Plant kingdom

Trees Being Dicks

2013.06.13 17:38 Kisutra Trees Being Dicks

A subreddit to collect instances of trees revealing their true nature as the jerks of the plant kingdom.

2011.06.17 20:49 tmixlogs Houseplants

A community focused on the discussion, care, and well-being of houseplants!

2011.05.21 12:29 ijostl What's This Plant

A community of plant enthusiasts where anyone can upload photos of plant(s) they would like identified. Everyone is encouraged to help each other identify plants.

2024.06.09 05:02 Thegreatpatatoe My first bot and test run for making future bots. If yall like it lmk it would be huge for me

My first bot and test run for making future bots. If yall like it lmk it would be huge for me submitted by Thegreatpatatoe to JanitorAI_Official [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to BreakBreadYESHUA [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:48 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to AngloCatholicism [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 03:44 Bishop-Boomer A House Divided, A Homily Prepared For Sunday June 9, 2024

The Collect
O God, from whom all good proceeds: Grant that by your inspiration we may think those things that are right, and by your merciful guiding may do them; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
The Gospel
Mark 3:20–35
20 And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, He is beside himself.
22 And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said, He hath Beelzebub, and by the prince of the devils casteth he out devils.
23 And he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?
24And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand.
25And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
26And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.
27No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.
28Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:
29But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation.
30Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit.
31 There came then his brethren and his mother, and, standing without, sent unto him, calling him.
32 And the multitude sat about him, and they said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren without seek for thee.
33 And he answered them, saying,Who is my mother, or my brethren?
34 And he looked round about on them which sat about him, and said,Behold my mother and my brethren!
35For whosoever shall do the will of God, the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.
Commentary on Today’s Gospel Selection;
In the process of doing the background research for this homily, I stumbled across a somewhat unique approach used by another minister. He used, as an analogy, movies of the apocalyptic genre, otherwise thought of as the “end of the world as we know it” genre.
This minister noted the common thread in these movies of the hero/heroine (protagonist) discovering that somehow the world was about to suffer some sort of cataclysmic event, then this person attempts to tell the world, and is either ignored—having been deemed crazy—or becomes the target of governmental henchmen seeking to silence him/her. The remainder of the movie centers around this person trying to tell the truth to the masses and save the world.
The minister in question, noted how that in this passage from the Gospel of Mark, Jesus is somewhat like this generalized protagonist in end of the world movies, in that he knows the truth and others are trying to shut him up.
In verse 22, Marks tells us that the religious leaders of Jerusalem, had left what was to them the center of the Jewish world, and walked over a hundred miles toCapernaum, apparently, for the sole purpose of discrediting Jesus. Like the henchmen in one of these end of the world movies, these men had gone to great lengths to travel, a journey requiring several days of walking, to cast aspersions on Jesus and his teachings falsely claiming that he was in league with Satan, casting demons out of the possessed in the name of Beelzebub.
Jesus used logic to thoroughly rebuke their false premise; “How can Satan cast out Satan?And if a kingdom be divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he cannot stand, but hath an end.No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.”
This simple logical concept, that of “A House Divided Cannot Stand” has withstood the test of time from the depths of antiquity, through the ages, to even the modern day. The enemy, be it thoroughly human, or those of the principalities of this world, (see Ephesians 6:12) has known that by inserting insurgents into the target group, with the intention of those insurgents planting the seeds of division and distrust, the target group looses it cohesion and is weakened so that it no longer has strength in numbers.
Mark tells us in verse twenty that a multitude was following Jesus. The religious leaders of Jerusalem saw this growing—army of sorts—as a threat to their control and collusion with the Roman occupation of Judea, so they sought to introduce seeds of doubt in the minds of the multitude following Jesus. They thought if they could convince them that Jesus was himself colluding with the devil, they could destroy the single-mindedness determination of the multitude to follow Jesus.
We see the enemies of the church universal, and even that of our country and western ideologies in general, sowing seeds of doubt. Attempting to convince the masses that Christianity—in its traditional form—is in effect demonic, as well as Western democratic principles. These insurgents attempt to convince the people that progressive secularism and political socialism are far superior to religion (Christianity in particular) and that socialism, if not absolute communism, is superior to Western Democracies and the Representative Republic form of governance used in America.
The one great lesson that we should have learned from the historic events of the twentieth century, is that absolute secularism and socialism eventually leads to a totalitarianism that borders on communism, if it does not indeed totally embrace communism. Millions of people in the 20thcentury were sacrificed to the modern day equivalent of Moloch, a false god created by the demonically possessed minds of men intent on control of the people.
Those hell bent on destroying culture, almost always begin with an attempt to discredit and destroy religion, simply because it is their goal to replace religious worship with total dedication to the state.
In the first century, Jesus was offering a radically different type of belief system, one that was not dependent on outward compliance with rules created by mankind, but by love for God. This was an absolute threat to the privilege of the religious leaders and the state of collusion they enjoyed with the Roman governor who tolerated their belief system as long as that cooperation benefited the Romans.
The same system that Jesus promoted two thousand years ago, is seen as a threat by regimes who want the people to bend a knee to the government and not God. Regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party have brutally subjugated Christians—and other religions—in China in an attempt to replace the worship of God, with that of worship of state. In the West, political persecution is only but beginning to become widespread, but none the less it is a very real specter on the horizon.
But like the frog in the allegorical tale, in which the frog is put into a pot or water, and that water slowly brought to a boil so that the unassuming frog remains oblivious to the danger its life is in, Christians in the West have largely failed to take note of the actions of insurgents attempting to destroy the church from within by divisions.
Jesus said; “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” What was logic used by the Master to expose the acts and lies of the Scribes, Pharisees, and Herodians in the first century, becomes not just apt logic today to expose the actions of would be totalitarians, but a warning from God as well. A house—be it a church or a government—can not stand, if it is divided against itself.
While socialism has steadily evolved from democracy towards secular totalitarianism in Western Europe, and a very vocal minority in America has advocated for tearing up the constitution and replacing the republic with a European style socialism, populist grass roots movements have grown exponentially in an attempt to slow if not destroy the goal of the totalitarians.
By the time you read this, we should know if the predictions were correct that the people of Western Europe would take back their democracies from the totalitarians, at the election polls. Those politicians running on a platform of reversing the trend towards totalitarianism are favored to win. Likewise here in America we are but five months away from an election likewise predicted to be a referendum on progressive socialistic agendas.
But these trends are not enough, we must heed the advice and warning from Jesus in that “And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand” and not only rescue our country from impending demise, but our church as well. We must recognize the insurgents implanted in the church, and with brotherly love and Christian compassion, help them to understand why their goals are divisive and contradictory to the traditions of the church; traditions have withstood the test of time.
We thank you, loving God, that we have gathered in your presence and shared in worship. Now may we go forth into the world, confident that we are your children, knowing that you have called us by name. In our daily life, may we align ourselves to your will, seeking direction to follow the plans you have for us which give us a hope and a future in Jesus Christ, and may we have patience in the waiting. In the challenges and joys we face, may we be assured that we do not face them alone. Let us go in peace, hope and love, in the name of our compassionate and powerful God the Son our Savior, and the comforting Holy Spirit. Amen.
submitted by Bishop-Boomer to All_About_Him [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 22:34 Ok_Pain1333 Find the truth through observation and introspection and let go of persistence

"We define what is what through observation, then we understand what it is and let go of the attachment to it. Our unique wisdom and intelligence, as well as our truthful expression without lies or judgment, mean that every problem is also the answer. This is how we can understand what it is we seek by observing the entire universe or the survival patterns of plants and animals. However, in a world without lies, we cannot truly understand all answers. Humans are like students, observing what is so-called true and false. Every object within our scope of observation is closely interconnected. We learn the importance of these connections through possessing, losing, joy, pain, attachment, and release. This also proves some of the teachings of Buddha and Christ as truth. Christ mentioned that not judging others is a condition for entering the kingdom of heaven. If humans could truly practice the truth of non-judgment, this world would be one where everything is an answer. Additionally, forgiving others allows them to let go of their attachments. Holding onto pain not only tortures others but also yourself. However, it is very difficult not to judge others in this world, as humans are easily influenced, especially when it comes to self-definition and judgment—from monarchical systems to materialistic systems. We mistakenly believe both to be real. We fail to realize that we have shifted from serving monarchs to serving money, mistakenly believing that by serving money, we are serving ourselves."
submitted by Ok_Pain1333 to HumanBeingBros [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 19:51 Fazbearnit3 collanite season 1

Collanite Season 1:
Storyline: one day, during day of the blood ring on monstinia, a portal made of this excess energy formed in the relatively small but populated and active island, known as aphrodite, not only that, but it also created a energy dome around itself, that slowly grew until it covered the entire island, causing strange, anomalous events to occur on the island. On further investigation, it was discovered that these events only affect aphrodite. Later on, from the same portal, a group of people from another world fell through into the island and started colonizing it for themself. Theme: strange, otherworldly characters have entered aphrodite
Locations: Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, Skier Slopes, Doggy Diner, Peace Pond, Mount Anon, Starlit Suburb, Golden Saucer, Cozy Cabins, Sakura Swim Club, Misty Mesa, Sacred Shrines
Skins: Travis Touchdown(1), Link(22), 2b(43), Glamrock Freddy(57), Sindel(71), Monika(94), Cloud Strife(117)
Destruction Tools: Blood Berry(goes on back), Ancient Battle Axe, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Mic, Sindel’s Kwan Dao, Heart Pen, Buster Sword(goes on back)
Backblings: Blood Berry(comes off back), Hyrule Shield, Virtuous Contract, Glamrock Giftbox, Sindel’s Regal Crown, Poetry Book, Buster Sword(comes off back)
Emoticons: Ancient Bow Drawn, Well Done Superstar, Kombat Hairwhip(animated), MonikaHeart, Confident Cloud
Gliders: Demzamtiger(motorcycle), Wild Paraglider, yoRHa Flight Unit, Car Battery, Sonic Levitation(built in, sindel), Poetry Book, Hardy Daytona(motorcycle)
Contrails: Sheikah Symbol, Pod 042, Blue Boltz, Glitching, Materia Orbs
Emotes: Beam Showoff, Milk Drink, Slate Check, Phut Hon, Glamrock Wave, Glamrock Giftbox(built in, glamrock freddy), Sonic Scream, Write Your Heart, Code Panel(built in, monika), Piano Practice, Victory!
Weapon Wraps: Tunic Of Memories, yoRHa Specialist, Glamrock Shell, Edenian Crest, Doki Hearts, Buster Steel
Music Pack: Berry Beatdown, Open Wilds, Blissful Death, Pizzaplex Performance, Your Reality, Let The Battle Begin
Weapon Charms: Jeane, Triforce Of Courage, Superstar, Soulfire Sindel, Chibi Sayori, Chocobo
Loading Screens: View Of The Wild, yoRHa Installation, Below The Pizzaplex, Kingdom Of Edenia, JuSt MoNiKa, Fantasy Evolution
Edit Styles: Purple Jacket(Travis Touchdown), Tunic Of Memories, Tunic Of The Wild, Well Worn Outfit(Link), 2p Mock Machine, Mask Off(2B), Dirty Freddy(Glamrock Freddy), Royal Attire, Revenant Sindel(Sindel), Paper President, Ghost Menu Monika, Ponytail Monika, Jumpscares Monika(Monika), Playstation Polygonal(Cloud Strife)
Wildlife: Goose(runs up and steals an item from you), Chocobo, Wolf, Horse, Snowcoat Fox
Vehicles: Chocobo(tameable), Horse
Weapons: Thrasher Assault Rifle, Thrasher Burst AR, Thunder Shotgun, Buster Shotgun, Sonic Wave Shotgun, Calamity Submachine Gun, Sacred Submachine Gun, Tactical Pistol, Drum Pistol, Ancient Sniper Rifle, Monster Grenades, Silver Longsword, Royal Guards Sword, Beam Katana, Silver Knife, Bronze Knife
Items: Crafting Station, Pizza Box, Pizza Slices, Maple Sprout, Maple Vines, Apple, Baked Apple, Maple Pie, Raw Meat, Meat Skewer, Knights Shield
Containers: Common Loot Crates, Uncommon Loot Crates, Rare Loot Crates, Super Rare Loot Crates, Ammo Boxes
Weekly Challenges/Updates:
Week 1.
Visit Named Locations (3)
Deal Damage With The Bronze Or Silver Knife (300)
Search Loot Crates (5)
Plant A Maple Sprout, Then Consume Maple Vines (2)
Eliminations With Beam Katana (1)
Week 2.
Visit Starlit Suburb, Then Block Damage With A Shield (200)
Retrieve A Stolen Item From A Goose
Search Uncommon Or Rare Loot Crates (3), Deal Damage With A Thrasher Assault Rifle Or Thunder Shotgun (500)
Tame Horses Or Wolves (1)
Deal Damage With The Royal Guards Sword While Riding On A Horse (350)
Added: Bows, Arrows, Milk Bottles
Week 3.
Fire Arrows At Opponents (8)
Land At Sacred Shrines And Reach Top 50 (1)
Interact With yoHRa Pods (3)
Craft A Shotgun Or SMG Using The Crafting Station (1)
Deal Damage With A yoRHa Assault Rifle (300)
Added: yoHRa Assault Rifle
Week 4.
Pick Up Or Purchase A Pizza Box (1)
Visit Doggy Diner And Consume Pizza Slices (5)
Perform Dodge Rolls With The Knights Shield (3)
Construct A Stage Inside Of Doggy Diner (1)
Eliminate Opponents With The Silver Knife (5)
Week 5.
Knock Back Opponents With The Sonic Wave Shotgun (3)
Eliminations At Mount Anon (3)
Interact With The Royal Crest Of Edenia At Sacred Shrines (1)
Deal Damage To Opponents At Close Range With A Thrasher Assault Rifle (150)
Search Loot Crates Of Rare Or Higher Rarity At Sacred Shrines And Mount Anon (8)
Week 6.
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs (1)
Eliminate Opponents At Starlit Suburbs Or Sakura Swim Club (3)
Consume Cupcakes (5)
Collect A Fazer Blaster And Stun An Opponent Using It (1)
Delete Opponents By Eliminating Them With Four Hits Or Less (1)
Added: Apple Pie, Fazer Blaster
Week 7.
Visit Sacred Shrines Or Sakura Swim Club, Drink Milk Bottles (3)
Collect Torn Poem Pieces Scattered Around Starlit Suburb (7)
Restore Health And Stamina Using Meat Skewers (75)
Deal Damage Using Monster Grenades (150)
Destroy Structures With Beam Katana In A Single Match (20)
Week 8.
Consume Apple Pie (1)
Investigate Strange Energy Signals At Monster Metropolis, Mount Anon And Skier Slopes (3)
Collect A Tactical Pistol And Deal 150 Damage Using It
Piece Together The Torn Poem Pieces Into A Full Poem (7)
Get An Elimination With The Ancient Sniper Rifle (1)
Week 9.
Deal Damage With The Buster Sword (175)
Land At Golden Saucer
Block Damage With The Knights Shield 30 Seconds After Landing (150)
Visit Skier Slopes And Cozy Cabins In A Single Match
Land At Monster Metropolis And Deal Damage With The Buster Swords Cross Slash Or Blade Beam Attack (100)
Added: Buster Sword.
Week 10.
Deal Total Damage With The Calamity Smg and Royal Guards Sword In A Single Match (300)
Consume Baked Apples, Maple Pies Or Pizza Slices In A Single Match (8)
Visit The Clubroom At Starlit Suburbs, Read The Pieced Together Poem (1)
Use The Buster Swords Cross Slash To Deal Damage In Different Matches (3)
Tame A Chocobo And Ride It 250 Meters
Week 11.
Interact With The Strange Gauntlet At Mount Anon (1)
Eliminate Opponents Using The Buster Sword (3)
Investigate Strange Objects Appearing At Monster Metropolis, Saltwater Shore, And Misty Mesa (1)
Defeat Prismarine Warriors (5)
Visit Named Locations In A Single Match (3)
Added: Prismarine Warriors, Prismarine Knife
End Event: Power Theft The event starts players around Mt. Anon. The event starts with an anomaly opening up at mount anon and from ot, Romeo the admin appears and steps out laughing maniacally “it is time, people of aphrodite. Time that I take this islands power for my own!” Romeo then rises up into the air, hovering above the center of mt. Anon.. then 2b rushes up the side of the mountain and slashes Romeo with the virtuous contract, causing him to yell out in pain for a moment before quickly composing himself and fires a blast of lava towards 2b, knocking her off the mountain and onto the ground with a thud. He then fires another blast, attempting to finish off the islanders of aphrodite, but monika forms a shield of code that absorbs the blast before closing it. “Don’t worry about him, we’ll stop him before he can do anything harmful” monika says, and then both cloud and travis run up to the mountain, weapons drawn- and then in sync, they jump up into the air and travis performs quick and powerful slashes with his beam katana, while cloud fires multiple blade beams at Romeo, greatly damaging him and knocking him back down onto the mountain, as they both fall back down sure they’ve beaten him.. and they took that moment to rest, but just then as soon as they let their guards down.. romeo began laughing before getting up and dusting himself off and commanding his army of prismarine colossus to rise up from the water around the island and attack everyone on it. Then saying “Now, back to absorbing this pathetic heart of yours” and forming a small protective shield around himself and firing two guardian beams at the center of the island, glamrock freddy then throws everyone a Fazer blaster as him and sindel team up, using the combined efforts of the Fazer blasters and sindels sonic scream to stun the colossi, the additional Fazer blasters allowing the rest of the the islanders to fire at the collosi while they can’t move. Romeo then attempts to pull the power heart out, causing a small tremor as the power heart is ripped out from the core of the island, then once it’s all the way exposed he begins using the beams to absorb the crystallic energy. once the first set of colossus fall, another one walks up from the water almost immediately, and then monika seeing this, says “it’s no use. They just keep coming..” then she gets an idea, and says “alright, I have an idea. But- it’s a risky one..” “if the powerheart becomes corrupted, then it’s dark energy will drain the energy and power of anything making contact with it..” “but, as the heart is what controls everything on this island. If it gets corrupted, the islands landscape and everything would also become corrupted and sinister.. but it’s the only way” monika hesitates for a moment before manipulating and corrupting the powerheart. as the heart grows darker and begins to crack slightly, the influx of dark energy causes romeos beams to backfire, draining him of all his energy and admin powers and causing him to fall out of the sky, back onto the mountain and sliding down the side of it, hitting various things on his way down before eventually coming to a stop on the ground surrounded by everyone else. Romeo then lets out a weak cough, saying in a weak raspy voice “what.. h-happened?..” and link chimes in saying “you just got defeated by us.. now.” And link draws his sword, ready to finish off romeo.. but before he can, the powerheart lets out a big burst of dark energy, knocking everyone back and leaving a decent sized crater around it.
submitted by Fazbearnit3 to allthingsever_public [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:56 Sweet-Count2557 Fun Things to Do in Louisville With Kids Ky

