lucy Audiobook By Erica Schmidt cover art 71. Lucy By: Erica Schmidt Killing the Legends Audiobook By Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard cover art 72. Killing the Legends The Lethal Danger of Celebrity By: Bill O'Reilly, Martin Dugard Series: The Killing Series (O'Reilly and Dugard) How to Write One Song Audiobook By Jeff Tweedy cover art 73. How to Write One Song Loving the Things We Create and How They Love Us Back By: Jeff Tweedy Me Audiobook By Elton John cover art 74. Me Elton John Official Autobiography By: Elton John Beastie Boys Book Audiobook By Michael Diamond, Adam Horovitz cover art 75. Beastie Boys Book By: Michael Diamond, Adam Horovitz Crave (Part 2 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation) Audiobook By Tracy Wolff cover art 76. Crave (Part 2 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation) Crave, Book 1 By: Tracy Wolff Series: Crave, Book 1 Measure of a Man: A Memoir Audiobook By Martin Greenfield, Wynton Hall - contributor cover art 77. Measure of a Man: A Memoir From Auschwitz Survivor to Presidents' Tailor By: Martin Greenfield, Wynton Hall - contributor Gold Dust Woman Audiobook By Stephen Davis cover art 78. Gold Dust Woman The Biography of Stevie Nicks By: Stephen Davis Yours Cruelly, Elvira Audiobook By Cassandra Peterson cover art 79. Yours Cruelly, Elvira Memoirs of the Mistress of the Dark By: Cassandra Peterson How to Do Nothing Audiobook By Jenny Odell cover art 80. How to Do Nothing Resisting the Attention Economy By: Jenny Odell A Life in Parts Audiobook By Bryan Cranston cover art 81. A Life in Parts By: Bryan Cranston A Crazy Inheritance Audiobook By Tommy Krappweis cover art 82. A Crazy Inheritance Ghostsitter 1 By: Tommy Krappweis Series: Ghostsitter, Book 1 The Dirt Audiobook By Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars cover art 83. The Dirt Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band By: Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Nikki Sixx, Mick Mars DisneyWar Audiobook By James B. Stewart cover art 84. DisneyWar By: James B. Stewart Center of the YOUniverse Audiobook By Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski cover art 85. Center of the YOUniverse By: Tituss Burgess, Jane Krakowski Energy Follows Thought Audiobook By Willie Nelson, David Ritz, Mickey Raphael cover art 86. Energy Follows Thought The Stories Behind My Songs By: Willie Nelson, David Ritz, Mickey Raphael The Last Castle Audiobook By Denise Kiernan cover art 87. The Last Castle The Epic Story of Love, Loss, and American Royalty in the Nation’s Largest Home By: Denise Kiernan Grateful American Audiobook By Gary Sinise, Marcus Brotherton cover art 88. Grateful American A Journey from Self to Service By: Gary Sinise, Marcus Brotherton Cabin Pressure: The Complete Series 2 Audiobook By John Finnemore cover art 89. Cabin Pressure: The Complete Series 2 By: John Finnemore Series: Cabin Pressure All You Need to Know About the Music Business (11th Edition) Audiobook By Donald S. Passman cover art 90. All You Need to Know About the Music Business (11th Edition) By: Donald S. Passman It's a Long Story Audiobook By Willie Nelson, David Ritz - contributor cover art 91. It's a Long Story My Life By: Willie Nelson, David Ritz - contributor The Swerve Audiobook By Stephen Greenblatt cover art 92. The Swerve How the World Became Modern By: Stephen Greenblatt The Music Lesson Audiobook By Victor L. Wooten cover art 93. The Music Lesson A Spiritual Search for Growth Through Music By: Victor L. Wooten Can I Say Audiobook By Travis Barker, Gavin Edwards - contributor cover art 94. Can I Say Living Large, Cheating Death, and Drums, Drums, Drums By: Travis Barker, Gavin Edwards - contributor A Life with Ghosts Audiobook By Steve Gonsalves, Michael Aloisi - contributor cover art 95. A Life with Ghosts By: Steve Gonsalves, Michael Aloisi - contributor Elizabeth Taylor Audiobook By Kate Andersen Brower cover art 96. Elizabeth Taylor The Grit & Glamour of an Icon By: Kate Andersen Brower Goddess Audiobook By Anthony Summers cover art 97. Goddess The Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe By: Anthony Summers The Infirmary: A DCI Ryan Mystery (Multicast Drama) Audiobook By L. J. Ross cover art 98. The Infirmary: A DCI Ryan Mystery (Multicast Drama) By: L. J. Ross Series: The DCI Ryan Mysteries, Book 0 Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon Audiobook By David McGowan cover art 99. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops, and the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream By: David McGowan Adventures in the Screen Trade Audiobook By William Goldman cover art 100. Adventures in the Screen Trade By: William Goldman Born a Crime Audiobook By Trevor Noah cover art 4. Born a Crime Stories from a South African Childhood By: Trevor Noah 5. The Storyteller: Expanded 6. My Effin' Life 7. The Artist's Way: 25th Anniversary Edition 8. Surely You Can't Be Serious 9. The Art Thief Born Standing Up Audiobook By Steve Martin cover art 10. Born Standing Up A Comic's Life By: Steve Martin 11. Hollywood: The Oral History Sale ends in 22d 14h 26m 47s Bossypants Audiobook By Tina Fey cover art 12. Bossypants By: Tina Fey 13. Wildflower 14. Becoming Free Indeed 15. Runnin' with the Devil 16. Stories I Only Tell My Friends 17. The Ride of a Lifetime 18. Hits, Flops, and Other Illusions 19. Open Book 20. MCU 21. Rescue Story 22. Neverwhere 23. The Steal Like an Artist Audio Trilogy 24. Storyworthy 25. Get the Picture Tremendous Audiobook By Joey "Coco" Diaz cover art 26. Tremendous The Life of a Comedy Savage By: Joey "Coco" Diaz I'd Like to Play Alone, Please Audiobook By Tom Segura cover art 27. I'd Like to Play Alone, Please Essays By: Tom Segura 28. Born to Run 29. Adversity for Sale 30. When I Was Your Age 31. How to Tell a Story Is This Anything? Audiobook By Jerry Seinfeld cover art 32. Is This Anything? By: Jerry Seinfeld 33. Scar Tissue 34. All the Beauty in the World 35. Every Man for Himself and God Against All 36. 3 Shades of Blue 37. The Blues Brothers 38. The Heroin Diaries: 10 Year Anniversary Edition All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in Their Own Words Audiobook By Peter Brown, Steven Gaines cover art 39. All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in Their Own Words Unpublished, Unvarnished, and Told by The Beatles and Their Inner Circle By: Peter Brown, Steven Gaines Not rated yet Pre-order: Free with 30-day trial Pre-order 40. Energy Follows Thought 41. Grateful American 42. Coreyography 43. All About Me! 44. Cinema Speculation 45. As You Wish 46. Broken Horses 47. The Science of Storytelling 48. Behind the Seams 49. Creativity, Inc. (The Expanded Edition) 50. At Home Add to 51. Chasing Beauty 52. Save the Cat! 53. Your Brain on Art Down with the System Audiobook By Serj Tankian cover art 54. Down with the System A Memoir (of Sorts) By: Serj Tankian 55. Life The Feud that Sparked the Renaissance Audiobook By Paul Robert Walker cover art 56. The Feud that Sparked the Renaissance How Brunelleschi and Ghiberti Changed the Art World By: Paul Robert Walker Sale ends in 22d 14h 26m 14s 57. Gold Dust Woman 58. Elizabeth Taylor Dangerous Rhythms Audiobook By T. J. English cover art 59. Dangerous Rhythms Jazz and the Underworld By: T. J. English 60. Me 61. Paddle Your Own Canoe The Most Beautiful Audiobook By Mayte Garcia cover art 62. The Most Beautiful My Life with Prince By: Mayte Garcia Everyone You Hate Is Going to Die Audiobook By Daniel Sloss cover art 63. Everyone You Hate Is Going to Die And Other Comforting Thoughts on Family, Friends, Sex, Love, and More Things That Ruin Your Life By: Daniel Sloss What Have We Here? Audiobook By Billy Dee Williams cover art 64. What Have We Here? Portraits of a Life By: Billy Dee Williams 65. Beastie Boys Book 66. A Life with Ghosts Black Privilege Audiobook By Charlamagne Tha God cover art 67. Black Privilege Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It By: Charlamagne Tha God Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama Audiobook By Bob Odenkirk cover art 68. Comedy Comedy Comedy Drama By: Bob Odenkirk 69. The Marathon Don't Stop 70. