En calzones .com

Tennis News & Discussion

2008.06.11 19:17 Tennis News & Discussion

Professional tennis discussion. Feel free to visit our sister sub for more information on technique, 10s.

2009.09.21 18:21 visordown MotoGP: Everything from the MotoGP world

Everything and anything from MotoGP, for MotoGP fans including Moto2, Moto3 & MotoE!

2010.07.01 10:12 jecrois /r/AMD — For all things Ryzen, Radeon and more

Welcome to /AMD — the subreddit for all things AMD; come talk about Ryzen, Radeon, Zen4, RDNA3, EPYC, Threadripper, rumors, reviews, news and more. /AMD is community run and does not represent AMD in any capacity unless specified.

2024.05.15 00:06 Specialist_Day5770 kick.com roshtein

🎰🎲✨ Obtenez 500 euros et 200 tours gratuits pour jouer à des jeux de casino en un seul clic ! ✨🎲🎰
kick.com roshtein
kick.com avis
Avis sur Kick.com : Tout ce que vous devez savoir
Vous vous demandez ce que vaut Kick.com ? Il est essentiel de comprendre les tenants et aboutissants de cette plateforme avant de vous y aventurer. Kick.com est une plateforme en ligne qui propose une large gamme de services, notamment des rencontres en ligne, des discussions en direct et d'autres fonctionnalités interactives. Cependant, avant de vous inscrire, il est important de consulter les avis des utilisateurs pour vous faire une idée plus précise.
De nombreux utilisateurs ont partagé leurs expériences avec Kick.com, et les avis sont mitigés. Certains utilisateurs ont apprécié la facilité d'utilisation de la plateforme et les fonctionnalités offertes, tandis que d'autres ont rencontré des problèmes techniques et ont eu du mal à contacter le service client. Il est donc important de prendre en compte ces avis avant de décider si Kick.com vous convient.
Il est recommandé de lire plusieurs avis et de comparer les expériences des utilisateurs avant de vous inscrire sur Kick.com. Gardez à l'esprit que chaque expérience est unique et que ce qui fonctionne pour certains peut ne pas fonctionner pour d'autres. N'hésitez pas à poser des questions aux autres utilisateurs et à faire des recherches approfondies pour vous assurer que Kick.com répond à vos attentes.
En conclusion, les avis sur Kick.com sont divers, et il est essentiel de les prendre en considération avant de vous engager sur la plateforme. Faites preuve de prudence et prenez le temps de vous renseigner pour prendre une décision éclairée.
roshtein casino en ligne
Roshtein est un célèbre streameur de casino en ligne, connu pour ses sessions de jeu passionnantes et divertissantes. Avec sa personnalité charismatique et son expertise dans le domaine des jeux d'argent, il attire des milliers de spectateurs du monde entier à chacune de ses diffusions en direct.
Roshtein collabore avec divers casinos en ligne pour offrir à ses fans une expérience de jeu exceptionnelle. En tant que joueur expérimenté, il teste une grande variété de jeux tels que les machines à sous, la roulette, le blackjack et bien d'autres encore. Son objectif est de partager ses stratégies de jeu, ses conseils et ses impressions avec sa communauté, tout en créant une atmosphère conviviale et divertissante.
Les adeptes de jeux de casino en ligne apprécient particulièrement les sessions de jeu de Roshtein pour leur caractère interactif et divertissant. En plus de jouer à leurs jeux préférés, les spectateurs peuvent interagir en direct avec le streameur et les autres membres de la communauté, en partageant leurs réactions, en posant des questions ou en lançant des défis.
En conclusion, Roshtein est une personnalité incontournable de l'univers des casinos en ligne, offrant à ses fans une expérience de jeu unique et divertissante. Que vous soyez un passionné de jeux d'argent ou simplement à la recherche d'un divertissement captivant, ses diffusions en direct sauront vous séduire par leur dynamisme et leur convivialité.
revue kick.com
La revue Kick.com est une plateforme en ligne qui offre des critiques détaillées et des analyses approfondies de l'industrie du divertissement pour adultes. Grâce à son équipe d'experts passionnés, Kick.com propose aux lecteurs un aperçu complet des dernières tendances, des films, des séries, des jeux et de tout ce qui concerne le monde du divertissement pour adultes.
En explorant la revue Kick.com, les lecteurs peuvent découvrir des recommandations personnalisées, des évaluations honnêtes et des éclairages fascinants sur les différentes facettes de l'industrie du divertissement pour adultes. Que vous soyez un amateur de films pour adultes à la recherche de nouvelles sorties ou un joueur passionné en quête de critiques de jeux, la revue Kick.com propose un contenu varié et informatif pour satisfaire toutes vos envies.