Fun Things to Do in Louisville With Kids Ky
Fun Things to Do in Louisville With Kids Ky Hey there, fellow adventure-seekers! We've got an exciting guide for you on all the fun things to do in Louisville with kids.Get ready to explore the vibrant city of Louisville, Kentucky, where history, culture, and outdoor adventures await. From fascinating museums and picturesque parks to thrilling theme parks and unique underground adventures, there's something for everyone in this lively city.So gather your family, and let's dive into the endless possibilities of fun in Louisville!Key TakeawaysOld Louisville Walking Tour and Kentucky Derby Museum are highly educational and suitable for kids of all ages.Cherokee Park and Waterfront Park offer outdoor activities and events that are enjoyable for the whole family.Joe Hubers Family Farm & Restaurant provides a fun and delicious dining experience with farm activities for kids.Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay is a family-friendly amusement park with thrilling rides and water slides.Walking Tours in LouisvilleWalking tours in Louisville offer a unique way for families to explore the city together. Not only do you get to see the famous landmarks in Louisville, but you also get to admire the beautiful Old Louisville architecture. As you walk through the streets, you'll be transported back in time, marveling at the intricate details of the historic buildings.The tour guides are knowledgeable and make the experience educational and engaging for all ages. They share interesting stories and facts about the city's history, making it a fun and informative adventure.Whether you're visiting the stunning Churchill Downs or strolling along the charming neighborhoods, these walking tours are the perfect way to immerse yourself in the rich culture and heritage of Louisville.Museums in LouisvilleLouisville offers a variety of museums that cater to the interests of families with kids. These museums provide interactive exhibits and cultural experiences that are both educational and fun.One such museum is the Kentucky Derby Museum, where kids can learn about the history and excitement of the famous horse race.Another museum worth visiting is the Muhammad Ali Center, which celebrates the life and legacy of the boxing legend.The Frazier History Museum offers a glimpse into the past with its exhibits on historical events and figures.And of course, the Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory is a must-visit for baseball fans, where kids can see how baseball bats are made and even hold a real one.These museums provide a great opportunity for families to learn and have fun together.Outdoor Parks in LouisvilleWe can continue exploring the family-friendly attractions in Louisville by visiting the outdoor parks in the city. Here are four fantastic parks that offer scenic trails, picnic areas, and a variety of family-friendly activities:Cherokee Park: This 409-acre green space, designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, is perfect for biking and running on the scenic loop. You can also enjoy picnicking and playing frisbee or golf. It's suitable for all ages.Waterfront Park: Located on the banks of the Ohio River, this 85-acre municipal park offers free wireless internet access and engaging events throughout the year. You can enjoy festivals, live concerts, and it's suitable for babies, toddlers, pre-teens, teens, and parents.Charlie Vettiner Park: This local park in Jeffersontown has sports amenities like a golf course, baseball field, and basketball court. It also has a grass field and playground for younger children. You can enjoy picnicking and hiking opportunities. It's suitable for the entire family.Louisville Waterfront Botanical Gardens: Explore the diverse plant collections and themed gardens at this botanical garden and cultural center. They also offer educational programs and workshops for all ages.Now, let's move on to the next section about family farms and restaurants in Louisville.Family Farms and Restaurants in LouisvilleContinuing our exploration of family-friendly attractions in Louisville, let's now delve into the delightful world of family farms and restaurants in the area.One place that comes highly recommended is Joe Hubers Family Farm & Restaurant, located just 28 minutes away from Louisville in Borden. Not only does this cozy restaurant offer delicious home-cooked meals, but it also provides fun farm activities for kids. Imagine petting adorable farm animals, going on tractor rides, and even picking your own fruits and vegetables! It's a great way to connect with nature and learn about where our food comes from.After a day filled with farming adventures, you'll be ready for the next exciting stop on our journey – the theme parks and water parks in Louisville. Get ready for thrills and spills!Theme Parks and Water Parks in LouisvilleAfter exploring the family farms and restaurants in the area, let's now dive into the exciting world of theme parks and water parks in Louisville. Get ready for some thrilling attractions and a family-friendly environment that will make your day unforgettable. Here are four awesome places to visit:Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay: This fun-filled amusement park offers thrilling rides and water slides that will leave you screaming with excitement. With a variety of attractions and shows, there's something for everyone in the family.Atlantis Water Park: Dive into a world of water fun at Atlantis Water Park. With giant slides, lazy rivers, and splash pads, you'll have a splashing good time. Don't forget your sunscreen!Louisville Mega Cavern: Explore an underground adventure park like no other at Louisville Mega Cavern. Zip-line through the cavern, conquer aerial ropes courses, and take a historic tram tour. It's a unique and exciting experience for the whole family.Bluegrass Indoor Karting: If you love speed and competition, head to Bluegrass Indoor Karting. Race against friends and family on their indoor go-kart track. It's an adrenaline-pumping experience you won't want to miss.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Age Restrictions for the Old Louisville Walking Tour?There are no age restrictions for the Old Louisville Walking Tour. It's a great activity for families with young children, tweens, and teenagers.The tour offers a 4.5/5 educational value and a 3.5/5 fun factor. It's accessible and affordable, making it a convenient option for families to explore the historic neighborhood of Old Louisville.The best time to visit the Old Louisville Walking Tour is during the day when you can fully appreciate the beautiful architecture and learn about the area's rich history.What Is the Admission Fee for the Kentucky Derby Museum?The admission fee for the Kentucky Derby Museum isn't mentioned in the provided information. However, we can tell you that the Old Louisville walking tour doesn't have any age restrictions, making it a fun activity for the whole family.It's always great to find attractions that everyone can enjoy together. Don't forget to check out the other exciting things to do in Louisville with kids, like visiting museums, parks, and even going on riverboat cruises.There's something for everyone!Can You Bring Outside Food and Drinks to Cherokee Park?Yes, you can bring outside food and drinks to Cherokee Park. It's a great place for a picnic with the family. However, it's always a good idea to clean up after yourselves and dispose of any trash properly.As for the Old Louisville Walking Tour, there are no age restrictions mentioned. It's a fun and educational experience for everyone, from young children to teenagers. You'll get to explore the historic neighborhood and learn about its fascinating history.Do You Need to Make a Reservation for the Joe Hubers Family Farm & Restaurant?You don't need to make a reservation for the Joe Hubers Family Farm & Restaurant. They've a first-come, first-served policy.The restaurant has specific hours of operation, so make sure to check their website or call ahead.It's a fun place to go with your family, with a family-friendly atmosphere and delicious home-cooked meals.Plus, they've fun farm activities for kids to enjoy.Are There Any Height Restrictions for the Rides at Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay?At Kentucky Kingdom & Hurricane Bay, there are height restrictions for some rides. However, there are plenty of thrilling and fun rides that are perfect for kids of all ages.Some of the best rides for kids include the Tin Lizzies, Roller Skater, and Scream Extreme. These rides offer a great mix of excitement and safety, ensuring a memorable experience for the whole family.ConclusionIn Louisville, the possibilities for family fun are endless! From exploring historic neighborhoods on walking tours to experiencing the thrill of theme parks and outdoor adventures, there's something for everyone to enjoy.Discover the fascinating history and culture of the city through its many museums, or spend a relaxing day picnicking and playing in the beautiful parks.Whether you're a history buff, nature lover, or adventure seeker, Louisville has it all. So come and make memories that will last a lifetime in this vibrant city!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 18:02 420MacMan [USA-CA][H] PS+1+2+3+4+Vita, N64, Dreamcast, Wii, Switch, Gameboy, DS, 3DS, Controller Lot, $% Games, Manuals/Covers/Cases [W] Paypal, Offers or Local Cash

Have a few items i'm trying to clear out all in good condition, all games are CIB unless noted otherwise.
*Open to offers on Bundles especially with lots listed as well.
*$5 Games for various systems available $25 Minimum if only buying from this list please.
*$3.50 Shipping for first item & Free Shipping with orders over $75 sent via USPS.
*Paypal F&F only please with Pics available upon request.
*Local to Los Angeles for meetups if possible

PS4 - $200 on Lot

PS4 Slim 500 GB Console with 1x OEM Black Dualshock $175
Metro Redux CIB $15
Plants vs Zombies 2 : Garden Warfare $10
Deus Ex MD $10
One More Dungeon Limited Edition - Sealed Game $45
Vesta Limited Edition - Sealed Game $40
Caveman Warriors Limited Edition - Open Game $30
Bleed 1+2 Limited Edition - Bleed is Open & Bleed 2 is Sealed - $45
XMorph Defense Limited Edition - Open Game $30
Ghost Blade HD - Sealed $35
Blue Rider - Open Game $30

XBox - $75 on Lot
Metro Redux $10
Rare Replay/Ultimate Gears of War $20
Torment Tides of Nememura in GameStop Case $10
Sunset Overdrive $10
Pillars of Eternity in GameStop Case $10
One Lords of the Fallen $10

N64 Carts - $475 on lot
Cruis'N USA - $15
Body Harvest - $20
Aerofighters Assault - $10
Top Gear Overdrive - $10
Tony Hawk 3 - $65
Buck Bumble - $30
Pokemon Puzzle League with Manual (game and manual in great condition) - $40
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Entire label was missing so a cheap replacement was made) - $20
Command And Conquer - $20
The New Tetris - $30
Snowboard Kids 1 with Manual (manual and game in great shape small tear on back of Cart) - $70
Robotron 64 - $20
Forsaken 64 (video rental sticker on label) $15
Mischief Makers - $40
Wipeout - $15
Doom 64 - $30
NHL Breakaway '98 Box (good condition no inner tray) - $10
Mario Tennis 64 Game with Box (Box is rough shape, missing ride side flap. includes inner tray, Cart is clean) - $50


TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan Loose - $10

Switch - $325 on lot

Hori Split Pad Pro Blue CIB (used about 7 months in 9/10 condition) - $25
Old Skool GC Controller Adapter (Works on Switch/PC/Wii U) - $20
Hyperkin Joy-Con Grip Charger - $10
Monster Hunter Rise Joy-Cons with Grip NIB - $125
Shin Megami Tensei V [Steelbook Edition] - $30
Blacksad: Under The Skin [Limited Edition] SEALED $25
KORG Gadget $65
Psikyo Collection Vol. 3 JAP $45

PS Vita - $275 on Lot

The Walking Dead: Season 2 $25
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational $15
Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 1 $40
Dynasty Warriors Next $20
Stranger Of Sword City $25
Shantae Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition] $45
UnEpic SEALED $65
Risk Of Rain SEALED $35
Aqua Kitty SEALED $40
Shiren the Wanderer Dice of Fortune CE SEALED $50

Dreamcast - $20 on Lot

NBA2K1 loose $10
World Series Baseball 2K1 loose $10
MTV Sports Skateboarding loose $10

3DS - $100 on Lot

Legend Of Legacy Launch Edition SEALED $60
Crush 3D Loose in 3DS Case $10
Cubic Ninja Loose in 3DS Case $10
Codename S.T.E.A.M Loose $10
Smash Bros 3DS CIB $17
Steel Diver CIB $8

PS1 - $45 on Lot

Fighter Maker Loose $10
FF9 CIB (Case damaged) $15
Sim City 2000 Game+Case (damaged) $10
Oddworld Abes Oddysee CIB $20

DS - $50 on Lot

Bleach Blade Of Fate Loose $15
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring Of Fates Loose - $15
OEM Charging Base for original 3DS $20
Intec DS Case(scuffed up) $10

PS3 - $75 on Lot

Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster Limited Edition $10
NiNoKuni 1 Steelbook $20
Zone Of The Enders HD Collection $15
Yakuza 3 Loose $15
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Loose $15
Genji Days Of The Blade $20
Genji Days Of The Blade Loose $10

PS2 - $200 on Lot
Onimusha 2 $15
MX vs ATV Unleashed $10
Tekken 5 $30
Kingdom Hearts 1 GH $10
Kingdom Hearts 2 GH $10
Stuntman $10
Looney Tunes Back in Action CIB Looney Tunes Back in Action $10
Tak $10
Soul Caliber 3 $15
God of War 1 First Print $50
GTA San Andreas (missing manual) $10
ATV Offroad Fury 4 $10
MDK 2 Armageddon Loose $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 $10
The Getaway $10
007 Agent Under Fire Loose $10
Test Drive GH $10
Eye Toy Antigrav with Eye Camera $20

XB360 - $15 on Lot

3rd Party Controller $10
Marvel Ultimate Alliance in Gamestop Case $10

Gamecube - $275 for Lot

GBA to GC Link Cable loose - $15
Donkey Kong Bundle (includes CIB copy of Donkey Konga, 1x loose Bogo Drum controller and DK Jungle Beat Bongo Drum controller in box but missing game BOX IS IN ROUGH SHAPE) - $125
Odama CIB with Microphone (Big Box is in rough shape but Game/Case/Manual/Mic are in perfect condition) $35
GB Player OEM Case Holder *Missing outer cardboard and Manual $25
Monopoly Party+Manual in Blockbuster Case $10
Star Wars Rogue Leader+Manual in DVD Case $15
Spiderman 2 Player's Choice (Missing Manual) $15
Megaman Anniversary Collection (Missing Manual) $20
MC Groovez Dance Craze$10
Fifa Soccer 2002 $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 loose in GC Case $15
Resident Evil 1 CIB Players Choice $30

Wii - $20 for Lot

Nights Journey of Dreams in Gamestop Case & Manual $10
Generic Dual Wiimote Charging Dock $10

$5 Games - $150 on Lot

GC 007 NightFire Case with Fantastic Four Games
GC NFL2k3 Loose with Cover & Manual
XB360 BF3 Limited Edition
XB360 Kinect Adventures
XB360 Motionsports
XB360 Call of Duty Ghosts
XB360 Darksiders 2
PS2 Wheel of Fortune
PS2 Motorcross Mania 3
PS2 Seaworld Deep Sea Adventures
PS2 Socom US Navy Seal
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2
PS2 ThrillVille
PS2 Star Wars The Force Unleashed
PS2 Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune
PS2 Welcome to Jumpack Demo Disc
PS2 Army Men
PS2 Rocky
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS2 Army Men : Sarges Hero
PS2 Full Spectrum Warrior
PS2 NCAA Football 2003
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS3 Need for Speed Most Wanted
PS3 Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
PS3 Need for Speed Pro Street
PS3 Red Faction Guerilla
PS3 MoH Warfighter LE Loose
PS3 Crysis 2
PS3 Mercenaries 2 in Generic Case
PS3 Call of Duty MW3 x2
PS3 Assassins Creed 4 BF
PS3 Beyond Steelbook (Bad shape broken at spine)
PS3 Uncharted Dual Pack in Custom generic case
PS4 Has Been Heroes
PS4 The Division

Controller Lot for Repair - $75 Shipped

3x XBox One/Series Controllers
(White controller has minor drift on Right thumb stick, 1st Black one has Left Bumper issues where it's not detecting the press always and the 2nd Black one has the B button gets stucken on occasions.
Both Black ones have something small loose inside rattling. And both Black ones come with original back voters as the Power A one shown here is for my rechargeable batteries. Shipping should be around $10-15 at max if that.

Covers, Cases and Manuals

8x Universal Game Cases (N64,SNES,Genesis,etc) $8 Each
3DS Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth Case $10
PS4 Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Extras Only No Game $10
Grand Kingdom Case $10
Toukiden : Kiwami Case $10
Wii Dragon Quest Swords Manual $7
Wii Monster Hunter 3 Manual $5
Wii Elebits Manual $5
GC Ghost Recon Case & Manual $7
GC True Crime Streets of LA Case & Manual $10
GC Spiderman 1 Case Only $7
GC Dead to Rights Case & Manual $10
GC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Case & Manual $10
GC Hitman 2 Case & Manual $10
GC MoH Frontline Case & Manual $7
GC Rainbow Six 3 Case & Manual $7
PS2 Red Faction Case $5
PS2 Call of Duty FH Case & Manual $7
GC NFL 2K3 Case $5
PS4 Nioh Case $5
PS Vita Exist Archive Case $5
PS3 Zone of Enders HD Collection Case & Manual $10
PS2 Dragon Quest 8 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Onimusha 2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Tekken 5 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 1 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Area 51 Case PAL version $5
GC NBA 2K2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2 Case $ Manual $10
PS2 Starwars Battlefront Case & Manual $10
GC Prince of Persia Cover & Manual $10
GC Viewtiful Joe 1 Manual $20
PS2 Katamari Damacy Cover & Manual $10
GC Burnout 3 Takedown $5
PS2 Nightmare before Christmas Oogies Revenge Cover & Manual $15
PS2 GTA San Andreas Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Capcom Classic Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Manual $5
PS2 Megaman X Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Star Ocean Till the End of Time Cover & Manual $10
PS2 R-Type Final Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Soul Caliber 2 Cover $7
XB Panzer Dragoon Orta Cover & Manual $30
XB Ninja Gaiden Black Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Mad Maestro Cover & Manual $10
PS2 007 Everything or Nothing Manual $5
PS2 Half Life 2 Cover $10
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 FF X-2 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 REZ Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Rygar Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Chaos Legion Manual $7
PS2 Zone of Enders 1 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy 12 Manual $7
PS2 Front Mission 4 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Cover $7
PS2 Escape from Monkey Island Cover $7
PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles GH Back/Front Cover & Manual $10
PS1 Tenchu 1 Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Final Fantasy 7 GH Front/Back Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Buster Bros Collection Cover & Manual $20
GC Zelda Master Quest Manual + Windwaker Promotional Paperwork $30
PS2 Black Case & Manual $10
submitted by 420MacMan to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 17:59 myprivate500 First Insurgency Purge part 1, after Cold War

First Insurgency Purge part 1, after Cold War
1986 AD
1987 AD
1988 AD
1989 AD
1990 AD
1991 AD
submitted by myprivate500 to u/myprivate500 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 16:00 GoAheadMMDay Government cover-ups... excuses for war... World War 3 nears

