Naruto vs bleach cheats


2019.05.13 02:11 BleachVNaruto

A community made to discuss the Chinese flash game bleach Vs naruto

2013.02.12 00:14 TrafalgarDLaw Anime Battles: Which anime will reign supreme?

Post discussions of cross anime fights you would like to see and let the community vote who would kick ass. For Example Bleach vs Naruto or Goku vs Alucard.

2012.03.22 20:26 Teekoo Hajime no Ippo

/hajimenoippo is a subreddit dedicated to George Morikawa's work Hajime no Ippo.

2024.06.09 21:41 ultimatevaltryek123 DBX: Aiger Akabane (Beyblade Burst) vs Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach)

DBX: Aiger Akabane (Beyblade Burst) vs Kenpachi Zaraki (Bleach) submitted by ultimatevaltryek123 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:45 ShadowGod626 Any other anime on the lvl of Naruto?

Any there any other Anime on the lvl of Naruto, when it comes to Character Writing, Action, Story and emotional Impact?
I already watched HxH, Attack on Titan, One Piece (still watching) and Bleach, but didn't find quite one like it.
submitted by ShadowGod626 to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:32 EldritchSpoon Subscription Organization and Filters

I wish there was a way apply filters to our subscriptions. After you've subscribed to you 1000th fic the list is so huge and daunting it becomes basically impossible sift through it for specific fics AND if some of them are rare updated or worse, dead, then you won't even get an email to tell you it updated and remind you it exists.
There are several fics I'd like to read again but I can't remember the names and my list is so huge and varied it's next to impossible to find anything in a reasonable timeframe. Sonic, Owl House, Amphibia, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, Naruto, D&D, One Piece, My Hero Academia, Bleach, Warhammer 40K, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Witcher, Star Fox, Star Wars, Devil May Cry, Monster Hunter, Fallout, Undertale, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Persona, Metal Gear, Invincible, Dragonball, Halo, God of War, Cats Don't Dance, Fullmetal Alchemist, Batman, Spider-Man, Superman, Wonder Woman, Fairy Tail, Danny Phantom, Invader Zim, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, Harry Potter, Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank, Jak & Daxter, my list can go on and on forever for my variety in fan fics.
And if I could at LEAST filter them by franchise that'd be a world of help.
submitted by EldritchSpoon to AO3 [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 20:10 aomine1234 Whats yall favorite fights?

Been watching naruto since 2007 and here is my top 3:
  1. Naruto v Sasuke (part 1):
This is my favorite anime fight of all time. It has high stakes but no end of world kinda. If Naruto won Sasuke would go back to the village and if Sasuke won he would go to orochimaru. No bullshit power ups, instead they where consistent and made sense. Beautiful fight showcasing their arsenal and toolbox.
  1. Kakashi vs kakuzu and hidan:
Was fun seeing kakashi 1v2 2 akatsuki members and seeing his taijutsu mastery. Feels like he had to use his base sharingan to its fullest potential since one screw up means he was gone. Love the heavy taijutsu against hidan.
  1. Obito vs Konan:
Finally got to see obito fighting and was fun seeing konan cornering obito but was interrupted by izanagi. But great showcasing and a fun short fight.
Whats yall? Love to hear peoples opinions.
submitted by aomine1234 to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:42 Aginagala WWF Breakdown 1998 Review