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon Tupac Shakur Audiobook By Staci Robinson cover art 71. Tupac Shakur The Authorized Biography By: Staci Robinson Network Effect (Dramatized Adaptation) Audiobook By Martha Wells cover art 72. Network Effect (Dramatized Adaptation) The Murderbot Diaries, Book 5 By: Martha Wells Series: Murderbot Diaries, Book 5 73. Story 74. Oscar Wars 75. The Last Castle Robin Audiobook By Dave Itzkoff cover art 76. Robin By: Dave Itzkoff 77. The Dirt The New Comedy Bible Audiobook By Judy Carter cover art 78. The New Comedy Bible The Ultimate Guide to Writing and Performing Stand-Up Comedy By: Judy Carter 79. Crave (Part 2 of 2) (Dramatized Adaptation) 80. All You Need to Know About the Music Business (11th Edition) Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic Audiobook By Pottermore Publishing, Mark Salisbury, 81. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald - Makers, Mysteries and Magic A Behind the Scenes Documentary By: Pottermore Publishing, Mark Salisbury, Hana Walker-Brown Series: Wizarding World Collection, Wizarding World Into the Void Audiobook By Geezer Butler cover art 82. Into the Void From Birth to Black Sabbath—And Beyond By: Geezer Butler Subculture Vulture Audiobook By Moshe Kasher cover art 83. Subculture Vulture A Memoir in Six Scenes By: Moshe Kasher Dilla Time Audiobook By Dan Charnas, Jeff Peretz - contributor cover art 84. Dilla Time The Life and Afterlife of J Dilla, the Hip-Hop Producer Who Reinvented Rhythm By: Dan Charnas, Jeff Peretz - contributor Still Foolin' 'Em Audiobook By Billy Crystal cover art 85. Still Foolin' 'Em Where I've Been, Where I'm Going, and Where the Hell Are My Keys By: Billy Crystal The Call of Cthulhu Audiobook By H. P. Lovecraft cover art 86. The Call of Cthulhu By: H. P. Lovecraft Live from New York Audiobook By James Andrew Miller, Tom Shales cover art 87. Live from New York The Complete, Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live as Told by Its Stars, Writers, and Guests By: James Andrew Miller, Tom Shales This Is Your Brain on Music Audiobook By Daniel J. Levitin cover art 88. This Is Your Brain on Music The Science of a Human Obsession By: Daniel J. Levitin I'll Be There for You: The One about Friends Audiobook By Kelsey Miller cover art 89. I'll Be There for You: The One about Friends By: Kelsey Miller Monsters Audiobook By Claire Dederer cover art 90. Monsters A Fan's Dilemma By: Claire Dederer Girl Logic Audiobook By Iliza Shlesinger cover art 91. Girl Logic The Genius and the Absurdity By: Iliza Shlesinger 92. Killing the Legends Teaching to Transgress Audiobook By bell hooks cover art 93. Teaching to Transgress Education as the Practice of Freedom By: bell hooks 94. How to Write One Song Walt Disney Audiobook By Neal Gabler cover art 95. Walt Disney The Triumph of the American Imagination By: Neal Gabler The Disaster Artist Audiobook By Greg Sestero, Tom Bissell cover art 96. The Disaster Artist My Life inside 'The Room', the Greatest Bad Movie Ever Made By: Greg Sestero, Tom Bissell Stella Adler Audiobook By Howard Kissel cover art 97. Stella Adler The Art of Acting By: Howard Kissel Remembering Whitney Audiobook By Cissy Houston cover art 98. Remembering Whitney My Story of Love, Loss, and the Night the Music Stopped By: Cissy Houston Kubrick Audiobook By Robert P. Kolker, Nathan Abrams cover art 99. Kubrick An Odyssey By: Robert P. Kolker, Nathan Abrams 100. DisneyWar Unf--k Your Brain 2. Mr. K and the Flowers 3. Swing State 4. Bedtime Stories for Cynics 5. Sorry for Your Loss 6. Dolly Parton, Songteller 7. Song of the Northwoods 8. Confessions of a Prairie Bitch 9. The Medici 10. How to Listen to and Understand Great Music, 3rd Edition 11. A Streetcar Named Desire 12. Never Broken 13. We're Alive: A Story of Survival - The First Season 14. Alien: Sea of Sorrows 15. Amusing Ourselves to Death Alive and Well Enough Podcast with Jeff Daniels cover art 16. Alive and Well Enough 17. In Love & Struggle, Vol. 3: The Future Is Around Us 18. Art & Fear 19. The Way I See It Think Twice: Michael Jackson Podcast with Leon Neyfakh, Jay Smooth cover art 20. Think Twice: Michael Jackson Follow 21. Lucy 22. Measure of a Man: A Memoir 23. How to Do Nothing 24. A Crazy Inheritance 25. Center of the YOUniverse 26. The Swerve 27. The Music Lesson 28. Can I Say 29. Goddess 30. The Infirmary: A DCI Ryan Mystery (Multicast Drama) Little House in the Hollywood Hills Audiobook By Charlotte Stewart, Andy Demsky cover art 31. Little House in the Hollywood Hills A Bad Girl's Guide to Becoming Miss Beadle, Mary X, and Me By: Charlotte Stewart, Andy Demsky Hope, Grace & Faith Audiobook By Leah Messer cover art 32. Hope, Grace & Faith By: Leah Messer So Much Things to Say Audiobook By Roger Steffens, Linton Kwesi Johnson cover art 33. So Much Things to Say The Oral History of Bob Marley By: Roger Steffens, Linton Kwesi Johnson Ayoade on Top Audiobook By Richard Ayoade cover art 34. Ayoade on Top By: Richard Ayoade Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling Audiobook By Ross King cover art 35. Michelangelo and the Pope's Ceiling By: Ross King Mastering Stand-Up Audiobook By Stephen Rosenfield cover art 36. Mastering Stand-Up The Complete Guide to Becoming a Successful Comedian By: Stephen Rosenfield Total Fcking Godhead Audiobook By Corbin Reiff cover art 37. Total Fcking Godhead The Biography of Chris Cornell By: Corbin Reiff The Art of the English Murder Audiobook By Lucy Worsley cover art 38. The Art of the English Murder From Jack the Ripper and Sherlock Holmes to Agatha Christie and Alfred Hitchcock By: Lucy Worsley A Long Strange Trip Audiobook By Dennis McNally cover art 39. A Long Strange Trip The Inside History of the Grateful Dead By: Dennis McNally Making Movies Audiobook By Sidney Lumet cover art 40. Making Movies By: Sidney Lumet The Wild Heart of Stevie Nicks Audiobook By Rob Sheffield cover art 41. The Wild Heart of Stevie Nicks By: Rob Sheffield Intuition Is Your Superpower Audiobook By Jenniffer Weigel cover art 42. Intuition Is Your Superpower Opening the Gifts Within, Vol. 1 By: Jenniffer Weigel Series: Opening the Gifts Within, Book 1 Art and Faith Audiobook By Makoto Fujimura, N.T. Wright - foreword cover art 43. Art and Faith A Theology of Making By: Makoto Fujimura, N.T. Wright - foreword How Colors Affect You: What Science Reveals Audiobook By William Lidwell, The Great Courses cover art 44. How Colors Affect You: What Science Reveals By: William Lidwell, The Great Courses The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time Audiobook By Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson cover art 45. The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time