They look for excuses to expand their power and influence. And when an excuse does not readily exist, they create one.
The Façade
Recent history confirms this. Let's review several cases over the last 130 years in chronological order.
■ At the end of the 19th century, the US wanted to expand its sphere of influence. In 1898, they sabotaged one of their own battleships, the USS Maine, in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, blaming it on the Spanish. US newspapers built the case for war, which was viewed as a pretext even at that time, as represented in the movie Citizen Kane.
From :
"A declassified CIA document written March 13, 1962, outlines Operation Northwoods, a plan for a U.S. attack on Cuba following its 1959 Revolution: ("
"On page 11, during an outline of false-flag tactics, the CIA directly uses the phrase “a ‘Remember the Maine’ incident”, and follows with plans to intentionally blow up a U.S. ship to start a desired “war on communism”. Our revolutionary comrades in Cuba hold as official history that the 1898 incident was a planned, false-flag operation."
As a result of the sinking of the USS Maine, the US gained the port of Guantanamo in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and control of the Philippines as a foothold in the Orient. Note the theme... a covert act by government used as an excuse for war, and using the media to spread misinformation to gain public support.
■ Next example, WW1. England wanted to draw the US into the war for some badly needed support. So Winston Churchill, who was serving as First Lord of the British Admiralty, created the excuse the US needed to justify joining the war.
The English Channel was swarming with German submarines (U-boats), attacking British shipping. The British implemented shipping by convoy under protection of British warships. But on May 7, 1915, Churchill called-off naval protection for the RMS Lusitania, a British commercial liner with 123 Americans onboard, which was subsequently sunk by the Germans. "A ship sacrificed. Her innocent passengers, pawns in a cruel new era." /
The sinking turned American public opinion against Germany, and contributed to US entry into the war. "Remember the Lusitania" became a rallying cry repeated in the papers.
■ Next example, WW2. On the morning of December 7, 1941, the day Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor, a sequence of intelligence and messaging failures sealed the base's fate.
Prior to the attack: "Radio communications intelligence 'lost' the location of Japanese carriers." "Kimmel did not inform Short." "Washington issued 'War Warning' messages." "Anti-aircraft guns to protect Pearl Harbor were not deployed or had their ammunition locked up. No fighters were ready to engage a Japanese attack."
The morning of the attack: Japanese submarine periscope sightings, dismissed. A huge wave of aircraft blips on radar, dismissed. Nervous phone calls from radar operators, dismissed. One desperate message was found "balled-up in a trash can".
The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a "false-flag" event; it indeed happened, and Japan was indeed the perpetrator. But such readiness failures despite warnings give me the impression it was made just too easy for them, that the gate was left open.
Was Japan baited and lured into attacking Pearl Harbor by suggestions, whether private or public, that the American public did not want war, and the US government would simply cede territories in the Pacific? This theory has been in circulation since the war.
Whatever the cause, the US government got what it wanted... a reason to join the war.
■ Next example, sabotage proposals: The US Department of Defense proposed "Operation Northwoods" (cited in the 1st example above) to President Kennedy in 1962, outlining a number of "false flag" missions to make it seem the US had been attacked by Cuba. The proposal suggested the US government engage in "acts of terrorism against American military and civilian targets, blame them on the Cuban government, ... to justify a war against Cuba." Among the proposed acts of sabotage were shooting down a remote controlled aircraft painted as a US Air Force plane, blowing up an American ship (described above), and orchestrating acts of terrorism in US cities.
Other proposals: "Create an incident which has the appearance of an attack on US facilities in Cuba"; covert attacks on British Commonwealth member states Jamaica and Trinidad-Tobago to "incite the people of the United Kingdom into supporting a war against Castro"; and "bribe one of Castro's subordinate commanders to initiate an attack" against US Navy base Guantanamo. All such proposals were flatly rejected by President Kennedy.
■ Next example, Vietnam War. On August 2, 1964, US forces carrying out amphibious operations off the coast of North Vietnam were confronted by North Vietnamese troops. On August 4th, the US claimed it was attacked by North Vietnam. On August 7th, US Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave newly installed President Johnson (less than one year after Kennedy was assassinated) legal justification to enter the Vietnam civil war.
But as Wikipedia explains: "Later investigation revealed that the second attack never happened." "The National Security Agency, an agency of the US Defense Department, had deliberately skewed intelligence to create the impression that an attack had been carried out."
The US weapons industry had been wanting another war since the Korean War ended in 1953. But President Kennedy wasn't cooperating. After Kennedy was conveniently taken out of the way, Johnson got what he always wanted - the Presidency, while US weapons manufacturers got what they wanted - war.
■ Next example, US involvement in Iran-Iraq war 1980-88. In 1978-79, Iran’s religious revolution overthrew Iran’s king, the Shah of Iran. The new religious regime in Iran confiscated the oil fields and facilities of US oil companies operating in Iran.
The US oil barons called on the US government to get their oil fields back, citing US interests in controlling global oil flows. The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, but not directly. Instead, the US backed the forces of Iraq in what became the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88.
■ Next example, 1st Gulf War 1991. By the end of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988, the US had not been able to orchestrate Iran’s downfall, and thus had not been able to retake the oil fields it had lost in Iran. The US decided it needed to put its own troops in the Middle East and finish the job against Iran themselves.
But the US needed an excuse to station US troops in the Middle East close to Iran. So it created another pretext, making Iraq believe the US would not interfere in Iraq’s plans to invade Kuwait.
“On the 24 July [1990], U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs, Margaret Tutwiler, told journalists, "We do not have any defense treaties with Kuwait, and there are no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.[10]" On the 25 July, Saddam Hussein held a meeting with American diplomat April Glaspie. During the interview, April said, "We have no opinion on the Arab-Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait," and, "We should express no opinion on this issue and that the issue is not associated with America.[11]" Some historians believe that these comments represented an unwitting green light of Iraq's invasion of Kuwait.”
On August 2, 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. On January 16, 1991, the US launched Operation Desert Strom against Iraq in what is now called the 1st Gulf War.
■ Next example, 911. I know, I know. People have been refuting a US cover-up since day 1. I'm not going to sidetrack into that debate here. All I will say is... both Trade Center towers and the Pentagon had been recently renovated, the work of which is difficult to ascertain and still secret. Everything else has already been extensively debated on the web; I'll just leave it there.
The main question concerning 911 has always been, "Would US agencies commit acts of terrorism against their own cities as a pretext for war?" Given the scenarios presented in operations Northwoods and Mongoose cited above, the answer to that question is, "Yes."
For more evidence that 911 was a planned American operation, see my other post:
■ Next example, false claim of WMD in Iraq. In late 2002, US intelligence presented grainy satellite images of what appeared to be military trucks and supply depots in Iraq. They claimed the trucks and depots hid weapons of mass destruction. Congress gave the military permission to attack Iraq, which it did in March 2003. And behold... there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
David Kay, Head of Iraq Survey Group, later blamed the false claim on "a lack of human agents inside Iraq in the months before the war", and "analysts being under pressure to draw conclusions".
What did the US get out of 911 and the false WMD claim? Excuses to invade Afghanistan and Iraq... neither country of which ever had any involvement with 911.
The official reason for entering Afghanistan was to capture Osama Bin Laden. Yet after OBL was killed in 2011, the US remained in Afghanistan until 2021. Why did the US remain in Afghanistan for an additional 10 years? Because Afghanistan borders Iran.
■ Iran has always been the principal target of interest. The US oil barons have been eyeing Iran since its religious revolution of 1978-79, which confiscated the properties and facilities of US oil companies operating there.
The US wasted no time attacking Iran immediately following the revolution, backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88. But the US realized it wasn't going to get Iran without direct US involvement. 911 and the false WMD claim gave the US excuses to plant troops on either side of Iran - in Iraq on the west, and Afghanistan on the east.
After removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq in 2003, the US remained there, fighting groups backed by Iran. This was followed by the conflict in Syria starting in 2011 and still ongoing, with the West fighting Iranian-backed groups there as well.
From the Iran-Iraq war of 1980-88, to post-Hussein Iraq, to Syria from 2011 onward, the US has been engaged in a 40-year proxy war against Iran. What has been only a proxy war until now is poised to turn into a direct conflict soon, as tensions between Israel and Iran continue to escalate.
The Rehearsal
Preparations for war require more than just fabricating excuses, but also conditioning the population. This includes spreading misinformation, controlling the judiciary, and displaying intimidating force. Trump's presidency worked on all three.
Trump's term in office was a dress rehearsal in spreading misinformation and manipulating the news, principally through Fox News and a large number of conservative talk shows across the country.
"Fox News has been described by academics, media figures, political figures, and watchdog groups as being biased in favor of the Republican Party in its news coverage, as perpetuating conservative bias, and as misleading their audience in relation to science, notably climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic."
Additional charges against Fox News include spreading misinformation regarding the 2020 election results.
The paper "What is Fox News? Partisan Journalism, Misinformation, and the Problem of Classification" - a collaborative work by several university academics - questions "the idea that Fox should be considered a news source in the first place, claiming it should be considered something more akin to propaganda".
Trump's presidency was also a dress rehearsal in influencing the judiciary, filling the courts with loyalists to promote the group's causes, including overthrowing Roe v Wade. This will come in handy when the time comes to suspend other rights and freedoms, including the constitution.
Then came COVID. That was a dress rehearsal to practice locking down entire countries, suspending rights and freedoms en masse.
They also practiced displaying force by mobilizing militias and gun activist groups behind the insurrection of Janurary 6, 2021, intimidating voters at election sites, and shooting at protestors. They even practiced defending their obedient shooters, ie: the shooter who showed up at a protest rally with a full-sized rifle, killed a protestor, and was later exonerated on grounds of self-defense. What a joke.
The Actors
So what's next? They're already working on their excuse for WW3 in the Middle East. Look at what's happening in Israel and Palestine. And now they have a new excuse for US presence in the Persian Gulf - attacks on shipping. Attacks against shipping in the region have been occurring for decades. Why are they reacting so strongly now when they didn't before? Because both these conflicts allow the US to strike at Iranian allies: Hamas in Palestine, and the Houthi in Yemen.
I'm not saying atrocities should be ignored. I am asking why the West focuses on some atrocities and not others. There are plenty of atrocities taking place in Africa, Asia, and Latin America in which the US never gets involved. But when anything happens that gets their troops close to Iran, they're there.
The West has been fighting Iran in one arena after another ever since the Iranian revolution. The recent conflicts in Palestine and the Persian Gulf are just the latest excuses to position forces in the Middle East. They've been there since 1980, and will remain there until they are ready to attack Iran directly. It will be an allied invasion, composed of the US, the UK, Israel and Russia (which borders Iran to the north).
Russia is allied with this "group" we've been talking about here. Recall the glowing accolades Trump showered on Putin. Recall the assistance Russia gave to Trump in the 2016 election.
Trump even asked the Russians to find Hillary Clinton's emails. Why would Trump ask Russia to find US government emails unless he knew they were hacking US government computers? Why ask Russia and not US law enforcement? Why Russia and not another country? Because Trump knew Russia would help him. /
Recall also how Trump kept denouncing NATO, challenging it, threatening to withdraw the US from it, weakening it from within. The intent was to make it easier for Putin to take Ukraine and other former Soviet territories in Eastern Europe. Had Trump won in 2020, Putin would have been free to achieve his ultimate objective of rebuilding the USSR. All handed to Putin in exchange for helping Trump get elected, and for Russia's participation in the up-coming war against Iran. Fathom that. After all the effort Ronald Reagan put into dismantling the Soviet Union, Trump would help Putin rebuild it.
Notice too how Koch Industries, the 2nd largest private company in America with over $125 billion in annual revenue, refuses to observe US sanctions against Russia, and has continued doing business in Russia. The Koch brothers have also refused to denounce Putin's invasion of Ukraine. Koch's ties with Russia go back to the 1930's, where their father, Fred C. Koch, made fortunes building oil refineries.
Today, Koch Industries engages in a range of industrial enterprises. A severe polluter of the environment, Koch Industries finances misinformation denying climate change, buying political influence to fight environmental legislation. The brothers' political influence supporting conservative politicians and conservative think tanks has been described as "overwhelming".
President Eisenhower identified another player pushing the world toward war, which he called "the military-industrial complex", a cluster of industries that benefit from war. They need war to clear-out their inventories so they can produce more weapons. They prosper from armed conflict, and thus influence politicians to pursue war. As Eisenhower warned in his farewell address to his nation, "We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists."
Another major actor in this drama is big-oil, which benefitted from US control of Iraq and its oil fields, and is salivating over the prospect of regaining control of Iranian oil fields. And big-pharma, which benefitted from government money for COVID vaccines, but then refused "to waive intellectual property rights and share vaccine technology" with developing countries, "fuelling an unprecedented human rights crisis".
And who else belongs to this cast but Elon Musk, who not only defended Putin's invasion, but also cut-off Starlink's satellite service in Ukraine to prevent Ukraine's military from launching satellite-guided missiles to defend themselves against Russian attacks.
Not all conservatives belong to this malicious group; the vast majority do not. The conservative camp has become divided into two broad clans: the “middle-right” and “far-right”. I use “clans” because the two groups do not get along.
The middle-right are reasonable, cooperative, respectful of the law, devoted to the order of government, and committed to building the nation for the benefit of all its citizens.
The far-right, though, are radical in their dealings. They are divisive, they lie profusely, they incite violence, they threaten other members of congress, they are disruptive to orderly government and international cooperation, they do not know the meaning of "compromise" which is essential to keeping the nation united, they are unreasonable.
The “directors” of this drama are from this far-right clan. These directors manipulate the actors from behind the scenes. They put the various actors on stage and in the spotlight to sway and stir the audience, while they themselves hide behind the curtains. The script they follow has been decades in the making, and is about to reach its climax.
The Script
All this until now has been in preparation for what is to come, regardless of who wins the next US election or any election after it. Remember, political leaders are only figureheads. They are just servants providing this group of directors with important services, and to sway the public to support their causes.
When they are ready to launch their plans for World War 3, something will happen (real or faked - perhaps a radioactive "dirty bomb" detonation on US soil) that will prompt another lockdown similar to the one we "practiced" under COVID. Only this time, it will last much, much longer. The freedom of the press will be suspended, and so will the constitution. Our freedoms will be removed again, but this time it may be permanent.
If you throw a piece of wood into the water, it will rise to the surface. But if you sink that wood deep enough under water, it will not rise up anymore. Why? Because the water pressure grows more powerful the deeper you go. The weight of the water prevents the wood from rising up. This is why pieces of shipwrecks stay on the ocean floor.
Civilization as we know it is about to become shipwrecked. Society recovered from COVID because the interruption was brief. It was like a piece of wood that never sank deep enough, and so rose to the surface again.
But this time, they will keep civil liberties suppressed for a very long time; years. Suppress something long enough and it will not rise up again. They are getting ready to shut us down, and it will be a shutdown from which society will never recover. We will forget the press. We will forget elections. We will forget owning property and money. They just have to keep things suppressed long enough for people to forget them. A decade should do it.
Now we know why e-money is so heavily promoted and being so quickly adopted. Anyone protesting the new regime will be erased from society via user-specific digital shutdowns. Barred from transacting, investing, buying or selling. Cards deactivated, crypto seized, bank accounts emptied.
No? Have we forgotten Cyprus 2013? Well, it has been a decade.
The next phase of the plan for World War 3 is ready to come into effect, regardless of who takes power in the US - Republican or Democrat. The US entered existing wars and started wars of its own regardless of who was in power. Remember, a president is not the real power behind government. Actual power lies in the hands of the directors behind the curtains who control the actors they put on stage.
Joseph Cafariello
So how can we endure what is coming? Better still, how can we avoid it?
One word... truth.
All the turmoil and chaos we are experiencing come from deceptions, distortions, and lies. What they build on lies, we can demolish with truth.
Everything built on lies is unstable, since lies shift like sand. Whereas truth is stable and constant, and cannot be destroyed.
Embrace only truth, reject lies. Speak only truth, abandon lies. Receive only those who come to us with truth, dismiss those who deliver lies.
Remove the façade and expose the actors who try to deceive us. Reveal what has been concealed, uncover what has been covered, speak what has been hushed.
Only then will we have a better world, a stable world, a world built on truth, a world of freedom. Because lies enslave those who believe them, whereas truth sets us free.
submitted by GoAheadMMDay to conspiracy_posts [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 12:58 Chas-- Nikken's End 2B: The Takanos - Go Back, Little Shiba !

In Nikken's Threefold World, which is "the world of unenlightened beings who transmigrate within the Six Paths" [Hell, Hunger, Animality, Anger, Humanity and Heaven] ... the 2nd chapter describes the structure of Nikken's World of Hunger.

Table of Contents

  1. The Takanos
  2. Temple Gucci
  3. A Diligent and Useful Priest
  4. Seeya, Shiba ... Or, How To Keep Your Temple
  5. Who Are These Guys ?
  6. Definition of Hunger (Gaki)
  7. Getting Some Help
  8. The Survivor Gita

1. The Takanos

It is well known that Nichiren Shoshu high priest Nikken Abe has acquired the name of Abe through legal proceedings, because his mother, the tonsured (bald) Nichiren Shoshu nun Myoshu Ama was originally named Suma Hikosaka, and he was born as the out-of-wedlock progeny of Nikkai Abe, the 60th High Priest.
What is less well-known ... is that sly Suma played a trick on the old man Nikkai. She simply could not get pregnant from the dried up old prune, so she had another priest boy-friend on the side, by the name of Hogen Takano (later renamed as Nichijin). The resemblance between natural father and son, and lack of resemblance between the two Abes is very obvious.
So it's no surprise that Taishin Takano, the latest edition of the Takano clan became the "American Nikken", and has held court at the center of NST activities at Myohoji Temple in Los Angeles.
This is even though Taishin Takano's parents had still been in the SGI. Takano is the king of Gakkai-haters ... maybe because of their courageous resistance to Nikkenism.