Welcome back to my running series of WWF PPV Reviews from a ‘blind’ perspective (I have no idea what’s going to happen; the results, the feuds or how good any of the matches will be). I have always heard stories of the attitude era and golden age but never watched it myself so I set myself to watching every single PPV event chronologically. I am also watching Wrestling Bios ‘reliving the war’ series to keep me updated inbetween the events with the feuds, and to get excited about upcoming matches.
Before I review the matches, based on the past few episodes of raw and last PPVs I’ll let you know, going into the event, which match I’m most excited for and which feud I’m most excited to see.
Now this may surprise you but I’m most excited for the opener with edge vs owen hart. Although not over with the fans yet edge is a hall of famer and I really enjoy his in ring ability, and I think mixing him in with Owen hart is just a match made for success. Excited to see what they can do.
Feud Wise the triple threat is sure to deliver, Austin will have to pull out an absolute miracle to be able to get the win over Kane & Undertaker since they can’t pin each other. Everything to do with the main eventers is fantastic, although the steel cage match looks to be very good as well.
WWF Breakdown 1998 Match Ratings
Edge vs Owen Hart 2.5/5
Too Much vs Al Snow & Scorpio 1.75/5
Marc Mero vs Droz 0.75/5
Vader vs Bradshaw 2/5
D’Lo Brown vs Gangrel 1.5/5
Ken Shamrock vs Mankind vs The Rock Steel Cage Match 3.75/5
Dustin Runnels vs Val Venis 1.25/5
Jarett & Southern Justice vs X-Pac & New Age Outlaws 2.25/5
Stone cold Steve Austin vs Undertaker vs Kane 3.5/5
As I said in the intro an absolute dream match to start the ppv with edge vs Owen Hart. I genuinely think they’ll pull off something impressive here.
The crowd was pretty quiet for most of the match, but there were a few pops for the clean moves they pulled off and they got more into it by the end. This was just a classic wrestling match, although I have to say they were a bit off the ball, with their general in ring action being a little slow and unenthusiastic. I’m guessing edge wasn’t feeling as confident at this point of his career. AND WE SEE CHRISTIAN AT ONE POINT!! He appeared at the side of the ring and caused the distraction for Owen hart to get the sneak pinfall victory.
It wasn’t as good as I thought it would be but it was still a good wrestling performance, it’s just a shame the crowd really wasn’t behind them. You can’t blame them though there was no build up to the match.
Now I know a lot of people won’t like the whole silly Al snow gimmick going on at this point but to be honest I find some enjoyment in it. It’s funny and lighthearted and silly and I think it’s good to mix it up like this and not take everything super seriously. Too much is a good group to work with to make the silly gimmick funny as well.
First off I gotta say… what the hell is going on with Scorpios hair. Bro got one of the worst trims I’ve ever seen 😂 seriously needs to have a stern talk with his barber.
The crowd was much more into this match than the opener though, they actually enjoyed this more than Owen hart and edge which is crazy to me. But then again the wrestling, surprisingly was better in this one. It was fast paced, it wasn’t dragged out too long, it had some funny moments in it, just a decent mid card match. There wasn’t anything REALLY good in it so I won’t rate it highly or a must watch or anything but I found some enjoyment in it.
Marc Mero comes down to the ring and the crowd chants “sable”, of course. Droz makes his entrance and there’s is quite literally no reaction from the crowd, I haven’t seen him before so I’m guessing this is his debut.
This match however was very very boring I really didn’t enjoy it. There was one spot from Droz that was entertaining when he performed a good aerial move but other than that I don’t have much to say, just not a great match.
The crowd was REALLY quiet for the Vader vs Bradshaw match and honestly I felt bad for Vader as the crowd were being super harsh to him: calling him fat and giving him no appreciation, a sad thing to see how far he fell off. The match was SUPER stiff though, a lot of shots they did looked extremely painful and brutal, but in the way that it looked like there were hits out of frustration…
I thought they actually had a decent match though, it was just very stiff and the crowd was not into it at all; the crowd chanted boring and had no enthusiasm for anything happening in the match at all. This is a tough crowd tonight. I do like that Bradshaw changed his hairstyle though, strange seeing him with black hair though.
This random dude called Jason does impression of various superstars and to be fair he actually does a really good job, the Rock sounded bang on.
I say this again, D’Lo has actually been impressing me a lot recently, he’s really developed his in ring ability and looks way better. I think he’s really benefitting from being his own person in the WWF as well.
Gangrel I think is actually a good idea for a character in the wwf, I mean hey if you can make the undertaker work you can make Gangrel work, and the dude looks odd enough to pull it off. But it will only really work if his in ring ability matches his character; he’s a vampire so he has to embody that in his move set and how he does things, just like undertaker does with his deadman persona.