By: Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson NPR Road Trips Collection Audiobook By National Public Radio Inc. cover art 46. NPR Road Trips Collection By: National Public Radio Inc. Hamlet Audiobook By William Shakespeare cover art 47. Hamlet By: William Shakespeare "I Give You My Body..." Audiobook By Diana Gabaldon cover art 48. "I Give You My Body..." How I Write Sex Scenes By: Diana Gabaldon Family Don't End with Blood Audiobook By Lynn S. Zubernis cover art 49. Family Don't End with Blood Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives By: Lynn S. Zubernis Bluets Audiobook By Maggie Nelson cover art 50. Bluets By: Maggie Nelson 51. Room Full of Mirrors A Biography of Jimi Hendrix By: Charles R. Cross Long Day's Journey into Night Audiobook By Eugene O'Neill cover art 52. Long Day's Journey into Night By: Eugene O'Neill The Science of Interstellar Audiobook By Kip Thorne cover art 53. The Science of Interstellar By: Kip Thorne Will in the World Audiobook By Stephen Greenblatt cover art 54. Will in the World How Shakespeare Became Shakespeare History Listen: Rock Podcast with St. Vincent cover art 55. History Listen: Rock The Craft of Scene Writing Audiobook By Jim Mercurio cover art 56. The Craft of Scene Writing Beat by Beat to a Better Script By: Jim Mercurio You Ought to Know Adam Wade Audiobook By Adam Wade cover art 57. You Ought to Know Adam Wade By: Adam Wade Bob & Jean Audiobook By Robert Schenkkan cover art 58. Bob & Jean By: Robert Schenkkan Laurel Canyon Audiobook By Michael Walker cover art 59. Laurel Canyon The Inside Story of Life in L.A.'s Legendary Rock and Roll Neighborhood By: Michael Walker Divided Soul Audiobook By David Ritz cover art 60. Divided Soul The Life of Marvin Gaye By: David Ritz Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words Audiobook By Malka Marom cover art 61. Joni Mitchell: In Her Own Words By: Malka Marom My Body, My Podcast Podcast with Elizabeth Banks cover art 62. My Body, My Podcast Vincent van Gogh Audiobook By Julius Meier-Graefe cover art 63. Vincent van Gogh A Biography By: Julius Meier-Graefe Walking in This World Audiobook By Julia Cameron cover art 64. Walking in This World The Practical Art of Creativity The Geography of Nowhere Audiobook By James Howard Kunstler cover art 65. The Geography of Nowhere The Rise and Decline of America's Man-Made Landscape By: James Howard Kunstler Van Halen Rising Audiobook By Greg Renoff cover art 66. Van Halen Rising How a Southern California Backyard Party Band Saved Heavy Metal By: Greg Renoff Ted Templeman Audiobook By Ted Templeman, Greg Renoff cover art 67. Ted Templeman A Platinum Producer's Life in Music By: Ted Templeman, Greg Renoff Complicity Island Audiobook By Nick Jones cover art 68. Complicity Island By: Nick Jones Rat Pack Confidential Audiobook By Shawn Levy cover art 69. Rat Pack Confidential Frank, Dean, Sammy, Peter, Joey and the Last Great Show Biz Party By: Shawn Levy How the Medici Shaped the Renaissance Audiobook By William Landon, The Great Courses cover art 70. How the Medici Shaped the Renaissance By: William Landon, The Great Courses Stories Audiobook By Garrison Keillor cover art 71. Stories By: Garrison Keillor Botticelli's Secret Audiobook By Joseph Luzzi cover art 72. Botticelli's Secret The Lost Drawings and the Rediscovery of the Renaissance By: Joseph Luzzi Christian Dior Audiobook By Marie-France Pochna cover art 73. Christian Dior The Man Who Made the World Look New By: Marie-France Pochna Anthem: Rush in the 1970s Audiobook By Martin Popoff cover art 74. Anthem: Rush in the 1970s Rush Across the Decades, Book 1 By: Martin Popoff Series: Rush Across the Decades, Book 1 Finding Pierre: A Hip-Hop Odyssey Podcast with Sam Winter, JaVale McGee, Stori Koh, Zach Selwyn, Meredith Salenger, Justin Wa 75. Finding Pierre: A Hip-Hop Odyssey Approval Junkie Audiobook By Faith Salie cover art 76. Approval Junkie By: Faith Salie Marlene Dietrich Audiobook By Maria Riva cover art 77. Marlene Dietrich The Life By: Maria Riva Breathe Audiobook By Jodi Picoult, Timothy McDonald, others cover art 78. Breathe A Musical By: Jodi Picoult, Timothy McDonald, others Nora Ephron Audiobook By Kristin Marguerite Doidge cover art 79. Nora Ephron By: Kristin Marguerite Doidge The Purple Diaries Audiobook By Joseph Egan cover art 80. The Purple Diaries Mary Astor and the Most Sensational Hollywood Scandal of the 1930s By: Joseph Egan Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers Audiobook By Leonard Koren cover art 81. Wabi-Sabi for Artists, Designers, Poets & Philosophers By: Leonard Koren The Queer Art of Failure Audiobook By Jack Halberstam cover art 82. The Queer Art of Failure By: Jack Halberstam Castles Audiobook By Marc Morris cover art 83. Castles Their History and Evolution in Medieval Britain By: Marc Morris Hank Audiobook By Mark Ribowsky cover art 84. Hank The Short Life and Long Country Road of Hank Williams By: Mark Ribowsky Dusty Audiobook By Dusty Rhodes, Howard Brody cover art 85. Dusty Reflections of Wrestling's American Dream By: Dusty Rhodes, Howard Brody From Bauhaus to Our House Audiobook By Tom Wolfe cover art 86. From Bauhaus to Our House By: Tom Wolfe Easy Street (the Hard Way) Audiobook By Ron Perlman, Michael Largo cover art 87. Easy Street (the Hard Way) By: Ron Perlman, Michael Largo Lost Art: The Stories of Missing Masterpieces Audiobook By Noah Charney, The Great Courses cover art 88. Lost Art: The Stories of Missing Masterpieces By: Noah Charney, The Great Courses Men, Women, and Chain Saws Audiobook By Carol J. Clover cover art 89. Men, Women, and Chain Saws Gender in the Modern Horror Film By: Carol J. Clover Delta Blues Audiobook By Ted Gioia cover art 90. Delta Blues The Life and Times of the Mississippi Masters Who Revolutionized American Music By: Ted Gioia The Painted Word Audiobook By Tom Wolfe cover art 91. The Painted Word The High Cost of Free Parking, Updated Edition Audiobook By Donald Shoup cover art 92. The High Cost of Free Parking, Updated Edition By: Donald Shoup Rainbow in the Dark Audiobook By Ronnie James Dio, Mick Wall - contributor, Wendy Dio - contributor cover art 93. Rainbow in the Dark The Autobiography By: Ronnie James Dio, Mick Wall - contributor, Wendy Dio - contributor If This Was Happiness Audiobook By Barbara Leaming cover art 94. If This Was Happiness A Biography of Rita Hayworth By: Barbara Leaming The Architecture of Happiness Audiobook By Alain de Botton cover art 95. The Architecture of Happiness By: Alain de Botton Deanna Durbin, Judy Garland, and the Golden Age of Hollywood Audiobook By Melanie Gall cover art 96. Deanna Durbin, Judy Garland, and the Golden Age of Hollywood By: Melanie Gall Heart Audiobook By Jade Anouka cover art 97. Heart By: Jade Anouka The Sopranos Sessions Audiobook By Matt Zoller Seitz, Alan Sepinwall, David Chase, Laura Lippman - foreword cover art 98. The Sopranos Sessions By: Matt Zoller Seitz, Alan Sepinwall, David Chase, Laura Lippman - foreword Walking with Ghosts Audiobook By Gabriel Byrne cover art 99. Walking with Ghosts The Play By: Gabriel Byrne Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life Audiobook By Karen Rauch Carter cover art 100. Move Your Stuff, Change Your Life How to Use Feng Shui to Get Love, Money, Respect, and Happiness By: Karen Rauch Carter
submitted by TonyYumYum to freeaudiobooksforu [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 02:01 Omgletmenamemyself Snoop