Grâce à son approche professionnelle et objective, la revue Kick.com s'est imposée comme une référence incontournable dans le domaine du divertissement pour adultes. Les lecteurs peuvent faire confiance aux critiques et aux recommandations de Kick.com pour prendre des décisions éclairées sur les films à regarder, les jeux à essayer et les nouvelles tendances à suivre dans l'industrie.
Que vous soyez un habitué de l'industrie du divertissement pour adultes ou un néophyte curieux, la revue Kick.com vous invite à plonger dans un univers captivant où l'expertise, la passion et l'objectivité se rejoignent pour vous offrir une expérience de lecture unique et enrichissante.
roshtein streamer
Roshtein est l'un des streamers les plus populaires de l'industrie du jeu en ligne. Connu pour ses diffusions en direct de sessions de jeu intenses et divertissantes, Roshtein a su se faire une place parmi les meilleurs dans le monde du streaming de jeux de casino en ligne.
Ses vidéos captivantes attirent des milliers de spectateurs du monde entier, qui viennent chercher à la fois du divertissement et des conseils de jeu. Roshtein excelle dans une variété de jeux de casino, allant des machines à sous aux jeux de table en passant par le poker en ligne. Sa passion pour le jeu et son énergie contagieuse transparaissent dans chacune de ses diffusions, créant ainsi une expérience immersive pour ses spectateurs.
En plus de ses talents de joueur, Roshtein est également connu pour être un ambassadeur de plusieurs marques de casinos en ligne. Ses partenariats avec ces marques lui permettent d'offrir à ses spectateurs des offres exclusives et des bonus spéciaux, ce qui ajoute une dimension supplémentaire à son contenu de streaming.
Que vous soyez un passionné de jeux de casino en ligne ou simplement à la recherche d'un divertissement palpitant, les diffusions de Roshtein sont sûres de vous tenir en haleine. Suivez ce streamer talentueux pour une expérience de jeu en ligne inoubliable et pleine d'émotions fortes.
kick.com arnaque
Découvrir que vous avez été victime d'une arnaque sur kick.com peut être une expérience frustrante et déconcertante. Il est important de reconnaître les signes d'une possible arnaque et d'être conscient des mesures à prendre pour protéger vos informations personnelles et financières.
Lorsque vous rencontrez des problèmes avec un site comme kick.com, il est essentiel de signaler immédiatement tout problème à votre banque ou à votre fournisseur de carte de crédit pour bloquer toute transaction supplémentaire. En outre, il est recommandé de contacter les autorités compétentes en matière de fraude pour signaler l'arnaque afin d'aider à prévenir d'autres incidents similaires.
Il est également judicieux de vérifier régulièrement vos relevés bancaires et de surveiller toute activité suspecte. Assurez-vous de ne pas divulguer d'informations personnelles ou financières à des sources non fiables et de toujours être vigilant lors de vos transactions en ligne.
En fin de compte, il est essentiel de se renseigner et d'être conscient des risques potentiels associés aux transactions en ligne. En restant informé et en prenant des mesures de sécurité appropriées, vous pouvez réduire les risques d'être victime d'une arnaque sur des sites tels que kick.com. N'hésitez pas à partager votre expérience pour sensibiliser les autres et contribuer à prévenir la fraude en ligne.
submitted by Specialist_Day5770 to u/Specialist_Day5770 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:05 RealFatherElijah1987 # Delisting MICKEY and Removal of All Related Features

Dear BitMart Users,
Per project's request, BitMart will pause all MICKEY-related features and remove the MICKEY/USDT trading pair. Users should cancel their orders of MICKEY from our platform. If your order is not canceled in time, the order will be canceled by the system and your assets will be credited to your trading account. Please note the below dates for suspension of all features:
Close Deposit: 5/14/2024 10:00 PM UTC
Close Trading: 5/14/2024 10:00 PM UTC
Close Withdrawal: 7/14/2024 10:00 PM UTC
Note: Not withdrawing related tokens timely may result in assets loss. BitMart will not be responsible for any assets loss caused by doing so.
Thank you for your understanding and support!
BitMart Team.
More details: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/25736281340059
submitted by RealFatherElijah1987 to BitMartExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:02 RealFatherElijah1987 BitMart Has Completed RBW Token Swap and Rename It CU