D’Lo hits a fantastic looking piledriver early on in the match as he took control, this looked really good and there was a loud audible gasp from the crowd when he hit it. But when they had the crowd behind them they decide to completely slow it down with rest holds in the middle of the ring and the stadium fills up with boos. To be fair it wasn’t that long that they held it it was just the crowd being very tough once again. D’Lo picks up the win in a match that had some decent spots but wasn’t really that great, it started well but finished poorly, the mark henry interference was random too and didn’t do anything for the match. Just an eh, you can skip this one.
Next we have the steel cage match and this should be really good. The rock has been on fire recently, foley has also been on top of his game and shamrock is someone I’ve grown to appreciate a lot in the wwf.
We get a promo from shamrock which was super average and then we get a promo from the rock, and my god talk about showing the prominent difference being good on the mic can make. The rock has now began his rise to superstardom not only from his amazing work in the ring but his mastery of the microphone. Mankind also cuts a good promo I swear my guy never stutters with his weird ass promos 😂😂. This is the difference between a star and a superstar though, just watch shamrocks promo and then the rocks… it’s quite amazing to see.
Shamrock makes his entrance and I think I’m hearing more boos than cheers, is he a heel right now? I don’t think so… the rock makes his way out and for one of the first times we hear the “Rocky” chants without the sucks after it! He gets a huge ovation here and it’s great to see. Finally there’s more than one mega star in the wwf right now again.
The match started a little slow with the three having a bit of a difficult time finding ways to fill the time in the ring as it is admittedly very limited what they can do: no outside ring work, three people with only the ring and the cage to work with. People were really behind the rock in this match though, like REALLY behind him, as soon as the rock started getting in any offence the crowd lost it, especially that double peoples elbow. There were thunderous chants of “rocky” as he started climbing the cage after that.
The match really picked up in the second half and eventually we get to see mankind doing ANOTHER big dive off a large steel structure. He’s done this before in a steel cage match but this time it missed and he lands straight in the mat, ouch that’s gotta take the wind out of you. I wasn’t sure how the match would play out but I was pleasantly surprised, Rock just can’t miss with his matches right now! Everything he’s involved in just seems to steal the show recently. Mankind hit shamrock with an absolutely thunderous steel chair shot after stopping shamrock from escaping through the cell door, foley climbs the cage and is about to escape but the rock pinned shamrock before he could hit the floor and the rock is the no 1 contender for the title! To be fair I would’ve actually enjoyed an even longer match than they had. Once they got going they really got going, but the rock was a highlight for this match he did fantastically. A great match for the mid card especially. It would’ve been even better with triple H instead of shamrock and to be fair I was disappointed to see he wasn’t on the match card, but in the future we definitely don’t have a lack of the rock vs triple H.
Man Dustin Rhodes just hasn’t had a good gimmick recently, this buildup for a match is quite literally that his wife cheated on him and because he’s a preacher he will make him repent. I suppose it’s an improvement over the artist previously known as Goldust. I personally hate home wreckers but I also hate preachy religious zealots trying to throw it in your face and convince kids they will go to hell if they ever do anything wrong so I’m not actually cheering for anyone in this match. I’m more routing for Dustin though, Val is just such an asshole 😂.
Marlena/terri comes out with Val and dances with him, and mah gawd she’s got next to naut on! The dancing is super cringy, COME ON DUSTIN PUT HIM IN HIS PLACE! To be fair to them I am invested in seeing Val getting beaten so they’ve done a decent job somewhere.
Dustin hit a great power bomb at the start of the match but then… that was kinda it and not really too much else happened. A chin lock is applied that goes on for way too long, Dustin fought out and hit two clotheslines, they battle a bit more and Terri uses the amazing power of the poontang to give Val a level up in strength and stamina. But Dustin manages to hit a bulldog for a two count that… the ref just stopped at? No clue what happened there. But then Val manages to get the win -.- the smug bastard. The crowd was more into asking Terri to take her clothes off than the match and you can’t blame them it was pretty dull. Not too much to say here. It would’ve been much better as a short physical brawl, which would’ve made sense for the heat they created between each other.