2. Temple Gucci

Taishin Takano's wife at court in L.A. is from a famous Temple family, so of course she's a big shopper. She has always shown up in her latest Gucci coat, sporting a Luis Vuitton bag, and looking very decked-out reflecting the posh of Rodeo Drive.
This is in the pattern of the high priest's wife Masako Abe, who has been known as "the Japanese Imelda Marcos".
This makes Taishin Takano's wife, the "American Masako Abe". A perfect Brahmin wife.
In the American church tradition, the parish priest's wife (even the Bishop's wife) would always wear a cheaper coat and clothes than the richer parish wives, so as not to offend those churchgoers whose contributions were critical to supporting the church in its activities. You simply would not attack people's sense of charity lightly !!!
This sensible church tradition is not followed in Nichiren Shoshu or in any of the danto (temple-follower) Buddhist religions, where they have spread to the United States. This Brahminist cultural phenomenon is startling: where the believers support an upper class of priests and their families and their pets, while suffering in squalor and denying their own children.
This is the same as the Nembutsu tradition of Japan, where up to 70% of Japanese Buddhists have believed in a Pure Land after death, and that praying at and supporting Amida Buddha's Temple with gobs of cash will allow priestly prayers to reach their suffering departed relatives in the Western Kingdom where Amida rules, and also gain their own entrance to the Pure Land after their dreadful, suffering life and hastened departure.
They are willing to suffer this disparity of fortune, because the priesthood is a higher caste of human being, and therefore entitled to a richer and more superior life. They will bow and scrape and take better care of the priest's lodgings than their own home, and of the priest family's pets than their own children.
What is surprising is that in America, the land of opportunity and clothe coats for parson's wives, that this kind of subjugation of a hard-working underclass by a parasitic priesthood can persist !!!
And it does, right in the heart of Los Angeles at Myohoji Temple for the Takanos. America IS the land of opportunity for priests of the Asian danto tradition. [As well as crime families, like The Sopranos. Is there a difference? Yes, the Sopranos deliver on their promises.]

3. A Diligent and Useful Priest

Taishin Takano, wanting to extend his domain Northward, has sought to bring the rich territory of the San Francisco Bay Area under his control, this includes Marin County in the North, Silicon Valley to the South, the Peninsula, the vast East Bay region and the jewel in the center, San Francisco.
This incredibly wealthy area is supported in Nichiren Shoshu by Myoshinji Temple, in the East Bay.
Since 1999, the priest for Myoshinji had been Cho'on Shiba. He had, according to the members, been careful and attentive, insofar as he could be with a responsibility stretching through Washington to Alaska.
Shiba remained loyal to Nikken in the late 1980's and early 1990's, when assigned to Myohoji in Los Angeles. At that time, the Chief priest of Myohoji was Gen'ei Kudo, who left Nichiren Shoshu and became the leader of the Association for the Reformation of Nichiren Shoshu in 1992.
Remaining to face the criticism and shame at the hands of the new chief priest Takano at Myohoji, at the time of Kudo's attack on Nikken in 1992, must have been painful austerity. But Shiba did not give in and remained loyal.
Seven years later in 1999 Cho'on Shiba became Myoshinji's chief priest. It would appear that his loyalty had paid off.
Cho'on Shiba appeared to be the kind of priest that made members want to stay and support Nichiren Shoshu.
Truth was, however, that he was deceptive and sneaky in his practices, like all Nichiren Shoshu priests. Even though he was quite fluent in English when he arrived, he feigned that he could neither speak nor understand English.
This allowed the members to speak freely around him, without concern of being understood.
Of course, he understood and took note of every utterance, including who said what and whom they were talking to.
Did your priest when he initially arrived, or does your new priest appear to have struggles with English? Are there translators or English readers there at the welcome speeches? Be careful what you say when they are around, because this is a standard modus operandi for new and visiting Nichiren Shoshu priests.
In the following posting from Loree, Shiba (at Myohoji at that time) expresses the liberal attitude ... in appearance not your typical rigid authoritarian or distantly superior priest. He appears to express the world of Humanity, of concern for his parishioners ...
Green Gables ([loree.......@aol.comphilia](mailto:loree3924205677@aol.comphilia))
"Re: Food and Sex, are there any rules in Nichiren Shoshu?"
Myohoji Temple has a question and answer period sometimes after the Sunday morning gongyo. A young lady asked the priest about the guidelines for sexual activity in NST. the priest said there were no rules but if parents wanted to come and discuss it he would be happy to discuss it with them, he also said as a father he had a natural concern for his own children. He said that sexual relationships were usually okay if no one gets he did NOT say that it was NOT permissible outside of marriage. He didn't get into the question about extramarital affairs, but that is a question for next time. His basic guideline was that no one should be hurt.
I can understand his ducking the question on extramarital affairs, a clever priest wouldn't want to drive away anyone by saying outright that some behavior is wrong. He is appearing to be nice.
Another member asked whether as Buddhists we should eat meat and he explained at length that both animal and vegetable both have the ten worlds so by choosing only one we are making a distinction. In addition he said that the animals nourish us so that we both can attain Buddhahood. He especially said that we should enjoy our food and we can chant daimoku before eating too like we do at Taisekiji.
A poison plant has ten worlds as well, and that is a specious argument. But he is appearing to be nice.
Last week I asked my priest whether it was possible to be reborn as an animal and he said that is possible for the same reasons stated above. So watch out when you are eating those carrots from hell and don't get sick.
Ummm, no comment. He is still appearing to be nice.
In another story about Shiba, Patrik observes that there is wagoso (unity following the priest) present at Myoshin-ji Temple.
Patrik A. Patterson:
Of course in Nichiren Shoshu my observation has been the priests and the members working in unity.
I remember being at Myoshinji last year and talking with one our kanji (member representitives) and Rev Shiba, and Rev Shiba was talking about his ideas for expanding our temple, because it is getting small for our growing congregation.
He has big plans for Myoshinji. He really wants to grow the Temple.
Here is a piece reposted by Craig on the Myoshinji website he maintained, where he posts the glorious results of Cho'on Shiba's Myoshinji campaign...
Craig Bratcher quoting Shiba:
On the Occasion of the 750th Anniversary Tozan By Reverend Cho-on Shiba
4,321 Hokkeko believers from 36 countries around the world attended the first tozan pilgrimage in October. There were 631 participants from the United States. Of these participants, 191 were from Myoshin-ji Temple. There are 78 believers currently on the second commemorative tozan pilgrimage from Myoshin-ji Temple.
There were 191 believers from Myoshinji temple who attended the first tozan pilgrimage, and this was a record for the most tozan participants from our temple at one time.
So, Cho'on Shiba's Myoshinji sent 191 out of 631 participants in the U.S. contingent to the 750th Aniversary Tozan. That's 30% of the first wave to Nikken's do-or-die Tozan from the United States, coming from just Shiba's Myoshinji Temple. [Such dedication!!! Will that be rewarded?]
I wonder how much of the remaining 70% came from the much larger Myohoji Temple? It couldn't have been larger than 30%, since Hawaii is in there as well. Uh-Oh. I wonder if that made The Takanos jealous?
Now, you would think that having that much success from one of six Temples in the United States, and a smaller one at that ... would gain Cho'on Shiba and Myoshinji Temple some consideration from the Head Temple?

4. Seeya, Shiba ... Or, How To Keep Your Temple

I'll repeat the comment from above ... Seven years later in 1999 Cho'on Shiba became Myoshinji's chief priest. It would appear that his loyalty had paid off.
But appearances are deceiving. Takano recognized in Cho'on Shiba a hard working and dedicated person, who could be used to build up Myoshinji, which could then be passed off to a highly connected crony of Nikken, to increase Takano's prestige and power, by creating connections. [Did he never study the daimyo and the Shogunate? A debt owed is a dangerous thing ... for those less-connected who have the well-connected in their debt. Never do a favor to the powerful.]
Shiba's Mistake: This is the mistaken belief that making yourself indispensably useful to the evil masters, will bring benefits and safety to the slave. The truth is otherwise.
____________ Sidebar _____________________________________________________________________________________
In the movie "Schindler's List" a Jewish inmate in a Nazi concentration camp approaches Amon Goeth, the camp commandant, demanding to be heard. She points out errors in the architecture of the construction of the building that will make it fail to function correctly later. She mentions that she was a construction supervisor with architectural training, and that she desired to make herself of use to the Germans. She is clearly oblivious to the true nature of this particular evil.
Goeth orders her to be shot. She is forced to kneel, complaining that he is making a mistake, and she can be useful. At the end, she says that this is insane (which for her is clearly true). The guard shoots her through the head (destroying this thought). Then Goeth orders that the changes she listed be made to the structure, exactly according to her intent.
This is what is known as the "cold joke" which undermines the humanity of all who hear it, by extermination of compassion. Remember this point, as it occurs again, further on.
Let's call this: "The Myth of the Useful Slave."
Slaves are dispensable at the whim of their masters. Period.
There is an interesting comparison to be made generally between:
Which of these is worse? I know, for myself, that one is profoundly worse than the other two.
____________ End Sidebar _________________________________________________________________________________
Shiba's big Tozan victory was later recognized by a BIG meeting. With lots of important visiting priests who have smelled chum in the water. Fresh blood. More text from Craig Bratcher's Myoshinji website ...
Myoshinji Temple World General Meeting, December 8, 2002 (this is text from a web photo album of what transpired that day, no longer online ...)
Some of the captions to note, accompanied by my commentary:
The visiting priests entering the Gohonzon room of Myoshinji Temple to begin the commemorative ceremony
The circling sharks settle in to feast.
Reverend Cho'on Shiba, Chief Priest of Myoshinji Temple, approaching the alter to make offerings to Gohonzon.
Very pretty altar. The unconnected priest is offering his life to the more highly-connected priests. "An unfortunate selection of ancestors.", they surmise.
Reverend Nisshi Obayashi, Director of the Nichiren Shoshu Overseas Bureau, presenting his address
The jaws of the largest shark distend as he darts in for the first slashing BITE. The waters turn red, then yellow about the poor, foolish, unknowing, and now fatally stricken priest.
Reverend Nitto Ohmura, Chief of the Nichiren Shoshu Study Department, presenting his address
Ohmura thinks: "There must be something in the Gosho about submitting to evil authority, mustn't there be ???... Let me see ... Oh, re-interpreting the Gosho correctly is such a lot of work, what a bother. Some other time."
Reverend Taishin Takano, Nichiren Shoshu Temple President, presenting his address
Takano thinks: "This is my address, and is where to send the Gokuyo offerings in the future, so parishioners, don't forget !!!"
Reverend Cho'on Shiba, Chief Priest of Myoshinji Temple, offering words of appreciation
This is a much smaller picture. As if he is receding into the distance already. "And a little severed hand sinks into the swirling waters..."
396 People attended the 750th Anniversary Commemorative Ceremonies
Quite a large crowd for a Nichiren Shoshu gathering.
Get a clue, priests of no consequence:
Which is clearly what will happen with every single Nichiren Shoshu Temple in every country. They will all ultimately be run personally by someone from the six Brahmin families in the First Rank (Abe, Takano, Ishii, Hayase, Kimura and Imano).
Then the families will start the final battle for dominance: one by one, they will be edged out until a single Survivor family is left, as the ultimate winner of the Survivor Gita.
So, Shiba's big triumphant meeting was followed in 13 months by ... the transfer ceremony. Shiba is going to work for Obayashi [the biggest visiting shark, above] as a secretary in the Nichiren Shoshu Overseas Bureau. Also from the website:
Jan 21, 2004 -
The Ceremony conducted January 21, 2004, upon the reassignment of Reverend Cho'on Shiba. Reverend Shiba was the 3rd Chief Priest of Myoshinji Temple.
Past tense. Was. Man, that was fast. These guys don't waste any time. If Shiba had known, there might have been enough time to grab the Temple and join the Reform movement.
The Gongyo ceremony preceding the formal transfer of the Chief Priest's duties from Reverend Shiba to Reverend Takano.
Now it's Takano's Temple to give away. He has an astonishing plan, to make a move that works if the First Rank families win, if the Nichijyun Fujimoto-Obayashi alliance of the Overseas Bureau wins, or if there is open rebellion against Nikken's successor.
Reverend Takano, the Nichiren Shoshu Temple President, accepting his temporary appointment until Reverend Kimura is officially appointed in March 2004.
  1. Kimura is one of Nikken's six families in the First Rank. This satisfies the insatiable greed of the Brahmins in the First Rank.
  2. It undermines Shiba's family, and he is Nobody. If a tree falls in the forest, and Nobody is around, is there a sound? Nobody knows. Nobody notices.
  3. This is such an overt move, it is sure to strike fear into the hearts of those in the big and wealthy overseas temples, who are in Second Rank clans (Kshatriya - Proxy-Ruler and Warrior caste), or Third Rank clans (Vaishya - Merchant, Farmer caste). Takano knows this, as does Obayashi and Nichijyun Fujimoto. This plays into their hands, as it raises the twin demons of hostile resentment and fear in those unconnected priests, outside the Brahmin enclave.
Win. Win. Win. Taishin Takano must be hugging himself in delight.
Reverend Ishibashi, Chief of Internal Affairs for the Overseas Department, between Reverend Takahashi and Reverend Shiba. Although Reverend Shiba had a sad face for the camera, it is believed he was actually looking forward to his new position with the Bureau of Foreign Affairs.
This comment, actually public in the website, about Shiba looking sad? It is a textbook example of the "cold joke", which removes one's compassion. It is designed to get all website readers and viewers of it to gloat. Gloating on anyone's suffering is the behavior of the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven, in each and every case.
Reverend Shiba's family performing Gongyo in the temple lobby during the Transfer Ceremony.
His family doing Gongyo IN THE LOBBY. Man, do they look tiny and forlorn. Well ... off they go. It's not too late to join with Gen'ei Kudo and the Reform movement. You've dug a deep hole, Shiba, but you can get out. The exit door is a phone. Just dial it.
Cho'on Shiba was elevated to a great height by the priesthood, and given an opportunity to show what he could do, be all that he could be. In the end his reward for all that effort went to those who were better connected than he.
He was in the Second Rank, a Kshatriya warrior, placed high in the order of names at any gathering of priests.
Now Shiba has slipped into obscurity, and he has joined the Fourth Rank of Shudra ... the Laborers of little consequence and no hope for the future.

5. Who Are These Guys?

Well, Shogu Kimura is well-connected. He has correctly executed his selection of ancestors, unlike Cho'on Shiba, who has chosen obscurity and isolation from power.
You make your bed, and then you sleep in it. That is, unless you can kick someone else out of their carefully-made bed.
In Shogu Kimura's case he has selected a brother, named Shinryu Kimura, who has married the oldest daughter of Yuriko Abe and Gijun Hayase, who is the grand-daughter of high priest Nikken Abe. Excellent work, Shogu !!!
Kimura's installation:
Myoshinji Temple's Fourth Chief Priest
Transfer Ceremony
March 7th, 2004
(San Francisco, California, United States of America)
On March 7th, 2004, at San Francisco's Myoshinji Temple, Rev. Shogu Kimura's Transfer Ceremony was conducted solemnly and successfully. The former Chief Priest Rev. Cho'on Shiba recently became a Chief Secretary of the Overseas Bureau, and Rev. Kimura was transferred to take his place.
Some events went unmentioned here. As in the "Silence of the Lambs", when Clarice of the FBI visits the site of Buffalo Bill's first victim, she remembers Hannibal Lecter's words about "simplicity" and "we covet what we see".
First, they see what Shiba has built, then they covet what Shiba has built, and then they remove him, to take what Shiba has built.
Dai-Rokuten-No-Mao, the Devil King of the Sixth Heaven (another famous Brahmin) is the function which gloats in enjoyment while enjoying the fruits of the labor of others, making sure that those others are crushed in the process.
The day before the ceremony, at 11:00 am, Myoshinji's affairs were passed from the NST president, Rev. Takano to Rev. Kimura, and the next day, March 7th, at 11:00 am, the Transfer Ceremony was held.
From Japan, Hoshoji Temple's Chief Priest, Rev. Eijyun Ishii, as well as several other relative priests attended this ceremony. From the U.S.A., the NST President and Los Angeles' Myohoji Temple Chief Priest, Reverend Taishin Takano, as well as some representative priests attended. Myoshinji Temple's Koto, as well as a large number of this temple's believers also attended to celebrate and welcome the new Chief Priest.
Eijyun Ishii, brother of Shinryo Ishii (the number-one "Uchideshi" who married Nikken's "Osage Watashi": Natsuko), is the BIC for this ceremony: Brahmin-In-Charge representing Nikken. "Let's Get This Party Started" is the motto for the day.
Rev. Kimura sincerely conducted Kenzen (the offering of rice), Dokkyo (the ceremonial recitation of the Lotus Sutra) and Shodai (chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo). Rev. Takano then gave his congratulatory speech, and officially introduced Myoshinji Temple's new Chief Priest, Rev. Shogu Kimura. Next, Rev. Ishii, and the Myoshinji Temple Koto, also shared congratulatory speeches. Lastly, Rev. Kimura addressed all participants in Japanese and English, asking them to sincerely and respectfully share his appreciation and determination.
Definitely, congratulations are in order. Shiba has built up a real cash-cow operation here, and the Koto runs it smoothly and automatically. It's like ... Nirvana for our brightest Brahmin boy, Shogu Kimura.
And it's a well-earned reward, received from Shiba. Shiba's begrudging the gift ... only improves the savory taste in Shogu's mouth.
After an intermission, a commemorative photo was taken in the Main Hall, smoothly completing the Transfer Ceremony.
Bbbbut ... where's Shiba? Guess he didn't feel like having fun.
You really ought to show up at your own wake, since the funeral's over and a party's a party. No sense of humor !!!
The participating priests from Japan: Rev. Eijyun Ishii, Rev. Jido Kimura [father], Rev. Kido Harada, Rev. Shinryu Kimura [brother], Rev. Shomyo Oba, Rev. Shoshun Sato, and Rev. Yuo Kimura. The participating priests from NST and other countries: Rev. Taishin Takano, Rev. Doko Sato, Rev. Yuzui Murata, Rev. Shokun Takahashi, and Rev. Shingaku Kato.
Notice the large crowd of priests in attendance. They really show up in droves, when one of the Ishii brothers is in town.
The Ishii boys have unlimited cash, and know how to have a good time. There will be fun, girls and booze overflowing !!!
And always remember the words of the high priest Nikken Abe to Eijyun Ishii's brother Shinryo:
At the National Teacher's guidance meeting held on 26 May 1994, Nikken attempted to protect Shinryo from the criticism of [a priest] Nikken said, "If someone asked you whether you have visited a red-light town while you were young, just answer "Yes, I did." If someone asked whether you have bought a land, just answer "Yes, I did." Don't worry about such trivial matters!"
Yeah, worry about the party matters. Babes and booze are non-trivial issues, as the high priest will tell you anytime !!!