Dear BitMart Users,
BitMart has completed RBW token migration and provided users with a swap service. Per project's request, the old RBW token will be automatically swapped to new CU token at a rate of 10 (Old RBW) : 1 (New CU). Please note the resumption dates for different features and new explorer for CU:
Deposit: 05/15/2024 2:00 PM UTC
Trading: 05/15/2024 2:00 PM UTC
Withdrawal: 05/15/2024 2:00 PM UTC
New explorer: https://arbiscan.io/token/0x89c49a3fa372920ac23ce757a029e6936c0b8e02
Thank you for your patience during the time period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thanks for your support!
BitMart Team.
More details: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/25735639063579.
submitted by RealFatherElijah1987 to BitMartExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:02 dogglesnake [TJPW] A Test of Strength (and Agility)

From TJPW's Yes! Wonderland '24, PoP champ Miu Watanabe & Challenger Shoko Nakajima each try to out maneuver their opponent, with surprising reversals during a test of strength. You can watch this great main event (and a lot of other fun matches) with the free trial at wrestleUNIVERSE
submitted by dogglesnake to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 SPAC_Time Rumble Reports First Quarter 2024 Results; Rumble Files Second Lawsuit Against Google for Monopolistic and Anticompetitive Practices

Rumble, which completed their deSPAC business combination on September 19, 2022, continues to lose large sums of cash.
"Revenue for the first quarter increased to $17.7 million, compared to $17.6 million in the first quarter of 2023. "
Revenue increased by $100,000 year over year.
Net loss $ (43,290,040)
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents during the period $ (35,638,963)
FY 2023: (Decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents during the period (118,830,621)
What is a right wing media outlet to do in a situation like that? Why not look for some "liberal", successful company to sue ?!
"In the new lawsuit, Rumble alleges that the massive technology firm has engaged in a number of anticompetitive and exclusionary practices across its range of digital advertising products known as the “ad tech stack.” Rumble filed the suit late Monday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, and is seeking injunctive relief and damages in excess of $1 billion.
Rumble’s suit alleges that Google has monopolized the ad tech stack by buying companies up and down the chain, concurrently representing both ad buyers and sellers, while also running the exchange that connects those parties. The arrangement creates flagrant conflicts of interest and is analogous to insider trading in financial markets. Google has access to information that allows it to rig the system in its favor and extract supracompetitive fees from every transaction. By engaging in such anti-competitive practices, Google has effectively taxed Rumble’s success, which would be even greater than it already is were Google not employing such tactics.
Rumble further alleges that Google has maintained its monopoly through additional anticompetitive conduct, including by tying its products to lock in customers on both sides of the ad tech stack and by reaching an agreement with Facebook to prevent Facebook from offering competitive alternatives to Google’s ad tech ecosystem."
Yes, burning through $35.5 million in cash in the first quarter after burning $119 million the year before is a "great success".
submitted by SPAC_Time to DJT_Uncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 DaftDuck_0 [REQUEST][ARENANET] GuildWars2 Secrets if the Obscure expansion

Hello Everyone
What is gw2 : Guild wars is a mmo- rpg made by arena net in 2012,it was published by nc soft
I've been playing the game for quite a while now and it's the first mmo-rpg that I enjoyed playing every quest even the smaller ones are different so it remains fresh, another thing I love is it has dynamic events all around the world with multiple stages tons of weapons and each weapon has different abilities depending on your character and the class.
It doesn't follow the monthly fee like wow they have a free account option which Is limited like you cant use map chat ,Mounts, trade, etc the game supports it self by expansions ign currency You can also convert the money you earn in game to gems which can unlock more stories called living world.
I've read up on a lot of the lore of guild wars and the area the new expansion is taking place in by far the most interesting setting with interesting characters and history, one of the oldest mysteries in the since gw1, the wizards tower.
I really want to try this expansion out because it adds a lot to the existing lore, locations and quality of life in the game
Thanks for reading the post
Arena net account: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/profile/163088-greywardenanbryt4821/
submitted by DaftDuck_0 to GiftofGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 saasfin After Hours Gainers

Stocks that are breaking the after hour market
Afterhours (stockbuyvest.com)