I’m very much hoping to see double J in the match for most of the time, I have no idea who Jaretts team mates are but they just look boring, not to be rude but they look like they’ll be slow and not entertaining. Double J has grown on me as a heel and that’s simply because of his in ring ability, he’s had a few entertaining mid cards recently.
I absolute love that choke hold exchange between x-pac and double J they seem to do every time they wrestle. It looks really good and really builds on the match hype. As I suspected jaretts team mates were very boring so they decided to have Jarett in for most of the match. Everything not involving those two was good. Billy Gunn has really grown on me as well and he works way better being involved with DX than he did before, it’s not that different of a role but I don’t know, maybe he just enjoys it more. Jarett absolutely nailed x-pac with a guitar at the end of the match on the outside of the ring which sounded insanely loud and looked extremely painful. He then says he’s injured his eye and honestly he does a great job because it was believable so I suppose we’ll see the outcome of that injury coming up.
The match was okay… it wasn’t anything great and I don’t know why they had it as a semi main event, they should’ve had the steel cage match as the penultimate match.
Austin then has all the odds stacked against him having to basically wrestle undertaker and Kane at the same time… and they can only win by pinning him… like what!? I’m very curious to see how this will play out.
Kanes entrance is fing awesome, undertakers entrance is fing the coolest thing ever and I really like his new theme with the rock mixup and I’m guessing this new version of undertaker will take him into his ministry arc.
Austin starts off smart by attacking undertaker from behind with a steel chair as he made his entrance. Ain’t no messing around with this match we get right off to a flying start! Kane gets control in the ring again and sends Austin to the outside where undertaker continues the beatdown, but Austin sends undertaker flying into the steel steps and counters Kanes attempts to bring him into the ring. My god he’s so over right now 😂. Austin hits Kane with a stunner but undertaker drags him out the ring to break up the pin.
The only way Austin can win this match is by getting kane and undertaker to turn against each other, and we see the early signs of this when taker accidentally clocks Kane across the jaw when Austin moves out of the way.
There’s a big pop when Austin attacks brisco for getting too close and watching on with glee as Austin got beat up by the brothers of destruction, so Austin taught him a lesson.
Eventually after a very very long beatdown on Austin he gets some offence in but undertaker hits Austin with a chair, but kane pulls him off, there’s definitely going to be some drama here. Once again the same thing happens but Kane is pulled off Austin this time. But then undertaker starts destroying Kane as they battle it out. And there’s a really cool moment of Austin and Kane working together to destroy undertaker. It’s quick fast paced back and forth action here!
Eventually Kane and undertaker get their alliance back on track and the brothers resume their assault on the rattlesnake. This match has been given much more time than any other match tonight and I am definitely not complaining!
But the issues between Kane and undertaker continue to show themselves as they both want to win the title tonight, and the stipulation could be working in Austin’s favour in the later parts of this match! There’s a double clothesline and a big pop as Austin is now the only one on his feet. Somehow, some way Austin is still fighting, with everything he has against taker and Kane but he can’t keep control over the power of Kane. But Austin counters a time stone by sending Kane into the undertaker who’s in the top ropes, he looks for a stunner but undertaker hits him with a huge boot to the face. Just brilliant booking in this match. He’s hit with a double chokeslam and both undertaker and Kane pin Austin… but who’s the new champion??
Vince makes his way to the ring and he steals the wwf belt and walks back down the ramp. Austin nails brisco with a right hook and Vince literally runs away to his limo which drives away and Austin destroys all the corpos as he goes to follow Vince but he’s already gone. I thought this was a brilliant main event which really showed Austin as the toughest SOB in the business. There wasn’t loads of crazy spots or bumps or anything like that but the story told was great and I thought the back and forth of the drama and action was really fun to watch.
Overall there wasn’t anything too crazy going on with this ppv but I thought the steel cage match and the main event were well worth watching. An okay mid card with the usual stinkers mixed in there, but I’m so happy to see edge finally making his presence known in the wwf. Excited to see where the storylines go from here. I wouldn’t say there’s any MUST SEE matches in this ppv and felt more like a weekly raw episode if I’m honest but it was still good fun, you wouldn’t miss too much if you didn’t watch it though.
Overall rating 2.75/5
submitted by Aginagala to WWE [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:36 ultimatevaltryek123 Shu Kurenai (Beyblade Burst) vs Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - "How we overcome our darkness"