My husbands watching some kind of wrestling thingy and Snoops on there.
I feel like he’s one of the few people from our childhoods who has maintained consistent relevancy.
Commercials, Yt ads, shows, movies, voice work, sports events. Also, his unexpected friendship with Martha Stewart lol.
I probably just don’t pay enough attention, but I can’t think of anyone else in music from back then who’s just always been around.
submitted by Omgletmenamemyself to Xennials [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 06:50 Lordofthe305 CPWA High$takes

CPWA High$takes
We open on the streets of Philadelphia.
Narrator: On these streets, everything is always on the line.
We see Masato Kojima punching a brick wall before turning his attention with a menacing glare.
Narrator: Where survival is key.
We then see Vader lifting weights and yelling.
Narrator: The strongest being the most confident in their assured victory.
We then see a limousine driving through downtown Philadelphia. Inside the limousine, we see "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones with the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship placed on his lap with Brother Julius sitting right next to him.
Narrator: And the most powerful are always at the top of the food chain.
We then see several members of the CPWA roster engaging in some form of gambling.
Narrator: Everyone's looking to make it big, but it's not about how lucky you are...but how far are you willing to risk it all.
We then cut to the entrance of the Philadelphia Museum where Masato Kojima is standing, awaiting "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones. The limousine arrives as "The Number One Pick" climbs up the steps and stares down Kojima.
Narrator: The stage is more than set...for it is time...
The doors of the Philadelphia Museum opens revealing Vader.
De La Soul's "Stakes is High" plays in the arena as pyro we see pyro go off for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the crowd.
Brian Kinsley: We welcome to CPWA High$takes! We are coming to you live from the city of Brotherly Love, Philadelphia! Brian Kinsley along with Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart, we have finally arrived for the big one! Every championship is on the line including the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship, as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones will defend it in a triple-threat match against Masato Kojima and UWC's Vader.
Anthony Harris: That's not all, we also have the Cruiserweight Showcase, The Hart Sisters are in action, plus Cedric Jordan and Kelly Lawton will be in action!
Sir Samuel Stewart: Let's take it to the ring!
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!
Announcer: And it is for the CPWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship!
80s Synth Track Nightscapes plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, they are the team of Mark Starr and Ricky Vice, StarrVice!
GACKT's "Redemption" plays in the arena
Announcer: Next for Team 2, from Osaka, Japan, he is Daigo Yoshimura.
Mashup Maloney's "Adon's Beaming" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And his teammate, accompanied by Mai, from Kagoshima, Japan, he is Tiger Kazama!
Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next for Team 3, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they are Steve and Adam, the Odenkirks.
Men at Work's "Down Under" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, representing The Commonwealth, the team of Remy LaCroix and Wade Parker, the Quebec Outback Connection.
PRETTYMUCH's "Would You Mind" begins to play in the arena as N*RG makes their entrance.
Announcer: Next, from Orlando, Florida, they are Justin Carter and Nick Howard, N*RG!
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Finally, representing The Olympians, they are the CPWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions, the team of Chip Day and Miles Orozco.
Match 1: CPWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships: StarrVice (Mark Starr and Ricky Vice) vs. Daigo Yoshimura and Tiger Kazama vs. The Odenkirks (Steve and Adam Odenkirk) vs. The Quebec Outback Connection (Remy LaCroix and Wade Parker) vs. N*RG (Justin Carter and Nick Howard) vs. The Olympians (Chip Day and Miles Orozco) (c)
The opening match to kick off High$takes saw the top six Cruiserweight tag teams. There were lots of high spots, including a quadruple plancha dive from Miles Orozco, Ricky Vice, Daigo Yoshimura, and Adam Odenkirk onto the rest of the competitors that brought the crowd to its feet. Not to be outdone, Nick Howard, Remy LaCroix, Tiger Kazama, and Mark Starr performed a top rope hurricanrana on their opponents. The match ended with Miles Orozco hitting an Asai Moonsault on Justin Carter to get the win for his team and to retain the CPWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship.
3 out of 5 stars.
We cut to video package highlighting the feud between Kiara Thompson and Sabina Bellini, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Women's International Championship.
Megan Thee Stallion's "Captain Hook" plays in the arena as Kiara Thompson makes her entrance, flanked by twerking dancers.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing Number One Enterprises, accompanied to the ring her insurance policy, Big Angela, from Jacksonville, Florida, she is Kiara Thompson.
Bassi Maestro's "Te Ne Accorgerai" plays in the arena as Sabina Bellini makes her entrance, accompanied by members of the Italian Army.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Rome, Italy, she is the CPWA Women's International Champion, Sabina Bellini.
Match 2: CPWA Women's International Championship: Kiara Thompson vs. Sabina Bellini (c)
As much as this match was advertised, the hype just wasn't there. Sabina was a bit nervous going into her first title defense, especially at the biggest event for CPWA. Kiara felt like she was off her game a bit, which didn't help matters either. The only good thing to come out of this match was the interference from Big Angela to help Kiara, and "Otaku Girl 86" Michelle Lennox coming down to even up the odds. Sabina hit Fortuna Degli Angoli (Fortune of the Angels) to get the win and successfully retain the CPWA Women's International Championship.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to the backstage area and we see "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones being interviewed by Kevin Meyers. LeJuan says that when he retains the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship, he will challenge for the UWC World Heavyweight Championship.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a Cruiserweight Showcase scheduled for one fall.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Olympians, from Jacksonville, Florida, he is Devon Gatlin-Tyson.
Hayabusa's "Fight With Dream" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from Yokohama, Japan, he is Shadow Nagasaki.
The March of Death theme plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from Guadalajara, Mexico, this is El Colibri
Punjabi MC's "Sounds of the Des" plays in the arena
Announcer: Next, from Mumbai, India, Sharnaz Khan.
Zola's "Zingu 7" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from Cape Town, South Africa, he is Kwazi Nkosi.
Bambu's "Chairman Mao" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Finally, from Shanghai, China, he is Keith Yang.
Brian Kinsley: IT'S YANG TIME!!!
Match 3: Cruiserweight Showcase: Devon Gatlin-Tyson vs. Shadow Nagasaki vs. El Colibri vs. Sharnaz Khan vs. Kwazi Nkosi vs. Keith Yang
There's a reason why the cruiserweights are one of the best things about CPWA. They always manage to put on a show. This match was no different. There were tons of high-flying spots, countering sequences, and even all six competitors outdoing one another with the diving planchas. The match ended with Shadow Nagasaki hitting Shadows Fall on Nkosi to get the win.
4 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package featuring Miguel Sandoval Jr. as the CPWA Television Championship, which lasts for a minute and 30 seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a triple-threat match scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Television Championship.
Aloe Blacc's "A King is Born" plays in the arena as King Shaka is carried on a throne as part of his entrance.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Johannesburg, South Africa, he is King Shaka
Blue Blood plays in the arena as Lord Phillip Byron IV makes his entrance on a horse-drawn carriage.
Announcer: Next, representing The Commonwealth, from Buckingham, England, he is Lord Phillip Byron IV.
Leo Arnaud's "Bulger's Dream" plays in the arena as Miguel Sandoval Jr. makes his entrance, with his children leading the way.
Announcer: Finally, representing The Olympians, from Miami, Florida, he is the CPWA Television Champion, Miguel Sandoval Jr.
Match 4: CPWA Television Championship: King Shaka vs. Lord Phillip Byron IV vs. Miguel Sandoval Jr. (c)
It was pretty hard to top the Cruiserweight Showcase and a lot of Philadelphia fans either went to the concession stands or were on their phones for this match. The match ended with King Shaka hitting Crown of the King on Lord Phillip Byron IV to win the CPWA Television Championship.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting Michelle Bluefeather and Ferial Kapoor's rise as a tag team in CPWA, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Women's Tag Team Championship.
DaniLeigh Ft. Fivio Foreign "Dominican Mami" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, she is the "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez.
Bananarama's "Venus" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And her partner, from Los Angeles, California, she is Cynthia Steele
.Mattmac feat. Dakota Bear and Okema's Rez play in the arena as three rappers perform her theme song.
Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, from Phoenix, Arizona, she is also one-half of the CPWA Women's Tag Team Champions, Michelle Bluefeather.
Panjabi MC's "Jogi" plays in the arena as traditional dancers from India dance on stage with Ferial.
Announcer: And her tag team partner, from Bollywood, she is one-half of the CPWA Women's Tag Team Champions, Ferial Kapoor.