After-hours trading is generally less liquid and more volatile than regular trading hours, and the prices of stocks can be more easily influenced by large trades. As such, traders should approach after-hours trading with caution and conduct thorough research and analysis before making any decisions.
submitted by saasfin to stockstobuytoday [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 ThemesChamp Quotidien : Yann Barthès déstabilisé par une panique

Quotidien : Yann Barthès déstabilisé par une panique
Chaque jour, sur TMC, Yann Barthès anime « Quotidien », un rendez-vous incontournable pour les amateurs d’actualités médias. Cependant, l’émission a récemment été le théâtre d’un incident imprévu.
« Quotidien » excelle à délivrer un éventail d’informations, tant nationales qu’internationales, à son audience. Dans la séquence initiale de l’émission, divers chroniqueurs partagent les dernières nouvelles. Ce mardi 14 mai 2024, c’était au tour du journaliste Julien Bellver de rapporter un événement marquant en France. https://tpmp-replay.com/quotidien-yann-barthes-destabilise-par-une-panique/
submitted by ThemesChamp to u/ThemesChamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/ti26nz/mizznos_igs_rep_page/
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:59 RealFatherElijah1987 BitMart Will List Bubble Coin (BUBBLE)

BitMart Will List Bubble Coin (BUBBLE)
Dear BitMart Users,
BitMart is thrilled to announce the primary listing of Bubble Coin (BUBBLE) on May 14, 2024. Please check out the details of listing below:
Deposit feature: Available
Trade feature: 5/14/2024 11:00 AM UTC
Withdrawal feature: 5/15/2024 10:00 AM UTC
Trading Pair: BUBBLE/USDT
Trading Zone: Innovation/Metaverse
More details: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/25716870502555
submitted by RealFatherElijah1987 to BitMartExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:58 juliunicorn314 Ghosts Survivor: Round 8

Round 8 deadline: Wednesday 15th May, 9pm GMT

Hi everyoneeee! Once again, the results for the last round were predictable, with one episode ending up with significantly more votes than the others. So, let's find out which one is leaving on this round.
Home. It was 1 vote away from leaving us in round 7, and now it's time for it to go. It gathered 5 votes, while all other episodes which were voted for only got 2 or 1.
Which episode will go next? It's up to youuuuu.
Vote for the episode that you like *the least. The episode that gathers the most votes will be eliminated with the **26th place in this game. Make sure you have watched all episodes before voting and don't vote more than once. (I don't think you can anyway)*


Round 7 results
Episodes Alive: (SPOILERS!!!)
S1E1 - Who Do You Think You Are?:
S1E2 - Gorilla War:
S1E3 - Happy Death Day:
S1E5 - Moonah Ston:
S1E6 - Getting Out:
S2E3 - Redding Weddy:
S2E4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair:
S2E5 - Bump in the Night:
S2E6 - Perfect Day:
S2E7 - The Ghost of Christmas:
S3E1 - The Bone Plot:
S3E2 - A Lot to Take In:
S3E3 - The Woodworm Men:
S3E4 - I Love Lucy:
S3E5 - Something to Share?:
S3E6 - Part of the Family:
S4E2 - Speak as ye Choose:
S4E3 - The Hardest Word:
S4E4 - Gone Gone:
S4E6 - Not Again:
S4E7 - It's Behind You:
S5E1 - Fools:
S5E3 - Pineapple Day:
S5E4 - En Français:
S5E5 - Carpe Diem:
S5E6 - Last Resort:
Eliminated Episodes:
34th place: S5E7 - A Christmas Gift
33rd place: S5E2 - He Came!
32nd place: S2E1 - The Grey Lady
31st place: S2E2 - About Last Night
30th place: S4E5 - Poached Guests
29th place: S4E1 - Happy Holiday
28th place: S1E4 - Free Pass
27th place: S5E2 - Home
submitted by juliunicorn314 to GhostsBBC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:58 DapperWeasel TT On the Edge 3 Wheel compatibility question

Does anybody know if TT on the Edge 3 will work with the Thrustmaster 458 Ferrari Wheel wheel on PC?
Willing to do some modding if I have to do so, just want to know if my older wheel will work at all with the game? Heard it was notoriously tricky to get wheels to work with it.
submitted by DapperWeasel to MotoGPGaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:56 RealFatherElijah1987 Suspension on the All MCADE Related Features For Contract Swap

Dear BitMart Users,
Per project's request, BitMart will support MCADE token swap. While the upgrade for MCADE smart contract takes place, BitMart will pause all MCADE-related features. Please note the below dates for the scheduled suspensions:
Suspension on deposit: 5/14/2024 11:00 AM UTC
Suspension on trading: 5/14/2024 11:00 AM UTC
Suspension on withdrawal: 5/14/2024 11:00 AM UTC
Thank you for your patience during the time period. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
BitMart Team.
More details: https://support.bitmart.com/hc/en-us/articles/25716172934427
submitted by RealFatherElijah1987 to BitMartExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:54 Jedi_Dad_22 All of the Tiny d6 books are on sale for $100.