Shu Kurenai (Beyblade Burst) vs Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - submitted by ultimatevaltryek123 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 alexplayz227 My favorite albums, games and shows/animes

My favorite albums, games and shows/animes submitted by alexplayz227 to Topster [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 Serkinakazz Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Kabuto)

Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Kabuto) submitted by Serkinakazz to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:27 Serkinakazz Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Guts 97)

Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Guts 97) submitted by Serkinakazz to Berserk [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Serkinakazz Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Nnoitra)

submitted by Serkinakazz to bleach [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:26 Serkinakazz Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Lancer)

Happy 56th Birthday to Nobutoshi Canna! (VA: Lancer) submitted by Serkinakazz to fatestaynight [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 19:23 UltimateMegaChungus Which of these badass old folks scales the highest?

Respect your elders! Which of these elderly powerhouses is the most capable overall?
Also, as a bonus: since most of them have had apprentices and taught them a lot of things, from fighting skills to morals... which one is the best mentor overall?
submitted by UltimateMegaChungus to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:18 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, American Arcadia, En Garde!, Nuclear Blaze, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home, Shemune I & II

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to GameTrade [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:18 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, American Arcadia, En Garde!, Nuclear Blaze, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home, Shemune I & II

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 18:18 Superteletubbies64 [H] Lots of games [W] Paypal EU, American Arcadia, En Garde!, Nuclear Blaze, Turok 3, Undernauts: Labyrinth of Yomi, Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4, 5-7, Strayed Lights, Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, No Longer Home, Shemune I & II

Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers and the games in the title, unlikely to take offers for anything else atm.
If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
Looking primarily for Paypal EU offers. If you're not from EU I will only sell if you cover the paypal fees and pay in EUR instead of your native currency. I do not have a specific price for any games atm, I'm open to offers. Aside from games listed in the title I'm not very interested in offers for new games atm, even wishlisted ones
If it has "may keep" I have minor interest in the game and will likely decline any offers for it. I'd prefer to trade away games I have no interest in or own already. If I redeem it i'll remove it from the list.
DO NOT send me a chat invite before having agreed on a trade in the comments. I do not check chat often and it's a rule to not send a chat invite before commenting anyway.
If this post is more than 24-48 hours old it might not be up to date and you should check the latest trading post or my full list of tradables to see if the game(s) you want are still there.
Full wishlist here: https://barter.vg80b7/w/
My full list of tradables: https://barter.vg80b7/t/
Asterisk means region lock, ask if interested, the region lock varies depending on the game
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
GOG keys
MAY KEEP (significantly less likely to accept offer for unless I desperately want the game you're offering)
submitted by Superteletubbies64 to SteamGameSwap [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 17:11 Wonderful_Baker_7808 Lille Barro vs Granolah (Bleach vs Dragon Ball)

Lille Barro vs Granolah (Bleach vs Dragon Ball) submitted by Wonderful_Baker_7808 to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 16:53 Kenshin1296 [USA] [H] GBA SP 101, Pokemon (Emerald, Pearl, W2, MD Blue, MD EOT, Y, US, Ranger SOA, SPMD) Mario 64, Paper Mario 64, Mario All-Stars/World, Wii (MP8, MP9, MK Wii, SPM, Wii Sports/Resort, Pikmin 2) XC2, Fire Emblem Gba, Prof L Azran, Zelda OOT & LBW 3ds, Mario Paper Jam, DQIX, & More [W] PP F&F