Match 5: CPWA Women's Tag Team Championships: "The Dominican She-Devil" Ivy Fernandez and Cynthia Steele vs. Michelle Bluefeather and Ferial Kapoor (c)
The CPWA Women's Tag Team Championship match was slightly better than the previous match. However, it did suffer from having a few start and stop moments. Priscilla Pierce made her presence felt when she threw her pink dust into the eyes of Ferial, allowing Cynthia to hit Twisted Steele to get the win and her team becoming the new CPWA Women's Tag Team Champions.
2 out of 5 stars.
We cut to the backstage area and we see Masato Kojima being interviewed by Kimberly Reynolds. Kojima says that no one believed that he would reach this pinnacle in his career and that everyone said that he would only be a hardcore wrestler. Kojima also says that he will become the first Japanese-born CPWA World Heavyweight Champion.
We cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time limit.
The Roots' "Do You Want More" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing the Jordan Family, from Miami, Florida, he is Cedric Jordan
Blood Brothers' "Replica" plays in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, representing The Commonwealth, from Adelaide, Australia, he is Kelly Lawton.

Match 6: Cedric Jordan vs. Kelly Lawton
This was a last-week put-together match, despite both competitors feuding throughout the world. As much as this match was back-and-forth, the Philadelphia crowd didn't care for it. The match ended with Lawton hitting the Outback Cutter on Jordan to get the win.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting the CPWA Trios Championships, which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Trios Championships!
DJ Mercer's "Alright" plays in the arena as exotic dancers and strippers start dancing on poles.
Announcer: Introducing first, introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, he is MAGNUM Koyama.
Greenwood Rhythm Coalition's "Guajira 78" plays in the arena as several breakdancers start dancing on stage.
Announcer: Next, from San Diego, California by way of Guadalajara, Mexico, he is Jack Dos Santos!
Wu-Tang Clan's "Shaolin Temple" plays in the arena as several Shaolin monks perform a martial arts routine.
Announcer: And finally, from the Wusha Temple, he is Shaolin.
M.O.P.'s "Fly N***a Hill F***a" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York, he is one-third of the CPWA Trios Champions, "The Hi-Fli Kid," Jerome Evans.
Rain's "It's Raining" begins to play in the arena
Announcer: Next, from Seoul, South Korea, he is one-third of the CPWA Trios Champions, "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon!
The O'Reillys and Paddyhats' "Barrels of Whiskey" plays in the arena as the crowd chants Rory's name.
Announcer: And their partner, from Dublin, Ireland, he is one-third of the CPWA Trios Champions, Rory Irvine.
Match 7: CPWA Trios Championships: MAGNUM Koyama, Jack Dos Santos, and Shaolin vs. The Cruiserweight Dream Team ("The Hi-Fli Kid" Jerome Evans, "The Korean Idol" Han Sang-Hoon, and Rory Irvine) (c)
One of the best matches of the night so far, and one that features the cruiserweights doing their thing once again. The match fast-paced, but not to the point where it would lose the Philly crowd. The match ended with Shaolin hitting Shaolin Style on "The Korean Idol" to get the win and for his team to regain the CPWA Trios Championships.
4 out of 5 stars.
We come back from intermission and we are treated to a video package that features the Gordon Sisters and the Hart Sisters, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 30-minute time limit.
Basement Jaxx's "Hot and Cold" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing The Commonwealth, from Edinburgh, Scotland by way of Cardiff, Wales, they are Maddie and Abbie, The Gordon Sisters.
"Hitman" plays in the arena
Announcer: And their opponents, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, they are Crystal and Tracy, the Hart Sisters.
Match 8: The Gordon Sisters (Maddie and Abbie) vs. The Hart Sisters (Crystal and Tracy)
Another great match that featured a lot of technical wrestling, some high-flying, and it told a story as both sister teams looked to see who was the far more better team. After a sixteen-minute contest, Crystal Hart won the match with a Sharpshooter on Abbie Gordon.
4 out of 5 stars.
After the match, the Gordon Sisters and the Hart Sisters shook hands and hugged much to the approval of the Philadelphia crowd.
We cut to a video package highlighting the 2nd Annual Star Empress Tournament, more specifically, Rosa Corazon's time in the tournament, which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Women's Championship.
Funba Rumba plays in the arena as a Mariachi band begins to play, followed by Rosa, wearing a poncho and sombrero, being led to the ring by her sister, Regina.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Monterrey, Mexico, she is Rosa Corazon.
The lights in the arena turn off. We then hear thunder and lightning sounds emanate throughout the arena. Suddenly Teriyaki Boyz' "Tokyo Drift" plays in the arena as the lights turn back on as Lightning Achara is led to the ring by several Thai performers and Muay Thai fighters.
Announcer: And her opponent, from Bangkok, Thailand, she is the CPWA Women's Champion, Lightning Achara!
Match 9: CPWA Women's Championship: Rosa Corazon vs. Lightning Achara (c)
Pageantry aside, this match felt more like a one-sided battle as Lightning Achara had her way against Rosa. Despite the possible comebacks, Achara was able to put the match away with a Lightning Strikes to retain the CPWA Women's Championship.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting the feud between The Vega Brothers (Raul, Raymundo, Ramon, and Angel) and Pretty Boy over the CPWA Hardcore Championship, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Hardcore Championship!
Tego Calderon's "Mil Cosas" plays in the arena as the Vega Brothers make their entrance.
Announcer: Introducing first, from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is Raul Vega.
Tego Calderon's "Mil Cosas" continues playing in the arena.
Announcer: Next, also from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is Raymundo Vega.
Tego Calderon's "Mil Cosas" continues playing in the arena.
Announcer: Next, also from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is Ramon Vega.
Tego Calderon's "Mil Cosas" continues playing in the arena.
Announcer: Next, also from San Juan, Puerto Rico, he is Angel Vega.
Gabriel O Pensador's "Sem Parar" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, he is Marco Rocha. Glitter Wasteland's "Cold War (Nightcrawler Remix)" plays in the arena as blue and red lighting fills the arena.
Announcer: Finally, he is the CPWA Hardcore Champion, Pretty Boy!
Match 10: CPWA Hardcore Championship: Raul Vega vs. Raymundo Vega vs. Ramon Vega vs. Angel Vega vs. Marco Rocha vs. Pretty Boy (c)
The 6-way dance for the CPWA Hardcore Championship can be described in so many words, but the ones that stick out the most have to be brutal, barbaric, insane, ludicrous, violent, and epic. The Philadelphia crowd were vocal for this match. It looked as if Pretty Boy was going to retain the CPWA Hardcore Championship, but each time, someone prevented him from doing so. In one instance, "Georgia Woman" Jenny Marshall got herself involved and attacked Pretty Boy, even going as far to use "Florida Man" Gary Strange's alligator, Sunshine, to deal some damage. Despite getting some retribution for "Florida Man", she ended up getting chokeslammed for her troubles. Then, Leopard Shiraishi got herself involved as she attacked Pretty Boy. Suddenly, Tigress Ayala would get herself involved in the match and it looked like she was going to attack Shiraishi with a steel chair, only for her to turn against Pretty Boy. Both Shiraishi and Ayala were brutally chokeslammed through a table. This led to a low blow from Raul, leading to an Angel's Wings from Angel, followed by Ramon hitting the Vega's Edge on Pretty Boy. This allowed Raymundo to hit the San Juan Frog Splash to get the win and become CPWA Hardcore Champion.
We cut to a video package hyping up Kahuna Maiavia and his dominance as CPWA International Champion, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA International Championship.
Salute The Heroes plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Detroit, Michigan, he is "Marvelous" Marshall Anderson.
Hp Boyz - Engineers. plays in the arena as several luau dancers and Hawaiian rappers lead Kahuna Maiavia to the ring.
Announcer: And his opponent, from Maui, Hawaii, he is the CPWA International Champion Kahuna Maiavia.
Match 11: CPWA International Championship: "Marvelous" Marshall Anderson vs. Kahuna Maiavia
A very decent and solid towards the end match that saw lots of physicality and hard-impact attacks from both competitors. Maiavia would end the match with the Kahuna Splash to retain the CPWA International Championship.
3 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting the feud between Jason Reynolds, Owen Benoit-Jericho, and Deron "Ron" Jordan over the CPWA Cruiserweight Championship, which lasts for two minutes. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CPWA Cruiserweight Championship.
Less Than Jake's "P.S. Shock The World" plays in the arena as a ska band accompanies Jason to the ring.
Announcer: Introducing first, from New Orleans, Louisiana, Jason Reynolds.
Blood Brothers' "Replica" plays in the arena
Announcer: Next, representing The Commonwealth, from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, he is Owen Benoit-Jericho.
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth's "The Creator" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Finally, representing the Jordan Family, from Miami, Florida, he is the CPWA Cruiserweight Champion, Deron "Ron" Jordan.
Match 12: CPWA Cruiserweight Championship: Jason Reynolds vs. Owen Benoit-Jericho vs. Deron "Ron" Jordan (c)
It wasn't a good outing but it certainly wasn't a bad one when it came to the CPWA Cruiserweight Championship. Jason Reynolds felt like a non-factor in this match, despite the fans getting behind him. OBJ looked more than certain that he was going to win the match, but Deron "Ron" Jordan prevented any chance of that happening. Jordan would win the match with a Solar Eclipse on OBJ to retain the CPWA Cruiserweight Championship.
2 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package for the CPWA Tag Team Championships, which lasts for a minute and thirty seconds. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match and it is for the CPWA Tag Team Championships!
Metallica's "Orion" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing Number One Enterprises, the team of Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller, Iron-Willed!
Shyne's "Bad Boyz" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, also representing Number One Enterprises, from the Trenches, the team of General Wade and Guerrilla God, the Soldiers of Misfortune.
Franz Ferdinand's "Take Me Out" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, they are William and Jake, The Odenkirks.
Blake Shelton's "Good Ole Boys" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from the great state of Tennessee, Roy and Zechariah, the Newton Boys.
The Roots' "Do You Want More" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, representing The Jordan family, from Miami, Florida, the team of Shelton and Elijah Jordan.
An organ cover to Runaway Casket plays in the arena as several pallbearers carry a casket down to the ring. The pallbearers open the casket, revealing The Mortician.
Announcer: Finally, introducing first, from the Resting Peace Funeral Home, he is one-half of the CPWA Tag Team Champions, The Mortician.
Led Zeppelin's "Immigrant Song" (Elliot Loud version) plays in the arena as Mangod storms through the crowd.
Announcer: His tag team partner, from God knows where, he is Mangod.
Brian Kinsley: IT'S MANGOD!!!
Anthony Harris: Brian, Jesus!
Sir Samuel Stewart: Oh, come on, Anthony...IT'S MANGOD!!!
Match 13: Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match for the CPWA Tag Team Championships: Iron-Willed (Ivan Markov and Klaus Muller) vs. The Soldiers of Misfortune (General Wade and Guerrilla God) vs. The Odenkirks (William and Jake) vs. The Newton Boys (Roy and Zechariah) vs. The Jordans (Shelton and Elijah) vs. The Mortician and Mangod (c)
This was a big moment for Elijah Jordan in this match, who had been on the shelf since late last year. Elijah Jordan showed out om what was a demolition derby of a match. Both Iron-Willed and Soldiers of Misfortune looked to have the match won, but both teams were at each others' throats, causing them to eventually fight each other. This led to the Odenkirks, The Mortician, and Mangod to fight them. It came down to the Newtons and the Jordans, but it would be Elijah Jordan who would reach the gold and give himself and Shelton the CPWA Tag Team Championships!
We cut to a video package highlighting "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones as CPWA World Heavyweight Champion, which lasts for three minutes. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: Our main event is a triple-threat match scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
Announcer: And it is for the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship.
D12's "Fight Music" plays in the arena as several actors portray a scene of chaos and anarchy as Masato Kojima makes his entrance.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Hiroshima, Japan, he is Masato Kojima.
"Mastadon" plays in the arena
Announcer: Next, representing UWC, from The Rocky Mountains, he is Vader!
Buckshot, Skyzoo, Promise, and Sean Price's "I'm Better Than You" plays in the arena as a limousine pulls up on the entrance stage as "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones makes his entrance, with Brother Julius right beside him.
Announcer: Finally, accompanied to the ring by Brother Julius, from Columbus, Ohio, he is the CPWA World Heavyweight Champion "The Number One Pick," LeJuan Jones.
Match 14: CPWA World Heavyweight Championship: Masato Kojima vs. Vader vs. "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones (c)
An epic main event that saw an unlikely challenger in Kojima giving it his all, an outsider in Vader proving to be a threat, and the reigning, defending CPWA World Heavyweight Champion doing battle for the promotion's coveted prize. It was all LeJuan and Vader for much of the match, despite Kojima's input. After a Vader Bomb on Kojima, it looked like Vader had the win secured until Brother Julius made his presence felt. Vader took care of Brother Julius with a Vader Bomb, only for "The Number One Pick" to knock Vader out with a steel chair, leading to a Game Winner for the pin and retain the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship.
4 out of 5 stars.
LeJuan Jones is presented the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship. He walks up the ramp, leading to the entrance stage. "The Number One Pick" raises the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship above his head as pyro goes off as High$takes fades to black.
The results from