6. Definition of Hungry Spirits (gaki)

From the SGI Dictionary:
hungry spirits [餓鬼] (Skt preta; Jpn gaki): Also, hungry ghosts. Spirits who suffer from hunger and thirst as karmic retribution for their greed, selfishness, and jealousy while they were alive. Buddhist scriptures describe hungry spirits as beings with throats as small as needles and distended bellies. The realm of hungry spirits is said to be located five hundred yojanas beneath the earth, above the realm of hell. In that realm, food and drink turn into flames and torment the inhabitants. The realm of hungry spirits is one of the three or the four evil paths. From the standpoint of the doctrine of the Ten Worlds and their mutual possession, it represents a potential state or condition of life in which one is tormented by relentless craving. Hungry spirits are called preta in Sanskrit, which in ancient India meant the spirits of the dead. In China and Japan, the story of Maudgalyāyana's saving his mother from the realm of hungry spirits is well known. See also service for deceased ancestors.

7. Getting Some Help

If you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest, or a Hokkeko member from anywhere in the world, and are thinking about switching to the SGI call (310) 260-8900 or contact the Headquarters at SGI Plaza.
Tell them that you are a Nichiren Shoshu Priest or Hokkeko member, and wish to speak to someone about the SGI, and what to do.

8. The Survivor Gita

Nikken, the self-appointed Usurper King of the Rats at Taisekiji, has been replaced by Nichinyo, who is an angry member of the elite, due to too many blows to the head in fights. A little punchy, he rules from weakness, since Nikken publicly had plans for his son to take over.
One thing that is known for certain: There will be a new Rat King. And then there will be another.
Another thing that is known for certain: All the alliances will change, and more than once. Anyone that has watched Survivor knows this.
Rule Number Zero:
The War of the Rodents can only be won by ... King Rat.
More to come ... These questions will be answered !!!
submitted by Chas-- to SGIWhistleblowersMITA [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 11:31 DrCalavry2024 My original character for my proposed series: Dale Donovan!
Dale F.D. Donovan
Full Name: Dale Franklin Delano Donovan
Birthday: June 6, 1992 (age 32)
POB(ignore pic): Chicago, IL
Residence: Red Oak, IA
Pronouns: Cisgender Male (his character and views, not necessarily mine)
Personality: Kind, caring, conservative, patriotic, helpful, witty, resourceful, trustworthy, 'murica.
Dale Donovan is a Midwestern rural man that works as a trucker for a living, and is also one of the twin siblings out of 4 of the Donovan family, a rich and well-known liberal family that is, in many ways, opposite from the more simpler, rural, and conservative nature that Dale has become fond of. One day, after finding a mysterious crystal ball, he is transported to a strange fantastical world, more specifically, the Kingdom of Elysia. Despite being the only human, or normal being at all, he is somewhat welcomed by its king, as his just actions led to him being given a quest to find Princess Dreamoda, who disappeared long ago, in exchange for the crystal ball, which she is the one who owns and can truly control it.
He is usually equipped with his trusty Winchester Model 12, a KA-BAR knife that can attach to said Winchester, a few cans of Samuel Adams beer cans that can be, along with the right magical ingredients, be turned into makeshift grenades. He also has a swiss-army knife and a lighter if needed, as well.
During his time in Elysia, he is also with his own group of friends: including Jada Bryxt (a 38 year old vampire assassin and a daughter in the Bryxt crime family), Gibsonolas "Gibson" Thisha (a 29, year old elven pharmacist and doctoalchemist) and Maevius "Mae" (a 400 year old plant-controlling supernatural parasite that takes form via possession the body of a deceased nymph)
submitted by DrCalavry2024 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 09:40 JustKidding456 Third Sunday after Pentecost: Gospel Reading (CPH The Lutheran Study Bible)

Have a blessed week ahead.
Gospel According to Mark, 3:20–35:
Then he went home, and the crowd gathered again, so that they could not even eat. And when his family heard it, they went out to seize him, for they were saying, “He is out of his mind.”
Blasphemy Against the Holy Spirit
And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem were saying, “He is possessed by Beelzebul,” and “by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.” And he called them to him and said to them in parables, “How can Satan cast out Satan? If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if a house is divided against itself, that house will not be able to stand. And if Satan has risen up against himself and is divided, he cannot stand, but is coming to an end. But no one can enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man. Then indeed he may plunder his house.
“Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the children of man, and whatever blasphemies they utter, but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”—for they were saying, “He has an unclean spirit.”
Jesus’ Mother and Brothers
And his mother and his brothers came, and standing outside they sent to him and called him. And a crowd was sitting around him, and they said to him, “Your mother and your brothers are outside, seeking you.” And he answered them, “Who are my mother and my brothers?” And looking about at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”
Engelbrecht, E. A. (2009). The Lutheran Study Bible. Concordia Publishing House:
3:13–21 Even as Jesus seeks to expand His ministry by appointing and sending 12 apostles, His family comes and tries to make Him stop what He is doing. How ironic that those who think they know Jesus best are trying to stop Him from fulfilling His mission! Unfortunately, similar examples are still seen, as when lifelong Christians undermine sound mission strategies. But the Lord and His mission are not overcome by even this opposition. Jesus willingly faced death and conquered it for us. In Him is our hope of eternal life. • Lord, overcome our fear when we do not understand Your plans. Focus us instead on Your call to follow and Your gracious promise to lead. Amen.
3:22–30 Those who refuse to recognize Jesus as God’s Son and acknowledge His works as manifestations of the Holy Spirit remain under the dominion of Satan. But Jesus has overcome Satan. Those baptized into Christ have received not only Him but also His promised Holy Spirit. • Lord, preserve us from the power of Satan. Remove any lingering doubts we might harbor, that we might be confident in the fact that You have bound him and rescued us from his dominion. Amen.
3:31–35 Loyalty to God takes precedence over loyalty to blood relations. This is still hard to hear today, as the temptation to put relationships with family and friends above God can be overwhelming. But the Lord wants us to have both relationships, and have them as healthy as they can be. He stands first in our lives because He placed Himself last, to humbly bear our sins and make us children of God. • Lord, thank You for the privilege of being included in Your eternal family. Keep us in this faith and life forever. Amen.
Engelbrecht, E. A. (2009). The Lutheran Study Bible. Concordia Publishing House:
(c = circa — cf = confer — NT = New Testament — OT = Old Testament — p = page — v = verse — vv = verses — Lv = Leviticus — Jgs = Judges — 2Ki = 2 Kings — Jb = Job — Ps = Psalms — Is = Isaiah — Ezk = Ezekiel — Dn = Daniel — Mt = Matthew — Mk = Mark — Lk = Luke — Jn = John — Eph = Ephesians — Col = Colossians — Jas = James — 1Pt = 1 Peter — 1Jn = 1 John — Bern = St Bernard of Clairvaux — Luth = Martin Luther — AE = Luther, Martin. Luther’s Works. American Edition. General editors Jaroslav Pelikan and Helmut T. Lehmann. 56 vols. St. Louis: Concordia, and Philadelphia: Muhlenberg and Fortress, 1955–86. — LSB = Commission on Worship of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Lutheran Service Book. St. Louis: Concordia, 2006. — LXX = Septuagint. Koine Greek Old Testament. — SLSB = Eales, Samuel J., trans. and ed. Some Letters of St. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. Vol. 1, The Complete Works of S. Bernard, Abbot of Clairvaux. London: John Hodges, 1904.)
3:20 home. Jesus’ practice of preaching within a domestic setting, as described here, set a precedent for His followers. For the next 300 years, Christian worship services usually took place in house churches. Not clear whether Jesus was in His own house or perhaps that of Simon Peter. not even eat. Again, Mk emphasizes Jesus’ popularity with the masses. The demands of the crowd hardly allowed Jesus and the apostles time for a meal.
3:21 Jesus’ immediate family thought He was delusional. The cause of this concern is not clear. However, as firstborn son, He would have important family duties that may have fallen to His siblings. This would cause tension (cf vv 31–35). His family. See note, Lk 8:19: “His brothers. Probably refers to the natural children of Joseph and Mary, i.e., Jesus’ younger half brothers. However, there is a later tradition that Joseph was widowed before marrying the Virgin Mary. If that is so, these siblings could be Jesus’ older stepbrothers, born to Joseph by his first wife.”
3:22 Because Jesus’ opponents could not deny His many miracles, they tried to impugn their divine origin, claiming that He performed exorcisms by the power of Satan. Beelzebul. See note, 2Ki 1:2: (Baal-zebub. Originally Baal-zebul (NT Beelzebul), “Baal is prince”; here, the writer expresses disdain for this Canaanite idol by calling it Baal-zebub, “Lord of a fly.”) prince of demons. Satan, not Beelzebul, was the leader of the demonic host. But Jesus’ adversaries were more interested in heaping scorn than in being precise.
3:23 parables. Here means something like “metaphor” or “illustration.” See notes, Jgs 9:8–15; Mt 13:3. (9:8–15 Jotham’s parable features plants that can speak, representing various rulers; first parable recorded in Scripture; 13:3 parables. Matthew’s first use of this term, which refers to short stories or wise sayings in a variety of literary forms, including proverbs, maxims, allegories, fables, comparisons, and riddles (cf Ps 78:2; Ezk 17:2).) How can Satan cast out Satan? Rhetorical. Jesus shows the folly of claiming that He defeated the demons by Satan’s power. Since the fall, Satan may properly be understood as “the ruler of this world” (Jn 12:31). At the same time, his authority is only what God allows (cf Jb 1:12; Jn 16:11; 1Pt 3:18–19).
3:25 house is divided. Repeats the point made in v 24 (“a kingdom divided”), but is even more pointed within this context of the division within Jesus’ own family (v 21).
3:27 Jesus’ argument is a brief parable. Jesus pointed out that Satan was very strong and must first be bound before anyone could plunder his house. Only One stronger than Satan can plunder Satan’s household and rescue those held captive by his demonic hosts. Cf Col 1:13–14.
3:28 children of man. Semitic way of referring to human beings (e.g., Ps 11:4; 12:1, 8; 14:2; 31:19). This phrase is also used frequently in the LXX. In the NT, it is used only here and in Eph 3:5. Son of Man is the favorite self-designation of Jesus, used c 80 times in the Gospels but almost never in the rest of the NT. Its meaning varies somewhat depending on the context. Indicates that though Jesus is fully man, He is much more. As a messianic title, it combines the ideas of a servant who will suffer and die for all people (Is 53; Mt 20:28) and the exalted Son of Man, whose reign is everlasting (Dn 7:13–14; Mt 24:30). blasphemies. See notes, Mt 9:3; 12:31. (9:3 blaspheming. To demean or malign God in some way. Here, the accusation is that Jesus claimed divine authority, since forgiveness must come from God. This was the beginning of long-standing conflict between followers of Jesus and heirs of the Pharisees in rabbinic Judaism. Rabbinic writers would describe Jesus as a sinful magician who would not listen to wisdom and sought to destroy the Law of Moses. A similar scandal may occur when pastors forgive sins by Jesus’ authority. E.g., when a pastor states, “As a called and ordained servant of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore forgive you all your sins” (LSB, p 151). 12:31 Therefore I tell you. What Jesus said to the Pharisees was a solemn warning to beware of blaspheming the Holy Spirit. blasphemy. Extreme slander or curse of the deity. OT law pronounced death (no forgiveness) on anyone who blasphemed God (Lv 24:16). This was the charge against Jesus that led to His crucifixion (Mt 26:65–66). against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Jesus declared that those who slandered Him as a human being could be forgiven, but those who called His miracles “the devil’s work” were blaspheming the Holy Spirit and could not be forgiven. The Holy Spirit is true God. No one who worries about having committed this unforgivable sin is guilty of it.)
3:29–30 Famously difficult passage; it equates blasphemy of the Holy Spirit with the unpardonable sin—unyielding refusal to believe the Gospel and a rejection of the Holy Spirit’s work to create faith in Jesus. eternal sin. Guilt of this sin brings one into the everlasting condemnation and punishment established for Satan and his evil angels (cf Mt 25:41). See note, 1Jn 5:16: “5:16 sin not leading to death. Any unrepented sin can lead to death (cf 1Jn 5:17). But if a believer is open to repentance and to God’s forgiveness, his sin will not lead to death. give him life. God will grant forgiveness of sins and life to the brother for whom we pray. Cf Jas 5:20. There is sin that leads to death. The idolatry of the false teachers. Misunderstanding of this passage led to a false teaching that there are seven deadly, or “mortal,” sins (pride, covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, sloth) in contrast to “venial,” or forgivable, sins. All sin is damnable. See note, Mk 3:29–30. God forgives all who repent. I do not say that one should pray for that. If one refuses to repent and confess Jesus as the Christ and the Son of God, there is no point in asking God to forgive that person who stands condemned by his own stubborn unbelief and refusal of God’s love (Jn 3:18, 36).” Luth: “He calls the sin against the Holy Spirit a mortal sin. All of this is tantamount to saying: ‘Whoever despairs in his sin or relies on good works sins against the Holy Spirit and against grace.’ Of course, I should intercede for such people and pray that they may be freed from that sin and be converted; but it is impossible that God be gracious to them so long as they are given to that sin, it is impossible that God’s grace be of greater effect in their hearts than that sin, as is true of other sins.… No, I must pray against that sin, as Moses did in Num. 16:15, against Korah, saying: ‘Do not respect their offering.’ For Korah, too, aspired to esteem before God by reason of his works, and so he sinned against grace. That is an intolerable sin. All other sins which let grace triumph and reign are forgivable” (AE 19:48–49).
3:31–35 Having answered the charges of His enemies, Jesus now directs attention to His family and their fears that He has lost His mind. brothers. See note, Lk 8:19: “His brothers. Probably refers to the natural children of Joseph and Mary, i.e., Jesus’ younger half brothers. However, there is a later tradition that Joseph was widowed before marrying the Virgin Mary. If that is so, these siblings could be Jesus’ older stepbrothers, born to Joseph by his first wife.”
3:32 Note the irony. People who barely know Jesus are seated next to Him, eagerly listening, while His family is outside, trying to get close enough to make Him stop.
3:33–35 Who are My mother and My brothers? To be clear, Jesus is not despising family ties and their importance (see note, Lk 2:51: “Jesus responded as an obedient child to His mother’s scolding (Lk 2:48). He obeyed the divine Law and submitted to His earthly parents.”) Though earthly relations are crucial, one’s relationship to God and His family of faith are even more important, since they form an eternal communion. See note, Mt 10:37: (More important than loving parents and other family members is loyalty to Christ. To value family more than Jesus means that one is not fit to be a disciple. Bern: “Although it is impious to despise a mother, yet to despise her for Christ’s sake is most pious” (SLSB, p 212).)
submitted by JustKidding456 to Sunday [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 07:56 jc382900 TOP 10 UNIQUE PLANT GIFTS YOU MUST EXPLORE NOW!

When it comes to giving thoughtful gifts, few things have the timeless appeal and natural appeal of unique plant gifts. Gifts that are unique and unforgettable can be found in plenty in the world of plants. This article presents the top 10 unique plant gifts that are remarkable examples of the creativity and beauty of nature.

Unusual Plant Gifts: A Summary of Unusual Botanical Gifts

When the ordinary doesn’t satisfy, lose yourself in the enchantment of unusual botanical gifts. These exceptional presents surpass expectations by showcasing plant species that captivate and astound with their remarkable uniqueness and exceptional beauty. Consider presenting a live reminder of the wonders of nature, such as a plant, as a gift.


Explore the world of unusual plant arrangements if you’re looking for presents that redefine extraordinary. These carefully chosen exhibits are a symphony of hues, patterns, and shapes that are orchestrated into a beautiful botanical ballet. These arrangements elevate the act of presenting by turning the commonplace into an amazing experience that leaves a lasting impression on the recipient.

Original Ideas for Plant Gifts

Break the norm with top 10 unique plant gifts ideas and unleash your creative side. When it comes to plant gifts, they are a celebration of uniqueness, ranging from do-it-yourself kits that encourage the recipient’s green thumb to customized potted gardens that highlight creativity. Accept the unusual and give a gift of botanical creativity rather than just a plant.

Gifts for Plant Lovers

These carefully chosen presents are geared toward the passionate gardener in your life. Think about specialized gardening tools, top 10 unique plant gifts care guides that reveal the techniques of botanical expertise, or memberships in esteemed botanical groups that provide access to a network of like-minded plant enthusiasts. These presents provide a trip that goes beyond material things.

Unique Potted Plants

Give exotic potted plants to someone and take them on a trip to far-off places without ever leaving the comforts of home. These amazing plant beauties elevate every living area and add something exceptional to it. These plants are a monument to the diversity and wonder of the plant kingdom, and they are perfect for those with an adventurous spirit who enjoy the beauty of flora from remote corners of the world.

Unique Plant Décor

Use unique plant décor to add beauty to interior design. These presents create a distinctive impression in every space, from hanging terrariums that dangle lush foliage like living art to custom plant stands that perfectly combine nature with design.

Special Botanical Gifts

Embark on a journey through nature’s diverse tapestry with gifts that showcase top 10 unique plant gifts. These botanical wonders span the vast spectrum of nature’s creations, from succulents with peculiar shapes that defy convention to flowering plants boasting vibrant hues that mesmerize the beholder. Each plant becomes a living testament to the richness and diversity of the botanical world.

Quirky Plant Arrangements

Inject a dash of whimsy into your gifting experience with quirky plant arrangements. Playful combinations of plants come together to create a sense of joy and surprise. Perfect for those who appreciate the unconventional, these gifts bring a lighthearted charm to any occasion, turning the act of giving into a delightful celebration of uniqueness.
In the world of botanical gifting, these detailed and extraordinary options stand out as exceptional choices. Each category offers a unique and immersive experience, turning the act of giving into a celebration of nature’s wonders.

Novelty Plant Gifts

Step into the extraordinary with novelty plant gifts. These unique offerings go beyond the expected, presenting plants in creative and unexpected ways that leave a lasting impression.

Unconventional Botanical Presents

Break free from the ordinary with unconventional botanical presents. From plant-themed art installations to living sculptures, these gifts redefine the boundaries of traditional gifting.

Exclusive Plant Gift Sets

Exceptional Plant-Themed Gifts

Curated for plant aficionados, exclusive plant gift sets bring together a harmonious collection of botanical delights. These sets are carefully crafted to offer a comprehensive and delightful gifting experience.

Extraordinary Plant Displays

Make a statement with extraordinary top 10 unique plant gifts. Whether it’s a cascading vertical garden or a mesmerizing plant arrangement, these displays transform any space into a botanical oasis.