All items are FIRM in price and include shipping!
Will take $5 off each additional item purchased (Certain items including consoles or multi disk ps1 titles may may not be included depending on heaviness or other factors. Just check in with me and I'll lyk)
Everything is tested and fully working unless stated otherwise!!!
Nintendo Switch
Psp (All Umd Only)
submitted by Kenshin1296 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 15:02 MS_otikalitero I'm looking for something new

Hi! It's been 3-4 years since I've first watched anime and I'm realising I'm losing interest in them because I just want a nice story that will make me watch an episode more when I said I will go to sleep and most anime don't do that so often so I just drop them. I'm currently watching one piece and bleach and I've also watched aot, Naruto, JoJo's , demon slayer , dragon ball , chainsaw man , jjk , solo leveling and mha . If you have any good recommendations on what I should watch next please do tell. I'm also thinking of starting black clover so if you could tell me your opinion on it it would be awesome!
submitted by MS_otikalitero to anime [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:06 iamluffy123 How close do you think Naruto (The last Movie) vs Asta (current) is?

How close do you think Naruto (The last Movie) vs Asta (current) is?
I personally think the fight is pretty close with Asta having the speed advantage while Naruto has the AP advantage. I also think Asta has better hax while Naruto has more abilities/versatility. Also how would Asta do against Naruto at his strongest in Boruto?
submitted by iamluffy123 to PowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 14:03 Choice-Character-204 Should I cheap out on the motherboard

Am in the process and I ve always conceived and assume that cheating on thee mother bored ain’t that deep of an issue but my friend told me that I should empty my pockets a bit more so my pc runs optimal pacing
Thinking of getting R7 5700x 1660 super(temp card probly getting a 3060 or 4070) And still don’t know if ddr5 vs 4 is that big of a deal Hope for built in wifi and just want a easy out of box experience My budget is around 1000aud (mostly cheapening on the gpu for now )
submitted by Choice-Character-204 to PcBuild [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:06 FlyByTieDye Another way of looking at the written part of the chunin exams, i.e. why Ten Ten didn't fail