submitted by Lordofthe305 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 17:57 Pito82002 Pros and Cons with WWE in 2015

Pros and Cons with WWE in 2015
Since I went over the pros and cons of 2014, I decided it would be fun to tackle the pros and cons of other years for the WWE product.
Here I will go over the pros and cons I feel the year 2015 had.
John Cena as U.S Champion
The New Day’s rise to popularity
Sasha, Becky and Charlotte’s debut
Solid WrestleMania and SummerSlam events
Mid card stars like KO and Cesaro being featured prominently
NXT being good (also a pro of 2014)
Now for the cons…
Authority angle still overstaying its welcome for much of the year
Sting’s botched WWE run
Royal Rumble and Survivor Series being trash
The way both of Cena’s title reigns ended
The “Divas Revolution” not really being much of a revolution that year in hindsight
Finally, the amount of injuries that occurred by the end of the year, including every single person that walked out of Mania 31 with a title being injured by the end of 2015.
For the longest time, I was very hard on the year 2015 as I felt that the product that year was mostly boring and had many of the flaws that the previous year had. But credit where credit is due, it did eventually improve and get better. Like I said, guys like KO were really making their mark and the way The New Day got fans to like them was brilliant.
That said while I have come to appreciate the year’s strengths, it still has noteworthy problems. Even with some of the great things that came from the year, they also questionable booking in some avenues. The way both of Cena’s U.S title reigns ended was questionable, first with Jon Stewart being a deciding factor and then with a returning Alberto Del Rio defeating Cena which no one asked for and also lead to a boring uninteresting gimmick with Del Rio alligning with Zeb Colter. And although the debut of three of the horsewomen was awesome and greatly executed as well as the effort the women already on the roster were putting in were great, there wasn’t really anything “revolutionary “ about the women/divas division at the time other than three new stars being introduced, no new match concepts and or real achievements really happened with the women on the main roster as it was just the same three women’s factions fighting every week. There’s a lot I would love to go into on the pros and cons of the women/divas in 2015 that could be a post in it of itself honestly.
But anyways, what do you all think of the year 2015?!
Let me know!!
submitted by Pito82002 to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.04.04 05:07 Lordofthe305 CPWA Octane 4-3-24

CPWA Octane 4-3-24
The show opens with a moment of silence for Louis Gossett Jr.
Louis Gossett Jr. 1936-2024

The moment of silence ends and we open with a 30-second intro highlighting all of the stars of CPWA as The Roots' "BOOM" plays in the background. The intro ends with "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones holding the CPWA Heavyweight Championship belt over his head. Pyro goes off in the arena for a few seconds, followed by cheering from the crowd.
Brian Kinsley: We welcome to CPWA Octane! We are coming to you live from Newark, New Jersey. Brian Kinsley, with Anthony Harris and Sir Samuel Stewart. We are a few days away from High$takes and we got ourselves a big go-home show. We got cruiserweight action plus a trios match.
Anthony Harris: And that's not all, we also have a number one contender's match for the CPWA Women's International Championship and Masato Kojima will be in action tonight.
Sir Samuel Stewart: Let's take it to the ring!
We cut to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a fatal four-way scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!
80s Synth Track Nightscapes plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Los Angeles, California, he is one-half of StarrVice, Ricky Vice
GACKT's "Redemption" plays in the arena
Announcer: Next, from Osaka, Japan, he is Daigo Yoshimura
Men at Work's "Down Under" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, representing The Commonwealth, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, he is one-half of the Quebec Outback Connection, Remy LaCroix
PRETTYMUCH's "Would You Mind" begins to play in the arena as N*RG makes their entrance.
Announcer: Finally, from Orlando, Florida, he is one-half of N*RG, Nick Howard

Match 1: Ricky Vice vs. Daigo Yoshimura vs. Remy LaCroix vs. Nick Howard
Ricky Vice and Remy LaCroix did much of the work in the opening match, which isn't saying much, especially when you consider some of the competitors were former CPWA Cruiserweight Tag Team Champions. While the match was still going on, Chip Day and Miles Orozco were watching the match from The Olympians' locker room, while Steve and Adam Odenkirk were watching near the gorilla position backstage. The match ended with LaCroix hitting the Quebec Destroyer on Nick Howard to get the win.
2 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting Kiara Thompson for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a number one contender's match for the CPWA Women's International Championship.
Megan Thee Stallion's "Captain Hook" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, representing Number One Enterprises, accompanied to the ring her insurance policy, Big Angela, from Jacksonville, Florida, she is Kiara Thompson.
Beastie Boys' "Intergalactic" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Her opponent, from Chicago, Illinois, she is "Otaku Girl 86" Michelle Lennox.

Match 2: Number One Contender's Match for the CPWA Women's International Championship: Kiara Thompson vs. "Otaku Girl 86" Michelle Lennox
As evenly this match played out, you knew shenanigans were going to happen, thanks to Big Angela. "Otaku Girl 86" had the match won, only for Big Angela to make her presence felt by distracting the referee. This led to Kiara using a low blow, followed by hitting a 450 Splash to get the win.

2 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a graphic hyping up a match between "The Orange Idol Princess" Aiko Yoshida and Rosa Corazon. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a match between The Commonwealth's Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton taking on Tiger Kazama and Jason Reynolds. We then cut to a graphic hyping up a trios match between The Newton Boys (Roy and Zechariah) and Aka-Manto, taking on MAGNUM Koyama, Jack Dos Santos, and Shaolin.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a trios match scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.

Blake Shelton's "Good Ole Boys" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from the great state of Tennessee, Roy and Zechariah, the Newton Boys.
Aka-Manto Chase Theme plays in the arena as red lights engulf the arena.
Announcer: And their teammate, from the bowels of Jigoku, he is Aka-Manto.
DJ Mercer's "Alright" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, from Tokyo, Japan, he is MAGNUM Koyama.
Greenwood Rhythm Coalition's "Guajira 78" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Next, from San Diego, California by way of Guadalajara, Mexico, he is Jack Dos Santos!
Wu-Tang Clan's "Shaolin Temple" plays in the arena.
Announcer: Finally, from the Wusha Temple, he is Shaolin.
Match 3: Trios Match: The Newton Boys (Roy and Zechariah) and Aka-Manto vs. MAGNUM Koyama, Jack Dos Santos, and Shaolin
A fairly decent match with some good action. Lots of back and forth between Aka-Manto against Koyama, JDS, and Shaolin. The match ended with Zechariah hitting the Pistol Whip on Koyama, leading to Roy hitting the Rob Roy for the win.
3 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package highlighting Rosa Corazon and her journey throughout the Star Empress Tournament, which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's "PONPONPON" plays in the arena as the crowd claps along to the beat
Announcer: Introducing first, from Yokohama, Japan, she is "The Orange Idol Princess" Aiko Yoshida.
Funba Rumba plays in the arena.
Announcer: Introducing first, from Monterrey, Mexico, she is Rosa Corazon.