Innovative Plant Gifting

Embrace innovation with plant gifting that goes beyond the ordinary. Consider augmented reality plant experiences or interactive plant installations that engage the senses and create lasting memories.

Singular Plant Souvenirs

Original Plant-Based Gifts

For a truly unique gesture, opt for original plant-based gifts. These could range from botanical-infused perfumes to artisanal teas made from rare herbs, providing a sensory journey through the world of plants.

Extra-Special Plant Offerings

Conclude your search for the perfect gift with extra-special plant offerings. These rare and curated selections embody the pinnacle of botanical craftsmanship, making them the ultimate expression of thoughtfulness.


The unrivaled charm of the distinctive plant presents beckons in the varied world of gift-giving. With a unique sensory voyage through nature’s treasures, the options are not only numerous but intriguing, ranging from the carefully chosen uncommon arrangements to the creative realm of botanical presents.
Take a look at the amazing possibilities our guide offers as you set out to find the top 10 unique plant gift. Every recommendation is proof of the elegance, variety, and inventiveness present in the world of plants. These gifts go beyond the norm, turning the act of giving into a celebration of nature’s remarkable subtleties.
Explore the selection at Bharatvarsh Nature Farms to fully immerse yourself in this botanical gifting experience. Their carefully chosen assortment of one-of-a-kind plant gifts captures the spirit of exceptional beauty, imaginative creativity, and the wonders of the plant world. In order to make your next gift not just unforgettable but a living celebration of nature’s wonders.
Bharatvarsh Nature Farms offers a variety that goes above and beyond the typical. Whether you’re looking for an exotic potted plant, a beautifully designed botanical present, or a rare plant arrangement, they have it all. Make your next gift an ode to the remarkable by selecting the unique plant gifts and the botanical.

Key Takeaways

submitted by jc382900 to u/jc382900 [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 06:33 atmaninravi What do you mean by "you could be the master of your fate the captain of your soul but you have to realize that life is coming from you not at you"?

You can be the master of your fate means there is nothing like luck. You pluck what you plant. Just like the seeds you plant decide the fruit on the tree, your deeds decide your destiny. Therefore you are the master of your fate. You are the captain of your Soul, it means that you are that consciousness, you are the intellect that can realize the Soul within. But because we don't have the state of self-realization, we live in ignorance thinking we are the body, mind and ego. We think that life is coming from outside but in reality, life is that power inside. The Divine kingdom of God is within. But we don't realize this. We think that everything's on the outside, in the heavens above. When in reality, divinity is within.
submitted by atmaninravi to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:11 kamikaibitsu Ancient world was more connected then we think. Deity and Gods with same or similar name.

Mithra- Vedic god of friendship and covenants
Mitra- Ancient Roman and Persian God of friendship and covenants
Danu- She is Celtic goddess , mother of some magical being race
Danu(vedic)- She is mother of danavas.
Their husband have great knowledge in medical field and great healing power!
This make us ponder if ancient vedic people called celtic people as danavas?
Then we have Vedic and Buddhist-
There are many other
Avestan Gods-
Agni (vedic)and Ignis(Latin) gods-Both were of Fire(Similar name)
Apart form this they share other Gods which one can find in
Aruna(Hittie god) and Aruna is a Vedic god in Hinduism who is the charioteer of Surya
Nara(Hurrian old deity) and Nara(vedic sage)
This tell us lot about Ancient world history!! Maybe those gods were real after
submitted by kamikaibitsu to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 05:08 kamikaibitsu Different Gods in Different Culture sharing same or similar name to vedic gods!

Mithra- Vedic god of friendship and covenants
Mitra- Ancient Roman and Persian God of friendship and covenants
Danu- She is Celtic goddess , mother of some magical being race
Danu(vedic)- She is mother of danavas.
Their husband have great knowledge in medical field and great healing power!
This make us ponder if ancient vedic people called celtic people as danavas?
Then we have Vedic and Buddhist-
There are many other
Avestan Gods-
Agni (vedic)and Ignis(Latin) gods-Both were of Fire(Similar name)
Apart form this they share other Gods which one can find in
Aruna(Hittie god) and Aruna is a Vedic god in Hinduism who is the charioteer of Surya
Nara(Hurrian old deity) and Nara(vedic sage)
This tell us lot about Ancient world history!!
submitted by kamikaibitsu to hinduism [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 03:01 Alex_Doe21490 Beware of Union Church—ARC Plant

This post serves twofold—an official timestamp and a warning to the general public. Union Church was formed after a merge between Destiny Church and i5City Church (formerly Living Waters) in 2021. It is supported as an Association of Related Churches (ARC) plant. If you are not familiar with the controversies surrounding ARC, please read up here:
Over the last year, Union Church has declared its intentions to start several campuses across the DMV, most recently announcing a Silver Spring location. This is in addition to fundraising for a multimillion dollar complex in Bowie, Maryland. Interestingly enough, many of the church leaders already live near or in Bowie. Union has unabashedly touted a numbers-driven campaign purportedly as a kingdom-minded approach to lead others to Christ. Not coincidentally, they have strategically timed finance "sermons" preceding their annual Limitless giving campaign. Unfortunately, a ministry that should be humbly kingdom-centered, has turned into a dark web of greed and cult-like behavior (nicknamed Union "culture"), including bullying, slander, intimidation and shunning of anyone who questions church tactics and leadership's behavior.
Members should pay attention to what has already ensued and what will over the next several months and year, namely, vicious smear campaigns and character assassinations directed toward anyone who calls out church leadership on abusive behavior.
Beware of pastors and any leader who exalts themselves above the name of Jesus Christ in the quest for "honor" [self-worship]. Also, be on guard against self-appointed mentorship/discipleship as a manipulative tactic to force the submission of members.
submitted by Alex_Doe21490 to ChurchDrama [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:47 Marys_Protection Gospel Reading For Today Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection: M...

Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Lectionary: 353
1st Reading2 Peter 1:2-7 Responsorial PsalmPsalms 91:1-2, 14-15B, 15C-16 The AcclamationRevelation 1:5AB GospelMark 12:1-12
Today’s Gospel Reflection
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, The symbols seen in the Gospel of Today Mark 12:1–12 Jesus' audience was acquainted with. The vineyard would immediately be identified as the nation of Israel, commonly referred to as God's elect. It would be acknowledged that the Israelites' leaders were the tenants. They were assigned to labor in a lovely and well-maintained vineyard.
My dear friends, However, these leaders started to feel that the vineyard was theirs. They mistreated the vineyard owner's workers since they didn't realize it belonged to someone else. In the Old Testament, these attendants would have been identified as prophets, God's messengers. The prophets who brought the Word of God to Israel during those difficult times were abused, persecuted, and even killed.
Jesus' teaching in the Gospel of Today Perusing Although there is a strong historical connection to Mark 12:1–12, the implications of the first section of the story serve as a potent reminder for us. We tend to start seeing God's gifts, people, and Kingdom as belonging to ourselves. We lose sight of the fact that all we own is "on loan" to God and should be utilized for His Will.
Our identity and possessions are not earned; rather, they are a result of grace. It is something we should never forget. And for our mere existence, we ought to be eternally grateful to Jesus.
Let us Pray
You have indeed blessed me, O Father. My blessings in tangible form are amazing. I cannot express how much Christ has blessed me spiritually. I'm grateful. Please assist me in always remembering that You are the source of all of my benefits, including my money, opportunities, and abilities, and in making the best use of them for Your glory. Amen.

1st Reading – 2 Peter 1:2-7

2 Beloved: May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
3 God’s divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly religious life through our knowledge of the one who called us to share in his own glory and goodness.
4 In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature.
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.

Responsorial Psalm – Psalms 91:1-2, 14-15B, 15C-16

1 You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High,who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,2 Say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.”R. In you, my God, I place my trust.
14 Because he clings to me, I will deliver him;I will set him on high because he acknowledges my name.15B He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;I will be with him in distress.R. In you, my God, I place my trust.
15C I will deliver him and glorify him;16 with length of days I will gratify himand will show him my salvation.R. In you, my God, I place my trust.

The Acclamation – SEE Revelation 1:5AB

R. Alleluia, alleluia.5AB Jesus Christ, you are the faithful witness,the firstborn of the dead;you have loved us and freed us from our sins by your Blood.R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel – Mark 12:1-12

1 Then Jesus spoke to the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders in parables: “Once there was a man who planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a hole for the winepress, and built a watchtower. Then he let out the vineyard to tenants and left home on a journey.
2 When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to the tenants to receive from them his share of the harvest.
3 The tenants seized the slave, beat him, and sent him back without a thing.
4 Then the owner sent another slave; the tenants beat him over the head and treated him shamefully.
5 The owner sent another slave, and they killed him; and they treated many others the same way, beating some and killing others.
6 The only one left to send was the man’s own dear son. Last of all, then, he sent his son to the tenants. ‘I am sure they will respect my son,’ he said.
7 But those tenants said to one another, ‘This is the owner’s son. Come on, let’s kill him, and his property will be ours!’
8 So they seized the son and killed him and threw his body out of the vineyard.
9 “What, then, will the owner of the vineyard do?” asked Jesus. “He will come and kill those tenants and hand the vineyard over to others.
10 Surely you have read this scripture: ‘The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all.
11 This was done by the Lord; what a wonderful sight it is!'”
12 The Jewish leaders tried to arrest Jesus, because they knew that he had told this parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left him and went away.
I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace, joy, and faithful friendship in your life and with your family.
Join our community, share your thoughts, and find solace and strength in the loving protection of Mother Mary. Subscribe now and embark on a spiritual journey with us.
/ mothermarysprotection
submitted by Marys_Protection to u/Marys_Protection [link] [comments]

2024.06.08 02:46 Marys_Protection Gospel Reading For Today Catholic Mass Readings & Gospel Reflection: M...

Monday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of Saints Charles Lwanga and Companions, Martyrs
Lectionary: 353
1st Reading2 Peter 1:2-7 Responsorial PsalmPsalms 91:1-2, 14-15B, 15C-16 The AcclamationRevelation 1:5AB GospelMark 12:1-12
Today’s Gospel Reflection
My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, The symbols seen in the Gospel of Today Mark 12:1–12 Jesus' audience was acquainted with. The vineyard would immediately be identified as the nation of Israel, commonly referred to as God's elect. It would be acknowledged that the Israelites' leaders were the tenants. They were assigned to labor in a lovely and well-maintained vineyard.
My dear friends, However, these leaders started to feel that the vineyard was theirs. They mistreated the vineyard owner's workers since they didn't realize it belonged to someone else. In the Old Testament, these attendants would have been identified as prophets, God's messengers. The prophets who brought the Word of God to Israel during those difficult times were abused, persecuted, and even killed.
Jesus' teaching in the Gospel of Today Perusing Although there is a strong historical connection to Mark 12:1–12, the implications of the first section of the story serve as a potent reminder for us. We tend to start seeing God's gifts, people, and Kingdom as belonging to ourselves. We lose sight of the fact that all we own is "on loan" to God and should be utilized for His Will.
Our identity and possessions are not earned; rather, they are a result of grace. It is something we should never forget. And for our mere existence, we ought to be eternally grateful to Jesus.
Let us Pray
You have indeed blessed me, O Father. My blessings in tangible form are amazing. I cannot express how much Christ has blessed me spiritually. I'm grateful. Please assist me in always remembering that You are the source of all of my benefits, including my money, opportunities, and abilities, and in making the best use of them for Your glory. Amen.

1st Reading – 2 Peter 1:2-7

2 Beloved: May grace and peace be yours in full measure through your knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
3 God’s divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly religious life through our knowledge of the one who called us to share in his own glory and goodness.
4 In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised, so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature.
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge;
6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness;
7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.

Responsorial Psalm – Psalms 91:1-2, 14-15B, 15C-16

1 You who dwell in the shelter of the Most High,who abide in the shadow of the Almighty,2 Say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress,my God, in whom I trust.”R. In you, my God, I place my trust.
14 Because he clings to me, I will deliver him;I will set him on high because he acknowledges my name.15B He shall call upon me, and I will answer him;I will be with him in distress.R. In you, my God, I place my trust.
15C I will deliver him and glorify him;16 with length of days I will gratify himand will show him my salvation.R. In you, my God, I place my trust.

The Acclamation – SEE Revelation 1:5AB

R. Alleluia, alleluia.5AB Jesus Christ, you are the faithful witness,the firstborn of the dead;you have loved us and freed us from our sins by your Blood.R. Alleluia, alleluia.

Gospel – Mark 12:1-12

1 Then Jesus spoke to the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders in parables: “Once there was a man who planted a vineyard, put a fence round it, dug a hole for the winepress, and built a watchtower. Then he let out the vineyard to tenants and left home on a journey.
2 When the time came to gather the grapes, he sent a slave to the tenants to receive from them his share of the harvest.
3 The tenants seized the slave, beat him, and sent him back without a thing.
4 Then the owner sent another slave; the tenants beat him over the head and treated him shamefully.
5 The owner sent another slave, and they killed him; and they treated many others the same way, beating some and killing others.
6 The only one left to send was the man’s own dear son. Last of all, then, he sent his son to the tenants. ‘I am sure they will respect my son,’ he said.
7 But those tenants said to one another, ‘This is the owner’s son. Come on, let’s kill him, and his property will be ours!’
8 So they seized the son and killed him and threw his body out of the vineyard.
9 “What, then, will the owner of the vineyard do?” asked Jesus. “He will come and kill those tenants and hand the vineyard over to others.
10 Surely you have read this scripture: ‘The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all.
11 This was done by the Lord; what a wonderful sight it is!'”
12 The Jewish leaders tried to arrest Jesus, because they knew that he had told this parable against them. But they were afraid of the crowd, so they left him and went away.
I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace, joy, and faithful friendship in your life and with your family.
Join our community, share your thoughts, and find solace and strength in the loving protection of Mother Mary. Subscribe now and embark on a spiritual journey with us.
/ mothermarysprotection
submitted by Marys_Protection to Catholic [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 LiteraryHedgehog MEGATHREAD: Dragon Boat Event, June 7-10

With thanks to all who helped create this guide!
This event will run from Friday, June 7 until 20:00 GMT on Monday, June 10; to participate you will need version 11.5.0 or later, at least 100 dragon power, and a high quality, stable internet connection.
Please keep event-specific questions and discussions in this thread; good luck and happy merging!


Event Notes
Elsewhere in the Game:


Tap the link above to open the Image Guide as a Google Slides document; it can be saved as a pdf for viewing elsewhere.
  1. Cloud Key Map
  2. Cloud Key Chart
  3. Tile Healing Map
  4. Infinite Harvestables Map
  5. Event Quests Chart
  6. Event Rewards Chart


Tap a key item to go to its wiki page for more info and hi-def images




  • 1.1 Merge 5 of Anything — 150 times
  • 1.2 Creat a Level 7 Point Item (Sensous Swan Lamp) — 5 times
  • 1.3 Harvest from a Level 3 Consumable Harvestable (Noble Dragon Statue) — 75 times
  • 2.1 Harvest from a Twin Life Flower — 200 times
  • 2.2 Harvest from Dead Plants — 75 times
  • 2.3 Create a Life Orb of the Heavens — 3 times
  • 3.1 Heal Land — 35 tiles
  • 3.2 Have Healed Land — 350 tiles
  • 3.3 Have Healed Land — 675 tiles
  • 3.4 Heal All the Land — 861 tiles


  • Prize 1: 3 pts (3 total)
  • Prize 2: 22 (25)
  • Prize 3: 235 (260)
  • Prize 4: 420 (680)
  • Prize 5: 640 (1,320)
  • Prize 6: 960 (2,280)
  • Prize 7: 4,470 (6,750)
  • Prize 8: 5,400 (12,150)
  • Prize 9: 6,570 (18,720)
  • Prize 10: 11,230 (29,950)


A = featured in Arcadia; S = Shiny capable; N = New
  • Main trophy breed: Turtle (AS)
  • Secondary trophy breed: Fiesta
  • Tertiary breed: Sharp
  • Event Trophy Item: Artful Bonsai Tree
    • Spawned eggs: Deer (AS)
    • Tappables: Turtle (AS)


Note: Rewards shown are for Event Portal Level 16
  • Legend (under 12 hours)
    • Main Breed: 20x nests, 5x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3, 3x L4
    • Secondary Breed: 20x nests, 5x L3, 3x L4
    • Tertiary Breed: 7x L2
    • 3x L4 Fruit Trees
  • Champion (under 24 hours)
    • Main Breed 1: 11x nests, 6x L1, 5x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 9x nests, 2x L3, 1x L4
    • Tertiary Breed 3: 12x L2
    • 2x L4 Fruit Trees, 1x Super Egg Fragment
  • Hero (under 36 hours)
    • Main Breed: 5x nests, 4x L1, 3x L2, 3x L3
    • Secondary Breed: 5x nests, 3x L3
    • 1x L4 Fruit Tree, 1x L2 Hill, 1x Super Egg Fragment


  • The Event Shop and Capsules appear after you’ve healed 30-70 tiles; after that a free Bronze Capsule can be collected every 3 hours.
  • It takes 5 or 6 level 9 Life Orb of the Heavens to clear all the 5k+ land, depending on how much you heal by merging items off dead land.
  • To collect both the full set of Points Prizes and any level of Rush Rewards, you will need to earn 29,950 points.
    • Reaching this amount requires 1x Level 9 points item, 1x L8 item, 2x L7 items, and 2x L6 items (or just aim for 2x L9 points items).
  • There’s always enough material to merge by 3s when making Key items.
  • Caves must be tapped to spawn a Zomblin; only one event Zomblin lives in each cave, and it turns into Stinky Cheese when killed.
  • The Gold Capsule, Fallen Star, and Tanzanite Nest are hiding near the far edge of the map, on tiles requiring 50k energy to heal.
  • Infinite Harvestables:
    • There are usually 9x Level 1, 3x L2, 1x L3, 2x L4, and 2x L5 Infinite Harvestables (Spiritual Trees) on the map; you can delete one level 1 and one level 2 and still have enough to make a level 6, as long as you 5-merge whenever possible.
    • Note: No Infinite Harvestables are used as keys in this event.
  • Consumable/Limited Harvestables:
    • Each 1x2 Noble Dragon Statue can be harvested 25 times; 75 total harvests are needed to complete Quest 1.3.
    • Each harvest of the big 2x2 Grinning Buddha at the back of the map yields a 10% chance of spawning an extra Noble Dragon Statue.
    • Once all available Noble Dragon Statues and the Grinning Buddha are gone, there is no way to get more.
  • Strategy advice:
    • Spending money or gems is NEVER required to complete an event, nor is using an auto-clicker or other exploits.
    • The number and level of possible reward items is determined by your Event Portal level; working to raise that to its maximum of L16 is one of the best ways to boost your overall progress in the game
    • A good basic introduction to events is available here on the Fandom Wiki; there’s also some Wiki event guides and tips articles here and here, and a whole collection of general guides and tutorials here
    • Additional general event strategy advice (active vs passive or idle play, etc) can be found in the Community FAQ and in these threads: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3, and Link 4.
    • For active players wanting more dragons, the Prism Flower method is a good option: Link 1, Link 2, Link 3. Note: this technique is only for active play; since only 2 dragons at a time will harvest when left on their own, having more will actually slow down idle harvesting.
    • A recently shared strategy using the Hills chain here can greatly increase Life Flower production, but it usually takes a few gems (maximum of 80, but less if you get some in capsules)
  • Chinese New Year event theme’s main wiki page.
  • Previous Similar Events:
REMINDER: Before closing your game, or when moving from the event level to your camp, always exit to the World Map screen and pause there until everything’s fully loaded to trigger the game to save your progress.