So I've noticed a lot of people when discussing the written test in the chunin exams will make some incorrect assumptions about what that test is actually testing. I think a lot of that has to do with taking what a lot of characters say at face value, forgetting that some characters can be deceptive, and not mean what they say (e.g. Ibiki and the other proctors), or else be naive or incorrect (e.g. Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura). So, I wanted to take some time to read into the test further to come to a new perspective on it, and maybe explain how some students (like Ten Ten) managed to pass, despite having really obvious cheating techniques.
Ok, so let's look at the test from the perspective of the test takers: they sit down to take a test, thinking they have to pass it (which is their first incorrect assumption), then realise they are absolutely out of their depth. But, they still notice some people making progress on the test (e.g. the two planted chunin ninja, maybe some other rare cases like Sakura, or ninja older than immediate Academy grads), and the idea of cheating has already been planted in their minds by Ibiki's rules. But with the idea that they have 10 points, and lose two points when they are caught cheating, and fail if they reach 0, many assume (like Sasuke) that the point is to cheat without getting caught. I've noticed, many fans take on this perspective too, and so find it ridiculous how Ten Ten, Kiba, etc. were never caught, despite that mirror contraptions and dogs barking would be obvious to anyone in the room. But I think it's because even someone like Sasuke has an incomplete perspective (i.e. this is still an incorrect assumption about the test), and so we should look at the test from a different perspective.
Now, let's look at it from the perspective of Ibiki and the proctors. They have engineered a situation where the exam entrants will have to cheat. Despite the rules implying that the students would be punished for cheating, they've actually designed a scenario to force or encourage students to cheat and thus display their ninjutsu techniques, which the examiners are looking out for. Not only that, the examiners know who the students will be cheating off (there were only 2 plants with all the knowledge), so the proctors would know where to look for cheating. Also, as this YouTuber pointed out, given that most of the applicants are from the leaf village, and the proctors themselves are also from the leaf village, they'd know exactly what cheating methods to look out for, for more than half of the entrants (i.e. watch for if that Uchiha kids eyes glow red, or the two Hyuga kids eyes start wrinkling, watch out for bugs because that Aburame kid is taking the test this year, etc.) Just like in the bell test though, there's nothing really a genin could think of that an elite level Jonin couldn't already be prepared for, so I'd say it's not about using techniques the exam proctors are unaware of, it's using the techniques you do have well enough for this constructed situation of information retrieval (and transfer).
So, that is this new perspective I am proposing. The idea wasn't actually to use Ninjutsu and not get caught, it was actually a display ninjutsu (the proctors actually wanted to see you using ninjutsu), but you had to do so competently (there's also a component of team work to it, but I'll get to that later). Let's take it back a few steps, how does one become a genin? To learn one or two basic ninjutsu (shadow clone or transformation jutsu), and perform so on test day. And how does one become eligible to enter the chunin exam? To be a genin (obviously) but also complete at least 8 missions. Now, the missions that Academy grads can take on can be quite low level (capture the Daimyo's wife's cat, to baby sit for the council of elder's, to dig up sweet potatoes, etc.) so obviously they don't just want to graduate someone who has only ever caught cats and dug up yams, you wouldn't even need the Academy level Ninjutsu to do so. I guess it could be assumed that a diligent enough ninja, with enough time and missions, could learn new jutsu in that time, and in my read, the "written" part of the exam is to select for the students who have trained and learned more than the Academy level techniques, or really select out the students who have been dragging their feet, not learning new techniques and not progressing past Academy level.
So looking at it this way, the chunin exams have several levels of filtration, so that only the competent ninjas make it through. For the first example, Kotetsu and Izumo were filtering out ninja who weren't even competent in detecting genjutsu from even applying to the exams. Next, Ibiki's test heavily leans towards filtering students with good ninjutsu techniques (and team work), and both the Forrest of Death and combat rounds half the number of entrants with each round, and heavily leans towards combat, taijutsu and survivial. Now, the reason why I say the exam proctors actually wanted to see ninjutsu is because, if it was really about not cheating, they could have lowered the threshold for not getting caught (e.g. three chances, or immediate failure for cheating), or else they wouldn't have allowed e.g. Kankuro to take a puppet in, Kiba to take a dog in, etc. They actually wanted to see the genin's use these techniques to their disposal, but to do so competently.