Match 4: "The Orange Idol Princess" Aiko Yoshida vs. Rosa Corazon
Another decent match that saw some good wrestling and interference from La Venena, who spewed black mist into the eyes of Rosa. This led to an unknowing Yoshida to hit the Aiko Breaker on Rosa to get the win.
3 out of 5 stars.
After the match La Venena and Carnage Ayano attacked Yoshida and Rosa. Regina Corazon, Shiori Yoshimura, and CPWA Women's Champion Lightning Achara rushed to the ring to make the save.
We cut to a graphic hyping up the main event between Masato Kojima and "The King of Mexican Strong Style" Antonio Garcia. We then see a graphic hyping up a match between The Commonwealth's Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton taking on Tiger Kazama and Jason Reynolds.
***Commercial Break***
We come back from commercial break and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall with a 25-minute time limit.
Blood Brothers' "Replica" plays in the arena
Announcer: And their opponents, representing The Commonwealth, they are the team Owen Benoit-Jericho and the CPWA Cruiserweight Champion Kelly Lawton.
Mashup Maloney's "Adon's Beaming" plays in the arena.
Announcer: And their opponents, introducing first, accompanied by Mai, from Kagoshima, Japan, he is Tiger Kazama!
Less Than Jake's "P.S. Shock The World" plays in the background.
Announcer: And his teammate, from New Orleans, Louisiana, Jason Reynolds.
Match 5: The Commonwealth (Owen Benoit-Jericho and Kelly Lawton) vs. Tiger Kazama and Jason Reynolds
A pretty forgettable match despite being highly booked. That is something very rare coming from the cruiserweights. Kelly Lawton looked off his game, which slowed down the match at times. Tiger Kazama looked like he was in a fog of his own. This left OBJ and Reynolds to carry the match altogether. Reynolds won the match for his team with a Rolling Hangover Elbow Drop.
1 out of 5 stars.
We cut to a video package of Masato Kojima which lasts for a minute. The video package ends and we cut back to the ring.
Announcer: Our main event is scheduled for...
Crowd: ONE FALL!!!

Vincente Fernandez's "Los Mandados" plays in the arena
Announcer: Introducing first, from Mexico City, Mexico, he is "The King of Mexican Strong Style," Antonio Garcia.
D12's "Fight Music" plays in the arena
Announcer: And his opponent, from Hiroshima, Japan, he is Masato Kojima.
Main Event: "The King of Mexican Strong Style" Antonio Garcia vs. Masato Kojima
Thanks to "The Number One Pick" LeJuan Jones, this match was over before it ever got to the finish. As soon as Kojima was about to hit the Kojima Kutter, "The Number One Pick" blasted Kojima with the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship, forcing the referee to call for the bell to end a rather dull yet boorish match.
1 out of 5 stars.
After the match, "The Number One Pick" continued his assault on Kojima. Suddenly, "Mastadon" plays in the arena, signaling the arrival of Vader. Vader rushed down to the ring and chased off "The Number One Pick" and dared him to get back in the ring.
Brian Kinsley: This weekend, it's High$takes! Live from Philadelphia! All the championships will be on the line, including the CPWA World Heavyweight Championship! Who will emerge victorious?!
Octane fades to black.
The results from

submitted by Lordofthe305 to FantasyBookers [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 19:34 micktalian The Gardens of Deathworlders (Part 66)

Part 66 Teaching curriculum (Part 1) (Part 65) (Part 67)
[This is my Ko-fi (kinda like Patreon) if you want to show some support]
Also, don't forget to check out the prequel series The Gardens of Deathworlders: A Blooming Love (Part 1 here) (Most recent chapter here)

Despite being one of the youngest species in terms of both evolution and Ascension, and the reputation garnered by their relatively small but quite robust warrior culture, Qui’ztar were anything but primitive. The Third Qui’ztar Matriarchy, being one of the most advanced and prosperous polities among that species of large, blue, and tusked primates, are capable of producing ships that few other beings in the galaxy could find any fault in. Though there are always differences in personal tastes, preferences towards particular forms of accommodation, and even a few truly unique species that required very specific and controlled environments in order to survive, the luxury-class vessels built in the shipyard above Ten'yiosh could meet any demands put to them by prospective customers. The vessel now designated as UHDF Diplomatic Ship-1, for example, was originally slated to serve as an exhibition vessel, one not meant to leave port except as a means of testing her capabilities or simply showing off, was over a kilometer long, nearly two-thirds at her widest point, and featured a roughly wedge-shape with a bulbous, cylindrical section in the middle that housed the spin-gravity section. And while Professor Mikhail T. River had made no specific requests when he negotiated the deal that saw this luxurious vessel shift purpose to become a gift to humanity, Matriarch Herathena had used her experience with the Nishnabe Confederacy to make the executive decision of maximizing the amount of nature space and ensured that section of the space would be as realistic as possible.

So thus, by the Matriarch’s command, the dedicated nature area was now full of exotic plants, covered in alien grasses, and even featured a small, pond-like, open-top aquaponics tank stocked with a variety of fish, all arranged in a manner that drew inspiration from dozens of worlds. Though the shipwrights assigned to the task of quickly updating and modifying UHDF DS-1 had less than a week to work, they were able to increase the pseudo-natural space by tenfold to nearly two dozen acres of greenery, including the accompanying support systems required to make it all function as intended. Between the trees providing shade from the intense, near tropical light of the simulated sun, the fragrant smells of beautiful blooming flowers, and the soft ground that cushioned each step, the only thing that gave away the fact that this park was not entirely natural was that it was surrounded by metal and polymer and had the upward curve indicative of a spin-gravity cylinder. Though the grass and trees were boxed in by highly ornate but clearly artificial walkways and walls, from the center of this garden nothing but sunshine and life was visible. Even if a person with keen eyes could easily spot the subtle discrepancies in the thin and wispy clouds, and the most sensitive of ears could pick up a slight hum emanating from the technologies required to maintain this environment, it was far easier to get lost in it all and simply pretend the sky sitting just fifty meters overhead was the real thing.

In the heart of this nearly perfect recreation of a cultivated meadow, the sound of gnashing teeth, vigorous growls, and playful pouncing entertained a group of curious onlookers who had joined together for a picnic on the third day of their journey to the Nishnabe home planet of Shkegpewen. At only sixty-five kilos and with a build more meant to run away from potential predators or adversaries than to stand and brawl, Harji the jartygon was at a significant disadvantage in his playful tussle with Mik's pure-bred, extra-large sized Cane Corso. However, much to the surprise of the people who had only recently met Terry, but not those who knew her well, the massive beast of a dog seemed to be losing to the hyena-cheetah. Regardless of her lethal strength, ability to easily take down animals twice her size, and normally quite reserved attitude, the brindle pooch was intentionally holding back the majority of her strength in order to give her new feline friend a fair chance to get the upper hand in their friendly fight and the audience a good show.

“Yeah! Get the big meanie, Harji!” Nadeli shouted towards the pair of wrestling animals with youthful and naive innocence. “Show her who's boss!”

“I think she's letting him win, Nadeli.” Despite being just a couple years older than her brother, Minaria seemed to be much more aware of the dynamic on display. “Just like how I let you win when we wrestle.”

“Hey!” The young, blue skinned boy with barely noticeable tusks had a clearly offended look in his crimson red eyes. “I always beat you fair and square! You don't let me win!... Right?”

“Of course she doesn't, Nadeli!” With Tarzona taking time off from her motherly duties and leaving the care of the children to Atxika and Tens, the children’s aunt did her best to sound as earnest as possible in her attempt to sooth the young boy. However, much to her annoyance, the sudden smirk and stifled giggles from the face of the man lounging next to her coupled with Minaria's eye roll to give the young Qui’ztar boy the hint he needed. “Your sister would never-”

“She does, doesn't she!” Nadeli looked between his aunt, uncle, and sister with a horrified expression on his face. “Don't lie to me, Auntie Atxika!”

Before Atxika could try to calm the clearly distraught young child, the group of Martian professors joining them on this picnic couldn't contain themselves, and all began bursting out with laughter. In an instant, the now perturbed blue woman shot them all harsh glares. Turning back to Nadeli, Atxika seemed as if she were about to double down on the lie. However, recognizing the look on Nadeli's face and having grown up in a relatively similar circumstance, TJ knew just what to say to put the boy at ease.

“Hey now, Nadeli, think about it like this.” As soon as the half-metal man spoke up, all eyes immediately fell on him with baited breath. “If you have a big sister who's willing to let you win sometimes, you got a good sister. You don't want her to stop letting you win, trust me. I made that mistake with my oldest sis, and I still regret it. She’s never let me win a damn thing after I told her to knock it off.”

“You- You have an older sister, too?” Nad asked so sheepishly that his sudden change in tone and expression caused both Tens and Atxika to look at the boy with marked confusion and worry. “D- Does she look like you?”

“Yeah, I actually have two older sisters. But one of them never even tried to let me win! Ever!” Though TJ once again recognized the look in the young boy's eyes, one that held an equal mix of fear and curiosity, something his sister was also displaying but trying to hide, and he once again knew just what to say. “But no, neither of them really have any mods and metal like me. I was just that one out of three kids born in space that had some kinda major health problems. Being born in far lower gravity than a species evolved for can have some serious consequences. The robot parts you kids see are just to keep me happy and healthy. And yes, it does kind of hurt sometimes. But it hurts a lot less than when I was pure flesh and blood.”

“My history teacher taught me about something like that in my class last year!” Minaria announced with gleeful recognition in her voice and any hints of fear in her eyes completely vanishing. “He said that when our species first started trying to live in space, we discovered that people could be born with problems that would make it so that they could never go back to Fensia'yoish. Something about the high gravity of our homeworld makes it hard for us to adapt to low gravity environments, I think. And that's why all of us have to be born in double standard gravity.”