Link to sale - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/en/product/480884/the-biggest-tiny-sale-bundle-bundle
I'm not sure if I'll pull the trigger. I think it would be a good stepping stone RPG for my young kids.
Any thoughts?
submitted by Jedi_Dad_22 to rpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:54 mudderfudden Where can I find a SCCM package that is no longer available on manufacturer's site?

Computer Model ID: 10AY001YUS
OS: Windows 10 64-bit
I've been tasked to look for installation files, set up silent installs for such, and also look for the SCCM package for the above model. We're going to install Windows 11 on these machines, and while technically Windows 11 doesn't support them, the hardware checks can be disabled with three registry keys.
The manufacturer's website shows a 404 error when trying to access the file. Is there another reliable source for the file that a business may trust?
Here's a link to the files listed.
submitted by mudderfudden to SCCM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:54 exojuego Amazon confirma el desarrollo de una serie basada en Tomb Raider

La serie, que cuenta con la colaboración de Crystal Dynamics, será escrita y producida por Phoebe Waller-Bridge y se verá en más de 240 lugares del mundo.
#videojuegos #exojuego #juegoferta #noticia #noticias https://exojuego.com/jnews/2024/05/15/amazon-confirma-el-desarrollo-de-una-serie-basada-en-tomb-raide
submitted by exojuego to VideojuegosES [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:52 dan_hman Kommentarspalte von diesem TikTok ist das anti-r/Finanzen

Wenn man bedenkt, dass man bei 200 Arbeitstagen und 8 Arbeitsstunden mit "nur" 40.000€ Gehalt schon auf 25€ kommt, ist es wirklich faszinierend in was für einer Parallelwelt wir leben...
submitted by dan_hman to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:52 AustinSnel1 Possible Lostwave?

Here's a thing for y'all: I was browsing WatZatSong (like a normal human does) and found this. It sounds like something from one of those bootleg NESes your mom or aunt would get as a gift. Can y'all identify this?: https://www.watzatsong.com/en/name-that-tune/819813.html
submitted by AustinSnel1 to Lostwave [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:51 zxxxzxxx26 meteor 65 (2022vers.) motor/prop? trouble

Hey there, i've recently been gifted a meteor 65 with some additional spare parts and it was fun flying it around for a couple of times. But something changed when one of the props fell off. (maybe from a light bump idk). When i replaced the prop all the motors were spinning the wrong way and the vtx was giving me a runaway error every time i tried to take off. I've tried to fix it myself thinking it was a firmware issue. With the factory firmware you cant change the motor direction, but downloading the newest firmware didnt fix it either. Aside from that the yaw and pitch got switched, the motors werent able to spin the other direction. I have now reverted back to the factory firmware found here https://support.betafpv.com/hc/en-us/articles/7064243258777-CLI-for-F4-1S-5A-Flight-Controller-BMI270-BLUEJAY-ESC-2022 . The runaway seems to been fixed, but the motors are still spinning the opposite direction. I'm a total newbie in fixing or configuring a drone. I've got enough reversed props to change all of them, but if any of you know another solution to this problem (as it worked perfectly fine before), i would really appreciate any help.
submitted by zxxxzxxx26 to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:51 nearly_headless_nic [Press Conference - Part 2] Erik ten Hag, asked if tomorrow will be his farewell appearance as Man Utd manager at Old Trafford: “Goodbye? For me? It's not how I feel it and how I see it.”

Simon Stone
Erik ten Hag, asked if tomorrow will be his farewell appearance as Man Utd manager at Old Trafford: “Goodbye? For me? It's not how I feel it and how I see it.”

Detailed Quotes


Ten Hag, asked if there will be a lap of appreciation tomorrow, after the last home game of the season:

Through good times and bad times, we are together, and the fans show it, that we are together. So we will do a lap of honour."