Let's go back to the example of an Academy grad that has learned no other ninjutsu. They not only have to pass the exam, but ensure their team mates do, all without losing 10 points. Another way of phrasing that is thay they have to complete the exam (gather information and pass it to their team mates) within 5 moves. Surely, if they do use both a shadow clone, and a transformation jutsu like they learned at the Academy, they could disguise the clone to look like a proctor (just like Kankuro's puppet did) to gather test information, but that would be 2 moves instead of Kankuro's one move. But then, to make sure your whole team passes, you'd have to do so twice again to send that information you found to each team member (i.e. another 4 moves, which would be a fail). Kankuro's puppets were detected by Ibiki, sure, but he wasn't failed, as he used fewer moves to both gather test information and pass it to Temari than this hypothetical Academy grad example. Also, as I've said, the proctors know the techniques of the famous clans of Konoha. They know the Yamanaka clan's mind transfer jutsu, they know about the Aburame clan and Inuzuka clan bug and dog rearing, they know the Uchiha and Hyuga clan dojutsus, and they want to make sure those select students have been diligent enough to learn those family techniques to pass.
So, knowing that the Byakugan, the Sharingan, ninja hounds or chakra beetles exist, the proctors know enough students will be able to complete all 10 questions on their own, but that's where the caveat comes in that if any student fails individually, their whole team fails. Techniques that only advantage yourself (Sharingan, Byakugan) mean nothing if you can't also advance your team (which is where Ino, Ten Ten and Kankuro, despite being obvious/getting caught, were actually in the right and got a pass). So just like the bell tests, they're not just looking for students who can advance themselves individually, but also those who can use techniques to advance their whole team (and again, it was the Konoha ninja that arranged these teams, they know what techniques these teams should use to pass together, they just want to make sure the students realise that on their own too.) So Neji's Byakugan allows him to pass on his own, but does nothing to advance his team. Neji does initially have a lot of the same self-serving arrogance of Sasuke, but Ten Ten looks out for Rock Lee (who would be heavily disadvantaged for not knowing any ninjutsu). And as ridiculous as her mirrors are, with them she is able to obtain an entire test's worth of information and transfer it to Rock Lee all in one move, which is why she didn't fail (and note: I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with Ten Ten, or even Kishimoto's efforts here. I do find her ridiculous mirror contraption funny, but I can also find reason why Kishimoto could show us something as ridiculous as this, yet still pass Ten Ten to the next round). That's why she wasn't failed, because she was able to show the examiners how she can use her techniques with ninja tools effectively to both gather and transfer information. Same as Ino, the Yamanaka clan mind transfer jutsu is well known in Konoha, and the hand signs are obvious, but within only 3 moves, she was able to gather a full test worth of information, and transfer it to both Shikamaru and Choji. Team Kurenei at least each had the means to pass individually (Hinata's Byakugan, Kiba's Akamaru and Shino's beetles), and they also had trust in each other to do so.
Yet this test really was to show us how unprepared team 7 truly was. By some fluke, Sakura knew enough to pass the test on her own, and Sasuke could pass with the Sharingan, but neither had any techniques or the team work necessary to pass this information to Naruto, like Ten Ten, Ino or Kankuro had for Rock Lee, Shikamaru, Choji and Temari. In fact, they were both essentially just gambling on the chance that Naruto wouldn't screw it up for them, which is not good team work at all. The last test question Ibiki posed was specifically designed to weed out teams that had no trust in each other (and I guess Naruto had enough trust in Sakura and Sasuke to pass, even if they didn't have trust in him. He was also confident enough to make the first move in his team before Sakura quit on his behalf). At this point in part 1, Kishimoto was still stressing the importance of team work. I.e. in the bell test, despite Sasuke's competence in Ninjutsu, he couldn't pass without trusting his other team mates (hence the following "lunch test"). In the Land of Waves, he started to trust Naruto's abilities with e.g. the Windmill Shuriken technique, but we also see he doesn't really trust Sakura either, even saying she is as bad as/worse than Naruto. It takes the Forrest of Death arc for him to forcibly rely on Sakura before he starts trusting her.
So getting back to the written part of the Chunin exams, it wasn't about completing the test, it wasn't even really about not getting caught, it was about displaying competency in more advanced level Ninjutsu, and also showing effective team work/trust in your team, which is why it was an effective test for team 7 at this part of the series. They had enough technical knowledge at this part of the series (or at least Sasuke and Sakura did), but they still were failing at team work. And so easily could have failed the whole test.
Tl:dr - the point of the written exam wasn't to "not get caught using ninjutsu/cheating" as Sasuke assumes, it was actually a display of using the right type of ninjutsu and team work (something Sasuke had a blind spot for) in as few moves as possible. Ten Ten was obvious, but passed because of this distinction, being able to pass herself and Lee on the test with her techniques. Yet Team 7, despite Sasuke and Sakura being discrete in their methods, almost failed because Naruto didn't have the sufficient ninjutsu on his own, and neither of his team mates had the sufficient ninjutsu or team work to transfer their answers to Naruto.
submitted by FlyByTieDye to Naruto [link] [comments]

2024.06.09 13:03 corleone_99 BLEACH detergent powder

 BLEACH detergent powder submitted by corleone_99 to AnimeMeme [link] [comments]