If the event is not showing up correctly or if glitches are affecting your play:
  1. Check that you meet the version and dragon power requirements.
  2. Try hard-closing and then relaunching your game.
  3. Try rebooting your device (ie, turn it completely off, then back on and allow it to fully boot up before relaunching the game). If you are on wifi and have access to the router, try rebooting that, too.
  4. Try switching to a completely different internet source.
  5. Try clearing your game’s cache (google for instructions for your specific phone type).
  6. If you’re suddenly experiencing multiple issues like lagging or error messages (or if the event vanishes completely), close the game and try again after 2-3 hours. Events are internet-based, and sometimes issues with the servers can cause temporary problems — all we can do for that is to wait it out.
  7. If none of the above helps, contact Gram Games Support through the in-game link or the Support Web Portal for help figuring out what’s wrong.
  • NOTE: Cloud Save is still unreliable: according to the developer, it is not safe to be used and should be left turned off.
  • NOTE: Saving your Progress: Make sure to save your progress by traveling to the World Map screen (and waiting there until everything’s fully loaded) regularly, and especially before closing your game.
  • Glitch: Missing sell/delete option If your task bar is missing the option to delete dimension jars or other items, you can start with the standard troubleshooting methods; if those don’t trigger a fix, replaying a few levels or working in your camp for a while have reportedly helped.
  • Glitch: Event level only shows clouds If your event screen shows only clouds instead of the map, check that you are zoomed all the way out. If you are and it still won’t show, try collecting one of the free Bronze Capsules (you may need to wait for the timer to count down).
  • Glitch: Missing rewards/Game crashes after collecting rewards Exiting directly from the event level to your Camp can trigger a crash and loss of items; always exit to the World Map screen first — and pause there until everything’s fully loaded — to trigger the game to save your progress, then enter your Camp.
edits are on-going
submitted by LiteraryHedgehog to MergeDragons [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:17 Gleaming_Veil (SPOILERS) Elder Scrolls Online:Gold Road New Lore

A summation of the major lore from Gold Road. Mostly main quest related.
Major Spoilers for ESO Gold Road
Ithelia has been set free and "her presence threatens both our world and the realms beyond". Leramil theorizes that the very act of "restoring her memory was enough for her to set herself free" as Mora claimed in the prologue quest that "this spire was never Ithelia's prison-being forgotten was."
It is noted stopping Ithelia will be difficult as "Ithelia is a Daedric Prince. No mortal can match her power without assistance." and Hermaeus Mora can't "move against her while she walks our world. He is bound by the Coldharbour Compact while Ithelia is not."
The Compact is said to "prevent many of the most powerful Daedric Princes from directly manifesting on Nirn." Ithelia and "the Daedra that serve her" are "not party to it's restrictions" since they were imprisoned "long before the deal was struck"
Ithelia and the Many Paths
Is first encountered at Elenglynn. In the vicinity of Elenglynn Leramil claims that "the threads of fate simply vanish" a phenomenon she's never encountered before.
Ithelia's memories are fragmentary, she has trouble recalling concepts as basic as what a Daedric Prince. Nonetheless she senses the Echonir, demanding it be used to reveal what she experienced.
Here we see that Mora confronted Ithelia and tried to get her to abandon "the Many Paths" as he foresaw that otherwise "all existence/reality" would end:
Quote:"You risk everything Ithelia. You must forsake the Many Paths.
You seek to diminish my Prince. Why should she agree to such a demand ?
To preserve reality. Her willfulness threatens all existence.
You let your fear control you and foresee an apocalypse that will never be. Depart Mora!
Ithelia disappears and won't be encountered for a while.
Leramil observes that she's confused . She believes this is "the moment Hermaeus Mora first confronted Ithelia about the danger she posed to reality" but "refused to heed him". Leramil notes that it is "a hard thing for any creature to change it's nature, especially a Daedric Prince".
You view a memory of Ithelia in Hoperoot:
Quote: Where am I ? What draws me to this place ? Yes, I believe they call it a tavern. I see the Many Paths converging there.
This tavern is the second major appearance. Approaching, it is surrounded by a shimmering field of light. Leramil says:
I am glad you are here Proxy. Threads of fate tangle around the Outcast Inn in an ever expanding knot, fraying the bonds of cause and effect with each bend and twist. Should they snap, the results would be catastrophic
What's causing the tangles Leramil ?
I cannot discern the origins. Hermaeus Mora gifted me an ability to perceive the threads of fate. This tangle painfully overwhelms that very gift whenever I try to approach the inn.
Someone without such sight must act as my agent. Namely, you.
Pass through this tangle and enter the inn. Find the source of this disturbance. Stop it however you can.
I cannot assist you in this. You shall stand alone against a force that tangles fate and unravels reality. Succeed and you shall be rewarded.
I'll enter then inn and find the cause of the disturbance.
If we allow this tangle in fate to persist. Our localized reality could collapse. In short, we would all cease to exist.

Inside is the confused Ithelia who says the following:
I don't know if you can understand me. My mind is a storm of images and voices and memories. I can see every reality at once-the Many Paths. But my grip on this realm keeps slipping.
But you. I see that you are real.
You mentioned The Many Paths. What are those ?
Possibilities, probabilities, places where fate takes a different course. Some lead to here, others to there. And a few they lead to..elsewhere. But this place. It has something I need.

You look for a way to make something called Sage's Brew. Outside the sky has morphed into one resembling Fargrave and Daedra are appearing.
Ithelia calls forth an artifact she senses, the Lamp of Clarity. She claims she can't focus through all the "overlapping paths" and urges you to shine the lamp on a "path that yearns to be explored". Opening the first portal to the Many Paths we see.
Inside Ithelia glows gold and claims "my power abandons me here"
In the shrine you meet another Ithelia and Torvesard.
Torvesard claims that he can't understand why his Prince would allow you and "that other Ithelia" to remain while "other Daedric Princes lead by Hermaus Mora approach".
When asked for help in restoring the Ithelia following you Path Ithelia explains that the Sage's Dream is the mortal name for their connection to the Many Paths, manifested as a drink brewed from ingredients made of her own essence, each path's ingredient being unique.
All Ithelias across the Many Paths are connected, extended separation weakens the bond causing distress, but Sage's Dream melds the essence of many Ithelias and allows the imbiber to take in power and understanding from said Ithelias, reintegrating her with the others.
She clarifies that your path's Ithelia was stripped of her powers when she suffered Mora's punishment. The chaos around her is the result of her power seeking to return to her.
Quote:A mortal pathwalker ? Such a creature is quite rare. And I see you are accompanied by one of my reflections. An Ithelia from a different path.
You carry something else with you it feels like..hatred. Tell me why have you come to my reality ?
The other Ithelia can't control her power. She's a threat to my reality. The lamp led us here.
Ah. Sage's Dream is the mortal name for our connection to the Many Paths. It manifests as a drink but is brewed from ingredients infused with my very own essence.
Drinking it will recollect my reflection to the Many Paths and stabilize her power.
Where do I get the ingredients ?
They bloom in my shadow. Or the shadows of other Ithelias. Each path's ingredient is unique. You can find Tirum Weed here, but the rest grows in other realities.
Take what you need pathwalker. Than you must leave before my fellow Princes arrive.
Can you explain more about Sage's Dream ?
The Many Paths connect all Ithelias across all realities. This bond can weaken over time, causing distress to an Ithelia. We developed a means to reintegrate calls Sage's Dream. It manifests as a drink to consume, but it's only an illusion.
What do you mean ?
The ingredients grow in an Ithelia's shadow. They form from our own essence. we each produce only one ingredient.
Mixing these ingredients melds the essence from many Ithelias. When imbibed, we take in the power from our reflections.
How will this help the Ithelia from my reality ?
When she drinks Sage's Dream, she takes in the combined essence of her reflections. She gains their understanding of her power. Your Ithelia will reconnect to the Many Paths and regain control of her power.
Why would an Ithelia lose control of her powers ?
An extended separation from the Many Paths, perhaps. Or yes. I see it now. Your Ithelia has already suffered Mora's punishment. Her power was stripped from her when she was locked away.
She needs to calm the storm as her power seeks to restore her.
The other Ithelia explains the Many Paths as follows: "Possibilities scatter across Aurbis, each defined by distinct choices with unique outcomes that lead to new realities. The Many Paths are the web that binds them" and these "connections" some can "traverse" as you did to get there.
Fine. But how do they work?
Ithelia: Possibilities scatter across the Aurbis, each defined by distinct choices with unique outcomes that lead to new realities. The Many Paths are the web that binds them. Some can traverse these connections, as you have done here.
And you control the Many Paths?
Ithelia: Control? No. But I have the power to see them, to follow their threads, and alter their fates. It is one of the things that Hermaeus Mora respects about me. And one of the things he fears most.
What’s strange about a mortal entering the Many Paths?
Ithelia: The mortal mind is limited. Intentionally so. Comprehending the Many Paths should overwhelm you, and actually traversing them should be impossible. I can barely do that. You are unique among your kind. Thus the title I give you — pathwalker.
What do you mean intentionally so?
Ithelia: Mortals are servants performing tasks to maintain reality. Every field plowed, child born, or war fought keeps the Aurbis stable by design. This fact is kept from them. The slave should not understand the master’s plan, lest they seek to undo them.
Why did you call the Ithelia from my path a reflection ?
Each reality bound by the Many Paths contains a version of an entity, mortal or Daedra. They each differe in some way, but each springs from the same seed.
I am no different, she and I are the same but distorted, like an image in a cracked mirror.

Ithelia explains that Mora hunts her because he "foresees a cataclysm approaching", she used her ability to "manipulate the Many Paths" to "prevent one disaster" but in that Mora saw a prelude to something "even more terrible" and sought to imprison her. She explains her plan for freedom is already in motion though she'll accept imprisonment now.
You go to a Path where the same scene is playing out a bit further along. Difference being this path's Ithelia is bitter and angry unlike the acceptance of the one before. She exclaims upon the revelation of your Ithelia's condition "of course, all Ithelias are fragile creatures. They break under the slightest pressure. Just like glass."
She laments that all she is will soon "vanish from reality" and how she is faced with "annihilation". She supposes her followers will be "locked away or scattered across Oblivion".
In the third path the shrine is being consumed by crystal and tides of ink tentacles. Ithelia notes that *"Reality in this path is extremely fragile. It might shatter. Hurry." and that Hermaeus Mora is "trying to consume the shrine. His response to the savagery of Ithelia's defense."
This Path's Torvesard he says you must "not bring that reflection any closer", he explains that in her attempts to defend herself this Path's Ithelia has "lost herself" becoming the "monster that Mora feared" and that "if she cannot regain control this reality is finished".
Quote:Your Ithelia. Does she not sense it ? The Ithelia of this Path, my Prince, has lost herself. She has become the monster that Hermaeus Mora foresaw. If she cannot regain control this reality is finished.
You explain what's going on and he theorizes the Lamp of Clarity is helping you reveal the portals because "Azura's lamp wants to preserve your reality. By helping your Ithelia regain control, she can be safely imprisoned again.
Torvesard yells to flee as he believes the end has come.
Flee while you can mortal. Save your own life. Just spare a thought for this doomed path if you survive. I suspect we will not last much longer.
I suggest you take the berries and run. Good luck.
What did you mean that Ithelia has become the monster that Hermaeus Mora foresaw ?
Torvesard: Ithelia is the Fate-Changer, the Unweaver. She has power unlike any other Daedric Prince — the power to shift existence itself. Mora long suspected that Ithelia was dangerous. But full of uncontrollable rage? Reality itself unravels around her.
What happens than ?
Torvesard: The unimaginable. Can you contemplate what happens when reality shreds like parchment beneath a sabre cat’s claws? Nothing remains when existence ceases to be.

In the background Ithelia rises up exclaiming "Behold the Last Tomorrow. Behold the Destroyer of Reality."
Your Ithelia notes that:
Quote:This Ithelia chose uncontrolled rage. It will consume every piece of this reality.
We must leave this path before my reflection destroys it.

In the background you see reality cracks forming. With the brew Ithelia regains control. She sends the echoes of beings from other paths unintentionally dragged to the Inn to their realities and leaves.
Quote:Finally the storm abates and I can clearly see the Many Paths. I can discern one reality from the next and my mind is clear.
I am myself again. I am Ithelia, Prince of Paths, Mistress of the Untravelled Road.
Ithelia: I shall set things right. The echoes I dragged from disparate paths are free to return to their own realms. And allow me to untangle the threads of fate and restore balance to this reality. I thank you, pathwalker. And I am jealous of you.
You're jealous of me ?
Ithelia: We learned that Ithelia is dangerous, a broken creature that ends up hunted. We cannot change what we are. But mortals? You choose your paths. You don’t need the powers of a Daedric Prince to alter your fate. I envy this. Goodbye, pathwalker.

Encountering Leramil she notes that:
I sense the knot in the threads of fate has untangled Proxy. This threat to our reality has passed. Should I assume you're responsible for what occured within the Outcast Inn ?
Ithelia was here and her power was out of control. I used the Lamp of Clarity to set things right.
If helping Ithelia saved reality than you made the right choice. But the Lamp of Clarity is a powerful relic, I am glad you found it.

Here the rest of the Recollection stuff takes place. During the siege on the Keep, we see another memory where Mora tries to get Ithelia to stop, warning that the "Many Paths splinter" from her manipulations. Interestingly Torvesard addresses Mora as "Ur-Daedra".
Quote:Why do you trouble my Prince ? Ur-Daedra ?
The Many Paths splinter. You manipulate fate in ways that were not meant to be!
What I do I do for the good of all. Why can you not see that Mora ?
I am not alone in my concerns. Constrain yourself Ithelia, or we will constrain you.
And you will fail. Now begone!
A memory of the past battle also appears in Miscarcand ,the place where Ithelia ultimately lost:
Why continue this struggle Ithelia ? Every fate before me says you cannot win.
But you do not see everything Mora in the Many Paths all things are possible. I will write my own fate.
Go my Prince! You must escape!
Ithelia, wait!
Ayleids of the West Weald
Something catastrophic has happened to Ostumir "the ground rumbled like an angry timber mammoth" and "whole buildings collapsed" as strange beasts appeared.
When questioned on whether Bosmer magic could be responsible for the new forest Beragon says that while it "can speed and direct growth" the results of Bosmer magic are "not to this scale" and "not so wild and untamed it can destroy whole villages".
Greenspeakers are "the finest practicioners of nature magic" who can "wiggle their fingers and a tree bends it's shape into a home". The Greenspeaker claims it involves "merging my voice with the song of nature and guiding how things grow", but no regular Greenspeaking could sprout something as large as a "new forest" and not "as fast as this appeared".
Sorilen, claims that "all Bosmer can trace their roots back to the ancient Ayleids. Well, almost all".
What happened to Ostumir is tied to the initial forest's emergence.
The forest, was grown through a ritual carried out by the Recollection. And around the epicenter of said ritual things called "Wildburn Seeds" naturally sprout, which the cult is gathering for their plans.
Sorilen describes the Wildburn Seed as similar to seeds the Greenspeakers use but "different, filled with unique potential". She also explains that the Ayleid ruins dotted throughout the West Weald date to the "late Merethic Era" and that these Ayleids were "particularly fond of someone they called the Prince of Paths".
She is a Recollection member, and the Recollection are Ayleid revivalists focused on the legacy of the West Weald Ayleids. They believe what was Ayleid land "rightfully belongs to the Wood Elves" and "wish to make it reality".
The Recollection is said to not have existed "a year ago", it's like "hundreds of people woke one day and decided to join a cult" as they're "convinced something's been taken from them and will do anything to reclaim it". They're implied to have been influenced by the restoration of the memory of Ithelia, essentially. They're recruiting people "who feel lost" mostly wood elves but "not exclusively" and are working with the Mirrormoor Daedra.
The Wildburn Seeds were Greenspring Seeds, "sacred seeds of the Green" which Greenspeakers use to "grow new sections of forest and shape them into enclosures and settlements". They became Wildburn Seeds after being infused with Daedric magic, causing an "unprecedented explosion of energy" and the Wildburn.
The Vashabar Bosmer are split into two factions: Green Pact Bosmer and Dawnway Bosmer.
The latter faction are those who adhere to the ideas of King Nantharion, a descendant from House Rayn of Silvenar, an ancient house of Ayleid origins, who claims this new forest is the "Dawnwood", a "gift" from Valenwood which they're meant to follow to reclaim their "heritage".
Dawnwood Bosmer harvest crops, eat plants, and follow the "roots of the Dawnway", the idea that the legacy of the Ayleids, the Saliache, flows through the veins of the Bosmer and the land itself thus they must follow these "roots" and reclaim their heritage.
Investigating more you travel to Hoperoot, this practically mountainous living fortress of colossal twining trees and rock grown through Bosmer magic, interspersed with ruins which the trees raised into the sky when they grew.
You discover that Nantharion leads the Recollection and wishes to create a new Ayleid domain in the West Weald. He is the one creating the Wildburn Seeds through infusing Greenspring Seeds with energy from the Staff of Many Paths, a relic of Ithelia that's "filled with her power".
You interrupt a ritual to create an especially potent Wildburn Seed, causing the seed to release it's energies uncontrollably and Hoperoot is destroyed in the process.
It's revealed that the Wildburn Seeds are meant to awaken the magic sleeping in the Ayleid ruins in the West Weald and use it to "restore the ancient realm".
There's one especially potent font of power that's the goal, the Well of Miscarcand, a kingdom whose kings Nantharion descends from. The Well is something Ithelia remembers:
Quote:The Wildburn is but a tool my Prince. A way to awaken the ancient magic sleeping beneath this land.
Yes, the Well of Miscarcand, I remember it now.
Miscarcand was the ancient realm of my ancestors, my Prince. But the well lies hidden.