“Yeah, tha’ sounds ‘bout the same as us humans.” Mik chimed in with a somewhat surprised smile on his face as a bit of professional curiosity took hold. “Say, yahr about eight, right Minaria? That'd be ‘bout second ‘r third grade for us on Mars. What else ‘re they teachin’ yah in school?”

“I'm eight and two-thirds! And… uh… They teach us a bunch of stuff…” The young girl replied with an excited tone but paused to think just long enough that her brother had time to interject.

“I just started school this year and we learned how to do math, read, write, and even color inside the lines!”

“Oh… What kind of math are they teaching you?” Skol chimed in with the same sort of intrigue that had prompted Mik.

“Addition and subtraction and multiplication and division!” Nadeli replied with a wide and proud smile that nearly made his small tusks disappear completely. “And next year I'm going to learn how to find missing numbers!”

“Teacher Bartchari taught us how to calculate the size and area of shapes.” Minara quickly added in a manner that perfectly matched her younger brother's enthusiasm. “And I got the highest scores out of anyone in my class! Give me any shape and I'll tell you its parameter and area!”

“Geometry in third grade?!?” Kiera blurted out with an inflection that matched the genuinely astonished expressions on her fellow professors’ faces. “That seems quite advanced… Yah must be some very smart kids, then! But now I'm really curious about the curriculum your people use.”

“From first year to fifth, our children learn basic equations, algebra, geometry, integrating algebra and geometry, and then trigonometry, in that order.” Though Atxika wasn't in the educational field and really didn't have much first experience with the most up to date Qui’ztar curriculums, she did have fond memories of her experiences in her people's school system. “Then, from sixth through fourteenth grades, the children learn more advanced mathematics that apply in everyday life. And if a child is on an educational path that would lead to a career in engineering, navigation, or similarly math-intense fields, they must be proficient in calculus by the time they graduate from their required schooling.”

“Daaang!” Mik exclaimed while clapping his hands together and chuckling. “I wish my students'd be proficient in calculus before they signed up for my classes! That'd make my life so much easier, I tell yah what!”

“That's like differentials and integrals, right?” Tens asked with a somewhat hesitant and embarrassed tone, his years of skipping school finally catching up to him.

“Yeah, niji! Yah know calculus?!?”

“I mean, well enough to get certified as a co-pilot…” The Nishnabe warrior started blushing a bit. Though his practical and applicable knowledge of mathematics were on par with two of the four professors at this picnic with him, and was significantly greater than the vast majority of humanity living on Sol, he couldn't help but feel like he would be smarter if he had skipped far fewer of his classes and actually paid attention in the ones he did attend. “I can do stuff like calculate vectors in three-dimensional space around gravitational distortions because that's what's required for certification but-”

“Niji, tha's university-level calculus! If you ditched school as much as you say…” Mik scoffed as he and his fellow professors stared at the man whom all had now gained even more respect towards. “What else ‘re they teachin’ yah on Shkegpewen?!?”


After his weekend peacekeeping deployment had quickly converted to a full activation of his unit to serve as guards of and assistants to Nishnabe Militia forces stationed at what was now being referred to as the Redlake Occupied Zone, Private Victor Whitetail found himself in a very strange position. Part of him wanted nothing more than to return to his previous life as a college student where his only real responsibilities were to show up to class, do his homework, and prepare for tests. However, another portion of his soul desired nothing more than to disregard everything he had ever known, including his contract to the Minnesota National Guard, and join the Nishnabe in any capacity he could. Having grown up relatively well off and in the comfort of land that his family had been fortunate enough to save from exploitation, the young man had a close enough connection to his culture to recognize that he had more in common with these people born on another world, but spoke his people’s traditional language, than his own squad mates. While neither Specialist Stewart nor Sergeant Anderson were bad people, both just doing the best they could in the positions they found themselves in, there simply wasn't that same kind of inherent and indescribable connection that Victor felt towards his Nishnabe cousins. Despite these strange and almost treasonous thoughts crossing his mind more and more over the past couple weeks of this deployment, Whitetail was still performing his duties to the best of his abilities.

Though there were still a few craters that needed filling, fallen over trees that needed clearing, and a few wrecks of armored vehicles that had yet to be properly disposed of, the changes the Nishnabe had made to the former headquarters of the Pickerton Detective Agency, a subsidiary of the now defunct Constellus-Securitas corporate conglomerate, were astonishing. Having spent most of his time simply acting as a guard and friendly and familiar face for various American civilians who were entering the RLOZ for aid, Whitetail was genuinely shocked at the constant changes to the scenery around him. It was clear from his first day inside the fence that the Nishnabe weren't just cleaning up the contamination caused by the supposedly clean nuke that ConSec had acquired and attempted to use when this facility was raided and captured, they were actively restoring this land to the way it had been before Europeans arrived and began to destroy it all those hundreds of years ago. Buildings, bunkers, and various structures which weren't currently being utilized as temporary accommodations were all being torn down at blistering speeds and replaced by carefully and strategically planted flora. The many trees toppled by massive machines of war had been either utilized for lumber or laid out in particular arrangements to ensure they could naturally decay while providing needed nutrients to the soil around them. Even a few of the larger craters caused by the massive firefight which saw this site change ownership had been converted to small ponds. And while most of the damaged hulks of metal had simply been piled up after any potentially hazardous materials were removed, Victor had noticed a few of the Nishnabe warrior's tinkering with some of the systems that had been abandoned when their crews surrendered and fled. All the while, thousands of people in need passed through the front gates of this compound, received the various forms of aid they needed, and bore witness to the restoration of these lands.

“Morning Sarg!” Whitetail saluted his squad-lead as he stood at attention and awaited his orders for the day.

“Mornin’ Private.” The portly, older man grumbled while sipping from his coffee thermos. Though his voice didn't carry it, the man was actually quite excited for the day. “You got your full activation orders, right?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good.” The Sergeant paused for a moment to enjoy a long and slow drink of his steaming hot morning beverage. “Sorry you're gonna have to miss the rest of this semester, but orders are orders.”

“It is what it is, Sarg.” The young man allowed a slight smile to fall on his face as he replied with a shrug. “Oh, and where's Specialist Stewart?”

“That fuckin’ idiot…” Anderson let out a scoffing laugh and rolled his eyes. “As soon as he gets here, I'm rippin’ him a new one! Turns out that fucker left the facility after his shift yesterday to pick up a bunch of alcohol for the Nishnabe he's made friends with.”

“He what?!?” Victor didn't know whether to be horrified or jealous. “Did they arrest him or something?!?”

“No.” There was an almost angry look in the older man's eyes. “And they didn't even tell me he left till this morning. The Nishnabe Chief-Brave’s not even mad at him. If anything, the guy thought it was funny and is just makin’ the Nishnabe who paid Stewart to get the booze fill a few craters by hand…. Oh, and look… speak o’ the hungover devil… Specialist Stewart! Get your ass over here!”

“Ah shit…” Whitetail muttered under his breath while turning to see the man in question, who had the obvious glazed over expression of a person who was still feeling the previous night, slowly jogging over to where he and the Sergeant were standing. “Did you really get some Nishnabek drunk last night, Stewart?”

“Fuck, they got me drunk!” The clearly quite weary man retorted. “Those guys can hold their liquor better than you can Whitetail!”

“Damn it, Specialist!” Sergeant Anderson berated the Specialist with so much vigor that small specks of coffee and saliva erupted from his mouth. “Do you know how much trouble you're in?!? That could've turned into an international incident, you fucking moron!”

“Sarg, they said they're allowed to have a few drinks every couple weeks and they just wanted to try some Earth beers.” The younger man suddenly had a fearful look in his eyes, the consequences of his actions just now dawning on him. “I swear, sir, they told me it was all good. The gate guards were totally chill with it and everything! I had no idea I wasn't allowed to-”

“You had no idea?!? Boy, I ought to…!” For a moment, Anderson looked as if he was ready to start smacking Stewart into line before he took a deep breath and shook his head to try to recollect himself. “If the Nishnabe didn't have plans for us today, I'd be drilling your ass till you started cryin’ for your momma! Then I'd drill it some more!!! You'd be doin’ so many push ups it would change Earth’s orbit! Yah know what, drop and give me a hundred right now!”

“The Nishnabe have plans for us, sir?” After a few moments, Whitetail spoke up hesitantly after he watched Stewart sheepishly hit the deck and start pushing.

“Yeup!” A smirk spread across the Sergeant's lips as soon as the Private reminded him of why he was actually excited for the day. “The Nishnabe War Chief and President Carnegie want to have a weapons demonstration. Kinda like that tech expo they had a few weeks back but with guns. And…” Anderson took a step towards Whitetail so that he could whisper the truly enticing part without Stewart overhearing. “They're gonna teach us how to use their mechs for the demonstration.”
submitted by micktalian to HFY [link] [comments]