Ten Hag asked if the Newcastle match would be a "goodbye to Old Trafford" for him:
"Goodbye for me? It’s not how I feel it and how I see it. It is not the way I go to start that lap of honour for the fans, no. The answer to the questions you made so often: same answer."
"In the stadium, away and home, they [the fans] are always backing the team and backing me.
"Also, when I’m in the streets, many, many come to me - maybe it is just polite, but I don’t feel it like this..."

Ten Hag on reactions of the season:
"I almost never get a negative reaction [in public] because the fans understand where we are.
"The fans understand this club is in a transition, and the fans understand the huge problems we’ve had to face, especially positions in key areas."

Ten Hag on Wayne Rooney's claim that some players are not returning from injuries:
“You have to see here at Carrington. The players are desperate to play,”
“I have seen that Licha Martinez [wants to play]. Bruno did a fitness test on Sunday to play. Rashford did everything he could do. He trained, tried to train last week but he didn't make it.
“Players are desperate to play and they want to be in the right shape.
“You see also Victor Lindelof, Rapha Varane, they are training to make themselves available for the final. They do what they can do.”

Ten Hag on Lisandro Martinez
"I think especially on the pitch, we need him. There, he shows his spirit, and it is there he is a warrior if he is fit. "When he is fit, his standards are high, and he is an absolute leader for us, a warrior who has the right spirit. "He is a very important player in our defensive line and we missed him across almost the whole season."

Ten Hag asked if he ever feels sad on the touchline:
"I can't feel like this, I can't express this, because that will lower the vibe in my team. we have faced high problems, but I am always positive. I do it with the players who are available, we make the best team of it, we motivate them."
"I have to inspire the team, and I will keep fighting..."
submitted by nearly_headless_nic to reddevils [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:50 XxjahxX24 [RECRUITING] DatsMoneyDudee #2P8GURYVV TH10+ Clan Lvl 7 Social/War

DatsMoneyDudee Clan Lvl 7 Back to Back Clan wars Clan Capital Clan Games CWL Gold III (and climbing) Pretty relaxed clan looking for active members who contribute to everything! Max clan games everytime!! Lots of returning players. Come learn, grow, and fight with us! Chill chat and rules. 1000's of donations. Come check it out and see what you think! Mention reddit when you request!
Clan Link: DatsMoneyDudee https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2P8GURYVV
Discord: https://discord.gg/2D82G9jzpx (Discord is not required)
submitted by XxjahxX24 to ClashOfClansRecruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:49 Y0ssiKohen $buni - 14th Of May Update - Join our 3460 Diamond Holders - Currently 2556 Real Members On Telegram & 1673 Followers On Twitter - Growing Day by Day

*Our Previous Update Post: https://www.reddit.com/CryptoMoonShots/s/lLSQSVSpgK *
We're just getting started, with nearly 2600 people in the tg, we are as strong as ever.
Showing how strong a smol buni can be.
Because it's not just a smol buni.

It's a huge, strong community.


Chech out buni generator on our website 🐰: https://www.bunicoinsol.com/
It has 300+ attributes Now


Here's some updates;

11th Of May's Menu (OLD)

with now over:
2100+ members in the telegram.
1150+ followers on X (follow us btw)
2900+ $buni holders
we are getting these carots stronger, and faster than ever.
this, all done organically with the community coming together.
everything is possible when you come together as a community. and a strong community we have. that's for certain.
this is just the beginning. thanks for being here! 🧡

Today's Update

An update regards the recent market;
Yes, markets shift due to where the eyes are.
Yes, price goes up and down due to interest shifts.
People will put their money into the next hype...
...The same will miss out on buni when we're at the top.
But don't forget that we are not a hype, buni is an infinity meme.
An original, a one of one.
We are going nowhere.
Almost 2500 of your in the telegram. It's just been 7 days. Wow.
We are doing everything in our power to show everyone the power of buni.
We will keep doing so, putting in work.
buni stays strong, buni stays infinite.

🐰Our Tokenomics:


🌐 Website: https://www.bunicoinsol.com/

🕊️ Twitter: https://twitter.com/bunicoinsol
📈 Dexscreener: https://dexscreener.com/solana/7y1TrdzE1cEeCgBvgdNB9DViMYdQ7UU2FKhnPDLYa7ae
🛠️DexTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/en/solana/pair-explore2PeFJV5XxYBqT1RGUpScfgdSXtzzatxsU3MJx9cR27pe
🗨️ Telegram: @bunicoinsol
🐰Telegram For Memes: @bunimemes
submitted by Y0ssiKohen to CryptoMoonShots [link] [comments]