He says Ayleid Wells collect magicka, "starlight, the pure power of Aetherius". Miscarcand was "the capital city of a powerful kingdom", one of "the more powerful city-states on the western part of the empire", so it's Well must be "huge". Enough to "restore the Ayleid Empire, restore Ithelia to her ancient might, do anything they can imagine".
Miscarcand survived Alessia's Rebellion and joined the Empire. It also survived the Alessian Order as their forces couldn't breach it's defenses. It fell when it's populace left in bands on their own to travel to Valenwood, with only the last king, Morimath, staying behind
Miscarcand is where Ithelia lost her battle with Mora and the Three Good Daedra. In the memory seen Torvesard urges to "guard the door, they must not reach the Well", hinting at it's importance.
Vargas intervenes to somehow trap you within the memory with Alea noting you "vanished" in the real world. But you escape using Abolisher. Ithelia awakens the well though the Seeds are destroyed.
Nantharion intends to use the energy of the Well to both create a Wildburn Seed so potent it will cover the West Weald and restore Ithelia's might.
Your foes destroyed your seeds. But do not fear, my very presence has awakened the well.
Than draw power from the well my Prince. You will be restored, and I will create a Wildburn that will transform the Weald
He is fought wielding the Staff of Many Paths and killed. But he manages to absorb the Well's energy into the Staff before that. Ithelia's minions retrieve the Staff and channel the energy into Ithelia, restoring her.
When leaving Vargas asks Ithelia to "free us from the chains of fate", Ithelia affirms that "with the Loom I'll restore all that was lost."
Leramil exclaims the threads of fate are "fraying at an alarming rate". She says that reality is endangered by Ithelia's choices rather than he travels. Whatever she chooses to do "reality must accomodate her" but it will "shatter in the attempt".
Quote:I do not think this reality is endangered by Ithelia's travels but by her choices. Whatever she decides to do, reality must accomodate her. It will shatter in the attempt.
The threat of her next decision causes fate to now fray.

You use the Skein to track Ithelia's last portal and reopen it with Abolisher to reach..Fargrave.
Leramil notes that this quarter of Fargrave she's never been to before. She speculates that Fargrave, whose origins are lost, might have been Mirrormoor before Ithelia was forgotten and is reshaping in response to it's Prince's return.
Alternatively, if this "lost quarter" was "part of Ithelia's realm" it may have "fallen into ruin during her long absence".
Ithelia's crystals are seen growing through the quarter, it is said "Mirrormoor follows in it's Prince's wake".
You encounter Vargas who says "you dare trespass into Mirrormoor. In the very heart of our power ? I banish you to the Many Paths". She banishes Alea and Beragon but Leramil manages to shield you and her. Leramil notes this was possible because Vargas is "much more powerful" now.
Leramil explains:
Yes. Beragon and Alea ceased to be real to us and became real somewhere else. That is the nature of the Many Paths, and a terrifying example of how the ability to navigate them can be misused.
When asked if they can be retrieved Leramil says:
Perhaps, but only if we can find a point of connection in this place. Shardmaster Vargas must have hurtled our allies through physical distance as well as beyond this reality.
They are..someplace else. The Many Paths lead to different possibilities. different realities. There is no way to know where Vargas sent them.

She notes the "threads of fate surrounding Fargrave are in turmoil, something significant will soon occur"
Crossing a portal to the Loom (speculated by Leramil as a pocket dimenion within the demiplane of Fargrave), the loading screen reveals the cause of the whole conflict:
This is a gift. The gift of unconstrained choice. The Loom will weave a new story for every being. What they choose to be true.
And than from the memory:
Quote: My Loom of the Unravelled Road fills this place. From it's core I can break the shackles of fate. Undo mistakes. Unlock possibilities. Create new histories.
It's magnificent. But won't the other Princes see it as a threat ?
A threat ? This is a gift. The gift of unconstrained choice.
The Loom will weave a new story for every being. What they choose to be. All shall benefit!

Not content with her normal forays into the Paths. Ithelia created a great fate altering engine, the Loom, with which she intended to give every being the story they desired for themselves, believing all would benefit.
As Leramil notes this is not actually possible "we must reach them before they destroy the reality we know". Fate would just snap and reality would be destroyed. Mora tried to warn Ithelia, but she wouldn't listen.
Unrolling the Skein triggers a "paroxysm" in the Vestige and Leramil is surprised they survived, a defense.
Quote:Something blocked me from using the Skein of Secrets ?
I cannot say. Daedric Princes are supreme within their own realms. The longer we are delayed, the stronger Ithelia grows. In fact the next defense we trigger may be more dangerous-I do not think it wise to use Abolisher here.

You see one of the Bearers of Fargrave transforming. Leramil says:
The great skeleton above is one of the Bearers of Fargrave. Ithelia is changing it to it's Mirrormoor reflection.

Vargas diverts Leramil's portal to Ithelia's Prison. We see a memory where Ithelia claims she'll be free but Mora argues he doesn't see such a path. Leramil notes Mora was wrong as he "could not predict what he could not perceive-Ithelia's scions, the Unseen"
In the mirrors you see Beragon. Leramil realizes that "these ruined mirrors look into different realities. They may be doors to the Many Paths". You use the Lamp to open the doors and retrieve them.
You reach the Loom with Abolisher. Here Ithelia says:
Quote:Now I can undo my long imprisonment! Make it so I was never forgotten.
The Loom awaits my Prince. Reshape the fates and restore the glory of Mirrormoor.
Mirrormoor stands ready my Prince. Weave a better reality with your Loom!

You beat Vargas and destroy the Loom using Abolisher. However Ithelia has absorbed an immense amount of power, "filled with the power of the Many Paths" and become "something else", the "Last Tomorrow, the Unweaver"
While fighting she questions why you're attempting to stop her and says she's "doing this for you".
Scruut appears warning that Mora "senses fates and futures, winking in and out of existence. Potentials he predicted that will never be! I feel these instabilities rippling across reality."
Scruut says these are "places where the threads of fate fray and shred. And it's getting worse!" one is forming in the Weald and, though Scruut's duty is to repair fate anomalies, these "scare even me".
Scruut realizes that "what started as instabilities in the threads of fate has become tears in the fabric of reality itself. This is the realization of Mora's fears.
The relics have been depleted, so you need to restore them. You are confronted by Torvesard. He claims that fears about reality are due to Mora having "blinded you" and when Mirrormoor is resurrected and history altered, you might "have a different opinion".
Leramil exlpains that Torvesard's: "faith to his Prince has made him blind to the danger she poses to existence itself.These tears are spreading. Soon the fabric of reality may be too damaged to repair. We need to find Ithelia before that happens.
A memory from the Loom reveals Ithelia's plan now the Loom is gone, to take Apocrypha and turn it into a new Mirrormoor from where she may rewrite history.
Leramil notes the power Ithelia absorbed from the Loom "turned her into the very monster Hermaeus Mora foresaw".
The Vestige asks why everyone keeps saying Daedra can't change if that's what you just saw happen. Leramil says that this is different, "Changes does not come naturally to Daedric Princes, not like it does for mortals." what happened was the "result of untold power, not conscious effort". The other Path Ithelias were different because of the "different way events played out in those other realities" but Daedric Princes have no experience with "the constant evolution and transformation of mortals. They are eternal, and have no point of reference for the transient."
The Vestige notes that Ithelia was different when first met, she was confused and "as powerful as a mortal". Leramil says that that's not the same as truly being mortal.
Still she realizes that getting her to reflect on other possibilities might be a way to changer her perspective.
Scruut notes that "more tears in reality keep appearing" and scoffs at the idea of Ithelia changing:
Quote:Daedra don't change! Daedric Princes especially. It's their nature! We're not like you mortals, constantly reflecting on possibilities and remaking yourselves over and over.
She's a monster, and will always be a monster."

Vestige points out how Ithelia wasn't like that at first, and what they saw on the other Paths. Scruut concedes it might work and comes up with a plan.
There was once a relic created by a wizard, a mirror that "revealed the innermost thoughts and dreams of the viewer".
You are told to seek a Primordial Shattered Titan, one of the first Daedra Ithelia ever created and get one of it's shards.
Torvesard appears and attempts to manipulate one of the cracks in reality to erase you, moving it on top of you. Curate Gadayn is erased instead.
Scruut claims "we all face nonexistence" if something isn't done about Ithelia and the cracks. You make the Mirror of Truth to make Ithelia reflect on her innermost self, and depart for Apocrypha as "with each passing minutre reality breaks down a little more".
Vestige asks how you'll find them. and Leramil answers:
Quote:Apocrypha, like all Oblivion realms, is infinite. But we have the Skein of Secrets. I shall open a portal. Use the Skein once we cross into the realm and see if it can pinpoint Ithelia's location.

Apocrypha is physically transforming to reflect Mirrormoor. In the Mythos the skies are becoming like those of Fargrave. Mora is trapped by Ithelia and Torvesard and is being drained of his power by Torvesard via the Staff of Many Paths,and Ithelia.
Mora says Ithelia has become "the monster he foresaw" and that "reality collapses" around her as "fate's threads unravel".
Ithelia descends, bidding Torvesard to keep draining Mora.
You fight her for a bit, than use the Mirror of Truth on her. Ithelia explains that Mora was right and she saw the truth before being imprisoned, but it was too late as she'd already set her escape in motion.
Now it's too late. The power she took from the Loom and from Mora is too much, a "madness" is upon her that will not abate. She needs to shed the excess power for it to be quelled.
Quote: That mirror... it showed me the truth. I have become the monster that Mora predicted. And I remember. I saw it, too. As Mora sealed my prison all those eons ago, I realized at the end... he was right. I am the Last Tomorrow.
Vestige: What does that mean, the Last Tomorrow ?
Ithelia: It was what Mora saw when he examined my threads of fate. That I would become the Unweaver, the Destroyer of Reality. In that last moment, as the door to my prison slammed shut and my memories frayed, I saw it, too. But it was too late.
Vestige: Why was it too late ?
Ithelia: Because I had already set the compulsion in Torvesard's mind. I had already unspooled the thread to freedom. Now your actions have brought me a moment of clarity, but it will not last. Already I feel the power, the madness, reassrting itself.
Vestige: But you saw the truth. You know what happened. You can change.
Ithelia: A nice though, but I am Daedra. I cannot change. And once the madness comes upon me, I doubt you will be able to contain me again. Forgotten memories and near-limitless power blinded me. It led us exactly to the moment in time Mora feared.
Vestige: Can't you simply surrender ?
Ithelia: Not while the power of Loom and the energy I took from Hermaeus Mora flows through me. I must shed this power once and for all. Only then can the growing madness be quelled.
All right. If you can shed the power, do it now. Hermaeus Mora. You were right, i am a danger to fate and reality, let me return what is rightfully yours.

She attempts to return Mora's power and shed the excess from the Loom. But Torvesard intervenes, he imprisons Ithelia and absorbs the power of both Princes into himself using the Staff of Many Paths. claiming he'll finish this himself.
You defeat Torvesard (Vestige notes in the quest logs this is possible because it's too soon and he doesn't control the power yet, but will become "unstoppable" if given time to gain control).
Ithelia is freed and reaffirms both that she created her Scions and that she planted this compulsion in Torvesard's mind to avert a fate she now sees had to pass.
Torvesard's Vestige appears and claims he will never relent, he is eternal and will return as many times as it takes to complete his mission. Ithelia laments the inability of Daedra to change, returns Mora's power and disperses hers (the excess that is) into the Void and assigns Torvesard's "essence to nothingness, never to return" urging him to at last "be at peace".
Quote:I created my Scions to save me from a fate I finally accepted though I forgotten until you reminded me.
Torvesaad: No, my Prince. I am Dremora. I am eternal. I will reform and complete the task you set before me.
Ithelia: Such is the nature of daedra, never changing, never growing. I return your power to you Mora and I disperse mine into the void. Then she look Torvesaad and says: And you Torvesaad, my most faithful, I can assign your essence to nothingness, never to return. Be at peace. At last. Poor Torvesaad, blinded by a compulsion I never should have bestowed.

Mora says it's time to imprison Ithelia but Ithelia notes that this means nothing, it's temporary by nature. Even if she's imprisoned, forgotten and stripped of her power, she is a Prince. Her power will always find a way to return to her and release her, and the madness will eventually resume once all this energy grips her again. Such is the true nature of their "Princely Dispositions".
Mora claims there's nothing else to do, Princes are "forever". So Ithelia asks Vestige for another solution.
Quote: Fate's chosen accomplished the tasks I set before them. Now Ithelia, it is time to resume your imprisonment.
To what end ? As long as I remain in this reality, the threat I pose persists. My power will always find a way to return to me, such is the nature of our..Princely Dispositions.
The threads of fate agree with you, but what choice do we have ? You are Deadra, immortal forever, I see no other path before us.
Our natures confound us. We need different perspective, one you so elegantly provide.

Vestige asks whether the Paths only lead to alternate realities. Ithelia explains they lead "everywhere, other places, other possibilities, parallel realities". So it's suggested she go to a place where there "is no power. Ithelia says it's possible, a path with "no magic or Daedra" where her power "doesn't exist" and "can't gain a foothold". Mora can find the path, Ithelia will show him how to open it, and Vestige will sever the link with Abolisher.
Quote:My very nature makes returning me to prison a temporary reprieve at best. My power will always find a way back to me. And with it, the threat of the madness that overcomes me and can unravel reality. Mortal, talk with me more about change.
Mortals change all the time. And we saw different versions of you on the Many Paths.
Yes, my reflectons. When we walked the Many Paths at the Outcast Inn, we visited realities where things had gone another way. I am different in those realities, but that is not choice. That is consequence. The aftermath of alternative events.
Do the Many Paths only lead to alternate realities ?
The Many Paths lead everywhere. Other places, other possibilities, parallel realities. You can go anywhere, if you can just find the path.
If the threat to reality comes from you power, what about someplace where there is no power ?
No power ? A path where Daedra and magicka do not exist ? Hmm. It would need to be a place where my Daedric power held no sway and could gain no foothold. I feel the tendrils of my discarded power searching, reaching toward me. We must hurry, mortal.
Is such a path possible ? What would we need to do to make that happen ?
Indeed. Hermaeus Mora find an acceptable path and I can show him how to open the way. And then we would need you to use the Abolisher. To destroy the path so that I could never return to this reality. Ask Mora if this will suffice.

Mora is skeptical but concedes. He and Ithelia open the gate together, and Ithelia walks through after bestowing some knowledge onto Leramil's mind to comfort her, as she crosses she transforms from her divine/winged form into the smaller hooded form she first had when you saw her (when she was still stripped of her powers due to Mora's punishment).
Abolisher is used to sever the link.
Quote:Speak, fate's chosen. You were deep in conversation with the Prince of Paths. What do your mortal eyes see that elude my Daedric senses ?
Since prison is a temporary solution at best, why don't you send Ithelia down a different path ?
A path that is better that the solution I devised so long ago ? Inconceivable! Do not overstep your bounds, mortal.
Isn't that why you chose a mortal to help you ? Because we see things differently from you ?
Do not use my own words against me! Still, you are correct in that regard. Very well, chosen of fate. What do you suggest we do with Ithelia to preserve our reality ?
Ithelia can find a distant reality without magicka. Where she would have no power and pose no harm.
Leave this reality for a realm where she would have no access to her Daedric power ? I had not considered that. I would need to confirm that the reality guarantess our safety, but how will we make certain that she would indeed be exiled forever ?
Wait, we lost good friend to one of the reality tears. Is there anything-
The tears were not my creation, only an effect of my passing. All I can offer this wisdom to ease your mind.

The issue of the cracks in reality remains however. The cracks will grow and "fully unravel" the "fabric of fate" and end "all of existence". Reality cracks allowed to persist grow until all is gone, and altering fate too much can cause them, this is the manner in which Ithelia's power endangers reality.
Quote:Even though Ithelia has been exiled and Torvesard defeated, the threat to all of existence posed by the tears in reality remains. I need to find a way to repair them before the fabric of fate fully unravels.

You use the relics of the Three and a spell by Mora to restore reality, the relics are undone, they're just "a map, a lamp, and a sword" now.
Beragon notes that once Torvesard first "forced us all to remember, history changed".
When you meet Mora Leramil is there and asks to be given understanding of what Ithelia showed her, the Many Paths (as Mora's exclamation reveals). Mora provides no explanation, but claims he'll restore Gadayn as long as she promises to pay a price he will ask one day.
Mora says Ithelia has been "exiled from this reality" and must be "once more removed from memory, for the sake of existence". Everyone will remember the mortal realm was threatened and the Vestige saved them, but not Ithelia, Mirrormoor, or the Paths (Vaermina, Peryite and the Recollection are seen as responsible). Mora and the Vestige will remember everything.
The Vestige asks whether Ithelia is really gone forever. Mora says that, though he is Ur-Daedra and sees infinite possibilities he can't necessarily see the final path. This unpredictability is the gift of those like the Vestige.
Quote:A hint of insolence lurks in that quary. You convinced two Daedric Princes to change course. Do you doubt your own convictions ?
No matter. Ithelia has gone to a reality where she has no power, and you destroyed the only path between here and there.
You're all knowing. Why did this outcome surprise you ?
I am Ur-Daedra. The One Who Knows. I see infinite possibilities arrayed before me, but not necessarily the final path.
In you I saw potential, but I could not determine how that potential would be realized. That is your power mortal. Use it wisely.

He erases Ithelia's memory again.
"Now let my word go forth! Purge Ithelia from every mind in our shared reality. Now and for eternity!
The threads of fate are described by Leramil as the "lines of possibility which weave through reality and hold everything together."
Per the Threads of Mirrormoor body art the "threads of fate live within us all, weaving all reality together in a terrible, beautiful tapestry"
The Face art claims that "all destinies may be changed, as the children of Mirrormoor know all too well".
submitted by Gleaming_Veil to teslore [link] [comments]